=lstmeal %f~AZISTI - CITY ,IMPARMONT:' PITTSBUIMEy: timilsaidioiudtra,Eov. 26,'1866 131 : 7210 031 1 0 of PH1N5129,111A.--Present sU Yemen re thet): : ti P. - - It. B.; Ca; argued by ifir'rites for defendant in error. "-z Ditiletteldiltenbergerf error to the District Court of 'AlleOlay county; death of defendant ,:-; ll 2'errer Suggeeted, and sencrei tiormly and Jo- Blab wreonters, anbstituted.• The ease was ~..:th m , t rgad. b y wail s= ger plahrtilf in - error,snd , by Stanton and Shater :for defendant In error. -, - Jenkins & Born ve Cited sriek'atidmrs; error to . ..the District Court , -of Allegheny county; cause continued and proceedings atayeliorntil the costa - a former., writ of tun In 00 saw cue shall = Laren* vs Cerr and Carr vs Ltfevre. Two :wits sf error; in.the limo case :to the • District , - ;Court cf - Alleithsny vaulty. , Argued by G. P. _Hamilton for Lerefro, and by :Stanton for Cain Court Isajonriled: . - . - . PA S l Uo 3 7' .. rhitrelltu9ol2 seems to be very bney ftfgettingaliaomethlng to please the fancy of allapet.trrt prom In dress goods the styles aia reArotstimatiftd,and in shawls almost every testa can be salted, But fa ao' department of faetilea do we observe inch'a vartety of. designs Min Velvet, Moire. Antique end Cloth Cloaks: litre tail:don seems to hare exhausted her treas• itio, - and in one AOSSOn has given her stook of • inventions for twenty'years to ooze. Any per eon wishing to become acquainted with all the • -- airiest etyles to Velvet and clout Cloaks may do szibY *ending a abort timeat fdTighe's Cloak establishment, corner of Grant and Fifth ate.. where wiecae snare oar realm the cheap {jest gdoek of. cloaks ha Pittebargh maybe fond „. . . - .Itanr..—lisin fell during- tho greater part of the dig Yesterday, sad hopes, . whir-bled been almost crushed outiof a resumption of river Inv rigatien,were rerived. Nobody omephined - ;of' .the smoky atnimhore, falling soot and. general ‘dmsolista.appearanon at the.oily;' indeed inch a tbsy, woe more welcome:thauthc_balmiest day of the pier. The. Ohio river” below Sewickley is in a`very deplorable condition, indeed, the bed be . ing . exposed nearlj the entity breadth of the • -rivet. - The privy er 'of every Pitteborgher is that - the wet term will continuo until a coal boat ' •rise reeds our rivers. , • T di he Pittsburgh Chicago road Is ' crowded with bosineis; . and Ramat et., from tho depot to tho bridgele monopolised daily by •a double line at dtayatmalgag wopportanity to: unload. . ‘ll,lfalcOn firmstre; Amnatmonr.—The miireia 1de.:601a410/I,of this thoroughfare bee 'ottchati , al the Ire of the Inhabitants et Allegheny, wha _nie obliged to pass it.. At the schoolhouse es - • nodally, Oho'condition of the street is very bad. ~- T harepairs to that building daring the summer tliti"accomnlation of Si large quantity of ',.reprtaralatiiber end bricks,whlob have noses been: teroored.- - We. tire' - requested to call the stunt -12 very ,effinient iitreet commissioner, -.- ....1ifr,-Ilobson;te this niitter.'. are glad to lea'thot tha street coonnissioo -71'..: efts having:the - bridge on - Robinson atreot re, ' ' bine: Ws can fiord'' , blame Mr. ilobida for Els delay in gelaitigtfint much needed repair, as he ;-.:.;:i.e.theentect with badness; and his setwmtion to it newwilt certainly maintain his popularity. . . ~ -A Nate Harnarnien..—The irealthy and enter pidehig Aria of. Perk, NoCurly A Co., have par , chased • Ave bandied feet square of ground is th• Ninth Ward, Wpon.whieli it is their intention to erect tcdret thus Copper Rotting and Bhuop, tog hiilL- The property le bounded,by - ,Taylor. atid Batley - etteete and the Allegheny river? The woollen of each worts is that makes „theiiatith., and importance of the city, and the monotobtarott May putty beregardedasa poblio benefactor io the largest Selma dike word. In the:, present butanee, the Ninth Ward will be benefitted. Tits hittietnt—,The play for thli,eveltiog, tht popular pleoe called "Adrienne the Aaron." lt Oorde a . floku.opportuulty - for the display of tztrieitt Oyer, and Mrs. Plunkett will avail It of. every point presented.