The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 24, 1856, Image 1

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Vl= VISSOMIR, ViVILY * Co.. am= Miranib;
.I'.xecatara Ctlypdstan!s . .11ailaup. No. Zia ar4
Important to 'Eferibody•
Fon thaiisbihreo yeah, r aye been en
snored In a bushels Seam osl Sommer. sad, am,
Terettrelt. few others.atlella T hare helmeted for the
.-own of greerh. erhoeh Les averaged me et the redo ot
22.004 hilt/001er elourhd sal harinforsodearreag e . J
~,,,,,,,t, is go to susaye la there'll Of Iltir taangareilt the
. ease Games& Z as villiag te glraf_all lastraehaas la
: : 11,7r ;Ji'rgrtmT , Vu t AfVf d 7ltrigg ed ' %Tr.' 1
1.....6% I here b•en teverall bite, arbt ths nemysisaak... 1
fil uknoWiederaTata i 31341! rateheet !To= MANIA wt.= I I
1•117, hemmed. Ira Who art mating lam $5 to Via bre
der. at 10. to elm say Direst eh atiedtanity to enrage In
1 1.1 bade eh, whleh fe el/7. V.a/Ant. MI ' Yeti' h r tattt"
at a mall met...Thera Is poeitively No ilaarra is The
re-lber. Reiterroo.s of the beat ewe on clrere es re ,
rents Ita chtetet. end I. cert refer to lona shoat ;I
have Mehrtistnel. She viii testify that Pi ere testing
freal EA to IlSrr day st the ram. it ha buskers la
Wei* dither lades or ibratleaea cau eaglbt• - • and .rd"...,,,
- .perfect she bake ae , rybeadosehlaasma. ATOrilatado
I l i,elher maser Nit Ter.tftete, Yeamylresals end.
rieackerho rr.T. kettrtetted, are =or Mateo from
2 I iota Denies , silt. It le a trn•rgt hmiaar. aaa , bat a ehllllace In reqeirei. to rtart It. VO'pen p t 'rex of 11,
i bill toire.dlettly egad the arrilemt a swinbil elrrater
e altalraas fall lustre:toes la the eat width ma he pat
lec.lle . .(leellt..l at one, _
All lorenr3 an: be addree3,l / bat ma] tIA. T. pen •
20:14 31.5 Brood ee r. in York der lead,
TO DrilP"--.
• -
To Druggists and Physicians. '-
OUR attentlou is invited to a OmMedici.
hal remantitla called tiss ••• :
The prantleter et tbie artleloorelt,mare or the graat
prgtuabee that ezbte *troths:. anything new the Inactive
medicine and espetlany In thocleanotezees tor whichthis
• ta intended, Aar gee tb a exualnetlOtt of m4l=l men, haele
In; mate that It notilenlYrestiltia arte,footoontd="elath
-thirstti care lagoken• in ILI: glertufecturd mouse oalY
_era ureL m: tlrogaVand only meth rnwerratated male*
The. 1 . , no I neradlent I it that lrotd4 injure
qQr•Dg than. wd the 1141.'...11141 ern{ottoralrt.;*
tlatentale eau ha-I'as the taloterale n tlegot. 330 Zotrery;
t4 : 011311 .74r.. , Tnis to tlte only articleof too kind In ex.
tatenoo,' • Users letrnly rtwiertal,lVhea n e e d rightly
104 In duel/rnk). Wen tnalr nun - eats the entierlnge au.
*thy attendant lama_ childbirth:gad yretterrea the mental
rl .7t7 g Etr . e. n 0.1. or ta:Fai;eilitilenintr.64,;nanderrec:t
&17% 'lns ft
t I etTIVZ r e
erT t in
~61TAIJ:raTgtIli=0:"-'"°l'FnUemo7 /
• • ... LIMON. altstr:. ?eh. TOnwl.nn.
' .Or..ffreno.-1 hard au/ OU.r"rhll,lblrth P•lnlnevla.
tnr a number of tioann In- ar amnion. I 11‘t ft t. bg a
mast ennellentutto'e, and ens that enn renrancnnlnth•
Very oop Odeon, to tintpublic • DA otteent are truly Wane
:deltal.'. Taro. itactraira. al, 1)..1t lotantron Et.., _
- • - OnaWan
---dfidfirtlT.l?-ac.t.g;le 21,,f7gAnTitelr
ban arrs anew kw Cho Varpoin, , L^wala the vainwl
area Ufa birth to be aliatna eaatly end hadcal}!:,
ctertullyf-remmend It. - , : - EaCahcia LiM,Juicak4, D.
Dnmon —A .;.. - 011. 21thai'54,
tter having Earn warthawl law-red I,lnaes
withswant danger and =all vala. I wan ledd. Lc , to,
LlV,Via. , ..4 7 l .h d V i rkho2th:r, wh=lheard . aZa Welder.
Yoh Lava ter bett , thiaaha: =dal et,alf:l:7;
yeopnimfad yottz pravic atlantic...very Van - arta% -
Fn./gala brat) zaaiNctahla dir...mht a, ant wholetwla
- at 358 Mowers:ld lloar, Nava Walt. _Pries .1.3 raa la4nt.
with hall and el= Oa dirae-bas tar new ••' '
Packages teat by 13.a.ra. 'lnamr 'PnrC of ea.
an3hdit V ' - D.. rra l ,a4l-61
J! rum at:cm:3V blown as t.h6ye.ry for
• family ii!..4ol.liti also far ECT6PG 3IACEILNIS.
'6l'Dey-sbvet, New::rork.
7.'New - York Corn Exchange.
BAG '. 5 11.231:11 7 ,E1 . A T 0 It
Ll - OviinaStrcot
Bags and Bagging,
eSNABIIV3S; . B.IIiikined, Flax and .
Cotton Tyme. •
euue beeTrog, Ac...-ear,ollel. with Grth' BE:‘
earrd.3 pap, Floor hem Ac.
.arlgeed. and xriatelto order expretcly tor tbetr
' areottatost of borders is large. aud of verlorie'detizae.
and our coalmen coo bars aurrostter they mar wish
• Pot Ia tjj. Wlthollt extra charge..
Gatmtry tierchante - era. invited. to .ramie oar. clock of
flarxda• BAGS,
. Slav, eX all the- 16.115t111
1 12211thrOf "Ppt.i. tcf.f. hesYr
Salt Factor. mapped with hare, all ehre.yelatel to 'order.
Provision. heelers Rowelled with 'tiara ate, Beef Baas, Coe ,
tre. - Ac., reale of Vale cr. 14oth. We he
drums, for atamohng. , - loyalfr .
• For the 1,000,000.
Q. S. PATENT Lf A8L1;t0.1.124j Yi
90 , Thomps.anitrect, N. Y.',
- LTA TLES. ' , TABLE TOM, , coLtrass,
data Erna% Brocatel.oad all Italian .11athles. :cola
arttlo, ahloh II a oreparatton of Marble Dnet, cheratallY
omblom) with mineral aolor‘to as to km Moulded into
nyfonn sad 311 x by otah a:tn. uttle tan te Manufsee
Vaned at lees
while It excels it thmtin do alf r...hi:Sty an the coat ofd
t be autyheicom. Bali inon material.
• Melted Iron and Slate. there LT= dallloo wort. the color
runcloCinto tha Olney of the teateriat. 'white no wealth
IC bred Lo the a temporary beauty to the mreicer.-
&l mt frog 34 tb3l3. Table Tom 6e, NroallY cheep , - I
ee he- I. use and &. e s tate far the
, 111 C 4fat t will- /nearer .Immmire pttorne to
bmo laterostbKlbo , oti7M4 • I olermation farotrher„l on
anlleation to - FBZNY. BENNIE, Treat-. or
',OSEPL LAMB, net- NAV/ 1:1)B.It; •
• Safetritse:' • •
MltiLto3 PURPOSES, and for IGNI
• Tflig 4711.1RGES, -bath ta. WEL' .11 taY blamting;
at CAM difkrent uo. COTTON EMU' ?ME -
112 , 1tbe SING LX and DOU B L E
Manufs.,tapri nr.d
- • GLENN ,P/T13L914,
", .. L • • . tilvrt.)9taiEW YOUK.
Ofir ery it0 9 f.1.1 ,
. ZORIEERR/all, BROS. & 'CO..
„Braga; Rawls, Oils, Dye!, Perfumery, ta.,
170 WILLIAM ST., New York,
NVITE the attention of the trade to their
AL, hnweenaTad , ll e ta-: Cr th ni.raiZti,eill,rtrrfilLlO.
Itratalett to theme,marhoportat otEtar , eB
they are 4115.0 r.SqVi !az direct teem th eme e emiISINIS of geode*.
Mon Lea marafeet=e, en/Trine of Tooth. Lair and Nall
Drat , .,Cort. - ,eleetara spentre. Prelude awl
Paytiehreeramery,-Loticre Extracts. andimanyother sr
tmlea mettallr embreetel !Yr.'s: mists !Mock. which they
ace a:ea mettle , ' to oMr or the moot calmultareOus term.
Oilier. Maker It yeteea ur by mail. 'sill raceme ,rompt
• • IMPORTABT. -• • - • • -
; .fliE• . 110PB. MILLS,
71 Fol•tch .4 71 buttocks emus, !yrs 7 . 01 K,
103 /rant rrree...Non fork,.
Nee.a6,..=and 513 Unison sUret, 3entey CC/.
T LIE Prowls:4n sf. this /Ong aita w 011•
wcor,s - e - Asb snrx .E.V7ABLIZILUENI:
ttcti to mretre the /I . .n.rwget• aim& ..ttrcrs
. ter Reistaq Itrermd..hi.tuiZ,Tcs an 4 ochre Oakre, dm—
TheT eh. o tetinktleco.„- - and mantottnt art!.
nribtfly ate itt elem . i=t7ll7. Wialeb thejoaer noon the
rteet - texsenshte Lena. liAteloyeeeeeat to Iche
'i nt= mei. tAL l,l ititt 1!* O. ItIS,SASL
D ktr - - G
.T•tri.E.Pit !HORNE. 4.00
Whole - x:10 and Retail Doalera in
gurizorDzirr.E4-rtc.vraytov.. i
resacv Gdoda, &a. •
141 Ns":0, H. !12,3 the
RCI7. Agataifor Itiadleee --
sit as d ladieeDress Goods gerterallY t
• - For -Femily . ~
in nitumity mire iikarrit„. — nrt Itt Of thi
1/puttaintaittetriC rad I , IIIIOR et lowest Pet..
