The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 22, 1857, Image 2

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litttsbur,g,,,Otait i ttt
S. RThOI7L Tr & Go., „
EDITOR P....RAP...R1Z 2' 0113.
: ,-Pri 7i 433 ll : lTi 9 11 r- /
fgir - AT,tho request of an old friend ra pu!)lish
to-dayn,Conitauncatice agingtio nottdiatipp of
n a particular candidate. yolo this: is a tnat err of
favor, and not for the purpose of taking stiles
Ttie, Mends of the. Oilar,cindidalea are ent.:itled
tattle same favor.
R*llrbid• mad the itrees
. There .ars in every community multitudes of
Weak men who are ready to swallow altoosttany,
story—that may be invented by designing_7or
Wicked men for theindeluslon; and thisoreillet-
ty is all. the more easily Worked upon when the
facts involved are not or cannot in the noture of
things b: open to the light-of il4. I • . ..: II
i l
An-instanee of this is fain the steady -ef
fort., pat t awl present, publi y and privatell,:to
poison We mind of the peat) li . with the idea That
the Press of this city Was bought up by the vari
ous railroads to create a' public opinion in fnvor
of municipal subscriptions fur their benefit; tnid
that, as a return for such bribes, the Prem.:rd.
ministered "local," "puffs" and "editorial,"vii
til the public mind was debauched and the sub
sCriptions secureiL This afiCtisiti; Cliii l rt l : has
been very pertinaciously pasta:di front mouth to
mouth through the community until many have
cOme to believe It; and even the cluiirman of the
sub-committee appointed on bethilt of the Coun
ty Tax Convention to ecatuine into the affairs of
the railroad companies, has permitted himself
and his colleagues to ho tempted into-embody..
lag it into the series of questions presented lb
one, at least,.p.erhaps all, of the railroad cOmpa
nits, as follows :
li. Has say Polley boon roleanced, al any
by or on behalf of your oopowy ' .ta_ any newspaper,
or editors of or newspaper roporiar, to ptvcure, or to
compensate for t h e par:ligation of any •/oeur,'
'sdiforial,' or pommunications, intended or ralciSal
ed to it:tarmacs the [bawl Jury ur City •Ntiuditi,i or
ads= city. or . county -.officer., to recordnienalinl:
shriptiod by the city or county to your stook? or td
procure city or county bonds to be issuod m Iwo? or
Was soy money at nay time so advance 4 to,news
papers or editors, or other parties, to amtn lAtbile
opinion favorable to such subseripkillna.and air= of
bonds, or to procure legislation firvoral,lo theroto,ll
If so, when, to whom, what auitruul,,
• -
12. Were no parts of the item on the erode side of
the balance sheet of your last report, viz -printing,
newspapers," do., $3,10597-IDs; or of • the item -
r•discouot and interest," he., $312,700 06100, or of
the Item "Oonnoesioo.." he., for negotiraink bonds
and notes, '4'20,351 39-100 ; or the ems, ;14fiscrito
.•0148," de., 35,041 39.100; expended for the pur
poses indicated in. {health intorrugabOrY
• These - questions.-under teditiary. • Piresimstinst
cos, coining front tiny quarter, would • propariy.
be regarded as en Insult, if applied tir any .
vidual or body of men other thrusting Prase; and,
strictly speaking, they, are. so in their intended
application. We cannot- believe, 'however, that
the respectable gentleman wits eigsod Lis name
to the questions as chairman of the committee
had any ouch intention; het we may be permit
ted to pay that ha ought telave been restrained
from asking them by Mon on that committee who
hate i4sou to giroir r 04 it,cousityl
to be utterly groundless. The Directors of the
Allegheny Railroad, it will ne seen, in their an,,,
Ewer to these question* give a very • dist lett anti
decided negative. They say.:
Question I i..Sesiver,—No. It has been no part of
the pulley of this company, ur its of to 'Naivete
pablic opinium" .ind payments made to newspapers,
editors, or proprietors hire been Tor stbseriptlens and
nivertioernents,"and publishing reports at prices be
lioved.sole only remunerative fur the services ren
dered. The eompatiy Cur' eliarge has not been
greatly puffed by fhb local preis; PA telt Wu dispobi.
tion to corrupt the sources of Treble. information bay
so far as our knowledge, is the press of Pittsburgh
subject to sneh.lutlusinaerasa* implitnl Sri thb inter
rogatories. r -
Qesestion 12. Answeto--Nek: a dollar for purposes
named in the 11th interregatory. ' '•
This is clear onottglf;.!;lftliy far thctse 'who /Cite
been so foolish -as to believe otherwise and -for`
those who have been knaves enough to mislead
them on this point. The other companies, if the
interrogatory has became le tliarq, rie are con
fident eau give no et ' lter answer than that giver!
There never was a more baseless idea than
the one presented„ in, the, interrogatory of the
committec--that. the Press received bribes fbe
its articles in behalf ofthe soveral railrOad sub
ecriptions. The experience of every editor in
Pittsburgh is directly to . the, reverse. Instead
of finding the Railroad Companies willing to
loose the purse-strings freely for their benefit,
the newspaper proprietors' have generally fOund
them reluctant to pay even for such matter as
RIO properly chargeable to them. Thetendency
has never been to remuneLate the . ,press, b u t
rather to withhold What wan fairly ele.inted. The
only` things ever Charged for, so far as oar
knowledge goes, were advertisements and Re
ports of the Companies and their officers-, and
we venture to say that none of the pepere.ever
got more, in actual cash, fdr such publicatiens,
than would cover . the cost of type-setting. 'We
know of a number of instances., Where certift...
cates of stook in the roads were taken at ear,
in payment of with big; and the' itublielthchis
well enough how nearly .valuers these stocks
are and for some time haveheer.
Neither is it true that the Press ' , created
public opinion" in facer of , these, ralicoad.sub
wriptions. The public opinion existed inde
pendent of the Press . ; and the course. of the lat
ter was the consequence rathertban the cause of
it. We have no doubt tp,!l, , the mai quickened.
and intensified Mit ~.OniniOn, and, gave it :a farce
it might not otherwise
° here hid; hilt .the first'
impulse came from the busineen'eortntutnity tuid
the Press was thrust, into the teed, instead of
voluntarily assuming it. ,
We know that, .at. ,this .distanett from - the:be- .
g innin g of that movement, there are many who
may have suffered, themselves' - ed bectune obliv
ious of,,the.facle,ihal... were then apparent,— but
that canno t , change the Ada. thentselni; •iia' if
athent,+ahe? l eto farglitftltete , "redo not. r :
Asa corroboration of this-view, we May cite:
our ktaii.'ianitmbrance of what, their: place in
1858, when the lest subscriptions aeranatd6 to
the Sthtthetisilln ,tto
ad. 'The :editors of
retie, at thet,t4me_vell,satisfied Viet the'PrOPoS:
ed city and: county
,subscriptions to that road
were not only injudicious but. ifttkortic,lated bed
Reving"tilit ditt'eeinte , :iitences would,ins , Just as
they have been; deferutthid to Oprp , thosesubr
seriptions, and didstio., °. ,.lFOC . , witha ;wily mouth:.
nor in - any half-way manner, but. firmly, rose. ,
lately and with perfect: freedom of utterance.—
What was the result? A storm of 'pertectlfiori;
which at one •
time, threathned. serious . injury
to the paper. Subscriber after subsedber drop
pad in indignantly, to stop his paper, and move-•
meats won pat on foot to induce the adyetr . itipf
patrons of the piper Yd
stop tft4ir . P4rOigehti.
a num. And wh o stood by the ooze/le, the n!
Who? We can count them all 'upon oar ten An
gers. The numt?sr included roar o,fi.inpioto•
bars of the city councils and two or three j pet , .
soma Mena, cud Mal se/ ..paabictPution.
was so d-cidedly the other way, thallevinitlint-:
. . .
47 to sewn ; end it had been so front.
f !,...ming. The Piefie wain imeririess to Wen it
beck. The "populat feeling iu favor of these sub
seriptione wee then ii7,y..ilit r7 , 4l(4,:(oln,Ve ß ppoil,
Bitten to , • I. •
And the reason Tel apparent' WU' the in
. Minot of oelf-proaervation.that moved thope?ple-
They sawr or thought' theyaii';.thili Wier clam . '
were building roads to lead bturinetcytwey frent,
here, and they feff thet eometlitng must be done
to counteract thank.- -Thom war •ttetfadiVidtial
capital alone i;up4 wpm,
- thought to be necessity, and municipal suscrk , ,
tions,then everywhere .. vein tit; Mily
resource:: ; A:lades the struryg reeling which the
swayed the people,:`the rris. :biome the mare
index, not the creator, of • publth spitlment; •„.
yet us whole, in looking period.
that:yhertw Was baste, ' and - bit* **j
ludluaination, if you wilt; hat have tione•Witir
thole Tiles iuniiloo about it hribed
or purchased Press. uniortky ofAntsy is
not say degridingtetoVeome of the gentlemen em
gaged in IL :Atli high iXdasion•
end the PehlkOlot pitons tooiamed too muelfiti
unpurcluusble and honed sel:7l6llS:th - Okbit •
them to ItiOnige In soy
arisignment of Its
Ptals4el4phla Bondholders+ Meeting.
1 4,fi,...344. , N ade r Boy k in rbafull
ctieEd* 0 maietin * Pittsburgh f970.d
-,1l hNt. cc*, mpittletails ofMarlferr
Wheilk giaciiiilik. !..:‘ ~ ...., ~,
_ ...
We do not wonder that these holders of Pitts-
bnrgh railroad 'howls should feel an anxiety to •
Lave, fliefimtereai. pty them paid: that is a na- i
tural feeling:and they are not to he blamed for •
expressing It. But while we find them quite
free in expressing their regret at the non-pay
ment oPthet'reettipOtiii,'nfidliy i 'ile means stinted
in throwing blame upon. our city, we have looked
in vain through their proceedings fur one word
of censure upon the legislature for refusing to
pass the bill giving to the'city the poss'er needed
to nds° the means 'Mr paying the interest, or
1 upOri the Benaters from Philadelphia rthb, cap
tributed materially to the defeat of the hilt.—
Considering that Philadelphia is solargely in
terested in the mutter of our railioad bonds,
Why 'de not the 'hohdholders call 'their iitr i u le
i Epslativereprentatives to acconnt.for•stepping
between.t.hean awl theirmoney 7 • •
So far, - Indeed; was this meeting' f}hru any
inclibaticiti 16 Mimi' the Manic where it really
amt. Mae of the epealuers, .instinid of
complaining of the nos-passage of the bill felt to
abusing the bill itself. lie said :
t.t.the bat forloti't.t ray her &fere, at the Bnildi ii
seat for the or the Plit,burgh mad steubeu
aille, S A Ileghear Valley Railroad,' 'The reasim at •
signal it. that tie, nevi 'he authority to hey a orrr
nor p., r to int-rete the City Tot licybad
the fire mills. to abrah i t by taw. These
tamers can duly Le ghee her by the Logranatuni.—
They were nought fee /aft winter at lientaburg,ltat
were manila enuring so many objectionable festeres in
the bill,. that they were tlattial,"
What, we may be allowed to ask, can •tthe
odious and objectionable features" of that bill
matter - to the Philadelphia bond-holders
long as they gel thitir money need they trouble
theinselve's aboutliow it is raised.' Tho oodimis
and objeetionable . feattrrea," do not operate upon
then, but upon as ; and so long as tre . ilo not
olittplain, it cannot . possibly be any concern of
theirs. Wit ltope anti trust they may get their
money, and we shall-do all we canto see them
paid; but we incline to the belief that it will not
hurt their prospects any if they will uiiad their
,business. specially, and not trouble them
seiFoa about.oura furtherthau to obtaia tram us
what is due to them.
