--Vitoh4gt .03aette.,1 D. Ir.,..D . OZITIN • - - 8. RIDDLE & Co., ItDITORS.and PROPRIETORS ir.xTTB33I:TEO3-3Er..: .FRIDATiMORNING, MILT 17, 1857 READI3O ILATTEE ON EACH PARE Or This PAPER A Striking Portrait. ..the candidate of the sham-democracy for the : next Governorship of Pennsylvania is thus . . . ‘Atelten. off ".. by a cotemporary in the eastern ( :j ,ifection attie Commonwea lth. Even Mr. Packer - , I ktbeself if permitted to examine this specimen of " . 1 . ; ..; pirtrttit.:ltainting, would be compelled, against his intions, to admit its entire correctness. We s nit it to' our readers, and at the same tithe de4c.ntetthem whether such a.man is the proper person to fill the highest of our State oth • ' c :pi- —whether he is the proper person to have the credit,-the reputation and the government of ' . . Or good old State confided to his keeping ? It isaneroidle talk to advocate a return to the pu- rity areittiMplicity of earlier times—to speak of ti government conducted on principles of hones ' tyandjustice--and at the same time propose the „ plating of a professional office-hunter and a cot ''finned treasury-leech at the bead and front of ,titi State administration. With Packer in the . .•iiit . ivernor's chair, his old associates—the con tisictors—the "Canal Rats"—and other equally .tespeetable personages would again be clothed with' Power 'and authority, and thus the public Silences would become deranged and the State ..credit seriously affected, as was the case in 1641. The public and private life of his opponent, DA , run WZIJEOT, is a guaranty that in his election We would secure the services of a eater and bet ter chief magistrate, and that under his manage ment of public affairs the State would prosper, while good and pure men would be , selected as .the of the people. Let the past official eontlaci of the two candidates he closely exam ined--7let their political and moral qualities be .carefullY scrutiniied by the voters—and we have no apprehensions as to the choice which they Will make. But to the sketch, already refer red tot -. This gentleman, eye the Gettysburg Star, has been In. public office Ahmed a lifetime. Twenty years :ago, he was editor of a paper in Lyeeming county. • • 'Since that time he hee hod no regefor &alarm He sZtl"..^. - has done nothing but hold office and live off the for trine be acquired by his offices. He has been collee ' .` tor of tolls at Williamsport—o- Canal Commissioner —a contractor--a quiet partner in sundry jobs of work - on the canals—Auditor 'General under Porter, • the moat corrupt administration Pennsylvania ever saws member of the House of Representatives, and member of the Senate. When a candidate for the latter office, each eras his Standing at home that he 'ran almost 1500 rotes behind histicket in that Sena feria District. Mr. ' Packer is a man in the vigor of life, rather good-looking, and plausible in his mariners. Ile " - makes a fair speech and is a good wire-palter. For "many years . he has aimed to be made Governor. - %There .Is ,one mystery about him. No ono can tell ,:rirlietti - anit how be made his money. His offices have never becalm:native, and his eateries could not have yielded such profits. • There is little doubt that part of the Seventeen Millions of Direct Taxes the people hat's, been paying within the last twelve years has . gone into his pocket by some underground arcane , burrowed by the "Canal Rats" with whom ho has as. gociated. A man with his antecedents, with his asso ' ' dates,- and his bemiring, is an unsafe person to en trust with the important duties of the Executive chair. Ifet teem one of Porter'. Cabinet. No one who feels at Milne in each company should bo entrusted with power. The people do not want the horrible scenes enacted, to their loss, and shame and confusion. " .• Southern Mail Route. The present, national Administration, at the head of which is a President,. ho owes his elec tion to the successful efforts of his political • ' friends in convincing a portion of the people of • 'the North that he was at heart an opponent of • Southern, aggrthaitzt has again bowed to the " "daik spirit of Slavery," in the selection of the . mail route to • California from Memphis. Our " cOnservative" . chief Magistrate, who even in - • conic sections of his native State was palmed off • 'an a " Free Kansas" candidate,. previous to the last Preeidentird election, has, through the Post _ Master General, decided in favor of the favorite -Vonte of the Southern States, in the face of the decided advantages of that known as the Central rotate. The New York Courier and Enquirer de "--..._.,-Votes an editorial artfele to this subject, in which the course of the administration is very severely ' but justly reviewed. The following is a portion = .of the editor's remarks • “The decision of the Administration in favor of _ the Eleuthera overland route from Memphis, for eon ' , , vexing the mart to California, gives much dissatis faction at the West, and in fact meets With little 'approval anywhere .in the Free States. It i.e gene, • - ally believed that sectional favoritism has a rooted. ling influence in .producing the conclusion. The . strength of argument was manifestly In favor the • central route, from St Louis westward. The merest glance at the map shows that that route realizes far . better than any other the idea of centrality, which is a cardinal idea in every conception of a national .roatV. , It begins between the parallels 38° and 39° . of north. latitude, and follows these latitudes with ',slight deflection from the Mississippi to the Pacific. . - ..."._These are the middle latitudes of the United States; they cover the central parts of the Atlantic, States, - the centre of the Valley of the Mississippi. run -- • • throzigh the centre of all the territory west of the lifirutissippi, and strike the Mississippi coast both at *the central - point of oar posaessiona and that of the whole North American coast The adoption of that eentad route was even more clearly prescribed by e. -` reference to the centre-of population and business.— Mom than two-thirds of the population of the roan -_. _thy lies north of the latitude of St. Louis and the poet office statistics of last year show that while the ' - 'Northern States mail over ninety-eight millions of letters in a year, the Southern States mail less than thirtyveo millions. and that while the Northern .States contribute 54.986,588 to the postal revenues , • .the Seethe& States contribute only 51,556,383. Iforetheithecentral route was that which had alwaye been taken by the overland emigration to California, and that alone which has contributed to the rattle • - menCof the intermediate country. The destitution tee- - of-water and the sterility of the Southern route along ~,tliC324 . perrallel;has always precluded continuous 4 ".'% -- •'.L... ..a.Velittid settlement, Such Indeed aro the inherent f;';' , `eraleithles- of this Southern route that the best judges Confident that the attempt to carry the mail by in a speedy Safi complete failure, and tbe.sBoo,ooo appropriated by Congress for the ,rr s sr:se, will be money thrown away. There is no that the parties bidding for the contract on •-• the Northern route were art in every respect teapot. would not have fulfilled their bids to the ~-The peculiar arrangement by which the eon ' tract Was given to the Southern route, preserving yet • • a show of concession to the St. Louis interacts, only "affords. proof of a consciousness on the part of the _ Yost Office Department that it coned not rely upon the simple merits of the case to justify Its action be fore-4he people. By nominally making both St. and Memphis the termini of the route selected, the Department sought to make it appear that seam promise had been made, and that the advantages had laternilvided between both cities and both sections of the country. It was, however, a very transparent '• expedient.. We stated the other day that' Judge Taney, in his Dred Scott. opinion. did not cite a single judicial decision to support his view that negroes were - not citizens. We are .told, in reply, that the 'jade cites the case of Crandall vs. the State, Reports, 340. We admit • • that' be citeithat case; but he does not do it to support his 'opinion, for he admits in making it that; although the point as to the citizenship of the 'negro was - Taised and argued before the .