".: -11 - ES'1 4- A2I3LISTIED IN 1786. NEW YORK ATIVIIRTIMIMENTS. Frum sissapal, OWE.( - 4 CO, Gnza.u. Naworarca niriauto (AppAettea Bu(kling,)No.346 and Itrearlasjf, Nun rat*. 4 • • _ Godtrey'eCelebrated Cordial Bitters ' aff rettillstisn inffle arta srOttarmte, . LL A P 0 SIT IV V AND PALATABLR ...idt...ltemedy fur gimursi bility, Dyspetodo, Las of AI. petite, and all dinorders of the Dliestire Organs , ' The Inventor and Pr rOodfrry . s fkirt.ral..l CI, ifita Bitten hi reccwrinsendlng them as an nurtmiltsl tonic and lurigarant, isenntained by the beet to authorriti. of &trope and America, as well WI by the multituths who hare tented them. As • restorative duty stand alone.-- Tbonsamb whams now languishing might awake temp 4r/dolma. by thin p owerful renonmd. The dyepeptic sr Mods teGodfrey's Cordial Bitters, Ands benefit. pe neut. Upon thesital organs, they eurelee a direct mnita ry Janette., ' 4 yet theig agency Ls so mild ma minim).— Foe general t dtkity,Sdoking et the stomach, 10114 of app.- lite. sick - hell, or mental fleprosaion, hypnebondrinsio broken el. Auden., Client...after exercise. 1111. 1 0115 f chulle, . • ' • toms and oil disorders of Ma nersousfortfnu, their Lenin • ere incalculable. Prue . • cautioned against all impositions. s .. Depot, IG:Soonth William street, NY. • GEO. GODFREY, Proprietor. _ ... • ...:L.(10 "r , y'sc Celebrated CorclialC - in. :-. • . • . custete, sue Wu 001 ISM. Am ~ ,T HI S . UNEQUALLED BEVERAGE `- .i.:.'•• Medicinal ism/Nettles of the highest order.— it Is Irian. lansiesporially for and by the Proprietor end P•unLne, the newt maierials,ond bas all the merits grille I otit the dr °teams effMts of Roy other Gin either In Or et ' Britain, oltand or this renntl7. GODFREY'S CELE. BRAYED. t RDI,AL GIN hos been Adopted by eminent physician AD the parestand most efticacious diffusive stim ulant am] Imre lc which mannfactoring skill hos •yet given ' to the wor 1.,. It is entirely exempt from those alehoholic drinks sail beget* thirst forsinfanienta. Orders to any ' amount prt raptly 1111.4 by the remrietor, GEO, GODFREY, Importer of Brandi., Gin, Rims, ho., jelleidllol „ Ar- l6l.South tillable mt, New York. Ins sled Wines, Grocieria•, &a. • I. h. W. GEERY, . 213 Gs) of. sum. 099 719 lIROADI.T, maw roam. [Establlched 1911.1 X.SIPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FIRST Quality Family Groceries, offer to the Trod, Hotels. Pirate Penniless, and all who ore choice In their taste, and desire • preulee artier& a large variety of , TEAL—Green and Black, Sonctimig. Penn:hong. .Englisit Bmakbeft, Oolong, Imperial. Ilysou. Gunpowder. Young Upton. &e., in cheats and half chests. ho. 0./FFEE—Machu and Jaya. WlNBS—MfulL*lrsa, Shorn Ports, Hocks, lco racy old and high grades, In o ol packays, demijohns, meg. MUM and bottles. BARTON and GU ESTIETES CLARETS. CIIAMPAIONS—Meet & Chandon's Wit Innffl Yerrensy. ' Do -Ifeidaelek, G. 11. Altimm's do do do LIQUORB-,Brandiee, limns, Whiskey, Gin, Arrock. Ate elntha, Kirsch. d.c... kr., in original package., aim Curacoa • Aloruchino, Anieette, Noyeen Bitters, &c. 4 ~,„,, LIQUORS—Lotoko Brown Stout, Scotch and English Al CM A LS—A sorbet • of choice broods. PICKLES—English nod Trench. SMUG s.—Fer ELM. Currie, Gem, Melt, to. CRP Stilton, Chedder, Royal , Victoria, Prin. Albert, • n, Gruyere, Salsa+, "Dutch and and Alll+HClll. 8P 21 , 11,1 41 1 haleenls. Poirerisod. St. Croix, &c.., In bar /lASlS—Viestithalbt end American. OILII-I-Olire, Sperm nod IThele. • . SliiirOri r Liquors are warranted unsdniterated and of "tar • • own le , oportation. . fe3Mtfe Gold Plod.' Pianos. kIQTNINWAY k. 'SONS, ISLA,N-fffl 9 i i rcruaeßs„ &I Welker street, New York, rooolved the foliewing First Fria X In competition with the beat oaken in Boehm, Now York, Phltailelphlsond Baltimore. TROYMIST PRIZE kfEDILS at the Metropolitan Fair, Washihgton. Mareh,l3ss. A OULDIKEDAL, at the Crret al Palace, New York, Ne enah*, 1a55, (toeing the only Gold Medal given for Pialmo within the last els year.) A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Instituto, Baltimore, THI3 'UST PRIZE MEDAL at the Pair, Crystal Palace. Kew *Rork, November, IS ML Among the lodges wore the drat timid talent h the country, .00h sts L. Masan. Gott erhallt, Wallenhaupt and toasty others. Sr. & Phoine (with and without the Iron Frame) la, warranted for threw yr* and • 111;ten voralntoa given. • hon. packet:land ahipped 'without clime. &lota moderate. dcZtalytly L 41 )" 8 ' VOTTIN. universally knorni as the very best for family ow, also for SEWING MACHINES. Agents, ROBERT LOGAN k CO.. 61 1.6.:r Strut. New Ynrk _ r ___ Oyu g g is t L. FAHNESTOCK, late of the firm of 13 1 Fames-rock k - Co., end II lie COPIPOr [o tlrming Druggiet, No. 6U, corner Wood and Fourth Pltdburgh. P. A. FAILNESTOC,K & CO., WHOLE . ads Druggists .d. Mannfarturere of White Lead, sad Lltharge, corner Wood nail