The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 27, 1857, Image 2

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v. r. vicumun—.v...t.atarqs,..v.amvq...,4sztas—jovart--„
_&. Co.,_ _
Fos 3rSlOl Or current literary news ere our
fourth page.
PLAITS VALLET, 8011111 -Pass Asp PAcirm
RAILIWAD co.—lt is undeniable, now, that ibis
is a "fast" age. Things go ahead with such ra
pidity that it is difficult to keep pace with them
and nearly impossible to anticipate what is com
ing. When, eleven years ago, in the midst of a
struggle to secure a direct railroad connection
with Baltimore, our citizens were urged to look
westward rather than cast ward, and build a road
into the heart of Ohio, no one contemplated that
the movement which then started the enterprise
of building the Ohio and Pennsylvania Roads
would eventuate in giving us, as it has done, a
cantinuous road from here to Chicago, over 400
miles long, nor did any ono dream, then, that
in ISM railroads would stretch in unbroken
lines from Chicago westward into lowa and
Missouri, with the certainty of being com
pleted in a abort time to the upper Missouri, on
the borders of. Kansas and Nebraska. Yet such
is the fact. The munificent grants of lands
made by the last Congress, has ensured the com
pletion of railroads stretching across lowa and
. Missouri from the Mississippi to the Missouri
Firer, the aim of all of them being to connect,
there, with a road leading westward through the
' Rock) , mountains to the Pacific.
We have before us a Nebraska paper, of a late
'date, detailing - the organliation in the City of
Omaha of a company to build a railroad from
Omaha City to the South Pass of the Rocky
Mountai_rui—a distance of 1000 miles. The getf
tlemen who. engaged in forming this company
belong to different States of the Union, and are
of the highest respectability and influence.
Among them we may name Gen. Wm. Robinson,
of this city, lion. Jno. Comic, of Westmoreland,
eon. Mr. Br a dshaw, late member of Congress
from the Bucks district, CoL Orr, member of
Congress from South Carolina, Judge Barber, of
Wlimmusin, Col. Curtis, member of Congress from
lowa, Mr. Roamer, of Ohio, Mr. Pierce, of Indi
ana, etc.
The company was organized on the 6th, and
ben. Robinson, of Penna., was elected President,
Judge Barber, of Wisconsin, Secretary, and Mr.
Roamer, of. Ohio, Treasurer. The charter, which
was passed by the Nebraska legislature at its
late session, authorizes a capitol of sixty millions
of dollars, and the construction of a railroad
from the Missouri river to the South Pass.
It will be the first object of tho Company to
Recur° a grant of land from Congress, on the
line of the contemplated road, when the work
will in immediately commenced -at Omaha City,
and preened forward with an the vigor of this
wonderful age, and of our wonderful pbople.—
It is a great undertaking, but although General
Robinson is not a young man, there is no more
improbability of his living to see it completed
than there was, cloven years eince„ of his living
to see what he now seen.
In ten years from now, Raiboads from San
Francisco and from Oregon may reach the
western foot of the Rocky Mountains, and it
will not G lung, then, before public or private
enterprise will scale the Rocky Mountains with
the Iron gorse.
Site or rue MAIN LlXE.—Contrary to the ex
pectation generally entertained here, the Penn,
sylvania Road has purchased the Main Line of
the Public, Works, at the Minimum price fixed
in the act of Assembly, and under the restric
tions imposed by the into decision of the Su
preme Court. The railroad Company will con
tinue to pay, as usual, the tonnage tax, the Su
preme Court having decided that that part of
the law exempting the Company forever from
the payment of that tax, if it became the par
chaser, is unconstitutional.
The President of tho road has doubtless been
prompted to purchase under tho assurance that
the next legislature will repeal the tonnage tax,
and that, once repealed, each succeeding legis
lature can 'gaily be induced to continue the re
peaL The suggestion of the Philadelphia Led
ger, that $45,000 per annum "judiciously" ex
pended at Harrisburg will be sufficient to this
end has significance in it, in this connection, and
we may therefore look for adetermined strvggle,
next winter, to accomplish this repeal. As
Things now stand we have no hesitancy in pro
claiming the trust we sincerely feel that the ef
fort may be unsuccessful.
Sc. far as the politics of the State are concern
ed, we are well content to see the public works
pass out of the hands of the /Retie. They have
been a fruitful source of corruption--a nest for
hatching locofoco politicians at the expense of
the Comfoonwealth, and a useful means of keep
ing up the ascendancy of that party in the State.
The public and the State will gain immensely by
the loss to the locofocos of the political power
which they possessed in these works.
But, while we derive this political satisfaction
from the sale, we are convinced that the Penn
sylvania Road ought not to have been permitted
to buy it. That road is thereby left without a
competitor in the carrying trade, and the people
along, the western end of the canal will be deprived
all the advantages heretofore derived from it. A
Corporation already too strong, becomes thereby
an overshadowing power, such as no Common
wealth ought to permit itself to encourage; and
the State surrenders, to be destroyed by it,those
public conveniences the preservation of which
the people had a right to demand. We do not
believe the results can be beneficial. The pub
lic safety and the public good cannot be promo
ted by fostering and strengthening a mammoth
corporation, by the tide of which the United
States Bank , wasa pigmy. But the deed is
done, and we can only await the consequences.
So far as the intetests of rittaburgh are at
the mercy of this road, our citizens have noth
ing to hope for. The little protection heretofore
givert . by the competition of the public 'Works
is wittidrattii. The Company is now at full lib
erty to discriminate against the city to the top
of its bent, and it will do so whenever it thinks
it can make a point in that way. Our business
men must make up their minds to grat and bear
it, until chance or better fortune opens up the
way of deliverance.
Carrespanderace of the Richmond Despatch.
—Petersburg, June23.—atan advanced hour last
evening, three slaves, employed by Mr. Edward
Gill,. of Chesterfield, at his , residence near Mato
:tea, were lodged in the jail of this city, under
very important, and indeed, fearful circumstan
ces. Their name. are, respectively: Rebecca, a
cook, and Maria, (both owned by Mr. Gill.) and
John, a slave of Sylvester Pearce, Esq. For
segeral weeks past the entire family of Mr. Gill,
consisting of six children, himself and wife, have
been slowly and gradually visited with myste
rious diseases,prodncing internal inflammations,
deathly paleness, and exceeding nervousness
—ln the course of time their youngest child fell a
to its fatality; and on Saturday last,
_physicians were called to attend the family, every
One of whom had become prostrated, and were
- laboring under intense pain. From the charac
. • • . ter of the symptom of the affliction, suspicions
of'poisoning were aroused, which were subse
..quently fully corroborated by investigation.
On the premises of the cook, which were also
occupied by the two other servants, were found
parcels of lump and carbonate of lead, with a
•4, vial containing the sugar of lead. These simi
ler and deadly poisons, as every attendant cirL
entastanee warranted, had been introduced
from time to time in the food and drink Served
in the fp.mily, earning a slow process of death.
Onyesterday(Mondsy)ovening, Ella, the young
est surviving daughter, died under the loathsome
saltation. The Chesterfield authorities wore
Immediately consulted, all the circumstances
fully Mated, and the arrest autherized. The
, .
rest of the family are slightly improving:
We cite the following from the Americo. Oakes,
pcsahlin, and it speaks well for Alleg
heny townehip:
"eusattiorr- Fonevew.—At the recent pii."
wary'meetitig of the'Repalican Party in Alleshea „y
foarteen.BeettaneraDemoctatiattendedand &eared
their intention of supporting, jiereafter, the candi
data of the Iteipablican party. : _ , •
Iftw You, Jane 26. -It le reported that the
South Royalton Beak of Varsiont;
lfayt, 001 f
Tat atil4aal oNissxrxl asgaitirsrcs
Thiptatbes Soltrinted itr this 'ziently,Lound
190- The true title of the book sLeold_he
"Translations from Jurvnal, with the original
' prepended." We were niwnys opposed to the
books of Prof. Authon, ever since we "po
nied" with them slyly through the hard . places
in the description of that "rhombus" taken off'
the coast of Ancona, and the colloquialisms be
tween the harttapex, Umbritius and the author,
as t b eformer is departing disgusted, from the vices
and follies of Rome. Vie do not set otirselves . .
up as a critic of classical writings, and more
particularly of Juvenal, the most difficult of the
Latin poets to translate intointeiligibleEnglish.
Yet we believe that we can discover in the notes
of Prof. Anthon many translations of passages
which the context will not justify and which we
could point out were it either profitable or inte
But what we most object to in these half
translated works of Prof. Authon, is the lacy
habits of study they beget in learners. At itch
tation, even the idle shay succeed in making
what in College slang Is called "a sail," by a
general knowledge of a word here and there,
while a furtive glance may snatch from the co•
pious notes a rough and "liberal" translation
of passages which if .they are worth any thing
are worth careful and assiduous study and close
literal translation as fa thelatter ie possible.
The Satires of P us which are also here
printed in the same volume with the .luvena
list; Prof. Anthon has not commented upon at ,
all, for what reason we do not know. This is
better. We believe a grammar, a lexicon and a
history contemporary with his author, are the
only commentaries a student who is true to him
self needs for the fell and thorough understand
ing of a classic.
Mr. J. L. Reed has this book for sale. It i
well printed and elegantly and substantially
?WWI to Broom. Edo - ant, Ihrol, New Lull, tl,ute,
- Brow For sole by J. L. newt, 4th «t.
We have read as much of this book aswe hove
been able, and we like it. We aro particularly
pleased with the spirit of the author. He does
not come before the public with a low bow and
a smirk,"induced bypartial friends." "conscious
of his demerits," and all that. Mr. Edward ,
says "he has no apology to offer; it is not pub
lished at the solicitations of friends, nor because
there is any apparent need_for such a publics_
tion. It appears simply because I choose to pub_
lish it. The public will decide whether it shall
or shall not find readers."