-. , :The Alueetritt is en b n neet_and °banning place that we hare lin - doubt it - Will lochatue • very popular with the talies'earl:gentleuteuLL of the town. ~The man stawiiirit will oertsialy do - everything their power thplase upon the stage satOsemeuts of en ttneiospilonshle character. LL L. - . . 'Um Tirearun.--Mr.. Pantos, ar , appe this, emit:girt We 41 /Ferric)? Captbra.'- , 'rho !Tel:l4 Auer entertainment aanalnde with Dred.—' 'this peon has been :pat upon tha stag' e. admits: !Asc-mut is Oetienring of the' ittunettee .anclooes it The closing loblesiax, ieptesent in:. it hailpy State of society in - natiolpatiotionly wo ale sarr-3:‘,,to*.esz• is brilliant; . (Jo - sod roe ta*Calw tGenan it°than aiit ed'Eberle. T e ida:ugsi o C S Z ta VDAPPeUeateor o thee le y_ Ycacetday' r _eodde oath ngnlnet ler.d that neighborhood fox&Anita:one con eztacwitt bar.' The seamed was arrestedterra e! end gate tattler liii'iiPPonnineer .ex the Court farfrlea- wtthheta name Bitl4So 1.1140/141rYIDAT.—Iltidget Mar , pby alts committed "to jell yesterday by Alder maaJobas fot selling INnor oa Solidity la default • of a' fins of .$5O 'mid costs, far tinebanci is alres . 4-in.jail mi.,: similar: charge. The two keep a dogrel,' nt . the point. Mssisten.=-Oar.. friend. . Berry !Lieber hum o truck S nevi note SW sin doabUeu be forever a beim ODIOUS 'Cat, . end ' tekett • unto himself wife t - p_ The effair ems eons nal:sated in s very quid mirdovr..eind took hie ustnerons friends by . . eurpriee. - He le starring it hobo Lust. . . , 'r EMI! Pantiture azuntapetior Mao .Porto of A; J. Ilopper Esq: at LaTrenoeville trill be sold this worming at 10 o'clock by P. M. Davie, Auctioneer.... Wm would direct the attention of Rodin to tho choke Collectlcm of-Aloohe from it Private Libraltalie sold by tiatilogae this tivoolog at utelois ..ftooma. Tun Fusion or -ran Cm.---Moist of the op propels' globe are nearly If not ectlrely and some of them have been tivetdrown. IS . , Hlll./17 . 18J.L701.--The Eiberiff comae:wed bla tees yesterday &Vete Court noun°, There was • fair attendsnce. - . . 1 : . Tl7ll, MOSTAXCI Lflll.ll2lll' aorta Rbetllll/1.1103; - *. The -Mustang Dimmest cures Stiff Jolubt The ' Mustang ,Lieltuent ourts.Burne 'and Wounds; The Mustang Liniment cures 'Sores and Dl care ; The Mustang '.Liniment cures Caked Breasts and Bore Nipples; Theldustang.Lini ascot cures Neuralgia; The Mustang Lththient cues Carus and. Warts; The Mustang Liniment is worth 1,000,000 s .. leiters per annum to the United States, as the oreserver and restorer of galosh!'" Renee and Cattle. !teams all Sprains, 'Dalds;lWoande, Sfiffietois, - • . . Will ion Answer tida question? . Did yin ever , heifer Iv artist', Sore, BWellhog, Sprain or . ':fitifftutes, -either On man or beset, which the Mustang Liniment would not httref Did , you ever visit any respectable - Druggist in lasi part , of the world.-In Xurope,- Asia, or America-- . who did not MY "it was the greatast.dliworery of the age"- Sold everywhere. - . Esrey family should barb It ft tam &Mil &nil, e pen/ lihiesten . ttened 'DON) • ÜBLoll&tterp mother anuntaill i = II hone heady_ to ear none-lents to lb. - 41.XOLON0.1•Rtlailillt SAIL .V • • J. fe a Benno w i n nt thirty pouf stained: anti All nexunnuinded a,. Ma e sunandinlied/ nen * Pa n Burn eratiledi, ran Corns. Velons. Chi 'Wales. sad . Old ut. an haver. Pen* Wow. 1b21.. , bend • : and, Untie Raab al Woe; lose Nipples. trwaininninde4 •• •rtia, " 4„ =" P. ' h w iliTt!.. • m,`"'" OPldar . son sod Craned Lima done Pion Warts tad nen. Wound,. it le • ralv4l.