,-, • - ~-. ~,•., _•.. .: .i ! :,. , 7-:.; •:,.reac%c4-1,17-vioN •44 cs ti• A n t i ---; ttiwitoollizitAnattattinettots to s t he Const Ito , ' . • • Ilion of the Commonsiretalt Ir. jik,,iliturg . 4.,., ~....,4.• , Rcroiwai &Mr Bolide anti 11 , ,rise , 11 ll•prc , utal....-1 ~f ,g. r tire ' ' '..,.r. V -' ' ' .ii......:n........i Ebtaatormwaith e4Prmatylnania . 4-won,/ ..4..orootly'Wef .- •-..-..-........atte....-....----...-..-... - . Tbutho o llow atittendanon. are lair' to the ...our!, TIIZ Miditilinnti Christian Advocate ealliail2l3 Lb o . tal _ . ,... thi; ,_, ~.. ~.„ , .. ~,,,, „,r with th, 1....,. following -singular sermon for the time,, which ybk , ° ",. o 'f i b.,==,,L_r ' ,,, o r. another paper calls • . a skeleton in want of , FIRST ABF-.CDMENr. , ' Them shall be anadditianalartirleto mid Const inn i; at to meat:" •'StraVeri: Pcreonol Parer y. Text: I am'pook. b'dangrw. 4, ... l icl . A lr' ri o , Z:s x , b , ! , .. — "In discoursing to you offthis subject to-day, OF PCDLIC DEBTS. 1 shall by God's blessing, be enabled to estab-, stemma L Thelitate may contract debts, to .apply ;mood iiSh the position assumed in the text • with but 1 .. 1 1'flti r ar 1.41°"Zru1i.,`:,";_::4°',..,.°n,.:.‘,":,''' "tuna.,. mot little effort. Let it be borne In mind that the 1 4 ,7,,,.,, ~„° , 1.., „,,,,,,.„,,,„1„.,1„., e „,,,,„,wa b y r i,„„„ „ f ~,,., .subject is personal]' . ,or more is of Me general oaootbly, or at diftenwit perimin "I. What I' L tattil pay by the Ist or April, I : 1 1 0 , th.. t n th : .i 11 t r' er u e ,r: 1 ; 1i ‘ '; "1 ,?,. t r,,. th ,1, 1 ,7 " ,,,,, d ,.. 1 :?'', 11 7 , ;.' d ... n i , 1057i-1. My note to A 11, for 'horse, &c., $1.30. ', delr r' nhall Pe applied to the porno.. for whip!: it Ira- i.h. 2. Board bill' to C D, one quarter, $l2O. 3. t.,,,Z, or to repay the dela., no contracted, awl tore; ;ohm Servant's hire, $.15. ,4. Washing bill, Cl 2. 5. : ', l ''' ,..,,, `"' ; ',. . ''' il s. i .' o r d4i tie eto the above Molten l moner tie; Necessary for oilier expenses. $lO. Total, $:21 1 7. State may antral &lam 4t real inracin..n:lnr.. , 11,.u.- ..2, What. °lave got wherewithal to pay iti— onion. defend the Slate it, war. tit t. , nnieeto the 0re...., tantinsa hohltiminean of the ~ into: Ma the nt , n .., o,• F ur _t 1. Salar,y_for one-quarter—if paid—s a -0P• 2- A Wif5.1.13....A child which, though both excellent ! 'r p '''' ,, '" :„,,,,, e m th0 15,, e° , ' „,1Z1, 1 7, 2 .„..,,_ °f : " r.„1 .th ,, , ,,, b. :•.7, - ; ' ,., " :„ ' .,,, 1 y n. „ " „ 1 .1, 4 ,t,, i. , °' . ,: ' , 1 :, ' ', softliiir kind, must in - this account, he put down ,to no other porn.. whateNer. itlisoo.oo. Total, $2OO. t. , SEMIO3 3. Except we delta atm,• epeeilled. in motnam I one and , w of IW. Waldo, molebt what ema -hall he rrelmal i r - f.i.4 What I wort hare to get through with the , hy. or ot InMalfof the State. - tight,. side up, and no mistake :- 3 r . The sum of 'Stestos 4. To prow& Lir the ~ , D.,,,,t of tle;preoot •l.ht. A. friend to give it. .1. The thing Sti7 ; .- ° gad ' any widitiotial deft ountran.ted an ohnenaid. the 1..44.b. halt. at Ito find sermon, tiller tie;mloptem of thin itself, s29i.' amendment. Tasteaeluting fond, whielt ;Mall lw nuiti;;ient .4(ppikation....._l. Will you give it'? or, 2. ,to pay the sinerning Intend ore ;melt ;MMh and antotall; to Shall I quit the ministry to,try to make it 1 If ] redm .. , : o lli f ifhtf. , 27. l :: ,, ttm . n ,, ;fl.y .r a.iii. e,. ',sums :,,,,,,,,. ... eo n who will be responsible, and for how much r i :',„,,„ t „,, I T,„til;:„„„ 1 ,1„,„ , 1,- - ,,,,, , :b, i i . , t ., .. ii tiiit id. , .hail tr wart., 'root -ii 1 time to Ince anneal by the Stale. or the promala ot elm ado ' . Two EnoLtstt lectiversZTO about visiting the of the mune, or any ;tart thereof. tool .4 the income i.e pro. I UttIIVILSIBIBS.BTOfeddit IIIII IIy. "ad renovare did- !,.......t. r . r sat , : , ,:r /dock, ou ned hy the st„t e . ',Tatter a ith tar-em," to renew : 11u. dollars (and .111mookao - w:, 4 ,,;;1,;,„,,r7;;;, ,, ,, , ,,, , ,1T. , , , ,•,,Y. , ..,1: - 'g....d,;', 4 „,':.',,'.7, ; „; i. nr iENEAs said when 'Dino' esked Lim to thlfite 'bit , Ly moldnilfdlo it bay 1.1.1..ri1ir 1/1., ..r other m t ep t „., ~, adventure.. One of these Is Irish by birth, . l o l r ..... '... 4 ...." I.. .rlt d " * " . " l "'" ) '""O''"'".. °l. s d'''''''' being William Howard Russell, Doctor of Laws, f ~,..,' V„ ` ,, " . " „ ' , ' ; ' ,„,,!,' ' ' ,;(,,,„,,,,, 1 ;, ' „C,, , , ' ",!„ °-° ,,,, n ;, " „1 " ,: ' ,":.:.', ` ,;,""": - liy special grant from the University of Dublin 1141stotheran tan than in eltinantishment of Me iodate :1;i:l .. . (lie actually was educated at what the natives R",, , t1 ,1,,:1iT i0 ° ,,t, °- ' ° llg lnk debt b. red.'"i Wow the . thth 4 Cali i'OUiti Thriuity College), and known, far g,,,,, a. Ti,o aredit a the c „,„„„, ia , .hall „„ i„ and near, as "Our Own Correspondent" of the nay Mattaser,Or emu, be platy •d, or honed 41. au) ball rid. . LotiloiellUnts during the war in the Crimea.— " . , COITIVIIIS, corpoMtion, or woo:dation; Mir „bon tin' c:_n_n: , onaralth hereafter 'beeOnic n joint elms, or Mri, 'rho otlinrießanmel Carter Hall, editor of the .. I kg ,in ally cornoeus.itsks4attou, or roris,oitieu. .4rt .raurnal, the crack piettire,magaritie of Stonot O. The commomettalth titan ma awtitte. d; ;1;;It. Loudon, 11011 better known - as husband of' Mrs. On any part th""r* or '"' "'"""' . -iin. I" '''' "'h ''' '""". nitip• .of any corpomtlo 0r...a inthrn . auk. ea rn debt S. Cilla ll , the. most natural, most touching. yhdh,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,,0,,,i,k t ,,,,,,,,a. e h,..;,,,, ~,,,, 1 fer n. and most amusing of 1.11 Irish female lnitelli.,-• Won, anppreiantbranotie insorreett ''''' deftoet notlf Herr Wesel( net:for a habit 'Sirs. llalrlitis ' or alines! ton; ortotannint the state in the Mo;lia,e ot non itortlon ..I - •• 1 its present 10g1.64,1111,, in.mriably and Meritahly winding 'ttp' her IriA i 5,,,,, t, T 1,,, p.,,,,,„,„,,d,,, t i,, 0 , y ot h„ r t,,„ “ u , , , y Aketobes with the MOTTO ostentatiously paraded ! elty,tssousti. towie. or itworporntml dintrirt., by ' r ' arlut: era note °fit. citizen.. or otherwise. to t...,,„,,, at e „.pr o ad. in itali,, site would be a none-such ti a story._ t teller. er in any eranpnu;. neu....ia I i...,.n rorpora; , it. ot 1•; olonto In for, or Lan ire credit tw. an) norporat em, anonant ;ow histitutioteor party. TENNYSON. the poet-laureate. has a new poem ready for the press. The subject, an old favor ite of Lis, King Arthur. Alexander Smith, the ••now poet," has a poem in press, on the subject of town and country life, hut chiefly upon the poetic aspects of town life. A VERY severe review of Rev. Dr. Allen's American Biographical Cyclopedia, jitet publish ed in the third edition, in PostOn, appears in the Boston •Couriei% which exposes fhe most gross partialities. personalities and short comings on the part of the author, and demonstrates the entire tinndialtieness of the -work. - jleln Mock Goorm EAR'S PATI US HARD IXDI. TAR BEACON DA) Patentot, ruannUrture nr ad, end otter for Nike at 11.1 tie , ty!7 . ..l2y . tht pac4 SYR tsinLi for IF, 101oLljo Or Prtrf , ssiooni par. . I.y mitele evcr 111U:AST 1'1311.4. ‘‘. FL. I\ warranted t he twri,•l. • dry., I , OIIN ITV KC CA:qui:l.:, that will not d.