The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 29, 1856, Image 1

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'ESTABLISHED - x';1786.
szw Noßx . •ezvEßTramasmrs: .
Para 11111110DX11, OWIN ttp..-Omtnitt, Nrafets4 I
MITERZEILig it ? r ,rattoew Delidizg4 14 . 2 . 411 AOC
• —. - Imoolunt ; to Everybody.
wor„ th e ru tTh iii, pus hare heat air.,
tem balm ea Snarl er . 1401 Min% otoh r eelt t a
trtrt a rit l MM ,C = r ties stemmed • i 4 V i t A t e este ad
42,000- to WACO tir heel= sot •ItsWeig matte orratiltwl4
..o t t o t o ; two &mew In the ltd It ISO 7 to engage ht Uta.
• - ..:sae beeiotts Ore 114
•. he ars to gar semen fa Um' thettei eaten or CetzteMet '
'rho tme the tam Of SU X ountodomitrom he
• amo 1 her* brew Meerut wlth. atm the MAT that.
•Mill attgardeallte ate 1 boa' temvea. Mem thereett
.! wrawl.Settl *tee are =Ulm hurt IS 00 1115 her
0.1 1 . to Oro he' heemet 11C7putattl tyto mmete 1. .
- et:, bottom, whin% 19 MIN M1111.611k113• eery Drell tablo';
at a mill e" ett—"Ther• I. hwattwer ntlheva the
maim. Retcremem of the best elan ma be glen u es.
tallith. at
eat eso rote(' to potato whom I
ton huttracted. who will teettrr that t,Urag i r ex
ram - 10 Me gig per gar la Men
. ela. It las we
• Maur Malts r gentleman ock 41 - 4 p
.02. am with
par:Wawa Matt aerl7 gendeoMelaeleie. etworsliacha ;
" veMm2t Parte Or NewYoe:: Botta, Pe commie eats 001
)14arland, whom l linselaslreCed,ate sow =site.* Them
Olloldi , eraa; LS It. /t It a gmerat_tearinctt,n34 but 111
I, moulted to litart Uleatt Meta 0 a st. :
sill Immediately mod the &volt:a ett • Pelette4 elem!" ,
Matatmom faille...Teeth:Me to the wet why mu he Me .
• fetter. =at be aJ.tresatS -lout iltal Ii d. Ttl'Ae 4 I
• 50N5.335 Ettoutrar"PotTat. • asSaaadt
. ..
. . •
- -.To Diiiggitiiftdthysicnici2iii ,';:. •
yoult attention 1.3 invitoEtto.a, nor' Modics
- • IiaDDIKTVI PAW. ititzzArax.
ibe r r dstor orshis attleat veil &wars et Las Area
Tretttnues Mut sulste a4ttest snytbLan burin tbs pudica.
• s„" Unitizing and eereelUty lu tbs etresorcartst for len= this
• • te Insenter, Invites the exemLnstloc of nuitut elm tses
InA inuethof It will 013 I T renal: In • 1,•• teat eancdtnoeln le.
Brest nun to tit!: en 16141 beaufsetue• to prOttini Gott
• "
the vomit dent& Ant only Such juswarranUe neunins
• are nisi: Thee, ts no Intredisol ULU, Nut walla talons'
• • au, Noun. nu dthe vitals <outland Moot realWr be
s. • Int mUns... Dina:an on] tttOIDC ILDlthrormstion sut tras
ttasulsts on tro but nt tbsestalesals d•pct, etO nOrarf.
stecno.l 2tes U t%s ones littler° or • LE* kind la ice
.Urines. - .ltatect le truly esenr.aefai s Whim nest rtently
sal la doe season. tt source,- primnsts the entrerineu mu*
attATV opottchildbista, hzazzestrrsi the mental
tits t Tlit l a l Z=Vta o lo m r. garui
. : - ...7l.attssittiasnlog N. chris
m, orpto: and mart ?to Wattle
1U offset tbetoubout the Isla uortor of trultesuann
• litre ant& Lew trubn Wale— • • . . • • "
Dr.Brsesiassl Wire near roar... DILLS stet Dantellevia•
tor' teunteorel tlmolin =r rrentos. • 1 and ft to Lem
: mist exultant rett&e. sad ova tast L vizirecommend with'
••• .• • .r.seteretiensitie tn. publb It' • truly Won&
run Uumarn.ll. tn. Usable:Don et, r.
• -
• • . •1 - 614=1.. N, 0 00.1710. 1065::
• . Dr: Brasov —I bore on r.rrersl *solo. wet root
• - .Ontltistb rsna usur:star." spa Dal 10 the ten estltle
:-.ban mom Mt for thll_toaTpx•.: It:-/DUITO• 1.1 i• MI. opt
otaile• tho Aattlitit Jos %Sods& cau end talenty , •
.thentall, tocetommlllth,,,,Watacts caul "and
De.Brinten—iltat hivltta. been *a:mama want elm
:with 'mat ammor th
; Krgn`ZiVo.='• V1r d .4111r4g.. ? "
• Yogi dawns bert=and . l wanla•thoarta,T
. rieticamond par prooseattotata arta' auffaet•
T. 16 17 TOW.. . lemma enact=
F.r gilaan reaUtd•
at ata Iltwrty. 1 &cr. Maw Y .Pdes S 3 rat radtala.
untold' and attac h dllealaaa Caw tun.
• Packages neat a/ Express to any pate of the Vatted
• °Otani i •:• =MON MD Proaeatar
. . •
Ma:1 • 1 ' Zo - •
. r „.,
sp oo
issu,_ Z
attrerrally %now is, the icy bat kr
;-; to:A, rxey turd alb fir ..SIT ING
Agezta. ROBERT LOGAN at CO. .
• • New
Ar.d... York Corn Exchaage.
btru T Y.
- • 1'25 12T tiroaa ct:
'B." E. CLARK, _ I
• Bags and .13agguag,
QSNAIsUitOS, Sheeting; Dual, Uzi and
CowsTrizre, ea •
A , ..isurplied rills OW* HIM
elfin. int pintail to enter ermesely tw,ael.7 •ntr
„ • .siontatent of borders la Wye, end or,sruttre deans,
sad oar eastemats eon Ws any ostler they .2 , 1110. th
Int In typo erttliont astrodmes. .
• Doson 7 7 Limb ts .-Amintl. to oasts. ear stock of
SeXl2l4=l- •121—,airdr-rr
.e . ....dgrd • 4.ezr. twiny. Oscubm - ... Imsrt
Batt Waetors sappted . Irlth tnri, all eitas,rstotee to ceder.
noslolon Mikes rapper sick. ILlsm sn4 Beef Dies. tle,
err. to, instle of ilsla at. -entered - We bare Ars
• deal= Jar ste..n Dim . • • • • taratfl
, • • For the 1,000,000. -
. . • 'fluaropsoa etreot, N. • • •
Elena% Brocatel. and al IWI in Dies. Thle
az a mt.:eh le. prebaration of Mettle Drat, cheat-ally
oabinal-oltll branerel entre; az as tabs rbouldret lose
vs rum erbteelre., bp. • marble ran be mann fee.
envoi et lantana hell Qs eon or ttez earo_onn: nu:AUX
abbe LC emote It fad er•bl:lty sal tater', Unlit. Mar
bleised Don end KW.. =ere. le rasa:dere errrk. B,be veldt
rizullan Wei lbelnaseol the toatee-sI. erblbt no vtreleb
la mud to etre a ttapararr
.~ beauty :a tbs turtle, `.las
tlteo t
boo eh. 'fable Tobabaralellr dump .
Rights tot C 11....sfadeur . ago °zebra, for tat
dts.-ont 11:azea 140.21 VIII. !arms.
tam taklblist7, to
o.ll4llnzereerau tarambreNli n tlex allebee an
• 031:ell • . !MN TaS‘ • •
• • - . Stifetyltise: • ••• ,• • •
OR.III.NLICI PURPOSES; Aisd fkir•ldlll-
TlNGlTaarcaski, both in wre . and arnr blcktleg
• Or.lit cietrent kladr Tll•CarirrAr sad 'MVP rUkth;
slrk IrltiULE Air 4 Inlnbe van vefat.t., TUS IL •
I.limarusttrehoktrtht kr • • - • • • •
• ••• ••• b:: Libnkrr.b.ZlEW TOM:
tardiaii riompuf ote tliC 14.4. arOllff rosr.
?lAA!, TaltA.ViCitg.E 7 80.12 A/WAIT 1.1. Pair".
Onigiiitints;Sikr, Dyn, Perfamery; Jie.,-
170 WILLIAM ST.. Now York,
INVITE the attention of the truclo to their
raw. i.o.t virus stook Of DEWY. plant.. Mr./OW . l=w
n Non GO thon . HantorbabOrtottOtu afaln Pt. Dlo:41 - 4
they are also roort•lng, Mutt fry= the ODUTCIO of prod tot.
[Lon and nunatootte. rtyylletr pr Tooth. Mtn awl Nall
Wotan.. Nam% laanars. Eponw, Yrtmeh sod
Da iltatt Dothantecr. LtententairsctA end may cater IL
tiblanshatbrobrwsilla Druentsty stontn, wrich they
cs Alfa 41. , <1p0 casts thOsett sivantsbnyon tonna
Ord4bn tattier bn pulse by ma, sill melts romet
71 taro/ stun, sad II Wow! 11X.IST, an Yost.
Prfaqr.ll Fat..ol /mist, ECM/ Yo.k.,_
re.41./2. r....t.s.weavammsra Stibn. Jer,t7
rrwa.ProvriGtar3 o.this..lo,l ; a9d wet
?acme , • - . .
- -GUp.O - Aro sAtz_z.rr.thusrr .
Ileotp9RP . , , eTrose tan but .Pmresene. stud°, In
sm. Ift•ml tTel. and ether
-They 01.117e;r4te litatErA a r s zt 1...17 cuter . &M I.
ordally v. 126767 the r mt.= natt
rmaat tin t dealer
Y. .••=eiCtaxll4476a totactutt fa; ii9Ll.1 -dv s az.
. . . .
