The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 04, 1857, Image 2

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13: 82DDLH & Co.•,
r.vrrB.3•crxtC 3 .T4Er
102.1 ti accordance with our usual custom, this
being thr,.4 tit of July, no paper will be issued
teem this office on Monday.
The Fourth of July.
Te-dayiathe 81st anniveisary of the Declare t ion
Id Independence. Thereturn of thistley is calcu-
Watt io bring withit many aentimente of thank,-
givimig, many demonatrat!ons of rejoicing at an
evenfilittfruit ful of good, so full of a promise which,
it itapbysical fruits, at least, has bean more than
fulfilled, and many a flush of regret, that the man-
Aerie, the virtues and goodness of the early days
of the republic have so fallen into neglect and
even into contempt. This country would have
boot the seat of a great nation oven if the bonds
of colonial dependence had never been severed.
b_ pro duced - gteater men, better men intellectu
ally, morally and Phyeically before the revolu
tion than it has since. We have never found a
fellow of Washington; we have yet to produce
- another man in whom the elements so fitly join
mias in Jefferson the statesman, the naturalist,
the man of science and. of almost universal at- .
tainment- Sherman the shoemaker, Green the
blacksmith, Henry the orntor,Putruun the farm
er and a host of such were a growth of the col
onies. Webster and Clay studied in the school
of men of the latter part of (ho colonial era.—
Since these two atatesmen died, what have we
found? Eighty-one years have passed since this
Declaration of Independence and we have had
it proclaimed on the floors of Congress that
that declaration is n self-evident lie. - See
speech of John Pettit, of Indiana, in the U. 8.
Senate in 1854. We have had it proclaimed by
the mouth of the . greatest living orator of Amer
ins, that the immortal Declaration of the Son of
our Colonial Era is a "string of glittering
- We have had a solemn declaration of
the Supreme Court of the U. S. through a man .
oecupyieg. the seat once graced by the erudite
and accomplished, t he just and eloquent Marshall,
that ‘' a man of the African race possesses no
rights which white men are bound to respect!"
We have had a man in that national executive
chair once occupied by Adams the Just, and
Waitigton the - Great, who hatedliberty with so
perfect a hatred that hehissed on his blue-backed
jaztizaries with loaded muskets and fixed bayon
ets to do what cost Charles the First his head
for attempting in England, more than two hun
dred years ago, and what Cromwell was the last
man successfully to carry out there. Ay! even
the throne of Louis Phillippo went down like a
pasteboard box before the indignant French for
daring to attempt the dispersal of a meeting of
Frenchmen though the citizen king was acting
Under color of Inn at least; . and the present
bastard Emperor can only muzzle the press and
trample out the sparkles of Leedom when beak
ed by as army of 800,000 men. We have had
a peaceable meeting of American citizens dis
parsed by. Ifni hirelings, most of them ignorant
Ye*, and have found a party ready to say
amen groat is the Democracy of Slavery! Less
khan half a eccitn7 min, we had the Constitution's
battle with the 6i:crier:xi to boss: of. toolny see
glialsral Franklin Pierce, Minister Borland a
little the worse for liquor and for a blow from
a whisky bottle over the lett ear, and the grew'
easphibions exploit of this century--the taking
et . ..e . 110.1:1. Lens than fifty years ago this
Itia;Xl receive.' the patriot Lafayette with honors
richly dos , . He the hero of so many battles, he,
ilie'man of so moth worth, who sacrificed honors
and comforts that strangers might profit by hm
ktneulistions:and sufferings,
.vras received as was
Aging by President worthy of n. chivalrous
people, where now a robber, a pirate fresh from
slaughter and burning, treads with fearless brow
to touch the extended hand and receive the
warm welcome of Mr. Buchanan
• . - s — eighty-first anniversary of the Dec
laration of Independence it becomes us all to
walk very humbly before God: to dw e ll consi
derable upon the shortcomings of this people
and acknowledge that we have very little except
material progress to boast of. Nay more than
that; we have moral deterioration to mourn over,
we have to look back to •• days of ancient gran
deur" when the mild and courtly Lea, the spot
less Macon, the eloquent Ames. the genial
Muhlenberg, the chaste cud careful Gallatin,
and the learned and thoughtful Madison held
places in this republic now filled by the maudlin
eccang of a Douglas the drunken rage of a
Savage and the plastic inconsistency of fellows
Who win by fraud what is denied to oven medi
ocre merit_
Let as, however. on this day, while acknow
ledging these lamentable fallings-off, these
terrible 'scenes of demoralisation which the last
three years hare witnessed, rejoice in what of
good is left no, end trust that he who drowned
Pharaoh and the haters of liberty in pursuit
of their Fitgitive Slaves, in the Red Sea, will no t
leave or forsake those who cling to the faith of
the Fathers, and repeat this day from the heart:
"ALL MEN ACE rszarrit EQrAI. 1.. D EXDOWZD
The political extremists of the South—the men
r ho follow the lend of the "New Orleans Delta,
Charleston Mercury and Richmond South, are
beginning to organize against Mr. Buchanan'e
administration, and to lay the foundation of a
Southern Sectional party, distinct from the
- Democratic party. Forgotten in the North and
.46st:domed by the South, where 11 the Admin
istration find its support? As an indication of
of the spirit of the new crusade, we quote from
the N. 0. Delta
tttWe hare suggested, from time to time, tentative
expedients for roconciling the salvation of the South
with thispreserration of the Union. We accept the
belief...of the Charleston 4Preury that the futility
of their noir stande apparent; those that aro practica
ble 111 , 1 bumo:iont, and those that are elrmaiant are
impitictlesble. What retain, then? The forerun.
net lux been crying in the wildemass long enough;
the way bas been straight longenough; the miff only
Is wanting to make floc horn Redemption rive. Na.
atonal patties cannot rave the South; Presidents and
*signets, and their Koalas programmes runt pros..
eels Cannot nava the Booth We aro then for South
ern Union, at the present writing—first end last.—
LLAY. many oLlinr Journals arn for that Union? Let
tasAai_. Wo want to kusav who are the ilinattionhan
nearest and sport vital eiriestian. Let them
by ell means.