Fr.' .treetn, Mitt burgh. mch7 TSCITOONMAKER, MANUFACTURER . or while Lou'. Rea Leed, Zinc. Paint, 'Ahern , : Pot ty and lirlialatal• Dealer in Paint. Oils, VArEthil., Turpen tine, in. Nia Wood sr, Pittsbargh, P. JOIIN (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. lefluffey,)Wholrealesnd Retail Drugsld and Deal, In Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Ar.., cursor Wood sad Sixth moveta, Pittabtirgh. Itrgular Agent for Dr. Ford's ]!edition. JOHN P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL er InDrogs, Potato, Oit, Von:data, mol Dyntallo, No. Zie Liberty atrort, Pildbargh. MI omen oill receive prompt otteraloo. Sarlt.m.mt for Setionek . o Polmoule Syrup. E. SELLERS, WHOLESALE DE AI, R, er in Drup„ ['guts, Dyestuffs. Oils, Varnishes., dc.. km, Wood mOset, Pittsburgh, Pa. Goo-1s utioratited. Priam low. bßLDittci 11111121 • .- ERALIN & REITER, WHOLESALE AND Retail Druggisla,corner of Liberty end St. Clair eta, bore'. OSEPH FLEMLNG, (SUCCESSOR TO L. J Wilcox. Co.)corner Martel etroet end Mammal, keel. costaltantlyon hand a fall and complete asetertment of Dram, Medicines, Medicine Meets. Perfumery. and all talkies per taining to hie baslneen. allirPhysielarte preacriptlons carefully compounded et all hours. paly DR. GEO. 11. KEYSER, DRUGGIST 140 Wood street, corner or Wood erect nod Virgi Alley, Pittelnirgb. Pa. Vrobuce Dralers CHEESE WAREIIOUSE.-HENRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and 0011.1111P41013 Merchant. and Dually In Cl.e“, Buttorilrke Fieti and Pr.lnce generally, 26124.1 rt., Wore Water, Pat6burei. tity2l JB. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN, • OMB, Commission and Vorivardiug Mereitutit. tutil Wheleisale Dealer In Wester. Iteseree Cheese, Butter, Pot .4 Pearl Ash, and Niselitern Produce generally. ' , rout st., bairsum Smithfield and Woad, Pittsburth. MBANE & ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to A. & A. Maims.) Dealers In Flour. Oraln and Produce. Cdranalsilon and Forwarding Mowlands, NA 124 Second streeeL Pittsburgh, Pa. Pan. 1. '57: , 11y] Jal2 j)AVID C. }IERBST, FLOUR, PRO dace, Prorialon and Commission Merchant. Ho. 267 both street, carom' of nand, Pitmliorgii, Owe his amen thin to the sale of Floor, Pork, Baron, Lerd, Cheeses hinter, Orain, Dried Fruits, Beals, dr— A ., . sa-Oonel f auneata raspy:trolly solicited- anAly A - TEX. - FORSYTII, (SUCCESSOR TO .ri Fusiti,•l"&ott.) Forwarding and Commiesion Mer chant, Dealer In Wool, tildes. Floor. Baron, larded Lard .Ohl and Praline generally, No. i 5 Water at, Pittsburgh, P.. RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION . Merchatifund Dealer fu Orwell. cut Produce, 77 Fifth lama-Pittsburgh, Pe. • 11Pfer to 6. HAXCLIVC, Pittsburgh, BAOAsrr, ,t 'Co.. Pittsburgh. Alii•ConsignmsttA solleltod and satisfactory rvt urns gus.r. salon& .1016:1ydaul ROBERT HUTCHINSON. COMMISSION Ederebant, for the We of tretarn Unmet-go Cheese, Butter, lard. flacon, YDS, Pot and Pearl Aahm, &dermas, Clila;lktur, Drain, Seed , . Dried Frult,and Prattle,' gertemlly, S Smithfield Woof, between Fleet and Water. ap3 ILARLES B. LEECH, FORWARDING • onortionunialon Merchant, Basler In Flour, Ocala, R. ~..• ,0 --- and Hotter, and all kind. of Produce, No 8 &Mtn ':-.....--th;•lt,.koatleoen Pint and Water. ap3 - - EAGLE . WAREHOUSE.—.rAs. GARD INER, Nib°lntale Dnaler • In }lour Provlslone .nd Predwn 6...n 11 Y. N0..6 &went!. 'tree, between Liberty .6d Sinitalleld,Pittalmnh, Pa. 41911"Tornm cub, WIC B. POMO- Nri. B. 11.0L3IES & BRO:, PORK AND Beef Packer. and Nolen in PnTilioo3, corn, of )fakof.sa4 , Froot gavots, Pittabarigh, Pa. deb fflausic, Sec TORN IL MELLOR, No. 81 WOOD ST., •. between Diamond Alley and Fourth term. Sole Agent IorCHICHERLVG k SONS' (Dorton) PIANO PORTER, MA SOM /k. HAMLIN'S , MODEL MEL and RG MARIIIOSIMME, and Deskr Mtutle and Ste ODEO NSeled G O AN ala, Ja.l3 • &LEBER SBRO.. No. 53 FIFTH • • St., Olen oftha Golden liarp,Sole Agent for MINNS -01. ARK'S (Now York) unrivaled (hand and Sore. PIANOS, and CARHARTA NItEDHAW gmuixt MtLO DP:ONS and OMAN Ilk R3IONIUIIS, Dealer. In Musk and Modal Instruments. • fon CHARLOTTE BLUME R , MANUFACTU NJ Eft and Dealer la Plano Faster, and importerof Munk and Musical raments.. Salo Ag fur tho HAMBURG WAWA also lnat for HALLEY, DANIS ent k (30:8 Bart Hama, with and without lEolean Attachment. US Wood street. issyl fittorncps _ Benjamin F. Blood, . • 0017NDELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER OR THE STATES 05 New Yak, • OLdo I fientqeky, klansobneattA, lndana, . i Missourt. i lowa, ' Nitsisda . ,, ,• RI , Wlaronalo . - Aeknandedgeneen and Depositions taken, and Oatha Ao. sdakdatared to be Irecoled or used in any of the ala we ruined Stat.. 1 : 040-0 VP.Ite the Theatre, No. 43, keigh.Panna. OBERT DrKNIORT, ATTORNEY At et+Nuo Roil cigar of the Bank of Plttebugh• N. / 20 teet.Plttetetrgh. delB ,OSEPII- S. A. A. T. MORRISON, AT tetot...7v lan. Gene Nang Fourth st, near Nread, tenbaran ney24 AARTZAIORN RAZEN, ATTORNEYS atAar. . 