BIINSiGI YBHLTT~Svtzen6., immarmongiuk rtot 26 1856 •uniznsAn 14= halm: . . . • , i+k . o—Ph:. tknilavw per autnuo. : 467atto In 5.V.<1.11. WEItKLY—Ttro Dollars pre *lmam- o.l•stot— inte vrtlt bf.truppliat an fotkrzipg food/ Wm. • t Pour CoOfir Pet Ten Ospros pa *mum.- ~„ • 0 IX) .. liiirreereots an to &Mal tao into. oh: l,6 a* One •X.. 14 ' 4 '''T 0 01 c. at any Mrendltut M3odrl.t. — lo7Advano t Payment.lo4 o .l l.63 , the -Attpped when tha sore la =to:takes It l!krint.tred 111ATE8 ADYNRTISING; • ..• . • 31 " t 776: Minoru of Itoi mill or .Agato.) • 6eb odamonstio4iiiak-- 1 06 as. 6 1 76 . t Soo hree 4.00 .krzr 10.00 , •D 6 twelve tmeatbs---:. 1 CO • Ettatu6 ll67lw 11646/d6. (5 Huse a 7 len) pa. annum , 000 46se ..1766.761,76. 61u7smaiblokst gleamilyPer 7 . 1. • • r Do, ob . • GMT. ease nem Wrriesa—Te ta4ay't paper we give a very enggeetire mild° from the Mar. * mond ;Ali:quirt? on the probeble piney of. Mr. Dachanan'e 'adialttielmalon. - The tupinr, will bonen, Opproclatie to the full the difficul _ dee - Deohanita's paeltion, and adyisee ;.1 cannon and prude:tee In that eabylouterier.whleli" to to clMracteriatio:ofreckleea extremlets who ":ozpoo t to have everything these own way.. do a comparison* la the article front the Richmond ariari; we also 'giro ono from theliotroit Free home organ of Gan. Cato Thie De. tioit 'cm% doubtlemt quake in: behalf of tho . bliebigen 4 3enator, - and,tts utteranoca May proper iy be reintlati hit'teetitoony,. given upon the • eritnem eland of the nation. It acoonate, it will be mein, far the ..beary" Fremoat maloritiea the worth" the only possible way couriatent With the truth Of bleb:pry. to wit by holding them attributable ”41Oleli , to. the malsdadaistmalcin of Weirs of Kansas."' 'lt boatmen Ifst l 4? , . _ that "the first, election in Kansas 'went cellicd ful itit:path of Mileourieno," that '"the Legislature • ' thus chosen 'Went: on to legalise elavery and to enact acodo of litre fitly characterised by Sen. s.cseff, ult . Ereiaili or me trditedStatos, gractfai to the'civilizstion of the age;"that legislation'lrma followed• by ecenes in llaname vhiob, have furnished the .bleek republicans with tbn e , earl of capital they wanted:" that national administration for Menthe eat still, and permitted ..theee ElOOllCe tel.:au:Tire," end that "ha! the Southern dcutoOthtiti prat% and bid Seutbent dethooratiti statesmen, condemned the terupillon In language not to, - Ea mistal ileititood, and bad the), denounced the eUempts then and eines toed(' to int ro duce elerery jute itentote4 force and frartifthe Fremont major., idea '‘Uald - iinve beru very math less in the • .tforthein Shaft?' This le not only Arne but excellent.' ye like it. .Whtle Abe - .Okla/and martague at Go in - aiming :adatialitration am pointing - mei with pendent foreithenght ,the.dsagers that lie ahead, the'sage of !die-bitten show wherein consists - errors ofthe put. It is good te.beai thee° people one ;nether. Their frardeness 'wad plabetteis of speech =tore - ttur - adiedrationt lad We hope that theadifyini manner in *hick they - anbanlen themselves wilt resale to - the mutual benefit of both. -As this, however; ii bat the opening of free conference, it will be interesting tivatott Im progress. The: A'sgeirer iota" ask,- in reply, (who knows?) why c if. Oen. Cass turcinved ea thoroughly with Ike 'Repub. . abodi ,iltelierupeion into Kansas and the late sae . toreitt riel tetra, all he atiftrete in the , Stenate, when hetual a chanc‘ford . he.adausition Kansas as a free State vacitylhe Topois eogetttaiion 1-` 't - en:articles ea ,- which era live ;alluded will aioldtt(ipay pienut. , - •. • via MO2IOIIGMICIA.—Tho Keespeet 'Situated et Mplitinet et the obit:actions to theyatigation of tho Monettgahela below darn 1...1t nape- . "The Birmingham bridge WI he built a few rodefroM the outlet of Lock U,. I. Anfl ticacra. leg to the Boss plan. that is, With a. cousiderable number et piers -Coal boats ore known to be the .most tratcuutsgeable kind of crafts thatiog on water . Now, it en happens, that the current br the river , iminediately at the outlets of the leaky; starts . almost diagonally over to Birming . hare,- mid the mast. euffer the -boats to ewiagrottnd inarder tS keep olearof chaste or ZOO - Jail at . Cie. moment of evringicg, the bealineoisisatily roach the of or the pro jected bridge, and dealt to piecee, in sesen oases ' . otat..ot ten. -.-Sapposta however, the bosts ovitape, • the pilots will have no time to right theta again =herons therairies at the projected Bteubenville bridge, which will be befit olillqttely across Irma tho mouth or the old Penes7l - muted; and it they escape oleo this second is to be contddermi rather a miracle, a tuttural,chaccet.: . hta high water stage, o test feet mor e: than...nsual, there is >nt mortal ohattce of an escape. - .That our coal Ueda is !' ; '2'. - -•..:Sirtttellk, utopia if nothing ie . done to obviate • them deelerousimOdiutents.. - It will bha mat; ter er terions consideratitui tied detennined an tiopt for our Coal dealers to ISdPrit E 01320) measures whia.mß.l eave them from ruinous bests." , In accordance with tem° 'auggestions we not- . tics Lithe Standard a esil oto all persons ells. 0134 on .