ESTM3LISHED IN 1786 • NEW "yoa.s. AD • VraTiSEMENTS. From VISSCILIO,AWILS & C EVEIIII. Ntirsp‘pcx Arr. rwurap Ilacirr, (A ppktot.c. Itmildin*) N 0.318 alai 348 Broadax% Nem rorL - - . _ . • Gr ° 4l fr'eY's Celebrated Coralinl.l3 i here , • •AN tadalltAttXo TONIC SOD eTOlLiente, AP OSIT I V E AND PALATABLE liemedy for general Debility, ItYarvelwin, Lee d Al. Pall.: and all diaoodors or the Dia.:dap Oro., The, Inventor mad Proptioturtt Gaye ddebrafe.l On , . Dillera romnummeling - than no an nurirolltd tonic and invigotant, Isaustalned by the boat media:ll authorities Of Europe and America, an well ait by the multitude. who have total them.' .att • a restorative they eland stlontt Thuast.n.ln who an. now latamishing rived awake to now tadatenat by tbla-polverful tentwator. The dyspeptic who rrlorta to Giudfrty'a Cordial llftterr , find, beuente I.:moa ning. Upon the vital organs, they exereiee • direct sanit•- ylnfluence, and yet their agroty is as mild an tolutuy.— E „ igenend debility, sitalux nt the alumna), 10. of avitt.- tt . tat beadarlt, or titontnl 11eprestion, b ken sleep, flatulence, exercise, Ira chutie, and nil 41notnters or the nert..nt shelf henefita are incalculable. NerJanoemarectintioned against all Irepritl. °antral Depot, 10:Oiroth William woe. S. Y. GFAI 0011inur1. Prtvrietnr. GadrifeeCelebrated Cordial G in ,• try nom met Ininutri Tn" UNEQUALLED BEVERAGE " liaises". methane] prepertlei of the highest order._ It is nyanfacturederpeciallv r.e and by, lie Proprietor and %Lento:bet thwbest materials-and huh all the tartan with out the aletoriotts effecta of any other Gin either in (keel Brltebc_ flolland or thh country. CIODFUEV'S CELE BRATEDCOILDLI,I, hoe been adopted by eminent physkians as the purent : ral most diffusive stint ttlust and diuretic which nanufaetaring skill has v.'t gicoa to Ibs 'AVM; eumpt Dom thane alebohelie drinks which begets thirst torailmulante, (Intern to any mamma promptly tilled by the Proprietor, ' ' GEO. GODFREY, Importer of Mauthe, ato,. Ktn 16 &DUI WSW= et, Now T•ok . Imported-Wine., CA &o. & W. GEERY, OANAX. smart, A-01 710 eltOtnirar, mar rose., [Established 10014 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN EIIIST Quaty EtsralT Groceries, Ma Trade. Hotels. ram Pumales, and all who aro that.* In their mate, and deedre a Formes, article, a largo tads; TEAL—Grams mid .Biack, Penchant, Pouchong, English Breakfast, Outing, Imperhd, 11pon, Gunpowder, young Upson, lc., in chests and half chests, tc. 00VPLE—Mschs and Java.„ WINES-111/Icirae, Sherries, Ports, Mocks, kr., very old and high gradm, In original doral.lohns, mtg. wrote and bottles. DAMS and GUILTITET'S CLAttETS. CILIIMPAPONS—Meet t Chandra:ea MY Imp? Tertermy. Do illeid.seick, G. 11. Burom's do do do LlQUORS—Brandies, Hums. Whitton' flin, Arrack, Ninths, Kirsch, dc.•ta , in original p.kagl.l4,nlr. CU rec., Maraachino, Anisette, Noreen-Bitten, Ic. MALT LIQEDES—London ilrownitoet, Scotch and English •• CIO ARS—A variety of choice brands. • PlCKLE3—Ettallsh and French. SALICP.S—Por Pisin Curti; Game, bleat, kr. • CllZESE—Stlitoth Chedder,.ltoyal,, Victoria, Prince Albert,, &Paw: Dutch and and American. SUGAILI—Loat, Crush/xi, Pulresised, St. Croix, Ae., iu bar• rel. and half barrels. HAMS-Westpltalia and American OILS-011ra, Sperm and whit.. aa•Oar Liquors aro warnmasa Autadulterated and of our_ own importation. fermate - Grad Medal Plano.. QTEINIVAY SONS,JNIAN k, lIACTURR.% 64 Welker street, New York, received the following Pine Prix Reda s In Wen with tho best waken in Beton, New T • {Waned Baltiennre. TWO FIRST. PRIZE MEDALS nt the Iletropoliten Fair, • Washlngton,,Miereb,l6ss. A GOLD MBDAL,nt the Crystal Team New York. No. 1 1 . 111 h 1 W,19 5 5t (being the only (Sold Model given for 1 1 isnoe within She last eir. years.) A GOLD MBDAL at the Maryland Institut.), Baltimore, )7611. • • TQR rmsr PRIZE MEDAL at the Pul4Crystal Palace, Now York, Nerrember,lss6. Among the inane., were the Ent musical talent in the country. syeb w, L. Nagel, Gott schwa, Wallenhaupt and many &ben. Sr. 4 S—Piamr (with and without the Iron Frame) are warranted for three years, and a written Imsrantee given. Piano. puked and shl pod without charge. Prices moderate. F,- eyrros. Is nos nalreirstoily known as the Tory host for Emily • sad also for BEIVISO 51ACIIINES. Agooto, ROBERT LOGAN A CO, aeDtlY 51 Doy Sorel, New 1-nrk. Druggtotg BL. FAILNESTOCK, Into &the firm 14 B . Fithnes Sock L Co., nod mcneenor Fleming Won, Wholmoln 1 twit, No. a, clout., Wood nod Fourth at, l'ittnlturgh. Pa. g 1 A. FAIINESTOCK & CO.. WIIOI.I .- • sale Droggitti and Ittnnafaeturern of Whito 1,..1, ark Lltharge, corner Wood told Front strong, Pitt* burgh. meta JSCIIOON3IAKEII,IILANUFACTURER , of IThito howl. not Losul.7.lne. Paint. Whom, Put ty soul Wholesolo Doti, In Polnto, Oiln, Voroinhos, Tarp.- (1/?111, Woo,l at., Pittsburgh. Pa. 43 - 011N - IiAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSORIS.IAS. ld'Outhry.) Minima.. and Retail DrstxuLtt and Devi, in Pain* 011 s. Dyestuff; tr., corner Wood ou•t Sixth xt met+, illritairalar Arcot for Dr. Ford. Med kin. .p2l TWIN P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE ORAL u crin Drngs, Nlnt, tArtAshm .v.l Op-duff,. W , r) Lllvrty' start Pittsburgh. Ordrup wlll revive pratnpt Ationtlon. RlTAnent far Bc/intern Painter& Symp. ntarSitlydew n E. SELLEItS. WHOLESALE DEAL AV. crln Drugs, Palntn, Dynetutre. OiL., Varntele, te., ti 0.75 Wood vtdvet. rittetturgh, Pa. Otente warranted. Priors low. ',MUM REITTIL IitRA.UN affEE, WHOLESALE AND JUP Druggists, corner of Liberty and St. Clair sic, Pittsburgh. - • . TOSEPII FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR:IO L. lej =lire: t Ce.)eorner Market street and Diamond. Inept eonstantly un hand a full and complete assortment of Drugs, Meglldnes. Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all srtirle+lrr talai ptlone carefully compounded at ell hours. Jti• l r • TIE. GEO. IL KEYSER, • DRUGGIST,. IL/ 140 Wood street, corner of Wood I/ trwt sod Vltiln iiii7,'Pittsburglt, Pa. Vrobitte Drain's CWAREIIOUSE.-lIENRY 'l/41, COLLINS, Forwarding and Cenuniaden Merehant.and 'Dealer In Cheese, Dotter, Lake Firth and Prodnee generally, 26 Wood et., above Water, Pittsburg). myl.l T B. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN; t, • 01110, Corcunixdon and Forwarding Merchant, am] Wbolocale Dealer In Medea Po erne (% e, Butter, Prd and Pearl Ash, and Wanton) Produce' gniwoally. 'rant et., betworn Fudthbeld and vrow, Pithburgh. • (.. t i ' prot., to A- A A. McD3.,) Dealers In Flour Linda .. 11 '•' '' . . . '. v. Carmatind. sad l'onr.litsg MorebUttp, No. " &wad streeet, Plitsl.7b, Pa. (J.. 1, 'Rally] pa 2 AVID.. C. DEMIST, FLOUR, PRO. Juoe, Provtlion Comminalan Jim-6mM. N. .257 'greet, eoroor of hand, Pltttburgh, Ora. 6ln nt trn• Von to the eggrof Floor, Pork, Itaom, Lud, Meow, D o tt e r, Prato, Dried Fruits, Bird., £c., ~,otireomignments rt.tpnetfully eolidted• LEX. FoRSYTIL, (SUCCESSOR TO Warlord. & Baottd•Fdrarardlng and Cammlreton Mer. t, Dealer In Wool, Me., floor, bacon, lard and lard Oil and Prodaa , renrsally, N... 15 Water et., Ititta.nrab, Pa. H RIDDLE', GENERAL CO3IMISSe: • kirrciusitt awl W in Ci Wales in and Prod, ark aus , st.Pittstrusgh, Pa. . Bahr to. FL Ilastyros, I%l2kt:re., - e daustxr, Osacutaire k Cu., Pittstarrall. ".