But bow to this union to lie effected? Over the
•61,1111 of Natl.:a:a Party? 7t matters not. Let Na
tional Party leak after its quick or dead hody, if it
!shooter; hat the South moat look after her own life
it oho expect hog to preserve it.
Before Mr. Bucliattait's election—which we favored
it only so pretext aunitist Black Republicanism as
.obaakd 1n Fremont—we predicted little from his
Administration, .d warned the Southern people
ypiwt oven-confidence in IL Wo were not disap
pointed. We here got the little wo expected. thus
far, with One. Walker and his patent harems pro
gramme thrown in to swell the magnitude of the lit-
And everywhere the intelligent Southern. press,
sad Southern thinkers and readers, are beginning to
realise the wily of oar prediction", refereed ns they
are by the imisistible •logic of neon te"—predictione
that were out in or prophetic. hecause they nue only
the result of nerefe. and ration!, ratiocination. The
rive are certainly more, mooring then meal. South
ern thought •Lowe symptoms of weiconing; the tooth'.
ern pulse begins to beet with rigor; anti the might
that slumber% in the Southern arm is struggling
he loosed. Let the union of Southern hearts, and
hands, and bore, prosper. Who are the disunionist',
we ink again, who ray , nay!to this? Let them speak."
Tait Fenguat, or Sxr.rtics C. PILILLIPP.—
There . was scarcely any man in Massachusetts
who enjoyed more personal popularity than
Stephen C. Phillips, and his sudden death on
the ill-fated steamer' Montreal spread a deep
sorrow over the city uf Salcin, of which he was
a resident. lie was burled in that place on*
Tuesday last, the people of the whole City turn
ing out to escort his remains to the grave. Dur
ing the funeral exercises in the Barton Square
church, while the pasior, Rev. Mr. Thompson,
was offering the closing prayer, he became so
overpowered by hie emotions that he suddenly
fainted in the midst of his prayer. The entire ,
scenefor the funeral is desiribed in the Boston
papentar lowing been most. impressive.
4 1103 . paetarly ., winds ou Widaesday:jaiog.
into New York a fleet of vessels from Europe
containing nearly eight thousand emigrants.
Tiny Sat ififarnevit tr.l.l3.—The mint donary party. numbering
Ai is si.,trad4*ng refifictiou when the .li;iy in till. Fent 134 t. by:the Morniets, reivelteed .
inancinvert.S to the penal - eines 'rite, rvel t Nebraskr, - inboiTt the ifutrintit.
shout Ist
f at Nlay, and
toma.attd--eeremonies of Itlormunistu, notice the
thei ee ci n pr ° o ' s t i . si ' ::n e s r
i l l ep hi p ‘ Cceivxll,, passed through the 1 ,,„,,,„, 1
pa p u l o i t s and :wealthy port loi n s et our haggage iu continon hand carta, stick as are ',moil
country,Lakinggreatcities, abounding in pintos n the streets of cities. They report twenty
of,7orship, in their route, and ffe.l4utly
.of snow as lying in the Routh Pass of the
ing them their stoppihg places, that there was
hock Motintattri when they came throe it.
not a single indivitidal among our good and Aso Met..issi.s.—The stock of augur in
benevolent men who conceived it to be his ditty Y ork marl; et on I fie first a.l tilyl was
to worn these infatuAd dupes and victims of I I "I` nimt ''"• 29l Nlllll,l£lltll
figtires of short t I
, kg: against lit in 1.414 i There is
the terrible fate which awaited them--of the danger trite these
moral death to which, under. the teachings a ..f either me trle• Tile t'osr.. , says the rs t tlnnt
Young anti hisiiheeintes, they were deemed.— ".1 reline el l he 'tiger end moles... now in New
1,1. for sale, is aloud fifteen millions of dollars
It is painful to think that there woo not al,
would explain to these people in the eery pn•a
once of the vile impostor himself, the de.troe
tire and demoralising nature of the odious creed
which they hail embraced: to show three other-
wise innocent emigrants that in the land of their
destinal ion, the men among Ilium --t he husbands,
fathers, Bons dud lirothees—would he reduced
to asocial servitude snore degrinling than even i
slavery in its worst flirts, and that their I,ollll'll,
their wires, mothers, daughters and .isters•
would be con4elled to lead n life, and suhutit
to indignities and grievous wrongs, that would
cause the 'heartof every true woman to v e .
volt in her bosom, 111111 111 111 e mere mention
of which every pore nifewoul4 rekr. ‘ tdi in
honest indignation. preferring
, death n i bs. all
its horrible forms to n life pureliallo44 I.y
her chastity and hotter. Thitt is . 10..enti•
gently a temd of churches. Bilges, antrum:al,
religious and benevolent instil litious. In our
well-meant sympathy for the :benighted -wor
shippers of wood and stone - of distant elimes,
we send missionaries altiong them, charged with
the dissemination of the Keel..s truths and
the glorious promises of the holy gospel. ftr
mend millions in tretistiretti be es pistoled in the fir
off Indies—to the islands of the divllllll s, a. to
the-sandy plains of Arabia —to the eery 11t.311 nit
Africa to the aborigines of our own highly
favored country, We endow with s k detidid mu
nificence. great schools -or et set 1111111,11illi`1 , 111
edifices for the care and relief or the Indigent
sad the Insane, for whose einnfort able and hap•
py condition no means tit 'llllr command remain
untried, and yet with till these institutions nod
these advantages in our midst, and ottli all
these ••nohle instincts" in the eourse of full dr
relopment, there wits none who tic foniol
willing to stretch forth his strong am. 111111
raise his warning voice to MAI, the five lion
dred human beings —our brethren to the •igh
• of the Common rather of Mankind - who, anti.
child-like ignorance fu regard to the awed des
tiny in reserve for them—were rushing Immo,.
scionsly to their moral and social ilestrthition
Well may we exclaim
—Om thow , 001,.
