THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 Fr MECUM OWEN t CO.. Grnalt. SO.IIPOIII An mum* Flom, (Appletoues Wllah%) Xx 1146 and 84 • Dneeday Nat Ak: • . . ..4.4.4 ---- -- _ - N AnettiaTi reitent Crecatt F AEXTRAORDINARY AND AsTON 'I7IING Improvement la Cream Vreeehlz. will 1 6TX MINIMS% b 1 a alteple er,l elee,tut awn. Naha of "MI hewn princiNon proctoring thle dealridda d surptiatna mutt. A child of ton year* ran m.n+A, IL art mot difficulty. TUREV6ILVER MEDAL.* A . by the Maryleal laetttete, ikeß Fir.: Cle. P.. or tha Metropolitan Mccluenloe Inatdritc, enrol the relent, of tble apperstee aver nit ether,. A. a fiarthor awl COriliming 4tverf of the etreileme ,4 ,lhb Freezer, the umlerelotel 'weld lute, that ' , TIIOUSINDS hem been sold +Sure the patent smog mroed. The torgely Mg demand Get tbit popular ertiete 'foetuses the tom to modui to SAlttud thole or. der, dirty, and thereby pereent detsj. Orders 0 ILO trill meet with prompt Attention. the It Or the retell priest of the /Wenn . ter smOsidatte• Owse training • thwte one. I HUM Of 111:1111O1 : TWO eillitti 112, Thfel. Alas ta. Voor P....1 - t• ft fa cons 10. ?ilia tual• ff• tonri••• Qnartt f.1,1 . •• , M - Qualla AIL , - Adana:. A C. lIRRIttiN, an Broulway, New Tort. Aoki for Pato:atm • ltamdr U udflkere Celvbrated C,ordinl i tient APOSITIVE ,OZD PALATABLE Remedy for general DRAMs, Dyspepsia, Leas of Ap petit*, and all dinordeas of the Digestive Gramm. Tholamittor and Prtiptietaref Gistfreirs Oidwaled Cbr. died /Mrs fa recomtnentilak i them In en unrivalled tonic and intim:want Is vostsined the best medical euthotitke -at Europe and America, as Im by the Multitudes who ham tested them. A. • restorative they stated alone.— Thousands who aie aim languishing might awake td new • elintlllos by this powerful retmvater. The dyape p il e rho ramie to Godfloy'e Oorlial Bitten, finds benefits perina bent Upon the vital own; they enemies. a direct maim. rylnMoam, mad yet their arency is as mild ea salatati.— fte amend sinking. at the stomach, lots of appo !ate, den Imadach, raeottl depression, bypoehoudriesis. -- -==e l" Tl ' al fi l d d= " l "dk i• ' ti r' ittreont ' , fsr 7. their becalm ere I:caleu labia. Porthole's am mutated &plow ail lamotitione. __Central Depot,l6;E:outh William street, N. Y. ja23.4.1t0s GEO. GODFREY, Proprietor. 00E14:kers Celebrated Cordial Gin. 91ni9 UNEQUALLED BEVERAGE yeomen nmendnal properike.of the bighted. ceder.— It is manufectomel modally for mid by the Proprietor and Patentemof th e best materials, and has all the admits with out the 'deleterious effect. a any ather Gin either to Orem Britain, Bollard or thia country. GODERENII CELE BRATE:DOOR:DIAL GIN has beat adopted by eatipeot physicians co the purest and most ellicacions diffnaire rtiuf Want stadia:Mk Which manufacturing skill hoe yet given to the world. It to entirely exempt from those deb lade drinks which beget& thirst forslimulants, Orders to ear amount promptly plied by the Proprietor, GPO. GODFREY . Importer of Itrandlee, Gin, Wines, ke_ 16 South William et, New York. Cream Actually Pretest In Three and a Half lelltatite•l 4 4MASSER'S" PATENT FITE MlN me 11152=31. PUT TO TUE TESTI—The ability of Maseer'a Freemr to freese cream to Gee minutes era. folly proeoden Wethehalat, the 11th day of larch, at the -Toeel.hlot Warerooma of S. W. Smith. No. 534 Brad way before n large audience astemblalte bear a lecture from Prof. Hume on the cutjeet of refrigerants. Cream woo AO- Many frozen In 3 minnte• by the watch. PRIM,. 