P rrr'4 URGII GAI;ET'T-T, , V4= l •D. SATON-...1 , R . II rJ4I., RISIIEST =MU. FRWAX MONNE% NOV. 7, 1.135'6 ILIAD'INO HATTER 022 NACU rainOY Tars.PArzt WitaciNV l 'r.m ul rioW l2- p4tini s " l ll l ll=- * Isbe eettl be ea,pUeloa un SollOwbui exelltbSs Tett Coolie , 00 • /KrPementa eon be admitted Into a doh where One CI% late at any Pan Wage; at sty time, by rending . ..no dollar. 23 rAtIntgC tverizionts axe vutctly malted, and the lAN.? .1, liarntri linen tile rear le cronnulms It Iterenewlell BATES: OF ADVERTISING, DO etHcararellor •r- one - - Do . ........ ....._E O 60 elob inmatiot.— 0 25 -• Do - four Di 00. Do ex—.. 11 00 •De '• . Veldts Itonabli.. 18 00 M.5051001:55rdh (5111.50 t ia...;aa 000 One dolly. for awn addltioatl Wit. - Sae win., ehante.blest pleLrole..(Dre act• alma orrover.------.-. 20 00 'Tan DIIIIIIItow.—On .Tneeday Itat the Slave power achieved a vietori; such as has never. recorded since the celebrated passage of the Passion Grand Doke's dispatch was written to master, the Czar, announcing that "Peace reigned in Warsaw." Two years and some 'mouths ago, it was declartd'by an Act of Con gress to the astonis' hed nation, that the torsi laws of the Blare States were, or of right should 'lie, operative in the Territories of the Unica; in .ether words, that the slave holder had the same rigbt ilialte with him in his exodus froin the honseof bondage to what before had been eon _ : tattered tree soil under the decree of omnipo . ranee, his elate; that mon of Free Bates hove to take with them their cattle or their household . . pods. As a fit supplement to this dogma it has been•:slice practically deolared by a general sisters Hof protested outrage that if. said slave' " haters' iscrald not go there with their human property peaceably, they would at the point of the liayunott that if "babbling fools and drivel . %rill' in these territories would ooatinue•to do noinseio the alave.systeta there, they must be et fsctually silenced by "law," and if not by law, then by robbery, plunder, and murder. Practi cally, the persona who voted for the so-called Dssiourioy on 'Tuesday, decided thii such shall be for, four years the policy of the Government. -We hair* net the most distant idea that a large inSjority of the voters of the - North intended to endoree the iorribleeystem of outrage end wrong whiob make up the history of the present. e 4 ministratien; practically'they.have.done to. Mr. Buchanan stinde pledged by eiery declaration of honor le carry out the scheme Ishich Mr. Pierce inaugurated. A majnrity or the etcetera for President—not, we, believe, a majority of thsapeeple of these tuto, BtateB—wiu derriere lifliteetriher that they Wish it to be to. The dood'Aif. the Territory of Class's and all other .r. - which Slavery can seize. in the future, Is gelded. We boa dime our best we hair, striven in every -hiantirable wey to ward off this fatal decree. It hielpsesea and we Quietly and Confidently strait thtiesue. Asprivate citirene in oar own hum ble iphere, wo have !stared for the anthem of whatin oar inmost hearts we believe to be just tight We hare tailed, and wo cast all the responsibility ttpo'n theca who hare the control .of. the Gevernment. Let us see what Ur. Su- Jabanan will make against the Bonthern fire . - eatertorho have him in hand! • Let us eon how madams Will do against the admithioa of gent sera pea Slave State! Let us put upon retard tiers:Oa thn great majority of the Northern . JaninalS who have supported Mr. Baohmsen help reiterated, continually the declaration that Kan. . :ras spat wfree State We wait the repeat. For the sake of the people who are golei forth from oar midst end from their quiet homes in '' amis . :ridof Bible's and of Free Schools to build atp . greet.fitetenin"the new 'soh:token soliwidta of the yest=l3totes that - woad reflect the great itstleotples of Ova 'and religions liberty' - which at the bottom of ill that is good In our iIOF ernmeer, we regret the decision in cur heart of F ll , ll°. BO' far 1 4 0 great Party which bee ".iPtoing into 'exiitentee under the inomptinge of estry - L generous end ennobling emotion of the AtSimon anal; - whose prioniPteo lie 'gently embed ded ii i the Coumitution of our ocants,' where _tbeywere plead by the fathers, for ,that party hive nuifettie.. In • its altimato tmccesa we fritatnelth Met that bid lien, that his arm .knows ,no weakness, that his justice carer and his providence never is at .th'l6 s2 , a party with a thorough organisation, • one which hid held ironsfill contest iith the Dsmeeratio party for forty years was able to carry for the gallant Scott but four of the this ty-outo 13tates: The Republican party stands - ".thrth.tirdayelmost without organization, backed by twelve noble and gallant members of the confederacy, lacluitris the chief, the best, the noblest of the whole sisterhood, and It has won to its troppert all these millions simply by the --- -justice of the cause it defends and the inherent beauty and symmetry of the principles it sup ' ports. Therein no ground for despair or even for diseouragethcnt. Lot this defeat but stimu ' 'lrtts.ue to renewed effort. Let us begin at once taqiunrfeat our. urganization. Whore we have strength is we ha trffli; this county, let ire neither eat entire quarter, make no concessions, yield no prk:eitipinkut fight fur the last inch of ground. Arid we *eke this -practical suggestion in the .hapitkett - i;ni: vitiortu committees will be called together itt onto end each an organization ef, lettiCd as shall nuible us to hold the ground we bate taireU and press forward to new triumphs. - Tenth is mighty and must provaiL Take cour age friends, sad thy day will come whoa the .hosts .of darkness will be rooted and justice once mere reign in the loud. The Decision of Tuesday is not final. MIAT'S TO no nose I—There is Eta hotter veered to ditY of N ea, to the Ohio River then • there wan 'hitt September or at Ally otter time one xr.ight Metirioo. In feet it draws to near pow co winter that we might fairly expect in ". cite of abundant rain that it would be coerced- ' ed by euklen cold recther whlch, would freeze " the Tiller u p , trkskleg the emSargii more *Sic- teed if' poiiible than it hoe been ngw thin long time. Not lesa than ono and a belt millions of - • worth of Pittsburgh •roanufactures are" 'lying here waiting for exit. Deers intereat from that of the labcrer on the wharf to that of the manufecturer demands that this immense aeon mulation'of property Suck a market. All the ooltrcas of our prosperity are dommed up, and 'mast find a vent. It is time that we were all buoy to devising come plan by ihieh threatened arils may he prevented. It hasheau suggested to ua by lateral of the itedieg manufactarare of the city that each ar ,rougeMerits might he made with the P. Ft., W. and C. Railroad laid others, an Shia oar manu factures could be tranaperted over that and so fertber weal to their market at scot ratea as would compensate them amply and net impov . • •••• apish the shippers. Thoao Who made this tug , geetlon to us Danced prices which they thought they ao6ld offord to pay upon iron" ware to the *loiter inarketa of the Weer, which it is not •:: .ntoosseri: 'for lie to, name, hero, ag title article hoe no each tb,itct.:. What we do wish 13 simply to atviotiloityta the plan propoised by them, that inteetieg of the menefaciturere of Plttebnrg Railed at ono.; to. ikuttiotiso ctn. toinetipo•roVe taken- ith, r. view to ascertain ' a.. as what priats our yreitexit TWA" 6811 carry a initi c o.sbo -fist moot of property, now acon mutatedheia weiticitfor a rise In the river.