l=e=, e SEMI MEMO FM M 13111111E1 =EI : 1 4 &4. • • •' : • A ••••• • • . • • =Ell • ; •;•,* .; • .0, i:; =EI =WE 0.: .. I.; ... h. A 11. L I AT.:P , WRGn VAZgIiTE • • vira..t.ssiso imut.v A. j4k.t . th - 4 iC lb - , 1 . on* G •Itms airs, Assn minim= irma • • 'TAU 31 Ss D 101-4114 doirderawaanalli *Ws al " Agiivt - .4.17 siux6.ui ,oiabl - u be IrtiNdledoll ,2 l 4 fteOfing .f 02 .0 1( *' 14, Four soi4o• 'orgo I . ga oppiso d am' 10 03 ffirA.ns are stdetif Vklniteod.iad.tb gapoo tottnatess ougosod ortmo tbo h.pat. =Lug lt.korraned. RATES'OF ADVIERTISINd: 21,0410. 0 Ur p Ue 4,701 . ---o SWlllthitalitt.... •0 St p ~ p o Dpi hroo co* •-D. Lihr..o4oolln-=7.-"••• 0 : 04 DO- lbannooth• . 10 00 • Do • oft 11 00 Do Mretwomeontbs.-1 , -- ID • liMfraant . 7 4 - 2 ') DO best. , outeraelteluntisotpapr. • ••• ' osebaillitkoalagoio,losera;meirsiumxtb. sa Q each additional mo on itontt o ..d.r to. !ea the lidrotlloommtie exam4lu • oloake,oad 00t Ora Mon rix" VartU• for %RAI adrertimmulat bente4 the saeoot doused Ow 10414oblleatka. 'NOV cEs. scc,. Mo bo Stunine.;:Lizr W Irrg , '. . • . . proporo4 to reoeivo IC Ali U Eronb ith iber iii ntiw /sit-A oattlioro dnlootatA::ast It plots. so yottastol.lbitoestlitroo.',lttlbla this minutes' att., city by 3totoiolkot rageto4 sad sgottotut de" of Ali lanai Os Oilodcroad to : A It to . 02.6 . 4 ,7 tom KA BANNZT. Milan. bore. ' 1100TICE,--The.w3doraigned. Assignees of Williams* Ans 4 busby tom stales to all pateons lodsb'stfo gall Ono to malts tomostliato pelmsot. and , those hallos Maims to _prams% Om tams . .ror set tlameat to EDWAUDJAY , ALLIS, at No. ZU , Iltarkst ataw4. who to auttIINISAG terrtetyt sirt allstat the • sms. LL . 11111111.011,_. mammon. - Atod,... of 'Wllltalts a rs=s I . 004111110 • LANDS.—Wei . will %aim IsoOklit Teat itodso. now titilkto And Ire otusatooto ttio - Weamor not only title ttpestito Ih a.. bat we wltt-Pittl satiate. to pat bin to tr .i sztona t e lis tr i m e toltaxi t t It . ar . oftlitort .0011 too mad& 1014.470rT .111.115.1M1 a EMIT. - - -'To- Ospatalists ass Speculators: • it .., li .s. ore soaking prepacallons bn tbnopcn.: , .tiatirn...fabtiontes la lota. OW 4th) to to , thr pattth. Islohroo tuto r Char with p.m. - tor or-sralosobs—ood ottrl*lma ends. 0.44 per that; nthethis.. It athoor • Ipm" thothots - 40 , a y 1... 00.4 Invedathot atonal)" OA mato." mots ou los booth Mated an atom ennoldwed wrath dtroble the prier. palaSsr them. Too or our arm Win givother us. • 41W tad attortion to the booths.' mot tothath .11 hoods .,. of Oil Grow brat has then on a toter of an Saab.= Woo* , the put wham., sod to wall orstruoil maktogjodlessotholootions. Ittihad maks; pith' laid for land Warmth. Ws oillatth at a° "'r to Ithrtlth with; Ito to Moot. • ' . .1, StEttllON A 01.1 comer of Wood and Slosh stmt. Pittanjnt Or. 118141141% . 11110T Gol4.2lthltehr " boom. low . 'NEW YORK. GOODYEAR'S P&TENT VULCANITE, HARD INDIA RUBBER.. THE BEA° • Matintsetztrodtrort tL sbos. • At tales!. Mel No. 63 15foidial By the roma clover, laza nociol 6r Do.l media or Protonic:La par. ei r llfitb "'"' s mar P art h M over mod*. PIWDISI FLASKS: wArratd.l to keen th. For. deo 40r. lIMIKITURS CASTORS. tballl not. datum thoesrpot TUMMBLeuat 00APTIllilik Pen ani Pod.% • OUTLIMT. NAPIELY mas. Tata Wlmmiertla Material lltoll .IttrYttrtl taut as Hilas—atto.rossdneter or Xi: OILS, 1(.703 aid LLKALLC mixt tor to uer cedar ter the ati sstraf ther ,the t o In sal Darts or Mil a selves vita three -goods. and bar ankle Orbs tied. aril ba ELEBILLO • IRON.! PIPE -WEEKS • KERRIVAJAQII 142 CentraEtreet;- ' • LII.ANITEACTURERS AND DIALERS la Wrought-Iron Pipet, ttinta...Scola. andsgarg tion Ofsgparstas oontweted alga Item., Water and Ilso. Par treating sod llghtbas Steamers, (Jr. creme. Bost., PrivataDvralllno, Lloapttala. :whim, Villages, Pact.. ties and Halls. Also, Varna Oooki, tatondi.llllass loran IM Pollee gloms aude. to order. -• { J ar Senor Ozanne Madams we entirely new. an] au. own Patent—warreated to do double the toot of , Any totb et lovnttlen. - •• • - • • pryer mollde , vi ateirtiaad 111:41011111 of" the oramert. ant; erJOetisl•2/14v," MARBLE WORKERS. 0 H.N. K - S. • MARBLE OUT,T,ERI No. 58 St. 'Mart Street, l'itusbnith TIN SIN3OQHIRER, in- 'addition tO ;Ai/3 Wholamate Wortr. - Na st, wtlak be 11:111.1aagfis h' t , 01%re ami --7. ar *AZ I"Nritruinir=44l. cznurrsia itAlturw-ow • - No. 333 LibeilySliiii.,"boloor Mira. PITTSBURG LI, PA. • MATIBEW.LAW.T.ON, PRAO7IVAL XIARBLE-- MASON, % 7lBll6Breepeetfully to inform his friends oninutttr, sad. .I• of evert tW LoDltlo ntau 004 of frosty txti•ty and Gum; jANiZj •%' • • Ceara Table, Pier, Damao and ,• WASII maw Ton: • 0 , Melt he Is offirtng a• Me 00 say Ohm RatabUstunut Wet of the Monatallo; •U1•11•1 b natlnty nes. as him been aheetod by binell,expremly mr toll otorket.— Malian prepared to bulb! BD. VanttnAnokre.asr Dab is or glow. sad ele comae any other.° In no., is any of the Onnotothr adichains Pitolool 2aterta i r b lt athtldnl %mph dins noon ' ttikhini Eon: . tion.'Wsnl=s, Jnoiltntlath 77ar m, John nlibmatostri. KV, W L Rinontit, , 00•• Unmet, J DIA fee. 117 Beat, LK. The tittlNortftnsitYt ttwa bw..43....4 Do. MOUS Marble *Ulm daMbeeet Mtrough, et. . . Me.lsaledeo Made Nati eritec ohetar ths ben Ana • a ma &ctu rth Atis, lientea., Wafer and both.fer Land and InnozMorlr. i ll=a ed Se . letrablla at•batf •••••• • NMI COURT. -PEREMPTORY_ -11.1LE=14 P. lIILDLITY amilommerelal Real Estate Pa.. Rum; second ateryiXo.44 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Alr the 19th day of ASP negt.at Ystelock • trels• Bs • bt as eater ofthe Orphan •Otoart of Al • at county. L mon_to yoblie a 4, ac lb. Moe and 'ohm anon. dad. seiklbstellowind rat skeratir Of 10. maw Bor. Jogs Senor. deed.. ids' • All these gr. tonegineas three .tars, brick bongo* and tote ex platen 0/ wound ine.ythelle. ebs Wee Ors *tweed, • •llesne , gsa , lthw ne“terlye lido of Andersen .true, men soseagnety Ada ^ofdsieeek .street. In Allegheny vier:bon" sabot's tore.tuer 0 Milt es gs'd /LOOMS 04.1 110 feet.nad Nntllis or depth' 1919.84 9 hadn't° 84 feet ni .8 ie•suld into .Uovg strut; brawled, neretornotly by locrodWrest,sonArardly by Centre Her. Ironware. .ly Orem.' fru fset.elley. B,o4.,4asenerdly. by Anderson ^ meet . th e saw being lad la John TWIT . / platys@ fete essr•vis: - - 1•t-.amt !tn. 320 on the aims, of Anddierns street and Genet -Alley. 