The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 02, 1857, Image 3

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isatram.MAKE} MAY 2 , 1867
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• • of much
A. C. tlittso7,_
Ptridediut of Bos:4 of Haws
Airwave. Lioaanum TWIEDY—TWO Pinson
Mouton= roe Menzel—hem a gentleman
named Wm. McMaster, who reside. above Mo.
Sievert, in Elizabeth -township, Allegheny
eauelt we hoe ascertained the portionless of
a dfstatical murder which wee committed about
2 cloak yesterday moraing.
' •
t e e appears that an old couple, • brother end
r both somewhere between sixty and see
"My years of age, named George sad Elisabeth
Wilses, who lived in a mall log hone* of Mr.
" Gamble, about two miles above Molieesport, on
the male road leading from the latter plate to
Elizabethtown; were found, about seven or eight
o'eloch i yeateeday z morning, bias dead on the
door, be their - Own boast The old man was
'ling user the front door, on-his back, the blood
. oozing from a Taunt* the breast, which sop.
peered to be • stab from a knife, and • ease
hulk lumped With • blood, was found upon the
• deer ottaribint. The old lady wags discovered
lying at the hack door, on her face, her head
sad Ate horribly disfigured by blown from
some heavy iron instrument, supposed to here
been poker, as one wu found in the hones
with ke of blood upon it.
It pealed that both of the deceased bad got
out o bed themselves, as no make of violence
went Whited or spots of blood found upon the
bettolothea, rendering it probable that the es.
'maths or aseassina'had knocked at the door, and
that the old meshed got up and opened it, when
• he was attacked, and that the old lady, beam.
big frightened, had also jumped up and attempt
' ad to escape by the back door, when she was
Waked down with the poker from behind.
The house ii a one-story log building, with
but one room, and the two old peopleheoupled
sePanne we r e
et the opposite sides of the room
They were both unmarried, had resided in that
'Mat, for ••lumber of years, and were well.
known throughout the neighborhood.
„..4. We learn that Mr Wilson had some $6OO in
leo* in the house, which be had accumulated
by several years of hard work. He had been
engaged of late making wooden pins to fasten
the timbers creel! boat', as he was too dieorepid
to engage in any laborious occupation.
The deed is supposed to have been perpetra•
led about 2 o'olook in the morning, from the
-- LBW that about that time 11r. Gamble, the land
lord, who lives 'within a short Metals*d
lord, of the
cable of the old couple, heard Mr. Wilson's
dogs barking near the place in a very faious
mestuer, but did not think it singular at the
time. The murder was discovered by a little
daughter of Mr. Gamble, we believe, oho went
to visit old Mrs Wilson, and diNOTinKlintin nee
above stated. •
Mr. MoMesters states that he yam informed
of the fats while he was harrowing on an ad
jacent farm, and immediately hastened, to the
spot. The sight that he beheld was horrible in 1
the extreme. The Boor was covered with blood,
and the old lady could ooantely be recognized—
her null being fractured, and Hothead ahnoet
glued to the door with congealed blood.
Suspicion rests upon along girl named Char
lotte Jones, as having been Implicated in the
orbit, and information, charging-her with mur
der, has' been made at. the • Mayor's office by
Mr. Molisaters. She is • niece of the murdered
people, aid resided for some time past in /do
" nongalels City, but was original!, from the
vicinity of the town of Washington. She has '
borne • bad character for some tine, and is sold
to have every appeszanoeof being an
ed porton, with a sinister expression of Conn*:
nano*. Bhe le probably over twentrilve years
of age, and is not far. from six feet in height.
Bonn time lest week she paid a visit to her aunt
and uncle, and remained at the-house two or
three days She represented at the time that
ohs was startled to • man named Fife, who
worketat ea tannery in McKeesport. On atm•
dayhitereksideted that she expected her hue
, lewd* Meet- her there that day, alto, he not
keeping his;nppointment, she left the house of
tor retailing early on Monday morning, stating
that ski intended going to IdoKeeeport for the
husband.witetf ascertaining what had detained her
Bits was. not heard of from this time
until yesterday morning, when, some time before
the murder had been - dimmed by those who
lived near the place, slut Informed the-proprie
tress of a hotel in McKeesport that she had
heard nth an event had Shen place. It is rta
' mond that at this plasm, • man accompanied
•kie," but did not enter the hotel, secreting him
self In the dabsity in the meentbne.
It was eacertained yesterdiy morning that she
had taken passage on the CoL Bayard for this
city, t he t, arriving at Port Perry, she
founde clerk of the steamer that she had
made a mistake about the direction in which she
was going—that she wasted to go up the titer
—sad got off at the abovotinuned place. A
illeEseeport officer, on learning all the feats of
the eats and the suspicions, sect that the girl
had embarked on the above boat, immediately
posted to this city on anothersteamer, for the
purpose_ of taking hat into oustodyj but learned
• here that she had left the boat, as above stated,
at Pert 'Perry. Isformation was then made - at
the Mayor', office by Mr. Mcidastere, and His
Honor Immediately dispatched offioer Patterson
to Pert Perry In quest of the fugitive. Officers
have also been sent to other points along the
Monougahela titer, and dispatches forwarded
with • description of the girl.
, The Wowing is the description, as given at
the Mayor's office by the gentleman who made
information against hen
Height, about dye feet nine inches; complev
ion' dark; dirk eyes; .bleok halt; heavy black
eye-brows that meet soros, the note; dolman
look; She waren rid striped Gallop dress, and
des* Mee Colored gingham sunbonnet
Janos ca Ma.limanz.—At a meeting
of the Directors of the Bent of Pittsburgh, on
the 29th de, Mr. Snyder headed In his resig
nation aiculdar of that Institution, which vu
accepted and the follow's( resolutions 'were
pseud onmenthionaly:
Wnarmas, John Snyder, Esq., has this day
presented to the Board his treignation of the of
deo of Cashier, which he has to worthily tilled
for twenty yam, thereby termluating his GK.
gig menestion with an Incitation to the promo-
Ilea of the Interests of which be' kw frithflly
devoted the toils sad cares of surly bait •
Emoted, That while this Board sincerely
rite that the landau of age hailed to this
deherndnatlon, they (eel emstrahted to accept
his migmatite, aid that the Committee on the
Mate of the Bank be authorised to adopt mess.
area required to termlaste the connection and
release Kr.
tlea.Snyder from the respoesibilitlas of
his'peri - a
hisioteed, That the Board entertains a lively
mass of the fidelity aad . assiduity evinced by
Kr. &Nyder In kis &Marge of the varies du
ties of his sitaitiou; that their esteem far him
as an Aim is socompanied by their regard for
him se alrlead, and that they simerely hope he
may hag be spared to eelay la the evening of
his days that tranquil repave to 'Matt his losi
and arduous labors eathla
Bashai, That it suitable tesdmenthl be pro.
carediad presented to Mr. Snyder as gulden°,
of the spmetiudoe, by the Dlresitors of this
flaidt of the eithent ability and unbMadatted
lacelettivrilk whit& he Ise diasharged . the im
portant trust co, big eoulidsd to him.
Beveivet„-That" them prooeedtcg, be entered
to the ideates at. the Board.
Oi the 80th olt., Mr. Harper wee sleeted to
111 the vsesag oecoaloned by the above resigns.
