•- • - 111 1 I nut . s: I t " tit Centre Stave, XwNEFACTURERS - AND DEALERS IN ecoa g ht Iran Rim, fittings, To and mei lffilllttUe - OnAtwOrtedwith,lteanniiVater Assad Ouy lighting Steamers, Churches, Marla, and Private Theellkogs, Asylariaa, PQteges, -Fachatie, Alq Vibres,.ooeks, Pomp, G•nges,ltorlars sa4ligler Oar &ran (tatting Machines an entirely my, oar oetaTidann—warraided to dit doetbitt the watt of any other tarentkia. Orden eolicited from all sectkais of the Oontary, and pavmptly =ended to. jeftlydr _ : _-__2(tbaticulturat;ltt. Par Pali Planting. 3800 DWARF CHERRY, 2 years, 3V tk 15,000 tandard 2 an 4 3 pm; 25 veriest. 21,000 Pb,eac 40 varieties. 50,000 Evergreen; aline hardy •at4tM, fom .mall to I With • large Mock of' Apple, rear—etandord and dwnr•— ianince.trevarlettenCurmea,tleran ratictiegUrapallom, Shrobbery, 0 reett /14/12.1. Pima., Roomy An. .Thom wishing an extra article at choke varieties might And It to Male Internet to emulate my stock lettere on/et - lag tilmarkana ' eabimrtft , • JNO. MURDOCK. Jr. Pittsburgh fledge Farm Nursery. SITUATED ON WUKINSAVEN OE, dal abort ono quarter of la tulle from the woad Toll mo Gate, on the Farmer? anAllfecluntla Plank lloadouroxtru. Mu of Fourth street, mud utast throe ml • quarter miles! from Pittsburgla. • ITIII. k JAMES M UDOCS, Proprirars. Jot • • :N' :~ J. L. DARLINGTON & CO., proprietor.. ricljfE attention of our Western friend Is directed to our very extensive etoelt of lreites au Ornamental Tree,, nowon our Nursery Itratunts, which an unusually am and thrifty this mann. It confab of It the loading varieties of Apples, team (Std and Dwarf, ) Cherrtes, (Std and Dwarf,) Plums, .Aprkots, Ytectsainee, dc.. Tao hundred thonsand Pear Trees, one year froM bad, thrifty and very healthy, warranted tree to same. Atsgotßasplrrrin, Strarrberriea Rhubarb, Canards and Oome ties. berrieg a very large stock, many um and aplmedld Varie Pli. Alfook large doe* of Rases and other Erergreea Hoare nth!. sent to appliatnta aul9lulr3lN Vbilabrlpbia abbrrtiorminto. BUFFALO ROBES! 3,00 NOIT And tar ale by the Rile Or single o Robe, by ON 11AND, GEORGE F. W No.llo ARCH STREET, a OIIRATII , bove Fourth, (we of No. 13 N. Fourth stover,) ' PHILADELPHIA. N. IL—Also, • large anortment of LAMS' 1 FANcr TUBS. aataaavd.• ALLEN & NEED MB, .• .0.23 3.a.% wurms, and zs s.ah mac, Street, PUILADELPRIA, WiOLESALE DEALERS IN OILS, t0d.105 Starch, to. -Atoll *aortae:at op bood to ariilch the attention ot &deli It . respecttPtly wheal. tork,lly tiajtimore abbcrttomento C. ingun mortm..o ' r. MIMI ARMISTEAD. 117.10011 & CO., • A GENTSFOR THE SALE OF VIRGINIA .111 ANTFA OT LT D TOBACCO, ho. ST ExcAcepe /lam, Ekiltietore. 101„,Alwas am heed Large stock, which they ilistrlblite tl lowest market prices. ap=tlyd* Dr McLANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFITGE JIVER. PILLS. Two Witter best Preparations stake Age. They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for What their name pur ports. The VERMIFUGE, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also _ been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The LIVER PILLS, for the cure of lava Com _ K.Anvr, all. Bnious DE ..RANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD ACHE,ikc. Purchasers will please be . particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane's Cele brated VERMIFUGE and LIVER Pius, prepared by "r3 d; • SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting - to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLikNE's,• are worthless. y . The - GENUINE McLane's ` : Vernufug• e and Liver KPills ,can now be 'had at all. - ' respectable Drug Stores. FLENENG BROS, WOOD ST., - PMTDDIneH, PA. sole }New' elan. TR.. LIBBY'S PILE OINTMEZIT.-= ,- Jur. Prom J. D. WootoottOkorornor of and MAIM Gtilt6 &moor from Mork'. For upward. of twentrfiveyearslhave been afflicted with the Pile*, ham anbmitteel to amend cornicei opet Korn for their renumil, eel have irked more than dlty remedlen Dr.Libiree Ytte Ointment is the flask that has given me roller. Iron the effeete already 'exhibited, the tore must be rapid end comolete, JASISS D. wzercorg. ' . From Oeinte Mataati, Chief of Pollee, New Tack COT: I bare long been troobled with the Mei, mul the me or Dr. Libby', Pilo Ointment pre me Immediate r* Ilef, 7t pees me farther &stare to add that to many laaWmes smompoy acqualntaneet it he. Pen lead eritti Inueemults: . . -• • 'IMMIX W. ILVIDDLT, albs( of Police. Fronithe tatikUntint General of Ocomectkne I here boon afflict.] with Plies In their moot die. tremina atet.llasmogyinrfonn for &period of twenty von, tool bed rooms* to the beet, medical &Ili with/ oat bencilt. t orimmed the on* Incurable, and throned that It would destroy my life. Under the cirrometatoi cm I V161111013C04/ tho awe of Dr. Libby. Pile Ofittnien4 and the moult is • perlbit cure. I hareem hooter my command stack:le to exprem my smtitude. ,W • ' • • .11.11.a1fDP.21, Hertford, late Adjutant Deneraldtcon. Ift.ilold,Wholede and retail, by Dr. OFAROD 111 KP.YeDit, No:140 Hood street. Pittsburgh. itlgn nOldon Mortar. end by J. P. PLESIIIIIG, Alkigh•ny,l. XclawPa DIELJSY NOT,: To who Consider a tine Mad of Moir NATURE'S , GREATEST ORNAMENT, . bat treat 1s to, Wa ne. S•IDER'S SCALP TONIC, woich rvere. the healthy condition of the acalp, owned. hair to grow on the bold, and cheche any telsditney towards ,tts Lail hug , nit, and becoming tldn. &War .1310 at the pelpcival Dnwidits; and by the Pore relax, S MTH 'Stitt:SP, two doors Leto* Snalthleki . . • Stucco Worker, • JANES'OWENS, • g r . -CORNER I:Lif AND DTLIE STIIENTai ' .TUOOO.AND MASTIC WORKER, gives futticulaistiention to all orders for jerk Or his DENTIIES and OICNAYMNTS of all kinds furnished o Thlyd REFRIITERAT - OALITANIZMiI IflON AND WOODEN . . . : • WATER COOLVEI3.I WIRE sirzs utiluNci,Alstaana - • • *.v. i.. 111 dile oat the balance of oar stor.k c 4 ibelabir4 sitkle4 lower th+n they can be boned. at *Ay otherleettee In eights. eider,- Cell at the Iron City StoieWareboase. • • .0015 T. 013.110 t CO, :40.1134 Wood et. 10. 'METAL— . 