The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 12, 1857, Image 4

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anus as Isnmi awn =PEW 111.11!!'-'
- 8
DAILY—Mx Aunt pE tc
mama. Made Flaall•
V W lIIELY—T,o• • • eitaleser Obelee
II be eubblied on DM • .
Molter Iv' ' ` 41 . 1 E 12 12,„„ .
.IFlrMlymapps • .
paw is nospoli 777 u. .ror eso. maw #.4ressys.
au..vaara, (10 lion of Neopandlar Awful)
De one ineartlion-- 6 GO
Do - 3OO
• •
Do - tbroa II
0 07_ .
• Do 0411 00
De two xtereittw-
Do throw
De . Pour mouth 10 co
Do " 11 - 00
Do twiny. maw. "- • IP 00
o aiding Oard3,(ll Usr calm par sunup). 000
01 .4 aollarJor soda aifillietillOnia: • •
Otte lousreathounible atlileaounp.(per Inc
Annul telecipii of, - •
114 ..... 4 1 111 oroitabefbluertci anomith, cu.
30 nob oo 4 U+ oo . ocittocieboaccuki uside the re. * rat
tahr•trtSr. •wit tr.
ace ,
" 71.101 tar t, aapwn and .halt
wipona owe loan* chorea,' etWohalr publication.
C -t; Wl*
Summer Board near, Wilkinsbnrg.
0 1 1 1tE entoHtici is noetprepared to reoeiie
ra • ma lt 4 infra** of Boar r tlo The troll. to
sully lb. room* him . within Miry - valutroMe.
of , b. de by muroo rand ibirtobra..l Arlie et qr. 0111,21,7'
ylsc ro
ot .o •4toroomy Ayer en
1.44 a. .14HY IMINSTONTII3IV.bIirg.
VOTI E—The under:pip:Led, iseigneee.ot
N IN , tliman •NS, Pro. herb. d... iiblioirtiigl *ions
1nt1... e. o Pat Peelle mearTmoudsl4 - iilt.MC ..d
th••••.• bee.... c..m.0. e.
_pree..4 , trf , 1.0 WI Inr ma' ilaa.ut
;P. ED,W .Ito PUN 41.LINi.N. No. It Lnirkee itips4 who
dfantekoOpi . ci i 0 et !um or Its- am.. •
. . W jii, Latta wir
VI I. Azioncsoir.
i6Maste. , ..f W1.11..5a kll.n
g p Q OCATING LAS . III:—We will luente
lowil.ed. in Port Dolt*. • sato .4 dinti% distwieta
theleitowinz Mew • •
120 " . 150
Art waill enstawree 45 the parches; not 0011 title
fr,. ch. U. d., 00. we will It 4 intreelve" td Wel Alm 00.
foveae@ etVois inrootoottt in 12' Month/ CW2121
leetie ni the W 452,110. is not tatistetl With the 0
I•l4.llatrr BLULIIS.Ir4
o Capitalists a .11
.13 . pootilators•
tr ere niakin& pre parattone on the open
. e V , ng ortho Load oCas to Lwow. (May lth) to lo
cate lamb tor putt.. wishlocorrithw..lo,l2.:.
oy or warm¢ a—nod sir why Una lantifini M M. Put went.
ortontrlo I. wwww. • .torivr , .t.or .towttew-mt the
oatest lamb:nowt eapitall•to nat. mat. ° Lana. Judie.
heated ort alwaro .addend wsrth dotage WWI
prior. pail tor them Two of our drill 'will tit, thee rut.
My! at Att , ottoo to too Molar. so 'rayon ell 11.0
Pertelef i y :, On. atom Osnsban Non on • taw of
tnen Inn
eno . Nor th ern 100. *h• sinus. and
fa 'rat ortosret tooking I -die own!. lona
11.shest =trim prim raid nor bond :Warrants.
We will clic.nll eleeeinarT lalbrtostlon to portbro with.
o.g to Omit. Wt. I. WERRON
•• saran et Wood and h street, Pit
filittint.tehr DolitIOWS tow ••
Manufactured from Um above named material, and sirs,
. lbss.s.Mst Muir Wardroom,
No. 63 Maiden Lane, Now, York,. :
Di Vis ADAM* ea*. • ! ... - ,
• snub-axe - rociwpoiur tiizawm.
°rimy land nessod ter Die nee sad Miideanlce
umatln or Probational par _. ~
_pronounced br Pbrat 11.11/161 . 31M1M1 WU,
rim:stile mast astfmd sMicle - .....,.
ever =ma.. -.- -' kfluDhilETW 011X110,
rx. .
eawro nt puur. DUD SOCILETB... .
wzmawki to keep the .pow.
der thyr, Ff
ntru — At mamas.
thweiunoideaaktim • —•:'
b 7 the Antal= Telleasph
_ Pliotograybic bud Drag-
NA411.111 Rms. tiettroposii.
Thic Wrcuicrist Norertal which Mc linu as JIETAL--
obi so Haltdr—dlrldiant as .7/174 boar conductor of
IHlAT—non•oondnotar or A% IitTENC/277 - -and oo wblat
011 a, ACIDS nad ALIALL/XSyrodoes sWORit. b mUy
irilt7oroia; omporilf., kr 1 1 . 1.=1 " blr e ap_A2 4 g""
Damsel 17 all corium the country art ropy:rib them•
ralma with chow woods, and Coartactut• who want Os
tros ankle Otto kin& wlll boy Ito other jet:
142 Centre Street, New York,
- tsweteght Ina PithihTlttlgua,
..Tool*, and *TM
nth , . * nimarseas connoted irtt.; ,*.w/Wnher an
Ptl,w Daa g*, hailing and lighting gtesman. CA
lling., Iloolt,a3a. Villaave. o no
LW, INitre., Poeta, romp% •Sotlas sad Deli..
/Iwo mile
to ardor.
Our &toot Vatting liatilop sonntli tt00...d to
corn Pataot%-trarrootoil to oo amble ttio ago, otlt
No 58 St., Cair btreet, PitiedMrgli 'a.
Tin. SU BaC m addition 10 his
ebboiesate Warta, :lie Oh Liberty steed. hut open
a n
d ew Warotothe , la the centhaof our atty. erhersaill
be Par amen Its, Sterthe e and weary moiety
t 1 meterY Wort. made be arler by the best warts..
-kande In thy trade teo2lbutfi -20IIN WILKINYL
No. 333 letterty Semi, detof&Flarte
11.4" T I' HS W LI W.-T.Oll,
PRA 011041, - , ltstBBir.7/I[l3olll,
LElLEBrespeeefally m inform his friends
sod tit* pulle In vcal. abet Its hes leased the
eau. • ormleek dise_Aenufectorli and. .le of ever/
va•lilig==ut wea LIF
.t. oury voletr sal for=
AAA fAJA — Pie.Cit
eautre Table, Pier, Bureau and
h m . ill uLarma stae • u ary,otttaf
N'..: of Ma .lElscoltam` Mi Omit it entirely sew, as
emuoted *LW Du, reateet.—
ite Ware aolth Anoka. Au
adsorlUt= d arß to ezeotda any etberw o
b. Lain...ll.oM OC thsfitaroisto A:lob:doe liftettue
ot . ro=loau ettiodAl AAA AUDItfAII.,I
laeutUfool6 •
• Arartt= l / 4 4e4. -
Amu asses.s•avriAlwrit ging .r alt• * •
OAK Beenrertk • AK.
Tom boots, • • r teed,
W ftadezi ' • R WWI% .
' Tbe bre& f ora aed vitt .all Wadi off lonian and MY
matte tiatlele 4 taselmil• seta tlt• rood.", at Cade-
Ile bee aleolbade r ith the isuadlfattur
ers bort Weeds, AAA touted sonde
Clorots, Waterad deervEhalme. let
•naiter Pub,
both V.; uud sadist:nem Wae. all of letdeb Is pupa
of to fireleb ebort boiled
SALS—k: BLDAVI nonj-Jaconursiol
emno. soroand awn Do. EA MD street. bnarl/:
on TUESDAY. thsl9:ll of. . no*. 611 allio.*
DI Tinos ol anlet ot Cho Onotisnli Omni of •Alkenoo
'ma ; ' V a l tit L a tniiirt:l 6 ,o l itire a :Yr
Lazo nor. *on TandW4oftl.. Cap • •
AU l 49_,g lo•lol aTe-W 09.-0 10 14: btleAbinsoso
lava nonsrpf gonad 'ma 1.0.-
. inks inns two
situate on -i au' of Aation tun=
oantherlE Ms of LsooDE strut. uloghnyetty caw
Wang ano.ltor In ykont on ova Andlonon .trot 110
leg, *IAII2I=4I. or depth 90 fon 9 Lehr to on Lot wll-•
Alb , . Doling . into Loma wow. bound • nanDi
bf tO4O9•1•••••-•20kOlOgf Of MOON 1 orastau
iy by lata f fort .n.r. Yid eastwoolly by Anderson
wed; tboroariatag Ma la 33lin Tune/ PUMA' fob
tat. 't N. 330 maple *saw ot damn ibreet and
c,..zr Alloy.= Let mot br hot WO= dwp,
4 ,1 •4 4 • Muir otart 4v414, maw imatt mire.
LaiLir.322.alleadrug MO atom. MON trout by V)
;." 3 i" t r.r a " I '4 '1 1 P.444 4 Wu 0,e7 mien Of
boom. .-.1 0
&I. to: Ito. 320. aljo vis nosy by
90 taco lynayoi ablar otad Mina.
1 /41 ° M NO.l4tti. odjotallid el. stem 23 61.11kori
90 an diameter as •bithola Mrs lOollrflflallo4
k t i ftgartitrttil afrartat Alailitunt oaf foMdt Oto.
23 fiat Lyon by 00 iota froboodlyat. or ram', rar i. sea
a t!so..lo7madwalllastmaya m
y=..,14 *mortals dart Well? It , 101g 1
boosteLbr Wasqlpraa.r
Mary. zed , by tat .Rosay== l7 ,l do2loll at
0155. a'o arlaLl3l•o9tait baldas Womb iod Wl*
Lot No.l watekbas io tot moo on w=ocialit.
UK. 16,11,Aa5ta151ag60.......t IneWivethigtee
.nest!onauut MALI preouraLs Ohs nag vlat& 2+50
core tem WWI
Imp o..4..eontalates 42 es Wan Marq u e:net, as 4
tonal lessl.goastdie Ilse or Staataes want.
la, WO potivtlattb ill tort. lams Ire - sm. • !WM.
oil nal. 'bog en.ableb is oreetai 1 drama stabla.
Tenia,onth . sif Fast 4 11 , 12 reldpie 1.12 ordT2l
21114frilacTil u t
P.Y. DLetR isetleserr. -- 14111.eia .
Gout Sala. • •
r oraik thoOrphiiiii? Crtilirt
11 1 7 !;1ials . !it't&it? Otaittl.`Attitt IllatoliVib.
.b. export. pat di. IN. on Sta , S111121•Vi au
gle T e i lalgt_f 14 . 7 rdll i gAMMI: ar i e: W e. VE44 '7 41
1 1 / 1 121,1144.."4 ftboottrs :damn:wet tAl'oilato, to
trItt:011 Poll certain t b i t psral of lood t lute
14,/=:lNlsukr, Ia b6"4"
tallboy. hat&ea Ott: • AO mare ot left *lb
insgrut of Anil Masi • stuic , h• TOL yttZtoto
ST bolo; • kir 1a • let.* ottilatltr of tool land hiss bp
att•tato aciatatl:tollOanntstoto entobitotro
litto:rbo Of NA& 'lghe lott , al AND VA LOAM." FOOL .
o ..pSpoilky4Ss Seessild se .64 Slaw of his &Va. dtust•
ot on Oak Kusaniatt.l* Arm., atone too mho above
llonon&abitlit . Imp aliments coaAtt of atm
and eatlattAl•Olt &It DW&Ulne Wu" brow. Soros'
With Ililaditat rob NIL W.OOO &he, torn ptib sod able
am•ats - rbartrto also lotAtt,Orootbot ttp glbla MS&
be a.lhsr tile, A latirotrAttlopi the farm Otlttor Bob.
tom it the of odalltr. , :/&*tr& aa"ual• ea.
<Oa Tlot thin oat Hood:v.4 awl ?bitty.
Ft.... Atom two o& 44as T Moo ow olid tbo
ft.= dam... &Nadel toPto Olio% of -too. Coal Itlog
havaakty inanatigoiadenetrud.ltb nod
- to it • t-Tta ilwpsdd 11Allf0•1'w.w. tatowta thin PM.
1.1•1 of the It It
tbo AttA Osman for at,. deolotblt halt ot mot &vela.
sole mot U. total& itoti6o4 tbellooottootlisTO q.
