The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 09, 1857, Image 2

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itishurglj 05atitt,
p. r. IFIIIIOII I, -.D. 1. u.r-
S. RIDDT & Co.,
PITT 13 33 17 P. GI r.
PoLams aLltiOlß.—The resent speech cf
Senator Douglas at Springfield, Mi., has drawn
out the leading men of the opposition to " De
mocracy" Mita speeches also. The non. Mr .
Lincoln's speech delivered also in Springfield
during the later part of last month, we have
already noticed, and as Mr. Lincoln is a candi
date for Senatorial honors at such time as
. _ .
there shall happen a vacancy in the United
States Senate from Illinois, the views expressed
in his sreech may be considered as an epitome
of those of° the Republicans of the State on the
question's at issue.. On the 29th ultirim Mr.
Trumbu 1, the ,colleague of, Senator Douglas,
gave his views on "Kansas, Utah and Dred
Scott "li the city of Springfield also, and in
the Roll of the Homo of Representatives.—
With respect to the first and last of the clues
-61123 above entimenited, his declarations were
consonant with those of the Republican party
again and again and everywhere reiterated. As
a necessary deduction from the great principles
we have espoused, handed down to us by the
Fathers of the Constitution and embodied in the
first enactments of the Congress of the United
States, there can be no hesitation as to the
course of the Republican party in this other
question now becoming prominent, to wit: the
Utah imbroglio. Not so with the pro-slavery
Democratic party, so-called. They are in the
most unhappy condition of persons who have
mixed grievous doses for others, which they
themselves are at length obliged to swallow at
. any cost of pain and disgust.
On this point Mr. Trumbuß made the follow
_ ing remarks:
To show the working of this great principle of
Popular Sovereignty, I beg leave to read an extract
from the proclamation of the President and rulers
of the Mormon Church, in which, after finding fault
with the Republican party for including their sacred
institution, in the phrase of "the twin relics of bar
barism," they 'declare that: . .
"The Democratic Contention In Cinch:esti which
nominated James Buchanan fur President, passed
the following resolution :
It-mired, That Congress has no power, under the
Constitution, to interfere with or control the domes
tic institutions of the several States, and that all
such States are the solo and proper judges of every
thing pertaining to their own affairs not prohibited
by the Constitution.
This is the principle of the Democratic party,
which they have extended to Territories as well as
States, and the doctrines of Sovereignty apply to us
in the desert as well as to the settlers of Kansas or
TIM Democratic party is the instrument, in God's
hand, by which is. to be effected our recognition as a
sovereign State, with the domestic institutions of
Slavery and Polygamy, as established by the patri
archs and renewed to the saints of latter days, through
God's chosen rulers and prophets."
How unkind, after the Mormons have taken shel
ter in the bosom of the self-styled Democracy, and
embraced its " great principle of popular sovereignty
and self-government," that this self-same Democm
ey, in speaking of them, should declare. itself not
satisfied with any half- - meaoureo, bat to be "the duty
of Congress to apply the knife, and cut out the
loathsome, disgusting ulcer." But if the self-styled
Democracy, by their false impressions, have misled
the Mormons, it is some satisfaction to know that
they are subscribing to the Republican creed, by
recognizing the 'power of Congress over tho Terri
tories. According to that creed, there never was
any difficulty in dealing with the 41oncona Rcpab
liens, have believed the authority of Congress over
the Mormons in. Utah, for the purpose of depressing
crime and licentiousness, as complete as is that of
the State of Illinois over its inhabitants, and think
Congress just sof culpable in tolerating polygamy in
Utah, as the Legislature of Illinois would be in tol
erating it in this Stale.
Dn. Ross does not seem to succeed very well
in leading the secession from the New School
Presbyterian Church. Tbo Charleston Southern
Prabyterian says:
"It has not been so clear to our minds that there
has been any unconstitutional act of "usurped
power" on the part of the majority—though we fully
admit that it affixed a stigma upon the South and its
Institutions which was uncalled for and intolerable.
The action of the late Assembly does not differ from
that of preceding Assemblies, except in a more ex
press condemnation of a particular sentiment on the
subject of Slavery, and of a particular Presbytery
as maintaining it. It was not properly an act of
discipline, but simply of testineway, and why those
who have endured similar obnoxious testimonies from
1850 until now, should so suddenly awake to its un
righteous' oppressive, destructive character. it is for
them, not far as, to say. Had this schism taken place
in 1850, instead of 1857, it would hare been no mat
ter of - Wonder to Southern men."
It adds:
'While, too, the whole mrponsibility of the past
agitation rests upon the North, and twenty-seven
memorials, from as many—different Pensbyteries,'
brought the subject befalls the daseribly, there stilt
!NW 40 us lOLleking obtrusive in the manner in
chick the Presbytery of Lexington
. South urged the
issue, and something unguarded and needlesely harsh
in their language on the subject. There is just the
different. between saying .'Slaveholding is right,'
and "Slaveholding is not strong," that there is. be
tween every positive end the corresponding negative
The one-seems to imply a positive approbation and
• • r neency which the other does not, and hence is
mom likely to bo misunderstood. For can tee say
that Dr. F. el. Bon, with edlhis acknowledged ability
and boldness, is precisely the champion of ear choice,
either in laegnage or sentiment.'
Tun Dubuque 77incslelther ignorantly or mend,
dimsly gays: "The Supreme Court has decided that
foreigners who. came to this country subsequent to
September 17th, 17139; or their descendants to all
future posterity, cannot become citizens of the Unit.
ed Staten" Is this the aaserfion of a knave or a
• •
Of neither. -Judge Taney decided in the
Dred Scott case that none but those who were
citizen - 5 of the United Staten when the Constitu
tion was adopted and their descendants could
now be regarded as citizens under it. He said:
“Every person suiCovery class and description of
persons who were it the time of the adoption of the
Constitution recognized as citizens of the several
States, became also citizens of the new political body;
bat none other; it was formed by them, zued for than
mid their posterity, but/or no one des-"
This clearly excludes the posterity of all who
were not then citizens. In order to cut off the
poor blacks, the Supreme Court has made a
lunge which also cute off (if it dares to follow
oat legitimately the broad principle we have
quoted,) every descendant of foreigners coming.
in since the formation of the Constitution.
, An United States slarecatcher named Poffen
barger. who has been spying in Champaign Co.,
• Ohio'for some time past, last week arrested Sen
ator Brand, Judge Baldwin, and Sheriff Clarke,
all of Urbana, upon the charge of obstructing
U. B. oflicers in the discharge of their duty in
the "Greene County Rescue Case."... They were
briTu s ritliatore Commissioner Newhall in Cin
cinnati on the 4th, who held them to bail in
$1,500, which was immediately given. Their
trial is set for the 14th, and Judge John A. Cor
win will appear as council for the prisoners.
Tug Lisetitrr or A HUSBAND ron nta \Virg's,
DEBTS.—The Circuit Court in New York city
has Just decided that a husband is not liable for
the debts of his wife, unless fos. articles neces
sary for her condition and circumstances in life.
The case was that of John Atwill vs. Henry
W. /kooks, for three silk dresses of the value of
$92:62. It appeared that the plaintiff sold the
dresses to defendant's wife, not knowing defend
ant. The Court held that he must look to the
wife for pay.
Mr The correspondent of the Boston Bee
says that a private letter from Bayard Taylor,
IDIMIIICts the forthcoming;marrirge of that un
tiring traveller. The lady is the daughter of a
German professor, and the happy couplewill
probably spend the honeymoon at Taylor's ro
mantic home In Gotha.
Tax Suo.:llaatsa fXLEGILILPIL—Mr. EL J.
Itaymondywho is in Europe, has written a let
ter to the effect that the vessels which are to
Ly,the telegrapheabie will notbeready
to all before the .let orate 10th of August, mad
that it Is possible that theentire expedition may
be postponed to Another Beason.
Tar Louisville journal "almost hopes" that
the next Legislature or Kentucky will change
the twee ofJeeies B. Clay to Tyler, or Pierce,
or Kendall, or Bleir, either with or without his
consent. .- '
, Tan New Orleans Prelude journal L' Orleanoti
of Jima 28 hementions a.well marked case of
yallovr fever in that city which proved fatal.
Thee victim a young Frenchnum Louis Matthew
.3;9; - -
moor Near 100,000 poun' di- of wool were
, purabluswi In Cadiz, Ohio, dming the riot wooly
at prices miens trota46 to 65 ofttti Per pound
. _
Sit strinasr F.ecr..—Southern men and their '.):OF all the pleasure that kind looks or the i
northern lefties 'often betray, by la single act, , kind Wards give, or have-given in life can bal. , 1 ---, ---.:-:-.,..-- _
how heirtless they are In their professed deco- once the pain that reproachful eyes' occasion— . To Consumptives and other Invalids! . C .• I v"reascr.Coars tar. 1
eyes[ lAM,. have become sealed over with that .
