The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 22, 1857, Image 3

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1 . 1175
_ i'.14•13 ara'
orr7ti,g4' TA PER . . • .
.356rws of the :07 . 1ty , , and Relshborhood
„,. LAI, gaie on 6titurday the Quentions of the
Committee tad Ansvrere of the Railway •Blirec.
tore and Offices* of the A. V. R. B:, as' fif ha
.. to Question 13, at which point wormy begin and
go through wit* the maidgr:.3 ~ .. .• ,
13. Of the item. $212,706'615-100 eforeaaid,' . bow
.`iittleh - ft 'espeolkd'fdt driOntlfi . ls.„ ini liet , ..einch
fur tote t? Aud of thdita .
llft•S 5 / 30 . 100 4 and
$9,0113 -100, w! irhat especially am they etedeup7
r ie
Pihil,sit . itttnoh.toyour.anewer a ropy of the'tnol
Ifintie ita ey appear on your hooka, ;
IC i ' , What' attionni . Oi amounts wers•thecity or
eonnty fonds, or Iho _ono or the ether originally
inapoir .. .11.aa them. hem any *libeling's' et tdiihr
tennis or such one or more ; as was or yore. Bret, 1 , -
mese- State what was thh date or dates,. amount or
'1102 , 1013 tr, .ti r ' , gal ' finst,lasuo .of bonds?. • And what
'Mai 1.11 eti,..iior ooca.ion , of that first to tend Ito
c 40.4 , . . • 0 - ' ' .
• LS:. flat is the' salaiy hf.tlie'llrechlent and other
0,46 c of your company respectively?
' 16.. That wtra the date' r your finit 'letting;' or
propoetql .lettitig'' on youi road? Hare you a
record or the proposals received. thereat? , What cz
tea of the road ores then_propyse4 to,lfe,lej? Wore
proposals , then htinhkitit Itif,stiont? ; Witat i vrhei the
aggregate mood Of nth' vosi hMording tope grit
posaLe'lleli'made? • ' NrOre,nni of the _motions. then
lot Id the parties tenlijeg at that time fratiwal,l'' . Or
iker the legini thou postponed, and the enntfter fir
the whelo sublequently given to tine'honow? . And
12. so, to what compnfly, 'end at !Bilk iirlee,,t4 tha,ag,
gregatel And did ~ ,i 5ll company cciroplete.Ma work
it: their i0n141 , 4( *lee,. 'without any. additional...Ll
M ig i.'1 13 ...f 6 . iit' pambla.4 7 . 4 , ~..
' 17. Um the work be i yvaefq,ittaiudilt aid , id.adtan -
Mg boon- enmitiont4d,' M.., any..part. of, in put. nudes
cootrect,and if se, how much? , • ' . '' '' • • ' ”
[SigheiL] . • . THOS. MELLON, Ch'n. "
'Oencff iiiiiiitt.Nsv,Y.A.Lizx R. Co, I
. „.., ,fiiitdouryB, Juno 18; 1801."
To Ytoi•Ous Mellon, Es,
_Q.c.t;,,n 13. Attatrefii , ,Ofithitllem $212,706 76,
we answer 144.535.063 04. were -paid for Internet Ip,
it l, lll4.nal adckttoldora an yarient other to whiiker
on notes, jutly4/611%460 seta' i
T,lar i V 4 , .. n umltif $53,60214 4 - fd On tlise„mm
ou .l
fsomcr.,R.o.4.lf, th.t.siwthr..«. porm3
al4A 9 ge mortetwollonda, auttlitie
i• r 0
aim, to Soft $!14,615 31, on toteo,,,Act.,zir 94,
money, boirmetedtto'flifplete ,t 2 l6e 11t, dittp,mr.antLto
eirmatit.tWrotiteiitcditi '1;1' ilia Comperti; thatletf - deo
itetn_5.26,t420,.587,247 awropeideferttantnikeitinwti
pilki,ool4l 4,5eitp0nee.63 5 069 07 70r etiteriasibiii et . oref,
for, ta6liar:lamerneveuialletteditititi 'fffheif . sl6;ttag.for,:rd
sommieeion for aelling bc944,,and„tulanra,,fote oona.
ngsattnt 24) 0111011Lk Of 1411 e; filet of i1mieem16.11.,844,11 , 1
thaFtetaity4,MakmetnaLfallyaleoars itadirhithiref
Pieeudeig..nizatetrobt.o6l"limidg'.'"" 2 r OVE. '
Enrollment 1na.... 4.11,74
Attornes, tphaleriA4kai&E;fle'derl4u
premet,Court nn,querenon of node '
'yaliditp9fseerparattothltatila" 4 '
Eipenegasight of WILY ....... es. . f. 12,
P,Vadding,, foT- lialleettdrgatdriVl44;7 4
3 N4
Traveling, ^6SI/26444-Ik6l,lltto t
inisadaroo tete poiiioit, 'ghlk ego „ .
ganieatien I.l3o,,,cempany, and to thoJ ••• r
fol .
ow4l3iMja,among oth
er44.6'1.1f6 * Ul '
F:Volann 9 4offiebticui7ilN
and Q10a440,.c4e.1t.e0.!.. .#4;t
Expenees or
printing. reporiliartia.
. .
menu, etc,, otN pti,t e
. compant
..... ..
Actscsilnuonw paostans, uchits titers; ,
Bare, ow
Schnehman's hfllu c0eg041:144-34:;,,,.. F inty,.."
... . .....
RefroOliTcRPO.AR OPstdog , rusd . to'rrt,
Sorriest ill exectrtitsg
Rents utitl 41 - 40 manna ono , .
gafftratlOtr 4.o,olittiso, present 1in5e....2)52.33:
InotAdftlalstiirszusisl.made Inn .itoirttm;
telegraphic dispatches, conductin elec.
554 00
Total ~ ,a 7,841 33
Qdrethot 11. • Atlfltbritlll4l6,l:olicis warp ben*/
In mats of $lOOO tech. After the e u be priptiyni.tB
the. chtmtyl krid 1.43'8101; 1 E:31 1 Mo , pliipom,rif_aborri
ing.toi other .orrorstithii tho p4,4laftailirsotia.
had Mime 'plate a bond tit the wholusmount of tab ,
ttP...tiow was OSetruted with the express underatirmt-* '
mit PM; ea stomas dhoneeestssry bends , lesttiris
$lOOO cou/s1 he procured and' elect:dud 1.t . i.f4,6.d.
was toboecresidered and: c01d... The bonds last .
mentioned being duly executes' as per arrangements
the Vona Gpst given mai greeted as • nullity. ' fn this'
conimnitrunit is proper , to remark, although the Mao,
tion is omitted by eversikhr, 'that thij company me
eapted the subscriptlea fik,s(7o;o9o by.the Commis
living"- lid 111"pliif - the amount Giro' upon by the
Otani tlAryAnd,,thatthe oempanyolaiins , the testicle
of mil subscription, mad ee infotmed the 'Crarnia
ors at the time of •acteptingelild subseription.
Question 15. dpossferT' The - Pc;isislant's salary- lot
fixed at the Or .5,1,50 b per annum, INV part of
which has. bred:Paid . daring the present Ye*, 'Oil,
Secretary and •21noururer o ne and the,Satee man),
per annum: The uperintendent,
$lOOO per antrain. The : Hilary : of the Solicitor of
the Company for, tho present year is nut fired"'
Sewall has performed modem in collocting:mbrirria,
and attending rights of "say and dameike carte with
on energy and 'Blear 4;4 fully entithrhito telfair ,
compensation. • ; „
Question,lB.;ritisiter...43nd July, 18.53.' The. Vit.
posals are among paperwe f engineer depetistient
.the Company. PrOpotelifrere incited forAlekust.
dirisiortextendingtrtlfitfauniaag, in sectional as well
as in the wholej, ,antj.also ;tut entire contract from'
Pittsburgh to the, .111„Y. liae: Proposals ireloillintler
for part. as well ss for. therWhnle. of the' 'work.; 'lt is,
impossible co sneerer the qoestiOn, whet ar i l - tbe
su maregate ma t coati tsbn Oda ieline ro 4.1 s
shamus* within . itime for 'an isteSsini4 toy6o'
mitten. ,„The proposals varied in :briceenntlrn
tent. itZo part of the Worlr'lrtneltl pa She.
letting was not postpotiett: '' Aftei ,full mosiderstiee,
of on the tiblsi" , te ,ireA ihosix.mode fer .Sectlmrs
as those made fur the entire-Workythe , ?Wed:
deemed it. tbs. .interest of"lhe company to con
t.., for the, pitrivien amwhol. •Thress
bids fol- WA whole line ware eubmitted: that of Wadi
Leech. Jones st Co, -sossloweet in price and 11440:
adventageons to the torepday and the work wasSe
cordingly atraided'M o
!thernbe work 'ems dose by
mid contramors, as laki'Mn'tnici, except Cu feria:the'
Came we r e rhOdiffed as hentinbefore stated.
Qemoicon 117. Answer.. Tho work betwcen“lffttig-.
ado: surdAdshotiorpirsa not.been• enzinnoßea.', An
encamps insde.tereneerra dur prefer
red sleek - b:PburlC ing,,pOttrun....of Abe read, , .130 -
abates wate -Sam ,rhe 5a41311t. 1 1 4 1 AP
vendor: Wel, hoirehribleD,Vdd'Uuk'risalgolp pf
...mittestigequestizt tbe.S r .. 6 l4 s'
foga paystenteof flSq VlPt.f..arArrantk.roglakrl.l4
sued sialle4PTed, (further stope.linvel.lon'tikok
fe cocoon tho aztension of -
Tote several additional ietnriffirptpropound.
ed, wo rt. - I'4 as "
[Tho following wore submitted to the bop, 54,pt Of.
Goers and Directors Of • A.l . :Ti":ll..."at Ili o'clock, A,
Ai. of fridsysitlA thrall:seeress girno ehlifb drearnoori
of Ohne day.] „ o r •
.4gßeir nap slows 18,41061,
To Wm. F. JolnfitA4, fif.,,P,refi.40,1.4114.9Aeng
ley Railrga tonwainy.. „ I
Dun Sip IThe , CA241110,6 sap. m.skair
Chairman kr'lon - their maxi..
meeting: kith Pitiission, imply:Abe hcookrof-
Your CornMY,,4 Praha dttpapersand redirellf.
and slid' Mnisot getost,..copy.of &heir interroga
teal. be attached to, or otherwise accompany ys9r .
Anwar, for more convenient reference,...pad.furlEcr,
to mbmit to you tho following
.. jupPlameni.ol
1. In what . rparmig ir6re 'leech, Chamberlain &
Co. to be paid on their contract; if stuck and bonds,
how much of cub I-and at what - price, isfill - 1iky0.1134.
payment, been- mule aceordinefit tifp,contrieLL ,
2. What's,* the.liistCrif - iisfimated &Mita thework.
made ukCi o . kiirtuance of. Lisa first general , letting?
3. Ess - thereArien any.ecisremet triads foe - RaltroMl
Shalt" and spikes? If so . wittrwhlittriiid s for adrift
'amount, at eritxttptiellYle,hat curare:bet( tolso
4. Was atB('lnCirilrei.OB tho.booid, or oil ' cer of ihe'
Company at aoy.**..directly or indirectly; . loW .
cited as a party. or menthfir of a firm., an y con..
tract or - contracts *hada
the other eithtlisctinglierriy, or In any way concorned ?
2. Was_ the_onginear ..corpe .of•said • Cahipanyo;af ,
any timaiagagedin the survey of' lands; (habit or.
coal property Into-lots - dr any such
enrveyelaside in any' otitis up-river counties T. If
eo, to wbbni 'am' each. mippyty,bplung7;; And were
snob engineers atilhlf Inpe u ls k Oka ,egapipy., of arid ,
• paid by geld Negroid C i onmany? . .
,trena.. Matzos, Chairman.
Qatrtion 1. Anin4r—This uilestion is answered
to the ripply to ass 411 interrnatpry of the let sena.
i. If this question refers to the estimate ofiths
engineer, we respeetffilly refer you, to the published
report; •If terthp Inds of' the contractors, we reply;
$3,580,074 GO, exclusive of iron/ this being the bid
of Louth: Jones- 4 Co., to whom the contract was
subeequently• *Warded. •
3. The contract ?Or :chairs. WAS made with Zug,
Llndsall Co., of Ifilifeity, to furnish 22,000 wro9fhf.
ironchart, at" its. per ib.,-payoble in 'mortgage_
bonds of the Company. The contract for spikes was
made with Singer, Hartman rt . " CO:, of ibis city, for
120 tons of . spikii,'aiSrcts. per lit , payable in mort,
gage bonds of the Company, at 84 qv., op, am, dollar:
L No member of this board or officer of the Cern•
piny was at any time directlY•isr . Indirectly Interest
ed In any contract referred to in,your investigation,
or otherwise, efidept - Jiir..Jitrenot, who was a member
or tho firm of Singer, Hartman d-Co.• A r his reiluesc
we submit to your Inspection all the papers on the
"abject of ehaire and Whom - . -
The following were tbo;propbehli fir ipikes;rinfi
chairs April 28th, 1854: .
W. IL Chuh. & Co.— &. •&X - gut, ot i dRr„,, --- .l —
Llodusy & Co iRe 5 N 414 tub, feN at, Leigh
Cooper & .11reritt...... r 9.1-I,lu Cult •
PlogerttartmautElo. • 41. • " • ' Stbetgagoloyo . . „
Thatcher & Co. P, . ' . ' Nth -
Meath & Troia 4 fre. IV Drafts at 60.44y0
EveicaPerklna_aP jei J .1 I • a* ticiabe am -4 I
II t nett, ItlllotrkM.- 1 , M low wins uth.ra
*a PO gutty
5. We understand by the Board that
John J.
Siebniek made plots 911. ,
_00.2 towns' at Milton's
ignition and at the month- entio Kiskiminetas. Mr.
was the dratightstdan in the employ uf the Comma
my. No other engineer was AliflrAged.Peseiloyed in
surveying lauds at lots4a varicoorlodte•
3 , 4 k.a.,•81
DislitACErllL •XXlitillikiiiffial.C.—WO learn from DctEn&Tx3 TO XlOl I Cora CoxvxyTlOX.
e Neatoartt iteptehliews that the unusually.quiet Prerseuttna—First,Wserti,ptivid Fit.imons. Andy,.