21 fret front by 18:1 feet 9 0, ch.Ray,. on oblehis erer-881 a:three Wary • didilat bis and Bon^ 21. Lot Na.lllt : ',4lostsg the Orme 21 diet ferret be el test hobo; on erNat.la eroded • tteres story dwell mg boom . 3 rtet - Ife=t, adjallting the •beve,2o teed front by 90 feeell inetdeeells so nista Denoted • throe sa!lr.t .. 11. ;melte. 379. adjoining the abort., fed front by •90 fart hub eteairirtoottis erected • three stoty direlltag . 112Matie 'tear/WU sadamath. • - 1910Lalatlar mama, irr Anaersin an Law.* its _ fiet frodl by go feet 3 loehudieos• On* isbuteoB4 • three rte.! brbk dwelling boas., fitly drug stare gap "derseetb- • nolrl bly Aggo—All them tort•ln Obit lota perm et t! of iterittents toerssatngton rarg.br Oruro* • tient% Y g Mrs 'i , l tt sirreA t teol a st !I bbl toes • Lot Via) eentalnial 60 feel frost owlhabingthist. " et ' ratrill r at, o7 •2l.7itr& Itt• Pennartereils &nal. - • . bee Na. 2. eoneslaing 10 fest - fronton WasnlegeM•treirt and crtendtrot beet. prom:mem Pregairsoridete,lolo hot' snort oglerg to lb. Penns; Irantathseal. Log No. 4.o3•tsining 42 feet on Montage." otrestosnd 11110 wen d Q. line of deanten't poo. Ng the same on .71 Yost. mote to . }gm to t • Poufs. stleenia Usual on orbieb la erected • trgetegtable. Terme. one halt regteilead.pBl4Be Redd smenthesdth integeet. ^ ROSARY NOB • ' . .:Bll4in•ref 'Aer'.lrba nete7.4 4. ' IS.-D• 114, Anelloe err. • We:4MA OrP_t!t4* 1 6. /XiVittitb a nal thii impharue oart .ante. . of Alleabany dotal 1141roti .27tb, bill por.ol to petal a .le. en the priezlat. car VAMPED. DAY, the ZP,t, day of H •7-.17.11, Y . b 7 ths uetiottiise4. Mai Junta tor of Ybe add/ of. Dsrl4 Wiiipia, , dwritolt filiovelne &bribed bpi estop.; to wit: All taat cattalo babe par-et of laud alluatart on ill Maaotuabelii %Ayer. In Illisabathttbrubm, ant boyarlel Dr tila lauds bl.Datil.lbmit* - sad; Jamie .toots.. eoo t•talsa bar atia• hal: crab any et boll Yeretturrartiti Twebbahp• sena of fbai I . le4Vila ai • It& wooer. ' Wog ter tea man/ of 001 l bad Digit X*. Woe to ptvitivits Deo emit radon outs to wiroba.ers. rarw cud m P*)VMO AND - YAWN/4S /VARY! • aboblatt by atkeYl4o Nati Ator,buramathontwit. ati ibeAlliabopebiiii aitoW. Oro masa above Attopeatratwattliivf latiotebbetoo 3 mbt . sadeonaloaiotiiiiktelt, Wyse, taro boo Ilitor '"4.b...lbatAtlbbb,Poittia mho torsi etib .0 other • r. " nate ta Iwo of prettbei au .11024.11311.1/ A • bile. A lonia plo boor tA. Pups a Win Dow 4°.° " th . ,Diat.. batsmen so,satirbotb,S= talleaterL 11.• tines p)1)11)14..),Un• Uub.rad marrattel ba fold vitt, the fu elpatt.e.e. it% Lore fa 48%4r WI. Wet. 17 16 11 lanai:Lab 14sad peeetedbitb aea t 0.1,1141101 U) it,' TLa ttattyligAliabtaal pa ragmwAth4 prep. . ettyfbatift bdateei byboi die haat et ttarool. to ; (booth' 9.11,..YY tire. "re. Omlrshl. WWI or mato (6115) id.e i r g t=g4 l) :Matt.l 144usitaiu taller. y.ay on eatittner . tbe bailee el ' ast-boatial as any,. wta Watll4k= 4 4ritqullund.umet.gste. ...-s.o.wum*.s.selmistiscrator:; iMI:a2IV. , WOODwzr,L, 010. RAU: U ntorusair...: amsuliu 0numn27.4... ‘6, 3.4.1411-44.. ' .=.14.5t.14 air . 11 , rtin •-•' •' ootattolnod . JO M! 1 • 1 7 12 014111 112.1 r At% Uta , Mt s, r- " A3R;SA:MIUV,MUM. , t• laWßLLlNG.liDtrar'ral:ENT=That . Ina lien Waal zunkieteaser.l , lo. 2b rue strnot. noir by the 1130800 w. The holm Yin tat cedar: tab 1.11 madnnk bonyeetra• M, triter, EM4 link& lbeedrable fa. • wally.— ebb be saza. oats the Iltst of SIM— , . Nl ' "446.424,9 - lALCHTLIN. • -To;Aet, •TgREE brick houses, 4 rooms each 'ls tba lon th Ward. Oestre aVnas 6 Bond. Want lOW t. terunt. Enquire al JOT Warr a WILBON. Na 2 I.lb.rty strewt. rLE - ASE—.II. desirable Lot In the Fifth ear!, above Ilanimea et, Mooting MIT fast as Liberty et tad eaten/WA tett one bemired feet to 'Neon Olen tunable tor aCkat or Lime Yard. -Ter terms esomee cr GLOACIN %PUTMAN, AU' ear- mood .y. sod BaNttiPMA et. kFFICE TO LET on Fourth et., nttvieen i!lartald and W0041.U.—N. , Aopl, to =l2: AURIN LOOdIS & CO. 1. 1 70 R Briak MOM. on:Front tn. turellaztat;thre• Mein Mgt; litenrslo6. pur whoa oath. drat at AprlL Appar mod xim i lis gym rirri LET—The Hall formerly occupied by Wood and TrlnP .ls l:. °l ll;37= " :d eV:n o & SON,. torAldf No. 247 IL.booly attest. I DOLL ARS—rive thoueand del :31,9(1:1. worth N. Little BA* MI I Run II !rocks I exchanged forgooct proporty. to or nen. th d;y. parle T 110.11411 WO)DIS. 'Obia.l.saillar Bale. THE entiliteftkr offore forsalq section on •2: township 12:Vs% ge10: gtark rietztv, Ohio. co.= .• ly known as 'lllyrian , section.* containin g au- • Ms M -, agna three milts wort of on the State goad leading tu Wont anti within about two mine f u CU Obi feninylvania Roll Road. The moth. gear:and lIMIA meet quarter. are partly cleated .1d lingrand—the remainder la covered with enterior timber—end the whole le well watered by goring. and running etreame. This nation Le considered the doled Duty of land In the ejUrl• to. It .111 te sold undivided or In quarter. le .alt war. chasers. To thaw who Quire to Invtat in real estate better ophottunlty le rarely offered. •J. B. 15W1ITZILK, , -..12,1mdt. ' No.lol 4th et, P ll. R, lIOR SAL} ONg OF TIM lIANDSOM ., - est •Clountry Sento ideart the Ohio aver and P. P. W. 8. , 8 M nuke ftoo a 1111,61.17 Oltr. ocatotolo• To maw. 6r we ottil 001 l IS men, of the front, tho tm prove widow whkh Ire• largo rettose Two* stable sod othor out balldloßt • moo pod thriving orchard of ths bet of weed froth • tog. wand" of raspberry And othurbort7 Wars •Dd ottweehrohterry.- •0 tboown. Ireo tote W . F. veil ter said mid en ower tooth If ledhollte moo. - • to• • Q. W. BUNN. old, of Pod street. 2d doer Booth ce the North • Common. •Itoolerey Ott. 0p23 y-sivE ACRES OF LAND AT AUCTION. cm turdily Iretang east, lair Rd, at Went,. l'm netieelloom• vlll resold Rya - zesurof land,ln - l•CLlatt• PititiWont ) itTerArlir L'lLl."`T'i d . ! w*et. Balevaltirr. MAXIM • RIOLIBY, area : IkanlasliVArtt • OOD sTRE Er PRO es RTY FOR SALE W —Tbe subscriber? offer. for ..I. that vs, desirable Drarrtteituatediwa the noutioweet earn •t of Wood et. met hog Diamond alley. Lot 41 ten.t 8 Inches on WOO ?Wet, by 60 beton Dlamoud on which is erected good • itibitautlal twillabag. his? storied brad Yor terms ahrl7 to ;. • • • JAhIYS W11.131)11. • N 0.91 Woo/ attest.. DAGIJEERIAN GALLERY FOR RENT lathe fourth ohm , of the above °toner budding.