,- -. a.e11t.....,,/ , ..- • 7d - d ,,. ."-;" '''' -'i 1 • - ;"; ;" s.-; / . /itii:l3oT-5T7Ti1.),Nr........i.-rie./..- -,.... s ulk , • • i.PrOpostußAmesalllments to the Constliu- „•, „ , , ~.. _ 1 tttshitrg , '=- - 05 ill t, -, • •,...i.,pt.t..tV.°l.kl.WT.l.‘'..lt• ' liciorrol try eve seas:, and Must ,If 70 . prea,fat,res , f :h. Cemetery 11/faittle - VV - orks,,, II I . _____-___.l fiwisiwwwwwillOs qf Pentsnyteanfit in Grarns/ A5..../Jy rid.:— No. 33 . 3 Liberty Street , b e l ow waytte, ..-.- --_. ' ------ r -- . ------------ The *m a il, k,tier., That lie fall o wing antauttatataara urn/a:well to thud:Las:l. PITTSBURG 11 0 PA. ca =m iStrgAg CiwW. , ,g . , teflon Of the C.ommunwealLll, Ki . 11eCogilaga. It ;Lb the pro- Vitioto of the tenth urtleie them,/ MATTHEW LAWTON, just received in this city, contairtalliestatement , I'lltST AdfrtibirkllT. PRACTICAL MARBLE -MASON, Of an important fact to agrimilttrils_tc . - -•-• . L Tizt.l4. ROI l • antuiltrthoußl orthin to .1.1 C..-tatid i..r. ~ - ISII E S RESPECTFULLY TO lN iii,,, June 17 , 185 , _ Mr. 1 ,„,, ,be Clenigna ' ied as ' artiele ' elriett. aa fellow,- I- I V fort, his friends end the public generallr. O.' '... .../$l/toarri . "Inn, Awl, 1.. n NI. A. fledges-Dear file:-I have just received •' it rI't•III.It:Il I II T S. i bas leased Ike above prentLen, fur the manufacture and sal, boil Sitar of the 10th lust, inquiring the remilt '. sc , m , s 1. The Stat. ma, confront debt, to supply cannel '..;'very ‘-elvtx of /treble Work, inch n. ',..-; -of my experiment in making sugar cane last t deficit. or rad.tn is revennen, o r to meat ~.,,,,,,,,, n o t o th. .donuments, Touths Tablet/. mill Gravestones, ide prottbd for: laa theaggregati mmouta of such debt. o r every cutlery and tans: .. ; fall; and in reply to your questions I will say, "'"' girtat ant Arillnt-ent, whether routracttal Isy 'lrate of one u°. I piadrotd. , 9llliy in May, and only about One er more act. of the tretteral mteemblb, n at different portals , ILantle Piece.. , square rod of ground. The cane grew about :11-,111;:r.,..',4r.:1,1:0-'`',‘-r..,`;`',",,,,li^,,'",ye`cni.ll.7,edr"-,‘11,:0d I cmnTigo; " , .. , 7,.' , :a u . L.. ,1 Cent, Tell , ' Pier. Bureau ten feet high. I cot it InrOctober, before any ddiam ehall I o applied to .h. , reu-re., • a., ateat it a. oi.. awl Wa...h frosts; about two-thirds or the seed WOO ripe Wii,Q. or. I i i.y the deht....r.arr a nd e g, ~,„I „, „,,,,,, , Stand Tops, A,. &C., . when cut; I gaotirtd itirnmodintely after cutting. 0' 11f,,.„:, ' , 1 .VT, ' ;',: "- T,„„„„,,,..,,,, ~,,,, ,„., , p ewee • . c! , „ a. no other eatablinhment Watt in an old cylinder cider mill, and I grottnd only '.3t..liC ciiity - conu - s ‘ rt iLlptit to rapid ' invasion, b' sol.l,;...iret ‘ n h s 7 . of b l i he mau " at ii i fla .ir ii i . n7 ll7 , , ki s "- tockl,,.lairely new, and rue been - ... a parted' the mine I had, in consequence of break- "n, non, di.fetallha State ft, war. or to redeem the prraent , selected. by kiniself, a:preset/ for till. market. 110 la oleo ,4 Antall; gin laid not Hien slice the juice I got. • og-sta . ;wile " ! i t ntlibtednios.....cif i th i e ; atater. tor the munev ; nrinina $ pnepartol to build !lurid Vaults...chow Bar k L i ots h o i :ll.l2 ; lar n ..."...,'"rbOiled it in a common I.ettle. The syrup ; t ,,, l ,:f„ ‘ ,. "' „fff, l , r ; t g :,'„,,. e " 7„,,'„' lr ' " 1 i . ' ; ‘ ,. 1 . 4 .., ' ", - ,,;,Z, h ,i,'11,`,,.,:,t, , l ,t p O ji.'i t t7T,T.'„,",:;,'„ l ,,";:,, J "" o t r e p i,f,,,,`„ r , e 7,7 " ' foamed in boiling like maple syrup. I clarified 'to no other purr..., whateo et-. atnata 9T TOMISSIMf TO - it'Sahit.little lime, knowing nothing about cane yl'l - a. Lvvi iv tit. d ebt taut e. M.olled, in .14.. , Rei T. B. Irma.. Robert Cialway.Esq , , ime and two of thin article. ad debt v. haterer .hal Ibe neat , I ; lb.. Wm. Wilkins. John Chlslett, E.g., ......engar. - - i - managed it .inat as I woni l l maple : hy, or on heLanur th,,,,„,, . Jun, 11. Sh,ltber-w,r. Kw. , 11' L. Ringo/alt. 4.1., sugar and tried to tanks tit granulate hystie- , tialasss,. To pravalv for the paynunti . i11...n0-edit debt Charles nnower, Esq., J 11. 11111, Dui.. Thomas Scott, lin g .. $ A. IL Curling, Esq., ring it., as I used to do with maple, but I could . 03.1. ". f addi'l""al doll ri4iiiisii."i an tdiiri" , iiii- iia' liaii'Li , w rit WWI , at it, fltffit nit-elan . nftor the adoption of hit. W. I'. Ennui, Esq.. 10. It. White. Rat not make it granulate by tltat process, and set 1 amanita:tent. errate a Finking hunt which olaill be ituftele , The Trail Ihrnillied with all kinds of Foreign and Dome. it awiy. In about six or eight days.l looked at ito pay the acriinnu inidned .. rue). semi , and antiodlly ' I:. tie . allair finished or in the rough, et Wholonale it and found it a very handsome article of well - i fi' - .; - !r;„l .a n t'.' ; ‘ !”,'. ; ::',", d .:„, h i r P . Z r i t i L: ~ ,.T. , ...7 , " 1 . to " ' ha ' IP " PP, ' p rior.. tit ,i• ft tat shun Ile tranntto made arrant...entente with the mannfrrtnreow . graltliall4eo ,sugar. The syrup was pronounced i onni.t.l me net " ann.U.l bane , et 11 . 10 p. k ...11; ....On.. tn.s. ~ t t. t... sattitt. tar in ronuent nipple of Hydraulic Co by all Who' tasted it to be good, equal to any We tim e to tu t , owned by it,. Sate . , d upe pr,,,,,,, of the ial o , meet. Water and rarebits Linn. and Plaster Pada, both get from the South. Yon willisee that toy ex- 0 : 4 ,, 1 ‘ h :,7 " ,, " ;;17i. a ..7L,1: . ' " „ r' „„ 'h e rr i -4 ,',,r,1,,, 0f 5, 1 ,, h , , ,. - . " , 0 ,',..," " ,c,, r ' r s r,r, - ' tn.,'"s'l'..,l:',,V.'di,.;-,tbr."dt'ice"..orb.; ell ''' "kb ha h' ln P li n irdr d irl k periment is not a tot of the quantity or yield lee r need. ur ze.ource... tl - lat May be f r o ' A y In".- Th e Philipsburg Water Care, - per acre; but I think it good proof that good ina .1.1 ...ding fund tone i, indt.......1. front r iTto to lime. OR the treatment of Chronic i itseuses, itt sugar can be made from the Chinese cane. I 1 ,?„ ` Z I I -- ,: ' , ” ,f, ' , " !, ' ,', ' , ' , ' , ' ,1 1 , ` ;;;;;;,. ' , 1 ;',1, ‘ , " ',., s , '-- „';;; ' ,.!:, ' ,-,.„1 " ,...4, ' . ' ,7;, ' ; ...tett 2., mites wrat at ittsburgh. amaaite Keebta have Planted thirteen acres of cane this year, ;„, ' ,,,,,,,;, tr ,,,:„„d „„ i n ~ „f o a r, a l a t h,..... : ..r. Dewier Ponn/I.lt , - in . country I.tly unpin and and it is now up and looks well. I shell want.; teetion. no pet et the .0.1 rittlima final Alan In miiii,l or o, i i i i ,. . l - , :irp"../... „ . n i .r !„.1 . 1 , 1a ,.. te rt ti,..7 1. Z . ... 1 Zr . 0f ” : . , , , , it i 1f , T . . ,.;,, n , i' i h . iiT t : all the apparatus for manufacturing thin fall. I P ik ,' " e d .':'' - " e .' - ',",,. i T i 1,",,,c:`,1;!.' 1 ',f , ': , ! ^ e b .'1',' , !,' . ' 1 ,.!_,1:...,, , P u ,1: 1 , 1 . '",„t - :' , 4 I bathing s w an derm a, and Is aupplied with all abundance of shall be glad to - hear from you, and any infer - ; era ''dultlit.e."'cs. of tiolLar.. pure aoft water from apringn 100 feet abort. the house. A million you can 'give me will be appreciated. 5,,,,,,, 5 Th. ,r,-di, „f ,i,.. ~,,„,,,.„,,..„I,h „b„11 n ,,, i n ! Soo hall Room. detached nom the ,hid„ building. furnished tine manta,. or i v..nt. la• pi:id-ed. or loan , al to, any Intllvlil- w ith. 14 .. ii.• 'Afford , ' matttAinment far the evening. GYM- Truly yours,' .lonat L. MAR All. , i ,,,i i ~,,,,5 . .,y . „„ ri .,,,,,,,. ,q. ~,,„„,..,.,,,,,,,,,,,, ale th e , onlim”... , :ing. and Ilm , llug Saloon afford antwouenl nnd I , . , „ 0 ,...,....,„„. 0 , 1,„,......„,.. Livens.. .„.„...„, „„.. , ...,,.. . ...ends, • through film day. Every end,. or I. mad,. ',m a t e , a o plem-aal maid far to ignitor.. A Nitt - GRANS In low A. -an lowa correspon- i holder, no any toter...int...in Innen. or , , do,atiou I.l‘ g The chi n ) a iiilth of not ~,,..,,,,,„, ,1„, 4.4,, ; An Thieriot.. oft:, year , In tiro Water treatment by the dent of the N. Y. Trthone, miotions the intro- ' . S ' s ". 7, .„.. ~,,,,, „ f nu , , ci ty . ,„ ~,,,,,, ,„. ~,,.„,.. nftelitlilig iihyalehati May be en ninanrance to the zuralid that dIiCHOR of a new species of Brass into that State, , ' l r ar. - ..',.01 ' /. ', .. , /p .,, t.a....:t ' 5 " .. " ...!;:ta5.t. ai1,.., ateh del , iiiiidill" en la) well utabirstiaalaud pniperly tniatod. which he thinks is not grown in any other Slate , 'hall to, Leon rontrael.-1 to on ado thi. 11.00 to mail hail- • i •• • ii : i ,l i n. n i i t r ii s i i .iith ' ii. „nu., Cony 1:',!-..,,B..,;(49",',. in the Union. The aced originally came from : ",,..".• "si.P. ,- " ,,,-4 .`; iii -i •iiiiii•iikis. d ''''"d ... . 11. 'Il I. "' of • •'`' l dr, or to ii , - sist the omen: on the dtmlim i n. of an, tairtiott of i A liners Chance for investment. Hungary, hence the product is called Ilungarian It- sn/val tat'hattiv... 1 rill - 1E SUBSCRIBER , designing to enibtirk Grass. Cattle are said to be more to of it s s ,, /too 7 Tb. 'u-Lome /hall ma at, I 11..r5, ant minty, . .1, In , Annon enterprise, offers for a t the 'Machinery, Pan than of blue grass, while it Win proclaim I wit : ii i . i . - s i i i i . i ,i i i ii i i lli• i , i '.7i i i ii ii r ii l i iii i ',.i i i i , , i r i'i ' l ,.. . , i i , i i: • ie:• i .i.` i, ,l i i i i ,i i , i i . i . . tern r. now in working order. at bin %whine works, crops her season, or four tons to the acre . The e, 1/2 iii V .iiiiiiiej. ".. i .11.....,[ ;..i ' ; : p.!iiiitie . n. in 'i to obtain • 11 . iiiii. Moldings, i t tit earl. b i te buiiindi+ le , iillo.l and writer .. say s he is satisfied that it will take. , m„,,- - '1,,..,,i,-,„,,, ~,aIM to. at, lot pm it iti.-n..., lation. : i 4 i ,„ , ,V„"L i h i l ,,,,t, i ,, i , i r i ,, o , r ,,, i l i i „. U .:Z i m „,',., i 7V,, ii i i i 2 ni ' rinii '''''` iiii position in the agriculture of lowa second only ' "'"'""" '" ' ' ,'"" 1 If the above is tad diepowal of na Il iitanibt by tl,O second to the corn crop. iiieliNii AeL.iiiiir.i.T. , a.k in Jou, it will thou be illiipoimal of in liana to sun TM r, 41.111 L• ~n :v1.11%1.1131 art tele 1...1.1.... 'lt illill, le I.neel,n, e r e . {ill. WARWICK. ___.,,=r_. , le- de...gum...dos tirtudo Xll, as tilos,. myrtialtf liyatt's Building, Fifth *Watt. A atti•LF. tn. 1 - Premium • tnegars. 0 p NEIV COUNTIES, MADE EXPRESSLY FOR 61:K/DYIECILIVBPATgiT VULCANITE - - - I No i•iiitiad aliall I. di. hied by o low coital,- on mid ori e l VINEI:.I.K ',,;' otr. ' $ laullitif IL, fk1int1 , 111011.0.1,1,.., li, login 0 bee nty °r oil, , fiend, ii... nod rein told In more man ,c -half of the S ILIRD INDIA - RUBBER. - . e r ,i„,,),,ft.b 0 ,,,,1„.,,,,,,,,, „„„ u , o f ~,,h „,,,,,,, 1 .,. ~ ~.,,. lirerieriga of Ptltoburith and Allegheny. when, Plidclos ran T HE BESCON E5. ' ..%1 - CO:, OWNERS ' OF ! . ,I atilt olertorn, tb,rtill' nor .Itall ans new mono, I.• ...I 1 , 1.., deem rind in sty if ambulate, that have ham kaeml In It . listed, nintimutn i i; hi-d i nt:in four Imitdrial a.m..: nab.. i , for , 4 ii, Patentsononutbeture front the alma, Matileel suit- ' romp ~,,,,yr,,,q-y. ; NI me I Ine,,zr made from Ohio grapes, egret to the bent vial, and offer for sale at their Wnreroom, N0.‘13 31alden 1 I antiorted Lauu,..Now York; by the runt:age only. _ r ,..' .. ." • ,.. - ` 1 " , '.. , ..,•."„re , nr," ,-, .< 1 4 , ~,,•,,,'',.......,.- , ~ h 1 Cider Voter= Oat will bear reducing manilla( and tit - at:in ES POCE ET oink sracu i, 1 „` r ,,',". ",''' , ''` ""`' ' ".'.. ""' '," ,' "'"''',"'"'• """ ` 1 I , unt 1,,,,,1 r,u.iii..• vie,bar. . --•1•47- from ',non lila , .:one aTil , d, . I t ' he ercry kind nulled for Lid.,l:sornitara awl 31....lianIcs' i ~,,,,,„:i i , i , - Ii „, ;,.,,,,,, ...,,, ~,,i , „,,,, , i ni . ni , i„. i ,, ,i „ r, ,,,, , , i lhe att.ntlott of i. ” rioate famillis, butyl keepers. and the Innate lir Pr ifea.ional purl iIEASUIIINtI I'API..-i. , ~;‘ i , i . , i : , ~, , , i , , i i ' i, 0 „ iii , miatrd 111..1 - climla M liaTlMular, bi din - clod to thin Till poses, pronounced by Phell.l NACIIINTsTs• id Llitid ' „ ;„, .;,''.:„ ~.; '.‘, ;'.,, itch ~.;, 7 ; ," ‘ ;:,.., - 1 . 1:1 '. .. ' . '''' ,',. : : .. " ' 1 . r3,, :', ' '' ' clam th* nadt perfect article NI AltTl:4ti AL It It IN4: l. . u ; ~,,,, ~,, u „' f ,„ „..,„..„„,, ~...' ,:,,,i',,,,,,',.. , ,,,' ..