#lO. Monongahela' and 'l7 , :;eighieghen3i' ItifenT in Vet Moats to attend '7 - Meeting to be hold abthe Town Hill 16 bort, , on Theniday nett, "the 27th day of Nevem ber et nie o',:doUk,:tb,ld-, to take into consider , scion the 'Proper stepetn obviate tho eoppord difficulties "'Halos finis the building of the new We are toelined to ihink that the apprehended dangers aro mush magnified, and that there is aiictituathesary vernith of feeling in the matter; but Itti will welt and see shat'the noel rim hare Nsineites —At, tho: late' territtrlal 'election I+ol3 lit' Nolarsakft.territory there was no pall oal o gsniestionaand party bneowere Dot deawn;. bat the *yorning says that it theliaeo linaliiets 'drawn; *lntl *Lionel questions kept ottent the esiressehe sate - would hero been strongly Ileptitiliettaar„ South of the l'hitto the - people ars strongly . :Vete 111603b11111 iitet Of the !twists. trtra,"ae tat.eti fic;sr.lfroto;ere inostlifree State men - Tl le Tertcopeesyst =,. Siorton; of the News; who Is the month the border rases, in this vicinity, and who slandered Metal:mu waigreots, ran tot the 10 /StMature. in this coun . ty, Bed wee beaten bend " his . ree eitate opponents: - phis awn -: bow be Wends In . bis owe ouonty • among his fel. , towollineas. He, zed all who *hied with him, were badly-661t0n. notwithrtauding their extra exartioes to alit' their men and ptinaiples A RID cat — tility. oCeurted yeiterday in the :city a t Uadees, , at Shaft No. 2 on the ton. 'Pel Which is befog constractad far tbo New Yark and Irie-llallroad by tbelonst Bonk Company. In tbo abaft to o, hole about 7( foot deepi . lll2Alt tut 'lb'''. bottom of 'ibe - lantel: . Tho hole le about 20 feet iaatidtb. - .. Thera Is a hoist ing apparatus used, at w blob the niotive power is a stepm.enaioe, for hoisting the fragments of roch. - by means tab,- - which ie slued and toadied by a. rope:- - 0,4 tab the lien aEppley; ml In the shaft go up , and down: • - 2.. AI noon yesterday, as Aso - tali ' , wore Coming ' out ufrtheshaft iq thla lab, the rope parted . at *lake, Inat et they reached the surface, aid they were precipitated. to the bottom., Three of them were:- killed, and tie-were - badly iplurod --N. • - Destria.— Tee Teasels gill nog depart frera .onittel Strata .for Liberia; ono hem kititaoro, the, other . from Cotters. Th. :neer ablp built bythe bberat donation of the late Sfr. titerrno,or Maryland, sea altered the Mary Car , Able Marone gill leave Baltimgro ea the 20th of - November., and Hampton Wads en, the 4th et -Deese tuber. this teasel, gill bat go , to Monte: eirs„ &althea to: other_ aettlinionto 00 lbeeoset. Bba gill take out ewer 200 prelategers.... Thetis. act ffere Pesten hie bees chartered Wee mai - ,achateltif Satiety, tri'earey oat the oraterialahr --:reteilLrgoirribiiereottri on I% teteritifel atie lkgtho -.gcrrenunentgrar.,MOLlTllTYL. ,• . . . froi ram xstun—Thn aumptnetut aslariea pelt! to pfidattlEforabo gospel now centreat Antilop iltrlthlhone iir:Ukolikti fiasco— Mr, Goodrich, .3Poter 'Poi in - hie ltecolleatlons of .LIfo• Gnat, Jan. pnbl thbed,. 'statesthit"Me fofLer, " s Coniaccticat clottrtenu of. the- Congregetionel Orerrotton; brought up and, ediroded &wily of night *children on Cala Tit four hundtc4l . !la. lads nyder, and lett, st hid diedh,2+Nittertlitc of lour thaw:turd dollare." tiot-only:411# tMA bet houivie4o IV -Mod -Ur efeetooeirtery - ter.: tor traveling clerausett. By B. =Dim = z _ F ; 70/00,----• 11 3326 2585 312 401 10 _.807 113 11611 021 2.1 140 17413 ' - 711 1745 26 1149102.----0" 2 99 leZ• ' 433 Wu' 407 Screari.--.-1124 5203 • 45 -11.1.1 2814 58 41069406.--00.. 191. 70 " /El - 403 101 61. 217 • 1181 - 153 336 1711 131.• mem. 914 303 434 • 927 - Chatnyalgra......34:o . 731 :52711 301: : 7111 /SG ntalatlan....- - . 354 . - 5:59 , 894 433 :44L 143,, 830 1313 930 41 la ' • ;13 .-- 1 2 . 10 .• 6 4 73 • ..4.175- . TSB • 790 • 1182 . 1232 484 • 2010 '3ll • 66.31 taw 302 Cemn0ra........." 067 • • .1121 697 91 Cumberland... 011 296 .5= 647 327 139 101 •' 1373 ' 273 - 21.54. 76 11e10141....4.......8 Mg.:: =3 "_878.:...681 645 350 .D9Pa36,--. 511 . .1387 2 441 1751 •.. • 114116ar...............rA3 • - 961 8011 ' 1331 - 1076 :171 333 : '176 910 231. 314 -.161 Ed =" .- 724 90 '. 714 7 .166 81 ISaystta .......... 947 . -- 68 ' 799 945 713 709 29.^ 8114 1052 - 231. 1076 , 34 170 701 ton ............2721 2011 6493 MG 7347 mid 64/14119,......... 764 • 413 •••• 841 2.31 ,776 Geeens.-....55436 2 00 71 ,, 1255 a 026 L 2 " -- 618 a 628 220 •,- 114:2114:424......1186 7C- 182 : ,/nll •98 37 • nhumont..*2-01.1. 2120 94% 2678 .172 106 332 4 223 370 88 , 110 610 ' 717 163 617 772 1411 676 .1918. ." 47-- -,670 1072 Ent J=t=.. 453 760 1041 : " 463 160 102 .5.111.6. -'15140 , 449 100 .1191,52.....-- 879 • ~6M- 156 884 4947_ 43 .14.3a2043- 12711 - 60 . 1309 172 2.1 701 • 387 :626 748. 692 177 .10 Dated:o.-43W . 22111 . 149.1 2135 8 .164197.0un •2-- 74 7709114 L l7 912 • • • 316 , • 29 1 16 12 Hankatee..--=B.- 13.56 GI 369 1253 50 21540a11 16= 'l3 323 1616 19 , Clung 2561 277. 1425 3967 .144 Late- • 658 ~ 2147 10 672 2330 10 I,a aa11i........2605 - 372 171 2716 3729 • 01 , 09 513 . 730 440 40 641 1894 ..2.1 011 1002 469 • BSB 410 581 43 • • Loom Eers .4116;' 441; MI6 331 237 , 6006 . 333 818 641 276 M11=479114.• ..»1161. ' 823!1813427 1111' 1616: 1373 . 1635 125,1 .7 1 40404433 413 . 1149 317. 333 11 u19414/1.......4 834 1008 : 116 . '833 1072 63 b1aa0n.....-- 737 L - 237 613 , 755 410 350 630 • 6 251 830 L 6 251 • • ISeDezumsh4.:. - 1870 • 699 • 864 1600-:1088 314 ,_...~....Y 0 11 45 7 945 , 2889 • 43. 947 611 L4l . .1037 660 '1507 :17047 472 00 04474...».....854 • 109 665 • 11131 676 66 4 789 1141 140 • 771 1146 123 - Monto64: . 902 340 : '5lB ,912. 418 430 • Atention;277.. 1372 162 589 662 296 Enron - 063 1133 1283 1521 50 411 104 305 • 431 364 10.1 738 7.414 750 716 5450 277 Peoria.. ....-2466 :6,03 301 . 2481 2910 =0 Porr2..-- 671 900 423 640 340 504 310 6' 12.4 813 %I 010 Pile 1031 _ 1010 - 2271 1035 67 Ppe..-...-- 815 11 214 R 57 25 IMF. /12 1 44k1-...... 473 21 • • 260 430 63 40 .1 , 91a4.841. 367 , 115 316 .540 105 13 •472161 D b: -. 1721 708 619 . • 1364 644 Mebiand,.- 783 '440 783 435 33 lkele 142.4 , 270 • 1:20 3407 753 4 9 . 1 ......2476 -•' 1174 1012 =2 390 8641916...........1004 4 221 1623 40 160 328 610 1401:: : :11.59 , Scott 843 123 636 842..5050 :4-43 •• 152 451 . 353 718.. 152 3452•• , 747: 1 529 Iltophens6l7,-..1308 18117 50 3011 2.020::"i":47 01. 01a1r.....„.3126. 1060 073 4734 51.71::1114 1021' 767 1356 1110 497 Caton cl - 245 1258 Ur =6 Verm1111433.....1111 • 1590 1174 • 111 u• 1668 . Webasti........ 