BY B. RIDDLI • = VaIeSILL ir4="l7l 13 FTTSBURGT-T: SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, MY. Tenn: OWE s.Y- ( 3.2 Dollars Da mown. notrabte In setvana, 'I I IrIIIsKLY-I'wo Donau per. annum. In adrannr.-- Merlin ba inimeral on the tollowing conditlonn It, Dar 00 Ton COhiwi par mann -13 00 AirEarmas an' Do adtnittad Into a - Where one on I. Many Post 0215. at any Dim. by nand lug one Mar: " sor mtrinur pa lota are strictly required. and the maim, ingheyear to I:01.11am iti.roursod • RATES OF - ADVERTISING. One mum 00 linen of Not yarell or Amt.) Do due Inwertlon- 0 60 Do aath-wilditiOnal trisation..- .0 23 Do one I 70 • Ito. twonniagg.—...-_--.-B.od mars • Do • oas month- e ---- 600 Do two 700 Do throe ..A t gi 00 Do as monthin..- "11 00 tin wig,. - 18 Da Standing Co y d,. (5 those; Irma) pa: saunas 000 Ono dollar for each Ono *glom changitableat plearcire.(per ane nmo.) excinuir• armor 23 00 Republican State Obavention , . „.. . . • The Repel)Soma State donTontion, for the nom r. not =Mates fOr Gosernor end °Chalked. Mater. Übe bold at Horriittegn, on IT - ohattlaw Llte 2SA dos Nardi. 1867. liseb Dittglet win elect Delegates in the el manner, equal in number to Ito rinivnantattree hi t e two nooses of the State Leglilatair; and no pluton - ir u be entitled, by,tubstittltiOn, to reattleent a dlitti . 4 In whils he deei eMt yields. ' 'OII6EttED 01:13DONO. i Chairman of State Exeentlya Committee. . , . . . • . • • - Union county . etamention. - ' . . •. ' • •: The opponents of the present National Ad-. .ialsistratkin and of the Clnehanstl Platform, my , e hereby, !equated tomeet in toot? mem! election districts: to foinUlTlV llTlalf. th lla u foNe ti rgil, W anl i e p lfAVro u irl til t% from oath, to [Mitt, 00=47 Couveallon. on WBDNglio , itabm'atier..,"phit=tl4l.,ou-p_ 43°U* o l ; Weal= lia*ostoe to the Bbete Convention. to OM held et Hanlatiazgont th. intb of March, for th e nomlnationof moodidetim forth. genial Stags Mee" The meedinguln the several towcohlpe will' be held is , twain the hours of 3. mid 6 P. M., and In the alto. arid boroughs between the hours of f and 9 P. M. • By order of/the Union ittecutive Committee of 4 Beebe ny cananty. / JA ass A. SKIN, Chairman. AIMMILLACI.terh Baer. Two.oolumas of interesting reading matter may bo found on oar first page., APOLOGITIO.—To those of our friends here in this city or In the vicinity who may not havo ro. 1: i (live The Gazette yesterday morning nt all, or if at I, not until late, we bave to eay that by the b rating of, or some obstruction la a water pipe, Our prase room was quite overflowed, preven r ik our men from 'working and (pro log me , for\Y „ he moment to depend upon a nelgt4r. We are all right again. PRIMMir MENttllO3 NIOUT —Our friends moat pot, forget that the primer y meetings for the eleation of the delegates to the County Con' veetion will bo'held in the cities and adjoining 'eiborougtus to night at 7 o'clock. The County Convention will ensemble next Wedneeday, and elect seven delegates to the State nominating Ccarention of the 25th. An artiole from the Indiana (Pa.) independent, to another column, contains lipartant information coneerning the calla issued for the 'State Convention RIPUBLICA2II9.II.—We hare been informed by " a city contemporary that Bleak Republicanism has been recently knocked in tee head: Anoth er in somewhat choicer phrase has pronounced the recent decision of the Supreme CONIT;, the funeral sermon of Black Republinanisto. Blind lenders, miserable prophets are ye All I While these hirelings who feed at the public crib forget the source of their power and 'act as if there wore no Supreme Director in the affairs of this t:decree, the people, the honest and unstebitious MUMS, answer the qneelion of "knocking in the head" and of "Funeral Sermons." The first comment comes from Neer Ilampehire in the shape.of a Republican Governor, a full delega tion of Republican Congressmen and a mejority of two to one of Republicans In the State Leah,- . later°. New Hampshire, that chronic seat of Democracy, the hamo of the unfortunate, end most imhappy Pierce, samara the decision that makes her virtually a elate State, by eroding to !teary department of the Government in which she has a voice, true and tried friends of Repub lican principles. Bow Idle to euppoen that a free and intelligent people can be made to ac cept the ipse dizff-of a Court which has stepped &Adele pass an opinion upon questions eel properly before it, as law. We believe that this decision lately thruei upon us will have Be just and proper effect.— It will awak,n the friends of freedom to renew s ed efforts. From all parte of the country in which the word "freedom" may be pronounced willukt danger to life and itmb, comes in . the teethes:My that a feeling, not loud but deep, is awakened by this recent decision. One of th e moat aeoempilehed of the correspondeuts of the New York press, writing from Albany to the Ootnier and Buguirer, neje: The Deed Scott decision is an smszemeni to all. it is conceded that it .as secured the supre, mark in fhis Slate of the Republican party. Ido not say In the Union. I think the prevalent . feeling Is a concession or en admission that the GovernateniLof this—Nation le with and In the Malin:alert of human Slavery. The legal power and the Prealtientisi power combined are invin cible. It rintitine for those wbo do not believe demi , a natio:lst Institution to ..blde their time.' -I confess I can Beano other result than the co mplete ascendaney of Slevery. It to on the Nation, either for good or evil. I think it molt probable that the voloe 01 New York wilt bet calmly and wisely uttered in this emergency. They who know the State well ray that the effect of tbetrectent decision cannot he exaggerated in Its importance upon' public opt- I nice. 'The greatest State in the nation is at this moment preparing to throw down the only W rier that its coestitatiha interposes to prevent the complete Mama - hip of the man of oolor, while the highest. legal authority la the land is denying hie citizenship. Than Alertly, like the approach of doom, does the State and Oar. ornate= come into controversy. The highest success la Literature, the blithest boogie is War, have made the name of; Scott memorible. A poor, and hUmble, and wretched man, le to make that name the very binge of our StstorY. Boi let it 6e. 'there le left one 'park of taanfintee among the freemen of Penneylean', end of the free North, they will addreve 'them. eelved -anew to the battle, and gird 00 1 thelr armor for the victory that must nailer or, later: crown their efforts: We have an abiding boon.: dance in ,the, vitality. and invlzeribillty or truth, n,nd with that we'go forward is the path oi l (Idyl and Boned the trumpet of vigilance wherever it may through'ue he heard. Though the heathen rage for a time, let us 'dead up In MIT own plitoee for,:tbe right, and yield not one heir to present eneceesrnl wrong. We trust that theiCou., voution 'which will ousamblo at our Court ROuNe on theAth, will vest out the eeatimeate of Allegheny entity ou ale subject In language se unmietakeable as that she altered at the Polls its iiii4ember lest. Let ue pledge nob other sumln the good , Oght we hue entered Upon; end Bower ley down crone until we bare conquered. Tbe, brat ' gap ter 1157 Imo been beard in New itainpshire.CP7o trust that Coimectiont win answer next In the enure rnd that weyrrisy count Pennsylvania in lho coming autumn in the list of States redeemed rein the th ra ldom of false - Democracy. 'Let tid county at least do lte part in the premises, t t did again and anal/ again lad All. Fusiasi or Ds. BIIEDZI.L.—The bill of the dertsker who provided for the, foods! of Dr. Barden wse recently presented to the Palle Ad inlet/sin for eaUlament. •It *mounted le thW sr . v .... ...