PITTSBURGH GAZETTE sr a. xu:DDLis esarm .l D. L. BI;MILL ILRBXrTfibrreLL, ~,:.PITTSBURGH! WRINTESDAY MORNING, MARCH 1E,1867 Terms: PA 4..v—sin".D•liangDer annum. parable In advent. KIK t..17-14ro Do le pm Pawns. In adenuee.— nbe VIII be supplied on the Inlioninn .nd Wenn • Ten ea her OD Jar Perinneean he admitted into • dun. where en. ex.. ". , ".te at any,Poet omen. at any time. by rending one &11m. •lirAdMinne_lnkTmente are etrietly rednlred. and the "' , r'N napped when theevar impatotnlme it I • renewed RATES .OF ADVERTISING One 86% uzo. Wes oof N=6868)106 6861.) rtADo tech o 25 • •DO ' I=s 176 r bro 00 ootb 1)0 281 r 10 00 ,) - . tarolvo mionttuo.4..,--..—. 18 00 0 11tandlog (511586 *6l66opar annum 600 itot dollar 486 oath additional 1109. Ono lontre, changeable at pleBstere,(por an. ..naz0.),28106186 of maw-- —..- .25 00 Republican Stitte Convention The Republican State Convention, for tho nom Etalkonof =Mates for Cte . erncre and other State cater : vlll be bald at Harrfsbusy, on Iliknisday 14e day ~, nt..itsrell. WY. .Iss.b. Metclet wlll sleet Dalesztss In thy ninslynannor, equalln number to Its reyresontntlves In te 3 ia the Yn mm n Ey/ the MAUI IS store; and no Denson : flit be entitled, by Sobstltatlo to represent a distrltt U fa wal(4 be doss not rtstio...' - lILBLES GIBBON& enslytos,n of !Its itttatti‘l Committee. - llnion;County : Convention. • The opponents 'of tit& present National Ad mlatitratlon =dot the Centlanatt Platxnun are hereby requested to inset- In' their several election districts. In this orroner, et the tonal phase of bolding sueh meadows. Crtfliatornlar, Munn UM, 1&57_,.d sleet two deform/se frnm each. to meet In Donets vontsoli. on 157.1neitge lintL• berth 111457, o'clact. A. IL. at ths COURT -11011 Elf. In the city of Pittsburgh. for the 'impel.. of eta:ging delegates to the State Oanventice. to no held at liarrialesuu, on the 25th Of glareb_ , for the namlrmtlnn of eandldateefor the several State . ' By order of the Union Executive Omura et. of A Ilegbee 07 ernonly. .TifthilL9 A. MIN. Chairtnan. Ittre E scin xtrev. Peer. Taro eolnmna of interesting reeding Matter will be found on oar fret page this morning., Tga Conan 90sorsayron.—At the Convention in ffeeziebnrghthe names of many of our !mini tint citizens will be submitted as candidate!' for tho &Usti in the gift of the.peole. We are , moat hippy to etate, howevei, that every name whioh will be before that Convention hos bean hrenght foiward by thoPsoria. No wire-work-. ere, no paid Arammors have been buy. We glory in:referring these mattors. to the honest masses who are "Unwed by Intibeeto,Fa 9nbribed by gal." Wa (eel seined tbitibe up7igbt end liberty loving people or Penneyleenia will come, as one men; to the support of the cher - abed prlnalpletf which were. first spoken to the world by the intitera, and which still live in tho hearts of true republicans, when: the weak and wicked bare turned their bade upon freedom and trampled under foot the-palladlont 4 our Liberties, the Cocatitation. - 'in the coming Convention, we look for union, harmony and self•concession.— We expeet.suoh_ a tloket withal tail out the fell force of the true friends of freedom. For ourselves, we desire to see srepresentative man nominated, be be who he may, smkwe would rather . go down with our flag flying, thin con• qwer irith some miserable meandering notices- side to those •avering crowds who say "Good Lord, Good Satan.". With these remarks we submit ahe names 'oft:oil:4 of those who are men tioned 'coinseotion with the ollioe of Governor . The Phi'adepts Ames says: — Gen: ' /tunes K. Moorhead it prominently urged, in many influential papers throughout the State, as the Union candidate for Governor; and, without disparaging the well known merits o other who helm been named in the tams eon. tteetioa, we amert, 'without hesitation, that4e ugites within himself the elements of assured Sl3oCtrifi. "If la well to have an available candi date; but.when to availability Is added other and mortimportant requisites of