8! B. EIDDLI irwro,r =eon'. =aim' r man& PITTSBURGH: " MONDAY' MORNING, N 0 17.17, 180 ajontalternur 01S RAI= PAW! .SIRS PMTS, Terms . . . - .{erla bee aim= tarabie adesam tglifiro o w n per. alleart, solyance la • beltanikd On U. Zalalthtig 039ditiOrtIG reamlibytte ea 00 Tan mootlrt autmso—,:e CK/ 83/"Palems me be admitted fates dab( wham ma ex. icte at any Peet oteaktbaby t r ium. ay ',edam me &Hat. .110rAdvaace payment; ate auteuy ',iced, and the rem 80 1r887(seit !berm la onto:mamas ftf.renewed : . RATES.. OVADVERIIBI:NG. • t. Om lines or mn wall at Acacia : thl•0 50 • - eaen ladtticita briatati— 0 23 . • DO aro Inete. Da threea 00 Do thrr 000 Do 2.—LZat. 1? 000 0 . tales is CO Bharat Clarda, or Ina pc =num 000 Medals? (Sr inch aildirional oria aquae. abatable at blazare. CPT an' aitaj excluma or 32 00 noir Secrus.—We publiely on our first page .a letter front Kansas to the St. Louis Democrat, showing the result of the - trial of the inn who :have been eo long and cruelly imprisoned at Leoomptott, for the heinous crime of advocating Free Libor. Even a Praslavery Jury, in a ' Pro.slavery town, could find no grounds for con rioting, them, and they were all acquitted; Staten, however, wore sent bath to' prison, to await a second trial on the charge of robbing the Post-office at Franklin. This, charge, we presunto, is4ased on the ex• pedition of the Free State men who entered and , attacked Franklin to recover the property stolen from lewsrence, by its people, and to drive dopiedatore. There is no indication, • em yet of any attempt to bring to justice the . - members of the Missouri forces who participated 1 , In the legalised Backing of Lawrence, under Sheriff Jones, and daring that exploit burned abr. Robinson's house, Jegainet which there ' was not an indictment) and stole many thous and dollars worth of the meney and property of the unresisting elevens. Inconsistent as it may be with its usual pharaoter, Jostles does not seem :to be blind is Kansas, but on the contrary, one eyed, Vastly discriminating! Pscrasruvesta—Ornotsz.—We hare received from Harrisburg the official table of rotes cast stifle lastelection, by which the totals appear to be sa follows: Disabusals Electors, Union Vote—Fremont,. FlEmore Straight, Fremont Straight, Gerrit Smith 'Electors, This table, 'however, varies essentially from the 'published official votes in the nrions county papers, azta afTeare to have been made up on the principle - of taking the higher vote on, any Buchanan Elector in the various :mantles, and the lowest on any of the Union Electors. 'For instance: in Wayne, Buckalew bee 2259, and the root of the Buchanan electors but 1780; yet in the table as published at Harrisburg the vote for Buchanan is put at 2259. In Lebanon, Bock slew has 2511, and the bateau of the Buchanan ticket 2421; Irvin his 8119, and the other Union electors 2901; yet while the table concedes 2511 as the Buchanan vote, it cuts down the Union vote to 2810. There is no fairness in this meth od of counting; and if the vote for the body of both electoral tickets be takim in these two coun ties alone, it makes, difference spinet Buchan an of 600: There are other counties given in thasame way; and if the average be taken of the eleatoisl votes for both tickets, it shows a majority spinet Buchanan of the combined vote of the opposition. We give to-day a fall table, with corrections ae CO a few counties which we know to be prong in the table as given at Harrisburg; but we havi: followed it, mainly, and the egg' agates are very nearly the same. Although the Harrisburg table has not been made up with strict fairness it will do for all purposes of reference, and as snob we give it. Tax Draws Brrtma.