Vittshurg 031tette. pxwersntry..a-irt: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1&57 4 0pER.7.41, PAPER OF TILE CITY. -01 News of the . City and Neighborhood. Corny or QtrAIriGIISCSISIONN Ac.—Before Jade.. McClure, Adams ohd Parke. Com. en. Mail . Mullen; indictment selling liquor without license, on oath till. Jones. Verdict guilty. Defendant sentenced to Indictment a tine of $lO end costs. Com, re.. J. Atwell; indiettnent suisoult and bat tery-, on oath of Ilannalr AtwelL Defendant • plead guilty, and was Sentenced to pay a fine of $5O. It. Biddle Roberts, counsel for James P. Jones, ./. 1 11w 1 with the murder of William Campbell, made a motion for continuance, on the ground that .F. hitter, ',material witness, was not forthcoming: f :, Thu curt stated that if the witness referred to nes with the the jurisdiction of the Court, ho could be had by, and; if he were not, the Court had no p i i , rto enfeice Iris' attendance. If the ease were no tried this torm, it was possible that it would noire la, toned. /to would, th erefore , fix it fat Moe da morning, when' it would positively he taken rep. o P. Flenniken ' Esq., made a motion for the eon ti name of the Cato of the Com. rt. Henry/Fife. a. ~ obarXed with the murder in Elisabeth tp. Ito aryl his application on several grt.111.14, one of bleb was the absence of Dr. J. B. Campbell, nileB , 'd a material witness in the 6..... 51r. Deward, mined for rife and Charlotte. Jones. suited that nffieer Patterson had gone to Washington for wit nesses and could not return that day. The same • gratleman also. contended that an undue influence had been exerted with the jury by articles In an even ing paper in -this city, prejudging the case. Sir. Collier rejoined in a pointed a.gument im answer to the reasons assigned by the opposite counsel. The Court remarked that it bad been well natal,- Weed that newspaper publications furnished no legal ;rounds for a continuance, and as for the IfillaNtSei hpotion of , theft location woo well knoWn. They ere in . the Washington county jell, and if the Court f that county, permitted their attendance, they would . leo on bend when wanting; if not, he (Judge McClure) had uo jurisdiction over them. llis honor then overralod the motion for a (untie:lance, and announced that the ease would be taken up et two o'clock. In the afternoon, Mr. Flenniken male application that 31J111,9 Stewart. Lo allovrad a separate trial.— Toe discussion of this question occupied tho greater part of the afternoon. The Court stated that accord. in; to the law of Pentirylrankt, whether trials should be tutored or not was for the diseretien of the Court. -- It was nut it matter of caprice, but legal discretion. Such a motion had never been granted in tide Court except in one case. Tice Court could not depart from its ordinary practice unless 'good reasons are assign ed, and hero this was nouns, ease.. The applientinn was therefore refused. Thu prioonora, Henry Fife, Monroe Stewart and Charlotte Jones, were thou separately arraigned on an indictment charging them with the murder of George Wilson, and plead not guilty. -By agreement; the,empannelang of tbejury was, at fear o'clock in the afternoon, pouponed until this morning, and the Court tedjournod to meet at nine o'clock. • --- A RAR.C. PAISTIXG.—A painting Inch as one lel dem Mee, in now on exhibition at Gillespie's. It Is settling of the Mermaid club, and there aro in it fif teen. portraits, representing Shakespeare and hit friends.' There is the face of Boma, England's glory. and her shame; thorn too is the classic beauty of .• tarn lion Johnson," though whatever he has writ . tru is well done; there the venerable face of 'Camden; thorn the comiedratruittsts of the Restoration whose uomea hare become as one--Iloaumont and Fletcher. The history, almost, of the reign of Elisabeth, or at tenet the romance of it, stand. confessed In the grace / fat figure and Yet almost youthfurbcauty of Raleigh, .1 although at the time hero represented, he was turn. ed of 50 and had trod the wi Itle of Virginia and brayed the fury of Atlantic ntorms. The centre of the picture in of course, the master spirit, Shakespeare. • Scattered in easy natural pm chinos either silting or standing about him are the varier. character. whom we have nomad together with others, whose deeds arc known wherever civili sation hen shoal its light or the English tongue boon heard. What a mullion of friends is hero: Tiro grammaster of thence-philosophy—new even yet and always to be new an long an there remains any "Grit" to repay experiment, observation and research, eibi at the anise table with him whone.facila pen . wrote, seventeen 'years after the limo horn represented, wilco Becton was 60, end Bon. Johnson 46. in such esqubito lines, the praim of " Englund's high Chan eelloeland d rew that familiar yet, 'chisel& picture of tilt fates drawieg out the__ roupd Gtll thread of his yet hireored life and spinning it .tout of tie it choicest and their whitest wool." We do not presume to criticise thin ;minting of Mr. Feed's: we do not pretend to ha a critic, but we do say it is one of the richontand to uncritical eyes like earn, the meet finished painting we have oror soca. We looked upon It mere as en epitome of the Ells nbethan era of, literature, an era no rich in all that is quaint and sublime and Imantiful, than as a work of art, rare and complete in Spelt. We were rather • carnal away by its mggentions of all we have ever read and admire.' in history, biography and poetry. than absorbed by the present beauty rind MAIM of ; the_palnting.lLasilf. • •We holism this eare•pninting is now awned by Sir. Corcoran of Washington. The picture ban been. transferred in a faithful copy on steel, and we be liar that it is to incite the sale of the rare animas. into from it, that it ie now en exhibition. This is the last clay of exhibition and we advise all lovers of the beantlfal to art to seize the opportunity now of. ferred of seeing thin rare pointing. The following applications for Seen., will Ire heard on or before Tuesday, July 7th. All who expect a hearing are notified to be present before the above named dote. air the Bctard or Licensors will close their meetings sown after the l'tb. Prrtenuanu—First Ward—Michael Thicken, to 1.11 liquor with other goods; Peter tlrenacly, tavern. Second Bard—R. Hutchinson, to sell liquor with other goods. Third Ward—John Lareber, tavern. Fourth Ward—W: C. Connelly, tavern; Jobe P. ARM, do. Tifth Ward—John Power, to Yell liquor with utter goodig - Emula Hunt, ravens; A. Swim:Mum, do: C. Kumph,•eating bonze; Wm. Blackheart; de; Adam Rtusetnan, Mu Valentino Berger, to roil liquor with other goody. Eighth Ward—John Sohnelbocb, eating house.