The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 18, 1857, Image 4

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-. PußbinstrobwrAptwlicip7 tna i - 4" •
aI:DDLEAIEO:.; 4.! t
c77= CO 113111111111=r4 WTI IMIT/3711114b
z nont,, 4 4 01 ,2x3t+0L15:7^-/47. 1 u4
WEBVT—llac•llLyniraiunlll4lll adyluife, Clubs
11 be supylled . on thedolloinbe =OM= ••-• 1
16 14.2% "" M71, VI 3 ti
yam . 111 idelbea wen the rfte3 . l4tit, • • 1. IA 17.,..1
; ea* hutsrtiens---.:4444.j.. 1.4
- additiOnal Ineertion-:- a a'
• 3 ' 4 1;1;
• Do :one
Do ' three 0 - 00
Do fora month
•• Do Bets.
4 itlikan l at t n ajt Va
One liar Tor each oddities:ma line.
o Oye ihmulas• tbangeatele plemore,(per •
' , llo:teles aveare,ineertad bear one month.
"'°4o4loValssuF. 1 1 0 , andsS.l.4 pearly re,
Adlertinegrante *seceding
ol "DT
th raa t = t ra " ...Xta l 14s. Terta .
banind the secalnit oherical for %Mr publiegthm..
Annomming candidates foilotgrato be attempt the "a,
as other sdratieernents. • • , „ ,
AdVITUIMPUtS 110 t MiCikerol . olll , ol7o
tt ~ l. . Ar 4B^.l
mean of insertions. will be continued till hrtul.
P. M . A= i ng azderth=4
their mil Utinedlets bnidlees, scud all a ivortimmecte
ttul benefit of other gems. as wli t
he m;wiredtiernmao .
not Immediately c..stikg.istilt: Werl bottoms;
alt elude• of .4,4n•tridimu. to length or otherwl, 1
i l.:=l.l , t ti l i h4u . r; I r_ll4 ,
rendemed, and prompt payment le desired.
AD advertisement. for charitable instltutlone. nre , 41
psatei. ward,-topahlp; and attincliabllc meet' nge, end at
meetlno and notice& to be chtrod ball prow. par
able stridAyiln gamma ,_ " " . . • .
Marriage moat e to he Mimed Woman
Death notion Weill& withenatcharget onlms wmaa
Mad bp Twiltallireittglara larlelAgnary . notioct mod when
egular advertisers; anetAll othen sending 7 ilimaincina
Mous, or rwirthing =Um* deeds:Bad to call etentMe to
rahs, Soirees, Concert., or any- Dublin so testalnisola
where charms are nude*, admittance-Oil notlua o f, tat
vela marciationa-mery notlm dealgnwl eML atter! tlen.
to private enterpriemolculated ar . InteroPM ,to promote
Individual Intermit, MA Pall be duetted with the under.
mantling that the cams Is do be paid for. If Intended t 0
be Inserted Intim local - eninnin.ttba some will be charma
at theists of 10 mute imr
Illabop or aglr notice* to be charged total, too.. ,
gmt LiwerVtionss2 nude • •
lies! Waste andAsetkermarM nirertleement, ac
to be classed a n pierly rates, but alloyed •di moan! r.
thistrthrecond essucthled - lemmat trom the meow , •
• U S.=LT SKS..
••;, , Sinlalkittlits. three ta
Do. each addltlmmilnaertlou.—...-
annallsencris Q Srairria,:rarrt.• .•
thee lignagn,(lol.,) •
Do., A mah - addittonstlnsertdon ' ^frueuM '
• All traregent m!te , isrUel , setentr. to be DMA adiancia-,
ESURA.NVP MAR fiNCEE. , ; , -Aprafea.
time tbr Inioranee eeeerol coed reliable
poolearoddrelibr .Q&O. W. Mg.:l'4ot his Real f.s.ote
Ounce andintellit enonefleecon the north aide °Moto
athdoct oast of the Man:e3n.t.'olle.theny Clt7.feltrty(
Ridge .11.inini Company.
"VOTICE ie herebyt.tveq that two asstos ,
IA %ovate Of one dnlLar ex& Dia beer . : levied 0 tile
stock of the Ridge Mining 03oapeme.rsloblo
o n e th otito
.f the Treasurer MAU' ear ritulandat, on tho'
13th day of dl7rd nort, end 000 oD R.113%0 11110 ofJuoe
...ext. By order of file Board. 403idliA 114NR
eitdsbargh lilltel9,l3W tarla-Ttd
nISSOLUTIONL . --The Piirtheiship'h . ereto- ,
UV fore existipc between the suba.7llnete rat 21.1puteed
a„,. .I,y mutual consent on the tt-et
.r. J. 01.1hreple mill settle the tourism of tile. !ate (mu.
13.1LL5 , 11.115,
; • r: " 4 A. FUMBINX.
The undersinne,l Intending to dieote Its eaelcolve•t ,
ten Wm to the manufacture el Looting Gle,seee will keep
- emetarntly fot stock oppoSe 6diDtod to the
ventertitreas. • - - •
lifensh•Plate 311.rr011, In "Trainee of teemed beautiful ,
Ftlllllol for Pm:. - site. Palntinte and Pliparinsaantele
Inerery style. Out Mouldings of •:lkinta.
Br t easeful suturrieloo. the suWill endeavor to
ealtatu the reuutatl of the Coosa fa coroner qual
ity their manufacture.
mrl2,2wd , J. J.IIILLEAPIR , .
To Capitalists azgtitoecatators. •
WE aTkroOkilit prinAratioas imtbp open
ing of the Laid in Imes, (May 4th) to lo
cate Lindeforyrr parties wiehtectoluselt—elther with mon.
el' or we-liable—sod alto by time e arils cr 40.trr cent,
prinelpla It n.,001a larger per: mantes. and ln the
Inreatment raintalLsta can nista!' lands Judie!.
lonely hosted are always omaiderel earth donMe the
prloo piddle: . them. Two of.= firm will sire their na
dir' tel attention to the badness ,and Import all Lends
bratwl,Prrennally. One of marllinnhas tern on • Mar of
mepenuon threnen Northern Tows, the pat winter, end ,
llintnat market vim pod for Land Wartaxst. .
lc ewillgistaa bowerstwinnninstion to turtles with-
Mg tell:west. WK. A. ITERICON &
1:' , 41,7 camera Wood atel diseh street. Pltleterth.
Or, ligitholl BIUTITETC-3.. ,
felS:lovhchs Dutronne, low
OCATING LANDS.HI9O.. will ,locatta
Buds In Prat Maga, earlElmitaty airtliete;
lowt. et the fallout:lE - •
An Iwe wlll ornirantee to the pritsheser 120 t 01217 61114
from the U. 8.. bat erseartlt -bind comely. to tywe hlra 25
ter ant advance orthls throarnent_ In 12 month, trona
the Ittne•rf the petenh, If InalIe•oa. italtthei with the 10 •
tion tazda. }31.1.1116 LIY RIOII6Y.
1, a L
QEAtED,PRQPO§IILS-to ftuniiy the.'itts
io burgh Wster Vieigithrith I , ... g99innnthie , =-
glancing an the first t, et6t Da renal veg at
the caniof the Water nen. 2.llLiotltEntien-the
17th suet. ; lea NELSON. lhatet.
1 D ISSOLVTION—TIa Co-parteerelaip here- .
Ras ernbueng between the undeudene.dseindse ttoS
name and style ofJoB2Pki CI. DLVLS a CO. was this
dissolved Di mutnatesenenst: sThe busineesafftteenyes
gr. will b s•ettlnd tmlor Jonniterte. c >• 3
JOIE.; Ili*" V.
.1051iP11.0.1t VIP.
. VOTICE--The manufacture of. Adaman
tine Candles will bo nulled orf herensUre.' et'
!• the Penn Candle Patterr, he the undersigoo 1. under the
nese and aryls offdaN Ift RUA - Ole brames
I of the ennoszn be troorsoted 'at the irsushonee of
JoWessln &us,. o, fl i tYnter. . • . •
e l * ma tad titint g c.c.
Wrd etrefrtaa IVO cratmoldzi•
700(): M itu9.115-_,Wented Negotiable
e.p..r..hsving CO, AU STIN
and non. tO
dlo. • tot.alltp or. AUSTIN 003114 Jt CO.
gIifTIVLiaTATS-iWiiited Nortgage
3 W t .oxelisrzisergetelq - a
AN TED-50 shares .I,kl. A. Copper Ssoc
m AUSTIN' LODUTeI - k CO.:112 Fourth .t
p 4 Emovo. T. MECIp•AW
nu rentorra htvighdlesbig Team:. aliorelli•t Ware
t. No. 241 I.4ftity • PL. _lr bYrY win I. found • WO
otock TO 6 / 1 000 . n 0 CL9Alll3,pf 2•21•34C.b55011 , st.
2121.08.; 0.,
itEADI REAtil!'REAlr!
IT NiELL 7 . AILE TOU BUT A iblA 1113177,E6, AND NAT
- -
Many Years of, Sttiferingl • •
Oartees Spanish. Ntistare.
r 9 liEettrlall72l:B o#7llB BLOOD. 4
&iterative Ever yet Discovered:
Phoz o,scrito and sure ocheoche ups if Oa
Wurl. 2 lard[Gra etyrild oda+
Ke dareaghm pubhchht-mhsthr inch ,
It TrillOuro . sayeatie of &refills.. • - -
It mill Cure Say olio of Rheumatism.
.It, eas — STE , f - S#CRhiara, • ,
It 511101#0 Any ease of Ili
It itrillturi , :any case of Feimr dad Agra,
Or •.y Maw. ori•Nagosiniamimiititir.orthistles.•
a - 414W Jaatir. or 0.• Ilen. Job% illooti Both:, .
membor.of. from \Went., rf Pt:rol:11N after lb.
Attlitrf the best itipithnos,hoth of Noir lock ard* hnd both !Met 110•I0 It 0110100. %on. read.
or. it you me arrect•J,
/ ear-AIM i..;d6liiElriiiiii,..f,lttuitunstissa
Tear. &hackman. after ati ether remeellee.ll.l4l
Ke bale P hoadr de tf such eirtideoea..l.lul auLtbe
•efti get a Book ' sad. Circular. 1..1 lead f Welt... Mil.
Emmy mattiriMahisandletaaliblorreareti It.hesoalas ,-. •
Te ces.eoreted:Dr, botcher: *rites Ittowthat ht had two
of gas meet eeeeta aad,' Wog etattding wee of a filemee
that waald 71eldid omie`ot theusual remedies. bat he
toted ore tam wtts. sad the other with aIeQQ bottles of
Cartar'• lipsulso .51101001. We hate bacon It wed In
weer a Tbourduad esp.); and hate 7.1 to War of a -Wart
la ear cam.
YE 41:EAKIN°. 1110t/SANDS 11tABH.
aau 115 AND BAVE.II.—De cot take CV:dolt, brelerrA. Or
our oath .2011002 DI arr. but tr. at case We great Alta.
ode,. • ad ratifier of the hived: Cooler'. ?P.M Mots.
.111...tura an rteat•Weerr, , emewof . EsociarM
Pr eze W.
havotterer reChtlownit lb WI. 4.
Awl for all Mew.. Oaring tram 00 WOE.. PlOtOof the
frood. no medleino has over let ;berff: Rama Where ;P
-apal an .treffr. It Ten err eitt.l.ty It at env: do tot de
ism titan le precious. boo health the zreeteetef aLL Meat,
toMh.withPatirhlett alletteenle
WM. S. BEERS & CO. Pxopristore, ,
• Ittehmand. Wettish.
Forrale by IL A. /*lva mom -A.®. sOdJOlslifn
PLF.SllNO,,klttabure mad Draehermaad tletestry - nem
Orlrt• to all oarte of a tan Walled Statas aodMmadse„
itel3tmewirl. r • „0.2
WALNUT-1141 - 1,-E,F , Sts. - 11 - 114 - NT; -
Dr 4 ,
K I Klatt. , 51)1,43 - .5 15K% 4 0.0.4 - 1
Fifa( Street, C
• th 4 shot Wit ooticej -fro= 0'44 ‘J
as t Ang t • IS o'ckwk ot night.
0434iIims Dolt sod othort 042 D:g a toca 1111 aid ox•
rfti 4.9 c l groca iso VolZii
from WitiitSDre.. l l44 , oll 4 4 4 DM NOD.
folk.ssooke Wier 4 Iflosh . DaßiM.
-• • • 1,1
awl 'fro= LOS Wlst a/Vtii• DlDlotreD DL PLUMB (MAIL
act, 44
whist. Do cso, foraletcto lova kW CT othaarst v./ 11 r"
We or Doto43oithar cortatiLituD 401d-reIDI-Ot*,,ok at
iltsiout .1411.111t0 4reD •-- • 0
_ ,
INT LLIIOI Pltunber ditef9tus
y 'MOO rkurtit Allot, bets •
s n
YeIIII OM+. tlexs ao=pa. Mum • •*‘• •
V,,3 Vl;b2its .
, . . 4 .1 , .1e1;314.,
1100TOBAYA 1 tl can be, comaieija a t D r .:
y.sattrrKenivertrak see EvllllMolikitiw oti mos
/PAY& w gwrzosrp and BA.TWAYS.. Rom 10Wt
iteehienninashajtienmenlitoid. Je
3 bat:.lltastArnii‘..l,lp::;•!'-• - •
80 Conte shown litany PsPelv
worm .
In stare and ge nap *Van* lowan tdinladtlPleln
br . " $4411 3 A arcd.
jcifYrTER--3 Dls. fresh. Roll Butt& just
.sedan tor sahlbl .11.112)1111.11. - COLINS.
g"./11TaX,:;..2(---iitir---Habl' best qttality of -Viz fd
sd,ser n , 7. 3 ,4 - 7TENhr irmottutS... -
00 . 1.40 1 7.811 ,
4,._/ sale 14
- -
5YA077'39:1e414 Eacal:a.ll47Jsl,4oMgel,
r o i t A tln o lf .M A LV lVPr 4t.
.79st TeY4 ► SJ:IC bir• bT: 'T, LITTLE & 011'
ut. 121 rant:
fiLOVN,B JiBED-=7_ VllverSeett
Et 4 — -8 7 want& too:
, pirEtaiNt, ROUSE FOR RENT.!