APPOINTNEsr ESTE:N.7IED TO JC1.11..M. ." Ihr,,i •tn. June 'Sable:27. j
lion to southern Interests. It is natural to SUP- leaden seal t h a t tin s . a m, how - they pierce out r'''...„ DtrIDEND. —The President and Directors
c 7.. Y f 0 Con v itl rills de .tec bead a 41‘1,10 dof
pose that these men, if honest in their politics, .by day time, and more dreadfully by night— Eire , C. AI. 'FITCH S:. , S. VV . . . 5 'V - kl- •••-' . ""' ' 1 """- `" - 7 :. : .. .".
regard slavery an a beneficent institution — cape - I ~.,,,, ~, p i ,,,,5,„ r ,h. ; in Light Dollars per share upon the t..pital -teeL. sas live
through and through! Words slip and are fon- ' 5/ 11,17 1u 7;ii11.T . ...t.-I,Verd y t7;„ , ~, „„, ,„,,,,,,,, .., , h „ Dollars payable in oaf, to the stook !folders. or thew legal
cially BO to the white race—that it is good both • gotten, but looks, reproachful looks, make up Ni. CLAIR llOTEL;wheie they may be consulted by those • csldAon and after NeudaY. Rte '-t-el . in . '''. and
all that i.terrible in dreams. wishing to avail then.ebrea of Dr. )inn' s aystem of treat- Thee Wier, credit te ,, l A "riatft
31A _
___ . ,
• in its moral and in its pecuniary results, and • moot. jelgtfclua ILIIIELL, Sec•y.
that free society, in the language of the Rich- Teo New York Evangelist says at Jamesburg The combination of r CITIZEN'S BANK:
near A bo the Sabbath school of the Presb '
~ Fitch and Dr. Sykes ata: m beet ' a i amply J"coell'a,
---- CITIZENS" BANK.' Pirrsnuacit, May
mond Enquirer, is indeed a failure. Such being teian Church was holding its ntlikting in tile . odarrtYliner'dotrT.'"°tonou'..n..trt'l":-',. ',..,..°...7t.`"dr1,, -,...9' 19.14.56.—N0tice is hereby given to the Steekholdent
their professed belief, it would be rational to 1 afternoon, when lightning strak the building. theiraystena, relferttlay ho obtained In all enwe not absolute
il. gVirkt.,
tlet p t i k . s t for ., the sobaliption of the 5300.-
(authorised by the late sup
expect that their private practice would corres- I The ladies who wore brass hoops in their dresses I YI, - ,Y t zt i,l,reac ,„,, b of 7.7! t, ~,„ of
.v , th ,„„a ; ,, nd plement to the chattel. of it, citiects'Depasit Bank.) will
pond with their political dogmas and their public • wore uninjured, but the hoops themselves ' . he,1 on MONDAY 2.3 th inst., and remain open until
Stbonotrophielnhabirione fa added to that of appropriate in- .
the LAlLh o of .. .Jtey next ' ED. JONES, Czar,
action—that slavery being a good and beipfisent ego melted; The electric fluid was thus', weal remedies, to renovate and snstain the strength of the oo'
institution and free society a failure, they Ofuld ' diffused, and 'Perhaps lives _saved, by this novel general syaten u and these with such mechannal Moans . ' mr"".."' . .e.
the ease may indicate, ned tapropersitention to e.weise. Slssettassts' AND lisegrarretwats' Basso )
species of conductor. • diet, bathing, friction, te.,.tc.Artll not only afford more or • Tittsburgh,June 25th,1135f. j
not only seek to extend and strengthen the for- . LI-5 - :..N conformity with the 25th section of the
mar by their votes in Congress, but that their X CasAinAsjury in a murder trial last mouth, iroi r oli i v 'th" s Tritt ul ti Zrd;•hutstu=andiLtm"gr-Tr'yi `,,",7:f .
' I
resorted to a 'loss ap" to decide whether the could Leda-Intl tram ally ono a the abwre laletiao,3 ring- ~,,,,,, ~..'re g t. ; 4 l ":,..r f Lbe t C. , .CL l T l l: t ri n Ar b. P7llSi t sfe h t
investments in real estate would be made under 1 verdict should be murder, manslaughter or sim- . 'J . ,. tlythtriLhr,.=Y,L them. , .. r. f . 4 111 1 L-7 , , ,, , tf . ,7,= - , i le n idt t ure. at the nest 4,191011, far lie Renewal or Eaten ;
the shadow of the benign institution, and that . pie assault. The result w- as for manslaughter , bejond hops, end those who are in any way {actin to a Ito ll
' Bane a of h PI [ e t s h ll rt rgl a fo I tl ' is S t t e ' r r m th ol ' lltern d y
:t1.1,7 " k% " o 'r r e d r e ' r
but. eight ti of the twelve still refused to assent ' dine.° so Insidnous, mad vo
a t
toastyßSOmptiOti. 1 f th ! Boast of Directors
they would be the lastmen tobecome the owners
gr ed to fight six arainst six. acres; I ''''''' . ..mrelul . Oh , * ths o ' e - - 4 .''' elffe'''ke'. ' j e 2A t g ui d .
of soil over which free society extends its arm- I the WIZ fur a e verdier They omitted this, h., The o d .s .-4 . l „ Le7 t n he of r is . f l o o w nt w . eeka may, In many cams, turn the _
lyzing sway. Yet the fact is exactly the reverse. I ever, and passed the night singing and dancing. I
e.r wists it is possible, we always prefer tow nmk . e . is o, per o st . oin „ l
Instead of investing their money under the I Theyreporteddisagreement and were discharged . I ~ , ,Z;C : .: 7 , ::V h a t,, t o he PrVher7w%,", ants‘'
shadow of the institution they do so much to I 1 ehanee of doing oast and we with no one to consult on who
foster, they bring all their spare means to the , is not ready to hear t troth.
Those unable to ric he lld ii, in writing, be metal to state
free States for investment. While bawling their MEOW hrily. answering. at length, our pubilahed list of
1 qu.tlons, which will bo wall to any rewarding, it; and the
themselves hoarse in their advocacy of the pecu- 1 neonat ris y wont-dies, as well for diseases of the Lows nod
I Steintch, on, for Frallale•,ntay be eent by Express to
liar institution, and while laboring with unceas- • miaow any pert of the Called States. Coumltadoßlree.
log effort to strengthen its power and extend it °Mrs hour, to to 4 o'clock. duly.
FL Clair Hotel. Pittehorgh, ICALVIN Si. FITCH. M. D.
over new fields, their agents are quietly tracers- Slay 13th, to ot. ; -401 IN NV. SYKES, St. D.
lag the free Sta t es and Territories, making large
purchases of real estate out of which the prin
cipals are securing princely fortunes. We hear
of no one of these men making invent meats of
this character in any of the slaveholding states.
The Chicago Press says:
.. ,"When the agent of Mr. Slidell wrote to him the
other day that he could buy lands in Missouri of
equal fertility with those of Illinois for about one
fourth the price of the hitter, and. advised that the
Missouri lands be taken, Mr. Slidell replied, "Buy in
Illinois." Mr. Toombs comes all the way from
Georgia to buy lands in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Col. Orr from South Carolina to purchase in lowa
and Nebraska, Mr. Breckenridge from Kentucky to
Superior City and the beautiful cluster of islands in
the lake of the same name, known as the. Apostate
Islands, Mr. Douglas gigantic speculations are
confined mainly to Chicago. It was only • day or
two ago that we chronicled a single purchase of his in
this city amounting to SIGO,OOO. Mr. Bright follows
Mr. Breckinridge in his investments. Col. Richard
son owns an interest In the town Superior, and has
made investments in this city, in Quincy, Rlioois,
and in Keokuk, lowa. And so of all the rest. Not
one of them crosses the line into slave territory
while pursuing his individual speculations. In this
respect, at least, they are intensely sectional—as ex
treme northern men as in politics they are extreme
ambers men.
*Now here is a significant fact that should have its
influence on the public mind. Itis a refutation and
repudiation, in private life, of all the political theo
ries promulgated and praimd by the men in question Is
in their public life. It presents them in the attitude
of laboring for the subversion of free society and the
spread of slavery, while seeking their individual
profit through the agency of the former, leaving to
their dupes to reap the bitter fruits of the latter.
The honest hearted masses who sustain the political
action of these men should inquire into the reasons
for this discrepancy between political theory and
private practice,"
The St Louis Democrat, quoting the facts here
given, comes in with an emphatic testimony to
the same effect. It says:
, We have personal knowledge of many young pro
slavery Kentuckians who have invested hundreds of
thousands of dollars in• Chicago and the northwestern
states and territories. These young pro-slavery
democrats and whige, under the lead of John C.
Breckinridge, having screwed down the lid of the
coma upon their own state, by fastening upon it a
constitution making the emancipation of slaves im
possible, are now running away from their slate,
-which theylhave tied to a dead corpse, and are laying
out their money in the free states."
Goes-rows.—The latent arrival from England
brings the report of a debate in the British Par
liament, introduced into the house by Lord Ham
ilton who asked what steps had been taken by
the Government to obtain compensation for the
losses of British subjects at Greytoarn. Lord
Palmerston replied that "British subjects at that
place had no ground to call upon the Govern
ment to demand compensation from the United
States," and the mattter dropped, after eliciting
a few strong opposition . speeches. It is suppos
ed that the historical reminiscences of Copenha- '
gen and Navarino, were in his mind's eye when
he thus spake. From the perusal of numerous
letters in the leading journals of New York and
the reading of the debate which sprang up, not
withstanding, the rejoinder of Lord Palmerston,
we get a very well defined idea of the estimation
in which Mr. Pierce and his administration was
and is held by the people with whom alone we
have extensive diplomatic relations. The gen
tleman wit° started the inquiry above mentioned
' called thrattack cal Greytown " a disgraceful
outrage committed upon defenceless citizens,"
and even Lord Palmerston while making the
statement above quoted called it a eery vio
lent and cruel proceeding, " and added that
"the manner and degree of severity rellecred
no credit either upon the Government which
ordered or the officer who executed those or
ders." Lord Loraine believed this was the
first time when a civilized nation 'in a period
of profound peace, at once sent down an armed
force, not merely to destroy a town, but to de
stroy property•belonging to a friendly power.—
But Roebuck feared "it was cruel and dishonest
on the part of the United States Government,"
and Disraeli stigmatized the attack as "an 'infa
mous and insufferable outrage.
