..,11.1ti5burgp, I P1TT881711.4:3-3EC ' YBIDAY R311711: 4 10, SEPT.' 11, 1857 0 . 17171 A L. PAMZ OF MS c7r.-ca - Newii:of. the City aid Neighborhood. _ ' !Wail> , Or Till AMERICAN PROT. ASSOCIA ros.—The annual parade of this Assoelation in our city . yesterday was really a grand affair. At an early hour in the morning the different ?edges in par sister cities were seen gathering . .41 , ho ' cobilti!in centre and taking up their pre. .4....!tia1y designated positions as published in the - ' , Gazelle. Fine bends of music were in attend. • psten upon each, and the streetethrough a hich Sitertnarched were thronged with observers. , The Protestant Association, if we are not mis taken, originated In this city some ten years • sine, and is perhaps now more numerous in proportion to , population in this county than elsewhere Li 'the Union: .. The procession, alter having completed its formation, marched up Smithfield. It number- Ed, as nearas we could count la the throng, nine .hundred men, besides those who rode. The Lutlier:No. 8, and No Surrender Lodges of till s ally turned' out silent one hundred each. Il 'sides theie there were of this city Washingten Joirtf i No:' 2, ;roil City and Keystone Lodges. From llegheny City: thero were Allegheny No. ..64,.. obn Hasa No: 24, Gustavus Adolphus No. 43, German,) John Knoi No. 1, and many 'oat rs which we do not - at this moment, recal and which wo could not catch the names of as Ehe poised: . 7, ET ritlitioti - nta conducted with ill e utmost order and ecorum. We saw nothing like confusion or ort Ott part Of any one durinrthe day to create a disturbanoe. in fact, we believe the one of the first virtues; the practice of which is _ demanded as a pro-requisite to admission to the ;Ogee, is temperance. Law and order attend them. The procession made a fine oppcorance, and we do not think .we ever saw . so many men In `any" tirrn:out of the kind hitherto since we ;have lived in the city. ......The procession, after parading through the `principal greets in this and Allegheny city, `crossed the_btidgo to Birmingham, and,thenee to Ormsby's grove, where a dinner, apacehes • and danoing,werii the order of the hour. After these pleasures were ;nice tle precessiat re formed, returned' to the_place of beginning, and then in good 'ordieviisperved. Perfect order Prevailed thronghont the day. • Toe, Fauns:its' llmtt SCIMOL. —The Centre ' Democrat has:a report in full of the here meet ing at Bellefonte of delegates D'Om the various counties In the State, to elect Trustees in the Farmer ' Nigh School: Of the Bevil .of Trnste s there were present Frederick Watts, A. 0. Elei.ter, John Strohm, .A. G. Cortinlez-officiojslf. N. McAllister, J. M. Snodgrass and Jas. Miles. Abßent, Jas. Pol lock (ex offirio,) L.S. Roberts, Wm. Jessup and David Taggart , President Watts anaounecd to the Board that Ads day was that fixed by the Act of the Legid littwei for the election of Tens. ees in the place ,tif those whoa° terms expire. Whereupon the :110a..1t1 appointed J. Mcif. Suodgraes and H. N. MoAlliker as judges to.'receivo and count the ..;,',Pon:Oontiting the ballot it appeared that , Fred'k Watts, of Cumberland, James Miles, of Erik and Joihtte P. Syrei of Delaam e, had each 44.v01am. - the Judges therefore rerort and certify Akitetheisid Frederick Watts, .71111108 Miles and ,loslitut P. Eyre have been duly elected Trustees utile Farmers' -nigh SchooL - 3thige Watts was Sim uzutnimovsly elected President, and Gen. Jaws Irvin Secretary, af • tar Whici the Treasurer presented his account ettreCeipts and espenditures. Ron. Joh* Strohm and t. en. Snodgrass were ippointedi committee toesstraine the actount of the Treasurer. Ed. wail C. Eames was .elected ; Treasurer for the rtpaoingyear.- .. t,"-The meeting appears to have been pleasant in the highest degree. . . Galt. P4'CKBII, Senator Bigler and Canal Com missioner Plumer wer • all at the St.. Charles .yesterday. The two officials' mentioned are en soling they'd. of. Hophni •and Phineas to Gen. Paeter's Moses: Theaandidate who'. , • .W 111 make a loft., Governor With the all or a Cknomlttee,. Went flit to Kittanning as soon as plenty of time had elm sed for'iudge Wilmot to leave the town, . made a speech and returned. Pittsburgh Is a sort of centre of ,peraticas *here Gen. Packer - traits with map in hand, studies all the roads into the neighboring counties, moves so as not contact ; with Mt. Wilmot, nod Ger —by hulled tils shot . retreats like the Parthian, •official; each well paid oat of tLe .Clirrermnent money for other services, to stay up his courage until he may "recooperate" for an iother eicarsittn. - - Gen. Packer 'is making a very beautiful fight in the campaign. Tar. Washington Examiner -says in relation to 'larger, convicted of forgery: -- reletion to the discovery of new and im portant testimony, the defendant alleged in his affidavit that he had been inf Tined, after the t closing of the evidence, that Henry Hamilton, of Diunntown;:was present at the , clerk's office , isttlaii time the noterdl-ged to be forged weans - tecettek and-that'he (Henry Hamilton) Lad stated to Samuel Hamilton ttat he did not men lion the circumstance because he did not wish beri witness in the case. "Mr. Barger is under bail in the sum of • .slsoo—Milton 'larger, - James ll'Corkte; and Butler Huggins.being his sureties." . _ . . , Timms argue Arrssti Curactr!—Peter Pi per " , rho "pipes his eye" end writes for .Poruey's "Pro.* fro u this city, says in his latest epistle: ' "Last Sabbath I spent in attendance at one of f,iihionable churches. - The clergyman was earnest, devoted. logical aod eloquent. In t he peg/immediately before me eat to lady gorgeously areayvd in that. n lad fasts and a ridiculous f as hi o n oituld suggest. Mrs. Pepperbox—whose o taste is gei,erally ,eurrect—says that the .dress of the ladyeoet Over ilateen hundred dollars.— .:34ansdinelc lila the thought that there was ailtitethlng peculiarly appropristoiin the phrase 'Nothing to Wear.' • , . TUX Itollidayaborgßegister says that Saturday lamina a gnute &Yin town. Judge Wilmot, the Republican'. candidate vial, here, by appoint ,.'4itettl. 'lf the' State Committee, to address the people on the letding issues involved in the present campaign, and many -of the people of thecauttty *ere, here to see and to hear him.— , The day was exceedingly pleasant, and the oe vision passed off 'in the happiest manner Ossible• 7 NOUN STUMM - A man named 3dartin Strait was charged before Mayor Wearer yes terdity,Atv,oatkol,officer,_ Hague, with: horse ideating and - larceny. it, is alleged that,on the. nigh t - of the 13th , Yitlaiy hilt, Strait stole froth' the field of Mr y .l,ohn.Witteman. in Fawn town ship, a at r sl4o and took from ' , ,Abe -staPosapaldie m o d bridle rained it $5. , lie .:- 1111 .:11 , p0F . 9X14 le jaa for appearance at Court. Tns irVit - of ditPes IdeVadden, Esq.,* of MaidriUa,'and — her Ahies tigrish ~M oVadden sere thrown out of a boggy a low days since tolettlownibe four pile hill, south 4:4'44144,05, ob ii a Kerner turnpike. Mfa P. sinftusly ...injured, but - Is reoovering—her 11$0710ils , escaped with some outs and brakes **, • Atsttr:yea Roman tun MAlL.