PITT:III,IIf.GH GAZETTE etrEm.,,,IFE) r.n+yr7r 4irr wxzeu.s - S. girDLB & CO., ='-=~~ c~"2~ ll3i B P A ILT—CAT. /.2.121114.1!bymp1e Teartrin • 1- e • 6: II be estppued ea the *Umbra eon.lltlabil Olabr Pear eerie. per mum - Ten coMee 4° 10 (11 ar. drittly required, trd -- am trd uuti trio reur put. sulker it la rearued. ,F ... . RATES OF ADVERT/BING: ~,;„7 . ... no lino. of Scovaroll or Arcata.) oul 1000rti0 0...........-...........$ 0 bo -Do :- 4111:103.11 lasortion.....- 020 Do oar week.....-.......--. Ift Do 0 a 0.'".02e3a.........,....... ..-".= 3 GO Do • , throe wooko . ~..... 4 of • Do orot•siouth-.—.,_ ...,............,.... S * ...:,, Do ." 1.:•tv0,100nL00..........—...,....-:: DD o . , s!thyee. esontlis ..., ... I , a a. - . n - . ^ .. month ..,....,_..-.. to :V Da- . ,', i , r .• -o', 01430ROOrdiVar: piotoi.;) i d 1 - .:11;.•.40110ttr10&.2.iit 'a 11.. OWIRcloto:olozooreabio Imorre e (pry an. /UMW atairtalio of pa ........................ '.15 .....ftr..,.. 14 4 . ha-Ilitloool so rum*, Inaeated nvar rola raa..th. • ''''''" ..... I=. ' . . l .3Uara iranarted nod, tha yearly no. balky:oleo._ .... 11Altertioo - oreoleavoono t arelen y e and net oaer or, : : 11411 1s h olon, 1 0%, " M tai T 4 t k af . s4rortisrtli. .poroo3 the :manta etZod toy ...holt yarblintion. NO fib 0 S TSL-6 Sumner Board near Wilkinsbrag. . rt..lE6i.bdis.ciltrios{ tr a. Ketr . ct , to receive atkilylitusted. Cho roonrs /arm rinds thirty ra Imam" er eft rby tralroao and • plerwerut ,14r•rof rt.% rizllm•by. Wilkin•lrrlY • - VOTICE-Aito underOgned, Anigneas of L • William.! ootl. to all Tomos Indeleel to tali firm to mite Ian:MI.10 lat =rot mad thurnv.fiv - Itetruks-fl,.i;'T-u;--- Io matllnlna to rettat .o 1 the tett l"2"'. oh. WAIL 11. lIVIII.OIP WK.% ezthimsok. Annan. of Millman& Atha. OCATINO NDI3.—Wo will _locate EA Port oo.ke,(htug 0 0. 4 Hoax City dlotrkt• lows, ot the follow/uratoc , Oa otreo ...4100 150 Au] .0 s. ousiOnle •to ritorporrelLo — r oot ;7117 • Mi. trout Us. U. 8., but ore orlll bled oomph's., to p. 7 61m 25 oo uffll.l On InVnininnit In 12 MOW horn '4'4ol;pwn mizlitt;ll, rick o Capitalists ana Speen!atom. WI; are making prepartmono on the open vr loner tne Land Ofdena in lowa. (May Att) to ta este land. :or part).* tolimeet—either with mon. warraree—and alto by time noble... 40 lief mot e Pricile. - it assume •laecew P.* ...UR. and P. tha inveettnent capita/IBM eau mate." Lan. Judie- Moil, Mooted am &Jos.,. condelemal ill doable the PM. paid fa: them. Tan of sue dem will glee Malt en. /idling attention to the btudn/esand imman. mil /ands located, persona/Iy. One of our firm h. been on a tone of Ineteetloll the nth Northern lowa, the pest minter, end le ttell preptrast for making jodla on...troth:um. Iligtitet market Wee twO be Land Weitanta. We will Me. all woman. Information to pante, wish. inQ to Infest. • WM. , A, HERRON 41. corner of Wood and Mach street% Pittaburnit. Or. HERRON BROTHERS. Dubutina, low IMMEIMI _NEW "VORti. (l UOl►YEAf's PATENT VULCANITE, HARD INDIA RUBBER. THE BEACON DAM CO.. OWYER 1:411:1VIS, Eleaufeetuted T1V.04 the s 8 hore OP petted theterlal. and erre for role et their Waremock. No. G 3 Maiden Lane, New York., lly the fitekace Outs. •SI-RINOKS POCKlticoirr strizirs; ef avary kind ...led Or Do. nestle br ProbbYtt.b.l rur. ,14.111, pinctoutinAd by Pbyyl cyan. tb.. mon bey: WA utly.ly elf, [nada. P.Atrr I . )WD:tlt 1.1..118K8. vratrantdry:e4.l to keen the pc. ruitntirults oAwfilleit, thu •11; not &face th;carp.l Zy DUCES z BOA Y& (nand Pocket, ( CUTLERY,' for ?tinterraattle and DM.' NAPKIN RlZiflB. laig ~' f l unc , ". lt. Tbt. Iroacrfel itulcrita tartish Is. Er. as SIZTAL— Iig In up li. oft N—tiriallsot I. Jr/—. ronr conductor of it:AT—n-1. ton , uentr nf Ef, IWINICI.7T—tnd nn nttlels OLL.I, ..• .4-J AL KALIZar produ, MI tAei is vartly super o- lat con e:A., tor the ....• tunnel, en d re ruiner of etbrr porn... an phlolt It l• anpllea. Das... all rortscf the scouter ar c a tuccerlnu tlcco. WSW Wit, :h.,- cuule, anti ensocurao Clot l'be . ' - es at" con Vitts.ayoUgatt4l4. (nsts, and the ern.at dlatqtto• 01 ehlhlrr.t Weor Jour tra• te mp, ILI the 1.011,11 • 1.{1 , 7i4te 3 . .tur skill. and A.trun t esd tsorettotiotre to cur I.onte. 11 All CONKLd N. Cl. A , 10.1 Ltttt. Ito). %too .uonuto... . os .s„ 31 j ss.. G wee•l ...twos luau oat shl.ll roc noel tol In detest) k,. took Loan tutoPetne l tett oboe ro,t.f (as tr itt.etstal by rho •tl•te. , orte•tratt. Tba t dose rellered the e•rone.* In toy thrrAt I••••• ILti^ one this t•uttt- tut,. at.to,t e l- Oct .or tr.totlctrts, ern tiro rheovey: Pr the. br•• 'no ttan IrtY, and we : :teem you. D•totor. and ottne rorosdle-os It,, poorlogitee friend.. wal MA Of: 11171110 w ANit IiI:7'CDITI .y , • waer Manotts•tran. Itta irb. 4. 