The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 26, 1857, Image 4

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    ✓ ':::
El novr-morvessia
0„1.1 !sx, .
E - DIB ir.l.. •
eons emir• agro ismcnam nun
..DALLY.-9u co ig n ui silri4l32ll4iiple yearly in al-
WWHLH repefitotran4laeiea Globe
'''ll be e s o.o.=Umdmigporellth7lll: ;
"roe e0e1eeMV=015eL.....”,..........:—. lb el
- 10 01
..srAdereseepairens are etrietly - rephiree. n ew te
papa ter/nOoke "hen the year fa oar. =less it te eat.
• ono mum, ao Mow of Se - tparall or Acutto..l
• Do one theerlacou—."
,•• colditlenal _ a S
rlnt:tnen ' “. D
• tr. three
110 11 33
" Wdei (to Uo 0 (U tandlog ea r less per annum .
00 dollar PO weth •shiltlonalltoe, • •
Owl lieremmanbaneeshls at pleasure. (Per et ,
• num.) eniusl of
for asth addltisnal ve
ectuave;theerte neer ems month. •
or est..ll addittomd Kure lederted ender the ywelr eat
varS' no. ever a , t•
ydos~le so d -e trait
• Z o e% e rroci '
ptt m le, jar Brat advertiroceeno ,
' be st nugnaMeunt" 'tater '
ithodatep Pit wires Lobeehtreed the as-ar
'dv"tirrlZt4riattht'a'rf g
trets: will: he cdthusd tle •.,il. cad
payment erected ercordlorlY.
The erbellenos -annualadvalleere Is. emlctly limited to
Owlet:am lernedlqa Modems. and all adverrtlesmeute
the bernent of other to drone, as well an all alveolar= en,
not tunnedlately canoseten with - their own hoodoo% ac d
all dunes of admortisesuente, In length AT otherwise. he
" 70r a 1 eQOD . i itti l rbsz d
agMt e gv sl
rendered. sod recount imiy'lls costred.a;ii•
All codontisesomea tor otherltable,theti e
plink% ward. Would% and other nubile meet .
meellop and uolloos. tetos Charred ball a -
able steletinin advance -•
Marriage notices to he altered. 00 . 6entd. , • •
'Death notices Iseerteat.stlthout thaws Mutes So..P.bia.
clod by huserid invitations etohltnary naked. and rhea
soto lumempanted.tdo Witold • . , -• :
• • • naked.,
end' allsolthers leindlns monnuolm•
Mos. or rallthlnn .anthaull deeigned to call anentiou to
Dam, 00Wmt_or • sire PubDO.lutertsloments
rhea-echoers am nude me Admit - tau-W -au . nottome.of
rata seemclaTh•th-svery Imam dor.lrovi • to „mll• atm:tune
rgrg a Ze i n fl teeptiaes, maculated: or tutenAt
ttorethilittar=sultin paid Mr. If intended te
hummed In the local colour:6 take.= .ntll you
" et thereto of - 10 cents Pa lino
WIT or sa- 000101 to to charred ON
.• Taver T. n
Lbws, Petitions Stl such . •
Peal Estate Mentor sod Andleowited advertbsetodot•
to be ewe.' under yearly rat er tnet snored a diseconst e
thirty-thew and, one-Wed par meat Seem the amount •
arres iii . nrimicur At DIELT POOCLI4
ODD Odom% 60
•;! D threeo. nAtteddlthanal
• earernmxore Ll waxte:rers7-
' One Sonar% (10 Ilso9ons theastiot.—...lso mom.
; oath cesoM •
_ ' All trlthillent: te be said to RiTszvs.
umfOr /arreati6i tit Wirral' moll rabies lissonnee
remat tear. aelvoi bT GEO. W. BUNN, at his ENO Eststs
istacy lad•Oile*. orr thp dde of Ohio
st-,4lth doormat of tail Diamond. ghnni City. filoa7
Cattle, .Sheep and Hog'.
tbe•ete, ntesztleAbere end Help st the Al eshen7
te Drove Suds. alter th e nest °Meru will 1.43. own .
TEUBSDAY A. AL ThVeent end /uth= tiro take
=elm Irentder of the ne•oeletten. me.l
Ohartiert Coal Company. - - -
- .. r -NOTICE is -hereby given that an - election
7: Air Illrentor• thisvCoritr 4.=tl.atlittVga..
4144 1 0*. 0. lltt 4. 1 18,t, - .sr% April taut. be . ”!east Ate
twuts o r lw 4 2 T d rArigt . 411108. ;.
ENOW, -arlirecurre..
nrZiltrd TH031 , 0 bIeEIAtAT
attatcb. Ar l F. 1857:
atcoicholdesOf this Bank rill rata place at thollatik•
los, RAWL on MONDAY; Apra betwecolthe hoop of 10
sod lA. which tine as lco held tyr • Prost.
IstaNnol Directors. to to note ler t •coatiog • oaf.
tcßLdtd.chr - • JONlCii.C•ahl•r.
)[:4OOA.TING LANDS. WO will locate
two, t. rots Do4a. eua Eionx.C l l.7 districts,
a i r s ths forma Mew
123 "
) " 200 "" •
' And l6
we wilt quareate e to the pnretineen.not o nly tltte
from the U. S.; bat we Tilt btu& onnylvee .60 nes Mtn IS
nor cent admen , to his horsennont to 12 moth. Irma
the 1.110.11 of the natant, Una le not ennead. with the we
catton toed, BOA !MY & 13101100.
. _
'ffiIISSOLU rIONTho Partnership hereto
ny ram existing between the • subsniliars was diasoleed
mntual coneent on she first lush
• J. J. Gillespie .111 sett% the krielreets of the late tient.
The undersigned Intending to diSt7e his sub:mire et.
tontine:L.lo thvsnanufsetare LOo Maims will keep
etsinsiantly_for axle s lase ern& of geocis adapted to tha
/rends Plate %slats. In reuses 'of new and beautiful
l 'Ffa r ls for.Portrelte. Paintin Ile and EnErnvinge made
heave:y.lmin Gilt klinddings ofall kinds. .
Ily a easeful eurervistouthe suSsillsor will endeavor to
glistens the reputoll n of the Boum ...v the resixerter duet
Icy of thstrosanuseetara
nerizdeed •., 3."G1 IL
To Capitali is aid; Speculators.
Nrn:rcltiethiiratritioris-071th,e 90n
est. ads for Dames 'alai:dog to ir'f:elt—ella ragrog:.
ay or warrsn.e—ati also by time satire or. 4,0 per ornt,
principle. ••Itaseuree a larger per , centane"ara tr the
attest inseitment capitalletecan mate." Lends
ion sly Located. ara.alwaya onssiderml .terwth double the
Ongllge%Wg=lTJ'lltglTtg , t .
lomted,perantedy. One of car Pro
VIZ uthatorthern Tows, Vas pant winter and
is weatnroparet for motion "Ale outset ..tlonn.
II oast market prioezifor fond Virarrantt.
Wet will nos all nap. -Information to Parties trial,
i 43
'o 4 7 =er of WPOd ahnlflikiarg
n 4l4°, : is.
• , 04' liEUllol4.llaffriltltB,
rSiOLUTION—Tia Othpsrtnora ssiader the
foie exhkisto ttetwesO - L the , Waderalsraad.'
name add style eIJO3EPII DKVI3 s CO. was this dee
.dissolved be mutest es,osataL The batiaras of the ;ate,.
dna wilt be rettleiwe h 7 John Irwh j sa •
. • .J05 EY11 43.13.1,71.9. •
arteg-The msunfietorb •of .Adaman
" -
U. Vey. Csn3le IhntPer, br the -11u3Pralgarl. wader the
'n ass 0.6 , 1 stpie of J OCILI thSVINIt. CO. the
:att. weesso ellt,hitr•Asetted Ist the of
John Ir wart t Soo, No b 7 Water Croat- azi
Removal ,
. BARR laaW•removed: his Jeteligene - e
Of opt. to tio Thlra Street. oLI Post Of!. Build.
t w aTl,
.3000 DOLLABS--LAVantod agnPg Mazcitage"
laqitiVsk. tri.
V ANTBD-50at ie abes N. A. Copper to
Enovet,--,Bpsytato watt&
hau , reanved hi. Wltalesile Tobsaa sad OlgazWare•L
Nn. Livnty ound..l.m.
'.etoekof T01124.V..0 And CLUML9 of ♦ube+
brand., t
larwt 413.1,4,50 t , • • 'otthdt.f
Ani'aggittfr.,!4Zl_l:44lf:l424g.'l, bryll,7llt
whithh... bean rennally found out Dr -•
OF P1T . T131111 3 07 11 ,
we I abalone lisM . ib eat trrthe Teititebin
Kingdom f r !SIGHT Oil PAN YEARS hes brought to
Van , e. n,odtr n'dledlidoe which .111Badlully care Ms,
ygo.dpsfa, irbish le the End taus , f ell • Metal db.
• - sse w.b.h batilinereimn sobie , to• Arm , be
y. prnir fd , Otracb] clean and healthy. s. =net all h. , s
linnttle:lta and Cannot be a snoieei sf any ottani dee
Ure t0 . 2..D hnd been • esti M. of Ode onfil Meows
binttelo.ll en for • tat to ye. •ears, ea& bat 'Wert
2:114i18 Igezpvtalbats on biltbis
In lf, l
Li bat
7 all m etha - o
t4l,:u4aytt;6l.:o,,pl..l,4ttrtrx 11:11 :al t: i g i t t fp ,
natioa tro everrf Wt. /Sall aa- neftli 0 , to lonely
on ttoi bl els, sad a healthy actin: to the staason
`and Myer. yen •et end drink lone want dotted.
,wblifti nit u'llat.rfort—ttle meal:dna sin:l7B2g ill
Dr. B. T. Fgrd ' s Dyspepsia Cord'
• vitiasiidordtvoet W I Ilreporotn Prodate l en
soot'. St Is tO emu of WI ennetil tlissus. Ver
Areatfax v i t L . nag Affeononi or Pulat i onere Inessee. at,
Ad ak M.rnW' tonnt d.
51 , .. ; g1;r i at ' reLi a t 1 hn Al
togooi r, Weiknofe
tam. fah* Ino ' c l ept=of . lbil
rand. Ito rtbarn. Maness of Me ntrtnetb. ra.hrt . an
of roar .Poo' end atm 14nd. Allot the Above feeling.
may cc mill be produarlfreL mpUoetransott: trout
tnat organ an generel &names tilt be posittrea. (If this
Mitiment is iron. is ebb route Mad MI dintyotieunse
all IMO bate Dein Vto• Mb statement to be Übe .
V-Metpetletics. seen or dernosed etmacla is tint.
Hon naportant is It nt• , Dea r pedals orbo boa bean
tiedgt.'efirol',.‘;'nti";;iL'Po f;°`°,,:g d o. - . e'lgar! that
bee =lade dm lite a 201.11111 T LANd own. th
,,,,,,stAbs first sibno. ofa natal:nun blshtert [wands
'outdo,. •
- - Yrieq Three Dollars per Bottle.
Odd DT tbe I.l,peetor, • ri It I% V M.D. W.nt, end of
Venue A von ailata fool) ows otoojarer n or. Jr,
Na. 10 Woad et.raet; ow UsT of Met
h: as e, NW/ bk.
bUttWdoof 0, lAbar ty W.l.. R sir m balm, St. tneir.Ti
baron. • &dn.; 31r. ECO. braurrlf the Enta of Jon
Smoot, le Nara. Ws. , cornet of Peol.ral 00 Mae and
"I°4l,....e,feelLne7lettlinocamaimaittion for Mons.
rinds fact. city end Orl inAr -It Warr to their Wilma
-bl e a t otitum zoos:viol' as cot to be (mud.
WOOD LNON.AVIIIO execnited with do:
A,:, - .YZWATEV a the .
.mittlyoc It, An Loge
1t..-I'sztroutir attoaLt pad to lotri=r; Eir
11* iriA.rtf
1"H-- - 25.bbb3 No.l Idackerel. -
.ohfbt;leNtol Xadtail; bbls Trout:
'23 WI, lid .. ''Zr lir do do.
2) lif do- . da LA do Widualai.
so lacono do tAddLsks adidgm.
d+ lDatkr bpla Nottldsdkerel.
W 7.726 ttds mod s“ do . 21 010 II =ad N dd.
rose and fet ba J..OtaYLILD
• .
• :IV ACO:1-20 cash !lams;
-•- do Plto. tor. nor an sr
_.standwxlio4ostat tor tuda by ..tadun IllelLNY CO.
ARD AND 4 3REASE - 5 bb! fi Grease.
•licar Isnling (coax St.e..l9EC nOcheaUt fere ails er
• _Falk -r . ..- • . DLOILEY aco."
nossigung..s tad , At •
612 a • corner of PI wart sni
ktralrt st EllittEELT.
. • 1.1.-14 . corner of Market last Volute .u.
ba.S. pZIMO 1.0 Billy° an
awn' ' B. CANFIELD.
MP. I'EAOMS-40 bps in , atM° Lp.
gIED;:9PPI.E3-50b}ts:: is nd
„ tar was br - srea4 -J. D. oAvnELD.
It cams .
1 " tht°
bl/8. 1 41"/ 3.8. mount.
for •
, 11 ). 9 ne jsrds
te".":l,,,a,ftqul , Pearl
TASO t-- •*.• •-• •
.Much Or isle by lIENBY
Mine ID staro
1.7* 5/3/1 fo: ale by maY2l T. LITIV:it Oa.
named matetlal. aad odes
tr Watimoct.
E f„, loyelbez
[stoat Mel
No. 63 'Maiden
A j i the, rot
I .0 Now York,
ay ;awl,.
0:Oil,' kind needed for Do-
trttle or Froferreonst
prone, prorrourtord rtga
plass the irto#44lrferst • de
user part..
EPM3III2 .azi S toemaa,,
is~n~urs oiun4
earrantvl tci kit'D tbi Pow.'
