The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 24, 1856, Image 3

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    - 4;
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WEDNESDAY 16M M% DEC: ; 24, 1846
The New England Supper.
. . - mmiram rammix.
,Tae two Ituidred and thtrty-eixth anniversary .
of - the:-Lending of the Pilgrims on Plymouth
Rock. vas 'celebrated in elogent style on Monday
evening, the 22d inst., at the Monongahela
llonso r by those of their descendants who; aro
residenta of this city. The Now Zoglond Sera ,
ty Of Pittsburgh is of some years - etandin,g, bat
vatic' as reasons combined to_nauss the:disco
tinuande of thLs their annual festivity for sever
. 4 - yeare. The revival of-it this year will bong
be remenibered. as cue of the - pleasantest oew-
Mons in ithloh.the Members and Invited guest;
have participated in, •
About ten o'clock, at least one hundred ladles
end gentlemen surrounded the tables bathe spit
' aloes dialog-helot the Mocougehebi, to discues
the fare OO bountifully and elegantly provided by
that unsurpassed caterer; Mr. 'Crosson. The
bill of fare, which wo give below, includes, en
will be seen, the moot celebrated New England
Mahe& -
.Bottp--Mook Tart Lr.
Boiled—Turkey, Oyster Eiatioe, Leg arutton,
Capra Satiee,'-Ohleltat, Celery flume, Beo(
Groan Pieces CU:am—Fillets of Beef vitt&
hinshroomsyllem, Chiimpogne Baur;:Baron, of
Beef; a la Itoyalo. ,
Redeem. Venison Stools, with. Currant Jolly;
Broiled Coons, Oyster Fie°, Domestic Books,
Braised, - Mccbrcom Banco; Prairie. Chicks*,
Jelly Bina; Fried Oysters, Oysters en
Esemllye, klaccsreni, eliGrerkl: Celery, eu jar;
Fillets or Rabbit, Broiled. hisderia Bance;iBffeet
Breads, Tomato &nee; Chicken Salad.
Est.—Fresh Cod, Oyster fiance.
Ornamented Cold Drehes.—Bound of Beef, -els
Ueda, decorated with Jelly; idayonnaire of
Chicken, Ham decorated, Boiled Turkey in
Diehes AratiOards.--41aked Roans and Pork,
• Chowder MS Froth Cod, flashed Codfish with
-. : Potatoes, to Forme.
Boott--Torkeye, Cranberry Sauce; Saddle of
Vauban, Currant Jelly Sauce; Tonddr Loin of
. •
V eer,- DomeetieLlticka, Chickens.
Vegetabler.--Forma of &tubed Potatoes, Baked
Potatoes, Fresh Tomatoes; Hominy.
Gama—Canvas Bach Ducts, Broad Bills, Teal
Ducks, Red Read Ducks, Groan, Venison, Mal
lard Ducks, Partridges, Lake Duets.
itelities.--Celety, Cranberry Sauce, Carrane
Jelly, Mlied Vieille ' Olives.
Pastry.—Plam Paddtnge, Indian .Paddiego,
Mines Pies, .14:napkin Pies, 1 42nlo.Fier, Cocoa
Nut Pies, Cranberry Tarts,-Charlotte
Dreert. —Vanillek.lco Cream, Strawberry lee
Cream, Madeira Jelly, Pyramids - Ct Candied Or
ange, -Pyramids of Matearcons, Lady Cake, Jelly -
Cake, Malaga Grapes, Englith
. Walnote, Oranges,
Apples, Almonds, Raleins... -
The following gentlemen were alma:aced an
officers of the Society:
President—Cass. Stumm- '
Vice Preeldente--Judge Murano, Governer
Chaplalrt- - -Rev... Ur. BAO3B.
Rev. Mr. Ramon implored a blessing upon the
About midnight the table was eleared, - and the
reading of the toasts commenced.
Judge Shako.. so Free - Weal, and as the cldost
Yankee in this part of the Commonwealth,
• offered his congratulations to the Society on this
celebration of the iinaivereary, and his gratitude
to their guests;. -not natives, who honored the
Society with theirpresenee. There wee a peen
b Rarity with these. assemblages; the men alone
did not meet to . enjoy themselves, but they had
the far greater pleasure of co-mingling with
New England Indica. it-was almost impossible
- for New England gentlemen to enjoy social ex
istence without the ladles by their side. How
• much it added to their pleasure was evident here
this evening.
Though not strictly a New ,Rogiander, the
venerable President considered himself as bait
-- log from Connecticut. - Nis forefathers lived in
Middleton, Connecticut, and he had paned many
of the :earlier, years of his life there. flow
. misty plea/Mut. and how Many unpleasant re
• membrancos destined around those years. The
daye of youth then were very different from the
days of youth now: lie knew something of the
Puritans, not that his father vas ono—far from
it. Though not one 'in principle, Ito was one in
practise, and if they could form an idea how
children were ..brought up by . the Puritans, they
could see how he bad been. New England
didn't stand as she had doze; she was then in a
traneition istate.._ -- Then the youth found a ne
cessity for rising before daylight; and so mdoh
- wee this practice impremed upon him that be
oven yet nee at four o'clock, to the disturbance
of !tie:whole family (laughter).
- After' thelanth-Nraatipilicenes 4.ltb.bor eel
study coMmeoced. Ho was sent to a common
school -where -discipline was ninth more rigid'
than-Ma now. Among came things be had to
read a book, which eras not no tanchused now.
He refereed to.-the-Bible. Then it was consid
ered- the book of morale. education, enjoyment
and political liberty. was the basis of the
-liberty and Imes upon which New England de
pended. , Turres have changed and - it is not so
mach reverenced now. It was then thought-not
only the - great storehouse of. learning, but the
storehouse of the Soxoa language, in which
Freedom wee beat preserved in language' under
stood by all. -
Sunday new was the Bourne, of enjoyment.
Then it was far from being a source of ecmfort
to the young. -The day commenced with lessons
In the Catechism; followed by Church; then Cate
<Mem again, and then Church again, and the
night was a eolith . ..nation- of the same dull story.
And there the poor child was kept; be dere . nt
cry., be dare . nt laugh, he dare do nothing—do
nothing but devote himself studies whin!,
made • stand .on cad to think of evert
now. l He did'at b.sve - many books. They ea*
how theVankees of the old .and the present
times got along, and It was safe to conclude that
neither the education of the old or present times
two bad.
The punishments of that day wore different.
The old Cangregational Church letead. in the
midst of the green, with tho whipping poets and
the , sleeks as accompaniment?. The epooker
bad Been• these instruments used and forty
etripes,wes not thought moth of a punishment.
Daring all that period there was no oereaion for.
a Honor law; a man was put -in the Moots for
homing oiled a little 'too much Champageo.
Taverna were at a discount; nobody thought cf
going thcreith the bar exhibited only a bistik ,
bottle of vile New :' , ..alsed rum, which no man
of taste could drin... The Congregational
Churches governed the State, end it nerd to be
said that Mr. Dwight, of Yale College, - governed
all the Congregational Climate, iwas a long
time before a combination of all the other
Churches could tottoentrate their powers to over
throw its stipretneey. The Coogregetionntiot
Churches in one any were very Republican.
They elected everything from a• doorkeeper to a
preacher, yet they contrived so to confederate
thicga as to rale ell New England.
Re could not coy =soh for bile religious ex.
parlance!, yet his education was In the old
forma, and whatever he had gained in reputation
wee gained by hie education in New England,
mainly in the etady of the scriptures--some
times beaten into him and sometimes by hie own
It was not at all probable be and his audience
would again meat, and he thought It not jut
proper to say somethlog of Now England in
former day!. No man could think of, her hilt to
honor her. lie could not without 111/a4G114 the
Tbe venerable gentlerisn cloaed:frith a quo
tation from Josiah Quincy embody log four lines
of verse spoken by Ylisece of hie beloved Ithsea.
He took his scat amidst the bearilest applause.
Re Beene read a latter from Cot. Wilsom Me-
Candlese, enoloslog it seetiment
The same gentleman read the regular toots:
1. Plymouth Rock—A Landmark in the His
tory of Civil Liberty. • •
The Hen. A. W. LOIIIIII4 woe expected to re
spond to this tout, bet be was not abhato be in
2. The Children of the Pilgrims of the Penes
and of the Founders of Jamegown--Derival
from a common ace estri, enrolled in a common
illitOry, bind tending tea common acid, we tope,
a glorious destiny. ~- "
en. Johnston responded paying a high com
pliment to the Paritaos, who did not teach what
they did bet themeelves practice. Ire knew
something of the (and 0( Penn. Her &Ample
educated front 800,000 to,:1,000,00 0 annually;
the SPITOS of her eanrchos were elmeet in sight
of etch other; but New England net the exempla
so well followed. Theta retnerke were continued
at some lengthin in stab mannet--and the
speaker cenoluded by saying that not a foot of
land in this State but wee putt:meld fairly and
legitimately; not a sigh' from a human baps.
within Ito borders, who could'not say ol am a
freeman." Be hoped to transmit this line of
. Liberty, Truth, and Equality In the mime purity
it was received.--.... L... ..
Meagre. Cargo, WA; nedlrro other geml a .
• MOD WhOSO =Mee Ire (IR not leen:, upon re
sneel favored the Company with a song—ne
pilgrim Advt. Itlree received with much Sp
3. The Puritan—ln admiration of his virtues
and of hitiCtudetlett endurance of sufferings for
righteousness' sake. we can afford to overlook
those weaknesses incident to our cemmott Ho.
Mr. Eaton reaponded.—He as,4 it
.7ir aul d ho
diffmilt for him in any epeech to de Justice to
the eentiment to whiten he was . to epeak;
especially would it be no in ,the brief remarks he.
