.»~;;.,~ .. . . -4 ''''';.........U1 , .." - 1,,, ,. . 4 , — , " in ; 44 7 4.IULLIS . .4 . siTllthekplace heretofore occupied by 3dies Dixon as GDR ---..."--- ---"----"--"'"--"*".."-- '. _ a Inarsday evening. Miss Beggs was elected to fill , J T, _••......2 .... ;•., ~ ;._ ".— ..:, 'or thin Tele-hers en the High Scoot, and wilt enter Nr. , n , or o . l ,, L • a j t ; i r y ir r 4. 7_ . E . th rar e 40 . , upon the deties of her position at the opening of the . term in September next. ' st P e c a . mer Asia ar - • rived bringing Liverpool dales to the llth. The I . - _ steamer Fulton, at Southampton and Kangaroo Fermi Aore at. a Liverpool, arrived out on the I Ith. mn gods its most deadly enemy to ! CARTER'R SPAXISII MIXTURE, a few bottles of which By Telegraph—Latest..—Losume, Saturday.— _ , will purify the ',Lod. expel the niipnriin„iin bile, in . ; The stock speculators are partially suspended, cease the appetite, itaprovc the dimcttion and 14. P°.ding the receipt of news from India. Money .NOWI . of the City- and Neighborhood- destroying the •'' • • • . -°"' thus le cause of the theen•e, promptly C01111RU.... easy; the current rates or discount - --- restore the patient to perfect health. ; are rather below the bank rates. It is under ,-,--I. ," '. ••• Mime/wry *Sad Religions. I , stood that the India Mail Contract is about to he . under :- writing from Copenhisgun, stye: ' Poet A Priv DATE LONUEIL.—Our sales of abandoned There is nothing new from India. ,5,.. •Vg , the day after my arrisal, I Mg a note to I Gent's and Boy'e Clothing, Furnishing Goods It is supposed, from the absence of un advance -.,Hann Christian -Andersen, reminding hits of - the 1 dtc., will be continued for a XIIOTI, time longer, dispatch, that matters have taken a favorable _,, groetinge,which ho bad once sent me through a mu- and feeling confident that the character of the 'urn. Thackerav made at electioneering . . . _ t speech at ! ..„,-Tp P l a,„ iii ,...., l !,lellde_ _cit.t,._kin . /I,h ‘ iii__O___lti , __ ,s _Poi_ni_a_. hour fur i stock and the rates at which it is selling are 1 Oxford last evening, advocating the vote by bal -1 „ ] ;;;;;;1;" .. . , . 2 7 4 . 1 1., :X;' ,1 117: 1 ;,..'" 0p. '7% 7 . 7 1 7 t real inducements to purhasers, all are solicited I - tall, lomely..) l ured ft euro entered. :lie wore a neat ito make a° ez " nimiti°; ?' 7 . J . L . c . ,„ NA , : „ ‘ , , . lot on extension of suffrage. Naar the Foal Office. Allegheny. / evening dres of black, with a whitecravat; Lis head I : . ' 4 ,. -- trarthrown''' ack, and his plain, irregular features \ `Wire an exp don of the greatest cheerfulness and ... ,kindlylrm . .1i - recognised him avoneo, and, for- i r gottlot ttukt a had never met=io much did Ito seem ' ',lan an oldi analller 'acquilntance--eried out, "An - denim!" an jai - aped up to greet him. "Ah," said Ito, streteld g out both his hands, "hers you are ! -Now .1 should bare been vexed if yen had gone through Coponhogen'and I had not 'known it." lie "sat down, add I had a delightful hour's chat with SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 1857 lirontoriTAL THE erry.-Tia Al ....The drat ethodiet Society in Philadelphia el. ~.wilantted by Cuntain T. Webb, a British military 'otßeer, and a Methodist local preacher, in 1767 or .._ ..I.TSS... Ent at prment there aro within' what were "'Viet:lthe limits of Philadelphia, (not the consolidated city,) .twenty-nine uparare charges. twenty-eight `;',..ellbotire fireachers„ and eleven thousand nine him .`, amid and seventy-eight members anti probationers. . , ..; The exercises connected with the t Commencement . atelefferaon College, will begin on August 2d,"whon '.a sermon will be preached before the Religion. Soot .. inlet of the-College, by Rer. John bought., of Pitts burgh. On Tuesday evening. Aug. 4. the Literary Societies WM be addressed %y Oov. Pollock. Tho Contenetmernent takes piece on Wednesday, Aug. 5: and there will be an address, on that (toy. before the Alumni Association, by J. P. Penney, Cm., of Pito burgh. Al its recent sommencement, Columbia College, of - .Nw. look City ,conferred the degree of 1.. L. D. on "..'kei.::JoseptrAfden, D. D., President of Jefferson - College at Canonsburg. • The Triennial Catalogue of Harvard for 1857 shows that the whole numberof iudividnals upon whom de grow have beeaSonferied slum the year 1642, when - Abe earliest were granted, to the present day, has lleFdletated to sight tiOnsand nine Atindred and sissy. one; of 'od,* 4996 hare deceased, and 3965 are sup. • posed to be living.. The Presbyterian Deaner says Putnam'. Mega:in , , -1n Its literary *tweeter has disappointed many, and on its treatment of evangelical religion, mom. [As to the latter, we are not so Imre.] • Mr. John E. Woods, Nate of Allegheny Seminary, has aceeptid a call to Bentoosport. lowa. 'A 'LITERARY friend has been so much interested in tina,"Pmae" era .'Lawyer of Fifth Street" which wa imblisbed lia - ettessO a few day. since, as to write the following criticism or atfictures noon it: •'- • • .•That t•Panne." EDS. asserre r—d few dare since, Mr. Editor, you favored tuu frith a "Pome. 4 to obtain which you %to hare taken considerable pains, and you afnusly enquire, .'llavo wee Polak among turf"—'Tina pity; Messrs. Editors, 'you didn't take -doses from your shelf Dryden's "Theodore and Mo ntan,' as you would then hare been able to answer the important question without mending to I , lew York for a copy of the "promired Poem." - " Your "Fifth Street Lawyer!' hadlocrter stick to the ,kettystedings of his calling, and let "glorious old dtrfin'llrytlenr alone. It is not necessary to call your attention to all the "dote :Jai/rufous" occurring /a this "Loner's Dream;" it le sufficient to may that the 18th to 111617th linen of the "Porno" are stolen word for word; the 3d, 18th and 20th lines are mutilated 'to snit a "Fifth Street Lawyer's poetical taste, to. dome of the lines aro origami beyond all pared .4n:entre. For instance,— , To accomplish the object se . Much-desired." The liquid smoothness of this Thin Isla happy contrast with the "long resounding /lnitir of Dryden, among which it is happily eand vsiehad. Please advise your "Fifth Street Lawyer" net to aim so high next time, but to take Dryden's old enemy, Shadwell, for' his prototye, end then his Vlionius lines— • Githe henel—rho came—ond with aA Ars paw, ' ' .lisinlng me—sho lei tor into the bower." 