.s.rtett 4th and Market ai3
1. 4.111347 11 W r17114.1.4...9. 4. Td(LiTo - A
A A iMASON CO:; Wholesale ary347.,
beaten , sn Plali 4.3 RW.4 Dry. 00 - 414, Z, /MU
u Et). E. ARNOLD:& QO•
. . • •
Laehuge. Bill BreXers.
diURReNT and Unca:: , -resnt Alanoy Bought
J aslzold. .•
tit.asbo.cb: and en:-.1 as <num Wien. •
• Beane.. rePen'. Bond! and Morttann, CUT,- Onnety and
ntl [road Erma, putnnesea and nenotlatel. - •
0311sationsprzzytly attended to. •
nolß • - • eavytilo.l; roorth
-'--JOHN•T-41011G: . -
nEnvoND , : Bruponn. oo ., .
souguar.TE-. POMESSET CO., • •
3LOUNT PLEASANT. WEer. l loErlDoo... - •
ustwfrovm,, • , • • •-•
unovvrisvitt.r.. ,- .: • ••••• .
Nivw Lawireos, • DEAVER CO,
llerawitalnctSvecl, Ditacusta Hada r Drtfca basil
sud ooltaexi; - Bank Notes and Ppezcle bought
a Loa.. No*, std. atom. Pactrltlts • lancht sod
steet ,and- Note. Broker,.
• • kigußizi she Em.
nolibs.miirt g . g eB,:prot... i hrot. and
e 4 Inewe, petioti",etrl Etna, bsu7Litiancl
4:1 Coc=l,elen. ;-
11a444 • es: • .wekeeulee -
twee, we tee nulled to reAttle.t4.l4.4ll"e:e4mll,-.•
Froe,Par 4.4 eo ~" t
NII.OIME3 eisoia; Doi - bra-1n FPreliCa
t 4, - tad Boats:Wails 01 xiclutt.O.Cortaceteltr,
PacS Not.. end 15 No. Ca ilatte=rl.P.
„ Am-Collettiat 404 U, 41 tilt,
tthroughout LIIo Mined , . ,
BLOTS:. :T d T T 'u l71 v l3 l -13 ° O E sM,
Of Zrtry .
'rxDliao. -
No 34 Smithfield 'Stro__ pit •
ce n at a- - Pf iT38101.111. PA.
JOSEPII WEETE new, carrying on busi-
Munn:our , piwolloot (woo /*kir enlerel,)
between Pittabnrob and. Lerwrozneellte, near the Two
uhe Bon, menectraz invitee the hurAo to tuned hie
atech of Od.EttiLAGES,LUGOIKS. de. And lue rwrolonten
it tam= gentlemen porchaurn Oen one Wee may le
tend. F.tirtr,o ll 7=elO t =an the hgnero. omega
glle l igenwet - 172 - eh oo l ieeny your - JCL ' ir been gi
piertlealar department to selsot'front t Wernher and maet
talented Emus= elanuttoto rent Tho etworee ol he now
emcoraar Ids slisztreMemts
.nnigthe beet end moat . Lteralonaole Iltaratfactunee or
Unncumbered' br throe henr7 - enownser. which the
. ate tor &wonting Veneer bualnra bat beeped upon
the 'prim offloads, (owing Le- ter., rear.) :mph White
will tell on ready ntoneronlr, et Ihyoh Lear _thin the tun.
br• 8. — C 40 0 iV l tit 4 " a* bail Width.
k H
Y ... v
~!.. .
.. . .
ai t ieE s t ato A, ont ,
.fitockouoraimain Po.
oc,rth street, above trobet, • Ituatrouo prtronnly•
ia,tilitT4 Li At • R'RRT Scorettite
ComulT. 04,7Wit.f.
M. GORDON; ,t3o4aretiry, WpsttpiLiu3n
rano•ol; Fau x sheet. r
GARDINLEVOMN, Agent rearm:dam
lullun "P ° :1 1 ' 7 "tt' 4 ' l4 ' A m" " Ns.°
lak A:
_MADEIRA,' Sitta.fpr Delaware Mu
' . his] Losacra.nee rlcapuly. 4.2 Water stmt.'.
. _ . .
4aaardiY, COadka..V.2 a; , 00.,
Virho"le.s ale ' Geo ctifs;
Nat. la and 20 Wood Street, Pit abargh:
I !Wog-TR
.liito• A \, , s E 12 OWNLSB
utILD Bespeetinhy,,hattito the attention
te t tl2ArAwant. of Vigne%Etzradlos
811Ci t zeatmentbiva - ! • fititF lititr alr •
061 ed It t ralg ili ti a rpo 'l St - )e .h °4l.4"orry k-d
4,ldreir end imAilat do, pared (1111 ' lir Ito do, •
rA 7o 4jjetkatined;iutfiriMatit= gal ' - , .
to . ;
a a s po=ttedx: i ti o l b ileum's . '
tt r i =ex T r r ir a ply Ibr =eh, * w r grg,, l 72. 2tm. " ° l
Duero' the DI St' .321. pd. alk3 : .' 71.4 n
• • -
ulaF LOUR, CIIESSC,IIIIPOSIS. Soolh-Weer corner
rOrld and Enamel street, Yittaburcb. milyd
N 0.27 3 librfOtreet,p
No. 209 . I t tberty Street. •
JU73: !Tr Ult
_ .
JONES cooLgy,
ozszt.t* IN
l'lllloeq and Pittstnn#Manafattares,•
• • No. 141. Water Stick t;
"".• git,42l, 7 kort. prrur.A.
tl , .
Shriner & Dilworth,
N05..130 — ,i 132 Second Street,
to.t.pu wood eM amitoan PITTSBURGH.
Wallace & Glrdiner,
118A . LERS
Floor, Provisions andProducoGencrally,
N 0.235 LIBERTY NT. ia:.‘9•l7
ouLBEETsoN ; Nholosala uroovr mid
ea haiainton.Marchrata:/es!#r Produonzad Pitts
lir.«.-4actured. Antares, /95 Merry . ..treet. Piro .
§ OEM FLOYD: CO., Wt.nlesala uroeor : s
effl ancleais ititalont.tqchat.t.a,Na.l73lTorNis t d =8 LIN
rtystroat•Pittabarch... 1.7.6
OBERT EtW1111; Wholzsalo Grocer.
Dauer In Prairttx,Pittabrech 31 aztiterratrre. and au
of Naraltra and DconteleWiartratl Larrartaio. 316
Liberty. iieet. O. band • very /arceatcra warariar
Zttartortrahtla Whiakey.arbL.l. tvill mid lest tbr cub.
M - cCANDLESS, MEANS A - IN.. (mecca •
t4> Witk afx.sinamto arOCCM
Ir Ziallsomaca,Oottela tar., and Pinata.=
Mazialletarea san7,Ctrllis2 Of W.:lt'll Water fto.
vararf orecorn
T • Cvmminki. Itaxeaste sad /s.:,relii Prodorx ead
kitutitiv4 Ilaroartztarn, Nairal Liberti.L. ritgur4b.
ILSOra - 5a1.00=d16:441 Itenthants, Menhir. In CrAn.
I tUUS,arith litflafacturag. No. sus Lab'vt,
ISOM air man:
rumi.DlCkEi sr. CO., Wholesale Oro
. 0 pen& e4=naLlzi ,, a Mcrallard.o. 2.44 bailers 1¢ rzogNet%
SO. Water .I...aee ea front' e-, Vlttshorgb:
"11-AGALEYi WOODWARD k CO., tis'Lo2
ute firoccri,'Ne., 4.llLstet e-1121:4 '
IC • 11. W RliiN St CO.,
susrcrAcxviczna enanxeccaa
Composition Roofs and Roofmg Materials.
Ja-omex—is 17,th SMELT: .
ion Ft. TOVNCL.-...17(09,, Toms.
• T.-B.- 701721 G &. CO.,
• • .' • Ed2II:I7ACTIMEta 15Y
• ot ovary Description^
S'AC:a . MX—Federal 8, tetwtm " WA; 0n.411.n. saa. desenur.
NV ereligase,rNcia. 3Stz 40.Smithfleld Bt.
• ..
ate onortutly 11111.129Acturth ¢ WrSAIMOAT OABLY
V fINET UHF, and CL11448, 6114. • ( mita - the at taW.lon of
Mope Interata4 in im•Wsaing boat.
eaTadaa.3 •• 'T. D. YOUNG .1 . CO: '
-- •
J. 6r - ti. GEB,WIO,
1-10 PS ire TWIN E
°mu, ✓ and Wawa
gAvE always hand a Pull sapply of
Uoi.toad licroVfl Ely.b. and Unto
alaitrc:c.t . 'l=Out Linea, er.scinrs.:Via Jo White
Y. lle
it , • 4.'1. rix.ot
C. F. KL()PFER & Co.
Cabinet and Chair Wareraom.
Corner o t 11,rn 4;4 Perm strait.
l'illzkusch to.
!RAVE ioniita . nay on hand a largo asoort
oome afForillturs *fatal' ityleand - daKrlption
raanursztated by thesueire4, 888 warnati.4 18, Da 44 tbit
ben 1211.101.1.11/1 T(111191017. 84.4-'48 , •1 r.B
80 Pourthltreet, Pittsburgh, u
• • rdIfOrACITI2II3 OP
*O . ClPrders sotteltr6 fire= the traar.sta pr06:664 . &61P
ped sr per Partrattlrena.
Trace-6 6 per amt. dlecount fcr c6eki.
01,13 ISITGUM.L.,—..:IGaIf a aca50rt...........W1C Alltallar.
