The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 08, 1856, Image 2

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    prri';'7*.UßGlE.l GA.,ZErI'E
D. L. RATON"-, '.
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Ethitl/0 sarria"ou PiliC.or TOZa rano.
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KANSA/ . Am Boanenr.e.—Soma eottlers In
.E.ansas, disappointed in receiving aid from same
of the societies to ithioh they looked, have leaned
en •• &judged and ill•timed aomplaint against
those societies; and allege . that they do not fatth
appli the money contritmtedlo them. Our
neighber2o, the 'Journal, In view of the charge
"'time preheated, suggests that "it in time that
}hest oemailtioeselmuld ftiraish the publie with
• ifelbacionnt of their stewardship." •
We are incllttel to. think differently. The
••••' i • men ; to whonothat money was entreated are hon.
-•„;_eieblixiattn, and Torymnah must necessarily be
'fen 4" , thelf - :;dlearetiort,•• They. have:been emu•
pellet in Contend nittuist a great many untoward
- cirmimetances, and to conduct the management
' of`#tieiu altaira in each n way as to keep the en
ere/ ln ignorance of their ants and methods. To
reveal alt-thie,,now, Midway in the etraggle,
Would be eitdralent to giving up tho struggler
altogether. Wo have no doubt the money hoe
all been faithfully amtbonorably expended, and
• 'the , great reteihrpwittl,':: that there was lIJT,
, .
' enough of It. Many of' the large promised Bab
wars, never realized, having been
made 'conditionally; and the'.alatrlbuting com
:.--:;,tiiittees hare not bed ono•balf the money In their
hinds that come people think they had. Ea
' peolally have they not had enough to moot the
wants of all, or half, the sufferers; and If those
who fail, to- receive aid, complain, it by no
• means follows that the fettle is in those who
`have been the almoners of tioficicat charity.
The fault lies- at the door of these who via
- hold the needed aid, and not on those who
have assumed thou burden of distributors.
Us. on.- 7 A. Boston correspondent of the
New f'srlt Thaw Bays that Ex-Senator Benton
appears to be damaging his reputation by the
totaling tour on which he Is engaged. it
tbeifirat -opportunity. which the New-England
raffia .hae had to acquaint themselves eaten
. eively witNthi; old gentleman, whose repartees
and abrupt epigrams have entertained them for
to Mint years. Like almost every Southern
politician who has over peregrinated among
them, he wouldhave -done better by hie reputa
tion to have staid away. General Honsmn and
.flanator ToOmbs Buffered the same experience.
The universal criticism on his lecture it, that
MB Puerile. It is certainly somniferous, the
only entertainment afforded lying in tho numer
ous - Wales:lan. expressions of self-aatisfaction
with which It is besprinkled.
• ' The-whole scope of hia ergament name gather
it from the meagre raporte or Ma lecture which
:have fallen under l'our aye is, that it is true a
patty at the South ate disloyal to the Union;
.- that at the Korth we hare no political body ad
-.locating suish.hidecus dectriaessts those of the
. •
Disunionists; but after all it is better far the
- Tintke-of peattrand basu:My to let the latter have
ti!elf ‘ own.Way; let them do as they like and all
bretherly•lnie and kindness. Dses not
Beaten kMew that there never has been auy
sore to the - Unlot than there to that the
Ohio rivet will turn round 311. i flow up Tote New
York?' ,So loog .as the of the Free
Elates "Vie trniou elesitho preservo3,"
. :4-43013 /10t lio with a h4Llful of 9:ave driven,
'rho are In mortal dread, of no'gro risings every
dsy to disrupt it
. „
'THE RO4IA/I Cat san IN THE lINITE/i Stereo.
'article in the Daaitaber number of tho
Marpliolitarsi Arohbishop Hughes has given his
vteWiWpon the general character, management
and influence of the Roman Catholic press in
this - eonatry.
'There are more of each perio4iosta, he nays,
here than there are among the niglish-opeaking
Citholiea of the-whole world besides Tho rt.
Telly created try snob a ,'rapid growth has 1314.
tunny led to difference, dieting themselves
which have prevented the fall benefit to the
01 . 66911 e religion which might have been oxpeete , J.
_The Archbishop cape he remembers when the
only Roam CsUsciro journal in the United /States
vu the ,Shosaroeic. publiebod -iu. New:York,—
. which woe mainly Irish and only incidentally
Catholic. It au annoceded by the Truth Teller.
The Brat Featly Cathallo paper wee the Catho fie
Ctaq4l2l4 of kharleeten, founded by Bishop
Enithandiahloirhos sustained Wolf amidst groat
trials with dignity * ond , erudition. Of the nu.
mesons Catholic journals alit have einoe sprung
tip,each :“Izaiits strong phase of merit aril its
sinister &Spews of possible /okay to the
.wkdoh is profess% to sdrooste."
' The`Arelbirbopithinks that it only rghires a
- ekilful architect td dovetail our constitution and
:laws and tho Catholio faith together, son that
-.the/Axil fit ass key fits a lock—that without any
rating° is faith or morals the- Catilidlo ohttroh
i . amp be, so to speak, Americanized. Where's
7 , the . arohitoot
tied in the published
`, recptl of the-with ratios Donghters of the jut •
Iy celebrated Jobn Jay la the New York Ikea
mf•Friday, the following: •
We give below extracts from the wills of 211183
AIM Jay surd 31ra Marla. Denyer. Their be
quests for charitable-41nd . religious pi:unease,
iutiOnsiting the aggregate to $34,200, aro
nearly-lei the extent of their forttutee. Uftes
Jay diedMie.".l3anyer on Nov. 21,
-- Thetilt of Hiss - lay was proved today, but the .
- proving of Atte,' Banyei'e,- . t,6 actolostro, of, the
shoelace of a witness, .1e deferred fors day ar
• . pro:
. The previsions sKis as , follows :
- - :tine OftgligAßLlS
• To.StrY two poor widows Whom her sister
- and brother may aelect,instead of nand
ImlotaleSpenses $2OO
To the American Bible Soefety 3,000
'And Midi wag the nature of ell her bequeets.
,_" elapse., epirlt-prevalls in those of Mrs.
Banyir. For example:
dealt.° that my tonere. may be simple,. that
ito aearfe be ' to lien - tbereof is given for
thi Sunday , &loot of St. ntatthese'e Church,
Bedford; Westchester. County, $lOO, and to the
Sunday Scheel of (IMO Churob, Bye, $lOO.
• - , Total
. „Lavoie weatliolinbisloop in New Jersey, If we
vemeniber aright, whit recently . Wand. an order
'Viet exeeptntider cot tain epecitincireamstanees,
no wore than 'six carriages shoohl ahead a
• tenerid of mewibers of thechurch over which he
' , held charge. Without'defendiug the method by
:Which !Ms end Wasattainvi, wo do commend rho
end Tio,lie peer, to_thole who have to
labirtoi airaiy thing they got with their betide,
the enetonOililOb. has ittairosealmoit the foroo
of a laW, of hiring a tong :rounds of carriages io
very burdensome: We profotnolly respect that
. sentiment in 'livery ZI22A which promptu the
showing,of all due regard to the metre of' - the
:deir_ departed,. hat does love demand a greattr
expenditure to tkia end than is coueistoot -with
Viol:tendert:of-the living? We think not and
we rejoice that`such a course stu taken by the
e.leallent and benevolent Mite Jay, ns shall pro.
:W8 4 4200 0a two poor widows Wetted or wisest
. fintral expencee."'" What need says , the other
that scarfs be wern:alley fat:terra t. "Let We
expehte be spaied and gam to two Booby
Schools named in my will." ,
IT is aild tilt Eatland &foie Lima ee tvir,n.
nUy come $500,000-foi steel pew. Tills' is
E trangu wbes we temembor that one o r =le
taught 411_1 - 441,
ztiittiltros bow to nnioO4or own peok - -
. Pan Crnsrms Scams Casz.—We republished
a birder Eliseo Emma tioutbgrnpapees etate
iamst thatiite sugar crop of the South ilk year
Waco tell Iseks*. 100,000 hogellesde. . We also
, Xletbseethe feet elated in a Southern Illinois
impor that complete success bad attended the
Plaited oultuie, hj way of experiment; of the
ChineSe Sugar Cane„ s and that, in a latitude dif
fering but little from that of Pittsburgh. The
Banff upon sugar is so great—Fe being forced to
pay for the sate of a harldfalirit raked in the
South a honey duty upon all Which comes from
abroad that tho cultivation of the cane, If any
can be 'found adapted to it in our latitude, should
attract our careful attention.
This Chinese Sager Cane is as yet compara
tively a- stranger among tie. The first seeds
which we remombei to have mug of were dis
tributed to the Wabash 1(111ineyi) Agriculturist
Selecty In 1855. The agent of the Patent Of
fice, Hr. Browne, says in his report upan tho
plant, "he was led to Infer -that from the pecu
liarities of the climate where it grows in the
East and its resemblance in appearance and hab
its to Indlan.Corn, it would flonelah in any re.
glen wherever the maize-plant would thriva."—
Subsequent erperiment, 69 we have already in
timated, _ folly eistained the theory of Mr.
Browne. The epode, Whosithietory we observed,
were planted about the ralddlo of May. upon a
farm at M'Cloary's Blade, and came up
In good order. They yielded a very long and
heavy stalk, exceedingly rloh Is juice to the
taste &Cost as sweet in its natural atato as
mama's: It yielded about 15 per cent of goad
clarified sugar.