—Sergeant "tillOi:;4l,Lot this city, has just. returned from ih n i so camrig, Virginia, haring in charge a young man metes John H. Carr, charged with tiobiling;the 'Vella States mail, in March last. The offence is • alleged to have been committed in the titait'coir oti the Lattimore and Ohio rail road; tient': Littleton, in ,- Mareli fag. 111 , ding Intelligeaeen= ' Twirliepunlicsis of Erie.-on last Thursday, nOminited the following ticket:, Assembiy,.Cot. 'Warner and J. R. Cochrane; fProtbondlarl..Jaines Skinner; Register and Ile tosedar.:WM.r. Trimble . County Commissioner; Arans (Rudd; 'D . istrict Attorney, Jim. Sill. . Sunday morning last :over .thituniretl.Unlied: States soldiers paned over 0„ 46' i7 4 . :4liliard intd Ohld'ioilroad; for, the Ter t Illalt.-----Teaterday: morning another -loads ::of yinesetrgers. forty Vit= i ja - t r i " eft 'of %artillery' posed imer • MI h 111 M'll vq&iisWiontr.iMlS:nd nse . orof arena- Lori Tuesday bin thiS. piece by Mil with whom he wsa 'f - 4; Adif bnisi:,t B on oindeiAhrdwin onen4 of the mune upon - the ground th er v ets yet • upon the thoulder'of Miller.- , - , Viilii4N.:Cocriti;Alafirii -Jodie Irwin. like wow of the Oevarnmeit Cul tt= iFidicia for costnterfeltliff, - -- tho , jury , y eeday;twoWilit Pi erdlctof &Pty. - -; The tt at retwOwl to jo l foe sef4eftee. 3itiriti of Postrieee foieWhipi grrisiliritb *sower, ,!.:4ficideOlwAY-Al4 tiot.eotho- Li - contest with ikati":-Atti • lOU was almo ieveTed be iitica'fa• • - -,•• • hemp . elf railroad, it -0;0134,1004/;tilme0,14 *PI bo ecimPle4eil . tp Mem* Tleighly. ;ail/1 , 001:4*U be fopmryititai. , ..breirfold Ll*" ??0 , 447 - 01;be. Feta sir Stitt 111 ' "thi,74 1 1; etui Pikof oc-. Lser.soLuusst..-Lige learn fiom the Eric Dir. petekthat the Methodist,Church at . Colt's Cor ners in Erie Ce.,lnts,fired an . ln . cendiary_ on fba&l last-and burned to-the &fiend. Loss ieversl thqsand*.dollara • Two barns belonging to Mr. Isaac Longer, of Weterford township, were net on fire on the 4th, and Burned to thh ground, with all their con tents. Also, on Tuesday morning 2d inet, the barn of Adam Boyd of Le Ikeuf township, Erie coun ty, was fired by an incendiary and burned to the ground. On'thesame morning the barn of Mr. White InWashington township, was destroy ed in the same manner. ' ,ol ."‘Tr FAtuo.—sOrawford Co. Agricultural Society, Fair at Conneautaille, on the 7th, Bth. and 9th days of October. Mercer County Agri cultural Society, Fair to be held in Mercer, on 22d 23d and 24th inst. Sheiumgo Valley Agri cultural and Manufacturing Society, Fair to be held in Greenville on the 29th iiB4 30th of Sept. and Ist of October. Lawrence County Fair, at New Castle, on the 17th and 18th irmts. Butler Co. Fair, at North Washington, 17th and 18th inst. The new Society at Butler, 21st, 22d and 23d inst. Trumbull Co 0., Fait; on the 22d, 234, 24th inst. Motioning Valley Horse Exhi bition nt Youngstown, 0.. on Bth, 9th, and 10th. of October. . . SALES nr firocKs.—The following wales were made last evening at the Merchants' Exchange by Messrs. Austin Loomis & CO., E. W. Lynd, Auctioneer : 20 shares Citizen's Bank / $52,75 . 12 '4 Iron City do 51,52 10 " Penna. Ins o,on 5 4 , N. American Copper 15,06 160 acre Land Warrant, per acre 11311 DZATLI OF A Painrica--George P. Moore, a printer of this city, for a long time engaged in a prominent capacity in the establishment of W. 8. Haven. died y.terday morning of oonsump don. lie was twenty-eight years of age, and was held in high estimation by all who knew him. Ills funeral mill take place this morning at nine o'clock, attended by the Order of Odd Fellows, to which he belonged Too sale of lots at HiMille yesterday was very successful, some 85 or 4t) sold every one Of 'em at a Premium of from $8 to $24. Every thing is ready for the main Purpose to which this spot is,to be-devoted. The Superin tendent Mr. John' Hutchinson, is a first rate land scope gardner, and will devote his whole time to adorning and beautifying the grounds and keeping them in order. WE are indebted to some friend • for n copy of the Discourse. of the Rev. John Douglas, D. D. of this city, oelive. ed bet re the religious so cieties of Jefferson Colter, at the late Com mencement. The subject was. "Divine Appro bation the Great Object of all Study." Dr. Doug las has shown in his treatment of this frcitful theme a fine appreciation of his subject, and the Discourse is one of great interest. CARRIE/I.—We learn whet tho many friends of Mr. Cook, late teller at the Banking House of Holmes Si Sons, will be glad to know, to wit: that Mr. C. is to be the Cashier of the new Alle gheny Bank. Mr. Coo :'s experience and welr known business habits embolden Lit to add that we believe he will be found an excellent officer. Tun Wannts COUNTY BANK.—We were shown aletter yesterday, received by one of our citi zens, stating that the Warren County Bank, af ter three days' suspension, had resumed pay ment in specie, Pittsburgh money, and Chatnque county paper. It is also stated iu this letter that . the bank is now on a better footing than it has been at any time since it was chartered. Ton '-unterrified" met in this place on Mon day last, and seleetMl M. C. Trout, as their can didate for State Sminte, subject to the decision of the Senatorial conference. Mercer has chos en Trunkey. Venangisnuay take up another, and then they may run the whole three, and Francis will distance all .of them.— New Castle Courant. WE, with great pleasure, direct the attention of the readers of the Gazette to the card of 'tor. ALPHONSE DANSE, who ie a gentleman. and highly qualified to teach, as he proposes, the French Language and Literature in this city. BODY Fel:NO.—The Lody of .1. J. Curinger, the Swims horde-doctor. of Allegheny city, whom we noticed as having been drowned a few days since, near Whee's flocks, was .recovered on Wednesday,nbOta four miles below the city. The BOTuDYY'S Jury rendered a verdict of occidental drowning. Nigel+. AND NitgS JoNits played respectively the purls of Romeo and Juliet, lost evening. Mrs_ J. is rather large for a Romeo but aried Miss J. made a decidrittt, -- and l.angdou did Nergutio "moat eicellent mall. Anaber good bill is offered for to-night. REV. CU/LULEA Sent. Editor of the Prrit.nrir Friend. the character of which paper is indicated by its name, is now in this city and will preach on Sunday-next. The place will he announced on Saturday morning. POPULAIL—The Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa. 23 graduates within the last fifteen days 'Ere non Eats—Dr. Smith, of nattiroore, whu has met with such unbounded success in this city, anti has returned after an absence of two weeks, to re main a short time in uur city, that all who are of flirted with the abore"dfsertses may hate tints, and opportunity to get cured. As this is his lasrvilit to Pittsburgh it may to wise for persons In need of his skill not to delay giving him an immediate call, as he will not take any patient who can not be cured before he leases the city. Dr. S. is conneeted with the only firm on this continent that manufactures artificial human eyes, which are inserted without pain, and which move and appear as perfect as nal .ural, and can not be distinguished from the natural eye.