06k: I n Odeon Building, Fourth great, tta ‘nth.Fs F IIIIIT CANS PEEDEEEINO 711177 TS AC, A Kiwi well Teeted in nee, and Rave Given ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Axx icaslylr MANAGED ItY . 4474 y IMAjmer. 4441174 11.1111130;* Na 471144 AM it. comer of Third :JOHN FLEM/NU. DEA ERIN HOUSE hernIAII4 Illardarara. Mellow Warn. Plated W . 7.Brittw ai., Japanned and Premed ear., Waal 111313‘ IT ma, °rim of Market awl Pittobartb, Pa. : .11100%?1, lad all klob Dobbins In mu lino, !lona • , tth dap.atch. m 722131 DAILY - . - 'PITTSBURGH , GAZETTE. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS, From ALBULT U. RICHARDSON'S A.T.Tstranal ♦xnaa irZSPONDMO °MC!, 360 Broadway. Alla York. Hubby lmportant toten, tg o rland oegey:e DR. P7..UCIITIVANGER'S, klarorings to Produce ate Albotrot. of o' 17..0ry Desired Liquor. TIIE UNDERSIGNED HAS LATELY oasis great improvements In this branch of business. The tlaseritigs are put opi par_kages of 1, 10 .1 40 Gallons, and nsplims hot the addition of Pure Npirit. either lot or 'Lb proof, and Liquore such as Cognac, either dark or pale, lloiland and English Gin.lanutin and It. Croix Dune Site nougabela,Doluds. Irish and Nssdcb Whisky. Apple. Peach, Cherry and Ilasrplxrry Itrandy, Port and ILutelra Wines will ho instantly pnalumd. It require no skill, but nn addition n prod spirit, say 10 gallons to nook gallon of tho re aper... Flavoring: The ht st t. OIL green, YdP l w . 1 . 11 genuine. no low any other in the United Staten Essen."( every Liquor. Extract of Cognac, 1 W of which pralne. 200 gallons of Pap. 1.0 Whisky may, by Dr. F.'s wand body preparation be tut. smoothsvith but a trifling exp.. no price of Flavorings /111% extremely nicslorate, and di rent.. In full supplies' by DS,. LEWIS FECCLITWAIIGER, ilDasistand Importer of Drteys, Essential DAs and dirlato, Dagoorreotqc and PMlotegraptate Ctionnicols. No 143 Mirrors Lusa, Moo Toax. N. B.—Sole Agent forilodfiefe celebrated Cordial Bitton and Din. ap2DdaulanTst Carriagns. • - • - - Carriage Repository. jOSEPII WIIITE NOW CARRY- ing, oubutinecir In his spacious premises. (now lowly tabu - god.) between Pittsburgh &nil lAtlrrotico. ille, near the Tyro 3111 s Ron. rosportfullr invite* {llO public to Inspect Ills atm* of ES, tr. And he particularly Informs gentlemen plin(loirers. that 01{, ambit. only M mailoi Fourteen yews' eaperlenra In the boob neat, onables him to plan( Arhus, his patrons thr sarnorhoimi collection of Carriage, which so many years mot It has leen his portienior departrilopt 10 redact fn. tho various and moot talented Eastern illiumfaeturors. Thos imeos of Lis now system Is complete: tho minion* . of his arrange meribi will supply Oho brat and most fashion:lbl* mantifoetto rims at moidorato prima. nein.= bend b; theme Leery which the wee*. for diicontting flume. of Bunitiviii, bee hrOlwd nixie the Plc. of Cke.bh (owing to 'ergo Teem) White trill MOMMIUMSI N. 8..--.Clarilwge• reywdrod In the best mainly... with .11. IhlOttitwrifP Plttabarglt Coach Faotory• M. L. STEPHENS, BIGELOW !I co., formerly E. H. BIGELOW No. 46 Diamond Alfey near Wood Strer,, PlTlMPlilltilf, PA. T WOULD RESI'ECTFULLY AN nounco to tbo Parr., want. conitutinity an public in general, that I hove thin day port hued the Inter est of my former partner. Mr. Albert, and will carry on the blll.lllOllll in all Ina branch,. at the old Man& No. 413 biro:aloud Alley. In changing, the llama of thin old end no well coital, Ibihed mannlikturing establl,ltment. I amour° the public no effort shall lie wanting on my part to denerta the nurse 1,110 character no long enjoyed by inn prileroisorn and cnnoeiatea. Jiarlyit • tit. L. STKPIIEN.. Coach and Ca . rrlOge Factory JOHNSON. BROTHER B. CO., C.rner of Brisson( an./ Rd em .STrek.r, ALLEIIIIENY CITY. W - • OULD RESPECTFULLY IN MW form their friends, and We poblir gonn- rally. thnt they any niatinfacturing rarriagne. Itaronelew 14 whmr'dlet , nuUAW.. Sleighs and Chariots, in all their sari of styles of finish and proportions. All order" will lw execotol with outlet regard to durabllifY and beauty of apish. Repair will ales Isa attended to ou tho most reasonable vane Ilsing In all their work Ills Not Pastern Phafta, Poled and alawal ?tuff they fend could thnit that nil who fgrot them with their patronage will le perfectly astlalled on trial of their work. Purchasers ore requested to giro them a call before pun chasing elsewhere. tugnlyd dfutniturr 10=1R. TORN,— ....... L TOCILO..