==olgee:4 ner erd it i re . tertilsed to elSbalt? toe the len thirts rears lam I =e• will Wm Berwca sod 'Hein doss lalarrtue Interfere sta. obreclaWa $, • iene. IL is mule from the Dann isounlals, tem nein Oroneht trout R[o[l..oo [lOOO j([011/0a la that' entiotry—and. the proprietor. ban Inters hom damn, el.linlAdane. en captains. nuns, sod others' vna l We ud l :t th emselves, sod nottommasml It toot ha em. a Untie Pain Is put no Lo bow obsohnJ 0/ 1 00 [ 0 [ O P/• 4 10 [1[0 Of • bone and •d Oa ' Wed ealdi.r.whitli Oaten La also eniwand on th e ineP ka,ca 00117111 ILEDIONo •W. Proprietor, ifor el* b7)_ll. MINER A CO., Na u 2 btalibbald street • opo. U , E,Mtentit, 140 Wood et. P.. 6. tillthltHAS &CV tor, Wool Stet 14 •14„, sod VIA VINO palm, CO Wood e.' Pluebn. • JlittAILA.l /11.11ZUNAlle on It.. • • • A Cud to the LeMee naunDsoki.PlLlZ _IDIA1.101.1eallittl•IP COMrtl9l4 4rreplar• Mat vnau.i7r" °b"""us."." !mai/ • - • • - - All Modica' Mon . Know • Rio Y'eyor clboom,, fir, pw!, 'pm - oily - yoga ten4Rioglact roteUlagotar . • awl • obetruetion' pia... lamb. from yooyeo, cold, of: soy arm . yam, olm yaggral boatcb &mini Imosallotaly to • and t ai. went °touch • otowly boa b U. moan of m [ln f &Zama rouog toris.)**. 'PM& to lto rue. Pandtatka of It. Wert. loathing of And &ad 4Orturbed Crop mom algr yawing, Meg Itug liabinnp• tio• ofgratn sad Ighonowt &Calla Lad.., tag, AIM Jostrablo oo monody MI lbw . . • • YOU and of:pito:lt Dinottnos &mono was AKA vb.tott moot bo strati* and W tlin&ges woolly to I. • atalittlily be 0pe.1117 curd. Slunk& LOC, gos Ito*, android by, tb• 'Draped& arol At HAMA di? fio n n:Abg r obon 2 T 4 .LITOIIII 5 4 r: 4. li riark-Vb& U NEY'6I)O. ..:"11 1 111 16 TUT will *Mt Um toils Yorgifotneomy, -..ta!st um niter mat "Mbil - gram BALE-:.15 h one .04:48"k. ": I'i n d erri l lagullathiti, 1;2 Youth lst. E)11 SALE-43(X10-A Ranks° Money • Antalge let MCC. bating 1. T..DI Sr af ,s. to van. tam Fit! be Zino. AUWZIX , LBS EXT±LA . lIULLED - DUOS. •. ;,,,p0 . ' , 'llfilltAT YLOPfli In .16 Pound -ado Jan , : 'fog nap gr.aala lo : . r. thy Pagod a. Tis etattas =Mt -. ot tho D od ot?diggenono ono. • , • : , - no it , • -• • uawoirrix. inuj. stnowinas. r ,OVERINITS,GQLDEN-BYELIPBI,OOO ..I.,bant.iastaniud tosslekret Parkes rah .bser gmfreeillia Mow stid initiDad atm. con 2t. re Cod ziver.very bottle war ratted ter tolncr! OA User OIL • :1W Gums • - 7tr'udelaiotace. • sta•Nanoterzitzarvi.. -- • - ' . I briLfcurkaralz.zais Disitaa. :-Atraticurtecumsairygraii, /brtie =rattan:Oa Sore Afts. . .11r lig cure of Grandular Sleeting. Inr vie arie qf Cltties at Gst Rana- Ft• - r Ms cure of Puisunuery Ontuzure.ian• are qfehroneeihvnclallr. • Fur Mamas qfflietets. iFiir - 4 1 / 4 arm o Dlseases arum Zaldliel - 09d Kidneys. - Ibrac curs elf Ctneduanutt itealasos and Genera Boa br tha smirk gallon to betties bp the dorm or Ants battle; ererpbottls Anarranted pure Cod Layer 1111, attfu WleVeladal Drpotore ofDr, CEO. U. HEYBC/41i0 Wood Et. Oen or Vet Gold= liertsr. neSsidir Ago' and Debility: ` AB old .ago comcp erccaning on niAt bring/ many 'attendant Indrattlao.— ioot of knpetha sad weakens/ Inteati the tucalth. and want otaetialt7 mates atm .talad di/contended and not/ baggy. In calm when oLt age -adds Ito Indsumee, It ii 11l lallgendlo to /Add /Igor and lualth. and although many remellea • ham been tried. all hue anti . =MIAMI HOLLAND BITIEBB were: known and need.- In evarpesew where that. have boot aceployad hey hat. InTlUilitar 11,010 storsugth and restatedtha ap Wile. Thai hats decant a great agent thottda atm, and tond brilunr Pan* who are Whiting bola loos olarpottte and metal dadttltr: In eases of tong stand. Ins: ehronto dleaveld they act am a . edam, inTigentbit the contort. thaaithrtng matins anethet opportunity to Moir 7> b y!lwtlgimles. Canoe—Guard agabud pnretudnut an imitation. To =rent laurritlcr. !!