— amm* from Rood Mott. •Lo for est., 10 Doildtois Lobe frontlar ao Dan ash rt. Alleghtoy Otto, 20 feet by .0. For imgkpAy to No. Sit Wood Moot, rinabmiitk. MALL FARM FOR, SALE-33 acres, of $0 Idles there if 20 clearad, all anlar good fame, bal. snag tinter. Leaprovamenta a gcot teams barn and easing Dome; lag derailing Cont. 2Y feat el mar., all wary .t.hallthago, will be fold cheap far mph. Tor tall ParrMims apply aa hlcLgos heal Fatah, and Intelligence Olgee, sal • No. 2 Kt. Clair otrest. ilsT DAM CO.. PATZBTs • lamb& and.oVet elr Wereroam. Mae, New tork; • , Le.w.o. Only. !rockier CORK EGRXWM; Valuable Country Seat for Sale or Rent. TILE undersigned offers property in N.. Brighton for sale or fOr rout. It Is eitnate at IMO parse from the I:cobra:1 Btation.ffltd conslata of a 10t99 toot front on the ft.. Cattle road. 07 621 .t deep to thllßleaboose Ann. Thereon la erected a Brick cottage Houma with 12 roam, two botch outside botldinke with wadi house. earl hr.use b,ke oveo stable. =Whoa" ens. wad is wall provided with timing and with clams water. She garden contains a great norther of fruit. bowleg tufo, Mae atiokai_and ernatawatal bo Iwo For Perttesistrilingulreof Yr: .7. U. Backoleo. Liberty .rtmt.. or ot tits undanigned at the Mare of tbe Pittsburgh. at. Warne and Mingo BatlroW. Laseack shwa. AlloarieUr City. Tama of ado rery may. ap2l.bud.oboo TB. PHOMIL. RainAvere and MAUDIee S lOAHORING TAPER. kAcuLvors ,. ottmaa. I=l GII}LAT.BARGAINB IN COAL LAND— We now cZer that valuable Coal Tract of Land, .It. nue an town nowarnhel• rarer, In the third pool. edloln • in. the f Webster, conumnlog •974111, Kiel of .tl,h le pure Clack cal of 7 feet vein, them le *lea • wend ,0004. i feet. Weems 01 doe thaber, Imitable For Olt Poeta Thla propw ty cannot be earn mod Oar • coal alto on the Monon•ehele ricer, el the I.dlng Is good and dean water all /NM. of the Ing, WM:Wed at • lima kIABILILN se Ikea weer le gnlng Wee, Apply et once on ap2l. B. truax 4t. RA, .68h, 4th et. IEOE3=I Ibr Telegraph Wire. adopted by the American Telegraph Company. .• 511AVINO BILUIatES. PANS. BATHS. PUN:NILS ANDDIPEIRC for Petotogmbio mot itruso' • t}: AR i& RICHEY OFFER FOR ula the 12130.10 i h.d...1v Onto. lowa and Minneso ta ninny. • IGO w.wes within It miles of Toledo, lying tritsra en two railroads and plank toad tanning toronksh lt, at at per 61:716 kiefr lam firm as METAL— • 161—s pont eoadnerar or r,avrarorr—aad an which trSiroodam Poe:ca. L. manly abaft mania. and a great VW. lt S. applied. maw ar.aappirma than. onu want thm IT no Wan' Lal&l.Pdar. ISO serve. within one toile of the abase at Pt Por asre. ho oares adjoining the above tract. at St do, Miner. In limn ti , aty. IsiWta within 7 tniiee tie tolm(hritral rat.road At 3 per 1.20. SO awes as Green county. choice prairie land. at 21,50 Per acre. 161. ioo on the MIN!Wool river, timber land, within I mil.. of Umtinos, at I/4 oar awe. Moo •vor putout With &tad cold 1 /tonal ecOaar 1.7 S. Joe • bary lbw do vat:lout It, a. take say vtlrr rinnetr." (11{0U. - P; WaOC.PING COMI. INFLOAI4.4. Prima Mtn. M 1.., Feb 7. 71154 Brother Atm: will eheetrully ...Mlle emir Penerrel le the beat nom y peeress for the eon. likamiap andel. (mop, and the Moat ewes , . of chlldre., Weet your hue tummy In the moon spender* your skll4 aernmend your manatee to our temple. MIS* It CONDI, , AMOS WM. los • M•ro noer• la :writ 3 Jan .60 "I has • tenons lona nat, ethical anneal to In deems weeks took man, medal owt without relief CLawly trier our Pretend the rdrios or rat eleturmaa. The rr e dam relieved theermine. In my thrrat and lanes less tbs. one self the Untie e t a. comsdetele • ell Trot =enc.'s are the theerret se well tbei,ek rev bey. . e et ere ontgagl Jon, Donor. and year munedierass the Peer man's fOrnd." AEHMA ON d WTZAI.OIND 4P 40 . F c b z . n . ru S t e n. Sias Your Cherry resteral is pe Moulins marvellom earn in Odium:los. It tea reinsert metal from alum leaarroPteure of eoneuroption. and is now molest a man who has lebole4 under an afiretion ol the hinge for the laet 40 IikNMY PARKS,Slerehant. A. A. DA.MSSY. M. D.. Albion. biourre On e lowa. writer. Peet. a. Ink 'Define my smeller, amen: yarn I hare found nothing mloal to leer Ohms/ Pectoral for airing sass ind relief to consumptive rapture. or oaring such ire are enable " mlabtadd vo n don of eridenee• but the mot none Marina proof of the virtues , 1 Ms remedy Is found in its effmts anon trial. . . Probably an one remedy kw ever been boon n laden cured as many and molt dancerous emelt a. this. Boma Donut:nen all eon marli, hot even to (bore the Cherry Pectoral ad trille relief end comfort. AVM )100111.-Oite York City, Match 6,1 . 66. .Color Aver„ Lorect I fed It • duty and apt Mt. td Inform you ghat your Cterry Pectoral b.* dore for my wife, the bad boon five month, lab:ding ender the dun. [moos symptom. af Consumption, from union no all Ire scold procure nave her much taller She was Metal) , falling, nett] Dr. rrtang, of thu ally, where we bay. come thr whim? , commended a trial of your medicine,— We tams his Warw., as we du your Akin, for she toe.. armed from toot day. Poe ie not seta rtrttre. lb. Wed to br, but to free Rom here:nub, end calls herself well route, .Ith gratitude anti rented. CH:LLAMA) ell CUM, o(Blunit-wine. Cbrisuoutnecs,do not deem& till you have tried Ayeeo "berry Pieterel I le made by onotof the best medical chemist. In the 'rued. and Ica sures &lammed us bespeak the high merit!, of its •Irtnee—Phdo. Ledger. iyer's Cathartic Pills. Tta alenowol ebronielry and me Main+ here teem tared their to tatmort to menu , 's this be mo.t reflect tor settee eh eh le grown to men. loonmerarge pro. fa an. shown then thaw Peat care virtues width Burgess In ale eelbence the ordinary medicines., and that they win nye precedently ruon the esteem ofall men They axe safe and Dientaat to take, loo. powerful to cure. Their penes hating propertimi etimulate the vital ectirities of the body. rentflte trie olatrnetione of Its organ...eerily the blood, and expel dlemem They puree out the foul humors wish% breed and aro. distemper, stimulate eingeleb or disordered organs tute their paternal *tilos. and Impart healthy tome with strength to the whole sinter. Not only do they cum the every day ocreplain • of orery. bed), but also formidable