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We allude to the position both • otenpy In regard bailie famous Olnehineti Plat '. form: It bienmembered that Mr. Butitan merged himself IS that maextrosity—becase a part of ~t&took Open himself the Inatdmate ointiliplayed the "dumb nnele," during the entire Pedlident/al campaign: The etikuk • tog poi* . who honeetlydemandsda speoifio clatationfrom the eandidate MmeeleWere coolly referred to the Platform's studied ambiguities and florid gennalitlee, as the only answer which toptuoluiated to them. enc. Packer in ova way, hatiabo mixed with this identical instrument, and 'we notice the ulroumstanoe at Ma time as a matter of Wartime for the future. The magma was a delepti to the blationtd• "Dintooritio" Convention, which nominated Mr. Bichanan,"and when the haeknied resolutions, which constitute 'the platform, were reported, eifeeted, an unusual degree of enthusiasm `thninitheir reading, 'and finally, on behalf of the "great Berth," moved their adoption without the "scratching of a word, the crossing of a t, 4Aldiming of an f,"—(we quote his owl pe. colief language.) • This was all very well then - r ind we Should keep a watchful, eye on Mr. Piteksv se the campaign waxes warmer, and his condition becalms more desperate; and see that ke does not fly hem his position. We sbould renitaborthat It was In his Assembly District, and probably under kb supervision, that the - "Baelltahan and Ikea Beaune" handbill. were circulated for the call, of meetings, and it may be again convenient to ignore troublesome issues between this and the Ooteber election. At this time, It is true, when the embodiment of the platform -has the bestowal of government posi tions and pltretnige, it is popular inengh with the polltelans,,hlt the application of the "ea Heusi sentiments" which it contains, to Kansas by Walker and Blausten, may render it Ono:, hirsute even some of Mr. Packer's new neigh bors.. . . Even at this distaboe of time our Republican readers will remember with indignation the cutter of the democratic politicians of certain seetlOniof the' State; who endeavored to tate , advsntage of the sat! slavery sentiment existing elnOug their Mende, by evading the KIM/ is -eee: well the skull in the .qin. Nebraska" speech df Congrusman . Gamble, Satitewbeis calks west branch of the Basque. Issama,at a Boohanan meeting,whera the !Molder Ruffians" were denounced but Buchanan and 40....51emooratiopartr extolled. They remem .: low susal4solitiolana leashed at the hogetA:spprehoesions 'erne true friends of Mieffsuea, led comfortably assured ns that Bachhea.n was as much opposed to 'slavery ex. - tens'Orise Fremont. These deceptions will be preethied egedn, if the eitustime of our opponints deems* such elforin on their put. Let as, then, bereadflor this pale, and in the meantime , held:l4.,,raiker to his unqualified endordiment ertheatialintel,plutforte, and suffer no more . ...artfaidodgeettirion can Stip it., Nor should We' minor Isitied ittenUon battik'. _great' qaesUois, which sholdd eel be decide - O,M reference to the twinandidates be. .fore the people—Witmot andffsaker. . • e Boaz or Prrraninan.—Oar city readers hare _doubtless - heard before the'riagnation of John Opfer, Esq. °fhb office as Cashier of the Bank of Pitbsbnighi.- He kw been an yaw in . e !hit in.stitotfon far nearly...half a sectary; Sind . for twentylire Jean of, that time Eta -meet faithfully discharged the duties ollht; pantile* •• !Mob hastier:Silvis - name in this coin- ' tartidii has.during all this time been snoop , minas wit h boatman integrity and paaotuality, aad hae been a pillar-ef strength in an inatita - ' Bon Whirl' has stood like a rook amid the Mau. cid Mortne'whloh so great Z lapse or - time las witnessed. He is now nearly 80 years of eine and the need of gniet,And the opportunity of es*lnk the 'comforts with which a life of hoc. enable:striving has surrounded Mm, offer di may mad inflciant rensottlfor Ma resignation. it the Bask his. been' fortaaani In the late udder;Blum squat reason to easider Itself so in nut present one, ..Torur Hanna, Esq. was uneehaesety elected Ails the ancassaor Boyden on the resignatios of the Us beanies oßaar to the Bank ever slue 1882, and possesier the cojtEdence of this community , fel% donbtLeie, as of those who by an was.' ilesourete hue chow- him to MI this re. !pounds statkii.,!