00 bgs prime t reen: In store sod for Ado T. UMW! 00: N 0.112, &woad at. 00PER CENT. can be madein the man 14actare of round Slabibes, by Wog ."Tbamage „Patebt blesbles• lista Mahn& Wits for We tg3 RECD AND POD SALE 7019-100 O b 1 gi e : ' S4 Z rniTassems Pritl 4 .B. se6 • LE MD & RDOWITONAOIVIndo& , ewm....„. . ,:‘• ~, R - ". or ilmt, To Let. kCONEFPRTABIiE TVir,o STORY =v. Pindlkevatteriteroe Ruldrigide street. •Alle; 110.7ei4. =Weft ale room and finished garret. r sud= can be bail hienedlatelr. Tx.pare of ri.eZOC-r R. IL ICING. Ne. MO, Liberty at. ar-0 LET.—An elegant Store Room 11 oncin Tifttrt,toetnft`n '. t; ..1 and Marke sultablekda • Fumy Gonda notablidtanent, hawing Show Windqw and Sky-light Endninit at mylnnitf ,GAZETTECOM:TINOIIOO)I, rLET.—A well finished Dwelling EA rlth year] room ehrubbery, de.. dolightrally ,usit cured on the ewe Link, In Allegheny city, the real deur* of nr5... 2 .1110.111.11. Rein lOW. EINIIire Or D. J. P. DAKI, Pennntreol, , Or of .110.YESLIORL4NLI p frg., e kir doors below flak premien: p r WELLINO HOUSE TO ,RENT.—That .......n.s.maweittinomi Wm*, No.:Mk Pike street, hoer mewled hy the anbacribtr. The honed le to At. order, gaud baa all tlw modem, eanvetdeocea, Plan, Ann, AC., to snake It desired° lor a family. Poseekiloa can betadstay titan after tha drat of ?lay. Apply at No. 44 O'Hara street, to ap2l,ltf JAS. ILAUMILIN. FOR RENT.—Two Brick Dwellings on Third street near graltbtlehl. Nun:. bns ten Noma, Dark ttulldbar. Itµ Bath.rvonid, :le. 163 Lae alert Zoom, 0.., Water, tr. Also,. Mc, on Fourth tithed, near Cherry alley. Rent 645 pa THOS. WOODS. Tb Fourth et. T ° 'T.—The Hall formerly Occupied by the Hank of Teraperance, on the corner of Wont and Third streets. Enquire of JOIIN 111.11 LL k SON,. rorltf N 0.257 Liberty street. X`or• Sale--Tho .I.owintown Il'exrurtoo. SITUATED on the Feeder of the Poneevlva ki ata Ward, at Lewistown. 3111111 n comity, rat, cad him direct Waterarid Railroad contninoicatien with and rattslagh. Ile property consists of o first else. II foot bosh Mimicry Stock Mourn 20 by 120 front Engem 'louse, with Engine. blowing Cylinders, de., coniplete.— Fight Dwellinp for hands: Twentyclght Unwired kernel Land. three grseclass Ore Plinks of superior llenuttite Ore, one being inexhaustible, having CO feet breast, together with NO acres of itswlllferous ore lands. Containing eo. per cent. of kletaille Inn, These Ores praloce , well balanced Iron of high grade and easily smelted. TlieMOW* It capable of producing 83 to of • metid per week; and from its locality being scutollstaut from Pitilmielphln or flitts• has the advantage ofboth markets. Lintestons IS abundant andeasyntaccess,e Rhin one North of a mite. Anthrpeite Old MU be had from Wyoming or Vest Drench at realms:l- We retwor Bltuusinous from ltrvid Top and the Allegheny region. , Thlsproperty presentsgreat !Into...noels to parties wishing to enrage in the Iron busluess,'•nd Is offered for We on favorable terms. ApplloOlon auty Mmtlo to GRAFF. REA A CO, Pitts burgh. or,E. J. ETTINU RROTlVER.PlalodoliAalo. au2k2vol Building Lots for Bale. pliE subscriber offers for sale part of the well known -Tustin linmerty," *Mowing the residence of Alex—Miller. Esq. Frontlet.on lenns,lraubt Avenue, (4tb Mired road.) and Braddock's Field Plank Road, CBI at.) This property will be sold to lots to suit purcLasors, an m.y terms and at priors below any other of equal value in the Persona wishing to procure • pleasant, convenient and cheqp home would do well to call at th e -City llouse," 112 Smithfield etreet. seliol2w It. WRAY. EZTIM AROUSE AND LOT at East Liberty, waw a two minute. Valk or the ‘lepot. .The L. con tains nearly ONE nit it of mina and has w pm It young and tinning fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, etc. The liouer, isa nes. well built and Bell 'humbled two etory brick house, containing stern moms and n inesi _LB:Med/ate posecedou OM. Tor further particulars. ID. quire of M. 11. NICOONA ELL, Katt Libert, seltkilisr or J. S. SLAGLE. IM nth .[rest. A LLEGUEISTY CITY PROPERTY FOR sA LE—A Lot of Otentid 04 art :mot on Itoldneon at. .lid ...forting.. Motttin wt. and Oral'. volley. on wl:lch is erectal n Brick litiopt% be a foie. atilt no Engine o(o bore proem also, ^ small 11rIA Dwelling Home on the lot. It would be very raltable torn Kalil roenufiretorlngowwern. Also, two Ittkk Dwelling Muses war thecorner of L. cock sad Orsoliutro at. lut at bet trout by ID tent deep. Alma,. recent to., near the above..AZfoet by C. An ide to eedo BLAKELY a nacumt. HANDSOME COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE—Contaiulug t 3 &err, situated S miles from the. city on the Butler Plant: Iterad and Sine creek.— The improvement. are a neat eabstanttal two story Brick Dwelling. haring a rooms, a large Barn and Stable, Ilay Homo, Chicken home, Spelt% Ile., be. Fifteen aorta are rich bottom, suitable for gardeoing. There fa a flue Orchard of apples, peaches, pears. plums, cherries cod AA &broths.e of small Butte. Possession to suit purchaser.— Apply to seta BLAKELY a RICHEY. GARDEN FARM FOR SALE —We hare 24 sem or Lrst Mess gardening or farming land, situ. ate in Robinson township, On the Noblestown road, .bout 7 miles from the city. Good impromments. Largo comfort. able dwelling boom gad barn and sublet spring home, and all necessary ont-buildingg four springs of excellent water stand near the house. Good vottug orchard a best =apple, peach and cherry trees. all boating for the yams a floe mop each, suld well laden with fruit at present coal and limestone In great abundance; coal lank opened mar the hula. Will he sold at a great bargain. and pcasteskm given thimadlAtely. Apply to lI , LEI k RICHEY, mettalkirr Real Estate Timken cox 7th & Smithfield ma BALDWIN TOWNSILLI' COAL LAM) FOR SALE.—We hare xerenty-flye acme; of lint claw. Farming and Gardening Larol i aituato on Sawmill Run, 334 miles from the , - city. Good Improvements, largo roan Amiable Dwelling Benue, lemnio Darn, and all other two.- saity not-builelluos Fine Springa of Water. Young Orchard of best grafted bolt, treys in gaol hewing condition. The whole place la under:old with Black Coal and easy of acre... Will bo at a gnat baryptln. Apply to . IILAKELi? k rummy, R..