Mr. Beutiack closed the ball by declaring
that " cotton" was at the bottom of the pusil-
lanimous course which he declared the British
Government hod Adopted in winking at an out
rage upon British subjects and upon the Consul
whose bottle was battered down when the En
glish flag was flying upon it.
obtained on Saturday the following particulars
.of an attempt -to destroy the lives of the family
of Mr. John Jones, of Randolph, by mixing ar
senic with their food. Some days since a mem
ber of the family, in passing through the yard of
the premises, discovered a package containing a
quantity of Brown sugar. It was taken into
the house, and a portion used in cooking. Sub
sequently several members of the family were
seized with sudden and alarming illness, the de
tails of which have not come to band. Suffice it
to say that that the sugar found in the yard was
suspected of containing poison. Still certain
members of the family discredited the inference
ang continued to partake of the food sweetened
with thestrange sugar. Thesame symptoms re
sulting from its use in this case as in the other,
a portion of the contents of the paper was
brought to this city, and submitted to Dr. A. A.
Hayes, for chemical analysis. The result of his
examination disclosed the presenee of a consider
able quantity of arsenic.
On being informed of the result of the analy
gist. thttauspicions of - the family rested at once
upon a young woman named Lucinda Ann Hunt,
recently employed as a domestic in the house, as
the person who left tho poisoned sugar on the
premises. She was accordingly arrested and
brought before Justice Churchill for examina
tion. The most important witness for the pros
ecution is a sister of the accused, who testified
as we are informed, to hearing her sister say
that if the arsenic did not 'do any good in sugar
_shy would put it in the welL" After a full
hearing of the evidence in the case, Justice
Churchill ordered the defendant to recognise in
the sum of $6OO for trial at the next term of the
Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Dedham,
to which place, in default of bail, she was fully
' committed. The accused is about twenty-two
years of age.—Roston Journal, July 6.
The Herald of Freedom of the 27th. estimates
the influx of population to Kansas the present
ci ,,
season at 80,000, and is of °Rini n that before
winter sets in 100,000 will have een added to
the permanent population of e Territory.
Meantime the human current pours on with un
diminished volume. Many stop in Western
Missouri, and others continue on to Northern
Texas. There is a regular stream of emigrants
flowing south through Lawrence and and other
places to Kansas, says the Herald, to the num
ber of hundredia day, looking for a warmer
Man. McLas.v, the infatuated and wicked wo
man, who yielded to the seductions of the Mor
mon elder, Pratt, is now in St. Louis, and is the
object of careful surveillance of the police, who
believe she contemplates some mischief. She
ought to be sent to an insane asylum.
As old woman up in Henry is collecting all
the Deuttoratio papers she can lay her hands
on, to make soap of. She says "they aro a
despot sight better than ashes—they are most
as good no clear //e.—Lou. Jour. •
TUE Lewisburg Bank—one of the new institu
tions chartered by the last Legislators—hes
been organized by the election of Wm. Cameron,
Esq., as President, and F. W. Pollock, Esq., of
Milton, Cashier.
SALE 07 A lIAILROAD:-It ill announced that the
Portsmouth and Concord Itailroadwill be offered
At auction on the first of September next, at the
Court House, Portsmouth, by the Trainees, act
ing in behalf of the bondholders.
MissTfaauMzscasrs, the female astrono
mer, of Nantucket, will sail for Earns on the
22d inst., and remain a year or two abroad; In
the prosecution of her sclentillo lirestiptioits:
THE feeling in the South against the course
adopted by One. WALKER in Kansas grows more
bitter. A public meeting has been held in Mont
gomery, Ala.. at which violent resolutions, de
nunciatory of the tiovernur, were adopted, and
inflammatory speeches made. LAWRENCE M.
KEITT, of South Carolina, late the colleague of
PRESTOS S. I.lnoußs, has published a letter in
which Gov. Wohger. is abused without stint.
Waanton.—A letter to the San Antonio Texan,
dated Laredo, Texas, May 25, say,
You have doubtless learned before this reach.
es you, that ' , Wild Cat," the Seminole chief, who
gave the United States so cinch trouble in Flor
ida, is dead. He, with forty of his people, fell
victims to the small pox.
BEST THINGS To G ITE. —The best thing to
give to your enemy, is forgiveness; to your op
ponent, tolerance; to 0 friend, your heart.; to
your children, a good example; to a father, de
ference; to your mother, conduct that will make
her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all
men, charity.
DAVID K. Arcurssos, of Kansas notoriety,
has written a letter to friends in South Carolina,
virtually abandoning the geld. He says it is
evident the South is no match for the North in
Kansas, and that the latter contributes ten dol
lars where tha former gives one for the support
of its cause.
Ties bank a (France has reduced the premium
at which it buys gold from 12s.n8s. sterling per
mill, which greatly diminishes the profits on
exports of gold from this country. According
to present appearances the hank will cease to
give a premium very soon, and lower its rates
of discount.
MARRIED—ft Wrdneaday, July 6,1, at the residence at
11. Riddle. Lawrenceville, by the Iter R. I,e, LEWIS
ORAY, Esq.. of Ripley, Ohio, and Mr,. MAItY REED,
Lasrrenenville. Allegheny Co., 1•a.
DIED--On Woduratlay afternoon at :it, o'clock. WILLIAM
Ills funeral will take pla,Vriday morning at tw „clock
from hls late residence, Ilars's Island, Dudnesne Itnroogls
Weakness of the Stomach and Indligea-
TMN.—Anneho- &. of fare eircrfert by Lr,trhare's
thtters.—The wets of Pieter th, Witte. itt Holland
Town, Sheboygan counts. Wisconsin, RUffcre , l much from
Weakr.e.ea of the Stomseit nod Indigestion. she had been
under a physluiare. care for ...Ito time, but the disease
seemed to bailie even his skill. she pureitmed come llote
MITZI. at our nines, whirls has gi•en tone to her
stomach; her appetite and strength ma returning. and as
firmly believe that thin is another great rum °fleeted by
your medicine.
We hare still to record many wonderful cure, effected by
this remedy. 101 l mutt wait another opimrt unity. One thing
youlenn rely upon. what we hare published AT from per
moth respeeted in our community. and are literally
itarßald iit SI per Until,. to sig butt!..." fin. S:), to, the prls
prietors. BENJ. PAO E. Jr._ A CO.. 3tenufseruring
ceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh, INs. and Druggistsirsot
erally. See adverturneut-
13riclizepoll, Conn-,
Pit tsburgh., 6 S Filth Street.
Mt Machine litttchrt
Finest or Coarsest Fabric),
Al the pi...rya the 01.e3tnr. mating with et..eit.te Thew
and bcautafo aluo.t noise
lately. and are lweasitut Indectenaable for (molly u.e.
Full Information luny ~btaauel In addreeiur Janet,
Eeing, or ALEX.. It. REED. tipsu,
No. py FibL arrel. Pittsburgh.
Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce,
, (14F A LErrEn FRoNI
I, To hi. Brother at
And applinablo to I-
SPtIECESTE.B, Slay, 1841
EV E.P. nl4 . Tril LEA A PEEICINS that
her Sauer in highly env-rm
.. V A IL I E T T ed in India and In. In my
ohniwu the aunt palatable aks
well iu thewost whoinnume
Sem, that le mode "
The only Medal sward.' by the Jury of the Neer York
Exhibition for Eereign Man, wan obtainrd by LEA A PEE
EMS for their WORCESTERSIIIRE nIECE, the world.
wide fame of which haviror led to.nurneroun Itultationa, per
ehmere see .artinetly relrunnted to nene that the name, of
"LEA k PERILINS” ere tmpreeaed upon the Bottle eel
Stopper, and printed upon the labels.
Sole Wholeoule Agenne for the United Melee,
404 Drondowy, Now Una.
A einck al way. In More. AD.o, orders rrceirod for direct
shipment from England mytt,lydrer
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
TONES, Etoa-D . 1 / 4 CO.,
Efsaufaciarva of CAST STEEL; also. SPRING, PIMW and
Qom,. Rasa and First Streets, Piff.sburstk FL_
C JO= . 111. 1 , 0
1111IIIACTUP.Cill or
Rogers , Improved Patent Stec!
Cultivator 'Teeth,
thrarr Rots and First &rests, jiltsburgh,
Forwarding and Commission Merchant,
Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish
And Produce Generally,
d&.F Ne. 2f trzod Ittriitt, Pittsburgh.
WM. 8.A.1-V.CMILL., Jr..
House, Sign and Ornamental Painter,
Grainer and Gilder on Glass,
Nearly opposite the Post 01200,
PURE, COLD AND srAitaii.n. r
rec onriterczmix rousurs rrensacrum.
IL D. SCULLY, Fourth street,
Corner Ferry ttro Main from Knox', Confectionary.
.17.11-WECS A. CI,I3.LJEY
Housei Sign and Ornamental Painter.,
White Lead and Zinc Panne.
Also, all kinds of Points, Oils; Tornishon, Windom. Glens,
Putty, listudies, kn.,
144 Wood Wed, two doors akssre Diamond Alloy.
Pittsburgh Variety Works
JONES, wAia..r..N.TcrvoßD &co..