- aireool4l3lllPUti dolletted awl satisfactory returns gm, ilelfklydael .DOICERTILUTCIIINSON, COMMISSION Megrim:a, for the gdo of Weeturn Hewer., Mirage, 'tar,, Lard. Bacon, Fish. Pot and Pearl Mite*. Pala:rota% . - 0 ,:r Grain, €.0.41, Dried Fruit, and ?mince generally, p h , wlttbfield greet. between First and Water. atk3 .. --- f - COLI.ES B. LEECH, FORWARDING • V and Coma , boa Merchant, Moiler in Floor, Grain, Ma MIL Lard aid Boger. and all kinds or Frahm., No 8 Smith - pd6atooot,betioanYleatandWater. an 3 .4.ILE WAILEIJOUSE.—JAS. GARD- A MR, Wholesale Drhaler In Flour, Prorlainto and .rodnes generally, No. 8 Seventh street, Wyman Liberty and Sznithlleld,Pitteburgh, iriel'argerdab. WIC IL 110.11 L nuuila EetM. B. ROLMES & BRO., PORK AND . met Packers and Denten In P Ps rorislons, corner of and Frost otreets. Pittsburgh, M. deel Ausi.c t .ft U. 111.ELLOR, No. 81 WOODJVLL , .Alley sad Fourth stroet, Soln Agent W 1.. ., NO At SONS' (Wotan) PIANO VOICFEs. FnIC/LER- nys MODEL MELODEONS and ORGAN & HAM , nd Dealer In Musk and Ilmlola tosiuMs, s. _ _ • . KIEB ER, . 4 BRO.. No. 53 FIFTH , , 'deo no., Solo A.M. fm.Nll.tiNS .: et-. lo e 'WIZ" ~.f t tolvallod th and and &Lustre CLARK VW ;" r^, ..EDIIAW3 grn mine WU). X 11410.40 .d Mtn An T k 14 ' 31d Daldura In MapdcAl4l 11,E13:48 .4 011. CAN HARMN!, )IN, _ 1 , 6 'Muskat Intummou.... mF m IL - Nit lITA — C — TU it • ' . IlatttE,oTtE. - 13LU ',„,. ' ,',.... T., t, or 31.,..1, ' Inland D4:dur In 1'....wi i, - 1 , - ; - ;, - ' - i t - it 0 •lANlltillt4 g .-' Mud& Itistrumm4o. .:' On r, - ~s , , ot. writ At.i.r.i. u. 4 v 13 A CUE W.W.I'. “. ~,,00.a.d0,u, *m oo:want. 118 Wood st,' 4 . ...A . my2V.; • ' . ' - , attormo IR ARP ATTORS OVER FOR TII Ohio, ludiana. AND 0030118 S NW' York,' ' I Askoowteageman Sdazisistend to be _osass.l Natal. Ogles opposite t = . and Deposition. recorded or nod I .0 Theart, NO. 45, _ ,"&""11 OBE aT WKNIGHT, ATT6RNEY AT 'Xi„. taw. sat! SolleNor of the Bank of Plttaborgth No.del.B 110 j,l .4. amt. rituo.o.ob. • • ' Nagen, S; &A. P. MORRISON, teraiii Imr. oak. xa:gg Poifttb Rio air WO.l. , Pg. MY% 011TZJIZAN & W it Lau. 'Mho h Odor Bnltdhig, 7eurth Areet, lUD Goota. - NRCIIFIEI,D DEALERS I ivrultPiri sr. b „„, 4 0 • ~a , ..1.111. =tams tam.. - . ~...c4 d• kru .. v. (1 , ..b., Ttou and abartt, rtabi.i.....7 wtd it&.4attt, tur Dada,..., ~..s . vetartaidat la all tae ' --- ,abort aapertmeettiptat melted a.. tethalt at al* lorratt .. ~.., ( : . SieNott.tat tor. Youth 1110111liket at.‘4l/F 1 r-^2._ .3 s Th' 4...14.'"" rr *a. erfa E .. —..e.t... aarnaar. a WHOL;:S - L F c ±" al : L: A . .. MASON s .. .t CO., AA ,-,•.- • , Sa4.llatall DOW% 11, atty tad Magas Dry t.:..... at...t.littsbagtt. . . --..............,.... ____ GREEN,--3 17 : 1 ;wes for f orroe 10 4 1 1 R. A. WARN - ' NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS, Pro ALBERT U. RICHARD ON ADVTIIIIBI. C.. 1. RZAl•orit. OFFICL,3IXI Broadway. Xf - te Fork. Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. rimy hAirs4 or . roona with d!seares of hair, or :mill. cud t.4toning nod pulp or tho Td . i n i r S iv S ; . 0 %111.9 . 1 iN orlt t h i ; t,rturcr, aro! ir hurt Ilair 10 , ..4t3G (or old to or youngez tau t, .Frien o . ilicacloorr carrs,d Itnir h. ..t the Er.tor..r. REV. H. V...111'..L1N. tr, - W. , ,0n 14 , 1[1(y-to - Ito offrvt..^ dr; THIL+IDENT - J. 11. EASON. I.L Slurfrooshnn.' Tenn. irr,zul.r. um.. the FAlling 01.4 Lair and my 41 . .4) look, romirod tooriginal color: . a., I REV. It. Mi MIA: Y. Attleboro'. ahmearlmrto. "It l o ! tho Vrown of tilory.' belonging to old mon. to rho original line of youth. - dr. R EV. M. TIldri11:14 (IG Mete. or eor.l Pitcher, Cliennogo minor, Now York. -My hair m now rentideil; it is n dye,' 6e. .1; EV. D. T. WOOD, Middletotrn, Now York. "My own hair, and that of nuothor M my family, he, greatly thickened, whore alumni bold." dr. IIEV. JAM ES aleKEll. New York City, Ifecommemls It, dr. KEW. W. PORTECS, Stonwidy Conn. t Las turf my mint o mguine expect:dim& Sr. r.Ev. J. F. GRISWOLD. Wii.Minglon. N. 11. -It ii rrnll rilke, lima in motoring the hair," de. Ski M. Si'llATT.LVlAlsburgh. l'rttn "We Mtn and do elmorfully riminnuend le, REV.J. I', TUSTIN, Charientonin. &oath (Sandi.. - "Tile white hair ha, Irmitue obriatml,".de. RIIY. AMOS BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. 11. "We think ' tory highly of your prepitnition,” de. 111W.11.C.SH/Tll. I'mtteburgli, N. Y. "I wt. ouryinned to fled my hair tone tot when I woo young:* do. REV. C. M.CI.IN IC, Leakton. Conn., Irnnin. "it lino ',top ped my hair follingand Giunoil a now M'on'th. - RE% . A. FRISK. Clinmionio county. Now York. et am nat. haled nod wromwrnd 11." REV. D. MoltitlS.Crioei Hirer. Now York. ••11 is the beta preparation” nr.v. WILLIAM CL'IT Eli. Editor Mothor'n alognaino, Now York, - Rueouinimblii gry_We might no ell this hit. Fnl it not eourinreil. TRY IT. Ito report there pt .pnrationi to Europe ere.. and they are supernoding all othom troll at ill the United Statre. doni not tea nr shin. F.lll by all the principal whole sale and intallnaerchnnl* In the Ulltidd Elate, enlia or Can ada. DEPOT, 355 BROOD'S. STREET, N. Where address all letters and inquiries. • 1110 deal,* try to 601 article. Intro 1.4 this, on titer Make more profit. Write to Itetu.t for rtunlar, term, and inforturtit.n. Genuine stoned, M rt. S 411 , 11. written in ink. Beware of otosserrf,il.. MILII A R IrS NEEDLES` ' . :61 PLUS ULM," "Lummox x5.r.m..." xcenues." WIIOLESALE DEPOT =DES STREET, NEW YORE .12.11Aw3mcT J. FRED. MILWARD. Highly Important to Rectifiers, Liquor dlerchant• and 'Wholesale Grocers. I*l4 Parorisags, Praha at¢ .11..nres Emry D.ired Liqurr. • TilE UNDERSIGNED HAS LATELY await , gnat inipronergainta In thin branch of buyiriewi. The flavorloga aro pat op in pod:axon of 5. bland 40 (tallow., and mini , Spirit,. hot the addition of taroeither lid or nth proof, 121311 Liquors each as Connao,eithar dark or luta, Holland and Fdigliah iiiii..hinreirawnil St. Croix hum 51,.. Itotirlion. Irbil and Scotch Whisk, A pplo, Pearl, Cherry awl Raspberry I:randy. port nod Maikeint Winos will he blatantly produced. Lt oquirof no akin. but w. additaan of n good apint. say 50 gallon. to earh trallou of Ilan ra spettivelFlavoring. The h,s a t Clogua a oil, green. yellow and white, warroutol genninn, as low an any other import, ;a the Unittal }baron. of every Latour. latract of Cognac, 11l of *Well pnalittet Ihe, gallons of Cognac. haw WhLsky may. by 11r. F.'s ago and body preparation be made sloonth with but a trifling oxponao. The price of Flavutio.fe aro extiemoly moderato, and di nvgloroi lu fall supplifvflo DR LEWIS Xli efiratflf and Impart, of Drays, I.:,teraid Oils and pagnrrreot yr cm! Paulographic Mena-41a. No 143 31.t10x5 4 NM Tout. N. 11.