—Fourth Ward—A. Horgan eating bones; M. r.a., de; IL Neely, tavern. MaliessapratLjohn Werdenbach, Lavers. Duquesne hot—Stephen Jackson, havens. Elisabeth bons—Robt. Rinnel, tavern. Upper St. Clair tp-11. W. Bauseman, tavern. Elisabeth tp—Ueory Adams, to sell liquor with other goods. Pitt tp—Sam'l. Ward, tavern. HcCruadices tie—Peter Slower, tavern. Plum tt: , —Andrew Jack, tavern. Ross tp—John Swam, tavern. Wilkins tp—Bregast Theachar, eating house; Jos. Allhonse, tavern. • Dote, ATTF4TeiTO COMYTT MCIIDEL—Wu bre call ed upon to record another daring and dastardly at tempt on the part of a villain, as yet unknown, to take the life of a follori Lein. Mr. V. B. Black, itihkeeper at gate So. 1 on the Noblestown plank road, retired to bed about ten o'clock Monday night, and was, about an hour afterward', euddenly awak ened from his slumbers by a blow from a knife, which luckily fell on Lis forehead, and failed to inflict any very sorb= injury—the weight of the blow not being ettrationt to penetrate the ekull. The bead of:the bad on which Mr. Black lay was facing the window tinder which was standing a cart. The would-be inn:darer—for each ha would beyond all doubt hare been, bad not the blow fell elan of its mark—sormonuted the ear; and putting his arm through the open window, attempted to commit a deed as cowardly as it was unprovoked. On receiving the stroke, Mr. Black reached up his hand and grappled the arm of the aseaastn, but wag utiatde to retain it in bis grasp. Be then shouted at the top hf VOLvated alarmed. several of the neigh bors but bytkaMme - they htst.reached the spot, the vUlafti made tici?dbia escapes Mr: Black is a quietOnooffennive ()Olen, and has hot, to his knowledge, an enemy who would ho pally of making an attempt oirklaliGe. A man of Doter. s ionsly bad character issteuppeted, and steps to effect Lin arrest bare already bettiptelten.—.oArraefek. , Friru_Snutir.—Our nelghlieirs of thatiort hare so improved mid enlarged till t bnildings as to bare made them an ornament to h street. 'The addl. tlbdal stru7 the fresh neer p t, and general air of neateess al l about, &sere. a compliment. There is no stunt In the whole city whose charnel tor and appennusco has so much changed in the same time. Tue GAZETTE wee one of the tiretmoree from Third street after the PrietoMee. We cannot in mo rel] suppose that there could hare been two better noncurrent reasons wily people would seek this street for business ;imposes than are to be found in that !set. Then came the Iron City... College, with its mei titudes of signs, into its present convenient location. Then, among tibtrbeaps of unsightly skeptics between TS° Unkl office and the Theatre, our friend Danis throes his magnificent eviction house, and Mr. Reed his fine jewelry establishment, with its various parts devoted to venous putpoins, end now the Odd Fel lows are hastening on their grand Hall, Which will when finished render en perfectly ugly the appear litice of what is loft to build up, that we tenet the day Is not far distant when all the stniat will be bordered with such structural as shall do honor to the archi tectural taste of the city. , Lars Serral . Nswe.—i'Ve learn from the Cleveland Fieral4 that the Steamer Iron City, Om latest arrival from Superior. had a very boistoroun time. She was detained in Superior Ray four days by a violent north easter; by fogs In lake' Huron and Superior two days, and by a north wester which prevented her from making - landing! at Ontonagon, and Eagle - River, two lays mire. ' Iler cargo up Ants some five hundred, tons livestock, lumber and general merchandise, for every port on Lite Superior. Iler return cargo hi as follows, viz:-19 bbla, copper, 6 tons Adventure Mine, Ontonagon, 6 deems do, 8 tons do, to J. O. Hussey ;.13.bbls-11 tons Ridge Mine, Ontonagon, to Ilanna,Varrot . son & Cu: 200 Ws dd. 103 tons Clir Mina, Eagle river and 117 masses do, 105 tons - do to J. ti . Ilussey. H er cargo ii worth over one Aundreji and fit teen thoueond dollars,: the topper epee being Worth one hilndred thoneand, autlothe furs ten .thoutand. : • Tao Clarion Baum. of. Saturday says that 'the bridge across the Clarion nearCallensbargh, ;Sias curled sway by the recent freshat;_,The tstrubtnre luta' been .in a fe/ling_eendhlon fcc sometime, mad wilatope' that a more substantial one will bi erected. The lose will be severely • felt by the people in that viednit,y. A 3 AIFRAT OCCIIIied, on Monday, 012 the .{ Steubenville Railroad, near Mansfield, between two Irishmen named Martin . Rawly and James lie Morris and two Germans named Peter Sala- dine, Jr., and Peter Saladine. Sr., during which the latter were assaulted witll stones, and dan gerously injured. The Junior Saladinc drew a pistol and shot ono of his assailants in the shoulder and the other in the arm. The dith ' culty resulted from some coisunderstandiug as to who were the proper parties to perform a I certain portion of the work. Cross suits for assault and battery with intent to kill were brought before Justice McCabe, of Fayetle-tp. Rowley has been held to bail and the other three hare been committed in dvfault. WrICELEA tt: Wrt.soyea Sewing machines are now amongst the demesne labor saving machines of this country—a Good fact. They Lave been largoly ill ; traduced into priVate families, PYvolt . menufse , larks, and give the most unqualified satisfaction j wherever used. For durability, simplicity of eon ; structien, and easy and quiet manipulation, they are certainly the greatest Sewing Mnehinee yet in vented. . . • The agent for - this region has sold a largo untober, and is •till receiving troth orders. Ito has found it necessary to procure tho aid of a lady who exhibits daily at the rooms, rs Fifth at., tho practical work ing of -Ils groat seamstress." Ladies and others are invitA to call and KY/ tho machine in operation, or addre‘s by letter. Alex. IL Reed, 0:4 Fifth street, PittNburgh- Li eMt. Duvrinc MAREET.—Oar retail markets continue abundantly supplied. Prices remain high. We give the prevailing rates: Butter, 1142.1.9ci Eggs, IS@ IGc per do2en, Beef. Choke ruts, 15e, fair to gond, 10@.; 12e. common. i€,Se; Veal, 10R1.5c; Mutton, Inc, primp 121 e; Lamb. good hind quarter, 42i: Pars 25c per wit: Cucumb.lrs a.piece; Banishes 2e per bunch; Asparagus 5c a bunch; Pio Plant ^:(j se; .Letinco 102 e per bunch; Carret,l .1 bunches for :,e; Cabbage 36.1 c per bunch; Leas 3c per Lunch: Onions 2e per bunch; Gooseberries 5 . (Vc t.or quart: Strawber ries 10 Cf o lo;.por quart, Cherries 10(315^. per quart, Dressed Cniekens apiece; undrea,led do ::5 615 e CIECIITOC3.