• 1 1 51. ':;r1; • -- ESTAI3LISITED IN 1786.. 7,897 TORS - ADVERTISEMEITTTEL Tem VIBACIIEBOITEN &OM, Cisnizaal. Nortranst An : naming lionlik (ADLtoa'a Bandinzalio.b46 cut34B.; ibildwaY. Nese Ark: 4.l . )4P;M9P • 4Celeb;ittedCordiall3itten% ! i . '. Pr IllThafaluno Into un autumn.; - 0:8 IT I V. E AND PALATABLE ',p; lleini. a ltim.C.l.ralp , b llll 7. DY.P.P.* Lou of err .pation, had daardmw of thnDigestive Organs. The ihmaar aad Propristoref Godfrey's CelAdared Cor T t 'OA le recommending them 0.9 an unrivalled tome end angeranyl• Sustained by the boot medical anatomies of pot ilsei.guierks, la well as by- the extultande• who ha assiaorthask:i, il.• a restorative. they Stand alone— talserhonte sow langoiehing, might awake Loom • by this powerfal renovator. The dyspeptic oho to.e."Orrelill tatters, beds benefits perms. Upon tha dial max* they ArJY 0°" , 50k .. .W1!, It . * 3lir n ryi4l.o rm. o : :I TE ' • Prints and CIA. 1. 1 1 71 4 1 . ..- I.l.,ll4,atthalkenl-Ananal sale of A. A. YLLISONt CO. : • la.. -white -Goods st an. #4oo6l2o,64gthismassimanal sob or . tivAl 4.4.L1,,g))1R 1 CO.-5111 rah it. , •- , • Fr7-•.••-••1_ • • '- - _ . • • • - NEW YORE ADVERTISENCENTS, Pram ALBERT G. BICELARDSOS'.4 AM, Co ilarrOXl43. Ornct,36o Broadway. New York. Highly Important to Recliners. Liquor Merchants and Wholesale Grocers. DR. FEUCIITWANGER'S, Flormingrao Produccet a Jlosorner Nair, Entry Paired THE UNDERSIGNED lIAS LATELY mule great Improvemerta in this, blond, of Matinees. The flavorings are pot op in packages of 5,10 and 40 O,IIOO IS and regain". but the addition of Pure either Ist or Jth prod, and liquors each as C.J'antsc,cither dark or pale. Bollard and English Gin. J4llllBl. AOll St. Croix Rum, Nhe uongabela,Bourlem.lrtsb and Scotch Whiakv,kpplo. Peach, Cherry and Raepherry Brandy, Port and Madeira IVines be instantly producod. It regain. no skill, but an addition of a goodspirit., my SO galled. to each gallon of the re apectmellavoring. The beat Coyne Oil. green, yellow and white, narranted genuine, as low as any other importer In the totted States Dame° of every Liquor. Extract of Cognac, llb of which produces ROO gallons of Cognac. Raw Whisky may, by Dr. F.'" age and leely ptviiration to mode smooth with but a trilling expert.. The price of Flavotinga are extremely moderate, and dl. motion in full 'Applied by DR. LEWIS TEI7OIMCANGER, CArsgit: and Zetportertf Prags,Atesttiktt 0,7, eel Metals, P..Perre - dge end Pfrormyrophic Chmnicola. ViAldt dams Ew ' e Nter Toax. N. IL—Solo AgeotibrOalfre7N eeltbratedCordial Bitten* and Gin. lap= M....onir. earriages - - Carriage Repo•ltory. _TOSEPII WRITE NOW CAIIIII-dint on business to Ms ararkmar prowl (non tautly enlarged.) helmet, Pittsburgh and Lanaeaha.- villa. pear the Too Mlle Ron, respectfully Incite* the public to Impect his rock of CAABIAGIO. 131:04111.S, An Aol he Insticularly informs gentlemen parntiocors, that um, pricconly is mode. Fourteen years' experience in Use busi• men, enables him to place beton, his patrons the mmcchotco colic...hen of Carrlages, abash. tunas years peel It he. /woo his particular department to Retest from the manna and mot talented Eastern 31anufecturers. The sums* of his new system la complete; the economy of his arrang, somata teal supply the bast midmost fashionable taannfactre ram at moderato prima linarcumbermi by thaw hoary tmpestacth which Metro:n*l for decoratlhg Mums of Matta., has heaped apOu the prior of Ooods,(mrtug to large rents.) JOlcl'h White " 1 cell on ready matey only, at much lam than the tonal profits repalicsi In the beet manner, with dis patch. feltbdentfP Pittsburgh Coach Factory M. L. STEPHENS, . - BIGELOW A CO.. formerly E. !d. BIGELOW.. No. 48 Diamond Alley near Wood &me, P/TTSBEROIL PA. pttesWOULD RESPECTFULLY AN noun to the Carriage wing community... lle In general, that I hare this 'day purchased the Inter eat of my former partner, Mr. Albert. end 4811 carrr un the Muchtera In all Jta brander. at Ate old etand, N 0.40 biarnond Alley. To /Imaging the name of this old and MI yell natal,- liehecl manufacturing eetabllahment, I enure the public uo effort Abell be wanting on my part to &erree the non, high character no long enjoyed by my predecease,aa and sewrioteit. jeatlyel L BTEPFIENS. Coach and Carriage Factory JOHNSON, BROTHER CO, (.tuner of Belmont and I:tberro Storer, ALLMIENT CITY. WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN-' form their friends. and the pollie rally. thgt they oremannfacturitto Parourhee. Itoclaways. Buggies, Sleighs and Mar Mt, in All their Ten saw styles of finish . nod proportions. All order. will be morale i with strict oupard to durability and beauty of finish. Repairs will al. be atteudsl to on the most reasonable tans_ C.ing in all their nook tin. host Eastern Shafts. Poles and Wheel stud. they feel cont. dent that all who Ewer them with their patronage will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Prarhasers are rorinested to giro theta a call before pun claming elsewhere. 'o.a y.l _furniture nmas. rt. TOfll ram, L Tlc 1. T. B. YOUNG S. CO., 11.2CLTAMITOS. 0? FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. IVarehouse—Nos. IS & 40 Smithfield St., TEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE—We S ne, eormantly tonnutsentring STEAMBOAT CARES FURNITURP. And And Incite the attention of those Interested in furnishing haus •AlCedkeret ANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE and CIIAIES or every variety and styli., la R...worst, Slatiopuy and Walnut. suitable for rysrlors, chambers and citable - roil:ma, equal t. any to be found hi the Ea tern c tie; and at lower prima Every article made by hand /11:1d vac• ranted. • • . Sirnotels and Sheamberts furnished at short rtottre.— areroingis, brim, Perm mut Wayne. fits, Pittsburgh. 134,5edt‘AyS NVOODWMI,I, RE= CABINET PURIVITURE .VANUFACTrEER Nos. 97 & 99 Third St.. Pittsburgh. W. W. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS J , his friends andongtomers. that he hat Juvt Ma ato--k or Vomiting% which is deddettly theldr7e, tt and over offend for ordain thirdly. itt he I,lotermtnod bold Inn atucit, ttlth measored material, text Innitamtodtip and newest &slime, sad from the eStele of Ms orthln tool facility to manataettahm, het. enabled to v00d00...4mm. 04 VCIISITLTILII at the lowest doicon. • He keeps always on hurl the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheaiont and plainer., vo the meat elegant nod coal, that a house.or soy part of one, may be (urinated Gum Lie etock.or mama:Lennon exprool, to order. ter Commission, Scr •LCOLY ----MU"' L. Lirerl JO. P. L., JOB. S. LEECH & CO., N05.2451a. 244 Liberty al...Pittsburgh, Pa WHOLESALE GROCERS AND coavrmassioN DEERCH-A-NTS., DEALERS TN FLOUR AND BACON, Tin Plate and Tinner'il Stock, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES MoALPIN & CO., (Late oil. S. Leath. TAcidpin .4 Co, Pltteshrirgb.) GENERAL COMMISSION AND N'Ol MTA_FLDn. , 7G- IVLICFLCILZkL.NT'I'S Levee and Washington Arenas, WYANDOTTE CITY, ICA . NSAS TERRITORY d Attanarg h Merchant? getter Jtatefib B . Leech & jytbikyrt3T ally. D. H. 'I.IIOMAS. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING • MERCHANT, IVo. AO Pine Street, St. Louie. Mo. main ro Ratan, Man 1 tua L Co., . ..Imrcs k Laura. L 09.10111., Bnautr L Co., Zro At PADRES Will porchaso ta ardor, Las Hemp, Bayou, Grata, La. Prompt attention given to any manner of forwarding. Jeg:lyd SPRINGER I.LARBAUGLI, COMMISSION 3Lerubant,Donlerla Wool, Provisions and Produce geo. orally, No.= Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa: HENRY S. KING, (LATE OF TELE Arm of King k Moorhead,) Commission Merchant and 'mato. In Pig 3letal sad Blooms, No. TO 'Water stroot, be .11m - kor, Pittsburgh. Pa. apl9 A A. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO IT.AR • dy, Jones k Ott,) Comadwrion wad Forwarding ller rhea r; Agent of the Stadbon and Indimatalle Hallrraul. cor oer Pint and Ferry ate., Pittsburgh, Pa. EDWARD T. MEGRAW, GENERAt, Commission Merchant, And Wholmali - Dealer in Maroc factored Tobncro, Imported and Domestic Cigars. Snuff. kr. &c., No. 241 Liberty arse, opposita the bead of Wood, Pitts burgh, e.. mb 12Iy _ . A LEXANDER GORDON, FORWARD totand lUrnisnisalon liercbant, Lead Pipe and Eileen Levi Agent, Dealer In Pig and Bar Lead end Shot, Mimi, and Manilla Hemp. fe:ll4dern• Vookoellent, Szc - C. COCIIRA.NE, (SUCCESSOR TO E Pealltr,)Wbolortle load Retell Dealer lo Books. tualooery and Paper Itanigloge, Vidend greet, rah door S. P.. of Market Eitutra. Allegheny, Pa. TORN S. DAVISON. BOOKSELLER AND Stationer, soeceepor to Thwim & Agnes. No. 63 Morke street. near Yount+. TitUtatah. KAY .& CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STA TIonms, No. 55 Wood street, 130 - St door to the cor ner of Third, Plttrbargh, Pe. Scheel add law Book], coo. 14. READ, BOOKSELLER AND STA AT e VONER, N 0.78 Fourth rt., Apollo Building.. R. CALLENDER, BOOKSELLER T e and Statlooer,Maroolc Noll, Fifth street. EIZEICEI 1111. It. T. FORD still continues his new TI GEPABLE PRACTICE. 111. office, West emi. Peramyleania Avenue, (Fourth Street Zest end 0 • Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ills unlimited nat., in dctde and Chronic Dlaeaese can• not be equaled to any of the medical practice of the present -day. sarlikdderlyT., PR. O'BRIEN CAN BE CONSULTED at Dr. anthill, corner Fifth mid Smithfield streets, 00 DAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATODDAYS, from 10 to 1 atid IL to 8 liirlieeldenoe 013 the Drownerille Road. /.leZilyde JO S. P. sums, Y. 6 "nOCTORS GAZZAM & FLEMING. Moe N 0.21 Sixth street, Pittsburh, Ph faitemile ,EirD Golfo. VIVILPHY & BURCHFIELp, 111, In gap end Leila Dress Goode generally. Gloats, Tana end' Manly Embroideries surd Staple Goods, for bunny nas, - An morenally extensive meortmeot in all the above departMentsjust received mat wiling et the leered arth•esst. cor. Fourth endlWket meliiii L. L. XL3OII Ar nnaV0.„,.....c. awnioxi •00., Mi. A. ILASON CO. -WHOLESALE sad Reu.ll [Wars la hoc, LA: Staple Dry Goods, Wastern Raub agents. J. DI. It IPE I' T , • • COUffirM4ZOR AT LAW; DUBUQUE, lOWA. I, GIVE PARTICULAR - ATTER- Wak cometko and oft-mingordatrea, iiiiimkft,hlDuber4o4"rmemd/Ageountu. • , pay Mad. IL". Toe ilosacnt. &oak_ Lath . Itakiadlobalikauiiq_ll 14.4..uritia aO.; ithai ift. -- oosmisititaz /Om l A. a D. c 1 . 40 4 4 • ' PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1857. NEW YORK ADvIIRTIBENIENTB From 11. 8. SCHELL'S Ad0,u,1„,. The Cheapest sloe 8.. s TN THE IVOItLD, hiwing % SOLID PISTON sal 1.1 I:TA T. V A lAEA. For pue.ao.- E NTRACTS. HOT anti COLD WI.TEII, suitable f a (,titre s , Wells. Factories. )lines &c. Throwing from ai to MO gar., per An osonllent Fl Ia:ENGINE fur fanners to dealers. AGENTS Inward, and Trericor,„4 at ht. for .VlO. E. A. MAR:MALL No. 114 01.53turLs center of Malden Lane. Nt. t lock. osTßicia Artificial Flowers, Fancy Orn•ment•and Lace Trimming. To rut 3111acrixon or IITAILICto • gibe aUlr.sol . lllCni have a large Manufactory in Pork .m. 101,101 link. exclunlYele .levettel I, the Inanot lam e of the above kin., of tools. • Theit prey:. , stock etahntelnu Mani thoulinl styles of loather/ non Flowers. Alan the material fe at:tufacturltag theta, e bleb ara offered at waolesale only. their Ware 'beaus. II END!' .SON, SILVTII. d CO.. .lyttAtna N... Broadway. Nev York. PATE NT SPILINU BEDS, PATLNI SUR I NG llanan Bann. Iltra. Icr(II.MNES. AND 100000 Pavan s 3lesarrre C tenet. Nora. We manor. , ore and offer for Bale the best Beale or or P , In thin or any Alter market. A parronal inew. that will mo lofy one one of titres; e1x11110,4% of what Rae 011111. Our Atee null.. glue cetablue beent.ch.eiintena RIM plicit y 50.11..” Get necurit, atairul nuccin. 0,111,111 °batte:tit, the curel.a..t, of air. P-alere and ntlea, will .m olt 111.10 on It 11111 :1,4 by estawning env I:014 nll.l Net. bcf etc port leenng else where. C. 11. 0 \l.OTll.\Tl'.t\, .tf ma au::: •:-.. N. 1.. yam wt 111,w:way. lID JOUVEN' 8 -GLOVE CLEANER. Ja.O'VEN'. 1:111,1LOVI CLEANEI: Jot' VEN KILFAILYIN F CLEANER. JOI - VF:N'. lUllalIA:V1 CLLANEE JOI'VEN'.. KID-ILOVL-CLEANER. Alit. odor proceeds from the pm - Ars/loathe glover. be sworn imatedianty after It is cleaned. IV iLlt n Once of flannel. apply a small portion of the preparation eery _lghtly, and the dirt outantly it Is the article tuesl by the Kid.filoce ‘lautd.turern of !Tann , to 11111Ort toot panty of finholtand softness tor whirl, their Porn are 0,, Justly ...el *beaten. It el. Ans kid slim." and what , and reliant kid glover elepintly. It is also an excellent attain fot the toilet nnot for beautifying the complexion. ronnsin,, tan. pimples. de— farextsyds ex - roamer any of the thou...A and 0, preparations nena/ly sold fur that purpose. Ono tt al. at the trifling exp.., of rents, will 00001110 at any one tad the article la oil thst it is elprued to ho. Try rt bottle of it I. eents. trill never trial, to ho without it. It eat, be obatunl lernggists and 1./eaters to Faner (bests to Pitts burgh. and at wholesale, of the solo pi opt,et..n. t'I.IIIIS Itko.wsr, :Syn . Texx. A literal dis....unt 1.. the trade. As there is an inferior article In the market. ay, en shill be cesreful to see that the name of C..11.‘ A Co.. is upon each bottle which they lterals., Ail.) •on hand by R. FET.I.EIIS. itExarntrliAl:ll. SON, Jolt. YI.E9IINtI, nod other Druggist,. In Pittstotrah. Jefa9md:s _ _ _ Hoaea Furnishing Hardware. da Lonr. S. so Durk, 'MPORTERS and Jobber: ht . Cutlery. Fen Ir, de , Tee Tr.ya. Piro Iton, Tinn.l an.l !Lunen, War, Vrveacli Min.: 11 sae. Atd,ronx, Fr, PhuNfiedJ.ppaned PIM,' awl Itratnntna C.r, 147.1[1.1. or PLATIRD AND Rchoul Pm-vain:ire PATON. Man utheturvr NeW :Ind 1M pr,rost of ACTIVOi. ITl' Catal,no, ow,a on opplionnon . Bioderra Style of School Fortilture, itIANITACTUREI ) and eale N JOIINA)N, 4..*0 rim•r, N., V.:rt. A mpply Imp% mr.tantly hAnd Cir:Lklar+ 041appticauon m at.ov, jet,rn.S. LIGIITii.NE 7Citittatiii Vitt wst Nrre Tirsrk, ANUFACTL'RERS of the Patent Arch . Wr,it ru,,k Y0rt" . , 1 , ..r01. , 1 for :1,:r10, nme. nrallar.g. pnrll3. en.l p,ultar rote' their tc.no, Cm - wheel, I hcy lur, rect.!, .1 the Iththelt wwtnittnw Irom the ".1•441t., mu.l.al e.b hrnl.n the rtnwary. 