3 quartaa—.—.- ...... —4l 8 quart... Names..—.-...- ..... 4 14 quart, 5 "A liberal dluom E. P. WRAY, Matmfact York. nt to the trdeie , lill r. Platte street. Net. Orden for the .bon prompti watt for .Atthuf mlebrat Jar. Forel. b 7 GEO. W. HIM atilfe3mr Arid JNO. TLEM tly executed. Abe. wholesale ated Felt Sealing Osna and IBLEr, Federal .t. Allegheny, tING. 17 Market at. cor.3d. Importe • Wines, Groeert • I. & W. Gr.ERY, 20 awn mat, no no mum., wow MU [Established MIL) 1 MPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FIRST Quality Family Gnweries, oiler to the Trade, Hotels, Rt. Families, and all who are choice in their taste, and dealse a peisiiina article, a largo variety at TEAL-Green and Mack, Sonnhottg, Pounhont, English Breakfast, Wong, Imperial, Upon, Gunpowder, Young Upon, de, In davits am' half cheat, dc. COFFEE--Ifocha and Jana. WLVES-31ailetra, Sherrie, Porta flocks, tn.. eery old nod high grades, in original packages. demijohn, mag nums and tewtles. BARTON sad GIIESTT ER'S CLARETS. CELAMPAIGICS—Iicet t Chandon's Clab't Imin Ve.e415.. "Do IfeidselclL G. 11. tfunmie dodo, do LlQUORS—Brandies, num, Whiatvy, Gin. Arrant, Ab ainthe, Kirsch, kc-, tr., livoriginal pact 11,..-ea, also Canc., Maraschino, Anima, fioyeen Sitters, kn. MALT LIQUORS-I,mdou Brown Stoat, Se,teh and Ensbeh Alva CIGARS--A minty of Linden brawl, PICKLES-sEnglivb and Prowl, SAOCIVS—For Thai, Carrie, Gwis. !lined, Lc. - CHEESE—Stilton, lots, Royal'. Victoria, Priam Albert. Parmesan. Grayer, &wan, Dutch and and American. ISUGARS—Lasf. Crushed. Pull erlv..l. St. Crsic ak..., in bar rel* and half Nord, HAMS—Westphalia and America, DIELS—OIiv, Sperm ,Ind Moil, iffik-Der Liquors are warranted maidulieraisd and of oar • Filigunrialo. ,;Lahti. , Gold Nftdall - QTEINWAY .& SONS; MAN urAcivarae, Nr.ii." l :l4 York, rewired the following Fa Prue Maar in cum titkAt with doe noakttue Itneecw. New the Metropolitan Pals. uEingtoq March, UM. .A GOLD MEDAL, at. the CrprtAl Palace, New York. :Co ' thoothetr.l.Bss,' (being the only Gold Medal given for Pion. within the but et: years.) A.GOLD MEDAL at the Mo7land leatltute, Baltimore. THEIIIIBI . PRUE MEDAL at the Fete, Cryetal Palace. Neer York, November, IMO. Among thr Judam rem th. Gra nautical Want in the °unary, wath no L himen. cmt, Wallenbaapt and many ahem. St. kS. Pi 12109 (with and without the Iron Frame, ttro warranted for three Team and • writtett guarantee gimp. Pianos peeked anal shipped without &erge. Prlcew towlerate. deZrlydr The Best Fruit Casa —IR— B ' ILL the MEAN= and MOST DIIIIMILE IN TILE WORLD. It mining neither WAX, BOLDER, UMW, Dor . . RUBBER MGR to nal it. No LEAD SCREWS, or WILE:MIES ors tond It clam with s _ SPRING TIASP, and 11 ample that any cm tan tannage G. 120,==kl e D P.AIubmWPOMMIT. PANT, 166 Et Clam N. S. Ambler the Clamp= y, J. C. BEAMAN, OM PrmelertlY. r• acallaadv E. KETCII9II & CO., 2.92 Pearl et-!t. N. Y. LADLES' COTTON. Is tow universally kissysro as the very best for [sadly use, and sbno for EZWING 3LACIIIYLB. • ". Agents, ItOILCRTI.OO,O7 CO., nrilY 61 De y .Str• et ,N. Yost. Bruggisto gA. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLE . ..I.Dmara. and MAntrartnrern orlnf Lead, and Lltharge, cornor Wood and Front streets, Pitt. borl• meta SCIIOONSIAKER, MANUFACTURER . I n Mc. Mai. r&0. l ay sod Wholausla Dealer in Palma, 011 a. Varnish., Turps. Una. ZiEo. Attaburgh, Pa. oe,l.lyd /01171 . noryon VLEMING BROS., ( SUCCESSORS TO .J. Kidd k C 0..) Wholeoale Drugstore, No. 00 Wood stmt., Pitraburgh, Po - Prrioriodon of Dr. 11cLeree's celebrated Vermitup, Liver ' 'TORN HAFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. 