individual popular. ity, er,iclentity of interest with our iron, coal, utentfreeMming, nod agricultural poroults,of an intimate knowledge of our public, works, our ca nals, raihroada; teagraplm, &a, we cannot bet wish that our good old Commonwealth should be placed under the guidance .of cue pommeling these, and all.tbega►liScations of judgment and experience. Gen. Moorhead hem elves been a tariff. man, and true to Peousylvanis interests. * * With sueb a men as Afeetbeatl, Wilmot, Reed, cootie, end hosts of others, to select from; it wculdhe madness nt:laid the opponeata'a the - Cincinnati platform fall to unite. The Indiana Independent says. • `We lave many good men in our ranks, and so far 11.9 we are concerned, we con with all our heart support any of them. We eee our friends iu the North : a re'urging the nomination of Judge Wilmot, and others have.natned Mr.. 8011, of-Brie. We Would . resneotfally tranneat, the nettle of Hon.:Edward D. Gemara, as one around which all the elements of the oppesitlon to the Blase powviatlght iiith'prepriety. rally. (tmrinlendiflit that sterlbag Repnbliaan eolanty of Ci - CaVeirea - "offer the nemo of gen. 6.l:Combe. The sanitation carries weight with it. X truer Republican ddifnot bitaitte and alga firm con sistent'losteat'-)M; lethie'cluietiMente say what they think ofilla on theta tointal We do not deem it ouv.Prittrince to•nrge aby man,, hew ever. Our • puce is: to record the wishes of the people which have dine above. We are going Jo'Bght with all the energy which God hae gilt's's - wafer the nominee of the 'Harrisburg Convenilon, feelieg r eure that - he will be no man of airreiv;Vieere or of donbtfal etutreteter, bat en honest true'rean, who ie ' these dark days inveeircerleto more Ruin the desire to herd with prospotona ecoandrels 0 . 0 the. Diderot temporary ‘ Elb . 11 SLAVE STA.M.”-43130h , was -the diofaratiOn of our of tholeadiag border ralhenala tlmlate Kansas legielatnre He spoke 3 by . 441 ,. 4, Ile. knew ?thereof he wiliepeak 1. lag'. On the ebayenth as we bat* been Informed ; by telegraph, Mr. Dimes, of Hanoi?, wee nom ' lootid Far 2.lsiiifist- Kaatim, Ia plltpe of -Mr. Heoneii:..of - Ohlli,.whofiliedaSed of Felseeoilismi that in, Of being more friendly to iheadmiesion of grimaces a free thco &r & Slave Elate. Mr. Spencer 6 0iii.nak r ed itwo mongol ago by Pioicaln 'place Ofthathicetilary Woolson, oho preahlod conimitted by a imab Lawrniao about; one your ego. Ilia 'Ruination iris not, epatirmod by tbo &nate. •e eorreopondmit:of..ifie ,poarier Enquirer • odd - iv:it Is periaitt noino rery- rigulitilebia oidenee.thst,fast as we Bee the practical rfjec. tion or diamLuml, of „lble gentleman, we bear of the murder in •Imi. renwortkof the (fiat of two Free State ofScisla accidentally appointed by the lataErecatkori... These two gentlemen were Mr. 9sy, jaParr Ageqt, sad Mr. Shoimaker, ita oeiterot the land pifice. Mr. Gay. yea mar. der edilY Missoitrimmt a year ago, for Baying be was a Case Deincietst, , and in Tarot of a Free Ststec- and Mr. Shoemaker has been dieposed of to like manner.' 811Suaninirm FEJLIALIt BENINAIIT.—Ia our eelerintis this =mink may be found the easel , tieement of the • pose fostitution,,. Under the able etiyorlutaudsuee or Dr., Realty with • Prof. Reid as Principal or the school, • its imams ought to be :um. 'Those .who knew Prof. Reid while teaohiut is we Ore sum, Ogre; with 'us in sayloi that ),is atoning .ability as a teseherWai ailly; equalled by thee* admirable mist. qualities which characterise him ae a eentleioao. . tiovsatton or _KANBAS.—The.Weibington car• respondent et the New York Timer wrote yroin thitt oily before the fast thit Goy. Geat7 bad re• signed wag toade public, as follows : Bridenoto bogie to acconiantab; that Govereof Geary will be forced to r .eggit, and that Bamuol Black, of POolleylvieli, - irlll be appointed Gov 'Toon el .Knosatr. :Inaak - wit, - Colonel of the Picot PenneJlnenatt nekintenti Ble3doo. TIIIICLIVIRAT. A IitIMICIOI Taxan.