TXuallinul."Qatt• aa lataroidag little re
nal°. of mulled intateurs,..and . professore took
pie* Os /May monde* on tho swami= of Ike
visit of the celebrated easily Thaw& at the
pies' teeddmt of our friesils B Klebeti
-- Bro., re Fifeiettelet Ur. T. t s few bus
rev errsubly In `the it st nd ImPeo*
nen of tier varletsitiutolfertam hersoniums,
etc, sta.,' Whig he tiers lewd, and was porde
early pleased with the - quality and style of
Num: k Olarl'o4N. Y. :pianos. After • dor
nib WWI of.the later inatrusents, remark
WV ad that fOr patty and amen of tone aid
Oleo* they wee aue to sa horizos
el sr moan plows kw ba g d ever met with in
thls soetn7 or Is Bap., When Informed by
Ur. Mike is the` eons, of the oteresation,
thst Wine kiwi here pointed agents is tido
rdkresee.• tier WA, ap
oetebrated Asti pod
=be seeeed Moldy dewed, sad re
-Wet , Treste Autos, were by en odds
the leak- lad
ShoWerld, Gad eaaau perfect lertneeenb Is
s erp d omed of
arm 18 / Olimiss lOUS Ott eat be had for Al.
mon o. II UM ever eerily reoponlible."
b e -mood; "fer stet Wit Adele Insperfictios
Rim iduy'Spos is Trani grand YU% but I
would sot like efitay this or sep Mermen*
tooture.° We Iteefrataiste upos.the
prospect et hails/ theielleielaiod hielpoin n t a
b leu & 'Ms Aeries* ter thersaiimphav
_ Allelle t 4 WWwWWWWW.editurtes,
imettlewomporinuswr t-tt
• •
~ ~ ~;:
bra an tan linatouarre Exonanal.—
Pennant to 'ail; • Meeting of the citizens was
held tut the . Merchants' Exchange,
for the purystie of "giving amnion to their
views on the bill pending in the Legislature to
nil the Main Line of the Publio Works to the
Penna. Railroad Company; and to loan the
media of the State to the Stinbury slid Erie
Redhead Cympany to the extent of_ three lions of dollen."
Mayor Weaver was idiom chairman, and
John M. Irwin, Samuel MoClurkan and Thos.
Donnelly, Vice Preeldents. C. Ihmson and 8..
8. Bryan were elected Secretaries,
The Chairman hiving stated the object of the
Ineeli.e, Mr. McAuley moved that a committee
of seven he appointed to 'drift resolutions ex
pressive of the sentiments of the meeting—
whici .•. carried; and the Chair appointed
Meets, James McAuley, A. H. Miller, W. 11.
Holmro, James-Bletterdson, E. C. Gregg, John
McD:ests. old John H. Cosgrave as mid Co=
lo tb- ewe of the Committee, on motion
of L is mirth, the bill authorising the sale of
the Mow [Ale was read for the Information of
thit notottog.
Mr. George ;Dante offered the followieg redo
lotion, • blots Was carried unanimously:
Related, Teat, if the bill now pending before
the Legislature of this State, to authorize the
Penna. litallroad Company to subsoribe to the
capital stock of the Hempfiald Railroad Com
pany, shall become a law, it is the sense of the
meeting that it will be the duty of the Commie.
Masters of this county, and they are hereby re
quested to apply at once to the Supreme Court
of this State for an Injunction to restrain said
Penheylvanis Railroad Company from making '
nob eubsoription, and thereby apply in part the
fonds of 'Ode county to an object not contem
plated by the contract embraced under the char
ter of add company.
The chairman of the Cominittee on Resolu
tion, then read the following:
Resofeed, That while this meeting disavows all
feeling of hostility towards the P.B.R. Co., yet
as citizens and business men we are firmly con
y's:loQ that the best interests of this community
are deeply involved in the maintenance of at
lout two independent and unconnected lines of
cociunrusloation between this oily and the Allan
= ports—by which means -alone can the evils of
monopoly be obviated—the freedom of trade be
established and Injurious discrimination in the
rates of freight and travel be prevented.
Reroteed, by the Maxims of Pittsburgh in
mass meeting assembled, that we object to the
poems of the bill now before the Senate for the
Sale of the Main Line of the Pablo Works, not
merely because it Is inimical to our own inter.
este, but because it Involves, also, a deep and
lasting injury to the people of Western Penneyl
vanla, and inflicts a deadly blow open the trans
portation business between the West and the
But. While the bill provides that the mum
section of the Canal "hall be kept open and in
good condition, it motherless the total abandon- I
meat of the eaten division , and makes no pro
vision whatever- for keeping the Portage road I
open and in repair. It provides, it Is true, that
the purchasers shall be obligated to lease the
Western division to any person or parse= wil- i
ling to keep it to repair. bat itimpons no limita
tion upon the condidou;of each lease, which may
be made so burdensome as to prevent any one
from accepting It, and as the =rabic= may '
tear up and remove the Portage root, if they
choose, there could be no potable inducement to
lease a canal without Eutern connection!.
Resolved, That, while many of us have favored
the sale of the Main Line of the Canal, It has
been only upon condition that the whole line
should be kept open and in good repair. We
regard the faith of the State art pledged to ito
citizens to keep that line open, whether in its
own hands or transferred to others. The trade
with the Greet West Thies has been built up by
its aid, is meunrably dependent upon its main
tunes, as a whole; and we utter our solemn
protest against authorizing any present or pro
spective abandonment of any part of It.
Resolved, That, experience has taught as, se
well as the commercial community elsewhere, I
that the commercial and indeetrial prosperity of
the people depends in a great measure upon the '
preservation of a wholeeome competition in the
carrying trade; and we warn the legislature thst
It will be false to its high' trusts if it destroys
the existing competition between the canal and
railroad and surrenders the whole carrying trade
tato the hands of a corporation that will have
no motives to consult beyond the prompting" of
its own selfish interests. The entering of each
a monopoly will 'be alike Injurious to the State
and to the local interests of the people.
Resoled, That the experience of the people of
Pittsburgh with the corporation which is expect
ed to become the purchaser of the Main .Line,
under the pending bill, is a sufficient warning
against extending to It the privileges proposed.
That corporation has porehaied largo and vela
able truss of land In the heart of the city for
carrying on its business, on which it refuses to
pay the local taxer, thus aripplleg the resources
of both county and city; it waspermitted to lay
down Is track upon the leading thoroughfare of
the city and run lutomotives and =lns over it,
upon this oonditioe, among others, that It should
not engage either by itself or Its agents, le the
business of forwarding, which condition it has
pertinently violated by building up In our
midst a gigantic' forwarding monopoly,, believed
to be under lie own control, which hoe entirely de
stroyed the forwarding bootees' formerly eojoyed
by our merchants; and It has disorimiusted and
continues to discriminate, against our citizens,
merchant' and manufacturers In its freight tar
iff', giving to their competitors elsewhere all the
advantages of the read. To surrender to each a
company the only avenue of trade whieh, by its
competition, has heretofore helped to relieve us
from the exactions of the Company, would be to
leave us and the people of the State entirely un
protected "genet whatever burdens it might
choose to impose.