Mag th a* ni 43lL•derl9,lld: itlleg& 'Wanly,
• t.. •
wax. on Saturday; ThWitneittof pne ti f e114cfn . 4.t.. It. Stowe .1 B. Dualcvsr.
gftentakeicits O l d poielt CrWininqapl. eyunner: A. M. Brown.
. been i 0 Th Fourth .lutptt t itehh t .p, Darl;sigton,
habjt of giving liquor to the. Med.:milt of 31ilowood nitti—l'int Precinct—Samuel ":tf•K eke, Felix 1..
.Creemy. to the great annoyance of itioPritleittal:— Netley. Screed Precittelo, Kaye, Jo:.,Calaaell.
tivery effort in reason had been matte to prererit it., s . ltll--Theataa Wm„ Dithrhigo.
but to little purpose; wiferetipterit the copirecnee- Soruntb--Jamei d. itichardwou,,Da A. Arthorn:
Went of the last XeYsipn.tbe Principal; Mr. Woods. ! Eighth--.fobs Sarti.e trt, Wm. Woods. '
Icav9 duo notice, that. bo .would make au exampkt el I Niiith..Jtinterttill,;.felin
the .first student that got drunk. The .e tine pro- Ward ITenry iFivin;'llcrtiinu
grened finely. and everything neernetl . ll!-Ovikwats for ,skxles.
Bet at tart one of the . hoyn'got drunk,: end I,,, 11, m, .
the' Pfleripil 'accordingly suspended him for two I Third—Goo. K.-I.lalpti, Phillip ftebkert." '
,weeke,, When some ilfteeti or twenty of the other hors I Foarth-Alobu Wriglir. J. A. Ifloonn-..
got .up.a petition for his reimstatement. Width tile Itopoecuiltutimilian.,,,,riw,Pineinct--.:Tos.
Prinuipol.refused, when they filoulltim4 barked by Woreecter. q to, Pro,invt —An.
the whiskeyintefesti got drunk and lissail'ed the j drew Potornem, Thoe, hirlite, • - •
br,..kk m tho I Ease ltirmingtiam----dt.teldr Welton, Clfarte. Mark -
glue awl everything to. piocesamidlerocietre yell., hate
abuaing•the,Priaeipal and insetting ovary one else I 'BOutti Pultor. ii..M4 j ay.,
the, motwitt. They kept dp West Pittsbargb...-•liciward Sprung, J. W. Rich
and on Sunday some loft for their houtea..atutothers ordain. • • • • . •
'tirthhAkl4flera Nr:Saiti.unktuatt. Stin., Woods, irneweretille—flee. Irwin, WM'. 11%1,41
althotigh ha luta beenat aloary expense in.prtreitot- Mnaeht , sterlf,,M„jlM-cli s fa...„; - ; . • „,„
, e i d fitting-nix, Aexthitny bUilfiltiv,•6p etixed I iTos6stiws,--44:30ay.,-,kitroaete.of,Doloffruacs
thcolderamoncladlug'it laittipOsible'tu keep .a ichool Charism 'Pugh, John , Voeghtileir •thiebring,-b.
Is tlieught.that one of , thatavertakeepera who • Itosa- , alritt.' hi: DiVTA: Waltki'Sriqt:
been Selling liquor to the atudsmer,. will be -put Pitt7,Vosqt.g44 , 44-. Aw.ittenties.,
through by the next court about as Dr. ,Lightner wad .J.msrpr.. L Jonathan Neely.
at the hoti., , which till c4a t iklirrOclollnct Wit? . 'the Collins—deorgrelioloyoThet,
'.tnee"'tif abodt'S4oo: • iteeblest-“Pirtir '”.
17owning, between five
aatl.+is.ot¢look, U. , paper mill of , Meirste dames
lioward. h Out. eituatud. at ilarPlitfk Rend ie Mae
chrster;-ales tbibny 11414C0).e4,'1iy . '
setohd Utah this' cattlifisiitn;hil . luti been dasiti . toyesi,
haviA.g ,Imml.,•liursted,..dourn. -ablest. a. year .aget—
lite • eatablishateot•ews, aotiremeless••paprr
having a valuable Fooriner, owl also ntllefrlet
machine, three ste ( OllQ git4,3vo,. ocher, peompli
tatOd 'hint iauri4 ..tha.,Cstalilialanatat
,tree valued at, o3fl.otltl and ire, total low. , .Tbereqrsa
:011.0011 diNtrtimteil ritually •botween.lbett
rite Officee.•
• The ertenvivc Adniadg );;a1.4,, csan.-1.
,11 L PhtACkgol../mJ a•uarrow .eroape, haviag biniman
Stu several times: it, wad save& by 'Vire .ox ennuis of
the citizens. •
aeo sometimes asked where gtoeteity'Vebdi4
Can he procured. The ripatonth pna of
.the larkert; neatest Wad beat inipers'ne imon...of, and
is ,Tapod.l , o,s4becribetn, ins data,. at 115 .fonfOue
copies„ 6dp fur tea eopieso—esiagie , eopietil2,` a year.".
We clip the •aVetti 'frotallE
Clearfield Co., and,nclii . rvledge,our .obligations to
hint "for One.' 'We might have filled, columns of
ettlipaper, with.eimilavantices -from papers' far and
nearr.bistaris aria ivo totallyiireedn'tti thd 4 lifolfiW7
ryirtedl that *a E.reOt ro re, st'ciO:ft , pet, 4 , 41 , 1 , 4419
gh. , itr,iiii=l,l4,,intita, and not:upon .any.fieti,
g9tis.6iP we avealtaply tamp that avfair
as the- aim and I amineea of thu Weekly Go tett , 'lx
conceived; vire helleite the paper aliore espied ,is, en
tinilycolt-ed., dud 1.4 td the merits of the phpar,
tertv,rtint read it for decision. We.cali
tiltt2P,OV4,44itiro irisada, Loth am Or and
country *tinusw &tidal*
tee lag*
5'04 pis iiiievapeieuaad •arlth.grent• eine, IVA
try anat. of Stiperlintimir efille 090; I.!p,ror: Nltt
of four, 'and 9 1 15 f9t Thikf . f4" len., Clubasuppliadat
the shbitivicifigi r ec,'.' % • '
itAllarSa..-01. retail domestic
markets are scan attpplied, but pricer/ kricYft. rather
high, oattsittgl inentiVerti4nea :gal no
little self-Jibl,al'atuoag, 4,00 of Bl 4lo.l%tiiol.l4l4 srho
foful,uf 0440, a fery liirramajorifir of :the popula , I
in , rrogirnrc, Agrarian not, oren-exrrerl. A'l
protracted rasibLit tbiikarti: tat lank -lief Situr,W,C.:
niellied ark 'wi th ' thir•feiTtitirri V 4,40.1
lepqiitg Wir) eunialutAloa. •
; 249:W00d: ,460iSi /got
-Aran fadcLurmanrl,-'.44163a2a: klatiaticht,
sa ; io4l9ergilbi(teit r05:44pat,;121
good'bl.acbspoiflig 114 ga
147( ejl e W4trtR! 011 44iii/riligi klhapen - iralf puck
,W 4 44 ;SW., ri4lngrign -ragrear.Proin ,
E'vA--itragait:alibgbirbo 2 ini-lracoartf 'Aitpritai.
pus, por bUrarb; CUCUIrLberl,
:8e11 rc 41;
arrio', NP'seti+A"ch“
6°64e A , . l pra
,2 4 r0 4am40 r
4*4dnin, -
pilran*,,u,ntgo,- 10032a. oath -Cnerries, --
Lelluco, 2c ,per brunota: Oakum'. 2( Vie .4”
A4llO N15'494410, , apa y eays : Thp,,
Pritii-,4Padi , .).. ! ..4•Pr.f+4,,,raininunitzr-trill ho plea.,
e‘ to l oam tha t a company from thu PlttalrMth'
Thastrapaspcse‘wpandihr:sathMhttel'ho eat:110e; I
and will have Tuager'll hall Fitt fit 94) . lar,OC;m4Apotte
oftrAtlttftlrig reproneientatiena It will,'
ho 4 ,4 , 1 A KnAikrias to. know ot hat • Mr. and M, ,
Tov,o,s, ,),Iforkrar,,,listaranoml• •Oornin:' who Ate tiloff
mmeral ,atisfactiun hero during VT=
will eta OW: par!' Of 0M . ;411id1Ak,d0i,404,34. • • ••
ISti.ihtcy NIA - Mag. ta, An* wiry
ireelltillit U 4044044, !ma gata.tar•ittratr3tre•Twwwk
tasaubajoatly:raakackamortrikarkery-fli44 etirttlifaV ..
of the country'. aid - we hop ho may hare 'Puce ...
'wh. ,4ol .rigthtigv i ' • ,• J I I, •I/ t
. ,
~ . A ThIiWYE 7.01 V ASOINGTON. —Mayor Weaver haa,
reraiefel a pamphlet cr,0,R,...4. tp nrn 3listron." the ,
pioneer lo the orgaiiirtriry et. s I....YesinersiAnat.
.olakni.lor..tlio_paraila 1 pf: t . owe sup) ("axe or '
witistrlgtott7.4 - 4 1 ,0-4:w paiii, t- ills follorting.l
X „Editors of Pittaburgb.harel'heretdforg Nys,t,
their ruietr in Imbed( orte.rrillid 0 th.iriatr,4,
" r .<7 " tit t• — 151 4"0 )1,1:X....r. pßibo omutia g , i
. vvrtrtit 'of 7 IY,triailcii'her canons - to join and lays i
'gnisie9,944sid.on his torab- , aud +scut° 'a' lautre•in -1
the Common
The-appeaSis plain stitd'in'ttiopotiO.: . . : :./
c ' Ki 4 ' "‘ "
We hare belbre6 i co 7 9 ,
.q. arms* Mrshcee ,i
;Jourilil7' 'plibli:she'd . ii, Columbuspolt assond4., by'l
4:. W,salnalse,, or .tlia..Coach4Sfalter , s•Jrntrnitt," 'at . l
•$2 per annum, single, or in clubs'oe owes 110 - ,
. '
It hi, as ita title insplies;.atjetfrnat'deteteirtirite In-1
'Forests of this trade, and intratlled to circulate prin.. j
4ipally among . llitmisi Nfiktr. t.G. , 4i° , be pretty i
g,meratiy kadvet th`roda, 1.4. 1-othar iG... l ..hint , 1
boo attaim4.,‘ considerable circulation .seinegst ,
Coach Ilitalcars.. it wee started fn r 1943, 'anti iiks tba 1
first American mosthly.,..sre boliele,crereted'io am
intereata.of , say o4s bratteb 6 1,,c 2 40a. r i9i5. A.. .., • •
SzytxtiCeth-tt,ludge , Mo(linre, •4n' Safeteday,
sentenced James 31argatr,'
in hating 'stash hdine - hd:cen irontlienoni An
"Cliidnow Findley township, tl si;
months' imprisountentin the 65'114 jail:
B ene ff iet 7 1 iPp.'e,a'fict.e4 a..., in ham—
, ing btexn a. iusyeatacl4.the peopertyof a fn. , ripsr,
in Ross township, was sentenced y
to four ears
imprisonnieht Yrestern.Fonitentinry.
Clam Ssman licit - 41g a
+littiad.ughtor of Mt, T, Kdate, /3.04,-
1 . 4 "'es A 6 sl s .teci.e; was kalaii.inatantly by talb.
rimai thibildaidorymindor °if bar father'. bone
, to tha granzuL, parenmasery absent at the time,
and the child had climbed upon • shah- near the
the iittrtioae'Or locikjpg, eta pigeon -boo, in
front of', ibe bobber lealanet and
. 3tr...Yeereaa.a. brielamaker • by-oceopatiati..-H
.The child wax tee years of ago.
11/Art.loi (04.„4n1Y,laagai n.m e ieee n ed. I
to our table, fella, choice selections, and the usual ;
artandete. ke. We
re in this number a third histfirvient ic . !,• North I
mlioa Illustratall?"&66 . l"l4A t.he rove%
Crayesitgid t ,we notirait ram's
jmdrql —Esslast stith.whose
tainle and kopek aid 'rears we are felt °unwires
somesshet idanthfind, during.the past few seonthe.4— •
For sale by Gildenferinz i rd ?diner it•Cti. •
a° " / / /4.4P, .hargo was' sunb,'in
t 1 'riper night, about 10 o'clbet'hy
menet .with 'etre Lot 'therettof Abe
burgh - oa
bridgeo. now
'D61471141: usescria the. wises, arapinsta i lliplely . •
the-elty: , 'The •baii'lLebuldiutd'itit .
sand 1 ' 1610 49f kCif, b elonged . . Gordon .
Co„ Plitiddirgli. Loss, $l5OO. —BO4/5l ftehre,'
,4: ;1419 1 M 1' 4 11 s 10 c,. divorce an
Prits,tinniensuarsrary slap.
this Court et. Common.Pleay . tber thiloar . lhg very
.prsieated Elisabeth Wallas:la fur, a ,tll.,
-verde Iron
,Y N awn, trm,
4entisomr.MSfgattit Kos arum... John. Liao;
Mai 4 y Ann ri6 fiout JOhn Kyle. The Court made - 1
a dna color. disnreing • Mrs.- • Main • 'frets'
Slnir.s.swl.llln.-Cnnyfraln - T.
, Frillisl:2; .
.. •
AVE have receivcd . fipm ,Ne, 4. oi'a
big* sno.l , lqii . il , l4 l 4lltirgtiliait..trett,yelbliahed icr
Bostbn, pkljo tto " listorical Slagasino." It is in•
fact !the organ of the various historical Itlic% of
the tnii44.43tAeserittorirsikthvitte'fil tq
Owd-Ji!srt attocdotm)ketAlditlf straF,
azafttortkiilll6l notido 044:
cafivlar r and •
4uttiaistorr of this country. • • • ..•
° 6 e'saftrb stitt.OtkAigNaNnge...which
for lrf altitlebrof Pine Arti, now on free exhi-
Lion; ontha.second &ter Datie . ' B4lo"tono4f,
are b° sold bdriv".lV,ol7/Air4lertioonanti
even, ng',. 04 2...4: mic's K., ..Bantsarnprovided
learn : 'fro o ni v 'ttg,....__PtA,4 l l,4og4: - ,rl4:ii : 4'W.u.u.