.and ovemman t:11 n nln .0111111nly,Lhn I,
Without our spoelnl
II IS evident, from all that eau he lenruoil of
his qorations in Ettropo, that Crowley did not
proael to his follow here, Mormonkm 11.4 II is
proacfied and lit Utah. Its ooeisl
cnormitiem a n d its I.Thrl,lllk core 111011 ie. oere
Ifttlillously kept in 11/ nn•l
proselytes doubtless a itl he perniui n,l l o ronoiiii
ignorance until the horrible Ironlr will toir.i up•
on three Miler they .hell hire crovaell tiny phttl.
and plainrd tbeuvielvo" coinuletely in the rot, or
of the •' Saints' . an,l t • Ehlers of the to •.1,
••Latat Day Saint, When they shall 1t.,-
been plundered of their funds—broken down in
spirits and in health. an i hound ha n•I and !•.lt
in the keeping of their hrotal veil Ore , i^al cep•
tors, the villainy f Crowley and the
OM of the pretended church. to .Itte:t I he . ,
have given themselves tip yin.l
slaves, will stand cot in held relief to their re
stored vision. The ili,covery.
come too late for Client end diet: untr.le,ed
companions whose hone, will whiten the plain.,
of the teiliou• overland route In ..heugeny of
their TiMlone how sincersdy and how rerrt, a ,h
fullywilltheyreeret that, es they passed throne - 1i
our American cities., where this gross impr•sit ion
was known in all its hideous feature,. there was
not one word of warning uttered—ant an
emissary of light and truth to stretch forth his
benevolent arm to overt ibe fate int“ abirh
they were plunging, an into tile very gulf
Despair! Had such a glorious mistdonary ap
peared at one of the pints between l'hiladel.
phia and St. Louie, and tho , hate horn the to•
strument to snatch these victims from the , lead•
ly grasp orMormonism, how highly honored would
be have been on Earth and howgrea , hi. reward
in Heaven. The crown of the llartyr at: had
given his last drop of blood in't he service of ht.
Master would not be brighter Cr more dra;iing
than the one worn by this Good satnaritan _ .
But no one has sought this great hon.,. and to
this indifference more than bee hundred bullion
beings, the tenants of (dice happy German .
homes, from which in an evil hoar they were
lured by the voiceof one of the most fakettnong
Tahoe prophets, have been doomed to death to an
inhospitable region of country where rota .Na
tttre seems to frown on the wickedness of 16.44,
Who pollute the nail with their crime,
Tur, Ws:tarsiJos Mors —.I ev, Se. rx..m.. —"I Levee
of the persone ongsaod in the late olvetom 5 ,, 1. .14
Washington City, have been tried. von, vied, ntri
each eeutearod to pay a Gm: of twenty dollar,. mol
to undergo an imprimonment in tho coon ty
ale ter, ,!/ nor yrnr. Stich manhatnent n. th I. 0111
bring election riot. into dtPerodit, err, yid. l'log
t'glie..—Phil. I,d 7 er.
The court which intlictedt his Rent 0114'e I. the
same one which acquitted Berber, for killing ,t.
Irish waiter, and which Imposed n nominal fin,.
on Brooks for his murderous assault upon Sion.
nee. It is evidently a greater crime in lie eye,
to get up an election riot than in kill a man in a
disreputable brawl or assail a Senator will, hom
icidal intent.
New York C postelence.
Nett-lonK, July Y, 1v37
Ga;tette:—A genuine North I;rtster of Ihe
true Boston type, the most ugly and unromfurt
able sort has - been driving down upon on fur Hui
last two days, and at the present moment is us
fresh and vigorous as when it began, though ite
are now imploring the good '•clerk of the
weather" to send us a bright and joyous day for
the 4th, as we expect an unusually tine turnout
of the military on that day; indeed our people
are getting to be rite Parisian in their tastes
that way, from their great and grossing love for
military display. The late ball of the Nut Instil
Guard to Boston, took by storm the hearts of the
lads and lasses; indeed their papers ere not yet
done admiring the corps. And then the more
recent visit of the Light Guard to Newport, their
parade along their charming streets called fel ill
most unbounded praise: tho latter Corp. ern
mostly composed of gentlemen of wraith, Mot..
chants, bankers, &c., these visit. luduee a ver
min •t esprit do corps" among our own AY moll
as companies elsewhere.
The Board of visitors ni West Feint lin% e j o s,
submitted to the Secretary of RVar, a report in
which they declare "that the amount of stioly
required to compass the course laid dean, is
excessive in quantity, and suggest that in hoe
of such excessive similes "there should be well
digested lectures prepared by the instructors. -
The La Grange troupe have commenced a slum
season of "Italian Opera - at the Academy and
considering it is now mid-summer, tin 1101.0 , 11
are good. To hear that magnificent duet in Ps
ritani—"Suona la trot:elm" is alone worth the
ticket, the words of which are so incendiary that
they are altered both in Cuba and holy and road
"loyalty" ingead of "liberty."
We had. err note on Saiolay, one in 'Wit
liamsburgh and twit here: at the linter there
were many policeemen seriously-wounded. The
statistics of crime for iliac are fearful, thus:
Murder 6, Garroting it. robbery 2.:.i, violent na
sauna 18, &c., blush to give such n reenpit
diadem of one month's doings.
Miss Logan is still the star of attraction of
Wallack's, and will remain some time yet.
We have premonitory symptoms of the comin?
"Fourth" as the boys cannot wait for it, but
fire eft pistols and fire crackers right under your
nose. Yours faithfully,
lute SLATE Isctsr. ,;nr EN ItrelEnTO LTVE. -
The slave Irvine, who vow shot in the lost fugi
tive slave arrest case in Cincinnati, and taken
over by his master, Col. 'Withers, to Covington,
was, when his symptoms were favorable, remov
ed to Fayette county; hut altinitigh eared for
by his wife, and in charge of a competent phy
sician, his life is now despaired of.—C. Goo.
Idonmonmn.—A liformon preacher nt South
ampton, Eng., said in his sermon lately, "Slid
I tell you, my brethren, when the comet shall
come and strike the earth! When Brigham
Young chooses to say the word, then will the
comet come and strike the earth."