—Salle Agent fort/fulfill' . celebrated Coblial Bitters and Gin. ap2:alasolinT.a • JOSEPII .WHITE'S • • - - Carriage Itepesitwery. T 0 SEP II WITITE No lY CARRY y log no busithaei in his quo-lons premis, siow lately enlarged.) between Pittsburgh and Lax ntdr 11, near the Two Thin Run. roirer , thilir iulibe lire 1.111.111 to inspect his stork of CAItiILAUES, liWltil EY. A... And ho particularly informs gentlemen purcloAxrri. that tele price only is made. Fourteen years' experivnce in tho Ng ....#=1,4.. him to place before his patrons the sued. , b,n.. collection of lkarria,n,s, whirli so many yens ps_t it lox linen his particular dele‘rt mont to aelect files. tho %Arlen. and ford talerinsl •Ens:, Msztorneinrers. The .111 , 1,4 his new system is r0m1.1..t0; the r of los 41111114, mamts will supply the host and west toildoneble tam:ad.-1w re. at 1110 , 14 , 11110 111101, Unenrinnherisi I.y I loos lours es penses 'Odell the mdnin for dectinttlng lions.a or has heaped 1311011 111.. price of tlosts, (owing to Idrgr re/AA) itneral White inn sell on ready looney only, at nin h lee... than the nous] profits. N. 11—,Carsiagos repsired In the loot Aurtiner, with .Ih.. patch. fol.;oltr Pittalburgh Coach I , 4>rtory. M. L. HTEPIIENS, N1.,71.1%.,41. TO tipirmow .t 01_ furnte,ly E. M. _ N0..14 17... al., el .1 , 4-y oeor Nrroa. Will. PA. IWOULD DESIT4_7II:I,LY AN- 71,1 p A. non ner ta the Carria, n•lnz nrn nui y publie In gnn•ral. thml 1 Irivv thin pur..1iv.....1711. 7 i11 - 1.1 vrt. of trey for rim pnrtilar.. Mi. Met t. and vnriv Iln. lovitn.v. in all n+ brnncln, vt 11..11.1. No. in Itinnininl Alley. In , Itnivring the tn.niv t..nb livbed nsanufaettiritn, evaublirlonvnt. I tonnro nn el . 11.111 bo wanting nn ply part In .Ivvvrve Ilie..vuur 111,h ellarn , tvr to lnng vvijny,l bf mp pnvlrv. l. I. .. ..rotand JaTlyd I STITIIIINg. Coach and Carriage Factory. JOII-NgOlif, BROTHER & CO.. CV.ver ll'Arbwmt and Feherm ALLEVIIENT CITY. WpULD ItESPECTFUI.LY IN farm their friend, arid the rinblir 'gen, at -- rally, that they are mann:axiom:: 'Rockaway!, 11t q...iv& Sleir,lm and Chatiota, in all their vial. on. rtylf, uf finhilt and priportiona. All union. tent tT cunt.-1 with mirim reanril to dnratillity mad Imanty liimaira will attimilml to on the mint rim...table terms. mug In all thi it wort tho Gat Enatent Shane, l'obia and Wheal •ittilT. 11,y b-el confi dent that all who firm thorn with their patriimfge will he eathltlial on trial of choir writ/L. rg Purellawirs are requeiiti-d to give them a call before pur chiming elaewhere. t... 00711 JOHN H. rou3n TOOL 0. TOUSOrn L via" T. 0. YOUNG & CO., mr4crExrcs OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. FACTORY-114.rd se., het tewn lrylir am! IVrtval. • Warehouse—Nos. 38 & 40 Smithfield SI., • STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE—We - Are colotnetly manufseltiring Fri:AltrlOAT NUFENTTURE And CHAIRS', load Invite the attention of these Interested In furnishing Isuen. osabilw.9 T. B. YOUNG I CO. ANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE and CHAIRS of nerdy variety and et, lv,n It_orent,met. Mahogany and Walnut, auliabl• far parlor, chamber. and dining room, equal to any to he found in the Paettern cite, and al lower rrieen. Every article made try baud and tear. ranted. sig.-Hatch and Stramboots Ibrril.lted 0 01,10 notice.— Warcrouma turner 1 . 01,1m0 Wayne .tr.., i1r5:41/mlOl _ _ • -- • - - W. WOOD NVICL.L. CABINET FURNITCRE M 4.4C£.ICT UR Rit Not. 07 & 99 Third St., Pittsburgh. • JW. W. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS . his Mewls andeusteiners, that ho half Eat ....plated his !gecko( Furniture, which Isdochleillytbelarnest and bast ever offered (.redo in this city. As he Isdetertnined to up. hold his stock, with ileasoued materials, beat workmanship and °owned destlnng and from Os extent of his onions and facility In annitifactaring.p. to °guided to produce warted. eJ FUILSITVItti at the 10re/Iprints. Ile keeps always on hand the greatest variety of every deeeripthin of fornititro, (man the cheapest and plelsiept, to the mad elegant and costly, thsl'A house. or any put .done, may 10 famished from Id. stock,or matinfactared expresely to unler. Oommisoton, srr fiIXVLII ISCCO. JOBS L. LLltril SO, 1. 1.111,1 . SOS. B. LBECB & CO., N0a.4142 4t 244 Liberty at., pitteburgh. Pa. WUOLSSALI GROCERS AND COMMISSION MICRCI - LA.N - I'S, DEALERS IN • FLOUR AND BACON, 'Pin Pluto tool'firknor's Stook. AND PITTSBURGH INIANUFACTURES McALPIN & CO (Late of J. S. 1.4r6, Mr A D.DI k ruy PRDlnorgh.) GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORAVA_R - DING mrcncHAN-rs Levee And:Washlngton Avenue, WYANDOTTK CITY, KANSAS TKltalToltY, Judeph S. Koch lc Gt., nod Pitnammi, x ,. n „ ally% JyllulkwlyT . . AT LAW [B STATES Or iuntutAr. Bwowi, tows, ., zkata aad Oats. a. n any of the above C O MMISSION AND Foßwmum NG MZUCIIANT, Nu. 20 Pine Street, et. Lou* M. acre TO Studra..llaavitan sh C. 0., i i Jests & (Agin. Loam". Britain'( On, Zoo A Naar.. Will purchase in order, Loat Mann, Baron, (lain, kr. Proaint attention given to any unmoor ~I i.. 4 w ardin --.......---... _ j,sAyd .P. U. nn:ln aro, LEWIS & EliOhlfToll, (hiura:9BK.r. to D. T. 31 ,,, g . a g c o ,) Wholewain Grown, Forwarding L Coinninedon 3i .41.11, and &Monis, Iron, Nails, Oat lag, c acror V arn a,01,,,,, 40. .tin. wi Wow Arne.. l'ign. borgil,'n'.: t.c2.11,1y Sp-R-f-saaRARBAuOI-----3003imiss F-1 Morchant. Dader In Wool, Provhdana and Prodyar gen erally..., No.2nli Lllarty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • 14 iii a 8 . .It NU, (LATE ( - 5 17-171-1 E .1-1 gin. or ill"g . 14 0. 4 0. 4 1) Ordain liairm Mordant, and Deader In Pig Mainland Bloom, N 0.70 Walser strneL is glarltet,Pandargb, Pa. apl9 A A. HARDY, (SUCOESSOR TO II AR ., dy , juke* & oaoCramlfulew and Forwarding )ler• clnuin • A re n't or the !gado. and I sonanapollw Railroad, t0r .1.! IraMkyory, te__ , ,,Ei tab twg b ;....._ j...y,lyd VDWARD T. lii.EORAW, WSf:f t - AL .1.2.41 Cornsuladon Merclisa, and rimless& Dealer hi Mann , ,be.ed Tobacco, Imported and DOrdente Chprn. Snuff, ,a, Lo. ndite.. , ll Liberty otneet, opposite Oa ii Of liFnuotr i r i n . 1 A • LirsX.A.NDEki OORDON, ... FORWARD LA. tag and Comminion hiesoA6P,_ l ...f lriti... , 8,1145 t groat, Draw in Pig and Bar Lead and Ma. kinerican and 1idnri;,.... , . 1 h..P. . intlh .treet, kilf.alato DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. It is Not a Dyo GOLD EYED EVVOIA-ERR! earrtagrs drurntture I=l L;imiml= PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1857 NEW YORE ADVERTISEMENTS Prom If. S. SCHELL'S Advertising House, -N,,. 33.5 trued was• . „ MILLER'S ft AIR INVIGOILATOII. i. 4• For Simugtheniac. Darkrnia,,, etrl per -Ig:touting the Inapt) of thr hair. lira , . 15 Cents'', llot ,tln. It rradirateg ,urfund dandruff; intigirtg vitally theartr tho hair: Irtalg sor n•I Ito , tras to ill« libroy; darken. thinu if 101- irr. gr vi, owin a g Gray: Cut* or 11+:a at nlreasly thed, and makes Ow hair goft. silky an•l an, i . In the aurgery It to ladimpeny thlti its a /1/C.111.1 of..lealinn: ILe brads of Children, na , ll.kviag the boandati,:n 01 a VI . .D.1, 1 gmvtt, of hair. Bold 1., Dratuti.ts vs in ' ,ran:, tlaiyin ex:ern:4:l4o. Wholvvale th;pnt. thlY N l 's v Turk. Matches, 10,000 Gross. 