THE ESTABLISHED IN 1786 ' " TOWS ADVERTISEMTINTS. In V113...4.31EC„ OWEN A. CO., Clecraos. Sraseaorn AA amsroo (torso, (Appldtoris ta(t1in3„)..V0.340 and 348 ' , roadway, Xao York. . . - Annaba's Patent Cream I. A N EXTRAORDLNAHY AND ASTON% SKIING Improvement In Crum Froado,, , , trill Create Mt SIX NILNUTES, by a simple mat rir,antei:lrit• cattsacof well known principles, prude Sag Ws a,in.,10 an4rprlekg result. .1.. child of Yen years tap mann , lt oat diMmlty. • • 4 4 ,- Till SILVE t 111:1ht LS Awarded by the land Ittialtolo. and next tlart• /i. a' of the )1 Man Matlisults' Institute, of tli anpenority of ' appatattatollir all otlierr. a a ferttwr and oximineing proof of the nz02110.1 of Treraii, thwandereigned would clam that .' • • - - . Thitti.!dlNl.M have been sold canoe the patent ova l•aued. 1 Tbe largely Interning demand for thlt pOpolar artick Induced the agents to nstnin't dealers to forward their w iden marly. and thereby prevent delay. , Orders by Mall will meetirlth prompt siltation. - -. I Annose Is a het of tho retallprion of rho Freezer, for ,the conce d al.. of tho.s wonting a tingle one. Tiro Quarts SI, This; lisor Quarts Si, Sit Quartssk Nina Q 173.11.11 SS, ' , sanest: Quarts SS, Twenty Quarts $ll. Addreas 3. k C. =MAN, WI. Broadway, New. York Ageuefor Patentor. elprtpridr GiScin.sey'et Celebrated Cordial Bitter' AX CXNAjCAII.I3I TONIC. AND ierowartne, A SITI AND PALATABLE A rientedy fur general Debility, byspepria, Lore of Ap petite, and aD 111.2.1 ere of the bigestiveOrgaus. The Inventor a . Proprietor ef Godfrey's Gslettruled diet Birters in reedrowilmding them ar an unrivalled took and Inelgoranr, is eusaltine.l by the best medical authorities of Europe and Amen®, as well as the multitudes who hero hatted them. As• :reetoratlre they stead alone.— Thousand. who are noir languishing tel awake tench existence by thA we rful renovator. The dppeptic who resorts In Godfrey . Cordial Patera, flails helmets perma nent. Upon the vitaVorgetri, they e‘erelse a direct melte. ry influence, and yet their ageacy is as nal 64 salutary.— Per gamma) debility. sinking at the 'stomach, less - of type the, sick headed), or mental dem-mii e. hypoehondrlarls. broken alecn, flatulence, amt....ft....mi.. itTimbilitY, cholle„ coatirenessa. and all dimniers of the terrors iystem, their benefits are Inmlculable. Para:mars Mu cautioned against all lon. Central Depot, ltr.tieutli Witham street, N. Y. Ses29al2atv 010. GODFREY. Proprietor. GrodiVey'a Celebrated Cordial (Mn - ammo, TOT MCI NOT =Ma.. TH I S UNEQUALLED BEVERAGE possesses medicinal properties of the highest enter.— It is manufactured emrs‘delly for and by thelawrietecand Patentee.ef the beet Matirbls, and ham all the merits with out the deleterious effects of any °threat's either in Greed Waldo, Holland or this country. OODYHMB CItLE BRAM CORDLAL OM has . been adopted by tinMent, &Ole/am as the purest and most eildeackms dlinastre st ohs.* and diuretic width:manufacturing skill has yet Oren to the world. It is entirely...lnt- from those alehoholie drinks which beget• ;hind fur stimulants . , Onleis to any amount promptly filial by the Proprietor, GEO.GOIWILET. • Importei of Ernll66, Gil, Win, it,. Je.olarov 16 South William a., New Cork Cream Actually Frozen In Three and a Half 'Minutes 4 4 MASSER'S" PATENT • FIVE MlN ivy UTZ 111ZEZPA • PUT TO THE—The ability of blaseers Sumter to frees° wan In tie° 'minutes nu Irony moved otrWedroulay. ltith 4.ay March. at the. Fondeltlog Wareroann 8. of W. Smith, so.- 534 &ad. way, henna o large audience crumbled to bar e teem, from Prof. name on the =Wert of ratigerante. ereonz woe or. wally frozen In 3% minute. by the leetrh. • • ?MM. .3 quart, 4 qaarta—....- .. ~. 4 14 quart.. rif`A E. P. .TOIIIIY, .I.lninfinton York. Orden for the eborn . prompt nnent for eArtlatfe" eelebra Jun For sale by OEO.IV-111.1 andfenne And .ITO. FLEE nt to the irade.W.:6 No. 6 Plano street. Sew US executod. Aldo wholc,al , tea. &-If Settling Can; and 11L6[. Ft•lLnd dt..Ulcghrnr. Will 4: 3Larket et. for. Imported Wines, Groceries, &c. I. & ZEERY, 203 CULL 318.1, An. 719 01001 ,,,- or, TOW TOOL [Established 1%11 IMPORTERS AND DEALKIIS IN FIRST Q.nry /orally Grneerke, offer to the Tool , . hotel. Private. Families, and all who ore civil,: in their tag, and desire • 9,3114116 artirte, it large variel7 rt TRAL—green and Black, Ecinelione. Finn-hoar. English Dreolifset, Oolow, itnprriaL /l i ve.,.. Gunpowder. Yining Moon, de., In cbvitz and halt rheas, a - r, COFFEI7-11oeho Jar. WLefFnee—Maileirns, hherries. Ports. becks. da, very old andnos high harlot. grades. in ori‘mill porkoses. .lenihnlma tong- Mi and lIAMT,T.I sod acvnurvs CLARETS. CILLMNI.IO:S—Moo. A CITAMIAM'S N.rromay. Do llehlesich, 01. IL I,lnninis .19 do ilo LIQ.CORS.—BIiIrAII,, Withikty, Girt, a Frock, Al, Kfrekhe in sil,V.mliwzlrovo,olciCurscos. „Marsichino, Aninotto.Novenu Ilitlcnt, tr. MALT LlQlJORS—London . linownjnon,A..orn and Enn:isL Aix GIOARS—A rarlityot eloirs brim], PlCKLES—Toglish • otd - Frtnelt. • .4.ll3CLis• - - -Toc Fish. Curer, iismc, .140.0, S,. CHEESE—Stilton, CiloiLler, 1103,1. Vittorio, N no, Alt n. Tar:noon Citioore. Iquodo , DuirC nod an.l Aincortn. SLltiaßS—Linf.CrtaboL ILlnrtori, Si. Croix, Cc, m rels and toll barrels. nAms_M - somMils, BM! Americo, OILS-011m Sperernwl wh.t, 42r•Our Liquors aro watrantol unaduic. roof and or oar own loportalim, (.41..difr Gold Medol Pianos. TEINWAY & SONS, MAN EE VEICITILLIV, S 4 )filter Greet Noe. York, received the' following IYert Pri.x9 Ntfalt he competition kith the lvd makere to Co-teu, N,ne . Tort Philadelphiastei Mt Imam TWO YIIDSC WILD lIKDALS y, the 1L trepAlian relr, Venh ;Ito. I/arch, 15.55,_ GOLD I MEDAL, at the Ciyatal Palace, N York . , No. cember,lBss, (being the only Gold 3leetel given for Demos widths the lest elm Dears.) A GOLD 111:DAL of the Maryland Institute, tedtimore, 11641 =EMU PRIZE MEDAL at Om Mr, Crystal Palace, nor York, November, ISW, Among theltelPw 'ATT. the drat musical talent in the cannily, such as 1.. Maxon, aott• .chalk, Wallephrowt and many otherr. St. kS. Pikne. (with aral without the Iron Frame) are warranted for three years, and a, written guarantee giren. .Plancet parked not shipped without charge. Priers meter-am. de...lydr The Best .Frnit Casa PRATTB' CAN_ It ie the CIIIIIIYEST . . . and MOST DITILABLE SPLDER,CEMEIII TT:'"; en Dler WAX, • RUBBER RINRS to •eal It. No LEAD SCREWS, or EMCEE It dune m-al/It a SPRE/0 and la so ample That auy one carkrumnage ft. it7r R PATENT Itl AZ) tZ PANT,I66 Brceederay, N. Y. Agent* for the Company. BERMAN. WI Broadway, N.Y p17:31114 , • E. KETCHUM et C 0... et.