‘i earenu . to ask Ibr 4 3ocrttagers , Sir Bald Si. Bi /er bottle? ilar tem" fo r 83. b y 11. rnl P ll=aindlea and and Otailtil a tte ° l ° )thrp.... and ented& Sculptor, Medlar Stucco Worker and Wood Clang. No. 88 Fidzd atrit. bet - vein Wood and Market irtzesta, Pittstrcnnit,, Pa, tam enzidintliod 8. 8 8 anamorteseat of ea AY= Oande Kates. for Parb 3 B B . ALB Toothache is ltataxaly skied by a few szostof Dr.Emart's Tooth. Ache hictedy. bold at DIL ItAtiffEWS. 140 Wood street, et 25 cts. per bottle, • • ••• .10i3FXR WEITEE'S . sEromosin Offig JOSEPH:WHITE . no,w 'oariping blll3l. ilea in his stardom toromben. (how 1 11,11 1 %, 2 °M; 1114 to 4,"'TTo GZBNIIO vs, to - And he trattralsre rmo= waiting:ten horrdemers, that one Prner hh. l 7. is :moot: loorteen years mpestelace In the mudreent =sans Itt&z.lerso before tga Weans the mos chars optima= of which so many tsars mat Jt Las hem his r =seme.t to select tom the maims sad at Mad himenhatmern The soon= of hLrttr• MU= amintsts, the emmomy of his sgrangsments 111 se=es best and most bahlambis hisennlintams at Unencroatcreg bye them toMvg stgenamortdch the Wads fOr decorating Howes ot boahnos bas , eo L pore. the Wee otgooda,lowlem to large rallz.) Jaw= ,W LI hiter will watimaresdy 20012•7 °Pit. at much lees than the sane al monis. R.B. 7 Clarldoew rliptultat tin Oa ban mow met F. ATE 'STYLES Or ~ ()LATHING, suited • L 4 fora!' egg% .4 tostdttioni., Ora coats. Drise nos* Tmelll. laming. Dora. clo.log F 11444.134 Good.. - Aer The Paton: iimatuka couari tOmelel.l tried by a Lana number of.attam.,,very one etwhom are load In undo* ottbem. Iteunsmber it only onto • Itrty cents tar. ten collars at -.- Oils/TIMOCITHIO HAIL comer Wood st... salt Disanad Alkry. 43statt — ii — o Geo; Miltenberger: deed. ..14ETTERS of AdreinhArtitionof the Santo otGootiellLtantarger,dfa% baps ataatsdta ;Wag and Hamel flormly...Examtcas. he. . All mous lad.btad N Ms amateur *masted to tasks pato meat. Ina AL variants Lonna skims Inca the saake to 'Ramat thafraWma, dray attastail; to Ms undatiankra, at lye TO Third attest, E j itta L tzr. lA% }ftsaatata, 'PEE Executors of the Will of - Goo* Mil-. O,I L . ta ''''usi= r :!gr e tol. in utiq= s ." Oraaada.ls elyatauld Ditto &ewe& ter..atlag antra Baulk Common". hiAllsabaor MI - r. sad aztandlasi tea Oa= flandoatr street to Wets? =vit. TM. wall lixown TaCWII7 to ea , of the mod aoslzso sad sta meth" Vasblauss In either city. Alm; ftir aallding Lots lasaamandr albs. ate tetra= Peensytrants Amass nut tha laoaougahals ittstja Moat/Marti o,lb...deur Ettabasgb. - nalikatt &um. ausau:r. ) I :z.cuu7N ,e• Time is Better them FriD;EBBFORE;' yon do not want yo ur a. credit be bade* thew at the oar; or Yultr Mond. donut yor... eret • Witch or Met that will imp time. sat the pules to setIIR then Is a E t LOUGY , E3 - P. 4 NOY TA WSI.2? r • B T.O I: Seth etwcts httesen WOOd and blartek_ Rheas you tan dud Watches of all Mutts, la Gold cc never cum oven or hunting. ll= IS to SM. elects In mar arts &rase or haute, gothle and Inroad tor. hntan and Octave. Mem and Manes. Thirty boar sadlnght day. rased In. rood. eon*? paver macho Jewelry la endless rarletr. at exceedingly low wasaa monk Suck lac teals, Kept Geld awl Winer Peurile„ Bracelet Arm, Oold and M 1,.. Si:esteem Barr and Pearl /...nt* To uld thos may that e who wish to nosehant anythln gaM s In far oier wo h aring booed all our is lan sell Mawr tAnnony Basso tto ellst no teitternu Ins the =end= ot ',clang at wholesale • seta neee3 rr,ery same bathe bolus. eel &adjudge br yourselves. N ac..Watehos. Clocks andletrelry oriel kinds In a manner not to be atoned. T.W. LOUGILRHY. not:lyd . • Tees er-, betsume Wood and Market. TAMES L.E21•017 I. Len auscraatouis cAinNra,FURNITIME AND CHAIRS, 90 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh.. . . • ciO'NSTAN TVARl ljav"' °' -orit.,T=W 4 ' 4 . of Sato gum] Med vett of th e a.uagbaataa. •-_ ul • • Peng tatbs 4=1.4 or our ardsra. and trayrored t a r : Wax far =armful:Grin...we ars amoral to arab. star: ettiW In curling at the very lowest rats., sad totteu-latr ot atria toglnt entire aattasetiou to wart taste, • Our stock =Ada In Dart of tho tAlartag, made Su Mora**, Idahaitauf or Walnut: • • . Wardrotani. • • dafaT floe . ..patzat.