'WAIT If ES, Clll Aft 1.16 IQ'S ANT) W A X 13J_ TAPP.II:I+, Cfnrriuted to pk,lol every cllto.Lte. tott up 10 wood 0,1 tin boxe, ertpro.ilv for ..11,1101ng and 0:4.1 anti.° ntout liberal Wrovi, In lAEA 1 . .11:T11110:::, Pt:, ;kiloton Lan, Net% York. DAN I 0 FORTES—L. A. BENJAUIN, Bowery., New York. Sir cltkrio l'itso rot:Tr, 0t00tri,, , ,,..1 for tom, 4001 11014. Dualors from tho West and N.. 001 Ore inritcd to call awl ,• multi, A 1.... and 6,,0nkl Inn A 1110,11 dhrooint Oven to d.ralerlauld teaolt..l-.. The Cheepeel and Best. Pumps IN TIIE WORLD, having a SOLID PIS TI IN and METAL V A ItV F-4. For peeping KATItArTh.II::T andel/I.D W..TER.,,ttitettle Criry At.. Throning from itt.r osrelhnt F11:1: KNIIIN F. for fano, I. to dethet. AtiENTS icautrl. end Trrt:t. mto. R. A. MAIISIIWI.I.. Itit Nat( ••• . . jy13:1131.1:s t,rtier opt .llniden Im r I..rk. os - ryzc 1-1 P' • Artificial Flowers, Fancy Ornament• and Lace Trlmntings for Bonnets. To Tar MC8..1,1 Of 1.1,ml:on: • • -•- he nu becrilicrs liaye a large Manufactory in T Paris. and our in New York.exclualsoly otml to gee manufacture .4 the shore kni.l of mals. Their :assent stock roll...zinc many thousand .4.01-a of Feathom and Al.. Flow rn. the notional for manittout throwsvloch ire offered at wholmode oily. at thdlr Woro [4M.. II k:N DERSUN, JyS:acnn Brtentunir..,New York. pATENT SPRING BEDS, Pamir PAt NG Loire Mon, 1.1,a, HAIR II Asn rrut IN. Morr. cr.r.eire Moil4Llll COMP. AND Null. We inantifarture and offer for mln the beet 1te.1...1 or sold In this or any other market. ;remould limpodtlon 311 gat- Igy any ono ..1 Corn4lll., ol what In, Oat.. tr kites quito Nola routhino Isainty. 310 i event ity anamet inserts, um.hons ./144nIctilig thi• t of air. ltoulom and Miters will consult then own mt. odst Ivy examining our Beds and Note C. It k STILATTIik. Awns,.. jmetzart:3 Wt. Omni nt.. N. Y- ra.t Itr v. JOUVEN" S KID-GLOVE CLEANER Jor V EN'S E I D-tti [At v E (tEE A k lt JOEY EN'S 1;1E4.; LOVE eitF.ANEIt JOU YEN'S El Im?t.tlVE ttLFIANI:ir JOU VEX'S El D 411.01 E t'LE NE k ent.. paw 14,ti1” 1:3 ent, I,er cent. per b.ttle tent. Iwr bottle. 2.5 rant% Ivr bottlu 23 cents Ire bottle tr. CV!. per bot eenbri pet bottle. One bottle clean+ fol poir Ono bottle dual. ,0 vale, One bottle cleans itti tvir. One bottle .1... u. JO pair. A. no odor prneoe•li , h. nn the preparation. thoglor.: ran In. worn Olinethate/q after ft.. shined With n pre, nf apply mall in.rtion of the pmpnratdon er r , ...ightly, and the dirt will in.faistlr detappoar. It hr the article it.,l 1,, the Kid-More Nlanufa r eturero of France to impart U.., wiritr of lininb and softnen• for width their glove. nal. :x: Jn.llr veh el.ratod. It el.•an• k awl white and.rxilored Lid elegmAlr It in al.. an excellent article for the toilet nod for heaurtl, fnr exreed• in exalien e any of the tl,,nnottel n.,,1 one praratkins win/illy sold for that porno,. On. trial. at the trifl i ing erpeneo of reign, will ro.nrinee :my that the Is urticie all that It i• rkLinied to ne. Try a i.ttiv or It for eents, and you will never wuh to IM n Rhein it. It obtnlned of all Druggi.t, and 11.-alory, In F 1411.. th•Nli burgh. and ed trltol....alN of dm 111. .1 , r‘r. Ntlr Vora. A I,4ernl dt,ount n. the trade. As them 6an infer], Ankle in the. i• +rill mrefol terse that the name of o.otlt A each bottle which they pnrrhn.e. Altrapt on 11.11•11,) It. E. 1iE1.1..E11... HENRY I; I t %HI , SON, JOE. FLEMING, and attn.. Drug,-,,..t. In 1•i!t.1.1,..qh. JoSlnnl, tioniciriii•liishin nardirrare. PICOT Sll 0 'r I IMMMII TMPORTEIIB and .Itt 1 ' Cutlery, Pen A. &et. T.. TM) A. Fire Iran, Tiniinl Ti 13.1,1 Andirain, 41. r.,te (tel 11.04. Jahiatiial Mainland Ilripainna tn. 4PLATEIt r , lkkArr A FORKS. U.'. klatiorr Lotr: krrr York Jeikl matt School Porn) t itre, Nt.w ;ma Im ,C 1 lir. 4. 11 ItNIT1'1:1.:. Illmon4ted at “II M11,11,01. , 11 t. \ I.M \ Modern Style of School Furniture, Alf NUF.\("FIAEII 10.1 for mio I.v N .101IN:o1N. I,i 11.1 v .1 L.r,,,.:1.1y kept con.tantly on lban.l. Loo.ts,l od nnplwato. LIGHTE, INENVINLEN S. ItitAlinUiti, lf ANC , FACT('IIEitS I:1 the I;:ttmlt .1 roll 171 . WroAt I•lntsk Na Fort., sort: 141, he pura). no N.,lltar ~ •t h.11.11...11, er, fan , Intl, I6I• • ••1,10 , 1,•11 trxr.tstg, LaSe 01...c1ed 4 the 1.1,. .4 ie At , I. A% hich I•:u 'u•l trmuout: while thou •I Litau•lito ,11 1•• n. • Iho vtuutr) i...1‘111n• tt .‘. their A li4enll.l..ermell CloN, 6e11,011 and Oroccrs BAGALEY, CII. COS(iIiAVE& Wiroknoale iirtren, Non li.and xtr.,l, 4urich. HAwortni 11110. 111:1 N E 1... . uunhlr.u.wrtfully 0,...,1,... , 1 imbllc f., their lar.te .Wry Lou!, eign Fruit,' and Fmully ..wll a. Kati - . Rh, tfilltiolenmutut Jay. di.. Ohl Country Black 14,.. Young do, Ilutft , ow.lur awl Impel - all .1 Tema, InMeritten Itufine.lSuelr, Pure l'ugnar If Laud Ulu. 01,1 Dort Wtne, Sherry, )laduirn do. :us Chatnpalcu Impu, Llertuau eud Ilarntm The above gods. top.thur with It grnrral as.ortnt,nt ..r On/curie, extremely low fur an.l n rail at the Pa,,,la - rea Store. Corner of the I/ Unload mid Dim...n.1.110 Rely & IiEIiGER, UROCEItti ANI , Lud. WA., , '6outh.W.t comer Setsithneld .n 1 Second struht . ALEXANDER KING, WHOLESALE Grocor and Importer of Ash. No zr.l.ll,oft, ntrec Pa. 1) , I. WAL 31ITCH ELTR EX, .Irt., BRO., 3511010.10 timoorP, It.Rlfying ho . and Liquor Merylow., No 1,9 Lit.orty rilt4i.llt • TONES & COOLEY. IVIIOLELALI; ultu- CERA and Doat Portitsll4-s, dealre• fig 1•rn4”..• I.ltUlmrgli Ilimurartures. N 0.141 Water keret, 111 , 11, ( Allejr.flttsburgh, I:a. • w,:ti lel. P. 011101,11 JOHN 11.1.11....11 QHIUVER & w 110 LES LE amore, No. I:4J awl 132 Second stnA, n1;1 — TT/IT TsoN k I 61.1 , :s A 1.1.: or,K,r nod Comrolmlun DeAlvrils 1 Pittgbargh MannfactumlArtides,l,6 I.llrorty otrryt. trlmrgh. . _ JOHN IrLOTD.—.-....-....IIIeMAGIP FLOPWILLIAM FLOI'I, J OIIN FIJOYI) & C 0.,. WHOLESALE Grocer* and Conutsliiilou Ilervhants, N.. 17:1 SVooal awl 224 Liborty ' J..11b .10/01 WATT . - Jo/1,1 WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE (:110- eints„ Oummlvdnn Nfrrrbantm and D0:41.., lit Pr alnal and Pittaburgh Marnaucture4, Liberty mirwq, rittsburglk. juZ 1.11.114,147%,. ISAIAII DICK' .Y & CO.. WIIOLESALE aromrp, Commlsnion Merchant..a.s.l Drtlern 111 I'mawe, So. 40 IV., rin,l f. Front .trees, (Lao of Inn !Inn 1101d.n. !Milo & LITTLE & CO., WHOLESALE f. HO . CP:ItS, l'rudurn and Comminlion )lerrttanta. and' Ilmlerd In Plndburgh M.ufarthroa, No. 112 1 1 .•don.1 •dr.•.l, Pit tdbargh. Ja19,511 • •• McCUTCHEON & CO., W HOLE SALE thoerra, Pnaloco nn l Couonholon Merybard.. and INatlors lu rittpthurgh Nanufacturod Art .trot. corn, or Irwln. Plitaboral.. Pn.nnyl ,DOX Aryrru. a J. hes ATWELI, LEE & CO.,' WHOLESALE Gnaws. Produce end Commtoslon Merchants, end D,Dirtli In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wund twee. Water and Prunt L. Pittsburgh. • enIR ROM RODIN. 