Roared, therefore, that we are opposed to
the passage of the pending bill for the following
let. It permits the main line from Holliday'.
burg to Pittsburgh to be closed, which cannot
but be destructive to the interests of the Western
part of the State, and ruinous to Its citizens who
have invested their -capital in opal, salt, iron,
lumber or agriculture, the trade in which is
Increasing, which would be a violation of the
plighted faith of the State to Its citizens.
2d. It proposes to exonerate all the vast real
end personal property of the Peansylnnia Be l
Road from taxation,
and is unequal and unjust ,
calculated only to b uild ups mammoth corpora
' ten, to the great oppression of the interests of
the beams community of the western portion,
and of the tax-payers or the sands State.
ad. It Is astonished to place the whole carry leg
erode between the East and West in the hands
of a company, and build ups power in our midst
from which the Through and focal trade mutt
suffer such exactions es it may' see proper to
4th. Should the main line be sold, the State
would not derive as much revenue from the le
i tiered payable annually, as she ;tow does from
the publics works, tax on tonnage, and the tax
con the stook of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and
Harrisburg and Lancaster Rail Road, whilst the
first payment of the - principal is not to be madel
until 1890.
Resolved, That we also protest against the bill
whlth accompanies the above, and is a part of
the -conaiderstion of its pelage, loaning The
credit of the State to the extent of $3,000.000 to
I the Inuabury and Erie road. The pungent
this bill would inaincerate a policy fatal to the.
I State and dangerous to pubis interests. If
unfinished railroads are to be than considered I
entitled to State aid, welare enough of them in
the west to absorb more than all that Is likely to
he received for the Public Works. -
Resolved, That, although the commonwealth
might be able to struggle through an =product
tire and wasteful appropriation of three millions
of dollen; yet We eolemnly protest against it
as the precursor to, as it will be made the pre
tenoe-for, our =limited partnership in 'a wild
aad reales' enterprise, which will eventually.
doable the present debt ofttbe State, without
the moat remote hope of its ever returning the
interest, much less the principal, of the capital
thus engulfed.
Rewired, That we tender our thanks to Meant
'Stevenson, Peters, Deckhouse and Voeghtlsy,
four of oar representatives at Harrisburg, for
voiles against both the above bills; and we re.
quest our Senators to do likewise. .
Resolved, That the prousdinge of tide meeting
be published in the oily papers • and coples,for•
warded to the member, of the legislature.
Mr. Dante "poke earnestly in favor of the
adoptioa of the resolutions, =dons followed le
approptiate remarks by Messrs. Craft, Keyear
and Boatmen. Mr. Whehnore, of Warren,
made some remarks in favor of the proposed
loan of the State credit to the Banbury and
Erie railway, se did also Mr. Wihnarth.
Oa notion, the above revolutions were adopt.
' sit by an almost unanhnous vote.
' On motion of Mr. Bekewell, a committee, con
sist:big of Meant &pithy, Rs Dalzsil, McAuley,
Matt and 'MoDeyitt, war sypointsd to proceed
- to Harrisburg to lay the sentiMen of the
es= of Pittalung and vicinity, in s
reference to
the proposed sale of the Main Line of the Pub.
lit Works, before the Legislature.
- On motion adjourned.
Owanomixo's Own PIAXOll.—Theo bistro.
mats ban been &maw tor yaws for their ex
anise& Oar readers will °barn that the tile
noble lastronants used by IL Titalbem at his
rant Sauna in Oils oily, are idealised ter
sale in" this nornian's &tufa. We' presume,
two moss splaidld Pianos Imo ..tar beat
brought to tbis city.fas t iluerso &Ur
rabid a souridan u Milberg Oa Sibiu then
hls protersass, and endorsed. their. szoellsnoe.
Is portage the lilieliopt reonnaina width
they could recolneFltr. Salo? is 'sole spot,
in bile oily, fa mambo *
Nano Go solyeeti meat, of Q 7tr Noble
la motile Wools:
EvDDX3 DUSK OP A. 1307.--Cpripm A111412*
der, Tostarday, held an flintiest on the body of a
boy named Frauds O'Hara, 'eon of a widow
woman named Catharine O'Hara, found dead in
his bed at the bonne of his mother, in a court
adjacent to Pennsylvania avenue. Ile was six
yeareof age, and, it appeared, had taken ill the
previous day, and had gone home, and the
mother, who is addicted to the excessive use of
intoxicratbsg Bolton ha; neglected him entirely,
until he dieciat nine o'clock yesterday morning .
It appeared that the mother treated her son in
o very outrageoue manner, end that be had not
enjoyed good health for some time. She wee
intoxicated during the night, but mates that she
thought he would die, as he seemed to be etrug.
gileg from roma dreadful disorder doting the
night. The boy had often been beastly intoxi•
tutted himself, and the neighbore had eaved him
from death once by administering speedy rens.
dice. A verdict was rendered that the deceased
had "died from the visitation of God," sal that
proper care and attention had not been given
him by the mother.
Westmont' font —We would direct atten
tion to this enellent hone, the card of which
will be found in our advertising columns. It
has mdergone a moet thorough change, been
remodeled and Improved very materially, and
famished entire with new furni:ure, which is
commendable to Its enterprising proprietor, Mr
Jame Suemos, formerly of the Good latent
House. Mr. B. is now prepared to accommodate
the traveling public, in a manner equal to that of
the bast hotels of our city. In passing through
the hone we :rare highly pleased with the air of
comfort which every room possessed, and we can
safely recommend ' this hone to the railroad
travel as a most convenientetoi plug place. Mr.
Geo. W. Stern, favorably known in this com
munity, will be found io the office of this house,
and will" attend promptly to any business there
with connected, and .rom his mild and gentle
manly deportment le calculated to please the
most fanidlops.
Surma nr Mecum —Coroner Alexander on
Thursday held an inquest in Franklin township,
on the body of a German woman named Elisa
beth Reinhold, who had committed suicide, Caine..
time during Tuesday night or Wednesday morn.
log, by hanging herself to Gila limb of a tree,
with a handkerchief, in the woods adjacent to
her hioband'e residence. She was not found
till noon on Wednesday. The husband, when she
was missed from home, after a abort. march,
concluded she had gone to visit a Macias, about
three miles distant. She not returning on the
succeeding morning, the search was renewed,
when elle wee found as stated. The deceased
emmed for a abort time previous to be suffering
from mental aberration. She was nearly 80
yearei of age. A verdict was rendered in so
oordance with the above facts.
Marrnra AT EIIIIIS3IIIIO.—The citizens of
Ebeuburg held on enthuslaatio meeting at the
Court House, in that plate, on last Friday eve
ning, and adopted- strong resolutions against
the Gale of the Main Line of the Publio Im.
provemente, as contemplated by the bill now
pending in the Legislature.
We perceive that the Pennsylvanian het bro
ken ground Ina most onthuslostio leader favor
able to the contemplated male
meats of the Cnizine belong , to en advanced state
of humen society. Settees-came in with chili.
tattoo. So long as man continued an ans.:wild
savage, burrowing apart from hie kind in gloo
my eaves, the hanger which compelled him to
wash down goblets-of raw flesh with huge drams
of Metheglie, Mare's Milk, was itself a suffi•
elect condiment.' But when commerce and the
arts gathered men tubs elites, begetting wealth
and the apparatuA of lazary, then °astronomy
became a Ballston To such a height of perfec
tion did the ancients carry it, that the Roman
Epicurean, gracing, In hie "de Arte Coggin/via"
enumerates above ten thousand made dishes, and
near three hundred etimulationer, or Incitements
of the appetite.