Ilerroit .5: Co:
.I yvart ooittinuo the business of tlul Union
• lrettrads7, et MS oti Land srrnannow, si ITO El •
Z ,4t ti 0.124 Liberty . •
Tusyssul luau sfictur• as mall. • halts and aanttal
sesaft.otat thiSELINGS. atlDla'labla
Cooking Sterna, Rages and Sid° Ovens,
Hollow Ware,Vagon .11ozu,7log Sad km.,
Tea - fiettles, Plows anti Plow
&fill and Maeldnory' Castings generally,
dad ti LA Lod IYATLIt CIPPA - ot el LpL
Shovels,,kiades, Picks, •
Ail oflstilth trat Do mold et Ca embalmers' Lam.
• Penn Cotton" Mills, Pitteburg_h,
.I(ENNEDY,- A"- CO_ mehefee
...Pena A No.l bossy A . 4 , 521•41f5ge,::
P u ttgleluilts ofdh talon sz4 . ohslws.. -
Pod Core r ;
•• Plough /Sow/ wad Sul (*m
. /lope of all rise. soft goscriph g
ous '
ArOfftsfs left et ele4raldwin Etat* of Logot,'WOsoft
flow 131 WWI street, will havwsttelatlols War •
inTrEr . 23 MALCK L ET MT. •
La. MaA . E.S.
. NiSu
!'orwuminq D~6lle'aua
xxi ...... L. Amite
. • BIGELOW - 4 CO.
• •
No •dE
• • . near WOOdeL, • ,
•„.Pittsburgb, Pennyi
illazalea. and
ever, dtaCriptiOn - 61" Yenc7 Vish Idea
(nal tto Cm -der. and 11 al•tted In • nuunk , l•um, for
baa.ltinfa**lffe: elaaam.a still !of - 0 - orannewblp
. and darabllitrct material. , •
work varraated.,. • aing
James Irwin,
Fivrext BDIALI of Nitre; Illtzle Artrk
ligfg=33l,. Nitrous " IN
Fawkes flAutioa. .A3I)
Wallas nunnaz...— MEL
W 11.1,1 co.
61 Penn at., below Marbetry,Rittel - nirg b,
wOoRERO, Maaufantoran ar 1 1 *.mblIt's Pc/t,
au Iloilo?. Loaccaotll'N Flaed azulo,llllo.,r Boum,:
I.llVieheak r iiint 141. 1 rat ik o tlogtlankmt. Nat
Mrzitra l Vll 4 , Friday , % l g . Vll,4l6ceininnogfa
ths oftrust par.: WI oars from • ropp_tii
&Muted. to. '
Coach - and Carriage Factory. •
1011NSON, BROTHER CO., cornoY o4
Beltegmt anti Itataton,ottutil. Ailt4hnnY ettb would
rar.thsi I/ Inn= then. sod Inv potlonotorst.
zazggaAwriggtrWt4VA . 4l3u=
:tattoos arias at Ulla and proyo s now .
All ordors •111 bo oxecntod with *trick • raga , dto Owen
Adllts sod btooty of Won. napalm .111 slo be attended
to on tbs robot rtoov.anolatoemn [loins In il l se . nor%
GU bast Enotern Abet& Polon nd Whool Ufa, tbot fool
coal:Wont tbot 01l nno tam them With their .pstrona
Wi r=le rr' n 't i t og=o7t i olgi f thtl i:Zl " betwe Dot
titian Cawthorn - • - • . ma:Ltd
Cupola Fire Back,
J UST. receivedtram the 'Works of Josiah your ato o 9 OUPOL4 1711 E • BRICK, Tarr
hue.. rounders aretuTlted to- <ans.{ 9laawem,u
. .
A -L
.. .
H. R i I) Ei'L E . advertising add Correspondence Office,
' AND DItAtEWIE ' ._ _..
__ ____ _.
..27 Fifth Street, Pittabargh, Pa. alba; now 'Wont& the standard
Erna ro-qt TIYAZIC,TtIti, plteaburp,,, preparation for the 'hair Its In.
• II CIALICY, 0 :1 3 A311.6. 3 / 1 5 AW, Pleated, lochn wile.hiSrly
ri - jontiword,is solicluid.and tatirflotere return 2,ooo,ooo COTTLE'S
norrantord. daimuid e l. . Per sear, atCratet a ver xellence and
041,0 L ooperfothy ro othor ere
• ALEX. FORSTTIL4,;',.',4 Coles at the kind. Ttecause of this
. an nireeedentadsmulartty le that
- aucteeeer to) 4t./Y, the quality of the - -
.. Katlvairon
U.• Isere h e Unchanood -
. I VE.BROFIA N T. it restores the hair after it ha/ AC,
DNA Licit IN •
li . . ' at * lt i rl ' o f Ari r i ilL Ina l' iritj ' heal...
Wool, Itictu, Flour, Baca.% Lard, & Lard Oil aarr, had Igitiatia 5 , fidlalitfo/ Per'
- ANI) PRODUCT, GENERALLY um., It to acknowledged or ail to
beac bret preparation hr the hair
No. ' . 7 Water Ni,, - Pittsburgh. Pa. erne made. lired by all re new
: throutthout the Molted Stator, Owe
itx QUI% and Bluth AmertiyelowerVh. Psc•dig4l. Weir; Wollaillte. Oill., I ) e * D it''
• •
John hoot '• rt Martin •• •• t
„ j 0r ,,,,,. . . • / • BEATH, IVIIKODP GM,
reithopl3s.lEnsue A : 2 , 01.1n0. flu.. ,
ra,iati a ea.. Mttehnruh. Otarnet, _Nesbit & Car.trox, , . Prprorroes, Fads!. St LOW.. f /91,15. '63 Liberty Ft., Now York.
Comm A- 0 owner, :lan kerw.lilohnee & Connell. vineliYil. 1
Ell.", Oblo. IA D PullOca. A ON. • Manufacturer& of Pet tamer yof all i k
fellyd kinds. and in.oritat radar
---_—_--. I deIfrOIMURTIf. in k
J. .. w...,..i, ..... . ... .... .. .. ........_........ -nou's a. Davit. t .--------
.I ' . ii. IYEtiall - & CO., . I A nIAGNIPICENT IVORRoPART,
Wholesaled hoiall Dealer, in
.1.8 r.kneretn. So 31 Hooke= street, Now York, , 111
Blank, Law and r
School Books, maim. on. Wednesday, Sim al, •
oa .
faannfaotarero of Blank Books, us osmium soa or Alarmism
De teL tweroaal t.n. rd . W . P d o . u , r „ li. r ,
o,.,ltp'l.2l;4llll7,ritictritl..ti.i, ~,,,s , ,,,,,.cni,,Vs l ci ng o f Erliflnu so wE ittr
IngsOil/0E1124 WWI Unto,' sad Oispot,l. - Vtipa r ,, j e k e ,.. twompriAng thirv• eteneetrourJudd's Wool of
6flo Band• 993. Ohl hooka Re baund. Coollreld br Rare. 531 d.illsc. a
I= *GM .41,0 M.G.
23 ) . ! 1 ,141.1.0. C. DAHLEV. -
tan mourn, in Tall noir ETILIS Or LitT,
CRAB. B. LE.ECE, • freAbLifaaricw..
, Plant Safprot.l Philo /retied.
Mat ofo Montitermy•ll:LiwolS.l I. iTolidanod . •AV. Came Meeting In
FORWARDING AND COMMISSION it, The Master - tho Woods.
IVIE.R C HANT, 111. Margo.: amassed by XVI. Menem:. preaohor
iv. lihl7ether.. AVAL notroepectloo.
5 f q. Brown Moll.
AZALEA: ZIP V. The lee Cunt. ..A.ILA. The Contest.
Flour, Grain; Bacon, Lard and Butter. %If: gtdi.r xx. D.thui , Weals__..,
et &mil:Cod oo X.XI. The Ont.-Loa D m,
AND.i_LL RIATI•S 01 ..P.lioDtal; mentor the Matter In ?AI: IsnoryisslainStlln.
~ . • Nekt door to tho Old Szand,,, . • , ~ , .....s° it rdir:
~' No. 11l First atreet 14 , 116 Setand street. 'ur g ed
ptorod till Xl&l7* 7/7;A:ext.
ants 1,
X. 4 ' ;4 "N
.a'fi'.& rtTg 'l lloito
Jabgeolltaroball. a., Itmaldent rat - more Deiwelt VILA • :I,'L A 2,14,,,,,t te,,,Ted oda, ermeett n .„
John Floyd & ex, , corner LW and Wend sta, XII. Mantle Disdalme OW TXV CI Margaret.
W.. i bilges. Oise& Man uterine,.
borne * CALL The rank,
And Pitts:AH.4h Alorchelite awnecelly. I XIII liloareda ass... .1
. .Xx.X. vii, ado, and
Niter. Jannwr A Ca.. Philadelpia.
Harnett. Nettle.: ilarratran, do.
~,, i Nl T l Alt h ir 7 orllfiTtilM t ri a boa utiftdPrtirtrd'paPor. both I
J. 13, Butler A Co. Cincinnati.
--- -------- ------- ' nrar'm':iTall'St.;;;;rl:l%Vo? dIr UUT P k r u IO 4 Igrl
ROBT. 1- IUTOikIINSON. ! Turkey too reccooiareifilybourih. g AL '" '' fall
C MBHI3II A ,N T ' TI, ..b.r. bea,itinii praora_t42s
011.4 1 0. R the ealo of WeiterrsNeCerVa Clseceo , rai,. em.."."1
r ''''' th. ''''' b "7 ""' ''''
Butter Lard DUO. run, Poe and Pearl Aston ItAILLY I . I IPIMEIONB PROM TII E PLATgB will, of
~,,,,t,,,,. ,s ii , ~5,,„„,, (4,..,.,, e d, 1,0 0 4 7 ,„ 1 ,, nod ~ oonwe be the moot pertort. ;It le Inneortant, therefore that
ritouucgothral.r, '! those who deallol purchasing the work should HACI/Itli
No. rto ;Word at., tot. Wiie.d t t Sisitk.l.eld, , t i. F cart!,4,. a" aenting luthatr cram to the Pah
i t
.0 Ira, : u?.A.7.m. .I.l<rdr.f7;.`-gA,".:„:;Tititr.r,,,7,7l!