—We received a valuable lei ter, llesterday, through the Poet office, mailed to u ' Oct. 27th 1536 at Pelvis, Ills. It. being mis directed, brought up, first at the Dend letter office, 'Washington; having atenited its turn there, it was sent back to Peoria, and re.maiind to us, properly directed, on tho 25th inst. Our correspondent has at length tho proper: credit. Too much care cannot be rates to direct proper !ly all letters, but particularly those containing remittances. In our paper of yesterday we mentioned a case where seri rid valuable: letters are awaiting an owner, evidently improperly directed. hoer Omer 51,rrzr.s.—The following new appointments hare been mode for this 3tato : Packer, Jefferson county, Leopold Ernestine postmaster. This is the terminating point of new route 3,500, which goes into operation on the lst of Julr. Dismatinuel-Breatonaville, Armstrong county, and Bavington, Washington county. Appointed Wm. Sitwell postmaster ut Brady's Bend, Armstrong county, Pa., vice C. C. Gilles pie, resigned; and Wm. tins postmaster at eKeesport, Allegheny county, Pa., vice W. P. Illornger, resigned. Mn.s Naratta.—We ore glad to learn that the accomplished actress, Mrs. D. E. Nourse, is to have a benefit at the theatre .to-night, nod we hope it will prove, indeed, a benefit in tnoro than the name; that sho may have so full a house that she may feel the benefit in her purse. Sho offers an excellent bill which we are certain will attract a large crowd. Mra. N. has labored faithfully in her profession here and richly de serves the tribute of a house "that will pay, sir." A Fitnssoun in the city hoarding at a house on Staithteld street, was robbed yesterday of a coat and a small amount of money. An indivi dual named Joseph Dully was arrested on sus picion of having committed the larceny, and, after a hearing before Mayor Weaver wan com mitted for trial. Tan following sale, of Stocks were made last vv..- ning by P. M. Darin, ttuetioneer: 50 glares M. & M. Bonk, 9 do Bank of Pittsburgh, 7 do do do 30 do Exchango Bank. 10 do Meehonice' Batik, 45 tin Mmiongahela Bridge Co. Tan extension of the I'. Ft. W. k. C. R. from the Federal St. termintta to the new Bridge across the Allegheny bas been commenced, and will be prosecuted to a speedy completion. We notice the timbers for cross-ties, and n strong force of workmen engaged in preparing the roadway. A r a meeting or the Board of Manages of tiro Young 3len's llible Society, held on Tuesday even ing, the 30th tilt, it woo resolved, That the inMahers of the Beard be requanted to moot et the renidence of Mr. James A. Irwin, late Librarian of this Society, Nn 105 Medford street, Ally let, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purposo of attending his funeral. Corporator of the Allegheny Cemetery elect ed the following Board of Managers on Monday: Tho‘ll6,l M. Howo, President; John Bissell, F. IS. Bailey, J. K. Moorhead, Wilson M'Condles, Jon B Shoonborgor, Dr. J. R. Spoor. Secretary and Trots surer, John Bissell, Jr. Tun St. Paul rilne of tho'a ult..sar : Mrr. Strislhelm—yrbom everybody know, am the most charming And sensiblo female miter of the r.go:And Into editor of the Pittsburgh rivicer—arrived in thif city on Monday from below. ."•he will settle in the vicinity of St. flood. A PAUL of mules attached to tho two front whcels of an iron ^ agon, dashed up Smilbrield St., at a very dangerous speed, at au.early hour yea:err:ay morning, but were secured ltetlre much danene was done. Tax state of the weather renders it cadential to enjoyment that one shall call in the assist Ince of all convenient sedatives. For instance, how could ono spend on hour more ag-recahly, with the mercury among the nincti,,s, than reclining at his ease in some cooling shade, dreaming of independence, gunpowder and glory, listening to the report of Ere-crackere and torpedoes, and —smoking ono of Garcia's beat cigars, Pass them around. The place to procure good cigars,- pure eoloee, and other sedative luxuries, is at Gareizie, corner of Penn and St. Clair-ets., op posite St. Clair Hotel. PEITSIIVROIS WA= CCILE ESTABLISH:SENT. - This institution for the cure of the sick is located ten miles west of the city at the Haysoille station of the Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne and Chicago R. R. It is bountifully and conveniently situated, and is resorted to by invalids from all pane of the country. It is under th • medical charge of Dr. Pazast who can be addressed at Pittsburgh, Pa, or seen at the Cure. Tartar are men who hold that it is impossible to do a disinterested notion except from an interested motivo—for the sake of admiration if for no grosser gain. Doubtless they are also convinced that when the sun is showering light from the sky he is only doing itfor the purposed being admired and praised. But there are no mon withinthe width and length of this city, who will dispute the fart that all persons who are thirsty shonld stop in at Charles H. Super's, corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, and quench their thirst at his silver Soda Fount. Drre3 MEnC/NTILZ. COLLYAIE—P7II7.O FALL, 7:" num , srancr, Pnvssunon.—The instruction given in detecting oegniterfeit and altered Bank Notes in this Montanan brity. Morptirls now beginning to be tipprecnated, His method ilf teaching each ',indent individeally, by means of appliances furnished by the beak note engraving., has many obvious advan• , A2AncnicA.N . kroaqr.r.. taps over the superficial sham teaching given in , nun. [tercet, some places. 7ifr. 31. is et all timee prepared to dem onstrate the efficiency of his plan of teaching. • 1 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. • 1 MEALS : I ARE T ALWAYS IN READINESS as mi Hi.TEWAN)7 RECANTERTDD TO C0M11077 SeNIE.—A I. , a meeting of "spiritualists," am Invalid Win hronght , Porteree, at th• Depot to take ttattga of P./levee.. fonterd, dreadfully afflicted with nicerotta scrofula i The rooms am largeand well mntilated. Pamangers 1 Mapping Mtn m aced lank uo nrrof stlnal 7 l:al/ TRAINA. that a tile doctors had failed to curs. Ii was pro .posed to appeal to the spirit land for advice' and a I l''''''''''d W.. 7. CLLIOrr k SoN, Proprietor. Hunimpathte phys i cian present Interrogated the de- . , . o '. 4 .1". r. nakann parted spirit of Hanemann as to what remedy should 11. V. BPI 11 , ii ~ be taken. Loud and' distinot rape, audibly to the PR. OPRIMTOR whole eudience, told of .A-y-e-ris (7-a-r-h-a-r-e-i, OWE N' S Ii OTE L, P-{4l-s.—llatner[.V. Y.] IVolfg. : CORNER FOUR= AND JEFFERININ STS. -4.------ LOUISVILLE, K Y. . linden's FavEn is produced by a derangeman of I J. F., Clark. 11, and the secretion of bile, which never occur i , with those who use C'dr(en'a Spanish Jfixture. Mr. 1 C. H. Luck, of Richmond, Ca., tab° tans robjeet to biliousness for many your., etatcs as a fart, that Le .1. T. BIGGL. I hoe prevented ite return every Fall by the free use i fe2tt-incd 1 of this 'minable assistant to nature. i.......