—-- - - - , *ems w ere Iltr4r ' clothes In e• .dounal of. commerce In 'peaking of the contrite& of Mr. Gowen to pate* the, annken ships 10 the harbor - of Nebadopof eve:. • Three reseele will be employed In transport ing en, implemonte, go., to the scene of action. The, trot will mall early ice May, the second about the middle of the month, and the third st tfie ramie edit., Mr, Gowen will take out nine ty Mon "eaneletlng of divers, engineers, osolker,e, thip l and hones carpenters, seamen, !Automatize anil n ainers. Ny request of th e Buesian go" ern, ent, he will carry along some specimens bf American inientiop and handicraft, each de , stesefenglne",rbapstans and wisdiaam of the woo“tpprOTed.po t ttirp,.ploughr, corn planter", drawiege and models!lo eteam area Merriam° and Ni are,'fire ought, :hp, Geoids] engineers MIL' leave for Sebastopol so eOrti day ; to Maki the neceseary sortejs, eceetract the caisson', and have every thir g in TS/ape= for the reception and immediate Opp. realm of thotmootanery when it OtriTte. pmmitriikAliim Omer fign4F4nit. State ConventiOn It will be seen by the two cells which we pnblieh to-day, /Mune by the Republican State Covention and the other by the opposition mem hereof the Legislative, that there hen been a union of all concerned on a basis of opposition to the extension of Slavery. Below we give a letter received by us from a Republican Senator, Dr. Oartam, which meet folly explains tfte present poeition of all the friends of Freedom, who have been active In bringing about the present happy state of affairs I and we recommend its carefnlperaval to ail our readers. We now feel In going into another political straggle, we have every Tamen to be.. Have that the result will prove to be a triumph Of, correct' principles, and that . hereafter Penn ybrania will take her stand with her Meter free Iltates. r. Gazsam, the author of the letter, la known to us to be sound on tho greet ques tion of freedom, and therefore we place implicit confidentse In all the positions taken by him In his letter.: Hkruuntrea, Feb. 23d, 1857. Jaws V. Moorhead, Eeq.—Dear Sir :—I have been requited to rend you ,a copy of the call for a State Convention, signed by tho members of the I,iigislature who are opposed to the ex• tension or slavery, but who believe that in the approsabing contest certain questions of State policy ought to be also set forth In•s call for a convention to nominato State officers. It Is herewith atoll:med. The object which the opposition members of the Legislature have is clew, is not to patch un a temporary arrangement between political portiesj but to consolidate the Andre opposition of this Stab), on a basis that will uphold the great wrieciple of non•eatonsion of slavery— maintain. one system of education with the Bi• ble bathe public eahools, and prevent those frauds on the ballot-box, which by defeating the will cr the people, pqt our Republican institu dotes In jeopardy. The Republican State Committee which cretin -Harrisburg a few days ago have had the same subjects under consideration, and I am happy to Inform you the sentiment of those who are op posed to the fusion or coalition of organized politleal parties has prevailed, and both Repub. cane rind Americans here have unanimously aome!to an understnuding that a compact party In (mitre of comet political principles may be formed by extending an invitation to individuate of all parties who now, hold the sentiments con mined in the cell signed by the members of the Leglslathre--sentiments to which no Republican and no American can object. The Republican BtateCommittee dietinctly de clared that they could not withdraw the call they bad Issued and had no authority to com mence a now campaign by entering , into corn pacts with any political body, or tolehange any teeter° of the organization of tho party which they represented; hot at the emcee time they nnanimonelyagreed that "there wee nothing in the call of a Convention proposed by the mem bers of the Legielature which any member of the Republican party could object to, or which eonflieted with that issued by the Republican Committee, and that delegates chosen under the one call, might well meet in the same Conven tion with these chosen under the other." These are also the sentiments of the opposition mem bers of the Legislature; and if they nevelt among the people, as I believe they will, then all good citizens Who have at beast the cause of Freedom, and are determined to defend it against the aggreseiorm of elayery, and ors also resolved to protect the ballot box, the constitu tional palladium of Freedom, from corrupt in-. &lances, can now cordially co-operate, not in the coalition or fusion of organized political partios, but in the good work of a union of OO diviJnal eititens, and their consolidation into one party of Free principles to be sustained in future by one organization, until a triumphant victory rewards the patriotio spirit which, with out eacrifleing any principle, secures harmony by mutual conoessions. Respectfully, and rely truly yours, E. D. OAZZAS OM BOOK TATILR ANCIICAS Netts and duties avareau ftintitt. Vent of the eastatitattkna ore. U. FL By kudzu,' D. D. Blew, rr Vermont Nair York. CitataaalL, Vre cool t whet that this work had not the eatt l ction of Bishop Hopkins. If any one sup poses that It is a rode axe= for the oltieen, polating oat crticisely and unobjectionahly his rights and duthis, he is sorely mistaken. Leav ing out of the count the small proportional part that treats 'et the religious view of a man's political duties, it is a rehaab of the pro slavery ethics which prevail in the locofooo party. It vindicates elavery, declare. it to be serf/aurally lawful and philanthrophle, and a bleeping to the African race; enjoins abject suhmission to the slave power in all its dictate*, and while In afoot, censuring Sumner's epeooh, as "a breach of every law, human and divine," it would seem to approve of Brooks' murderous assault, Mace it nowhere condemns It. Infect, it is a Northern votive offering upon the altar of slavery, each as a few other Northern clergy: men have latterly been mistaken enough to make, and would go very far to prove, if any thing 'could, the Impropriety of preachers tod• dling with pOlitica. The coneuding ' portions of the book, on Basin's'', the Domestio Relations and Nodal Life aro well enough, but not re markable fari anything new. For sale by 1", 111 Datis. WLS/311110T{1X'S FARIVELL ADDRIM. The statement that this relic eras lately stolen from the State Dipartment to Washington touet be erroneous, is it le said it Dever was In the possession of :the government. The Phil/del.. phis &Alain gays: ..It wag sent by Washington, at the time It was written, to be' publiebed in the newspaper then published in this city by Mr. Claypoole. The latter had it i.reet ,up without damaging the 'copy.' The manusoript was carefully pre- serval by Mr. C., and in 1949 or '6O It was of. (ered et public! sale in this city by the heirs' of Mr. Claypoole , Coogrese entered Into compoli. Lion for the prise; but, after a spirited biddlog, it was knocked off to J 103611 Lelloo2, Eaq.,l of New York, fora sum exceeding two thousand dollars. Mr. L. had come exact copies of the address made for his frieoda, bat the great *rig icel remains iuhte possession." dramas COLIMIZITION.