— titailraid Menageriringht, - - ttoti- -- tat doubt 0,11, Meet our matrofaeturershalf way in . Chi cum ter, Gad ire ttrottsualt in arrangement, may be mede no will be not only istiefactery but incetible, fill bolt .; . , Isum Cittantumoi Ito it extend preparations lisio beget bade tot the great ltAilway aq,eblition to, tato plito In Montreal .nti she 12th': . "tt,eigtibbdieTt.The oa ank peton.to :the oi: , futpgyf wiT frfirn'74(knlnga!6 TPror 4o - 11 coroPlf.Uon itiisivid platti , Uot!t_tottlul follst&Y pon •6tioivigir this' airMirif styl atittee, The ilistsnOs , 60111101;4n to Tiiytitto by roil ' to Via rails A waft; lats:bireAd r y Weed over . 1 11319 - 44 friti'MA7ll4lil Tottioo.i teep;up your Oriamizatioul AWhatever has been the result elsewhere, the ioOlt !ten le glorious victory for the princi 'pies ve bean centendiog for thronghoett the canvass. la the two cities we have over whelming majorities9B3 In Pittsburgh and 1149 in Allegheny—while the boroughs are all on one side, end the townships are all with us but three or four. Oat of the sixty-one election districts, we have carried all but six. This has been done by organization, and a proper attention to all the minutia of an election campaign. Under the stimulus Of tcommon prin ciples, upon which we were ell agzeed, we have United intq o firm mass the opposition elements of the country, and in title union they hove shown n el o ve roz sin ac vin cihleJ h the elements thus united should not remain so. We - havnen elent Organisation which can bo maintained , much more easily than it was to form It. It Is the duty of our friends, and it must bo their oh ' jeet, to maintain It, firmly and actively. ..Cest ing melds ail past Moroni:les, we have united I upon the broad basis of hostility to the present administration; and ea the incoming eaministra lion is likely to be ,more infamous than it has been, awl more worthy of oppositien, the basis oroppoetiou will be even broader then that we now campy. The future promisee no even greater In'oentlyeelhari the past In the two cities, is January next, we have ward and municipal officers to choose; and in M! the boroughs andOwnehips there will he the tonal lid of °Weds to select. With the political power now in our hands we are able to put tried friends of freedom into nearly every °Mee with in the gift of the people, and we feel it to be our duty to urge on all our friends the impor tance as jean as the obligation that rents upon them of Klaus every elation, from constable up, with those who sympathize with us politically.— There is neither reason nor policy in oar per mitting the enemy to quarter upon us. Doriug the contest just past, the bitterest and most ac tive encrilee of oar 011190 were men put into of fice throdgh the mistaken friendship of their opponents. Theynsad their power and their In fluence tie injore and destroy the most veined rights o i t;ithcse who helped to elect • them. It was ga og to witness, especially in these two citiee, the efOrts of men in favor of Buchanan who ',redid have boon powerless against us but for the I position given them when party lines were not strictly drawn. The past Is beyond reach, bbt the future is sure; and this error must be' remedied, at the sere outset. We mast keep uplour pre§,pit orgatizitiou to every ward, borough, and Winship; nominate clean tickets for every office, from the lout to the greatest, and tient them. To this end, we sciggest immediate Conferences in czehldistrict among our active men. Keep the camp.firee burning sad the forces under drill. The fight is not over, it in only begun. Wahavepeseed through but the Lexington and Bunker Bill of this struggle; before us there are many more battle-fields to contest before we at tain to Ultimate victory. We have enlisted for the wail' let es go'gallantly through it; and as the first duty before na let uu dislodge the ene my from every poet within oar reach. “Picix - romt FLINTS AND Thy IT Austs."—We are beaten but not conquered; defeated but not dismayed; and we are glad to see upon the faces of all our fellow -workers a determination to re new the fight, and keep up struggle with unfal tering courage.. In thosoldst of the discourage ment, eurrounding to, we have found no one willing to yield. We have right and justice up on our Side, and it the boasted intelligence of the people and their love of freedota•bo not the veriest Shams, we are earn of victory at no dis tant dui. Tho present eneoeas of the enemy has been Won by a bold gams of deception; lying and fraeod which there wax not opportunity 808- Mont to expose, but which will work its own cure. The people, in due time, will ho unde ceived,,and then will the day of reckoning owns. Oar path of duty lies airtight before at. We have bet to continue as en have began, and go right at. to the complethut.if oar work. Oar party to young, yet, sad the wonder le, not that It is defeated, bat that it ben accomplished so much. It won organized is this city less than EIX menthe ego—as the' 22.1 of February loaf; and within that trine it hoe 'swept every thing befo;e :it In el least eleven of the eizteen Free States.: To have succeeded, abselntelyi at the Ant wonidhtvo be . en little short of a mire ele. With an old party, to contend tgainst, well °than,* and compact, poseesaing control of the goiernroent with its eighty millions of rev enue, hacked by the elave interest representing fifteen hundred million', sod whose rankond file vote any ticket called Demooratio merely be cause of its designation, we have achieved great reenhalin holding them so thoroughly on check as ere hare done. Gut for the aid given them by that miserable aped who nought to ruin be cause they could notrule,we should have accom plished much more; but es it le, our party bee attained a substantial' foothold, which it will not yield. We have driven the pro-slavery democra ay, at the first onslaught, to the southern bor der, the next trial will drive it over, =I leave one free soil inoontamintted with Ile tread. For the mike of Sousse, and the many seer- ors by ,Bordcr Ruffianism, we deeply - regret the cleollon of 1011C11604111.; but while we are power less, now, tk. Wood them that governmental aid which 'Zhey \eed and deserve, the party which first sprung Into life under the indlgua• Lion excited by their wrongs le atill . ohcfged with the high mission it at first assumed. They may be driven from the bomoa they have chosen, tied all their rights violated , bat justice, if claw is aura, and the party of freedom will ultimately avenge, them. Before it lies a future fall of promise. Only let as be firm sad faithful, pre serving and perfecting oar party machinery, and - time will bring us to the realization tf our dearest hopes. Maxico.