-....M.C13 L. TRURO T. B. YOUNG & lIISTFOnCTOZIOLO Of FURNTITRE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. FACTORY—Pederal St.,Leheeen INie and Prnna. Avvrtft Warehouse—• Nos. S• 8 & 40 Smithfield SI., QTEA3IBOAT CABIN FURNITURE---Wr) comtantly manufacturing STEAMBOAT CA BIN Suloarrat: and CHAIRS. and !mita tha artnntlou of tDaw intoreated In turn6hing Unita roakdkrTS . T. It. YOUNG k t). A_NU FACTURERS OF FURNITURE and CHAIRS of Peery variety and my!, In Ilmwroamt, le.l.ogany And Walnut. Anit-Odo for parlor, chamber" a al dining rom, rynal to Any to be found In the Yotworn ethos, and at lower prirea. Every art/ela made ky hand atel war ranted. la - Hotels and Stoombonta furnished at short notira.— Warsroents, corner Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsimrsh ,14:dkorlyS JAMBS R'. WOOD\V IL I L., CABINET FURNITURE .IrA 'CFA C T 17/2 ER Nos. 97 k 99 Third St., Pitt.sburgh. JIV. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS hid friend. anacn•clom,ra, that he h... H.l hid dt•vk of Furniture, which I. deeldvdly b-.f d., offered for .ale In Oil, city. Ad h. I. determined to up -11,,1d hit stock. with roan uai tnaterLtla, twat wortlntano , IP and naddest deaign , C and ham] the extent of hid orders and (twilit,- In mannfidrtoring. hn IA enabled to plaint. warrant ed FICILNITURE at thl• lone+ , Nice, • lie keoin alwaya on hotml the great..., rari..l • of every .I«aeriptfon of 613-niter, from the rhear...l and f.laive.ot, h. lb. met eleomt and ewtly. that:a hmo.e.or any pert 0f..., may Ir fur ni.he4 from hi..tocl,or manufact urea esprevoly to order. car= MOE= eommission, S:c 11/114 . 0. LXLCLI JONO L. LLLCIL. . ....... P. LUICIL 308. B. LEECH & CO., ri0..24%& 29-4 Liberty 4t., Plttebnrgh, PA. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COM.M.ISS/ON itn - Etc FIALN'T'S, DEALERS IN FLOUR AND BACON, Tin Plate and rrinnees. Stook. AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES Jyll.lly AIcALPER & CO., (Late of .1 Looch. Mc &lido & Co.. rittabot ah ) rUENERAI. COMMISSION TrORAVA.RIDING Levee and Washington Avenue, WYANDOTTE CITY, ICANSAta TERRITosy 3ovoph 3. Lee.ch t Co, and Pittsbrirgh Moral:lnt, geou- Jylltd&vrlyT D. D. THOMAS, 0 0 3131 ISSION AND FORWARDING MERCUANT, .Vo. 20 Pine Mrut, St. Loots, Mo. lit&Orit, HARTMAN & CO.. Joxee t Lunn. Lonurrz, Nr eWAar 6 C.- Zoo t P4NTER. purchatto to ontrr, t o m Hemp, Baron, Grain, iv. Prompt attentloo giver, to toy manner of forwarding. Jetulyd I'RINGER lIARBAUOII. COMMISSION S Merehtult. Dealer In Weed. Peerfelon, and Produce gen. N 0.295 I.lleßty street. Pittsburgh, Pe. AENRY S. (LATE OF THE Tun of Kiwi d Moorhead,) Commission Merchants and Dealer In Pig Metal and Bloom., Nn. 76 Water attest. be low Market, Pittsburgh. Pa. a pl9 AA. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TOHAR . de. Jon.. S CosoColumisidein and Vortrardiu^ Mer chant: Agent of the. Shawn and Indianapolis RailroUl. ow ner Finn end Perry obt.. Pittsburg! , Pa. JeZelyd EDWARD T. MEGRAW, GENERAL Cominiesinn Merchant, and Whokoolo Dealer In Mann. fsetured Tobacco. imported and Dottuatio Cligers, Noel; Cc.. do., No. 241 Liberty street, opposite the bead of Wood. Pith, burgh, Pa. A.LEXANDER GORDON, FOitWARD lag and Commlasion Merchant. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead Agent, Dealer la Pig and Bar Lead rod Shot, American and Manilla Damp. re2.t.113m• Booltoeltero, C. COCIIR.A_NE,. (SUCCESSOR TO E. B. SY iler,) irholenlo and Retail Dealer to Books. Ptatlonary and Paper Hanging., Federal Wort, Oth door P. X. of Margot Square, Allegheny, Pa. TOIINS. AVISON, BOOKSELLER AND tr socceseor to D 611,1011 k agnevr,',No. Market street. near Yourb, Plttelmralt, P. Tr AY-Sr. CO., BOOKSELLERS AND sTA ta.x. Tim:Ens. 65 Wood street. next door to the co, uer of Third. PI ttedsurgh t Pa. School and Low Boohoo°. moody on hand. L. ItF:AD. BOOKSELLER AND STA- J . TION ER, No. 7S Fourth .t., Apollo Building. NT &. MINER, BOOKSELLER N. and Station.r, Moronic Hall, Fifth eitree. D. R. T. FORD still continues his* new VIM:TABLE PRACTICE. Ilia office West end Penneylcania Aconite, Vonetli Nucor East cad o Diamond meet. Pittsburgh, Pa. UM unlimited auccumin Set. and Chronic Dinell.Pa can not ho equaled in any of the moiled practice of the proton day. -- R. O'BRIEN CAN BE CONSULTED lONDPra Dr. Smith's, comer Vitth and Smithfield it mete, ATS, 'WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, from lo 1 and I to 3 o'clock. go-Fteeddnoce on the Drotsrorrilld Urn& JOS. P. DAMN, D nowt m. 0.:, Y. D DOCTORS GAZZAM & FLEMING. mkt No. 25 Sixth drag, Pitteborgh. Pa. to2hOltodo WRPAY k BOIRCIiFIELD, DEALERS in Silks and idadiere Dress Goods generally, Malta abuse and Awes, Embroideries and Pimple Gouls, VA. ab Gunntee. An unusually exte d nsive Assortment In All th. used epartmenteAnst receive arid selling at the loww prices. AltirNowthrul cov. Fourth and Martel Atli* 1 , 11113 street, Mit* A. A. *AWN • CO.. *MOST •I,Xlf . VOIA. A A. MASON C 0.,. WHOL ESALE, end Bea Deane le Vsneyand Btsple Drl Onode, 24' eiltb anat. nitattrn 'Liao agento. • calections In lowa. J. M. GRIFFITH, comma-Lon 4 L IV, DUBUQUE, lOWA, WILL GIVE PARTICULAR ATTEN. y tloo th•eollaction mmtrin dads, mcrtmts, ac., lo DabOgw and mumendlog cmsntry. iiirEmalfimmis , y Made. • u ersoltail 111 ?mem= 13. W. Ton Eambont,Eaq. Jmm,L , ..th AO.; R. BWM Babies, Am`r, N. O. IEurPBT: , Wm. Omminglam Co : A.