Committee M.
"144 VAAOUtrIMI Sotarday•losysnil 12x0E1
urn sll2.lrday, the , 22J ef•Oeummt; for "tha 'lrpVo.2l4,
.astrietstomloot-treedeferrered2rtnitarit pcj4 T ;
tha 24th (.01,6p2, „K (minty
-thke "TthrevßinittLpe.rsportai:goodteeling In the
l* t Yl f6tal.C.igualauter. attbo•ours ty,•-• • • ••„
lame erfr .Coitt.wpt:4'tpfe,..plOtAO given ..Ity the.
09,97e100ve named, inetitution
Saturday, Wu la. gmest =ease.. write ef fnr , •
Oen w em q f .rid. -daring Meilen' thonuttldt,ol:
Witte and gentlemen wore on t¢e greonglol,o4..PiOrY.
thing 'Tamed' off •iti! tdwit loiatraititry .to saner._,
- man. who game hir tulaur Sq: I
(.I)iam. Will, was aftsted-brthe aftyprYliool3,
0. Sitarday, chupd • ? Oil - dealing ,
conntsrfett motv,,,4l„largi'mount of onsustorfolt
'and bogui M . Oney waa found in hi. possoesiom -
. was committed for further hewing.
AccsolaT.—On flArioe
ardpiuyoßiflrial plow mikerh lisift,Voilk
11 . 10 b r okenb rbeMlG.P+ 6 Wagon which,
ha was driving , the milli; 'baring suddenly started
and' thrown him under-thadrahaela. • • •
A PERzurrotor &mild 80 casks attd,easeti
iiselirted Liquors; Ibr 466)4d:ea. - Ist &a it may
coneern,,wlll cake place , this.(Monday) morning,
Juno 2:2d, at the Gointaereial 13a3es Rooms,',FtY.
frt fifth street. . . .
Tar Conimis nine 'thud. antler the ' Mead e
ville had tris,,ltsitntad ill we notice that the
'6041(4 }rill Er opened. for recahriq
trio eapital -de* or itievbnipmy,. Airsoiican.
Hotel, 4! I)lead‘rillTon ,Tycadhy3hilOth inst.;
"Vs aittatir3 otttCatoitt:eultiirsisoote4y
inert nt city Hall to-day, when preparntinne xtDl
be made to•decantte 'theltalribiThe eMproach-
Mg exhibition. . • • •
. ....._.
•32 uideratand that our old fries d
P. Ksica, will •bei aeandld4 b'efure. Union
County ,
in to 1115$8111bie in this
city on the 2AtlkirisLefor Recoithz2:"'"
1 i
T .14/thig`or ThilA?itYligrirtulei
a mtatiig 411kRiiiiiiirraigebgigh.bonds,
to be cnnVinid the'lderchante Exchange, on Fri
:Tint Jodro of Probatovf the'Coniity of Aitifi(44,
has apppinted Miss Prah&fr Irenchrrietiter of
couotY ;212E4, .4.44o4Easimiri..
-r ,
~, *ifft fkfoOL, Yon, a
• i c. - ......4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,• ch 1 t , ovok .2414 t of tlftll htttl,
..I. of II Atal, 4th1it,i,.11.1. torn. LORI 11.114sTrottrfront
the Owes Imol l'etrolut a'flo quitrtr , t'VrtAtt. V& 41 Plo”r
•trom loriltern lineop , 4124 146,1116. 11 , 1 m 1.14,4,,, vi,
.lOnoters II Ittat, 11fii , onattore'11.11 Totrilfh t , lyp,itd rro .„ ,
4.1 14 , 11,nm-tore Whoutlfao, TOO, -
• kornerr's 11,1overlorOf 11 host I. thd went 1 4 11 , 110 z lut
&mod. to. 1141.11 ttilefftt,tt at 5711f44 e h teh,,,y 1,),,v,
y,144,.,,. r
/mot . h . d e i, t tot , h ,h e o r
Foot to4l l l n l. leltllt O1 1
cr t 6 t f t t o te ,r t ro , n r
I co l., fll,,...l.•hotegoothte. 11 7 e 1 nirghtfah,l F,,, itl
::,. :r. '," ilm n' no r e ' te ., 74, l" n h o ,.. . g •l n gl w : 7' ittl ' O n n , rtf l lQ U r Y ol i o l4 l ,f l .
...,,/ trunsocteuto, 11l eflotekloftfOrelkelllVolet Ifhil.l th t alleautterttutro ofhtlyttti `trf WI 1 , 31101 Wlthtt
o Herr, irr4r, bought et 4 redneflOh of 311 to lilt /,114,e1.
Lot there me. ne,thiteettlon to pt. hurt th,f11,411.11411,,
oeudo,fornt et totlnelln • to .Plorn. ntlitttort. aft.l'taktoult•
tt it , I" I , trr I 10.• r Ind, to Guru In 1.14,1140 v tl
ilturt..-.1 fratotl,ty whoa• , sl,ono 11 h41•11tfhfrOff,,,,44 ,z,
moll 41 brit rrlli, Zriill irrrsAtitore .10, oh IlAtMeitl y b„ r ,
tatd.11.0,1 , .....i....)1 t0..te... an ifott.V. rib fit, '398 tpe 4t
,o.loooootto long t01d... hon.lolol . NI VINO 111 81.k4.16e,
1,1, lo 111,. lom•t -Itt : o, ',l t ornh.rllnd Hit, .491 i,,
at,lftfotolo, Ampittrlvf 301 twiet hettfi,,VlSMliht 44,14
ha far,thmsborke..l oat mot 4tut ad s.e .l . 4 itilllthlgt, ki lb
The hen,•nal .1,11. I. thoef.nt 87 to 4181 , 1 O.' •'
,Laml. hat NM.•tfodloolyonll..ll4 th,A.Mt ofthot4 , o
toot prune, ahlak, f0rt0ty0rt...V810.141,1111,.11,1.11,111f f,
Ilatittol. , , 11101111011VANO, PPEOferi t'4'
,YE,,,,,, 6, ~,,,,„„t,',,,t, in tee. • qoartere olio. onatoiwthe
r ,q,, c , 1 ,,,( 4 ,, $11,114,,1M MO Mer MlMMlldir•Th.,lll,o
I , olt hoott, farrr trlintilit,i) IMII,II .. , 1 - un I Ow 1114,,,,,
ign,, l 9,lFl7!Pli , 1 17.1. iliAl tritAfttpon. m a , ,i,, t ,,,,,
t,...4 £ 44 tt, I...tatoboto‘tota • utillimutood ago ,1 , -
kt, 7 . ,,V , 04, 1 b4 , ... {, 6. 1 / 4 1 .6. 1 + 1 .-....kantilt,oloP.Mll.,
11V, w ePl., . WP , A4 /4a1.1tr , 1...•it... , tartilot eOll.
ti Ur • 1111M){, iLtoo,,hAtt the Bold" 4o •...pee
-I'll,ll toll ont. A 1 (e. hot i tot tnyl oo ottoctomOts.ln July
11 : 4 ' . ,'• D ' A ' .- 14 1, r 4 .1 . • 47111717)"""„.,,L48.4:17.L.i.tr4f7tWe -th '''
...Moot ttottp. o olot.P. , fh , fil Pr t h ".', 6 1:ttd."sit;g ilat /if
port. 4 (Wort, .4 , 144 h t , I. , Ann% fir ' 1, 1•,17
...1 .4 Itt.butitt.ll.lttottlltilk gall' !qtr. tuttux, .EutK
det.Ovutrrktuilltotht lizott ;T!tlyd, Illt4 r lim"h„.,
um......./004.1hrrinq Ft' Itingt. Yeti 41 pic.g.44,,,,1:
I. 4/1. r A .1..5, ph, Notrlork 17,49 , , royiiiii , if,,, 18418 f ),:,,,p,,,,,i,
tioy..totet. city, . !Mk, .3tllllVlt llolitull, Cl .. ttlit At
satAdrvrAwitirli.thbort,'q l / 2 ;:40.,!..,..5)0r 115 , ,,
0...Y1 1011z0dr. , 1)1.1..t.V.f ifoll VIVI. Nett :cr f
*MOPS. 81titf/1A4M.t1ik,t164611, N , W -4, q,k_f4l.P.' PhtliP
ifoh.s4tuudeorg.fiti, N "r;kkklAf.o, 11,, )5.1.7, OM.
runt, '1 1.. atOto, NI ,1 II E . f.tely 1.14 i r,,'',, 1 t, '4 _Cdt,,,l '
Joltml Mho, Mat•chopVettb" ) ^, ,.. , /, , t,c‘tbit..
~,i,,,,L41,1t0y 1.,,,1A10ti 01l .1:1 plo low. r,Ar .i'MA.or,
I..•un.,ortreptosltfßMlnit I inv,fiah4 a .I• , .ts..rf .1 h..,
row 11 11 icoo, T. , traik, V.„ , 1 /oily ..4434. 0..
.111...3 orihrftt*' Petlf."44eloir, Itlll gape/ r ,u,„
~,,,,„„„,.....,;..,,,,..,rn, .... 4. Va.
me. cr......1, loh, Titin a„ Al 't,
~ c o,
mak Itldtattio..l,Va , ettlokllWfil' . 7., C‘ttpflVO/
Yettstofilroileet, l f iff. , lflff." " 8011'1., , . ,it 1 , 4tOti,
t0,.•t10.1 ,u,•l atehfoOdfollA , e 1 , -khs.t‘4 4, XiA, li r
In,o- La totpeiol.,l, II `, r.q..,01340, lot Iroftoth mho
'''' t ' t t4frC4r,sollll3lol,eitt flitfilt 41..11.,- .1
ounorf" I, .... .. tl, 4 to r too. Pnal„. 81T
24 ,„. 1 ,,,,..„, i t ,
tlsas ~,,.„
, 11.. „. 1.. , k . 0tt , 4 , 1 1 ,
1 1 11 ‘ 4&t " 4„1 ,1 :0C0IVIV9 4 2 • Vi ct rT, 1 411 1 ,, 1" 4.0 . ilm -
1 1 "
I. ro,i. to k ititilif.lhialkee4l 4i llo7 , lol , ltll 121 , 111 ,, 01y ', .. th
I. 1141, , 1,1,0rn0v41%/011, &ArAiri, N .
7 " 614 ... 14 1 .4 40,144. As. ' .ma5ii.,,.i.b,,,,,,
"'" q 4, ,Sg ..' , .3', 1.3..P0010t, Allogfutot, 11olloy.
I .. t ,',4ill4:4l'li t "Vrr Ai' ko)o , NV M..ata.,,,toott ,
VAt 4 ara.T. ' X.lPitof.o tow lot
f./411)1R.t•d . II IMIMM,. .....1 0 Fr .1 .110 .1.4
I mu, rklVlsllllloft4 . 4 1401ti;i4fd teidjfiii.. %at.
theiotarif. wow. tt0'41.14 .11Y I' 0:ele lf try twilto.,o, of,
....• -... o - , .....
4117 ~la la - Mtot. filr4 Ilgtleitt
NVi...ivottt from rho Wnaittagtoo t PstO ./12...nar.t.0t0 , ~,. ~ . ... ~ Irr or , rt. t. t , r ,, 'r .."' '' , ,
that a lomo puma. .14 lb* inl•ttleottidt iif liffieffkr.S . .n". a. "'llk riliffVorkt4lut. '':"' „
b Av. a z yeelfiertii treetti 0tt.5.,d,,,c1 1 ,04,S ,Ftti,'A.g.c.r, 1'... 1 . , 0. It, ifiVil.e.t)ls 160-13l41tott 11,v, a, R
the-re( 41.0,,, . , . , - T,,l"`fk,t.ll/ •,,„ I,4Vef. iov.lco. 44V...ham itstuc Bo
it kk.
; .......*-...- .........1 ...rm., r / Ir 11,,r .", 7..1.'1 '.. i , ) ..,:f ei v ..., re .... 414. trotoos. O. Int
Tor iMOttottplrolt. Vviler Avortittiftr4d.rft,i f p. z,467,r,pp i p.i. 3,1;4,.;; ,,,, 66,1,, , .4"1 :7 1 11 ,..y, M 4 t1t74 •
cub...Ml.lg etty. 11,11 bold - k fi 'Apst r, f , yg„,i44, ttll, hdt , 'll.
,:. ,p g a, i ,411,''.7 . 74,;.1.1.1t0t01t0 olket.t.A.g.
tutkt 9 :t.# brill i t(* " I -..-
.lit,,tqltir . :l /QH.r....4. i'MPl' b..."°
-,- - T ---, "." -----,, -, , t „ ill RI , , 1 b.'n 54'N*, 1,, , ..,,,,t -4. A , . , "s• kw tvr, al toot ooto.
Amts." em 4 phrtavahauvanol two ot, atmittglo.7ll/ 41 , 'laminae 4f.V.l4ltrtit. rlt 415.3 , 111114:44,.'44(
'Bluely as the year -NV, e. no. cfrlkiettiltt!•4t"fiq'ilsA .......1_,_74-1,1711 , 1,7.1,11 c? ' , v„, ', , , , ,t,.,, 14 h r , 4 , 01,
.. , rrt Vt'ek.trt'ills ll 411 qk 14 f 4 14 -, 144' , 0AX , ' 4 'l irs;:ht,'"%ltio.l;Wll7i'wri ' , Yr. t: -. ' AN aii 4 Z
, u.i ihriito ,448ta'Af.- 1 . , Y A0 , 0..10= 4 .U...t 't l ". 'II , A , Thetfite4. 13 id gt :1; 7 ,14.1.., 30:
I.AcJA.,so 4 1 4* ivAL tt.ltstrk,‘..l Attffmtleonotol.ltrtt , folfootofetlrilttfh Fe, 1 tq, ~,4,,,t , ,,,,i,..u.
reau,ol a clinstmeux,ngloantro.the , brimikiktft +air .p 0 , 1., ..... .4 It 41... A L.,,1 2,4 krill typt:o,_ 1,,,,,C,A ..1_ ..b
I Inc In who h till 1r arc eng . aitAl .tf trotuutsptutz Ali, ",. " b ,41 .. , •tt?" ' 01 i30 ,, t ,, '1, titt
IMMO 0606.t.dteO'fbriiit *IA, ittA t,,tt; ar,,7.10, 4ruct,o4,i, " 1 ; L , ..,,,,„,„, --u „, „, 1 .