—Tho New Orleans Delta's Mexican correspdrideist says it to aneortod in the city of Mixicai that a revolutiotory junta, composed of Mexican ranee, now exists in New York.— Among tbo plane is stated that - of procloimtag flon . litoalo Corona Free Mont of Mexico. . Senor Garay and Col. Decal are °wispiest in drafting mope of the waters of the two groat lakoa of the valley of Mexico, for the patpoeo of planbiog works to carry off the water, and guard tim city from daoger of inundation. Four clergymen have been enspended by the Archbishops of Mexico, for purchasing of the Government property formerty.boloogiog to the Church; Parchasee are said to kayo bean made in the names of thfiir °lidera. Ho also gives a favorable amount of tbo pro gress of the works on the Tehuantepec Transit route, under the 'auspices of the Now Orleans company. Of the carriage road from &Dial toward the Paofflo terminus fifty-three macs are now open and capable of use: Horsy is making wire efforts to dislodge the New Or. it CMS company from their possessions of the route, whioh they hold under the Moo grant. Tau OCIIMP•111L—To no portion of our citizens are wo mere indebted for the success that St tended us in Allegheny county in the late oleo; Hen than to the Protestant Germane. They stood up like men to their duty. They, in their mind calm and cool manner, considered the great quottion at Italie. The old fatherland with its devotion to liberty and hatred of tyrants peened beforivibeir eyes, and true to freedom in a foreign hind as they bed boon In their birth lend and for whibb they are suffering exile they 'Came truly up and east-their votes for do came of tight. The friends of liberty owe to the Protestant foreign population generally, and to the Getttlitt! particular their thanks for their efforts inuarl i 2 oiiinie.. • . . I:ltre. Dr. liege, of Gob:imbue, Ohio, luta retired frooftia pastoral duties, In eonsequeoee of Ma iidvanced age and inore4log infirmities. it* has teen in the pastral offu r 4 of the Frenby terlon Ohuroh for upward of :arty pare. the Edttorshf the Oesettet. - .thnnist--As the time is 'approaching that an elution to to be had in this city for a Mayor or Chief Magistrate it teems proper that no about& be casting. about ati for a suitable person to fill that high and briportant ;ace. Permit me to say that I know of no ono who would combine all the necessary qualification for the officer of Mayor better eau our trostliy sad esteemed pit! /Merman Jena Muort, of the Milk Ward, who, along experience in police tatters/Wm duly . qualified for that Important effuse. - • Biwnto 14004 • • 'diction Berns Of fdleghtny fonuty. .-.: 1 ..-jcitnitAjcgitaitt & BRog,- Fos e!] purposes of comparison, the Tote giVin for Canal Commissioner on the 14th ultimo to Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, - Vault Nor!, Window all wo need to reproduce. Tbie we give in the 1 8/Irani, Windov Guard', ge. f I first two columns below, and side by eido with it, i, NOS. 91 Second 5t.,..t. SG Third sts, . the vote, as for na we have been able to get It, (botirtien:Wood sid Market,) for Presidential Electors 1 EITTEI33I3R3II. P.S., Bare on band a variety of view patterns , • lawny and Pia t; aultableft nu inrtweat. Partivalar at -------, , }nth , * pall to reorder Grave la 1.0 y, Jet.o dans at t': at 1 Cl I' "" "f 96 .• • rahlt. n• ' Oontnmptien Cured — Be not deceived :' . 13! - ; lar bate imitations. Ilegemen,cuth o wee Genuine Cod : 51 • Liver 0110 m, dhaypolLte, and nlra yea.? ver.„, ; pi'! , has proved it superior to all others. and the only tellable 1 • cure fa Comenmetleu. Ai the. le e great deal of 'neon, oil in the - nuke. adulterated with eat oP, whatee, to, Re., goo .00. • care cannot, to taken to nrrcura the Genvine. Oar ONt mode at oar own facture in G c .e,f,..aw, ; and each bottle boo ons• eignotuve over the rank. teal,. ' lel te get Itegonon. Clarkil Co . for Once the rasa o: Mr Beaton, our ha, partner, than has been an aril is In troduad Called Ruebtrn% sad:. is In no tray con. . wlth P. C. n Co. or 11. C. I. at. Cold br 11. A. /ARNE 81.`0CF, 0 CO.. 11. Z. OF.LLEII3 A 00.. and by druggielmrer nasty. cell Dm The Bitte7s - Wi - hey are represented I ur.—lativen.La.,A9e.2o, 1651.—Dear Chl-1 have to I your . German Bitters, and lied them ell they are root' pentad to b., aed'efeeerfelly mownend them to the rubl as en guano. rardietno. Itertwornr . .gr il a syli. Bold. aholeek. end retail. at Dr. 000. 11. %EMIL ' Lwow et,,,,, Ho wood et, Fop" Of the Golden Mortar. ' Bee advertiwooest no4l.d.tor WORXMIVORIIIIII—VariOng theories have boo. ; *tatted relatite to the ortain orinteetlnal worm.. : the Wootton Is not •• votes tn. among medical antand y. tloO. or.e het, however, all or. }alma. Cad to obi j all servo-100 fatal nature of the Influence they 0.001 ; ebildren. At Oh,. reason el' the year, the attadas yams are mat heartent an wall so most dalliMmlll. I take 0001 Mora., la direetinu thu Wootton of pare • : to the liormlllmm of Dr. liannee ntwltotted by riam Wm., Pittsburgh. Ito one St the moat ..sewn medicines aro Introduced to the Public. and has on felled of emman adieu tried. Ilt.A.Purchuoro will be careful to wand . Pr. tdeLAN UGIABGATIID VEIOIIII3OE, and team no.. else. other Vrradroam. in compariron. are worthies. , ttletoe'm Vermin:tuft, also Wm celebrated Liver Pill.. 0001. had at all reeve ..able Deng Wtoree to the Un Stater, =ellknads. None gendiee without the al turn of nolzdAol FLEMING BRO /6 r Praidmt EIMIM 164 221 186 261 21 59. 189 226 536 I let Word 2,1 ido 8 / y 8d do ...... 4th do ...... 384 F e- 6th do ..... 4381 - Gth do ...... 88 ' 7th do Bth do ...... 21 9th do ...... 8( g. Ist do ...... 41 1 . 21 do ...... 8( to 13d do ...... 81. 4th do .....• 11013.0170119. Birmingham...... 31 Lawrenceville .... 21 Elisabeth....... • I Manchester.....- 2( Sherpsburg....... It 8. Pittsburgh-- 21 W.Seesport ..... 2: W. Elisabeth.- Duqueeno 17 litruSugh'm. . 11 Tarantula ...... IV. Pittsburgh.... Sewickley ......... TOWABIELINI. Pitt Peebles, Ist D.. Pi:chirp, 2d D Plum 536 539 205 346 ass 494 101 132 144 133 SB7 171 MO 289 ,21 38, 165 166 245 243 000 Ver.tallles ...... P Jefferson. 1 Elisabeth 4 Bt. C1air...:... 1 L. Bt. C1air....... 1 1 8a1dwin............ 1 , 1101:Anson. ...... NF-"Fay0tt0........ S. Fayette...... ... Finley.. ....... Moon 1 Neville_ Franklin Hearse Berm Pine_ F. Deer 2. Indiana I . ...... 1 Snowdon. ....... ...I 1; ........ ...1 Penn. Patton.... ....... M'Candless......., /' Cbartlers Crescent . Sewickley I 2' e column hooded geine we le Loma with a dash before the ig that they are to be eub- In the aboe. hare arranged th figures, indleatin straeted. EIZOOSTAILY MAILOY MID GOT. 0111163 or I lowa.—Oar readers may have'obserred the let ter or appeal of Gov. grimes of lowa to the Pre sident In behalf of the sabring people in Kati eas who had immigrated there [rein the State of which Grimes is Executive. That was BOMB time sines We sew a few days since s letter in etnewebpurportbrg to come from Secretary Marcy which no did not publish because we thought there was too mach decency in the Secretary to stoop to each oontemptible taunts or exhibit such meanness. A dispeteh appears in the eastern papers in„words as follows: Now Toss, Nov. 4.