and dangerous dimes. that hare bellied thabeet of sum. AUL While they produce Pow erful eerie, thy are ea the eame time, in dlminielhed doms the sake.. and test - physie that ran be employed for children. Delon ; sugar-rooted. they ere lideemsot. to begs; and being rarely v. get Ad e, are free from en, ebb of balm. Omar halm been made wet* torment baler were they not substantiate, b, men of eneh esheited hoe Mvitt= and character es to meted the snepleion of untruth. Melly eminent clergy Mail awl Dbl./oleo , here lent their names to certify to the pub lo the reliability of MI reme dies.while enbets bare pent me the aemerance of their moiled= that my Preperations contribute Immensely to the milder y affildee, suffering rellow.men. The Agent below named levitated to heraleh math. my American Almanac, onnweeng Onetime for their use and certificates of their cure., of the radon lug eamplainter Oostireneva Pilot, Oampiainta Rheumatism. neorey, Heartburn. Headache wilting from a fool Brom gob. ran. 116.4 Indigestion. Morbid Inection of the Delfele and Pain arising therefrom. Flatulency. heater Appetite. all Mom one and Cutaneous Dimes**which require an "chant quire Padilla or Blade Ertl. They also, by parity lag the blood and etimulatl.g the system. cure many complaint. which It Pedal be carpooled they could t Idlth lid Diatom,.Blidtddl 161./011.1 In Debility. Derangements of the Liver and aide neat, Gout, and other kindred oomPlelute erinog froth • low state of the body or obetruntion of Its function... ' Do not be pot off by noreVeliond dulcet with some ' other pill they =hereon, milt on, Ark for AOlll Pans. I and take nothing else, No other they can gm* Mr ...- wan with Ode in Ito Intrinsic value or ettrativa poem. Theeick went the beet aid Merits for them, and they should Unit. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Maw. Price 25 a'er B. /Ire Thaw 2r SI. Sol by B. A. PARNMATOOK * 00.. Wholaw, Atoots Plttallayah. and by all ihmegia...l At.Akina D'ea.m mraCklydkall—an ALL PAINS CURED LIKE MACILC-- ftk. tve,tr•litieenta per bor,h, tg IN the braneer •I' anew. Cote the reht s”,l rma thett dish., PRAM. limn 3.triGNETIC . . retroly the wonder of aboard lacuna vnin In INIA I im• "NI it crea=att: ph)teleni Chrts Campo. or tales lEconath and 80t0e1.., • Curer SNIF/Vick and Smelled Flew /rllO a Cold. arra Rersonatirm and'Neuralyia, • Owes apraats, Breitte..isilde and Beret. rum Lewes and any Item W Au le.. OW. AR. clad LuadainWend the Bread indanny Cares Earache in 4 fees er. • Cerra /halal Ihr.Sides, Lomb.. cr Reck. Cam /we rued Chill and Avert • loon humbug =widow, and oo Rally Omuta be eltaont a bottle In cue of !walnut or madden aka arse.— eeed exterr.ally. always Melon immediate nil.?, 1. the WONDERFUL OIL could eyeLecold eaim. ..Wblle most plinildano tote •h ai ole month x s t cl o nig, 1 make my cures In had a enmrcee• der." Tea years reseletiee with the Red Shine la the meet toeether H with madam:mat seleattle DIM:. On LED (.00. seat ef h oot.. essociating dolly with the very elite 01 the bledicel WO NDERFULprof/ enabled Prof. REDD to preeent tO the Irwin Me WO DeONECIU 011.. • REM;;UMiiM= 13.44..PAlitiWOCK mad Dr. am o. 11. K ISYSEA Wlett.4lb itage d •altdTi AGRICULTURAL, sLO Shade Trees for Bale. ALLOITIICIS, Min, Linden, Mountain Ash. Ao.. efintrAllas fur p.s.ntr 3011 N DIUII.DOaII. Jr. S. P. Mr. Mama. Witter.at the Oaklatal Yuma". W attend to planting .bade trees for person, requtring hie lonian. mr2; keL Kirtland'sline Cherries. STRONG PLANTS 4 to 6 feet on Mahnlab Mika Iyear; Birtlenre Work Hawk. Dolleat., P.. Met Cleveland. Brandt. Rockport. nor. Wand and o, solo, 40 eta piece. $4 per dos. Leading yartetl.4 I per on Ma. hobo etneks $26 In hundred. Wad per 100. Inell6;dantr r .11.41:4 33URDOCK. Jr. Pittsburg% Hedge farm Bursary, rIATED on Wilkine Avenue, 'ken me. quarto of. mile from see pewee on the rumeret and Ilechanlar Pima an *Marston of Fourth street, and about Urea and • g_uarter miles front Pittsburgh. WY. a JAB. klUßDOeff. Proprietors. They otter We sale •Ivf. roldetioa of nen. are , ro tome Lee plants 'nimble fa traralidarttina this aad MUM= Wring. .21 . 11ozna ck rze onere th mmo 10 ..d erra u lf t o:ad 10,000 fruit tmota and 10,000 Emmons and he: an if Ono she ibr removal to oethardo andpiraeum [rounds. Banta eatalullY Molted and rent meording to qmotiona to any part of the united States. We be leave to mil theattention of the lovers of a rld har. and venders in the trade to am ortieraltd opt— , ton lOr th• Ombra of ltbaemtmedltur ottaly all the Rt "NM !Man Ludlow= end Istette, that north,enem sultreattan Ms section al ttonntrl—alante obe ore eared of manyEthlturs quite large to Of , . lotto . --tate *Mott Primo modeeste r usual. From etronsets. rash a sMI artery rart,llollla.the day of Pittsburgh roonlrea,at • • • Orden eddniretMi m thronah PAIIIn reat ttlErs. cos littabortb. Ps.. or lafT.at ow dud, Do curter ti law eett4DlAmoad Market will be mlliskytt, st.ativi dtottB Trait Trees, Evergreens, &e. ?tins eubseriber would meet respect hilly WI the alleatkm of hie Meade sad the Po oto he eery large Mock of heft Medi% Pr i yrl the etogelMU raoohonp and Of gar. es se frau Dyed mid Standard of our own raising, of attain verbal. Perth, mom' %mesa anN with UM:. rr. AV/104eeaberlee.Eloceeberriee. C.=wate. o. Oar Reirelestas from Ito IS Rotor 'Midi we twee malfy Lbw:mead& ate Perna. wanting WO ImeelUtim eIU be liberally dealt with. toil and me oar Mock. ISO vu's dice satu =Now: Orders left et the Pittsburgh P.O. Mr. IL Palma, Liberty et.,,the Oakland NurenT. le miles ou Pewee. Mcrae,,bor the Pittsburgh Nursery, IA mike . .rera Oakland, 'Ube memiply attended to. i. 3.—Plaatiog doh.. ...Ur to order. asiederta JOHN MURDOCH. Jo. KEYSTONE FOUNDRY • AND ORNAMENTAL IRON iroess. 1 - ) lIAVEN, (successor to Agnew, • Maeutehooo Liodesy.)l•lgaufartueer of Ag new, c r re fr irta a lle g buqr., vAlt . I rgrTiontra i" l W/tollow Quardr, and wrought Area ho all ho hrou ' eh 40, [loam Wan. Oooklog Rorer, Drat.