11- ;IA GREAT NATION'AL WORK. I On• three sto DrloP. Dvalling Il wl .. 4
Clonetrectrw a teriudfeeduabie Boots by SUBSCRIPT/02V I b. , boliditiffailv.b.Wr deed.) will be =V. very
low to. genteel (may: TOO Mina la tang, awl lo wood
0.57.1 - . . .eats (repair. It li en, air= ad as to occommo Ate tro
... . eltle.
Am tarritemett of • the Debates in'tioto Redoes Put:door et =dwelling. or et 112 Smithfield.
I West. (Midi It. WRAY.
. . . . grass, ,
FllO3l 1780 TO 1266. lfiloll
PENT An elegant Country Res 1-
1 danna,staWtoiles doltntne tort Way. and Chicago
noun delay 1 0 % Beaton'. Annele of Cangeass—from tbele . comelsting of a Dew Pwatllng noun" =tannin.
Entabtor 011lebetow andfroto the Otßdel Report- . . 9 retme, Wail cellar, atonic. floe ainlona or want. and 6
eel Debates by Rho O . Rhea. 1 ' sores of ground. soltede fee gardsnlo o. nod frpo lug on
By the AWhor. Of.."Thirill Year.' I r ian! ' ' th . " rll• l° itha ' '°'a n t . ' 42l l . l liti i i
In nt 9 Z, r " w
artn •:.
o w cemplate4 760 Tam emeb.;tottariilhg.
what Le now octateltellgorer Ow, Hutld,T . l.Culta,e,i
wide fqr in . ,eli volume, in: Jai bt4ini.
UI be 23.50.7tt0t: 'catch ame nee . half Ibn liint
price Or taw wake.] of gals the tut cloth. raialle tor
adiveirea. •
. un lte d tit sahantle t itg re m it:l7 6, rd
_the mark
till the whote te eort
E. 17 PrlriglOireiß cud
therefore, steeled, to tee the eo-operation f our fellow
Masons lu all:parte Of the Orion to send n. their tome,
ery.nvith, direetlenahOw the rdurtes than .be feroyerds
The Debates have been arrecdng tar a vitriol art: ly
went, Festerand Ell more then one hungted-robiumer
one third Of them quartos-and' cannot he pnechaval
lees Shut Viva Ilemated norreal when porches
.wept se neceertty, net 1010 thing Mond In them wh ,r l .
wontedr=apt upon tollieroe nestela In the =ran tim •
1. 1117 ...Nu the blare, Cl the 'reeling of the Gov
moot fromatsfontulatlen-ohowing what ree been dont
and hew ft:Wed dote-std rhea debt remit the 41.1117 of
all ImPendins :wing der there Is not a Wrest i on or DV ,
day. and will Po whllerths Govetersent motion.
*Mob Irony nett netretettf7 romethint to be found
In theeedebatear •
The thane s letters hay. teen:exit:ea r
• r•••• •••• 1:-AVhestrand, rear tanteetee, Nov 17.1.56 t •
:MTDiare Pfer-lt afford , too plo ware to bewo.ue a .5`
scriber to Col. Itenton'e Meld gooey 01 the Der etre fir
'Contreel.: from 1184 .k ram the teog retber:on
tbeljelbtel In ruble Wam. his eigmandites atilt
and his tamest. and extemdre knowledge olds pebble
history. we Mar expmrtUst this Wort will nal to hie ow
limb gee:rpm. Mehl, walusbletehie country,
Monte, eery rtipeelf aIIyJAME. DODDS M A N. j
br=ie ,on. IC rein,
DIAZ Ent 1-111 atittrer to yOnx lett, a Sid toot,. I p o sit
to 11117 titati.llllo l, Of ZO mebte the Dotted state. more
conotodenttban Cot. Bent:onto prepare an Altelisment of
the Debates tn(lotigtwae, IMO hake pinnate Io become
log a sutertller to ther.Work Veryreepectfulle
Poston. Dec. M. 105 n.
61,Diat Stet-I hove already etdreelted few the Do
batesoftUDseass In this at,. Dol. Deriton'e
Doter& an treeptitathiti se u Mateturao. his
ousletrelioeadln Out pullmentary Ileteer.~ and his ant
Mint Industry t sew ssUfhelent thereat, Sot the faithful
exernitton of this work.
I or', deer
Of Ole oak tlorenoor Chem, of Ohio. soya:
Erectitive Office, Odlundens. Dee. 1 . 3, 1056
Drat Eta :-The tur , tored stradtreentof tars Debate. in '
! Candies , . by Dolonel Denton, commends lieelf tre the tarot
crake AZlOaritazig. Ttlo work itself to Snit I.Vlttallt. 14
will place within the retch of thousands, otherwise loaf
rm.:able treasure. of Wm:uric:el knowleard. w:el mak
enabler/et therDeesast genera:Dom P.O. dlornadono et thl
hoiet-elseply iatatmetlag thenvolvetittet even More Inter.
rating ne et:hit:Wog lobe realm:dogs of grait trares
:reedit. therprocareeles ofeheb to rt. 1.•••elog tolree on .
men eye. '
Ana no man le to well fitted for this worttp, the 111,lip.!
11111461RA11111111.11 rho hat uudortalten large:ere
periese - t o the public counthle. not hi• tOmprebensl4.4 ,
tudvneut. Lao.'rtBl4,ol.t Rtlantotrll tout nothing will
beretm petted Which should rattled whifte
should be retrenched.
1 Very reepentfully. 70015. r. P. MLA t.E.
The Don. lodge Ware. of the Dotted ristes District:,
Court of Melo.. say,
A faithful and Impartlel Aleldsment of the I/elates 00
Genes, frome the tegsnloation of the roveromerd to Oar
present time, will be et work of very greet valor to eneey,
tnen who Pole no interest In the bietory ee be. country.:
Mr Elenotoo'e long experience' In public life, Into dimity
with all the {trona. Q tleetloo• of national polio. whirl 111014,
agltated the country, and been Ascent:pa I• Car gmee fere
the last thirty (I re ie., and his known inluetry ,
neatly qualify blot tore:orb work. :1
Pattered. Feb. It, Dir. AIDU ll IVU:
A, "!
Air .;021.1.11dOLIZillZaU AysOCT fzr the SLOVer Or With:
Put Olt, duhurrlptlen Book, stool.' mats early
40 awl 3iS Broadway, New York.
J, U. D. CLAIIB, Ascot, No. rslit. Clalr.street. Pitts.
tn.rtbr e..earl losirrtl
ow.", Ens OP PATANTs.
htauttfarroxed Iron the stoveriemea materiel. sal rile
fort ale •t their Wererroz,
INo. 63 laiden';lnne, New York,
.. .
Fn tke itickal. (her: ,
11172.1N0LS ~.POCKIrreORg' A Ir
of wren kind needed tur 1.43. EUTONGto %., - h.ctiz
mettle or 1-rafefslonal par.
P.l•OnOttauc4 Plarl altA 1-11:Sti TAY
ciaxtecote Itost pert , . szttele
em made.
P6WDEIt fLABKB, WIUP StiOli.l7r,
art...tad et. tom the
, for Tr:ecea;l3 Hlr.. •d0,t..•1
/lIIINITURX(IASTORd. ^r tba Aturri , an Tet,mph
NII•VENti llltt.eqlE,
P a hNE, 1112119. SN
Pa. ilia - • -
, • •-• _ • ?ivloot& and arc••
• DIAVIIeN RINTIaL ' hirhe /cc
Thl. Ithraztewful
D i[-rt.a: whirl. Ism Um La .11 [MAL—
Ileht es /10RaV a -larialittat L. poor eo due tot r(
ELF-41 , -hotateocoluotara tlt/IT:Tleflp7 l —soal whlota
VILA AC11,5 awl A LI: LIZI . Thiff a wcw f.fra , •••:17
auflaeLtn; wooly aWkwah a r
rmand. and • Cre••
retiett.7 anther pqnraza, •ttitlay It
slijalits of the won./ .otaf ,, lfall
aet•es vitt; dlrt ;Anode. and 00•Culas wt. want the
'tad a.thalo of whLfal. wall bop no other _'t,P.a. t.
L1C501222.15 or .
MAIOGANY & itosr,woo.D,
• Pio.. 170 1 . !le I7S Veazey, $l., Yew Ver. ;
rI FFER the annexed assortment and op.en
r*V.rak r.'"=; •
teib:Vng " (%!
forvi•ri VOW& nz.neuvl by oar can agent., goad i.porteZ
diva. se alto ijazzzlzanfsetbrievz Yeavalz• se. oar 0".
Save 11111, Afford us iseilatle• od'vr • tsrze 00.1 MILL ,Cl^ .
I 7 En. 01 • 0 1 , . et the
!ovraet ar t r.
5.000 Net utEnee•rocel ber.eent, part extes to,
sah• - •••=y Crozeb Veneers
3-..U0):71 •-• • • ertzssbeded an] natl.) Veasvre
• lbsded Veneers.
" Vv.e.e.v...
MAW. • .tbefirsibbb bearer& .
fft.,oo3' - " blister eni Mott-144 lelzEnr•
. ..
lob ,
.t 0, 9, " B. B. V bolo Vuouort.,
22,0Z01: - " ' White ilnEr V.....
1.1,000 . " . " Bose,
lio,,(Koi " 2,l..beauat Board. sad Puot
Sri, rOtteiou ustetot ciao Vot.lo,t wad Nano rote
',CON o Boosuoo& Iliabo‘Our. Bad . *DO B.psoUlt C•uar
loom tilru , ,Bood rape, /au AL, Chard or .11
Itio•lo. for tr... Iliativiartaingre. aolikt vAisli
h IiZEILIO DION eas woßas.
„: ,
- .' ' :..fERKIL & JAQUES, • rr .
Z 42 Ceitre Street, New York,
r • vx tr. Ironobt troy flpeo, nti..g., Toots, cad worry
esurptiort f orpursur eorto•Uotaint , p......, If 5.1..• too
00. to bosPoo siklifobtloo M 5.... Or.vol, 111.1 s,
Prints Broiling: nosplools. Ls, rums. Wipolr.o. roots
rim. and ail!.
Al"Tstires,Onatr, p 0 .41 - Clouo:,. , tone” sod Potter
Allototrui.og to enlin, '
Our Screw (lotting !•larbloro Sr. a utirrly now, •od oo
own Yoteme"-orarrantod to do dOtiVo the wort of no, oth
Orders ooliotte oil oettUtoa of lb* uruotro,, and
Droosotl.7 attendee- • 1.254y.ts
Hough's Patent Elastic Skirt's.
GATES k FRANCE, No. 1 Barclay Arcot,
New Yalr. ' ' .' , •
A . LITION,tim , are ne_rallne map: the lam tta
mop tf the rktenta All me
asol oellm tu.
Anent vill b. Imm:tut,: acctmlluz to lac. 'utIVAI•i
50,000 Gallons Sperm 011.
IFFERS for Bele 50,000 gallon Winter
UV and Ey/meg:or= Olt. for Alarm) arm warranted
pre A lab, ..K.) bloszli-d Wirier ar6 Bongo
Wllsla Mfr./ale tho wet audits. ere.a aur....d..
proroot attentJorr, sorg.tood
Itus-Greatost , EtedicEl Discovary
II y p.LKENNEDY, of Roxbury, bite &m
su ,
Inoo• of 0. 0221110.1.1 DlOttlre vreedo a mali•ar
IL~tcur esery4lo afilraor,fmst4 aatesdat..7 a
Ile hoe town It lel over eleven hood, cue, end sleeve
Addeo. eXters In tWoicasestboth thou toe humeri Denu
mon iu 1101 pOd.dan over two hundred certidtlidde of. Ito
valor.. all a Ithlo twenty miles orliroton.
- Two nation are warrantedatt core a perdue rote mouth
On. to the. hottlne will core the worst kind of rlmplee
of the tu , .
Two hi three tottlwi will seen . the ej foal beds.
Two tottine as• warranted to enrol tome !coda la
the mouth and atortaehe. I "
Three flee bottles are wiLirvio„,4 •
to fl wore!
AS. OfEt7alxlN t,
pen to two bettlee au warranted to mar ,'LimnerthlleTWV, • _ • •
TWObottlee . are wamantad to curl danotox 4 at , .
but Matthaei:noes ttio • , '
Your to sin bottles are warranted to core corroPt .•
Ms alma
botue 11 core enely emintiOn of the Ala
Two to Wagtail'. are warranted to care 'die moo dee
pirate eases_.opiteuxuatison,
Two to tore* bottle , Inet warrantibt b. , core :he corm
tam ofringWorra • ; I
Thtw to toot bottler are war voted to cure 101 l rhnom. I
Ave to eight bottive Nal cum the worst eau of ecrofunt.
A berodlt in elves, • experienced from tan first bottle,
and a peelers. ewe L. warranted when the above nuantltr
- ,Nothinifoias solioprobalde to "caw whoimrsln .alt
toted all v.= . w=derlul nowilcinee of the day. as that •
=mop wend wrowitur to toe puturce.=datong old stone
1111.111. ehooldoure every humor in toe net.= yet it 1...*
• hoed fact •lt you have • humor It but to start. Trade
ere none not amls.benve of Lea's alma crating some but , *
- sndilot your" 1 peddled.overs Woomera hot Iles of It In
thevichalty qfposMn. I tow ititittats In cyan, cue. lt
hot already done lame of the greaten come weer done In
IV I;; ttgaVe= 'agog; r l ji
dr.., Oboes Loa wee colt and fa l ubr, restored to •
=nut sratetafbellth by one bottle.
Mose who areenla set to 'a slob bottle
WM-Meara li. ,4t-sci*.grest. relied- to =Jerrie and
dimness. eons who) ,eve been weave Ihr 70005 Dare ta.
ken and ton to
toyed. Wher e ,tbely Ow=
II abrasquite easy; bijr,where there Is .07 derangement
of tholtmetioneol uaturni It will cense very ,maul
hut rote sauetpot .1 , 11 xlarccod—ther Ahr /Neap:
hear In fropt , loor daye ha a weslC Thine Is veva Sited
tbsult it= .On the contrary. whet , Una. feeling le ova
'row will tear woolwitintwil, now hereon I heard some
the mere extrevagant encomiums of I t men tore nee
!sued to, No =amps of 'diet
nereentery—eat the
best you MP get ./ have likewise as IMO , . which, when
Simmered In enact oik dlroolves &random swelling of the
noel sad under the, 0001. Prime° &Ma. Prim of, the
liediral Illsorerry $1 her Witte.
°Madrigal von Unz—Adult, one .1 o 7 .