441 -1= 488 CIO 619 • Wame747....-..1117 1727 307 . 1130 1914 371 Waalaugton -.ll= 241 223 1138 804 111 -112 402 1937 181 315 'White .4 -37 640 450 2m White:2,lZ...---1062 611 1902; 210 1080 819 /918 110 3013 10 1081 1464 14 W19118=4 ~..1419 114 188 '1407 49 66 Winnense24...... 417 27 7 / 1 1 61 465 8611 19 W0cdt0rd......... 747 598 189 .763 403 IE3 A ildestmtrants Astetotor.ife extract the fol lowing editorial article from the Richmond En qulter'of Retarded , . This • paper is the most ultra similar/sties! on the subjeet of slavery in the whole Routh. it. audelms change of ton e comas just after the return of Governer Who from s vieit to tic. Buchanan. ,This article may be coneldered ae• foreshadowing 'the coarse of the Southern Detneeraoy and. of the 'Admicistration. . Tan Tacoma Annintarmatiort.—Ti's Mo. Zerten - Stretery anti Nos Orleans Date . —Not at all discouraged by their recent repalee, the re tainers of Prentont are badly employed in Con demning s basis of party organization for the eempaign of 1860. The plan to to rally the Meek Republican l'oreee upon platform of ettffialent compass to embrace every oppiosent of slavery and every enemy of the Routh, and then to begin a eyetematic, ineeessnt and unsesupts lons warfare ,upou the nest kiminletnalon. Colts,, at the end of his term, Mr. Boahanan'e administratiou tan command the popular sup. pert, a Black Republican once:easiest will be the Inevitable consequence. - There will be ao ether party to litherid the dead man's effects- Tbe Blunders of the Domeereay, then, are to be the advantages of 'Black Repoblicsadam. What a lesson 'of caution and eircimrpection dons Ole fact Inculcate open every person who is in any Sant reeponsible for the policy of the party I With what obstsoleo and embarrasomunia does It threaten the incoming administration. The Delta:ratio and Black Republican. parties are nearly balanced in respect of power. The former was ziotorione In the recant sire:tele, but esteems was hardly won with the std of Import ant -accidental ; advantage*. The latter has abated nothing of Its zeal, end has euffered no paisse in De preparations for another ' In the next contest circumstanoess must be, against us The Democratic party s illae plea ad in every critical position, and will-br subject ed tea trial that will . tax At wleeleeit and its strength to the utmost. Under MO bet auspi. actin aiministrstion can hardly Aleteire the venuatuie of Its foes and the' treachery of its hinds. 'How difficult, then, for a President to steer safely into .a harbor, when his course lies among breakers, and be must commuter . the fury of ea inevitable,atom! Every' body foresees the clifficultite end dangers in Mr.. Buthanan'e path. Everybody understands that hie tuLminle: erasion most stand the:bazards of a sectional controversy. Bat -this la not all. The:' Black Republican party will watch sad waylay him et every step of his progressa, will interpose all man. ner of obstacles in his tray; will bursae him by Open meanie. will .undermine ,bite by secret treachery, will aggravate hie embarraxments, Wilt oppose his measures, thwart hifpoiity; de tect his blooders—in abort will 414 him with "every wespOn knows in peliticalmartstri. ' Can hie administration triumph over such' en accu mulation of olstacleal Can Mr, Buchanan can- duet the' Dontheratio party' through all acne ellffieultiee and danger* and jning• lt into the feld in 1860, with 'no leis. of prestejts or power? The exploit would rived the retreat of the -Ras thane after the fell of' the hialakoff but the strut egyof a Glorterdutheif Is esseutial to its seem= pliabment.' The most brilliant 'reputation for stateereanship trill be the prise of stehoenen". the irreparable overthrow of the party, and , the ruin of the country 'trill he the . penalty, . 0 f •4 11 .1 ore. In the wisdom and 01100464 of. Tie. Badman we have implicit 'confidence.' Bat the fidelity of , the party must lie retinal to the Ability of the leader.. To euceeed in Me arduoue enterprise he must have the zealous eapport.of 'the united Democtacy. Thejearnele In the interest of the Black Re publican party appreciate the eutbarreesments of Bnehanan's pavilion. They, understand the cot:Admix of his turoceve,. They know that the ,letegrity of the Democracy is necessary, above all teinge, to the triumph of the lad* RIAU /*Warn* at. Sem% ladiaalootla. ihilehatalite 2=e;e. Rock laland, lowa Ply, Darillenonlivautla. eptaalliell.lllllaolai Da-atar. illoorelagtea. Pao• ti ottile. thilarr„ and aarlargrab. Sib rot Warns. twatiarri, olodo. alit, Matra° out la Na p ! .=.ll.l.4lz u the , Rift ha had at all of lt "'" .. W.** !t* Jdtt sO, P 4 ttipbla . Ralttraon and Nei 4:41t. • not NSW 8310111.013 .AnnIntODIVION rims lama healtriabtata for nttablatth at I a. K. sad icy P. rataraina Wore. ettatamth at OA)• .r... SL 6. Pas ttlmis and farther hotarietloa ant/ to A. r. 4nlllißrilY. Mud. lathe (at Waimea Railroad anew. dimity no the aerster,at tea tionondatoda mom Phu. HI 0 -2,* a.rlt itry.t 1114.k0 wasantua Pah. ,J 4 aural. Suet JelalflLL 1.04 P . ALWOWLAKII*tersga. Aa.nta. IFIELAWARE 311TITIAL SAFETY INSUR a y Ascii 9111a9PANY, 071191„ 6. A. moor MOW =I vaunt 6+4 .11d0193960. . The following otatosoant of tae Able of the C19:646.9. to 9oblliohod to comfotaar with a rroaaaaa of • anter: Pry...fora' ouni-o4 offron N, fo (KM. 1.599 no Marina sal 116. 9 19:4 29 , On ltro LUIZ 96 • Premolems en Polifin not rnubd ll' 23 • eft Nov. • =JO V. 52 4 2,004 OS Prt‘hato markett‘orptem 1422568.1266, m OM V. II:4- on Marina and lidadd ateka,--.....1M71,171 62 Q 2 Fire 02400 43' -SIM f t $4 Lcitn.l4.ollti, de.. dnriaaa:loo MI CS O 5,070 01 M- I Oxide acid Inland ft afidatios 7605000 7.144:6 00 remtamentstasmosam 07 lUT P Le .=arm•e.. Pl.= • Ereout tataaikliailo. • • 12,210 16 --••••• - . 412.2.6.3 The Abided, Uto Onotpmelf itor f 2222 2 - • - 02 Monde and alondagea. and Beal 1btat5......