• It will be gnod news for persons who have been so unfortunate as to lose an eye, and they will, no doubt, with pleasure embrace the opportunity of har • ing that organ. the loss of which so seriously disfig ures a gentleman or lady, replaced. All he asks is a fair and impartial trial of his new and painless remedies,..and warrants a rare in every case of deaf ness where the organs are perfect in formation. Dr. Smith may be consulted at the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. Lev there be no secrets in Medicine. or rather no pretendedeccrets. The Medical Faculty publish as soon as made, all their discoveries, and almost all that if known of rasa} value for the cure of disease, has been discovered by them. Dr. Ayer takes the honorable honest course, and right because it Is hon est. lie goes to work and invents the best remedy which medical skill can devise for the cure of certain complaints • then publishes what it is and maintains ,hie monopo ly of it solely by making it cheaper, hot ter, more perfect, than anybody else eau. If the people would exact this of all who offer medicines, they would bare much less traffic and trash to swal low.—See °dean. Organ. As ADVICRII3ING Dorset—Several day. since, one hundred fans, with the following ante, were received by the agent of the emigrant line of can : "Will you hare thegooduees to distribute a few of the tweets, ponying fans in each of the emigrant ears for the use of the female emigrants} doing which you will oblige ono friendly to thconkrent." No doubt each oust bore upon it an advertimemeoL Advertisers are Up to all wets of expedients; as an example, who would suspect that this paragraph was merely in tended to wind op with a recommendation to the reader to bay his garments at the - Brown Stone Clothing Ilan of Rookhill 6 Wilson, No,. 603 and 60S Chestnut itrect, above Sixth, Philadelphia. t • FOR A Fivi DAYS LOOSII.:--011r sales of Gent 'a and Boy's - Clothing, Furnishing Goods iSc., will be ctintintied for a short time longer, and fettling confident that the character of the stock and the rates at which it is selling are real Inducethents to purhasers, all are solicited to &skean estunination. J. L. CAZNAGRAR, Near the Post Office, Allegheny. . 2 . . - FLYAS.I COYPLATITS, so common In Moiled !Julien; are Wilily removal by PAISSZIen SPANISH lIIXTURE, ILo only r Auctlicine. yet discovered upon which the fairer portion of emotion may safely rely aka remedy, for all their file Let them test its inos (tumble virtues, and be healo I Da. WLAN ent.P.ANA7ED I' Ertl, MUDS AND i 'Lieu 'Molar eambination, bit very effectual, as.. following will show; Tax Yana. November 20,1852. Knowing, from expert..., the valuable qualities of Dr. Mllaine'a 'Cerruti.. and Liver Pills, in..pared by Fleming Dn.., Pittsburgh, 1 hove toe sometime Imck considered it my duty, and made It fuy buyl amt. to make those art lei. /morn wherever I went among my Mends. A short time ago I lucerne acquainted with the clue of • yonng girl. who • acenald to be tranbled with worms and liver complaint at the 4111196 time, and bad beenikaffering 4rcaotae two months. Through my persuasion be purchased one bottle of Dr. Sri:ace's Yyrntifuge, and ocartas of Liver Pill,. veldeb she t mo k .cmdfpg to diSHUOIIA. 'The ee,att mu, the pea.l a 1.10 qminty of worms, mid 114olts that onc 1/01.,, , or It,. PM, will restore bee to perfect heath. tier name end re•- ftippte Can beiesrued by ceiling on K. 1.. She.l. Druggist, carperOf Rata. and Monroe atm.. m_.walottaara will be careful do ask 4m DR. kirLANtril CatEIRATLD manalltetured by FUMING - D on Pltrtearannt rat Ail other Vvrntifugft lo comp.- loon atis Dr. krLanth.Veiniifitge, also his !de w...Lid user plat, can en be had rea i peetaltle drag 16 :r""" i /MAIN° [mos. segalAtst , • omortar, W. am 311.0 8. 7 co., -axsce•bff-21:1117VA.C 7 7 1 : 741742343, Pr!"' 4/ PA.aaa Ar , g...t«. Sne IW. Bard, rug4.4llv t;rA• iishotactura Phu, Ind NA "Kegs of the vairloui ilumcrhe llama NAIL AIMS, Web they will Dell al the lowest trade are trepeethdly solkited. AU whit war timed oilhahest quality, •- • • • deltlydre - s .'ft - I;4IPC If,'COLLMB, #1 '..11114r41 1 /6 1555 a CarruialuOi? ARratant ,4 • : ' AND woot#E9M,s Dzgautitt Buttor..goods.lPieth tta. 25 iSWI nekberph. mad e to .thp Sad !eider to - 44 . S „a woo, Shot oglt mare tbs. 000•tuf of troodidi 4 ,44 •emt. " EMI", 'AA Yuan* tail:Hot thepireembeot "21 -ray. -'l,OlodZed to the dty of PlttototrA • a -Joaktedniber i. ~c gar. 1- Telegraphic. „ WASTIINOTON, :Mr. CICC6.IO[I tuipertance to contractorawrth - •the Government bus just been given by the Atierney General. Mr. 'IL I). Galla gher made a contract for doing certain work on the Washington aqueduct, the Government reserving the right to suspend the work tinder the contract. at any time. The engineer in charge gave him notice to suspend in July, 1816, and in March, 1857. Ile was notified to resume, and did so. Ile new says he is :doing the work at a loss, and asks for a larger compensation than he bargained - for, or else be 1 . 11- leased from the contract. The Attorney General in forms the Secretary of War, who submitted the case, that the latter has no authority to do either, and that if Gallagher violates his contract, he must do so at his own peril and that of hie sureties. The Southern mail furnishes papers from all points an lute as due. Brownsville. Texas, dates are to the 19th ult. The harvests in River Valley'protnise fair. The Texan frontier in quieL The Cotton crop in the vicinity of Thmtruss, La., would ho au average yield undies there should Lat an early frost or the ball worm, which begins to show signs of vitality, shoal.' ravage it. In Caddo parish the bulls - were lotginuing to rot from prevalence of rain. In Clinton parish the balls were opening fast. WAROINGTON CITY, Sept. 10.—The treaty between the United Stales and New ilsenada war signed to day at the State Department. It merely provides fora commission for the settlement of all elaims on the,pait of our °Wiens against that presumed-- The other questions were postponed. The pamphlet just issued in this rit. in defence of the administration on its Kansas policy, and of (inv. Talker instead of being a semi-official tbeuntent is published on the author's own responsibility. Symicust, Sept. 10.—The Deumeratil State Con vention was organized this morning. and William Taylor, a Still, was cloned permanent President. In calling tho Delegations, when New Took city was reached, a regular storm of debate and confusion commenced, and a teresa was taken, till 3 o'cloek, P. M. After the inljournment a row took place oh the platform between Motor Wood, the friends of Mr. tickles, tho Chairman and others. Mr. Woods charged the Chairman with partiality and unfairness. New VOlll,. Sept 10.—The Bank of New Jersey at New Brunswick, has - Frederick G. Swan. commiasian merchant, Broad way, hie failed. The Grand Jury here found a true hill against MN. Cunningham on the charge of producing a tie titious bob to th.t Burdett estate. Sr. LOUIS, Sept. 10.—Thu Ihdependenco Messen ger, of the sth inst., publishes a report that Colonel So niter had overtaken the Cheyenne Indiana, who were retreating towards Arkansas river, and that a battle.ensuod, resulting in the indiscriminate slaugh ter of four or five hundred Indians, men, women and children. The report is discredited here. MOBILE, Sept. 10.—A Nicaraguan recruiting ren desvous boa been opened nth Lie pines. Col. Lock bridge denies having any cm... Awn witL the pr. .cot movement Queusc. Sept 10.