— iTasignoon, March.l.4: ~ -JThet amendments to the Dallas. Clarendon treaty in addition to` ;umetons • verbal..amendments, -Introduced to . .r nder the meaning eV certain 7passagett inoro olear.—Tbe Bret ameadmaitt, snored by lir. Bayard, assorts that the sovereignty of the Bay r lsladds is vested exclusively. In .liondersa;.. The eadand. moved by sMr, Itnelk; dictate's that the sovertigoty of the hfosquito , brace! bolvegi . 4o.Nicaregua, the Indians having n•poiressory . tight to it only as our Indians bere - bave to , them, lands. The third, by Jeff. Davie, that this &matey. does 'not In any way guarantee nor'granta of has nude toile) , parties by the Moe:pito , fadians. This le to prevent English colontste - frOin Settling' there The ..Eindwieli Islinds , traety-was - billed for the iteiint , ktaitialei:lliejittuni'ona account of its anticipated effect opcsamsuor lEler/over tbetilfOpt* - 7 - ;;; ET , 7 ;i ,7 'J , Sovetal Ocvmamivalft eta Awornint Mmtrarasous Penman Case is Boa - Hsearsnomo, Marob 10. zow.:—The Boston psiiire contain an account of .Etaots Gdzettv—The murderer of Norcross the euppoeed poisoning of Mrs. Lavinia Briggs, arrived here to-day under the charge of officers of Stoughton, and the street of her husband, and vasiodged in jail temporarily. Crowds of iloaeaßriggs, and a young woman, Miss Adeline people followed.the omnibus In which ha arrived Drake, as the supposed anthem of her death. and tried to get a eight of him. Groups re- airs. Briggs' body vie taken up, and charcoal maned in eight of tho jail yard during the tests were applied, which showed arsenic in the whole afternoon; A number of members of the statism/1 and boatels. Tho case le pow under Hoagie and Senate in company with myself, examination. went upon two occasions during the afternoon to see the prisoner, bat circumstances were cot favorable to our purpeee. The jailor has prom ised to gratify our cariosity to-morrow morning. An attempt was made by the matt who came ' with him from Bloomsburg to get him to centres what ho had done with the evidences of indebt. °doom which he got-from Norerose_ I did not understand what unseen attended 'the effort He will trt taken hence to Hollidaysburg te-mor row by the noon train. A largo number of per. eons will visit him ere he departs. Those who have seen hint describe him as a tall, rather fine looking man, dressed with care and neatness, and with a fuel by no matins unpleasant in its expression. He talks readily and freely about indifferent matters, and although be appears to be concerned about the unpleasantness of his condition, he gives no evidence that ho has ever been guilty of the horrid crime wherewith be stands charged. There can be no doubt, how ever, of his guilt, nor of the completonessn and fullness of the testimony against him. All the marks upon his person, crooked anger, soar upon the Huse, etc., correspond with the deeorip ..tion given of the murderer, and he acknowledges his name to bo McKim. • Mr. Stevenson and Voegbtley both preeentell petitions to-day - opposing the passage of the bill now pending before the House to regard to bridges and bridge companies. These petitions wertivery nameronaly signed. The bill for the consolidation of the Hompfield and Chartiere Valley, and Cincinnati and Marl etta Railroadepassed - th a House to-day. It went over to the Senate ao amended •by the ./louse; the Senate concurred in them, and the Governor signed It at once Gen. Foster originally proposed to make it obligatory upon the consolidated company to, finish the Hempfield road within ton years. But that amendment was subsequently modified co that there is nothing obligatory upon it to do no. There was a bill which passed -the Senoie some time ago giving the Burgess and Towp Council of South Pittsburgh the power to change the place of elections. That bill is upon the private calendar. It will be considered to-mor row and will doubtless pass. The Committee raised some time since upon the ease of the' correspondent of the Philadelphia Argus, met and organized last week. Is hold two sessions It has