Mr. Crown in his report says that "'in France
the great object sought in the cultivation of this
plant lithe juice , contained in the atalk, which
tarnishes three important producte vie: eager,
which is Identical with- that of the eager cane,
aloohol and a formeeod drink , analogous to
eider. The juice when obtained with care is
nearly eolorlees and orate/as merely sugar and
water prodieing from 10 to 18 per cent. of the
former." Doubtless the etilt larger proportion
of pare sugaiebtained by the experimeit In
Roofs is owing to a richer and o more COIICC. ,
Dial temperature, for a good portion of the year.
Since writinithe.abore our eye fell upon a
communication in a late number of The Tribune,
in reference to thia,matter. It is from a farmer
in Mt. Vernon, N. F., and Is fall of interesting
information. We make an extract or two front
this !otter :
• From the recent occasional notices In
your paper of the above new crop, we are In
duced to send you a brief coconut of our expert•
meat with it during the season Jest elated.
Our attention vine attracted to It both by an
interesting pamphlet by the renowned M, Vll
morin of France, in which be gives the remits
of protracted and earcfal trials at Paris, and
the analysis and favorable letter of M. Areal&
of Now Orleans, which appeared in The New
Orleans Dire.
We proonred enough seed toplant a little more
than a half acre. The soil was almost without
exception a disallow, gravelly loam, resting on a
pare gravel sub•satl, and offered great resletance
to the introduction of the plow. By this you
will understand that subsoiling was almost oat
of the question, and agree with no that oar
marked sunless ie to bo principally attributed to
the free nee of special fertilizers.
The lot was plowed on the 18th, and the seed
planted on the 19th of May—ln rows at 8 feet
apart, and in hills at 2} foss apart in the rowe.
Ten seeds were pat In each hilt, which were to
be thinned out .to six_ The tonere need was
three parts charcoal dart and one of a super
phosphate of time, made cn the place. The young
sprouts made their appearance in about the same
time en does broom earn—perhaps a little longer
—and appeared at flirt very email and weak.—
Intact, ee email were they, and en long did they
struggle on to get the height of one foot, that we
feared to be entirely disappointed In our experi
ment. Bat the commencement of the two
menthe' "heated term" of-lant rummer seemed
to mark their reinvigoration, and from that time
they got ouch a etart that they wereetiabled to
atllin the greatest luxuriance of grarth.
The following will giro azeful information
specting the yield of this cane:
During the early stages of growth ea very
great difference is perceptible between its jolts
and that ;of the sweet corn; but the season
'advances a somewhat:rapid chinge occurs sad
the peculiar sweetness of the Louisiana cane be
gins to be sensibly apparent on mating the esp.
We testwall assured that the process rococo
',leaded by rrefeaser Mapes, viz to pinch . off the
tuft before the seed-vessels are formal, would
material, increase the proportion of saceharine
matters in the juice. We found that by hailing
42 or. of the sap, we could obtain lu oz of syrup
as pleasant and about as thick as ordinary maple
molasses. It bsa a light straw color. The sap
shows a density et 9° Biome. In boiling, green
froth or scum rises to the top, and ehould be I
ekimmed off. The juice is eemewhat more cur.
bid thou cone jaica, bet may be clarified by
milk of lime as readily us oan the latter. hl.
Arcuate says the sap of the Sorghate,or catte,con
tains somewhat more of the milts of potash, said
phosphate of lime and plicephate of magnesia
than the Sonthcro sugarcane.
A titre (2 1•0 pints) he found to contain 7.60
grammes salts of potash, acetate, mariate and
sulphate; 2 18 grammes acid phosphate of limo
and phosphate of magueida; 0.12 grammes hy
drated silica, mixed with oxides of Iron and
maegtooter; all of which are M isolation, along
with oceanic matters, each as albumen, vegetable
fibrin, ehlorop byl, &.o. At 1.4° Rhyme a gallon
of the asp weighs 8 Dm., 14 or., 2 drachms, 14
grains, and contains 652 grammes of sugar, salt,
and organic matters, or 1 lb., 7 oz., 4 grains,
English weight. It piece per 1,000 parte ho
Salta end orgsolo matters
Total 1,000
M. Avegnin farther says that to make 1,000
pounds of unrefined •euger, cleeusod and well
dropped, with the sorghum tap at a density of
1,064, requires 1,250 to .1,800 gallons. The
eager 13 identical with that from the cane. Ono
thousano pounds of eager gives no lees than
fifty-five gallons of molasses, in some instances
even more. On his calonlatlone, and taking his
experiments as the eabstantial basis, we must
believe that from 900 to 1,100 pounds of raw
Lugar, clarified and salable, can be realized per
acre in rather warm latitudes; to which must be
added the molasses. The brogan, or crushed
canes, afford an excellent forage, and are greatly
relished by oar stock.
These are vastly Important facts to Which re
Invite the peculiar attention of farmers.'
This crop has been tried In Dearer county in
our own State, es welled by a letter to the Depart
ment from Mr. Minis. Although in his report
he does not speak of baying expressed the juice
from- !ha cane or of having actually produced
sow therefrom, yet his statement substantiates
the fact that the crop grew luxuriantly on our
soil, "requiring," to me his own words, "neither '
extra culture in labor or manure."
The above, It would seem, it evidence strong.
oneughto warrant a more extended trial of the
merits of this crop, and if ii Fill in any way
ns of the burdens imposed by government
on the Imported artiolo, or anpply the piece of
the common eagar.cana which will grow only In
the warmer latitadoi, It ought to become a very
Important end valuable acquisitiOn to the agrir
cultural products of the Mildlai ; t4tatee. Even
the more northern litotes may rodeo it, for
ono farmer who had tried the crop believes that
it will ripen in north latitude 42', the northern
lino of lllieols
ACIORISSION.—The way in which the spirit of
age aggresses upon the quiet works of the put
and displaces the monuments of the Bober age
of our fathers io round la it letter which we ob.
served in a :religious paper of New York City
wherein 1t is anted that Columbia College will
soon disappear as one of the great Institutions
of the , great metropolitan city. Already one
hilt of those beautiful grounds, have been dog
up, tho patriarchal trees destroyed, and atone,
and, marble, and iron buildings ocOupy what was
once the neatest and most classicist ground in
New York. The old college building is now
wholly snrrouided by elegant warehouses for
burinhas, and very soca the . , institution itself
willVemoveto temporary Muommodatioeu in the
tipper pert of , the city, until their new college
buildings are completed.
Tbo writer of -tbe letter, notteltbstandiag that
all these •pleimat tiring° aro iald waste, !Me=
to bo rsolguad to It, for be tolde :—. , Tbe °images
la that looollty are ameriaz, bat (boy all holiest°
tbo root growth and glvtatia baoineisoLthla
tactropolltsa city." .
Mennz.—.3 - , - XL Sittratriok,,Esq, will lee.
tare tomorrow night, boforo, the "Sommer
(Tory Society" of lillogbony. City.
g er.oe....onotepend nn evening m ore , v elum *
ar pr4flt4l,ythen by Atteadfcg. 4foreferittey
,would Iron to eneooregebY tbalipiiiennethe
yinii 036 - 160 ililVo Adopted tbi ! - - 000tbo4 or
taoptOtidg theitniinde.
Flow Itaesos.—The het datos from Kamm
report that .tho; land riles hod beim partial
ly edjoumml, which is thus tweet:toted fir by
tho info:Mint of Mo. Democrat..
"The land sales were adjourned on Wanes.
day morning to Friday, in consequence. of W
slight difficulty cecurring. It ecems some man
bid OF a claim no a Squatter at valuation price,
when it tented out Actear rs citiza of daesoetri.—
The Commiesloner requires a men who claims
the right of a squatter to be an actual occupant
of the land."
From this it would appear that the liliseen
rims are no longer ruling the 'poet, as in times
past. Free State men and capital are telling
mightily in the ' scale whereon is to be decided
the destiny of KanßEl9.
The St. lamb Republican has the following
startling paragraph:
Sr. hum, No►.26tb,lBs6.—Anexnreee has
just arrived front Lecompten with the startling
haformation, that ejter Court had adjourned,
and the military had left, a large party of Abol
itionists came into town, broke open the prison
and liberated all the free State °clavicle. Ile
does not know the fate of Colonel Titus, or any
of his friends. The crowd was eo great, and the
excitement so Intense, that he had no time our
opportunity to got particulars. Information hoe
also been sent to the Fort, from which point, no
doubt, the details will ho diAparobed yen.
Too Pia Can CONCIEIIT.—The Concerto of Mod•
amo Parodi will bo given on Monday and Fri.
Bay evenings of this week nt Lafayette Hall.
Beate can bo secured today. Latnyetto Hall, se
newly arrongod„in att excellent nee for Concert.e.
It aeOrtle the audience kit opportunity to gee
the performers, and the performers can Lo,
heard to moat excellent adiontago. Of the mer
it of the - Parodi troupe, and their onexstopled
mimes, it le not neeesenry for ua now to epeolt.
Da KAM—Letters received from London,
by tho last steamer, bring- diem:waging
aonata of the health of Dr. Rase. Ho le very
pale, mull redacted in flesh, - and has night
sweats. Hit cough it alarming. His physi
cian had enjoined him to leave for a warmer
climate en soon as possible, and he was aeeord•
iogly to sail, on the lith November, for St.
Thomas and Havana.
Ir the National Finances were a cure or fair
index to the condition of the country, we might
infer that ear commercial and financial affairs,
as It people—not as a gdiernment—arc all ttrit
they should be. But "all is not geld that gilt.
tore;" nor Lea fall and overfiowiug treasury It
cure index to prosperity. Every dollar received
in the shape of Custom House duties beyond fifty
millions o? dollars annually, is, under present
circumstances, an injUry to tho country at large;
because it involves necessarily an acorns:slating
foreign indebtedness by our merchants and their
customers. The annual report of the Treasury
Department for the past year, whioh will be
found In our columns in full, shows great and
increseing activity in the commercial relations of' '
the coantry—that the great interests of com
merce are yearly and daily becoming more and
more essential to the permanent !prosperity of
our people; and that wise legislation is neoessary
to order to protect our manufacturing resources
—the domestic industry of the country—from
the powerful competition we hare to contend
with abroad. For the fiscal year ending Juno
30, 1856, the Secretary reports the revenue of '
the United States as follows
From Customs.. ......