„7::l - COTYON. Ie now unirerktily known et, the 'Pry Let roi fatally to., •nd al, for SEWMG MACHINES.. Agenta4llolllEßT LOGAN k CO.. 51 Ike Street. NrOt York. I/ruff/tots gA. FATINESTOR & CO., WHOLP, ode Druggists ne 3faunfartnren of White Lead, andlitharge, turner Wood and Front marts. ch Pitts. In 7 : ‘SCHOONMAKER, MANUFACTURER J . of Mato Lead, k,d Lool, Zinc, Paha, Lithargos Pate ty aotriSholesslo Dealer to Paint, Oil., Tornlshom, Turpu. Una; *4...F0: Wool at., Pitt burgh. P. oralyd JIM 11.1.11150.-..-.........LC0; NCltia% /MUM FLEMING BROS., (SUCCESSORS TO 4. Kidd k Whistmg.le DruggLsts, tin. GO 11"0,4 area; Pittolmrkk. Proprietors of Dr. McLane§ celebrated Vermlfam Lirrr gArr, Jr. (SUCCESSNt TO JAS. ?Matey) Wtudrecile and Beall ,Drngglirt. and Dckler la Palcts,oll.4Dymtafts Er., camrr Wood and Eixtli stmt., ritt•bargh: /wßeful. Agent fur 1);. Fonns app _ t aOHN P.-SCOTT, WifOLffSALE DEAL .V •Er sr la Drugs, Palate. Ot, Vsnashro nshl Dyestutrs, ZS Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. Allarders satire...lse prompt stteatiiio. 4a-Amt for tielithsk's PnlmoNt Syrup. mareklyilssr LOE.- SELLEES, WHOLESALE DEAL Drugs, Pahl% Dlestutrs; 011+, k LOWoul street, Pittsburgh, Ps. Goal warranted. Frivolo, /ItIaitZICILK, 11L4101 Mirlt. BRAUN & WHOLESALE AND Retail Droggiga„conver of .Litcrty and Et Galt eta., uab• JOSEPII FLEMINGUCCESSOR TO L. , (S IVileoi B Co.).*trilar 'Market alma and iliturtotal, ;corp. cotoralltlj on baud 8111211 Owl complete aasoltment Drag% 11.rcuttatF, M•dicint‘ Clitoda. Nollemoy, and all arll.-1 , 0 , ir-r -taloinit to ffif•Phytlclatet prt,terlptiort , comp:mated at all hours. Jolly PR (iEO.H. ICEY - ST,lt, IntUlMfigt, I,sowood,trmt, &truer of Wood etrio teal Virgin PaUlourrli, Pa. fanotc, T ty WIN H. .SLELLOII, No. SI 'IV - LOD ST.. "' in;CßP:ll•Diarnond Alley and Fnartto ,treat, ruin Ap.nt fur CLIICKEITINO (Iltntnn) NAM) 'FORTES. MA• 80:i ...100.41145k, MODEL WIMODFIONS and ORGAN 11.)1.1:131)N1WIS, aid Dealer Mwic .4 Malting! 0.111. e y y. AII77KITETY:gIi Al , tiro:, No. a FIFTH . • SR., SI,In oftlteGoldenllsrp.Sol..Agnnt fur:MN:O5 CLAIM'S (Neve York),-nnriv-allefl Grand and MOOT PIANO'S, tn•l CAILTIAILT L NeEDIMM'S grngi. 11 EIAR DIVISR and OMAN If AItSIONIUNIS, Deaden l t Male and M V• oilkalinratntent. . • fed :CILSIILOIIT, BLUAE, . ER snit Deakr la Plano Forter, and Importer of Mak And Unclad heetramentA Solo Ammt Per the 11A3.11=0 - PIANO* te ILALLET; DATIn A COM Bonen Plano% sttharal aritlana Altdnau Attachment. 118 Wood erect. ears. . attorncro. _.. __ 32teskiamiti r. Blood. .*therSEGIOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAU' A..ND bokikLIESIOX,ER.FOR THE BTATEB OF i _.. . .N 44 vori4 — •' ' 014 : --, Eantneky, mansonuantie, ; 1.41‘...„ •, , lawn,* 4.10 . , - : .. " .11:1ehlean, lowa. YI , RDAIL -,_._ ." :. - 1111no6 Whieunwin. Ackuow.maa • and Depatlton. taken and Ostka he. .nommnd to b. ectoided or - A 10 ' At O. at; "'" n Mks. .".- .. . .... nny , °Moo' oppoolto tho Thnstro, 140. 43, Fifth street, Vita hure4l,4thl- j010:44m .B.,llEift ATTORNEY -: AT l A w. A ndSolleilor o( the Book of Pittsburgh, I , to. 110 00 ,0 otroo 4 4 4l t•hur4h. • 448 osol. 1 S. & . 310RRISON; AT- V ft« No.'s ronath st, mat Wood, :PltisbUllth• TratrzumiN & A -- rno tiitYg :Mike In Odeon Bollding; Yourib ..Pittsbnrgb. l.l . . -• ,10rIDEB-7.302 F 4 li g ejltiee m 64 "" d 16tricissimmemOn.. • . I ° 4 ° o lamvP"mt• ESSE • • • ThAILY NEW YORE. ADVERTISEMENTS, • NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS Fmat NytERT .lOrtatlsmo OD VIE. 1 , ,,11,1 it S.IIIF.LUS Advortoin; Ituod . . Highly Important to Itectillers, Liquor Dlercliskuts and Whoirgalt. G - roce". FEUCLITIV.VNOER't , , flavoring., Pr.:tarsal a Moment', Nair- /•:r.. Pesirrti 1.4 . 1 . E N DERSIONED lIAS LATELY T • rt.:at improrrutritl.: In thiv l•rnorli .4 li,;al et, Tao ttleoritif:, are put no In partncvs of 5.10 sad 40 timlans, • n'viidre • but oddlui of torn 0. either 1-i or 111. proof. and Liquors sucL m Cagliztr.,clll ,, r dark of pole, ll.dlaivi ..n.11•14,10ta and eivix limo. '4.- nangaLea. Ivonrben. Irivli and .9r:Sch at , lllaApho•ry Itruntly. Port and Mad-Ira Win, will f.- Iwo qui I) pr It roolum lint on of a • owly to earl, G allon of tho spretit • Hueori Tartt, litt. no' I' , Poaniar gr,rn, yOlosr and white, recanted genul 1.111 . abler I on. , rter in the '4 ev• vs . lam i nar. l'Atrar: of Cognac. Ilb of o bleb prod.: ••s 2 , AV Orznar. sir p.'s arr, awl body preittratiou Le mail., emwih wtth but a trifling expense. Ti, Trio: of V las orltiv arr. •••etrrini•ly moderate, and di. sections in foil I.v . . I , lt. FEITIITWAN111:1!. Chtmi.tremi 11, LL 01, ecril:a Oa& and Ifebtls, p,guerrmaye owl rh... 4 .lrapac liarneents. M No ILL II EN Nor Tont. N. IL—Sole Agtul Sro Undfroy'v vi.I,IImI.IIV,AM Situ n al:0(3U al,l7ah.x.GmTat (Eiarrtagro JOSEPII WRITE'S • Carriage Repository. JJOSEPHNI)W CARRY p ft - leg oulsoinoxi in 1114 NI:WIM , loon lately nolarttl.; hoturrn I.,twrotwo. • tilltt , the Teo Mile lion. retverlmuyihm:m. 111,. poalr to tnsprettd. etwt. of CAltlif I:rsili I F.S. a .. Awl hr Psitirsirrly etiots , total...ken p !melt mat ono M lo ic 0 0.17 In w! , Irmtrlcen yes,' esprarnec In tho lorn. urns, enables hint In plere twro, Ith pntn n. ilea 4.un: • nollecliou l'arrln,toe. which tnw , 3" rear-it h.. tnnm immaeuha & I.:atm,: to ...Vet from tto: rtahoo. and nnni Tho:crn 31,innfactnrrm. The mwe... , .•1 hist. .‘ , 11/0.! , :i thr economy nr-r.lnge- Mtmm n m.rplt the in-: And:man fnAlontablo ountithwt Fern at nunlon t. ettommnber , l by tLotn• woy expenwn, the:amnia far alooomtinc 11. m., of Ittmine., has Itramnl upon tho prim of t:0...1t.. mote) ,firraTtt MOW will nett on rrady infamy only, at much lwni than Ihr muralprofit, N. 13.