TaILON-Also tidal of UN soleness mows On mans.
shun a . tbretto lb• Oman." flAtoo equal manual par.
ingt. vita tottoot,; fosatows lot Note and mattibliot
apbettitt,. .• - • " 'WOOLS , RI. QOl tat: .
-- ' IL113 8 _„: WOFOODWILLU:.• r.
JAISINZT If URA Mil - SULNII vAinul . 4,l6 •
,• , Aiwa a" etrigiV ilia . frieildi
ea masimmi !Lb 'task
7 -""m ear gta L 4 =g& I ".=
4". „,161.ha.a.maedm
- - 4 '- -4- ri ,-X ~ raw• "V
!! II :Pl. 4 !, : a... f ...4 ,'- • • -
. .
sinir DOSS BEWLEY Eißh.L,Bo , Wv;.. •
lea"! stiVNIMP.. I .I4 . irs
DNS .:IT-PriA9.l/2 . 'Waste by
• "
• - •
•,...),4 • • L 4 •••:.•
, •
~5•:,.:'-';',;::•:ri.' , 3'i , -,•!: e, ' ,g;i'i'L'i','=,'
,'-:',l',';•l,`-(•-•..ii:; * ,1..2.,.. i : z.' i-. :•Oq'At , 4:•:•%.:'Y•••
''. 4 '''' -, ',';:' , •'_••.; ,4• Vi . . , -.. , 'L. , - , -'•------ - - -- -
:,..,...,..- • ~_..
- . 141T-!-Tite filoi
. a.Rova Azdawell-1.2
. - ogAtastreaths acesairarobari &I.Wbil . rti_zi .
nita 4911199 bra. . 9*9 • 9 . 90 . in
but Mom
JommaNG-Housk TO BENT—T h at
sk «.0 , 1101 . 21 sat well le t r!tni.n l l7 ,
halm le fina=. &Mrs tircbs ti the wove:dm*
0 414 Tatar. EadlAto.4 to mak! daitrabla fu a
of MAT cairtio ttatil um Mae atter th• Ant of MAT.—
',”1 11144 14, 1 tf ir ett 0 " cr all y grest to
_ ~... . To Let.
brick bemuses, 4 rooms eacha
lath* tth Wasd.P• 00.&• - Antiww._ WA" , • -
. BAI4 _ neat Inw I. mkt Want. Enqire at
. i•IT WATT 1 WILSON, eil, 2•5 LlOwt u y street.
z'INU LEASE—A desirable Lot m the Fifth
g ►tone 11•171.0.• a, hooting Flny fa t on
'atom aL and enter:ding Mark ono lard net _so
Burling allar.oattabl. for sOosi or Lima Taro For torma
ijeNr." . ,nr inansord w . K y ' .llle w jtilti:s.
kFFICE TO. ura on Fourth tatween
Plalthnold and Wood rte.-5 . 21. Lindy to
rorl2 AUSTIN I.OUooIS A On.
F OR BENT-4 Brink Hoped on Frout bt.
Ono 'totes Aga Mu stor. Kr
rondos ottth. lkest o, sort, Ap to
lure o,
tua,t 'Daft RIND
Ft •j LET—The Hail former: y occupied by
tde ?on. of Temporal:to. on Lb. al , of Wood nod
T .o.oNt. Endulr. of J UN po s v,
Int En No =if I. bony rtreat.
5090 you, Rs—rive thousaud dot
lare 'earth of Little say MI I Hun
s be ozobangred goo,ipropartir to or near oh
cord Tll.oslall % De.
Otto Lana for Sale.
TGIE itibscriber offers Wreak) section ;en
fwnsIIIV II: ,s 1610. Scars rouety, Ohio, coma
morn a. .Bowman' aectton," containing 000 arr.
It. as otnstod 'Ara. mnen aeo, 01 Sinnninni on Me
6 044 1, nahi CP*O.l ~, And withinstoat two =Pr/ v ,
Um Oslo a Yang. learns R.Ol 6o 4. . The smith, eon snu
Aorta sort quarter an partly vested and improved—the
reasoner M asercil with esserior t Oaner—ass Ito whole
le well Walrocl sorMS. and running streams, Thus
nomo to omml/btred the boon 3ody Of lan 11n the won.
C.. It win wld godly/dolor In Quarrel to salt gar
chasers. To those atm doers so Lowest ln real coats a
bow oppaccintto lasarcly ancrol.
I. a 1311.11STEll.
rarlt,3rodkw f No. to; CM as. Pitt-horall
L .le • !am o 101 sem of Le& Minato& In the
30.31333. MU, slid le of tla• V. 33 We. It the 3013133
sad Wyel.arso.lrati agate , Wm how* and othw out.
Oidi 3 Wilt be Fuld for MO, 333 cwy 3.613306. apply
to BLAkkLY k Etttalea. new !scat. Broker,
for•the latollero—• nolo for those eh° Inner It, A
meedid ertosay • e had. mll= hem too hood eG to
an eoll d : thodeseshd M
dolle nMoran by
•t letrohodidd • tirdeO
tfrdud , O
BLAKELY • 111011111'd Kral Estete ddloe,
sa77 crasser 7th • d Postitifie , d .to., l'ittsourah.
• A .a.N--A tor of ground tltuate Olthot. et,. In the
rouTf b rOr.ff b at a teer ' y 'i gtr W ire t t ‘ rod of s
t:t d all ' aj. ba o t ;
vb chin erected • two •tor brick boats :malt:dog file
room , !Webs.. •ttlz and cellar, a trams ruble, dam Kw
&a.i oh mi.. ohni +Dv/. eo. Will he sold sr • ram, a.
Allay .0 urg BLAKELY a Ulerlar.
I to Uedstorts towusbip, Fayette usuely. Ps, about
• mils arid • usu . st Moo Brownell le, sadabout Leo
ridadredlutte from th e ,ILLI.Ined Mad. Rbletl
sd • ITS, trams Wore =tatting ors, 1.0 rooms Soo a
dry cellar. ho,beem wood a. • boardl-it boor ,
itliaud Is tithe bastqus , 47,, With Or. g. 4
art, also a stool, quarry sad tel book. There le alarm ,
buildlog on Um enrolees formerly used as a son+ faster/.
ale, • -table, an °reward 0 , ,hole, fruit rem • resetsbi
pod prat flower smiler,. L'sios
In bald, Warta to loot tymente,.wittt lotere_net. Tub
Sr 4 be k :PerliVonied t' rr:rn t, tl. - .
the orys,dawT I,LL FEELY • al Hal. des.
?Oil. S&LS—Three !obi on the oornor cf
'Hemlock and Whltie oak 011 en small
Will Do !Alit low. Apazt . , , ,v.
Scoot sib of Erdaral et, 24 door cOuth the l)outwono,
m7O Att.:bony CILLy.
1341.11--A small Tannery, in good
"w ee sad Loed hmlmeet , shao 10 males tram the
. Le dm owner erlshoii told West he .111,41 low.—
. • ty to O. W. BONN
est ot.leof radical , door South or the North Como
' lhoos,..tiMahesty dty. 0.10
We ban divined • large ot of groand on doe corner
o '4edfatd and Owen eut. into Gee t ot cod
on war of widen
are mond omfortablw two story
Wm,. Thw lot.
aro didowdloto the Sallowtow slam Or. Lot No Ila 2i
Net trout on Onswett et, by lb{ ft a Inches door, Itna Now
Z and a are each lel; hot front by =outlaw depth: lot No
4.1. SO feet front by taw woe depth: lot No e b • event
and (wet Mu
n t by the unto depth. and - corners an fled.
Gwe dn.
Lot No
Let will be sold for
TlU•por.d. Tama. a...bird in baud, balan. In 1
ald 2 r earrOFlth Interut. Applz to
MAMMY k 11101 1 / 1 "2.
We have wed lota lift 4 and 6. a.. visb.esudorn au ars for
—The ntbwribar ottarr for rah that re: , dnirable
broprrty Attuned on ter renth4rest torn r of Word et rot
wd 041112.124 alley. Lot 41 tertn 11,1e509 oa Wo-d tree.
by 40 nolo. Diamond ann.. on which is areOnd go.
btlildiDge 101.1} florin b‘gb. her ra roar apply
N 0.91 Wool street.
in the fourth 5c.47 of On, *boos corner nWldlos.—
►mes from Fool Wed..
ilso for e;Lis, 10 . 13141a:4 142 P f cello 1 ea Darmitt
2111egbany My. 20 ftol 2. 20f t 02 2 ,.. 0100) to
0012:1121 No. 91 Wool P..01901.9h.
, e IMALL FARA FOR SALE--33 noree, of
tj WU* V.A. Is ..1) ol.e.rtd. all nu rK. t.l feu., b.,
arms tinater. luiprotnneuts ► Gnus on.
Mr.lbs bourn Nog u roams brwn' tort • luare. 01 pro.
mar? ont•bufidiuss. *2l I. isrld chimp far •.h Vor fut.
puntewarsappry st 11e8Lltj2
Reid Mars &tut Intelltbnos• 02Ice,
sy27 No 2 • . Clair street.
w• now el:teeth.. enuabm Cost Tract 0! 1..nt1, ell.
eon the Hottor...oola veer, In Me Man poolanent
Ins tits lots of Wenner. *ln *nolo. ttle 5e..., ZS serve
61 %Urn is per• Hach aa.. It 7 te.c Tenn ch. els us., .
sotiottelit.ol 4.% fen feli. at e Lim trer.b.ptAb l
case e we
pH none. Tom prop. t*
m -urn...reel foe
on Sue Siononiatnel• live:. a no. bruntnit la go. I
sal i‘spltatatall *omitting el the rear. not:reed .1 a great
bta Mirth as the owt.sen yoLoo . Hest. DPI ono* 0o
11. MAIN6IO, See. 410 at
- VAILMS. FOR SALE-113 Aur eupe
stoe Fat= Lamt toll Of Cool no the Pitisourgln tc
erne and etoltazo IlaiLtratl e
-117 ACPer of eacellent mud nod Cannel Coal. near Date
16a Acre, of Lunt on Utz call.. below the
20 Acme ol Lead, three hales Keith of the city.
Persee,l3anntry Naas tiotwee and Fora.
ow, Le, do , described In • printed klegister wbich
wirein to all who wich toimerbeie. Issiztire of .
TIL,AI/1,3 WI)0118, RAW kstata Brater,
••171 No. 7; Youth Street,
TIIS undersigned eon for salo ONE
UUNDaXD aim run , ACIIEI3 of
allastod on the Aria pool, one of the rnotl desirable Wa
co tuna on the Slorionnobela tirer.
Too attention 01 /100 Joni Men and eapitalloto la
Ablate: to td.pcoperil oa It la tailored tin opoorrnial.
17 for atsfltable havestotetit L 'nen u LI net often proem':
ed: The tonne Pull partletwa mar be 011talneil
try looter or otherartoo, 07 inquiring of
AUcTLA WOWS A 4.19„ Buick A Nuts Brokers.
ap3 Not roman atrett.
isnufacturnig tines
TN LOTS of ono ' or two aeros p •intaateil be
wo. the Umpl al and the borough of' Han
ter. Town krt. ars admhably located. having a IV.
sr trout whit leen water for a lauding and bounded on
the roar by the d.pot of - the Pittsburgh and 01egyeland
hall Howland, hutment tne same land. switch. wm
readily connect the P.* 0. rood on with the For warn.
a Obleedo goad, Require a J. ISOLIDONHAIigiI.
mot No. IA Wood Street.
11 4 1 011. SALE.—A large three story Brick
.ifeesseentell3be t ten now% on Bunt Lae, Immo
Auttrizat Mongol' the now Ra il road Endre MOO
Peghany my. Also . anal two story Brick Room On
ths mar el rho lot s
a d treating on Robinson ttnort. 0111
to told ot all ;oaths; autonomy torr , tt
-Agarwest side or Minna =wee
leer noothot north Carnorona.• Anatomy Mr: SPIT
VOR SALE—The house in whioh I now in
a: U. dough
O. Mamma BLEW:ay st..M
ra BALE—A three efory Brick Dwel-alk
:Ibut Mask with teak Clark
youth ward. sozl9 - Att JAaixe O'LLAKA.
r 8 . • A mall gray Mare, warrant
ed least 36 Apattt mart_ prstimi t sad nrs
illtrordre!"; restaion a Stade, d
1./ITILDING LOT—One Building Lot I
xermettavemnentettes • it; sr wb b 7
I ' •to • ";• , g on oorner of
cbt Iron sod Danwldril• rttests. 20 br gO.
werd.fce mugl ig ri trztatiV
-- --,. 'Milani; House Ydr Sale.
4: Ss desirous rains, _Th on
WO story brink liwylling, aitnnted in
AlWiliam Oley a r babolla, stoma, near Baud St.
roststedir si e rooms e owner basins i
ties ty, o bows li oderantso
loosest Isr s roildsoos
, rialliren. it will b. r... K r " '"`' bldw. ths
Sat jol/A t ril t El. A 8051.