In his travels, the Rev. Mr. Edwards (who by •
the way resides in Petersburg, Va.,) saw all pla
ces of interest in Naples', Italy, Germany, France,
Enotliznd and Ireland, and writes his impressions
with an easy and graceful pen. The book is pub
lished in the fine style which characterizes all
the works of the Harpers, and in their hands we
have no doubt the author is safe pecilniarily.
if his work has the merit we think we find
in it, they will ace that it succeeds.
/Larvacum 050 Ermstxnass is ilosDritAs, erlth 'tape
and Muter4liona. by W. V. WelLs. Neer York: Limper
Bros, For solo by J. L. Rawl, Fourth at.
This is a large, well printed volume, copiously
illustrated, and consisting of thirty chapters.—
It comprises sketches of travel in- the gold re
gions of °tench°, and a review of' the history
and general resources of Central America.
It is but a few years, comparatively, since all
that vast region which unites the two Americas
was a terra incognita to us, almost as much so as the
dreary steppes of Tartary or the regions around
the White Nile. Under the stimulus of a hunt
for gold and a finding of it too, in California,
the rage fur dominion among the fillibusters un
der Walker, and in general, the adventurous
spirit of the American people, who, like Alexan
der, aro mournful when there is nothing left to
conquer, that whole great land of gardens, alli
gators, swamps, forests, flowers, disease and
death has grown to he quite familiar ground.— •
The present volume is quite a mine of knowl
edge. It is colloquial, scientific, geographical,
mineralogical, ethnological, geological, and
forma, in fact, as far as Central America is con
cerned, quite a union of the •flogies" and
"graphic..." As a book of reference it is volua. •
ble, and has become, we have no doubt, very .
familiar to thousands who are conversant with
the pages of Harper's Monthly Magazine.
Tar Rm. asp ens Nome. by Corttartne E. Benches, New
Sort: I.loxyaer Dn.. For sole by J. L. /tend.
:Hiss Beecher, who is a maiden lady of great
sweetness of character and geniality of dispo,-
lion, and who, notwithstanding a physical in
firmity which has nearly crippled her, has pre.
servedthat same sweetness and geniality through
trials and self-denial, is one of "the Beecher
family," and well known to thousands of good
housewives by her work on "Domestic Econ
omy" and her "Domestic Receipt Book. - Miss
Beecher has always been in her books as in her
personal intercourse with friends, a great fa
vorite. With such attention as we hove been able
to bestow on this present valuate we have con
cluded that Miss Beecher has here overshot the
mark. This work is the result of -thirty years
of devotion to the training of the human mind"
—so we learn from the preface of this volume.
The tone of the writing is above the undiscip
lined mind. It is morein the style of Lhigalil,
Stewart or Locke than of a work for the million_
The book is handsomely bound and printed in
fine large type, on good paper, and shottlil he
read by all those whom it will interest.
New Voris Correspondence.
Nzw Town, June nth, 1S
Editor' GazMe: Our Mayor's bsulesemeas has
ately had an imitator, thus : The other night a
party got into a terrible row in a, drinking hole
in Centre' street, which, for a arvel, caught
the ear of a passing policeman, who entered and
attempted to put the law in force by making an
arrest. The party, aLa Mayor Wood, resisted,
and even cut and beat the officer ahookingly ; so
you see there are others ready_ to copy him in
his late conduct. Appropos of "Wood's Rebel
lion" the case of "Conover vs. Wood" in resist
ing the Serving of the process is now before the
Superior Court here, Judge Roffman presiding.
Nor is the case before the Court of Appeals at
Albany yet decided, though it is supposed the
constitutionality of the Metropolitan Police bill
will be sustained.
In truth the party who- have fastened them
selves in each leech-like manner upon all the
offices in tho city—whether federal, state or
municipal—do not like to let go the pap. The
federal, such as Custom lib - Use, (united salaries
a round million,) and the Post Office, &0., 'will
of course continue to be enjoyed and
in various ways in advancing the intereath'of the
Democracy. The manufacturer and merchant,
the mechanic and millionaire, have alike resolv
ed that they will no longer be quietly robbed to
support such n set who "dress in fine linen and
fare eumptuously" out of our taxes—only eight
million per annum. There is a party and
power at work that have determined to rid our
city-of such an incubus if possible.
. A reliable correspondent of a city journal
atates that in the 18th ward, one of the largest
and wealthiest, there were open last Sunday 830
shops, representing nearly all trades, though
mostly rum-sellers; also caw two fights—no ar
rests, no officers in sight. I also have seen much
of the s.wie scenes. Several Sabbaths in sue.
cession, I have noticed a large troop of boys,
from ten to twelve years of age, dragging a small
engine through the streets, hooting at the top of :
their voices. I tried to intimidate them, saying
I would call a policeman. They only cursed and
passed on, nor could I find one, although I milk
od around four blocks. You must pardon all this,
though I wanted to show you jtust hon and by
whom we are ruled.
There was a sale at auction, in the Exchange, of
the famous "Greek Slave" of Powers. You will
remember there is a copy in the possession of
the Earl of Elle.smore, and also one in the spier'.
did gallery of the wealthy banker, Mr. Corcoran,
of Washington City. The first above was bought
by the Cosmopolitan Art Association, of Cincin
nati, for the-handsome sum of S6OOO, and was
sold for the benefit of Mrs. Gillespie, of Brady's
Bend, Pa.
Gonfril & Co., of Broadway, have on exhibi
tion a magnificent painting by Winterbalter,
favorite artist among the royalty or France and
England. It is entitled ...Florinde:" scene, a
. , .
" bevy of n„impite_bathing." It is really very
beautiful, both in drawing and in color. It will
be engraved.
Mies Eliza Logan is now playing at Wallach's,
with decided stances'', to overflowing houses. I
well remember her first benefit at the good old
National, in Cincinnati, some eight years ago,
when she played "Ion" to a "$9OO house," shim.
when what triumphs ban she not achieved! Her
readings now are so perfect and intonations so
pure and correct.
The health of the city is remarkably good—
deaths are below the average, and no fevers,
though no thanks to .the Street I;4' numintio4en
nor Street Inspector; as trltltihem ,
all talk: mominei PlPeis eon''
tan li/wilt:tin:dies of early aid eflicieat cleont;.
lag , . We' shall as. - Yowl;faithfully , L Tries..t
Ttrz-h p
- Ei - C.M/4,ED: „-oilliCliveltreericie: 4 -
~,,,, , .-- -e ,, - SprriaUniAsyttrisr ----,-,,: --,•
with inthate
. plidit, ultra moms agapElonoiring' ---1.- r.... - ..'....____.........,_ .. - --' -- •.:•. .., •
iradligetifet biO4bf to the SE. Pe ter ' s' Courier TFi L .C4atistuares and other Iroiiitlieg
icy E. E.Frauldiag. F01.q., fittlit,l44wWod, up the: L . ". i..crl'OrrrNENT 6.17E.i1in, TO jrzii,,,,,.
Ntinnesutesitiveii- lie's:vitt hat ' ithe first -reportf ----
n% to the murder of both the woman in captivity . t r . co e nc , -.151 i . 4 - , 4 7 :„ 1.1..C1 , 1 6: ' T . N V- SiYi't "RS'
is - ordy - Tartintlrtrrim' fine - of them Mien Ourd- `SAT.GIIDAYEVESIi2,7;I3'tf,,t'iI ':iirreuro'bi:ihht. Ott
ner, tine . been found by some Yankton Indians HT. CLAIR. lICYTEL w here Wol W.' he Coll. itni by th..r
and brought into Yellow M edi c i ne. Elie Md.! wild t og to avail thoneklren of it. 1 , r,4s system of tre.,t
been placed on a bill as a target by the red der- , n combluatien of ronnolial rnowonreo let Owl by Dr.
IN of the Spirit Lake miiesiere. L and sElif at, the . Pitc hnod Dr. BY l ww L ae town amply 100,,t . ';
tl./ so nho n
whole band alternating in the sport.. Beth her , d '" ri x P T. "` I t " . fi t ' Pr
urnr""tVit.'," dame m 'n' in On'
loge ware broken, and she wee left to die She
cow. not obsulutt.-.
. t ° l7alll " ;:ntln S . ' re ri lfermay boobvs ' inod in till t"
4 '
raja thiat the tormentors had murdered Mrs. • ly beyond:he reach °treated:on
Noble, a few days previously, before her eyes, siatar,,l3.o`,7l,7nr=mo:ol,ll,...,c'gr;',.l-ne'^','-',Sicid
sad left ,her on the praries. This story is doubt- toraot reniodies, to renovate and annain i lie ..trriTh " t:f th ' . •
less reliable: And 3lr. Paulding was informed I 50 ,. ...i .v.e.A.ri t lbw. wick noch rin'<biink. l nn'an"'"
that the friendle Yanktons were about to bring t c r . : . wa y
~., i'll'ecit'';:tcril,„'nl,27r:,, 10 7,".'72'17,,,',',r,t'i
the poor girl, ;limb Gardner, to St. Paul. She : t e e, reii,rie;n,l,, e ue,,,o. hot still effect iwrompout cotes
Iles barely emapeil with her life—nothing more, in tnno ea.., ~.I whit It uhly partial nod temporary reliel
—and we know she will meet the warmest and , 7 111 1 i x' . ; b , t i td b fro m m a v n , y , our of
-lieurtinst reception in the hospitality of our cit- , ciao .
may be tit r01ie74.1, Mere arc still many which towed
iteno.—St. Paid Timer, 22d., 1...y.0ul 11.1,, and thou. whb are (many nay Mail:Mil In a
t1i.,.,.. 00 iiniduoia and in fearfully foal xi eepounietio.
ttlt.. In. low raw,ful to ; rico their room timid:, attc.tim—
z.` delay oven of oho , wwl ,, may, to moony mom ; Won the
octtle-omtiost the putout
Where it I. imoolbleoce :dross prefer to make a P."..'''''
examination, and tlitw asw.ctaisi tho pawles contlitiou of gm
Limp, ow we wioli to un.b.rtakr tr. (,7,4. Iv 0 ;Tr 100 hare ant a
chance of ....on coo!; clot wr wish 120 UM 10 coionilt um who
is not wooly to hear 1;,.. truth.
