......ou.. tttsb shun 1 . 1 . ( 5tt.. An Episcopal Convenion. met at Piqua, ho), 4. I. An snd from their report of matters le • that Diocese we make the following Clergy ; Parishes 89; Baptisms Gut ; con firmations 335: Marriages 27G; Burials 4117: Codmunicants 5117 Sunday tieholarls 4:.;;sts Teachers Gtl9; Contributions reported 51G,594 The last number of the Pittsburgh Cc'ho , le News of the Clty and Neighborhood. says: We were shown this week. a letter from our revered Bishop. doted Jail's. Palestine, May 24. CiirllT or Oren ..111 Jad,ps, At filo time .0 wt it in„ i.e was on his return from Wm. B. McClure, G. Adams aril J. E. P a rke. a via, to the Holy 19,,,-- u; and about Jerc.,- F Bl, ?a!•Ju l y tern, N.:lre: L. :xeli other krantir4 tie, to tile st) I SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1557 O} OFF:IC/AI, PAPER Or TUE CITY.-E 5 John 11titchinsou, resumed—At Wolff!". tavern. ~,r ietirm• , 1 ,,, 4 „.„ the morning after the murder, about fire o'clock, saw ' Fife and Stewart; Fifa had a black frock cart, tolcr. A new Presbytery. to be called Lake Superior ably well worn and a' brown cap: Stewart wore a is erected out of a port of the territory ..t W in. brown coat; when I ealloi for sonictiting to drink, nellogo, to consist of the following ministers and Wolff gave me in change the quarter he had got frtm churches: The Ili,. .1 In. in Smith of Prc.by to- Stewarts said to Wolff, "this is a botcher'. 'Varier , rr of Eric, the Rey. .1. hi. Barnett or Presby , - i ' . ' I "'''"'' it it h1 " °434" W.. " ' raid. " 11 ii '''' o° .'. ry of Blairsville, and the Re , . T. R. Elder. of goad, I know whore I got it—it sea_, tram '' tewart • I r reshytery of Saltsburg; together with the whoa 1 said ittwas a butcher's quarter Stewart turn- , , ~ enurcoes m tint ouagon. Superior, an-i Sault St. odd looked at me for a few minutes; went home Mar"; and such other organized churches as and amc back In Wolff - se little before seven o'clock; • sat , t h e tench : Stewart came ~I ea t b es id e me , may fall properly within their bounds. This he id he had a "bibs" on his cheock which had s/ Presbytery is to lie connected with the Synod of kopt him np all night; after Fife and Stewart were Wisconsin. arrested, when the inquest had been concluded. I it,. s rr onr., ) ruk,es, „r t h is city, ae,opia wont to the lookup; S:elearta stile ,-, iit do•I nharo I had seen his appointment ton Proless,trship in the Dan him last night; told him I hod seen him at two „ ~ • , , • emotrieni l•eminory. placos..positively, and I thought thrtscillices: told him I had soon him at Wolff'. lonwoon idevon and Ton Executive Committee of the Lawrence twelve o'clock the previous night, and in the nt,rn f', Ibble Society had a meeting lost week. nt leg et WOlffß again between four and five, that i which It M. t'. Thompson, nod Wm. Patton were had wen him, I was confident, Intern twelio and appointed a committee to explore the count Y. ono o'clock in the night going over the Youghiochcny supple the destittit • with bibles,collect funds hank; Stewart said. "Then I suppose l'il bare to • • • ' '' for furthering the designs of the Society, &c. hang?' Cross-c..rocatard —Knew Fife tad sto,rt r0.,,,,t ' tae Or nor or SALAIIV.—The salary of 14, two weeks before. the murder; sate them frequently Jatues I. Ilrownson, the worthy pastor of the about Wolff's; it was a pretty monolizht night. The Presbyterian congregation of this place, was witness was rigidly cross examined. but he varied in . week before last increased from one thousand to no particular from his original statement. one thousand two hundred dollars. This is a g u ,„ t aid r ay, g/rOPT-00 the evening of the well-deserved Mark of esteem and confidence on last of April, about half-past eight o'clock, left my - theart of the members of the church. -- Walt,. skiff by McCluskey's coal boats, on the Yonglt river, P on my return fro the Camden Coal Works; wild , l ' ' '''''''' waiting those saw two men come down the bank and go np again; they went to a short log end ~at down Tor .1 mt. to. Ito: ,r, its:, CLAN, -CleNelaud is on it; went up; heard them talk: as I neared them nee of our ttetireet and bast neighbors, and it is eel. t h ey l owere d t h e i r vo i ce .4 whispered ; r ,„„ e l „ s i t u,. dom 3 PlllA,Urgher visits that Ivautifhl city wtthout in three or four feet, in front of them; from their meet.: tmlf,lozeir fellow-denizens of our own town. singular MOVCMCIIIN thought I would see who they : W e fi' i that many of them ere latterly making the wore; looked them In the fact,: they were the Inca, i above excellent house their stopping-place, and from to the beat of my knowledge. whom they call lie and ; all accounts a hotter selection could nut he made in Stewart, (the two &fondants identified:: frlotelle,it, that city of good hotels- The proprietor John R. Surbrug, Esq.. btu been connected with Cleveland skiff about opposite Fifth street; it was Thursday ; evening, the night before the murder; when I got pp . hotels from boyhood up and for some four years to Camden Coal Works, about seven o'clock neat laws conducted the " Johnson -in a manner that has morning, bawd of 'the murder; went up to t h e h.,. 1 hod its meet reward in a constantly increasing bus'. of George Wilson, between seven and eight o'clock; • nen' 'The house is situated on Superior street—the they had only found at that time that the woman ; Broadway of Cleveland—and is large and rommodi. was murdered. • 1 noes The rooms are pleasant and well-furnished. The witness than described the appearance and position of the bodies, furniture .ho; the cheat:in the house had liars broken open; the staple had been ta ken out; and the padlock. not unlocked. was lying on tho floor, reheat exhibited. Ceoni-E..ron - ned—lt was about half an hour from the time I first saw dm men till I aunt home; knew Stewart and Fife lint a short time before the murder; easy themat Wolf, three or tour times; it was ft bright-moonlight night; was satiated that night and ever since that the matt I raw were Stewart and Fife; the time I posed them was about nine o'cloek in the evening. Court took a recess till half-past two o'clock. ArtEntiOON frg.4lritr. Frederick Rhodes, of Jefferson township, correb: orated the evidence of other settnesses in re:a:3 to money in the chest which bed boon broken open at Wilson's boner. John Peterson's evidence was similar to the above. Albert Fausald, es:a:a—Reside in M •Feesport us Mr.. Alexander's tavern: row two men I believe to be Fife and Stewart, en the evening before thu mur der, between eleven and twelve o'clock, passiug our base; saw a man coming up the river bank: beard two mon coughing around the corner: a mot whom thought to be Fife came up the river bank; soon after saw whom I thought to be Suva;; coming op the Lank near the locust trees, they thee wen:: up the river Lank towards Third are,;. had seen those men in the tavern freaucutly: when I g, up M•the morn iug, there was 5 Warnen sitting on one rocking-e.t.a, in the dioing-room; she had a r. I colored el.ies.,,a and black had it when I cot Ceow-craninesl—Mr:. Alexandar's is awn: mid way between Second and Third street. the men were on the bank in front of the door passed close hr me. one was about forty trot of the Inca Sheppard: on Thursday evening, April 30, between a.... twelve o'clock, wait; ear's, the circus to tio—al to get tome water; slier, were two men roscri me along Second street. towards the ferry Lindh—, on the Youghiogheny river; when they passed ate I recognized them eswart and File; saw ...Ably,: more of theth potil they were arrested. Crave-examined—it lea, .1. ni3,li,:ht night: slid not examine the dross of the persons i sew: tnett, A ,,t they were Fife and Stew., John Stewart; in Meliee,oor:. en the evening before the murder, had a ol,iO be:,,nging to Wm. Taylor: left it on the Youghiogheny river. nimbi half-way See.nu.l and Third- its.. opposite Mrs. Alexander's tavcrto dui not leer. the oars in it; on the morning of the