`to you puttleptup 4.11,130tir 0. , 141. tar , ~ ' rik.r,r 7./ . t.1..... ' “ , . •
44174.1.....-ilostiforsi kr...atdo. -,, . t t. • - ' M4.74.4.1Ltt.4.41•1t10t.T.10k1l e, ) ,...,. k ..... 1 . 0,,,,,
, r .., , Mr tk....1a3.1. /IMMO, ttood;.10 lA,
mr t. Itrarvorl
• r,•ottl• boo itt&M` , lll7Orc.l3M . rfitil 11 '',,,,1" '''''' C.l ii, gaoado unlit, litoterortt 1
tali, doe. stn ero,ltt t • , .ur I.rtherirSieo4'ttliew'e" },,,i.:12- ,, ,,Nr.:1,....-tr, , .-...,,u 4 „ , 0.,,,,,,,,,
'' '''''''' l him p !t ° l ra .i 4r iAl t ir Alokir fr; , " , I 41 '''' " ' I 't n'S , N4, o VlAiivlix,l)llllins tan) 1.,116 1,1571,
/a 11) -I mg ma h 4 , n '0 . ' ' i t'W.ft.Y. ....... . _ ' • -."
...4 M i ,
'ra- ,
Arta CrrAft Vt , t s f WIIIN Ito,Lt h t'l, tronet Drifi . I ItiVAXlVtliiii - o -. ' '.
' '
for Rumm t m. Pproo, phyla majl a rm,i, • , 6,,y, %m um, 1 The Ploit.•l„irottortio mt. Itot,.tho. Y. Aer, and Mt •
f a .1 - Fith go .In Inrim Trllly, *or .n.ht4r4/
Corivighap A, Alleglatni Cili. char Hoek ..4.5.. 4 7W .ttort.ttl. *HI ("MI 'Al'.4l X:4 ',.....1 1.:, ' rt,,, rtat.r.
u ''''/ 4 ,ru TP" m g 7 " 41 W a ft''' . ti" 0 .. 7 3.P.tity , " 1 4.'.0 r0a , .4.- , Otos.. iakt flu, that* mot tar ...owl lakett.
stylot of drench gotterrol wk., nrek , vrift4-ftitgb 44 - . . 1 . 1, 4 , .. w. , h...1 , Air.t . ` I ' - 1 ,
tutlueLooent_ 1 The .0 .441.1 CantUtid,,t4, E".lc4T NA.. tt
11 .trttrW,,i. to '
' '
Tut ots' is ' Vn- ,4 yrissincs — stibcsmals ,
!Gaye, was..9Labbed: sin .Alloglieny. civet ow
ureslity might. Inot;'lA n tuvl Washiett' fthilft
WO , reilslr . Irk:lOl4SY, 'nu s Saudi/54cm
ssAletilsosiney simss lirregteti . h , iipipsr T.I,§7IO;!OVA
police, early tiii-Stinettti• mo rning In NranetaLlter,
and luta "een,SiSii"iiiiii if RiP WY. ;
Ptikisi4esi r &Ali? elfiqVit
a•sohnnl' ten 01!cf
ia ' t/ i 6 o .ka* . br ' il llpi. 1 1 4 0 , , 04114 , 41+ Arix...relianstoa
tc',Wiu , h o ,.. 1 49.5:04 4110. between sstrulassisand sitebnistr
, tx,Wts..tin the , Svoonth.W.nnt.r.- oNeenreer aro" NW
tomptinrk, take a voinlnt.trrtn 174111t 4 171,2`18tKrZ;
atl7l-4 giVikti.6 . 44:Tign4roxv4. Um-
-:Wa.examiloal, &felt dayaict,a,,roVißa mallet fatith!r
of liasati.. Job; ktio."&'rti
le #l,' i ' i'6'l 7a l 4 . ,t44§g4;:glaiiPS.: , lia, EPP '
te , r4Ouaaa. ;, 14,4 a
w4h, millsw,groai6.l.,Ankneity.makrr.• MlVh7 aboall ,
oar arikattaa .gn• labraari • fla , I.treb• eullelo - arlit , tfataqi .
Vt5;:gt.1# 41 .90 b 1 6 .5M4 ,
gansa mho to
baroatkalantfro cur. aitpfor , aurraa , ..44o. ~ a Ortrad:
yeatarday, sra.4 arltt'Oamaff lit'Sttf Pt.'qalf :Frayq'i!itt,
a re4r.Waetr.i,'ti . .. , ttaft:1 , 41)4k0,1.60g114,C1.4%R, ~„
sita:ii.s . t4lisl i t .ol
niter an attack of fassr, it Atistajts rartst •Ittfice I•,
get rid of. sat, "thou the dusiersr is fornist...l welt
ya iurtgaratiag teak, 111 , reanimate •trArl, 'Oa] spare
bark.. it 'verb; the eery Tiff vrbk1i,115,444161:,:5t to
iv tikii porpau, CAttar.sid.
SPANiSlllillitVitt; to the grawl• DICISLIMIL/111.4 • Inv]
should eltraye be resened to, eurlueffeete
4Nerreficihr: • '
Wwar a glartstrA Ipreitttrin a‘WIW Ju , t
i , • lAwila your cardital nrol
dump throat. There down in the 1-4,4
tip 110 otrong metallic woman,. 'prwwong lirung
nary two hundred pound, thplwo,arc 311rh.
turn the key and let it lyolin . .. rttut , pl44.lwapic4;,
"P thrutigb t"u"i l ,C 4 C(..;G,InPu. nuile,Luy in .hati
rptrifliNg Au41..0 0 44. al. Wawa. aniarcaentartinnwl
ahn water in a hublulh. at Ch.o. If. Supelr"t NtKnot •' " ''
• •
• Penn
NEW YORK, June 20. —The Itennter Black
'Warrior, arrived; bier Ytigßt 'Oh If trim 19
Santir'''A no:salad not arrived.
i. Theeranfsh leer eidir . geit Nvitdl d
"uel:4,4i .
,reported a 6. the,
8 °I'lia"""" nrrh"trig •
The tian4 and health, continue!'
end • n••it ....41, • ,$ t. , • ..•••,.1 .•
g.. i „
,The price of nogagxenntiimentt7enn !Ind holders
are: fi oin in their•determ•Nntinn 'CO hpliii! n iitt . itO
""fr'te-t- ,
Banks ?Penne. the
Bottle( the;Sentear 'IS*4 c,b4A 7
crif fltrpoh th'e :11. purl ien..9r tim•
they are r , wpeival! • -gbh"' firtV
Trchsurer Kaye they ere if. Nee' ypelt,..llrif
thisi may be true, 11. iYAMiti44"l4c . 10AR_
1 41 .th eP it0 0 4 .13 r0 4 1 , 6 ,1 ;11i 3 ..0NACK , u 3 .. past
am,swi'ecALQ . uuty. Bank,— ••••
'Tlioaroutlier in Afar mad'pleV)fr. VitOifc , t;
TA f 4110 ,•° 1 1 1 9 P1 11 0 FgliiioVolasL
§r. ••Inilyfunti , , for-thrl.
.nrinsler.of , Rehert- . Whenre'r:liirtA . AlikoV,Ai.
ithaltcw, Nomain, lay
killinghis wife, wene.eceetsted•nr.thelyalt.yard
IYesterday; and at Edwardrvillel. llthfdie , 4ieurge
Sharpe and
lithe rnuttlerrifbrA , .
day trial 'Cirri ..thirty..passengers , and• nearytii
'ttrilliomatni iiltintter
r*tiill also sailed with nearly twe.handred
genii Ansor?rrhd..ltriiagyl; .
re Mrs. Colonel F'rentbilt"
.;Sr. utTA, %Mho 2tl. —The rillrttillr&s l / 4 91r
at.altis point: 'TIlh ißfro, nri Wlll.l
' With Ain! 9414tiiin th hllahee . t o ,übtkoi.
. :feet—and, the
, I.Tirperlifiliresijipi is alient.G reet eisidisrislnt"
Weather eltiatilAnTialftladul!,
A uGuarA,
iiivelY:4oo l *4 Aet • Pabion. he. aussin. , 4t , it!
Lhat-homill.he retarded to•
41149 , Senate I o flit the'N;,the
ivAgmNdza:, at ua 3tl.
A! P. Caumby Jon** , is lyiog Ihing4toatly
Iti4icity.,- with tril'alTh . hr . ii i cht
file is . • ••• '
. . .
New ,
June, W.—Dark:W.lTO
lidnfq for Mobile,, 1 . 0013.,t4 . 0 0 ,1
38th','44616rr.u.p,-Ke-iv .w.aro wed Auld
. .
Bank, ha 4 mitten j 9,
s lang Vatter, aq.imtiris tht ItePyplieuaaamuinLiun
opintkOt i . Blipbalet Truk ,
has accapbea , .tha notainatlon:
Pa°"vgßet; 444420.= c1
. trial. ) a.
tlegt a 31)iyki of tkii;4 city, resultedjemtennia.y4e
ilia success otAYm. 111.-Rodrapy„ . 9: AyierginX
candidate; by 900 .....
LOuTSVILLE, JAPO 2.o.7.—ltiTer i. feak the
FRlty. Weather• ellarr , Me7171",1::: 73
'Ea Vona. J 13119
Fl ur I.moya.pL 11.500. bhLe. u.ldt Whent , hoAvr .
co s f•r..114 lacesbp whito.deeiined PAI.II - 14;$ Ver.;
. Pr ma Park deelinddlOd.; snit, nr4
deelftibd 1,11k4 I sr a 1,0 q,23 .4 5._ sPrOi,
*I one 4nibt.: Ann... Stocku dall and,gen
[ *.Tenn. r
00. ar nitas.•.v•nrivir
". 17 . 7 " n .4 5 . ,it 34 donh nod $l-.74. —Cum
Wei/ ftrin . '{Cl i ent. in Intio demand. 4.1.4un0 idirh
1414 .4111.i.3141,..i1fr, ykl"sr $*. ..itimenvoia •
'I.". Dn'n daii awl nnsetint bulb i.n.mtht
- 7, whkfi is a dpelinr. Oa. .16.41 , •iiObi r .ii
I Alla ba., in itins.+l...4.provtdanhffr , ll , fgge:
poldhittr, Ark iAr. dam wad, actual'. wrin 6N
tZtli At t.. 4.6.
~ . .
'••••CEltitisAtt, Junb '20 1 —V10 . 4 MI: .11144, ft P. 1 14;
1 1, 164 ai,t,dmf a11,.4C;t4t OUV....llrltotttluts4s.
ettnoi loc. intro nothing doioglo COMO Wiiiiky
.274ctand steady. • Cheeso , dolha Bier- Bu ry
doll at 13c@ttle.. , Therti grid ve add
'dbilb in Provi4,iono ; thorn mutottLderroutti for
Ihipott; but at the rote of prAt:ieTo* (hitt*, asko4
,bybolderto't Wiltg42b S tiffdrdd thiSluintder#.l4,l
Sidoomid 4vilderietsieteto tarertneniniedrWill
- khrt It dor? •
00niplercipl e
.4=wiyikawar.“ MARICEIRSE f
at i.. I aiorca-sptiasifor U 4. Patiraislt Gisektif s r
- • • • . • ....., Ptreescrsnr, , Momnr, .11.1.r2 ? . '..i 1 ..
rr.ntrrt—onl4 tinn - nid. k.iii-Vrkrio. , thi,i 3 itbuli:l: o 4 , ,,,,
..tperfttroO.tort , lit $7:10 ti.nt , 9" hlli.fPl{ .1, 5t4874 /1%
pry r,to awry 0 dlikk, 4t:tra .1.1 , 4 , 11" milY g.50175../3:00
• • GRAM—AID. ergb 1 , 41.1 4. frmh'llcrim.ia; At ;...,,,
11X 1 0 , --ATOOTISOOLII27/ 1b r It. 0001, 1.
i , vi . for.F. A.
• 11.401N+,atfli4br3.0 2 .312 .312N ILiSLozil.-ri - la 1 ,;,; abo
•:w si.i, at 1:4 .2.. ....i3OUII It. Ilatu. nt L:.
L. 11.--141., 13 hid. No. 1 Lard /it .. 1. 1 41%
~ , . .
tha .1 1 / a di•lrad,ieiteefft flr'Nqtr,:dlie...ll.l4 *bald.
iurMnie Ifurnarld.t,,Yrr. •
The grow ate.... Faranany ar read, and mar raddled!' fter
her Ana tap. Ow. Yeal4. - der e.netkadei•ardl,rdid. telti
ledeling ar ti,.lllhititt,ty pith
Thn • Gortiviill ,l "-ItkriTehlti . l.4);.thy;,;— h . . „„ . .•• •
[Am.—AY wise4hut.irowithms Vet.. Mahal. nl"Phlhr
1 ''"%.•14 4... f a VIM 14/fh.t.l. koheehl parnht_l.4
I r 9 9 , p911.5991.4. I. 99.91 has bar`af a awn bow Ihee
•14....rhiIhf.tihtloil•Ah•tues......harrnimonsd hl •
`lLic-4 /Wawa,* A..mlrawmAd ihhuothk•ohhafhty
.b. 61m of nut.
Loa, ,rn e .l Mara toleughhtdm...a. rat r ego; ohtly",-
.`aagr ,
tztotiar. Anuptrthhotrallrew •••ht•rohir
themlk 11.• ,erh murk., 1•••••• h•uth•tht h• hr
. "•''''':4 ,4 , 11 1•11.4 thlaughllyrotia, Iwsl4-
sr. . • - • • •
•Ma Cancalamati aanattant.Palverala-HVra"— , ''• "" '
• ckabon•ir that *lmam Iloha.'l.l Width; •thh lltrkArr
Plate.haos issues.r. oalllot4A, tho tvptitetitnt et Fittsl.9l l / 4 ,
/hi thwlirtiktmp 9f tat..tont99 its n 'Fttn'efA9e V4r
+9a I. ,tio arrivta) on Mir rfly I•bitr WM . With, 141 arint
hrg• rtasclatuory traoslbrred•tershow 1.0' . • - ""
',l - 4••• Or fire vteety . l-1 . 0
m , ,tlllrtrahtlatille i• • rta •N,nh 1,9u4
I:titrgtefl: t SS! 41 . 1 , 414
I inattrd7 •1I M' Lhauti•h,ahil •
fh I; ht it, , V. 4 hahlrx
.1 4 .4rw0 piketllll. 4,34111.1-
ry ihippihh,l tear fodliN.l3!•lrhto'i•hlie . 4.l o ,-Et. J e gihe Wan.. .
n`Pf 'lLl4Sfjt:Ablivprrimo , thn h • iL.149.9419499•
that` hh, fur 1µ „144. raohilitirtl. an I made am. of [h..