DIM 4G00D5..,
u&E PI:( ZOILNZAS' . ,
Wholosala rad Retail Ileales-hi-
xxsititoitntarat, irciusita
Banos-Goode; dco,, . •
Or Agouti toe CraolleirA -sroa. • Odin,
Silks Euad Ladies Dress Goods ganerally, ,
• Fur Family Vtso.- _
6n nacro.:ll,Tais:ndoo fons lli ort a ztaat ft of e 'Loll
tePl7 "=4 l 4.Mtlri ta b t7o r t =lra'
sa. a. arow po,pmcsrsan...A. airrvarr a ar.,
t IC naz.
A: PS 004 )N00
4•, inugetslo ared
eseleism 51/S , COLd 8K,163:1Tr
• 'GEO. E. , 11,111NOLD41 1 4:10
• latchiliiiii: .l- stodu:'fia 1,11311,..taiera.:
rITTRUNT.Auti Monesl3ool
-o<sui W lo Lcfed sal viz= U.S.,' • •••• • •
as l itr):teilar:=ll4=Sl 4.' "°!mi • aa -1
. .
-- . • BANEINdk 23010CES ' ..
. , MO I
A i 7".• i f .4.101r1V-VatV ' Z'', l .
• IROItio t : . ~.B IDYOUDIgt.. i ..... ..:
.. ' friOapiliissi..? ' ; tlMaTtan t
oozsztutviux, 7 - rATErrs 02-.. - P , FA ~
~.'....-LlNviDat. - -,- - 7-7. .•• -_,' —:" ..
' - . '
: -, NEW 316101170:c; •• • .".. DEAVtain. - .. ' ' '."
. 1 /= t r i Lat i rira te ttnia or, Draboyonial, Mil
.. Lecke, filltm - imal Irani IrsartUrbOttebt .A14:41 ,
tormiNems. Cernwpowines sal o:4l,odkcoosalett"t.
...11.11571121.L001118,"- •
' • Stock 'And — NOW liroktur;
POV2tar 8126.E1,
BOA Mori t tago; Proutiemty Ziotui and
r.goia.mutn.t.thp stesolialad Mocks tou;ht anti
lisvlnsc air satox . 63.ft. ' witb lifen.ted
an, as stiks..l ne.r. - .4. loans eatrasted to us.
tango:4ly Masa usecaaatessoa • •, - • Ci/0
LIOIXESk WMo3=l= iiiToreign
LN ,04DczaeCic Mat EmdungseestMetes
rxlte.Netar Notes sea EDIO% VO. 0 WSW.. tree PltV
orCoNactioas -magi etve.ll the -rriedgea dd."
si—:;ol..9Vorestrz irlll.o
t- 0 ' •
w 1.!
id .otretti Ys. °f"' thalth4 •
e r/ 1231 W
•` • •
tOSEIf . WEIRD now &ruing on
Ws 'lmam proallea. imlaroda
totimn Pglfwt !,n4 /A 1111•11.11 JIM thwrse
ttilsß tayttos tt.• to te w um c g
octet CUM AO/4 . 4131.• • Aatt -
wpm. wain:an , poresdatert, thst ono prxtsl : :
• 04. FG&246m7.1., aslartint• la et tatlata. las
.2 so lam Aortas tat TAU tie awns abak• et
tyrtta4• orttnn: : ::ezoto pot 'What bans kla
dePartotut nM , M 01111.004 an* Emit
lan tads tarn Ata (Taw woos al atts
gam Is ettatplatkibe =room_ jar p.le arratVmuta Will
poly tba ;elf awl SEIM DaD-Mlata 7Aaan.factarat at
. t ateprLa ted exit - Pesti as - Piateti. which • the
am at &Min= t flotwa air bastatat actp.4 upon
'Ai saiskootEfOodt font= to Largo noun* .Iwspb "Wu
tnl - ipuoat.o47tsperi 0r..1,7,at ea irti+ Low ll:mat/a ma.
g: a-fforkitCranirsi m al tat =lei. Ivo so!
- ausiftss CARWS'.
. . •
'...I.kttrEtTIfLAELS; Reif Estaii* Agent,
Red: ELIII Trakor.4 - Mos Zia.=
astbitzost. Wood: ihurtzuel preatirtlViii
.I.2 , 4ltiltsarnieetinistany.C.CWAir
aoaDoNisocreury.w 11l
eso •
• von 0r.3214ter street. 1212..
r GARDMSCOPTIN, Agontfogrnklin
mit Caliannirie twzth<ta °Ng= ‘f°24
• tp a ZIADEIRA, awe far Data rare
• - 33AGALEY, cases/Iva &
Wholesale Groceis,
Noe, 18 and 20,W00d strut, Pittaintrgb
•••• • • : Groccriee. • •
w .n nom r 4 L. pit
yig 00th itesputfalty =lto the At V allot ottb.thi to thetrjordo rte.* of OrloosißraiondO
0.011 4 . Yodel do rand sod 7=ll74cdOcodoo. elm as . •
Elton Rio tddree, • TII/IttiOk4o4 ....
oid Gorent=daarra dd - • Ilolland vim: • •
Old tiorros B
h lac o k Tea, Id Port Moo. tt
(1, 3 4 (1 StT. " rdj
r o
alit us 1 41 d 1 1. 41 . 4* . '; •
loreddoo's Heanda Hawk' Ilty• WtOodor,_ '• • . .
• - 'lmputed arm= and Houma USIVI4.
TM above goads tocothdr 'Oho deaorsl summand, Or
rimmed. otoremelolow On! oobi ' , WOW" er,'ONSU al •
• Comoro( ho DI anizadoriatoTi ed141:17
01:3• a 1121 • & a. mama
11$11:16 BEII - 01 . 14..*••
". • • ' GIVOCEICB - '•' •
swim. 011/21131t. SUMI. ark. Out ts•Wo4 emir
on Wield mul Sewed atreat4 eela fa .
I AND MOAT= or •
S 0 D - A A-S-H, •
NO, 273 Libert y Street.
aTl:l>d , i7.TTEDUBLIII.•FAL
REOTlenriu •JASTudaak%
• • •
No. 209 Liberty. Street. •
Jteza: rirrasuadu.
AND • •
MUMS IN . 1;3
• Produce and Pittsburgh lianartictath r
Nd 141 WaterStvot,. .
Shriver At• Dilworth,
•• Noti. - 130 L: 1$ Second Street, e
(Fetaina Berl and sndfilidd) ' PLITSBLINCIL
Wallace AGardinor,,.-.
• vb Rot,ss4ziar: aZaLsa
Elour, Pro riEionsl4ind Produoo • , •
so.2aslatssarr. sr. ••
A• OULU' ItTSfatil; 'knoll:sato ;.. isnd
• Ckiolobrlza Elmaint,Deslet le Plohotskilitti•
- asta Latnusetarel Crtidx."ll-3 ILIDOrtf.AWNi -Mta
lea runn....:-- ' non—' --;....,• imusa mar.
-gOR &N FLO D CO., 'Whole- - slo (Altura
0 saack.uoucansiar;tianta.No.ll3l7mUtoWa Lai.
AOHICECVIIOOIiN, Viholosala — roam,
• Dowse at 11.4oni.ElittsbraTA Han gni all
biac Dullish WbsemA LkuvrhNo. St 6
best,' Mir— On ha . Ism mzek a
!AOMioneaksabels ITholsksporlMlU bp sr4ll in=
AillnD ...-
Ana arcarDuvrialni . entiV5.;.....L,:i.4
'ears to Wick t bleCa.dl.3,l WlWiree •
la Irma. Hai% al up, Coctrin 'Una. .ad •
ktatanketeres ct sad %Wm
saga W •
VITA= it WILEION t . INholento Eiroirs
• Iv c.,,ma.lenNeredsatealul D.,,TeNatitroduixialt.
rd.teimnak Illsznsfutormt tlGAZ4•L'bectsit;PLa• • • .6.:
141.0 BERT DALZEG . CO.; •Wholeiido
a Cmam , 1.4
/11.1bu , SN 31amliCkt:alrev L.thrrt) ZININ;
hrWn min: , • .
SALMI DICKEY 4440., Wholesale (tro
Jul mu a.m. % 111. &alit et lIIVA •
FrfV'U'7'r - ffMV . P;gliiti
P 4. .w 14 .4k, 00
..• aesiirsaoroacas •30•DIULLUIL• Is V
• yin rA_No frArEtnrit OOP
Composition Roofs ar.d 'tea tm• Naferitas
• Gir 01770E—C.1
00. 4
:-• •
. -Gt ovcry : Desaiptkon,• • .
FACTOlLY—ilderd 9t, Wows itlisc and feirri:Afeen%
• NV arehatuse--Nas. 30 & 40 Smithfield St.
tEAMBOAT (DOMtillaffiMg44Vo
ece.twatlr goensdieviring STAIJOCIAT OWN
Sy Ems eaLollll.lß.t. and Unita' Ur silmailai et
Qom tinflaNtedisiam boats: • •
P•3o..slAvra.•., • • . • T. O. T 00141.8 uus
cr Y . K.LOPFER'&;3 2
4rr a
• Ilibmstand•Ohaif Warerotti •
• • Cs* . or !ton ate , fintle greet,. • .
HAVE iiminCuttly on Lead a largwassort
_ t of rotattoro traterr atria aincatterlattoo
mauve...dotal by therasolver, an/ warranty/ to Da Otte
best tostoriata 'reemploy; • ..tool•mo •
J. Er.. 11. • - :
P dc NATTN:E - '.
Orme? un cad Wat. Cl Pita6i7ll4. • • -
VE.. alwaye hand 'a fan. 'apply of
oAtmo Uslter P.n.; 1.1 ezAmarest•
Weou dmaa, Oattacrsa•l Aix P ram.,
I , Inral Tviae4 Oat I.4.o.!SPLZiaailallluaa,o L 4. 0:
_ 80 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.;
w1•ILTleta1111 of
strerd. eolkital Cif= th, or. --of. an I pronmsll 0111
Turf —0 sooatlaf, or 1. pt nut. /111nount. ror of*. •
BilictolliTtrrom .4;4;
oontinne'tho bnainosi of We Union
• ti.A. a OrM e digi k . ': 1 42 1'!": 33 uea. k tinl / 1 '
nor rzlzor.betnrisiein idarsiot:Asiierai
-swartosgat ati.tlaraiii i turyp4e4. B ‘ . • -
• Cooking Stavin, Lamm@ and Eidn Oyono, ,
. . &IT= AND 1.1.144014 1110E88.