-. - _....._ Berns of fashionable clothing in both men and boys wear, are invited to examine onr stock. In the furnishing line as well no in the above the stock is full and donirable. A flue variety of new styles pieta goods, exclusively for custom work and other I peculiar facilities for this department of the business afford as is claimed ads ante not surpassed is the j trade. CARNAGIIIS, Allegheny City. ese Croy, porn anddalicions lathe Sada Voter, of Obis. B. Super, Penn and St. Clair St.l! _ Rare lieduoemeum CARNAGHAVS EINTME STOCK Corner of Seventh and Smithfield Streeta, .'l , OP . . MIENS' AND BOYS' CLOTIIING. TO BE DISPOSED OF. SALES COMMENCING TPESDAT, EDNESO,I4 S :' As it intended to enlarge and improve our s•orn Room LATE IN =LEthe whole dock of • tts.z.TS* AND DOES' CLOTGLVG, 'rex:morrow GOODS: At Whioli Hour they mill Clone Sales Re., now on handewill b °Vexed AT PRICES MIiCII 88. i LOW THE BEGELAI;EATES with the view of CLOSING , orrtb. ,dole before ocestracm:lag the Improrernenta.-- I _ _ _ Thla It will be observed Isnot amens pretext to pet rid of 4 nu pas.a.mwrytaing 'rut to fvuaa zunv AND EASE- : TIISSOIXT/03: Cl Y PARTNERSHIP.— lON Ant.E. Ent the cooteteidate4. altered:me would news . j _,F The penner4ilp, heretofore exist:se under the name away deSe:e the reick.atelm 4,,b,', tide it i , ' E.B.sod to I nod style of .W. Schwan:tan /. Brother, was dissolved thie etear oat the athols at very low rates end open the rdi lllth day of June, 107, by roosted wont. The books of Trade withawassortmentaitossoo__r r." , ~ ' ..,_ ! the firmere left iii the handl of the senior partner, Wm. A So* variety of Pik. liiisid , ii. - 4.-.°7' work 6.. .. , ' trlinclimen, who nous is authorised to genie theme.. Nally will twomade to order at islargeillimoont. I WM. SCRECIDIAN, • .1. T. CARNAGIW, 1 e . 1 OMO. P.SCIICCIDIA.N. • *EAU] Federal st., nesr gulped otilteci.Aßegiaeny clty.. DENNXBON HOUSE, he wi that not Corner of Nolo aid Pirtle S ,IL. airsto the public, at ll carry on the ./.1 ' i enable business in all De earlone breaches as heretofore, at CINOTN:q. %ATI, 01110. 1 the old stand, corner of Third .1k Market a eon. Aleflionlii DEEM= • SON, PS82111:11I0111 . Jewit. Wg•KilWalrS , ' . • - ' . ..7f . ...V.':'.' ..,,,'' ~ . - 'Z'D''' - - '.z!,:i•;.i,-:,',:.,:,,,„''..,-,::::, Telegraphic NE.' Team, June 30.—The election canvass in France continued animated. but there was no now feature. The Democratic Party was likely to continue divided. The Sweic has received a third warning for articles, which appeared in its columns, relative to the Democratic candidates. The Danish Cabinet Council resolved that it was impossible for the King to assent to the demands of Austria and Pritssi... Cold s of the reply had been forwarded to London, Paris and Petursburgh, with a proposal to refer the mat ter to the European Congress. The rumorod offensive and defensive alliance probably relates to the matter between Sweden and Denmark, and the supposition is that Rus sia will befriend Denmark. The Turkish officers who were sent on a mis sion to Belgium, were suddently recalled. The Russian peasants living on the allicinn frontier, believing that the end of the world was near at hand, committed some excesses, and troops had to be called out.. LONDON', June 20th, A. \l.—Oath's bill is still in suspension in Parliament. The government party attach great importance to the measure. The official custom returns show •-nit increase of nearly three and a half millions of pounds over the returns of the Lune month lust year. Pants. June 19.—The Plenipotentiaries for . signing a convent ion respect tug t he new front ier of Bessarahin assembled at 'he foreign office to -day. The cholera is raging violently at St. Pet era burgh, the deaths exceksting seventy tinily. The London itity article of Simirilay morning says, it teas 111,1110tIllerti to-dap that at• eeptonces of.tohm Lengliar & Co., Liverpool ship brokers, had bean returned. The liabilities of the firm amount to 75,1100 pound,.. (ITV. JIIIIO 30.—The Postmaster General. with the approbation of the President, has selected: the following route for conveying the overland mail to California, vie : Beginoing at St. LouL. and Memphis, on the Nlississippi river, thence forming a junction at Little Rock, Arkansas thence in the direction of Preston to the Rio Gran de, at the most suitable crossing of that river near Fort Fillmore or Donna Anna: thence along the new roast now being made, tin. der th.l direction of the Secretary of the Inte rior, to Fort Yuma; thence by the best passes throng!' toe best valleys for ware and expmlit ions staging to Son Francisco. The Postmaster Gen eral, with the approbation of the President, has given the contract to John Hutto:bold, Wm. D. Dinsmore, Wit. G. Fargo, James V. P. Gardner, Marquis S. Kenyon, Ale:et:der Holland, of Now York, and Hamilton Spencer, of Illinois, nt the price of j 590,000 for semi-weekly otrviee, they being the lowest bidders, and will perform four hundred miles more service than the other bid ders propose I. PouThasn„lune 30.—The Democratic Stale Convention' wan held here to-day. 11. Smith, of Warren, was nominated unanimously for Gover nor. Resolutions were adopted extolling the Democratic party and austsining its course in regard to Kansas, expressing submission to the Supreme Court decision, complimentary to Pres ident Buchanan. opposing the liquor law, and favoring annexation legally carried out. CINCINNATI, Juno 80.—Last night, at mid night, a fire broke out in the foundry of .7 L. Haven Co. on the hill nt the head of Broad way. The foundry and nine dwellings, partly frame, were destroyed. The want of water prevented the fire department from extinguish ing the fire. Loan $20,000. partly huuared. LOI'IMVILLZ, June 30,—The river is receding with 7 feet 2 inches water in the canal and 4 feet on the falls.—The weather is clear. The momoter 82 degrees• ST. Loris, .fnne 80.—The river is at a stand at this point. Thoro is nothing new front tho upper streams. Weather clear. Themometer Tho. Nrw Valli:, June gin.—The report thnt the Astor House has raint.l its rates to $3 per day, is without foundation in truth. NEw Vogt.. June :91.—l'ttnn buoyant; sales 2000 hales st ay. advance ~r 1„. Va pries: (Mean. .11.1 (thug is gnotrd at 14i: 1 - plands middling 101. Flour h oar , 9.300 bids sold at $6,35fir.0.0.3 fur State: Southern continues imehangral. NV'heat smirk 7000 I mo 'io ta; r . qu i e t ; 39.0a0e not soil. 31ess Pert: buoyant: tales 050 Idyls at 022. an ads Mlller of 10r. Prarisivins are generally dull. Land quiet. Ytoi7,hts firmer. Linseed Oil deviated le; it is ttlinteti at SIV., Stocks firmer generally: :111,11. Southern 391: S. Y. Cameral 711; Beading 119; (inters .t Chicago 93; Erie 211; Cleveland it Pittsburgh 33. 62 378 62 5' 62 2 60 50 .56 00 20 00, CI VI - IN, dull and itregetir, there wrern sores sales ai, it i• offered at Nita. varyiOg from $6.23 SO.2 o hitt hey,. held hack. Core don:lined to Cie 'with a good deal offering.