—The Wayne county (Pal - Democrat says that at the meeting of the Its. turn Judges of that county, after the Presiden tial eleotion, the democrats undertook to cipher out a majority for Bachanau. To do this they excepted to the returns from three republican townships, on the ground of informality. 6' role wee established to make the leek of partial. lathy in the returns from then townships fatal to their reception. The returns were excluded. Afterwards it was discovered that the returns from three other townships were defective In the same way, and they had to be excluded likeirile. The result was that the democrats lost in the operation. The allowed •mejority for the fallen tieket wait greater than the actual majority. Thel s.etual, fusion majority, allowing all the, returnS to stand, Is 4. Excluding the returns from the six township, It is 100. So . muoh.then decimate got by trying to cheat.- They defrauded all the electors of six townehrps out of their votes, in order to ewoll up a teepee. table Bachman majority, and all they mom pliithed was an Increase of the fusion majority. There Is such a thing as being altogether too 18:2 INKLOPEXIIIIT or TAP 01130.—The Penn sylvanie Railroad & Mining Journal, published Philadelphie; devotee an article to Ws Inb ject, and presents its views quite forcibly. The idea Waisted upon, is, that the west should name no plan for the improvement of the Ohio, but unite in a strong memorial to Congress upon the subject, urging the United States govern. meat to undertake the task, and leaving the plan to the wisdom of its agents. We are in clined to regard this suggestion ea a wise and prudent one. The Journal eaye: "lain all other 'cases, the rind of the coun try is fully ague( to the emergency, and hence there are various plans urged by various ingen lons and talented authors, each having head : vacates; to the exclusion of the other. The practkalify of the improvement of the Ohio river navigation, however, isnot in question; for that initial point is universally conceded; whether, then; it be done by a system of reservoirs and pools among the heads of sources and tributa ries, or by locks and drums making a slack water navigatiesq,er by wing -dams and , jettees cam pealing the water to flow through narrow chan nels, is secondary to the preliminary and para mount consideration of first sectuisg favorable congressional action pledging the general gots , enunent to the work! That once obtained, the great eatencrise, which involves the interests of entire commonwealths and of millions of people, will never again languish, but will be prosecuted vigorously to ad early completion, upon t 01736 plea that will unite etraleney with adaptation. Upon this assurance, the States and the cities mostimmediesii concerned may lately rely, for the public 'aft, built or aided by the general government, are almost always maesive, appro priate and permanent Dlenitselng, then, the discussion of the plan or the work—which if done at all by the general government will, as we have said, be appropriately and permanently done—let all the friends of the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio river s unite in an appeal to Coogrees for en apprepnatlon to that great national. object, without allusion-to,eny particular or special pba. the Boards; of Trade in the Ohio valley, with the owners of Ohio river steamboat tonnage, and the directon of railroad corporations own ing routes that carry freights to and from Ohio river boats, would unite in st plan of co-opera lion and send intelligent and'trustworthy agents to Weshingtoo, to present to