• roily idettiAed . a he has been for so long tienewitla the: )31A, ...be had itetri we lo ,,ay; inyou du - oon hi is herea ft er to, Ilff...'``Mte bullassUili of the Ofty', an iiini!iiiiii**;;?idarieveqwher, win dmbints,.etcyrresinsehres that on the retirement ot:on - - - ,idiot — they 'repoiod so m . 44*..01. to testae? that hotEcijg of itootlo,ioolooliilsor. • ' - Terioitneonittlntitooner, ts asking Itself • nerve a n d a fuse time/tient tie lan& It dote ace stkod to tiled its orioles, prognant with pun gent truth. Of cornett, is the object of bitter !insole ,Willa propegendiste, bat ties dad no rininebleptilor in'ttgenniti of proof. A tiro psao> :editor In . :Warentr, 00131011 at the Drat. with - the; islet slang which we ell beard dining tiolint isenintign ICI often from envy Istump cabin . 4 13g01c. sad Bonk" . , loath& Tho 'pascal iospondo to Mr. eider at the Warsaw.nwhiswk, that it too latioi,:.imaiimed =about—ails Mr. iroi" bop! , geh an lirAllkochtja o hairegt . A,ld, instsedg. hoeng tats 'so* fir in bib eft ' Or silting at. hie dirk wilting abort jesiglabne‘nhilhar I'S Vale worked off OnAikhohotd•hind prim, a clitoral% oortro, 6b.oalz glare. e Tax terra* .fiLtsuriant—lf the denial ,wore not es tutworthy..ef confidence u the Maul , allegition, we should isy that II more complete *Well" never wett*de than . la these stories of Imams etrpelties In Ilibinesots. Throughout the Unfit and bre4lita _the Isnd n tale of blood and honor boo bed 'simmil, and now epos the heelS that comes the otherelde of the Km— . polarblanlr demist of all the original report. We's= wait Ilttle for fall end authentic' cott firrestion of the truth, : be It whet it met:.: j . kroirtoa of tau tiftalatj ions Uteri la Parte have tarn*" saw al", :_ UlO3OlllO of vialoh aro dietilitattitaiika: l lthiiiiiiia tie litho of .130 old* pout l'eaceptmetseat at la propitiation deo Mame 61016,"1141bli' ,a to bet Jahn the solaiui Oh dui ,glvos a.plodp sotto bestow gle Itaiftt; sad to Oleo. tlou o 7 larladywhe duo) beattllf ir&y hat& MMI Luria. fr.rit Naothiaw to the 92d lost; report .the I..nitre, two feet diek sad solid. Te inoilter . wee cold, had provis ions"... Imree telhat min: The Ontego Mow, lioirever,, • Sisk. "that the litor high triads willbreot lip the le., so tbst moth/ win ba obis to pale 10th Wily. •‘ fag Ally. owe elhee of tbi Teethe (454 sea Oesh ' • obi rood,hio recovered 347,480 of theOdispasij breakteg,b4 eentisat, tied: glderthe - work n. 1.11110 paella, ( • - ' t: ;t :R z t. wri by Ibilabsoleakchre teed the ion#f laded,- The only gusetfeersoweg• •-•:'l ,ll 'eVgra.-;..r.is he slope his Ufi • • '4*fet.41:44,4106) Nat kal.o o iieet . • - . coot o f , 37$ Dogma& 34114131#11 aillitt*lkAildnaraltf .0164. f it l pat 14 . 4k 6 ortii 4.4 11. thillsot the oW mu has Embed its Plesezeo* d eeaatoa of thil rocateatetua jellatikeumilOtd Idstletorjfoo"Paimuktu.,3l, Atile . 10 1 1 54,a,_ leirs4toef,l* - oar - Owit papas "anrwiluld.ply u mere thine of their or "•'• ts doting . an eleilion 'motorago; as - any pnialeationo in 'apportion of the *mid; but aid .Bhour...digest, the TOLIOUI of his spleen upon Pam" in tame so munessored, that to Imitate would be difficult. "AU Fools' Hai; or the Rival Robbery." It is in the form of a play, though what is here ex :pressed in words Is to be performed upon the stage, as we imagine, in pantomime. The Drs. mitts Personae are Pammerstein, afterwards Harlequin, Captain of the Robbers; Hans or lit. tle e lsek (Lml John Russell) afterwards Panta loon, a degraded Bobber; Brew* afterwards Jewels, a respectable robber; Shoddy, a Demon in the likeness of i Qaaker, and many others. Could we hair all the characters muter their as sumed names, doubtless the play would be more interesting amen than It now is to us. In the course of the action, the "Ez-Prealdent of ,the Peace Society," (Bright) Is represented as urging on the slaughter of the Chinese as follow: Yandazia - sl 1 . atakply g e a . say. ... That you can atail the aaraspolf ;ovell pay; w i t i v i tjt t r at i gkinna 1 , a411 . 