let of May, Pined i My skiff Sheet reVeriry 7 live or eighty yards h o t ew where.l ben It; there Were two pieces of boards in is. about three inches brOad and four to Milt feet long: they would answer the. purpose of Oar, there is n high bank in front of 31r.a. Alexander', to getup on the hank, persons generally go to the mouth of Third or Second ste. Marshall Leasure, urore—ltesitin on the iipposito side of the 3looringabela river front .McKeelisirt: was crossing the Youghiogheny in a fiat after twelve I ~'clock on the night of the murder; heard the at,-am. er Luzern° whistle: tier usual landing is at port when the steamer rang her bell, heard persolis running down towards the ferry-landing at the point opposite Slefiebspert on the Youghingimuy tiver; they wore hallooing to the feat at the came time; they usually hail boats at night with a light; these per son,' had n• light: else did not stop at the point, but want on down to McKeesport landing; I then went borne. An Cross-e76rained—lt was not light enough to see distinctly how many persons there were. Edward ffockbill; sworn—Work at Wood, Moor head Co.'s rolling mill; going to work about day-. break on the morning after the murder, raw n Mall and a woman at the crossing of Fourth and Walnut sta.; the man was small; ' the woman was tall, and had a tom-bonnet tin; they were coming up Walnut street. John Fetter corroborated the testimony of the pre vious witness; the woman had a ens-bonnet and something black about the shoulders; the man had on a black frock root.. Amon Freeman; sworn—Reside in McKeesport; saw Fife and Stewart, the morning after the murder between four and eye o'clock, comer of Walnut and Fifth eta.; asked them where they had been so early in the morning; Stewart answered they were 'just taking a walk: " they were going down Fifth et. to wards the depot. Jesee Allen; rirorn—Am a barber; reside in Mc- Keesport; my . shop Is near Wear's tavern; know Henry Fife and Monroe Stewart; opened my - Flipp between two and throe o'clock; heard footstep near Dr. Penney'', well; held op the light and one of-=the persons ran against the well; hurriedon to my shop; staid there some time donning up; after some time, a woman passed on the other side of the street; after that, Monroe Stewart came and. looked in the win dow; the woman soon after passed down the street; she bad on a sun-bonnet and a yellow or red-colored dress; after daylight, Fife and Stewart came in, and soon after Esquire Wampler; Wampler said. "did you hear of the horrible murder;" he said Mr. "Wilson and Mrs. MeMastem were murdered; Fife I Drama May, the Montour Iron Co. emit, by sad Stalwart then walked out; they talked 'together I.llalirond and (7unal, to different parts of the at that:l:tooth of a small alley for a few minutes, and I country, two thousand one hundred and sixt y- Fife tame Into the shop, egalu; was busy shaving. . one tons cf Railroad Iron. and did not take notice to them after than when Esquire Watnpler asked about the murder, Fife and Stewart did not say anything; about too days be. Roam laity TOBACCO.—Mr. Jos. Fleming.cor f ire the murder, Fife, Stewart, and a man named i nor of Market St., nod Diamond, sends us a Aprahara Cable bad a difficulty in my shop: Fife I specimen of the above favorite chewing brand, elms back for hi cap soon after; lie Lad a dirk which in pronounced by connoisseurs to he the knife in his sleeve. hest extent, and for which he will please accept There w o o "thth.gebeit'etKin the cross-examination • the thanks of those of us who lore to roll sweet at variance with the testimony in chief. morsels tinder our tongue. Abraham Cable, ~corn—Some days before the mur der, had a difficulty with Monroe citesrart in Allen's barber ahoy; Fife was there and had a dirk-kuife. Dal. (icor* AI FilWr M . Tighe, cur- Cress-examinctl—Was in the shop to gr: shaved: • ner of Grant nod Fifth streets, will, this July ---towart and I had some words and blows; Fife came 3.1, commen c e be lli ng off his entire stoc k of sum t ;ward, me with the knife in his hand, smiling: ray mer dry goods, silks and mantillas at coot. The nr •her 'truck him. se veral sty lea at dream, goods and notatilMs here Ee ‘l" th of th e steam offered are all now and of recent importations, er tau:erne. the day after the murder, teed, on hoard and as M'Tiche is about enlarging and other s woman at Letk No. ?. she hail> .a t. red striped d,,,,,, ne d a green s . 1 ,„„.„ i 6 wise improving his store and befog den ermined tee woman. (Pointing out C refer, to sell ott his present st rock rot test. Crosseexamined—De not Lusa Chan purchasers will have an opportunity of promo , lone's brother weed op en do, deo. ; iv-goods at low prices. Ills stock of carpets, John Worth, clerk of. the steam, Late., and mantillas, is almost as good as at nny a"I that rhorleu , ' sT"o‘'. , hod give. Co' ' this. season, and to those who want such "Mrs. Davis. - when on the how going up. an., e ,.. Meed it on the passenger-boot i. goodse here is an opportunity to _get bargains u" met Nviwith.Teyl6r. the morning after the murder. :dealt ilaytireak. saw mesa and woman passing my ttotile: the oedema had • sin bonnet on; they were .3.ndlr'll tavern; the tam, R., , n •• 01,1..14,m direction of Alexander's tavern the: i• the tone. (Fifa identified;) between*eel-e sad eight want to Wolfrs tavern: Henry Filo came not of 11,. house,. he said he find been very drunk last ni Out that he lay ell night on the deneh at the Mar k3tAlOUSe, and his partner stole his money; went in to .ho house: Stewart was then. cod ,hosed toe his sore cheek; iianiner camo in and invited Stewart out; thee then went out. • Joseph Wampler; worn—Live in McKeesport; em Justice of the Peace: witness corroborated the tentimenr of the barber in regard to asking about the murder, In the barber shop, while Stewart and Fife were their, Went to Wilson's , house when I beard of the murder; witness then described the ap=e • pearance of the premises, bodice, furniture, de. Ile then testified in regard to making the sweat, /tr. Captain Hendrickson; atrern--Scarched the pris oners at the lockup in McKeesport on the afternoon of the font of May; the witness then testified to find ing blood in different parts of the prisoners' clothes. The witness asked-Piro what It, had done with a dirk which he watt known to have; he said he bud thrown It in the Youghiogheny river, assisted Mr. Patterson In bringing the prisoners to Pittsburgh. Court adjourned till nine o'clock this marnmg. Woot,.—The wool business is pretty brisk in this neighborhood just now. OR Tuesday last Mr. John Baird shipped for Philadelphia, by wayef the Hempfield railroad, over twelve thous and six hundred•poands; The prices paid are equ.sl to tiu:isligivm last year, the best clips• bringing front ilftjr-frre to sixty cents per pound. In stassei#oce'9rthe sales, money is begining to circulate more freely than it has for some months parit.---Wash.-.Eraminer. ' annual Commencement of Allegheny College,lkleadrille, took place on Wednesday. the 24th uIL . The graduating eines numbered about twenty. The Spirit of the Age speaks in flet4erlag term of the performances of some of tome of them affording delightful views of I,nke Erie. The table—to use a common phrase—is - constantly furnished with the best the • market affords." In other words all that the hungry traveller desire. is the: e served up from n well appointed coi.ie•. With these attested facts before u.. we can heartily recom mend the ' . .tolansen - and Mr. Surtirui; to the patron age of any of our rende:s who may visit the -Forest City," and We assure them they will receive a hearty welcome nml the ben of treatment at his hands. Tut'. Lzercism of rommencemout at she for Ycang Ladies, nu•lcr the charge of Prof. Barrows, concluded ymtcrilay its a manner satisfactory in the highe, degree to teachers, pupils, parents. and the la: uumher of ',gore which Ira, present. The forenoon teat spent in the examinntioh f relieved I.y music on the piano. The recilaties.. in dicawd the thoroughness with which the wail: of ed.,..:iqu perfornm.l in the tors aut ion. IU 111.2 . 