and urge upon members of Congrees the prerstingneconity that artists for, and the gladdening benefits that would result from the improvement of the Ohio river navigation, en apprepriation would, we doubt:not be enured in its behalf. The - States in whose name the; improvement ereuld be advocated are powerful and irdluental members of the Union; and each a measure, emanating from their citizens, and pressed by their representatives, would elicit favorable ac tion 10 the Congress of the United States," hisasas. Bast. 4k Snuck whose factory WAN doe'royed by fire ooze time since, aranounoe in our advertising columns that their now factory approsohing completion, and thct altbingh they were heavy loam Nr 'the &A their tiasi• nese ices on 13 usual. They deseo much kro., tilt for their ettargy,'And we are glib to tiotethi sanourstament they make. - ae , - 1' ei 77732ent FM. TM 31 U 2735531 . u 17 5. 5 5 Union. u.a.vtent 2,621 3,103 3,076 113 75 2,1737 9.545 1.122 7,273 25 9.062 14.174 13.871 4.03 198 1.965 2,701 2.6:,13 103 1 7 0 . 2,464 2,11110 866 1484 152 1187 6. 8 ,-.:-.4..--11.273 4.319 1.5717 0,962 304 13744201 , 4„ 3.314 6463 6,933 80 71 86080 ' 2060 2.108 446 1.763 667 , 21t1 34,13012 410 1.? 3,40 5 1.260 616 649 14 2,760 1 732 768 044 6 2.0617 1,665 824 961 157 01.1611104.-.......-.. 1.978 1.309 76c 100 93 Pomberlsnd.......-- 3,427 8.0.71' 1,472 1,665 74 Chute.- 7 1,.3 6,923 6 303 12M 828 8,091 6,364. 6,3411 4 41 carbon maa • .1,1x)1 692 303 166 2m 9 1 463 10319 214 a Mar,- . 2,895 3OO 1„409 D4691513.. " -=—.... 0.093 2.949 1,614 ,39 0 100 2065 1,809 1.1136 9 219 791 2,584 0.194 6,167 17 252 676 320 303 42 7 35149k11n 3,469 3.683 2830 2,212 1 0 8.654 2.217 2.889 1,124 46 970' 103 142 661 6 078016 2.441 1593 1,331 372 14 ?1 , 1 1 , 1 it,a, 1404 737 Jettenon 1;461 1,646 1,063 683 1.366 3.077 490 697 150 1 , 41146,- 4 421 3128 3.237 91 al I, 27nraB=--.- 0.701 6.155 4,3371 305 063 I•94nott 2,922 1,9913 2,340 CdB 41 1. 7 40 8,078 8.087 11 88 - Lanesater...--- 8,781 10.214 a"a 3,13141 977 aaaa 834 934 1,700 70 111111163.--,....-. 1.4 5 1 1,217 21098963 2,276 617 660 67 19 2.623 6719 3,7 8 01 19 3489812 16 163 7 40 160177023..... 14_71 904 665 118 11 otr7comar 7.164 3,897 2345 492 1776 Northam gr a . 1:512 1. 062 0 1 2. 9 1 /,.gt 110 4 119 7,892 12,218 11,866 Elks- 362 140 621 15 ' 6' l ..... 567 1,269 1484 4 2 1,265 1,429 443 1,015 49 9ttnuebsB7B...-..-„,A648 3,669 3,861 8 43 7.038 4.503 2.183 2,316 367 1,783 1,881 638 352 1,309 458 89 1,404 I 6 'll . cgs I.= 4,648 4.641 7 22 kg? ' 1,182 kti'l 171 1.780 1.540 8,811 60 3 3 W607606413,43d 6472 , 4,485 4.209 233 66 Wi1 6 b10.13561.—..- 4,918 4.374 4,237 137 123 1231 2093 2.091 47 Wyoming.. _ 1,171 1,155 1,133 17 57 ....... 8,879 3,811 612 3461 1,001 • 70041; 64 000110860... 930401 D 13.288 147,261 68,019 20,303 Official Vote of Maryland. l i l Counties. 8 1 . 2.= ; ... 2248 1938 1978 1915 .. 927 1048 882 982' ... 9882 16900 12562 13074 .. 3155 8504 2678 8279 ~ 356 401 361 889 ... 743 638 764 670 ~. 2099 2346 'lBll 2252 1845 - 1884 1617 1785 .. 763 461 - 651 896' .. 979 1292 1047 1229' ~. 3301 37n4 8067 8746 1405 2074 1130 1982 633 899 662 826 860 883 499 806 1126 1206 1097 1080 988 831 977 772 741 904 698 850 1821 1593 1282 1474 1052 247 929 192 -910 749 871 6711 2670 2717 2657 2689. 1428 1224 1854 128.3' Allegheny ..... Anne Arundell. Baltimore. Baltimore co....'Calvert ... Car01ine.......... Carroll: Cecil. Cherie& Dorohester Frederick Harford. Howard ..... Kent. Montgomery.... Prince Cleorge'e. Queen Aturee.. Somerset. St. Mary'e... Talbot . Wiehlitgten Worcester - • 230,699 147447 55,691 18 229,795 - - • Fillmorete majority 8,847. Osin over last year 8,848. Fremont received in the whole State 281 votes. Tlie limit in New Jersey * At1antic............ 