1117affey,) Wholeasla and Rabid Drunpriand Maier In Palata, OD% Dynatnira, tn., corner Wood and Sixth streets, Sirawar Mane for Dr. Yard'. Idadlclna. ap2l JOHN P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL ata Drop, Palas, On., Tarimlams and llyestufrn,' tip. 2106 Liberty rtroot,Plttaburib. All Ordm will mein prompt atteation. gir Agent Ilsc Schemekli Plenum& Symp. mataklydaw AE. SELLERS, WHOLESALE DEAL • •T i. Drl/g..hats. Dys.tes, Oil., Varnished, R 4.71. Woxl•treel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Goods warrviotoil. Prkes OLOILOZ =M. 013“133:11 v /r1 L RA ITER, WHOLESALE AND to Sbtrrsl e etall Droggiate,romer of Liberty and St- Clair sta., • OSEPH FLED INO, (SUCCESSOR TO L. J I Co.))corner Market stre ten l Thatriond keep. cooatantlyon hood WI and lerkct oc3 '"-" i. ' ll ' ZrA '''''' d. as' r o . , 11 and Detail ilk-alers In Fancy and staple Dry GOOK:II, n . Vint. stroa, Z.Z.l.cotrrn •Hgrnts. . . Ca/lectlons In lowa. J. M. G RI F F I T II , cot - NsELLOIC LAW, lOWA. WILL GIVE PARTICULAR ATTEN- T elon tr. tL. ediectba al securing uf acc ,, uu.•. deb.. hc., to Dubuque aud surrnunding cuuntr,. tawlicnsittunuts Promptly Auh. llCtler, PITVILIC. , II: F. F. Von Doontkod. Joon,. lamb A Co.; R. Biddle Itacls; At VT: N. 0. )lorphy; Wm. C.`anningbam & Co.; 1 A. tD. IL 4.luotobein JOHN CAMPBELL. -- a" MANU rA C TUBER OF nooTs and 15110F.S of every deerrlyrlon, Yo. 34 :401111016d ertel, Pittsburgh, Pa. oenl:ls4 AT LAW E STATES OF Kentucky, Mlesouri r lona, Wlacoludn, ken, aud Oaths le. any of tho above DSSOLUTION.—The Copartnership ofJ. Sehoournaker k Co, Is dleeolred thla clay by 'mutual COLMIIt. J. SchoonmAker is fully nithorized to eettle the buslgeke of the concern. J. SCHOONMAKER, Ily2B THOS. D. UPDIKE. lIOUSES - 3 0 goal substantial Dwelling live. auk lota, of various slack for rale on liberal tors.. For further particular. enquire of REIS k BESOVR; Ilftb otreot. Pat& Jelftdeat l e y corner of Stnitbncld end Second eta. TUBS ANDdoz Tubo, !ES dos Seelers, for sale by rxis k 6E5055. Jes Cccr. Smithfield and Second ate. DROP BLAOK--500 lbel. in store and for ode by jeci VIAMING 5500. QHalf chests Black Tea received and for tele by hInCUSCIIF.ON; .0 2:l9:74berty et. OSE PINK-500 lbs just reed awl for AJOWeby Pa AMUNG.BROL viREE S " - 2 = sa in ja t re X 601 , 140 „ gurntture D. H. THOMAS, libpsicians Effp Goo bg PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY MORNING,, ; -_•TE 27, 1857. ROMETIIIING NEWS =M= - JOUVEN' 13 KID-GLOVE CLEAMIR. Jul; V EN'S E CLEANER. • JOU VESPS KLDOLOVE CLEANER. JOU% EN'A K IWI LOVE CLEAN ER. JuI*VEN'S Ki WO LOVE CLEAN Elt. cents per bottle. 25 cents per bottle. 25 cents per bottle. 25 cram per lottio cents per bottle. 25 cent+ per bottle. coots per bottle. ant, per bottle. Olio bottle deans !SI pair One bottle cleane 50 pair, One bottle cleans SO pair. One bottle draw 50 pair. Asa.; taby proceed+ from the preparation. the glove can to vont basediately alter It to clouted. Witba piece of flannel, apply-email portion of the preparation very Jghtly, and lb. dirt will instantly dieappyer. It is the article used by the Slanufacturers of pens to impart that purity of knish and tatty.