bad before it but two wit names as yet. These were the Speaket of the House, whose testimony was a reiteration of his statement upon the floor and a Mr. Berrybilt, who has been trying to get the Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company bill passed—one of the three bills which were objected off and wbleh objection caused all this trouble. hfr. Berryhtllappeared before the CoMmltteo not only is regard to propooltiono made to him rel ative to this bill but al,o in reference to similar proposals made to regard to a '.supplement to the Atlantic! and Ohio telegraph compatty"—a. bill which proposes to give to the cotporators the right to build whatever linos of telegraph they 'see fit or to consolidate those now owned or to bo built by them with any whir cempanies in existence. It is rather a wide margin of prle lieges boo still no one bad any right to interfere with its passage save In a legitimate way. I think the whole investigation will bo a fail ure, -unless come tarts aro developed which have noiyet torment. At least it will not implicate any one save the reporter charged. Nothing can be done- with him—no penalty Inflicted save expulsion from tho floor. This committee is again In reasion to-night. It does not permit a report of its proceedings to be made public. Persons are permitted to be present, but not to re pert the testimony ta enema for the newspapers. The names of witnesses aro handed in privately th the commit-en They do not transpire nmd they are called up for examination. This is done to prevent them from knowing that they are going to be summoned until it is dons. These are sumo of tho delegates to the com ing Convention already here. All manifest the utmost desire that harmony and conciliation shall mark its deliberations, and I doobt not they will . There to en evident determination on the port of all the delegates yet strived to place Judge Wilmot upon the ticket, bet as a candidate for the Supreme Court, and I think that I risk nothing in saying that he will accept the poet lion. He left here tads) , for home. A very great majority of Philadelphians ask for nothing, to far as I can ascertain, except the Canal Commissioner, and in Waco:mention they name !Winona: They prefer him not only be elapse he Le a man of capacity and etem city, brit because his name wonid go far to recon cile all the elements of oppoeition in the city. Judge Kelly and other reliable Republicans of the city endorse him enthusiastically, u do the rllmore Union men, and in fact every person but Sanderson and the few who atilt adhere to his falling fortunes The straight Fillmoreitee, es a pasty, have ceased to' exist In the city. R. Gov. GEARY. -Virill our "democracy" read the telegraphic dispatch in relation ta.Governor Geary's resignation, his trial and dangers, and the prospect of affairs in Kansas" Who has raised this storm t At whose door lies the sin Of murder, anon and robbery that have ravaged and yet threaten to desolate anew that fated son, The veriest blockhead may dash in pieces the most exquisite piece of workmanship, but where is the carefOl hand which can restore tho scattered fragments and establish the original beatriY antlerder of the whole ? We will wait e little and eeo whether Mr. Bachanan can bring order or' m Ilona Tom writing on the 2Ettit of February, says • "A satisfactory result le generally Kaki to await the question cf Neufchatel. I fest, how ever, this, at all events, is peculator°. That efforts have been made, within the hut few days to attain that end Icm aware. At the last eon. (Crones the PZl2Bllilllll3llllillterflpeCifieo theist-me OD which his Government wouldelettis the mat, ter, and Dr. Kern, without giving, any - opinioo, thought it his duty to transmit them to , fletne. Since then I have been informed that the pre tensions of the Bing of .Prosela sr% so I andel pated long glace, of each 4 nature- as to render their acceptance by the Swims Government very difUoult. unless (of which there is se yet no sign) it is ready to give up most of