-t the earl,' TUNIBLKItI , k SitAlrflt AY:t. Pen and Pockel CCTLI:III% NAPKIN KINGS.. Igeolereol Merrial which w .11.4 firm ae M ETA 1,-- 1101:N-hriliant asJET-a taw rotnlinehw HEAT -non.Nonductor of ELECTKICITY-and int which 01 1-`k AVID: , and ALK AUKS prsturt 'poor:11. I. mast]) ',teen, to .iny other for the atom named. and a great variety 14 toirr•eu, to o filch It le Ite.der• in all ; ,, rl. , id the rnantry o .nridviii, theto• nelre. with the.. , glaaht. na.l consumers who want the tell article. of the kind. will pity no other. Jal.Ply alerillo Irwin Pipe Works. MERltil..k. JAQUES, It 2 Centre Street. New Y,,ric. M • ANUFACTUREItS AND DEALERS IN j.u. Wrought Iran Pits, fittltu., T.. 4, taut very neritalou of +aluminaw conamed with .Stmuu. Wnter nod Ils., for heating and 'lightiutz StPtutww, Churthes, Private Amylunu, Tillnpee, Factorkw wwl Alert, 1•11 , t, Cock, PION.. 11.41ers Floifrt. Flues mW , • to ord.,. Our ti.wew eutting '3larhinc, • enliroly now find our owu Putertt—warrautod to &W.I. Iho work of .Iny wtho, I ut,talon. tnlrr 14.1 kited from all sections of the Country. aml I.,,tnptly jr2.1e.41.1r labrlptta Abbcrtisrment. ALL EN R. NEEDLES, • No.= Soon! Morn, and AA &W.! Wafer Meta, :SALEL} Ty.- Candi., S.M., to A fall araortment on bud to which the attention of reap.-etfully caked, COCUALIII HOUSE, CAPE. ISLAND, CAPE MAY. NEW JERSEY.—Ttitt ettatedre Haab Itahmerat will be CipeTIRA far the reception of clommany on Drisrshay. June 11. prox,..l4.lnce the /loft. of hod ...nano it Intl been put in complete arder.painted thrundmat.papered aml mach neer lachlture melded. A core of the krat nolorml Ferrante looa leteu aeleceerl from 641 dry and Balti more, and arery attention•telll he Todd to ..1 . 91111 , the comfort rot pleasetn ar the 011,.. Application to Room, or Cot tage-scan lot made at ill , office of the atihecnlwr. L. lid ItIVOOD, myth IC Walnut etreet. Philadelphia VAltitiore abbatisments ARMISTEAD. RIGS & CO., AGENTS FOR VIE SALE OF VIRGINIA 31ANUFACTUKED TOBACCO, LI Exchange .yank, A:Mawr, irsj..Aleray4 on hand n large 5t0...-k, which they distribute at tho lame. martin•P2.lYa. Rrbortcultural,&c - - Pittsburg% Hedge Farm Plareery. SITUATED ON WILKINS AVENUE, al [Moot on quarter of n mile from the nryind einG Unto, einthn Punier.' and libegianles* Plank Wed, an este.. 1.01. f Tourtli 'frt.., and abont three and a quarter mile.. front Plttl.liargh. Wit d JASIPZ MURDOCK. n - wridom They - offer for Fele nn I argil collect'. of well grown Trees and Plants , suita re ble arc tromplanting this Dill and e.min; The Nursery now row,. non thirty mere.. of gronml sod Wutainieuyet ginifvei trees, shrubs And plants. and over 111 , .. W fruit' tn., nisi nv mutt 0 rerneennanti .otor. sire of fin nice for 1,110,0 to •ireliards and plenum .. ground PLante curnfully narked mat nut according to direction to any yort of the I:oini Staten. be nit leave to mill tlie attention of the loners of shrub nry. nnil render., in thy trnde. to rare unrivallid collection for the year IFS:. em Ex bracing nearly nil the Evereree„ yoesien t v and otic, that is worthy of general rot. Branson ud true nen. of country. Plant. can la, procured of many kin quite 11,4, ennitZl.." effect. Prima to Berate as newt From strangers, cash or satis factory refer., in the city of Pittstrurth, required at all WPM. se-Orders addressed to es through Wilkisua Pest oOn. ;tear littsburgle, Pse or lett W. nor Etanit on market dap., in the blameful blartaet, will he promptly attended tn. on:Milani{ 5 T 000. ICS ergreen•, dr.o. TILE SL` BSC Lt E . It WOULD MOST eg li reiporthilly call rte. attention of la. nn.i eat,. the pudic, thins very int ire .took of I'rult Tree, Everirrovia, Slinthirary. Ihoot, Creel; Oliva, Plant, kr. Of Apple, the At to Large and floe. Of reef, we WWI, mine Oavo Dwarf and Stun:Lard of cur oxen raision, of choice thrietkw_ Peach, neveral tboitontl fie, with Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Ituthiter. 'len. lloostherriee, Currants, tc._Onr Ilveritreenv from Ito t feet. of which we hare many thousand. are In. rethen• vi,nting large quantitia, will be literally halt with. Call ' ‘tt And tee our Port. We ultraya give itatiafaction. Orders left nt the L P i rovvla Office, Dlr. IL Otheell's I.ilterty at., the Oakland Nero-D, I mile, en liennttylvtinin Avenue, or the Pittabergh linrferY, - 1!! milts frme Oakland, will let yore/141y athlete., to D.—l'innlinvione meetly to order . JOAN SIUIIDOCII, in. ===IMM A • LIANT II II S. ELM, LINDEN, eigi Mountain Mb , hr, of extra Aso for Spring plant+L— ing.JOAN MURDOCII,Ja. _ . , 11.—Mr.Thourte Wafer. th o Oakland Nursery, .111 Attend to planting shade tree., for persons al-pairing blotter, Idea, • mrthdjortf Molting 111 (or Salt. By AN 4)ROEit OP THE COURT OP I`l.E.Vi of Sol.. county. Ohio. to me etirectol tool upon o vet teion c,r tho 41i.11ailon of We part out - obit. of the Ohliffit ItOLLIMI WIJ. CO)II . ANY ) will. ON Tar. NINTH DAY OF JULY, 1,0 . user f.r ILIP 1.0 the hicheet bola, TILE SCIOTO ROLLIN() !TILL, :to t:other with All of ft, !toil Eitate,pLtchlnery and Tools thotw. wino I.4oheied. toontonottre Al 10 tit - Jock. 4. II: and to In nolo ot tho 0n0... tho Moto Rolling Mill In Mi. city. tido 31111 10u I. in .I.erntlon utonit two yen., and it in p.,cl repair nod n-rfeet mulling order. It haw one Rae Mill with two Flirnter., 11111 with Iwo Mont t.. Ertrannew..o. Th.et atid Kotler Icon 51111 with four Bunting runt:wee to,th, with n lull a•..rtsuent or Roll. far all of the min+. is lota 010. Porn. nil complete, with nion and one ncrwr Far,, seta,. Wrought .101 orth S.lo.exer. It by • eapecity to tam mitt erenty vein manufachtne Iron per day, with power and onon nuongh ita nap:telly. It tic, two tarn. with illludermtwenty.Lx Indic/lin diameter, ttll.lll. 5/0211 Elation 'or Doctor. Thnlloilding is 316 feat boag 47 14: wide. Then. join Spike 51411 minutia' containing two !Wi11...8 with alsoilolO Resting Farm., capable of torning'ont'tierty hem, of ~piker per day. Thin Mill In rers.inhnnlA=vunly Lamm' fur the purchhw of pig metal, lowetorh eizliteert Iron forneens make thin city rho .(.,tart far their hmoght in nn the :41.1fia IfOcklog Valley RAH 11. ml. Theterms of .kilo are :.—tifo-f.iirt le cad, oue-f.iirth In ,It mouths: on.-fourth 10 lain. 140.11119 and one-fourth In twelve month, rr^w the dvy 01 e.lle. whit Approved Feenrity end loteneatat rwn.fif Ala pie rent. pi+ Mt do /ttrt.l ittYol,ll.l.. will lay given iumedtandy 1110 purr. boorr. Forforther Innwnuti.n nprly Is. the underodni..l at I`orton . ..llb, 1.57. I,t3rlS - C. DASIARIN, jelttittd lteeerrer tur the Rolling Mill Co. Q.UNDILI ES-1511 lit 41tenl; Y. 11., O. P. and Imperial Twain . 75 do do annortell Illitek Tea ^ 75 hags prime RI. tlutfeet 45 hluis. N. O. and Cuba Sumo at 150 IMIn do. 'lloinnwar, 75 do lieemem eaten and N. V. 0r,,, 50 do clinic,. Bellmore liming: .10 du 13rela0elemtum • i do Cradled WO Powdered Sagan[ co .1. /row, Carultaa Ton 2) do. Pitch: 100 do Soap Makere' Roldm A IX Laze" sn, Ss and lb. lump Tolscent • - 11.0 do Rodn. Variegated and Castile Sonja ISO - do 0010 and llitll Window ellainn 100 do WldtaPipor, 75 do Stone , do (Sbaker;) 50 tro Sal rats list papers) 76 du Clothe. Phu: . I /Veneldeonslr, v. 200,•410 -11adietto Co. Pet4l Starch; Idu certify Milt entente and fureglong tan true and kegs Nails assortatAtiiir, correct copy of tlw "'Yam" and o Noy," taken on the nut. -do Slx Twist Tokki - .121ht1.0 =rang iimmtment. to the of Ile 'l5O baleallneing.CandleWlck and Terlo, , Common th, am the Wilt apyear. cot the Journal...l 11.0 , .150Lintatt COM Itrnonnk • tin) noun of the Ge.ral Aii•nlibly of MN Common , wealth for tho .sassy or /Ka. YS" de - Ne.aaad2lsttir '..L %limiest:it hand and the ovil laid "Mc, 200 •do Gram,' Cark , ltwattynsecond day of Sone, ma, ihget.n.l eight hut, TARntitaltillb'a intlOrlibillttin 4ltotlittld liftpArest. turvd article. on lotnilAnd Totitratt ' "' A'AVEEL.ITH'Ik CO, No. Wood Meet. Z , , jkllalam ,~~'', ~, ~..