18'd. Ste: Scar Morn , Peet'T., le torfcrnilbs marvallone carp* In this suo-or. to ha. re let.. error It! front alarm— ing Sr/Ott rut of couanatptinn...... end nou s Intel Who hie I..boted noun: to antton cl thoi !WIWI Ire the butt 40 rt...., 1:1.:IRY 1. , PARKS. Merchant. A. A. EAkIJKY. CI. U, Ittouroa U. , .. vette'. gent. e, purist , toy t rattlre of many y.are I hare found nothing squat ,er Cherry Pectoral tor stylus ann and t:tied to rononmptil settl.ntr, or caring ouch en are curahle." K. ottubt add tel ',est.( est-lout, t.ot thin ronit C 119• Front tha virtues • I this remedy to lunud in It , effect, unon PON tUll TIOC. Prottablrod on n mumuy nbt taco k on.- n width euned aomeny and eu-h dant moon men, an thin sollll no human all Clete mach. hut @VIM to t 4.41 the Cherry' Pecteral Alf nix rnhef and nomfOrt Arta* Bodes. 1. ew Vera Cite. a n d 5.1 Ed /looter Ayer, Lowelt 1 Pe I It a duty. and opt arum to Inform rnu had your 1.7. t erry Pertur al has dont for ran wife, hhe had been tee month. lahwlotr tondo, the dm, Reron• ertuptoma ofalcueumptlen, from whloh no all we could procure Rove her much Toth f. Kb. was eletell•f faking. until Pr. ittroop. of VI , . wherlewe have endue M far ultimo r commended a trlalof your Wedielae,— We oen ht. Idnittete, an we du your skill. ehe lone no. rorler NY from tn.. ay Stu. In not yet an d ttrone oho 114.1 h., but 1.9 e a . , nom 11,r:ouch. and Cahn horrelf well Youre. c lto gratdode and toter, MIL . 011/0 FM:LDP. otPbelhyrillo. atmommacm, do not deeoalr nil you ban. trlnol atm , l'herry tint r.i lls made by of thn hoot modloal elomulml • lee the ww d. and Ito cue, around inleyePOlLY. the blob tonelte 01 Its'rlrrono —PaUct. ledger. Ayers Cathartic Pills. Tug mr Mem • h . soh • their to utmost to prom:. this Ms, t.ti.rt. t Retire heh Is Mown to man. itmumarkt, pr„. to om /Mowneee +h at them PULL t eve vittms which torpor. In ntt emter the eediusr medicine. and they a one preeedeettly mon the y e eteemall menst tL 't hel rln tenting buy properties stimulate the vital setivitaos • ( tt... body. rename the obstructing. of Its crest.. In the blood, and expel Yisemo — They :urge nut the but homers Which Dread and Sint,' de etembef, st mulesta slug oen or dirordereat organs Into their mance' aetion, on,: inipart healthy tone 'witht strength to the whole sertem. Not only do thej D every day complain or ..vc•rylx. but also fonaideble. and dangerous dletmeen tett' ham bellied the hest of human chill. Whille titer pram m Pr, coral effects, they' are at the tame time. in ditniuDheal dose& the safest and best 'Myst, that can ta •eli lured for children. Delay •sugsr.rotttd, they are pleasant to take; and being purely • get Ole. are free from aay tick of harm. Cares have bum made which step.. bmief were the— not richttantiate the men of surh mkt Dad Doe When and chamethr m to .othid the mot/keen, untruth. Many eminent clergymen physicians loot their direname. to certify to the.putt In the rdiMbility rem. sehlle others have rent me thematomes nt their pontoon that me Preprint ions contribute immensely to rellefof my aelletec, mtferlng fellowon-n. Tilt Agent below ?MLitt' is pleated t to - meek crab. soy •msticao Amman... commune. directitns Ls, Mel. me and certificates of their mum. ot.g.efoll....indeoutpAintr: Costively., MI OUR Complconfilh lthethmatinn. moron. Ileartburmli.alenhe arlemer fro la a fact en metch. an. mining,....ln • ilotbid Iparttna o: t Apatite. e 10 -yy in therefrom, rittulaney.l.m. etpetit al. one and Cutaneous Dienuet which repair.. eh e• accent Medlmee. Sm. , bell. Veer at, be omit, log the Mood and Min:mist! p the 'Men, ewe many complaints Which it would not be *lmposed they ...Id Nervous such as Demure, Pants! Ibindueer. Neutel t /a and Nervous Irtltc.bllitr. Dermmomott of the LI ear and aid neys, Dom, and other alodred compitinte,Vong from to state of the body or ohstructlem of Its Decatur., Da not he rut MY by untoi elpted dttlers with tome other pill they mate Milli on, Ark Mr Ana's Part pares and take nothing rine, No othe yor en com pares with this fr, it, intrinsic value or Cur a tiveomen, I wantTheliek wt the best end there is for them, and they Mould have It. Prepared 14 Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical '0: and Analytical Chemist„ Lowell, Maas. Prim e rep p Ent, Five It .xes :resl. rot ha 11. A. A lINNYPDLIK Leh. Mumma.. Acenti Pittsburgh, awl by all Druggiett and Mallen, loatem • I.ltilid via wT —dm LL PAINS CURED LAKE MAGICV.Ire Vann ty•fiviinentik Ter m , i.. Ain 14 the Enkikratinik I 4lnikarak tioy. th e pal. a t ) Top Op. 1'1494 P.44T.LTS !RUN Elle 1111.. I. truiy tly a,: I: •uren pain in / P./111r than 14 red, I.