„.„,,.„,, . The bo , « /longer. warranted to be no reionestattoil, and over made. witip ~,,,c,,Kbp,i, , fin, i, , ,,,,i, ndiii!.. . iiii.i in iii.n iiii.r,,n , in,,,,i I ani i . n d onii i n , i i i m n hidh narednarilialtho Find Pretultunauf a Sliver Medal BILEAST I'UMPS, INSULATORS. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I li , iin , , „.. ~,,,, ~,, ,, ,, , ,,, , ,i ~,i irin iii ,,,,,,,,,,, , in ii.l and Lipton. at the Stal,ti Agricultural Exhibition of told, POWDER FLASiLS. for TeLegrapli 11 ue, adoptul A. RALLOU, Mille-gale non in entry ~l ai d .iii II nen: II i - ger •• • I inarrannwl tokeep the Jar by the Atuarican Telegraph urea 'o .)„. „,„,.:,..„, ,„.`„ ..,.'..„ 1 _„„;', r .. , a- ' ' P . " *;"."' tor/.1 t) • o u Lin Water and 1 , 19 First stn. a d , ri baled aml , I dlp tnniirußE cAsTors, icom s t r 7 . a t i - i NG intrsirEs. dt•trilatted e•pintli. il.r. , i,leell 1 . , 21. gale.. i.) dbt rat., In 1857. - - - - th .. 01.ida.,0.,.,r0.,1FAN5. liA , riv. il:NNI.as ; prja/t. ,, 1. , 5 , t ; u: re. t0..p . 1ite1 ;. .. „ 7 4 .1 „ t ; a ; ;Lai ; L ;; ,. ; ti, li . al 7, , tan i t;Lit , t 1 , i ,. .,i 5 . ...., , T Storeat Stoves/1 1857. fiE NIOST COMI'I,F7II: ASSOIITIENT TUIIIII:FJla ik,,SoAerlta TS. AND DIPPERS, __. 11„,„,;;,,,„,,1„,„„„ d ~,„1 , ,,,,;,,, ,j „ r „ . ; ~,,- m ;', - , -- : i i;;; ‘ ,..;: i i.r c , ..ii Inc. Parlor awl 11...11111g Stole, In Ito 1009.1 113 Pan and Pocket • for Pliotivaphie - and Drug- . ~,,, . ~r .„ , . ..,,,„ „. „,„ ~, ...... ,4,',,,4 ~,i . ,., , 1 ilegbeno Clt. at the / .... / t ~,,,,,....e r oo „ I . pee, rho CUTLERY- FOLePsH.....S 4 .- - ! ;hall be Jettr-d , nail nii ' reillite 'Mall l 'i ie illvulti2 in ii t ' l ."l l ' 2•7- i riii lT i i i il , l , o i , rl ir ,,,,, , NAPKIN .R.LNG. I Iron our. • illation of a claiti let. , r e v e ft ) :011Minlitg a iiiialeigig gene Thin Wander /ad ini.frroil which in an fo'ru In mETAL- ; 1 ,,,,„ 1 .,..,, l „, - ,,,,,, ,„ , ~, ~,,,, ~,., ~ , ~,, , i 1 Aurora. I Itiatuund, light EITIORN-Irillaut asJET mud of HEAT i ...,,,,,,.‘,..,,,,,,,„ r . „ „_ .. ,_ . „..„.. „ I .„,,,, .„., „ P . r „.. ~,,$.7":" tiro . I errata] Pala, Cooking, -oeonooodncrer of ELECTIIICITI-aud on which OILS. , d i , 14 ,,, i i in? , ,„„,,,, iii iii „,., i,., ~,,„7, ~,,,.. i ,, r ,, ii r I Beauty of the Writ. ACIDS and ALKALIES ..„., edne, a l, ciert, is ractly nuferior ! , ..., , , ....,_.,.._ _ . ' .. • . t,- . .- , . ~';' !:, $ Together with el ery variety erne nutter Izt the line....uch as ~..,, ,, , , 4 " , ror 0 ,, ,, ,.,.. i .,,,,, , ..., ~ gr. ,„ „„„„, .„.. io w sable ..l . :l "...' 'a ~ di-c. .7." ....a , '''.• 'a' " ' . ; .'" I 1 . 1,•11,,ir Ware. Ilidife.lintlash in i t. Cutter and Spouting, Rini, other puerKeS,,lo width it la applied. • ' •' ib' A r t i' llil 'l T,l li .. i i :' ,.1 0 i t i 1i, i 1 .1. ., " .,, i , i d , ii" ,.:, ‘ , i i , ~d ii ~,. ii.„., t i i ,..., I I..'fiel and unreel Cage. , Vail tit ,tigit id, the Red Lb/Tee Dealers in all parts or the country no supplying dam- , „......„, ...,/,., ~.•,* • ...,,a', „/„;.,.,,,,r, r„ ~','"; , ; / 1, , F".lct - al urn , / AllsEheny selwei with those goods, and consumer. who want th e i,st „‘,,,,„;.,„, „.,,,"„.„, , 0, , , , ~ ~,,,,,„ ,'.' ' v in 1 mrito artlclerof Abe kind. will ba r no other. jallsl/ r.o.i. ~, ...„/„, 1 ,,,,,,,,,_, ~,,,,, ~,, i „,...„,,,,,, i 1 ,:, ni i,": ‘ , ~,, ii 7,7,,,7 iii . ,7,4;7;,1 i ii i ', iiii ..7, -- iderillo trots Pipe 'Works. WLEILULT, & JACLPEIti, The legliglierv. at 111 Ili, ....Lim., all if the alliiiin. of V ''bin amendment, .halt &W N i thi. , Ity of Pliiimilelplim inm - 1.1 2 Centre Street, New York. i senatorial and rep,ientative ildardrii, tii the imitator aho, MANUFACTURERSfi,,,ii.Ngs,,' D .r. D I E , .k.L .,I ERS 1 .1 .\ .. " ' .c: r , ,, , ‘ 0 , ;;L' ,. . , , - 1:1r , r ‘;' , l . ,"; - :::;',7" , %,: n .1 00 , ',',l;;''',..': ir i , L l h• . ,, T , -. 1 scrTnuou 'orapparatua runner/ell with Steam. water and '' "3,t ''' . Ons, for heating and lighting Steamer, Clunrhes, Ileteln. Printe Dwellings Ht./Idol., Asylum., Villnerm F tw it ort , There ,diall lei arm ibittonal a, -who„ ion to li. Neil art,. le ol xatl Ilata • I mlaCkingiliiii.M. ei h.. li 'hall to numIo•nol and tout v M. ALso Vtdren, Cocks,Primpsau Ggucllotlern and Duller LP , o Flue, made to order. I terra V. Tl, . Idgi.latore 0.11 itai• the 1..., . 1. , dlr.. Our Screw Cutting 'Alachrnes are entirely new , and our ; fn'ols. ,, r annul, any dor./ of to ' , Pura , . hen . .... P - r cete elm Patent-wartuoted to do dont.). me wort. of any other j eared by. or ~ -u r., ‘ ”, -T.-: , ..t. , . general law drlal-ver °I Invention. their opitilan tt mar bi• I militiou. to tae fifteen. of 11.. Gin, i Ordari solleJted from all nrctierm of the Counts, raid ' ns .ii,.. i•iiniii iii '''' is manure, ii . .. , iiiriih'it on inio . dii' +hall proniptly attended t‘,. j,26,iyd, l- don- Id II - cdri,.ratii, 'fitly Sock abbertisetunts . 1 , L7. bila , brlptia abbcrtisement,s. . it. -.. , %- i, , tho r- ,, ; , 1,,.11 1 , 11...- 011 //It 1111.1 ..m...1- moo. sene 2,1, u.o. 7... is Ile• ..thr..l autgel..lth aeoa 2.1, . , -- -.........„ ...-- - . tao •.. ot, t1,e0,1, d ALIICI.I/1 1 / 1 1,1.,.,.. .11 11 , 1 , •.1 rs th. ALLEN do NEEDLES. lour: I , 1/11 , • 111....1 .Cure,, 'F0 31,1..211. nao I I ,"- Na ~,, Fa t . ~ 117.reet, and 33 Saufk 7lltfer r,' Bon, the .1-11,11 PIIILADELPIIIA, I 1,/or. II IIdIILOLI • ....i. WROLESALE DEALERS Jr,. OlLs, , ... ~,, II P1..11. ~. r Itce,,, , ,lstr .1, ~. 1,7 , candles, Starch, Lc. A toll asanontrot on hand to 2:.... I, ed, Ilat :111, roolotal, IO ! On 0,.. tr.,' ~,,,, .hkhtbr.t..tigti , r dealers Is re.portfully • :L.A.!. no or, Iraq 7., Los. III: on the on, otial acv endoomt. yc. e 7, mr7:ll y u,. • 114, on the iioral amordmort. ,J ea. :1, 113, ••4 .111 11 , ; 1/Z , - 1 toil, elnemlno to 1...1`4 In, 7 UMBIA 'HOUSE, C Ai' F. IA ..3. ND, . - . - -. ' ;1....,.... 0r....., the Joan , (.. C OL C. Pa MAY. NEW JEItSEY.--Thia rat.noove coat. JACOB IP-OdElt. , leek 11.4110.04 'KM he-.op e ned for the reception .4' ...pony i•II ~,,,, ,„ ~1,,, 5,,,,,,,,,,, „aka.. Mn 3 4 , 1 y . , ,, Thong& , June 11, prop for Lilo cleat or log .nit setw 1 . A II t'l 11 - 112, hat Leen put In conaplete order.halntad thrtetatenat. papered and marl/ now furniture added. A onto. of the loot drilled .1....r.t.,r0 ' , Do la. moo.. ote colored Orval. bare Wen selectkel from Do. city and Dalt, More, anal ovary atlas:di.. will be ts.al.l to secure the ...uteri . and plesßare of the guents Applicant. for Booms er c...t. I ',. ' ', , '"'.,, ' ' , , • ' ~ nap th o trio a 1... and lore,..nr 1• a tr. , ~m,Bleat:9,l. Matto at the otr. , of the aulowriber. I .1, L. ~,,,,,,,,,,, eosnot cop: ..1 the , olotnal ..ite , ..lntion pea., ~to ..end moot. to the Cr...robot, of the Cautootoonlth, with th• my!!! N" '4l3 IV4Mt e '''''' t ` Ph ''''''''''''''' •or , ' in eul. !rani' or tie 1... m, Is I - i • -- r -. . --- altintort at . ,rt --- - therrof, oo oopen, . fern the ortginth on Lie o• OF, ~ f ive. b Isments. , ,_ , In tordlrnany wheroof I love hereunto lot tot !mud , - ' anot evleset to 1. affixed the ...1 . of Me Seen . tarr'n C. lIMIRGI AM:zircon , c .„ . c. e „,.., "Mee. the .1. , mot ,'...,r rd.. , e sift, 'ARMISTEAD. RIGGS 6 CO., • AGNTS FOR l'IlE SA.Uk.: OF VIItt:INIA ... MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, I Xi. 37 Errhange Plan, /Winner,. ! n.• 1, tels., , n i: .i. euer e e eneths-ut• to the , a...t0., . iimAlireys on hand a lor,nedoca. which they dint 'burn I '-''' ''''' ' " '''' lll ' .. "'''''' ''''''", ""''''' ' ''"''''' ''"''' '., S, n,, the t..ttoti. at the Unkcokmarket prove. ''P ad Y ll. • Mill the ...nate n a ... to Ito Orel 11111. 1 4,,' ti.lll • .......•,' 11. f,0,...,,,,1 oaf, O. t• ar c 0,..e,..tht, te e 1.1 svi .• of Op rot ~, tun., awl tore ... fon... a.: . ' 1 J ,,.._,i,... e , it . no. r . Bros. no. tadf. ~ El,. I • ot. F. t • • . ' Fl. t00k... Frio. r, I/1,...1,1111. look.. 1i01n..., , r Ent. Pllislentrgh Iletlge Farm Nursery. I toothed, lewi, 11, er. ..•di .1. -..11 .1, .11111111111, 51. , ./... QITOATED ON WILKINS AI'EN E E. dal, :::,.. , ..,,,,,,,.,-...„...,,,,,,,,,,,,„.,r,. 5,„..,,._::,. 6,..) boor onirquarter of a toile from hr *ere.' Toll ..loa , Nora-Me.ora. cm... t . 0....... II lan. a, I it. ~,, I bor.. (late, en the Farmers' and Sloclutok.' Plank Rood, an orten. I lame, ond ...1., .; non of In' inth atrork and at.ut three nod o quarter mile* : ta, the ./11. , 110/1 u.., detet noted to tl•• ad0...L., ~ - from Pith/burgh. th, O u r, lu -Diet. k JAM 1/3 1111RIY3C/i. Pro pron rr. ' Mill the ...tate agree to the ..0.1.1..1 ..11.1,1111 111 • . 1 * * . long. coliectlou 01 well grown ! The a ,na nod WI, e or.• .1... it 010....1•1) t- no tool ..to nod I.La ... , . for t.r/i/ntlaatkg., chi, foll and I d the C...11A1111114.-1. and e• r. lo 010 1./ min: sPring. 1 i to-11, •r... Woe., lim eye. Croton, 11. ED, Es on-, TIO Sorry now corers vale thirty acres of ground and Ft, iel . lit.nea, Ileum!: m. I ngtaut. Jorrios o Km,. Oontalne .wrilaMbiO tree., shroln anti JAllari, owl over 10.. knob., h. IA :op. 11J et. So Ile, r hut... .....t. r. ......I. too bran tyegahand2lnod evernecrt• and *brute.; nre of fine : J...„0.. aa el.!, W,lL'ilo. tl nglit 411.1 1•,•./...1. './.. 1.-.1 . .. ihlrfsbr relnovalW °reliant. and Blotto. Fround,.. , a tt.m. Cod. I. Cradd.. frao , t. tit...J.,. II it r., Ed. - -...ll•StkanarefallrpOCked and tient occSeling to direetionn to ' t J ,.. e . ', nee , on d J ,.....„0.1_, ".... ,nay gart Of tbo.llttlted Stateg. , , the n'autton 00.., .!..,1 111 the 11ffirol 011, 71rue begraye tO eelltbe talent!. of the lover' of *bode 1 1 /.1111.• TY .ti..ri. 'WIT_ Innal elnkra bathe trade, to our unrivalled collection WM the ........,,,,, to ti n do e ,' n .... ~,t,„,,,, • fn the year 1857 esubrsclng • ...arty nil th e Enee,,,, en The,.... and too. nere taken nnreeabla t•!1,• pm, ie... , , family, Intligeagrde art/T.Exotle. tint! In worthy of ...Tot cut. ' ..f tho Croolitutuns. on.l we. an foll„.. Jo Beath:at 111 thr.tecllo ß iCtimmtry. Plant. ran he id Bored , Y.,.- , 1.....r. in.o• r. nt or.. rr.di. te - . !I. Ell. of Molly Bina quits enough to gi r o Inonotiote ~:r.o. i ~,,,,, 1'k,! ., , „. 1.,„,..,.. ~,,,,„. ~,,,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,.,. ~ WIC. tliOdera pi tinat BASSI. Front *lmago.. slate or nal.- 1 K. J „,,,. L 00 h,..,d 1,.. a , 1., , 3,0 ‘ ... , J .,,,,,, ~,. _, J ., , , ~,,,,,„,,,,, • factory,referen other oity of l'atsburgh, rolu'rei m all wr other. Ste. I. Strut.. Irelolt. tt date. mild ai nnhi -21 times. 1. , a are---a1re.r..0. , 11.y. tire.. 110 ri• awl Peorte,-/ , giletinfere suldraint l'io its through Wilkina Pont Itillor, ' :,.... the 0t.......r, oil, 11..111•111.11...1 111 11., tonentatio ' near Ettetatralt, /2.., or Inft at our et:melon market mil'' ill , on 11....,..1i0n, therDiatormd lbs rket, will ho promptly attended to. 1 It II! the ...1..,,,,, , • 1., the f oirth omen.. TI/ ' oc2hdikertf 5 • ' The ..., /1.11111.1)11,11-1. talon 00e , ...1J, t. , the pr 0...... Dealt Tree. Evergreen to, he. ' , I Os. 0/.0.11.11111,11 14101 nee , at follow .- HE ISUBSCRIB'EII. WOULD 11IOST .I . a..-31, , , , Er , en-, . tysti. , crone "la ~.., ell VA • 1 !'.tare,, FlO1111.1,1111: I rar,r; Inpront. 1.11.... ht., loon' reePiCtlidlY call thenttenrinn of hi. friem l,l and 2 , ,,.,,.. ,_. 41). r. Seoliedi ,' -der., ..man. Poida. n Publie4 u.hi ,,,, ," ~.M, stack or Cr.' , Tr'''. Ev.rzr.w , ' .7,...1... n 0.... Meth. link... mild , 1 ocl., :I. ti l Eihrubber7,,Boww, (Irmo Snow Manta kr. (If Appiw, the . „,,_,_,),..,,.. J .,,,,,. „,,.. ~,,,,,,,, ~,.., ~,,,,,.,,,, __, stuck Islargeoni tin, Of Year, we Imre *rum 00) !hr.( : „.. th ,.„ „ inn , ‘‘, ~„,,,,,,,., „, ~,. ~,,,,,,, ~,,,. sad Shodird of unmet: nanny. of choice varieties Penh ,• several thautarad tine, with Cherry, Blom, Apricot, limple, I Is In Ilca, or Luau", .11' .... tica•Groseberries, Currants. Le. thr 2 rergreone, from Ito , .. - 5 hot, of which we tuts many thonoodda ar e th J ., p,,,„ , The ....dollen pequoinn /Irisendm , nts to the Canto lentil. hunloglerge rittantlnee will be liberally dealt with. Call ''' flu' ( - , '""" l., *'"d'h i** l 'W . 