11t:dr:1,11.,11 . • e,.1111,11(.(1,enit ,per took plat, Mier .me fiat: plena. foll,wed thr Latin tiainta,ry by Mass Ada ILuTs.,itt. in it, turn seteJed by essays from Miss M. L. M'Carty, Miss F.. ur Brown and Miss C. - Masher. The Valedictory nit. priinrnneeil by Mi ,, Mary Caen Larr.ors conferred the degree 61 BA • crier of iris respect:rely upan Muses Hot strr tsr '.(Tier w:.n arpnrpriate re:aarks to the llov. C.arl.e i:zai c: Esatunling Ce.umittee, followed with sAns rntar. althy s : i:tr"eter r all :.cnau. and ,-noh.r: elertn,,e, ueLl,lk.-tlln k•im Prof. 3sr ..c.vanuau,ti :lon•lay oreblai; loot. . 1 •La tow,hir. Cara so,o kr...okeil from E LI- frot by a craw of aiboi. 'oar rarroog aong the Porta.ro no.l very' v inp•rotl. nv, •b• Trri.• 31.1 I. nr).ll, m.. hnu . ~, imtnly un.inr thr rn• the flat 111. in oinacli 'mut the erriire train rdtsfitd 0 1 . cr nuit. when he was releasedform ht: I ery dArmerni, pAi.it Am. The mantried Arm tinateelinttle ,mijoitated I.v Per Lowman, of It York rti, in a Ivry manner. latter gentleman happentost to he iiiendimg sitert time at Creeson,, and yeeterday mmnittz. nlthot,th ,nlferinn ante pain from wijoriee rio—iied in Ihe etrotin rpm were entertained of Id, ultimate I,n .s.r. still he grante4 to the f,lleeriug untneil per,ett. "L. Tlinvelity. 9th inst. unions objeetiens phonbi made er loefore that day: Th•• applirantr will gleam etinto prepared with tbrir howl, proof of pale. rental. it 24 Ward. PittAntrkrh—.Nlicitm4 510;inley, tavern ,Mrp. tavrrn. h 1 NVaril. l'ittzlitirgh—Folic Lafferty. tavern: Pe ter (lc. eating 4th Want, l'itteburgh--J now. Lyneh• tavern. 3,1 Want Allegheny—Levi W. Stewart, other 4th Ward. Allegheny—Mielzael ' , Letter. tavern. Stotler Townehire—Peter Klinginetnith, tavern; Elizabeth Hanna, tavern: John Soliner, tavern. • Mee:m.llring Township--Jneetth Moon. tavern. tahrth Township—Thos. Storer. tavern. Townstnp—Christophe Stratile, eating bonze. EUEGSON . , UNITED :STATES MAGAZINE is on our table. It has reached on extensive circula tion and is now in its fifth volume. Major Jack Downing, too long and favorably known to need any notice further than the mention of his name to commend him to the good will of readers, is contributing a series of papers to this Maga zine, entitled, Thirty Years out of the U. S. Senate. Besides Mr. Seim Smith, are his wife and their son both regular contributors, which fact of itself is sufficient to give this• Magazine popularity founded on merit. ASSAULT.—Yesterday a man named James Renick was arrested at his residence in the Fourth Ward and taken to the lock-up, on a charge of assault and battery preferred against him by James M'Clue an ostler at Jackman's stable on Penn Street. The allegation of M'Clue is that while near his place of business on Thurs day night, at a late hour, he was attacked by the defendant and another individual who has not yet been arrested, who struck him a severe blow over the left eye with a knnckler, and stabbed him on the neck. hip and back, without just cause or provocation. FZr.r rx.rtlDrtioN-I:mgvt:.,,,cr. Ny.—From 9 o'ciook M. until 3 P. M. at. ns Filth a.. grnutl tis..i.itoi.tri tV:ii•elc.t Scu i ing acct invito I to call iit. a: fr. t.. CALL at \r. Fc.lstral nn I 11.11 icc ItiF Fruit Cat, RECOSVIAITEI. TO 0111110 x FFNSE.—At a turning of •. spiritualists, - an ins alit was brought forward dreadfully afflicted with ulcerous seriefula dint all the doctor. had Toiled to rare. It was pro -I-Wised to appeal to the spirit land for advice, and a llouttepathic physician present interrogated the de. portal spirit of Hanemann its to whatromcdy should too taken. Load and fliatinet raps, audible to the whole audience, told oil [N. Y.] Whig. BILIOUS Feign is produced by a derangement of the liver and the secretion of Idle, which never' occur with those who nse Carter's Spanish -Maur& Mr. C. B. Luck, of Richmond, Va.. who was subject to biliousness for many years, states as n fart, that he has prevented ita return every Fall by the free me of this minable assisting to nature. humus of fashionable clothing in both men and boys wear, are invited to expmino our clock. In tho furnishing line as well an lb tho above the stock is full and desirablo. A Lim variety of now styles pieco goods, aselltrively for custom work and other peculiar facilities for thin department of the business afford no is claimed Advantages not sur'possed in the trade. CARNAIIIIAN. Allegheny City. t Sur APPROACIIING FOORTII.—EVOrybOaIy Is mak ing preparations of 00010 kind for the proper observ ance of the —Glorious! Fourth." Some will go ab roa d and some will stay at home . , others will remeta so_ her: snore w ill d oll m ilitary uniforms, while tho great majority will wear inch plain clothes as are becoming to respectable and patriotic private ci thew. Of coarse the great noms of time people will get their garments, at the Brown Stone Clothing Roll of Rockhill .h Wu_ eon, or. 603 and 605 (new style) Chestnut strum, shorn Sixth, Philadelphia. ni PrANTMENT.—Jar.,:,S :sicElir,in. to h Pu.etuku.ter at Ap,116; Arnastrung county. Uncaphyr. renigned. TII Ent. are tn, 1101 , 1 hat it IL. n at-it.tpr.,...1 aettoft exe , tpt frtan tlttori.•••• um. [too thry are 31-.. cent Inee , l that a t... 11 tttte et,tetertert li;ht troin tt- i.• tt • lag it for the purl, to. ot mann:rosin,' But there are nonnen a ithin ttto Att. atoli. of thii city, n %rid .IL , u , the 1., 01.1! • •rtt Trtet ore thit , ty shoutit .o.t. et at - tttutter . ,, corner ot reran nt,l '4l I Irt:r ittt ',PI' , 'I 1 their thir.t et I.itt 'l;v, ,tut. t tat, 11,1 IN Irl.oll, .4.441. i - ..1 13 ,,, ,11 are wt , IL grcarr , r:•I•L•l!ty a , )1r l'Arttatthatt', -t tt,.. tto• l'•—• i•. \ atiti t.ltltott, A t tlry 14 , 11• la,. tci "rvier I.• 1•••• t . ,:oern a. Mr. I'. 1 , rulArro rtttattlt , lttotent ttttrl.t t new 11.0 w. F..ottlt cf July. 3'141 tti. - 144 Mr. Cart:lollm 1,111 got 1tt..1141r13 441 anti otto 1,1, itoek. C. and delirious is the si.s.ia Chn., II ,111k07. C.n. Pent) :tn.l ,t. Telegraphic t'tsrny krt, July ::. The most dis,troas de.ormoive fire sine, the erganiintom of the steam fire department, noeurred last (right. The tire broke out in the engine room of dolimool. )leader an extensive furniture 1113111113 e• tare, COrt,r of Smith and eoliunbin street • In • a short time the entire building was to nom,. The tire eonimunicatea to the najoining t ight story brick building. and IWO frame structures owned by the satire firm: all of whh.h were Ik• strayed, with a large quantity of lumber nod the entire stool.. The loan is too minted at $1 11 .1. 1 " insured far il:10.000. The esttatdishnu•nt of Win 'Boson & earner of Smith and Water streets . , the largest mat, ufneturers of stone hollow Ware in the West, was destroy ed entirely; loss $1;u1,110il : insured for s3ll,lloti. A number of buildings iu the vicinity were in jured, more or less, including Holstein to Ham mers' moulding factory, J. K. Coolidge's furni ture establishment, and the Nlechanies . ILnt 1. 300 men are thrown out of employ: 175 of whom were in the employ of Johns.on, "leader S: Co.. and 1 , 25 of Reson. Several pero,: l uere injured by the falling of the walls. /:It Mon , lIOACAAtt :121n n ':.i:.t 5 ,,, A• .1. .1,1,40 12. a, Ltiel An 4 11,.• OA , TotAln II al, n. A tr. Th• .. I CINCINN.‘II. July 3.—FranciA who was injured on the Niarletta railroad. died on ~..1 ThA .t.l Weclnes.day evening. Henry Bullard, hiol.roth- 1. , :Att. , A• t• ALA A At."•tt: P.M ‘A•LitL• "A cr. i+ not expected to live. All tilt` other wound- , ell are apparently improving. The ollkers of .j• )1 .t Ai lk It,, u. ~a the road have instituted an examination into the • tar., th " ” th ' y u.` 1... cause of the aecident. nod done all in Ihrir p.nv- er for the comfort of these injured. Sr. 1.01.1i1. -=Jalnei Lyle, Count r Tu :11,. nu . tot, corder and Proll3te Cierk. 11:11 , t.v 11 Free State man named Haller. on the '.. 