Twe'Directore of the Pittsburgh, New Castle
and Clevnland Rail Road Company--known as
the Darlington road--paid into the Treasury of
Lawrence county, on Wednesday lost the aMOtint,
of interest due on the county bond?! nn the first
of July next.
THE - tlnirux. who connived nt
the reeent Ohio tlefitlettlion, thotigh n liepnhli
no re ttttt ve4l from the nllirr, and dettounoe4l
hy the entire iteruhlieina prat• llRtnbta, the
rent ilerttalter, it a liazuovrtit not a 'angle
Ileat . rut le prat.: in ii,, bum tail n ward
11g1111141 111111 1 , 1 . Itin crime'.
T\v""w , i.m"n in 11,11 3. 1 0 1 phi. r ,,, nt
Ira old latrars oil lira, it midnight. nn the niairn
ar 11 131 . ge 'alibiing. and when Ihrp warn Imarly
homed I. , ,,ingiladaal thrall The 11,1
111./111illg Wu , ilto•nt reimi. , 4 it 11., 11 Ilro v. hick
I 'try raid r‘tlagomhad n 1 prof
trouble, too Ike oilier unl hung “ap in
the almlalit
prrini Jlotirro,
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JON FON, W A I.l.lNirl/N /ILI) Ad Ph 0.,
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31notifociliiirroii(111x1i1 Mil 1.1111044 bo/ 1.. Iti.lll4i,
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Oak, ~,,,, , 11.•
4..00 ni tort., Pi
101 IN ) ( .1 - LILAN h 111(00M
Iron Rollloilo Iron Vaullr r Vainit
Window Shutters, Window hr„
,Ver, 1,4,4
(Th'lM4.ll awl
ItArn on band aristt ..f ts.” I' 0t..; sod 1110.1.
Lis. J. , 1115n5..1 st %boll t•ou
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Orrner of J. and .Vedmiao, Vrerl, Pelf?, 111.1,1,
I' ITT'S II Ii It ai II , A
Manitrarttirr. Vine nn,l Oak Kt . a. ar lha 1-11/1,1,. Anwtlir
u~t ) N • AIL lIJAai, Ila•y U/1/ evil at tho lospyl
''' o r =t ' ra;l art. rt.pertMly wairit , 4 All weak war
:ant/41.1f Or bra: qualit Y.
• IN Till:
A1.x..N51,4'111:1,L) t ( )41 , 9 li/CltA/./7
A DbILY.,,
rrir'2l - fiif NI A N111 , 11:1,1,, 1.1110.
mro:nm.! hi.. M lifxrd war Rural.
SYRINGES of overo kind forTiir! nt DE.
1.144114, 110 Jo211:114
of Pinparinr kiwi: for sale
tjeirokwiii 1 , 111. RICYKEIVIi, 140 Woad
To C'onsicmptives and other Invalids!
APPOLYTME.IT 4111, I'lstl.
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FC/irinntige tivi.k ..f N. 1 .r....kft. r Ur'' , Mr". 7r t r• ft!.. Compnny for ornotind n llrl.lo. ,
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.i . : ' ,.:::;• , 1 ‘ , a " r i. -r.... ,, , o , ; ` , r&; Itnn'o , Joh. W. t , itort. fi rm of Burnett,
. '''' '.' i .rfl 1.,•.•.•., 11 • e ,ttls on rnoll glom. .4 tho r:tpital /4. , 1, of ; ,ovtolt & mroarmgerl Ifortlout I I.kopt. Chic(' En.pnt, Penn.
, i)CII.). trI.INf '1.A.112. S. ('()..
lienernlLinul ,loratA& Healer ill LIIIIII Warrants, !, 1
~,, ~,,,,. „., , , ~,,,,..„,,,,,.. „,„ 1 , , ,„.., ~ p .,„. . 11. B.: Nattmo I:. Poi., Como. I: :at 1-I,r, II fo. 11. 1,r,11.
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le Iffr.ft • II f• i•, :stt . T.. 1 Ptt I , au,: h. J uly 1,.14X—Jy:1:31.1 .1 IN:ton/on; Abraham P. Byer, lc. llnhzuol. firm of Ilnigricl
- ; & Co.: chnrt,, F. Norton. rant of Vatolouzen & Co, .lolln If.
{1 111 K it tt limit Itttr.ttnAl alt. otion to lIIIIIng ofol II...IIIII,• 8,0 I The Great Library Offer. . , Lowardy, firm of ',want: , if Colon: .Inft. E. 11ty10.,11. N.
II•In0.. Knlorlng Loml. Loqult.; :Ilt;11. , no•I P., kn. 'no,. i -
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~,.",,,, ! I AI o onty .111...111 , . o.tor BM 1:1IFfIV, M., %A I !,. I: ..l NI, W. If. Ill)(1D.,., Ser'y .
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IVomoo, bulb 1001 0110111 aro nno.lly
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tnaor...l to WWII. !11 n My dm., after Many years if gmn
rmrron% Noollifg, nnalot. I. nod. 1.111/•Il 010 1111.10 of
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SI If .I,IIN ALI,. No. 40 Volton mroct, Itrooklyn,
r yotl viil;•!3i;iri(l4ll and a purr brcliati,
boalitty and torafoiMhly mouth, rl to KEYSER'S,
ICI Wood ergot. • M 1.•111e of ti ' .ae'• TMITII
and Morn Rowel. J•Ta4RwnF
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John S. hoe nn,, I 00 Painttnr ~ "
, ,0i.,,.. Sellers, A Gyrman 14.1 y, an ymellmt Mantel. reaides le tiro farellv.