On= eight reara'neerert spoonful; eh Ildran , from
Ave Weight yearr, t,e.spoonfol. de no direction 'tan her
made inpUrabin att conelJtutlons, tate , enotightOonvp
Eli gbre.skeribusit.ttimitsabt to tot sit L itlis
old. Wholesale Land tight% at Or. KETtIEIVII. Wood
'street, CMOS? of Ifirainsithey, and' J. r, rbeili e pii•
_ .
The College Olt: James, .ffiarylitifd. ••
friIE , SEGuND -TERM of the present-An
noel ttession.."optrie Feb. /gib. - YollPlaPsestoer.
s ta utogneiel sod mu ortrtudr see isantneo.'
students Join stnataree data atone isateinationgbers
theme to b. at a ISM to ,- oaten an/ the tlollege charges;
Aa. daunt (sum'. the date of antrsna, Ample arrange.
metals.. made. a/ceding arra 'mine. domestic sod
readmit:a. notalthstantinog thelpninf ;lent/ Jiall be Are.
In !sonars. ' ' •
tas•leantintrga Itelbsentlrte anneal smation4 reverhig
couinarynapiseariSZO.,-- • - •
Application for taller tannadation. or for the 1142111111,101:1
or netesoupl, to bo glade to the /attar, Wiles of St.
P.O. Maerlend. - -.l.l.Alateddlo
g ' •md and , bbou .Drain
oil:T.omnd for Ws by . x. No
inr2 No 112 s.emuel it. .
ale by
L5O 811"1° C°"" '
9:b n .C uxs r a o ee4 f 3
ritvattaff--- . t ,,, pa , Oorili 4 •
nr Sour Mot sitrhJ, eir‘ im , mo t , 1 t rii ,__
tattan'a, In Ma Mom . ...... , .. ' •
ft .-- s Y LP ESS611,118• af voWeattayN
.4. 1 1.,..,' “ ',..,,giu,;, cr , clitunpux-i IluteolllllloW ..
3t , list tiPr,Nlittlho'largost ptook of Plan ,
,---;,...- - , „,.,,,,,,,-- 1 - ~,,,,,,I t y, on bud awl tar
' t n 6 .-7, 7 :UIW. if 11 7 0.1114.;Ftlynna N. allontoukT,
ply < 1 ..,.„ • 1. .•.• t. ,-, , A ,--• alt ii i. ' '
s 4-.• 1 '. ~., j r ,41,,,, , ;
as wpm¢ or kheler
urntsy**l. , , CULBRILTRW'
To Let.
At, de,irabie ,„... Eitoried brick dwelling
With rand cellar, finished ife
rr•Learden. frea t: , . e
to . n.ll redeenl titreet near liege. as a 7 to
Bee^ecre Rene.
Hotel To Lot
, 11 1 HE NATIONAL HOTEL situated on
the bank of the nett. oPPoette the .u.rrer the
nougehels hag Vouchlegheny tttAlearkeLre ant the Et mats-
Inta Fete" mud near the troaatted den. t• of the (Reuben.
vale and the Elennettsviti a Iteltrnel, wet: tL. Alettoratehels
Thu exigible tettablitthtneut eontearlng lb. elter..ern.
tett]] the towenentT public r0,M15 ktfrhen, teend eta-
Nine, le in eqmplete rertet . e. *tett ett l t he tented t e n. to s tomi natant. ranttehtiou at Iturart striy or nu rho met
entlarll.: Enquire et 11. IittEJNOT. et tbo chi eel Fine.l ,
riortnteu a 0.. Water Wert. l'at•huretn and n( N. If.
11000. Neeratt. to to. tel7Ol.OeNT
To Let.
r E STORE Nu. 57 Wool kdroet, be.
"even Mini nod Fourth et:vete. tenet the firet.lia.
cr go ill Lest. N. O. MU littilY Venn.
th-11:Itea 4,151 ten-t) etr•ot.
To Let,
gilitßEE brick. b.msce, 4 rintMtt cacti EV
lu the 7th Weed, "a (P-ntt. A tent:, si I'd
Nent tot , Insgood tenet, Ettquire
test . WATT -a 'ci:tui.oN. ho. 100 La beery Inver.
nuvr,saithang the city of Allethi•lfyi with twO
wawa of Ground. A modern ptirle il•ehoft with U ' , wow , .
• nen, filliog aprloq of water, stritie, carrts‘o
to • cowl whint 11t0 APO!
wnt P NULATti A tON..
tart Sst.Fourth Pt. et.
FPO LET—A very comf.rtable and new
EL. [nick cottage Hausa, tatter tall, I om the etT, t• •
.110u,s 4:1 teat egoara, vith a wino -xteadiou baLk
teet. Tlitr• la of he &renal.. e:ablr. terrtez• ra
-1,113 all, accessary. out bulldog+, 1 . 1. , ty_or •••ne ter.
arol a,a.r a Large cistern for 1,1- The a.auud
t Ito 1.174, and Is catered with tt a choicest fruit
tryu and e h ruthay.ta, Army re
11, 1 01 t ItENT—An elegant two storiedlol
ERICK lIPCJAF on Bsover street. South slJe nris&d.
North Co ...sou. Allscheni Qty. 0..141 Or John Oro.
ham, Jr. The house Oat seven ro.Ans. doube i sttio. One
mono, gas lad SA the Otter agt,dati , lll c.
tee. tot, doelltualsouso. For Isms. /4'. enuJOlte at On
house. Possesslon onerk co ths Otst of A :111.
LEA.SE-LA deairable Lot In the 'Flil.h
II ward, above Ile:glom et, fronting Fllty AO, en
lAlierte at. and extending bark one lianlred 10-t to
it T.
stiltabl, aural orittna Lime n: Yard. Yee toaniq
enquir . wia MAN.
jagiti oor.Distoond at. and Sinittalead Pt.
FFICE TO LET on Fourth eG, ottween
gmitAgeld and Waal etA—No tingly to
inrl2 AUSTIN LOU IS Leo.
Ohio Land for Bale.
rfilit subscriber offers for sale e - ecliou Le n,
toPosnir 12. Pt , gelo. Stark soones t (W. 3, armor.
If am WA as “lianuat. • ...Liao," nontalrook &Werra --
It ignite:islet! throe muss Was of klasseliniu on tn. eters
Goad I•adinte t 3 Wooster. end within anode Iw.. toile, of
m att l Pecos lyanla hos& Tne path, east and
amot elWater••l4l WU? cleated nod 'Lorrain" — Lbe
remainder le encored with superior timber—M:l the vhnle
is Pull watered by erring, and ranting Mr....
ratreL fe ronenlern.l tn. float only of law! In the aun
ts. It Will to s. 1.1 endlrided or In vies.. In eat rue
OheactlL To those wan desire a Invest In real Settle a
better erre" ttority b ratel, rilensi.
.1. R. 15W11122110.
enel2."7eodter P No 101 Ott it. INtuhurel...
Profitable Balinese for gale.
rtILIE undtrziAned uffora fur &Sit) bin ntuek
tinj flototor, to isontwetlon with at oosshired loon
to is store No. HY Fourth stwiat, ovil 0 Jlot
haiku's/Its well twastolishstl. stof will On wcrthy the atom.
LIOn of nor one desirous to Invest to howi trio. boot .
but ruL woltat. 111. en wm for
tut...rn . ,irnig
and tacreashag, atolls inooplied orgatoris by wsimo
Thafitoot sod goott.w.liof esaweris will be soot at a.
Isuhsho, vs the iitio-essione.l Is Suites, bt istostosi the
roe yartlndue. lb.rot:Amis.
sort • .dtf W. U. berth sir«,
For Sa'o,
LOT 01 , GROUND in the Botongh
Ilk Manchester, having a front of about WO fsst r o shs
Woo aim, txmonnt by bayard street and lor of hale eet4
contalblon'tqX AGRI'S
.1. Also, torn Low. racists Libestretress. to bittshar,so
MS planel' lots tall ens Ly James Adores
Also s t • • Isms so Quarry nest. In mot plan.
Thl• prose sty VIII Ay mo , d ehmtp. A y
mr17.1141• sp
Your rt. .t
HALK—A con•dtable DewllltS lLsuan, e , b ,
Flee A ere.. of etch .fer lenhdr /AOC at Up, jun :tie , of the
1500 mu' {'abet •n 4 Venter the l Isokroed. wohlO teo
of Atleffheue City
The bode e0ut...... Ste Iteadoraely parwrol
and well 9.011,1,1 bitches ed. owl. There ere ea
shut deer• alt o tow Ira. Vero. grape.. yedl if embed...
Ant an. A' waterer the dd. lIIs Wei ealudl for woreloo
&rug t otto.'e lu UP. cl.j; put dare belentle la dela
uel di: m•ul• Apply us the ' , relater, or by letter t
Box lOU lf...ehordr P. 0. melt.itt
1 - 4 , 01 t . SALE.—Thc subscriber vathingun
to.ollhi.. rr , party to 20ea, verelsting of &Mal
DWEIiLING 116518 E,
so I • lugs st.l owsmon,lse srsrshous, u , o t las I'
F, SSar [Lei lialesso 4,1 Road tst . ort, cg. r. cc.= si
such sntss. ss,ol lo.ers Irsr:sis f, th e pur.
ccbsser. Rr raracntspr.esqua.. the su4srer•gnsd
N. es 'WWII'.
rats.. toh.'s
Far House sock Lot.
LAItQL lot in the trltough at Mu ,olio
lA_ ter. LoPitut part f mu urns.uni• [memo
Ur***ln;tlast , l*...4l/dld.*:
tun. *.q. Eng ar. rf .7. /41110 *ln *IL
cr,ls It* I 11
Dwelliog Route For Sale.
TWO etory:brioi Kituated to
Crne"!Load pt
.. .
lin /c. tr.cOalulcox ?cons. L. b•• 1.4
cOr. IE , k . ftrottf; , lftill... fb• h“ , ^
44441,1 f.t.• rorsi4..uce. if [ .91:4 Lett. tt.•
/Ur, of Slur', It wtf L. lutett Ayrl, 10
5.3 L‘h.rt,
A uivistoN—ti 0.000 wourn F... 1016 AND
1.0113.'t0 n Unlit neut.:a of tuzipeptivr ruaot7i
Vitals', to tie,tvlded avnotiurt 10,:1Y3sotiecritena. an the
taw of Aped. 1115 j. Zunsertutiony itULY TEN DULL &He
MACH-noun -hag anon, the relit no the delivery of the
Lhied ever, tutu-Y:ll , er will get s tiollvinc nv trot.
ranguia to veto. ftrao till to I.'3,t* , Mere Vann. sod
touts are et laza cheye,ta yettlioneata. ettalolent
Dula het Lulea tinier rvyt. Meiners.* to the value 01•11tch
Will mutter:tote Joe Its apipia•ot to. viten on. slted.
A cowpony of t,,, , iers, Called - The Ileysollannoek No
ne", iLatoCallan, Ie nOI Otralint, •ce contineirn •
& In the • Vol rm. Sagas ...coral Will tAi given
far the 41th!uipnl formarue mutt/acts wantons.
girSlcro Agetgs te4 cbtato rulternben. to
',how the most litmrsa •no
glees. turn.
luettta *Me thot V nay ore ovation avtOt 'tut month. A.l.
tertislog La... 1 4 ,110 ter ryyry acrnt, n here, liravitie
bar foil reel:dem aubevritt oitrultiY. spoil 5.
L BAUDE.IS.Cart Lmal. eas.4.• L . ., V.., en to
UCta W. 131W."4, Aleut.
Ohio street. Altwo Linn v City, Pa
i _
We hive tor rale House and Lot on Yam, stets:,
watch ant 850.81,rmil sua authornial to on. Mtur ELMO ,
no tereh•oer le elenst Acing w i n!,
melt Beal Catlett Agents,
E4 l ol't SALE—In South Pittsburgh, two
lot. of poem' eecti feet 5 Boehm front - 0y 180 ft.:
on. or L.:, it a farm lioute3 gooeles Ms!,
ilemudlog f averment 1 Tat. property will be tell very
low. 1.1013 GIST [molt, Apply to
corl7 lif.eKl2l,Y ILICHEY.
_v tare 141.1,1% foils., fern the city, On the
Vt. 55'iym, .on Clikesto erm,oed No. 10-11 e. ~00. l 31i
collet from Billl.t,mn Allesoter eoB butler rOtok
fromll. , cord farm cf wee, about miles
from her err., car .ne t strre 0.l lu atiuhlanm.
etre.. would ..1.5 wall to cell sod exemlue the Bet. as
M e hate fem. thnt eve ge
Nt.ed ant will be /I cil4 Cl, oo
Yoe Mem& Arm stall IllcEtheYi Ilenl gb.o4 and
lOtellionoce Oft. tta. (ll•lr 'Meet. tort
F°RkSALE—A farm in Rqbinson Town-
Alp of 05 Surf of tlfst.ciets load. ha Ind £0 nor..
neer, of n bleb 10 AM Aim bottom lrmos.
it• a new Mine thum and otebliog. apply and pooh
orchard of bets OUslity of frult 10 is situate co the
Nchmttoto plank, road and the cteuraurld. It. ft. petrel
tlitrmgh 011Peorneeof it. Apply to
meld BLAKELY A BIONEY, Keel Ellett Emlem.
BALE. situemil to the town et Pularkl. to collet
,ruirth of lOW Castle.. Um Eels Estero Im (soil ea •
Ishtemtigo Myer, The Mill le V.. It tett. 4 aturble Each.
'111•01 three run or bares pee/ad.' hy good cast 100n.11.100
wkseelkput in WWI lo 1850, a 8 . ...0chre etrmblok tools
the min to 018 Magi! good Cooper Ybrip sot elmvt al
scree of bottom Mod, The cll. I Ihgool retuning order.
and stn ilways get el much Ouelnem se could
There I, siso s Promo gegioe lu the mill hr which Berm
ib• run 1,13.6 We 1r43.1. 14 def cr Imam Yee further
tlanlerflarroy 0. :CLAIN & !SM. bel!, iourth st
Jot. tou cif.,n‘unJ Iltliete on Fsirmoun , street, 105 Bet
nt fromrat Tel It.. hating a front of 40 feet. mul rou
ssg beck to Iligh et. 100 feet. Will be sold low, the
owner belog a nocoreeltlooL Apply to
F'-OR SALE—Tho brick tbreo-liioricddvrel
- ccroi9cP.lllll otrv.t. •Xntlult.
Tucstrisus. BELL
6 1Yetaniaircial Bank,"
.r or, to Nu. CO Fourth • 0. 11. MOULIN.
