The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 11, 1857, Image 2

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    . ...., ...,.., . • ...•..
a:- RIDDLE & Co.,
Pi1.T133317703 - 33. 2
TIMMY' momotoa,,eps 11, Atm.
Mr. maiebnaniVaiLekzes.
We have not said anything hitherto about Mr .
Bucitstian'i manifesto in sinister to the letter. of
Prof. Salim= and a large number of other chi
:ens -Cohneetientftauching Kansas affairs' be
came we have thought that it might be a hoax
Upon thir President, and that very likely after
all he had no hand in either writing it or caws
ing it to be written. Charity dictated that vier
and we accepted it. Bat there can be no longer
lin& doubt that Mr. Buchanan is the author of
that .pai s er. Yet it is a difficolt matter even now
to believe that a can who was only a platform
and as dumb as the god , Boson last autumn,
should fall .to so lustily now when only a few
private citizens, who probably never looked for
any direct answer to their remonstrance, have
addiesied him.!
For other reasons we for a good stlilie doubted
the a uthenticity Of the ilqcliment in question.
• For ezample,yho could have Counted on such
utter forgetfulness in Mr. B. of his old, friends
as to call the Hartford Convention n treasonable
gathering The very old, federalists with wheat
be hob4;itoblied itema forty-fits years ago, have
become to this leader of the modern Democracy
a gang of traitors who owed it to the mercy.of
Mr. Madison that they were not hung upon the
first tree !' Shales of the mighty dead ! why did
ye not rise to rebuke your brother who has not
yet visited the Elysian. Fields !
- _ But this is not all. We had learned by con
stank:iteration one eaylog which th 3 Democracy
ever repeat that "the liehrasks, bill was never
intended to legislate slavery into any territory
nor out of It; etc." " That, in 'fact., to runi the
..,.-itnOtiitf Mr. Benton; ins the stump speech in
"thniialrof- the But now we learn from
therhitenr of Isir. Buchanan thin new fact:
"SMeery edited at that Period (passage of the
.. Nebraska bill,) and still exists, in Kansas, under
the Constitution of the_ , ' United Sta'es. This point
has at last been finally . decided by the highest tribu
nal known to our laws. How it could ever have
been seriously doubted is * mystery. If a con
federation of sovereign States acquire a new
Territory at the expense of their common bleed
,and treasure, Bluely Oneeet of the partners can
&wee no right.ln'exclude the. other from its en
joyment by pr3hibieiny thews frost taking into it
whatsoever* rteos7tized to be property by the cots- I I
:non Conititution.' • - •
Whern'e the use Of talking about legislating
- shivery into a territory when it is already there
-"by the common Constitution!" All our terri
tory. is Shiva territory. We have no foot of
ground in the public domen uen may
not be held as property by their fellows. The
'Kansas bill is mere surplanage and not worth
.tlie paper it 'is written upon, and all Mr. Bu
' oharuni's efforts In 1947 1 -'4B in favor of extend
ing the compromise_ine to the Pacific were like
the toils of liion or of that other ancient hero
who rolled up the stone that always rolled back
.-,.Tittypilus. Did Mr. Buchanan write the letter
*See all' it is difficult even now to believe in
such o thing.
---- tintcondact of Gen. Panics+ in following in
thitiotateps of Judge Wtmov—a man whom he
ti afraid fe Meirin - open discussion before thn
peepleyof.petuusylvania, shoold convince his own
party, prejudiced as the meat of its.menbers,
are, that its cause is a yeas one, and cannel
stautithe teat of a calm and deliberate lures' iga-
tjott. • For the last tew days be has made this
city the poltat of his operations, and. no sooner
asdilti autagenfat leave any of the places. where
he luul addressed his fellow citizens, than the
pro-slavery candidate would fellow in his wake,
and thus feebly attempt to eradicate the favora
ble impression made by the champion of Ilepnb
lkan'ptinciples.... gran to-loenfoces, great as
their partizan endurance Is, this conduct must
ere-„reprehensible in the highest degree, and
we do not wonder that now aryl then one of them
openly expresses his shame at this exhibition of
lovr trickery and cowardice. 'The action of the
- Central Committee , has 1 - een rendered el n
temptible and ritliculou. by the candidate himself,
who has observed tire-puiraiiiite it laid down
~.., ; ;.,hyoulfotte particular—the refusal to meet bie
...!.;.petlitilal opponent, on the. Stump. This sneak:
' Viikil dNlying is unworthy of a person who
proressesac have an abidingconfidence in the
excellence of his political , rinciples, end who
lope : Ciento &paw that on all occasions boasts of
its willingness to engage in an open, fair and
honorable contest. Can any partiumbe soblind
In his zeal that he cannot see in the course nor
pursued by the managers of loeolocoisru a tacit
acknowledgement of the st eakifeas ant wicked
nevs of their cause! Dies not. this shrinking
from the open light of clek,Lintliente a conscious
-Imes of :guilt—a fear of the sohkrjudgement of
the sovereign people I The plain” truth is, the
qtro4ditiery . democracy Jere not come before the
free Man of Pennsylvania, and join issue with
the friends or freedom. It would involve de
' feat - and disaster on their hems, such
-as they
. .
never before encountered, since their party has
had an orginaliatien and a name. They krivw
. ,
. ,
_ .th is-end hence . their skulking. Their condi
..1, - '. , t,.- - . '.,.- . dat e'
is aware of this, and hence Lis refusal to
Yt-'l ,, r .
meet - ; ItIr Wttstor.
:„ . _'.:,.' ,- ,t .. :,.`;: -•*--':
.. ' ,' -," _ •
"Pl' -,. '•'- '- , 4044-DUO —The course of the Southern
‘ 7 7 ".-":‘„'-' "..l:• . „:„.1 -, grail rfiterbt Walker is the true owl honest one.
r...,....... lifsfrjo Ina look .to tho unfortthude sheets which
~r ...- ' ;'- , ~:....• -1 ..800 , #46, Statti;, support what by courtesy is
7 ,,. '. -;", :" . y:', 7 ".
•itialrfeCjitithisial Democracy,_for indications 'of
.•-v;;:il,i..;,4*"toi:Lfitio administration . That branth
1 . ,!• .. .‘ - .,iato
,:iyii of poor unfortumdes, who have to
--1 ,'......5 . • . :Orri 4 ..tAltind , Lord, Good devil" , —have to keep
--- ligiSitillito pot and the other one up chimney
,- ,;;4iftritt:Baserve imperious masters on the other
li*as , na* Dixon's, and sie soft things .to
•`'''iliennittiring masses, which labor, live and read
'`;',hti: Om community where freedom gives to
cachfetnnan Ids rishts. Not sp with the South
ern press. -In the.slaveSiates the Democratic
~ party ii Oninipotent: Maryland, if at Ono' trial
an tancaption, is en'exception of no import.
is viritnaily on the Same stage as Virginia. .
few thordecorations are; different; they have
-ariother'ttettilclOilfter,--paritsps, and another
•- - - call-boy; but the play has the' ame incident and
a preelseljuindlat denoucatent. Strong in tbeir
, .
own union andeortain of their tower to direct
the PtdiC,,Latid action of the administration, the
.. , , .
: . • . Southern - ,Demomigie picas speaks out what It
stiektra - WithOut Olitiodoeution.
We willingiy•grant - What it , justly claims for
• itself--htinesty and , out-spoken • frankness. In
ilidditition or. thiti, point and - In 'vindication of
''tbejnitticssnrid 'fermi of thticaptiOn to this rr- '
4. ~ . dole, no quote bisloW a part Of an article from
rAil Zollitraill COipier, of Tuesday:
..,,.„-g.:,.'. ' , Tee - know. the Southern ,Democracy , and we
`',.,;. -:- ,-:
I li s i v ti e ste n h o o . ,r f: a i nnuia s e nfi i
zi l ocr i
Li unfalte ri ngft o
il par ty
n an it d yo o t u xoocA ts d po o. k w en oor , urk i it
:T'ornierf 'were 'never worse -, deeelved 'than when
. they think to drop in Upon and profit by rea50n
:..i......,. .... of division irc the Democratic camp; but it is
. jest like Know Nothingism andl:til
...,...',,,-- . .2. cantata. if Democracy demi bublow Its B lack Repe
' f•,.. , "* . ' ~.- straightway these worthy; sympathising factions
..,-,:::•-. . •shake hands, and congratthte each other that
-,,;0. • . . the giant, Democracy, is sink, and Must soon die.
*. . They wax exultant, and say ' " the horizon is full
- e. , - of.algas of encouragriment"for them. They ear;
t ,- . - i. , - ~,.., "we have only to wait a little while" and Dern
- • ; -'.-- ',' •' , 6:- , arrea will give up the ghost. -'Silly boasters!
: 1
. "-.',.T' :. M;.:.'. • :ratan(' - raphets. - Thus they hare already reap
' i...--1-' "' :,;.:-easoest -endows inliovember last, thus they. ire
: - ...alielayigotio down. •._ ' -- -. :•••
. ...P"' '.,;,,, • Walker is "our dog "— the Demperstio Val'
,:;;-,.. . ' - ty'adog-r-thafioutherndhsonteracy"soittg, and if
.4 ~':'' : .- -they-kick tiny believe tis,i they will suffer lo One
s. 4...."' . " . Arles to profit - by IL If they don't believe'us,
' ".• ",^"-• ---;-' let-eitheirof these faotiomo-tender asaile,"fair
;,,...-t.:-• :: • -- ly Wilde out, and they will toms - ire, whether the
-- -- • ' ;Bentham Democrat Is or' not to bo relied on as '
against luso. Tarsontirissawaysterbeirmste
In allteinderatiefight, and the 'mediations °file
‘,I =''. . . • ' (sellout are dot worth the paper on which they
:- - -L.•;"•"' " L ' -ifirOMlßVltolarattheycontain-tentittre serve
ranliene 10 Purpose.