- prop Fed to offer. The Sect words : hibh baio
just ripen read call up Mr tir a picture the item
*asp proboze trouhloun there ethloh cannoned
es Is fiery furnace, the dross and Wordy the
true' old inihrtsubjeors'ofthettlal. Barret:lad
. . • - - -..
ed ea a few children of the 411 grime were bete eon's profoundly beautiful nee: "hero:,
to-night; by all the comforteand Itexterice which never, alike sail to a feel: grandly into
this ago, fruitful In mach things, affords; secure Port, avail with God ion -e.! , That PIO'
against bent pricatraen and Kingman; no long- , HMS Democratic idea, whirl recogrezed the cal
er =bidet teethe behests of the Star Cbambet; ling of no man =meter but that every man was
no longerliable -to .tin crushed befom the de- ; his fellow's Peer. That doctrine, whiab, al
ernes of the Court of HigteCommizsionedwolling I though a purely negative deeelopment, resole
in a sooletyvehich grounds its (tem bases upon • Canary and not formative In ohardcter, ned
the free teehool and a free church, it is but net- . dcaying all the then established imtitetioeu of
Ural that they ehonld turn their thaughte back- ' the warld'etuling, had deetined, he trusted ene
ward tet'tide day 236 years ago, which -saw that believed in God, by sympathetie action wee noes
Worn and weary band from the cramped Gehl!, and certainly, ultimately end everywhere to pro
of the May flower, as they set their trembling veil " . es
feet wan the rook of Plymouth mere without h Ho thanked God. for willing nveniv' genius of
home on earth, wi th out a friend outside their New England. He was to give all credit
,ownpereecuted people except God, almost with- ' to the doecendanis of the.e iron men, who bad
out hope, ease that deep and abiding cue which i fought and gotten scars with Crimwell, at Pres-
ISA fast hold upon - heaven, were prepared,to I ton, Dunham. and .Marston moor, in behalf of
offer the last 'sacrifice, even life, for the sakteof 1 constitutional Ilberty—men who for the troth
their sherielsed principles. He who- Cannot see : and the right had goad Into bettleeis gaily as to
in the contrast of the poet and pkosont than : a bridal teas',who prated much, and rho read
'faintly sketched, cause for , gratitude to each an 1 glorione old ohn Milton.
anceatri, is nnwerthrof them. And yet, in the . He was willing Weise them the credit whioh
Midst of each hardelalpe, the Puritamr were sot 1 teey deserved,-and they deserved Innoh They
Omit down. In the
.midst of overythieg that ! had not only walked side by elde into foremost
could teeing the heart, their trust in heaven : civilization and progress, but have been actually
seems to have opened up to the eye it iheir flat- I the advance guard—their Pioneers. Like the
tering hope faintillopeesaf some beatific. vision I S ar of Empire,. westward they had taken their
of this to there great future, so that ; way. They had oat down our forests, they had
Amid the Storms ther ems. ; ploughed up our prairie!, they had - created
Ana the Stars heard sod the Sea,
A,,,,, a,,,,„ = di„,, wm,„ o f th,,,,u. ~,,,1„„,,,, , school-hone.* atd temples to the living God!
is the anthem of the free. i —They had made the wilderness places:to bo
-.Either their faith, or that other noble, though glad, and the desert to rejoice and blcascm es
perhaps mare buena fooling attuned their Lange, the rose. They had crossed the rocky barriere
that now they Wore - free; let the Imret mune, to civilization and refinement on our Western
they were prepared. most borders, and with au open bible and ander
Standing at this point of the porld's history, I the free fisg of the nation, they hod reached the
however Little it may become us, seeing Limerick.. gelded :hares of the Pacific, with all their free
dances - of oar own times, we may perhaps eon. rPuritan institutiops in their heads!
damn tlie follies dad the foibles of. the Puritan I But to couolude, ho watt in favor of Newdleg-
We may nigh thee the prison and the galloue I land peppers, no a happy ovideace of its Blest:.
were decreed to theiritoh or the wizard, but we I Coe genteel They certainly were an iestitu
must not, while we cannot bat condemn, forget' tion, he hoped never to be done away with.—
thgrach age most be judged in itself. We IHe would offer snob 'a festive occasion no , e
mullhemember that the penal eodes of christen= i pies in bar" to the eynicisim and eecetioiem,
dom recognized at that time. wittibuomft, as a ' .whieh would tell us that the world had naught
crime, and axed direful, med i ae they believed, lof good or Plot:sure in it. Ito would open these
appropriate punishment to Its practice; that Sir doors, and bid them to walk ie. upon this bean.l
Matthew Hale, one of the moat-'humane and en-, tiful festive scene, upon three
lightened judges of those days, believedin it and 'Tait women and brave men.
eat in judgment upon it; that in England, even Where eyes look lon to eyes that look ?gala."
down to the times of Georg? 19, a statute wan 1 It was en evidence that there were - roeea as
elate for the punishment of those " p raallele g I well as thane on the pathway of life, and light.
magic Sr other forbidden arts," and that It was I
only *I.V - the reigia of George the. Seemed that navreil as ehadote in its cbeakered pieturet
the terffl 0 punieletioet et burning decreed by With a very
former enactments , wee don o aWay.' Even Diu k • Shales , upon whose l complment to Judge
head had fallen the snore
of many ;roters. but whom the finger of remorse
atone, in his commentaries upon the Engli s h less time h e'd certainly touokod. -
laws, declares that "to deny thaposaibility, hey, . - Frestr, bottled]," • '
the maul existence of witchcraft and eoroery. I he then closed his very exoellent remarke.
ie at ones flatly to contradict the revealed-word i 9. Now Bogle'ss Common School Sys:eta-ern
of Gad in various pampa both of the Gilead eelaeoeieersal application, Me sorcery of Free-
New Tostarnout" and Itontesealett In hie greet I men—the Belnark cf Liberty, the sure defenee
work remarks that, •itre aught to be very Mr- of human rights, for "knowledge la power."
eoumepect in the prosecution of magio and B. M. Kerr:Esq., County Superintendent, re
'heresy." Let ua remember that these things plied 10 an able manner.
were written many years after the occurrence of Dr. Ilacond.hen read letters from Gen. Rob
those which saw that awful cloud that settled iason and DIME. P. Swift, apologizing for their
'upon the New England colonies. Let to oon• absence, mad proecsiog reatiments.
demo the fault of the age then, and not of that Mr. Wilmarth exhibited a pair of spoon
people alone, with whom, to to thoroughly eau, monlee, in his family for one hundred and fifty
vinced of any et/pima:A duty, was to perform it. I years. with thetas the pewter spoons of the pil-
Moreover, the government the Petite-he M . C. grim tethers were made. Be cast ono in the
posed_ to establish-le New Engleed, was to be a afternoon, which we begged to pewe; to the '
theocracy. Tho Bible was to them both law and President. Judge elhalor received jt in a few
gospel, end. in all their enactments and.procesd- humorous renames. I
logs against witchcraft, they bad ever:dile pas- Rev. gr. Bacon exhibited a easy of John El. I
sago upon their tongues to fortify their tram- lioteie Tedian Bible printed in 1659, at Plymouth. ,
bling coneelencee— ,, thou ehult not permit the lObelonge to the Alden family.
witch te. live."' Several other entiquitles were prevent. One
- The perfumed °milere of the times of the was a cane which belonged to Jonathan Bacon,
Charles:3 were Wont to jeer and scoff at "those and has been in the -Chaplain's fetidly for one!
crop-eared keavee," the round-heads, and to hundred and fifty years.
Mate mock of their cent and their whine, wed Mr. Boojamin May has in his poteseeiee es ;
even down to our own time there are Chore who direct lineal descendant by hie mother's Fib.. c I
find food for Blare in these peculiarities, as ob- watch hddded down from 'Peregrine White, the I
served, is modified degree, in their descendaute. first male white etilid barn in Amerlose D. N 1
But in the words of the great British essayist, Whim, Bag ,fer meuy editer of the Gmette, i
we may say of the early P - aritcar, "that they is we believe, aloe a direct descooder,t from the I
had little reason,' eceff or to jeer who enema,. name nirpts.
tared them on the floor of parliament or on the At this point the gagers of the clock on.
field of battle." May their oldedren in this day noenetal thee. the hour of two o'olook, Tuesday
and generation and actording to their own light, morning, bed been reached mid the company
be as one and oo firm to the grist prineiplea of therefore dieperee.e, though several toasts were
civil and religiotts liberty as were the Puritans yet to be reads
in theirs! If he receives the plaudit of "well 10. Pl-c Pers., the Pulpit, the Scheel—A meg- I
done goad and faithful eereant," who improves kat trio—The watchwords of ?teepee., the real
his talents well, be they five or ten, then shall Archintedian Impel to more the world. .
the early fathers of New Ragland receive an ex. Hemel! Errett, Esq., WIZ to have reepooded.
needing great reward, and their faults like spots The other Meets are as follow,:
upon toe son, serve to make the unsullied par- 11. The Bible—A free Bible make-a a free
Hon of tho splendid orb appear yet the more people.
glorious. It were a smell boon to ask oblivion 12. Pennsylvania—Not only the geographies(
for come fault, in the preeenoe of no many and Keyetono of the Old Thirteen, hat the political
90.C.CMMIII1ding virtues. Mr. - Eaton was loudly Soyeterte of the Thirty-Get —its goes Pennell.
cheered. Innis so goes the Chloe. _
4. Ger Country, Bight or Wrong—When right —Thee passed the 2.36 th steles:eery 2( the
we will attend by her, when wrong we will never landing of the Pilgrims.
desert her until she is righted.
J. P. Penney, Ere , was to have responded to
this tout, but ho use not presort.
- 5. The American Sevolailcn—Leoal in lee
events, but anisette' in lie destined intliter.ce.
G. F. Gilmore, 8rq.,,t0 whom thin to: wort
entrusted, was not preemie.
-e6.. New BugLande-Firet and feremzet In .:.t• _
great revolutionary struggle - for Liberty lit:
eons and daughters aro still *sus to the Fries:
plea of "'7G."
Thomas Howard, Esq., replied very appropri
ately aalbritily. His remarks wera festival
with.loadmatifeztatioas of approvol.
lira. Wade, by regatta, sang well r. beauti
ful eoag, appropriate, for the otestioe.
10. Elothtre, Wires, Swerthenett—Oar eels,
real eovereigas, ageitist boo rale it io ever lib
erate to robeL
Mr. Knox responded. He said that he is a,
bold man who expects to speak becomingly to
each EL theme. Bat such—PO:tune favors.—
"Mothers, wives, a weethearte—our only real
sovereigns." He thought the question of popu
lar eorereignty had, been sufficiently tilstraesed
daring the late canvass. Out now he
sea delighted to know, that we, here, hold an
authoritative interpretation thereof, which, corn
the Chairman will not dire '
in this penance, to
gainsay. Bee, also, what
beaign, consequences
reault. The Ueiiu is eared and its peace pro
moted. Beetles, this sovereignty, if not pope.
lar, is very prevakni (laughter).