—The captain of the steamer Clyde. who has arrived here, says that the vessel is a total wreck. Her cargo, mails. and passengers baggage were all lost. Dtmetter...SepL 10.—Ex-tiovernur Ramsey was yesterday nominated by the Itenutyßean Convention at SL Paul for Otovernor of Minnesota. Telegraphic Markets NEW Yon, Sept. in.—Coma Le .11111; :too haleawld at ISc fur Middling Orleans and 13. i,, la Middling Uplands. !iota tinsettlist 7.000 UWn sold. Winnst 1. unsettiod,..l..l.odu bash sold of sl.3Elu 1.50 lu Whit, and sl.?..:Sta 1.31 an 14.1. l'oro dupresord; 3,2041 Ludt sold at win; I Prone Volk L.... brltdr - ..alva at Vltnill.dai. Mums Pork unrbankod. Con, steady at :agar stead). Chicago licf ouch.- ..k sal. at if Baron ateady. IV.torn Senokod In , laulnd at if, Mauls 12e. Mutter levalti. pig Moo la dull at V-.1(529. Tallow 12‘,412 i.e. Stocks dull and un obanged. PIM...LLAMA. Sept. money market Is decidedly atringrut, and w. regret la B.llnouuce the falturr el a bowie the Iron Vane and ono in the t7lilua Warr lord mm A small tot of new Cloversord, the Bret univaeof thin •eamoit, nail at $7.37 per LA Ilia AMU' dull a tlo,lCll:iy{atc ISO LLI. Weaterst extra +Ol.l on terms kept private. 1t... Roar alcady et kkkit; Con. Meet ik Wheat very Jon: ...11.1.1. lit,' at $1.2004.21.: White at ti4.2titikl,:t3. Rye 0 willing at Cern he. aguiti decllnefl, and i } o9 Leah Yellow sold at Ike. tint. doll at 3:141.3ne. Its Preiisiiins and tirei,ries no chanite. Whinky steady; salt.. at 20rr27e, the Litter hir Ohio. Corriaattl. Sept. lo.—fluor la a aiu luwar and otionttle.p tho sale, are 1.451 bhl.,a oliwitig at $4.4. L.r Superfino and j.4..t4ta.4.::. fur matrix a• the d.. 0 It wan "ollei.l at fl.:lona 4.412 nod the market ROA a good deal uneettlad: dna orris. were 5.1000 bbLs within the Imo 24 hours. Wheat ia tied: prune Rod ;h and IVnites:aiats2. Whiaky 21 nail hood ly firm: lot Wale 'add at 'AO.,. Baum is and in held ttlalter. 1-inarawl Oil Oslo SSW Oro.. 040 Ilse a'.— Kaalern advan,a.l to 1., cent. and Ve war , o. Iloney strinsent Med thOnit4.l the weather is clear and warm Mercury &pt. 10.--11vur anti au.l 4,lintvg:f Whral taglc luso, Er.14".4.1 \\'Alir• }l,:ttil•W. Corti t.r ekord Vrlltow W 15 cent, CP= Tro the C"nunon‘i ealth of l'ennsylva le lint l'herilT 1 said w, NVe cotionstul 'on. that you situ]. William Lim= r..n. tttt Is. bs all and iingvlar and :lista.+. Isisin and tot...wilt% in sot.•..t ilia stair ins) toe, s. that lir snit appear Leta, .ear PM Irks Omit. to Ir 1.01.1.. n at I.attatnirst.. insist fie. w.l.vuu sn thr 1..t..15y ti...ts i.e s uss.. rllO/11.4. liakolorrlLn. a s 1 J,.Ln W.nnl .Ilk piss ..ltrispa.. 011 the And you the maol StorrilL aro hgreby cOmmeto4+l to .13r11 mon all IN tarr yer.otte Imode o. pos.,etioo tto..takl goods atol chAttels. 1.0. t. and leueoten, ..r any of Ito n, may I. etc.-Lint. to, Om: th. nu.: le.fory roan, at the de, mod 0,0t00...1 fn 11...ac.r.e • st, move erwhat.Lail .m;1..1 Own,. ..n.l obt.le Judg - ment of the 50..,1 . tont Ilper.on An.l k then enl there thl. Writ. . klttn4l,4 tlas 11.1.11....Pn-stdout Jtvl, tot uvr ctt.l clikf Cif Jut,. k thou,lnd etgbt Igoltiolyrds.l JoII4IIIII I Mill All. Prni . The defewlskaat. I.osn, win notice of thent...... i73l3;trE ILODY PATS/a:4..1N. Sb.l It! Hlalr•ville Female Semlnetry ON TILE 111.AIItSVILLE BRANCH OF Penuovl..nt.• 1:441x,..1 Mai3MESIM OW ILSE lIC EDUCATION, Tborcoml, atal ayratematic,rrabrmeing ever, branch a( an complinhad.rognala Wilaratfron. Arroonnolations for amonty Iluartimg Schcati acholara— two in • room. Bnnier., 1nr10.104, Tuition, prr ...lon ft.mouth& 46. For Inatromental Untie. ihorrioF. nonting and Slod coivlrm. rharg , a. Th. nest rowion conrobetwo /th Ntrangtool wrot oppliartion. r1.t51 FEL sumixT flutirFattrt. rt, Ma. 7 • ntehrlf P A Valuable Yarns of 150 Ayres far Sale. CONT AINING upwarght of $1) nerett of the that quality of Gal. on tba llltk Mutant' Pittol.nr,b and Cl,eland Rallroal, In hover roma, mllro Iminv tho torn of Itonvor. and within a cl oils tulle of Indudry t•ltstion 11114 pruporty t 1 vr.II worthy tho att,o lion of person• wi.hlng 1.. purl 1111. l• for farming purport. or inn istreqUarnat .1. both land and roal Ora 'totality Inctnuln, In value. The aljohting property tool Item parehaartlhy a company oho are now engaged to catalog nod moping coal to Clay, laud. Thera la nue of the most Suantiful sir, for building upon In he found can the Uhin riser. and which has Num imprn , / , 1 by pLanting Trull tuns and shrubb , ry This farm will be sold lower tanar lain/ of similar goalil~ run h. bought for Ihn uutnn distan, ham the city and without (Pt nolvuntages from finiln...l and river, If applied for Imroedlstnly. Vor farther particular...mirth - v. of. WIMVP a LANI:, oa27:3tdawF own, Liberty and St. Cls& vtrret, Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCITASER, tit the Quaker Gty Puldiablott llono. of Poems PlillodelybOu By lefylug a book for 11, or more. y,. or. •t ome prevented with a prise. worth filen ‘J.I. rte. to Pon. con. elating of fltio Bold Jouelry, Watrbel, Au. All oribou I.) mail will be promptly filled.and the prim or prises will en compass). the book.. Out lint entiffilne all of the olio.l pupa. ler booke of the day, and will be a d d at the motel retell min, oniony of thrill Mg lea.. Pemooe whhing soy mirth.- Mel hook 411 order at °tire, and It will be forwarded with o Oft A catalogue- airing full tuformationi faith a 11.1 of books and trifle, will he eent, wet paid. by ifiLlonelog UI7.INP. ItULlSoflf. N 0.33 South Third Street, Pkile.h.lphla. AA - Agente wanted, au273nowPa. JOIIN DOLL, No. 144 N. Second ~ above Arch, Philadelphia. Importer of TOYS of ova, y de.cilre Ono: F4ory liamketa, Canes. Sipes, Cigar Ca.., Souft and Tobacco Boxer, Violin. and Strings, Marbka, Plain and Pencil., sand other Fancy A rticles too powwow to gneutiou. Clew call before purchaatug elsewhere.ard.'7,hoorl,..a IMPROVED lIAV PRESS. re lOU' W. I)INGEE k f York, Pa.. 1;4 . make the clonpeal and lird CO., Antable /leu /or ift Baling lky, .Slrrwri, Hunk, anion, lay" !Intr. .1, „ . „M whieleta in the market. livery improvermist in the too. strewth:at of thin Prem Iriv been made which 12 years ore IQ has ...ranted. h. garb la the advantage of early order to itomoractarem Cott b per mat. will be deducted from eitatt.priers on all prevae• ordered in September. to to. fornithal any time to .4 M 57. Write at once for Circular. giving prima and dimen. alotto of rations aired preen. aulhilwi State Agricultural Exhibition. TUE Pennsylvania Stato Agricultural So clot!, will hold Ito Seventh Annual Ruhlhition at Philadelphia, (Poweiton Orouudr) on the :SRL and Mai of &punster, and la; and 41 Jaya of October mutt. The usual reduction on rearenuer faro and free passaco fur Stock will Le funOthedby the Railroad Companies. The book. of entry will ha open at Philadelphia on and after the tat of Poptembet. ,"" 1105. C. %V MARK, an2lalavrid Secretary. Surireyin . g t JJOIINSTON, Civil Enginoer nud Land Surveyor, corner of Third Arent and Emit Coin. mon, dlkurberay tidy, will attend to laying out and dlvidnia land, loading roads, kn.; at aliort notice, and on rea•onuido brawl. ' utylinnorg, Par Doze.. cIUARLES BUCK pe LEY, MANUFACTUB ,•r, camera Third and Wood streelaPlindkurgli, Pa. Ilst, Cap and Bonnet Buser, Jewelry and Proscription hoe os. All kinds of Paw Bow made to order. N. TL—At L'istern prier. settles 4 • QTItAY COWS.