The mooting also passed the folt.twing rooolu
3. 14..sobegi, That a optimism° of throe bit.appneat.
03 .to preparit anti Contend au oaidrem to the (booed.
df hittoburi, miuosting that such ref iB.lll of the en.
retort value of the property its
,the city to La nude.
auff thui 'soil other Illq.Ur;,l no they may .leten
jnelfehtlit dud Proper, Le talon uo will pMvent a re.
current° of the proecirt state i,f oßatlu , and enacile
the oily trig:einem at hum to meet she in 6:tett due and
unpaid, and. thus redem rho credit of the Beetled city
ire poitirof symlth awl population in our State.
Et .maybe that thiscommittee will be able to
point mill* Maher:ay
. by which the . Pot/none .
ran - melte such reriaion. 1I rhey Ural it, they
will lt.areore..zunctweful than any of Lone )(twat
explarenithavo been. •
These bondholders rill slider us sihggest to
thein 'that'll is hardly modeat for them to.teobl
die iu.iLe local. legislation of this city, or cyan
to plasma opinion upon it. 00 long am Oa - re is an
intimation apparent to secure them their due --
It is to be prelituned that those to whom our
laity affairs have been entrustol. know-as much
of ;lair duties and powers, and have att .keeat
souse of what is right in the - premises, so men
living in Philadelphia. If it had ImA in the
power 'of tic Councils to raise more money by
say process of taxation legally within their
power, it would have been done long since and
any suggestions in connection therewith by the
Philadelphia committee named in the quoted re
solution, will ho store likely to render them
ridiculous than to point hut any method, pos
sessed it y the City bet not-exereited, of ingress
deg its revenue.
Tux Barrinpurg Te.lograpit says that the act
relative to Broke a. has been published in
various quarters, 89 boxing the following
proviso: —Provided further, That this net shall
of gu into effect until We first day of July nest,
or until We license of any such broker shall
have expired." • The low as on file atAlle?.,ecre
tary's office has'no such proviso.
Tgoniotr. Tonssuo tar attstue.--slt appears
`that Christian county, DI., was visited list Sat
urday afternoon by a tornado of great violence.
The Chicago Journal says:
informant was at the village of Penn. is
that county, during the " blow." end describes
its effects there as terrtfie. it was accompanied
by hail and rain. Buildings were swept from
their foundations and some of them carried irust
the air, ethers unroofed, and others torn into
Monis. number at new stores diat,liad just
been conapleied were scattered into frog:nuns;
the Pre4b) terian church, a large fraMß huihliag,.
wan moved some six feet fromite foundation; the,
IllinOis lientral freight Depot was unrested; a
train of freight cars was blown from the track,
and wofse than all, five persons—a woman. and
four Children—were killed by being struck with
timbers, or carrirdintothe air andthrown
upon the grown. 'Several other persons were
more or less injured, come. of whom may die
from the effects of their injuries."
Gee Albany correspondence reseals a curious.
•centlition of affairs in our State Treasury Ihr,
partrnent. The last Legislature made appropri
ations emounting in the aggregate to oyes.
$a 100;000, and the whole amount, which the
'emptieller can command is leas than. &LAW,- .
000. And of this amount the grester.,part la
not yet flail] in by the county Treasurersr-thara
being dub Trim the County of New York alone.
the AMU of 5 . 500; . 09.3, ' , pm time within which.
the law requires retut:us to he 414414 ; ,11. the
County Treosprere - haring expired. the, Cowp.
t rollerlic4 directed the Attorney-General to bring
suite ngaiust OM delinquents.
State Maybe considered in a state of lienkruptcy.
—N. TAnci. •
ap,tm o moo. • •
• fAt'Estt.bre'dlelike or I; . emaltritr-rl,lundredo of
rtimulanta hare been Invented end nail, purporting to be
pmlflo in triennials. dretneetord sierantnstrenits Irkikti
the delacat• forintof,, rasutsrander hararb,Ject, .2 - brnsuldt.
of all these Stimnlarrre ' lms been to rapart sweratituriactir.
ay to the surtrus•tyrtnis, nod Mai wrgok to the mod.; but
this tellrf harbors enema/rib,. • dernswiner • Mot • riuktrr •
tion (rerun than before:4M We rutusatod , "*.". "" ihvr
lids to btilld thrnielves art by thaw fate rrprn brat
trully ended to dnrrettylbrithat sou l orianitutior.
vitufleft.. Ruble valor a firrharls Holland Ottcrrt..." '
'au tbul no such disartruna mul l ., It purefy.verstable ,
of t he
p he cele te n d
retkrellog r
Tl6lllull trictly
Prisforpor, rincipplee,„*.fterlres
bra C.
,der it. intinanns.•rattry Serve list russets. verairte' near
•rtraufth nod algor.wetite ittrlalects nturn. sa4.lllnslly.
'stirs &alai. gee advertisement in mother otturms, ,
a/r9Olti ei pitrbottle; of - 111 betlei Tor by tbe r pro
'iorlettons, BET P.A.GI4 J., hON M•ssufartsnibltrlntratit.
"WI" . "0 cht..944l.glitablligh. Ras sod. .Druggie•
"Se e.drertleement. J0R043r,T,, ,
' 'lateen coMplalnt a prapopnla and PLUS.
G 31. Jaczene—Dear 811-
tbs . sat kro yen-.
.4.* been severely atilleted with . the'llinr p Complalnt, Dye
Poled. =Op,.
411Plalual.nonotanily thapalna nob anon,
oulnue :ndont upon each compntaorlthoul pave,
bank oelarcelYabloln attend td dly leallnee. I umrd• gr.t
deal of nagelleke,saltb no &plena change, tallllnuael yogi'
/Iseflaal'a Gaemao i'lloynalaanlinalY•Onluo ,
I am 11.3•• entirely froo [romped and ante of ani,klnal. and
Gel lines we man learherrespeet, abd einhealtatlney tee .
'tosennanel year natearainall Invalkla: • • " ' •
• •
. ,JOTIN R. WRY.. • •
Sold. 'Wholmola end Retell:lU Dr. ayo, 11...11r,RXRER:8
Drug Stare, I.lltlVoter Urea:4lo of Mit Oul r den Slerue.
Bet eduarthetnent. ... • •• • "
El 3EI Vir I IST o '7A6 , 2k.1:3132Zr £.'Fl I
ed % r it XII+ R &. W. LL SON
—,ll/ANIIPACITIRING 0021PANY, , ^• •" '
. • 33ridgeport,ie'orkit:,
Pittubsurith.6B.Witthiltareet. • •
~, This Mathias alteha. ' • • -
Coarsest I' abr tcr;
Atlbi plwommitt.Oporetar.mtlosmith ware Ont-19.1" ,
ifba boutijolaysddigrable StikAuyer Innate, alma. not.
lessly, and PP two:min/11g badUpanabb. %t foully stle.•• • •
• Pall Infortmotion may be *Malawi by addrewebmg• Omar
T...elbg, or. . • .ALES. REW,Aprett,••
No. 68,Fah Wire. PUbibl.ib• • ••
4 A Lazy 11,1121, oiman on thciAtt
AT THIROOMS. • • •• &PM*
rillahauul. Continental West flange': r
• '• _ , =HT BILUPDRAWN Dr• -•^" ' •
On•the Union •Bazdr, LOndtiri; . •
• "Arsmas
ham Drab ad irallatda tf 111th. ilaripg Gina; . 41 .
6caJaarLaa4 la/yd rard tha tont/att . , • "
• . 110 4^. 1 . NO! 1411..X..A. uktnir.seinf At SAW
LIN, Pranlkai • Nara, yrjricl, awn a 4 islteadtpma toll(
Imra orarrmanl.ewlaWand lad lio land,
- Paractia.latmallag, to areal sbrad •ma ) Mortrralbrangb
as Leary ptcrrallt. Nlach.3lraas an Am abtaiard„,aa •
needed, la illy part agtxrapa. ,
VXt lomi of Itina,:tote. dna bit( er iiecurifies
. ca.
" caner Wood and Thirst °strata,
~14 • •- = . 014.
Entraps= Agent and Intelligence Offioe,
•n=nieAod.witti fereasts.onsbott Mies,. .....
Drafts on sp ent of Eurpr for e 4! 1P soststo ml 4 Wass
wirklag to reostePrseeo( to did' 4,153 e, weekly,—
Tickets tkmanti.from New fork god ft .11.11h11:711411.
3 ,6l.Thes... , w—Axgramrelytati.
„ , .th,ik k -icturbtayao4
gdabcteesisofatthe sad teltmimN IlOWLeatilal
IVaraian i r se l4 4 " "" t=
alkgr ir ecimet Orinititeiann9t
' ,
Pit i fts.
To Co 7 Mea:and cthe !'
• Prot , Erik EAU-yoga eif
C. 3T7F-112 - -11. SI S
flare rnnclud.l In .01004 theft stay in Pat burgh, Oil
SATURDAY EYENINO, Jety ISM, met RID remain at the
ST CLAIR HOTEL when, ti, may in cnnotultod
vrielang b. avail theinselvollti rirofs'ayUcto a( I}n'(.
The combinatbut - of remedinl measitre. adopted b y
Pitch and Dr. Seers has been amply treted, and en ahnn
dantly pro v. 41 to 1.. n ' , m.0.. all lb tt It claims to be lu tio ,
my. that its ortgattaiw..l.. Ite.liate to aswet, tlint ' by
their aystein,tel.wfwtcoy boob...weed DI dturpy e.,4 atielitte.
bhionsl.l.lle reiwkiel rtiles. ) )
• , 110.1 . rIt•I doorl treotine,nt. the h.lYantagy Yrwile4,27
Stlienotr. , tdoe ions I. al.ted to I low • , 1 app. opt
terms! reinediet. to 1.1
reiterate ccliJ ••Di(allk ,o a1z00,.7111 el I
general eyStent. thr. , with snob toe, hanlral
the rase cloy trots..., }mewl no prwpet Atonic.. urea, iu~..,,.
c. di tier only all tn.., or
Irs. r.i4ef M care. all C 4... hill will RlTert psruunent cure.
in many . ..v.% cc 1,
only ...rtiid and tempoicwy reUel
rvulJ r free any one et thealwore me.urs •••),.
ftntelabatagb teeny utliesvetw, fatal news u( cenousni..
Lion nt.ty be thus relieved. tater° Cr, atilt mazy teliiiitapiawl
telouil holm, and Laurie, Wile acs 11.1 any way in , la •
diAI•LW en) lu.iduwita, cad so ['trimly tatel w. csamainiplama.
cannot In, UV careful to sari. thee , wee autteir aftrataue ,—
The delay erect of a few weeks may- m cutesy oats., tarn the
ttiPa l ial . the
When. 141 a ILIe. e always. prof., to make s wrania/
. I Chas the -Cr. 3••• ~.111 ~ 1 the
wo• w
ish it, iticb,rtaicegeir o ,
net a
L , KntirP).l l .. l 4 lll it, (ask cmd we Wi4) /IQ .1•114 .'utl•1)/1 us who
la rotti( tura afloat - litho
, Their u title ur clait will. in wrier :. 1.. . .careful stet..
their l)', attracting. al 4.ticsith.oicr pelstasliesi list el
inest.on, which will 1.. woo .u..‘ tegoo.tiiig itlla
necesaary reinedle., a• lw diseows the Lungs .0..1
Itoirowls. lei F t iwde rea. • be ...Ist tir t..
au) mart a the Uttlts,l Stat.;. C.:slat:WWl Fee ,.
ndlcr4e 10 to a ti',locei, .