% Polders sad Plow Poluto. •Dutlogo of all leltulo War. Middle nooor &nth went comer Or rloakond, Allegheny City. Pa. OPlCtletel• Lamm..WlL SMIZEBOII - quaol.Foulanit Mitchell, Herron & Co. IYlKlcontinue the bueineas of the Union Arr a9 tt .i .ba old s tA nd ef PINNOCK, ALMON. Thor numnfaandr. usual. Iszontand gannal nioottatent at OABTINGS, annwinlng 000kiltar 4 8 1,D RIIIM o slid a l , tdo Oven., MANTLE & KITOLEEN OMES, Hollow Ware, Wagon /knee; Dog Irons, Sad Irma, Tea Mettles, Flom Gad Plow Points, Mill and Maalainary Castings generally, And Ole and WATRIA PIPES of .1104. alga IRON & NAILS OF TILE BEST BRANDS, Munels, Spades, Picks, &o., AU of irkkl% will to &Ad at nartufnetattere 10147 • • Stoves, Fenders and Fire Irons. .11Ifl CITY 8T(WII WAIIELIOUSE. No. ISt Wealth As the ~OD. hoe arrival hietk Into deo thetm. oantsd ankles, so 000 14 10- litelt " r ien f1.V.111172 1 :151'VN: ftli :,7S wm i photo. We arl dateradned to WI se km es the Jewett Is the dila, ildresmber the:phiro. N 0.134 Wood itroet. o . T. J. Cidditi 1 Cr , . 1412011M1R 0.1 1i1m,1,1140. 1857. STOVES! STOVES!! I467. 9:ILE most coraploto aseorttnent or Cook ing. Parke an4ll•4Unn 51 . 09111 S tn'bo lband In Al , ire eni . la r af t .. d aL the Inaa/ coloslttlng In net ntra Into Gin Ch7•LILI Palau Cooking, th" 1' 4 7 4 . !MI riiirtinorio:ri - leini as p ath l 'i neVonow . Wtek. Y lab ng Outten nun nnonng. Btr4.Priotrrel utd -Perrot Cno4 (3all at Not If the Rod CO, ! of Peden:a Meet Allenbroy. oteniltr 4, loan .GCS. W. I.IOBLIY. wILLILAM TATA Plumber snd Oaa Fit. ter. NO. 10 fourth mod, wear Libuir...l Pen= mind. wri. door ta 41g. Parktracu'redur, and Iltd' guLl oppoM &brutes Drug Mom Ugruheur. rprArerg raulosrof . Biting. Ike • Watar, Usg *au LtOse .Gko3da. A LARGE INVOICE OF Ngßah Silk Lome for Bonnet Trimming., Frith ittekul by ; IL IL TAIMKB. „ 106 Market Meet. • : CA ' A tt LA, • • Corner Penniald Etswkir Streo 4 4 WIIOLESALWANIMMAIL DEAVAB, 'AL q t in agestu.'" l " a igi 1 :4 4 wh be OW malt" tolualltly.,sitiinNspri. 111-i :TM IVAUU LLlPS—W4nisim-' 7 ., ni mrsititia - tisidiliethitrWAliir in Wittels 404,-M tarn iv* lOW AIINIAO:"W M1t.. ,...... me .11111 . 111A2 i%A•fil a a= l : ILO BM, 4.''''l; • .": ` ' - q, M4lolobeill 4: -.' ' '7'. " -. ' . %.: ‘, : - . 1. ''''•;'l3.l.';4' .." - i•/-+:`. , -isfe'•:, ,- ; 471 :'; RAILROADS: - Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne and 'Chicago nAILRod, D, 4, (ix - r , Passenger Trains will rnn daily; azospi assasra Y Nines Tarr, Pwenc.r Ts; lea aim daily Car ClaelnasU. dlanwlia Chatro tl,l malt. W.C.112. Pret raTrrlts Pa.aborah nott.4 Pito,ro A. M . If eOl,ll itlrret. 1•••51 l'ittstrare, • ItSTUILNINU: • L'aPeS States nail le ere rt, , e.t!lne at— IS A. M - 1 , 4144 F.Emers • " e.II :learnt! iterrras These trains mate , to•stoonnalione at Creirtnne With tinier Car tioltimlmr, Payton, Ciroeuna.L Indlannooila, Terre Mats Nranerille. and all paints cm roads extending West ant Sant!, writ throughphde. In ana.llllnola sod Bentnokr. ...meeting at Fen N a ha with la'se Erie. Wabash. sod bt. Loe',e nallread fur sgen isl Tars?, Alton ettee, ra 8 Dat. nville Decatur. EprinnecAl. uonclu These tiPlos canneet at etanusid with Trains on the Ilanstiold.liarshmay. nod Nemesis road, ear Sandusky City nod Toledcr, also for az. Vernon. Newark and Zanesville. Corienctione of made at Alliance for Cienland. Den. kirk sad ;Suffalti. • Trains out fermi Chiellien Make ohne eennetaionli with trains' on Um Pennsylvania Central head tor Ilarrleharatt. Phl4delpDiti Baltimore..' new York and ^ - • - Through !leketeinisold to GoluMhtte, Darton. Chitin natl. 4.olerllte. et. Trull% Bellettnotalint fltalcaco. nue% talan.l. lona Clti. Drinlieth. 11111manide. Cairo. S ir.. yringfield, 11117,1%1 Peranar.likarnaletito.• rte. Quin•y cod Sarilegtoti: 1f0.41 and Pe.rt CiAvsland. Toledo, Dun kirk, Entrain and all the urn:drat cities In the 119.1. Through Tickets mar this Ilm,rtay be had at allot the above elaere for Pittalturgla, Philadelphia. Baltimore and New York. Clovetaut and W.llu 110. latch FittaburAhst VAS A. M.. ING, Levy. Rochester at LeRTIn t, r. II at littahorgh at - 415 r u. The HEW BRRILITON lICOO3IIIIODATiOIt TRAIN tares !fowl:rholam at 660 st. Arrives at Pittston:lt 8,:30 •. tray. Pittsoarah 630 p. n. Arrir, at Near Brighten at, r sc. An Sorlgreat Testae leaves for the Weat dolly. Eon. daye •zorpted. et 11 Yorlt-aelaand 'forth. Infortnatlon er T ar to A. T. JOHNSTON. Arent , at th e Orme Weittan Klairo.4 A . dlre.stly no thv enroer at the Monongahela Hare, PRIa• burgh, or to HEOROS PARKI'v. Fader.' street atatlon.' AUestg•ov 01141 S. P. PATRICK. No.:10 Dearborn street, copcette Tremont Hon.. ChPeso. or to the Agents at the Station a rn the lino. L A .Koltagt. mylO-1016 Oen. Feet. Agent. Chicago 1857. ALB LINE JWIITE 811031 CHICAGO ',kg. ST LOUIS. St. Louis, Alton, and Chicago Railroad, ALL THE WAY BY RAILROAD. .11A Tnn (MELT • • • • AMERICAN r—rresss AND CRIIIO STATESAL4IL3. TILE ONLY DIRECT .ILND RELIABLE Route to the Sou th sent &nth west Pnaanty Mites rter than any other Eodte. Train. theM BOUTIIERN an/ CUM!. 001 ROCK 13LAND It R.. Corner Van Buren and Sher. man titreara. EL Lot. DOT Esorers. it '.3.1 A, SI .4417 (Supd., ptact)—artlya at Zan R. 1412111 at . LIA St. Loeb, Melt P.sarela. MI6 P. U.. dalli (Sataiday• seopta,l)—arrive at Rantlt.Lattle at L3O P. M. Day EMS.", 844 . A. 111.. 41471 T (171i4447 axeert4d) Mr , (Etands74 expePted) MO. at Chleigo at 7.4 i A. N. From Chicago to St. Laois, 13 Hours. , IMPOIIrANT LOCAL CONNECTIONS, AT JOLlET— with tt.-• Rook Island Railroad for Ottawa. La Salle. Rook 'gland and Central lowa. AT BLOOMINOTON—with Dlinoiseentral 11;11road for Clinton, Waynerrille. and 11eoltorr.m2d with Italie* for P.0(1 1•01. t. Peoria Junction with Peoria m3d elquarka It. It. for Walnut (11,.. WWI Reston. Peoria. Pekin, Crimea field. Elmund. Ragmen's, Galeehurgh. Monmouth and Burlington. AT BPRI i. NGFIELD—wIth Orient . e ta:n Railroad for .i.epeonei.. Naples and 111Inois River. AT ALTON—with Lally lAneof Packets for Hannibal. . QUitICT •Eld Keokuk: the most expeditious and reliable roots to portions ul North lambing Missouri. AT PT. LOUlE—with Daily First Class Meant:oat. Ibr New Orleans and Intermedlate Points on the Lower Mier ebnippl. and...lth Revdar thaw of Targets for Kalmar. Bt. Julep)). and all rolnts on the Missouri. Tommie% Cumberland and Arkansas Rivera Passengers destined fur Bloomington, Springfield, De. eatur, Jacksonville. Boylan and all points on the Minns. MOP.. Missouri, Hanna. Cumberland and Tennessee riv. era. by taking the above route. will be acre of making Ironneellons, and arriving to Pt. Louie on advertised time, avoiding the venetione delays vitt.. cireultiona route via Pamir. and Illinois Elver. Baring twenty font hours time, being thirty seven miles bee anent to Blooming.. ton. efts vight len to Springfield. seventy less to St. Lonl. , and fifteen's. to Peoria than by any nth. route. „Through tickets can be procure., at ell the Eastern Railroad Meer; at tee Oompanre ofitra, 48 Dearborn et.. ongeseite the Tremont Come. and at the Michigan neat h. ern and Puck Island Neon a mars of Yen Bruen and Sher MY] 1111.6 t • •• • • neeponsible Baggage Men nal Met the Deposes! the various roads coming Into the city, to check /immerge through to any point degrades the Line. AL LMOORE. Buret. E. hLOCIGDRICLL Obseral Parson= agent. lutist OLBVICLABD ARD PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD• 11 4 -116-41 M ?