1.A409/4.“ .I...FlAboroolho min hair. out that
t i t'F''.l 4 F , ./04.1AM1L11!4,8 1 . 4 4Thi.. Ns. has ...hag. rum,
. 4 ... 1, .4 , n 4,1111 4 ,44001 .ohnich..-nhott runs,l.ll. Oe
IRP SW IthiSes.cor_ ihn /Simnel slam In.cintroe•ot•
Cal ~ ,, , J .p•kikli.l4.(h4fhlthelviol the/ 1 , 14•3“ , ...1h0t
ph,k Ph t y TO 14 dm, Wm Bulb wall. wows •• Tay.,
Chavinsw.WConalbeleeiet "
Th. !heehaw edit be hereon:Ai 'LK tilierfietn
eat g htr.llei , cl , lt, “iklAlor rieriVr,
6.'0141 yeeteni•Thy rielinnenl; unittlßirml mr tfint herd 1.
ighreihy • ixesetil of *teen ineglehellte in tie
,Jl4..rl.rfl4ri9lttroqL , 3llb 9.443yirCiFyvirClVlltat.i
sn‘lll-tm-rwl tit (be 41;ktili , 4 , 141;0..1,4i
./boitat ay! •irre
.44,r ert : Tuk.t i fpo.l, 111%
". , t
„Mut Vri.iffft4tt,
Wry iv.inted tfi fie,. or wog ,r6tll. tt..t line*
A n e trireeeeig die 'Winne,
ILL•yer , : Ver. no, Wheeling, Argeneel, , Lhener
ro 0..
• 'PHl . SitTLl:t. , tl.llie6ksy'li , Tllh.: J14rePK...16 , ,,CW
'""r ' 7 Tr^ rT,TITT ----- .--
4 ..! sT. ptj,o nei g a
1 , : 1 1 ;VA i r t y 4111P/4 /11404Iyitusto-
I•I I 1 % .1A4:414., U,,11.,1,,ag..7.04.1 oto kit
I•kii- ‘• . 941%4 1 , 44.999114 1 / 1 19419.• ALAN Ho-D.11..141w
" 99 . 99 ?‘ 9 "VW • 4%- 11, A.m . Aright or yorino away mou.
F 1) It (9 1 NoIN,N 4^rt , .— T
{ ' ,
ib; fi k7i t
, .4, l lpfig l , ,4,,,,.../k • p.u.V. N, o, N i c.
.....- th .7 v aig.MqVF .} . O Ai : , ,,i AnA 1.4 a iPy40 , 141.
P. 191 VVoditsl44kN Itereigint
."7:r.rn!411197 .. 21.... • 4 41
..... . .
• p ' ,--- •• . ••••_/..1i._
44 _tu.n.91,,, ft
) It' 4iT.' , WinTIWI crle hv '^ ' '
m.0.,' rittirr..Vii,,:tVidOriiiglr.,
...OI lensloollittAutilfflllf lottyth VI kw on A
trltr l r ' I tt l•M I " ^. .'" V , li t :fit4.lll% . :
U l doirTNAtiiiVlLLNL—illie •glow , '
i tig g*
1: - 4lopleAsh AvnounerflAPßlllll-1514 NA
11,1 1 / 3 Itroow a 111 Iday. , for . Ihe , 'Alett. AlAtt ATI o oft. rt.
airo4 po TIIIIINDA V 243•1M1' , FOP ttAlht: , o , 1t.'10 . .F.V Hp.
.I uk nker•tk... in' , t" . ..... '. '
t) irgts - eig,Tt r oMlYkTi : .
' g
r il:ItIk: 1- 1 . 7/18: 14 . . t2 o Ulim.:57 : ::;;;:: : 71 ) :H7 A .:1 1 : :- :L ‘:111: ::: ; ::
IMEAkipt. P A W.. 44114. 0 ,0 rm•illell444. I WV 'to
1t .. 9 . . • . ~..... ...MAO*, 91/11141,61 9' 904...
.- .
.VCllf r tY . 0 Ili 4.= LIII 0 • di A p ar
.. 999 1 1 4t 1 141.) urr 4, cop , .
• *I. my" W. kkil-aknlrk olothso7l itiOkrulloitiAte
Tills le dm. gaLlimst., Ifip , ireithi a. p.....res.•apppf
.Olf *AA l e
ijiiri). ....,• • 1 F14611•1A4N3111 A Clot I •
TI N U le A - I.4formatta - ~,,,,
i l, s
... - vowttaimufalortaansmail..
el& ~ .:410911,41 .4.4 ,FLlOargAaverr 'CUliSair r
Telllllt 1, ygyl 1•41414 1111.1..14.41. /64 akakt•
4.4" 6 6 4 ri 1 1e .wor, N ft 9144•4 ~.444,,,K43.
en 14491 or , , , , ilt AALIZIWCIAL .iirmt , . -
•'1.1011• ' . . _.t. I , 0.h.0. A Woo-I.n. •
a. k
teniPtAfin7 V d 4" knk
, hd.4l P Titp ; TUIB LAX
211 fast, kV V 1qrN 4:1,0;;z0
.W`",:VAN-•a4ON,CO hoard*...
... „.
-" 04,4n,...- . .. ----.
si: 4 00:orLgoof:utavks. -
~ . ..,..............,.......... 4,„„...
"In',reoleths.tastun.euseles uselsesiet..see
Ramble' retro try applyiseg le s 4 Isle Me1111:41k So.N,
Aliߧelpgpg oruxuAtn'tv:,4lrXED.,
. 1 , 1 6 r. 40i , *4,.. kr Sedleuset pepalierieetiwyk„
n-I 440 ,
"/"..T. b. be AY sieleeeitieliVeCe). -lea valniceile
"' .7 r'''' .l 7e Av. * Matheletretsi s . ooo . There are
0 3 . 600 nly.pip , p, TIM SisOtePe SeNa..slollBos Airmail
tht.. l *YAPS DOA %U. Os eubtcribm, alt tema....w.,
'eery. Stsareeyr reserkple dle4 l .o“ ,, kes N° ....Y.req. , ..
• est be rr,,c4 preglery.gpmeinlog full particulars rtili .14.
Aurae Ise pldnß ieldreset,tes , . . .. J.COPULAR.III...4Ii, ...
0 : 000 '' ''lVA'N.gll 4 .P4Afti l l '
4 . . At,1,, , if.1 . to (emeare bol.ssr.
LIZItiItaty.MANSCA winttastyri.4 ptu4itok,
ikili tretetVt-I4 ' ilaWq - l ' ii4ritiVeg,.
.cciltri *AI .. &Of . Ortn ' Gelman": Alleelseny Clt.y.
ElY.Dri ItAbfKkoodlitk
intil tifili4o•l4,(f MAW • 'lx
.Almon fill'eliFi t ;
' , Stilt..i'd- .10 - tu itiout OI 61. Mt rio're:"Wlle:e ,
iii,ie w o wanted, e• situation . Icir, A . , as alt • Dr!
. 0 " At e rh Y SAIW 9 •Ep 4.'1 • 101 1 ,a u
tate tale. Alm eenni ,to Dirtittniinl.96,
• c ,, ll•dtked•Alen *Op/MI ~. a ,S.t sc. . ...It -,
. e •.. nr.l t 1 -•✓ 31cELROr$ Intelligence Ofllegaden
myl2 N. 2 DA. pair meet.
2EMUSOtrtp 4 O
.., • ±
• .p 1 1 T At G.
• iol. l C• j akrr• --- -
;9•C:7';',,,u;Apx't, • •
• Niratn
4 riNte,e.ibtrpie,p,Am.
:Bqke.iyur.CFP[ok ,470,.1
• Aillivrros 4.
tti stnsp;slirinn,isi Usa.nutit. , • •
sAusnk, Walboactet ihsignsat.Freorb
thrx. +K W. xsititled BA7SDItis—
EustiiS4ti F. Xovt4l - ; Lacolpart.,.. Nauss% Denson, Me.
_ Linsgaisshain.3l..endini .. • • • •
, ThiCh.rtit Cik'ST 31r. 3. Naillson: sill
go condi hit siinnishitig.isi otiti s ir: II
nibir a line,: issiiihing nay s Ia •braltanon his
iir"..t '441 thhstign.liaaaniesen anti antes ashielshing
• •
4• • •
. •
Vic nit's.
TIP - RANK. •CrARCitYS 'AND . •) - .. - roviltq's
'BRAttttl A7VIY 'arttESTRA . .ituat
Arttl'rHkv/ttoottttt.74 4 . Fourth
.w4l. tvg,oro,prototltt
. itttetatotl. ''' .lel4:loP.lottirS
.m.. DAvTEl,;:Aqp , eiti. A .er.
• mthA l eri.4l . §..l,..' gjvhih „You str.t.
A ibsiguae a. Elsie
At. Y. 41. Darin , new .4).numoretatltPal }MIMI Salk flair.,
.a....1•t0ry.i C. 4, bUtleen.reet. Pttribm.r.:' on TlL7P4p.iy
.41.0 7th ..ley of July nert: nr . r.l o'clock;
. .. . •
. .. .• •
9 r I ;,IQ 'Ulla .
r,37 ir,iteil. .A.g,:iguees °Nmes Gray.
'l. 1 ., 441.4..4-63..wia citcr.ll33 care at lb. tlytta toct •libizir
„.t.,.. dated, at public,aution..6ll tin, tnul estate of tin.
4.44P.444.intia0.: ut - •• ••• • - A
Act,. 64,3i16431 Alroundarni o 1 Slbti.uri parable •Wft- mt
tot pf tktolicr autl.Apcil. larainwort Air• tin)11:31 to Artbite.,
.41 , 4101 : 304 ki, Ilit/.:11. 44
-31661. 441,rukit, a 1 Or. curn,A3 of
Willdni and Roberta .troeto. and Z. 4 fnet on Wilirtnn
I, LW font . ItobertA,. to .11.ort.ged alley, on which ern
5ic)14 , 444,344,44arymbrie anti brkk •dvalling book., Cind
Pt/Jr - 334330 3143 T Autdclediruitiy., h. u .,,, ... .„ ,
~31,,1ip,04;41.4343144.4.1.1144341•61•Ava1Apayab1ers Itte 4o
"ii,441f34.141 April. Isculnir t aall ut•itcar , Wry 14.• the 'Mt
y i . riltskinkb.• ..444.143,43.14,1116 40 asid4l; - 14•Wnk Ar
,o4.Pcr4,byti,,,tzaktriort.cp.. , :., c., ,
..1 . 4• ,, !'10 ., ,t. 71 , A , !I tiny
3.1. 11 , 4•Inin picco of ground In Pituttnriship, contninitcr
, nni 24 {numb.. .treat ninartiman inhlcla 11nrentod a
...41, 'TWA , )444..,.. atableuand , , brick , p0r,3. 3 . ~,,,,,_
''.• nt ,111 64.40143 , 14 1, 6:414.14./...e. Barak 1,16n6f 101 l oil
ta.tyo43 fu.Llan.niLLlt..Pittabari,ll., • ' •• • • • •' '. l
-4- A 4ir/ 4 6) 44464 itf gruundoldjuinlng.the.nboru. and .41
ilk 110. , Ut i' ratwki,ll•ll.4tis Loire, 50d , 1y1.13 • bi4w.ron that •
04.1 a road loa4in, to Wrii4l.C..- piano. orntaining 110 roc,
/11 - h'ittl. ) l446 40.1 C0vt........i .../ ..... .., .. ~ .. ...
..... ik .. 1 ",•1 1 411 11 ,111 1 e/ abary brick dorcilhig• bnasectheiron
er,ect,ic '404 43..E.tretici-alrart,uPillaborkiti rickl•ennichr
T P.l4.l2l4+444.lrilluciding back 11 , 4 , 4 , er •131•JIttbObd
111, y,..3thl im I J9I=IIV..AIMIR Marri..Romets Ilertonkciolatti
, Ll 4..i410.9 ~11niehninanantt.43. , thet,t,.. - erected,
4t . 3 4 4 4,
r p., g °Tarr- of . Bairn. I Litany lira rtfrarittr44o,
6,1 .2 1 . 1 1"t•c1Ati,33/1.1. 63.41,31irricrilidlierby , 444 , trian635
6 3 , L•94 , 4w pR r.alon.444l3.34l.43.nannailivotrtcr •fttirleof
~ ,, y.,."41.0., '64616014iric- a Croaks* • snoureidtie•
itill.).6 , l7 , l•Tith '.
,iciirrest Atm..-- - , ~ ~ ~ .... .
!-b,• 4-4 t 4t mothltax , l,-,ltittoi,lo, , 5, ..,,m 7 1 0 r •, Th
1 . WO, ':• 1 . 1 44:`,-...,Vi1i," att - 5t:,,,b7.1r,.,1, 1 7: 0 1, 4, :r
: ,,,,V4 r . A e t. t ,i Aiscr•Liailic.6l3l ,I3Ordc• rad' tinnalnlkg
igt l / 3 4 `0 , 4C111,,Very D rtler, cuTttilning mu a ri t t l 6 4l7lT;
P1 4 '134.46. iit A t Aiiillt.6lr,crecriiili diski•brlek ricrelltni3l4ll44,
'lt, .4.,*„146 , !4k.+-anal ,clabLt.,, ...3,.. .... ...,..1,1,,,, .. 41.111
g ortiei
1 ..
