The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1856, Image 3

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    ;: . :...: . .y,i. -- :!.f5 . .;:;•::,-zs...'!.;3.:::.: : :' ; .:7-,
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- Nov. 4 0 r 1 ,' '
• 4r.:MOBRM
* that:Water.
"air* inxicieiiits4iKliti"4*4.4r.
In._ this season or itraidif. thaakegiviag, "f
- lul=l.- asta:exttitiaa
' • Ofentelat,th,Voonitidtir,. the Cho ;of 'tivit
instituileasitrang - us for ; thevelief
Is itairering- , -thri Pporeist of thrifoor=-Is the,
Inestmety r and it asks alristully-iinsidelition: -
' Dothill the/ow Years: ofitvetlatertee this
rlestltatiorthadvecelved into Hareems-and inmate
aelnlygoooPationte: These have been every
itatlo'o,lredigiert; -chemists:Timid degree of
Sofferiki.- brnmes - the",liuttaclioeCnot' far from
tin Mildred:have beenndmitt,ekelf Whom More
14 ones 2 os six th were litienth4lotte and Infeetiotts
eMes.;'!:(l theiwttalenumbor:reoeived,' opium&
of lboo Were charity it - Ideate , who were unable
10 make any rentmeratien ,ihativer, whihi'6oo
- of the GOO reedied dace' the host •repart were
panino this cuuig. Viithottt endowment, and
-- • witkinithing toredyuptt but the voluntary con
:: --ertbations of the public, it is not strange that
trossury is often exhausted and largely over
:' dente- Scott is the cane 'at the present time,
elptotai, • as 'few donations have been received
rutdd,iini 'dzeltemant of the poblio mind-4nd
t-the dilation of the pnbUo attention to other ie
.' ' With aerger'dumber of sick,' an empty. tress:
„.• tai;eittl unpaid bills to the amount of $1,500;
we look anxiatudy to the winter_ before us, and
"usk the generous assiabince of-ill good men in
this tient of need =
But we cannot believe that the. community
will Vomit this With:Mon to cease its work of
Inerof among the el*, for the-rant of-the.small
sum. Which Wrest:tired tor its tonintenanoe. In
this oenviction, we have given "these abort toad
go 3 P IO =tab of , the poor," and ask for them a
friendly, consideration, amid the religious and
social gatherings Of ihsilitigleing-
Contributions in money. or orders for grocer
tes, dry goode r
can-be sent to the unde ,
' aligned, Other thrones the post'eMce or may be
Ll t ft at too store of Geroge Werian, Smithfield
abed., W. A. Pianaverr,. Director.
11; :meeting of the Regublican Executive
Committee Of Allegheny City, convened at the
Town Bet en the 14th luet, the following named
gentlemen were appointed permanent officers:
Preeident—JilfE9 PARS, de. I
• 4Vie* Pinaldent-. =EL . Mom • k
.• •
.:fismetarthe—tho::QWlCl`, - ia . td J. W. Bracousa.
The Committee %toothed to meet ort 4 rnesday
evening the 18th inn, to heur the repbra of the
thsarMittec itethintions; Which were , intent
nienly-iutoptid ns ftliont -, •
• Waxtmas„ . There can be . no _ political encoess
without patty- orginitetion„ and as honest men ,
ihrt 'nay co-operate with; hntlibecome members
of any. __pony upon the -ground of coincidence .
therewith in sentiment, and •
Wnalsas, it Is proper and right that a party
sealing to obtain the rapport "att eimiblence of
the meth, should publicly - Brow the pritthiples
which It belle,' cc the _fonadetipof its poGtieai
• -antion, therefore
Embed, - That 'we who tune heretofore op
erand the repeal of the Missouri Compromise=
the extension of slithery; Into' free territory—the
admiss' len tif Banns as a alive State—who have
been in favor'of muttering the action of the ?ed
dared Goren:men t to the principle,' of Washing
ton and Jefferson and to that end have supported
John o.•Yreutont for.Prasident. of the S.-do
hereby ddelareand reaffirm oar devotion,- to the
isrhniples end mascaras supported by ne in the
bine Presidestil,d contest - - • _ .
Resolved, Mint looking at- the result of the 4 .
'nt.egme, we hate no TSUCTI to • doubt of the
spat , triumph of oni - prineiplee, but to rejoloo
father zt the favor theyhaTo found among the
lent:rot freedom,
. .
Remittal,- That beiteritig that the Union of the'
_litotes min only be inaltaained by the. promotion
(Ghee pritoriples. We:. are utterly opposed to
the admission of gni mere- Slays Buttes.
Reerionr,.. That free labor, free speech, a free
preasand free fsetiouts, are all neceseary to 'Be
came a proper deselopment of the spirit of free
dom, 'Oda ' ran manireated by the fathers of the
rerolittiou,,and - tttt Gay should all be protected
and' maintained, by mush legislation as may be
twescusty to thaemotl,''..-
ifuoteed, Th1'114416 we demand for ourselves
And cheerfully-a:nerd to - all others the natural
sad constitutional eight to God accord
ing to thodiatits. of conscience, we vill foreter
oppose:thoiaterfermuse-of spiritual prime, po
mutate's' or pawers,eolehisatical . olignirchiek or
church establishmentsi'.'with political affairs an
rlangaraus our' , tepubliianinatitutiona
Tkat we adopt the - foregoing princt ,
plea bersatme joat and patriotic; and that we will
whileemployingall fair mama to secure mom,
ryprohate and frown'tfolen the mean deceit and
Ultimo too oemmon entong-poritical managers;
at Unworthy of oar_ resofiesinas.- - . -
- Rendes:4- That emtharzestig invite the cie-op
eratiteu-of all persons of oloaterer paitiee,' how.
ever they may differ from- us in other respect,
the eappert of : the principles hereby declared:
- Sesolord, That, we 'hold it but just to tender
our tribute ofrpraise lend gratitude tn-tinise of
. oar brethren from distant 11114,. who standing
shoulder sticoldbr with' tis in the " late cam.
resign; here poen, that they cenmagnnntmonely
forget, put Gamma of estrangement and colabor
with those who support: trials and ' freedom. .
That we once more repel. the false
ailly chorgeirsentloaartsm spurn the slam
- **nine threat of dieueL,o and claim to be the
-Daly party_of national principles, as, recognized
tu the Conalltution mml professed in the words
oath° acts of our_-Itivolationary'Pethers.
- finoival; Thai we feel pecrid or- our gallant
osadldatea at the late Preaidentlal ' rleotian at.
thoir-mani3. l mtaing end `dignified ttilems, amid
leo,slamlorlf and 'falsehoods pourallikei dotage
upon Viotti.: ,This - John Charles Fretarmt star_ds
. fairer in our - 'yet to-day than _lhen'be Bret
stood as the candidate of our selection:
• J. 1.1125 Pearl J r., chainn sin
J..L"Bcoomzir, fieo'ty.
woman llama , Catharine
Orimrsd-tqa yesterday 'contraitted to jail - on
chino of timault and battery with intent to kill
her intehand The: alleged that
:7" Cathanintatinek him on the note,. Several times,
and ..,thati: three, &ten ed. to ; stab; him with a knife.
nit woman " d enied hiring mkon the - knife, with
'View te,tmit atated that' eke - only
wished to , pat It oat of hie way, fearinghe -
nee it an her. .'Afler remaining in jail a short
tnne, the Was released on ball: The parties re
' aide - la Ilittaingbant*:
limy Mortis; ridding to thb 'Faure: efreet
road seed her hatband , Jamie for smelt and
• battery. , - ',l3lieralleged that he. whipt. her .gory,
. only in the morning and put , her oat upon the
street inhernight "clottun. "The only _way elill
intalti get back into the: dense, was by testing
James away from ilia door rwith paving -Manes.,
The hatband woo arrested and takea before Al-
dermall'll7=w' She inforninticut vas 'posit
tire, snit James bad sloe bail; or go to ptitou:
Molly began: to repot, and TetPnty prosahred to
1a better. thareatter, !when' they actually, flow
into eiteliteraaites. antl 'ended the matter by
then paying off the costa. What s
forgiving irestire bvsemsn I , •
~ - .
TIIIIII is no affliction. to .which army person
is liable that femora to be dreaded than the lose
of slight. , , Tasmistore it -many haie been'; the
means VOsortial_ to by-our oar-= most eminent and
aeleatlfie opticians, mat unfelt fhem here met
glib Brent , snotels,lait *eine* of none that is
oral to Mass glasses eold by hfr. • Bolothons In
this .eity;:'- . Their, recitation to world-wide and
the relief that.-hoy AIM affor ded . to thommadi
le teply istonishltig. any of ouraeadere ere
affnobcd pith bad eight, ta reaammend them to
prom:ma pair of tboseepectsoles menufsobared
by -our ,troly. itcommoodetiog friend Mr. Solo.
mons. :flea adyerlisoment.' ",
Dl7/1 . 1 1.1419&na, C014'404r _ .
The Principal of thlsertiely known mid deter
yedlypopularlnatantlon woe formerly, for meaty
yea" kooWn from Melee to Now edemas no so
extenatte meiatundi ineperhapii no other per
son has yet - brought to blitpreeout profession a
mind so ziobij Stared:With.costly emirate's for
the education of tbe merchant, and for so speedily ,
and thetent/4 tf,aildnit ateutilitantn This feat
to abundantly prated by the popularity and ei
tartrate sale of VairPor's edlitton'of trorr's Brs
nice or Bopmmtnettio;'ned oleo byl the nonpar
ties bronmony of thotranadsef his former stu
dente. • - '
theatre in the
4....... 41 -easwaser Wolter Will produce id 61-
geati style, ktrt.' Stoweee„,last entitled
oDarst a. the Maned Swacop." . In the evening,
51r: trcetetwillapprar to:the great play: of he
'Meager. 'f 'Tn:oonctodowith . .TretV_ :
The NagWO ancl ,o l ll i4 4 4:Art, wilt epee for
the etst time st 11.11; Inning been., , fi&
tell op: is.iodlleet style. In ibe'afternocin two ,
new pities:KUM prodniad,end in the molting
an entireAttbitePf ProVstagte. pee Adtertiae
MAR 3 I6:-14r. -- Ititigfil Bnaltheon,, Mn of kir.
Etnitheon*tehtotenirk of Market etreeri thin
city. VW innately stabbed on. Monday zigbt, in
erseilsb*VP7 an unkcoam Tree knife
sintered the right nide • below the ribs. Mr.
Smlthsonits ti ;minter, and enut angssed
this rttillst buildloWat Wisontberg. Ile wu
brought AO 14 city ortVemani,4 Angie nottlyteg
it the tebt:Pittef hholtithisr, Nine etteoKz - ,
.*,`. ", •
Tztinitin Cotnten , p—A: tornixtr of ploamooo
gentletetket Ott eTti; 'tateating - arrange'
Mega fOr4o.6*tablhOPM 4 mane for the
trial oftipog, gia.piiantog" nod; enereloing of
ftenteet 2 lNiiill4w4istionsectrd with serbing
like rk l i' eiti1°16,7g*.414114:1411 be permitted. •
Ii il . deekteo leer !!!Aornup";
Vlszrattil.lteprt' •
°Pig Praidait' and-Manprt-of *Ie:CUM
sad nisak add Downey 'or the-yeter
endory 04 : 31,-1135 rapectliqtort*tto t t to
the - ,
" • •-•.• '
i'aiidYciiiricorittor.l,o6,sl; •
/0560`40146trtt, ..`"s/300'
lbll sa(berersand.rentof toll"
howl, sl3lB 00
Drdituary repairs and ipoblen
tat 1200.00
Trearmer's percentage, Mal
",. Laughlin, at 3. per. cent,
$2Ol 86, 328 81- -
13ame,Breding, at,2 per cent,
- $12006- , J
Drerident and Mongers, . 300 00
EV:mop:Unary repairs daring '
the.year, ' 380 45
Constructing bridge over the
Connognenessing, 300 00
Debts for construction 'and
repairs In former years, 0232 70 ,
- Owing to the delapidated an $1d059
dangerous con.
dition of tha old turnpike bridge, teed, by this
Company for crossing the Connognenesslng at
Butler, the managers vrere'obliged to order the
Immediate oompletion of the new bridge at that
point, the work on which had been scumended
for the part two years, owing to the financisl
embarrassment e of the Company. • The debts
still remaining unpaid by the Company, includ
ing estimate to finish the bridge, amount to $ll,-
500; subject to immaterial alterationfrom a few
settlements yet to make, No debts (save esti.
mate for bridge) hare been contracted during
the year, all 'work and materials ordered being
paid for at the end of each month, The capital
stook of the Company, including that for which
certificates are yet to be Ironed amounts to $BO,.