1 , na, atm the tzar. The remainder of the namber is made up lot articles written with the care, and rich with tue Caste and erudition usually bestowed upon whit ener finds its way to the pages of Blackwood. • IiAIIUIBITIO, April 80, 185 t. Editors Gazelle:-.The forenoon session of the House was taken up entirely with two measures. One of them was a purely local measure—the city passenger ranwey in Philadelphia along Fifth and Sixth streets. Ofer it there has been a severe struggle, and It retarded the progress of general legislation until it was disposed of. It passed by a very handsome majority, and after it passed a reconsideration of the Sunbury and Este-bill was moved by Mr. Peters - of your county, and seconded by Mr. Abrams of Clarion. Upon this motion to reconsider a protracted struggle cusped. The Speaker decided the mo tion out of order, and the House reversed his decision. He decided it out of order upon the ground that when one reconsideration has been moved and entertained another cannot be made. The House held an oppoeite opinion in effect, deciding that a motion to reconsider can be en tertained as often as made until the motion to reconsider is voted down. After I. le once neg atived it cannot be renewed. The practice in these two houses 'teems to differ from that in Congress. There a motion to reconsider Is often made by the friends of a bill and it is coupled with a motion that that motion be laid upon the table. That effectually precludes any motion to reconsider on part of itireitemles. Here no motion to lay upon the table prevails. Finally the vote came up on reoonsideration and It prevailed by 49 to 40. A motion was then - made to postpone until to-morrow, which was amended by a motion to postpone indeiln ately. This amendment was negatived by a ma jority of-two, and then it went over until to morrow, when I presume it will pen by from two to four majority. Mr. Peters voted to poet pone indefinitely. as did all your Representatives but one. Upon a resolution to reedit the bill for the sale of the Main Line from the Senate, your del egation voted unanimously for indefinite post ponement, and it, the postponement, wad atr rieci nine majority. This was a manumit of Oen. Foster's to delay and embarrass the passage of that bIU. It did not engaged, how ever, and will not. When the amendments spoken of by me in my letter of last night an reported by the Committee of Finance in the Senate, the bill will peas that body by " hand some majority, and will be concurred in by the House. Tee Senate to•dy cut down the appropriation to common cehoolsi.from $.800,Q00 to $250,000. Thte stM leaves the appropriation $60,000 larger than that of hat year. I suppose this fact will be gratifying the many ardent Meals of common echool education, who live through. out the -WeaL. _the tight dicta. doe, led it breaks the Moll of precedent by which - 111e Legislature hew been governed for 1 many years, in regard to this matter. It hum- I guests", I trust, a new and brighter era for the common school system in this State. I hope to live to see the day when at least .