" Publics Lands.— .....
" hihmeltaneous sources
ix $73,918,141
The a:pm:liter/a agaisst this large revenue
Civil and Missy Hansom.- $25,274,331_
Interior—Pensions and Indians 3,872,1E03
War 16,918,196
Navy........ 14,077,048
And I , dernpti , n end interett or pub•
tip debt....', 12,776,391
Thus there is a clear revenue beyond the ex
panses proper of the Government, of over thir
teen millions of dollars.
A.l to till) foluto coadition of the i rrtaeury the
tstimalei - tiro as follows:
s rear rainy :rear ending
June 30,15.7. June 30; 1868.
$64,000,000 56G,000,000
Land , 7,000,000 0,000,000
blitectaneono ........ • 500,000 055,000
Cub on 15,023,000 22,345,000
Total Imo yearn... $37,12Z.000 S-TP,aO ,000
Expezze5...—......- 09,451,000 71,a05,000
17,67;000 23,1M,000
So that without tiny material change in the
Tariff, the surplus, two yearn hence, will hare
exhausted the notional debt, it the bondholders
ace fit to present it for redemption befoto
We think, believer, that the Secretary under
rates the revenue both from ountonos and from
public lands. The latter will reach (as last year)
about nitro 'millions of dollars. The onlignition
to the West—to lowa, Kansan, Mionessets, and
Viirconsin—has began, it is true, bat only begun.
Those desirable regions are fitting rapidly with
a laboring people, and will soon contribute to
the national strength. lowa has already a pop-
ulation of 6Eo,ooo—quite an large as that of
Maryland, Maine, or South Carolina—and the
increase in the Northwest will require; in the
next two years, ionic twenty millions of acres of
public lands.
Thera is for the pin year sur. apparent
surplus or fsport4 beyond our imports, viz :
This apparent surplus is more than counter.
balanced by real ed/er.a beyond custom house (or
Invoice) valuer. Mr. Guthrie steely recommends
a modification of the Tariff so that three raw
materials which enter into our manufactured ar
ticles, may be admitted free. This has been
urged strongly before, nod should be.reepanded
to favorably by Gongrees. He estimates the apt
ricultural production of the country at 2,602
millions of dollen, which *Hi .bear out Mr.
Speaker Banks in the perdition assumed by him
The estimated amount of gold and silver in
the country is stated by Mr. Guthrie at 260 mil•
lions, and by tho Director of the Mintier 200
millions only, although the coinage of the G.'S.
has amounted $560,000,000. ,The eubjeeta die
mead by the Bearetary aro of such rant ill,
porta= to oar people, and to our merchants
pamioularly, that the report . will be rend with
great aridity.
In order to show the progrees In our revenue
system for earn° yeers, we mune the receipts
from =Moine, end valid tends (friotions omit
Year.; Custom,. Loads. Tidal.
1810 $8,688,000 $699,000 $9,299,000
1815 7,282 000 1,287,000 16,411,000
1820 15,006,000 1,632,000 15,779,000
1825 20,098,000 1,216,000 21,812,000
1830 21,928,000 2,329,000 21,280,000
1886.. . . ... . 19,891,000 4,767,000 34,163,000
1840,,.......13,500,000 3,494,000 16,993.000
1845 27,628,000 2,241,000 29,769,000
1846, 26,712,000 2,780,000 29,499,000
1847 23,747,000 " 2,598,000 26,846,000
1848 31,757,000 3,679,000 85,436,030
1849 28,840,000 2,727,000 81,074,000
1850 -89,668,000 3,707,000 43 , 57 4, 0 0 0
1851 49,017,000 8,295,000 52,812,000
1862 47,889,000.. 2,889,000 49,728 000
1953 58,981,000 2,405,000 61,587,000
53,024,000 31,497,000 135,008,000
1866 .... . 64,022,000 8,917,000 73,918,000
1857 *14,000,000 *7,000,000 *87,123,000
1858 .. . .
*66,000,000 ,1 6,000,000 *05 , 10 0.0 00
4 EstimateE Cour. 4' Eng.
Liver COmplabt —Tbiz ;dangerous and
ortfoi fatal dinars had long heated Um Aka' of the ree.t
emir:out physician. when the do:ovary Ofpr. JrZeilifo
Lltio 'Ms relred the difieulty, and suanted to the
world the Great Extfic. which has atoll:m.1 ouch wide
rimed oJebelty for lac certain : cure. Inds eurcessful
xemaily was the result ofreanyve‘re Raldr, inuldeh the
. lit:atoms were r.scrowly obrerred, euilors thin, dit.exie
bed by the Doctor
",4arlientt via Di:ea:cif Licie—lislo 10 the rlibt
cad sometimes to the left, under the edge or the ribe—tbe
patient rose rarely able to Its on the left alin sower
thee, 'maw the shoulder blade, frequently extending
in the top of the shoulder—ellen rastaten fey „rheum:
Cam In The arm r eilintli of atemseb, end !en of are,
tits; bowel, woolly astir. but sometimes ellen:tits With
to ;"dtU4 Mary sensation la the back wart 01 the Lead.
loos of mamba, with nuesslneli of haling wolleaed
elinething ; sometimes dry cough; weariness and debt!,
ItY aenous Irrliabilltd; fart cold or,bnrule w, and
calekly enduation ofeklu , low lialls ' , Rand!. watt dls
iodination' to *Ryder, either:4th eatieded It .wunl4 bo
beneficial.. 1n fact, patient dLotrusto eserfremedyd
Itsrelort IsOT, Or all three.oluitoras t. If ieo, yen
dad 'ft tense needy in Ito Diamee'e 1111. Idolised by
flaming; BM, of Pittsburgh. ... • .
131106 bleintesatou. Theism, • • rille DlMporelbg
OW Um fill., bow before the Datil e. Dr. , gO'Lactodo
donolooldte-r1 . 11151. elan Vinatroto. con
now bo bad st, resoodgblo drug on* , •10h. Mt
lolbout U, rsgrzeturg 'of ,1 , L2111 4 ITEUTREIth.,
• Why will you ESoffor?—itoni
rry or'Dr. H. P. I.co7itcP;
De•rtllr:=l.loollsrui l e fleetnen, Eitt, tore Jove won-
M• , 'X7
the care troop beet prertitloners•.witlnt 'roll and the
rate_ reporled siotttlle yortne nuuo. alLturbin
=trolly able to • get nbont, eoromecee: the picpe,
found No much relief Pont the brit bottle. Pe =dinned
to take, until . • complete ooze was el f octeth " Ha le tooW
perfsotly 11210 littelltt ,r • „ .•
• &ad, mbeienle itt4 Wag, - at Dr. GEM 11. SMUT
Du s iWgi x ta . cf.tto.9olden=i2
Bl'O 0 R & CO..
-1A • T T E •R S
13 Wood Street,
Itar, ellrapion -bawl s 101 l wadr4:34ste dof
• • lIATF,C&23. AVD
• Wholesale. and Retail.
:D i .l..zraltenrsPal,, to'blob t
lty Invite
tuat •
4.47,;;;; DR. ,T NALHERN
'Extracts Teeth Without Pain,
Br • Local BenUnadon Attest to the Gums otdr.
Xirlneerts Teeth on Gold, tilrer, Plating and Gutta
Perch; and perforina all Dental Op.rAtiotil to a selentlfle
grOarde end Clocalare at hie Men.
64 ,MITE FIELD STBEEL.177118131112(11.1.
• ti/iMiIEL GRAY.
No. 52 ST. quail STRIET,
IS now receiving a fine stook or Fall and
Winton goods convicting ti Clothe. over =tiny, me
iIIDGIIII, tectingeolc,:trhiell he Ix prepared to make to
order= short notch Co the latest and most rachionaue
Gel:diem. in week trFartilonahle can:mete for rail
or Wlnter nitl Dud It to their &drain/iv , to sire
Dimee2ll re
(uvocatsau ra nanneulstrt a c 0..) Steel, German, Saw, Blister, Plough
• AND.
Afatteeke, Wedge:3, Harrow Teeth, ,4e.
I A - Aitzueon, he. 117 WAVER STIIRRT.
R►tle►ln Wool see Ntalthil•azi,
Jatnianr 1 leb&l►2a.
14te.ron Front w 3,1 Colombia,
Consignments solicited and ordete filled
neon the best tenni.
A6roo<da to cur curs forwarded rd . craptlr.
Runt to—nAnArxy coßanavrem..
, nicYaLit utirmuy a CO., Plttlburgb.
de3;dlrofca FORSY - Efi CO.
(9neompor, to .7calma Main &1b..)
Foreign Fruits,
Confectionary, Sugars, Fire Works, &e.,
No. 89 W.X.D 8 nix rr,
ovag i , k s . t ,g gl. note. rrrranurtau. PA.
.n-Galt ng, Iron Vaults, Vault Non, Window
Shunts', Window Onards,
Roe. 91 Second et., & 86 Third et.,
(between Wood and Market,)
tiny° on hand a variety of new pattern,
fancy and Plnin. imitable for all rurrxrc Pare:War at
tontinn rata to roolorng Gran Lnai Jobb= done at
dint c.a.. • rota.
. 977,634
Garner .110S3 and rind Streets.
n. toOan~l l
D. co.
,112112//CITRUM GI
Steel Cultivator Teeth,
i oTiklyirs Pirrsnumras. PA.