-4EAtate Brokar, s.s.A.er • Fox SA LE.- 5 Bowls 31nn. Ma, Co, 5500 barb. 124 Sbann dßecbeny Rank Steck. by ark. A1:5111: 1.00311 S R (NY FOR SALE—A farm h 1 3feeurilels torn Itt la tiro from Alkaheny City, fontilitking 57 acres. 45 cleared, :35 erne to meadow. Implotrentrtaa a comfortable Lou... Inane taro tool other out buittllnga atoo a 1.1 o orchard of pear owl appl. trryy. It 10 Well d —a errek monitor thrt.ozh It. It will to. sold lao. Apply to O. W. DUNN. Wet.t .atin of hd.nd it soda, Char South of the North C.orortata alloahrny Pay. oeS VALUABLE PROPI:ItTI IN A LLE °REST CITY FORS I.E.—We r for lo Iha valuable lion. and Lot now ocrinnerl 1... y Dr. J. 11. Sena!, fronting M fort on the east ' the rhamond and extend. lug back 00 lert to a 10 GLA alley. The hon. Igeonrenlently arranged with extensive hack building, with a entail .mist: the I=l4llllg could 1.... changed an to make a fln.• stall. Wilt be sold low and tonne very twat'. Apply to D. 31cLAIN k SON'S awl) Real Fwtnte v in.,. Fourth at. FOIL SALE—Teo good small two story !hick nouns, with Store /Looms, en Ohio street, pear Sandosky et; a good pion for bovine.. The buildings ore In goes! order arylnewly um, ible property will be seld low. Apply toll. W. MINN. West sid, of g etieral 21 -dhor &oath of the North Cum nem. A FINE 'LOUSE on corner of Market and Ars&Fla sta, for sale, in connectiou to au Noel amount of ems, at 6, pn cent. lnlerest, to be secured 1.0 Stotts or &Mr approved enmity. Also, a good that Property on the llooongalsela deer. cad pool) with a eaah capital of SreM,ooo to work tin mines, mooed on Mal 01 Improrml Oaf propene. stM B. nnLAfN A SON. „FOR SALE—A splendid Stook or Dairy de FARM, containing ^-57 air, orland The halt . .(1.13. t deer bottom, ea which are TWO BRICK DWKLIJ NG end other BOGUS, plenty:Ed good FRUIT. and tan or the best SPRINGS In the ounuty; eitnatidou the Yonehiogheny River and Connellsolle Railroad, 22 mitre from Fittidergh, at, itirare Station. Price sza per sors.—dtlord or foctoh in hand'and the balance to /nit the parch w. For partial. Lars enquire on the farm,. to G. T. GILLIAO, . . An2lniAwitT Sharpatgag, Allegheny Land A BEAUTIFUL FA R !! OF ABOUT JOIL %trebly acres within • mile and a toil( of Wash. %gum, Pa" lying behemo the ?ration] Bond and the Ilemp Geld IL It. A new frame house and other improreinentw bare been made upon It. It is the host gelidity of Lime stone land, and bay been under a high stale of eultirstion. It mutates about Macre% of Timber, and there 1. running water in ever arid. For further Information t , latalre at Ildt ofilve. Iron Land. 1 5,00 0 ACRESOF VALUABLE IRON ORE LialD3 FOR BALE .— The tinder signed - the followeinglands which be will uR at n very reduced pries and on liberal terms in tracts of FIVETITOIIt BAND ACRES orthe whole. Title. perfect, satapud wen rarity deeds will be given. ILie land Isin trects of Ave tkonsand acnw each, nli Mtn. aced In the county of Perry and Ithste of Teuuesetv, thou: di tulles from the Tennefwee ricer, to which point 11/11 . 4:4- tion Is unlrderupted at ell roamna of the year. The Inn Ore Lavery sdnandathriels, and acknowledged io In oo good If not the beet In the Rate. Tlie laudeare elan well watered by the waters of the Ileffelo nod Duck rive., and ore very heavily ttruhenal with Poplar or White Wool, DalL Chnxb nut, to A large porthas of It Li well satepted to cultivellon. For farther,partleolarsapply either In pawnor by letter to OEO. W.I4It.DEN, 1111., Of to BDTtii;ODD 11/011M LIIIL 2lgo Liberty et- Plttehurgb. Lots for Sale In Allegheny. 1 1 1 fIE undersigned offers for Auk a number of beautiful building loth, (routing on the Weal Corn mon, on Ridge street and on Water Lane. To persons gin Isiah to build comfortable prate reside:lcm the ahoy., pin sante meter indotssaanta than MI be fulled ley where lo this eieinler. Inquire on the premises of Jyl.l3m.lanew JOHN IRWIN. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE.—The autism:coed otTenr for sale nu bramble tam; a large number of building lots to the Bth Ward of the city. no lots front on Pennvylvaala Arena., WlitllM Fort*, Locust, Kula, Co urt Bluff Amt., are but • few minutes welt from the t Bougie and will be sold vary cheap. Berson. &thous of wearing • convenient and healthy location Br • bona., or whiting to purchase for speculation, to • port of the city which must continuo steadtlyto hoproye will dud It to tint, advanutim to call upon the et:lbw:rib.. C. MAGER. Airy at Law, No.lol Flab street. AIOIS FOR SALE.-113 scram oNiuperior F nimund, fall of Owl, on the ?Mein: watt, Vt. - Wavle and Chicago Railroad. 112 Acme of Zara ßent Lad and Caofteloeal, near Der. Region. /53 darn of land on the Itellroad, 21 Whet bclow the Oily. 156 Acne of Land, well Improved, near tho tows of In. Mum 20 dome of Land. ihreetulle. south of the oh,. Fermi, Country &at; Moen awl Lae. Mud,, Pur. he...described in a printed !teener, which it given to all who Irish to Noche.. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, Real Eetate Broker N . 0.1% Fourth etreitt. COAL LAYD FOR :ALR.—The undersign ad offers for -I. ONE HUNDRED and MITT Acars . Nif COAL LAND, trated on the Ant pool, one of the meet desirable locatione on the kionongahela river. .The attention of Iron men, Coal men. 'nod capitalists I. directed to thinpmperty r WI it it believed the opportunity for profitable inreetment Ii such as le not often promoted. The tortes are eery. Poll pa:linters may be obtained by letter mlitbenries, by enquiring of AUSTIN LOOMIS A CO, Stock and Note Simkins, ap.l No. 92 Fourth Street. RcoiOnames sociris 'mi. rILE.V . ED ADM? ware Me 11111 of imitabli . 11in=7.:4 u tor sztorduat ad smeary —.-- .—. Orld MU. as rd.l so plu. Wag gm. ,Thouro.abo dB. , ritr lillr Ter s fall dif• '. 't I , 'T`' I\ =C..42p:dj= ~. E r, 3 1 . 111MIlheavers. , . I a. C0C.112411 h CO, . .7. -. i .... "'" - , 4,1 Weal rnei A, ons. Ws' sde mumbetan ltssali I. Mill IN .y en dos, both , a log ard gruvr, sad Ptdad IPS • eel &ala I, Saws 111rea, •14 Death .4adorr— jir, ill a gut l ie. l"" ..4ll I == TO N = ellkddte..l7 ~ " lt.' COCHRAN, a Cb. , . semblmirihnb' . .. .. . • BOFIT AND HONORABLE EM. nearair -ow oI r=rtabuos,latloot *Amp to . W. GOODALL, WO. Woo. COPPER AND BRASS RE l 7l4t to le °Woos, odr own mks, innantwori "u""l"9" 44 WAT 11.11 XL • . /Ili lire& 'Which bas stoat Um tat!! la" irtal auso of do bWburafi ""Pre"l."rt 114.01347 too athdo blab* ln say cirm Are 41. 