$500,000 will be manually given to this noble purpose. The Senate has Anished the appropriation bill and has begun the consideration . of the Claim bUL The attempt to strike out the appropria. Dom of $5,000 for your Western Insane asylum in the Senate was sussuasessfuL Dr. Cissmos and Judge Wilkins, nude strong speeches against the motion to/Dike out. The Senate' to•day noa•ooncurred in the Holm apportionment bill, and appointed a coin. tdtteof conference, coneleting of Henn. Jot. dan, Wilkins, Ingram, Krim and Eiliinser , to meet a similar committee from the Home. The House will refuse to relied., and then the coin. mitts. will be appointed. The bill to biomass the salaries of the Anoolats Judge of the Courts was under consideration to night, when the House adjourned, haring gone up to third reading. • R. Tan Raven's or TRADI.—The Boston Trav eler rebates the following siagular Incident' in the donne of trade: "An hunt= of the pecu liar relines liable to traders is afforded by the meet experience,. of a large establiehment in this eity. Daring the put season. skit house shipped a quantity of goods to • South Arent. eau market, at -what was penally deemed a hazardous venture. A few weeks minor, owing to the depression of trade, the firm was coin palled to atop Topmast, and the street said it was • bad failure. While they were looking over their affair., letters were received in the city from their agent in South Americo, stating that be had faveribly dispelled of the consign. meat, and invested the proceeds In skins, etc. whisk were then being skipped, and on whith Insurance was desired to be effected. The dote, to their !Uprise and gratification, have found that the ties in this description of imports, has ben- rata - gent elan ' the period et' shipment, that oh 'the cafe arrival of the, vessel, they will' be enabled to pay off their liabilities sad posel blY hue a little something over, in the way of eutilmin • Pantos 01 House.—A clam of horses That are ,rmillyr worth from $260 to $6OO, each are the ones that are most salabli, and there are quite a number of that ohm L market. Bach for in mum ea a pair we noticed from Vermont; six year. old, 16 heads high, black color, mane and tails long, strong built, and gonad, but not very fat or fancy flee, though well matched In ap pearance. Thin were held at $6OO. A good fair driving roadster is worth about $804:4 and a pair of good strong wagon horses $5OO to $6OO. As hr hum kcases, - anyerksre from a thonued to $2600 Is the iteklag pries.. But whenever we hear of n sale of a pair at a thousand or more, wet are. alpiays diapered to ask how mush the small bulldog was valued at that 111141 taken In part pay.—K. Y. Tribune. Taw Buis Peunass.—Tie dresses are to indergo a modlltestkcs, says a Frinolt journ• al, though as yet wily the alarm and corsage have been touched; the jape and crinoline will take their turn. It Is a reform that begins at the top. , The new stence, called a is juin, are daily pitting ground, and they willsoon be seen traversing the Bonlevards. They are spacious and flowing, allow put of the arm in front to be seen, and descend perpendicularly to the hem of the robe. Bach of these sleeves takes .tio yards and a quarter of niatartiL Some twen ty.two yards will now be a small pattern for a dress. Is it not time to ask, what an we com ing to ? • Tan following novel marriage notice appeared in arremat number of the Lou Wills JeuntaV— Ms may be Appropriately termed a ease of Seekleifelloily under diffionities. Married, on Tender, the 24111 nit, on • rook in the North BMW* at Nett Creek ' Depot, by the Nev. Dolsod:Daylon, Mr. Rorettough to Ml.. Ifollortall of hadletoa, Va. The partite lies come sfty miles &staid And walked the *hole dietattoe, the arm of the groom entwining lb. wail t ef.144 'fair mlatreis throughout ''A ran Induce of an elope: eNfi►elt Toot with so happy r remit CAigiplA Law.