The epuiary dispoeition of the moderns, too,
has called into existence a race of geniuses who
seem gifted with an inborn Stoves to minister
to the exprielects'whims of appetite; geniuses
I Who bend the severe stadies of a life to the com
position of a single gravy—who serve up their
souls in a salad, and flash their fancy into a
piquant appetiser, as do their poetical compeers
into an Epic, or Lyric.
Oar readers will notice in our advertising col.
amps, the appearance of one of the tiontribu
dons of modern gastronomic Invention, which,
from high oemmendatioon on both sides of the
water, would seem entitled to head the lobg list
of the relishing sesta with which the gourmand
gratifies his palate and provokes his appetite.
Of course, each will read, make trial and de
cide for himself upon the merits of the celebra•
tad Lee k Perrino' Worcestershire Sauce.
Srosn's der COSORIT --We never
knew of an enterpritie in 'blob' the public
evinced each deep interest as in that of Mr.
Btone—the details of which have already been
given in our columns. The reason of title is
obvious; the pnblio have confidence in the man
and feeling armored that whatever ho promisee
he will perform, they buy his ticket, 119 a good
inveetment, and we think they will not be mie•
taken. The affair la shortly to come off, and,
se the demand for tickets is very great, and
every day on the Lacrosse, those intending to.
take "a chance" in the distributtion, should
purchase at once. Messrs. Blakely & Blobey
are the agents in this city. ae
Done ktorassrm Houma., Putt.° HALL,
Tfflon IT., Prrrenuson —Tho ethereal accep•
tone* of Don system of Bookkeepiog as a
standard work upon atmounts, attests the Im
portance attached to his labors as a teacher.—
The largest impression yet published of. this val.
noble work, was sold by the publishers, Harper
and Brothers, New York, in two months. A
diploma, signed by snob *favorite anther, is, of
itself, an object of interest, and the strongest
recommendation a young man can present. . •
PAWS &MIN or GUMS . AND Boys' Caormaa
carefully transferred from the beet French re.
ports of fashion can now be had at Carnaghates,
near the Poet office, Allegheny oily. Great
owe Is taken In the manufaature of every arti
cle that buyer' may readily see the peculiar
neatness of style and perfection of - the work.
manshlp with which the whole stook is prepared.
Custom work for men and boy" Maned to with
Bakrtnoas, May I.—Tba strike among the
freight oondootors on the Baltimore and Ohio
Rsilooad, partook of a riotous oharacter. 'eater.
day. Several freight trains were stopped on
the road last evening by a mob of one hundred
conductors, who assembled come distance from
the city and rushing on the ears while in na
tion, they unaeopted the trains and carried elf
all the couplings and drove the engineers into
the woods. Great excitement prevailed all
along the road, the ettike being very general
throughout the entire line. Efforts were also
being made to induce the engineers to join
The company reran; to compromise with the
striker'', and will immediately pay them off, and
employ new men. The strike is in ammonium:le
of the Rang of the earn, which bee given of.
fence to the conductors. .
BALT/NOVI, lis7 I.—The ;bike on the Ohio
Goad resulted in a very erelong riot this 'acce
nt/0M Fain freight trains started oat in charge
of armed guards In obedience to the proolama•
tion Of the Governor issued to-day. All the
trainsirere mobed near RENOWN Mills by the
rioters, when some thirty muskets were fired
from the cars. Two of the rioters were wound
ed. One train got through; the others were un
coupled by the rioters and bad to return to the
Damon, May I.—The Northern Tranaporta-
Lion Company's propeller Michigan arrived here
this morning from Instate, which port she
left on Monday last, sad is the Brat boat througtt
the Straits of Mackinac this season. Misreports
large quantities of ice In and about the Straits
and had some difficulty in foreleg her sit
throagh. She met the Propeller Ogsdenbuig
and the steamer Michigan in the straits and the
Lady Elgin and propeller Montgomery at Meek..
taco bound up.
Borrow,. May I.—The Tote in the State to.
thy on constitutional amendments has email,
but all were adopted by deoielve majorities.—
Boston gave 800 msj. for the reading and writing
amendments, and 4000 for the amendments die
trioting the State for &miters and. Bryn/eats.
tires. New Bedford Toted against the reading
and writing amendment.
Namara:tit Cm, May J.—Twenty-three
and a quarter millions of dollars are In the
Treuury subject to draft. Three anJ a half of
Ode amount are on deposits at Boston and nearly
the lame amount in New Orleans, and upwards
of ten In New York. Two millions of the lest
are to be transform& .
Lorrtstruseaday I.—The liver Is 4 lest 4 In•
thee deep on the tall, sod 7 feet 2 Inches In the
canal. There watt man this afternooe, and It Is
no cloudy, Indicating more rata this evening.
Mierenr: 64°.
Loam; May I.—The Loder Home was
beret this morning. Lou $30,000 Insuratme
112,000. The_ ownsr is Jobs Ilemptleld of
wilmingtee, Delaware''
Nsiaoux, - litsyl —There is no doubt that'
the skip 'sea burning upby the ship Swordfish
mig Mr Elbert Putts ;of Mobile, bonatt Hausa y lia'
- ."
t ry
Sa l mon ; I* 1.4/kozeittist-iiitea of
wheat it ilbgeolitte M-111.6081;76ato
I . 2 A7suos -at 71441
' .
Lited front
Niw roix,..May I.—The steamer ittrlei ar
rived toAsy •jth Liverpool dates to the 18th
The French Itepabltesas propose running
Carnet, Caragiao end others for the Leerl3
The rumor that the four Pennre, wearied with
Neufchatel (king, are about to impose terms
oa PlUSfit and Switzerland Is reaffirmed.
Sardinia propos, eis to regains negotiations with
Wirtemberg has signed .* concordat with
The demand °UT's/key- oa Persia foe. imita
tion of territory; bee been.. referred to France
and Et gland. -
The Realists and Pirelan treaty has net been
concluded. • . .
It bao been resoliiial to double the espital of
the Bank of Prime.
Victoria has given birth to another daughter.
Polities arc quiet in England.
It ia reported that Napoleon intends coon to
go to Algiers
Thera are continued rumors of a French con
the week have been 42,000 bales, Including
2 000 on sp.:relation tied 4600 to exporters.—
The stock of cotton in port is 860,000 bales I -
eluding 903,000 of American. The sales t
day have been 0,000 bales. The quoted° NI
art: fair Orleaos 81; middling 7k; upland 7 ;
middlings 7 4 16
Breslau:rife-4'ou is 'plat with but little
epeatalativa Inquiry; Weatern 27eig281. Bouth•
era 280 1id(329,0804. Wheat wive at an
advance of 81; Wee of white at Os GI and red
at le 61@)83 61. Corn is satire with s large
speculative Inquiry. Thu' market is generally
RUIZ; to steady st 41 0106 a for common a d
I6a for fine. Turpentine dull at 40-;
LONDON MM1X.1211,--Bagaralosed buoyant t d
firm. Rice dolt
The Money market Is sedge and ofigh'
more stringent. There is very little doing
American nooks.