11 d , ''''umd. l . l lnn• and see an Mock, lie alwayr gitu A rlan. orders.' On ',II° nor'..., . left at *he Bitteletegit Foot Onion, 31r. IL Dal (Lire Liberty 0.. (I tll Ike /lA., agree to the fit .1 .11/11 s..inment • the ook...d:curwry. I;1 miles ou l'eunglosnin Aroma., or ' T"'' Yens "mi 11 .v' ``'''''''' r .'l.*-'n'''`llll .. 1,1 " I'mDiel..* the Vittribllrgh Nuneery,l4 ml!, from Oakland, will t ,„ , of the Cototttotkon and were n. nein, tte . prOMptly Attended to ! • I c st-Des-rs. Audemon. Arthur. !b01d..., wit, pert, N. 8.-Plautiog doter roatly to order. ' Milton Bower. Brown, C 011.., I : a.ophel I. floe. , Colo,. orffilaland „Iglu, guitg,xll . ,h,,. Crna lord. Du lief, 1 . ..01. Evder, Fonn.l , l„ tour. r stoner,O DIA., liatn. ~ Lino., 11.....11....1.1101. 1111! .. ,aa. I lob . LI . Shade 'Breen for Kale. tr-an. Olerke ., ttnbne, It.. ~. Beido, dodtkito. delsno John. lAN T lit S, ELM, LINDEN. ,) : nun. Ii .0d,..... K. rt. la'ulght.l...B. strike, Lota.k, r. L. , rte, Mountain Ash, Lc., of eattunre fir Spring plant- ; Mon ....Mork 1.. .11 Cohnont, M . D.., Moo, „I, a 1,,,„,„„ . yoitx mtrklkoCil, J.. .Itiowlman. " , iehnl'.. ateholeon. 1 1113 , 11111,11.1.,, fr. 1 1 , 1 ,0111. , 01.1,1, VOIR., Pownall. l'urorll Reno- 1,. I l'lnlatielphla) _ 1i 1...8.,-41 . .roOntnO Wilfor. at tom Oulanal Nursery, will -iitherldloplauting shade-ire. for parson requiting Moen. • Komsry,tfoils., Ream-r, ii..... 1. nt.. ',.. 11 it pp. sus• . biro, ~,,tt , tat ctc ' 111.01,1 _amt....11..0,1 _onto., k ...noon lob.. Patio I Votenewhia. I i. ken, Voeadley,llolter. Sr, ,thr,,,O, Mh o , - ....- I Rolling 31111 For tittle. I ton, Willletun, tVithee,e, Wright. litronernaoto Hors (dere. Soon ter -78. `1)11Y AN OttllEit OF TILE COURT OF : : ,,.,„_ 31 ,,,,,„ . ",..,„.. ,‘ 1 ,,,, , ~,,,,... 11 ... J." COMMON I'LliArlefsciuto county, Ohio. to. nuc 'limb.' , cor k , tift,, , ii.dfi n ,, ..,,, 0, , i . ,... str . ther , nor .. - and hinted Upon a petition forth. dooolutiou of Ille• 1-7.1. Warner cud Wintrodo-12. Fanner of the nCIOTOILULLINO 3111.1. CO3IBAN I l • ,k,„ o n , q n,oo nd , ~,,, dee,a,,,,,1 In ,b, ~,,,,,,,,„ IOU" ON IRE N.DiTII DAT OP JULY, 1057, offer for nde i On t h e q „.,. t h,„ . Itithribighert balder THE OCIOTO 'LOLLING MILL, tn. till! n„. 11„0,„ ,agree to the . .,.,,,o „,„,,,,,t, nent , gether with all of Cloned Le' lete43lechlntry and Toole then- I The yen fuel oat s were taken ograwahly to tin, pro, taionn onto belonging. Sale tocommenceet 10 o'clock, A. at. and' o f we 0.,,,,,,„„„,,,,, sears ern , ee ~,,„... viz, to ba made snafu' offlro of the Scioto Itolllng Mill in Gals 1 Yass.-310••ra Anderson., Ituckhotole, Inn, Rea, Bower, ellW. I i Calhoun, Catopte.ll, Carte. Ent, Fenadd, I: 0 n,, (nide., , ' Mb 31.111 has been in oferetiou elout two yearn. ;ma lo to Gomel. II irper. Ileino, 111.....1,11111, en...lfollonot. Ilk di.) hod repair and perfect running, order, It Les one thor Mill llo.rkeeper. I ntbrie, 11,11.... •iv 0111,,.., d‘,10,,,, d0h..., With two Meeting Fort/soma one essay( 11111 with two !feat- 1 J.t a „fr n ,,, n. ii„,o, J, 1„,,, nt 1,,,. L ,,,,,,,,,,, „r• ~.,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, lag Funoscia; on Sprat and Indlcr Iron 11111 with tons , a,,,,,..1„, u•n,„ th „ ~,,,,,,,,, m „,,,,,, • ,,,, , ,,.. s 1,,,,,, ,.. : , ,, , i,,, ,. Entlngrurnoces. toenther with a fall /111,111,1fillIellt 0111011. , 2,4,,,,,,,,,0h 0 r. 1.,,,,,, e„,„.,,,, ~,,,,.,,„. ~„„„,,,1 1. hr all of the mills. "It hoe one Forge Mt complete, with , p,,,,,,g, hooter., philundt3A,,, it e ,„,„ ety, , y or „ .' n oa ,„„,, 111121 , 130111Inglfarnanes 1.4 01319 Fil.lllll FA/111.11 , 1101111 IV rtOlght 1. nOb„,t., Hopp', Oh / so...Si on , r,i,,,,, Toll ', q.,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,,. , 7,7ooll•Mlner and one Squeezer. It has a capacity to turn kkoatl.r..k, Arharton. Zmumn num and &to. Speaker-al' aoStwenty I tone of ta.ufectunol Iron per day, a 'Lb weer 3i ere-limor•. Arthur, Augtontne, Rack., hens, rind DOM enougt to Wrung double Ile rapacity. It Las One , m e h„, "t rot ,. ch, t , et c htecer. th ,„.„.., Eet,t .,.... , .Ingle.gnenecn. with cylinders tercutwels incline In domain, : rfanditon, Ilenokb,lllll,llln. Ilurfnion. (Lebenablaerirr, • inane. smell Engine.or Doctor. Thu Itollding is 18.1 feet ' Kerr, Ikho. M'Colmont, Mumma Iterul, Moab. lOotobris., hag by 1,55.w110. There Is n Spike 31111 attached containing , K n o t h, (0,,,,,,, ~.,„„., str .„ th „.. ,n.... then, ..r00r.... too Mactilnes wlth A Douhle floating. Furnace, corohle of 1 kjohera. W0 0 ...411er, {V01..., White.... M it o an d Owning out tidrty bop of man' per der• I irtight-34. This Mill le very motoffilt ooo rir 'waled for the Porrhow I K. the qu.ul ion dot , determined in the allirmali, of pig metal. inemuch an eighteen Iron Fun/sees make , 0„ ih n ,,,,,,,i 0 „ , khltil city the depot for their Iron, Athich it brought In r•rt Oa' 11111 the Roue(' tune' , tr. rho thinl.llllC/1/11111.111 / Naito a lITIOn,g Valley Rell Rood. G, I Tbeyr.o. and nose worn taken a0...1.1.1, to the pr , asi•lrkt. The teIDS of oalo an ,- Ooe-fourtl• took, one - tor/I. i n . of the Coast/to/ion. and wen: no foßno „ a la: antnths.en-fourth In nine months and ono-fourth In twelve I yosa-lIcs• no Anderson. Backhons, hell. Beek. Benno., inonthe Dom the day of este, with el•Pro•ed ...WRY eml i Dower, Brown, Collin., CempLell, Chno.o.Cleol or.tlraa ford, 1111 oroiff of the ..., dior coot. Cur "' num ''''' the d e " i Dickey, Gm, Ilyeter, Pauudd. Porter, Ilibtane y, Brunel, lakindroarnenten - rtanan 'm will lo Itirto iolindnhif ro - Harper, Mein, Iletetand, 11111, Miller:a. Ilofftaan, I Reran,' MO purchater. . • , , 110ffmno. , Leloutond llonarkeeper, ',throe, lanes, Jacob., • !Or (=S her ins.rmain. .pO7 I. the ..d..ig , .. . J0i,.., Johuwo, Kauffman, Kerr, Isks Loogal.r, Lolett. IVNGffo. o l b. Old. , Into a, 1817. LEWIS. C. NA 1 IAIIIX• Monett, Meugle, 31'Caltnant, Alootlasol, ilturtma, 11true1- .1•1 21 1 4 I . /Dwai n, for t h e &tot. lolling 71 - 111 C" man. Nabobs Nicbol•on, Nonemoiher, Pearson. Peter's u.NDßlEs_i ti tn if fa- egt„ l..- . F r .. 0 . --ii- .7,, ,--- d , petHhin, pownell, Pureell, Rem "my, (Sokol Reamer, 'teed, Rupp, :Slow, Slow, Smith. 'Corn orind ...mill', (Centra) Imperial Teak • riereau,n. Talon, Tail, Venvturb it, Vicky." Voeubtley, ' • ' 76 de di snorted Bloch Tea • , Wegraneller, Wertbrook , Williston', Witherow, Wririd, ' - trs bags prime 1110 Coffee; I ZilD/111.1.14111[1 mid net', Npar , -72. L4,44oltiscr•fr. 13. and Cuba Bugs I•: • Ntro.-Ifeeerrt. Arthur, An/online. linclout,llishon, Carty. 1 1- ISO bbl ao slob.. . Do*. b.:,.. ilemlltort. llntoordt, Max, dentin, Ktaloht. ' 76 do' DaltiMore Golden and N. l'. dye A, ' Lei- wring, M'ID*III, Itattorw, (Intiladelpida../ Itobet.iitroth. .. 50 do,choice Baltimore Iferring; !sil t Thorn, Wolter, IVnenri, Wharton and IV Intn•lo-23. - 10 doKolanderatuk ' ; So the litowtom Woo deterDitned in the ellltandive. '23 deiternehori and POWilered Eriger • I On the growths/. 50 doh North Carolina Tail ' I _WTI the liana. arboriculiural, Sr 100 do.P.oap Maori,' Roolo; ' 110 borax So, Be sad lb. lump - Taw% -, :110' , do - Rata, Variegated and O&M , ' 180 dO gala and 10 r1:1Wbelme 0 la,e, • , 100' , do. Male 11pog ob. ,dtt &roe. do iSbaker;) 0 do Palming (In paporm) •• TS Leto cuumitnitn n Madbon Co:PairiPtvolE Zakeii noa, mann! skew, d 'Ma "I'velet Tobaircr. _ 100 bales Bartkr.Coadlairlelc and Terfn.s ' • A/004Mo Coro kroom% • - _Backelac dd No. 1 and 2 Tube 1,1110 4d Ons; IJemp nal C.uttoo C 01,14 15nEolher aritti a fall amortment of Plttaborglc 3ronntac lured arlklei oolmol sad for solo by qlb- ATWELL. LEE tea. No. 8 Wood otroot. SALE.— ,;, •-• • , 56 Shaziii"of North American 0, 4 4v4 k IS, dame Jwi..,it 11. es ' - f3s• Alleshetly !lank 4,,„ w ' k ' , Iron Clay 44 44, .S.,4',44lissoWtaniadnraranco Co. Bo le* r IL`BictiEf sox: sock* Broken, SVGA • I Mids. prime Su • • bbh. Crolhed and Pk;wde 'rod 84-ar. !et stmand eau by- J9a. r r,LLYTLE & OD, ALCOHOL-15 bbLsjuet rend ' . /Mil for sale by ^ pen nsausa Axe • 4 ..ae a - , cz.ac,•. the Mona agree to Win hatrih nmandment? 711 e yma and tato, were taken agreeably to the prottalona or the Connrii ll tban, - and wore'aa follow. via: Yeas—alernra. Anderann, Kahan Itachhoutw, Math na. Ball. Ikea. lter,,n. 111.1 ml, Boner. Brow, Callnatn, Cwrd P -6,11. Cart r. l l - na..... 0.,. er. Crawford, hickey. Ent, Eyiner, Fatadd, Pr der, 1111. bone). 'Ogden, Iftonel, [arry or, lien., 1 lleldwad. 11111, Ifl ll egn...llofintan,Ofhlo t ,i Ihrtitaton, (]el. li anon.) Ine I..nktnier.linbri... lonea,.ftwolw, Jen: tine. John., ' Johnaota, Kanfrourn. Kerr, lelat.Lelattring.Long aker,Lovelt,' V alartm,r,hlangle. 11*Calmont. M'llioln. Shwa nta, Swim'. -- inan,• Nichol.. .rtikbolaon, Nunenettflwr, l'ea.No/1. Cetera, a v.... G a o n ,. W. 3lntwill, Chief of Nilo, New ye,k ^ - ' l'oLtiltlit• Poninall. Powell, Ratniny.llldlndelpb.b.,) ff.a.sowl, City: }:ork,) nconter, Enid, Eoberti , , impel(. nhaw, b ham. dnillft. 0 i hare lOng b oo n ft : noble:4 with the Infra, and thanes mustbria,pitnith,ecotred Sterensart. Talon, l'Sall, 'few ~, o f D r . Libb,, , a pge p ut pert In. ibumll.teire. ' l, orld, N [cher , . Jti'ffh ll, Y. Whgotaa , ller.' 'Warner'. Wert- •^- Ilef. If Fit. ano farther pleasure to domainw Itroolt• Wharton, ,711 Ihritni W , 1 11 . 7 rn Zit au...an sod 1 Ph Indarterriatniatg bay acqualutartees It haa been used Getz. sp•wt,,—'3. • with - Oka remits. N tea—freer,, pewit. llornrltoti, I Ilanonwh. ;grata:on-, . '. IIEORGE W. liana:Ll" Chief of Pollee: Thorn. Wlntrode and Wright-7 . ,ibt the nneation Woo deter:rd."! I. 1hr•nntr......k,.. za irtno the lateMjutent General of Otomecticot: Seciterstres Grad. 1 l ot I'hare 1.1.11 afflicted with Piles he their most db. 11„tratangwo, jg, , t!..., 18 4. i ... treating and discouraging form tees period of twenty . . liworylrootat. rt r t o sense and halt recourse to the beet. medical *kill MO, . fdo unify that the some amt Glzhnig inn too. ...1 .. 1 1 out Itenellt. t *eppoded the case Incurable., and thmitbt,l ~,,,,,c co , ,d , 1 0 0 ou y,...,,, , ....1 la N. .. t n k rn nn the ~.,.. • , 11. 1 that it would destroy my life. Duller the clncentaUtn. 'solution mitt:mig arnendmenta to tile Conalltotion of Ito sec I isnumenced the oso Of Dr. Libby's Pilo Ointment; Cons tuonweallh, no the same It be. the Jooroalsof Cho land th e teault le e Dethet Mire. I here no language at two Wm. et the (humid .atafffdy of We CULIIIIII , l 1 Ili;T:64,1,00 " 1nck ""1".1 4 ....Y 6.dihid.' woalth for the semi. of 16.57. I. .• - . ... • a'.. Whf. HAYDEN, Itartford.Conn•t ( Ls . ] Ifittleas my hand and the acid of .olii an.% dila . 4 - ....:' ___,— ,Ad i ut ' unG """ l °I Cn n• _ twentretetutel del ofJonc, our thotutsudelett haw • •:1101.gont•Wboletottnittol Intallt 1 , 7 Dr. GEALKIiI 11. 'tired end liftyperen• a DY.SEL N0.149M00l etteet;Pltts aJzo of the Golden • attubir;aut by J P. na.mplora%lm. A. 11. CURTIN. &adorn" a.r Ihf-Cli.satomtvalth M====WEl r1;1 7 17.i114:01oiir1.1 11 s. Tll E S 1.7 11 S 11 IISE I{ 1S 111 A N atarturing PORTABLE FLOURINO uP QVALITY St"Pl:ltlf , Ft FOR CINPLICITY to any other now In ner. The, cool drlven by strnm, eater, or horse rower. and will oral,. an sennlcitlon to Iron 310w0r., Stock Ft...dere and Leunlennon. Many went thromelpout the country who hate ample. pow, or c. hv pi, -rom.l°7rd only a part of the time on other looPinec intnc t: lneing onr or !nom Mlll4 Into their retnl.ll.lorewtc. may erratic brnollt thrto,l,.t. One of these (.:,/ hles to dlamoter,l o,lndine owl- 12 ant i Fopci Ipwor can noon pintly oprration 3t the Oil anti I , cel MIII of Mastic St. 1.. t a 1 . 4 Itrlcneen ntrert, .I ll.eheny. QW - Ltnlrt niltcl with tlotpatch al,,Lfh,rty 31,231rf ALCOR\SEYI•RI ss ! OPPOSITION TO 01110 STAGE COMPANY, From Ennu to 31ercer. picKETs who hail at the P. I'. W. & C. I. a. Itcu t. rut Itouw, New Tint - each T.. /Ale to Nen Cmtle, t. 15 :r. to Meta,. $1.50. recta veal. tL. Nlerning Mall Tnin nna Anntnecnt J.P.LdtPe W. P. ALCO fI RN. Provrietor. Walnut H• 11 Itettauraut. _ JOSE 1..13 F R. IC _Tr to) KIMISALL. MESSICK A CO . LAM/Nit • HALL, F 1 1 ,711 srll.KEr, VII , I ER'1"1'1) THE Pl. BLit' ALL THE :.lira..-1,..,( the ...-aenn, wrred up 11l the ehnrtnett finni .