• tn got an ii 17441: It at,/ 71kkotnachr in a ir..inuni claw Orarq/11. , Lin in in, Ignetacii tuturn. and .Sitekiled PICO ruin a (4.1,1. rn Ros-sms /tarn and Neuralgta. fLnl awes &maw. torng and any /itin 4 4 - 4 kt.i h ai linrmi, • Oi..Yeagrgo, and Lump. a, the lirer,: Indiana, (inn Garrsche in a reink spinu,s. (I.a, /Ina a. Lao Stdry, L4ribs. or Nail turn Ague and Igadi and Fin... Thin is no Cintabiag enciikd it•diat • bottle in aaa. of 1%4.1 rkr - lila cat rata . ..ally. alna. Tlaa I = l ll.illto 7•11,. the WON/it:llD' 011. anui.l n.nckild Whiln extent ph -rieition 4.4.4 wanton pin, I make la. - care. hulin ram tin., ty... Ton yearki reeldnone with lot Shinn loarac toanthor with rubnintaant eriontin eared, cia li pi ! 'anti L4annot or Hump., ateociatinie. dully vrlth the kiretT elite a . otrofe,ian,ba4 ET) to the warla atm WONDERFUL MAI/NM:RI 011., rrrrep tar Cale by all rear...WA. Unpin. F. lad El I , rnr. No. VI Third: itiniet. II A. FA !INK:el:00a 1 (.1, Lao Shade Tree, ft.r Sale. A LIANTIIUS, Elm, Linden, )Ic.untui A 1,.. tn. sis.-pt+otJ. It. 11. Mr. Th - .moo 14"Ilt 11l attand ar, at tiro Oakland Nurrerr. p.anting tr.... tar rerrzna requtrlnot tas • nartdatetfT KjitlaThre Fie° Cherries. GI,TRONG PLANTS 4 to (1 feat on Mahnlab 13 Ratko' year: Klrtlont's Bloc'. Ilona, Pelican., Pnla tloc. Moreland, Itroznlt, goekarrt. tiny. Word and innerlo. Id eta. Were. prr don Loading varied i-o I year on Moo baton etork, SZ per bandred. W 2 ,1 per la.. rarldtoll.trr .nnin 3i URI/0:131 Jr. Pittsburg!) Hedge Palm Nursery, i ITUATED on WilkinE Avenue, 4,i t about one quarter of mill froth the amoral Ati d me 13/ 111 gate en the gamma. and Methaulth' Plank goad, thtenelon of Fourth street. and about them a an ndm i e i ntrn trereriiisl7l/otettt:b M " tr=B . 22llllTe ' lar e p i 4 Econlng She Nuthery SWIF mean sone 10 meal cf greond and oontalne aver 200030 trees, othrnbe and blear., and over 10,000 fruit them, an d 113,030 Evergrocre ana Shrub,: are of fine alealbe numeral toarcherda and pleasure ground.. Plante earentily packet nod gent amordlog to direction. to toy part of the United Btetee. We beg leave to call the atrentlon of the tower. or. rob. fro. 4 venderre In the trade to on, unrivaled co , oth..•lnd!` of r 4"' grtit. g tlUr i:girt; G. rfeen cultivation In thi. entlon ot eonntry. Pith!, • lotpr Mond of quits; large to give lam late effec o t Pries moderate as sal. From otraneera oth Of curl / to rake/meth 10 the dth of Illtehurgh renuired at Melt Order. addroora4 to IL. LttrottsrA WlFile rot OrJr*. era Plttstrorah. Pa., or left 01 oiar stood oo clort.e. IsTx, itt. Diamond tlarlior.. will to mmortir •ttroa , ta.24.dawin3 Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Co. ____ 'k‘IIE eubscribor would moat respect. roll, can tne attention of his trleride and the pu Ile Lo Me very largo etork ot it Trees, Beer. rene,Llhrubbery, i l icrw, Greenhouse Plante. to. ei. Of Pt.*, lea IL'S finsta p £l t g . :ll Ind i r t i ll= ' ! i ' l. cur owe relgion. ni ehelee varieties. Fnob. &vent thousand One, with Ohm , ty. Ptuv.. Aprbut,Rainoberrleit,Genseberries, Current.. .10, Liur Nrergewerie, from 1 to 6 feet, of which we bare many thorniande. are line. Pernins wanting large truant:4e wlll b. liikwallr dealt with. Gall l and ewe our nowt lie an 74'..11..ter.i.11.1firri., ."1".2ti7: tf. t .:L'ln't;tr in " b u.ral I'll ° e; en Penn. oven tlie eituibure Num.:, 114 m a l ., ;rot. Oaklend. will,. preronir attended lo N. A.—Planting elnhe nour , • , ft order. lellk,dtwil JOON Si UItDOCII. in. • KEYSTONE FOUNDRY g ORNAJIRNTAI:NYEION WORKS. k DE HAVEN, (successor to Agnew, OnO tWind,,. o; irnn Fronts, Vaults. ihti lir lt Doom heti l. abettor. Oiiiire-,tne Wrought Iron MI I.t eranettrt Wi!e;ilen"tek,Tnrl7.7:o°„l`.7,:.''''d9 and itr3llllll.l near 8 Anti wont corner Of :lat.:Mai tiny city, Pt •plethini• COOKS. narCaltt- —taus a. ttIVIA3OII URTON FOUNDRY, Mitchell, Herron & Co. ILL continuo the business of the Union J3.41 f 4Lta b , , ,.:4 :era of lIINNOCE, AUTO'S ' 'lbey will maw:future ae num], • large and asaortaaan of OUTINGS, emunrbdue • igernral Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Side Ovens, MANTLE ND I ARLOR STOVE.,, MANTLE & K ITC HEN GRAIES, Rellow Ware, Wagon Bora, Dog Irons, Sad Tea Kettles. Plows and Plow Points, kfi:l and fdaehiner.y Castings generally, Aod OAS aud IVA.TSS PIPS:Sof in situ. IRON & NAILS Of TIE BEST BRANDS, Shovel", Speteiericiks, All of lablelk beeol enanutaluere• my 7-1) Stoves, Fenderoykod Fire Irons. bIRON CITY STOVE. , rwARECOUSE. No. 134 Wood atm:. An t h e P.. Lee &miredwilds glTl ln l====g r at lgdn:ln ' :Vß:l " ter te emmation of our stock. -erhtch ' in tow full arml etm plnte. We are determined to melt en low en the !own It t. 21 itlee. Remember the:place, bir,l34 Wood et..., oen J. CRAW ck , . woo, _n J . 1 /857. STOVER ! sTOVZB!! 1857. THE moot complete usoorronnt of Cool:- leur, Parlor •nit Dealing Brody Itti to be frond, In Al? ige =Artier the k"*"' V"'". "rn D" .1" to P'" Atha Atr-ridht. Iron My. .. t a .r,, t I r i lic , a , Diamond. Gorda! Palace thohina. • Leanly of the Woe t, - Tceethar with crew, sanely of &ilia.