Thome unable to rout .1/311. in writing, be eawful to eVatc
their aniee fully, aiwarcring, at length, our pfibl'uthed Hot of
queotlorm, which will Iw sent to any rennouting 14 and the
notwoury remoditsoto well for Aiwowes of the Lungs and
Stem-m.l,m for Female Di11e...... may be omit by Krpreso to
almost any Port of the I:Wm.! State.. Consultation Fem.--
0111er hours, 1.0 to 1 o'clock, daily.
St- Clair llotel. Pittuburgh, t CALVIN 11. i'ITCII. St. D.
May 12th, 1O:t7. i JOIIN IV. UV:KC:4, NI D.
"penal Padua;
- --- - ---
Nervous and Rheumatic A Reet lanai-11m,
LiNs Hirt isuk.--1, i• limn. mud [hi. ni..dirmi, nurmlit•. and
many rm..- u illi the grmittut .urr , .... Tim iii..ol xidebrit
-1 *rune Items= in:tr./claim:nu rerummending it. Inning
I hl. chan.mmble neither, whin• mmt person.; an, I muliled
with nervium and rheumatic alLiction, It will In found a
valuable remetly."—Snnitr Zeinuni.
Arr.iuld at i.l tar bottle. or nix bottle* (or $5. by the lan
pillion. BENJ. PAGE, Js.. & CO., 31antifarturiu g pharm•-
cuntista and Clio:milts, Pittsburgh. l'a., and 1/Murrill+ gun.
orally. Sue advertmcnient. jeMl:,l&mr
IkNirlicrirtdeßaink of Nebraska,
i i
GEO. CLAIM Pre1...—......-IL:TEEDER. aisCr.
Caner pandlgents li. Dealer in Land Warran ts,
roneo. N. 'l'..
Will give their yr maul amention to Buying and Silting Mud
Estatu, Entering nilin Loaning Mono, an.l pas ing Tsars,
In Netra.ska, lon • and Kann,
rttrlttN,S: •
El - eh:lngo lkmk. Pit tttoriat. Pl 4
C. G. 11awry & Co.. •• ••
R. Patrick & Ca., Bankers, Pit.t...ltorglt, Pa.
A heels. 1.”.• & C..,111, , 10att, ••
R. F. flaky, Raner, Ithilndelpbla
iftnAlmr. Lanier & Co.. NOW 'Furl
I.ltra. A filtnomltt. Rankt,.. tit. Lour
Seiltew A lh, Slorchmts. " '•
Itxtsk orCommereo, Cloreltxtad.
U. litmoy, aft: wfir•F
LISA K P14:11.13.1N5.
Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce,
And To Ids Brother id applicable t 0
, •Tell LEA k PERRINS that
their Sauey es highly entreat-
VARIETY m ed in India. and it. in Inv
opinion the oust palatable a s
Or DISH. well PS the most arta,lrnome
Sttllee that to mad."
The only Nlettal awarded I,y the Jury of the NSW York
Exhibition for Footle:a Sauer, wya obtained by 1.115 A PER.
158 for their WORCESTERSHIILE SAC O& the world.
side fame of ttlush haring Intl to E 1.110.1111, Mutations. pan
chasers aro earnestly requested to two that Oat names of
-LEA & PERRINS" are Imposts.' upon the Bottle and
Stopper, and printed upon the, bbels.
Solo Icholemie Ass.te for the United State,
4t15 Broudwny. New Ydrk.
A stock Always in store.' Also. onicre rends ed for direct
sbilsruesis from England. waitydrer
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
.Tars -Es, nOYD sz
31;msfsvturers of CAST STEEL; aim I.PWINC, I•I.OW .Dd
Ow/ter Ron (UPI Ftest STyv..l4, Patthio7l, /11.
D. B. 80G.E.1-2B ic co..
ornsorac - rt - ens or
Rogers' improved Patent Steel
Cultivator Teeth,
Cbrecr Sorsaod Are &reds, Parreurgh, 14.
PURF:.col,r) a\7l3 SP.AR.H.L. INC
Tlllldwial SILVER TUBES.
T. owvritotttru.avt ,I7S7AIN Ix Hriwersow
H. H. 1..C.1:1.4.1", Fob surer.
Cotner FAIT). two Cwwwo from Knox. Confectiouttry.
GIT.:ORG.F..: (41-21CIG 3 CO.,
D 2 .A./ 1 75.P.A.CT1TP.M.13.13,
o ,, se , elf Paa and Sedvaucr Etrte4
I:l7 — rf , l3l:lLli It. CA,
Marmfactutv an.l ilia Keg• of the tar:otta Zestrip
flan. or NAIL wh:.:S ahoy er:l at t fe..o
fiatiuntracte • nutpuetfully sulinted. An truck
ranted of the belt .p.ultty dellydfu
AI) V T - 11 - b E
(Ohl.; isIE.P.A_IOD
G I LX:S..",
LAIR ' riot r.
• W": 11. Jr..
Irttse, Sign and Ornamental Painter,
Crammer and Gilder era Glass,
SA/IMF/EL 1 , ST ir rEr.
N., I y oppori tv the Pent
lintq (7:11,4
Wholesale and Retail flatters,
17,1 11-,.nr;
Ifaar alarnyg nn hnnal • full mai romplotu slaraL aaf HATS,
CAPS anal rult,, 11 , Au letn, non( Ret.r.l, .t tin, town.
Eauateru laticus, t 0 which (hay 11111te attent,.o of All Pin.
rhanuara net:Alf
Nelson's Ambrotypes.
Gallery, corner Third and Market -Street..
Fr are now proportnlto otter to the :albite our r.ll 4uorn
attl e q of A mbrotvpe. nt the prtn...f ON Y. Dolt. ID and
IH'IVAILDS. Th... wanting likaueau.• taltwu ht thy twat
atylo of tho art, will and tt grootly to their fulerewt to glen
tlua nataltlinlitucut a call. A large w.voortcount of Plum atul
Fancy CA. , talw•rt nn hand. ap'lltlyfr
0 ItGIC WIE 17 NI N,
slatto6ntom and Dealer In all kind.. f
LEAF T 0.1311.000, •
Corner elf Smirk! 4d Ired and Diamond Alley,
- .
thrn, ~ f 7tsin and M. Clair Slrres. 111,havh
Maolemnlo and Retail Denier in
Choice lirondr• of Imported Ciiptrs
TOBACCO, ezC-, •
s,tirits attention of Autokere and Chats - era to hL.
atm*. which will be Lead complete as to quality and r ariety.
Dr. 1 - 1171...L11-11 ,, ,N.:, htaitig co
gaged paged tho tiarelcea of the mat experienced Woe • lu the Uultial Stator, is prepuce! to fur-
Teeth. afietptcd to earh particular wee. Full acts of teeth,
or parts of cam made with artificial Kura, to cm, continnoto
or amid ptare.
Arclaclal Eyes inserted, and all defonnitlas face.
01 ==67ourtret!II:t, betisrct Wood and thitttlyheitt
•troote, Pittsburgh. spl,iiuttifs •
Dr. J. MALI...MEN Slirgeon
i sm
Dentist, Ctnitiicror York, Extract, Teeth with
otmtt Wo. by a konil ihnumbiog Aanit to the Goma
tEii - Inaeris Teeth nu Gold, Silver, Platbas and Gatta Pen
ehaomd perform. all Dental operation. in • welentlfle mar.
ilarCards Cir.:llsre .t big Office, 54 Smithfield street,
Plttabargb. apecdfctf
2 11n7aCTVALR or
Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil,
delkdlytc or. 166 and 170 Second Street.
mr3l:3end So. et Mai Seer; near /bullet.
2.2M12,01-1-AN'T 'TAILOR,
No. 54 St. Clair Streat,
(Dr. Irl.lf. !(... Buildlug,)
11.F7.2i121( 1-I. COLLINS,
Forwarding and Commission Merchant,
. .
Cheese, Sutter, Seeds, riSh,
Aod PrAuco
P No. 25 Wood Sera!, Patsbwrgh.
w. v. wwov 11.1tEL. U. T. TCCLTA.
•lxnerican Galvanized Sheet Iron,
S'o't Agents for the Sale of
tV. Ontrxxs Wooro'•
Patent Imitation Russia Sheet Iron.
A**o, Gairsnirnd Corrugate* Iron, for 'hoofing.
Cartraretaws,-.-No. Pront Slew* PttLandeph.
Ja:2ltelt wick'
-- 1`11; Only Itemedy for Coristsitip . tioss;elinl
esperienee has prered
[Lan. 1.1 , 1110 n, Cleric k Cr,).
Pure and Genuine Cod Liver Oil.
11.0 a stood the tP41( . 01 ton years with in salons matter.
Ity, slut proved ellleuelout where others hovel/tiled. nee
that yina put liezerunn, Clark k Co's, for aura the death of
o.r a. nrtiels ettiod . K.Mon'i . bee been In.
trrslored. In noway connects.' with D. C. *Cm, or 11. C. &Co.
fold ty nstaloki A. Co.. U. A. YAIINL3ToCX
USos. awl Drionsistsgatiernlly. welawfel,
P. 1 - 1;1..1.'13
(Sucriesor L..W. IL Moaner.)
Manufacturer of ETILEEEAL Q/L era LAMPS. No. S 2
Pearth .treat, between World and Market, Plpelnmgh, Po,
The trurteralgocel la pregkred to tartlet. Dealers with
Ethereal Oil and Burning Fluids of a aiporlor quality, Of hi.
Can manunictura. Ala. Alcohol, Campbell. and lira Ole
anal emery deecrlptlon of .ible and Centro Tani° [Amp.. Olr.
anclolea,CarelelaLras of the !mm! pattern. and moat approe.
Cl:Modellors, Girandoles .cl Lampe repaired and rerruilil
This abase Oils supplied remits/le every weak in customers
our seiNzons. P. lIATDIN.
Blin and Ornamental Painter!,
. White Lead and ZinClPaints.