. •
for Telegraph WITh• adoPt. l
by the American Velegtaph
hriivva IfAUSIIE4,
ttat.wiu raE def.; thee:cyst
;rwanztgx SOAP 21Wa.
g(Fr r LE , IIX,•; , , , ,
Thle Wow hothria •
Meat as - 11Vit e le.-Iltliliate as
iIiCAT-oOn•cockdtttr nt AV
sop, .r to wry other tor, allZo
variety of °Met
DRUMS In all parte of the •
salami arltb these coeds, 000
bestattleleof Woo k1t.d.1.r111,1?
fur Phetographle find DrOC- .
fit& Duiposeii, at
hirtk lies Lam sy/11 VAL—.
j 7... poor . tot duet°, or
ILTTICITY—sa4 orblett
Sprzeisce no ',Poi Li Tian) ,
shore named. aid =eat.
shlehit le :
count., ars wisp:ling nuts.
.ihoant the
ur, soother: - • lopktyrai.i.
. JILWEB, .Glii.hAUW & CO.,
•., Nth. 17 .11 de 1.7 S Centre Sty New Xer..'. .
''., A s
annexed assortment anireptenl
• lt:rae Bthetter Mahogany . . Rose In... k iand arontd
remark th at the dsdrantsaws dre possess In ring dm
fir4croods. valeeted• ay our tom agent{ and lontortod
14 filro/Ininir Veneers, aro. a our own
aw 1, B t. afford as facilities to otter a lathe and . ex nthae-
IT flee Blo t the ?cry lowest prima. vat -
-Bland° feetot IthsewoOdljeasora,part 0.11,rs Ult.
845,060 Illalar=ii Crown Irmo's. t.
835.000 '-• 7. _ ettrathsdodand !denied Youorr.
=5.03) ". ------.-- ..e.a.i v,,,,,....
et,oeo . - Win Veneer ,
1136.00 , 0 - de Walnut Veneers. i
31970 . Baster and gottlod !taunt -
1 . 4.000 '. B. IL;loplo Veneer. ,
" Wbt te Drily Vow:am
Oda Routh. !
17 Ood *.' itthoscany Boards lad Monk. • '
760,thttears thweted th en 0.51001 and 51.00 Sort.
110AlWl‘''.itaownod, kith _-Puadtt Cedar
Gluey demi Paper=74ldr, 411%.141r0n00 fell
Unds. for Frame leisroxforturarr.. aolth r.I.Vr,,
=Btu° , Laos - Errs wasXs.
.. . .. IdERBX6 lc JAQI . CfES,
MANUFACTURERS 142" Conti° Shoot, Necw.York,i
in virinaght Iron oe, Irlitixted. Toole. W at er ( al
Dtion of soparattuironneeted Cul item, end
the, forbeeting mid Ughtlac Stearaer4 Gr. aeo, Mee%
Pante Dwelling% Ilooltalo. Aeltosub 'Filled*. 'TWA .
nu end Hallo.
Mee, Velem *et; ?wipe. Guise Satre ..1.0 tinker
ilnes made to order.
Mr berm Wilts Machine, ere entirely cool, .ca on
own Patont—eramoted to do dodblo ilea rmrt of any otb
I. . •
. .
or Ir
o g ir e
. ntiA.
*Gravely , •Lt..d.2
milow of tte. aruntry
.Ir-r... 6
Hough's Patent Plastic) Skirts.
RATES r io FRANCE, No. 1 Berolo 7
y i etreet,
vap Ull og.rpolieTc.tar s
*MOM trul on momenta% atotaninit to Ism. tett2o4
60,000 Gallons sperm Oil.
i t it'll , BEDFORD. MISS..
ft 'HERS for 6alo 50,000 gallons Winter
IL/and Spring Ilya= 011. far Atacama , . warrante d Men, IP,
_OOP aglow blevhed Winter and dation
Olto,alloirthe beet duality Order, addressed a.
above 1.111 lasTe prompt attention: ard.lntd
Paper and Stationery at Wholesale
exernhoe the ntenrire variety of WM.-Ina. Print
log and Wrapping Papers, and of also dmear!p.
Mr. which/ care fur rale at prises srbithwill give nun.
famlon andon the moot reasonable tams The *ton In
draDl wn
ne and White Cap Papers. riled and plain: .
• Do do letter do GLI dog
Do do Note do do do:
All Vac of Writing Paper@ used In the 111.110ifiellre
Boole, ALSO.
A great anortMentot Plain and Ornamental Nate Pe.
Wrapping Papers—vanes? Larger.
ling and. Mew inati.non
W th. te....lll L oe i r . r ic. fr. Amber. do A. , .
...f.rxold.s. Maynard s Nolen', Warren . , Ilibbert`e:Ortles.
Butler's and tkoner L - Flold'e 1001
(irittalecht'e. Faber's, G Landon 's and other
nlebratea ren ' tti No.: fleeces Commerdel . Alboty's
and N0..1 Pons. tO-etlersrith an endiere varielf or
Pena of otter crantfaotarerm; •
Pen flolders. eand,lnketands, Portfolios. no.
every 0011010 in the 0101100007 lin..
of, 0. rIdVEN.
Noe. 11.81, and a Market,
or...ltdra eernere of Bee.ym
• llasbnio Hall, Fifth Street,
sem! tin the ahertwit notice. filen o'clk •
AD-tbs. morals t 7 LI o'eloon at -04. ht.
liallnem men and atlmee do well Coral! In and az.
ar.itne mre MI at Fain Kenny Um, to null [hair sprettt%
Lilrriris =angel:loots made to stmt... caoteE ARTS.
iILES our line from Baltlincra, r biladelphbi and Orr.
folk. we eanall'er n Fresh
and from es West all the rarletim Si , PRAIRIE DAME.
such m
mtAtnic cirtamo, 'REED BIRDS. no.„
which we com farntah to Inmaltts or other, at *hal,
We or retail, MMus at corner Rand and Faun /1.1... er at
Watmajtall.lifth =eat.
0 .4._ zolulau-7--rylit. WARWICK, late of
Prfhtlug 'Nate,. Warwick. Atterbuirr Li Co ,►
Gk. '140.1.1., - MI at awl ratieen idaker. Itein's
mow .; _„, .„' ,_ Si:Mattr. ilhh etre. t. I would re.
i‘ii" , r•ii'ii , . ipecrfulir announce that I ani Pm.
Gear of all kinds. - pared to bad or repair roaddiml7
""Prom 3 .06 - 6 rt . --- led - patterns of all - ltiadis, sad of any
. required etals!, I hare aleo in
Bhalting. rullere. coutemplattoo producing mad Dram
AC- . foundry, for toe smell
Agrictuta.-al Ma- meting% as well ma aueihiner7 red ,
nhimmT. lora. tropo the mama to a metiora
EL , OI TOOli of el atte and weight. delisted ax,dnay
Mad. aa an accommodation to my mac-Una
Lathe.. ' , ahOp. lima ro , •Mu l heal ueei, of uttieli
Catteraigm.. Tockla. mum Pill be elan. I respectfully
Pelisses. eollcit patronage. and engage prompt
no-ma att3 Otto.' !attention to all Pork entrusted inlay
L .
Taming o all ore; —, - .
DeeamcclFiger. Traits:tan • Co.: ntell A v. , :
D. W. A
S. Deli,' .M•pe ; Virtn. Bakreall. gem; Ilan it
itictegfigin.Thilliga J. , IL Janke: grids. .It w.ban^rtla
IL li. Itysa; l..ilimderilii. felimod3m
OGAIL AND ~11:101..A.SSES -
bbl. N. 0. !Boluses.
30 do Go:den Byroor.
30 do Brooklyn do
20hhal. tl agar flow do.
b eTi . Pet% I Cr a ni:alrigt
in . lam. a a ,ill'grd'esa?b; pr-21.
Fl3ll-'4O bblo Igo. 3 Largo Mickercl,
ioo e &If Ohls Iwo, r 0 herb i4.,2depurt.
25 Ibis No ... .2% tulf bble No. Y.
BO 61,11040 1. ~. 0 haltbbls.Nol.
. - .50 ULU 1101. ' 100 lids *c, 3.
/00 hat 661819 hit., Pie, ' .
56 604 Lakerrost, 25 We 1...14 261.0165. b
60 bbia.lio 1 lietrlol.lo store . zattrAM, rus6 _ .7
iv D.
t it -- -lova , Caen Clzys.
IgNacK) Maw.* .. .
• -ZSO Wm Vireo's 111.nrotosal,Tobaos,
'lf. Used' icortatint of Claws sad Taut° trres orr . ar;.
pd tr this tlty it soF °Pm brilr o la w a z i... e . -
call .: ;Caries'of lisiattitild it-and Diamond A U.. '
fl ROCERLES-5 0 ads N. 0.- and . P. B.
ilirs 341 A; ci a l Coffee. 120 t b
rIiPPIT: rin.da
NO Du (inane Pala a /ken Bleak Teas.
• Boom "J)0 bra -Mould and Star
100 bra Ed and 8d lamp Tob'a, Candl.r
. ,
251 teas 6 tried ... 14 Oh:4ol'moz.
1000 kegs IWO. taro:tad rim. For reef ni
I- rnol • IL 11.013LSON a CO.
I:modal dock, of ondlrst Tazietr , tf patterns for
ado b carlo W. P. MAUR& LL 0042
PAPERRLUNGERS-411 orders left with
oa fm Payer Uangers win t. Pr.&l4 l *.tt•nde' d to.
zarl6 - NV. P. IffilliallALL & 00.
0. SWAB-0 hhde choico now arm)
n , aut h ; ral= ber d' b '°ns; 7 / 1 11ZillAvr t !" 4
=lt , on. Liberty sari Baud Au,
C. mais—auo pc• plain S. U. Hama
iv • YAVAving ft= smoke house DAV ID' sale by •
fIOOPED 'SKLRTS--Brasa , ' Stool; .Clutta,
Perdu. and Whalobone Moped Skirts of erell
I it• &tiling at • A. A.MAEON t WE% 25 Fllthßt.
LET—Tho flail formerly
. bccrraied by
thiPons of Temparanc., th. rumor of Wood and
Amts. Exvitar• of J b41311.1..k rox.
r.r.a:tt.„ No. 267 L.berty ttrost.
- •
.IPRENCII 'OALFSKINS-4 0 doz. Sonoin
1: Curter, Corneal. and other &IV
D b . rr a t s: 124
add end for br
•;.ta Libortv mr.rd•
TRIANVERB 011.—An inioioe of very en-
JIL Matt D.Pk 011 red !hill Ct 7 an fq_ rY
. • bi
50 bbls No. 1 Lard Oil;
tO d o Iri?`;: i rre ,
lb do 111 , / ko‘ , .. d Wts.e do, for f ale Dr
tort 2 ROBISON •CO . 156 Liberty et.
QEED - L25 bus Clover Eacd•
• BO
m dolt Timothy' do. o. IIL r S t
ON ed and
CO. for
. e' J
IG IRON-300 tone Fargo Ng Iron on
.bardloa tor son try 4. nosisom h CO.
§LIGAP.. MOLASSES-40 bb)s N. 0. No-
Iststir;6o bbts Nng,lelood do; 2.0 bi
oe N.O. do 2r
e by_ Jana R. UM [BON 0.
GBEEN APPLES-20tbls extra selected
r.ed thIA d 1,7 tr, " HENRY 13. coiddrel.
PARIS WRAPPERS, di fforent
trw. ia.t reed at A. A. 11ANON k COS.
F n
iS excell ent Raisins
rlib "VfoLisiaaaat 4"n3t i rat
a d.
ri BS: BULK ME La to arrive and
tI for ma by 1311111 , 11 T, A DILAVORTii..
ULK. PORK-25,000 lbs Sidee;
8.. 10,000 Mims 6.000!M
KO Lo 01l day;
1,0,„ 4113 Jolrlr, Jut need nod for own b 7
..6101T1108141N S CO.
. ,
etORRECT large , vnnoty ,of
Cloete—ltshosany, Eme,roo3.llrona . , Metal. lafttr
limbs end otber styles. Also, Aro,. auntstir/MI
vont i 7 td =D. for sale br T. W.l d.
. - .21311rclttreet.
marVINE JE WELlLY—COMpritillg n complet o
assortment of
sas sal
Bes:e Ptna ts and Pings
Guard and Fob • Mott",
-- • Gold ettul Silver StarUOlrs.
And other. .too numeroas
monitor!, tor WI
ot,eap tor elan by T. W. LOUGUILNY. 23 birth W.
fI L B-400 ,10011 "
....abbts by, • •
I, ASS-400 boles''. SAO, 1044. %LI
kyr 4414 mrl4 rIIGNRY IL COLLIN&
4 um APPLES-151Na Apples itl Ike
31 - ordtte tor oViter ' lar)
PUOUIABEIt -PlO ti.Lß*-10 'bble. vut Ip
In lisegsr pat yeti Ana too We: oholoomo Or ; 10 '
so• • NAWORTB, Bra, a einaW,
17;i*Or It - TN - selling at vav g l as ow ir rie.
%44 4 .60.2.• Shake. igHt Fourth 'UP.
LIO'rATOEB-250 bus prima to arrivo and
tor mob/ aun /.B. CAMIILD,
• FOR. SALE QR R. - '
FOUTLENT--;-Tini.trick Dwellings 149ce.
enlls3lbled et 1100 , 0 Shoitla leld. Thee hale , JEL
each 10 omments; kitchen, bath stems , hot and gold les..
Inn and aide. . - .
Alan •lts small Botot Dlteklitg ilo. 1142 ‘incrth.el., , Ix
MUM - Rent 5150. • . ,
Alsn, two Oftos gnome In the front bolldina oi No, ILI
Fourth et.
tint cf -.ln)lnAltD DARLINGTON,
sork it. splet ,' klo 3tWoo l etre..., v....tan P.evut
ay One them got,' Drltki Dvelthts lintel wllltill-..1
tack bulknog (130 Wets:, 'ittnek) YID ns ren ton) WS/
101 r XIIIL genteel fely. The 11 , nne le large end tp Foca
Kale deeps% 1110 na arranged se tz eln.raltnn xi, [ere
ET.401 .5.