000. j Or 'within one or two hundred dollars of
'that. amount. The above statements are made
after 'a careful and lhorough examination of the
books and papers of the Company, and may be
relied on. By order of the board.
Btrron, Nov 3d,'36. J. Cs:drama, Soo'y.
The following gentlemen were elected DS:OU
of the Allegheny and 'Butler Plank Road` Com
pany for the'enening year:
.Praiderd.—Joar, awamter, Pen.
.diraneriere:--Lutze DATA, •
11,10IIAELD Blonaow,
JAS. Cesamirm,
8. arFasvn:
Treetturer...Tem BRED I / 1 0. ,
Streaxua COVEY, Noy. 1911—Prommt Chief.
Justice Lewis and Jingo Lowrie, Woodward
and Knox.
Neil .& Pate; error to the Court of Common
bless of Fayette co. Judgment affirmed—optn
ion by Lewis Cb. J.
Cropte so. Miltenberger: *error to , the Court of
Common Pleas of Someriet co. Judgment of.
ftrtned—opinion by Lewis C 6.4.
Fowler we. Moye and wife; certiorari to two
juatlas.- Judgment of non pros. - -
Bennett, Berry & Co. re. Brown; error to the
District Court of Allegheny Cc. Judgment of.
Bead in East Doer Tp., certiorari to the Court
of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny co. Judgment
of non pros.
• Mussy tillfilon; error to the Court of
00/121310/1 Pleas •of Allegheny so. Judgment of
Doi pros. ,
Powers et_ al. In. Poston' lam; error to the
pietriot Court of Allegheny co, .Judgment of
Fawcett and outlays. Craig et. al.; error to the
Diutriot Court of Allegheny co. Judgment of
non pros.
Scott and Newell: error to the District Court
of Allegheny co.. Judgment of non pros.
- Jack 'o6 al. against Woods; error to the Dis
trict Coor s of Allegheny co. Judgment of non
prop. I
James H. Hop Esq., of Pittsburgh, was,
On motion of liTsipt Esq., duly ad.
witted and qualiP.ial to practice as an attorney
or this Coma: 1 • •
- Vacation of Brownville State Road; certiorari
to the Court of Quarter Stetioo9 of Allegheny.
go.' Argued by !Woods, Large and Hopkins, for
seceptants, and by Stowe, contra.
jellies Koethen, Escf , war ott motion of R.
B. Carnahan, Esq., doily admitted and qualified
an in Attorney at Court.
- q - Owncre of S. B. Federal Arillp vs. trinc. key;
error to the Court or Common Frei* of A. urny
no. , andgnient of non pros.
Hertz vs. the Commonwealth; error to )be Die
trios Court of Allegheny or. Argued by See
then for defendant in error, and by Carnahan for
plaintiff in-error. .
Bryan, Kennedy A Co. vs. the Commonwealth;
certiorari to the Court of Common Piers of Alle
gheny co. Argued by "C. Skater for plaintiffs
tstatt;-- - 4ifitwavtry mautile cci.; tma
the decree of the Orphan's Court of Allegheny
Co. . Argued by Knox far appetlante, and by
Oweitzer and Miller, contra.
Speneer'a appeal from the Orphan's Court or
Allegheny or. Argued by Mellon for appellant,
Ind-by Healtrociek. for appellee.
, - ---Duman •e.' Dhoenberger'e ex.; error to die
District - Court orAlleghony ro.. Judgmint'of
.non pros..
. Miohaels es. the Commonwealth; eertiorart to
a justice of .the peace. Judgment of non pros.
Harris re. The Charlie's Valley Railroad:to;
eiitiorarl to the Court of Common Pleas orAl
legbeny ed. Writ quashed.
Wesley Greer's appeal from the decree of Dis
trict Court of Allegheny co. Argued by 11041-
broucklor appellant and appeal quashed.
Carnahan to. Marshall; error 'to the District
Court of Allegheny en. Argued by •Mellon for
pbsintilf in error.
Lecmard'e Mines re. Winslow, .Lanier Sc Co.,
error to tho District Court of Allegheny oo.—
Mdti feCracheii; error to the District
Court of Allegheny co! Judgment of non pros.
Wadtworth ya. lirmisworth; error to the Dis
trict Court of Allegheny co. Judgment of non
pica. -
bitoenbariaut vs, Hammer; 'error to thei Dis
trict Court of Allegheny Co. Argued by Ramp-
ton' for plaietiff in error.
Bahian and wife es. Nelson; error to tileDia
triot Court of Allegheny co. Judgment of non
..Linton n. Bharpsbuig Bridge Co,; appeal from
decree of District. Court- of .Allegheny co.; In
equity. Argued by Arthur, for appellant, and
by IL P. Ifamilton, contra.
At 2 o'clock;- the Court adjourned Until 9 A.
TISK IN Win Prrrtimman.--The alarm ef,fire
at noon yesterday vas caused by the burning of
thrteetrams homes attached to Zag, Painter &
PO.'ll, iron works In West Pittsburgh. Au aid
abed amid for Ft.:Ting iron wise also partially de!
Strayed. The fire caught from the furnace.—:.
The lees is partially earned by insnraaee.
Ankrorin.—ln the Dietriot Court, on Weiner
day,r4amcs Buchanan, Esq., was on motion of
8..0. Stone, Fan.; admitted to praotioe as an
attorney of the Boum Illr. B. is ti nephew of
Prea Wont elect. . - ,
. .
taitaex.—The Dagoeeee Oreya parade
this forenoon, leaving the armory at 9 o'eloolt.
:Tibt Hessen LINLITABT OUZO RtietinitliBl9;
Tho Mustang Liniment curse BBB' Joints; The
Mustang '
.Liniment curls Berns and. Wounds;
The . Mustang . Liniment sures Bores. and Vi
cars The Muting Liniment cores Caked
Breath) and Sore Nipples; The Mustang Lini
ment! ouroalieuralgia; The Manning Liniment
;Cure d Come and Wart! ;. The Mustang Liniment
is w orthsl,Qoo,oo(i dollars per . .cumum to the-
UnitOd fitsitos, se the ntcoetvor and restorer of
nicuible Heim and Cattle, it cures all Sprains,
Osidi; Wounds, suer Joints, -
Will you answer thin question? DM yon ever
hear or any ordinary ,Sore,,Swelling, Sprain or
Stiffness, either on man or beast, which the
Mustang Liniment would:not easel Did .you
eves visit soy roipeotable Druggist in any part
of the world—iii Europe, Asia, or America—
who aid not shy it was the greatest discovery
of sib eget" Bold everywhere.'. Ewer* family
etiettrat bunt!: 8-sloe,. BOLOS it PAHL, •
(Frowns Dolton natural/ etfurafiA GS/eUs 4
r zootillPerfmnedltreanttb—Whot tidy orfontlemon
1.1, 'would mown under the cam of • dwatoredoblo
Meath whoa try tale a ital./lola of' a Thousand ricrmal.
04 a dannarterins anti oat only wander It mime.
tho tooth whits an
oat en Many persons do uot Ynow
their aturatla io had. and the cabiort to Imo &Meta
nionts mar nanstion Pot • eingle drop of Ina
‘flaint. on your toottoteroth and 0 wooh the troth night
enterrattor. - f oow akramtttrtato watt hut • Tea.
A Inaturcnn, .
wur Mtita7l4 by UP
inn tha . Baba of d ftwasotart Ptelterr. It min Tama.
jaAptletpl44, 41141frtaki lam the skin t tearing it of s aft
and mato boa, Wets towel. 00IIr on 100 at Claes &OM
wad truth tt• focerntght and toonalog e -
PROMO MADZP.OI—Wri your shartugoloush In either
warm oold wafer. poor on two or throe, eirm of "Bolen
Of sillotissod Plcerfarro" rub gm beard wail and It will
metro • batuldfal soft tether math fwilitatheet tae opera.
pion,pe obitondf. Wird noir Pity Gouts.
itTiro4l APrO t Now York,
.A 1 Vetntilinefelf. ixeN. antiri, co.. UPO ft
juitygEn. IiaIoIACJIA • Oil , awl PLAIHNO BIWA
Amato Ay PittatunTA mhillazood
. . .
.Card to the.Lacues. •• '•
Otrio . Nara oTumwrnioDioai, ?Ri
• ; rag / eternettnil teremar.
Ilea, itomovlns .oWitnxpr
• - • -. 'All Medica:ZeniKiitrisc . . - -• ..-.•
Ai .sl3 u Istant ottis*:.LA4l lsilessaLS Sa's swd
Ma iwa• srt. ,I4Werri , sad Witszarea W obetructloti
laikal 61gge. whet 'r from expalinl...ool.4.l l t.sorottur
th b.hul imated.latel.T. to - 4WD"
l ' ultt h irraregtet i l . l — raigilf hos bean tba
- muss sonssassalsgss wrong ! mum Asem.tft--•
Pahl ill Um) 00: Pabliatlein orals cam Aitta at vf
diaturdtd ideip
a s froal. tho inteorap...
Atm 01W:err ikaa.ll.•aelet tlaisi 4 cosi. I.llo7,rini!
_.ll+ l lM•lielre= e icaoltan - 4 eteAiiO4 •
'mama strieLlySakmidtin4lal, ammo* poosalg w ,io/1!
=Or 7 6 %. • •
. Mot ,12=, Ohl Driside
Jbf k - Agents Iltxr Al imx !ro windr9S4'lll
WrA. B imulats.o.43 . „„ib u ria7
lit...!vrortiatera prices;
=ll4 o4 l4lP i rekr.!,*•o . 6lll4ilioLiittt eu a
. .
Elkinininawn, Nov. I9.—Tho Benicia. Canal
Comni*loners commenced making thole"
pointlienteSta 8 o'clock The;:-following
parlous were spolated: Superintendeet- of Co.
Ininbis & 8,.7:8. Baker; Supervisora=Dela.
*are Division; Wm. Deerfield, Jr.: Roll= DI!
vision, W. Forster; LowyrJonlata, D. Reset:thin;
Lower Western, Tobin kialtaiter; Welt Branch;
Thos. W.:Lloyd; Borth Branch, Geo. W.l3earob.
Collectors--Easton, D. H. Tileman; NeW HOPI,
L'has. SlPahner; Bristol, Pdgh - Duncan; Phint.
delphia, J. T. Smith; Paoli, ft. Laverty; Palk
eteburg,ll. hlckeigb; Columbia, J. L. Lightner;
Portsmouth, J. Sweinicre; Harrisburg, John EL
Brodhead; Newport, 'John Ilartzell; Lowietowl l / 4
A. G.:Elarvey;Huntiogdoo, Thos. Jackson;
day/Metre:4 Joseph McCieland; Johnstown, D.
Fulinood; Blairsville, 0. d. Jamledon: Freeport,'
C. Snowden; - Pitteburgb; Wm. M. Stewart;
Williamsport, J. Platt; Northumberland, J.
:wit:elate; Beath Haven, Jobb S. Follmer; Ath
ens, W. H. Overton; Freeport Aiqueduct, Mary
Nesbitt; Juniata Aoquoduct; A. Bigler; Bridge
at . Dunoan'e Inland, C. H. Zeigler; Outlet at
Portsmouth, Wm. Colo.