— Wheat in dell and Le per bee loner. Whisky de eliced to .211 e, closing nominal. Nothing Anne In Pearleinne, prime entirely nominal. The river has fallen 10 inches nines last evening. Weather clear and pleasant. ' So :10.-11,ur dull at s:.::,'y•uper -4n, urt fly. fluur ..t.NLIT ntod t,rh meal,,, but dull. ..mull nal, lrt boob.. And abate at f. 1,2 •V.1.P , own. at 11.Ut. eorn IN dull end uniattlNl: Yldloar le bull at Pi chum and hurett mdr oah'r olts dull at 54 to 57, ,invor .rod dull wad low,. nal, at p.O In ;KM. F1a... , w0d la,l at In gramme. anal pr, uf,.nr very lull. do tnn. Whldty I. nn•ottle,l: tab, of O'u , ‘‘hit,l. 01 :tun, nt Tha nvery , llttlo rn-.1 In tn . market: ~ (Sno Inl.l te.l NVhI . ky 4 , 1 at 0,1. C o rn—W-16(w S. , 541:? , 7 , l l, ; ir.i'_rianto W A N J ' T . LI) 7 T ::. a i. g. d. medinln 0.ww..a., and I the I:ant en, W 0... Allegheny C.:a. Apply to O. vet; de Fee ral attest. .t ...nth of the Nt.rto litany enty. Iyl AVANTED.-A dvelu.h,ast t•• rent, rr ol•ct n For, nr,rt (pm t t t Bl. ELY ILICIEV , =E2MM=MI ANTED—Four liandA" to work lit the y Eclionts Imainos, nal Sod oroployn.,ut tl opplicat too at my Factory . , co Hain Meet. bos - con Firm and atY. Luotamilo. Ky N 16.1 11.1n/rl p. me nt gar t t l . yozmiSt. SARI, DIS. LcltllrhDM Ky. • S 4 1 C)0 OF 60013. BUSINESS Olt . Accommodation Note, of at] eigcs FAY. tng room GO day. to J months to run, cnn Int casi,cd at rca scoablt rate. oy applying In B. SIcI.AIN A SON. Ja29 Picet E 11111 BroL,Y. eS 1 0 000 • —NV ANTEI). a partner with • • a vipttal of T. Th... 1 font. .. 113 , •5t 'ln on old .tabtlalard mitnufarlorlop ertshlitta tolnc doitg rod Apply to rl O. NV. DC NN, Welt EA , of Yrdnal .trot, vcond door South of Not th Commons. All•gheny ej, WANTED—By a Young Mon of good bu 4- now haLits, who has had scan...patience to &awe, a Alto/Won Sakmnan In • llaok ur Cluthlug nhate. Wa,;ett Dot .00 much Of . object. . . AloYant•d, ag: . 111, fortroyozr lo • Dy Good.ororoc,y.n.pmku.ra z Dl G ho ir d i. l ' Ol n e• l 7l2 "d trad t e% . do M "" rOtn u' tro ld" htl * t r oZ r zt . . Bo tl ga " rfaf, itrA Y ß 7jr blielllgence ()Intro, myl3 .N 0.3 SL Clair enrol. • SCOTT HOC SM. Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, I PTITSBURGIL PENNA. B. D. MARIEEIR, Proprietor, (Formatly of the Marker llama, Blair...ill, Pa. 1. HE SCOTT HOUSE is now completed and T open for Gunge. It lc emoted In aC II area pert of the city, being conrenlant to all Ralltred Depots and Steamboat Landlnga The llonae era.. !milt in MA with all modern (repro , MM., and fitted np In aplernild atylo—Bip entire Pornlcore babas new. andmlll In ovary aspect['agent close lintel. ST- PINE STABLES ora attached to the premises. fignidlen 13IGG8 1-101181 E, MITCHELL, INDIANA tr. 200.000 W 0 F1,77-i REAL ESTATE STONE'S G , FLASTI3 GIFT coNcIr.R7 . BLAKELY & RICHES, WILL COTTINCF. TO nu. TICT.LTS 3 O'Ciock, P. M. of THUKSDAT NEXT, -PRICE "ea in3o:3td Commercial I • PITTSBURGH MABACETS. ) ITTSBURGH THEATRE. w -.., J "1 1 '" f Reparita Speeffilly for the Piff.rtnoryfi G...frx.) i p L•wxe and 3W:taxer. ..... --...-...JOSEPU C. POSTED. ; btagw Manager3.A.W.Vorso. i Acting Ilanagan.C.J. FtrelM, Dimtscriatt, W. - nay, I:Nr.. , Sv, . matte Or A.D.I.SIM FLDI"Ft..--ealett of 50 awl 75 Lisle extra and extra family I , Boxesand Painnette ...... .Aoc. I Private Fkmea. large,_.lS Oil from . o.ore tat 57CM7.25 , ludo do Gran store at F, - ,12, , . Second Tier .... ........._23e i Private litaxettotniall... 500 57...1: . 50 do eq.., and extra JO $3,:56,7 ; PO do da at I noir, for Colored Persons 23 cti. si,-;,,I.:„7: 1.. do ..svr,eNtrm &extra fatuity a: $0,57,)37 am I, .- V .2: 135.10 extra family at 57,50; 30 do artper at S 1,117; 01, ; ALTERATION Or Tram—Doom open at 71.;: curtain to the 75 m.. 1 100 do en tra at g,12., 13 do extra from atom at i 6,30. ' at 1.4. to S. 13 IZAlN—ealce of 40 lout Date frown wagon et 50: 100 dodo • Imam atomatom at 5.3, 104 do !hid Wheat fnm snore at al,:m. • lictsillt of )Ire. NOCKSE, on which occasion )Ire W. .al. SllttitTil , -talca of 1 ton ftom More at SL lagher. who hao kindllt VOIllar , (7141 his wrcteei. will ap;,,.., 11X Y—allen of IS !stalest sloaSlar t i kon I In hi, gnat port of J1.71.1r1 D./RMILLY. in tho SIX DX DEA N S-e al, of 21 lota White at $1,62,g32,1-5. . i DREES OF CIO.M.E. CII h Ditl.: -o.loe of 75 la. W.ll. et IGittlOt ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. Into lot, will be actel Ihr , l^. 't , l '''" .4 I. ' " It bhl° . " ..h 'li .t srdit, ~ ....,-, . t, ; lwated Drama, in ex parts..entitki the SI % DEOREES Wdo at S 11,500,12; 15 half Lltle Trout 01 so,2.'n 105.0d i ; OF CRIOIII. John Dorrolliv. Mr. I V.tlallagitto - Miihe-1. nt SIM 15 Mils Daltimoto Darting nt ta.ti . .5510.1. Pickled do at 1 i the Mook Mr.°, J Nonni:, alati'm licocet alro Noma, giL5O. .alms. Julio )f. l'nokr. DaCoN—salo• of 2.0115. .•iticit Al I'.l i. :A , ... RA , Ilan. at ; :")\O--')loHappy /limn... Julia 11. Cooke. Et d let :Mow Curer! ti.'nt.ll; lcOit Fag Stioultlitet till. 'To citnchitlc with the .e-ond and third arta of the celebrated DRIEI) DEEF—sales'of Stn Cattraa*,l at 15. 1 1/0101.l of ROB IttiY. Rob Roy. C. Polo, Ilelm Mc. (11L—saltin of 3 tibia No. 1 Lard nt 01,10. . tit... t ot, )Ire. Nino., Thurat ra Liy. Fawel: Benefit of Sir. C. Fi MIER. BIONETARN AND COMMERCIAL. i ' 'it Grand Juvenile Concert. )Toney lino lean In active demand el the riot, of the weni, i the wt•ek. It 1., pnthabl.• Ills deinaill stilleontintie 0001 /11 , 1 0011 11111C011111 mins hart , advanced alma! It' cent daring 1 0 \ THURSDAY :I\D FRIDAY EVEN INGS, Jnly 2il and 3d, ais ND JPVENILE CON ter the Dna of July. when largo Itinoutita of money now i CnitT will In given rot EXCEL.IiiR HALL, Allealemy Ire:lied np to pay dirid,..4 o and tatenatt 00 bonds. rill 1111 at i city, by n trained clam of micelle:it performers. Th.- Pieces Warta. The demand 1,... money far Um leo - unlit of Julies ! litiltoti o .` alittoPriaic for U . ° "' A. ". .”4 from IbII loot on goods noon waseli oo oc.l. Mite to the stringency, hat 0 ,,,n, imp oars. limPssor ANTON will pr sole at We piano. pit, meta of dull. will let divided throughout tho whole. JIMIN ssorniitAss, u , a&r. ...”. 0 . , 1. , 1 . + ,. ... ,.1.111-1111 '1 111, 1^. 11.1 . 11 .1 , 01100101- Fll , ll / rickete can he itrocurtnl at Sir . Samuel Dyer's, Fetleral oh,'. ntder. tat onyx, ranter Wont ato hit secontncluat from 0 i *treat. Dud at the door. Price, 1: , cvnia. Jyli3ticht to 10. Call nntnl arc in demand at 7 ? cent. The offerings I _ for 11111r111110 .tt hank are Mer...log notidly, and in e 0a .,.... I alltttall F . ..... a 105. ~,,,,, of the ex and drill Or .peel., 11 , 13 .vork, ~t++l I .. , (he supply.