As to the l'onsafeness of resisting" the
of "mo her or erCetheart," he had scum dkzent
recollections. Of "wife" .he reozw.ti
!peak. •He saw wound him many married men,
and lit retorted to their greater experience.
Hot of woman he would speak a word, yei nut
In flattery. God bath mode her a het pewee, not
'a nest of man, both, to their '•plure, superior.
000 remarkable quality woman hath, witch he
had often admired. The porter of arriving at
just conclosion at once. It proceeded, no doubt,
from tile fent—she thialze through her Atom
which is almost always in the right place . A
poet bath expressed this quality, or one skin
••And rst.Zosodta—elsdito—inesserisnoet.
rdtdd see Dim as he was, andorreo snorted m-.
Whyn, a same to knordedze—eh Oho was Innocent,
And to te 'missend Is , ature's
The De deedore knows the prowlers of the air,
Veere4 moo ao seen and flitter, bask to orbiter.
And the roan= steed reallie anon hie hay:weber
-The reser yet one adder', lare—:rot hoard.
Atr. sneer than Poshltrro's kinnored ere,
le that fine pen, which to sosneser heart
nr =bre orpmeurneraf itonvo yardarm, •
Sieved, She sarroarJs of err:L" •
Time would fail him to speck of the constancy
of Perielopo, tho wife of Ulyeiee; of Belem', the
ingenious etreetheart of lease; of. Cornelia, tho
patriotic "mother of the Grant:hi," of the Night
ingale of Eehostapol. aed of rho Northern moa
auger of mercy to Virginia's pestlionco stricken
city. They woothil. pardon him for, one thought
morn.—woman is the star in Man'a esighly
heaven that only flints the more brightly the
darker the night.
Ile offered the chair this sentiment: Woroaa—
A mother, the morning'star of ; oar youth; n
tiWeetbeart, the dayetar of our manhood; a wife
theureoing star of her age. noniron blase our.
eters. (Loud applause).
Item Mr. Baena at this point presented the
Society for inlpoction a snuff-box which came
over In the Mayflower. It had been in thii pos.
erasion ofone family—the Alamos—for one hun
dred mid fifty years, and was now owned by
Mrs. John B. Menden. It iv of Effete, oval
shoed, and tho'issoriptlone aro almost illegible.
Yankee Doodle wee meg with line effect by
Mavens. Cargo and faecl*.
. Gov. Johnston ; presented for inapeolion tbo
original COMMIBBicaI to John Peed Jones, signed.
by John Rattocek. 't.
Captaini Stanton, of Stoninkten, Coen, by re
quest made rather a lengthy speeek about the
whale Moslems in which he bad been engaged
for thirty yenre.
ii -
8. The inventive Genius of New England.
J. Kirkpatrick, eoq., in rising to respond,
said that he experienced feelings somewhat akin
to those; which ho supposed the great French
dramatist. Dames, must have experieneed, who,
when 'enquired of in a court ofjastice no to hie
occupation and internees of life, replied, "Sire;
were I net acceding In the .preecnce of a 'status
of Corneille, I should say I was a dramatic poet."
So, continued Mr. IC., "were I not, Mr. Weal
dent, lin your venerable presence., and with
whom 4, 1 long and intimato assoaiation from coy
earliest seem has taught me to look upon you
as t sort of second father, as you aro my pro•
torsional one, I might peasibly conceive myself
equal to the exigencies of the occasion."
Ho would not suede to Yankee ingenuity 63
manifested in basswood hams, wooden nutmeg;
patent ohurning machine; wooden cloche, baby
Jumper; and last, bat by no mans least, 'het
eeemingly indispersiblo &Mole in every lady's
Imrdropc—Hoops I but rather consider
the higher evidences of a material civilization es
illustrated by the mighty agencies of electricity
and steam. No pointed to New 'Prgland, her
ker art; her seine", ter agriculture,
her manufacture!, her_ poetry, herpeinting, her
sculpture, her musk, her twin ester religion
end her great . men—to all of which, be paid Pot
ging tribute, as well dead es living.
' Among the diner - erica of the i Puritans was
the grand and Godlike Democratic doctrine of
=men-power and selfvespecity for eeltgovern
meat, impelling thorn to the dengere atria, their
history dieeloses. /11 a portage of- much beauty.
the speaker in referring to the Peuritan's etern.
tamed soul in - developing that doctrine, Mild:
,!ilk practical Puritanic illustration of Zosore
COML2 or Or;:u. esn Tenwsews, QCARIEU 5g,.
VON,. kn.—Beret: Jedge Ill'elnre and Aesociete
Jaigen, Adams and Parke.
John Arnold, who CAS ;trotted - on Satarday
night in en Aucti,n rot,ra, in the commie:den of
the not, was cor.v.otO of Outing- the pocket of
J.lntiponk,, , ,f Jle_ se oPni.t9
len for tsiolyo aorhihe: t- • F
Johan"lb, or tto bib Ward, wart iscr.,tencetr to
r:y $5 uhd torte for rtrarmltalg and bt.tlog his
wife Merialtne.
lyso Runt, ef tSe Ninth Ward, having plead
guilty to 3 charge of Etilicg liquor Without L.
cane, Ttnv Eentimetzl to pay O fito SGO anti
Jacob Brow:: teat couvieird of oreatilt and
.battery upon :and:acme 'Roth HP repreoented
hinotelf no e, ootietablo to help John Roth, grout,
ontriz'a hmlband, is getting his clothe., obit re•
fnood, cod Brawn placed hi, bands on ber
Raying ...Yon are my prierscor." - Bbo wept
wits him tcwarde nn Aidormao'a after, but he
raa away c n tho road; atm pronee led and brought
suit sgainet him for asennit. The defendant
was inint to jail one month.
Several Suety cf the Peace oases, and an
65-I,lllit and battery cern of trifling Importance
wore dlepcsed of.
DEATLI or as Le Oran/AUT.—Andre* Sp:3l:
who WAN COMIDitt24I-1,33:10 years ago. of 1 , 11.03 on
_,lndiatmriatr, nn-.1 was centrtoed to the
Penitentiary for thirty years, died on Monday
In that institution. tits body was conveyed to
the residence of his father in this city, yester
CITT_REMMICAN Co2ITZB nos.—Tbet delegates
elms: on biturlay !rot, will meet this moming
at tea o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a
candidate for tlo mayoralty.
A Cara to Me Lames
J. DllrliliCAYM GOLLIth. PI WA
POI PIMA U.", lnfallinlelo rnrroctlna fronotsr ry,arlog onstroolloat of Monthly Tarr,
from •rh•tOy,oltnon.
. -
11.1.1 Medical r"len
As attl as many titers, that no .nu den isssl
, tesahtmlers eirc is Neiman. and alienates an *Narcotism
rates plies, whether Prom nancruen,add, cr any vibes
darn, lbe ppa.e a l asalta Milne Immediately tO
and tae .ant °reach - a remedy be, bests the enure of en
VIZOI tonsnippitsr• eau. rvisna Itrariss ts pain IA
osis o l r.
b $ Of ,
‘ r ' r OL3 ha: l ' ." 'i t 4err
Ilan et oritcrs; and xbenstor taca in tte ease, the
Ms PL.
hlyrinntly all tit*, tatlV,
lull end explicit
arcerepany sash tean
snort toystrictly
earl all disposes reeullar to fe.
males ma he cp....111y sutd.
Sams sl,d) csa and acid la CI to. ialltifld• and
ty SA M , ts.Titt ittilill; Agoras PT *lleac:war, FULTON'S
en ds- irde, ...trains:lam, .10105 l' SCOTT, ?II Utorti.
d its W. A. OILUENSItNNSTY k CO. Ilfth et, fiur
0 , 05. lter aaPPIIAte trade at pcoprletne'sprices,
sod send rt. Pills try sull on ysraltt of ?tan tarmrsh
Pirtstarat ri aplitlrdassfeT
Farmers and Mechanics
N. W. Cor. deoond and Walnut Btu ,
rho followinvetatement cadnbits tbo bad
. nets and condition ct t4a CanDat., toliev.l44,llad;
ITeindan+4 .rondred on 3144ina and Inland
D. 14144, anl , rot le, 18WI 11214,01 GO
Fire Premlnals— ...... 174,726 01
Intereit on Loam—. ........... ..... ...... 8,741 47
Total IttooIpt; 1400,1%
Paid 31,a100 C 4
Pedd rlza d 0.......«...:......„... :;9.7.3T 69
.1:Z9!0P% Eatarl. and CotoralPeloda 45.46900
Italasuraner, Rat urn Yrerald=a awl
27,474 a •
130.4nc0 1411,34111,g with Coonmay
The ASSNTS 0l the COL.P.T {FOALS trloorx—
P 1311%. Cllr and Conn tr 10,641
11. , 0 (i
0 (Smtprjee
Fits; 31zrtgago ;tool 1.13,5t0.e0
etock., Ccllistorah,, 52.403 00
Ginza and Cosuolldotiota Ittnit
Dopooltod with Duststi. etnann
Co, Now ......... SI.OOO CO
Deferred Parne,ttoo Stook rot Jot
• 47,700 00
Notes for Bluing 108,080 594
Dm from dgento,toeured by Bonds •6,976 18
Wom:me on Po4,lnrontly Iron.
ad, and dolts tbo Co,
Dalamolu Donkm—:.
2.6.470 :SA
-. IWO 74
The Basil of Dlreeters h•re this d•y deelered •
Dividend of lb Per Cent.,
Payable co demezd, att the hallarm of the Company, to
Edward E:Jlelmbold. • SeeretaiT.
• %MO:. J. I.IUNTEL Agent .
sto'27:6mdra . • Pio. La Water enrol
l'hulklin Fire Insurance Co, of Phihura.
) i cLO : Charle.%) , y.. , Brtlf:r 4
7 G o a ;
Vaguer, A dologi Dario. toin.llo;acrt, Datid Buren.