Lwattron, Saturday afternoon, April 18th.
—The Cotton market olosed weedy, with nabs'
of 6000 bales. Breadstuff,' firm. Wheat active
and firm. Flour eteady. Corn cloned with an
advancing tendency, prices being Light 6d bet
ter; minds Corn 801 61681., and peloea are
steady. Lard le quiet at 685070 A, Tobacco
steady; Kentucky leaf 7n 61igil le. Bacon firm
at an advance of 61 principally In the finer
qualities. Pork quiet at 92. 6.1®95.; Should.
den 42.€144.. Qaercitron Bark bas 'Weaned
le 6d; sales of Philadelphia at 14MR,1415..
Menne from Vienna represent the Conon
VA being busily engaged in prepariugeonatittf-
Mons which the Emperor is to carry with him as
presents to his eubjecte in hie projected journey
to Hungary. In other parts of the Empire pre.
pwratione for the Emperor's jenny Into Hun
gary are going forward On a grand coat.. His
majesty's departure le find on the 8d of May.
The conservative papers in Lombardy inert
that at the ingestion of the Emperor of Raoate
a semi-official envoy has been dispatched to Na
ples with a proposition which may be aocepted
by all parties.
Letters from Naples dated the oth are mole
ed, the moat interesting intelligence they contain
is that a spirit of disquiet and discontent is
spreading amongst the fleapit.= troops and
that they are ripening into a state which may'
be the preoureor of some important movement.
There have been some disturbattees at Bo
logna and Veterbo in the Roman Staten, the
pretext being the payment of three; bat they
were pat down, and energetic 0011812r011 taken
to prevent a recurrence of them.
A private letter from Turin, dated the 4th,
siatee that the departure of the Atlitri&O Minis
ter and the rupture of diplomatic relation pro
duced bet a Might impreaslon is the former
The Sardinian Government will remain firm,
though quiet and moderate, unless wantonly
Portugal Is sending an expedition, against
Angtria b nrgotiating a treaty with Persia
efmilnr t.) the Gaited °ta•on
The Parte comeepotdent of the Lmdcu Times
eaya that Marshal Barrens had en interview
yesterday with Count Welewski on the subject of
the quarrel between Mexico and Spain. Waiver.
ski is extremely destirons that this unfortunate
affair should be amicably arranged, and is
leaving nothing undone for Met purpose. The
Raglan Ambassador also Is lending his oo.oper.
*Lion, and both governments will leave notbiog
undone towards a pada* solution of the differ
ence which would be attended with each serious
complication. A treat dual depend° on the
Mexican Envoy himself, and on the instructions
he has received. The haat dispatches from
Madrid coroborate the moderate views of the
Spanish Government, and their an.thlr to nine
the affair if It can be settled without dishonor.
According to St. Petersburg letters, the ad
ministration of Poised is likely to be entirely
' separated from Russia. It •fs also stated that
dtreotty after the marriage of the Grand Duke
Michael ho will be appointed 'Mar-bolder of the
Kingdom of Poland.
The French government bas decided that the
introduction into Algeria of !adieu and Chinese
laborers shall bs encouraged.
The Frenoh Ripubliciane have determined to ,
ascertain their strength at the approaching
elootions by potting up M. M. Calmat, Cargos°
, as candidates for the legislative ohazobetti
They intend proposing them in Nayarit] In tho
Taman, April 16th.—The Circassian' were
attacked by the Russians in the last days of
March, and repulsed the strong columns which
had•penetrated into the mountains of T.mb. The
Russians lost 700 men, and the Circassian' 800.
Mehemet Bay le giving the Cireualsts military
The tribes of ' Doghistan have captured fort
Saltahand massacred the garrison. The garri
son aid the neighboring 'Hisses surrendered.
Pens, April 16.--Latent—The oo•operation
of the Prenoh government in further operations
to China will be of the heartiest kind. The
Catholic Church, for the protection of numerous
missionaries there, has made urgent represent
ations to the Emperor, to take an active part in
the war.
it4i said that Lord Elgin wilt demand of the
Pekin Cabinet the renewal of former treaties,
with the follewlmg amplifications of one of their
'provisions as regards commerce. The number
Of ports oen to Europeals to be ine Instead
ofire, and diplotnatio m is sions are n to be es.
to lished Pekin on the same footing as those
of Raitsia. As regards offense end defence, the
English government demands the right of es
lablishing ' military poets wherever they have
Consuls, and that vessel, of war may enter any
port whatever.
Lotman, Saturday.—Efer Majesty'. health is
favorable. The Infant is well.
The Spanish Ambaatador at Paris had an
interview with Count Walewski and Lord Cow•
ley, on Mexican affairs. In the event of a fall.
tore of pialno negotiation', the Spanish govern.
meat will address a note to their powers setting
forth onr moderation and declaring 1$ the event
of hostilities, that the Cabinet at Madrid is not
responsible for cocesquenoeg.
Loutevusi, Hey I.—The stook of pork le
16,000 bbls; the same time last year it was 41,.
000 bble. - •
Nam Tont, Stay I.—The 0 °hoe market is
firm; 1,000 belie' sold. Flour firm; 9,600 bbl,
sold; sales of Bate at $6,96®8,10.' Wheat
firm; Fates of 87,000 bushels. rates pork ad
vanced 800, with the market buoyant, sod sales
of 1,600 bble at $2B. The provision'. markets
generally closed buoyant. +Sugar lutoyant.—
Turpentine spirits steady. Boats buoyant. To
bacco buoyant at 17®21. Bios is dull. Lard
closed buoyant at 141. Batter firm. ' Whisky
firm at 2910. Linefeed oil has deollaed 1 ®10;
the market is active, the pries ranging at 78®
791. Lead lu waist ghats are doll
• Puttinnirnte, nay 1,-.Plour not io Wise
to day, adenoid rates having checked . the de
mand; isles superfine at $0,75, extra it $7,25;
the inepeatlons of the week amen:Mod , :to only
8,800 bble. Rya flour 'drawled to $4,25. Corn
meal firm at $3,25. Wheel in demand and
again advsnoird to $1,60g 1,06 foe red, aid
$1,70®1,75 for white. Rye sold it ST* per
buebel, ',blob Is an Improvement. Oats highei;
isles at 580 per birsheL Coffee firm; silos 2000
bags at 11011 t for Rio, and 12®124 for Ls..
ruin. 400 hbds of Cuba sugar sold !at,lo/4
11. Provisions held firmly, but eery- little is
doing. Clonresed Is In demand at $7®7,60;
small lot taken to be sent book to Ohio. Whisky
advanoed; tales by the bbl at 29®80, and In
hbde at 28.