' ''Yr. • P1.1r.1 1 0 0 . raeple+44, .AL vircii. t•
11.1 . ) J,iIIN IV RS. NI I.
ins it ~,, " ." • _ _
I A A.- VVIt f'N'S'
Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce
I.ltoNousem , Cr EXIT AtT
VON rit , lttStl'lttt
vira . OF LErTEII Fitom
USIA Uth.ll , hALCIL
h To his Brother I,t
Aud app11.....1.10 to hi
111)li.t.:/.i/Elt, Alnf, It3Nl
their it h WAY eNt. , ..nk •
Alt T T rn rl to Itt.ts. and
, [Oat
The ,ml) Medal tk;i:traetl. .
1,,y p.f the. Nei , Yolk
F.xlta fbdl.4.tettri•SAuc4..... , . "11111,1114.k1 A 1'1.1;
It IN, for woticxerrhuisiiszt , 1 CF.. the n.n id•
falue haviug 1.1 to uttuterotto ttuthit 1.4.. put
ML.., !sm. exc.:m.lly -roquaNud kol , that the ...nes ..1
Vlifi.llLlo” ;.qlpre , iyul ?I N' Uhltlo
S tine
toppr.r.ittti thlulort.iiyh ;iit /010.
Ap:htd the 111.1.1 mat.,
4Attrvu.iwo.y, Nei , York
A at....k In .o.rtu. ,a 4r 1,94 , 141 for evert
tprueut Both tlit'r
..xchango Bank of Nobr•ska,
GEO SI Ntl.A Ittn<Pl4.o.o . . ,wwr
NCI IvOit .It ,
tienerattaud Agnrigillettlerit Lund:lTartaApi,
" • •Iv 1 ;.$.• .
win ,ict LlWlt'i•eAwal :ite,,nt.ivit 111.viilg Iteal
laorat., Eniotirm lAn+S. !Awning. Mn 1. . ,) au/ — Pgtylltg Tasoo,
lir.rhonot 11ank:Mott# , urgh, fY- • • • ' •
1k •. '. 14
rh..rn•l •113 'ors, Pa or, I
A r•rell. tr. ik ek...Silitetmtits.
li, F,Alartim, L'hifutellAtlm. • -
W.lLpar. •
L. 044.2 A 1:4, Now
Sirtl • onli. Itaillant. St. L0ui.... •
ta.m.a.eoA , mor,-twnti. • • 4 . ' •• • '
14at Id Comat.rokarrnilarkt, tqLlO,. , .•••.• •
. 40, ,5, ,•
L rig t1t..4
,Pittsburgh steel Works. • •
, 1401(13 , 6,5 CO_ • •
Msoalotturortuf , CAFT HIIIIYIu *414 SE . llll:li,.l . l.oWbid
. 911111L461•IlIMPSnavi ANLIZA,
Claw" - 6w and Yilre.3lrweb; /Vtlabtry4. nr
. •
. .
ht.c , ve:t7cFrte,s.o?
,:lmprov,ed Paicnt Steel
Cul t i :Y,tult 11.
Ras, and
jutil: 1 raT.
isuriluaL7 - w - Aa m bii IN C.
1 , 114 A, N Fltohi
1-1111,w0 II 411.12:1: MM.
tPZ asl.r ifVFtµ.IAIS, rsrturko•
II II -A I 1.1.1, .toortlaotne....
Jo qv air.on , UF
jell Sna.lfc
C.P:IS ff<ll
KEG MAIVt.7F2.CTIIRRB,,l Nrcet, hrth
PITT.:131:111., 11, PA.
tur, 31/..1 , ka. KT,., Litt .1.111 de.crgp
tivlt...f NAIL NEV... wiAl.'l3 they son . ti‘.•
eurrlartprma.a. •
alar•catattrea.ll ere oe•iaeatal. All 'mak ere,
rwtael .a 1" et •ialWai
-- A
- 15 Cf:
1? Tl h
0) Tin
ravel ielf
I 14 Q Ft,
L 2 sr rl.Aqc .stRE4.r,
reVkrett , nr EP1:1.11n: •
Rod**, Stan and firsaanse.otol PM tat ea.,
Grainer and Gilder an Glass,
1v,..1745.11.11-IiFILLA STREET:
Itearly upo.miltraL• Art Oa,
• 1'ITTSM:10.111. PA
• ...Hats, Cap. osnal , Fur,. •
WlEmlllessle *ad Ratan Igalteri,
I'3l • We. Of 'eft. "
• • nava al wrlllllo,l • mien , . edelfrl MAYS.
1K04..0 Roc. a1..10 as Pm C.o . s.
Canters prio , s, w whiclA akey Issas cctonasu of •11pur
citssOro' ' cc-WEI
Ne 08 a Ambrotypes.
P n tdts C Ti. D.
f r ," 41 .'d 34r)tet Streets.
lreArranntelieerlntardrehtiftir CO thlribliC oar Wen
irte les of Anibrotyper al the leer price of Liarl.J.A.Pearal
'Mawr wanting 1148... i -sent taken in the belt
stele or thttArroitill.flad it greatly in their interim to
tliniertiablialiment a raft. A large . Arstartinunt
o.serter.pi tea " oa
• Gr.VeCIP...G..ii: W.EGYM:AW,,
• Maw:Lac-tuner 3ml D.lor iu ill kamis or
LEAP •• 0321.A.000,
Chrwor of Smithfield Wert hid( teidintritil Ailey,
belly re'
cA4 - a r os, ( - 4 %.,"Wrz
rbotoo of Aim arid (Idie Steeds, .
. .
Cls° l Q o I3FRontlet /en porteoll Oigteiree.
BCC- •
Fe , helte the .0.4u140 of. thoolsere ale 4 Cheerer to bib
ant k. who4ts will he lope , / onlecte NI to quality utd. rue.",
• dite list I tr y
c 11%14 u Itself% nor
gaged for tie:evict. er tile Itiett esperietietel Bloc
Werricartte ler.ttle Mated Mtge, le pretatii4 'fur.
/herb. adapted tto• each parttettlgr•ease: • Yull 'sea of 'teeth;
pc put* 94wwa =de with set:Maga gusts,tinene tfrafinmr.
' LIU ry . es cn t c . rled.and an Wee wititg of the face.
retteetegnd'eretrkiraierenttid '
''oll:l.lll.lYottetttatteet, between Wctod and 9tnlth6eld
atteete,ffittetglegh. . . . c a/a:omile •
t , Dolat
nor, J. Surtgeter4o2o4.
Pen ,fro.iNow VPrk. iis.trwas_rwaii w
OM 1410, byt meal Vinrimbing Apt to the 0112111,
Laval* Teeth a* Gold: Plattfta afieGatt* rat ,
50* ...Ip e rt rme 39 ^ 5.1!9* 10 , 941 1 C, WA ,
,Ruin igh. 4;/411 , 14. 0 .14 , 140 *al* 6141=10 111. apaalet1d etroM,
ba t
IYA . S. • Ato - r.., t.)
■lvcr/1.4tY4 dr
Alcohol, Cologne Spiriie•Und heti
del fp31,14 , •Ma larendll.ol74imit AMA' ' "
4.70112 f Arrer`ElEM •—•—*--
' mapartax-ritiezrr
kitt3l3mel, 4146 GO -loaf ItYtet.'llLl2Y'FbtiV/A '
paEinol-1 -
- 54' Oar - S;rcpt;
* 10; OW. N:::Au044 14 ) .
ire • •'
r• • - a
. 1 . 1 %1E 3 .
Or.Wll.lthlS kid qpi4pgialcip . .liaorAtuat.
414 " V i i °4MLZ PX4,I4AIN .
• • s- "17'9,.., re fettle. Fifth.. .
• And rml . tic• pepils.ll3„
Is Wwd Stres‘,Piffsbl 4 ,l 3 / G .
• WOOD:. Asitlowne.o.. &. co., ..
Galvanised Street Troll;
• ...lid SIC .diods ,for-(M • •
• Aup timinnitadaerogpaod lrenj CorKoofiey, •
• W.Y4 0 41Yr - .No liAt..Frata darer. ikasberyh. , •
,ltia/Yak.rob' A
The Only Rented, for 11:{pneneopOon, which
L. proved reliable,
..Tippo o le,m7llq:
rwtrtow owe r eo.4"' " •'
_Pose acidaeraulde ,Cod• Liver Oflr' • •• •
It Las stood the test of Go; 74,01.Wa,Iparentot 4m pular.
m 4 Nomt ens harifallod. bee
•ohot you n.p., p1ark.t..0044 , 40r sloes tbodosttr er
.Ottrk.litttshloo artlclscaUest , Rushlon's" has, boso
trail:wed:lo sit; way eatntoited.seftli K. all C: I to.
&4d by a""" A egt A 4.4..untocut A. harm
• Doott'oesepregirsktie s IY. todsoreY
(Somaor , a •ift -Wkloirr,)
- , Bilmilllscturisof WIRSIVICAL 'OIL esti LAW'S, NA: 82
.lourtliartol, hefts= Wood sad Marko% PftttbedVl, pa., •
Tim undavhcrie4 A .e. (umiak. Dew.
I t ski c ia on ii,a g or a =pada Valky. at Ilia
, olovrtrouldfatterre." • Alio, estoptionoond Pluo thy,
.ao4 ovary do= of fads &kid Condi, TWA . ' WNW, 01r •
awkdelyP4p4, of Lb° Istenpattorsamot mommrpre,
Intik.. : ...
. .
Chanda[Wm Giiididates and - 4.Fajta raj:9.104 and rartad„.
22,,,,,bmo1cuponau ti rdoravary weak , tomato:mt.
opagitlen LP. 11AZDIN.•
b.A.tijrza .ar.
.... SI ga and Ornamental Patistaini••
• • "simalupqm -- '".. "" •
Othite4 0 01;ra.h.40;:iffiwcp..."0
• • • - '7 6 14;11.44*.k.
(114 04,Arriii iyelipprt aboacomenitaqsgs.
auwok . tltr '
al. f o .ti p , 91 57
:,..ri . ciatc •co sTiaiti. ,
,_,Th l itilei tt ,„„ .... likhe - .rtuntv iffln ar'
sirrl , . 4l •46ll.Vatiohat .1491t11.1 ' &MI il; Laver nt 11,..
, odid.t”... pm (0,...,4 m IMmildnerglims the2sth of , likreh
m• me h. tent y rentme4,l C. meet to their run tier,
linewetteh..teMl Towmhtpe. on FATCItDAY. the alth rhea of !
Jon, A. D. 1‹.7. aw •-ll om two 110.1Mee ftM , 1...1.. TM'.
1p 1 '. ,, , , 0,.1%,,,t,ftc1.. / Vat 11*90prt Mt , .o.:: ~ liti.h . in.l‘. A
re,w EDN Pir-fI Al , . fit Welt e., ~ at 'Jut., fetr the przi - ve.• or
tm.m.L.ol, a . %mut) Ttcket . I
Tb" t'eemett7r Mooting" .rni t.. Nall In the towetehipe he.
tw...n 11, Imm. .11 3/14i 7 I . it.. At U.. mlmtl 1.1........1 1... M.
` . , .... ,,, ,m, .11t1,1p yoAc4oitii4.l lt.n.malse tet sr.,.