'lnd In every Wt. when ltrnttgltt io centpctitton with other iu.tru. men.. have whtelnetl the peltnl-tut_ The I . :went Arch ire. plank: which 1• ewnot an.t owed Mill' 1 1 gunzantwor their tanwling In tune I.ln,wr than en: Otile• Itrnmcnt. while [twit . onprreedented .Icrna.n.lln nil pert. .1 the lewintry i. ft.ntllcient (.reel it thcts wapertor extellence. Itilwraldtwonnt to Clergymen. School. met the tr vie je:,.ly.ttr E=! DAGALEY. COSGRXVE .t Co., _up Wholmale Gructng, N.so. b wsd yi W0.,1 re•ot. Tor Awciiiril im(). .t BitowN LEE, j_j_ Oruro,. would ne•pe.t in v 4 the stl..ntLon the pathla to their stock of %I nit e. Loitwi 1,,r. • Frolie and fondly Grocoviea. Glen ar,Ga Itn, coned, Old Government Java do., Old Country 131ftek Tay Choice Soap- Ilyvon Gunpowder and Imp , rial Yens, Refined Sngarv. Pure (~gvan, Grandy, IIL•1- >nd Gin. Old Pint Rine. ltherry, Madeira do, ( - Inert and an , nl. l .lro do.. Old M.... patch, Rye Wbniky, lmte`rtnl kiertnnn and nave..Ctga.N. The a:ac , o Wfretlx., leal.v gen..ral ni y wikkol,kale er.roil at thel ra Tea. Store. [tuner of the D6tsion.l and Diamond all,y. 4LO C 11,011 it 1) EIS 'BERGER, GRA)CERS ANI) JuL.. tralanno. Lard, Flour, Brnnont nocata-Wcnd cornor &cuddled nod L.,ncond . . • • -- "' ml lyd LE.XANDEIt K 1 HOLE WSA LF Atinver ...I Importer of Soda .1.4 h. ttnvL Pft.talmtula. • WM. TC MIIIELTIZEE. 111(0., Gra., IL ctifginF Disti air!. and Liquor Norchanct, So alt. Liberty 04rect„Ilit.thur.•.:h Pril. IL .MS4I JAS. L. MOLL"' JONES SCOOLEY, WHOLELILE 7 Ro- CHM nod Ant Furodsh,.. drslon. 1,, Pr.lno , nnL , .eltteburfrla Malltalkaill - L4. N 0.14,1 Wnier gtreet, near Cloo r) Alliy.llttsburgh. Pa. !AXLP.RmuvLR Jon, P. MI, ,111. QIIRIVER S: DILWORTH, WHOLESALE Grocer*, N 0.130 nod 132 .5.,..0ud street, (botacen Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. ACULBERTSON WHOLESALE Gr.:crawl CommlNoion Merriant..D.Jerla .41 Cittsburgb Mann Lamed Artie., 105 Lit,ty ilttftburgb. 101-IW 11101A0D RAM .71.1.1%31 71.000. JOIIN FLOYD 5: CO., .1V LIOLESALE Grocers:at Communion Merchants. N 0.177. Wood an:l .r.M Marty strret, Pittettargh. jet& JUAN 16,17 JUNK WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE GRO , CMS, Cututntssinn 31etrbants suit Dealer. In Pro &use and Pittsburgh Manufacture, No. ZS Litnirty Pituburgh. 0141/.ItVICILLT .11,101 ti TSAIAH DICKEY & CO., WHOLESALE No. S o o r W eT a r e Co trt. a me nd G Me From. reef d P De nb r u • r Ignh M.NN,. =OM. 1.11715, eR .110 LAS Una, rt. (We of the firm RoLimon. Little k Co. LITTLE & CO., WIIOLESALE CERS, Praia. and Commission Men-hauls, end Deslers In Pittsburgh Stanufsetmes• No. 112 Peessd iumt. Pittsburgh. • • - NTH. McCUTCHEONd CO.. WHOLE SALE 0 rocata, Protium. and Cornml.lan Merchants. and Dealers in Pftsnburgh Manufacturnd Artielaa No. 214 Liberty arrest, corner of Irwin. I.lt.tabarah. Pa. rtiq .101 M ATWELL •..I. LIZ C 11 . ,. ATWELL. ATWELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE Grotar, Prods,' and COMllbaloll Merchants. and °elders to Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 8 Wsod erect. be trrocn Wnter 454 Front Pt., Pittsburgh. _ =PI9 11.06 T. SWOTS. AWL N. 1,,b11105. ROBISON k CO., WHOLESALE R a Grocers, Ormmlotion Merchants. and ILuden in all kinds of Provisions, Produce and Pittsburgh .tasattsturrs, 00.2.55 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Jal9:l Td ROBERT H. KING, WHOLESALE Gito- CER, Commission Merchant. end Dealer in Fentlirra fish, Flour, and nil kinds of Country Produro, No. 2111.11.- orty street, mouth Of tooth. Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal orb winces mole on consignments. KOZEBT .110E0 C. nsetman. ROBERT DALZELL & CO., WHOLE SALE Orontes. Commission sad Forwarding Mnr chenv and Defilers in Prod.:ow and Pittsburgh Manufactures, N 0.251 Liberty street Initrburgh. my 2 CHEESE WAREHOUSE.-HENRY H COLLINS. Forwarding and Commilmilon Mombasa... Mosier In Monte, Butter, Lake Fish nod Prato. , annuity 20 Wood at.. ohm,' Mains, Pituborgh. B. CANFIELD, LATE OF WARREN ey • 01170, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, ant Wholesale Driller in Western Iteseres Cheese. Putter, Co and Pearl Yoh, sad Western Produce generally. Front st between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. ArBANE ANJER, (SUCCESSORS to A. & A:11Sonono,) ',mints to Flour, Oniln .nd Prodoca Comadosion and Forwarding M,rchsont, No. 124 Bound streeet,,lttsburgb, Pa. [Jan. 1, '57.1131)02 DAN IDHERBST, FLOUR, PRO-, duce,Prorislou and Comothetion Merchant. No. 267 Liberty street, corner of Mond, Pittsburgh, Ow hie atten tion to the she of Flour, Pork, flacon, lard, Cheese, hotter, Grain, Dried Fruits, bleeds, hr. kr. etirContignments ropectfully inflated- nuL.'l3, ALEX. FORSYTH, (SUCCESSOR TO Forrfth k Scott.) Forwarding and ColoroWoo Mor clutut.DewLer in Wool, Ilidew, Flour. Bacon, Lon' tool Lord OS and Product. goocrally, Water Pitt.thorgh. HRIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION . Merchant and Deader In Grocerion and Produce, 27 EMI street; Pittsburgh, Pa. Ester to E. Ilazatros, Pittsborgb, Bansuo, COKI.VI k Co., Pittsburgh. airCohdaornenta toliticed and antialhatory returns guar. antned. daltlydaarT 'IELD, DEA.LEDA OBERT INTCIILNSON, COMMISSION AA, Merchant, for the wan of Western Iteeerre Monts, Butter, Lanl,llBeini. VIA, Pot and Pearl Ades, Felstrstoe, 011 s, Fluter. Groin, Seeds. Drted Fruit-slut Produce generally, No. 8 Bteltbneld street, between Pint end Wttter. apB C H' ES B. LEECH, FORWARDING and Corturdsloct Merchant, Dealer In Yloni, Orain. eon, tend and Dutton and all kinds of Man., No 8 drank. field atreet, between first and Water. .N PAGLE WAREITOUSE.—JAS. GARD- A:JARED, 'Wholesale Dealer t n NUM, PrONIBIOUS and Prodintegenerally,No. 6 noventh Wee, between Wert, end Ponthrield, Pittsburgh, Pa_ afierercus club. wu. a. UMW.. • .• • - "ATM. B. 110L5IES PORK AND Boit Picker...ealers to Provisions, corner at lifarkstand Front stree ts ts. D Pittsburgh, Pa. dog Q.--------------Otfß MER, .011 . , PURE CIDER VISE kJ 04.11. ton to obtoicitd ot Montt* Patton's to tbs Dts. tomtit: no trot_ woolly wati 100 yOu'W oO4h , Mal, bolos tompowd otwitsfol awl cum tow=o drop. at tillorrtt A Nava's wan onset claw two pal rt4blaitow tom adettel.twit, Prtow26 etrVs pa • ' • .‘. . . . , .- . _ .m . . 1 . _., r 1 '• { • ~,- -----, • 7 _ ,,,.., ,.. .*, . --.... •,-, -.-- ..-.. - .-..-:! - . 4. '''. . : ~ , _ . ~ .. _ . / for Bonnet. ttntr prr bruit, ..!.% rem. por 25 cents pet beide. 25 cents por bottle. 25 cents per battle. 25 cents per bottle. cent. per bottle 25 cents bottle. Ono bottle cleans 50 pair One battle clean, :Arnie. One bottle elenns fin pair One bottle clean. !salt. Q.:4rOMS 13robuce Elealerts itianufacturrts WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., 80 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., If ASTIMTGIVR, or WHIPS, THONGS AND SWITCHES. o r d, r ,,,oodudirm the trade. arid promptly ship ped a. per iniartictious. Torsis--tt months, or 3 per rent. diteculat for cosh. se23ilyilkirS J. & H. GERWIG, MANITACTL [MM.:Ir ROPES AND TWINE, Clau , nj Penn and Walnut greets, Pittsburgh, m. - I_l - AVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULIJ I I tupply or Coll Auld 'Miter Bow. It d Cont., 8.4: and Crum COTYIK WOOL ra,003. COttol3 anti naa Sque: Puper, Mtlau . aud Colurea Taint, Out Linet, Staging ond Muson'n blue, uu2l:l3atkul UM:. I WILLIAM & CO., GI Penn st., below :\larlirv, Pittsburgh, Pa. QTEAM BOILER MAKIIRS AND SIIEET 1,3 Iron Nrorern. 