0111017111ATI, May I.—Flour slowed slightly
stiffer under the Africa's nem, but.* prices
are unchanged. The sales were 800 bps at $6
0380,10 for roperfine, and 88,2 6 fa50,40 for
extra. White lama; the fonniPta arq fair
Cora bee adranoed to 700 and at the clone hold.
dm asked 7514 It Is very seams, nomad' eons*.
quince arriviog. , Bye ?would oessmand 111,10;
titers is none here. There Is Wheat ands'
of consequenom The read & of Whisky'" are
light and not equal to. Orind 51L1.,11141118
are 1 mat &km WOO, 01 01 8 :11 "putt
sales 1200 Ws at 25je. Memo AIM 1 1 4 In
seleol4oo boxes film braids ak:1201318e.--
Thirils a good demand for . filintiTntt Wei
no lo at $22,a farther adosneef-ther• 1 0 8 5
demand for Bacon deism salm 810 bids at - 1
Balk aides firm wt. ofo; mina 78 , 000 Nk._
aditsweed to $24.11 balsa Thu finer ini•fhilea
sight teebeatrltkTallielasttweityfermkoks,ead
Ii tfintlegatz bees ' o ' ithd/
rahtoo lut tonittp4ll ha"' sad LI to wow
duo wain mod bap. • '
• •
Of: •
em 222448 Gioia 0rm4.1
Satstday Itandtur. thy 1. MT. 1
lb. f . 's' Mem yesterds2 put iditeffsetaal stopper cak
buidnara. sad wry Ditto was dom. him Loma remain
ILollll—market steady bat without change. Wes
from dor, of 160 46141 n 'Ws 4240,2 S fter sum KO - Ihr
14,87 too Lamy dm 100 de at 16,30. 16.03 sad
228:1: 10 DU, ems at 61.10: r.t do at 22 10 44 8 .82 10 80 It
v. 62.: and 21 do Imre, It VIAL
GI Et .111:—,2188 at Canal of 200 boa oats 41 48 and 230 btu
abolled corn at 82 slot cf 400 hut Rye to writ*, vat mold
at 85.
BACON—the Wes comprias 3,000 britonldsts at IDfa
300 lb. shoulders and Rams at 0.3: and It and ICAO to
at /! Sj and it!,
HAY—rake at seeks of 8 loads at $ 12 6115 jt toe. .
BAND—a eats or 30 tons HuntJusdon Oa at BS pat ton.
LARD—a sals of 10 Ws No telly at 1.3%.
DOTTED—sales of tae prime rod at 21622.
PlCMilan Ham. Airlll3otlt.
Flom—The demand continues wood, and_priewa again
a shade Mahar. The add were 600. 200, 1.1 , /00. 376 and
200 bbl, at i 0 ,1.000 and 03 do, at 86.10; 116 and 200 do exe
tea, the latter lot to artier, at $425. and 110 do alts
Gamma at 813.40. deUrerdl. The receipts since cur ha
Wan 1,4113 beard.,
Whiaky—Ths demand was quita actin to-day. and a
feather advanos waa oglablinted. The tale. wsm 1,050
23 la at 2334 0 SO do at 111.%e. and 610 do, from 'mow.
at .lie. The market atoms buoyant.
Butter—sales ern bids, prim. Roll at 2366242. The rs.
celpta urinal:ding boxesca &dining.
Chesis•-2alsa ef 6,o fancy brand. at 12816 e.
hemlalons—The market sus very doll to - dag.and r y
051 rant hear of ame worthy of aids. Price, must to re.
poled as nominal.
Wherst—Tba Market esti no durum alma our lad.
Re.wiela Prima Corn at $1,20 rad. did MI6 for
Corn-71,e supply °trains Is very light, and with limited
reeelpte prices are firm at 61063.
Bye The market Is buoyant, and prier. have again ad.
anest. nal. ewe made to.dar at Sl.OS— the mutat
thur 1 , ,r7 ant at lid. prior.
o,rle)—Tho demand oonUnues brlek, and prlor.• ere anal
a EGlued, We °Gotten. to Quote prime /situ 111,70. •
sals el 2,000 bosbels P.O Batley Malt at slll2—ahatttiala.
Oatt—The Market Is o.m at Mt with l i ght .121,07 of.
faring. A acts 01'400 bushels at Mb agora
Baled tray—The market for prime I. buoyant. and pylon
Sr. firm at 024 VI ton. with. tendency upwards. Infinite
and eommon flay Is In limited request at sl9@fll.
Potatom—The market I.
sodth • grnd ; derund
11.4d61,5a tor prim. Northam nbite Neikansu elm.
Bane — Tasdemandrontinues mood. end pole.. ant wall
alosloa arm at o . 7l42 . 3o 'filmakd for .0110.
Tao oof loana by Ins Banks doss not abet
.401;‘) . marketvalue of money . . Loans are readily ob.
tamed OQ Prat etas. Homilies at 7 per ant. bu t Matsop
raw m0t5...11 known, tinned with dllßstllty.—N. Y.llJoar.
and Eng,
rit.abdtch Ft. W. 2 C. R. il , -141cas bitter. a Blanch:
2 actin@ dn, I'. Poteracm: 3CO bus What. Wilma:at: 12
141:42 : •::: : Il a b i tl butler, Watt t Wilson: 11 do Bur. 11.
Buds 100 as butt.,.
Ts Wn' eattt, B 2 o d b o " • M. tibial;
tar, 16 b brooma._l2 icaa lard, 1 bbl ow. imam 22 pLas
aca . c i. 2 b b ut a g ... 1
. 84 balas trccm ono, 80 b bl, whlcky. 91
WIIERLING by Dlnrual-5 bales ra 1
troy 31• Mut.ex a b 64 gra 6 2i:ls paper
111111ar: Bdo do Imam ICO do do do. 1 8 bbll 06116.
:ont; P i ß bt
bluer. /Moot. •
D 0•132.1.; 86 dodo Latch tk. GEL 258 be glaas„ . Harm a kw
oarr,ar; and lot mode's. owner. 26 bd. errs. sax.
tar **Kase 8 bbl dour. Oudot,: 8 aka road. M'Afft- 21
tax runt 8slodler: I holler bead, Banoblt; 1 be aso..Oar•
no; 43 boo oats. Jonas; 211 lot paper. 10 by oats. Gala
beams, 2 bustard, oararr,
4T UJUIS by Reekiaster-126 Ills floor. Gar.hoir; 1 box
mdse. I 0 to dr. b.r tom tin 23 U.. Mk tclotli..?soo...
76 dr hides. Lagehlls; 8 b...x sods% Ballard;' 4do 0. noti:
10161. Iroo Ill'Nec 2 cut lays Da:a.a 10 at bacon, 110-
Cullortitk: PO bbla arblakr. McDonald; 128 bal.” cotton.
Pabocek * err 10 had. 1 toX tobacco, Grim 3 bbd do
Rsabart; 29 dr. hides, Ilarbsosh: 10 oak bacon, Haltom
4 141 baxa.Clarrarch be fors, Wes deer skin, Rau 10
Mb lard 011, Palato.atoek: 10 be was, Lindsay; 65 bhd ba
arst: 509 dr. bldwe 8 be. foralto, 1 can glomerate. I be
taloa, I 'catboat. 48 b 10ath...1005 te hams, I our stamens.
4 bbl glass. ET dram bldar; Wad min.,. I box ump:ea.
laseh oe; 100 Dbl. .Die ter. Woman.
The rain fen feet tester Jay. The ale wa , quite kill
and May cam In with Miler pros:else tban ►prll,atthough
the atler =each d1..1 sat do even what she Droadied.—
Brudness.wae of more. nearly at a stand MIL There were
IMMO right or ten boats at the wharf receiving • email
amount '(goods. We hope (or better things to sensoa
The new. how boats abroad Is fararable both as to their
freights ae well so reeved,. the =mom they are tasking
to the varloa• points for which they are bound.