^. • court in that. ease, it did not pass upon it at I%e citation is not therefore made as authority upon that— point, and imply ..confints what we ,said in replrati,the Poet ...;ket;;‘-.L;'..1i1t4ieg0440:4118 Connecticut ease, which austaininit.Judge .Tiney, and which we showed was only the opinion of one -. member of the Supreme Court of that. State. and . not. , of the . Court itself, we quote from Judge Taney, miniprising all that he sap in his cite- It-Appears by - the care of Crandall sa the , . State; reported 1610 Conn. Rep. 0(0, that upon an information filed against Prudence Crandall fora vie .. latlou of tine law ono of thopaints ridged is the de. tt feurollS, that the law was a violation of the Conzti --77—tiititiq of the Vatted States; and that the persons in structed, although of the African raoe,trere clthens of - Mho' States. and thirefore entitled to .the rights and ratires or eitJzabs in the. State of Connecticut. Bat '.thief dustice.Bagge4 before whom the ease was triad, hold, that personsof that description were not 7notts of a State, .within. the meaning of the word - citizen in the Conititntion or the United States, and . • were not therefore entitled .to the prisileges and im } of citizens in other States: t'.l7te mart«. curried - sip to the Sitiresse Court of ....7,:i."4.715.Err0rs of the State, and. the question fully argued there. But the 'case went. off upon, another point, :'?,77l.Stad.no' °piston teas =protect on thislyuertion." .- . Ito, : then, the Supreme Court of Connecticut d , did decide that a9P.P.P3 were not citizens.— ns an -individual judge, lot t decialon abut thO.C9Pll:oniPloOd re- CL;---iiriedble'deCilikini tual:alaiough the Court re - ' end 015 4eni 17 0 / 0 4 8 S ' ' . - • . er4ont.'esPressing a formal opinien.on this grtintion - enough was said incidentally to skins:, that the . Onpreme Court did 'not in nay whs. off.' Akt: dorse or corm in his opiniQu. , ; e W it . _ Is ruz . liuctao - A.Crrernc?---The telegraphyes teadayettmoune ed the decision of the 17. S. Cir cuit Courtin Chicago in favor of the citizenship of a negro ':who hail brought suit there. The case wasasfollows: A man named Lamar while in a drunkerlfrolic in Galena, in 1854. commit led a violent and unprovoked assault upon a col ored barber by the the name of Mitchell, who was severely injured. Lamir wasarraigned be fore a magistrate for the assault, fined a few i dollars and discharged. The -suit pending in the U.S. Court was brought for private dams ges, and the defendant being a resident of Wis consin, rendered it necessary that the action should be brought in that Court. Lamar put in a plea that Mitchell being a negro was not, in view of the Dred Scott decision, acitteen of the United States and could not therefore sne in a United States Court. The counsel for Mitchell demurred to this plea, and the Court, after ar gument, has decideh that Mitchell being neither a slave nor the descendant of a slave is a citizen and competent to sue. McLean, the Circuit Judge and Drummond, the District Judge, agreed in making this decision. gar Asu specimen of the kind spirit prevail ing between the Pennsylvanian and Forney, we clip the following from the last tnimber of that paper: COL. Fonsnv's TAvrics.—!t is generally reganl eel as must contemptible for any one to attempt to in duce the employees of another to leave their situp tions, but this policy is employed by Fol. Forney and his friends towards those concerted with the Penni,y/- racism. We warn them against any repetition of such conduct, for the fidelity of those about this office cannot be swerved, and it only tends to show the ma lignity which actuates one who is indebted to us for so many favors, when he finds he can no longer use us to svhsorve his ambitious schemes. If •hay future attempt of the kind is made, we shall take other means to put a stop to proceedings which wombd dis grace the most debased journalist in our country, and come with an iil grace from ono who in his Pro spectus promises 'dignity and courtesy' in the con duct of his proposed paper." We lIAVE a pro-slavery account of a serious trouble at Doniphan, (K. T.,) on Monday, the 6th inst. It appears that two prominent indi viduals, one of each party in the Territory, got into a personal difficulty, tried to fight it duel. but were prUvented, that the excitement spread and armed Men gathered, that Gen. Jim Lane was about and caused U. S. arms to be seized, that for a time u bloody conflict seemed inevit able, but that there came a sober thought, sug gested by Lane, and that an outbreak was avoided. There are dangerous elements sim mering in Kansas. The Free Slate men would bo only too willing to accept, with rejoicing, a plausible opportunity to take vengeance on those who have so foully and systemetically wronged them. Wuwrrns MoamoNs TlllNK.—Brigbam Young's organ, the Deseret News, thinks that the Deed Scott decision sanctions polygamy as well as slavery, and we incline to the belief that it is right. It says: "The Supremo Court of the United States has de cided that the act of Congress known as the Missouri Compromise, about which politicians bare harped so much, is unconstitutionnl, and therefore null "and void, and that Congress has no power over the ques tion of polygamy. Those "[WM relics of barbar ism" [Slavery and Polygamy] ran now fiontidi wherever the people will it in soy Territorte• of tic United Staten, and Uncle 'Sam can attend to .his own legitimate business without troubling him self any fnrther about them." TUE Kansas correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat says that Brown, of the Herold of Freedom, who has lately gone over with his pa per to the Border Ruffians, is about to leave Lawrence and perhaps Kansas al an early day. He is.a dirty traitor, and the people of Law rence have probably made that place too hot for him. Tar. Republican members of the New Hamp shire legislature held a meeting before the ad journment of that body, and nominated Rim: C. Faraw,r as the Republican candidate fur President in 180. For thn Daily PatghtughGazo.. blesses. Entrees: Among the very pleasant accompaniments of the season are the public exhibitions of the various schools in the cities or neighborhood. Many of these hate been already noticed in terms of merited commenda tion by the press. I have, however. seen in the papers no reference to the examination of tire classes in the —Lome Grore Female Collegial, Seminary," held during several days of last week. It was my fortune to he present, with many other patrons and citizens during most of the exercises, and it is only from a sense of in competency to do justice to the admirable per formances that I have waited for more capable parties , to review them. I will not now attempt this Henke further than to say that the ordeal to which all the classes were subjected was a very severe one for which, however, they ap peared thoroughly prepared. The recitations in all the common branches are evincive of care ful attention to that minutia of elementary edu cation so essential to good scholarship whether solider polite The classes in Ancient History and Geography, in Chemistry, Natural Philoso phy, Algebra, de., Ike, exhibited a most thor ough and analytical mastery of the classhooks in these departments, so often but superficially taught. The closing exercises werein instrumental and vocal music in which the performances were thaught by a large and delighted audience to be unexpectedly if not unprecedentedly proficient, many of the young ladies playing difficult solos and duets with delicate accuracy and fine ex pression. This school established under the auspi ces of the Protestant Episcopalians, num iers among its patrons, many of the best famil ies in .the city, awl in various parts of the State of other denominations. The Rector, Bev. Gee. T. Rider with the aid of the Trustees has in the past year greatly improved and beautified the extensive grounds, and put the spacious and convenient edifice in complete order. The site of this admirable seminary has been well chosen, the attractive rural aspect of every thing around giving to it the salubrity and quiet of the country, while its proximity to the city affords easy access every hour of the day. These considerations, together with the w6ll-known energy and devotion of Mr. Rider to the cause of education, the elevated standard which he maintains as necessary to be attained before a course is complete, the talent and diligence of his corps of assistants and the really surprising progress manifest in the late exhibition, I think, are ample guarantees that we have among us a Female School of the very highest order of merit, one that will compare favorably with those of most repute in the east or west. Dloosax Et OQUENCE.-A correspondent of the Boston Courier gives the following extract from a sermon recently delivered by a Professor at Hai4ard University, and asks if students are safe when exposed to such language: ”Viewiug this subject from the esoteric stand point of Christian exegeticial analysis, and ag glutinating the polsynthctical ectoblasts of ho mogeneous asceticism, we perceive at once the absolute individuality of this entity while from that other stand-point of incredulous synthesis, which characterize the Xenocratio hierarchy of the Jew we are constantly impressed with the precisely antipertstatic quality thereof." 55pectal ;letters Appetite and Strength Restored. WILLIA3II'OGNO, agouti] Pittsburgh, says: ' , After basing Suffern' severely for femoral days 'with a moat distreaslog attack of Dlarrhaw, I pnrcharted a bottle of Bawhares lintlend Alters. It gradually checked the &tease, and teetered my bowels to pertert order. Before I had Bathed the bottle, I Blued my appetite sod strength returning. I bellerre It worthy of the eb.