% for which their glev. aoyustly cel ebrated. It cleans kid elippem and while and colorant kid glove, elegantly. It is oleo an excellent article for the toilet and fur heautlfyiug the complextua, removing pimples, Ate., far cussed., la excellence any of the thouhand and nue pnlmrations usually sold for that purpose. One trial. at the trilling expense of 2.1 cents, MU convince any one that the article is all that it is claimed to be. Pro • bottk , of It for cent.. and you will never wish to be without It. It can be obtain...lot alt Pruggints .0 Dealers In Faneyfimalh In Pitt.. tough and at wholesale, of the solepturrietent CLARK A CO. 21.5 8A.0...ti, Nits Yoga. A Intent discount to the e. As there to 11.11 Inferior article In the market, buyers will he careful to see that the mune of Ctaux A Cu., ie upon Inch bottle which they pc...levee. Always on hand by IL E. SELLETLS, HENRY RICIISILD SON, /VS. FLEMINO, and other bruggiats in Pittsburgh. JelbSindm Rouse Furnishing Hardware. PICOT S. 81-101 - L I. Yo. q Agicroot L. Xflo rook )3IPORTERS and Jobbers of Cutlery, Fen den, Ten Trays, Irina Iron% Tinned euul RnamsCod lollosa Were, French Tinned Ware, Andirons, Fry Pans. Coal Hods, Plnabdred larval:Kai PWhd and Briscannis Warr. YrrOUCTIMI:II3 or PLATED SPOONS AND PORES, A Malden Lam, tie. York C=ME=tI:I:JM PATON, Manufacturer of New and Int • prvre4 ntvl. of SCHOOL FURNITURE. Illtistrat,lestilognoe .ent on applicatton R. PATON. • Jelltrid,t 21 Grove //rect. :Cr , . Yotko. Modern Style of School Furniture, NA NU-WTI:RED and for wale by N. JOUNSON. No. 4O Iludsou attret. Nee , York A barge eupply kept constautly ua hod. Circular. for•rard ed oa appliulsou ae ahoy, jett•ktrl, LIGHTE, NEWTON B. IMADIFIURTS, A i r AN (;FACT U itEltS of the Patent Arch Plank Piano F..n - t.e., for tie;th, lull. nese, richness.. purity, amt •peculiar .tinging unality of their tone, for vet.. h they have ree.eiv..l the highest rromtuma from the grate_[ otuairal celehritin nt the counter litul In every falr. when brou g ht in competition with other inen ta. meats, hare obtained the higheet preatinus The Patent Arab Wen.l Plank, whirl, f. owned anal u...e.1 only by to. guarantee. then - etanfllii^. in tuna bitio, than any Otter it strutars. grin:, their thipmee.h . nied ..leman.l in all scut. the country h. al[anlti•llt pronto( their euperun . rte.-flew.. A Ilhoral ...11.,..0unt to Clergy wen. and ill.. trade. Jiykly.ks Grorers BAGALE , 06;ItAVI: & CO., Wboleteile Groern. ant Waxl Htt.• Luria • • 11tOWNI.EF:, tirn6.i oorito aarntt..n public It 9 t 1,17 Itrmaks kin. fruits nod Family Ora-r., ln, rm 18 a. /.:xtr, kin 01J (.1 , ....rrna Jars do. Old Colli.•TV 111,k Ten, lion, I.lmagsulader and Imperial An, Oolong T. flednollism.nrs. Pn, Cornar. Drawl). land Gin. Old Port Sherl7, 3lndrtra la. I:l.trrt ar• I es- b¢‘•ll.. with a pnrrml ..t Gmeenda , luS for wholevetio rrtall the Pac.,La Tr.. St.:, eon., of 11. , Ppen.,ot! and Invn.m.l nlles. D EIS a. 13ERGER, GROCER:, AND .n A.., Grath-We.t cornet rhnithn. , l4...ant &'..nd SI f,11 , . burgh. A LEXANDER WHOLESALE tiio-r-r wad /ruportrr of Soda AAA, N., 153 I.ll,rty •dre*t. PittalaerKb, Pa aplAyd• M. MITCHELTREE, Jet., & Whol.lvtle ('.Garr,. Ikrtlfi Ing Urttill r.. Gad I%ins and Liquor Merchant, Nu 2:33 Liberty rtrrtt , Pittdnagh. inICS • TONES & COOLEY. WHOLELALE GllO - and Mat Furnlidiers, dealers lu Produce nod Pittsburgh )Innutactures, N 0.141 Water strtet, Dear Cherry Alley. PittAburgh. Pa. nth !AWL Y. 611110EI .1.11131 w. P11.•.71. . . . QIIRIVER & DILWORTH, WHOLESALE 1.11-orrrn. N. 1 , 0 and 132 ~,,, .trees, t Wuod end Smithfield. Pittnburgb. ACULBERTSON, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commis.. 