'till bet more at home. But remind him that horoinen are proverbially weak in the back he should not ; make them lift too hard—'tie dangerous—opine dis sues ate troublesome. Yours, E. Nag 9eigUos, anii 20, 'Sr. Wa 'do not remember ever to have read in on equal length of time of so many tempests, hail storms, and thunder showers and so much dam age tram lightning as within the past week— Tintshowers which succeeded to the hot weather of last.week, mast of which have parsed around this city, have been very violent throughout Beaver, Lawrence, Mercer, Butler, Venango, Armstrong, hidhaut, Weehnorelantl, Fayette, Washington and Green counties. The Monongahela &pub lican mentions that. on Sunday last such a tom- Isoitliterstled that a prostrate tree, on the &nil Vsst Frye, near. Pinleyrille, to move which some time ago it required a yoke of oxen and two was taken up by the storm as -if it 14t1 been .a feather and wafted into the middle of Mr. Trye's wheat Geld, a distance of some three.. hundred yards. (Pretty tough,) [Ed. Gazette] Prom Green county we have a largo number of accidents rorded similar to this: I, The barn belonging to Mr. Thomas Huston. of Cumberland tp.., in this county, Re 9 struck by lightning on the.l 9th Inst. and entirely con sumed." , • We need make no more quotations from our ezgliad~ea this point. .• -These-showers are quite inopportune at this time, -In-almost all the counties we have men- Uinta! farmers -are jut now gathering in an unprecedentedly. heavy crop. Many of them Lute their wheat standing in the shock: others - hare It Wog in the swath where it was left by the cradle, - and theta.' severe W and drenching tempests -will _ - Work . we fear, great injury to them. ;Puck:,from the .Wuhington Trilnme of Thurs.. , .dtty thinaprin g : . StiOCE ar Ltotirsixo.—On Monday afternoon Lat. - Mr. Matthew Taylor, of South Strabane town 'allijr*raratritelt by lightning. • r Oir.Sobbath hut, a locust troe on the farm of fien 174katiini, in Cecil township, Washington county, wail *rues b)' lightning. , and. ninotesn of - a flock • of ninety-6re sheep,mhistv had taken limiter under it, watiattantlyJkilled. •Qofei3 hurricane passed along the Tolley Smith West, of, this.plono on last Sabbath. Much injury woo dips-:-forest trocr being uprooted—fences blown dowir Ind other drops done. Dititrfthe Storm on Monday afternoon last, a lOU named McMillen, employed on a farm near Wort Alexandria, Wooblogion county, while stanair4 smiler a tree, when he had Jolson shelter frOln Wreaks, was struck by lightning and instantly :.G./.llllTtlt LauUlD,i haneet hand, in the employ et John MeMnrry, *no mile beyond West /dozen -1d3114 by lightning on last Monday .after: , Tor Oriaa.—rWe were pleased to observe lent Nettleg that *more numenpus anditheo grimed the 'theatre than' heretofore since the opening for this troops...lista was not an ntutiorous as "the thswre guinea" We hope the lonia of mimic will give them to-ni ht an crierflowing house. The opera of Emma is •ediy n favorite with persons who air pteciate It, and manypartitof it Were rendered last •Irritedu with great spirit and eC h et. bignora ga ,rinti was fiequeitly applauded. 'Abet great opera Of La' Somnamliula will be broughtont to Might with the fall force alike troupe , and should attract one of the tallest houses of the .se son.. The opera is probably more familiar to the „publid than any other and for that Muth b caleua ted to ditw a brilliant booth • visited the jell yesterday {mu. n and azailleed We 'we Informed that she does not ceiddei It plifiepy 'mediated and expressed a hope thaisidmiesres might be taken to secure gush • elmu ladoditif pnre air as would insure the health of those .be plated ' there.• Her opportunities for obsereingduch .matters aid her good judgment girt, weight to her 'advice, and to gratify her active phil &atrophy-idled be considered on additional meat to the adoption of each means in this behalf as A 014 40014 Shiviiited theiinhappy woman, Charlotte Junes, who doglike, received from bur each affectionate edifies iiid - Counscl as a pure heart would dictate.— It is salirlhat the woman, Jones, wept bitterly. - . *Walnothes' cities are torn with dissension and &mined with rtot,lbstir newspapers ,groaning with the ♦errwoight of criminal reports, 'Pittsburgh is so happroaderss Agorou and determined caseation of thole" ermine:aloe as to afford the Itemizer no startling news, exeept auch- as la manufactured to make a sensation: - Long may she continue so. News Js _ ,Tir,.*thea. of Warren. Trumbull Co.; Ohio, ire atkine-toketresieititaoduced into their town,- ~W elesealreiti the:lWestent Resenre - ChrenirSe Out Mr,,Ooldthorke, Superintendent of the Oim Works at Alleilieny city, made s proposition to Ariflas Works for the sum (1427,000. „,_ ~..913 . 4Plansfea already launched this senon in masseuse Kll' to tan thousand long.'. .A num ber df Venni* luta propellers are now on the ateclta ia diffarant.ot program and orders for oeioroboOtili bem received. , Tx New lateet,6olmablatia county, Ohio, on Ban am. ennikic Pittrieit Paul ~a Michael Foley, iattroal emplcomiraitala a tight to which the tat sec th• exit. , . Paordasonicrtdov",--of Theaoidepd imulor pm&fn thir Third Presbytditaa Choral 4..norrow.mengagisdar7d!4;.4„),,o4"ermiu46. . .+,. ......,_ ~.,. i ..1 Priditaintleraystidego„owe:l iy, died suddmil7 It h l . l IrighaMV/9•41,E, 'P U L L ori, of awned - • ,•: Si. 0una4.0!,4- ir 44c41,., • PITT 823:17Z1C1-13: Sr. Louts, 311ly 2.4.