Weighmastere: Rsatern, Wm. Able, 08. Olm
stead, Assistant: . Philadelphia; R. Simpson, H.
Leech, ttesistent; Columbia, J. Mayor, J. Watts
Aesistant; Portsmouth, H. Leightmoyer; Holli.
dayabutg look, Christian Snyder; Hollidaysburg
ecales, George Potts; JoEinstown soaks, .1 Burk
holder; Pittsburgh, Joseph Gaward, Beach Be
van, T. Mcßride, R. B. Bacon, Assistant.
New Your, Nov. 10.—The Steamer Black
Harior arrived with Havana dates to the 14th.
Nothing important.
Connecticut official—Fremont 42,715; Bachm
an 34,990; Fillmore 2616.
hloarrax.raa, Nor. 19.—The Vermont..Legia-.
!attars, adjourned this morning, after passing •
bill appropriating $20,000 to supply goon elotlt
ing to the poor in Kansas. •
Sosron, -Nov. 19.—The Canada sailed at noon
.to•day for Liverpool, via Halifax, with $340,000
In specie.
HALIFAX, NOT. 19.—Tbo expented etestoship
Niagara, hal/snot yet boon signalled below.
, Nair' Yoak, Nov, 19.—Cotton unchanged;
sales 300 bales. Plow firm; sales 13,00 bbls.—
Whist steady; sales 111,800bbls. at fall prices.
Corn is in moderate demand; 811C3 17,500 bush
els at forme:mites. Pork steady; sales 800 bble.
Beef firm. Lard steady. Whisky heavy; small
sales Ohio' at 30/o. Coffee and Sugar dull.—
Freights steady. Stocks Brine,: Chicago & Ronk
Island 91; Illinois Central bonds 96f; New
York Central 82}; Reading 821, Cleveland &
Pittsburgh 58i; Iffilwatikie
Raw - You: Cams ILtarwr.—Berf Cattle
slow of ludo' and prices unchanged; sales 3600.
bead at $7,50@10,50. Sheep are in attire de
mand and unchanged in price; sales 19,000 heed.
Swine lees active sad easier, sales 8000 head.
PRILADILIIIIA, Nov. 10.—Plour steady, with
a limited demand, and prices area hide firmer;
sales 500 *bbla standard brands at $6,62: 500
bbls eupeffine at $6,75, and 150 Ws.. W. 13.'
Thomas, at $7,121}; 150 barrels single 'extra at
$7, and 300 bbla common extra on prints temp;
the demand is steady fur the supply of, city
retail brands. Rye flour scarce ' and wantedit
$4,25. Corn meal dull, with small miles Peon'a
at $8,25. Wheat in steady demand and prices
wolf maintained; sales 6000 bush at $1,63(a)1,54
for) prime southern and Pa. red, and $1,60®
1,63 for good to prime white. Rye scarce and
is demand; sales 800 bosh at 80.,0Corn dull and
one cent lower; sales 8,000 blahs's; good
touthern yellow at 60*. afloat at 654 from rho
cam Oats steady at 43a. Cloverseed In fair
request; sales 150 bbls. prime at $7,'25 per 64
lbs. Whisky, 4,teady, with' small sales or both
Wis. and bbls. sr 330.
CINCINNATI, Nov.' 19.—Floor ;I:motive; BAIA!
100 bbls at $5,10. Whisky duD, sales 4515 bbls
at 24i. Wheat doll; Red saleable at $1,06;
white $1,1201,15. Corn in moderato demand
at 500 for old and 450 for new. Rya steady at
7S®BOO. Barley dull and nominal. Oats steady
at 38.3.- Hoge 'Ready; salon SOO bead at $5,75
®5,80. Coffee to better demand, sales 1150 bge
at 114011 i, and i 200 begs to arrivo at 11i.
Molasses very mat "605666. Begat firm;
Bales 35 Ude fair.Caba at 10).
Prospectus for 1857
Establiehed Auguat'Cl, '18•21-
trial) rstabllehed piper take piwerren ealllnt the
attention of the trubllc to tzr the melee
7ear. kurfalted altti pal Wm lire elders QM cerethre
to more than ever appreciated by the meting world. We
hare therefore Creed? made erreeconteate with the fol
ipven g brilliant Ills ofieritert,
WILLIAM Ils4ll/TT tat ilestanl,l . ALlCE C.IRY. T.
HR. 111114 11. A. DEN.Le)N. the anther er'lrtieit," Ao.
. We detlett escamenoirlied ha she arstrittadere le January
hest. the lellextrue orlathal Hereto:— • .
Talltngetitt, attic fign4ttee'4 Ifinat,
By **mum tlowttr. gutter ef'*Atirel Thritleed. o
1.. Ini!; .; of =leri e .r.cle. 4 7di a . Hewn,. heelet
visited austsslis espreesrs with the Inset of satrunstlm
himelt with Me tweet sal romantic Import, melee Isiah
nature and VV3147 present themaltes In that singular
The relieving Tinee;eLe will than gm elm, thrash
Mao:big STOR Y emmordar here mentioned:—
Ttr ht:Ot Oict. An colning Aomiet, Milton emmeell
do sriginal NoTe..a. written,' *smear for tb• Post. bT
2. O. *an=
On erica's' Narelot. ;Um author of —Mr ISLAND,
...:21 . 14.15.Fr ha 1 14/11.1.1u0.7,./e._
An Schlott Notelet. Dr Min Maur A. DZlrtB.7l., author or
"Mask. the Serton.P . Home PletweL.Ao.
HYAtfornints D.l.taatAsuthat or .The Lopt of the Wile
4/ertnate." le. le . 1 p In costae of pretenition for Um Post.
we Dan 11.0 the priaalea of A Share end Cautioned
45 rut throw& stout ids or elute numbers fifth. Prat.
;Erin addition to the shone list of couttibutionn
&Plat corona:Hut thy tonal meant of IfORNION
a LTV.
*A . n
A, our otoect Delos .o *lr. • earaiplett 'cord. far
LI ortic:Outwit! odadt. of the Crest World.
EISOIIAVIBUB —ln Use way of Itogrettoes we genera
ornent twoneekly—orat of an lostroctive. and toe
other oft lll:micron, character.
The Postage on the Poet to any part piths MAW State , .
bald auarterty or yeaslr Ittattrartee, at the ale. whew. It
rwelee4. to only 24 dots a Tear.
TISIt4IO (oath to adranee)—`;lards copy NI • Year.
• s year.
• " (And one to the yetteropottheaub)lo, MOO oo
Att4rob..lo.o, prTNaIION,
No. Ga booth Third West. 14.112.444 MM
Zratotple Numbers meat gristly tO WI. lrbel2 xll.
XDITOR.B tlitors wbo glee the above row Ine
iwyWo. or condense the material portions ot It, (10•,0- 0 -
Moo of new ocoltributWn4 sail tar temasaior tOY•wooitO-
Ytatcolconos. then be entltbarto an 5x.ob•••• by tend)oit
• 121,4 WIT of baba. containing tossl4.oll-I.ment
or orate,aoltOtwtl
• Orphan's Court Sale.. . •
DY virtue of an order of the Orphan's
• Court of Allegheny County', dated N0v.14 3856 ,
De expoted to nubile sale on the punchwe MON
DAY, the ath day of Decomber,lB66, at 10 o'clock. A.M.
t.w. the underelgned. Admlntstritor of 'the *elate or
JOHN WALK NII„ lit WI the Wowing deserthen }Mal
mute, to nit: all the. certain Lot or. partel of ground
an 18, to the plot of litUrshettdown.. sltnate on
tho corner of Market and.WatiS strwite. In told Uwe.
and ftnnUng on the Monongahela rim, together nlth
the gars and Limning thenennto eppottemtut and tuo ,
longing: noon which tald Lute ertcted, • two etorled
Haas. now wonted as • Went •nd• etable. .
Alm, AU that certaln_Lon No. °la.° In the plot of teld
town. the *tote and Itoothcg on Water stmt.
Mt which la erected Wt.° Storied Pram. Derelllag House
tthei!, Le; uttrobered-.4t° In said Plot. on
. On the
ofritun and Second streets, on which • Is awned •
one 'tolled brick dweltleg Imam.
Al Lot numbered 'We" In said Plot. 8.1/080thir hlo 4 L
'lnd fronting ott Accord Must. On 'sada le gusted tt leg
dwelling hoar. • •
• Also, Lot numbered NA . In lahl %dot. athlete on the
caner of Deena tad Plum ott'whielx ti mated •
=lib Mop, framed and log dwelling. • •
Alen,Lon f10..3r. In said p 1
7 antoltdnit NO.IO, float
Lr;kl ! , Iln ontlag 02 Thit4
Ala oat, on which Is meet ed a log tenement
ntec, Lot numbered .16” udd plot wHolntog Na 10 ,
and fronting ern Third stmt. on which lanceted a Damen
mat . ; :r1:0111 04• Lot,
r naval of lad& In :the
boradala of Elisabeth, adJolalas kls. Orate Yard, MI
eAtalalng tarea nem manor Lex& •
Tartas load.* kaawn oz, tbe4a,ofuta. • .
nalkaptd ItollfatT WALICER, A del% '
' Waco of rue Prrtstroaost 1/11D •
• , Blots
u, a, Co .
• Pittobunt tta
b, ov. 4
121b.1111.0. 110
n'hal Wroth:a of the Btackholdero of tb• Pitiebnegh
and Coneellseille Itallsoad Contou .W be held at the
°theocrat,' Ootopuy. (Jones' 1011141 r
ot. 'Fourth Area.)
in the kit TA( tlttehoreb. on the /IfteT MONDAY flat
day) Ok 7tEOII.IIOZII.IIISKS. at 10 o'clock, A. It.. ear the
inorpore of .1 4 .tiollt - ft.tY• DlClPdaro. hK the emo.loo reart
.. - nollltoa3t•tf • A. 1.. SOBSIKI,L, oArfetak7.'
1101,31£.8 a romans. NIL In Wood
1111ABLEY—f0:9 bus. prima rpc'a and For
111 ~Is by'nelo - ' BYLL tLIUGATT.
.41 \PAL:- OANDI.IIB--1211 t)oxes reu'a and
iur y orio , by • • balm •: • .., BELLA LIGOISIT,.
ii usK More acid for 4lllo
1.11 Dr_
_•.: •Donl• • DELL & 14100111%.
I -
Bit.i.s. iio. •
11. - TRakirol, (iar6
5 I
• /CP half do •, . ,10 , • ..I* , . • '
_,. dK . .
Cr mi. by Don ' RAGA LIi . YXO3I.FRA.VIC A CO,.
, ----,--,---
tiiStAIVES- ' —2OO boa. Ma:num! Lake au
,a. surur rouuctisaa reed andfarralel • •
- • '
Dot - . . .• : • xcuelareaaa DlNlthriltbfkld pa;
Nil EAT CUTTIlsia MACIL[NES--A. 'maw
supply aireeted Oyes reralred thle der •
. MRS: MARIA. JOYNER Wreqopeted. to
call at auras.. on Purim na
, naadlstalT_ encamp.
I Dg STM/G . 11013 BLAILZLY a aicaiaY..
OBE FOR SALEm-Alargo, able bodied
' bane, loans.; mound and canna In buten
1114 • _ T. a. YOUNO
1,013 . 33 Eaaltlidackt Ot rev
MING. VAIRALA.II-500 just reo'd
yia. by - - iltmlucun"
ikLAIitiriASSORTALENT or litanoths
P.mad" Colognes. Toilet
APPLES, Irma ta•Wyaming VaUar.
Witting •to Jim pp MaeAdak
Irow4domalt to gatetbairtaajap4h M apa iota Or law/ Irtais.
1141. ' _ • - KU a 11/TellEb,
uar:warna aa4 Itlbarty 40.47=4 Bads,.
QRAgfi r Sl RA435.5000-titark
2!•; mat a bac . La at , aroandrar .n r w le
iv at c taL u l Ter m s. 1
. 7 .