• J. Schoonmaker I,
' nod wlll gyro I...etterob the Pim" and frtherman mdlerancii.
roll I'll 17'1E01 INit I . 1:1 'I t• 3 c , War It. II 7y r, $ A rot. pupil'. rrlll lA, ecemnrandatrd In the ramilyof the
% heel tt. 11 TOM 1.1 110 1,0, 1110.1 i in, . Ittyert John Ph labor. - ik, .1,471 • Priucir.ll. Boneysiilt Nebr.( light, eacicedre of - Whirl,
__ __
I; N T 1111: :',.. VVISI . ' 1 l'TiliN ' - Vv'''' ' ''''' j"'"'"'"'" (''' ' s" I ' U h . . ' '3 .'i .P l ' i r it . 737n ß e ' llt• are to he made in enhance.
o r PITTS 11 1 1 KOLL N......., lelltaAndly JOSLICA. KENDALL, A. 31., Principal.,
1 lir 1;4-1 1 I, DAN 101.11 111 3 3 1 1 0 .1 0 .0 7 ,
.I.OIN 11.1.11 IN.:. Ill:010;E ENES IE. Promo 't, -
" .Mae....NW - OOP. °
No 17 11411,...1 .1 . ~.$0,... I.i Ilill.l' , . rh. tirtUtr, ,
0, if iii
11,, i,
0 .. ._ . . , i to 1_,,,,,. , 4 0. too ell kMd. or Lire !tad Marino 111. k.. ;
,e. 11. Thilor. Jr, 1 I'. W. Ittrltchen, I noTP, AT NEW 110.1011TON,DE.A.VEIL COMM, rA.
Ili 14.. I nthW er. Ihi trio/ Shore rit.lllDrA, J. W. 11110,, O. IV. 3naltr,o, i 1LEY.,10.9. P. TAYLOR. A. M., firma.
$ The Sommer Term rtill brain on MONDAY, May 403.
1 $ 213 J..l..ety Parer . A narrry Ackley; 1 Janie. McAttloy, 1 &lye admitted at my tine' nod Inlttert chnerod from do e:
0 , 31 yd PI rrsist - 11011. PA. : 1 . Ihnern. Georg, harrno, or rrarrattre.
A 'VEINS' CELEBRATED 4_ ' """• '" •
- ; A Mow k, t Nathanil Holm",
J, For Circnlere. robin... the Rector, et 10e maide.....%-e, New'
• Brighton, Pa.
N. DA )I LI Wk.,. (i:•,_ "1 '• ' William LI. Mr i . : Tim arty pourtot of thin Sclwol, to ahoy...ha.. may tin
(-1 ~ .., ,,,. , H WAD , and Pro 1,. -..:) . r07.,,A 110111,10,00101411 • li,I . •; ' 1 DI :I I 1,11 ktrab - a, 110 'Nir.." ' ... 4 . , t....,,..
A'' " •"''°''''' l° I'' '`'''''''''" .l.. .." , " l. l: 00 leruornA. ..'''... i n 00. community...ol,l rtlio n' r.'lllWiter '. . ' ol) r eq . j a ' Arand prompt. $ llott..fho, AI. Moro, lion. 0 IT'. •r•sllslls.S.•
J. /I. Shornbormr, EDI.
par t.. rent /011114,1 -310 ll ./. 11. HELD A OIL 17 pay all Dour. At tb. OFFICE. No. 1.2 Wm, .Ir,t, (Epaug i iirr• T. E. Li'. 1 .•
or uttll ,1,...1,A No ret /1111, tarn,. .0 Ur 'A )1 1o0u•.)of tnlr..• tab .11 ',kr,. , t 0... b. LL..11. it. E.,- A-K./wore'. Esq.,
... S. 11. 1101 bun 1, . Re , A. 31. Van Detwon.
-1 .l . shiltulrifitLitt .IT . T . r.e ro .4 Lin, 1 „. L. n ,„„,„,,:,,,,
. .r.l.Tyd
. bo .I.,:rn re.oroin tol 1., - .
• 1 N A 11 It A N t• I 1 0 31 1' A N Y ,
D 1 do -L0n...n0. y by 11m.; • I -
No. 149 Cheantib Si reet, DAY AND BOARDINO 8411100L-Itm. J. LL 11ALL
lo do bomb y Maki bow op. mop na.l 3, .air by i
Ot a • 111011.0 th 11 1 Dir. No. ; '4lr. bil , r -i O PPoBI T E y it E e 1 S', 011II0U S E . ' and LADY. l•rinelpal. Late orNeAr York.
DiIihADELPIIIA LASTS---100 )Dint or; )Yip Inel.r 1.11 kind. of 1.5: , 77 , :a . „ :40 0 7 3 1 ; , , z . 17L" , :; . ,.', 1 ,..'; 1 7 ..r r . ' N ' T... .1 . 7 4 17 . .,1, 4 ;; K a k ;' ,, 1 j •
..0 1... .E.:4 1 ' 1 .-: 4o n.r. Dr •
x elle mei emehteed - frAltlons,lll. lAA, . A 1,.,, hat I b l' i h r ' l. l / I :!net .' l:l ' :re7s 'l o7 r tr ' .. ''''''n . ' : rh...r. K. pin:ay. I. D. Kittanning. Pt; itor. i .l. 1 '1i t7,.. -
wootert A Otelgtil hos, )ant by. $1 end bo: Anlt. by ItrilEllT. P. KING. PrrAblent. . I Err. 3lr. Hilton; 3lr. Mak: Editor. Pitteboyo 0 n .,,,, n "
/Y l i 111011Ahh 11.111 U, '0! W. lALI/011N. VA, Prreblero. AO Itufllngtm. nod citizen. ne
, Ee E ., ' ..1 341 .r. of Kitten
.... _._ . .. . .. .. Ilfall/1•0110,
1 1 1 6 - 11:T—A el ettlorttiltie tiro muirittri brick ci ,i .. r it .,;,,, . iE. E. cop, ! Pu C' pirr i r . .7 . .rlyr•Tar j y l ' i Y rn . e. R"un" ''''''''''nd Libr.7 free
Itonao,on Emlmode At rys4.. All , . 21inny 1.111.50 l'inberarnet I p,.. ' It ' Enr : 111:11, t
100r0 loontalltorly. .11.1.1 y to ALI4X. KINO, i p. It. rtmory,
1 11111yOl .
y 1 V 1 t% I': Ll \ 4i I t'' STE 104 Al ' I ) ALA - X- • ''' j ' . :!-2f;. g 3;,.serre.ry. -
TILLAS--rterlynl by rorpre...t.pen thlY inrrotna-,..m0• ; ' J. O. COFFIN, Alretd.
of the, err of men ATVs att.! material.j.~nly:~...truer Third and Wood Orb
. .