„.l344nalan mnams F4MQI ItMMEEII awn. laeivathh% Deatelog "n Bureatui • • Jenny Ural !widest..s. alto, Cots. Loancesale-lit. Istrrtzelabler, • With a vest variety al Cotooloo runtime. end ether erilolvs too onsiontos to mention. We osoodally Invite attention of th ose leterveted to tole ism styli, or COTTAGE EADATEIO3. Width for testily. idyls and utility: sat metier to say Llitod Door io non. . • 41tainet tit-tors Supplied with ovary article in their ilm of tallow at lowest orkoletals mites. Strict Wootton elm to. FceniAing Steamboats amt Hotels. nom within" to ntactdbe us invited to rail at oat Eildbillan Booms. on Youith •jotreet. near Wood. where we wIU b bone' to dumper do*. nol7:dei : WINTRIL ARRANGER ENT. lOC CILLLX AID omit zoom. . JRl{l4O% &CO, winolmee to their friends . • and tti nubile Pat tba7 buy apaaid also= on the plan dna sdnyud last abler. allti tat vim to serving • thrt tta Onaltad In ataty SW.; . Teas. Coast and Choctaw ; • • les Cram, fratu le. • TUI2 aatanytTtatt bat. taattial mutt at to • ',a.m. =adage.= ot ban LOS sa at, Orrtgarnaa. Cogs l Iguty mat any Mar dating the day sal attnit to 11 P. 1L na THIRD PALE SUPPLY OF NUNN'S & CLARK'S PIANOS: • KUSER 1G BRO. havo lif ip m • 'wind their third 11111 ent•ll o th• 014 rated tr I/ PINS t ClAllift Pim.. o*—razalog froinoM to COW, and eora- P TIVIAntIriV =1;r• within tate trap. alittartimer towed Mgt storitiotity. rad ars i tcr ,nr ltrittrrl . •7 Judos the mar perfid mu:WO Sold at es N. I% vim. A =MO inarsittar acinnv IsAire ti Mao. Th•• 2•6116 nropertrally to ahll and =Wes: . • • • - rli.. EMMA. • 8110 JOBB CAMPBELL; BOOTS AND%Elogs • 0. .4r2211cry. DM? am .. !Wt . eI p iZA LT. PA. . FIBIED APPLES-40 bbla for sale by • p aol2 • • lIHNILY H. oncutig. ' - • • rill6by ASU-1000 lbe for sale 8141.4 r-e 7 A. CORM i/14 nanTITSTOCI *OO Nme . ts, ' i 1. °MeV, SII V E L S M A IL E L S ). O ,.. bbi • oso Cabins to loy up Uric 'Lau Hoek mould do itoJIl4 got that nappl Wog way ouzo. EWA CHEL nollehrd Ca.WaytaiantlUMM T MIT . Canal L. • GGLYOEBINE ;41:11MAK--This oxoollmt ankle {umlauted to acr• matt web.prd bungs la all asses. Pnpued aad xi," by JOY. YLEKINIi, ' . • • war MOM at. and Mom:4 MILLER'S WIIUII SYRUP—Tho best atEO• that Nos Lour! kr Grusto.salds. Ns— Presamtlinassilessy Iy •-• • • • JOS. /LEMING. for A 'UR'S CHERRY- kEOTOBAL--3 "'gross d rellitestod Porters! Syrup l mod sad 'moor est maw era. fIITRATS , MACIN ESKA—Thin active and / sitessattiliest2Attle This/l! b. ebtalaes ll a 0% . JOS. 11.1311, pth ß3 e ohm almost etbolinew Pamir Donlon 4 to 0 mnal 14= 1 . , *Molts:...; - • ..#uware nia ma. r.IOIIN'I[FAL.=4O bbTa for a iIo by iJMli':,' fI.NIWILOOLLINI. D. P‘ACIIES.I3 bbla. for sato by soul ••• - =Ralf. /I. 00L11118. 4 ph CMS POTABII for Edo by 11 1 • • • ••-"': SAUALNY,COIaIIaTt aCM BIS --rdirdaktraffrilVdo Ls , , mll4l 1101XXS _QadWXI6B VA. TOBACCO, B&3?ted "UV ,I " 6 ", ° ! mb lintitin a Diurorrn. MSWRiiP:I;PM ASSON, [t•oref for Pogopobo. Fayette' Co., rs i ook.d.r.gmul. LlWltirna, atm oz. DISIINI SU/ATOMS 2IOTIUF Whore= Wel of Attlatuldrttlott to the Xstatn of Matthew sow. Me of tit* moots cf Allesttony.Add, b.,. born gran,ad to thMeG... rtottitat' 4 atigras e =te rz, i 3 Mortatt WI = fag atiPat an to ion It O Dreamt Item .ttltmtet. to" • dolt g m. " :4 !" 1.44. 4Aintl 11.4101CROit: met.' • witty.% Barley Wiuttet.e.....__•(' undersignod having g a ole d Now Jprorrery roa the roam of Wilkins '4ll`Sorel. moo . strooll. blab Ward. Illsamirt.h. vitt psi too blahen market M .i foi , goad utoc•rbso Wl* Barley. do. Mood or rt u or or Of mom A.lOlO 00 0 IincILIA•I4 sliest. Seat • DWI 41, A 1 1.) 