Zoltan Wart, Trap 3 Boza,lAw .Szi
. - -Tta Ilettles, nem and Plow Poiiil3;.•
Mill and Bizobincry Casfinp"goncrally,
Awl GAS cad WET= Pa= a: sa.:
. .
Eibovelkilndc: - Picks. ht.; •.:
.* 7 .7 PoreaCtitton/dillt; - .Pittib'dtl . -
REANNEDYi . CILILDS '&" CO:. Manc6, A Nei Wei) .
=COW:Ref aucolors 0r.4 studAd
z m i 61Alt oboe tad de=1.12,W. ,
d Woodiß a t th a d d m ro M dt.Cos s.Louab
s. Wosn
yep Firieica ue,
;t • • • gic.ic or
I. , • ft
.;?,,,chttpa ezd *tint& b
t7 r.....-. T afts i ff i S-i54.761 5:: -.... 7 stunt
• "LVO
ueuV. A r s x . •
Pittsbur h r. "
J Thl4tt.l•l: maim , docit.tion cr Panty Voltl4l
,Vollt to east, Ind Cwbbal In • . 7 . 1 , : =
• , • , t
C• 4 dat.ollltrktt
• • • 3alne4 Irwin; •
QUIPIWIZIO ETIMP.; Salphurip Aolli;
Mims% fiDlrltrot
• !tame) ao.wv.w, , •
.to to
igtf i rArost:" . • KAT"
et. &wpm
61 Pona ht. bolo* -Hatb_u/, , Pittsburgb. Pa.
ICUL L lAM=Wirg=atfit
li n et feZ, ri l= d rZ zi l l „„,"
Wct.L . WU* sad 1364¢mt dien
the anartastimtiee. • all adandrom ! Wm= prompu r
• lila
T. • Coaah-and-Cannag . TActorlr;
101INSQN, BROTH:KR, •COTllili of
ey pezom zublicei street/. dUeO_ldt VOUld
noseiltliv Mk= Oat tc1.1414.nd tn.pubua ROM.'"
l itie.r.:sZnira.l% " 4stabo d at NA In an thair
of Cala, azst prOpodlon. - . • .
`.Antra 1011 to creented trdti otriet•cotsa dors.
Milt, and te• ot I. b. Itot.alrortild sbe attto dad
to go tda coot tosoannottorno d 13.31c10 the) , =et
tto beat Steers /Malta, Polm sid Whootetir, ths7 foal
cat nut all veto tam thsaf trittn tiled? patrol:Lon
trUl of 'windy oo tilt' of their writ •
PutUsas aro roman.: to gin; Itrec!•ea.o temper..
Ufa' otorwhant - •• • . us* lid •
enpOla Fire Briok' •
17ST TioslYel •tram; Ito works of 'Josiah .
gro. *) = 4 *:rs b in a t t ess al siT e ola 4 s
cfmrnua,onft • •A. A. 'l ir . .4
,„„ 11017 t, ari st
• --
, It
•_ 27 Fifth Stine. Pittatargb,Tit.
• AMA To-11 11 PAZ MINYA% Pftbbarllu.
1:10ALIrf, th)Saii, Tltt W. P 11.144.
trrsbaklyczi.3,%.l raL:elied ~ vallthetort nrtnr.
"1 Olt) ydtvr
tOlZSlnr (Borceesar
• • s.w.Ataat J.N
Wool, didoe. Flour, Bacoa, Lard, Lard Oil
' Water lit., Pittsburgh. Pet.
• •
. .
titelogef Eltaavat. Yittobr Wellf,' VleVatlllo. Ow,
John &AVOW.. . II Nitta.,
___ ' , ..
W. DJOill.. 0 , ..!1 t t CIL Der Uk. Korai a .I.ritaro. - Par.a ;
I= l 9 l l . < L a 1.1;t "ebb i i .......
.. , ,."" j J r, 7:
Tboalts a Grtlztr, vtuk.rtiColo& mi ttostootty %UNSAY . ..
.. A D astb., , . • .
!muck.— .
• •T:if:TiEfbilrrik .Cao • • • •
•• •• • - Wholesale arid thOssfr Vales IC
• Blank, Law and &hootßook.,
•lilanntantarera of Blank Booka; •
No. o 3 moo sTILIZT, •
Detretni . TlC•rd and Portals. PITTSBUROIL
. smoteamboas and every cther Clesseloticns•lPrltitiog
IlleestUrlintA atatetwa and dlotpatet,_ erlAtieg Ink aM
Touch toad. Ohl nook. Its Incnol. Cosh row
5020.3 ma • . .
Est. a:tl.....utgomerra:Lacethl
• R E 0-BA
Fleur, Grain, Bacon, - Lard and Butter,.
Next door en the OldlSiond,
No, 114 Vint street it 116 Second street.
Juan ilorgtol4 r.rl, Prestteat .Ifoomero'llooosit Book.
John Mod& (A. corm Oth and Wood eta.
11111:rbilliZ(141:„M"Etr=to pc:war.
Js2.ldl Pri&s.tota.. - •
Itante:t..N.ble it llon•o1o0o. do.
.1. C. boiler k 121nolsassl, o.o2:
C'Ubl B N
ER tho 8010 of Wcotern !Wort%) Cheese,
Boum% It.r.:d Pacoot. rut, rot and read AA..
mob il& St z ted.4l . hirt. Mod+. Dried Yrutt, aad
NO. 11U Sevmd rt. , bet. Wood t t StnitMeld,
. Pittib&g,n, Pa,
0. Illu.kbany rtart..oll.llffs v =tMat, littstttint,
Mester Ilarban:h. ••alr.oott 014. • •
rrr 4Dilworth. lc a...ltalanuftact i 03
Tama P. attatial
Wall Palmer Warehouse.
W. P. 141ARS1jIL LDS:
at. batamea tth azd Dimond alk7 what. nay to
SWldw extaaalraamrtment utarar7l 4471 , 4 Of Pa.
flee S.
AND (mamma.
`alzdas attars mat variety at Lb* loweattaltra
coonia7 qbeami. . 0.10 W. 1.. 41
1 /4,7,1i011A.NT,
Illimatic)iireit An lationmp;taUntestle,
z r; 7,qiibittv' street,
• a - uNkr ri °Rah.
Gkokoo - i:P.S.
CClllElithlioll merchants,
• .4... • 4zrn DZAL.V.C. 7VI
• . 0 1,„tiu g h tlanuactiartd Articuca, •
ktecrzy• comer of
• ' , . pirrimouou.r.a
lithl24llF ! A 4.31.7EP.,
_ DT=,
Corindsnen and Forwarding. merchants.
• No. 1'24 3ccolc4 rigthikßA, Pa.
U. wocati
R4 M ardiV tl i e l a i t s z i 2 m Iti . er°llal # ll
.1 , 11;(1000.4 - PituVlaiONS,-
and.404 . /Iter..StrCetr.
4 Mil • 1 :.Prry..511.0.11141.. PL •
, UGH,
utt Numl o r. ImacuAnz
we,. Wool. rositians tr. Produce ceuerans.
Jinn AMU.. ' J. Lai.— Otac..llm=4.
• iIiV . ELL, LEE
• E'rodace & Commizsiontierchants,;
AND' Dasins DD
Ns. tl Woo ! I between Water and Frost is
• Floo r , •:. '
Prideco Provieion and n
. • !.. Orse. 11.74
• • r;;tsburgh,
Ge t4 VES *his altentiou to tho sato of Flow
BSA , . Crum. DiziO9r, Alett
Iris !ode, an. en
IMPosiSsatuntfimpest(tilirsolidtal. stair
13 :04 4 1E/9: 4 .41
Oita of tho fa= of Iting'k Motholul,)
DNA LAW IN Aro atiTAL AND 31.00113.
No. 76 Water street, below illarket,
' A. A. R.A.RDY,
cummissirtYruvl'ro n rilizoeVi a i atia .
Icent of the !Radium and Indianapolis
p ja,. orn i o ri r Fizr t !err, eta., Paisbargh, •
I. OANFIELD, Into of Warm. Obito,
ep • O t tamlt y rosalarinreag Min g t, saint
WW, at D d , Wed= nada:. Clh !"%ly. Watar street.
LIMA urn^ Ma; gg.
tLat• gig= SZobleog, lAttle a U.) •
rk . 2.ITTLE: 6 .CO., Wholoalo"Oroarn,
; . Prael - se• 10=gdiege MtitligastgAng NIL." In
• glacsitbellrge..:l4. iIY t4ena st Pietro
• 1... J
. Dmigt Ig 4.31meg0. Lag& MD awl geode= g
Z.WoCol stregtottorg V) art, Pitgabgrrgh •-• mra
Ratigeill lizA
• litlarClaratt CY
AnA Wholenlsbnla
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, do..
No; 24 WOOD. SIMET, • • •
east nairtrre-
.• ' I.guecmun. TO ma a O.) • •
• •• • RO. MI WOOD graCri. Y, 1- 4
A •
Prcrrietlrs pt Ds, NTaa'enleßn;rdYomimge • Us
TOLlNVAlTai.asiodiiiir to itio. Ms° al
hialiludegals- NUB Driumist and 'Wain
rl•Ud.,llllr, Dr=tcgr, A.. cam. Wool a:n.11.0111, Meets.,
ratUbusZt. k"..l4Warasontfq Dr. ford'. DI adltive.
OIIN P. soorr, ela's:2e Do'zler in
LtriLor.PalotA, Mtn, TArr.lebrs MISR. Mo. WO
bony street. Pittsburgh. • . • •
All orders .111 rarer. orar.Dt a:testae.
e A rAßrnt for klarreer Palmouil Syrup. Mae .14-17
• • Dzar,graslA and walk:arm of Whit' Lead. 11 4 ,4
, cad Lltlrs. -- e, Woo.l trat street,, tiUmo
tiELLEBS, Wholooela . Dealor• in
0. ye nxn OCA T•tellab
. L Ga(41•16‘111.121. Ptjas
UM/N. eREITER, Who!wale .6 Retail
Iltirg'4 wrt.e • °l :
- • •-
410,511 , 11 =HIM, Bateatioriol4Wilbox
• it Cu.. earner Meeket Way*, B,li Diagabod.goepe eon.
ally en letenlei tuU sod noestolVto aspOttmtnt Drat,.