Abo, Varnlith“, Wlntkm Glue,
Putty, Brosho r Ae, ,
144 Wood .91reet, f goo chart abort Diamond Anti.
&a:ans.—Tan best and chapees'assortnient
cant* lbotxtat 1 EY8211•14144 Wood greet. •'
;7 , s
The price of A Fla, on i. Sn taut,
The price of the Ponuute ia 7:. ..t..
The price of the Sachet, (very elpgant). 75 ~,,,t,
The price of the Fruit, (per box) In 100
The price of the Incense in :,o cent,
Prongriponni. Ervryl. I y we, it.
Ella o). 399 tin gldway. New York. Roe.
NOTI, To Tat Ptalla—Whermut orrhno le.i4Pill in the ,
/OW Stoles are offering for enle
Frangipanni Perfumes,
of a elution. wore. iv imitation of the 0,0 10 I.• tnn.b I.y
never. PIESSE k LUBIN. Oils Is
that nono is genuine but what Ilan 00 11 tumor of tukseT
LCIIIII of Rohl et- Lotelon..m the bottle.. sod sold by
INGER k EG.., or. York.. NILE ENTS.
The New London Seoul.
Frangiranni, an Eternal Perfume
From the Holy City.
INGER 0 CO, linaulway, New tort. :bbl Earn when,
Brid e tzeitmet, Court,
Pittsburgh,OP Fifth Street.
This Machine Stitches the
Finest or Coarsest Fabric,
At the plenum of the Operuter,rtaktng ulth One Thou.
and beautiful and durable Miles t per Alituar, altnotit non,-
knely, null ere !teeming indispensable for family use.
Full inforntntion tuay n. obtalneel by addreening Jan).
ALEX. R. RUA Agent,
No. FA Fifth greet. lltteburgh.
431 Limo wo.orco To °PIRATE OTT or Orr: ,koorr Ms
OUO TO. ar rut Itnoum. op14:1310
Do. Ilettar Anew baring at length tnreeettel in effect
ing what hes long been the met drtoderetton In
offen It to the geoulty and Ihddle eve remedy for a multi
tude of cornpislnte hitherto l.ronontord beyond all radical
cure. In all rtrutuone affections. where the ectoulbloue
taint is either begerlitary or acquirod. the lODINE WATER
removal from the system of the morbid masa of the di..
order. The Itonefiaal revoke are unnovliately felt in
FJ:NI ALE DISEASES. together nyth lIIDINCHITIs and the
enhre range of Pt LIION.ti RV COMPL.IINTS. Pr. henry
Anders* lodine Kates ben been analysed by Dr dente, IL
Chilton, the celebratedchesartat, and also by Protestor
James C. Booth, of the C S. Clint, of Philadelphia, Audi
i oth pronounce it to he just whet re tv reptraented. For
re le.:, fundable, full leans of the legal:alto character
nt. retuart. .1,1 will az sortafi. ate. vol.
nafaftlY log thorn whn have Lyon cum! by are .
public are Invited . r.111.1;• , 11
DR. DEI,4 If. /VEY...ER. 140 ifoodetreet.
Athole.alo and Retell Agent.
Pittsburgh ltinputcla, April 10th. 15.18.—}4 more than 3
!an.n tent sta tutor constantly nm, the Vital/WWII i
pander Dram nvnufarturtal by Dr 'Ga.. 11. lie, nor, a! No No
lio •-tn: strott. to this atty. 'and nr•tti heartily meat.t
maw) it to *Hato are aottpollett to ftpll,at a n-laatary ny-en
patina. As too ha, lofara totnarLe-1, to calling , Ott , colon
V. It. merits, n anarrorn for a 'race and an-panders. the
nrniglat of the pantiloons toning no planal an to anntinindly
fowl to 1,148 tha lihoul.iare to ttiotr natural poritionAntl otc•
pm! tlta cliont, P ar.t..o at ...haw aro annually
ta/artal hr natt,tht eannrtnotia ttnk.rtn," slionll aka.
pran.ait :how tram , - particatat n intact:min: ilta !and
natt.tatuol,watt) of tha tanto. a: I,ttvt x. 1.1
a It, 0'4,1 -anta Dru,alar tt'tanl
taro t. nittat ttrlbt-Ilal lan Mortar_ j,2tit.l.k a
.101I\ 'l' r();A:tri;o:s.:
European Agent and Intelligence Office,
I 0 I.IIIE Ti. , 'tilt./: T,
t'.. code. Ample, Ott, ,Inaats .h.., t
Itraft• on all parte td - statepa for alio in num.ta oust 1110.14
melt l'oo-agon 1.. and iron Eurapo troola,.—
Ttaketa thronAli frnan Nola and PLuladelithun by Rail
.1 wittily
R". S: D. It.L.N.Li..ILLIT2I
1.70C,C11111110 NULL...
AU Mods of Tobonoo, S stuff •nd Cigar+,
Moo recently taken the blinding tin. INltt Wool street. In
ohlttion to Moo Nleandecturnig Establohmenk No 43 Irwin
street. where they will Le pleeonl to meante their friend,
oour-fitax ito:=4,
92.. Or
Iron nailing, Iron Vault*. Vault Doors,
Window Shutters, Window Guards, kr.,
Nat. PI Seamd Shred um! Third
Kraal and Market.) PITTS1IVIN:11, PA .
114rn nn hand avariety of ova P.tterne. fancy and platn,
stntablo for porpost.s. PartieulAr attention paid to ett•
ekohor t:rs*•• Lt.. done at short waif, vie)
TEAL:TEFL, .A.TTINTION.—Dr. Vetle1)1111
for. lAnlment. In pint hottl, pr.Pe Zit roots. Is rrriManted
lae,tper and better than any 'nth, artirle et er offere4 to the
public) for the enrn of cub, Galls, Sprains. Latnenees. Over.
heating. de, KraT a NAtis in the stable, it has saved truttly
”Irothls horse. None genuine =leas sign) S. I. Tobias.
Depnt, 7)t3 Cortlandt street. Nese York.
Suid_ll,D,Bl:tiSP.R. 140 Wood et.
TOOTilAcnt: is instantly cured by rt few drops
of Dr. Keynwee Tooth Arlo. Remedy. Pn.pared nod said at
the dreg tom,. of DI:. KEYSER, 140 Wood et.
kat:di:we} , Sign of the Golden Mortar.
I r you value your teeth and a pure breath,
bonllhy g0t0... nod romfortable mouth, ee to KEYSER'S,
143 Irani street. and boy a bottle of Woe's Trwrrn IVAnt
and T.xern Potence. JeltdolivetF
To Nervous Nufferors.—.3. retired Cler omen
restored to health in 11 row days, after many yoga of grey
serroos sofforins, Is mak.. to mako know.° the meant of
ewe. Will mind ifrro) the prescription wed. Direg firths
Rev. JOHN DI. DA(iiii :o. fie Talton greet, Broettlye,
Now York. myeirodergen!
BazAsr l'unr.N. of n anterior kind, for sole
oI Dc2ColilrxEj DR. h EY.SEIre, 140 et
Siramotsof every kind for salo at PR.
KEYSER'S, 140 Wont% flrort. Je2,3.1.1,reS
Prrtennenth JUDO lath, IST. f
0 1 1DIVIDESD.—Tho President and Directors
or ttueCompany hare thr. day clk.clured qq dividend of
Eight Dollen per share upon the Capital Mork; ear Fire
Dollen payable In reel, to the Reek Ifeldere, or their lasal
tepreeentativee,oo aunt after 3looday, the MI cwt.; and
Three Dollar" credited to their Stock.
-Jelttfeim SA3OJEL L. I.tRbIIELL. See y
'THE ONLY PLACE where Tickets can he
le at the unto, of the Company, Slououpebela Muer,
oppoelte the Prounrivaula Railroad Depot, corner
of Wayne and Liberty streets.
laySid.tirEtuT inyin F. KNOWLAnk
ITIZENS' BANK, Pirrsuraau, Ma
OT y
), I/Wl—Notice Is hereby given to the Pteckhobleie
of this Bank, that hooka for the oubecriptlon of the POO;
000 of additional capital stook, (authorized by tho late cup
plorneut to the charter of the Edlnane Book,) trill
be opened on 310.NDAY, 25th lout., and rtmoln open nutil
the "_oth Of July moat E. D. JONES, Cash',
• •
rt.' ell/ Me.; D•xx, l
Pitteburgh.Jone 23111,114,7. f
; Is conformity with the 2.5 th section of the
Cour - taut/on of the Commonwealth of Pennoyltania,
j notice to hereby given that application alit ba mado to t h e
Legiglaturs, at the next 6.0511111. for the Renewal or Este.
MOP of the Charter of .ha Merchant , ' and Manufarturere
[hoardof Pitte . b l p orf m h. i fo , o r t . he term of fifteen yearn. order
jo2AAnol W. IL DENNY, Cartier
- • -
F . T.NOTICE—fIic Stockholders of the
horgh and Alteghsny Bridget . ..patty, Cal Ilandot..)
hereby notlflod that an election of Atanloars. Re.,.Alil he
held at the North cod of the Bridge, on 3IONDAY, Jtd) , YAIL
betnern the tonne of 2 nod D'o'clock. r.
(Igo. E. ARNOLD...Q(III2_
.13XFB ELZERS.--tionto Freezer , may t rurnoliedfrout
In W. flohley,Rode—•
savoral tarullica ei r, all 01 whom' eon.
000 , 1 in deoidfng to tho oa
of [lto matte,
Ho Is authorized
M. Ilon, nud 31
Gnowt Amato..
4.21 , 1 n.
,t yon aro ,o r
Wenn. (Wen and
yer:hr 11 W.
oAlo by Jo:
1.4 dor. for We byl
A OIL--1101this j
J , =7
r ) 0, 1 - 1 . 7 ,1 1 .y V
ule by jag
We by - . pc -
13007EAD 0 roa -ZosTht Lrind tlitii
.1.; fat sal• by " .ji27 , . PLESIINO DROP.
A L 0140 L--15 bbts just road and far sate
-Ls- kr j. 2 7 FLE3II NO Min&
C ------. .ANNEL COAL OIL Ibr sid
:T bir t .• . 1
¢? do abbertrEciurnts.