O. nuckb.,...:th,..0u.:%71!.7.1.. Itank, Pirtat.nrrh 1 ' * 1,1%.702/1/&1105///'. TPStfrEINTLW.
&pillager Hae.honnwit. Pit!th'ir. LlCTio . eof.: 4 CO., :- f, OIIIIIENS fir TL ran rum. 64astri.,
Illarlorr A Dliworth • ' II A tahliceicon A 0.1.. , - blare, s Corks., in hie own leogria„ . With !Unite*
atltlyd * * A.
Cons LT Derior. Cam cloth...lS cents.
I I.:7Lf. o A L, a ,l2 72o'll,;Pil t ligr , `" t '•"
Tux Clint. Ism, Yr= t•haril[:sliPeeald•"
theta swot= Jim PAOLI. to t wilirer Twist,"
Lonoo Ps ft. From w ihnothsr A Soo."
DitrairATY4 V;lLll.en,eb:Ltrand'i
fun r.of TON AM, flog WElitil. - Prato "Pick wick?'
Farr 1t.,. PA it t•llerd Timm , .
Tn. Two hendtris Prom -Alartin Chutalewit."
'Carrot sun MI,
ono Fuer Calcite, atom It.
.1. bmtmoaStorlem."
bow. DrltOrOr nem . rileat lionse...
Dour Vane:v.lmm ..11arnaby Hodes."
The six Telma. 112 • 134.1 eve, 52= liar, OIL S 3.
I, hi. tiapriabo, No, 34. lica s .sn ht,
dl.:ikw Ina SF
Oa Exlisrdety. Co Mint Do af .r...r1. 1447. _
ILAIIPS.6 At 1101131312, NO. TOOL I
Will by., the fait Maintop of It W 0054 Nr ,, 1.P. , a tot, I
Harper's ' , Weekly.]
r irliEY will spar° neither labor nos expense,
* w hye It the bra Vista Nrwrrarrs is the world-
ono heerful and genial charactor wits make it •
no kolas visitor to . my hosuitot4. 'MIA as ion slant do •
toticen to the maid ple• ofright area lOttlao ,ball Vito the
approbetton eh ID. elm and tho sr of. Ito oiler` vigil be
to 070 fvrthanund Coil nn Pohl:weal boded and Mond
, Illaillinar, to dilinte..r.4 letwasatien; end to epithets
t iltiirrigo oot-.. .t.= ' PM! ras
a, • 101 l a prat.'
a n d or the Polithat. Pala, Italigions,''Utooro,el
and tltorery holster the ur. It will el:zealots the imi•
log morearlaata orttll•ago, record the in realloasot molar •
the elenxreareo or odour., ant the creations of Art. It
will. In a sonl, sin C. pl , ooOt. al accurate and cUrii lot ,
pietism ot• lot which an lire.
It will Voa Oro 1,41t0, ear* of attention la the tart*.
Lb* tuteplaation. and the Antler_ Ito riloplar entatente
will =betas nth% locrionts or Travel tad 11.1Voilltuvr,
sketener ri Morena and foiiil U.
11113 Errays upon
At: 01.4 Nprata,
The Pobt•obtiro here plats lurangsvornti with the tent
Am...rine so i tols. - who lola contrionrs to the various d•-
0h el the rolot. The large tpiql et theirdlopwal
le-41 taxis!. the eon rockers to Anal therawsirn of a/PS•
ii!eill*.n•rd,'"lTL'hlMV*l...tistariZianougltit'lW*m of
noliCotooat or Mr. Thaella•ro New berlal Tale,
hcarind or ahlth. from tarli arm*
tow el from the
author, will 0, oonianct hem well, e oath to
noloodent In arldtticti, thsy an hoop • vigilant
Vo t :lwk l ,tl:tir th o e l b ' err.. g.Pe ,'Lt lic i . - ,, t1 u zz44.71:
IrOZE•ltto So Me rtprer 0 r1 4 .201 . 1te1r 4111101.
atarZed Wi rrata . lUtaiklaU i.l Way war la *art,
•AL-1. or tato /beets , . of traeorrr X. , = 1, 40 1 .4.....-
both reoloo Int will morose wolf toots own Protwr Inhere:
and co viatica of ato.coufrold of Cusco. will appear In
22, Mgr.
t. 4 ...:7.ZtI?NZ /
sr r Z . .01 VI:T Z
....,,....,.1.1..1,..Vit.a.t.. u..,7 d..:04., *...
.AI 04 Erloffel 1,1 a Irma% and non P.M' guOnbta foe
I Lading. an.l as the pages will ho elestrairred. ttes own
:igniter* can always be "apple, so tbol.toi.berlbolO. wilt
to oh:. at Sr., no. GO etroffotto ltrfr 11,t. 1110. tit.,
it out olume, neat and asprovriato nel/13 till b. or.
rare I kr the concenleueocf Moro who enth to hind the
W&LTUt r.1.1Z-11121
Wall Pap Wehope.
W. P. MARS er
C. Vie. betvaest 4tb snablaraond eller, wfbern mar be
bum) an eXtemirebounli•tmront .yery attCrlpUtle CH es •
en irgwEd=o ranwite,
u-Lif:IN A 4I N I rdII I .
CDAolf:t'rr'rd'2=as:'" In „meat earl a'ttrkn
Ana Wtolsesl4 LkJC la
Manufactured Tobacco, Imported Domestic,
DrAlte the act SNLIFP,
no. 241 Liberty Street,
mLluls.. W.
17'751 EFA Li. J.
........... fltt,
rrodsce and Con:zillion aercliantt,
AND altAigg.
Pittsburgh Niazufttettit td &tit:ten,
So. 219 Lib!rfy it, ej /mot,
.yt ,LlTTStUittili, PA
• iticMANE & ALTER..
tru=,/ , ‘,* t. %alai")
Commission and Forwarding Nerchants.
No. 124 Scowl iL, PaAto..-rzb, Pa
t2.`.41. 11. L... 1.120 M
FLOUR. FAcrous,
Forwardin . % , -COMILitAtiOII Merchants,
- SHE BALI , : lit
69 and 70 iVater -•
JC:S" - • - " ' ttrfslufitia. YIL
W2t.1111.101 , ‘ .` , .lkatlaLiAT,
Dealor L'ioVi - ila9 a. Pmioce grnontliy.
NO. 2.%._LtlialtTY STREET,
rroduce k COMlllVllOyalerch an t e ,
ADD Dintittl .1:11
114.1 7 4 Wood no, bercreor i Wcier ned Prang at
• ••
Flour, Prohco, Praili , rn and 4 .loLtatiisSitgn
2ro Larr*Vme:. r , rnrrqf /fend,
iLUNES Lin mcztrtitm Um nit of Flcur
jtvt. LW, Urata. Lrf ,
mr.artaly Wtritnd.
S: Xllsli.
(too of tho aura of Bing & Moortieadj;
DeALE.R yr Via .11./STAL 4!
No. 76 Waier street, below Market,
(.I...fornr to lardy. Joss A Cr.)
C)MM:Z.I.MS A IU FAO sunlit:Yu A'Xirt://AST:
dzent of. the Sottisen and Indianapolis
Corner First Ferry btu., Pittsburgh, Pa.
is Ire Lr
B. OANFEbti, lato ofifarren, Ohio,
fl;zg:tlif m— r . " l. " 4 w bc 4- •
at.i.r, roe and
rant Ash, and 4 - ntondly street,betwern krw.lttaFeld sort caL Fitle Laren:
traLt; dt C 0.,. Whole alo Orotete,
=tars.. Dth.L.t.. No. 112 eximd etree tante.
U C0LL1Z1M,Wcw.47..4C40ca1.#,..4",
ean. In N 1.5.1. Batter, Ls. 11.1 .4 ilvdroe.
25,AV0al riftet, abr. T. atm
w a . arn ,wa
J 8011008.15.AK8P.,
KAN Mena= GT
And Wll6l4,3lnDular In•
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, it.c.
=airsP.I722IIWICII, PA.
lon#l , =:. - i.,......-4.,,, J 4 ........0021124:1 nErc.
'WHOLESALE 6 . . i. 10143 it 00.) •
; xo. GO 3F4.191) ETY-KET,
ricraletir LM . DT. DI Ilwin eßr , ta r tTP_f • l GH nzify .P Kl' I/ r
PI Is. AP. • . • • •
1 1011 N . ITAFT;(anceemor to Jrn.
.ff.y.,} Rattil thltesitt awl De.slor in
P.hit.. OH*. Diestat7l , . RC., termorlirro.l.miiiixtli.t.mAte.
/Utah... St. tarli...Koler Anent for t/i.Jfi.sts
JOIIN .P. SCOTT,.. Wholotatlo Dealer is
ldrnire, rnin p tigila,l'afrAdt ror and DS'llttlfri. No. WO
' Zi t a i rdArs 1%1 Iral : o.rnp ttetier:
iyeAinint fur . khrne's Pu4gld tii_nmp. • mar 244,
11; wiaeucao
DrnSitdirtr. and m►nnfn;lorrre of White Land,l4
ad t and,hitturdro. an - ner ood end beet Strode, Pitt&
b Fg. - • =clef
pk,EELL.ElficWitalcaulti Ift,ralor
0. ?vVtar';:tE.:l4l"iiii.7.4l-r."'atis.T.jrarniga."4.`l""PrjULloci
MILD= 111(411..., alsozom Mnr.
RAIIN & REITER, Wholeealo & Retail
Droitioto. ovra.r or Mat/ dt.fka greetti
Ltotroroo.• •
40Sf;PI1 FL,EfiIING, Su.ecescor to L. Wilooz.
&Oa., calm
easat aaR Diaz°ondilea - Gs or.
°Ur on bun a full *n 4catoploto aim:llama of Denar,
fdadleimar, re:Turman., and W artlclall
jr,rtalalug to WA butlnotx. ' •
preamirtlotts cratfallr oolura atalall at all
TOSEPLI S. IL . - A. P. lialialSON, Attar
ravoit Loa, (Mee No, 143 Yourth street, botwmo
baltioleld audarsolt. PiNotough. . m 724
110/3E.Rl r .r, MIT LT IP§, Attonioy
9t:Loulfr,lda.: . • 1 . 1 .