- 4 .." 0 -:." , ''-. -•- -- %
""Aret,Ctleti Vorriirfissr i taarxer—The Mon
' -- - warmly' that lunch eiciteurent
: " ' ''' f
i' vf-- -. . - reit eu , t 0 11 .) 1)e "' •
: : 7'7. ,-- 7 7 " i haabetia biased by thratinttrile . between the
'!" - ~• .-+-;:-.• ~s.'''. .**".Mestaiditti-elirterdi,: South, o and the Baltimore
v: , • ~.t, , • • conference; and on. Monday last a menibiii of''
. -- .. ,7. 5: -. ' , . . each division got into a fight, in which-Bahl
' - more Conference came off badly whipped.
...,...-,/ -:
- . .
:4 , L ; - , .
i ii
;:..., i.wittibwri4., ! ,vriasfor.:: - ` i,
I!he leo- . ooo44.l%nti***4. 4 4:ei t # .
fillthuster Walkerxiittengaged in getting up an
tither expeditiOnii4itterimertcs; ;- Ti efiree-
Irtach is alleged to be ax his command, is mff ,-
deur to stare BlliCi3l6 in Nicaragua or any oth
erPortion of CentrarAmerica. His movements
' are Danotioeed with a great expenditure of . gran
diloquence on the part of his friends in lice
Orleans, who imbibe their enthusiasm in the city .
bar-rooms, and, like the school-boy, are com
pelled to whistle to keep their courage np.— .
The whole affair is:extremely farcical, and la
the 1 at resort of an adventurous mountebank,
whose fortunes have became desperath. The
Baltimore American thus .notices the "expedi
tion:" •
'"Whatever enterprise is undertaken by Gener
al Walker must end in a disgraceful failure.—
Ile has not the elements of success in his char
acter, and but for an overweening self-conceit
andan unflinching and persistent obstinacy, he
would be nothing. lie has shown himself here
tofore utterly incapable to make use of the ad
vantages that fortune threw in his way. lle is a
sort of military mule, who can stand beating;
but will never win a race. lle never can occupy
the position he once held, and if, when in pos
session of Nicaragua, with any quantity of
means and supplies afforded him both on the At
lantic muddle Pacific, he did net know how to
maintain himself, it displays an incompetency
whicti will be.fatat to success hereafter. Walk
er's efforts are therefore useless. He may as
well subside at once and cense to bubble up any
Bownwsr.—The lion. "Sun Sit" Cox, who,
together with Wendell Phill:ps, (I) f Boston,
and Rev. Dr. Plainer, of Allegheny City, en
lightened the Alnmni and other annual diners
and toasters at-; Brown Marts ily commence
cleat, expatiated on the follies of the times.—
The Naticnal lideAgracer gives his speech—
Dir. S. S. Cox is pro-slaiery member of Congress
elect, from Ohi —with,this prefcce :
"In this Address seems to hTO been the
object of the sp-aker to hold the mirror up to
Am4J icon nature and catch the 'manners living
so they rise among us; and that there is as
much of truth as of caricature in his portraiture
will, we think, be generally admitted. The
subject, as announc d by th • speaker, was 'The
1 , 1 vessity for more 9f that Benignant Modern
lion which Scholarship should infuse into Amer
lk icon Life."
In looking Over his speech wo disco-te that
his deepest regrets fasten upon the "exaggera
ted, perverted and ezmsculated dialect' which
we are learn'ng to speak.
Now this same pestle of the Anglo-SaXOll
tot gue, who with the Rev. Dr. Plumer sand
wiched Wendell Phillips at Brown, has already
since h s return home made aep ut a grand
pro-Slavery gathering at Co uwbu', in which be
ass , rtrd that the Supreme Court, to repealitty
the Ilisso.tri Compromise, had •simply affirmed
what he Democracy has held for the.p .at hien-
ty years."
_lf there is any abuse of language to-be found
in the world greater than that, bring i "right
THE Cause or THE REVOLT is 6:DIA.—The
New York Journal of Commerce which professes
to have a pretty good knowledge of the India
revolt, attributes the present condition of affairs
to the intrigues of the Mohammedans. That
journal says:.
"The belief seems to bo gaining ground in
well-informed circles in England that the revolt
in Bengal was instigated by the Alaharamedan
intrigue, anti that the story of the cartridges
was a cunningly-devised scheme to excite the
'fanatical prejudices of the high caste (Brahmin)
soldiers; and by thus causing the only class
with arms in their hands and capable of making
a stand to forsake their colors to effect a tempo
rary junction between the Mohammedans' and
Rindoos, the avowed object of which is to break.
1 the yoke of the foreigner. while the real object
is to restore the ancient dominion of the Mogul
, Emperors. Apart front the mutiny of the sol
diets and the excesses of which they were guilty,
1 , there has been no act of the !Undoes which in
dicates any staticdrpurpose so far as they are
concerned: while the only really revolutionary
acts that have been committed denote an attempt
to restore the Mogul dynasty, in the person of ,
the King of Delhi; and avenge the wrongs of
the King of (lade and other Moslem princes
whose territory has been annexed by the [Schleif
Government. Next to Delhi, the ancient seat
of the Mogul Empire, therallying point of the
rebels is Lueknow, the capital of thole, the most
recently annexed Mohammedan territory. The
titne chosen for this attempted restoration of
Moslem rule is the Landreth anniversary of
Clive's great victory at Plassy; and if these
leading facts are viewed in connexion with the
tradition which is said to'prevail in Bengal that
the Koompanie Sahib shall reign for one hun
dred years and then be overthrown, and with
the mysterious distribution of cakes and lotus- 1
flowers among the villagers and the native /el-
diers, and the suspected complicity of the de
throned King of Oude and his Minister, as well
as that of other Mohammedan princes, and the
Mussulman conspiracy at Calcutta and Alialia
bad, it does not appear a violent presumption to
suppose that the Mohammedans are the chief
instigators of the revolt, although the ilindoo
soldiery have been the-most prominent actors
m 1 in it." -
PhasON BaOWNLow ox DehloctLACT.—Parson
Brownlow discourses in the teat number of the
Knoxville Whig, on the subject of the late vlee
tion in Tennessee. No acknowledgee the fact
that his party has suffered a complete "rout"
but at the same time is indisposed to coalesce
with the Democracy. His reasons for the re
fusal he gives in the following brief extract
"We recognize in the ranks of the Democratic
prey, thousands of high-minded men, ardent
patnets, and true lovers of their country ; but
before we will fall into the support of what we
believe to be the reckless and rumens policy—
' the low flung humbuggery, andv
linow de
, signs of this self-styled. 'National Democratic
' Party,' we would see that unwatibed, uuterrified,
uncombed, uncircumcised, and unregenerate or
ganisation, as far down on Hell as a Forge-ham
mer would fall ilia thousand jeers ! Let no one
suppose this language too strong, without con
sidering to what-sort of an organism: ion it is
applied. We apply it to the Foreign Catholic,
Pauper-loving, Anti -Am rican, Wet-nurse• De
mocracy, who, differing among themselves, wide
ty and materially, on every question of national
policy before the country, nevertheless agree,
affiliate, and fraternise, in elections, for the sake
of the sPoi ti—with all the parties, of all colors,
and of all religions, embracing in paternal hug,
all',the odds and ends of Hod's creation! They
or t a party whose leaders hunted down to the
grave the purest patriots and noblest intellects
of the land, slandering their characters, misrep
resenting their acts, and villifying ashes in
their graves; a party that has trampled the
Constitution, and Laws,tind Treaty obligations,
.1 as well as the settled usages of the country, and
I , wit I theta all, the sacred. precepts of the Chris
tian Religion, under`theie oohed owed feet!"
__ •
CrtAILLES Suxxre returned to Paris a few
days since and left • for Switzerland yesterday.
Ite is rapidly improring in health, a.d expecle
to return homebefore Winter sets in lie never
looked mere manly or vigorous than at present,
though he is not entirely fine from the spinal
difficulty which bas troubled him siurahis mis
fortune. Ile will certainly recover, for his
whole nature revolts at anything like weakness
in the backbone. I was looking over the took
of American addressee day before yesterday, at
John Munroe it Co.'s, find noticed the blank of
a lino or tiro in the - Middle of a page. It was
caused 'by the anxiety of a gentleman from
Louisiana to avoid the contamination which
might have resulted from his recor Hog his name
immediately under that of the obnoxious Sena
tor fromllossachusetts.--Cor. Boston Cu:.
• Ansa he had been arrested, Mr. Robertson,
cashier of thetagle Bank of Rochester, proceed
ed to his residence, in con pony with the Mar- -
ebal who had him in charge, and informed his'
• wife that ho had been arrested for attempting to"
murder her. She at first laughed, and thought
he was quizzing her, but being assured by the
Marshal that he spoke the truth, she burst into
the most frantic exclamations of grief, and de
chtred that nothing had ever occurred to mar the
' perfect love which existed between them
who know Mr. Robertson believe him the victim
of a diabolical conspiracy.— Newark Mercury.
Boors* —A London letter writer says:
"The lies here do not dress so shoally, tor
wear such large hoops as do our ladies z in New
.• Beta , for beauty, London is the lost
place to leek Colt. I have.tiot.seen
arrival here o• e lady who would pass 'for a
handsome Woman is New • York. I spent an
hour or two the other afternovi in Hyde Park,
where the fashionables "most do congregate" to
&leo suidPromenade, and west much disappoint
ed in seeing rich corpmon-looking assemblage.