--.C.arthtitrsrepalml In the trot manner, with laic:._.hukdo,try Pittsburgh Conch Pastory M. L. STEPIIF.NS. hrerrs.on TO • T IVOl'l,ll RESPECTrCLLY czp7l - 4 7., nnon, te. the Cu - rLsge uing public illl.lrueral. teat I helve tiro day pdclensed the lads est of bey termer partner, Mr. Albert, need vlll clffre, cee the business he nil Its bunch,o at the o:•1 sand, So. lel beans ant Alley. Ito chneedn..; unnega brit old oat Ste teahlte numufact or trauLltshment. I nssure the toddle no effort slosh ho wading on my part to dater,: tee same hide charnel , : to long enjoyed by my predethessone and a...skid-et Celyd M. L Coach and Carriage Factory. JOHNSON, BROTHER & CO., Cl,rwr j Behernet and Alderea Streets, ALLINIIENY CITY. VOLT RESPECTFULLY IN- c: 11 -„ . their Selena.. and the pohlte rater. that ihoymantifactursog Can L,_,., j,omei t 7, or Itkan acct. littgariva, Sloo,ll. awl Chariot , , oto, ot)i•N of fluish and proportom, All order.will ,eente.l with %trirt ro,rant to dornl.ii itr rl bnauty of !iota!, tiopair+ will nl ,, bo at ton , liol t•• •AI tho most mokomble bnoo, ,r.ina.lloar no-1; Eantorn Shnft, Poirot Moot s -ton. thoy fool col.ll - ot that all who favor thorn with iloar N sa,Latied on trill of their n ork Porrloto, nre repnotoal to give tloan CM!) pelt .et,owitera . . 1 ,:la .1 ;furniture ..... I . N T. U. YOUNG Ar. CO.. cnv Fi rrt-EE ND CH URS tlf EV.,ry IMMEIIi Warehouse--Nm. Sniiihfield QTE.1:\11:1).1T I'll . NI: \\".• tirtlttit,l - .1, tAI t k VI IINITI an I r:I.111,:, •. • 1. t: C. S. KLOPPE.IC a:. co.. ANUFACTI:IIF.B.S 01' FURNITURE r II ..1.J1V 4 )i .1. .41ny at.: AiLITZL f.c t'.;!tiltu t.• n try 0. b.!(.ma.:.n W. t 1 artr . {.•! 41111 and ferr.A.rd at .1.4 t NV .I'. ..• sn , l ,:ov MMEI MI!MMI= N. 97 C 99 Third Si., Pitithurgh W.W. ItESPEI"I'i'I•I.LI , Ennl• kn: 311 nt...;.i. , t , P.,n - tlk tor, •-r I'• pr, in A- In. .1 In lus 4n... nit!, rnd.. nvw..rt will from, 114 • st , ••• of Li. • .13/, fardlty ..InnuttLe.tnrtnz. is • natol.l T 4 rriviirna: n; t , n• ;owl st praor, altr.vy.. oo Inna.l thn =nu,. AI enwriinhon of flirtlitn,re. frolic the rhral•-r1 nn.t ntaa.l onlly. that n any 1. , r; .1 1113( Ir. furnikhe.l from Lis ,dork.or mannl.,./..1 • —ln to •;•11..r. t 072.. 13oolmittr5, &r L. C. COCHRAN E, SVC(' Ht TO t‘t .10 Parr 4: II S. E.. 1 Mukrt Munn., Ailr~b•np. la o ux s: DAMSON. BOOKSELLER D J etatioart. rtwro..r.or to Itarir.on x Amur, Nl:trk,t otter, nrar Fourth. Piltrl•urab. • Tz.A 1 co:. BO( SI.LI.F. V-• ANDSI A VON ERA. No. t.. 0.. Twr of Thin!. PittAlAtrgh, 5ch....1 1,..1 Law trozorni L. READ. W.KIKI§EI.Eit AND ST:I - r.,11.114 . ; ... T. R. CALLEN DEE, Itol rKSEI.I.I.:I: and ,tAti.,:r, rin - - C0M1111551011, &t. D. H. T1110:11AM, riOMM IS SiON AND SIitWARDING F.RCII ANT. X. 1.0 Pitt .tirree!. St toltli, 'I.. V.T.U.11. To SINGER. II ,tin d 1... • Jolr.. I.trTn„ Co. i Z. A. I . pnrelnt, to order. 1,4.1, Ilvntp. Itavon. t;rltio. Sc. Prompt alt•.ntl , giTen to any manner SPRINUFIit itAiusAnin. vommissitig Wrcharit.ll,ll..t . in I•m[ Won , . nod Prultire gon. erall T . No....r.gliateety rittehurgh, 11(rENRY - S. KING, (LATE OF TIIE tlnat or King S Monrhead.) enainneeinn Merchant. and Mater king. Metal awl N 0.71 Water etract ha torn Marttet. l' 41.119 •- • • - . -- A . HARDY. (SUCCESKOR TO HAR . i1r..1.... dr C.,..)(Numnikrion and P.trrranling NI,. ch.!: .i,,,,nt of the 11.1i.0.0 auol itulharkpollm FL1111 . 031. ror. [ter Finland Y..rry vo...Pittellorgh. N. italkl y.l V, MAUD T. MEORAW, GENERAL L Nmtniminn Merchant. nod Whn1.,a1. , 1) 111 Matm factur.,lT.Anro, ItniorNl .10 Dc, nwerle Oz.r'. SuulT. 00 . kr.. No. 241 Liberty .tro , t. oilmullt.. Ow loe.el .f 11'•••4. Ntte burgh. N. ' . .11.12. - ty ALEXANDIrtit GORDON, FORMA RH ite,t met Onutubolutt Ilert•!taut. 1,,u1 Pipe nt3.l Sheet 1...,u1 11,1, In N., awl Ilar Lesul ntk.l ?h.4. A us , rfrun and 31101111 a 11. mp. re24vNu• b 120 irtaus TIR. R. ..ORI) still continues his new V•mt.T.W. PRACTICE. lli. othreißot owl Pennaylnla A 'mle. I Street end vo - Diamond Atl , p . t.. IMlllnited auccepis in Aellio noel an• not be equaled in any id the roodieal iwariVa of the dna, torPialka .. M. - • • ••• • • • _ DO'BRIEN CAN' BE coNsuLTED Jur £‘o.itli,corso, Fillla and MONDAYS, WEDNIZDAIii fr.. 10 10 to und 1 to 3E1'0.1, IG,-110441..0 , -.• tly.:11ro ! vasr111.: M1L1,M,.............. IL I. pcTolt s 1: A ZZA 31 1 7 I. F: 31 1 G . 0111, N. 2..1 73rp Onotirs - - - • - - "" • xr LT. 11 1 1 BVIICIIFIEI.1). 1 1 1.1.MEES J..u. In Silk , and Prows atul Pvovt.. t:mbruid , ris aiel d. family 11,. A.. ittlt".ll), exteuslye moirlut•qlt in all Ow alms. tintfit.jult nod bdling sit Ow I...vat Fourth nil , 110 , t .t• • 6' . 2 oel A A. 1.1.50 N CO_ NVIIOIXSALI:,rs In rtn..4 31.1 St.tple Dry llonttx, I .itt. ?I , lrstern lianb :R.gents in 6IIIVVIT 11, DULA:WI:L. to RPA. W ILL. GIVE PARMUI.AIt ATTEN thr,"ll,ttnn and .vrtuing otWeloo, orronta, annum, Ac, In Dolonvo1111(1111.,/nruliu , ottowt y3-Ronittantrx Prompts 11,4.. nnvyntstv , tn . rrsorron: S. S. Von ltdnntiond. LNI Jon, Inoth A To.; It. Diddle polownt, Alt',; N W. Al rst., Wtn. COnninghtull Y Co.; Al. Ir. 11. eltatobttnn atte:lpl A y r N A cry A C E 01' BOOTS Ik 116- I.u_and 511011.3 of every droicription, No. '.1.1 ibubbbrld insect?Pitlxi or 1:1).1 DISSOLUTION.-s—l'he CoirartnerAii , or .1. khonmaaum a Co., is Ilk dry by mob. consent. .1. 116ccomalter. IldlyrfUlthnriodwollr basiliftri of the worm. • .1. SlllooNldAti !!YM. • TllO9. 111.DIK r_ T_TOUSLIS--30 gaud suLstautinlfrrciffitg, Bowel. and Int& of rob,. Arm, fur ride terror. For (briber psiticiablrrcwfdtrr of 11E19 S BERGF,R. jr1:: Corm* ofStnitlaield and Second Ms. TUBS 41,N1-itELERS--30 d *Dimonoz TultF. , duo Krelemfor ode by ItElg Car. Iftrilthb4bl and &rood et,. ja y ROP—BLrIOK GOO ]b . bCrTII -11 rt fur • AL/ solo by . FLE3IINO Bwa. r ceived and fur II if cho9Gi Black. Teal " rale by Ib:CMG/1E0N; 210.14berty rt. RUgR pus, N . ... b just yL rlc m ' i d N :n mo d for VR - Efgg — itr:MTVUE-- 5 =4V: 08. .11.: and fa mkt by =IBM i.:-17 ; - ; ,;14; r 5 ....fAi'l , r . ,• - ,..!i,,::,' -.,. _.. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1857 SO3IETIII I I C 4 NEW: Halol Young A mericaFire-CrnekerPtstoll PHIS admitted he the inke.t amusing. 'roe ..e..r51:, , m1 to YottoGitn , o4N for ell I Intrr. ••1 . It roro ounl to tn.. on.l e L. gr ~ rt &&& && 1.. a.,-, it tin.. , t,ly cll.' , owl 1....rtn1 , -- to, - 1,1 in Lon n Rotnil fn ie.., cont. awl moronl, rwrordins. IA ISu noNlo,t. pip,' IN , on do. `rot l.r tat pr.N. 0.1113 y port of the sointLy. A. N. lIALI- A Ilrowle'rty, N. V.. I tn odor and Solo Alanufe.fortr. A Loll 41^,i1•tinn. willungrav Ingo. emit to any tuldraN on Nolpt of Fl c0n.0.,,,t1) sot loot InNo Awn. Wanted. A I , Nntlfol Sio.oltoon ...14 is nr ,1,111 propaul on ructipt of id. D.