--Ctune to the enhaeriber 1._7 on Moth! loft, in Shafer tiortriblp. one Brindle COW bind feet while some while on front feet. Also, a Brown Cow, hot all white, wine white tether tallimeli being about ur i l ium, old. The owner or owner. will please coon forward Bl he Ltnort.T, tears nod redeem told cows, or eujltila4lloP g ;JACOB 8PAN0....1a. 5_,.000 AGENTS IV A NTED--.-To sell VIDES NEW nod UNEtiIIALLTII WITS 'MAIL warnsokel and selling everywhere. My agents have clearer] over pl,OOO on them, Diplomas, Sitter Medal and four Patents granted them. Tor four strunyre, you'll receive do pages particulars pm . AITIMICT In the coy otry. Lowell, NUJ antreArlatill MPIIIIAIII nrtowN. E'XECUTORS' i r ioTie E.—Whereas f.eiti.re Ttsgramentary on the estate of John Oren, 'deed, Into wkitley township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to saki estate are fermented Ao minks inunedialer payment, and ill throe baying claims to present Melo. Prole only anthergleated, for settlement: OEOIkIE CURES } .• fix Wore. lAvltsre V . MILO SCOTT, ' ec ' NOTICE.—The Burgess nn l Tovrn Council of tha Borough of Wort titceuvrne, Mclver County, 1 171 " th i t7 g=l l 7; o saftr= trtto " Pirat7 . 3 qpd I r41 ,01B "b"1 ,, " tear WiU Acrukr Bo th r;er - Lj r at ; Ale3 ~1657.—*422,3 COmmt rcial. •' , PITTISITMOHBIiftIiKETS. 4oailii**.neArsinvi,4l4lB.) Trnsonas. TZTh. L • FLOUR—man SS Gbh; *. per 'abort al -$3,3a; .15 do do ate SOdo exits from Moro at $4OOl 100 do di,st 8 5 .87; tro, do super and extra at $6.50,130,0% /00 do estasand foutd/ot 5e0wc6.2,% To do *.per, exits and exitsbadly at and .$1,141 arid S4IA 80 do do do et six, $S,d7 • GRAIN—Wes 100 boa Oats. wharf at SD 31:1 do do from stare at L 2; 000 do While Wheat at six. SUGAR,- , ealet, of S Wade Leland i 6 t 10%010%, 11111.11 P—solo 0(10 LOU Honey Bynty at 76. BACON-4:4.11'0t 10,000 L. &adders at 13; 600 D DM (La mmed Hum at 11. . I.IIW POILK—Wee of 50 Mlle at VS. CllKESE—ealee of MO Neat 10. MONETARY AND VIOMAGERD/LALe The Warren Ledger of the ways selth reference to the Warren County Bank of Pennsylvania, that hot little excitement to., prtVnil.4l tier. And that the demand for specie at the Bank bas been yoke inmasiderehle. It seem, that the whole trouble had grown out of the tnnidity of the agent i n Yew York, who, atter redeeming over ANDKIO of the notetcof the Bank, wee mixed With the 'panic himself, and refined to (eke sm.y more—hence the reported fall. are. The Bonk is prepared, who Ledger toys, to meet all ileinanibt.anil bill holderenesell hare no Bore as the solven cy of the institutinit "'The WRITPI2 County Dank has ant Billed or rospended—neither will it; the.publie may reel assured of that." The exports for the month or Autf.tt nom the port of New York, were:— lo domestic produce ...... .. ................. $4489,479 Foreign pm& re.exported 4047.270 Specie , e ; 6,271.717 Total all exports 411,600,100 Agalast Annott, loOn: In produco ~14 • .031:2,5 . ..ti Woratnn re-otpurted 300,175 Sianio Total ell exports, August, $9,116,056 The dry goods import for the week Is $1,317,434, againat $1.,915,512 the week. muting September b lest year. Srsmatics.—We have procured .aud publish below complete returns from the assessors or the Murtha' of flog. to Kentucky for 1857. We give also the total. for 'fib and for 'bri nod the total number of Hogs packol lu the seam= '53-'541 '513-.57 Total reports in 1.457 Hamra.. for 1555 tto IS:l Exc." of ili over 1/145 Do of 717 over 1358 Total packkkg la the Watt 74...:513 Do . Do '5O-'5l. Face. or '5:l-'56 0ve1474-'57 Mona PAILI7II. AT 13errsai.—Rterruo, Sept. B.—Two fsilurm in the produce taste aro announced, six : Messrs. Wm. Foote d (to., and Niles k Kinney. Their re spective liabilities ere report.' to be haFd. The last maned house hat been iu difficulty' for over a yea. past. Judge Peabody having granted. Injunction reetrahilag the ll',nolo Central Italtmed Cotinyany from paying. an. day, of that Company annaddltayto jI,SOO, doe pester. day, to the hat., Denntetoun, Wood &00.,_witleola they received of the Ohio Ida, Ins..m and hoot lip Mtue poneetrel, the Illinois Central Railroad Cu. prying the amount into the U. S. Truat Co., by order of the Court, to gild. , the event orate emit he11..0 the part.. Six hundred and 1111 y-eight shares of the Ohio Lilo and Teu4 Co. were sold in New York at 10101211 atom. Among the payinania Imlay wo n $50.000 tearorer dart from New Orleans, showing • tendency or gold this way horn tat quarter. The bents and brokers are still mole ro g emiselerelle :emends tut the interior, Boalien, PWla er rte. Among the lel/twee which bare been Etude publkoare Mew, Mlltin, Haddock L . Ca; L. A Y . Kirby, a very oxterr viva dry goo& house; Bates, Jerrie k Ikveratore and Tut. hill. Cutting k Co. The street 14 full of rum., to which r,or or tho molt extemtve Nueva. in town are illudei to In Mi.ney matters we hare to, change to Dodos. The do and le etlll vet 7 active to the come:stela .ctreles nal hhe same of that chum are ma with tilfilcalty.—N. Y. Trb. Dcrare.cm or liaaceccruaiao flrocts.—The flostou Ad. ye rtieer:+iatea that the only matitifilatarlag stoats vie!, aim &Olathe, par, of the regular 43 called at the Brokers' 'Ward, aro. ihe Merrimack 1030, Otia 1030, Lowell Illeacbet7 00 fur pat, Pepperell 434 for MA Beaton flee /4414 640 , ex-dividend. fur Aik), bad Wroth= olVtaled about 100 far WU par value. In mining storks. fak Itoyste eold pipe riot 5, both lower anal lea Momenta was again firmer and la deturael at 140, the prier orysateeday. Pittsburgh 2.1) to 2.1 n. Nimbi@ 4to 5, with private Wes at She latter rate. limey continues in equally active demand. bra Is In bet ter supply, being brought out MUM lively by the Web. ratristuling Gashoul• days past.—likastna lacli day adds to the raturidinr connilene• among Langan 12101Thallt; and to the strength of the banks of lb., city. More Irani Anna it. sospeininali rateably assii day in the grain trade and dry good. beano.. among par. ties alai aro abutebintly solvent, arnordbil to their Wm. , artier, but rano root ilinioult or perhaps Imputinible in bor. row rum., 'on any airmailing artiatemng—N. Y.Coar. =3= WITEELINO by Portnuo—l box trim cloth, 9 Wall.. thy owl. 2 do rags, 3 molso tram? crams to, Clark 0 00: 10 MM. ale. 31 W 2tultht 30 Lolls paper, 11.1cortmer k cot 51 bps harpy, Rbeslm*Verurm 10 tolls 14.44 rungs, Jo barrels 11.31 r. *ll Similß 24311001 m 7 A Vetoer, 70 lolls paper, }: o 11anbm4.440310c 130.0"edr. 0 bbl. applen,D Root. 22 auks wheat. ifi ill*: "S Mk. Boum 2 casks tram, J 1111%dly A. ON 2.n Md. ,ortmunne lamb P0d 3 13 sacks med. 11 A. Burnt: 15 Ithlo &Alm 2 NM wits Burma. McCruery 0 00, 31.4. apple., comer II oh. sowl, Inuitatut 15. do ko, Todd: d bbls apple", 2 baskets marktolliog. T Graham: 31 sks barloy. 1 NI Portly, 43 .lo Jo. 130 bukilo, Wll 1 hml. CINCINNATI by F. P. Ilibber.l-- utpkg alo barnlh U W Swain 412 bo o m ale., 1., 4211 mat -Lcf(l2. bt.b. whisky James Dottuoll: 75 Jo do , .I.4Teully Sr Mn - doom brooms, 4112•nry; 141 bbl. dour.Joutos Gard 0 Mt bLIM whisky, J II lloobjeo do dour, It Wallace; '7l td od, B A Vahons• lock 7rd C hem' shot, 1 14.1 mkt. tkey. Cktooparit A mat 42 by, 'word, Barker. ... pm pumpo, Ilegitatoy Oriole at 209 bd. atom.. 292 bbl. dour, Clark 0 co; 01 do whisky, BS .1., Moo. it Won., 177 Mgt corn. Kennedy A hem 24 bblo whisk r, I, .b. elmrroal. V Lyn:, I 004 50 Jo attioky, Block A W .A . O , Ivo d.. Jo, .1 A Konl A mt 11IttNICcuAl1MLA B 4 Vlo/ATION CO-15 bid* tehiskoy, Culbertson, to barrels. 