0 W , ont••••ttly tuod •41.311 rt itto bort •O l AUL IS, • WALT lira 110 PS moo tosiorablo toms 41 01 1 ?0 rotlblirb moos of Uol kind moo ot th• sootaorna.' • • '' ' • relramrtounis - .. • ALWOO7); Asst. Five Farms for Pao, ,SOlllt-of which are joining, situated from Uwe* tn ere alas mdrthdtesi, Wm. COICall. uea county, Oblo. urirg Eritrpin tfly te MA Ilan grad amoodrort ahatth. Iwo good bldld v igri. 0701 "" 1 . rgi l ititia l Zumtk i f,; O grultt l . 1 1:14d. ° 11 ` . 0 jathy ..istertusod. dunes lags to iall god railroads.— The fabrcifr-1. Vial= to Mr* Wm; to the only cum Lu adggg, . !mud eurim. Wig. a Oidag.figr. zadklillad • Bilern(a) , Zimblkdd.- - ".• , ~=rte -TMXGRAPHIC t Welt kern EOroPe•- . . . , -BsYDY Hoot, _Nov. Tho eteetoship reteis,,• feat .Limpool, - Tith dates to the 15th inst.. hat just, paned' here for . . Toviasoot, oition:marked'har been inactive daring the 'Week, bat-- middlial Qualities`-hare improvid- 1, being soiree, the sales of the week have been 41,000 -bales; eluding 600 on speculation and 2100 bales for export- The sales on Pridity were 6000 bales of which 600 were for .speculation_and export:— The market closed steady. The stook_of corm • at Liverpool Is 807,000 bales, of which. 298;000 aredmerican. ,Breadstuffe are generally inaetlYe, and eligh • *The weather is fsvosiside Con money are quoted at 921094. Loin ox, Nev. 16.--The money market is de. cidedly more stringent;' end the Bank of Eng land has increased its rates of _discount to - 7 per cent. The bullion in the Bank of England has desolated £66,000, and the returns of the Bank of Prance ahoy a tieerease of 3,000.000 francs. The quotations of cotton are lie follows: Pair Orleans Ti; Middlings 7; fair - Uplands 7i; Breadstnffs—By Mauro. Elolutrdson, Spence &Co., the quotations for Breadetnffe arc—Wheat has declined _lid, but 'there is an improved mead; rod wheat $s to 95; white wheat 9,5 3d to 95 10d; !lour generally has declined Is; Western Canal 30s - to 330; Baltimore and Philadelphia 823 to 345; Ohio flour 355 to BGs 61. Corn to in improved demand at en advance of Gd to 8d; mixed corn 835 lid; yellow 345. Providens dull, and prices generally no. changed. Manchester cdvices are unfavorable. Loaruon, Nov. 15.—Mesars. Baring & Brothers report the Iron markot se quiet, with but little speculatiro enquiry. Welsh hare and-rails 170.C7 Gs. Bootah pig 703. ' - 'The Persia reached her berth at halt peat 10 o'clock, and he; mile will be deepahshed by the afternoon trate. • .., The steamship Mamma ealledfor New York on the 12th ilea. The Arabia and City of Bed more hroLl not reached Liverpool vrhon the Persia A severe gale • occurred at Liverpool on the 12di, 'doing muoh damage. The ships) Bilas Wright and Samuel Fox for New York, .and the Louisiana for New Orleans were driven who . on the Middle Banks; no lives :were lost, and the steamers were busy inreaving,their • cargos. ' The English ministerial papers publish can. spiouously that tbe alliance of France abd-Erig land was as close and cordial.aa over, and that it has never been shaken or impaired. Lecpold Redpatb, tho Registrair of the great - Northern Hallway of England bee absconded, be ing a defaulter to the amount of .CIKOOO. - Napoleon remains at Perla." Gen. Ripely, the Russian.. Ambassador, hid delivered Ms credeatigs and , was favorably ro. The position of the Bank of France was not luiperting, and tbo continued diminution' of ape. oio boa given rise to reports that the reluctance ottho. Emperor to' consent to' a tuspansion of speoli'paytneite lusi been overcome, le which owe the Bank would probably resume the prao tloo diecoUnting ninety, day bine. Crimson Nov. 26.