(Saccemors to Warwick, Atterbury & C 0.,)
Manufacturers oflUght and Left Wand Door Locks, Spring,
Drop and numb Latches, Platform and Counter Scales,
ColifieZeora and Paint and Domestic flardware goner
'a corner of Water and Grant streets, Pittobargh, Pa.
Iron Railing, Iron Vistalts, Vault Doors,
Window Shutters, Window Guards, he.,
/ Not. 91 Second Street and 66 Third Sheet,
(Between Wood and )larket,) PPITBLIURGII, PA,
navy on hand a variety of new Pattemt, flinty and plain,
Woltable for all porposts. Particular attention paid to en•
\riming (Irate Lot*: Jobbing done nt abort notice. 'twit
1.CER,013.612 , 7T
No. 54 St. Clair Street,
(Dr. Irish's New Building,)
NIA.NSIMMIA33 (Ohio) liIRFLA-1,13
JOFIN I..A.vG-Haxx,
aullaaid N 0.156 Wind Stred, ntexr
TH3 Imamme num of testimony In arm of H.ofland's
Orman Bitters, nominees to that that the article b all that
it is represented to he, end in consequence, we Weise •
trial of it by those afflicted with diseases ler which It Is
R. CHATFIELD, Req., add
Lot an, Dodge on., Me., 800, I, IBsl.—"Oser a year ago
I gent some money to you from Canada, and received some
of your Demme Hitters, which I used and found great relief
from. Ny health has Improved to Farb a degree that I am
again able to attend to bustuesa. A largo number of dye•
thee In Ude neighborhood hare had to send to Mb:rankle
for the medicine. An agent here could sell large quant}..
ties, as 'know Rib bee sure torts"
Samuel Moon, Kuril's, Wis., Janses L Manville, Jerre
eon; Wb, Holden, Kemp & Co, Janesville, Wle.,and Wien
In that Sate, have idso expensed their great tonfidence In
the Titan of the Bitten. • -
Sok4 Wieelesale and
m et , at Dr. GEO. U. ESTHER'S
Drag Stare, 140 Madame, sign of the Golden Mortar.
Ike advartleethent. JolliwdkerT
- Ir you !nine your teeth. and a pure breath,
healthy gMal and =MARI& mouth, go to KEYSZWS,
340 Wood street, and bay • bottle of Ram's Too= Rau
TOO= an
Sputa. Aotireo
Exchange Bonk of Nebraska,
FL 0 R ENCE, r.
General Land Agents & Dealer in Land Warrants,
Irliarrance. N. T..
Will give their personal attention to Buying and Selling Real
Estate, Entering Lands, Limiting Money and Paying Timm,
lu Kettioska, lowa and Kansas.
Exchange Rank, Pittslotrgh, Pa.
C. O. Hussey k Co„ " "
R. Patrick k Co., Bankers. Pittsburgh, Pia
Mach. Leek Co.. :Reecho.",
It. P. Raley, hanker, Philadelphia.
Winsina, Lanier k Co.. lies , cork.
Luca" k Simonds, Banker. St. Louis.
&Ilea &Co., 31erehants,
Bank of Commeree,Clevoland, Ohio.
J. O. Ihm,y.
Vft.llo tea DO INA"J tmtwl
6,26:tetf (Dr. Mob'. New Building.)
Hats, Caps and Aura.
Wholesale and Itetall Hatters,
131 Wood 'Street,
Hass always on hand a full and complete stock of KATE,
CAPS and FtRS, trliotelialo and Beloit - gold at the lowest
EAsternpriced., to which they Incite attention of all
it pin ,
European and Intelligence Office,
Keeps always for sale Drafts on Europe for my amount.
and steamer and Packet Tlckete to .1 from Llrerpool to
New York.
Girls for rooks end' general hrowe-work (smashed to
houffiekeerwrs MI short notice.
%cm Indian Vegetable Palm and Syrup always on hand.
Pawengers brought from New York and Philedelphm on
railroad to Pittsburgh. Ja.9:dly
Matonfacturer and Dealer in all tint• of
A , D
Rana rf Sinakkeld ST,Pf and Pannnond
The Only &tamed,roe Consumption, which
experience bwe preyed reliable,
[Late Rabb. Clark &
Puro and Genuine Cod Liver Oil.
haa etoOti the test of tat yea. with latreafaa Mth ,
Ity. and proved anti...aim! where others hart bailed. See
that yob at Heimann, Clark k Co 's, fer elute the death et
ear Mr. ltui.hann an article aned "/Zustnen'e ha. fan In
troduced. in nn way ronweetie/ with R. C. it Co, or It. C. 6 C.,.
Sold by Amite. S Co, B. A. VAIINCSIOCIE di Co. rt.lnhati
Rea. abil Druantateauerally. J•+:2 radawte
twcrn.csearn 0/
AA - net-Loon Galvanized Shoot Iron.
And Sole Agra& for the Asi•
a'. Dram Wona's
Patent Intltatiottpaala Sheet Iron.
As.m. Ualraffloml enrrumstod Iron. On Roofing.
flfß.Warelsou,--No. 131 Font Sired, lialbeirgh.
WOOD STREET, CO R NE f: fill?!).
DEPOSITS received on current accounts as
Interest paid only on money deoso,lted toe a flood time.
All check, on our *Mee will be paid to currency, union
°There - lee suarlied.
W. U OVALS.. A Co. buy sal sell Eoclnnge on the pen
clpal clon. of the Unlrod :tat.. and Europe. Je27,lm
Corner of /inn and sr. mu, &red:, Mtsburgh
choice 13rmadv of Imported Cigar.
T 023.41.000, ffto_,
Sohen,. the att.ntloo of Smokers and Chewers to ha
sink. which will be found complete WI to qualay and variety.
British and Continental Exchange.
On the ITnion Bank, London.
In Sur. f .C 1 and Upwards.
These bridle an. Itillibkhie at all the principal WWI. of
England. Eouland and Ireland and the Cantlindit.
We .1... draw aight Bills an LUAU)! DAL
LTN, Frankfort a Main. which Barre.. • Remittance to all
pane of Ilermany, Switserland and Holland.
Pentane Intending to travel abroad may procure through
n. Lemon of Cretin, on which Money coo ho Obtained, as
itecalftl, In any part. of Europe.
Collection, of Bills, Not, and other securitlea to Europe,
trill twelve prompt attention.
,oh= corner Wood and Third street.
Nelson's Ambrotypes.
Gallery, Third and Market $
We are now prepped to offer to the public out well U. , wn
nyies of Actibrotypeu at the low prier of ON3 DOLNiAII .4
UPWARDS. now Inciting likenesses token In the hest
style of the art, will find it greatiy to their Interetit to glee
this eetablishnient • mil. A large unartment of Plain and
kkne7 Ones always on hind. apffhlyfe
Re. EIL.TZT Axncu having at length suer ad In effect.
tug what bas long been considered the great d idemtutu In
often it to the Faculty and Public ass remedy r • multi
tude of complaints hitherto pronounced beyond all mdlcal
cure. In all atm:mons toffections, where the scroufulous
taint is either hereditary or enquired, the lODINE WATER
removal from the Nye.. of the morbid GILILies of the din.
order. The beoeficial results are immediately felt In LIV
FEMALE DISEAFF-4, together with BRONCHITIS, =tithe
entire range of PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. Dr. Henry
Anders' lodine Water has been analyzed by Dr. James R.
Chilton. the celebrated ehemeist, and also by Professor
James C. Booth, of tho U. S. Mint, of Philatlclpltia, and
otb pronounce it to be Just what it Is reptcsented. For
amnion, furolahing fhll details of the legitimate character
°phis remarkable medicine, ea well ea for certificates eel.
ontarily given by Gone who have been cured by use.—
The public are Invited to cell u pon
' • •
DE. GEO. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood nowt,
Jadattaxi , Wbolesd* and Retail Agent
"Hest Pills in se:.
Frazer'. Headache Pills.
They will cure the most violent headache.
They will cure costive bowels.
They an • tonic as well as purgative.
11 your had pain. yon. one dose will cure yore.
If you have Indigestion they will help yon.
If you are Ida they will make you well.
They are the best pill to cure billowiness.
They are a plain pill and . good pill.
Nu better pill can be compounded.
They cost only 25 rents • boa.
Bent by mall to all parts of the United States.
Direct your letters to 11a. KEYSER, No. 140 'Wore! street,
Pittsburgh, Pa., the Wholeside Agent. my&d,kvmF
maxv7icnn.. AND DZAIXIM Lf
All kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigar.,
Maw recently taken the building No. IWO Wood street, to
addition to their Manufacturing Efitablisbatent, N 0.431 rwin
dm', where they will be pleened to rewire their friend'',
The price of Flacon I, 15 cent...
The price of the Pomade 75 cent..
The price ofthe Bache:, (very elegant) lo 76 mats.
The price ol the Fruit, (per boa) to 1,00
The poke of the 'memo to 60 cents.
sonu Frangipanni. Ererylvely uses 11.
INGER k CO, 356 Broadway, Now York. Bold Everywhere.
Nonce TO 211: Prima—Whereas certain perooao to tho
United States ern offering- for ale
Frangipani:a Perfumes,
of a spurious ashue,ltt imitation alb: real article made by
Moon. PIESSE & LUBIN, thla to
. .
that now Is genuine but what ham the name of PIESST &
LUHIN of Hood at, London, an the bottles, and mold by
INGER & CO:. of New York. SOLE AGENTS.