00, "on Wantons, of adtt Aix VW Wood offal. Vittshurd 05a2titei- MHO. 0111/CELL'II iIFE OF CUABLOTTIO BROMTIL. —The errors into which Mrs. Gaskell.hu fallen in her lifeof Charlotte Brenta are almost'wnpar tilieleled in biographical literature. Her retrir tions.of certain statements In reg ard to Bram well Brenta husiready been m ade public.... A recent correspondent of the London New calls attention to other assertions, showing unpardon mete carelessness in compiling materials, unjust to the living as well es the dead. With regard to the statement that Mr. Brenta, In his desire to bring up' bli children simply" end hardily, refused to permit themScreat flesh meat, the correspondent asserts t at Nancy Garr, their nurse, allegeathat tip children had meat daily, and as much other Tood as they choose. The only article from which they were restrained Wrs butter, but its want wag compensated for by went is known. as "spice cake," a description of bread which is the staple food at Christmas for all muds but dinner. • The story of the destrored alloys next comes in for comment. The "'nurse ¶' had informed Mrs. Gaskell that she had brought out these shoes to put on the children's feet after a walk in a shower of min, hut Mr, Brenta, , happening to ace them, put them on the fire betiause ha coyishd. ered them 100 gay and likely to , foster a los( of dress. Nancy Osrf alleges that she knows nothing of this transaction, end, says that it could not have taken place without her know ledge; and Mr. tironte himielf—aays his friend, the writer of the correspondence—asserts that she did not do it. The destruction of the ,silk dress belonging to Mrs. Brenta) in denied by Nancy Garr, who supplies the following version of this incident "One morning Mr. Bronte ridiculed, in pleasant manner, the cut anti pattern of a print gown which his wife was wearing. She laid It aside, and be cut off the sleeves; but to make re paration he purchased immediately a silk dress at Kelghley, which was made upaccortling to Me own taste. !lira. Bronte treated the matter as a jest in the kitchen." The mode et relieving his (Mr. Bronte') "strong, passionate, Irish na ture," by firing off pistols at hie door, on; ,one occasion burning a hearth rug, and on others, sawing off the backs of his, chairs, is denied both by Mr. Bronte and Nanty Garr. It is also denied by the latter that Mr. Brontn, dined alone; and it is asserted by the writer, that he paid great attention to the education of his ohildren. We simply give the.substance of the letter in the News, in consequence of the great interest which the public have taken in Mrs Gaskell's work and we conclude with copying the fol lowing remarks, said. to have been made by Mr. Bronte on the Bth of Jul}`, in the presence of this correspondent and n gentleman from Hal ifax : "I did not know that I had an enemy in the world, much /etas one who would traduce toe be. fore my death. Everyhing in that. book (the biography of his daughter) which related to my conduct to my family is either false or distorted. I never did commit such octane aro ascribed to me. I gated title in a letter which I rent to Mrs. Gaskell, requesting her at the sante time to cancel the false ointments' s - about me in the next edition of her book. To thin I received no other answer than that Mrs'. Gaskell was unwell; 'and unable to write."—Post. Penn Institute, - T_TANCOCK STREET, NEAR PENN, will _EL r..p. on Monday the 31§1 Ind. A limited number of pupae may obtain ulmiesion. Terme per amnion or twenty...to %est*. anroltf j .t M. AMITII. Prlocipal. Locust Grove Seminary. THE following arrangements hav - e been med. for the nest term of this Lanitutto. .14th °pennon the 14th of driemnber. FO4 TIM MUTH YD ICADITITC 11E5. GEORGE T. RIDER, SECTOR, /MIST. IT MADAME APPOLINE TETEDOEIX, of the Charlemagne Institut. Paris; and: MISS SMITE' L. CEASE, Etu7'. Burlington, Neer_Jeney. roa ret 'amen 1.44144404 LTD VOCAL 14,14, LONE CLEM ENTIE TETEDOUX, (rum Pert. DON till I.llliN LANDUAOD, ONG AN, PIANO. DINLODSON AND Valuable Phil H ic ERR IL LUL'I.3 PAULA' etc., have been p rovi owip hded. Apparatut, togethlw with rare *ape Persona deltnng to heir...Patron* an regnwtad to make application in [.non et toe.? (trove. nun; before the tub of tiopteniber, accompanied - by the utniliitatewlitir wialseton. I..l2wich, The CoLege of St. James, Maryload. NEXT ANNUAL SESSION WILL 1...0pen on WEDNESDAY, Sep tt,•The punts tual •thstadance at all the dunce ntht day la sspleated.— Ample and efficient arrangements. and accommodation.. are provided for more than one hundred pupils. TbeGrantmar &boot reeds., pupil, not utslertarelve years of o mil prepares. theta for the (Alex, The PM( years. College couressiv full and thorough. There is also for Uwe@ who de. Ara it • Nrilal or Commercial ego...e of studior.. Annual chary.. tom. the end of Septenabef to the early part ofJuly, two hundred and fitly doll.uv. („<:50) souring all aradend eal dome etle expeolls.. Application, for the Bogle:, of ISd.7, or for the admlr alou of pupils may by made to RIOT. DR. ti ERMYY. Rector. lc, ant:lard., , ollece of St. Jame. P. 0.. Mary Intel. Mead w Female nemluary. THE NExT TERM of thi, irintitUtioll will elmats,l2,e MI MONDAY, August 3ist. Pupils will le chimed j 7,50 per urn,, At will eelec the ettellie they wish to purisie frtwo the following Ibrt. Reading, Ancient Lowry, Aktotsciritit ok Rehm . 1 Astron . oray, Promusciatlon, Aitp Drawing, Kok Philosophy, Anckeilhopm, ,hy, Physiology, • Writing, Altilern Grammar, Arithmetic, COmpeititni, PhyAleal ituok-RecyAnig. Rhetoric, Cie miotry, Algehres Logic, Poianir, Geometry, T6goiloinctry. For Greek, latin, Indio., Pianist, French, German, Swedish and Artglo-ikirou, cm additional charge of $1 will be por course of tounty to ..! U,. of Noun persorso Drawing s per course of twenty lessons-- ........ CHI Painting , • A German Luly, suss...tient pianist. reside. In rho forn11). andwilldru P.o.•tro 0,. Piano and Int/erns. and Prench. A .e ls xl rjnplle will he the. family of t:s3pci:;k ~ t f : l .. n I All payments are to he . mosle in advance. • JWIIIIA KENDALL. A. Principal. BROOKE MALL FEMALE SIZAKINAMT Media, Delaware County . , Penna. Mimi Marla L. Dutaum, PiincipaL rrIIIS SEMINARY, SITUATED IN TILE I. delightful and beautiful vdlagn of Media,. thirteen mil. from Thileelelphia by Kailrosd. oiler. to young ladles the moat perfect combination of advantage. fur the attain. meta of a thorough and eccompflabwl education. The large and cot oho Id WI. building Ittely erected, con taining all the modern DWI of baths, gag, to:., with as catensite grounds, a neslel In ell that pertain. to the 'smith. comfort, refinement and improvement tit the penile. The eleepina riamaare Walt, well ventilated; and funtiched with comfort and elegem, and bet two pupil. occupy the game npartment. number of putll. Imlted to forty, for whom seven teacher* en. employed.— The moat faithful InstrecUnn Is given in all the Imam:Lei taught. while moml awl religiose, principle. arc umstaritly Inculcated by Ono-, and practice. The manic of instruction comprise. a ptirloil of font yenta arid wdiplmna Is awarded io all elm pee* through It eattsfcterily. Tbn Bight Rae. A. Potter, D. It. 1.. 1.. D. Bishop of Pennsylvania, "'llia M. 1.. Mastman, who propboes to P a Yonngladise . Seminar y Delavrati county, liennsyleanlio Inliepiernber th e subscriber far si•veratyeari past. lie has a very high opinion of her raps:fry, efficiency and devdtedneae 44 . 41/ eduattor. has had a large mad ancossafid experience.— Alia handing which is to be erected will contain every no commbilatton. The village and marrosinding matte, are distinanbilicd Lir lowithfulnews end beauty; and t h e sub. write, ha, ntbictice that parents who entrust , thelr daughter. to )11ini Baena. trill have no cant, to regret it." The Francis leogisage Is taught by is Parisian lady maid. log iu the tsinily. The. Latin. German. Spariish, and Italian Innis:num, re. ridre due attention. The Natural *fences ore tattaid with the aid of tarp and expensive attparatna, '1 be alualral Isepartntent Is under the charge of • lady eminently nUallntel for Use sltentton; and all 'rho prefer to In taught on the piano or Kluging by a geutlernan, have • visiting tension ftson Philadelphia. Unstring and Painting aro ander the direction of • lady le•auplishrel In the arta. Eoll 9 Ful 9nntroenes September 9th.. .F..Paan ha. th. Iha,rtl to refer to the refloating pm. tlns•u; Right Ray, A,Patlar,BishoporPeanaylrania. Nun Franklin Nemo, aa-Pnlaideat nI V. B. Bon. P. P. Chase, Governor of Ohio. 0. Loeßer, Path; Puttaallia, Pa. Ororoe M. Wharton, Fig, Philadelphia. • William Linsley, inael., Plttaburgh. Sylratms Lothrnp, FN., A Ileahany City. MISS M. L. EASTMAN, Itr,44,polawnre (nerdy, Pe. - LOCUST C3-ROVE enivux..Aaly FOR TOIINO LADIES. LHE FIFTII ANNUAL SESSION of this Institution will open on WhDNFAIDAY, the 10th of I,er, when all pupgs art expected to be pment. In $ 4,11140 0 lo • atom., RR oP Instruction tem of Inruction In the regular cooroo of etndiee. UM 60461Liiitjt. anLrurldal fur the par. colt of /lade, t ear. and Inetrqmenntl, Painting. Drawing, p i l , forth eiLh the French and Ge rm . nsuale..., ,‘ I' 9, Wildly poylble in Ora= in parfundt) Doard, r halt yearly weldor, ' $lOO Tined,oo o Regular mum. ' $.5 Do " " " on Plano, Orgen.9lelcaleon and Gaiter, with a* CM. atrament, each to. Do o 0 o la vocal callere...-... -.,. SO • Do " °. o to French k Gerenan;eaela 10 Do o t , t• In Draining IR amigo.; -10 Port:lronton, contalalng full intormatten, refeoent. and engraved eta., anal to JOHN It MELLOR, EN., Wood et, Pittsburgh, or by well loth. Bettor, 1111$'. ottonou T. nrpqt, Nlttabarp.iPe. JyßlG•dawbee2o7 •r ititiv - oori." APRIVATE BOARDINU SCHOOL FOR DOTIAJJNOB9. ;114.117110TV,A1V(If. O.)UiiTY,PA. The Sommer Term wilt begin nt MONDAY. !to , . Boy" admitted at any time end tuft luti tinged from dalee of entrance. Bri R ght on, Pa. ON Oirenlan,,uldrea l b. Rector, at ids reettionOr. trek The Itlty &444,01 r. patrons of this, &hoot, to whom reference May be • &a& Thos.ll. Troy., T. B. Lymau, Geo. & &Idea, raq,, W. it. wimuusdr..3, Inuali H. Pomo*, Es 4 l4; Kr it) AALLOF ST.JAMES TIIE LESS Y PirlL- J_J:ICLIIIIL—A FAMILY BOAIIDINO Seliool, Raw. IL IL NIY/1811,11aatar. • The Ackazml BeaWm 1111 basin on TC7411),&X, Illatabar Ant. • nil:burn of Etadycovixiset Abe lent and Madam Lana Rues. Miktematice,Natund Science, DraalczAta, Vocal ilciala taught kaatia. Ifor Cfreolius, &Utiles the Neter:• neT. B. ii:singsß;; . ; (P. 0.) Alta Schuialin NamAIMING ZEIMXINSTIT U TA...— DAY AND BOARDING sonooL.-11#.3 - , 11i111144 Y, Principals. lant °Mew - York- _ . • llanazuonu-,lter. D. Ifillikany, Pannliaa.Da4 Rur. Dr. , J. hrteror ; T.l Dr. RAU, Woe of Journal or RIGA Ron Dr. J.B. Reeky LL. D., Rittannlng,PL; Bar. J.. Mater, .414;a4a. Mr. Di*. DlOun. ?Mlaria GaurN ?re* ..imxszali, 4 dump. 04.0u.r, orKir* .. . uidorm... m o r . ri.bowed.bi , Pipatilall•Vl any Um. te,froiii 1 h we will „7, , Ebutational. RIDIIIIUTIC READER! It cured D. Durritt, keg, of Clnclatustl, or Rheumatism of 6 ..str Pam' Aerials, after .11 other remedies had We hays hundreds of much certificates. Cali on the agent and get a Bonk and Circular, and ravd fordourself, the many erniatkable and aelontradog rues It Pia. made. • The celebrated Dr. Dareber write. to PP that he had two of the mast revere and long standing cause of o dame that would eleld to WI. of theuttual rentmlica, but he cured ono case with .is, and the other*with Moe bottles of Carter's liporthth 111.1,'.. We ham known it wed to war a thou..- '" 00 "; 'T:!.121°.'...r!.!?.1"..'F."r,...