ViehOree.e.neld ontlio/PA wore very fine."
Event Southern Member of Congress -who
; voted' against the licbrasita bill has finally been
proscribed.. If le Aits thit dm South punishes
those who filter in Sustaining 'slivery. Let the
North be as:true to Wain who Installs freed om as ,
the §?0, L;io ' thosewhaoppoite iE ,
IfiLJAII.•Fo. lifraisocru, the well;knoWn Ames-
law actor, made-his: appearance 'it -Burton's.
theater, New York, en Monday eveningc'and had
an overflowing house to welcome his return from
England, *here he has been quite successful as
a light. comedian. •
" _....,
• ,
151 Me. Morro', 4 . iiiiie
~ dipeorster i ' '' ' '.: itile.
.etter on Sunda . MindiWhe dito tei.p . ikehoeg:
walk on Eliot square, toward! evening. brany
_Au gurfolk House during the
day, but none were permitiietiiiiiarniexcetit '
Mr. Paul, and one ;or two others. lie. testa'
quite weak. ' ' .
DIED- On Thandei morning, th. 10th imt., af
.'clock, GEORGE P.."MOORE, In the Rech leer of hie age.
The Maids of th e . 'Cozily me 11.1 0, . 04 1 o . o kod' id. 1 . -
nerel tins gitdey) siilruca et ide.ioekk from W Dui resi
dence, 1 , :o. S Draw . street, nth Read.
EptciaL otiress-_
Nen r; " 1 - 111 - 6.—A- gnettlestan 11 - viog In PhiladelpLis
.las airing through Piteburgh some mon . Gm 1.001 I pie.
chased - a bona of Ikerhave's Ballad Patters. It relieved
me so much, that on returning home I bought two more
bottle. from Dr. Dyott, whkh completely mired roe of Nen.
rale.. I ham recommended the article to Many of my
fdands,and four or Ave of the number say it cored them. I
think that my recommendatkaa haw done more for ha ale ha
Philadelphia than your advirlising."
(Wear* not peamitted to publish the name, but any per
son calling at the atom, or communicating with us by letter
will be convinced of the truth of this staterneot.l
/fir Sold at gl per bottle, or al: bottles for $, by the pro
prietor; BENJ. PAGE, J 0.., I CO., 3busuiscturing Pharma
ceutists and Chendsta, Pittsburgh, Pa— and Druggists gm
See advertisement:
Wham sands of plehavenearly run out, discovered while In
theDualudies, a certain cure br Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughe,Colde,aml General Debililyi.The remedy
was dimovered by hine when lob only child, & daughter, was
given up to die. lie had heard much of the woederfol to
tomtive and heeling qualities of preparations made from the
But India Hemp. end the thought warred to hhn that he
might makes remedy for hlsClild. lie studied hard and nue
needed in realisingllN wishes. Ills chills. cured, sod he now
alive and well. lie has since administered the sem:steed rem
edy to therm& of sufferers in all ports of the world. and he
has never failed in, making them completely healthy, and
happy. Wishing todo as much good'. isasible, be will an d
to such of his afflicted fellovr-beings as request it. this recipe,
with fall and explicit directions fur making it up, and suc
cessfully using it. Ile requites each applicant to enclose
bloc one shllling--three eeriest° be teMellett es postage on
the recipe, and the remainder to be applied be the payment
of this advertisement. Address
N . JAMES; No 19.0 rand street, JerselCill, N. J.
N. lk—Dr. domes hes neither office nor agent. in New
York, an wane have pretended and advertised. Tbe recipe .
4 sent from so rune but No 19, Grand street, Jersey city,
New Jersey. ' JeellnikwandeeT
Da. llamas Menses harhig at length aniceeded to effect
ing what has toughesm considered the great desideratum lo
offers it to the Foculty and Public sea remedy for a multi
tude of complaints hltbertopronou m ted beyond all radical
core. In all stifinons, affections,. hem the scronfulous
helot lecither hereditary or Italia the lODINE WATER
removal teem theaystem of the morbid causes of the dite
order. The be clap malts nrelminedtately felt In LIV
and other lIY.MORII AGES, T 1111014%, 1114A.RT_DISEASES ,
03E11, DRO Pe , RHEUM AV11.13.11
01A, ILENIORRIIOIDS,NratvOIIB aTicallONA. aid all
FEMALE DISFE, together with ttICONCLUTIS. and the
'entire range SEA
Anders` ImUne Water ha. been analysed by Dr. James it.
Odium, the celebrated chattels% and alga kr Professor
James C. 'Moth, of the U. S. Mint, of Philadelphia, and
toll, pronounee it to be just what It In repreeented. For
circulars. funalebing foil details of the legitimate character
of thin remarkable tuedidne, as well as for certificates vol
untarily given by those who have been cured by its nee.—
The public are 'net.' to call upon
Dlt. GEO.II. KEYSER, 140 Wood street,
ja2oalffral, Wholesale and Retail Agent.
Pittsburgh Dispatch. April 10th, 11150,—For more than 3
yon past we have constantly worn the Washington Sus
ponder Renee, manufactured by Dr. Oen. IL Keyser, of No
140 Wood street., In this city, and would heartily recom
meud it to all whcrare compelled totollow a sedentary teem
potion. An we have beffire remarked, In calling attention
to ita inerltn,!it answers for a brace' nod 'ammonia% the
Freight of the pantaloon. being so placed no to continually
tend to bring the elm:Glen totheir endure' position and es.
[mod the chest. IFentert,ltundeeds of whom are annually
itdured by the...lett of enormous *skirts," should also
procure these howee. Be particular hi procuring' the kind
mentioned. tummy of the bream sold are humbug. fold
at Dr. DEO. U. REESER . % Wholesale Druggist, 140 Weed
vet, shot of the Golden )lariat. JOSkdtwxJ/
Rats, Roaches,o Bea Saga, Insects, &c.
.COSTAR'S- Ft tlitlC POWDER, for ante. Insects, As
.COSTAII" sonde by mail, prepaid, • Smnplo Box of the
RM. Roach, to., E.. to any altar. , to the U. E., on receipt
of it. or the Electric Pander for (do. (Tbe Bad Bog Es.
being • Rural uproot bonen% by mnild
•IXASTAR. wilt foil:Jib Druggists, Dealers .ml Shiro-
Rovers, s;$10 Semple Packer. of hi. carton, prefarellorm
(minirted)trith (leenbus, Rills, Ptsinus, &en 00 mceiti , 00 $
(tearing bed. of bl due .them mild.) In order Ono they may
tent their hittlts.
Reeeitsert• menL For Cirentem, Ae.
Addremi.COSTAIR," No. Mtn Rtuddi.J, Nun Turk.
lik 'SibPitch's Mai Leasure... ,
3RO pitges, 30 enkraviugs, explanatlkry of the
treoteteet by which he cares annmption, Asthma. Do
eartsilro* If Throat. 9heorete6, Mende, Uree, Kidatys,
and Alto, , fbutplaints, Grered, de., tent by mai.
and poollap preyed& for 40 cont.. Apply to
Dr. R. 0. Frrcu,
:11 Broadway, Now York.
Nirthe'iout oe, other oNee. ether at Ching°,
PirttoLergh,Or thaeorbere. Ito ts never almost 1'100.2 4 . 0 w
llortoold m phyoleiAn elerishere is aathorluot to we bi•
/a • WALL
brCORD & CO.,
5r..131. - Wood SArcoot.
HO, "I , T nr Ivan tea
1 4 " . A. L L El 1' YL£
!MAD t CO.
1' ORN PIN" S • - r• I. A W
Pro. 6. Armies Bionk. Debar, how.
/Bireidiectione pniurptly made in adry part of Northeni
lona. or, Western Wisconsin.
Win atierei to the purchase and Safe of heal Estate. ote
taint.. !Inner en Braids and Mortgages
rAutiAr.s A ND BANC rAcTrauts.
Bridgeport. COl,ll-;
Pittsburgh, GN Fifth Street.
This Mach'ne glitch«. the
Finest or Coarsest rabrio,
mtl.nplemmteoftlr Oporatar,raskingtritk; east Ole nolo
and.bnisdifill and durable Strieberp, Minute. almost note.-
lesuily, and are bocontlng Indispensable for Lanny no,
Wall :Information may w obtained by addreming June.
Exit/gin' ALKYL. It. IttlED, Agent,
No. Oi Fifth .treat, Pittsburgh.
The great superiority of ELNGEWS MACIILNtS
Over all others for for on I/
Clothing and Shoe ManufilMurers, Harness
'Makers, Carriage Trimmers and
Coach Makers,
.1L long been Lao.n and practically acknowledged.
'the' undursigned baring ou extensive torioty of these
. Machines on hand. adapted to every kind of toning and
stitching, Invites thou° interested to call and examine them-
Agent for Allegheny. County.
0r . 14," qf &rand and .Varhi Slrettg,
H.• C. uwator & co.,
.ki . o.7ri. Fourth Street, Pittebuilzh,Pri.,
Insurance Broker's
noscrao ntrrru. ......
Lito, Fire, Marine and Live PAC Rieke of all &scrip•
tlonandten sicurrent rates In the reo.t relinide and prompt
payineeompanien In the Stole.
A. A. ceivernp. & BRO.,
Pitn4burgh,.General Insurance Agency,
• Rio. 63 Fourth Street,
Oempsnles represented of highest itnading. Chartered
by Pennsylvania and other Staten.
Fire, A.m. and Life Risk. taken of all descriptions.
W. D. WOOD X. I. 3100X6XID .. ... W. fi'DIXXIXI
44 CO.,
winireoronen or
AMeriCen Galvanized Sheet Iron,
And Soh Agora for, the Sllc4j
W. Donee Woods
Patent. Imttationitound• Sheet Iron.