—Thme was a terrible gate of wind- last evening. The steeple of the new Unlmeallet Church- was • - blown off, _ and titre, new Ave 'ton brick buildlogs in the process of oonstruetiork were blown down. • They were owned by Drown& Wilder, D. Merton end G. W. Noble. Bevend lumber yards were - badly dem. *wed. :The toted Lisa is $30,000. • , - The Upper •Ilinissippl, •••• above Lake4epin, is olond by ice. ' ; BOSTON. Nov. 26.,.h. gland banquet in honor at AtIEOU Butlingarne„, in which some 1200 per sons, inaludiag ' a large in:tither at ladies, pante. !paled," 'tame off at, hound! Hall butt evening. The bonze was beenlifolly dieerated. . . Pturrnir.rina, Not.2s.—The flour market Is steady.with a fair export- demand, sake 2 , 000 bbla at $6,621 for mixed brande, $6,874 for se lect and $7 for extra, nsbetly.at $0,871. , 'befit ' Is a falr demand for the supply of the city retail trade at . $6,7508,25 - for common to ; faney , brands. Rye flour some and wanted o $4,50. „Coin meal dull at $3,25 for Pa. neat Wit cot tiemand, but tbere to not much offeSne 4 .--' ea 4000 bus at $1,63Q1,55 per bus for fair ,ftisd'ied,sl,6oel,67 for poor white and sl,- SS for fair to prima white. Rye is want. 4 ig or tdii taken readily on arrival at 80 per bus. ' wanted; sales. 8000 bus good Southern 1011(4 et 67 afloat, and 66 in store; the sites are steady. - Whisky dull and lower, galas 100 bbis Esstern . and Ohio at 30031 per , gallon. Outran:am, Nor. 25;--Floor mart uniettled under the Influence of the steamer's news; mass 260 blds. M - $8,80. - . The receipts elate Yester day hare been GB6 We: Whiskey unchanged sad dull; sales 350 bbis: at. 24e and 160 from wagons at 241. Nothing doing In Hogs; the market b dulL Groceries unchanged; red Wheat improved; prices steady at $1.06®1,08- Cons dew at 48050 for old end 48®45e for Deer. Bye steady at 78®80. Barley dew at $135 for Bprieg awl $1,50 for FAIL Oats in brisk demand and dm at 40s. Mamoru!, N0v.25 —Flour bee declined 12i. Wheat and corn are catehatigod- - Bess of whip. key aro mute at 201631 a. • Valuable Coal Lands for Bale; Ira% sobscribor offers for sale 83 sores of a Lad la Ctihyper. Wane Mean Ohl* Mb land lieftha trn elan of terming lanct—onii-balf elated, thio balance Pall • tisnansil, and Is sindaciald with a seta at invader Steen Mal orb hot Weapon—a bank Pow open Mud 'rakish shad Talmo, Ron the bank to the Oblo • MAW. sad O. Z. O. tetrad Tit nano Conn*. • LW, • deed of L 5 sem of Mal. and 113 ions' Inbred ti saw a Oat, ak adjoin:lllg Ibis kJ aeon. • Th• implossmana oa WI 83 save are • Mors Ws". Elsa= ith then, and 16 Onions!, Minos far whim. WI 0$ ham) and other vaarnary ernes alma, tar oirr7lair on estssule• coal awns.. This la lemon as the • • Tor ack 0.1 hi laic , and Wag lb. 0.1 en.l naebad Or aaall from etsvessid. mats, is • ves7 dolman Clopartgalty too those •litun to engage In as eepl basic/ nla the Win nuarlists As tbs onus by mods array Immoats to moon to the W_lllds thit Wen/ .111 b addllf .01,1 sono)D. Lb* ro• elawarrea of also Tboussatt Dods" Is Lb.* goal az dust soy tombs If not sold. ostiltoblo voltam to sumo la Um mod busload. Ka Ds tutted. • Tor ftrttbor lotoratotton, nosh. ors Moo. Moms or Jossith Robbins. of Toostdoisbottls. Wootatomlood Oa * Pa or gtoslly,Cloroland.o.ol.l the lica..letal DIV•I3. a CAIPDs.o. Woro•Oo wt. Isms aatborimd *soot. mitt ovotit RATDIOI N. WOOD& SCROFULA, EFFECTS OF MERCURY, Comusaption, Dronehili., Dyspcsia, aireuma• am, directions of the Stonack,'Bot-44, Kidneys, Blailde, Debility of tdeßava Sp • • ern both Hato and Fermaree, Serafals sod General Wookhon will owe Mom wed other dumb, Wm/wok uolvw/ ewe/. On - I/ Mall, No.. /140 Itroadway., Now Yea. dovotes hl. wbolw time w ear. log &tow .n 4 ebnmhe odoetkros. Usk:Mum. U. 010111%, id Waal. tlyochily than who bon two/1w! no boowelt worm pontos/ tvatatoni by other pbysk.l.4hs, We wero caret by DT. ilwath,.