MI , 1 1. II• .4 ..
M, i
In Mt.... W . lrt, 1%.r.,t1,41/ rtml lowet.thq., Imle 1.4.11
oir In., 1...11.1.1..{ Into Iwo rt,iOn dietett, MP' C.. 1 11.1 toy
1 ...mte.m.1 time term ohlomme hr eh, ti..l' fret encl.
1., ....1..t ..1 the Unmet I Amnty i,m gm I t.,
W)1. 44,14.10 , , ChateMoet Prl".
1tt . .‘11.1 Velem; ....T.", :9''"
L....;•,.r..1t mart. 1.r.,:i.i Arum -3. 11, Thaek- ..
1rn , .. , ...r0ht.. t..41.11ip. I. 1 f WI 4' . .. 1 ,...
t.• ti. I ,ore mhjeet 1... th , L Issitmt , amty t , ..m..“,..
,lat .
I , l' •lewt, el. I
. . . . .. - •
. . .
1 ;f 1 -
eeiti•r.,i • r "I)
tou t
, e.1.1p.1. n e.....llit.ttnfor ettl.)..t.i to 14.. '
J.:tot/on o Lonnty Onav,.tion
inn la it
tl.o., 104Jort. to 1110 of the
)o:!..;lk.rtv 1
--Vlll`StrL.l - '11111,) i 3 I
',"; m 1141.1,11. for Itrgletor, 0.11.1,t to Ili. Jocl.lott W tho
.1:itIon (Vint, 1 .. ,• 0 1 ,•II•IIP• • j.l , l2tert_.
ItplhTY.ll.--_. I.lll_ltrHiglle t. ors 1 r d
lei citltr:ues Alleglo•ny Malty sut •
tlidatt. JII/SIN 1.11
1[010..4. tp . co.. Po.
...7, 2 •1'. , 71 (1. Olili•
to? tim ..f
t 4. it.e‘lootnton All tttt It) t
upo •11.
I • T0r1+..141.4/./..
itsuistlert.-IVilliain E. liarrienii,
of Moßnonport. It eanelftlate fir 1190,41, enta,t 1.,
114 , 4m/slot. of Ilan Vlther ('.ll 14 ceewirition.
iltEuierEit..--Witlittril K. Vankirk.
of E.1.1.1mi4, relit ntatullta a...81114n. nn the nh0....
euldoct w if,,, 1 ' 111..11 0111 ray Cm rent Oil for24r.dt.;
• 4.108e1 tseicissot
i e $ eStcHi.4l. eteiii•mic as,
I hilt: for4 I : 4 1:0 io ' u 'rc t.;
MO , he ha , ahl) and eallata , lory fitted. JoloalkwlaT
4V., 15t , 111,.;..r, of Third lVni.l, P.ttatture, le a
for County Oolitiulont.r of A Ileghttiky. rutin!). 0111 1 4.
the decinion caunt
). .tom mi6s ;us nt:.--I.V to . N.
At 01 1 ,1 . 10 4.,
thdahntt , o r fll.‘, uu4Jore dt..c.soion 111 tite Lon. t
L • COU.TY lt..3llll5lllO'NF.ll—A tnlicl M..-
0 %Min no a,...t.,11.1at.
It, of t‘oust) t'ontrowoourr nol9 to L o 1 , •1••II •.1 OP.
l ', lloll e••111Ity Coriventlort. n 'T
C./1 NT Y MISSION ER 41111 , 1 Sll.lll',
• VI Oak, nronAtclitte fOr f'orttlitir
mob.p.'t to tho duciefon of the I:nnon Comity C0t0...
l'hrtert thatAlotAyrilos,..l)lPnillwoy lan.
110.1 tv4.t. repro...4l(k! in llee ol t for
tom. he. FoTtie ill tpl by Contaottou.
01 , 11111 e.raill.,y 14
• •
bt • IIIVIII)113,11111r CIO Unions
N I ilr'uw.
11.101, Wpm-. en den llothoote ‘.l tit,, Unions louoty
fl .--- -Ni•Frheriff.S . K r .7'lt e irlsVE " Ttiiwleir, will
Co Inn.
none, to An, 41140101, of 11. Itept.l.leratt (Nit *Ht.
. 4 , . tot dI
; 1). tilanforrora, of tile
n:A 11 ant. Ann,hony edn. old Ito condidan'
1..1 the cob., ~ 1 1'I-. 1:.4 it.° Orort .11`ttetortor rte, C.
I"' n " d `Tl 4 P.Sr ,l l , 44 , fiTlOMM.tlenres 4„ . , .
L,4=F,iiit Ki• is
eltrtildato'for 11.114ittal 11. he 1tt4.4 cot r •to(ttlti
tor tellotttfart. •riirr, and 4011c1t: tw.r. , n mot polit.
al al (mem. ' to andn t,attat wt. ljto puttta.
toootittpi mut 1,10, tit., Cot, entUot. 71.u1t wlllalw 1w Twwl•w
half wiTI ,r34.lwlly.rwwmbit..d: I ' T Klar V .. 4
die 4.l4lloFS—Cnpr: . attic , kli.rrpt
.111 In. a tntutlttato Thr itero .I,r of Alto) to ctotEty,
vitt/ krt to tilt. 4cd.(ott of tho t7tlllrt et:4W)
joa .iloattwc
Ittrrornr.u.—llugli J. Lenoot,_ of
-11 . 4 .;754Tir5evn0.. canAlarit, !as .111
t.. w.•Linanty
my I:::ct.>. . .
- 7r TRC wq , RE:II.--.l4tts J.. Mu.
el...mils", im.w.h.p. will WI the. t
Omni y y
'Mill. I, w.. 11 tn. n.n lv the Latitei..l lhte rvuui •sW
InAlftmtlon4 TLY tho vit., art, is., tintioultisml that In.
ri•lnlrrttlf•ii Tl/111 Vt.../3 Ore genwr.,l
SltiN elv, of
Pann fmnl•lrfp: will 1+ tra, f"! , ant
the .1, tniou ..1 thv l'uon L...nnty
Tkrt , t'REß. Tlf.`
Ifavitrl.S4 f• 014.,
n, ,,,
A the i•-x.t. I:l4.o.'efuttir. f•••••htnnl. lihr' Ini.t••' of 1. 1
Off:LIED., of ttw t , r.n.i.ry% a.wLad. wt.:. 14 eu am
C4 , ural Yr..., C.,Later a 1..••.‘11
tO 11.1 V NnnErnlnti , n fr , Ile 1...fu1a•••.• • wan
la •••• 1,-1 I,
R.l 411 our pultb: 0ft1,4
Gstrz, ore
\\ul i.,
. .
toart t/lAnntk, Manemy..., IS , . i‘T Tl.nnto 1141.,
1"" ;
ft torlt r (I±lri.-- Luke
etwitallTilrf,rins btu tr.n.on)Atvi 1.411 f,
IM b , dr•ar..l...vnettleral ..Ilan. int thw ntnoe• of
11....r.ter 111,,ght nj evuntj, .Ilan
11,nt1,1131 loafn truly sl - ntefitl klet,.l•
n 111 t. 41, ‘l,l, nn•1(11(1.4 a, shall At
t.nzt,s, t,. ul 11..• ,41c. Lau luthertv iu , adwied
visit n,ns , n, lrlra,L 11, the ...,onjr,, na v . ..,14 h."
boot ,•fronnt.htinv•ejn•rtnitt,..l
TUE 31LVIIER., 01 Till: 1 . ,10V PARTY.
—a.; MT a 6,,fr4“vt11411.0r. I.• Al.
ry .r On. C.,lt.TnonG.Al(h. .
II." a 14 .•
vut •I. lying: tincelate•l ortbc.• tnn 1,6,1 vml
.r IStil tLie an:. of the Vu lsto. of ate Stat. ho
T./VT.4IOILS. .levnxicnttqwr We 1.... that 1 dad not , ag.
nor . puntenAnc, •rnl.ll.v nt, , 5‘..1 r. , -on+l
vlll en... 1 nlnr ruj tribe ntnnoinrs iar [b. truth
~ f Ot, •,..ten“.3.l J.IIIS PETER,
4.4) tfa -
?-.Tee SHE SToCK1101.1•Ellf. or THE
1. Tltt.:St 11/Ill'AN +Nee.. le herotr itteen. that
frneral moot mg Use e.t..e1..h.. , X1ers el .set.i Centpapo , llr
21.4.1 at their flanking 11.1th.euti MOND-eV, the =I 4.51...1
June. 1.57.. at In otch.rk, a X, to take lay evnatzlerali,u
the reetratut nle.h Hh pli•ilere of eal.l 0 , 111p411 . 1 0111..11,1
to the Art e, f Aft,tohly of M 13
MW. ,naueroe-..z/th.. entttled
-.An Act relat.erth Hanks. eszerlng, True an , l‘e
Nov d 1R511.'w...1 luvt.,r
ti. ,e.yeatency iltee.kelese ehol-Gerpgraten, wantereTeet
leg Tres.. pr. , ,1.1 1., tte let eettt...o of the Act ..I
/1.11"rilhly of let 1te.61.. - . 1 '"' JUIIN D SCILLY. earl.,
,_4111311.' Imre... , :r.Ootels,l • t
l'lrriavaux.J , the V 414.1567.
DivIDEVD.--The President and Di,ree , rs
n 1 ihtentrdpitfy hevell,lll I.v dfclare.l ritljahlord at
Ehtht Dollar. pa, ahart , upon the Capital Stack; aly nee
tkollatra, payablar,t n cash II tfra St IrOfdtlffP• Or 1 1 ..11 Heti
aepresenfatitee, ors and after Mucalaj, the :'II. that, hivl
Thar. Wllare ':willed to 0107 altral..
lelG:feltn a A IIVEL L kAPSItgLL,
prucured via
GbillWolf:Pahfr . JA TOLIMA. •
..6.1 the Wilco of the Company, NfononwthelaNh
ITS and. appall' the itmOombratillb , lllitesiu, iht‘tr,. eartler
of WtY.l,..?4,l.4le'llitecta• . •.. •.
thy :4i/t RI•1111 . 1111' I V. KNOWLAMX Agent, •
BANK., Perrgorann, May.
rr 19. tsws --Notiao g Pm f Itit4derl,
thPe Attt 11 the antaserljtion o 1 the OW;
111/A at additional espitel el M*. ftatthneiltof by the lat. qv.
Trh,mmt lotto charter a the eitlzene Depo*if Dank.) vrlll
1." orIONVY, iratthtl rrm,l• rqpq. pattl
the " trtb IrtP
P. ES, caw,
JOHN COCHRAN 13113.0.9.,
niarrintakOu M: .1 r iii
Iron Railing, Iron V,palts, Vault Moon,'
Wham Shatiors, Window • Gennise lt.fl
Noi 91 ti,amel Sthra dhd'R9 Thinf Slit 4;
. LP. warn Komi anA Afarkati . P11715111...M0 pA
llatrol 011 hand a vatialt 4 M An. Pattlhen! tailiYArtt pima.
r'" nll Pufreitet. Pert'entity ettentlett ;Mid I. ery
4nrGayr Lots, J,l g dime et Gelre nnt then
et:mi.—Some time iter. on MA eefglitett "Of mfne u. Teti
'llFerlth•tt tumt tenrith, ortitetreetertoe P 44.4.4 Ye le evo•
anetteln. HI. feLltne thst rlettecy"
they betted of leftheut sny 'benefit irleiMMllef tet
pee him ctle.mel ell were eenflentel In the belief that be
mildpat ? ' ) o ? 1 1 .. 1 b 9 .0 ikl`l• # 40(4 , Ff Fetlt
Peelers] , w gave Itll4, itn mureiy 4114
to the utonle Merit uf all '111.4 take', lba, • qUiretc.