'Ell ROBISON & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Commlcrlou Mereltents.angl Deal,. I, all kinds of Provision, Pmts.. end Pittsburgh Jlul,tfocturne, No. re, Ildbcrty street. Pittsburgh. jaltklyol RoBEBTIL,KIN4, WHOLESALE RO cell, Co . :1=1ml. Merchant, and Meter In F.,Ohcrs, n.h, Flour, and ell kinds of Onnory Produce, N. I.lte erty street. month of Nisth, Pittsburgh, In. Whs.,/ tsh snores MD& OD Cool4lll9oDisl. ja.5,131 LOULILT OALILLL JAMES L. 1111 LAM. RouNirr DA LZELL & CO., WIIOLE .2.t, PALE Onicers, Corrimisskm and Worwituling tler• rhouteond Deolorsin Protitieutusil Pittsburgh Manutocturys; No. 2.61 Liberty ' , true, Pittsburgh, P. • my! tionitalltro, tz.; E. 4 C. COCIIRANE (SUCCESSOR TO . S. eadler,) Wholesale a;nl lintap Realm. In Books. Mau lo nary awl Paper Hangings, Arland Ottani, Bth &At E. ar Markel &mare, Allegheny. Pa. 1-01 IN S.IIAN ISON, BOOKSELLER ANTI Prat Inner, snercarror W Darl.nn A Agnew, Ho. ta Market street, near Formal. Viltahurgh. Pa. K A T t Y ,, s k K vlLtEiff3 noselWBTA nor of Third, Pithilairgh, Pa. Mural nod Law d ' a l terTn. ' .t.aullruo ' -- L7REAI), UoOX.SEILEICAT.I) STA TIONER, Ho. i 8 Eourth 18., Apollo Bulldlogo. rkiT MINEIcBO - 6ESYCLEY, nod 8P410g0p,10 8 884 , Ijall, Fifth are4t. . ; l og 0;1611_10. PR. R. T. FORD4till continues 'his new VECIETAIME PRA c CZ. Ille eke, Went awl erlaanle A ammo, (lionorth filreef 100,) Keel end o DUIPIOIIIi street, PlttAntrigh. P. Ilia nnlhalted Ft1260.111n Akute and Chrunie Mau. can not be e9aaled In any of the fl.edleal prude° of the mean day. nkflaxlklrlyr. . ... J)R. O'BRIEN CAN BE CONSULTED kt ar.Stolth's,conms Pitth SmithfielA 'Ammo, on IDAYS, WEDSIMAYS and SATURDAY'S, from 10 to ari4 110 3 o'clock. SfießMlSlonco on Ili. llrowilmilla Roml. jakTyd* D plc ip=saasen, M. e ........ inmost, §r. DOCTORS 0 AZZAM & FLEMINCI. om No. 28 Sloth otrect, Pittotrorgh, Pa. fo2,3lSendo itianufacturtro. . . - WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., 80 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., SIMCMILSICS or lirHIPS, THONGS AND SWITCHES. Ord, re eJlk t.d frcm the trade, arid promptly mkp ped as per imdructloso- Tratta-41 months, or 5 per cent. dimemat for matt. J. Q. 11. GEUWIO, Or • ROPES ANI) TWINE' a r n er ..r Prun and Traintil dreets. Pfllthurdk Pa- HAV g ALWAYS ON IIANI) A. l FULL mrply ,r(1.0 and lialtnr Itopen. Ihnl Conl4, Sath and Crate Crd:, 1%.,11. Benont, Cottnn no.l Flax Seine; Paper, Whit, wnl Twin tort Linen, Singing sal Munn'. ljawn. u•11:1 rdbwS3 AL.L.E.GI-IEN - PO 11 , rntr of Irrlor .'reran. .11idrile •- . Allegheny elly,Pn. SII ETT Elt & STAUB. Manufacturers of kJ I roprol ed truck., and Potent (lurch. 1,1 0 •k.n.d1 ; ,n 4 In oenortil, Ad_ done 10 onler. AII .1 - der. pronooly attntoLot to. /Y2A:3rnd• 01,101 1 . 1111,1121.3. WILLIAM BAUNIIILL & CO., CA Penn st., helurr -Jlhrburr, Pittsburgh, Pa. cll'EA3l BOILER MAK}RS AND SIIEET 0 Iron 'Workers, Itlattufartmors of Barnhill's Patent Crllishr &Okra, Chlmosys, rm. ISA, Strom Pipcs, Cnde:min, Solt Imo gAr Pon, loon l'aorls, Ids Boots. etc. Also, Illscksmlths' Work. Itri.los and Iltulort trots, .loon at the shortest no. Ore. All enters from a hem.. promptly attotslod to. ==:= rpti.E ATTENTION OF CARRIAGE MA- SeMllers tend Dealers is directed to the large !neck el Se. I Enameled Ilides rlr Tops and Trlittmlnis. Patent Dad, Cid tar. or Itaillatt i Skirting i Spilt., Pad Ski., lue sale at caateru primo by tlf:011a It if. ANDERSON, K,.:; St. (lair st., 2.latoy Phillip's Bantling, I:!smi.l l'ittehurgltt. Penn Cotton , 2ll.llls Pittsburg'''. KEN N C HILO§ & CO., MAN UFAC. EltS of— Penn A No. 1 Gravy 4-4 Shrodogr. Cavort Chain of nil colors and .hale; Colton To in; IlnA Cord< Plough Inlet snit Ugh Cord; Ropo of 41 lice. and desciption; Tinning. r. 101 .a the Mu%lmmo Store of Leon, WU.. 03., 131 1% 3.1.1 utreut, uIII ham u , tteutlaa.bluly JAIAs NIANUFACTITRER OF QCL PI U le ETII ER; Sulphuric Acid; Sioirilior NOro; Moo Acid; Auotlyun; 31nruttlo Acid; don. Ammonia, EFF; • Nitrouu do . Solution; m y3 11... X. NV A.Railr% & CO., NTANITFACTIIIIIIIIB ?Oat DEALIIILS IN AIT AIMEN'S DW IPYED FIRE AND 11 , 0-r.Pn , NCotnpoolain Roan and Roofing Ma lerinl“. irrom...—zi pin h Woe. d012..1y . DANIELOBRISET'IY —*-- '— itIANUFACTIIHEIL OF FANCY COLOR .OI, ED Ininstono Ware, flookingliam and Yellow Ware, OlTive al tho Manufactory,ihaver of Waihington and Crankith .tenets, Birmingham, Ippoalte Plttabur,el,l, Pa. ; mrlikilly• n. R. a O. 1. ?men ALTO* tj.. UTNE STRUT. TABER. POPE. STREET. 31 , 4,011,11 , 11.6 m 0r OSCILLATING S ENGINES, BOILERS AND DULL worm.% Salem. Columbitutia County, 0. WIII 'V AN & REED'S PATENT OSCI L LATINt; Hog inca of attperhir workmanship, con stantly on baud aud undo to order, with Deming, Sheihng, dc. for Flooring and Saw 31111s,Ilnd DOW purproes. Alm, Manufactitreni .f4mit'a Wetiroted amitrator nare, oat Agents for tYtltiwU , Ri L fr Cot Ilachlnlate Lail, to. luding Taming and' Doting Lathe.* of every dd. ocrlittlow Common ,11‘1.. Engiore owl* tO ardor. !OM. mrclln. 1:1711;1 - 1, FIJIMON trulon Ponnary, MITCIIELL, lIERRON'ir, CO. WILL CONTINUE TILE BUSINESS OF • tho Cni,n Fvondrv.nt tlar old nrkrnd or PCNNOCK, I Cr t., N. , . 114 Litr;qty sr. They wttl nntntslneture, w, alma, e. hrege and general ino.. sortinnnt of C.WrINGS, rutlipriallag !taupe and Slide Ovens, iwywE ,I NO PA NA Nrt.Fl A: 1%. 1 Tel GRATES, - - • Hollow Ware, Wagon Bowl, Dog Irons, SAP IRI /N TEA EIITTLES. PLOWS & PLOW POINTS, - and Machinery Civoingx thwwwwlly, And OAS and W.A TR 1 . 114 , 2 i of II alxw. wsw . . .1 NAIL!: OP 7111! PI'S? RR.I.VDS, Shovels, Spades, Picks, &a., All .4 whi,ll manut.cluture ILLIALII7'ATN, pLUMBER ANI) GAS FIT11111:No. 10 }...1.11 t. nom - Ltl.,” nod I%qm krt...., unit d.•. 1. Al , lrrtival tinson'm , 4,1,1 Fr.leral la.; near Eo•q d,..writ-then or Faith, far Water. Oa. sand rey:ll:et 6nranalle Tile Floor, F. 11,orche4. Veatll4ll.4 and Stores. A 1,r1t1:1) ENt:L.INP Solo Agent. ; 1 11011 'mfr. oitillivci rATENTEEs, , .n. •rvl • N. V. , rk. for INtr.l.lllo. rend w.. An k nte.l in 3 .1,, ` r cylo. braw Ism g nn:l • All at .4.1 Ylll, 1.41. rnallyd insuranre Agents. lIC. ULM A N C CO., General Insuranee •.t,rontqan k l Irmo mice Broke., N 0.75 Fonith et , g h. E CIIA Fr E E Apulia Noidnue . Haft. W... 1 ntr,t. it• FINNEY, AgentE.ureka lnsurncnoCo., A A . C A It It I E It , SECKETAKT /IL. IN.:ay.-lemon Ingurance Company of PittsLurgli, F,,nrth QA M E L L. MA It S E LL, Secretary Citi tj I nomin, i'ouiputy. Wal..r 4411.4. • V M. GORDON, Secretary Western Inger '. ant,. , oipany. 1 , 1 W street. stree T ; Flt; N FIR COFFIN, Agent g e n r e Fra '', in ail CompKny, North-east serene Wuxi 11,4 Third PA. MADEIRA, Agent fur Delaware 3lni nal I ii.uranno 0..42 Witter env'. Tin IS. 4.7 It. A ANL Agent Reward Insur set. Company nn.l PittAbargh Lite I muraase Company, corn, Wilt, M awl arke M t r... TIS. J. GUNTER, Agent Farmers' and M.-hanks' Inannincr Cp.