* In the Doe, ouch as Hollow Wm, House Hurnishiug.olutter and hpoothor. Dint. Minimal and, Parrot Cage., Coll at Noel ¢/ the Red Cube t ot, federal Iltzen. Allionhany. ea27:dlr =3O ORO. W. MIMES. WILLIAIIt .TATE, Plumber and6.3.4Eir, tar. no. 10 door etreet. near Llbertrodid 472 ND. gr.C. Dort door to Ald. ParkinrcrenOClA% a rbl red enaK"o r p r oette nrrdrter 12 r tlnn of Nitors, at. " I^. rlty Uat end _ _ ace o A LARGE INVOICE OF ds, gglish Silk Laces for Botatiot Trimmingit, Wr •11 roadbed br R. H. PA,11•11, • 0 100 3!,,k,? oHt.C. cAnLua ee a c lA , • Corner Penn and St. Clair Streets tIfIICLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER ,„Tab, IP.lgriAcer.gr.rgd l 2,:r4LbaTil w /deb vlil be found COLOTI.te an to duality nod uflefl. 113r2FOrt 1, HATlint WAGON WIIIPS--wo manu al factuis the esilebrat 4 Poneurlvants-Lastb.r Whips vitlelavasm.4 movers. 4(4. /*and an fast. 'cond. , . no raeauatendi Mom t.C. eaddlaff alai &.h. as the flat Whip In ums • WtLL.I.BIDuIJt Ctt./., Zfe. itobstlh ?Stmt.. et t , M! DI^4L. IMPORTANT Loca L. CONNECTIONS, AT JOLIET-10th t.e Rook Wand Railroad Mr Dann, La rail.. rink Is/and nd Ce ntral Ja ya. AT DLIAMIINSTON—aYrith Pc doted for Clinton, Ws relesviDe. ant Decatur, tad with Otoges for Peoris.at', toria Jone Mon with Teorla and 'quacks it, It, for Walnut Groot, Wet ington. !'.aria. Pekin, Heim Bold. Eltocind, Knoxville. Golneborgh, dtenmouth and Burlington. AT bEIIINOTIELD—with Gnat West. Railroad for Jackronvi'D, aspire sad Illinois Alcor. AT ALTOS—with Melly Lionoi Tartlets for ILannlosl, Quincy and Keokuk: the moat impsditions and .re'labie refs to all porlione at North Eastern fillaneuri. AT OT, LDUlS—with Dilly First Ulf, Steambnats fro Now Orion,, and roterrnad , ate Pointe on the Loser jllle. eirelyid, and with Regular Ices of Parket. f.r Room, Jeaaph, end all 101110 on the Ufnnnrl , Tennessee. Cumberland and grimness Siren. Pa:meager* destined far Bloomington, Spam:llea, Do natal...Jacksonville, Septa, and all points im the Atimlse Woo., Minoan, tiansaa, Cumberland and Tannest.* riv• ers. by taking the ober, mutt*. will De Mtn et Making nastamlinoc cod anteing In Et. Lonlo on nOvertlood time, folding MI, reaction, delays Lg - tho vireoltlaus route Oa Pent. .I:idle:limit giver raving igen!, fon m bouts time. being thlrn sec, mit e . Mrs dictant to Dimming tom tiny righting to lepri - mfleld. seventy Dm to St. Lord.. and ohtennJr to Fergi, than by any cram- route. fi I broughDilfi Sof nnCo ormateo at all the Eutem csont the in pane, offies. oh.Denborn ooroate the Tremont !iron, and at ran Michigan Bout h en and lark Wood Donn; c or Vma Drinnand Sher man a:rim! . Eleanor . .. Me Duo., Yen will bent tan Dooo o B of rho throoq rodonhb to rood* ~t oioT Jo' , in. . I, r. 0- oloooh ammo e any value dented on t 1.1.1 ma Denei Pasoeng,Bn*l.rT n ODO A gnu OLE' LEVELABB AND PITTSBITRGII RAIL ROAD. [SUE PA SENUE RAIN heal 110 Tr ruudlrectlr tn anti fro. Petters' Ft, Ytutlon, Allsghrtir, col el-v. 1554, C1,.,i :14, Itelirstr, toil/into en - npe Glam. Or orruart. Teo U•II7 Pecinc wad P0:1,4, Two Daili Tratuo i-t,red.o. Your 1.1.11, fau Cirreicod to CON. , cld •slnitrrtirt end ta , ..t. tritrailt route b t hotO Cbirego N orthirrrt -1515 Cie stand. The trait, tram Atioutit,ny Uritot 0.44 a. m 'ma 3 0. to. Artirr utoiticri. a.l at:, cod n.tift r, uod 7 45 tit. . Pcirang•rs 15r Li, rintsl Tolerls, , !decor, rod ritbrr priuts tirtur r•c. ~ r.r.uutid, if 1,, go Lirivarit tu t Door.- ' urin. multi unt turir tick . tittta Poohnsi tar, ~,, o IttrOtuuh, Ft. , tarns tad tmer r , it , n-ctlo,r at Altienr• utth trains tor elo•Ont..l—L fAtivoir nd Inst. d 1,5 t wait for the arrit,l or lb...tither train It tout rolot. l'aneengers Wellarti et,,a1.4100,1.. Wiirrilta and. othitr frt. crt the ri lice by flu.. t.tos gr. Lluouph Ultimo( drtualtor, Many I owe xt nee of Ulu stimuli 6.0 on tbr 8 5 /iDtcur tbetkod I brtuith. to II he •Itog, lerriatad, num.° nod-other o,lats o/, IL° imr. feir 1L.,, FEU. irlphia nod Hist:ono en the TUerueLu a. 5 5.105 toilet tat. U. 0.20 A. M. Trrin from Atlett Um, Pitt. 71'•k-55 aro •., 5 1 tot iiirelcui. brenduelty. (*lra. an, llllwatale, e, (joiner, Etoritucteo„ Fulton, Pork Inland loan City, Dunlrltti, Loral:h. tree. Port. WA., bookie, neo.,er,Felle cod eta:Alt, Also to ftit way I tiro. on LI, r , usl. Purrrrttrir d r, rtuir, to On to elivoittod or to roliido, h:n.cn amt .. , Per yoto.e m t4n nI/rtr:VoSt wi i i L. tare to agt to, MO, tle,l,te ( I, [4ar.d.. Gittalriee they will be root by other e n Tietote to all role,' are e stet tlo 11,0.1 (.42. lot Allowttouy tear, Pan „„, r or. ev:oo ciewrolne thl Hos .•t t - 541,53. [3l , u roahrla Pittburgh, J. siou, DUFAS D t:ie•efe.ti.l. r01e.