-..-V0456.0 04, 160.110 Phlladelptda cite 0 ,,,erbrat.444am:.....- 44124 00, 41412 71 IM • warranta-.. b 6 116.020 W1126.**11.41L 11. 14.6 arms L0an.....:_-....._ . 12,203 00 1 411.000 Tia;r7t.l — Z; 34.260 00 110, , X0 Do • do b• do d 0... 7.000 00 birHots Rd. 21 a 01 1 4 204412. 2. Doadd WAG 00 3 . tu Ar r tbjt LjoQp,o .do do- I . g 0 0 120 do North :Chenoa. . do Phila. mad Liam de Orate Kam • Toff float Comeau.- 420 00 2.4.,,. Pb o ,ll . l*lla sad berob:eah - li . useto too 00 2 shame Pbtiedoleb e a== tkost;e6.- 124 tol retie sod Ef00f..4 of einolfy 33.131013.3 Op= 11.110 00 212.624 be 0102 oo dead- . • - =Alt VA Cum: atitC,,,,-F;:atiii4ron-671.41; masutly I asuel,- sod otber dell. 12. the 121,055 10 5,61.040.t0n 10 ,000 02 c. re , u , 4 dEUing htilicoeritg— - . . - • . • ' • • - Noatasta, 3, llad • ' XI. Boar. of , utr..../orf we. EWA day derfarfal • Dirt. dmod of P/ X I.Kic MST. In Cagy an It. fl•Dit•l Moak. and riX PICK 118 NT, on tile aorl., of in. Wrimi•aff. Par' alts Oa and anat. 14141.nx1.1 • ..• AuunAl ag Vitrl4. tlerot ft Otago, tnr » it Asai. Je.rada i. Was. U. lAblvltt, Thataut Ilsnd. Idnesa. WlMburgli. D. T. Montan hnoi. Jet., D. ~ " klAUTlN,lsrsecsa `: .11a NU rat iTtingnex. Wl , llarck Jooirb , 14 - 41, - 141 . 0 ".4 A. Sands. -rat,. U. DarlA, Hobart. Littrtm, John ft. Your." - • Gomm 41. I,lmr. I4wartllet..." 11. J. 0.1 Prook, J. U. Jnhanon. Jamul U. !W.l.' R.71V,=1 1 "- that. vraw, 111( l it l iB llaysti Crucial. &metal, L L H ~t Dll, X9B tl w,tee [R. Pit Blection—teitisons' Insurance .Compitly. —An Plbaton for Ofteeti Dleeetort of thli . Ooutfray to serfe'br the easolos ne t will be head at thecae* of the Comm', NO. et ;Water street, II MONDAY, the lUD der of DlKlllMlnt,tetvain the hours of DA. 11. itulS P. M. malt/ ' ' iAMIIIL L. MAIIMIALI..IIoe'rr. Cowtaption Cured—Be not deceived by tens nate leen Ileneent4Cierk it Ole Ovoulne Cod Men On. never Momenta, and ulna Niue erperlone hie Dona Convertor to all ethos, and the only talleble dor then ba Nat-noel et spurious ell 7n' the ;nuke adulterated with Ni l all, rbel' An,,, too much oen anent be Wan to wren:re thNiennlnn One Dille nude at oar own tutors Neynnandlind and Nolo bottle ban one siontanneer the Nat N late. iul to ;ot finnan. Chlita Co.. forams the en oadeo Ituettenour lite partner . , theft bin been lon Intl& In. trononei NUN Reobteee. whiohle In no wee' enneeets4 with tin. or C. it Co Bold 'br TI, 1.1 Ni . CO., IL Mk ELLSRS & OQ, and b; &Nation RID. nave— • ! 'Dr. Geo. W. Thais'. COUGH SYRUP roe ram canoe Couto. °olds. Croup, Itoorotrawo. Illoodhu Lunt" Aitlatla. IhonahlU", Inhuonw $1 skate bon throw. Woo=Otion. anthill diners ot thO Dr. - Geo. .. • all AOUNATIOS N 1.111 1 ,11 PAIN PAIJACAA:' • 2 vont= urctap op, oust- or : imatem. Nentrohtto.A.untbsto: helotki. Plosiatte Pallh ALIAS IU the hies. ClGust. Bachand Ihma, OW•itot 'ad Palntel .10Int". WOO- Elko gm Throat hereto& he. ..tho to:round' who tuIT•UM thou_ moehtnii why , to exullont morns by • contlntioneo ottheU To thou 'Oo tura not teed thou ire ',hold Oxy Pm , 'Plight and they'wht bad Wm to be fit thy ; sue •trorw. unto& sal that they will sot with suoieohtti fact. hit. oho' tr. PUILLIPII. hole Proinider. Chulnnott. feint' Illbolmai• and Mall • 11.111JKI , lkt AIeXIIMAN , • %%Gl,* . Prof. Wood's Real ab..l3, hahs t Jonah i 'tlethodlat aliinnunt, togging in ithrtritellht:Wastcooteland mutts: Amy' that ty L i a r h a d ha.,. i►teal, any Am the tact Wear years, and was .dltected total' irtt. U vied two • betttataf Pre4 Woad', Bosigora.wbteh entlretf ate.DDed the f►lllat ant of the halt all i. 14 halt teamed its nthanal color. and bait kept the eole: now or sane moths. Thla la a eommaa cam, hot w►' oublieli ttboanies it it osee home, go that the Dubin) m 0 be ecuillaterl that goon nab &don; what It pattotta to be. Onld at oeut, two and throe dollars per Utile, at '" " Dr. iIDWIL alt Na 140 "MO is. 'Made and retail weal -,,,, ~..”, 21..1 nap , - bENTfirritYc ---=--- DENTIST : '. SMITH, NUR it P , CMlniai, - :-_-t, 44 7.7.7: DB. I. FLALMEEN 4 ` '' ° " ... . G R 1= 0137E7 :- :-,.,. SLR G rR E O P / N mv m y- . _ - , V.,12 Second and UR react Street% , pritli 1177MTIRGIL PA. • Extracts Teeth Withac k Pain, • _ DT• Lon' ileaambliaWrent - li ii• Eliial eail.l. waam. Troth as 0014. Willy Amiss =malts Paths. an./ mforta• all Dental 0 91:111kR131 In • seisallio " - /T:112. "LITTLE. - MERCHANT , TAILOR, 54: ST. CLAIR ' STENET, . (Dr, Is Wee Nos fraltr.) nrrsßusorr. PITTSBIAIGH STEEL4OIIIIB ISAAC: JONES; . 'GAIT ' STEIL. STRING PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, • SPRINGS AND AXLES. Cartier Boas and First Streets, tOD:1 - P/TIMEWRI7/.4 11.1.t0........D. D. ZOOM D. 1. . co. - • mxians il- fittait o t;ATzwr • Steel Cultivator Teeth, CoHN= Rase Fru? fintszre. iararso PIITSBEITIAH. PA. • Dr. • Roper's Shoulder Braces--From Dittabortsh Dispatch. Atoll 3 Ctb.. 33 141—F0r won than 3 Years Dart we bare constantly worn the Washington Du ponder Dram, mannfacturl I by Do, Geo. 11, Komar, of lig 140 Wood et, Made oily, and would heartily recommend It to all who are compelled to know a welentary occults. lion. A. we hare beton reowked, In eating attention to lie morits, it animus for • brace and • empendere, the weight atte pentagons being conlaced m to continual. iy tend to Wing the shouldera to theft natormi omltlon and eignand the LIMO. WOL:1113, hangrods cf who= are annually Injured by the weight of enormous "MUM.' thetild slab procure them tare.. De ;articular. la pro =log the hod mitntiOned,ne awry of th. kneel eittla are htunbotg. Bold 'at' Dg GEO. 11, KIIISZETS. Wholvnle Drunrist, led WMI irt, elan, nt the DoldM Mortar. The only Medal Awarded by the New York Pahlbittno to the Engflo or IPrelgri Ssace Marna *chiral lug Plat obtained, atanizat ntuntroas am pet ton. b 7 L.MIL t PEItItINS. or flush. • . • WOIIIIIBTEMBILIREIBAUOS. mhsroby