• wider; nuthlas Omar, Perttunerr, sent Alljertie,e7
ec-ta3alee to kb beutlnw. •• .
i• Peril-et:l 4nreorts4llooll easitn7lT own?! einy.l
/103EPIt S. 64: A. Pa 3.10113150 N, Atto`r
n.y.alLaw, WS.. N.. IC reinth &eft, tict.ista
ataltheal stdOtaat.PlttsbarrA. re. .
CP °BERT Attorney at Law,
.• • •
00011:11ANE t gucccesor to 3. Sad.
ktampousie...u..t. 7:lnlft ;In?ke,gtarAn:_
=I POW" ilyis4ll%,.Fr.rya • (.. qt . 9 mot . Is. ja.
OUN"B. DAVISON, Bookisoller and Sta.
UorstograasotAe AV Asps% UN a 1211Aket
jiif 004.1lookeallen , iind Stationers,
• W.. 66 Weed rtreet. met <kart° the corm
Sebnel and ND bentiecaortmellrno hazy
L. READ. Bookaaller and Statioaaralo.
. 7V Vomit' Avixdo •
- 7 1 - las: °ale - Hall -Cigar'. Store,
- -P. FAITIAKNEtt, :
Attc:asals sad Botal Dean 12
TOVitoco & lisraf4 .
6.7 Hata" •
'clzkbila =menus. Mn.
- - - - - -
_ . -
Advertimpg Wad Ceneipondeart Office,
sea bufAbwAv:ssw yous. 4
1 . & -1 ,t
hsv bee* thektral
I. ,, Dikretivts thq Intir ..j
=one sa.L.rowiefr Cr.
1,1300,01141 dIiWPTIL F
Ir. yo. attains Ma earallspa lL% e.
t r: e ' TTV t * . nt ....411. °' rr
• .weav•••11
nowt...WWI pot.alltple I
taa quality a 'h a
• 11. t
I Us always TelViii.e, laweb.t,
It yrva the •Ir Utter It
Ise! oat. l olle. - ..rstwa.sod Mil)
I:. Ririe. tolt r. rlatt.lNS/J.l
ate% sal Ir..larlS • Ite.licharl
woe. It le c:tkoltladiall Mp
bouts teat protsrottek t:Fn
aver male. aII
ttitatehont tleltikt litc4ck(
klexi,o. Onto b:11
• • ranwiros !
63 Liberty . Bt., New lot
:Jan inbettirere of Perhaneryil
ktrids.and rnityprbilyt.
• init. A-ant Oa Pram
rplnt PLAY DAY.BOOK—Norr Stories for
..t'i;, L et,!Tr.m„
cheerful. tuna, little ,h.tri. I _7lls min 4;1
with wanting or bittamtri.r.. Y. cpezetra. •
iihniutail by inn hmlortteae —.ll Y. Trib-ar.
leint of s eat aree
term w i t h
.14 Tales or • tortee. every
onactiehlch •ILI tenni with itellsht by the pruner ^—
torten Ininneritr. f • •
FOR atr. • A Twat prAkat strew, bound 1B &db. bin.
tinning as much netts r- .a ardleantLY4
Mica cu, A bal. ct neatesnO-N. I. Yet
:Lb-rash:ant • tund of rutin...4 venal Information,
suited to the taota ushers...ern allpun of the nrmnry.
16.1. .3/4 Mtn f. ...A Very. lIITV =CBI
It tolls PO CI attIICItBE. - -,v.z. Xrprru. er tound.
bruelbletualler. and elterpthn the hint cf Its kind that
has at, pasnal."—/V. Y. Zeta.
trir‘modis oroo , r, tolloiomattrr t h. b.% Sabra.
man hourly nornl et {be weather fey MK with. acct
suletysif nteterrorbrWAl =Fat turbrally; else Was or
American and forelps belahti ..i.vsnanyeernt toil. and
'' /1 00 ' LAW Pa t t I frA VA Ma u r rL ' lry o n la w tt
shah.. Price .11,06. Trutt yetsrmet coserresune tllaronl
pf tended Salm antics. ill. It la
a 4 Ito Bin In millet. 404 the very beg. ant eel, the
Trey hat tabs In the Dircilve., laarreste. The Canter.
bury labs are not sonseeed 1p Veinier. Manure,.
VII UUMOPOUS V 1.10101.43? TUN tIfOLIOII Lille
nuAa re. By JABZI Bplttol. 1030 ppm lime:,cloth.-
11,10. Jot
Is yroneenend he Incas trinnercus
t.ob lo exlensek" cblltahte all tee vicuw. Dilute
>lnch bareeserberin44 tend by all the poets, fn.
Cluocer Wyse- .
larAny f•E I aboreloGlJ VIII haunt !tn.'. Deb Or
• .7 ai r AVON BRHE
del.7:lbdtwan • 101SatillqDiaaus et.. N. .. York.
• A :Rthred Physician,
li/ritiOSE SANDS or un have 'neatly
T V run oat Mame:tee. while he the FAA* teem, •
raisin ears for comet:mum,. roachtu.,
Lod vowel aehiiitr. Tele remelt was tlimiared brhiet
Vwhen cat, chile—, daughter—am /leen op to dle.—
iable to de Le cloth. good he •in mead to
each or his &Mined nuois• Wimp ea request It thie rode*.
with fall ellreo4atu. for suttee try sad eoeteretultr 0-100
It. lie mann eppilseat to Indent him one Wiling
—three tent. to re rotw,e.l at settee.. oh the red
the remands:. to to trolled to the pticatet fthte Keret •
lima Pet. Aderete • hit. 11. JAM),"
CirralltelleaW Onset et.. Jam Qtr. N.J.
Oe Assassiky. Cso Tire /*is of•faxestort. lktf,
'ulna a ;morn Am Now York,
Willissuiito Cost lissso For of it WokIT Newspaper, to be
: • .-
Elarper*iii e e kiy;
i: . 11EY will spare - neither labor not oxperiso
to rutty It the Not gat r :VI aWitints id (ha want
whore chtergat and mitt a:tract...will rola It a.
toz• ThIPOT 10 • Um 00=0104 while. Ito e oast sot ihn
a to th. prieciplat Or right dot /agate ohali win JD*
ogrnrhalf ma of the alai log tho aro,. Its °II tot will to
to tot fathom:4 new... noiltitv/. bociot And Moral
=otiose tio . dgiatu u lg t i l tr , satilvi: end to tattiest!
Haar. op Iliurttort .1.1 ecolatio • lona tal lorportlal
IS difonary of the rolltea, *eclair nolictroda. tiessortvea I
mid Lite. try ItillitO el the. day. .11willebratiltie t hobs!.
log cAverietta O r lttnotral. tvecroo.4lolllloooolet urrJar,
the clecorldlev o attn...., ao.ltho towaLsoza of got. Is
101 l P. la • ward, alas to atom.: SS a:mato ant ems, lota
plat:tract Lb.. rive la ittoth wa11...
11 will alai doe a
Orem ill etteaUou to the Lilo.
tho lioagloarJou o and the Coro-. T Isamu:l, =toot.
1.11 =bras Taloa. I corldroto , f - .Trartl and advacturia,
ghat:the. et ligniractio. so/ A.nolal
and gotta oght
Ors and Xmas. • : ~ :-
the robliairesthatenfOte emoingeroznia with Ilia No
dasericsa mita% who tot wrath:arta to the vatious do-
Portrorit. cr ch• p.m. !Th. Iv.. roots at WIT diosoust
wall cobras Ma cooducgra to 'pail t behiralvos of atotto
sit•itAno fesin the hest tad rafts Learthfol IA eratote of
GoUld IVotiti. Th. trel sum tot .1 , t... cm.
ot=sitot of Cr. Thaelterty'S col 'tale.the pub.
Loa® of which, 0r... hiLelytimesi purls:Pod the
totter. will be conticve 1 feuds veil to *wog 0.101 Ito
node:wow /et thy Loy ala Seeger vigil...St
Vvortaaara lb. Wm. ot the 11. a /retch tad, Woman
rl....sic - groworoda • the ISM. m Seam. of whlth- will to
e.r .nrred to th. - rd.....:. , er,soasr Ibels atm.
I •
I tart. a Kano is u7...r..sissk. u.s4sl Is soy woe to sum.
ea...e or u./I4 Umpteen of/ itr00n•50,...4 %. 1 .... ..,........),,,,,,,,,,
gyonlo Ilunielort Will coder.* twit moose - ro,ti.oreoa;
rkrt 1 to scrtica of • the contra[! of Moor, sill an.- ...Ai lee
toe MIA, . -,,..
II Mums Iftsatt will not:Wu 'Woad rain-oaf the toe
of Moho:pd. IdaeryLed /fay. each aamloc ...Admiring
H math :oat:vow: as orilloorry donlodroo Adlems, It
oat ba Mita/ to cis:goes-a limos roperglioblo for
M au! aa• tbeingeo will to Centro. lfgeL the holt
ti maims nao antafaleit air let. atithe t d0.:01..0n will
hook. at Los timo tneuorpkto Otto Ili., .o.v.dPe don,
*gonad vottorrO.' Oast :gad argon:AAA onion will to oro
tares for Mt ronvocleota m tirlovroo wit:: to [dad the
rot Ar.
. , TII/2illB, L 1 . ,. .
.....- ,
Itaarave treat, oda aadato erorf.:gadnivgl.'“"rd
end our to tot. e. Ara taw tro• wisp_ .li will b. mail
to solo:TIN:w at the foilowlog Mtee 3 : gasfuot Wigs It"
•Arlsl4l , tsualnulta saw... • • ~. I, - ..
I • 4).• ovp, forTwestrWealto.i....i=r . ..i...v.:-.-s1 CO
k ...., oaf for Oda tfear...-.-...p...........-.- n2O
On. cps fun Ten. I eare.4.-........14...............- 4 U 0
I . co. .... for ORA rimp_.:-....;; ; 4.......-.-.• 90.
• ~,e,. mil Woo Org, • 1 dar......,:.—,......—.20 Oa
roach'! , v. took. tor Owe 1teet5...................40 00
&IA& olopar • I .. ... P,...:. • .
AAUaI V.lO It iYORK tlf ART,
J. S. ULM C1D.N0..11 Ilietkus lap% Sow V-04 Will
puttla4 Widnetday.