—.3110 A. LIAUgELEY. Act, PlttrborzU 1...! IL 11: t:YFKa ~,MuST! Yetulsylvanus gig@gp, a filt ;TSMELENT. On anti after Monday, Februar 233. rrIIE MAIL TRAIN leaves the Pa y eeonger ja atoll -n ever. morning, azimut Sunday, at 7 o'clock. Til h PAST LINE leave. Pittsburgo, except Stiodar. at 3 P. St TUG NIGHT 'CURERS .TILAIN leaven PittahArkh Philadelphla at 1.30 3‘. ft d. Indiana Atieumenktation train lea Ten Pittsburgh le a ft! 3 ars .'° t'a O r 'cloc t d i : . M. IllT l ßrilt Avastorl:uen'gns runlet:A...lL l /sell., leaves daffy. Txcept Sunday, at AIL The Sensed Amommodation rain fed Turtle (keit leer. daily. Sunday, at 4.20- r. )1. The Third Ascommatatizn Train for Turtle Creek :ear,. dell, except Sends,. at a 20 C. IL The above liner...name at ilttaburgir etch the Rail road. to orutfroin lit. [nine, !100 Alum, Haler. and Obit* UL: fkisulrt,Leziuktou end Lauhrville, ItyLTerra Haute,• Matims , Lafayette antkludiatapolLi. inkt { ctn.irr. mat Dayton,Sprinatleld,ffelletnata ce,ffandue Toledo, Cleveland. Columhun. Zanesville, fdameilbn and itexuter. Laic; ulth the Steam Packet. Cwt. from an 'to hirW Outkass, li. LoOm, andeMINNATI. u. a TILIO further Tickets can he had to cr from either 00 the bove aeA For further particaLars, see ilettAbill. at the different starting potato, Paftiveivlr• rrimi the West end this the atmrteat and =net eikeedltione rout. to Phil. selphla }teatime's., New York, or Boston. sJ.TitWAET, rossev.m Zinn/. YtffrOuriv. rune. IRMO: Smart. Paraim.ver Line,. t Atlacidutaio. JYrelyil Pittsburgh and -- ectnn tiititaiM an TLl.t.: 4 . l . l .lt w is o barlii4y t l et tlonn e p ori ll e ß a is e ger. and freight to and room P1AZ1V.7143176,1:110nt0n117; Chlunclang with the Vans, Uontrn Railroad at linn llte. tenaSitemon. Arrangements base aim been Made with the Per Ma. Central KAllrcaAi. by which through freight to Philadab villa and Baltimore will be earrifol from ;clots on th e ilitaourgh and Connellatille Rahrrod. by ear lolds. on by arble term, l'Eitartso a cv Tirmar—There will be two daily train; Sin •Yjek.".rise td o.e with tee PnlltaVrAltf*Mdmrtll. tion Traln at Brin.ana worn.. Relleoad,at 8.33 A. M A and erne. at Pltraborgo Y 3 70. Tide train will aim umnretat Minton'. &a non Imo lie Philadelphia Mall Vail] eat at 8 It 0.01. To saran farther armenorodatio with be trevellegrablili a Peereturer oar will tm,etanseted toe Freight Train leaving Vonnuilmilla at 8 enork. A. et.. peseinc teflon EM U.% at 13.0.1 A. 31 and ma wet with brio ton AMOIIII9O. dation. Prona, habres. , , emir/no at taburgh at 1430 E steem...l—Passengers will leave tBo Poona. Railroad Depot by Minion Ansurdondatton Train abi.lo P. Mann :fve3.so.ll,L4yton &Mien G 'O3, P. M., and Commilarille Prelghi to . and from Pittaboruh an , Pliteburch and Cconellseille Railroad; and dellrered at the cuter depot of too Uompany. nocroorfuffen qua., eft. R. f (0., f;_umberum, Jan, 18. /037. P. 8 —lo a how days auTancemeota will be mails to sell 'brooch tickets to Philadelphia. Ilarrlebnroh and lialtl• more. 11 CC 1(1- 84.391iNTONIL dens—eale Stionintrodant. renuaylvanui Rai rjrUE Olat Contra) Route, cot Atlantis china will, Western, Non uthwestern State. by seorsUmacan Mb road anO ronnecia at Pitteburan oii Liteardens to all porta on the wester, Fire land and flandneky wlth nhiainere to • Northwestern Lakaroldng tbernoet di FRido/IT can ire n RAT . 12421 iSALVPRILADELPMA F. 71 RbTtr„ShoeM1list; lt.iV ”d 1 Corr, neory Goode, lin bocce, bale. • arid truninia Druz. Orr bores/ • Wes). BEVON I) CLAN —Damen!. tilreedn. fenlihirri- and Ticking onal hare/ Mors cralnia aaraw.a. Leachrir, rollaor boar./ Wrol, and Choehl'e,La TIMID CLANS.—Aniile,llo,l,.dblior (11; cants,) Muir, /Irma and Port, called Coors or In inutejToMoliOn•rialacturi 01 rguakt-441:ri11, I=l7'. fly man Clay, Toy, Pitch, Rosin, A:, idri'r—.l 71 , 0101-111 per Uhl nntil further milky. 011 AM—in cr. per 10. 0 112, 0081 further notirw. tiler • noonr bale not exciredlas GOO lb. weigut, on timb a lp.. b tu iihiggi=iVA IrooLinrral coln.LginTl Phaladel. Nrulroodr'All Gonda .corddizneArtha Age Ti V o l f " thle /110.1 at Phliallplahla or Pittrborch. be ' It:yarded without &mention. - Yamp. e ra s n. 01 Ent g„Ari Bordord•ii, Clark. No. Amor Now nd No, I wiwam nod John McDonald , No battery Place. New 1000 ('lone* Co. Zanworille, Irwin pria.d man Muni, I:Gnolorrath Ohio: R. C. • tiro. bustattkii ; 4. and Cartes it Janet; Louisa 11 1 ;b1 "i t Lerch CA..uttleaßt. /114 J, T. 7 0100e, "Fort 'Wayne. l) 1:23 N. d.driesdar, 11.11.vis.auxr Scrim . llidtlinoro Stewart, Pittibarn IL 181./101313T0N &mood litrightAgeo.l7o4:do:lo LON/MEET. Mort Altoon it. Jain:, g g g :Galena and Ohioan Union B.allroad MAIN - LINE. FOR IIIZIPOII_ _,T UALENA AND ntrstrint. From UhetTILAL DRAM; fi , foot of lean nit FAT, connect ing et Duntelth with eteerneen for kit.Faulaud the Upper hllenselppl• wards sr.R.Eir zmpor. FULTON AND WA LlNE—ter Di 2012. Fulton ant. Central /ore. reeseinuent for lowa, Nebnults and Ult. .se. wil 'lad this the m@.