: 257 ' 'WM itrwer
w • anitsva i l us.v ogsr a r e :An=
t iy atnaliss Talk 20as (MU Muss sad
Tonoas sor tft . " 7l4, , cr pi rtellt &La Imslu i t
=Vs puns( tha 7 .. k must smarms susullb
vs Uwe., dad le to Shaft & eel amps
soblosiba. 0. WWI li, Alth sr , Unr,
=SSW • No. 104 1111S6
C ki• A-at
.11M1 ill - 110 - 14 - 1 . 71 00.9 Otte fag 0 Wag: Prat. gyp, Tar
Wt. oproratus gate rir MOTel comsat. loin. - A do.
gio gore and 8 amst • lig mat rgaora go el.l
vail to of Mootraeo encore" IS. mo m whale ay got,
la, ~ re $lO. .10pAtar to thefooda. Ckomage. !gm
mopk...y do. Oman oe ma two -atom CM •
Mita= malt goad TO. pars tome Dremmehav Taal
cafe Bohan. Harp.//m ugh oollg•Ammac r,Q55 ti Ky..
It , w.II work on • Boas, gulf or hoof. In .I.T , cool. VS
ZI WT. 1.11111 WM flafe4 JO hlegf4. - Urfa; mad no(
agiv , r , t , thiii p,_ ....a nzmg = r
w arar d, A .
tit:. 0 1 t t 4:13M 5 771 b: Z 1 fxj: i t A trill
rim. of in Pittaburglitje ilLearra 1(00 Oar.
Is Maltose oast owl s mama elhalheomakporon:
Slam fa moo offered to So. Calmat ginrs ,
121 , QM or Ito. TS lelAgg Mak ...
• thio as lafitattaamoomer. how. rm
Wsoo , - omen.
of tOlSlssitirmiter
. •
' 040. 1
_ , _
i a t , ~ i..- ~ ;ram:. 'ii'-:
Coal Land for Bale
,--7,-1,-,AN ,''7"...'1
!- ,(4,-:.--*
•,,15.• 4•••-'",:.,-,•• •, ,
• - •.•i•i • I ' '••`-'
r.<• • : • 1.- -':;•^•:i, •••••. •
~,•••,,,'-',;,,,- 1 11.7,!Eia.
• r •,• • • ;: t •
' ~
4 ;: ;
111) 1 13
• . .
Dr. • . -JACKSON. EMU.; Pa.
elfactetally core
Urn* or grament.DeOttEs, fhe .ffikbann. and
stl &ammo arisiap ton
. dborderrd
• User er
Palates el 111 - ott to the
Med, dckEts • tlta Stomaoh.
Eamon Eloartbarit: of Eloptstfer Food,
I¢llllollor Weinat la the :Stomach. Sow
Eructation', Slating or Flunkies at the Pit
of the Stomach Swimming of the Elton, lianied
and Ottnalt - Brea:taw. litittertas at the lieut.
Obasktoz or rsCocatial sentatlana alma Ina lylog potha e
• ellassue of Ittaloa.Dote nets before ish
sad Dull Palm' In titsU M W. chefDilfid.Pt-Wr
ath= • Itstiownsrs of the Skin end Ere.
Pato to ths ISlde,Buk„ Cheatt_Lhaha.
tn. Paillas Malmo -of Etat.
Baran la ea Erb,
o Caradon lll,llsad greattimattlalalte
The proprietor In acaloo the etteatioo o 1 the op.. to
Ws premed., does 10 ed. • feeling of the utot.t. eon.
Ed... Its Virtu.- .6 sthiptatiou Co the &name ix
which It ts remoomen ed.
It Is no new elm Inlriell article bat ohs that Ina stow
Feet of • ten rare' [dal be.. the Unelleao people
iterernatattou na4W.• le by any &miler
preperatkom extpant.ot, The tartles anycountry in 1M War glom by
tbe wet peoutlooot sad welt known phydrians to
dleblus/a to •U or the I• lewee, 0.1 •
arena pertspal of the Alma n ac. pobilahod i ns mmune' he
the Proprietor. sod to "a tallies:la of any at Ida Agent,
thus eadery the matt •torptleal 1.1 We rent.,
really tieserrtna the crest celebrity It bee obt•havt.
itrloolpel Wes and Minufecteen No ed Area rt.. Phil.
aelelphm. Ya
Pennsylvania Testimony.
Certta.4lo R. Reashe.da_l4o.. the 1.1 kamenz trovitter
ter the Donau.. Iron W . ha, Perry J
Donaiteox, an.
Dz. O. It. Jents.—Dear 6tr—"l was for flee Inn se ,
....rely with Chronalo Baton. Dyndpry, for whir&
wee.... by the f.t physic.. en the eountre.
but ell of no avelL I also newt rations reekedie bet
,veld and sorluna to banal. ms .tll I was tudueed to
try your Uersnan tltttars. and aft. taking
. four bottle o I
which was entirely awed, and not SO= amen° Me bet
glare !facts of the Gernast .thtters in Doppia
and Liver Complaint.
tkuldenste 0r.7.11011RM1.. Reporter for the
put.amb, who, Feb. Vt. lebb. Cl "for ems wee. east my . been vine your Clet
map Bittern m, with a happy aneet. She has been adhered
410 r. Or la for =yea. with.. Maim ot the LlTer
and Drevernse anlitnt= h eouuneneed wins the Bitter:
nothing had Ado. bra muh whet. see tualtli le nos
rapito dlyhells tour.
...II perfeerattug. a:petite good.tht and we ha s
ane .le e every re,
le the bed module. she has ern used."
Nervous Dobilip.
J. 61. Bounum. Doyleetown. fone MA urn—
"My wise has been Medd with memo debility stn.
isatestber, DAL slue which time I boov been unable
d.d any physisi an or medians th at would benefit her to
the least, =Bleu. day I called at. the store of Dr. nerve,
41111,16 am. tor soma Denton of Don. and deacribed
dot anlletkros of my Ink he then handed me A
of inners to need, anions which I found roe deeesiblo.
your Oermao Bitten, I lonntsdisudY luentred d fen I.t
-tio, from elm. and am planted to state that the AAA of too
Bitt-re hae done tow inewelood thous all the meadoe st.“
rW torteteltu taken. I wlth Yon be mend me . half do• ••
Limo. Complaint.
.1 P. WIDE. •a, Iday DM. lad 4,
"With 'mush Orin= to the virtue Cl sour tisr
man Bitters. Bometlms canal was severely .Mimed ab
• dhows of the User, for which I used Tarlton reme
out w Lb no bensfeialeddset, motif I was Induced to .7
Tom Bitters, which lmn now UM to state hare entirell
41114.1 ma!
They are moody ".taps. nu ham all &toenails elm
Manta. and pleuent taste and mull Prim Td mote
oett heft!.
• Bold toy Drawees and etarekserres to stew? town and
villas. In the Boned Mates and Muds&
Many Years of Buffering!
Carter's Spanish Mixture.
Alterative Ever yet Discovered!
Styriecene prescribe C. and every one who uses
warp steerdeentest. .No Medicine rocryd
el to Me Amerce. public h.O pained me
Pninelmeety en so abort • time as
It will Clare any case of Scrofula.
It will Cure any cam of Rheumatism.
It will Caro any case of Salt !Chem,
It will Cure any area of IC uralgia,
It will Cure any case of Fever and Ague,
Or ray Mowaa arising from an Ismtnestate of the Blood.
It coral the MVO of the lien. JOOO 511.0 r Betio,
member of t onine.e, from Virginia. of !main., after the
skin of the bast Fh7eletaoa, both of New York and Phila.
cialphis had boon tried In rang end it !theta, yen, read.
IT, ir son are so *Mud,
It en : wl D. finnitt,ltsm.. of CHrannaol, of Ithmasnatama
914 pars etandlag. altar another remmdlos had (Wad.—
We bay. bmninsds amen mart.tflystas. Call on Ltdo scent
and Fat a Boer and Oreolarand read F. /La
mantemarkatdm and maconlaning yens It ha. mmta.
To onloorated Dr. hatobor wei.os to ure that ht tad two
Otto. moot own. and oOlrti otanding euen of • Mown
that would t lald to none as the Inoni tames., bath.
cored ono .Is. ►odth. ash. with nine boat!.. ..
^.►rter'. Opinion Kintivo, We have known It nod to
om ► Thozonood cum nod hors lot to heir of a Ja•7ve
to lOU Cann,
£GIII AND VLYIR—ila not tak•Qalmn, Mercury,
all• Both •lcalemsD, an. bat oar aeon, groat attar
aut. sad Posea the blood; Cartaea avant.. nista
bin MS an 4 seer" r.•• Of &4t..0 SO. rarer. W
tiara ;tetra let ta...” It to fail
An: lbs all annum arising traman Impure endear tt
B ocd no malkine tuts ever yet boss found to has* e •
pJ an sesat. I. 7CIO an Sat, try :1 ei, do not de
las: flats ta ommions.and health tna creatreet of all bI
attn.att an, all els? Is valuate.
WM. S. - BRIM & CO. ,
illonsttad, Virginia
Forit try B. /L. }MINI trt2oB d 1:0.„ and JOsISPLI
ILELLN m O, ?Mann • 6, and Drat , 4 1, ...rni Onn , :ad , Men
Luna to san ova. of t 6• linltal Mates and C. .r
aeld,akwlyT curl
Tne Greatest Ilf.edical Dl:eatery
R. ...KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has diso.,v
tia.tu, garcirol==
Ile hoe tens It ltioter inv.n hantrial own ianl i penir
ailedanon la twomainhoth Unman humor.) U. Du
we In hie ponneloo over two hundred serifiestow of Ito
mina. all Within twenty mine of Boston.
Two all
are werrantod to con • onnann ere morn.
One to threabonlar will one the .oat Ind Of nondell
of the Ws.
Two to three bottles trill nom the einem of Una
Two bottle. ars warranted to care the worst ouster to
the mouth son stomach.
Throe to In bottles Si. ..ranted to vin too worst
Ocnigrtrttial we a a:ranted to ours all hamar
the nn,
Two OOP-Wm. ..on to core rend. of Om.
and blob:hos aamong . lnn.
You to ell bottled ere ...ton to can sonny{ •34
ertml ttl
og —am, •
One boe sill core nay amnion of.. etla
Two to throe bonne sot wersatal to 00111 r Pb. won . dos-
Two - to three e bottles int vanntled to one nu • orn
ant of ringworm.
Throeton= totnee are warrented W.C. ion rheum.
Ihrt to eight bettlee Ze - d; the ...X ealleg 4 let
d benefit gnarl egyedenced troldtb•
and • rodent cure , Is warranted wbes the. above dreerdetr
le akar.
Nothing looks coin:probable to theee to ba
Idled all the wonderful medicine. of the day. 17
orourcrat weedgrowing La the winces. and r
wells, annelid eras every Mom la the mtend I
• deed fact you bare • humor It baa
ere no Ilk nor acids, tome cr bes about sal
end ni
tyoo.e.Q,rourx I peddled Glues ttlowsoct
they of Boded I know derelgects4l
y Gone sacs of the
used. I no It to =il e
of stmt.
1 kern e uentaa
wr tx.= pr. z .bo „sa
eidectaafhath bycotle
To Mot w ho
arelnc to • she
odclean. mad. Ave. Veld
dlarlden Mae wtdo velem r
igeo and been regulated y
uotts gotta eery, but ob,
of the functionsal serum.
In" but you must not be
pear In from bur dax t :
nprelnit., On soon,
muted •
=mese extravagant enanalunis a It tba - nurieiZle
tenet to. Ide 00015 of diet Is ever asceasary—eat the
hot you mm get I have liteoll. an tap whit&when
,mound In sweet all..dlmolvee Iteroralous geminate of Ma
neck and under the eart. Mao 60 cods. y Price of 'Ma
Itedkelldrareeov Id pee bottle.
DreaCtledi roallst—Adult. one utuerpamnaL:titrr&i.7 l
g L ita arm als7ytis a ,== d regiggraz.
take soulegetaeper.
• Kr.lllolllll/f putional Attendancot m badikee
. 11°14.
Int r lP T . i intil l e W a - Tll
Va t i. "'" V aid° ddrik 07
1 WONDERFUL ''.. 3- : --.---- p
. ~
research Of th bare: it whoa own MA . trod to
TA Remaly that would Ea4kally ours Z.
bas tree noon9r inatol_Ont hr ---.,,,...
FOR 4-44-.
' EDITEDII, p Evltr*.-...
'Wl,atnitatil owe andPyraral —ln *bi Volistabhi
Illudom t.r Etrihr OR - 721Y ymixs ka• bought to
Valls a woodsy st , gladlols• which will Sadlogy • the
Dratzraziorbutkutlar Batt easorotadi i •W.
own wrieb tra human aratmol Jo feltdoa. ter - l . ?La
e ta, [ll;amarli3 OM aitd Malan Ire
!welt/x*4ot Moot ha a anolool 'Cr Our • •
• ~.., . .r),-',
Pr. h. T. lOU boa boon I attroJilot of this awful tIAS
OhneedlrOladritlft therk, to "i • 1, 04r t‘..d h. .