4 th olt. The hio, affray grew ont of an election to till vacancies in te•tt, --N 'NA , . . the City Connell of Leav'enworth. littler way arrested. and great excitement pri.v.tiled. with t Import s by River. appreliension3 of n riot. 111:F.1.1%,i F••71,-, -1 NEW YORK. July 3. —The ,cinioniir Maitland r„ . l I .. m.,sr, her a 11 , H:e1:. 1: 1 1 • 1 ..•40 1 of Balt int , re and the brig Marnsp;ta. ttfll s score etlite.l to-day nut-side the Lightht , tot , I.s• " " the elm, Wwthington. 11.1 NEW l , m N, July 3 —Mayor Aroo.l iii^ submit. , 1., uti I', the Cour ~f Appeal,. ; . , . Clitt tI'EL: II:1, .f ; • • ..r.~~ arrive.l front Li% errt3,l, With ;1$ M”rni , ,n tqn,- grant= hound i•, I. 11%1 E •'. 11,/ 111111111=11 IJK I c t t• • : ( a , •nn fn.(any , . In. 01 .Ik unt , v.b..l attd finA. h.. , • lixt I. ttl ftt (..r and ct.ti.7:+ extra white, Whe.k, otevlt szvl (nit .1.•mmt. , 1 I ' , 11. , • • I ' • '!' • 2 `''•••• ' [lnt law ti,. , oi ••., 1.1,1, at :01. ntr•l .1101 lt chill nn , l Dot nt Ity.. L. •.,,••1 nt It Th•• 1011, t. 0.. , 111 I, n•Pt •.•••1 itZlanto W .: , k i, N .., :rF:!)_ . i. :1, ,.. , ,T r i e h h ., a. i 5, , , ,,. : g , ,,!,: -. , 1 , . ,, ,, , , ::, 1 ., i, :! ,, ; North„Commons, and hot. is , n the Foot and NI •wt C.tion, 0.. All..ttllolly City Apply t.' IV. BUNN. ...I iii.1....t l• , nsal strews. 2.1 tio, south •4 ths N.lll, C•onnon. AI, glony City. lit -\ A N Tt E D.,-,—,,,A n odn. welling li jaaiseury j,,, j ti , , , j ri t, J1 , :. , , , 1 from $175 to i.=, 111.AKKLT & 111ClI1_A. ryl Corner ;111 awl Stnithfol.l St,. I Y 1 Wn. A i r E t ' /- 7 -rottr in li n it . l:ti , sti i , , Sz. p r i k , , , at r, , t 1 , 1 , , , .. 1 apphent ion at my Fs tern, no Mani orwt.td•twoen Viral nod ! Sof . .rod att. louoville. Ky. Good wages and plynipt pay. ment given. y-24nPO• _SANIA. PETE-S. Lonissillo. hy. S 1.400 "''' ,;000 BcslNEss (lit ,omtnrslation Notos of all 1.1,ts hal- • :-.tramboats. ing from fon days to & months to run. van 1,.. sashed at r.is ! sociable raten.oy applymg to B. MoLA IN & S , liN. I - • ..-- fe2 Stock & Bill Brokers. IBP E11I: L A R TRI : W EF:E LY ...' • iv 71:E T L i l NC, PAC I K;F• j :T , IL ii I . l : Ai* , :c. , 1' i\g .. 5 .7 . .).: ,,,,, , CI —W,INTED, a panuer with j t 1 0 (3 ° `-' • • .JIJJ , . I of Ten Th . ..." -1.11.r ' 1 14; ' 11'Int - mso ' n n . ' t7trle:t . ; ‘ o u 1 ' 9 4 ,1.7.1 ' ;,..11 e . vr ' y . Tl . : E.S . D.II'. .9 'to Invent luau old established manufacturing establish- ! TIICILSItA V and SATITUAY. al 14 A. 31.. for tho atoms meat doing a good busin.s.. I nil& all lutorme•liata pot- For fo ight of possoi.e. apply Apply to It Et,. IV. BONN, West side of Foderal strent. 1 ~,, ~,,,,, ~,„ IV. ll ',( I(tELI-it, Agont, secomd door South of North Commons. Alls,:hsny City ,,,,,,,, 1 . .... 4 Wood street. WANTED — By a Young .Mar, ar goduos- 1 F 0 R ~INC I NS ATI s. A NI) LOU- j. 4 i . loess habits, who has had mane espy:lnnen in astoret , is git.i,g_Th, g,,,, p a 5.,..,. stn a np., n situation as Salennaan in a Book or Clothingtn stns.. Wages ! >I I , i EllY A. t 'apt. John t tor& 111. 'win inly. to then .or old not .o much of an object. 1 nil intornnotisto poreon Tills PAT. al 1 p 0. For Also wanted, a situation for two young men in a Dr) . ,„, , ,, t „, ...„,..... ~,,,,,,„,,,,, jc2:9 Gond. or Grocery Store, can spook Gorman. Girls can bn hod to do ,armor kind...l work. Itoys ran bn bad to learn trades. Men can Inc hod to form and gardsn, Ogler., Coachmen, On. Apply at 31c El.ttorsl Intelligence Oilice. mrl2 ' N 0...: St Clair or.et tstCOT - I' Corner Irsvin Street •nd pnouesne Woy, PITT:tI3I2 Ittr 11. PEN NA. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor, ;For:Tully r.f the Murkrr 800, ISlair...db.. l'n.) rp HE SCOTT 1101 . SE in I.lO‘T comilleteli and r 1,41 for liner.. It is wanted ins Central part nt the convenient to all Railroad l,pots 3114 SI.:111.41t Lmnohngp. The House wad built in If•3d, stab all rntdorn Ilnt'r,.r• rnente,and fitted up In eplendid stole—the ensue Fll riot uro being net... and win in every respect ben firer claim Hotel. .fIR . FINE STAIILES are Attached to the promises. Jo2tbllm .AMERICAN 1-1 - O'l•JiR Vninn Pornt, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. ATEALS ARE ALWAYS INRNAUIXESS ill a! the Ib. r arg6 and fru•en111l1 , '^Pring 1.•• 11, of 1,:!t , Tit k W EL 11' r. li. F. I , M ITII , _PizC) P 0 It 0 WEN'S llitT E CORNER II A:. I, sr! , I, ISVIL K. w. rk DENNISON HOUSE. Corner of 'lain and Firl h Street, CINCINN.ATI. 01110. DEN I q•nr, 13 I C: G 11 0 1 • MITCHELL. INDIANA. J. T. BIGGS NMT: PA - • nL2 A-1 n•F. r. it \\[ LAN, ( thn Allegheny City, Penna., wo.,4,rrtar., Or BRADLEY'S WOOLEN KNITTING YARN, Uf erery Color end N tomb,. Is PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS ON abort antler for every color or number of Varna. liar. In been one of the original ronnuhtcturere of Om celehra. rod -Bradley Woolen Yarns,^in connection with my brother. Wm. Bradley. of ilheellog, I untold re...v.1111111y evheit .I.n of the orlon for Yarn, above. 41.0 - Cash paid for Sheep Skins mild Wail. Jenlyd Improvement In - Wook Binding. • THE DERSIG NEI) having obtnined Let tore Patent for Improvement In Book Binding, lo pro pared to furnish tho attachment to books now In nee,. to apply the same to new books, orders for which are respact folly onliclted at. WEI.DIN d BOWANWS Book-Bindery and Blank hook Manufactory, S. W. corner Tidal nasal WooJ eta. The above Improvement maulers lit. of a Metallic Siring, clasping the back of the boot. In ouch a mginner as topre vent tho leaves from sagging when thebonk is standing in a vertical pmitlon. 11. Thu carriages are metidilc you In which are inserted, which will elfoctually prevent the !auk from wearing or chafing In pliang the same in its ranting place. jefa3md A. if. ROWAND. Patents. LILLY; rlVlllbiTirVetherillAultlxgruo;ros.in ==n B. JOIINSTON, Cieil Engineer and J • Lind Surveyor, onrnor of Third street and East Com mon, Alleglsony City, will attend to laying out and dividing Land, locating roads, dc., at short notice, and on reasonable uvol. rorlintnwsr RH. PALMER, No. 105 Market Street, . Dealer to Bonnet.% Unto, Straw Trimmings, od Straw tioials generally. Je2S Q,TOCRIS FOR SALE.— 'b dt r " Mlor,do ogheny Bank do do, 42 do Iron at; do do. 1.0 do Poomyloanla Inouruiro C.., do 1• SA. MoLLIN A HON; bcork t Dill itrokoro. Commercial . , PITTSItURA:II M I Is t-r. ON ET. 111/ °II 111.10 111 •1: 1 n t ,tl 4 IL no, . I.• ^t-1 110 •• Im 11. yl.un. iltk, •I;I. .ly j. 14 T..tal i . 14 I 4 I 1 i . r II i ' i .ii /I I PI ill i . , iietlerul nelling 1 , , .i. 1.; etIII., II ra 13 A verago 01 all ...,,.. alv,l Il 1412 1 -; 1: I; ii 5b....P •. •, 1.0.1t , Th . -e 1.i , 1e I. alquittant. nn.l p.l are 1101111 i.• , ,, Ile wt.... ~,,p It C.1..”. , 1.:.,, il 1 1 ,.., ', a:A 1-knllek at f..:1 , , , i:. The 1i...11ii 01. t,ii V taw, All iII .0.111011.1 i ,. .. 000,0.'. --Ilan. Itn,vl lb. tn3rl,:..l..krAllon, pnror ..orn :end 1,/ 10 2 for =MIRO 1 . 1.1 N L. I , t. ••Ir .t. El= El= =IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,rtnien.“ 111- 4 I 1,1.1.• N -The IV.IT EtOr rlmoing Ita. hnr pilot 111, , ...A11,7,1111.• ~t 1.11:•• t.,rn r,lit. u - ts plea,. to• rsrt, t:t.••Mte u I .1. 40.1. 110.1 a . i. - currod, hr z.i I M .1.11,11,4 hay, 1..,14 cleat. to .ne nntli -11.7 .1.ten.1..• —looll.lrOle Steamboat neg . lett,. Aftlil VED 6n.,143111.....01,,1n. 41, C , lnne: Ell/al , lth 114•11,..... 16 , 1. 1-in3.l. Ltoor.v,llo, Jrlrersl. An Col 1",-nton.. %%booth,: .'.,tn. Porto. Saint IN;f.00. •Ir• 13=MIMI PATENT GAS COOKING STOVE, Mil==;i3==M TI I E PCI3I.IC III.: II NI ‘n.l 111,1 u. i•nvi:lll4 I, a family .1 4 1., , r w• 11 , a /11•::11 , 1 , I.ra. I‘..te. mud rook Tbr ..tor.. Sin w111 ., 1 nut., do. I ..r forllL..: 11l Na'tillAVE Iloihp Iho nrer :a tLi.. tt ‘.lto wed nr . hitent Gas Cr. loll.; Amor..., I ran el, , rtally and etrnlMontly {MA it t., oth , r, no far rup..rt.4 1 , 4 nil root:log purpo,, t.. ,toy of old In .litotwd Flo,`• consider It a g^:nat thiproveropnt. antiwhen Its pp , ,al wirantages • !vale. ithaot tt Artlnng I .1,11 11,.. 