* D.U.Ctsrabuy; Vtdri • PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1857 NEW YORK ADVERTIBEINESNTS Prom H. S. SCHELL'S Adrertbdog Hooro, Brad way. ivr AT C E S CIGAR LIGHTS AND WAX TAPERS. warranted to gland every climate, put up in noo4 and tin boxes expr,sly fi,r nhipplng and juhtil Sold on thu roost liberal term', by ell A 111.1511 PA RTRIDiI 125 Maiden Lnno. Nest York. an 8o In Patent Spring Chair and Iron Furniture Co., Manutactory 64 & 66 Duane Ni. EEXCLUSIVE !lI.ANUFACTUREKS AND Proprietor,. or the PATENT ELLIPTICAL PrE gr. "nPEINfI CIIA MN, the moat elegant nod Nkomo, Chaim In the world. They molt the Premium at the great lVorlare Pair at Loudon. Palle anal Now York. Sotitablo ho Patient. talrltriew Otflorat Counting-Ramo.. Ilnt L. and Legielative Halle. Piano and Store Ittooll with or without Sprinka, now mud beautiful patterns Ira,, Fotteet. Park, m,l Garden Clatlrk Cemetery Chain nod &Intr, &0,1 1110, Upt and Umbrella Stands. Bronze ,:a d OM: Centre. Pier, Solon sod Toilet Marble Top Table. Imn lbahnemle. Maio anal Ornamental, Folding and Permanent. for Hotel, folic le. etltutlons. Servants, Le., Ilr.mkem, Gilt and Brunro in great Alai', Sole Aneuttif, SOUTIItiA'YE FISIiIrn PATENT SCItrAV WILENCII, h exeoln all other.. Tho aieuti-ot of !derelmore is nwportfully Invited tool, exammat lon of the largr , et and newt astensien Week in Amertea. For polo at the lowest price, for Mho or aPPreTed JyllartuLa nAMTF:I. 1.. FISK I:. PIANO FORTES—L. A. BENJANtte. Bowory. Now I",k. Solo Agent for mimed PlAko Fawn, uteittrioafteed for hmo mud Dotter, front the Weed and South are Invited to cull nod ex• amine. Alwiomer end wooed hand Plan. et h.. idleon. A liberal dlormint givn to doolotu and tenchoni. Jylo:3uiei The Chegtpeet and heat Pumps T N THE WORLD, having a SOLID PISTON _L and 51NT Al. VALVES.. For muumuu EXTItAvr, 11.{T nod COLD f .r Ciktern, Well, Factor 100. Minn. kr. Throwing from al to 500 {tallow. h.or tnluute.— An ozrellent FIRE ENIIINEI for fornow, I..orge dlictoult In dealers. ABENTS wonted. and Trrritorial Itighte for B. A. MAU:MALL. No. WV Pearl etre., Jyltuarntlif votTior of Malden Limn. Now York. OSTRICH 1 0 .1i1A:1'1 - IRItS, ' Artificial Flowers, Fancy Ornament• and Lace Trimmings for Bonnet.. To ion sincomors or rmsecsaa Tho - subscribes have a large Manufactory in Park, ma ono In New York. excluelvely derotn4 to the tuarmfacture of the oboes kind or ne , ele. Their prosent• stock embrating many Mon.:nut etylott of Frothort end tho maternd for ntennfacterMA then, which nos accred at arbolonale only. et thole Wont R00m... lIENDERSON, 1t0.20n, Ilroathene, N.e Votl, PA'I'ENI' SPRUNG BEt S. l'ATF.x . r SPRING Um.. Inn, 11...rn Artxr,,... £31.. ['dancer I In rKoirn I'd.r.ntrn )lo.dgritn CANt,II,I Wn manufam are and gf, , r for rile th. best 11.11.d . 0r In lltni or any 0111, layk , d. A I, , rwmal nnqn.... [lon will .al• kry any OM. of entrecturo 01 what w,..date our M.-- Tilt° Nrds nanbin” knonity.ehnndawnt and lwrfead svcnrity ngain.t inonds, without oloAtructina Ilu eln - ulrd of air. 1d..4.1.0r, and ullwds will root thee Own inten.t by azaminin, our 11. d, and Net b..forp purrldedn where. C. 11. A: W. snurroN. jrCeimlins WO Canal et.. Y..raat Ils,vula ay JO SID-GLOVEkID-GLOVE CLEANER. As no oder proeetst• from thep,rnrntion. no glover.. la 'COM after it Is cleaned. With a rem of flannel. apply • small ts.i-tion of the reparation vary _ightly. and lb. dirt will illAtavttly .11,1p[aar It is [l.a art:do noel the Kid-Glnce Mainaf3..turers I , ran.,,..inpi.rt that Inuit)) of aniab rind soft MOM for oldrh their ere o rel. ebnin..l. It deans kid slipper and white and .-...torai knl glov.o elegantly. It to al. , an ex....tient snide f, the t. diet and for l , ,. , autifyilut the n•nipleaton. removing tan. [Amid,. A, far excrado in any .4 [he th.•oisnn.l on.l o pratarati.inv ramifyramify odd f r that purl... tin.. trial. at the trilling nape., of '25 rents. a.ll .-metro any oue lb.' the tinkle is all that it is damned h. be. Trr n I.ottle ,d it f..r 21 root, and ymi trill rover alai, lola wit li..nt it. It .an bld.vineslor all ItrnoWlate and Il.a.lers in Fancy in Pal., burgh, and at wholesale. of the onto proprietor, frill A ilentotrat,Nra long A Word .110-own t, trade. As theta I. on infortor ankle In tniyers will be careful to PCP [harp , . naino of Ceuta J. Co.. is op..n tad, bott lestrlii, It the p Aleray, nn hand by It. .. ELLER?. IT r.S ItT Rlt:11 till YLEMINII, and other Prow.. on glt JrZe.nid, Howse Furvit•hing Hardware. PICOT & S W IC: I . 6.3 At.rien Lane. 11.4. 1 - 31 PORTERS and Jobber. of Cutlery. Fon dem Ta Trxy, Ttnu.l nt:.l 1'31116,1.: Hollow Warn. Preach WArn. 1,1,, pmt Ilia., Planiih.