_ _ .
• S. C. 000ILHANE, (sucoessor to S. Sad
.ll.A lor,) Watlecaleand Roma Licalatin Pcoa.f, Statical
ar/ uts Parer Licaal atm, lotkral etrect, Gill door ts. /1.
Market Square. alacianar. Ya. • •
4'OIIN S. 'DAVISON, Bookedlor and 'Sta..
llorter,moooloor to Pathan . 21,A4r.sw. No. 0 1110.110,t
.0 net, am P o o.llll,llttablusat. P. • • •
'AY & 00., Booksollors and St donors,
no. 63 Wood Amt.; next door to the comer of Third.
• • eiluPe. Eetool ere lent ImOke eroutantly esoel.
L: RlAABookaerler and 13 itatrioner,
ey • 78 roarth
Masonic Hall Cigar Store,
Mottlede mail geld! Delta 10
Cigars, Tobacco Snuff,
«r,40, 4 N( . 1 !" 157 : m " ° 1 1° 910 1 1 PiaaaA.
.f . . - T-_ ! :_t'1:..:• . 5:11 .. U4i..: - .', - : -. 0. GAZETTE .
Hanna*/ Kuria apparta 4711(7 Ffcgratr,i, Xecet,rop.
an/ wit! nevoid at (It . .. Cents a cow. It lon trs raalkt
to antetn/Nrre•t try tedeelen rause tertaant Lentz t, .
rarlartr redulrad In advance.
Cht• eon? ter TsmatT V r
, 07 , 7 for O.
One cnPf kr Two Yearr--.—.—_. .... «.. 4 00
Viva edplev
far Year .... _.. 000
Teal,. cert. foe One ...... CO
Teratran alc ; to copies for One 'Year 4000
der Im
Or Floral Beautifier:
A groat Cosmetic far beautifying the skin
and rotoileslon, alal far enrloB Ch4ned Earda.
ar.% 1 , 114, ran. Sonbasn, Ykseltdas. l'isoldwa Bealds4
Bornaoto. A sure and oda taro for the thou—ona wash.
inn ant giro instant relief. after &lotion, It is sari
soothing to tbs akin. Mow lb, bands scrtan4 whits
and for innamonfattonsof the skin 41 will to Gonad to bo a
.teat rernaty. Paso rya dollar per, battle.
'2lllon's Nagicilair by o.
Goa of the see d)``best Natural reef 1 / 1 1111/Irtr/4 it/1.1/S
ass Das to be Lerond corstrsotosn and, bolty a
ssganabla Pr0d...410n. la , Stuart ran Pown.bir I. don* to
atm Ain, It Is sully apollad. and you rim obtain • Waft
Or • brown which wdl duly lb. bast Judos to ' , Alit from
'I ''"t l''`'""`'olll``V an d s k y t;l4c: , • 1101 IIItIADWAY
Ya s ut of
sc., and 417 limultstr. Bt. fi lend. Hotel, ff.
all sc.,
and Panes Stores abronthont the
lfultad iltatsi,
Vlsabaa,e Chemical Hair Invigorator.
The moat aim plettrarldria of tbe kind over brforo offer.
ado Ins pablis. It trio stood Th. test of twanti yawl
in t[l:, Vn1nt , ...711 Ilir. cos of no come
It ialra:. of
ltallatloos bars be ALI* to coronet* with tor ssr.
sins, drresind and twantlfslng the flair, and tastin tw g e the
bead claee from dandruff eta. lt Is Insatlroable: in short
11 lo arnyllion too lade 'coulees. Petal LO cants and al
Tor bolUs,
dot: lawful a 1?
• J. III..6.IcFADIS & CO..
(late Triplett, ld'hulln Co..
N.. 25 I , Zr.N.X.# .111 COJI , VERCI4I;
St. Lonis. Mo..
Sarktnient for Leal. Iletep, Peellelone, !neer, tlreln
5011.14e1 stet promptly exeeetael.
- 11.121 TO
Mean, 2, If. thrrla RC,
Met. Onrana
Dollar Sawn' ga Bank
J. 65 Furth Street,
0%7 open dal from 9 to 2 o'clock;
to Ocl ia.4ll,`7.l:ll;:fraar. ' Pro " (o l =a tim w ri%
vmher to April, than/art, Irma 0 to 8 &crook.
Drt•tte 10040.4 vial mole not tom thou Ono Dollat
end • dirlderkt of Lea prolate &await toles • rear, 1 . 1 .
Jul:sand Deoesebrr. iotarret todar.4 at the rate al
perotnt, per ao note, ea the Bret of Deseaelter,lB66.ahoo
on Itoe 84 of June, IMO,
Borkernotelolpx the Charter, ) I r : laire,.itulee and Rau
alatione foroletud Nestle, on aprottestioe•t the oThee.
1fe41405U--1.1%(M0N ALARM. • ,
lloPeitell iieppoi,,, » John K. Ihoebbeigat.
Marla. Heap.
tAnre 11.. iy. Wit.
la. , N. Orattan Milzo„,,
Jan.. W. Hallman. • Timbal...l Umbatastter
• Wart; 1 1 1
I 11:e.". team H. Penteackl
William J. Anderson.
. es waste.
John (I.Ditekolen. . . - James ilerdman. -
I.lllllluracerlth J/131. D. Koller.
Albert Culbertson. John H. Kirkpatrick
j ita g bert ua en.t .,o2 e itf r . William A, 1.1111•14 T,
• John /All Gard.
Alonzo A. Carries. gra: p.,!larsball,
Sohn B. GOrgrart. .on Miler.
' Cherie. A. Colton, a. H. rolloek.
N.' U. KAtington. 11:1Wt I tteg i b n , MUL
lilsnak Felix,
tleerze F.(1111aors. Jae. bhldlo' '
J . F. , .. B. LW% ' . • ti
William A. Rm.. AiesanderKindia,
-Fn` and Trear
. i . trer—CILARLA3 A. tAiLtoN
- 11MBALL ItlE SICK & 110.,
IiFF TO TB.E. PUBLInie. Hall, FiftC
CY the LELIOACIES OP TEll seAsee. q.
.arced uo of the ehortent metier. hem U walk
- In the Int , tehlq to ,h 7 o'clock at uteht.
Melee.. teen and ei wig de well tornOl ha awl cf..
amine our Hill of Pare at e say Um* to nil their syr.tlte,
airing erten:o.watt made to twelto CHOICE ARTIe
eLtid In our it. from IMOD:nom Plalhelelultht sod Mr.
fulk. o w y wzger 4 Itteria el: 1 011116 m .
sod from the Went *I.I the &dollen 01 IE UAI1)
ouch en
WhleVefj"3,lllllo,l l B t , :i.:Ed l igli t i°4 4 ,fewho)..
V.T.7l.l7)l:lVlng:rn".". t!' s_° 4 '":30:!!!'
- --- T
Commercial Hotel,
Corner of Giro(' and New riatt,'Nea Orkara.
K. STEEL would 'limit;te
. the ether .1 Worm thearanling habil° et
tbe ether named Ilona, • .reap th
The Hotel has metal/ sindergthoi a thothogh repair
and renovation, and bee owe Cued up with new andale.
Cent turnitura, are ao. The proprietor
!: t" ))
r The title w7l . l to be tt itirriV t ren d
that the Esthete Wroth. • •
This Hotel bring Meath& he the immediate vicinity o.
the byname thirt of the Orr. es will se Mos coutholeut
to th e SteM“.. Tonstosg, the proprietor bores that by
mixt attention to the wants or his rem= to receive that
liberal liberal retrousse that boa ewer bleu kg:stewed upon thle
Prici Of Board par Day, 1,00.
•The La will r bestociced with Moat sod s Plum hari
or to no other house in the eity. 1. good Lauctinestaln to
12 A. td. Also obliging and aorrearoodotingatteuduite
Pgalvd •
Ye . who Consider a fine N - h O ead of 'fair
Nam) lc is to Ista
• BOALP T0."40,
I : ll,l 4;r:Te • thtti h c . ::4ll.7akrg; V,T
wards IN falling «dead tbla
rgr t w u s i gasizat== r ir s ig l t tatroa
• sayl6
CEMBER 24, 1856
Advance Paymonts.—Ltereafter no Nub ,
.autacra 111 tu taken for tbe Daily or Weekiy
toles Paypent to nude t. Wynne. Whenever the
tlaa, to up to which .Lho auteniptlen to paid, th e paper
'An be fureriabir copped, 'call* the enbeirlptlon to re
nosed 01 advance Dement.. 4.1.1 'transient adeertielnyy
ca aretv itocclptlon: will be required to be paid In ad
Tame. - The only exceptiona will be stem areasp month
or inter contracts ere mad. Beni:Saw
Ixilk: :
.i ".. .
124117 i
7 .
' : ...-..: !: ;•1. 1 ".i.l.
.. .. . ,
• ..:.;',
i l
. .
!o f
: 1 !2 . r.!•:
I.3.l . lttaboggai Viresitiy . unsearto.—Tllii Mundy/
drrulation °four lietWy &tette offers to our bnalnos. meg
=tat deArablo modicum of making their tongues known
00 :Irma at lon to botgaan 'omen ttootrand. tageldr.g
O,v:A efory troutoforturer and Pion kronor In
'r morn Pcualylwals. iVettorri Yloginla . iCatiorti and
• Northern (1:116. rnd le steadify lorsearitig
ST. .NICUOLAed VITIT.-•rtie following Ill:103
though. old, improve 'hint op, and will we aro
sore, be ro perused by cur young readers, with
pleasure. They are spirited, and picture with
vividaese, the scone which occupies the imagin
ation of every juvenile, aa be imago up his atta
in ; laye his eeotlena body on his couch, while
n, of sugar plains flit through bib hem!
se. tAe night berms Ohrlebuts, ition4• l l through the
n Not • cure re t sire was tittering. not even a mom.:
The stockings were hung by the chimney with taro,
In berm that tit. NichoLsa soon vonlti be there;
The thlittfern were nettled all smog In t eels. beds,
Whir rielone of edger ohms danced through their
eads; • -
And Mean. In bar 'kerchief. act I in MY coy,
lltulltot settled our braille dor • long winter', oat , —
When out en the lawn there mom rush • clatter.