11. rt haul, Drab, lu Produce laud Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, 1.1.5 Liberty strret, Pittsburgh. i o TWIN FLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Oontmlesion Merchants, No. In Wood and ttEl Liberty any., Pittsburgh. Jrlo OBERT MOORE, WHOLESALE GRO. CER, Dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh Manufacture., and all kinds of Varcign and Mimetic WIo and Lbrors, No. 316 Liberty atreet. On hand a .err large stork of nna,- oor old Monongahela Whiskey, which will be raid In. for dab. . . WATT WILSON, WHOLESALE GRO CER', Met-amnia and Dealers In Pr, duos and Pittsburgh Manufseturra, Nu. 38 Liheity street, Pittsburgh. jerZ MI. MOIL, ROM, DIM". TSAIAH DICKEYS CO.. WHOLESALE Gropers, Cortnnle9don )km9614.95,004 Locators to Praloce, No. 90 Watmr street. taut 63 I+9.ut ottrust,l-3tteloargb. (Late of the armf ttoblorna, UoOe & Co.) LITTLE & HOLESALE GRO. T. CERA. Praluce and CO.,' Cnturoisolon Mei-claws, and Deaden In Pittsburgh hisnu(acturus, No. 112 &cowl .trust, Pittsburgh. Inc seicurczacx 11. L. NOSI10". WM. ISIcCUTCIIEON & CO.. WHOLE BALE Omen, Produc• and Coltmanloo Merchant., and Dealers in Fittdburgb Manufacturod Articled, No.:10 Übrrty affect, corner of lrlfin. Plttatrurgb, Pa. usy3 JO. ATOLL, J. L. CULL !TRILL ATWELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE Grocer., ['mince wntl Comotbogion Merchant, and Dttaler. in Ilttaburglt Mattufacturtn, No. 8 Wool street. 1e Moen Water and Front .1., Pittotturgh. q.lB taut. ZO et %Del. H. Tuna., ROBISON & CO., WIIOLESALE R. Oro,r, C 09.163100 Merch.ts, mad Dealer,. In all kmda of Provisions, Produce oral Pttleburgh Manufncturas, No. 2.6 S Liberty .irant. Pittsburgh. lmlulpd ROBERT 11. KING, WHOLESALE 0R0CF..% CF..% Commisaion 31erchaut, and Dealer fa Pandora, Ptah, Fiuur, and all kiwis of Country Produce, Nu. 211 LIR erty etre••t. mouth of Sixth, Llttsburgh. Lilwral mi toticae made on conalgonsenia. ja.s:lyd OBERT DALZELL k CO., WHOLE RSALT. 0 r0c..., C.ornutiaskol wd Forwar.lia g Her - cb.ta and lkalura iu l'o•lucc uml Pittsburgh Manutuct taut, So. =1 Liberty stmt. Pitt...burgh. Pti. :so 2 Vrobuct Dcalers CHEESE. WAREHOUSE.-HENRY H. COLLINS, Forwardin,,- and Merchant. and Dealer in Cbevae, Butter. Lake Fi.h and „cenrrally, M==2=l T B:OANFIELLP, LATE OF WARRF:!•:, u • 01110.00rra114.1.3 Forward:lv Merriam% and W,wkra Ito.wrw. and Pori AO. and Weptern Prodaeo gt.ormlly trop , between iimitlafwld and Wood. I'lltdouralt. . ... M , B..iN if T - tiT - ;JI:E. (SUCCESSORS to A. k A. 31e.Baur.) Dnalora in }lon, Grain mad Product , . Corumiarkin arri Forwarding 41rridainta, No. lili Facond 'travel, Pittsburgh, Pa. (JOO.l, 'l.7yiJalli P .__ . .•__ AVID C. IiERSST, FLOUR, PRO duce, Prurnilon and Comuilsainn 4trriiliant, No. 207 Rarity atrert. rattier of Moil, Plindairnii, g iros hi, anon. lion to the mlo of Flour, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Clirew, Bum, Grata, Dried FrUllf, Fiords, kc, to. ark—Criniiimino.nt.. rrignictfully Adicinidi nutty ' ALEX. fr'oßSll'lf, (SUCCESSOR TO Fortytl. A Scott,) roneardlug 61L1 Contmlinion Nier. rl,lll, Dcaler in W.. 01, 111 , 1 r., Flour. Boron, Lard and Lord 1)11an I Proiluce i nincrallv, No. 74 Water oto PitUllourgb. 1 . 