„9o Water lama. TOSIII:A ROBINSON. Agent Continental eI n•uram.,. Co., 24 Fifth ntrwt. W. PO IN DEXTER, Agent Great West, yj.en) Femt .tml. Ural Estate agents. BLA RICIIEY, REAL ESTATE ilri.kos. torn, of ,'Tenth - and Smithfield street; l'ott.oloure, Fal., MU., I.otl, )1111s, Furman, l‘inotht cooloonloiln. bind Werranto; 0111., nowt , nn.i Note. ne,tbsted. Fl.opeelel attention ere. to •itlidietiling Fermi and di.r,elug of them. Trtme renown. ble ItolimS LI AM W ARD, PEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, Bnd, Slorlmen awl ell ...ctirules Mr =angry. ......1. mu pr...ure loalto llmmgh my Agency, on mar. eldo Thom wialtina w ittroat their monay to good advannona ucan Myra," find lira' a n d arrow' CIA. paper .t wilco, for All communications and inturriom sttictl7 confidential. OM, tl It Ali T sTILECT, oppnwite St. Paul a Cathedral. Jol Alf 1:01 t(1 1.1 W. BNN, ItEAL ESTATI: Gawl hootranee Agent, attend. to ,hoying toed wiling Ittedaddeie of every deecriptlon, and to ieney Mennen. nonerally. Aleo, to tutoring property from loan or damage for ilre. ?or wool, reliable Philadelphia Oconpanie, Marg. r;tmenstble. • . 4i-0111to West 'lds of Federal street, 80-coal door South of the North Commons, Allesheey City. eep9 ltleiTl3l UMW, 'no.. R 1.001116 AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., DEALERS IN Promivnry Notea, Bonds, Wigwag.+ md gecorl. ties for 31oney. MilEl=l NUTFiI AND DRAMA 110001IVAND SOLD. Panama desiring Imam can be accommodated on reasonable terms, and mpltallata can to furnialta4 with good anetwities at remunerative ticket. Also, attend to li,. bale, Denting anti Issuing of Brut Estate. •i - (Mica N a 42 Fourth Wive!, abort, Wood. ItiIi—AUSTIN LOOMIS, Notary Public. tun. Be MeLAIN4, SON, Real &date Agorae 'Broker, No. 4ti!i Fourth otregt. TI WOODS, Real Eatato Agont7o. Is Fourth otreet. Z.‘tpboloterg • • • • - 'AV rti I Paper Warehouse. WALTHic I'. DIAItSIIALL & CO., Im porter.. Ana Dmairra, 9i Wrxri atmot,Drlvrann goortla Hart Anti Diamond AiDy,trlmre may Is. round no ortoolv, , manrintent °vary m•arripnnn of Donor naught" for Par. Inn.„ Ihrila, Dining Room , And Chruntwro. Alan, \Miaow Siradm, In groat variety At 101.41 pricel to country .tralrrs. rrl6 WALTER P. MARSHALL ! C o . Z. RIPWWWWON W. IL BAUMAN. EOMUNOSON & CO., NOS. 96 and I.J. Third otreat, tow Wood, Maaufacturera asBl Doak" In WALL PAPER. - CIIILTAIN.GOODS , ORNAMENT& ?MOE& TASSELS AND OORDS, • DOMPORTILEEDS, PATENT SPIRAL SPRING DIATTRESSES4e.. Woo/A*oldt IWO attention of poroJouonot to Ihnir largo and voided Mock. .sti•EhOtud • SEIBERT, PRACTIOAL UPROLSTERER, No. 100 Third Stregf. riftsburgh, Manitticturer tod dealer -la CUSITAINB 00ttNICE. ItANDB,SII4I)EBr. IILINDE1,188:1111.88.3E8,0081,087.8, 131:3IIIONS,40. Particular 88.4 110 0 Pahl to 14.amixit work. (.4trpda nlllBOlllB ord.r. • marl9lyd Z.Zllnst ern Intl flgento. _ __ Calloclions In lowa. . J J. m.GAIFFITII, orrivittgos AT LAIC . DOIIIIIIIA. lOWA. WILL OLVE PARTICULAR ATTEN- Von tattle collection and encoring of tlebtkanconnta, cJeltne. /Lc.. in Duborneurroondlog country. tirlirmitforeo .. 4 41.449- wisa 1111.11761=011: F. F. F. , Fonaoc o . K. q4 Jonoc Lath A ON 11 Biddle Itoberte,Atell N. €Litlurlft Wra. °minium a 0o•: AAk •IL Chemlnni ... entklyd ATKINS' t,M_ ~ . ,~.N;i~ ROSEWOOD CAM A reel etippte eel reeolpekeicd lbe ede J 126 .1 E. }MED 00, Siwellare, 68 1111th et Jittsburg 6aytte, DEBUNKED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY 8_ RIDDL ES de CO_ ==! D AIL rO.IZETTEts Meat& aNewspaper it . , the MA and havingane.stenSiVefirculahan ...age the bsossaves men, and reaching all classes, it .jr-,, !ad , a,nents la adver tisers as the 1..4 ',sodium throng!, which to r , ach the public. AnirTIIE WEEKLYGAZI:7II: i issued orery Irednes stsy and dos rrfay. nn a large Ulnkfl shat and son.ins in addi!i.,n to thr news of the week. a cm . ..tally !prepared and relialae report of ihr Markets, eonmrniat and 111 , nrtury fairy, and an accurate 1) 0,4 Sato Litt, rmreded wee) ig for 'Ws paper—making N She best fl:msarstial .Velotpuper iWthe TIC,RjI9 t `,P DAILY-41k Dollars' tew annatn, payable In chance, or 1*2.% rents per work, pnyable tu the 13wrIera. WEEKLY,—Two Dollars per annum, .payablo In advance. Clubs ore fornirluel DU 110 fellowaug tenon: Four ;copire one year $5 00 Ten " Twenty" 00 ty" o you • • • Aud we to the perwm Getting up the dub free. 46/rAdranro partuontl aro etrlrtly required, null no pa. per will to out oßor the Woo I. tip to which it we. paid. paten or Advorti•lng. l• Square of 101114011, I lime .. 50 1 " " " 2 " 75 1 t. " 641 3 I. iOO I . .. n 1 week 175 3 00 " " 3 " 400 1 month F. 00 • ' 3 " 700 3 " 4W • u 4 MI 7000 ° 0 ° 12 00 " 12 " .20 00 Yearly adverthers are entitled tonne equare,eberig• able al plefteare, per annum 25 00 Allrertisemetan with CUL tr«hlo price. "God and Humanity." FOR GOVERNOR, DAVID WILMOT FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM M1.1.L.W.A.13,D 1 , 01,117110111130P1UM6C0011 . , JOSEPII J. LEWIS, of Chester, JAMES VEECII,of Yayette. Aseessb/e, DANIEL NEGLEY, affirm tp. THOMAS KILDOO, Snowdon tp. . J. B. BACKIIOUSE, Ohio NICHOLAS VOEGHTLY, Jo., Allegheny., J. HERON POSTER, Pittsburgh '. A,,oriat• Judge, GABRIEL ADAMS, of Lower Bt. Clair Register, JOUN G. CURTIS, of Ohio townlhip NATHANIEL PATTERSON, of Birmingham Tr.anirer, J 01.11.7 J. MITRE, of Versailles tp WILLIAM N. BURCLIFIELD, of root.!::s. A. B. STEVENSON. of [Amor St. Clair. L'l.rL• to! M. Courts, TROMA.4 A. ROW LRY, of Pittsburgh. P•or, .1. 111oKINN EV SNODGRASS, of AMID Messes. Eourons : —Sortie two months ago convention was called t rleu panted the Repudi ation conlentiou,, tit ulr k lion, n committee was appointed to investigate the action, of the County Commissioners and Treasurer in relation to the subscription, to railroml4, the sale of the bonds, &e.. and made report thereon to the peo ple: and sul.serob.ntly a correspondent of yours who styles himself a Commit tce.mati, complains bitterly that the people have not been fairly and fully ndvi•el an this important subject. There fore, I have arrogate•) the power and,resolved myself into a committee of one, and will do the duty that 11:: and his colleagues hove foiled to do oil hit train carelessness or incompetency. I feel the more inclined to do so because troll, the instructions 10 that committee or the prejudice of the ntembe, I never had any hope of an ins pan inl invt•stigalion. 'First. thou. I report dint the County of All, glieny,tlareuult their Commissioners, by author ity ol the LeD.lnittre, did subscribe t the stock of six or a. 1,41,riv., tic . Pellltyivni,l.l it It., S 1,010,101) aof 7:.1 1 ,00(i Aiirghetly ;:.11.100 Choriters I .-a,,000 mill.dtf Nlaking in all. The nothor4 fur the subscription to each Railroad is as 1:s: For the Pennsylna nig Road, in addition tu u -pecial act or Assem bly or NI troh 87th. NN. a minvention w,s held at the Court-house May Zig of the mine year, which convention was cumposed or t lot delegates from each of which 7.a.1 voted in favor of and against the subscriptions. For the Allegheny Valley Road: By act oil Assembly of 11,11 April. lb.A, :41 sect,jonPanaph ; let Laws, page :LC, and by petit ions;whieh were referred to dm 11 r.:11.1 J ur y. fr o m 840)4 cis liens. In this case. however, there were petitions sign ed by 316 citizens egainst the subscription. The (]sand Jury neverthelees recommended the . subscription. For Pittsburgh and Connellsville Road: The general set of A9Selribl7 of April ISilt. 