I Meng from my bed to ore what was the metros :
Away to the wingtow.l Hew like a ileeb.
Tore mom the shutter. andahrewnp the nab.
The moon o.h the breast of the new (ti,, anew,
Vgn,heeetburttl: '
rutamr. ar •
t • • miniature wigh and eight e tier rsp
With a little old defter, to beer and quick,
1 knew to *melee. It moat be tit. Meg. --
gore Mid than mem courterotheY
And he whistled and talented and galled them by name
"Now Dasher I now Dancer! now Praneer I now Vixen
On Comets po Cobba I outrider end latent
To the top Of the manta to the tap of the wall i
Now. dale &Wendel& Woree.leellaWaTillar
A the ur g es that Wore the wild Minim. dr.
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
ho rio to the boom toP the nonnte. they dew.
WI , h the sle,gh toll of toye—and Bt. Nicholas, too
And then, In • twinkling I brawl en thereof.
The pratto no se,' pawing Of each little boot,
Az I drew o my bead, and win turning anal,
Dawn the ebiltmer t. Nicholas ram wish, booed.
be was dewed tall, far, frogs hie heed to hi, foot
And hie dillies were nil scrubbed with duet and wet ;
A boodle of teri be had boon on hie Wk.
Anil he 'voted ilke • mi tart aft opening his pack ;
Illeeyea—how they twinkled I hie dhriplet how Meer/
Zile tbeeke were like teem, hie noes lira a Oben, I
'bedroll little month Wee
up like a
And she beard on his thin eras as White se snow.
The stomp or • yips be held tight Is Me teeth,
And the emute, it encircled hi. head like • wreath-
lie had broad fare, and a little roiled belly.
That shook when he laughed, Likes bowl tel.
And 1
tteqn h ki j • ° t" . l'r o ol lna ' f.
A Wink crime eye. mid a twist or nis need!
ken gee, Ine to toms I bed nothing to dread.
lie spoke not a word, but went *insight to hie work,
And 01 , ea all the a to:kluge—then tinned with • lea
And laying hie L gam se :de of hie non,
24 geeing; nod. ILO thechirtd.y lit rose.
lie sprang' to hit sleigh, ha hie team wave a wbl t
nd away they Dew. jw the down era thistle.
put I tweed Lim exclaim:she he dente oas t
'Wary ("Ark:sus. to el: nett to all o godn4ld I •
Tux 8106 MID LEATIIDIF. BustrUtSß —From
recent article in the liewburyport (Maas.) /ler.
which to located la the great oboe manu
facturing county of the State, it appears that
the thee and leather bantam, which is the great'
hosiers, of the grate, employing mare pennons
and mote capitol than any other, is at present
to an unpromising condition. Bet it is so from
high prime, and not from decline inmien. For
several years, is comp:mime of a ecorotty of
hides, the prices of leather 'has neon constantly
appreciating, and that of Mato at a still faster
rate, while the price of oboe, has foiled to keep
pace with the increased cost of the raw material.
The coneequenee has been that there is lets,
profit to the importers of hides, lees per fit to the
timers and carriers, lean profit to the mann
fosterers of ahem and !eel. to pay to the work.
men. The manufacturing of shoes in email, and
gory many of the 'workmen ore either out of
emila; meet or working at very low wages. And
this nottrithetanding the market for chore hal
been constantly increasing.
Of tho ran oof this depression--a diminish.
lag aupplyuf hides—the Rena remarks:
"Our tildes come principally from Africa and
South America. Tao demand for hides, en every
body sees from their waste la not half tanning,
and the farther wastedu not half making the
shoes, and from Cho extending markets, is vastly
greater_ than it woe ten years-ago; while the
matios,ef eupp , y. hove .ditainished in the earns -
The importation of skins from Africa,
remain pretty mob the same . From the North
ern port of booth America, the high relate bring
some additions. Dot our principal field was
further swath, upon the country watered by die
La Plata and its tributaries. On there immense
platen, the bolt civilised herdsmen had collected
great smarm of cattle, ti which there appear
ed to us and to them to bo nu end; bet we hose
proved the contrary. lo the revoletionary and
disturbed state of the governments, they robed
that cattle were more likely to be seised and lost
than gold and chisel., which could be concealed,
and thereLre they killed off; and changed their
property into money.
Everybody acquainted with the brudness will
recollect bow many kip-skins—the hides of half
grotto animols=mime to New York, Easton and
Salem, several years ago. Aiow the whole world
is suffer* from the wont of there very animals,
which were Wallowid to come to maturity.—
The Buenos Ayreaus' thought themseivre doing
well formerly, with hides at 8 and 10 cameo
pound; and" when they reached 12 cents, they
sold on largely - too they-could and keep the stock
good; now they all the come hides on the same
epos, for 20 and-27 cents, and encouraged by the
price, kill all they coo, and thus keep the herds
email and the markets bare. When hides *ere
12 cents In Booth America, the importers were
Mite& them at 14 here; now, the last cargo of
hid= arriving at Salem; which cost 27 cents '
abroad, belts at 29—more than double the capl.
tat, and an Increased host of eallieg vessels,
yielding but the same groan profit, two cents on i
• pound. This is the reason why the prices of
loather, in nee years, have gone -up from 25
cents ft pound to above 40; and yet the tanner
does not clear so mneti, since it requires more
capital to do the business, end labor, bail, &n.,
ore higher, and the leather will not bear the
came advance ay when the raw material is low.
The gams Is the ease with the roan who works
the leather Into elms."
The editor dlicesses the feasibility of obtain.
log s sufficient suppl) or bides from present or
contingent neuron, and comes to the conclusion
that an increased supply moot he looked for.
lie sapt:
"But that the civilized world may be supplied
with 46thor, wo must have reforms. It must
be Weed hatter; it is now humid up and do
etroyed. Then it moot he worked bettor; shots
mast neither break oat nor rip, bat wear out;
and se we add to their real worth, the price
must go up itt .proportion. If tide be not so,
loather will fail, and some substitute must be
profiled, or we mutt go- barefooted.",
ABIRGICAN Trroe 80017.1 - 7,—At the ntated
molting of the Execntive Committee, comber
16, it appeared that the recelpto fur eig t menthe
had bona in donations $85,221 and fo publioa
dons, $128,170,-.making s2l3,4o7—exesteding
by a few dollnia the corresponding Months of
the previous year. The number of- 091 pm-tents
had somewhat increased, ;and by the linoressod
expense of auppdrting them.witn ether outlays,
the total enemies had exceeded the receipts
by $10,010; In addition to which mica bad been
given, chitty for printing paper, to the amount
of $lB,OlO payable. before April 1, when the Se
olety's year ends. Applibations nod claims be
fore the Committee show' that from $lB,OOO to
$20,000 will also be needed for foreign rands l>e
fore Aprillet. ' A very urgent application for
immediate aid way reeelved from the Paris Tract
Society, France, and $6OO was 'appropriated to
be early remitted. A request was received tram
Roe. Dr. Riggs, of Constantinople for - the Socie
ty to print the Pilgrim's Programs, Doddridge's
Itlseand Progrese, and Baxter's Sainte' Rest, la
Armenian; and from tnitWonarica at the Sand
wich islands for large grants of books to supply
whaleeldps, seamen nod other's at Lbonolulu,
Labatt's, p o nd 11110. It was Mated that a friend
of the Society had recently sent la hls cheek for
$2,000, no a donation; that liberal contributions
had been received from the city of Now York
and memo of the Western States, and it
hoped that the institution would lea 'supported
in Its ueefal labors by others according to their
ability.--N. Y. Herald.
Tun South Is rceorlog ire punlahment, not
from the North, but from herself. She has with
her own hands contrived tho engincry that boo
struck a deadly blow at her vitals. tier public
men would Lave eevored the Union, and kindled
the torch of civil war all over the land, under
the pretext to giro stability to their 'peculiar in
stltutioni and in the very hour of their 811C00,19
their institution seems crumbling to pieces.—
Before the election, Southern . chivalry would
have rusboilaeross the Ohlo, conquered the an
warlike people of the laborious North, seized
upon the capital oily, and borne off to ite strong
holds, the archieves and symbols cf government;
now' '
liallten with a mortal ( car, and shaking
with a covraidleo that it cannot even conceal, It
trembles tel the face of Its eleven, and confesses
Its Inability to defend itself agalUst the superior
prowess of Its own property. Is not herelumit.
lotion! Where, since the foundation of the world,
were the vain no down-trodden:--the boastful. so
exposed—the prestunp Won ea beaten and dam.
„ .
' Tun Portland (Stainer Adrertlear states that
there are In that city 6000 believers In eplritn
ells= ,
_ .
Swum fasmsancrions.—Thecountrylaa re.
candy been startled by the discovcry.of wide
I spread and deep laid plains of insurrection
among the negroes In the eonthern States. This
disoovery has carried dismay and terror to the
hearts of many people, and, indeed,- nothing
confab. better calculated to awaken alarm in the
bosoms even of the" boldest... Amin Who could
face death In Its most spelling ohm° with firm
ness and constancy, shrink with ap•
prehension and diemoy from a .danger
threatens to bring death, and worse than death,
to the wife of his bosom, and the - children that
surround hie hearthstone. - '' 1
Snob of the 800 Boa{hern journals ae hive attempt
ed to give any explanation of the 1:1311.69 of there
insurrections, havetioncurred In attributing it to
the &melon of the Maury question during the
recent Presidential- chalets. It Is well known
in this State, and all over the Soutli, the wro
slavery party have. denounced all who_oliposed
their schemes for extending elarery into Kenna
as abolitionists, and charged that oil ouch per
eons, composing an Immense majority at the
North, wore determined, if.they obtained power,
.to abolish slavery throughout •the , Union. " Of
eouree this was a falsehood, and known to ho a
falaehood by those who gave it utterance; bat
the slaves who listened - to these wild horaugues
from the furious pro-alavary 'demagogues, in
tended to embitter the mance of tho Southern
people against the people of the North, were not
unwilling to giro credence to a etory so flattering
to their hopes and hence they have been prompted
and encouraged to the attempts whloh havo been
so recently discovered and suppressed- Who Is
to blame for thedieasters from which the wino
and daughters of the South had just barely et
coped, by the timely, and wo might "also
Bay, providential 'disclosures of the designs
of the °levee? jUodoubtedly rho lying deta
agoguoe, -who, for party purpoies end: for
the sake of-.Ponape' advancement, have gone
about fulminating their falsehoods against all the
people of the North, and have thus prompted
and encouraged the slaves to revolt, which oever
would have been attempted, except for rho hopes
Inspired, of aid oo aesietanoe from the people of
the North? Who is to to blamed forth° gloom
and apprehension which still broodi over the.