—The 1g uldacals learns , that nil is quiet in Kansas. Walker is still in otitiA TOrCRING SENTINENT.—ViIat more Preci"., Lawrence, with .100 dragoons, awaiting further n t t: O a r . n s he lo i r a o h ,,, l f l'A m tl 7., al r . t aL7 f .:Z tr ",:s tio ha t r ,, t action by the people before using any decisive girl. with an endirided interest in eight corner lots ; measure., and would attempt the collection of and fourteen three story houses? And how can a I lazes in a few Joys. fe.ibb, an well gratify a female thee encumber. - , - - as by wauing b. , ,oming garment, p reearo d at tAtnconn. July 24.—Thd powder :sill owned the ItrownStone Clothing Roll of Rockbill ,1 Wilson, by George Nlntherson, ae4r Barham, exploded Nos. God and GOS Chestnut street, above Sixth. yesterday. killing two war' • znillt,,,. , I Sr. Lout.. ,talc 24.—Th, 1 gIIANN RECciaTyltrati 20 COUIIOIe SltteSt.—At . a meeting of "spirituallets,” an invalid was broneht , T he m i, eo „ e ; i; st at j o t hr forward droadfully afflicted with Uleertins seroftilit : UPPer Mississippi are re-c"ling. that all tho doctors had failed to care. It MIA prin. !. • - - Ew 11•1.. posed to appeal to the spirit land for adv N iee, and a • nontrepathie physician present interrogated the de- and i /al e there 1- no f .fitly 2 , l.—The city i, healthy ever. Weather pleasant. parted spirit of llaneftwann as to what remedy eltiodil : ~.,.,, .... „s. . . ,, , v ~% -_..-„,,,, .., .....,, ~ , ,ii ,v ,„ whl.lo taken.. Loud and .instinct rap:, audible to the ~,1. :. , ~, ...,,.. ~.0 ,.: . ' Fi : ,.„. ' ,l: „ . .. „ 1 0 i. ; . ,: ......i1d. "_" ole audience, told all ...1-y-e-r-'s C.(l-1-11 ~ r n . -; e , 1 ' vh,....,, ~,,,,,,i,-,1 „na ..,,. b.ron.r. i , 4i ., kn.. , 5 ,, 1 , 1; P4-1.4-14—Howee IN. Y.) Whig. • White onehonecd at i 1,..., .Mil,a ul.io Club 51,..,2 • ! and i'lli.an g o and ..iiiringtield $1,•111. Corn ninth How TO KI:11111- Coot..—Talkin4 of Sidney Stuntli'a ,;,1.444 to,h. Anita. Preen... 10,19 nittieL .agar 40. cool of •laking off his flesh, and Pitting in hi, h ,,, e. c„ i y . ,„ ~,„, , i,... ~,,,,.. i n ,i ,,,, t. n wiv, bones," as being the highest imaginolde ilegroo9 01 :in nen-hanged. 11114 dull. lard steady. Hemp airy comfort. "I can better !hot," saint 11 wit, re' ! heavy. Ittee I lower. -11 fn.:4. Freiglft ; are all in. i active. Stocks are firmer, Li Croseo & idilwaukia cently ; of would knock tin) marrow out and have a draught through." lint a much more pleasant plan ; :hh N. V . c eete .j a.l . l; R e‘w ii ng .. s.4. 0A ... a Chh i... to keep cool would be to . drink plenty of the icy cold I go to s i: Erie 344; Clovolnod..lotolede 574:Cleveland soda water front Super's silver fountain, at the cos - , & Te,,,,t he ih A i . ner of Penn and SL Clair streets. t --- -- - Coot., pure hod delicious is the Soda Water, of Chas. fl. Super, Cor. Penn arid St. Clair St.f - a.- DIED.—At East Liberty on flu Tlth lost, EDWARD V . son of Grams J.o ,l ANN r Derr, Av.! hour arrl s 1110litilM. The fnuccal will takr iAncr tormorron ,Mtbloth,ofo.rnoon st 3 o'clock, from the remlrtmo of his parrot, No. n!lErtlrral Street, rittoburgh. intordlintrous Rare lndaermente CARNAGH.A..TirS ENTIRE STOCK OF MEWS' ANI) BOYS' CLOTIIINO. TO BE DISPOSED OF. SALES COMMENCING 'TO EtiDAY. JI'N E 30, 1457' A s it intendol to enlarge and improve Our 440 L S , or, &lona LATE TN Jrcy, the whole stork id tiBINTS' AND BOYS' CLOTIONO. FCHNISIIING now on hoods will offend AT PRICES NIIiCII DE- L.?: TOE fa:LI u 1.111 DATES with ti.. Oro of. CLOS, Nit OL'T tin whole before coninienc i n i , th e i ii er ip oi Tldo It will be oberreel I. not n mere pretext torid .4 01.1 nroile.ao erPretliing te found NESS AND 1. ell lON:ABLE. Dot the riinteniiiloted alteration. M 31114 cattily dell. , the week, and to oliriate thin it ill prilweel to clear on{ the whole at rery low 500. and open the Pal Trod.. with minimum rent altogether new. A Doe earlety of ph'e rondo for rtwleto work e_relo• eingy orilrior rnado to order et a tar:, ill+rerint. J. T. CAIINAIJUAN, Ja3oaltl] Federal tent • The University. lIE next Term will begin on the fire Men 1. day of September. Stroloolm can par. , Englivb net m curial nndlee , and 0.-, of rt prrpanktory vryll as of • collfiristm. The Faculty will be [lemma In the past year., .1y21:11er J. V. IiIcLARMS. Prlneipal 5A.2%1 1312..A.D1.1i; . R.I.E Lanz, Olden , . the St. Clair Stn.. Hrld6eo Allegheny City, Penna., MANCIACTV6E6 "P BRADLEY'S WOOLEN KNITTING 1111 N, • Of ovary Color and NUIDINT. IS PREPAIIED TO FILL ORI)EItS ON abort notice for every color or notolow Sore.. liar eg Imo one of the original inanniactortes rd the reirru d . Bradley Woolen Varna; inemineoftion with on brother, Woa. ll:Adler. of Wheeling. 110 . 0131 d nofortfully aoleot . .hereof the orders for Tarn, at. above. All'arlfanh paid r e v Sheep Skin.. not Wool. jeg7,13.1 Improvement In Book Binding. lIE o. da.111,. UNDERSIGNED havin g I In l A. Arm. Patent for llllprovrm.nt in Itedt Binding. I. pro panol to humid. the attach... 4o to hok• irm in 1•• apply the name to new look, order.. 'or which an. tropect• fully solicited at WELDIN Itodt-Ilindrry And Blank Book 31annfartory. S. W. earner Mini and 11004 0.. The .bona Improvement conalett lot, of Nlcialiic Swing. duping the hack of the Loot.snick a manner ari pno vont the leaves from fourging wh in n e the book is standing in a rretiral pogitlon. The earring,. are inredalegroosta in which are inserted, which will effectually fir, rot the look hum wearing or chafing In plartn, the nom. in i, . rooting place. Jettlltud A. If. ill/WAND, Patron., 43 H. LIBBY'S PILE OINTMENT.— jj Prom .1. It. WmacottAlovernor of and United 0 entire Senator (min Florida: For tipreards of tuents.fi year, I hare loom afflicted . 