- WW I Mi li 'Eli PASSENGER TISAINS of this Ito4d now nu directly to and from federal ht, t•tion. A keTte. and Cleve lead, Wheelingl.oo Dellealr e ndihote allege oars or Damage. Too ally Trains to Wheeling and Belbilr. Tirol:WlTT:nabs to ()lemma Your Dolly Trains trent Cleveland to Chico-eta. She old eat abltabed and moot reliable Incite to Chicago end the Northwest le no Cleveland.. The trahle leave Allegheny Depot 9.44 a.. m. and 3 p. m. Arrive In (Loveland 463 p. nr., and 0.20 p. m. Po Wheeling 2.62, n. and 7.44 to. m. Paaernere tor Cleveland. g Toledo. e , ft.tare. and other valet,. In the Norther.et v a Cleveland. If they nine to go forward yid:wet delay. MCet plas teed: tickets via itnenea• ter. a* there is no eerueinty of the Fittetnugh.Ft. Wayne sod Chicago teal. connecting at Aillanwe nun the train. for Cleveland—the Cleveland train does not emit for the snivel of the other train at that paint. Performers for W.t4vlie, Rent...rill. Wheeling and other prints on the river. ley there Wiles en throcuth without detention many tours advane, of the steam Watson the dyer. Beggary =retool through to Wheeling. Cleveland. Chicago end otherpoints en the line. Paenottere for thus Philadelphia and Stations on the Tusearaw= Preis= most tate she ti,ib A.M. Ireln from Allegheny City. Tl3kets are told to Cleveland. Bandoety. Cbleee Ilitsrankle, Ht. Lode. Quince. iloullngton. Patten. Bock island. lowa City. Duntelth, Lasalle, Me. sat L a Ihrokirk. /Stagers Palle nod Buffalo. Also to eh way st Coro on the road. Perim:mere deCrlng to to to Cleveland or to Iblado; aCM t aud r tickets r es in t C s enttheu n. o o r t t hhewrewst ew th ey mto be mot by of her Tonto. Tirtets to Mt pointa are eYld at the Tkket Calm in Allegheny City. PaA►envers aim cat nor Sitlonaseleves' ro.ersdpir thl Una Le °Mee f ebmpuay. Diorongatiala MIPS% Phtbmtb. J. DIJIUNI),F , opt..., Olineland. otilli—mslo A. OMPIIIIII'. Ast.. Pennsylvania Railroad. On and altar Monday,rebnanry 23d. THE MAIL TRAIN !caves the Paseenger litstl , ll ~n. worsts's. except Sunday. at Vabseg. TIIw l/IZT LINE hares Pittsburm ascot liongsP, 3 P. fIL TR NIGHT ILTPILIffoII TRAIN leaves litteinugh Philadelphia st 9.30 P. M. The Indium Anooreutodation train Waive Pittetrutzh dear. except fluoular at 3.30 o'clock, P. Mu stopping at all stations , and ranting ea far ss Indiana. Tao Yawl Acarrondstion Train for Turtle Cheek Bridge, bums daily. scoria Sunday; at iI,"A. M. The Emend Amounnodatiou Trait fur Tuttle Cr ud 141.04 dolly. Bandar, It Uri P. U. The Third Amommoliallou Train I'M. Turtle Crest Lunge daily. except Bundey. at 020 P. IC The above lines content at Pittsburgh with the Rol). roads to oogfYow Bt. Louis, Ma; Alton, Wens and H 77 ChM. tr. l4 I= rt isfa iNd r . p . • and " godiar i' Mpf warton.lfpringdwd,BelleßmUtlue,nonduakr,Toledo. Cereland. Columbus, Bennet's, Medan and Womter. °blot also, with the Bteam Packet Boats from and to Now s . Clummi.l9l.Lone, Imam= andementawn. ohms Tluough 'Minas amt.° had to or from either of the Pot =7 . or partienlars, see ilandAdils at the different starthog point. Pamengsre from the West wilt and this the ahortest sad most expeditious route to Philadelphia Baltimore, New Pork. or Boston. J. eTzwArr, 400S11. iirstower Z.Wee• .170- THOB. 1100h.E lasim.Pousmoer l4µ 0.1 1,11 rittabn7h and Connethyille 2.211 Road. IliIC l i ttabargh an to • a Rail rood !snow opened for the transportation or Dusan. taro and frWoht to and frol3l Plelobangb . wills. conneadrug orlttt the Penes, Contrallialtood U A Brinfonht Macon. arraagem - eats tarn also beau made with tbel Must Central Railroad. br e•hlch through freight to Phll.del• phi► and ➢.Ramon will be carried from twists ou the Pittsburgh mid Oeuriellmille flahroad e br ear loads, au fa,reble term, Roam or Tama—mono will be two daily inlet. aim c givi ,v nia c s . IV . E . g . e: Irian wi ~t ll &a i m ?innellevllle at 6.20 lion Train at Brintorkeleat:.9 ,lianni. Railroad. a dtaa r LB* A. 11., and sell,. at Pittsburg." . 1i TX This train win also lowa at Ilienton's elation wad De Philadelahla Traln going gut at 41.1 A. H. To afford farther atecauncelatlon to the traveling publbe • Passenger ear will be connested with the PreighlTraM leaving Connell/4414 at 8 o'cloik. A. AL, wiling Layton BUtion at 9.01 A. 11, and anneet with Billiton At:comma dat M ion. Penna. Rellrose, aniving at Plt tsbarth at MO Rivaginno—Paetensters will leave the Penna. Railroad Depot, by Billiton Atecunzoodation Train .1410 P. Want arrive at Layton Station at 603, P. 11.. and connellretle at 720. P.ll- height to and c hem Pitteburgh and stations to the Pittibergli and Cannelleville Railroad...lll be melted and delivered at the toter depot of the Panne. liallroarl Oompint. • . . -Evarri mlws row r. e. re. /7. Co.. UnsyllErato. 16. 10.57.1 P. B—ln llow dap arrangements ELI Di add to WI inure. 'bk." to I"l6lP lMl l ll2l3 S traUar a. Supottotooduat. renasylvaraa Railroad. ye great Central Ronny, connecting the Anemic cite , ' with Watts's, Nmthwestern. tad ulkkostall lEntat. kJ oontinuant Hallway direct.— Et at nod slat conuacts at PAtibursh with dal` Ills& of e= S andusky all parts en the rattanand at Clave- Sandusky with tittaammi to all tort& an the Northwestern Latta. making the mot i dsreet ...; = rdaW4 mat_ by wistablitETES can a me nd f'cim th. .