—Datiog the year 1896 the receive of the Americus Colonizatien Soots ty amotuited t 0381,888 41, of which New York contributed $24,371 81; Virginia $10,000; Con• neoticat, $9,286 80; Penurylnnis, $4,288 49; Now Jersey, $3,261 46; and Delaware $249 97. The oontributitina of Maryland are set down it $405 97, but the State has given largely to sup port the Marylaud colony, the State govern. meat alone appropilating $lO,OOO, and large le• divides! contributlatis having been made Thea, too, citizens of Maryland gave to the Atneriatte Colonization Boulety, during the year, the pack; ' et ship Mary Corollas Stevens, Foaling $44,000. Not !coo than four hundred emanloipated slaves were eent to Liberia from the SouthTle the course of the year. " TUN T/IFFIMOSt OF ATUJIISFIL-111 the pun. Giamatti &use of Replaaentatioce on the 20th oil, the report Ist regard to the teetimny of Atheists, was, by; a rote of 208 to 96, recommit ted with inetructions to report a bill prOvlding aubetantially that no person shall be (WIWI on incompetent witness in "cansegneoce of hie epic. ton on the eubjeot of religion; but that evidence i may be given ot.ithetatil opinions as a that of ; credibility, and any person who may be (found' not to believe In the existence of a enpricco Being, shall be pOrmitted to testify on hli;Gleam affirmation, eubjeat to the pains and penalties of perjury. A Scow AVALAWcus.—AB a company or itearn• . eters were comineinto Winona, hi T., on the :6th nit., a man named Cooke' started off odi to a 'little distance from his companion! near the baae of one of . Chars lofty bled whi ch will in the romantic itolliCgtonea and had not been there Ere minutes, whew a tremendous aralanohe of snow camp thundering down from the summit of the blaff above him, and in Its rapidly descending confee, swept him sway in an instant, and hiiried him ander the man, to the depth of eight or ton feet. Ile was exhumed an quickly as pos. slble,, but lite was extinct. • ._ Tan Aromas ZIODIEL— The Petersburg (Vs.) raprell "Oar citizens aro beginning to observe the unusual number of slaves that are ow:stonily passing through Petersburg, on their way South; and to tho minds of many, the result appears Inevitable, that It will need but the work of ten or tironty years to clear Virginia' completely of that parr of her population. A company of one hundred paesod through on Saturday. Tim eldp Adrlatio, of New York, of 2600 tone and only five monthe old, whlob was lately stranded near Dungarren, Irish Channel, was sold, hull end cargo, for .Xl6lO, and hill since been got off and takon to Queenstown. When repaired and rigged afresh, it is thought dm will be worth tally $60,000. ,Aaaowastrrn Emu Ormx.—lt has been men tioned, by a Liverpool merchant acquainted with Mr. Arrowsmitb, and who hue great reliance upon his veraelty so, far as mere intention •la concerned, that he his been long in the habit of using opium. This mayausconnt for that Georgia revolver hoax. 1 : R ona Extmevagenota—Afthe het codirtlall WI Paris the jewols of Ihe Emmen .Baigatdit Were estimated at four millions of fame; sad flounces of alenconslaco which covered the Ulna Win robe of her Molest, cost six hundred thousand—the dram smil_jowela Mao amoantlng Isau m, million of dollars. Tmlpfepileto - re of the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, (the organ of Mr. irdimcnre in the recent cannee,) has, asys the New York Herald, made an assignment for the benefit of ita credit. ore. The Commercial was formerly one of the beat and moat prosperous of the Whig papers of New York. Tan Legislature of Arkansan has paned an aot that the lands mortgaged to the Real Estate Bank may be redeemed in the bonds of the State. This will probably create come market for those bond!. DlD—fl t A.lf put ona n•clou En.;ANNPAIHDODDN. Mgr funeral .111 take Ware from her lab redden., Mlllmt otroet.7th Ward. =Sunder at half nutter, &dock. to prixeed to the Allegheny monetry. no Wends of the family ars Wilted to attend. SPECIAL NOTICES I Believe it Bayed my Lffe,—Jacob Wooster. of Bosh Creek, Nati Bawl tiler township, says "For two year. I mitferld the Vertigo, Nausea and headache. attending D 70014114 sometimes mamma./ as to incapacitate me for any effort—at others, to confine me to my bed. Ely bowel. were often so conitipted as to °Wig, me to use the most powerful prirgatiees to relieve rayed/. Indeed. las last Mend It necessary toys. OM. thing of the kind constantly. last fell I commenced ug NINE fAVSB lIOLIAND =MBA and found It Just what my can required. I cannot rem:mond It too bigh t/. far maim ft sated my lifer Sart;old at SII per bottle, or ids bottles for SE, by the Pproprietare„ FAGS, Ja., 01.1., alanutsetnn i • Pharmaceutists and eherniste, Pittsburgh. Pa., .41 I:rossists aaosu+itr. insl3:dassT York Oar Works, YORK. FE.17.A.. BILLUYER & SMALL Are prepared to furnish Coal and Freight Can at Abort nonce at lair tutees and on soconumdating Sams to responsible Sorties. italroad Compardea operators and otners amen:ad, as' to the obarseter of our nork. to the folloiing, tattles viho ore nor Caro In Wtatern Pardurylianla: The We totordand Coal Company, Pittsburgh. Penni:Utast:do Itsdlroad do It, blessza. John Scott d Co, do. " 19m. B Btout t Co.. do, nays. Warden, Shaw a co., do. BleloarelKelly, Grandsbnria rott4;lntded For tho benefit of the invalid poriion o our community, we extinct the fbllowlog from the Alen nao of Dr. C. M. Jackson. hroDrietor of iloonand'e Osman Bitters, honing Many induce a trialof them: J. C. NILES enyc—Bunnan, M., March Ig, 11146.—..1 expect to Pell great Quantities of your Milton Ole year.— Moe) of tor customen spent very highly of In good aneiliiee. having mond itaelf tarot an excellent rem and ague preventative, a gnat varikar of the blood: and the very best thing on reoord to aid Mention and create • fo7l,4;=amtig.. ln short, letfly'Tec..llane."ie and Mensal for any to to tate" Bold, wholenle and retail. et 11r. ORO. U. Eight:We rug itto=l , , o 2 o . d et., din of the 001MILI Mott,. &peed tor11:1000.0 - irr lowa Warn— - A CURE AOll. tIOROPULA, 11310118, 11171iMPLAINT. DROPSY, 1 3111CUMATD151. KIDNRYO AND BLADDIDI, NIURAIDIA. twiritE, TIER, WIIITX RWELLINII •• . The following artisle I. from the pen (dons aim, most eelwbratail chyslalans, wn4 one .tmw tiams. If we were penalttwill bo mention It; wonlil neat Instant eznirittion to the public mind of the truth of all ho data*: _ Ng. You. kept. 3, 1110 Shurrs. Nifirorv—riunilt me to cemipy a little of your dolag an act of humanity—kr It le donde bu• moony—to place this &Mkt./ and &shaman:led In lta way of easily &co cation good health and ep/rlts. I have bad mote than a hmahed saes of conenmptlon on m 7 hang at one Uwe. 1 have bad liver compl•liets without apatite among my patbenta I bay. had a dozen sea. Of ftitm ague at ens; a terrible ease of scrafala Or blllout diemiltue of every tYPe. and ono ease nerently of yellow fever. Neatly all of these I have lolls factor/1y managed with nothlair but lodine. lodine la no Pinveration of q.skery. It le .a tonalu, article of the Malaria medima odministared by every regular shy slob= and whoa It can be obtained yam In • Does eNu• Lion of Croton. I know of nothlag we p.. 1.1 kW the removal of Mesas.. In sourrempUon Ito effects are etartlhig. In all tilllons arlactJors lodine plOll3OOl. spzedy cure. In scrofulous dloseaai Wlne le sertaln te extiriute the hereditary taint. 1 therefore warmly re. onaniend Dr. Eleary Ander? lodine Water. 140. ml by Dr. tl. ledynx. New Yak. sod .14 st DR. 6EYNIIIIII Urns bunts N 0.149 Wo-4 btriot. arn of tbsOrldona Fire Proof, Safes, A Aafe that will be age against tho ray wit of grim. be had .t IIUBKIi BARIOUPIa thle city. The following tartimoulal. whirl) appear. In the Bt, Louie Ifepehlhae , of the 70th, notate oluumeln their free. The b./Meteor these Ile Proof" have antabtlehed an eatable enpuistinzt through tta exaellene• of their utanufsetureer - to Li. Nef - nioafs e st. Loins and Lie /VA& Conera4: /a fondles to Maws. B. R. YtolstS l Um, and their some mots. Mama stilllsso Man & Co.. who on. %toot. lbf the oafs of Rork. & t4rad ere roof gsfes. berebf a•rtlff nPOn alnos/og oaf nab that Imo to ohs wrong nr. tiof tow a...traction of Ms oaf braid!. Cu Um • Witt of th o iith of Nosslnber.lgsd, LW. our books and papers turfs am* out as perfect am am biter being is the info , d. 7.. sod fro esn eboorfolly ra-oolmend Una, gsno to lb* publle. BRADY & 8500. Tits *bogy offatlonal .nfo ... ado da7 nronad In ml promonos. tad I berswith emertl , y that lb. bugs amount of Wogs ond papers thereto eenaudnod were In good ON.. arid MI wilting onfisedy lagiblo. H. M. RUNYAN. ST. LOGTI. J0.0.r7 9.Tf......12221111TAT1teV • Deakins —Auricles —Thim is a now st ela. for Deafness, that sots alsehaaitally arid Is • my* Yetahlr. Pull pertlaiiags by cull, upon thsiseelpt of • postage Ramp to Dretag postage. Bela at DIL Wholesale Druggist, 140 Wood U. feabiLlPT Ml= of th• Golden Mortar. I. I'. 