The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 01, 1856, Image 3

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    ,ti~!.t~ef~wuwn _. . ~
.._ -:-i...caste -.:-C7.'2!y.:'3uSAtltr^i~'F
turigaDAY MORNING, N0v..185.14.
-COttar. on Oran asp Tramtnzn; Qraina n
ntena t dni-4ndge AUClure and Associates on
the Bench:
The jury ht the ease of Com. ye. Joseph IL
- sou an d yand 'lnk police °Mom, returned
Into Cmst yesterday, with a verdict of faun
of assenit Amid battery. Tho' defendants were
_ •
_ • Alexander Al'Candlese of the Sixth Wrd; was
arraigned for assault and battery upoze:oath.of
Koesnstil Fox. The complainant , was a tenant at
••' will bf the defendant; be served upon her a
- thee to quit which she did not observe, and on
• • the first of April he forcibly ejected her from the
premime. The complaint •is that ho used morn
. • ;
ferns thsn was necessart to eject her. The jury
= plalrALT the, prosecutrix'a husband,
yamph Fox, to pay the coats.
Alexander Kelly and A. A. Decker were ar.
reigned to answer an ifidictment for assault and
• • battery with intent to kill, and assault and bat
eery. The complainant, John Freunholta
erd that 'ma tho ovining of the 211th of Jaly he
trite on Butler street, Lawrenceville, going home
fHq ront .a party where halted been playing music.
sits two men walking just before him. A
• •
little Author - oh they stopped by the fence, and
eald that be should play_ mimic for them, and ho
said.he wouldn't play as it was too Into, lie
. ' knew by their voice who thoy were, but not so
well by their face. Kelly was the man that
;trunk him. [The interpreter got mixed up at
this point, which will amount for the unoonnao
tednesa of the two kat stutencea]. There were
two men there before be was attack. They
blackguarded him; they were gait° close to him,
he couldn't toil who: the two were; never heard
the voices before; they were standing near Nil
' kinson'a atere. right in a tense corner; he told
• the raelatti didn't Valet to tight; they told him
again ki play, and said they would treat him;
tee diked one his name, andhe aid it was Kelly;
~.[one of the defendants was pointed oat is the
person who said he was Kelly].
The Man that epoko had a beard on. lie was
quite clone to-bias; the.- night was dark. The
other man tboll tore the shirt off him; his name
- la Decker. Joeoph Thunderstorm was with wit
nun. A man named Arnusburg was there too,
but did not see . the eeturreuoe. The witness
took the middle of the street and started home;
• be went on a piece, whoa the same two shipped
him next to a blacksmith chop; they asked hint
the reason why he didn't play, and he said he
wanted to go home. Kelly mid that. Decker
wilt there and said nothing. Kelly was very
Artutk. No one was. with witness there; but some
atepe behind. . I Fusin the middle of the :street
when I wee stabbed. The defendants were 'about
7 tam's:tape from" him;, they bad linked arms; he
:WaSistabbed in the stomach; and witness showed
the jcrynn Egly scar.
He da'nt say a word to anybody before he
wan blabbed; ho told his companions to go for c
doctor. Kelly wanted-to come bsoir, but Decker
took bun ca; they then:ran away together, 8317
Kelly reach'itt his pocket for a knit,, and after-
Wards saw the blade of the knife; he went to a
house in the neighborhood, and ( elated- Some
person was brought to him that evening and
naked him if that was the man; and , he emit lin.
'-._ ..- was not, as he had not the same
lacirett worked nuy sines; ho i 3 a steno cutter.
:Decker dld'at tell him his name that night.
:Kelly denied his name and call it was Al'Cleakey.