—Tba nal/eon' (N. .a.) - 11inandir M o nday lip _ J9OOOl Wirt vie. W lainoted tor_ •Hip Harry wtku asHat.'lby parklailliza late litcrivir, was fled oa Batardayi ?Tat jary ntaraed, a mask. of aisaailagitior.,H•aabria ..wu breaded Ma atotalat,' ef- ,: lrfrosor;--Itiorvoro now of dollar lavonsd to Failtoodtl i tho MOM Maw It ft bid am* inorder regard to u t ib u ti„, mata vela of Omni liiptimuslo, - ..that they bn visOrophd 'ski of the lila &fel* which Um/ loaf nioldig3dialiso oroftk , Ooo,- 000,000:ittkout 1 4 4 20 9,040,000: • ';' misorona Arit`pidftot, Wansaliodifiriolgoi fi'lforwisney thattkil vta)oliffoirso clot& fir. voszkably will s oloos the Mir, lolullialTuff4 sod taut Woo us goalpooopoato l aws, larie 7 -1 - • • • - • The leedlegartiele in this number is entitled Pamela my watchword, Petal you &all regain. When all floe beadily ilidnamea ata Maim Ho. thee I bombard I but waif tin I'm on board,. Fll ;askant! know 7ou mandrels whom your Lord. !Dada! Oxrnanxnsdretes of the PlCtstntrah Oust sefansioetn the. Petersen, J. arias, thliTatmon Gaulllan . If the present field latednnes, the , Natoli Ashley may beset down ett.inte of the mahVateliin 'et the • 'milk or PAIS& ePuety, -4-Itettentlyrs" clerk took invesentltigt•oe' tries a $lOO note of the pima Binh given _by a lady ;Wale near the break, who inhibited nine . Whereof the same denomination.. She stated that her hus band had eitheived the whole amount, $lOOO. on the prerians day tor one pearl sold lo New York oily. • Him Anexe, req., where& recently elected Mayor of Leavenworth, is a brother.in law of Powers; the roulptor. ' MARRIED.-On Tueoday eretifee. Aptll3otb. Dr the Rev. Daniel L Norio. of Sewickley. dlr. 1111)111t3i TEN. DEE, of lorene% Nebreeke, to ntse 11/MLitt ADAIR, of thle city. Oa Thu lay iirealnir, April 30th, 11 BC Peter. Minch. by Bet. *JP% Virzi Deo•e,. D. AL OCiTE, or ibis city, toMr, MARY TIMM AN, cfAllogireny SPECIAL NOTICES. Headaehe and Debility.—Mr. Silas J Llsecintt. or Birmingham. gam have band la INerhavel 111Ilani Bitten• remedy 114 Headache and Debility, all wife has aim undii with lbw mated benefit" Mr. A. B. Nicholson, or Pltte.orgb, abo remark. that hs has exparlencel morh relief from Its nlO for headache. Acireold at El pesbottie, or els bottles fro SS, by the. propeleors, BENJAMIN PAGE. Ja.. A 00., Manufactur- In c Plunneentlste and Chemists, Plttabursh, Pa., and Densest. senerally. Iyl;dkorT Great Cure of Piles Chgets. N. J.llareh 12,1555. Dear lilr—lt t. with mail pleasure I. Lk. this °matte. Illy of Info:ming you or the great benefit I have desired from the me or • few bottles of Itodtkotts Gl-r. wan for • number of Tenn I hare bees wee y and wv. rifT3 ffieted with win m the etomeeN attended by sewre • tacks of the Plies. Ibr which I tried • great many remi dim. but InUlDULaffordlug =any Being adrift to Dee the German BIM.; I did to. teeing in oatmeal,. rer the Piles. tour Spikenard Cletinent, mud I now In term you that they hare entirely rani me end coerce M. to Manta and would advt.. ail the ardloted to nee )Dire.luable medieluant, Se. iattialtilY. MUT, MARAMIET REWIRES, Dr. C. M. J No 45 Plum greet. Camden. N, J. ackson. Phile. W and Mladel at O, whole ali, at Dr. 0 TA: IL HD YELS . B Drug store, 140 Wood it. elan et the Golden tdretar. • DMUS W0M......14 L NOCIMUD. irel.l.X2 WOOD. MOORHEAD & CO., ,71.111117A0TURIC88 OP AMERICAN GALVANIZED • SHEET IRON. And dale Agent. for the Bale of W.Dzwehe WOWS Patent Imitation Russia Sheet Iron. —ALSO— Galvanised Corrugated Iron, for Roofing. WAIIIIOuIII—NO. 134 Flier BT., Finn on ff. PUROFULA. • ODRZ O FOR MR& I D . tNOIIIB. DROPSY I: IR MI D nu:II7AT IsucTRE, AN la. TRITER. I.ITR RWRLLINO. The allowing article Is from the pen of one of cur moot celebrated pityalelans. and one 'Mon own, if in wen permitted to =nation It. would carry Instant cenriotito to the imbilo mind of the truth oral] he state.: Nye aw, Dept..