: • - aeles-morni
IVlCKWliKkftlalfollolaucy , iiii)
ild asuf 411-31ati011 far say bribiillawar boadtiot
C43II76EItC,Uk ,
tA)sturrirsi QY:dBffiSSAS3Cd ' r3!ORS •..
Ifiri11:111;111.* .
Tb. VitstUinir*reeneshi /hart;trelgtit itrrinifix
tnbiytp o ads - ma - sawn: it Appears -tbs alum. pep,..
Patton lathe Oblo.and Slontmety Yiour.-abirlawr
Valor' hat Om Itmad-to fell-short klafolehr. Orin etkei2
wrrdr, =room progniy• mmaking,lkamluitntir hulk!,
••TN, Ls • moles of lorposltiowthatlas twelagretlmw•UPs
°t‘ 00 ====adro reanksild; MusD other fraudsilt
inentserd with tixosinatil it
pin m Madtha t : Arrest
magnitude., •Wergellintrbse ed to ira:
teat =mum harsh** adopted lanaltlutor• to detset
land punish triads bf this oluatoter. that Inn it'd to an
Wan funth at Plvvent mach itArsolkok - WW hare to
tbis State. stzlsont law CO tiot• rubles- Let Is Cs en.
from heft putaitted,to mato d e al wthu
extract Prints latter from .1301dmere..lath
leetant; to one of our toireasutsten this Malden:
ikimportant that we thoold farrdoarod that oat
.areeetara. drttialt the put ereslr,l hare determined rigidly
to enflame the Instowlma laws on Ohio and Kentucky
flour, reuniting the sada tare Cr tartar rrop_eryrallv or
marked upon eseb.that fraud..lf gar. =or
and when detested. theft. to ettlemedy Wed U
be well to giro this [publicity as' early es Mamma.. as
most of the dour =am untaxed: and noon ammUnatten
ksayEeelielenckt Cr - Alone , bare bona found la several
We Mani from anothe letter. that blink tared 4thteen
Mow% welshed: whoa tested. from talented.G fairly
Moue fn our market, continues nary doll; and it is
dealt threads, de fbr eoperdna. -
aldtadar, at from SPA to $4,110-44:fil,the ioad
prtee. The market has not yet unwed •um tone,
naokere being indinneed to Oixrale.iy•thg te the Mama.
and low prime of undue% Brun Mute mid to • limited
'extent at 4)4. Gig and 746 - for Eboulders, Mdss and Mum.
Some drovers are puking hors in prolerence to selling at
proput prim& two GM). ave Au fair denund at Mims
roaring Atom IS to CIAO pm 1001Im rust. ltd Perkinic gnat.
The Louisville Journal of thlituoruinsr. rerrts tho hog
market dull, balms Wining only itigirome - UnGat.
The Bank or the Rapublie : at Providoure. the felinro of
irbleh was an noun a for weeks.tince, appears to be •
bad wreck. •
TheColumlum (Oa.) Rnuntsvr states that an invartiwa
:lowa attain of thwsarpezleg klanitteotorenf and H.
ebonies' Bank was made last week by • meth's? slor•intsd
for that mums... and that the mscouves available for the
radospuenof Its liabilities were Itrand to o• very moat.
It It aid that the amount Outftandleg tt .boat d'AVX).
Some tales of its paper hsn barn made as low u Putt
on the dollar.
itooll—thlrplarka WSJ Affaila tattith bee , / towdef: and
bOldese wets more dimmed to sell es Baturdny's deaths.
The nits smooth* 1,100 et 1,476t1,260 do, at 10,111% 80 do.
at 15,06, end SO do at $5,70. Senna drovers e n memos
on thole own mama, 1n onderetes to toning et then
rater, Out, deafen are Indlffettht, sal expect s further
decline, u the &mend for the Hoiptspact b 11011 10/41f .
limited. •
Lain—a isle of 60 abb. hums !anthill:lg ractaaes at
100. Demand 'trotted. and mutat dull.
GILLEN ilEat—eshe of 000 llamat6 ilia 2.606 do at
7.3‘e, sad 000 Shoulders at 636:trltattlaw lower rates. Ou--salee of CI bble lamed at St. Market rather
Costar —a sal lutist
klotaarse—• aleof fa le at tZo. harkst ready..
tatoss—the demand cantinas, moderate. , and the mu*
gm. Wee of 40 libels common and low fait (Means
.at 114010bia—Clin Coco!
. Ra gad the following In the Toledo Blade:
Hickory ants ate more plenty iwUtle region than for
eaten! years PIE, and tame onantittes of Omahas° ken
lent to the eastern market, and are atilt going forward.
They are soling in the 'keels at about 30 reale per but.
The qtrustlty of wheat and corn which had accumula
ted at We port was about belt a million of istubste. The
vessels which hale loaded within the but two date will
take away OVitlfo,lloo stub of this More.
The Dank Statement shows thou the Intranet of the
Owes merle that.. antititstel, bet rather inn, we
think. than the ohm' anticipallon. The inefainet I.
4740,000-brthking the segregate era heel. and aquas.
let millions. The. decrease In-the dolomite du hen
checked, and. fortuquantle the Beak s bees stoppok the
wean of osetractiou-thello• this week eltowttar en Int•
emus or over • otillian. This increase or leaps has. not
besot Try ipnarta..the action or the Hanks harlot teen
tree/attar. The tonna:lone harlot the lama; number
ofinterior beak amount* show an iIICIVS.• of t smite,
which would indicate that the wsttle or the !cantor to.
the Inartnneat ot the crop wets . deofeasias. abet Melee
efseasselatlon or. We tern &smite bets was otertmesellet
The tanninalil=llllllll of the depot% Heels 31.4Mt000.-t.
The teal Inmate, allovink for the outratione of the
Cieuingtlionatt. la 32500.000. The medium Omaha are
atti.kkk,Oka. lentos! , $60,=0.000 hut •erk. The compel.
atm with hut week le:
Leese a hla Dutch, arralatim Drefelts.
Nov 8—k1(02.508.057 $14516,4'40 tk,k10.721 1.3a,T3' 7.8511
Nor 15......303361.{60 1=3.737 8,111e.177 /174t31t000
Inetease...-.11.046,811 114.93.072
4.f. railbetaa.
Rmz lierass,—Tba weldor lasi credos had tamed
quite sold. and frank appearance.= gouty cis. to t u up.
porthermay blrespomoi Boats In from It Pool yes.
UMW. brood a. amelderablO amount of lloallog lea
tom ISt Patel a nd Doboolq and tem lira use fun of
It obsu they left.- The eireetber ebtne the , Itapbfu :se
eel fold zest laa caskSloit really. The Ilimouti will soon
sloe sod the probabUity Is that (bobcat* noir up it, will
up on their Moro. tom no orosllgat the lubsols
of L01X2114 The areletbs tbaS strew; Is 00-loor thaw*
or Ise sold slitta soma from. It to the bottom. To
• Calm lbw* le tram lg. to teas rot, awl ta• mates hero Is
apatloally but slowly IbUlog.—Et Louis • •
lleat—The mulud. ligalet In all reiDeete. with Sight
receipts, sad ma hear of a We et UV pag e at Of nat.
griW. also hear el a sale. of 1000 hags at a ate net.
.setieg mama here pih eammante t.extlreent.
The harreieloa tnerallethsitte, base thla mum. ea
U. the partial Whereof the tern crop will ahoy an aurae*
Lighter than tact year. '
The Met of Turk'. Nand salt. la IL I. ear Is light. mad
all In the hind. er Darter... xtth hen.. In .Ik...l:Urea
eale.—Lon Dour.
Then Is some 'light rate felt In th e leaner Illtrkel:'
not In the rate. for kens, but In better funnies fa iste
twining Msootroto Gutsily the think. As to the Wet.
they are .1111 extravagantly blah:' but u the thrnhur
Phlnt hes teen reached scene days Woos. Wan sled to
mead that contklenoe Is nos beton reetorei, ant capital*
Isle at • mere Inel lied to .mete toreetruents. She llant
Ittatemsat tor the week ethlblte each feats. es as 0111
eht•.• • better feeling: not only hese, het In other p.
The loans arelerreoeley ever . Intlthatei the •
00 band Ueda) , any be stated ate....., thirteen so Mont'
then twelve onlllone.
the eosnoaerclal ecturinnlty be. for ECM wee/. nut
starred Um= the tepid tetanal= of the Dent Loehr,.
ad the dlftlhtllty of obtaining money tea forted attac h
Down into bookruytey.—li If Corer • Xne.
Important to Those ITsing
IME attention of tho publlo is invited .to.
thi foot. that coat of th. SW and tolsoosatina
Cattalo offonol fa solo ore
• , Deficient i n 'Weight,
No that what hoot:Igor a Muted 'actually weighs twat It
or IS ourtme, itad iterhave matted "tit Pet" tall short
too. thrtet imtd trrn tr. pp d. twr tog: Tto has de.a
wwe few nitoo the Wholmate Dealer& whostli hectares at
lb* /r-tried ireighl. nor goon Um Befallen. rho .ell ttr
totna. hot talnn the orartgagre. obnAlltill stay tht stOnt
Toore , tenth More than they metre. - d.. •••
.721.0 tatsertitere harealtrare Insole thi n Cetalee Intl le
gong. to the gamut. sod muted barium lathe reel
weight, whkh roar hetwineittataed by Owning thew} As
ther etherleore In the tasters. *babies them target. all
articles aunt to poshte many In theramlier,herenlielt
Lb* Itttrtnege or gut:hums who (hairs to natty %twit
own Interest. and. at the game time et:grew... iwggewt,
toeknix.- •
noleldina Cloginottl.
RLEBER. k BRO. half
34....441=4"1111 U NITBi l atIL M IVI T .
oa—tansiag Man AM to 11000. and ecin•
7tifix"ttr= am within 1144._ yaws
abundantly proved MAT sovarictity. and .re brad=aaad.
by radonMs asast per.fdd mutant tastrananita nay mad.
bald al the N. Y. pris: A arylttan %maw...soon.
panics iamb Plato. The betas 1. 2...Trail:llly Invited to
ua .d Amato,. U. MAMA& 11110.
0012 • No 14. Pin ,heat.
To Consoniers of Pickles. •
RELIEVING that the Public have become
tired ofpagebeeing Pieties to Ittanges. bolding, In
map? *MA DAT per cent, Um than repreeented. we have
ocanneirold gating no. In addition to our, gement (OMNI
•Ireim,anartteleerbleb we are labeling - WM. UNDER.
WOOD A Cage ILITItA ,PICALiv sad are rillimi- Into
Vali Mewl .11Xl. *bleb an legibly stamped t the:alma
With their meet eon tante to ogrombethlui enabling the
tOPtatalt ta earth their trail,
nem Extra lifelike am put ne with terve regard to
Ogle. Quality and Maim and will be wad at rale: rennin
matte e Arme.
We ban made no thecae In nor mow of Greening
Pickier. never Aiming reeertel to any delaterione mreerm
to *Main this end. VIA Older glottal . whist, we use le
made from gonad fruit, and In anthem tree tram Vitriol
or sag other Mineral add, whiett le not tb• cam irltb
Untamed to moat brand. othinglith riekles found In tine
nohlawdarn WILLIAM UN OliltWOOD Ate.
07 BMA acre.. Horton.
_ SIINDRU3S-:-20 bags Rio Cafireo; •
40 hlide 14,0; and P.O. Popo:
100 boxes tlantifeetared Toni=
10 011,0 0 Twist Totem;
000 t n . Pure White 1 amt,
1000 tear Ambled :tar.
100 domaßatent Ithrtetw.
000 Merne Wraping Paper,lo atom sod for tale
nolo WATT t WlLdOlit, do. :20, Liberty Omer.