Of the A..adit Comm thee of the
• Contral 'Boa vd. of -Education.
linlime.. In 7rosumr7 at rettlrment, dvno
9[ll, 1.356
Rrr•lrni form C-dlaton..lllol.lllN
Statn Oppropaton, Feb.
F10 , 04 , 0 , i from Collomom on flurilcsto.
Itttsill,.on account;n4l
ward 49.000 00
T. It. DA. at. iti 25 ...... .6,005 00
C. W. I.onie. on Recount, 77.1 ward ..... flu
H. occount..37o ...... 6,&J 00 .
1•r. in full. 6711 nTird ......... 17
.i, in full. 6th wArd 1,771 59
floury Lytle, to CWI, 770 ......_.1,61000
onarctinnt, nth ward. 00
IL LL • [aunt!, en nreount, oth ward. fO-16,= 70
anl .
Seventh want
Eigth ward..
(.:.Ism] :7:coca—Pahl Teachers.
Rolf and rcpaln
Ig In Schuul—lhaid Proteisisurs •ud Teach
Fuel and Gal
Apparet. nod Chemicals
i l n aiil
Pref. Aimee. for tectnr. on Noe
meninx, given to ell the Reboots of tho
Salary of Secretary
Onnini.intri to Trerisurer
lialeuee in the him. Trresnret ...... ..•
WM. IL War,L.L.A.MS do C()
EPO I SITS reveivell ourrent aceounn,,,
Itarn, paid intl.) riny Unpainted fur n II xril tiny.
Al! rlterkitnn mtriniticn tnos sn paid inettrtinnty, mikes,
nllttrvinn mnrkni.
W. 11. Williamo L. Co, boy and 1.41 Exrhonge nu Ow priu
tipal eitiO4 of tha C.nllat Stotoo 1111t1 Europe. J027:11n
- - ---
.IPOURTCH.., 144.57.
T,IXCUItSION TRAINS on this Road for
jj July 4th, trill run as 5410w5, vloi
Pittnbutgli to Kittanning at 7.30 A. L.
Do Vuitton at 740, DAM, 11.30 A.. 60‘11.00 r tt
litaton to PittAhurnh At 10.15 A. 4., 12.15,4 and 5 p. u.
Kittanning to Pittsburgh at 0.00 P..
476-Excursion Tickets can be procon.4 at Carson htreet
Dept. P27:11111 A. MARI, Sun,.
'DANK 7...t.5e, (Below tltt. St. Ct.lir Stnwt bridge.)
Allegheny City, Penne
Of every Color and Number.
ji abor notice for every color or number of Yarn, flay.'
hdbeen one of the original ulanufaeturera of the ctlebrae
"Ora !ley Woolen Yorne, - in connmtion with my brother,
Wn. lir. Huy, of Whooling. I would re , pertfully solicit a
abaro of be orders for Yuma, m 1.1. V.
/1 - d-e h lurid for Sheep Skins and Wool. jo2Trlyd ! Thl
arr.. ;1.11 , 14M'Er",,Z 1 .171 . .r.,7,1 1 ;.°;1% - ) . ° 1.0
As Judges will be appointed' br tha Fair, owl other eosi
n." trliarted In relation thereto, . attendanterof the
month. roqueetrel. JOll ''
ik YOUNG, Jr., Pro'.
S. Sou Jr, Fee' .. Joreivi
FIRE LVSL - R.lNC.E—Peretual or limited, rondo in Mau
or euuntry. on °eery descnntlou of propertv.
/NZ oLVIN LTSCR-INCE, on Goods by Canal, Laltes and
Land Carriage, to all parts ! of the Union.
wathag BIWA' Trammortation.
3ledia, Delaware County, Penna. '
. i " c. P, President.
Mina Maria L. Eastman, Principal. , W.DARLING%Iee Pres:dent.
_l_ delightful and beautiful village of Nitwits, thirteen
es fr.,111 Philadelphia by Railroad, offers to young Welles
the oust perfect combination of advantagi4 fur the setnin• i
uterd 01 a thinough awl urcumplithed education.
The large and emutiosliints huil.ling lately erviited, eau-
taming all the 114.4411 r,ii, cf baths, p ia , g g . ; I,
Willi Its extensive grounds, a model m all that pertain@ to i
the health. cumfort. refinement and improvement at the i
pupils. The elweplng roommate high. well ventilatcd, and
IrirmAlK•4 ultIL neuron and elegance, and bu` two pupils
o- up - the tame apartment. The oucabth fpupil Is
'united to frte, for lit,. arena tow hers are employed.— ;
The sear Lit hint instruction is giemi in all the brooches
twig!, wild• mural snit rolimonit pi - I:trip/eft era constantly ;
toculaittol try theory end practice.
Tim i idneo id itwiruction fOnipt IFo a period of four
,-,, end a thploina ie awarded mail oho paw, through it ' aplifiru--,w7
The flight nee. A. Petrer, D. D.. L. L_ Ih. Illsium of
Penewyl mum, cove: - 111 w. It. L. Eastman, who propoarsto
open a Toting Liultee Seminary in 11.1 Delaware county.
le nnsylianis in Septdmitel next, R. l a know, to the i
sul,seedr for e•-eoal years 1.11. tie ,r 0
me a eery hih
opininu of licr cap dI
acity. aciency nail tionteduess . ag u
~ha. ter. She Las hied a largo and summand expericnce.— , Smiths. , 0,1 h ," iii W. G." "" at! El, 4 . ' eclat
Tlea buildito, srtich I. to he erechid will contain aunty aw P 1.1 11. ADEL, P e 111 A . •
;.,i,,n,,0i1.i14i,inii.„,;71....te 1-,1,1.1,..ig;,....,„_.ar5i1...5nri-ontolitig_Tutry....areti !, ; ,.,.., ;;;1 ,,,,,,,,, i April bri t igo, Capital stsei, 1100,000.
et : deer la. 1,1 1/ . / . 1 , ,1te O. parent• eho entrou Glair .
• LEXAM.rbtt Wiffili/N, Pi mon—w,
d.tughter. Li Nliis Eastnith 001 ha, e ow eau", to regret it? ;
The r r ,..„.1. leoguage at taught hy o Patel. lady rasid. I joiliii C. sr3is,Semetary and Atinary,
tt Gie ti.tioly.
• JOHN S. WILSON, Trneetwer.
u 'll , Lain. timiiint. Fiient.ii, alit lishen hiLLting., re. :
10.10 or llll.Verrni.
~ 1., .11, n1i..;,11. el.
I Alexander Whilihn • 1,611 s 0. Geley,
Th . Imhiral s frac, are taught with Ilse ael of • Lit .6 •
e i 31seshall 'len ses, i T. Emends Harper,
awl nap, 'iv,• oppwrat us.
. William P. Dolton, I ElishaTrathy.
The litt cal liepartutent is tinder the rtinrce , •(s lwly . ~,,,;;,,,,,,, mi; , ;;;n; I
Thomas S Smith,
eminent!, quallneet for the eitnaum , mad all uli . pref., t.. ;
;,,,,,,,,, sim ,„ 1 George 11. Gramm,
tea, taught on the Immo or singing by a gentleman, lisra a .
;,;;;„;,, i t;;;; „. ;;;;;;,
Ellwood Niallack,
ting twatherfniut Philadelphia.
John P. Simons.
Drawn. atel Painting arc under the Rive - lino of a lady ,
WIL p IRWIN, 11. D., Medical Examiner.
meow:di...4 in the arts
This It imago, Insurance on lives, on meet ream.-
The Fall Term commences September nth.
' ble 1,T113. It lies been encoecarfully managed fur several
Mb. Ee,teriati has the llherty to refer to the follow big gen, 1 . 1 .;;;;; ;. .peri.0 „, b .,
of 0 , 1; ,,,,.... 1 t ..,,,,,,, n ..,
trustee,: has Aiwa, a paid promptly ith losses, and Is every
Right Revi'A.Puteer,Rishop of Penn.ylvenlo
; way deserting of confidence and patreinaim.
- lion. Franklin Pion* eediteinilent ot C. S
ft. W. I'OINDENTER, Agent,
Ilona S. P. ,'har t Gorfl nil oct Gbh,
, rittlin P
! T Front street, Pittsburgh.
C. Loeser. Esip, Puttsmlle, Pa. yful
George IL Wharton. Es, __. Philadelphia, •
11111fmn Itthithiy, Esq. Pittsburgh. I
Sslennue Lothrop, Fiw,., Alleglien, Cit..
Jeg: 01edia, Delon - an. count). Pa.
It R. It. -
TIIItFF .1R EAT 1.11711 TS
lei.\\lilU 1111 " F:
.EN: ft
M . curtng health—ridding Me human budfrular diararee, and
aerring Urn. The ;Ink, under the c ont inue Inntturent of
Tie regular Ltrulty, are aubject In a continued prettier of
prrdaddllitien and uneerlahlt4ee. There In twilling tertuin nr
lined In the treatment of rho sir[ either 'in the old ar,new
lul,' of median,
' •
. .
Dr. Radium has uccemied 41 producing three remailin—
, known to the'sorld as ILarteraf a Ready Relief. ftenoptiling
It. of vent and Regulators. Thane 'tramline are not Ali es
rtaldlelind fern. inamanch aa they ham newer yet faded in
Mode istlecLal or combined anew,. io producing fruitful rod
beneficial reatalnt—lost, they are facie eatablishing a science
--al they have to all mum "when tried' succeeded to restor
ing to health—and ridding the boil, from dims. alter all
inner medicinal treatment had failed—and the most skillful
phyelcianr had given tip the nick as Inland the pomrr o(hto
man means tocum—audpronnuomil thr dreadfla mandate--
i Radway's Remedies aro therefore flys.l feels In the at ,
. thieves.,( molkul science—thee bete been -often tried - -
•mever dented" --cud are be tried again."
nun. angst tract!