(Dr. Li Lth's Sur Deilditlia
P4:41 rirrsiluamt.
_ f:EZmosita t§cßorr,
. ' tzrsraft74•l4lll.2o.D . tim.osrm Aust.
r.e4fAtf • • • PirmscrAer.
Or F.: CPR Gr.l3 .WEYMAN
nanafutara and Loiter la all kinds of
Tobacco * Snuff and Cigars,
Leaf Tobacco;
Vorner Saltl6:ld Stroet
P and Diamond Alley
yra • ITT-4111771, TA.
Safe Establishment
Ho. 129 and 131 Third Street,
Worm they ate inemoretl to rule all kind. or
Eta r0x3r.417,71%.1..h.
rx-oca MIMS
tsP•ocznata ra IL L. LWLiTLLIns)
Agricultural 177arehouae,
No, 129 Wood Street,
ap2l-I , ,Aver PITTSBURGH.
3rAnt Sc xnirrrga.
I Se.ond und 151 Pront Streeta,
tfch and Coiatln6nral Exchange,
.910111 BILLY DRAWN B?
auarvi, silEnaAN a CU.,
Theti.Draila are available at all the grin
titsl Torai entl an* LM
IN. al, draw MICIIIT BILLS on
Grunebarim' it. Bailin,
VI ILS ass a artattarta to all sans or uormas
tet:mmland and Macau. , e -
Pamns Sae:dins lotrovalataamllsAy Trocaratbrosab
Dd lAtteza c 4 ass4l3. whILIS IJoney can Da obtalsad. as
nsedna. is as, Sart sitSrosi•
Ooll,elloolt ar1l:116.1(0UL • lad atlas, secaritida 11. cu.
:qrs. vigil ILKiss , . ooc&pt attaaLlaiL _
Wand. *weer Tlard SIM&
ir. ffeo."W: Phlllipe -
(3( tJGH , SYRUP ,
Y(IA ifE COAn O/, ' ,
.1.1.441, ouch Csoup, Uoaranums. Dlesdles lons/
astbyl., Itmaebttls. latusass,. Oprokong
I•Lroat. Outsomption. ands"' d4eatei of tn. ..
• . Throat trld - Chggi
• • Dr. Geo.
toy. TUE unwEr AND CODE OD
eutheittett. Nestralgis..' Lumina., edium. pwaritk
' tens' the flde, ebett..ll.stk and Pace. .
trstlsd,And ritafulls*, Weak Dark
- e
. Sirs Miami, lision.
The thatisneivlio hays mail thaw liedicizes. WADY
to timer imitittot milts by • oinithinanos of Mei tis.
IZO' thole who. Mine not lee then we would nay !FLY
Tillet and they mei Eta Oita to". be all they are .eyin•
eantad. andlbst illy will sin with iboiriohis erect.
Din tie° , W..eIIiLLIPe Ohln -. . liol•Proinistor,
• •
for tat, whoistily anapotill by
i enfiro, SlltyrAN ,
.4 City.
Age and diebility—An, old age comes
eiverlag on it It brings teeny attendant lafiretltiltt
Loa of apnoeae and weakness Impair the health. and
Mentor utility taatea the mind dietontonte4 and una
ham. In wee when all age add,* Its Whim" ft - .ls
almost lottroislble In add •Igor and Math. and although,
1111117 run edlu _bits been 'tried. 'all hate. Wed, anti
Daum env hoLLAND/lITITERII . were ham% and
need.' in cyst, can where 'they hate twin employed
hey beteturarlabl/ ghee strength and reatttel the all
Tb.Tiatobe{dmae groat agent for Ude alone,
indite newt by suer people who ate enfterlng Item to,,
of I:l*We and general deblllty la came of keg atend.
Lag amide Owens, Orr ant as a charm Invigorating
the entre, thus giving netare • another. °Pp:ninon,. to
sipelt hthreleal Injetile,
• -- .
/54 - 3511 et SI Ter I.ste, or sit tve leo for 35. by Mr
proprbante.lll(llJAlllN PAOO, Jx.. ALV, -blonnfactur
In Yturm•teatiota and Oherristr, Vittabargb, and
Ihmszlittg genArthlly. • • lisler•dtvrt.
. -)?Jeoticat4litizene" Iniitrunce Company.
riottloti td Oaten Dtreetori . ct ebb tlompeor to
"late los ilia minas, seat. hai held at the otilte of the
Compel*, tt,o, It Waist shoot,' on MONDAY. the Itch
470 .I)..vetahiro.l.Otwoett tb• how, of 10 4. ti. atoll: I'.
ottlitd - - dAllIall; L. SlAllllll7.LLateetr.
tb, 0. IL. 44
SCUtpCOP,', 3101110; NIN3OO '-Worker end
Woklam No.' 05 IlLted strut, tronramt" Wood sad
taakat'streets, torricautatOzaa naiad
Ala antes:urn of forjrog,Cestra lime; tot mica AA
bleb'. tiowßalldlnic,l
Prof Wo
s Ha _ n
War Restorer, • ' • •
Elr.Parauel Jones. a Methodist uorgyroso. zeeldlng In
lgurrarrellle, Westmoreland' counts, eau that OW " hale
had been trettins near for the lug treaty fear,. Axel acts
disposed total! oat. he urea two bathos! rroL Wood's
lhOr Restorei, addeb entirely stepped • the hilltop Outer
the bair all the holt rummed Its orkentd color. and has
kept the color sow for Woe menthe. 1:141. a nommon
Casey but we putlish It hennas It Is near home, so that.
the pubtlo mar be emorlseed that Wood's llsir .11,ntore
what It puporte to be. Bold at ens, two sad three
d litre per bottle, at thollith IL PHYPERA
dker/L N 0.140 Wood el.. trpoluale Ind mall I *Sent •
. -- ...__.
• Deafinii—Theirpna'i:ka
I n of rankle Crawly. *gel 12 Tani. who liras on Mehl
silent, Allegheny City: woo es linty crusher Jeanne. by
gee bottle of Searros'.ol4 14.111 s new as well in erer
ispho carom to get On sossulai Ilearfn Olt; aal4 at Dr.
ILEY2EIDS Wholnals Droop ore. NoAlln Wood.- st . sign
of the " aslant blertar, hies gl nor bottle; It as be
goat by mall to any Dort of the United Stotts; by ogetoel
kne e prk, end IItL ta portage stamp, nonidAwS
Liollotray's Worm Confection or Candy.
Thsr ire tdr•ratt t•tr. • ,
Chthlren cry for thr=r• '
They aro • furs cunt ter trams,
Thsi do not weakest Or olden,
They cost volt Titint - rdre canto.
• Ask for flonottses Warm Orodc; -
At Mt. If.tYANWA Dpnte tors, do 140 Wood - ot.. Mom orlks
Golden tdrattr. • • • • ' • tkOZ:dt-w3
lielmbold's Universally Amirovea Rem:
adi.—Oompaia4.Extra Shad care Dlbaeu orthe
87ialtr.S141wmGrawel.,Drspai. Wiskuuka - 0. 8.4
ew athjoismatot faliar COISI2II, Itetdad "Eldsx.
icaavataideftnenitas? 4 " • ,4eitatwa .
The Only /deal &warded by tho New
Teak Po•NMan to the ray.llele re Ms . era Vag. Itemn
adamers Sae teen obhti:ned. 13110110% name-Atte eampet
lass, by L.SA t rEitana, rir their
whereby fur th er same. y oted.,l of its beint . tre•
CM &nee extant. .
The ceeebrity of thit e extended to e'er/ en.'
to of the dote, end Ste offineeey in promoting the man
health ts tecetaing daily acre obwered and aelceeirbdged.
in the Belted Etat. It tr held to L the moot e^xesable
c.:ndielent, ends esteemed tor Ite Leek end 1.‘10.0 12 .2
teeiertlee,lte Its !teal nee enabling the etoseelt to asset
the feed
On th Continent of Europe, Men trnal.tles have been
L.4.1,1ted to by a cattleman. who write. to LEA t PER-
ItLlB thus "I b 'tee carrkel a bottle of I coo Woresstcrehire
ESCce to a tour I hatejust o=rueted through Brain and
Pnrtngal , and believe I owe tor Present state of health to
Its uses pour &nal In skimaohft•, and I thln* medlelaeL
can with truth ear theew is nothing In a. - traveler'. bee.
gate eo etwestlal,to rue conforl. at least In these eountise.
roar Sauce,
in 1011/hal:0, where ft le bond at the racer of aim'
regiment, a medical gentleman writes Prom Maras to
hie brother In the fume profession et Worcester, In the
frdlowins term& "Tail I ea A Fenton that their same in
high approved In India, end that it Is. in mr °Onion.
themost Palatable ea well ea the mos , . wholasstms slues
This Iftwdo toiditabla for 0T.17 valets of ladb. .4
t • universal demmid which Its excellence has crested has
led to many Imitations being offered to the Public, under
• variety of nausea but till gsunine may be known br the
llama of ••LEA • PIERRINE” being impressed ripen the
Patent metallic capsules, Or natant sta.. stopper of the
bottle. no well se the !abets end weeper.
ago Agents ler the United &siva
.1011:4 DUNCAN k boNel.
405 I/row:Jerky. New York.
From Bishop Spalding.
flaring tried Mr. Solomon' Glr.s.9es, I find
them troth distinct end soothing to the tight, tor rot. in fiet
judging Iroin a short trial, than 110, I hats pit mod. I
retntetntond thou, to the petronene of thaw In nrsd of
Oasts, filgto..l. t Id. J. rrimutrio,
. . t
NotoWoloi—ntri The beootitlutrerecelved from the
Spectacle. obtained Senn you, Inducts me Otani... the
pleasure /hare received from them; they fait my eyes. to
dmiration. I can now me all common diatatces by can.
die light, se well an by dor. with the same eamanwtoin
boy. which I mold not do with any other giants 1 hare
cruel. It affords tbo greetect planate to oven mywilf of
this medium or initilyinie how satisfactory ham lawn MY
own eriairlenca of your rain ap no optician.