[ lexpalltaou• route, It betufzi , fl.tn: to Vt'ar fith"tgelt4:od.l.hilittr.birithlM)nost. I ll' it lirietCl,.: dal l ergTl i tit 117: `Ngfr, 7::` . nu. Jilsdlona I.l6'eutral Wleecann. ii...x 11l 01:; VALIJCV LINE—Pot Mental Lake. his fiVrreTat'r &fee; VA: l l 94eti. abr .it craw 001 n ZtlrritllZltit et Zlia VILA: eti" E ' l " , ao2a artrailirft v P.A. HALL. Supt. 01104110 foile R . l I- ROA c'-t= pitt,tinrgh, L. Wayne and Chicago IC A Llt O.A D SPRING ARRANGEMENT. pL.N:tnE.,cr 'rr.blus will run day except bind.rs. r-new Thr-- attics ItawrotlallT lan ClDeiniulti. manor LI I to ro.toan.l ,110.• It tat rt. rt.t Yt l rp. 1,,.4 Intnebrfrh at. ..to A. ....1A.. 111. ,oelt.atsti 100.11Solnkha. M. liar. t. Oit.t.nra.h at ^r m It * LILA i •Tn Lora:llns at— bA. M. I t Earners ' • 12. 7 0 In ?A ol vud taro,. - '• . — ..10„z 'ro t al train. 1 , .. :r, ltzratunt matr etoatentact-t. att./p..obn* with rle ^O I inotankortlir, itrr. Hasa. tilin•••,n, 0.l .114iC01111i.1.4 roarlt oxteobton N ., •••C •11 0-nath wwn throonhfUloba. na•l t.nltrky. nt-tto rant lnL , with t 00, .o.wit. to i n!raiatlroad Ica, Lo rn....ntinooLn. A,n and rIL Loot:, teh.rie Inman enormot at blenanrlJ pith I f:MU n tLa imaaaaatnt,tandnaky, .I.lsl.,tsVavt, handtltllCltY I and Yttir.ret also 0.: 311. Yanwo,...ew ata ta d z aa ., fla ri a. ronnerri.na an, =lntl,. an Alban, eitarlati. D an- Itlrk onlaln. 7 TfilitA t•arl tr 'at Cbirago •10.0 connertlona WILh• tt.in• on the Penblyhrarra (to t ' s.! ItM.t for riarri.Lorgn...l Itattlrannt. York aryl Baran Ti' "O 0 o .1-k ars to r.llonr. tor, I^aytan, Cincin no.. L......ane et I :.c a . :Incte.okonlla t bellatontralus rrnton,,, Mi!'tankle. ahlro. trrig-e,r*t . I itt^.nl.. I Thwarnr, Intnottnaton, Ott [Tire title. in tha 10••7r, Thrratal t Ttel.tta ,Ter Uns rtat be all Or .00 . .1. planet fn Plttrintr.ch. l'hllaaelratla k Balltraran I sat Neer York. Cleve:an.: Ex or, !I', •It .11.aatt• and Writ:dna. !Danes Vltt,tortoll et 9.48 A. ^I lif • in, tr. L 7.E.T0 fly II) ib A ti at r. t, at .Pittaburgh 10,10 o 11TN ACinnti NIODAT/INO . YRA , ^! ort.w.. Zinn Itrlrrltrtn at alO 1. U. Arrive, at s'ittenliln M. 30 a. Ina... I'starnurnh GGO 0.,5. Arala a It New Dilatant, r , ' 1 ' An Emigrant Teal ^a l.arrs ftr 11, Wert NV y, bun^ 0. , . nntlowtl..t. t ror nt.tare nab rorlnt. anplt no A. Y. J. iliNik . Oti. Azeut. ftt lho lirrat ertern Ea} reaa dlrkollr on ttot tort.: rha Monornrabela Itcase. pinta. hargh, or to 0106..20 ° 1 ARK frarral etreat atarlon. Alleatotn. City, V. PATRILIR, (10 Dearborn anntrt, ernwtlt. Mow.. I -a co. or to the Agent, at the Otarltnr nu Ito I n.. J. DAN . L IV Boll.n. Gan. Mat. Al e n ntChlrato AIR Lox, ROUT T. , ;. • Ehm_FmmN. • "' FROII CA GO TO. ST LOUIS —VIA— St. 'Louis, Alma, and Chicago Railroad, ALL THE WAY By RAILROAD. , A B RTINt/ "'PE 01:EST AMER/CIS ii 3.4 A AI 0 bail rto BTA TES JIA ILS. rill ONLY DIRECT AND RELIAI3LE P-sal. to tha F.,113 1 , 18, utb Rest Errosty wiles utter than say et aar pasta. Testa hewes the 3111;11PIAN 1 1011T11(11.1`t .11 011100. 011 & 1,1. a 5: olt Ile t Der osn Perm sad Sher- An r. St. 1.,c1a ben I I') A. 01. d.liy (Surslsy tze eepsll)—srrlre et Mee: St. Gauls at 140 P. 01. St WWI 511stit at 11.14 P. 34, dslly (allardays ell , t , d)—srrlvn s.s.et St. I.Naln at 1.80 P. AI. TstsB9 telkST tratlf. Day Extrers. 8.10 A. 11.. Sally (Stadey asaaptaS) role et se 0 45 P. 31. Night Pyrrate. 5 P. 01., dolly (Suodsys txcere.l) shire eG ChlessOst &M. From Chicago to St. LOUIS, 13 Hours. etetione on the a. wlti be readeed Poona, Railroad nnarting tho rthwestern. tailway dihoL arta Ith daft, Ilse 01 " Sad Sc atV! • ell pnrte on thr rect. !sett an 4 3,1 , 14 , 4,d at nod tY/ 2 TEAUROLt. l il o. De, toor4 7k. Pr I CO mu C"_.l. o f I.vsa /oem. --~u- _, _.,_ RAILROAD : .35maimamisi 1857 1857. MIbHIQAN"CENTRAL 144.a' ROAD LINE. 31011MIli0 AND NVITIINO.LINIC MI DXTBOJT. CHI CAUO AND /111,WAOLIPC ,_,' ,-( • bilebotm.ll al y it..D . r:tm us. ROI lilaud.j . I%l . untmt. Incils, et. Past, or mtr feat of • the Beat • Weet.---- A nor •he drat of Ile, tasselnadhl Steamers CRYOP • CI.ZVKLAND, MAY QUIINN and fttlltAra, MID tam the ' [L e and ...won lam between acrtimednict .Cetrott r.to omeen. Pay.. raantnit Di Maim •• •• ' - , . ! OCEAN, MAY lUMIIP.i.. C.PL C k.% 1 4 ., :afrf... • CAIN 1 1 . Ai; YWCA. orred. en...Moaday. A. M Okvelesid.L.Olondiy P. M. Dottolr....—Mooder P.ll. Detrols-......Tueeday A. M. Cleveland.. Teenier P. M. chr eelend.....mehtmei A. M. ID re•rAt.—.oiredia!rey A. M. strolf,......biedreeff/ c,„l,,,,,i...,Thuradar A. M. V ievelilid....Tlinesday P. M. 1.4 , tmt,..-Taureflay P. M. Datre1t........1/110ap A. 111 • ce.,..deud,-Vrldsf .m. Otenalunl....Batudey A.M. Deemmt.......Slaterdey A M. Detrole.......Aeturday P. M. CITY OF ChErill..lND-rapt. J. Y. latenf.-..Losers c,,,,,,h,,,d,....,...ruj0jas A. 31.1C1etre1tud....11404 AM. Darsolt...-..Tuesiar P. Itretrott,.......Vm se . !. P. ea; Clev.tat.d...Wedu.e'y P. M, Merela std."