The New London Scent.
Frangipani, en Eternal Perfume ,
From the Holy City.
INGER & CO.,,MBroashray, NOW York. Sold Everywhere.
Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil,
dels,olyfc Neu. 169 and 170 Second
DR. KEYSER); SIIOULDER 13 ructs—From
Pittsbargh Dispatch, April 10th, 13 . 50 , — F0r i. 3 to than 3
Yuen Peat we ban elmtanity worn the Washington Sur
pander Broom, nmuntketured by Dr. Geo. IL Keyser, of No.
110 Wood knot, in this city, and would heartily recom
mend it to all who ore compelled to tbllow a sedentary men
puke. As we hare before remarked, in calling attention
to th merita, It answers for a brace and suspender; the
weight of the pantaloons being as placed at, to continually
tend to being the &boulders to their tudnral poeitlon and ex
pand the chtat, Woman, hundreds of whom are annually
IRltcrvd by the weight of enocmom nakirtar should also
Drains these brace.. De particular in mewing the kind
mentioned, as many of the braces 'old are humbug. Sold
at Dr. GEO. IL KEYSER'S, Wholesale Drugs:L*o4o Wood
street, sign of ihe Golden Mortar. 3820ulkwil?
To Netvosto Ron A ...tired el
tutored to health to a few dam oft= m=7 /. 44 . 1 i n
=tn.. naming. ft eutzkrati to make known the menu of
Me. Win mhd (free? the prewolpttatk toot. Direct to the
Rey. JOH k. N Id. DAGIALL, No. 6G Fulton
ytto ntrut,•Broo
kw klyn.
New Yormo
' • • RUST PIMPS, of imperior kind, for tale
at Lidecdkirin DB. UYOSEVB, Trued it
TfIE ONLY PLACE where Tickets can be
procured vie
Is at the alike of the Company, 31onongabela lime, No
tv.. and opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, corner
of Wayne and Liberty streets.
myStd.ttoitnT myD) F. KNOWLAND. Aernt.
Proposnis for Paving on the Dionon
,gahels Wharf. .
IZE A LED PROPOSALS will be received un-
Wednesday, July 15th, fur grading:lml paving wattle
Monougaliela Wharf, to the amount of two [bemired dollars
to come:soca et the termination of the present pavement Pe:
low the foot of Ferry street. and extend along the river to
wards Penn street. the work to he done raider the direction
of the Remirding Regulator and the Hletrfillaster.
Payment fir the Rome will be made in rose, nut city war
rants. Proprsals nent be addressed te -S.- MORROW,
Chairman of the Committee nn Momaigisheir Wharf:.
By order of the Eommittee on Monona-Miele Wharf.
Jytklwil W. IL WHITNEY, Clerk to Committee.
offer for .ate I to In acres of ground, being a part of the
°Atwood Place' at Oakland, upon widen 1 now reside. It
la a desirable location to any one sainting a home in the
country, which It Within L . C , minutes walk of the Court
Apply upon the premises.
Jy9:2wd• • JOHN li. SEMPLE.
C°—PABINERSIIIP.—We have' this day
associated with in the Styth and Candle business,
John Ilindley. The business will he continued As hereto.
fore, under the nand , and style of WALKER A CO. The
business of the late firm will be settled at their Factory in
Allegheny. or nt the office of John Floyd & Co., corner of
Cth and Wood street. Pittsburgh. W. & If. WALKER.
Allegbany,July Ist. Ift,K-JraiStd•
NEW MUSlC—Charlotte Blume has just
received the following sew musk:
Soo Bar in my Dreamt," No. 23 of Fester's Mel.
Des. Just published, 25; My Mary at the Meeulow Gate, trio
fir three female voices, by J. A. Fowler, 25; All'e for the
Rest, new wog by J. R. Thalami, 25; Schottisch Pompadour,
Alphonee Leek. 25, The Falcon Quadrille, Ricardo Linter,
D; Lee Rose de Florence, new polka Mazurka, A Leduc, 25,
The favorite Scotch Melodies, -Auld Robin Grer" and *The
Bootle Rows," trareseritani for piabo, W. V. Wallace, 60;
Merrily, merrily over the See, a beentlfal Baranrolle, words
by !Ivory W. CLnille, compeeol by Wallace, 50—them are
Wallorebi two last compositinner, Fongb4G. W.
Cherry, 30; The Lilac at the Door, with vignette page,
35; Ltlondine, beautiful eong, 25; That . * So; a new comic
song, 25: The Scotch Polka, Chao. D'Albert, 50; The Mule
teer Polka. L. Williams, 50—the twu last Polkas hare rash
an elegantly colored title page.
No. lit, Wood street, 2Jelosrabove Fifth street.
Music mailed free of postage
kJ OAR can be obtained at Morris & Patton's in the Dia.
mond. The trash usually wild for vinegar eight to be pro•
Witted, being composed orrttrita and other ps I.onoun drug..
The vinegar at Morris k Patton's 111/00 swrrt rider two years
back and nothing has been addckto it. Price 25 cents par
A RE ,11111.11) PHYSICIAN _
Whale mods of life liavenesrly run not, discovered while In
the East Indies, • certalncore for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Cough. Colds, and General Debility. The remedy
vi discovered by Idi when his only child, &daughter, was
given up to die. II had 'heard much of the wonderful re
tentive and beating nettle. of preparations made from the
East India Hemp. nd the thought occurred to him that ho
might makes remedy for his eh ild. Ile studied bard ands.-
cevilivii In realizing hii wishes. Ills childous corecloind bloom
alive and well. Ile has slum alltninistured the vonderfolrem
edy to thousands of sufferers in all parte of the world, and tin
has never tailiel In malting them completely healthy, and
happy. Wishing to dons much good as passible, he will Fetid
to such of his alllictqd fellow.beings as request it, this recipe,
with full and explicit directions for making it up, iind suc
cessfully using it. Ile requires each applicant to emilisie
him one shilling—Ulm cents to he returned as postage on
the Mips, and the remainder to be applied to the payment
of this advertisement. Addrets .
• ••• • • •
In. 11. JAMES. No IL brand streot, Jersey City, N. J.
. FL—Dr. Li. James has neither olUce nor nem In New
York, as alma have pretended and ativertiatal. The recipe
b. 'ant from aoAca but No 19. GrUtld gran. Jerney city,
Nco lent,. Ja.2.l..ddurnnefeuT
.T. F. lITJ.L.L.II-MN, having co- ow
Raged the oervlrse the most experianoad Block
Workman in tho United Stales, is prepared to fur-
Teeth. adapted to each particular caw. Full eels of teeth,
or pane of sett made with artificial Kama, in one cm:di:mom
or mild piece.
Artificial Eya inserted, and all defortnithut of the barn
tirt)peralons and work imrrautnd
ltfice Nn. 105 Fonrtb %trent, betirrot Wo,nl9.odEntlthfidd
errant., pittsburgh. npls,6mdfe
Dr. J. mAx-ALEE.:Ist, Surgeon
Dentint. from Nay lurk, Ektraets:Teeth withAn
out pain, I.y n local Ilenumbing Agent to - the °num
ilii-Inar.rtaTerth on Gold, Silver Plat.ina and Gotta Per.
cha and parlors. all Dental oparation.i in a anentibe man.
rd. nod Circulstrs et his Orrice, 4 Smithfield street,
Pittsburgh. npgaltar
P. kx...N.1. - .E.Erf.r . . 7.
(soooootor to W. IT.
Manufacturer of rTIIEREIL ()IL and LAMPE, No. kg
Fourth street. between Weal and Market. Pittsburgh, Pe..
The undersigned is prepared to turnialt Dealers with
Ethereal (El and Burning Fluids of a truperlor qualify, of Itta
own manufacture. Also, Alcobol,Camphene and Pine 011 a,
and every description of Fide and Centre Table Lampe, Gir
.flan', Candelabras of the latent patients and most apprar
.1 style.
Chandeliers, Girandol. and Lamps repaired smi
The aloes Oils,applied regularly esiwy week to cashmere
from our wag... wegarilyfe P. lIATUEN.
TrAnsTEas Arry.Nrios.—Dr. Tobias' Venetian
Roma Liniment. In pint bottles. mice 50 rents, is warranted
cheaper and Mtt•r than any other article eseroffered to the
public for the on, of Cuts, Gall% Sprains, Lameness,
heatlnn. Re. Keep a bottle In the stable, It has eared many
ralaabl• horn. None genuine swileas signed S. L Tobias
Depot, 56 Cortiandt street, New York.
Sold by Dr, KEYSER, 140 Wood et. Je24:diwr,F
TOOTHACHE is inotnndy cured he a few drops
of Dr Keyarr's Tooth Ache Remedy. Prepared and sold at
the drag storo of DR. KETRER, 140 Wood et,
JeolkarcF Sign of the Golden 3fortar.
G 1 ORG-17. w. GREIG Sr. CO-.
$3.3E1C1- DLLASTISP.A.O'I"CM.F.,7t.£3,
(Inner Pax mut Steehantice Street, tarn Mad,
51anufeeture Pine and Out Kega of the rufous descrip
tion, of NAIL KEGS, which they will sell at the lowat
ntracta aro reapectfully aolicittal. All work war.
mated of the best quality. del2lyalfe
6TRINGES of every kind for sale at DR
6EYSEIVS.I.IO Wood street. Jt24,llvmP
owrrucia FEATHERS,
Artificial Flowers,
Fancy Ornament• and Lace Trimmings
for Bonnets.