—N. 1. Conr. a 1110. P. AI D.A.VIS. , kuotioneer. Donmercial Palm Downs, No. 54 Fifth Street. The Chu-fount; 00 novel Ilon.lay 11i),:-. ..111V fill. ellorsog of the grant amp wag nude on Chfnua - . ,--- . - ---- - • - - • -- - Sat ;oda; helm.; fifty lov.l.ele a.. , rir y . 1,011Vd:fr011l Will, ; j 0A i, BO.kT CA B LES. C:l4'Sl'A NS. "° uli "' " " b Y M "" r4 4. ' n '"" 4 "' " '" rffi ° ''';''"'''; , 10 - 1011104 rTENSILS ke. At Accrion.-12111 he ' , old 11 ';' , " ,, B. 1 1"I'Y Drum.' and ttheral ot;;;.Ilea. The quality of ;,, u, ,,,,, , .. ~,,, i.; , ,t;„„;; ; 0,0, ; ,„1,,,,e„,,,,,..,..n e e,,b,,,,,,,m, pith, the grain ko‘erliattr." tot eh, on Et 1.1 n• morning., Jnly M. at 10 o'clu,k, a Tha ro-aipm, expeni, 111 1 not earning. 01110 n Dat,,,,,,j,. ; tee,' number of Col Dom Cable., Capstans. Cooking l'lon. Mk Itallnoul for the ix:of hen u.onth., ne em,,,,,,,i „.,,, 111,, ; ~,f,„ 5h,,,,,j e efc,, ore. nav e ; ;001,11 ol ISa3 ISM week; to fon, A :.- ; Selo preemptory. Coal tont man and other. In Iran! of Itecelpta. Exp.mll•nert. Net Earn - m. ;melt nettelee will . Jo well to he on hand. 1 feY, - ....:. ..... . ...... F.11Me.,112 10 $1,2. - vall In vt.36,.)i 3, ' 1.2 n I'. M. DANIS. Auct'r. ING:r.... .......... . 1,141,:2t ;IL . Uols =I 630.51 S 11 14'..1 ...... ... - - 2'in.1.:1"01 n' ' L2'.7.27' 41 927.'44' ' 44 ' 1 IT DER WR IT SA LE 01 .-- W — ItEC .- a Prom,v.- 11 will le; olvaemtel that while the 1ue,,,,,, 1,,J lII' Till: STEAMBOAT CORSPLANTER.-On Th.-s -in the to.t eeraln,-; of le - a; over thou , of Dih , wee.. v 1274.12 , tiny mornits.. July 21, nt 10 o'clock, nt the Allettreny wharf. 3t, the drerenee of IM.I over li;ni attootnte 1n. , , 1211 Ij-- ; D'''`f ;h. o ' s " R.". will ' • old..''''r,a,7l"l whom It Till. dvareeve Is sottihn• huh., Oftert , tthe ratting tufty concern, the entire cork 1.10.1 f 11 11,, waver of the oft ot II mforn pro;D: .. ' ;or Inter Certvphtnter.ament, which ore two Cylinder, three 1 Boilna ',Otto DOOM', LUAU Bell, Anchor. ChM', Cellm, Coot. t7ountantliso etatament of the Export/ of Met chandl4l , ! front o w l l'oelt to Foreign fort , for the week att,l since, I Mnttreasea.loo Diane, Sheott, Pill MT ii,,, Qtteenswara, go, Mocks und Tackle. Spate, En pair Lilo Preserver", 120 Januar : ; Ilur Nara, Cabin Doom, Ac. Tornte at fah, 1657. , ; V. M. DAVIS, And. 59 ' 4 .k 1 ? . .'! ; ....___.,-_ _ _ _____ Ttol Wl' 11, wool.— Pn grp.rrtod ; ECONT.SIIAisrI)W A TCHECFf, I kJ At A reTill.- 9 / 1 Wednesday iwening, July let, M cfnco.tan.l 41,7e0J04 0 . 1,14,k, at the Commercial Sha; mmix Nn 51 Fifth 'treat, ...P." , elatetnnut the / 01 1`'... of Y... 40 M.P be sold, a nurnlew of desirable secondhand Gold .1 ".'" 0! 30000 lock her .Into "P`wsrY ; I Watches, flontiug owl Open fared Sliver watehan, Annorted 1622. 1 ' 74, 1 dou , le and ;single barrel Snot goons, Rifle gun, Guitars, VP,. k2•01,5r2 4. 29 '002 lc le2o 1 P. 4f. 14 XV IS. Allen . . 2,;101.001 1.60124.5 ; Jkaulgtart ea' Salo • ' At P. M. heels' new Comenermal Real Yatate Salem Roone atwondetory, ea. al, Fifth street. Pittsburgh, on TUEADAY, the 2th day of July next. nt 1 o'clock, r. T HE entloreigued, Amignel , , .Iriniwt Grrtv, Fourth atreet, wRI alTer for ude at the time and pine . ° as Abel, n Waled. at public; Auction. all 1110 real estate of Oho Aasignee, consirting of the rationing. I let. An annual around Rent of (180,10, payable on the In of 11 et000r nnd April. leaning out of two lota In Arthne• plena tn... In am :.I, MOrd. Pittsburgh, nt the cornrr or Wilkina and itoberte at mats, and being 21 feet on Wiliam; by 120 feet on Roberto, to Porte,'. alley.. on whlrk ere nrected one torn :tory num; And brick dwelling lumen, and one Irmo two story double dwelling bona, ' An annual altxmnd Root of $120,09, payable on the le ;•f tklober out A pill, leaning out of four lot. In the :1b Wahl, Pittsburgh. numbored 24, 20, 40 Ishii 11 to Wan. ' Art that's plan. And togathrr cantalultig a front on Arthur 1 ;tweet, I% by 144 foot deep, .14. A curtain plerre of ground in Pitt toornahlp. tontaining rl- • Jitti 2 not re...oat : re. on wind; ...rowed e , sino.l 10, hon., staid , . and 10 :00 powd. r tisagn e.s holor., pool 01 lot No O. In .1. C. Reed's plan of lota of • farm Ne 2 In Ills manor Pittelmsgb. 4. A certain piece of ground ad.! /Ming the itlywor, And no the line of /*cantle Wilkon'n hairs, and lying between that , And a .maxi tending to [.right a place, containing 38 square, irt• 99 .queen tot,. A lot and one two '40;7 brick dweliing hone Oho ion erected. eittlale no Fayette et-cot s Pattkburgh, nnd contain ! Inc 20 fart therein. nod extending hack Pa test to Ja:keon and adjoin:N., lot No in in it... Francis Ilerron's plow ! nth. A lot awl Oh,sr Ixtrk tenements thereon erectol, sltuste At tho corner of Union. Libertr sad Fifth etrepta, being tot on Flitit street, 21 0•61 nu blorty arret and 32 tree 4 inehrs on 1:01100, subpart to an manual ground tnl of $42,21, and soh/ ret w 4.30.) armors of freedom mrney tl4O John J. tillrisn, .16th interest thereon. Tat. A 1.4 In the lak Wahl. Putaburgh, commencing on Penn street. at the aim. of Mr, A, V. Mag - an's land. nod tYI fret on l'onn street. by la/ feet deep wMulharry alley. 4th. A liicon 01 Gronnd in the sth Irani. and containing 12A trot lo inches on Nan etreat,and extending thence 47 percher; to the Alingheny river, containing two acres and 20 perches, on witibh are eroctol two brick dwelling honor+ :Ilia 000.3 small onicce And stabln. Dry ~,, fn.! In , Mu ...k. Prrviouslr .03104 I . 10.4. 430:5 'rho eiport4 of avvin Mr the a...4c L.r Ik, yt.rr 1+:4% thus I.r, vre.roni lelbK ToTal ler I h, Pre•viorisly Iteportml Tha Nlrtn,,..lllAn Bank hro reJmlr.l the hill, of Ihn Mar elrants'Exchano annk of Firldrport, entinnetlent Money a.. In F.,al demand. with &ntlr supply to iiinct It. nn.l rate* are wryly. Cali I ran.. 714 cont. Ti.., 1. ,okl rte port ranthloral.l. 1 . 01,0.1.1% In the anionnt of paper nttirltir for dtscount. ihicchln of the Banks oaten or: firm nI for nvoil merenntile paprr, and niltlo Inc I nig date, Slnglo unmet U.0,12.--,N. 1. Import• by Railroad Pitt.l.rgh Ft. . 11.—PI lea marl.. 11*.dron, pkg.. uirv, &e. IL Toßzr...snd k cn; 010 141 a papyr,lllkpr.Rll; aka mita, 11l bn.. corn, Itrgtrn k Kiripatrick,l3 rte rp% 10 du oat., 1 1.1,1 rggr, r. Potnraotr, 37 ak• J Mark: 21 .1111 WC..ntil.a. k to; I car Inlub..r. own,: II Lhl, (lour. ill Imo natot i • I . ..ter - n.O; 7 1.1,1. vsgr., I:, do I.tater, exg... Rea: 30 lata Corn. R IR-avn; =i .I.lmon & Lk, & Ilicketion; is du. Nl'Clui ken & nka )111r1,1e k erg tkri 1 , .111.1s Vorghth, Vlnspron d Sr.lool. In 1,1.1 a eg.r, 17 kx.. buttor, ...nrs raffia. 111.1 b. 1. , boat.7z) do nil., nart 11l IA button, arino, 270 Rhin.,-hike, Import. by River IIONONGAIIELA VII:.1 TP .N 10 , 1' 0 51tand• Inow. Zn) do do, 11.0. h: jro, Co,pur. 11; b 1,14 tlnnl. 4i .14,4 1 keg tmtl.r, A Ant, e 0 v. 1 .k drkolNo,l... 21 0.10,y 01 , 14 40 b s ,.. OPi J., ,10.