& "" W Dal/EMMA RAMS O4 FULIST 01.5146--Limota, knots, Us* *WE Cara hoolta.Dry Goode, (la =NOWA , . I wd trunka) Drags (in boxes &Ati; l itioneraleurk se IM17: imam... Moment. Nixoatiosr, laiir=ragLientl . = ins relit anew.) %Rol. and Pelt; Ewan masa—Ames, et , Z,"CiMpliii • clam Unto. Ewen and pork. +Cud oc..t.tarinntakt.nots ro,nianuttetur Jr.:._.... : n aihineedta i Varattan and ir a tir it. 4 ealarat . d i t; and man Clan Ear. Pitt:h./Wan, kn. /to— j• wyaCit—/ re Der MI until !rather nation UNAIN-3 1 1cckpalnalta. until 'rather etnscl4 - arrnnt—tr oft ockaot amines 4 1 50 Ma VISO; nu El farther notice. v . e . d . x . Ewa It= any taint Wastat.Phili&l ftretalrialroct‘coniirtrdrtht Agen 'tb ra Tirrle Rawl atPbl7otda et Pittobtaitu will be nerwar t w without dater. n., • la • A lars-41: E. Enna 54 Ethyl' *tont.r. Clark. No. •Atter Hone and - No . 1 .W 1 Mott: W Joon McDonald. JO Natter" Place.. as.. hark; Pima* Ca. Ennerrillt. Ohio ; train a 0.4 IS= . 1•• • • I°. CArrat CgAitS e.AladrAM. 1.,,g01en I k . and rat tat Jewstk Louis. mr4 0 w. ,3 CA. tracomilkatkl ; r‘d.g. Limb' a Ce;:,"dLlerkiC Harry arr 01 i t Nrator. - rdl n:J.eneuter. Me; littraw & munoora o. a. iltewayitteburea. 7 • • a. And nri.xeirney.n.araa.xonaear..: J StRANUT. And Jneetaa. - rtane ., , , acacia: and Chicago tfwon Ballro • • • - MAIN LIN • GALNNA AND DITIMNITI -^ Prom UKBITBAL WINN STRUT, ooansat, ZULDHIOUk* . ° V! z "" $ ? vB !• /.1 , 11 ,•UPrr __Tula "ailitar imPor. Prwev . A/ip lUWA - LINI —Nat Dims, Ynlton aull i V.arogreilbt. lows,' Wilesska aae Kato ses..ilthlf_Abitimas . t - expeditiono maw, It beat Alr Use to lbw Aspamt, awl stamen by My 1 11 11 1 D m ir c4 Ski r4411 .4 . ta i t ag !..-Vr " S S I T - I th." .":;14 11.1kee alt 4 •JP ACrearrVailiair,allstg, K. ElsomplCows TlC7. ll te s etAtadstialliithificAl tat 4.lth r"etati!".l ta• 11 42:,, r earth and ta. • _ • fli..tiz. - 110:41)§' - ..'', 7 ,'!., , ; 1857. NORMMINNIN 1857. MICHIGAN , CRI 4 ITRAL - RAM RD ArATNE.. • MO/ININI2 AND gilEFf ' INVIXI3IIIFORMUOTT. OM t 7 CIACIO ANA 111(1.WAPP41k _ '" Bhrbonan.Gaiena,Dattonne, *el Isle Nuellagtan. . .. -., lows Mr. Fonstri.loo, rival mstwas3lo.l4. - • . Louie, St. Pant, or sari:mart of :,.. the Oreat West, • .• An., the gest or Ater, the apTendit i Lteamere crry or CULVALAND, MAY QIIIISS and h el. will fast the morning and evening lave tatwasn aen,a4 aid Le the prawns lemma, rientADlA Se 191/Aere: .. ~,,••_..F. 1 .•-, • • • OCEAN. ' ""' mairimtiiiir 7.'-.. t' Capt. O. e O. ee. BLOZOIST. ' Cart: lt• - .1A.. - -TAIIIIDL: ~ ' .. Le ' • • - :•1.111(711.-- - -:- • (u.seand.—eloodav A.M. llievaland.,.lltandatf, 4%11. ~,, ~,i,.....„,,,e(0r elar P.M. P. streit, A.M. ....... i i, . Cleveland —.Tuesday P.M. Cleveland......Welnery ,A. IL r. , ,,it._,„w.nin,ty A. M..,.... Oltont, - ......,Fednee7 _. P.M. • I e.,,,,t.,...phseedar A , AL tlellewed....hllllALT P.M. ~,,,,,, ___Tpurri.r F. ie. ottzom..l.4..retasT ~• A.M. ~..i i lt i . ... Fad, ~.M, nlevel•AL—S•tords? - A.M. Detrolt...--datorder A M. Obtrelt,........hatarday P. CITY OF CtigYSTAND4allti 3 . o.Ltlirar.—Lesier Cleveland.—Tuseder A. ILllleveland—.llriday AM. fi 1 strolt--.Toeatav P. .31. Detrolt........Plider P. at, Cleveland—.Wedo...ey P. at. aleveland....ilatarday r. te. Detrolt,..—Thersday A. U. Detrolt.........lfebday A. M. Call of th.rboate wliVe tee Cleveland bier, meriting at 9 ee.lott, teandare excepted.). end- Mrl. •TF,lng as lb. snivel et . rr•los frets . • _ -•-• : . BUYYAI.U. PITTBIII3P.OII AND CINCINNATI. _,. ArtiViti 4at D•trtit f:Ilcoe to connect wth the Itiomihle - Vlth . e a r g . t i ll l aert.tue N.TtI Ma Tra' tine era .he no la on * Late /Mohican kr II to_ tts Nerthef ov F.:51,00 less DT this route l b. , rue any other.. - Team of the Illelalgaii Centred goad Mt ini/9the tr Depot at Minim from which ail Met read/4.4lsec; a 4 , :z.. thereby patios bait hire sad chiu,g,ot bou,sy.thelk: , t ;' , dent Uirither tante& .. ' . .f . r . . , :S \ No charge for headline baggage whervehlseta are.:e li .\ .T.T., Cosecant of lbw line,- • . • . - - We here lugs Stable Ctrs expressly . fa haws an cattle. .. s s.; Pam, going to rews;Xoarat and r /tebrgits will and this [ha cheapest and metrical:gettable routp,imear boats arotaree sod ennuandlone: Families ntoving Wars and distort in retest, will tad It greatly to their advantage a to call at tbs. Urmpaar • ' Offille. Chlworlf Itbmgrand LOGI, Meats, diteetly epte,- site the lientfolt Notre and Pentyclvaalp Staltreat Depot. For rates of flee and either mien aim a. *NAY et the above Mass - -' O IEL A• PL *CRCS. • - . Chnieril Agent. Cleveland. .. W. O. 811A.EFilt, Ticket Agent. .. apll34Gbx F. SNOWLAND. dgt.. Pittsburgh.. STEAiITSHIPS. Steamer Telegraph. T;IIE fico low present° Steata,r Telegraph, Capt. 111011• RU BAHJIOW. will =aka two:trial • we,. Wm/en Cleveland. Port litaavy, Pcrt Burielt and Leave Gavaland nu Port Manley. Port Birwall and Part Braes *Tarr Candor and Thlindar. at TX eclat P Lan Port Bataan at o'clock. P.M.. and Put Man. Isy at 7 o'cicck, M , for Cleveland ovary Wedataidar and The TKLIOftiPLI curies the United States Mall ..be- ; theca Part•aod connects at inaveland with M.O. d. 6 hathwad.Cleveland and. Pittsburgh. Lat. Pim* AToledo itadircads. LSO. with Port Manley and London Itallrost. and Port Iloraull Itne of slang, The T alien RANI hag , been thoroughly oveltbaawa lad retitled, and In eactllent condition for the triad' Ms run. In . AW9 7 7"42 gl3otrallgapALV,CleTdand. LIN a lll.Lbor J NO. MaKENNON. Pon. tionnll. Ana mqIOUTII DiVIE.OII. Pan 1101.130110 111liDEB30-* aplolina ,atenley. . . . .. Liver Pod. 'Phibidelphui and New Yarlf. Screw. Eitaaratiip. Company. . . :. i,_ rrELE splendid beesmshins forming the*, I. stave floe will rail train New Tory so feigner. UCTIt Ur. WA.BIIINOON, Capt. Wylie. - sets A - KANGAROO, - ,• .- •• Jefroy.lerh Ma y, ....i. UITY OF AIANOUIBII3II, 6 . Yete.a. fleth '-' - -...-• CITY 01 BALTIMORn. . . Leiteb. 11 tr , Jane. And man altercate Tanroday. Trout Livorno.' every atter n are Wednaelay- . , „ Ware Now Wert. Cable rtr; Third Oliwar $ u -. ••• ' - -•. r• . Unmoor., ... PO., $Bl A 75. Tturd .losigtg... ca Re Tic , ca lats to ay . e i l , l i a : b o :_e ter nu el d a m d... onta . i a m b! our ..tearner .• of the ine. _., . . . Mese Ermine: a are oupollo/ With Improved Waled's:lit I compartment& and carry experienced Burgeons: • . Forma skeet crowding to Suropaor viable' 'nerd ' for tb.dr Mond. from the Id country. can pontoon Slake eta .6 obtain all Information branyly log to J , 0.,_ Dribr. "' l r tfAli n Ti l iriri n g Mrlt l igt re r. a g a tt r .bnint, " liirgliseaga Orrtlacater by fret clart. Selling by between New York and I ',creed. Drafts end by &be . awe, . den—lntl MON ETA KY. BATES OF .1410:12. 