10 cvnt dem. et sti dwelllen, nr st in ilmitlnPild
it. WOO(
stmt. . (orli;Itf) i
F OR RET-, , An eibgant Cotiatry Iteßl-
mile. Jo wo itte,Fort. Via; :le ro
kallroad. Oartalitlng of a caw para:linz flout, tont.a!,,t- it
9m01n.. gOVI collars, stables' floe 'Drill aa Of 1r err. a.: 6
of troarnd. an . itable for Rants:l:cr. na:l fra? to c
---- 7 --
1 ~ ' To Let.
k desirable tiro storied brick dwelling
A .. yi o I . t i t 4. N.,,,agitzon.erTravgei.iro.t, At•NJtrnit [lees
, I 'MAE+ 4:7nitiwN
rarlem. . E.t. , w, ...Ir.
.. . To Let. •
iTHREE brick 11311bea, 4 rooms each er.q
In the 7th Ward. nu Cputrn Almon, ibtinare- ti
lan Itlnd. Rout low tn a good truant. Ibuittlro 0f ......
!. • ist7 WATT & Pit Lthlbr, un.v,.a utti e ,,, ~,....,
'FOR REIs.IT - --An elegem GVO storied
MOOR lIOUSti no ream istrict.. Furst tn.], ofke-f. -
]Borth Cournors,Allathruy CRT. ricrUcial Dr t
sate, fine
Johu Ora.
7v. Jr. The 1101133 hal atirrEl runty,. Unit)..Lon.
balm'. bath rnotba, tun and Olt the other aptulan , ... cf 5
entre , /walling holm For ttruts. h, , angntrn at tn.
bow. Poresulouvuun 90 the tart of Arrit. jatatt
LEASE-A desirable Lot in the Fifth
ward, above Ifr,rriern at, fronting
. Flity fe.q. on
I,llw..rtv et. 'and eatendlna beck one honlred feet to
Noting alley. suitable for • 0521 or I.llne Yore. Y,,r ax,:
opantre c.l flailSOE WEYM.AIIs
nor. Diamond sr. and Badtntlebl
dikiFICE TO LET on PoncaOst., uctwcon
Icy stotthebold sad Wood su.—No 26. Apply to
r40f,.-llEN'r—Allriak House on Front
uesr Market, three enrles .41:13. Rent SM. Per
seislon on the fast OS ANIL Ai.P.a.trxmama xj.N6
Ohio Land for Bale.
HZ subscriber , offers for tale section ten,
townaht? 12. re 1010.1 Mr?.. moot , . Obio. ,t enamon•
1 7 1 •L'`'.l3:l;:;:guA W ' Sstron ''' on t t O ll
e I'tata
Mad leading t 3 Wonter,and within atoot two east
the Ohio rennallvenla Rell Mad. The *oath. east arid
north sIVIt Quarters are. tartly cleated and hntwored--the
ractfaloder le covered with anterior timber—end the whole
le well watered by aorlma and- running stream. This
ra:tion fa oonallered the Onset body of land in the conn•
tr. It will be add undivided or In quarter, to molt tun
otasara To UM , w who dealrn to barest in real relate a
tenter avoottaitity fareeely cfrared.
• J. 0. esvrrrzgre,
No.iot 6th at.. l'lttaborgh.
mrl2:3loatto P
Land for Bale.
. 4 1 1 . , FARM of b 8 scre&in McCandlosa Towc
'lap, Allegheny county. Pa., altante on tbe Water.
e. Ina Crelr,lo mitre tram A le:ebony City. on Grade Antler, commencing on
Alleaeny end lei
sysvillePlan tr /load, near Good's old• tavern stand. `•
• Atsrl• to Alas. el. Wateon. AVarney at Law, gotrtb
en,.• near Grant. PI ttebnrsb. or t e end eriber, Slat , Ca -
nu st, between East Labe arylnut et- 4tb iarm.
Allegheny CRT.
tatzoerdawg . 2 ESIDer Wet. 4! inre... kloyd.
Hotel To .Let.
E. the bank of the river. %Twat* tk..a.rf tee
nongabela andlroustalnbeny dent.d the Bnrm on
ham ferry a nd the pronneedof the SW ob.-
'Alla and the t)OunaLsrble Baltread...ti the Monongahela
I VlsTs '. eligible establishment containing 49. charabe '
with the necessary public room, Xitehen, an. and sta.
Wm's . . Is In combleto repair, and IsVi . be rented low to a
gond reuarat. rweetiela girOo icimedlstely or on thl tint
of Aval. inquire 011.8.. linGlitir. at Mu °dine of Mg,.
Hartman Os Water street- Pittsburgh, and of 14. B.
11003. Eq.. littwart. U.lo. jal7:4lmtlT
rmett Lodi to Your Intent!.
kOR SALS—Tbe subscriber offers for sale
his entire elect or Goods. oonAdlun ot Agrietatur•
I,•=l2::9rri OVangdUlgaN=ClTrrY:nl3hatireTr
sear, earletr. and a large comber of farming and ilarten
Tools too numerous to mention. all of whien will be tlos.
out without recant oust, kt or the e
Pereoat ntire :cod
gl a tMtil o ;:e id notit
rirL9:l,l tuecosior to liolmos & Collin, 129 IYood at.
Manufaetttring Sites 1
Ut. LOTS of ono or two acres, situate , ' be
'twain the Mu . ..le flrfli an the borooetto f M
e er. These tots are adralreW located... tsetse •r ,
er front mitt Ingo water for s laudin g ittra hallooed
Uproar by the depot of the Plttsbargh and 12ev.1•1
U 2.11 &led and. bung an the use boo& WWI , •
hout:l7 moneet the P. & C. rout or 'nth the For - Ws,
Chicago 11..1, Eteutre Er et.IIOONHAKX II ..
ar.6 Wo - . 13 etree
14 -1 0 R SALE.—The foliocmg deF.eritio
vcr.rtr• 0.n.4 and lately 0,14.14 br the I.
D ear. D. D, etas, In the t6rauktt at .V.'Kestrart •ia :
LAIS scree as ground)OL the r•e•
and hank ortn• Tooonlakteny liver, en *blab us re , -
Ws BRICK 11tOLD.I.Iti'l ape and • diO.f Mertes.
• ISTABLE, t`O..t. BOUY.E. 66 Theta Is • wetcf tonal
water ne. the hose,, • tilrerary, and ratietr or bait
Task khranott r.
131 ih. ilttenarnh and Cannetter tile Lail.: al (via Tar
Ole Cr er.,) It ts orly aboat an larnafa ral. tram Pitts.
blarnb. and ..rt 412 tee tad faelthed It will nat roa
than tatty al:autos-a convents*. clotanew tka roa
engaged fa busloete In rittrattrala to mile, and easar
the •drantegoeof the country ant the cot. syestlente 01 a
healthy Ann thrirltor town.
lot Lena. ennuir• of tLe eatatniker. MA
nolltolOtd A. All L. sl'lleeerort.
laioll SALL—Thii house in which 1 now M..
live, &sstb Commsz, Ottsresra tisadaskr st—m.
Out Cortrsott, Alloshetly
SALE— , ..I three story Brick Dwcl-0
Ucia•ii, with cn Chah
b<tewtb ward JAFIES Wit
r FrOtitable BllslteSS for sale.
kIIIE indorsioned efforts for gal° his kook
and PLVonis. la waltseeVaa with at. cm, xrlred I , a. ,
0 , la atOr• No. al Fourth sere., oral. Poll.", 1 1'ipi
tailors, (SIPA eatabidslud, and wig be n
cobytlis ...r
-asa of war drain:net; in.. la a geod T 0... ball .
Dena tegaidaa hot ••Salsa WI, aarital. HI. ea Linn iiir
Liar.. known Plar• 011, and Int Itti !NG Y 1.011 ., Is laell•
sod tseresaloir,ond. supplied en-al.', by at ...
The stock arid good Pr 11 ef t' - tr. wrn Ind to .11 ai •
banishr. Oa ; ua_oslassal I. desirous el leaping tea
i pr r.
co loortimaia,s. coo oh.* on th- treaty.
mll7 Alef wizt.lrtr,eu•Y.ertt..,trort.
lot asl•74 urea retry:. .' ley' liarbio Lardi g h lint.
at bathos. a p.. Alleoheni C,..
,C... ..that 7 /DUOS item
the CIOY, on MO 1..1.1a .0.91 TOO:: it 3 totorovethenta see
a conahrtable tithe. en-ntalnitia 5 them. sad a ladled ...v.ll
lathed. plastered sea c i ar erirc • late. taro. anat. , . and
out Wive; 4 option. 01 OICOLLOO: of-1 , 1 . COMO tha both.,
air o rc hard silL.s vet variety o• fruit tree.. tor-slating
afar:ilea riachi r ear.•nd cherrytchACCLY Cana. ail Lt giCt a hearile-glr.n re'
4er.. aprlr to mini
4 r `WY, FOR PALE—Or Cala dealrasl. rreeeels
rai r ld tea mad.' fJee nee' CG:tiVIO and a ininait ithrbtor
of berate land rear th. cit.. Aptly to G. W. BUNN.
berth M. or Ohio vi 4th ed•nr east. ni. th. Ckethood. al.
le a timy City. . .._ ma -.
iii u ,, LE ,, Z1 . N . G .0.. .
f L ,, O . ' ,., 1' . — ..,
o . ,, n u e .. B , oi , ldigF .,. .ir b t in
rni, . Lola it tlbitCla.
-11 , -7 01',9--Threct Building Lots on corner of
ILJI (101..,11 and Convicted. et...eta ..i5 5y be. o n ianita
L iv en:watt'. wartn,7l.o.•erd. Terse e . esay tem. by
cnil7i • Illedri A IlElitlEit.
20;717Z.,,‘,.c.!'5t ba its; C.lO s:Orl duals."l
tar Idttstourgd atanufdltured aytlels• ez
Vt. Left.
rsdzosd Welt br Luds Blf.n.qtktd
.71011 ul W. end:: Sulithda d sod 2.1 rte.
For Sale.—Fine Homo and Lot.
A'LARGE Int in the b)rough of Masehes.
ter. being put of Me beat:ol(2l crenado known Sk
ltwetet tispien, tdjoiratu th -meld ence of Jam p•
Hut, Coe. Xnwalre J. bettorm 41A, lat.
.wkrelf4 Co. 24 Wood street.
. Hone For Bale.
ATWO story brick dwelling, situated in
Allegheny Clty. on Isabella swag, neer Head M.
'Ago. ezotalning eight roo.. The owner haring left
ttutelty, le &enroll , ul pelting. The holm advent..
swewer Ivested for a residence. I Ynot tabors the
ibth of liaren. It will be trr teat. Art r to
/OLIN .1'411.1. it EON.
• =7 Llberty greet.
LOTP,In the I/ old Region of gitlkeppfr count T.
to be Olsidel amoogit 0400 solonnOe•e. on th.
lath of April. Igh7. gooecriptions 0:11,Y TES 1101.i./110
EACll—orra-half down, the rest on, the delivery of the
Deed Every eubserlber will get a Bottling Lot or ref,
ranging bo value fro= ill/ to rb.003 Thom finals au
Labiate soltro cheap to Induce , settlements, a entdcl•ot '
number being nmenred, the if <MAN! In Me Tant
asked.e GI ntliCn
arid compensate for Abe apparent price now
A company oreettlerl. tolled - The liappehannock Pia
neer Arscontion." !snow finning. tad will relnlneooll •
totiletocat to the poring. Ample security' will la* glees
Pr the faithred performance of controots onaol. ea
ifirldere Agents are wanted to obtelu rubt-toto,ra, to
whom an 510 , 6 Abets! Induminauts will be glean. tome
'Aanotisn w t
r w ite
ls begone
ya es m e a r k ) ignEgs Pt nwharl me
o b n o t,h l . / bl A
101 l rutionlar., subscriptions, watt.. Oa. apoip to
E. BAUUEti, Port Papal. °oration Co o V.. or to
ORO. PF,..BsIINPI, Agent.
Olga onset, Alba
„ T • --
V lit—no saes of land. ii miles item tb• city, on the
it. Ways. and ChicAgo' railwor.d. No. 10-100 are' , ON
miles from Butlif, on tte Allegheny and Butler Linton
'wed No t9—A gond. (arm of It'U teree, stgett 4 miles
Note a tlett beelrOtrilra and etone roll le *bonder..
ilNrentis would do wall ta ant nd wi l l
the list,
we nave Items tbat ere glad will bs mold rheas.
Nor terms, 10... eats at SteaLllol . 6 Itea Ifetate and
Intelligence Ware. No. 2 St. Ciatratreet. met
*I BALE. rituate4 ;In the _town of Palest 1.10 mil.
north of New Castle. on tha Kilo Ka r o•loa Uensl end
ellepango Itleer, The tall ls b•S Ay crim.t. laoriel high.
bay three run At Mal/ I , n - walled by. amid Colt Iron ..0.6r
whesle, Oat In new la ifitel; a Witreoooee resettles, from
the mid to the eater a good <Jew , ar awn arm about 41
eane of bottom lewd. The cilli I In and raoalalt 'raw ,
and BIM Owen, arm ee much business agt could oe dashed.
There Is elto a Steam /inane la the mill by which it nen
be run wan the watt le dry rr ircren. War furthor Der.
Urals. arair to B. &MA IN A bON, toartb
. .
11 4 1 0nSALE—The brick tbrc , e-ctoricddwe
Iluq. 130 Penn etran. lo 4 . lo7: l ir.tta, ca.