• tiny S M 99 bbls wld4ty, ~ 0 1% dour, 3111. t. G Att)Te, chops, n oraer. 36 4. Nnulck A co. RIVER NEWS Tha nrrivoli• yest.,fav wrrr tho nwilor 1.4";44,A 911 , 1 I ht. I hi., 1 from Ti.r. 11.1, 15... 1. , .1 111311 h .,,, zt bro:lit .‘ tss from tit.• plc .hergllnl out. Thr Hettnont doportst n .1.11 load. rt.. J. IT 110:unn. fe tom., tho fn, ntsl th. F.rtma I l a. .., for Zon.,rille Th. Comnuninn. lip for St. Luny. nits time. and r.lnc.lln¢ up very fast. rmely prol.ably Nearly nII hnnt•in. lying 1., inn •+t rsp-airing sepal...nix Model II a:or 10..ka ifs V. 1 ,04 04 new. St., '. hove her now ..aft in won. The oi. and LA. me na •to nil r 0.1.1 (kr 1•• A tun. thry bun.. to :raft t • l , .rtg, •Itprly carg t I iLr 4 - 1.1 • c,. Itna a/ 0i n: 11,3; vrr h.. h.+. up ....Ai 11., Ar.• tep.l ,Iltn‘ to r , •.rt n the f.trntrln 1,11.. y. on watc.tithr, @tor:, hrirk ttml to two Mort,. T" ''' t" rholmt tjut, nr., r. , tkitet. to firihnnuml grna3.l pent Imes b-d hntl , •%,"", "'" tof ICOI, pnyal..lo to thtt heirs of 'Mow 11', dre a d. th. G.... ton' To.roty:--ilne.h.atr ,sh rtid In 12 month. att.! A the Upper Nllpahttppl. ! Inonths. Altbitnter.At. PIO tur. •-Tito F. I'. 1111.4erd arrived nt Nagltt 111 , on Ti,. N0..1,111.n..rret... of Thurmlay..-ty, •p 1l DAv erueuperteilly i.• every'. Ilie river Ira. sci. r:r!ti4 renlny. A larr. • rive. rport.' f 7. Ina iv --The Te.‘ ',id W. IT Peony. . 11'y City and slrrrrili.lL., from Cindunnt3 . a.,1 ..tier. Ge r m a. /arrived al k. lem'e frioln• 1 orrart ,,, l • Irquiß '..• odenna T'T ”1,1, r . St. Pao:. ml “. F. 1, 11, The atesaihoo, 11,r %mitt, -t. I t AL? ”tt`t :.• It ; ilia..ttrt rt. n rt.,t.lor Ittcloktoolttrtt pc. ott,carryin, frettzgt, ttt all itt , titta n tho art.l rotttruitt; twit frttmll,t D.-vtitt Art, 1, , : 51‘,.7 - 1t SY, >11.• ,or Q.., rter..^,. ,V.ll eern, r,ut Nedl;ttitt. L.AtArt,., r•tttn hht • ns' • ttr 1.., ,tutt 4 . 111 ttirt, th• - •-• th• .ni IL: 14( .1, • ~• wherc. r:s4, was I.r.n.,•Vatrly ctm*ily .i« to tin inNu>ias of ttiin uinn.u' -!• 1:o, fort .:..+, the errandled romulstol n 1.,n7 as, to a want about ono bunt:rat cod eirty.y nelre s s. e ,, We mouth at Cho Yelisw nos, and io tuonsiiirl mdn 1. - den el. Larne, and had returnee lodoin ~,ti, robe. and furs, for Mare. I'. Chontsan, Jr. L Shoi.di oh sew Jn.t forty-st;ht d ire, had root o Itlt tin ni-oidens hse .dicers were of count uldd c c uie hoe,. W.. oer . .7r.i nuf.rtunate obrant n, orws, forther thin ,Lll O. eh.' Upper ilidsonri, and thin: 'wird:nee or or .gr. 1124rt6t, Itud or,nrrod in that rogion- lately. Ciao bcde of Indians, near Von Union, new? at the steamed as posed. bin did no damage, only ooe dull striking Ilia We an promised a memoranda of tho trip, whirl, will pro. lohlY pnbil•hel tomorrow . hoe. Lout Repaid.. an The foesil,lity of id:milts; 'a lice of pnil,ste ti ply re,ll - be: a eau ladurah and rianseOld I. boing, at ths litter piste with alma phiorad of the lino !wing osteb. !Island. Steamboat Register. AlllllrED—Luserne, llroernertlle: J•rtor..v. Bernell. Elltnlntb: Tot lone IVltcelloz DEPAIITED—, Drown., du CM. Iluyurct. Elizuhotlu : , 11nnstanka. Lows rill.; Eruum Ontharn. 7anes...llr, J. iv. 111.11.n.n. EL Loul.. ttamboato .SOH ST. LOUIS-The fine Tins- j a t . sengor %trainer Iii)3F1101101tE 1,0. Ferry Itronn. will leave for the above and all inter. ninitiata pone, ou THIS DAT, al 1 o'clock, I'. M. For freight or pateisslo apply onboard or in /Y. FLACK, BARNES LCO A-ents. FOR CINCINNATI AND LOU- L d_ , ..- 'MILLE—The Ono pasterns-sr steam, • INS:KVA, Capt. John Gordon, will Isar, far tTir:se;'•.l ' M ell teturandlste ports on WEDNESDAY, m I s. 'c. For ell or pertage , apply on tromiL ^ jr)2 FOIL ST. LOUIS, DUBLTRUT & ~ ~..., KF.OKEK—Tho fins pawngar• o strainere • , A BELFAST, Cerd...i. For; will loess to) the laver all, S in termediate parts, on WEDNESDAY, -At 2 F. sc. For Bright or pump" apply on beard ar to LI JrZ) FLACK, ninsrs, d CO., Arent, REUULAR TRI-WEEKLY ITREELINO PACKET TN • PLACE POIIUT LIITY-Tho nese and bouutlliTstantnor ll winwnpopo r ill pigtiburgh ove.ry TUESDAY, TKURSDAT and SATURDAY; A. M., to; tba above nod nil Inlargadlaloportn For la or None, apply on board Otto W. R. LCULER. Agent. JeDldtf • No. 0 r,"..A meal. • 41ADIES WILSON 13Dundhaturer nod De r in HATS AND CAPS; No. Dl WOOD sntErn, Ilt.burob, and Felit , vtreet. AlleghiMy. QTARCIi AGENCY.—ILAVING lIEEN ky appointed Agent for Pittsburgh, by ti o,' 11.11/L , ON . ET IRCIICOIIPA.NY, far the salvor diet, oslelosted PEARL For Ito nt. STA ROLL (which Ls warranted equal In goon ti , o nr. kn. ”44 A TWO STORIED BRICK DWELLING In Ode market) are now prepared to supply 11 b01.....i1e ' , III. . containineight rooms with finished aerret sltuaial eta 4L 111142111144112,411'pria.. WO Watt. ail. Wt. 46.434 the . ~,.,„_ . teen near . the Mend... . _,,. J____, _ Trade in thO article, to en wasrulnatleta of ,sw pre. ot stock, " i ! " ".. and which will be kept moat to thedetnatui. will be glren immediately, Apply to ATWELL. LEE & PO., .025 JNO.WGILL ,t SON.. 257 Liberty. at. nob No. 8 Wood sts.e..A.grlaultural. I - JILN.E.. ..... ~...= 195 7 JVNE A N ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE SECOINID . FULL STFFLY OF C Altl'ETS, ..I - 1. Beguile( Menegere of the Agricultural Soclity ‘iitt 5, OIL CLOTHS; MATTLNGS, 54y at the Fourth Street held ors.WEDNESDAY, the let of July, at 10 o'clock, 1.. SI. Deduct et... As Jodiles will be appointed for Gm Fele. and olhrr bush N. D. & IT. ZdeCIALLENI• haring jot returned from the nose transacted to relation thereto, a full attendance of the Eetetern cities, Where, owing to th :Pr'neol. Ml.fs.w.oll stele ..". b.sra it r'llue."' JOIIN YOUNO, Jr..lPres . t. of thentarket, they here purchased, nod at sets low ram, a S. prints, . r., :.1.0.. JC:Rdtd largo and almost entirely new :dock of CARPETING, C 0104.4 in in {Wert of. Velvet and BMW', ti ornply. new. owl beautiful vitt orma Tapestry and Common 144 , 410: regret and Tufted Hearth Rog% . _ .. Proprietor A.D. a very lama variety of Door Window. Shull% Stair Dads, Duff and Green Hallam:. all of which ha of renal at tho LOWEST HATE for mat. Hotel and hoax. koepera will 11.1 it. to their adrantago to glri , thorn • roll. Jett R. P. 11. Mcf:ll.l.Citl. WILLIA.II WARD, • DEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, Dreads. Mortgages nod all securities for snow. kenos. Can procure ic,llll through My A grlll y, au r•orna- . . Them wishing do. ham( their money to good mlg.tenze, eon alaraya find Bret an& sec.d chi. paper at my °lnce. for' .1.. ICE CHESTS, All COMMUCllastiotiotAnd interriorantrktly confldnottal. 1. Wooden andOalrenlzed Iron Refrigerator, Office GRANT 3TRZET, oppcalt• Pt. Pain's C.athedmL I Moe and Wond,n Water ("oniony J.lalif I - leo Cream Freezna. Tore v, FLEMING, DEALER IN MUST , ' 1 1. 