16.11. *Pittsburgh and Steubenville Road : By a sup-4 pletocut which was approved the 2411, February, I Pamphlet Laws. page 138, in these words: "That the County of Allegheny. through its Com- . ntissioners, shall be and is hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of one ((rand Jury, to subscribe an n mount not exceeding 10,10)1 shares to the capital stock of the Pittsburgh and Steu benville Railroad Co.: and they are hereby au- thorized to borrow money to pay therefor, and tOlll3l, provision for the principal and interest of the 111011PV so borrowed, as in other eases of ! loans to said county:" and by recommendation of the ilrand Jury, in oomph:tit, with the law, of which Grand Jury henry Woods nos fare nn: and by petitions from Infel citizens urging ishp subscript ion. Cleveland and Pittsburgh, by act of 711 t April, Pamphlet Laws page (13.1, See. 17, the recommendation of the Grand Jury being re quired so in tha case of the Steubenville Road, which was done by the name Grand Jury in compliance 7 with the wishes of :il3 Firms, the (iran•.i Jury lining the a u tos at at $130,000. Chartiera \ alley R. 11.„ by art of 7th Feb ruary, Is. - a, I'. 1.. page .13, Sec. S, the recom mendation of the Grand Jury being requisite as io the east, of the Pittsburgh a, Steutiroville, with the same provisions for tire payment of principal and interest was given by the same Grand .Ivry, June 15,'5:1. As to the authority for selling Railroad Bonds below their par value, I find that tot the second day of March, 1855, (Pamphlet haws page '62), the Legislature passed nu „act an-follows: That ihe Cleveland It. IL Company bo, and it is here by authorized to .11 any bonds Lehi by it in payment for subscriptions made to the capital stock of mull Company, at such rates below psi• as may be agreed upon between said Company and the parties purchasing the same. Provided, That no sale shall be consummated until the Commissioners of the county which issued the bonds shall have by resolution deter mined the lowest price at which said Railroad Company may sell the name, said resolution to be recorded in the minutes of their proceedings; and so mach of any act or acts of Assembly as is here-by altered or supplied be and the same is ' hereby ,repealed. . Again, on the twenty-seventh day of the same mouth and year, the following act was passed, vis : That the provisions of an act entitled (an act supplementary to au act entitled) an act to incorporate the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad Company; approved the 2nd of March, 1855, be and the same are hereby extended to all Railroad Companies, to the capital stock of which Companies subseriptiona have been made by the county of Allegheny, on special contract or agreement with the county Commissioners. As your correspondent appears to base the whole of his Argument on the question of com pensation to the people, on the part of the rail road companies for the property they have taken, or are about to take, in the form of taxes on - railroad bonds, I have extended my investigation in that direction, and proceed to the proper source. The duplicates in .the Commissioner's office whore I find that, lands in some of the townships that were assessed in the years 1840- 47, previous to the railroad hnprovement at $ll per acre are now worth from $7O to $lOO, in others such as Roes, Sewickley and others, con tiguous to the railroad, lands that were assessed at fl-om $l2 to $lB and up to $25, are now worth from $144 to $4OO and pp to $650 per acre, and in Reserve, still nearer the city, lauds that were assessed at $5O and 40, will now readily,firing from $l6OO to $2,000 per acre; for. instance last year in that township, 14 or 18 Amos of land in one body was sold te the Pittsburgh & Cleve land Railroad Company for $1,750 per acre; but I need not specify the townships; all through the county the increase In the value of property Is about the same proportion, that is, lands and property that previous to the construction of railroads were w rth a certain sum per acre are now worth at to least from 4to 12 times that amount, where re I cannot see the force of that argument. I Lb' k that property holders are c ' amply compensate r theirifling tax asked of them. In another number of your paper, with your permisaion, I will eodeavor to show you in what way tide railroads have Increased the value of lends, add why the County of AlleghenT should faeißtato their completiou; also, I veal Invettigatellhatimarks . . of your ~ corresponding "CommittetiMan." . PUBLIC IMPROVIIIIIIIT. 1:IE rff= $l,l. I,i 14) ME333 VOLUME LXXI----NUMBER 18 BEDFORD COUNTS IN VIE FIELD.-011 Tuesday evening last was held in Bedford the largest meeting that has taken place since the memora ble epoch of 1840. In the afternoon, the people, the free, "unbribed, unbought" sons of toil ,of Allegheny regions, the "frosty sons of thunder" of Bedford County, one of the Counties of the old "Charley itgleli Congressional District, poured in, in torrent,, to hear WiI.ROT, the 'Great Champion of the North. - proclaim the principles of freedom; the principles ofthe Rev olution, of Washirigtoul'of Jefferson, of Adam, of Hamilton, of Henry, of Matlisclit, and of all the great and "immortal names that were not born to die - of the Revolution. The streets were crowded by ituntensa masses. anxious to hear their world-renowned standard-bearer -ti: WlLmor—the author of the celebrated Wilmot Proviso. Long before the ringing of tho the Court Ifouse began to till up, and after the bell was rung, the building was literally jammed to its utmost capacity. Not more than half .the immense throng was able to gain admittance. After the organization of the meeting, not the half of that vast throng being able to gain nil tnittance, and to give every one an opportunity' of hearing the speaker, the meeting adjourned to the front of the Court House. Our friends of this county are the great est spirits, in fact, this is the largest meeting that has held in Bedford since IMO, and our friends may look for a majority‘ in this county, that will astonish- the natives. well! All's well —Bedford Etirpirt4. A FALSE lest e.