I= l 4.4NotrigNlttNrgar4l74Bl2Maud
gassy °tuna In Biz altcht to twt days without) nor
Adm.,. or ant usploliant Gall sln dm ten
tbo =loamy - . it lorugorot” Moira . a
soda r
saliva 10 anti Dart. It
oat potty or
en the hoe alo.saWarm A trolls, milt oto ah atE
and User. Yon ma.- at and drink your tionstgae
...len 10 , 1 hot Mt rarer— to. seloollehoo always •
: Dr. It. T. Yard's DyapepaisEordial4.- -
• What klnd ofdtruat wit lortpoptla producer I an
slur, It It th that ear: of
. ail o r s no n orat dlntrak /Oar
i f r. " ;:lott o trwidehi. shiom hl o rA r olu4l:l44:2l
iota Id rowan, Veveraol Ague, her/ans . /Mat s
. Hauls [Meal leatt.• Usual. W.
n,w,g wan. WM. . Ithecovstem of alis I A Olio :11,,.
Ilmallttr, Wcahns s ts thy drama, faha t
10104. Ile othura, gultnmsof the A ll
math w Z . ,.
Of TM rood. alit SI 0 •Itd. All of tab • .
1 . 4
ay ra al be Fred's , Ife a. aDo notation...tot , ~,../trowa
organ all CLlttsl dlussaers will ha poll! ad. !Lona
o tatatot o erne. w;:leh,u eato ~ .lod tall din .1 ...•
*ha bora ba a to t k °ow' Ws Ma'am:lons
. ..I , '
from ••••}Letc.. • net. or dna, gal otoinach ..-
. .S.
1 /I.W nn Patna IL. It to • poor patient w A 7. At
oatholna rg tows, rear!, us Dols t him tO • ,
ha as eel, d00,0.i radlawly remove t • .., VW lir
haa made him Net. 14 lite a weer. • man I
7 ,.. n st the Grit alhopee of!. llighthoora. blit unut bounds
. rrieu Thr.ou InAlard„par Bottle—
[bold tor tbs. Prepolirtur, ,r. 11,
.V I i iti,2l9,c itoli 4 of
Pint. Alum* f4th It , toad/ tad .1.0 Alux , tiawri .la,
N 0.166 Woad atrtot. mann or Ulath: • Et . NW/ N. M a
QUar/211a £ 1 4 0 0 i . tiler s rati ii lador Ilt. „ULU. /to.,
,Zitopla to. ALIO:I:Writ coder ' or A= an . 4 ai t .,„.=l:e..iituattrair:;*
stalls Norm 111•1113,
Who Mato olodialzuw cord so oomusendathilltthaika4
ondo la ou telly_ mud man .a wit ;Hula' to
WI analltunt. Thar 00.1 Li not In torPtuid.
tanittntrltt : . . .
- „
1.77 Nreims "'warms. LW 024_ iitastqa4 Ran.
ortnals avenue. (yowl!' 94111064 ) zais •DO arp
:146 audrnif=g - m
Aavissad Circe& • lit.••••
110 i be opaWd-in say et" . Fisqeslogswice th•
90CTOR 09011Ebreish be einunOtackat Dr.
siernmeheeee rote vie h uo thbeltlet‘elallON
b wioNtlaWaksivali4 AM' MOO"
ZAP MgeillYglkB itquv - R,Ou to
. '. l -!RO
of • ' " Cif:;
131• I
—ion - - - iiifitif ti;'• '- -' - '
'AlrErtl , 3 -
- - • ---
-- wwitt •
• low Its Wei' ' - i • CHERRY "PiciroßAt s .
HO ERII.'6.ITE'S I fore! erpa" OtEns of .
II 4) IA li A N D ! Coughs, Colda and licaraenei
”; i riT ERS -__nr. I .M"j ul ' TorZ a altsl 6 !
ma brat re=e4il Ur. ever Ward
1 11=Lictreasegic l easrdi
Cherry rentornL Itn etwternt son ; n
r ractire soh cy fsrallf f r th, last •
,yrs hoe
thorn h. to taw. =perk,
rarer.. kbetrratr a trihr_t r ri i
K e w HT, 3.14.1"
. CROUP. irdoorLso cicon.
r rarrarDso,
•'. . . -
Brother Yr,: I wilt do-prone c••rtif• .. - nr - pe.e.f.'wel is
TIIR CELEBRATED HOLLAND EtESIEDY ITtil , ib•bm..... yee Mee. for tho our, isa,,,,,„ e cbio.
, temp. sus the chess Meese , of chltdre.. Weot 3 our ha-
BTOE ' S, .LMMLY M them mhoDl , MM‘lrt your /1114 and e amend
' 71:11: ,r f:t l' :::!... 1‘ , Ito: us , 6 :: . 1:2 1 :::::• ; : .. 1: ' .: ' et:h: 1 1: r et i , : r t ro::: . 7l7:Ll K tou br rt:":l: 4 8 ,
DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, weets. het mans sted , clr.ce without rel*-P decor t led
LIVER COMPLAINT, . dome relieved the, in soy therat and lonceless
. than one ball Me mottle menio me comolet..l• wen Tour
I Mulleins, ate y ou. bt.. n. ise wed se the ME ha eau bon
WEAKNESS of ANy &nitre esteem newt. mot your remedier, se the
poor meter frlsod."
FEVER AND AGUE, -mu. OE- k117111:1C 4... VD Itlfo CIIITI,I,
Wrcrt masons .resz Pa, reb. 4, 15411.
- . .5.r: Your Cherry Pesetoral is to rformlng marvellous
AND the various tafreedloll3 consequent cures inalhis cocoas, It Imre iered several from alarm
ism= el dim:dewed Btmnach or Ides. Putt ea lodides Istt 52mp,.,....e_0f ronsomPtlS and Is now euriog am eo
Addityof the Stomach, Clollcky Pahn,Hes both, L O4 . rj,?161:,.. 1 , • ••• .. ._* • . • . 7 ! . ..7 2.. ,.. - git s. , 6 , l , th e e Virs, th f s ,„ o, Lne
ol Appetite. Desrendeney.y.uvenere, Mind el : Ineedhsg
Pike In all Ncrour. uneurnatle and Nen ....fle Agar A. A. itith„ l ,Of.e• e , .. y,...
_Amino. ?tour.* 00.. lowa.
dons, It ha. Iv nurnero. Instance, moved h l sol7 blue& 1 Tr,.1:1 0 71i • ,;,: th i o . :, I Jer,,V e ji r• 4:,4.7r,:gl,3lg.
edAL and In othere °Patted • decided etas. dente ear .11 teller so coorumptim rutlentr. or Omioll
.... .
e .• curable."
NeW• a*d• •• •• ' •••• ' y t• ••mb. " l- .4l ' d• . " M 'h • . lst dd • I to. t wia. c.. but the most con.
Weal Joule ha the system. Itheffeete are glom. mead* • mf r • • •
the newsmen& It communi.tes em violeut elude. proof...lth, virtues - f thin remedy le found In Its
normal nobly
.ri the
, eye . t endm ios btiz . bu t i . b t g ati aro to ns z lo o n er itt CON ‘IIIIFTION.
horovgkProbably no nu e remedy has ever been bonen which
iv so. old env reach. but ore, to Moro We QUM
Wban Ititumi virtues eye re universally stench!. , cured so many end sti.-h dans... cues as Otis •
edged• end malady here, where Übe , teem. em pup. no I ._ _
Mar • aim ly ecellelne, that It I. sold by many of th e Pechvas ad plenum ono comfort.
.....Sied eorenserythr. effect° upon trial.
grate ti se evil as all the eas It would arm meg. 1 Aaron Hones New Tort Olty. Bia - eh 6,1;66. -
Ms& to otter' Anther evidence yet as there an dnubtleas Doctor Am, teeth 1 Mgr llt • duty sod •pl esunkto
loge who es tried many adrertired remedial!, and Mill Worm you odirst your Oterry Pectoral bee done for car
mum ftetts Wales One Or Mem or Ita dreadful forms, wife, PM bad beer. nee snout. labning under the done
we erstordn Rowing matm, the authenticity of , carom rymptomeof Ooneremptlen, from Menlo w all We,
which ausno be doubted. ermine as they do frw... rename ,could euchre her Ouch seller. Phe was edesdily
ea Intik ifalliog. until Dr.. Strung, of. this city, where we have
What it is doing for the Siok croalil• for advice• r. comessersded • trisloylour meelleituar
aee !We blew his kind nera . wean your skill, ler .be his re•
mOlc Wa4 l seh ltare trerfa t". erlinsed lne Iher "ll ha t'' vds7lol li thre th rfsittr,, V--. ;........,,, ....d,._fes o e,9l, r Zsid r e.
... wi t t rlrs a t.tilog h te.lbr r
, andfled It Dynatiably relieved ludlgetiloo eta debilif7. .;:,11" . 1:7,' ....''
...ltb gratitude and re in
Rl ' . U. '"/ * U b •D •ll.• r c .1
r••• 1"" i•init•f ft• ' • 1 uTh.
ORLANDO an gar; of Ehelbyellie.
ill: kw • mons headsets& With sh eh I bad long inif•
tbunomptsces, do cot despair till you 6.• Wed Ayer '.
PI r I I' Is made by one of ,th e beet med ial
....I_ J W. "•• 4 " 1 : 1 • 2 1: " I n i * "I .bare I*4 B•er•• " '• ' ele ' Vste in d tbe word, and les caws &Unfound as leepeat
Holland Illthwe gayest and recommended It to other&
knweetng It to barest what It is reprocented • ,rce high merits or Its yletueel-rhalre. Ledger.
All Jonathan Wooly, of IiMSY 8t Clair. sate . 1 twee .
=meat benefit from Its use for weakness of the Ayetin• -Cathartic Pills.
and I tion.• OS &Assort ot Obeschtry sod mrdfeln• here been taxed
JanneeArnairs' • Aftce rofell.a,,b-rOft , •• h• 4 Their to utmost in produa this beer , pawl perfert par
filliedo .m . VA wane R.,lttsset, ry, n z1,,,,,,, tb• roe yam ', A U. wh Mt fa known to man , lonoloorable prom's are
•• Ti.,slllV l nt e l L intg,,ll7 1."4 0 =1,.. i .,.. e A m., enewn + het thew Pan I rte virtu. which torrpars to am
om of the awe pbrsfettins In &Is idea hst alit& axe. ;.“Z;„71; tr°,;,'„"l/1„ =:?:;,.°„,,,,,;,, ,AV,..1,,,, ,v,..
11T.',„! Melissa hate. mo•derlo 01 05e....1e far. °I dn s add plasma to tab& l m powerful ea cure. Their Iwo.
~ ,„„,„, .„„.„,„, of th ,„ ~, l e „ •nting onthertlee Alm rate the vital actlvitlengle
Illea a tthet of OoeseggayM .1 know that your Holland Bitters bi / ".7:47 t g e ..,, o z.r , ravgar l gzett l ; P iollt..o,:
Is one of
hest madam in the world tor a dlsordpred fettles reed ' s. grow distemper, stimulate Whorish, or
Lomas ar Our,"
~,,r , ,, disordered-organs lute their natural
101 Unin
Dr. L=ll .. 11 " Of th•g-xj,6 L E-iti g o s.:. •••- bir healthy tone with . oteength 0 the system. no
at It • de . -eloserviag • •Po •• holy do they cure the day entoplein •ol everileed7.
Or. Itherhart e the leading Garman eV. of Penna.. L,,,,,,i,,,, ...idea. and danger= Weems that bare
had = i l l. " tred=l l.l " the ',MI ' Rh r.,..., the beet of comets ektlL While they prceloos yaw
n. eueoess.ln a Mates of • t snore del
to, they mast the sax. time. In diminished
gana,_ mot the syrtem
....._, re. issfse.. and wet thyme that ma to employed
was mummy of Beho P grse . gar FsMorY MYM I ma., dam., prmg
l y e
g eta ble, they Wl' ;Arias*. to
It Me., rand was thereto, Indeed to ts 7 IteldOot tthod lir and Wm, amMy e getable, are fres tram soy rith
5 7 ' .114 ( trm Li O l . I th th• ef . " 4bt ' .x• '" • t ' •ll Of tam. Cues E wen mode atm ...taw Nowt
...d"' ''',...„lunPti..-Mn."b l ,,,Nr l .."'l,l,L l ' i g 4°l°B k". pun Were tIMY pot.
mbetantlato ,by men ors *shafted to..
- -- N - 0 .1, - i ble.,, - ..,,.. -- i - o de ,it - (,,, uth, c in t .,,,, e ,.... Stith:l.d character se to .orbid the enspleirmoruntruth.