-. R .k., y no t ir e It, and shall recommend It so such." gro-Suld at El per bottle, or six bottles for $5 by the pro. prletors, BENJ. PAGE, lg., t CO, Manufactuelog mutate and Chemist*, Pittsburgh, Ds, sod Druggist* gen trulti• Bey advertisement. Jyl7triksel. Great Gore after thePhyslolons had Failed lIVEMELTILLZ. Ohio, Jan.lo ' l&d. Bin.—" Dr. C. 31. Jackson—Door Bi — , 'We would inform you that wear° out of Rootlet:Wm Berman Bitters, which meet with ready sale. One of our neighbor, him been doctoring for some time, (tee think about two yearly) wit& all the doe. tors in the emottry, but all of no acad. He looked as much like a dead man going about as anything Ire can compsro him to. BIN dlseuee appeared to Isc en mellowing of the golf. ", With heat persuasion we prevailed on him to try your Dilute, with the promise to himif it did no good, we would c i= h to th' ire rectl thing `"roti.l;;g'oillide"lLlZdc!n'e,k als tultl t r., ' en. o' Grolycared. and has becomo • well n. This cue has creatml is great sale to this neighborhood." GolMfully, EDWARDS k BROWN. lostde end Iterdlott .Dr. GEO. D. KEYSER'S Drug Store, 140 Woad Greet, Ho of tbe ['Mem Mortar. . See atlyerrtlegsslot. lyltarrdtwi CAVTIOIII VAISTIOBiIf —Breath or Comma. narsiat—llosurries Ittrthas.—The public are aware that Tor some years toot llcetetter's Bitters bare by their in trinsic meths as the beet tonic of the day, won n name said celebrity beyond any other compound of the like laud.— The hinucuse and ready sale which Ilestetter's Bitters mat with, induced it number ef persona 100ns:ewe In counterfeit- Ing them by buying up the bottles and filling them with 0 spurious mad noxious compound,and then making In of We article to coffewbouse thepeto tusd others at u reduced 'peke. under the reprenematten that they were the hertuine artitie. • Parthasers Should always examine the bottle, nod see that it le tercet,' with • mettle cap with name stamped on, ind not with • lin 421.1 or wax, es is the cue with the counterfeit article. The genuine article void by ail teepee.. a bb, demogireeteldedere everywhere. " • • ,L Ijl.4fc =hurrah t ssrrxu, To "nervous Hufiireri.-4 reUie - d — Clergymaa 'illiAtervid • to health in • fur dam after many 31,are of peo f - ' l lrl2 f tt M b ' rit i" Aloq " ri Tirt he •• DAUALL, No. 59 Fulton street, Brook.lpa, • m7.s..volibrigzat SIE Sputal Amices. Exchange Bank of Sebraaka, FLORENCE- N. T. ne.o. SINCLAIR. 1-..4 lE= G-TCO. SINCIaLIR Si: CO., General Land Agents ig Dealer in. Land Warrants, Florence. N. T.. twin give their personal attention to &lying a!sd. Selling Real Estate, Entering Lands, Lorain Money and Pitying Tate•, In Nebraska, lowa and Kansas. Exchange Bonk.. Pittoburgit, Po. C. O. Ilitoot7 a Cu. IL Patrick L Co. Banker, Pittatoualt. To. Atwell, Lee it Co.. Morello., •• It. F. Raley. Banker, Phlladelehlo.' Wlnolow. Lanier k Co.. Now tort.. Lome it Simonds, Bookers, St. 1n.., Bellew & Co.. Morcluotto. Bank of Commerce, Clocoliul, Ohio. J. G. Homey, A RETIRED PFITSICIAN . . _ ... Whom sands of Pre honer-early run oat, discovered white In the East ludles, a certain cure for Consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis. Cougha, Golds, and Grimm! Debility. The remedy ll'es , ll4c.erml by him when his only child, n 11....imer, wt given up to die. lie hail heard mush i.f the sr - ld/Tint re. tomtits and heiding qiislitics of pnparations made from the East India Hemp. and the thought occurred to him that he might mikes remedy for his child, lir litUditit herd and gin'. ceedad in realizing his wishes. lIIs ehildirssimred. and It nom ativeand well. Ile less sine.- administered the wonderful rem rely to thonmnds of suffenTs In all parts of the world, and he i l . has never failed =thin; them completely healthy, find happy. IVlshin dons much good an possible, hen - 111 semi a to such of his cted fellow-I,rings as rrsithest it. title refits-, with full nod explicit directions for making ft up, end nose easefully Oilig it. Ile minims each applicant to enclose him ore- thilling—three cents to be retunesl as inn., on the recipe, and the remainder to he applied to the payment of this iulrertit. Adams§ Ito. 11. .I.olllii, 'n lit. ilrand street. Jersey illy. N. .1. N. B.—Lit. 11. J. Ines lin, neither oilier nor athmt in Now Tort. as some hail pretended nod advertised. The recipe Is sent font no main but No M. ilrand street. Jersey city. [ I New Jersey. Jetlth.l.tirtlinferT CM= Dr. J. F.l-IU 1.1-.11-IFIST, haring etc gagtal the services of the most experienced Rine • Workman in the 1; lilted States, is prepared to far- Meth, adapted to each particolar case. Foll sets of teeth. or parts of sets made with artificial gums, in one continuous or solid piece. Artificial Eyes inserted. and all deformitien of the fare corrected. Arasttperations and work warranted. Mice N 0.103 Forint, nreei, between Wood nod Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh. aplaalmilfc Dentistry. Dr. .T. S , lrgc..mAnat Dell( iKt, trent New York. Extracts Teeth wall out 1.110. I , y a local Benumb:nit Agent to tl:r Hama A rkirinsert , Teethon flold, Silver, Plaint, and Gutta rha, and perform, all Dental opera:loam Inn Yeientifir man ner. Sir - Card , and Circular, at him (.4 Smillfwld mfreet, Pitv.burgh. apaolfetf P. 13-A.li DELN. (: , Ltrcf.fluor to W. H. Manufacturer of ETHEREAL OIL and LAMPS, co. 62 Fourth stroot. between Wood and Merkel. Pitteburph, Po., The untio.luned la prepared -to furnish Dealers with Ethereal Oil and Burning Fluids df a superior quality, of his oau monufecture. Also, Alcohol, Comphene md Pine Oils, mil every description of Side end Centre TAW Lamp!, Girt modeles, Chndelabros of the latest patterns and most approv od style. Chandeliers, Gironde!. and Lamps repaired and re it. ed. The above Oils supplied regulorly every nook to customers from our wagons. embablyfe P. HA EDEN. The Only Remedy for Consumption, which experience bea proved reliable. 1 - IEGrEATA_IN7„ CL.A Rli K. CO'S, [Late Rushton, Clark R Co..] Pure and Genuine Cod Liver Oil. It has mood the teat of ten years with increasing popular. My, and proved efficacious where others have failed. See that you get Ilegeman, Clerk A Co's, for ahem the death of our Mr. Radium an article coned ußexhten's" has Men tralueed. in no way connected with R. C. A Co., or It. C. k Co. Sold by Scums * C0.,11. A. FsusgSbork s Co., /ammo Boor. and Druggistscmierally. Jr r 2 WOOD, MOORHEAD & CO • sisanantratna nv American Galvanized She=et Iron, And .5.1.• AfauiD fear tAc Sul, of W. Dosims Wands Patent Imitation Russia Sheet Iron. A 4, Galvanized Corrugated Iron, for flouting. gpirw, o ,p oo , e __.y o . 134 Front Slaw!, 11.11sIntrgA. ja22•lyiLtalcr TEAMSTERS A TTENTI . —Dr.Tobias' Venetian [lore. Liniment, In pint lag I les. prim. O cents. II warranted cheaper end better than any caber artirlo ciernifenvi to the public for the ours of Cu!,, Galls. ' , prams, Lamenem, Urrr heating. Re. Roil , o Ivatilo In the stable.. has saved many o valuable horse. Non. Rennin. unless signed S. I Tobias D'p,o. 50 Cinularolc etrxr, Near Tort. Sold by Dr, KEYSER: lan Wood id. joi.lnatisraß DR. /TERRY ANDES'S lODINE STATER. INFALLIBLE SPECIFIC FOR FEVER AND AGUE CERTAIN RENED F FOR SCROFULA. Int. 'lrani A anima having at length attectaultal In effect. leg what hati tring been consldertal the great dcwidcratum in medicine. a PERFECF SOLETUIN Olt lODINE LN WATER. offers It to tho Fa-ulty and Public Ilea remedy for totille Wide of enntplat Al, lotherto pronounced be) and all radical ant, In all atrumoui nffemion, where the acraufulons taint imelther hirmlitary tic acquired. the lODINE WATER ERADICATES THE ELESIENTS .of the dlseme In PETER A NI/ AOC Elt perfeem TM/P.0E611 and PERMANENT removal (nun the aystem of the morbid ca of the ilia. order. The beneficial reaulti are IhltueJentrly 'felt In LIV ER COMPLAINT. RlLLlttlia Dlatirtalitc. end otter 111:NIORIIA0E:, TUMORS, 1111 ART DISEAr DEILAINGENI ENT tIF TILE LI VER.. IDN EVS and BLAD DER.. D R 0 1. 