Amo, Onlynntral Convened Iron, For Rooting.'
airWanno.e - Du. 114 Prant -*rat, rittibue/h.
315.3371.01.T.11.17T TAILOR;
No. 54 St. ()lair Street,
(Drarielee New Balltling,) • CITTSBUBMI,
Den V.
Dr. J. Ir. et,
wetted the serrices nf the most experienced ill
Workman In the United Shawls prepared to far.
Teeth, adapted to each particular ream Poll wita of teethi
orputs of sets mode with artificial gumo, ono continuous
or «Rd plot,.
At-Redd Eyre insertal.and all defornililos of tlie COOS
Of i reVr7l.l;f3:rt d l7s o t r ri. k :t, betere 'U n i ; Wood and Siolthfela .
streets, Pittsburgh. aplfcrainife •
110 use, Slim and Ornadaental Pidoder•
White Lead and Zino Paint's.
Ale, all kinds of Pales,olly Yea Pee. Window a
141. Wad Arad, boa doors Alley.
JAB. Mo,LAT. ,
ouxuracnipa or
dleolol, Cologne Splr,its and Piaci .011,
&Ad* Nos. lea mut 171:i Arend ansti.
43traoncit-131-r. "V Al AN.
- Ilasaifsetwar and Dealar In all /dada of.
TOBACCO, aNum AND 4310A88,
• Omer . easutledastndandiary. .
a t m* - • . • 11111301/161.4PA.
SA:birrita• Gaiti4:3Z ; .
2411:ELV.01' TAZX OR,'
- No. 42. ST. CLAM STRE.6r,
(Dr. Irlah's Int Dailding.)
17 ")
• • • .
inErAlt . rbriA•
Celebrated Worceetendalik *Luc"
. _
.64).4likatoins ; OF t LEITEB . PROM
bb ltrother at
And Krpueobio to 1 3 iroacuriat, 3 1 .70 351 .
LEA krelarms that
their Pence'. highly W e m
. Manion the most plat:abbe/
well ea ths most wholesome
Rance that la toade."
Th. aiti.Y Medal awarded by the Any' of the New York
Exhibithm for Foreign Same, was obtained by LEA & PER.
It INS for their AVUECl;MlifilliltE SAUCE, the
wide fame of which having led to numerous imitation., PM .
chasers are earnestly requested to me that the mann of
aLEA & PERRINO . ' ere impreesed own Om Bottle and
WPM, mid printed upon the bbeb.
Ede Whcbude Agents for the rwt.4 Statey L
Broederay, New York.
rs In store. Also, orders receivedytlyd for direct
- • • 'mfce
A dock .I
.hipmattt fro
alt. In
&URI EngLe.n I.
Exchange Bac& 01 X _kat
030.• BINOLAIR, Prelt..-- ... 11. VXEDER, Ceder.
General Land Agents & Dealer in Laud Warrants,
• -
Florence, N. 'T.
Will glee their personal admit hm to tinyinguml Selling
Fatale, Entering Lmals, Laming Minn sad Paling Tfinni,
in Nebraska, lowa and Kruaalt.
Bank,Pittsburgli, Pa— '
C. Bunny & Co, " "
R. Patrick & Co, Bankers, Pitul.rsh, S.
Atwell, Ism l Orn Medi/nut. "
F. Raley, Banker, Philadelphia.
Winslow, Lanier & Co.. New 'lock.
1.. . A &Mond., Bankers, at. Louis.
Bellew & Co., MerelLasts, "
'Bank of Cointneme,Clembmd, Ohio..
J• G. Mama_ " ap7auslaw
Pkisbargh Variety Works.
(Sumediors to Warwick, Atterbetry &
Manufactorers of Bight and Loft Band Door Locks, Spring,
Drop and Thumb Latches, Platform and Counter Scales,
Cones, Oarn and Paint Mills, owl Domestic Hardware goner
ally, corner of Maur and Grout mimed, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Nelson • Ambrotypes.
Gallery, earner Third and Market Street.,
We are now preprireilto oiler to the pnblie our well known
styles of Ambrotnies at the low price of ONE DUMAN and
UPWARDS. Those wanting Clowo . taken lu the beat
aLyle of the art, will And it greatly to their interest to glee
thle eatablidtment a roll.large weturtment of Plain and
Fancya!trT cases alwnye on - hand.
4, ap2l:llfe
13.1 C RIND
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
JONMS, BOY - 13 Sr CO.,
liana:laurel-sof CAST STEEL; nine. SPRING, Plimr
A. B. STEEL; SPRINGS and Axtrs,
Cbrncr Rau and FirsAStrects, PilLsburph,
AC join . •
• •".•
D. 8. ROGICki.S dc CO.,
namirracrzams or
Rogers , Improved Potent Steel
Cultivator Teeth,
• Roam. Eon mot Red Merits, Pittsburgh, To..
• and Couillnentai Ezehanio ,
On the Union- Bank, London,
Stag. qr . 11 awl Bpionrdr.
Time Drattaare arailidie at all the principal town. of
England, Scotland and Ireland and the Continent.
- We al. draw Sight Bills on M. A. ORUNERAUDI A RAL
LIS, Frankfort a Main, which mere ma • Remittance to all
parts otOernimy, Switzerland and Rolland.
Persons intending to travel abroad may prom. throne- ,
us Letters of Credit, on which Money can he obtained, na
In. 11. 1 . In any part of Smoot..
, Collections of Bills, Notes and other securities In Europe,
will Motive prompt attention.
W•3l. 11. WILLIAMS k CO.,
ruh= corner Wool •mil Third stmts.
1111111C/ACTRIOCI 01 ,
Cooking. Parlor and Heating
Grates, Fronts, Fenders, eta.,
And Maientestarers of the Celebrated
Trr.A. - VittleeN. --
(Sttareenor to W. It. ITaratit)
lleaunfastmar of ETHEREAL tat and LAMPS. No. 112
Fourth Mawr, between Wood andStarkid,Pittehermh, Pa
ne undersigned le prepared to . Walsh Dealer+ with
Ethereal Gil and Bruning Staid. of a impala quality. of 1110
- me Inotstactana. Alen, Oils,
and emery ihmeriptlon of Sida and Centre Table Lampe, Mr
andohn,thuildehMnaami ibilOist patents and moat apprem•
.d style.
Omelet let., Ginendrilee and Lamps repaired and regent&
rho &bore Oils supplied rettobtly Wry yeti to costontam
ro in oar wslrots. P. ILAIDZN.
TUR01.5311 ILLYErt
Tilt =LT TULaiTALTI lit nrsinicaron.
R. l. rourtltareel.
C.ntT Ferry It, tiTudonte DOM Roos'. Couf.e.toiwy.
J 0 WN DIR.D.A..N do DUOS..
Iron Dolling, Iron Vault., Vault Doors.
Window &Mitten, Window Guards, &e.,
No. 91 Sormil Street anti S 6 Thant /floor.
(Between Wool and Market.) ROIL PA.
Have on hand • variety of new Patterns, fussy sod plait
ennoble for mil porpsoo. Portionlariottentiou paid to on
closing Grave tots. Jobbing dons at short notion. , meg
European and Intelligence Office,.
Beeps always for cat. 01001. on Pinrope mr oly amount,
and atomiser and Picket Tickets to and from Liver9ool to
New York.
Or cooks and general hoorentork tarnished to
lionselircivirs on loot satire.
Wright's 1011. Vegetable Pins and Eyrop al trays on hand.
Passengers broiled from Nine York and Philadelphia on
mutual to PU0101.1011.. Johdly
_ . .
- AC 13. ii.txlr...ktA.Fr.v. •
MA= r .tetEntras Vas stamp is
All lands of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars,
Have moody taken the buildiug No. 120 Mod street, la
addition to Dirk lisrotfactoring Ititablietiment,9l...43lro Is
street, when, they sill be pleased to receive thrir friends,.
TEAYSTIES ArrENTION.—Dr. TObittie Venetian
Rome Llidment, h plot botUos, price cents, la n•rrautell
cheaper and better than any other •rtkle ever offered to the
public for the cum of outs, Orate, t . lpralne, Lameness, Dyer
he:UM& Its. keep a bottle In the stable, It has eased Many
• minable hone. Nene genuine nine signed S. 1. Tables
Depot, 46 Cortlandt street, New Tore,..
hr Ito. k PXSY.R.I4 0 Irma a.
"Best PPlis In
- Frbrier's neat - inch° I=l
They will cure the tomtelolent lowdacho. • .
They will cure omelet , bowel.. _
They are atonic as wella. purgative.
If your headvalm you; ohedceo will core yon.
If you hare isallgemloh they will help you.
If you4.4e , le they will make T 7 oil well.
They beet pill to core bah/tuner.
They, am a plalia pill sod a good pill.
- N. btter pill eau beicompouuded.
They coat ooly 20 rent. a be.-
Soot by mall to ell wt. of the United Stale..