, ,_,... many amine:nohow men ant physics... bays lent their
mill be dleaprolutnr, but to t' • Wt, sett end low e , ••••• acme, to certify to the pub lo the reliability of M 7 trm•
.4. It w in P.••• • e1. 44 • 1•....•U° •.-4.41•4 P ••• "" 4 0, fee. while otthre bare sent me the endeance of their
1104 • 1 •r m aredAPe 0 f...1 113 . p r.,....,, , , L1e.1 . 4 ,,,,,,,.. ,..,.. - r b a . v r lotl ,. on r that
. osi t t u repara s.,..ff... ftons in eo r th c., libd .. te .. immedia lie to
ara lam ttancid__=.7 =t..._k= 1 ...... , ....,,,..• Pu,.... 1i a,„„tb.....---.. , The Agent below named le to tarnish gratis my
=,:=13°.°17 en ,"" 4 1, = . 1 7=11,,70,;,7411; Atossinic Atm.., eontrate= i reetion. for their um
ratend certincates of Opt? cures, orthe Ibllow WI( ecorsplaleste:
te stair Arial . One sill convince you how tato . 0,,,,,m,,,,,,, Du , ye c ome t e , e ,t,e, in,,,,, m.e ue, ... sem
ni oly .rarke it Is to sul then Imitstluera
s„., the.... li •da c ,the arier.g Iron • foul mama.. Nens•
ma ll . ee k • p,„ 4 ti et „,,,,,." 14° Pa. Dotty. al . t••3 ' 1" Ilb ' 144° ' -. sea. indlarst lon. Morbid Insect of the Dow , ls and Path
Minna therefrom, Yistolesey. Deter Appetite. all Ulm
BI NJ A I " PAC '''. 4 %,t i Ti e l,„ a. and Cutaneous Dleause .111tla reunite sa..**rment
11.ufecturing Plysecuoentiste and liedieide, Bemfula or ISlne'e gift. They erro, by purity.
ear. hmithllald undid eta, Pithidemitta.. tug the blend and etbahlstita tee system. cure mane
ens= aomnlalate which It would not be earmeed they conid
Phlledsilthie T. W. ' , .?tt Aloe .. ON , • X 'WWI. No. ,w.a,, ...a w. Nato... 1....at0 !Dining. Neuralgia and
„..-...,,..,.. r e. thr .: :: 4 :41 ,4rr. : E""tr.....47."77-'CATIrroAtb.",""/B.1:71 Lanfroo k t, i stro n ttr ii"." o/sultOrZa k r of lsi th
tit e l l trAttVVlll " ;
0,. ~,,,,,,.. ~...., gat, c .,„, N. 00 ,.„ . „,. ta g. te t of bi ttr o bod ,
z si o b r y ohatroetic io n i.d of ltef .... anctkeo h ec .
pill they gate. moreprodt on, Ark tor Aran's Paid
--_ . _ _
R • R • R • sad tate nothing else, No otter they cats glee you corn.
MlA",i'.`°",t!'.' t t e`n w :2lt°4. 4 ll r lo'l`L'AlM D .t e tri
1 30 7 h 4
ehould hay It
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER, Practical
. and Analytical Chemist,
Lowell, MIAS.
Pelee PA e .aper Elo. rive Roses sr Al.
tot by It A PALINIDITUOR A as. Wholesale Agent&
Pittscorgb, and by ail Dthrah. And Modleir , limirn
rmarayamel .11r0
NLlF.E—uti bl
"dess itl it, will never
I. I be facetted As non no 0445 , 1.7'. Relief Weedy.
to and so application of R mad. to his brubsed end none
ded body—oa pain and coauthors moue. and • new We
Ininsed within
a. oystom."—T. I).S:ring's Lotter of
Lary - rills
immintlonsof Iloakfainere coming
thy moth of
throe whom our Romediee CA. restored to life. Oh educes
of pleasure to us beyond ati earthly !Marina. 00 the
newipt Orono, new letter ol thanks IT)in • recovered Do
mod ,
who. three a the efficacy of Rad est's Rude Rohe.
Re ulster* and Itherovent but bean nhod from bed of
pain. mierry sad loos obilnees and restored torts enjoy.
runt of ruolent bralth„—wo feel ttot oureffort bare not
Men fruitless d the use! of Mill with tosithic en Its
wings will not knock at the oda of Parellso to rale.—
toe cam we refer to oboes Is truly astouthhhos, too one
who knew baring thoogbt to mud Ithei—kett not acre
to than 0057 otherinelreinel aeelle, performed St [llO , O
Semallea. even when death tied 0.10.0 the patient. their
See hare unmet Um dolt: otricken pork to new life.
There If he p In et reTere, no Meows en emirs no pus
Mama tortiblo and fatal but that the Rudy Mist will
cheek, mu and muout This remedy 11th boon proud
to be both • gala. maw sad PURRS Mortatellte of chol .
gra, ultowforor,,bly lora. huennoy, Favor sod Ago..
dowlet Sever, egual Pas. and sll sosiOromot m01d.... ger.
oundthestees. to quickness in otoPPlon Polo. mutant
bidlumastiont, so:Utley the most teoibte paroxysms of
acme and ittiumnabory &snores ead the It-acidity with
which it shame *salon mat violent atteeks,end tutor.
th. memos thoentwined of yobs sal comfort,
undo+ It • Vesting to all who lire Lti Pleas where red
Ind aid is difficult to obtain. Suzy famly should loop
Wear. stead y odic In their houses. U tne night
sou are ealtionly =dud with polo. aches, or rickness of
say SR.& oither 1 be basd or bowels etauch. nerves,
or any Other put c. the body, a QOM of Radway• Mrs
Redid wlll 10 • few Romenta. remou all paths and nue.
but,. by • rabid doper trresbed by,e tee'
fal eat, dant DT• maroons anake. er citurinerner.a.
saesra. EMU Red. board into Um wound Irl , t central!.
tbe pawn, and rtereat Untannnatkre or mortilleation
tatten pla. It M. 41 raved tba brae( mon hunters rho
bare been titans DT auks% and attar voltentene Mtn..
Till LORD.
All Winn, west, feeble wed barroue, will derive luting
blersintli freak the we of the Ready Ballet The stiff
jdAted. rtipplod. and rheumatics will become mole.
*beetle. Mang and allaroaa la arm limb and lolat aftaa
body by lb eue.
It yen will molt W Itsdosro Ealle4 whoa your • hU.
dren ars takon•Wc, MIL thonp,llestae, Whoopthe *nosh
[kasha lam or bowel Omar. or atlas OM Phdte" 7011
/11 ur. the Uses of roar obikka. Suisse. asesly.
bawls aro U. way eesassts Into the emit,
ameba sad Massed bode. aerothle Is mind, mad do not
IA rear alias,.
die. Radaaesaaaedler mill son Mach
VII V to the power almond sham to do so.
laawar's asauzeroas.
• nomad rdsosars...swer nasonasivsorhulXl
Arm tint Ousted Atatbsuie io* s jesUlabrC
A Poi Yutttnio—A Matey m-4 aerrect antion of
114 cram—A mood OcaoaM.4 PlooNost Mortar
stianistrys lees tee boomti—A Zeor
.Ared Bettlat.
L 80;1;0'14 to on *be will tab, ana or Worst &WWII
ILMostalars ones or tiles a weat nit weak Vow attortg.
sty the lana tat—th• wryly 4.ttlraal and cr•
nitl n tm • items mallet= of body. and a bow
ma All who tabs tbss an dslbilitsd w 1 tbals
. All the rood Send frost the use o otter
arsosemesd by tbanstsottladvaroltesulatdesorttli.
out satallbig the sett sisals of mom drastic bblompon
The Diaryary of these Wandactul NUL sstabllabss can
sae havmathes, and • now tota.Ple to the lotonos
en • •••4 tutus Ulm yilbi so AXIOMS Pdasa4o
- at sumatti Is azaerlanosek then yenta
leseleut the bevels. liter and otharorgans Ina natural
and bmlltb7 Setadltton.
WI , Pa l e bet Wu. Venus Ins to 11. Mood; num
purify ta twat It alt pare dap efts equallay
Its etronletioo.
Ono tr two done of .P.stimija Iteoulators lent antlaul
emote all dlstessalue syenpUens of Dyne osta,ssundt..
fl "4 ali i gr tin " VrtNtUrr Ir=
mesa nty.. I ale troubled with
Mos orlambently r isettures. nly app. a prompt
cure awl moot. period. If Itadway ItegaLton $OO tr
a few dame of Paddiy'a Una Wars will insure a ..c0....
far, p are and heattb• Sala arta • nay mom pboob,.. They
Mee to thus trout led with meal, Gail, roam eyes, a brit.
Ilan/ dal:mamma Itadwayi Pt e di. olddral bawd/ to
the hos, *ee and nes ; and in. nee 0' the licaay Beta
as a no& fir the Iran sod Sc aromatic for the breast.
asill Shapo the mord dbauthas dal Meetly to ideettlesi
nd Ws Wambold teeth to, (Nolan vtiltetimut . •
(Me totes ef !Waxy', itestaators is a tore; them aver
Raedo tala , hat al •ay •do Rood.
8 ilroattiflp Michela. for a , mint to Ch a rt/ma
Sawa. dicnficla, or 6 yplatit + .lb ordlitacy, Char
la crate/ in It. Leon. or &mach, dl.. or Bonsr - Wea
or Nn. io, torments Me Solids. or V•tiattna die little.
Clem Beaters, &di /Ikea., rich Gibrr. 4' al., Tib
Ikon deem abut E., t, /Lester, Brentch4e,
Gotte• ...Peeirot4 ,ichair. e..bottredisoc, Apo
Op, do i nod en con Shit:Penni sod
W o o roo 1 it smear,
` lAwtitheyded by . vagary traseati or Rocs :nisi
espostise ex Winans.
is narrated/ is lb.* mid • that Tin work iamb
twee to old Manna as Baader& lissolegat
It onamlne who - human tiodysrproddoes new arid
itl i iil l ua o ir t rillik illb all n it =
tap lamp or it la came Pi • the yatlarr. =alba
op elate of blood ex dna streaked_ with tarcid, Balital'il
licicavest vlll pacaratatito tbadt.o.ft•
diirilareh Ilammoodoe vs hut 83.1 st, had, labial
mat las two yaw,. ' , eh. coughed up 110L31=111 Aso a
Militants:4 Odic( the hisitit...dba mt. meta la I daTra
by the Healer aallksoliretit.'
rz7Neiref. si yam, cured 14 3 woke, by Radtraeis
let 1104.. T. 11. Kilda, a merchant Of lath atbadjaa In
h. isia. , i ntL iciAe t t , a a ireattra u rogr i ja l
R a kinds . ftatt4l.ll , au alkoZtel i T d er . g .t lrets
the ea VIII Diem read o a r
a Impesie Its Ida.
and oar netripaper calla . 120 MolloSlVorie foe Wet.
eating cams odours, ands Mara thematic 'salsa:intim ea
off remediak EILDWAY2 CO.
daaware alladia, life sold by Ltruggist• add blar.
chants erreillthers. . . catlikdkielyT,
New Treatment.
Confidential 'Radical Advice.
rs AL—totabllptied tor the of !lamina! Woakneas
sad tba 114.. Th laortatoloo of Youth sod Komi ,ty .by Dr.
ANDO • WM, Buffalo, N. Y. 011 an, came of um lied
Gamy as., upstairs.
' • MONT 2•28.N2MC itit/LMON.
t =ad=mat i foLtbs moor arid AddINT.O 2 7 .
m Noe..
W 1, 1••••• Wu bo m p=7 T ddrod Atom Meet
to:team, tnT" ty t km; %Us of 1.2 d• instrument. Iran
wad andoinur vita adl
YOITNO EN rasel o ricoa.ta MIME.
L ot. duos • dos aro tha on P•7•Nat• th e Mat*
• Ira Maadbaxsof die Rod al Dodd' Ndyg. Loa-
Pc. aleadoalo oaa tbo Lu nt 41116.15.11 t
wined 13•11..11. tat* p•easaro to sanonaolad_litat tall/
aVo d • mad havardasd tb . Mrs
of IlLoabov..lllmanu. 1= bon Al la a tat br .
wads neat
n e gtra It:Du en Ln a
d '
eoljXM P titty
w listindsoat rd- woo'." for t ' h° tun' Cr
Itkne Waskao.d. or as a••••
u l 1115 "' it " Wi nn. .
0 b i g tt
itir e,,, gt =g hte , t h s sof t g n aw
swop tbrioat OW loannina. Watts thmaoalvea
I.IIU to day maws wain NW' may Pm. ••••didbolo•
atter • hlr tital Naimoli"? Sc ITFOUdfd by alas..