further pint:ZOO, stfordad of Ito b6loir the boot Amos mast. • That mishit) of iblfi gado axtdided .to {MU ter of the dote, and Its •Illoang In promoting the genera bealtbb becoming dal, mom obnatami and neknoola.iged. In the Unttednudes IL I* hold to be the man adamant* vrtalrtient, dun esteemed for rte turtle awl inddratlng PrOPladightts ha final usee¢abilnif thootomsch to Motet the "bat Continent of Iteroye. these nual.tles bare boon testified to by • are:dismal:4 who writes to kVA A PER KINS them. benurried • bettlerbf your WoreestoraWre Sauce to ► tour I ham just eenunsted through Bpatn and • Pertneul, end balms I owe my present state of health to Its wig your Saute It stmeashie, and I think medletrod. an with truth MI there le nothing In • traveler's bag tag. to essential to hi. ruselbst. at 'mathn these emmtedre. awyrour Same. In India, also. whore It to toand at the toe,, of awry ...r.thaente a medial itsutlamenseeitse nwan Maarss to hie brother in the mine Prolieden at Wormaten to the following tern= "Tell Lou d Pellloo that their mum Le highly slimmed In India, and th.t it Is. In my opinion, the Most Palatable to well es the 'moss whelesome mum made.' • • Thls mare 1 statelde ear cram eerlete of ash, and t • tunrersal demand whist fte eneelteree has created bus Led to =tatty Imltetloni ledng-offered to the prate, under •vatted./ of thaws, but the cumin. Pier be known by the whew of "LZL 0 YZ11.1111157 beteg Impreated upon the patent metidllo supetdes, or pelant glow stopper or the bottle. as wall so the Wads lad emitter. Sole Agents tar the United Ratak - JOLLY MN CAA N e eNS. eittirdo - Broodersy. York. mmirrn For Corummption, Beroirla *c. BAKER & 00,8 Medicinal Transparent Cod Liver Oil I Highly eeteented by the Medical Faculty thrombaut the tfaltil States fOr;sta mitt, nrestaus end nialfscaly. Isstruidtsts. had ra ;KIM affiagri_ sosissity of tits resl,l,ml Wilds:is of Phllsdalpta• lan ails ON ths 14/10U011 of their blab sllbrentl.sha fast&Mar onaldenes. reecmarneehl It to their palsot sad brishelbs It la este prshtlho. Yu a eldresely Orr Conswholloa, Prostabltio, Astluxu, Goot,llluoimatism, Mocha Debility. had all Oen:Mous Allbetichts. It ghats instlvialsd, ifeettlosh hum or ord. tbit szdayllay übso other toad:Wham biro idled. lissadiciaral otay by JOAN CI, DKR tit /I 00., No N. 2d stunk Claina•lphisf SO had .bY the brfborbas st this city osfhlsrebent,', • .Irafeakilb Importaiii;;Mtvia. ,to Mler- Afflicted In= emmitttli.tWeeki-ei cr. A. 0. naßru. York env_ tiadloslt igattranablo toatGud prrtonaltr to antis igtfoottr.Satt.tiltur. noel:tog to - bait: nab es. glainalblotalbot ztOtiftEstaxita ar atadaata. and 1,0 1" Panotoot topprents4 lb. site of worth)." and tolutiona 'ot soacticiam, a 4 Mat oa toe lasicattjatip itrallaat ao4or aettticati awn*, obese :to rood itdpro path; or oa receipt of tott , r stamps or eel . dorpr,ria—to obviate . th. atom and to sotommottat• pattrot# l .44ll,ratta or Um aotortry. I rod asodltio.a. fittr— .to eon oar &mama, torts. - matte a looser ;viol titan me moratgi obit ' , ',.ollllans Su *acts =Oath. teti b. for ciodtag.ttat tor the . tadroat ewe% ,teita:rtod aton thik osetatirity till* rasa. ratrakitittilri a tall Itatlawa &all itudr riziDkoar;aa.b. toottOrsato rt. Dana vitta an modal ri6raar• to oath ease. - 41.111w00f kn.," 40%14 to reglctorkl. Tea ttrirt port of lair taw' cratud .art CZ be ma to any aildrass on Ma ivadyt of /0 etata, • A. H. AB mai l r Ota% orlaa Won. OPPed O N t. tb• Nltlialax notal , dee os reek. PIT'rSITCTR.G.R. Life, Fire & ffiarine Insurance Company; Office, Coma I?l4.rketand Water Struate, Routibt.LlMY;Rucur.L TILL CI BUR(M r 3.1 4 -... This Company makes ovary Insurance ap p.:rungs* toot vonomot.d With Lllllll Itt A 1 and =n0,0 4 trfarito. and Zito* itZ 3 And spinet Loss or Design lad the Podia of thi Soo shot lioono NOThoottnt Nout to. • .• WWlPoltoo ht the Wwwtratooooastotemt with WOW postin. . • . I r•OhottClahrOi, • Naomi ttot4oz"c yiw i t i. .g .'D • •• •• Joan* Marsha% 11&01 Itlebor_ • Joao, W. mamma Chow lrhathowt.• thotandor Badly HOWARD FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO., Or PIIILAWELPIIIA,- PENNA. Duna BniWags, N 0.94 Water St. exotirr u oTZ ir c irPatt intrek INVAsTiD as rortoß& . Tait Don& atol XEOttill Ca Rm.:my I. the city' or ' ••• 61,,000 Autozmi werreaWitoet 190,000 Mrionat of Etat aol 410 incop cuna Tgi hrth COX:r li r 11=8 ittSUNINCR ON • . rte. Cargo and l'refirti . . to ali Porta, ioartr ', ll . on lma% and Rivera. at the lottestaatonand open thaimairt liberal Tema& Moranteatis - prompt payment on the ad. hutmenter Loam - • Tha grated atriehatto ha Dimired on miry ens,nish e $2.000. • -DIE ECITO . . • "Asaimk AnIL nm. Hay Noon W O ne. Doran. ar m or ' Newel & DlO3. Yaau Tuoitem, Pren Penns. IL. 14" 0. 0. Diorati. Shanm Tismeta. Seam W. Samoa, ih at Timm tt, Werarinter. Mamas Iratirti 3 Oblef Engineer 1.16 It.„ Nathan lt. PoTTS Ciouoaelha , attal.,WN. tl. LaMar. • arm of Leech *OO., R. T, Ennio H. 11. Ilmarroia, Freight Amt. ofrallaa. 11.: ft.. 'MLR. WrMiau. ana otWlthem Cataract!. AMIN. P. Mal, W. 811 4 3IIILL,Enik of RaliMe & COAL P. Mama,•than of. Vatelnweeen It Co,, any Imam" tam of leararda it a. Jo.. R. Pens% IL. N. limantams, late WI Ilimmeen nabs At Clare. • • - ' W, L. WOODS, deer. PP.R.CaVAI, POTTS, Pr/Vt.— • ' .0. U. SPANOI9It, Vim Preet. • ..• /Gra en...a the Ilal of Dixetnra or the "unwind 1 annum. eau moat et whom ate rldsty known at moons the bed Molnar" men of PhDaMeplOa, 9111 probably con. VW MIMI. wort... or smutty to the A aura of letttenaga L marectlollr .1.10.1. _ •• 111/.4.' 0 Dalt let Ammt., tnrnar of end Marta!, tut, 2,1 aoor, Pi 'taboret, Co. anarallyilk ! • " - - - .. .. ~ Reliance . Mutual' bu , mmcir 'Company OP PHILADELPHIA.. .. : • Ornalg NO. TO, RA tlirtlY Ifilagr... . kin farliAMMgirdn'am7 g . il t . stimuli:, rantuts. 