1111 E 1 Nl A T l r. M.NEE It A Ic 111 A. II il:31011111101DS, NElii AFFECTIONA, and. all FEMALE DISEASE-. tut-ether with 11RONCIFITIS. and the relit', ran, of PE L‘ION ART PO3I PLAINTS. lie. If eng Andem* lodine linter haa been analyrod Driwitattati Chilton. the colt-brand chi-metal. nod ale. ht Pn4aior Jahle4l . Both, of the r Mint. of PhilmlClphm. and ..... mum- it to tNe weallt repiewitit..l. for eirculan. fornittlatt. full 4,111. .1 the ir,thilkhle eilyehl . ter of thu remarkable iethein.... well as for eertiffrianw nul t glean Id thiwe who hate laien semi by he The letting are intil..l to call upon Dlt. 11. lit:vsEtt..l46 Je2CcilBWaF Windom , . and Retail Agent. "Best Pills in tat." Frn.eer. lie : ulxaelit Pill.. They will cure the wont violent headache. They will rove e.wthe ffSEMMM If you Garr imlige.ti•m they will help you If you ar,i,k they will make. yrAu They are the beet pill to core Pillott,nevt They are plain 011 and a good No botter pal atri br compounded. They cost oily 25 tents a bor. Sent by mall to all parts or the Cultekl States. Direct .Ditir leiter, to I. KEY6EIt. Su. ID) Wood street Ditttbarg[i. the Wholes/11r Agent. inyiattersS KETSER's SHOULDER BRACES—From Pittsburgh Dlipatehi April 10th. I&,G,—For mom than 3 years rust we haxeconstanily worn the Washington Ewa pender Brace. manufactured by Dr. Geo. U. Keyser, of ISn. 140 Wood street. In thie city, and would he/11111y m. 0.. mend it to all who are compelled to follow &sedentary occu pation. As we haw-before remarked, in railing attention to Its merits, it anrieers fora brace and suspender+. the weight of the pantaloons Is-dug so Placed as eontimt.i/E tend to tiring the shoulders to their natural position and ex pand the clout, Women. hundreds of whom are annually Injured by the weight of enurrnints exkirte," should also procure these braces. Ile partimlar 1n procuring the kind mentioned, me tunny of the broom old are hitting. Sold at Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER'S, Wheleeale Drugglet, 140 Wood stn., *bun of the Golden Mortar. ' JeMbiltheßF FUR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS. WHEELER & WILSON )1A X CFACTURING COMPANY, Bridgeport, Conn., PI ttebeirgh, GS Fifth Street. This Machine Stitches the Finest or Coarsest Fabric, At the pleasure of the Operator, making with cam One Thous and heasaffid and daralte Sfik-nra per Minute, almost noise- Dolly, arid are becoming indirpernablo for family ono. Pull information may be obtained by addressing James Ewing, or ALEX. R. REED, Agent, No. ES Fifth street. Pittsburgh. DA. NV if.S & CLOT:EY. House, Sign and Ornamental Painters, AND GRAIXERS; DELIS. IN White Lead and Zinn Paints. Also, an kinds or Mira, Oils , Varntehas, Window G4a, P.t l 7, Brushes, te, 144 Iroal ,earl, two door. abort Dianumd Alley. mrllklydro Ihir:P^imsouvrt7:2:llTl JON - ES. NV A1,1,12.7.3 , F01RD Sr, CO-, (Successors to Warnlrk, Atterbm7 t 00.0 Manutisctureraothight and Left Eland Door Locks, Spring, Drop and Thumb Latch., Platform and Counter &alas, Cofiro, Cora and Paint MILL, and Domande ilanlwasta gener- ally, corner of Water and Omit streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. JaZblydfc BEINERAL WATER. punv.„cota3.A_N - D SPARKLING DRAWN PROM PORCELIAN FOUNTAINS, TIIROUOII SILVER rtinp. THE PoP , MLAIN rOtlnArfl It 1111TIC1CH. If. D. SCULLY, Fourth street, Corner Ferry et, Iwo doors fr'tnu ;Coon Confectbriary Joll:Sradfc -- fItIMLTIiI A:c" 354 - E14.2:3z3.A.zrr rr.A.xmcat, Nn. 52 ST. CLAIR STREET, 1526:f0tf (Dr. Wail. Now Building.) HM.T. , IHN." H. COLLINS, Forwarding and •.Cprin:cikadon Merchant AND WHOLESALE DEALEHEN Cheese. Butter, Seeds, Fish, 1 , 1 Poxloco Ueborally, flAwr Irood Street, Pittsburgh. JA.L. MaLAUG -lIZ.IN MANCIACitIItZ or Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Fusel IN TITS MANSFIELD HERALD ADDRESS BRINICBREOFF & DAY, • mr2.tfc MAISSF/RLD, OHIO. NV - Al. I - 1. NVlld...l.A..llati A: CO. BANKERS. WOOD STEEEE CORNER THIRD _ _ _ - • DEPOSITS received on current accounts rdi turuaL Interest paid only on money deposited for ■ fined time. All theeknon one Mika will be paid b eurreneh =demi otherwise maned.' W. 11. Williams & Co. buy.anil seIIFAG/Appel:l 66-prin cipal titles of the United States and Europe. - .jentim GEORGE. W. GI-IMIGI. do CO4 — /MCI am.A.1%71:3-P.A.OTIMFORs (bra f /Vet emr; NrchanT;Strt 7 . 1,53;;FAT1rt4 PITT ~5 Methetnre Pine awl Oak' Kegs of .theiiiiltnalp tiOrul or NAIL ICZAIB whkb thoy will wirkei prices. NrContrean COA cttally : sroileOLC. 1 . klub. muted of the best qoallty. :":- ly you vulUe yourteoth:fifiti*V . uf4o mak. Maltby A=l4 and cotobritableimmtB.3fOrtAi , 8, /40 _ 11.0 .41,""''! ibu Y .b ?i ik "' Wa Pe * :7l,_. RR' MAW BREAST PUMPS, of a superior kixid;;; reale at Clatkdalmal DR. runws,l4oWood•is giiiirTar.s of every , kin. for nee - DR. N.ETU821,140 Wood And. . Ak7) Alin abbrrtistraintS ---77 " ' '-‘ „Siena/ Aotiers. ...._ ....--....... Engutantr. 1.,.m.A. is: I..icniz.r.N.. - s• . CITIZMN'S BANK. ..” .1 .I. f tern, " r '''''''' . '. Delaware Milani Safety insular:a Company, Celebrated Wo.mmt.o.shire Sauce, - Tr ..-,ITIZE,N.S' HANK, P/TTSllUilain. May EL A. CARRIER & BRO., incorporated by the Legishleure ofltenterloortug., HMS. PRONOCNCF.D DT EXIT Krr '''''''-, 19. tqL6.—Nntice 14 11,411.11 Oren to theXockhohlett ' s : o f ' this. Dank. that berets for the eubscripticor of the i.rdeo,• l'ittsbuigli, General insurance Azeney. ' °Mee. S. E. Corner Third. and Walnutsts., OtHINOISSECITS OF A LETTER leT.Oll i too of altaitioaal capital rami... tieutieere,..b6 tie' leie .up- No. 63 Fourth Street. PUILAD/61LPIIIA. fil . • plenewnt to the charter of We )`/PanicCitizen! ledek,i will rlrrsnrßGH. PF- A . , MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargobittd Freight MEDICAL GENTLEMAN ' lir Opened ore MONDAY, =4th inst„ anyi'remain open antit to all teats of the world. ' 0 AT MADRAS, the :Web of July next ) 111. JONF-S.Castir. ' Comraniese represented of haslet, standing , Charteresl ~L .... 4 , ..j 5 L .,.. 5m..0 .,,,,... , pod .. bi: Rh ... , 0.1., ON - LY GOOD SAUCE. reird94.4ndclec. . by reunsylvama and other State, Lakes mid Lod Carriages, to all partied' tfii [Wait; —A To his Rrother at t - Mlrki-0kk1 , .. wb NLOIO - Ik ,-- ...." ,. B,, ke I ' Few, 'Maripe eyed Life• Risks biken of all doerrpiou. , FIRE INSURANCES , m MerekneiLto • .gineradr.—Ott And appliemble W 1: 1 meReirSTER, Airy. 1 , 51. PittOr4b.Jnne . 211h.1,:d. j A. A. cA KR t EFL . Stores. Dwelling How., dr. . S it CARRIER_ et.esets or The (lourowe. Abe. 641RK • EVERY A l ''Tell LEA k FEERINS that P ---, E - P"IN eilOtOritte IN ‘7.,lfhthe 25th seetion of the )F14.1,4t- , Rends. Mortgagen and Real Estato....---....:4104,1140 94 -tt their San, is Wald,. e,t,,,,.. '-',"-''' Gentile - mum or theedimmenwealth of roor-ryleania. Nep twearanee Com pany, 'VARIETY rn , ••1 o , Indio. .. - 1.i.. I. to metier. In 11.,013 01,21141 101111cati.`71 trill lm• Made to 1.1.” 0 P PIIILADELPDIA. ' Stuck in Ranks, Railroad nail nouranceOeet—..- 18,M0 Rik ‘te opinion the mOOl n'alamble as Legtdature, at the n eosioete. fur the Renewal or Ratan- hill. ReCeienble- OF DISH. well as tn,s tnc,.,t ~ 1, ,, t,/.rth , .i. , ^ of lb. Ch , tro .,- th- srcn and Marl Franklin Building , , 414 Walnut ' treet. 0 ..1, „,, h, m d Sauce that l ol m. - Ranh of l'iresem berthe term or lifteen yett, Rr order - ' - Organiteel render the tionered ',at-yarn 1... w, with a rash Balances in hands of Agent', ertniktllta OD llfa ry - Mr' only Med.di awarded by the Jury l bl New York of the Ilidrelot iereetew. F.zhibee m n for Feree,iin Swum. um. obtained by LEA A PER- .. ./..2nolWl ~l of •lud,toi, 11011, nAI to tuata, to f::,00 050. 'Ti'.W. 11. DENNT.Cashier C "” 11 '' 1 6 ' , rine Politico recently - lamed. and other dada - INNS fdr thew WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. the world- e,„ ii„, c.„.„,,,, 1i.,, able ~.,.., ~,,,,,r,,d . D, ' „,. luster aiiidast h's or dondge by Fire. Menne. Inland ~, so iLue r t i lr ,io C: mNpetnot,,,,y . / 2 44 0 . 40 i fl - iiif I neY•i.- -2 1 . he Directors of the fiats - , Naripttlon a.l Transportation. ........DPOOO 00 o bee tame of which leaving led to imenenenr imitations. peer- 1,-.__Si'' °Me., . .---- chmeere arr. earnestly requested to see that the names of : ~ .. , r . il , 0 1,,,, , , , , 11. 0. LACOULIN, Prottiont • , -LEA A PERRLSS° are imprtvied mien the R-dtle and ! .. , :: t i 0 y,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,n , ;',T.l'Px o C :,.. , , ,T 31 S "' . . k of the e'''lnl.--V -i ties P 11411051111 10. 1011. RICIIIRD SHIELDS, Vice Proatlent. Stopper. and printed upon the labels. Sole Wbolwale Agoura for the United SUILVI, i , y1j . ...11,1: , fg e th . e.gt , b . t. , , , i i i . b.:s ., l,b o ..l.lor. or thoir !rant reprv , entß- ',. GEORGE SCOTT, Socrotary. SOON DUNCAN A SONS, i p-etey. ; alarCroßS. JAMES NI. CHRISTY Trefour•r I 11. C. Laughlin. 401 8r...-°"`Fi New York. ( Offire of Pittsbne . G. co.. .1 1 i 4. 1 2.. 1 .. i5:,74,,14,,,,,i_ . ,W. C. sioi.hory. •D. Montgotnery, Richard Shields, A stork Wawa in store. Also, orders reemeol for dirtat - - - It Shareweed, George Scott ehlpruetit from England. notklydfct _ , L -- TIIE ONLY PLACE Crl' i r Tit' ketS earl he . R. m. Corlitc, T. F. Showell, .-' procnred sin Nelson a Ambrotypes. : . Wi111:1111 1.14,111n0, I O. C. Butler. CLEVELAND AN O LEAD. TIME k CILAITEY, Agents, P It I C R. t... 1 .11.F.D TT C RD. • TO CIIICAGO AND TUE NORTHWEST, , t , IS I' Oflice. leirlyrtte 11.11.