31anufnetnners of Barshlll's Patent Renee. Iteemstier, tired and Cyltrldar Bolters, Bret:hen, Bea, Storm Pipes, Condensers, Salt Pam, ne tire. All orders Gram dittanee promptly atterviai to. In= TILE ATTENTION OF CA.RRIAGE MA KERS, Saddler+. mid Deniers 1 , 1 directed to the large nt..,:k of No. 1 Etistodidd Hilt for TOP, and TrinithinZ Patent D..sh.Colinr,nr Itallinn.Skirting, Pnd :Own. de.. for .ale nt 1:411400r1 ',rid. by ogoitue IL ANDERSON. No. 2, , St. Char st, Yd otory torladand Pittsburgh, Po. Penn COUOII Pittillbllrgh. TESNEDY, CHILDS 4: CO, MANETFIC \ lI:REM of— Ponn A No.l hoary 4-1 Fheetingx. Carpet Cholla of all colors sod olobLog Cotton Twine; 11,1 Cool.; l'lough Lines end Snob Cord; •• 11opc .I.zee awl cliwctiptiotm Pattie,. Ca-Ur• er: left at the hardware Store of Lo g . v . k C... 131 Wood Meet. will bate uttzntlan. JAMES IRWIN. MANUFACTURER OP Q ULPHURIC ETHER; Sulphuric Acid 13 swo , st Splrßsof Siars Nit., Acid: IlttEman's An.ly, MurlAtlc Acid; Apia Aman.la. FFF; MM. , .1. EArlor'x vrintium LAUGERIDGE & MAXWELL, YANCFACITT.32I Bruslacs, Looking Glasses, Picture Frutuo, AND DEALERS DT CLOCKS, HOUSE Furnlohing 4t., Sc. Vb , Nr.dd *levet, 'thorn I . lt,l.orgtr. Morbitlo ltru•lea mode to order. H. M. WARREN & CO., 11ANUFACTURERS AND DEALT lUI IN A ‘, ll . 'S r c 2 N I 7 1° 0 . 1:D r. . £ O l R Roni E Nmll Fifth street. DANIEL BENNETT, xr A STFACTIT HER OF FANCY COLOR.- ivy ED Iron ton.. wax.Rockingham and Felton - War, Gr. tINo at the 3hinidariciry,rotaer of Wanbiniftnn and Franklin +trivia, IlitiminGtiath, olipuilta I' ttabitrgh, I. TXPIER, & MTREET, in. • rtrrte. nr OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES. Boarris AND MILL WYLIIMIS, Salem, C.lumbiania C4.untc. 0. ANT IDIAN REED'S PATE.\'T OSCIL LATINU Favkirtes of .nperior worktou.hip. ,on •tatutly on lutnd and nude to order. with 00.4a0. r.. tor Flow,. oat Sow ollwr porpoo. a. kw. Mantak,t.srm, a Jurt...-on, Cdcbrutra tAxernar 11,1, not /...p.nt• for Witham, Rid, k Odes Machinist.' Tool, Including Turning . And Ikving Larh.. n-f orery 41, scrlption. Common Shim Eng!nestnsde to onoirr. rnomo MTV., /O.n. 111.01 IfY, lITYCKNITOS. Colima I ,l onodry, & CO. NV CO. No. 1,1 Oben.. fn. . . The" will mmulactur . w. nraai. • lltrim .11.1 moral ..otm.nt of CA:CIINOS. Cooking Store, Rantsand Slide Oven 4, OFFICE _O7) R.P RLOR srnrEs. MANTLE k KITQIIEN PRATES;', Hollow Warr, Wagon Bases; Dog Irons, SAD ICONS. Tt.% NETTLES. PLOWS k PLOW POINTS, Mill and Machinery Castings Generally, Ana i; F. 11,1 NV Af ER KIT,: of all airs, IRON • AND NAILS OF TIIE BEST BRANDS, Shovels, Spades, Picks, &c., All of wluch alll tu suamtrActurtre . prirea. WILLIAIII TATE, PLUMBER AND GASYITTEiI, N.. 10 Vollllh ntrcet. near Liberty. axnt Pcon atm., next •nx,r to Alderman Pnrktneons. Offun, and Ennead at, neat Lafrock Emy el,criptlon cf Fitting" fc• Water. 6a. ,rd Stenm. nnral tf IM!=a=ls2 MMEINIIMM=I • , . ALFRED ENGLAND. Snip A. zo. FROM TIIE ORIGINAL PATENTEES, Meal', Minton 1 Lotaion. and & C..sate, New York, for 1 'tttaborir,l, and tho West. ' Alt werk caorot..,l in a 10,rinr siyio. Pion.. Drawing an.lSiaxlmen. r3n h. ...en at So. 2 Foorth ftrrt t, n,o‘, 50r13.1741 Ensurance agcnto ITE Lt . CHAFFEE Agents Neptune [nearT anrn Co_ Laf }etto Ilan, WAIKA street. FINNEY, Agent Eureka InsuracneCo., • Ne. 0 Water %areal. AA. CARRIER, SECRETNRY Psonsylvrsniis !manna. Cotopaxi,. of Pittsburgh, -bal.,' Building, P.ittrili :I)IUELL. SiArtSIIELL ti , Secretary lid Jammu - 0 rumparty, 04 Water stmq. M. GORDON. Secretary Western F. Imre Camp:my, 122. Water *tract. - T G :MINER COF Agent for Frank ')• lin rim Immranco Company. Norts.east corner Wood Thlvt stmts. PA. MADEIRA, Agent fur Delaware nrnal Inaurance Co., 42 Wiarr ea - net. THOS. GRAHAM, -Agent. lloward Insttr eocsdnmPMnSnd Pittabtrgh Litalaannuara Catopany. coiner Water and Market *Uses. T NEWTON JONS, Agent 31anuliwtur . r.• A 6 Rater 'trek. • - THOS. J. HUNTEItr - lrgent Farman' and Mechanic/1' twat..., C., DO Wittn greet. T& - titrA RomigSifiN,. - Agent Continental Inzuraure en, 24 Fifth otroet. R• W. POINDEXTER, Agent Great West era n•sama.c.o,wrz Front litraet. tital Estatc agents B — - - LAKELY & RICHEY, REAL ESTATE Brokers, turner of En,unth and Smithfield street. Pittsburgh. Pa. Farms,,lloosee, Leta, Mills, Pullman, de_ bought arid un commission. Land Warrants, Mlle. Bonds and Not. negotiated. raped*" attention given to eubdividlng Farms and dlspeaing of them. Terms mum. se Ivl LLI A M WARD. BILL BROKER and Real Estate. Agent. Ofllett Grant etmet, opt. en. R. Panl'e Cathedra. All bvelneen entrueted tn him pentoptly att.mtled to a reasonable COMIa•SiOrIS GEORGE W. BUNN, REAL 'ESTATE anA Inearance Agent, ottepoll to • buying end. selling Real Estate of every description, and to Agency busitove grandly. Also, to Insuring property from lan ur damage by tiro, for good, reliable Philadelphia Companies. Chargm reaeonable. Sla-Oilice Wert nid o e f rodent ree ett, woad door Sooth of the North Comment. Allegheny City. eep9 t.CTID LOOMS TUG!. D. LOOlll , AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., DEALERS IN Promissory Notes, Ronda, Mortgage. and ail Smut Ow tor Money. Money loaned on Checks at short datoy with collateral gentrifies. NOTES AND DRAFTS SODOM AND SOLD. Persons desiring loans eau be accommodated on reasonable terms. and capltallata can bo famished with goal securities at reranneratlvo prices. Also, attend to the Bale, Renting and Leasing of Real FAtAtt. isroll3co N 0.92 Fourth street, above Wood. WI-AUSTIN LOOMIS, Notary Public. tar 2 - MeLAIN & SON, 'Leal Estate Agents . sad MU Ureters, 5534 Fourth .trod. IiOMAS WOODS, Rent Estate Agent, P T ro-.. 76 Fourth eruct. Ziptelstrtl) WALIPIt r. 'W -SOWN P. guano 'Wall Paper Warehouse. WALTER P. hiARSIIALL k CO., Int r,t,„„„a rl,,dem, VI Wood Moot, between Fourth street and Diemen,' AlttJ i whero may be Inuit an extenstra lore, armory dei , ctention of Disper Ilanalom, for Par lore, Halls, Dining poem. pod Chamber.. Also, Window Shades, la grant 'Futility et ' , meet prime to country helm. sell WALTER D. MAR:MALL I CO. - E. IlllitYol. nx"."EDMUNDSON & -CO., Noe. 99 and 98 Th i r d dreet, n ear Wood, bisatdactureni and Dealers in WALL PAPER, CURTAIN GOODS, ORNAAIENTS,PRINGEn, TASSELS AND CORDS, • CONLYORTA REDS, PATENT SPIRAL SPRING MATTRESSES Zo Would solicit the attention of parchaaera to-their tarp and varied atonic. apTaAtnd .."_- SEIBERT, I' _ RACTICAL UnIOLSTERER, J,,, ' . No. 100 Third Street. PtttainirgA, St g-AMA•SHRS,CO3ITORTS: - 3lannntetvror and dealer In CURTAINS, °mix% cnuAssipurNils.AL.E."Paarltultri) attention tatid to Steamboat work: qtrpete fittedond told to order. • mrig.ari I`. W. LOIIGULRET. Witch and Cloek Mok•r t 131POILTEIL OF WINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY, N0.28-71fthatreatrbabrom Wood amf !lark t, Haw burgh; P. aripPartkalar anent/O.P.M dar TelPabing Watahlra and Joilielry. Xar.rakar kwareaetM AATED, 30 DAY CWCK3, for 02unting Doom and P An Assortment to flororrood roam slevaaraftrron, put ?reared And for sib by RE k It jesatte. • - NO. 68 /nth cO-PARTNERSHIP,I46 h ave. this day moderated with mitt the may sad Otruks %dress, 7 ti .3k0107.: The Norma berattlamd mbar* ftr, nam the manisad style - al %US= k 00, vadkin at thurbro firm will Maraud as theltlitrMy Arklibmir, or or 'harem at Jobs Ilortlrlk.. , ft . elk iamo.n sad . Wrkd a titno l 42. 