!vivo GOOD FAILRB--At a great bargain
beta Mutated la Font.. m. 0.". liken* eMe to
Drandonellle And Bruceton, on the edge or • good Turn.
rite rood, Om of themeonsdaty 07170 acres, near RI arm
trend, MD or it le se lord Le rim bottriMeollrieb;•Orte
body of minnow 00. thrtd; s young °Merit. omdthilible
Itheldair Home and Triune Omni we.ll watimi Tab never
Wing Isnium. This lola tarts :nodal farm, and wlll be
sold Mr or traded for city moped). the owner now mild.
the In the city.
_ • •
Al•o, •Yarm of 164 acme ennead war the above , ham
about E d earn &wad. 36 ring of. w blelz la creek bottom:
at& firm I. Win claw to the Taro Pike r, d, • [Met and
&kw 61111. lmproretnentstavalis oft wo Dwelling Howe..
nage, OltOne *ping Donee, Illaekanli tit Mop, • neat
Pram Muth and Sohn,' Dow. Neighborbbo4lUtrnt
and besltDr, and • Doe situation foe ►.tote and Maier
Madness. A onlr to 111.61CRLY t MINIM
Real E. Cato Broker*.
p 43 hhdr, Frame N. o. non
M Was. Inothednad Leaf Inuit:
le6 do N. O. Molsoni Saar
41 flo James best Soar Gnus dlohusen
• IVO hiss odors ,
IS ts.Velesta fresh Tess: • • - i•
41 Oozes Y. IL andlnaen Ton •
2 . 2 do N. AB. end Wm. IL Gran 's 64 ASe Tobsonn
3 Genes prints N. C. Man
41 haze/ Soso and Candhc
• 10 do, Pearl Brach:
16 dam Palntsd Caste*
10 do Loon son Pstrs Don 0414 A
rear meet of
arP2 - - 2741 Liberty Wad.
AT hilliti f llLt BURCHFIELD'S another
Fall dad Whiter Goode,
lumina barn :valor&
raoarlal ottantion• is forged to our rx.anairt snort,
trialat orelattla and Camittesra for Men intr.
104 tor Laallir
Cotlntrr larrobant• tabbing to raploobb stub
Ond many dilator ream and daslrabla goals , at
about flastarn orlon. • nal:data
8 7 -40 kegs 8 0 Soda; ' . •
. 10 bbla VW. oallrnitun •
20 Inge Wa11y.... In lb, Ti . spair;
30 . hurl fltatiab;', ..,
600 lags extra reliant! Ta 1,141 b at. , •
In stars and fur gab by • ATCV.ELL. LUBA 00.
jr.OLIJTION—The lite firm of Forsyth
:And Scott. N 0.75 Witte at.: war: dialetrad es Um
day bf ilopuoritar twit bra s tont ennient. lb* Inv •
fewer the late dm wlll he aettlad be Alexander For.
0 tteher la, 1t4.0, 1 0rt.% IS LW OOT. Jr X. FORSLITH.
TbiEutecrlbar will still twatinue the FOrwardhic Core*
Minion and Freda. Burin.e at the old etand,wlient ba
Will be babel+ , ane the trlande or Ow tats brio....
No. 15 Watoir rt Pittsboreb
OUCK.W.U.EAT. riCUR;aSO :fifty pound
N.V. Pure. radd and foi sae by
not() ° EMMA' Mg ETT. Water it.
50 mum. uu tta ygasswi rat o by
col 2 ' g0a,,18 and7l7 WoWat.
At#### itmuuf.turra or ea had°
b 7 ma -wataa nunma A CD.
aYE bbleitye Iberia stoto
Au; ad -
far sal* if nalb •T. LIMA MP:
LL tilwr,ati ktUTT =l E , R-3 f..m44, bb by ls a rcl 4:s ll l _ ,e rl ft t_te = y_rec',d i
IJIMUKED 8U1T,82.--81) kegt ENOyd tnit .
gals was tio do szra.up: saiitzittakca.,
13 VOKWIIF,AT FLOIIX-4.0' 0 Raab
! wheat Sour In stars and or NAO., •
%im.= ii7o.
A fiftßifil7MOULD OANDLESTor gala
ills Par PACIALICY. mount .tpx
111:10KWBEAT IFLOIM:4I.SO . sks., 50135
ILP nab: roi obi bi • -_ ' JOHN FLOYD AI -M.
Lp YE YID I Ity« mouridst xped
• •,1; .63 weausit.t.Ao6: •
RACON OUX,Drats, 77 =oo 9 o 29
oir *lig" la_chn °KM 47, 4F•Aur-'
dII Advertisements of' Concerts ay P.nb.
'ji, Uomi Ilinsgar ' .. 4 08101 0 1/0811a4
. 1 4 3 2aser—J. limn= I Aatinglisugar,C,J.rosna
Atiesia4Auvutta a ft i I Paints pareaszlv—V 0 0
paced 2101-..;..---. 3t a Private Bozw,"smal.L. 6 60.
:;=-„ rig kr ooknel zericna--.--Z)
.TrakEBGIVINGI DAY raminmuuta-nuo mown
TIN REDLY N09E111.1117.11. in, 1660._ ..- .. .
Carneworudag at Rii o'clock, Lb* now Dina; fro the eel.
Moaned work of ifra. ',wrist dleer3er.B tows will
ha twodueed.with runrseenar 7 dream and `• . •
• • - dmotatlmas. amtitlod •
' DRPV: on Tl7ll DISUSE SWAMP. 12211
• ._
I the arantear: eacennanclo sr at 7 eriork, the islatuated
oilcan • Trot:Wan. Mr. 3081.711 PRUO7OII. will sp.
In a new Dram. ontitlad . . 1.
41, j ,
OE; '
. NOW: the Mabel, MC Proctor: 1211 m Yrs. Ladhard,
" Danta........4:............----........-11111a H.latair.
• • -- Twreonelode with DIIID I . ' .
d, O. Potdom Tom Tit. J. M. Choir: Old'hirt. O. Fadr.
• Tomorrow.. PriIar..ALEnANDIIiTUE 0 Rl:tere'
n • other Notartalomants for the lialunt of Mr. Proctor.
' r Donn open At 7:curtain risto TM Woken. ' , s
Pittsburgh:glue= and nary of Bat
On sth'fOreot tate Masonic MU.
ON T rel NiSG
Manager ..... ...—LBlDDLES.aresserer Bonnier&
beemle Astist:L.U. ACKINESIPremptor...T. BLACKBURN
The 9 teekeNnany cantata the raining ladles
and gentlemen •
Ilre. V. ham. Alba Rands!ph, Idles Id. Watts
11101110 b . J. Cannlng norrette, Mies nen Morton. La Pttate Bell
Morton,llts J. Biddle% Mu Hata FelloWe. Fauna Wine
three. .
Mliiide;ll F.WOod..Mr.thaltb. J. Rlddlea, IL
ELltostrrarDWoreeetar, C, Spew. T. btedone h , -s.
'II 11011.14 G. bowel:en.
The Orel:testae wilt be fall and' ediciont.
Lawler aad.Madelal Director—. .. —.......b1r. POOLE;
Two performances will lee Elven On . Teruaaartlair Day.
at 1 and 7,o'clock, Doane open 11 aa how previous.
Pardoner., ." IC Cita I Pezoli, Mobs. 25 Ole
.0n Thursdal i at 2:o °Mk.
To woman., with the OXENTOUS QUFSTION I
Robert whom= ro. . timbal - Roland,
To conclude with SP . .4Rn IN TIM DAUB,
(halm.) an old mar:Ma, Worcester: Lowatia thellee
data, Itborliandolyth.
Thursday evening, Nov. 20th. •
e performea ceY.L.Cyr.• to oammenee with LUCILLE. Act 1.
r.. , oon. Wind Endue, Ultra*:
betrothed to At. C y r. blre. V. Onnulieschatn, Latino.
Act . 2 —De Vareeour. tbs. Dmitri, 'adored to eight.
abanioned by De Termer. RI,, V.
Act .I.—Col De Earesoun blinded by the rands of.r.cypt,
Inride:engsred to A odre, tirs.Ounnlngbata
Altar which. We. V. tiIINNINI3IIAeI wit deliver an
To cOoolude with the Isegh•ble Fire,
MI.11.T&8VI.N1) Illtu
14 .Fri4a.r. taw stersalone.
P. M . 13A V( 8,
tLr..o 31 X4:40 11.1. U. COM, di • Wood end th.
. -
lnetion—On Margin. , motor. November
Eftb, at the AI grabante. 'Exchange. Fourth • manse, will be
eold a Iwo number of finely hated BUILDING WTE,
In the6th Ward Psnosylvan is Avenne.alogree. Blotter:0
21670 greets. Tl.: •
&Ten lots an Watson emit:barb:a reit 6 Inch...arrant
extending-track 113 feet to Forbes etreet.
Ten Lots on Farb*. Emote, baring each ..front of 20
fiWt 6 Mabee, exter,dlog bank SO Nit, St; Intim. to Pont.
land *meet.
Ttdrteen IMi cm Pentland street, each abmit 21 het
front, extending 4unkl23 feet to a twelve - Mot .0147.
• Ten Late °lathe north ride of toroet trtrest, garb 20
feet inohas front. extending back about 88frat to an
allay 12 feet wide.
The abate mentionel 40 Lot. are ganged wawa
Ciwenot rad Bold street..
Nine Lola otOthe south .td. of frgailt street, between
and Chesnut Mr.% oath 13 feat front, extending
1111 , k 116 1446 to e. A tta street. •
tiled Lore on Merle etreet between s.n• and Chwant
street.. haring each's' ttlant Of 2 feetorabattling hug. to
• Vkaltroy Anat. 11$ het.
Thaw , wlattlng to gutchan will tad' this a favorable
opme.tnity. a. 6L. owner Je dototadiSed to NM.
111713001—Cno Routh in hand_,.• Wanes in 3 sepal an.
noel pertnalta, with Interent'llth. warranted goad.
For ruttier lefermatloa aptly to etaatoph., *No.,
Sat.A We at Law. 111 Fifth antes P.M. DAVIS. Aust.
etithEßß'S ISLAND SAW . MILL:SAt Ana
ivf a.— be roil on Thursday eventug.47th I.
o'cl<ek,,ist tholletstmute Emelt:aim the litres hdand
tow Aillle. situated In Rearm tee whip between the P..
thwal and the Allegheny Ulm, eppeeitar 11m.e blood.
with all the valuable water power, ifisbts ova trtlrlatY
gtlghially save/s; to Stephen et al ordeals. „TN;
are supyllon nab e test dame Maim CusitarOurisll
lliectinsyy rrqublto lora men taw 111.11, tartin-zonstsue.
Ip :Hai= fa knowntn Le the beet Ws 111.11
to the enulittr.,,Tne Z.Trtty satiod se‘nerpetual
ireened tent of iral teet emu.. mad an ei..Altinne I tort of
/lett tar enema Ist yeets un Ist April, •
Tams of cuo.thltd cash end he ente in one and
two years, with Interest, emitted be bend and inotten.
th2o 61, DAVIS; Auer,.
011 Thursday ltrenius. Nor. filth, at 7 (Math at Oa
errhants' tuba:m.4 attaat, t. arta...0.10 th
of thatabrantlsl wdl Ilaistbed Stainutost Krttopollit
wlth tuatt u rt Itnrt Jackie. at., sa ohs con Hu at
;jfoaaofcr aC otoI cash, realdut Ina , and month%
=dorsal paper. • P. At DAVIN. Anti.
V Thursday main,. Nur. Nth. at 7 -o'ctxlt, at Ms
Idettbautg Szettaugs. batold,
I: tiaras Zzahauda Bout of Pittsburgh:
CO Elothsars
" 011.6na De:mit Pant "
" Pit• /bare,. 6; Warn* 2 CIA :11. R. TLC.
3 Alto hear (Minty Ccuput Boud• SI 000 *oda.
-IMIII),,DS b, Lu'tloa--On Mat4,s7mardurt.