'Burlington Bergen ...... Camden Cape May.. Cumberland.-- •Essex. Glonoepter... Hudson liiinterdon . ...... . Mercer Morris ......... Monmouth . ..... Middlesex. Ocean Passaic... Salem Somerset .. Sassex Warren.. Total "8368 23604 4622 Poe Governor the vote was as follows: Newell, Bop 48,473 Alexander '46,075 Newell's ..... 2,898 REPITELIO63 Sraxs CONTIIIIIO3.—The Erie GCLZaIe suggests that • Republican State Con vention be held at an early day, to organize for the campaign of 1857, and names the stand week In January as the time. It also proposes Judge Kelly or Judge WHISIOt 'OE, a proper candidate for Governor. We are agreed to an early day for each a Convention, but arc not coddled that it would be politic to begin so early as the day named. A StatcConvendon we must have; that we regard as unquestlonatdo. The time, however, must be chosen no ao to nit general convenience and not look as if we were hasty or in too big a briny. The campaign of 1857 mast be well contested; and It is important that we make • safe and good beginning. Dtrenrcr FLOODS ttr Wuclovem.—There is nothing like a startling novelty to attract atten tlon—and one of the most startling on record has jets, been "set up" by the Banner and Folks frcnid or 'Tanner and Friend of the rerpte"--4 Democratic paper, published In Wisconsin. do cording to the Banner, _the 'election!! in Racine • es well as in Walworth county, Wisconsin, ' were actually carried—illegally=of coarse, by strong minded ladles, disguised se men who, inspirit] by a great love for Fremont, carried out their principles by treacherously(passing themselves cif ea specimens of the Miner set and vo ting. If this be men--and we never heard that the Banner was In the habit of lying— the ladiee of Wlaconsin man emphatically be posseeites of the strongmt possible des cription. Furthermore we incline to the opts , ion that the demodlitcy - ofilacine and Walworth counties must bee brave party indeed and git. tad with either eXaesehre gallantry or great bllndners, to euffeeithemselves to be beaten by the fair set. We hire seen some illegal voting la oar own city, but nothing quite equal to an election determined by ladies. Fancy the con versation between two of these rotaries to Repub. llcaniem, on their return. "Well, Annie, dear —did you vote?" "Oh yes—no triable at all, love theyonly made me swear to the truth.— What a duet of a man that was who gave as our Dakota!" "How many girls did yea get to voter No wonder that democracy is at a disoonnt la Wisest:mini—Phila. Dultetin. Wso &saran Bcoamum t—Hat what the Bt. Louis .loteillgeneer, a Fillmore organ, skie in answer to the Tuition : Woo ELICTED Dilemmas 7—Not the Demo- Matto party;—the return. show that the Demo*. racy are in a hopeless minority in every North ern State. Buctiisnon owes big election to men of that black-guarded and sbnisod organization, called Know Nothing: 1 It can't be enceeesfally denied. Where would Buchanan have stood In Penn eylvania. Indiana and New Jersey, but for these "Know Nothings!" Some sixty or seventy thous. and of theta men voted directly or Indirectly for him, and directly or indirectly against Fremont, although their principles were as diametrically opprised ter the Democracy as day' is to night. We record theee feats for the benefit of the Democracy, and ore would like to know whether it Is the design of the incoming Administration, In view of these feats, to Tarsus the earns pro • scriptive course towards American born citizens ' an the Pierce Administration has pursued. a 612.42 'Rom Im.thout.