-Pettardsi P. M. Darn It.......:Thoreder A. 31. Detrait......Mendny A. M. One of tbe boats CD Jews Oleveland tent Morning at • 0 o'clock. tan:Mate excepted.) end 'ereLT awning on the , Arrival “i re. its Term Int PPM.% PITTSIIIMOU AND CINCINNATI. ~, Arrls.on et D.ltelt In Mr e to oonemt .1 , thitha Wombs ' Viette:fit:la tre;i 7 N (6 lll3Vi.jllZurilr w le oh. boats... La k" blithig..4 thrall rotteNnltherOkteMtc. rem $I,oO lees by WI mate then hp she ,Wan_._ P.M.. oftbe Michigan Central 80edMan Wed'. Cobh . D thereby Chicago. from width all •olbovragdp dint* anrfog back byes and chimp, Of beinm6 tufa .. ... . dent to other ra n ted. Ne charge for handling - beggars . wham *mks a . Ilvereu to eseutacf the Ifs, hew have larir. StOrr Cat ra Mira i 'b i- Dii.lu aa r cattl e. . . p,morte Rohm to Tow; kaltia, and li drasigi. will tMd toll the cheapest ant moat comfortably ronte.es Our boats are large and commodious. nem, =coring Wan, and &Vera to ...sclr a zill !Ind It greatly to their sibiztee to cell at the pans • ()dim. Comer of Igirtk ala mberty 64 fott 1 / 4 1Deseel, oppo el I. th e Iktanst•mk lbws and Pane.ylv.l% uurposd.D.Dot. Pm rat. of !around farther. infmnstlot.s rely at the absce offiza. ~ . 8. A-• P• OiDaral Afront,.ClanianD. r Sli Ticket Allot. - • • • - • :;16161, 11A- r .r. IiNOWLAND.'Ast.. ratabstub. STEAMSIILOS. • t 8 5 7 . .• Steamer Telegraph.' - /IRE sto low preoenre Steaffor TolOgrii ph. Capt. BICIIARD BARROW, make two tripe a weez between otovolooo, Pert Bturvey, Port Darien and Port Brae% Leave Cleveland for Port Stanley, Part Buewell end Port Brace tray Mcrae,. and T/suredur e at 7.1 i o'clock P. X. Lear. Part BorweJl at 2 o'clock. P ll. Land Pot Stan. ley at 7 o'clock, M, tor Uleretend every W. 414011111117 and Saturday. The TELEGIZAPII curbs the United States Mall be tween Parts% mad coutiacta it OloToslallOrtth thee. tt. 1 Itallrosi. tllereleud wad l'lttalrurshi Lime Shore and Toledo Hotheads. • _ • " vith Post Stanley and London .anatrown, Port Burwell linss of Oslo,. and The TALIMESAPU. has Warr therooghl.* ororbowk4 log refitted, and to In 000411801 cousittlots tot tbetradis tone r.i bt wry. _ :cot, g ocOr ILL aIrhUDWILDA_ .L 1 Cleveland, Lilln .1 RILL. or J 710 . 1 1011.1171N0NJ Pon Sumo% and ItoLCOSIB . 1 11iNDILBSON. or BOUTII SDAVISON. Port Strelloy. Aplallitst "verpool, Philadelphia and -NeerTorii Screw Steamship Compaay , rirE splendid Steamlave fariaiegtheidi above Una will *a frOm Ma. ,Yerk Y mama- ITY UP WASEIINUTON;Caot. 44110. 30ta A HANOL,aOo, JeffrQ. h Lay. 81R: REMIT ItoJon a. And mica ellen:tato Thursday. From Lirarpalavary altarnam Ifsilart item NLIZZPI4.k.,CeIgt: M. Return Tintere avallablamor az mantra ar nay ird Measlier of tap Ilne, • Cabin. Sllo.—Thlyd class.s6o.- Tbssol3tosansts sty stitiollei with lotproys4 Wstattibt cm e p m tm s ab ou t ao O es s P r O r l y n geinpysi or - stlma to tad for thzir Mends from the id =wary ost. utshork. u and obtain all loßatjustlon by applyirg to J. O. Un"470.111124141 1/.Tigtet,Pg." . /SW - Femme tlyttlEesaes LT Zest .4.1 Manor ! a ssists . Ptttebarsh, tuttseen New York sad I Ireryor.l. /Halts somi by Um ds29—sOS -•- • • . RATES OF DISCOUNT. ...AMID 0111.0 Mt 11311 TITIVOVIAII PASZIRA.•I • N. lIOLNES & SONS, Broken. No. 67 dforkd a. b•hecon - Ylind dad F0w4,4 of.. Pritr;.” P/INSiSYLVABIA. Brooch at Wooded.... •hi i 1..,:t.;;f %iitte.ArsiirdT......:nar f l i zli:l l lr l 67 , ll.4 L 1 1 ,.... hien artkluroPo of do-par Mr froth Yo tool do Bank of Cloromcroe....-Por (kracne el /*Anode". do .110.1hilItliele - --nar. nor Bank ... do Bank of Borthßonk- Arnerloo...prlnfai Ma Bank.. -_-...... do Bank or tiortro Libertioatiar 1/ bin Lilo ins ALlThwit Co.. do Bank or Pennsylvania...par Western 'newerro Bent.. .1 Bank of Penn Township-oar 13.01 Now.. • • .„... h Chunroorcial Bank of Pn..par • NSW rain/am Samara' &Mechanic/ Bk-par AU solownt 8ank5....... o Girard Bank -------par NCW YORK. Kensington hank—..-par Now York "Vity-.....y0r Manufan a Monk. ilank-porr Country -.....1.- N. mmo,ofor Beol, ~.k. -Par 61 KILY/AND. _. Morarnenatog Bank .._. --tow 8a1t1m0r0..............P. trhiladelphia Ilank.....Par OruntrT.. Ax. Southwark Bank.-----par N.. 1 Klink)! a DKLAW 1 Trad.roan'sbank----par All solvent Danko.._.,, la Wraternllank.- -...-Par Villol6ll/. ' knock or Choratorsturon- MBank of the bailer... li Sank of Chest, Conntr..par.Bank ofba.,Rletdoend,.; Bank ofilancilla-------ratds. B.ahr.ba. No rfolk Bank of DeL Co ., Chester -Par Tandem MAI? irk ob. Bank of riorniantolen....dwr lierchantila lierh.lrenk ). Booko g1tg . .4 , 149d......'fi North WostetnAtalt...jii Bank of Middletow..-- h Nona tatirar A , : Bontordocrj Co. Bank..par Bonk of Case 1ear...., Bank or Northumberland -Tar Bank Mit. ofif it a Colombia Ilk& Bridge Co.par (km. BrikW • 9 '1171.