4l „ ... • tr . - 4:._11,1tr VittsburAij elayttr. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY 1i.13D3D1..F., ac CO-. TIIE PAIL r GAZETTE Nrlospapor in the I{4l, and harm(' rturztertrire cireedallua am.prrt the Purim. men,nd renthing on ettl.., it off rs Puha:cc...PUP , adver. risers ar brrt medium through to 'v..4 the public. THE WEE A" L 0 A Z1,77E it.crud rrrry Wed wz day and Adurd,ry. on a tarp. blanket shed, and contains In adda ton 63 tlee new, thewetk, carefully prepared and nimbi< report ofthe Markel., anal:m.lTM and mnneiury fairs, and an 111Xlirate Bank AVe c6rrat this paper—waking if the best Canunzrcia/ Nraapaior I the DAILY—Six Dollars per annum, payable lu advance, or LiAi cents per week, payable to tho Carriers. WE/ALT—Two Dollars per annum, payable in :Meaner. Clubs aro furnisheil un the following terms: Four copies one year S . :l 00 Ten " 10 00 Twenty.' " ' 0 00 And one to the person getting up the club free. /Q.-.ldraime pay:reeds aro otrictty reutilre.l, and no pa- per will 111 soot idler the lime Is up to which it 1411.% poll. Rate• of AdvertiStng 1 Square of 10 lieu, 1 time . 00 .10 00 ...2) 00 Yearly advertisers tire entitled Wore square, chorig; , able at pleasure. per annum fartAileerthiernents With Cute treble prime. "God and linnaantty.", FOR GOVERNOR, D inWILMOT. FOIL CANAL coonssurint, MILIAWA_Ftro 1011./..14 Rresorr,nra . r, JOSEPH J. LEWIS, of Cluster A osembly, . DANIEL NEGLEY, Collins tp. THOMAS KIODOO, Snowdon tp. J. B. BACKHOUSE, Ohio •• .NICHOLAS VOEOHTLEY, Jr.. Allegheny J. BERGS FUSTER, • Pittsburgh. A .o,i ate 1;11419e, GABRIEL ADAMS, ftt Lotter St. Clair. JOIIN 0. CURTIS, of Ohio toarwhip RePorder, NATHANIEL PATTERSON,of Birmingham Tr ea ne r.r JOHN J. MUSE, of Vernailles tp WILLIAM N. BURCHFIELD, of Pe.Ade. A udif or, =2 1 EMEII! Clerk of lAe (Lore, THOMAS 'A. ROWLEY, of PittaLurgh Direct, of Mr rnoe, J. MeKINNEY f.4.NODURASS, of Mfiflin Mexico.—The news from the South informs us that the local elections in Mexico have re sulted generally favorable to the national admin istration, and that the Mexican newspapers are filled with denunciations of Santa Anna. Both items are agreeable to Americans. President Comonfort's government has. been thoroughly republican, while at the same time it has earne d the good opinion and support of the conservative interests. This is not the result of a merely negative course, for few rulers of Mexico have ever been more active, or pursued a more vigor ous policy. We two free-to confess that in all respects he has surprised and pleased us. Be ginning with the half concealed dislike of the liberals, and possessed of no high reputation for statesmanship, his early measures looked as though they were the timid compromises of a man•doubtful of his own position, In the end they turned out to be exactly -the movements adapted to the occasion. Helms obliged from necessity to Oct cautiously until ho could clear away some of the very numerous obstructions to order, and acquire something like strength and character before the republic. From partial success in this manner, be managed to excite . admiration and procure support. The various unsuccessful attempt, at revolution following. required bolder trea.ment, and in mhduing them he became rapidly great. popular and respected. election to the Presidency, under the new republican constitution, which now seems as sured, will, be a testimony of the public esteem he has earned, and all well wishers of Mexico will be glnd to leant that it new orpresnion of confidence has been given in the shape of go, ernment t riumphs at the local elections: gin ning with a country distracted b) ambitious leaders 'of factions, perpetually breaking- out into rebellion, anti with an empty treasury' and no resources, it is marvelous that he has suc ceeded so well in subduing anarchy, restoring and preserving order, and furnishing abundant resources for carrying on ell tho .operations of the government. Should he manage to get the country safely over the existing trouble with Spain. he bids fair to become ono of the most popular and able rulers Mexico has ever had.— may the Mexican newspapers denounce Santa Anna,for he is intriguing to profit by the Spanish dispute to get himself restored to power. lle is one of the worst men Spanish America has produced. Thoroughly unprincipled anti un scrupulous, Ire would;stop at nothing to exalt himself. While in his recent addresses he pro fesses the most earnest patriotism and the deep est desire for the welfare of his country, he is at the same time iu treaty with the Spanish gov ernment to secure their aid in his restoration on condition that he should bring Mexico back to her Spanish fealty. This monstrous scheme he hopes to effect through his partizans in Mexico. —Hole. Amer. ' TLIE Ilsavcsr.—Wheat harvest will generally commence in Northern Ohio this week. . Last week an immense amount of grain was cut in the Southern part of the State, but the opera tiOntrwereoomewhat retarded by frequent show ers. In central Ohio the wheat does not appear j to be any further advanced than at the North.— Indeed, in passing up from Urbana, in Chem [lign county, to Sandusky, (114 miles) on Sat urday last, the only two pieces, of wheat we no ticed under the hands of the reapers, were in ' Seneca county. CM the other hand, corn is full two weeks in advance of us in Champaign and I)liami counties, and looks as well as usual, pro- j wising a full crop. Wheat, every Where, is re garded as unusually promising. In the central cotinties there were heavy rains last weeks which beat down many fields and will be an injury; but in situations where it wits defended from the vi olence of the storm, tlio spires stand even and thick, and the heads aro weighed down with the golden grain. We hear of the weevil only in the south-easteryipart of the State, and there is -no rust, thus fat e to produce -any serious mis chief. The harvest is about over in Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama, etc. Tho crop has generally been gathered in good order and is understood to be large; : In Southern Illinois there has beeu.no such wheat for a long t ime.— They-talk of heads eight inches long and thick ly studded with the plumpest grain. Should ' the weather be dry during the present week an immense amount of grain will be harvested, and of unequalled excellence.—Toledo (0.) .111,1, CUNNING or rut ItavEN.—ln the narrative of the Artie Voyage or Capt. McClure, of the Brit ish Navy. is the fejlowing story of two Ravens, which became domicill'ated on board the loves, tigator. The Raven, it appears, is the only bird that willingly braves a Polar winter, and in the depth of the semen, he is seen to flit through the cold and sunless atmospheredike an evil spir it, his sullen ere:dealer:a breaking the silence of the death-like snene. No , one of the crew nt tempted to shoot the ravens, eel they conse quently became very bold, as will bo seen from the following story: "Two ravens now established themselves no friends of the family in Mercy Bay, living main ly ,by what little Scraps the men might have thrown away after meal times. The ship's dog, however, looked_ upon these as his especial per quisites, and exhibited considerable energy in maintaining his rights against the ravens, who nevertheless outwitted him in a way which =heed every one. Observing that he appeared quite willing to make a mouthful of their own sable persons, , they used to throw themselves in tentionally inlis way, just as the mess-tins *ere, being cleaned out on the dirt heap outside tho ship. The dog would immediately run at them, and they would just fly a few yards; the dog then made—another run, and again they would 'appear to:escape him but by an inch, andso on, until they had tempted and provoked him to the shore, a considerable distance off. Then the ravens would make-a direct' flight for the ship, and had generally done good execution before the mortified-looking dog: detected the 'reposi tion that had been practiced upon -him, and rualied.bacticaipaiio. : -.