(entrunce on Wonder ) A mouN-.OT-F-o,l.'llelip.ArrD:ll..PslLf.TssilifilF:::..,swo:ll. Gallery, corner Third and Market Street•, Is at the °flier of the Company, Motionuatot, 11..n0, No , L.D, end opposite. the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, r.irper • ENTRANCE ON TRIAD STREET.. Howard fire and llwrine Insurance Company, Wo no now propared to oiler to the public2trell known i of WaTii..oo Liberty or.. L ist) les of Antbnitypcs at the low price of ONE LICLAII. and mySid.kw6mT mr..l) F. KNOWI-AND, Agent. UPWARDS. Threw wanting likenesses tn In tho best Assignees' Sale of Valuable Property. '! • Pr.."adin thnbiings. „V.. PI trot, Storff. style of the wt, will find it greatly to their 'interest to diva this establishment a melt A large assortment Of !loin and 1 T iff: UNDERSIGNED, Assignees of Wil , , A uthor i zed Capital, S &) 1,000. Caney Cases always on loud op.ililyfc limn awl Jam. Mellsaine, will oßer Ar wile by PIO , - • • i Inc outcry. tin the premise, on 131 - £STED AS FOLLOWS: np7:nrn•lfrivre*V in:N=l. - art , Chnr, 11.4.3,A.CTCCF.11. A. bra., in All kinds of Tobacco, Snuff arid Cigars, (Ave recently taker, the building No. 129 Wood Street. In addition w Innis Mauttfurturiug EAebliNtanent. No.4.3lrAvi street, wheets they w ill be idea.ed to receive their frietelA. nr.Nydra NI I. The price of a Heron nti rent.. Tho price of therein:lde rout, The prinnoithe Swint. (very ologen it it 75 rent, The price a( the proit, (per Nwx) 1 01,00 Tho print of the Intent lo 50 cent, Gotattao Fronsaponni. Ercrybocly ran it. MUER St CO, 390 llroxltray. Now York. Bold Evorytchert. FRANGIPANNI. Ncaurs to tilt Ermar—Whereas certain p , rsatc , In the United States are offering for sale Frangipanni Perfunll,, of a spurious nature, sulmltat ion of the real article made by Mem.. EIESSE k LUBIN. this is TO CAUTION TLIE I'UBI.IC that none La gonuirre but ghat has the name of PIE: ST Jr LUBIN of BOilli tt., London, on the bottles. amd s.MI by INGER k CO.. of New York. SOLE AGENTS. 'l7h.. New London Frangipahni, an Eternal Perfume From the Holy City. INGER k CO.. :19tt flcmultray, Neer York. Sold Everywhere. )e24:Staorrllmfms Pittsburgh Steel Works. JON - RS, BOIT) dr. CO, ' andracturere of CAST STEEL; also, SPRING, PLOW and A. R. STEEL: SPRINGS and AXLES, ' .. ' "idad , r Rots and Fire Ferrets. Piellbarrdh, Pa. PAC PONCI PI D. D. 110G-FRS Sc CO., IPANLIACITIPIPS OP Rogers' Improved Patent Steel Cultivator Tooth, Claw, Ron and First Sterett, Pallimrph, /tr.. Ja2B:lydfe' Britlet. and Continentai Exchange SIGHT BILLS Dit A WY BY DI_TNCA_N", SITF.I2.IIIAST 6:: CO" On the Union Bank, London, In Amu of it and Ilineardt These Drafts aru available at all the principal towns of Englund. Scotland mid Ireland and the Continont. We also draw Sight Bills on M. A. GIICSIEIIA I:SI k BAL. LIN, Frankfort e Main, which no as a Remittance to all pane Of Cremmany, Switzerland an d Rolland. Holland. l'ernons Intending to trarel abrigul may procure through ten Letters of Credit,. which Money can bo obtained, as needed, In any part of Europe. f'ollectlons of Dille, Notea and other securities in Europe, will receive prompt attention. CA-1.2.1...03 Cr A.12C1-ek. Chrner (If P.-nr, and St. Clair Streets, Plll.rburgh, {SLuloralo and Rotail Dealer lu Choice Brondo of Imported Cicare, TOBACCO, az C., Solicit , . the attcouou of timokorn mod Chewer , to Lls stock, which will I,cl, , noid LMllpielV no to qualltyatid karicty. tor2,l,:lyd JOHN THOMPSON, 410 LIBERTY STREET European and Knipe alwayro for nab Drafty •m Europe for nay amount• and mourner and Puck. Tickete to and from Liverpool to Niue York. Girl. for rooks and gsnernl lion.'-work forinshed to hots...keepers on short gongs. Wright'.llldiart Vega:leads rill. and sup slay ay lurid. Pa...ngern brought. from Noss York and Philadelphia on railroad to Pittsburgh. ja,sdly Hate, Cap. and Fnres. M'CORD & CO., Wholesale and Metall Hatters, 131 Wood Street: - - 11-nvn tawny, on Inind n fall and complote stock of HATS, CA I'S and FURS, tritntende and firtad. sold a Ibel.nr.ld Ranter. lair., when TA., RIM., nßention of all rtur ,B,..`, 21: 022 G \N"/ , ' , V.M.AR".! 31(nnufnetntor and Denim. In n.111;lenls of TOBACCO, BNTITT AND CIGARS, A II In LEAF TOBACCO, rarnarr of Saithfrld .Stred and Ilumand Alley. nc3,l yfe PITTSBURGH. PA. _ . . JOHN COCHRAN 81205.,, o.txrra.carras, Iron Rolling, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window Shutters, Window Guards, &c., :tin. 91 Airoond Glad and SO Tided srr , te wood and Ylarket.i PITTSBURGH. PA... Have ou band 4 Tarlety of vets Patterns. Caney and plala suitable for ell purposes. Particular attention paid 10 ere closing Gres, lots. Jobbing done nt short notice. J. M. IofCM.R.CHASTS • So. 54 St. Cinir Street, (Dr. Irish. 'Sme Bulldlng,) PITTSBURGH, rA. se.lo3ydre ToornAcii E is instantly cured by a floc drops of Dr KeysorN Tooth Ache Remedy. Prepared smil sold at rho drag more or • DR. KEYSER, 140 Wood et, le2tialkocr Sign of the Golden Mortar. 3oteis 7 'TAYLOR'S SALOON! 365307 Broadway ! dew York. T HI S 3fognifieent Temple of ART AND LUXURY 1i /Nern recently re.dmorated and ornamented, end note preeente a fur inure GORGEOUS COUP D'CRIL • than when lint completed. TUE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. Over the !rotor.. amtalning 2XI ROOM% i still conducted on the &trope. plan, and Le open for the reception of Guests at all halm jyttlead ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Nor Tata, June 9th. 1867. The public are respectfully informed that the price of Board at this Hotel has not been advanced, but a as It has been heretofore, $260 per diem. JyB:lm TREADIVELL. iiIIITCOIIII_k CO. sccri - r Corner'lrwin Street mud Duquesne Way, PITT.SULTICOLf, PENNA. B. D. MARKER. Proprietor. (Former[ otitis Merger /louse, Bien...die, P.) TIIE SCOTT HOUSE in non' cotnpleted-and open for Ginute. It I. situated Ins Central pert of the city, being non.uient to .11 Itailmul Depots and Steamboat Landin The Howie traa boUt in 1650. with all modern improir menteomd Wed up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new, and will in erery rtupect be a fleet clam lintel. W FIISIB STABLES aro &Unshed to the promisee. jedfloti m AMERICAN 1:1017EL. Opposite Union Depot, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Xr EAI,S ARE ALWAYS IN READINESS je_ll, oa arrival or Train. Partonan M the Depot to tako charm, ,f Baggage. The rooms are largo and well ventilated. • Passengers stopping with no need have no Mar of 3118911i1l .TRAINS. Jettillord IT. J. ELLIOTT & SOS, Proprietor.- 0. T. IXIIII r. r.SIAOO.IOOO H. F. SMITH, vreopraiwror. OWEN'S HOTEL. CORNER FOURTII-AND JEFFERSON ITS., LOUISVILLE, KY., J. W. RlTNourst,Clerk. WANTED—A small House. with four to aix 'mats, Imitable for small family, within 15 minute, of the Con Orke. Address Box xi, or call at 01 Fifth street. " El2l WASTZ-70i.x1 City Paper, haring Y from •Vtriontha to ono year to run, to an nn order. A CSTLN LtIOSIIS a CO., No. 92 Fourth Mn.t. .1713 Stook at Note Broken, WANTED -42000 of City Warrants at the .ince or I joij 11. AC to s POs, 4th et_ ANTED--Beeemix, for which the high on remind price nill be paid in cosh, by JrB B. A. FAJEN &MICK OD., cur. First Wood ste. WANTED --Beef Bladders, at A. VIIANESSOCK h CO.' • cor. Virg end Wood ats. food, medium W ANTE"-- , 1 ': ° , 43 /T rehM A Se el? 51;er. Find th sir"' home, - lb° y ll6 l b .okftY . Weal commons. North CCO/1.414, and between tho n .,; NN. Pm. Allegheny City. Apply to C. North Conlon - og, Alin eral meet, 204 door pont! , of t ho 1 gheny City. _ Y 1 dANTEIG-.4 ANTED.—.dwelling home to rent, ir . 4wwwo within ono square of ren7 !street. Rent frortt4l7s topxs. nLAKELY 1 RICKEY, in J3oriter Illt teed Sruithflold Street.. $1 400 OF GOOD BUSINESS OR • . Aewmmoutkm Notoof ell rises har ing from 111) days toe mouths to rue, cart be mama at roes soluble rates try applying to B. 11cLAIN .4 SON,' Stock At Bill Brokers. $lO 9 OOO —WANTED, partner with a copal of Ten Thousand Dollars to Invest In an old established mantstheturtng establish• meat dolng • good business. AW doorto OW. W. BUNN, West shlo of Federal street, wand Booth orliortb Oosansous, AUsithe.Y City. QTOLEN from the. etihecoThee in Finrao.-,._ tomidg, minnony county. en., 1101 oneniame neminee, besot BRIGHT BAY E, Are years °lar' 66 i ll 16 hands high, small white to on his face, d - *VA ontbe left hind foot An old &Me, the back parrot the Bee broken , was taken at tbetoutie Mae," and a he UNA Bridle, irlth now buckles. I will Kite aof' 'runty -Boller' for lofortnatloh arldch trlll lead I n o the moral of toy boredund the area of B. thief. jyliklwdoltsrY JOBli_l6/8861621. 