\ TENT SPItiN . C. BEDS, PATENT SIRIN4, Itata, ariatuara. tat , Parra', la. MONWIta Cain a.Nn W.• tualmfa,anmna , l aro, Ibr ile lie he. Rods ev , , .411.1 in thi• any t. A wrs,anal Insix.rtinn will isly yUy ,aa. , of the t wind we mate. Moe, quit. votal , ine h-.n cla•afaa•-. .implie,ty and pat.l,o ocurit, arzin.t ot. wdlealt the Orculatlon .4 air. adera mai alb,. 1,111 ..oaault Ilaar Int or.-it ..‘Anat..n 11,1. and Nor.* before C. U. .1 W. STIiATTI I N. Apaa, 2 110. , 1'i ii at.. N. V...a , t Pr, .vay. JOUVEY KID-GLOVE CLEANER. - - - - JoCITICS LbaLOVE CLEA .1 , or I EX'S LOVE CLEANER. KIIbtiI.fiVECLEASEIL Jt , I7V EN'S E lin-GLOVE CLEANER. vont. it, bottle. rut. per bottle 2O reitto per lwttla. Ita cent., prey Naito , per In I nom. twt cl-ana :01 pair I ift4 tl.' I Ow• brittle elms. :4 pair. one bottle /..1131 “ CA)'lalr. As no odor pr0 , .46 front the preparation. the ~;11fve can 1 , 0 worn im owlnftel aler it Li cleaned. With a pier , of flannel. apply n suwll portion of the preparation nary _utlitlyouni the Airs will toetantly illaappunr. II In the article twi , tl by the KidAlhiv+ nitwit:3r turcre of Flame to Impart that purity uY flnirh and wain...for wittrh their gh,rc , art ehrated. It .lippork and white and colore4 kid glorett rlegmnly. It la itko an en,wllont for the toilet and for brauthying the roll:pie:clan. nem. in:, tan. 010 , , an.. far In •-wwlienw an, of the thou...awl and tote preparation.. ft omit% that purixot.. tine trial. of the trilling ~n.polf, of cents, will t ince any one that the, article in all Oat it i. clainnd to W OO% ~ Try a bottle of it to omit, foal 3on will ...I, wi.lf lob.. without It. It rani.• obtained or all lirog,....n.and , I, Fancy in Pitt.. Inapt., and at whleraile, of the proprietor., CLARK a Rao OW 11. 1.1 , L Vain. .t diro'ottut to air trade. A, Ito win alt inferior artirlo in the tuarket, o 11l I..rat-ful Li we that the name of CLnar. S Co.. opon earl, Inn ar , e purrif. Alw aro.. hand l,y It. E. SELLERS. HENRY RICHARD WIN. .10A. PLEM I and other lirw,..ghtt , in httabat House Furnishing ilarillsvorr. t )"1` K S I I 0 'l' NV IC 1, L. IPO lIT ERS and Jolbers of Cutlery, Feli der, T. hire how, Tuin.l nthl gt..arkelloil 11,•11.. Tinne.l W... Andito:,, C\.' I . l.l:.l.edJappant , ll Wan' MAsur f. - rrntm.. Sl'ootiS AND I , ItK'S 1 ) • r .1•ro N. NI alt ulm•ttir, NeW and I M • I+ , .t n, 4111. ~f hI. EU 111 . It E. I :1.a , r1.11..1 applicmuen INESEIE Modrro, My le of gehool Ftrultrir, ,FANIT.k CTUREP I, N. ,nn 4 , A 11:1.1-,. , A I ~t 1 ~,n1 It on !Inn.] 1 .-n.1,, fnrn tn: • a.,•vt,lat nn,vr. E ANI yArTuitEits. of th Pment h ntA 1 t • Lair. m trt,ric:llt • t.• ••••• It, •It r ttlArtt it•• IL, • vt•lrtit, .1 rh• •tt 11'n-st test tt.. •••••ti, ii•••• 1 , tt •tr, oltort 1 ) A 4. \ . It .;I' ,\ F.: 14.11\ . , 1;1(.11k I , Hr• •• - • • ••• 11 ~. H• • 4'.41 , , • 11;1 • •H,H, Ift.••••{. Tr 3 1/1 . .• ..J.• t. 1.1 •tit• t ; • Com, ”f 1,011 ,, t111 J 0.% mil. I REIS k (;10WEItS AND ) l'irrAA, 11). A. F») , 1111).. ) .1 ,tr• •14.1. A LEX .1N fit:lt K I NG. Wilt U.ES.ILE Ilr .• SA.% k.h. ) r. • , ar,•l II •, —, a 1 n .61t• Uttonagh. ri 'NES ,1; 1 . 1)411,EV. W1101.}:1-11,F; ;B.( /- f) 11:10 , an I ILL, .n 1,..1”••• an , l Nlxnuf.. - tur... \.. 1 I I \I 11...rry Ilttl P:lth I,ll.NVoltlll. WHOLESA LE G r .,..,• 'Arm t, thetan. cULRE si N. WIIOI..ESAI.E •—t.t:t.ll ,, ttlini .1,11 in i`i.lcro Niiiiillfactur , .1 Aril, Lilmq:, V., 'tarn ......., T 011N 111., IMLESA and Iletclamt, N 0.173 cr,t. J.-16 1)011E1 WHIM:, WHOLESALE 111:11- enn.Thqdrr In Pn.lnrn, Pit t•laarl , 3lnunf , tnn . .. all kind,. of Ford o , and Done...tie Win, and 1.1.00n5. 111wrt7wtm - 1. On band a rri, k rior WldAkey, wldrh will 1...01d low %Tr MTATT & W I ISI - IN. WII(ILES.‘ IA: (I I:0- (71,4.5. Csnntnl.onn Sl, 16 3i. t% iv Yr.- ,1.... am! Pitt•htsrgh linnint , tl7,.. No. 2:,.. 1,...,, ) ..,.,.t. Pitt.hargli. ... . Jn2.l ISAIAH DICKEY k ‘VHOLESALE I irorer,C , lnrl.l.lrut Nkr,lsant , .. and Ihnlr, in Prv.turo . T „I I',nr .1( nvq, Pit innnfgll• 11.11.11 Urn., ..... 11,1,1 te. urn,. JP- I Intl. of the !inn 14.1.1.. n. LIM. , .1. C...) TLiTyLE F , ,., wit° LES ALE 17110- . CE11,.. I . r...iner• 31.4 C..llllni.lot ‘l..rrlimstx, end IN.aler. In l'ittAnugh M...ntifurtnr.. No. 111. ~, ,, ,m , 1 .1r...t. Pit INburgh. .14101-1,1 II L. ~.101,11. C I , EON A L nod Ira In I . llo.burgil liontifar tut.' t. lllO 1.11,1 y at rret....o . ber I, httsiporgh. I n. ) A TWELL, LEE & W 114 ILESA LE Prcsloco and Ix:.lrn In Pittsburgh Yilal.nfurt 7.1r..rt, tu WatPr and Fr..itt Pi...hurt:ls. • 11.1 v si.t. v. ivent,vl, Ii.(.).ItISON & 11 1.. W 1101,ES S. 1 Jr. froevi, forniulk.ll..ll Mvrt Ilnikto. and 11valvi.i ii) nll 1,1".1. , .1 1 1 n,. Inl. l ll l l. 1 1 1 , ftlitvo awl 1 1 111 , •1“111.: 1 1 11;1.11ra1 .1111, v. 141.1.1y.1_ l u .N , le:S t A iito rl-11. awl nII „r Uh. to"olit of ilatls. P., label Al rna.l4. nts. j1.5:1.F.1 nT I .... . . ..... 11d,1 I£ll,G. )BEIT LEI, Co.. 1101. h- A, SAL): Orcror., Ctitzttni,lottt arta Skr• Dralrroitt Pt Am, ttttLt rttt thttrttit Nintttat. 2:tll.tltcrty %trut-t, PttlAtttrzlt. l'n• "4, iltobitcr 13calrrrs COIEESE -11ENI1 (2.11.1,1V , +. gr g ~,, • '•gg 11.•rgiggag1. and L. al. 'r In I 'lgg ogkgg. 11101, Lggk • VA. 11.1 ag. • ,gtgggraliy g , gorl ;Oh , agrr, Iggg e.kNriELD, LATE or angl P. arl A Igg n:.l gg•g..rn Pg—ltagg. ally. hl g gut ri.. to•Or ,togglgll.l.l and PittAlgarg:lg. ' AIIIIA.NE & .k !,, .11:it, ISt I:(*ESSI)Itti j j ~ ~,,, it .t. s, p... n . . 11.-der.t to none Grain and Prliner. r e and Porn - anima 31erehanle. N... 121 1.41,11.1 , 0, Pittehornh. Pa. .11t1.1. ':.7..11y 1 jail . .. ••_.. 1.1. V M /6 C. lILBST, PIA or It, pito_ n duce, Peoel.don and Mound... Jon Mere hint. No. ,7 Liberty greet, molter of 1100 d, Pittehurnh. gle, Ids I dle.. Flop to the web. of Floor. Pork. 11.1ron. Lard, Chteee, Mutter. Grain. Tololl , ruite.l9.edN A , ... , ', Rli.Onedietmente reepec(folly oullelnel. coin . A - . --- FoitSif 11, i S UCCES,SOIt TO 1.1,..k Yoreyth P Scott..)Vorwarding and Connoted.° Ile, , haul. Mal, 10 Woo', 11ia.., Flour. Minot, Lard nod Lard till and Produra netserelly, No. 7;) Water et., Pitrebureh. Pa. . .. . RIDDLE, (IES EitAL CO)1311SSi ( S; H. Mervitant WM I.d, In (iruCerl. and Produce. 27 I , lo.llntreet. Plttehorell. Pa. 10.11, to E. Ileeetron, Pttleborglo Ben tut. Ciliat, , ,..e. Co.. Pltt..horgh. - - . uolief t.e.l and .." '", '''' . .eh . . " . -' ' -.. I ' ' ." 