• ' MURPHY -
In; .-- al-i"YIE . I.". M o sao - 747 , 1 , 71: .. 1.gr0 .„ 3:7 „ - C:xpillny. •
LIAM/kin ; ASS(WrATION— The rending :
tine.. of 11,1. In.lllorbot will heoproifor arentbere mit . mu 1,,,,,. 04 ,4g.f.g all Loa, of AN , and AArriar Mar.
3 '01 1 .a. Irma 7 1111 10 o'clock, a. 1, on Om FOURTH. day
of July. ; . I . ° ' " l I °flier-MI-VILY N. ATWOOD, Secretary.
E)AOLONt 1 TEA---Astre have In. trittre.ltir
Nt.. y oolorat Tee. or nor DIM 011111•111 S 0110 l WI 111, Zall full .I
SIS,OIIOI bee prin. hero It Isla 1., bought In New York . 1., ,
P 101.144004. 1 )rani MOILDAS A PA rAIN.
..,._it I itn...o .I. 1104........ to tare.. end far .01. by
yet I.A [Ail DICKEY A CO.
IT . I•A
insura act
tv izt, , z, - .ac.L es,ll
)'lartn... Inland
. ._ .
Prr, 31. Pnrri. Prr, , rl.
C. C. SeAsot.ra, Vice Prestn.
y8_. , 1 glance:lt th , h.! ,•1" Dirr-t.lrs ..f the - ItowarLl In
n, L.l irlion are widely known RS
,ono, th,. noot4
I . ll,lnololphm, will probably
rt.os.,:4l.lll , nimaranc. , . the rnd.He.
A .inr, 4 pat I.
THOS. 1i . Agent,
rkIITIVr %Vat, un , l Markt.: str ,, t,,
9,111 •r. Pitt , t‘nrgh. Pr.
Franklin Fire Ineureance Company of
It. Stillth.
N. II.t.NCI.ZE/1.
( . (1 MLR , / C. It orrnrst.
TLie C•aupany C , llllilltli, 141.thP in.nrmwes. pprnianel
rt 1,11.11...1, on s .1. of property In town and
ry. a . r..n..e.tent mill, kwurity.
Chmrl, W. Ilincker.
r..L r.
Tb...l'numft r.....rvt .1 a !arc! rouling,Cfuntl.
whrlo. with Par.u.,l a 0.1 Premium, KO
Th• on January rt,tinto:
1,1,4 agrc.Fxhly t .1 ml.l .
, •-
p•ti.l 1.,.wan1• .7" Or, 31111, , n. 1'••11: Ilunstr , •l
No• 111•1•••1•••
••1 01.• I onras,.•. 1.• tLor
•IL•1-..low, Ino v.:t . .• ,•r•••,nr•ol :01 !::•10:•••,..
.1 0:.1!;1 , 1:1:
n 1 1•I tot, !..k. ,10.0 ••••I ;opt Ttkrt•l
.rhe lirrat WrNlrrn Firr ond Marine Ins. t'o
N . I tt7 W nlnat Itrt r t
F/i;,. ~ \
sl /IP
, .
r. •
1. - ;:f I s•9!a:%r
~~. ~ .
~_.. ... k._~i
7 • • Ar.l
4.1 i•
W /•01),PEXTY6, Agval,
'!." 7 rtt-t•lntrOu
Continental lusuratire
tt 11,11.ry:m91,4.
kit, )1.6. s,
Flartwurr, Sr
Marine :11.1:Iltt, on Carovs ac.l Fir lghts, I. an part. of
.11 • t pntle ..f in Ult.. r. on the tn.
oroBal: 1C rOLLAT)A V. fnftonrly Vreorder of Drmi., le_
II NI. 1411110 in. (..inonly ne,t-try of NV
.1!•11 . , ,I.1:11 IN. firm of 1 . -I,lan ,tnlth. Importing
Ihrd.m n• and 0,1,, ll”nintnl, No. .11 North Third
ninnr ,
.10M:11i , AT. nltu of Jnnei.llo..t Son. Coppersmith., No.
I:: porg,.
I:I,IVAM, 4rni t.f , 14.11vIte A Raignel.
114,1u.r. Mrl,hant, North Third
1101 V jLti lIIN (TIM 'LN, firm of L. .nrston L
awl 1A.11111.41./11, No ht., Ab... , tl
41E1 , 1:1;1; W. CoLLADAY, PreAldent
ti s
Jitslll:A ItORINS,N. Agent.
No. 2.1 Ftlth ntrect. (up at., A.)
'rho 31anuf.uctniers' lusuriiiice Company of
P a LAPELP 11 I A,
Chin-ter Perpouul—Capital :500,000.
Fire, . 3Marine and 'lnland itiniCS
WI. A 11110DE,3 j,. vrema„,,t;
Mat t t l , ltt..
.V.,..11 "t. I.lpiordit, Ws: 11. Timms., l'llarlea Mar.
Woo A 1.1,0.1..., ll illitill N”: 11, Alttrd Weeks,
.1, ilinalad :aid.. ' . la., .1. Ekl.l, .T..bra I . Sinidna.
.Intaaa I' ,nia 111.
10/..Tlda Comprt a 7 ma+ .alt a Mx, d willi a eruh Capttal. and
the littaadave Igitro , Pd.., adta..l P. adapt ,la. Idiadt , sa to its
sand/11.1a ta....a.,, In ,01 , .....r. d pcad....a. 10 t:. ~,, doirdltig Its -. MILill:1110 Female Seminary. 011 A prarapt ad.piAtadit or 1...--,
TrII F.: NEXT TEIt3I of this Institution will
l'lttalatlyb f iln ,, , Ng. , Watt, PI ra..t.