4Fik - ii,iik - bbla fresh for isle _ , DALZELL CO Tuesday, Ist Day of September, oust. the following minable Reid littate_ situate at in. in Stitt'On. Olt the Penneylmnia Railroad, 22 slit,. Rost of Pittsburgh. Vin A LARGE STEAM 1:101111ING 1111.11, 25 feet by CU. nod threo stories high; running four pairs Of Burrs. and all other necessary machinery found Ina ftr.tt elms mill. The,property has a sufficient quantity of end at the engine house door to not the mill 2,1 or 30 yearn. TII,O Clanwcted with the mill and along the alit° of the Rail road truth, a lame IForehousc, of sufficient ranwity mid arength to store 20.000 ha hot of wheat, and 1.000 barrels of Floor. Ale.. SI'ORF: ROOM. (0 by 20 feet. 3 sturitai high, eligibly .tunii•ii and in wliioli a heavy laninesv Is now being TWO lIWELLI Nit HOUSES. o STABLE and a never.fedling 11 ELI. of eseellnot water. TIII4 progeny t, siluat.,l in uus of tll , lllte,l and moot A•rttl” nenght.rhood. VieNts•rsi nn.l tt, road. kulina to It from Sal 'astern ore excellent. ALSO, fht 11111iRSDA T. the 2.1 day of SEPTE3IBEit next. nu the premises. a FARNI situated In loath Buffalo Township, Armstrong County. tws miles from Freeport, on the rood leading to Kittanning, containing about 170 ACRES, Moot 120 acres of which are chewed. In the best state or coltivation; and theistlance walk Bunkum. The impro fo ments are a IitA3IE DIVELLLENO HOUSE rand Flt All F. EARN. Also, a log Dwelling (louse; Tao Toting Ap pie Orchards of choice Fruit. This Form tmascasee adventwges ammonium . ° to markets, quality of mil, timber and :ra ter, that are rarely met with. The farm sill either be maid as whole. or divided tomtit purchasers. Also—At the mole time and place, a ;rood MILL PROPERT'S.'". On Buffalo Creek, on the One of the NorthilVestetn Rail mad, three miles north of Freeport, In mid township and county, and nearly adjoining the other farm. The Mill Rouse is frame and the works all tom anal In complete or der. There is attache:l4o the Mill lin acme of Land With almtt 20 acres thereof cleared. About €0 afros of the land abounds with Bituminous Cad, and there are 70 worts of CANNEL COAL on ft, lying eo as to be conveniently got at front the Haiirced. The terms will be remoratKliv For further particular, address either of the undersigned at it erin's Stallow West moreland Co, J j a%II I :Ii N. II I:R DCTRaI N IE.. Sr. A '" ig.na " . jyl7htwF Will extend Insappointment in Pittsburh. till Loon of FRIDAY. AUHIEST 21. when he will POSIT I VELY EAVE VITTSIIERIIII, 131rEllATIVE ENGAGEMENTS CALLINO 11111 ELSEWHERE. All persona, therefore, who wish to consult Dr. Fitch, must do so before that date. Roam. Nos. 23 and 211 ST.CLAIR HOTEL. O'Dea hour. 10 A. Y. to 4 e. to., daily. No. eons retelve.l on the Sabbath. except In eyes of extreme nrgency. Dr. Fitch will wattle. ally he absent from the city on Saturday and llonday of each week, and when In town within to dovote those days to witting, and venal prefer to receive no calls from thour who can to well call on any other day of the week. On TISE-4- DA AS- WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS and FRIDAYS. of each creek. Dr. Fitch will I:divert be nt his office. Patients desiring to, consult Dr. Fitch nhonld not defer la] the twit raw days of his Appointment.ms they will Incur great wok of not being able to obtnin the attention draftable. the throng before leaving being frequently curb as to precisely the poesibility of giving each con , the requitite attention. and occasionally even preventing his examining them at all. COn.olltatiOns nod hatininations of the Chest FREE, huh as Dr. Fitch does not pretend to raise the dead. lie dma not with to treat any In the last stat, of Cormnmption. or where a enrollee treatmentennmil let adopted; and he desires none to apply to him who do not with to hear the troth, at he Is accmtometi to tell thole consulting him what hr considers their r al sitnation, or the actual condition of their Lungs; and tho...e who bare delayed till their Lungs aro deatrnyal colonel hole fur en Dr. Fitch Ironlot altoo mid, that he may be rottsnltod fat Anat., it. of the Heart, (Sympathetic.) Nerronstiess end itemtai Debility. Al.n. tie Dyspeptia.. Female Diseases, and ail other demngenients of the system predisposing to A obit= or Consumption. jyll'alatrutF WII. IL WILLIAMS A CO„ corm, Waod and Mint straets kitelligence Office, THE lIISTORI OF JEFFERSON FOFIEGE, BY THE BEY. .14/SKYII aIIITIL D. D. rift UNDERSIGNED HAS JOST PUH- A. blhed and has fok 'sale, Wholesale lald Knoll, the •Iltsteer or Jktrktrek C01.120r," from the period It ICLY • , 11t1 , 1,1 up to the present time. Tieb work alw mash:ma enamor ache law At.A.TarETENV 3313.01VN; D.D. For amity year% a antingnuhwt and sorresafol l'realaent or hr Collect. Itlgraphh, or the tier Dr. S. Hal.ton. the ter. Matthew Ilynderson. the Ram., 11 . D. trnlerron. D.P.and Rev. l'ruf. Kennedy. Interkner,l in m. lonic of the trot t.e found Biographical Sketelso4 Ith.. IteT MeearA. Wanton and Block: and Ileesrh. Judo :Illioatt and Craig Illtchie, E.g.. and Judge who Vre early friend, the Instittztlun. • Tim wurk number. 433, 124n0. {mgr.. nulls. bnligul In Addrngs llRPublisli;,r, JOHN T. 4111:1 - 1.7C14. j) Gum., Building. N 4441,41401. In. AMERICAN NOUSE, BOSTON. Conducted on the European • Plan. ENVIS RICE, P _ ROPRIETOR, reSpeCtrtli ly 311110110,9 that In compliance uith the veryY • Fe e.cul preference expreseed fur the European nye... of hotel manultemetth that the American House will hereafter ho conducted solely on that plan. Well furnished parlor sleeping apartments will be let by the day, or for longer I rinds. hleab nen ed In the gentlemen's hill at all hour. of the day and evening. The ladies' dining hall will be open. ad In like manner for ladles, and gentlemen accotelianted l~y Julies. The acrotantodatlons and conerniencos of the Moose are onsurpaustsh and-the itecent imprigremente and trations leave nothing to be desired. Suburban residents the arrangements 'specially convenient. Largo or 11 parties provided with dinners, autipers, ho.. at short notice. jyl7reodlsBtur FUR SALE.-45 acres of land near Holton's Station on Allegheny Valley IL It. 10 miles from the city. 2 Braiding Lot. each% by 101 feet on Pennsylranla elloo, Ar nenr Magee street, au do on Viekmy Insert near Magee street, II do do on Marls street near 3lagre strut, 3 do do on Mug and Isabella streets, In the Eighth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh. Also. I Lot on the corner of Penn and Marbury !Onsets, hunting 20 feet on Penn m 1.1109 feet 10% Inclseson Harbory street; adjacent to the depot of the Permsylranla Rail Rout. For torte etc., Inquire of ISAAC JONES: Jyl7,llm Corner Ross mad vird sta., Pittsburgh. LINEN GOODS.' - 114 Sheeting Linens Pillow Quo Lineo,e. Fine Fronting " Twilled and Plaid Linens: Musa " " Bleached &Bro. Table Diaper, Awl on3ry description of Linen Geod., at 23 per lent lees than regular priers, at the Sond.Annual Sale of 1717 A. A. MASON & CO., 21 Fifth on. INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING. -12,500 feet from I 'nab to 18 Inebes In math. 2, 3 and 4 ply- think, of the Bordon Belting Company's mann faetnre, on hand and foredo at Wand 3. St Clair street. Jyl7 .1. It 11. PHILLIPS, Acents for the Company. WIII T E F3II3ROIDEILED MUSLIN t MANTILLAS. Linen And Shepherd Plaid Duster:: Bitsquos, and other deiiinable pair to bo found M jyl7iehinF MURPHY k. BURCHFIELD'S. FOR CASON DELIVERY-131sE OR NO Ittes.—Wit continue to sell strictly prime Teas nt 50c nod 75( per lb, and vary coed qualities at 40c per lb. MORRIS & PATTON'S Old Country Teo Mart. In the Diamond, (Draw's old data) Eldanto To Invalids. Friclny, August 21st. Dr. Calvin M. Fitch JUST PUBLISHED, 9 0 000 —.- 520,000 Butler and Law 0. • • rroco counly Bonds will ho tmded for a Comory Raidencenear the city I Rltteburgh. Apply to AUSTIN LOOMIA A CO., - Real Estate and 'Zito& Broker, ..131 7 N 0.92 Fourth etreet. . LkY DR IN T HOSE.-2033 — feet 3 inch 3 ply India Rubber lime Pat received nt the India ano, Depot, 26 and 3 SL Clair jyl7 J. & IL PHILLIPS. • STEAM PACKING.-965 lbs plain India Rubber Packing from IsV to inch in thickness, }net received at the Rubber Depot, and :SS!. Clair street. ,Iyl7 J. A: H. PHILLIPS. WIIITE CRINOLINE—A. A. MASOY & • • Co. have , received White Crinoline for ekint. Jyl7 PRICES MARKED DOWN. CLOTH - I:co OF TIIE FINEST MATERIAL, TILE REST iVoREMANsIIIP, AND THE MUST FAMI 'LINABLE STYLES AT Cost Prices for Cash. • TN CONSEQUENCE of the coldness of the early pan of the seas., we lists found anteatera at this mironced date with a much larger stork of GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING On hand than nun desire to mrryorer daring the winter. We therefore propcen holtUog n CLOSING Or T SALE, commeinibg en TL'ESD.tY J one lith i nod motioning mail the stock le cleared out. Thin in no deception; every article will be offered at e considerable reduction from retell prietn, and to sere trouble, THE ONE PRICE. SYSTEM will be rigidly adhered to. CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL is too well known lu this community to require no enntner .atiou of the ante]ue to be found on Its ohne.,suAlco it to my that the stock to he found here woo m.olactored with an eye tingle to the CITY RE.TALL TRADE, and embraces every thing in the market, and will now bo roll et such LOW PRICES will harem a rapid clear.co of the whole stork. CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, comer Wood edreet on 4 bLuostd ABET Buff add Gold Paper Window Shades. A ARTICLE fully equal in pppenntiCO Io Mualln Oold Shades, at klx than onr ftewrlrStlire Mt. They aro mule on heart Double GLued /hi Curtain litper,nnstaill exeludo the light mueh better than the Altallti Shade: they are Wen m entirely how Arti cie and well worthy the attention of Dealer. Monntoctured and for wile by • • W. WILSON, M-ICLlwthw Fourth atrooL•elow Market, 11 ALL OF ST. JAMESTI ELT:LESS, PAIL ,,I_LADRLPIIIA.—A FAMILY BOARDLIG SCHOOL FOR BUYS.