—Lset night wo re. ce red the - following-divatoh from Springfield, from the editor of the touring!: Roe. Taratrirs— IQinotyeeren counties heard from s£Ecially. Bat:Minna 1,267 'bead of Fremont. Bissell 7 686 ahead of Itlolisidsoo. , The whole Republican State Ticket elected. The Legialatoro-43enate, Republicans 12? Democrats 18. Row—Republicans 88, Demo- . orate 80.. • The counties to bear from on President and Gorernor are Bt. Clair, Crawford, and Ed wards. - Those three counties may have givon Buchan an 1,000 majority, and Richardson 800. From this it would seem that CoL Bissell las beaten Richardson about 7,000, and Bnonanan's mai ori- . ty over Fremont is In the 'vicinity of two thous and. Twority.five to thirty thoneami Old Whigs threw their votes away on Fillmore.—Ohicaso Tribune. Mitt= eon Moons..—MHler, the Repoblican candidate ' has beaten Moore, tho Pro•Slatery candidate, for State Treasurer, more than liven tythousand. There were but two perigees run ning for Ode ottloe ; hence the tote for treas urer le the only fate test of actual party strength ,In our State, swift shone Illntois to be Autl- Douglas by an orerwheludng antjetty., Two years ago fdoore beer halter 2,916 rotes.: Now Miller beats hitu ;error .20,000.;Smoke that ye, 'Amend', and..eloughfacee,4/ferrap aib.! Pennsylvania Official Pree!dent ComptrolAr 89116'47482 89464 42158 Film% Flnnee.BnelOn. ..... 614 187 850 3148 1585 8881 436 798 1540 817 1992 1766 177 496 808 642 1281 1674 --4919 4460 7127 689 1870 986 ....1695 1412 2574 —1267 688 2719 --2154 1064 2857 ....2809 696 8008 ....1003 1822 8317 ....1210 1988 2468 ....1244 187 682 _1456 946 1619 -_ 482 1616 1769 -.1881 706 1858 .-.1589 83 8090 .-.1437 460 2709 Persona Intending to travel abroaolnad procure nitaidi a Lettere of Credit, on whiati Money CM M obtained, as pads:, In and Pat a Ztmot. Oollaqlons or Bine, Naos, antilaba annlindi In Pr are, nada prompt attained. -- WM. IL WILLIAM 00.. meld. Wald. terna Tidal at. Sculptor, Medlar, Stucco Worker and Wood Carver. No. 196 Tblrd amt. between. Wood and )total Moots, Pittsburgh. Pa.. two conotantlyon band an anartmont or ow rauc7 Centro Plean, for parlora, to nanalvdlo PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ISAAC JONES, . /11/307101116/31 OP • CAST STEEL. ALSO. STRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Bois and that Streets, iu52:10 PITTSBURGH, PA. MA Mtn ..... eliif -- !"" 1 ""b. B. 8i&65 Commlsslv..iwictrieNT, I , :onwat z. adis,u(nstr, No 25. fooiel o r . ot s t, Pitboritb. Inman& Rannittuco.—We are enabled thin mornlneto WIEltllll our read= that Illinois Is redeemed! The doubt which our opponents, by exaggeration ct their returns and mystification of majorities, ' have cast over the result, is re moved, and now we can confidently announce that the gallant Bissell is triumphantly elected Governor, and that every candidate on the State ticket is successful by majorities ranging from 6,000 to 20,000 votes. The traitor Doug las and Ms Lieutenant are condemned. The people, by decisively rejecting the latter, have loudly rebuked the former. Illinois triads Ne braskaism under her feet, and by an immense and unmistakable vote, calla upon Douglas, her recreant Senator, to resign. She sustains the faithful Trumbull; and In so doing sends greet ing to the lovers of Freedom throughout the Union, announcing that, in spite of the spinn ey of her representatives, she is true to Liberty the Constitution and the Union forever! Again is Illinois to have a Democratic administration. The pretenders to the ancient faith who kayo made the State House sunk with their pro-sla very heresies will be pitohed out, and a new era, and