0 With the Pile, have rolonitted to roveral surgirral open Vor their remosat. and hart. trio.' in.., than tiny • remedle, It.. Libby . . Pilo Ointment IA the flrvt that 4 has giren me relief. Pro, thnefferGalre.uly 0 the cum mint be rapid and complete. J A tfES B. WESTCOTT. Prom Cramp• W. W. 11.11, Chief of Police, New York City: 1111,.. limg. been troubled with the. Piles. find the use Hie .IlittniPut the immediate re lief. It gives me forth, i.k.asure le vld that in nanny instsneas among my nr . quitintsnees It hes been used with like results. I • GEORGE W. ld 41'.4ET.L, Chief ..f From the late Adjutant General of Connecticut: I hone been afIllet«I with Pilot in their mat die. ' trassing and discouraging form for a periol of u t. year, and had recourse to the best in...heal chill with. out benefit. I supposed the non incurable. and thought that it would destroy my lift.. Under the rircuilistan. cell I commenced the tote of Pr. Libby's PE. , Ointment. and the result is a perfect curo I have no language at my command to to ',pre. my gratitude. WM. If A YUEN, Hartford, Conn late Adjutant General ot Corm. , M.Sold.Whol Dr ealle and retail, by M. GEORGE II KHMER, No. 110 Wood street, Pittsburgh, sign of the ,Gulden Mortar, and by J. I'. FLEMING. Allegheny. 20alkwFx AA LLEG II ENY VAL LE Y AILEOAD.-11.EMOVAL OF TIIEE PILLIGHT DEPOT TO THE Coltkililt OP HEILER AND CARSON STREETS, NINTH WARD, A:kfi A GREAT RE DECTION Or TARIFF RATES.--CM and after .1171.1 i 138,t8. 1057, freight will be remised as above at the following rate.: Tu Halo:ming at per ttn pounds. To Gray. Eddy To Red Bank.. To Brady'. Bend at 310. " Flour—OrmB Jinn barrels and and, r. !fry To Alithoolug .......... ....... . 11r. par bansel. ToGrara Eddy To Red But Flour—Fifty barrels °adorer. To Mahotting To Gray'. Eddy To End Bank J 721.80 R. B. LOOMIS, General Ticket Agent. CAU T1ON! CA UTION!—BEwARE or COVN rnarcikkan—llorrkrrwk's Ilirrrtm—The public are Wmn that fur some p.m-spa. liostuttee• Bitten Imre by their trinsie merits an the best took of the day, WOl3 n mime and celebrity beyond any other compound 84 the like k Ind.— The Int:nein* and ready sale which iiolartte( • Bitters met with, Induce ! n number or wranns to•nuag, In rounterteit ina them by buying up the bottle. net filling them with a spurious and noxions compound, and then making mire ot the article to coffeeBhoune keep,. and other. at 8.8 reduced price under the reprenentation Drirtbey wore ths a nd Pnrchnnern mhould hlwayx 4`.111:11111C the bottle. and toe that It b. Losered with a metalle cap with name ittninpe.Bl on, and tmt with tin Poll or wan. as is the ease with the eminterfelt artitle. a l e . gennine article 0811.1 by nll rBeps. able druggist...A deaen evsm where. HOSTETTER / :OHM!, BC, Penn ht. JUST PUBLISHED, THE HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COLLEGE BY THE REV. JOSEPH 13311T11, D. D. TIIE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST PURL tithed and has ror este, Wholesale end 11.1.11. the "linrrottr or Jerreecor Cou.soc," from the period it mu founded op to Btu pootent time. This work also motel:ten memoir of the lets. REV..X.A.TI.‘V - T I PAV .13 ROWN, D.D. P.. non/ Years a distimmlthed end enessesisful President of tho College. Ilinaraphley of the Kee. Dr. S. thotron. the Bee. Matthew Henderson. the Iter. Ifeeers. Emery, D. D. Anderson, D. D. and Raw Prof. Kennedy. Interspersed In the body of the work will a towel Blotrrophieel Sketches ache Bee. Mown. Watson and Block: and Meese.. Judge Allison nod Craig Bitable. Es.., end lodge who were early Mende of the Institution. The work numbers 433 12mo. pages, neatly humid In cloth. Addison the Publisher, JOHN T. SHEYOCK, Jyl7;3tifiatwk. . SWAM Building. littsborgh, Pe. Brard Grand Planoa. HFRST PIASIOB OY THE WORLD. KLEBER & BRO. take pleasure in an ondnq 11.1 , 0611 e that they hare been op- WWI./ 1 ogonto fortitlit city for tho solo of Ito world re noornr4 iIIiARD GRAND PIANO?. Thew. ham. are weed by ell the great Null.; In prefer ence to thew of any ether make. :11r.Thalt,g played npon no Wm . to Itleeanterneoorerts, weeldrertalnly one thou erefunirely, mold they twl b. procorral everywhere. TItAI.IIi:RtPS OPINION DV ERA RD VIANDS: "The Grand Viand, made by Prard, Patin, are to toy tee timatioe, the tweet perfect histronaeot In the world. I, un. heal kialtlPlP, Rise tbemtheprefennec or, all .ot here, SIGIIDILIND 'Cita (.BERG:' Ito principal npent nt New York WU gone to Parte Inc • fresh Kodt, .sleeted for solo In thin country, when a rplen pld specimen will be brought to this city. tuaLlsks3mls it. KLEDER t BRO ., No. 63. Filth pt. Lettere 'restansente NOTICE in hereby giren,that letters testi mentary on the mast. of Jaln. 61.h 0m township. Allrgheny county. were granted by the Itegieter of the said county on the 23th day of Way last tg the tus. &Miran], to whom all persona Lasing claims .e gnat aald estate will present them July authenticated for mettlement, and au persons Indebted thereto will all and make pay mend. Wx.OOOPER.4th Ward, PittAnrgb, July 3d, 1857 11. 11. KING, 4th Ward Allegheny dr y. JylOmelnlY AR3IERS WILL TAKE NOTICE TILi - T F POET PERRY MILLS monow to Poll operation, and prepared to do Grist work at Ilia shorten make. P.m.n. from a.dlrtanareau rare their/01ft homowith them. Pitt.kmwk mum oak! in mob, kw Wheat .m 1 Ry.. IKS.AIoo, all kind. lamb.r rowed to order. afrOmyrk s .che MILLER. NICKEL i CO HONEY BEAN' AND FIG LEAF TO BA(0)-4 boo jolt meleed • largo irafply of them celebrehel km* of Tobacco. Locus of the weed should call end try it. JOS. YLEVING, - corner Diamond end Mertote FRUIT CAN BE PRESERVED WITHOUT anaPamuici - - Tor salo)d _ mons or loth 41.0.47: nnyr cuiNTZES. -- alralgt tufacarmas IneOUNTERPA.NES—A large se._ Critiretirkturt 44ti l lia ' " al t ...airmsole tram Was a lb* atnal-kao ;lab or- A. A. sums a co. 23 SU* rt. =NM =MM Telegraphic PITIL1111111•111A, July J4.—Flour i 4 dull nn.l 14 bbl lower: sales ;Ain 1,61, superfitie -;47. Thin, is nothing iining in Hp, UMW Wheal the urn crop is roaring in nice an .I priciwo ore 2.• rionn $1.