. LT oroig.rmor Y Awritie..tx ART.
DUI/JIM 01,510141110tL
nIZIna2MPor •
. OrmorLidog tbUty moot" !tom Judd'', non! of
ItLIQICIT. • Vla DTra. logy to 11.1 M..
• By SEI.IX. 0.0. VARLET.
&JD MUM It TM 1747 13114
lir &WIWI. Mom'
Nat.. Satdia. Note
I. Childhood Xr. camp !lolling In
11. The !Woo. tna Woods.
AT. Huh. ' 'elVf prom ANIL. '
V.Tbs Ilef Mint • XI X,.Tbe Coot.e.
11. OW&• , XX, nuai. WookA.
Illsronyht. and 046.1 . X
Nti Tim llaallnc 11.4.
. pianist tho blasts. lo XIlf; Tony Washlnnt:n,
.f h tl ie WL I Sna• - '
vitt. tow.
' 4C. C i t 7 lllla w a yr. ol i tr . al t. ' • st ivf
X. Platt. • CV! Alargaret • mcots
_XL A than. at 01401141 a • , illtra eTtoralbr,
JAL. raattht /./Aaelta IAY/11 Ilarstrat- • .
ate • •nos• • • • ••• • ! • IX•tba Partig.
flyrkbal•ri ' XXX:Fareon
.31W WILL •
nabbalbaertea • beentirallyabbaapayar. both
a sista sod o. owl aleFiratli - Woad hi °atria , .
00111 r. •or !qie. $lO. la rah
alks, sollOrel-- oaoertlybeuarL.
sibietbn lb torectlfal icesealatlea
lielaan aver asisal from tr.o. terrain aar Dart fifth*
RA LT • tuner.ssto y FL ATEA ol
eft ." t. th. W i=bniiiaktliertore fiat
Akan •ha daApi parrtailag ph. inzyt aliaila
CAILLYXOFII.s.• by sea okagla toolrarlaro to thy Pub.
Mbar, et to snag Haaweler, 11th ELliterlosa brawn,/
tb"owlar bb.m.dmyfr: P.reamort inn to supolarl la
the marl I n•rblett th, F 111301101.1 1, MIS 112CCIMJ.
.0/TAUT/AUL IfOLIOAr •Mntlif 114, 1
DICGILTA• I.l7l'tic.rowuti Tarr lows, No lertrAtioal
Iholeire• Warn- la ale owe kinztaap, With Mae , w
tloaa by Latin.. lbamelgb,:i not..
lawn NELL.Yrnes tbo • 041 etiliW!t totyx," ... •
I,oll.•Tiettolaa Tikklbby.. . '
Tan Club Win. from - Ls•l4l.o.4.pWaalag.
Mani AND VII Jaw 14011 , , 111001 . 1)1LI01 T. 1.1.: •
Latta Yen. From -Dombera • •
Flamm Damarr. Fiore "Dbisbay a um"' : • . •
LITTLE FOI.ES; no= arra •
lira Aar los 0111, Eau WN.IOL Frai,fktw''*•" ' •
mar .sort Frozo ...Hard TIDAL' ••,..!' • • •
Tag Tao Urvarrll33. Orlectiale ••
Tiar TIN AND Dn. &mita& Fort QUIST. Dons Mahatma. thorree , •f• • • -
Dan Dcsacte wow “Illoak
Pour Vowel, rival . 11ornoOr•UvOgex• •
The VOilSll3 to • waxen*, Ss. • Estes all!. SS,
•J. itur m,p, ;11rAto an al.
drk/A alai IF . . • - . •
Or Flora 110itititler.
grt Coetnetio.for kdantifging the akin
. •
Aand ra=plexton. and Maculae CkePIX4 thads.
tirt,To List. Tan. Bantam: 11. - IN'ltnplet. Pssins.
Itun;a, eta. A us. and ea u pus tot P•let— , m• <gib.
.tea win she Instant relief. After I Tint. -It hi Tar
wattling to the akin Itkancti:e hands oft tad chits
-cod tar Inlitm.matlonl or theta. U erttl be 11.1411 to L 4 4
brat hiss ens nallap r botte.
. .Phaloa a Diagio i Hairsvpe.•
. rene of the i-c-r tett niaralries wLrld. lota
raw am 41 . 4464 LI to be brim sotoptisannt and. Wan
.vetet•Ll. Ingtel,lo pnanbly In don. to
.the skin. It la pill angled. and Tao eta obtain a dash
or a brown erbtrn nut d.te , the betihaser. to WI itttom
stators Itaelf. Peke it awl SIAS pet 144-• • -
Mad. and saki by Z. MAYON, at 9T .BnOADIVAT.
Mante.Del st, and LIT 11-oLdwsr. INlAtada that".
y pr. "I KETBIC - Plttbutsk , sad ail bruSebts
and Fancy LO.
Stays thrmeamt , She traltod etstm
'Milan's 'Chtralcaal 11 Lir leNsorutar.
' Tba twat oon riots Ltlldio of LOD Sled atter Lesnaorrfa•
ta the pott:e. It las *toad }kts-eV sr twenty anti
In Mtn a,woas.anl not ant or t h e own, Imadreda af
laillattsna bate been able to era rith It Ks pram ,
hYlno,=lltsang . t.,g4o) , ? ;1 1 , 1 4 .1 A5 0d keep=
ien/ thra: the rtlnultes . rdm, 4 67311 Lad el.
see bottie. . I' • , 1414:641•6xa1r
Dollar Elavbsga tank
*. • .• • No. G 6 Fourth. &rift, •• - • •
lithran nom, .1071LIe NEW Datt.lBllo,
N now open •dely froth 9 to 2 o'olotti;
a et, Vint.,la/ ana Esture.s, ssailsys, Rs. s
Iv °Nob.. Inehtsirs, Isom to resins/41.d tr,...= 910
yrolCar to April, tudnsirs, tram o In '
Drlsoal rocerrisi *II satin at% Len than ant
.0,4 • dtslarn.l or Ct. rstnits de:larel l.'s.. • trot. t
Julia and Ilsomber. lots:re. Ho rate ct
:,i:itz2 4 . 11 451 , 74 . A11:1 . 3.5t5 , 1/..e.1xibtr.1114..a1 ,
tralLsret.strthsgthe'llbarter. Ital. pal Bile
tgatlcs. tarldtzsdrrnttls, cn aisr•Ocatsti• at ttin nll9,
• • PrasSatt—t;AVAlM. =JUNK , .7
noPstrell Osposarra. ' . Attu 11._0lussetarim'
t P. •
VAlffot *V .ll/tcli. ' I b t1 "1 / 4 r= " st
• p.
suety .W.ll.llraar... •Ttasobsta umbitsstlar. .
A tamand.r TrsanL.l4nmtt.
Watts. 11‘111.10,.. • • •. William .1. Anlsrsort.
• vassrcec
JrlSo.llarlistatt.: JamieOrlarnsr• • .
11111 rturnsdn., - • Jscssa •
Albs. Cuipattran. . John AL turtSsurt.
: peen,.
• J.l.lardiner UAW. ~ 3 11.01 Cord
a.r.ft, • Walter Y. Clarshan..
/oho IS. Onsxra., • WI on MOW. •
t.'tntrias A. Ostinn, • A. hl.l%linc3o • • •
L. O. Esirlextron, . ; Ileur7 t rArstat.. . •
?rands Veils , .Hobert
Oanrie 1/. Oars.. . Just/ 10114, -:..•
"Usu.' limn.. .* llsarcett. AslArn,
mr4 .7 .
Ullam B. lia_ " aWtiMerilsiata: •
neartom•-•CiiIRLETI.A. MOW
• • . DE AY' .NOT.
To who Con Mer v floe hcad of flair
IN bat ore It la to hit, tue
• IMillaft'd KALI' Tame,
vrbich of MI man'.
hair to Irmo, oh tha 'sod cbrctr 401 r
Aar& fro &Mug out ao nR thlh. • ' • 7
rreUL M Amur*, ou tuaa sad far east? ".
IRS M43IItOTHIDati, 2191.1 torts; stmt.,
ogi::'-.,..i0'.,.::'.•::','...TiT5,': - :, ::
TIM writer;ot the following article taken from
I the New York,Post and.wbetee ritime . 13 slgeed
Ithereto,- formerly wee editor of the .Georgian,
Saimaa&it, Oa. lu 1E52 be pibllshed atiooil/
1 'Clir World," 1 -a book illustrative of . Sartibetn
Late: / • • •••-• - • -•-- -•- i
1 5 .
A iisnitstoshir Steyr Peri—lfow assay Sir.
~ . _ .
famesizaigt isseraarcnorts IN 8017111 VAIIO 7
'7e ?the Ed/tore:4fthe Evening Paw .
In the ewe/kids' et the oityof Cbarlosten, to
the:gest, there flees a beillding.oi gigantig pro.
portions, whlSb, viewed from a distatoce, the
meager might' mistake for a castle. It envois
more titan. an ',.i , cra of .ground, Is built of briok
amf atone,iandliosted with'brawn mortar, Which
in the clear attooophare addi a singular hoid
am to its cut4oes. Ta form square . its high
castellated Arolis," its ,sunploiona loolitog port" 7
holer, its, turrets and watch •• towera and _Well
towrire on a cgareiview. glee enhetroug 'Avis
dondo of its lfelog a fortr-in other words, ti
mesas to armige the fears Of the Comma:My.'