Meritebla in The lathemO M 1 11 !lin: ix,p; vo, g moui
. owls, frriti oill 1 tiA4vii,, , P4i , l.4k.
Apr1f414,147. - " JOITNILMINGIS,I:eAIett tik
• •14414 D 1 ELLTRgn•Fr.lllll:l4olrltikt i tOol. not of J. P.
FLEMING'S. 'AlleFlteny City. myietterst ,
.--- " ---7 77 7 .1114, -- eiTlMllis SaPnr r-rr
irrnmer , Fr - Heiiiloo*Pl*.
rbey oil ci3artie' mod VAt4.116,144111..
11. 1 . evlll cert. etietleo LevreLL
Iho• atl adonir eu tw*llu poesellvt.. 4/ 4 . .11 •
rY.' o ,od.•4Pdiutypit.•awilLeurs ru— .
" I ()do hen ludigespooi•up Ival.h.lio
.lryun tboy wl/1 tusk, yuo we .,cus•Ptliounkon• . . •
Tbry die • plain pill and • frOOli OIL
No ttettar pilkuvl,tdioompouodt.d. , .
• . • nay gout oaly '.2.5 cents • box, ..,
by mill to ell per.cribs United Shame.
Direct your titters t• Dt. HXYPER, N 0,1440 Wood erupt.
?UMW& PlL•otli.oWluilduilteAgunt. 'diy"ElAlkorit,
• ' ,
/44.4.01PVA151N APP.LiAlanni.
All itinds of Tobacco. Snuff and Cl/.r.
110 e manta, When thb bullalng'llb. 121)*411,1rtat, In
addhlon I:tether MAWS...airing FAtibltiptnent,N ri P/mAI .
aired rs. wh•th•y *au Ineeduod tytkolf,erfliefirt antlp,
To X u • 4.l.ltagern.,-..4 raked Clergyman ,
tOklanb Ina few demon., many mama - peat
- anon. ruffiring, I. utak= to make known The aomat
c "" " 1.114 f 11 !)Ilm , p , ..wrkuedesw. , nihei to nil.
Br. JOAN to: DALlNAl.l,,tifik.rulton meet, Throaty%
'Nori 'York.
Piles! . I.l l.4ll—fir. ALiq's 0int..441. Pm/Para
'by The Orafenbmg Company, I. a surarele moody to ell
ca om or Ho Yaw, .,,, m o t wrbartnarba tbelrfthennty..-
. t1:2r41711,V;". 1 %' I. . r t k " Skrl'Ailiitti *IV undr.O.
mgt. y• ulkargr
Or 0.01.1, - Or the . orphituitotirt. — .7.
ADJOURNED tiNflE, • ^ I. r.
- -
c 'UN T f..r 14.1'"EiPL" ' 1
is BEAT bo :odd on
"EgDAY , . 3 OO*/ HO. cfdrifaeaclng
.0 seven Wintry Sots, ots,the dirywhas44.l l
taosoiJunsa intloadulau. Braddock's rialdis,ll.nallsa
from "dnhrih,op thil Bi 400.• Boditoad..vold by order of
the'brphass' Court Bir the payment of Moe. Title Jodie.
11111 . tfi 00l ble• • •
• i tl7 6 01ele .Ite
cloaa, any Ila 2 Cro ‘ ta dap r"'
Thorsen ems three or four lot. A.r ule, thee torero,/
etkl tOll4Ol be stopeeeloal. Td11111•414.0110 .1 , 11101.13 00
lb. day of mho. , 4/16131111 TODD, Ado, r.
P. 111.-eA trele,lefleme Pitlebergh al 16 021110.0 baloto 1/,
if‘"" %h. 1. 1. 01010 P 11,00.100 , 0 Wit lseberults Min +boot.
°ch. Tho Idatak road sled Pasalsahh.d.Sh. oo 0 .0. 00 7.
POSITION' Vl' bin Bf/0E COMPANY, bier° er.
rrieILETS to to had at, tlik
ILL I/04' AM heal cat find CochnUa Ilowe Now
Thrupel — Tickets to Nee 0.111.0 Yi767to Mstc.r,
klnPictif with till AllurilbarNs-
Prem. Joilt.lhor IV. P. ALOOKNI
• • “noottestar:PornutV
N 044 41.9_,P t Wota -Da P at A
41 open Mr the Trllliuti 011ipiesta. •
0 4/11114. )01.3; t ULAOS,Arop
~,t ~...-., _
eo g-Utu abbcrtninnasts.
EALp.—An elPannt Store R?ntn Oleg*
FIR* aft., lai
r a rAnciszoon, eatll.lll:atu-nt. harliar,ahoacivizadaaat and.
Sky.light. Elagulm at '
lOSE .% tNi• 1F LIVE 11.1 V 1.:
fy ran nut, .1 vor,r, whit,gf the
Cr Conouni.on,
lout xLuu Lb rub .14u,iht. trgif..u-tsvio doe.-
1k 10,1111111.1 t orate .••11.11,11:1 ntol s ,1.
ptortrutioug mad., fro. ti... fat Inal6t
:11,1 the tl .... •...c.urt , l th..l n,lit . n, 1..
t. ro-1, - 1,11.1 ha -d au.l ,/1
',a1..., 11, ul.loy.
II 11, Lax ullallsislo,l the w...1,1nk
nrnLlnMndf nr cato-er. turd!' pRreA and L.
11,f1f114. * Cu do as 1./.a1.1n.
3111.11 hu u/111-ted faux . ..4,mo . r•rot•*l ft. It,i. mcti,
oil an .1 dirwctiou. Cur uu4ll,a ,t al, and
u.lug 11 Ila repurel. 141,110.1nt
low ono e1,111.;-0,.. rolutioLd a. n a
tho Jlu. awl Ow spiolaod touytuttl
4.4 thi..lscrt,..ria. Addre.
In 11. JAALErn. 110.1.rami Jorner lirir. 5..1.
IN, ll. Dr. IL Jun.. lima :wall, ..111, Inn \ etr
Vairt. a. Winn Lard pronlynnlnnl tertl. , l reripo
In .0/1.Q..111..1.1-4,C bill NO In, lifurt.l nrrre-r,.l.ouny •• 11r.
- AI *Ci
cal end to.t meta.,
1% a Ilarnetand k 11.21, j,16 volt
PIM kw' o.'llol too do eve variety of LooLizs, for a Woily
of Ito 0 swr,otts, ILO ditiot Include go, . bracket* and
t,lll, ,0 wo At.
ol ..vo tippart,a may do.
ton forth, 1111.21110,0 t whirrs. the taido - .14 . ...1,
Mt .1 Ml:s‘i It AVE.
fist in ILlrr.l r, Ito ur..l otir Paix.nt.
Mt., I rAtt t.. 0 awl .4all.lout la 1....,
1,1,0 Innllirry. llnnirrlos ta,..klutt l•
nna of 4,16 I it
Mod inwrovutmul,4”stl wlsrti at ,
will tor slttmtlwlwst.lunit it. A itiou4
t. mlvAttl tg..l I will toe*. kin.,
ntullel..r ni1.1.••,4
.1..11. ulth.mtl ..t.prus,lo, TL/rd. 11,..“ uLirL
r.nri 4tripro,...ment F... 1 IL"
the boat may Im reg0131...1 and tip. t.t0gr.....4
•,f at to. Time mar .101..1.q...411,
for I will nivectfulla
NlllO I?. A .1011NSUN.Ii. , 1...,11,1%.•
11,11, : turMrl,,r-or'. 1 . 41 Int ,r,r,Litrz
I firifully.rrevtion,odtil..ll4 tial• 1.t0:14' ft* thn
and e ,. .44.4 . .11 appl: rot
Thay nrr t.• n.y r I
WYK.ES, •Irl kr, r••• 1
Corner Irwin Street nod 101.11.1,1.1 C Way,
B. D. M/irtICER, Proprieta,
Furnnuly uftho NYrI.. L1...u50. 116, I.n
riAH E SC( rry I lUt.'!•ll , . iv min cuhlplct 1 awl
nT...ti for 1.1.04 It 14 ...ituntml inn c..uttul yan
Thr •rnv 1.41 In 14'.(1, nith nil nunlnrn noprow
thrdle.lnl fitted up In aplennlttl entigu
bring inh.. null in every rrapeat Iwn hrsi nlaaa
et FTXE STAIILES nra attach..l In an% ur n nnn,,a.
Al - ASS ER'S I , I V.F, INI "I' E:•.: CAIIEAM
111 Hi El:vHll!. , —THae Freezer. tsin furui.Letifnum
AlinOntty.n le, tvw itheath
, N 1 an•thas MI - 1R .41.$n
etlrle.l+n 41T• h.11110.1* on ft4ly equal te
In.' ?OWL
11. I. antlivritn.l tnr•lrr. fo Mrs,
Ar. A- A. Ulm., • Ank
ItAlt4 'Hi Ni •
ii Nvti 1?r41,r
1.2.! • • LIALL,
Alm ••-
.11.0(.14.14NA 'I SParkaf , l;
AA I do: A
No I Me. 111.14...1:
414 . .t0t
. Y.• Water
iry Flint . I lidos; GI ,tireed "
.4.4,4..1 la be
Je?2 N.,. 'Z.:, I.ilrrt , y rtreet.
N., 25. rlitla a/Wu.... the 4mitaty,
1.1047 - rift F:AT a HMI. 4!C!‘; UAL ALE OF 141. Y
n HEW Alt I).—Sbile.n on Sunda ) '.
Om 11111 . druk La. "1 - to wv.t.LIZ:LI.
ftr, 4!.. , u[ 14 la ut‘la 104,1 a. 1,44. ~..„
m ...I • rt 111... •
nt•-.1 .n.
•.t, 1.1 “ k
rnr.ll,7l,ll;uFrr fhn 1,,rr0.1 u ill
1 ••• 1:114 , 1 stul c.m% A' Um
.• will 1.1,4,1 r,cotely .1 taw,
1; A A CA , 11 • 11kiLL. •
Ali•ulet.y County Agr.ettlourut Sudo,' won moot it
tont - EU?. 11.11t,t the .AIL I t 0.1..
I o ts. Atoll sun pr . :grips attondanco. IN nuittc....l
trunortout imams. rrlany+ t.. rho County Fur will b..
t.tkort .1. YOUNG, jr , Proof
jr.. So, yeZtAt4
• W rairrtvPL,ITLVTIART, kSIA. t
1: A rrEit
I 1 , 111 tro .4.1 NV 11. rl..kliA Lk a., formerly, at the OZ. of tlpi
.:`.n el 1., :rclree.