Perry, truly. P=Titlt LEFEVER. Bishop.
Detroit, Nov. 3.1. 1802.
JA It.aseeza, Anril MI ;
Polcatons—min Having milled at 'nor office In tne
Arcade. and pnrehateitt tan patent aour patent glare', I
found them tupelo,. to any 1 have eve? need beer , :
tbeithavanalitet more than I (frnia have espeet.d.
hays nave pat than] wild, an : sea pa. without them as
well es I eschl when cloy, 1. Rlolla ROMS.
08n/files 111 LAP/. 4 RlTit DUI I.DING. corner of
and Fourth ntrrte, Pittlburrh —Eotnot, on Wood •t .
Important Notice to those Afflicted
Fort City. Finding it impossible to attend persona/1r to
aU my patients. and telng unwilibeg to tenet Ranh re.
Bp:n.1010 duties in assistants or students, and for the
perpose of roppreering the sale of worthless and Wart.s
quack mediclase, as well as the impositlone ►lrertleed
under fictitious names. alertng to send snipes gratin or
On ronlpt of letter stamps or rue dollar, An—to obriute
the ►bona, and toe...Wats patients la all parts of the
country. I e.r.,l' znedlnute, with roll directonl, to cure
any disuse. for $.7., unless treatment le repulsed for a
longer period than one month, when the re !s the same
Mr each month. The fat tor all enrgl•al operations, Ise
eluding that for the radical cursor hernia; will depend
[menthe mscoUtrity of the ewee. Fetlenti will ale atoll
statement email their tymptome as the remedlos are ten.
pared'elth an especial reference to each Mese All money
lettere ehould be registered. The Pest omit of my Ulu.
Prated wart will to sent to any address on the receipt of
10 rents. A. S. HEATH.
101auting stre-t. empeeite the St. Nish.... Hotel,
.10 - New Seek.
Pure Cod Liver Oil—Every bottle War
ranted to b4l pore pod Liver Oil .
Far Mx are at Mammal,
An Os are gy &Wald,
edr the cure el Gout. '
Far the mire el Lumaa
An the cure ef TeZter.
An the cure gfall fikan Amato.
For the acre of Chard. Idsmpeidr,
/br tdt ore of Cara Sore Eye%
Par the are of Ma Swelling.
the more of Carolulzer thoeL'olo,
Iler the our, of Oates of the BorKo.
Par the cure of Pdslaurnra (rm.-umpteen
RP Um euen of ay....Bronchitis.
Fbr Cot our. of
Biefiete. -
Far GU on, of Dana Vat Bladder and Kutraw.
Pbrthe our. rf timstatatimal Rea:at and Venom
held by the quart, gallon and to tottlei by the doteu or
elogle twttle; OTtfjbottly warranted pure Cod Llrer On,
at the Whelan!, Dragatoreof Dr. 0E0.14 HEYSltlh;i4u
Wood eh, sign of the Golden Mortar. noe:daw
Highly important to Invalids !
- Cod Liver On.
racy/Jinja I.e. Ulla
Flan, as one distinguished marks of
annariority om otter brands of Oils. entire Orem*. of
that Toccata: naustani and dinagrreable flarn. and Offen.
the odor lasepuablt from all ortaely sad imnarfectly
It way be taton without dierelleb by the rwst delicate
Patient, and retained ,Ithout efrart en lb. bolt eenri
the ettmeeb.
Its entseriorlty In this sr.d other hme9iilant characteris
tics of v=lll:flees!, Las neteraneeest kilt the commends•
than of the mutt eminent of Me bledlcal Yernlty thrennh
Gut the Staten
It Le the mat effectual ra=e47 for caretitaßtien. breae
chide, rbentaatlam„ saafala,& , end car be had la but.
tt. of the drurgiats la Lhie dt. or Olt,. ruotsihrturera,
No, 100.
—Dr.. iLeyser's paorither. Limes—From
Yitteburah Disratnh. AOri3 / 0, -h. 18,4-I.r toner than
rests not ye hare constantly eon. the Washington Sun
thYtblor Dram, mitioulboturbt by L. %Ile, 11, Arm, of !to.
1 lb Wood A. intbluoltf. ar.l ooutd b , .* [),
trey all mho •n er=pell.l to fottow it,locitstry oecops.
thAt. As Yre hare ttefore re=acted, in caning attentim
to 11l martin, it murrain the a bran and anarenderik the
weight of the par.taloans being. flan‘l as to Cor4lnnale
ty tend to bring Lba ahoulders to their natural nvition
and expand the chest. Women, hundreds of whom are
in! 'sr./ hi the ...bib{ of bborriatte "akirta..
should also immure thee. hewer, to particular in pro.
curing the kind mentioned, as rasa/ of the bteeas told are
humbug. Sold at Dr. Will CI . Wholseals
Druggist, 140 Wood it. elan cribs (laden Mortar.
Gonna:apt:um Cared—Be not deceived
by bete tultst lone. Herrman, Clut A 00 0 . Genuine Cod
Liter 011. never dirarpol GU, an - d
nine Teed eXnerkoon
has puled itenperitw to all other., and the only reliable
cure for Conettoptton.
As then/. a great drat of rDurlone ofl to the ntarhe
adulterated with rml oil, whale oil, to, 44., too much
care cannot betaken to procure the Genuine.
Our Oilta =Ale at oar own lieu. In Newfoundland
and each bolt/. bee cur glauntuee Our the cork, ba care
tut to Rat flegeman, Ol.rkl Co., for elnc• the wen 0:114
Rolston, our lets partner. there has been an trade leer
trodueed called lioehten'a, whiab I to no cr., conntsleil
with N.C., A On. or Co. Sold hr It, A. YANNE,
STOCK A CO., /1.0.•151.una et co, acd 1, dre NSW a yen.
merely. • cer.l am
Caution —This is a very baliortant trait
fa• MIMI' II eluirsaten but prruogice U Oft. :mistaken LT
caution. A person I, trArcduced to or; we takes dhdlta
to them without err reason whatever. and do not court
their anartailitanta. This is not became se an motions.
but License waste pre'ildired against them. ho It la wit's
some article that was be presented to ne to • cans Ibr
oome dieeess. Co has It been In sward to NorktuNiv's
riediml Disorverr; but the retinase that atllrst smeared
bas vanished, for the Most 'nastiest could not withstand
the evidence of thousands that the discovery' cored them
of Canter. Itheumeslem. As, and It. greatest °Mem
bombe:cr. Its wermest adherents.
Bold b Dr. OEO. ff. •KrfifICIII4O Wok - I mut, 'bole
n ytfait, JAMES P. FILMIC:O, dlingt,enr.
rxtraudinary:Cure.—Nr. • Jacob Eiger,
of BlanantnrA. Tn. rail. tonne bleOrn language, that
ha gore to co of hie children. Dr. Alt LIMAI Improved trepan] by Dr. 1. Scottoo..oc Morn".
town, Va., and it checked vomiting, in addition to expels
tog Worm. tin Igor iv a very r o° T."" and
reliable gentiensu. Henan ba aeon at any time by era
log upon him at earner id Mali street ann Dumb° lane.
Dr Winne. kopronni layer Ptib cud improved Valera.
`WM alto Dr. I. l‘cot.t's Glen:VW Milt, Cireaaellin Lint
Prepanal Oniv the enpeivieloo of Dr. I
Aug, s Derul.i nadkat Dialuite and Phytlebte ate:ten
're prattle,
None germ]. only ne in;peroa by 1. &rat a 130,
• e Proptletols, BonkZetz 11
eraolnl. Va. Dr. 06
•Vo Improve 1 Urn ';Be god Inwey#l PeroaltUVa
onlyanl.l by re/L.115m1, of O. McLane.
All toe where aledlnlnea 4 or oslo
lik.UEt). tl, 1111Y2111 It 140 Wool Fuset, %V holreala *gent
JAS. P. rIAKIIiNa. finthoor. bur It, ft. Unixt, whole
to dtklynlawT,
F.,. ys )atalh a, Wawa itxd and Jearkat
Manufacturers of and Dealers in 11100-
NUCTORM, sad YI kinds or Laane,Otaad.alery ()yam..
AlGrOmi fitting. Repalii Raalattlg aad BraseCtii.
Ina dorm ta ardor at .bart antica • • •
OrTh. above (Ms .appliad tigularts. avarT 'sok trout
Pectoral Syrup --Dr. KeYsor' Pectoral
syrup own eenabe;
• Dr, Esysta'a Pectoral Dna:. cures cold.:
Dr. Kayser I NC I. 0
11.1 pure curve Itfluenta.
Dr, Kerceearatt torsi Syrup cum Dronebllls;
tor lannaltle take Dr. lieraces Pectoral 8y runt •
Perinclatent contromptlon take M. Itareeee Parlors
Par mt.l In the head take Dr. /Comer Peoloral diem:
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup cams sera throat:
Dr. Ilene's Pectoral Byrne-cares palm; •
Dr. L•raceirectoralityrap carte old centric; ii.,
Dr. Emmert Pectoral Syrup cures all killdeer dtaeun
artt pA l =:nd l ai ' ld be t. Dn. GEO, 11. li•El'dY/t.
N 0.140 Wood at. Men al the Walden Merkur.
Price 50 Ma. and film bott , o. 505.1.1an5
TEE GREAT Rfictusx wasoM
Celebrated reznale rills.