% 1831 k Nona Edfforn—Pennlt me to °nun/ • Utile t our own In doing an net of humanity—lbr It Indiaple hoe manitr—to place the &Motel and dialwartened In the way of many acquiring good health not spirit. I lure had more than a hundred cum of consumption on my hands at one time. I hare had Urn complaints without number among MY Patients. I han had a dean cues of Dna and ague at moo a terrible can of mendnia. or king's nth bilknO Megan of envy type. and one ease ncemtly of yellow inn. Nearly all of these I tun satin fectorlir unstated with nothing but lodine. lodine is no preparation of tneicery. It is • genuine Rides of the astern medics. administered by nary molar MY dein; and when It can be obtained pore, In a pate Win tint of thotorla know of nothing so sandal es an agent he the remora' of disease. In consumption Its effects are startling. In all bilious athetions lodine produce. a mealy eon. In ecrofolout diseases iodine le certain to eatimate the hereditary taint. I therein warmly re. oornmend Dr. Henn tram. iodine Water. Predated by Dr. IL •eders. New 1 ork.and wild at DR. IMBRIPS Dent Score, N 0.149 Wald etnen. Riga oftheOclden Mortar. Prof. Wood's Hair Iteatorer.—A Red Halt Sutoner. Hr. Samuel Jones, a Methodist dolman, roe:Mins In Westmoreland musty. says that his hair halloo, settles gray for ea bus twenty non. and 111 u dinned to fall oat. Ile and to, bottles of Prof. Word Ear Enterer, which entirely stopped the &Wag out o the bar WI the bah. roomed Its cuisine' color, and has hist the solar oar tor Was months. Tids Is a common an. but we publish It boons it Is was booze, so tba, the subtle may be acorelead that Wood's Harr Rotor' e 'shot Its urport. to be emu us ossu two and thr • dollars pee p OM" at Dr. 1:110. H. MAMA% wandirell No. 140 Wood et a wholoase and retail soot A CARD TO TER SICK FROM DR. S. 8. FITCH, 'OF NSW YORE (Archer ef".3i.. 'dare. am Aura= wed acne orrineeneep not.. and Itnestar Gs eaten Alediosi peaches Maga captained, by what Cbaneeptien. gnaw Bend lAed, Cl aidna.and mad- tirade dienuat, are/lead robe Per* mateta.) Dr. D. 8. rITCH, desires to say to invalids that be ton!lante hie pesetiee et his Otilee. 714 Broadway, Nor York abase be may beassaltel titter paanalir or by War. ilneallota to be alarm! by Invatide—Thow who mite nth state mum age.canasta% poet °Nor she gtata.— Where born ant Rad? family complaint., dram or deco ear, osier of hair. eldskera erae. mmpleslonl height ced Olt. )mit share the Wee/ Any beset lambi., oath espenteratioa tabled blood. are throat. hoseeeoese , lea eaten., obilla and tear, night are a asthma. hamar alp dhow, morals. soots. Ototehes or aro etiena on the tan, canna. eataTh. Iturritrullrla. Westin., Ped.ltaloll. etoppage or Puttering ~hart. dlitarbed Nene, dente.. ob. bed= l.... lllollZ Or ales atotosen. vied. debts. hating, oretivenees. diarrhoea. Tame.play kidney tionklea, seek halt. pain sayerherei Add all oth er partienlaa. lf a lady.marrialt had ehilive. P female easplainis k iereggelaity stamp ter ,refly. and Pinata aide .111 be returned, airing 611 neozneory the strations. • pereenal Interview silk the patient is desirable; but tether. stadletanoe tad It ineonanient to visit Non 'York ibe lette r. net.. erentinent may be oadneted enecesertitly by and remedies vent by apron or otherwise to any. pert of the montrY. Da P.B. Plates nil. Gatlin.. explaining hi. mate mat. no iesa, rd a/Malaga in menallo, ant by MAIL pan pod& a rwsolyt or forty ant.. Dr. P. 8. PITCH ie nee, alentifeenn Afe ova tr. is N. r Dr. ONO. 11. ILIYSKR. No. II) Wood ghat. aple.latro in cut toe Waal. °erg. B. P. J'ETOU'ii Leaven and Yalta la. DE. J. IL lII&SCILIzrea CBLEBRA LED CATHOLICON, POI MI 1121.11 r AID cola or irrYlllllo rineire. "The Woman's Advocate," ofPciladel pm:. Oats Anse 1111)ew•11, editor.) rate :—Ttda Is the vahtible nualldne (Or the Means. peculiar to women tan we knew or. A friend anon, who to mazy .sera Ina been a marearr„ maned the adrandanient In the A p• neat,. and at one. procured • bottle. eke Maud redet, - waken that die can mat Lundy recommend It to en who are multerleg In • like manner. ire ban ban many than that It win a drub remedy, but this I. the OW/ b Irbith 11. hies 11.21 Os, teind will In rep and to rire Dr. Marchni . anneals of wake to hat UM desire' en; "%meted . . amtahtlat much