11. RIDDLE, GENERAL COMMISSION a 41m-chant and Ural, In Grocerira and Produce, '27 Fifth omit. Pittsbur g h, Pa. Rol, to E. RASCLIVN, PittlibUrgh, 13110ALZT, Contort A Ca.. Plittiou g h .11.. , -Cortrigritu, ~t, .oliritrd mid mtlatartoryrerun. g uar. Roland. deliklydairS ROBERT lIUTCHINSON, COMMISSION Merchant, for the ante or Weetern Reserve Ch f VIM flutter, Lind, flacon. flab, Dot and Pearl A.he , Salanntua, 011 a, Flour, ceraln,fleede,Dried Frnit.atel Pratte., generally, No. II Nrontilleld anent, between First and Water. apa CHARLES B. LEECH, FORWARDING and Canatutalos !kart:Ant, Dealer In Floor, Grain, Da. orn. Lent and Butter. and all kinds of Prodttre, No !I &Atte field ntreet, between nest and Wane,. ap3 EAGLE WAREHOUSE.—JAS. GARD- Wholeads Dealer In Flour, Provisions sod Pmdw grnrrally, No. 6 &wroth ntrvet, balmier, Liberty and Saalthfteld,l'ittaburgla, Pa. WTOOm. cash. tartly Jl3. 1101.21[3. WM O H LMES & BRO., PORK AND 1111. P. BOUM . B. Beef Pr-km=4 Dealer. in Previsions. writer of laarkEt and Front sextets, Pittsburgh. Pa. deg MECORAITVE PAPER HANGINGS.— iottetavne, wwee.Slarble sad Wood Decorative Pa per lianslapfocomillase,valleaodmaligootlap. Pommy, 3.30 W. P. MARBRALL ft Kaalet, flianufacturcrs. w ELLS, RIDDLE & • AO Fourth Street. 'Pittsburgh, Pa., . ~rt.-rm. or S WHIPS. TIIDNOS AND WITCHES. frrm the trmle.antl promptly nhlp red as per Instractloas. Taws—Mlmantlis, or 5 per cent. tllScatat for msh sotitlytla tr..? --- • - J. & 11. uurrr.trrrand. or • HOPES ASP TIV IN E, /1” ner nr I , rrn and Illeiridf .oirenicterica ad;folnhig Pittabargh. _ 1 . 1P.M.112 mums= io Res. T. IL Licits! Robert Galway, Esq., Hon. Wm. Wilkins, • • John-Cliblett, Esq.. Jot. U. Sbnenberger, Esq., W. L.l,iliarecult, Esq., Charles Moser Thomas Siott,.l3q., A. IL Cuslius. W. P. Daum, Eni.,l O. IL White, Esq. • The Trade fornbiled With a kiudrof Foreign and tomes Us Marble, either finished to It the rough, at Wholesale prim Ua bassist, made anamiesnetits. with Ms otanstrcturars of the best broods, fora constaut supply of Hydraulic C.. mcwt. Water and Loulmille Lime, mad PLlncr Paris, both forjoetal and Stucco Work, alt of which he is Ramrod to fornielt et whorl woke. tobls:tbtel The Philipsburg Water Cure, F OR the treatments:'Chronie.Diseases, is situated miles West el Pittsburgh, opposite Ruches hr, Beaver enmity, Pa iu a country Justly celebrated and einenrposusl ha beantiand grandeur °twittery.' Tim house Ices been refitted comfortably and much improved to It. bathing arrangements; ®lle supplied wither abarathme of pare soft .trater.hona springy 100 (cashew,. the/Mute. A fine 801 l Room. detached rem the main building, farniehed with Plum, affords entertainment Cr therresdne nastunt, Swing,. and Bowling Saloon afferd axinmanient and exercise through the day. , Beaty endeavor le Made to nuke It a pleasant rune; fur it. vialtont. • .•. Au experience oriS Tian in the WatartMatment be the altrudingghystalan may be imasuirance baths WSW that hi. ills sill be roll undcrateoil mei properly.treatul. For circulars, address Tr. 'C.' BAELZ. Jel.lahelner. Water CI:14, - Bearer Ca, ita .;ater Ctit, HE SUBSCRIBER, desigting to embark T a new enterprise, offers Cro sate the Idachlnery, Pat. tanni tom In working order, at his Markin. orka. Flynn' Bu c., ildings, Fifth street. The trainer , . ligation and quaint of Machinery In we, combined with Lerma, 'moot strong Inducement* to in wnmulit of rapltal. If tiro above is not dieponed of so it stands by Mae bewail tweak is Juno, it will them hoilirposed of In pada to soil parchgatna.' • {93I.IVAILWIC.4, wyMnaltf , • . Ityltalt Math= ritth street. Preemie= lite_ree . rNvEGAR. MADE