the advon. Mises for which it has hitherto so eurriestly con tended. Contrary to what Is generally said, - doubt If any coostderablo progress has been made in the way of a malefactor, arrange- - meat." IT is quite evident that Fhe Republican party of this State, as represented in the State Lees. lotus, have been greatly noncentrated and en couraged by the decision in the Dred Scott ease. It came just when the fideioemed to be turning; when the President end hie Cabinet, In all their power, were evidently 'winning strength by their enormous patronage. ROW/ wvdt7 wan Can tee that there is a tremendous issue, the gageof which.ls thrown down by Slavery—the Nation' ality of Slavery. Th at, the whole 'country can anderetand—and far above ill State questions— (indeed, they will tilde into Insignificant* in obm parlour) will the people seize upon thatwhioh the mistaken Shiro Power has placed before them. The Republicans believe that that decleion hue confirmed in their hands the power of the State. —N. F. Courier and Enquirer. - • DOUCILAA' FATIIIITI•I7I•LAR.—.7. madisoneztte, the new father-4.4w of Douglaa, wee the -prominent applicant for the office of: Reiland Auditor of the Treasury, In place of Pilot.' O. Waehington.: Ilia application was . backed by twenty-eight 'Senators Notwithetanding this powerful array of Senators. the Douglas intlu once, and the acknowledged . qualifications and experience of the "father-In-4w," thy tale. graph of Saturday infertile us that Philip Clay ton has been appointed to the place. The Ad. ministration seems &tern:tined to .‘heard the Douglee." . New ILLIIPMIBE Etscmon.4-The Concord Statesman has returns from 207 towns, which give Hale, Republican, 38,788 votew Wells, De rocarat,l29,776; scattering, 201. Twenty-two towns remain to be beard from. Of Itepresect. tatives,.the Republicans have elected 187, and the •Deetoorata 110—Republican majority 77.= In regard to Representatives to - Congress; tho Statesman nye: that taking the Governor's vote as a basis, ribe'e majority In the first Conant's lanai district will be &boat 600; Tappan's In the sc4ond, 1000; and Cragin's In the third,lloo.' Arm Burrs' CRAWS TO DR DONATION/SIZED ? A shipmaster submits the following pertinent every in the New York Courier & Engulren-- uNuppose I ships crew of negro 'callers t who bare been born in the UnitedBtatee, will It make my semi subject to foreign tonnage, dies, sines the lite deeLsion of tbo 11. 8. Supreme Court, in the Drod Scott easel The law sap two-thirds of a crew meat be Moorhen oithens, and it is now quite common to hire the whole crew colored urea." A SAD tempered judge was annoyed by an old gentleinan who bad es* my had °broth) cough, and after repeatedly desiring the crier to heap the Court quiet, at length angrily told the offendlog gentleman that he -would fine him £lOO, If he did not cease coughing, when ho watt met the reply, 'A will giro your- lordship Z2flo If you will stop itfor . _ lios. Wts. • L. Dirreit.—Ttlie gentleman t .WhO wite the late 'free-aoll candidate far .. Pri' ol4 ene.Y.-1 11 0 - reeeatly, "actataateit ter Ma u,' 'Oatmeal of NeWloreq Cfoliziat of het Biato, lietitea'rejeited by Pi 81144 1 80 4, Laat 'week the (keener Igaia..ne*steti &Mk .age 'the gettatit r 4 4 , I TneedAL7. Ow 17th Inet, e 7 Rey. W. A Pseenvant, Mr. 1). R. YERCIUSON and Mlia KATE ILIUM all of thla SPECIAL NOTICES. I Believe it Saved my Life,—Jaeol, Wooster, of Duch Creek. Now Bei - Ilkley township, .or , 'Tor two years I suffered the Vertigo, Nausea and Ifeadaehe. attending Dreoeretl.s. sometham 60 aeverey telnenparitate me far any effort—at others, Co confine roe to my be& kly bowels wore eftertwo emanated as to oblga =a to meths most powerful purgatives to relieve myself. Indeed, Ise lust found It necessary (I me some. thing of the kind eonetautly. Lest fell I commence' tab. ng Betamivrs ILOLI.ANE. nrri NIP% and found Niue. what my saw required. I cannot I - eve:mend It too blobe ly. for - elbeleor =eared my life. Sir Sold at 11'p= bottle. Of ex bailee for by