• tnrk in the tunrnlng n. 12,i clu-k at night. tut a 4rtd .ber. Rill /In Wen to rail in and P:.11. D. fllll i t Fan' at any titan to .nit their apt..tit, tsrran,tanwo made to rereiwo chalL, antelr• In ••iii . loan llaltmente, l'ltsll.l..liawt and Vorfullt. eau qapplr .1 i =rye: EMICIESEI II 11 I 111 T. 11..1 T. LIKE n1:m:1st:. A 111,4111 I 1., %i ranetioo of I . IIAIIILE OANP ri; .111:1 F. CHICKENS.. CAI/ f‘trill.lk to tuvalid. nt llln , i-MIS : Y 1L.tat1...11101 at OW Cfirllrf .1 HAND AND PEN SF'.. or at W A LNI7 11.1 LL. Yttll ot.rmt. aI.:A (01:1,11 ?Opera Worker, JAMES OW ENS, h.‘ EN EIJI AND H 11.1 E .STRENTS. c,,ITUcco AND MASTIC WORKER, KJ rive. porlicninr .111 , ..{,n An nnl , rA r Itnrk En his 1"..1!N k)II:Vr? ”I" nII land, furtnibLed nu.21:1,d • PoiGillen,. L 0 N G It LA NE, H e. USE AND SIGN PAINI'EIIS, oak., btreet, byt. , ru :01,1 MArk. -tr•+t.. Atl orittrii promptly atwuJ«l In. imp. row .t 1( PSI W.'S RAT A RoActi •iiiiiily of ills infallible rirnividy n da, I JO, VLIiIIING. corn, Markot and the Ultrunni Ilealth and Strength Must Inevitably Follow It. tee. li4t•t•have,t. littl«trs. r riiE rt:LEISII.‘TE:I) 4 thy kidney, Liv, re•tn. {...rut., anr ktud. re , er and WI the %a. t:. alh.. ut np.m n ollvordered St•annell or Uver. ivo.-h a- In I,..tihn. Acolit, .4 the I?toularls,Coltrky Part., Hear t Apptit., Drepnrleh..,. Blind and Ith...lns In all X. 1,1141. Ithecnnatie and Naoral,a.. Atirctlonv. II ha+nntorron% havt%oreen. proved higho I. , nuth-decd, and In °therm aff, - ted n derided unn. Nat's'. flu dt unu.Krniloy to , h,m1 , 31, with thhe delight hilenn- In tlo , Ito effect' , ore tnwOoll, yet th , • run. voronment. It rumninnlcat. 'hock VI 11,, , nyxtvtn. nit by nrou ,, int, IM vital eu , •ro to rt.irutal an rsinl,l,, it to throw o!I the raft}., and [lin, thorrotOsly vtacl.lcatee the St.., . • . Wh t croslicinal t irtuss Wilvrroilly o.:k sod particolnrly whets it 1134 1 , ,i,•00. r, ipoleo lar gts a (molly nftslieme, that It ~ s old Ly to.szty of the gra cots Ly all the draggists,.it wand s.sort • to Wis. forth, erhicio, yet as there an, doubtless son, 10, hay, 11,1 many ads crated remwhes. and still suffor (ran, Drp.lea iu ano or more of Itsdromifot forma, we sots Joto tha loll.•alna certificates, ths atithstlthity at whi, h oloot Is. availed. coming as they do from persons an cell I,noo is Wit 17 IT TS DOING FOR THE SICK. W. ..Itm.hmt., Esq.. the well ittrow, Lithographer, gays, "I hisg . frequ.sttly need tkerluare's Ilnllnn.l Bitten., u.l 11p1.1 It ,t.r.rtaidy telinves in.Ugmtiort and debility." iter. ur. ..1 (.‘tad epecial relief front 114 f ~.., t err, b.d.1., - be, with whidi I bad long mit W .1,11. E.g....31c "1 hare tow,' lloabarein lona Itittera tataolf, sod recoonnetol it to onto., kaaii,.3 it to bop.. what It is inprolontoal.'• Jonathan of Lowti fit. Clair. na3 n. '1 hare do riva.l groat t , enelll from It. 11, for weakto... of tho atoatarb and In,ligt.alott." Jan N. 3furphy, says: “Ailir soseral physicians had faded Iknrliasn's IfalLwd Bitters reinurnl the pain from toy hot aryl side,srishis from indigestion." The Minx of the Kitisoniug Fruo Pnsi mys: "Attu on, of tho issit physicians in thE, glsoo hail Luigi', ilierinive's flnllmd Bitnrs cured mo of tlie worst form of Dyepsints." Prime's Polio, only luau tafurAurer of the original iram of Cods," rays: "I know that your Ifolland Bitters le 0110 of file Lost meilkines In tho world for s disordered Minimal or liver.” Dr. Ledo-is...Deur of the F4ckel, protanunts It tm intetictue down log ihaßtundence uf the public... Dr. FAlerhart, the leading Cierman physician of Peons. has prase( (bed it frquitently daring th° past theme years with marked success i, debilitated states of the digtotteo organs, or or the errtent gonerally• The unites, of Baikal Thies:sr ractury, says( -I laud it myself, end mu therefore induced to try its elect upon my wife, ( troubled with the great debility common to all of a coocumptirs and mails_ it is du her- mom gum/ dol. anything. Chu hen ever taken:. NOTICP.-IChaever expect. to nod in this a beverage will be divaggiliden; hot to the sick, Weak and loin It will prove o watered aromatic cordial, posweeed of ship. for remedial protwolos. CALTIO.V.-4'he great popularity of this delightful Aro. =Jots Induced many imitations, which the pabllo .Could gourd against glut haelitg. Ile not pcusuaded to buy any thing eles until yea have given Ikerhave'• Holland Ditters• fair trial. One bottle writ convince you bow Infinitely topes tior It It to all these Imltatkais. AW-Suld et $l.OO rot I.ttle, or six botthut for $5.00 by (be mule Prerprletui s lIENJA.1111: PAGE, Ja., (XL carnet staltlinekt and Third eta, rittSbUrgb. O.OIAL A6ENTA. il.da Ph in, T. Ml.. Dpolt k Mous. No. 132 North Nowak street: Nes Yarn. Buries A Park, 204 flroadwan . to Duane; lialtlinore.eu.lare ilriabers, (lay +tree% and Pean uts/laths A venue: South ' 1101 John Park; Loot,go,rclay Itrothere,2l3 South IVater street: St. Daman, Adams A CO.; New Orlenne,.l. Wright A Co. DM LIBBY'S I'l LE 01 NTMENT.- From J. D. Westadt, llovernor of nod MM., rimte. Selmtnr from Florida: F. upward.. of twenty-flee Tracy I Imre been al/etml with rim Pile:,bn. submitted to several ..orgy l over Stk.. for their nnuoval, and hare triad mom Chantilly remedies; Dr. Libby'. P i ointment Is the Mt that : bus Oren roe relict. Fruit Ihe ettects stounly enhibited, the cure must be rapid and esonplete. lEEE= farbtral One bottle will core twaky .ontolott Two to three Narks:lle earrauted to rue; the tnewt rate C 1,4 id 1'114.10714U.. - . Two to throw bottles an , warrant:Nl to rum the worst cases of ringworm Mrs° to lwur lx/ttlen are unfTnutml to cure Pal t rbeuto. live to night lioctlcs will ours the uorst rose of sanefuL4 A Ismallt is always eaperinined twin h o , rot bottle...l • perfect cure Is warn:ward when ills above quantity Is In ken. Nothing looks en iniprobabin to thos e , iNeve in von, tried all the wonderful °teatimes 01 the day, that a com mon weed growing in the piston-hand along old noun walls ehould core every humor lu the syatene yet it is now a need tint_ If you harp n humor It liar to start. • Tben, are no ift our ands, humsur bas about the suiting nium cases and out you,. I peddled over a thousand bottles of It lu 010 ty of Boston. I know Its effects In every crew. It has al ready done some of the greatest cures over done in linsm nit:setts. I Knee It to children 0071010111111 to old people of sigty. I knee soon pooh puny, wormy looking children whose desh was Non and flabby, restorwl to et perfect stain, of health by ono buttlh To thus° who ore eel Jest to amid( Levu of ono bottle will always cure It. It glens groat relief to catarrh and dung •w. lonic who bum been costive for years, have taken anal twon 'l:Knitted by It. (Them rho body Is sound it works quite easy, bat where there Is any derangement of the func tions of oaturn, It will mum very singular feelinge, big von must not ho alarmed—they always dimPraTlv In from toot dap, to a week. Theron never abed molt front It. On the cantrary, when that holing Is over yon will fool yourself like newpemon. I board guinea,' the niust extravagant shoo- Mums of It that Rlllll ever listened to No chant:. of diet is eve rah,eny; eat the best yon eau get. I have likewise Rh herb, which, when elmotered In sweet all, Monier...nen centre swelling of the neck null under tbo ram. hien in cent,. Pelee of the Medical Discovery $1 to bottle. DIRECTIONti FOR USE .. .. . _ spoonful. As no dlreClitO can be outdo appnenbls to all Adult, one table spoonful per day. Children over eight years, dessert spoonfhl; children from fire tonight years, tea oaroaltuttorm, take incrtith to operatn;on thn boofl e ~,,,,,, ~, day. !Ir. lIT.NNEDY given personal attendance in bad cams of scrofula. Bold Mole..le awl MAI at DR. KEYSER'S. 140 Wood street, comer of Vlrgio Alley, and J. I'. PLE3IINO, - Alle• ghptly. aplo TorThlydkwl• ALL PAINS CURED L lIiE MAGIC.— Price twenty...fire cents trac bottle. Pain k the forerunner of disease. Cure tho pain and yen check the inseams. Pit Or. REED'S MAGNETIC OTI. Is truly the wonder of the a s :el It cures lain In less time than It moim to get a physician! It cnna Toothache In a minute. ' Cures Cramps, or Pain In the etomarti and Dowel.. Cares MDT Neck and dwelled Paco from a Cold. Com Rheumatism and Nebiulitia. Cum Sprains, Wave, golds and Rams. Cure, Come end any Pain In the Feet. Carta Agnes and Lumps In Ito Brenst lustently. Curia Earache In a few minute.. Cures Pain In the Sides, Limbs at Dock .CtircaAnne and Chill and Fever. This humbug t medldnc, 10111 nn family should be without a bottle tu careof accident or maiden sickness. It le need externally, always giving Immediate relief. If the WONDERPRE OIL couldspeak. It 'would exclaim,-- • "While mast physicianu take whole months to elay, I make my cures halt • summer'. day." Teti year, residence with the Red •likins in the forget, to gether with subsequent scientific torch ou tho continent of hbrope, emaciating daily with the very elite of thn Medical pyoftwitien, hoe mudded Prof. REED to present 1.0 the.rid the WONDERFUE MAONETIG OIL . Per sale by all respectable Drugglate, and at Prof. Med', No: 73 Third strobt. JA)IES D. WEATCOIT. D. A. FAUNESTOC'E It CO, and Dr.GEO. 11. KEYSER Wbohole Aims. orßdlirrlyY W. D. & H. 21100ALLIMI, DEALER IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, verrucas, ae. No. r Fourth street, near Rood.: N t ASSFJCS - THREE MINUTES FREE- ZER Le Just the Okla wanted by ossiyistayyho TESTER COVERS, Boquet Wr -- ;lthe .und o mobtheism:ilia Crow:. For We of thee Hama 1 Bunches for Tester, beneltlful In des( ,irn cuotaly In me Ferroishiny: Rad wars and Tin Mannthetory of - • /or Ws by : Wi MABSITALL /420 "No. 47i whet ry tor.BIL .020 57 WOW Most _ . ebtral. THREE GREAT LIGISTS. ItrANKINI).IIAVE LONG BEEN EN gulphed indarkrusa. reannts the true means of •o n^ health—lidding the human Lvoly Crum disease, and preserving life. The tick. under the fallacious treatment of the regu, Lir faculty, are subject I, nantinued penal, of protethilltles and uncertainties. Them is nothing, certain, axed In the treatment of the sick either in the old or neve school of medicine. Dr. Railway has succeeded in prodering throe remedies— known..tb the world as Railway't Ready Relief, Renovating Resolvent and Regulators. These Remedies are not only es tablish.' forte inasimich as they have never yot Enlist In their special or combined efliacry in producing fruitful and benefieWl reenita—but. theyaro facts establishin,c n science —ax they lute In all t. 4 1 ,1,9, -when tried" enet , mleal In rester- Ing to hnalth--and ridding the booty fro 171 discs.. after all inher.anedititutl treatment had foiled-0d the most skillful physkians had given up the tick a, beyond the power of hie man titan. tornin—and pronentireJthi•drretlfulrunndate— InenraWe. Raditray's Reit/edits ore therefore fixed facts in the sn elder. of tueditcd iet•—they hare n trier ' . neveril•nhwr —end arc ready *talc/tried orate? Misr Gni, Ull We RADWAY'S ItEADS ItELIEY. As a adorn el Remedy in .to he need in all angrewhrre , the bun." ik.l.r In seized with the Mr/ming pang. or limn. , )61. of pain—no matter whet the cause of the pain may ho, nr when It may he located—en application of Ihn Ready Reltel,elther Internally es ii drink, or externally iL'i ...ill' /gator, will In a few minute", 'adore the allleted body to i } meg a d comfort. /n II curt of Bowel Disorders. .Dyerinery, Cholenn n/.'d lila, Sick Ilmelache, Nermeas Ileadarhe, and other Nerc, AlTrelloue.Neuralabarilheaamblrro.SPraina,SiMlim. Tatliticht, Burn's, Beards,wounds, Elms lintinde, Briars, f Cali Yononing, i. Ither IT the biro , . tinge of Ileptileh In. e, , chn or Vegetable or elms el pOis.l g by occident—ln all ewes and tinder all eirrinnetancee wh re the human syetcru is tort lin d by ;inn Midway'' , Heady It lief can he relied upon o.i pink, safe atideerieinreniedy. 1.1'.‘1."' of illillonemeen Billions I,v Ty plop , Ferer.eillp Pere, Yellow Bever. FrTvr And A gve, Sent-lei Fryer , end ell 3lelignent ?ere.. Small Pox, Wale.. Pneumonia. Itml. wa)'l, Heady Relief mai hi contagion with Itmlway'e Reco tom. will paltlvely cum tho mirk ,Eglieted with thee. , da Innen, and protect the •Teicin against 'gulden anark• when oillwr ~/ thou malignant disease:, prevail. mErUNT “lIIPAT ItADWAY'S ItEGIILATOIIS. • Tito discovery of these • onderful pine ostabllshon n nets ses to purgatives, audit tam principle Ir the acien, of inc4ll- dim. In taking [boss pll sno griping pains ot : -aickwas of the atm:lath Is sspericno tll they otter ao naturally. leaving the botvela,llver and °the orgnnx r natural 00•1 healthy condition. .