V PAidd—The undersigned oCats ter eele en favorable
wins. • large number nr building lots In the Nth Warn
of 'cll.. city. The late front en Pennsylvania avenue.
Moron. k orb.. Locust, blade.. Viceroy arid Bled •tree 10,
ate but s few minutes walk from the Craft Hew. aed
lOC Ue togd cat, cheep.
reritoo4 leelnas of enurigni • wilvemlnnt, stui
rtt,T:ll.t,%gtib": Cfty ' Cl4Tr.fa
I to
C. C lrw .
Ate• et
rtriV;tr no,lui Fifth Ft.
• ?WM twentysfivo amts per bottle.
Ain I. Ow tgsrunsr r (WHO.. COr e pan and
I'm duck Ow ,
tha l =TlVls ' en ki Tt Ell oure C a P ) e l l 7 ; In Igo Ito..
th is
cu reastirts to? get • glitslolstd
ig curet
in a minute.
• Vases Orantps._or Pairs In Ms &mach and itocals,
ri=fig i lls Ure4 Face ,ront a Cold.
f YkrofnY. /Ingrs , tScaldy and Owns,
• um. Logongand any 1114/11 Lb. gee:
Ayd caw! Lumps tt, thr Bragg trisfantly.
Vros i.a.cheits a fir minutes:
(Mgt !Wain the niter. /and*. ov Bad'.
Vara 4gue and aill and Rem
Ills In Do bp.tainti Making, and no family should is
.•11..0ht a hotUn.lo ages of egoiarnt or sudden
It Et nse4 caret...lir...brays giving lin nisdiets relief, If
th'tSVONUEliff Ul.f.) I f. maid speak, would egoist°.
While Ws/. ph Orl dens Inks whcht months to slay,
Make Intearsit lo halts summer's der: ,
Teli, Van random. , with the Red Skins In the forest.
:togsthitrytlltt subsequent da i l y travel. on the eglott•
• argt of go,oor.e. nertgleting daily with the vrry slits of
S.Vedlpsl:yfilirviop, b *habil, I Prof.ILK/SP to garcon t
to tlor!watia, %Sp womotuvuL msol ern: _
rye Weals oLiroseeztablopeoggls to, se nd Prof. tigers
ird,'7llord Week
IL A. FAII:36II.AMA. t:().. end Dr.GEO. K XY l i; EA
• W 1.1004161. Ana • no/oul
tiONGRESS:. WATER.—Congress Winer
Xi Only Irma tke
O ptlngl reed to +-d.7 h.
ItIRLITZ POWDERS--Scidlitz Pov dere
Ural{ (nth nn turd ur JO3. VIAIII NO,
1g over lot nip 0 Catawba Brandy which I
.Ireo , c•lt•d tf • x.perlat sztla• for 11381i0{0114 parpol.
• r • ;, JUS.I7,HILINU,
11100 BE PEAS-213 books ts arrive on
0 1,611 t1 1 11 4M.01 , 1101 do to daTiv• on el.-al:ler Uo
baure~Mriogy,, InAl/64 ULM KY 41 CO.
.3 1 1001 Tut, In and flat/ ell /I bast:
j .:20dwn ikgatota. sturo for fele , 0.7 '
, • • L• ISAIAH VIOUXr Akco.
gABEBATUS-,5 - tural il'
n 40 lb boxes; boll'
;tioln nod Ws t I elan, Aruillt 7, Iftre..n , ed vivo: In
otkn. an .I tor tale u 7 1:141411 WOK fIV A In/
4vpN,-`2O caaka Bacon Huns..
wing thlndillin d i j kir star P. LIT I ;gi A CO.
; : It I . . . N 0.1.12 /*owl
3 1-1 reO.—KWISLEIMOUB,-40,gackti eh utch
.tviim this of Ny vad fyr jigeby, -- 1 '
tr:A Svreugta mast tasc,rebty fo
low its Vso
II 01, LAN D r;f, ler!' i: I! S
-4... • ,-.... .....„, .. .„
, ~, ..- 4 -.z.z•-:: : ,! Vli"'
AND the, willow offoottonit oonsequent
apDoon a disordered Sterner-her Ltrer. Such. India.
. Acidity of Ibe Stomath, anit,hr Pdee,SeartLnr p, tarn.
of Appetite. unennud,c,r, Mkt..., blunt mut 11,0,1106
Riles. In an 'Servo" Ithennratle end
time, It bat in mons:nun inctericer rreved r a rt .
alla In others raected • dochbut care.
Natters finds no new enemy to co.Lot. , :itb NI. do
Iteland told, In the system. Moieties:le are magi
OIL, get the tetrepormenetd. It communicate; no violent
edsock to the system, tut 07 l" O.`•Cf "
ilsonost triton. enstOes it to flans( off the wow. sod Mao
b.roWthir eradicates the draw.
When Its tardieloal virtu.. are We noes ...J:7 a'swes o
iedged, awl particularly hers. when it ho tri ^ ."
',War a fenny medicine, .that It Is sold b: twiny of Al.
Md.", w , .1 co all the el.:maids, It could eeem pwed-
LC" to otter further evidence: yet at the. are , hotbtlese
tome Who Ina e tried manysdrefti.o, 4d
Etre* from 07,1)etRIS In arta or=orp of Its &needful forms,
W e embirein the :oilmen:lg rettifiestse, the auLltentlity of
which cannot he doubted. anion to they do Po'c prteona
SO Well knOtrz.
What it is doing for tho
W=.ll,l4clCarann.lll.l. ats• known litborresphsr.
.70 "1 hats frestosntip used 11l haven itediand intros,
and Audit invalletbir rallernstedineettoo nod W 04417."
Bsbenk rem "I !Owed sne-let trolo
it• 11. s were benetwits, with which I 1ba,110.17. err
gla'4l.ll4.:einCeit ree " Oent ' s ' e ' sdftTet If ntberh
knowing It to he lart ' , hut It Is represented .
aid. Jonathon Iteoly, of Inwer at Char, ewes have
v Ted great benent from Ito uro lot D' art tint
atamsth and indireetioo."
2, M urphy says: rover. ph Ws on hat
Cseerhavgs Holland Bitters removes:l tie• pare Iron.
lent sod *Ole, slighter from India...ion .
etc:Mar a the liittanoting Free Pr.,. -en,
o of the bast rllynteldriS .113 this niece hatfarad. 11,0-t
-hine's liatisni Betts.. cured meal the worst fool of dyes
tr(W(e,W P.IU. 00, csstin.setttrer Or the '• tines by•
Wart of sloes*" iwyw eel know that lone
Is On. of the heat sawn:luso in the world On a Own-terra
tomer/ler Ural . ..
tn., wl
Lanso•tor or lhe• Haillr.i•r-i ironounev
es It si nveilielra &Petering the sontolstire ot the I
Cr. Chsrhart., the (Vernal; physician of Veen..
has proveritoillt frequently Marina the seam wan
.3.21e41 avers,. in rtebilltawd stteeps of tint den-Mae nr
'.lll'e'Ver°rtfeeleltrie:e7:frallorTl:7lrlll.7valV owe't
I rt y",''te•- end
LVir: IndlVZ,V,yot° l .7. l U orb
sourniuntive hatilt,l on I 19011 it 11 Galax her Islet
o ta ve n r e t r„7:.
will liwpoulatern but tot e wra.•r w softens
el. It will troso grateiol arouelle ”rt - e e el. Weswaresln
singular yeomen lal prom -nay
OAUTlleb l —lbs [rest tv onierity ••I Eh , lellghtrui Aro.
Cm has Induced many e. .k.0.1..1 I. the nubile sbouLl
guard aralust lbe Le e•e• bur anY •
Ming via. until you have given latrrasser 11. tau I title
ten • lair trial. lbw bottle w 1•1 on.sinrte rou bow hits
•npviar tt Is tO Chase twitatents
40011 at 11.00 per bottle... 0 bottles 'or [COO
ERN/ Aillb plO I. Ja • the ..
Cartubtatatiall •al triarent lets healWo
n. hinitbrold eel 1 - let(1 as:Lb
Wo uras t En., 111 l ( • _.I enewit New
nwerna A park. 1114 ltrowlerls, e•rusr Duane. Ital.
Client , . Caspar. nreathers. tier at. and V5...a.. ntsoll., —
Lilnerise at John D Park. Masao°. Owes!, litenthen.ll3
II Watere r r- :et LAW, 1 N
Writbt 0 On. 613•41t1ei
R . R . R .
1 ?„
1.11q:—"Ood tnesa it! ii trill never
ts• A• into no lialersy's ' •'.: II •
en. and en •T,lice Eton of Is made to At. tesslesd•nd wan
t:el boat —4ll . sedn awl unseunner • tea.rei. sad • coma
mats In'nessi wotttle his et s
ta , Yeil•e.
hapreinino•n• thankin'stnee t . Mm the
tnese.ho'ot. liscar:lns nate tern - rest to h. a• •o s
matr m d.r.nre to n• ter: 00 I all or:WI % , 1e ,, 1.1. 0.14^
rerelot Of ay., Lin Inter n: thane:. [row a rens:semi p•
•ho.ll.rsteh the en:lca:so: linir•s's lindy
itsenlatnre and Itesol•eot bui teen ratted Inca a best of
nalt , deer) and inc Ott nem and mann.] to
C.o.t of rod:lent heslitn—we Mel that oar: :• hate not
been Iroitlea. tk d L6±anßnsl or truth with Leallrti cn It.
Tonga, wet tot meek at MO 0 Of Parailre s•se.—
Ta• nue :re refer in •tento trot, astessishlng. Coe on.
whit knew Ctenee tnocseht pa. ensd :i•et—but not far,
no than maser / tiler notacullne cute•nre•nTrinn: the . ..
Itetsedit, !TON .500 drash had •elnel tt.• netinnt., thsir
at. h." tennted the :taste ••rieleis back to ne w Din
4 , ll , i'Ve ae&DT HALM
There la mop an rev reser, n0A11a...10 .xi peen
Ulan., ex terra:iv viti ittivii but tte lt..da Iteiiat
o beoit, elite 110 To - ever,. Vita tieeve47 pa. ttern pioved
to be both • ital. cur. mid. raisins preventative 02 clot!
e. 1.1 {ever, WI , taro, Dreeutery. it"...rwr goo g I e,
Starlet Jeerer .
oo divtestot. It tyniekaree In ateppirrta pain.. allaf tut Lb. ntat tireritit• pan-year:lm of
anti. any iatisiyomtaiiry Meows. ..t.t3 t•• reiblity eitti
erhieb it eh*. •••:tion ow: eloiett attart r. arid mum em
th e •hote ryvteri inn etoorysrat 14 es. cored tat,
Meta It • ti.oveloq'to ell *lin live itt.pluoi whale r ed
Inli aid If Qil9'ult te °Maim Yre-y Ymll7 Watt] teen
Radva7lUroadi Filial In heir LOU•er. it la ate niche
you we iv:dotty .1.1 .1511 pato. attet, cr eiykurav of
Ivey LIaA, pettier to Up teal or ktotee:tr,•Lemaeh. pert.,
or any orlon bnat. aMt ta .1741-1•117 . • Bt. 'I
RAW will 11 a fp• moments, Mao,. all ;104.13 aid aurae'
It ycu are titttn br • rebid dest.or et...Schad Dr • spit
fel mt. Kong vy • .8.1./0S Make. Cr other rvptYa Shut
way. 11.....1y.C.104 . {.1n1 into the vr.p.11111.1 central!.
the Irmo. ar.ol Tres.. laturtrastioe or thortille•Siu•
takin g pia.. It has a•red the tiresof tutus, boat.. trh•
it•s• brae *tau; by so•te , ., and ether subenede t•Sittle.
111 AGED.
All fe•D,e And tiny. e. .111 d•rlt• g
Irvin iba u. or Was Ilaaoly itwettl
jointed, eripple4, enJ ;tF•u-.atl:e 111 bee.e supple.
emit!, grow; and vlgrikta. la .ten flab sal talus a th,
body fliy lee pr.
11 you will iron: t••• Rodwors ItNief, lotion Tow chi!.
ilroo aro to Icoo oleX. wi.llQozp,tolooSiiiii.Whaliriloit Cough
di•orld Pet, or Mer l divraooti or alai coroliii•lALP. You
wlll wow. LI. IlToe .1 'our ehlidr.o. liadwor i o
hoPorto gteLIM PlO 1,71129111 Into tbo oat.
mete. god illeourd
_lsoop i ala to awd do clot
let youserilldiwn Ntodlaw,sfloroolleo Wo ditto.
If It L. lot tto power cillaotooxi .01007 to 'do
-a Ta-novan rce...,irre.-o.llMl , l l •
/.1.1-o• r taerwif R•avoy'r Regulators:
Lord opperge—.4 halttlp coT,irt UO3 U of
ft. evert iost eorocir-4 reyelar
oucker;e f boutett—A pure awe
Awed Brutal.
le eacured ono, who Sill take 'one or two of Usda•YA
teknlatote or tribe • two
000$ 000 1100011.
Ana 11014 AP bt—tho n•cfOLLT. fretful end flcoeny, are
dwelt/4 to esteem oopelfloe or body. bbd • happy low
at eferita. All she to them Are &Heeded with their
operation. An the A LAI derived from the uOO of orb,
tidla, monetized by thel ueeof Iliotwere Re/Wave% with.
out retelling the ol,lo r eCtSif ecirlakundrebla PI nroo
The lif
Thlowee,/ of thee.: Itifinderfel Pid• n•biddleb. • oes
era in surgetle•s. and * rite rdtoe/Pli. to rho •fitett./ tr
medlclua. la tit I e Wens pill. no irelplug reins or mkt:
tome at VlOino^h 1! , • • totrionood: tboy op/rele eaturall7,
leaning the bore, tier and ottl,r ors/no It a natural
ani b•althr Audi 'Jo/ •
Etch pol the , lo tat-10RM now tbe bier.); they
purl!, le. tate 1/00) it a I nonato aul
its alectiletlora
fine 10 000 t.j/ovay's Its 101010 will entirety
remove all dlet•e••/- loptorne or
NotTOrignoil, Coetlteeena Liver Coe/VIVA.
Ifllioner i.e. • ..i:// - si/etileoql .1110e0e all orifsole eaßill
ell be , lo ‘l , • ...
te. I Adl. troubled lereeruler•
Itbe or uo-d/ooind 1••••/1-k mar roll' 01 40 • 000(090
eore nod r// 1 , 0 1../1 •ri•• ie, /1 '1.4011 ltekulatore are tee
rwruax ,•. u r A,„„ ATP 11TAIITT.