-fitqlVell' W coy, SEM AGUE A N D FEVER— Do SIIAKINOTIIOD - SANDS not teketleloine A , Mercu, or any such maim. Drage, but try at cure nth grmt Alte ry rative audfler ofthe Mood; Carter's Spaniel listure will cure any and every case of Ague sud Fever. We have never Yet known It to fall. • And for all Meowas arising from an impure state of the mood, no tarclhane hes over yet been found to hote so good au effect. if ant see sick, try It at onoq do not delay: time is Keeton*, and Inadth the greatest of all bleasings, %item!, which ail else tZ oaindon. WM. 8. DEEItS t CO., Proprietors, Ridtioail, Virginia. For sole by D. A. PATINC9TOOII A CO., and JOSEPH 1%811180, Pittabargh, and Druggign and Country chants la .11 parts 0(110101W State. and Canada.. This Orestes& Medical Di OF 717 E AGE. .. R. KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY . 11AS jai dlscorered In one /if c 7r o ot r pasture ;node, a Wersfuls to ta com oosamon"getplad runt 110 has tried It In ores eleven hundred cases, and one.. Paled esnyt In two e....(both thunder humor.) Ito home, to his poweselon one two 'hundred certllloitee of Its nine, all within twenty miles ofikerton. Two bottles are warrantid to cure sinning sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the wont kind of pimples of the face. Two to threw bottle. willeomor the velem of bolls. Toftrbottin are warranted to min the worst author In the • mouthand stolnach. • Three to fire bottles are wanniited to cure the wont MP of eryalpelas. One to two bottles an warranted to cure all humor, of the syn. Two bottles are warranted to core rnonlng of the ean and blotch. among the hate. ulF..' ul olg tiUn are warranted to cure corrupt and nth. na cers. One bottle will cuss scaly eruption of the ski.. Two to three tattle. mi. warranted to core the most despe rate case. of rheumatism. ' Two to three bottlen site warranted to nun the worst cases of ringworm. • • Three to Mgr bottles are warranted to euro gait rheum. Ilse to eight bottles .111 cute the word rue of . ..road. benefit is always experienced from the Mot bottle, and a millet cunt to warranted whew the above quantity to ta bu, Nothing loplta so Improbable to thaw who hays In nig WO all the wonder/id medicine. alike ay,, u tied g mcm weed growing in the oast ores, and along old done walls ahould cure even m u to the system: yet It is .O.W/iced fact If you ban a humor It ten to start. -There an no las nor ands. hums or be . about the lulling INIMOCIMII tutd not toots. I peddled omit thousand bottle. of It In the vicini ty- of Boston. I know ita atibets ha every awe. It has al reedy done soup of the oustest mei ever done in Musa clinsells. I gave It to 010.9 ori.R ° l 4 PooPio sir slaty. I !me meg poug,pgag • lq°l o 4 .11 11 4.11 w h arwt ho. Ra aoll. and dibble .. ro. to ./wind state of health by one bottle, To those whew subject to a sick beadachsoine bottle will siwayseure It. It Kim great relief to catarrh and dilat ant, Soule who have been coatis. for ran, have taken end been regulated by It. Where the body Is sound It work. Quite easy, butwhers there Deny denumment of , the fano. . Roar of mature, It will Mgt vary angular liw y ll . oge,bnt you j g to be alentual-ln yo .l=ar t lat kr.Tpg atit;,*ll,at7...,...:brater3o.. ll lW nika ....perms. • I heard smear. tile mar extravagant onto. glum or It that man cm listened tE 'N. ...hang* of dint le near necestart eagthe best' you csa gel. I Bove likearlao an barb, wlll4, when stiemor4 Ig Ervet,r,R, distolvesletut. Won, walling alba no 4 g 4n4 In -iFt, 41:" gel,!'.. /Mg* or Ihrsonimm.. batir. • DIRECTIONS ESE: ime table apoottral Pn" • Mkt . ° " . .. - . l ght pup, desepOpoonrub 'children/ the to o'ktilt Seta, DI 1 =t o •tiaa . llo.3l , at. Plegri:ttail r isa , 4°° Qt , IveAgratigrg pegitditl Itendaticeln bed tweet of Sold WDolesale :ad retail it D , KETREVE.; IIQ Wood Iti.ete to rus/ of.Virglo ! J. riMIZNOi'Alle , Oen,. ,fah ~V44/1.1, Ilan. Wm. P. Johagtoo, _. l k. g all,t_ % cr. 29. xter: Dr. Tau uniisen, , . • .' 491.Selya - NV D. & U. WCALLIIM, 4_1 1 14,11,-k . 8 1 : 41 1c. C No.C7o. T rtb B 9;aniK OlL lsar a °I. Wood li . k r . _ CANS, ' FOlt HERNETICALLT SEAR% ALL IMMO/ IBMITIL aLA SS AND TIN of the molt IlDbroved V r lbiee!breuif!Ago.TP. , , • . • ' • , 1 •7 • . • Alttleitl. i-i'.o AFAI.A BE. - 'F IPEuri - F.X.1 ." 'OED._ Tilt TRUE SCIAINCE lIRTEhLRD. v" Mankind bare tour been engulplied in darkness m re gards the Myeteriee of modidne, and of deriving. trothfill mlution of Its peintr ever-theses, and Its proper ewe in um ti=sent aftbeekk. --.--- kid., m prattled by the reipilar faculy,laalielaliton —abetted* of. Improbabilities and uncertainties. Them Is nothing la Its theorise on which the physician can nip ea certidn ardwedg the remits obtained from its preeniptions an doubthil, and In Moil caseminsatlefactury. It is a solemn and defiling fMt,ttutt threaten:Me of threw cerlio, have deputed • this life•• died victltm. me to disnue, but to the InDelleionpappikstion of this subtle not um°, Min theorr. as practiced hit regular ulty. We hove proved the utte halms o t heremilar praMits of medicine, and the peal undeniable trutbfoloses of the R. It. R. over and over apt% fur, In • thousandowee, where theregulM plmetchuo hail give, up thelrpattenteits Mem. able, and bad 111 many cams m en set Me th aw to on) • few. ehort hours, that their victims had to Um, Midway' Heady Relief, Mogul:dors or Riesolvent,m the cam May bare been, hie restura those dying palkinte to two lifo and health. In tha treatment of the sick by tho It. A. 11. remedLes, then is Denting 101 l L. chance or uncertainties, them remedies an eci prepared as to 1/01911A heed mud peel 'recur - alive powers, founded on orlon/pito CA IMMULAbIa I A their power ores Mamma, as the law. of palliation er the mails. It Is therefor*, Ltopowilde for them reined to hill in minoring from Me human metes) thedlillculty f, which they may be gieve,.,lof restoring the whole hum n eye• tem to its normal emetiiion of linnith.. ' Tide is readily KCIIII 111 the miraculous elflesey n RAD WAY•S READY RELIES—fur the moment this m edy is applied to the port or poi ts of the body tortunal wit pain, crippled with infirmities, all login and uneasiness ceases, and tb• crippled, lame and wounded limb Lemmas Drivel; Mad with renewed strength. So also with the blew rent.— The most repulsive Some, Ulcers, Humors, and the °et ob- Minato of chronic disease. ei lekly become extinct altar a few dose. I. taker. In cash, of Dyspepsia, tipation of the Dowitle, De 1, rengemeut of the Liter, C ngestium, Palpitatiod of the Demi, Iteduay's Remits'. 