Jamb 11.13mithaderrin Palter/am.
011.6 ELLEN N. BANCILINI. Preeddent.
OnastsB 3. BIZCISO. &cedar . ).
This Company COLOIII3OII ft. mallelnsuratiose.permarumt
Of ,d.
on every des:Nation ot Property in town and
contd.:7, at rates WI LOW as On LOOM FOOta with security. •
- The Company hare reeersad • large contingent 1 ond.
which, with their Capital and Prordurulowweir ttrteston.
Word ample proteetlon to the neared.
. The made of the Company. on January 1et.186/•
&shed agreeably to the Aet of Asseuddy. were u
71 r . "
[teal Estate.... 7 78
Loans 8 8 4 i 11
61. 900 •
••• Cash. a 1 64360 61
• !tines their insol'paration; ...poitodgF OMZ It art,tlaty bar,
Vellupwarda of One MUM, Thousand Yost
.lays Lbws. by Fire, thereby stlordloy .141 an of the ad..
vantages W hosursnoe, as well as their ability and dine&
time to meet with PrOmptnere all liabilities.
, • ''cladAltau
Mee 13. N. =ma of Wood , 8d ab:
Latent From Europe
limars.r,lnzo. 23 —The steamship Canada
earived hero this forenoon with Liverpool dates.
to the 12th. Inst. She was dispatched in don•
sequence of the AMtries'having returned to
Livintreoz, Dee. 11.—The Bales of Cotton for
the fire dAye of the present week were 41,000
bales. Oa the 10th-cad 11th the axles were
20,000 bales. including 2000 belee far export and
speculation. The market closed o 4 and gener
ally ru:henna.
firendstedfs are reported as hating a declining
tendency, quotations being nominal., Prneici on
quiet and unchanged.
The London Money market native but easier,
console for account ere quoted et 94
The steamehip Battio, which railed from Liv
erpool od the 10th mat, took the official' an
nouncement that the Peace Gangrene wan to re
assemble at Paris during the present morale;
also that an unsuccessful attentp t had been mide
to e.esaseinsto tho King of Nuplee.
The captain and fifteoll of the paceengens of
the ateanaer Lyonnais kid reached Bordeaux iu
Tho eteamehip America Bailed from Liverpool
on her regular day, Saturday, tho oth moat., bat
when off Cape Clear encountered a severe storm,
by which her docks were turcpt and otherw!co so
much damaged that oho returned to Port fur re
pairs. Tied Bahia palled far ..ilerr Xirk ou tho
10th hut I
The CiMode, nitived. at Halifax 'tnaor.; eho
brought the Aturies'a mails and perasoqoe,
Tho latter boat was' badly damsged, rtr:
bee balwarliu and .•aule and her forward :••a ,
waa pompletaly,guttid; ono man iraB inj4rea.
Site put lath to Liverpool on tho morning of the
The Nianara was passed ou-the 13th; met the
ship New Tork from Liverpool for Now York,
which was wrecked on the Bth December near
Dunganos; she bad 3(111 cargo and two hundred
passengers. The ship J. L. Warner prom New
Orleans for Liverpool went Shbore near Wexford:
her crew woes eared and her cargo will be saved
lf the weather moderates. The 'altiP 'LOB ,
Rookh, for Charleston, pelt beck fort-Liverpool
with the loos other salts; she has bobkin a ens
sersirn of Defer° gales. In the British Chao
tic! there were numerous estenaltics.
A deputatido from Liverpool and London
waited npoo Lord Clarendon to ascertain what Is
meant by a Biitieb demonstration against New
Fattier Metttow died at Cott on the 9th.
Cobden hoe publithod another letter on Mare
time law.
The London Times in on edilorial backs out
of the Arrownnith Georgia Railroad hoax.
Moneyed Bey on the part of the Foible of
Egypt hod an Interview with the Manchester
Commercial Ateociation touching the cultivation
of Cotton on the river Tigris.
Fuenor..—lt is rumored that Cardinal flatlet's
minden to Boma relates to the coronation of Na
poleon which, ehould peace be coneolidnod, will
probably take piece early neat year.
Many marine dieneter■ have been reported in
toe Mediterranean.
commercial affairs to France are not regarded
ne unfavorsble, bat much dissailefact!on is felt
beusure the Beek does not relax. Corn is de
' clitting slowly in all the markets in France.
SPAM—Advice!, from Madrid state that the
opinion was atruogly against the now loan. The
tainliter of Scrams would probably resign.
Malaga end Saragossa were stilt politically egi•
wed though there had been no open outbreak.
anssia.—The Ring presented a Resolntion to
Itt Gerratutio diet on the Neufchatel question
addreosed to the greet powers inviting them to
join in a collective deoision with a view to secure
her recognised rights. France aud,Analria to.d
advisee! Ptak*. to abctain from mintier demon"
otrations daring the pendency of this question
promieirg, at 'oho eaten time, to support her
ITALY.—ThO SI tempred aendeinaficu of the
&log of Naples occurred at a tea iow of the troops
on the 9th lest The !mounts differ eaructihnt;
one roue that while the troops wr•• dealing a
soldier rushed from the ranks and struck tithe
Fitz on the left side. He woe arrested.
woo quiet.
A' Sicily the insurrection is sappresSoa; the
leader Ilentesentia was taken prisoner. The
police of &lemma hate seized& quantity of mus.
irate saheb had been landed for the insurgents.
Ccuot Lotatelle, an eminent Liberal, bad
been esseteinated at RATtlatiB.
Hu, ors —Tee text note addretatil by Itussia
Ootebeeto the allied Paircra has been pub
ibbed, accompanied by fi Circular demanding
the rewretablirg of tho Coogreils. at Paris. It
contains an evorenf the steps taken by the
alike cabinet to insure the fulfilment
,of articles
20 and 21 cation treaty sod defends the Bll3sitta
policy with regard to the Isle cf Fierpents and
PltEllt• escturn ct 11er65.43 coo
firmei The 444temeut drat Itu.siis Hsi del:us:i
dea oevapy tLAt5.."4411142" 414,
genie it car.firmed.
It ■ss repQrted at fit. retreating that 50,000
Russian trat,ps are reedy to ta4rett to the fron
tier of Perris art the first inettattou of this Shia.
Lersar.—Pair, Thursday.—The Debsts soya
thst Er.glaml in entering into the conference
di.dlnotly declared that she trill conform to the
osaision of the majority.
Lns - Dow, Thursday evening.—The trnzasa•
lionv in the mugey morkst are unimportant.—
Conanls opene.d.a shade lower and cloaca steady;
after °Meng hours consal ate.] et 930,04. The
anacon....roment that the Coot rake wenn( remain
the came, prodoetri Co change.
All the America's freights, newspapers, &c.,
were left In Liverpool.
itinentsoron errr, Deo. 23—Stearn—Mr.
Maier presented the joint resolotions adopted
by the legislature of death Oarollne, relative to
the fort.fiestion of Part 110331 Harbor.
The Senate debated without cooling to a cou
ch:min the bill for the aettlement of the claims
of officers of the Itirrelatlon end adjourned to
HOCSS.—Mr. Letcber, from the minority of
the Committee of Ware rod Means, reported a
ettbstitate for - , , the bill for int., revielon of the
tariff; the epesker Ilid before the House the
report of the Superiotennent of the Coaet Sw
eep, thawing the progreee of ttiat work during
the put year.
The Houeo passed ibe Indian Pension and
Wei.: Point Academy Bilie, and adjourned.
New YORK, Deo. 28.—The ',tutelar Knoxville,
of the Savannah Ike , wax totally! destroyed by
itet at her wharf last night. The; lota is about
two hundred thouetted dollars, of which about
hate is leisured.
The lincavillu we, one of thei Savouneh lino
of steamship.; Pho WWI owned by Samuel L.
Mitehell. She le salifillo have bee° the (Went
vessel of her else routaloi out of New York.—
She wee built by W. 11. Wehlsat a cent of about
$200,000 and woo only two years o'd. The vas
-1 o
w 11. provetotal Ler. Thete b oily about
..$ 00,000 insurance antler.
WO. 23.—A series of most
destructive Sees occurred duttog the
FOOSIGe'II I..tash block factory, In the aixteenth
word won destroyed; stud two hundred mon'
thrown out of employment.
Stills end Flynn's outlaw) stables la West
Philadelphia, were consumed, togethtr with one
hundred sod fifty horses, and forty omnibasses.
Wilma's pinning mill, to Southwark, was also
'met royed.
BOSTON, Deo. 2.—Tho t3oprsmo turt boo
planed temporary Injunction upon th Apple
ton Inenratme Company, of this alt on tho
plicatioo of thu Boma of loannina° Cotoutholon
Now Your, Deo. 23.—Tberp is no noire of the
Beatio or Herrman.—
We had strait are° ',mhos of ,now on the
ground this mornloKar.,l It hoe Jut oometeoced
tato; briskly &geld.
Er. Louts, Oct. 23.—T6a Seip nto Cnndlo
Factory of Schaffer & Co., was de4troyed by tiro
last Orb t. The lose to probably $160,000. The
Inenrct,o Li not agoortained.
Virnertaro, Va., Dee. 23.—River. entirely
frozen over above and below bore as far ae !tient
PanuitintrAta, Dee. 23.—Flour dull with a
limited export demand; sales 1700 bbl* at $0,50
for super Liao and mixed brands, $G,75 for select
and $7 for extra. The demand le fair for tht
of the pity trade at $6,5608 Bye floor
dull and nominal at $4. Corn meat quiet; *alert
100 bug Penna. at $2,877 1 . Wheat, but little
offering and demand limited; Wee about 1100
hush at $1,5001,52 for good tanrime Southern
and Penna. red, and $1,6001,62 for fair to
good white. All de Rye offering was tatcn at
80. No Corn snout; sales 2800 bash yelloir
from care and store at 68669. Oats steady for.
prime Delaware and Penns. Cloverseed scarce
and In demand; ealea 200 bush. prime at 57,50
per 64 lbs. Whithey dull; sales 100 bide Easton
at 29, and small lota at 30081; hlids atilt held
at 20.