0 Orin.. ostarm 35 50,004 . .17Ph , II". K s aloe, IllepparMell 9200 doom 2 boom rycga, Mettlmstt 110 hl4O demo; W; II tto d 0,911.32 9 US. ',other. Vey, a:: i.bl2 Sour, lhodmr: 2do two Pries; 52 do flour. Bobbom 40 tlet do. ',melt. Pitlobate. rt. W. t C. R. 14.-3sk. flax ..4, Braglakraa 14 dos hroonas.J Mack.. 10 .k. fax %sett. 'll.n.sra d Kirkpar wit; la 61. !wt.), Y 41 . 11Int.eIR II abb. D Dark IS resell.. 6 1. ilotwronn, a 11l Ippb+, owner. Irir ay flat yeed. loonaid A Waleic whom, 4..4 40 100. Boar, 230 .4.. rhea.. 427 dad., 4411.nartina9 1.1 , 14.1rg0, 0.1/141 143. k. wheal. a. m: 135 do do. 1.141 0.1 0, ICII4 t W. 1..... 10 half bills Bak J broky, .e.. 4 SI do 10 4 1 . wlo 0., .k 0. ' 4 ' . 11. , 4r. {lark d na MI Lade lard oil. oast 00 do Zoo. ILirdorr: RI do 4,11401 Wallace, 75 do 4/.. J llaninor, I lA, 2.40. 130 vr hoot. Clot kAoo 0 cars ohecp. 3do cattle, 1.10 owners. roland t Pilt , bargh R. R.-2 luSas alms, )(Toll); 7 .•k • ntkevell LYears 4 Brains bolter. 31 , 1 , 1. .10•., Wee; 1 lot dr) glioAs, Powell a 31,.1) IMEEECEIME! Them Yrrirt• noarrloale at this port yelterday The For an went omt for Wheoling mid the I.llnornmk• far tool, 1111 e. Nothing at any amount Meng tithe, bare or ale. lo the aloanilmat floe. The raw. of the Me Afton i. on It al at (imago, an as announced before. W. dud Intl., bloat rl. nd 4,1 St. Loin. paper*, a cluiple annottoorment of the toes that the trial le alt , bat no partici:laic We 4.11 Fire theta to our madam ma fast as nee can. Captain limy aastogo an )144er - slay m • •Itneasa rila may be conned. area sea tmt an.. If the. Erns Afton Intprin4 serves. • whole batch of 'Unifier moo, to lisa number of mine 31... r 1.4. ill I. virtually ilorunel mot I/. litiago Company 1.111 nun ti 11.171.1, lees muletrullu damarms to an anatomat not rimy to turd. An ',whim., nomad Reiner. fen from the Arigunnui nen, An lm. the, on Tnewlay, ow' wan drownwl. Ile to sop. poised in he • resident of Pitieburgh. liestenley there were three feet .amt' In the channel The 11/stings was to leave yesterday for Lou'settle. , In relation [othe Golden Oslt, recently intrepid by fine ea fro list. nenstufore anuitutfced, We find the follosrlog In the ni. tams Republican: - Ito hays Worn informed litst the halts of the boat were ! mated by filr. Jon,,. R. Alter, hut the office. lon all thole clothing and Other p roperly. The Gotileu Getz true Insured for p 10,1101) In flintil'it agency. Taste was on board at the ti a ntiont :Atha fent of lumber, which was almost ettflrely i!iinnted. The officers of the Net Holmes, although morn than su half a tulle above the Golden Gate at the time, Inman dlately put back In her totshitaute, enil rendered the most efficient old In the bonr of need, for whirlt bencrulent bete lloy been the thanks of Ilia cornastinlts and Got especial thanks of the officen of the unfortunate - Golden Gate. Only also o , of her cargo was tald m I.e insurifil.7 etrettarre recently arrived from Clochroall. the Mary Cook .ml Belmont, have gone dot. to the Imo] of the [Anna far tha height they had to dlecherie there lo order t.• lighten over. Thwklarenten In In spletalid order. tiownent, Captain McCullom oi noted fur eaquieit• ,ante, and will knee to do with anything bat an A No, 11 reamer, web o. the Marengo . Capt. kerma her Siemer clerk, hL retired to take charge of the Gunk 31r. Goitre* Inking his the Oleo. Shipper% nod piontengers will find the M Watling for Al. LOW, on Satuhlas at Monday. Capt. lie • ell's now idennier, Fulton City, Imam for St. Pool. ,The Hibernia and LaCrosse, from EL Lou* derived ye► tardily, each with light trip. The L Crosse departed for Pittehurgh hut miming. The John Glaolt and Baltimore hare got off of Blatineebametta, and aro due here this morn. Mg. Magenta AND Hale Oatrass.—The pretty mamma Lobate. On. Copt. wituaramm, having entered the Cincinnati and Nieruphie trade, to make regular trips, Mad rapidly and Lave for ihatport on Friday evening.—Cim Una. Steamboat Register AliRIVED—J."l%min Orteornstilhn Luzern., do; Col li...ynrd, El[Tatman Fortune, Wheeling. S. P. Illhberd, Seta Lou ARTED—lefferson, Brownwillte Lozerue, do; Col. Itnyenl, Elizabeth; Fagan., Wheeling; Mating; Louie- Monongahela River U. S. Mall Packets. STEAMER TELVARAPH, STEAMER. JERREagoN, e 5 wage tidal Can. J. 0. Won wan.. Can. Cunene (lank. TRE AB: NEW • STEAMERS ARE now running regularly. fronting Butts leave Pitts burgh at ft o'clock A. 4 and Evening Boats et NI o'clock P. M. for 31'Keesport, Elisabetlitonn, Rowan. heir City, Bellevernen, Fayette City, Greenfield, California end nrownefilif, there connecting with auks and Cache. fur Uniontown, Pnyette Portage, Morgantown, Waynesburg, Carmichaeltenn and Jefferson. 'Passengers ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Cale. town tr $2, meals and state.rourne nu boats Inclueise.— Scots returning from Brownsville hetes at 8 o'clock io the 'ntorningand 5 in the evening. Sor farther information SI, quire at the Office, Scharf float, at the nest of Grant street. ans 0. W. SWINDLER, Arm. E UL A R TRI-WEEKLY XV WHEELING P.IOILET.—Tbo Ono p... pen g eo.tramor CHEVIOT. C•Pt.l. 3 Lorr•J7M=. for the above • and all lotenorado port. Tatkln T ., Tburalors and liatordaye,lo plata of tiro Pored City. k or freight or ponor.O.PPIY... bmrd, or.. • WiIUELER. Ascent, No. 6Wood et. F . OR ST:LOUIS &.S.I.IOKUK.. The new mid splendid or ODER, 0, 0 . will leave for the above o inter. merited* ports on TUB DAY, Sept, Uth. Fpr freight or pumice nOPIY m haerd or t. FLACK A DADNV. Agents. Pull Stook of Pall Sty Goods. • VyRE & LANDELL, Fodrth and Arch eta., 141 Phltodelpbto, rooporttour twined' Gra DwOrro to ex. Wino a qor Stock of &Atonable Mods, alApted to Best Pconfylvordo Trodo.. Yon lima Tall Drew Ooodw • • - Now dooltaf at WO Paw* -- BfrANlCks of Ninff.ot 80104_ ' • • • Good Block Ms of width ' • • F f.sabof Trench.3l.llO o N • -- 7 "" toLl do Clottnwo, 7 47 BOO& wit atineMPW% Prt, ' Ddhpdhooowowww, Clotho sod Oor e atz • N.V/t i = l4 =lt from Sow 'VW'S tiai,ity .PirikulorattootioctrOfo oWnfri.pra,.. • lkw ifroble orolo—Ttrowdrod .• JiMUßlttatil -414-7-4 D &WV R 611 irliEitta-E. Lases end MIX& BEFIT and lest gypsums but one of • KISS APOMY JON . JUIDAT Sept. 11th will be rowlenbed the nearby. entilladSZODNDLOTlll—Allenor Ilcorbray, Mins ATONIA JONIES;MaIA Thornhill, Mr. Ham Longdorn Dinpefield, Mr. Mcßride; Lney,'lolla 11. Cooke: - Miss Rev:eds./ones. La ..... Waldektave. To conclude with th • new Yooce entitled A FEARFUL TRAGEDY IN MARKET STRIKET.—Mr Timothy Slump Ingtoli, Mt. Young Mr. ; Moggieton Mull towney, Mr. S. In Bungle. - _preparation • new drama of teat entitled BANK FRAUD AND ITS VICTIMS. • auction Zalto. P. M. DA:VIS,..A.uot oneer. • Commercial Sales Room; No. NI ifth Street QIIPERIOR HOUSEIIOLD...ti KITCHEN LJ FURNITURE At Auction-)n Wedbeeday morning, Sept. nth, commencing at 10 o'clock, di b add at the Dwelling Home, No. GA Fi ft h etre.; a large quantity of very desirable well kept Household Furniture among which are Mahogany Book Lbsse, Mahogany Chairs Lul Rockers, IVork Table., SIM Tablet, Enclmed Weeh Stands, .Wardrobe. Bureaus, Clock., Mirroni, Om Chandelier. with Syphon, Girandoles, Engravings, Ingrain and Stair Carpets, high and low pool tl.steade, Beds and Bedding, Glees and Quetusware; Kitchen Uterisile,Coot log Stove, nearly new, Sc., Sc. • S. M. DAVIS, Soot. O n TOOKS AT AUCTION.