9.7.131, Mbti• puurowa. DOCTORS GAMIN' t FLEXING. :OFFICE 2S SIXTH STREET, ameiwe PITTEMITILOIII, PA. Important Notice to those Afflicted into CIUItOIIODISEAAnB. br Dr. A. 9 11 HAUL, New Torn Cir. Finding It eneroselble to attend pernmally to all in) Patients. and being unwilling to Una! suet. rte exegete duties to assistant. or students, and for the Parinteenf nappreselen the gale ofwerthlwee and ittiouloon quack triediolowa. we well en the Impoeltione etre:Kind under Petitions names, offering to mud reripes irratlx or ao reostigt of letter stained or one dollar. Ae.—to obviate Ma above, and to accommodate patients In all parts cribs omenrir. 1 send medicines, with fall direothms. to owe an) , awls.. The Ilk mans treatment& Is required for a longer period than one mouth, whim the to. le themes ter each mouth. The tee be all surgical opastiosa, eluding that in the radical curs of linen; will depend I Una the peculiarity of the eau. rattaata win We Mail atancionl orall teen enoptonc. as.the remedies an too tared with an menial reforoun to.soli ow Ail =may letters should ho registered. Tin Irk .eart of my tlltu Costal work will be tent to any Menem on the receipt of 10 orate, ; A.B, LIZATII, intng street, orneelfs. the Eft. Michela. Hotel. epanydreerri 0010 New York. --- What is lodine Water? A great deal of excitement prevalls:ln retard to this new medical discov er:, and You hear people may. Why, iodine I. net net certainly riot. lodine wee &stormed as Icng se forty. floe years ago. by soda manufsetriner of Paris named Dourtaie. .It is not a mineral eritetance. It Is fund In' elMogia olltera maweede. In Varione mime/ springs, and many Pentane attribate the medicinal properties of Col Liver 011 to lodine. which It containeln small gnarls titles. Tbp trouble hitherto with It has been that It would net dhoolve in pure water. without combining with something else, which injured It, medical presentee The Udine Water then I. .eelation of lodine In pare era tar, and nothing Ora. It wee ellacmered by 1)r. Anders of hie, York, and le need in Memo. Menem Le lodine would be need for. it le • great alterative or purifier or the blood—driva off bed /wawa; make. Rhenmatino let go Its hold on the Joints, and drives It *roof the marrow of the bones. It braces op the weak nen., and cure. It nen. the liver and minim off , the gaper. abundant bile. It cures doom aid dimities of the bled demand Aldneys. It does not pretend to cure every di. *ma het only thews where an altstatlee inalloine would core. Dr. 44Y41111, 140 Wood street. rill tall you all aeon? It. Prinial per bottle,. mr34.lorT • The only Medal Awaineo by tho New york ishibitlen to the Boillsh or bridge. Baum Kann isairirsrs bee been obtained. amongst onsoareae oren 9e t lurk tit LEA, a Pffilitibiff, or their ORUBSTfflUtifIlUt deed of fort h. , tostiosony le afforded of Its beteg the WOO Boum ti r taiL The celebrity of ills !Isom has extended to every near ter of the globe, imad !toe Mace In promoting theitewera health Is beeninicidally more dowsed and acknowledged. 1. the United Mateo it 1 held to be the tenet eitreeehis soinUniellt. 14141 esteemed for Its tonic and ttYlgoreUog 9MP.til••• ltd he Itual me stabiles to digest the Zoe Qo t-0 00 341 unit of Europe, these TIMM. bare been totaled to by a gentleman. who stilt. to LEA et PER ' HIND thus "I hare carried • bottleof tour Woresaersh..• Kama la a tour 1 have Juet entozietlal through Abaft and IhnuitiLt sod believe I ow* my present state of health t Its a* your Swam is etomachle, and I think medlolnal, eon with truth ask there Is nothing la. traveleeB bag. gage go ~1114 to him oomlbrt. at Inset In then moot:deo. asyour gams; In India, al" whore It is mond at the mho of every regiment. a Medleal gentleman write. Rom /41•4raa to hie brother ID ph seine profeeelon at Wooster. In the following tering "Tell Ina A ?ening that their mite le tdablr aporovid In India. and that It 18.1 n 1117 oPinloO. the matt Palatable et; wall a the taw wholesome ..on toady.. Ebb sauce la suitable for every variety of dbab, and t •unlnermi demand wldelt Illeimilenne has masted has lad to many Imitatione being offered to the poblle, under • virlet7 of mune; but the genuine may be known by the name of "LkA'A YERIIINir being Impressed upon the patent metallie ospenlina or patent glom etapPer of the bottle. as vau aa the Isbehl and wraPpeY. Sole Agouti Of the UaltectEltetwY JuulY DUNCAN a SONO 400 Broulway. New Yoh. British and Bentinental Exchange. . • 1119 l r 111148 DRAWNWZ. OUNCIN,•81111111111AN & CO., ON TUE UNION BANK, LONDON, IN Spin OP Ll AND trywnnine. Those Drafts are available at all tho prin eSpal Towns in Maitland. dootland and Ireland. and the Cordllume. We Wee draw ROLM BILLS on M. A. Grunebaum & Bailin. FOLL/VKJPORT 4 AWN, Which elm sea Itunlttanoe to all payee of uennw4 Ihytteartend and Pasoan intending to travel Wendt:we procure !kronen on Lettere at Onedtt. on ',bleb Money can be obtained. as needed. In ear nett of Mrrots. Colleotlone of 13111 e, Naos, ano other ewarltlee to tee. eel* will mare want *motion. WM. IL WILL/AMR OM. MAL Wood. ears. Third eleven Prof, Wood's Hair Restorer.—A tteal Hex Baton, , bit. Basal JOllO. a Atethodlat alearmen. riding In ittalardlls. Westmoreland counts. am that hie bah had beentretttort day tor the last twenty atm sod was disiodes - to An yak. He used two bottle. or Prot, Word bale Batons watch entirely (topped the falthsa cot o the hat all tb luslz runmed Ito ortidnal Ma, earl= kept theoolar now fa ohm month& =a le s osonnon am. bat we publish tt basun It te near llama that the Subtle may beessansal that Wood'. Hair Mutate s That lir:meta to be. Bold at au, two and three holtdarirliftWood VmUlizida=rit. TO INVALIDS. Dr. CALVIkIII. PITOLI WILL BE AT PITTSBURGH Monday, March 16th, SP1 1 : CARD I ".daialrltT TO INVALIDS - Dr, Calvin M, Fitch, Jufbrveha.frd,2:tur, Guide and , W. , Manual. ifa. Will La at tbs BT. CU LiOTEL, Pittebargh, Pc, FROM Monday Morning, March 16th, Saturday Evening, May 16th, 18 6 / 7 , WHERE ho may be consulted daily, Bab bath exmpted, amiumptinn, Agthing. (Ihranie Bropehilie, Abu ter Dynividin, iggigtu DLIWIS, arid Mbar affliettong connected ..)th or predisposing to Con. gumption. , If frooi .y est," Pr. PITCH sbotild nub's to rs • mllu dating Lb* shah. of the perlnt storm named the liYllll.B appointment will be toncindsdbr Wa used..., Dr. J. W, Thome Intending to consult Dr. Ditch We particularly mustn't.' to apply newer's , •5 postible, for on the ranneinn of to former 'WU Dr.Diteh has found It utterly Iropw.el. We to glee all the attention he ld here desired to the nutotwr who delayed 'delft cou s him anti} the hut, SIM .° throttled one's hilt), daring the but few day. of &his adepoirdinerita And Dr./filth wishes It futthennote dietinetly under. Stood that allhottigh he considers Connemption • eatable diver., and treat a it as such. Still that he deem not Oen tend to raise the dead, not to n plettenta who hare neither longs cm cnnatitution left. and those who with treatment from Win toast &yid, reseenably early to the omens of their dense. And lee would add &tenths& bath himealf uid his annulate we seenetotoed to tell those .p. Plrina their real eituation, nor teed soy apply who are imprepared oeowilllng to learn the trutb. A mantic. treatment • wi ll of entree only be undertaken rum when there menu' chance of remedy. to ease when there 1. none Da treatment most of estates be merely pallbettre. Consultation personally or by letter Free OFFICE HOURS 10 TO 4 DAILY dr. 1.1 . 