1.0 the folto,ng • Firs Ilex Is r p„a thn. ma, sou tunr and tot,. Seentpl. rooktng oo r ne tetthcatt Tbtrol, it. ntal alst.ll It a gre.e. ni , on I tir coal Flo,. h. the wink wh,•l, rho I.rat ta..y Ir rryzul,ll.4l and tit. , (.1 c.wrAttnr att.ondo,l to. Than mar d•velop.. other ads Auto ,os, Slit I a th , pr.,nt I , - I fully nut-not il,1(11, Ir. tv Iv.l'atrut MC...Attn.: . ,• I rf .01y n,lthrn r,thr )11{, • • SVYKIA. 31 u1..1 Dissolution. TI i 110,rey.forr exiftlitg tWeOll an . . •41 . 1,11 ,, ,, 110111; ',1u11. , 1111.1-r 11, 11,.; firm ot It C•.. .1. • :ittv.,.( . 0,1 A 11 c • I:I'• rm.. firm .4 3 A VA II SE,Tvt In A C.l ~„t h o r. In.• +low ~f .11.• f,trA tip COI. .4 Vit., awl NV...1 I II A. 111.\ 11. 1.. I , \ .1 1,. SCIIW A I:17. ;. 11. Al. VA -r, .i II .k. r K•K, ui•LL k h. ..C.l PIL: Mai ton , i. . . I be F.rit Wi•iol •tr”nt.i. IL V.I.IINI:,TOCL. whin,. to I an bore, It. A. FA N 1911..1 , 1:W1, A 111'LT.. New ILlik Proprietor IPartnerfillip hereto rare rlt.rtlng thern 1.0 rhonlanu. ftulunt. and nab , of 14l 1. l 1. Ile,l helot. :4 011/0 day the... 11,41 loyP. A C. , . am nollwrize.l 1„ re, Ire t.ll du, 11.11,1 111n11 lO up lb.. 1.tz.u0.04 of 11, , . full, The I,olin, /cr., aru yrelarm......f 11. A. Fir A , and 114 , 41 I'll Nl.urvl. It. A. rAiiNKSTOCK. 11. rA [IN EsTN2K, .1. I:I4aeIIICARTZ. kIINr.oTOCK, 1411 IN 11.1: 4 1.1.TT. Jo. Pat,lit zh. Jul) 7. I, 00 -PARTS ERSHIP--The undersigird have formed a C.e.Partoershir to nmthme the =Rem runt of White. hem!, Red Lend cad Lithiage, at tho ['runny!. vnnid White Worlo4 A lingheny City. J. HARLEM Jr. R. A. FAH NESTOCK, J. L SCHWARTZ, A. B. HULL. G. W. FALCUSTOCK. BACON, ,te.—Zita, plain ll ama ., VA etignr Ctme4 Hamm 250 pc, do do Beef, In More and for We low, by HAWORTH, 11110. L BBOWNLEE. J..= Tn the Dintooffl, Yittemrel, IRISH DC LCE—For ank:e at MORRIS & PAT TON'S. in the Dinmoutl. ' JAW CIDEIt VINEGAR, warranted A 7 from putt , Cider only. Thin amt. article can be oD taiood at 51oliiti6 1 I , ATTON'S, ie tba Diamond, at 25eta per gallon. JY2 AL.k.CorSTOC BONDS, RMAL ESTATE, Re., ley ma Ruth''. After Jul) n I the ERCHA NTS' EXCHANGE. Apply to - AUSTIN 1f.11%116 & CO, Stock iimrl Sole Rroker. ffJ Pourlt{fltr.t ! 'l' 1' 6z lII' t` 11 II . r II I; A 'l' It I.:. t' . 1 11 N K Kl'llllo4 ,1T A 117'4 ,s; '1'1;04. 41 k. rws.n.tri• I io .1.• • 1, . .11, ikII VI; I; 'I'I: it I , : MININI . I c()NIPANV lk At A1 , 1711,1N M Isr 111 ,1 1 , 1 ,, t1i. J lll l of 111 011,1k.till. 4.ll.lllnlfini VI 11 il .1.. . 1. 11 lit 0.1.. 01.1. M IMMO . . abb tee A tiVUIII..• furfellnd In $t polv men! n 1 PP./M.IOII I N /1 1 . P. M. DA VIN. And. " tiSIGNI.:I','S SALE OF ItEAL f:ST ATE 1./II no.ulny rdenlng..lnly 71h, al n o'clock. al the rod roentnerrlal !Dal EA... r i m y , 01 Firit, ...et, milt in. hy "bid of David D. 1.11rn.7, ty.iyooe of I lithe. r Adatus, Thal Tabloid* Int of ground In 11,,. I. n.olAll or Mandsnoler, containing about fnur w-nrt, oy due., Iss Ihn intlo rl.rr on the Weary. fyl.l.lV ard stria. "0 Nanlll. by 1,111,1 nll. y on dot dub .n.l hr land.. of Mau.. 1i41....;r0it nu 11$o north. 4." • rp r • la, Itt , -,..11 10,4,112 11.x•1_11,. follow tog lota itr Jamo•ltle plan In the of the city of Pittsburgh. 1,1 N, 21, baring a front of fifty foot on (411 , 11 . 17 nt rewt, t. , 1!. , ttotollng hark two hundrod and thlrty.ttotom Lot No :21. Iltly fort front nn Quarry .1, 1,7 two hundred awl f.,nlv Ix., r, h.t. iag n front of ernoty-elght feet nn Liberty I. es- I hdrk Ml.' no.l Foxt)-olght feet. Lot to, n !Doll or thirty-Ave feat no LiLofty street, ea one Ilttodred feet to Spring alley. The A 1... wlll fold notonct 1,, n mortgage of Tett 'lll.ean.ll,l I l'erto• at Ka., I'. M. DA Wig. Am, A•• t gut. ,• 9 Sala At I , NI. Davin' now 1 , 4000,01 i Heal ,:.Loin Stars Ito, , nns, ....owl story, u Fifth street, Pittsburgh, TUESDAY, t 1,.. ••1 July neat. nt o'clock, y. 0. rI~IIEI zolcrsigned, Assigneen ofJames Gray, j. th stront, will tiflkr for sale nt the lisle nod pl;ro st.,,,nt. at public aoraon. all the cal 01 , t1t0 of the 111, of Iho fonnwtog. Int. An annual ',round Rent of SI bOAtn, payabla 00 the 1. , of I 4.101., and April...no, nut of two lot. to Arthur's plan..f lots. In it,,. 711, Ward. Patshorgh. at ths cortirr of 1,111,in. and 11.../...rts str , ,ts, and I...ing 0.4 Syt on Wilkins 19 I:0 Sot On Roberts, It, Potter'. allny.whirl, an, tr.l nn s • story store nod brick dwellin g on bons, and slo t v doubts dwelling honer. An annual Steno., Root of V 5..., nn the In • Octobyt and April. Laing out ..f four iottf , In din 7th Ward. Pittsburgh. tintolwri.,l 31., 40 oo,141; In Woi. Art . Ito I toartlo, root:lining n front on Arthur •fent dwp, .41 t a n, pi., o f ground in Pitt township, rontaintng on I perch.; etre."( visas/to. on which oreeted nr0.,11 (.lot hon.e., stab!. and brat pnwdyr mega. am ben, putt ol lot No,. in A C. Stool's rho of lots of i trot S , 3 in IL.: ,moor Pittsburgh. ._ as, i.ia, -,~.d u. m_,,,. :. ~ .n. ~N ..n i . ~ i,.. ~~ , Flaw papa nt in , , , end .1.1.1..imin the &bore, and cm ti 'n hit. -1 Friair ztud ?,in;; Noreen that u.. 1 A r“..d 1.4.1113,. in V. richt • ide. , ing eq., ~.i.i, v h., ~':~ i ~.la. n~h~nk ~~ stn. A I d diary [trek throning bonne thin mm trd roan, rn ray rttr ntroot. Pltiottargh, and contain • t , • thorrta. anti ••st•doling hack to) hod in JaChtion at1 , 1.. , !,t115t. 1 , .t N.,1.. in II.•• Frnpro. .11, 1 .1 1 1,:0,4 hitch tetnen,rutd 111, , nn ort.C.Nl. ...i •tl I it I.lborty and Fifth rtnt-tA. t., fr.nnl..:a ut..r.wy Flu• .1 It. V 61011111.4 :. • .r 1. /1/.11,. 1. Venn 31, I' o, t I ...n.nv •, at,d . :J • .11 , •It I.rl .11•••11tt...7 holt•et the ,t) Vat.burgls. Coal 11,. in n:11.•ott.leo 1 , ) land. of If In: 11A.,11,1r. C Cowan. a public si ay , 411 ILlu 1, w ouch prolwes .1 4 11143 . tasnan.; the as tautila tiun. ..r 11:1, A 1 .1 Ow AI ~n ts. , rlOrtt .1 111: .1,41. , •ncA1n11. i 1 r'.•t t!.rr..•n lit horst. And...end- h• Alley...n hiel. 14 01 , 0 n three .t .t •tu I elintnith; the 0113 , 0 4 Th 0111.14 1V11,.1:3, . 1:1i1 111 .1 4th Ore., nrel belt, I he.l Ifl 11..nt 1., C.. feet deep. .., ne, Riley, upon which ere 1-Lti utle, 146 1..1 nn th,. I/ .J.ir cw.,64 ly cornAr .1 ith and Mar 1.. t ri , r, and !Ong 21 , , foot on Market atreet. and ratepd. I.aek thorrtrom w6mg 411. stied 70 fr.,: In a .1.1 fent NH,. on a. hlch H errct•ll a thrva ably hick balldits,z. iv. two !torn, la•d 110., Not,. are onihjen to an anniAl ground not 4,l*Thom.. WiMunn, deed. Tinto--4 , n , 11...1( rants aa.1r.,..10e on 12 months :11111 6 witld • , I Ir. r •.:riar.., ,rl% n':..l *rib. Ir.. -11.• &Awl, FA LES COMMENCING TUESDAY, JUNEM.IO.g. S it intended to enlarge and improve our iwore Room LATE IS JULY. tho whole stock of or, IP' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, FURNISHES° GOODS sc.. now on hands nal be offend AT PRICES MCCII BE LOW THE REUCLAR RATES with tho clew of CLOSING tho whole before commencing the Itoprucenrenta.— TEL. It will be obeerced le not • mere pretext to Ent rid of old knods,se everything will be found NEW ANT FASLIs lON ABLE. Dot the contemplsted alteration would nems saltily deface the stock, and to ohs:bate this It is prop:teed to clear out the whole at very low rate, and open the Fall Train with ansasortment altogether new. A due variety of piece - goods On custom work eidu tir•dy will be made to order at O large discount - • • - - • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. :1 - AMES It013B,:No. 89 Market street, sh. ty between Market House and Fifth street, takes pleasure In calling,tho atualtion of his friends and the pub le: generally to his third large supply of the most spleraid stock the ITS. ELIOES, GAITERS, SONTAGS, ac.. sea or /tan:sit in Gale nty. purchatesldirect from the itlnuanfacturere and Importers of Freese Rao , : in the Eastern cities. This stock is just what It purporte to ho—rery superior and adapted to the present summer .10300, ilia stock ofLadies'. Gents'. 