~ ..x.~. ~~,.. Them aliall an ablitinnat artiel.. to .1.1 1 , 11,111nt Ir J.•riy fatrdn artirt• XII.. lollop No county 4..11 b. ,Ilvidrd by n lire.',ltem, off tenth of Ib population, (either" co form n nee - r..nutl .c .41. eraise,)rrithout Um express aluent of owl, 01.,41k1.\ . by of thn electorn thereof: nor Anil :my no ~o ntu, t.. ~tni Union). contuinfrnt le.. Uun four bunar.l .inare nob- From tuwtlent two of the find art hi.• of the C:11014101.. Irtriki. out the wordn, the ray of •!, eaCh nnedy rr,pedirvly: !Tom . I .• . mtate strike oni the stmt., "qt . Pliiptle ph°, 0, of Ih. rowdies," Inurenrs on. Rater attirl... of word, ...rather the ray ,f I 14ilartelph,,,,n,•• any. - ..tni In lieu than•of the wont, -and Aran: out - re• fume, same artieie, - awl ai 1t,.,, there'd IttNort the tollou ink .ttzolos 4. In the year one thnuran.l eiutit hnu.lnyl and .illy-four. rant in et ery ee,entli )ear thermatei. aye* to the number of • hundred shall he apportioned and distributed equall,. thtottOtont the .tat.. penpartiondo numberuf taxable at habitant. in the ...t -r:0 part. therrof: vaceid thatany r.autt, cold:cub.; tt tenet three thousand five littndnal ...bk.. mat In a .I.•e ~d a I...pirate. n•preaentation: tut Ito MO , than Ihn.l ',- shall he jointa.l. and no county ...hall L. di, 66 , 1. 01 11,.. f..i math.] nt dlArkt. Any city containing mait-u•nt her of taxablen to...dale It to lea.l two renr,..entat it • - shall havens...lye:de rypr,entation wedgned it and Audi I. dlyidal into dtstriclA of conthantin , itort. ot equal taxable population as twat' na. may b.. each of 'nett lis .trieta shall elect one reptearnlptl,e.' At the end of onion scren. Kano arttrle. insert tine , word, -floe edy of Pbilud. flhhta shttll he .laid senatorial dostnett,nf eareftonooft t..rritort, -pad taxable ruptilatmn ear "er inird tl,t I. e btrusemcnts ENT VULCANITE, • .I'CO., OWNERS OF nmtiro ali.oo nuvited mate iVarerooni, No. r 3 Maid. • only. POCKET CORR Iir,FLEWS, ifiogravora and Mechanics' MESSURISO TAPES, NIACOINISTS MAItTINI:iALEILINOS WIIIP SOCKETS. INSCIATi T•lrgrnph iolitord •by ti. A nn•rircn Telegraph I(lnnlnu y. \ !NO RIR:SUES FI'SN The leeletelitra. et rt. ern re.eihn. aft, 11, , rol.le h• thh+ eteretrnrut, eh:L[l.lll3,lo the •itv i.l Phtle.lelplhe , et.ttoriel mat repr , s•htet lee .hat rich, In t r al pre, 14,1: +hell deer., 1.. remain thalaeheal ere Ile horti..teneht 111 th•• thon,hal I.herh., rEst,•F•r. AND DIPPERS, for Pliologriiplic :out Drug ci-t. rorpod., rorwrit 11 r,1.311, 7hrrr.h:Jl tw , an a41.11t o"nal t l..n i.. The lo•rl.l3lnre Outil bnv.. fh. 1.. .11. °bd.,. an) •.r last, r thriroplio..l. II in., t•• 1..• ..1 ! 111.1.11WInatil: Ulm :ik 1...11,z.: • • 4,1 t, c , tut, ~ n t Resa ngf. That ttlix pa.... on 114.• nint. yvaii 24. uat • 7. thi. ins,• thr thint ie.. 24. 4itirth ILA).niti 4. ll:at:art from tle W. 11 M /. I, Tilt iiol,l. .1. .11, 14.7 Reared. That I 1•••6. Ini th.. men, yi.itit 7S. nays 12.• 4. 13:4V• on the third nt.ril• • f. arth ntortnlnteint. tia•• !Extract (p.m O. .1.411 ill Filed in thii iii•itiwitar, orli, Mai 2. 147,7 =MI .-or• !If orielinl .0,•• usenta las 11; VouslltEttutta of 11, 1'oultuolo , •31111." 1,11. rote lu each lasneb 01 . the le.go.l.atu., stet.appear. from 11.• /,;•141.0.. "au [L.. 1. . MO • anw.l ••••t1 01 -• •. • th,•ll.sy ;lad ear • a... The rinepostr.,:z. a:1 144, t' r. 411. bent:: een•oderat 04 the qUerttett. IVOI the :I...tate ea4tee th- The yen 6 amul nay. won , taken, 40 , •.41., : ..r of thr u , a tttt were eu. foll.mor. %It 1 uw.--.lle-aro. I:rewer. • bi r. / ilennlken. I h tu, M3,r. ettlmh, Welsh, Wrtgbt JIM Ta;,7-,.trt. Sie42, enit.l..Cr,....irtit, 11,,,,.. P. 1111,41.41,1 Soother-7 que•rtinn wa., Iletrrllszt..4l in o,e alb meal On the que•gtior, 11111 the tion.tto to the urnnatutnt 11le and tr., 1 01 . /.' 131,11 tho 1n...,., ..1 the U.bust/tution. and seer, • 1. itrewer, FA,. }:‘, , u Fetter. Einn..y. An. Ltmlach. Lviria, 'Myer, t;etters, 9trani., WeLth, Wilkin, It nubs nut idley•erethb. Frwel tinge+. Penn... eml S. wee determined in the On Ile. queetion. Will the 8-eitale to to Elio Linn! einoteintela ' The ram end tutri were. oleo krr....110 to the pre..ri. xa of the Conetltetion. and were e, follt.w. 'l7 iin/a—Nfesar.. Brewer. Itn.wrie, Yleuniken, Fraser. Intirant, .1 a- t-to. hoot. Lanlown. Leltio, Myer, 5. , 41.1.1, Soother, Stranh, Weld, iS.ilot. nipt W h - Coffey. Ilan+. and - So the .lures ion wan detertnin...l in the On the que-diott, Will the sena.te onion to the E.orth ern...dr:l,m • The year and nay. ign, taken t., tie. to, r of the tbruttll ntiony end were ea h dloe . .I7 V rl.-5/CH.r,ol7l.tr.r. Emus, Fltntoken. Frazer. luarate. hash, Len,. Myer, Seoheld. Milllll.ll, Steele. Strouh. Welsh, Willi. and 55rt,Lt N ('raid.. Jor•Ino wt.! it , . (I/eq....Ult. eaa .leternotae.l 111 ants tuati IS nia liar sr ur Icreea cet tut rs. April 24. 1,17 no reo..lotron pr..p.eono antendtnent, 4, the ttttt of the Conmanwealth bolo, tmter vonguienati,o. (lo the .itlextion, tholl,mwtte to the finqt at...Rai/sew • Tu. yew and my. were token v' i 4y h. the pr0‘i..1.,.. of the Cuustitotton. nod we f n... 11 . . tila.s.—)levirA. Ander... Anttr. 'Lark hnnw. Rl.ll. Dow,. 8r0w11.124.14mm Craerfonl, Dickey, I:nt.•k:,i,ter. 1, Ifamel, Harper. Il.lu 11 . 14.4.1/1.1. I mar, 'Maim) Imhnq Irmcii. eon. lieman,ao. Kerr. Knight., 1,114 . 1 :rit.7.1. , ..rv,ik..r. M.lnear, Mangle. Srtilliiont_ 3111taiii. mom, Nielaok. Niebobion. r. Ittrikiii. P.n...11. Itanim.v, I I . l , lLoi..iplits,.. ItAm4ey.i York. I4amer , 14+1. +)...w. 14mitlt. ICanabriii.i i‘tn,nt. V.wourlila Vickery Vocrittley. hat 1.. n. Withern, r. Sposl.er r+-31co. 11.-o kn.. it,. cock, Iliac. {Tamer mho qnestlon wt. tlotormin,-.1 la Ow olhino.lll. On tho ineetlon. Will the Boom woe to the wcoml eineistment • The ye. and nays wen taken nue-31,1v to the howiliono of the Conotitutlon. and were as sit, Itat—.3leront. Anderson. Itwkhonoo. 11.11 , Nook, Calhoun, Chanitboll, Cartr, Ent, Fans.ld, F•rooto.. Ca , lo.t • liarrstr, ileitis, ?tiro/awl, ililletras, Mania!, I Bork., flontoksoper. Jenkins. John.. 4olorooth Kauffman, Knight. lotriok Motor., Naugle: M'llrairt. Moorhead, Mnirsolutau. N h Nonomachor, rears., I`...em, 1 1 ..trikm. Pressed, (Phibutelphis.l Kans., . Cork.) R , .•111, Won., antopt :thaw. Sloan, Tot.. Vos,thtloy, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Ken, .9.orste- ..1 NlYet—Nfemrp. Arthur, Ankuotim., hacker, a 1 K 111 i.• nrown Clw , Clearer, Crawronl. Ergot. owns . y . Fistallton, Hill, 111,,. Hoffman. Lottanon,t.hu 1,. Kerr, Loh, 11•Caltrumt, Mumma, lived. I ..intitit. (Outabrio., Smith, (Contra) Storm.... Struthers. Thorn. Clitroorlii, Vickers, Wagmatellor, Warner, W Witherow tool Wright-3C the question was.letormlnotl lu the ii .. 't On OM question, Will the lionse 1471 , to tho third anworlinent Ili, yes. and nays wore taben agwealtly he (1,.. I/nitro...4 of iho Constitution. twat wt., a s fol l ow. t i,.. I,.—Mcomn Andorson. Bark bon, WM. Boob. Itonoon, Ihnoor. BPTRII, Calhoun. Cauboll, Claw. float., wh.ol. Dickey, Ent. Eyster, m fillohono. Mono', Kantor, !lola, lloktand. lallogns. Koffman, (11..ritto 11.1fromn, (Lebanon.) lionsokootow, lnito ht. 1nn..,, .Ituvt, Johns, Johnson, Kanflmatt. Km, Lonoker. isetett. 31.1issar, Mangle, kCCoI 1111 l nt. Moorhowt. m um ., Pnap, Nichol...l, NiCh.b.ol3, NSIDPIII.II., Pearson. Peter, Petracin. Pownall. Putooll, Ramsey, (York,) Knit, Shaw. Stn.. Smith, ICarnl,rl,) Smith, t(amir...) NMI mimn, Cohan, Vail, Na los, Colton, On-g o ne), Weigunseller, Woollinstk, Wllll4 ~,,, N 1 stomas, Wright, V.iti m tnernotto not (Jots., 41 other-72. o—Nfessrs.Arthur,o, Alignstlno. artektit, Cari.t. Is".k, table, liontilton, Hancock. 