—The Washington f`n6•u says that, "in submitting the new constitution of lowa, the question of equality of whites and ne. grins political privileges was submitted to the people. Nearly the whole vote of the State was against the assumed equality. Aftet• . all the pretences of Black - Republicanism in favor of negro equality, nearly the whole party voted against it. Few men in lawa was found voluntarily to vote them.elves the eqUals of Degrees." The Union mistakes the issue which the Re publicans make with the Administration not only in lows, but in all the Northern Stet,. The Republicans insist that the. whites ought to have at least as good a -lance in the country as the blacks, if not to better; they insist upon taking their labor into the western. territorial market on as good terms as the Southern cap italists takes his. Bath these pretensions the party which the roam serves, resists. It in sists that a servile, unpaid and degraded Caste . shall be introduced to plough the field, make the roads, build the houses, and, in general do the work of the rising republic of Kansas, thus practically excluding the intelligent_ and self respecting laborers of the North, who will not eipose themselves either to a degrading classifi cation with slaves, or to the competition of men who work for barely the poorest victuals and the cheapest cloth,. Until the Union can show the people of the North that they have not a right to us good a market for their labor in Kansas as the Southern master, they will strive for it and the Republican party will be multi plied.—Sew York Pont Basso 121 Cu/cello.—We learn from a gcntlei man just arrived front Chicago t t that threentonths since on his arrival at Chicago, he tried to lease a store fora Block of carriages. Ile could at that time-find but one, and that not a very eligi ble one, which was offered at a rent of $3OO per month. Ile declined it, but the store remained unoccupied for months, when it Was finally offered to him fur nothing. The.falling of rents in Chicago is not at all surprising7Thedepression in money matters has cooled the fever of land speculators, and thrown a large amount at' prop erty upon the market. The lltstest city in the Union is likely to: see pay tiny conic with disastrous consequences to many of its citizens. —Dayton Empire. AT last there is a symptom of opposition in Western Virginia to the Emigration Aid Scheme of Eli Thayer. The Guyandolle l'ninnist . pub lishes the proceedings tiro meeting held at that place August '2O, to take into consideration Eli Thayer's and James thirdon Itentiett's Emigra. lion Schen', -' Deitmeratie member of ( . . , 11- gre, elect, was called upon and addressed the meeting, and one Lewis Anderson, of Oldoonade o speech pledging the ••Union and Consult Mion" men oftltio, to sustain I lie citizens of Virginia in their endeavors lu maintain ,their rights-- their "rights - being, we presume, those of mob long free white emigrants disposed to labor with their atoll hands. A Sown Canowtt paper 'says: '•Thaws are a great many pimple who live in ignorance for the wont or a new-paper. Last winter. N'chile !raveling het wren this pine- and Raleigh, we met a loan who conversed intelligently about farming, Inn who had not heard of the death of John C. CaMonti or ileneral Jackson' Ile-ex pressed great regret at their departure, and could not imagine what the country would do without them. Ile was told that fien. Piers • had kept things pretty straight, when he actual ly asked, •Who is Pierce r WMPPED IN.—Gov. Walker has fully declared himself to be in favor of a sb months residence and paument of tans, as a qualification not only to vote for the constitution to be made in Sep tember next. but also for members of the Legisla ture-and Oil ronary and .in(erior oqierrs. Ite . is ns violent 'against the Abolitionists as n wounded snake. 'Ye hope, and have now some show that he will tumble his speculative scheme overboard and come out under the true colors. The dan ger of an exposal by the Black Republicans is the only draw-back.— Westport (.Ilitteeril Star of Empire, (border ruffian.) AN ANECDOTE related at . Constantinople, shows how much the °Ramon elute enjoys the presence of the foreign representatives. As his Highness was taking a ride in one of the suburbs of his capital, accompanied by a single aid-de-camp, he perceived on the street two Franks, who showed in a very lively manner their joy at meeting after an absence of many years. The Sultan inquired about them; from whence they came, and who was their ambassa dor to his Court. "We are Swiss," they re plied, "and have no Alinister here." "0 happy people," exclaimed the.Aultan, as he rode on. Moss FILLIBUSTERING.—WaIker's agents in Alabama are publicly advertising for recruits to swell the ranks of his to-be-organized army for a second piratical descent upon Nicaragua.— The indueementi offered are $25 a mouth in coin, and 250 acres of land at the closeof the tern, of service. The question has been asked—wiil the Cabinet at Washington permit this open vi olation of the neutrality laws? Let us wait *indium how the Cabinet itself will answer by its acts.... UNE OF STRYCHNINE I DISTILLERIES.—The Physician in the House o Correction, at Law rence, Mass., reports it almost impossible to treat delirium tremens successfully now, in con sequence of the . utter prostration of the ner vom system of drunkards by the strychnine so generally used in the manufacture of various liquors. ANOTHER CONVEMON.—As this is the age of conventions and fast youths, it is understood that the boys intend to hold a convention to re vise thq ten commandments, particularly tho fifth, which is to be amended thus: "Parents oberyour children." . Tun cotton and woolen manufacturers of this oily aro adopting measures important to their own personal interests. They met last evening, and took into consideration tint propriety of either stopping theirmills altogether, or wor ing them on short time.—Phila. X. Amer. Pauccsnsrlos.—The mayor of Louisville has issued a proclamation to the Police of that city instructing them to suppress all secret societies, or secret gatherings of colored persons, whether• free or slaves, ih that city. • Turn Albany Argus states that the owner of the Chemung County Batik,. of Horseheads, is taking measures . to place it in liquidation. - - - - Pittsburgh Stamp and Stencil Worke ENO. D. AtArIvrITIC.W:?. ' Stamp, Stencil rind ltrantl. Cutter, TOBBING CUTLER, GRINDER, &v.— !, Kulres,Scimorsand Razors Ornond. du Mao MM.., Imagist: Table Fain. littltlred. and Donond Jobbing ot• tindini to: LOCKSMITH AND BELL-11ANOSIL No. 138 Smithfield/3 ,near Sixth, PITTSBURGH. It. Ki - f - Tho ahem firm In prepared to make anything In Ho shape of no Mtge tort, nr do any kind of ,with work what over, on Ann nottro. ,r2:41y.1 NEW MOURNING GOODS ' : ,1 4 ,U ST RECEIVED AT TIIE Mourning and iionse.Vui•nlrhing S T 0 R D- aotOwd - BROOKS & COORKR, 7L Market et. lIM ELASTIC NIPPLES,--2. gro. on hand G and for role by ate:9 b. L. IYAIINEEKNIC. ' CYAICURE'r VOTASSA--60 lbs:ree'd itnu for sale by Ma. It. L IAIMISTOCK, AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL--20 grt; for Wu by IL A. PAILTERSOCK k C 0. ,. au3l corner first and Wood rte. ' E CHWINO TOBACCO—We ltCiae A. Chewing Tobacco es tan be nnind in tho worid. N0.L."0 Wood st 5027. W. A: D..IIINhIIART. bbls. Eggs just reeeived and-114 1.% sale by anl6. ROBERT. DALZIELL & CO. _.,__ e"~.-.5°5.; .. .`'7~^ , y , ?.;!M~tb.7 , e. , yrai{t Y I '. ' :,.'"".-. ~+,w: !austral N E 1V FALL STOCK- OF Timanb.criber Is now 4 - 44