1,1 1 /11. M. Pl l ll ll l O Ph. March 10. 7.7—mr9,diwttl. OPENING OF SPRING Goons SAMUEL GRAY, Merchant Tailor No. 52 ST. CLAIR STREET, le now opening a fine assortnucni, of fashion ohl• e ping Goode, gonsdottog of (Naha Pange fl ooo fnfoto and Vestinaa eglocted oxpreoely eV floe eastern 10. u. I oral= 0" would norm/folly Invlto the attention of 01 eartamorg and lb. nutflt, amorally. fe2fljelf • PITTSBURGH VARIETV WORKS, JONES, WALLINGFORD CO (Seacerwrs(o Warwick. ifferfarry ) MAN UPAOTITREitS OF Right or left hand Door Looks, Spring, drop end thumb Latches, Platform and Counter Scales • Coffer, Corn and Paint Mills: DOMESTIC II A RDWAIZE GENERALLY Corner or wee., •11.1 thane Strewtft, . . Pitt•baricla. Pa. JAS .41cLAIIOLLCIN 1=I!1 ALCOHOL. COLOGNE SPIRITS AND FUSEL OIL Noe. 16S /red 170 Second Street. _4•15.17,16 J. M. LITTLE. • MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, (Ur. MA's Ng. La'Ming.) PITTSLIUNGIL GEORGE WEYMAN. ii.n.Actcra Dealer to all kin& or Tobacco, Snuff and cigars, AND Leaf Tobacco; Corner Smithfield Street and Diamond Alley ea:ro , PIM, DURO!, lA. =Jan P . R. D"WO"o—°'"D,--. K. 3 100R a llEAD & CO., YILANUFAUTUILIISS OF AMERICAN GALVANIZED SHEET'R 0 N And Sole Agents for the Pala of tO.Dzerises Woon'e Patent Imitation Russia Sheet Iron -ALSO- Galvanized Corrugated Iron, for Rooting. FISIST 1./raiment'. C. BRASHEARS & AUCTIONEERS LSD Commission Merchants EXCLUSIVELY, .Nos. 67 and 89 Win tercet, ancinnoll, Chao. Make liberal advances on all consignments and net se agents Ins elf. khale of ManulLetareel net. Maine mho otarooestee. Mote =dittoes =clotha illertheshhee feat donnas. Wrarafia. .od &Mau of each meek. ILono tonetently on hand • hate stook of Iclerchandlse ne fell et private salt. dell:Oats JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF Iron Balling, Iron Vann', knit Door; Window Shntlen, Window Curds, lie., Nos. 91 Second at., & SS Third (between Wood and Iderket,) PITTSBURGH, PA., Have on band a variety of new patterns I=l7 and Puha. =Wads Ihr = mhos= Partteolar tendon paid to =eke= awe Loon Jobbltur done et hart nett. abet JONREI, BOYD CO. ■WOPAOMIUIf or CAST STEEL. /ILK STRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS ANT/ AXLES. Garner' Ron and First Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA /O+LO . 11, noun D. it "Cock k's 'at co. aincnrcrincius BOG 68' IMP/kV:RD PATENT Steel Cultivator Teeth Rauh 6AD FlitA? 8711111 Te, le7ilrr , • I'frTSTIUROR. PA JOHN Tlll/1114'80N, 410 I.IIINILTV sT It IC E 7'. European Agent and Intelligence Office. 414 r ratait il hro iropplio.l wltti L'Ar•imis oo .I.lnrt notice bnato co a 100.1. a Europa lOt lA* t 1 RUMS to mill those wobloa to malt )•••••00 to sod from. Ramp. p7l „ gi mroo/11 Irtm Now rook 1013114;0- oouti IMAM r. COLLO, 1 - 10LNIES & COLLINS. (SOOOLEpaill To I. I. azulaciA.lll4) Agricultural s Warehouse, PEED STORE, No. 129 Wood filreei, ap2l-10,EwT PI TT SBU RGII ATS, CAPS AND I'URS. McOORD & 0 0. WHOLESALE &RETAIL. HATTERS, 131 Wood Street, Ilan Owen on bend e 101 l end complete, nen or UAW. OAPB, AYII MS. Whoinale and Retail 14 at the Learn learns Penn. to which they Invite tenth= oral! purehemmt. cetdtt ICE'CREAM AND OYSTER SALOON BY MAURICE SUEZ, lam Prong a.adißol MILIVIMILD armor Nowa Um Shumin •aar. Prtnannon. W. H. WRIGHT. lourCh st.,Wrras Wed and Market sts. PITTSIWIIOIIi PAH, Munufaaturete of and Daalors' in ALCO HOL. XIIIHREAL. CIAMPLITNE sad NNE OILS, OAB lelrrUalla, sad all Wadi of Lno, atuaulgUers. atm. &dna. ad. im latnu d u= s iitta:glldtagt dad Bran Out. 1217111/911 onsnipplled »salad/ every week ROM . NM:IM GEO. W. GREIG CO.. KEG MANUFACTURERS, • (br. Piko oad/tipActitid &rods, [AIWA PITTSBURGH, PA. j Manufacturo Pine and Oak Kegs of the minas a emeriptlons of flArt.Kin, orblola they Will lien It tas toottai otorketprtces. iirOontrooto •:• vookolf car 161101 et All work Iran Ponta" of lbo boot 411.litY• HENRYH ath .CULLINS, 0515118trItti briCROIIANT, AND IIasOI.IBALAI DRALIFY 01122811, BUTTER, BENDS, IIMM, And Ptodttos Dessem l / 7 . Bo 25 Wool Strut. Pittsburgh. WILLIAM N. EUMBII, Corner of Nadel and Fourth . Strata, OENTLUIENs , FuItNISIIINO LWOW, 1101.0rdas orocoolly Woodall to 111:171h 6000 LBS. BULK AIBAT to arrive and Dr Ws try SHRIVE; a DZWORTEL NEW ADV raertsEmENTS Tiort,ilECONnt 41FAW—Th• Rattublleang aro. Rao: vul 37hr4. Pttlattugh. -Hp nrearnb , a tbo this (Paturday) graph at 7 tenbnek,lnttalatitato delsontat to , L. Count CU tlo 1 13Tett O. Cattle, Sheep and Rog: a u CAUL , een . 'VIM REGULAR mARREr et DAYS oeh FOR m of kh atuf Mc. the Al ony city Dent. Teed!. after •he hest of A pelt .111 eco e , erT TIIBLIPDAY A. ,111 Dg Ter • end tlutehars ,ke uotica. fey en der oft!, A senclatlen . melt tet-L• • Annual ifTeetilig._ T HE ANNUAL MEETING of tho Stock• bolder. of the Tilt/burgh and Mats. Minion ems . Daisy WM be heldat the Czehanne Rank, en MONDAY. sna lath • nat.. at 3 o'etno.. P. M.. at seb•ch time there i .11 1.- an election of, Hinen to nerve tar tr. /mooing ye mrlfiatt THOS. M. 110 WP.. P•s ar. ir. r LET—A very comfortable and new a. biLik totta.v. linnw, three mile. train the Cite It. bonne lo 40 (set en oar., with a • Ina es tnudinn bas t MI feet Thor. In nn Hie prand... • Heti.% porecarriag Hines. /Hitt all nwowessry ont toilldlnm pl•nty 01 e water, and We • large cistern rot rat .......r. Thn ninond mea•urna two ants, and is sne e red with tha ono/cent fruit trees and shin t bsry. kr, Apply In wrl4 111.•HILY k RICIIi //Y. MEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! NEW • . BOORS—Debates of Aro•rlcan Caner,. from fa Ilikft .aid exclualvoly by antwerlptloo, Pt per each v 1789 ni . Wm. H. Ilairbanie Indomitable inn in their Wit and Hu. mar. In Parts, at 25 et.earn, min only be had from the agent. Anus'. of Nan /handy.. by F dose. and n i beilt pers. $2,60. Story hook c. Little Polka, b, Mr. Man • HMO and others. Annelia Bork oa ebert. the oily roil.-', blemork extant. All the ?Minot line Fa imitable for Bible Fe nob/. NewstnaPer• and Periodicals ara to be had from mrl4 .I,R. D, CLAIM, Po. 13 Bt. Clair M. PAIiITERN PAPERS &A peep eekl 011 Picto ß aEI,C E M th - , - - 11astrate W Portyn ffiobn• N. Y r lod n rWat. k lyM n , Matn of one Upton, Milner Homo Jonroal. Prieto. twer, liveninir Nark Citizen, Weekly Nov/Jetta, Scien tific Amerfean. 11011 sat llasetta. Dollar/ Paper, /*leer of Romans,. CMket. Yankee Notions for Apri l. NIA flax f r . , / p r A.zr/Igyllalloste Magaatire fo r v. Arg / M67-41;1 ,. and rarlt Ilk ate...4ollmM* the Theater. FSALE—A farm in Robinson Town. 46dp of 65 alt. Otet.olate land. hawing 60 acres are near. of which 10 are doh bottom lends. Intyriteemonte • new tram. boom sod etebll.4. OPP. sod on omstmrd of baud quality of 6 , 011 It Ile situate on the ?Jaime/ow. plank road and the Steu.ten•llln It IL. passes through one norner of It. Apply to mrl4 BLAKELY.% ItlellEY, Reel Feta. Broker.. AWREN GE rat O.PROPERTY FOR V BAWL sitnatod In the townof Pulaski, 10 mllOO north of New Cub, GO the hole Extenlon banal and Phenant. Rh. The 5111114 615 try 05 feet. 4 WM.. high: hae three run new 1 65 41ted by acw..l net Iron water wheel put In ln • Waraponse reach.. from the m ill to the canal. • goad Cooper Shop at. .boat 41 acre. of bottom h•od, The t• lb I In goal ronnlo otder , and can , dway• we , so much tom... as could be deolged. The. Is oleo • bream Fotl we In the .111 b ) -blob It can tw run Whe.o am water la Are cr tr.. For farther Par tlenlere apply to 6PLA IN & PON. UP, Fourth at. ALLEGIIENY CITY PRO FE RT lota of 'nand .110.1. on Y•iflLOUllt .tree!, 105 bwt 44tet from Fwl/ral ot..hartn• front. , 40 teat, and run ning book to Blabit. 