Direct your letter. ten De. ANTBIIIt, N.. 140 Wood elite',
Tlltehorgbi Pa-. the ITholetele Aare- 1.78 , 11 war
IT you valueyour teeth awl 0 puro breath,
healthy gourmet, awl comgible mouth, go to lIETNEIM,
110 Wood Mewl...nil boys battle of Watial Taira Woo'
end TO,lll Docents • pdawa
---7 t ---'----
• O.OTUACIII. is i nstant l y co r ed by ufe vv drape
of Dr , Nowt'. Tooth Atha Remedy. Prepared nod mold e
the dreg Moro df DR. "KEYBIIR, 140 Wood at,
jetbdkwrg Sign of th. Dobkin Mortar.
virtsnußau, PA,
to eakage in (ho talc of the mod •popillar loafing
BrilluitnAmeliea. Umbeuirtifitimen mai leach
ers wishitig to morel, will and this, to Let o fiery profitable
and pledsant Marine., welding them to Webb. country,
and mike money at the same time. Agents now tithe him.
loom ire clewing limn WO So • COO Pld' Per. For fill
particolare and* fist of Mob. address U. N. itCLISON,
Qui.. City Publimbing Mime:l4l. MOM itreeb* Cthriaied
Ohba or, If Ilring Zast,'D. RULTSON, • Philtidelphili
- aulttlydaVd.
rriONV BOATS. IVANTED.— , The .under
lavedj_ wiehlog to contract for the 'Caring of coal to
port., below, woohl Invite written preposa4 from reepomd
hle Folios nail Saturtlay 12th itwlfe wilt dee cm:taunt
empOrimeot to o trot clam tow two/ either with or
the neceolarr member of bargee forums or more yew ether
the river is In booting onler. Any further leformettou wit
be ghee at toy office, No. 25 Wood .trout.
DARTNER .11 7- 41N111.1)-- 1 t a mi ll
tal or from $lOOOlO pOOO, to engage In .well oatnU•
Inthed nod profitable Manufacturing Enelneso, limited .nly
Oak or =pita
biltr partial' noadresa,by b l ttaror pence, GAZETTE
00UNTINO ROOM . A " • •• ' stabltc
. •
WAN D—Tenneesce Exchange and
Bank Notes. au l 7 ISAIAH DICKEYt CO._
WANTED --$7,000 in Pittsburgh and All
legjomy Warrants. Also Business* or &common..
don Paper to amount of VA% gilt edge, ma be discount.
ed at very reduced Wes. aulg D. AMAIN k BON.
St, Loci. Rota
elegant Family. Hotel h. boss thoroughly
cclouted, additional Improvements made. end the y ilors g e n.
orally renovated. _ will be oyen for the rtion or ILL
friends .d patrons onTllO ItS.DAY; let of October next.—
Thrl nlonsys rind the betel Mega .end
baggage wagon
awaiting them on Ih. arrival of tho ears ma stamboats.
AritifitEtCerr HOMO,
Conduelsid ou the European Plan.
T'SWIS,RICE;PRontsroi4 respectful - Ei
;El iy nnOodoce.thal—lo nomplianoo era the very AL
Phu* , Orafcrebat expra.4 foe 1116 t h e system ol
hotel management; that the Americaullotou iletelater
be cOndOCUld M] On 'Wet t am Wal odor•
...I.k.Plol[..lPtintents lo baby the day. or forlonger
periods. bloods served In thugintlereens hall at en hours of
the dayand evening. 'The ladle& dining hall will be open.
.4 In like matmer tor bal., and Patlanlan laawmPatdrd
Indio,. Le' neconntaidationa and CUSITeniOnCe• of the
house arnummtpieud, eod the recent Improvements and
alterations leiMnothinglabodesired. 'ffebortauresidenta
will dad the .rangemonta sseclallY puou'idant- Urge or'
null prorldal with lonia, - suppers, at short
otice; , , •
YfL7f - N;
goeSpippo,4 and fur imp?.
ELAST/CNIPPLESj2 gra. oa bind
4a. b'i'•`.lorrogar.
/I.F--.43T--60reed an 4
V *au 67 sowseumserocic,
abbcrtisnriento. - ,
ManMtAnle AND Itanceacemmete flaxnA.
Pittelrorgh.June 25th,1857. I
• .11".121.canfonnity withtlie 25th section of the
Constitution of theCommounealth of Petainlembh
motto is hereby Mem - that attplicalke still .be made to the
latakdeture, atlas next meskm. for.the Ramat or Melon
Mon of the Chatter of the Merchants' and Manufacturers'
Bank of Pittalsarnit, forthaterm of fifteen yearn . By ceder
of the Board ofihreetom
Je2enfltan ' • R. DlViNT,Caahter.
Pturearaa Septi, 1457.
OtrizaNs' BAN - F.—This Batik has this
' Fley declared • dirblerol of Sr. per cent. no the cep
a.' deck, out of the profiteer the last sta mouths, payable
on or after the 17th loot.
SUNDRIES -10 hhde. prime N. O. Sastr;
R 5 bblit. Crostini do
15 . IL Coffee ' do
11 ~ Pulverized do
10 e Granulated do
10 ii RiltlmoreFLruir
alkali LW. do
, iii keg , do do
100 liege prime Rio Coffee;
60 temeertiticy 30ep; .
25 " Rivilu do
23 '
Olive Jo
. 30 ' Clothee Phut
3a " &aryl;
1,...) . Corn Starch.
... .
In store and for atria by
sell corner :4010111fId 11111111 &COM' 4tret.t.
selLtf SUPER, car. Penn and St. Clair sta.
AMn. MASON & CO., 25 Fifth Street,
• 'will thia morning:
Rich Stripe Dream Saha, I Rich Satin striped Wool Do
Rich Plaid " ..Lofton,
Rid:Mii itich Printed Wool DeLainoa,
Rich Last e-Gro.Doßldneal Rich " Coahmerea,
Rich Pr ad Merinos, 1
R ich
Sa xo n 31c: Mi.
I Rich Saxony Plaids,
And choice aamortsnents of Shawls r:!: the inteat import:o3olm
Tatra:Mt Wort—The Dalry - mues Mantsil, being o
complete guide for the Amerinut Ihdryman in the manage
ment of the Dairy, the rearing and taking cam of cattlb and
the general construction of the dairy buildings. With nu
merous illustration. By Om-don Evans, M. A. In 1 vol.
Aro. .011 KAY & CO.. 55 Wood street.
—The American Reformed Cattle Doctor, milt:lining
toe nemeitery information for preeervior, Me health rod
miring die dieeasee of hien, Cows, !Alien and Swine, with a
great v.lety of original rectpea, .11 valuable infornettlim
in refenfure to farm and dairy trianegement whereby every
1111.11 cao be hie owl, cattle doctor. fly 0.11. 110,1.1. 11. 1i .
In I vol. Fe... .11 If AY L CO.. 55 Wood street.
..IL a tneatlso on their breed, management and dismovei
comprielug a full history of Wo minor wog their origin.
breedin and merlts,thelr capacity for beef snit milk; the
nature g
and treatmcot of their ,unease;the whole forming a
complete guide for the farrner,.the nniatrier veterinary sur
geon, with 100 ilitotrations By W. Youatt nod IV. C. le
klartio. Edited be A. Stevens. In 1 vol. 12trui., for sole by
sell KAY k CO, 55 Wood street.
LADIES' DRESS GOODS of all the. now
Fall stylee and textures. Shawls . , Shetteal, Sheneal
Border do, and iiiliy.r nevi style.. timbrolderies In new
styles, inCaillars. SOW, ch. There is a large sopply of
other goods tun opened by 1. 51. BURCHFIELD,
... sizll_B”r to Murphy & Burchfield.
—We larva on , hand and are drily receiving ail/Minns
thereto, from oar own and other Idanufactories,alarge stock
of Floor, Furniture, Carriage Trintudog, 'fable Cover,
Tratirprrent (green and tea) and all kinds of 01 IoCLOTIIar
used for bon. fortdelling and other purpoites. Alai. Terme
went WINDOW SHADES of dry and oil finish, fold
Doniered and other idyl.. and Window Shade Trim:Woo.
Herchsuta and others will Lind it to their ailvontage to ex.
.uine our ttock and prices before um king their
elsewere. 2. & 11. PHILLIPS,
.10h No. 26 nod IN It. Clair street.
li_Y .11 Um beet hot:roved patterns, comprising In part:
and Oillco Stoves,
I Lich wo are girl to .11 as cheap as the cheapest fir oilier
city -All raids delivered free of charge• thll at the Iro
City Store Ws:Mom;t of ic J. CRAB) & Co
5e11N0.134 Wood Street.
SUN Dlti ES.-18 Feathers:
13 do wool;
4 ena,
do Deesans.
On steamer Wm. Usury far sale by AIAII DICKEY t CO.
oclo IS
TENN. M IILA V.-1385 sks Whiteml Red
sss landing from Wooster Bell:knee for sale by
seln ... ISAIAII DICKEY .t 00.
jRESII BIiTTF.II-- MOO SOO lbs. extra fresh roll
Dotter ree.l by Exuma& this morning and for /ale at
2. Firth area. srlO IL RIDDLE.
EGGS- 4 / 1 10 thiL. fresh Eggs;
au Ibs. Country Mimi :oleo,
[ hourlyeil this morning lit 27 Filth 6L., OppOSit. Limn 6
Co's. •Ao .___ll: DIDDLE.
Dancing School.
•AL LIONNAFFON respeatfully informs the •
Lli...eltlsess of PlnAbsrsh and A lloghenyCity that ho will
oleo hi* *cloud on Mondry and Wednesday tht , :Pilo and
50111 ttlat.,lit 4 o'clock r. st. for Young Ladles. 5111101 , . and
Metes molar 10 yeast, and at $ oclock for Gentlemen, at
WILKINS' llALL.wcond flow, Those Mint. has. Dien
much einbellithed and Improved e. as to utak. them the
Moe doting& ofeAy In the city. The Peke* , of Dancing ,
win he fully taught, apd all those- doneenow in ',auto, ta
goiter with the following now one. The .71agerellar the
“Csullian," the .Polka Mazurka waltz' sad a randy of,
Waltzes. Fur particulars apply at N 0.74 Fourth et. watatti
S 1 PT} .