Its pbeition, hew/Jeer, at once divests you of"tbe
i-i t that it weal/alit as a moans of defending
city from the attacks of an enemy from with
e-.. We will tell you reader, that It is neither
a fort, at; a togtle. it rls simply the “Chutries.:
tea., Workqicuib"—o. municipal slave pen-
Ecand - end impOSlng witbout,' - and fall of bleed.
log hearte witidg., It was built' by the city at
on'etiormcno eitomme. / The design was sig.-
' gaited oy ono- ,t/Ledgre , Hatchinsom a gentle
man Of fine taate, who had travelled muchin
EarOpo, where LW "coactlivcd the plan of fash
'Gilt% this maniCipal slave.pen after a celebra
ted castle on tbellhiae. /dr. tlatobinsctb, being
several times sleeted - Mayor of the City at
Charleston, Inaugurated one of his terms by In
troducing a propoeol to build this magnificent
institution, the..policy of which was, at that
time, c uosidorelL too extravagant, to bo taken
into esthete coorbierstioo. This gave rise to a
strong opposition. The question Nome ono
of portico. '...Yqung Charleston" weal for It;
"Old Chealestord! opposed• It. • The neeassity
for ouch a' building wee agreed upon various
grounds, coo cf Which TM, that It would sop.
ply a piano of refuge as well as defeoiafor the
Inhabitants of *hi/ city, in event of ati'itsurtec-
Ilan among tbd.. - . - glaves: "Young. Charleston"
in Gat* triumphed, and this castellated oleic-
peo-ie can' call' it by no morn appropriate
name—area the giatalt. Having viewed It from
Without, let no idok within. You enter at the
cast !tont, throtigh a tni 111 TO Gothio door:or
l i,
gate, and fled . yourielf les " epeoloos vestibule,
with broad etaireleadiog t the right aid left.
Facing you in the yestibgle, and inserted, into .
the wail, are marble tablets, on which. Is in.
earthed, in band lettering ; tiensome of theism'''.
teat aod designer; the date of toe -laying of the
corner atone, and sundry ether ' (hinge ripper-
baleing. to tho. badldiag. Ilawlog satisfied yopr
caileolty. over the insaription, you proceed
through narrow . pu/ssges, parsing, through the
‘‘Punlehment &Atm," on one Bide, and the
apartmeuts of eerie of the officers on the ether,
god Rod y our stlt ;e-Dkitag• into a hollow equate,
surrounded by two Or:threctiera of galleries. -
' There's* barrack:like appearsnoo about these
galleries, whits the'sis Wf gloom that pervades
all, excite extuage'fsiolso in ain't; mind. - Re- /
turning to the orsatllnole, you can ascend the
broad etairs to the- test. - gallery, round which /
you may 'walk, looking into the squstea upon /
the various apartMents appropriated to the'etil. /
care, lho., Sco.' At'ound those galleries are rows /
of swill cella, about four feet six lookes wide, .1
coven feet long 'Wad as many high; is them /
bltacet ere oar/fined. The "workhouse" answers /
a double purpose;: these convicted of. crimes to /
which the Ogre bola make them amenable, are /
cent bore for Pnblehmeni; slaves' for nee are /
esat biro for safg
,keeplog, nod for this their /
oweeriare charged soveoteen C r oats a day,„which 1
included their fdaid—a peek of-corn-grits per /
week. 13 !sr, "brokers,' ea well es dealers, /
passlig through' Charleston with their toll:irk- /
fled this a CONTeNten , , 2 plate to deposit their goer- /
. ... , -
• 83.feiy. a
. d economy; teen desirable /
objtcts, are " , .
without beds, atiVdstring the .steely `Sbtuma
eights much sulteriati to the human being thus
- esafieed 1e Anateratresnit: "Nattered blanket'
is coeeldered o euruideut Gavot-lag; cerLyou not
unfrcanently see in the papers a notice Iron thy
t'werk.houtte teepee." to owners to provide
blanket. for their alayee,, or it wilt be done by
the institation and Charged to Theme This Is
etrer.cis seggeative-or the entrerieg to • which
these poor mortals aro subjected. • Under a for
mer regime, in the Ja - ye of the told,'
it was customary to get dates nonfined for mimes
to wok at-breaking 'Ones. PO' this purpose
they were suppliod. with charp-pointsd hammers,
with bandire about fear feet tong.' These bata•
mere, daring aa attempt at insurrection, some
what celebrated as being healed by tho "Boy
Nicholas," were tonna into Instruments of ware
fart, they were used pith great /street, and made
a nespou by which the pollee were twies sepals.
eel. In ono of theso•tho - ntayor had his ant
broker..', : tilan s that iltne the labor - of. breaking
atones has been easprOded.l It msrhere be well
to add that the peoplOof Charleston lire in con
tinual fear of so nprislog of the alerts, and
keep 'in existence the , most complete prepare•
Lions fOr meeting tuck an event.
Having walked rented the galleries, looked to
te tho narrow 'pene that line thoir eider, end
glutted et the moo lettere dealers la elate mer
chandise exhibit their wares to puraltaverr,-ne
will deuced the stain, turn short to the riglo,
and tater'. etztall dark room.about eth.teco fees
eanate. - Wo aro to the "r --
nulabment Room."
Here Inge:pity would teem to have dxhaneted
Itself in devising instruments of torture. We
say lorture—ffir whits man is reduced to mer
cbaudise, eibmieelott , i Must follow; and when
every other mesas fail to Prednoe it, torture to
ro.toned to. In tasty ;Distances the master, ia'
ectuling hie 'slave to'bo punished it the work
boos., teeke rather tile:cite terror then inflict
polo. - Haus the • apfearance of the 'Tallish
ment Boom" is made tettipsos to that eud.
Fteitutlailly.ebaped cape for emothcriag the
head ; wooden lastrunints of various time, with
Bat Ueda, tram fear to six inobes wide,aed ban
dies throe feet long, coiled paddles; bread loath-.
ern straps; ropes and earrhidur—all -Eng, here
nod there, etepended ,cipon the walla. A block
cad tackle, similar tO mist wed en_ `shipboard,
bongo en.pondcd from the centre of the
While umlernem h a phitformatretches tierces the
'floor. Upon this 'platform the clays, to made to
stand, Ittafeet bang flat imoured telt with cords.
Ills 'wricits ate then actinied in a double shackle,
to which the black Is heoketton, dad the victim
being etrippcd arid the cap drawn ern - hie taco,
is holeird to the - eltimort tendert Of bib - or het,
body. • Some of these': paddies bate perforated
;blades, cod when laid on the poeterivro, as Is
ciasuintary, produce neat. pate. 4 h ' y thie acme•
what rodued process of paniehment the . "prop
erty" in eared that deterioration in value, which
results front Lseerating.,the book with' the whip
or cowhide. Suspended in the here do
'ecrltiod, the,paddlei le laid on by the
,kceper of
't'he institution, or one of hie offieers. The fees
'accruing from puelahment are vary tonehterable,
and ato,patt of the petqubiles of tho keeper:
Powerless, but writhing in tho .sgetiyaf Lis
pile, the mite of the lingerer not unfr, quietly
-break upon the car, plMcLegly, &aside the wags
of the prison.- '.ae elates vary In color,-from the
falsest white down to Ito blackest ebony,'Eo 'la
'one-constitution'marl delicate than at/ether'
The mato - robot bleak nsa'bear np longer under
'putlistaneut thou the "Might" or fairislave. In
view,of this it la -found neaseeery to. adapt tbe
'tine Or the paddle, as 'Wall as the force• of the
blow, to the beat abitity ci the eocatltuthen: It
is not All;uncoaltatal thing that fencalett„ delicate
tied fair Of -
skio, aro pOulehed in this
you he a Visitor, the Cbstlestonien
pill tell, yocr, with an alr of eineerity„ that re
tooled me not 11t6t:',1 14 Men. - This, we amert,
I falee---a deception practised upon the stringer
In order ttiableld themselves from the odium of
the outrage. Female slaves aro bouod and sae.
reined in the show manner as the males; the
ottly tliffiarecoe lbelni.litat of their garments,
Wallah ire - rolled op from bohlod, and enured
about the waist, with a etrap. In the punialtment
of three delicately formed slaved great discretion
its unessory; !edited, in many ItataUCCP, opalie!
hate been _proiuctd enthe drat etroke of the
.AVe remember to have pointed cat to ue
by an, et-keeper of the "Upper Workhouse," a.l
girl din whom none fairor walks Broad way, who i
was by 'her -owncr--(a - men of most dissolute]
habits)—twice brought 'to the Inalltuticn for
Perniehnietit, and eieh time 'sank late epssms tin;
dor the filet blow. - The keeper—a - inn of good
beurkand out,' forced by, circumstances- to ao: - , 1
cept position which involved duties agelati
which-his hotter astute revolted=assured
thst tie appealed la vale to thit owner of the girl
who stead by the while - not to' aUctapt to Indict
.4 puntshment she was In - delicate to withelsok
This girl watt the daughter, of a :"gentleman"
belonging to oce of the "firet families of Charles.
ton." That our friends there amay not - Mistake
no, We will hero add thatwe . refer. to the girl:
Anna Wtleoa. , Thofaitidlolis will, to doubt, say ,
then Wage - had better remain: untold,' for, the
motto now le: rtien chivalry eptaktrZlet Attain . .
--, Lin as !vivo this otetellated afire pep; (ialtea'
by gut fecittigito,.lltitahlosoit'a Fhlly,") nth, its
hettrbelaVrittbus, and its ibtageOtal or
juici weal nnr way lathe : grant "Ca eel;Kodab,',"'
jideoriptiot of eitlibiltr!ptzpopis in gliVfn ow,
troakihs Obristtan latvilrer.
St. 44thp,ny's Reh Strzn9.:
(valuta:al from:the- Gawp)
guar, Amear ono,day,
Found the ehurikezepty, Sonday;
So he goes to the river, • -
A discourse to deliver;
Thiy'ro reeds to Retell
Their, tails depend
The Carps, the old - epevnere,
Come out of them eornere;
Their mouths 'widely reaching
To ewallow the preaohin
No sermon had ever.
With mope found each fever. I
The Mee, sharp-nosed smilers,
Who love to be fighlerv,
Cameicrimming end sqtarmicg,
In yahoo% to the sermon;
No preaching had ever
With pikesfoundeach favor.
Thon those lantaste;whose pastime
Is mostly in feast % time,
Came to sermon—those odd fish'
Tho people czdt nodfah—
. No pram:dans found ever
With oodlish suet' favor.
Sete and sturgeons, best livers
Of In the rivers,
Eon they condescended,
And'the sermon attended;"
fie presohing had ever
With We found eneh &Tor,
Crabs and mud-turtles also,
Who generally crawl so,
- From the bottom did hasten
For this once to lLsten;
4o sermon had seer
With crabs found - such favor.
Both great fish and small fish,
High, low, in short 01l fish, c .
Their heads wore aeon rearing
By God 'a wfil, and hearing
Like rationarereaturee,
That greatest of-preaohere.