` , 16/1 I.ir re) $1.90 - _it, oirkhiW. Hy.. ..l,tini , a, $1 17 , roril tin fair repies, :II 90 eoil , for yellow. fire,: ho, Suifnr ned Nlela , ,e , nm drooping Whi.iliey ie dull at 0N.,,'.! ..•, I'. 1., l'ennsylennin 3n,l Ohio. July 21. —Flour Rteady: ,aloe 70a Ithlit. at titi.2:th t rrevipi m ifiAer a t, 11rain firm. Cora T3ht Shit, tortat hash. new Nrheat Gtr delivery within the 11,1 tow weeks at $1.20; Itvit lots of new I:enturhy and Ohio Wheat were e'd hl' A. IA Fenton .t Brother, to tiny. at sl.2:, re the totality 1t...x.1:11.1. Whinlitty tot art, rettript• vory Itglit nod prison highertiffilt, 700 bid, at 2..3 nail lan Lb!, to h e dell% eredtworrow at 20. Pray!, ion, very lirm.but tosottie. The tate, of exelowrge are outottiledt tern rod moderate; money i, entry with a limited tivmand. Weather rlondj; took. like ram, Thertu,ttneter s 2 tiegTV., By Last Night's Mail Polluonlasg Myaery CnrarelW During the whole of yesterday great interest was frlt in the BueLeye street Poisoning ease, and almost every I -lie seemed noxious to learn further lutrtieularn, and in solv . e the enigma of the whole affair. Yesterday we again visited Buckeye street and ire vicinity, to obtain. if possible, further in formation concerning the tuystery, and there leftrued that the only children who hail liven seriously ill from eating the cakes and lozenges were Katthitritielttutpp, who still lies in rail", a dangerous state: Joseph Ball. Josephine Mol er, John Henry srh war,. Louisa Kranz, John and George :'eh wommelein, Henry and Caroline Ituhrmatin, More 1? liii Anna and I.lley Konig. A number of they children had eaten a few of the linenge-t wiiliout hollering any injurious effect. therein.. IVit h the opt inn of lie girl Katharine, they bore all recovered, tiod a re mos: of theta out to-da, White looking through the tit.ntiter we heard that aman anti t b 0), the gtiti: iterttope. had heen arreitte.l in the inity el . the Findley street Izirket. Tititt inielhgentie eatiActi, exeiteneati, and in a revs tninht, the itetnans. her:silting vengitanee. had 3,5e111141,1 in crowd., and Inirriittitht the liremstiStreet Station where it WII, LIIIti,,11.”1 the prittoner i t La,l lien 10,1i!P•1. e repaired there, and found that i‘v,t End been titt.vettlel wil limit :1 par:tete ar lieen , sitrutik and tdtate.l. and nave been niaidered, Lad netuti piti lee era taken the itititt in elittrae, alit! li-unreal the lain!, if their innneenee Still, the molt cried ant . •hang theta, hang theta:" and arced in an ontra2ssmst lint it wait rstii . iti • thle to reit ... a. tt!l,ttLny. sei - retly tit the ',ith Stresd static. Him,. After tbei had been kept there,ome Mayor Thorne, arrived and hail the boys di.- charged. against %%hoot there was net a torticic of et bleat,. Their names are Thomas and Riehard Riley, brothers. 'fl nyA arc peddlers., and had sat down on the coil lone to eel a few CA,. when a Child , pre,eN.rirriain. that one of the lads was one of the I isoners. and -portly afterwards a crowd collected, and the boys becoming alarmed, walked rapidly away The manner in which the children were pois oned has been diostvercl, and the discovery proves satisfactorily that no criminality existed in the matter upon the part of any en, 1 drunken, half vagabond German who has t ed the sol,ripiet of ••Rat Peter,. from. I,A 4131.ing rat po;son. mot who in the halal 1.! : ' erring this poison in the shape of,tnall rakes, wafers, to stable keepers, butchers and of het., was in a coffee house near Rockeye street tlay before yesterday afternoon. where he became out much intoxicated that be was ejected nom the premises. Ile had with him, as tonial, a small box containing these wafers, and as he went stag gering along hedropped a number of them upon the pavement. which the children thereabouts picked up and ale and gave to others. This correct version of the poisoning affair relieve, it of all its mystery and horror, and, to a great extent, mars what might have been called a thrilling item. -11 y what particular agency the deponents at the Coroner's Inquest were enabled to 'Uncover arsenic and heaps of poisoned wafers deposited at different points in and about Buckeye street, VP] to nee n roan going about with a box and, his anu , distribut lag the wafers to the children. in more mysterious than the affair itself as originally told. Probably our German fellow-eithens wore so excited, and their imaginations so fired by what they supposed a revelation of modern Borgiaistu that they could not see nor judge clearly. At ally rate, very little doubt exists at present that the first representation of the matter was reran ...lM and without foundation in facts. We are very glad that the thing has thus resulted; and hat we are spared the pain of believing human nature so depraved as to receive diabolical grat ification from a wanton infliction of injury, :agony. and death upon harmless and unoffendiqg Phihirer:l.—Cm. Ocz., Friday. LEAS & HARSH, DANA - FRS AND LAND AGENTS, DES MOINES, AIWA. UTILL BUY AND SELL EASTERN E,hrom, and fwud WarraOta. rolert vnd not, boad path mall or warrant, pay taxoa, in,. money, tnako Irrrtiotps and att•qal to legal buoinegs grmarally. . MMBM riu CrISP yin LAND AGCSirt. LFAVVOTOPTIICITT, SUN, k.l. O. id tb. partner. h.. located in L•arraanrth CU7. and will tranatict nl4lnwlne.. rionneet.l with the Hanhing and Real Itirtate bt.itlP.R. F, af w manila yi.l earreniaindonta will addn•a. no at • rerrurts•ArrA• W. L (Hirnan, nn Bearer Sow I"nrk; :4.lger. lamb .4 C... Phila.lalphl, Kl.llt. & 5.3111.4, .1, I,:rre A Snrrlll. .1, Dratell k Co., Banker, .1, linat.. tn. Wanhinnton (11,1 lion. H. J. Atkinson, Third AndUor Treasury Deparniinnt, WaxliniKlon City: lion. J. H. Uralianl. Cxrll.to, lb: Win. R. Lenx, end linvl.l !Hair. I:wino., Huntingdon, P..; Pann, k Sterratl. Pittabtirgit, Pa. Ilarch 2+l, In.s7.—inra4k I yar•V . GRAHAM, 711 , DOWELL d CO., GENERAL. LAND AGEN'E'S Leavenworth City; T., WILL buy and sell Lands in Kansas and Noluaska Territories, lowa and Wntprn Lay and sell Tawn LAd, invoat Manny. Invalatn Inrata Lt..