To rnz Simmons or Prrrsecr.on :
The subscribers have a largo Manufactory in
Paris, and one In New York, azeluilvely devoted to the
ruannfecture of the abase kind of goods. Their present
stock embracing many thousand style. of Feathers and
Flowers. Also the material for manufacturing them, which
are offered at wholesale only, at their Ware Booms.
N 0.230, Broadway. New York.
Rase Lax; Wow Cao St. Char Stroet Bridg;)
Allegheny City, Penna.,
Colo r ii l S PREPARE? and Somber.
abort notice, for every color or somber of Varna.
inir been one of the origlnal,unmufeebarere of the eeleline
led "Bradley Woolen Yarns," m connection with my brother,
Wm. Bradley, of Wheeling, I would respectfully solicit a
share of the orders for Irarnier above.
Sir - Cash paid for Blimp Mod and Wool
OF STOCKS for sale at public auc
tion on Thtuaday craning, July 9th, at,l3 o'clock, at the
Merchante' Exchange:
20 shared Mechanics' Bank, •
20 do • Allegheny do,
50 do Citlecus . Bank,
12 do North Amerloo Mining Co.,
'Block Brokers, 02, Fourth el.
S. W. L 1315, Auctioneer.
THE undersigned hero leave to state to his
Mende and the public generally. that he starts to the
Peat on or about tho oth inch when ho will be happy to as.
commodate any flerson by •procuring any kind of vehicle
they may fancy, Cram fifty to a thousand dollar., and altonld
It not please when brought on they need not rote it if not
eatisfactory. Ile would alto state that be has on heed a
largo variety ate gee, that ha will salivary low for cash,
to elate oas in two week. from this date his now mock
from Eate will h° Ter/ large, and ho will lack coon' t o
atom them. JOS. WEELTE,
Jyliattl Two Mlle Ron, on the Otnenebtirg Turr.pike.
TN PURSUANCE of the proviione of the
'Ordinance for the regulation of the sale of Coal, Han
itc., by weight," tieuled proposals will be melted fat the
management of the rectal stules belongiag to the city until
Ifonday, July 13th, 1617, for one year. The proposals:nest
state how much pot cont. of the gross revenuearbing from
sold scale. the bidders will pay fur the nee of tho same. No
bid will he accepted for less than fifty put cont. of tbo gross
revenue Ow the a.o of the city. Not more than one male
will be awarded to the tame person. Inds to be redo
`Proposals for— (desiguathug the scale hid fur") and.
be left at the City Treasurefe Oilice, addressed to •7L GAL,
%TAY, Chain:nano, the Thum* Committee."
By order of the Committee, Wu. 11. WHITNEY,
Clerk to Committee.
Great Bargain fa Fine Ihabrolderbrs. —
MURPHY & BURCHFLELD have •:no r ked
JAL down tboirenttra elock ark, Embroldrdes toprlka
that maks them great kronen/.
All kinds of donnmer Prom Gonda at lower prtc
than In tho early part of tho 1041$00. lyT
0 , tui , ererped have formed a
partnership In She ;onetime of the L. order the
firm of Roberts t
OM. No. 0 2 Onza "Mt, baterecu street sad the
Jy7e.l.rxhc JOHN MELLON.
FWE AUNLITES O riurarapit,
Just Receivdd and for Sale by
/Ale O . W . lIIIBLEY, Federal a., Allegheny,
FRUIT CANS—Safe and easily closed, and
have Mood the teat of experience for yam. For ale
cheap, with fall directlan for use, by G. W. =BIM;
Jyt:ler Federal street, Allegheny.
BLACK SILK NET.—A. A. • Ma — ion Bi — CT.
0 aye reoeired Black Figured Silk Net for Mantillas. JO
PARASOLS, in Plain Fine Satin, Embossed
Silk, Figured Silk. Brocade do, Moire Antique, Embalm
ed Border do, Feelloped Border Silk, Fringed do do.
Abm, large sized Primablg an Immense amortment salsa
at 30 pee cent. leas than moat price., at the Semiannual
" (33 ,5 1 A. A. 11MA:ft CO, IA FMB
CI REASE-4 tibia. now landing from
stonausrforsee .
SYS • ,dialat DICIEST aCU
I EESWAX. AND GINSE 43-1 cask Bea
ll 1 do Glasenc now Im:idiot/Wow steamer Mb
bud, farNs by 07 5 1 1.9.1/11.1 DICSXt t CO.
N'''''''ln.'".". Company , Drlnoue Mutual Safety Insurance Company,
Franklin Buildings, 414 Walnut Street- -
. S. E. Corner.,
Orssuired under the Genersi Insurance Lou, with s (web Ot7 P".‘*d e E bYl'vid nii ‘th" :d ° and 7:11 4 :11 t i . Mat a.
L rill.
Capital of sloo.troo, privileged to Inure.. to WO,OOO. ILLELVE I VSIMaIeYCES on Vessels, Cargo, and rode*
Insures fret .% Ines or damage, by Fire, Marine, Inland'
Railcar Lon and Transportation. I to all parrs oLybe world.
' 1 LYLAND fSSMIX.IS.S on Goode, by Illwana, Canal.,
It 0 LAUGHLIN, Pronde Lakes and Land °anima, to all parts of the Union.
. ~
sto r m. IRE D. LZS II. C): b et- . 1 ...4 "CE5 - A nsi c. Merelontdille ED. -91 4 -- Q.
Awn of the , Q , way, Noe. 33, 1830.
Bowls Mortgagee, and Real Esbire____ ..... -4101,350 94
D. M.lit. l ri^rY, PhilarlelphLa City, and other Laicise— . 10E070 68
Richard .hies 4. . ..,?.. I Stork In Banks, rLauttA ...t 1......c,ca. .. IB,M 93
George Scott. Hills Receivable . Z 2,133 88
T. F. Shewell, ..
0. C. Butler. Cub on hand
'E 1 CRAY-FEY ' At '''''' ' B'lnn' eno 1 -7 o i l n rci t"L' es me " Itl A y ge hie nVl / 2 neil, PrWil and u oTer on de M bt 37.6"
Hall, (entrance on Wood et) doe th e cothrethr 121,956 10
Subscription Notea 100,030 09
Howard Fire and Marine Insurance Company, '
11. C. Langhlln,
W. C. Storesbnry,
D. &Arwood,
It. M. Casino,
William &thorns,
Jely:lc Ofß,, Lareyotte '
Franklin Den74fingr, NO. 94 Water —Strut.
Authorized Capital, $600,000.
First Gonda and Mortgagee on Proqorty ht the city of
Stocks worth par 222300
each on hand 51,000
Amount secured by stock note.
Amount of stock due on call
• 000 1 i
Building., Merchandise, Furniture, Lumber, de, on Yeasts
Cargo and Freight, to all ports, and by Marinade, Lakeland
Riven, at the lowest rates and upon the mwt libanl terms,
guaranteeing prompt payment on the adjustatesit of losses
The greatest amount to be insured on any OOP risk Is
P. M. Potts, C. E. Spangler, Abraham Ilex. firm of Rex,
Silvis A Cod Wm. H. {Copia, George Howell. firm of Howell
& Bro.; J. Edgar Thompson, Pres. Penn. R. It. Co.; O. Sower,
firm of Sower & Barnes, John W. Sexton firm of Burnett,
Sox lob eStecuringen Iletman Haupt, CI:lof Etyineer Penn.
It. It, Nathan R. Potts, Counsellor at 1.e . ; Wm• IL Lecul4
firm of Leech & Cod It. T. Renal, H. H. Houston, Freight
Agent of Rena. IL lid Joseph It. Withers, firm of Withers
Petorsom Abraham P. Eyer, W. Haig - net, firm of Itaigucl
A Co.; Chorine F. Norton, firm of Vandeuren & Cod John 11.
Lowarde, firm of Lowards & Corpora Jae. E. Styles, H. N.
.Burroughs, late WilLiamaon, garrougha & Clark.
W. H. WOODS, Seey.
Prem . .. M. Ports, Presd't.
C. E. Sesstomcs., 'Vice Presdl.
11P1A glance at the list of Directors of the 'Howard In
surance Company," most of whom am widely known no
among the nest business MP/3 of Philadelphia, will probably
convey ample assurance of security to the public.
A share of patronage is respeafially eolicited.
11108. ORAIIAM, Agent,
corner of Water mod Market streets,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Franklin Fire Insurance Company of
Cherie. W. Dancker, Adolph E. Doris,
George W. Richards, Samuel Grant,
Thomas 'r^ t, David S. Drown,
Mordecai D. Lewis, Jacob R. Smith,
Tobias Wagner, Morris Patterson.
MEAN N. DANCKER, President.
Crum.= G. Dafferas, Secretary.
This Company continues to make insurances, permanent
or limited, on every description of property in town and
country, at rates aa low as ere consistent with security.
The Company hare reserved n large contingent fund,
which; with their Capital and Premiums, eafely invested,
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Company, on Du:Lary 10t,1581, as pub.
tithed agreeably to the Act of Assembly, were as follow.
Mortguges $9113,123 08
Real Fames BAY; 10
Temporary Loan,— .............. 83,906 11
Stocks 61,885 00
Cash, A 0 01,336 81
$1,=2,708 44
Since their Incorporation. a perks' of twenty... Yea.,
they have paid upwards of One Million, Four Hundred
thousand Dollars Lames by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of Insurance, ea well as their ability and
&aimed.n to meet with promptness all Rankles.
spIP Mee Southeast cov. Wood and Third els.