a purer and better creed Inaugurated. We call upon the opponents of the extension of elavery, to do Illinois justice and place her here after, In the Hot of Freedom loving end treason hating - Statea. Born of the Ordinance of 1787, eke could not be untrue to herself. ILLINOIS IS REDEEMED I—Chicago Tribune. PIIO4ILAYMIT 11,0111A1118X 111 NORIOLL—A gentleman nho has been doing business in Nor folk, Va., for some yearn, and who was formerly a resident of Fairhaven,voted in that oily on the 4th for Fremont. No sooner wee it discovered than ho was beset by a mob, and compelled to confinerhiniself until Thursday morning, wimp, a fire occurring, public attention wag diverted, and he left in'diegnise nodded to a Teasel In the harbor, upon which be came home. Fie was in danger of losing his life during the excitement. There Is Freedom for you, with a vengeance. Since the above wee in typo wo have board more of this ease. Mr. Standard is the citizen referred td, and he is said to be ono of the best and most inoffensive men in Fairhaven. This Norfolk is the spot that was once desolated by yellow fever; and that called forth the pity, the money and the personal aid of the North.—lvew Raven (Conn.) . Palk:dam. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. .111'Lano's Celebrated Vennifuge AND LIVES Mill—A dosolar cambittation. bat rerr effect:nil, es the following will show: Ho=lnE•fium ekTeulenes. tne Nay YOU. November valoahlegualitie• of Dr .I(oLerres Ferfilifirge and %deer 11114 prepsred by Ir Winto . n ,Bros. Pittebutith. I bare for sometime back °laddered It my duty. anumade It. my Mutants to make those am. oleo known wherever I went among my fr:eud. Ashort tine aro I became acquainted with the ease of a.g atri. , WhO yon seemed to be troubled with worms and Ile, complaint at theism. time, and had been marring no 110190 two months. Through corpermation ohs purchased no bottle of Dr. idelate's Vermlfuge, and one bog of Lim Pills, which the took awarding to directions result was, she thinks that one =art t o a f 1 7 11bigl 0f res7Ore her ' Po preset health. 11.. name and reeldenos can be learned by wiling on E. L. Meal. Druggiet, ownerof Bulger and Monroestreets. IMPureltaaera will aearoftd to ask for Dr. IiIcLAN.BI3 UELDBILATED V&1l3.11FDOB, and take acme else. Al Other VoraSlava la imsrarbiso, an worthier,. Dt. knekao's Vemituo, nun his celebrated Liver Pt a n DOW be bad at all reereetable Drag Stores In the (ratted States, .ad Canada. None seariae without the dlr." tun of nolttdt.S YINIEDDI 13808 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female rim. Prepared from a preecription of Sr James aorta IL D. Physklan ittreardlnse7 00 the Bmmr -0500 Dedicate 10 unterling In thecae, Of thane Datnral and dramesone abeam Inoldent to the male conitantiov. It !none: rates all exesal. remora all otetrcoMions. and lain= on the monthly period with resubmit?. nen Pill. &cold be need two. three 'mete meek.a to one linemen: they fortify the conatltution, end lessen the roe Winn domino Libor, *astable. the mother to sertara her Unties wi th t 514 7. to hermit and child. • In ell mama tiirroamene and 01111 . 111 A 111 .ek1..1..11.111 the Beek and Idnibe, /leavings., Fatigue on Blight her. Ma. 14.11,11stion 91the Um; 10.0 of 1 4/. l teallTtor Rs. Hick, mid .11 the peleal 41sensee or. try • 41nottlere4 eyrte., elm Plll, tut effed ettnrnben all other sm... have Toiled, end ottbolast • yrnertni do not ounteun Iron, calomel. entlcl.47. or an ='=6.71......h Prig. Lx, the United &etre and Canada. One Boller. E. Amite for DID eottn•ry. L O. BALDWIN A 04. nottwaWsz 21.1. TUMOR t DOUR Anbscn4 N. Y.. Gummi Agents, IL 0. -4 4 00 =d a P.u.sts iimara ...land to any au. thorised amt. *JD Lunn, • WWI, of these PIM by rest= mall fur. ein Pittabursll. by ILEDIDO LZBOB. contra of Wool and fourth of .709. AUEL,:ora•r Potlittk oaf E=lchtkid /OIL FLMILVO. oar.. Diamond and llar. •t 004 Droceistair de74.l)dtwl Bitv nimatisixt.