the proprietors, BRNJAKIN PAGE. Ja., 0 CO., Ilarafeeter- In • Pharnmeentiote end ClinmErtit, Pitteburob. Pa, sod Permeate seuerallr. enelffidawr A Medicine Chest in a Bottle--This re mark le epplieable to lieustedy's 3ledlul liteeovern for the etoek of zto megtine chest in the whet I ever cured ee, many individuals of enah a variety of diseapes 14 has ono te , ttla of the Medical Discovery. The admane of one rel. ( fc Per. If they Were ll:mewed three-cold. could not contain A 1 :111./t4C - IMit of the names of those who have b e . cured of mnfriii.ftrTidpelse. Balt Rheum. and otherhumore equal I manful and errerantinc. mi. I. on osaggented statement. ffl, we,have awn certificates from persons who haie been cur , d stall thee. dim., and we recommend the Discovery to the elf:Betel everywhere. bold by Dr. ODO. IL KIYbER, 110 Woad rharet. ,rb• ralo eeeot. JA3IES P. FLD3IING,IftehrO.I. mrldkorT What is lodine Water? A great deal o oiultolunnt prsvalli,in resent to this now modiest d'son err, end you hoar people say. Why. lalinn is net now rertainly not. lodine was dineovered so Imo, s (arty* Den ears so, by a soda m►nofeeterer of Paris named Courtols. It le not. mineral rubstanc. It Ls found In sponge, oretere, eeaweed. In various mineral springs. and many Wrenn. attribute the medicinal vropertlee or Col Liver 011 to lodine. which It contain. in email quasi• title. The trouble hitherto with it hei been thet it would not dissolve Is pure Water. without' combining with something else, which Injured Its medical propertlee The lodine Water then le Kolu el oti of lodine in pure wa ter, and nothLag els. It was discovered by Dr. Anders. of New York, and le need to the same diseases ea lodine would be need for. It le • great altrraties or purfster o f the blood—tirlres off bat hansom makes Rheumatism let gro Its hold thojolota, nod drives It auto( the of the bones. It brads up the what nerve, and rums Neuralgia. It ozone the liver and carries off [be surer• abundant bile. It rum dropsy and dimanes or the bled der.d kidney,. It does not prebend to run, every d 4• warm. bat only those where an alterative medicine would cure. Dr. FINYBEIt, 140 Wool Street, alit tail you all about It. Price II per bottle. mr3,da ler Bargains,, Bar o ; a ins, SELLING OFF TO QUIT TUE TRADE Coraer'Fourth and Market Streets. WI!. M. lIERSII Lvill commenco this (la to dlepose of hie ct at such reduced prlea. that It w be to the Were... arbour» to re sod examine for the cave.. rstrlttsd York Car Works, TOILE, FIX 4.. BILLDIYER & SMA LL Are prepared to furnish Coal and Freight Can at short DOMY at fair orlon and on anommodatlnc termite , nrsonelbli parties. Railroad Companies, 0.4.1 operators and others an referred, as to the character of ntr work, to the following rutin .ho on our Cars in Tinian Peasurylvarda: The Wanotorclazul Coal Comploy, Pitteburgt, Pennsylvania Railroad do do, Mean. John Scott d Co., do, We.. B.Htonte Co.. do, ' Hare. Warden, 'thaw deo.. do. Richard Rely, Cmrabarg. nri4;l2odfo For the benefit of the invalid portion of Our community. we extract the following from the dlma• gm orDr. C. M. Jackson, prOprlotOr of Una Mal% German Bittern. hoping It may Indwyy s'lrlalof them: .1. C. NILES soyr—Stmength M.. /Jowl lit. It Y't expect to 101 l grout gmntltim of root. bitten Lids year -- I Many of my niotomon er oma vy highly of It. gel gtmlitles. towing proved It s elf tevwt an eznellont Fever and Amt. ptncrt.tlee, aareat mita, of the blood: and the very teat thing on locums to mild dlamtion and create a good natural apretlte In abort., lam aura It Is ono of Vie eery tell toodicinos known Mr tonally on, being ash and plosuant for any ono to take." Prod, wroleyalo and mall, at IN. 0 NO. U. EUXllliilit'n rug Eton., led Wood et. , oleo of the Golden Mortar. g,oadurtlrm.ot torlL2mlawY Important Notate° to those A.fflicted WITH CIICANIC DISUSE:I. by Dr. A. B IJEATiI. New York City. Finding It ompowaibte to att., t personally to allow patients. arid letup unwilling to tine surto re. etunalbla anti. to smistants