• Esmh pill that Is tslcen gives nov life to the blood: they purify it, tako from It a I Impure smalls and mptalise Its circulation. One or two tkwes of It 41way's logvlntorn, will entirely ro. =re all, distrosning am motwt r . Dyspepsia, int:tall,. Nor upwuntes4, Indigestion, C rdivenes, Liver Complulnt, Dil em, shiltutcholy, and v ill curt all organic disco... either In manor ctrommt, la.li w trot bled 101111 irregularities or wealcanin„ discharges, nay to ty upon. prompt rum nnd reg , tit. periods if Itotlwat MT.:tutors are taken. Everrdoett of Itatlvrily's Regulators that t, token Instil, newt strength within the body of Mu weak, fot.ble and (Minn. All who take thorn nre deliglitwi with Do. happy change they expsrlence inn too hour, The Mann - D.1.1 nod tuoinn chwlY frAloYons and happy; the Ark anti dAnlitatnA,Arortg and VI/MT., TIMID Itng4T RAW.% I'S It EiNi oVATINS t 1.1" ENT. It C.Ol 11.111130T1, Bait Itheutu, Sertifola, Ulcers, Swot, Tumnr,, Verer lures, Skin Eruptions,lllotchre, Brunclatis, Ityspelaio, Dropy, Ssphills, Consumption, Apoplexy, if.: and ell Con stitutional end Chronic Dltwastet either inherited by heredita ry trothouissien, or Inoculated by expasnro or otherwise. • There is no remedy in the w °rid that will work such Int. moutons cures Could daseasee. u Italway's Resolvent. It chenqes the whole [wven body: ri.rdttros ttt , r end bridal: , bletal. 24 - Allocaling from tits Lunge. I:enovating Re solvent, silt in a fear minutes chock hemorrhage from the lune - mei thrisat. Iu Maraca where the patient coughs up clots of blovalor pus streaked with blood, Itailveny'a Readvent will aeon remove rho difficulty. 4 . -Sarah Hammond of IDS Enid Thirty%etaind street. had toil rough fur taro years, She coughed up sometimes half n pint of blood during the night. She eras cured' in 7 days by the Italie( owl Resolvent. tiar.A tom ,d :II year., eared In weeks by Rad. war* Itellef. Mr. T. IL lit lgoraa merrhant high atanding liahlonega, iia., bays. 'That a gentleman who fur twenty yearn had been afflicted with a mire leg. that realAted er cry kind of trimuurnt. w,w efketnally eared In thrm. 'reek. by 11.,Iira.i's nimly IbdlkG Re+,drentatal Itemilaterit. Ylll T... rol WV A Y'S RELIEF—R f:I3I:I.ATORS—It 11.4 , 11,V EXT. In all constitutions dl.,wnea and whom the r itivlltut ion tv broken down, or the body In a Tepid abate tiftbetv, or the ,y,..11 inoculated with the runt of Elleentat, either by the lolatiOu of the Itiato of Intemperance. taretta nod in du:geneu of tl to or Iy herinlitary ratterulminti, . caws of Sitrofula. Conxtunpuou. Rheumatism, Guilt, I lb, ana other heir banns, whirl: o long line of ancestry ha. lo bountifully nod richlyuu target - 1(y, n memento of the beat, at lho coat ,s t, sollumai; Inheritors. Titian. Iteuntilte, in their tristitary capacity, Inentat n intrntive now er that fin I h.q... can wllluantrt their rinntitnea n will erul 4.v:front the bring body i.rt ict , . of mat teno-ate the whale d bystem ills !watt In nen! the no aiNnylog lung, :or othT orr.ante clonotat and purify the on civan from all imptuittea. To the ills-Odra Atnyfarer, n Ito iv crippled wills intirnatlev we invite 3 int 'n , is y' the.- Rens. Is. We will roar/fr their elliea,t 11 nit at../ . ry Ituudn•la ai ~ t h• on ult.. 1.1. , 1, atto.,l and (eh th....ar,i „ (tiv. • Ilu ar Limit twist, - and o, thou rule and [kr., the, are .1..tm0l 1.3 ear Al. lalalay Pon • tlor• :lave Aland. Gulerti Con and Gratid Ma,ter4 11..11 ILADW AY & CO.. IR2 Full. etr,l. N. V. I'm all, hy T. IL CALLENDER, Ilas.anie Halt, Pin,- IntrO. T, ic II R. Itenudi,,, 11,chants ca Sfor.l.sper,. fel3,ls,ly READY RJR .4 - 011 ILEA 1)111 IT VEILL TAM: 1 - 01: BET FEW MINUTE-. ANDYAF 1A VW 10 N IT ARS OF CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. Th. Great Purifier of the 11104. - 1. A:teratire, er-r ye! De.:nerered. rhy+knuas pre2cril, it, awl cv, ,, ry uho i% a walk, trig tulscrtlwettn.nt. +. cu t yrt , AT,r.tl the Amerk-an public /13.1 ohm.] null popularit3 In nn .hurt n titn, n• =22=rIZW!IEIZM ITWILL CURE ANY CASE OF SCROE uam cure Ray mt., Rhrumatom. • . - I t will true any ewe ut hallhenni. II will tura any rase Neuralgia. It will cure an} of V eeee awl axaa Or .y Illu•a-n arising from an impura .tarn of Mr 1111..1 It the, nin, of the !lan. 41,te Mtn, Roll., tootoher of Confrrnsa, from Virgistin. ~f , r,ofola, after 0144.1.1 U of tho brvt physicians. loth York and ..4 Gro trte.l in vain; and It nlll cure you, trade, if ),,,t are , oo alTerte,l. ri fun at. . Cowituuti. of Itheumathan of four year: .tandic,-, an, all other ta , nic.lies Inal we ha,. hmolrnb of •owla oertlficates. Cull on lh.. agar.t and get n 11,•k awl Circular. and rid for youradf, the many rennarlablo and twtotaishing. core. It ha. 11/1 , 10. The , wlebrated Dr. Doha., write. to o. 01001 lin had Iwo of the nio.l rrero and long sto.ling caw, of a diwnse that 'would yield to naos of iflo 11,1141 rennallt, brit he cured one ncan with sia. and titn otlwr with tiliw I...ttlew. of Ckirtee, Snaniali Mixture. We hare known it 11.11.1 in twee a thous and Cl-4 , 11, and lure yob to her of a failure in any ease. TN SHAKING THOUSANDS READ! AGUE AM) YEVER—Do not take Quinine, Memnry, any nuela D. 211•101 Drum, lon try at ,nave tlsb,avat Alterative awl Purifier .4 tho CArter, Spout.). Mixture u 111 rum any and ek.-ty cane of .tine owl Freer. %V. Lane trvet yet known It 1. , foil.' Ana for nil disozitrs PZlMitl,, from au impure Mate of tlin 1110./. n medicine h..et, rnt Lon font. to Iwr, ....oil efftrt. If you am nick. uy it at ono: do not &Lay . ; lint, is pr , clott, mud health the grunta•.4 Wm... 4, tritltout whiett all elr le ralunL>+. ?. DEZP.S Propqt:toz:g. Richmond. Virgin'. For iiAle by R. A. VAIINESTOCK A Ob. nut :10A111.11 FLEMING. Piti.hurgh, and 0rmz,...1.ta and Cmntry I'r' chat:ash, all purl. or On- Unised MM.+ and CiliadAol. dcr.A.l,ll3F - • The Grainiest Medical Discovery r AGE. • • • R. KENNED , Y, ,, O r F , ROXBUILY, lIAS rosawly that row. o•ory kind of Iltinowr f ' rs t 7the wa . srts ' ; Srrafttl, toocumin. Pimple. • It law trot it In twer ohoron hundtwl csw..ro, awl towor haled ecoopt toto.. caowflostls thundor humor.) llr hao now sn towo.wolon ,wer In. I.swolrwi oortincAto. of It. Tatar, sill within twonty unloo af Wotan. Too hattloo oro Karral. , i . osirAina 0000 mouth. Ulan 10 tlsrre loath,. will tyro the wand kind of the fore. . • Twa hottles are isarranted to care the worst ranker in the mouth antletontarh. runt, to Eiwe 1,10,1 ore warrAldr.l. two tin trnrst of crysipela., One to Iwo buttleaar• tr-drronte4 to mato all Imloorm ur hoc ayes. Two tattle.are cur , . rttartin7,l th,. ,an and bloacbq among the hair. lutir to sin ladtlen are warrautml h. eittl , corrupt and mi. thing ul,re. ~:__Y_::_:_~. • • ; , A.TEWS • • •,.: .3 '. • • .." ~ . RAILROAD NOTICE , C.T.TVTai 4 2 ' - k i katri .4o ls.lt2iLi a , _ I riIIiEPITTSBURG.II L Ed i Far Lie sapid Cure of . j... WAYNE. 4 CILICICO _ - . . ROAD CO3I.PANY,V\dth lialinple Rolling Sts.k and equip. trtinrrito transport Ph!, MlT:land Freight f f‘ g s , Coughs, Colds and Traarsendss.• : h i ' l l °l l:, p r' a pir„l narv i a tn Ca= ..+,..sc.Lu.p. utcurouu, ,t:,,,,,., :bah Dee, 113.1. ' oil, Cintanndtt. and all plaava West and Soutlen eat, a ill: a • Dn. J.C. Avr..-I item, behitate to my the best nmersely grin: dergee orregularily and expedill.. 1.1. \'‘' ever roartni tor Cssughe. iluerseneee, IntlaetUa, vend . The ('•-1 that this road forms the most direct and ostly '°' c.... "‘.: aS. l l'". °C . Cold, le T a n = Cheri , N.` . cote:oil:laded line between Pittslungh and Chicago. Ina wt. lung. Its rumba, Use in toy prankv. nod my fziilly T...r Rebut glum:Am that Ins Trains go. maks. better Ll.llle, and the La. ten aim.: has shown it to pedsests oupdrior virdans:a d , s ore eounee:,o3. with Trains i.e. set.er Riad, than rantile the treat:nen:of thevemapbtints. • be nerto by tin,..ollr.ronte. 111113 KNICIIT. •11.1). 111,1rtieturt Tr. seas tr.,: I, • . A. P.lloltiVirr, r., Q .. a Clit . ... N.Y., write, 9 lure • Philadelphia. I Pittsburgh. I (`ratline.' Ft. Waste. need y ou Peetoral myeelf and In my fangly over since don,: 1, Ertpren. lJelr. u.I t. l O I. x.' I 5.:al .1. H. I 3.10 r. 11. invent ...and believe it the , best slid:le fir Its Migposi: , •1.; e MA: v. it ' 2.1 5 .N• 1 10,0 I '. N• 11.111 .s. v. ever par onl. M ith a lud pold I should 1.111, iny $.4: li. , 3lall Tiain leave. Pleil.lolphie at 7.011 A. N.: Pittaburgb nt bottle 111/111 do wz,ltout it, Dr take miy other Amply.. : ain A . '_reeking:., Crawls. at 1.t17 P. n. CROUP. WIIPOPIN:31101,6.11. INFLUENZA., Eslin C01... , --.Firet Eyre,. at Idea p g. : ;:,,,,,,,,I .} .4. tiegtaratun, Mb, Feli.i, 1536. - rm ...., g , g,r,.. p e lirertern A, rate-1 will Awed:ill) :-: tire s our P , lnrrti in Tun Tart ....e-Stdm Pittsburgh: First Espies. in 3u the hest remedy w e ~,,,,,,,.. f oe i1 0 . r .„... „f wh,pl,Coggh. • benne an:l 1, minute, Srtvond Estbse. In in lonsra and MI C f ' rn, " :; '" ,,: ' : '" ,r . ' : lia '''' 4 'hikl. ,, Wo of your tea- , milinto,. From Philadolphan Flint Ertpreea In 34 hour.; •''''-' ''• '''-' ..•aito enlitvoiate 1.0. Atilt. Mai...a...id 5A...1 Eyre.. In 33 hpnre and:: 111h1/1, yolll. nealtrine 1,, oor i ...,,,,:„ , The Mall Train from, Philadrlplil a is overtaken at PM.. MR AM CONKLIN. M.. D. ' burgh by Firs: Ertlinsc., na 1 pastehgbr. by that Trait' may AMOS LEE. Evo.. Moinguue ry, 1.... write: 3d Jan., '313, . ..., f,,,,,r,1 by nest kb: wets llama Pillisbar-ib• -I I'd. taboos i.u'l''' ' '' ' '.' h" '''''' .4 '"° in .I.'” l : ' The a. 4 :, A.. ',Traits Rom Plttaburgh :mini a Trainforlosad work.,„ Ink many inediem. s w itlient relief. lio.dly tried invi a ...._., ~,,tertal,e n at Crea t ion by Seeeltd 4, \ Pn's.". your Pertural by theadvice of One Aorgyinsit. The first' All Train. mil, club: couniNtlons .4 Crestlino for Coltine do. rid." Oa' ....-scot In luY tht.rto and tang. bow than • ha., Cinelnirsti. Ir.dhumpolla net RE. Loot.. alars. at Fort one-tuck the boded., made my trompleiely well. leer ni..li• . Wayne nitli Train. on Wabash and Western Ihniread It are the cheapest no well color best we .on Idly, and Sr gdayette.Cental 1110101.11 and St. LauL. also. nt Forest with witsvm you, Dieter. 1111-1 your remedies , ma the pv. nudes ?„,„, o „ ~,, 51. f ,. , L. ~. ,g , friend. ' , ki;1,111:0. I, • • ArtiTUM A OR PIITIIISIC A\,) (MUNCH ITIS. From Chicago. !Ft Wayug. CrbstlinelArr. Pittab'g. \l'ext 314Neillartrt, l'a.. Feb, .1.15:.0. •In Ex pa., 7.40 e. n d 140 , . :10.:0 r. it. GAO A. N. S.' - rour C1. ,. .7 fees,, I'. P .,,,,,,, ung . '"'" 0 ". ' , l lease r... 1 :...13 a. x, 112.13 , It. 7..34 P. la. earn In Ulla aection. It has relieve.] sermal (min atanult.g 31.01 Trai t : lease. Cresthne at 4.tat A. 11., arriving In Pitts. ayinplennl of cousumplui. and is sm. miring .0 1.111 1111,1 1.„,,1, „, 1 , ~. Ilaslabored under on ullivtidn of the luum. for the last 4i: , p:,,.. g r „:„. ~,,g, e l„.„. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „.,,,, Tr .„:„. f or phil„. years. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. : delphi, Italtimore and New I or:, A. A. ILAMSEY. M. D.. ARM,. 31.ra. Co., lowa. write.. Tratte from St load.. bon., ipoli4,Citivinnati and Colain- Sept. O, Is:s...e -- Duriag titY Pr.ti•v of molly Years I haee hue make enee tem....lions 31 erre:line with all returning fduud that nothing equal In y Joe ch..r, ,'emend go :. giving Trate, At Ft. Wayne, Trait, from St. leant, Central fill. ease and relief to consumptive patients. or miring se:eh no ' ndis, 1art,y,,,,,,,,i ~,,,,„„..,,,,, ~,,,,,... ro „„ orr „,,,,,,,,,, gill curable." I Tmins. At Fore,. ,tittectio. are made glib Trato. to and e :night add velum,. of eept e n e ,.. 