—The tanking pains, the orollon limb*, the heatdlily to me a Innelo without tor. Mtn moat intenso,—theta and many other .:dainty ate all familiar to those who haro been elided with the dim.= that hosda thi. Rile= and It is for Om owe of the num that so hat. tht. y 7 penned an artr-lo to farm or Ronnedy's Medical Dlscootrr, BS, Jtenrh Etta, ona ct tha Ent Milano. of Quincy...am 'I was boslciddost tha salmis of on. vhstor Wunsch Rhoutoatinn—elz bottles , of the D1W1D.77 made monad as over.. R. could !Mons t.. pie with elmilar toothnordals, but na Must that this sill be Whalen; to Indoor Rheumatics and all tronthal with tumors to useable rimed?. Loki by Dr. GEO. U. RETALTL,, LW Wood Garet. Elu. went JA3IIGI P. /LEMING. Allagbeay. boI.T.dEEE Pure Cod Liver Oil—Every battle war ranted to ho Miro God Liver Oil. Tar 01.4 /be Gs =re U &raid.; ibr Weirs of Una; /bathe nen of lumbago. Fir the ears of fetter. /tx the curs of all &bin Distares. For Me an of Chrwt. ibnistod.u. For Lt. cani of Chnasit sire Bpse. For Oa rare of While theudby. Far N. curs or Glandular GoeVaao. Fa to. can of Cara of Ge - Sonet. it, GU =re of 2ssionnary Ctotrunplion fix the nen of Carona Thosiztate. Fbr the nor of Rinten Anal curs of .I,nwano oft. Bladder and Eadnovs. r the care of aonAnairriat Weakans and Genera,' geld by the onset, aallen and la bottles by the donna or Mails !attic emery bottle varreatect pare God LIM OD. et the Wholesale Drnintore of Dr. GLO. 11. GEYSER, 110 W00d... alga of the Gold. Mort.. To NorVous Stilliiera. A retired clergyman, restored to health in at.. dare, after meaty years of treat nerrona rolfcritie. fe sallow to snake kuown the 151.1.13. of ears. Will oral (free) the rreseription need. Dtreet the Nev. JOIIN N. DAGhALL. No. to raturo Street. &rookie.. N Y. • • ve.lso.3todmlaloovrB Prof. Wood's Hair Restorer.—A Real liar Reertmv. Mr. gamnel donee. a Shaba:llst clergymen. rettling In hhorrarmllln Westmoreland county', my* that hie -hair had been getting gray far the last twenty yeast, and was &spewed total out. Lie used two bottles of Prof. Wood• Halt Itaitates. which entirely atom.' the tolling out Os the halt a:1 the hair resumed Ito original color, and has kept the color now :or nine menthe. This is a common cane, but we publish It bemuse It Is near home, .o that, the priblio may be Convinced that Wood'. flair Reshore, to whet It purports to be. Potd u one, two and three dollars per bottle, at Dr. (ILO. IL HEYSZIrd. ricihdard N 0.140 Wood at, wholeeale and retail agent. , - Pectoral Syrap—Dr. Keyser' Pectoral •Eyralp cam eonetut Dr, Radler's Pectoral Eyroa corer colic Dr. Keyser r Pectoral Arm ear, 10110 Pam Dr. Kereves Pectoral byrup - cares Drone/110E for larptaltle tate Dr. Berate. Pectoral Syrup; Perim:Meat coapuroptloa take Dr. Itersere Pectoral byrupq Tor cold In the bead tate Dr. Semen Pectreat Byrup; Dr. lieyeer'p Pectoral Byrne corer ears throat; Dr. Keynes Pectoral B.yrno cares Won; Dr. Baynes Pectoral Pimp cure old coolthg Dr. /Lyme' Pectoral Pyrap cum all Wads or.dlreascs alp., Dans sorbbrassr. Prepared and mid by DIL OEO, IL HELIER, Q • No. 140 Wood et, Alm cribs Golden Mortar. Poke 60 ors. and $1 per bolt , . . no&SLIIIM4 British and Continental Exchange. mar LIILIrDILAWZY 0111C.111, OBERMAN & CO., ON VIE UNION BANS, LONDON, or . 