-Tna.Frityklin' . (l.4u.).Regiater, of the 4th inet:,- says : • "Wednesday week we bad what was so much needed, and so ardently desired by all, a plea tlfal shower of inin, which was of incalculable benefit to the crone, especially thi corn, which now presents& floe &pearance, and 'holds out a 'fairer prom se of a larger crop than has been laihend_ for some years. The cane looks splendid everywhere throughout' the parish, and Is nearly if not quits all 'laid 14," ' 4 t Tue Lts.tric APYLCU &stk.—Linea, July 14. —At 8 o'clock this morning flames were seen bursting from the cupola of the New York State Lunatic Asylum in this city. Soon they ascen- I tied in a grand column and then burned down ward, operating towards the wings on the West. By barricading the passages with lumber Cover el with blankets the tire was checked. The same effort was so successful on the East, and that wing was badly damaged. The water pro vided upon the premises was easily turned upon the tire, but the tire raged with such violence at 1 the summit of the building, that the water had I but little effect. and the supply was soon ex- ; boosted. The fire department were quickly on the ground, hat the lack of water in the vicinity ' delayed theirefforts. Lines were formed to the Canal, but the great distance and the 'elevation of the Asylum above the canal lade the supply scarce. The fire raged for four hour and completely burned out the main building to the very cellar, damaging touch of the East wing and somewhat injuring the West wing. The rear wings are uninjured. Fire companies from Rome, New York Mills, Little Falls and Elerkisner came and rendered efficient aid. Five hundred patients were in the Asylum at the time. They were removed to the roar wings and a considerable number of them were taken as the tire progres sed late a grove in the rear of the building,— The Citizen Corps were stationed as guards 'around them and the Scytnntir Artillery. the Union Guards. the Emmet. Guards, the Johnson Guards, the Palmer Artillery, and the Germhn Rifles were called out to guard the property' re moved and to prevent the escape of patients in the excitement. The origin of the fire is not explained, but it is sairithat one of the chimneys bad been on fire, and that a spark from that may have caught the wood work. • The Utica Asylum was a State Institution, and has cost the State since 1656 quite half a millionof dollars, besides the local expenses and personal expenses incurred for inmates.— The counties support their own patients at a weekly average coat of $3 90 for each person. The State has recently appropriated about $70,000 for repairs upon the building. ISMEaI Mit VOLUME LIX----NUMBER 281. Jo skaters disturbance took place yesterday I in the infected district. It WaSunderstood early in the tidy, that the first attack upon the police would be the signal for bringing up a force equal to the emergency. and that in any event the I rioters would be subdued Happily nothing oc- I tarred 1,0 render necessary the exercise of the full power of the law. The excitement was much less than on Monday, and at highs had pretty much died out. Daring ,the day various squads of Dead Rabbits of the 'Mulberry street type made their appearance, evidently to join in the fight, btu the Germans did not thncy their brogue and they generally received the cold shoulder.— The police force under orders and within a few minutes' call Was about MH); beside which, a large military force was ready at a moment's warning. Miller, the victim of the not on Sun day, was buried yesterday. Otis funeral drew a large concourse. and as they married past the pollee station there was a momentary apprehen sion of an attack, hut nothing occurred beyond the display of a flag inscribed, •The Victim of the :\ I etrepolitau l'olicc." At latest accounts all was quiet, in spite of the threat of Wood that "I will show the people that these men cannot pre serve the peace of the eity. - -X.. Y. Trib. FVTAL RAILROAD O.IDITNT LEIIMIT YALTA:V . RAILROAD.—An Irishman about i 5 years of age. by the r e of Phillip Gallagher, took the cars on the I high Valley Railroad nt Mauch Chunk for floc - end:ulna. The conductor noticed Gal lagher ou the way several times putting his head out of the car windows. and- cautioned him about it, the last time he saw him with his head out telling him to keep it in or he would close the window. Gallagher took his head in and' said he would keep it in. When she train arrived at Lewery's Station the conductor went out of the ear where Gallagher was sitting,. few seconds after the train had lett the station, at the bridge a few rods below, the conductor felta jar. and rropening the door of the car, saw Gallagher just falling back upon It: seat. /V, head had ”truck the bridge and nearly the tato/e utp and side of it had been turnoff. The train was at once stop ped and the unfortunate man taken to the station dead. Pieces of the skull were found ill the car I after his removal. lie was apparently sober and his death was attributable entirely to his own carelessness.--Eastwvon. A F.TIMAN CEVEXIBATER Tats FoUUTIL —At Ituffitle, n Berman, intending to celebrate the looming of the Fourth in a becoming manner, I placed n hogshead in front of his house the night before. and at daylight lit halt a doien packs of fire. , rackers and threw them in the hogshead, while half a dozen young Dundorsplairs stood around to watch the effect. A scattering ex. - plosion was heard, a yell. and the next moment a ragged loafer, who had been sleeping iu the hogshead all night, sprang forth all in flames, and before the little Dundersplaffs could even raise a yell, pitched into the old Dundersplaff, and gave him a tremendous licking. Dunder splaff kept in a dark room the balance of the day, with n piece of raw beefsteak over both eyes. and a piece of brown paper, wet with whiskey. over his nose. MINNZSOTA.