CINCINNATI. Bea. 23.—Flour it unchanged
with a lair demand from city dealers; talcs 100
bble at $5,30; 1697 bbis hove been received du,
ring the pest 24 hours. Wheat is in g3od de
mand at foil rates. Corn'tirm at 46050. Bar:
ley is la active demand at $1,60 for fail. Oats
are wantedat 42 on arrivaL Whiskey, sales .
300 bbl at 21k; market Brim Hogs firm with
a geed demand at $6.7566,85; holders •ato
&eking higher rates.. Porisions; mesa Pork
hold at $l7, but without tales at over $16.50:
Lard firm at IN.. Sugar firm at for fair.
Molasses, 'new, ranges at from 70 to 72; the
letter. In entail way; , Coffee unchanged.
river' is falling quite rapidly with seven feet
water in the (+kennel to Lonievillornavigatioe
Is about ouopeadod.. The weather , in very cold
Z. net,. sale far sae bs 18/lalt DICKEY d CO.
•TALLOW 01L-160
jMI by
!6•1 ALES AT AN WANTED—In a Boot, Shoe
nd Etraw Howe In Philadalphis. One who
es.o Irdlosoes euh end orompt 4,cl:torahs trade. Address
Ilvz 104 s, Phibalsiptisk.o.. with wddras, retereom
estity and arsons; el trade: del2:3tds
ILOOR OIL CLOTEIS—A largo stock from
toe lords ltt 40th, toe Bale , vbotelLlo and retstl.
m 011 Cloth Watmolas. 0026 and Ili tit Clair et.
.1. & LI. PIIILLIP6.
lmetior cins:lty and derr4b!e et74s. fbr tale. whole.
44. e and retail, at No 28 =4 23 b Clair et.
dell J. 4 IL PHILLIP&
&Sir' "4
"r d
o. A 5. NuuOud,2B
a, llng for Window flbadAP. fr.= 52 to 51 loobos In
w Lath, at No 2A1.4 23 et Oink pt. J. tU. MILLIE&
25 /32 , 1 e 1 1 8 . 121 .
. 8 1941 . 2.! { ? ,: cr S i g E tDN
do.l No. 219 L 4 erty Amt.
ol l egt i Ll°l . AKd.EBLrZtORteWM.&UCLA:;.I=.4Lthetxet.
a i t l 2 ls vr iv V?. Pclt g ti id .g . 'g,T.
UST receivedthis day at tho corner of ad
• groat sod Otani sli e r. fifty wits of ottrs BUM.
FLOIIII, ealoetod fie fszally
NEW Fors, Deo. 23.—Cotton firm with an ad
: vancing tendency, Bahia 2000 bales, middling
Orleans 131; Uplands 12g. Flour dull - with a
declining tendency. mica 10,500 bbls. Wheat
firm nigh sales 12,500 bush. Corn deelining
j with Pales 15.500 buil:leis. Pork steady. Beef
firm. LtrJ dell. Bacon buoyant Whiskey
firm. William Scott reports Coffee as steady;
the receipts of the Week tiro 34,000 hags; the
sales of the week are 10,000 bags. The present
stock is 70,000 hags Rio Coffee 0(310l. Sugar
quiet. Molasses dull. Freights firmer. Stocks
firm hut dull.
rrumi 0•11TTi Ornot.l
mday P mint.M Dee =4. Übe. /
'losing. am remarkably dull, affording ILV:re3ir arty
qusiablo transactirm
FLOUR—acne affsslrut leo= ffrathaodlu from store, sales
of stout 400 bbl, to late, at $5,72015,67f0r aoper. 26.210
28.31 far extra. and $0,132,Z20,75 for family
ll , l7—small Kato at codes at 200213 per too.
OLLT—sales of 125 bale tat 31,62.
POTATOES—nice of 10 bus Sods at 21.00.
CLOVEIDASD—smaII sales from aloes at 30,60.
11000—• see of 24 head dressed at 6!,;.
ildvis—froasa over solid. ,•
Tolle nar4Ted for the &ea TOOT. Co the Delserszo !Uri.
rim of the Po Cush from Deo I.IE/55, to NOV Vh 185 e. at
New Rope
1 he and
lits o
low fmari aurae we hail
raln the weit th er, then warm
end ngtorthetere. battered the n,
...Iry t he Hot market , and the magket metre:7 boor.
tel the Went rate geld for them (lila mtge. was
,d the nt weln the market elned den for
Leery Mize. We beard eft tate of 2000 reads in them.
tenor of the Btett, tenet to $7,25 Vlewt Ott. dellymed et
Wheeling, iTs,) Theft nem. to Le little dnibt now that
1.7 will be obtained. the ermine. week . . There to a rented
unite:lre dem..oa (or illete.Rork, tell the ones were lens
et 310,10. Lard le dem it die flannelly aprakieg there
are more buyers than wailers, ps 3l4 .uha , i orbox meo , . ,
for which the dented runtime. large •beth hem and In
New York. for ahlment to the Mendel narketh which.
if we ere not 110,0 1 17 mlettken. will be better thinned
with naterithe Baron the coding wage thenlentr before.
—Ole Commercial.
To. Union CIVIL-111,thalon rang wilt be opened Car
nanwatlan throuchnnt the whale nue: on the Inn day et
Anil, MT. elms brat* uI the largest alas ran leaTe MI&
Watson dir ec tot rn Menne of Cha
Inane. cad
Lava • water nate to f blladelphla city. The span"
log. or am. .4.4 ails tone tee y ar.v•nuneous to lb.
dears!, of Wart runrinn IlalladelPhla. using as tt
d.,. the teen:lts If tabslllproersh twinned by the mob'
out route.
Tildes pan:lran active, and psi,w ar sandman, alone'
lam:ea/as el 4,030 ILls Grande. to W. we, at 210. 6 mon
2,01.0 tinnier. at Mir, as they rum ;WO °noon, con"
roseul at bond we believe further eases rave two 3 rune.
bet fee renew twat known r 4 the 0006.1 pronmal
tone I. preserver! ropedtlnse Lund nfnd Ycsw Cabello,
seen! hands, ac 2611e617e. 61drad 74nEnhejs at 21e. lass
4 VI rent: 10311 e erne ann, non terlnd hands, at MSS e,
d mor e 663 tkontard at 202121`,,, nth —N ITrib.
The Inborn at this inn. cautlans 10 show au lnorasn
In last yeah out the adarrnate /or the slunk It a trifle
ns than during the Revlon. week. The figures are:
1624. 11,60
-‘ l l 3:Ks ry GreTlblerehandbas. 2673,123 1364264
1,114.070 2.674,600
41,277,790 61017.611
Prevlcsnly. 11:W301,461 01,011 :3
Totsl since let Jan. $140.776;t171 5=0t,753 679
The expnete or Produce shnir • telling n last year,
against $1,131:.91. The tnial the
rear L .
1851 LitG.
514131.891 111.376,1=
Gi.f.55.3j0 74.311,[032
'fatal singe Jen I. 113,d17,191 71.120.117
The foreign tbigerie movement of the week tee beet.
south The Atianna to day took tot 10,412 21, in addl.
clan to which $40.1.11.: wnr ea.% to gooses on Tersday.—
Ten Latertof dralm however, e intinusa maid, to the
00110. where funds overtook:el to to the Gott. which
is below egecolatlvely beltbdiirtage of ocr flanks here
valosbie boattern bentiewiestiow, two the condition
that eh.s nsedel the bonthern beats shall have liberal
dinmonte Thie nriviiint• II Irving sow wed, and the pro-
eyed* lat. In *ohl Vrorably oat less then tereeeqww
ter“f a thilileo et dcdiara here bean sent &till daring
the w..k. TII, en:l , ot will vett/Ali change lo lowarl
but lane net treur ~earl,. It le thought that tbeSomhe
ern Banta lel.ll a ~0F the eels of Cotton by restricting
gyns spy time ;lice thexpeelree in fund, without farther
use et thole 71•5 both 'wing.,
Thera see tett.: earestionerd in the Mroey mulct
to-dei. but athl “t morn more than Is uroall, fel.on
ester ay, Borrowsw• to tall fled more dlOttulty use ii
r2sesoesa lo supplying their wae to, t.% 111 many CM., fay
snore than keel rates. Liter two ofeloct. however, the
market, we think. arse ari a : Loan it has been (or two
week" past. it rape r tte-e Le PO change to treks. The
girlugs one Oro, and the our ply co the at. - rot
toe Inoseass/ isomewhat.—N Y Tete.
Ml.—RAM—none Snit? Tlll loysol3.—Tutu:day after.
wen thsannticut. and mill at b sirtnek role catitirisei
fallina baselly . with • warm smd rleaesinemmth wlnd
The...ether, lathed. I, conchllle what we hare wrgeral y
In AmiL The rirer fell nice Mahe. during Tbureday
nights but wan on a eland yesterday. Joe wan fioatitur
put in the giornlng. but. acted on by theca+, and rind,
ii scads:tally Iconsued la quantity, nod ...n , r r 3
wu risible- Ind:scud by 100/Ifiswerstile apreammaaa two
baste. the Jae Lynn and Challenge. and partings other,.
wtil etert:np therivor Ueda', rertiaen th. ganiatweisMor
scout the litkratton M OC-24/1 el ths Touts fern In
al:ye. Ilia: hurts, of the Col Morgan, Sensed in th e
city yesterday. Ile Yeti the diorznalmatea fillanis.
at Vadat Isateh matsult• Havana. eta was bo.l
We learn Moo from him , th at the Emma Darman and
Masi C. Memel dawn wilts ccravee. no
foam in an 51ninic
!Ake landing. Ma .Martlia no at Loans.... and she
Liana s bound dawn with a load, at Pekin. There la •
large stag, of 'water In Ih. Vino!,. *bons nine feet In
the al:maned bent, to Cairo. strOrsis fewand receipt.
tight. Frelatita teeming ir very rearm for the Otto. and
setting samselar New Winne, Arrived yesterday. the
Cora AM:10 , 11C113 from New /mar, !My City frond the
OisSe. *e.. Ilsy.ttey. keel. Laming with a large nu*
for New Ormaar. tdosneyinantss for the :Pony New Yost.
ham and Jame, traost for the Ohlo carat..
—at Laub Dem. 1.15.117.