. - it: , fY,I , Tilriittioculikrietnit about JEliiicricrakir
1, 1 ,. . ti, . Titilrilk roltel of, 6 , l46,4ncitktAheirriti
3.,, L .al wk.'. ' IC r / tukcialki6.and braindedtry-iant.A.TP
; ',oy.r A, Wg 9 1 Wive, "Iva ciartrau-opoline liktherar .
O .L It Pa ,
..44.1..044, 644436V= mittrinclivrtrkrocc , !
ri. on, be t‘accir kirrccnin . ,
.tb , ll,tinnt.Ber lictitilct:TA
. d n' P 7V/4 " 1, " 1V ' 4 '' , 6 • 1 3.!\= ... zr -.7;r7
) .0 (. 3 ' t;‘ , 7 0 ,41 - ,.- . ~.e..2 . n. Ningllii'l "4.10.14.,. at I ..1..j,..1'.4':74"*. m it •
I'.. .10 . 1 , )1 4 4 -1 )..19 • 64 , 44,...3.143,, , t0tattara1cy barai i ear
-1 . X ut .4 ill.. city ..rrithmtnie.....a..tdetbm.n...l.l. ,
' ''4144-it1r41406443.70/.6l,chturct .ter
frank. wad et tend.
I Int ,t,14 fin 44 to an allow, on Whiclip.pts,noneted , 11/. 1 11‘1.....: .
.4,4 ~C t'i. . .6..4.46 6 .iccurvaillrlitalnk tliii , 4l2lor of 114446 i.
‘ Ttit. 1•446,/•.6311:4 c ' cltriiii:ilf . 16i.k . strca 46641 7 414%
44:cci itkiti liT im.f3,31 .1,034. rusk War, rpm wrlskty , rii . .:
• , ,1 1 1 1 ,./att pi 3 ,46,61.166-44.4.66, -.lac ontrlkaisortacri. di
rl l 4 it. 1 14,4 , .thi , 0i.r444 , ..40t."17.4...a.r0f 31kAard 1640 , :
6 45.ffrit 44 , 104.416.3)1,11.44 oadlarketstroollAncit aural , l ,
• ' ' 11,11 )4,1 47)441,646,e6citt 311.443 , 43 ,, crniurtfilri.
•)". 't y 4 - 4 erwtsi.te cti.i. mary,briek A building) , a*
• '''' '' rit0r4 ? ,,,, , ,,, ...,, .......• -,1. ~,. •., - •,,,• •11, 11,1 ,
of t lay l ift tortt i titlTounut . &1116. 1. 41., ace. :
44Y1Y i.,..„,.;,,,,q,,,, pi:Jamul casiciar isc 1 - 2 , 6thatlir sick, 6
..,,,Wr.•WatiUar'i -4,t6i4.,*:.
'"", ,?: 1
~" ', - ,-.l.,teau • .
,T.r Kteetqlrol,ZV.STOClt.S.4.l,l3o,Vls , g,
~ ., f , f ;:gki , ll,no‘ , * ; .l ,i t,!',..l : ';‘i7;,,4 f il,.'.t ).: ', 5 4' . ,`. 'lt. ~4 th
t," .
la T . r riv . " , Vol4ttg l t' • '-: '
Yf ' • 6 " . , 1i,.9 , 6 411k.6648. ,- • -••• i .
' a l i 1 ... n ., 3 * , . ' ..,141,•• i• .dr..•- ••• , t i-•
11* '''‘')'-"tar, ..
.8a6k414..., .., .. A . . .4.: - .
4, 3 61 .,qr
, t -
4 ,71.'11 . 'i,r.Vt . " * it,.
.&:::.:-I.' ' ' ''• '''
' '
, ie.' '.
' ',.'„ „ ,'- . -"c4 . 4 ‘ " TA )1. DAVIS. A , lnt'r. •
CZ 'eel:l-PL.:WM . SIVORA VI X Li2a=-0 - 11 31'.41:
kj ' I ". j " ' a4a, V 4 oi-tvc4t.:m.-Av.t. 4 1ii.41.61c. ucrbt,
....ntlikl. tili 3 ccr,, a 64.3 ,IT., n noir nualoti tuulditir,T3,..
f,, I , alb itr6t, trill tu• E. 1 ,1, a largo wad ochuililu collociluai
"`'"'ll.l l sgt.,trAi,tn. - 2,\ 'X'4A i i.,,chl { 7.
Harts.' and dtbtra. k 0.1114 644. h. enTll.tinOtt.n...l . lthlt 1111.1
. I rn . ~.. Yl.dr.
ntii ~ . ..+4l ,n kid., 6
epllt'A tla '
tct U iol It,
'." C f t r
ii=rt r. 44 4 o : :VVOV:z aliot )A : I it
the l Aimor nv M l V ll. . ' plci r Ahmrtthyr.t tVli V;T..
P - .l .li , A
1 1 ?..Fikuct.
n ' ' ' ,D4 T % . Pri•l — Pit, V1i1t614...1 , 314.3446....iune fil.
•7:, l i '' [; ' Filth , 4; ‘, c;, 4 l ' 3 ( Vl:ilicbrni , tri t l K"'''
/Ai P.
dui, 0000.1.0t1/ Gattcrill. Silk 6 13)tikt , r . frldne 3, rte i '
' ' a C4 ,1 1•P". 6 10 c) 3 7O4 3 kiKT6JPOlii I I . 1 .11 il ~
I . WI T.:61,t1 9 . dal!.
1 ,1 • .i. , ,13 . 33, „ 3044.1.4..431. .. .
I , 1. , du du ' tp4p l ckdo:ut..,. . ~
Le..atipt e.... 14..
•.. 1.1 .1., Mews' Nialp fp.d A ., t‘ I. i , ..4.14.1,..4... .. ....
i• 40 , ...«thia.#1 , 61 - tllii.ll4may4 4 , ,
. 2 .1., du SIDI lirditc6l,' "
• 3, aly , BuTrAPrlai6l/4461.1. •• .
• 2 PIO ,49D 1 1 . ,Kikalatno , • ' . • '
....- 0 11 . t e ll:
. j 4.1 °RUM Cl ll 4ll . ent.l .• .• •• •• ' '• ' ' •
II do Ara' Braid and Cantuu IL),
P I..rtn , cash. 141.11/ ,n ..V. l llll - 13AVTS. A nct.
~ Elth...lllPToll , l • SALE OF CAST ST,..gEL,
,1 1 , 11.1330. tr411.9' gr.:L.ohr Ivi!nsEgyot,,e4lsl.l..
........rout, art g u 1 3133k1 ati,l2 3 .Vitainter3.l3lo, 1 cii, . No.
~..i.s EliThotrm4.Milt ba'tit,l4 fa? laiintit 314 , ,hitm lima/ 441),
tortk. 5...011 Tull, WMOrtd, Cr . C 4 6 41 146 14.6134,p0.4..
112004. NM; Ctc,bo.l4; , : _
•• •• 11.40E icsorittc,Mallt. •
.. • 111ddri 01..04,4 , 1 polo,"''
lo tire : ernalTiborellt: " ' -
.. kin 19.••••••• t ' • ''• ",, '' ' 1 '
~' 'L ' '-. ' "R'.41,: - 24,3 1 3,13,;..443i„ , ,
.. - 0 EEE:fintlitY,...S.I.LC. , O/...1.144L0R5.
.1 On 31,11 i DAY 31.1.111.,N,LN5/, 44/3 , . 224 at 11.4) . 1432, tr/B•
lta c 331. at 400' tsimmi4c4,l 611, 14...41...-Noteil Fifth rtroci,
... '1.143314rhri1l , 1114113, 3..1ic 134164.3.3.6. Brant/T.:- •• '
. ..• Pt 1...a001146k•i11i 1 v i al; 1..1",,A 4 1 F ., ... ~ ....... . . ..
1' Clark'rtlpitifltlo• - aln,
~ . 1 do Port Mr, , .
• ' I 'do' ° l 4 IP6' . .- '., , ... .
~ „ ,
.... ~ . .
nook R. .F l 4l l !YEW h 110%;a 1 A . 6:
7 N - 11,6i
.1 PS and 313..1.tmadway, .
The Life of Charlotte Bronte,
"." Author l ..4l6llll{' m - tricktvr a ar.; *
ur ba„iat,
..Autb.4 - miry + t! , .M 4 r.1' 1• ht4A,:.....k44,1t14,.14th,':, '
14,Vi4F.Pf Chulrh.
' . rariViatiV; any iWe enule ur b banglya,ititig.of .
•' "'" • '''• ' trial+ WI • +`7 7 +a - is.tie; ilr: ~, .... - , 0•
. • '''7l.o M 09,4 e "14.1.401110 llUfnatd.ho.lll.4.bowk le .1-
'llllol.. } ltir }ool}e tile phllo }} l,pows, Bud the }mew 0.1}L.1•11r ..
MI" ONO MWlMllfte ie.' wall Intenwi. Am a work of eri, -
}4.0 dt 001 recope . o}, 441 . , 9 0., '004.144. eatateauwea wails.
. tit: "}. ' fr . f.. -- tieT i h k rillArTt.twe redivll6ality.'lo3 . ld an“.huelfraH . e ' llais- - .:
Ttl lb n''''14.'.'5°11(014:11111...11744:40: a ad of .1
At*Vlrtll wit Ihnol "purply Inipemanal muse, the ilf•oh
thtrfol to }oo}o q},}/}}}}9}l;vl34.lrtederneelbwheneme.i
',.."..MMM 111 A `l4llA',"has out aI me i sombre fewinetiou
a d' Ihr" . " ... 1, 1.1'.41111.14,194.ArPPPita We ogee arilarae ,
~,,,,,,.. 011trraT41 . 4!'—f1. 1. Tre hwy...., .• . . .I
"Mi' ring! T of b....ii Hi, poimmiw....'iu..;
.i,,, rt 4",;.•ri.leh wi be *MI rww.l.—.Nelegulh/
, ryLifig Ain:direr. . , . ....
'1 " "--ktrithii W.f.. 14r.ii1iina1ii....... 7 ,..1
inb,„,,,,, . , I.Vetil lwille xerlcs , o.—nwsipsDaily. am
.2fle.h.l • + +++ • +
The Weld elthiTel63l6iiters; VeTeeeiting " lelt;tratte. '
' Nil ai in pliclty, thau,theßflpdp milk; et, r „...... a .,.....
vat' Afir,rrad." • — , . ,
....111e etvityuk:viN.Ciii,i;•kaiit:.. r i.lh,..t....ith.
"It' d n1 61414 iiir1y,
'wh o , ion s'ritridliAm nr, no rirli end distinctive. end
'il ' ii "V"!! ° ...!' hi.lff./.os.l.oo.nitettm.}}}}kwesaiewelww 1
c i ., o}n ." ' N , t ‘ ra ' r e t 6 i iik, l 9ittAl4 4 / 1 1 rirllAesteQwesosl.tae;chlng .
. - 0} g l ii i'-- -,-' . -/-..r...1 0 4 Yfllluesachinglateieat bye!. i
Ma cl ISoliaio Aivrwl}mrthe,,paseeof.lhinieol}yre.l-w
1} *l4 . . o ‘ ll . PFV4i4liVi:actiii... t. them .e....,vr
e 4•
4 t0,1C 11 ,h,r. 4 1 ,1 11 f, .11q1110e tx...14..!mi 4.14.kiu.k.ii.,
I"'" u ,'" t ' 1A . ..PP.:1 , , qulA.o..m.s.we la.imns. and itet
.1 , ny., IR Ye. Isral .ensmaalng.—Badealeplies.
'' ' lie ifOiletd(ngether le ,erill:intersellsta..suld felled ite.
"11111}}1011. 1, -71/lilifif•hrthe 60...
..thy! , , vi.v...livr. A .Cfirtrlria4l.snoce welansitely read .
."'” 4. .'llh?/!#4.4.1inaiPlttarwifor wlons Limo.. Mrs
Ir. kell LieS" .../iFt.d/Pnillt Auk ad.mlnahly,- , PAilan
" Sbni gar r; J. .. ..,. .. „ ~ ... , . ~.. .
1 0 ,, r 1 :44.1,11...tvia..ti , ; , 0g..0.......w. a
irproteti • ~,,w„ VA Mom pl .gantusds erldeut•on •
1 1 P + SOt• trl ,Iflhrawarldeseraodly,,hlelapralee
ml gO 9.9i:ffiii.... nt40...41 10 midi} —.,,,,,r.
10 , ^oeiii 4 74.h it , iakm. nod ale. plualrer Idorne.
I'V. lrl ', li '4 i Sfrq4.4Mlß heart malted. tunenderwa. witin la
Idd mdrehr4 i' spa It.rUIW 110•110S,vddell.nalamad In4ho .
41 63 ar dim; 4c! , N , .wif ap..l , 4,..Kieiptara J am. ...: .. .
- 11., 143 . 04.1. Y Af, , ,. 4..flnlfillnlefiarinatton. uneurpeend
. gPlit:al l ttl:nllll7=ill= . withlb" '
Irda l Ut . y 4 '
to lel ureorldch roa4ps les.pessemlon an . Abject, oc. Orr em .
'llymtlathydei Itself aa adatlrethut.-4141deeldamtsamo • . ... 1
Thislu. 6 .4ke.# Witten blornsphlatbra lady, RV .
evrlde Wild.
.g aerinppLe(hgcjw. e ir..o 3 ,o.,..,44...
the' Wert irelride am metuating ea her own powerful fi,f..
tA ltirrottif i nef r un ß itriParir;;''pO . oVt ' htse ."
. ..C.VZ .icalX.VllliMVP•rVlillfloat Maw-- e ..
I,lf ii ti!up . ,4:„ . ...1.1..,b , .........,...
m il l i ,. %..iiii
~..1 , 7 . 1 7. 0
Penn 4o:zer i l her n t or,l: .
't1 i i . ' 1.— ' 71 . 4 11bP14.14r44,.} I I ll 4,1'1• a r ...TLI .1
nth& of cherlotta Bront a . la lnlttoelf, a paernanaatand .
Yidlill le addition to g pall t h pthimi mb . It 0,,,,,i m ., h ,, ..