2stra. at JO vlll tts .41 ths eatumeresi sales
toesuis em al Woad and nth strata,* taco 4:ll,l9atlty of
147 (Molt. e=slatlac in tort a blardxrd allia Brown
Muslim rod sot Istda 41 , 8 . 04 I)Mattl4 Pdnn.Cpints.
11elstam Mow , . Wool CrtultaMr.
Mies- Inset Slit emu.. Willa Blurs, Ladlre
anat.& ilsa and Cam elm Usk and Frock Costa's*.
Oa ,1r naktar 'morning. :Lib Not, en lawn:wing at 10
o'clooloollt n ,Id. a quautay or Elardirare. Lo (talus.
Two do. Btnp Mum ltaelloa.tltlio up Iron. . hand and
Ituct PRIM 4•13.14 CUM Ocmbe, thorn LOcdo. ge. to
1 crate aosortad Qatoonaguar:
15 Wort/lulu. Bottles and
do small plug l'obsaux.
3 tuka Caro, .
The abovegixis hive neon illghtly damaged by ore.
'Yale prremptorr. nag P. L. ['AVIV, Ana
weduredir,Ner. A at 10 o'clock, IL M .
at dwelling hewer of kind., .1. flapper. nu Turnpike. near
the reshiseee et tie. Web. b 7. hie entire nook of well
geld hoitreholdrandittre, nearly new, among which ant
one superior Minotaur swig urea Co t ton plena fate;
irksbneSny, Cm ant and =noon Omar% ilebOglia7.
•ea tre.drgr utd tea. stishogry Moreau
and ttb
dl hair mo mkt
os nattmeer. =rg window eel!
Willa parlor. dumber and stale carpeting; smith. dock;
gre hung tendert: alai, clan and cipertiorere
V.V... no. =alit Owe and liztiorii„ tackle,. stenillg.
C. Tern St esie. rtol9 ii.DAVIti. Amen
• Atrtion—On Idaputorning. Nev. 21. at 10 treirldr.
wilt in wild at. Wore No. 64, Wylie et, the remaining slug
of timecrint de orzolrrutut ahneet everything ugashr
kept lea Family Grocery. WC name 10 part tjaemie.
ware. Tin and !tone Ware. Spiess, 10100. truthwa Itto.
Clone. Conntere. hheiving, Drawer, dhow Cum Chanter
and platter= Into..
At am Paulo than and flaw will to wild A quantity a
iloumbotil and Ditrnin furniture., E eatar. and
Au. ie. cola V. M. DAVIS. Aunt.
BANK 'OF Pirrssuncia STOOK AT
, Al3o7loif,On muds,' f nrYwinber 97
at 7 oVack at the linechtniff farnsnyle will Untold.. 1W
maw.* Dank of ilttabututi. P.M. DAVID. Aunt,
Times. Better ttai Meng. • • •
riIIIEREFORE. It you do nokrant'your
trulit ruined, 6a bibluo tan at the etre. yr your
friouGo drowt you.. art r Watch or Work that will keep
time, nut Utopias* to rdt tlmm ts at
. .
Feta stmet,betwesn Wag and Alarkote_
W novo 7.u.. SIM Watches of all lonflo, In OM or Won
emir, opon or bunting. from S 6 to SM. Ulooto In trios
Myle oresstor fr&Die, Ilt i. l t Urtland tor Maws and
Cletgon. Msram sag alone% y hoar an d Alghtday.
mood In wood. Iron or Dom ameba. Jenny In fallow
vuiey, low ream. Watch °hens. Bum-
Sves, Nora Oold sal Olive Pawl% !Images, Arm
lea, Old nod 011vor nyortarle, Ivory Ann Pout Prato
To tboaevlto ntsh to ;Imbue anythint In our Ilte. •
gonad .ay
that baying booeht ouratod afar CAM... ,
elm molt c lunar Lanni Boaz in tAe Crryt notwlttabaid•
log the auortlon of tolling at whobnoda =lad made bT
soon lotto Matins. Call sad adze for fonnobtra.
X. It —Watelos, (necks anddamdry orallktooptoosinad
la a nanosr not to b•avfoll.d. T. W. lAIUG
notat4 Tl.Ylftb it, bemoan Wood and Waist
Tar.searzWs DitriaTrin e
1%1166461a, Vernon Der 0, Md.
OTIOE—Tho Board of. Direa taro .havo
this der declared •dividsosd for air months. ending
of POUR Ptah CENT, on the Capital &oak or the
Company. else of dusts lave., out cribs net profits ortim
Company. Pueblo on or anew the 16th inn,
Ta element mar, ittootboidars sad %Se person' col.
Witting dirktende are requested to oreamt theta surtiff.
cafes, or powers of attorney. and those holding old amide
lutes, ere,requeetaii to resent them to he 'relapsed ;ita
new own.
••• . •
Blank Powers or Att.:4l26y eto be but on spolleatlOn at
Basatlce. • • • TllOl, T. IttII.TII. Ifessurar. •
. .
NoTs.—B tack holtlori on the LMttatorch llet Irlll,..plaiss
mpalt their CertlOnstas wben the y CAI for Shal.f ado
dead. Bothllo.l - W. a. DYStilt. Cagan'.
Pats tvelety• giro canto per bottle,
riri n Is the lbserttnet f disease. Core the 'pan. and
you thick the dimes" • •
.1 1 11g:1y the wonder Of the age! /1 curse pain' to lists thus
c i iii. r eig= g ;1 r4= l - n • - .
..Odra Orainpl. or /Ws he the Reettace and Jowl:,
(Aires Wzclaibl Eirelled Mies him 4 Cold. •
elms /Wain t. m Sad
Absl.o on.l.llurnA • .
elm. toms 444 444 /bin to GO Fut.
Chris/yes and Luinserin the (mast Outman. - -
Awes Parcae re Coo minuies.
d ote in the ,M' a, EMI*. or 1104. - • • •
oeres dove end mut .1 , 1 - oen •
Thin to no notating medicine. and notiohllT should he
wittont a hail. in we oreschissit or , ritddrn slaters.—
It Le deed sisternellr. always, gilled hurneatlate seller. :if
the WONDERFUL OIL mold swat. emend
•• While moat phriticlane take whole menthe to Men
•maka int eauU ha te
the Nedid re en nimet . e deer
• Ten years madman. bkintin tforest
together with sobsednent • ecisntide teasels on the his cantb ,,
slant of P.usope, assoslatins dear with the wry elite of
the Medina protevlon, has enabled Prat REEL to present
be the world the WONDERFUL mums . = QIL..
roe male br allsexpectablalMioncle and at.rrot Need's .
73110 rd street, • ... •• • . •. •
U. A. ACOQ, And Dr. Gra. O. illralll3l.
Wbo Mae Agitate, • • -•- oe2t.dttw
AXES LEMON dc 00..
ouougan nurns i 7. adtiilll4l/012,Mil OY
No. FG Fourth. Street, - Pittaburgb.
etr of Pala and • Macao? inantero and OSLO,.
Pains soar a tem mat Antonia derigns of taro
'lllhlDitad mat of Our 41.11eutoulan • • -
Owing Lotto, triad ofour - crilan. aiid'lmprorOt.foull•
Illto For InSlitehd.C.Tilll. nr• rriuntlid.lo purply .4ww.
Artla In our tine at Wm 1147 lorult rata. aid fano on
In a.4la arrive out Lr. ouldnallon SO 0147 taus. -
Our rack consists In
_wart of ti. Wolfing aim In
It' .t Nahum r or walnut
Utradatrr, rotautgro.
, Fi Vbi.. 3 f te W" . /6 / 4 ,
Parlor Mita. ' jflocretaiwiiad Bookeisets ,
7rench Boating Claim rioalien, • •
- Dawns iticrosna, AMU/ 1 61.4 Boararad•
Ztourrw i Cria,Ooto. donnuaatro
Wlthno ar Tarlotr of Carman londrutO. and otfar
lat too anagram to amnion, Wo rotochn!r• arta
~Kbtltlon "Tri"".4o/rWI74"
aVnan. 'or v0n04.1,4ur11.1311 ISLIIRT an VCIMIOT W am
arf h orararnclis In than'
Or I st k loaruu% l buito Worn, Stria Wank=
runitehink Steizalmita and Hotels.
mow wiAins mama aro baited W ood. at Our
• &knob= itaca on frarth linnet, soar abut
w. win a balmy toe*. onr Rat.. .• - • riaTutia7 •
liraour -
, F LTA . e g g ni.!
",-Igff Vas lid.o..Tor for sale ---- by
3 a p t• 10/o:lll.4o,ilayi
• -
..:.:._':! - :;,;4..:' . .-:7.'...'; , : ., .1:. - ;. , ;.;';',.',:* , :;.. ‘ ',:',..:.'f . E: . ,:.:'i.f„:-i-r,.:A'.: ; •:;• - :: . .:-;
:.,:';:7f:.•.i.!.. 1- V:. ,- " - -' 1 .; . ‘;'.'..::--1 . .',..',.:' , .;(,: - , , ,-•, - -:. - ', - ;',..1.: , :,-i:".:-. -::....' -.:
Bf A:FAIINESTMA -------7 ,M , = 2 .`. ,.-:k 3
i ~,, ~.'" C9BNEI! OraKilirliND
ili 'l4 0:4 V ii.4:lil; :0A".; : ': -.-- ;::.;:;7',..t z i,.;
AlitD, M ANtr it'lLOTUßXltErtii -
-7 ' l'.:
' ... s '
fprintEAßDonlat, . , i
. _HAIM IP POIt 11315 i-e " -''''' ' ' ''',
gl i SS :' - " ';7,i , ,' , l`Z ! :
llt* bbls Flod surs ~, SI bbli Tannitieoll; - S' .., _• '
20 1 b bot--0, lt vr.1 8 .,,,,,... .,
i =Fs Ott Stuissitoe, • _ ,' 4 ::,- • 2cp-da, oda 8i .j... 5 " 1 !". , ~- -t
2:13 MIDI* W 0 0 ,316 .- . f. - qLI akin EMU" -- C 4 ''''' '''' • ,-.3.
• MO to 011 Ortganuto. , . to kft. ,ti c ,,,,,,,
20 o!.ut Ekon arablN lbkrCtaThi -- Itexnnx ,,, l I- ' -'
i ts DV) p 9021 WM - - • ja alaeriktitift,, ,... _ L 011211...." :3 ~ -
i MS . BblEk Lad . ' . , itS...._ l o '' ''BC:h.'
TO g a:81111)1Mr, . . . - lb ':- , i,t.i, B' '' 4.
26 . Roll Ittimstono, - ,' IS Was CCM. ~-• ! ..;, '. - :' . l - Nl.ri . , ,
the marktore ate .50162 to WI drub to. ihr'9lrz. br vrbebbibt thee eeshiee, - ;-.
tnotoo to be sum= num rat', wmoßa, ad not- i. 4 ' '
eeegbeguken e . • ~.!...,*
• • . 115 Watt. 011te
100 OarbzZol=
• 1/10 mai
• 120 Yap Bvp, C1:02034 •
. 600 gills Ott.
100160 aide t Add,
• 200 crantes /oda%
1(00 100/11,00 Calms 4
: • 10) "./3140s Mug,
125 MIR lantpbosl4
100 " Wtdung,
-. 10 " Ptath
• •
take adeeetein 0160 autos In tl
aa tinttstie team. Rub.= Jobbitll
Our Wand of WELLTH Latat ttu
'or 110.20 ti s owl wtatetteest. .
wire .aAI.R D 4 1.3 FP nt
- .
"• ' -
Gilt Mouldings for Looking Glass Frames,;Rallrlond Cars, 4
sctit:'l ,- .
- so. 85 Wood , Street. roomer of Diamond. Alley.
klaggifig. 1 ER'S PORT AR.L.E .BOA 'LINE
Via Pennsylvania Canal anArliallteadi':• - •• • °:7 '
• Capacity 2000 Toni sex_ Monti( eitth . Way.