A.asstx Co.,
1...j25 Filth alma,wm,pro to fay.
pen. rich printed Mousseline DeLaimult
300 do Paris Merino, superior make.. and salmi shades:
tan do all void hosony Plaids,
And • rkh woortateut of every description of Droo nada.
"IVORY BLACK-5 14,16. for sale by
enrwr Fir. and Ace),
AL Al 01L--6071 . 1a. tits, and ante. ha' sale
Q 4111,—.7,1/0 galls. fur sale by
.ss D. A. vAiriusincii k CO.
. D. JONM Whier.
W tEs 7- 1,11 - Ess
Shawls, Enthral!lerten m.l other
NEW 1.100D3,
se7 Snerexor to MURPHY♦ BURCHFIELD&
STEAMBOAT CAPTAINS will find us at
oil timer prepare.' to fill their orders for Coblo Enrol
tun with prolairtneor& awl on Evecorablo UM.
or: T. 11. YOBBO I CO.
r INSEEDOIL -- 1 00 0 galls. just reed and
jj for eale by II. L VAUNT-STOCK,
eel . Stitmssor to Dentin pro.
Al. SODA--5 enskn in store and for sale by
-15 ban. just reed and Pot sale
se; Q L. PAIT.CESTO4.W.,
SALE 4 RATUR-40 Vas. in store nod for Bak ,
by • se7 IL L. VAIINESTOCk.
la stars and for We by B. L. FAVNEST - OCIE.
RED OIiALK-1,500 lbo. just recd and fix
sale by . set D. L. PARIUSTOCK,
ATS-4011 bus. to arrive by P. B.
and for saeb 81111 IVER k
MO bap Pam, Fla Caffein •
190 ob.ts T. 11. and Mack TOPE
75 box. assorted 1,4500,5 Lump Taboo.;
25 kegs .Pis Twin Tohael , s
23 10141 Portoltlea Sager,
30 Malt Orbited Sugar
45 141 x Cello Itaued Sugar,
00 I.lox 0014 a. Sirup;'
30 401.5 EICPIIIIOI . 431134
5A Lble N. O. Maim.%
" g 5 tee. RI Carb Wm.
50 boxes Pula MalaraPP,
500 MIA anorie4 sta. 01.01. Wrapping Paper,
13 Dorm Rim
300 P4l. Sole Ludo,:
.20 1510. pawn PM 00;
25 bble 11.10011.;
25 box. !wand Window OWN
150 Omen fawned Unaoxas:
233) kegs matted Nano. In store aid Par sale by
halrbld. No. 1 Mactorr.l;
1 dn
60Kitto No. 1
25 do lio.l Moog Mackerel:
lo store skai for Wet by
• If Na. 9.5 Water Wad -
D PAIMER, No. 105 Market Street,
, 131... Dealer In Bonnets, Map. Fdridr Trinumlign; and
•Strad. Gnodn geuendly.
4, SPRING tin be seen In cue at the Meretiddi .
Votarth street. SLAW and °manly Nights fur ode by
nnlnUf • 11. W. EATON.
• Leiteas de Frattgata.
HAVING just returned to town, Monsieur
ALPHONSDANSE, Profs.& at the Unltuoulty and
thwillgh School, Intends to resume hi. Protuh L.e,ooa pd.
rattly or In claseck
Apply for tom.. at No. NI Fourth street:
'A Horne Exhibition
*ILL take place at Collies. Park AP:Act
ing Rest Liberty, on Thtlrelay, Pricbsy and Saturday
the 17th, 19th and 19th of September next.
Premiums ranging-from 00 to VlXDatid amounting in
the eggregele to mum eight hundred dollars will bo given
far excellence in trotting end , pacing.
The grounds are withing a few hundred yard*: of the
Permsylranie Railroad Derot'.at Fast. Liberty. ,Speciel
trains will run from Pittsburgh -for the - necarnmodation n
Tnlton. Email bills giving fall partienlars will' ho ie sod.
Collies Park Ablit.lllooll PlitabOrgb, Pa.
P. B.—The Wasters Penny' nun Agricultund a.ottete
Fair commences ou the following Wednesday,.
yistt.-100 !spew
100 lilt do do do,
60 lilt do Medium do,
25 hlf N 0.2 do,
ZS bids ' ,No 2 do
20 bids . No 1 do,
60 bide it Herrin&
100 bide White
001 bid do do,
60 bids Trout,
60 hif du,
40 bile No.l Salmon,
20 bide Luke Eliad,
40 hif dc do
DT= 1_
Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted,
P .TO A.,R. I. S 'l' la A. AZ' IVI I 1.. I.e.
above eatablislmetu,orul i..e. 'rail to
- Pay Am iflphest..l4lll4 fa CUR
For Z,OOO Umbels of Wheat. . . • - .
10. , Bushels of. Rye. ~:, ; ,
10. . Rualsols of Coro. - .. _ .-..
It Is the intention of the proprleton to offer EstraPriees
for my rimer lota of White or. lied Whts.t. . nay Intend to,
wake very superior Fatuity Flour, and ire trilling to - pay ca
premium to to. /Weser, in the sbapo of an extra prier. to
Induce blot to raise a choler quality of wheMand to triax '
It to market In goat order. . . ' . .-
I,llquect -•-.. . , • ..:,,.fL - 77. 177..1NEDY a BRO.
..—Patties" ea
nowtopmt.....worthAmitma i na.
dasemso4.dalvi4WX2MA rt_MANIET.-
ri1351 ARILI3IO--3000 lbs. selected-S= 4
ILJE-salis - . 131.X.3.11M0T0CK k CO.
-,- - Joinrcaaninizia.'" -,, '' , fin.. .'
snd AHOEB of eq.. desniotion, No 34 Smith .Id
z ocati.
' • .- . ituSitrantt. , ! n - T 1 net.
Rhe< Maufacturtre Insurance Company m a ggigetirere puma Company,
o#la ..Ve, 10 „Vachon& Ere...94Vire. Marini , and. Inland.
~.. .L . II I L 4 D .8 Z. P it I 1, 0.1 ,.._,... , '
w ",... A .„, ~.....7 ,
Charter Perpetual—Capital $500,000. , /MIST. -:
WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OP 4 , Notice is hereby given, that the Agency of
the Company, IA the etty erentabeest4v lll, umniunbst
Fire, Marine and Inland Rieke. inouc,,,t,...eueted by J. W. MARTIRN. whose longest.
AARON S. lIPPECCOTT, residen, i 'W.. in eAdcor , innd *ad connection with
WM. A. RHODES Viee Preside= 1 rblladelptAelre al= hlna Tor cordnethts
Ml ,
ALFRED WEEK.% Secretary. d ' A recommend mmmt nut
ed to all oar panMP,...... W... 4 1' -.
=__ 1 slringlnsurance. A. WUIS, Salehtry.
The busman deb* above Company 'KED be coadocted et
lia Pd WATER. Street, Pittsbordit. ,
11a1194/C .0 .J W. WALT LEN, Agent.
Aaron S. Lippincott, Win. B. Thom', Charles Wiass
Wm. A. Rhodes, William Neal. .Weeks,
J. Um Bank, Ches. J. Field John P.6insonsi
Jain. Smyth.
Bidge Heath, E. D. J saes. Esa., CO, CIL Bk.
James Mißinger, Esq., . 3lessrs. lioninson & Co..
Junes Howard, Esq., T. Kenne.ty, Jr, A Co.,
C. 11. Paulson, EM., . Wade U. niptnn & Co.,
J. S. lon, Esq., ' OlLLainglb.“ & CO.
Pittsburgh Oaks, IVs On Water street.
W. W. WILSON , Agent, Dubuqns._
=No ......
Merchants' Insurance Co. of Philadelphia.
Am. P. PETTIT, Prost—. ....... J. kIcCANN, Act'
Amount of Capital Stock paid in sad Imtectcd.—V.33o 35
,000 00
Surplu. e,l,
Ironer. e.g... Mete on the Ohio euol MLsis.lpPl Wren and
tribtjtaries. TO.oree against loos or dtotago h 7 Vire,
oSo, egniustlho write of the Sea. Roil lolon4
Noeltation and Tannaportation.
W nt
Wm. V. relit, John C. Montgipery, John M. Putaroy, IL J.
McCann, E. F. Witmer, Reno Oullion, Boni- It- WoIIAWN
John A. Monition, Charles B. Wright, John J. Patterson,
Elwood T. Poooy
WM. V. PETTIT, Trogident,
E. F. WIT111:11, Vice Preeilkni.
DRIGIIT J MCCA.4If, Secretary._
Selgor, Lamy & Co.. l'hlladollalla..
Bock, Morgan k Stldrole,
Truitt. Bro. k C 0... do.
Vamroy, Caldwell k Co., do.
A. T. Lane A Cu *
fitelarolW,Juetlce & CO, do.
The areal Western Fire and famine int
No. 331 Walnut Street
FIRE INSIT 12 A NCE—F4rrtual or limited, Sonde to toatti
or country, on «eery desmiption of properly.
INLAND INAIIRANCE, on Goods by Cannl, Lnkim Mid
Laud Citrriage, to all parts of the Union.
.V. 4 It ISE INAL - 11.1 AWL% on Vessels, Cargo and Tidied,
ambrucing River Trunsportation.
• C. C. LATHROP, President.
W. DARLING, Vice President.
'Joseph 3. Tiortel, Secretary and Treasurer.
11. E. Richardson, Assistant Sec rotary.
ChAries C. lAthrop, 43; Walnut ntrect.
lion. Henry D. Moore, Mi Wahine Ivrea.
Alexauder Alcrchent, 14 North Front et.
John C Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter k Co'.
E. Tracy, firm'of Tracy & fisher.
John 11. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White k McCurdy.