The Great Western Fire and Marine Ins. CO.
No. 107 'Walnut StreOt.
C 11.178 rxxrrrc..
CAPITAL 1.500,1X4
FIRE F.TSCRANCE--Peretual or limited, made In town
or conntry, on carry description of property.
INLAND INSURANCE, on Goods by Canal, Lake./ mid
Loot! Carriage, to all parts of the Union.
MARINE INSURANCE, on TeaseLs,Cargoand Freight,
embracing Riser Transportation.
C. C. LATILROP, President.
• W. DARIJSG, Vim President.
11. K. Richardson. Secretary.
Charles C. Lathrop, 437 Walnut street.
lion. Ileum' D. Moore. 68 Welnut street.
Alexander lEhltidem Merchant. 14 North Front et.
John C. Bunter. Brut of Wright, Bunter ± Co.
E. Tracy, firm of Tracy A Raker.
John B. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White k McCurdy.
B. S. Bishop, firm of Bishop. Simmons k Co.
Jan. B. Smith, Arm of Jt. It. Smith k Co.
Thos. L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie k Zeller.
Demo Ilallehnort, Attorney and Counsellor.
Thos. IL Limerick, 632 Spruce street.
Robert IT Powell. 68 Walnut street.
Tlmo. W. Baker, Goldsmith's Ilall.
theory C. Wetmore, New York.
aplXim—ap7 97 Front stmt, Pittsburgh.
Life Insurance.
Southeast aroser 41 . TFidnid and Frarth binds,
Incorpziated April 9th, 1950. Capital Stack $500,000.
MARSHALL lIENZEY, Vico President,
JOHN C. 81319, &sectary end Actsary,
JOHN S. WILSON, Treaemer.
MAID Or 211.TE14.
Alexander Whlldhe Louie A. Oceley,
31arshall Henley, T. Eautonde Harper,
William P. Dolton, Elisha Tracey,
Hon. Joseph Allison, Thomas S. Smith,
John C. Sion, George R. Graham,
JO.ll BCOrMaik, Ellwood Matlack,
John P. filmons.
W3l. P. IRWIN, 31. D.,Aledical Examiner.
This Company makes Insurance on lions, on most reasona
ble terms. It has been succruatully managed for several
Teary by on experienced board of office ra and trnsteec and
trustee:, has alcraya paid promptly its losses, and 4 *Tory
uny deserving of confidence and parry
Im7:drat 97 Front street, Pittsburgh.
Continental In3nranee Company.
ro.,,p,mtvl by fhe ..egbfh"..iffre f rbmuyiravia.
Authorized Capital, One 3111liou Dennis,.
Secured and Accumulated Capitol
No. 61 Trident Sired, above Second, Philadelphia.
Fire Imuranee on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Sr.
Merin Insurance on Cargoes, and Freigbui, to all parts of
the world.
Inland Insurance on Goods, /le, by Lakes,itirers, Muds
sod Land Carriages, to all parts of the Union, on the most
fausroble terms, consistent Ida , . security.
GEORGE W. COLLADAY, formerly Recorder of Deeds, Ac.,
W3I. BOWERS, formerly Register of WEI.
30/IN N. COLEMAN, Arm of Coleman A Sonith,lm
liardware imd Cutles7 Merchants, No. 21 North Third
etreet, above Market., Paa. - •
JOSEPH OAT, firm of &mph Oat A Soo, Coppsramithe, No,
12 Qetree street Phila.
EDWARD MACHETTE, firm of Machette A Raignel,
Importing Hardware Merchants, No. 124 North Third
street, above Race, Phil.
HOWARD firm of Llvingaton A Co., Produce
and Commission Merchants, No. 114 Market at, above
Ours Witsua s Socretary.
N 0.24 Fifth atreet, (up Main.)
The Manufacturers' insurance Company of
Charter Perpetualj-Capital $500,000.
Fire, Marine and Inland Risks.
WM. A. RHODES, Vice Preeident;
ALPRED WlERS,Secretary.
Aaron S. Lippincott, Wm. It. Thomas, Quarles Wise,
Wm. A. Rhodes, William NMI, Alfred Weeks,
J. 'timid° Sank, Chas. J. Meld, .Lobn P.Sthaons.
James P. Smyth.
Me Company eras organised with • Comb Capital, and
theUrectors have determined to adapt the business to Its'
mailable resourecg to °Nom prudent* ir.t conducting its
alhdrs, with a prompt adjustment of lofty.
Pittsburgh oMco, No. 98 Water atreet
mrt"ifc • J. NEWT '.f, JOYES,Agent.
tiaras' Insurance Comp'y of Pittsburgh.
W3l. BAGIALEY, Prod!teat,
SAMUEL L...MAIt..9ILiIJ, Secretary.
Offica 04 Wider Street, betnee. .Atarkd and Wood Streets.
taardraree Mall and Cargo Wake on the Ohio and hils
aheappi Rivera, and Tributaries.
rarlnanroi spinet loss or damage by Fire. Also, Nishnit
the peril. of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Tramp: t.
mascrona. •
,Wm. BagSeY, Nty.3lark. Starling,
Samuel 7.. Kier,
Itobart Donlap, Jr., Wro. Bln Om,
S. Ilarbmgh, &oho S. Dilworth,
Irma 31. Pennock, 'inuecia Seller',
Walter Drymt, J. Schoomeaker,
.ha. 31. Cooper, Wil. B. Hays,
]DLit Ktipton. deal
Western Insttrartee Comp
GP .01IGE DARSLE, President,
WHI P . GORDON, Secretary.
Dirure • agedast all kinds of Mire and Marine Risk..
G. W. Jackson,
James licanley, •
Natfrale no
Witham IL Prs Li iir incet4
113.2, Homelastitutke by Directorescit Imams
Is this commindry, and sk=entily atlas scea tTorcPt•
&ay . a l i N t Issues str , t ) tOPPICE. NV=
IL Millis „b.
TtVAlns &ott,
A. Nlmlck,
- "Philadelphia Fire and Lift
No: 149 Chesnut Street,
'WM nuke all kinds arm:lmm either llarpvtual or
LI *tea, on wart
of at property or Marilllndlor,
Stai rouonable r n a r ag t rr
BALDWLIII, ince President . -
EC; B. Con e.
=S..Pitul m74 ,
John Clayton,
B. Wild,.
Mut.. P. Jury.
.B. B. roglig. ,
,P. B. A: 4 "M .
Shartogul ,
11. . 1. • M.P r g e N
r, enutr.,Bccret.nry.
0. conTecagesa. •
cotter Ttard and Wood do.
MosionigaWas Isisswastee -Company.
cellos. No. OS Waco Einar,
. ,
iniursioatinot Lisa qf Tireand Marine Risk,.
Ornm pt—JAIIESS. lIIITOMEM;Preddent.
UMW U.. ATWOOD, Se:rstary.
_ .
MA ,
,Jau APrO , • JoballacTit,
CI•o. A. Van
Clarks, simmA. Mottpirs
James C. Band,
James Traqualr,
William Eyre, Jr.,
Sodium L Prim,
James Tannent,
. Samuel E. Stokes,
Unary Slum.
. James U. Maryland,
Thomas C. hand,
Robert Burton, Jr.,
John B. Semple, Pitttlig,
D. T. ldoettan,
J. T. Lrt. n, "
ARTIN, President.
C. IiAND, Vice President.
William Martin,
Joseph IL Seal.
Edmund A. Soader,
John C. Davis,
John It. Dextrine,
George G. Leirwt,
Edward Darlington,
Dr. IL IL newton,
'William C. Ludwig,
ilugh Craig,
Spencer liellealn,
Charlea' Kelley,
J. June Droake,
J. .Johnsan,
acts, Liters, Smretary.
05 Water street, Pitt burgh
Farmers' and Mechanics' Insurance Company.
Northwest. Molex Second and. Mama Streets,
Tho following statement exhibits the business aturcond
lion of the Company to Nov. I, 19913:' '
Premium. received on Wine and Inland Maki
to Nov. 1. 1656 t=4,194 61
Fire Premium. 176,790 Cl
Interest on Loans 6,701 47
Total receipt. $400,11
Paid Marine Lou,, 034,427 04
. Fire . ..... ....... ....... 39,797 E 9
Expenses Solar e, and Conandaalost...... 49,499 00
Eta-insurance. burn Premiums and
Agency Charges.
-$177,12 Fl
Masco remaining stills Comp'y.-..----$328,057 CPT
The assets of the Company two as (Gnostic—
Phil. City and Canty Bonds-- $ 10,8411 . 113
Railroad Bonds 11,000 00}Cost Price.
First Siortgago Rind E5tate ..._....... 143,1500 00
Stocks, Callatorals on call 32,400 00
Girard and Consolidation Bank
Stock C.,= 00
Derielted with Sherman, Duncan &
New York 30,030 00
Deferred Payment an Stock not yet
Notes fur Marine Premiums
Due from Agents secured by hoods..
Premiums on Policies reantlpls
ened, and debts doe the Co.
Balance in Daub"
- -
$623,067 00
The Board of Director. have Ulla day declared a •
Capable on demand on the thalami of the Company the
let Instant. THOU/LS R. FLORENCE, President
Erman Haamots, Beattary.