UR faiiiiitree for. Transportition haio lean largely k:aimed dumbg . A4o past { vintpr,
and n Can liar ogee toe MELTERS the entenier advantaga. et a DOUBLII DAILY to sad tin.
burghindtad.inbla and Manner. ‘i.ot line Moir petaseeed eratirely eOIt.T.ASLII ISOATS. but one trantadment
•ree=vid. BillFJnimias tramline Ilveleto 092 Liao can rely am; it, being put ft.TO:imp ail giaaibuteasag.:.
and darpatelk. WARSUOIMI. OANA4 rtrxeuußon.
inta9 •• - KIER 'St ..MITCHELL.
nWJACOBLIS' SERMON on the Apostolic
• Pals otTiouthlus And Montanus. Poke 15 do—
,shushed Int the requeAt of the Inovn
301111 8. - DAL 801 i,
nol9 ' •el Matt Kraut. below Pounh. •
SPRIGEWS GREAT 19.010...---4 n:
ef the Anietlean Pato% or tkozonneratkre No.
tin. cf Dientorolatted Antertien.Clergyeent of yule=
Denctmlostloni. from threarly eettlentent of the country
to the clam of the year Itl6s..nith hbtorteal Intioduetkol.
By Wei B. Pontine. , O. It. 2 Yob. Se. Jost reed and
toe vete by nolD J. IL DAIMON..
TALUABLE BOOKES—E, 0. Criebrane,
Allenhatr, him ontand a nonsuxk of Book% the
Nara's . natio blorplarelka. 2 volt, octavo. =de mid
, tegravlors:PmraJapiug ripe4lll.l, rel.. do no do:
Masson and Its Banalor, Lerard: Pleat and - P.estine,
iltolavN Ben t _ and th. liar lead. Glean, Tol'boY,a-o
•P testing tiler-ad Teske. Wort, 0 rota. new en: Pa's
Works,a vole; Irstra's Wan leet.Z - 2, 2 vole octavo and
/24.3 bladlerteda Paratcs k , halo the 24: Abbott's N.
Pblvool bladlcr's (Waal /Toucan 'min do Spam,
2 sea do Flatland, Broldamartine s Celebrated Chersee
ten. voln.ktrislada I.lteratani, eatequence, Ow&
rich; FlDeeelten Llteratnn end viterarm Man
Conte on the emaciation at the ni Lamb'. Works:
Ilona litazatang Conran dot Boman Anne alien a none
bar of Ilictollesland Poetical Wort. with a large wet.
franc cd SlncellaneonsPldelaatlonr. Neate'e Nay
Werke, Hoes do; UelereLlnenNe Vents liscolltons nada
sla Era eu Dstreillakisacvuutatlnt TeatbN
tad Ilavlnin • Young For Trader.Vold ot. blardlao
nett No lateral et.. A Carbedr.
Mar York wndPbUadoloMai_ last cmaired bT J.
/ELIO, bro. 78 Muth stmt. •
11 Ib' mai
. IWoo.bingtul Inrlngto works. do
Itzmyclooldla aimerloazu - • -
11aberott'0•1Voslm: •
1111dritb's Instory;ll.
Or. (Dolorm"W Wrianst—moorph/let
Lttillstmad Amen= I . o.eLn
CaMprebeinin coznatimiun
Actarkal thstrArY kar 7 .4. 4-1.43 b
Cabinet tt /0 mo
Iftnyanto works London orlitioo 3 " 8 ye.
Trobwartto Clavololo "
" " 8 to.
Moustrolot " " 'a.
A Mrkloon . e ', Works, " " "
12 "
°M " 12
co/b •'
J. L. READ , 7b Yeartb "treat.
• Prresocc• - st Tstrt Clare.tir, 1 •
fitoborsb.• N0r.14. Jaw.'
of Mit flu*, to meta the earning year. grill be held .
• [tinting Ltonis. ea MONDAY. lII* 24th that,, to.
tir•en the Laura all, .6. It O.IIP. N.
a U•n•ral iteetlati of the Ma:Mumblers irl4 bail
atVaia• timeszoir:wa... • -, • •
..dt..tlf.b • JOAN, D. MOLLY, Caddie.
log OTICE.—The annual. meeting or. the
Pear haat& Ba tt Ilairaretr
unar o=okiir'av347btifs the
tn. for dar Daum;
her cart sell) cieloek h, kt. at them:M.4oMo campanili,'
as Watant at. Pldladelpltta. GEOt=
ettlarlebrati D
PgrrSisalell.Tion CC,
littstrurobliotronibco.l,l#4lV ~f
Prolident and Dirac:ors oral's Bank
- 1 - =deelareal • MAUD/ of 01l ter Mt CU Liu ands
tot Rode cos • r to. mono of tho hot rooottto. pot a
too to Kinekboldors or their local rerveintatl.• ar..4
afar the 21itt lnrt. r • Itflift D. EVULLY.
• Nona bcr Itb. 1148.
- Tut' nhectors of thin Company tmln this
der doelovod dlv Mood or toest, omit:
en Gtoet (»16th oat of Ito oroll} of &b.. toot
Eli smoothw to be pald tO /rl4ll of the Stoekboldatt
sot told A.A.44&11.111C14 OW!.
kJ MICE IS MA E` Om .that apca
NI Ma flit lei male to the oohs Lostolatere ct Poem!
viols. ley UN/Calmer /*poet teak of rttrokt-ob, .or *a
eltoratloa le thole charter. allowing them the elielhvge of
letreaslat their =Wel stork to SIVXICI. lath ell the
rg"rd.= D. Zire..l.7V". •
J. IL Ma/WIN it CO..
(At. 41.141itt, )ITailln 10a.
No. 3$ LATEX di US CaiIIItACIAL sr,
St. Louis, No.; •
a sothi cs 4 461-4Mkr.
ac for
prp LAM. Itarm
elaosuky Proeotara, Flow. Oran
r...t] nig.ty
&Nom. Niin • Os.. to
Pl:Stbsui b.
Mr. Alva. ()orlon
Premium Vinegar.
TELOGARmedo rslieasXy for family am
and nos attain usn than one Ref of that
' ?eshen m "itrjraTAVeZ A b i ti sS•
on. own. and In ray Warehose, yara p,
that ha. been saved la It In.
tfle.r pale Arm
Ohlo OnD.r. Neal to W... tAriy r T.
. kMar Sl
one uht 1/111 t:teesss{
boas nclortlns half end teb.7. ,
Ottllbeifordrstaltna 'stator. •
Zbe attention of rant brill hotel berm. and tbs
country earthints partkonlar. Is Wrested talbls
S TS. above Ylntarars vas - ranted t b. as ewe.
fent. .t 1 to 'bash us , * anardtel the First Premium of
nut.. Medal .4 Dlvlntas at the at.* A ustcalbabil
Itallbltkotelllls4. • tt.BALLOU.
tahu t/CZO • 144Watar aHS lst at.
1 11 41110131112 . 1:1
()pap,. DeserVian.
No. 34 Sinithfiald Stroot, •
0c31:174 • PI iTSBURIIII. PLC
taKNO_X &CO, announce to their friends
• .enwae• pptiJa Mee ban h. ceased
doom. the plan Ant h.lopted !let Cat. wlth
the view to cert. • .
OTt.n Ceekot to every P Cele •
Te. ease .4 :
In ersuct. Pta ao.
Thelr arrinpoicab tam rperlal rtioul en les sewm
maxlstkas er.Ldia uvell ea Gentlemers. Cale Um/
ruWeill say taw dining thl dar . so *mini to
Id. not
VVANTED—et the Dtagoon Rendezvous.
No. Pemungeru,..s., Pittstozah. Pa.( od
Al - aeons fin the /In LCI:IW Iteelto.Lo co Um.ltalt
141.4. AMT. Mind ot oraintaist Jr. yours. Pal testa
St 2 S 0 pot,too.thoteardlog to ismtetal tatool, ha.
flattleiont toad. clothing. Coal, goottark ad. tortooNod b 7
lb* Oman nubs addittos lapay. fitstor., and otolto
to 'vest tootlall of Do Laocotattot. nut toads are
Ilinolokl. •
• .
- - - .
Allo—tot thew.* Saglmitate. tare. ye, the .a' of
fond. en 704,11. to Imre the Bute eel l'rompet Phy
1113p , r moth, sad rtmthlog focal, the same au the the
nutlelete. Comment of_perstni cc getralsu It tetemreety
WO. it. enllstotent of-Woos nettltf
aaartmat of 'vary variety, tollable tor the ap.
Drat laz 7•lr. atkista lad 'tramcars art nalaaalatt to
aad wallas oar atack.valtb wet balitayn4 annotate,
tootoitlag Pony, Itronertir Dray Whim
Aaw Llldarna atat Mao, Whig% Peace Dad
Mewl. sad attrytb lag la the How Ilt DoIIP
ilil=al.. Dear W . ood.
i. • •." WXI4-S, ttIDDLIIM
(Fpudard. /Iv. nem...)
Dealer in Miele Braude of
PlllOlllllO imam.
ocebuy es.toot•twe.ammor Peon
'SALERATUS of Bath — iinaliq . . *,- NA.
IC boxy. =lke snag v • -
• . : V) blf etolboo dr; . . . .
' - . .ago In do:
N., • 07 bola 80 024%
- . 43 .do 60 dq
... . . tr .: .2 , 1: 2 tr..
: -.1611 • • w"" flat/YrDWE al Vao.
1 1101,8—al op Bleached Iv.
tibm letur. 2 " 1
hinle 1411
• .11K111 *DOUR
MPTY PAOKINO BOXES. 7. feet lasx
mi nwebesecte wst.t.s. Juntqa ace. • .
SO•TIER°EB freah Klee fur polo
- a
nAcLuar tosartays w4k.
• •
RECLINING CHAIRS—A. - very easy'an
aseetrtablithalt madam bast...dep.,. alal , r,
• k YOUICU a co.. •
MO:RAMS-100 bble 11.11.111olanee for
0/ . 1 . 4 1 ..01 - to +oleo tor .
hOf Jvini FIDVD t 00...
__ ..
viii 7--- it ,v.
, , Pper and I litatiowy_a - • U . it '-. ••-
rw tsT r imE ...t. ,v ,=., - ,:nt , p.v.t. '
lits . ftlZ kr +a: rept V.= t r ilit,":11:: -
. Aim.' sa,l on thew.% rtamilat#l. Want 21. suet hi
:- • DM sad Wblts Cii• Nveti,nalitt sad Wu; '
ill thaa at Writba rim" ttiol Isittla lontritztatury or
- •)i . lna 413041:2e1ii.n Plata aipt Ortu3l4.ltat * Noa l'a. second ban:d. steam Ilii. .. tia!la:a, yttValay Favery-verto' 7 lartp; . .-. •.., !
1119.1 Z horse over,,Jl WI ditaild.OE
, -- "- k grm' 'WA' . 1K, 11,,, P , P; , 7 , ._ . ,
~ a cecaptits mailing coda, silt a• ' mid +MI!. 4 m...tratt, Ao. A Ifl;
.....m. amtite of 'l'. Ltri'Llt it OD. So US esataill&-. . v a '=•'bizasttir • d-r- , u.i .
~. _ ...-.
44 a Norme, armies'. Illbt, "Avtts,S • •
yt OTTLE• WAIV-413 0 lbs, saitableVoiltaiii , *u.ea and omatat a *we Ink: •,, , . .
• ~...f. •- 41 attaatttt a.Patat's, tizpokaaa A l ialiiztoa's sail iitii . 4 '
IJP in curadad, 4e .. auto/ ad P. Chrifilids,, .41ebtiti.:4 petit'm -' • . • - -7•- '
zu ge- s ,
..., ,_ . ..-1-, ..1 1 _;,...,..;.1 ,1)1110Wf le. ay 4 411 Ra; named Cronater.l4l: kboir444 '
la ir Ann L414'4 Noy tbtaikoc 4 . 14.12 an st; l 4.2tinan4r ni 2, wid.