0 CMS OF Z 1 AND UPWARD& .... . These Drafts aro available at all the prin cipal Tann" efltairlianh 'Pentland and Inland. and th• Oontlnant. We alio draw SIGHT num on M. A. Grunebaura A. Bailin, 7B4ICIMIRT a 1.41/11, Which sons as a Itoalttanou to all parts of 4ormas7 Balt/adonis:o Hansa& P. SEIBERT, BAGALEY, 0013 GRAVE dr Wholesale Grocers, Non. 18 and 20 Wood street, Pittsburgh 1W11:171MC11.21 Or ROGERS' IUPBOYED PATENT Steel Cultivator Teeth, Couu Rose LAD Fill? STILISTO, 112M...1710 PITTIMUICOEI. PA. ICE CREA-M ."OY6.TER S , AL 00 BY MAURICE KUNZ. - . • came ;Witt Zhaltiftgl MEM; " ernraTA POLIO.II AIM Diarore Aster• Prrronsa NaW thorm, Valetta eountr, Pa ,1 Tabraary 60E4 L &oft .10, 1 44 le with much p 1.... that I Id. Corm Ica that I.este our dote of roar 1UL.0.1.1"...d Tr ..ftl4oto seat er mine that loaf very lift I nottahtfrort hint between =land 40 larz• Warm , , with oat hitn In the tenet, Ur soon after morn, ad thalam i . • ; JESSE PROVINCE. Dr Illsna'a hniaaratt Liver PM. and Improved Vat 'aim also Dr. I. Dort?. Dettalrmted White Clreawian Linl oreDanut tasty naDx - tits auperthion of Dr. Omit, • &walla Nwileal (Imhof.* and en reld.antan do ruff.: Bons Minh. only M rreyare4 by Dr. I. Mont 4 Co, NOW Prrprlaton, Sauk Place, 31424antown, Va. Dr, Mr. Lando hymn! Lim Ma arta. Iron ores Vormlrtza• .. 4 . 4 :141 , 41 by certllkats of 0. Mastro. All the above 31431d:tea an we by Dr. IL RY8153 HO Wood "beet, Wticleeals i JAE. P. P LEA TNU. osar R. LL. Dap* - eels tab, agent. bc14:1141/1.41`. Dr. Keyser's Shoulder Brawn—From Pittsburgh Dispatch. darli 10th. 1850.—For more than 3 Mrs rustwe bare constantly wont the Wrohington Sot Dender Brack mantsflotarl I by Dr, Geo, II; Keyser, of No. Wtott In this city, and would heartily recommend lit° all whoare compelled to Maw a sedentary occurs. Mu. As we hare bane remarked. to calling attention to Its write". it toners ihr a brace and incrprodsm, the ' , sight of this pantaloons being 0 , P1.0.d I. to eoOtiOntb. IT tend to betels the shoniden to their Want position and expand i the chest. Women, hundreds of VINO are annually injured by the weight of enormous "sklrts.' should also Procure thee braege. De partial:day la pro. Curing the kind mentioned. as man, of Out br•oe• cold are humbug. Bold at Dr. GED. If. 13.141132.1173. whewe. DreegB:dait. 140 Wood It, sign of this:told= Mortar. I.lsT GEORGE WEYMAN, Monnfoetnrer and Denier In al kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, AND of Tobacco; tithfield Street and Diamond Alley FI27SIW7WIt. Carrier S oe3; )13 REOVA rtzx BCSCSIBRES M rays Emito L. riai THEIR 'Safe Establishment No. 129 and 191 Third Street, Where they are proven( to make all Mode of SAFES ON THE BnOILTEBT NOTICE. solo-tf BURKE & BARNES. IWI7IRIP REY lig (Successors tp /edam Ithair R Co.„) VILIOLESALS DEALERS IN Foreign Fruits, NUTS:, SPICES, Confeotionary, Sugars, Fire Works, lc No. 39 WooD Brarxr. on.te► et ChoHn now. 3 PM'S nUROLL PA. Imand&vemker HOLMES & COLLINS, (ercaceToTa To I. L 811141111.0...) A.grioultural Warehouse, AND SEED STORE, No. 1(29 Wood Street, aTal-lyd&VE PITTSBURG IL The only Medal Awarded by the New Tore Exhibition to the English or tonal= Baum Menu inhume hie been obtained. amongst numerous minuet tura la is& a PERMS. or their WOROVSTISTISHIRg OR nhorsh7 Anther testimony Is a ff or SAV dol of Its WWI tea ben Rance extant. 'rho onsbrlty of this Sena has intended to nary our for of the Meta. mad layoff:au In Inconorlng ths Coma health Is becomlandally own abrarrod and acknowladssd. In the Bolted Bt to. It le bold to bo the most accoablo condiment. and I eatsomod for Its tonic and Invigorating nforararatta ho Itoul see ambling the Matadi to Wort the fool t>o to Continent of barge, these