1:411.1 rox IBM N.JIOLMES & lie. 67 Martel N. Waxen • PiNNBYLVABLA. Bank of Pittanunnu....par! larhang• Bank of d 0......— rat., Mar. an.l hlannra of do—par Bank of LOommerce..:......par fiteehanlat. Bank— Bank of North tinurrica—rar! Bank of Nortlenliterthwrar Bank or Ponnsylvonia......far Ilar0=1:r Township...tar Bank of Pa—..nar Parsorra'Atllachanles. Bk..par Girard - . • ---- - , NSW YORK.: .., , geZaeston ka ..» -yerleiref York C1ty............). ilannfao. i Mech. Bata -nar.00nntry...,........ , :-.......•...- ei - ' Leohanke' Dank --...-Ves - NAB VIAND. . ' ~ 7,2r10414.V.L7-7..r. 8:.?"'" im ..7, ~.,- ---, IL: = 1 Southwark 11mek...--....par N.Jausao - a DBLAWA .• Tradoeman'a 8ank.... - .....-var.• II .o rant Banka.-..... 3a, . Waerterullarde—...-......pu' , :SUNUNU. Bent ofClmenharsbecnth... Tank of the Ve11ey.......14, Bank ofUlmeter Coonty...tar Baskoftajtlehmoud- BonkorDanstlld......-.-.yar IM. Bank, vs. - .ltonotle . Hank of DeL Go., ltoreter-tar Vermeer Lk of VOA Ma. . BankbfGarmantown....- tom SteroluntealleoL.Xaok 3., , = :f. Gettm o btagh.......... . ..:Srath Western Ilank.-• . Bank of 111dd1et0wn......-. iii ' °ETU Eißoar 4 . , Ideredgemeety Oe. Ban --it- Bank. CI Cape Wow ' . . - Bank of Northtunberiand.var Dank of St. oIN. Chenira- Cohnotda Ilk • Bridal. Ild. MOS Donk_lnlesill 11..; : ‘‘, Doylestown , 8ank............ Olarobsemers • S. - Soden Itank....-..-......n. SOULLI, L1NA...1,, WM Bank • - 1...... - ' - iS kof the _BASF_ '... 1:11 /11,41i41e }Monne./ 116. Bank of soma lannereßk of Lemmata-per Bank of - ..',... • Ferment Bank ft Imadles. Plantaroll • Y r:2V k " - B PI igi k ee lli torr ° triAnsoltei lmonelhe Ilk Washlendon- Bank of doolteme-- ' ' • Harnsbeinf twa ßank........;...... 3i Dk of Bremmiek. An.,, , . - • - (l. Lumen. 8ank.=....---rer AlloSeent 8enka.......... - '7ll . t.n.st.r uomss• Jr . isdreruadr.... Lebanon Hank... .par la of%seky,ll.eobtee ei Shunt Dank of Potterlll Bit Of Thenstois. di ' Zdanonjulaela Usk.. : N° M orn lientoelev On Wool Branch Dank.,.......desSmetbern BkofKantnoks do Wreathes lik.Wlieaberrryar •• ' , VILNA. -, . • • . Vol , r4.4-----,34lState letak el &ranchos- . BeU• 01110 . - ....,:•---_• yrs oat.. 1 ••- }411441 14 'Akron_ ...... -:.....; Slur .n. Co. Wu s Bran& at Atoona...-........... ,1, -- lIIDILIGAN. •• ; • Branch & i n U ' U ' e...... - ''''do M i rlsidar il iss i" ! l , :.; Branch ateterebued.......... Inooremen Clonepoay, is Breath at Toledo-.....-- do State noel , e_ ............. ;11 .. Branch at Dayton--...- do - . BANANA: - Branch at D.wera.-...... do Itk of N. Asootia,TarOsto 'a - ,au l aut. Brawl at Columbna -... do Ble calm BooplATottatte .9 Branch at dahtabeds ..-- do Bank of ilontnea.. II i ß t = at Salem ....- do Bk of U. Oanadeartanate' A_ at b1ane5ek1.,....... do MUMS .11314IANDJIL , Branch at 1t1y1ey......-...,. do Oa N. Yark..........-e. sd &oath :s , -gasionood...4* do od _VlSSAellealo-e.......... do 13=i at ti rngtc ginWrEttlll.ll4lP! Bran.. Lianteater...... do tLe,............„, .... Et at Stentenrilie... do at MLYarnon..... do Bt, • --'-- " at ewark.......... do P WI tb i t .....: Iti 84111141 a atiZ " ioll . 7/ . /liZ ' lltt . d dill at 1tmmer1de........ do imp..l, it nn.,.,.......... 110tra11e...........- do a l at Perbonontb- - do Itnuerte at ra1.cm............, do Bronth at 1annena........ do l l /6 66 Was* a a s t I lO .. - d dood Dollar BaO-IA . No. 65 Fourth .Binsai , mama Roomy Joins. MIR -.1. OPEN DAILY from '9- to .2 ; o'obinkaio es Wednesday and gadorday wisdom. froda~, BMW Nevamber Prat. from I to Videraln and Mot Nob Pomba lint to Stay Makin= to II —~g„, . Doane reortred °ran mace net km. than On. larlisc,,, and • dividend of tn• Waits dadacsj . gr. klaw. Jane and Dacomle. Antonia Ina en wants six par cent, par VW. In Deonaber. . " rwtc a on i = r e tlteldlattor • Bigwig. Anui anti kwii ward.. ry= I,fte.,•,,en &Jodi= at thin east. j:-% •• • .J o ie • • - Acconroll Copt : T 114 ' 1111nonboonto: V=Bo.lggithii. l i onttorbr . "'• Junes W. Ilalltrian. Alonzo/In lloodloT. I = l l l = "4". Jan 8. 00111111 V, . • WlLlanta.AndaroalV John O. Ilsl nde Hlll it n. Jaamot D i ?'ollz a Albert Culbottson.. Johlt , Jotnt Cannold, Wiltsr NanWC . ' llardtnerOonln. Alonzo A. Ouniet, - Charing A. Colton. A. N. Colleen. ' Wlllbus Donato" Darr iLlsolonal ; (hon F.glbnotn. Jame linl.llo. • , • ow B. on% Jona*. • Wllllato 8. Halm, Coonsolde,g, • .• Juno* Hoidnunt, AUsAmalrf.nnin Dogan , end hootiono..CELARLS CALTOII, GEO- E....ARNOIXO Lis• co; _ BANNERS. • Monne, Stook and ' 11111 . lIIRESNT and Unaumnt Money Bought Ytooks boardis sat mold oa ea:gelation, • - • - Radom Raper. Bonds wad Ilortamata. Goan? Rua i. Railroad Boomarabairio imlll_ Otto. NO, 74 Fourth dart BANKING :HOUS ES JOHN T. HOGOL BIDIORD 00 EEO NUW ervute, piota, and 1599011,- t • *at . Mocks, Note, god °the r racuiltlis ocmuisdas. Coreiwedrus arsausas T$ o per 100 Se IV' HOLMES kliON; Psalm bi FOtell72ll IA • sad nt Dcannstle Mils of 1 4twilh im asettliestai!aDir .1 St e =l. 21 tin WW2: = COY pet Moe 40. Per ion, QOLLRI/V.lO 0 0 N E ..DKTBUQUE, 10 WAS • - I)OII.I.PARTICULAR - - ATTI tic. to the stlllectloo and outottie debt% sew: , emote, olatos..te„,;iti Dotot4po ast.diortosadinscoustiT.: • REI.dITTANOES:pIIO3I:PTLY . MADE. . . . unasiczkpr .r tteowr R P: Van . Boontutst. Yea- • . , 0 It. Bh1;11V „ Wy C t.S..tatk. Alt 1111 per. ., -- - N WN Tilliff"'' 14EDRARathdt. ; liostoomfortolle' delis 1"s Walk dt 0D61.;4'W. 13 PORTBBLEN•z-IL'lMlttc mute.; *.Je• Ilidatl tt4 edet • • t r ff-IN• A. hurt MA — ' tad. LkCOPA7O744}/1844bb •. • • for gala br • F.11 1 41741T- 00. &Ilan • - - .114 5.:14 (Gift* age bf• 'wan ma ws c0,,,c Am.):9*.limuutaai mati V15•1812100(50.6.1a14711110KTVEIMINiv, „AL I .:_fisio . tit • walk lttWatesaplxm, DISCOUNT. • 1 rernsomum : SONS, Broken,. a end lburLlGto. Pas... - groans at Woosta....— 1 / 4 Urazod..4 Brandt a - Troup Won:. du City I teit. acolnuati..4 day Sk.Clook.3» do dO - Lalazotto Ohlo idulosdauntON....do Weldon Iteset - rolloAlt a. asmil !lotto • h NNW ENULAN.U. AU solvent ii.711;a. - -.....; - ; Go AND BP•1010 1 liald. • dpeand0......0600 de _, WO . • Ede* 001 *............. 1 .... Ilrelinteludrord.....;--;...• TA Ten 0 1 0u1edia.....—..—..... 0 • I T 68°Tet::::::4.11.