—Mr. Grimes, Asaletant Becretry of State, publishes a card in the Even ing Post, etatiog that the letter publishtd yes , tarday, purporting to be, front Mr. Marcy to GOT. Olitafe of lowa, ifl a forgery. Rr.rwstax;;;;Wlitxreere.—Dr. Heusi L. Early ser, of York, Pa., who allied from New York for Bunts in April, 1855, nod who spent v. year or more it. tho service of Me Importal hlnjosty,,, as surgeon, hoe returned home. Ia New.Vork city ca Tueoday, tiara were dta_ perste sad bloody riots at the polls er the let and 6th %Verde, whore the Democrats drove away their opponents, AWL In some eases best them badly. SPNCIAL, riiOTIUMY, Dr. Keyser's Shoulder Braces—Prom fitiabotrilt Dispatch. April lqth, 1552,—Fcr more that year, peat we here cruttently worn the Wu/Angina bus yonder Brae le Cleo. B. Keifer. of No. 148 Wood et % le this city. and would henrely recoonneal It to all who am coospellal to folkm • redentary occopa Ma. de we We before requested. lu calling sttentinn to, Its merits. It answers for a brace sad ineePendere. the weight of the oantalonne ban: 001Loed M U. roh o anal• it tend to Drina the eionhflers to their tutu./ pceltlou and expand the chest. Woaaa, hundreds of bow are anr.ually - tutored by the weight of querulous . altlrte.' should also tawny lbw brace. 11. particular la pro. Mina the land Inentlnued. am many of tbs braceerel4ari bradrus. &di at Dr. OEO. H. ISEBER'l3.. l l.laole.ale DruEgia. ltd Wood.O, rig.. of the Golden Mortar. lelEvnkerY Tat GREAT MULISH REIIEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated leemale Prepomi from tb prescription of Sir demo etark.e. El. D. Psyrislaa Eat:aortal., to am ttnia•a.— This lorsh.t.le Sladkine 1/. uraraWata to the rare 61 all Woes rental and ...111314•1913, dine-.+ Inedant to W. 01; mate ometltutlon. It inloders.l. all earees, reoloyee....ll aaol briaze on the innottar P... 4 . I th 11110 ,Gould be wad two or three Irosi , na.relona to cow tr.e.mtnt; they tartity the enartlintion... , d lorarn the Mt. Fazing daring catabllaa the mother to perky. ter dal. with Wet, to heralf and thr.d. In all remit or lioreoronema and 614.1 Atrmttear.. rah Dv th• 1100/: and Mahe. iteereloaes. rattan.. on Rah:. Ear:. tlon. Paint tatlnhor the Ile at, I.ogroie of bytytta-IlreEer lilek Uvular!" and all the painful tame. wry. Monad by a dleordered ayatem. time PIO vI.II ollan • au:* when all other mean. have !hard. and aEhnnyo • powerful remedy Co not 000tato troa. nlnrirl. nett-oar. or any other mine ra l. ra traction. ecoorateanylna each the 13 lilted State, Ana Ganda. One Dollar. Sole Agents tr.r this country 1. C. DALDIViN A Co. lionmter. t.. Y urns A HOSES, Auburn, N. Y. Cermet Agent , N. IL-41.00 and a postage ...moo soloed to env •o• thorbed agent, win Meuse • bottler.: these PIM be u•surn Woori roe"l' and io lo P m itu th 6x etm ab. J b ON T . 11 .1 " IIEL " ortsel L1"7 . 02'7111 Smithfield sta4JOS. VLEMING, corner Diamond and Mo. et Ore.!. and Druesists geneealtv do24l.rdikwevP A Colpotteur.—gimpsoo's Creek, Taylor county. A prl 21. 1.666,—Dr. I. ;oft A Co.r,Olentsi . Having been afflicted with a tea In qr tide for several years it Alvan me great pleasure to teel* Yes Most 3 dose. Oyes , McLane's Improved Liver Pill. entirely relieved me, drat having tried man* other remedies wlihontsn7 Whet. I on conecientionely recommend yore Pills to theafilleted. Worm.. J. J. ALLEN. Dr IPLAne's Improved Liver Pills sod improved Yet mi. •Ime, also Dr. I. Scott's Celebrated White Ctratelan went, prepared Solely under the supervi.lon of Dr. Beth a Regal. Ellen& °Mode and Physlcima ofetten Ave practice. • None genuine oily a/reared by M. I. Scott A C 0.., sole Proprietors. Sant AO. 8i0nr.?..t0.0...v5. Dr. Sle- LArke'arantrv;Lgogia, .il4 u utglnprovel Vermiruce sco All the abovelledletnes for sale by Dr. OE. H. KCY PER 110 Weal snot, Wholesale agent JAR P. ILEHING, Allegheny. near 11. Depot, whew agent. nordiadder. A.ParagraPh to be ertused.—Wo aboold he drink MAWm to the public. whom we.Profese tomes. if we should remain quietly In our roman= and deny Mr Kennedy the credit that le his due foe presenting to the afflicted his 3165 Disccory; and the thousands who hoe ore cared might well UPbMid ur, sod th. Fla./ or ta e dok, and perhaps their death. might be neon our had. should we withhold the knowedge that we Downes relation to the holing powers of this medicine.m Ann .b aT tug peen an ese.al Mem to the core of oemark able eater of huntot--alter conversing with persons who have bon curer. and rinse pettulog the 'certificates of others, we carnet and terms strong enough In Which to speak of this gru4 worm of Scrofula, Canker. Rheinstism , hieuralsda, and mob like etch. sold by Dr. VEIL IL SETYS I E N fI. 140 1 Wood street, whole snaringJAMllM P. 7 0, s 3 Frostwort of Book Hose.—Nor the cur af &rota= Dle4sa. Nur Ulna, Jul. 1,1852. toy sent/harks has been agitated wlth lananunation oat the hip taint. At the age of Bhe was Out attulted. Issumstlou loostaimi until the !alum very diseased, and a u yaut mionent aeolod. his so.l drawing It luso th - It RIL. Itovotolble to otrolgh n profeure of toner gams It as Ills decided arbston that the leg would never heal and that the Young man would never walk strain.— Ineounee4 so rapidly Omit for two and a tut !web. only Walked With s crutch, and tue efforts to erdse the limb not attended with grant paha, se that be cohld not limp: I.watelied Wmso nttentirelr, that Car menthe; did not hare the full niebt'ereet. .115 bad been treated brat:dap:land medial prastlesitstabY luds lug. blistering, As., he hatlilie been petersthe litertical 011nieuts of Tabs Mega ,The rmandles they reoaramend* edwinsfraget feithhilly Wed, bat *Mona elan. fl. was me alma! and &SUM canditkal - 18 nundat; due id= be commetirmt Ukiah-lime Hoak Bun Orm bottle 0550 but partly taken When he sue much tiettein'etutiunlng until Owe bottle*bool been Ulm, lobe* I =NU. ewe unepleted, nou ban eteellirot heath. This I. the lieetlineas of and can be corrolarated by addreashatr. Nu. Catharlusgelllati DlWalteeat. lie, Ham. (kostu., hr mu be redly eaUteutitted by hundreds et 11113165 lOr by *Mussing it Hu to ibet.Ws - W. negeo: 1850 01 " V, PottlyylolueLiand :Nall at, the Drug Atom of G /1 - • MS= Na la Word ft, OSA Of the Goldin Mortar. #04441M 233 ; 000; 48 269; 20 47 690; 881 -13 241 16' 25 621: 52: 15 561 29 1 -5 116, 11 8 193 16' G 6 151 29 48 146' 48 37 ; 191! 35; 18 322 ; 28; 88 458: 44: 33 294 . 57; 9 194 0 10 000 i Goo 110' 67i -37 76 5; '2 184 41 27 1231 3; 14 000' 000, 000 66; 000. 17 128' 6 1 21 ' 0011:1 000 64: 7 8 19 8; 6 r I . 000 000 10 10 000, 17 141 7 3' 2 1" -4 000 000 000 000 000 71 000' 000 10 ^ 000 000 Important Notice to those Afflict WITH CIMONIODIALLSSILB. by Dr 11/LATIL I Took City. Finding it emposeible to trues', pereonall all my midgets. and king nuallling tn Meet Inc sow:Weill duties to aselstant" or student', and for PI , PrOn of sappreming the este of worthier , and Info .nut tonlitioes, op well lin the iropositlona etre under flotitique 121011”, offering to mod r clam gra on receipt of letter etambe or one dollar, A.