160 foot IVIII be void low, the own., ' , Meg • oOI4•TrAIiOCIL. Amor co torl4 BLIMIELY a II," --- • - N O. SUGAR-65 hhde aboieo row crop, • light enoptraye, doctrab! e tn. city ratan train, In,. landing and Yy hy Ddtlitc O. LI IthilitT. cnrl4 nor. Liberty mad Hand otr _ • l I R . IE I D o. A to I' u PLE a S--- , bu br DeLrilittooriiii.:anid,rrfor C. lIA.IIIB-31)0 pea plain S. C. llama raeLlrnsi term meta hewn end for earn bY umrl4 DA V II) I.I.IIkILIMT ( *LOVER SEED— 88 libla is store and for X Jrala by mrl4 D/ITID.C. HERBST. .r 1 1 .L!LCON hada in atito end roriale by Ira/ 1 1 1 AV11$ a. 116al1n. OGS —B5 bids, packtd iu oats, in g 44 ordmfor 41455105 oast, an 'Learner ,nerallnyr to ea r", lar Sala by 18A1/111 OIuKILY • cn. 111 , LOUR-40 bble for eftla by mrl.l HENRY 11. COLI.INS. I 151 E -100 bbLi. for wile by 1.4 mall 1110111.1 , II LX/LI.I RIE1) - APPLES--20 eackFr jußt reed xrl,l for asio LS mrl4 II liNkY 11. OULU No. I )SLED PEACIIESI-20 bble. pr;tno dried mr yew.b.,Ja.t. reed s.r.dl,r de br lIXIskY 11. ('Oll.l NO. II I KEEN APPLES-15 Lads. Orson Apples Clijast reed and fur fale b, lItNRY i t ROOMS-100 . thor.. goad corn brooms for sale b, Lurid 11671 RY If. OULLINSI. 110311NY-150 bushels good Hominy for judo corl4 I.IEIIIIY U. (MIAXR, QTARCH 100 boxes Rochester Pearl 1015tateb just reed and fru sale by sayl4 111041tY u. Wr . LI /01. 1 TORN-100bushola shelled corn for rode W... /by mrla lIENLIT U. COLLINR. L A S,S-400 boxes 10-14, 9-12 VA ila•ga trq pale by barli II MUM( 11. (101.1 INB., Farms and Building Lots for Isola. 'FILE undersigned, Guardian of too minor children or Der (treed, br order of the Or. linsnelloart of Allegheny nudity. will Fell at idles...eta on favorable terms, the following Vertne end Uncliding Lot.: L A Valuable and &lambi* Ira, of !And tn•is on num Crook., In Plum township. a Ch. • ehor M t elistano• fn. U. ton C. station. on the Ailesbenr Valley find ro• e. It is tortof Um waly known late. attl fin 6, tb • 1.1•• of tbi rortltion. asso•si the balm of David ..oh rt. In died In lb. th . pb.J . Court In Ito 99 of Decomtor Thrm. u-166.5. This Mast eoninin• arras and 69 6 pert., It bar Targ. It ...rat sood springs ode watoo. and attionds l• timber and @bade tree, Almond them to. •buut +plebs b.ilnal nicer maple trim*. There am upon It eveveral averlooklnn ths Alleutbsur door mid greli.l.l4 •I°.• ...Wool-lel In besot, by aor U. munty. It C. 11. divided lin mailed unets f r molar, residence. ?biota gentles), of tro oily haws patetismo( portiotes of Um Ores Jam, .1 barn euntuly built. or ass about in bone .1 limn and Imo pave them. A tram adjoining the ahose and hetsem It and Its Almobeay kaCar halkoad arAtlon. 1104 tract is No. 2, on Dotld Orme* also. and e attains 44 iterm and D 0 perch ea. It L. It atnthlom better Plttlal•al than N. 2, and Is more tamodide and dadeatie fa country naldenors, or Pr fartnitur PurMIM. It la *Prod that thus Is no butter or more pleasant, eituated property. aimed tor wale In thiscounty, thus the tarotrarte abut. derrhbed. TO., Ott be odd I. and Upon mach terms se lo WWWrry t., (most or the .rehme money remaining. lout' time,/ that It would oto yect Ca .7 one •attlug • small ram or eimutry d• doom to purehase. A lotou Sloe. AIN .to the Third Ward oft. Mt/ cf PlttMorrah, fronting' feet and JO It ch.e on the SAO. 61:14 .611[1,11111, back towards Maritst street II feet and 4. and Noe l, 17, / ra, 774 8.3. ie. 94,94, la v 7, 93, 92,1* NZ. 104. /* 11 . 16 .1 0 `.114.109,110.111. IPA 141, 14R and 14V in DmidOreees plan of Wm, in th e OM Ward of Lk* city of Piuseurkh. t Three lots am well Mtuated and will mar trod shoe for dwelling hoot* stoma or I la Work Mora They la 4dd chriap lan long time. rlktiltrAhr soi T ISAAC JONILi. To the . IlLillion.—Floor. Clothe Capers e (led: ' AI , ,PRED ENCLAND. blosaioWorker 11111.1 XlMllalltiOlllll Layer from the Cm of Minton Op, 41 . 111•1=2TR I PM;r4 York,lhr shoa l. s g al eserotLu of fo( (Jenne Encaustic_ and odor 2W. Floor. Drawing and PM= In Erna nriony. /Pr All orders to to direetwl to BAkTUT. SON ILNOLAND. No. SO Bead Sl, P tuba/4h. ARE INDUCEMENTS TO ACENTS— ■ 6., Envois:iced eaneestalng Agents ented In all parts of Um comae? for the "Llompreloonal w re Geogrephy and Illetory.(Anchmt sad Illodetnjof the Whole World," from the *anima •ges to Ana preeent time. tly O. Goodrlch,lPeter Par Wei Elegantly toured and teen It tally lilustrated. $3. told only by Agate to whom PpeCial &allot. will Os Oren. Applicants should ate. what counties they . 4000111 MR Per particulatesy ply to J. 11. COLTON A CO. mrtEltd P 172 William Great, N. Y. TRADE.— or fluor. FOraltun., Uarriagie, Window Shade, and e Oil Clot ' • I • ,rr description of Our I*i aTabnd l 01i0... 13:1•P uhe ra•Lar. We larit. the attesstlan of wholesale and retail buyers to oor stork. which will besiold stilts lo greet...stern pttml. , J PIiII.LIPS. 112,13 "41.. VA A 28 ot. Mel, Street "PATENT LEATHER 'AMIE attention of Carriage Makers. Sad dler. and Dotterels direct.] to the lams/ Weak of No I Enameled Did. f.t. Tops and Trimming Patent Dash. WIG.. nr Railing. Shining. Scalp, Pad Sklar, Sc let pa'e at epptmshpriCa by UOO D. ANDER/lON No. ZS Pt Ids!, et., 24 story 'P . hillipP . • 0001:1.11.4PIttehlrgh. Ps- I EATIIER SPLITTING MACIIINE—For a 4 .ate one 44 loch. !toward A Darla mak warranted. will 6.011 tow amply to ORO.II. ANDERSON, 00013.11.4 ES Ste Clair ellost. Lt UGAR--20 [aids N. O. tinker; 0. hbds now crop, lei mod Sugar. det. h reed aed for sale by It DA LZELL 00., =rid =1 Liberty West ARAGES. TISSUES A TAMARTINES, or all the ne w stylreano colors. Yee Cat the store In rid AIURPIIE t /10X01.1F/ELD. IZOARD WANTED—A married couple, LB without oil dr.a , deal,* to engage board to • pot. rate Insoll• to Al say Ott for a* solo Addreaa "Y. Y." Pol h ill:Km elating O 4 where •r be had, taint; Ns. tur1241.1 A A. MASON & 00., 2b Fifth street, an 41,11=rtaltapse log Wray ligaetbsailio`4l,..El); Lai...Moises sod every description Orilla of Dress Nome. alt ormbleh hare been purchased In New York and Philadelphia within the Nat tan day.. • mill Ilan% 7. WE are now openin 10, g oulr 85 SPRING GOODS V Borth' the boot Mootloa of link, ova* offered la .our mutat, having • lot of Moot Menlo 0111 t• tonught lut D.o. In which Ira (111t1 era 'Omit Ntpetry , •1.0, al I etenUneen In oar line. bei.a &MOAT: oo.h witt tat 10. We cal tboattantlon of th e I 44.1 to oar nook. torlo;tr JOHN OMAN A 00, Alloghonry Car. • WHITE GOODS-MURPILY bay* 111.1 r ag.log..PPr, at +MN (huh, in nansnolr, mulls, Ire'Mantes. Miaow, lawn, cam bric,. ay. Also. Yogna and white martolll.a an Wapner. dwurad lawn mulls,motoldered do, and a full alaort. marl of Plain and striped, alo, India %wills awl mr1:1 Gab--,50 bble and 7 bore% on steamer ,mtret itastwas to.mrtr a mpt i p sliT ja zy a 00. • •• A• • • 11 I[' 1n store and Ica We by men 113,11 A U DICIitY 111210 A LIBIE--100 bb! in store and for sas or one ISAIAH DICKEY • CO. V ALCUNED lIIAGINESLA.--300 pounds on V band and far nay try mrll FLEMING EROS. SODA AIM a er.porior artiola on hand and for sal* by my 9 BLUING 13110 i. g OASES (24 catty bra) "Tbrao Bells" Tobv6), lbs, folveredd mid r vale by Z. StIdURAW, 241 Marty it, oppotlEs Wood. PEARLS - 30 bbl first qua li ty Pearl Ash ml consignment and lbr rale by. HUM. IAUSTIO, ALKALI. bbli Eng / Ugh amine Beds; 200 bbleBoap ROBIN ALICXITIM. mr6 REATIARS-9 ands pimp in Moro one( lbr sale by sPRATOKR HAMS-200.pcs S. C. smoke honsoand &rola to mr3 DAVIDO Furst arinn-LBS la Cooking ltnieine . laralbt . tab a auantir g a i top p a zita n ) b m at LllFaoad. grIALABRIA ]be on / hisi kid hr 4L b 7 1100& GIPIKAN OLAY--50 tons in store for "de by . . _ iLIoaNO BROS —•-- - I.XaMANArdIMOLE FLOWEMS -- . 