31leers.and Children,' French Shoe. ri eqnal to av found East. The nave and Frareful• wt of their the Is charmlnig. • Ile take, pleasure to trolt• ne ing oil who are In want to glee him a coll. Price. erill le motol—rery WATCHES AND "JEWELRY.-J. M. IittIICRTS bits roturnol from the 000000 cities with an eatim new oral choiro roach of • Mae Watches, Clocks and Josrolry. which hr has par chewer mwitly direct from the manufacturers for cash, which el:whits him to sell at the folowing very Ita. prkeic Imo tiortatent Lerer Watches, la upon mi d h ring coos 440 00 to $1.20 00 Gold Lesere.l6 carrel 0111.4, full Jeweled... 26 00 to 56 00 Wald Lapin, " ... 20 00 to 25 00 Oliver Lavers, " ... 12 Od to frii 00 ... .- Gold Guanl, Fob, nod Yen Chnin5........ ...... 10 00 to 30 00 I Gold Kaponni Seala IOD to 10 00 Gold Lockets, 2, 4. and C. gloom 2OD to 2.1 00 6.d.1 Comm and 31...a1e dniant Pins 150 to 15 00 Ear glop 150 to 10 00 Pure 001.1 Wedding king, . 250 to SOO I:nl.y. Pearl and Garnet Finger Elog , ..... . 220 to 0 ('° 0..1,1 Pen, 0,1 Pencil, 100 to 1.1 00 dl.l Conn , and Necklace. 2on to 12 1.0 Foie Gold Thlniblia. 2 00.10 500 1 . 0.0 C:ol,l6pcclark. 1, :Mtn 2 rg. Gold and Sion. Shane uttotmand r00d... 0.: to 12 1 , 0 Fine Gold Scale Finge Br king , 075 to "0 Ai., .leer nial Plat..l Spool,. Konen nod Fork., T., Si.. Ca. .or, a clamant, k of .1.... Coral and Fancy Geode.. Parmn Stutuazy. French_ nod lialliau Pandioaa. Ala, an pu.ill 0. earialy of Clockt of All pain :ea y ,a 1 thha keeper, fr.o. 01 to 0:21. 4111115pi11f1119. =lllllEli • '! S! , PHI• lIIMIEZZEI 111111=119 o•rtIrl - Igir wpar V. , ••rli .••• ..1 114 11177 It II c.l oi.r, 'rill' PO/ A IT. • riurr 'lint .i+nlen 1•. !IA V If 4, Al.e.ll••••ner. nmEmszn= ttre..tr thPlitt...4 Ntr. A. Matt - an'e land. Itn.l 22 p rts ., np jr. rept )I , ll , rry alley .•,. A;, • . Ite .toti! in ,tt. Ward. and ...nt:Untng :01 that !met um, .1 Wm. NM wilt. lu tr.:f C. lA, 1•41.1 Irm!mg I.m.t Ka.] DO- 1 A Rare inducement• CARNAGNAN' B ENTIRE STOCK OF IVENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. TO BE DISPOSED OF. J. T. CARNAGHAN.. J.::4 , :ttr Federal et, near the post otace,Alley,heny city. LME=U33 BOOTS AND SHOES Remember the place. No. Mt Market street, Pittsburgh tor2o---jeti Watcher. Clocks and :revelry repaired. Remember tbn lb Filth Weed. near Markrt. Et= 111311.--1 , 10 hhls White Fish, 240 11011 bids de bhls Trodt, 100 Mt bbl, do, :• lads Salmon, S bids do. • 40 bhls No 1 Mackerel, 75 hit bib Ne3do, 3.14•14 Nr• 11 de, • 01111 bbls Ne 2 do, 71. kilts No 2 1•1 , 1•• Not do, 0••• hit bids No 1 des, km kilts No I do, fA bbis Baltimore Ilerring, 25 do du do, For sale by I.D•13) .1. D. CANFIELD. Q L ECOND FULL STPPLY OF CARPETS, 1.3 OILCLOTHS, SIAITINGS, to., at the Fourth Etreot Owner Store. W. D. A It. APCALLUM having just roturood from the Feaster:l where, owing to the present depressed Gate of the market, they have purchased, and at eery low rate., a large anti !drama entirely new nista. of CARPETING. consist: log In part of Velvet and IlrasselLthrersply.new and beautiful rotten:on Tapestry and Common Ingrain; Velvet agel Tufted Hearth Rugr, Also, n very large variety ofDoorNiata, Window Shades, Stair Rods, Duff and Omen Holland, MI of which shall be of• feral at the LOWEST RATE for emir. 1101.1 and ham, keeper. mill find It to their advantage to glee them a call. tel W. D. A. 11. McCAI,LIIII. ..... , _ The Natured Eciencce ore taught with the akl of • large sod emponalre epparatue. The Musket Department to under the charge of • lady eminently qualified for the eltuation.and all who prefer to bo taught on the piano or Kluging bye gentleman, bare • Nielting teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing and Painting are under the direction of a lady accomplished to the arta. The Pell Term commences September oth. NluSustnua has the Uherty to refer toll:* following gen tlemen: DEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, Right Rev. A.Dotter, Bishop Of Penmyleente. llon.Krsaklln ex•Protddent of 8. Mule, liortgagee and all sec - pities for mousy. M=OIM;EI I•ersons can procure loam; through my Agency, on ream• able terms. Those aiihing to lout their money to good dump, can always nod drat and aecood elm paper at my aloe, for ale. All commnaleatlons and Interrlors aridly niundentlaL OPare GRANT STREET, opposite UL Paul's Cathedral. Jelmltt TWIN FLEMING, DEALER 1N ROUSE u famishing Hardware, Hollow Ware, Plated Ware, enl ist - I, Brittannia. Bright, Japanned and Premed Tin Wars, Wood and Willow iVarce, corner of Market and Third st em s., Pittsburgh, Pa. flooding, sad all kinds of :lobbing In our line, dons with fatness and despatch. nsythlyd POWDERED GLUE ZOO lbe on hand dud for We by 147 FLEMINO MOS. SUGAR -30 Muds. prima Sugar; bbls. Crushed sad Polnland Bow. Io .tossed for =de by jot T. LITTLE k. CO. VEATIIERS-47 - ake to nrrivo pe_r_!!taimer Hibbard, for We by [Jy2l MAUR DIMMi & CO. GRE§ bbls to asirmifolute:rbico. W. E. OHILDS. & Coif; PATENT 13ASTIC FIRE AND ITATEIC.PIIO/6/ . : C; 1 \1 T R 0 . 1 1 IN . G PERRHP & JOHNSON, Proprietors. A ILE I'ItEPAILIO) To CoNTRACT AND I'UT ON AT TILE SHORTEST NOTICE ru.ck Vlro and IVatet.rn.d tianent Inydln, it toeing the onl, artiely yet invented that will awn...fully r.atat the ...lion alto , otinsaolittiyo in every climate. I'l' Irf P 1, 112 F.; AND A'r.E.ll.-PROOF. And to t.,ltit ~inrnbilits, ladlere it la egunl f not ..utyrior, T 1 Any Metallic llootlng. WY toot rut it art env Old Tin Tnr ar ng.fr Una., it ntahin4 no lilt nee b._tr Alt or eL.e r tho roof may too.. Thy, Hooting it warrantod to prove on reprrnynted We will pot tt on for .1,.r DOLL Ala PER Sl' I' A 11 E. 4 T. 14); pr:sr.Yyr.lie AI) It. 0 111 Arri, it tivon Tin and Iron Hoof. fm TWO DOl.l. tad Pill I s lAtAll1:. In dug on acr.mnt of it. durability th betsp...l paint that ran la. tittr-We Invlte all whom... building , Ind al.a Om.° "I`b their D"PaIIYL to,lll at our offlice,l:l3 The,dsfrret, .wor,lan and antlyfy the thamttivat in faTard to Om durptlullty and practicability of thin Rraglng. ..101TNSON. No. I'O Third .trryt,l.eterryn W.Yal and Smithfield. I . lO.borgh, Penna. I r, I I i ~. .1 n 1 . 1:11111N. 4 1011,0911 Bryant tll. Following: omra nr nle BCOSITII PrATIt :Co. id Front at., Intereen)twin and Sycamore, Cincinnati, Ohio, lase. tat/1,14UL mhmo may mywems Thu, 14 1.. rwilry 0.1 I ha. ...min.] apecirueua and coon, of W. E. CR.* A 1 0'.1 Fin " Hung, Aln belu.ve It to be eminent] c superied to .y Moo kind of Roofing non in tan- I was Irl.l mu. or roof, from a tarts. volume of Barn. from an ruljollarig whtebirtneek hn mirok•• r..r nearty hull hour. It 11.01 the trill/ beyond all expectations, and went the 11110ne.1! T W. lIABILELL, Pmaident Buckeye State losnrance CO. NCTINI .4.orrcr Pm. Co, Feb. I b.... an.lttr.l IV V. C 5111.1,11. U6I r, nod Watt,Proor Cemen T t l Reefing, audfro's:. far as I can jud Oth, ge. ommtdar It turf .m willlaK to 16.wita lot:11.1Ing4 prntertn4 inpnts the wue terms as I 1114.111, thotte.covered With /t 4.1.1 81Amml: JNO LAW, Agt. Royal Ina Co., London and Liverpool. etnmernact, De.onber nth, 11166. Tu an to,/,,.1 it may , owerw—Ttsle I. te eertify that so have adopted R. B. Celan & (Val:Latin Fire and Water• Proof G.. neenee epee 1 101 . . tore and dweetilea Lenawl. It hag Oren the mow perfect sallafactlon, imd we ran recommend G to an "'IWO', Vita and Wm.... Proof Ilwedinc. iSISM , G] BAKER k VON. Pau., e01.1,4a wt.' G. Mt.., No. 112 Welt Porten et reel. • _ . ___ ___ __ _ . • • Flexible, Fire •and Water-Proof Roofing A. - L)Alrt. C4l;A.lsrr. Propriotnro, No. 57 IVator Street, l'itLahurgh, and P. Peterson'a, Alloghrny. TR Is hi A\ ARTICLE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTIIER IN TILE MARKET. 