EXPR get ESSLY, F OR family use and now .14 to moro than'ouiqralr Uf the Ontterl. of Pittsburgh end Allegheuye:where r Hales uo be semi iu tuy Warthouse, blot bbvo levy saviei he It wt.. vi.c.gsr made from Nato grape., equal to the beet imperrwl." UM Cider Vioegur Wei will . War muluMag ovehtLll and dill I, good retailing VlA,gar. . . The attention of private families, hotel keepers. and the country nicrchaute la particular, L. directed to Dna Vin- The above Vher-oun warranted to he as repreeint•LA and to which man awanled the First irerchumof a Elver Medal and Diploma at the Rabe Agikultural Exhibition of IK.A. A. LIALLO4I, 146 Water arid 14 Flint .to. 1937. Stoves! Stoves:2 1997• rP/IE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ± [Cooking, Parlor And Heating Stowe to be band In Allegheny City, et the lowa pica, comp ielng Stirlen the celebrated • -Ems Air-Tight, I Iron Clty, Atirora, Diatoonal. Tropic, Crystal Palau, Cooking, • , Beantypf rue West. Trhtethotr with every variety of articles; in the line, suelias Hollow Ware, Itouie-Voinialdug, Gutter and Spouting. Bird. Rquirret atad ferret Cages. Call at Sign of Vie Red affre !U. Faderul str.vt, Allegheny. , ror3o 'OEG. W. mraty.x. Stokeeo Worker JAMES OWEiS, CORNER ELM ,I ND lITLIE STREETS: STUCCO AND MASTIC WORE 2R, giro, partacolor attention to ell order* for work to RIB CaIIiTLLES and ORNAMENTS of all kinds famished on abort ootao. ap211)&1 LONG & LAME, 4u.OUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, N 0.77 Ohl Pon LOU licalEUng) Third toreet, Init.,. Wand Morle.t et........ All La dery promptly atendtd to. lii.altmt tz.l.tntod itt Importer etyl,. mhStelyd The iron City Bank. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE "IRON CITY DANK" ors hereby rc.toratc.l to pain/loam:aid insalment of twenty doll:Int o chart , on their sabiaTiptions lu tho following tos”ort—tiot dollato oo won cativo on tba S',th of Time lost., and Too DQUara n sharr on tits lath day of July neat. rayanto to WtlUo U. I fling:334'2mm.. of Commtnionorts at his Banking norm, act LIM OTIM:i of Woad antlThinfatteets, Pittsburgh. Th. I.:mli,tocttor, Julm S. Dilwartlt, Wm. 11, WillinnA 3 Ardo. 5. Croft, Lwow' d. Johns. J. &boom:taken Losols Mag.:micro', d,hn )Cray,, John Scott. James Lippincott, W. 0. Leslie, jolstdoylS Commisaionors. Purify With Ice TT IS ADMITTED DIALL PHYSICIANS that frost purifies the .dr, and by many that ICE,:petre [toning of Om same nature, has the same effect 00 writ and If is, those who use it regularly will be most healthy. JOIINSON is prepared to furnish his former melodeon with PL'IIE ICE, token from the Allegheny Hirer. a/smiths two title,. and others who desire to retain their good health through the summer, leasing their orders at Dr. J. 3I1FCII• EL'd Drug Store. turner of &tun and Hand Mods, PRATT .t BENNY'S Ilat Store. Federal street, or given to the dolt - ere, will be Numb.' with the pure article se *bore. N. IL—A full supply warrautot mybietelZic JOSEPH JOILNSTON. SUNDIiIES-150 W: chests Y. IL, G. P. and Imperial Tonic To do do assorted Black Tea 275 bags prime Rio Coffee; 45 hhds. N. (Land Colas Sugsrg 150 Was do Shilasiusc 75 do 11.Itimore Gen. and N. Y. Byre • 60 do choir.. Baltimore Berrien; • to do SalaSalerattrg 20 do Crashed and Powdered Sugar.. 