A. Iv. dot.. 0: - nd.., • Antilalatt trill inanni a blow,
falr.ll-0• Old i ..o,i.nod • tl•nf Vlmplelloo. They
give to than trotoo.4 a 0:.•
d.o .. 4,04 yellow ,
...a bril
liant •4 I.araan-. it•J•iit 4 •11.1. One aatural litmus' , t•
the fnen. nit. alti h... ; sal he: boo bi Oa nes. r..1..1
as •••12 f . , th e
4.• it. 4 to antuatin tor tan ariatn.
Will nhati.• 0.....0 t 4, .I...att. lig (024 la ctitt iu nwrottiuss
and U. I , la - M. 4 i t. 4, t., l'•illia vitillrunnt
Una ta In. r+ 'intletaphl largOlainns in • 1. 4 ., tiny c•rct
do taltirr. 4 • , . .I. ay. 4, toad.
licdany S •10nr,•1/2r•I e-orree.l, f.,r fh• r:.•. , c t fie-atti
94'..,,,,,,,,,:r.r.. or 'l,l444dtia .0 , 41 I 4 v. '' 4,1 i at,
he it teaNd id tic Lome or ..ii414,•.", <r '"'`' • ''''' '
~ N. 71, c',l , ruplztur 44, 5.:•14. or t I A t.: •,.. 1 Flo .l.c.
(.I....cifur. - 0, Nfit .1111...*1,64,1. I.E•e , ~ - . te
loor., Parer Amt. .11 , ..., Er p! I. /1,10 , , I, um:. ,
DY , P<P•W• Geo& Yin: •,
_SLithila. 5..”.. , b 0 . al , e•
pt 'Y. O. o , :d ,171.1.1h/oesaret ob , l f./.,:n c 11.4evret,
either infuroled fry r ryllgary tresses:Woo ar inocoduled.
.5”=7:10110Lcr ,EA.r.r,g,
Ihero 111 to remedy In the woad that will work each
ralraralone sures In old diseas e
e .
.• Itreway . • ILstoiseat.—
It ehaagee Oa relp.l• llausen 14.71,—roproluta now and
healthy td:rd. I.
R.ll.llltodk, 100. toe ItinsHdladitray• llono•stioa
Resolvent alii It • fat talnutesresech thensberbsge from
the lunal or tnrnst. In Mee, ahere the 1. 03,1 . 1 . b.
op slots of' le:cesd or ode Streaked . 4 th 04001 .- Ilsdasre
Essolre tit .114 soon nesshre the 11113eal7•
Siretatsh Ilsomood, 0: 11l Sost 3.1.1 et., bad a bad
rough 4n two yew. ht• • .oghed up otaaetirmee helf • •
plto-of Mead during !hi night. Elie was eu•ed he 7 days
by the Iledlef and Itbsslyeat. :
aura :byre leg 0111 feel, cured In 3 Peet.. 67 R0d..,.
Celle(. Ile. T. IL Knot, a tuerabitat 01 01,61. standing 10
Tablonentsoa. roc—'7Tost • nude so 040 fa . 31
)ease tiabett, up p ed elt.h i• Ilan. leg. t hat eoeleted
0 0 .7 kind nYareelment, was effeeltlally <Pitt! In 3 .seas
by Italasy'a /lase y Reda:, ltatolyeat. and Regulators
IL. sick .1 I idea. reed nor IlLbuler A ImLoac for 1017,
and oar newroaner callhonbe Masi. World . ' far Inter
"Urs cues of ruye, and 4 mac alharoturh explanstlon of
' Our rercadlefi. , 4 Uhl/WAY & CO.
Phd o o7' o itatilitatirn ere sold he' Unlash:Ls and 01er.
thErite everywhere. i 4 . l3 iti k .1 TT
SUNI)tfiIES - 4 .-
40 eathn Ilnent riallM
1 do! do phoulderx
. b bbls (Iraq.:
70 do , Xalin:
3 boxes do;
13 haat Feathers:
Lot Fur Metal: '
Oa !roamer Ileller..;`to arf 1,74 and it.. '''' e b i
mrll 1/JAIELI Dll3li Y a CO.
illgoTllY SEP-4 hart Timothy Seed
lot y.b. by DALZELLt W.
NJO.I LARD-. 1 storo and for ealo
Patti Sulre—now ^, , t°r"
700 BACON (IL7OO Bacon Shoul
drl'..orcarb..n meat' ism reed' frorrymoke
Loma Wt axle by the rine'. shooktere at col Ter I Items
lath et tdrillitle /. PLIT OWN. IMO. Mamma. ritteb o urgt
or eder. I mrl
LAR)--20 kogs
No 1 bald;
sbhlo F do_ d
11 do prorto tnokllogn fa Oslo by
e kt. NODISON a:CO
Cr We sultry Bak DILWOHTLL
I.4ILOUR--30 bbiiin °Oro wld Coe Bala by
Ens SPRINUER. uenneuan.
• v tease-4.pgs,..aariim ..ock at pyla SIOO to
40.00. UKO.y,ullif r.4 nu at.
(1,/SOKIN6I7BtOVES, of several mariuko
tom ► had aseortmett,motect*lillp tArtg,,,!_for
r • atlao priat; 01 ma bovu.l .• /11JULEY,
A.MILYiDIREIOTOII.I4O lbs strictly.
' (yoellTsblo Mato: 1000 dos`fleiti 1:11.o. iaeoised i 214
Au fate this moralngto 11 , 1f141 it., oppo_ltt
rDDLII bleftem
• 1 1003 • IL E
SAGE ORANGE SEED for solo by
mrd fIIOLMES k rious,urs
I)OIJLTRY-40 1a o' fat Taikiee, 1G and:,
- is 11191,9101; 190 aojonaltonaaraiknot.l.l
for We tht. ornlnist. /Mk bt, opp.tte 9999091
as 19,3
74CAL 7111LL.-.71177 mA OLm= ile.l7ls7l a ael
as sun* asaa..o7 • w.,wds. • 7
Fruit lroca • Evcrgrzens,
-offer Spring 7,nrrtZt ,r billa ad Peoria6tiun‘g to the IA Li
fags Weft of all Its Icallniafralt trend " fgtX. ' itrp!or ' .
Pea - her. Pear& Chord., Mom QUICXOS. 41. &f Alto
errry %Ind of rt.. ant chorea Ornamental Pyres. both Di,
oWnotta and. hrergroen for planttny Lawn , ' Parka, corny.
tarter., Ae, Alaf, Isrite lot of Ether fi•ile. for etro-rt
Plantolo, shlyt. willbe • It by th. 100 ty• 1000 And
arbor Title for hail Orretronlno. Al - .-, Now Rnoteno
Illsetheny. 13 poi ten; (MCA lon a / a go . very an., 13
pYr 100, •ad the yew Ch'ne.fe Polst,h; (I),WW.nt Bata,
tr..) at 13 per Alt Lea . . r..llpor 100,
cyte.l.l‘ ea tent fro: to OP;11.1:1“, inr out) .ulars ad
dyer. J, I. 11 tflo1 ,1 111) , OCI.,
01orrIf' Nornsfi d el,
P.O. C he er Pa.
Fruit and Ornamental. Trees,
IL D W. BA.,'N ES, Traveling ...n1„,
, V a Ae•rot for ton n•%) arv•so- SIIMIN IMINI,
112 kill ES of ELLW ANO & Y, Rath". L±a
UT, N. F, i• acs In ILIA , tr, • • f•-•• - •nx %r-
Crre. tor Tire, 1.3 by del yln tb e t•pelon. All too. so
leant 0, det , r&,lr narir ew!,
•, In
e`l I. c• 11 wt the 'nine-flack...ln rr . h•L•ro ha ISttl
.1 1 11 4 . 11 ea d .st.n . ogu, and l••••?•• ...r.fore
re:option fr. so )2 M. an Cl. nod fro,.
31r. /POMP , LIP.!! Ilf/P al, au It ..43a• t ,
os.der• on our mown. awl arblen he .0.11 d-11.0 r Ole
w nr ,Oe., No. 17 atzret. I . •totturen,
laandlart: T
Shade Trees for Sale.
,e LLn2ll'[iUS. Elm, Linden, ,Nlountuin
A - LE. is , oreAcrs rist s rl
.7. '3o:lti
Mr rhrwrot nt tte 01:14n-1 NY1,71 . 7.
• 111 att,ol to Wattling rh , le tr... (Jr
a.rricao. mrr...l.katrr
Pltt:Curh-r, rErn. Nrireeri.
I ATE 1 , •
0.t., o 1.. r !rm.
the ht,tesolr^
v.. elate-helm of hedga otrect. oto,
thy.. awl stet
wk. aja, 3tlh.lx.K•h.
the, 0114 fr,l sale •I ,
tre••• and hiaute tultabh• lee t.r‘nrohtuthui Cht. 'an ar•
731.1.4 ehrina.
Thw Tiuraar
03o1o10e riser I_olooo owr h.oot ou4
10.000 fruit true.. ono 45. AU ethr,......• tvo/ hhnahe,
of Ohm else the . removal 4.t.Mb1r4 1 . ....hue 1•,rv...1.
Plunte,earnelly awl ornt .^
to any .art of the t ulted
We he s lose* to thaatu,tusu C.l r
hary aul ...der. 0. Me. nuz u:
tor the hpriut of 1•t. , ,,qu0r. , 1111, la , M ,• •I. •
(unity. itullgahou• 50,1 Lc-or that h • • ••..
ruitisation thio C• •
nerd hi 11101.Qa.• , •,roo to 0 , - • • •
...M.u.ote anut.i. riz • •
or.t. .o.• ntuu ^ • •
01 Mire.. • .0 .. t..••
rttabor:h. •,-1. .eirt..
tr• niara•••,i $1.J1•••• ••1 , • •
Pratt Tree:, k.vt,;.;,tf,-,,,
aLLlbnafls.lritur wonl.l [duet C - 1
lullj call attc[o.l:,T...t nl. rript..l ,
tt 1.1, C •
letr sod r.t
ry, Plata, /Wilco:, Itaorwt... et+.
fr , •C, I T:c1.....1
I tyt.
thn•inmda, ar. Jci
deaOlr'iatte, azA
++4,.: 4,.94. Ore - , 1 , 1 NI I.t.r.
Mr. it. Iralta , l,
es , PPnr.a. 'l4 Ytatet , ur.b .0 1. 1
w::. L. I I r
New Treatment.
ri or lb. cur.Sloaf Wraaarog
111.. :10 Tot intravtles of Yout h end Mato 11l , by ul'
A.111.1t • tON, Ilu9aln. Y. I. (Itace. o.ruer of Mao and
(Nary FL, °Walt.
/to luelroroebb for Ma 010..0 offultal Veldt/1.1.°r Nu,.
turtle r v WO.. Cr la , re on.per , y boo.° •to
Webkoeve, aa. lilt, 4. per..t.ooeittli cured itit - orO
Lent, atom by 11, or. of f I. l s losbrutuefft, ' , boo
umed co• if/If - J.4 I YMa ofolioulo
101 , ..4 . 0 MEN rAKA
Dr. ANA& eon ate tb. uoly ots
who af• mem boned the 14,7,..10a,,.
Oa, araoltial eo of ona of the moat em o t,uat Code... to the
llolt/e.l extra. tato plraaorc In wmoo..atta that liter
1....i0vent .. d a meet hapot...t lo.trutueot t..r th• tutu
o' the ale... diseare.. It has Wee Fautecte.l • nteot
Oa moat roflootat Omit... 10 loeifolon, Vtillatb-,
[Las and .blear arX; it boo beau tools. ot to lot tL. only
'aw ima W eather
W. WI.. . floor lot fli'po.ter. , or too ro
& ro .4
anealtromb or atfy ,Ilsa•-w of (In p,obv:
oaltrold by thy ....rot. habit/of youth.
Dr. Lots a M.S. to order to atbolfy ttio too. rtoOte.l.l
Ita to lb. taeliteof tbefro Icatrocolor, bioloe lboofffely.
tOrt lo ao tosUtas *her. they tasy aro. , aoutl.f Lc , o•
or alto,. • fall trial Ma moo., • It, t'' nano/let by ' , Wan.
Lou the lostrataect la trod
tartan•tileatosi th. wart] Intasoosmot
rimye tb at the once, with the ect.tauto.a.log direction..
seaaroly and rent by oxprfbo. la 110.
.‘160.* A.ND Qifit7ti fIt:RE.
For fruotolo• etncture, arfnJoa'
valkoefo, baloolo too 11.100, •70001 0 0. 01 tit , kidory,
of tit. bead. tbre•t , no“ ana Oa 10, awl all
Jr... Mal 6Mo:blow orialfof fr to a roo-o, 10,
or y otb.
*bob produoo eooylltulaonal 41. 51001 r.wlr. cuarrl.a ,
lcapo•.10.0, and tno •rl oretco/ tvlb botly 004
et llio orb] too,
treated by r•arsltrb: sof-1,071 d^: at: the.. of•b
a rotoittaole I
,ae oc-
PlRs.f r .
Y. D.—.s.lerrllori4e:tltta mutt not are th.n if the! et.
. .
401011 a ,
N. ann. Mullnl :d tiu .. .y , ;;
JAMES LI:1105 ,t CO..
woosaarta sass.. IS id. 11111.seP1CTL.11.3, ore
No. 96 Fourth Street, l'ittshurgb.
V 03 Porlor aro] VASA IA tor FUlrellur. *OA
ecourrtstos some ul the most oeautUul dv ,, shs or wile
airuhlted •ostart.• Aileshouled
tm.ou est*. t of oar creel& and Improved toolt
if Inalittattaria., 1.:• pr•palost to suptOr ewer)
art/cif la our atom. the 'sr/ kmmt mt.!. sod eotleo
in • st,le to atm Intim snug... Sou to every tuts.
tint stood eursoirts to oast or the rdlowtoo. !nada It
Wardrobe Alahrutahy or Waloch
Wardrobes: Sea., Toh,
Setwateter. !Sofa Table,
Solo. I Patent V. 1.411.00 1,101n(3
Parlor Chaim. Iseerstarlas and Itostoares,
French Ih•cslos Cbstm,
ltureaus. Jeorty lood ho.stvodts.
Jr.taxere, 0 . 0. .
o.lltre Tahlms
With • mutt •arloty sr common rorultum,dna <allots
aril lea too homerotts ,T• *specially Invite
etteatlen of au , * totems oovo vor mar nylon!