Asa Special Remedy is to be mid In all came where the
human body is seized with the to - tering pang Or penn
y.a of pain—nu matter what the cause of the pain may be,
' or
where it ale) he banded—an application of the, Ready
Relied lather in as a drink. orextern ft l ll yas a Alle
viator, wellfew minute, if a minute , restorethe a ac.l body to
ease and comfort. •
in ell races of Dowel Disorders, Dysentery, Cholera,
Bloody Flux, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, and other
Nyman Atlccrioti,Neurelgia, Itheutuarletu.Sprafas, glebes,
Toothache, Duns, Scalds, Ncoonds, Shut Wounds, Rnahles,
Cuts, Poisoning, either by the bites or Wens of Reptile.; In
nests, or Vegetable or Mineral rebottles by aceltleut—iu all
cases and uuderiell circumstances Where the human system
Is tortured by paln, Railway'. Ittesay Iti•lief mu he rellol upon
su a Tilde, mfe au d certain tamely.
In mem 0(111 linesmen, Balloon Meer, Typhus Fever, fib ip
Fever, Yellow lever, Fever and Ague, amend Rover, mid all
Malignant Yee :re, &hall Pos, Aleaslm, Pneumonia. Red
way's Ready Kellerman( tu commetiois with Radwy's Rettu
r, will pod May cum the sick afflicted with nthese db.
i t
order, and pro ..ct the system simian sodden attache wheneither of thew udimumt dissect-prevail. •
en GREAT aeon. , ' .
The discovery of them You
pills Wel:abbot a new
era Is purgative!, anda a .W principle to this Wanee of medi
cine. ill table„ three pa suo pliant; pram or sickness at
the stomach b. mplaiens tl; they oda. Ye nstundly, tenting
the bowels, liver and od, • organs In r natural eta healthy
Each holl that is taken ghee uew Ide to the blood: the
purify It, mksfrom it a* I Impure ylassits and equalise its y
000 or two doses of It ,dwny's f eguLaters, will °naively to.
more all dintressingga atoms c: lryspepsle, Jaundicr, Net ,
'Dimness, Indigestion, C ntivenva, Lis or Complaint, Itilleute
UM, 3 1elonchnly,nud • di curt all organic dimes. either In
sum or ammo. WI • trout olod with Irreguteritini or
weakening discharges, nary , II upon prompt cure nod reg
ular perhvis If Itndtend nary are takon.
Every dose of Rodway's Regulators that Is taken lostila
now strength wlthintho hod, of the yolk, feableaudtarto.
All who take them urn delighted with the happy change
they experience lu n towhee:4. Thu dlsplratettud rueLlu•
chub. Gel mytnis deal happy; the rick cull &bill tett, strong
and vigorous.
r roan
NO GRT moot.
Llurnors, cult Rheum, Scrofula. Ulcers, horn, iiofe, Ferry
:} , rya, Skin Eruption., Blotches. Itreurintle, by merle, Clout,
I 'honey, alpha+, Consumption, Apopi=v, 8,, nod 611 Can
j etitutioonl and Chronic Pemeneetteltlier Inilerlted Sy horeditn
•ry tronsinlemlon, or Inocidered by e•poenre &trod*,
There dno remedy an the world that will wur nub
ruhlous curer in old ill,,cema. em! Itodwoy's Reeolverd. It
I dangle the whole lihniou body; rept, loces nowAl= healthy
Dam•llloidin t " croin the f3tnga, lioilmearn Rem:Prating
wity,,nt, edit 1 0 • trte mhpites cheek hemorrhage from t j he
lungs or thong. In rotes where t lir pot io at coupe up cloth
CI Imlood owl or j etre:Awl Ite.lteny' Ite3olvent
0111 Innti remove the difficulty.
Ilarnomod of 1101 glad Thirtye&witil duet, hail
a tar I rongh 030 Imo yearn. Elweour.l.ed op manifold.. halt
n pint of blood ilurng the night. htio watt cured in 7 dap
the Relief and liceolyent.
sore tenni 21 yoara, cur.! to throe weeks by 7=l.
way'. Relief. Mr. T. 11. Kilpra triendutut of high sanding
Raltionego, Go., soym 'flat • gulitlemall who tort went
ory koore hod been afflicted with a sore leg, that wadenid
ind, f treatment, was ellectualle cured= throe weeks
! by Ittplway's Itendy liellofalosolyemml and lteattlotora.
TUE mug!
—IITZUL Until,.
In all conditutiond dim:B=o,Bod where the con3llLup=
le broken dawn, or tile body to n rapid date of decay, ar!tb•
sylttem inert:dated with the &roe of &weft, eitlier by •tbo
ylolotlon of the
d otten& the L pwaaad of health,
Introoaeon ;
r oe=cru
t =di n.
oucg., olScrofula, Cooretopt/oh, t d U a r y alle9,UOl a t, ouan
not other Iwlr looms, wLfe6 Alung Ilseof =MUT hen sobountifully and daily !mildewed on posterity, se • meniinto
of the pad, at the cod of the suffering inheritors. These
liernedire, In thew trlidniry capacity poetess! curative pow
er that no Mediae ran withstand: their comhinwl effect will
'•rslkute tram the tiring bailY retry pertlcleof di/Kneed rest.
ter, tenotato the elude myeterit with health: heel the .nand
ilreeylng long,. :Or other &gene-ileum and Verify thee.
clean from all iroporitlee.
To the &Ambled wayfarer, who lacrlppled with lefirmltioe
—we Invite Jon `to try" the. lientedice. We will reach for
their efficacy.
With Many hundreds of others oho hare mellowed aul
roll rho effeeiof the 'Three Wrest „Lights," and ke they yule
and govern those bodleserhich they ere drattetd lby the Al
/nighty Power so them three taireedles =mad as Ithl!_ret.72i.
'Peron, and tigand Madera of_nll !baste.. -
RADW AY 4LC0..142 Fulton street. N. Vi c
- For mit by 'T It. cAci.r.vbrit, swami. wa, - Plktt
• -,
in ß h i
eR.IL R. ntialld an oddh y gleoggietu Mere de
soil ktorekeirgere. ' m- ."
abor.. to Mra.
_ .
reduged prite.. a
0. IT. 11t1LEI,
street, Allrapy,
ill Ilse it
110,101. At ; Boa,
uk in at ;
on hand and for
IL. 1 g - To mi in
FLEMINer Rfiotk.,
$t reeibuiti forunl;3
grong store for
Is on hand and for
11 Ff. P . O 11.:.1"
41,100 SO
As - As .1
.5,50 Y 00
.3,413 oq--37,77p 53
04* •
136 5 6 , .. • — • • 1041 Coo
300 &0
4.50 00
1 , 5 04
4384 ,
'1 70
119 10
ll' NI. VA it NI:31.
Ns' II I:1'1:11,A.1N.
, -- fmturante
IV opting* latinglanne Company, ' vt- al
[ . .rolaware Hutu Safety In:lira:a CO/
~,,.........,..," ~e , ...
Franklin Buildinga, 414 Walnut Street.
La n'"4"' nd .. lVal7nu
Orguuotol ..r,•kr th.a.u.r4 zn,,,,,,,,,i,,,,, ~ ~,..„b ' Office ,
Capital or $ lOO.OOO. privileged fo.increase to $394 " 0.
Imarra again. 1..4 or dunah.o by Fire, 31arnio, Inland MARLTE LTSCM.A.,Vcr,s or. Teasels, Cs:rip,,,,as,d gmte i t
E76; P r r r t.A T D: hlrdn' t.
Stmts..) Ju or.l Troutportatiou to nil WI, of tho 'world. L , ,
771Crill i LVLA..VD iN5V25.A.M...2,8 un , Rivera, Canals,
IL 0 LAUCIIL 13. Preectiout. Lakes nod Local to all wise( Union.
MICHAUD RITIELDS, Tice Prosldent. ' FMB nrazlLL asi Mar.bandiu, parrally.-0a
CEOILOE &SIT, Furotostr. i Minna, Ovvellbag LI ie. J ~. -
erasers of ch..p.7;1,1*.td LA
l D. lloutgOccerr, , Bonds, 3tortgagas. an Real gatata--... —1104130 94
liceba-d 81 , 101. i., 4 Philuielphie Cite, an other Loans..--...' ..... 1n8,978 43
, Georg, Scats , Stook in Banks, 'Would and tosnrsoloodmi...... lt,ZO 91
! T. F. Showell, . Nils IteceiroVe.
.... 231,388 89
.0. C. butler , Cash on baud . 37,341 311
71 ' " A. CITAITL I, AR,latil, 1 Maw. In tongs of Agents, prat t ,h, g ,,, ~,, m a •
Ofilo...Lafipcn 808, Conn-awl on Wool It ) lino Policies rocsotly tuned, and other debt.
due the CORIpIII7.. .......... ...... ... 121 . 265 10
... .. .....- ...... ICAOOO 00
Howard Fire and Marine Insurance Company, SubscriPtion N.ito ...•• --.
Ft anlitn Buildings, No R 4 Hater red.
Authorized Capital, 5600,000.
6.1101731. T OF CAPITAL SIALSCRIBLD, $300,0 , .0.
"First Bonds and Mortgages an Proccorty In the city of
Philadelphia $13303.0
Stocks worth par = OO
Cult ou halt{ 51,001
Amount ...MI by stuck notes. 190,000
Amount of stvek due on call. 1.190
11. C. Langhlin,
W. O. Stoteebru7,
D. libarnroce..
MTLlian, Osborne.
00 , 000
Buildings, Moreland...lN Furniturv, Lumber, ke., on Caw*,
Cargo and Freight, to all ions. and by Railroads, Lakesand
Blears, at the lowest rate, and uputithe most liberal terms,
guaranteeing prompt payment on the adjustment of lames.
The greaten amount to he insured on any one risk is
P. M. Potts, C. E. St:a DIREeTO
ngler. Abraham Reg, firm of Rex.
RION & C. 14 Wm. FL Woods. George Howell. firm of Howell
& Bros J. Edgar Thompson, Pres. Penn. R. R. Co.; 6. Sower,
fires of Sower & Barnes. John W. Sexton, firm of Burnett.
SwearbabmS7 ,Hermon Bans; Chief Ewsisis.r Pent.