—On Tuesday KJ evening, Sept. IGth,at 714 o'clock, at the Rial Ware and Stock Sales Rooms. N 0.54 fifth stnet,..rill to sold. lo Shares Iron City Bank Stock; 21 do Allegheny do do; 20 do Notch American Mining Co. dm 30 do Pitts. Ft. Waynet Chicago R. R. Co. do. P. 11. DAVIS. Amt. ItkSTAIAtANT At Auction—On IJI Monday morning, Sept-14. at In o'clock, at No. 30 Diamond alley. will be sold tbu entire stork of Dar Furniture Counter, Shelving, Fixtures. .10 gilt frame LatkingOlassea, Om Chandelier, and Cim Fixtures, Marble Slab for Wash Stand, gilt fratneCard, Bucking and Arm Chaim Si 'aboard, Common Tables and Chant, Ex teasion Tanis, Mauna Clock, Feather Beds and Bedding. Matrasses, Bedsteada, Floor Oil Ciotti. Olamwara,Stora and Pipe. Kitchen Utensils, to. walo P. M. DAVIS. Ana. 1.4=,1589 1,398,10 ti 110.5,185 DAILY SALES AT No. 54 FIFTH STU:MT.—At the New Commercisi Salm Rooms, No. 54 Ylfth street; every week day are hold public sales of Comb, in all variety salted for the Tombs mod Consumers, from slugs stock Which to constantly replenished with fresh consignments that must baslosed foinhwith. 1,518,469 ----- G 71,034 —Louis. Journal. At 10 o'clock, A. U., Dry Goods soil Fancy Artkles, com prising nearly evorytbing needed In the line for personal and fanilly.u.s. Table Cotkry,llatdware,CloWing, Boots and spun, Ladle.' woor, etc. At 2 o'clock, e. mi., Household and K dotter, kirniture, new and second hand; Beds and Budding, girpetn elegant Iron Moue China WA., Stove., Cooking Utensils, Groceries, ate. At 7 o'clock. P. N., Fancy Articles, Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Musical Instruments, guns, Clothing. Dry Goods, Bouts end Ehoes, Books, Stationery, etc. .e 8 P.M. DAVIS, AucL Helloes—We have bon Informed that several newts. cipled parties have, for some tiles pest, been refilling our empty bottles with a "parlous article, and retelling It to their enitomerses the genuine Hostetter Bitten. All sorb dtigegad, should In shunned by all that value their bolth, fur it h evident that than who would proOltute themselves to Ulla Leon action, would not hesitate in other". We would alto earnestly caution you to examine well the bottle before Purchaaing. Rain different parts of the Union several actab le. preparation are gotten up with the evident design of being palmed off as our Bitters, hating a similar bottle and label. and the directions, etc., taken off verbatim, save the otalttstace of Dr. J. lleatetter's name. • HOSTETTER k SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by Druggist@ and dealers everywhere. au2SulsaT o — ery Morble Works, No. 333 Liberty Street, below Wayde, PITTBBI7II,OII,_PA. MATTHEW LAWTON, PRACTICAL•SIARBLIC MASON, WISHES RESPECTFULLY TO IN awns tas Mends anJ the public generally, that ue has loused the filen, prethisos,llir the .seutleture and sale of every variety of klarble Work, such as Monuments, Tombs 'Tablets and Gravestones, of even' voriety and form; 111,0, Mantle Piece., amp. Told., Pier, Borenu • and Wa.h State I Y.,).., Ac., do., Which 110 le offerings.; low on any Alter eatabllaiment West of the mountious. Ifu .h.•4:...1iter,,/) new, nod luta boon setertnl I.y kimudf, ospnwsty for Ills nvo - krt. 11e is die prepanal to build Banal Vanity., rushee liar Lots with Mar ble or Slot, sad ...ants any other work to his Hoe, in any of titoCeuthot w. wlluming Pitt.ltursh. •ireitS rota...n um ru Rs,. T. 11. Lyman. Robert tlalway, hon. Wm. Within., John Chbilett, Eeq., Joo. Shoeolterger, Etn, W. L. Rlogriall. Furl, Chyle. Drewar, Eel, J. 11. 11111. Few, ThomwSoott.Faq, A. B. Curling. Esq., W. P. Eaton, 1.m.. O. It. White. Esq. The Trade forribtfied with all kinds of Portioned Domes Mr Marble., either Masked or to the rough, at Wholesale price.. 11. hash,. um& arrangements nth the manufrcturegs of the leAt brands, for a cmutant anpply of hydraulic Ce ment. Water and Louisville Limo, and Mutter Paris, both for Land and Stucco Work, all of which he Is prepared to (unlash al ohort notice. mitlEdly • GAS FROM ROBIN OIL misa F•A.'rr•i" rirliE 1111;11 ILLUMINA'II NG TIES of Ow frwm Itodn and oleaginous ethetuwas have always made hien.a favorite material fur the mann facture of Illugultiatio, (las. Compauies wee It.» in with gual,in order to • *apply their co tto:nen with • Su. Perim Quality au.. 11.00 IN MI. 1. eldwely (see trans -•11.1r.... and recsias sale stances, su.l.y.elols at lion e. it, Bran tut Illuminating Co.. Tits grese , / original the .s 1 the mustratiaa for thu manw• (xetme..l coos so. toiwth. r 001, the ...au..o mud expebae eon/tautly required...4h Il.e dalteully.sl led itni.u.selltlicly, euthrely separating Ito unwholesome, deleterious and otErno.. tows.. generated 10 wwl, thu RoSIN .APPAIt AIL'S cheaper awl m Jrs thwirst,w Inerery sea 0f.X13 Rre,dori.r..Now Yolk. has dOboie t hi, whir. atteutlon to the mantifact wean,/ shoot Purtabl A 00. Apparehm. andw be rairprrhally row the attentoon of the public to hi. preterit outorden. ou I Hee:lent machine., , I..efect estsssfsclion purchaser guaranteed to etvery ose. Par farther itiraratalsan ral.lresse S. COATS, =lt Broadway. New York: 1rAt.1...,11r or DA VII. 11. WILLIASIS. Pittsburgh. P. Walnut *lntl Rest a t. 3EI R., rilogemeor t) Kla BALL NIESSICE A co_ AfAm,sie 11.111.,rz nit ti TREAT. 1 . 0111 , , I'URLIC ALL THE dclicelc. of they'.'...l. ..reed up at the thorteurt no ticc, (moo C o'clock t e mat 11100 to 12 Wilock at night. 811.1ae,11 men and ulliers will do well to well in nod cxam- Ine our Rill or Sow at nu), hew to wit their appetite. 11..Ing•mvattiirtneut. utak to rorsive elmire ortkles in nor lios. Inuit Baltimore, Philadelphia and Norfolk, We eau ogler a fresh supply of • ulYruitzi, lIALIRUT, TROUT, LAKE lIERRINO, And from the Wott, all the tonsils. or PRAIRIE CIAIIE, • PITH PRAIRIE CtIICKENS. MI REED lIIItDS, Ate, which we eon forukh to Iwnlid. or Mow., at Wholesale or Retail. lather at the corner of HI AN D AND PENN NTS., or At WALNUT HALL Fifth sward. ow's) oellArd i A. STROII wt CO'S P1i.E3111751 MAO %J. IC DUPLICATINO AND PAPER—A princtple; of writing without pot,. or ink. Fire prerolom strartlod In them by It, Ohio State Palo. October, toad. 11 it .0 beautiful article with which tat writ., a letter and nowt,, Ilse sol., al Hennes iluse, aitiu,nt 111, it ,, o al pea. or Ink. re,olcring. it int.dualti. to parson. truvelltaa . . It will take On. corwct impe...lon of awr :loaf, plant or nOwer and to equally adapted Ca writing oolopor, cloth:mowl wsiooe, the eq,yree of Omut a; desint, made. Ar, withodt It,, Forof p.n. or Ink. will s tune or osmium stick. Try IL For sale by W. S. II ITEM. Mal Market awl Sreowl.treeta, FRUIT CANS—Forpro4erving all kinds or et, iue sole and easily sealed. PR ESEItTINiI KETTI.ES of Beam, French tinned and Enamelled Kettles.. Wooden Ware, Willow Market, Clotho. awl Knife Basket.. Plentthed Tin Woo.. Brushes, Rarer Plated Wore of new petters... Too Sett., Castors. Spoon.. Fork., Ladies, Butter. Pie and Viol, linimuln nary variety, Tioware. Japanned, stamped and plain, with every article nuctewary in hardware for toroi.hing a hours. S'orsale at thu Itinue Fornishtng llardsore Store of ' JOHN 1/1.11111.N.1, tocit ?Co. IT, Nark,t otrivt fornrr of Third. .tet ISTS AN'o MANUFACTURERS