-11.1tetUl llollrom. Bewsdway; .1 0 Nyfts. Jute Lwa Wow, 1 ehlla 04104z0w.). H U Chevy* Ides.tboa). r MAWS; tl W Cleo wed. wit.. to. Ls. llowth 1. ask boo. rabbi asidßrel li c aSolas me i to 7 N 1 1 Maltor Stalw or New Uri. lion Jrhigo Owes. Ulty Jadro. Nww Tort. • . Flnti•OW Aladlstazom me gonad the '4oetwiby • I.nar. etatlng tbalranworally...d /newly, whim. 1.10 t •il tha' 1100~1 noodle% by mut, •amwt. tbso.by °WU. log thonotsrofty of ••wood 0144 Uhl. locrodadoly work. with Illostestlro oopyallosk 0111 to, wad h. I. nn l& fke thio &Kat May Dr,: Math wlll more to 111 Wining straeL,ompodta lbw et. Nkbolso liotaL wotlyw a Chariton VaII Farm for Sale. :tOFFER . FOR Buz TILE .LESIKABLE run. Qr. albs Irmo Csoonsigirg. woll glum ss o Viton..orily one sults hose the O. V. Haltrosd,- It 03040ns stout 110 liena lig of wldth I. In iced PIOT' Mid moiler ea itirstloo. Owl Maur Owstilog. Bs= bil SUM* sod orbs oat bolding*. A word MIAS elieg Orchard or grsOwil fruit ttstis. A good when. shad. tzses t Ah A Onoilsoes or wows art lM littoral .terersillog*Wow. 0. or •rdob 0100 droll Oil toratloo to pouts or toeing. and oils, sonowocileas I mou damnably being la the 6114 at 0011ft...50 and lotsilistinteotomvaill. with re bud bows irrtabing ths Um: more.. 01 all dingszlostio. wrossogint t *At only 3 oats, tests Os rstiow.4 ',onto (Wog lb/ one duhiog S 01assiet in. to • loosiltr log tbsirsittsges of both 10.01.1 .4 town 111. 1.1 sited to r t . st plaei.rbeito .birei tar 0111 mat. known l4llll, on, ; JOSIPII VAN ZHAO, Jr. • • . • 1858. • ••• •• • 4 • • • • 1836. VIA LL'ST(H)KS NR,W • . Vt•ach Minima. all Wm; • '• • : Parblonsble Clo4ll. Cloths. .• • Pall HO kit. th• nos etylen, tilsnoinnme Now VoLatow, . . • ' - I_ • Nowt Mylso 1:141!cooK • ; vnry hop/ ittnel N. Stunt., • •.• • • Plan wt.—W.4o. Yorll.n .4 3110,11001. , Oaths. Yesilnpo anti all tinda linnV Wok,. •; T. 41 410.1. 'Cowl... 4.. EYRE • J.ANDY.LI4. • Younb sad /Irak Inc, Ybill,lnipb.l, Btwiirp.t.ori toy U•nd to 1/013100 ow. ties Glands. .• Vnuallos ens La iron saltAl In ovary 1.144 of Orr 00‘41. e Mt* Mack Nino 104 bbnlrla Isuling ankle, AR: Wholmenlaing. P.M.—JOBS 01.0,1001 daily hrou 1.1. Loc. Use, 0114, York salllPlKUdnipldiL. MrCA.M. . • • • . • nT....inner .Orphates . C6urt Sale. 11 . • y yittno of an order of rho Orphans' Court (4411ml:ton. rtgly. aged, Nara:ober Iff i laa t ;Ar t ". 'rts'AVg i btr, 00 kr lb. twn:nartn,L sdministrator crib@ natal* of in,NA WALBZIL &comma: all Ms. fallonlnn dantrlbol 11 Egt•UP, •It OIL that 06,3410 MO.. 0 , Lot ot Uround. b.lon 60 tor t en Marto/ . str•el. and 120 tont In d•rtb, on Vern] strootoml batvit Pals of Lot. N. 13 t Is P'O3TINI:=7: ga b " nia Terns =do 1:00.12 d 0c411:03,4 • • Rou e n . WALEX'S. Adz% NeWITINAEL . EARS k " 1 '1 . 10RXkrnatikaga k W D WI Mina . lON AND OMENTIC SADDLERY HARDWARE I CARSLIGE T tin RIMMINGS, . No. 135 Wood &rect, lbovo rita. orrsztrataa. Pa. UVOULD call tho att:a of. the trado v v ectatk& m dilatilkie lo th e Lintel /Weir and Caniass Pluchuel h Ol 2 UM' earns imertant CC 114 . 4 " • Valuable Heal Estate. for Sale. TRACT OF LAND in Elisabeth Town. ship, Alleabintr county. 1 mile tiara Illoaoogebate I tir b zlis=o=. 7 l,4 4 ,iztitt yz ur . zigssioa. The baprormeats ere Des Wet Lloame in = rther cat balialager than . Tenent Lloasea two be .r three ()Tawas. .leal tr ash arssered. sod e rartodaoca of Llziettoala WLU be sold alba. or la qct■ lot lorther .bastlarbeaa of the eabscrlbrr. the armatme, or of Y. O. lejaemtre Attebtolat. aollhlaorra JOON MO. COMMERCIAL. 13INITTE1t OP AItELITILITION. lea Nov IL MO:PPM , R. R.-3. IlvaLia4a.ll.: E. aszurs. Al= .1111161 . { OP TUE. rxrstatuftati Xi WHET Ar fat Pak !taibut Ell. 1146 d, 51a4euerei. b► row) . e.butied anal oar lad; but Ikt the moment otinitlag thL Croadara the* la a ham. staidly rata SOlng,..witti awe Stafrod Or eontloNny. liottilastmore eltiettnit thaw th wuld, Dosalbtr betel es sad altbiastitha" aritlbat olcata slaata7 anal attEsrabla, = Oll zeta aPlasiad lama