J.,...(l4lM.ktratt A.SECKIIANI. War , len •
,7" .Isoxs icy. C 1117;1 Nf'llo6 - i - .5.7-:- . tiri r s .
x_ Yrtel,:.ual.l.. Letnl.h.llntent, .r. kug .m.l lhaucalelr
lan..walo PitUtnrec e, %ill za,,,d,. ~,, ...,,,,i 6Ai e ht .b4_
•,i, r...• ~,,.....1.17 sul.l, ewenle,7. dormg flu. ..I.son --0
tarry Tarlet) .4 Ic.. Cr , -.10.. .'..ulection.try Awl Fruit. In
%be , n .611 he ..r.rt.l vr. vuitor. '
rnyt,ved '' nnittrrt k.S.'erx a Co'
4,Z TOT: fig) L
60 Shares of North Amer Kan Copp, Ntock
CuttertV Dev,dll rlabk ct.c k,
Ml 5 An A1kg.hat , 1 , 14 . 4 4 ',
• U !rim City
Pautuayirartia Inattrwea t{n de
jolt 8. MuLAIS b SON Ptnotß thlt Broke%
ALL l'A PER S.— Excluely
iv—stock re
} tor O. Su&tmaf — a HIB
Walt PllO/111 for .p fultAryt alit tir,k,ettrtio. etc, 7n Y3riuuiso-
cao.atattinicv. For aalt• try W. P. MARSHALL & VV.
jolt Wtirai atre:et.
rnEcoithot T 1 E , PAPER if A NO!
rolyeiragne. &maw" Marble and Wtral Deennttlya .
per Hattoogatoroallinga. tnainarolfebes. Poraala by
.K.At W. P. MARSHALL A CO., IH {Vardar.
, ESTER COT EAS. RoquPt , 04,th, 'act('
r'r Rum). Iteatriattl tlearin; eleanty iu att.'
Par .41* hy ie • •Iv, p. MAMMAL,. M.'
• • Itr Wood etreht.
NOR. ItENT.—A , c4ant.rtable' 7 lCCl 7 ,
• Brien Dwelling House ena'rertnnaid great. Allygbeny
3liy. Faup[re of rjo2o] ALEX/eI:DER
O.b:aprimall R, fur
R. DAL.7.ELL k CO.
ARD.--41 kgR No. 1 Lard for oR4c by
• 0.20 . 1 , It..I.ALZELIid
11. 6 LCUPT,Tilt L- 7 4 . - flit;..G.W.Flitkid - 0
• Of IL DALitu a CO.
'•' YE FLOUR--41 blile. sale by '` . / DOaI7.IILL J
wrASSEIt'S :%11tif.ITES . FItES
-441_ MIR la liat &allele 'rowed by every Wilily 'r h o
t;gp " ' . .;l '''' i„g "" aL " Ti r n "" hf ' .. r ftlr„ 4. 4 ' ' lb.
OMR 1;: !Voice' ell.,clr! al.
rTittoEttx t rofts )Iridir.
r , for .4,10 Furalib.
111..114,3.A., and ra, Nlmoil.rtory of J\ t. FLEMING,
No.. 47, Market fit., car. ont`S/1 4._
I LlLVdaatora,
VI Colo tlatkeis, Six.6, L Forks or. paleene trona
tip! slathlen Drli.nwn Co. For*oblq, AO. 11.E111.1i1l
No. 47. Market env. ad.
_ _
• . . .
A i•ldhilk• •-4.1.• l arga and Ilm ge.
..rtmqnt a Nall Moab. rarolaa4 by
JOS., VA.K4ING, wr, Lleinuod 4..llasicasato.• .
BitUSILES.-6 Aifin4'3 ITO
.F 1.4 reeelYe4 by Jos. phEaallo.
)1224 . I , fli di Cart Distnid.n.4 dd.
EVE . OOiiiiW."A laigoltidAtioas§o'
If of ri4lcOiltillilt . iemi4rlll,9 t
Cor. Diamond & Uarkot
174ASt e 1 C 4 A,1.14014.„44P1y.
ika or tA. I P FF 4 ' l7o) ti.*.tt9r Lb. blaraJoat meg. by
J O $44? )l X. ,Awa4l , ..ond 4 Alaskataba .
anotunoat of Tarollng Flaolcs Juotmoirod by
Jar) u4c4 . ., r 1 . 1 : 1 1. 1 N0..t0r,11Lia100d k Mark ka oto.
•Nptsc ALLEY'S' . WCR L D 7 SK — Agt - A.....
• noirrit , - , 76WAtiienik it,ii haji, tp A*, original
Al • alb inirtelor. To be handily at
, ,Jsilil JOSMIIMIIOOI3, tile. Diamond a . 0 ....
fiROCEEIES.-4Arr ItOpriirld °AM
10. bp Java Coffee,
i • i ii i 120 blf &Oita 7: 11. albeit Tetla.
ndO IgslNaile va Hoop,
ltair s 4 , i.rt it4* k.iii . .
1 0661114 mi, '
~ ... . • . 800 bills WrapphialPaper,' '
• Nor ado bic ... .. (Jalol . .•11:110DISUN;i1 CO.
' ALSO • "
- ' Pouter TOWNSHIP MiIPSL-PItIOE 25.' " i
if obriOCIALLMNDEII9, Hawn* pat - '
1 t
$ I bbla Moss Pork i
10 bbl, Mroo Boot,'' '
10 MO Vargoreureditriect BOO?,
Xl l l Mru l lT •
; k"
reo do lo 1/7 "*.
SWF ' '
[Jo 0) IL HO ISON,& CO.
Ist Oar* and Ibr Edo b 7
ALT)iiNEP 01111f1
Tiiin.n.okr. cLor A, ,
ctlebnted Thu. Pk Jtug „re
, . , ......I.,NOtritl 1700.1 , A
Centh 14. .
YlYlq.ole. of the iben
0 . 1, 14 ..httNs POP 47t
Itildja; Proffitt
94914. 1 10
Je 0
.--L•Linen SheetniThap, Lin'en
• ns, Whitii AM CA - ma -44p
I NailkliK Pram. bui I.ln•us
tipq f Ammo' t0004..t I
mAdox. tr. CO'S., 73, Fifth at.
T H TE RING.-20.bble Dry ' eT,nnaltsey
11. *milt. .1. by [Jell/1 ' ft: fronrcso. ,V 00:
. ,
11:441. ,1 .4.40 pookokOn No'. • 174'fip46,:rS4a4A.,
; • ' • -180- 'New Lett* Ise. llaclteral.
• 00 Mt ' do MOdittio, I•10. • 110,
• 10 MI. Baltimore llerrlbk. • •
In store bod lb attire by WATT • WILSON.
No. 200, Liberty et: •
Int TifiCikEti l =-50 bum 11 /IKS: TT ELL7E.,
lai ld hit bbla do do Itimb' roe sato by •
n mitt MIMI. I
, I lb ..14:6.•..'.. , 117.-4o nr
for de by (*SI Mal WIENS' & CO.
fr `" 9l, rr; 3lll9l6l g t aticKsir . co..
ieepttlaWsisratemee Compass 4.,
0 lab ELPHf A •I s
Ffiiiklin - Buiraings. 414 Walnut Street."!
Oricartirdst ulattcr ate tk.sralinsurattat I.sos,aditt cash.
010111 of flOO.OOO. ' , rt.-Jiro.] to Inc-mass to $. 4 0 1 .000.
11011111 , t.r.14.1, by Fire. Stenos /Island
Nsvi.ti,,ti And TI - 31.1 , 113..11.
11. U. LAIOII Lly, Freakiest.
KU/It.itt tisscrettsr7 •• • •
ff ' irlL L" lVlTs .r as,
. -
j,dyis- °stir, Int yM V UalL f.ntrv,re . Iv•sst st
Howard Fire and )larine lastinince
PrstriAtin Builtlitlys, No. to
Aut.horizd Cupid, $600,000.
AMOUNT Oil CAPITAL tiLittSeltlltED, flto,ooo.
First Sort& and Nfort,s,,,,s vn Pr•norty in toe ~ sty td
5t. , 1•1 v..•rtli par.. , •
Ansonia ssditrell by stoat siotcs.— . 110,010
Antonia of stock d0nca11. . ........_........... .1.. 4710
.11, C. Ll.grAlln.
Iv o.l.oanc.
Tallith no. !if erristaplip, Faruicurv, Loutiatr, tat VettarJ,
%alp firptglit, tp tat µr(., and by Ituttrotalr, Laked ami
Rivers, At the haYeit rutrb and mans tha rop.t W.,ral berme.
I.:nut:tab:ping prompt puj - taeat •m tho adJustutent
crplitent nab.. to by, natured au .y t,ipt ri.l: ie
I'. M. 1 4 .,tt., C. I:, ,`lpalaal,L.A.ltralyua h..• &la olfit.x.
Fllvln A Co.; Wrsi. Wom!.. I fuwell. tirn) ..f
Br., .1. 1.:,1.;:u Tlk.tstrpotoo,Pro,l'biot. It. h. U
firm er Bartw,.. W firm nt Illtrnrtt.
Sext.,ll Sw.mrinigl% Alentatittilhawtrelthu Mayo. r Penn.
It. It: IL J'otieuf.:wolawilorstit Lau, Wnt , . II 1,1,11.
firW & F0.....11, 11.. eroh,
Agebt or It.i
. .1....;14 11. IV./thara, ficnt at 11 alter.
F.Ter, IY. /44.1, hsta. Lpf Itaiguel
& Charles e. firm ttf - Vau.lotzea &Co.; Jolla
LetrardY, Ono or, 6 c...,rpurg 3.1-1.. E. fitylea,ll..N.
HerratThs, tate "Willtathava.Barrpturba 6 CLIO..
W.. IL
Peartl.c. u. Torri,"Prem.rt. . • •
C. 11.5Putoui, vice kkd't., , • • •
XE3-AllAnce tfAlla of Olvglati fif.4l.a ..1.10cata•..1.-
.Rr ,11•Itom arr aiduly r klumn $,•••
mnon„ ,, not bosirkis4 lil r ot or. rpilOci 41 , 40d11 Ior.A.bAY
ronrok emplvirksfof.cq er,tpity to tioo •• •• •
A Onto of' tAtti•otii'Ml'll 14 , ipi•ctfullyPolittirAL . , ,••-
• TRIO. (14.41/A.SLAym4• .•
• • F6roor • Of, Wiacr .13joyiiut.M.z.44,
' • •(2:1 fluor.) Pitt.bargh,P.
Frankliaa• -Inittr•nre, "eirmpeiriy. of
I' II L 111'4
Clue.. WI .Itevarkeee .• l
••I ' Afleetim . r itiet:;;
I korge W. it , ol - di.. • • t•
Ti1...11A.1/ 'be e. I.R.Rered
)!..r.l.r,ed leee,R, Jeacote. lt. Smith - , •
Weetpyr.... e Nlurria.l4l/ereoe,
01.11tIRDeli , N..BANCK
Cetaw,co u.Llmrqceps„ Sri:vary , ,. t e e le
ThIR INeenieten.f teethlbbioll to rupAo •lizawww,
ui• Ilmitode Rerr . terOtt,•'ilecrip"lfren rervießeF4 6 , d
roteellrlf, lr rate. as !o*OI. eC,o7.tlorell rtllLes e tequitly. •
711 arletr,tv•• haiti ,, ire'eerlea a .lArg.A.'cc?titiopt4..tuwil.
',hick, with thatirriderthl /tad JnlWJy antd,y,.*lyuFteil,
11Torel 001710 ziotr , timito'oo pvt9utt* , . • •
Tfte , Aßeee.lee tliiy - C6nijnntly;oll.Temtma
xerp.thly 10110 Are hf 45.401.rib1x, voce . {e. Seel.l4y.
$3/4,1N OSt
: • • 0::.1:tr'It YIV L
(2.111, N. • L ) ?
• ou 5.t . t• n
Since their .16kcgqmrag,A, korivd 14:::Want7-aot: Y 11• 44
tone haea i s 1 40.014. ilevined
th...4.A . 1p11411,Lyeakm1.6 Bra, 4.4.4 AlTpralna
..f Toimtrauqb, as well. ne, tbolx
dkinallipi4.ty. , orpt procupssedowablioldliben-
npt?..iottlactest rar...1V0..14 nod Mini sts.