1, 0 1 ih, • aaset eonvinc- from Cincinnati. Sprit:afield owl bovion. log pro. of the virtue of this remedy is ~same in its Okada . Aril 111111 Tr.ties-L1.3,,,Y,'W trighlon for Pitts. upon trial. I bough nt 11.3:: v u.,12.1.1 ,and 11.01 P. 11. Lea, Pittsburgh CONSIMIPTION. ' I for New llnglitonet ti. 4.5 A. n. and .i.l'em e. g. Probably no one nutiely has ever lava known whieh , 11.... gage che..ked throng', and no chnrgo An . handling. mired :ei nun y and artok 'Lingo... 'ca.` ii ft.- Sow. ao • For tiekets and farater information apply Inc A- T. AMlN human nit can reach. but even Intl./4c the Cherry Pectoral I STUN..tgrut. nt.the Great Wostern Itallr lad oak., directly affords relief and Comfort. on the corner of the Monongahela Itonv, Pittsburgh. or to An , . n 0... Now Toth CitY. March ii, '4 , 5. • F . PA PARKIN, Eed..ral street kWh.. Allegheny City; DO,ron Asta.“l....weil:-1 failta duty and n pleneure to in. , 11. F. PATRICK, No. 30 Dearborn istrect, opposite Tremont form dou what your Cherry 'Pectoral ha. llone for my wife. . Muse. Chicago.. to the A ge at the Statintv alottr, the She had been five months laboring ander the derno.rona I li ne . :Unit:isms of CottoomP.M. !Ana whirl: no.id we essald pre' ; Tooesmnienre On WEDNESDAY. 2lth Inst. , and rent non co, gays , her mi.!, e•lief. Site priem, was sionehly failing, until anti, 1,,,:„., ~,,,,, Dr. ./. - .1. 110CSTON, Gen P 114. 1 .1. and Fel Art . t. ummetele .. .) a trial ay.., m. , 1.-ii,,... 11,. 1.1.-- h.. hi.. 7,,..... Is 7 11. BUSS. l'ess'r Agent, Chieago. 1 ae do your aktll, for 61". Imo recovonol boll, I 11. tell . she:, U. W. iltiAtillToN. Agent, Philadelphia. nal net as strong as she ted.l td 1,... r.: L.. fr.- (.. In, r..n,lb . J. II.31:11:111. 400, atreq,do2.4 and ed. bor., If in-11. 1"..n, . u'illi i.,:altudo and rognr.l. ORLAND. 1 :U11 , 1.11Y, of eielt•Y oil. Cleveland and Pk( tabtargh Rail Road. flenennuifires..l.. not .1 ...pir till till ):::: hove .1,1 A'.:r'e I NEW sif oRT rr.,_-,evrts,.....see-c : Cl err r... 1 ."• " h. ' ll 's''' . I, ''''.. " th m be" hhh...° ', 4 I .1_ EuCTE TO CINCINNATI A N'D.. - vit i ewCa... a ga:se "eiteadide in Ibe '' ld • .1.1 °' c'''.°' cell h " .• "" 4 ".' 1...1 " .° ' I is r. It/UIS vis STEVIII.a. V 11.1.1: 1111 ItELI.F.A llt NOW the high us:Alt.:lf its virtu-v....Ph:7, 1,...fg.r. OPEN.-Tle. trains ,finis roa.l now run timed y to and font: Allegheny Dep. and Cleveland, Suoilvievilic. \l' heeling Ayer's Cathartic Pills, i nod Itelleair a anent cha n ge of Degg•age. rilllE SCIENCES or CHEMISTILY AND 1 1' ~ tf:;, ' 0 :! T HLT. , :".' ,. .' , "'! 0 ", , ,.; ,. .... ,, ,, ;:: .. . 11 ...ivi.0i•a:am Lka«ar. _i_ Medieine have lavu:taied to t•ir ntiniutt to produrilt hln I_, ~,,, T ,,_2,._., , __, 1 .1__,!_,.... ... b,.., nioat perfect pi:rant:ye whiti, in kn.oni Co num. Inn, i ;„°: si '..4 .. .",....,1° ,, 1r , ;..., ,,, T;r2,7,: I, b y . . t r . t." , tr.. „this alembic proof. :ire. Ihnwn th o , Chose p ub b„,, th.bb.,. uld,h , Com-fly u ill run I lady 11'111iilarh eseepteld . fels - A: " N' " " " S ‘ .."." ' " the ""tin"rY "h..."°"°"• °°4 that II o " v 1 Iran Alleglienv 2:ldt ' A. \ 1.. n n A. m. „.i u p, M. who °"°"° ' ° '" "lY "P." hhh.'''''' ' ' ' ' °U h"e"' ,'hey ".° AAR. ill t4•1110;•tnille A.I/11 .1. 11,12./2 P. 11.. b. 16 P. 11. safe and plemutut to take, hut powerful Incur, Their pen, I ~,_ .„ ,_,_. ~,;-. , . 2. , „ . „1 „ 0: „.. Ending prime:lie a min:lib:to the vital actutt les of the body, I „.: U k. ": , 7 1 . ,, L d "-°' 3.12 P. ir, l lljeso P... remore the olutractions of Dv organs. purify the blood, and 1 ' expel diseniv. They ping' out the heal Itinnora which breed 7ylii,.°_;Xf.,‘,..rtl„7-dw7l',";i7,'.'lTlT,',,,u;',,",:gll;ll„.",h,oo,rdi,;'`, and g . .. distoinP°o: i.liatitl4 ` . 4°,4°o' °l.'"°4 ' .°° ` °.° ; °° ' I 'Steubenville, wi t h Itelleair.eomieetlngnt &Asher.: Into their natural :teflon, and :,,,,,,,, ~,,,Ithy t,.nr With ln. di:action with a fa, train f a Now: k. Columbus, Day "r'hußnh h° ' lhh ' .°.°°l° -ism, N ' .l " I ' h). d ' h lA'S " , r° Ilia . I.ol.lndiatrtipolin.Cile•ionati,le.nisville a n d St Loubrtlfavlnd very ' l " ... " °°•lithhl '' " I- "...rY' '''''' I"° °l ' I...rh"h.h°4" "I° Al:.•••11env Depot, at . ....1.1 ~... „wank 9.20, Col:lmbue 10.1.71 dangvnnim di,e...e. chat have Lamed Ito Last of hunetti eklll. , - While they praline powerfid eflevte, they aro at the •111/110 i 1i ,, , .. 1 .: b r u ' . , i ; .. i , 7 , ' , '', ' !:: , ... i ::::::; , .. at ..... a r ' ..- r ' C ' dre R... . f' . .. 14111 C, in diminished .lieses. the safe, and le , s(phy.ie that ran ' .' . Thi. pin, via Strubeaville I.: Cinch:au:ll in TIIIRTY I. eml'lhhY°4 for d ' hlth...° ' rh.h "g . '°°"."*l"' they "" I 3111.1. Silt lariat ama vi. ere:qtr., are pleasant to take; and tedsig trade vegeta blirtnte freed from The 2.30 A. rt. trate makes no umnectionnt Dellenir. rt.) , OA. , b. , . C t n . '. hv ''''' 6 "T", °F.11.-uh ',. hdh •° ,‘"". 1 „... ° ` I The 3.00 r. 51. train makes connestiotu at Yellow Creek log were ibt'Y t i • - •I .."...°°". ',. °°.° '' `‘''.° '''''''" i Jun Alon, 5.. rt: P. 1,. fdr Cleveland, Buffalo, Toledo, Detroit pasition nenlchenrter . to 1..1,1 the , ispi.lon of en:truth , „„,i c ,, , ,, ,,,t sfrob,. . ne Junco,. it. c . n.b...d Ma./ ertthi.t•tl cli , . - rr^^. '''' Oh ' . '' ' '''' .. I. ' ° ` . ' 4." " O' lr, I Cincimmtl. arriving nt.• Newark 12.4 S p. ...Columbus 2.25 , unnies In certify to the pithlie the reliability:4 toy reinvlte7, : .. _,. __ „..,__,_,,. ...,. ~ ~., ...,, ,. , r . _..__ , ~.. while others Irtive went me the assurance of tin.. CMlTietin 1 1 L . 7. i. .; : , , i L c i y ,, 7 , : ig . ; , • , 4 ,,,,u ~ t o : e rtiA 7 ... ,,,T L• 4 7,„ R.frow that 3,17 pmporation• cootra.,.. u.....L.ds I. toe relief of , •.`" , for Ca:id:ridge, Zatneville, Nelritrk,Columbne ind Clothe Illy aMieted, ant ring fidlovrenen. • natl. The Agents benne named is plieusil to furni.h mita NV I , The U. 40 A. stand 3 r... trains both el:latterly:loi to Cleve- American AIM/UM, containing directions for their IL. and . land and nude slaw cent:Alio:is at lint point fur Chic.ign certllleatesof their cup., of the following complalnb. e„. i p ,„ : „ . 8:11,.„, 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ,„„„,„„ . I , rop „ r l am print 1. T 1 , 0 , 11 ,Iti,toll.e.Nlor,,,rl jlll;ll;=,:..,fiLt.,(7,,l7,7ll.atztleabmilirTholl,e4l..• Menthes,. Headache arising from 0 fend atin.elt, Nl...ea, , '''".- heitgestion, 31ortild Inaction of the llowsh: and Pain arisiul : C° J . .... 1 L 1 . 1 ,, L. ,: .. ° 1 ,. ..., / , / t,: ,, a 11' .. ° ,. D .0 . t n 1 e 51! ,. . ,, ,, , t h 7 g e1' 0 • C ,, l • ilrtrt . lrt u.,, ,, tlT , Tit fo ll; ,th'•°°°.hhm: 1. ,1,0L °1 ,,,. `"h 2„'i,; L :Z . ,., ° .L A ,,.,",', 1 . 1 ,......,„ °1 , 1 ,., 1 ,.„ k° ,n 9 ,1 . „ ° ,,_ I Chicago via f1ev..1.01.1 mid Tolito, will arrive al that poll, Ss. '-' r ' ,7•11 . 1 . t. " ,. K .- it - W ... 4 - I.leiribey - ' ::"...:,d,... fitilif - d -. 1 - ii - g ibe ' l, -. 1. -.. .. - 1 ' _ • ' . _ . , ; ° _ 0 h e 'T . : . .1.: , . , ,:Z r (. 1 . , 4 1 : . ; . . 4 ." . 5.. " '..'" . 'l.' ,min l.O. and raininlatingtbe system, cute many compL.nn. vs lilch it • "" ' F . Pasaengera fer Well •eille. iteuleentille, Wheeling and w , ' .. .,' °1 ' . „, 1 hl A', l "," °o ' 9°' '.... hh th ,... ) ,. ''''‘,, d ' s l t , °°. ‘ .l.h, „ hhhh ,',„ hs h. .....,','''', ; ,,'"'in, I other pints . the tic. r lino by Vow. trains go through ~..'. ...0 , 7,,,,......:,':70 7 7,',, 1 f . ;',..,",";,,'':,.,,V; n . ,; ' ,. r i, n , ‘ : n .. ,:,.."V.i;;;;1:,,;,1: 1 ICI WOO I 4 . 1 t tl‘Utioti trans hours In advareedi the: .b. d a i le s at i on the r, r. h. `" l' ''' lhl.°°" '" l"hhg °.°l° ° I. ' " '"" 01 too 1 •" 4. ,°. ob. I l'e.- - -m., cheek., t•Jrough toatvolietutilt,bdientr,Colum atruction of its fitnetie.ll, - . " 3L ...'' ''.. . . • • .. . . ... , • bus C3nritn3au st_lsen• Chantend Clie - agasuilathar paints Do slat Ira put off hy unpritinkslnd dfta,d w,til -nue I ".' i i 3 " --• • • - ethrr 'Dill they make morn :lth an. Ask far An, -6 . 1 Pitt.,, 3 ''” '''' i' i ' ar ,.„,,,,,, tin. .. Nt , oth„ 1,,y cor m ~,,, 3,„ con,. I Paassnaers he NO w 1 3 1311331341313 in and Storm, an the Par"' w „, Lid . r,,, „. in ,,,, , , , i 1„,...., „,,,.. p0 .„...,, , ,.._ 3 Tax - arawas Dratirl3 must 103k3. the :eke A: Sl. Train cram Thn sir:: want IS. loan aid the re ii t3r t Imam 3333:1 Dai ilianiel I i itli 'KJ 3 ' '1 CitY• liana it. I Tlnkets ara•hal.tts rinevland. itanattSky, Toledo, Clitnap, Clisina,t, Lana, llms.. l'inpare3l by Dn. 4. C. AT Eli, Cr3a.tinsil alai A oatytinal : 'lB'...3iiiiiN St. L'in., Quincy, Riirlinki. o33 , Fkitan, It . Island, Lon o , y, Dutilleth i Naga, In ealle,Fret part, Erie. I Daakirk. Is la„nr? Volk, Buffalo. Stentaatnille, Irheang, frirPrire 23, sent 33 per has. hen tease. tor i.. 31. / Dallealr. Columba.. 13331tannis.liN Cincinn.al, 13causrlUe, ID. Sold by It. A. 1.0 11A Lir tiCK k CO., Wha1,..3.3e A 3,.xnts, ~,,,i , „r i ,h .„ ,,,,, , Dru ,,,,, , ,„, :,,,,,.„, ~,..,..„, , boot, and t 33 01l wily 33tatian.can Dins - 3.3d. Tinket Moll rent. sire rah) at the l'inkst (Mice in Alln.#l- 3nr30 , . --lut any City. I Pessengers non eat Any Intel:ltalian nonairning [lain line at the °Dine ~f tha Canwanr. (Ilonanitalleks Honor,) PILL ; bargh. It I' 301.055. Ticket AO. Allegheny City. ' cerll--.1 , ...L 4. A. CALIGIIDI. ARY.., Pittsburgh D R.'IL 0 0 L :V D'S egt.LIAll . Cli C 11 .11 A 11 1 TTF. It veep "Iv!, PT - DR. C !.IICKsoN. PiiII.ADELPIIIA. PA. I . • 1857 , WILL Co fly In -onia or ' TORN I.: AND EV. EN- artt nit Da- ; 111. Ltue fur IhAraitelra' corer 4,0,7 a riasord , red f rNt,on.n.... ' nheboy6:aa. Galata, Dubuque, Ruck Island, ,'Llt II Cot lowa Cl:y. 1 a .111.L.n 'ail .. lti.,lll.Chirn, EL en Lets. nt. oar ocher part of the (heat West. Inward After tiza Uri, of )lay. the older:did Staanicr. CITY OF • CLEVELAND, MAY QUELN and OCLAN. will fonm the to the Ihwd. Acidity , :I do. morning and evening Moo botween Clcreland and Dcfroil ont. 000 present knaion• ro ming lei follow& guit for Fool. Patna: • or It ..glit to the • 31A1' QUEEN% Ernetatiort, Smiting oir lint. ; Copt CC. lit.Locrrr. ; Capt. E. R. I mtn. toting nt the Pit .dt Stonuteli. min g - o f the - Lora • Iliad, Barri.] and It:Mean Fluttering at the ; IL lbstrt.Cimakingoir Ruddiest senmt ow when in 013 Mg I Monti t.. ... :S.Mooday . L onlay • I'. 31. z Detroft.....--Tuesilny A. 31 turn. bininen..of i.ion,Dolow web, lodit t. the Po: I Clevelaral.....Tuesday P. 3 1 . 1 Clevoland.....Wednee'y A. X ler mid loin In the Dond, :toy of Pir.piro Detroit ..... -.Mediae'''. A. IL Detroit- .... oWolnes'y lion„ Y , llowntart !lin Sl:in am! E Clerelstal...-Thunday P.M. Palo in the Sid, Ilwk, C1,...t. Limb, Detroit ..... --Thursday M. Darnit.....--Vriday A. 31. Jo. Sodden Flu.he, t.l that, Cldv , hind ..... Friday N. Covelant . l......lialtwilay A. M. Morning In tho Fid trot: .......S.dordiy A.M. Detroit_ Saturday P. 31. • Constant Invenninis, I dr of CLEVEIBAND—Capt. J. M. Lognr.—Lra rev. Bolan , ' great IA Cleveland Tueoluy A. ll,Clevehamlo-Friday A.M. preoidn of Tido st ...... P. M. illet r01t..-.....hiday I'. 31. Splr. to. iderelawl •1‘ volwa'y P. M. CleveLand..-.Ssittinlay P.M. The proPriet , ' , Bina the n't , ttlim the lothiw Detion ...... ..Thartolay A. M. Detroit 3lontlay 4 A. 31. this preparation.thoood with a feeling of the nano, roue Imo of the h ea:a trill leave Cleveland every morning at ena. In Ito adaptation lel the disease. f.r !deb iSitudnys extopti2.l), /It every evening 00 the seri. it in reeouononled rid or Train. from It I. no mot- ; ant hod wild., Lod one that •hool flu pprpsili4 AND NseiNN ATI. the of ten „-an: trial lief n. he Ansel wail people, Arriving nt 00 cosinect with t h e morning repahni,o o , and solo Is mirballal by any tthallar pre- and evening train, for Chlearin comnating at Chicago with pat - anon , ...aid. rim mittitattlf In its Liror gi ten tio• all train. for the Northwest and South; al.n. with the boats rnof prominent and -II a I.ll,idelarm and Individuals on Lab.. %Whim:a nor all ports north of Chicago. In all panto of the country and a ,-ireful Fare $1 leer hr this mute than by any otlwr, nal of the .11maimr, annindly b o y the proprietor. I Trains of the '3llchlimn Central [Mad run into the Union and ri had crab , of miy of bin Ap.rit , . rain, but ~riot, lho p ,rt at Chicago. Iron which all other rondo diverge, there the too , . "kePti'' 'lt Ilud this r"molY I. really ddeerving the by :mein, look hire awl chaugat of barnaige, incident to gnat rolehrtiv it lin. olotooo other roan,. l'hi Prin elp cip his. Co. thro a.