—RoY. B. R. &RYSER, Rector: • The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, September The Course or study comprise. Ancient still Halm Mu gasps Mathercatica,liatural Science, Drawing; &c. Focal hinslciaught gratis. • For Circulars, *r., •&Ire. tho Bettor. llcr. IL P.. :MISER. Falls of Schuylkill, Phila.. • TIVAVING ..xesiped the agency of the 1.1., Farmers'-Union Jusarance Company. of Athens, Pouniylninia,l cheerfully recommend It .to the tutronuo of the Pittsburgh Wilts aa an Institution *army of Omar coirlidanciv. bleams.ll.o.'olmoo A Co, ifs. Fourth street, the present agony, are gentleman of =minim the nuance [jylfly CIIECKS JUST • PRINTED, f AND: . FOR SAM—Cheeks on the rennet.' NA* COmpin y end Chime Bank, aloe checks on all /be Burka and Bro. ken on hod, or nude to order by W. B.IIATEN, 7xloPrinter and gtotioner, Market 0t9*.42d. • • First Bonds and Itert,mees Progsety in the city of l'hltedelphis f,715,000 :: ,, tocks womb ...... 2:%:XSO Cush on hand blssm Amount secured by stock notes. lboys, Aumunt of sick doe on call 1,700 F 600.000 VEILS COMPANY EFFLtTS rxsticA xer. oN Thaildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Lumber. St, on Vessels. Chrgs, and Freight, to all ports. and by Itallimuls, Lakeland Misers, at the lowest rates, and upon the most liberal terms, guaranteeing prompt payment oh the adjustment of tomes. The greatest amount to be insured on any one risk is £5,000. P. M. Potts, C. K.:tiring:ler, Aiwaßam Rex, firm of Rex, Sliths k Co.: Wm. 11. Woods, Iteorge Rowell, firm of Rowell k Bros; J. Edgar Thompamt, Pres. Penn. R. It. Co.; (I. Sower, firm of Sower & Dame... John :tenon. firm of Burnett, Sextob k !tit eurinpr; Vernon Ilaupt, Chief Rngineer Penn. R. R, Nathan It. Potts. Counsellor at Law: Wm. it. Leech, trot of lw.erb k Co, 11. T. Konsil, 11. 11. Ihfustini. Freight Achmt of Pont. It. Joseph It. Whitten!, firm of Withers k Peterson: Abraham P. Ever, W. Italgusl, firm of Ralguel co, Charles F. Norton. firm'of Vandetiten rewards. firm of Letenrdi k Corporn Jas. E. ylej, il. N. Ritrroughti; late Wllliane..on. Burroughs Clark. W. 11. WOSIDS. Serey. PERCIVAL M. Parrs, Preurt. C. E. Sex:roma, Vire Pres& t. glance at the list of Directory of the “Ileivard In. among Company." most of whom nro whlely known as among the Linn businessmen of Philadelphia. will probably convey ample assurance of security to the publlr. A than of patronage to respectfully solicited. TIIOS. CIRAILAM, censer of Water and Market (24 floor,) Plttal Franklin Fire Insul . PHILAD DVELMORS. Charles IV. El.cker, Adolph E. Rwis, Ovorge IV. Richards. Samuel Grant, Thomim Ibri, David S. Brown, Mordecai D. Lewis, Jarob It. Smith, Tobias Wagner, Morris Patterson. CHAIILEE N. B.4NCRER, PreAident. Cuantto G. Danckint, Secretory. Mils Company continues to make Insurances, permanent or, limited. on every descripilon of property in town and coWntry, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved 6 large contingent fund, which, with their Capital and Premituns, safely invested, agent ample protection to the a.sured. The Assets of the Company, on January lst, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to the Actlif Aasetubly, were as follows elm— Mortgages ... ... .$914.125 OS Real Estate 84.371 78 Temporary Loans 58,966 17 Stocks 111,859 00 64.810 • SLglll.7oa 44 Since their incorporation. a period of twenty-one year% they have paid move-win of °no Million, Sour Hundred thouvand Ilvllare 1,05,.. by are, thereby alTording evidence of the advantages of Insurance. ae well as their ability and disposition to meet a WI promptneen all liebilitlat. J. IiAIM:IIER COFFIN, Agent, aplil (!fire Southeast tor. Waal and Thild The Great Western Fire and Marine Ins. Co OF VILILADELPIILI. No. 107 Walnut Street. C 1111117,6 rraprrrn.L. - CAPITAL FIRE INSCR .1 NCE--Perotual or made in tuff° nr country. on ery description of property. INLAND IN ei SIIIANDIL on Gond.* by Canal, Laken nod Land Tarring*, to all parts of tin. Linton. firiVILINC.K. 011 V t`i/i0 11, Cargo and Freight. embracitig Hirer Transportation. C C. LATHROP, President. W. DAIILIXIL The prmidcm. 11. K. iiirlimairan. Siccrotary. murmur,: Charles C. Lathrop, .CC Walnut street. Non. Henry D. 5100re.56 Walnut street. Alexander Whilhlen. Slerebant, 14 Borth Front el. John C. limn er. firm of Wright, Bunter a Co. E. Tracy, ftrm of Tracy k Baker. John B. 3lcCnnly. Beni of Jones, White & 8.8. Bishop, drat of Bishop, Simmons S Co. J/1.4. D. &Ilia, firm of des. It. Smith & Co. Thos. L. Gillespie. Oros of Gillespie A: Zeller. Isaac flalleburst. Attorney and Counsellor. Thos. K. Limerick. fdlC Spruce etreet. ltobert Here 10 Walnut street. Theo. w. Baker, Goldsmith's Hall. Henry C. Wetmore, New Fork. W. POINDEXTIIII, Agent, Front street. Pittsburgh. npl . 6m—nt Life Ideurance, AXERIFAX LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Sitiflararl ITli/nur and Fnurth Streets, Incorporated April 9th. IS O. Capital Stock $500,00D. Orrtti ALEXANDER WHILDIN, President, SIARSLIALL HENZET , Tice President, JOHN' C. SIMS, Secretary and Actuary, JOHN S. WILSON, Treasurer. 130.4111, OF Tar9Trtg. Alexander Whildin Louis A. GoJ4, Marshall Hensley, T. Entionde Harper, William P. Bolton, Shaba Tracey, lion. Joseph Allison, Thomas S. Smith John.C.Sitns, Hoorge.R. tirahaln, JOllB4 Boirtuan, Ellsrood . liatlack, John P. Simons. WM. P. IRWIN, Si. D. Bledivil Fsamlner. This Company makes Insnrunco on lives, on moat reasona ble Lerma It has been succsuifully managoil for animal years by an expiTienced board of calmer. and trostoet, and trustee.; has always paldpromptly its losses, and I every way desorilng of confidence and patronage. It. W. POINDEXTER, Arent, MyTialGut hi Front street, Pittsburgh. Continental Insurance Company. . Incorporated by the Leyttlahrre t Pautryttonia, WITII A PERP2TUA I. CHARTER Authorized Capital, Ono Million ..... —51,000,000 Eicicurrti nail Atrittnniattid Capital 531,500 HOME OFFICE. Walnut Mired. abort Strand, Phflatielphia.' • Firo Insurance on Buildings, Furniture., Merchandine p gr neally. Marine Iturguncs nn Curgraos w nd Freight., Wall parts of the. world. Inl.d Inman:tee on Goode, lc., by fakes, Rivers, Conde end land Cartlegee, to all [mete of the Union, on the mad faronoble term., consistent With security. GEORGE W. COLLADAY, formerly Recorder of Deeds, Lc., Philadelphia. WM. BOWERS. formerly Register of Will. JOIIN COLEMAN, firm of Coleman & Smith, importing Ilardsvare mid Cutlery Slerchants, No. 21 North Third street, above Market, Phße. JOSEPII OAT, firm of Joseph Out & Son, Coppersinit ha, No. 12 Qimrre street, Phil. EDWAItII S. MACIIETTE, firm of Machette & 1 Miguel, Importing ilardware Merchants, No. 124 North Third etreet.above Itace, Phil. lIOWARD lIINCILMAN, firm of Livingeton& Co., Produce and Commhudon Merchants, No. MS Market et., above Eighth, Phila. Getts Wn.soA,Secretary OSORCIE COLLADAY, Presldent„ JOSIMIA ROBINSON, Agont. mi2.sallyfe N 0.24, Filth street, (up nears.) The Manufacturers' Insurance Company o PITL ADELPHIA, Charter Perpetual—Capital- $504:1/4000. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL RINDS OF Fire, Marine and Inland Rieke AARON S. LIPPDIDCHT, Prvilamt, WM. A. RHODES, The Previiden4 - ALFRED WEEKS, Secrear r. Aaron S. Lippincott,' trtn. 11. Thomas, Marie. Whto, Wm. A. Rhodes, William Neat ' Alfred Wasina J. Itinaldotank, Cluta. J. Field, John P. 81mona. James P. Smyth. 1011...Thht Company was organised with a Cash &pats% and the °tractors hare determined to adapt Um hi:shunts to its oallablo reaourcoc to observe 'prudence In conducting its affairs, with a prompt adjustmant of lour. Pittsburgh Oilier, No. ttSlWater street— mate J. NEWTON, JONES, Agent.. Citizens' losaranto Comp'y of Pittsburgh WM. Dd()ALET, Preadout, SAMUEL L. 31,1.11811 ALL, Sectetoty Office In if to &reef, bettaters Moldy' and Mal Strult.. imananros Hall and Caron Bioko on tho Ohio and..)lli -14140 Rivera, and Tributaries. itiftlnontaangainat 1 = 1 004mm...0:1y Thu. Akre aphost the petile of the Sea and itiland,Narlgation and Trannom talon. ir t, n4y Satanol I un . Mar NO,ion, Jr., ! Imo M. Pennock, Walter Bryant, J. M. Coopor, John SI NVester4. Insi; PITT GEORGE DAR: Y. 31. (JORDON, Will ionrrengoltrkt di MI M. Miller, Jr., J. W. Butler Andrew Ackley,. C Ihmsen, Thomas `Scott, - A. Nlmkk, Wlßfam I fromolnstinstion • la MO community, and who 1140 On? II ---- . - P - triladelpirda?.ifire.and /Ala INSURANCE C'CISIPANY, ta, 149 Chesnut Street, , OP.POSItE TH'E.OII3MOUIIOII.II2 . . . DPW make: nit" of :Tart:Ana% eithw cw- Llialtad;on atery,ileserlption of Prl.Try arWow of reamitable tato a ictlfilM o • . EonsnChula P.llipi,, E. B. C0p..% 10,003, 8; 77-Is2l3gßip it Shamus, •+- WI- igaidgme dr& ,L .x s 4Acts""4""WY. J. a. eons, A iw a.- 011 17 calm Third and Wood iito. id/ in *MI kg ► J,r47 , Lij - 4s ; Farmers' and Mechanics' Insurance. Complui .Norther t Comer &awl' and Walnut Sfreets, TI 1 L A . D EL P IT I A. Mc following statement exhibit, the business and gaud lion of the enropmey to No, I. ISM Freedom. received on Marine and Inland Make to NDv.l, I SSC,. Fire Premium.... Interest on Louts, rzEzrn trance Coro) EL PHIA Ohl:MOM I Cipt.llerlt Staling, Wm. Bingham: John S. Dilwrth, Francis &limy T. Schoonnotkcr, 3Vm, R. Ray., Iptnts. duce Comtiany: . A 11 It It frIT 1:111:. PreAldent, Etecrrtary. ..deaf Piro and Marl no Risks: Dllt.lolo. C. W. 11.1actson, *. O. W. Jackman,. /ulna, IleAday, Weorga Dank. 8m Nathanlel . J. Lifrprott, ...