* buy and wdlDrafta, and do a (loner:Ll Apney Indarax. 31 r.C.mn & Ca, Plltasburgls; J. (I. NI,k;3'.iite 4 :i,:: '0,..- v.- ,ej.:;', '44.=-1 , -.." ,, , = 2:...:....,` :-.-... ' 0 2` , ..%.*-, lt ' . ..2` ,, - - - ~..' ' 4 " . - - i, .;;,r,,. A s ' OIL-1000 galls. East India - As ws e T f a lIIINDMACkOW-;. Commercial PITTSBUILGLI MARKET& ,Reported 4neciet.43 for the Pittebh,h Grxlte.l . . FLOOR—JuII but uothauged: salrs nn wharf of x barrel, sopor at 6.1;24, and 35 dI ratra at SPii from , fore, 240 LL:. no priratr fwvirstft . urrtcr or fliC . Bccuits 51.1T1 Inroaxer Ookr.uri; .• .".:.:,_„ .;.,. • No. Ist Front st, bstween. Hain lad Sycamore, . •.:,• ,.. . ,-4 . - ' l,- , •! , -,,,....-. , Cloolonott, Ohio:Dec.loth; 1656,. •• - •'_, • V..",;,, , - , 5-. 75 47 seems it may amen", .-Thi r Is to certify that I hare examined specimeue and roofs of W. E. Canna . k SJ/11F , X ...qi:J . , - ; and Water-Proof Cement Rooftng, and believe It to be eminently superito to oily other kind orßooflog aim In nre. - 110111 ,, -, :V.!'• a ;•••• on eys witness of a ewers tend of one att., roofs, from a large volume of tissue from an usoining bnilding,whichiltrvinkio ns • directly upon tins reef and condo, for t.rorly hot f no hone. It stool the trial boyood oil r.Pfttotiow., nod . 144 lb ' 7- '' building. [Signed] T. W. HASKELL, President. Buckeye State ItararanfiPt, J. li. PERRIN, S. A. JOINSON. I CINCINNATI Aarcet nom Ob. elk Lan' examine 4 E. C1111.4/3 & Cn•a Floatle Eire and Water.. Proof Cement Routing, and Gran can Jpdgo, coutaPr it a meal Intention and atn willing to iuture puildings flow pnaected upon die um. termi twine thou.:m . l,ml With metal. [ Si gned] S. LAW. Agt. Royal Inn. Co, London and Li rarnool.. •- . CTMEnrAVis' December lth, BSC To all whose it may concern:—This iv tocertify that wo have adoptest W. E. Cultna .t. Co's Utak. MCC itd.W -1 allat,pr OOIT,ti: Clamant Rooting tuna our store and doodling Lew.. it has given the matt . perfect satlesetion, sad in emitscerhamod i • . • --, ~ - it to all totalling Fire and Watt,Proof liectoflug. [Sitused] nplslyslawF Wass Fixtures, No.62Weatr entriitail*'• . .. • ~ - '.•!''',;.-,. - • '‘C - Flexible, Fire and Water-Proof Roofing. ,-,: ;,,- .A. - 13A.1.R 3,... (31Z,..d.,Drr, 'Proprietors, No. 17 Water Street, Pittalitirgh, and P. Peterson's, Allegheny. 1 9111 E, IS AN ARTICLE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN THE hIARKET. - rtjt.., . ~-.....:. ..•,; c.o.] oston•lvely in N- York and Philadelphia, aiol Is well apt ed. It la applicablo to covering ,-r.,,,';',.,„..‘,-.,., Foundries, Dwellings, Warehouses, Bridge+, Steitmboata and Railroad Cara. -2 ". , ..D:4;". J ti' - it t, ~.n loot longer thin Metal he lha,filic or Shingle.. and nods,. Ilia varietal changes'of etimitse—neithee_tiehril•L`r - ''. -- •.:e4,', OS I C 4.1.1 ', o at or demi,. It, principal Ilij,itiollt Iv of an extraordinary ds4o neon. , and st never 100E411 'this eturtetty., *7 ,.,, 4.r...27::44: . can les readtly applied to all kind. of mita. itli or als - als. old or tom, on Iron, Isn or wad. It will sot melt In wankel" 4` -., - f... - 't 4.....,_.- I weather sir crassk in r, .1.1. and it i. not minted by being tramped upon. . ' - :O f s..e.''''', Lt it. platil F'it-s+ and NVntor-1.1400f. •-s,"*..?'' ,-, --.. ad - For further info's., on. apply to the proprietors.. ... . _ , • 1857. TRANSPORTATION. . 1057. CAPACITY ONE HUNDRED TONS DAILY. ....„.„.. LL 0 - 1 .7- D C 0 . , ittiEit [SI:ME:SIMS Til LIA WI) ,t LEMON..I Avitil: MADE EXTENSIVE I'REPARATIONS THIS WINTER, are now prepared . _1 1_ In .1 ,, 0 henry bit•ini,, by . . PR I N T/VS - Thl.r.A-Is•TI-A. O.A...taT.A.M. .A.INTID FLA-1.1...R0AL1= 11.rotixit Vs enil I nirri th. E.,tt.r ti ,'lth.... W.. c,,,, ii,n t r e mitt . ft irmt, 3n.1 oil tii,, dfsp,,kl to patronize the P. 164.1311.111111 00.1 Itatlnvul, th4t no liztine will b0.par...1 to I , •ofb.r g.n.1,1 AatlNEirt i.,. SIIIPI , EIIS OF EASTERN AND VESTLIUDI Flirts The Avoidance of the Inclined Platie,,r, he Alleghenj INtrtage Ranrotia gt.n oncro. , 4ldegotch t., tho tran.naio.iors fr , ight. 0tp , ... Penn Sneer,ut the Canal Haab. 1857. CANAL NAVIGATION 18514 1-KIMIt'S PORTABLEBOATM.T.Z.T.IE, va......„,....,... • ."• 011..... 'Via P.llltmylvanit. ettntel and Etaiirdad. WileigM.,.. Capacity Two Thousand Tons Per Month Each Way. • ' ••'• - /APR FACILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATIONEN HAVE BE:LARUELY INCREAS ij of during tho ~an Wintry and we can now of to SHIPPERS 11,.. •,:p.,1.1r nthantttge or n DOUBLE DAM' LINN to and front Illtt.butzt, Phil:W.lolm and Balitlon, I the line bring vompotwd entire!) of POI:TABLE BOATS, but one trnnstupn,nt Is re,intred. Men.l,,lntx nleight to our Lin. nn rely 0?p,,,n Itr bring put through With nil ponalLl el k, and do.prit..b. %WAREHOUSE, CANAL BASIN, corner e , f Lit...rile and Wayne xtre.a.ett, Pititlntrgtr, Po. - rly.l BIER S MITCHELL, Proprietor, /C.'w SP nz sto lc C II ICKERINO'B PIA NO S. . JUST . RECEIN:ED t . , A.Np FOR PIA NO PORTES. front the mannfartary of Chicken ina tato., Bothm.nlectetl et preasly h.r the Spring and Cennprtm tag all the vat - totter. and new ',tyke. nun maath e h Lt. - tared at the renowned establishment of Chickering k Some. Ilmton. XTEW BOOKS AT E. C. 41 , COCIIItANE'S', . .. .. ~/.. 1 Foderal street, Alloglienys .. . The City-Ito Sins and Sorrows. nos. Guthrie, D.D.f, ~'' Expooi tine Thoughts on the Gospels. Byle; Losoons !non the Great Itiography, Ilerulltont ' Nowton, -- . . Tlm SIIIIK of Solomon rolllimirell with &lipture,.l4*-I.i. The Christian Philosopher, Thor. Dial, rerlis ed.:- ...- ..'... lkot Li(, In Ifoo•pt, Wen. C. Prime; ' 1 a, , ,,''-. Tent Life in the Doty lend, dm ~ f ,f" - ....r The Students' Oil , bon. Dr. Smith: !leading . iiithootToksi Pulpit Eloquenco of the 1911 Century, DiaeOUPl6l tiLlitnid-' not living Slinkier" of Europeans) America,lithßketduni,- Illographirol and Iso , cliptivr, by Rev. IfertrY C. F. I ADS LT...1...