3001610 M bawl awe for mio 11.4611NG Bum 111011LTRY-4 box turkice and 1 do chick ens, recalvao thla ntarEdnir and I r at 77 rum , noptalta Wotan• Co. Irma II MUDGE EAMILY DIRECTORY-200011)a counpry altoulders rya' .ad farm& et IT It. mom. Nam &OD% EL =DLL irNStfIicANCE. .I . NSII RANCE THE IDIEUFACTIDIRREVINSIFEANCE C 0 NI Y OF' PHILADELP,HIA, etuarv: PAW-PEI UAL—LA j:Troo. WILL VIEWITX /WARM ALL ERMA Fire, Marine and Inland Mat. AA11.1.41 L LIPPLNCOM Prialdent . WM. A. MMES. %Ins President ALPS= WXIEII.II. &emu". Aaron S. Lippincott. Wave, Wm. A. Rhodes, WWl= Neal, Alfred Weeks. J. Rinaldo Sank, Charles J.. Field, Jthil P. Simons. James P. Smyth. *labia Oompanrwarcimrazdsed with CIA Capital. and the Directors hare determined to adapt the bruicese to Its &callable rescacrese—to observe produces In oonduct. inn Its &Ulm with in prompt adjustment 07,10 meu Pi i tahurgh Me. No. 78 WATER street. orn J. NEWTON JO2 'antlers and Mechanics INSURANCE COMPANY N. W. Col.. Second and Walnut Sta., PUILAIDELPIII,A. • The following statement extuhita the bus• nem and oondltiou of the Company to No+. let. 1.46 G Premium. rortlvett on Marine nod /Wand lIIMUS. to Nov. 1et......... ... .. ..11911.684. 00 Ere Premluma. 278.700 131 Paid Harine L0e550..... , ...—....--d64.427 04 Paid Vire d. . 09.737 b 9 Experisea. Saleries and Coonoloolocia 45489 00 Relneoronee. Return rt#0111131.9 sad Amur =LC , GB - ----$177.1211 41 lialoore Renal .100 erla , Lk , M1ieh7.........1.123.0f,7 07 The AILIKT2S of the Company are se follore— Phil. cal and Corot/ 1300de..--.$ KM 19 Railroad Vonoa .....11,000 00 r(.l,xt rk. Pam Merteace Real ...... 14.1,6(9) 00) Mae, Colleterals. 02,100 00 Girard •c.,1 Cooeonaatleo Bahl Deem Sled with Duncan, Sherman & Deferral Paymenton &Deck not yet 700 00 Nunn for alatlne Pnurelum... ..... 108:030 39 Duo from Agents, reeured by/Innis Dnend le Prnalume on Polielearnmatly left , M, and d•ht. dn. the 00..... !Wne.. in Danka The Homd of Dlmotora have thle . day declared a DividendoflsPer Cent., Payable on demand, on the bosh:men of the Company the let Inn. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President, Edward R. flekabold. Secretary 00r;gmdfo Tt.108. J. LIONTEIL Agent; Plltetvargh. - No.'o Maw *tree _ Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Company, Otfiee Corner Market and Water Streets, PITTSBUII44, Pn. AWRY GALWAY, Yrrtidell. TEM& annex. WW2 . . This Company makes ,very Insurance ap pertaining toot eonnaated nal LL .a 1 ltira4o;ST•4l:nidetgbutge.iinalaTadlP:LV. nod *rally And against Loss or Damage by Fire, Aafgainst she Parlla of the Om and Intana . Pollekka=trinChe loweatrataanongstant with . .sat toall patties. 50N1110..11,1Y, I Joeoph 8. Loath. Mambo! !doOluritan. Joseph P. Liavvan. U. it I j &f=lt ItrOim Job. Arott. David IL elaluabina Juan AlarthalL I WUft 01 , ITs Maki Richey 111 Jame* W. ter. elm. Arbuthnot. 616 AJazaadm Findlay Rehruir Dt ee Antual /1111111111C0 Company OF PIIILADELPIIIA. • , OFFICE NO. 70 WALNUT STRZZir. Utmost $117.104.-.Asertg. =1092, &pomp hemsted. FIRE INSURANCE -,On Buildings ; Bier. ohaudise, Pot-altar% An. In I. ton or country. . She Immune venoms, combined with the 16ourity or a stork Capital, satin.. the Insured to share In, the profit' of tha Oompaor mthoot liability far /mask • The &Apt Cortillostes of this CceoPally. for Fronts. an movertlbla. atipar, into the Capital 0 tocl of the Comp', CLAM TiIiOLIIY. President. . 11. kl..ilutamen Secretary. bilial7lllittBl Clem an C 41.1. I Leeds IL Aehhuhlt. - Wro.IL Thompeoo. 9141.11.1i• Bohm. T. 0. itorkinil. Itoh., W. Maley. O. IV. Carpenter, Z. Lathrop. Hobert Mem, LI. L. Carson, 0. IL Wood. I Molest Talent'. Marshallloo. i Edward U. Junes. J 111224 L. Taylor.Wm./dame, , 'scab T. Hoodoo. I Archibald Clettr: 0. M. !Usual. l Wm. M. hembifPitteg. J. IL 00/SIN. Arent, earner Third and Wood streets Western ' lair- -- - - _snrance Company ()F PI TTSBURGH Will Ensure a st all kinds ' ofl7 . ;; and ', Marina Risks. • DOMITCIII= a bilbor . Jr. not Scott, Jas. Arad bray J. W. Butler. A. Nlmle.k. Goo. llama. Abdres rielddly O. W. Rickets'., rlattel Mbar; I Lbrzurrn. Li. W. Jartscra r . Llysdnbrat.. .. War. El. ant th. Ial" A Wm. InAltarrino mansard by Dirretarr irtal known In Ulla earabranity. and ata vill Morally !Alan and promptly Day:'. Itanos at Ma Ornea. No. 92 Wars, Open/ A Lb'. Waraboaae.) LLD &Wink r tut,,,, th . ett Franklin Fire Insurance Ca.. of Philtul'a. E"RECTORS; ebarles W. Banaker, Cleo. w. rtlebards, Thos. Llart, Slordecal laa, To J bias r, Adolphe Dori*, Saamet emit, Dat id .sob R. emitb.Mcrris Patunvan. C UAnt.k.3 N. tint.Mumma 3. Itancima, tlecortary. Titla llorniwaly continne• to make I nearances, permanentOr limited.. *eery deecriptton or Preportp In Warn litid moot p i at rates ee kne ea are conalstent with aocarity. The Company bays refereed a larne centingent Amt. which. with tbalr Cdpltal and nettniuma. &noir Inewitad. afford ample protection to the aware& The mash , of the Company, on Janwary let. ISt 1. as plata it 41.1 th ro e Act of Amanibli, were a. follow. B Tr o rn e romn Oanly. My7f 77 ' 64.11 63.059!0 , 0 81 41rfo ti tenor their Incorporation a period otand have paid upward. 00 Co. 1111 lion tinny Theuaand tare thetect by thereby affcedinn addle:toe of Lb* ate Late mange. of Itenicance, aa rah as their aldlity and pporl Ulu to meet oith promptness all Itabilltlre. J. , GARDNEHOOPYIN, Agent. ' sole Moe S. corner of Wood wid Wet& HOWARD FIRE Cc MARINE INSURANCE CO:, OF PHILADELPHIA, PENN:A. Freuaklnt Buildings, N 0.94 Waterz St. A t d olli frratila l ltAdi tit ente&ooo . ! INFALSTAD 43 NUZZO/M.I lintßonds and Mortgage. on Property In the city ot Amount o 614 XX. Amount of Cott ant on 1,710 tlalid 1403.,000 THIN (10.11PANY EFFECKCB INSURANCII ON Merchandist, Furniture, Lumber, tn., on Ves sels, Oargo and Freight, to .3 Ports, cod by Endiroade, tetc, and Myer. at the lowest lieten,and upon Manioc Übe Tense, guaranteeing prompt payment on the auttmentof Loane The greater& *mount te be lueured on any one flub, is 15,000. DLILEOTO It& P. 11. Pont, 0. K. SPidal.ra, dant. Rex, gm of Rex, Niels t U. Want Qt.. kloaritt, !ma of tIOWall Elt 11" J. tofu& rat morm% Penal,PreN_ IL, t). 0. Bova, Ann of tiotrer Bartatta, Join W. BERM, afe, of 80.... I t. t Swearingen MILIAN Ilattrit,Chlor Engineer Pa. It. 11., Narliall It. Porn. Ottos/ar at u. Lnn; Arm of Lenh • . O IL T. Kmonr, 13.11, flomm ,e 'Freight Agent of Penna R. Jos. Ir. Winos; Arno of Wltarry t Peterson,.Au. P. lima, IV. Emmy of Rahmel Llo.. Clue 1.*10111.3., Arm Of Val:oll%4'ton 00.. Jong Lifeagna, Arm of Letards Jas. H. 8•17.23, LL ff. Eramocons, laf e 1411LiameOu. urroatha Clara. • PEROIVA.L M. Perri, W WOODM geo'f. 0. AL liPANOLlift, Plop Pree'L WA glance at the lfat of Dlteetora of the "liogard Inauranoe moat of whomarewldefy known a. among the fret baldness men of PhPanalifhla. Will probably con* ter ample &pentanes ofeemarity to the public. A &bare of patronaga Ls lexpeetlally aolleited. TRW. ORALIAId, Agent. Corner of Water and Market, sta., Rd floor, Pltteburgh. Pa. ardLiflydro PRISINSYLVALNU INSIIRANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, No. 63 Fourth Streets. Authorised Capital $lOO,OOO. IN.WRI BbILDINGB AND OMAR PROPZSTr Against Lots am Damage by Fire, end the Pail. of the bee and 'cased Nsrlyetton abet WM& WWm.Johnston. Hedy = Patterson. Jamb Painter. W. Meath:amt. Jae P. Tanner, Um. w. Smith. D. M. Park. der Arcola. WW• Joass, J. U. a ass, Calvin Welts, A. A. Uarriar. W. A. Warm. D. M. TAAL - Preaktont. Lon. WM. S.JOUBBTAN. tieentszy • Vim Prreldant, RUDY PATTIRSON. Treaserer. A. A. 04.1101.101 atoll Oitisen's Insurance Compy of Pittsburgh • WM. Dummy frankfort. LIAMUIL L. maksasu stem ma, Di WATZ2. DITWIEN NANKAI' AND WOOD =REST& ,SBURES MILL AND VARGO RISER UN TIDI 0 AND mudsmippi RIVERS, AND 4 TRIBUTARIES. Ear Amgra Aoarost LW or Do ootrinot lAcprrakor tAo BEA aul 11 , 1= P.". a..s A sad ritA.Y.S.IOIII'ATION. Wm. Macy: Mmrtuai Itabart Dun ap,Jr N. Itarannah. Masa N. Pennock, Welter &putt. r J. N. Ompet. Jab Nark Burlier j tgiftn a ,„ Ifnuicla ISellm, J. Sahoonmaker rim. H. • dell PHILADELPHIA Fire and Life Immune Company, No. 149 CLIESTNUT sTßzrr orrosrrx casrom w oos," make all kin 4 of Insurazoo, aithor faroattla or Umltad, on wary datarlptlan of Provart7 blateletandata. at reamnahla manor tnamltun. or V= .l 4 ll l 7 _2l4= d dint Dlltstravßd• Clan P. "lidpa. te . WMitit. IL Xnallab. P. B. Bantry, Joa. Paul. O. Mandan, John Marton. r. S. J. N 0111111.4 IL Wider. ""1"'"h 6"'"*" .1 M. Mn7IPIN. AM". 