"Mum:amid Bank:,
Fotteth e•.U. 11. ItILIPLO.➢ 3 o
V'ALuABLE CITY PituPauxi yoic
tiAtA—Ttio onclerrlantd oriels fur Pen 'ho (seri-oh%
Lorton.. Loco hotohor of buthltror tote In the tlh Visrtl
of the tit 7. 'the lots f:tol. on rrIIELPIIIPPIC. AeoPUP.
W 1... torten. LOcuot. Boris..Vle•rny soh l'AtOl stre.t •
aro bLIL • Is• 11110PItte •5.41 L Irmo tho Cour: Hoop,
bo crry
Person. frolo•t. ;role. 1
lerntion fur e tout, or ;volt. ourriooo. lOT
Lb In PI port of to• oil., 1 , I troll lot o
Itnorvro. 111 P •losots,ll
[ ths soh,' Ibtr. C. oldirl . :Xlit ,s tc c f i st v trg, t.
Sandi Sand!! Saudi!!
for fluuth of Ph W.:
ritmpLe of stl'ad teas to me T • , 9.l , fia
analisto..l. 99 or ct. Tb.o rroxalnlog ,of 00.
per Mg, COOrt , t • of Lillie, Uaowsia °tido of Iron, eLn4
Alumina. 114 UK,* .^n , PIM Baielvel 81.4
CHimed) Jittl. O. DOOl7.
Martepturi of Nile: Cdus vie. ,, CaFt to P7PI7 thvmPi
VP wilt:able pe.Perall non lAA mitfilerlbrr vL
7a l tAPA r lir
10 , o,t.r. 800
1: d./ do tbOtCdtrN
• • eablailrdur;
70 do Egan
bosom do.
19 bate Prattfro:
Lot r/:1'
OkstAinerlieltat... to artlo, %old for role
IeAIA.I k W.
nEEE—Cincyiuunti S. O. iieed, dame mud
8 - 11 . .211,p r in !pp: , ' AZ
k gl
t.IXLI) , /ski Oils; Vex
aVrr.lor ezialrt Illt. h.ft Alta
-11-..;".1"11°"u b" '" '" ''r":l".PdirtfellitZiabr
ILIACON-100,000 lbs. Hams Shoulders.,
13 Sidal emote hew* stunt enl ' ior tile hi
corrl It. guILLION a OA - . 2• s 6l4barty 14..
' \ ' MED I' ._____. __
—________.____.--------------:------------_ , ....___- L _
, ___ f ____-___--
Health and Spmagtil must Inevitably fat.. Fruit Trees and Evergreens, • - 1 1857 " lasß UUTR •
low its 1:150 1 'LIVE offer for Spring Planting - to the citi 1 NM
BOERHAIVE'S T 1 tens efPittvbargh se.l tarr.einiteir eettattT. •
_ large steet of all the leading fret. a rt, for atl , APP..... / - /0001 —
" n.i. "' rn ' n ' gn.."l" inn ''' . gi'. l'. l'
h ' n• l''' C HICAGC ) TO. ST 1.0:1. 57 5 1
. ~.
i', "` '/ 0, evrry ..lad otters . 'Clete! ateearveatal Tr.. t'''t- - '
110LLAnD 241T1LF!.,1, celuou.a .1 evergreen for plautlng 1 eenn Part, eete• ; -,TIL—
.4H L.
~, ea a ' " paTen a ir ' ttAhle't:lltif:Velatt 4,1".',.'/Jol.errte'lln ' U .. n .' / 11, St Louis, Altin, and Chicago Railrosul,
pot Irene 'or hedgiwt er .ereenlna. j Al-c, Nov, itettel. I
nr Ip.W.•all arry to, L. ,
, leethyrry. fa per d 0,,,,, Olv , ot A - ,„ . _ ALL VIE WAY BY RAILWAY). -
.."t, f I ' ~ I en. 10 , _ ltd the tee Pot., (1.... re ..• a.. . t.A.ILUI. IN° Tile tietals'a
. i." ' lWt '-' , v ...,„ , lA.) at t 3 per &ran. or 11 , 1 ter llt! ,, ,
o 4
1 .A Jale.W.i:f F.. UR E, ,, S.,IArD ....A*/ T f , l) STATES .11 LILS.
:*:e 4 - -'''''.-: . l '' ' ' C:.' ; c ,.," '" '''' " e I,ti: ts,:i •'- 1' .- '
;A .. l _, da . ..1.0., .0.. ..vHE colk.TLy DisEcT AN . D ItELIABLE 1
- - 1 1 Itilkil fo '''' 5.7 4, 4 ,5, -•= w , 'W r 7 1 orrITI ti,,yeTris ,
ji got- to Ow F.,titt ...,/ 3. at Li 4% aTI. Yeventy hulltill
‘I'II I4 C1. " 1.. P. I. I T horley Utah anT rClor, FIOn,• __
' ,PffN I Tram. iTnTe tilo M ...MOAN Eau a lLidlli inlal CIV fIA.
, 'GO a itty.:E.I,LANDB.I,..., Cot het Yett Buren wediher.
rev4' .. . e .,,,... - 6 ,- .41( , to. Slit....
..;' -2 . 1- :iI - 7 ....' - '.•,Q= ,y . 1:1 ,
rrive at !hat et. Louts a..
.. '7 4 : . ff : :{l . :=!l_ . J 4? '.- 1 :?t, c :i":1 ,, ,0 4 . )... 1.2cd , v . t.n, .r t cste iL i) s 4 ...!.. l l L .T
01.. Iy m entardt3 a
VIA, hh tialt I.TY'r lir. Lk,VIY.
L'hy lia-re” , 1111 •,.. li risilr (Sunday etaetted) ar
r''il,:tg`;`4l,f,i..",..-69,:11: dtly (3audays et onted) ..Rafe
at Chics.. , at 474 , A. !I. .
From Cbicce,- , to St. I.lollle, 13 Hours.
Fruit and Ornametital Trees.
aR. D. W. it ii I:, IS ES 1 Trave , ling ~....1 . 7. ..
4 6 mriv:lvi,c,:;=:,-....Ti111',..1'n ':4.0:,..
li al.; Tlit
/1--'-----111. "
ter, X. I, I. roar In t r ee - tid ,t.t.l ~,,e lng ,r
-der. mr Totem b. d•Prl in tu± `WI/4Z, .111 tooro to
s , , want at cieetraol..bacir kr." au,' u , ,rorocent al Vt.+,
---- *-...L__- --_,--- '''' w e Boron, rovcrpc..,. l'a , . 7 PILL:, Lc- e' WI db
' we I to 0.11 at the Marion...hal , I.huata lc hro. 1,. {4 r.tte
TIM CELIDRATED IfOLIAISID IIOI.IF.DS FOB i Tglr!,l-"asmihe est:.. ratn-a....11 va, llatit tiniatn ,
rereeoilou fr. In 1,. .., no .. 1 ti ~ sod lc, nc , to s
DYSPEPSIA, 1 M e . P. M.
. M.Setllici WART BM' it elo, as it ..:xO4 to rerecee
Crilarii an Our arwthnt and a hien ha will i t
-r at hi-
Warenenerorin 47 P.tch .tent, Pit'sbroal, rt.
DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, i.31:41 , ..trr
Shade Trees fps Sale
LIVER COMPLAINT, t. ! A LIANTIIIJS. Elm. t,tndrn 3.1.0..iet..,..E.
WEMEN-ESS OF .ANY KIND i .it A.b ko . o f .."..."'br .1,7,Tn:b.,,311. 3.
A ND,..the
dvarioered sitiovhdf.ottona
E. o ° h itt
l e nt 1
tmo .4. -tr 1 0 70 14-mo, g,k7E..,,,,,,ityrrtrywr..;
Prier.lof all Nave:, .t...6llMaleearol r.sartlfrio. Arles
Haan. It hos to numeral. booboo. proved bight) bonen.
tialtaud In others eSeated a
.... .--
Nature fouls no aria enemlr to oorolat, with this de
lighthil t
he In the at to eflecte are alm.t aagi.
t.w.yet the curencreatnewl. It oetbitutd..t . no uloiout
e kto the astern • but by aronsrol Its enrol ely t t to
7:4 ,,1, 4 Nit;°:l,..ll=ll,ethattl;:::' the '''''' '
When its medicinal VW.* art to onivereally &Omani.
*aged. and partioulaly here, whets It ha. Manse eo po.
der al family medicine, .that It le Weil =h., or t..
i= e iPoir".,.. g i .41,1.' e tt,V,Ve;:&AF.'2 , ..rtAlt l :4l:"
some who have tried many advance! Intalltat,_ and adj .
WOO from Dyspepsia In cataract. bile dreadful foram
- we ratoolo then:doer.% certisestes, the athentiolty of
wtdolo cannot Pe doubted. coming se they do tram perennr
IC WWI known.
What it if] doing for tilo Sick.
Wm. SChnaittnina LK. ar 4 ZilT i r rb i ardWg..4
and da rfn.vrailltgglernslndieesillon and debility.. 1
Ita. damns! fleborak ram"' ft.. "coda *tad non
it. a., ra.....:. ae.a.the.ltt , *lt'd , I bad . lood ..r. 1
area^ •
_3ov. Woodwall, Erg, ear .. .I hive tn.d Beerhare t s
Ualand Bitten myrelr. and reoolmmended it to others.
lotowla it It to beJost what It It rerdenente.t .
Aut..ruunub booty of Leuer Bt. 01.00. saPh "I be.,.
dalved great bend.% from its nee tor ereakners of the
sta.& and indlgratlon.”
faflrirltaMiciViTo Il o a y nd 11"Irre "ulgttlirblt: ft`V,
mr_beart and CO, arielog from indigestion..
The editor of the
Pao Pre. says: *.a (ter
one of the best phyldelchro thin place had ftiled . Bar
haves pollard Ulnas on , ed me of the wont form of dr.
" =tele Frill, Cady maanacturer of the 'original En' I
tract of Oat... rano . -1 kn,. Ma 7090 1100.04 711007 1
la one of the beat malhtines in the world fora dlrordered
tomah or ilver..
Or Ludwig., edit*: of the' Vatkel,. o f
pronoun ,
cle It s medicine dwarIWIIIX the mandate of the pubitc•
IV. EDerhart‘the hrinitrig Clernitan iphyldeisz of Penna.,
r tst = = =9, ' ln fr' dotnartere i tU rPoliVeo=tvewlot
Th=erTf BairtnWoregss fsetteg emirs I used'
It =reel{ and whirtbarefore induced to to its effect npon
my wile, (trampled with the gr.t debllits comm. to all
and than
I...bblet, an
, 1 0 7 0 a t Itj , I t . t . ! doing her more
bitredirlkhottretr Moeda td fro ' d to this • beverage
will be disappointed: trot. e slot. weak nod low a bite
ed, It wilt trore h g ra teful aromatic cordial. Poseteurd 00
singular prorattro
CAIITIOC.,—The great popularity of this deli ghtftd Aso.
ma ho Induced many hultattorts. a latch the pablio 4.01
MI =IV Urdt;ig4l"ltr=e'2l.ll:lbltYl're
lair 1...-al. ran
bot.e will convince you bow Int.
nicely superior It is 10 ad thole imitations.
ira-e.te st 11,rg.1 pc bottlas or 0 bunt. for 0,00. r •
the ads Prarriefore.
BEN .141111 UN PAGE, Ja, d IXI., .
els road chemists,
'4."1"1tri,a1,4c1,1 all 24
etc.. Pittabocah
y_ ° rc,t, Yoti,l - 31 Th. = ctr.e tt_oo
slog. u.g. 0 park 904 a....1,;,AVAT, come r Duette: mai.
Unto.. Chapati broths., Usy et. sad P ro n. deen.,—
Cloeinnati. 0...1LL Proh. Mirage , Urocier Brothers, ill
11 Water et. el- Louis. hawed dams a Lb. N. Urlesw.
J. !V rlabt A go. f.l;ledgecr
~,TLV LIRE--"Goa Lalo9B 11,1 it; will .I:lever
L herrn-ottani Alf wan ea Uod.o..yie Pellet wee ols.
......4 5 s athelleatlon of it muds to his braliod and oat.
Wel bale—all rmn and uneuineas teasel, ands now 111.
.10 loreeed within Ms eystettL;'—T. D. ithrineie WA., of
lases r etied
Elprref Siota of thankfulnets totting from the loath of
three whom our Iwo base resterod to lilt. Oft ...lie
of tl.asaueld - no be/ owl all isrthil lale..inKlL c.. , ...
n 3 a rSKt neerietter Of tbSak.4ll,lll • rtecvorefn in•
'slid.. •no, through the eflice,y of halwar's ready Relief.
Lalltuleure and threolvent hes been raised
to a bed ef
of and lona
thatanmor to theenfeq
-1.1.0 of reale:era le
feel ourrearte hare tot
loth fruitless. ea . al the nerd at truth with lteallou on w
05..1;1 Oct lfe. l at. the dead of N.M. an .-
tee roan.—
eau, we refer to abet* Is truly eatenbablea.lno one
who tees eldiera thouslat ha could fleet—lint net rot,
ea than nasal other nairsonLios cane. Perk/mei Or the'
K.sowlise. errs *hen death hod adze! the patient. their
ore hare v.:u
enrea the ditto Cricten tiek te life.
toent'e nr.ADT UZILEY.