Pllloooro.B it. W. & tI.IL 11-3 Dbl. 10910.1 9/0dt7.0.9
err', 1 butt W H..: 9 obu. lood. 10 Imo de. 129
poo oft tote, 110 bog Ae0n...0,1u Linoood 011,19 tax
rye. 93 do torlov. 8.11 A 14791314 121.1e0 noroort; 1020
lard, / DLL cloronfond„ Ido haw. 1 6•4 0. ..I boo.
.111.1raTt1,110 bLit PM 10 alto roar .
ontoto. 114499 - A -40 .0.11
'll:2lauto. betootort o booo . uoltef-, wrs
121 boo ttoratoood. .1 Caudeltt. b d.b, It - eCrdo
/009 1 / 4 119 bus coou,dluttom 9 firloorf: 100 ate oats, .7.4
bug do, egatosto 29 do bro., IV furble2 17 do ooraro.
Vollnoototk AO4 2 booklet!. I/ ekl flour. 110 Con. An
61 da titoortood, 19 bills soloo. 34 Otto flaw. 91eClurt.
or..* to; 211 boo plotter. kturko A flamer; 31 Ws korlit,
Iluterlurout 10 LAN Misted oil. It E fiollors 00, IA bble
loblekry. 3199er A 1110.1.61.21160 do, Noll.. 3 Oordoer,
11 b." madjav Ina. a Kl.Oplorlek; 9 ton• Inv cloy, A
A llordt: 310 bus rye, Mercer Itablrier4 72 uot brouulO.
Klrkpottlek at 11 DV rolit. Ido fettboull, 11 Dolood
oo; 6.1 bus thfosuol. Urbsoo9: tallo yora - ,12 boo finfLo.
1 roe cud, 2 do bor. 0 do boor. 6 dO rattle. 193 blum all. 1
ear patobor, 21 Woo 4aro, 49 do potato... ottuat: 2 0 hey
abost, Boron V 62 bbl. lord. bbla pat, 19 aka dour.
33 na ultoofoo.A. 63 tut lord. 210 Loos, .6 bbls elm bark'.
60 0140irblokoy. 103 40 now, to dos boom., 77 9220 80 0-
ter, larech A co.
Orr= Caaantar Yvtiar lt. MC.. A
tiltiatiorata Diarriaber W..J. ass, I
lIE annual meeting of the Stockholders
of tba CbartkraValter Bat:road Coo c...lvy ba
leno Monday Ito Intlaabaror January, 1817, at tiro
o'clock P. M.. at tar (eta of thartnevany,bo.l44 Yoiarth
street. et which time els& place liana iatil ba an el...viten
for 4r•II dilators to mine for tar," alloy T aar,
dai=atil I. V. VOSl3o.nrillDo.ri. rarratarri..
W. A.CiII.Dr.SrENNEY & CO,. SULtk at., ogres.
Ea tn. theatre, knee now ve tinkle counters an nnusuaa
lam stack of tll ANT.JALN, TILE POET.,
STANDARD VI ORKS In doe blodlon jonroal, &a, &d—
-yeing of I , asoleon.lterne Ilan Conte, Eve of rit.
fiaboath Eel's ebtruse or the roe% enekspears If•dads.
Lays of Ito Western World , teallets of Atmore. Meek of
Ilanty„ Po/racers Gallery. Pasellr /Wee from WO to
SM. • huge es*ortment 01.00014 tlblee In fine Oindoens,
elan Preyed. Books In the neatest binding vr OSsee..l
Jnretills books all Its ponder au th ors, to ee y book,, ice
end otters In great va11.41. Clam.. root the
thing for ehEorso ll•ers loon Titter evenings. A large
e.ssortrgent Of pertf Woe. writing date, work torn, roe
Dortsble lon • tands. Isotosttdon new.) Oot friends and
enstotnete ere Invited to all warty •nd judge Cr; them.
;wives. de=
AlL!—rsto 2 ro , ty tt - tta M atlas
each basing a Bchtnr 18 br 43 lent, aaiast.toli 3 Hama
each. Itstataant Kittlres:Kellar and Ckal Vat:l4.lll , lrent
and Date Oren In the bscr. ltla IbmpartY .1.11 be
Kra ...pares er all topttbs.. as may be .1 11
b•roht at • bend% tat the owner N. q.t. wed •10, cr
da-KI lasto.sL Arrly AKULY k ItltfaXY
dad - Ctrs., 7th an. Emltheinld ate.
JB TTON?. !Ate Drgres In the Diamond,—Now Ilemt
and Taoguge, Freed Int4ter• andramou,llluce Meat, cork—
Oreger, *a.
Wits sad . Brandy. Owe, t Olger. I):tuatk Lemur
13 .
RESII ROLL BUTTER-2600 lbs.Freah
Roll Butter and 17 keg. ere. Paaelßutter, retid
to .112101 , ./. and tor *gloat t 7 birth Pt, uggerlre .ifeAtm
*CI le. de::{ 11, BIDDLX.
Ja_ —A new and el-4ant. asaartmen! 'opt tctid and for
. . .
JOi. .
corner Itark et It.. and Diamond.
rrIRAVIILERS' FLASKS of nli kinds jiist
itt reed and We We. et JO& I'L.111.;1611.
L k Oa most 12,st sad “imp Lets aan• reed cad
for sale at d. 3 Jo, ITLEYINtri.
durnbls &thole of this kind um F had .t
d L 5 10i. FUMING'S.
attek tug. reed .d f role at JO& FLEIIINGT.
DEARLS-2 tone pearl ash read - and for
II ride by d,2f lIEWRY 11. VILLTIN
FIRY PEAMIES—Now cropp , in storo fcr
rale b, 021 1361611 ' DIOSBY 400.
- -
aROUNii NEITS—Now and iltd crop in
___LA .. rtorst for W. by rearms DICKS`, <UN
AL de=
g4REASE-170 bblh
dun 3
BATTING COTTON-16 Vales in stora for
Yals by 1301M8 DICEZY CO.
VIIiGINILTOBACCO-20 bzs 5s and 8$
In More for naln dump! ae tor
do= I d6IAII MCKAY & CO.
I VED MPRO DOG POWER tor Churning,
warr•tbrd • plata eat lolp, for by
Jen 110LJIB8 cowNe.l2; W.Cd et.
ORIEN APPLES for family ;LEO
for rale by ddi 1101411 LS COLLIRS.
BEAUTIFUL BOQUELI furnished to :or
d.ln •
attaatllles to salt jairtbasera. at ehart
a• 22 11.0131E8 IICILLINB,
100 bbla Raiz 01 tap Tanana' Oil.
100 boar. Caelle bean, • it. . Read d att * ipersa k o . ll,
100.bble Vacant= .110.4
Icoo ggi .....p j ." 'w .e"A" g ?MIT'.
300 lbe un Olizanue. I_ bo kw fru.. tr.
=luau Gum drank. 15 boa Bettaeo Borax,
. 50 bets ER , OO LIM A = fv,m , Lut—
Ao - Yellow 0.././e,
33 . 1313..k.u.34. 50 auks se. Sada. •
60 . Munn,
25 :
i lia a l , l e r i 14=n . t .
I 15 bids Rotten Stens.
15 •• Irian nem
15 bales Clov.L.
le marhous eet. we are enabled to 0011 drone do. / 5 / =eh. o .' o /NMI tbr. dft dealt! es.
___lute,. to be FOICITLY /1111.11. PULL mat Hr. Led not antaWed el - Le/
125 Baskets Olive Oil.
100 Carboys Mora_
loosed. Add l
• 150 aces Extract ..iermadt,
1.130 rag Sop. Oarb &oda.
600 Sweet Oft.
Clt , ie Add.
300 0 Oil Borneo,
remove leave.
100 200
/be Engllale Calomel.
150 "-131ne
b b o? tta 83 ' 3?
101 0 Putty, -
take advantage ofall cluurges . ln o
on ao favorable term. Esatcrajobblro
Our brawl of WIIiTZ LEAL we go
or fineness andWhlteneese.
Gilt Mouldings for Looking Glass - Frames, Railroad Cars, &c.,
Ho. 96 Wood Street, corner of Diamond Alley,
_ • _
1856. CANAL NAVIGATION.. 1:856
Via Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad.
Capacity 2000 Tons per Month each Way,
CkIIR facilities for Trunsportation have, been largely:increused during the
,past Winter,
IL le and we can now oft? to 811.122.6112 ' the enparloe adult:sew et , a_DOUBLZ , DAILY LLNE to =ale= Pitt&
burgh, Phliadtkailaeneartnizine. gratterobetwittztpose;lryvn
b and r istwatab. (LEAL Battier, PITSPESUPAIL PA
Ali Advertisements of Concerts or Put
Anstunn.nts !nut bu paid ff. Invnrlath , In
For Five Days Only,
Commenting Ciirirtmai, Dee. 25.
1 RO.ll Photographs and largo nketches
km and ralcred Pn the epot. Taken M and mint
eO tauter tae anyetlataildemcw ur IN. J T e t oi y. fors
Prt:VeutofJerctralem. T1,k4,25 entts.
/Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
De, t.,m, 23d and
ernsalem and the Holy Land,
Prom 11.totegraplis.
0:771cYr!.25 met&
ou sth Street Late Biases&
Mazays.--.....J.BlDDLE3.:Ssetzurer J. sozgrraq
eana:o ROUERS!Prortor.-T. BLACKBURN.
tihrlt4WO Ito parte of the
(MAT HIT OW NAM V7CISLIii, the vent Trick ekrieti
W 'all to-tifzilt, addlitou hie WOrt<hrrtUl
Om some Comte Glance.
VID.NTSDAY STENINCL roantber 21 , b,C211 tarxxe
Eyo--To C021....41 'with TAILOk OF TALI.
WORTIJ. to to followed by 1 4
.104...WIILSkir5 von.
dorfut po-ronoten , ro, aft. r wtichtlrOtatirL,Wo Pars
of the Brnats SIT. A CM& wag bT osot tirel‘kr.
Tn erteludo 'with the Laughable Vert,. bl lIT
llottßUW (ettrirtmer d+r) T . /MEC PEnr O23I ANCAA
1 in it.. morning, 2 Do the afternoon a 13.2 112 Mu
omelotio in the erenlng.ith the Ccr.l.l 'Chzternse
e1t.t.11124 of A AELEQI/ /MOE 11EARD, or FA
Kama %Vett,: Paralloon, Midler.; IlsritquLL,
Wood; Cos.aallus. sirs IL :retie.