65.. IR frrnAznruntl7. • B.W ostiZzilt 'tar= . Itrilr.L .. ,..b7..ritit: ...q.C.ompwr. entiout thq4Uty Ibukatsw • 4 . ZUbir r Neti ti c eti l o v i ri i go at lP * 3ll l. ll#l7X;.:7, i ... t i zEo . . ~. :,:. , u ~.. 1mv5‘.716 4, ( Ifinizw:‘,, Walla . : - ' '. 1 ' .. : • .-.- rllnsd 'i rtinse _• . 1 jimit i o k. n1,1'4. __. .. Aittetlttu.. : . " 1 .... Iltm " . . -_ : .. J. e6(lll7V ii :24" .1. L .. .. , --- -, ' alma rd tad mcal sta!inia Oil . - en's Insurance Com .7 ofTittebnrgh.. BADALIT Prinktigt: dAMITAL L. MAIMILLpIie, 11:-Zt,/,' ItsossrpmersTllll), fORIEI BULL AND OAHU° iURILD ON TIM .oDiu Amu ItIANISHIPPI RIVARD, AND THIDUTAIIM. fa . lllBlllllll W1C64111 /411. or Poseaegry Ars. 41.40 11 4. 1 1, 1 Mar av y r ial 'lit INLAND NAY IDATION . iiitacaoita. , .- Wta. Itair44., _Pt. Stark Btatltas Manna, • - - -. W ta r:..rm.. Jr- --, - . 11.1311=, i lama Bt. Valtaacte. ' • rearala ttallarr, : Walt.? Itryaat, .. , . • ,J. Mamma:aim Jaa. 11. Motor -. t arm, it Hay& . /NITITRA.NOS CO. -:o8 , PITTSOURGII, 63 Fourth Strum. Anthorised'Ospital, $lOO,OOO. • LN:lo7ll.l7bUramca AND OTlll4ll' FRO:4011T 144 tta A rlltllll Or the Se a : sad Intand l lTY r 1 41.4 11,24 . . . Wm.) johnitai,:. Nataiterscat, w.ptabaask. . Tian Geo... 2: - • Mt 114.r W. . Pm...WU, Ufa. 'WM LZOLIIIBTOTI.-• c . Nwiatst4 in• V air.r.. r rr :t i lt h aig AlTlßB° . poji 'Western' Inanra n ca Company , OF PITI.'SBtIJIGH. am mum; annotr. astr: Will - fninire'Rebut 'all k inds of and A tdmar. Thm. Scott.' •.. lA. N a .llrl a.v.tratur. • A. tilrack. Geo. :Mtatatt Jtaticf., Mckattoisi'. • Natiel carnal; CU ama. ViZif..= !. _ • . ittLltatitatatt, NtrA'ltoiatt , Istallattost taamtitt Die.totS Itntnra thlsaantainaity, and itba trUl Hamar tdlJaat mad rwrovely soy' all tame. at tat 0 , 1101. N.- 4 3 Wea istmeaplaa aorta yrarsbetou ?tom rittlemll.6. b i u m , • EAGLE STEEL WORKS JOSEPH DILWORTH & • ismaimoss aounsotlcwir • M.) • IlLeluseartaulis OF Cut Steel, German, RAW. Blister. Plough SPRING STEEL; -AXLES, VICES, SPRINGS, PIMA - - Mattocks, Wedges, Harrow Teeth, Az,. WAR.IIIIOIIIIII. ha. of WATIREITIMit, Return Wood an& ode. ' I PITTSBURGH, PA.. Almon' 1 litlitistarr JOHN COCHRAN & BROS. alANtlFeeTintFAL9 OF - Iran lialling,,ltort Vaults, Vault Doon, Window • Shutters, Window Mardi, - • Nos. 91 Second st., g 86 Third St., (between Wood and Idarket,) • • PITTSBURGH. PA.; i,! ram:ma onAsk land a variety of new patterns s rateda Its •panc. Particalst st pultlca n &j . snaloant Onus LIL Jost:v as ?, st From Bishop Bpaldtpg. • . • • Miring tried Ma Solomon' Gleam, I find than both dialloot and AR:alb/az to tlariticbt. more. fate`, bating Lemma. short trial. than saw L. Dare tot mod. / mozosmand them to tnr papooses of thus. 'ln neon or Oman. 1. AM la, u0t.12.1854. • t atJ. EPALDING. Diaton. •• - • . .X.BOll BleaaP LEFIVZ.II, . ' M. sommen—Mm The beradtt have reoelted frost the EpaMdm °blandness AA tangoes me to antes tba Moms Ibay. remised from than: ttay nit mynas to , alltelestkuu lam comae oil mama distemell 0770.0. die Mart. so mil nobs dar: yet= the atm sue so Yam boy 'bleb I could =plc. 'With sm Mbar Omen I ban mod e It Men lb* smaton Manse to wall mmealiof thlussdlma of teatlfitts. bes solitilaybry boa ben my; own, 0papp1egg,,2121.,..... unidt,177 • 1,34 /i 53. • maim.= Josepb O. Dteeh. /oho loonartm. Maneleld It. Bomb: Ctuusllm, Chslectlaa Zug, WNfam Car, Itotont Jut. D. 10:1111. • We • • tarillartg F. 120.11 t7IPYSPOB OP R0C711511E74. Zocarffra, Aprll7, 831. • Us: &drma—Et: Tfailndeatlad at your office In the Ababa. and mrehisatd tan pale of.yoor patent plasm, L h. re Zama thorn =prior ID any L. hamster coal betrcn tbay Inws natl wore than / could bate expected. I bars ad" pat them add., and , can set E without them so rob as I mid abaci *toy. • - G. awaranios, In LAU TETTE BIIILDING.: corner of Wood ant acr e ata,PGinharet—dtatranee on Wood at. nold.3tocianT • mut 111101, RE - YMERI&ANDERSON, ladles abodes 4 Oc..J : DEALEEMIN Foreign. Fruits . „ N T ,SPICE S, ConfootiOnssy, Sugars, Pire Works, do:, - No. 39 WooD &sass', on.eite Ot cue-us Erstf,e. prrrazunalL Pl. 0011 OMLIJVN • HOLIVIES & COLLINS, orcaziou Agricultural Warehouse, AND - SEED STORE,. No. 129 Wood Streei, ap.2l-111.ber PITT BB 17 It GIL. HATS;:CA.F'S -14'0 0 a .73 & 0 I - • • • 19110148 ALE &RETAIL • • T - E -1V•13 -1 . - ! - .131,„ W ood Mrs always on bead • toll sod iosoyiete etc el of ' LiAtft, OAPS. AV WA& - Wholesale and Retail • sold st Oa Lewitt Rummy Pamela. to which they Invite attention atoll porchamem - - oMh Ott llooiland'e German Bitten atiperitm to .n pr.patatlon. bowto ' • • - . • La.: Atal, 1f54. Dosa,Plti fool bold to aim toy stWllloalloo to tan for ths Inn) table talent I Laos derived from tab am of tore bottles offOot Unman In tn..:l awl, h,oad tam to bo all you recouttostot tam to to, and choozfulty teem. mead Mom to Lao outdo u • a•to and sure rowdy aft Um disown Ugly ive titteoact for. taot rapsolor 10 an naarstlona maylC Vto7ltontararMint..- Ma. wtolooato itut totalL atDt.o lieEßYßEftlt Drop BON/. /40 WOW at. Atm of the Goktaa Mortar, Saaadvarttonsant . •• • • noladhojaon Penbral . .Byrtt--, Dr. Keyser'" Pectolid Dr, Grist', Pectoral Bizet , iduss , Dr. Kayser II Pectoral Syrup auras Irdhlatur ' Karses Pectoral Byrn arm Iteroadthe • Kor lunette We Dr;Krrers'i Pee - dont ByisS; Parlocloleet cooentoydlan tab. Dr. KmWa . 'Pietas cold to the hoad tak•llz. Koran's Postoral Bleing' -- Dr. Ketoses Pectoral dins corm acre threat g 4 oses DOCtursi Arno curatantror: • Dr. Kereer's Pectoral Bytes aura old coustud - - Dr.,Keyace* Pectoral drop own all kindlier denten onto Dm, end breast. .._. ft""fti tr. d ircil i t&ed, lean or ttt►tto • Ca. Ladll Dar bott4s. siottaikrB • , . . . - . - • _ ~ -. ':A retired clergyman, reetared to health in hra dim aftir maim Teen et mist omens Mehertog. b ennuis to make losoinitbs mime of atm 'WU! end Mb) Ms Mrseebtlen sad.: Direct the Bey. 30101 M. DAO h ALL. Nihth Falton Eltriph.Breolleis, WI. nog Bottles, per-Dtly.