111 Llm . r.lll of Pills, can be relied upon ue a posaand vertaiu mom:tor and regub• for of these dMiculties. In memo( temportum thinstipation or demagentent Of the mom it or bowels, the Cathartic and Purged. Pillsgiren by the enter faculty, ereu if they', morn the temporary di lc ity, do w et the expeuse of Crags, EIIekIICAII AI Stall MC , and Weaklings, and eft, the effects oldies., porgativ a o over, Ms Lowrie ere left cos tire and th e meter', debil ta ed. - Itulway'e Regulators will 4 [ Instantly relieve the pain a id distress, remove the diMmilty and restore .regular mioll (0 Ilm liver Stomach, bowels and other organs—they I MtIINT IllitA10:11111A190, sicken or weaken the patient, and be evacuation.. are manna,' with: not proetmting the eyvte i Or CMMPIIIa the bowels TL ww remedies ore the only MICA that bare TCMICCII the hygienic principle to the fixity of a mathematical demon -1 etmtion—lnvortsblo in all mess, and proceeding on • &Athol routine. They, nod thek alone, have Imparted to the in confrnous experience mid repugnant practice of the so call ed • regular faculty,. the precision and invariability which are eeseuthd to tile requirements of • minim. Taking the human body m the problem, and health as Cate °mum/ con dition, they proceed by Moot into. to eliminate all extrane ous and deleterious partities, Bud thus melon] the constitu tion Mite inteßfitY, by the mpulsiun of those laud or ormun le Irregularties which vitiate the soundness of the whole. DASNI11101:4 DIM.ICC In Molars, Fabler, Ship Serer, Dyeentery, rhea. Typhus and TyphOld Termy and all malignent and malarlons Fevers, itrulwart Ready Iteliefaral Regulators are not only poslthesuratlne, but certain preventles. Not only In the milder latitudesof the North hare She.. remedies awed the patient. of these terrible inaladies, but underthe burning M. of the tropics, where, lathe wildcat and moat 'relent drawee; thez scourged dm people as a pea Oen.. Wit, thee* rewiedleiryoultieed not fear expoeure to any contagions diseue or loge-nous 11.111sdz . . 00111111)110.1. MUMMA, • AU diastase that haw become infubLithed ln the eyatem, called chronic or constitutional, Railway. Rewlrant, aided by the Relief and Regulator; will tenor. Scrofula, Bron chitis, Ulcer; Boras, Serer Sores, Rumors, Rumor; Salt Rheum, and all skin dilemma will quickly yield to this all powerful remedy. The we of the Relbirept will. In a fine wanks, entirely change the whole COndltio of the body, we can, not from how man rk y groeratinn. you hare derived your title to the .lbssaes established in your bodies, Radwara Rewiring will remora it, and give to you what your forefathers were en* Id. to--a pure andhaalthy body—free from disease. 00111110 S All diseases prevalent at this season of the year, caused by derangement of Os organs of the system,. widen &hanged orate weather, hest and cold, disturbed circulation of the blood—Rheumatism, Nveralgla, Tie Dolma:, Bowel Com plaints, Fever and Agee, Remische, Toothache, Aches and Palm Drell Mode, Bruises, limo, Orahle, Bella iedsonsto. tory Diseases Congestive Diseases, If In the system— Impure Blond, ikkils, Pustule Pimple, Blotches, to Liver Complainte—Dispepds, Kidney Conmlnintsould all dismays whetherante,lnifammatory, malarkey, nervous, chronic, or oratory Remedies will most positively h:terminate and motors the lane and enfeebled system to ealth and strength. upon LIU Dinftl rin . Ta whfilfaxa 'friends nOVI ow upon the brink of the grave, on whom all home, of recovery are loot—who have teen dr. tap ata incOmiale by your physician, wo invite you to make Otto more effort tosavethe valued life of khan dying one. A trial of these Remedies cannot do any Injury, and may on. rimy to lib and health, even thocugh no hopes are entertal ad by your physician. Over a thouaand such instansea ha. come mow knowledge sad we thereforo, feel onrsolvesjmo tilled in requesting the trinl. Surely, alter the phyddan says ho can do no more, his prejudice to your soling • rem.. dy that mustrlo good,trea;dnal. As one of the luta.. have alluded to in the above article, we refer the .pubift , to the awe reported to no by Richard Griffith, resborell known Ls Canada West. a man fhigh integritY , and well approval of by his countrymen ins high aloha capacities. .11mulowinora, Pontenac Co, C. W, Jane 21th, 1E67. In October, 18.5.5. my wife giving birth ko. child, left j ber nod too early and caught a severe cold, which prumbed to terminate her fife. The beet physkleoo to this neighbor hood sod Kingston were in attendant. on her--but all of no avail—Mt doctors hadgerm h. up to die. Ibr wens con sandim local not on her botaittry mornentuay watching to ore her breathe her but. I happened. to me • copy of your paper called The /Acing librid," and there read of plum ausalich... 1 moans! to test Gum as • last resort. I gave her the Reran. with the Regulators—and Relief—ac me-ding to dins-then., and in there days egniTivd a month,- fob improronent. F thisalle daily recovered,and is now, thank God, better sto rev v. wao in her life.. • The child, when three months old, aught • Itml cold, mid dwindled utenyfo a men" stelden, nothing but bone and skin his symprotnuiedfroms hit head; a, if they would def end; the physicians all nutted to saying there was no use ry of at tempting to nave kW!, his cure WO, hopekst, Olhe nos too young and muff die. Hut I thought different. Yourern. Mies lode life to my wife, while tho doctors gave bar pto death. I again had ntnetime to them. I gave him th Re solvent internally and cited It as a wash emproally I his eyre—he is now • lanshing. Newly, prattlinf sight eoloy• it ins the beat of health. Your mod otedicut and smeeful werant, RICHARD GRIFFITLI. The ale-tie, reader. I. hilt one hot of thoutandi of tit, tiler ms, ill the wrld, srhrre hnd Ihr 1,- , hrt...5 lb. physicians Ira relital upon withent furthertdal. dad% would but.. be ilfti It. tkunt. Do not, then:fore, sire op your (dentition Übe, nherr report of your physicians, whit any they can,'" uo mons litter you are told this, mart to our Berinwlive. - RAMSAY& 0%102 Fulton