Praparai from a prescription - Of girJa l223
DI D. DhrArian E.T.t-ardln.. 7 to the Qumr-
T is lietac,lma L .11111n2 In the =rot an
Moo thslardi .0. 0,==... duns. U. 4.0.1 t, b•
utsla wr..tatida.
It atteh:etee aJ es,est, re=cres art e..i.h.hey,er... tld
telt= at the emmehly rerio4 it rehalatity.
Illle eteulib wed Leh or throe ♦eeae =111 , ...1.3.1t0 wet ,
[nem. tit: they (miry the catrtlchtich,.‘llemeatbeirei.
Teriha duets telahr, ensttLer Lf cace.her W t'i her
dehee with ete..ety to herself and
LI all [-Mkt of Norm:oxen an; apical dractitas. Min In
tha lia:k and Lambe. llearlizez. Taigas on Mat Erni ,
Mt, Palpitation ofthe Grarf..Lorrnets of Bplrita,l37eter
Slut ileadache. sad .11 the painful dlarame ado
Coned by a dbord , red natana. thrto Pills ain ssar:tr.
rata amen ell other wear hare failed, and c ,,,,, aph
yoverftdra=rd7, do Dvi [Votcro erl=cl„,
or an other mlcani. -
P 1316. In
tits tioltrd eta. Lad Canada. Jae Dollar.
&I* A gyrrt. for Ws ematry. - •
I. C. BALDWIN A Ca.. Rochester, N. Y.
TOWLI: A AIOSr.S, Auburn. N. Y.. Geotral
14-11,0 and t 5 pootago end to soy Ati•
!honied went, wtll 11111Tre • bottle ol thew Fins trs rstaru
FOL UrAel Iu Pitugbergh. br ILlnllliff ci:3=ar of
Wood and roarth JOS: ABEL, annar Pd and
Smaltl.ll43 af.a4 JO& ¢.to•r.11~"
Glaraand and Mar
'. atr..t. and Drocalst. gr.o.rally " da:4•1,1211-wkr
To Nervous Sufferers.
A retired clergyman, restored to health in
c few dirs, after rawly leers of mat Denson rare:bor.
is anxious tomato brown lb. means elf cure, 19 . 1i1 mud
Mee) the prescription used. Direct the Rev. /WIN li.
DAGNALL. No. ID Patton Etrest. Brooklyn, N
Toothaene is Instantly Oared by ;a few
amps of D. Se yPet's Tooth, Mho Dermly.
• Fold at UK. IC KYFER'B,I4O 'Rad Btrter, at !.:b erg. par
IntOortant to "Everybody.
filOR the last three years 'I have been en,
.L gaged In • bottom known only to myself. end. and
Paratlvely. few 'ahem whom I have instructed far the
cornet $7 +sell. 'which has averaged nib at the rate of
s2,talo to $3,000 per wooer,: and {laving made arrange ,
meats to go to Europe In the fall of 18:37 to engage In the
name Imeinesa, I en Williwy to give toll instructions In
the art to any person In the United States or Occiadas.
who wllltemlt me the on 0(11. lam Indnre d.Crom the
• room. I have been favored with. sinA then :410 thank•
fat acknOwledgetents I have melted from.tbom vsmail
bsreustrersa. not Woe ars making from $$ to 815 pee
der at It , to lave any prism an orwr Canny ta Onaligb in
this Latinos., wkdeb Pe wavy. alumni, one vet 7 profitable
at • email cost. There In pcoltively 1 / 1 3aand In the
matt., lleferencee of the beet claws can be Oven as re.
nerds tie character. and I can refer to among vi hem I
havw lortrottad, who will testify that tn., are making
from $5 to $l5 rem ditynt the seine. It nit a buil., In
whili either ladles or gentlemen one engage, aedwith
Perfect Oa. ital. a tory handsome inceme. geveral Indira
In ration" parts of Naar York State, Pennsylvania eon
Maryland,' whom I have Lostructed. are now maklee from
$3 to $5 Per day 0010. It Is • general twine., nO4 bet
Pew shillings le required to start IL Upon receipt ty
1 win immediately rend the said:eight s piloted circular
onitalising fall lastructimis In' the art which can he per.
tartly Inaeretzoct at once.
All letters most be addressed- tp+nt paid} to A. T. PARs
$O5B. 935 Broadway. IV elf - York. des.lmde
VAl B Z rl ti tt i n glrl` m '4 land
. .41,=Fith ? o.g,ar..
titles crowned foe the ...alder nat..
ti/PTHOOKS—Elegantly illnstrnt , i :ad !tandem:lett
bone , ' fiterldaro.l'oceleal and New tiorkeasernioy Innen
for the Dolldaye by various I:worn /bump. :law Books
from A. 13, S. Union, Presbyterian,. bound. 3 Met Society.
An. Also. an invoke or Irmdon Pobliestionc a Am..
eortment of Bitnem pest variety. with tame beautiful
new etyl- s binding. The honest meartment of Juvenile
Pnd Ma:trete Hooke In theory. ireelteerard Cards and
remium Doan for attach. UntesralMe Broke, new as.
comment. •
. . .
• .11u.LIDAYBOODS—New varieti. of Vatter, Temaert.
Virittng Desks, .Altsuse, Portfolio!. Pear% ry sad
BhaU I.S.rd Cases. Ports:moiler. Work Boxes. Ceitar,Ar.,
A, A choir" anortroeur of Pules, Blecuit. Lava taa
Chime trustee armrest mdection;in as Eastern deter.
..11. C. COCHRANE,
deb ,rio o, 7..drral et., Allegbenr,
Winter Goods
tit E art now opening a very 'largo assort,-
v meat of ilf.ffSfitr artdards and .New Year's Pror•
este. Being at • larze- newer Vlenna Ltsur and tlrmare
Broths Ettwenteold by Mrere. Claim* rna Co.. at wreath.
reduced errors. on account of xeseon Wog no far advatered.
And Wag p( the puretowere, we are now rar;e to oZer
E1M07,1. CLVAIIS, AlEalßaY And all ether good. atilt.
We for the melee at row pricrr, Tame boactt fir caals
• tdon wu ern:reit JOHN DflaN a -
JeS - • Allegheny - Qtr.
Federal Street, abort) South Commons,
Dry Good . s, Shawls, Pure,
deS:ly DaliE32lo GOODS GELME4I4,I
frau most complete assortment of Cook
-2_ Ina, Parlor and pfAtlar STOVES to ho found In Al
leegnetly Cit 7, at Lhoi fo»=t prim:, comprising ltnidlll'.
Air-Tight, •
Near Franklin.
Twig; Top Moral .
..Carbine Parlor,
kinnator Lleatin.T. Cottege do.
Beauty a the Wet t. I frau City,
Crystal Palau Cmaklnß, I .laLmaud.
Toy.etber with every Tnnetr er sztiehm, in•theYen.
der.. 'follow Wart, Can at 4.. en vfac 10 , 1Chirec Pa,
tederal mrsat, SBawicny.
scagli IX SO. IIUBLBY.
QUM:ItIES-113 bbls Gieaee;
43 1 non Pagano;' 22 auks leattina;
10 bag. Dry Pruner, - 3 haze Dry Peerhen . .
3 and Copper hang 8 hens /extra Union Idlds
to la 5. Went Flour:
" Istraliliverilprino 7G no Datiirrg or linttrars
Henri notion: . .
To arrire on eteanter Crenion is. for sale by.
de4 Mk mil DlOEDit it (XL
4bb Ho 1 Lard; 78 Ws Gr.= • • ,
59 do Tal , no OlLcn ronz3nmavot.on bonrxtldniuncr
CM:11.011,1C , emlve for lone by 18A1AULDICELNY II CO.
' INGNilidLll.7iL—Tlvee are strong and re li able Ilea
et es, and hare been to nreetical use for Team for rate
by, deS UOLYIES a COLLINS 119 IV flOd et.
40 isELE PR/ME APPLESifor sale by
deS . . 1131,31188 ft OOLIII4B. .
77 6k auaafactanl Lt oriv pM•Yamw, reed
and for Dale br - WM. dicCUTUILFAM,
ULM 219 Litany street.
CILOUR--100 bbls. D. Lcooh & Son's Raira
• Family Flour,
0 bole 1) L•reh 8 ,S3rea 4144 , Poor.
In Fran nod kr enlo by J. 8. LBECII. WALPIN .t CO.
1:3 ICE— 15 tierces Rice in store and for sale
Le, .7 deg .1. & LIECEr.. 2.I'ALPIN s 00.
NIL ANUFACTITELERS and Dealers in this
.s. ealtablo article at
For tale by . •R. WATZ.OtY, Agent.
Wayne and Liberty area& Pttaburtat
The proprietors invite the eneotal attention or maw,
fat:mere bed dealer* roan examination of their Oil,. Ar
an artlele for conabletery purposes: It exceed, lord oil,
neither chilling or gumming, and le tat. preferenre
opera. It eetnprioes a the adventeca. of other olio
and le °beeper thin:Lally. Wearer peon:tined to annex the
names ciao follovlng yievone Who are using It and 10 ,
yhetn Ire ream:tray referi—li.Otsop Wade...Denglaeit
J B Limo E CO, Joseph Phrnoh and Jana
Ihnialdli. Water Wake. - '
Ramsay a 11 67017.
J011M1C.8.610. • . • •
llaohlulste tanoamend the atom Oil to be inperlor to
any sperm ell they era coed. en EngLna, Turning Latham
and hierldnery. dollin •
secs At AncZon—Vre will eell .t public Mixt"Orr .12
!talvalayl)wmotter the Mb. .t 2 o'clock Ont.