~- TSBUE(.I T-11.EAl'11.E.
Leevaany 13. acer-- 70FTEE.
13 taze Manager...J. Clouse. rittinir haunt:, C. J. FoznS
• • .
f t•r!ratel3Giu, itr3".4; CO
llousp, mall—. 5.00
Oontiawdlt.C.s °CO, plomg A muiean Trage
EDWIN 1100111.
W.B EVENING, IVEDSZADAT, 'a:4=B 2,lth. 1.556.
Will 1. rut=.. Dutweet arKt tro ActA en•
tlel WC LI tLlED—Filtlullem ar.1411013 Bomb; De
3161:pest. Leorizzd: Daradse, n onrsr: Jails de Morti
mer, Mn. L.rtard.
Far=lts .......... Limg.
To etonlvti.le vlth D= - war - D= - waror A a.o*ll OF A
• 42•1+7.. um er le. (vlth eoagiO
/MIA AI Ca,ke.
To-ram., (t.lnsuala es') tr. Ferfc.rmarezris. (Ott,
vosta sc-ti ...wag/ when /, ond crr*r.K•us
Faottrinia ro
pluocd. vv.
fa vrtuv)./ th.Lsrmat
•.. Y . l IV 114 rtl gjo_rill asset::
11311)eare ex.oo . •
c_10110:4 •;•-•
•P. u. DAVts Auctionejr.
.la:fr gin.. 1. corner uf Walt 0.1 Pi.ol 6.4
At Autt Tneeds: and Wedosedar archive..
end . 21th theta.. St the tocimerelel sales room, tor of
Week!end fifth etreets Isla be eold, cha:ce tollmtlon
of vahreble books. annushl , eleitent 41.11 nm
spleedld blblee, &a. P hi DAVI... Ana.
II PAU F. JONSS-41n TurnsAti'alwl==lelgt.
Velvet. et the Merehents'. natant., tit order or nip .
Mark Sterling and A.. .111 "he,
rot& the et:the:llloa' well nabbed net= Paolot Paul
Jon., with her Fornltnie. Tamil., de, ae ahe now Lite at
the Monongahela wharf. .
Terme at Itele. ge l 7 P. M. DAM, A Wet.
A UOTION SALES—DaiIy at the Common
.rad False Mosta corset of it esti and Filth attests.
at tu o'tlock, A. at., tastyd Karla dra reeds, beet.:
eboes Later Clll a se. at Y o'cl an oth. Y, M.,tuntitare arose,
los, quesattrars, At. COL1191511:10C at O Valet, train
clothing. watztea aura. aides,,toiler. rettms. At., at.
dot Y. H. DA. Vle, Attetlestea.
An Rlegtot Historical and Standard Gift
L In Ferfs Lipid Mt/erica! Engranifor—Finely Done
in Start. Dy Gtfriv Saki= Nt Ith Varlet enons or
LitOWDKACON .11A10. in Swan, atoms. futre. the
al egant Or front the arthulo togravtritof
tate work were talen. treated a gree t sensation Get.
omen and round PO zany ardent a4mirsfit. that their
Pohl:ration was immediately called fir, The artiere oh.
sect vim to me rtnt to the world...reties of &riche in the
blithest rtyie Matt. which would se recOuse to the .7.
the meet interrattrui ertnts In the Life ofthe greet tie
former. The•Dgfsrlag• an firtinnuU.7l.lllo . oL—lfiritig
ronStltel Of Um tail= cleavers of tha nerio-t
—Luther. Ifelentihrta. Zirlasle. Y.leetcr per Fred.
a.ov-pterer.nontatlons of the riasesmost
ctierrated In the klptor7 of the Itefortmetlen. The Gk.
lira are Rimmed U.-gather with 101/cato proyllet7 and
historial accuracy; and the. hranying embellish.
merge are I:lnettemize Of the to ilet. nut In exnulaite
meta Luther toted the Ayer; he =tar friend, Of artists.
and was somunielly aided In the great meeker Mettle hi
Local Calash, the valet Gamin pa:titer of his awe.
.1i le P.rt1.1. 1 . 1 7 ertmortiata, therefore. that the work
deetloed to bon, the meat /Wormer. mint tweed abroad
hie name and fame, eh old de:LT.I4 principal nuon, Inn=
lea beautiful ilinatnetlons. The name of Archdeacon hate
is a eutlacient guarantee forum toot- Raterred and for
sale by nada KAO.k CO.. 65 Wtod attest.
HOLIDAY BOOKS—I bays just opened
• laze a:Medlin: or CoeTv. Amerman , as Hag •
;Leh, In riefiand elegnat ttodl tie foritibrarms fn3 erre,
eats—tantraeir n
litandaril Armlet_ ' Itritith antlmrs: •
Ilintitragel Travel 114-3T:es ana
Juveniles ct•at reties,.
KW*, Li risme &WI mann. ers;
Comm., tarl•eon ti r• etcrietureni •
Writitig — Peeke. - I;uti Folk, a.. a.. as eel
obey for better ottenClan and °hole,
Seib JUAN M. DAVISON. al Market et.. [leer eth.
IVIIIBIO BOOKS—For salo by,J. L Read,
7 , i fourth street.
T. asbbattt Dell: . .
The New Late or von;
TZ:e jialeng • , . . .
• The Juvenile AM. L..el:
The Fanwil Choral:
The Minstrel of Zion;
Western Harp;
... L IMO' ,
‘dell Cuutth btstOt..
Who Loralo W•rohorteo Of EDWAnn T, Amin qw.
Na. Sil Liberty Mr... 1, 000010 heal of 11'008
LO bozo* W.-}L Grant's A NO. 1;
Vl boon Fug.. /inward:
18 Ivrea James IL Glrant. 11•21 A
00 bete, of savolatqh.r bran d • of borer orale*. with
• Aholea assortment off ho fi ton qualify of Toba 0 , 04
25 MO •ars Iltnioa.lo,loo Tollran Juut
10.000 F/y.10.000 l'ulloan Llqunba
1.000 Zszlt Prlicit.e. ao4 110.000 Tail... ott, brauda
of flour./.00 Claw,
: 11 , 07 9 opLi :08410111=U. .14
STgailSliE9 COUP ANY intend JL
patching their splendid and peraftil h:eameldpa e. tar
Penn Lirn-pr , of.
ILANOAItOO- Wenntor rt.
0119 09 Do:ember S. •
Olt a 09 IJ . . .... , o , *eiber IS.
Prom LioarpooL-Saloon-dlO5, 'au 1 Ei6, *wadi=
Fran Pr anderMin cr Aire Tcri-figs: 263 and di% eva
cordlng Le Stateroom.
• A
enmaar cribird.olars Par:goners 1011 be ta•
'kern iron 91,Usdalphla and Liverpool, and found in Petr
From Phiadelehla.........SZDJ From
Three oblgt Cr. cone truetad with Inurovad . irstint.ght
compartment; and each trend canbm eZpridenced
rattle. wishing tobele, ont their friends can obtain
eectillestaa of aurae° r draft, on Liverpool in soma of
Stater/ing and upload, Apply to
s = e., riitrareerb.
Or SABEL a Wart% l it war, P:ew Yort..
ae29:dliirtfT no2S •
X.IA.NUFACTURERS and Demlore this
valuable art!el a at - •
For tale by - 11. NATION. Agent: ' '
nor Wayvaand Liberty streets, Pltteburnh.
The preprietoto 15,11. the ,Dees) attention of mane.
heturen and dealsna to en examination Of tbelsolla A•
an artkla for zolobluvrr purposea. • • I: *stmt. lard
bet etilaing gumuOux, and I. taken In kre4erestat
to rperkt. It commix. aD tne e deal:dales ctbar
*anis eteaper int* •nr. Wo aro toxinitted to anti. tti•
Sanaa of tn. following rerotnt who are using It Ind•t^
whom we respectfully refer ,k wade. Douglata
Alctltteasn, J Llota t CO. Jactptt /noun and Jamea
Hetorkill, Water 1Y - OM.
Xileotelarteelnnletid the am 011 10 rup...rly to.
ens/mem tbaX ever 0,1 lioginea,Turolug Lettiet
and alseninery. deAlm
_ _
CC r fte h ec 3 Dg7 Aipl.we wI hi : i rtiatitax c a ez, ra t e
lllol2lfor Is:. . dee
: - •
—,....42. ...... NEW FALL STON.
1.856; .' . al-2—..-41 : :-: 1
I . OFLN IL . MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street
log between, 'Diamond alley and Fourth emit. Pitta
burgh. has met completed Ma Fall stsoic of Hato ymme
room the manufactory of 01110/143111.`ih , A BON K. Breton
These else. Fortse carnotite wrerr description now man
ufsetured by Meters_ eLt...70, a hear, mom the most
elerorat , a.i unreel ,iii Gauen, Prnure. Otesoand
hdlleux Piano foams to the . Taal.= InetetraimU the
mime :aryls, from $l,OOO to $740 the forninare being of
their we n t s od '
e,. zed the meal:cachou rnahrecing all
their recent meat saleable Isyrortmente, The nue
ant dot.: conabte of orer
teheled personally by the sub.-ell:ea doting the test
mouth. et tee men tdamorr. in Dm tcn. comperninc
A full carrel...a octave aren't rya. o Facie, with now
style Itooldinue .d Etnele Da... entire case .....,1,-
ly embellished with the moat chaste and beantiftidy
lacme, emidemstlemnalost dodges. This splendid
Inetnement le the onlyrpetimen of the Hind lu the
Went. and has been pronounced - by all the remised
real - moors and ernetence who bare examined It, to be
the molt beentillet, and the best Grlmd Piano forte
I they hams nen. Prim siatt, ..
A fawn oe , noe °rand Plano Forte, new reale. with plait
but elegant /Leawood =ea- Illoe $714.
A new Parlors:fraud Ilene Fate. fern: octave* from 0
to 0-t-a n e on,etirs inatrument f, smell nectars.
haring the newer of a rolthirand - Plaho: yet
occupying only the cots of to C.7 , 11D-C7 .7.7 .747 K
coons Pia rim t•CaO. -, • , .