—The St. Paul Times of the 7th inst., learns from Mr. Brown, nn Indian trader at the Skies, Agency, the particulars of the death of Ink-pa-du-tah, the noted leader of the band of cut throat sot-ages who committed the murders recently at Spirit Lake. The Times says that be was shot by a soldier belonging to company D. 10th Infantry, and afterwards bay oneted,nnd adds that he was a son of Rik pa pa tab, who having married With the Annuity Indians, at the time he was killed, was on a visit to his father-in-law. Ho is the identical savage Who dragged Mrs. Noble from the lodge of the Yankton Wet purchased her. and after having satisfied his hellish appetite, bent her to death with clubs. Tnr. Buffalo Advertiur complains that the city is flooded with Spanish quarter dollars. The brokers who bought them up in March at 22 or 20 cents, hare since paid them out at 25: and an American quarter is rarely emu. • There is a systematic game played. just nOw with Spanish quarters. They are picked - up in Sew York at 20 cents and then sent into the country, where they are still eld at 22, and passed off. It i• about time to —Alb. Ere. Jour. Tue beauty of Indian names is all humbug. Mississippi m as "Father of Waters," but sim Au exchange. or Big Rivet mean; "linrk to the Thunder". the Tusear.ma language Singer the same as 'Pig-wafer-turabl, OILEGON.--OurliAtes from tit to June U. The election of d gress had resulted in the elude but by a greatly reduced inajo been a unity of opposition, i, Democratic candidate would hit AtASSER'S FIVE DIINVT IC} CHEST' N'1 , 111•0 E It A T Just Receivod and furl 111. 0. W. lIIIBLEY, Ted FRUIT CANS SAFE .1 ND And kuive.etood tho TEST OP EXITIUEN for years. For tale dump, eritli full dl ion for use. 11 Jyllavr 'O. W. UCBLEY. Fedentl street, Allegheny. ILEY, BAX}: Lit.% (Below the St. Clair Street Bridge,) Allegheny City, Ponn a., • ' suauncTuase or BRADLEY'S WOOLEN KNITTING .TARN, -• Of ever• Color laid Number. l • S PREPARED' TO FILL ORDERS ON hornmtic. Ibr every color or number of itorns. llar og been frilu.l' the, orlghtel roshotteturers of the eelebra "rrre.ll,y Wwlen "Verns,''llk connection with my brother, Wm. lltatlh,r, of ,Wheollug, I would roepeetfully eolirit there of the Verne; ee above. • Cif-Cub trabt.forSlronp Skies and Wool. Je27:1y,1 F ISII.--4 00 bliis White Fink, WO luiif, bbla do .de, . I 1,0 bbla Trout, ' 1 100 lilt bbla do, ...- - SO lade Salmon, Ld ldf 1,1,14 do, 40 bbl. 310 3 llockarol, , 76•1‘11 - bbla No 3 do, =lads Soo. do, . 40 hlf Vida Sol do, • LS Idtta - NO :do, • . • . 75 bbd. No 1 do. , bull bbla No 1 do, , . • 100 WM :Co 1 do, .• 00bblillaltImore toning, , 25 d llnral do - dp 'J 11 O,INT.IILD • p r Ifit b ADELPFITA LASTS . -100 . pair 4 of thin end •Ndutkoed" truhkosablo lam, A 1.., 100 Irottleres straight 1.1,1 4 ,f UN rood am 0,,,, ~1,, by 133 -. • .- 111,CILAD.11 UMW. SCANS, rot. 'preserving Fruits Ilefrivratere and Ice Cheat; Water Coolers and. Ice Pitcher., Paver Plated Teti Setts, Cattors,Spoona York. &c., all new latest patterns, at very low prices. "Fini Beta, and eters article wanted for hot= use, of Japatird and Stamped Tin Ooods, Wooden tram &ea at the Uoneo Yurnieblngllaniware nod 1 / a warellanofactory of Jylo JOHN FLEMING, VI, Mutat at., Oar. of 'Mr& VRUIT CANS! FRUIT CANS!! FRUIT .1 CANS ill—All eisea of the genuine article, that base nood the test dal pat three years.' Call and got your sap, ply at the Iron City Stree and Tin Warehouse of Jyl4 T. J. CRAIG & C0.,134 Wood erect. lt/TEDICINE -CHESTS-4_havo on hand a iv ton-a stock_ol Maltase Limits, at all sins. Thom wishing so.) thicg - in this lino • should call and miming my stuck Lave ptussitig slasishurs.. JOB.FLEICI.SO, , Jyll •••• horsier Diamond and Starke. ste. 'ALLOW 0.1.133 tierces Tallow Oil, on j.,. atelmn• thza rku, by .. 3ylA IsAux.ineszT 4.6). bble. - 7eLenill(96ver :cent; ter icil• by " rbitij ' - A- pa, Sot Fzalr or Lent.. ItEls,7l‘.._,A neat. well.a r geat _t_. .torilCa•ltage etCht hoi,hl.hrboo t t and thil,htfulls .thaild t. b. ths npho.lte Arhold'or' StiklUt. Cool and ge.,ll‘al.nt nrxr tho in nhuchtunft, •• ' Tern. iarornhl, Ar.t4s at the Wttrthote.,ol. L I.I fTEhItYX. Alleglihny Vedend Ate...t.hq theOsal. r gAnt Si ,r Ho w onfte ipu LET.—An ele I Fink stree,hrt.r4. !tr., Uaa.t.mhabk.Elt fur a Fancy Goo-Is' e.tablittlient, having S:h , trililltdow and Sty-light. Enquire al FOR RENT—TLC 4euunt, third ,a ,,d_f ourt h , stories al splendid litarenw beinKeYbeted on Wood iscroct by John Bissell. Esq_ connsining an area nt JUNI' Isviaro fret, with flit-pawl snulb poleax, butthwisy,gha t rooto mud cw.,. ce , . t entran train 'owl mreetxud Diam„ood idlry.jytaltf , ON. CI ILDS &.C). LET.—A well fi;aed With yard mom, nbrobbery. dc., dellkhLOdly alo&-ja noted on the ricer Lank, fn Allekkony Cary, near the ioLL donee of Sin. Snowden. Bent law. knqulre of- Dr. J. P. Penn etreet; Or of mo4Es BORLAND, km., few Of ra below prtreteee: O L.f.a.—The Storeroom rind lltiAling T Atm., oh the c,rner of 011tra. and Liberty It hne been otropied ether built of a Ootert atzt Stere and ie elle of the best Mures in the City. R. it. KING, No. 211 Lahertestiolk,': TIW ELLING 110 USE TO RENT:-41aatr' e , ' -;• cominishous 11.1 well gniehed Fuelling House, N 0.26 • bon , street, now occupied by tho tulitetiber. Thig how I. in lino order. and lint all the modem euttrenksicas. water ID make it dssirable for • tinnily. Possuistion ea sny tine eller the first of May. Apply -tit• &0.42 O'Hara street, to optlnitp • JAS. LAroutm tt) LET.—T - Brick llQiiscs. foui'M rouulp rash, lu the 7th Ward, or, Centro.dieuun, MILIMITIIIO Itt. tat 10W W.:lN:mint.. Engulfs of JatT WAIT a. .ON, Nu. 269 Ltherty stmt. 1 4 1 011 REN . F.—Two Brick Dwellings on _L: Third stmet near Smithfield. No. 165 has ten riving, Back Building. Gas, Bativrooms, to. No. 163 has night Rooms, tias, Water, de. • ' • Also, an Office on Fourth street, near Chary alley. Boa per annum. $ sti 'MO& WOODS, 76 Fourth st. 0 LEASE.—A desirable Lot in the Fifth Ward, ohoro Garrison at., fronting IRV foot on Liberty .d extending back ono hundred feet to Spring alter, suit s e for a. Gnat arLtote Yard. For Lerma inquire of . GEORGE WEYSIAN, agdf ' cor. Diamond ay. and Smithfield at- [ FFICE TO LET oil Fourth street, between r cilithticld and Wood its. \o.=6. AptjrAo ya *co. U LET.—The Hall formerly occupied 'by the Ewing of Temperance, on Cho corner of Woodateld - Third greet, Emptlro of _ JOHN 31'011,1, ik BON. niertt N 0.237 'Liberty attest. Valuable Property for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER, desirous to, re- ;FR too,. Went. offers (Or Fab, Id. Dwelling, et gook= lonvenient, two atom . brick, a Drug Store end Omen, on a arge well improveillot, in the - tinmg•part of the town for pleasure and bentineae—all ea. lient'condition, will. ever,ti couvenienco of a home, and one of Pm most desirable residences in Cho place. Ales, the good will °fa welt entablished practice.. To Phy. eiriann thin inn rare opportnnity to secure a pleasant and prinfitshis town pmctico, among an Intelligent, entelltrigMl people. The adjacent country in thickly settled, h.+ firm roadn,mul abounds in mineral and agrigulturel wealth.— The town in lie destined to the grenteit ronnufactoring tacit in the interinr—and la but a few hours. , ride. by railroad, from Pittsburgh tool Philadelphia. For particulars addrem Ilc MARRY T. COFFEY, Ifollidayeburg, Pa. Refer to Doll Johnnton, Jack S Co. Flollitinvehutg; Cot A. It White, Cumbria county, Pki Prof. Ilenrylifictsherne, Philadelphia College of Medicine; Kelly lb' Coffey, ittOrllep At Law. Phila.; Gyn. Wm. Radium, pittsburgig. John P. Dray, Phyeician to New York irate Lunatic Asylum. Utica, - Sew York. Mlo:d3t FOR SALE.