• w awl 31antinietnry, No. 90 Arch street, . No charr:e f•t :sandbag baggage where clucks are deliver. 10l 1!, 14,114 44 the IWO. Ile hale Large .'S-able Cord caprisoly for horses and ode. w.dog to lowa. Eno... and Nebraska win Rod Do. tbe .theoloat and Mow comfortable mne, tot our bouts are large sad cdmmodions. moving West, and dealers /II stock, will ilnd It greatly to their advantage to colt at the Company's 0111uo, of ICylic aad Larrty Mona, directly oppoitito the Mansion Mono nod Prinn.ylvania Bannon! Depot. For rater or fore And further inlormatiett. apply at the above talk,. S. A. I'FIBICE, W. C. SII A PFEIL. Ticket Agent General Agent, Cleveland.. npltbdtlin F. KNOWLAND, AM., Pittsburgh. Prousiyisania Railroad. riIHE GItEAT CENTRAL Boat, canneeting the Allan ' cities with IVestern. NortlPlVestent, and South-Western States by it co:Atilt:um, Itailuity illrect. This road also eon. :recto at Pittolonrirli witlr,Extly lino of Steamer. to nil ports on tio. lOootcrit Itivers.and lion.t Cleveland and Sandusky trill: Steatners to all ports on ortloMmtern Lakes; making the most d;red, climpat. and reliable route by whirl] FitlllilllT rem be flaravard,l to and from tl, Groat KO. IL .ITES lIETIVERN PIIIf.ADELPIIIA & PITTS01:110/1. FIRST CL.A. , ..m.--Iloots, Shoo, flab. and Caps, hooks, Dry Gosols, (In boxes, hales ..,,_ nod trunks.) Drugs, tin loses and bales) “"'• P er ' OO -4o 44 ' Feathers. Furs. SECOND Snorting,) Shirting rind Ticking, tin original hallo) Dreys ilardware. Leather, 1,0 roll. or loose.) Wird nod Sheep Pelts. lbotwArd THIRD 11.1 SS.—Anvil., Steel. Chains tin lkosou and Pork. salted (bow , or ituea•ks,) Tolacen. manufactur. FOr per 100 lbs. ed. !except Cigars or Cot) &c.. to FOUBQ CLASS.--Coffat. Eisibliacon.wor and Pork tin casks or bones, 'Eastward.) lard and Lanl Oil, Nkil, Sala Ash, Orr- 4° ' p er I°° The. man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rusin, Ar F1.91311.—111e per lild.antil Path, make. 118.11N-15e pdr 100 Bio. until further notice. II rcniN--- . 12 kilo not elf:is:ding 60016. weight, until loran, not Wit. slapping cools from any point east of Philadel. pill, partirolar t.t mark packages "ria. Pennayiturnia ifailenod. - An , h , ..14 , :0u,ig....d.10 the Agents of this Bond at Philadelphia or I'in:burgh, will tot forwarded without detention. Fitraprr AOlll,-4'. C. Bran., 51 Kilby street. Boston: 3, F. Clarke. too. 2 Door lions, and No. 1 IVilliam stmt. and I John No. S Mutter,' PIRCIP,MIW York; Pierce & I Co., Zaiwirille, O.: Irwin Co., and Springnian A Brown, Cincinnati, o It. V. Ncldmnt , yt n dL w , n, dud.; Duntamit, • Ltoll S MO Can & Jewett, Undo:111e, Ey.; P.O. I)" Riley & Eranselitt, luilz R. F. Saw, It. I,olllk Mn., liar. I is. irormley & Ps., 3lemplits, Tenni l•eech A Co., Chicago, Ill.: J. I'. (Baas, Ft. Ilayno. hal.; E. J.Bneeder, Mn , , grate & Koons. Baltimore: D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. , If. 11. IDIUSTON.OmeI Freight Autatt,Phila. /1..1.1.(/3111AllET. Supt., Altoona, Pa. pi)y. PEN NitTLYA.NI TESTIMON Y. Ortiltrate or It. 11!..1an I rd. 1.4, the nwil knf.ton Trrordf, ..for non Iron Mirk, I,rry Vonnty, Mutt, VNON, J. li, 15.4. D. C. M. J Sirs—.l um fur for tiro .aura neverely ael rae,l trial Chronic Milo.. Ity.ntery, for whirl, I It . . titten.h•.l by of thy b . phystriatui in the ..Irv, boy Ail of nu orull. I .14.1.4. r.irions remedies, but mnW ffuil ..thitt.; to 11 , tiefit me until I mu. Induced to try you - G..lw 11111 r... 4 utter taking four. bottlet by which tuttiryly cured, .14 um nott enjoying the be. of More Effects of the German Bitters in Des- • ilepsia and Liver Camplaird. Ccrtitlattu J. C. l'rr,rts. taq., Italmter for the .lireit. Chrould, - l'ithshorgh. Pa-, who, rob. '4l, Noy:, ••For mow woekt, past my IA Iry has Imen axing .Your tie r . man Ilittrrn. with a happy ffm.t. hoelmm tom,. or tem, (ow om,oral ymt o. with Li! ~ , am Livvr mu! Dylupsia., and until 0110 1, 111111 . 110 , 1 1141117, !Ito thing had thou hrr much mtief. health i 0 uuw rapidly roprorina,lll.l, an.l em,y To . .1.)11 tu , licyr lOW "Ili Ix IO n., tll rm.l”rmt. S:w. my. a in 'lle 1.4.• t tu.sliciw”hp luu m.,r wood." J. 51. ilv.iiiuv..l)"vlvsluvrii, Pa.. Jane In, Is:ve., cape I eMy wire ha. ha, titillated whit It Neryini. aim, September. i5l, shwa which ttme 1 have bran unable to filet any phi or medicine that wrath! Linn-11l her in the 1111%1,1.11W day I called at the •tagg of 11r Iltu - ray. in this town, hr argue tincture of teen. mal tletiarbell to hint tle. a Illictlanaof my wire ha then 113/1•1141 ma n lot at temper, to real. nutting wit felt I found mat ile.cribitig one Gerntan ' Bitter.. 1 imtutallittaly prienred n few Bettie , tram nil I 4111 .1.:11 E.l t•LtIV tLat the nv• of the Littera bye dime her lare good than all the amnia i trimehe• t. mixh you In H• 1111 ant n half .mean t.,l ne c. Liver .1. 1. Martlnegn,-, Pa.. Many :1. I "WWI lamb plancnig I teatify in the v v eef y..ar I:ar loan Bitter.. aernii time may I rel. nilliatiel nit I. a e ltgeoie at live laver. fig y. high I ageJ t aecliev, but with no benrfiCiiti nntii I mar inilueed t o try 3.inr omi t I ant tcaw happy to nail have rntirele vureit nie " They ara entitela n F table, let, front al/ nicohnlie -limo- Wit.. and pleavani In Here auJ 11.1.1/. Lip-Price 71. C1 . 1.1/3 per battle. Sold hr prostericht and Btorakeepara in every tgwit and villatro in the tended Mateo and Catta.l.... Anil by FLinirsti and l/r.II. KEYSER, Pittiiburili i Pa. ,ultlyitSarti A IVONDEILFIII. DISCOVERY i I Will ell h liel b S , BE E:si i T i ll ES i T STUDY i fk , )E) ,,, tint a remedy that would radically c, ons the ilycla nt ,: h, which tom barn rem ally Count out ha ' Is It. It. T. I , 0 II 1 , , IIiaF • FITTSI C4ll i n), xx A.. laborious. sear ch and rve rUlt rarch th E e Ne.dalslo lira:c oons for eight ssr well year, lhas brought to light a wombsrtid .'s ... !,I Medina,: which wsll radically corn the 1 , 1 , 44)Pal 1. es bleb ' ------- __. is Ilse lint unroof all general disome which the Itmarasys. ! -Pittisburgh rind Connelsvi/lo Rol/rood. tern in /subject to. Keehn the Rescrrair [Stomach) clean and I T IIE P 1 TTS It C liCkil &rr .._...L,....4.,...,-...„.... 4 healthy. We most all tiara go.) hOdth and cannot he a I cs o „„ y o .. ,,ith s , th,11,0 i„ noo siststso w subject of any general diolase. s p ot o,J f or O to tmnspartath. of passeugen and frefOlt to . Pr. It. T. PORI, has Imen a tessysi, f ras dinar,, ~ ,„ '.- ,---0 :twin.'„ .. s. I asvi from i'ltbstairgls and Colt/n.1151 lite, connecting with the Mm'Af ' 11-''"Ml*L.l lee ''''''' ten 51.'n' and ° inn '''``' ' t' A na. Control Railroad at Brintou'll Station. i hundtmls sof experiments Ou Isitucuir, bat all in vain, ontil ! A,..... en ta hare also been madn with rho Penna. his present banners which Ives radically enrol Isins and , c 00 t.,1 koltroad, by welch through fralglst to I t hsladelph morn other , in tots eigist so tw - lro 4 , , t. 'val.. , Pain or , am/ /taloa,. hill be rallied from points on the tit le. ts. tickm - sts or aor untslemsant lnsit in ilso tichoss. MA , n ' burgh and Cm. 1. , slie Railroad, Uy car ;ruin , on to the es strary. it lin,gorylas She system sod :;icat, a 111.1 dr v ty ros ,. action In etcrY Vol! It will net Pool , so , dsisasti) on III” i.ca Neva or Ta its.—O nd after 'l"csltinclay, 6th bra.. host e ls t o ad ni l, o incs ll 4 soti!so to tin chwoorh and tiro , ries, will ha two daily grans , . oh follows, %it: ' n eat rind drink Soar o t ont d k lunirs °Mc , " )11 110) ', 31.1 Tniin, leaving too l'assenner Stallon of the Pont,,. Interfere—the medially: always sluing Ps Linty...odic! . hallessot corn! Moraing. (Sunday mantas',) at 7 o'clock, DR. it. T. IniIU.rti•UTSPEPAIA CoI:DIAL What kind of dio .try erg s time, and ann..; at Conuellsville at ilg,3 atcs will Isysp , piis vivit:el 1 aro nerri ! It It the first rause of all general dysossc. liter Alrortioth ! Expreas Passenger Train leasing Pittsburgh at 45Sis sick Long Affmstissis, or Pulmonary Intosto, !Bromism., Sick , 15, M., and arriving at Connelisvillo ahT:4O P. 31. - iii - ..b,h e . Itillio, ujorrbron, nllllOll4 and 1. 5P , "'l i''''''''.l ItrICIINING—EXprOS, Train will men Comictirrillo al 5 Fee, and Ague, Servo.. Srer, Nearssloi , "rt. ) . II: 110 's I s siclssoli, A. 31. connecting with the !101l Train ea. on the Cooly, hbawels, itoilt, ilsiti toe tints.) . ~... V. '' , .thr. ” I Pnina. Itallrniul at Drititim's Station at 5145 A. 31., and wills mulles of all kin!ls, Apoplexy, likvissoy. {Took:nem of the ! the Indians, Ao°°° "Ctlilti°. . 1 ...Pion. arrITO 11l nit+ , system. False Conception of tin! 311 m). Heartburn. Fulness S burgh at 0 A, 3.1. of the Stomachs Throwing up of your Foal. and also ITinst. Mall Train tearing Carinollsville at 4,5/ P. 31. a and Mut All o f th o ph oto fooling-4 may Or oil) bO PrOth.,d from ' necting at Brintasl Station with Turtle Crook Amsammosist Dyy po p t h e ss o nsarb. From that ocean all g ,, .1 di ,,,,,,, . tion Train No. 5, Perlim italirmul t arrive in Pittsburgh at will be produced, (11 . 1111.: emollient is rano, which no MOO . 6,1, p. M. min,) will deny ' ) because all who hare lasso sick know this ! ..., , I Freight by and limn Pittsburg {, and stations on rho Pitts , atatement to be true (now experience,. a ssick-sor , &mon'. ; 11.6 andtonnlistUlt Railroad, trill ho ism:riled dud , Its ellonOtell Is Sr.. 11-crest at the otter Depot of the Penna. Railroad. . ibwr ititintr'n°' ii in to n N or r° ll '.' "h° "" b"^" ',"- hinting & liall's Coaches TM , lit. Viewsust, Uniontown, Laing for many I'''''l.l.°°' Lim t . n '''' °nr lT thnt the 'n. ' Froatlousg and enmberland lune Connelirrille regnisrl/ oo reITT on. and radically remove the cm, that lots made him 1 tin ore t e . of [Liu trot... sirk. it . l.ilk” PI mariner leaned open Om ourat, ni tho lint Tickota eau LT hail from the Ticket Agent .I the Priam. glimpse of it light honk his heart bounds with Jay.' I It T i lls Passenger Defeat. PRICE Tillt.EU DOLLARS PER BOTTLE. 1 Adams Rxprotal Company bare rpecial reasengers Slid by the Proprietor, I,r. It. T. FORD, Wool' end of 1 with !theif proof kaki), on ten Yawns Train, to take charges Pis yus Ivania Aronson (Psoirth sinr,t ihsoll and OlFd. JOll3l , ney, valitablea nadqacksim of all kinds, entrusted to II ' AFT, Jr.. No. 116 Wasalstreet, own, of Sn'thl ob., Nit. ( * thy m e.% of.that Company, wbo will receive and racist Vlll, SPKROWAII & CO, Liberty ateect, li•Ino. St. Clair. 1 ii,,,,,,,,,,,,,t ysn oo fl oy s to th o ...f o s. ridr ... pt Pittaborgb. Also, Mr, W. A. TIRED, formerly the firm of delivery of the ....O. . 11. BLACKSTONE, Sop't. Jam* T. Seraphs & Co. NOrthWeSt corner of Federal street , dodo f,,,,..,A7_,0r7 and the Diamond, Allegheny City. And stn, Pr: rani's, I _ —________ Antbilillin. Rll4l Liver Pill; also, his Invalnalsie Indian 1 Vegetahlelirrve Liniment. , .. The abort. medivirs. need no minsmeodation, for thou sands in our city and enmity will testify to their invalnable qualities. Their equal La antra be found.' ihrlthslAwlyF Ye who Consider a tine 'lead of N ATURE'S GREATEST ORNAMENT, but emit la too late ow SANDZIt'S SCALP TONIC; which co tt ons the healthy condition or the scalp, ranee. hair to grow on the bald, and rheeks any tendency towards *fatting oat, and becoming thin, igirFor sale at the Orlnclon/ Dru=nte, and by tho Pro prInor,SLCTII MEET ; two doom below Smlttalleld et - ' ..,,...... ~:. ,11,,. ),,,,..7...,.7.::::::,„:„.": Aiaitroatto. Great Wesiewn lllaq.ltonte. c i I A LENA AND•o , lll : z augaimlaip . kA CM.IO thdoe Relimed.•• Line hir Steeple, Galena and Imu leltb, from CE DEPOT, foot of LAKE STREET, v.:tweeting at Drintelth with ntramene for St. Nut and the tipper Xieshroppt. ' - WELLS STREI' DE.WT. FULTON AND 101 VA LINE—For Diann, POD. .and Centrel.lown. Pronengers for lowo Schnuck* and Rinses, tll Itnd this the mostexperiltions route. It being an Alt Line to the Slierdnolppl, and shorter by "Ay oaks than any ether line. connecting atfOlton with the Greet lows !Rip Cu.. fur all polnto hi lowa end the Went: DELOCCAND MADISON , LLNE--For Behr% Jananitie, Madison and Central Wisconeln. . FOX DIVER VALLEY- , LACE—For qyetal . LAO;I% Maury, flictunond, and point*Narldr. Two trains daily, Sandaytirtnepted; titian 'erf' 7 the abort polotaireakiiickee connect3ons With the Vaduz Hoed', and wiShaela Maldlati9 l . - tenth and NUM ' -P:A. ;:,,ipArgir4.l‘l3l;lise— -1041 EadroabA resz 211 d. 1937. "PITTSBURGH,COLUM ; gam46 BCS t CINCENNATI VIOR LINE RAILIcn.o. Srstu.vviu.r. Thrty At:. Trr...d.S.r.,,l—.l7,rotiph to CcluAlbts: in Ei2A 11"."