111110, Jsokilts. KI - 11,14t, loelarring. rtamsoy, (Philadelphia.) Robots. St roth ort4Thorn, \Vatter, Warnrr, Wharton and Wintroole--.=. .1 EL, th; .111m11n ' was deiermined qt. Ili. Will the 111111.4. VI the !mirth anmidniont the yea. and nap. awn taken ngrivably 1., the praiyi.ion. Ilea Con.titutitni, 011.1 ware o. liAltna, Arthur. Marko.. Mall, Bert. More, !iron., Cann. brii. Carty. Chan., Cleaver, Dlrkey, Ent. Eyed!, vaaa dd.Foote, (111.1 en, Ihni.cr, lielatand, 11111. (1b0rk...) 111.1hutin. annti.) lionviekevper, Ind.., Inn., Ju1...0n. Kauffman, Kerr, Lel, Let.taing.l.n.giikvr,l.i.utt, 31Antie.t, Mangle. Wealniont. m„,„.. ! „ man. NichOla. Nichol..., Mullein.: her, Penr.on, Pete, P.trikirl • Pownall, Pur,ll,ltuniany. Ph ilnolel pl. nt. Iln 1t...), (Y. 1 ,.) Hupp. :+l,llO. H.,11, Smith, (Cumbria.) Smith, (Gear..,) gfrivasun. il.lllll. I nil, ~ .1111{0. VIOkOM Vovightley, Way,marailler. Winner, W. 1.- Wig:attn.. Metz. N.Y.—Me...lrv. Dorc. llmuilion, Hancock, SII - 11111, Thorn. Wintrndr aoul &AI ilmermluni In limaninnalk, . • ARTICLE XII. Or NEW COUNTIEs =ECM =MEMO! ‘GT . • 1 4, I. =MEM MEE 11. I, SCOLVI,Ani limiAL9sum, June 21'4 j 1557. &M. CURTIN. Crmtary of thr c bumonmrnlU. ,fHtgrctiattrous Cctnelcty Alarlylc No. Liberty Street, below Wayne, .I PITTSBURG 11. 1' A. MATTHEW LARTTON, PT ACTICAL MAILDI.E MASON. Vl - s 11 E S FC,LLY TO IN f,nll,i• frrewle public ,en. r... 11. th.t 11- I, nb..ve pr. talmeß. for the nunta.“•lll, uu.l r.d e of sera anM.i7 ol )14rhle ..rk,oela 31,,numetit, , , I', Ls Tablets awl Ca raveAunee., vTury variety and fora; =EMI C.tre Tstl.l.. turran and Wzo Nana IVltiela 1... :+ any oilier rwtal.ll.llmrt.l 01 the,.... .Iwl. 31..1 Ls. st 11 Imo,. ..‘rn ronrk-I. Vntlitoi...ttcl., , hl.or , ..r Jai,. ht., in Any olealuelen 1LLY..41 UV Ilev, T. U. Lylnno, I Galway. H.1.1_. Vs... lb nit, C1.1.1,m An, it. Abovist...,;;..r. sv. A. In. 1 . 11r14t, IV. I. Muth. . I 11. it. Cogrozi.l.,l With 01 ..f or. . 111,1 i.. Lan, Iliervf.l.• li in ar•• ',nay ••in 1 , . t1.i,1 11113 . r Linarl 1:1-..k1/1" 111:1.1 . 1, 1:A111,41 1.• ,et 111110311 I.ndy Ph I I.• 101 1111 int, 1.313.3. " 1 Pan' , ../1 'nit/ -no 1111.•...1 II1"f:1.t n it in, I.• it...1-.na applinasnii Reln•f.ritlsni ... L. ni stil will in a fer unto., a'.' Illli,pvl 1..1) i 0 nod r. mfort. 111'It. .1" 11114•3 - .1. ~ 1,1 1,n1.1,the. and oth., Affe..t• ...rnigin.llll...innlini.Spr 11114. , 111111/.. Burn.. Shod II °nod, :Irmo's,. "I.• 1 .. .L . ...in....inn, In .411313 Of 11..11111... 1 nr p.li•oilicit 1.1. nra.i.h.itt --in all 111-.11 innler ail ejn - isinstaii.. , .. win r.. 111311.13 • 1 . ..1-111 ..nythy 11..a.1y r•lini 111,.1 111114 1.-11 1 1111'. .n•.. 1 I. 11.: w , .. 11111 11...,...•',.. 1,111.41 . , r.1)1.1.0.• F. 1.,•,1/ 1 1,1,1..1 Pew., ).•••. ...I. -. 1•...........111. 113.1. 36% • It..ady p-.. 1 ip na s. 1:{.13 , 1) a ii.. 311 lator, u rut, Ili , .1 1. Ins, .1 4 ”Il Tito". th• nr.1... pt.. 1.41. n 1 , 4. Is ...Ili, Off 11,111 13311q111111 . 1 , 11•1333.• 11.il/WA Ti... din overy of 11.14.,,...1,1111 pill. • naL1i,1.4...1 333 VIII 13 purgatives. rind n 11n. of meal, ..1111 In Inking pit pan, ..r stnt .. .. •11 inrapericnic..l: 111,1 m.n..1,11.-.r and 0111, or,iti• in • 1 11.-.111. l'Arh.pill that it lake. gm , ' In Ihl` 11 ..) 1 0 . 01, ..... u a I Imp., ....11:,11,. .circulation. Iry ll'' , all 11)41.1..1a. vnipp.., 11.14,410,1 e nti,..i.../I.Lner I find r 111 1.1,11 nn all nrinninnliwaw, •111‘..r in 111114 ..rn14.1 wkll itav i• 41 upon prompt cor•• nrid pert,l, if Itn.lwbn n . 1111 1 Ily..ry 11:d u.l I.'nlll It-, 11.11 tat.... 111.1 1111 . .411.11,311 Ira 1.111 113. 1.3.11' 11111.. 3..311. mum, All m tla•in . 1111 II.• lupin' 110n•,.....i.•a•••• in 11.11 13111, .1i 11, ..l in.•lnt .i • Iliegar•. 011 , 1, linppy -PI, and rl!cEl; kl: EPIIESSI, y FIFE and vigo,ni• mid 1. , . ...Id in X mon. the ..hall .1 11,. I, . ,111, di,. tIo. 3 ~.o.t 1 ant 11•IrartIi.. nwirt. st, and I...tint - oily Linn.. ita.l fi.r Lion/ 3.1.1 Worl, all hatl, k pr..par."l to fortitnlt nl...rt I . _ The Pl.llll3sburg W;ater cure, — _ Ilit• I 1,1111 ..•11t 11111/nil' 1)1.11,1,e, I. ..1 lt, IR.:11,1 a rotintry mol nr,.4. 11,N.c..1 I,asily trintimn. Tln. comfortably anti min 7 l. impr0,..41 in it, I.olllng arranwinenta. anti in nunpli,.tl n Winn n1.1.1..L.n,0f Inin , xs ALT frvvnt nprin, Itri I•. 1 nl.n. in.. .1 ! liar halt 1tt0nt..1,1:1,1.-4 I,IM .h.. main 1.11i1 , 11., In ritislo,l vrtl,n Name. Word.. enierntinnt,.ll , r I he rveninz.. ni. I aml alfor.l flirotor.h v . ..r 1.. mak.• it a tin • o I I% th , r rat I.r the pitvAiel.in may 1..• mn.i•-wrt,,,, I.k tI I het .111. i Illlt Ili. niII For Virrult.,. 111'. I• 111112.. Wator A kart, chauce for 11AI-egg...rut. TILE 111 It 1, .4.1.. th.• kr, in. 1...r1.11.1 Of I. Id 1//- , a h, %% .11 11 , n1 , 111.“-. 'rho .ht., in vent ntrong 1.. °Poll of II n .1 1., 11, n - -ek Jinn, it u In• purr 1.3- , I tl. II Alllll,ll. 10 . ..0,111 11110.11,. Fll,ll 41,4 •rnn• • .1 1 . t11 , 11i,1i1,11,., ran •... n1..1 1n Inv 11%%%% 4 4. thai 1L... 1. 4 •11 .1 111 it in.. \ in , ror nw.b , fr“ntnl.i . grar., rquat t. , IL.. 1. , .t uni.rl"; OM A in.,l As ill 1 , ti A.ll rk•.lllt\ 111:1: Tltr at oPtall,, ilutry rot, , ~.te t• (.. Vin Tit.. 01.. z., trnrrto.l•4l la ,11 114.0 , 1(..111, I 511,..0 ‘1,1:41 ik0.11,1.1401, 0 Ow At,fio ultond 1:•101.01..0 1001,1101'. mr2l r.:- _ 140 1010.• r JO.l 140 6'o-t I N 57. St or rs 47 Ntove.sol 1557. T E IST 11IPLETE ASSIOITMENT ••1 Par 11•,:low 1.• 1..mal .11 .E. 13 t.r , lir• ‘‘ at.. Ii• , 11•.' 1111•••11111%.1,1m. r But!. GEl=l IMllllllllll= SG ‘i I id yl .1(1 1 , 11i1:1:;.1: I 1 TI. I, •1.-.lllt. r I. 11 t.t‘ II I - It. to h ". tt. 1t..1. .1 ,tltt , -.1 tot! t.`" t /1. • •11 1 ' 1 „til. /!..tlt 1.1- Iti ttlt it 11 11 11.11.1 14 • tel.':tltl - - - •r.. T It 111.1.S1.1:11. A I.l'l/I[\x' lIPPOgITION TO 111110 l'11)11'.1 V. Fr.. 111 t.. )1 r. 1(11.; AIM: It V. TICK k• 1' I'. 1' IT \mi. 1,1,r 111 T 1 1111 111,1 1 tir t. T. N. - I . - ..I. CARTER'S SPANISH NEFICTIINE, Walnut Hall lir.lataron. C> S R . PRICK ER, KI , :114 I NIR-.1.1, A,4 UPklr;T . h.% SI. A NO PI, • ,• =MEI Work.. r. • M 0 AV 1..0 ul.rot. L 0 N 1.,\ N I I'M: SI: A N It:••• I N P.k I NIr1t:•:. or Ntart,.., Itirbiral 11.- 111! and .trrnglh Mood I 11.[VIt ably I roHon 1.. I ar. 114 11•01:1 , 1 , 1 Hit 'I/ E 1./.1.1i1t.V1 Ell WILLY\ ULM" The. Gre.alo•l I , l.rover, • II It. K \ I,ll‘ liF RI IX Itt . itr, 11.1 a • I • a 0.. 11..0 16.11 ',II. • tin.. • lo 0. .11 15.... 1r5.1 51.. i. III. 1. Ta•• tt. tir .111 -1... I. 11.1 z ..1 .1.• 1,5-5.. 5... .• 11,111,.1 ref- MI 15.551,1 , 11 r. r. 1r.,1 tuakvg tr./ n'..5 5 5.1 *l. i• • ; •t n „. t, • n 'xi. r.l .11.11.... .11 1 0...4.1, V.• 1: TII ,11.. • •• 11.11,, 1 nn l .l P p., -1 1, '• .I t. n% ..,.• t. • ro lit 5 k x'•.: h., I. I' " I ' ' }c. "' ''''" xt..l / I ,11,1”.1 .•• bow • •..., "In 1". Li , I"" In ' •,• •••• • .." •••-•,••• •''• •••`••• , ••' 1 . . 191.,1. a xick 1,4.'11, x'lll ••• • r••• •• l• P.l r,.1/ , -1 lx Is :nib 1114.... 11.- 1, In. P -P IPP ,P PI has. Inki.n Aral t t 1 , 1 ,t I, t 10. 5. at it IX 1 •I• 1.,,, I I 1., 1 ..111.: •1.t.,,,t1, , ,t1 • • 11. t. 4 . , . . nn • x l.„ , 1.•11 1..1 ' ' •". ' •••• ••• 4 ' l •• i•" h. W111..11. 11 11 MO - •• • .1 In ./1. .11,..31 4. , 1 •I'. I••• I •• ...j. •I. • Itt,l In 11,1 I. , if It.• x•ol .15.1. r 111. tai ••• 1 "' ••••••1.1••••••• '''•• v ' •••• k . •••. 1 x -1.•• 1 •• . 1 . , t.I the Si' in , .. 1. I.IKFI•To.NO r• 111. 141 . rut... 11,1 I pa i• . Ahi It .. , ta. is..r day. eltll.lnbi /.I..rirLl •••,. ••'•••' ••• ~,,, c`.