metal InltTouttloe Wady Ls the estate and et toptome of lb. shun Menet% tO. other with testimonials tram Uelee of the Miami to.. epeetallilty. ea entitled IT the most satisfactory Where Ity. to ell els.loh the sttentlen °Melee and erzetltheters lareepeetfally lelit.d , nate bast gratis at the stores et h. L lIILLIIRS it CO, eel dab et thl• efts. Douce he settalectirlth hurtle sidles this no**, bat eat or end for • hisephhit. It Intl ray you trelllbr the trouble. • sir J. B. MAI/OMNI • Oa. kkorolotork. oyrrawfo Cootr•I Doprt. SO4 Broodosy. trow York What vs lodine Water! -e great deal 0 eaeltement PV/Vatt.l2 regard to this new medical ahem Q 7, and you bear porde Ilan Why. lodine la net mew oartalaly not. lodine was dlegoveted u lona an true dye years age, by a pods manufatorer of garb named Ocuitote.' It b not a 'mineral subetanot. It la Nand In atengkowlark twaweeda. In redone mineral springs, awl EMI persons attribute the asedlalsal proprrtlei of I Cod LI Int 011 to lodine. width It oontalav te smatl queue NUN. The trouble hitherto with It bas beak that It would not dlarolvs In pars water. without - comblnlng with eonurthing wtbill blued Ito eledkal properties The lodine Water Mai Ise solution of lodine lamas wa tar. and oath's/elm It was dlsoovared by Dr. Anders of New Yorkß, and la steed Is the same Noumea as lodise would ho mod for. It le a gnat alterekee or partfter of the blood—drive. off bad knrookr. makes Rheumatism Let goof WNW ea the Joh upan. and dtivee armor the marrow tba bones. It brae. um weak nervee. and .000 liewndat bu tt ors thelgmyalatee.dinizaattrbiontrie &rend lawn. It does not porteltd to aura every die ASK but anly_thoss misers an alterathe nil would gam , Dr. Ilk Wood stmt. wilt tall yon all oboutle. Pek•Sl De Natl. asaaavr W. & D. RINEHART, XAMMIOTI7IUOIS AND DEALIIR9 IN a'i kinds of robaooo, Snuff and Cigars Hare recently taken the building No. 120 wood strut. In addition to their mitaraotarlog 'stab. Mount. Ito, ot.. !Thor. they win be Dimoowl to elwalvo thole teletulso. milttrellb NELSON'S 'AMBEOTYPBB•, PRICES REDUCED. Gallery, corner of TAird and Markets Biretta. INTIII3OII ON NUM STRUT. -We are now prepared to offer to the Debtla our troll Immo ottle or AIIIIROOIOII at the low rho of ONN DOLLILE AND IIPIN•1103, Thom vaathat llk emus+ tallea la the best lOW of the Att. will find It SMUT to that,. lutetoot to give this ostablklmeat soul A luso assortment of Plala sat Voney Pam ahem oa hand. *MIA JOHN THOMPSON, . • 410 LIBERTY STREET. • European Agent and intelligence Office. . ffzvlir r vr f eLusica:j u tr . o L thort bat, ti " . " hi " mg t r u 'r r a lt I Tl tit keta throng ram ay art and 141144. 180001' = 0130. W. °BRIG s CD.. G MANUFAOTURZItir an'l r "4 •Fteeeso . :l4'," f4 Pe: fdanufactore,Pine and Oak Kegs of the •Weu'drael.tfejtdor NUL Km. whleb to wilt PC at the 101iNd priors. taalmealls e!tto3.l.lliBwA7ur,.. - .Thillih and oooinental likutainge. ' -- mitt airsrDzawir ex r. ' • DORGAN, 111111k1 :.It Co . . ON -TUN UNION' BANK, LONDON,_ . EN row or £ll AND UPWARD! Tfieselhifta itreiyailablo* all thettriii• Trinup!Pasiiiii±,lloutaa' l4l 2," 4 . `" * Wudes *ow STOWE slur 1111i.,-.- ... __,.. ''' 11,11. finudebadus -& 11111111 , 11, . . 4:.. ,I, . nuxurrasr4-.luum. - - inikager“.. i Rooltaiso As . AU. NASA of Alsossor IritedealsAA WW2& ,•:-.- : -;•,• .• .1. .. 2 ..,;;;_ , ..1,..... ai=.l4teall"dikict:6B"l""*"... 117 ' 06.0:4; N. p. UZiII, IL D.::...... 1112 r 0 ' ig • a, AWWW4A, WW#2ll9ll:24Liiii ithaeliartioriltaita ~, ~. by ik . 25 acerito.; -' = ] - " " wt6a -: - - -" DOCTORS SAWA% * ...... , 1M1N1N0 ; ,- , Alijs" ,`" "4 - 1446 ". mcisAs fi, ,} l ,4 "14 nitulm A -- m ,„Thaaragers. °64 ' * 2 WWIII d e . :7 11"1 "4314_,?-1...4 .. ' '.. •- - - "A -- • 1 , . - •.'.._=:;?!:,--,-:'.":; ...•:-.!,:: v - ,.,_ ~'..:',,'-',,.