•When sermon-Inm ended,
To his business esoh *ended;
The pikes to their thieving,
The eels to good living;
The sermon found favor,
They remained just is ever.
The crab etillnvallcrerooked,
The codfish la
And carps lova good
The sermon forgetting;
The sermon finds favor,
They remain jut u ever.
Georgia We°
. Butt- P
Appling 268 96
.Borrlea ' 220 . 79
Bibb '• 959 774
Ballwin .. 300 ' 266
Barka 490 1831
Baker -, 453 175
Batts ' 387 283 i
Chatham 1445 .:9711
Clarke - 487 —6031
Columbia 465 - 42 1 1
COoora, , 365 34G
Clay. 279 188
Cobb 1251 . . 76
-Corals, 882 584
Campbell 754 448
Crawler' 378 228
Cara 1205 751 i
Cherokee 1146 566
Ch`tahoobo 820 • 231
Carroll 1176 450
Ckattooga, 606 396
Calhoun .
.251 56
Coffee 16: - 16
Clinch - - 171 , 1871
Charlton 129 38
Camden . 186' 28
- Thick.' FM.
• -
Putnam ' 363 ' .1:94
Daugherty 2GG 197
Whitfield 733 ' 598
Paulding, :776.191
ibleriwether 703 . 648
Effingham 178 189
1&Ineoogeo 710 - 933
Wilidneon 531
.. 280
!Warren _ 589 256
Washington 564-:`690
Elbert - 524 360
Hart 6lO . ". 153
Rannoak . 306 427
Harris - 528 '
Jnson 2 853 - 370
Liberty " 191 133
ildolsitosh 155. .4-
(Gordon V 890 ' 693
horror 505 ' . 656
Pseigge -287 -- 1 178
rßasper ~' 418 . BB2
Payettls 134 - 455
arion L.' 494 495
ffebster'"F 213' '253
Laurens "7O 406
Polk 259 371
Randolph 656 450
, c of4ar - 8-0.. •
IPinkini" 925 '- 198
Scent' 208 10
Bellock 460 " al
Moly 419. 200
ttlearnona . 890 - 1143
Dade 240 166
iDecatcr 396 454
Early • 299 -,. 149
Franklin 972. 183
iGlynn 109 91
Rabaul:aim : B6S 260
Saban 407 ' .72
Itantgomery - 23 • 201.
Ilaralson 272' CC
gaud - 610 . 418
Henry' 691 - 759
Irwin.: ' . 165 as
Lowclnta " 443 292
ILmapkin - 736 r -408
Millcr 161 . 20
Tattnall 191 : '169
Terfoll :233 " 313
ITaltair no ' , 121
Thoacau .-463' `333
Illninn 464 - 231
Wtlker . - 824 ' 565
Hare . 125 6
i Wayne 131 39
I Worth 227 --88
idsdison- ". 416 . : ""- 215!
Oglethorpe 451
'Jackson 773 453
Lincoln 219 212
Jones 308 185
Lipson 305 017
Talsot 442 547
Houston 604 576
Morgan 234 263
DoKalb 661 -153
Tailor 429 312
Sotto 701 855
Macon- 274 385
Taliaterro 258 101
Walton 084 450
Newton 844 .910
Wilke 428 279
Green - 283 676
Emanuel 273 269
\ Fallon' 832 911
Stewart 518 598
Owinnott 1092 ..749
Forsyth, 798 :468
Pulaski 417 240
Spalding 545 -MO
fall . .696
Murray 667 " 240
Troop.: .412. 1005
Floyd - 847 '-8121
Lett 250 2291
Pito 030. 4911 4911
Bodienan's misj
Mtairrricser "Taan•Our."-tn no city in :he
Union do women dross more extravagantly than
in Ban Fraucieco, :ma general thing, wltlie essay
ot Mir 'taster' dames indulge irt„tho moat 'ger.
gems array' possible. A lady acquaintance of
ours appeared on Montgomery street, a tairdayer
since, to a 'fie in pointotcostlinaas sad
splendor, wehave never tom equalled. Oar ,
curiosity, to know" at whit au a:upon:Mare of
money ;he had been. in procuring, al i the finery
with which her -person was 'illustrated' en this
mm:au, induced us to Maks the loquirSpro.
',rill Fauna, when tho lady very complacently
gave no the tenoning hill at itemo and orate:
Orme, (the beat material Of liaiute) • $225 00
Coati. embeoldered - •` 12.5 05
Bonnet, • - -135. 00
Veil, .(Ohantill4) ' e - 45 01
Collar, (Brussels lace) ' 65 00
Oaten • - • -,. 6;00
Parnaot 26 00
Gloves; (Upped with lace) 15.00
Zeit end buckler • '65 00
Ear tinge, (diamond chi:der) • 450 00
Briastpin, do do ' - 000'00
Watoh, (set with - diamonds) nud chain— X6OO-00'
4 diamond Anger tinge, estimated watno.:l2oo OD
.Ninaelete gormentr, not sialblO to the
naked ayq
A- $3 484 08.
Bolder, thin Is no lam pleb:dull. There ore
hundreds or *omen in this pity who ianuob coca
deeper-into the foIIY - 'of hoe ',free:rived - 'shoe'.
than dint theltity whoa .fi siege wAhboire "a"
desoribed. Is it ribs uordlorehrit, thou, Ishii)
such . to barns era squandered by" iiiVa
,pod daughters, that we hare - en rasnyVollabbis
113 berikruptoy to record in Sat
Tian Bates or PnoDuos.--ittr.,important
priccipls Va s been decided .by
Court of New -Torn city, in the ease ot-Canuid
wi. llizmati, - an Wee "growltig - erit of the bete on
time of alot or petiti The Gee point raised on
demurrer was, that Whereis`controot is made for
the delivery, of goods: at ei - .. fiiture it fe
tiatlhe intentionof- the Forties nerualky to per
form it, but Merely to - pay differences hit tDa,ode
Sidi or the; other, according to the state of the
market, each contkatit Is a wager, and therefore
void, and so Judge lloffmaq deoided: -
Ina I.:aeon& point relsoflre?, that wheel one
Of the pertirate a ocutraer for the said of Fr*.
visions designs . to gei'controt. of the market b)
baying - or contracting to buy all that the market
forniabre,f,ao to flu upon the oommoditi . pure
thasod an eambitant price, cud .tnekeir the con
tract in rufous's:se tor - euel design,- anoh.contract
is void - to - being against public policy,'and in
violation or the old CoMmon fair agijoetcogroso.
lug. Judge Roffman hold that there_ hi co
• ifOr now iu forte probiblilogathe witudi each
Oootracts, 'and, therefore, that this.defaucalres
insufficient. - ; a - • ,
Thle decieloctiacte contraois pr'
whcro'clifferennet are oni,taiildersiooff - to br.ptild
in fulfilment of tbe - oontractinpoo thkeidarieleat.
-fag -ise . contractir . smote, snit pi:direr Allred
- without the tale 'of Inw:: • •
le le geld that lbeffeach general:anal. fe tre I
Fes[ saheiao. of •a ionlat•charaelen—
namely, taking iio instates of abiantane la theli•
-olnn hands, (rnaompetraleg,' .. of &omen, the oeloi.
lag offlaerilahlah you'd Lo abollshed) and nvkli
lag tesuianci,oimpolse ry - ncia9 Ptouchheen?ittd
aft eashleate:la ao dolog le:voltid;
It caltalalea, gala' II large acoeuloo:to tee pittric
Teraaae t end at the lame litan•be.ahlse:t4'.:
aom . petztatlon'toill iatraiiire lebaidiertialis
hill, lightning, loandsitoar, or limotFer
. .
'..W.1.1111.94*$ •
den Dalaay tfainjelona4s... naiee,
moralog after
.. • '
70 - 0.81..w00D STREET, bet ireux Diamond: -
Malik „cumr lit iF L .
amend inUfliciiit
T.WEI - 1 1.EwDliON8 ORGAN .11/46.120M ,
MIS, sad &shah. Slade LA litaeleg G00d.% .11e.:.3
• . •iH. Bieber R. Bro., • -
V"O.-53 EMIT ST Sign . o.t.the: - .Goldon
b A gral
e t k li t "l -
11 vi rNEZDd RV:
..HARSIGNIUMB, Degas In 3_l.v tr.dt wittu,
, Charlotte Blume,
at&NUFACVMat and Doak-. in Pi&to
annum& tmikortem &f mania and sansysl Lattc.
men ealleAmt ftztboOlklißlTEll PIANOS, 10. , for
HALLsr,DAvo & 0049: Bantallanct,39ll ..113 ritt. j
4 &&.Faeaniatstcluaeut- ntr& /18 ItZood s:,
• CINOINN42I,. plIlO. - •
1P11,411,4 EICiLF, • • • -. Proprietors.
MILLS largo and eleg w
ant Hotel having n,
" A. been nmently related thionsiMat. Ls nor cone
to the Vomiting puha% _ lte pooch= bite moat or
Orate that ran be inotal, ommeantine a promoot of
Ms Ohio at one otitis mast gettmettre notate, cal a rod
ohm °Navin:tart, New - rod. the U. 9.-Barratte, sal other
ratans of Interest on the - nontooki thto; Es tee as the
are tett reach, Ile (midst and general interior ate.
polnumme will b• hard y bona to thool or =7 hate
m t e West. while no endelmos will be enerea to raingi
lts table with er oa
lmy Vtait the mer:et ettria.
OWEN'S 30TEL..7. -•
Corner of Fourth'. aid Setfer;ou Stro;o1a;
AccommobeTros on the largest and ,
bout teals with We totms... No rant !rig
soma to reader rants Do. table. •
4lotnoltto3to I ILY a. NYEALY. too 'r.
• CARD—FA:4AL, 1_856i
Fotath . three . V fig:mtt -Stare.
IV. D & H L 0 AVyM
-87 Fourth otrobt oo
raniartlnnz Ironed to °t e r Stock, talsonatkr
aal 441annttnn • •
Ilaat Quality 'Walrus. Toastrl— In.
B=3,:tai KAFSbi..
Sztes_an.llsw4 3 Ey_ Priced
Best torted Burs Terilbsett rtair
=tn Fr= Oil Clothe, at to 24 trot 4414 a Tartans
du east prlorta labia II Clothe; French Crtrtad and
rtahoced Flano and Tarl• - Corm, Canton suan.