IVI allentlan i, MUM to lb. extra quality of IVIIALE by the subscriber. it I. equal Os Ilse best oils for loin iamag. Warranted to stand Ilse coldest weather. The price I. con.i.lsrably tower than dm bead oily now In user • supply cotutthtly ou hand by DAVID C. lINIIDST. corner Liberty awl mod ata. Flt[ 1T CANS, • rnorr CANS, • FRUIT CANS. • ; • OF EVERY VARIETY, Fur lode in any quantity, by fl Eh. W. hURLICV, gull 4, Federal street, Allegheny. T. WI LOUOIIII.3r.T. Watch • d 1:11oolkMaker, IMPORTER ) - VINE WATCIIESANDIXEWELRY, N0..28 Fifth streaLbetworn Wood and Market, Pitt. burgh. Pa. Siel.artkolar attention paid to the of Watchee and Jewelry. igilf•All murk warranted --OmitsMU Com. - RICHARD DAIL°, _ DRAWL!. Elides, Leather, Oil aud Shoe-c i adings, No. 115 Liberty, 3frArt, ► ' PITTSIRI HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, N 0.77 (OW Poet Olneolluilling)Thlrtlstreet.botre.n Wood and Marg.:4lll.nel.. All onlers promptly littatitled,to. rirgignsexecntatin • et.perlor wtyle. mh97flyti PER. CENT. SAVEGin offing all kinds of 'Machinery by ming Erten' Patent Oil Cans and. J o thi l a Cop.. M. P. EATON,W Pittsburgh haw thee:chi wire right tonell In Pennwrizanin, nnt;dtt LARD AND GREASE.-5 bble N 0 .2 Lard edo do Crew lo .to sad for sale by _ Kd ISAIAH DICKEY* CO. TaRMAN CIGARS—We are now reeeiv • lag One 11111kat German Cigars, end CM .011 at sal., p nos s any other honseln the country. Please call and seem' no our dock, al Nd. 129 Wood etreet, aten • W. 1 - '1 DOZ. LEATHER WAGON WHIPS, in t... 1 seamed cow*, smarted slam from 44 to feet, for We by WELLS. RIDDLE It C 0. ,, aeb No. SOFoorth Amt. VINE LEATHER BRAIDED BUGGY WElCS,wridle. bap; • beautiful Ralcle: for We by 3.5 WELL _, t. CO. 11AND --- LE BUGUYNIIIPS--Carv,- I VORY c4l work deleting% and tar patterns. Pelee frog% Slo down to $1,50, rut W. ty waLts,'RIDDLB lk CO. • DM:WEBS' WHIPS AND LASHES of every deartriptlon. stdbade far OW Ky. 'd i Tam trade, Inert ) q uantity, far WI eneam. 41r ode by IrELLB, RIDDLIAW 00. 13 RAIDED TEAM WIMPS, trim 4} to 10 11 Net long, e..upeder article, suitable Su Pa.,ftk stpl ludgmassarckants, sn. Ws by the prate ardor. by • ses ' W}:1.13, Mom a co.;; A TER'S - OREM' PECTORAL...2O gra JCL for sake by A. vAnNEsroca a co., FINE CREW s 11 1 BACCO--We lu«o fol else Cbeetcoiu tali be lima DOER, SOAPL-150'bis. No.l sin Soap XVhi steno and ihr LEE At CO. TRW CITY , 11ANN CHECK BOOKS, for We by W. ft. MIMI, cm hlarkiotikod Sewall •tl. P a i r L NLANE , E=E==l=MM 1857... , FALL TRADE B. A. PA-IINESTOOK:& CORNER WOOD AND FIRS) STREETS, Pittsburgh, .P owns. 'REPORTERS iND 'DEALERS ' IN LARD OIL, LINSEED OIL, ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE,' TANNERS*OIL,, VARNISHES, SPERM OIL, ,BRUSIIES, WHALE OIL, SPICES, 'A.CrIfrIMRS OF DRU 613 77-7 MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD AND LT.TELS.ItGE, Our White Lead,lpround in Oil, is put up in packages of 25, 50. 100, 200,.300 o w l 500 pored., which wo gnu-Ana tot* SURMA P 13121:, FULL WEIGHS; and not inirpaa.o by sp y for BOIL . = laving resident partners in Now.Yiwk and l'hilaJelphin to Ink', &Iva ntage °fall climi;his in the imoto,t, nu act enntinh to sell roe cuh,or W prompt time &Arm nn salayoratila terms.; ternjolAing' gFTA A . VAIINMOCK'S VERITIPthi E throighed with king ink Frentb,Uornian anJ Spn. IJ. diecting. 2 anl9 - 44,w3inP . 1857, FALL AND WINTER. .A.. A. MASON & CI 0 .'; No. 25 Fifth Street:, Pittsburgh, A RE r t ' k PIEPARED TO OFFER ONE OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND A - trad IMPORTED AND AMERICAN. DRY GOODS TO BE FOUND IN THE COUNTRY. - Their assortment or DrIESS 0001)9,orpore than ONE lIDNDRBD CASM, °adage of the Late styli:ea SILKS, MERINOS, PLAIDS', POPLINS, DELAINES, OOBIIRGS, CASHMERES, &c., , A full stock of Rtabroideries, Laces_ and White Dreste and Cloalc Triinaninga, - Hosiery and G-lores. Gents' Furnishing G-ooda, • . Larsen and House-keeping Goode., Domestic, Goode. - • - - RIBBONS, FLOWERS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION' OF MILLINERY ARTICLES Haring greatly Increestd their facilities for Manufscharing SILK AND VELVET BONNETS,. LADIES' CLOAKS AND SKIRTS, '&c., They are confident of being enabled to offer ,eeoter inducements thins any &Atm. 31anufacIttier. .y-Merchuits front all sections aro solicited to calL Tear flash will be constmtly nweitsol front' theft redden buyer in the East. au2lulaulmY A. A. 31ASCIN k CO. --- EDWARD T. MEGRAW", WHOLESALE DEALER IN TOBACCO AND CIGARS, No: 241 LIBERTY STI-LFMM, OF WOOD • Pittsburgh, Penna.' rAFFERs TO THE TRADE A LARGE, FRESH AND WELL ASSORTED STOLE, chased fff avenues and Slanufactarect, amongst which are the'eullowlegrarorite brawls:, W.H , :'Gereints . A. No. 1 5s 'l'obacco, Robinson de Co's Tobacco, • .I•Cwoerie Roward's Tobacco, --"--•••••••• Grant's POuncl. .11_,:impCavendish, " and Railroad Brands„, •:„ .tot) ortddy• bxs.iaairm. - iuirrip axer.A_Fesi oscamtein CIC7-A_RIS!!! . - One Million, Assorted Brands! AM of which we offer to the trade at prices which cannot dtil to please. ' man.l.irtf • . W. E. CHILD.S & O.O'S PATENT ELASTIC FIRS AND \PATEE•PECCP CEMENT-' ROOFIN'G. PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors. • ARE PREPARED TO CONTRACT AND PUT ON AT TIIE SHORTEST NOTICE the above Elastic Fire =I Water-Proof Cement Rodflog, It 'wing the only article yet Invented that will soccensfo% mint the action of the atmosphere In everyone:ode. • - IT IS rmnv-Fx.rr.r. - 1- FIRIC AND And in point of durability, we believe It to equal if notaliperior, to._atty ARtallic Ihmfing. We C. put it on ovvr Ohl Tfia Tar, Iron or Shingle Hoofs, it leaking no Didert. how flat or steep the root - may be. Tide Itwflhg le warranted to promo an above repreeentedi We will put it an for - SIX ROLLA ItS PER SQUARE, (TRX FEET SQVA RR) We will apply It upon Tin and Iron Roots for TWO DOLLARS PER SQUARE, twilit; iin account of its doraldlity th, cheapest paint that can be med. tend ninviteall who are building, and also those who wish Oink Roofs liepaired,l6 enlist ooicilace,d3.3 Third Sleet , e maniples and satisfy the themselvn in regnrd dui durability and practicability of thin Roofing. JOILNSON, J. nriftitigk. No: SSNTtilyd stirsoct4tweeti Wool end - Dittaburgii, I have made a chemkal esaadnation of some rpecintens of W. IL cruLDr• k CMS ROOTING, left et ml once, the re- MAIM of which are ea follow= let. The material le co compounded as to remain pliable f a great length•octi ma 2d. The consistency le not readily !Whammed by the temperature; consequently it would net be liable to melt end rim off from a roof lu Bummer, or crack In c. extreme. of natural host and cold worth, not injure it. • ' Mb The compueltion Le not meld but 'lightly alkaline. It ;maid not destroy the canvass, bur on the centrum pro tect it front the action of the weather. - . .. a ~ .. • . . 4111. It Is Witter-Proof, and to a lora. extent Eirr-Cront that le, !Tarim and firebrand.. fellnig iti,on it could nor Wenn) Ix Io iny opinion seal a roof will law for yew,. II put on carefully and recehrlng proper attention.i. • Itropectfelly, ' • - 309E1 , 11 M. topire, Chemist,. '• • Latiratory N 0.129 Walnut street, Cincinnati, 01110. , —7ll ;teCt., ecrswen Armco' Iturst,lsre. Ca., Feb. Ath,11157. • I hare examined W. R. Camas Co's nadir Fire and Water. Proof Cement Roofing, and tutor at I cat/Judge,