Booth? cad who has caused the emberrassment
to the basinean of the people in the distrlate
where theta °sabre:aka have otioarred? The an
swer Is etill the reckless and unprincipled dema
gogues who gave rise to the slivery agitation by
the repeal of the Missouri Continently, and who
endeavored to justify this outrage by attributing
to rho people of the North the designi of abolish,
lug slavery In the fimthera States.-=fit. LOWS
NIELIO DllDT.—Statement, shorting rho indeb
tednets of the Commonwealth ofPoonsylvanln
on the Ist day of December, 1856
Funded Debt, viz—
i.; pe; cent. loans, $511,781 00
5 do do 38,866,001 50
di do do 1)88,200 00
4 do • do 100,000 00
Total fended debt,
.I:lntl:tided Debt, VIZ:
- Relief antes in cir
ordstion, $220,85 00
Icterest certificates
ontitartding, 24,891 37
Do unclaimed, 4,448 38
Domestic, creditors, 1,164 00.
$40,835 2r,
The balance remaining, unpaid 0f,117 temporary
iCtalf, IS not included in t.hir abont statement, in
sismach as they are re initiorsatite as ripidly as
the means of the Trescury will permit, yin:
Balanoe of temporary
lout authorized per
act of April 19,
1863, $400,000 00
Do do May 9,1854, 184,000 00
imonnt remaining in the State
Treasury and sinking fund, sp
plicable to the farther ell:melts
lion of Stale gear., interest
certificates, domestic creditor
certificates and relief notes.
lints Yen; Leo 2 1.—Te.le,7aphie desprtehee
from the coast repinsent the gale of last night
as being a most fearful one, and it Is feared that
many disasters hare occurred to the shipping
bound in.
The pseket EMI. New York. from Liverpool,
with theee - tinildrod pv-Treagres on tiehrd, is re
ported ashore near Itaroegat, dnimasted.
An unknown ship is also reported ashore, and
her maata'gone, near the name place. The serf
boats hare gone to the assistance of the passen
gers and crew, and further particulars are anx
iously expected.
9 o'clock, P. le hardly possible to ob
tain any farther particulars from the wreck at
Barneget. The packet ship New York is ashore
at a point thirty miles distant from the 'Tele
graph station, and the roads are impassible.
Tun coalition against Walker la more exten
sive than is generally !apposed. Not only all the
States of Central America, but Ventatiela, Chili,
Ecuador, Peru and New Granada, appear to be
concerned In it. It is said that Chili le to con..
tribute 1,000 men, and Porn $1,000,000 of the
guano fund. This coalition is believed to have
been arraeged by the Transit Company, where
interests Walker has valued. Thus far but three
States have actually taken the field in Nicaragua,
being Costa Rica, Salvador and ()Catenate, and
of these the first appears to be the chief ia the
fray. Thin Is owing to the British aid, which
Is tarnished liberally, British latinenco being
paramount in Coats Wen.
the city of Marysville, California, jolt taken,
glue the number of children there at 503 be.
tween the ages of four and eighteen years, of
whom 215 are melee and 205 females, and of in
fanta under the ago of four yesrs GOO, making
altogether over SOO chillers. Pretty good for
a California town where-but a few yearn ego,
the population was nearly all men. Ie foot, it
appears that uoolety is becoming permanent
there, large numbers of the adventurers baling
returned, with their fsmilien, from their visits to
their old homes in the Atlentio States.
ileiL GOLVIIDLC—Dnot winter a bill crowded
through Coegreee, providiew for the establish- 1
meat of free reboots for the white children of
the Dletriet of Columbia. The law, however,
had a proviso atteehed, that it woo only' o take
effeeet In those school districts where the people
should, at CO election held for the purpnee, vote
to accept it.— The election wee held a them limo
alone, and every school dietriotvoted agelost the
free eehoollawl The capitol Of out nountry is
located in rather a dark region, if we
. .indge
from this vote.—Reborrour Telawre
A Daman /7 OrrlOlAL.—Jeremiah aturphey,
bring a true ensocrat, has bran employed la
the Lloeten Custom /1011.03 et two dollars a day
for the last tativeare, and during all that time
Ida thrifty wiWKannoh, boa been drawing her
support from the evertors of the poor as a
"poor widdy with three small It/lidera" They
have jolt found her out.
KA3PAIL-.-4 letter from Gen. Pomeroy, in the
if priegfield Repablioart states thst he hoe formed
now settlement in Kansas, so the "mouth of
the river Saline, far boyond.the settlement of
any white men. The valley Ia bemire!, and
the grass is green all through the winter. Fit.
toen men have taken up claims iu the now town.
The Saline is very salt from the numeracy salt
springs ethical run through it
Nsw Yes; Deo. 21.—Orders hare barn-re.
calved by the government officials here to step'
all the shipment' of arms or provielons to Goo.
Walker. .
. .
The President has oleo Woad ordure for tho
arrest of Cornelius ()artless, Om. fore sod
Gen. Walker, to sower for the seizure of the
property of the Mooaaory Transit Co., raised
at $1,000,000. .
-A WWI= la the Grayville (iIL) herald is well
convinced "that In 18$I0 the &Adhere planter
will 'have no sale for- hie sugar ia the State of
Illinois," to thaeupply from Chinese sugarcane
°will be amply enirmienk Wabash county 4fono
will grow one hundred $,C11433 of this Chinese Me
next year.
Twa Franklin (Ind.) Republican notices the
firrlval there of, Madame Titian Bathe, who with
her husband so me piste ago, ;nova tolackson;
Miss. where Mr. &she. was =doted, for brow.
lag his partiality for Fremont, at tho leen Preci.
deatial etection.
WAN:WIGTON, Deo. 21.-31 r. limner is 'expect
•ed to arrive here to•morrow or the neat day:—
The rooms formerly occupied by tilm hays been.
engaged - for him; with direction thatthey tie
got ready tor•bie occupancy by the 20th or 21st
- In many old mantiscripta, when particulii em
phasis was given to words, it was easterner'',
instead of underlining them as at the present
day, to inn the pen completely cornea thexords
in the Same manner en we. new erase thew-
IL. L. W/141021, senicir editor of the Chicago
Jetintal, died at the residence of hia rather-lb
I , llbany, N. L, on the 27th Mot., aged 43. He
was a gentleman of talent:and great ptioate
worth. • .
. .
Ia a rimant aketah of the life of Air. Brooklet
ridge, the -author saps he commenced life - poor,
cad parasites& Rather a poor etart that. Pre
haps Me Topsy he "wasn't bony he
- Joint 11.11°110r, ___
at wooD STREET, bet trcen Diamond
nl,.ad rourth r..t., Foie fcLe. CIITC "
t m iz . aßiviono n , NAN° FORTEt9,II.I.SON k MUG
11112, and ctuL s . rEINDEiniS and ORGAN Farad Olit•
A 1111.,,...,,m. k .. 1 , 3 ,,," ~,, , ._:.
• Kicker & Bros,
WO. 53 FIFTH ST.; Sipi . Of the Golden;-
Por , ASI 3 eIdAV T ,,Z )I`,uN"s AA . c,±AVA
lIAFIX*NNEDILMWS Gnune. usLOONoNsitad 0110A.1-
kLitiallAllalB, Dealers In ItuAle and, :..dmlcal tustrEt7',
[M_ .
Ch, •
littliNUFACTll.BarlotteEß and Dosda:in Piano
LYALFortot and Loortor of prcodo ootoel Iteora
monm, 80/B.Buat the/ ..I.B.ll.BURtir PIANOS: Coo ebe
MALLET, DAVIS $ CO.'fi .Ikotostrio=s, .11/88./ed Pith
oat 21/obean ALL,P.ment. ar3 118 Wood et.
„ .
' SPENCER ' • HOUSE, • ,
PRATT & METCALF,' -.- • I- -Proprietors.
PA:ELIS largo and elegant - Hotel 'having
- been ?limn ay refitted tnroughont„ is now open
to a traveling public. Its locamon is Um mat der
liftable that tan bo imagined, <3latalfla trig II Pro- OCt of
V h w h C avti onn o n. I Ne mpoor t,
,W sUE e ., s : B oa c o,
, sad • full
featareeof Interest en the. Itonteeky elide, as farnd
t the
ere can teeth. Ito famine:re and general interior so.
Doh:di:vents will he f,anl folly equal to ttLese of any hoto
rn the %Vett, still no endeavors will to spare 1 t enrols
14 table with every I.arr Ma:the rutrget ea -4..
OWEN'S . 1101'BL.
Corner of Fourth and Tetferson Streets,
ACCOMMODATIONS en the largest and
bre reale vitt reasonable •e ‘ rrne. Ro tame wlll
"CAlt D = FAL . L, 485 6.
Fourth Street Carpot Store.
.W. .17.:0 &H. MoCALIAJIVI
PEoartt Street, near Wood..
riwpartfrally fantod toonr nrwreot SlcoY, artier-WM
Wes, Lath:Ming
Beet Quality Vrtrots. English and TlLXltrr
Damsels and Tariciury,
Crt2llll6lMl &Jar ET08.16 Xaar. Mien= and
lEttra not Enter 3 Pty. Mead Inawalnit.