• " 15, ••" -, •••." 1 .1.. A.; 410 , 11..11 (All b.ts. 5.11 C••••• , • •••0• 1 •••• 1••• , ' ••'.•••• ••"• ••' •••O ll', tak....51..nr.1i op.' Ihr I'.".m In I x ir.• tt ing 111,1.1 1 ...1 11" ...11.• 11 llvrlta • , 11.11.04 11.11 , 1, a 4„, •••1 ,1 . • hx' •.' ••• 11 r•'•••••••• , ' v'.. ru,r it t. Ix all 1 IV, 11111.1111.., 1 Me - 5.14 ••• .• rnr rs... 11 . 1 11 r• 1 •••• $:••••••,,,,k,r; ‘11...1...41.• awl ...tail 1.11 Iitn•SKII•S. 1.10 AII \ 1.11:1:, .1r...1 rnl Vit wel 111. y, 111.1 . 1 . ""• ~..rfirr Smith 11.-1.1 nti'Qortt is ,It. 0,515) . mato •nhlt.7,,lytid‘r TSi blf tcr'r•ind A LI. PAIN'S CIAZIA) I.lk .11.10 .1 Neu: 1../k. P.m,. 1,1,, Yor Ilbeulx ..rtlrr" ./ In. tx.rot, Inx 1111 , tb. it I 111. •1 l• .1. a ti.l 11. ; htin th t . f./rxrlntox t ..1 1.../.. the pain atol ).11 +, Itlluln ‘, tot, t; t. It 1,. k tin. rbt, Ite bt •, . r 1...110. 1111r111..1 1 1 111 11. 1 . 1:1,11 . 1 1 11 AiiNETIC 411 I. A , 1;.111.• A I •,. • •$1..,11....1. ri.,161 1 !1 • 'rt.:, 1 las tron.ll.l" of Iln. ax..! llctn., pa. te• tints 1..1.1y•I/hr limn it 1111 1 • inn t.. . • J.DR. 1., uI:Y'S N'l'm ; 1. 1 1,1.1 .1 II IV ...d, 1. 1 Coltol jlllllll I'm... boot Cold. r•lxtxs tc4•1111101 frt.., Vb. j Cure..l l ll..inntain't aNI N., rttl,ln. P..• , P".•• , ••. 1 t•••••••Y ,••.Y•'••-• Sprni.... t...• .11,1(111 .Ix.rllllll „„, fr.r yr.. , a.. 1, nix! 1. 1, I 1 own. 1 Itnn 'illy „„,j LI j,,,, 1.1.. 11.. 11..1 that , ~,,,, frt., IMO t Pro. •. t. xx1.11111..1, /. 5. .„.,., 1 A:me xhtt Cruin hill and r AM " ''' ' ' S TC” l "T• bt 111/1111.111.1 nn faintly dontlil . 5,15,•0t .1.54 th• arcblent k nr,, It Vx.n. nrrt. IV lint .11, 1 'biol . t•f N..tr York • Inunettitan mbar. If the 1 IVO!: ItttEtT 1, 1 Ap..ttk, x.. 811.1 avrinint. - I Intr. 1.61 PO.' ; .11 hilt. en.P. f1ty,...-1,1•• tat. , x hair ntnnllxt . •.•••••••• ••• ••••• •••• "" 4 I.••• •-•`. lntik.. in, ..nrr• in half a -Ittnntar. ,Iny." It Or" , ••••• n•rthrr .41 "." '.."/ 'Teo plait r..111..11.›. milli (ha llrd NW. Ca 11 1 4 hr.' with ....with. tr.... 1. nk Ith Ilk,. • I:nrtqw, et.xochtlititt dAilv ith I lir v. rt It, of ihr " VT ' KI • L • rbi ' 4 " P;;"6. • I I.X•rx , "lntl. rtiable..l 6 - .4. 1:1.1. to prt.Nrid b, the trxri'l - 1C...N1/HUI/I. SIM 54 lyric' Mb •'" “ 11. " ....•111.1n11 • ..111 , .....•11.14... brnmukt. un•l at Pr. of lb..rx I i i 'r. h . e ' r 1111, In h.. 1 r tn.,•• di.. I N„.7.,n,1.1.„... • • , • nrxrttlng and .ilx,,nr,tr 11, 1-.1 tot n tx•rloll of 11'../10 1 : :"" • „‘..1 "I .11. A. MIMI4TM If it Co., t K 1,5111 6. 3 ,151. •••• car, In...trablx. tb....glit "1.4... 1 . A tt . "... thnl It x1111111111•.1, I,y itt3 L taltv thr rinltnirlan. • - - , , re. rnr. • tO.• tixx of l'r. Li 1.1 4 .4 I'll.: Ointment: I vr. &I. ILLEM, 1.15.1 11, 11•14 , 11 11 1 .' 1 : 1,50 111154,54 g0 n 1 D EA rithYi. Hartford, Ikrun Ltllt IN e kI'ETS. Ol I. 1.4)T115, 11111,111 1.1111 ' , b., rapra.x. N1.V 11.1 1 1 t15..t... No. r 7 ibotrth nrxr It . . x .t. /111! Silitaant tionvral ..1 MINUTES', FVF,I.;- imsod, Wholnexle ton! rrlnil, by (Sr. OM/Rll 7.r.tt i. jinn 111.• tirt..ll '111,4 t.,. ry N.o. 1 0 'w..1 .Ig. of 1.11. 11 ruin. l'or nt (101111,1 31ort1. r, 5151 by 3 51'5 FLEALING. Allegheny. 1 Ti,. 1111. . 115 ltaintfort..r• ..I"lMuLkwFx .I•G'n .INo. FLEMING. No. 47, Muikot ‘4., 41, w V* 31 a THREE GREAT LIGITTii! MANX IND IT.I.VE LONG BEEN EN guipi.w.i.tbrtne,....tip• trtle• n, atc, thr butria.” 1..r1y from an.l pr,rr3l:l7, life. Th.% r fAllacinun tn.:at:3 , w or Ow regular f.trulrr. arr •rh.jrct to a rout:mt.:4 r.r.krti,e of pmhabilitlen and invvrtainti., Thor, i. nnthiut ceruhl fixiol in ill , . triiiiiinotit of the nick ither ut the old or to of orylr inr. . . I:3•lwny has 0ne.,..-,1,1 iu pt,lnoinp tltroo tho) Ittlee 001,1 yet fillet! illh"irl 4 1 e, ttl et , ••:nbind ogle:try in roducitig fro it ful I,rwlit.l.l the. an- ~.ttaltii.dOng in trie'r .novoodral ill ro.tor- Lng 1 , o:11th—owl rt,...bnp frnin nTh.r ill hod (.01..1—n41.1 ,t.. 1 -I.llllnl ),h,,oont. gison.tip im.yond tit.. pow, 01 mat/ moot. to cute—nod pronoun, drt.u.lfulluatniot.— in,nr.d , to Idu . THICP tatrvr 1.1 , 111, 11.1111 V'S REVIVATi I; Evr 1111,1111. 5er.,6113, Tkino•r, lot, to-, Itnktwleett, loy.t,pww. I i. , 111. brk.p.y. eoroilstikti..n. A i 0.1.1 •N V. A., and :1110.11- Sti(l/1/014.0 41111101 r ' tnt hrr I/11.. t;0 , 1 by lo.•r•-.1st.t. II ,111 + 1 111:4.1.11, nr kw , k1..t0.1 tql...ru iu.. Thery nt”...kylr “rl,l tkat will work ~IL i ' , 111..144 , orw. rwa... Itn.lw:t rlian.zw. the w holy 1,11111311 1..11: n,w 3al.ll,..mittly I=l ..11,31t. UM 3. 3 len. minute , . 01,4 k from tho lout, or throat. 111 %to . , Ils• ',moot r,o‘rrh or pn. Klrooko.l will, 1 , 1...1, Itaaw,,,', r , ..n0r0 Ilalrnon.l 1, 1"..t.. Tl, ert, Itn , l for two rt. c.lll 11 op . •ti I. vci3 , Ntr. T. n 13111 4 /1101 ,0•11.11/1g 11 1,1 n Inbf, tnnnt)• .... In-nn nMI +Mi. 1.-14.11ntz r..nn.lninl nr ind unr,nl C. n.n.l, It.nln 4,43, aJ..ut an 3 El: 1,1% V'S tli.iKE • t:NT 1111111r -1.'4..1-n3l .11-c.11,.-, :111 , 1 a he, the eell'lltlll/..11 • 1,1.111 Illt. 1 3111• 4 1‘,111, ..1 I, the • 1,41t1.011,1 the 1i5t1.•.(1..,111, Ilt• I=l lll= =ll r \ Y IF 1 rt.% pr h 4.144..4 MOM —Bianca( IMMOMM •1 UI Ul'.'! Ul.,!(' IL''. I. I'• U t. 1,1 11 1.• 1, lo I •I i{belllll ti “i =MEM ESE DEMI CF3FiRRY PECTORAL, Fur C.. I :aryl Curt' rf Cuuglo, tind IL ,ar,,nes..F D. J. C. .tr..-1 II.: 1 4u.rser otn.l .1111{AIII syntpt .t r• 41: Cn. rry ron-unn. 1/., , to my Ina. HIV! my I.,mily i!n• ten ears 1.1. Al tO etliwrivr Itt - turs lor Ulu try.alavut (ht., ennipl EDEN 1Z NIGITT. M. D. ..1. t:. 3101:71.1:T. E.•;,.. ..f Uti,i. S. V. ~,? 0,..1 your 1 , ....ral illy , ' .nd in iityliinily ry. r ' , lli, :oil inienlyil it. and I.4,use Ow lu,t iniiiiiciiii , lur it. iiiir,.... i• ~ nut iuit.. Wit:a a i,.., ~1 I uhoui.l - , y•liir pa) S:i.., ...ra 1...ut1e 11.11.1. i ii ii h.q. It.. ur CLL.. nity mil, n ry , ,,ii.'' Clii)l2i'. MAI:MI . INi: COI,: 11. INFLI.Pii:Z.t. :nr.t.n. 1v,.• Sr., certify P,r1.., .1 is rot% it“Opipg NV.. LI 1111- to 11111 . ) 1.1 nhat, a.. 1, )1 1 , . . t‘. n, al Jan.. an. nt. ~,,, n•hevtnlli toy and inn,. il , an ~ . .1-h.dr tit,. 4..1- /IVO!. canon , l.J..lv 14.11 I,Jsr Ow .11,11 w./ tell u• • .0i 1.. i .... I 1 •N • frig•11•!-. ANTII3IA Olt rirrilisie AND 111,N1'11 Pn We, 31 0i1.11"1,11. f'h,rry Vv.:tonal I, imrtn I. ~ 11 ..,. . Ho- .m.,11,111. 11,01 fit' II 4! I/ ..I/1 ../.1111//, .) ••&M./111111.4/. AH4 Ito" • 11/ Ill.! /1.1 unt.ler allort,to 11.. ito• i/1. 4 1 Itt 1311211=111 A. A. pr.tutice 1111/1V I h.,. .1..”11,1 hinz %1••• 1,44, 1.1 11,.• nr 11.• 11111 , •Ii !hi -1,431-1y In 555 ell;•,, up mtunl. ' • " Prob.ll.l, in,h h,.., ~ 1•.... kn.nn. cur,' nen, ron4no Inman nid MIX rem'l. .../I li1.1.• Cill'rrY reet. , .l afford+ ri.liet and roinfort. .. • . .1,40 awl a 1.1.,..ttn. to in fifi rfi 3... what y. , ur 1 . 1,-rty hfir tlofi , for fit) wire. Ltd file tat .fitio ues.ler tupfi•co, I '..fi-fifilfil ,rll. 6,11 It ,fi q•filt.,rtt , fi-fito-1, -t fintil fitr..fiz, thl.• . . I.r r•-e -ith 1 - 4-:.fiu •., .1,. r•••i • I 1.11 .1/ r • 4 Ai,rt1.1....1•1 1,1,4 .111 tkr eotk•l u. I • Ow high 10.•1115 .1 it, mt..... /.•••/,.., A ver's Ualliartir Pills sci E sc.Es 3.r (Il}:,llsTßy AND 1x.333,y1 prvytt••• it 111..1. my, mr34t.1 , 1.1,.1....- yl3-1.13 I hal :alto La VII t w1tt..13 lii p ••,'.6116•61. 6. 11a. y0r,.3:33 y and that I Ivy i3pr•aa , L,Vall, • all 111611. n 11.• 3.,1 03.a-mla to 1610 to rnra. 3r:ta.33”. t rat 1,r,p,r{1.,:. at hnt... , tto. tutl aativiter, ot rtton, 113 , ;J.-1 rat, :;u3l-. purify the 1 , 1..4...4 p.l Tlie, ~ .11 t 3.1 .Ir.w 313.31.3 , ..t ,att, ;!3. 3 r 1111111 . 661 14.6•11. atyl Irt 13...,1113y 1.11116 IS Oh ~11y c.