- octavo, 013 pp., Now and Standard IMbliratlans for sale as above: J7lg. . r iii BE BHUNTE NOVELS, uniform edition; _i_ The Proftwoor. hr Carver 0.11,1 vol. 12trio,. ...... ..76 cts. • Jane Ern,, 76 et*. Sidi ley, “ 1 - . 1 b 5 cte. Edirne, IVuthrring Ilvight, 75 eta. by Ellis Bell, . b -.-....75 chi. Truant ..r‘Vilit6.ll Ilan. by Acton Bell, b .....--7f, chi. Memoir of Charlotte Itroute. 2 vole., lits. , .; Nothing Now, by anther ofJohn 11,110,01 . _ Joint lialtfax.. ac.. - b.- En•sh supply of tho above, and a choice assortment of Simko for Suninior reading. E. C. COCIIIULNE, ' .- Join No. 1 , . Federal Street, Allegheny. -. NT 1.: W BOOKS AND NEW, SUPPLIES , .. _Li TtFDA T.- . - Sigibey Stuart: or, Luso So, beli, not Ler Owle; by earn* • of Hop. , Campbell, thwart, and Story, etc., etc. .''S • 1,. Dr. Ilatuilton's . new work, Lessens Crean th.fgrilia. Blogiaiday: Isaf and Flower Pictures, and Ifow to Stake Them, galore, 1 :,... "u„.- Nose' Stock of Plano., IllastrutloUrn raga tot c o mas or , °quire \ Titbits, or 0.71,0 Fort. for the People; . ....,4gt ..,,,. ' . ~.•;:., ITT' :STINTS & Cri..A.lllir, Now Yurk. I The (Dawns Sitis n cart ful collection of - tunny hondrectso ~.. _ ~ .4a riliii: PUBIAO IS lIESI'ECT- reawoo I, ihi,,,A whirl!, thungh gebendly beliond, ur -. .•. ~... 50 . .. V" imperfectly nsolordood. 10,0Outh Imidon; 'ago- y' ' ...,Ift*Ulltr.'. ~ _1„ . fully informol that Mir wt ^ " , "" 1 ".. * Lurrerko's Church History: ' wo, loni been rompletrly drained by tlio* I P 3 lea F.xpooltory Thought, on the Gospels,. bear,' Spring oohs, ore again tllltol with a choice and rola. 3 „th,,,,e 0 5h0i,..1 fn F:zokiel; 1...0tnt. , :ii ~r N NSAtitA It ICSrelehretod PIANOS. ~•51artyr Laud,. Family of Itothanr: Or m es')T.f..:•Luzi. L . ' . '". J-s: "____ .." . " 1 " 1 .2 ^ "T.' a." ... Work. or Plenty To , Do and flow to - dolt, by 3 flaslireinsteif .S .: -. 1 .,..17 ' ... y . o,rahte 10.ram,II will 1 , 1,..... mral - Iti P/ 1 1 1 114 . t1"1 th",bn"l.l Ticknor .0 F101a.,. 111rn....43.481 Wironly NliVelt: ' ,,, '.',.. , :,.7'{d ..,•' - ' ~ , se,r,, , I . laFtl•.t. TIIALDEttii, pr0n , inu.....1 Nunn. A 1013" I J." . 1 larles beautiful Edint , siruli Edition of Waverly.,,Nosets4:„i%,,i.. ,-..,t-,-*,,,,-',,f'' by Charlotte Bombs; sup , rior not osmosis. , in e \ rry nom. t. The insbise in 'writ.... _.4.1 . .,,,..p.p.,.,,, to roll a 13.1 examine fog I heitsw , lres. IL litamEne mai. ii,„0.0,13,7r,t4,i,... by ..,,,,,. of Ph li . o f . ~,,,„,_A . , , .; _.. _.. 47 ., Solo Anon•-v Cr Num. A Clark', Pi.... for Western Penna., ..5.,,,,,,,,, ....,............ r. , . ~./... -,....rrl','f' :'.....,;4:Pi ''‘,.... Eaotern Ohio and Notth-Wostern Vsrginia, •No.s3 nrth Tswtiniony or lb. Rocks, ell, large etn - ,, of :Altaionre,"..4"'b,-", . stows, next door to Slooonle Doll. fel Stiller). works. ~.....`....; Ar,fl,'ir - - 'VI Eli/ 3i i. , SIC-01tarlOtte Blume Its , just / e li 3 , l „ ` ;',.. K. ' "th' " ' "'''". • tb " Urbf° " P"rf'^ct Bo?14::"14,--H':;':-.'6::.•''.1'' ../. 1 r .,, 1 , ' ,1 lb. 1,,,,,,,r iuu u , '. m”,,,,' F. col, by [Jy2l J. N. DAVISON, CT Marl;star,;:.':::?'.,';:::l':;:i...,l' -I .:',., lior still in my Dreams." No. .-M of rooter). Stet... . - - --_—....,,54.-.1,44.17,,,-.4gii.., dios.Dot published. 2.\ , Sly Mory at the, flood,, Date, trio WALKER'S MANLY r.:XERCISLIS,' (3 0 1 1..p.'.=.:1..f. - -7 ,,, `.. '''" for tin* , foinolo voices. by J• A. E/"^fler. 1 =: 1 1 All, s 'r ti." Mining Donn,. Sailing, Riding, Driving. Raiftigriek_,....2?;-.7,-. Best. now ~..00 1 9 . .1. R. Thom+, 2 :4 soinitho , 1'.mr...1..r. Minting, sning. and other manly sporta. The FrhfillEl:ge,Fi;' , . - Alphoisos. 1,,,1ne. 2,1, Tlo Falron quadrille. Iticardo Lit llll f, carefully revised or neaten by raven," Dom the olotk - . ,1:.:;;;;.. :.'!".''. 25, La [rio do Florroco. nor polka 'Mazurka. A Loolue, 25; Lot 1. , 13 edition, In I vat: 12 mo. KAY a co, ,:,..',. , .-----,: The tevorl le Scotch Meholhot. bAuhl Robin Drio" and 1 •1111. j y2 55 Weed street.' Boole Mows." trossarribed for plant, 114., V. iVallat.e. 6,k Morrlly nwtrilv serer the Sea, ivoutsfulßarcirulle. wards It EV• ell: S. K I NO.S.Lt.I S . 1 1.ORKS-...-,'. - by lloory W. Chalits, , fop rent by St !lacy 54-411ese nre , Two Years ..tgo: livissatim o ar New Fee* With an aft . I Fano, .e. two hot conntowition,g 51.1oline, sung by ('. W. lac, Treot. as problem; (ammo, or tbo CO ., of the Shatsr-.. Ckerry. :Ms The Lilac' ot the Dom, witli ,l ignetto title page. Jy2 KAY & CO., lb Wood street. 11.1, Mainline, beaistiful song. 2.5: That's So, a nevr comic 13 i . -5 11,L1 - A,Nil . ii. PliiME - .- - Tent Life In' : wmg. 25, The Sostel, Pella, Chas. ' , Allows: SO; T io Ilnle. seer Polka, t, Without,. fo-the two hot Polk,. have moll . the I loly Land. Illustrated. on olegontsi odured ti le page. Mat 1.11,. in Egypt and - Ntibia, illuatrated. CII All LOTTE MU HE, 'I he Ohl lion. by the River. No. 11S, Wood Otr•Mi....:d door above Fifth carrot. Later Etat!. 11.1.ir fowled free of postage IY9 TraLl, in 'lemur, by S. Ironing Prime. Jost reed I , y jell. J. L ILEAD, 78 Fourth street _ ___ .__ . . _—__ Meal!". Cbdrkerinx t Xtna !lava Iron awarded at tho Exhibittot. and Stan Fairm In flutan. Now lorlt, and arbor I Sevent. • I. Thrro 11r..nre 11...1.11a. and the Priz, 31a.htl World's .F.Ar in London. 1851. . . . . oIDIII. SCVCILO. RI; V 0 N 1 , -II AXI)PI A N 0 S ; Ono PlNout l'inett•run; PlAnn. %e ry Imin inwal; •• NlAln,..ny 51% ortavn Pt too, in ti of order:. 31l:0 .. •• - 01.110.J.ioncd; 7:/ • lm', fun supi.ly .4 PIANO STOOLS JOHN H. 31ELLOR, ‘ VV-f . .ml I.lwron Diamond Miry and rourth sm. A... 0 f.r Chlel,ritt; k Sun, for W.,t.rn I'rnti.yl - ihi, and Nnreltrt•storzi • A Damaged New Chlekerisig 7 OM. Plano. tiNE .Or CIUCI:EPIsu ,Y iy,k_f 11,t-clat.l 7 ectAre, elegantlT sea ..... I'IA .lansestsl in the i ic tire a t e here the I.lemiehee ere Mit expo.lerl. t. at a great bargain. The .41.