C.VT7 AG 0.
Wrath for Maul). style a .1 nt1:1,7 are fuperi ,, 0 21+7
thing how lo
L*olooo Sisters surrhe •Ith ersrt/sle to their no
of baeleees •t lowest ert,e,ele Orio n. 151,i0t. 6.:LoOtiorr
giro. to
Furnishing Stesunbouts =LI hotels.
Show wishing to rurshao• are turn , . to nil •0 ea
11.1.1b1t100 Root. eh Fourth street. tear wood, whet
we will um 0.001 to show ottr- gat nol7:oltsr
40W. W. rospecuully informs his friends
e and enstamora, that he Gas lair completed tda stock
loraltura, whltb Le deoldedls lb. larabst and best am
offered for sale battle clty. obe le detewto lewd to =hold
We Moot, with...finned materlaLa bolt workmanehlre and
newest dealanm and Iron the eatent of his orders sad
fadllty In mumfertmins. he le enabled to produce ware
ranted at Co. lowest Wow-
Ile keeps armee ort band ths wreateet early of sea/
denniptlon of furniture, from the ebasomt
to Co. =trod element add wetly, that • house, or az i kt=
re one, may be tonal/Med from ca. etook, or manufactured
17 to order. The lollawlng artmlr eunelet to part
4=amortment, which. for richness of stele and baleb,l
eannot eurparaed In ea} of tbe Ceettern atlas
Lot lit tatty -a-tete Solve, 43 Plantllureart;
100 hobo to Pinch and ILeir ng and brukfael
Qom • Tames:
100 dolma Staboalloy Cholrr 1.3 elecretary a Ilona ewes.
.40 do Walnut dc; 40 borenCane beet Maur,
100 fdatiny !Loraine Muss 21 Cane Fwat hoodoo onalr
60 Walnut do do; , 12 Ladles' %tinting 1.0,
1101 1111102.17 plea= net end Towel nand&
43 Walnut do Ittictdren
100 Marble top Centre emee. 00overeatIon Chun,
00 do Dreeelua Iluriwos Mleabetben den
40 do Weebstantle. tteeep , lon
loalneed Pear/ Intald
131 Common fly %roe ,
60 Plain Ureemag Buiweree Johnle and tt.UC bare;
40 Mahogany Ilwleteson 1. nabbote,
1 id
0 Walnut d raer klacbe Table.
160 Cottage d o e rembrtbe do
400 Metre rind Poplar 00.0. toil and bier do
ao !I.:Aft/en, Wardrobee 10.6. Dade L.lnlcui 111.,49.
11 Walnut 4.
10 Chef rl
Isso, is 1,, AAA:v[l[mila(
r Malta
Untillart cues.," 40770.4 RI
utounbnets a n d 111.1.10 fury
011014.01 r,sirytly 411041
t•mmtm furanur...lllithatl
attt In Ilna.
n9l 11.1 at U. attorteat tiotlnek
bi ,
tn at
Meadville Yemale Seminary
'Dim , : Tuntn TiiRM or dais Inetitution
5 will v.otomPnrm to IItiN4AY. Mr., r lath
it i iyilit will too it ttropi) ST.:i. i...r lotto, owl it ill otket
tho 'ladles tboy.l. to ourouti trot, 1.118 I:OW W.l 1 1. , :
it..tllott 11
Aar:toot 11154.,Y 7 . , ologr.
Minitel/41m. •tode•ei do. Attrontony,
i'l ,, ,kheiat‘oll. thit) Ittraßloo. Niit klillooothl.
mo•Illotr. A odoot llottio 'V. rhyvi,l.7.
t W a t nnoa.
— 01 , 4 — . I, —Arltt.
Coopoton. iotool,. Hoot-ttreploit.
=rte. (.71.101.[.),
Cala.. Algebra.
Ito. etrit,
for Io; 11411 so, e.paulab. French, th.g.nuan.
$4 - .11•1., sn4 Angto-fla.v.on, avt r 4 !Mona! cnarql of SI
sill be m►ie.
flaelo:i;1;e tAeutl le.m.n..
U. of Plano wr t•rr. ,
Priorluz. rot enure* of *rent)" l.nora.._
. . .
Oil Paintlug dn ' to •,- do
doorman lady. am wall/int elacirto 'Mika In the
ilt .and will give loamy on the thane and In German and
A few pupil. will be necAranalatel In l bt tamp) of the
Principal. tloud. with Mai .11110.1. etch:Wye w ante
Inv, f 3 per weak,
All paymanta are to be made to diloanrci. ,
loll:weedy dtIiIIUA K..a11/ALL. Principal.
Liverpool tt Philadelphia titer—mi Dip Lint
VMS PTI/1318111P (X/MPANY Intend dote . ,
r er . tilnic t 1.12 TylenOld and powerful Nteassehlpe es
from Nem YVIC or Pi1544.51 3 / 4 145.
KANOAKOO, lmen ~ .. ...Oen 15.
Y OV MANMIESTEII. from rbiledelpOls. rob. 13
CITY Or IiALTLSIOBY, from Nes Vert .. Vet,
CITY ok wASIIIIIUTOti. Mr Arm York
CITY Of AI ANClltkTlttt, for rOllmlolkklo...-J.. 11.
CITY OP llALTlldtlltt, 'or Nor York JOO tOt.
JIANG &ROO. for Phllsdolrbia enb,
Pro. Liarpoot—Woon: pos. T. 1.45 mulf7k. omom.llo 4 to
From rittlok.lrolio 4r Eno York-190: SOO krol 4...+
eCtdlng to Ekstmooak,
A Itmlo4 bomber ukThlrdokkm taoreogerabo to.
Ott frwo Phllact , lphtk i and lovorpool, sod Mood In Pro-
'• nogglpa are constructed Imb — improved water...Mb ,
eotopartrotnts. and faeb Mravel Carrie. , an experienced
rattler wishing to bring oat their Merida can obta!n
rettlecatea of maraca tad:draftlV. Liverpool 0 0 M 5 of
LI sterling and upward, Apply to
JOHN TILUNgSON.4IOI.Itwty et.. rittai , cll..
Or HAMM °BUN. 11T Broadway. be.. 0000.
P. B.—tiro. Draft, for tale alwayr en hands
OASES (24 catty ins) '"rtirzo Boils"
e. • Tobacco, !‘ ii. tog rimed •nd for role try
E. T, aIEtIRAIR, 241 Lltadty .2..
'oppaplu, Wood.
on CASKS SYRIA' for sale by
.Gums crthaeitrEoy
- DYE FLOUR-50 Mils in store and ior
IL tee br mill T. LITTT.II aNI
T OBACCO -30 kags Gs smoking. TOblCCO
GO bozo:4014E10f ho
La okso ondfor nlo by ; T. LIME h CO.
corn , I No. 111Y.nond ytxret..
ISBLS. ':FAMILY Shaiondalo and
Moller flodr,
tnallaa lUametlk.A. to bblm Ittmloy.
WWI. Rye
good listra, linpartine and rtna Flour In dors and fer
'Wetly JAMES UMIDLN Ea, No 611aventh at
11OLL BUTTER--4 bble Roll Butter for
I §, 1.10 by lALZIML 1 C),
ACON-3000 kbii, Sfiouldera;
cp - ton Pldov.; pout,. mt..,
,JCI4L med 1:1 . R.A.. nil ror salt Or R. DA LULL a. UM
) band .4 tor tale by ' VLP.Vlsot,rim•
ERMAN olaY-50 tons
_fu ;stu'ro for
-mgr. hr< amtV ELIV<IIN4 BROg
• 241) 11.11. bawl 16(14i far ..l. or ILICIIIINO IMO&
(341.411 E D MAGNEMA-300 Dotuids bn
1...1 bat ibr Nal* by my° ' 9anse /11101,,
AH EL aocporiv,; altiela on band and
f.* VFX"., sag PLIOSIffiI B&W.
St. Louis, Alton, and Chicago Railroad,
Emote to 464 SoutßouenOCE West. 3!eoonty rolled
orter [llse soy ottoc
Train. tto 311(1111•1/4.34 1.011115/IN 4414.1CL11CA.
GO a MICR I.?.LAND K. IL, Cott. , Vao E 17541 a:Lithe,
Matt Eirsea.
R. I/8.7 Expr.444, 11 11) A. 31. 4ally (await, in.
orpoo4)—artlnt Eadt Et. 1,41, a• 1:10 P. H.
ot Louts Nicht I:loc.., 41.15 P, 31., 4,117 (Sewisp.
ess.rted"—srnor et. Louis at I Ed P. .31
SLAMS 1.Z117. VAT T. it ULS.
nay .r.o, 8.1, a. 31...1aity eiooday otot.ll
ri. at cO:ot ,
oo at II 45 P. 'Q.
N Wet La ere. I. I'. 'lt, dory (duudaye exoopted) acrica
COlta :J. 7 4 • A.
From to St. Louis, 13 Hours..
J•.l.l6r—•ltb L a trek IsAin't nartsd far ettows,
••Aind and lianiral 10.
AT 11L1)(1 , 1 I:SWl'oN—with int:iis .liaiitoad for
Clinic, %V sys.ere.l... not Dacus. aryl with AtateS for
o. artu Janet na with resat. and itantart• JO•
I, Air tl'alant. it ien. W.l :min , Nino. Arica
Egmont:. Gigia•barsih. Monmouth and
AT Arlii ASlTlF.LD—withtircat for
Ja o I 1., Aare, and Lllnnla Riess.
r ALTLIA —al Lally lire oi Fact els toe
linnisy and Keokuk:lts • eanaliti , a , as , 1 teitnhia
tows to •ii nut - Slone 02 North A:astern Missouri.
AT YT. Lll.l Day Vass Cho. rte.. Coats to
tie- Lir Leila! nod le terrnadiata Aultsta ca the Los, mi l .
etati. and with Caosslar Linea of a eta 1.-e Kastiac
nod all emotenaJloa Allersari. Terinetassa,
thisnlvitiand and Arians! Meer,.
lavanaers destined fa Disanlinatoni iitrioitfloLL Ma.
eats, Jacitroordie, hap'. aad all ytt.te Sne.SlL•aiti.
. taissnises. Ramsay., Cumberisnl .01 T e a t e riT•
aret. by toting ode .11 acr a Mating
o nnaeliona, sod artiving Et the On tinvettlial Ulna,
avoiding t he TrlAt. , (l, daAiy• u: the eitanisionS Write
•la Peoria liiiniii• J:loor, raving taco , font tinny,
Lme. bains Otto y SA:lse .o,lo,lPaant to
ton. fifty iight MO TO Aptioafiold, seventy lets to
alai Yule., teas so Peoria then Ay any
Tbrauall I.loke, 0.5 la. psoogreg a s afi She gash's-a
Itsilrat.i Lille,: es tar Consnsat'a IleArhilro Vt•
oopcsite it« Yr tout II an 4 at ilia mietags.
V}{l $1,3 1,00 oc• raer of Van Bitten WO&t.her
nivot a.rett
iteepon.,tas Bo.y.aises Men wai nos: Ste - lietialsol.tha
sarinua scads ganiati the illy. 1: thins .dnAtlaga
tlronst. - toint desirial on it.. Lhe
A 11. MO I V.E. Ruin.
r W./lir:ICI. Cl•narni seetasse agent,
n 057,1
CLE.VELANii !Oil) PlT';'lo,l,ttn - 1
EtA.L;_. I - LOAD -: . i
rifitaig=E4it'l t-. . ,- 0
r‘llig P.AiiSE,INGEit TrtAlNb of thin how
no. run directly to and front 1.2,11 ht. elation
a I ogenj: au' , Cierrld, a hteLloa. ad Ilellealr , nit:hr.
cheep h :oora , uoata. ea
Tau rooky Tralos to a:keeling atol li yea.
Tyro batty Train, I...lnaliklaufl
PO. Daily Treloe fr . ra thereilad 52 ahlta. •
The old
and tam. reliable Joule to Chi7eho
an I th• Northam/4 lii eta Cie• el ann.
The Lrbifill Irate Allonnena bar•••so• 4 4 • ra• aol 3 P-" 7 7.
heti, la Clovelatel 4 52 r. to.. end 0.00 r... ,
wowiu.. 3.05 p, m. arid 7 41 0.
eta m. fo4,l7l for Cleartaad , or folent. , hirado, and /A her
polo. In Lb^ Northa•en aka Cleaelatid. If they erten to no
Taos,: wit scut deLsy. tnnat net toe. tickets Oa linennea•
ter am thorn it bo certain I r of the I Ittenurgh, Fn. Way be
and Chicano trains enctietalag at Alliance al. , ln.trnlC ,
'tor C.evelarol—the Clevelend trots thine coo watt I . lr the
arrlatl of the other 11.00 al that point .
PASMlZethlor Well,il n ot
O I', V. LO:ling end
oth, n•lott on ma n y line by awe tralba rf , alio/nab
with:tit detentio i t in Hann,. or Lha Olean
watoon the river.-
Daphne" Owl:ad airOn4ll to Wl...ling. Cleveland.
Clousen nod other Yohts on the 6n..
py,,,,,, ior Now rhilatelphla rod 12t4 410 . 2 ... an
Turearie•as ',math tout[ la', nloi :,to A. Al. Trola from
AllenhenlCltle ,
'CI :and are t o'd to Cltvelan 0. 2holtlehT. Tole. •
. 7 . 'lastale• ri. 1i0n,., Q4l'neT, /111011010.00,
it , vet Woad. Ives , lir. Dunitinh. Peri, Lora
10.1.. 0:17, lrunhirk r• Fan., and BulTtl. •
rol w•• et (loosen the row].
haeternire Oe•oring to no to (liev-lapd or to Toledo.
locag /and Othor row. in toe onta..ea will b. en , to
t ae, 0., th eir tiea e l, t i o i rierrialid. otherwlee the, .111 1•••
.nt by t.ther routes
111... In .II I nt Ti , krt In
Al!..ybonf Ibty,
Pax In. oro can c.,7 Intorm•..un rtrotrelnly (W.
Hn. f th. l'•Dy. I Ylnt,r 11.3K 0 .1
h.lburgb. • J. PVI:A:CP,Ioct,e I .••:. , ..d.
...13-1:4[1.3 GAINILLY. Act.. Vitt.bUzett.
Fenrsylvama Aailroai
s - P unt: s
On eau after Monday, February 23d.
MAIL TRAIN leas'es the Passenger
Ft. 31 n Peer, rhOloic.r. tamp , .