4 ~.:tet,,,,g the E .Tro hi n'tity AP Er.. h iil " i;ngo t tj forniehlag ILanleare, Willow true, Plated ,Para , C.ut- 1 T. J. CRAIG -./.. 00: Ivry. Brlttanala; Re pt, Japanned and Prt,s , gl Tin Ware, j„2-1 No. rat Wood street Wood and Willem 11 are, corner of 'Ma - kat and Third eta., Pittaborth, Fn. Bunting, and all Jobbing; in our line, done trill, anthem an& ileopat4l. . . mg".led ' TO LET.—Art elegant - Store Room mgt. • taut eteetAetweee weed eee Market; oaitablelaP-1 far. a Faaey °rods kotirll.l.llvot, lumina Shay' %Wow rad Etaqulrcat mylß.Atf G AZETTIi corx.nso noOn. JOUVEN'S KII) GLOVE CLEANER.- Thte le no excellent uttelo for tho parynoo reconimend• I od• . It. So without any dfenreeeblo etLwdenobottiotegl clean 60 robs of stole.. 12 de. reed tide day by JOS. FLEILEING, mac of Market croft sad the Damond. 1 330)4,7:0 ,t1..12..7.2 .2"3,0D4.91:, V.4:+41.1.12 51.3i41.727 101,1110,724 11.4.2,:.15 V. 019.i1, 40 20,4 se I, oth A loroo kuly of Ar ntvoool. toting about 3U net. aad 1ym g .111.111 0 1./11 , 1y the city of wurKh. ha Coal 11 Xll. in Low. r St. Clair Aro-hip. toid . 00molroi hy lands of Killian Itllworth, the heir, of I'. Cowan, a public hidliway lotot .31i Dilworth, to., togAnltor wtth such pm lige,' aa 'nay bo it .11 PT , N N N rl.Ar. K. N NV 011 K . E I, I.('. AST SEVEN fro Sprpanun. , I,llli, 1 . .1% - ' nu.._ from the Factnry of Nunn. ,t f lat : , t i.l ~Nan. York. w!ilrat Thalb7g. npan a thorough nsanKna- Ilan, pronoun:el hatrunt•ntr. nro r.ffortal for van by Kt..nt,ribars nt N.,. York Fart'ay p^ers. and on ...coma:Mating I.alus. This ia unpu.tinnably the bast style of far Pnrlor thryon.lorarti hy ono of the groaterl:lolnx,. 7114 p:thlie aro rtap,ctfully tualusl t.. call 11. KLEKER h ttlii 1,. sal e Ai-n, , ,,.+. inall For Nunn. a flail:, to th., Erard Grand Plenos. VTIIST PIA-NOS or THE wORLP HR.LEBER & BRO. take pleilatire'in au .l I • I:Whoring to the pnhllr that they hos, Nen ar paoha..lmichats for this city for tha sale of the w0..1.1 nown.ot . Tumid Dianne are rt./cc! by NI the Neat PlunDln in prefer• to th.c.n nt any ether make. Mr.Thelher;;N•yed nArr In 11,seciAtero ronnutc. and eould certainly nee them e.rclusirery. feu:4 they hut be procured nrerTuhrtn. Til A LBERGE OPINION OE ERA RD NA VIM: dr./ trend Plan.. mode by Entrn. Perin, dre In my .« tirriation, the most perfect inetrnment In the world. I, um hoeitatingly. giro them tho proforrnon over nll other, " " SIGISMEND TUALBERO." The plincifoil egret at New York boa gam , to Paris far freak stock, iteltetod for 1.13 in this conotry, when a olden. pid rpecino.n will be brought to this cite. tnalrokolmia If. KLEBER 3 21105.,1C0. EL Fifth rt. rbranangeti New lamakertrig 7 001. Pie no. ONE OF CIIICKERING SONS' Stet-class 7 retorts elegantly carved liovewOOLl PLtNOS, damaged In the i hurdler. , ably Irby., the blemishes aro not expoeod. will le sold ate great bargain. Tho aboro Plano is ooe of the large lot of 7 °crate Piano receives to-day from Ohichering ft Sons, D.eton, and will to, warranted es hos ing received no loternal injury. For sale by JOIIN If. MELLOR. Agent fur Chichering L Sons, Dolton, Jelo No. SI Wood street .Pittabwrgh. New Stock of Plonoo, • 1T.0,1 silt rumor OF & cr—kpar., Wow work. THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY IN: formed thaiottrerarcronms, sellikk hail Leen complete ly drained by thn henry Spring notes. are kmin filled erith • choice and complete assortment of SCNKS k CLARK'S colebrated PIANOS, of °very style and price. 'Weans wish inntfi:lfltoctl'"thrditridet"t"ltarill:Lthl'Tl7l.7l2l,4,l7.,bio7nrcitrel Ronne & Clark's 1 Loons toperior ma tt exa mcomp re gret. The public Is invited to toll auk examine for them slved. 11. KLEBEIt 11110., Solo Ageney for Nunn, A. Clark's Plano. fur Western Penna., Eastern Chia and NorthArestern 'Virginia, No. f 3 Pith street, next door to Masonic MB. Jrl xrUSIC JUST PUBLISIIED.—CharIotte _Lti_ Blume has )net reetdrefl the folleming Musk, froth from the Prone: . Little - Tiortit Polka—Ches. Toss, 25; Twilight lralts=E. S. Saroni, 25; Diamond Sehottloeh—tiraloard,2.% Happy 310, can new Retarning—frorn -11 Trevatore, 2 'No Night There—Ditett or Tr 10,25, Como to the Forest —felover—elnett, 45; Why du the SwallonroChange their liome,doett,3s;lly the. Banks of that Drighl4Kinnlng !Liver do, 45; Cleroland Pol ka, 151 Adelaide Illasarku, lb; Halcyon Daye—lfsppy Polka —C. )lets. Mr; 'lto Kila Waltz. :15; &Mars teat wall; 25: Diarnondsfor the Pikoobyl Bellak,comprislng the mat pop.. ular afro arranged rie teaching picas—ln 1t numbers. Fineh Tnumber 25: Whyshut your Window--F. Atit; Faroe-all my atherland—two ezrellent songs with English and Getman worda—each 35; To te.° who vet Ihemftlii, 25.; Twinkling Stars are Dingidng Love—eong . by Ordway, ire. Twinkling Stare are banchlng Lam—polka by Ordway. 25; Hon, De. lights and Going Homes 17th - throe, 25; La Logo trope:tale— rellka by 12211.1,01 in: lb: ReethOven'a Dream, with voila. Hone. by Ch. nrob4, Mk Kathleen of liiitiarn—lrieh song— J. IL 1 booms. 25: Oh: Wonlei that ltd been Dorn IL V. If. Crnehe. 25C Nrior Court but One--Eeerlyst any-L. T. 11. Crosby. '25; Itiondine--beautifiti gone Geirdlgini For sale by N 0.113, Wood street, 2.4 dootaborn Fifth street. Musle mailed free of postage. New Express Route Opened ADDITION TO TILE GREAT EAST ern and Wasters .Exprona. TILE AD.C.NIF ESPRE...9 01PANY have made arrangement. to extend their Li noel' Lapreas over the Pittabttradt andCounelvville Railroad, F,rea. I og a daily lino to and from gonneloillo and all placerkalong that road. connecting with Uniontown by stag, from Co.. nelaville, and Idth Demean - 111e by nage from Layton Eta. flan. Special Iletmangen, with Thief Proof &fee, will leave Pit teburgh M 4 P. M., and Connellmille at S A.. M., twchargo of Watty, Valuable. and all kind. of Freight entrotted to the care of tho Company, firing c7rcial attention to anfo and prompt delicacy of thoosme. Any °Work Tor goods to be much-laid al Pittsburgh or along the lima will he promptly attorrivl to aml returned by most Exprota. For further Information apply to npadlau J. It Agent. C 4 Fourth to. Th. Formers' Deposit Company, NO. If FOURTII NrimEr. PITTY171.71(:11. --- - ' T . IIE PAIINIERS' DEPOSIT" BANKING comrkyy, having sttecee. , ed to the boalrma of .`Thos Farman' Deposit Bank of l'lttsborall;' will continuo the regular ItattleAng Dustman.% he relornro dlruted hg tilos - awe. mitt. and with the :ema nmonnt of capital. The charms of name trill not muse any alteration In the mariner or conducting the huslness—all the F. 1, 0• 1,0 ' 1,, r , In the old Institution continuing in the 0.,. • Interest eilenna on Clone deposits n. heretofore. All check• upon the l'atre.ra' Deposit ItanlainA Compeay will ho paid In current funds, unless par (Untie he *plaited npop tho