—to oh lb. abovo. and ts accommodate patients in all tarts oluntry, I send medintivealith foil dlvacnons, t any disease, for IS, UnlfFl/ treatment II required ltd ger retied than one month, when the fel le the for each month. The fey for nil v.v. , 01 ^1... U. 1 eluding that Mr the radical came of hares', 4111 d upon the resollarlty of tbe me. Patirnla orb! give statement 01.11 their g r ant... h"he r"."'" . pared with en eamdal refereom to each clln. All I letters ghoul.; be registered. lb , [met pert of m mated work will be. mot to any eddrme on the r 10 cant.. P. rt, 1101 T On hotbso .treat, °rpm , ' thy fit. 00.ttolm L. 01.3.sydre _Kew Ye The only Medal Awarded liy tho York rahltiltian to the Erwin& or Ibrefino Sauce ' amen". bee been obtained, amonget . nomevons tole. by LEA d PEItIIINS, or their wnEcvsTansning HAVUF. • hereby Nether 0 stirouny le ado:lM of ita het hen Pane extant. The osobrity of Phi. Deem ham eatenhat to ere ter of the globe, end Merle./ In promoting the health I, beton:dog daily more or,arredusi .a.not In the Dotted Elates it le held to be the soma vandLment, and I esteemed for Ito tunic bud' , banner/It:0,1U ha Huai sae essabllns the stoma the fond On th Ocattnant of bumps, them qual.tia testlded to by a gantlestem, who writes to L RLNa 11 , ... 9 Lavenuriail • bottle 01 ,On/ vr, emcee in • tour I have jinn eutantetel Woof L'mrtngil, end believe Imre my present pest Ito sea: TO= Emma Is stosalschlo, and I think i man with truth ma Mesa 11 nottilog la • tt gage to eermitial to hie eomfort, et Inset Intl *A Toot' Bor.. In Indleoim, where It to bound at the, regiment. • medial gentleman wsitee try his Luther In the same proramina so Wore Wearing tanMi *Nil Las. A terrine that t highly approved to India, and that it IN In the molt bahlible es well as the mart whol made." Thin land IA enltable DT evem emilat7 of - 1 - • antrimaalidimand which Ito impeller. Wu i led to zany inaliatione being offetod to the poi •warlety of names, butthe 'rennine may be tvc rumen of l'liitit It I'VaLINIT bang tooprannil Patent metallio capenies, of potent aiam rtol‘P bottle....r.lt as the lebele and wrapper. Bob* Agemte'tor the United Etatrr, J011:1 DUNC.AN A /An llroalwaY. NA 6 1 04)0 000 000 000 00( 000 WO 8 4 000 000 22 000', 000 4 20 Oj 4 000 000 1 . 30 000 000 1.2 5 10 G 4 000 000 000 E -21 0% 000 Al 16 _ , _ . —._ ------ W: H. WEIGHT. .. , s. Sta PmertA 0... tataarca Itaodpcat Mari PITTSIWRGH, I Alanufacturere of and 'Dealers in I f OL. EVI111:1 L. CAIIP.IIIKI2 pad P 151: 0 PIXTURX7±, and all kiada. of Leapt. Cheadell d 01.... tc. • .113 - llaa Pihtog. rapslciag,..itcallatag al t d I 1.. r dna, ta. ot , htt ...tart noun, • all - The 7.'..loiszactoplied xr.O.uglr ...vill , . 7 _2 .."l,__,'—,_--_, _— 1 'RTS:CAPS AND . P L....a . 1. 1„,1•:!,, NI ' "D 0 R D & CCI o w . M:4 OLLSALE &RETAIL qe.:;;!11, ATT E' R , 131 Wood Str et 11019 411k,-Ilina..vl,3l..lAlutvirurivls.rle st ck • Wholesale • astil natal cola al Ma Lae rl r itstrax Ina.., to shich attend= of all purchase.. EAGLE STEEL W 7. JOSEPH DILWORTH & CANCO2IO.II3 TO asrannoessa.r 1 cal • MiLlarfAOTlTltillta OP Cast Steel, German, Saw, Blister AND SPRING STEEL AXLES, VICES, SPRINGS, Mattocks, Wedges, Harrow 'fee wantuauss, P.0.'11 , WATER I between Woad.= &Pilaf 814. PITTSBURG!! J.llO/17 1 168&1•341., Brit:lo.llnd Continental Exc. SMELT BILLS DIMW2V DT IJUNCAH,'SJIERCIAN ON TNT UNION BANII, PC'IFOY Z 1 AND rowsur Theso Drafts are availabp3 at al drat Tovrnic of Snala P , ..Dan4 and Ire Oontinent. we sip clesm MORT BILLO rt.; M. A. ,Grattebatim al, Ca PA'ANEPOIt A MAIN, WhlJ. aery ao w Remittal:co. to an wt.. .Pcrltzortan.l I.tanding tr. war,: Latt.nrs or Oriati. 0,l c 4141 nft4A4l. In any nfac ecn , ..rttnrc oth , KW, v1:I psv.g.t. lON_ If. Vi11a..." Worvrt. PITTSBURGH STEEL ISAAC JON • Abto, STRING PLOW AND AI B - SPRINGS ANI) A.`.3. : corner Rosa end First 3 r•rrr:u .A.lO /0M..... ...... D. B. Itocialt; & :limn . a cm, !TA vv. IWO 17:15 eitovED reT Steel Cultivator COXES!. Rote OD Flan 81 jo"..l4lrin For Consutiption. Soroi, BAKER ,t CO' Medicinal Transparent Co 'Highly esteemed by the Med lbroughout the Dulled' iltsto tcr7F4 IP and uniformity, brinvedfst , . and rural A rualority of tta tisidint physicians give this 011 dm iranotien of their high • test of their confidence. recommend It and preemie.* It In theft Dra‘daeo. As i reared: taL CIMMIAI O, 4 pro LIMA, Seams, Gout., Ilheumatlca, Genera Motility. • dull Ecrofolous Affections, It stands unrivalled, effonlng • cars, or Olen& 11 , M ni glint fforing atom other medicines tailed. fianufactagsd onifige JOHN 0. BA ER A CO., No 100 N. BA eteeet. Philadelphia, and arid' y the Druggists •0 thin city sndelsasel.erv. se2.s;emdge I • 4 I,IS 1 l' •7 ' ( 3 el • •1111 t, i • aEORGE WE . Manufecturer and Dealer De id V Tobacco, Snuff and AND Leaf 'robe. t Corner Smithfield Street and I icun .3% ra P r „,t , :e To Nanette Suite • 's A rotirod olergyroan, reator. , lb few Met% after insaY leen 01 WAS Do Le undone to matt krzem the menu e (tree) the prescription need. Direct DAONALI, No. SO Deitzti Btreket, Dree I selthatodeodedwed REMOV 1 1 , 7Til BUBSORIBIR B 1147.6. 4 1t.14 0, Safe Egtablis . ..( ix , lio. 121iand 131Tb' Street Wneut they see TTATated 10 Ala eN /Linde or SAFES ' ON TOR SHORTEST NOME. solo-tf_. , BIIRKE H_ U 1 Sculptor, Modlor, Stucco Wood alum, Na 88 =ad greet. bo Harlot Moots, PlitaboZeb, bozo a au madortment or ow P►nc7 Chars Pk offilldvdtb HENRY w H. G C, , ,OLLIDS OOMMIBRION 1:1' brilli/t.1 , 1T, r .nrl-I ,, , , ptiwpr.A s s l ' i risE. Sib! And Erolnot Una Ur. No Woatiltroot: ttobmpu ' - SEMITE, BUIE k 111711TER, • WHOLESALE GROCERS, 122 Secund and 151 Irrauf. Strecca. DENTISTRY. %AZ.: D JDIAL . ME EN s late's SURGEON DENTIST, FROM NEW YORK, Extracts Teeth Without Pain, By - s Load Benumbing Aont to the Gaud only. ddrlnterts Teeth on Gold. fitter, Plotino end Gutty. Psychs. and yer:brme all Contr.' op•retiorn to s rdentlfle manna. -r J. M. LITTLE. MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, (Dr. New Ilaild.r.a.) II? T. , 11V31G IJ PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE & (AGO RAILROA ;So - ux Ified [l.t. If th tov analog laeb dlgast las hi a la.n LE& PER sr . ah.ra agh •• ...ad It* of ea= to ten • rud. [rand bar alma anus of @MT non Di to —ate. In tea dr eaus I. oplaton. I a aanaa eh, and n' Gal Lai • C. u.n.lar b. 7 !RKS the pries ~ t. and ch. ci==o 1 ridtv4 4.• VORKS CAST ST-Blr:L 1 D • :oat., U. eeth, • HEST, Lif Of Oil col Faculty R T . weetneie elßfaurr. of Tblla4eleas Move, and II their thmt P. BFaBERT, orkor and gun Wood sod =Maar on band for ralani. do MAN: kinds of Cigars, ,CO; icunond Alloy 14. .4 to boalth io intricate madding. • enre, WM wad a Rev. JOHN a. Ip,N Y. OVRD TEEM -tent BARNES! IM!EAS ICE CREAM • Asp OYSTER 'SALOON, BY MAURICE ECITEZ. f &ma' From t DuadzatO Ftrurruil EIMT. Iss.M . 2lolrOcrril AS, Dmttoxs AUST . PrITMG=G:t. rCi.ras and Cl..culla:l. 04t. II la oOre. GI SMITIIPIELD :STREET. 