. ; , 1 ,,,,„4,11t .,, ireatir; , ta: . rm.tmont le eincere apdpoeto..
r:.. "Ng . ' 11a...1 I t-t.i tr , 0t•+.4•1 ..... I
I - ' 4 " " .. l or 1 1 .4 hb i • itIVP .Y, fa tholmat, ...i.........
th4filhed* 4/15 , 1 . .. ed: • t drop)y ..l Ing . atel•• In
"regale., and should be widely mamma Xsr.rdark
Tip + res S. •
te. or oritiokikvilim bp argrsat =dill e;le,
`dli ;Orbited by all i • fealicrees 1t,W411.6e/Wase..tu.b.... It,
_WI:IWO' deep and tragic la4reoli,-.ooer. Brante..t ....,..
1: regard these volumes is.n yaltueo golditlear teem ...ero ,
Inn Jibm - Y. Th° .Ibkdt n ItiheraeOcrrittrarliase Id.. le
I§ t. Iltable for the' iota' to come . $4. eaeturnsedea•-•Nate+
,Kark )(wet.
Allegheny Bank.••••- • • •••.,
initlimlloitl4l ootitu!d shit Witalzenware INderedr
m.nt:ITEDOLLARS per dismenorbeihrt •
• tiVak 7 2 . ,Ar r
.41.1n i tit i) 81 7. ""° .
And AnAprintolf NEN D 01.1.013 per•itutl• et- - 'or .
4,Atisee-tei Ap.ty DEAnpvesaid,. • •
o tho Treasurer, at Ile •fliceyourner Wad ertuit
and Di.t44.4 l lP.k.iiirdsr utibugtutelissieasre! - •
jp IV DAVID CAM IT ELL, Treasu •'•
Lattikh o ltuftntlog Itunters nt
Jett/ A. A. MASON a CO., 25 Fifth navel
.1300 TS: TINT'S ~ .BON,I !X5 1- ••
••••••• ••• • - No - . 56 Viroci4 - Stiitet,::Pitugb . .
tito3IIENGLAND - 3rxm.k . Ar4s, I
al New mad.Plailadelphis In connect!. Slekte riht' inF-13,, and r ettniontofi •
• —I3O.OTI9—A.S.Trr
' ' • BOOTS ANto3Roo...ktirp; 04,ADEr 7;CP.,,FM' „..
444 ip a ß ' ziA a blaxs o . oAd4*.fu.44,4a, =LW ANA =IMAGES ,
. .
.... . .
II PS I; .1' SI .-
• •
• • Leg 4 ;
Ladicb 41 : 1.11 , tee.k -, ;-nin;:i Straw BolvtateV 1113.3'64*M nttiei ChirilroVia.tie
omprlelog aft,th9 rorlyra oirho ottol olittlittiooto•bo found lathe tiara Naftali ifi fhb t' "
44"CattallY .31}31C11.1.tiTS. anti tabors violator throt'. or , oti• *attics," atsf,'arlittaiter to ott'Ptiitilittittloo Of
Mk stork.
• ' ' " " '."- • -
• •-• • -W. E. - anip - A" •
AM the abore•EllettleVithattid WahlrllkthrtAitiot to+ng, It lioing the wily that will aoucirtfully
nw t the actiorrof the alanoepliewo .nirry ulfnurtik
..P.E17.1".F.Ca'.117 WATF..II-witooP , i.• •-.
Aittd iY pointuf durataltyown cquolitenbe foriur, aux pohltoottigur Old Tie.
•. • Tahlcouur • Ehirulk. Itoofd. It • nuakinif ho ithininco • 'how !tutor son. thetrahr. •
Rooting la whrtnatini to-prowe stab., teoPT..lit..l. 'IVO nal/ OH it .14 r
••. , , isIX DOLLARS Mk Q L'A QT4171 , ARATP OA MR, '''"
W., will apply It upon Tin nod iron RNA. fur TWO UtAl.,,,Mta Vi i , 4iv,444.t h i ug olethwoleal a its demt , Allll,.
chenpeat pitint that calilithetutr ' '
..frainlllititftlth,sU wi thou. It 11...1awm: it kiln 77iir ,
told wale& .the Le hallArlik ifii.lotrdl to thoolundoklystulprsittenlAtlty ,
.. • ..• • 1404 ,1 404 riPißititMi ,, j , "" ,
' o, ' :l4 , llilSl, • • • NO: . 6 ". ..the. Wood and
• n,ttPiUtbiT+4,..l.!'gr4,'A'
• •
i3, the
unud4l l -41 i •Pitgr • ' Pi / ILI 0.1.1 1.11: k ~,
• • • • • 1%1 , 10 Pititit'ltt.,4ht4reiill ,yeemore,
. •• • • • ••••1 evi I/ einCinreln,OtaVDlW.DOtte IgUl•
'..4l , 4nnun . ttwt-T1) certify ahem have rinrmilapite,l4noti.m4 0,4 ~f, Xr •E.
, 4044 , 4.1.44. 1 1991i11g.41Wi eminent!'" AI welew to any other,ltknjttgingfittittpo...., 1.0
3 f•trk trial tot., from cilartew'r eg thgloGilqing. whleltatfttek
y tuNt, thnl.curtake Sur- ut it ttearhatan Walt tepattAnlltankitatchitithYMVa4+o,llllll
U 144 • " • lir.:l44& } •:4 , 64'fil+oo,4Mtkue titahidosmnac.,.co.” ,
CINC110“TI AOLNCT norm. INs, C0 ' 11 , 19. - Ctb,,l.9e
I hMt, f,FAMS.If IF, E. curuvs,&.4.o Fire and w.t , vrry:afAncmtakiataguso rt de vttyHitg.. eider
, qvgg”ii.ihilotteatul antwrilling t, henna buildings nitue protected epoll the winr terms nw I Insure elute Men' Witly
metal' , „ e rt.. t...A S WlNtist e IN "' LAW I A I L R,'"1.19" 9"TiltqW`.`s4lin:Cl4"
, . , .
I ' • •ni • • ,lon't , ' e.tti Joactuiprinzhntvillo4..r.viitrPKW''''
Jn all, magterteawrz.-.Thketrtothnioy timtriva tlaremhmtwl,,9p,li Coilausir Akimulcultstotattuoi
coupent,ituollog upon onneterwatal damillintrtiollaelo , lltWtaw gfirth 114 h 164 tiareet wattireten,,plAwnwyrequanpernt
tt manse WirthittaFire anti•Weeerltotennoallnut ' 1 "‘"'" '"BA
One Fi ureq, Na. Gt: Wht.t,PdtiftliNtirl44.:,'"
. Fletiblitt;',Tife.',;,'.l:lZ.WaterLitroof
' • — 4ol.AlXxi;:474.ilAvlt
57 iv.iter Streeti"Pittablprio,'liga AiN4-; ~„ „ „,
fri,usis ,ANAPATlttigtitieitit',TO nio)i NafZiItIAIRZETi..-4T-49
..I,..tualexterzaiveliain Now York old l'hitadalphig; sra " - roved. - 1t fa at I •
FoundriewDerailing IVarehrmsq'A,
„•,at Ntfril lirelkrtmlandkionallinnolitiliz Or;gl4.llilttd tl,l:ll_,XMOla I rw.,
r. v 1.1.1,04. (logy. "It, ar.apal ing'rediont Natal, 0 11pcm
...qpisfaitog.lettle(kt t
~ t.t •rr.tityatyptiod to 3,11 kind. of r..fg. novo,,ryhtp. old ..6*, ed , r 4r:l*k wtll not melt wartst
v.mailterr-or crock in coltiond V. is spiAorst brlielbgbllatlped 111.11.
• t I t 7;1 . 11 . 1 .
il 4 "9"gh a l ll .........W-MVR.PI:O9 N.., .1 t
''•' 01, thtF , An t 4 " , "' net 'VN • •• I. ~.,.:orcr.tl7:l,9i
TRAVSP ItTrAirlqa' 1.1357.
ot tr. on. la len I 11
" d c Y NB. 13 , 1314' OIL ED T 0 N - 1,"2" . '
06 , illetiat
itSl,ol3i&stliStCo LLorti c 14:AILLIF.1,11
- 111 ' 647 " 41 " 3 1 )10, Vid'iy A I 1 .111 VI
Thmnit vitt fpout tjaa raatkinoaritraotaLt Ginn Ls MI ill4tltVtl LI!AILLIAIzyIat Vrtin t ilonal
tittt44ttefloYai"thinia*tigittlil 40rOld rpttior4 t LynAilaLltsAlsetletts t 4 . 577.4,N,fp v. 4 bits
• Vaiir 4 ifiel.;,fin Railramiiru
1 ""P i 4"F WY"WhfrL.,./fiIIOLV e ofk. 5, r.1 t n0c9 , 9, Pfllpts,t•
via , , , " , X D
--18570 -/ CANAL' LNAITIGATION: - •
v C a E.n..1. R. a 1 L-a-F tt
dijiggthltFAQtagliacla.TOrallPer TAcciltit'Ea"WaY, „
OUR F VELES. -TAtf.L ) :2Lit .[I ITH ) N H EmlßM4ligiVia; 47catF.A
fi e pee t 4, 1 0 PERS tlto surd; or to a
to a n d &Mt{ 1:(111,01•1:it oltlplat and TholLnor. o ., k.l*{,ltto be.lll, rototawortnlttl4rti PIN
l•rnt* It( yur Line t . ,21 lyrnt LL,Lllng,put tlirunglimith aDiatal [:Li
trnushiptnent •M•r." 1,6X 1. 1,44.,134 &do- 4berty 4} jranfPr. rtatosl4 , AV.
rni pailthhat
11. ..1‘ I MEV L. , I,A
.: , 1 4, Tcy:ty,:.Vtrt•Ing St oolc.
1:141T(Pelt ItliC..d . 4 §.' .1 1 , i Sl - Mly 1 :' ' #
WO. I,splentl4 r , , ,. . melt of PlitSu --'"
Ellltro,,foyo.o•2 tgautauswyof Chiokor• • • •
log i 4 $00.3., BoduoinlectrJextroniF For..tho SPrin , S ...•
La r .. , : r .rit0 . r.(4.0 Om nioittig,...•l pp. e4ll2lll..uorr , vantro.
41 tlso resaartml .tablish me nt of Ch ickeriug 1.
....,... R. 1...
.• • .
Menem Care:.- ng & 4A101134.0 fKk.det*kitke hit
fetontXxldiritiuus and 'Sudo fulri N. York, .ta
31*.1.4.. • • • • • • ' • '
' • •
• nave Bran, ftnrl th's • • •
,Fll:te kledAl.otthe. World " •
N..11.114...N , 4'.1:.P.1. , A , N O'R•; • • .•
One til.,ittit Clikterint, Pinun, rep little melt " - '
blalitipayeizoitt&lityPtitntit,thr ' 3I6E
Ala. • fitil• impply of
iP 1 .1% Pr, 0 74HFitter.ort,;','
w00..t.. DtAmnfirf ittfil
34•Aarestor Ohlekiotictg rt• Son ''forAVest4tef
raeb...Esmern.Ohirratni linr•th*Atnrn Vh•ttnt.l. ziO-NI& 1 / 4 rF
E A G,a. N T- SSEVEN i fea r 'l
gatgaa.Sargakatirre ao•J•Lortii.:ClV.ll•••
a a. L .
Maar Sha ligr.tOra• Nourut ,Clart, • • • -• •
'Vet.. Turk wlJah,Yl. turlbtrg,.npoo gg thorough 11.1111111. ,
tiola,twouguatell roach anyerior lostrunicorrang•ofrerrat• fog
aala fobrataterra of NAIL' fork •ligggrryliriag. mot Mr
elrnßrgadgtiug terms. TMe i anquesit..l , lT tiro bent ,
Al r of gsgo.Ar.Parlwr mu, roalarray coma arolormrd_lry
ono of tliggrggt.gatytog L'igaigg,Thalbarg. • The public-are
nampecifully oitited to call an •I extrothwr • • • •
Ina? NolA3l.t.
-K.' LEBER +16•BRO:
LAI 4 - nottftelhietedlib beep, i t ,.
1;41..1 Itionl4 for this city fur the EaLr We world
• Th4o geespPluatein mutate
ewe to th'Unti ocanyopert „3t Tl(Alborg ' , layoff upon
Akstf OtrinCerts. and Would cortzunly obe diem.
exklusiorly. could they but be procured eveiTybens.
OPftliONY)Tlitilit iteto.9!''
...PThritleittid Par. initOliy%r4.l:hyla, iu
tituationZtUotts.44r Par .
oI9~TCh'D 1'
Xcly Yery.,lmig pun, in Paris for
frowb stuck, seTele.l . fot"inti country, then a virtu
spectknen 'WM te'brociiht in tins city.
mo 3* , t. 4. Fil.r.llPt X 10204 Stna LB! Win /
A t umased lirervealltalekerilnar IP ot=t,: - Pfstroi
1P1 N ,....,„1 0 ,Y i v Cili/1 2 P . 14 1 N9 • , •
. ~. o• "orstw...a L 'outer, - eloantntb,
'' . ./L.IY.V9-q r-10kt , 9 8, Ldunlagel /chili° : , i I L. .
lain only • herr too bletnilhas are not expo .l, will is,
nob] at a great harglial, , .., - ..
' Tito 'abort. Ann. Is ono of tho Inege . l:4 . of 7ord.. PiriPla
i'-, 'al`'"/ today rrlaW CLhdl/oring.4 not. iketonn.d trill to
Wf1.."... 1 44` Uhl R.'llirldraoltderrdOkbary. Yor earlo by. ,
„ ,
,&./11.: ~1/...U4.44.11..... . . .
~ ". P
1 .I or c&i , kori&& & , a1.,&,,i, , ...
1:4. 19 _ . ., , ~ , A , ,,sl. ! Ww.totrnik. &&.,,,,,.,, g h . 1
- - . t ii,T.... Et foe& of Pinuon,
, i+ toirAIM COS PK= it L 11, .1 1 g .:
... IStisblaVß. as GIJA.ICRONerta'r ark:"
T I L E. P,IT I2 .IPA0 - . I t..V B gEciTstlittnC , lgs 1
' ~,, ,i , . 4. 0 i4..' , 1"..TE 0 9P11..104cit . 14411 , teu.cosuplaur
:1111Cal by r‘ .11 r1 7X cle 4 1 4 01LL !„,.:n ' t,7 ' ,..0 Zl.;tAlilltl4
[ l teldlaint4k,Pi t , .....'9, eve Worlbrige... Persons wirb-
L fi faCC/ 4; t s it i t t &itiO r tra l liti, Pl =
"..... 1 PVC.. A- 9 -eleall.44Pari. drObnaustlis 'in every ne ,
elrectl The public Is iurinsl to call and -examine for thane
ooh.. „ .- , , ~ , , .. -1 I LI nt. a Mann Wilke; . r
'% 16 Alioligt,t , r,zivea.,k Clialdennumfon Wrosemlernrent
•'' Ihistern On 0 and gortloWodernl Virginia, No. 53 Fifth
, reql.tlfrlkad•SibbilMarsinc..Malla.. _... . „ ..L l e g •
, Iviusig JU§T P l , l l 3 , l l6l4;;Cliailotte.