• 3331.1.3.33, . •t, la AY., 1..313.1.,1.1.. 034 te11y...1..311.a! t liel. IV1331” thoy 163..13...•ik05..rfnl • My', la-y ar , at 11.. 'Atli, 1111611.1016661 6166,6 6 , 6./1111,6(6.4 31161 , 6,/ 16116 666... 6.1111 . 1„ .,, atYl ...ill, k vac..ta I.la. a,• otri :111‘' hArin. t• laYy. w 13 ytst t. 3-- la• 1,1 1,1, y 3,4 6411,1611/116.1.61 I 6 11161164 _6l , It 6.,11,61 aral chata• .3 1 , 0 CA , .11,4.1,1, L.,st rill 11 Nlany .1.. r. e.a an 1 ; .61 -. 1 I 1... i r ttas33.. I. arta, t t 3. • ~.31.1a, rat,3l...ty wl. it: .tll,i 1.6 •oyil nor. 11,,- ztaato .tiaa..l hvir cans trtion 113,t3 pt.1.11111/k , 11..,33trt1y0t , III:111011`..ly 1.111, 1/.1.4 m. 1.11.. 3.3,0. The .15. , 1.1.1h.1..,• thitur I 1•• Pintirh etnlih mr therr. urri. rr.r1111....1.—•11 11... artri, l I Ina. e•r, nr 1131. awl 1 1 3 in ar1411.11 I I ttith It. • . lil.. NI 11...400A1tn.l 1 . /%111. - I:1/1 • I ' ll l . 1 , ',flip, 111 , 3,e1 h st ...ed.! It. , Ire tltr, rharrl.l lt, I. 111tehlte.•.. \ ..., the reit• t 1111 ~.111.11/14 1 . .1 It ,1 111 f,.111 the .1. . 1111 .II • Ir.. 1.. les/ .41 bh I. I +4llo tall., 74;11, 111., ..1. \.A%, r. ! t.. 41.1, • het Ilt., 1 1 .11 1,111 u,ii, tl.in 11- tAlit • 1:1..to , ,••,%.•r• int il.• I •-• ”.1 th,0...0l -6441.1 I°l, J rr L. la 41 .11s.'. .15$ Cy A II I l• w K. tai„d,..:,i, _-i,t ,~.i I i I 'I -I n .. u,,,t.,.. lII= IMEEMIE 111, 141.1 . 111%. I . W 1.1. 1: I . F I . : I . 1 . I, 1,1 I I.; 1.1(.11 I . ll .1' id.-- 1111 • •1 „• ••1 tlltt ^ - 1 ••••. 0 .1, I .11 .., IL. 111 . 10 , • , :001111.0 .1 l' M OE ,, E• : 1 '0•0•100.1 T,....,10y I. 1 1.11..100 t• • ,10...1 ..'y A 11. ••••.0 .. 0.1 rho, ..Mt t , l . 1 'I. • 1.001 , 1 1...ra1a, I. AL ' I , ••...I 110,01 E. I' .1 , 1 0 00, t 1,00,1 1 10 ' 0", •• 100 I 1'... -, • . A 11 (10,100.1 . I.OEIO, 1.11, ,1 . , . , 0 _ ~.0 „,.. sE ..,,,....', 0 m '01.0.1,0.1.0. 101 I' 11. , . .OLI -1 1 r 0:0- 0 - .10 It •• •••••• .., : •••• 0.• I 1., I' 100 ....- 10., 1.0 -0-.1 I:1 'FY 1 /.... PlTTalir 0,1 I AND I'INE'INN.iTT. I, o' '• •' . 0 I 1 • ,, ,-, ' ' ,, E I h' 0 , ',." ~'• IE l'h • ' 1 , 0 1 1 ., 3 , I Ed,. 11, t.n..• 1. , V• 01110.• t tsith TIN , tnoraing ~...,' , 1'..... 0 0, 0 , "IE I • ..,,,, 0 1 . 1 10 aO, •....ar I. a nd .••• 1, - 40.- 1 0 1 •,..00.4-0ne al 1 . 1100., a ith f• t, 3,..• ,-51 0 • I, 1 1, . .• .1.1 ,,, , .t. It • Itt tr . LM, lt Ott . till tr.‘,l- f... ta. , `,..1 1 1.••••• I atiLl t. 01.110 nl.O. "111. Iln. lulte . ..' J.' . ''''..' ..”' NO k OO .O 0 1,, -0.010 001 ~,,,i , 0 1 " LIE j 00 10 , 0 M. 1,._ .., I d 0:1 ta ta•rrl. o.f 4,21.•••,,.. 0, .11 tau,. I it, • . ~..,, i- I:t11/1. r. ,, 0.01 0 . ...• 101 0- .0- ! 1. 0. 0 , .. •br 00 , .0.11. .(1•,01, by ..., 01 I.or .../ • l 00. 1,0.0 .. j.... 1,01.0-1 .01, 1, .1..• ~..t. r. , 7 - 0,,,,,,,i ~,, Nli.-1,1,.... 1, 01 , 01 11•,01 run inra th, 1 - „r,,,, -,.., ~ 1,.,.; 0,00,•• af 00y -I 1., .1.0 at- 0,....t 1... t -00-f, II .p..t tt • ........ 000, nlO, I, all 01 IL, n.... 1. thy , .-- thor• ... t .k..0•1...1. 1,0 I 1,.• r. nEE.I, ~ ....l i• 4...0 .t,,,, .L. ' j., „„,,, p„,„ •,, 0., • „,,I ~,,,„0 „ . „f 1,,...,,,,.. ,„, ...., ,„ ~. , t / • t 1 • ~ 1.1 - n, 0 100 014000 .1 I 0 00. 0 $ .11, 4, Prta OE. ..10.• aNI 11 non .. 1 •., 't ,, 181 . 1,1 . r.vr.•••t. 1 N. YI,00••• f•4' 1 , 0041.00 , .0,_-0, nl 3 , rn cla., kr are .1010Yrr. l'lninl,loloo. I'o -- 1 . 1-'O. NE-1 . 1.0 IN I 1 1 0,1 I II•FNN. I r• 01,1 .' et r•. 1... . /- ..a.. , ,C I' I V.-, 0, 01 fO O . /E., oait 1.0.. t . n 1 - 0.0.-PEr . 0,,,,n,,,,t, I•• 1.0.00 11 1,1 Ea.. ttn , l NArn.lol will 514 •t. j/.... ~......•1/ 100. ltdEt 0 / . • . r0 E , ••••11'0, / 1, ' 1 In. :00 rhea pi.•l 0,01 nOOl . .41711l:rtable r.. 11,. 1.4.1 ottr bn,. in :0,0,0,0, 0 11. 10..0 air 101,0 awl 40111110110110. P., t• NI A 1,1,./..*-- b..tr ~,r.--0d 00. hd for /1.0 ArarE i 0.00111,..0...., 11'.a.t t..EI .1. , ..1••••• 1,1 .1.."1:. hill find it r. t , nta.. ..I n.th . In .n.. 11•11.0 ii • by-. 01-er. 1 0r.. 00 ' 1 . t tt-L•at Iv t 0 rh,ir .0100..inr0 10 0.11 at II,•• I..nanitarty, 1 1 III• 0, IE, •• ottEt..o-1 by ....rat ..1 Pt, I. ..t ph t ../. t . /t/ .. In Pk. ! (M.•••/- ~./ 11:tp,or Milt 1.0.-o'n 00, - .11. direct!, 0 l t o thi j ~.tuor,.. 1.11 nit ..i 11. k , Eva.l. I al...Eta.. rart, , ,sErvni,ali....l,ot ; N 1 8,,..,„,, 1i„,,„,. ~,, 1.,„.,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~.,,,,. .. .111 1n.. 1 ....1iiin , : I.• 1. , 0 at 10 , :,tit 1 ...... 001E0,01 to try , For rat... 01 Co. , 01..1 10rth, i 0 .10 , 00t0 , 01. apply at lb., , d , rt•ertnari Ilett,,,a o l nOO. 1.01,400, 1;•ur IEOII 104 by Will/ il 1 „f„.„. „ ff ,,, S. A. 7 , 1 MICE. 1 ..E.,E elan,. .010.1. nO.l Ens. ' .01,0,0.0. thy 1...1 of I 4 10001,1 0,01. 1 10.410 0 1 In.altl. ' I IV l' 8 11 i 000.1: 1'..e.• 1 10 , 01, 1 \l.44'e [ ' Atom: I , t . the 4 :4 4 r4nA1l Ilitters in .1 ly, ; .!4'''1444" r. Is NiiW LAND. 4,0 . P. 1.1 , 0,10 - _ _ _ _ i.eliSitt 11101 Lit or I ',oottpioji.j, Pettsaay I wzatilni 1t.41/rotad.. 1 . , thiara,.. ~/ o • Cer rte. 1'_..1 . t:..,...rter I. r 11., ' . l:Eoty I T ill: i.; R . E.vr I.' Evrit A L r -- ; ,„ , 1..--..e:,-."..!-.= 0.-, Phr,10.1," PittEl.o. o h. P 0 . 000. 1 , I. '2l. 1.,:..,.0y, j; .. ...,,,,., r.,,,, 0., •00..04........„711 , 0 . 2AL T 1•00'...0., a 04.1.• 10,E , 1 , .. 0 .1 . 0 ha. 1 .00. ,1,4 1 , PM' .h. r• ; wttl, 11'...1-rn. North-Icy-o.ra, and Sail 10 IVEEt..rn mat. 111 10......1. • 0.00, 011 • • I a' • 1. , ' 1. "" 0, ' 01 "." , ' SlNtrx 1 , 0 a ea.atinn.dte Itailway dire:i. This road .11.0 Mlll. .00.• ..r 1.-E. 1 r ..otrrni E • ~E .• . 01 .. 1,00 .' 0. It' 10 ''r and' 01010 01 101 Rsbural. nal. dull. In,. of Ste•onners to all p..rla itt -pi...M. 31..1 11111.1 .1, ....... ,,,,,,,, i ”" , .4 11 .. ni.1 .0 . ".. t Mt Co 11 ....tat tt 1t11..r..,..1 a t 4 :10 , ..1itt.) MP! S-andtvk 8.1, Om, had oit..” 1....r..0 , 1. relief I 1, 1 0, 1 th 1 . 00, 1-0 0 , 'HY . 01 ram"... te, all 0011.00 100 0011 I. , lT,Eryrn 1..1E., fl 111 1 11, .., ne1'ut1t....,`1.111..) on h o, ' e.Y. , r .. . , ' ,0, 2,1 E.. i the nag , : d•re.-I..rheoprsi, ~,be y 4. row. by whirl: 1.. , , al., 0111 I.• vriE, 'IA r,. I . .r... 1, :10...... It i. Iti,ve-t .Ir/t1:1WIT C.ll/ to' /..1 . ,111,1m1 ...MI iron, the r:roal 11:”. :,.• it pt. •11.• 10.-00• r Ira-. " .• i it.t 4 rEl I:Erl4 - 4:EN PIIILADELPI 11.1 0 PI 1' T5R1. , 111.1 I. 1.,1 0 .0. I 1 01.1 It . V. . PIII.E•T 1'1..1?... -11...01., t:10.,... I 100 E 0.01 I . i 11 110001, ern. 1 1 .,10at0w0.n.. 3 ~..• 10.1 Cr., ~' .1; I Cap, 1h.0k,.. 11r,v i ...a.t... tin 1,,,,.... ~,,,.,_ i. ,...,,, .‘,.., I. L ,.. „. .. At •It It. Imt 1.,...0..0100,0 nth., N.,,..,,, 0,1,,j,,, .0,,, , 1001 trtatlEAo ltrio,--. En, 1. , .... an,l ba1....) I , , :la 1 0.0 L. 01.• 0.0.0 or 1.0 .O,E". 'h.,. a P ItI.I 1,. oOr 11.. r. .” 111, ! Snv,vn 4 4 1. A . 4 : , - 1 1, 1,....0.. tEh , E•tin,. 1..0 .00.1 .0. .n, 1.11..1 .0 110 , 0•,.. abr. 11.." ~ .. • Sfin. , . ,, ~ .r, 1.., ..'•• , • .in 60 a , I. •th , , tin. t 0.0 i, a ...... 1.0 1 0,....1 100.. .01 4..11,1 10 lEOO I h. ~.., . 0 . • .0 , .... 11:...1:.1- t Leath., 0 bn. t... 1 IM, rlttl. 11.. Ittl/ /I .. -1... /1.1.. 1., t!.. 01.0t..10 , 1 10. a 1..1 01 0 .1 k , ,•I lot I.or b•••• • . 1 %0..1 1.1 Sl, 1, P.llO. I ~.• 0 1 •E,......, 010. 1s 1 1011114 /t 11.• dew r.1.,n; v.at, .41 ma:, I: 1 8 1, . 18 d .• . . . . ) it.l.• 1.. 1 eonaBha • trla pt.- I.t. J' I. ~ 0..01.0 1.00, bud and Oll lUD I'l. 1 , 8 1 .-Ant aB. 14eet. 4 h... ;;44 I• •-•i ra 1,1.• 11.0 t th• tra• 04 910 11l - ha, kk , .t.. ii.l{ ' , 0 01 . E ., 11. 0 .0 , . ha"...an. 1.0 r1E.......1 ( ...,,, 1., I 011 10s, I a .0 ,ad, 10 .......1 tn.- 0 0011 .1.0.11 1.00. •. ' • 0,11 writ CLASS. I 0n1...... Y1vt..10.e..,,8„...r) I.iver l'etnittaita. t and I. on ..081... .., I. ..sea. Fautward.l 1 . 