— ! •lces, roader,Abis itimi t e %meant otdallpages at Kesinedfo Medical theeene774e a a aantiesun • remiukal to na far d&Y, 1111301 lath. Prepiletor Oreee OM' PePaleinted* kiwis ont, da7.1"11.r. Iteatidi &het thee deem el math beldam near eruptµ CR a patent nuatteleat the . Axed •do lea Mak that the ametatieeley veal," need meth an traleesse 411101114 et MOM' fro ar , %Ai* me ditto oatew than a' • makinatara — Na eireerteatte that Is add We._ One bottle mn , ' 63t luls — the Anktbe Itheaceattne; sett taw It Is Um! thle deettoyer of hatters: hes Weed le exalted a Neaten to tbseettnastbeet th r ,. eeldt?Dt.9lo. ll.' airs' to w.:410410. "toy ea• JAMIS4 P. TLEltter, Athates.T. Highly Important to Invade ! Cad,Lh:r vu mum= 314 .1 " X. 13 - . . . . . . IfOO a s-ono of ita - dhrtangiushed- nuvlut of. iaviliolity oser otter team& of Oils, milts abeam of th s tb.o., p.. 01111 '44 analisabladasnr,andaffrn• ellsddm p 1 p0.,41n.a( I 1 etadatr and. hapattlectly tilion waLoat aureiattbribt tftc:idel6it• ivitmt. and retsina]. without ant tba mastionsi. . • • . sVprrfority In tkdisad dub:whop:aunt cbaractais. tke ha/ itutspteed tor tribiiani ties of Mascot esalnstiCaftise,l4ll=lracolt. 7 thrrtristp. tbszuvivlteertibl teceplf fot 4411X1raMtl; chttlodminiatizuM mar had , butt f. itke,4ol Oftti tq tats env or et t.bimanarbrugpra.' JoHNo./ 3 . 4 =01k ,„ No. M. 344, . , aireardi tad aradszt at ttle c 244. . 58 atlfraTlMD =LEM WrrOBVtOJEL colltZzatb • _ wan t T. rs" tt - ! .• - - - - lOU 42,. UN, Dr. I. beott * hosis need two doses otiose Itelsoto s s Improved Pills.'us Drsits6.4 W You. said I must Wafter Ist7loc & good many °tin Wulf Of PLO. TmSf 31cLonsfs Lin? Pills operated moil seostually, mom =Maoist olistsisit, suit 4141 sae mop gad SOon any other PILL I.Olir used,. Lod. an .10, esufstsOus tsceconsud them :to She Misted. - =MEI TafiVINCE. Dr EVlstossit Ise .d lan nisi nod Lammed Teo ult. 'ace. silo Pr, L Scott's Celebrated iftlto Idol prepend roily melee the of Dr. I tiros. s Bovalsr *seal GruluSt• lad Pbrsleita crest= ales • meths. . None ocnbae Dank rowbrol by r. I. Fat% A sole Pro prlstrons,Mb. blarsontortb V. Dr. Ed Impcomd Lim PLIO so 4 Imporrekt Vornirror ovorrawl.3 by melt/bake af C..-IJeLso. "• . AU kb. Above Bledicirtes kr rate by - - Dr. U.D. RYSER 110 Wood Meet. Wllbleakl• vat { JAB. P. 11.D.111.140, Athwtorsr. too D. tt. • ICE REAM .` 018-TERSALOO.N' BY BIii.VBICB KOBIZ. • 'Mon s Front Bualowl Eigarrnna 13=er, Parra AND DIIX0211) Aux/- onkW • itrlssunalL GEORGE WEYMAN, alsisisfactarss and Dudes *II kinds or Tobacco, Snuff and. Cigars, asp. • -Leaf 'Tobacco; Corner Smithfield Stront and Diamond Alley oe3; rirmarmart. REMOVAL: ' THE 3U83CL1f4817.83 HAVE .12EROPED TITER Safe Eiiitabdiment 80. 129 and 131 Third Streak Anon tat, are prepuk to make all kinds of SALPES Ox TIIIS StIOUTEBT NOTICE. . solfki BURKE & BARNES. British and Continental Runslige. MORI BIZZA DRAWN BY DURGIN, SIIERNAN k co., ON TIM UNION BANK, LONDON, .."N BO BO) ea AND UPWARD& These Drafts are availablo at all thO prim ers' Tornsortnalond. &Wan; and inland, mot the Wo oleo drOir EIGHTIIIIJA on M. A; Grouebaum Si Bailin, .• • IRANNDORY A MAIN, Wpbh awn no s Itoadtdanor ot n parts at UMW:Iy liOnanCL Prete= bitesullnll to bard sbrulidmaysoroomntineolen no WWI of Credit, rtdoh Emmy son no obtathod, as 'WM. In onY Port of RUM. 00111141412. of Bills. Not.s, and other rootuittes Mtn. rove. yin roeolvo oromot set Ilion. wiLtiards a co. Wood. moo. Thfrd 1112.11. BAOLLEY, COSGBAItr & CO., 17Thglosale Gro4rs, Nos. 18 and 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh HENRY . COLLINS: 11011WANDING AND E 005111.1813L0N - MRONANTi AND INUOLIMAINI DIAL= LN • OIISISS, BUTTER, -BUDS, -NW, And Predate CIANNANT. ,Iro 25:11/oatlitrest. Pitt:Oath; - *T - Sienithatererg. FiIe;ELPHIAI ana aate =mann. Cor in pp , No; 149 CHESTNUT arroarrs nracraTarrootax. mm Vul make all kimia of imura, either Persetcra ar Llbalted. im_a7.o2,4atatletictitortrti,or II =wow" at reseriliztra seseanni. AS B :Bass i V 4 'Jas. juL, rEei 2v ltres.Vin Cl lie w4 J.Th a. canal. tau; irstanq Wank arras. a.piitatist. ttnan Thad mai znieleta PITTSBEIZGLI.Pa Minufaztuicfrirof:and: , ALCO ETInSaIIArwCAMPEIDII{ P.M OW GIS 71 XTURB3. nal all Muds alma" Inandillea ulna. 1 / 1 111.¢. m‘az Iletuding ixtd basto - Ing done to weer_ et ttotieer. inr2tu awn Oils sts, ed nigulittora7 unit Una annum. iozayt • Sufferers with BilBlll6l of the - Bladder Gruel, Dropsy, weabitn, La.tead tha &Imo ttaffmant la auotbed• =tract. budaa. 'Llababolal Gana* DVERTISEMENTS: . . -• . ;int leceiired.and for: We. AT THE gORNER Of'_,'THIED STREET .no coml. At0.7.. - fomb .to* of Orlon and Block and • lot of !tsars Corn }SNOW. sad Ilarop.nntat no and C =swan Miura. and Oonsentransl /am.' Me • fano" Bank ~ ,Wck. og SHARES MECHANICS'- BANK ..4 2c4 , 4 1g r Y 2 8/Klbr " le bY •N. MUMS EOM. aLASS-248 boxes 8z 10 "9:12.104410z 1 1,44 14. fora o by . • .4.lbgalta.CO L 8. . B R DISTONFr-t25 bble. &law .statt by =26 h BEE-3000 lbs. for sale bic .cold B. A. YARNED FLOUR SULLIIIIIR-20 MA., for ado b ncas - 11. - A. PARIAISTOM STRAW_ Cl3lT.E.R.S.foritosiembiak MALL WHITE BEANS in _atom and for to rm. br _ 11,01411114 - ixnaxant I VCR WHFAZ- '.l 011 10 , ;-2U0 . fi fty pound L ambs an band and lbr bi nce.6 '', mat; a. II racuur., cur. 24sad Biniththad w. 130TATOES—`200 bash Mackinawpotatoes 6 &a sale by - • • ,116/8 a _nun= 01.4-,Z casks E*phant;.. 93 rk Whidc 25 'a =rser;: band and Rd br arm ... ARID t lixaQ QIIGARb--60 bbls refined, orash4 pow.dare4. icrunalstol..4 cee'..ol4. tor bs allt4 8.E1611 UMW lUL OOFFM-.100 bOp Rio Colrelle by CE--Z 0 tierces new Rine — for sale by note REM .1:4! • I • ; --A .0 nue ... en 3 last opatud at W. a fI.I.IEN'S Pam. .ad ! B AG DEALERS AND CONSUMERS aro • •• reupectioll7 - Waked that , the .4 altDi receipt of a hat asfustacent--ut gecha and salt bags of Um • ItarkAßßlen t and. - Mau:beater' hestida. which Will be sold - - at the' foneer low fates. Orden for the alma base can hereafter be filled uroototir. owlet co the Increased fwinthe at the Mils fa /nap wp a atilol7. facter_printea Buckwheat beau ' - 0026 - DdYlli 0. HiBISEIT.cce. Liberty t Lland it.. - CILX GARDEN-AND BUILDING =LOTS of:. 