Polianww. slot aground running from Center toPreallin
street end teeing • front on Center street of 37 feet and
extending text I?: feet.= which le erectod a - two etory
brkk bow., containing four rooms smd • colter. There
le on tt• premien a well of excellent water,: tate oven
end ether weecemer Improvements. Title perfect. Terms
at We. "MAXIMA& 111 C tlItY. Heal Estatetwolant
Awnlenter. des
_L • •
ON. JOILTM. wat de.
wri: • Lectur• botkrro the Batatier •Lltirrary tto
e r of. Ailrgbevy city' wad the
public generally, In rc
reitior Etall,on TUESDAY BVIVNO. Dec. 911 i intr.
entjecti TODAY. •
Doom open at &y o'clock. Lecture to commence at 7e:
&clerk. Ticket& 25 cent/tor Ilre for 000 Le had
at the nrinciral Look etoreseithe tiro °Ric, Lecture Coro •
natio and at the door. ' WM; natal/TT..
itenntil• lechiec Ceacinatic.
and double actaht artlen of our oaf' manure.
turn at the Iron Cur nuva Cad 2 is Wafthouta:
deb • . • TJ CRAIGA 00. nt It'Csl strum,
IiiENDERO—Cast Iron, Sheet Mid Russia
Irun.7,i all radstlas as Iron CRT Wove Ware.
Lou.. deli , T J CRAIG A. CO..
rinftE IRQN2.—A fits!: rtto assortment for
Inds very chomp, IT. .1 Cll JIS co.
g RISli SALMON • •
L 11 cuts lio .1 Salmea at 8 mats Dar Do "
ataclaral and Ilarring at Nyectlxc .
2 cues Nardleet, uillet tc....• 375, per•Oas: 'A
earnat of Diamond sad Dittund Al.y.
Z 1 gar lb at Il&WOBTiliDEO.
der, earner of Dauabrigkaggd Diszacra.l ADar
14 }W. W. M. YOUNG:Af Williamsburg,
Ylsidota, troaeh In the Union Botha Chores;
Or arrest *boys OUR. on Nil:lday .• Dee.. 704 like Iv;
n'el.h, A. Hi o'elook Inc public nrlrre. ,
veetropy Inv trd to attend. deihltd•
'Mr Inia. a let Jan red from tout:LS.7 of L John
*On. Phirs-aan tor ...lost W.S. lI&Y.Sh S. Printer.
Wa n
rtheuso. earner klarket *ad :Sara . don
1.4 twirl. mkt! Vagra, 41,1 1 ,:t ta i ninot.
A knog Stltl. ODEIGIIIOO. Sor 'gala 82. W. 8. ,
La nd: raper and Stallosary Wareboate. conternar. :
ket and :A stmt.. - - de6
11.144Unts, ' Ja.try 11014111 a.
. :
poRK and Beef Peekere, - and dealena in
Piorfilatt, corner a Ild ar lot gaff Frcat qtreste,
14,1 sharaila. Pa. . - - - , clef, .
OGS DRESSED bought by
1101. t, 11.E3
do] ctraer Ifartsa wad Frouteta.
XRD—Leaf lard, No 1 do for machinery,
a A Grew, Scarnakers. WII HOLMES a 800.
HOUS fleade, Feet, Tnmmings, Tender
Uml W lICILMEI k 800.
MESSP9.IOS—now for tale by
dna w B 1101..lakS 113119,
ESS BELT—now for sal by
4e6 WB 1101,11E.5.t. BRO.
*., 703.001111ar. run Claw , :
• WM... ViraLat..litanurac-ura4 Tobst!...o:
The larva arsantricat Of Ginza and Tank= afar Offer ,
Oh city lo Myr CPm a,' : r.minatloo and ells. at=
ad t/.- (.sarn.• ta' Sual kb 5.11 , 1 at. atd Dtazano
irclex of 11, Lett Pat.% CigAns ktut reed &miter
rai Jai. 1 , LEM Italiv.r.ti
de. . • • corm, Ilirlet 12.0612 d Dtamond. •
el 71105 E: pleas;
`.1..1 .
entaod etrectlye remedf tbst ten be el see for cher.
pod eta.. FreYered weir= by J(le. ➢66Mlffitt, • '
SWEET OIL-5 casks fur ealeay
0 -V 43 Acr-D -1 bbt.for Bale by
Stay Limited to Saturday, January 10th
. .
RPEOTACLE.-. An; emend - on the - enact isrinclpia of
Epherrical Accarary. by 0. , etwomos,-11. celebrated
Optician, faun the inamored Epectaela Matoafatbar and
Loddon °Paola igalebbshaent. A 0.103. Old Bond meet.
London, established more than a central' afro.
O. tla=ons. the soak:motor of the - improld wee..
e and inflow Itelyrovatcalanes. la now ene arofs.
atonal eiait to this plate, and may be emanated . et has
1 Cern.
bid boomrmat as.; ear.. en Woca
He bee heof attending the a.. named
intones,' towns in the emend liingdom, where he blue.s•
mismced the moot flattering sroconssirentent-snd bane&
beets earnestly solicited to mate et visit for • short firth
he has thu ti , morecannounetaic hhi ttrlvil.irrm leaden,
with a most ablendld eatortment of hie newly invented ,
ettinonatval boated. Ettehla the en x pertarity of these
thhrsoreirty of rxewerehaz the premhzehrgin of eight to,
the meet edam:cad period of life. while they asset. both
the oil .nd the Ponca top... the moat minute *laptop
hunt for any length of thne, either try day or cendientbl.
As several Indio - M.!. to the ilmodatateriwe Snood
Melt. eilleedy, he witliconaciasee mild. the MVP of the
public which he will ever cep - real es attoowialts. can ,
Irg.theee who entrant him with their comatande. that to
esertion dull be
on his toot, to meat *half tone
_Alen. end approbation. Added to in. &drattedoa on ,
weed by him of long Prattle, In tbeezi . s infamanor
eat tinder M a
S attic. matt alansat O. by which be
hes obtained theroonh *monied:. of the me of els.
lon. he has in his wave-don, • document s Item leavidna -
els of rank, convey'', c the Yinhett tertlrlenbas eaprov
;;rlll giro references to persons In the United States,
litho have nnand tho greatest beeett and condi:let frora the
use of fale oddly inranted and IntproVed -Specter:mt.,
The SOuintl:lonienisetorls en eeir;OrlilnerV, Materiel,
newly loran ted email hal trunen t, In the ryrem extreme
from ness, entirely different in /.2.,14,
tiOle al others, 1111rWaltaf every thlob of IWO bind
ttiet has been or aver owl IrrOdneed. They are modeled
to lA, ~Tar of the sar, and tiny rest want wittegit
erreeottne. and tomcat th•011.1oolorot theeells are not
rereeertlola Tho powers of tote Valneble iurenturo are
en greet es to restore defective bearing of long etaudinz
to its mist% and natural estate, and Lb entire drat per.
eons to lan In general conyerrallon. to bent most thatlner•
ly et a place ot worship, at the baroteni public aseenbl
at tinging notoo lathe ear
nate!, Telllo.d. nod the conceotratlonoattordat to in.
dletioals ellilotedveith this di:re:lna malady, all them
rlatanta that can InolhlT 0..1n
Pirrictxria Juie nth, 181 a,
1 eta .hr.p7).l la berrhig MT feeble, teat Mohr In term et
Bolottnone' are °Wee. 1 think them superior to any
thee there iliac. The eyee eee. to =Aunt/ =tee
heir ryte. ' .-°,
L-ste Prof emit to Was:ilucten thalrarelty. lialtlmete. ;
. , .
• Prentraara. km. Rh, 165,1
/ sat using • pair el Ble. sclommle Wore& tnd Cad
them very eamtertable. I eheeerctly vdd my atm maths
nuottee of then Who recomartatt them.
Josirii G. Ga22AAI. LLD,
Fr= what 1 bare °bong In the ma et' Ealomthe
Ota,aes. I take Dieluntro. •addLoalmalar ths
• k :7lrtrag e f,filitroll d tt, 1853! 1 th. J, T h1NC1. M. D. I
1 lam - niri;ftt P:r • sta - tl;e4 W r i rstr inw or l govecbelcs 'eth.l3l lus- 5-
nlehed by blr.G. sounoon; arid Cake 14e 0 6Ictio In totirr"
iaz totter itnal qnsilty. • I bare ilea imstand a vet Of
cont.s. glown lor llncusat, Irbitit-hr theta •ffeota
•ns ••=ll/Pleamtig •mte•ils2h.cary.
PL. U. 1/41Ufil'ON, 111.
• Nye Yong. JanaMb, 11LL.3.
Havivgnada a trial of .401otos' opeetaelea and ea..
Inedthe prthelple on which they are courtrootad.l have
no hesitation In pronoundog thl6lll IS Pell.= 1.0 .3? wlttl
Tallith lam aodualoted. and areordlopty can moat cheer.
fcaly nen:moral them to all who need. ex diktat ald la
lourrovtoz. Carly 'Non GUAM ht. LEE. M. 11,.'
Profaner of I , a.tholowy and Almeria Re3Sta, Elenat'a, Dot
!MO and Bowdon evikze.
Phehrtlll2ao Oak
.1 [eh:Lally couch; fsr ea my jtelmeht,nhe:e..l. the
opirlina cfmy friend colionue. Lee, M reitheteho
to the perfeetitel ofhlt. 11OlortolseeatieeZazh
for lar.e3.lhuulne... The grinding . .arpeare zo gag
end tear, az,d ate enessl vorkmanahlp med. . .
P:oressor of urgerjr. Genet Deane.
I busbies:WY that the Rye Glenn ahown me by O.
Soloaronn are impala in finish and lea Obetenteleux to ay
perfect vision then a I haveur
rully recrannund the ny m
to ell In Lest of a examined. and eterY
Qty 'sec -
It. It. Joarisos.l4.-.1)..