1-' • 7: i 3t 4 i . -;•• ;," , - - ' -. 1 ' ' ~- ...,-'•:: " PT's , _ . . 1 . . . . .; . • _ . . _ ,•• . '- - • ~.--., ,•. -....:.,/.: .4^"..• 172 411 V -. . -•::::" ''.'_ , '".•. - L.''..2: - .•±'''.i'-,i'^','. --, itianttiacturcro. . . WELLS. RIDDLE 4‘ CO., SO Fourth Street. Pittshurgh, Pa., CIT.T.WITT.I2.B Or T iONGS AND SWITChEES. Or.b,frcm thotrwl, 001 moaptly ship pNi Ixt.tru:tioo•. T.,..,_6100110, Lot - prr for Coil. I . . J. & R. GERIVIG, Or WIPES A N'l) TWINE, Wrlnni serer., Piththurgh, TT AVE ALWAYS ON ILAND A FULL I nupply aeon E nnd Unit, Rope, Rol Con), cr., Wnol, talon Ana rmL Snin , ; Paper, W hoe nna rolnrrnl Tu ion; Out linen. Staking and Allowed I 'on.. oul:Elyd&wS AVIILLIAM OARNOILL & CO., al Penn St.. holen- Marburv, Pittsburgh, (TEAM BOILER MAK.I:IIS AND SLIM' A.) Iron IVI :I.mttliwt ore' , of Wrn hl Nil. BOIL, 1.0.,41111111, Iloilo A., flAmtleyA, Ilreiclm. rim M.A. ?town Pip*, Comtelmrs, Salt Pnr.A. ?nor Iran Am. I, rife Hum, of, Alw , lllnOutnillts* W o rk. Bridge and iurt Iron, dot.. nt Ih. bw An ordet, (rout n .110at0 promptly ntt,411.41 tu. Patent. Fr ATTENTios lII'CAILItIAGt j_ awl IlcalerA i..11,,te.1 10 the Ingo At..k No I Nuatto.l. , l Mir. for Top. , and 'lreinunlng. Pat , . 1,...i..0 , 11nr.,14111110.,.5kirtt0,7. 1.,1 1 1, PM Skin, A... for nal.. at. •nnteri. riet.4l, ANDKILSON, eittir •t •tttry tnrl:;,:tti.l Pittwburgh. _ 111.11.. IF-INl:r.“"ruilmit or PINE & eEDAR will"P"un•, Toy., latitonol. cal.latl) hand nn pftim t„1,111 1' ~I 4.rk artirl, .uitrable C r huu..•Mvkrn, ~nnn.••nni. to 1110111,4111. I'nnen , n 4 An„think in the in. .11, rnqin,uni t o m il nod exansin, ntanourtnie.l to tlit thn trnflg, ti•rr looking mrlll3anl . . Prun Cotton 111111.., Pittsburgh.-- ENNEDY,CIIILDS & CO., DUNUFAC TritEms of -1.4.n A No.I heavy .14 r11...1in!, l'ar u pvl Itslia of all valor , n 1 1 ,1.113.11, 1431 Cord.; .‘ Plough law. awl kl, Cor.l; , " ‘.1.11,1z.•., ~ 1 Rating. left a llardwar.. Frm• , d gt reef. will La•',' I,llly J A 311E1S &RAVIN. .---- MA.FACT 1.; ft Elt IIP URIC , ETHER: Stilolatric Acid; ,:pirit•tof Nitric Aid: 11 , 41m3sen Att.lln..: Aria: ALvv. Amm..lll:‘,l , FF: Nitro.. rowl,ex 7110 U(IILILUD(E & MAXW ELK, u]vcrWl ME. oe Brushes. Looking Glasse.. PietuN Frame,, A BE A LEI . W , IN CLOCKS. ItOITSE Fun3l.lo, dr., N.,. 124 i 114.0 ..trvot, ebore }Mb. MEM= lIIANI!VAIITURKIIS AND DLIALEIIS AIiTARREN . 6 DIPROVED FIRE AND Contp.ition and ll,ofing 31A. NIT.MITII ER 111 , VANcy t.L , Irom.tot:. Al tin,l I'oll , le, Warr. OM. 0 at th... wry. cot., of W.Olington nna Frenklln 11,111111411111:1. u.:10..1!, • TA twat. POPE tt-WrItE:ET )sci TI %;. ~tl/ I. 11 Saki., C.1.1.11y. 11. ITNI A .7c 4 It E Elrs ENT ',soli, LATIN , : • n••ll:l2ta , ..tkir, 1 . 00. . 0 001 T o', 101,i •••• • ' • nnlng r I,t 11- 11 m ,r• 4 .1 tr•• r , trrr! I:werirrr , I, 4.. 11.4 I.tav of .0 ,ry l'o lon by, MITCHELL. OERIION d CO. WILL CONTINTT: THE r" ",'OF •,••- • SW , " ! • ,VP 11:1 , 41: NI ANT 011.VIT.S, Ilulintc l(ritrr. Vinimi Boxes, 1}9 , 2 it! I C 11:E, 11. I`l,lll . M M:1011 1,1 r, I , 1'11•B-„r nil IRO , .1 \„ N.1)1. ,, , nft " FW. , l' BIS Shovels, Spades. Picks. firc., All h m1;11. ni.mfortnr.. 1 .. .‘. crr7•ly Witt4t.isl PMBER AN I) I.;AS ICI ,11 +l,4t. u...... 1.11.41. 4 3-. and I% I...rti .44 , 4. 4. at 4.4.: 14 444,141tk 1114444.10.1 F.. 1.4 4 .4 4, E., 40..1,444, •4 F.l4in g . 4., Wm,. C.a. awl ZI.II Enenn•tia ENC.I.kNt.p. Soh, 1, 1 Itg))1 (1111(:IN.11. PATENTEES. Sla ton I . .tiAgar,..l..tml .:4 .1. rwr e.; Plau4,llr4win., rt.l .111 Knlrtit mar LA , mr1?:.11 .1 nzurantr ;agents. iTE 'll.‘ FFER Agents Neptune Incur T Inft,..tte II tdret I - Eureka InsuraetteCo., A. c.VRIER X 11110., AGENTS Vented Inletia Ineu6 trnparty of rittelsetrgtv, Jr,.-'o fluddine. Fourth tarred. - - - Q . .k :41'EL L. MARSH EEL. Secretary Cid run: C..tutt‘ny. hi 11 .der net. li , m.,i()RDON,:•;veretary Western InNer • ance Centrally. t. 12 .tte. e. T GAIIDIN En COFFIN. Agent for Frank e) • MI Fir,- Inntannest Contluttly. Not - 111.raot cornet Wood end Tlitr.ltdned, . _ 1 - 3 A. 31ADEIRA. Agent for Delaware . Ntenad heanas-e(.e.. 12 Wldor tdrent. rpm )s . (;11..k 11 A M. Agent Howard insur ntutol•dntiodtv and VII titurgli 10.11,111 i, C.anpany. r.trttnt %Inter dttd etrnete. T To NEwN josEs. Agent M: teen:r t./ . rrs' I aoll - an. , C. 0., V.: Water fttr.i. Tl"'s..l. HUNTER, Agent Farmers' and neele,ater I mnnoro fa., tat Wntnr +trent 1 T osII r A noisiNsoN, Axent C o ntin e ntal intdtrunee nnt, _ . T . ) W. rouszt)ExTEß..‘ g ent (heat West ern Ittenrtned ett..t.7 Front Mr, t. •Lical 12.statr Agenr. r. E Lit OY. It EA ESTATE And Itttelligolo - A' No. 1 Vt. eldr Wert. l'ltl•bor,h. 1'.,. th••6.•llls,atulllentAn4 Vann., City Warrtt:% bouirltt And .01.1. Menclan Ix. laid I. Far. th,rden ,1,111114 for C. ntt is:Mr:M.:or.! to owl tPrn:, Jl . 2.•nlawtrl , 1) L.% ELY 1:11'11E, RE. rsTATE •01 . 111, 14 . 5 , V1.1.1111 Sruithllvl.l Pin 01111 r,/, l'a. Fat Ist.. lAA, rurnace, bought awl .41 couol,xlon. Warraul, am! N..t • 11,1[111,1. r 'n,.x . ,•• tlimp,llr,7 :hon. rn. • d.ona. hlr. N . v Cathrilral. All rt.:t0...4 to 111111 .1tt.1 , 101 to Ai rea.onnlolr rrusind.bou. mv I R,lly (I E \V. ISIINN. ItEAI. EZsT. TE T and InnurAnett Attymls to 1211,,ing And to Ag,ory 1.11-1411 , . to Inworloti prop,t ty I ..Inn. &dna, he fir, for o.qm:dr, ( - harp, • 11,1 - .filr- 41.. of 1,1.,:d ol ‘ot Volum"... A 11,11.4 - 111 v ........ A I:KrIN E*lAl.Elts IN 1.; ..1.1 N..t• m. 4 e•curi• Mi==IMEI oTt. , ("IND I .1 It 11'1;11T %\I/ SOLI, .••• .1••• it rt, 1•4111/ •rnnt.1,1.1,1611 rta. rtatitt,iala tat, ttanti..ll , 4 n Ith , a ta.l tatcorttitt4 at r. at Alm), ntlttl t, Ilia Sat s Itt•otting awl to.aatitA vr Itcal Mit, N 9'2 Ftatralt 01,1. .1 nor N 1.4N1111 In. Notnry .NT,!LAIN k ON. Real Estate Agents 11; .esi No. :Alt', TIIO3IAS WOODS, Iteal Estata Alrnt, No. Fourth Fin. I. • Wall Panes. Warehouse. a r 1 ,,, L ,t 1 ,,.. .E . 1 , i d P. - , ll l t , ti I t 1.1 el ;. .r.t Furl Di:lnion.l Anrrrrtra. \\hi,' angortnirot cm?: A... Option .4 P;lper . 