I It'AnT 1.1 E leaser plrtobu. - nn, ::rent Sunday, at
d P. 01
Tan 0111.: :MA/ LI leaees PitUlgtrati for
Ithelnlett.nta 1". :a,
Tree ontlixt• Aceomenolatton tralutearer Mfrszureen
tta .trept At Z.'4l ticlfut, 11 01, etoro lo n nt
•1: .f cold ruatang .far as hvilaua. Tan YOU
Prait, r Me; tie Ureek.e:ridoce,leovea
ir4kpc. Sunda?. at 11, A al. The Sebol2ltl A.tocnomotlatieu
Trete ex 'I untie err+, ;ea, e. cal) r, .utrday, ett 4ao lA.
The Thud Accommodati• n Traltt Tor Ttl.[Ve thaeelc leans
tlally. except Surtlxy. at I . .3.) e.Ol
The snore limo Cnnettei at Mtterurte o •,• ttst tte , n Oll-
road, to arm/ Et. louln, 0104 Alteu,idettente
lit 4 franktarte Lexington Intl leauteeffie. it T.; :see.
Itatete: !holm. Latarette sun tottinnspoltr.lnd.;Cloon
natl. Int rtutd. erringtleLd.ttenteuxuratee,rannorop. Trle,to
Clntrlawl. Culmabta,lattarvillry telanuireon ant otteteo
Ohio : Men, ery_te ttee c•Leallk Parke rp
(711.1.0. terelentie, L3CL573'...4.4,11,1031..ti.
Ttrunntt Thltets ono :et hen t- ur 10003 iitleer the
inborn planes.
Ytte teethe: par•O-o-nact. cee tit
I 03r1t104 I x. Fb. Froernue:rteeda tnet Wee, it teeth 3134
thet ea:teen and utos
tiallii t expo... Linen rows t. 4.11 ,
433 Kr. •
rna.-?... :.Sur, 4'l=TV,
ernlytt (,2
- -
rittsbnrgb, and Conueilscilleose,.;
rant l'at,sburgh Bald Corkt:Litvllll3
SI row law,. ros,r,r, , rtto
µrrs eu3 tr.t:h; E., 4,1 rruza 1:t ‘2 , 111/ Pr..
warectit.a th. I,llrool. t
leaon'ti cut en
Aran ~tents ts,e silo [4,0 1:10L11 , It IL+ l'euna..
Lento, hal:read. hr whiote tLrimati freight to Ithitiodeli
phis and lieltimue b. esr:led Ir. mints cn thy
teltoolvok run Co,dontevine kah,tel, by ear loads, On
fay :able term.
Rm.:Oyu or Tsetse-note wed hi two daily train", rig
Rayless Paseensee Train w:11 lease Coonellolde at 5.30
wit', •he Log... Accum.votit.
Von T.+1.1 at Brltiket. , lodcoad.,at 4.3%
A. M.. and tali , at kloaccerge Vila tram wilt
:lea ocunect at Iltintu.'s elation Inca Mo Philadelphia
Mall Teals collie Knit at 5 13 A. 'l. Clio
So adorn farther secromi.latiou to ice trarelent
a PaAereoger ear will be connected with the leregnt Train
tearing Llonnellynlie at t , etdods, A. ): towline Lsycao
nation at 9 91 A. Al.and tenet: et with lirintou Aceutinni ,
I.tloo. Leona. Itainve t entrain at CLUburstlat 11.1.0
1-111 tears tn. Cone. ItliCroad
Devil by Heinlein Abeummodatio "Taaln at 1.19
amen at Layton utatien at ti L.t . and Ckinnellartlie
at 7 50 I'. M.
Tomtit to and tram Plitebacch slid Matins o n the
PLtelotelch end Cenuellayille
etEl tie us:Seri
end in...eel at the outer Jowl of cue Penns. Railrual
OctlaT. .. I
IYouporlatios Cddec It 4C. R. R.
t: newherstie. Jan. 10, 1057.
P. 8 -La aow da)111.-1,1124mcielte 561 to rods to tea
airman *stetsßaivisoureh and indtle
axone 116.1tY IS LACKeTONS.
dettn-10.19 Eurethßecohnot.
- -e -
Pittsburgh, I,''t. Wayne anti Chicago
agfea #2 o
• Passenger Trains will run daily, except,
Ittandarc as fancy n 10•1111 Eltteburnh :or Ceekenn at
lA. and 3lt lhese train, *III mane 010.01
(000.Ctien• to cutclne with train. AY 0.111.1014300
.1.1.7U0. 113411111.1p0105 10'.00.1
Manta, Eyensyclie. and all M1..011
Nut slid NUL* 'met ,moss", MN lOnittana.lliltitie *Mt fI
)(untuk y..lOlOeOOlC .01Crt Wayne 1.1101140 w /ilk, W.
[doh. e.d et. Louis listlrnad 4V Lovantoirt, lane) roe
1/YorlBe. Decatur, Sposnitell, tllromlOFttn. Alters and
Theo* trails emaiced at Mannteid witty Iteins yui the
naconald.rein lusty, an.. Nestok road, La and
1.1,01 redeem also tor ',it. teeni.o. Moral* and %Auetilite.
lauantle. Made.: .1011.1.5. I , lr Lakeelasid. Icon
kirk and tutfa , o
east Irma Chlescto male clue ccuncaau
.1010 ttaina on to. Peon , 7 lo nt , . Cenuu lwra ‘Ol.
Rerelehurgh. Chilydtrecia. Rottman.. et an?
Through t tztets are Fold to Ccl.sooiluo. Patkon.
natl. Lemoyne, pt. Lotele. 1 ki.nuspens, Bellelvatotil
Cnlw town City. Dunlletb. tiltleanklnt
Miro, trtipteld, ilhoone,l 119
1.• all.. tjulti•y Awl •ttlrltr•gtop. !kead taeo. it
Wayne, II Otallale and all the.
pet 41 . eltlem in the treat
Th. 1•10001... ever tele line nosy Oa 116•1.0 suer
the al r plsoye for Plltaburch. Pittle.Jelphia. taltanote
and Nat% cit.
• rot 118 W 1.1.1 , 11110 N a.M.OtIMODATION
[ brltnton for Pittelommh at A.., a... 1110
e la n, ',tart tog leaven l'lttenuendi at 9,39 A .0. and. 5
eLotets add fiertto. information artily to A.
JolltiferON. Agent...llin, t hreat vtaawn E•ittoad *Lk-.
41.4.0,7 In thee-in or ot the 7d.congabela Renee, rico.
tqlrgh,to - 00 °wane rAusvz. leafiest street atatlen,
Alleyhati• Ott: P. PAntICIE,S...... au Dearborn ateeet,
rtn °alp Tremont Hotter. C 111.0.0. the Agoras at Um
Mations no the , .1. al , lot.t. N oel
• .1..1 E.F.l.Lii i., p , viefita t r a .llehti.
tny2p-lal Clan. Watt. Meant. Chlcsa ,
fr 1. great Centrall.TF.lC?eeniseeun; the
Itlantio rltlea 5,141 and
Bouth‘e.tern b10t,,, by a continuo.. Reinter doe,-
Tine road alto counetO at with daily woe el
theamers to all Fortson the Western Rhera, andat (tin ,
Wed end Nwadusty with Meaux, to all porta 01,the
Lil4:•tail2 Later„lnaLlun tint moot &reef.. cdmouterei
notitd to . riouolir
from Urea 14. r.
RAT AY tartt aEn raiLeviezvaLA se •
111188 CLAB6-1-toitn, I/614 atoll
Cape. Poole,, Dry Owl., (In boxviebateei
andtranaa,) Drug. lea arse.)k halee):
Vrathera, dors, de .....
n-Inth):10 ULAgt.-Donlestle thee , log.
thitt la - anti nosing Go original bathed
Drnite Its eaak.a.) I latdwate., Leath,.
ton et hs or bozo,) Wool. and tibeep
.... ......
Tnllol , CLAML-Anellr, Chalon (In
Bwoll and Poet. raked
Gods or In ,aal.4)Tots ononanufactur•
1, telnpo Cig.te or cat)6r-- .
11t1URTLI ChAed--ikdleshltish, kr..
inn,rock 04 ...ta or box.. eastward.) }U.° per
Lat. and 1eie19.11.1411a, Fnelarah. Uer-I
Clay, T AC .
YLMIR-41 oOn bbl until forthar nottae.
4.IImLN-oileteLleirldtilbe,rditll farther node:.'
C 019071-52 per bide notexceeding 353 the welLut.
tit NO. her notiu '
193...11910118 Conde from Any Pant 1.1 , 4 t Putlado
tirticular to mark pactage "nu ''en_n
6 All tloods ennaliteril to the A ol trie
'toad at Philadelphia ce Pittaburth.
Wittivitt detection.
85631717 AnCelll-43,8,. Keane, Gt finery st., Beam; J.
li Clatk. No. Hoare and No. I IV in , .. 10. ".
and Atha McDosiald, No K Dattere Plaro. heir Inch:
Plercent Co_ Zarmorille, Ohio; Iterin Coe and trait
man k Crotty , Cincinnati, Ohm; ;Lt. Meldrunt.Sladienn ,
Ind. Ptunnerpt 11.11 t Mid ,utn• 6 Jewett, Lonny
• 11.1e,..4.y.; P. U. 11 . 1111e.y A. do..N.Wrill.. l Fl R. P Nett'.
Pt. Wok Woo WoTal.7 A Co_ Sietyylin, Tenn
tue_yk Cal Chneto, (adj. e, Glam. Fort 103 to li,
.) nec
a Po J•Stiewlert.l./.114; wan! Itane e dialtintocre A. A.
"' .l. en t llllll7l b BWk, Gerie/. a Perd:7l: .47486 .Pdfli..7BeA
LOUDA ICIVT..Stor Attoewet. lately
00.1ena and Chicago 11/11ot
.Avr . r
Frato..tDrerit.AL DEPOT. foe tof I. it Pill/XL c0nr.01.7 ,
log al Dottleith with sttatOert et. reed and th4l.!poi, ,
ruvros AND tur.ris , LIDD—Por Dlxoa, folttit
Centre I low.. De0. , 044r11n lowe, Nobtselte mot lien
.3ll find tale the meet ei.4,llDootCoate, I. h . h. •IT
Mr Lin.• to the 1 , 1 L.lO rt .nd tbm, - .4t. API& ma.,
0.0 or ober Doe. f(114,0,14011 Vultonwith
/owe W. ur .q Edou to lima cid the W4eL
1114,4D:sua 31411eDti /.1.,Y-Tor Delott, .IFogy . llD;
3.lodiOn end C'ent•mo '
• nINEZt 3P..1.111' taND—Tor
lien.!( soll ••• •
nII o+
MIII4. Ul.k
end Vth
r. 4 , 11 ALL.• ." • • •• —•••
...,stiArondsl . 6 l l-Isiytp),Aiez .
iltnll.l.l Ezttotraa.kaivil;roji
• •
• ,: Aram:. rdna Ks MI Plrradliall! 00310 U. it '
N.• 110LIESS & SONS, Broker& •
440. ET Market at Med and fortrth irk raft. A
PINNSYLVANLA. Branch at Woostar..-- NI
Bank of Pittabarkh tarßrandlSl Xsola..-... 44
ra channa Bank of do---tth Branch at Tonsgatosa. ~t,
Ater. and lithol's et do- City TOM Cincinnati- 2.
Bank of Corar-thth..—.par Concordat
ordat lk,Cansin"l- la
1=1.o:les . Rant ..,-.4.-..lSZFnankt./Zl-'..^:7" for
Bank ofetrortllnalfberttaeoltataajatrog.TAL". Lt,
Bank of Fen.thylvants4-... Westron Ilaserre Bank- I
Bank of Fenn Tosnanit- Small notas.-----.. ).
Coannetthal Bank of Pa...s: r i - NAN =OLAND.
Farther? ,ktterboulca• Bk-yar Ali solvent Banta-...-.. .ir
Wend rant -....-......... 1 : NSW YORE.
Kensington Bark-----W Nan York Clt.T..-.-o+:
Idthufse. A Meth. Bank- ,gar 'Gronntry --4„--....
klethanics• Bank-----Parl 31 *BYL-"D• • '
t i ta m :l,76'ir' ..P trigt l 4=-7.= : :
Bthahwarkliank........—..noriN.J.6ll.6lMa DZl.A.Warilt
Tradonanhßar-k..a....narlallthirent Hanka...—. o.
Weateraßook__-. ..--ter VIROINIA.
Bank of Chambersbn;ith... Stßank of tith Valley..
Bank elObster Conn 7...yarraiofl'a , ,tiohthth.„ 4.-
Bank of Dthrille....--....,.par tY., Beak,. VT• NotTotk
Baca of I:41. CO, Cneddh,Pd rswr L. -.1. 118.'n
Bank of Garrnantorn..—.sar Aterchantea-Nn---, _'•
Bank of atyaborkh..... ".4 North Wattern Bath , *
Bank of hentstoren.......... 1
- Bran
Bolt ch esll ... .....,.....
a to
Bank of Allddhdown.--.f Ca COLL' , .
Jilordanthvr7 Co. Bank -an= Bank al V. 71. F. 1 ....*
Bank et forthnotherlananar Itatdt cdtn.otli. tkorotFa •
Colunthia Mr A Brides
C.b..tdo Com. Hank,Wiltninktort. A
'Easto n 8a0k.....--rsa Iferchaste•Bk,ldentorrn. 0
'Easton Bank-------rar Bolan CAB/MINA:
'Bath Beak ----. . 34 DI alba ht-of S.Caroltna
Farther.' Bk of Bad. L.'l. .111Ilant of South Omahas
Farmers' B o of Lancoothr.. par 8.011 00 c.b.,,,,,,,,...
Farmers' Bank of Ittaling.rar Planters'a .4..hmee . 171;
Yam. BkolSchuylkill Co-Cart
Far. A Cron: Waynesboro. I id:oaten loan 1.2 . n0t
Franklin Bk Wathlnston: i `ljt e r2 f t of Angv., : ,..