THOS. J. ITENTER,Agent,Plthtbargh,
nn27:4lmdia No. 90 Water avec
Reliance Mutual locurcume Company of
Office No. 70 Walnut Street
Cenral. SI77,674—ASSTM e232,o92—Erettnrri=ran.
Firs Insurance on Buildings, Merchandiee, Fanslture, Lc.,
In town or anantry..
The mutual principle combined with the sectuity of •
Stock Capital, entitles the Ineuredlo altar:lln the profits of
the Company, without liability for loses.
The Saipt Certificates of this Company, for profits aro
convertible at par, Into the Copilot Stork of the Company.
CLEM TINfiLET, President.
B. M. lIINCIIMAN, Secretary.
Lewis R. Aebburst,
Omrge N. Baker, .
Ilerd. W. Tingle,
Z. Lathrop, Tingle) ,
L. Carbon,
Robert Tolland,
Eduard 0. James,
Wm. Moslem,
Archibald Getty. •
Wm. M. SempleiPittei
.7. GI. COFFIN, Agent
I el' Third and Wood stmt.
Clem Tingley,
Wm. R. Thompson,
T. C. Rockhlll,
G. W. Carpenter,
Robert Steen,
C. S. Wood,
Marshall Rill,
James L. Taylor,
Jacob T. Bunting
G. M. Stroud,
Pittsburgh Life, Fire and Marine ins. Co.
Office, Corner Market and Water Ste.,
RODT. GALWAY, Preeldent. Tan °noun, See'y.
Thh Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or
connected with LIFT DISKS.
again[ Hull And Cargo Rieke, on the Ohio end
311relesippt rivers wad •tributerie!, and Math.
_ . . ..
And against Loss . Damage by Piro.
And against the Perils of tho .S.. and Inland Navigation ....,
tmd Transportation. t•
Policies isan.rd at the loortnt rates consistent ;with 'laity to
all parties..
Robert °Many,
Samuel McClurton,
Joseph P. Oasemen, M. D.,
John Scott, -
James Marshall,
David Richey,
James W. llsilenan,
Chas. Arbuthnot,
Alexander Bradley,
Joseph S. Lomb,
John Fullerton, •-
llnna9edß. Brown;
Darld 11. Chambers,
William Carr,
Hobert IL Ilarllef,.
John AVOW, •
Eureka Insurance Contpany, ,
OP PM:N.31'1,9.6MA,
Office Si,. 9 Wafer .344 Pittthergh.
ak , ters, 9ar In., /SW:
Stook Due Dills, payable on demand, and secur
ed by two approved names. .$118,850 00
Csush In Pittsburgh Trust Company- ......... --.... 48,890 - 65
Premium notes- 47,564 49
122 shares Exchange Bank Stoek—Cost 6,950 00
Mortgage . 1
Dills iteceimble. 5,600 - 00
5,365 40
Book accomne 12,729.96
S. W. Cass,- '-
L M. Pennock,
W. W. Martin,
R. T. Leech, Jr„, •
D. McCandless;
Geo. S. Selden,
. znylinfla
- J. 11. Bhoenbetottr ,
W. K. nnlot,
-R. D. Coolen,
-201 1 , 7 Caog.hey,
0 — W. Batchelor,
Jame. I. Bennett,
R. Ftsvrr, Secretary.
Pennsylvania Insurance. Company
No. 63 Fourth Strut.
Authorized Capital, $300,000.
/more Bonding. and other Property, against loss or dam
ego by Fire and tin perils of the See, and lobed Naviga
tion and Transportation.
1 , 18.701113.
I. Grier Sproul,
J. 11. Jane;
W. S. Haan;
Jacob Paintac,
George W. Smith,
Wade Hampton,
Ca g. lvin Wells,
Wm. F. Johnston,
W. RPCUnto&a,
D. E. Park,
A. J. Jones,
A. A. Carrier,
Body Patterson,
James P. Tanner,
' D. M.
Presliient, 40 . 0,..W'41. F. JO)
Dice preastunt, RODT FilYrEßsoir.
Secretary and T re-waxer, A. A. CARHMT
Collegiate and Commercial'lnstitute.
surceadul °incaution for ten 3 . eara. It is designed to
meet the 'tannin( those Panora who wish to ROCIIII, for
their Bons all the adinntages for mental vine:dim that.ean
be anywhere furnished, without 'losing that attention to
health, and that parental supervision and government witteb
the young require.
The mental training includes a thorough English, Mabe
l:withal-and &dentine Lineation, in reference to a completo
preparation for any business that does' not require the Le
erection of the Law, Dialled or Therdegical &hook :a
course of clamical studies, minute, thorough and extended
u may be desired; • course of Mo de ,-o Unman, under
native tatar-hetr, history and Mental and .Political - Science.
The Mural Education Is warred hs the pere,:ml. influence
of the teacher; by a dirbdon of th:e school into - flunßles .Of
=damns die, of which the coV principals are the headq
by grideated. disciplinary meignweg and by aregular tune
elated) of the Bible, Mega Pretence, and of the evidences of
igetural and Revealed RellgDon.
The Physical Trekking cr.,twiste of a presalbrd tonna of
curdles In a large and well. furnished gynnuisiltun, under
the direction of an argeaupllshed Glyninasn and of such fiti ,
amount of 3liutAry drilling, under Mil °menhaden man
Infantry arils, witithompetent officers and - Instructora - as
will secure bo'Dlly rigor, habits or command and obedience,
sad a kind msd degree of knowledge widehnev beinesential
to the full discharge of .this
_dais. of ,t tithen.' ' CU*,
I. also Wren to CDOPUTICB wholesomeeP bathing and
rowing; wad opportunities are turniebed_dor• or-!i.
rmidonal pe
destrian es.urnotis into the eountm, ' *tteldnts ere admit
ted at any time of the yam • r • • •
Catalog - um with foil information will Dal_,lhrtsidned - Onap•
placation to the '
M. it.RussiiL
Bleadvllle Female Seminary.
THE NEXT TERM of this Institution. will
commence onSIONDAY, Avenue Mat. , •
Pupils will be charged $7,50 per semi, and'wlll melee th
studies they ebb to parole from the following Ult..
Reeding, Ancient Ilistory, . Zoology,
Enunciation; Modern • •• • Astronomy • • . 1 ,
Proem:42lkm, Mtn Brewing ". ,
- Nat. Philosop hy.
writing. Modern
• •
Grammar, Arithmetic,
composition, Physical Book .ff coping,
• Rhetoric, Chemieni, • Algebra,
Logic, Botany, . Geometry, _ -
Ear Greek, Latin, Italian, &neaten, Preach.' Guerfane
Swedish end Anglo-Saxon, me additional charge dile - lane
Plano, per comb of twenty lessone YM
Use of Piano per term 2
Drawing, per canna of tweniylessons....— ...... ... 4
Oil Painting . , • .. 6-11
A German lady, an excelloat Plaidet, reside, Wilts fsm ll
and will glee lessons on the Macleod In German end
A few mile will be secortuncedated in the family of the
Principal. Beard, with fueltend light, akcinsins of sfeadag, • •
$3 per week.
All payments am to be made la advance. .4 • -
ferarretedly. . JOSHUA ICERDALL."A. kLarlitafeid;,
Rer. JO3. P. TAYLOR, A. M Aram
The Bummer Tem will belle on MOND . ,AY
Roy. admitted at toy time &AA trait= ArAtOm Ron
For Circulars, addreag the Rich*, At Na , irt,li 1 0 1 0(1 4 ::
p relfey i l louti ' of this to
made, are -
sre - -
Bon. Thos. 3f. Bowe,
Rev. T. B. Lyman,
Gm. B. &Aden,
IL L. IllngamlC,Dß,
BOIL W=. 401ulatIsq`, -•-! •
Z.t=A. eu.
NINO FEAIALE uver.acrig.7_
DAY.AND BOARDING SCHool4...pke; ju n
tat Y, Principele, We of Dew Yank.
Rinkescke—Rer. Dr. EillikellyLPeraAlee, p:04; ze
J, parker, ICY.; Dr. Efall, Editor eflawasel of EakEldltakl:,
Dr. J. B. Findlay. lifthaanlng;Pa.; Bak per.,
akeerilten. Mr. Di* Editors PIGGRGIih
Judge llNNlAroniaad eleven* pnetilly, at Efttak• „"
cktge k kea ateroallp Ifeadß4 Roma and übreuy .
Mai nceird..4 I! ,, me• • ' •.
A Prise to Every Pairollatimonl ,
iIY lArm:Ete..z..?- meow?
*AT ALL TlAtE..s,at
atones =Azusa co,hai too Aroadwity, who haw.
taken taken an= Yuri kale,- hod °Paned tho Inuntowth_ c ritic and
elegiat3ltort. Aroadway,, Wage Hotel Idonakedi
New York. Ey buying 'a book for one dollar or rmwittlia
an at oncupkwombill with ?rho worth from 2P.senmacia7
$lOO cone/Mai of Mae Golry, Prim h the order as sent by mall, Wei and Prim h Ant *uf
Saturn mar or limp., The Boob - comp rise.
rj e s gr as z"'Mt. PUWiihea - UPX... II.4 .O*te , "NOWMY.r: .
Lts an Goal at len than. the tonal huh priceintr
'Band °riming your - dollar or dolhra,arsd they WM biu4ala
rroesVhiltFfer . yiXt aro entitled to.- Cube or , k
Unclad - bd TriStilthlA Wet. far mous*.
CibalataasMthfan erstlaustions mat
~~~y~~, .
$lOO,6sNl GT
$935,430 .19