1 I 11'0, Mat 00.1 , ,,,,,,, 1.0 . )10s ~. 1 , :•1....). , ~,,„,, ~ uil ~,, ~.,,., A .,... ;..r. i It1.•00E 100 11,, II 1, much 01..,....r.• 1 t•alLt. 10 In, vitt., 01 ~.I/I 11. r ! n .,,,,,,,,,.. T „. „..h. 11,,,, , ,,, , ~ ..... ... '' n' .. ..' ' '''‘' M.' ''... i 11, ' .111.1. " 1 ""' - ',.';'''''' I 014,1 - 11.-;:,.. ) ,... 1.1.1. 10.01 10101., 001 Irv. - , I 11. 1,,,..r. 4'.r . 1 . 11 I , 1 ',..', '.'''.."' ' '''''' l "'' l '"' ''''" "" 1:11.1 IN - 01,, 0. r 100 Da. mot! l, thyr 1..1 , 0 , i , 1,.,t 11/II /I 1 It /.. 11/ 111....! to/ trA ,•,..0 1 , 00. r. • von° , __,,,•,,,,,,,,,, ~.., ..,,,,,,,,,, 5001 ,, ,,, ~..., ,, ,h,. ..,,I .h. i • 1,1,.. 10 , . 1.000, 1.0 -; .1.. 0.., P. •AU 1 I.‘ , kit ...I if., • ~„ ~, ~,,,,.;. . Tl.O, 00..000.1Y E-a_r•aal.l. fr. , . (00.0 all al. - 01.01w • , 0.1 0 6 ~_,„ ~ ,,,, N.,,. 0..,..1., from ~n 3 ‘..i., 1.,,.0,,, rh0.1.4. 100:0 an. 010.01.0 in 00, 0.01 Eno II .1 , 000 be 0.0 .i. 0.1 w t k 0,. , , , 0.,1.4. , .. -,,,E, 1:,....-ylp.ia en • fl. .f All .....1.001,Ei 0 ,0.1 10 the .I,oln ol thl. 11..1 001 , 1 0.. Dino...W. ,01 , 1 JOO,-01...-p,r. ne ov..rr 10.. 0.01 , . • al 1•1.1100.-Iphtm ..i 10tuElytnatit 0011 1., it.rward•al wittnotil ti 11..., ... the 1 . 11.0•1 t-00, - 001 4 ~,...1,... &tenth,. S o .l be Itm.:01 t N.: 111 . an•l Dr tt Ell. 11. KEVt.IF.D., I ...,.. , .....,.., _ ... , ~. .. -.. ~ , , . 1,1 an,tll, 1•:. ~,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, F e.. 1 .111 0 ~.... . 1.. 1.......“ , bin., .81,1 . I. 1...e•t0n. .1. , ' 1 ho., sa. 11..t0r 11..t5.... and 0... 111 Minn, :dram. tuul A Alr()NlPlEltirll'l. 1)101'411V r. 121'.1 1 , John 11.1t....1.1, N..., Darter) I•lar8, New York: l'ierre A. , I • ... . 1A.... , ilk... :Irate $ A 00... and Startuviitais A 'frown IV II Wit lI.IS 111 4 :EN 'l'll I . ; STII I I 41N1) , 4„,.,,, O. n c. Sill a. it „•1' 1 i ~ ...--i, . .1 ,i... 1.-, 111-!,..4 .....0 ,i.. , -, i•••• 1 , ., • 0;01 A 1',2 111: , 1 1 .. .. t ter A .1...•,1: I;4ll:.:ille':}E.'l''.'lTVl.. 00.1 1 0•10.1. 1 1, 01 1 ."0 1 . .' ,1 • 0,,,1 3 ' 11 . 1 10, I .YEIE . P.i ~ . nil, A 00 . 1..4.11Mi itl/.. hid, it. 1.. t4tlat. St. Ltilli.;. 11, Dar .. Inell 1,.... 1.. an 1 e-valv 1......1...1 1., via. 1 1%81.11.w .0 10,... l l.waphe, T...,0, Leerit ~ 4. 1 ..,4:44,..K0, - 14 Ii I: T I: .. It 1 1 . , III.: J. I' 1:1a.., Pi. IVO,OO. Incl.. P. .I. 50...1er, 10,11010 1,10. 04'' I'l rINIII 4' i: 11. I' I' 5' .1' .1 . ' ,taw A 1i....n.. 11-111littorr0 1 1 . .1 0 ,001-1. 1 00.1 , 010,-.10 lli. 1.0-.000- -00 r. I, 0.01 0. , .0tr. - 1, 111 I 11. 5..,1.11.).. K In, il. il I ON. 14.1/ IF 'n.ight AOO.lll. Phila. 1• 0.01.1 .0 to, tE-xn... !Mg 1• i.• 10010 0 ....dub , 1.11 . II .1. 1 0 1 MIIAP.IIT. Sot, 011001111 Pll .1...P1 V M. 4/. 111/ 1,111. 111 ru.li. ally etsr• I 1, , 1 , 1001,1,1 A.. 1,1, 1, . .. _ ... ' 0 , 1 10. nr..l ~..ka•••1 111 4.00•1 01 .1ja.......1 1.011 11,. 110.000 .0.. j Plllalturgh atud Connelsville. RAllrnall. I ' ~..0111...t lo 10E010 ihy 11• , ...r, 00 tPOI/11., It) el,•an and . Fill I I.: • pirr sitrizi; ii A rT:,,,,,, , ,,,,_ . ...._ 1,..,.11 1., M . .. 0001 tin hav•• 0.••••1 health and ...hi?, I , a , 1 c,„,„.H.,,,,j,„ 1,,,,,,,, , , ~ „„„,*,.W.j.:4 0 . -.. .1001 01 an) tt.....1.11.1i.',..' opened tor Illa 1t,t,..i...11..1.... ,4 ~,.,, „, ‘ ,l f r „i g h, ~,, In 11 0 I, .ft I, 1,,,_, 1..00 ~../I.j - ..e:• 1, 1.. ...1.0 .1. , ...a-: : ...I fr... nib...rub nit.l I 'ooo,llEolle, /anno.,•ting with thi• 0 10.8. II 11, 8 1 , 1,48 1 18, r'lt. 10 1. ' 11 . ,,, • •'. l ~.. D'l'' .l ; ronna. Central Itallroa.bal Itrtnion'a Station. 1.....11•418 of CM,MIIIMIN Oh lint..ll 10. till 11, 1001. 10011 . A rr ,„,...„...„,,, ~,,,,, „,.,„ 1„.„ „ r „i„ „.,,,, 0,, ~,,,„, 111 " 1 1,1 'w 1 t 1 ' 1,....,, Y• . 101, 1. , "A , , • l l3' cur'' , him an' , : C. 0.001 1tai1.00..1. by a hiE.4 1 100,1, Iroittltl io n Phibolclpia ~...,, 11, 1 , .1 , ..1. ,0 , 1 . to 1 u Ate dat 8 . 1, 11111 .` 1 4 1 8 '. "r . and 11..latmnre will 18.,...rri...1 !rent 1.4111 e the Pio.- 8,1, 8 -4 - er 1111 Y 1111 1 11 . 81 - 81 . fevhav• ',/ I!" . Et ` ,OO - 1 . 1 "i" I.oh an.l l'.000.1•0111r 1:0 , 111 , 0.1„I., El.. - rm.!, , nt ftvondAy. 1, 0•..... rar,. it 111,1 / .....1.5t•-• P., r../11.111 010,1 tr..EY. a 1.E.a1,1., ~,,,u 0„ , 1. 005 10 .1 . 01 v Pat 1. I 1 1,10 001 ,01,1 Iv 01 ....pillit4i, 4.11 141. ! 1.,,,,„, or .1.„,,,_ 1 1„ „„ 4 ~,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,4 , ,,., (~,,,, 11 . 1, 1 ••• ,,, / . .. ,, • 1 ni , 010-0111„ •,,,.. ~.,....I . " .•`•1 . ...I l '' ' r. : tla re will I. tu„ daily Iraile... a. followB. vir: l'oll , alt •,1 awl drink v... .r 11 , 1,01 , Itriiiitt. whirl. . 111 0, .• i )I.sil 'Thant. hat. noc thy P• 10, Sittli,,n ..f the 1 . 0,110,0 Int. ri. 0.- 110. 0.0•• 100 0.1E.0..100.0 11,401 v ..0.110,1 , tt„it t .,l..•,. 1, iitorolo,-. I , OlOElOy .. lal 1' "'Hek. 11 D It . f. alts D'S 1.5'8.1 1 0.1•S I I tttltlal AL. I . lo•lnirgh Ism, tw..l arriti.o.t 10 17%mi. IN% di.. ~. 21,x, 151,01:110 ''l ,liten.... will 11vE0,0.0 0,...? I ataareet I A. m . t, ... th,. ht.., rale.r•ll all 0 - 00.0 a I 1taa , .... 10,, r AnhE th'li. 1 000 r.... 0000.01,yr Tr:001,-000, Pit 101Eorgl, lit 4:•_1) .....k 1.1111,, .t 11 , 111.1/. 01 Nit... nar 1n , .....e, Itroorldtia. Sirk i. , ..,,, ~„., ~,,„,,,, „, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ... :4 ., 1 ,. 3i. I 1 •010 , 110. 1101100. Diarrinrt. 11.11i.at..00,1 T, phool F. 1 0,.. . 0 niLTUril' , ll-1131,...... TrUlt 11111 1......,• 0 . 0 111 , •164011.0 nt ..7, Fl. 11.1 Al. Agua. Nervona Fet. 1. Netaralein. lIP/ I.‘ I, 1 Pt 1.....) ..',1.8.1., A. 11.. coon., tun: with the NW! Trnin en.l ny, the I'OEO,O 1 4 0E01E- Ih.ll, I 1 101 . , E 0 , n... 1 ,111 1. •' 1 • 1 `• In. ',” 1 . 4.1,1114 liallneul 411141411140'Y 114114 .... 417:10 A. L.. and uillt ...Wu , al 8 11 1 . 111 . 1, AP.1` ,1.0,0 lII , IiI , 11,8, .. 11 • - •' 44 r 4444. 11. itt.1444,4 Areonottodalion at Itl‘nllt place, arrive in PIIPI - Fal.a. I:R.00010n 01 the 'Mina. 11eartbunr. Folo.-s ' 1,,,,, ~, , A. . or i b th. , tottrh, 1110.0 in:: 01. a ~lr F.,81, ittel alao 1111td. 1 Mini Train leaving C , a111.•11.111,. at .1 . 2.... I'. M.. at.,l con- Ily-lAll or Ow a 2.0.0 11 , 110,,, may 0r will 1.8 pro/hired front n ,„,„ i 1,,„,,,, ~,,,,,.,, ~,,,, 1 . ,, ,, h, ~,...,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,. 18 F11 e. ' 1, .. 118, .. 0 . 1 " 1, " .. I - 1. , •. . 11 I''' ,. '" ."'"'''''. 1 tiro l'inln Zio. 3, Pen.. Itarlrna.l;trrl,.. rn l'ittebargh nt 0111 1.• 1.0.410-0.1. fir 1111 , E. in troy, sehirlt MI R. 3110 I 6,2 0 ~ m . /WWI 1 , 111 , Inny. j 2 . ,,, (0.^ ali " , n't , ..n" ? "`'A A O , k V . ' " 44 '. Fnight 1..010 front 1.D,..1.,,1. and „tationa ...I 1.11.• PiII. utalatneot 1..118•Irne fr.n ev perienre, a Niel.. or daranged , ~,-,,,,,, ~, ,„..... 11 ,,,,,,, 1 , •, ,,, , ,. ~,,, ~.,. ~,...,,,„, ~,,,, .I„. .14....a..1. 6. 1113.1 11 , 1'1 , 1 al Ih. mit, 1.1.. 01 Iln. 1 . ..111.3 1tai1r....1. 11... r illtp.rtant it In ta a ponr putirail whn has been .814 , ~, ~,,, ~,,,,,.„,,, i . , , , , ~,, ~,,,,.„,. ~,,..„,„„„. faring for nannY yea l- 8. In 1 1 • 811, 'ant .tI ''m n dY ti l .' '''' ' l . l. Frnat hurt and I', : It.t. I d I•- • C .11en Ilk rus.ll B .lY " 11 rely ..u, and radically rem..v.• do, eau,. that has male blin ' t i.,, arr i r ld.., ~,„;,.',,,,','." ''" l ' wk. Ire liken mariner t0......t op.o the tter., at the hug , Th . ket.ran.l., loafr.. I h.• Trek. I A. 3.1., 111 1.1.,. I , lin. g1i11.13.0 ..0 3 light 1.1, hi- hart buot.da With JO,. PRICE TII 11E1: DOI.LA DS l•rn 1011113 , .. Tha Adanot I•l‘nr..