1.0 On o Arm Each. for oalgh n.s Atistkoi—Wd rill soli on the raeoalaar, or Thuroisy, 27th day atlifor.; .t 2 o'oloor. P. N. Slo ray dadzablo Lots or Orortuat I arca each. . Tad" roopart7 u nnr to tY. Pat :imam ligation. add tread+ en tam •rlaiak Road log from Rl= nortailla to &W. nrartY. Tala rnapatty I.arml the attroglon of thole doslrsor ban aoattarr home.with!.o for ordortaa• Railroad :14* °flaw catn narproperty boa • lours to • itortlasolas resadiar la • attain oity, azia • catr froonsetlons on to men atom at • faatller: Taw at Nola. a 026 • . a ---• 2LtslitLY 4 21C2ny"Ineta QITUATIONS wanted for a civil engineer, - to • and liad =Tom • ei•ek.N . earetasr• drir.47, • C=2 " sttll i l n arVlte III• de 11711PDOI Damn sad Cat es kreptag of a ear 17 the Tarit. • colOr •4 mate wet- Want•S mob md iamb de son= gifictot norm umber. 11. ,7Mw TUT S .- 4a brit sarnit U. • gmt MIMS [Cto &O. DARR'S latmlisyso• 41* Worts ORS nce.4 IdADIES' WIRD:MOTU OLOAIO-11. Mar= &Oa, ha now on imbibition slug. Mi.itY war Cloth Cloaks. o —ao26 . ONO luiyojnst • ittrethrs - :yieftior lsiLni,d les in Vim's_ BLANKETS . A. A. Moon 'A invite attention to stock of flioxikoOS. oomnoidos QMITH.I3 CORN SIIELLEB , --Tilis Shaker 1..7 tare be Porta! by band or other power. str3 Is nos bb o tibelllne ono buehei of abelletd corn per telsotee Is portable sad not likely to pet out reorder. Fee rale by lIOLXY9 lk COLLIN& Lbil Weeel 100 FIFTY POUND Sacks ;Buckwheat roar In ears* sad kc sale br: - nows CLEI-LEZOLL,I44 Knit at.Ausd ma24 at. - - - ! LULL BUTTKR-2 bblit for Dail by L ra IME - 7 1 ° W 3 for.. fily;.': m . ~ - EILIIIIEMS . The Plifeitt. . , eirnstalk, ' Hay gent &tut! Oaten-Ong - ilrindis Sedan* L esentee of orneting One Hatiitredl buttiele of Oarnetolk. r one ton ofStraw tar hogri - = ,g eoriestalt Co the etandsieney of e Maw: Also. the eneweelty of steetelog Coot g owl lemintf - - —, nO sec.:ague: owe th e ettominew way of ding ; fodder.- and mule will don welt on fat 'vesperal this mei se on the bist of hay.' le .14 , opereted on be • c h .rzfe7ri r m n t r. rafelrlrir m4 Mar u°". •-• • _ fEkIL CLOTHS 24 trEET 'froth "*:taloa :&or', oildotbsal them:Thnt to talc lit , e. kotmtti-isin cvm, as W. AtiL I.lllALLLinit. COD $lBll-25. Drums ood. fiali just, :odd i . ,Pthl :i`O: r n i f en ' a t °3 ' ' • MORGAN'S: COUGH; BYRDP will cue cads, bosuat,:bronohlal illteetl4444, (Witt 4 Lroations of the Ora; croup, boa In eautb, to, to - . Cosatannded srul las We by - JOHN 111112. CO, Aar= • corner Woods:id Cith att. ICIEARSONS ZUSIPELASAND-TET-. a_ TIT/ thWill vlll can tatter. tr . and all cutaneous deeesa. In all suet ewes iriereette 11" strettned, Atm tiro dt/lare. rer ISIS tgf lame: Weed-ar,d6th - DRUM OitEtN APPLES_ by "the bbl. for br 1103,11.0 COLLINS. .0 • MAT_,OUTI'ERB ar all the vaxionsitimis .sx br mat lIOLNea 6- COLLINS. ITEAVY'BEAVER (MOTHS for Bushiest La_ and Oyer:ado and by MIIIIPHY.isISUTICIIPIELD. VEw STYLE- SKIRTS.7-9111ted, and _nas.: 4 = 13 " 1; "ilearktr# EttILDIMELD. CLOAKING CLOTHS- Blikk, - Brown, utted.u4.thortofet-Iby 24;atier 1117,11P81.1 )31/124/111EI.D. sIIPERIORSIIIRTIN 0111174 INS—Ma r a Basehttad hove ned ¬) or :Mar of thaw • very =Er undraped ninth: L i f=st. VENITIAN • 73,0—.26 „bbla. Ocokson'e wedand Items c(T , R. B. /mum ,t co. - t QTYEET - OIL-s_ . . .,kttef2.ll= 00: _ V I moo or or, . raga, (Immo Acup--1 pn a . fy i salajt a CO. Ci ER RAN; CAMOMILE FLOWEES--1 LA auk for rata tr - SIMMS it (XL T,T£XA 151DRIA SRN NIA-4501b8 fori3ale bY " Ittai ,B;r:ascumsaoo. D . - 0 . 1 IROU4TE":POPAB11-400 lbs for ILIP vab by' mat ' - ULM= . . 'IIE I LIVERPOOL and Pillf-at .11. PHU 81911,113111 P, COMPAPPJ2d4.4_ dw eiamna roly.sfai/01,tubir OITY OP 8A . 1111140 . CITY OP . Widat i VEPT l Or'.. - Doemaiter 4. Oita or - man SU and JOS. ¢eMrdla7 Lo titstatroan. • AI Oralted moaner or PlidoP•elass Pumper Inn -b• tit! fsoso P=4 , 1441114 and laratpcol. 4a0. , PAPP 41 Pm' Fl.l2lPhAdallb - Taanabitaus Immanktviter cainplortMeiltaiZtiassetti minima loa crprriessid ip • i rum., vishbuttil Utag °Mika eettlfiestelt Plasma anp..a_r4 . ar t. a I!lT4moßt,Op. otame • r • Tralibed Pittobarth. Or " 1 A N BIL o P r.r.A. ill /least . up, RAM QV 1000 nowEits-4 arm jot . IP reed sad by. - 7LE1EM1211144" P°111 1 z.T.:1; C-L1",4)411A"t reed UM ELASTIO.IIIPI i urain Stottlair-.3 groessub,joatriefd tad Ow .0* bT SALTPETER -41M. Abe, juss-Teddd Bad L., be rib by. NLXHING SECO& LEAVER'S liorizyl scups - - 5 0 a fross ue4i.rom to fa and :Eu*l4hr .11 1212112 OS. • ItaLLOWAy's NIEBOaivtIGIS, or Worm 0311fattoze 4 4 tree rota and lbr Anta - „ • LVITILERELVEI TOLGETWisn — s - -', v v 6 fro:, il:id reed =lice tab 117 B MUIR'S COD LI VE`li 01L-10 i rre g . • t treed tad err Ws DT- - • • jut ' • nizinkVki•kata usßarat'S CMA:INEDMAGNEBI/L -s.minitmedendftmluby nsuuta LL .b E E 13! COLORED QUILTED ; SMUTS but teed it. / 3071.321,-Tt Kukla etULDRENB' KNIT' TALU,. -1108queN jCoach' aid: Cminget - OIINSON, BM:mum ,&-;00., vorrkei of Belthted ane hetet% stmts. Allegheny' otty. welt tultectfalte feta= thttr htethte. *Ad pattla troarit• there ch u ts assSsalU Vat: i m tsar dew_ bllttyiattbeautycelhath.. Tientrs_NA. totethen. to ost tho Moot reseetmale terettl ...11smissn Teel I the beerEtattna Ithatte. Petal wb.onair. etehltht that all who favor them - anal wet mititorAiie WM DO Dattoett: tallailot en title Otttagronort, ivy:lmen as reacted legit* thsai 'S*IU, gDr f r OBOURNE'SVOLOR CAKES foiusrmg M.,,,,,tibVniNliina.ersen.m try' tuc e . : zarsor Mattel sad esc4no stret— • noll STOVES, • • • , • . rte- • tkuu pram rex 4:61/.7 , 27.rtznictimwowithitr.d..zu,