- 1 jig ; Dr.,.. Fitch Pan 7702.11 L. Plttibarsh. Magda Morning/ inch , nth. Satin*, Riming Nay 18th, 1857. - WHERE honritY be oefirolted deify. gab. Drs Nab fbtenesnuetkm. Aubms, Chromic &Sr :4,Abo;Lar Dymetele. rowels tUVA.II. and other alleetlam hm, snonherted wlth nr yredltrocirg to Oon- TIM= any raise-Dr. EMU should to unable tore. mainduttors the whoneof the meiod above named. the Naonho m Jskant "Rho conettled byhla macelate. ilt.l. W. BY Tateeiene b as dt Da Sikh are pettloolerir oßaeka or h 4 forma awn; tr. ' s' as Scuni It.1 t . 17cAuT;loolued ibt.,Uivainta•Itt"4:1Tht; = l =l alertalat.* the azonted MICA hlandiolowthe led few d.yr or hla al)- , And UnPlgibahei fartkermare distinctly under. 'trot th ere/ h he mlnahlows Come= Doe • oomph, elm" anittiste last Mob; atilt that he do., not PIM teedto raise thefts/Is eft to atm p•Dentseho ham mu. for loose tear conatttntlins loft. and tome Who with treatment from blattauat splay resennabiy early In the mune Other dial" , And he would add elm that both hlrosalland hie eneolaha are accustomed to toll them ma Dieing thelrreal laltuatkes oar need elms pply who are uulentottrall or smwllilag to Nara the tru . b. A motto armament will or course . enly be undertaken In Ewe .hote their arms some a sm. or remedy. In cams where then la tome the tneueget most coronae be merely Dal. Consultation personally or by letter Free. OFFICX,IIOIIIIB I 0 to 4 DAILY. soriblawifT Cloning. BM oT Nebraska, FLORENCE, N. T., Goo, 0ur0ura.pnet..........—.11 VIZSDER. Clank'. GEO. SINCLAIR CO., General Land Alts and Dealers in N LAD W ERAI!IT,S; , • "ILOR N. give. Wil l Bair Oantanal attention to Baying na mans gam Tatltsjlntaing Lana% Lnning Mona .7 .5 Paylngyasek In Intensks, lona and Smola 1120711.13023. g:V a .M:;lNgri b l' IL Jana% atna( Leo id aerob•nt a nn, Pittsburgh, Pa WlUVrta ß trrol i niiMat.. : Inns rlntonda t Eas en. It. Lorna Beton Ow, terahanta. • Bank or Co=netet J. U. Mum% anLamdf • LOT m • 2.2lrdivT J. La:velallC - MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. GO WOOD STREhT. Near Diamond Alley mensinan, DENT IST RY. DR. J. E lIIILLIHEN traa OA borlos otwoind the omit.; of —••• the moot apaloneod alma Work. latheman Mond to sub portkador au. YoU mta of toot. or Porto ofooto malt oath artlaelal atm. la moo °outlay oin or oolld Noe. 00 Artltlefol boated , and all deforrolftes of Wm fact 111mt.4. fram ° rV l ClN ' traw l 41 1 t, tot= Wood and faun. Pea m 2,4 Pittsburg. aplalafo .. ....... DS. SURGEON DENTIST. FROM NEW YORK; &trade 'Teeth Withoul Pain, Re lone Deanmalng Agent to UN GUM Ontre naniuta Teethe Gold. Slim. Platten and Gotta Preehz, and pedants all Dental elaratlona In • aelenUlle arOartli and 0 retaken at lite aka 14 1017rVI7tLD 11711z1r. apactudr ITTSIIIIRED VARIETY WORKS. WA.T.LINGFORD A CO. cakimmso wkrwa....eire.p." d M.) MANTYPAOTURERS OF Right or left band Door Look; Spridg, drop And thumb Latches, Platform and Counter Scales Corea. Corn and Paint Kills: DOMESTIC JIARDWARE GENERALLY, Oomor of Water and Groot SOW; PI ttobo.rio. JAB. NoLAIIGIILIE, Maso.foaturee of ALCOHOL: COLOGNE SPIRITS AND FUSEL OIL, No:. 168 and 170 Second Street. LIM—. V. •134:11.00011 PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS • JONIES, ;BOYD L , CO.. tFAIMFAOIOIau OF OAST STEEL. _ STRING, PLOW AND A. B. STBEI 4. _ SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross and First Streets, iozka,o• PTITSBURGE. PI. 13"0 ""a ii :-.l* Weri - 8 -- 11 7.- C r ei! .. " I " n ßoo su- xm a rTolit ° L nor Steel Cultivator Teeth, 001Irn ROOF hVb Farr &num% J.zu.A.• nnanume. PA SAMUEL, GRAY: . Merchant Tailor, Na 52 ST. OLAIR MEET. feWijott W/L BMINSILL. JR.. HOUSE, SIGN, •VD 011NABIENTA.L DRAINER, AND GILDER ON GLASS NO. 12 SMITEIFIELIk STREET. Newly orportte the Post Offte, orttsloto PI27BBOIGIL PAL J.SEIBERT: PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, Third fd. Aitriburrh. ILANT7FACTIIYAR AND DIALER IN Cattail:is, Cornice, Bands, Shades and Blinds, Nattrasses.. Poiaforts, Qnebiona , &o. SirParties's*. &Mottos Wit to Btostotosi lootk.l Oarpoto fittod sod 1.14 to