-1 a,;,•llll:+{Parma WAS 1.) PATON. Mitrolfuecurrr of Neu flllll 1111 ji.L. pr ,, ot' .tyltto of SCIIIMIL ki ILN ITU NC Illustrated ext.ohowoott *ant ot. I.l,lloution Ir It PA Ti", Jog:Auld S 1:4 tiro, •trott, w Suck Modern styl: of School Paroling-, MANUFACTURED and for &ale lot N. .1111N..1N, S.. .111 , / 1I lam 544 A I.g. ...yid.' I‘ , o onl.lmulatr. .1 nu appbcats.. as LIUDLTE;SCgiC.fifft 11:= Vll)voicians Du Coots., Matches, 10,000 Gross. Saierroonts, Zia Broadway, New rork .1,81.1611. JUVVEN'e KI D-ri E CLEANER JOUVEN'S CLEANER. SOCTIIN'S K 111.43 L. 'YE C LEAN ER JUUT EN'S Itl 1,0 LOVE CLEANER. 25 rent' , per hurtle errata per 6 . 41.1.. nets per toottle :5 rotas per lettil. 2.i cent/. :au. per ts, .tt le :5 cents iwr I.ttle n•nt• I.er ((i.e tx.tile clouts ! , 0 pair e I,llle dean.t On. bottle H....A LA. pan- XISVIACITZLIS DI_ATKD RIO)'S AND FORKS, ialnn I,llc N." I SirGooi N nrnit nrr.- ANTFACTUREICS (4 the Patent Arch Wrnet Plank Pt no Fort., ,el.l.ransl for depth, full , wee. richness. pulley, And awenhar einglnts luntlsY of their f,sr Wilk II they he, re..,•••1 the , hinhent rorniurn• fn. on the gis.ntost rtinsleal cel•britl•s of the :,.mars and In °eery fair. when hnouht in rnnipetlnon stall other e.nto. hits , oldalteed th• Ishrin•st premium Th. l`stsnt Arch Wrsnt Maul, whlth asownesi end owl nut, hy us. tMvtmnl their stunding In twin I sng.r then arar “th, In. strnment: while dolt' unpr.red•nt•st demand n ail parr. ..1 the country in a analdeat 'wont of Own - import, easelltnu • A llln.ral discount to Mromen. Sch.h. enA th. trade. Jett lyd3 Crocco B A t.: ALEN', COSG It AVE a CU.. Wholeaale fifteen, Nos. IS ati.l 20 We.et street. burgh 'ail is P.O. RFtI)WNLE.E. I iliroenrs.ll,lliiirn•pectfully Invite the anenti , n of public to their ler.. aleck of Wino, ilran.lee. I.lquers. Pie. sign Fruirn and Family Isna - ertea, such .4 Extra P.m Oahe. Old liorernmant Java doe Old Couritr• Marl; Tel C1,,.i Vonng'llywn do., Granpeeriler And imperial In.. lavertnir'e Refined Suware. l'nre Cleanae Brandy, I land Om Old Port Wine, Sherry, Madeira In. Claret end IMMMEiMINNI . . . . . . Th•atnre ataxia togethar with • garo , ral tomwtmeat of Uroterios. extremely law for mph. WllOlll.lO nod row! ai the Pak..-tala Tea etorn. Cornar or the Dlatoand eel Diamond alloy R -• • • EIS 3 BERG ER. GROCERS AND Deal,. In Bacon. Lard. Flow, Ch.., B(01301. Nand...West corner Stulthllald and SK , und titre.. Pitt' , yd 71 - 1 E XAN DER - KT N , cI" 110 L ESATS: Lime, and Importer of Buda Ask, P.o. 273 Li , rty greet. Pittal•nrah. Pa. 111TC11ELTItEE, .Irt., & 13R0., Wholesalo (: ocers, lt,tifying Distillork and Wilts and Apo 20. Liborty str...t, Pittsburgh. Jul Jo•cs - JONES L COOLEY, WIIOLELALE (MO OEM and Mgt Furninllnrs. &elan In Prvlum and rittabnrgh Mulutarlasrne, N0x.1.41 Water ntlvat. near Cherry Alley. llntaburgh. Pa. Iny2tt • QHRIVER LtimLwowrit, WHOLESALE Groers, No. 133 sod In Se and stroot. (I,terson Wood mud Smithfield. Pittsburgh. CULBERTSON, AVHOLESAL4 • armor and Commission 31ctriumt, Dosiss In Pm/linos sod Pittsburgh 31msofartnrod Artifice, ISA Litscrty Wool, Pittsburgh. L JO. /Unto-- RlCllklia , non all-1201 71.11rD. JOIIN FLOYD Sc CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Ccmunission Morriotnts, No. 173 Wood end Libsrly strsot, Sittsborgh. Join Pl. WATT -1011,1 WATT & WILSON. W 110 LES A LE ORO- OtilLq, Commission Slurchants mut Inedors In Pro darn awl Pittsburgh blnnufactures, No 2.M Liberty struct. PittsbUrgh. Juin IDEldll DICKEY 601141 DIMLY. TSAIAII DICKEY & CO., WHOLESALE Gement, Comcniminn Slarclinnta.nntl Ikndern In Produce, No. SU Water ntro.nt, Rod 6..3 Front ntront. PlttAburgh. --- TROULS 1.11133, RR... 7i1010.8 1.11712, is ' (Late of the firm kabinet, Little k CO ) T& CO. ' WHOLESALE GRO. s CERS, Preto. , and Cumnaltalen Siert:haute, ate Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufacturer, Nit. 112 Normal etreet Pittsburgh. fn.10,9,53 Ins tigturrcussur st., NORroX McCUTCHEON & CO., WHOLE PALE Grown, Produce and Commis..inn Merchant , and Dealers im Pittsburgh trtunnfurturtsl Articles! On. 21 Litsorty street, currier or Irvin. Pittsburgh, In. my 3 JOWS ATWELL t J. I.ZZ lIAI. ATWIttl. AIIVELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE OjerefTP. Prndll. and Corntnltaion !.terrhante, and Donler4 In Pll..lPurgh MAnnlntlnrcl4, ?in. ti Wart Om.. to. (worm Water and Front It., Plitanornn. twin - . ---- • , SONT.N.OIIISON, UM I: IL MIMI Tip ROBISON & CO. WHOLESALE Orororo, Commisohm Mord:onto, and Amore in ad knob; of Provialons, Prodnoo and Pittsburgh Monufoct urea, SP. 255 Liteoly ;Minot, Pittsburgh. InlPlyd , . ROBERT H. KING, WHOLESALE GRO CF.tt, COMMIPIinD illerchsnt. and Polder is Folidhrrs. Fish, Floor, and all kinds of Country Produce, No. 211 arty strrot, month of hillth, Pittsburgh. Pa. Liberal ad. vane.. mado on consign... Ms. OBERT DALZELL & CO., WIIOLE IA, SALE Oronom, Cornmtation mai Forwarding Mot' els.ta and Donlyro in Prralumnami Pittaborgb btanufaciormi, No. Z 1 Liberty *treat. Pituborgh. Pa. my 2 JOUN CAMPBELL, MANUFACTUREROFBOOTSk`o 13110E9 of every dosed ptiot, No. 34 Smith ,4 stone!, Pittsburgh, Pl. oe3lay.l PI/Mlikallrer I.lod Denier In Ayvrs AND CAPS, No. 91 WOOD STREET, littehurgh, and FM .treat, Allegheny. and` SALES OF STOOKS, BONDS, !MAI. ESTATE, ke., /tr., 11210 IRMA% Alter July let.At the MERCHANTS' ExcHAxar.. , A°l 47 ,rusris wows e co, Mock and Note Broker, • fat (r 2 Fourth EU/wt. • . e j Is - ' OEIVED-- . 