Th. re li IA pein so resort. no divas. ei state, no use
tilente Sc terrablo and fatal bet that the lioult liellef will
loth and rthreet. I refried; has been oared
to t o a icier. rare sad putative proreeteilr• of .thrd.
ere, yellew fever,ebiu forte. Dreeniery. Pare? and •a , .,
atualet Fess:. 'dined Pus. and all
n it e lanlfcelfel ni diaLIM). ler.
cite dirossew lu gialekorm • ..
le fierleastlms. omitting tha in
rare!. otoerie terr d rel ila. partsrune of
with. whithisteccothry dietaet, and the sorlditl alth
wrjsh It decd. ILSIVIon al. rudest aitatke. and readoies
the whole rsetho to the enact roan.. of es.. en.l es=f,rt. It • Wel2inif to 101 who-Ilf • in Woe.. ethers t ed
101 l ltd Ls Ml:init. to obtain. Story reran r etheld Toth
ILadware Heady dellel In ;heir hoax.. Sr in to t night
y on are entirely tel.! slits pale. *dam or f
say kind, elther In the howl Sr bowel., f...-thaeh.n.orvel,
any other hart , !the body, • ciao of ,
Hod lea rs Bra it
Relied will In • few misente. manila all pole. sod lie. -
Flirt. .
ere tltt. by retdd dm, or ettmtehed by • erne
ftti est, etstest oy • renemott• cute, or other reptlte. Rade!
mere Itme.ll Ratite gmard loco th e 'e.t.a mt I t eutrallee
the poison...o Travel:lt lollestmattatloo cm soortiEeetlon
tattats pleat It hesitated the Rime of many hooters who
Este been etyma by =takes sad GUMS poleomous reptllfa.
4431.1 t.
ALI What meet, Illeb:e awl otevotti, m3ll drier ler4nts
bkeettogafrom the late of the Ready It tllel. The 11111
!elated. esitteted. sod ItteluttaUce mill become 1 , 011,111.
eleetjc. drool; itlyyroas.Lst 1 . 012711-9. b Uhl I.l.te.r,ag o
body by Its nee.
If you will resort to Itedway'e when roar &at
dreg ere Lien eitt,•lat tnoup.llettales. W Wiping Cough
&visa Purr or Cove Oiler:Me. Or other orioplelate. Ina
will can the liree of your etitufreo. nwilway's Reedy
Raba .inipexte COW ure, Clw rink/Ted Coto the weak.
teethe cod Mewed bode. bee? ads IS nand. sod do not
let your crab:mut di. tledwia • Sernediss wUI geritheni.
tilt to the tower orhoof an agent) to do so.
TSCOVAII Taw lieraCTlLurraillat.l 3
Aran the Weise gra irwronte leArgatorr
0.4 Itmlztv dgla.—• • corral adorn or
actrri—A 04.1 ls—A r/17Wer
discrosew from ter is/ow Penvi 004 -
..seret &val.
le moored to alt Who will utee one or two of Railway's
negolante minor trio. • week. lb* wools *ROW Strong,
wog the lean tot-Whe osseous, Introit god gloomy. sr.
obtained to astern. copal/log of body. and • beopi dow
or SoLvits. All who talpg theta are delighted with their
opention. All the voloi derived ISorra the ow , of other
Pilbh use worawl by the weer itanlywre novo atom with•
out •otalling the evil elle:a or max/oa drattlo pile rums
the !Mori.
The Doornery of there Woods:lW 71115 *exht
e • row
cre. to purriatirts. sod • new twtoolPi• to the eds.. oi
medlolue. I nh•s,
toalag there Dills so issioluil POW tutss ens atetrocwia Is es serlroexl: thee eves. ats,
leaving the how. , rotor sod they ova •/. • ,E, • u•tatigt
and healthy coolition.
Putt pill the le token otter new toe to . the b10c.% the,.
V:s,141411•1111rzfrom It ell Imo ro depcelc cod equalizes
Cr two doses of ELetwaf• iledlolotort entirely
trCLOTO dlstreielig emporia to
tiettßritents,. /Clips/Soo. OretrietteS, CooPlulote
hillourrerr. tt el Mobef7. and will mare wit OS duvets s
either to awl or women. I /idles troali:e4 Irr.g.i.r.
Res en Weekgritat olschereik suer rely 01, 0 0 1. 0 .0 1
core end reseass p.1(003 ltclorey _ . lle[oCators me tr.
rterrAs4l. tiCALSIA .4100 BEAUTY.
A. few doers ofisJ'ikMtdahsiwllt tom. a Ves..,
sir, pare and besltny altla end • toss complexion.
tire to these troubttd van ...k. nol oral, •
last appentonoe. {tad W.I.'S Phis a t e . sst totolty, to:
thefoes, w d heat t std ••hy use er the newly Reiter
es • Oath C osa
oU ree en adtpustlo. ler the breath.
Out datum the moo dttin fou i e stll to aweetnrea
and the bleekr.t. tooth P ane l n whltraraa.
One to ten .1 iledelayllteattlatoraia •• Ivor. they nem
do lenses. bui, *tear. do good.
Jitchnotia itarenettano Recotmot‘ 0001 Cimottia
1..... &recta. or ...I/VIM% 11.rar,LIt Y. 17 , 111.7 i
be seated en the LtlAprot St Matt, or &we, Fie
VA Solids, or I loano 1.1.0 Ph, th.,
qua //lames, Brit Voun, s•Cacftuta., rata. 10-
. ) m:id-oar 30rr5.14,11 Er pl,OO/. Blotches. Bronchnts,
t.ronn,..S,philon toruablyttoe, Apo.
dy. de • and olfout,taaflcwol asd Chrome Data.;
rah,' i,dOVAd by raft:wry fraortaltrion ar Otocutated
. y ',mat a re er e
comet?ther:c ox
Incte lha ,In the that work .
tracer:alone see Z In old 41..00 Nlworld.,
Itadeere Itatedseox,—
it. onsoges trio w [Matto lady—reProdnws nee and
healthy blood.
tm..treedl - g fens the ittonr-fladerar,, ftanoyettnn
Itecurent will In • lee minalsochalt Llomarshogo from
profor toteat. even 'where Ilse relent consbe
of Wood or pun etrraked_wlth blood. PALEN sy's
Ite.solsWatnitt roorg.t.::ttAdiZictit3y4l
Ing AR two year. ell • coughed Op aometinke•h a l l .
pins of blrod torlowlto ulaht the was cartdln 7 dare
by thl EAU' and ltroirent.
lier• gore lea of Fl years. cured In 3 weeks, Eteedlrse's
Ittr. tfX 11. lingo. a womb ► not ol
,ntl e blab gond Ina In
every kind° , treslmtnt, was effectual) egad tn.. 3 wcake
by nolway's Real y Mel t s' Itesolveast Scoll nelittnttors . •
11,0 pica wi , l pleat° lead nor Tabular • Immo for 1537,
and our a...paper nallru "Ede Moving Worul . for Inter
eßilnig Cal. armies, and tame thOTOUrb erlplivation of
oortemetllss. ILA DW dt CO.
.Itsawsy's Remedies ars sold by Droguinta and Ma.
ohants avacrehere, telUdelyT
R . R • IL
At •..,, ..,.,
Aik .
1011 .
Pecs twenty.ftsa cants VW bottin.
n I 4 the f4reratar a &seam Care the pain and
" "1" . " tV,tirratira DIAGNI:TIO 01:.
Ir an ul the wonders of thassel,Lt muss pain teas time
th lo sea ale. to set • *Urania ]
t ier cares Toothache ma ssisaa e n. su ... A .... i.B .,,, t ,
Curesltufg:iltVorg:ted /don Irons a Cold. '
&ma Itnnintstitas and Neu.igia ,
Mors &rains. /truism Sadds and Damn.
Cum toms and any linTrin the icca. , ,
Cunt apnea:4 laso.poin the Dread lotto:nay ,
(haw E.truche is afm totoutes. •
Cann }ire in thr.fildes, Idosbn„ ay Back.
Cora dyer and MU mai Fever:
Thin in au
land late Lebo" and no fatally should De
. 1 1_ ,t^ont • bottle In cane of strident no sudden sickne
' ICI, : area es tornally. always .glriag Immediate seller. 1..
'''!,MITI:IT,?,;'.. [7.'l:L7=l rint i t ;IV Ve%l.
I *sm.' my corns lo bell a surarneri 0:r...
'T.. Vats rnewleniro with the lied Elias to the nicest.
rtVtn;c s go th re,7l7=nsrg itnn'the74eeirtel)ll
tahetltTlath%43lllVUlVAllgintirittEr'', "I.
),,,,....lia, nu' Draggle. it, and et llot:Reccs
ti 0 . 13 Third street. - •' • ' . Ha Vag,
U A. F Anti MIOO I / a CU., sod Dr. a Sm. ii. HaVag,
VT J-14E0Aftrthe33115d---hUlaf:4llelial. 11,11 " i fhlnii Y Mee
,T..,_.:..._entlsiser seldin oug.r one half ,of. th•
.T. CleocerissolTitissu ersiAl• ...-- A
' '‘.'''''''',..s Isistush, *beg IV es Gatti, ~:,;. -/ '
4 )11-4
. on,
" T d o 1 rielVofe'..igi. 31 :i 1 .. )4
x 2, : I sessft 1 :-- '--
Jirsso Mho Thet a . VileirA, t..• : . •
~...."". g . w -gifXrsgl , ~ Z:::;• •
WitT ' . dtd thdl=lt f t
1 ,..,
2-',v.'.., Itilfhe"dAtretllbss Slums. sC.A.
The attention of vases families, lintel Severe Oa MI
essusssy .yrebote ID r xtaactlsr, to directed to this Tips ,
Alm • sissre Vinton' I:reted Co he se 1 sipr..
seined, sna So el Web ,sme awarded the .Hirst Pieroluip 0 1
t,.1 5 1 : 1 1: 1_ ,. Sled)l..ssyl ?t_pis.sse.s..",!.l9 tral . il ys , M . Drel
:r. '. 0 " , , , ...e . ,,a. i nOr a " ITU It.
zap Lair, .11.11cma ZrOr Papa . . _
5:41 441, r oubli wt. $" rT r ia. r ., - .
Vi sWrip anII fer olleit Ills loved Fan J.
1.., d E tless
rfatam4 caner of Pas Lull Irwin dreet,
N. It. Mr. 'thou.. liillfurr at inn Ost.latoi Sureerr.
111 ottt.rul to Int; elute trot! f r Rare°, rsovpri.,
le e•rrle.o. trrlrd.tertfr
• •
eittaGai V • ?.
sio.TvAT.ED w‘iiaLE
tirrl.4`,lTtto.''Vf..c.f.:,rs"...anu.,i',l,'-ftriLty.•7JO,, 472,
an . catenei n a ol North srrosti
, •
Thud *a ;avast. a vary large ratilaction of iira, n airovria
trace arid plants col:aide Ins transplanting this nail 1,11.
The tinfivery
_nine .mere .one bilr3 of and
tainiatidioverTalhOdd treaN gamin and plisai an 4 arrr
MG./ fruit treads and dintiOP I:risme - arse arid Plante, at,
Of flue din ter tainoval loon:hard@ said riaarrure irroanda
Plante sunnily leached and mat ancordiv lo 11regrion •
M an; part of oliged gists ,
We Ova heave to nail theafteati. al the tOraie 01
• r
nary awl venders In Oh. tra-ie.t , asr atalvat; ace • • ina
fn . *. Erw cr ,Cis,n, nearly all the van
faintly. diaehany sod rivals. that is worthy +nal a
voltilation thl. rgy - thi n of crionfry. 1113.131 l • 1.2. pco
Tired of man 7 tradig. !root At sive 11,1•• ,r•rt
Primo moderate sa wool. (row Atr•lko.o/P 6.1• meta l
Amor; nefesacise th- kJ:, at fowl:haat tier:en-al
Urdu. addroomod too U.Lrenct Vrlllart i'oor 1.11., Pe.
11. e• 1495, 31,
fitt,bll,ol, 11,. or ortzil
P!1\19C01 , , 4
.t ,
Fruit Treac, Evergreens, , - .0.
riC I LLE subscriber would most mpoot , •-•....::
tinily eall tta attantlf nof 61, !Monde and tbs V'
P p. ato Lis rely Largo a...oek ol print Trirt, liver
bbetT, Rams, 6rerc6oorett,nl.n. an
.M.Al= etrok is largo and hue Of I mr, re rgra
eome 6000 Dwarf and rtaudsrl t ot e our aam reining, of
clot , . rarlatirg. , Paladin irrorsi !Lomond Eve, vilb Char
m Phun. Aprioot„ltangborrira,6maseberrlon, I.6rmlato , rte.
OW grarpsomm. from Ito f. t
riad of large g have many
tboularrio. are lar. fermi, ng turrotltle, sat
bo liberally dealt adtb. fell and ono our aback. Tie an
mays rm . satas aelio". l/resra telt at rim gittablant Y. 0.,
Kr. B. th.lcol6 Llborty st,tbo enkland Hungry. 1 0 ., lal.
on P'onoa. Arnra..,)nr tam Tqttonurab llenery, llf ralloo
lrom eaLlnd n , arlll,lr,from.„nly okt o ..n
'''al.11:11 ""
'"'.1•Iii;i1JILD0(111, J.
New Tieatment ,
Confidential Medical Advice.
AL,—Establlehed tor the cure of Notlast tVeakneen
WerA t B ONZlWP.! l7l : lBl g . .. goltrlrVilllVZ
Qosrf '"...41;31Ztt.1F.,"i2 1F.16 LNVISNTION.
An Inetrumeat for thee,. of genital Detlllty.or Noe.
taros! Urals fo nt
cr roar , rroperly sacra se heothut
'Seemed% Ac. east Le permanently cared ha from fifteen
to Vanity days, by the use of hie lostrumeat. hhen
tterd i ro o r i j , i , lztli j h ß l ‘ th r
by. Aims A Pal are the only Physicians In the Wats
vDo are membered the Not al *lles. of burgeons. Loa•
Uni t graduates of Oat. of the meet acolnent hotleaeo la the
United Bute s, take pleasure to arenonacing that they
bare Invent rd .most Important Instrument t‘r th • cure
of,the shore dim... 11 has bee' , eurdertod t , y
the cunt asduent
in in londca Paths. IhUOOO
obis and New Iter it has bent declated to be the only
toad.' hostritotent ever yet diatterrsd tor a l tar
et= of
drolnal Weakneet. eary dlawe cf Pealtal Men ,
calved by the mecrvta habits of youth.