1„ need satoneivol, In Now York and Philehelphia. mad In well appromd. It Ls applicable to covering Foundries, Dwollinga, Warehouses, Bridgus, Steamboats and Railroad_Cars. T. will not longer than Sintallls Roofing or Shingle., and resists the carton. changes of stirnate—raarb e e afr,t,efl by raid. host or damp. lkol Its prin ll cip ki al Ingredient It of an extraordinary drank nature, and It neon loose. this elasticity. It mutt", nr rrark p In mid, and It nvt in)nrod by being tr amp, ren ap to ends of roof.. flat or stee p mmel upon. , old or now, on Iron , tin or wood. It •111 not, melt In worm It le Both Fire and NV"ntor-Proof rain , - further information, npply tone proptletore. 1857 TRANSPORTATION. 1857. CAPACITY ONE HUNDRED TONS DAISY. MEM! LLOYD & CO., Et2i2Eli [SI:CCE-qSORS TO LLOYD a LEMON.,) . _ . TT AVI NG MADE EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS THISWINTER, are now prepared I 1 ,O do hmvy bY PENNBYLVANIA 0.A.N.A.1.. AND RAILROAD_ Through to and from Cite I:anent OM.. We can 'mourn our friends and all those disposed to patronize the Penna. Canal and ReWood. that no pains mill be spared to rend, General satudactlon to SIIIPPERSOF EASTERN AND WESTERN Fitt:l6llT. The Avoidance of the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad 50,11 give inereamol okepatell to the tr.senieulion of freight. Offloo Perm Strpet, at the Canal Wain. fv24,1y4 LLOYD k CO 1857. CANAL NAVIGATION. 1857. 332£R'8 PORTASL£ BOAT . giIMEOI Via Pennayl Varlia Canal and Railroad. Capacity TWO Thousand Tons Per Month Each Way. • OURFAO . CILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATION HAVE BEEN LARGELY INCREAS oI the ithil rrr ran ithw offer 1., hthorthr Y.rutezt hi a DOEBLE LINILT LINE to and froth Vitudintalt. Philadelphia and Whin - intr. Our :1nnf..1..n: 7 hf PiriErthl.E 11f .11" A. but ono transhiphihnt is rephrhil. Enqhht th our •th .1,1.11 put thvitigh with all tio.h.t hi trivoil an.t dotpatch. IVAR Kilt/Uri E. I'AN AL BASIN. corner h/ L00t..., twit Pir.,!vr/3. Th. t7.ltd ErrEil ELL fthprittorn. Alusirat New Spriug Stock CIIICKERINO'S PIANOS. JUST RECEIVED. AND FOR sale a std.:mild now stneAt of PIANO kORIT-e. front the tentusfantory of Cinch,. lag A font, j.knwo.v , lertcri expressly for the hprinn tales, and onnprieing all tho wtrinots and woe FS) ion now mann ffetured at the tenon ned ettabliehtnent of Cluttering ,t eons Boston. • • %vars. Chtekering & Sons have been awarded at the di(. fer•nt Celtibittuns and State Falba in Malan. New York - . and ether plx••. EiPTPO Gold Medal, Seventeen Silver Medal , . Thret. 11, , ,nte r,•l the tine Me.lat at rim irerld'• tett 10 beetet, req. ~ S e 0 N At .1 7i I/ I` s ; One elegant lltieloorlng Pntnn. very !MI. . •• Malr Intny ,Inv. Pinny. m 0rd...:.• 064, n full plii , p;y I' I A N•l , T S JoIIN ME1.1,01 W.w! .L. ~ tween z.:1.‘110 :.n -I mrth .t A,nt for eltickrrln, A 1:11.,rn (Ohn , and N,•rtilla V.r7.ana. Thalberg Approved Pinnon I'NNS A C I, A :L NEW Y./ rr lIE ELEGANT SEVEN rql nrol I,ol' .‘,l , to.. from 1.1,, tut:tory ol Nunto..t 1:1 f el V Now York. ult. I; M. iballw.r, upon .L ox..nna bon. .n. .up., tor in,i101111.11,. nr" offerol I , y the nt Noor Y. , rk Faotork and ..n acconono.lntlnz torrn, Thil no..,n,tkonarly 'ln. 1., •ltlo of Piano. for Parlor rt., nnt.l (boy (VITIP oitilot.e , l by ono or xtentost:llvlng 1•ol.br nre nspectfully invito.l to call nnol exttnono 11. K LEBER A 111:1 , Agvnt, Nonnr k ,•lark. in t his y Erard Grand Planon. FIRST PIANOS OF TIIE WORLD the r ß ut llo , take that th pleusure in an p..nul agents fur thfs thy for the sale ° tit' h t ' l7: ta t :l7d u rn: nem net }MARI) GRAND PIANOS. Thee° Plan. nre ne.d by all the mat Planters in pride, once to the of any other make. 'Ylr.Thalhorg played upon other in his ennt.rn cnucerts..d wouldceruttnly use them can/windy, could they bet he procured senrywhere. • • THALBERG'S OPINION OF ERARD PIANOS' The Grand Plante, made by Erard. are In my es tirciatloa the met perfect inetroment in the world. .1, on. heeltatingly, gine them the preference over all others SIGISMEND TIIALBERO." The principal agekt at New York Ino gone to Paris for a tomb stock, selected for tube in thin conntry, when a spiel, pid specimen will be brought to thin city. rnalmknatnis 11. KLEBER S. BRO., \0.:.3. Fifth st. A Damaged New Cblekering 7 Oat. Plano. n:VE OF CHICKERINO SONS' first-clam 7 octave, elemantly carved Rooewood PIANOS, damaged In Ma furniture only where too blemlotros are not imposed, will be ,old at a mat bargain. The above Piano is one of tho large lot of T octave Pianos received to-day from Chickertug 3 Sono, Bueton,and will be warranted at having received no Internal Injury. For Salo by JOItN H. )IELLOR, Aleut for Chickming & bona, Baton, Jolo No. 61 Wood street, Plitsthwgh. v Stook of Plano TROX TB) rAcloaror 7.•77..... — N - 2,STS 6r. CI-..A.R.134, New York. lIE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY YLN . - .1_ formed O. our warrroorns, which 1.1 boon complete ly drained by the heavy Spring Wes, are again Stied with ohoir and complete assortment of NlftiNS A CLARK'S celebrated PIANOS. of every etyle and price. Persona wish ing afirst close and duralste instrument will please bear in mind that the great Pianist, TILALIIERII, pronounced Nouns & Clarke Planes superior inetraiments in everyore mt;. The public Is trotted in call and i f t . i lr o th „ - Solo Agency for Nimus ClariCs Pianos for Western Pen., Eastern Ohio and North-Western Virginia, No. 53 Filth etreet, next door to Masonic 13311. el MUSIC JUST PUBLISHED.—Charlotte .111. Blume has Just retched the following Music, fresh from the Press: • . • • .. Little Dorris Polka-Chaa. Teen, 251 Twilight Waltz-IL B. Moroni, 254 Diamond Erizottiech-Brainard. 25, Happy Mo ments now Returning-from II Trriaiore. 2,5; No Right Thera-Duets or Trio, 25; Come to the Forest --Glove r-41nett. IS; Why do the Swallows Chonge their Ifoinodnett,3l,Dy the Banks of that Bright Shinuing Biror do. 45; Cloreland Pol ka. IS; Adelaide dhuiirkas, lin Ilidoyon Do, e--11rip duela The Ella Waltz. 05; Bellltirs last 2 -C .5; Diamond!t far the Piano by. , Dilak.erimproungthP most rota. also airs arranged on teaeldna pierrs-in uordbeni. Each number 2.5; Why shut roar Window-F. AM; Farewell' my Fatherland -two excellent wings with Engllah and German words-each 35; To those who yet R 0001.113, 2.5; Twinkling SU. are Laughing Loro-nong by Ordway, 25 Tot:Whig Stuw are Laughing Love-polka by Ordway. F..k Home Deo lights and Going Houle by Ordway. Bik La Loge Imperlale polka by Wallerstein, 10; Beethoven's Dream, with varia tions, by Ch. Grebe, SR Kathleen of Kildare-blab song- JAI. Thomas, '2.5t Ohl Would that Ed boon Bora a Boy-1.... V. 11. Crosby. 25; Never Court but One-Eyerty.Kay -4 . V. 11. Crosby, 20; Blondine--boantiful song by Geeni, For sale by CIIARLOTTR BMW., No. 119, Wood street, Sd door above Filth street. Music mailed free of postai°. lel7. BROOKE FALL FEMALE SEMINARY Media, Delaware County, Penna. Mute Maria L. Eastman. FriaClPal THIS SEMINARY, SITUATED IN THE delightful and lamittifal of thirtean tesfrom Philadelphia by Itailras,i, offers, to young ladies, the most perfect Cotriblliatinta of advantages far the attain merit of a thorough and secempl tilted edneatim. The large and comusalious biliblitv, lately eteeted, Mining all the tualern ranvernetwes of bathe. gab , Le, Is, with its extensive ground,. a model in all that pertains the health, comfort, rellnament and improvement ot the pupil,. The sleeping mama err high, well ventilated, and furnished with comfort and elegance., and but two pupils necupy the same apartment. The number of Pura , it limited to forty, for whom eaten teacheraare employed.— The most faithful luetroction is giren In all the I,ntnches taaight, while moral and religious prineiplea ate constantly inculcated by theory and taitellee. The roarer of inntrurtion rempr leen n verloi of fur roam and n diploma k Emit.lod 1•• .11 , •60 Pal , It oallsfulodly. • . The fetter, U. b.. t.. L. ft.. Ind ! , o f liconsylvonla, .aye: M. 1.. tiwtotan. who propose! to open a Young Ladies' Seminary in 31rvlia, Itolaware comity. liennsy Iran., In Sept ember nest, has born known to the subscriber for elt,Pral years p 3.81. Ile her a very hint. opinion of her capacity, eglcioncy nod devotedness as an educator. She bait had a large and torrential experience.