Beet Imported Extra Twilled not Damask. Hall and Stair •
Earpenn too Oil Cloths.
OD from 0 to 24 tett Inds, :rark•iiii
Yreneto l'
E Cawed
Matting; Hearth hme: , roor Moto, ited: Enda; Llrt..liag
and Dine) Wiwi.% Venetian Elicihrwith ant-rm.:ism or
W/MIOR S 11•4•4 Urren and Bag( a..tte" .not
.their SIC borlfi . tor retool wary madarsto prenrcd furn Narrngt7 C ., abz r . J 2l
No. 58 Wood Street, Pittiburgli,
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, &e„
Oomprizlng one of the
Largest Stacks to to bound Eaat or Woet,
nronear adapted to-
j q-AE S
ar A s l N im D it_ d
C to O ca U l N l a T d R es Y
aurbm, bet.,, nuring, ono is Miter-JIM.] to twit at a •
Smelt ..t4orinct sawn Cod, mantiarlng ravoratilo with
15 . 10 :411:113:108g.
Awry, Crams Sawed and Nailed lIMIT3 and IIEt.KiANd
Manufactured hare. rind warranted, by the Cm. and
JEirrloods Care:oy Patented and Putrid.
Hides, Leather, Oil
No. 215 Libor ty Sltreot,
erersonuon. PA,
$39,86t3,976 GO
$250,859 75
r g l llllsebacriber respectfully calla 1.48 at.
rentum of hlo friendeand the ruhlle Remmally, to en
exerninet,ma of ids exteuripe Moon Goote =4 Shook
Freceived fmm the Now Fnelsal blanufsetarens, to
heth will , ee fogad any Mr. , ' of to dine, Gents, riles's end
Children's twat", t: et tns and Shot, made oat of the best
matarit!, wordmoulehin and ode,. }sten strLes.
L onlnx• o mut ronatry dealers dad those who what to
get Good =min made wrrn, he siennfaernme and hen.
conerentir on hand a nemplero inert of Melee eawed
Boots and Brozman, Refs and Youth's Brogans, Ladles
Boots and Brielclne.l.ll Maws /kota, which ho variants.
In redmenee to the wiess he need ear =ad= man,
(Omaha: he is gal= to sell se cheap., mix other like en
teblishmentla the ed.!.
'than M'ol for me liberal intronage hirreMihre reorlerd be
snlk-I,e farther farms, sad from his Into
bneinte,e he f.a.le , r 4.1..." that he le able to edre mineral
.I.4XLS , ItGl3B, -
awl 111 Mart:eta- between•Markethonso t 7,Rlswt.
$705.257 28
/II AN - %
FiISUBSCRIBER va.,3lCt rfttpectrally br
it krs . r. hiciada awl the lath...La - ost ha hr.a
thl intareat of Us late htrthn, and It atm bola IVerl.
E - ,ar oath's creal _ _
Chair . lianufactuaing Establistaion
fh t,
artort2illl •Ct=Plete tte kind ra•
With w oloci onlo MIL LlON.foot of choke Laz•
t.o, wan aaoaaaoi. Lod stzowo faro. of rota eschew
ta, ha will commouos °oration, La a raw days, ahan to
wCI oe roaaa to attend to tt hod= or his numerous
Iritaqa ant ava:rr..ri4
•A ce r ana y OF
A'lll be tats and and n:4 at !o ram,
rt.:ll ,, alar.attacam, rill be Oren to the manta:4=l.S
of Ifarn Hawn FratatUe for Stcamborto wad ilotelay
whim aria be told as accolmoodaticg terms, arul at pti,ca..
that ftu /ler co.:petition.
Hale at chi% etta meat. so mu C a. tor darabll•
Iq a,124.1 Of . 466116. VW tha
pram vitro= '63411 to *ld Ltfr set.
ilartiOßOLL W/SUrand. TUENHIII'of tll bait dly»
to f,r4tc..
Dams with gleam Power to gent.
la sarVecoom Cumlab. LialrOloth:Nadlinz CI3bIZ3I
t.... finding gen.r/11., ohm's on hand. sod alit be
c1:1 Wetrlgla tmsl *drawl cm Ifastari: .knt prices
rm. 31 Ptah
Meyer &Stout,
Sculptors, Stucco Worketu & Wood Carron,
No. 22.2 Penn et., near Irwin,
fEiIOURES el all kinds; also Ornaments in
Pi..-o•er et Pan,. Wood .al Marble, oto. far demaror,.•
oz baltlinz , a' th battle sad out:
M.:Ringo °l.:Tory glescriptionand rt7le farashod at the
abater: make.
aKO pl •
rr (0741'04 011 E, ty,Edinta ram°
orrery cad .11arket Ntrfttn.)
All promptly attendee to.
crw-nteal in incmior style.
No. 58 S. Clajr Street:, Pittsburgh Pa.-
SUB6OIiISER, addition to his
7 1 IV hel•gftis Wsrts No. 439 Lltt.rty ett.let, hissing!.
• WM' the contr. of oar city. nhere wltt
be nurd Sissinntents, Grass Etanst. Isw*ry Tnsisl7
of o.snotery Work. cm!, sr.ln s •by the brat workman
known 1n the halt. (nslS:ntf] JOBS
pRs. KING REITER have assoclatod
themrel Ring'she practice efliedteins ten gummy:
1 Clcs in 1114 meidaara., 11211110. atree,t, op.
remit,' the CachetLlLL
Dr. attexil at the dail
r, y,
lit and
themay be
ensulted bi.srealdence, in Elm Liberc man.
ns,..t and enatnca. ri.Z;tl
. .
ram ,
• • F7X. B. ROTATES & BRO.
partK and Beef Packers, - and dealers in
PTCNIII.I., termer of ZS erzet and rron!. •etreets,
Plitabneut, des
-7 4!. WOODWELL , Wholesale and Retail
; . !Ige.. s opnknnztr nnl In Wane!. Wass, No. A 3
. . .
t i krILLIAll ATl,,,h uud oas sit.
V V tor. No.lo Fourthstre.t. usu. Lthfrt7 , and d 72
Peon street , next door to Ald. 7 artineat'solllos. Loa Vet 2
eland:, opposite dchwzrres Penn Store, A fled/war.
Ht. 6 4 - .Lser7 de• r.ptiort of .rittpuits R. , r Watl a r i gzond
OCIOR O'I3I3IEN een be consulted. at Dr.
bAc3MlSM7B:lTErdllign.' itf1'31.16314
and 1 M
Air - S 2 3ldenno nu the nrowna•llle Rosa. j 41.1y4.
ntiat,pauisia Erma,
rxti4 ill'. dlt. tn oors wet of Ettrit. tr. Odlos boars
au Irrt trio"- -.•.<1 .•111
Blakely Oe Riche",
EsrATz BROKEIO., comer or
ILPereittll and U - dtllllel.l Wren,. Pittsbnrili Ps.
Ltourns, Lots. Mills. Putman,. 4:45.. hvoßtt and nt)
on rasurdsdiun. Land IVartz.nts. 13114, B.tents sod notts
nezotistst. I..tnpoial attention siren stdditLltng
farmland ddenttiair elf them Tern. rotsonskla.
not .41110,1
- .
_Cor , artnerthip.
undersightd . Lave this d zyy r:ssociateA
a_ • with th.m Ic rho mat ufactoriaft altonis.
ac t Sn r Wiblem J. LlCri.rOtt• [sits ~r.axiaro,
I)a4t.Atag pnratentp to Issrzu August Irt:IFICi.
the ram o eTstlro l of 'tr cooU000j,.?
Premium "Vinegar. • •
IT;NEGAR made ar.presaly • for family age
• V 7 andnole eoldin Mere than one half of the
. .1T.,,;: . 1 .l & cable Al: _ ,
.........-'''....- - legheny i attune Virliles can be ..
I: V ri"4 ...„ ..Z. and
tray a " beetlarern b la u rOr . ' 41.7
prvrt-.„,.....-- , . i fears - - •
• lain. Vlegar suds folio ' ":
_._ - ,
..... . ehlo arsine. equal to thalami' '4"":•;,.• .:;;
ViVier Vint:galas' 1 " -,-, 4 - ;
i t,
.sgtuaga i v : iiiii , n,....i., , :' , ' ) ! • •
ta..u.muon a =lvey faxatlee, hotel Beepers and the
country merchant, lu ya. - ticular. Is diescaed to this Vine
gar. . . : ,
Mtn *boat Vice/gra . erserse:e..4 " 1, . 1, !t r.....
fltittd and t
el w"reson.N" the liar PreMlUtt o I
a Oliver Metal end I)lpassa ',. btu Rt.'. U r k ,l,llll fsl
Exhibitioner ltall. .
• . :; • v snadi Staid!! Sand!!! •
wirOZ 7 b a irbnig:l4-"= ° 49°`
orpnim.: - • • ° a '
• ..rb.••=p4. of toad Fent. tome jfildol. ipoct • pknerut
~..0.815 .1s V 0.73 rtyrst. 'Thosolzto.lnlog orOoo
rogllXTlWAl 4 4fign*VZl.V.&l7' and
• - (Sigor.l) - -• • JA$.O. BOOTH.
. ~- • .
Makorsettro ot Mot Mab wtottlaz to; fOOOIT
ves with thOtto..l. NM.: cot! upon the tuoorolher who
ptoporad rnAk4 Lt molar oruppilWortllla
dellosb:o tt-1 ••, ALEXANDER. KING'
(FIROCERIEfS-- , Corner ad street end Chet ,
rr olloT.—Tho t:tbs./1w otreti to ht., h~l<o4s tmff
the Voollo Corarolly, an tworttoont, of 01l *Melo, 10 MI
! L" ' TIOTA2P GAre
bUGG t e f ..
- • •
- , 3PICZ.R. • '
12C • raa Pmaltt ;Lout..
—Thltftwboat emu to ZS /0 mks. Coln IoW. Ilk., Pe.,
tAtz et.. 04..11 abAre azildes found In - a Itchotly y
ra . . w*Cmd