• ' 111,1 r" *:ilta Isciiii.l4o..rwariair. w.i.i I.e.
LIMB ryit 91141-5,144, Jras.„,,,g .Twilight. IValiz.-1 1
B.6inntlf: l illannind SelLottlsell-Bnilnaldrr•liTY M.
..." . ow It..'PrN i og - ralli. Jiirgiature. • o &dew
, Therd-Dvett pr ';',i. 9, 4.4 , me tot o Forest -Glover-durtt,
474Wlay do tbegirallobe anger their ett, • Retbe,
Caurk* Laf,lka• Bright EhinnligOlivrittiMekttor Pa.'
4 . 4
...IN 4. 1 . 4 11 1, Mrr&a, 11l Oakum i&y•-..u n pm,p, r ,a, I
.-- . ) Met7, 3 4,Thrt • Rohs . ..t; Belliallatdro waltz:lssT
•Diamendallor 11. Z nbyJlhillaksnmipaisingthownort poPto
.bir are vit ngetle.treldlinipicas-r.logarrnatbr.. , Do* ,
'flii.bl44.-4.11LY t , lir So. Randoreedi- A... 5 orretelll nry.
Fat. bur --irruereelhalt xonpenilh English and Gannon
verde-each 3IP, Tolosa .10 yrd Hondo, 23; Twinkling
•Ster• are Laugh, Lore-song by - Orli 4 4 Trbrc t
Lgtare are Lalighin Liddi-cillkd by 0,..1 , : &&
ifert. and Holm I orus byOnlwaya 2611..• oge'ltniferfaid--
.polk• by brall..isin, Ilk Brethwronds Pres., vial rdrid ,
rioux bg,Chdlrobsofalk Kothlerro oillidddrer , Tristr long- .
Jefklhomar, 25;0111 Would Q. I'd boon Horn • lloy-. ,
Volk Crortry..lls:sleverCourt but Ontr-Everlyn May-L. V.
.R, cilreeby, 25; illondlue-beautifilkeanagitrdnC4 e ,
• Plar rule be" ..... -•.• "' `..- .... ' C/LkR UaNk r L
- . . Iso. us,,Ni - 404-euran4e docrabord 1111trfe&4 '
- - moic mailed tree of potnge.
, -t ''' ...'"- -•-KT.-
ravam.rit Rskror IL nmakinavo.4idayo
s em;
4,11p4§', DEPOSrr"ITANKINV
" ocanid.vr, bating cm:ceded to the Inulness of , 1;11e. I
P wiere,apposanok. obrietomegio .wfit. condiAd. tho ,
malognobairts• mount a csgetel.-• ••
Po of of Immo will o A 0 , c1l illembonAn •
net litetiliaocutegVacrAthe 45:4144Jent to
',Tbiatt•l leatltaloo cohltho I i
“InteteiteilliMettlett telt peel isiterttotori.
'Altchecke apotulho itermere Depoely Muth* eteitifddi
*11"' "Yri l l f Ve nt iViiffi 44 ,, •lat*Pocifla
t chee
e . •
eleembottre frottis Xi - to tea t:
• '7AI/.19
•- 7- 711 -7 rg - .••
41 •toutthePITInUrctIAPPOttlICIIIMXTBa1.1
;17!1 7
cyllotapoolet tlldlrb4hl ri untlMltSpAli the 23•1 of
! — AO f o r.vhikif kroppot bin 4. cuip nurdber:,
fore .2 o'clock, en Tuesday, the 23d.; ,
"Ste Judges all, besho ga, optiefi,iit-4 .
- Adinitsiotas Cbadten 111 cents. •
, , , .1 .If ••••• 1 'BOST. M2KW ••• leliT,'
• • retl;dttl. , ,Pfellikett 1111,teherglellositcattemkgettelye• • •
•-• • •Borfefittest ,pp..
UORSE, blind of an oyes The Dana itepAllAkt je
duns" end pay diary.. one take it eleuy'et W4611'138" 111.
pa.eApf eleerdlet e late. , , , MIST. 44(11.14,4.
• 1. 17,3 i cokstatieb,..
L7'na nare I `u !T-"r!'?":FL4l.uf.k.k
PE*P lll "' , • Jold
IfY/SdtrOidWkd'd inll, *liftable fr N. r
11s,1 and Rodth Iddt sidtd,'fot sale, ultulreala and Mail at
' 31. "" St" s stilts ELdlfilassris .s
Ketcham'. 0.. n. and Mowery. for ate ha
told C01,41N N 0....
:it, FOR JULY. . ,
As A , ll4uress or I.+Lls ' :
oiAD . ERLESTOL7N.—• Ica.. •
A L §lAYsit*.Niiii
711F,Y J. L NK.F 11.
,c 4, '1` 4 4 J1aPi.549.4.4.14 , 7ertiiz.L.NEn..14. i \ V
F. 44 .t CALLENORWS.Nennuie 711111. •", ' 015‘,
4 .411 erie.ati. - bumavrcritotternd••
dAtiuuci., Ssioaes.W..tdoetAer, IX' "
Ttin VP,c iu 148,1•110. by itov.Thoc
. 11 ilbertIkno43.141ataeliar!.lint.w.ThIstir. ' '"• '" ""
„ riocihrokasktutfrs,kusuppik•goiEhtn4vrcl'lmd, ":.
V.SdLISILAt'AILST4 a new and
124. ientartielepoB/Fanelline !floitoecift'ocket
3o,adra,a new 884:eltolconnuff infentf.` Iriy rapiefc 'Mt
ouLg ornca• W•lting• 0,-, Ittnestu,t4 Duat
13. in PonfoL•Pearl / Shell .11x11 Moryo•roLo4,lllo.ldAii, 0;0
P.fnm Gamow tArtetlei Writ Inepitti;e, NBlB
31.818888. 081.1188 s 01818,”'Wediff fig,Xlni - iii4 , 515
tlwrBtationinvBAnvfollen. klbtunn Afif*lspff3,lo,BurfnB,,
num And:Mint& tkrDkntpn t , .
Jolt.. • coeffibu,vlsl6 , 4l-It q...Apnorpp,
B 0
, to. lloly LatiehtlinMtlMll." "
htostureurt~ypta rd ¢tl
tes , .
The Ohl lionse by the
• Trun.l.Nt Munroe,
' ellt reed by Jet: ' '11.31,31: jll Fnurlll street ,
Q YAIE'S SUROERY, 'Etiry - t1
4,3 The Prlneiplesanslß . r3e t lickrOlgni6ery, by Jemee Fl mO.
. S. ' 1311ifeeterrlr notes end illusimtlons, by Hobert .1
%ion. 31. 1). From the last lollahurs_mlllitse.,.-lst-1.4-.
fdr - ii.ilirkr
II I in 111 I / QU15EN1414,14e4411
- -
DAvisux, G. Dorket ttreekt e.. -
31rs. Jannectn'OlikelehtTlittraii
Do to Dior" " "
I =Pne k ga bY lib il o r :VN. l rnetja..44. ' ' fro ' n; lit[olldf
June No. Atoitietr nuared; Heir s ifon,i4.'
'Waverly Novels.
4 1 1 L%71/111 4 f ,li !,:y 1 7 Ire .4li c T il .o ,. rlette
.Allerf rA'erltaliß.?wep_biptitlic.tipar: , •• " • •
iteottateiVith'd tTienn iA ,
roMEthJLlfe ftolDiritht,.l.autiful London odo • -• ' -
Loot . . -•••• • •
Wdalip.llo6u, and '
"" ." ra Dane of -the,
arordner's.lluse u llf ult•46;;Ceond Art. The North Drltiol.
contrib. ,
'don thot none eV oven :noun to ttno aclentlf.einetruetlesel - -
, voter .1. - 11 • DAT7uTN. 61 Mora. at.
WOMAN& . .to limery .
A T COST .. •,,
LrilllE • SUBSCaUBLE..MILL. 00i4111 - ENCE
-4- VolliArt 4 , .. ti01it...11 0141..ajbut..0 ; In. .4.. , 7
Alive 4T g0....i -4 11, nWOrkr4PIna Popeg 15e0.„.4 i,.
Bovir4o, IV rithlk PM ectter,yriper e ,lthndr. linort6 ac_ 4,•.,
In which the :Menthl 'ric Ilnuliesnece,,Teldoul Traci:dr:4.3ler. -
chants end othidociedripettriotrfluritid. . .- ...
JUILI. L .LiIh...I.O, .
Ilil 1 ---4...------ ,,, -'-- '-'-- ---,72r676r4Trieretret.
{.VI NG S LIFE' e9skvltiliNtifit NOW
. • tlnnplete, 4 ru4041 pici ls tlAsitirottlitinp....Th • 31.2
ltro 'edition nib lob ' nroont di pt ! Igoe, ,
~, , , , , , • ed,
- Tho VAL 0dH14641e Pewi* rlr4 c .
. prod Wort COll4.4...echstad'vf thd 1./..d,fittprete4TAptdt. 04 ... .
the opinions 441d4r414-rerthlreht de•O. sitlO,'Ohlt 111c44.,
•'Nick...Vd.r..f....bode, Undroddrit-nowri rb rJifkg'r "Ito .-
Inn's Pictorial, Satunlny }Nut, Novrllette. And him*, nr -
'thishreek, wholeoakiond-retn/PAT ::PVECT/..CLARIC',.
rout., Weasern
o. ft A 41-D IT Ai. "
arx - x .
YOH WE .111LETOZ cr '"
21 " GYO.tdst . ,lNWlnextliir 0 1. 11/7t:
.EV , EP:
'" • . •forOd the . talAie.:. •• '' „
Tr l , r A. AB LE --. PROPEIRTYi7:DTVWEIt7..:
luta 4Sisploddid Offka'nktbi l lft sal a;F 4 ~f 4 09
go.tona ps.-I.stssi.fe, phabtlitAll In Giardina Dopes, to -
.4, o,lp (May tho 24 day a ,11t1 . 1 h . 4 . .57„ , . ,
~ Told Eceof Tido*
thagandets%ned, •at 6 erdl ' l,,t4it
tion and rat. ot tialaboreprollo , Mciai,r co/Litter tha pirt.
, flood valued, (re/erring to adiadul. as poldlabed /p
cb.ohmdmpor.o.n.t.aplat s ltat4 kat it hi-A-11.4W tlldt
quit r .„,„
. , Tiolcbtr,Thrtioatialtaia ;4 iteateralgada, •
"h" cure.: tf•' 00. %. 1 . C. i.zi4.4 1. , 1 )1 3 / 7 C4 .11ant. Mangan..
btr °4e " ° “.... l2th ti;. b . 4 .E.' 14110.61 0
° PrV -6V datuitto..4._Tielrota will be •
ded Dram% trp
og o y tctir o dera to Iliciotalvalga. ,
AVM* b.P.7 , A0• •-•
trattandsldon l!ostar wow). 41eicata,..the. •
sp uta team- , •
cketxtrrat taN , dr Ittilm at la titan A:application, as ~•
'to Valli' U. 6tntianr . ±.ll),tl.ikati WOotarnd
P.SP/V3 pplesmanessix
toner gt,, hem* and EmlthliclA etteetap
achodttla. bt IE6 property cm be seem
a -da.,smi, ' -iflV ,4 7 :# 6, - •
of Y.eYPorfor,l4l
for,l4 l ato2l, Menu
P • ( 414
fiZni, *James 11111.11xgar, Esq.
10 T'S.OIL,OLOBErOft Stela'
- Engines: •Perterite4 March Zth,1864.
4 ' 'VILLLEHL-11-.4ti, g ea •g. • • .Ve.rg-,,
„ •• i• Li . • • tAli,'• • duil ,
rriismA mATCFILESs,,Iwo,
tc. -COYNE. itt"ttiMag Itddr'eltafitrs.,
•0 1 041xlake,. vend 111 Ed
ifielthor ,
ed. Patented AM der •IbrTl .
i 10
bk , Maths hut ethreacegentri
t ' -. ..lltVairlso"' - itotisik— ... . . -
--- .
obrily p5,4:14 And vbriti - Stresiles l ' .- i
W;tsTOINNA 23II ., OHIO., , - , .• , i: ,
, , daspi. .... ~... DE zenttox a BON','{hibihlnsiiiii '- .
Vittibnriii:*aier - Cp!re Astryljapptesk:Si '
Pii,l9°NS ddgiiiUS:44 siatiit a „Waren ,—
~.- rokain beinlai.S* lincidnas so . ;
::" "Ix"' Ifliititli 11 A 5!01 00t01 The 5d0011ai1..7__., , ,, i ,
ront*fiall ,, i. o or vuml....Notpvp puvrffru„ , 2
MOtburifogiat.s. Itasubuthidit,fro....
li. mum supplied with,nnTee". l ._ ~ _,,,- .l ssissu b :Alio
di of tesnporataroltoin inoloto ac W , ' -• •
Pliii ii
yellow. unwell or as" nilnifprri-WicriainiP4.. ,
Ificsustansonsry.ilknlj-biUs: Z i . tdaial.,,,e,. e[;.,., ...
in odic uragJa.......s.aaara Ir. 4 ,.,„,21,,,r,y , thirdie.
:Icombine d O oat. 4‘..41.4.
k.... , ,,t
ti. ii..uu
00 1.11116,3. , . 11.. . F.'',l . si_ tea miles Wess id ills
Sts nu of illo r V . W. ''', .adr, , , d VHE..1.4, L. U .
0 , v.„ Nriher I..."'"'"' pindsrdslirix•l .
11,a 1305, Omni:ion, fus.