N. Y. For male by 11U:it A .MLN.EII, SLasoulc street. MU. Pluto. bomb.. The R. R. R. Remedios ars sold CP Drozglsek Sleskßoots mod Storekeepers. son fel3o4wlyP lIEADI lIEADIU IT WILE. TARE 'YOU BUT A PEW mrsvraB, AND MAI"3A rz YOUALLVT TEARS OF SUFFERING! CARTER'S SPAN/SR MIXTURE, The Great Purifier of the Blood. The DM Afteruti. err, yet Diteceenrif • Physicians preterit...sit...l every out who uY. It 1. a walk tog adv..rtistuteut. Nuold•dicio• aver yet ufferetl to lb. AIbCriCKLI polite has gained such popularity to mu atoll • Limo as CARTER'S SPA IVISI7 AtISTCREI IT WILL CURE ANY CASE OF SCROF It will corn any awe or Ithennodhoo. It will cure any tare of Soh Rheum. It will con any rase of :Correlate. It will coreenrratto of yerar and Ago. Or any Mantra arising from an Import. state of the Blood •SCROVULOUS RUDER! It cured the niece of the non John Minor Buds, member MtConvent, from Firatola, of Scrofula, after the skill of the hest tone,ptsystete both of Neu York and Philadelphia, had been tried in; and It will core you, reader, if you an so been acca CATHARTIC PILLS, SOCA It COATED.) ax MIDI TO • CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND CORE Tug 5101., laswllds, /Men, Netters, Physicians, PAffenafforpiste, Bead other iFfeds,andfodge of (Ade l'irtuct. For the cam ecite Slot I Imslache and Foul litonumlx Pirreetttil. Pa., May I, I fs. Dr. J. Ain—diri I have been repeatedly torch of the wont Ibimischeany. Indy cell Wire hy amour two of your Plea. !Moms to arise from.. fowl AoMech, which they Cleanse at once. If they will cum other. m they_ do rue, the fact I. worth krettsrlog. Tours with gran respect, Eli. W. PIOIBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. • Dairms DitorderSeirul Lien Onnplaintx Dr.PAITonitT 01 , lei Jarmo; t Washington, D. C, Feb. 7,105• X j girl 1 have nod your lu my extend. and bovoltni practice. ever slum you made them, and cannot hesitate to may they are the beat enthartic we employ. Their regulat 11n action on OW /dem la quick and decided, consequently they are adni treble remedy for demur meat. of that or. gnu. 1.1..1, I bleu vellum found a CIAO of Mina. Damn. m obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. . Fratainally yours, ALONG) BALL, 31. D, Phy lLl drinn of the Marine IfontltaL Allp, • Dintogery. os awl Mmes. Orrice. Ilmmsen. Lit. Co,.Nov. It, '55. Dn. stem: Your Pills argthe perf ecti on uf medicine. limy have dote my wile more Ruch than am toll you. She had been sick and pining awny fur months, IVent off to be da• eared et great expellee, but got no better. She then rOlll. moored taking your Pilllt'vetilch eaue cored her, by ...spell ing large quantities of wallllll (dead) from her Ludy. They afterwards cured her nO.l our two children of bloody dye. eatery. One of our neighlwrs Lad It Lod, and my wits cured hint with two dams of your PIM, wkilo others round ne pall from Ilse to twenty dollar. doctors' bills, and lost mach time, without being cured entirely coon they. Such • toed /ciao as yours, which is actually goodd honest, will he priced here. 11 Igh 011IF en FIN, Postmaster. Indigestion and Impurity of' Me Blood. Front Roe"). V. Illmm, Pastor of Advent antral, Boston: Dn. Area: I have noel "one Pills with ottrwinlluary me ems In toy fondly and among those I nm called to obit In dlstreen To regulate tins orgenettfiliKeetiun nod purify the blood they aro the very boat remeely I bore ever known, wad Imo couldentiy recommend than to my friends. Tours, J. V. RIME& Wsessir, Wyoming Co,N. V.; Oct. 21, 1055 , Dear Sin I ant wing yonrl.4tilutie Pill+ in iny practlee, wad find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the [outdid. of Ike blood. , JOIEZ G. MEACUAM, M. D. Erpipdas, Sbrnfula, Ain,y's Em 7, After, Tumors, an Sail Rheum. ri Prom& forwaniln eroliant of IL Lolls , - Peb. 4., PIA Da. Arm Your Pit are the paragon of nil that is great in medicine. They ha e cored my little daughter of ulcer utsbese upon her hers and foot that had proved !stumble fury... Ilia ii. eta been loug grievously efflicted with Mottles ass pi es on her skin and in her hair. After our child was clued, .1 she also tried your Pills, mtd they have tarsal her. ABA MORUIGDOE. Meant. Nrosaigra and Gmd. • Prom the Rae. Dr. wk., of the Metluallat E. Church; • Pct. llocea, /34.1,01. \ 11,G, Jan. 0, 1856. Litman Stu: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill li. brought to. if I did not report my case to you. A coldesttled in my limbs mid brought onetcruclating neu ralgic talus, which ended In throttle rheumatism. Notaith- Mandlog Lhad the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and mono, untlh by the advice of your ear:client agent In Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried Ivor Pills.' Thedr effect. were dim, bat care. By persevering in the rue of them lam now entlndy well Sesame enemata, Bator Eovoz, La., Dec. 6; 1865. Dr. AM: .1,11.11 . 0 been entirely cured by your Pine of Itheumatic Gout—a painful disease that bad afflicted me for. years. • YINCESIT SLIDELL. PIS Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Complaint., requiring an active purge, they 11.1 . 0 all excellent remmly. Far Coati vane. or Coast/patio°, atol se a Di ener Pill,they are agreeable .td effectual. IllitSuppreesion, Pareiyals,lnfinarniation, and ma Deaf um, and Partial Blindness, have been cured by Gm altene Live action of these Pills. Must of the pill. in market coritalu Mercury, which, el though a valuable remedy In skillful bands, Le dangerous in a public pill, from tho dreadful consequence* that frequently follow Its iticantious me. These contain no memo. or mineral substance whatever. A TER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, /Opine UPI!, CURL Or Cbupha aids, Roo rsehoss, lusisus, Bronchitis, Wh.Rini Cbugh, 01-10 p, Aarthlliel. Incipient Misestimation, etages of the disease. and for the relief of evusuntptlns pedients in etlimmad We vied not speak to the pnldir of Ito virtues. Through out every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, its wonderful mores of palrtionary complaints hare made it already known. Nay, few ere the (entitles In any &ahead country on this