• L llye Infirmary. S. IV. eor. Fourth an d hyramore ate.
Churn:tun. rob. is. anudAver
IVOTIOE--Iteming disnated of my entiro
Interest in the Furniture hotness, heretortme
carried on by me, ea the emir, of Penn and Wayne etc,
rltthurzta to Ileum C.F;LOPYr.II, L. HOCKIWAT3iI
- and r. J. onana, doing holiness under toe firm or
C. F. ItLoPPilit d Co., .1 take pleasure in recommending
them to the nubile. and armchair to MT' farms; carte
mere. They sunlegetand the Monne. thoroushir, being
practical workmen or the blithest arder, and I bare no
hesitation in airing that rhsy will glee care satisfaction
to Mom who may moor them with their tearer:age.
Person, having claim arsiost W g •137•ETEtitiON will
oreseet thrum for settlement. et the old atand. on cre beime
the:4th of December. and those indebted will plume call
antimohe payment attire mme time and Vars. '
deb=td • - • W. h, VERVNbiSCriU.
. Cabinet and Chair Waterooni.
thrner'e /Foes and ifenen. arc*.
- ritabtagh ta.
HAVE constantly on hand a largo assort
ment or Furniture of every etyle and deacelptlon
mao¢!actmed by themselves, and leanonntest to be of the
best nordadano Tense Ler. d•Nadiely.ti
MITTML—A meet - trig of the 8EPU137.1.1.13 X.
ECUTIVE COMMITTEE of AlitehenT eft - 7. ' 4 >W k 4 tea et
the Town Ball, on BATOBDAY text. et 7
deock. All farorns.ble to the cause are reexectfol.r
-tad to attend. .3 there F W t, buena. of tosportsece
bromeht before the meothae. By 011.10 t , • •
JAlttEli PAD.Ef, Jr,. (Iheiresse.
det:ds cols
T. A. Bxn,srsa. fee':
Morris & Patton,
VO.l intl. Dianauni. 913Tarktt &rut. and lide,olaTed
• -
Morris A Patton'. .
• !oat cf riolroon—Ss For 16 at Married Patton',.
,Throe'lent fat Matkarel—e; la et Maras & Patten . ..
Good Wrench Crorranta-1194e Wt. At Morris d Pattah's,
• •Grallksskgoz Matelne-10,711b0t Illorrtg& tartan.
French Plual•-10e ?"fa at Morris & Patton's, L.
Nor fire, on. 11.11111”. n•nr cas; hoer Cremate at
Alcrele P‘ttote,
Jet.. J etti es, Priv r al in,: Me st. at Morris & Pat ,
ton'. . .
Frcetk and Pickled .Eateap„ Ceprrs , 60., at
Morrie a Patton's.
Tfavarts. Caul., Manilla sal. Vrinoima 'titan at,Morrla
& Patton'.
Ali k loos of attewitot Totar:o at Morriri & Paitote.
The tweet' Tea, andoe =Make. at Morrie PaltoA'ec.
Ratan Grocat•who bur forear.b. atill-901
P Tras•l3 tte cbrap•st house In the etty to buy Halmos
and Currants for Christotss. • •
.tt. PHU 'STEAMSHIP COMPANY latenti dip
W ing Malt arrleadiS sad powaral buratazblps its ..317
WV OP ..... ....Drconher
KANGAROO.-- ... - .:.11erenhor, 37.
Age - ci s :Pl 'jleriaCa. •
CITY OP WARIIIN6TOII-- ...... a-Gather •
CITY OF 1.1.i:Vii1:8110t.. ---....,earaber
to -P% - rm Lirrrloel.—Ealron--$1.44% lire reel STherrherarit
. .... .
liCr: 9. e accferphia er.ficr, York—pp. EI, sod iSS, see
cadmic to Stateroom. - -
AL Itmited number dlaird•rtarer Pansorrerai , ll be ts
tea tram rbiliar . Igen =I. leverroal, an fa and to Pro
osmizar. Airing are crnet ithlmwait-LightTammenta. nudw prored s
Enrg.qt 7and eash restel t.lVs an expc7fance6
• •
Panic, wiahlog to 'Dena not their friends coa obtain
mtlarol4o or Ool.pyr.od drafti 02 Llrerroolbo rums of
Sl aerllouand utro-atd, Apply tn.
JOHN 21.1.0Y1P50N.110 Liberty rt., Pittahtirels,
Or 8.....11tL t copms, m .111.01411117". Now Totoe24olTomfT
- - -
• the Petals Tea Stare -
160 bun, sir to_tnitee 1110 Oceor; •
75 toast. old.Gor Jets do;
-100 asks Elsa Teas all =Mtn•" . • L
75hesYnan Hyena do do .
605bletiorering's rnished and powdered sapin
100 boesiErslei Barring; •
RS bblis Etta Yielded do; - ,
10 make No. 1 Irish Ealn•or.; . • -
210 bare IL R. Jt Layer Lhateenr -.
=drums Byearrns Elge: -
100 Teter box. do;
" • 6000 Its French Pharos & Propel;
0000 Its Tents Cmcsa[g • "-
60 tete /...pllatt Mustard; ' .
000gallone Wrenn, Braßracey a - • • -
100 do halttle and - Idth Whiskey; '
'dim graved Spires warm:dee titre toitether with •
Mien] *porn:Kat Of gond., 'which we will eel wholesale •
orretall as low se any other hoe. In the two ,eltles,
however crest tlke_prstevelarts of saw othsrwetstl..
=2O. oor. of' the Diatnend & Disintrad /OUT, .Pittlfg.
CIL x..l274gr t g4tt ' 4l °,,pktazglT .ft KIN
scent far this IrVeacers LA:We:O:w In sass aL 4E4 sa I
clpal henlisre Lomas, Cerpmters and 44E= can be
sip tied.—.
left inth g.bmlber. will bi beeeteelif
atteaded to. 13p.u.. en. cut b.: wale mein the fis=tte
Mee. Cceat Hew. sad =me pf ttopub!le boadlega.
wrn End the bed errorttlene In the West. or arOry
thluo In the he -of WILIPS,• RIDING .SWITLUES, O
LASIIMTEOSOB it, et the wholesale whit, warehouse
:,e/3 __ • No. Se Pear se stmt.
T" ROAR'It OF LICENSERS Ti 7 :ll meet
a n their _re= vnt SIOSDAY., Nth But, at 10
react A. ]L Tr .
. 43i b tp t i7licttl::s 1 o , f h Ei11.41 114
Petrone who hot.
to Bonds. blet el
t tains trot
limns., are teiticated to do no,tettve the ' rkartl makes
their:note. • OltoEl3 08 . ITHS Ronk%
Plttetovren. December. 6.18de. • . deeds&
cleared, - 4O
PROPX.tril—A rolendid imt•lo.luss Mama
cleared, Ur rat=41:686,1011 the vitae lend nod In •
Meting* of eultles4ou; well watered: two arehscdo of
1.1 n• vatted fithrsee of Wonted dualities: Thelmprodw
menu moist • lugs Mut dwelltna, balls in pods=
sLyle, with whis`, bell. double pular., dining:win and
kik:dm:4 togetttermith extend,. leaping ettnet •
!arcs cement barn, .80 by - 40., with econe besaneut for
eteldtaq; tone nod) tenant housed, wild-41%1th tent for
Seper month: .2tde term to situated on • )1•11doad In duliolsdun .3=4. and will berrehauvel doe azer peere an
ne ply arLAINI-11014, 68!.; fourth st.
AAIEETING of the Stockhaldets::ef the
Wastinnteiend Coal Coalman =DI beheld eit the la m prox., - the Otano of the Ca, e. _E. or antra
and Walnut eta,. Philsdelthla,' at 22 Veleta, EL, to rt
eel's the Annual • Retort of the •Directonr. and eltet•
Rand of Direetern for tan anteing year, and ma other
1431 . W at tita7 hehtenaht larerarf.
hai.9awd • • JOHN IDOTODIent.
20 kegehhot„ =petted oaten - •.•
4,000 ter Dar load: I n pore and
G.. I .,TEAMBOATS..sOpIied. with. - Medicine
toCtcartDnt op In thonextrat mad most ton:erect
mxnnn, at del . • -
OPPERABT:IObbIa juit received, and
ge. by Aid Et. B. BELLI:e3 c
lAIN KILLER-5 Oro jest received and.
for yak b 7 de/ - BYLI.KFIEI 4k CO.
TIIN}(11.04-260 lbejnat received and
II far We IT dd h. M. HELLERB t'CO.
M inCFelnCQlcaky7netopenedat~' , .
1.10E.N1:76,17 Market Ansi.
lansv - • wool, BA.sookk , ,. children's.
4 -• floods. Mitt% ()alter', and a silieral at
eottment of ALOOdery Mr Elsa; wawa as
children. jnstned as nouns • ....
• -
whet atom
--, .. - -60011 -- .621,3 to bud
dforeaTeln ' 4, • -
,Ifiliii , 3l.oY7ll CO.
Wo4l. ft..% tut Cao:tr,
piwtti Gloves, Eleavy Balt Ectcr, •
• - Balmy Under &arta sad Dtftwert:
' Chltdraas Glotjujutut Vt‘eilust;
• • • Obllitena Volum:l4 g . •
- •• • - Gikrnt and ettetiMit
• • • • L Oleo Vera sad Rs►erq
A remig*tt asOtttaeut of.theag irtKis sinlttd . :_to the
t 9.1.06. at• low pant, tant.o bad at , j
- -
- OREOIP DAUB IRON-100 1134 Put feo'd
a. s.ske sal. 465 PLEXAS33
'POWDERED OLOVES--300 Ib3 in store
A. mite este y saursapcos.