_Dr. Amos a Dolt. to order to Fetzeq the newt ekentleal
th the Inetitsof then Inatruutenta. Plane tben,Selres
hat In any inetance alters thay nay prove watirtacto.
re alter • 4tr trial the money will be refunded by retun
ing the tn good order.
Yarrow 'lnkiest the above cake Instrumentedit ob.
eery. the price. sitethe ectorapattylog
etahrell narked and was by earner. le kW.
For all pant./ edrortalot, asset, strictures. Snail:Ml
vealturisr, Pains to toe itflectious of tle.
Masses& of the head. throat. nub and elan, • od all th.m
dreadful altutiorte arts'. !mat a se-rsd tati t
ot yout . t. d.lblhty..r.p.ders:•l7lll4;
l'ire'ritt:lll"l.lf.'yn T-17telV
treated by O rusolloir • corrett detail Cl 10012 CIS , . Ohl,
• remittance tor Medicine, Ac.
Yeraolr reach Aar! , Nita
Y. 11.—Itscrlett ladles roust not nap theca II they are
o .rtsto shoat...
Addle Or. Aid Uri FON. areailatti sod Quay et
Ichrekt s.
„, N. tatll"--deldtat
.w.trluing-wm"o .ND ALISCaaCTULCILS Oa
No. 96 Fourth Street, Pittsburol.
sty of PaTICTd 1 Chamber Ful'ulturr and hr.
.oulrurlue some o f the moot beautiful &Avis of wore
exhrolted out onto ghenlea.
fore water t of out tutu's., an fi n proyed
Met nufatturin", se ardour •plaratruppfy ereTT
artlele la Oat 1100 at Or Vey? lowelt teat. and gotten up
In 0 rtyle to glf • euttre ratters:Won to every tart,
Ma elect efourlota In refl. of the fallowing , made In
nuaroooo. thahogatly Walnou
Wartrobeer .efaornbuo.
'Parent Itatenelon IlLoduCe
form:l.N Vartaa,
Cts.. 13aarrtartem and Caoke,al,
Parlor Preac h Itorktog Chairs. tlbeyallyro.
Drearlng kloresns. Juony lleidardr.
Ittsgerar. Cao, Le•uuzaaito...
s great variety ...on orult , re, Lad ochry
sytinles too nunarrous to enont...n. - We rr,olatly melts
atteutiun of More lour/v...1 to our new le
con AGE 13.c..DFf
Which (be Insult. style .d utlilt
thing coo to urns.
Cabinet Matinee rupylled olth every arrtsle to
of busiuraa at lowest arkolatal• Drier*. Elect at
siren to
• Fusaiablag, Steamboats and
/bore Wirhlng to purchase are United oall at ollr
Itztaltotkor Hoorn,. co &fourth won. Dana Wood. •het•
to [loony to Oro. War rtorad noll'okuT
900.91 aim 92 011111) grape. Miami.=
W. W. respectfully Informs Ids frietele
0 W
ind customers. that hahmjust completed Ws stock
fi'rgll t u r • , which Is decidedly the largest and best ever
*twat for pale in thia city. do ha le determined to embnid
• at —s, withesetroned materials, lest corkommedp, azd
- newest deedithg arld hem the extent of his orders and,
fa m oi n i t ru matinfacturing. he Is enabled to inolues Int.'
TUIL 4 IITUIIIi at the towestprim.
Ks keeps alma," on hand the greatest sera, of ency
deserlption of furniture, from the cheapest.
to ths mortedesant and costly, that • house, orein A M •
of oneonal . to . N.ratehed-front hie acct., or marreastursd
,idly to order. The SOLloetrur
of emellet In part
of Ns assortment.- which. tor richness style and Golan. ,
,casmot best:reamed in lux, of the Eastern dila.
Lads 21Y tete-iv:ate BOA 40 Plana Burman • .
100 MOM Plush and Hair C.:O Dinlua and Ilraatteat
000 down Mahogany Choler 12 item•etary A Book mess.
40 do Walnut do; 'O) ltosen Cane beet Mean
100 elsleny Iloolting Chairs It sane Pest llocklog chair
49_1941nut do dry
10 lAtdiet Writing Desk=
100 Mahogany Dimas . Ile. and Towel standu
60 Walnut do . Ctigulres.
100 Marble top Oentraw•oll. 10127.48011011 Malec
60 do 11reednxliarearts Climbethen do
CO do typ..teduas u.eL•ee. do
sernseadd -. do . Pearl Inlaid , do.
100 Compton do arm do;
CO Plain ;Waiting 2uhante Oottdo and liallChalrm
40 Mahogany liedstaans- What.c me.
20 Walnut . do - , Papist Noche Tapley
160 o:dotage .. do Pembrola 'do
;00 Cherry sad Poplar DO. Mall .4 Pier (IL
eut • Ladled dot
Y 0 tdahommy Wardrobes - gatension Dining Tatano
10 Walnut do 'Jttatalrld.
10 Chary do , .
a ha), a large wortme.ntof
Cabinet mathrs gannet Olt
letaatalmts sad Haste fon
kil olden. promptly attend
Meadville Yeleale Seminary.
TMRD TERM of this Institution
1 1 van ennamone en MONDAY. Pmtottery leth
Lapp* will De charged $11,53 per 'term and will select
the atudise thy, - wish to earane from the following liat:
needing Ancient Ulster, 7,610rr1,
Enunciation. Bsodern no. AMoarsoml.
Pronunciation. atop Drawing, Nat Phi 10601076.
P.p.lline. Ancient Gooey, PhYriology,
iryiting. • Modeles do.
Gracomar, Arithmetic.
Coomaltion. Po yelui do. Doolr-iteoPlorr., Ala. Um.
(Moo 641.
For Greek. I.' In, Italian, ilnisolen. imoon. Wermon-
Ftwell.l4 and Analcs.B.o[l. an additional mares al 81.
viii be made.
Piano ? soar mum of teonty iceetne---- --St
Prawirn-, pet corm. of rweay issernu----. 6
011 Pairition In do do .--- 8
A tieruoin lady. ma extellent plastid, re aides In the fem.
116 ..anderill aloe lemma on the Planosnd In German and
A fewpdplis will be secommndetel In the family of the
Principal. hoard. with foal and ilicht. 6.1.1. , Of , M.h •
inS.OPar week. a
Al t l i f;:me r nts ar to me ,
1 /0 itlllleit w sP i .fiVA Lt. Penalost
The Oreatest medical Discovery
t labarill2Y, of Rog:f .. y ;
e has
in di z Leca;
Igt cures entry kind glatme:.l4the worst ccrtifula to a
mama bug.
U. bag trieslt In over eleven hatatal . essea. and_Tyer
- ..aes (both thanaor aurEar.) aaa
far;aw,alll . l7.7 titestboth thoodar
how ht , re.bulonoter two hand.. el:Alto.. or tea
Tabu. all within twenty ml:. of bottom
aterrented to acres undagetere masa.
One to three bottle. the wont kind of Platt.
of the boa
Two to three battle. will scour the system of tolls.
Two bottles ate warranted to curs the acne canner at
the mouth and stomach.
Three to flee bottler ere mon-anted to e the worst
case Of erysipelas
Cles to two bottle.. are .ensured to cure ell hamor
the of.. • I
Two bttle' ere 'rerouted to care mania. of thee.
an blot:ch. among the hair.
Your to ale bottles are warranted to tare corrupt •Id .
rannlng Wwl".•
One honk, will trate • mealy emotion of the thin
Two to three bottled are werrentei to elm the Paw daso
perste cadre of rheumatism,
Two- to three, bottles are warranted to cure the wont
re. Offil2gl.4l:ll.
Three 14 Wl:trip:Met are wed...loud to care eelt rheum. ,
Ole. to eight battiest dinars the woret cue
A haunt le aware edpertemml tkca, tha' bottle.
end te perfect tare 1. warranted when the abb. quantity •
11 Nothing looks et , Improbable co tbos who have to rain
tiled all the wandertal medicine. of the day, or that a
C00.011113.4tOlill• 41 the tutu.% mid along old utorm
walla, &mold cure every toneor fa the enteral yet It le now .
a used fact. It you bare a hunter It bas to etart. • There
are no lle tor and. hums or h about Mang sot. mug
audtot youts,_ I peddled evert themeand be. tics of It In
,thrtichati of 80ne... -1 atiow ite ohmta le er.y eve. It
bee .Reedy dote noo.oflbe greats: tune 'verde". in
Ileseachwetta I haven to chtbizted a or old; to old
people of Indy. I b... en MCI., puny. wormy !tette.
.ehlldr game deed wee non and flabby; restored to s
perfect et m,
ete ottpalth by on• bottle.
• To three who... duet to 'a alek bottle
Will et•ale otiro 11. It O. great teller to Want and
tante.. limn* elm hue been ovate Ibt yeare c tare
attend been mutated brit. Where the body ta sound
.II aorta quite km het where the., to oral anstigentent
of the Nara... nature. It will cwt. very Kumla reel
-100. hat lon ithostuor be 'alarsted—they Uttar. disap
pear In fn.., tone dare ton week. There kg nerars bed
Mutt dram It. Chi theamtrern when that &snug to over
thewlNStel yOnreelf ateew pen on. - 1 beard Wawa(
the koteseadlarailant *nominate of It that man ever nee
twat to. No change of diet .l 0 ern neotreary—eat the
best you ma pet bar. Wood. art beet. or lob. when
eitomerattlu Meet oll,:diaeolTeeb.ofidlnue swelltdg t.f the
=kid under •the ears:' Prim! ruts Price to Inc
hirevrerYSl per bljtl4%. •
DraanntZa Pas Cea—Adult, one tab - e-eheroeill;-r 6 0
Children our elghaTearK dessert spoonfal; children front
fly, to eight years, teaspoonfut le no direst.% ten be
made settleable to all conga:lntone. tale ozone. to east
.. on the 00.011 twice a day. •
Hr. K moxur 'ens p.xtnaal attiLdatCs lo het
°""m tre, Intel a.usu t r • t W. 4
Sold.. o
.I ._ or, Nr., ahlf
susses e tr0 t ;!.. 14 ` 9 ' l3'd rdisT
I °
11M111WOBA . C
e U arn ß er l Fifth
tt o s n t n dusltaall el Dr
0o 2 , 10 N
DA A, , 0 IiDDEADAYS sal ESAIDADAYIA run 10 to
sun 1 ta
Sraintditne• on 0* Itrawutills Smut. ja41140
T JOLlET—with t.- ^ IL,ok Waal Itailicadfor Ottotra.
!.ii'''4)l' BLO.I n . tr aailroe+l or'
Clinton, Irarnere . .l:e. ant Decatur, and vith atones for
Peoda at <coda J unrtn lath Beals. nod tianagraa
K. for Wainnt (Irles. V/. inamo. Pekin. Brim.
Cold. Pround. Knorrille. 0.1011 rOO. Monmouth and
oPriIISOFIELD—.ItIi. Great Western Railroad for
tail7"tgcregeiiti ainotbsl,
Qniney and Rocket; the met earasdit:iaus redable
VeT t3PUTik2.llV.l)sarPy Paler' Ml
=boats for
Few Orieane land Liatorminhate mints 00 Um Loa.? Mir
etrolcm. nod with Moguls , 1.1001 of.Parkete &away/e
-n. Justpb, end MI Wilt! on the Misental. Tennessee,'
Comheriand and Arkansas Rivas.
Pa.e. gen. destined far Bloomington. BOHM:hell. Do
catur. Actrourdle, Naples and all otote an Ina Minis.
slop . 01•1”..01. Butoberiend and TtIAIINI.I/0
br taking the abree ronte,_will sty. of making
eennectione, and unsung /11841ERMIt a t t141111ISId
avoiding Ile Yes.tione delays 0: tre should.. route
via reorla an4llllool o iihrer,• Winer inanity fon? hours
time. being thirlY raven miles toes dietaptilthloolonl
tow fifty eight 005 to Sot leap lidaterenty lout* St.Loule,
Bitecnioss to Peoria Tcryt.•._
titough Udine can be
,101 the Bas K.
Ito !road LIMm.; at the Cmnpany's -ollee,4s.l)earborn
oppalt• the Tremont lionte.and at theNlebigen Bout 21.
ern n^ Island Dpot; c ract of Vasa:Wren andanzr,
Man infest ,
beat the
liereconsiblell/4,114. Men mill •NOVil of
v.v., roads coming Iwo the City. to &sea Baggage
through ti any point desirld on th
A a Lite.
. IL MOORE. Burn.
E. 11. GIOODRICII General PasPeuseY ditont:
tort .1
• •
• , Pli.. - - 11-s:4 ___OgOgilgEE J
now run directly to and from Isieral ht. litallon. t
Alleghly, and Clev e land. Wheeling and Milestroonhou
th,T,V$ Ral or to:mu
Teo Ugly Tum to Wheeling and Ballets.
Two Daily Trains to Claretahn.
gour Dogs Tnlnsfir. Cleveland to Meson. '
The old establiahed and =oat rellahle tonne to Chicago
and the Northwest let is Cleveland. '
The train. leave , Allegheny Depot 9.4,4 a. toe. and 3 p. M.
Mil 111C.Itivel.ct vs, and PAO p. a.
o. Wheeling Lab 7, m. and 71.11.,:c0i5.,2, awl..
Patlragerll for Cleveland. ar Thiedo.
potato I n the Northwest via Cleveland. II they Irbil to go
forward without delay. must get their ticketeila Neches.
ter. sa there it no certainty of the i ItUlburghe go. Wayne
and Olden* tralneconnecting at Alliance Wit. the train
tar eisrelsad—the Claretand train does net wait far the
arrival of the other train at Viet point.
Passengers for Welleell.e. htentstald.,•' Wheeling and
other plants on the elver line by the. trains an thronah
without detention nanny Loan in adra.res of the stem
boats an the river.
Baggage checked through to Wheeling, CleVeland. 1
Chicano .21 other points on the line.