— The building which 1! to be erected will contain terry ac commodation. The village nod surrounding country are distinguished for healthfulnwei and lemony; and tho sub scriber has confident., that parents who ontrumt their daughters to Dittman silt have no cantle to regret Jt.'" The ?couch language is toughtity a Parisktu lady reild ing ln family. Tbo Latin. German.fipnnlott, and 1131h01 language., .50- eel ve duo attention, 662" GoTeFan of Ohio. - C- leaser t req., Ibttartlie, PL George M. Wharton. per, Philadelphia. WWl= Begaley,Zig, Pittsburgh. Srlvinus Lothrop,Esq,.Ulexhey Gty SUSS M. L. =NI"' Medis,Dels , rare .t 9. Allegheny Bank. HE STOCKIIOLDERS of the Allegheny Bmk aro hereby nodded that trunahnents me ordered as follows: An instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per slum, on or before the FIRST DAY OF JULY next. An Instalment of FIVE DOLUES per share, onor before the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JULY next. And an Instalmeot of TEN DOLLARS per sham, on or Woos the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST nest. Payable tothe Mann% It his otSoe, Comer Wood street sad Vamond alley. By order of the Commissioners. Jaded DAVID oAhlFßELL,Tosseurer. MACKEREL-- • 20 half bbla No. I M0t0.% Saar. do No. 1 dot 50 Kitts Na I do: 25 do No.l3fees Marker. In store and for sa:e by WDRIDE CO., Var..`,4o N. ea Water Street. T HE LADI R'AI FOR J L , Price only 15 cents IZEIZEI CAL-LENDER'S =MEM MONUMENT 10 TllE MEMORY OF • CLA..I". ras Pazes. ILLI - STRATED. PRIVE 11NLY AGENTS WANTED . IN EVERY LVENTY. APPLY TO TILE GENIMAL AGENT 3. IL P. (LARK, rst..amrel NEW BOOKS ND NEW SISI'PL . I.ES TO-DA I", aidney 'twit; or, Lore fmeketh not her Own, by oaths, of Hope Campbell, ilorare and .Mare. etc_ fiat. Dr. Hamilton's new troth, LtMon, Dom the gees ltiogrupl, Leaf and FlZmer Pictures and Him to Italia Them, colors lanai ration,: I tapbre Italia, rn 3.7trt Facie for the People; The Reason lthy; a careful collection of many hundreds o 1 , amiss for things a blob. though generally bellowed, or imperfectly sludet3v-41. 10.0X.114 Lofton; Liar bk.'s Cho, I; lis,nry; ribs halm:ego:7 Thoughte on the Gospels. • I; athrit , 'lth.nrrel in Ezekiel; Lump. Family of Bethany; u:¢, or Plenty To Do and How to do it, by Miss Brewster Ticknor Huneshold Tratsely Novel% ltlack's beautiful Edinburgh Edition of Waverly Novels; Tho DP/femme, by Charlotte Hecate; Phllomphy of Skepticism, by author of Phil. of Plan of salvation; Testimony of the Rocks, 6th large supply. All of Ilnigh worsts; • Rev. Mr. Kranth's Sermon; the Bible • perfect Be k,24 edition. For nth b 1 1.13,11 3. S. DAVISON, el Mart* et. HE BOOK FOR THE SEASON.—Lest T sod Flower Picture* and How to. Mae Them Orally illustrated la colors. Jost pablialusl and reoelved by 152 J. P. DATIBON, al Ifsaitot at. WALKER'S MANLY EARCISES, con raining hotting, Bailing, Biding, Driving. Racing, Rooting, Shooting, and other 1.1241121 y sport.. The whole carefully revised or etrittanly '•Crsvert," horn the ninth London edition, in 1 voL 12 :no. KAY & CO., 12 56 Wood greet. 10) EV. CHAS. KINGSLEY'S WORKS -1.1, Two Years Aga tlypatla, or :Cm Foes :it an old Face: Yeast, a problem; Gleam, or the Wooden of e Shore. KAYA 00., 66 W Weed- - pixE EDITIONS OF STANDARD AND POTF.ICAL WORRS—Wordreorth, Cowper. Southey, aC4 American and British , Prose Writers and Poeta In an tique and elegant foil morocco binding., illnstrated library and miniature editions. A fine anent:tent eultable for pre. mutation teener/sem during the arrprnerJaing examinations of school.. For sale at low prim. Pal E. C. COCHRANE, 6 Federal rt., Allegheny. - BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING—New Publicatlow, Btandard, Poeikal and .11boellenerme orke, St low prink E. C. COCHRANE, JoBI Bookseller, Allegheny. Y WILLIAM. C. PRIME.—Tent Life in tbs Holy Land,llluerated. Boat Life In Egypt and Nubia, Illustrated. The Old Homo by tbs Meer. Later Years. Travels in Europe, by 5. Irenitte Prime. Just reed by Jo!.. J. L. BEAD, 7S Fourth Mete. Book.. and Stationery AT COST THE SUBSCRIBER WILL COMMENCE on MONDAY, Juno Ist, to sell out atfirst cost, hie no- tire stock of Books and Stationery, {Yearningly, Bonnet Boards, Writing and Letter Faroe, Blank de., no, to which the attention of Bookseller, Schoole & hool ers, Mar chants and other., is resp.rtfully belted. JOHN IL MELLOR, e 1 No. 81 Wood street. New Expire..., Haute Opened TN ADDITION TO THE GREAT EAST- , ern and Western Exprepe, TILE ADAMS . EXPIEZES wrYIPAN7 - have made arrangement. to extend their Llneof !Laptops over the Pittsburgh and Connalinille Ilallroad.formi log a daily lino to awl from Connelarillo and all placevidong that road, connecting with Uniontown by stage from Con nalwilla, and with llnwnarllla IT gage from Layton Sta. Wm. Special Messengers, with Mist Proof Safes, .rill team Pittsburgh st 4 P. M, and Comtelll:oiliest 3 A. M, In (largo of !doney, VaMIMI. and all kinds of Freight entrusted to the care of the Company, &tog especial attention in safe and prompt delivery of the tame. Any orders for pods to be purchased at Pittsburgh or along the line trill be promptly attended to and returned by next Exprem. For further ir'f° is ' Agent, Al Fourth et. The Partners , Deposit Banking Company, N 0.66, FOURTH StREET, PITT.FLWRGII. PA. TILE FARMERS' DEPOSIT RANKING COMPANY, baring succeeded In the business of "The Farmers' Deposltlisak of Pittsburgh." will continue - ihe rogularibinking Bannons+ heretofore directed by theism, parties, and wnh the same amain of capital. Theehtine of name ..ni not coma any alteration In the manner of conducting the hnsiocer—ell the Steal/olden a, the old Mitittitlon continuing in tho new, Interest allinetd on time deposits.. beretefere. All cheeks upon the Fanners' DcpAlt Banking Company 1 mill hopaitilneurrent funds, unless par Nub be ericielned upon the cheek. DMILTIVIS hours from 9 e'elmk. A. ?I, to i o'clock r. M. Jeldidlm . SANT...S MARSHALL. Prost. ANEW STEAM GUAGE—lnquire o Mesars. relief, Rolfe & Sweat, 'James MilUngar, Eau orM. F. Eaton, Agent fur Manufacturers. jel:dtf TROTT'S OIL GLOBE OR COP for Steam Engines. Patented March V 1110.551 SAWYER & [TALE'S Heating and Vonti latiug Appiratns for IttillCogo.Patectiol April Sth, 151%6. T 110:SIAS', MATCHLESS MATCH MA- X CHINE for making Brar.4' Matches. 'Wowed ]ot:- nary MI CirNTRY lila - TS to make, rend and tun LllO above =nod Xatentod Articles for ode on reeremelde terms, mid the beet referearan: rjeros. -r • JAMES' wiLsOD, Danoraeturer and Dealer In ATS CAPS, 11.N0.01 WOOD MEM Pittsburgh, and P .trrvc Alleahm• • wall FRONT', PAVING, • An BOALMON MUCK. • =pallor quality of the Various Itlnds of BRIM May be had at the LOWEST PRIM At the Works of the webeetibet, oh the Now Brighton Tningthei Year the Toll Oita, back of the Ote Works, Cft7 ' or by orders sent dole& eh . Plttebureit Post 0d1 3 1 7 , or let at th k e m oillei , o 3 L iatad mem., racing the Cartooponec BOAZ oßzoa. JlMAlmcho The Iron City . mak. THE STOCKHOLDEBS' OF THE " IRON CITY BANK . at, herebyrsqUested to pay the woad Instalment of twenty dollars • attars on their entwerfptkine to the following mansev—Ten dollars oa etch abate on the 25th of June inst., end Ten Dollars • elms on the lath day of July next. Payable to William H. Willhans, Treasurer of Oommlasioners, at his Banking name, an the corner of Wood and Third street., Pittsburgh. Rssitati .Jolin S. Dilwortb, Witham, Jamie S. Craft., Leonard S. Johns, J. Selmanuticat; Lowis Horgaintern, John 3DVsy, XL D. Drown, John Scott, James UPPlinlotti W. O.- Lail*. • Comnalsehnsera §TARCH AGENCY:VINO BEEN appantod Agent for Pitts by the MADISON AP.CII COMPANY, kc the Sag of celebrated Nan MEM (which Is wirtsoted equal In quality to say known in ads market) an now prepared ot amply tiludeodo two. Ire writs tbeattentloo of tb• Trade in fhb &Mot% roast ...mama= of our mond stoat and Ittdah 1•171 M tort equal to the ATWELL,LEEE 44 CO, nee No. II Wood tilrflt