-•• 1 1....ipa0y 11.1,. NM.. ial nt......,..E. Sold by the l'roprietor, Dr. It. 4 1 4 vet Ith. Wevr rnd ol 5 ‘.,,,, ~,,,,1 . ,,, , , ~,,,,,,,.0„ ~,,,.., Trnin. la 1.•01.0 .I.or, P 0 ..0100111a AVeltllB. (1'...11111 811,81 1t0a.1.1 and 1,18..1011N I „ r ~i, u ., ~d „ i t ,...„„i„. 0 .,.....1 all klndr.enineded to I.IA re. Jr.. No. 1 111 10.m4 01re..1, roil., or Sixth; oh., NE. I th , ,-`',., ,1. 1 ,; 1 . c.,,,,. ~-,, xi. u 111 8r0.,. 1111.1 r 1.63.44 VI N. 511 i EIIIVA,I A ( 0 11., Wu rty xtreet. Le low St, Clair, I ...„, . t ee ' I . . -• ‘ i • ~,,,,..t, to 11..• aare aod 1. 1,111 1 ,1 ; .1 ref0r.....1 wir. maa h. n l'lltalont - gh. Alsk., Mr. 1V..1. It F.F.D. for Iy the firm 4• ~ ~,,.., „,,,,,,„„.. Ir. lII.ACheToN K. 1. , ,t,..1. Jam, T. ,oiipla it CO., N'ollhw,,l curtmr .1 0..1..r,d 4,,,,,r I I .. A, 11 ,..,, 11. 1 ,,, , .. 7 _,,,, 7 awl the Diantoo.l. Allegll.oty (V. A 101 a 1... Dr. Foe.l o B - ' _..,,,,.... ,i,„ ....... ,.... ,I.Lii it....... - - - Anti.lllllll..llB and I.lver FUN . tehh., lA. 111151110414. 111411414 yeaatableXerte LlM:tient. (" I 'l ,A 1.6 •1 A N ) 4 111- 4 : . ixa.-,..,31 . 1 The ttos, teethe;;,,, ;,,..,1 t ,,,, ..,;;;;;440444; ..... for Ibrm- i _ .! lr ,7Arn.p 1'10.12 110110E01. 1101/...0W .-••''' ''.."•••'.'"'"‘ 10101. in oar rily,lol4ol entnity ail' 0 , 111, 10 11,0 1 0101001.1 s , . L ,... , ,,,,, ~,,1.,w1. 1 10100,0 niol Dunkin, fron, CENTRAL , 001.101.. Their 0.001 II not to Le hatt.d. • 01. 10.110 1,0 ItItPIIT. fad of 1.% hi p : . , ttj . l:l- a :E 11, .. , e tr 0 ,, n 11 , ; 1,., 1 i n i., Z .,,,, a4 1,, Dt ,E 1. 11 •1111 ' N. ith Aran... Mr :It. a I)EL AV I , ilrlr. WI:I.LS :41'1:MKT DEPOT. lir • wit° Crtnivlder n fitte need of illetir I PULT , I , . I ND 1051 . 5 LINE - F , Dix.., r" , ,.: . " '''' -10 . 1014 x. l'amengEil foi lowa. N 0 1 . 0...• .0 0 rE , ... 0 .. Vi A ' l. l lth:'S 6 ItEAl ' ES ' l' ORN.I2IIENT, ; ~ ,, 4,14 , non „,„,, ~,4 „ .,jj,i,,,,,, 0 ,,,,,,, 11 0,d,, an Air -L 1 111" '' " 01 " . °a " 11 " J Lino to Ihn.Nlinsivoithi.t.nrul abort., by .1 , 110 , E , i l, 1 1i... 1 1Y 1. , .1 0 ID1:11.'S 81.14 Ll' 'TONIC. • otbur line. counectunt ht Fulton 111111 the (heat lima &tap, arldrTllß l mtaret the healthy 00011100 i of 11, r , ain. r.n.r. ' ~,,,, For all p, ,,,,,, ,, ln f ., , .„ ~ ,0,, Ihr . hair 1,1 grin ' tn. Dm 18.1• L and clan:l...any t..0.1,4.y 1, n r.1,. I nr,l,trlT .1I.:11 31.1 DISON 1.1 NE-Fur 1101141. innetvillo„ 110 1011ing 001.001 1,0, mut, 11,00 . fri „,, , , ,, ,.. n , ~,.. ~ , ,,n ., ,, ,, i . ,,,,, , ,,i4.% nna by , bn ~,. slattiarn, and Central 1018rtapin. pt FOX HIVED VALI.KI' LINE-For Inyrdal Lake. Ale h.h. P SI X r. VI stt • rr.E - 1 I. . , .1- nNi 14.1 . 3,. :11 1111.[1.1 , 1, , t. i u0n ,,, , ~,,,,,m ona.." poi . ~,,,,,,. PM In I Two Iraina.lavly, Sunday exerpled, for tall of the &Writ T EsTi.: it I .ov - Eits. • B.0.11:10t I .i.'ientt;..3 and ', I , ,,, nicta, , nut ., ki , n ! % ., clort. , ; t r,:nrre_ ! 1i ... 0ni r , .1 . 1t , i , 41 1 1 . 1 . Er .. r... z. g.,&,, , 1 nno ,, , bn Teeter. bewail . .? n, .I,lot,eleanly/r.n.. : .t .. A t ., l lT r A rv i l: s,, o pt. b 1111881 . i ni p r i vi a 1t,u3r114 row, Far ...le by 11%1'. 3lAltrtriAl.l. At O. i i .18211 fij Wood qtrer , t. - rnrn:l7.l-fel liailtuabs RAILROAD NOTICE. r 1 -1 11 F. Pt FT SIIt'RGII, FT.m Tic WAYNE 4. l'llleAtlO I,.rAD , 311• A NV. wt:lt it. ample Rallies Stork awl ..pttp prt.part .1 t., Freiglit 1r... 4,, St. In.t.atnly , •11.i nil W., arta Saab-west. %slat a ot and ...I.p,..litum. VI,. th .1 PI.- t'in.ct mad only ,•:,•It 1., •t tu, u. 1.1 fl:.• i• 4tsf f,wat olat,:+t, that it• tim „ , atvl h. 111 Tram: on that, ,an taaat. any rigl.lvl;.l.l. fl, 1. 4 ..1. I:, 1, v. . 4.. 4. Mail Tra.ti I•hil..1$11.h 11 . .0 7 .11 11; l'lttsbnrol , At 0.10 I'r. , ll:trv. r E,14,—..1 pre-oAt Ti yr. 111,Ibnry h Fir.l E pr and lo In;From.l . lEel Vls I. pl 1 tniei from l'hiLutrlithin t• al Vol— !, by Fa 3.! 11,1 l't nth ma, g rt.o r.I E, pre-. 1.11,b‘.1,11. 40.. V. Tla/ fr•mt l'itt+l.orglk wan:, a Tra;tv Ca . 1.-al Imairea, orwrlalaal al 12,11.11110 Train. mitt:. Li,. eon., wt..; At tirettlit he for l'ihottittrti. I tali:, iti Fort St At ho Tr. /1•1111 i \V10.341 Reidltuilr , ml for illitwo Awl -t Feirota with =IEI In r. 31.1 6 ." 1 , 1,11. 14 •• 1.. v. 11,1 rmli, 1.1. .IT••• 041 urn csag - Plllll.. 1..0 .klibltt3. KAHN., ar..l ‘• 1.4 lIIIE it,.'in. inti..te 1..:- :Dol., • to— . at ....non: Ti .tt Tr.t.o• Iron. ,' I Ili Imo, %•.11.• 1.14,m tii at., t .03.3 3, In:tilos% lit. ram,. fns tti ' it/C.111;0i. Spriorti..l.l . vttt. Itrorkton Fir lotegli t. I.ir . 1.1• n at t. m. and r ;11.. , k , 01 I brio,lt. rl.ari, for For tirkt.ti 34.1 forth, inforiont ion apply to A. T .111 H N. Agettl.. at tile Ur..n U.S."• rn 11.......nn0r..f the )lon otz..lti.la I Intsm, Pii t.i.urgh..ir to I) EOM 111 PA PKIT. F. , /oral mot station. I: F. PATIIICK. Tr,t ~,, ~, t or to .kgrflll at the Stag lw. 111311 g tii.. lin.. r. r,,nnty.l.., 011 NV}:II.NIL , MA V. 21111 i11..,..1 rt.lll nu, unrii Girrl,.r 11..11. .1. MR= 10. 11 ,, At:111‘ , .,...1, , ,,t J. II , it...11E. 1111.:0. 1..27 Sklhti Pii i•4mri(h'itnli 'toad. i 91 E NV S II 1)E rni TF.rtu iNCICN.tTI A ,rt.l 1414 . 41 I 1.1. E k 4 /4 llI.l.Lr:nll: Inc I 4..1.11.r4./. 4 11,...414 1., top' 1r../t4 I ..n•I 14 ~ t , n 1 ,41 11:11, ' Too I/aily I.• 1 , 4 sr Vt.!) Tratm 4 from 1 ' 11,..14.n.1, 4 4 . 12Erft,.. ,N1..11 , 1 7 ..1i114.• the tr:44l.- Ii 44 : II ',aye ' s % 11...4t Ity A. NI ...I .% j/. %I. ril. , 11, StII, .."1.4 I:4 it 1.. 5 . 1'2.12 31., 1,.. r. 7.7.41. 1.. . _ . . . s. 4. ..111.i0r1101l for 1.1.••••Intol nov poill moll. N10:••,II.• TIO. 11,111 1.. 11111 Flo , u=ls lo limp! I, 'O, , ./111...1111:„ 91441 Intl. \ ow,rh. 1% 1 1111111111, I/4y , 1t01.0...,..10.rt0r00n.it2.1.0.0,,11...0i1151r A • 9 N1•....r1. 9.20. Colizrol.o.i 1100 li.l. to. .“ 1 Jll , l, .0 Th... roan. rrd , .•.,db. TIIIIZTY S11.11:11,1: Cr. n no cow., tiotl . 1L.114,1r. • lii n. w. mak , . .lunrar..: ,:41.• 11. Lir Itotrtlt; .•11.1 Claioan: mynt....nrille•lnin I;.:ta ' fr • at / on, at N•.n ark 1 . 2.4 , r. ...1111.1b1,4 1411.1 rani/mat ;AI t. 11..1.1•nor at 7.:•‘, ....a Inc nit Is th , niylrt trirr 5.5. 11... • ral n ann !tall road It na. ark Cnlntalan and Owl, 1001. ‘. v. at44l u I ral[e• 14.11 mu 1.11r4.44•th to 11.••••• 1.114 I .0•4 I teal... • ~ . • . 4.4044.4.”4.4, at 11,.0 1.444 n, 1141 ..t/4.44 . 14.4.44, 1.4 114. \. 411,11 ...t. •ta 'I Ar1.m.41.411.114.14•144 • Tll4. r. • r. 4.44 4 Am.. 4•14 1•1111 1144. N 144.144,4 1'..41 r4l 1indr....1 1 , 4.4 (.44 . .0. 1.4 t • ragl 1 , 4,4.0,r. gym:AH.4,h. 44% ..44 $l4. 9to •. rnilt 1.4 r • 44, '1..4%. I on.: AI .41,, At Ilia! i 4.44, .44.44, .4•.44r.111 ih.r.. al Iv 144.44 r • F. 4 . : IV., 44.• n ch~nu q.., ~,n.m e,. ~L..,u u, n•...u,.. .r L., • - I . leilltd• 11 , 113 ntl.l tit:stiera. ihe Te Vntrlels Pm-I Oa, the . Al. Insiti loett .111,01.10 5.in.1.1..kv.1 I. I ` , l . i- . ll,i, 1i„_:..,,. r,I k lorry r eir3. 1 Ire.rrra. h 11, harm. Ihrrrl. \ I S, I lir r. I'.•lrtrirt.r.- I rtr1irr0.,..11...1 rn.,trrcrir. I 11i 1.. :,.1 f•• a% . - rtr..tr- -.11 1,.• r.u•l t to all MZEIMIZIEZI 1 011 V ..10 . .41111, nt .114. thr ~,,, 1' I. 111,1krn, .1. A 1'AV1•11E1'. 1%57 Igan Vent nal 11511rootIl Limp. Ml " \ I I I :o r' t ‘ i •18,411/.•%.M. I 1.1.% El, it, \ IV , IA \. t 1 " C., • I . C ~ .zrt F. I . •' • liallroabs JUNE )12d, 1857. PI TTSBURGH, COLUltaamm tic's & CINCINNATI LINE KAI LIIOA U, t ia.s3trris.vrn... narty .Var.r of 'lra,/ S:tmt—r, rough fr, Chtunanil in Elsa itual—irtthatit ch.na7 Cure.'—ro ri cirtrusii u, Twel, [fours. On and niter MONDAY. Jr. =iL 1007. Tan Posamta. Taat<+cu sitia n.uto lea. tan federal Jtrcrt, Allrgheny dail,.l . Slindap. follimai 'UST I'll.ol S--4. , l