1171'.91WHCi71 . SPRING •ARRANGEMENT. Three Trains Daily. • Pnesungea• l'raina will run daily,. except eciteinni. as Ulmer Lesvos Pittsburgh for Cre , dllno ac LOA A M ,no A id, and 3,00 P.M. twayeaCtrestlina for Pltulrarah et 5.00 A A 1,7.00 r st. and 1240 P.M. Them trahmo all mete dose cono,sotition thestllno with Cram, far Columbus, Daitou, Oil/80116a, th•derfmr taint. IndLumoolig, Chieszo, Rt. [Aral, owl all oolnis on roads eritendlog West •:,d Footh-fleet lbrotich Ohio. In. dlana and Thee. Cosine Beni Pltienurth al Iltneari.l OBS Train on dansuesr, Maw field and N•trera road, ear Cale., Toledo end 1rita11.111 , 1 , 7 Cal.ll•C.ittlaP route at Alliance with Trains en Clessubii and ?Ruiners , o.i ad for Oleveledel. Clairagu. DurdOrk and tinffon. Pantengere lanvinw Pitt:burgh at 3 P. •1. for Panama/. Toledo andel:dam - there the ei • night's reetnt Mansfield or Cleveland. end only. in Chicago early neat evening. Train. past Has (Wertllne mate Hc reuneetlaus tritium on Peoriallrthla Central It. R. Sr ildliedelphla Ifeltiniore sort New ; Yert., through Tlakrta are sold to Cidarubus. Oath icnirsllte, Pt. lonls, Bellefouthine Chicago. Rath Island. lowa CUT, Dnullath. CAM BPNactield, 111, tort W/TO4. Cleveland and the PrinriPal cities intr. West. Through 'Habits over this line may be bad at eD of the above place% for fittaburrh i Philadelphia. 'Baltimore sad Nes 'lora. The HIM BRIGHTON ACCH3IIIGDATION TRAIN leave. Newillrightnn 1% . , Pittsburgh at 7 L. 11, 111311% N. Leaves PlHthurgh for New Dflghten .07 . 4 and 11f Y. and (dither tafuri . r.y . ro j e 6 7l . 4l,TA Asap earner algre, under the Mononathada Bane.; tie at Lisa iii.teral erect nation, CP WHO II PARKIN, 'Hetet AniMe. J. 111. kirk/Hrle Pr et. J. Pswienger Agent. Pltlandruttlitair :O. trot I.IITV* PE.NiffiYLVEIBIA 11181TBANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGII, No. 63 Fourth Streoto, Ilattiorised Capital 000,00 4 1 INSURE IMILDLIVOS eLND OTBY.N ?No v. AgaMat Lau or fintooer Or Fir., ant the Perna or the Bea land luhiart Navigation ea! Trnarportation. VI in. 1/..lobtotoq, ituii:faitZAn , Jacob Pain Ln. W. bleCllntoolt. Jas. Y. Tann., (.+.... matt:.. D. X. Park. T. th.i.., Isproul, Vi ads Ilar-ptou. A.J. Jon., J. IL 4 r,x, 113. R. OocealAn. A. A. °arr.'s., W. 9. upern. IA 11. /ALM. Prostiont.alon. Wll. 11./i)II3ISTON. Y. rraektent, BODY PATTKiltitm. Farratary A Tres.... A. A. 0.111.1. _ Age and Debility—As phi ago comes „...,1.,.,,„ u ., a belligantany attendant tuff:mitten, lAI or appetite sad voltr.era LIMPLIt . the ,herdtb• and leant of se - T.l.l[y mates tlip nand dimontented and TM , happy. In 000't where oil ace od,is Ita Isiluense. It IN &Moat iggposalhie to add Tit"-t' and health. and although, ruany,irsedlre have bien..tried• all have failed. Ural ThiliftffAVVA HOLLAND mirrns were Immen and need, In emu em, ober. they have been esiVored Ley have invariably given et:email and teetered them, -mite; They have Demme a greet agent for thin alone. and r..... Used by many people who are suffering from lon Drat:petite and general debility. In =my at long stand. to: abrunte distearea, they eat al a chum. Invigorating ---_ _. , -"' ' - • 'lOl 6 pct.. titus IPS .turo washer OTTottonit to 1A1:A".'1, 1 ,"...,.","Ty1kg5,' 1 1.'!".t.., 1 . 1 :T' - -' ' ' ' „„,„ t tr n .r physical Inturiee. Ural,., fflal ih ltla A 'This Ca .. • RCM INSITRAffetT, - 1 tilettl-tinand mainat porolmilng en imitation. To ie tit imp:Acton, be careful to ask hot PovrAorr's IN Oa IrMrdEl:i, CAAOO, PltlitollT.ta..n rut, tribe veal. ral ' ltafrrs. - INLAND LTIPOUSICIFit• .113 , .D.1d at El Ter bottle. er six tvttlee P. , r :S, Ls die Igo Goode. by WWI, Carrie. Laken and Laud Carriages, proprintors.ffffiL/Allilii PAWL JO-, .LV • Han ' , Vesta , to ell yarta of the Union. in- Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh. 11.. • and VIILS INSUAdff Mg . • Drusaleta gen...11r.. - aelGaietarg 0,, 1g.pg 0 ,410 0 T eem : m.lly. Cm Mee." 'wattle !lat.., ae. --- ----- -- ATTCM 'lf I. t;OI9MIT, 'MT. 101:. trot. Rave your. "etwataro of tho •Bosvolst.-1 good, pad airreggare., and P.salgemte...—..-.51.4.L0pt Mitadelphla Cary • 111 other L0arte......._....... gam° To iremPl mast. re:pert:4i: Invite•Lim n11.,...f-1,4 of tiles mass iv• Pant, naproadaanlLS.3ol , ooo CUM Ile-0101M h•nriaor raptor., erg. , itorreis to 0, i7 gA... ftirco.i . rable7-1 . - • - ;:.peal 10 did assortment of Trns ere et v oxi.ue Nat...xi...id to mg. - lea,4ao .7 g m h 0p u.. 0 4, •••••• .__ ......._ ... . .10.0.2,s qz) n 1 4 .7 en., applied and eatitdagtian a-never:tied. in every Teganee dna atAsermiae-Prer-iumann'si.6; • . ease, at in r rude, To . Lit Wroi. EtiveL Pittebnrgit. ra,. I ' Poll-Ite recently I a:med.-and ether debts due tbegompany 0 , 040 cO , at,. cfm.o.i.inkt..a 1:,....ur. Alm,. v.,./. T,,,,,L, a told by . Pubsrieuen tiotma_..... ........... ...- ...g........ 100;mx• GO .^ -, tl tv toned Total amount o. Amer, ------ tueeter RaMkar t`,4 2 11, 0: Vfestena Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH. Will Infmro agOnst iandf of Fitr end Mraino Risk . 21.WICod: Id Mlllor. Jr. Th 0 . ,..• BOOS. Jos. 1,, , 1,..,dr J. W .Butie[. I‘.. Nleolon-• Cleo. Dondo, • Andoon Ackley II W. Itleteneda. Re.th'l Holton.. C thaws, ti, W.J.J.Ison. J. Idee. o oddd ' Wni. IL Halt], WA 1n0... Irdititatlaaroananed t , n ',hem,. ..d known In add oodononnity, a nd who nisi liberally odn,dt Add Coc.lidli Par nll Invons nt the Ornaz, No. 23 id slee Wont. (nmni A I'''d CI dzabodade.) un eta4cd. kintsbwee. is4bo out! O [ORB. Ynencert AVM - situ Ciazo• )wirt Manuel C. E‘okta, :,11.141rT Mc... J6LIPS Tr. , 71 , ..tr. Mills= ITe. Jr.rhus 1.. Prlc... ..117,91TProartst, ..1..nr... It. 11.•Yet:.aL11. Ira. C. 1,4 , 4', Mule. I , /AMT. .1. T. Logan, 1111.4 I.T.i:L. D. T. Mon... .. 1t.1.113 11. &Intl,. .. Al MARTIN, Dina 511. 0. 11013 ri. Prrsidene. Ciiiiirro? emit . Eirrlitr Egpti:.• F.7f{,l PI., ft The Sidra or Trtgazio Tarr ircm Li. in rni. ilerulgl or noptnred rititlinoln ran bo onitsd br remitting runnel no‘i. tattling the inesymin orroni tin! WIN stririni the men.. I. on Ur ght or lett rid.. 1 &Iv mill son enarn Th". 1.4.011 or Body iir.atn, to the carp of l'rrn Inysgs uttrl, Vingkrgon.of the llbgit 1.1 "init..% Kir , Cnrogistnigrhan, god tor Irmtnogn dertntit.n anti ilrbilitated condition nithe ata , ningi Montt I B- t.'. • Imenn.", RI Warr, Pitlrba r a h . • •• • - )11.1n 1 Joneptt Hawn". Linumrl A. tkOAllf. Jahn U. Danis, Robert Bart', John R. 1..nr0., George G. LAIC!r. p.Jasd Dsrlin Jonee Broot.. J. G. Sobnwet., Jasese. Una& Tbonnhiln. Paulllng, In, R FIL neigh Onlin. WILLIA TLIOMAH lima ',rut., PfiLLADELPHILA Fire and Life Liminune Company, No. 1.44 CHESTNUT STREET, .OPPOSFIR tali CUSIOki Will make all kinds of Insuranee, either Pane:. er Limitad, o emery illaariptton of Pr rpfrti er ti =handl" at ressematllaratee or premium. 110111 CRT P. ILLNI:1, Freeland. - • Di W. IletnirrnlßßlTPOlta, Vice President_ D: Mae. P. Euro, ; r. IL Cope, B. U. Kuala.. Q. W. Ur 4 1 ,4 P. B. Palm'. lee. P. Paul, ll Pliernian„ John Clayirn B. J. !dogtrot, • B. Wl' re. P. BLactrene tietw , - A l. J. COTYLIi, Aiwa, ae Third an .I . 'W etT.L.. PIT'ESBUIIGH • Lifb, Fire 1k Marine Insnnuica Company; Offiee, Corner Market and WS* Stjeet° PITTEMIIROB, re. , 1 / 4 00T. GAL 1,41". Pr•skine. 