11;11,g - 16g...1 , r Ma lan, Untie. Dininl; Itnom , 011. i l9tamlxrn Alec W lmlvrr grret Inriely at low., in rottntry olcnirrs. .16 W A vrEtt M 6 CO. r.isousossom V nATZ.N. El 0111 N DS( WS No A. 9I and 98 ' _4. Thlrd Alanufacintvrt lout DI.IIITO In WALL l'A PEAL CURTAIN GOODS, ORNAMENTS, FRINOES. TAN!3EIgi AND CORPS, (N))IVORTPsIO2O, • PATENT SPIRAL NPRINO MATIKESSE., an, Would udlclt tho attain)n of lourJossers to (bolo Urge smi rarloslotook. orstimsl SEIBERT. PRACTICAL. UINIOLNTEURN, • No. 100 Third Sired. l'illburgh, Altumt•cinr•r and dotter In CURTALNK, CORNICE. BANDRSRADESand BLINDS, SIATTILASHEN,COIIIVETS, CCRIIIONS, Lc. Particular uttenttuu paid to Strtanboat work - . Copt. litttll nod lota to &der. tnrlttlfd T. W. LOLIGIMET, W•tch r T)lland Clock illalrer, FTNE - WATCHES AND• JEWELRY, No. 281 , Ittltairnet,betteenn IStott lot girlit, burgh. Pa. •... • aritTaztleular attention told to thy Tarr — *lngot Tratettor and Jewelry. • /EirAH work warranted. 14.11605 N I \ inf apbolstrp MEM „ -,, ::',_, , „ ::-, - "i:' ,- -_-7::::;.!-Z-It'F:= - ' 3 ;:-i•V;•. ' -"Zr - '•": -, i'll :; '-' - r -- ' . 7 ' :-Y " . " - I ''''''''' -'7 ' 4.4.i.-- " '"''' ' ' ' s .4'4 , .. , Z•j-i'S Z f- ai,t 1).-,:,•:isVf .:..1''.49.4'4'4'rV4-I.';;VV:ri';ag'''':''-':'''ie4.??•'''Arr,ir-eXA.:•l•lu'l".l.o+l.'” .‘,.k,,,,-.--4' .5,.4„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A„,,24,,Au , Vittsburgij 6itytte, • . I'DULLSIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY SRIDDLE ar OO lOTA STTIZLT, ABOVE {T. - 1 , AIL l'a.t . ,ZETrEi.s the ord,o !Fist, and harrnpan ealenxire a fir in .11/1i the business men, and reathin, eOsse,, it offrra induermnnL to adver tisers as :he besi medium* 011,1111 M which to revehlhe puhri. 117:E.KL1' GAZt.'77E is ixsanl ere", We awl Saturday. on A lon,. biatake/ Meet. arul contains in ntLlilum ta the news 0f the nevi, a earefally prepared and retiublz repurt of the JLrtefa, romenerriat angl monetary af f, and an accurate /Lnll.. Note List. correct,'• paper—lnni•ing it the bed It.matreial Newspaper inlhl MIMI DAILY—Six Milano per anonin. payable in advance, 0, 1'4.4 to per week. payable to the Carriers. WEEKLY—Two Dollam wr annum, payable in min... Clubs are fornished on the following term, Four copies ilne year. .$5 00 .10 00 Tst 7 enty " 00 Anti otta to the pvr4on caning up th , club (roe. Oil -Atlvattl, payments tirr strictly required, and 00 113- r ill be Kul altrr • th.. time Is tip to which It was Rotes of Advertising I.mono .1 10 lint, 1 tinny Man nt I.lmtmtre. per ntilmtw ......... .Qe-Ad% o.rt bettlents with Cut. rehlt. prim eon. oovEttNnit: DAVID IVII.MOT FOR CANAL COUNISSIONER, NV 11.1.1,1. M m "Li:Nl?' Arm FOIL J VNIES SCI.II[I.I. , CHT, 31 OSUMI .1. LEWIS. nalll.•.ter, .1 .1 SIF:S V 11E111, of Emy.t.t. REPCBLICAN COUNTS' TICKET A.veithly, DANIEL N EGLEY, Collins iv. K IDDOO, Snowden tp. .1. kcK 110PSE. NlctinLm; voEGlrri,Er, Allegheny .1. 11ERIIN POSTER, Pittsburgh. Jada, iIADRIEL ADAMS, of Loner .>t. Clair Register, .1011\ G. CURT IS, of Ohio township NATHANIEL PATTERSON, of Itiminghaut nart rrr, JOHN .1. 1 W 11.1.1 A M s II 1 . 11.1:111'11.:1. ,! Peel& A. B. STEVENSON. of Lnwer Clan (7 , 4 TIIOIIA. , A. L}Y. of Pittsburgh "i .1. Wt.:INN:Ey NOt RA.I;6, I`..i.rir Grit. —The following will be read tilt pleasure by dl who wen appreciate the truthful, the sheltie. nod the benutifol. Mr. Mnekny is one of the toast successful writers of the ,133. Plain Malen I=l Vt. , Gitint-rt I 41U1 rt.. tt Rod IMEISSIMISS= I %.1 cialtnne 4 tnY %VIC, vrgnnn-n 0 arab tbn ‘tor ol the .en. John Ilrnn-0 lat ta3 lir I 1,../ my rrry egla- .14.0 !in, Into ~m 0.L.• 1ny'.1,2 )..Ii Lv And 1111 , 11 yon whnt 11r, am: oh:A I 14•.srla I lsn the wont af bird". Awl the rldhlren'A early Iro.l, A...1a /V , 111, 1t0nru1 . ...4"..1.T ant swr4 , l, IlNv. 11 And I hat, (Alm. pm..., Awl Ow Ant a cotism,Et , . . ir...dnr.• ....1111, dna John I h., Ihr wradost 11.drer.t. And thn brier in the bovrt.n., And 1 1.d., un open fam.kdth..ut And I baton And a prntal. cont,nti.d A hd hd'd rather tartar than h.: I 14. i!, John Wow n I That nnal“, Ns[.l4.:. ‘ , ..1 ‘,.r4 Itofr that him vlso Linl.. John M=EM== of Om Godint. whomph,. fun. to" ‘r to evil hy rotuplAint, Brown en if 1 nenk n, w,nk,n gat,. • • .1. , 1•Ett , ..y the ainrhiaround me, .1 abor, John Ihowt. Th • hatrnel Rift my molo. AIM I .hrh for hnumn kind. lIIIMMIt=II if you lit, :ay At And thipeorlifori my day, I ..X114.11 n 11,..iv I lira Joill) Brown 1 novo.. 1111111 my hedcL. N.. rat my mul for walth. Not .I....truy one day the (donna.. of the !mil, John Brnwn do - t« 1 ulth my pride, And I tat, lhooin) .I,i, onnt tt nor* , than folly to ho amt, John Ilrmm. I n clear. 'annls o Tray, and I manage to ralat and to be glad. Joi/u Brown A Ft:Emu' Triter:.—ltic• find this in n French correspondent's letter ton . Southern •Mv dime; asked a young l'aris lady to a fe malefrientl, ulo you believe that miserly X. would lend Ino three thousand francs" N. was thenaule of a well known sporting 113.1. depends on closure,' wus the answer. Hew shall I set 01,001 it "' • :Take a pen and write: 'My dear Alfred—l have been disappointed in . the non-reeeipt of some money this morning. trill you bring me this coining three thousand francs, and at the same tide carve a pheasant I have just reeeivodr 'EUOLSTINE: 'And do you believe,' sail she, when the let terwas sent, 'that I shall have my money r • 'With that note, toy dear you'll not get a 'Why did you make me write it V 'Bemuse it was necessary that a first polo should preeeed a SCCollll—do you understand" 'Take your pen:' .What write again:' 'Three lines'nnly.' 'My dear Alfred—Think of my note as not rent.—Just after I had despatched it, I received my money. Don't forget however, to come and sup with me. The pheasant is superb.' This letter was sent like Om first. •Sow see 'what will happen,' said the lady friend. 'Alfred will feign not to have received your second letter, end will mule a show of generos ity when he thinks you need no money. the rest is with yourself.' - \II was exematetraccordina to form, the spor!- log man gallantly offered the three thousand francs, eonvinced they would not be accepted ; but to his horror the lady quietly pocketed the money. And to add to his amusement the nds chief a pheasant was there to eat! Tun steamer Spread Eagle arrived last even ingtram a point on the tipper Missouri, two thou sand- fire hundred miles alto, St. Louis, and one hundred nud eighty miles beyond Fort... Union, at the mouth of the . Yellowstone. At two ti'cloch yesterday, forty-eight days had elapsed since her departure from this pert, on business connected with the American fur company. Site brought down about five thousand paeki of furs, and fitly mountaineers, men attired partly in Indian garb, and with faces almost at dark as that of the lrlinn. The Spread Engle left Fort Randall last Mot day morning, and consequently mode a fast run from that point. We learn frouyher pilot that she was compelled to return on necount of the river above Fort Uuion being low and haling, 'and that it is so narrow its scarcely to admit br n boat being turned round. From the informa tion he received, he is convinced that there will be no further rise of tiny importance this year, in the Missouri, as the snow in the mountains was melting very . gradually, and not much of it was left.