Martin= liearth Rug: Poor _Vann gain HAW .12441 ttag
sad Innaki Cametc enrtaa malrds,wltA Irani sarrata *4-
Kr:don annum, Craw sad BO Ltotturt. an. atql
• adder will bit ornad On gala &a Tay modarato rates.
. I, Mt r ara . alto prarsrod to:l;44mila' Ilarrtuntoria Qa• -
Ho. 58 wood Striiet, Pittablugb,
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets - ,- &e,,
Oarareisinff oris of the
Largest Stooks to be Tonna East or West,
Eisretsly a4,aptad to
generally,. are hums tu eta .11.1
4 heft* , buying. ow he Al• dttecralocia to all
Zeal4flp t tavn cb4 4301ttzln2 fartmalilt with
Maw nodAzta.
7..tte ana
N 0.215 Libekty Street- _ • -
te34l3' -
V embectribot respOctfulll OE2 taa"
.11.. Landon of Ids batman sad thor:date smarslis, to on
srl7:tar! hls t atrdso 2 V . L.k r ßoot t& st i ld Id hot
:1 be Z 4116 any rad ofifieS, deals. PtirasTi ' vol
Childmals Innis, Unitas taut 'Sneer s Fide oat of dos p.a.
materbst. wstasataddp wad ofttista.ast a nts.- • •
In miss to 0011 moats: desists and th ose wbo mtai to
gat wed visa= nude Wrik. bs mannfacteres end bast*
commands en band o tamp! eta Web of ,Itics's sanal
meta and Earara, tioy's sad •Yaribis tikes:nu t - Lail.
Boats 0r.4. to Alai. oat Massa Boot; which Ms ssionsata.
In referents to the prism be and oaf" itoddas maso,
toms:ass tot, fining tell maldiesp .1. ant abet Ms -tn•
tan/lobs:cm the ats.
Ttantfolfor sns - lilordpstabimesberstotitt mewed ts
'Midis ford= Worm sad fiton ids mats 10000 10
botinos he foals cootideacs Fels he Ls obis to lays maxi
Ltre.x. Edna,
— raa E 9 Itabstse. bstassibesitstbouss & With it—
berm hie friends bad the , fichtle tba2 ha hes wtwe.:,,,
• Interest orbit sestore•omti hero* aeie rzer,rl.
• : t"..4.BLY.ET AND -
tr. moot sztebaive ut d cemilete t tba in e.:12
boy . W2 • b orator ONiZaLLTini feee'et eLL
well .moot orator
and a etre= tto otEraz rote ntelou •
le. be win eorwaeoceelse:Clot, l•• fen. days, what he •
will be read to =end to the. enb:rs Or ble burannaz
• VARIETY '57 •
• NM STYLES OF, Bt zwillan!
19DIG be inteodnotel was eobret low.seicee. • • -
Yee tlealar attention will beedrebto trorazanateet L uzlizz
er• Vileuttute aalteble for bcteaawbembi oad
will be void to catostuno4sOng teams •=l. ML Div*
thet wlo dell , omega - 10r, • •
ta.d...t this eetaUtebatas, ea matt' arlbttre4 ter aztablb
11l mei bealawee of • deebtr.,, will be cal at too reAllue4
"L ATLlatteargairLAN - si or,lll tin Ts '4• 1 3 ,
L .: Raub with kiwi Potycr to Ent.
ite7Veteee.s. Faralsb. tAbben •
ebeeers. finding cowman : -sled= on- Isod. rat win. t o
via to Ms t.-nde11 . ..: • ma! 140abc:43 0 &Wert" , Out prieen
• : lit. 111111th stee,ei. •
•-• •
No. 48:St Cbasr bireet, Pittsburgh Pa.
rSUPoCELIBER, ad,ditiottta
ifaletale Warts. Ha. W ll Liberty ateeet.bie area.' - •
e. ewer Warencusa Ma centred! 0,, r city:. where •111 • :
be found htontacteate; Grave &cues, and every variety •
threetery Wort. mid. to reSer .ty the beet warren:a ..... • .
%neva In the trade .: - [rtorlit4l- -
66,017 42,429
''. - 11 .Meyer•a - Stoilt,- -- -'.- •--
Siiilptore,•Sto - oco , Workois & - Wcioit Caivora;
- No. 2= Pcna - st., near fresiin,l - •• 1. , '
NITRES of 0,11 - kinds;-.nho o.rmunenta - in
b = i gzs i j s ravi n a d a o l n ilsals, e tc,l:r de<9ral•
__lkwince . s.ll7 . darziptious..nd 0t7 . 1,5 fanlatri*j_l4,oiF.
-.- -PAINTERS. • 77-- -
LONG - Lcr,
:VC , . 7 (014/inl 014116‘. isractfr4l TM= ...maker;
(13e.taactlYace azd Mattet ELNett&)
All • orders pm:aptly 'attended
nzneatt.l a SLIMDWriat 1:3=4.!
J tit=Fgt;
,111R.S.' RING 4.REITE R ItaveasicteldWi.
thetnarlrm tba Dractica et nowttl.• and eurzery, t
-0 0 1. a Dr. Moie , rosttl•aea, tt , e , „!ltT. Ftftt.
Dr. Rei r.
ter attaad at • th.oUta •±Zd pat La
amutltad at Illarad‘teare..l4 „Eta 41tarty. tt.. imam
fiat , and arralara.. • • • -.u
•wtt. BAiouins BRO. eacs sa
poRK and Beef Packara; and dealers in;Z:l"`""'"l°"/,'"i •m4tft.
w..wooDrELL, anaßoto
. Manats.....T.rer aa4 De4lse U06...:c41.
ILLIANI TAILS, Phinaboz uca Glas
Plotstnt r. jtgd r otrePtrAA74 l / 4 1r*ITI;1
frxl ta.r.michwarts rwil; bto-re;ooSarcm,.,
• 16r, fstry 51,e, rzum of Mtinr..l; for. at.,l
TOCITOR O'BRIEN oaii bostantq cite:6 it•Dr,'_ • •
• SMITIPP.mrner R 1126 acd SnlthGekt otwom
irirßefddeneier;¢ thin Eronass - the 1'..0 •
BCOTT;Dentiat, l'ourm f4treot,
13 , srsatx,r.ven or OM. boa...
ran* ,
l'areiTa tloneet.inteNlitl.,
an tomroftinn. LArd !Wane
fterotlatal !:riwinlat 'atLant
XuaassA f:air,* eI tburi.
• oepartnetaiiip.-- -•
itrideniglicd.haye tins day r.uiociatoti
.4.101 saniv.rzbi p . 4 tt AZlAllat t,
• PIIIIIIIOaIr will be 0.00.1}c1, b•r•••toiLtv.. 1.1134,
ZU l ' s .Std ealt or -- : - rdscorr_ a ,
Pr emitaa Vincg• - ax.
rAR mad* exprte , rdy fur family n
ua r.rr. cAd In =‘,... ths.a me lASI or
, T . L . , ilrre,isoff.l.4,band,./Al• .7,-
..t---;-... T.T.K . t.
tba'Tkz :l ical l :t43 74 3.24-'' i l l ; _ l / 4 ; :-=--- "" ‘-'--r••-
k4r.-4:4 1- '"'"•41 ViAr - iiii;44 - rro-rir' L" • , -
•-•&,-..= of °ram eruzi si Arm.' ~.„.., . ...- •.. c..:
r ..
„,.,„.......e..„.,.........._.„..._..7„i.i. ,Cri:.4,,w , - .• - 4,;-•• • :
__ . • ,011,11FIrdaigrriae r mr. fl-''' - , ; '.l. I2'
""ar =am= of &Se Wallis?. tr.111..1.,, swi IL&
~ .-
...e ....,:.71,)
&Ore.'s mere-G.4i se pastfccfar. ts d411:".11 t, Lbil NI - a , ' ...:'--- - -4 .(5 . ‘ ,74-,"•;:l
. FFit. OA. Tlitstus vsiThi..Al - in In sA telals: l ' , 7l'.. ;= ': _ :: ' 1::': ":;' 'sc
•rotsd *Ol I. srldcb st... &vs:rd.' "Lt. 4 rsst PonaloWly ', - -1 , •
_ . ..!,..t . .&,
. eqr, &we sod Dlplacts Ist lbs =ft. _Azrrri: _ h. 4 - ..... , ~, ~.. . ~;4::1 1 ,
Itatabl On or/1144. w. . Tr i t 2 . ..u0r , ? . h . , A ......<;•••: e• , ,,,•• j".• .2...
..'.7.1•1. _4l - 4 , -...5,,.. 1! , : .r. ~,.; t iF , :,A
••,•stuidl flandll Sandlit -rt., • .4,75. ` •"e; " .4
-4 09 EXes nuNTINODON-Cill • ' 44'7% f, - ,'-!-.. ,:. i.:4
O - Jr-% t-I'' .- t.%,,. igerbir=,4. 4l ok - f.e. ,- -:..;:.,--c--.; , P 4
~,,T7;et of g1a..1 - , . t', - - ''', 4 - 1 ! .r. ,-. * e r•:' . .;;; ' ''''' .f. ) ,% . .,fi d 'g V i.:'
absTslsTieta . 7l44 "l ar Irritrit i arrWg. 174‘ , '" - '' ' ' -::::" . *S . :q S1 ?-;; .-
rot cost' 509.14. vrthas.'4l4dlSOFl,VT.l"3.
4.l""''`• 1 = 1,..„--''W.crAturqtrz :• -_ : , - ---..,:
• v
~.. . -.
. 4 ,T.-c.,-;,••-;..
.-.. ~., ~ ~..,....._,..,
yes -1 4 W I 'S. * Il m " l t.u l 4ssea s 'arillur b. ltorv' -
rWirik t iriera.-Arxxagarrart. -
t• :r • :,_ 117freatpargr Chin-. -
. r; . rilua t ,-.114 boyars tolitarimutilipid
". • Itgarvailtiotrafa. 4 rlk - ' 4 i° Lit
.. .f.
=iit t liVW4'
iftvi'-, W1,.,1 1. - c ' :-..-11.1lcib aiIBAIL
...I'S , ....-''''-' 7:4'4f '';. * : : ;: . . - -';':- . ..''.1";- - 4'::•7 •'. ' .