.1 N Ear I.s, do a; Es . A ~,,,,,, 1 ji., t t tnllatt , MCI 310:CDAT..1.aloat 3 1 st.
papi 1rk111 . .. clawarl ST.Ln pan term mai will setae lb.
iii I Irene 1 its it ro nut CORI p' v of l'i Its bort li. ,ond,,z ty Ntlflt 10 l'arsua fr,no ,j,,, 5,11,,, riz , m t .
, liesdlao. ancient library, Znelovy.
WI. tuu.u.r:v. i.,,-‘4,,,t, , uonuclui... 3li.:crn . , istranony,
- I'mantp-tatada, Map Drawing, • Nat Philoserhy,
~,. FAMVI. , I. 1.. M.A:Lail 11.12. ~,,d arl : . • . ! v ,
~F, r d i 1 i f : , , ,, ..1 . , ' A,,t(1.,,,,,,b.,.. ph,,,k,1 07.7,
;dr. . I 11.0, ~ reel, ?.../own 1f..-1 - e/ dal ... . re , .e. ,.., ltiol.rn
nn_la•il., - 111,11 a, 11'.... . Lid, ...a lit.• old,. t./1 , 1 Ills- e" ..P` , . 1 1. , ".. rhy-1 ,. .1
itladarlr., ' Ch:datistry.
hit,llll,l I •It r , ... 11, Ili 11.1, rra.
L ir - Ilia, •'1••i• t I •••. ~-r !liissre bl• Fir, Also. • 1 it ,,, XIC.
, 1 'r - t.1. , . , tr....• •• -I. •I I •.1•417. % . 11.,,tp•ti nod Tinnqart. . Triganometty.
: 'l7, Gm •k, Latin. Italian, Sponi.ll,. French, German.
S..amilsl; and Angla-,'ax , aa...a adliVonal change °ill pill be
I mad..
11 iii. 1131.1..!. 1 .. .1 t , Itt:t Ftnrlinz. • . - -•••••••
I , llr 31 l't S. 1,21
John Claytml,
E. Wltor.
Wm. B. h01m.., Alex. Mg,
John Atwell, Wilms MIII.r,
Wm. Ras, Jobb Mr.Denitt,
Thm.:. 4 . Clarke, Of.. A. Berry, •
Juno. A. citchlsou .1.g..,41.1.64
. .
.Delaware Mutual Safety Company,
/•,,torp.,,ttl by thr Ikawy7,.uia,l`a.
Offige. S. E. OorneT Third and Walnut ste.„
AL LtUsk: rNsrli NelEz: Vease.l., Corp. and height
In nll part. of th. world.
LS eo i.lootle, by HlrerlhpitlaLt, ''
au-'. 'And Carri,ee, to nH parts of the 11010.
INSCR_i_Vtk.S .:%terchandlas goat 11.-0 a
tie (HJoo ny, .:I"..m.Cd, 1550.
pond.. and ltea t.tato $101.330'94
COV.IIIO other 1, 105,916 05
Stock In Banks, 11311..1..14 and lnsuranreCon 18,:.50 93
Bills lte,elrnble . 21251 , 8 no haul
Italsne , ..n hands of A f , t tn,
rine P.:Uri, recently taxied. attil other debt.
slur rho Conspany 121,9:01 10
nna.... Not, 100.000 00
Willinrn Martin,
FAhnutnt A—Snader,
John V.
John It.
rty in thr ritr of
s l3s '" ;° l Dr It ' m
...... . .2.2.2,30 n
51 , m t`.
I Hugh Crnini
" • '•' " a * " St C} unt rIIII •
'"' .... I.7aa I.rl
.V 4 °, 0 ) 1) J. Jobn.on,
•R %net: ON
Se.. on Vet.b, TllO5
L'k" and ; Lrunnut.Seovtar7
tvrtio, lIL~IIT
,Usottentlpi •
Formers' and Mechanics' Insurance timpani
11 - orthweet Omer Seemrd and 111r/no!
Tlw following ointment exhibit. the buoMe.. oral Bond
don of the Company to Xov. 1, I&Oh
Premiun . ree.•lred on Marine anti Inland Rinke
to Nor.l, 15.16_
Intere.t on Lun..
Total rsecipt,.
Paid Marine
Experts. PaLir • and Commisminn,
12.-iroorancr, hoturn Premiums end
Agency Charms a ^;.3:10.3
11alance roinidnlnit with Comp'y tr-s,ou OT
TLe aa,cm of the Company aro as tolloww—
CltY and County 111,848 18
Raiirtml Bonds... ............. ..... 11.000 DO Cost Prin..
Finn 31ortango 11 ml Estate..__...... 143.200 OD
stivhs, t•,diatoraLs on .11 32,10 D Ou
Girunl and Cone,lldati..n Bank
Depaaite4 with Sherman. llnuean
Co- New 'York
Def. reed Payment nn Mork and yet
duo 97.700 CO
e...for Muria , ' Pevnitmem 104.0N0 „VI
Um from Age.ntA r..cletlNl by bomb.. 3.5,370 VI
Pere,dim. vet Pollelos rocontly
ned, and &his dm. the Co.
ilalanco in Danko,
Parable on demand on the tominees the Company th.
ler owant. THOMAS D. FLORENCI., Pr k mdent
lirgunotn. Sometary.
THOS. J. PUNTER. Agent. Pittsburgh.
No. DO Water etrel
Reliance Mutual insurance Company of
Office No. 70 Walnut Street
CAM.. 5177,q . 4--.lssc - rs =2,e92—Sirrarrt txrrxrza.
In.iintice on Buit.livo, 31erchontiL,, Furl - dna., tc.,
in ry.
The mutual pt'lnttiple , ructltinecl with' the et.curity of a
St ,k t'aptal.ttntaltt , the Insured to 101.11 , 6 in the profits of
tho t'ttit.tny, tvithJut luthillty for Itaetm.
llot Script Certiflrtatt, of thin C.trnrany, for nrOfit, out
nt par, into Capital Stock of alt• Cntrtoy.