R. IL: Nathan R. Potts, Counsellor at Law; iini.ll. Leech,
firin of Leech k Co.; R. T. Retail. H. IL Romano. Freight
Agent of Pears. ft R.s Joseph R. &Villiers, firm of 'Withers
A Peterning Abraham P. Ryer, W. Harold, firm of Ralsmel
Co.: Charles F. Norton. firm of Vandenzeri &Co.; John IL
Lew.* firm of Lewanis & Corpora Jas. E. lityles, if. N.
Barron- a, late Willlawison. Burroughs A Clark.
W. 11. WOODS, Frey.
PliterlAL M. Pom Preedl.
C. E. EiPINIILLE, TIC* Presdl.
lek.,A glance at the Ilet of Directors of tho "Iloward In
surance Company,” most of whom are widely known as
among the Oral business men of Philadelphia, will protably
convey ample assurance of mummify to the public.
A %hare of patromute k reepectfulty solicited.
corner of Water and Market streets,
(M 1 . 4..0 Pittsburgh, Pa
Ire I aaaaa nee Company of
PftlL.l P E L I' lA.
Charles W. [Dunker, I Adolph
(l E. I.rie,
George W. Inchon-IN Samuel eant.
Thomas ILIA, I David P. Brown,
Anent D. Lewis, Jacob R. Brnlth,
Tobias lisgtter,Dorris Patterson.
Commie C. Butiiaa,Secretary.
This Company continues to make Insurances, permanent
or limited, on every description of property In town and
country, at rates II low no are consistent with secur i ty.
The Comgany hare reserved a large contingeot fond,
which, with their Capital and rretnionut, ufely invested,
afford ample protection to Use assorts'.
The Assets of the Company, on January lot, BSI, as pub
liaised agreeably to tho Art of -Assembly, wen as follows
Real Estate,—
Temporary Lewes.
Since their IJ:lmq:oration, yaaiod of twenty-wl ream,
they have paid upwards of Ono Million, Poor lloodred
thousand Doll,. Losses by fire, thereby afforditig arida.*
of the advantages of In or
as well as their ability and
deposition to meet with promptuess all llehilitleA
Office Southeast err. Wood and Third me.
rent Western Fire and Name In
No. 107 Walnut Street.
Cal.= PrarrlT tt .
Charles C. Lathrop. 437 W9luta meet
11m. Runty R. M00r9,6G Watont atroot
Alexander W6lllden, Merchant. 14 :North Front st..
John C. Lluutnr, firm of Wright, Mont, & Co.
Z. Tracy lino of Tracy it litiekrr. -
;lotto B. McCurdy, forn of Jooro, Whitt, di McCurdy.
.9. Bishop, Bran of 13itiliop, Edutnone S. Co.
Jos. B. South, firm of Jas. LS Small & Co.
Thos. L. Offloople, Grua of Gillespie It Zola".
love Hollehorit, Attorney and Contortior
Ilia. K. Litoorick, .112 ertn~e.ttrot.
Moan Here Poirot!. 11 6 Irainut otiort.
Theo. W. Rinker, Goldsoalthia flail
lloory C. Wino:tore, Kenn York.
97 Front itroot, Pitobor.
Life Insuranrc,
Airrßic. , ik LIFE fyFEE_INcE
Continental Insurance Company.
trwqrpor Irn! by Ilte Legislature of Penntylmrdo
ArtiltorizNl Capital. Oro !Hilton Dutinny__
Sera red and Arra tnnlaterleapital
Halnet Shire. ds...e &mid. Philadelphia.
Flre Insiiranre on Intildlnifx, Panamint, 3forrhandise, tr.
Marl. Inseranra Cargoes end Freighta, to all parts of
the world.
Inland Insurance on Good., &c., by Lakin, Biters, Guth
and inndearriay, e. to all poor a of the gni., on the moat
favorable terms. consistent with accurity.
formerly Recorder of Deeds, tc.„
WM. BOWERS, formerly Register of win.
JOILN N. COLEMAN, firm of Coleman & Smith. Importtng
hardware mid Cutlery Merchants, No. 21 North Third
street, above Market, Phila.
"JOSEPH OAT, armor Joseph Oat & Sow Coppersmiths, No.
12 Roam street, Phila.
EDWARD I'. 31ACIIETTE, firm of Hachette A Ritgvel.
Importing hardware 31erchants, No. 124 North .Third .
street, above !tern, Phil,
HOWARD lIINCIIIIAN, firm of Livingston k Co., Products
and Commission 3terchtints, No. 278 Market et., above
Eighth, Phila.
Gicet Wasox,Serretary. •
ntr23Wlyfo • N 0.24 FM street, WO.)
The Manufacturers' Insurance Company•of
Charter Perpetual--Capital 8500,000.
Fire, Marine mad Inland
W3I. A. 11110058, Wino Prnickrot. • - -
ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary.
Aaron S. Lippincott, Wm. 8.. Tkomas, Charles Wink
Wm. A. Abate., William Soot, Alfred Weeks,
J. Rinaldo Sank, . Cbaa. J. Field, John P. SiSODLI.
Jamm I'. Smyth, Company less organized with a Cask Capita), and
the Directors hare detormined to adapt the buslotee to its
available rcsourcen to oheeree prudence In conducting its
affairs. with a prompt adjustment of Imes.
Pittsburgh Olare, No. Pe Water street_
mr2z.fa J. NEWTON, JOXER.Agent.
itizens' Insurance Comp'y of Pittsburgh.
BAGALEY, PrreMeat,
SAJICEL L 31AltnIALL, Stcr,f4l7.
4 Water Street, between .Itarirt opel Wood Sfreets.
lEg—insurr.lioll and Cargo Make on the Ohio and MI.
eissippi Riven, and Tribntatice.
. .
• Sir/waren sof not lon. or damage by Filv. apt=
Um 4if.tha Sea and Inland Navigation laud Tranorot.
• • .
Wm. Dag.ley, 1 Owl.. Ilark Sterling,
Panmel Rem,S. 31. tiler,
Robert Dunlap, Jr.. J Wm. Bingham,
S. Ilarbaugh, 1 John S. Dilerorttl,
Leine 31. Pennock, ; Frauds Selma,
Walter lurnat, J. Rchoonmaken
Jar. 31. Cooper, Wm. Br Ilays, •
Jam Slipten.
Weittern Irusuyaneo Compnny
0 1 , T 9 II 11.11,
0E611. , 1F. DAILSTE, President.
Will Insure spinal gill kinds of Fire and Masao Risks.
C. W. Ricketson,
0. W. Jocknot.
Limos Yleituioy,
&Art Dottie,
I Fontanel Holmes,
J. Lippincott;
If Bmltb.
rutgoil by Directory tern known
R, No. 92 hater street, (Poing
Pittsburgh. Jeyttfe
IL Maim Jr..
J. W. hurler , '
Andrew Ackley,
Thunw 9colt.
1115.. A llama hatitutkm
to this eorranunlte, sad who '
IY y 1.11 tram u tho OFTIC •
t Co.. Warehouse,) up utalta,
No. 149 Chesnut Street,
• •
OPPOSITE TUE i't*N7o3l 1/01Jil.
Will make ell kinds or Insurance either POrpettna On
Limited, en every dentription of Property or if crthandhe,
at reasonable rates of premium.
Ronyst P. KING, President.
U. IV. ILILDWIN, Vice President.
Marl.. P. Mien, E. Ra. Cope, 7 '
E. 11. English. George W. Drown,
P. It. Emory. Joseph S. Pant; •
O. dbortnitn, John Clayt.m,
N.. 1. Megurgeo, 1 E. Witter.
P. Bnienstniza,Sserstany.
J. 11, MEM. Agent. '
1.: 15 4.Ei1u • , corner Third and Wood Its.,
ilosonratiella In•nrano••Company. 7 •
Orna, N0..1;48 Warn Etwarst. . • I
lame.Ageriut all kind, al J'ni and Mimi. Risk*
Ornets•—JAMES A. D0...11150N, Proeident.•
HENRY H. ATWOOD, Secretary. . •
Gli,UTO= -
Wilma =ler,'
L torry, , 4
mitts's —"UMW
Nat. 11. 7lelmei,
John Atwell,
a. auks, , •
mce C. Una&
Th.:VW. Paulding,
J.ll/11.4 Ingmar,
William kn., e.,
Joebun L. Peke, •
Jam. Tennene,
Samuel & Stoke";
Wary Sloan,
Mums O. Dead.
• .. 'What Dunne, Jr.,_
John &Semple,
• D. T. hlee s ,..
J. T. Lep.,
LAXTLN. Preeident.
11105. C. ILAND, ties Proddlen
Itxaar Lvinvrr, Socretary. •
ill Lam Martin,
/mph 11. n•ral t
Etlnman A. Soudnr,
John C. Ihris,
JoLo IL Primate,
0. Leakor.
Edwardd Darlington,
Dr. It. M. Dusting
illiatA.C. Ludwig,
Hugh Craig •
li c tua r r:hr.rer;ln.
IL Amen
J. G. Johnson,
Farmers' and illethanies' Insurance Company
.il'ortiteret .oarner Second and ;Wm/ sfr,v.,,
follovibg statement exhibit* the biailianniaid condi
tion of tba Company to \o).1, I 8 4
Promte= received on Marina and Inland 1114kV
Fire Premium. .......... 178;96 el
Interest on loans 8.701 47
Intel receipts ..
610066 ne
Paid Munn, Lob.. p. ,427 04
Fite " 99,731 A 9
Eztenses Sularine end Commhalona..... 45,480 On
Re-mannuxe, Return Premituns end
Agency Charges ..... _ ............. ........ 2..474 03
Mamma mumbling with ........ ...1=11,061
The asseta of the Company aro aa &Rom—
Cits and Comity Dona, 1e1,048 18
Railroad Ronda 11,000 00Cad Pries.
Pint Ifortgago Real Estate 143,E00 00)
fitoeka, Collateral. m. all 311,100 00
(ilrara aril Conaelidatton Bank
Stock 5,=5 00
Dennelta,l with Sherman, Duncan
Va., New York
Deferrett Payment on Stuck not yet
dn. 9;100 00
Notesß.r lluine Braman,. 100.080 1/0
Duo from Agent. oimurd by botnia. 35,7:0 00
Prouthsma on Policies ryeently
sued, and debt, dm, thoCer.