—St. /Anis Dem. 27th. OLD LTNtDOI YIELDOIII THE 4 G1108T.--SDICO the decisioE in the Bred Scott case Was announced, four old line papers in Michigan have died the death of the sinner, and two others hare repent- - ed and joined the Republican party. In Indi ana, we can make out quite a list that have be come defunct under 'faneyism and the Bright and Wright quarrel. We present in one column this morning, the People's Friend, Covington, Fountain Co. Rushville Jkatsonlim, Rust C 0... Lafayette American, Tippecanoe Co. Greenfield Sentinel, 'Hancock • Itiokory Withe,..tiasiaville ' Blown Co. Pioneer, Lebanon, Boone Co. A few more are expected to "cave" in a - Reek or two.—lndianapolis Jour. EXZOISIVE HAUL or COUNTEIIFIIIT NOTES.- - A man named Driggs has been arrested at St. Louis with $5,465 in counterfeit bank bills in -hie possession. Among them were $lOO notes on the Farmers' Bank of Maryland is on two Virginin,banks—t w oAlank of Commerce and the Northwestertruk63.le had• lisa ,in his pos. sessionf4oll4tea'facthemano of bogus notes. -, '.. 7 ,'l.t'':Y: VOLUME LXX--';'MAiIiER 267. TnOVULT: tx TIIECALIFORNIAMINT.-We have net the space at this time to give a minute detail of the workings of the establishment. It will be sufficient, however, to state that the checks plac ed upon the various depaftments arc suele . that a discrepancy in the necounts of any of thenfficers could he readily, altriost instantly detected, with the exception of the melting and refining de partment. In this branch it is impossible to have a final settlement oftener thanonee a year. without great expense, and retarding the busi ness of the establishment. This happens because a large4mount of fine I gold escapes into the chimneys and fines. which I have to lie torn down for the purpose of collect ing the waste. The officials of the 'Mint have I been aware, for a long time, that there would be a deficiency in the refiner's department, on ac count of the had construction of the Hues and chimney. Various alterations and improvements have been made at different tints, to prevent this waste. No correct eatinmte, lion-ever, of I thd deficiency could he come at until last fall, I when the mint was closed for the purpose, and in order to make the annual settlement. The deficiency was then found to be greater than had been anticipated. This was in a mem- ure accounted for in the following way four years' accumulation of base metal, which had , been separated from the finegold, had been over- I estimated—the great press of business having rendered an earlier separation impossible. no the Mint hail been worked night and clay,-by orders 'from Washington, to meet the public demand. Immediately upon the resignation of Col. Ha ms-ally, when a final settlement would have been made, this refining of the base metal woe com menced. No final settlement of the accounts of the Mint has yet been mode, and it will he im possible ro say what is the deficit. At the time when Col. Ihnrasxthy demanded on examination by the government agent in this city, the detici cuey wtns considered to he I 4.000 eunees, it has already been reduced to ;knot ounces. as the ex's:Wu:Want progres.scs it may be still further reduced. At the closing of the Mint last fall, when the wastage was found to Inc very ;rent, a rig rag chimney was erected by not. Haraszthy, snit iu the course of two awl a half months' work, the amount of eleven hundred 11h 4 1 mine, Was eolleetn,l from it. T.. show lion great must haro been the loss during the lass folic year.,..we hare been told that in the xweep ings from the root' of‘lott . :: building, three hundred ounces of gold was collat e d. At Ar mory Ilan, which is at least t !wadi,: yard, distant from the Mint, one hutalred awl eighty dollars were eollectol. tither neighboring buildings supplied a like proportion of loss. Major Snyder, line Treastwer of the Mint, than whom we believe there is not it more honorable eau in tine State, and who is extremely cautious in any statement Ito tiny make, informs us, that to satisfy himself. lie went. on a frame building near by, and personally Collected a considerable amount. The employees and officers of the Mint with whom we have conversed, look upiin the de ficiency, whatever it may prove to be, as caused no natural means:, for which no officer of the es tablishment could lie responsible. The present 'Definer is aware that even now, withall the precaution that can .he token, the lass is immense. This matter of wastage has been the subject of fre.thent eommunications to the Department at Washington. and mean: have asked to enlarge the Chimneys and i prove et her departments of the Mint, but without sitece,. We understand that Col. liarasztity; against. the airier' of his friend, is row engagod wilt the C. S. Dittrict Attorney and the special agent of,,the government, in making over all his private pr . operty, which, - the ex hibited to us, is ample to meet double the amount of the alleged deficiency -to be held in trust for the U. S. government, against any deficiency which may he fairly ehttigetilile to him. GOOD 13..1t'KEIVI—AN INCII , C:NT long-bearded customer recently enter ed a spiritual book-store in this city and applied for an agency. Ile proposed to take It large. quantity of books to his part of the country, "away out West," where he represented that lie could soon sell there, as he was assured by the .`invisiblee. - -The enterprising bookseller was of corn-, 4 10 ig la,id with thntloroTeot of a ' , ale: but his enthusiasm was somewhat dampened when the long-I,orded gentleman remerhed that he hod no money, and woute.l the hooks entire ly upon credit. "Arc you responsible "."