~ ha ~,,,,,,.. ~..d. vytttr, I atetallai Portfabti. Litiv ,,
' la Qs luototacryi h.—
SELF . ..SHARPENER itit a gsw andOorn• •Y ,, 1 . _ . 1 , 11.
__, v
• Mgt cutting tar saheb - H aaL wow LIVIV- . , D i, 41 , 4 4 au j u u aret;
..... .
• ..
1."30 hf chests Y. Ilyeolse
.don arid Iry &sala am a
. ass ,
.61100EKLES--100 bag! Rio WO; •..
• , ao Ms anubsd
la dare sad tor fak. sr • .s.We
- - -
. sew
uisameaudis*.sebr- Inesuromani.:
0911. NEW :FALL : STOgiiVitt,..
CHI CHER IH.Or - 11 c B'.o - HR*
JOHN .H.' , 2IIL'LLOIL - Noi Bl Viriiisd street
ep between ldsmecad alley end ••Icrittlb, •Ilbreet.= Piste •
borgb. bee /act completed AU Nall et,ctor eteacelortce!
from the manufeetory ofeIIICRIERI4O *EON% 'Boston -
• Thome PletueWerten fettOrelee.every dpultipttarinetriasa: -
pfectured by kteretejlblct veiny Yosumnpori the meet
elaborately carted- Imp - Glum. Yeatea- Oite7m 11334'
maven 11/2(04011729 to the -bledtecet InetruceeWt/se-, ,
Priam renbts froze $l.OOO to SPlo. the furniture b.% .
Abed latest etylse. 11.124 ettntilaCtitM embracing Ali
timer realest and road valasblrderprayeterlds, Pte. Pride
eat steel coadde .
.a.t. d p er ce ds nf by the enbandber 'atadosF4lo.7wldt."'-'j,.
Inontkot too notholoetotyr. Jet Barton. wanwidad
• tan tarred Reyna octavo Geend Plead Vorte,withygnt.::: - ...,..
otylo 11 =Mods wad 31dele Peat; the "war, wee Mb.
embellished with tho tows chaste and blandfddraft.X.:.
corrod. etahlmotle undies! dontuut.,-Thht_ epbadla
Inetranyent Is th• war nada= df =the/Ms.& Rho
West. sad hos blow wootonwodshythWthe szawhed
nofewero sod wanton" who boy. exadhaed It; to hi
the wort benuurra. and" the best anizatel'tend•Ott.:W , ' 7 .
they bore wen. Pried. 11000.
• Earn °elan. Grand Plano feria, new wat t *ttb Kam
bat Wedanntdiewegad ask' Prim Mar ••-• -
AI war Folic,: Orond Piano Warta. yawn( atones froetl3
moat dealzabLa histrantwat dar mon vallote t
hoeing - nowly th e pawed of • Itatanual Mao, yet `-
otoppying CC I 7 the room of ondedinorypien aware •
Coned Load, the =MI Octiod; tlaisto .atta, or •
the gurwstyls, Wait ths hasten Plano W tha eao ed.
hiOltdd at the Isto Pair Oa Baden) Withojyyse.
watatre CholittWo Awaelatfon, Oa, idadydad •
woe Itatadod tblatthidwat wit" wear an eastpalltors. '
Van IyotTood C6rid 16s6i XlVilt .
• " -ourora"mur ° "
- " Loali XI Vth k; • • • -.•`
" tAdsk=d, regal
6 •• ins* Walaut, plain tow611=6"0„ .• • : .
46.6"1,61 W CW4.4r160 ct Pada
A GOLD MsDAL b.. been sera/deli b/the Misesehaettto
Merheale/ Chart. stile liattalello.; at their late tote
In Barton. F..
11 MO to Weer* Cillatettog .1e /ow
tot the Bat 4=4 Hat &to tiGitted Punta, tih.l
Bat /tarot nsoht kiane. beim; the only 6:o/tI .1104:
osaadod Hagar. TUß /I SIGYKIt MEDAL. (the hlirttett , protettitel
wanted to Met ming f Coo. Me the .Ittel fawn
• • Piro=
BllNlat MEDAL OW blobett_p
. moromied to Maniac& Atm-tor kyott. fst4 „
(it. lonantro I:shun — wort • - •
Tbettoblle ort rterpottfol.o . lmritotllt, talloff ..
Utettjlitie. , ,
the shore erdendld .too of --Photo •Fortoo , arty.
• • • • JOIRa ft
• -
We rant far tfurarlias Obirkering IC Pismo rerun
mr Pitt•borrb. %ratan' , - rsesurrota4;, - fiutern'Oblo
end N. W. Virsla. 61Warrt trtreera 4111.-Nrouri-•
lIALLS.7, - LBOITRE , _11,001,11t1. -- - . 1 4
- ' •-.'
.;; -
maim BanUAtto• mum,. 1 1 1 11310N7y1LL AAiD
IMMiattund by MA/3U31 • LT,'lrmilmialaaa.
orrN U.. .stk ) - e.4 -
•P Ms but maim& tjmn the &lairs =aftntromy
MGM of Mate Orman Itamoolotaa and Matotectac."`
totIL4OMY aftlat to purnbams 0 the lost UM. !In
• 01111A.."1ARIIONIC115, 401 dont* tor t =ll. • • •
atop, two tourney: soft* and m all .p•Lat
2/0 mama Inatram.t miaow. thrtatM t. Mt*
Zal " 6 " la 4 . a l t 6" 5 "' 6 6 ..t:= • si>lQ Wu
MeloMos oamat, extra tam — 7
Ydodaona port: ea. 6 6 • 1446 '6'.
6 17 66 : - .
A tiold lledM Ataput to Mn... sU. -.-
I M OW now M. o o y be a a nra n ll o a A nn L? o o o l f a o tosto el .aO u ltr b i l m k MOu •
• '
fort hEr Mimeo= • Htecr tledal boo aho tfts amol,
*1 CUM atelodamne by Um Pt nft Mate Falr haktm. • .
• Thalr.l.4nyan thomoolton •No Mb ratyllad /be ' • •
ortas at tha *LaMar Tatra ion dont; Om: com, Pm.
raiz, bald at Iftilocton: Jmem. MUM Pair. MIL at
Blewart; Ont
eie o IMAM I er.hatt Cliimlgn taatitic_tfl;' ,
-noir n M a t t i e z d i aons sa d O am rso !lumen
o!p t
eunn,i nm talon rua on;aL optUtara
Pair at trtia r. , tArv .
thgan Marma ra b•M*Ol•4 0100.01 y try mad' .
etorntws. nhafto and . halls. thwialoombt, at 21 2 / 1 .013.: - )X . %
attn. Wag mowed to Kaam'a Daslia, by two /Went(
cmst*t May rtn, lift , Tbsy, asks Sao albs. rm.wllls
and us. other Ethant amM - ftmt: 11%110
to ts: .oOtareZte,
boa lon tato* mis tt Mom lift tot ,
? „ trall ,
l az , tglapro r lent i f i r e l; Litt -
tbilmcrtias, ate:rata ems." Fitemo:7:•"" )
Yba ono. lastraCiat. can Mop:
of J. 8.11.111011. !Moen. ' • *CA -
• •
• • FenStocrafrliaios.. ".• •:...,"":'-
Jai ntaro ad hook the Motto= at
1r • large Mott ef NANO A:11Tel. . • • „
7eould eoet.e.e7olls the inactive of " • "
nelcol toctdio tod *them to the rol.codkl oecolloceat..
which Is oo Cut bozo and chair ortielot. -Amint Um •
ooloctlack oto tto =Wooing note sod einekAstysi.., • •Int
• 7 octavonefoll gm& el obrotol • ;
la. Wilt now exec/or 47s, we red. olldlx. 9 !We
caned tret.vork,oco,
• 7 .LI , .•—•:01 nepootine ety cznad easo,lyri, teja,
aarho <manyoned nixal
fret 'w reocos at nu corms .71100 ‘11,21,„
Om cork. ,
7 octane. with watt toys, Vaud. Wald xi:in. brisi.• !!;•
• A New Beale .7.1-! Oofevec ..
Don A r hcaect chalet mid. • .• • • • •
cX ectavos , with used moo/dines. taledomd sal,
trout, olledo I; condo dock. -•
61i ailt tau ant* cUe folettid eu toned.
Zs( octeeres, round cameo, olkclUis =fie doelilters , •
l t n t e h w
hbaarv it nhg am
on rte e lefts best our becstt to •
tamo.aneooo b tata wilt rem mitt"' t o toLW
IL ot folcdturo, • ' " '
ireery lostroment bo trutooted, sod icl/ ,
Potehoases retroottleUy too !Lod to col) acid erroioliti
belies olentkaaing Shen. th*Otalogot#slTl.Pl Vie •
Veto Isoloareconts am beton. • . _
C11.1371,011:11 ne,tyl 2 l woulr.Watuteal ,
EW MIISIC-1 beard again those aibripty.„ !:
Fi e-*
rt. towtoot et lb* Ihtrot-tnotional .
tr wont Wows TOs.-Ittsoolo LI Erownt; - • .
idEl Scion 0 cw.../ II -lon et-kotd7-Tior . .
pampa Dr Oullilitt , -• oak-4km orcondermJiK
: ta 7
ola - Ili Vorsoul (bOw (Intontts .74 otutuged) Iwo .
, • To..onn orothttywar. -Inch 14.
. orb.o last thi
Oneli OW= •
.TO• flovat'sprn7.t" Illitnnon tdatllittignl.. .•
Thor say that then art ocor-Itrolinn •
Dm sup gm. told Icted4 " ,- •dolteirtD.l74l,lintl e tr." •
. Eloa...o . TLlture kiNdaeli looms Joillil.Eloo Falba; ironsorolr. n• Toth•Pollti• • • -
- -Bobolink •'.. • -11,.8.170n hoer'•O.
4rolks • • ... • Onto* 1477.141 ffenvon.litt V 0.5
Ito. Ade.. Andorra., tllozetur; tElpt . ent.)
fa rmp dam TWO (Sti• Tam. 7j, 0 t 0,7 Ora Moo
u t
Er.rdwis h r (IA Rows do Lotr.lttl A Of boterin.. , • .
• IA Itaie 4. riliaorlo-thau..4.1.11,6 oosto.: . •-•
DAIldeS (AtaesartlOlSlA-11.11 Yarlea.•• •
Nome la a otonloto-ra. two .Ir4trator.-.1" a Cook'
Tb. Putout. Troia "
Zion 7.LogleitAiaist-• -Don Cwasstl.'. Wren - • •!..
• 7; watwo.i.ottr-smrttanowt 014 dont. 84.3041erN •
WatastlßlA.O waltiktt.ol4 *Ma 1.
Tn. Berth ie tba Lord •-ncrigt-w . •
• (I " b '' • 1 Illaneb."
"71.41.177" nekka ood t
- Jantriedlin t rifO i " Si m"Y""V er ii
011,11 BLUME: ,
•lb WOwl.t.; dcq...tion 1 / 7 ) tat
jar Madr•Math4lloolB.PAL - t• •
. Er40V8E11....
. XIS mOiecompletovisoninlitfoiC4l.4 .
' tic rarlat mid lto.Shaelllol/111111 to be 'Maki ta ,a 4: -- '
ht.wigint,o4l imrtPrg.g.TlMlskill:o4l4%..,•Alr.right: ... ;14I P aiia t Kovi_.ftialt . 11",: ~' . •
•musas. • I i" S ' " ' i ' '''
. ?mfg. -•-• , '"C.zbete•PlOgr. •'• '
" a1v. , 04 Pell" , - Cortl.44. ,drN,•
'• ~,
..• ,
y *trio it ' .1 •1i..11 1 7, 13 : ... . . .._:•';•• • ... ,
Selo.thor illtkovort Taro tr or am* u lo tNii g0 . ..1N.-lib:, ._".
dam wale,. riv.u. All. M 41 cAta "a ff.• 414.: ..