1'1,1:31 T 1 M. I.EI, Prexidvut.
11 M. lllNCll3l.l,l,Settetary.
( Toro Tennl,y, 4.wo R. A shhurn,
\ Val. I: Th. , .ni.. , ....,, , Ilet E, N. Raker,
I. '. 1(oW46111. , R.N. W. TInGI , ,,
~. W. t nri...nt^r, i 7.. Lathrop, "
',0. , ' , n ~ ..n.I
11. I. ent...n.
In ,,, nlT. , land.
Ww.:,,,:l Ilni. i
I Edward O. Jun.,
Win. :flume:.
Jr ... : . T Wont :I/7. %whit - mid (jetty,
t; 4 n0.n, , 1. W en. M. ~ , atple, l'llla
J. COFFIN, Alen:
,:n., Val:4 nua fTnn.letreet.l
* re, ' Id MariliP
ire and Marine.ins. Co.
, 7 , ` , tar_ t.t and Water Sts.,
tT. aeT.
..:•• • ••• ry 14.ftnow, spritat In or
lA/ k. 14.015 r.
!lon oM Carg•01,Y.41..02 th..o Obto atd
401 3 7 arsne Huk Sea-
y , --, , k_ , - ; ~ ...- r ..1,-;-• E. ,, ary.
-- - 2 - iy C0,[2, - ..t. X r,.. -,-,. pec3•r..:
I..*.rct 2r. 13.C4ty,,
1:-L.±.1.1 lamm-szor ft,zts42, ,
IC. 71
r - r.
1 a•vnnt
I yts.sla-imce Company
hl flsra
Authorizexl enpitni. saosioo.
I tour" IIto:•I:orr exi.l other Praporty. against lova or itatk
hy flm arnl al. perils of the. er , os an,l Irdaml Narloo
[Jon v.! TranolorlaTinn.
- -
Km. F J. , lmuun.i L (Frier I:Frau/.
V. Irtaamora, J. IL Junes,
U . F:. Park. W. S. Harm
A. J. Janes, Jacob Painter
A. A. Carrier, . Guns W: &lath,
I:.sis PaUsrson. 'Wads Hamann,
JamsP. Turner, Catrin Wells, - • '
D. M. Lenin
Pr.-talent. lima. WM! F. JOHNSTON.
Vice President, BODY PATTinF.ON.
nnl: Secret/Fri:and T resumer. A. A. CARRIER
-Collegiate and Commercial Institute
siicreodul oporation fur ton years. It is designed se
st the or lim Parents who wish to serum for
them :;ritis all the advantagss for mental education that ran
t.• nnonhere turnishisl. without losing that attention to
health. and that parental supervision and government which
the young
Tha mental training Locke lee a thorough English. Slatton
lacteal and Scientific Education to reference to acomplete
simparation for any hotlinees that does not regain the In.
.[ruction of the Law, Medical or Theological EchooLe
emirs° of classical Moil., minute, thorough sad extended
an may he desired; a coarse Or 3104,12 LOO,-11OgOO, =WOO
not too teachers; Hist o ry and Mental and Political Eclat",
The Shirai Education to accured by the personal Whim..
of the leacher., by **Weldon of the mlusol into faimilkseif t
moderato site, of which the Vice Principal. are the Mails..
by graduated. disciplinary measurer, by a r
coarle of
study of the Bible, Moral &Inge, and of the erlderce• or
Natural and Revealed Religion.
The Phy.ical Training commas of • pm:scribed coati. Cf
exercine to a large and well furinalwd gylonatalum, under.
the direction of an amempllidied Gymnast; mad of mach as'
amount of Military drialue, lacier full orgesitution man
Infoutry coil, with competent otecen and Imitructim, a
°III name bodily rigor, habit, of command and obedience,
and is kind nod &grim of knowledge which may be wiliential
to the Pill dinclimee of the dune. of • eittsen. Came
re also taken to encourage wholesome sports, bathing and
rowing-, and oppwminitira are farniched for otnanorial
diatrlan excurCon. Into the gauntry. Modelers ant lanai,
Ltd at any LINE. of the year.
t's:No„uc.• wall full inforunlion will bo furnithed on op
plicato. co tho Princlp•L
A Prise to Every Purchaser: • •
-w-xEmer? WHERE.?
wilir AT ALL 'TLNIES--4tt the • Booktl
y y •vtore of EVANS k CO., late 409 Mandan'', ; telt* hi m "'
' taken tt four yeari leturould opened tho brdneo w .., yuteroirete
elegant etore. Na err eroodeay, Lafarge Hotel'
New Yerk. By buyhty s book for one dollar or yontidy''.
ore et noro presented with* prize worth fn. 25 yenta to
sloo consisting of fine Gold Jevrelry„ Wrashey - A - dr ,
If the order Is lent by malt; the Book anti MOO le. Sen t SY/
; Mall or Learn Co. The Book. rompaille
onry r toclar work published upon all rejects. 'Bads'
Mato are'sold.lo. lota than Lebo tuna leidelette‘_; - ..
Send or Hutt your dollar or doll/mond they will bidaldrifr
at once whatever you an entillol to. Clubs or i;
ttended to promptly, and. erds allowed a fah. came&
eatologooo with full •Zpltunklens eat fr•aby=iii
Jamc• C. Rand,
Thoophllns Paulding,
JOIIIVA 1.. Frico,
JIM., Tonnesll. •
Samuel IL Swam,
Henry Moan,
James B. McFarland,
Thomas C. nand.
Hobart Hnton. Jr,
John B. domplo,Plttalig,
D T.-Morgan,
J.l. Logan. •
AIITIX. President.
C. HAND. VD. President.
. A 1A1 , 1'.111A.. Agent.
95 Water street, pitubtrrith.
6,681 6
116,796 61
.... 6,704 17
.4400,tg ck"
Cjo GI
.1616.1 4C.
rb fl)
IX‘" Val,
V- Pr s
R. T
D M...,`^EmEms.
Eburationa I
Algeb a.