• 17,V, the no!nral in quiry or the mercic,nt. “l`erf,4tly. - •• Whet evidence of your reliability ran you •9 have the best of hackers. men whom' names you know The merchant's countenance. brightened.— •'Very well" said he, ••let us ova your paper, - ThereupOn the customer presented the follow ing document: ••T irhank it runic concern: We, the undersign ed, having been nequainted spiritually With Air. of - Wiseonisn, for many years. - .rem:minuend him at perfectly reliable, anti would not be afraid, to trust him to any amount. 4; F. 111.1: THOMAS u:. THOMAS PAYNE, • Joss MILTON. 0.11,1 others. "Through Janii E , medium." The bookseller remarked that the harbors • were good if the medium was reliable; Ind he thought, on the whole, be would prefer to keep the books, The customer hereupon denounced the bookseller as _an imposter, telling him that ho did not believe his own doctrines, and t h at the spirits would expose his duplicity to the world. Of this he felt assured by the spirit of prophecy within him. The bookseller Was not convineed.—S. F. Post. SHIPMENTS or Svc. I: To EI - 110PE.--itisEHHea that holders of sugar in New York, where the stock is heavy and dull ; are now Making large shipments to London. The Herald states that the freight engagement of sugars last week, most - ly to Great Britain, embraced about 51)00 Mids., chiefly from first hands. The reduction of duty on the first proximo will hardly work its much reduction in prices as consumers have felt just reason to hope for. The reduction will he only about twenty per cent. of the present duty of thirty per cent., or the duty will be twenty per cent. instead of thirty. This will give an aver age reduction in price•on the average invoice cost of only about :Alan' cent pee pound, which is probably less than many ia lTsumers have been led to suppose who kave t reflected on the subject—those espeoiallulto reside in the into rior in many COIlliS ore Hillier the impression that the bare reduction of iltity will make it much wider difference it. their TOver. Solon.En, of the Columbus Journal in writ ing from Marietta, Ohio, says: "That the town woo unwed in honor of Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France. Site graciously acknowledgcti the honor by presenting the town with a bell, which is now in use in the city, and •toils its notes' 144 clear as when it was first struck. The first hell, designed by the queen Its nitilft to this her namesake in the wilds of America, was Cast in France. Thu• vessel on which it was placed to he brought to this country was wrecked. rind the bell sunk to the bottom of the 5,a. To avoid another mishap of the kiwi, the Queen land the present bell cast in this country, and sent the money over to pay for it." ACHUEN AND ALLENTOWN ItAILIIO.6.—The subscription of $1,000,000, necessary to 'put this road Under contract, has been subscribed, and all the. sections, except two at -Auburn, which inierfero with the Schuylkill canal, are in the hands of tho oontrators, This would put New York city 450 tulles nearer Cincinnati than by way of the Erie Itailrokid. It connects Pottsville, the centre -of„..the anthracite coal trade, with the city of New York, by a line only 140 miles lu length, and secures from this region, with a floe hours trip, a large and valuable travel which by the esisitirer route requires . even hours' time..--..lfiner's Journal. i t i`NOILANCE to Patrice.—An analysis of to late rep tof the population of France shows a re mar de degree of ignorance on the part of the pc ple of that country. Out of 513,320 in diritill '4 joined to together in the bands of wed- lock, only 170.172 husbands were capable of signing their names upon tho register; 80,•101 could not even read! 140,&l0 women declared they could neither write nor read. The writer of the Journal dos Debato remarks upon this point, that "in the country that calls itself the most enlightened in the world,. far mere than one-third of the women married in 1853 knew neither how to read nor to write." CAM. Damn. Deavrox, famous as thecaptain of the schooner Pearl, in the Aid piling, expe dition or 11348, committed stticid4 - at Now Bed ford, Mass., on Thursday hist,. by taking laud anum. He had also severed articles in both legs. lie was a native of New Jersey anti had serredfour years and' half. of his sentence of twenty years, when President Flimore pardoned him; Cot..,Fatuuxr is engaged i touches upon Ilac new.and his works, shortly to be pdbli. that ho is tnreceive $lO,OOO a the publishers upon the prosp PRAIILS AT . IfARILISII=I. - of the liarrieb.Urg., I'm, papers. ber of,pestle in muscles p!cin creek. 'o,t, tint place. - It is not tled that -- 'teerla may be found many' sections Of Pennsylvai' . • ifor Zak .ot bent. . - LET.—A well finiAlleil Dwrlling,dt with )ord rewm. ehrtblee-e, tee doliglarnitSwft4.-...- =Wel on the river hank, le Alit-gbeny City. near the rest drnm of Mee. Snowdon. 'tentlow . Enquire of Dr.J. Or ot. MOSES ItORLAND, n few danrabenne the niemisen rl l O LET.—The .sitnate on the corner of 011arn and 1.0.4 It Lnn been occupied inure toll! as ...tinter: 7 and linalum Store, nattlin ante of the bent stonaan Mr city. Famuire'of ' It. If. KI 'Sta.-11 Litort)ntreet. TAIVELLING HOUSE TO RENT:.Tf,at, Mmmolious and well finletted trwrlling tithe rtrent, now nem:Tied by the rutrWriber. ft. bonne ht In !Mr order, and ten all the toodoit'couveninnear, water, gun. Sc.,snake ltileslmbla for n . ronetwalon reel Ile hot any time alter tho lint of Mari Apply at No. ' • O'llitrastittet. npattltf • ...JAS. LAtitILILEN. T O LET.—Thrce. Brick ;Houses, fourag 1. o , see. each, in the. nth Ward, on Centre .1 veiturajad. llt not:rine toot. Kent tow to lege.] tenant, Itignlrisof , ; Jolt WAIT& Vi1L50N,1(0.253 Liberty IlttiTt. WOE, RENT.—Two Brick Dwellings, ou . Tided stno t near Smithfield. No. 153 lam len roonalb' - bark Thtildinn, this, •Bathiroonts, In. ' 5i00153 lam tight - tonne. thin, Watur, din, an Oita on rourtlt.rtrect near - Cherry:oll7. ' Gent - $l5 tair annum. TllO3. WOO/fat 15 Smirth at. LEASE.-1 desirable• Lot 170.1 Ward. above Ilaniantst., ft - aiding fifty fret on Liberty at. nod It:binding' tot one linnilral feet to Spring alley, ant able for a 0531 or Limo Vent. For tertrattengniro of It MUG K SYNIAN, rwr.lllamond ny. and Smith - H.ldg.. ' OFFICE TO LET , ,on Fourth stret,betwoon Sallthltldistsl Waal sts.—No. tak Apply to Alf STTN LoMirs, a co. TO LET.—The Hull formerly occupied by Ilw so,o of T