=atPlnams vadirt,Hat.b•
i w a x
scd a ir _
„,,Ams„ a
-1 .4=k 1 51..^ maila." 4 4 4
rems tik ar tia a t •Uthalet. nano and alla. aeri e s!! eta*
albetkos taaa kbuar asnald*aalds me.
Lii .''"33 a u n a d la *a sad v ./Ma
frall•Cbi m,2ll4,Mi.hiarneadomalist than awn.
• rtilmwoiar as.
Mode Mu* tiaphr Oaf&
17.B.,,aet m iadlon anal not wawa tr er•
h= isizter.
jaw wow istr.
• "
. -
Ye who consider a -doe head of Hair
1 " * ". - P ll tegessaatromo.
gretsnk4sTm ssaormueitr,
walls ticalllogoal
• -
A. B. 110USLEY, Hp, 13 , 1aa,N
writes — Lhasa used Ivy? Netaval s
self and la say I sally ever PlO, I•ql
Tented It, Sad believe It sr. p e er mr .m..,
its wee, ever rat a
tdd I shoal m lfra mane? ray ler a bet
s , do vitt:mit l 4 or tab, ..3 Os
twenty• cents p.r Pori.
In Is the farm:, I •Ilfeays. Ooze the 1 , ,1..and
reu elrck the
attllly the trGatitt 01 tile 11;:: it cur;' , .tattlto.
lc mantra. 00 got . pn,
Cit owes Tboanzat in a warm,
ara Grano. or /Ida in do Stomach and Bor.,
Lure, stur.r. and Owcaed Fan crook a Cold.
Cares Itlintatatirst ant New nuts.
Owes amt. Brains, ankh and BUMS,
Calm (Amts.! an.-itan th
Pmt aPurnnti 1 , ...Ps UM Bread inrfarr'h.
now Itetredu in a tee minutes.
Vow Paia LK Mr Mars. 1...144, or ltd,tk-
Omm, Aral and CAUS awl rens:
'This is nu humbug rtruicine, das booby should to
*bottle In cue or nod:len so t nr Budd'. slchhowi -
111, and guru-ally. always airma lanordiato , hut. 1.
tha WON - DISHFUL OM onald wOOl4 ettelett.l.
1 - Whlle ton ph skirts usso whcis months tv
make fly =so la hal...marl day."
too ran rosainvt with the Rad *kits in Ms forest.
tontinr with fularquent =tenthly travels on the coati
swot of &mpg. anoolatina dishy with tll4 , Terf tat. 00
tle Waded proteaskm,hne.blad Plot. IMED prevent
to the wash. rho WON MAW.' KLI4 01M
N; 73 Tlaird atTeft.
t.T41(33. hr. a. 4AT=
STRONG PLANTS 4 to 6 feet on Mehalab
Btosia 1 lest: 111rt1ai . . Utak RarY. Deitcae, 1.6 n•
tiae. Carrel and, Scapa, %pagan, Got. Wood lad
411 eta. !Awe, Si pailos. leading Talon.* 1 Ica on Elm
Web et,Peks V. 3 pa hundred, SIWP pa 100,
larlevil•ar )lUl3l)OCir. Jt.
Shade Trees for Sale
ALL&NTIIOB, rain, Linden, Mountain
Awe. ae.. of extra dee tor spring point'og.
1.1.11: Thomu Witter. It the °Aland Stilliirri
grill Wong to Digitalin Shute trees tor Denting nOterlog
Ms rimless. sn.rMitaistiT
Pitteetreg, Hedge lean Nursery,
EOI . 7ATED on W il kins Avenue,
about one quarter of a utile front the wood
It. nu .the Yaniurne end - Ilschiolcie Plank
en eirlaudon of Fourth =nut, and elect 1; 11r :
they Oka for sale a vitevean irrown
!remand Want. anitabielbr trues/ Wine Me fill and
_~. noir emirs mat S 0 sem of ground and
over =AO trees, dilute and plant% and over
Irma end gO i llair avanyeene IMO Bila. are
.efne alp kir removal to orchards and uleseure grounds.
...0 1 44..... 0 eYE1= and eernt aeoirtilinu to direetters.
..1 . 1 La SO oill the=iraof die lovers ore rube
wider. In the trade to our unrivaled cote. , lon
Paw ns of 111de.e.mbnitlat.. nearly all the Br : green
Illy, i and Ilieott,lba worthy .
he extra
Ude Ined.inn of onnati t. Is
7... riaool eau
Wed of voszyithlosiOrdte latit• to etre Luc- .:late effect
Mae, imrdiusie se mud. • From Mangers, Tell or esti e
agnory ndiennal In Um enrol . littnlnush raticdrod al • I
TIM aidteeeed 40 as through 1111Xta cost WM.. liai
?I tab_ taah., Re.. or left at our stand on market den. In
the Dia Matted. erill be tanaptly attnedad Oaf
tr • = -- 14. 1*Mr saderit a'r eto ini dat Con=nlibi l" Pirei a
_at t'
A, Troia wal leave at 6
edam A, IL, anitmetheit with the Mall 7W 4ll T ' rias they
ihmaa Rained at Maw* Madam at A. A. M.. sad
with Um lailLsaa Aeamumalation at aama baba snits
littotnarepo at 9 A. XL
Malltsala kntos Cenomolnillawt 4P P. IL sad ome
smarm at &Mimes Maslen with xmtw Omit AOCalliMtr.
dation Tula No Pe: an. Railroad, •nan la Plttibillith
$16.10 o'clook P. M
IMAM to aad tro . .a nu rttbba Matiowe ost
Pittaburati and Co wlll be natived
and &Unwd at the tater dmot of the Ammo Railroad.
Biuttioa Rails Ocnielme wa s Pbeleat,
Frostburg sad Camberiand onnellsmila nivaal.m .
On the minder tea halm.
Velma eau be had Com 'Matt Agent at. the Vous&
BYlrwd Pamensar Dern.
The Adamarmarre 00.9Ma57 meamagaa
erlitithwf proof maw. ow ma SWIM 0.1:016m amp
ter Maim. Sahlabloa and paotama otMl baditemtrauted
' to the cam of that Oompoup, who will main wadi albs
tbantee, and- igiTO 'will- attention to the lab and
prompt &Remy of thatame, _, • _
Et. BLACLISMONS. Buitintaadamt.
Hai 60,1837—m77 •
KEYS E POE NOHY . awriro•
Fruit Trees, Evergreens, 44.
subisoriber would most reopeo4
fully ta ll the attention ands W
knit Wl, ni
t.. g!
Ile to his Very Issue Roelof knit
Sehaatvkti•aPoieb,spfeyslithe Is
g: uu . stoillsalk wittMet•
tr Phan, A pileoullarbarWtoUtoossbarist, Currants Sr,
ATIMIMMS, trnitt 1 to lam; of whieb... bus tuauy.
tbolleunclN ars 6m..Pormas Tustin/ taro pukititiottrill
be libaslly.dsalt -OW and aim 'Otte AWL a.
Mifteiot t =teti l sue • I:M=as MMllbraik
mike br:the MUM:iamb ritassr7,4
'fop°. 'milt be nrouty,ty attaulod to.
111.17.—Plautina Wu math , to ottisr. - ,
. - JOlllll Itottooctii,
;. • DB-HAVEN,' (auocietisor to Ag new,'
. Weld/neon* L)ndrioy,) Llanufnettunief Wrought
an Wit ken Inn Panda Italidlmo, eelnatariea,
he- Iran Wont% Panits,',Valle Dna& iron nnutters.
lam Guam, and Wrought Iron In 101.0 Onments.—
• I o, Ronan Wass. Uookbantorns, Undenlendsrf and
PI n Point., Owings of allninde t/ Mar.
war Ifunttrirest turner gl.lgittd.,
to artonsu.... ....10/1111 Z. eseten,..: .Im.y:sums
• "DI Ito hell, 11exr.0 1 1. 1 6 +Coo
r thi. continue the bagmen of the Sidon
. 1 Pm:left, at th e old'otond or.Pintroon,
It CO, No, /PI LINA r at.
tuy manutsattore u mum, • tug* and itonotol'
ihoortment et UABTINUee,, compoLdnif
POljithigtitte6, Banzki and Side Ovone;
'iloikro Ware, Wagon fuel, Doy Sad from,
"ha,llettles, Plows-and Plow Pointe, •
• ;Miliaria Menhinery Onallnge generally,
And GAS and 'WATER PIPRN of 612$rot.
'Shovels, Spades, Picks,
All ofarldob r 111 Lem:ant rasconfootnrooe ottv a
''Steites, Fenders and Fire Irene. 7-7
U 3,1 Weed Mee.. •AA the saw= has arrived stab
0 &lists use the o rem waned , aztiele
u l b" at•
arriattrdni= of aux mak, stselle so:
elate:.We are
;di ea low se the lea,: la
the eitfir. • Racctembwr tle:platoo, M. 124 Woodstrcti..
J. 1.111•10 •
• dooortoor o J Dorodollar:
1857 0 . -, -,; • STOVES! STOVES!!
r7ost; toinpleto. aeeortmant of Doak
loa,toarlor 11eation bTOVEB to b., inuita In Al.
1 1.4, ( b It n Teat..t.frie.t . mavneini in r
Xtrisatr-riabt: • •
, 2. . • ^.
- ';r914414 , : --4, • • PT•tal resat Otiottaa.,
Besot, oi tae Nwt,- •
Tother with eeeee varlet). or articles lota* Iltka„ rats
as hollow Ware. Howe Voznletoog.tiatterand Saoutlol6
Illed.Cparrrot and • Parrot (Naas. .I.Sal,at Piga of Oa Re d
falfert or,frarral attar: Aliagasay. ,
ArlAttly -`, _ außo 131:0.M. austr.t.
AVILLIAm. TATE, klumbor said Oise Kit;
TT ter. 17a. 10 Racal,' stmt. near .Llterty. did '472
Petri stmt. omit door td Ald. Patti= n'a Moe, and led
oral a m ended noirrartro Drag Stony Alhornarm
riarnrorr d. - Gallon or Milan for Waten'lloo and
litotak. • • , : ; Mar/1-1/
•1, • ~- Lace•Vsods i
.A :URGE :11‘13101011 Or • - _
emSilknd Lucie for Bonnet Trimmingo,,
' ri ••
It'llllllCt3-450 Flint libitss nal!
OPS-7 Wee let. bort notein sorer and.
II Cot male by SPRINOra ItAILB %DOM
wl, - , . -Ifo. 9111 Mato glint,
VANDLU--2,0 bin Sterliaa - Ournes,to
•-%' 4 4* mut for 1 .1 b 7 stamp nu ErASIXIMIn.
• 111- ' ON • • -- re.;
mr sa d
W A K I MUUIate "saL
. !r.
t -to ;
. _
2assengcn_ Truina :will inn .144, exnept
Audvs..... go.= . _
Thu.. oar , or Tarn tsars
- .rot press d deastyii sootaoo'll ln a.
napML Chaspran rebate W:viz
Exouttea tea-ea Pittbargh •.
boted Psil
tomes Pitts aurgh at-9 A
imuni Fumes baron litteburah at...-3 P.
false ntato in ls Mal Prentllne SA. /I'
Pss " tsa
, 0 0nd l or uprtas ' "P. kt
Thaw trains mate dere contectiore - at thoeunaa ' With
lae fo,tyqumbul., OWL.. Ceociatuui. Baileroutattua
lanspeltt, Terre Haute. hvaturrillanol i tqui on
,p.tenduig on ndil.oeth wort tarp • Int
illitelrec,asl=lyn% pit!
Bette, Deno e. Neater. EPrinlEold.
00 0 0huton, Alton and St. Lon* • •
These stains toonoct et tanacebi with Trams on the
Ilanonteld. Eanduskr, and Newark voad.lOr Sandusky QV
and.TUlrdoi oleo fur Mt- Tanen, Newark and Zanaprtilt.
t'unnotiztal aro made at Alliance for Cleveland. Dun
kirk and buffalo. _ • . -- a ' •
Tralno .:sat Irma._ Culotte" make oboe .monsoon s
with tralno on the Pennsibranda Control Dual for
Took . and
on at 14 ' .011,t0n... Dayton, Chbala
nail.' .". ulit. It. /OZER. inatisaPPl/e. Kollaftratalso
Chka (look' Wend/ /ow. Ranlietho Ilittwaukblo I
01.. Cairo . Epringsila, filliPola.l.Docatax, Bloomington. Poo
else Lanalls. Quin , r- and IlloollpOon. loWial slew Fort
Wayne. Cioraland. Totodo. Duni" Buffalo muff all the I
principal viten II the West.
a b ove Thrugh Ticket. now thi* Una ma he _had . at Uri at
the places for FRUITION - Phli , sdelPßla. Battik* ,
and NW Yen.
illerelantErareir o riallUsheater and W 41157111% Wm.
Pittatmrgh OA A. SI.