11. S. illehop, firm of llighop, 5W111101,4 & Co.
Jm. Lt. Smith, firm of Joe. U. Smith & Co.
Thos. L. Gilleeple, firm of Gillespie & Zeller.
Isaac llaslehurat, Attorney mid Counsellor.
Theo. W. Tinker, Goldemith's •
Slll , OOll S. BiThop, firm of llirhop, Sirnora /Co.,
William Darling, {foto of Itteading,)
John 1900,90 South Front stnwt.
E. Harper Jelfroye, firm of Wm. 11. Brown & Co.
11. W.
Water street, Pittetborg
apl.oln 7 apT
, ice' Insurance Company
Second and Minn! &Yale,
farmerTviiiii Mc
North at
nr.j.P lA.
tA,,lnbils the lAwitteasandcorid
The following etatt siel 5 iel
tion of the C o mpany o
Premiums received o 51
to Nor. L 1850.- ....
Fire Pouniutos_......4
Internet ou Lcents.....tfi s
Total receipts.. i... 1
Paid Marine lasowe lee- ........- ...... -464,427 04
" Fire " - 89,737 80
Rept:rows Solar e, a cl numlaiiona.-. 45,489 00
at-101.011111er. keen o emiume and
Agency Chargea. . 27,474 68
: ---
Balance mural dog with Comp'y P 58,057 07
The onsets of th tio pony ore as follower
- Philo-City and Co ray ale ...... ...$ 10,848 18
Railroad Bonds 11,061 00 Cost Price
vust Mortgage I Estate 143,500 CO
Stocks, Collate:roll, on c 011..— 32,400 00
Girard aud CoOnlidatien Bank
... ..-.. 6, 2 w 00
5 e 8j,. .:21 cBI with ShtQl . n . , ..........
• (.70.. New
York 1.....'. . -._. .... -...- 30,000 00
Deferred Paymey? on Stock not yet
, Notes for Marion Premiums.... _......
I Da• freer Agoura ml by ands
?modulus on Policing recently Is.
sued e -and debts due the Co-...
Balance to llanks-.., ...... -
ino and la.,' ItLk.
..--...- ........ ......
8,704 47
Unt47o 00
10450 is/
P 23,057 00
The Doerrla Dircetors re ihla day declared •
Payable on demand on thn butlnese of thet Company Um
tat instant. THOMAS U. FLORENUE, Pnondent.
Erna.. lirtseoLo, Secretary.
TllO3. J. UUN TEII, Attest, Pittaburgh,
No. 00 Water acne
1.27 fitodir
Life Insurance.
Bnd/tease [bra, 'at Walnut and /.11ttrtA SZnssts
Incorporated April lith, 1450.. 001000 Stock, ;500000.
• .
MAIN C. SIMS. &Treaty and Aclunry,
JOAN S. WILSON, Trmauter.
6 son', mI TRUSTE2S.
Alczantler W4lldin Lou. A. - Holley,
Marahall Ilcaivey. T. Ramcmae Harper,
Willhar, P. Bolton.frablia Tracey,
110u..1 , S•• Smith.
John C. SI., Rohm,. R. Un...
Jon,. Bowman, Ellwal Matlack,
John P. 91m,.n•.
Wll. F. IRWIN, M. D., Medical Exacalaer.
We Company makes Inearance nnDres. cm most reasoner
hie tan. It •hem been succesefellyquauaged for several
yea. by unexperienced beard of milkers .11 trintaer, sod
trostme has golly.. pallptomptly Imes, and every
way d.oervlng of confidence and tutruaage.
R. W. POI?:DEXTER, Agent.
97 Water street, Pittsburgh.
Franklin Fire Ins
Medea W. Broacher Adolph E. Dods,
George W. Richard s, Samuel Grant,
Timm. Bart, tamid B. Drown,
blonlecel D. Lewis, Jacob R. Smith,
Tobias WoQper, Morris Patterson, .
Cumurd,G. Wascsmi, Secretary.
This Company cOntito2oll to Ma.ko Insurance; permanent
OT limltmL • qu every description of properly In town and
country, at rates as low as am coexistent vet& security.
The Company hove renerved o Wgn routhigmat fund,
which, with their Capital, arid PrentirAss, safely instated,
afford ample protection to the morerc.i.
The Assets of. tho Company, onfanstery let, 1851, as pub
lished agreeably to the Act of /assembly; Isere as follow
Real EMMY ..
i' E f=naryLossa.-.
$1,212,708 44
Since their ineorioration, • •period. of twenty-one Years,
they have .1,1 upwards of Ono' 11.1111.,. Four llandred
thousand D 011... Loss. by fire, tlorreby affording evidence
of the sdrautanee of Insurance,. well oo their ability and
Align/WO= to ow. with prompt.. all ilabilitlea
OM. Seethes.. izer. Wood and Third ids.
Continental Insurance Compelly:
borporakel by G< Zegislature qJ Thanotectili,a,
Authorized NOW, o.lllllkak
&owed and Accumulated ...... 631,500
No. 61 Walnut 3r o 4 !spore &road, Philadelphia.
Tiro Im:trance on Buildings, Furniture, Alerchandiae, Alt
Marin y e Immure on Carton and Freight% to all part" of
tho world.'
Insuranca on Goods, le., 17 Wont Iliront4 Camle
and Lend Carriage% to all pate of tho Union,. on the snort
tremble term% constatut withemoritt.
GEORGE W. OOLLADAT,forene4Wecorder of Deeds, le,
WM. DOWNES, formerly Itorthder of Wills.
JOLLY N. COLEMAN, Om of Coleman k Smith, Importing
Hardware and Cutlery Merchants, No. 21 north Third..
street, above 11nrket, Phila.
JOBEyll OAT, Arm of Joseph Oat k Son Coprbenmllh.,
12 Qriarer street,Phila. - • - •
EDWARD V MACIIIs'TTIL. firm of.Machetto k Rape!.
Imrssrtlng Ihn - dalsre 'Merchants, No. 121 North Thal
etrect.above Race, Zhlbt.
lI9IVARD Dm of Livingston kr Co., Proem.
and Cartaullselon Merchant% No. M 8 Market at., shore
Eighth, Phila. •
- 'GEORGE W. OOLLAIMY, President_ _
Class WrlAOS,Bacretary,
JOSIIIIA Boarraimt, Agent.
N 0.21 Fifth sheet ,(op stairs.).
Reliimio Mutual Insurance Company of
Ogee No..
1 .7 ,1 °229 1 0 np B , tree .rarnituso, te._
Floe lo+uoenm on Bd
i° ll, "n e m 9' ot w" n combined with the 'mufti of ei
fitock--CaPital'i,leatltl'es th . e Larocca to share itt the profits of
the Company, without liability fir lowa
The Script Certificates at Me Conineny, for profits are
°avertible at par, into the Capital lEbock .of Companl
TINGLY, Proficient.
M. Winner/4N, Secretary.
Clam Tin egey, I Q, m &Nfld. -
Wm. IL Y moony John B. Worrell,
Samuel Ehmlfam, Tingley,
0. W. Carpenter, Z. Loam*,
Robert Steen, M. L. Carom,
C. S. Wood, Robert Totem,.
'Harebell Hill,. 0. Stereo*.
- Jacob Rhea Leland,
Hamer, ' ''Wol.'3L Semple, PitteLl.
.3. , 1r. COFFINi Agent
commends' and Womieueeta
tileptvia kin nipualanoa Comiimay.
• 01?
Franklin' Bnildingi 414 Walnut Etre&
Organised under tho Geneva Ininranco Law, with a rash
Capital of WOAD; privileged to intros. to fACM,OOO:
llamas against km. or &nue LT-Fire, Darius, Inland•
Navigation and yraneportation.
111 O. LADUIIIAN, Pres bleat..
RICHARD Vico l'resident.
Gomm sarrza.c.. , Aur
•U: C. Lanblilli -I,MhZdiV7Z4
W. O. etOtitolbUty, , cwroffromo, ,•
p. gloirrorood,
11 " C.411 1.:'rw r • • At. C.ltntler. •
Wtlxam CIIAY/RY,
Hall,(entranteo Woordat
_ _
.7. ,B-aAN it FL.D.
Aleiledelphia Fire. and, .T.Are •
14 No. 149.Chesnut Street,'
OPPOSITE 2118,01151011 lltPti•i•
W . lll sinks all .kinds a losor0000: - raw Pat.tua
uraook - on - asey agraption or rraortroo iroorroalr%
at rs9sooabloreeeZtrabun. • • •
PL'Rut:l l . l .‘",
. )Tegure,'
1. - llticaruiss, l 3eactar7.
Delaware Mutual Safety !alumna Company
r,...-p.mtabyo. rv•aftte- , 1rrn..31. , ....i.. , um .t;
Office, S. E. Cover Third and Walnut sta. - ,or e
P tiILADELP 111 A.
NAA....0 ...N ..,121:.t :WAS ou Vouch, Carga, and Freight
toll parte of the world.
LV/..,tIVD LVSCIRAN,L B on Clouds, by Rlseri, Canals,
Lakes and Laad Curisges, to all parts of the talon.
FIRE ustrsAxcla on Iterchandles gesendly.-4:ts
Stores, Dwelling Howes, So.
Ault nf the Clesey,SCts.3d,lB: 3 .
Bonds, Mortgegea, and Real Ea5t0.........--.....4 1 01iZ0 D 4
Philadelphia Cltharol wther Loans..--....- .103,V,i1 36
Stoat Its auks. Railroad and lusuranceCoa..-.- 142E3 P 3
Rills Receivable
ut, on band MP,.ifh 84
31,541 30
Balanced iu bands of Agents, Prominnia on Iler I
etas Policies recently Issued, and other debts, ~..