Pillangtr• for Nor Phtialelphla and Stations on the
Tnecarawae aranch must take the 0,11 A. 01. Train from
Allegheny City.
Ti.drete are told to Cleveland, Eandoley. Toler,. Chin.
go. billerantle. re. Louie. Unlace. • Burlington. Frahm.
Bock lalaml.lows City. Danlelth, Pyxis. Lasalle, tree.
ram, TatoDunkirk. Magma Yells sod Buffalo. Alm to
an way et...tione on the road..
Pesseogere &miring to 00 ta Cleveland ar ta Toledo.
Chien° and other oolme in VD, northwest via he rare to
ant to 10.10 Veneto cio Ce-orlsnd. otherwise they will be
aent by other routee.
TIN.-•ta to all roles ar.. i.'d IA the 11,,het Oaten in
Allegheny Vier.
Pea 00.000 sin COO 507 inionnation antsrninn this
M. .10 01. a the Voter...Y. iilon , nneludn 11 ..... 1
ritteurgb. J. bOll.-kNol,cuonaand.
oas—nao J. A. OAVilLits. Ant, Pitteht=gh.
rlriirtieigaSYltlly Mrg3ggg
' (lIMENT.
On and after Monday, February 23d.
T ffr• TBAIN Leaves the Paseen,ger
Btett - ri ere moraine, except tuodaT, at I o'clock.
Tlla PAST LINE {eaves Pittaturgh. except Sunday, at
3 P. N.
Tar. NICIIIT IIIa'NEAS TRAIN leases Plttehurfth Ybr
PhileAntplaa al U.ZD P. AL.
The ll:Mina Azooto=clotlarditraln Wares Pintebtalat
dedy, euspt Bundan X. 30 o'clork.P. IL. Stopping at
all inatlone. and running as inasna. Tne Pint
Acnomodatton The. ter TurtlesOreek Stidae. leaves daily.
except Sunday. at 11, A Si. The Second Accommodatlen
Train for Turtle Crept leer. daily. Sunday, at 4.10 P. lb.
The Third ACC.lrscilsticri Train for Turtle Creek leave.
daily,except Sunday. at 1) P. DI.
The abore lines autnect. at Pittetrarnh with the Bail
roads le andfrota St. Louie. tied Nalco and Chit.
SeTtottinintljeld.lleUelontatne,rvendeteknL TLoedd.'
Cleveland. and'lrcaeter,
utile; idea, with Ott-Stem P.a.. Erste from and to Nes .
Oassatts. 00. tocO, Women. antiCtracmain.
Thronell Tickets can be Fad to or ftorn either of the
snore place..
Foe turthee pattiodfolre. roe Nand-bills at Ins dlflOreut
rtarttna potato. kerteuncre front the Ihreet wilt - find this
Clot shortest end nue- expettltioce route 1.1
Tot-t e e: iteelnn..
J. sTEWAS.T. Apcnt.nreitnere •
11101, NOUSE Aurae. tiantertner
tyn-lyd deT3
rittsbnigh and.Cour.ailsvilip ....74 'toad.
igtiS. z--,
T'-',.;, ,„'Z,,,t,,,b,..r.c1',,..,thd . .,: crtd 2. : -. zi-2 - l' 1 ,? !!!a) . , •
gm, and fretaLt tI , awl trees Pitteborgh mad Colnalie.
eige. 0.1.13•<1.11 , 11.1th the Penne. Cee.triti Ilatirnad •t
1 W‘A'siaut:;:2of'ste'ta've olio been made cerlih the Maio.
Central liallread, bY ehieb through. freight to ilidiailot
obi& and 11•Ittr_•ore wilt es earriett tenet points on the
Pittatturgh and C..•unelirritis P.altread. by ear irnt•. eh
fat rattle term..
oceanic.. Twit—Thote sin be two daily tralno..l.l:
Linnets Pas...pee , Train w t.• ISponellatille at
• cluck. it, 31., aue...g;•.--••• .tilt be Indiana Atconsmooda.
lon lb alu at Brinier , 0...—•• Nene.. /Laiboad, at • 13.3.
A. IL and stal•• at L'ltulbtaga . i . %A. 'nag train will
liaise extpoet at Beintetie Ration twits 1t Philadelphia
Mall 'I going LiAt at IS P/ A. •.i. t
~ tt a Ilteling ' , Wog
al' enneV i th the Pliant Train
hotel o
Intl tl3 e'd al• p•••••iog Layton
Ration at 004 A. 61 . and 0,00 . It7m bete= Aseenameo
dation. Penna. Ilallroa ~ anteing at PLUM:Mai at III•Ed 1L
iortragon—Padosgeos will Met to, Penna. Railroad
Depot by Milton Arneownodation 7.1111 st4.lllP• ILani
aril. et Layton [laden at 003, P. PL. and Conneliertge
st7.3d, P. H.
height to and trim Pitt•barch and otatloti on the
Pittsburgh and Cennellsaille Rairpad. ally be teeelvel
atul Coltvernd at the outer depot of the YMEIII=. Raller.e3
tlr=ationOffictitdC.R Rro..'t
CI bn•lbtaita/an• 10. 1767. I
P. 8 —lo a Ivor dale aresnaecepto yid be Made to cell
'branch tsekets to PliliatielbAll• s inauz=e tt.
deZ.-1i.19 huperintendant..
• •
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago 1
it , A' •I 'LIt 0 . 2A . ,D ,:.
. 1
VAL AltitAtilitZLE T. -
Pareenger Truism:trane - daily . except
'Snatisrs. so glions learn • PitnOurgh for
9 A. Al.' and 3 P. It. no. trains ,fill -=t ar' cirtit
tonnaottone at Urerullua with tram' , far .I.MiumbuY
Dayton, Onrinnait. -Boleti:amine,jadesPolle Tern
Planta Stangrille. l ot ail 'points hatending
Wept and South veat.tbsougliOhicandlana, iliimis and
Iteorucly, connection at Port Wayne etltkplapae
le Itrie. W.
Dash. aud bt•lools ilsalroal far atinloPort. la
Pomille, I)MM:tr. !Wingfield,
,Ploolniagton. Alton and
Ht. Lords.
The. maim Prorannet at alansdeld vita Trains on the
liznprold.sandatky. and Piellark. road. tor lianduskr CH. T
and Toledm also for Ma Ternan. ..i.i.rarlp and ganoreills.
tonnectiona toil:nada St AiWaig. for ,Chrreand. Dun.
kirk and BuiPala. ,
-.Trams emit tTnut Chlago. Make alma coimectiona
With trains on the Pennslitat9 l Houltel 3 10 .4 fur
liarrialumgh: PlandalPhin , iinithunua -No , 7 " k ' " 1
Through Ildrafiare Mad to Colunibus. DaTtun. &tin
nap: Loulorlue. sc. Louts, Indianapolis. Bensfontains
Chicago, Rock island. lowa City. Duntletla Alibrankla
Odra Hprpeeld.ll.lllco!sa .Dedalar. Bloomington, Peo•
ria La Calle. Quin. y and Burlington. ilopmal also Port
Wayne. Cletelaud, Toledo: Duu kirk. Buffalo end all the.
1 principal MU. in the Wept.
Through TIMM. neer this line may be had at aid
the atom. plums for Pittaborgh,Phtladeolphia, Ransoms
and New York. - '- ' •.. '
et. ?my niudErzoN ACkIOifiIoDATION :KARP.
loaves fireltrintiton . for Pittsburgh st• 1.•111.. and 1 3 . 43
r /4.; returning leamo Pittsburgh at 9,30 •. IL and 1
Yor ti-mt• and furthsp intumation apply . to A. T.
JOHNSTON. Agsnt,,at the Grace 1 gut.rn Railroad nitre.
direNtls on the earner at Ow Honotatabela Howe. Pitt.
burgh, or to Ukolltill PARKIN', TVA.' el street atatan.
ALlisehme r Cra; 11. F. PATRICK. No. BO Dembom street,
OP P.a., Tremont Maus, Obinign. or ta tho *gouts nt , tbo
'Statham on Melina J. 11. 11110111. Buret.
JOllNlSRLll' sa p t zt4r i g o A ß L ents.
Ova We;. Agana Chicano.
,3narcon taratters sad *lnd
• .
great Central onto,. con.nacnng tho
; Atiande eines with Western. Nort h tern,
an : d
utturestaan Matta, by continuous Itelluar direct
This road ago enimects at -Plttstorah with daily of
Stesainers to an ports on the Westrna Wrens and st,
land and asnduaty wtth Stestters to all ports on the
Piorthwenern Loam malting the na b,
dime, chraprat and
Ta.b/ehlll3lo.liT nab, .1 and
from tha Rash • '
PIMA aboes., lists. anal
Gam hoos,lDry n om, (In oozes,
sod trunice,l Drags (In boa./ A baler) "
EISOUND bhee.tna,
• and noting (In original bd.)
Itrase (In mute) uardrea. Leacher. T!t. per IC.O Its
1 (co ra
0011 ils or boxes,) 00l
--. . and abeep nuts
GLAtin.—Aurt Mar L al. (its
mete.) hem p , Ileum and Pork. ratted
. 00 , e ta,.doLiTots . mousontattut. ql-e. pet
and Para (co reeks or teas, Isaa-sturd.) ISfu Der 100ta
Ls, sod lar d i i. PodasslL Cler.
roan Mar, Tar. Plteh. Main, ,
YLOIJR—tI par bbl until farther tcotloe.
GRAIN—EI am. per 100 let:until tui—thre notic.~
10r1011_42 Derbale wnee...ssle cc 000 IbO welant.
tit further node..
asi.La -shipping goods 1103 ear rote4r.ait Philadia• I
su ht....erteetar "nut lasstagn La Ycasallaorulut
All Goods torodcued to. the A.gento or this
• laud at Phhadalphis or Plttsbut4h. 'rill be prrarded
vittionttstention. - •
• Miens AdiartlL-0. E. r... 111., e 1.4 Roston; J
PClatk:No-9 Astor Ileums and NO. AMU=
sad John McDonald, Nog natters . .Plare. New. lost;
Pk= A (Jo. Zonesouile., Ohio; /ruin Co..
sad ria
wan Saner, llinchnoatt. Ohio; it. 0. eseldruns. ecu.
lnd.l.nuneettiL 11.11 Ca.; and eager J vrtt,_Lauis.
vtlla 011.1 P. U. trltiley A Co.'olsusetile. Ind ;
Pt. Loom. Ho, Worndat A CO.
' taaca L Cu: eldesgo, 014 J. r, J.". root wayna„ /odd
7.3:oneader. Pt.Ausi,.alaccau ;;bona.
2.lsititooaro IL A..
14"7.t!til=i77i, amarri PreM.4 444 ; r'1 1 241. 1444 I
1051011011 T. abet J. istflt
kul,lll 1,01 Y E.
Galena and Chicago Union '0 allroae
From EnTRA DSPOS, toot of GANN AISNE% manert
In[ .
_Dr oloUlo with stestams tor li..Paul And the tlppor
lilutm WELT...? 477/LET - DEPOT. •
.lIILTDN AND lOWA LINE—Tor DLoun.. Irultem and
Growl loon. insanucon lar I.Thl tiCbraflU totl Itau•
on. will d this lb. most ottualtolon non.= Wes:
Alr LW W the /dials ItTl. mut stover by A fi r AD:
than uty other Itch, notoDup Fulton with thnereat
&n, 66 Rao Do.. hpitetain loin sad the Watt
!IF. LE etrid MADIAIN [—nu Do/ult,
1/11.410m nod C4ll3l4Vit trtihtalet. '
YLLLET LZNE-40 1. t;tlt7lUiaisto, Me.
Ulatuuom. mod Ileum North. ''
- Tiro trulut Atyly.llundoli Arterrhol. for others stoic
Otootr,lookihat eloor erathod loco oothAuo sour. Re. 4 .1.
andtrlttrpactelt au ttorMUMnlogonth utl'omoth. •
; . PAaLail, 'Dna , • •rOsuo-ayt) hid
Vqf ILLLA3I TATA Plumber and Gas Pit,
7 tor. lio:10 north It 't. near I.lssotl..ard 472
NV 0 meet. ao t re &no: Ald. PwrkiescoesOdloo, cut Fed.
" figha T aVs.rd i ;tlcdi Of r7l.l=inoonos
4Noractro meta Ma tUll lattataMd 41111=2Ian
N. 11OLZIES la NON% al'akerS. .
se. 67 scome at. Wawa Turd mai /WC sta. NUN. A
PISSNATLITAXIA. Branch st W0ratc......... If.
Sant et Pitts Brandt at %1131.--. do
tickana• Bank o d 0.... .
mil Dat Brattek St. l_rattratarn- de
Ms.. am Itarsara of do- City , 111;kfl o bt.,,, ,1 oktii . - . it
irk. of CratterckarCarat
eataanter Bank.- ......-Darl ik Data X- --- to
PAnk :f r North Ltrartea-piti Atts Itank-*&.•
ETAS p 7: I `". i., Y. =V 'Mr' B" .k f' ' 1 '
Orruntatrtal Bank of NNW k33 - 1. -- A3a.
Iferks•ra • A Ilectuankr 9t -ros AU mama Santa----- N.
Girard Bark- -.....Z.—pae NEW . you&
Ant Can a-
8ank.........---•uar Nag 'tort etr-,-Z•ooss
Idanufar. * ?ann. oun-sna Calnntai tmn L A ,' ;.-ia•
rdoehardd Bank.---X-bar k kt . ,. ., ~.
t=lebla ''''lr i.affk•-•• ••2::4w on i v i i-1----1-1
Sommart. Bank.-t----ror tt..l I DLL& AN•
iradmousteallank...-...... .4.112417Mt...7.7) 44
Western Sant.. - •
aunt. ofChareb.;nisaliti:Vtlksak et Qat Talley:4.4 s
Vaal, nrCherner (SonEd/-2.7%. 0n ' a f 6.4'64-
Butt ciDanyttle...,....---*2 Zl.. nt, 'a- -Gerfolk
Dark of 041.00., Chwatar...Dar Sersurr BY of!ittg Ma
Bank o(Gerusubown.....l* ataretamtelabra.mtat 26
latt . at Gettrar.l3.--: -
i lortl im a nt. eatart 11aak.... x
Bank of Illd to
distown..-.-• )i NOVI VcrtUlLlNd.