50 do North Carolina Tm; ai do Pitch; 100 do Soup Makers' Hoak: 120 bozos 54, Ea and lb. lump Tobacco; • 150 do Rosin, Vviegated and Castile Sums ISO do Solo and 10012 Window Mask 100 do %%lilt° Pipet: 75 do Stone do (Seeker,) 60 do Sateratml(in papers;) 75 do Clothed NOR 000 do blodison Co. Pearl Starch; 250 kegs Nails, assorted sires; 30 do Aix Twist Tobacco: 160 Wee Batting, Candlewick and Twin,g 150 dozen Corn Brooms; 50 do liocketw 25 do No. 1 and 2 Tube; • 100 do on., Romp and Cotton Cordg Together with a lull assortment of plaguing', Banta. tared hand .d for gala by mys ATWELL, LEK & CO., No. 8 Wood aired. AGENCY.—HAVING BEEN sVircElitiVr/R j r.r fo rbfr7Fair by , ! t e 1 1 1"'EM tiMARCIL Inch is warranted en e u c el qutlry to m any known in dna Mat - 3 , 1 . 0.0.0W Prtl.rrli to auptny I%Loleanla .oeal ent at utanunteturoca' price. We invite tbe attention of the Tradn ant article, to an examlnation of cut rreeent atook, and which in he kept clual to the neutral. ATWELL, LEE & CO. - mys to. 8 'Wood atree FRONT, PAVING AND COLIION ERICE A superior quality of the Wasions kind+ of BM& Hay be had at the LOWEST PRICES, At the Nrorks of the enbseriV3r, on the New 13,ighton Turnpike, o Work,loghwy City, Or by orders sent thrztogb the pirud,uros pee Office, or eelt st the allele of 3lessrs. Mom 11 31wore, Smithfield arroet, Pacing the ellStOrn Moan. Jelhdlruchc JolliE..._ 1857 .... . S •- .... , ECOND FULL STPPLI. OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 3IATTINGS, kc., at the Fourth Street Carpet Store. W. D. & 11. ttIeCALLIII having just returned from the ratartma titles, where, owing to the present depreetawl stole uf the market, klaty have purchased, and at very low mat e ., o tart-cant! almost rettlrely new attach CAIIDETING, consist. In In part of Velvet and Brat:tads, thetw.ply,new nod 1.C.•111.11ell patterna; . Alpo, a very large variety of Dant Slate, Window Shades, Stair hats, buff and thateli Wolin* all of which ehall he of rued at the LOWEST RATE for cosh. Hotel and home keepers will rut It to thrirailv i a r n . ty . to ~l l l .v i;i t r ch eA t aL a L uc ti, l l l : Ira AVILLIAM EALEE IN PRO3IISSOKY NOTES, D nonglß, 31urt.;;:x.141,1n11 nvnrilles for tnonvy. Yenoons nn prMS, loans thman,lllll7 .tgenn . y, on retool. able Lem. Those wiaking to latest Usti, mangy to zuctl ady.t.tage, .11 always find Grrt tot .ccuod S. layer at may Wilco, tor sale. camrnunl...stloss and Inters lens strictly cops.kutui Om UILANT STRELT, oppc•lto Vatil'a Cath.xlno. Jel“ler • `Walnut Hall Restaurant. BY 3-O EVEF , F3FF.ICIC.MII., (Nnercesor to) KIMBALL, .11I'Aifflell 2 CO., 31450.N70 HALL, FIFTH STREET, rIFFERT. TO THE PUBLIC ALL THE delleachs of Cho mum. served np at the ehorteet an- Ore, from 6 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock at night. Businme men and other. will do well to call in and ...m -ine our Bill of Pare at any time to snit t7hrir appetite. Having arrangements made to I.,..civa choice „rude. In our line. foot Ilakimare, Phiisdelphla and .Norfolk, we can offer a Drab ripply of OYsTßlffi, HALIBUT, TROUT. LAKEIIERBING, _ And from the West, all the varieties of PRAIRIE GAUL, see An PRAIRIE CHICEWS, ItEED BIRDS, At, which we can furnith to intalide or other. at Wholesale ni Retail, either at the corner of HAND AND PENN SW., or it WALNUT HALL, Fifth niter. ap3o relldyd MORE NES — V 0 . 001 OPEN Al.ltlllß ivi PHI 2.II WRCHTIELD'cI—PeIIua for Basque. Now 31an4Ilas, Travelling Cloaks, Plaids for Dusters, Fresh Una for Duster. FOR ILEN .—A comfortable Tmci Sams Brick IhreMug If ouwon - Etplanule CTRL - . Allegheny Doh Eugein or. .1.11,2)1 ALEXANDER Kirin. -E-100 bwi,for sale by • r:aHENRY 11. COLLINS.