The MeLsolte would arrive at Bt. Loafs on Teenier but
and was to 1n.,. krtherlth tor here. The Marengo. from
Pittsburgh, 111 . 11ved at Ht. Mole, on Tundar: and the
falls City, kr New Orleans; it , P. Hue and Commerce. for
Keokuk; and Melrose, Prima DODD& and Porerelint.
Pitts burgh. departed. The Bt. Lawrence was to hare on
the same day kr hire.
The South America hoe been tied up at et, Loots, b 7 th
U. B. Marshall, for &Inking the Eau Claire, ► .bort Lim',
form the [inner 011 . 1 . 1 901 nor. tb.
T. Testa,. and Time and Tido were rank a few dale tin=
the forma on the rock. at ILsetingra• knocking her head
off !mato the candor:, bound down, and the latter, bound
op at He! Rook, reported to hen had 300 pareengers on
board, no lives lent.
A report from lake Pepin eays on the 22erd April when
we left the Hamburg woe getting nn steam to .1.. the
1 Ina 'lrate' she was not hoverer, 'eery imam:tine or Set , .
tins through,
The North Star. Hibernia; Mine: re and W•0011a wen
adrerUned to learn chen.o for Pittsburgh on Thursday.
on Wednesday the /hirer Ware and umpire Qta earth
with 320 tons iron for the Hannibal and Of. Joarpit Hair
road, from Pittsburgh, left Cincinnati for Et. Louis.
boot with polite and obilitintoffl.
nnle op ter Bt. Louis and the upper hthelarippl to• der
and the ;excellent steeroer Argonaut far •
Hoek hisnd .to
lane Ise. ,The travailing nubile cannot he better atonsonur
dated than en toard orthenr.
The due Delegate. Mantes wee read/ to bein last etna•
Inn for Lrnrlveille.
Ang.l VED—lnzern_,e lharasvllle; Jefferson, do: Cot.
Be g rard.
heeter, lizabeth; Tigre., Wellsville; Diurnal. Whoa..
10, noe
DEPARTED—Luanne. Broornevtlle; Jeffereon.. doo Col.
Bayard, Elleatostlu Tinton.. Wellsville; Diurnal. NO heeling;
Delegate. EU Louie: Freighter. Zanesville.
Elver TN; Dolt on a etand.
I NOTIOD TO CONIUGUegma moetin o ,
Arett=taGoz A NY
and Overrn Leld
ISHAP/1 at DAllAtli OF Y Al brinig i Ve r verd P.
rea tia c t i t= at:: el fees at fr wharf, ot.a.
eidtelaid Joes tintreitros. geery.
VOR ST. LOUld.--The splendid
I: 'teenier GAM, cope. ir te
.be t . the above end 41 harm:iodise
DAY. lo freight pm I !parte ea ctin.
Loo or to WO itelath°oSisPt"' o
0 R felt rniANDIR 35.
_LAND—The Ane new dimmer AEG° dommob
..rtz, "Wean Mauer. will leave for Omaha'. son tem.
Le Pm% BATIIIIDAY at 10 AM. Fer feetnet or
Paratoapplr on bout or to
am& Ltvmaaroar & co./ ata.
Stela Msnsger_.A W.,, it th ,..1P1111. YOST=
721 , 211 , 111Dioanor,
Borns and Paronetto.—SOo 1 estrus nonsi. bras_
Becond Tier -.alio Primo Bosse. semou...ll.
Boras toe Mend parsons. eta "
Atriamos 07 Tuu—Voor. et a at ; 'curtain to Simi
Ls., night of the encasement of the eslobrotad tram
Man Mr. J. W. 001:1000K. who will oppose this orsigor
in the sre BLDl atost of all hie brilliant korenvinotioon „a.
the Most Nay of TUB WILLOW
BAT lIVEIRIBO. May 24, 1116 r. will be onion 'en
DV in 6 sets. sat Men TUB WILLOW OuPelL—
net Br. Cardiac*: Str Richard, aloßrWi
Ens: Itla b itula cookw,lint, Mrs. Poster.
To oftreihols with the irrarira
Bon Bolt. (I. Bonn: Albs. Mts. Tsui.
P. SI. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
c.....rataz Nan Roots. lro. W Ara &rid.
LNG LITERATORK— On Baturdaysiollng , Miff Ob.
a • imsook, will be mold by paunikdat
.raglan on the
mound Door of tbe Dew rototamdal arm Mum No 64
fifth .1.,a ran owloctituo of Asthma:lmo Books and BUM
hut ut, cumool avatma, MA* cownclou man! Pane volumes.
memties, and extwirim and valuable works
autimil and modem Mrston% am Make Obi.
thit .matt at:Omaha of my which hue mr ya,
er, mcwhoctata of public sad tante lithair. the asa
Nal and
makers nom& in Sad ,atom
ties, and all amateur, In blbacimarby. it presents hating,
,!noel b au= " ol,ll.". "thtlont. Amon tll,m an =",oll:l7dir
;11 . 1 " 1, Vmagtr''4=..°67.1... u ",,,,A 1 14,„ e :
I.,LuraCall,°til =l°,l;oti 10"vtra,prug=tw obb
Moto Polka Irolw thwatlt= Brom of Ball.d.
fo li rinAtrct to l lil C o
.71141V I T:Prari= h '&l=V ow. PS'
II vole; IlatoeWlilemouta thitichul, Yo' &dune
tam on Phnom:Mt tole tioldualthZ
LVii, l 9l l Oliregy 111= 1 it t ell =um mad t Hoommaann
tmu &dam* Z Wort s , au* quarto l itltszy Letlet4,l
i r ryiescatelir G . ona l Ith's duirlited Nature, 5i4
workA Site oecitaltilr rroeul'ilagdaVotallit
gad= thiaht wilt an
tmato, auk Ay book ee let. OdalcirMia with fall
ia d it trkt r: r 514 , 72 g I ftt:Vit o" a n y
li*fraud the nie will be executed try the moderahmed. ail'
Wended in valuable books Mould - dim pm:hula, as
ar to UM ram milootton. M. DANIA Aml.,
rirroas—on lloado7. and Walmagyz
Mb. 6114 lad bib. Mumaimains at 9 cede*, wilt
b.mntlantdat Rymer haltllun. NA al 711th
Dale of thawatlys stork °Moat antawim eittabliatmest.
which embraces the greatmt natty of ramie, modem -
EMU whaler Cl beat maPidal sad wettokuuld antally
waxibpd brhouseterty. hotel kairiz a
sut=grradtriltfb=ized melt an todchile.
Serum /Mats areysloo. ant, d'annen4 VIM
mooch inedit will Do Itlft
lIIIDAT NAY fd, Mfg ifebek.M.ll be
0 1 0 tbo amid Ilme of tbr
ccuarclawit an athwitlva 11.1 at alltbarE Dad subMetr.
mum of thim month Nepal publication's feud the ll'
KUM and Anuaitau Pnima; Matif whhibmill bear taamil
au Ma haft Ham. ou the day of oh. dm mAion
tans or
Alio ton OIL fAINTINOL wlthinamo Mimi ue
natAlls lad Weabbigtan fmr
IRABD P7A108..
raili.Vlll3llß & IVlCO;Ageln i
tab Swan saamoncius Who
- hav• tom itypeNANl
Ito Ws ear, tbf py, Or an,
" by aOs mit PUMA' AM:
70111 147 . " ca that
"a"gliW %ol l =43Ese.. llllill !