The lirrtt; . ..ll',ulein lariaa 61'70
ov . fTFILAIT!.I7II:4 . •
N.l. I ' l l 7 n g eo t
FIRE ISSIR A N'ELLM - 14 .'.'r Tlnotod, 14 lOU
or rontry. on Temp doo-riplion proport3
JSLA_VII IIYSCIZA.VOK, gOodl I , r chno.lA:rl4.inll
Lana t., naj 1 10 0 at Ulm UPkas.
MARINE /.\'.07L.1.X , E.., on Iposylp.,,Cmrk. anal Yrooll,
otnloacu, H:vor Tr . ,
, „ L LAMIECiPf PhvitiPnt
DA.15,14N1i, ....t nt,
II Ft HI .11Ard.n, goorthbrly.'
('!"tht4OHar IttliitlL rSA' " "
ileury U. Muir, l) Wattitl
A leXeculec
JuftfiC, WI - 41,4E111mm 11 Cm
E. TCA.Y 4E...f, '111.4,A • ,
• B. McCurdy, firm .f,lox,i t liAlikaa.MeCurAy.
• tlieleip, ftem of Ih hop. Sinmiuus SC.
J.. IL Smith, firm of
lle Ji5.11.a.44
Th., L.iiileTfle, Cid of tAllt,=Tlfef
K. ahueet, atinexey fxl
Tlun. Limerick,
5a2 fipruee 'treat..
Rol.ort Itam .% Widutil layout.
• tr. Baker. ctolasmitlie
it.ry C. AV.(0,010,' Yuck. • •
It 'W. lUMNtiF.XTER. Agent.
34.1 Mo—tip: 97 fruat etreet. Pitteliorxh.
VERi g4 - Y, ;r.R, JNA , uir - 4 cE
T If, T, C 0 IL,P,A,S V
Southiasf /{Moot Au( Fuur:h pniies
r rt; A trgirn - 1 A
Inrorpnrated AptU VO. 155 . 01 Cppilal..2stoCks6oo,ool7.
ISSLIALL lIENZSI,.Vsce Proadunt,
JOON' SIMS, SA:aviary aulActuiry.
SUM'S S. 'WILSON, l'nsaaures.
1341.41 D OT igGST.M. •
Alexander itllUdln
/MAS 11eniscy, • ,T..Fansoaela,
tYllfison P. , „ PiatA.Trocgri •
•t • '
(Las. J.aa,pl. ,
'Thom. S.
• •
1 , 65 C. Smug, .
a. Matlack.
Jahn P. a. .
WM, P. 1E1,14 1' 31.• - .Ntiikit u iiini...r.
Pas Compurr mates losurance on lirrs,un most masons"
1.15 terms. , luta bum • saccemdtar nualgetP tor shvenaf
Yam 14 an .14,1000011 Word af oflicess and trustees; al:111.
umway .! to 4 Promptly Lts.loases, awl is every
,F 34 tleeerrlng of confidence wet patwasas thil • ' •
enyllGru Trdritit
! b.rpon*# PY .P.,741.4turA
P II PAL 1.1 VA to 'C 41 . 11"El'.
Aniborized Capiptl, Chle .. SLOCZA
Secrrod lista Aecomultdeirdpltel.!_. .. ....... ..... , 5. 1 34.0 U.
. , HOME OFFICE), .•. i , . '
No. 61 Walnut strew,. ttheiv”seravi,"rAMaitpaa. •
i ? a Tomtineetyn ttniidWits. linithotto, Blorcbanalee, de.
'ln 11l- tii I,f 1,A(.1
•li no 'contr.. on C.O. arta retail to, to all parts of
the Gold.
l I dinsctrunososegoo&N,ALl'lll Litiqr:lkl'wl"4of../If
'and dant*" tosll Issas of del illtdotn, f . ,ernfoit
fir Wetter dttpletattomitheoonmity.
CIEtIRDS ,W. ilOLJ;ADASAmmetirßosieseloroeftfstootsrae.;
&,,t h im i' f
tnrcterle Ile&loter of Will& ,
CV NI Of/LIMAN: Ifrm loCCoroortan & toliteit'opeocilui
I.l.lstoresnd Cutlery llerchittoti, NO. 21 N ' ortit Iftkikil
etriett al.. Mulkey nil& fof• ff 4 ""-" ' • '
JO.Sf I'll OAT, Arm of Joeoph Cot & Son, Copetelmilltif, Ni.
EttliAltll V. MAgftggr, firm of Moohotto & &simnel,
—"'"ll t.lT Y"F i V t. ./ , NP. XPI Stelfe -7 ififlaA
Mili hl I. ' ' "
rtlell?4,4l4,flifttiffif ffetOtelOti& c'o.,l;rietlifee
mt.= Piferthant4--Nee=lWlrreref.,—liteniti
- I(fL l ' '' ettll.ll l l:44 '"
I" "anti" Isti6BEV. i 2140.,
"Mlltttglijik:: .:
. -
,0 . .Ohs so i---14 il r 111 . 141 , 1 1 / 7 5 `.•
8 pi. bar it *Whammy iribthlut Mae,
tt. IT .
Au, IF Vi tup Nu). 5 Mut"
J ict do bank, ' ' Otrig J . Fll.ll ' Jc i dt n A Simons
Jathes . I• Itnyiff •' ' • •
MU Obtelpdnrvial demised wiita • Cub Culled. aul
Surailetstialoei id WiAirs the C 4261 tir Id,
ul loritloonmer. la obserr" prudence to euedgating. the
with .Prc , APSAN4basUomot °Mau. - .. a... . - 4
burgh Offiro. No 103 bratuuru,.. - r I .........,.....,
fc . .I...X.MMN, JONES, Apra.
' 'fIiMMITA.,
Cilia ns' I naltrAAß ;.Codp'y 'Of .lil
SAMUEL L. ILLSHILiLL, fictrstary.
r '3l;4,4l4s7"4"l;frifi,icriii
4=l:4reZ ' are p'44l m
tisoreeegathatlodetrdeW /19CIAICV
the peOlwat the Sea andlelihd 2,
, Robert Ihtniap,
S. Jbzbengh,
bane 31. Peentelt,
72.11. fiClTes;
`f r olq7,Ffi flusTwtop govipany ,- , ,
ii; y.=
...t.IO I 4WYSII/..,1,,11i
' lar.oget tt
• •L . w9llllO ;*.cr..647.
inn I..dTr. ' criuuds . of tip soil id‘iii i i:Ri i k L.
. A .1.,),,..........
t o.t f cklib .
~ ,Jounkoic44ll7,..
~,„::::. ‘
Upagire.stA .... 17=1 le r llic. .•
liNalf oornbilinlfriba alio' iillllMorollj'aylogoodixratopf.
Yr.V=2.ll:l2T i ronll= 4.7 Sni ‘ 4 •
' 77l Phi l — rid — loiratin acirPbikuitiabfito
•• ' I ` I II L . I A rti OA CI O Is 4 P. AN. T.i •, .. ,
, i ... 0...149-Cheeine4-Streeti •
- oiPme 0 8 Urn' TILE
lofao 08TO 31 11 DVS E'':'
...._ ..VIO M0k01411,34941.Pf.i0n00. 41 th . i .P0k o othede
. 4 .. 4 .'0r l'n 9.."......1.0,00P4.4.PMP0Z, or. Ifoofko#foor.
- . 1 41 0 1.0, i1.p...1.,.i:
..Ctuallo It.iloposo ~.,.• "4 1 . 41 . Or. ,
:LI ri, ,---.....,.... . , ......, it;, 4 ---
.8. J. Ifecarps._. • -, , 111. - Nfikor. -
ostovigilhohi IWarhneS Ompaer.
/ ; ;No. , ;g3 ,, Waist -‘"
WW2- &Awn AVainst AR; I.#l, qf Arc asitMaritst Risk!.
Tr-TRTIVOWOOI:4 Secretary.
Ite: :-J.WitartAiTi
~Z4.9clictstia„ v ,. • 1 Geo. 4, perry,
Life reslltance
apetual , —Capi Ott. $500,000:'
• 'W.18.47,17,b.
'9 1' I .1 1A621
J. , Grnbtiont,leht.
-.7 • abroar Third tad,Woediti:
11 . 7 zo, 3114turaner.
Mutd Safely Insurance Company,
, 45...orpimtal by a•L,J.JM:tire Frway/w.ta,
Office, S. E. Corner Third and Walnut sts
YARIXE eg centik .td Freight
to oil lif thir 4.411.; It • • • •
L.Y1....f INSCR .4 S. on G,•oals, by Rivers, Canals,
Lot:. and Land eurrlog.., to oil writ of the Union. -
/..VSele..l.\ I LS on 31erclooli.
*4.1 , 1APrt.. 1 4911 1 17 . MiAt... i A ; .1i i
Auer/ 4' MA 171.01prittjh 11,5rt, r 1561/ r• •
"Ron•ls and Real
I.l:llsdelphin etry.l.ll•l Otter Lotus ...... 1(4976 Si:
St. , :k BAnk.. n. 1.1 18,134) tq
rylt gooth, • on 1 ' .7-
nrke Yoltrim reteolty VlTued, %MI °llk. debts '
doe thol.7..nniLtny 1..11 . ,5CAS 10
Sulrset!iniOn ?ivret ........ ..... .. .. ............ PUY UO
Jl•divit L.
'Jarmo Temo•ut,
:kallate , l
Henry Moan,
Thothas C. 116114.
J. T. Lupton.
ARTTN, PliolJeot.
H. TUANT.. Thy! Trt••ide4t. ,
V. Olt InLAM,
eeplt II I.
E.lntund A. Souder,
J.... It. P.m..,
K.lN,tr,l DorlmM.,
177 - K. 74. llnst,n,
Itirtm C. Lnanir„-
1111.1 t
,:p.m.wr Mel I vtin
H .Turam [lnvte.
J J "11.4.1,
• • WM.
• 1:1141S..
linur L.n.erax,F,,tary.
P. A. 7WADVIIiit, Agetit„ '
n!, Water ntli , cl,‘Pittlburgh.
Tarnlrrs' uhd lltcb:MliesijisliratCoWiny
Not a w .,t Corrntr &n.! and
Mlnierng stnmatent exliinitn the husin . ninnnacondi•
tali or tho Connnurt to Nov.l; Vtok
Prftnnand renolredou )laritn. and,/ 41And 1141:1 ,
• tWAVA. I. Inn , 1.41
Pd. 'PromPano' li J. - 1116
I Merest on Lail b.4IA 47
To.I -34)0.19.1 ae
r,ad m.nno ..... A . ...... ,
39,171 $7O •
Iwnara9ettrie:l h 46,i99
Ite-inrminer, tt.cmr "Prntninzni
Agency Chorgen • 21,111 69
----5.111.12'1 61
reartaialas' alitt
onielmeti of the Company aro as fulliara—
gij& i44coolay ikmds.J.ot k la r . "
ILNilruad ... 11,nqn uo %: 0 ,,
}lra Murtgage4i4ailStalte 00)
SturL.o. n 4 = 4*
litrafa" and Cvn.s.ildign, B{Ak
• • t2 2,,
V tiElvanit..6. Di/au-M.4 ! ' • '
Co e Vude. ......... • - 10,000 00
DeivDa4Faaast N..t . •
Nsate,frr Dr< 1014..4 t.O
Due fTna . A.4kattAL..ocur.rd bond, 35,376 18
ova-ally Lit.