-to, LatT.....::::::Cf m "AtAlfibtfit..' " trialtank BkoftbeSt.Offilalandlino- Partnere/a of Bunke 67, Dar Butt of South C 0n,... . Fanner/ Bk 0rx.....d.... Bank of Obarkort. Farmer/ Bank ofneadingdwr pianterala Meehan's! tin lam. Bk of Schuylkill Cka.perl . k GEORGIA:' • 3' 441 g r a ' lri PaJd r ril n t r orf . l g./ floWtt i rr " ... .Elon/ US T=2l 3 r. t" :"--...... k, 1"f T l '''' . . L....ter Bak..-..- .-par .. .thootront 8ank0...... • 4 ncostiorlionnty tiara -.Par 11.1819911011 Y. . Lebanon Ban G.-----par Bk of Kentecklgenisiroa lo Moors' Plank of Pottsvillopar ilk of Lonlev'hxhinaton, di Monongahela Bank.. .......par Northanaltlkornentnolnr do lout Br.ooon Bank.....p.ridontbornßitoitoutnake do Wroarlnn Bk. Wilkeobarrom atiLABA. BYork 11ink...............- ii 'State ine .... t & branchoa.. elisfriotre..--.......-- hi'. ofna lsk asta - - i 7.: ii otio Stan 8ank........... if WBOOK 7 i IIIK. ~ , Branch at Akr0n........ do Marine • IrDs .n.OO. Aka 0 Branch at Arb0na........ do • hiIOIIIIPAN. Branch at Bridneport..- Irarneerealsonanke .. . Bank 3 Branch at ChtillooLho-- Peninsula nank...w. 4 Branch at Cleoldend...-... do hissuamce Omnpanr..... Branch at Toledo do State Dan....- ... I Branch at Carton- ---- do CANADA.- Branch at Delaware...-. do lik, °IN. Crannto 3 1 Branch at oohnnbus -- do ilk cabs Peope, 3 Branch at dittahnio... do Dpi of Aim . 3 a'n,Ltet :11=1;i- -.:-: do Bk 11VCdratt Branch .t tinter - _...w do On Nor York.... .... kf Banh Oindonati..... do On rkliadaiptda......... do chit Wuddrint,...... do On 8a1th00na............ d. Branch at 0adi5......... rot WILSTIOtN ILYIBLINGIS. rind= Branch at Lancerder..- do 5ra.........• . , Branch at litontwortlle. do L0n10rine.......... Branch at ML Vernon.... do Bt. Lord...-. . • Branch at Newark........ do GOLDANDBAtIik t *flak .) Blanch :11 .:... .,, :: 2: Donb a rin 5p05 i ri u.. L ...... 1.....= B l= 3 Mirwsir - A... g: tilt e... `4a r'. :_l77o.°lti =eh at Yonarrille....... do 1.-atr0ra.......... Ifs, Braga iii Pitooa.....tht:, Elilhali..... ILO Branch at at Caton. . d0eVr1r0rir...........:7,11 Branch amona...-. de Napoloons-.............. Ica Er ash M CUYSIMIDI ....... m, 2411 Brand at Ilsosilkur.:. Go - ' Dollar Savings Bank' Ho. 65 Fourth &net, eIIDDLI 100 N, JOlllll . WNW NOILDINO, OPEN DAILY from 9 to 2 o'clook; also on Wednesday and lettillay evanhae. t r ees DIY drat to November tint. trom 7to 1 ifs aad trees Ma Tauber !inn to Nay dret.f I to I dela& DeDoens rived of all Rot We th an One Ther . . r ageita l temingr. th ig ". eradik=kit tiara* 01 PsnDer tent. Dar mourn. In Deeselber. Mb. mew ht e. and Detember..lB6o. turrke cont./Moe Um Charter, DrLears. Rules and Nay tbrureei...=VmegrleetAtinsm MEWL \ Doisneell Hunan.. ITtar b les il la enthig .y. rn * Georp H. Wane ?Mum Y. Johriston. N. Grattan as seem. : James W. Tianntan. Theobaldlla Alexander Beadle?. Tease ht. runnel. John B. Coessare. W/Itlesa J. Midesvess. Isoenny. John O.Bactatan. t Jamie D. Naa r illaiteitluraTh4bertenn. Alm IL t& . John 11, Canfield, Walter P. J. OardleartlMlM. 771n0n Miler. Alonzo A. (buries. WO PalUlpr Charles A. DAM.. t i ...%r0u0.k. id. 4. William Douglass. /rnds Fells. Robert tebbs Nemo, Y. Wham% amt beam & Moen, !Sohn 71..fter WWI= 8. Manor Thom IL Del, Junes Badman. Alesander 2lndle. a ultlyd Brevetery and Means nr....c6wILLS I. COMM IDYI9 l& - GEO- E. ARNOLD 4 co. BANKERS. Azahange. Stock- and .11111 Brokers; d JURRisiNT and Uncarrent Idonay, Bo u g ht. •nd Soli. , Atbdulboolat sad sold on cosualsPiOn. Bilthlee• a, Ronda a and ottani, CRT CO 11 1104 Itailrosd lianas a sp negotistat c o.llrolons attaad note N 0.74 ro.th stmt. BA NX-1-1 S __ OP JOHN i: HOOG: ZBEDFOID HIPOHD 00" WElkAgettrg. • ItMaa)o., fi s rittllguNLLlt, 7.oocfrrn 02" • inn.. NRAWII/I"GlifitAlli, nice:viuz . 04. i 1 —::- T i tunsits resolved, tossounts Meth" Dtsrta bought. sea gs nusseted. Book Notes son gtudfb bought sat sold stocks, Notes sod other. betuuttffin bought and sold on osuoutotton. CorrossouttoneosoTeolintions 110 L. Dealers • LTdel, • end Domestic Dille of ib;t •ntw , mt ustu k . t . tr t2ll-N"'d , Vltegli sae pria2tu.:' Droctebnot the UMW Ststea! eoLLBcT/011.1- ioVr.i. J. M. GnIFFITH, • COUNSELLER AT LAW: DUBUQUE, 10WA. .. OWE PARTICULAR ATTEN tIoo to the ooll•egon ao4 mousing of dthto,"aeo womb. otsdar, ta.lobaboquo sad earrosadlai oosatry. REMITTANCES PROMPTLY BLADE,. jUnmorciff nt erasuraaa. Von bonntionst. A. pIISOVOto Roberts, AUMMT• "rkJoeM 4 ICO, "°. • - 2.ribeigarl.% THE NEW STYLE.P4TENTRD. FLEXCBLE THE mod cromfrtableJdreint _hit in lb. " aite 11a4• 1 311 the r 42. Jet 7 • 134:1011 CO. 3111 Weeil It • ► A zebnittlgizmiTobaeco.6emedl b, fliblvidit. 2'4 ltiatuttgrara Qa... - 417 - a. ms ., a a, aa. as,Qeo Halal& an 9onanSkapyfigna., at VificlaW no 241 16 Na/ o. I • ..- o Meander Wad:, - 6,10 DA ASIL—A .luporiox. artiaACoit tiirid, ij . andthrmth by ;• pa 'lmmo sulk. A liTlik&OlT4 • 004;-.60 ~} E'i'A RY. il , ;5 - gt t • 1 • e ft: 11 e - ..-,.. I -......-=