Subscription Note.. ..... -..._ --.- ............ .....-. . 100,400 00
• eal,a4 a
Junes Gnats.%
ThoophilusParddlugh ,
June. Tra . qualr, , 2
William Jr. , k,
Joshes L. hilo, .
Imes Tensent,
Samuel E. Stokes,
Joeeph IL Seel,
Relmend d. Sunder,
Jan C. Deets,
John IL Prof.°,
George G. Lei"
Edward bulb:4ooe,
Dr. D. M. Huston,
William C. Ludyng,
llngh Crag,
B e al:
U. Jones Brooke,
J. G. Johutkou,
RCN., Fiterulary.
Pittsburgh Lite, Fire and Marine lag. re.
Office, Corner Market and Water Ste.,
' RODT. OALWAT, PresidenL r . F.A.Rrszit.twri
itireitew PllMlnfit Examining rbplcl n .
This Cwolitany MAW Wrety InSultnott appernitiongdo
aumwted with LYNN RISK& - -
Alma, swam nun end Cargo Risks, oathe! 013IO , alai
wilppi rivers and tributaries, hal -Alain. Disk gen
And sgslost Lose or Damp, by Wire.
And as.dost the Perils of the gra and Wand
and Tnwportation.
Policies hosted tho lowest rotes onwistont with 447 to
roll parties.
Robert Om era 7,
Baronel 51,Diurken,
Joie. - ph P. Oursvn, hi. D.
etJaito Scott,
' , James Marshall, •
David Illebey,
James W. Ilaihnan,
Ches. Arbuthnot,
Ears: a Internee Campaay
Oa No. 9 Water St., riatburph: -
MAT 144,1957:
Stock Dna Bine, payabto ou &mann, sail. sem+
ed by two approved 18,820
f}mdt to Pltbibusgb Tend 49,301.10.
Prorniam ndtes--. .... . . .. 41444 49
12 . 2 Awes - 6,950 00
N .„
Book Amounts-
J. If. Shoenberger,
W K. Nlmkk,
B. D. Cochran,
John A. Caughuy,
C. W. Batchelor,
Junes I. Emmett,
H. Frnßer, Secretay.
Citizens' Insurance Comp'y of. PittiMMO
WM. BAOALEY, Peed.tent,
SAMUEL L. mrAnsumx, Secrotati. -
- .
Office 94 Wafer &red, between Market end Woier!afenifs.
10..losree Moll and Otago Maks on the Olhe ' .7ne4l — the.
stees! leers, sod Tribatstion
a-ineoresssisket loss or damage byltin.' 'illn , c , agahnot
the perila of the des and Inland Nasigstion. us 4. Trenewt.
&met Kea, • ' & Stir,_' -
Robert Dunlap, Jr., , Wir..
S. leterbangh, Julier&.Dayrorth,
Ito. N., „Timm's &Alm,
Waller Bryant, - Bthoonmsker,
Jas. M. C.opnr, Wm.ll.llity4
Jana lipton. ' deal
nanwagialkets Inaarauce, CautiOuir,i , •
0171 CY, No. 98 Want Snacir, ,
1 4 9 i &rare Aphid aft kind, of Piro end ihartnB .888,811
Ornerss—TASLES A. ITITIMMEON,Prenident.
Wm. 13. ltdmes,
John AmmlL,
Wm. Bm,
Thos. O. MIA°,
.7ars A.
- ---- ,
We Irusuratioe iCompriTaY
()SORGE BARBIE, President,
F. hl. GORDON, Pectetary.
Will Imam against .11 kinds 01 lira and Marto* Ills -
C. W: Ricketion,
O.W. Jaeksoo,
Jamie Mr.ktiley, . . ...
. , ( aNatharde boat i Itednws, ,
... ''
seit.,A nomalnatitutlnntnanaged bYpire etallirtnitlil WM
all this rominiarOty, and who will llberallyndlesitiodinewme.
17 pa l , .111w.t tuo. owe= lir; Wliitait=s,
2On a Warehoose,) tip idninr, Intret. , '. -,
R. !Allier: Jr,
J. W. Under,
Andrea Ackley,
0 !lumen,
Timms Scott,
A. Aladdr,
Ilea Company o
A. Beaudfal Head of MeV Gloat 'Nils
TO rrEIZPIA •Gatia.a.mzcsrr
joIL not have It restored to I enetnolot;orbpld,bu l wyulS •
tore the growth restotes or troubled withnandndtarst
Itching but would have[tituesed, or troubled with renitte
m,mahl bead, orother - erupt.Wm.ot Woubiho owed, ar
with net headarhe, (neuruliCle) b ut Woad he cured: It
will also remove all pluildes from the trie end skin. Prof-
Waide Han Unworn. will do all this. .See ekttitar
the following : •
Any .issollOhnumberb,lkill.
Peer. 0. J. Weep—Dear air I hate heron innehalf4 of
the wonder ful effecte of your Hair Itestarathuir.butAsehts“
been no often cheated by quackery rust guritYneatrUlleyhalr
dyes, ke- Ayr, dlspneed to piece -leer 'lsogon/Kee to the
eatrieestegoty with the thotwautt tUidUlie leadlkt.rdmieitedi
quack rimming. until I Met you hi Lawasemaneoey wale
months nom ' when you wain, nontranoesiladoted
the trial of yuoar tuatorativaii my haft'—tirstlymy food.
wife, whine heir tad esseekreme.•
and before ethane:ler one of :Pearl. P I .titet. W I bait'
waniestored nearly to Its original , beautifol boo ~nblar • ,
and bed thickened mat bowman beautlful;and gleagy •wfkru,.
and entirely over the heath eter contimsei to we lt, ket
simply because of It. tweittifflug effrais uPret tbo here
but to wls° of lie healthful hanneuee Van the leSialtei
mind. Mimes of my family and !demo:l3'on! using y,bwrito
eteratlve, with the Lanolin effects. therefore, ray akaPtikimm
and doubts In reference to Itecharactersprt value Mires.-
nreiy removed: end 'Celt and; rriesteurdtally and' ebnlb
diurnally reconimendthr. use by . et mho:Weald hare'. thee
heir Tottored from white or graYoyy mean of nekoma or
age,) W, otightel eel er and beauty, and . by. en Zoom
personawbo weulZhave their halt beantlftd nad glory.
Very truly end rrntefully yam; .SOLOMON =NM
$148,12.9 08
_.. 81,377 78
83,066 17
61,830 00
64,316 83
• • •
Maim Wooly. It: was a long tlicoeitet X eittrryouVlise.
Geld before I got le bottle of 11. W.. eoittre Sortrkleh gees
me on order upon your sant la Detroit, soldlelten. ot It
we concluded to try Ron Mrs. Matot'ettok,slotb e urea
of Its porter.-. -It has done aßthat you roil melt would
do and others of to fondly nod mete* byt 1 321. 23011 . 1
Its effect, are now using and recommending Dynan to ethos ,
au untßh 4 to tho Mettle causiderution Tuaelabultalt.,
Aurolo, vary retpectfully and Unlit itmi ..
L• • .-, 34,
~. ' • ,_. ' 1 ' CAI LIA In , Amar4 llll r-
I bora twod Prof. liitfet's Mar lleetatittelli so& bw EIP•
mired Ito wonderful tattle,' Illy boar warbecoisd=o „. !
thought, uramoturelY• • grey, but by the use of his -
tire It boo remoomf Its otierial: ectoroof !motet , doubt
, - 2.1153121124143efi1fiket,U.5..
1 T.T.11 - / 1 013 . A ' • • 332 ' • -,l II:. If-,
1" 12
(I th e groat t.Y. EntelaWalleal Awl -114
lii:mica. swot; B 4 Louts, Ito, and wittl by ittl; ' Tfrer
• • - - - oak yiktoblf
- -
J T 500 Mal Sob Ash, • •
.9001 ms flermatiChsi, • •
10 mks '-
300bgslltr4, Sad.
On hand and fur mho by
100 mks Imported Caueio
500 iCO. rigid 2 110.[N' t.
-31:0 cit., Cam& l*la Ask . - ••"•-•
64Yotcs Palm Oil, - • • . . :
lOcalullocusNat Oa;
Yor - , • ALKVailla KM% kri =all it.
gTAReII. , AOE4OE—HAVING ,I vi t a M
appeolatol ,tF•cort, for Plttsbarg fr te the
VAItaII.OOMPANT: far Oa: T el celebiatrlMlLAßL
STARCH, (+l,l warraated In'qw,letyblosy_ktemeal
fa this market) ..,nur. are tcorogiar desoda De 4.
ere at manta. were pr , L •W. WI - albs atwayou ado
Trade to Ml* folic* to an examination of oar:preimpat!dody_
and wtOch walla keptequal to thedamand. ' , I , 6
• •
GOLD PANS.—Dawson;Warrenl Wige!ri
Mammoth and . Tip Top. 'Mut viteltwisad
for wk. by 11.3 W. 6:641.YEN. .
100 rlll3 LS., NEW MPH:MO . I , ID y
YIAJUII, readying spalbrsale , - '•
LA - S — S.-:-500 his 'Window: Glum (country .
ILJI brands) fin inle by ' AbBXANDER KINO,
GREEN bls (APPLES b -.vent"
J tut mand and for isle by r.
eel No. 112, atom — d it.
FLOUR - 100 bble Superfine Bone in )sture
and for ails by' T. LITTLE! 00""
NO.M.Staitid K.
R OOM CORN--2D tone Western, ust r e _
coked aid or mut , :T.
1¢o:112, Becoopit.
LARD9IL--V_tipla 10.11.ard (Min store
andlbrx&b, urn=
nre tor sda
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