700,000 German agars - 1141,000 Havana 200 bu. Vlrsista ManufactundTobsioo. lupst assortmett of Cluus and Tobsoco OM o ff ered In this clty,ll now open forsumbutloo and sale at atoms W11141A1771 ear. lhaltbeed strut and Diamond Mu 'ftlannfacturers %CELLE. RIDDLE & SO Fourth Street, PitUduargh, Pa., 111A111111tiLLIti 01 THIPS, THONGS AND SWITCHES. Fr Onlicra oollcited (rem tho tradv, and poiniptly &too pod ae per locrotious. TER3II--6 or 5 per root. diceonnt for rob. n 025: I yithro9 J. B. II :=- GE' % JIA.T~ITI:II[8f ~V - ROPES. AND TWINE, (1,7,.r0.f Penn ring( Walnut stre.g, Pi:Ls/wry/ I , N. TTAVE ALWAYS.ON HAND A ri; I , w p,d, of Gail and liullrr Iturtw, Red Corda. Bu.h and Crwe Cords.lirtg..l, Calton ctitgl Fl” Igniger. Witt. Cotwod Tiwt.; 001 SL , g 4 gB %wt.' Wick vv A.1.LE.G.1 - I_ECN - C. ; - F0 I{ltter Strrrt erre/ Middle ATley. Allegllcuy City, Pn. `IIETTER A: STAUB, Itlnnufacturor,, of 17 itoprov."l Trtrrlt• and Patent Garden lloek In,ItIN kyin It Lind tv•ral. kr, dom. to ord, prtmtptly attended In. WILLIAM BARN HILL & CO., • GI Petal st., below .Barbary, Pittsburgh. P. rrEAM BOILER 1IA1(glIS AND Sit EFT S Iron Worker*, Manor, turern of brtmhilre Patent foKomotlre, Plurd mid Cybud. - Boilers, Cltlamoya. Itrnir St.:ato ript, Conrlensora, Ut : 4 mmr Puna. Iron Yawl, la.. Moat, eta. Al'... IllarkAultloi W,,rk, Una, mot Vm411.1 Ingle. Bono et tie alwrlo•t no All onion. from a Liman. itr..mptly attontlad Jo'n EMZM=CS THE ATTENTION OF CARRIAOF: MA KERS. Souldlere stn,l Deniers le dir.•ctnd to Up, tarp sto..k of No. I t:uam1•1.•1 Irides for Tole and Trimming l'ittout D.41,0.11,1r,0r Malling,:ikittitig. Plut Skin, ,te., for solo at eastern hr li E41111;i: I. AN DETtgIIN, No. 2S St. (bur et., 2d story ButltllLr, awl:l4%A IlltAburgh. Penn cotton DIIIL t Tr F:NNEDY,CIIII.I)S & CO., 3IANUFAC TUltEltli of— Venn A No. 1 henry 44 Slkfttlng", Carpot Chain of all calory and shad., Cott. Twine: tied Cords; " Plough Lltael awl Skids Cord: " Rope of all elx•. oin.l.l,criptlems; flntting. tuft rtt the llvilanire Sion. of Lopo. Wilson tr I:II 1% will low. attnntinn. je4:l y • JAMES IRWIN, MANUFACTURER OF I'LI'HU RIC ETHER; Sillphurie Auid •r=pirlEstor llortman'm Anodyt, • Murtatir Acid; Aqua Ammonia.. FFP: Nano. do Solotinn; M. WARREN it CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALEICS IM WARREN'S IMPROVED FIRE AND Tral,r-Pr,mr CumprAltion Rwrs And Itoofulig Ma- M:I==!MIM - DA NIEL BENNETT, -- - kIANITACTURER OF FANCY COLOR ED Ira:worse Warn. Rockingham :tn.! TPW.W ac IM , , at th• Slannfnctary, corner of lVaAbingt.. and Franklin otr , r.t.t, Ihrtuinghani, oppue. Plitaburgh, Pa. turltl,ll r• • .I. roan “”c n ... 6TILLET •rABER, POPIC , tk, RTREET, XVPACTRZIk!, OSCILLATING STEAM. BOILERS AND MILL IrtIRKS. Columbiattin Giuntv, 0. AV 11 I TNI N A REED'S PATENT OSCIT, tTI I: , ,intot or 1.1,4,i, Ittoltrimmlop. eon. stant It un g.. 1 rtn3 mad° to order. with Geving, br.. f.r Fl outing and San 31111, and ..,111, purplwes Maunfacturors 4'4 klobrahrl t;nrern, rain. and Ag.td. fyr Ilich k cob Nlathiniatn" I n•indln, Turning and Wring Lath.• of ev..ry anpti Guitunon Slid. Engin.• nna.t• to order. SI1011•5101,1[1... .......111" D. 1f... Utaloat Foundry, MITCHELL, OFIRRO.7II & CO. WILL CONTINUE TILE BUSINESS OF the Uni , t) F , ,t..firr. at tha 41 maw! ...I' I.F.N SOCK, MITCHELL L4l..rty et. They will isinnnt.w: urn. an It I and no. ow.wwl 44 (7 ASTI nwinynning • St..ves. Manors nn,l Siidn Ovens, OFTIOE AND rj 141.0 STOIT.. MANTLE 1(IT('IIEN GRATES, Hollow Ware Wagon Boxes, Dog I tOOR, \S. TEA KETTILES, PLOW:. L S MIU 11.11.1 31achinery CUR ting3,4iimerally, And OAF luoi WAtEll PIPE-I.A all men. fRi).V A NT, .V. 4 ILS OF trrt REST ii . h . .I.VDS, Shovels, Spades, Picks, &c., " All of which will 1,. sold raniamtaclisrwra . ptire4. my: ly D1.17:11 - BER. AND GAS FirrEß, No. 1( F. , •lrth otr=t. IYAS Libprty. n. 41 472 I,nn , twat a Kn . A I , lnrtnen k I noot oak, ar.,l Y041...1 It.. orar Allrvtwoy •aTE.rry .I.ncription f Fhtin, for Wnt.r, ,;ILA h:ne w~i ~a Tlie =I2MtD:IIM==MM= • • ALFItEI) ENt.d.ANI), 8.10 Agent. T . l 111 )31 01{ItItNAL PATENTEES. X M ,, 5 1, 3illlloll L0ud0n...4 51111. r d Callea. New Y. 41. f.t . I•l,t+boro atid lh. We.l. All work .ce..lte.l In a naperl, Nan, 0,..., 0 , tm! ca. 1....4n uNn Fourth ntr,,t, Enstirant: Rgrnts IC. I:131.1N & CO.. General Insurance taw, Broker', N.. Fourth it , rttt.t.urgh. F ITE Cll.