.thysionatelasse - MOM_ '
1 unirmatbstoultvs'"'` --"f in
• .77,1#
SPRING' - TRADE iFOI-4: 1154 - .
'FA H. N Ft. 870 OK - & CCY
OORNESI OF WOOD AND niiirraptierrivc . -' '''.. '- ,
. P ICOII - P.
,;' :C .. "'
LARD OIL, - _ LIMBIND_ 014,_::•WINDOW4Lii*.' . T:-
ALCOHOL. - 2ußPHarrnit,::- OLASEFIVARS, , -.
.TANNERS' OIL, . VARNISItn y -' putrumgay . • 1 4 , -
SPERM ca., , BRUSIEES. .. .. XNES.
tare Lead. ground in OM is put up of 25, 50, /00. 2%). SOO and 500
w whkh Ire outrontoo to be arairrar YORII , sad het hum h s ems ft: feminis m *
of Dramas. tro
heihtleo Ike the tetrehamend latooetahloa na to natio so seistrie es thisralho
Y Zutent Jobbbot Rohm.
B. A.
DYE onzmum STUFFS,
A. A. MASON. -di.
Importer,, ,Wbolemus and Retail Diann in • '
• •
No. 25 Fifth Street, Fittsbarghilw:
a_I. matt et
Imported and American Dry lin-ois •
re be Aiwa IA ten Weebeele eelmele7. 124 i 111 stook mufti or Tay swirly • •
Silks, Siaws and Dress Goods; Embroideries, ideila and White Goodl4,2liitedn
Variety Goode , Hosiery and Giros; Gentlmeenie Fmnighiglitoods, . En.
Linen and Honsekeemng Goode, Domestio Goods
to italleASe variety; Ribbons, Flowers, • i '
Ruches, Grape;
Straw and Braid Bonnets, an extensive auortinent; Straw Goods, - al/ kind s.
TY& AMU% 01.0. AX irmiZAPTILL.I .1114.117174GT0RT hullers Basch sebum&
martlibw.tAletrootellizigieszt=ei c att i a=MaslA., 0417 ,
itorthante from all obsairtf thidooftraiterithaltelitrerl la'
(4114sdiv21 MAW& 04:1:•a:''
B 0 8 T. 0' lir ; .- , ' . • •-•- -
lIOND, Beaton Warted a: .ad used at the mosont In Ude eke be
Are now et the tithe %Welcome ofatlHN IL MAWS, Ido. 11l Wood Stmt. where tamest news De Ul• alga'
Inatioe of the pubes.
Mum superb Pismo Fortes bays_ the endorsement of tbeineateet Urine Phial". IL THALBUIL Ze air ewe_ laud
thelt‘ v'thse =hil&ZlL ' l t tc . 34llrulidber " Nts T ed=l•l4 modrzweartawrira
t wrr e arooms of
. . JOHN EL MELLOR; Sole Atom , ,
For eldokering & Sods, for htteburgb,.Weetern Perna. and Eastern Ohio.
my2;lw No. fillrood &reek between Dimond Alley sad Folirth Sire et.
AIM m'oraints• ....... JAXIIO2 .............. 101111! JAMISON,
Dry Goods, Varieties, &e. ,Trimiiiiags,
M thiltheteitherthr. that la order to ataittuthdate their INIMIAIIED TRADA sad barium* Reath roe -the
upper tioraZe:fealamluttiriNtherubase
. r atize t t e g ateltrit to 4 their present volltallODlUllis MOM the
.thretoton exhibited Intim.. lad width win be bet fall thrttehaut the searoo. ilitth loathes& Iteeiltle
and a eesieratnerma to fell at •
Sher hobo to be able to reader tatlatsation sad wan the batroatae of all who may favor theta math as
Ie...MEROHANTS rtattlai the city are milady eollotted to give tksa ea tottrogit2int
Ckaapriaing a fall aasortment of
'':••• nests' aid Boys' • Snmeer Rats; Misses' and Wants.' B:eauast Rats;
StRAw ranuraras,. BILFS AND HAVNS; NILD)2.42P •-•
Bound Frames, •
Lao Ruches, Englinkandryioacit
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Boasieta,
pEprßOHlLSELtretfrom NeiwdiElgland Manufacturers, and
.B.d Nook will sell sh New lbrat
Be by on hands Rene' Calf, Kip, and Coarse Sewall
Also, Kent' Coarse, Sewed and Hob Nailed noes.
Adapted** somas =a ass Imam.
Comaing the various styles and qua li ties to be foundiriithe tigest Roues in the
u m-OO ONTPifiLIE-s- Le
1101ttlikil, and ethers risking this oily, or on tielryayßewS„ er• lune!
_,_ ______...........„...L., . . . .
1857. TRANS - • , 1
Capacity One Hundred -Tons Daily'
Mile LLOYD & C - 0. - 47.- mi t imik
....T.mmonnor v
JOIAVING made extensive proParations, duo ' Winter. ard now prparert to no a r besiy '.
AA biatmesabr
ranouon wood how tan Inatarn_lion Ws an MIMI IMP hinds and all them ellisHat lioNatradaitb d Aim; ' •
Maid and Rallinad. that no WM Inn be mind to render nodal oanialnenkm to • --
4 .
The Avoidance of the Inclined Planes on
W the Allegheny Portage lailrese ...
W oho Intoned danistah no tea tranooliatou *Wed. One. ono . PENN emir. P
id no Omni Nods. • -
LLoyD A 00.
1857. C ANAL. NAVIGATION... 1857
Via. Peatsylraala Canal and Railroad.
G il m or e) nun Bar ianth etch Way,
fkITII facilities for on have boas imply Ina niaed diele part Winter,
b vsaam rsow • to ZED opeed=itoo : r D011111:11 D
w oo ood in Vair
l o s act li ftalt a taatismiatlrtF il allert="Ms -21 r.
fe26;lyd TETER & Atl.T1: 1 11E1.1.. rammaraa.4
„W. E. CHILDS •••& CO'S -- '
Patent Elistle the and Water *oaf
. .
• - •
Jr.. , •
. . • .
--... _ REERIUN & JOHNSON,Proprlatots.
.., .
tual..o-27- - „,- -- ,. .4.• , -. • :
; . .. >.., . ..
&has Ere sintWater Pioot Cement Bodzig,•, •, ~.4,-, - . : .
Itlsina thew, silky wyrotiltitihroarlrral tudit;the Notice et a. _ , .4,,
All v D , WAVIVROOP - ... ~,- „ t „, -..
*ad la politt eithaelasan as Wen It la Ifirsotia=
garatali.mplaalt....Lavi ox . , . boa 11 aq =arira” A . •-• 40 !" 0 14::
..,-;•,!.-..,...-arz—bliztlierlurrnrevAst mar Iv iser -t so f trA 47 ,4 tr.- 4- c.
wcvniztri d a m. otwitomas: umlauts swrQuaßkbein g „„ - - ' L.f.,,,4.•.4-.:'-ei,..:..
grid reasTM6ArthasAliz!saratott4aV66!
ai ... - "2' "m l baftftg a?‘.' ''''''
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