P'r .l..d, and .11.1,ti dt3.. C ,
14.4.%0 14 • -
Ted '64A dingliti;hiC.: 616 da —*-- dmiarr:; ' il"2".'9°
DI !DI NI, OP TIVI1111•11!114 - '01 . 1%,.
P 1 4. 40 ' 61 ' df ,1461.4 6 ttiklltllliSiss,tti Cuppsny. Its
Ist mkt la. • T111);1111$11,114Nallieg s Vnts7ll•l4..
'T,enlBlvll • •
•• t• • '
... 'TIIOSI. Ttl • \ TE4., Agetii r VllLsburick s .
- • ./. .•
lu praure
uric ! , N0.... - Tir Ir . tivoti%
Sire I nrarannstat Build inks; Prdrufte#ry; l~Syrltitilrq Lc.,
J. ur country.
Thu mutual principlo untalttnerf irtit tbn Ornitty
Stock Capital, entitles tho Iluerrhd Vhilie;tr! µWinn, 9r
o.4any,..atiatutuautartfest.'. •
The nctipt eurttliintes t( [h. Company, 6r want.. aw
trouvernirtunt par,,ww.thefelmaetutlt.otO to Cutuppny.
, et, 71l
,hIrtClf YAS neurotar
" '
• .
1.3101.11- Aslilipret., •
I‘4l. W. Tkiiery, ,;
LothrbAN . .
' F.,livaa Q. Jatules,, •
• .ArTi%ill7,*(fit`:
);1 1 11 6 0 . 5 gt*.fttoile.g. ,
er . ihlt:CLAptlY94llll:4l::
T C. IL ickhi!
U. .. 0 thriiciiiNrc
Alan.bat{ lIIIh
Jan L Trt)l••r,
Jacob 111.11tatitling,
31 Strotitl,
iUeburgh Lite, iiire endMtirimi
Office, CornCr 31arkotimd Wntq Spi;, '
- .
non ClALWAN.LlV.khenti..itan, Seer
Tht. Cwmpany rook. every Intanonce appertalnink. 1 . , 4.
IMP. /1/SKS:
agilust !lull and Car, Ill4ka, on Alms. .air
4 1v 4 r 4 4 4. ) 4 941.01.44,P1.1,..Marine !trek • n •
And avuuet the 1 4 hirla or the Sea and inbuit , liarig
and Tranaportation. , . wct
l'ulicies twined e t t 1nur...4 rates collat.:cut with safe
all parted.: '
Aka-umber Bradley,
Jeupb S. Leeds,
Jpb .
31.0firh/ B. Brame.
William Carr,
.Joky 31'0111,
Robert Galway,
Samuel 31eClurkeit,
31. ,
3°31 , 11P. obrsit . , 1)
John Scolc.
.btloo, W.lmmo,
Eureka Insurance Company, •
Ojice No. 9 Wafer St.. PilLrbusqh,
Stock FOO•131163. payable ota 116 , 666,4 mad eecur• •.. ,
ok., approved unknek , ....,5113,8:10 0 n
cask Potalkttrgh Trutt C6tipitiy . 48,3L0 •3 6
Premium dome- • •
6,950 00
5,600 nn
tottett, 411
12.729 I) It
t I .,auo . t
:1 rrnrit-rl-_ ,
L M.
w. Cass.
McCsaiMit; l • "
°ea.& SeMdo.
J. R. ShochtergeF,
IV. K. Nligilek,
R-,PSotalltirn, . $
,tl# . / i C u ldhafir,
R. Prprar;Seerbtary. I.,l;teßwrAnce , , Comps'..
' •' o F I , rTTSBOROII..
..... .. ‘ . N.. GT ..ieurOs - Strtrt. " - " "'' .:. e . . ~
, ..
Authorized C:Rital, W00,c9p,, ,„ , i
• insurd Antllll44lkiht ,Iter Pri ) p f F . ti. 41,44005 e m 41.0 -k t
ago by 'iti and illaporlle ?I' tke . ?ea, And ..4nland . Navas*,
s Wur. 7...1...1505t0n, ' ' o
1. briar Sproul:
W • N'.944f=k, i • t... i iJi/11, /ones, . • • i l ii , , y
1 I. E. rark 31i.
Rudy Patterson, • Warle /tampion, ~,, ^,
JAMes P . 'Daiwa., ' Caleiu Well
" • •lii I il
iPreekilutcitork. : ;qll.„p, JO ' N... f .... , 1 - . •i A
tl VINidsIont.ItODY.,RWINSIM , ~ • • ••
boll - '"' • ''' & Trete/7 and 2 rammer, A.
, . ~, • ~,, atibiuti;, • IA ~i •ii• (1
• ~ 1 , ,,,, ,i 4 t
_ClifiglirlWiLita &trirSterelal Inelltutne'"'" ' "
i.....79P, I -. 7 t4-747 2 : 2 4 . ..,..pazi - N - ..:.,, , , ,, ,
ii4s, 4.:s 'NT TION , ..11A.5. , -BEEN.• tlf "
i • • iimmatui unmake for tes• rune: IV fie deitot In'''"„"
1 eaftt litearlint,t,of tlinea.Pannte,rtio , wheli 'tor 111 -
Unit! Enni all the adrantags for mental ethreatithrtha
143m/we . ftandined, wlthent• kwingi•thtritttentiedi to •
h ih, andatat parental imperrition and government which' ''''
I ....Mttriftlr i thi n tlititneli - 1 - 4i ' iriAgh 1444, ( I
matinal4pdigotestilloatutatibli,'M taurenetr. j,.. - mo
preperatlou for any business that does not. are a El , •
Crt.°l6lter--I"thur-' of •Wniadit."---
ihoft ' ry be dmi ' rell:%7=elitirt FieltiZ t auld e or
! natinoteachern Maury and Mental and
_ro geal Science.
...The Moral Education la Ileetreingrthafer irdluenc•
.nterrit=AteM.l9M,ar:bliji liitel futdikvban r .
ri.d.mb.,,,Liky. , V4Cl' 4 lll l lfr
no 31 of the Bible, Moral Scienoe,wed•of the welders 0 f ,
Lit.: and Itorealed.lidigios.... .'• .. " • "."'
!Thol'hyowTh3latri g oneminsof is preterfbe4.' enure( tr t
MA L larmanntL sell farnithed tEnnimalnntriander"
1 '"•ankrifvelh On'""
1J —lntl of.Mlitar7 drilling,. under hall as as _ _
an deecarlrigan;v4=elT was prP .aa tr ill , i k
to tile f diachargen. ` of
. etaislh Sr. , ' ''''.-6.1-r. ,r .
la alad talie:Ezrsen irides:4W hertz; isthinalll4 I I
rowingl 4dil'op atiati f.F34.lFor_. ..,_,_,Rir I I
dears:rex ititd•ther . o4 . ..,tM,;lliggllPle..?o, WFinir ,,, , ..,
Wry ttmeed‘theianir, , , „..,_ 6,,, , ~
ors" with full information will be fOnnthed Mitt.
i1 ‘ U— „,:t .. 42.37 ylliwilleit' r: i: nri I t w i t : lal u i llew. i
- - _
p0ad1due.,..r.......1•-issistsiary --
THE , FOLIRTII TERM of' . thisiziAttitdtite‘ ' '
p. tipmf.• 94 MO. Etlri Naeillth. 'i' 4111 b. 1/.1 , 1
. .I , == p gra e Pg 11 5 ,0: tag Mg .salmottita, I,' I
--` Antra 4' " 44 41 9 2, 1 2. 14 , A." --,• .. ' -.- 3
EntOdinS4 . Ilealltr - •'' AT,: a li' - '" ,•,. ' ~
faoinueragta z Map graying, P. , . ".
2. , -
tr,7lllli.y:titilantOoartiayrmyriii,447l! Tr,' I
' • •
Vie rk;':: '..: ,,,,,, _ goo •Heeplairos „: ”.... : t, 1. 7
'' , 7trrl43n,a, I,,Ji r z =g e ri .
pk i : l3 .
t., =irY i, 01 .
ranch. Gana.,
- tea ' , ,'' -, mi nr'it° '44 1 . 0 90 4 !m n u rata i. , i
ihret, atat Aaataa...,
-' giaa. =aria oftwasty Moms. ''' '"'" ' '' '" ' *
Imuilicir:PereoutworitiVegiarr4' " , '
y, an azedgant plaa Ja Oa &Mill,
1 1 1 . 11 ... Etbtri.**A4 FP . 111 ii/a Dna I I
' t ` l664l;4 : * lt!'rli=" . ' tii . vtl IY3I til •1- l.
1 3,nr.-- , .. -. .- - - • • •••,, ,: ~..,, ,;;.,
•.•_, v,-...m2,,,,,,,,,,, ,, .4110 A . At. AI .- ~,,,,.....4 i. ,..,.. -:..i...„.,..4...;..:
.. ,
" :11
T.K4SEWIJitiouroN,BEAV/121ootnerr,TA ,, .
r tars, Warr. the Barter, at his raridence,
. - ,vnada,..
7.. Tboa M. Ilinve,
v. T.O. Lyman,
S. Belden E.g.
' 'W.lllWillnunaA4., •
0.1 " 11 14rEk.%110.
. nAy Am) Immapt.Yo EICIIOO/•••••11e, J. IL 1FIXIL"--.'',
and Y. Principau r lows of New York, •••• •' : -••••-•
ler ent —lam: PaallUltelly, ParittakTy ; g e , Th.. 0••••,•• •
ktr.ll. UM.. MU, Who elan:Val of thinzydr.-- -
.Dr. AL Madly: U. DrKimanakdr,' Pat' Rim .1: 4
2.,, •
~,r. ' ",,- " f
~ ,r , m ito ,, g..., mr. Mick Editor. PlMalsorib Chas m ,' 7:;.,...
~ka,kge %Mao., and littamoirenerally,•af• Illmaitot t,71 ,
Omalaliaaaaanaaj• Pladin g,ilry,!ualPYrary-ta&- 1 ...,
, 1
'P4. 1 . 0 ...... ,
1 41 . 14.P 2 i1 il. •
, a i ill I
• - •l4"Jiilit.
lion. Wm. P. Jahmtcm.
"... 'l.
aa I •
------ A'PrisiOrTild'reeylthriellarmn . -......
? 0
Vir .....„
. ; il ' I; 'AT T ' ' ' YO 4 4-44711 4. 3U1': 4 ' I.
, = Wend gtegiraCtr.',l44-400 ErraulViayorh o ban:, L. , '''''
.•,• • s.,utyr•reqeuva,.:4ol46•ll“tummullsWiii
•21aawl/co, ttZT• iracattaiNtsaatago-actel
it: q k t a b ‘riNte h .b9Alirt .ft• giuotouir.ana o
. 4t 00. 1 Pau atOrtla boat as rents too-.
l em . ILO or Erpreaa DV . 414 0, I.
MI 6-1
1 7117 • •••ic., v otk ag itte i tl , uptake? laktiltatts..4.2t=
.6•111 - • your &liar or doll•••••4theyarlitheuttover"A
A t . . ver you aro entitled to; Clubs or
/ _lttaattew,
•- • 0 • • • ptly, and vts es allowed • air • ~; .
to pnm
_•;,,it,.,-,:i..,,,,e...,;-0 il,
. 1 ' . . C. With full arptaiatkata seat froay lyllta. ••
M.Y 2( aftWasda
, 0.05 ...„ be
$ - No UN ta