111";1=Shote.:=. h THANktiABL'' -
ILthatar 8ank. , .... - - — Dar Alleohthot Bank,- Y. i
lanthetth County
--lar rathitlCX Y. ,
lA rg 7 / " l iPT . ""'''''' 1 3 1 1 t k of , M t .,V, LT- tt i :" l r‘n a
, th . 0 „,,, b .,1"L„,L, .......r. r l e 'Z,..r,, LI 0 iNgravely do
WOOO Branch Bank...-- nor • l,satl.rrn ha of Madura., &
Wyoming 100 Wilkestarrenat , -N 1 LANA
Fork Bank .. -----.-- ht.tltds rc NtV 01A..y.t tt Lars l. - beta-
Haltel hots , • --- -- 'a
(7,4 ,I ) pa . c ystato MissaLLll , h
OLIO 13)01. 0;
le 74/
Branch at a lacy.... - do ti,,,0, a ale. .n. C.... ow. 0
Branch at .--.- do SI illtill)AN
Broach at I , r. Fedet , ...,. a. F arnorrs'Alethanvißana I
Branch at Ch.'... , he......da.Peninsuisr Han1._........
)thanth stClarstat-t-....- ell nirvana Cc zncany I
March at 7001..10...- -aorta Book_ ... ~..... __ ii
Branch Bran at Dayton. ..... - do CAN.. VA.
Branch at Delasars.....-- C. 111 of N. asierthr. Tomas 1
Branch at Cohn:ober ...... do Bk of Oct Peyyde.lorunto 3
itratAtt at 4 .
of Conters.!..-... .1
Branth at Va:m— ...a • - to lik of UvOtoada.To•outo 3
Branch st alataftold-..- do BABTEHN HAMA:4th.
Bethel .t Ricky... -0. , ._ do Co Nes York-- ...-- h
Branch at tAnchonatt-. - ds On 1T1iader1n0,......--. do
Tosuch at. Wathlagton.... d0,,0n Bth-tnotA- ,•,...-..7. dr
Branch at Oaths..., - do WEBTIgIiN FACIA ....-k
Branch ed Larthator....... do ' CArthrant1................ .',»
B at r touttnadlo.- do lonisville..--- - -
a Mt •1. Mt Vernon....- Co et. Lcele...-- --.
Branch at Newark...---- do GOLD ANDStr.t.ll • 01.1 a
Lunch aL STrlnotel!...... do. Bould , os. eranitt , -...e 0
Wand:lst oadetts. do i.. do Pe rt.d_ tad ,
Branch at Troy.. - ... - . dr.• Bask, NJ -.-.
-....._.10 to
flthoth at dr. PlO - atatt- anceNo., oast - .. -- -14. •
Ertnach at Caneavilka dotln•sderlclad.ccs ._ 1 ,
Laud , at Norwata--... to Too Thaler. --- -- Sr
Branch at rlqua..-- ..-. do coalneoo
Arrancb at Partiothuth- do'Sorddnns 0.1
Branch at Rohm do,Tan 0ni1der5......---.. 3.1 ,
Brooch a; ,?aaeorta..a... do Nanolcone....- 2 . 1
Branth at Cuyahoga .... do,Domee_
Bench at tlawlH , -..- do
DE • 1100 FL D'S
GERMAN - 131 . 1"I'Ett.:!; ,
- -
Dr. U. 11. • JACESUS. ThiLa., Pa.
Will ..nectn.i?,
I.hramia rw 1W -smut LOW Y, Disease of egt Ef..i.kA.
ail dosses artang frt. a danyvixtri
Liz, or Btopt4ch, • •
• • .
as Oonatlpa.
don, Inward Plies,
Coln* Blwd. to Una
Ilead. A of the Stomach,
Nausea. U rn. Aleentot for rood,
Fulness 00 Weight In the Stomach, bans
..nttatiorte. Blnklota us fluttlriog at the Pit
Of the Btarriseti Bwieendo is of the Mood. 11 curled
and difficult Breathing. .F.ustertng at the !least,
Cheating Or rufforatingSalleta!tne when Wars rontur•
Stainers of Vision. Date of wins before the cid. Fever
and Vint rain in the blood, Donsienel of rtesPir
atinn. Velicerne,n of Lb. 6%in awl' Ky..
Nan.budder. ttse nide, Flu ebe s Chest
b , I
o MO..
Am.ot ,
Burning In the nub.
(Amount inusinlors
of Beliand great .
Depreseion or
- Ineproprletor In calling the attention of the midis to
this preparation. dos no with • tapir; or the a . m. at con•
tidencela ita shines and adaptation to the dheases for
whish it DI recommended.
.1t tans. nsw and untried article but ode that Issatoo . l.
the test Of a ten .years' trial before the American pe u fp
and Its reptitation and eide Is %unbridled by mare
. rrepararions aslant. The.testS many In Its (Mr gilrett
'the .0400 prominent 0.01 well annuli ntiyededarS and in
, diriduale In all carte of the country is trontenteoml a
careful perusal of- the Allan.% published antinallS hr
the rroprtetor. and to re bad grads of and of bis Agents.
cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that Mid rentody'lr
really deserving the crest celebrity It has obtained. '• •
• Peinelpid OCioa and 71aratsetrry, No Fa Area oh. 41,4.4
adolphUi- 00.
Penneytva.nia Testimony.
cffea..t, of R. Woodward, En, the sea aerie rrentelki
fre Lho lien. nno? iron Works. ttrrir D C . b .,l, l , ll :
Lou. ti. to
w i th 01,— .. 1 was oar flee pare ma ,
rend,. *Meted with arena Wawa.. 1. , :rra:07; for arblobi . r
was ettended by ireerator the bcdphyrstarre Mt count*.
but all of na anal 1 alto wad various
as tar
could dud coital:se to be anti me [math was lodoood to
try your German Bitters, and after tatting four botth or
Whie-h. I was rehrrlti msrst..rand. am now otterthltOs tat
Afore effects of the Ciertran Bdterr, in AtAyezins
dud Liver Compleini.
Ideate:its e•J. Iteperter •ir 'the •rdi ' '
big{ Crianints." Plltiturgh. Pa e whoJeb. 1.1. 1865. eel tr
rimtor rionte
altoX.l hcs. bee? rlelott Your Om
ittere. a happy ofteet. She um Nen afeletsd"
More or lass. for sioramd yeanfe,with dime. . 1 trio 11 rer
and I/repo—pale, end until ithe ea.:woad ming
nothing bad given her earieh rend. tier health' in bow
rapidly Lamming, Appetite goal. and we ham weary. .0 • •
per to believe she will he psrfectly merited. she sada it,,
teethe Ge.7.recrietne she humor used'
4-, Nervous
J. St. ilmenrau. Doylestown, ha,June:3l. 1113...Jc—
wife has two addend with a norm. drat Utz
September, DWI, since which time 1 hare been uneLio to
ta,t any phyoldwa or nistazine that would benent tow SCI
the lesej,raitllone day 1 rolled at the stove of Dr. Itarroi.
of this town..lor coma hurting of iron, and deschtied- to' t
tiro the eldllotrons of my wit ,e - he thou handed =lea' lot ,
of papees to rand, among which I found one dm:Winn
roar demean lititte_re, 1 lattridlaudy thicured • few hit.
het from alto. and am pleased to gate that the um aline -
E,tt.ra h. tione her orr're good than all the medicine ate
naia breermere Laken. I wish you to mend me •• !sadden,
bother.' ,
Littr Complaint. •
J. P. Vivr... harthiebarg. a a.. Vey fa?... 1031. ioyso—
°With much pleasure 1 testify to the virtue or roue Get
man Ilitheo. BrumetkaeLsincel no severely &Motel wren •'
• diosme of the Lire, tor which I oral various moldier.
but w. no.behetrial effect. until 1 was induced to try
your Many, -r• n lam now nvpr nat. tatirell
cured ca.^
They are erdsray ve‘retatde.lnee fromall aleentibe ohm
utnuts, and ptessant to mete sad airofil. Prim. ib cent,
per ly the.
gold by lirooysce and ficcruloef an Weer, 1.00 any
ell., in the heated elates and lanedm.
oral ty I.t.tillird ROW. end Dr. GYO. Ir. O.IIIYAY.ft
Pltoshuegh. Pa. .olttlydawti.
No. 338 LiScrty &rut, Wow Wayne. - ..
RACZ10.4.74 ALABBLE 31ASOlv,- 1
tit; ISIIESTos - pectfully to inform his frienar -
V V and the pophom general. that ha bee leaafd Nee
oremleee. Be theroanotextere an& la .11'017
•01000 of MARBLE Woll.ll, 00th se
I ,, ,ceeentr. -foal, Table.: mud Grose Stones. :
of ever/variety . ..l , l form:
NA (1 , 17,1 " /NEVAN.
1 ogre Tabk , Pier Bureau and f
113 eh ha isofeAnau am ea anyother nelanantana
West or the Ltoustalcie. LID Mob la entirely ea*. 0 1 1.. ,
nee been eeieeted or hlmaelkszpresely far this ma ,
Ve also prepared to build .2n - ..1 'Vault..'Vault..Mode. 11,11
Lore.,schlner 01.0. 00.100 execute any other eo
in 2000 UM, In eel of toeCemeteriee felloblbqg Pll r tanalair
Orden hi mall amended to with Ai/match.
tip permute, fo,
ltev. T Ly. tiabray, rug
Non. Wiz Wlttint. lerChlelett. Eat:
Jolla LI 116.05,00er, ¢x,. Ver Ringran, A'
Ohm Bremer, Ell. 11111„ Eao.
Thou Scott. IA,L. . All threlleir k.„ Bee,
W P Bann.
The (rad. tarnla o .e4 a lthMiele o I , oreleo gine W .
Ineelle Marble either all -
or in the Moab. al
fele prim.
- haa oleo .sle arrengethanta elth tha Inatafartnra
beet bread., face eastebeet •OPP I 7 el"Nleraelle
Ceram., Water and I,oulerUle LLse, sad Plaster Pam':
bosh for Lend and elect. Wert. all 01 which - be to Free*
e , l famish at sheet era... oabyr.da.r/rt&e11B
Doilitr Ravings Bw:dx
No 66 Fount Sena, • . •
Aunpia toot', aolir.s' .2zl stimonto,.
. .uutc'open daily from .2 to 2 d'olook;.iittc.
. Wetlands! sod Stcordar •renint... nom lait'•
to Otteber.laclasive, from 7' to t o'clock:. and from No!
'comber to April, lailnetyr, from to • o'eloex. • 'r
.flepothe rewired 01 ea MMa not woe than t/o• Nollst
and • on - ldend of dm profile ~ d eclared trim • !tar,
Jane and Leone... Intereet , rse declared It the rate 01
Ids per Tau perste:Mal.= the Cat of Itgeadebet.lBl,o.•No
the .1
of vtoetr,
otations turr i sood p nt—U ORe 4 m ath MN*
tiopinf sli tlepLurn,
(3 ion. It White.
W. Jolmit....
tam. W.
s: loonl4lllllc,
. _
John 43.E5-etc.:ea: ' ' Jmnee fleranan;
klt t .tt t ur g ir' beko , ..
Jinn. IL 11.111”.
John N. Hittwfriet
lir.bert. Clort..r, Wtlllarn.§ 4 .ll , 7M.
J. (lardlner Cam.• Johni).
Alarm A. Oart.en. WAlter KililLis -
John IL CloirgrsvA.. WI ma AIUIPL.
Charlet A. Uolton. • A. IL Etikek.
C. C. Ittirlngton. liana L. Ringyrsi ~...
Annnein. Felix, aohat. -SAM.. ,
I. , (Pr..X.V.Yittn ,, rr... . . . Jamas Pladt4 , : . ...., ' 3
ie..= S. Loon. "
L Ilhasn e. 11.1.,...; . Alanndn'Tlndl. -
&trawl. an..l,4l.erAtiLAS A.. COVV.I.`t. ,
. • • :,
Paper and Stationery at Wholesale.'
%IVESTERN MERCHANTS are invited 14
examine the a etenelea sole of Writing. rrint
lag and Wrapping Papers, and SteArriery or all demi:"
time, which I offer for Ws at prices whith wall giro antis*
taatian and on tho most namable tering. „The gorta in.
Inn and tritite Cap apa* de
• Do do Letter do do • do:
.i;odo Note do do
All else. of • Writing kali...Aid Iran. Pilaw:maw.°
Denim A.LSO.
.great areartment of Plain sad Ornamental Nola Pa.
pen at grfatlr redo-rid prima
ilanlda Wrapping span-eirrietr tor=
Ann and dtraw h rapping Pape.:
Enrelopae-Plalft, Whits, Blue. /Intr. Amber, -Alm:
gaboreed.Mtainelled. Damsel. an, At. •
ginned's. elartuird &Nora% Wamnfa.Mbigat's•OrtlVii:
nal...ftand Conger Yield's Ink;
u lraber's. Brockman A langderia and Other
celebrated minding -
Pens, all Nos; Mayan's Commertlali Arbritres •
and No. I Pens, together with as endless Variety of Maid
yang of other rosnutnetareite •4-
Pen Bolder; land. liaßla, Itantanda.; roluoiNd. sea •
.every sale-/a In dm Stationery Ilea
• W. R. taxing,
Nos. 21.. and 113 Mutat ttnot, ,
WIWI' Of 81.31,1
4 ,31„10., Ouxte war Bazar;
Abbot tnmated LCLreaccm
t 6 do 0, W0tan...406k coormara) . •
41 do WC Juno" Wale ona Roues Motamor. •• •
; its Was :Mau Itio 001164 t:
;nag enema (nab Toas_ • : ..•
41 nom' I`.lL and Thank Team • •
33 do Lat Lod Wm. IL Ora. n's 214 Inlonone
3 tiaras mimeW. C.
Id Wow &AM and Candle; i„
;15 donan Paintedllut tr. --•
IV do
ay a ;Cara /144 Co — oda - -
71 1 o l oVarrVTMItatti;14ba rt J6... ' - i , r 85 ,0 %
Zit kLARCIE , lot of Bonzes Bum 5.41 a aid
hone We. Feedand tar .
• —• r.• SV 111:01tJeW4illibatT.,
Keptuckilticap iced
Ai by Iteania Adylat.le.oma coarlinmentlor sab.
! •ATWICIJ,Lis2 • 1004 *al Wo
YETLOUR-=l6 pbte., - Tatra ffir'ania L.•
- eta& Paden: In tbe , Ditekeed; axe fOli
. tor Ittabarab be e cue: abed eluded
.2 e 7 ax ' Nialat.Pgz ./ 21 anal:. mft
.1_ _
Joßn IL iStsantsenior.
' . Gnat.. tlitn:,:y, •
• • Tbstah•4l Urislmts.•:tel
I IMSE ranne. , t.. •
William J. Atidersi•lk:'
-- r -- **
77 1 _
' •b •
MI 11
1 • ' •