Bantam. in Ranks..
the Board of Director, haoe,thia day declarod 55=1,057
Parable on demand on the btedneal of the Company the
let Wawa. T/1031.A.9 D. PLORENCA•Preeident.
&WAIT UZLIOKILV. Secretary. • .
• I.l!os..7,..:lllLSTEtt,Atehl;Pittib,
n027.76nu11e • N0..170 Waterteiseet.
...$918,119. 03
g 4,3""
.. 08.966 17
... 01,339 00
. 64.348 01
Reliance Mutual Insurance Company of
Office No. 70 Walnut. •Streot
Cantu, slT;674—AgsTern VT1,002-Bzrottri Iniiirlf.D.
Fire Imam. cm DuiWhip, Blerchandlee, Fern Lure, le.,
in town or country.
The mutual princfplo combined rnith the Howley of •
stock Capital, entilloo thwitworod to &heroin thetprollta of
the Ctunpauy, without liability fur Imam.,
The &tint Cortilicates of thia Company, for profits, are
convertible at per, intolbe Capital Stock of the Company.
CLEM TINGLEY, Provident.
. 11..3L IllNCJlMAN,Eecretary.
tuartlOn. '
g l- ro. Tti.Ybi°7'paon. Leeds R. Ashbund, .
Oeorgell. Baker,
T. C. nockblll, 13•Agi. W. Tingley,
6. W. Carpenter, Z. Lothrop,
Robert Stron, If. L. Cerium,
C. S. Wood, t ItobertToland, - ~..
Mondial' MIL • Ethernet) G. Junekr
Joules L. Taylor' M
Wm. usser,
Jacob T. Buntin g, Archibald Getty, : • y
G. 31 Stroud, Wm/M. Semple, mows.
3. 0. COFFIN, dont,.
ter Third and Wood threeih.
Pittsburgh Life, Fire , and Afarinoiinc , Co.,
Office, Corner Market, and Water
ROM GALWAY. President. Tued.GliinAM.Bri'y
TWA Oompany makcit every Thew:ince Appertaining to or
connected with ,
Also, against Hall and Cargo Rieke, em the OBio - and
alimhaappl rlrers and tributarier, and Harlan EBB gen
And against Leas or %meg, by Piro.
And against tea Perils of tbo Sea ind Tnlarld Hari I
and Tramporta don.
P.Aleira lamed at the lorrest ntes coneldont erltb mid
all parr 100.
Bob= °Away,
Samoa! IdaClarke°,
Jultepb P. , Ltztam, )L D.,
John Sant,
Jar,. Martha%
David Rientr,
James W.
Qum. Atbutlntn,.
Eureka nsuranre •Company,
OF rrx•NSYLV.V.I.i/
Offiec N 0.9 Water ..9'., 1NC9.54•01. . t :
Asserts, MAT 19r
Stock Du. Bala
Pictaburith 00 m1.D.D. . • ... • 1 3 Z , 36
Premium name_ 09
1 . 22 dear. Rxetnagnattlk Stnek—Cost 9,1*0 0
9,11. Rmelenblo. 9,000 00
905 10
Book Accounts 12,729 9 !I
J. 11. Shocnborger,
W. K. NlTnlck,
It. I). Cochran,
John A. Canallar
O. W. Ituchclor;
Jame,' L Rannatt, •
R. PrAarcr. Ira atnry.
Pen nosylvarrirt, Irururancoo Cornpart
NO. 63 Foyrfle, Stmt.
Authorized Cppittd, $300,000: -• • .
InAuro Building, AM eti Property, egshost tow o dad •
ago by Firo and the pr.rilsorkthe.p,e, and Inlud Norlga•
Con nod Trannwrfatlno.
onrerosa. ..
Wm. F. Johnston, .'
I. arliT Sproul,
W. M'Clinto,k, • J . U. . 1 .P.. :, .. .....: .3
D. E. Park, W. aven,
A. J. Jo ' ' Jacob Palmer,
ILMIr Pattenion,
James P. Tamer, Avi i ~ nra
n l iv l P *"4. • So
Presideist,PLem SCIL.P. JOIIN ON. -
Vire President, EDDY PATTNItSON.'
re - .1 . i; i l mt
nol2. . , Sectary and 2 reamer, A. A. C,
Collagist, and' Container. la thatitMecs ' :
NEW. baNasr.,
nameatutoperatiou for tat years. It is designed t
nowt the *ants of those Amnia who stalk to secure for •
their Bons all themlturitagce for yoeotal admit don that pm
be anywhere furnialtsd, without 'losing that attentical to
health, and that parental superrision *adrenal:ll=ot "Nth
the young require,. •
The mental training Includes a thorough English, Mathe
matical and Sclontitic Education.
preparation RitszylmairagM that dpei ,not oast lip
angel/on of-the -Law, Medical or. School*" •
course of classical studies, minute, and ansagedi
as may be desired: a mums of Modern and's.
Indira 'embalm History and Mental and IbLtic l Peltnta.
The Moral Zdttration It reared by the pennant .h i ja:
Of tho teachers, bye Weldon .101*w:hoot baby of
moderate ate, of arbiafthe Vice Piinelpsla are the - .
by graduated, disciplinary messages, by sregalag. tonratO of
ends of tbellible, blond &knee, and of the' aillietmas at
Natural and Racrealoilloligion.
The Thysicallndaing.consisto Of a twascribictComatro
krocolcas to •WO and well fentsbed glinumahnit, 'Antler
the direction of an accompUshed Oymnaen sad it ench
amooat Of Military (WNW& under fall argantudlon man
Infantry corps, with competent onset, mad iiiette=m
will secure vigor; habit. of command a nd
and aklod •nddtgre.of Mals* which 011 7.. 1 7 4 ret
to the full discharga of. We i
_uisi of i
also taken to encoarage wbomosports s . batleicat dad
rowinm and mortutdtisa,ara flaradthed foroccoeSonal pa
don't. e.-witutte Into t he ontatty.. 1310 CW wiry Admit
ted Ittlemr timed the year. ~•
ppotolognto with folflalcamation will be. funnohnfoi
llcation to the Principal
tayl2.l.inurap.WM. FL Rd 41431.
Meadville Fun a Seminary, •
MILE FOURTH TERM cif. this Institution
wut codinenee onMONDAY, May Iltb. (4.
ruplis ~ill be charged $7,50 per tern, and will wed
studies they wish to pursue Dem the following list.
Tending Ancient Zoology,
Benedetto% 13fotisina • . ' .Aatrormaty,
Psononciation, Map Drawing, ,Nat.. Philosophy,
Spelling,AncientOrograpby,Phylkdogy, •
Writing, - Modern . i.
Grammar, Arithmetic,
Compaition, Physical " Iktek.lieeping,
Rhetoric, Chemistry, Algebra, .t
logic/ Botany, .Geometry,
For Omsk, Levi . Italian, Spaoht, French. OcAnat.
Swedish and" Anglotesen, an additional thugs ofsl
PiBl.o, per NOraa of twenty Dem. SS
Draw leg, per cams of twenty ... . ... 4,.
Painting ". '
A German lady, an excellent pianist. maids, la the
indent give Memos on the Piano audio Genesis and /1 7 =.
A low pupils will be accommodated in the [sadly of th•
Principal. BoarA, with fwti end light, elfin tet of waddler.
$3 per week.
All payment, Cr. to be made in advance.
Rte. JOS. P. TAYLOR, A. 3L,'Recrac •
The Sommer Tenn will begin on MONDAY. May 44..
For arcnier.. whim. the Rector, et el. rvacteaci, at
Br A t 74 Teutons of this Selaol, to whentrelrntlea ma; NI
Rem Theo M. Wows. _ . .
Rev. T. B. Lyman,
Geo. 8. Belden:Mr:F.
11. L. Iting,llt, Esq.
non LADY, Prneirale. Into of New Tort. -
t ii „
J. Derksr, N. Y. Dr.' lUD, Editor ofioarnel of Meetly Deno
Dr. J. D. meney, - LL. D., iiittenving, - ,INL; Itee„l.
Mr. Efilton; Des. Mr. Dick,rslitort Dittsbiugh
w 4
Judge Bollogton, end citizens trecerelly,
cetabsznes =
II TIT. Ittedlng 710 ins ap.4 Utrrari
treefiu al* tlrac ;, spu:nt
---------______ ,
; - A Prize t 9 lif7er7 Pnwehas•ll.. ' , 1 ,,
17;r3a:E1SVP 177-JECMI=CET
vi - nly AT ALL: TLMES---at Vie' 'Bog*
y y stare of EVANS e GO, Lle 4002 roedwny.wbo WI
taken. (one yen& leis... end opened the, b......, ......,
elegent-Store. No. C 7, anedway, Pause et
N ew 'reek; 4
.137=bayhtitri boak La' onfcAilfe or
an ft elm, presented eillfa . pilaf worth , Miff 13-, anti
10.00 oosmdst g Or IDS Gold Jewelry; W{' . n
11 lb. =kris Amt. ff• mak Um amic ud POO, Ilk .
. 4
001.0. 11.11.0 r Erprefi Di , -pm' Ileas tbmforlif •
:,,s, wok: pubtlibid spook affstflffilf - If
117Akf., fro mold .t ler than the Met.
cuaijit Imy *lowa. iqr Gr.c.. 4 Putiot to- ilmat il te:
toetwitqfpierifudtoer nut r a ty w o r ,
, ,
- • -
. A. MADEIRA, Agent,
DS Water meet. Pabborgh.
.L m fp 1724 11 : r'
John FulToton,
D own,
avhl U. C antbori
Wil Ilona h
Our, .. i. ,
Robert ILlGarthry,..
Jahn MUD,
0. W. Caq,
1: Perreort,
W. W. Hartle,
R. T. leech,3r,
D. 31cCeinness,
Geo.& Belden,
Wm. obietila;
Clip!, XL P. Uttlthi.ft.