Leaveallocheatar at 1.06 r. W Arden dMtiabarill
at 2.15
warm New thighton at 61,0 A. a. Arrives. st Fittilbarlar
9 /0 L Loam Pittaoursh LBO P. a. AVIV , •at Neal,
..mlehton at
An E
rupted. Traialeares for the Winikdaß.T. ea.a`
dare erupted. aril • a.
For p.a.'s and farther .informotion apple to A: T.
JOLUSEITON. Agent, at the Drat
lalbeed Wk./.
-direst-1r on the corner at tint lionongabalaonse. Pitts.
burgh, or to GEORUN PARKIN. 'reload street - static%
Alias haul . Olen F. PATKICK,No. lin Daartern striate
comas Tres:tont Mornay Chkairo, or to the , ass at the
Rations nn the 11
to. J.: MOOW. En .l•
. D
On Weak Assn, Magi
~ t r jr %Mmaii. p. /ta1 ., =1,49;1 1. 11 . Wen.
Louie; EL o say pan of -
thy Grea t troth. r_,..—,.'
After The Snail Mai. the rplendid Etaaniebi ITITTOP
CLAYMAN% MAY QUEEN snit i CRAP. WID Qrsit thri
morning and mining tine bstwren amemed and Detroit
the premiss maron, manning as follow:
Capt. O.
. CI. Buttarry. Dante N. If. TM&
rm ,
mergand.—telowlay A. In nicwilunt....glontri Pi 111. °
Detralt..--..Monday P.M. Getrolte ......Tocaday A. M.
clerciand—.Trieeday P.M. niereland— scent's. A.M..
pecrsit....—..Wsdrvey A. H. D.trat..........Wedmigi P. H.
Cars lend —.Thursday A. M. nimiand....Tittinnisy P.M.
Detrolt,.......Tritinday P. M. Detrolt..--Priday A.M.
ihnelaria..—Priday ... 0. rilsralang....haturday A. kJ.
DatroU r a liSeir l il i a . y c iA4 3. . Dot rn i .....i=nlaLE4L
Gl i ii i giarid......auseray A.ll. Sandand«..ifridell.:
Datroit—..Tocatay P.ll.ll)strolt........Yriday • P. M.
Gisrsdand...inedarey P. M. Obreeland..—Satneday P.O.
Detindb.......Thanday- A. IL Datrolt...—.Monday A. El.
Clae of the baste TUI FUT Clanstand evert morning at
9 dawn, Windily' excepted.) and may errenlng.on the
Arriving at Ddreit in Ilan to enme
u t - W Lb the morning.
titii7ll ls lfflO r s ' far ta r Nortistgaiit sod Mart : tlss
I .ha twat*. Lake Michigan for aillauts Ts! . Obbings.
Pane shoo bun by tids routs than 07 SAY w.
Trains of the Illablitan Central r an to tb• Cohn
Dcpos at. Chicago. Wm which all other roads diverse,
ibareby saving hack hire and change Or IMAM% Innie
drat to otharrontry. , •
No charge for. handling baggage • when chinksare en.
livered to Ramat' of the 11.. . .
We hays large &are Cracr expressly far horn.=
attics .
P;114611 going to frau, Kano ind ltditisks fad
thErthe ehaaceet and mat comlbrtabls route, 'soar testa
are ism. Ina easemoodlovs,
act owe ag Wma. sad dealers la.4teetc, and
It arestly (bell. .thyr,tom..jkaill at UMplay
ar Ram and - T.OOO dtrottlr oppo
tit, the ldanslou flour sad BotaeltisaLtialtromt Depot.
For ritat of fare and farther InformotiOa r apply_Fttho
above Mot. 8. f•A=.
W. 0 8114117.)1. Ticket Agent. • •
Genova gorent, Olooldand.
splB;4lBat • P. KNOWLAND. Ott . Pittsburgh.
1.1357. 918 LtErR. ROUTS.. 18b7.
FROMalltgr il aigEM
• - -
St. Louis, Alton, and Chicago Railroad,
Route to the Route sad &nth Went lieteety mllto
Morter than any Other Route. •
00 ROCK MANN 11., Caner Wan Buten and fiber.
man atteele.
Rt. Louie Day Rnmeas, II 30 A. N. datlT muds, en.
eepted)—stlito at KW Lolls IV 1.30 P. 11.
at Louie Night Esteem. 11.16 P. 61, (3aturday
eneeptetC—arrlve at Rant Si. Look an LSO P. It.
=ARS WRAF'S US? 01. Wlltel
Dar E - 4•41.4, 8.15 A. IE. oalIT (atm:lay exce,4ted) ar•
4t4 1 7 at Calatao at 0 45 s'. 51.
at Ohtani& ate n7.4 .
Sight ils
at v.
A. 51, daisy (tiandsn exon•ed) arrive
From Chicago to St. Lords. 13 Hours.
AT .IJ:Ligt , --with L .e Rook bland DAllthod for Mown.
La Dane. hock 'alsrsd wad Cantuliar.
AT DLOORINieTON—with Illioattakotr al Railroad for'
Clinton. War weave.. ant Desator. and with name for
Bova. at Antis Jnnrtion with Dentin mod , JottairkS H.
x fur Waltiot Eirom, We. loam: Peoria. Pekin. Priam
gimand. ILnozexle. lialasburgh. idannumiti and
AT OPRINOFIELD—with Gant Samtain Railroad Mr
Juke:invite. Naples D olly ;o BM*. .
AT ALT*S—with il Llno of Packets fbr Hannibal.
Quincy and Heokaki the met eateditions and reliable
root. to allportion. of North Eastern follaeourl. •
AT ET. LUClD—with Daily Mut Clam Mama:oats for
Yew Orleans and Intermediate galas on the Sneer MU
alukppl. and with Bentilar I.lnee of Packets far Kansan
Sr. JomPh.. and all points on the tilmollri. Tenuous*
Cumbermani and Arkansas Rivera.
Omiengers desthind Art Bloomington. Springfield.
toitnr, Jacksonvllle. Napie3 and all palutl au the hilislav
Woo , . kinanni, Kann.. Cumberland end Teammate HT.
trees taking*. above mate. will be num of making
ocimmtions. and arriving In lit. Lola on &Wartime' that.
avoiding the vexations delays of*. drcultiona routs
via Demi. and I.lllnoto River. saving twenty font how .
time being thirty wren miles lea.% distant to Hi
too. atta nighties. to Spaingflaid.olventy DM to IX=
and tile= leas to Omuta than try any OM* made.
Through Megan can be women at Mlthe Inners
Bailmatiollicen at the tkrathanra °Mon DOSOMA
Opp:Mita the Tremont lionce„and at Inc Michigan/SMM Booth.
ern anti Book island Depot; arrow of Vsnßuren and Bhar
BIM =nett
Ettspomiblaßaggese Men. will bast the Depo•gof thy
varimm road. taming Ina. the City.. to cheek Baggages
through to any pabot decked On Ms I.e.
B. EL GOODRICH. General Pagninger Agent,
mrTid ,
Pittsburgh and Conuearille F,afl 'goat.
Witt tebtiret an I
jIL toed r 1 kw the thswetwhethis or leme&i ,
•111 ail
. 3"d ots= r=ethrowl atit
Britten's with tg
base also bow made with the now&
Cerns ts h=4, hy which through height to Medd.
phis and BalUnote wilt be meted from pants on the
Pittsburgh and Ocauzellntlis Itshrosit. 01.0 lads, on
Sse-reble tam,
atnnaX o OF tlwiti—On and eller Needsterisn oth lest.
these will be two daily trains at WWI% str.
. Trry towing the Pesseeses Btastor t Urues.
BNnmd, llitabursarte, asestre=r .Chwalstrte et Bleat,
it;4.1.1., ROAD.
. .
.1 1 1LE a of oad
now run Willett, to and fromNidorol_ Sfatatloti.
hcny, and Cilmeland. Wheeling end NommariimUkoir
• Two Trains to Oftreelluff and Nalloir. -
Two Daily Trains to 0/efelano •
tare Daily Trains frac Clarelaud to Chicago.
The old established and mmt rellable route tO Mimi?
Tthe Notttamit bola Clerelang
The MC= lease Depot 941 a. at. and m.
Anise In Clevelost i n i r.m.. bad 5 1 .60 p. m.
- Maisano &no a. and if 45 p.
Paseeagers lor ClevelanM •Toledo. c.,bloaM and other
points In the Northwest ria Clareland. If they srUti to go
ft•werd wltbout elay. must sm. CNN tickets -do Boaheo.
ter, as them tra m.atalcitY of Mai St . saigirgils te. go
o .
and Chicago collimating at dui vita that:Mos
aA Clmiand—the Cleveland train does not wait ttr the
ordeal of the other train as tamtladnt. • -
Paatengees far Wellsylla. Plautatallle WOMlthig and
o ther in iota on this flea Loehr Ohms Gins go tbronall
without detention many luau in dream M the steam
Watson the Mum. ' .
Baggage trucked *mach to • {Sheeting. Cleveland;
_Cblts.o and other points on the Ulna. • - • • •
— Peseehge , for Now Phtlalelghte and Stetter. on the
Toeceravems t.ranth most talte , the OA A. M. Trap from
Allegheny Chg.
TlMem are fold to Cleeilan Q SandnelgTol o ea n le , ,
utton,go. MIWIMISe, u'ner norling l
Bock leland. lowa City. leanleltb. 80771. Annelle. Her
Gorr. Vonklrk. Fella and enda/o. Also to
an veal et lb:quell the road.
Pa...eager. &airing to go to Cleveland onto Toledo.
Clengo.d other points In the northwest will be Man to
ask for their Whets via ameiced, othernlve they .111 be by otter ro utes. t . • .
Tinton! to points aro eSld at Ibe Ticket Mee In
Alleghen. UV.
• Yea engem ma Ott 607 Inlonnatlan m owning - tide
toe at Mt. rf the Com}wny.....i.kletuniterula Mete.]
Mtburgh, J. dons. Cleveland.
' 0. A.,Plitehartb. •
reriargivanut .itailrioad. ' •
,grtat Central Route; cothicoek the
atlancio oltam walk 'Weatena , ltorthweisteen, and
_ attanoaera Kat" by • rontlnaous. laillwAy clima—
tal. road also roomed. at Plitabarith with daily Uao o;
ateasaers to all part. cm tba warts= /UM% waist 011 m
laced and .11nadaodry wltb 'ammo. to , aU • oath.
NoNo vestal% takzrial&,
grwatd t, and
UsitelhU._ . i . - • . ".
nci a, a
i p Pkterimenile d ihrizitithliin
_ rx, nocato= Mi,
rtat.22llist..=l mi,,,umae,
isoti' w . . - \T .".-
.4 . '
ND . liatiEr - i - ao' ...*. cla i o, , _ .0. ..
Shir Uzi. and p . k .„1,...„,
i ._
Rade On mita) a. a gMa dd.a . par . lb.
la t rolliar barn* ealmud
CLxffi—Amy (la
• mks.) Ramat sad la salmi - • - - • • -
alliatar. Oa realliCuel•
Wittll incel a wkijct-Tc. %.,
,-., sad la Mt. at boys stairimard.) -1.. a Mae
:. • Clan tar._ its.. . • .
, 'rortOdibre "l"- aaldos.. -,•
. ' l ..., attar tatortataxaMllB las welsh.. we
; . oil .... ...ode frow=t
• , . 'iaPluladtl ' • ° =4MgA t i:Rtt 3 -
"Waltri e VlSE l liViiii Icilitt n Naftie
mark II
. a 172 .....*,..,
cr in =sl:, ;
~,L--cr 7:
......./,„.:.. 471 ., 7 , 4
.. ~..r . ,
it' l° •,. 76...,.L.7 rnilf i - Plw • , . 7 ,
•9 ••;-
~ •—•-":.-,.05T.,,•_,-.
• • , ---,,•'•
ti.,,'. , ,-gra,....m4 okit,..
P '.(
4" e5.1.:4411
On and after Mondey, Febnuiry
Tr:3H&MAILTSAIH teases the Furuu tez
BUM n..isrsiorolaKohrisp i f Pharr. i%
FABT /. 1 4E I . lo . 4 . ll !"* lr i b i-ood,rAlawk•nolc.
Tall MOTU 111P1M8 TRAM gems ilttsbetrett tat
Phlladolphis 9.50 P. id.