A Sall Carved bo wl s the XlVth 7 Octave Plena Forte;of
the pr..' gyI N being the coach Pisan to the one ea.
billtai at the late 14.1. c (In &stern) of ihSatent. Ala;
car.eire Cbirrtable Arnocistleo. i1e....1550 and which
• ger awatdod the hiainett Nits nut ell comprditors.
Price Cod:
7 07:471, liverseod Cereal Levis XlVth et y le.
' 7 " , " . . " • E.l4.toge•
'O' • " ..plain Couple round =nem
04:" -"- . Carrel in X.lNth stag,'
, e,l,i " "
Cr., .. " . "Oslo dar.ble round °proem:
plate mend 'careen: • - •
G " . Met; Wain ut. p'ain round comer', -
. _.
Ismael...3' do CALtering et' Zinse Pia. Fola. .
A GOLD al it DAL has teen awardedby the blaassetineet..
hfechat Im' Cheri•ableAvociett , rn. at them ha. Fair
hi Beaton. (AI.. IST-G) to "Ilexes Chtdertim a rove
Rath, Pottcrnmi Piano, Bat.'Cr.feGnlnd P.,, end
tett Forney I:r:rnd liner, brit a the *rep (Aid ICAZut
no .ttehrifir Pam, • L . .
TUE . MIST :it Vhit — 110.1)AT, (the Lichee: premium)
nand to Cideloalue a 0000 fa the Ben &lance
Tin FlltOT 1,11.VA1l !JIMA Lr. (the , hichest icandom)
awarded to Chiceetler. IC Bons for Fiona Fate . coma
(the flurnitme or cabinet wort) . . . '
, - • .. '. ....-. . . .
The nubile are correct:any incited to rail and enurtiow .
the shore imlnadid stack or Plano Fottewst the Ware.
rooms of the subscriber: r ' r . .
a:4, for the rale of Obleltmog a bone Piano Forte,
f,, , , pitt.b.,ll, ...v. " Ireuneywesda. Cutern Oldo
add .I , l at .W. Vl:gluts. N 0.51 Woo d rt. to t r ees Ot h g t,..
Olveacm elle, et=, , ierlaweke V -
_ -
MASON & 1.1.1:1119-xOfign.,LIA8I101i1131:8
7.4.¢:beturrd by MASON t Ikztca.l.l.l.
OUN 11. MELLOR, P r o €1 Wood street,
rp, bee lost mairall nom the ebore - tranfeetory
Jacek of their Oldran Ilannenlume and Melodeon", which
are eenedently Offered to worcheeers co the best that are
ORGAN rrentiomults, with deebla key hosed.
. 0 1 , 4 0.0 0:1.6:41 of pedal,. and 13.4.11 TWO. Price 2410
the same tnetrnmeot withal:it the yedala
re,nan klelediene. II rows of ker. and a woe. SoCO
21 . 1 04 e, ne. Idaeo la. with 2 nth" Orr... Slito
Melodeons - totem; wore ten 3110 Me10.3001L1 Oahe ewe died
steleoeneetortablo 434 *4 • j 0.ta. t tc. 31,..1 .0 Mane
Ida by tee Meehan.. 1 , 110 cr161.4
_eldhltion, for
their coo eOrg. Ehannoninm. end - al so • fllrer - Ittethlit.
tor their klaloaeten. AL. fiver Medal has also hec.n IMAM.
th•1: by the P.m. Etat, Pale held st
Olttehnreb, beet 1.0e3
Their eOrgan liararonletes ' boa also rewired the Ant
env at the 0 0 15w1. Saint lure claret Vermont heat*
fair. held et Borilngtore New J.-etry State Felt. held at
Newark: Ohio l+tses fair. boll et Olarwlend. locking
/Ira ivramast en Oat octa.
Their Skedcdeorrs end Org. Ilanconlems bare Ulm
the rum p.m orer ell oamywthere ill envy Fe:warm/ha
010 y Pure torn exiiddlee/
=The Organ lisrudordnm it designed ropechally far mall
churches, chapels end halle. the Pole mitt of Its manse
weans being eeescr.oi to Meer. 0 Baran, by.two jaztrat
granted Nay 21 th. 1650. They mate two styles, OCIO with
nnd the other without rechd Lae& The cat with pedal
twee roots:re richt store. two rev& 00 hem two *rum
of twdals, and
indotwndent Fedor pedal reeds. end *swell
Trlecittee. The other Odle Is tweceely the ramie,
witthe tame!. ct the pedal tax. Pries 040.
The abore Inetromenta eso ram at the kitsie Rota
IVmd er. 041
1 . 1 - 11 - HI) "FA SUPPLY
OP Is:USN'S cLA_Rigs PiAivos.
their third fill eoPPIV
of the celel mt.! iititito9 .0 CLARK MA
n•-verlldg tronaSV.4o to :Md. .1 n". 1-
prod ow *rut rt yi• and vetiver.
NUNNS d CLAIIiVe Pomo* hero witOin fete years
sbuneaned proved their tam toner. and ere Inencrinced
by :ridges the mewl ref et rotecaul uutrlcs.r4r 2:12130.
bold nt the N. Y. tom.& A se gettrene., &mem
tenits each Mena The enollereqweteaily invited to
call wad exaator. Kiltilne. bßid
rod. No ed. eGceet.
Card—December, 1856
V BURIJIIFIELIi, br Imeamn Jahe
p.m:. end aratoux to elms ousasto us nomible Lock
01 ermle. nmParstory to the forontlon of • tees eartaer ,
alp. we will oommeneo on
I , sth of Docember, offering our
Ia tuth 11.401 rM1,1:11 1 / 2 et r,dp.Sed peen—.
01:000 0' them M.• small ads/meson rum, Ite.11111 . ! LOOM
dT COzi •not. ire portion or them BAYLOR' COST.
ICA tritt Cr 000.01) h a ving !tt bast oprorrantUes trms.
offered .0 this elty of m o d tired. at log Trates,•t
;mires salt. aml 'mita mile from all wanting' . any dm
terlotlon otDry Goods.
ntrtleolez armutlen Is Ineltel to our
stock of
BROIDERJ re, in Blegra and Sats—mrl
mtiM tut.. 00 , dfartra Pc:onto ClartAp 022 Pricer.
I. ADM'S ['RISS COOLS, in ,S't IdLzaner,
grt•rre, eft. ' •
It will et et. he teen till. under the omrseals .
mime. 'meal:lllGL to till en etsalt—onl . foam shore
deb our WeeADl be mr CASI 7,
IMAII I,OMOOII having ateoun , a cur Hooka will
Otalso by settlement bqors Januern is •• , thilt.
cleft the Books of the rremut Can 001010 tbrlreorFebeli,
mf, deltedlieT
St. Lot's Hotel, New Orleans. .-
• favorite Fatally Hotel has been thosonebly neer/aka
hauled. refa•nt.hal, taint:al and ratarel tbrenahout;
la in ail point. of omfort and eleaattee, among the Lae.—
meet in the UOiCra, and never premixedbetter, )
Weser. it. W. Holbrook and J. H. It. PalrehlLL are ooro
netted with the manantment:ln tact. even' denartment
hes been to the err' beet Lmttored.
It le new mein f , r the reanil , n ef lie frier d. and nate
roue.. de/5,2,0d0 eilitn. L. tit:NALL. Proprietor.
(sNoiard. hors merr.a.)
Dealer in Choice Brands of
mao arbm tiau..
rtoTly Mir Aron. mirror Peril.
Law School of
school of the University at
02.11.13R10 GE. MASS
Instroetere Mobrol are
Don. Jcll Nacre. LL.D.. I;oyal reofeeeor. • •
r. -
r - gniE course, of itketrttetion embraeee the
rarlette branch." al eta Common La; ado( amity;
'Acon.lra.ty:eonamarcial.lnterrutionalandenaatirau nna l
tAll; and the larianro.lence of the United elate. The
Law Library conslata of a bont 14.teeJ eclum,s. and u new ,
wort lirPear. , l"o7 ere aided, and story east, Ls made to
randerlt evainleto.
initracDon DI Oran cal leetar." and came:lions,
(nal be recluatmer srd lasalnalsoan Immnnecll.e's.ll3 •
theroj of which time are ten star ask , 2 , r4 71001.
Court ale aba holden, In. 'soh week. at earner which •
case, prerlool/7 leratt Oa, ajg ugaad n,7 tear e Indents.
Roane gad other. fr0411.4e, as.
and an canton delivered ae the Instrocur.
...,-,vorld fee. the Club
V CF. . 07 ' In Atm n bI• to IniassesSts for rrnotka /2
' , roe. and a';'eart.ll: otrwal.oat of parl ,, ehtarylar
and renceadiage.*_ -
StoCenta Ua7 enter the rank, la any rf
• DrOdee.lonal Mullis" or - • Orroits. and at :ha
cottuneemmant OfaltOtr terlA- Cr La tn. middle. or aba..
Damg.They are , At /alert reinot bat •Endiee
thamni accordlog tae:r Vag their
Ant, and at ela'onth. , • *
TheAnder:kin! rear, valch canutinora on, Tb.tre.dil .
3,'Art th e third Wednesday In July, is diennsi
- Into ten jefn,s, or twenty MeshOLCB. WhIl• aeration of
with, at the sat of saes Wm- •
Poring Jim sltta Tattle*, the Libray ,
rased. andil.thtad. br tbs. use of th. =canes of tbe
rPtg...Ll2= for ne.m!frtbrt. or for CataNNict.l. , L. 1 37
farthrs inforralJO.n , am, tay..a.:* La ciLhar or the lbw
L orthidee. del C;lacci.3
Attorney at Law
Solioitar of the RANK OF PIDTaBUF.OI.I
dela No, VO. Fourth Bt., rittettogh,
ILZ, has reliiorad hlslnußesalsTobaceoind Clam. Watt
houn. II No. HI Lteart• rt. where will be faeado bro.
Abet. Of T013.M.V0 ast4 CW .t &801 tarbtlu: brats Mt at
/west el boleseleedbb , ' der
BALS BAL'T SYRUP reo'd nail for