or student,. and for the purpooe of toppromlng the eel, of wortblow and Injurious Omsk medicines, as wall., the imptaithins alverliesyl undar. tlctllirma UMW& offering to mod redo. mwtin ...wit.; Of letter mukluks or cows 4 0 144 Be—to thy above. {Minn sicommoilsta pationtatil parts of the •carry,l rod ni.diolnee , witt4 to any amigo, for YS, tanleei-iroatment la ape:wired for langur feilod than ono mouth,'wten the fee to Mersa:ail fon each month. The fee foi all eurginal oyeratlunr, to. eluding that for the radical cute or hernia, will depend 0117012 the rertilarity or the taw Potientawill .Ise Stoll f111.40:11021 oral their erutiatnimin lb. Paned With as aerecia2 talkie°. to each ewe. All mem./ letters &mad be reuristonatt. The Orel non of an, glow Rat.] not slit to soot to soy lddrew oo the ravel pt of 10 coot., /1. IIEiTII. 'Anent - Mg atMet. ontweito tho Mt_ Mehl:law Clotel. anVarife nein Now York. • The only 'tteciai Awaxaed by the New Took Exhlbltlcc to the Estallels or Ihrslgn rear. Mann lecturer. !us biro cltalned, amonart whom , . rocs re t tore, by LEA It PERRIN'S, or their WfILICESTEILIIIIIRE SAUER, hr farther I.4lmoser Le afforded of Its; Want: the haat Swam extant.. The ewarrits of ihle ran,. Da. intended to every year ter of the slot.. and Its • Bracy in pre-meting the aeneem health Is Lecaralosdall r more amassed and aelc.carbalced. /a Ms Milted states It I. held to he the most adayeable. condiment. andl esteemed fur Ibe Um is and lorlEorallna prepertlas.lta ha Itual nee ...blind sheet...eh to distal thc Roc .011 . 6 OnntMutt pf Et/Ml - *, tb.ee q.. 1 . 0 ..b* , * h.** 4dattled to by *irActtlaman, 14. WZILIe t, IJSA 2 PEEL. £IN thc.r. .It....mrrted • bat:l4o,oW WaraelanSles Nona /nu tour I h outortatod through tipaln and Pottage[. aid Wit* Ima toy primal state of health t Its rum rout Baum to shroaohle. sad I Wok =anginal eau oritlt truth .0 err* la ulthtuu ho a traveler'. bait. gaga gro atarntrat to bla comfort. at lout to thaw rountrka. Oa your/Lames. ' In Indla. atm, üblra It lo found eat the tuna; of avert toirtuorrat. a mtulleal kyoUrtuan rrltro room dladraa to . . his brother teethe mats profoosko at Woivirts4 . th. Wllc►ttiQ tams . D.ll lau a Pardus thatitheie sane la highly aftlased to India, uta that It ha 74 tar,optallon, the :avert Dslotsbls as wall 4 the sow. svholssooss tansy Thlassocs Is suitable for srsry sarlsty of /11. h, sod a haiyeml 41..11 whisk. Its orcellenes has erewtsd has kd to many ImltatioruNplng offered to the public, hods? • Varietiaf harass, but OR main* may he knotra by the cum of , I'Llkk YYNFLINIV. being Impremed.land the patauemiblltle eapproka, nr patina alma atota.t of Lb. bon* as well as the labels and wrappor. Meladoras Isr the ttsitm ma., JOHN 4a/NOIN a pow& 406 itroallmay: Now York. Sir lontits I; von 1 ILIUM. ii 7 a,' \ AWL MT. ItIIKUMATI3I,`, o r :AK m a - 5 It rDNIYB AND lit.AoDrit. eilttilteLUte. ', . GOITRE. TitTrltß, • WI:ITE SWELLING. , The following &Miele 1. from the pen orate of our mod Mlehreted physielem, and one whom num., If ey. ve . l\ permitted to mention It. would curry indent ronvietlen 1 to the Priblk mind of the truth argil he states: Nate 'foal, 0414.3, 1800 Mum. Fitton.—Permit me to roniP7 • Mlle Otto= vane in doltur an a:t. 0( humanity—for It le alma* Inu• onarlty.....to place tbe a llelel sod disheartened In the may efeaslly anoultlog good health and ealrits I bane bad more than a handled es... or dolumptloO co m 'hands at one tame. l hare had ileir romblainte elthont it:auber MnOngmTpoU.ats. 1 harritted a dozen eleetl Ol Tr and ague at Mal • terrible rue of Kozo:tile, or g's still Dillon, Ma:edam of erery type, and one raw recantly of yellow fewer. Nearly all f these !bate satin. leetorgy managed with nothing bat .loollne. lodinate no preparation °toucher,. It is • Moine article of the lastatia Media. administered by elan regrilarilty.' laelstt; and when It no, be obtained purr, Is a note onto. tloo of Croton. I know of nothing so Xrwstral 12 to .R.lat for the romoval of dlreaee. In reanimation Ite