44.154,ria • aptam. and Wood at•••—' The treat. Western. FIRE AND MARINE, INSURANCE CO of PHILADBLPHI.4, No. 107 Walnut Street, PZILPEIVAL. CAPITAL . 600,000. FIRE INSURANCE—PerpetuaI or Limit - - rude to lava 6r.noontry, on wrorpdoontske i m " th INSUltelr-F, on umllt/ m .IIA /aka jrilagglitrNl Curl. and bright morsoine Blur Traossortsnon, == t,t. L 1210104 ProldsaL Tnos. E. Uniact.Beersts2l. CURLU 0. 1./mm.4%43T Wabut Wrath - Um WWI L. Wonth 60 Walnut atrwt. Mar. * num; ageb.t. Id North host Jam llorrea, Er= at Wright, Holder & M. Sam. firm of Trat7 Ilaka Jo**ll. WK,Nriwt, erntq l onas: Whits itieiudy. rank.. firm Of& Blames Co. Jas. B. BMW. ttna at las talta a TOD; I, uatarna. ram Othasola T/ o thuammer..ll.thansy Cbatrelke.. o Lutrazcz. 631 &arum street, noialar lima Mut, 60 Walnut anat. Tan. W. BAUR. UM=llta MOW 4 Wtnroza, New York a. rate Dix sesatmisb rea.m. tdhem inesemereemah INSURANCE. --- MONONG INSURANCE COMPAN Y - OP PI77SBURGE, Office No. 98 Water - Btreet. - . L ► unt. itarintalik insure a. agahuit kixtcb Vire and f • 'Aims Hirranuoiv.Preeltient. REMIT W. . I MWOOD.I Secret - am Thos. & Wdien John Atvroll. John WDefitt. Wa• O r enres A. Darn Etng. Jas. Hutchison. 111 .11 Exchange Ingurance Col l No. 11 Merchants' &change, 011 ILADELPIIIA. Inland and Fire Insurance on favorable ar= to Torun& A. lialtDY. dant. totrt3zo mow of Ent $o Pan' sts, Pittsburgh. Pa. WE Irma THE ATTENTION OF COUNTRY DEALERS FOAOa OH STOCK OP - • u GN AND, DOMESTIC DRY GOOD 5. EZIND LADIES BUMS AT TITO • Auction S.iles IN TUTS CITY AND NEW YOIIIC.,ITC CAN OT fLB GREAT INDUCEMENT To the Trade, to sect froze our Moak. STRIKER JENNINGS, Nos. 1 & 3 Bank Street, Below market, Between IIECOND sad 'MIRO itteeti; • ialhdetta.of PIULAIDELB c. w. cunt: UM it CO. AGENTS for tho sale of FrOMIDGIN AND DO3ISSTIC DRY GDS. Including German Cloths O and Doeskins, Browji and Bleached - Goods, Cash,marotts, Kentucky Jeans, tie, &e. N 0.30 South Front ntreot, PHILLMILPHIA C. W. C H URCHMAN &CO. A GENTS for; the sale of &LIMPS SODA AA/I and Bleaching Powder, No. 30 South Front et PIIILADDLPOIA, 31/,- To Merchants and Others. BRUSHES of every description can he had at the Brush Factory of D. FITKWART. N 0.28 Witt street. between Wood sad Market. Wholetaleued SetslL re2l43mdin Extensive Coal Works for Sale. CEXTENSiVE COAL WORKS known e_ .tka Obi ind Madison Coed Workaahnatadon the third Pool of Ma •Itionomahels hirer, about thirty miles above the city of Pittsburgh. are now offered for rata—. The land. comprialbz this bropertY muelot or leo UM 01 I 'When. embracing Imola }6o aorta of Mal. of a trunenT equal to my mined on , the inonontrabela tiger. The timber on pa ;Imo Is sallhient in• 01l remind pargmes. ouch u prePPlnn, emitmettng railways, An The property extending over or.e Wile on the,' elm affords excellankharbor for boats. and desirable adyante agesior shipment oleos'. The Improvements an4i fiztaree for sr:emoting the minion and thltmeni are aroplemd or the moat antertane mei construction. The building. consist of 34 haze tem iamb far =isms. there fl e m ce e, Mesta Sawmill and all other Imlldings regtured In the mention or 'extends. melte. The equipmenteof the mtabliehntent are enigicient tor minim and ahhoolng hem 30 to 16,000 bushels coal rerrday. all or widen having been recently constructed are In • good Mate of ptererration and In excellent work ' T r"' eel 1 r;:rl= 4 at i % l a r .l h ar °Zif If the property la sot ereetorply dhoomej of win the yublle tale on thg 'Terms or fele, one third Im eti, Miami In 6 and 12 mouth. • Tor further InrorMatlon einly to 11. COLLINS, ya Woo! street. PltteUr.b.. or to the tuldrraiglfe4,l4 lladletoO, is. WM. AL DUNN, • U. EL WAINER. JNO.BLEIMILItAIg. Assignees op. White. ME= . . _ T"E' OR AEI' 4NBIIIIO FAMILY AfEßielltla. • IIORD SF Tarn NIDIC/3114 All SOLD ATNIIT. IrglY TEMA OP ALL OTHER lISDICLItge PUT rdairrnsa. in shim country sumo Is the remit or merit. Mr the keen Westerman tof . r contarymen Is puyatial, arid mats an ethatua I it to D imon= metessan. We onicelre that the unisouslad aware of the ardent burg kiedlcose• brmore °lrina be flab undoubted ennuis ority than ta anynther aces. end we desire ton/Imps. Id attenhon tootle of the lad ktAIDIUALL'A UTENLITMTirItOON. I hie remedy will catainly care wafts .sf______th. waits. a Maw. Disordered Bleastniatkes. Daewoo of sregoaney, Ail trouble. at the dump of Mo , both with yams and old, and an the 'mine. =de of weeknenos and amolni complaints caused by Alecrdarod uterine cruise TOE PIISNOIPAL lIPILETOIIo , . • Indicating dimmest Pa width es listtalloon Imitteried . as • aartam mare, are Imamate In the back, tinning and Tata between the thitiller blatesoirtending all along down the spins, soreness In the ens if 0 • mane, bearing down Pd. In the uterine organs, Ihatiniusdne ilatendhig to the bowels and into the him etimpa tie pales la the. breasts, burning In the pit of Masten:tub. imagnairitY a the board; essuelima with diarrhoea. and apdn with °tatted. constipation, mid met, ceprlcloru annul te heads Reboot a hammering or beating obaradar APlth :Wing or whistling in the eve doll pains in Oh hoed, With met nervous sultantent, numedal Or tomblet• 'Prole traders, Latium and distatiragmnens, illadrimgement of the =smartie I periods. with an;said Medlars, balms. they which are deormbed in the pnbileations of Madrid. e ltrieTirtilil CIPPAUTPATIaIf tiPtilli anAtIT IT ACTA AT ONCE. /deny uterine complaint. low So be heart disesaa,from elm ermpad ado data= tionneeted with that Orion, Ina the Ciatrmillecor srmald alma. lio takso, and In nine cans Oct at ten It will. la hoot tut nothing Is the matter sr. th tho heart, 11124 that • maw will eoon follow Its; use. Used' also rollers that feeling known as the heart mains in de mouth and analog over. . , ALLOY THESE lilllPTOilfi Re noti meant lastly one time: bat anyof them ladle:ate the presence of abeam and the neemmity for IidaZoLITE AC of The remedy hi p Prored by ono of the oldest ant meet skilful'hydrides ca the stay, and gray one may be ma ~ ..,,d tut tn., are taking • edentate and weft toga patinded median*. . - Espoinieras bee gamed that the mainly sill curs aside men out of eraT twenty =see and the i y a n , oet of the Italia Cobbs meat wens so basun of causes w bad destrOyed am eecoperative powers of the sydsco. or ot snare ma. dulcet injuries which had ruptured dna &Meta, alma Wanes, and thereby rendered • ours /MPorm de . The mice oft.he article being hnt one dollar aod • half per botle. It Le within the mach of mem perms. and .. shatild hare • lair trial at feat:. The medicine Is accompanied .by fall directions: mane . blitvery ma to uniderirtand har arm can, tbsor pro. went the tecealty atm.:llml eassoltatlon. sat *hat Is sae important, entirely doing Weal/ with mailed oz. amlnatione, which are j ustly led upon by .omen as a adation of thole mat maw. .d foel ats. and to avoid wtdeh will suffer escrirmaiing pains. wad mmedus lasslife Wolf. In this dew, one of tho inert highly eantatt Phreicidis of the Dreamt day, aid one Who bass win end* anattatidn. dated that tte dials addle ilimakaborg• Onnpny. Would be appreciated by every . tamale of an, delicacy. did that the shift l abuition of the with Obviate d the nstatalt7 oriental:lel exposure= . • Indium than to the Ileenerdatkin