—.!!haul ch,m2d of asre:—To einneti in Ts,/re /bum On nr.l eller MONDAY, Jr. 2f24. 15.57. Two PAssusniny Tune via this route ksvo the federal Street, Aikghehy D,pot. detty,(Buttdays ezeept ed.) es foliotrin FIRST TRAIN--11,,,,11 ihrtias Allrheny at 2.3.3 Sreubensaio Junction LAI, Col:haus 10.4'1 and rrivo. ut U01:111.11xti et 2...10 r. z. This train stops only A t Juncion, Xi's . Mahn. Chricherale, Coshocton. Dre.len and k rnt tl.e . F.ltutenvillo end Indian% RAH. ram'. SECOND TiIASS--NIGII: P.i.,41..X(414 PS Alleghen}• ZOO P. X.. Stellbanilk .I.l7thstu ono, co gm b un , 3 „ , and nrrirm at Cinelunntl al 741 t. y., moypiny at all pt.. Ifons A: 1. H. It. itir- By mw nano thirty miaow of Matti aresaint, It bo• tug iho nunidirect Inn: frm rittalintgli to Cohirahi n4 Cfn u+ti and the Rnithern and anntli . larOurn 010, and in appointments and management, tin.ntirvtrid bs an g Prot da... roil In this - • Tritur eounert at A - murk wok the Samltrsky. 3lstudkirl k Newark 11 11. for Mt. I ern., sarulneky. Toledo sail Cbleacw. At /VLF/MISTS arltlyeolarntror, TivtA Vol !mann IL It for Polon. Urbana, Troy, Ilelofootoino. ' , west tr. , --• • . . At AA:NIA with the 'Dayton, Yrina k Ds[pinata Indl;na Central It. IL for iklytun. Illchmon.l, ladlatup Louisillle, Cetaisd Indians, l'ottinl Illinois, Lafayette, rru Hain, St. Loud. Ar, At 31t1tt UAW with tba Cinmonoti, Wilmington mod ianes rill° It. IL for Wushlngton. Ont.-milt, and Larmaater. At IA/VELA.N U with nod.• fur IfUlttmro. IlawileaandiVrta mouth. .• • AT CINCINNATI with the euiiu Brout: Ounce IL It.rr Aindhun. Louisville. Neu• Alhuny, Z`ratt. Title, Vincennes, Calm- Ceutral L o w,. J e r e „.,„„„ city. Kan., Nehrosku, fuel all 'situ. on the Illtuoie, court and Minipill rivers FARE AS LOW ASHY ARY OTHER ROUTE-11AGUAG& ll= For through tiehatta by ibit route to the prittrtral I - Vet:rex .INI , 2 , 01,711,001 CITL6i, pir3.o Apply nt the Great Western Fidel teire,ilirmay on the et,rner of the Monongahela Mouse, Pittsburgh: or at the i'ethrta .Mere: sntton, 4114 , 94 , •!1• • . Air-ASK FOR T1(1111T3 '• VIA STSERENFILLE."-Slt All Inform:ale:l nmeernimg the Above Linn nod Its eon. 110.11011 s. together alth through freight rated and col/R=o4 trill be furni..lied on application to. SIORRIFON FOSTER. Agent, 10. 11i. Writer tr, rittaborgh. 11E0. IC. FULTON, Superintendent. • 1 , 2 WI/ I.4ttrErrr.Dcrsitsr.T. General Agt. 1837 1857 Air Line !Louie - LIAO)! CHICAGO TO ST.a / r lB. l-zi Bt. Loui, Alton and Dbiraeo Railroad, all the NM) . by Railroad, carrying the Otrat Anteritan Exp.. and United States Ma, 71w only dltrot and rollallo ronto to the South and tlouthwtal. Sorenty wile, rhortor than anyober Route. Trains leave tho3IICIIIDAN sormtra and CRICAG9 ,1 DOCK 151,1 ND It. It.. Corner of Tan Duren and Shrrtuan et mow, • Si. Leda Day Express. 11:30 A. 31., daily, (Sunday ex.- . lard)—arrire at }}al :I. Louis at 1:1341 31. Dula Night Expresa, 11:13 P. ,L3lly, (Saturdays oz. crided,j—arrile at East St. tools atliiYl P. 31. TRAINS LEAVII F.A',I ST. LOUIS. Day Expres, 8:11 A. 31., daily, (Sunday rarer led.) arrive at Chios:to et 9:45 I'. 31. • Night Ysrna•, L C. 31, dally, (Sunitaj; excoptoh) Antra At elikAgo at 7,13 A. M. From Chimiso to St. Louis, 13 noun. IMPORTANT LOCAL CONNIXTIONP. AT JOLlhT.—seltli the flock Island Relined fur 9y 9 wii„ LaS alle. Rack Island and tketridlow. AT BLOOMLNOTON—with Initials Central Itaihnaft for Clinten, Waynesville, and Deafter, and with Otani. tar Peoria. at Peoria Janetlon fah Peoria end o.nalve IL It. ter Walnut Grove, Weahhigton, Peoria, Pekin, Brimfield, Elmund, _Knox vine, thilesbitrg, ithnsinouth and Darling- - ton. AT SPRINGFIELD—with Groat AV,-stcrn Railroad for Jacloonrille, Naples! and 1/linolio !Mir. AT ALTON—with Daily Lino of Packets for Qnincy and Kroiruk; the 'mut expeditious nod reliaLLS" rouse-to all portions of North Pouters, 3ltssortri.• AT ST.J.OULY—with Doily First Clang Steamboat. for Neur Oilcans and Intormnliaio Points On tho Lower Wu, slisiapi„ and with Regular Lines of Packets for Kansas. 5L Joseph, and all points on On, Missouri, TonnrsatuL entabl,r land and ArkATIMB Invent l'aseengerstifttlted for Bloomington. Slnittgliold. Decatur, Jorksonsille, Naples and all points an the 3liselasipph )li.- routs, Gansu, Cumberland and Tenneeree river, by taking the Ashore route, will be tutre or making conmentuns, and .rrtvitg lu St. LouLo on I.4lvertioull time. avoiding the seer, Botts delays of the elrroillorts ratan via. Peoria and Illlnols ItlveroWting. twenty-four boom time, being thirty- sort" miles lees diernut to Bloomington. lifty.right hot to Spring. field, ue, enty loos to ht. Loads, and fifteen ler. to Peoria then by nor other ronte. Thr,l.lt lid, tr. ,on 1, pr,ureil. nll tho Eastern Railroad Office, at the Ccanpony'A cam 4 Dearborn threat, oppoette the Tnntanit Loose, athl nt the Michigan Southent ant. hock Island Depot; corner of Tao Duren and Sherman. streets. Kespooszble 11,47‘ . . ge nt•n be at the Depots of tho serious cmalug into Cm City, to check Etaggago - thrungh to aoy point thaired un the Lint._ • ••••. . A. 11. 1100111 M, Su pt. . nn7nl E. 3L (10fIDDICIL Geueral Poteenger Agent. Pa. 21 .Y.V.• =Oa Itrallroaa. .... . . Q DIREIi ARRANGE kJ 3IEBT—On and after Jamul:lh The Mail Train kart; the Passenger :tat!w awry warn ing. exctpt Sunday, at 640 o'clock. TIIB VAST LINE Traces PittrlNgh, crceld Stuaßsy, at 2.54.1 P.M. . . TUE. NIGHT EXPRES°. T11.1.1.7?"1car. Pine/aslant. Phibulolphiaar 0:0 P. M. - • . The Indiana Accounnodotam, train !cans Pittsburgh except roo m y, std D) r; r uck, I'. Cuppin=l scat/pug, and rinsing' as far as Indiana. Thu First unalo o Tralo for Tomb:Crook Lridgc, Parrs dads, escort Suarhy. at 10.4.5 a m.• The recoralAccornmodstion Train for Turtle Crea.k learns daily, Pandas excCpted. at/'.20 P. M.:— .The Third Accommodation Train for Tonto Crock learns daily. except Sunday, at c 2) P. M. Returning Trains Enrico fn Pittsburgh as follown—apress, 1.15 p. 31.111, la:30 a. mr Fast Line, a. rna Indiana Ac. commodation,tmil Concialstille, 0 a. m; East Turtle Creek Acciammximin 6.50 a. m.; &rand Accommodation:4l2.4op. ins Third Accommodation, 6.11 , p. ta., with Conncissillo Ac commodation. - - - • Tho trovellugpubllc will Orel It greatly to their interrat, In going -nut or West, to travel by the Penneytennis Min n-Awl, es the neeoturnodatfuns now offered cannot be inmate. ed on any other route. Au the and is ballasted with nonce and Le entirely keel Irmo dent, we two prowl.. urtfely, speed nod comfort mall. who cony Conw this road with their pat tvnage. Fur ferther particulars seo handbills at the different Matt ing points. Passengers from the West will And. this the short..-st and on rem - Wilms route to Philadelphia, Balti more, Nor 7 kor Bonnet. c ART, Agt., Paseenp,cr Linen, Pittsburgh. TIIOA. MOO g, Agent, Passenger poem, Philmielphht. Jot Ztraingbips 1837 ............ .... ..... ............ —..11367 Steamer Telegraph. THE FINE LOW PItESSUICE A. Steamer Telegraph, Qtpt. IttCIIABn BARROW, will make three tripa• weak between C4or Port Stanley, Part Burwell tm&Port•Bruce. Leave CluveLand. Tor Tort Stanley, PAK Burwell, and Port 'Mondays; Wednesdays and Prklayo at 'M .. ; o'clock P. M. 'Leave Port Darnell at 2 oclock, P. )1..„ and Pad SIAM. • ley at 7 o'clock, P. M., far Cleve Land. Tuesdays, Thursdoyo and Sounder.. TELRIIIIAPII carries the rafted States Mall between the. Ports. mid connects at Cleveland w Ith the C., C. & C. Railroad, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, Li. Shore and Toledo.; Railroads. Al., with Port Stanley anal London 'Niiha!, and Port Burwell line of Stages. The TELEGRAPH' hut been theronghly overhauled and refitted, and bi In excellent condition for the trod. she runs in. RR-For Freight or pAssago AUDERDALEappIy to tt L,land, LANE & or JOHN McKENNON.Dort Damon, arid ITOLCO3II2 o HENDERSON, or ROUTH 4 - DAVISON Port Stanley. oplt47md Liverpool, Philadelphia and New York Saran. Steamshi Company. THE SPLENDID ST E AMSHIPS forming he nbon: lineill nen from New York an follow.: KANGAROO. " Jeffieyp23th June. CITY OF BALTIMORE. " Leitch, oth July. CITY OF' MANCHESTER ." CITY NVASIIINOTON, Cap t. Uylie,, tht August: And each altertette Thursday; - From Liverpted every elfernitto Wedneeday. Fere Horn New York,Culda $75, Third Oa. $3O. Liverpool, $lOO. s B 34s73,Tbled Clan tio. Winn. Tickets avaibible Mr six month. by Any ateamo of the line. Cablli,.sl4o{ Third Class, S O • Theso Steamships are mantled with - Improved Watertig omipartmantewtod Carry experienced Surgeons. Persons about proexeding to Europa, or .srisbiniito NU their friends from the old - eOnntry, no portions firket and obtain ell Information by applying to .1. C. Ude, 1 Breadway. N. Y.. Sable & Cortes, PH' Ilro,doray, N. Y., or. JOHN THOMPSON, 410 Liberty st., Pittsburgh AaTPassage certificates by first Ono Sailing Packets be lawn New 1 ork and Liverpool. Drafts sold by the nboto. C& ik r ICI) Tha itlonctarn Dollar Savlogi Sauk, No. C. 4 Fourth Stmt, Middle Room, June Neva Building OPEN DAILY FROM 9 .TO 2 O'CLOCh; also on Ifednewlny and Saturday mornings, from May Urn to November In' Iran •7to 0 o'clock; and fronlyio. somber float to :Vey . Snr, from 6 to S o'clock. Dopcake nxxlved of all carne not less than one Dollar , and a • divldetJ of the profits declared Mee n year, In June and De caber. Intemt was &eland rat the rate of Ws per cent per annum, ht Decoplerr, 1655,. also, In June, and Dioctuber, 18:".d and anne,156,7. Intonnt, If not drowning, In Oared to the creellt of this do. wltar 00 p rinci p a h a ndleoratheamoltatereat from the first adysofJane AnilDecoubcr, compounding twice o year with.' out troubling the, depositor to call or even to- IMMO& his pass book. At this rate, money will &nide In leen than 33 Fran. making In tltc eggrepto Mart AAA. oNE Mt? on ern A run.. h • ••, *, Books containing Ow r, Ily.lntre:Rtzlos and nog agues furniabedlgatle, ppllatt lon at the (Dec. Preridunt—;67;OßCE ALBREL: riot rutatozonet. - Jelin IT. Slumnbergcr, (Ismael liunty 6tottelt Mu-plry. 1,001,0 id taran.ctler, I,a,tc yl. 1'er.,67, WilLtu J. Anderron. Hopewell Hepburn, George L. Whit% HUH= P. Jo:lexica Jamei n Hallman, Alarander Bradley, John e.coqr.vr, J,1113 0. llacknritn, uiu Ittirmelb, Albert Culbertxoe., Jelin B. Canfield, J.Tilaribier Akxxx, A. C'arrier, Mules William Douglax, Fruit's Felix, °corgi. F. Jamex.i. Rllihm 9. - Junes Herdmi,D, au Secretaryrl9 aud - Treargcm- tlyt l—m TAM: fri, — Wirfidaz." RearKEßs. - 1111 0.11STRX17; CORNER 271112 D. TIEPOSITS received on current necountsa a Interest pokalrady on money deposited for All cbeckson our erica will lay pald.lu curreneti•Anktio otherwise market. - NV. IL Minimax market.. bay and sell .11.xchanga thn • intia elves rides of Ma ladted &afire and Earope. • je.27. IaiANKERS, EXCHANGE; STOCK AND Jjl Bill Warr,. Currentrual Uncurrent Mousy Bought and Bold. Moths bought and sold on caul:Wigton. Dominus Pager, Boods aod . Mortages ' County . ' 'r llallroad Bonds purcho•elland negotiated. • . • .Collectins promptly attended to.: • nogg • . 4 BMA* 80.14 Pourth Strut.. OF JOHN. somnakr -- ... ..«..801tEltdET CO M° N U NILM I LLe..: - . ...... .................................. / 111 w UNIONTOWN,.- .... " " NEW .....FdItETTO CO.. //epode, mewed, r+doenoota made, ;touts tadiere aad eolleeted; Bank' :total aiel 'Sped* di ",."2 , &oda, oLea aad other Securities bated -"" tobeott.- vornvaedievrorod eolleettoaa lolhdtld. . LFAIB Mom L sad N, DEA & 8 ilineitic . lea of Depailykok: . a n mad Sipt th. id" June. D. Kelley, WlUlan B..Lareley, John IL Mellor, Welter P. Marshll, R Winn. Phillip., A. M. rellork, M. IX, I Henry L. iflogenit, . 'Enka Robb, John M.;lvyer, ros . Jerimlyr ERE .' 4 ,; - ;214.fax14.-