Tha Matzoh Arecormodation trild-Lidratlilltdrusb.
iholoy. or am o'clock. P. .11.. dfdadithai
all Mations. orridt roast= ot_ihr so • godUrnal - ''Ttor 4 dignm
orsoroodotiosi Train frf Turtionver.lim_militrf,
es.ot Banda r or a, M. no hoar
Train for Torn. error lower daily. Pa ayi
Th. Third Acomirdodati Trolli . 4:lTS4:falothliaTed
didir, ozone Sander, at 6.11 P. IC
The stood Units amnion ar.,Paidadir:lrthe thri 1611-- eitmeGsbrum l odObkr!
r a s l l i o ;
~.P mp hwaft'k tn .ab w= alitir' n r My y
oath, Byttruhloidarglokm
Clinniond. Columba., Zahiwilito, lad orPr thl .tdr
oh:nwith Ursa.= nazi ants nom rind to 4nr •
( *.suc k t.Lerts.Locanzia badOmonyin.
tor! fri !iv! • to, of from &Au tho
nt's" tortlMs POrtieVaarl: l l4l),ths
69:1_ ait la diChorot
endear ?dirty PINOSOOMITOZU th. Keel vin tha thy
tho abirrass sad most in=tisrarts , PlatiGelphta
3. , MI ART. .thnst. rarardPrr Tr.*:
THOil. SWOUP Asiorh.Paorooorloarra O
Galena ting . chieste
Rom COMM ussvr, Ibot of LULU con
INELLt Dazdelltrsith. arioal!" rsaisai”a rxrA gypror
NULTON AND . /WA tisi—rer roma aad
[Neutral Itnne l gseeeacui ON owa, tirbratts sad Mar
mr eae. u.. l3 x t iaem be ce:e n t i. W .h. tleti w s et
ht m it Wu/a
Mau sap other Hus,pluard. us et rutted with dna&
/OW Buse Co.cler au palate In love sad the West
E aw= sad ganBo2l LlNE—ter Delolt. JaaarelNe:
Nettle= and Ceueralltbronele. - •
It MINIVER vALEArr LINZ—Ear Chime] Leta. Ile.
Mary. Wit altiLludata North- • • •
Tax mute dolp.txadat • excepted. RR all of the above
pew% lasklux elope causeetleas with the Magna Real"
arid wlllt petard* visitellladepa north and math.
. , T URN IN4Prest :
P. Q. NALL.' dot . tireeklyd IMO
aka 18 5 7. - Aire
Steamer Telegraph.
THE fine kmrprwsure &tamp Tolitignpit,
apt. P.IDUAZD BABZOW, will waar two.tidpa •
ga t, Wanda Oktidand, port dtantay.,Part Bdr add and
Immo Ourraluad lbr Put Stanley Pan linorelt
Partß na miry Monday , and Tnienday, at TM Wetted:
Lan Nadßarwall afg .elakelt.P.ll., L aWayt 'tau.
kya V t T deka g . P. at, he Maraud arm ITN.mad ag ar
s aattArlaattArnn int iltara m.
tweet thr e w
Pulatotadnanzaak Oumaan with tt.b
0. • G. fkthoad,,tdarthad and Pltttlarrsto••• Wm*
and TeWo Railroad. • •
/AWL - vltlPort Statist and kandoollialtri4 and
Port Boma Ilisect "two.
rt. TaLIKIRAPEI kaa bean ttiorosuldin6htatdd sad
matted. and - I. szadlant condition lb/ ilia tracts OW
STY= Fraight 0.1 ; aroxo sort,
t u t.AuDYRD itilostlonct.
HOLOOKB .Thillr.9oN. Wank DirlBol l .Poi
Btsalay. splolest '
LiFerpool, Philad : and New:York
Berm Bt6asoznip ,Company.'-
rIIE splendid Stew:Oahu) • forming the
C alk
storillne will fronak* yert-sa thno.
r or •WASltheerl, CV.lOth A
ILING.IIII.O4i r dolFroy.l4lhllo,
OILY OF di CIE11:313111,' kotr3o. With
CITY Of BA TINONN, laNct4 lib Juan;
Awl wok climate T andas! _ =
Itoin Llvortool way onomosto wodnwelus. . _ •
ran ltoß lt i oz s Yorinu . aat
lloturoTittsta sorb room.months IV SOY Wm= •
_ Cala. sllll,—Third clots.B4o.
Thom Bteilnyill an supplied with improved Watortight
compartatonta. and awry lortotricnowf Swykrolt
Yawns shout prococtling to Europe, or wooing to or 4
For tb.dr Mood. now the id country can purchase tioko
Masud obtain ell Infect:Wow by ittgy leg to .1 O. ALL.'
13 Broadway.,3l. 4,3•1141& Oar*, Broodwar. N. Y. oc.: !
JON THOMPSON, 410 LI tarty st, Pettabgnr3.
.111N . P Cortidetaten by first elzalrasUlng ratauttdl
Immo= N.. York and 11w1300. Mu ocd by Wm
above. .
NUN N.. - 1* A
Dual TOP TEO PORPOILII.OI. ammo, ' 11 /
** m
N. HOLMES h. SONS,' Brolsiqt. '
AO. 67 .Iftritt M. Demean T 7.0,0 .aad FmrtA sit:litian.
Frai36ll.VetiLa. Amuck at ag 004ter.,-- ' if
Bain of Pittaburgo-.-..0. I Braoth at :Seal... -- as
Itzehankalliol. 0fd4.... p.r.tißranth et Transolos a.. 41.. .
doo , and Manors of 0- Pad City term. L:telcoatl.. it ,
Bank of Oomsexce. ....i.r, for m vs' 0. LkAhoctul... Op
3i,...b dd i d e ham,. .. .. . . ..tuts , /tt rt tr. bath..._:_..... do
Rank of North Lam tua h.-..0m • - do
Ronk of L.bortioara: °Edo Llk loo.tfiroatl.k. do
Bask grautZot. -1. , %,.'t.ler . o kwa,ve tank- :ds
Comte:Mal Boat f PI.:IZ ' '' '" ".4llriri,(l . l:7A,l7 h '
Yammer 6Utootuntro' Bk.par All ect, , ,, Bari,a._ .: . %
akar! Dat:-----...4 -- - , , Nev..- pod,.
ifonalogton. Rank ._..--. • " ..rar Z.* Y . ol' C , ..F-. ... -Plo,
Mama*. k Mail. Zazdc-rar.Conatri-...- --
lacebanks' Balk.- -.par „_ f.L&R.V . L.V.D.
Mo-aaeristolißgZ.7.....paz Balkan.-- ..-........,44
Bouttorick Baok-........,-sayi..l: a D . sil,TIV •
Tradearom'ollault.........t.Dar Al:rattu 1.1...-- Id
Wootarnlisak--....' 4st • • VIRUINIA. ‘• -
Bulk af(thassMontraralt- 30 liana of the Vaihr........ )fi - •
Rook ofChertor Cototty-rarE souk ofVs.ltichmmud../ '
hattkofDantlio- hank Itsult, Vs. 'theta. '
Bask of Dol. Co.Clusist.-PS. Fsorterle Bk of-Vit ads..
Boot of Garmattorm.......r Ilarehudet Cr 'X
Ba n k.of Charpburgb..... :isi•Nruth Watarn bask-. •
Bak of LeMstuarn....... 1 8ranzh0a.........-,.......1i
Soak of Itiddletop..CANOLLNA.
MoulmousorrOo.Haak - • um Rana ot Cara .7••••..- ' ..
I " . * PLISOnh.Mb.a...I.44.,RanK ,31,EL oflO.ClutWa
Colotabla Bt It Ittidgo Ou.rarCom. Rauh. Wlladnotop. ' "I -
Doylaotona Data-- .... ...ratiAlartboats'lM.Nau_horth V
Luton Butk—.--.......rat soma CAROLINA.
lrlo 8ank........." ...... - KBk ofthoht.ol ti.patollos
Formats' BlrolDselatly..rarrouk of South thruilos.
lamosor BA of Lourutar.. Far Rank of Charlott.o. -.
latmar/Bask of Beoulina.vir Nanteref. Nerboteelde •
Fwd. Bk o . •• - ar.oncae,.
ram A Drat. Woruesters.l irtuata Dm. A Ilra 11‘
Itstmlla Bk Waohingtoo. 4 Utr of August,- -- -
Dault- -- N. De.atllrouswick. An. -
t."" * " "7.7- 1. Alba* atimat...-- 4
trr (Monty Bank-pal 11,NNTLICXY. ,
bums Botak-...--..0m Bk of Kaotutty,Loulat'e 3.1
Maas' Doak of PottarMaps Mk of Laohrro,Thurobta do
Conoorabals Rauh. --um tiattharoltkorKouturly do
Kant sm.& Naum.._..dmmouthartg i lt *Manta/sky do
Wyoming 13X,Wilksobarropm.
York Raak..............-. Nytato taut At brautboo-
cp m rcr
Eh ofatsta • Whaturt... ti
Otdo State 8ank......-.. WISCONSIN.
itratmh st Akron— ..... Abaft. A Ftra an. Co. sits I
Brandt at tk0nta........ do 31101119 AN '
Smash at eta do farmarMsotasaluelaalt i '
Rom* at, ... do Smuhr 80ak............• a
*ma& at ...... do Iturcormsa Oolnosay-.. t
Desalt at .... do Stata Bank.-- —..... I
Wm:what 11Nct0m.......... do ,
Dm& at Dalswirs........ do net& Liptia,Toronto I
at Cahoot= ..- do Bk of the PooplaVoronto, 1
at Ash:Ahab ..- do - Boo* of 1tcaMm0L........ 3
at Dasta......
at Nattalls/ " ...1 Sk A t iaVotrai.
at ............. •do Ihnr. 0rk........-. N
MStratutAL.... da
ill - ' do . I 2 WItBTBBDf 2144- 1111111 - 1!
ad 11....
at da • ' ' ..
at Ilt. 5c50a...... do St-Loofa---- ....
LD AND SUM air lox
p 7
at.,...r.............. ao 434...........--m,
at Mt. Flasmat.... do IMMA3I/mo-- , ... ,
at 0rd51k........
t t = 7 il
at ilammuut..,- doimMau t t . - .Z..-7. As
Dollar' 8111d4115 Bank
Dza Jim, acorn' .low itatotto,.
OPEN, DAILY_ Duo' 9 to 2 o'clock ab•
Inpsosour sad Sauay
e pics. ft= ligy
Orate Noma*, asthma V I. • sad rpm Ni.
thart to lizsA, Mat it to ' • ,
G ATlts . sagzelfon =T 7
Msant Dornikar. Warr{ Tao -
.14 La rai II
pre sallusch tet ba. alio
alceb.gnahalmilw Lam Italseima
Watlems rsnormi tui z=z st the9lll4. ,
• vtai
: 1 : 1 1E - N 1 = ab !""•-,
r a g n r. / i6 l l
b o N ar e ti
olut imi r t Ocaraw, =sow
P ."" e trei64: .26is c il l a rraLatt .
A. Curia. • WM= IL.
I= L A. Colton. • IL
Juba 11111
O. Heim' • " ainclW.,= ,
was Hmrdm.a, Alonadme rho_ A.__
iteretarruet .nsuanr- -
liihar t etock and . Bill Brokers . :
(117RItanu and ITneartcnit . 11:!nnay , !Sought
diXtoonlit and sold on ciauxds•lon -
Bud's*. raw, Bonds and Mostaiss. Mtn mi
Bodin ? .
Banned Bonds Dunham sod nsgattaldkL:
OdliOmbsdi PscsnPat attended tn. •
non - • OM* Igo. Fourth stmt.
JO 11 Ai . LHOGG:
811DionD • • aIItDVORD •.• '
atowrr ruitanourr.
CONN.R..4AVILLE, , . •PAIRILLTE 024 _floaoh:
BROWNIWILLE. • • .." -
SSW BIUSLIMS.... imikvicago,
met_ Mwo- anta ulada. DWI/ uousmt, sad
and eotlected, uswg. rotor and BMW bou.att sad sold
Parke, Not and odor lkandtiY bonitht as in
scriontaduct.. Carnsmadwe nal collectioa.aalkUad,
HOLMES k .SON, Dealers
so Waned* Ogle ..Vach
pit.. BMA riOtle Ind nide. 099tUitt
batiA.lirtlANOGns amdirr.oa all th e .prlscd -
llrc.astianttheynnett 'new,
IMTBIJQUE;. lowe. •
-•-• •- tion .the collection sad matilmit of doblti.scr.
amal, caw. Dubow.. iondameoloodislo
AsmirriNas Pit94eTrA7,DrAPL!..
. rivrasszian.—• •
r. von Banabont. Xe 9
B. 111.141•Babrrtir. Zoe. Altair%
, ii•sirs. Wm. •
Itr i atn i tfl%
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mire most, oczakulable •dry tiat..m. the.,
Aitta t ft. b larftVigistX u " .3 . cltk• "• • •
; • • • arcaL55i00..m.,..4....-.,
•♦essalne "Joe Yoatoa.lialili rm.
PIN% Fi le !br • A.A.IWISIy
-• Ike ber hoot sadirear roet. 4
411 M COPO T4RNIEN-4bbisluatefot';
Ter soil " - swan mom* 00. '
IfiroßAo9o2o bu; Va. Manat__,
sr. witigoestsulibi
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IVANDOIL:BABBILSBoueirrar,,rfti t -„,
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