‘e NINO It 0110.. f the large lot octavo Plan.a receiver! t.e.1.“ Item Chickering A rona. W. ton . and will he warranted...l,m reeel lan :ntental 1111nry. P..r ...Ile 11 JOHN 11. MEL': Agent for rhickertn l r , P. a.... Jo 1 o No. r.l IV.. I ,treat. PalSirtir,qh. BROOKE lIALL FE9IALE SEKINARY Media, l b County, l'ennft. TMiss Math L. Eastman, Principal. HIS SI: lIN A lIY, SITUATED IN TIIF, delightful and beautiful ril4s. of Malta. thirteen miles ftnto Philadelphia by llinfroad, offers to young ladle,. the nnel perfect c.ouldtiat km of , uivantagin for the attain. nom of a thorough and accomplished education. The urge and rot building lately erected, con taining all Ma motion, ronreuiences of hatha, gnu , lc. With its extensite grounds, a model hi all that pertains to the health, comfort. refinement and Improvement ot. the pupils. The sleeping rooms are high, well rentilated, furne.hed with comfort out elegance, and but tan occupy the wino. apartment. The number of popili 1,1 111iif`ti to forty, for whom seven teachers are employed.— The welt faitlind instruction Is given lit ell the branches taught. whit* choral nod religions principles are constantly ineithntini hy theory and practise. The mote. of instruction comprises a period of four year, and a diptnina In awarylall tool! who rims through It satisfactorily. The Muhl ker. A. Potter. Lt. D., 1.. 1.. D., Ilishop of Pentieyiranlk Faye: '•.llia, 11. 1.. tMatman, who plopowe to mem n Young Ladies' Seminary in Iltulieu Ihlawnre county, Pennsylvania. in Sept•mher next, hits been known to the atibecriber for several yearn past. lin ha a eery high opn of her caacity, efficiency and devotednese a an wine:Wier. She h a t bad n large and euccessfhl expecienco.— The building which le In be crectod will contain every gr. comma:lotion. The village nod surrounding country are dlatingnislitui for healthfulness and beauty; en;l the anti wriber luta confidence that parents who entreat their daughter• to Aline Eastman will bare no cane to regret it."' The French language in taught by a Parlidan lady meld ing In the family. The Latin, ilerman. Spanish, and Italian languages, re ceive dna attention, Tho Natural Science. are taught with the aid of • large ' ll N ' t ' ll n :l i ca re l a gFrt t n7i:nt is nutter 'ho charge of holy eminently qualille. for the sltnation, and all who prefer to he taught on the piano or tinging by a gentleman, hare a nieging teacher from PhilrulelphLt. Drawing an d Painting are under the direction of a lady accomplished in the arta. The Fall Term COOMMOCM September 9th. Iliss Eastman ban tho liberty to refer bathe following gen tlemen: Eight Rev. A.Potter,Blehop of Penttsylvntibt. ilen. Franklin Pierce, es.Preeitient of U. S. Hon. R. P. Chun, Governor of Ohio. C. Loeser, EM., Pottsville, Pit George M. Irh.ton William Bagnley, Pittsburgh. Sylmois Lothn,p, Foq., Allegheny City. MISS If. L.. EASTILLN. Delewaro county, Pn. GAB PROM ROSIN OIL MB= V.ATTI7 F`LTIIID MATIGRIA_L. TILE 111011 ILLUMINATING PROPER TIES of 03.4 from - t 6 Fr And nave andlr .fti ustra I • Books and Stationery AT COST. THE SUBSCRIBE': WILL COMMENCE on MONDAY. Juno lot, to all out atyfert mg, him en tire stack of ftroke and Stationery, Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Marl., Writing and letter raper, Stank Boards, Ay At, to Ott Ito totention of Booknellent, School Teachers, Dine ehnutt awl other., In resperttelly Invited. sl JOHN 11. 31814011,, No. 81 Wood atteet:, Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, AT TIIE PR.A.Ft I, :3 'l7 E . A. AI ALL/ROME:FY. SUBSt:RIBEItS ILIVE'TAKEN the • .1.,C0 establishment, and a.a prepared to I:4y ll,r Iligleest .Vrerket Prier. in CUM For 'AMA, Mahe!. of Wheat. 10.000 Rush.). of Rye. 10,010 Bushel. of Corn. It I. Mobil ,ration of the proprietor. to offer Mfr.; Prizes for any choke lota of Whit, or Rod IThaM. 'Fluty Intend to mak., eery superior Family Flour, and aro wining to paya loynimin to Mr Farmer, In t h e ahape of an extra peke, to iodise° him to ralso n chide" quality of wheat, and to Min( it to market in anorl order. ly15:311.1 •NOTIcz. THE PARTNERSIIIP of the subscribers; under the Arm or Leech & Co. terminated by mutual .rowans .m the let day of . 11 1 1 1P.1Y57. W. F. LEECH, of O. W. HAMS, • "."-.''"'" T. J. CLARItE, of Pit h b orz ,.. • . Sr*. THAW, The special agency of tha Penna. Rai mad CO., hitherto seteittenel under the gismo named Arm, will ire madness, iinder the tame management es hoTefglion, but Mr the wpm rate neon:int of W. P. Leech mid Omit. W. Harris, under the name of LEECH & Co. In Philadelphia, and other Mutant ; rifles.; and by Thos. Clarke, William at and Chu. J. Clarke, under the name of CLARKE & Co. at Pittsburiti, - r - and all western taints. This arrangement being simply a new divide% af interaita • among the partners for their own consonienos, Joy pot la the least disturb the relations of the agency with HA ptildle. LCH & , -• No.; Dock streeEEt, PldiseltiliCOkdit • CLAUHE & CO., " ' jytoteo Corner Water& Libertyata.,Pittslatratt, A -NEW STEAM GUAGE--Inquire: of ".• 21631easre. Porter, Rolfe & Sweet, June. Asp r t esti. V. Eaton, Agent M fae r Manntnnws. • Jet4tf' - urree CrIHOri"S OIL GLOBE OR CUP for Stosok•F:.r 11 • Engin... Patented March Hith,lB:l4. Q:Aii'VElt llALETTleating - and -%";.r tj luting Appanuns for Patentsd April BOOM: , 9111031-Ag—' IiTATCITLESS MATCTI7MA LLOID a'ao - - OTHINi; TO WEAR, I vol., illuotraled; 1.1 The vino The IYar CAM Rthr , 04 n• • t..oks. New Publirati.nut, August 31agmslues, fresh iupplyjabca rie4 and n..sr S. S. Uninn Puhlicatlons,at • - '.',.' • IL C. COCIIRA-NES,'' ' 6 Federal street, Alloglseki. R. T. KENNEDY! 8110 ~~. .£ •,1 4 sYli . ,:',.0, . •4 J .. ........4 , S • —1 , , : _,.. ',' ,4 „ :- : — ... , 1,... :—:- - - ; :1 - 9:... : - 4 , .. ,- ~. ...-.0 . ...... ,„...5......„ - ;.•,:,..-,._., .., , . .:- -,, ,,A, , ,,, -*art- • ..: i 3,47- •;-., 4% _ 'i-i!'