'rnen thiditl-11.: t.c . y. This Company make') overy Insuranen np pnumme tom. eannecteci ern Lin 11.1211. n. Alen 0:40,:e0t. .Hull 104 CAM Litt% on tte Ohlo Ran- II kninnycl rO...rA .n 4 fa:lSt:Wien. nul Merin , : ntels A :en onnly Aringr-inet Leta or Darrr.go by Fire. xua :min.! the Peril, Otte nrs end Inlett . Neel:o:3,n end Tennesortntino le N' et ttn isnetAtentes non rletent andi nwicty 14 idt 11.11.1. 6.ll.ofeile: fitotaxt Oatx 4r , Anwpt. 0- q tunnel AlleClurke,, 1 Ja•bro ill lif nAll • . Joaeph P . : Onassta, A: 0 !Inn:dein 11. n John dent:. ttirt.lll. C han : ' Janne Bler:101, Dsell3lknery. WLIIOOI ' oor. .14113(4 W. Itniftuan. Robert U. 10401. OE.. ATlTOthllet., Jen. D. WOOL Veva:nee D•.41.,. 1 ale trieti-loZo HOWARD F I RE-Ar. MAR I N INSURANCE 00., • OF PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. Franklm Buildings. N 0.94 Water St. Asattorlzed Capital, Snoo,ooo. kIIOU NT OF PIT \L 1C,00,071. INT.WSTAD FOLLON , ', Wien Poo& and Mangle. on Property In tile ..It of . • 4155;01.10 Ricers ennto pat ::63.100 an rend Amount recuer:Al - by note; .............. I^ 1.10 Amount of Mat cmo en Coll ............. ............- 1,710 SUOUGLO 1![(13 (X/XledlY EFFvers lI:HURANCS ildigus, llgralaandiza; EoruKora Ll:unbar, ou V. eels, Cargo and Froight, to all Ports, and by Railroads; Lakes, and Mears. at eh. lo rnu t Ilatos,and upon the most Tern, guaranteeing . prompt Payment on the cd- Jultment or Leedrri The arestest amount to be Ural - nod on an, one Mak. Is $5,0c0, n I - RECTOR& • . P.M. Penn, 0. E. 2...1.3002.11.. Aar:X.lU; dem Mitts, Miele& fftova. If. It cone.llonatt, Ii Ifowell 13f0...1• Tneetwx, Free. Penna. 8.. It , 0 G ifoeue, Um of Boavr Darn*. Jona W. Iffnef,7e, fa or illwntt. Beaton f Inverthear, Ullman Maret,Chtef eo. 14=13 R. Porn. Conneeller at Lae., Wet. U. Lleon. Clem of Leech A 00.11. T llrrint. 1111.11ortreoff Freight Agent of Penna.ll R. Jos, k. *lmam, nun of Wither. A Peterson, Amen. P. Ewa W. Refonet. rem of Italnuel A Co., Cana. F. Moan,. nem of Vandroen. Noetoo A Co.. Joan /1. 1111/111,0, Cm of Lefesrde A Carron, Joe. Benne, IL N. Banocom, late Wllll anteon. ReletnEhe Cart. W. 11, WOODS. Poser. PERCIVAL M. POTfI3, Pteet. 0. E. APANOLER, Vine Preet. chenes at. the 114 of Dtrootorft of the "11owerd Ineuraree Co." meet of whom arecldely known as o=ooo the fleet boldness toen of PhPase!pb , eofllltrotablT cone V., amyle aesthetner of cootcrlt7 to the prtblia. A share of teeteentge Is reeneettollpsolltlted. THOS. (MADAM, Atent. Coins t 0! Water and Ideskatate.. 24 fkoo.rUtaufah. • oxi2eolydßl _ Reliance Mutual imam ante Company OF PIIILADELPECIA. 0117 CS NO. 70 WALNUT STRZRT. tor&d.sl7l.6l4—AsztOt.s . 42.oPit, &or:My linseed. INSURANCE-0o Bailthngs, Mer chandise. Yarnitnre, ite.. In team croon/1137. The mutimjprinAple. combinod with thesemenity of a Stock thibitelveritltles the lar.ired to ellen. In the pronto of theOompsnq withanat liability for lame. The Baird Oertlacates of this 0t0mp5,127.4q Fq_lN ere '4"'utibi. ' at a .. .. 1g 0 4N 9 ,1 - ZlTT ' Zk.t° ' '"'"'7. B. 31. Harmsen 'llearetorr• ruararents: Clam Tinder. I rAvis n. aante..-al.. • War. IL Tbeaysk. esorgett. raker. T.O. lEtneZalli. Zeal. W.lltinley. ti. W. carman, Z. Lathrop. - Haat gum .. • -'H. L. Canon, .- . ' UAL Dln. Itni/ert Toletol, Zdn.td O. Janice. . • /soma L. TitYler. Wm. e1n....t. Jacob T. Pliottn. Archibald Getty. • O. M. htnnvt. ' Iva. M.43,m. :Lyle, Pitta's. J. O. Oillitl.N.Atteht. neuter Third end Wood meals . Citizen's Insurance Comp 7 ot:.ritnitnargh -iP6I. %MAIM' Pristdara. ,DANDSL 0.r...143. ai MIME, BITTPIeY MUT IMOD STRE-JX.Y. • Ltl - .. wane Ewa . ars OAINIQE.IB,I3 ON nut ODD) AND aiIEJIBALgrr R.VIROB. AND tItIDOTAIEB, yxragr Len or Pariars Are. ILBO 40..4 as "eras of Ws L 214. and INLAJW IVAriasnon wall Tad N.SPORrirION. Ctaii.•ilfark flatoonh. Jahn S. Ulm Pazinocis !rands Ogler* Walter Oabs=t, Jas. IL 00aVar, WM. B. • . . . NOTICE. . . The Setekhilders of the Pennsysvanta In NE's' MUSIC—I heart: again' those silveSy th 0r:; r 7 t e . TT E ...... „,. .7. , ...f Tron,oLo.,,,,,..trf..s.Tho.y.n_tirr.i.sos7i..ts:: .rr..,a,..,,t55......_.L,.tt0tt..r.a...,....,i.51v.,r..,na; will be bald on 11011DAW. ilit 31. daT 01 Burereber./ 556 . extueen tit • hours <4'lo .'clock I, Y. andl o'clock r. 3L. I - gritmkri...tThee-hsr.d..ll ti ,m; et the efe,e of Fuld CW2D.T. N. 63 F.Urtb 6t- 6 , SAVd•t 6 t • mew; 6 . 6'66Q"'..-j i ! 3 ".. 1-I ‘. , aher ,/7 :in, 1110 A. A,' CARR! VC; Szereterr. 1 . tg g .. rd ee bY te n Allate -a_ Cutlet. ka erogenic eons s. LT. deo. 47. l'hillips . t :art; . . _._. know VaTallerro are changed) 110' , 1 .. . The tong n 1 enher Teara-leaclu UT* Wcode-NTAxems• 0 0 iiT GH SYILITP I 'v, ben last the Aprll bloom ......tr,o„..„_mulike.. • FLO:ITEM MB OW ~ . ...mamma , / Prayee(hltuzen Andw-ht) dnett-Wr. : ;cocat. ceide. Coen,' Wree•pe•:..-^erg., Ble , r.linn 'Lungs AThbh. ee - say that thou art Xor-loniter , t0.h,... Ennetitl.g. r.n2ntn.,.. iSoclzeri F...re , ; ••Tellout. AnMe fond 1111:116. 6 -.111VDMI to Wallace's , . I 'L''''' C ' r. "'" Ale' l "" 111141". ' 46 ''' U"' Unrorlitres"tiVonill'Prolkag;"Eo'in;%ls7g Ter be Polka: Ilarate Chen' ; Bobolink 'e - ~-11eeltitionWolita-le U /Uown: ' Cordella - . Gillerietle _ " Illnetta Pelts: • ' Dr. , Geo. fhillirs,' . Abell& u Oranee PDX% di it-senre,ChTtee: , ' line - .Wee Amoureues ( Morten [ . dllnocero) Onetate , ' AI I A L , ..W A Tie I. N 1 ~:r 1111 r . tatter . i Marche lierolerse '' - '• , - RAIN "PAN.A.CRA,. Ls Selo. yes Fees. (1310 F.704/1 Dome.) W A Klan: ! The Er. Wog new, (1,.. 3-L.,. do 1,01. r.) 0 A Osbuta: roll. ERE 11.B(.1.BY AND COP.% Or I Le Role de \ retro Ua-fantsseis 1 The °auger.: r ,,,,,,.. N . w e r j, i,,,,,,t,kuni Bdellm. - Fleur/110 i 34 I:Ztatll Carettensumes-ilenn Baran.: FUN,. Pains In tio - Al 'le, Chest. Bank aria Flue% ; Norma In 3 numbers-for two werformers-. 1 A Gat.; -The l'l,...nite 13'..16 `. .. • ZI rintatere- Or ell,' end Pelure I Joints. Weak Esel. . j.e. Benet; ~.,= p , 5,,,, trumkt, Sprains: Ad ' . Zink Zingle ltedoca• ts-ze. 6e:tuck's Much: .. U. th:.oxintio who .Lase noel mess Ileklielnet teen.-. . ~Ti,m,,,-.,,,.. a.,,,, um jnein Eao . t , L.. , tise , r iurellent m....».11A by • continuants of their um- • 1.... A Walker's civil milllione , with r a rer Allure.. 'e-ee trot - , 4111 vithttlaist- To tot-ere who bare • not rdnd tn.zt A - el:nu/4 fay TRW , l'; T 6 O ' er u e4:l. l the tors THEM sn4 tho' will Std them to be all theT are Tr ,. ; o,b, , ; .t...1.,,,,,d (.1..,1 th.sy; will AvA with Vidgiaaif mt.gurectite end nimillsffecus %cake, to Irbleh user I ides SW czmotantlr Wag ed.3e , l; fmg A . 8,0, Vow.. To.e.t.. Both; Presbyter/•• and Eplseon•ll3ortyle or Butal•sviou. Carter & Bro. N. Y., and Neson A Ban, Unarm. lnbles—a veer tine and lain, assortment et %MD/. Pulpit and Dee ,, t Wks. do.. Amermen zu.l. European oliticres In Alai, and e*.exent Undltge. and at wit prime. Itiev varieties a Wleg. Letter and Note roDire. Pith • ebolee stritrooot et f•oeTße..a7mny. and mini aim artleies too numerous to &lent:re. lei IN eU Pop. BOOM seemed atom has alio been al a MM wortment of Fine raper Baum/no. Borders. toad rep,-.3slndiw Chides. Curtain Fame. der.lerS, • full stoei of Bd:001 . I °o' s ? r* Prr !' a N'' reZinteu - . • Orders rentspay .11•48 tenoitts as 32 ILtibiezretts. EtRANGER'SAIh.r CORN. COB AND lug azziaimizt. 