—A Two Story Brick !louse an Mein street stevithristant Ittreet, ememlnivli (MIA' mum, trawvent, kitchen mei knielled attic; water and got through the houw, all Heil (clotted and is the bast at 'oder it will he sold at the into price oftll.,:aUfand on easy totals. Apple la M. BUN. .11,..r Federal at., At doom...nth of the North Cavemen.. Allegheny City. 1 6 ACI: ESOF VALUAILEIRON %-f ORE LANDS FOR SALE—The tinder Opted 711 MA the folloning tartan whlell he will tell at to very redneed prier and on liberal terms in tracts of FIFETTIOU SAND or the whole:. Titles perfect, ..dat.. l ' ...- fanty deeds will be given. Ti,l. I-tad ie ttt tracfn of live thonsand acme each, aIL alto and in tht county of Perry and State of Tennetttoo, about edict Iron the Tenneawa'rivcr. to which point naviga tion Is uninternpted nt allactatone of the yess. The brow Or,. lavery abutidankrich, and acknowledged to he an good if nut the nit in the State. The lends are also well watered by the waters of the Itntfaln not Duet; rivet, and are very heavily timborol with rollif or White Woo• 1, Oak, Cheat la. de. A tarre portion of it le well adapted to cult Ivnttdtt. For further portion - tars apply either in peraxi or by letter to F. 0. 0 R. it EARDF.N.Cuir. , , nit., Or to SPRING RR 11ARBAUti It, Ltborty st- Pitotburgh. Osage City, lowa. wE OFFER FOR SALE- A NUMBER of VALUABLE LOTS, in tho town of Eleinge,Mitchi ell County. lowa. Thow lot, ore each fin by Ile fret, fronting - on Wide Wools awl arc citnatint in Ow moot thickly matted Val of Oda thriving town. - - _ Is the nnt or the Government 'Land ()Mee, to Turk,. Eire,, Land Dlatnet. contains about nftten handrtal. inhabitants, rapidly nnproyinn. staq destined to bo ono or the snort floneWhing towns In few. These lets ho sold at a low price. Full putkulan bo obtained nt the otTleq the subscribers. jol it SPLAIN it SON, 594 Fermat et. SALE-One SALOrie ot the handsomesticoun i: try neat ulor.g the Ohio River und P. F. IT. meter miles from Allegory City._ containing 70 watt; or R ire ! f eon mires of the front. The Improvonionati ors it large cottage hunt, frame etuble and other outbid:idiom young toot Eariving orchard of the beet of grafted fruit, • largo quantity of ruepbtrry . und etrundierry riaoninnd other ehrabliery. A. the owner wishes to go welt. it trillhie sold low nod on easy toms. Apply to O. 'W. BONN, went aide of Vedend street, tind door tooth of the North Common, ailleghouy City. • ' jyl4 OR SALE-35 shares Citizens' Itpak F s.ct; zo alums Irun ("It). Bask Stmt. bl 1513 AUSTIN LOOMIS 1. CO., N 0.92 Fourth et. AMAGNIFICENT COUNTRY REM BENCE FOB SALE.—Ife have 6 acres Of bail:Whit land. sinaite adjoining the tillage of Xstisfield, tins melee • Ben the city, 0. the Washinnton flank Bead, avid eelthlo few rods of the JuncUon of the Steubenville and Wishing. - toni.Valley linilmads. on which there Is 'erected •tota frame Banstr`ii, cottage style, containing 8 vrell finished room& Both bowie, wash house, stable i carriageboustiaminllother noOtasary ent.honsen. A well of excellent aAWLatthe door nod cistern that will liold'fiu barrels. An orchard of the very finest variety of Grafted fruit trees, conuneeicing to boar: and a very ChOICO collection of shrubbery and erns. mental trees. Tire above property presentaararecbnaei to a gentlemen withlng to notation pleasant and healthy local aloe. Moderate pries. Apply to • -- • JyB 111..kliEGY R BlClLE l. o ll . l •Est . "l h ' i ' rk F- UNE FARM FOR LSALE—We have for . .... ,i2sale, sitt on the South bank of tlieohlo deer, about . one mile f eel the mouth of Racoon creek extd Moot WM and a half mil .olow Phillipaburgh, In. Benner .coniuty, a.. . rety. excellent Farm or 72. acres, about 25 ...rea of it cleared` and under fence. The Improvements comfit of a Triune .. Cottage noose, containing MIS room, end cellar, Sam and - Stable, Orchard of choice fruit, sin: Apples, Pears andClut , rtes, also a few Poach Trees. These era mural firm wine. never falling. . / This to being situated .on the Rises, 'with the flame depth of water at all seasons, wOuld suit a gentleman - ear ne...ted with the ettramboat business. ' ' ' ~. The steam rockets and elo trains of the Clerellmd and . rittalmirgh Railroad peas dully. It hes also m abundance, of Fire Clay and. Coal. WUI be -":-.... sold on Teri moderate tennil.. Apply to Je3o aLtaatx & alciirt._ BALDWIN TO SVN SIIIP PROii FOR SALF--IVe have GO Knee of cad land altnata is tba above township, near Pollock Mills, on Pavel.lll-14., roar tulles Gam tho city. Tbo land all lillable,..rtned about Ea acres areal black real and easy of wear. be sold at SOS per one, . reasonable terna u t. / I,l..t i li t i. ? y l fl i cker, Jen Leanttatellcokern.„ top thi" -game when translated nano such thing ly `•Big Water, ye that Niagara It does not. In signifies nearly A LLEGHENI PROPERTY-11 ; - 701 1 1 - • • ZA.. Aro bores Bowe arca Lc* c 1 Oraund attoetenn , allay, near the Blamorl, on eclalch Lt erected &large Anna ntory Brick Muse, conning eleven boll tlialelteti Woe* do-, - Isbell attic; a large cellar, tenter In theism:wean& Yell; ThleT . Z.," - - proporti will Bo aold'lcar and on easy tercni,nArtheeediarill• alnrat inuring Etouth. Apply to BLAKELY /a • • • Reel Estate Brokers. 7%. Territory are legates to Con- - VALUABLE ' CITY PROPERTY ;FOR • SALT..- , Tho undersigned offer. flit mile nn fainisbLe r - terms, n to t o numbor of building lots In the 6th Ward of the city. The,lote front on Ponneylrania Arum; Watson, f °rive, 'Locust, Maria, Vicroy and Dia atm% are but • few rainutos walk from the Court flow and 'will be Kid very cheap. Persona deetrous of revalog a convenhatt and hetabi location for a Immo, or wteltlna• to purchaan for peculation, In • part of the city which must continue ztortilly to improve will foul It to their tatrantano to call upon theenbecribett C. NIAOM Att'y law, - roy29:tf N0.1047111th find, .of Gen. Lane. ty. If there had is thought the "e been defeated. f 4 9 FREEZER, It e, Sale by I .t.,All.gben F ARMS FORSALE.-113. gicrosbrournor Farm Vand, fall of Coal:on thatit4poiiii,.l7t. Warm and Chicago ltallroad. 112 lore, of Excellant Lard tad Cornet Cool, near Dec. lin gt 3 A on. - • 16cres of LoM on Ile Itedltoaa,2l, trines below the city. 196 Acme °U.:tad, well. lonirorl; near the town of la,„ alarm 26 AtTas of land, throe otlb• Para., Comity Seale, flosses and,Lols, r. 1 ,31.1 dracrlbod In s Fluted 8%4.000 , 1,0 th .!• who Irish to Rumba.. Elul alto of: 7, .• o 16 T11011.0.911,00k5,11•11:Eitita DoFourth ke; • • ' • dna*. SIL CLOSED, rIBEAT BARGAINS IN-COALILAND.- , wo offer that rah:fable Coal l'mct rif Land, on the Monoopthola in the Mild pod, 'adjoining 7 ho loan of 'Wormier, motaining.47. l 4' acne,: U woe of trhich pure hteck teal-of 7 foot renr,lhero to oleos second vain of 4%' het. 20 urea of flop timW. insitahletor-pir po ta. Tkla proportyrrannot be ourroard for !A Coal igt• Cat 3,1000111- • g4ela ea the tan bag good 'anarobeAritor all rags ot the year,le offorodat eviler..2Lnp.= Sit th*OWDer is going Wear. Apply at once to =- ` - • • opl.': sox. - CIOAL LAND FOR RALR:,-- .o ander!' • ‘,./ ell offer" for pile ONEIIIINDR/Freri‘Alni • so f of, . COAL LAND, • • • -,,,, Clouts." th • first pool,bne of . 12", rani" desirable kicattotik on the Afonolahals Wee. , The attention of Iron men; Cool inert; cad rapityarte ts directed trithlspronerry, as fats believed the opportrmity far profitable inerstnient tsrack aaia not often prevented. Th. , . . : S. terms aro