\ FFI•IE Agent, Neptune In+ur rate. 4 , bif..yrtt. 1611. W.. 4 .tr..t. R ~ gent Eureka Insurnene A A. CARRLER, SECRET R AY Inirnmee Compalay of E 1114.11,. Foiath street. (.2 A3II . E L L. 31 .11{S11 EL L. Seeretnry Citi twer.,”Cosneiser. II: Water otr...t. - 0 31. C.olllN)N.*teretary Western Incur • Imre IVater ,trret . JT G A111)13: El - 14'01'1'1N, Agent for Frank • • tin Elre Insuranel I.X,rarany, Nnrth..nxt rorver and Third wee.. PA. .NIAI)k:11 - 1A. Agent fer Delnwar. . 1111t.tal I u,oraere C., 42 Water parmrt TI !OS. lil.1111A.:11, Agent 11.0war1 Iremr liner Vocniunv rtnd l'itt.burgh late I tolurnnce Cow rsny c..rn., sod Sinrket ett tn. NEWTON 7 JONES, AgentManidnjui• Cr • ere Inimrabrn en.. 06 Water strnrt. Tiu.S. J. - 11 C S;l' ER, 71gent Fnrmi;r,; ;. nn Nierhankre InxursocA thlWntrr rtrrpt. ROM NSON ,Agent Continenta inenra.nrr . FIfIL FlmPt POINDEXTER, Agent Great W ev R. ern insurnnen C0..47 Frmt ptrvq. tint 'Estate aurnto Ott..LAKELY RICEIEY, REAL ESTATE Walter*, corner of Sovonth and Smithll.l.l burgh. Pa. Forms, Univ. , . Lots, Mills, Stu - nacos, dr.. bought and told no commission. latnd Warrants, Babb Bonds end Nino, nestottated. Esporial attention given t• WlrlllugFarms and disposing nf thew. Torn. reason. ble an 24ilderS AIT ILLIAbI W A RD, BILL BROKER y y and Itonl EttAto Agent. 11111ro Grant strtott. °plot •jto St. Mturs All loltommt rtammted to him promptly nttototed lo at moron/0110 “antratAlong mylmslly tVILL IA W A RD. DEALER IN PIiOMISSOItY NOTES, Road. Mortgage. and all seenritlra fur money. Permits ran phs•or• loans through my Agency, on retool, Md. terms. Thom wishing to Invest their monef do good advantage, can al trays find (Mat and ...road class paper at My other, for SAIO. All , tonmncalluto and Interviews strlellreonfldentlal. Ofnca Olt ul STREET, opposite St. l'a d l 'e Cathodral. tehdtf • 1 EORGE W. BCNN, REAL ESTATE inettrnnee Agent, attends to buying, and oellnut ;teal Fichte of orery d,rription, nd In Agency Moines, generally. Al4O, I. !muffing property fnuulnee. , r damage by are, for good. rullable Phlhdelphla. Companiem. Charges ronennable. SerOftlee West eide of Peden!! ' , tree!, second dour Smith of the North Commune, Allegheny City. eepti MITI7I LOOMIS TOng. D. LOOMIS AUSTIN &:VO., DEALEItS IN PromPoor,' Not., Bonds, Mortongoo and all gocuri ti. for Money. Money loaned on Chocks ot oborf dot., with collateral socurithn. NOTES AND DRAFTS DOUGCT AND SOLD. Pomo, &tiring Immo can tot scrommorTotorl on roooroutbto tertoo, and copltollAto non he funolotted with pool securttin at rernonorntivo prierr. Aloo, attend to the ;.9.1e, Renting and leasing at Real EAnto. ft Upton No. 9'2 Fourth otrmt. shore 'Wood. .AUSTIN LOOMItt, Notary Piddle. BMeLAIN ‘t SON, Real F;tate Ague • .cl Dill Drokors, No. htt% Fourth atm.. THOMAS WOODS, Heal 114 ato Agent ; Is 0 75 Vourth street. Zitptototerp 1,11.PPl P. humanku. Jrm GM IL ntrancl Wall Paper Warehonee. WALtER P. MARS TALL & CO., Im porter,. nod Deniers, ST Wood atran, bottreun Fourth erect and Diamond Ailey. whom may tat found an aatensiva assortmant of erary description of Palau llanginga, for Par. lon, Calla, Dining Rooms and Chambers. Aim. Window Shade., In great variaty at Pruett pricm conntry denim". aal6 WALTER. P. M MUMMA CO. I. ZM1C.113601.i . 4. . lopacAN V EDYIUNDSON & CO.. Nog. 91. and 9S e.i..AairAzt, near Wad, sLooltaottuvra,lool Dealers DulliAlN GOODS. ~, ORNAMENTS. MINDER TASSELS AND CORDS, ' COMFORTS, BEDS, PATENT SPIRAL SPRING MATTRESSES. to. Would solicit Om nttentiun of lotrcbwro to thealrlarco sp2.P.Om d ME= SEIItERT P , _ RACTICAL UNIOLSTER2R, J• No. 100 Third Street, Pittsburgh, blonottetunw and dralar CiiinTAINK, CMNICTI, BANDS, tiIIADES and BLINDS, MATTIIASSES,COMPORTS, POSISTONS,, &c. Particular attention paid to Statanbcot work. Carpals (Mod and laid to order. mrlttlyd T. W. LOIIGHRILY. W•toh and Cloak Masker, IMPORTED OF - VINE WATCIIESAND JEWELRY:O N 0.28 NM street, between Weed and Haricot, Pitts burgh, Pa. ilirPartleubw attention puld to the repshing ot Watches and Jewelry. . /WAD work wareented- ATKINS' • 30 DAY CLOCES, CELEBRATED yYL fur Counting Room end Parlor. An eneortment In Renewoedorneer elePnttfurn • Juin reeery ed and for sole by .7. IL READ Jr CO Jeinktitf Jewelers, Pio. 03 Ptak !quoit. Vittsburq ll Q:)iosttc. i 51.0,0180 UA MT /01, w r,r.h I. ) PI C.l cp tn." 44 rne1,1041.011 , 4str, o 11 41,4 • 1,41, •rs -telt la , vl, - r. tiger 011 lA, tatl 14,44,,1, n-1,4:1,14 ral.l , r • 4 . rut! 11'/:/.:A I. 1 11.1 Li• tlt 1. dor awl :tarn y, go. lint 4/ Ow , . •I ,n adaslson 1l (Iv war. of , t.l, earaf.tly parrar..l rdrude repatl,ll% , 31art elt 'won nvonr.ry und ens atyfatrutn Iklnk No, tot, cal-rt. - fel tra-tly tar . 110 rap, -anttlono it 11.4 hot (3.m , r434 , / A. DAri.r.-Nix Dollar+ per annul, pay/thin In atlvence, or Ile