21onmorerr On ltank--.l*, oroUnp• 161 ht...... 2
Bank et Northumerland-T*l Book GM. .et emirs 1
Cnto.cabloßk A Baldry 1 ;10-tex 11 3ont , Dan)taWa ltab Ct 1
Doilestuan Dank- --Du IterettraurstrAmt
r,:tgl------- _vow- CLIOLINA.
110=000 Ot. of Burka Or. ....Dar Bini=f33 ll =.
MUMS' Rho( LanmatAn. uant ot Ctuudratort-
Yarmaref Bank of Itesdlakkar Kaktarra tdsrturetai
kank 13k of Baku/DOC.. Iticamk.
asa.A Drew. Viartestraft. Aterntalaki Des Of
T niG etta ilk Wiabington... Bask. orausurta--•-,
*4. 4 4
gorri.W.l-•••••,••••• Drefltransfrkt. Au, .
lionearlidOßOnr.------.6 1L11N38221. • Bank.-...-...Mt AlloOtrant. Resta.-- 4
Laneartar County Bank.- M.vltY.
Lobanok Gatalf.---....... k cas.innatazionair.
Xlnere Berk of P.: tlisrillerar Ilk of laulmAithersten do
B and a a Dank. . arthyro BanWrmtriekt do
d Inuokdtotrthara flkoMentookr do
H STBl.l4ll3teatenistasl ßS wog b tesnehra
11.1ki'"U'CitTir.... ISk otstetr___• mil. Y.
Ohio Mate Ise k......,...., ti WIruGGISIN.
Branch st. Arrea...............r0 ILIAD. a nn .n. As. Ohba
Braneh at a thena.,......... do t ElielllUAra.
=st Prolgainort-•••••• Ifirmoreldeattantaellatal a
at Ctllll.lD.-.- do Parthranior 8a5t,....-- a
Brazes attlioretand-...- do ter:trams Cameakr-- a
Mauch at Totedo-..--- do Maas Bank------- II
Brandt stns rton.-..- do CANADA.
Math st,Delatesna..»... de 111 k ottl. Amarteas_Darento 3
Branch at 1 Cottrottes ........ do =at? g l t:f:l t, o4Z i monk o
rse e a l li at erritlizli:-.7. ' tea Bk or fl.Cansda. Terri; 3
Brandt at bloksfulGL.--. de BABTllatt tOLCLIADOL
Branch at Bllay.--..... do Qs Ns. Treek......-- X
Erma at CanetanarL..-- do on Aillidollarba-.••••- do
Math at WaahingtiAl* do Oft ---- do
=1:1, at eadda----. do WICITIEGIAN IA L.
at Ends.-.. do Clueltroatt..• •• .
Branch at Bteutiorettia.- d0L00krui115,........-
Itrarreh at !rt.iferom-.... do Ma re. Loa--. •
Branca at Itswark--- do A.GTIBPSOIk ',Attila
rtgl :1811=W-7-7. tolDa p ~ atl ti 'l o i n i -t -' ...1 '. 6:611
Em'aa a",07,------- do zaado.ol6--......----10,60
wrath at Tau Imaskt..... do karma mr..-----.10,00
ilm"hr.•th at
De z "=-- --7 - iitea:- il
Branch at PLrna...--........ do Quint. ---.-- u
lo_terGer :. 11
Braneh at Samna-- doirTpoleono
-. ..............- 3,t
Brandt at OU,lnhora ...-. d0.1hamte............ 13
leantsylia* R4lroad.
CuasaArm ..
GERMAN - Birr E s. •
Dr. C. M. JACKSON. •I'bili, • Pa.
tdrsmio or li'eneal LOWY: -Omar .•
all diseases wriM4 Mu it.
Mg In
ruins. of Blood to -
Bean. Aridity of Lb° IthatiMii.
Raves. Ileartbarn. Didnust MY rood. 1
Ihilness or Waight ta the Stomach, 'Sour
Ystmuitions, tlinkinwor thatlleinu at Um Pit
of Tiffl=lirsZtilmitilr%9lnftt=t t lieut.
.ad i
enlitmatias estuaittammbutinvnerw.
anus, of thaPins, thita of webs Wars this
inn Ma Pest In the Head, Delkimicy rr!
Mimi. Yellowness of tha °Ma sisd.
Pete In the niiihig.a.
&a.. Padden tudita of Unit.'
Dosulan ho the /Leh. _
of Mil Ann great •
iloprietor in
so Os ' stuattem thw patina to
this preparation. don so with a baling of the ninuat con.
Mame in It. virtue mid adaptatim? to the 'dimmer for
whkb It is recositiondion.
it is no new &an antriwi article hit cue that hu Mug
minuet damn year! trial bare Um =Rd= 'Maple,
sad its matelot' andule Is usuivathal by any almilar
Wimaraticaa extant. The testimony in Ito 1.4.02 ginni by
the aims prominent sad will trams pihmleissu and in
dividuals in all pasta Ain the country is, sod •
went perms.' a the Alista23l.4 piltabsct annuellir to
the proprietr. and to tro bad tirade of nay of Ilia diPmm.
carm: tmt satisfy the most skeptical that thisymteny
rerg dasersidegt4grar ~eilebrity.44lrosoollbaineial.
- Permaylvani d aTestimony.
ivfacade of R. Ifoodor_a n D krow
r n
tra ,
vels ,
Earths Daeannon/o M Dindanton. 5an.11.1664.
Jearon—Dear bir— , l wee Lir lair an ao
ve D ray *gilded with CarancLithousDancear. tbr l which I
wee attended bye...n.10 the best peps:arm man =atm.
but all of no avail. 1 rim need ream randier. Lac
could-Ind nothing to beadt me metal IWee lodated to
tryyour Lim=
yo Bitten, and sited taking four bottl br e of
which. I wee oitirvir and. sal ass acne reforml7 Cle . a
a hostn."
- More effeds of the Germ= Brain to speptia
and Liver . Cori Dy
ckstusau 0 , 3. a OClMMAZ:Llielarter kr the "ia
ning Canine," Pittshargh who, Feb. nib. 001
for wake Weak s tat lay ;ire twat mint Pair Cla
man Bitters. with a happy aka. Ea hie teat allicted
MOM or less. Ito eerveral Tars. with dintagatbe Liar
and Dapepale. and until shecominenmed wangthe Mtn. .
nothing tali:teat her mush relief. Use heath II now i
rapidly improvirs, appalls cord. and we here easy rea •
son to beli eve the will be perfonly ratorol. lila eas Is
I. th e tog mahrbes she ims ever nat . , ...
Nerrons Debiliq. .
J. IL. ILmessDoylatown, Pa. ksorm 'A ta , 3, Ws— i
.Ily wife lom been *Meted with • mama delglity t o els
gepumnbrr, 1851, elan which time I burl beat unable
dad any physician° , medicine that would town ha In
the last, nations day I called at the store of Dr. Elsner,
of that: r 2u . too ma? tincture 1 , 1
t r, and dearthed
I ti, 1
1 ';''lnthoers to read * ad :l :jolted I; trittal etai dia me .r.. „
to. Carman Bitters, I immediately taadal a few tat.
nee from Nni • and am plasma to state that, the the of the
Ilitt , relma Cone her moot good than aZ the medicine eke
Wore taken. I with ion to semi iscs a bait *sae
Liver. Complail&- ,- -
' .7 P. Sloe. Nadal:rag. ta. klay =Pa 11614 Says.
..With much pi mare I testify to the arta of roar Geo
man Bitten.: garatline .levelwas inweraly elglrdelnith
• Mame of the Liver. fa wh I oral arena t o
be er
th no benencia elect 00011 i era Itidand to trj
fair Mann, whiff len now lank Diaghilev's aitimi 7 •
cored ine.. , . -
mob ..., attrar "notable, tree frail al'alabollo Kim
silents, sad plaaant in taste and-ocall. Prise 76 cent..
per bottle.
by Drurrieu and Btarekeepas ht Irral awn ant
allege In the Dotted bates end Canada.
And by YLEIII7.O 01108. - and Dr. Oka. -
fl. Elnrarat
PM...burgh. Ps. • attlidawS
No. 883 Leafy Street, asks Were,
WlSHlSrospocililly to inform his friends
v v and the umillobi generela that he tie.
starturandeas, PI the manufaMora az& .le of mart
warietr-oftliAbdihn stab ad
r.m6s. 7b 4d. sad 0 , ..g
• of mar m
ElNiaty end farm;
am lf P2fl/2:
Centre Table, P
ier, Bureau and
Which he la oflicting ati tow as an other Estalnialitoso
West of the hicomtains... smrA is entirely sa. an
bee been selected by tdonten. expreemy for this merest--
lie le alm wavered to build Berta Vault; linebne - Par
LoWa withilarble or BLOM and to execute shy other.°
in hu, it4lo ant of the Omnetartes adioiniug-Pittahumb
Ore w Imtormil attended to with diewetch.
11,2=7 " " woos :Delany
Rai'. X
O T l W ah h h m
Baml Wm ,
. n Z b a
re . •
1 0 1
A 0.
Mu,XLqN,„&• A B
Whites i t li. ,• • •
The trade rm. Dhid with all kindeor Paden and Do.
mastic Martae either lathed or In the masa, at whole.
FM has else nude eitnunimumthe with the =intact=
slew beg. brands, for • oeustent [SIT , P , 7 UM: I mM
Comm., Water and houlmille Lima.. sad Plaster Paris,
Unit ha Land oral Stucco Wain at of which bets Mena
ed hinairh a:abort tattles intawatAartsimmil
..any Years of •Sufferingl .
Carter's Spanish Misture.
UT aszarruurzza OP TEE BLOOD.
LUterative Ever-. yet Discoveredt
giant prneo‘be C. and (wry one Who fief it is a
walking adut, ido .Notionic evorma ea+
ed Oa lacuna MONO' Ass Omani Wok
popatorsty in so short a tow al
It will Curb any case of Scrofula. • '
It Will Cure any:case of Rheumatiaut:. 1
It will Cure any cage of Salt Illikun;
It will Careany care of Neuralgia.
It will Cure any cue of Fever and Agne, •
Or any Disrair wising !roman lothure MOW of to Dina.
It cared the Mew of the Hon. Jahn Minor Botts: a
member of Covalent, from Vintinlit. of —hwo=.s. 0 11 the
atilt of the bast Physicians. bother Now York ana:
delphia had been vied to vain: and it waiving yoil, read
er. if 700 are to erected.
it eoied D. Dervitt. rah. of Dlitoint6 4 //hoTAWWW
We gom;strradrigr4=ellglir re ige badaLtid.-.
and get a Boot aad
_nod read for gunk=
meal remartsblo and satColatlng earn Us - =ids.
•Te et & rated Dv. Botcher writes to us that lot had two
atthe most wore and long dandle* WM of • M
that would yield to pang or the uthai:romedies, be
cured on e cu. with Mr. and the other with nine tattles of
Carter's liuMilan hilmore, We have ingoem it need In
over • Thousand twee, and have yet to teat of • foam , .
let any Cue.
AOO9 AND TWONII.;-Do aqt taki IferwsT.
en. such nooloneDt ev. tot tr 7 atone. this great .ter.•
&use. ad Partner of the Blood: Cartorg Spanish Mixture
tan an, and every ewe of-Anne..... Perm. We
bare never let moan le to AB.'•
And for all diseasus artslatutrosi =imam Mate of the.
Wood. no medicine Lou ever yet tern Nand to but to
et , oo an-greet. to Too are Oa. try It at wean do not deo
tuy. L pe..eious,,tact health the greatest all Urea
,lons, without which all else la minnow
WE. S. BEERS & (X).. Proprietors,
Itiostunenri, 'Virgil:l%-
for We by It. A. PAHNVITDON. A CO c ond. iOnbril
FLAWING. inttatinn b. and Droggista sad °mar_ r ilLme
than te in all pests of the united atateg sad manadas.
giaMstvirT •
+ P .43 Idtdl, iron. 21.. 0. datOdi'. ' • •
41 Obit embed and Log .Vtrt
.rd do N.O. blolsomu, Oak coopcovc) , •
it do 131..10t00. Dort Radar 2looatolio!og . ,
17 11 Mists tomb Teal; • • :
41 tozos • 11.11.11 Q Stock Town • -
/bp.. d„,k Wag. IL'adlot Iditato4
" 3 tterrso
do _prldto
/abodes ooap and . . •
16 amn6 Nintect U thstog
ado Paid 8
to do Long arm Intro Bed cord;
7 rd " .tta " : 7 li'" ‘f . i t ii. `" trvitulardr, J a ano ,
- - 209 Ude.)
! The College Of Bt.! lames, 2[8 2. 9 1 4 11 a
112SEOuND TERM of Wive:mat An
-11-tlaseloo; oporas Y.b. =Os. roll PXllaritar7.
CoaaturallasZii Oolloglars ootosrof OW/ . 14 .
ibtadoooto join Immune? elan their esoasboatiom *broom
Thom to b qallied to 'one= mob Ilto Win* oborillo
Rom as, want it.. Aldo at oatomoseo, Azopoongs
=as aro man. Lffartuas6lll7_moifitT• """
scooomlo. notslohotaadiag th e Nos of Bomb b 7 QA
to loostar7.
enlace *boobs 'Tor tiro satin smog outoks o ,ootedif
l ob=on " r: 8".
Sal 4
sown tatten• jkUM. CS tho u Alt%
OW Ithil.po too_ _ambito tbo biota.
.117114 7:blo,No=aMo AM1777