11111 opylon • ploat 1,...g fdt b 1 y v .,.... , 1 U .4w:turn tbablbi sarfebbly•hp•u, ..et, durable. cm bcoorstotby • Limbo bone at/ *lll ,ectla trerm /0 v. 10 b.O, big= sad cob per hoar, awl bay sp.ei entire ysipnbotira wipp.mar lt:b.s• tam imql. ~ Pleyst• by: :.11.111=9 t COLL/N.S;NQ /LI W 0 ,4 4.- VNBCIREENS of the most hardz i Mie- NCa th , sill 17 ILM CO INt o ;~~ -__ A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ar ATER It&PLE, Engl And American v Larch awl sit oil= klad• of Orramsztal ~ c Ehado Trove, for solo 117 - 110L31S8 LUIALN jOTATORS- 200 bus. llacinuaraako Mi parlor PotstcegjtFt reed !Jul ftrge s tA r . ' inset, ,o- ^ = or Nrc , :ed sni Ere lib74sl,lets. UCKWILEAT FLO II ban& attl for sal/. DT ____ : URN MEAL-200 bus. to afriretuid for mleb7 re ItEiS k IMAGER. - - 117 3 11--. 20 ckg Bleached W. AVh2160i4. - 7 16 floploust • deo Winter o h traluid Lard .• .4o Dark WoleGS dacticoor OA bona azd for side br lIMMICE STONE-5 casks for Bala by 1.1. A. PAIIBTOCA , , karnerl TLN izet na at& LE or.c.EN KONE-15 bbra for ago by .e • D. A; FAILNESIOCB d OP CI C. SODA-200 kegs for ado by 10 • nc.7 I IL rmiNim"axr%.reo. PLAIN lIA for oow to 30( '&l4 It: WALLACEI,GARDNER, Genuine Preparation.: or OONCII-NTRATID 0.1 . 41P0027D . WATID Fn• cr ch. Bladder, Etdonts. Dram. C.E•r!nirrinnz. end al Lrisiset • Alit:fug ism Execs.. wad I:num:tenq in me: w halt , taltln.T In • . MALE OR FustALE , r,pfp PhIIATIT CMSe the, tn.T hnre nrlnlnntnA, And no Matter of Haw Lang •emneellng, Gitioo J 7 W. and M Vigor to e hto t he ha PaOLi (heir. . JOY TO TUE AFFLICTEDI:I It craee liervcus mini DebUltatod s[l!fareta. tied remove. all the Symptom,. anoolog w n kaieltsr 111 to round Inaicollion to Exextivo, /.... or' Pour, In! ct Igemnry. akmoolty of BettalUnr. Gearral 17k1.103na. horror I . :f_ltr. tatv!iccatt a;I: •-7,—TreniThg.. T4o i!dr of tit; 4 . g.fl i tt%l-ra;lgi. s. l l ll . eYr 2lllll ttote of the phiemlar hystairs. Often Enormous Appetite. Dyaratiorellaytonia. Hot Mande, Fltenlste et :he Body, Dreneea 01 theßlin. PaltrlOanu. tmanai and Eruptions on the Yam Pain In the Back. Hs/wines. °CU , . Woolide., Frequently— Black lie.. PtTing . . team the Eva, with Tem porary Bulla.ant and Lots 0101011: r Went or A ttention, (heat Motintf;•Beellermesa. with Horror of accisty. Nothing is more desirable to sorb Patients than no!itude , and nothLag ; they more dread for leer or them-. • e mat repooeor sane nee, no es.rnectriseli... eecalatlors. Dot a Ilurrie4 TrantlClOn Ironton. quota= to another. iil,ll,ls7.dMnN 11 allowed to go ore—which this medi • aloe Intallatly roan —ota n felons' Lou rf Power.' rd• teisy, ead apdysta: ens or which the pa 'ant may , r pp.p. Who con ray that theta etateSte ere act fteautelt• ly loilotredby Moen direful diseastoi-rhstanstY. shin t rumption? The reward, at the Insane Aryttiten and the melancholy death! , .aransigfon, bear ample wltnepi .to the truth of these aer anions._ Intl/natio m ,the 'moat minanclioly eXhibitiOn •Pnatn.... The , conntemence Is actually /sodden and Quite destlt ate—neither Mirth or Grief evert:ea it. Should a sounder the eo:Ce artier. it Is rarely erticalat,.. , "With woeful mensura can deenair. Low cation rounds his grief beguiled!' • Debility la molt , terrible and has brought...Otos:panda n.'tholumnd• to =timely mimeo. •thes Citation. the embltima ormany noble youths It tan Be cured by the we of (tIC hVFALLLIMC ,adMEDY. • (Ilea are eafferrina Witt any If the INSYS Mattes:hag ailments, the FLUID EXTIC,447 nticilvfxm eve yon.' Try hand to conett-ed erns agleam • EI:15:11215 OF QUACIZ 24 , 0•528 Ull3 - AND .(4C:ACK DOCIORS, Una fel.), beeat of abilities and reference.* Citinene amen and atoll them, end ears Long Suflortur. at mon usd ikerzonre, by outlast or calling,cr battle . or this Popo' and epecific ItemedY. •• Italians all patfrandlollatur.atinn, is rattertly Plea/mat In Is team .1 odm. but Immediate Snits action. • itrimsows EXTRACT .BUCIIII Is nreneend alreatly entrs-d. Ing theEhlernf PLI.d.IIU.Ser ANDCILMISTRY, IV ith the oonteet e1 , ..:.1:1:1C7 sad (ThezaPslknonlinlge and eon desot,4 in Its entabtr.atler- Pre:Neer Drirr.r.' Vsioabie works on the •Pmetles of Phyla, Ana moat of the late Etahtla.-11iForkeof Medicine. • • - . VS-LS/00 • Con bun rirrd donate' iil be held to any Pbyegran Otto can owes ant the liodietno rCre Injured a d'ati.d; 0.1 the tritinienr crib:mean-44 ran be brodrund to prove that It don "amt Loot. Caseert trout one weak - to thirteen years' etandind here been o.Terted. • The rasa of Volta Lary Teet4non y stma leloo. or the Prulnistor, yonebbeg IWO:toreand corailreaonte s to trnue..4, Pnown to APOWNCS.O.N.O FAKE. • /00.000 130tide9 .11:11 , 13 Been Sold, And met it olinits ientenre arralinte hex hem reported! . Personal, nopenrel berore Ine, an Aldermen or toe ell of Ptiliedelphia.ll.T. IitaMPOLD, Cbetalet. who Coin only onorn dcee rep. teat td oreparatton contelne n Nareottt. Mercer or 'hind,. urns. bra MI pnrely V. getable. 11. T. lit' 11901.33,, Eed, Alanuritettrrer. 9 worn and rube:tit:4A before, nae tnit=d day or Noy., bey. 1053. WU. P. lIIBBABLI. Mermen, ner inottle,'or Mx for t 931 Delivered to • • • • any Address... • • . Ar.ntpantedhrterlaoto and respontthe Certtfloateefrect Profesaye rdedl74.lirlepes. Clergymen end o th ers. Prrpoted and.eold tor , ritINSOLD. Prentice' nod Analytital Cbentiet , No. 02 pawn Tenth mt., bolow Chesnut deseme biT ikr9l!!Lr?g,ti:k!..a. AL7,—,To oftai Druz irm I e an Seh Pfr d Doane thronahont the United Email , . Cen•dee en tri •ViO , ta. IIcItTrARE 01. Corvrlrck.ElT' -S3 Ask for. Helmbolds—Talto ho Other. nOvIIVITS CilLl:d OD ILANTKED. Uoard of Trade. • , -1 , 11 - E regular monthly Mediga of the As. eo:L tlnS. Ito held m211111+1% tt.. ' "rth fart it 0£ r, U. RIDDLE. ked.r. lIY LESIMON . BROODEN, Bc - .3l.7a.ntivs.w.tte.q.E , • QNITCIESBAY, 1.16. November,4Bso, at io'clott, at aka anclion 'ton,' tva B=tralartl 69000. BAGS - PRIME - NEW RIO aimEN co PIER.. "Veavms Pact... - 1:67 , 1M0N .t BROGDYS. CAW+ gues and tamale. will l'.. MAST the dr/ PraTtotts natdst rEattlataso , 4...tt1ean.3 • - • . I ANTED—'at the -Dragoonltendeavous; V V No. 65 Fatith field err. e. rlttttrurnht Peel . 1 Mundane for the Ftve Mounted hentnannte n led ntttee Army. Prrlod el enlistment At: Inn ra. Far tent 112 to <[e per month, new -Tabu' to Inusinna Went, kn. hal:Hunt tord,elettanat rue!, nuartere, au; turgnehed by the (InvArnment echht:ea Stature, and n`-11161 to neat Intalhlt or. no Mho:tune. The tuoade •05 =ouated. Ano—ttr the Fame Iten,lnente. bops. oier the age of fourteen Tette. to loam thu rusfee and Tratinot. Pns 113 r.r month, and eget Mtn it found, root,, .1 for the mutt:lst, Vortent of tweet, cr guardian 15 necetnssy finel the annennent =vent, • • ottf;dtl volt SALE—Two 0,16'd gamily .itprsee, mit 'hie for beat, drench:. • , . nnire at the NA.Tltitial". LSI7,ERY =ABLE, cn FIRS f, N tan tinIITIIELtiLu etrret. • - nod vrk BAGS PRIME Oman. Rio Coffee in tyttcre aid for gas' Ay zen , - OMULEY,CORISAVS & • 350 HAL F CRESTS of Tta, embracing Young Upton, Inparlea. Goa trawd