• . •• by Dlreetorgli - Cll known c • !dually gaUndand promptp• N 0.94 Watti stet, ( J 1), - Ehssu'iante. =scram: James C. Rand, Theeptalas.Paaldlng, James Trailaals 0:00ata Jr., Jcaltiut 4. Prkß James Tennant, timed p„. Beako k James lO.tnehu*, Tho= s Hobert Barba, ;lath B. Semple, Lomut. , Presialmt." C. 11.a.tin, lam Pea:Meat 3lartln. Jcneph IL Edmund A. &Inter, John C. NAN. John R. Perim, Grange 6: Lciper, }Award Dr. It. M. Huston. William C. Ludwig., lingh Craig. Siwucer Charles Kelley, 11. June, Brooke, J. O. Johnson, . . THOS. licucr r. . A. MADEIRA, Agent, 95 Water street. Pittatargh. - - Total receipts 4 $400,18 68 Pald Blarthe Loss.a t. 6441 04 " Fire " ..- . 39,73: 89 E.:permsSslar s•aml - Commiseloos..... 46,489 00 Re-initirance. limairn Premiums and AgrueyChargrit...-... ....... :,....—... 117.474 08 C==l liaLance remaining with Comp'y szra,m 07 The lamets of the Oarsman,') *roes Vallowse—' , Phila. City and County Bondi— a ...4 16,848'18) Railroad &auk 11,0/0 00,%.Cast First Mortgage Real Estate ...... ...a. 143,500 00) Sucks, Collaimals on call' 31,400 00 (hard and Conselldation Bank Stuck 5426 00 Deposited with Sherman, Duncan .t Co., New York 60,0130 GO Deferred Payment on Stack not yet due 97,7 1 F 00 ri Notes fur 31ane Premium* 106,0 60 Due from Agents secured by bouda. 33,. 0 18 Premium, un Policies reveals is. sued, and debts dna the Balance I. Banks._ $5,;051 00 The Board of Directors bace this day deelatan , DITIDEND OF FIFTEEN PER CENT, Paphble on demand on the Invineee of the Company the let instant. THOMAS B. FLOE.LXCE, President. ECRAIII. finseozn, Sceretarr. THOS. J. HUNTER,Agent,Plttehmih, No. DO 'Prater wee liattee Mutual Insurance Company of 623:2123 PHILADELPHIA. Office No. 70 Walnut Street Csenat.sl7:,92.6—Assrtsfs22;974 45-Bten7irr Fire lasuranoa on Iluildingai!derchandise, Furniture, tr. In town or country. The mutual principle ounthine,l with tho security' of a Stork Capital, entitle. the Insured to share In the profits of tho Company, without liability for losses. - The Script C,ertifleates of this Company, for prollia ars convertible at par, into tho Capital Stock of the Company CLEM TINOLET, President. . it. M. IIINCIIIIAN, Secretary. DIRECTORS. I O. )1 Stroud, John IL Worrell, Itool. W. Tingley, . • Z. Lothrop, 11. L. Canon, Rubert.Toland, C. Sterennon . Chas. Lehu4 Wm. M. Semple; Pftisleg. J. O. COFWA, Agant -- Third and IVoodstioiets Clem Tingley. Thompson, Satnisel 11kph...4 G. W. C.rPenter, Robert 5i1.4.11, C. S. IVOOII, M=BI Jacob T. Butting, Mawr, Pittsburgh Life, Fire and lliarine . tivhfo. •• Office, Corner Market and Water PITTS/WM . I; PA. ROOT. GALWAY, traeldenL TnnaOsanatt, goe'y. This Company makes every Initniante appertaining to or connected with LLFE It73sS.• Al., optima Ifull .and CumilLiSkt, on the Ohio and Nlivissippi rivers and tributtuies, and gee. crony. An ogaintt Lass or Damage by TIM And agoinstetho Posits of the Pen and Inland Nartgatint -- .... and Transportation Policies !noel at the lowest rata. continent with eget, to nil parties. Hobert Galway, Suomi McMahen, Joseph P. Clazzam, M. D., JOllll Seott, James 31=1141, David Richey. James W. Hallman. Chas Arbuthnot, relo.—nrs23-ly • Alexander Dradlet &mph S. Leech, John Fullerton.. 11. B. Brown Darla 11. Chambers: William Carr. Hobert EL "artier, t Jobe hFCIII L Enriku Insurance .Companyi:l - ' OP PEN NS VI. VA.NIA, Office V. 9 Water it., PatiosavlL, ......92,11, ICIS irr.,1857: ' l Stock Duo Dim, payable ort demand, and weir- •. ' ed by twn approved names- '' 111030 00 Cash lu Pittsburgh Trust Company...-. ....... ..i.... '49,900 35 Premium notes L.... 47,554 49 MI shares Exchangs Bank Stock—Cost.—.......i.», 07,950 00 klottgage, -. Bills Iteceirable ...., .. . ,. ,G,OOO 00 i s 6 Book Accounts ' . ',..' 12,720 96 OSO O. W. as, Shoenberger, W. K. !Balla, R. D. Cochran, John A. Canghey, C. W. Batchelor. James I Bennett, • . I. M. Wawa, • w. w. Mortity.: IL T. Leocb,Jr, D. McCondlow, Goo. a. &Lido. 81[0127DSGOLL, R. FIN.T, Secretary. Monongahela Insnronee,Cogagry. Om., No. 98 hem 1313u*,- waz Insure Agerind all Lodz of .;alc6livine Risks Ovrients—JAWF-8 A. RTITCIIISON, Preddlent,,. HENRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary,.. Dlrart7ol3: Wm. it. llohnem, Alex. King.' John Atwell,. . Wlleon Aflller, `. 4 Wm. Den: , John lleDeTlit, Thos. 8; Chnt - e, -•- - pee, -A. . - . Iwo -A. ntalson - , 118 . . . "E,buratitmal. Collegiate, sad Commereial . Itatetitute. NACW THIS' INSTITUTION HAS BEEN IN socomtul operation for ten year. It in; &Mood to math., wants of Mao Parent" oho' wish tt more for their Son" ell the advents'ee for mental phatttinti 4 that can he myrrhore (cradled, without toeing thaViltiotion to health; and that parental ',metal:don and httreramot which the yowls require. • ~ • • The mental training includes a thorough Englitth; Math.. matientendßcientilic Education, LII reenter, . to a complete preparation for any business that doe.' not rapiird the in struction of the Law. Medical or Theologicel &heel; a course of elaseical stediesoulnlitu, thoMigh and-extended e s may be desired; a course of Medan dantwasss. under native teacher= Ilistory and - Mental ailrbrPolitioirScieuce. The Moral Vocation is secured by thelpensonal Influence of the teachers; by a divisdon of the =hot' illttPaitiallies of moderato else, of which the Vice Prineltals are the headg by graduated, disciplinary moeshrets nodaod,bya regular course Natural study of the Dible„Motal Science, and bf the evidences of Natural end Revealed Rellgibtl;' The Physical Training =Mate of • getattibed mumsof erateise in • hugs sad well furnished .grniussitun, under the direction of an acconidiiitual flynanase, and unmet' an amount of Military drilling,' coder fall 'orgatdzation as an Infantry corps, with compeat Ohms. and buttroctura as will secure bodily rigor, MI of contunand and . 'obedience,' and. kind and degree of ledge which may be essentia l to the full discharge of the. ditties 'of .n salsa. (,e is also taken to encourage wholesome ,apira,,bathlust and rowing-, aml opportunities are furbished : for. e pe destrian ex•mMosp tut. the country... StalentWiliiit ' ted at any time of the year. Catalogues with fullinformatkos will be . fitntittedan sp. plleatlon to rho Priwelpal. J. . o myltdMrear. ; )04., ht.OIIIIISELL. Meawlwille F. airs. la Seratiaisit: THE NEXT TERMiof thit , lnirtiti will commence on MONDAY; August Mils will be claimed $7,60 per term, and mdlt ides the studies they Irish to pima ifoirithe - Aneteos,nytory, • Enunciation; 'Modern 'Astriwasty, Pronunciation, Nap Drawing, - Nat: Thlicsiciphy, itneresittliaNcrepßy,Thydalogy it riling, • Modern Grammar, • AtilkfoOK" Composition, Phydcal Rhetoric, Rhenilstrrn , , For Omsk. L In d v Pr rnels; Germen. Swedish and• Anginas merle. t :nal; saailionsednur trsl trill Us Piano, per =roc of twenty1e50i44,,,,......--$8 rilwinir. per totals of 4 Oil Painthig 8 A German Indy, an exisslllist pianist, mid. in thoPMAT. itol will giro lemons on the'riano and lo Gerona sad Freneht • few goons will ue accommodmed tw. the Wally of the Prinelpol. 11. rd, with fueland lightiezetrisin. wsuilduir, 88 per wee. All psyments are to bo mild* in advance. -,- felt,ololly JOSIIII4-ICRI4DALL, A. 34.,PrinelpeL A_ PRIVATEI3OARDLNG SCHOOL FOR Boys, brEwarticarrov,auvEn countpA. • Rrr. JOS- P. TAYLOR, A. M., itacroa. -The Femme, Tenn ',rill begin ott ydoxper May 4th. Boys admitted at MT Mato 111,4 hat*, chngea Rem that BlForh (Imam, address, the Rector, .t his • rottlepea, Now .T Tr, ' • titYportrotte,ot tide &hoot, to Irboatrekretkee May I» made, are Haynes. K. .o , Lym, Or& &Belden, E.q. W. H. Williama,lß9., H. L. Itlnpralt,Re4. non. Writ: Ti...7ohnoton. J: IL Ilhoonbanger . . dog. . 12. - Low*As2 ;6. far. KIrrANNINUFEMALE INSTITUTE.— DAY AND BOARDING scnoor—a r; J.ll. ITALL wad LADY, Priecitids. late °Mete York.,. • , Itsteesuctre—itor. Dr-lEllll44in Pocono:N. ; m e ,. Dr. J. Porker, R. led Di. IGdy RdhutorJuedtte of - M*ldg gar, Dr. J. N. Ph/WV. L. A. P4eunieg, Pa.:. Rev. fttate 4 m r , HOW, NM Mr. pie'Editere Pittsburgh Gasettr, Judge Dultugtott,tia ti=tdierolip; of Yfttarkulnit. • Cedelegoee suutegdy.. - • Hams mot library fr 00..-. Perdlereeeieed any 0me. , .. ; ; •Ps.s.Yd A Price to Amery .Pairebasert - "WM:3=IV NiiriatlECßEV 3Eio-rxr9- WHY. AT..ALL. tbe Book-. stereo( KVANSACO,Iife 70P Itneedway,Oho Immo' taken atom yomf lease, and opened the immense, raw midi elegant Sture,No. tircadeeer. Wogs notel Dies York . - )Iy Mites a texik- ter- omelettes or as onee preaented sitba pure .frai; tielltoto" MOO emulating ot due .thiel Jewelry. visehei e the order le sent by mil; the Bo*audi Trim is sot br mtura..Stail or libripreo - Co— The Books compd., Meow erety Inn published speak all satim. - do, are sield at less than the nosid-Maiirprkee. Betl4 daitiaaridollar or dpllarsAnd ILT:11111 headorer at ease wh4tever !zoo are entitbsi 'Gas 'a:AVOW tU n d* Cto!famillXlT,WWl eaSalregnoi Mile tall and expiamtises sin* tiaab A.tTGE 6:00,694 67 szeast 6i . nape 61 8,701 47 SM 4OO 19 . . trandik -141FaWtIllgr:/-' t~~ . -- _-~~-~~: 4 ; ~;2S`~'S r~ -