Thewituess went seer and pointed out one of
ahe defendants as the man who stabbed him, and
the other who was .with and went away with the
. Man who stabhed him. There was nothing said
-': by eny person to keep Kelly from crabbing ht
.'. fore, bat afteiwards Deckai•
•• i eycrsy
Theyleft their shirts 'and 14-.. is; • -5
The whams was subjected ;to . mocking
cromexatoluation. . • . .-•
TheAlmmunwealth occupied the 'entire jay,
"but - nothing now was'elielted.
I '
cars no . Two '-auenrotts.--Joserph Brickline,
, awaiting treatet.-o for Grand Larceny for meal
... ing goods Iron. Rosenbatten's clothing atone,
ertyatreet, and, Richard 'Smith, awaiting trial
for Burglary, harioglrolren into the residanco
M'Enight, Penn - street, and atealkip
therefrom & large amount of jewell7, twice
in escaping from jail about half-pant twr
.7eaterday monaing.`vi
telt which hor
tram !boleti l'atr it was oar
- ell for many months; and
44 1 40 :atuariona byaottal
thwaell - tris.thorooghlyaj f
• '
eon, and by him, declared - to
daubs. of thlemosaktesperate
atamece! upon this:statement,'
of most careful cool eigitat
2;', , tierltiagitatlou in looking Oho. prism.
ell /ass B asorklay„th6y- - wero fa oho)
wade protiiona -attesulif to' ceaspr
• 449 itialled Co Lunch' that.iktoagh
- ed the itha4lPo The osampo!
::fhtff . atioaop• match to the rata 6
WletkliiiiilliO;Vairn JP,
ttal he has kqt up Ili tST ti'
:get t i fan t ) . Tate:thief
, ?.8 1 ? 1 4tinil:
sn by
. oita" .
ad op the on
cei,fauta thecae:
three-foartha • o
ich they nasenstic
, then„Teithout trifEactlty,
Itetup thcirlied, and .
thevio2r, for IMF:pupate
ttie.isW ploto upon the door.
ttiey had no' farther &facial
) stone hod hien loacieked off
sides, a horve-thief; fearing
it. eight , inehoe.-„Their bed
.ily transformed'into rope*, by.
Which they let them:eel:yea into the Jail yard.—
They-had still a high wall Ifetween them and 111 a.
" erty:: 'On the top of that well,. however, there
was a heavy ridge, and the plena -of woods;
labiathis (gleam _ tied to the -end of rho rope
and threw ever the wall, ought there, and were
.L. held 'securely- They then in turn pulled them
- relveativ The desqnx wmegeeted in the same I
:,..--• • Tho pets: ere chose the time for their descent
Yvette:a - the watehauus wail on the other ride of the
-- 'left•• . ripen Ida returns he saw the rope dang
ling from the Wall, and • Immediately gave the
alarm, ~, , 13nt the prir.onera had mado-good their
•'.. • '!, . Ther; - 01iD be no blame attached to •the `col-
tiers of the jaiL The only person whit can be
.„- :.reteetettilnfal at all lo au etone-mavon who re:
_- • Petted-the all, la negleotieig to run itad around
; the Boinisa.whlctiliidd the bolts, end. then. rev
pressentithecell tebe entirely salare.
.., ng. - .
DRAilf 07 ran' OEIGINAT: COkrlDrimi,
'The voimywictims of inmddence guinea doubtless
feel eliMolotoroit the originator Mem: ,
J cdnld not come any game I
• ,` of thee aert'leith ~ :.tfeatbiati :Willtis.lioen 'from'
". • . the fallowing ttenifrottilhe4leiv Trf tune
''Thompoon, alias Davin, with niamerotto other
names, ea occaaloo required—the ceigten . t eon
.man—receolly -died In n fit, while nerving
ant a: term of two yearF, Impri, , ,cument in Sing
Sing. His remalna paned thrinigh this, city, on
the way, to Greenwood, Ceatiitery for interment.
Thin, noted ludlvidual waa Viet arrested in New
Tork'(iisiti-theisrost Offze,e), come eight years
ago, lee haling 'came th , J oeufidenco - gatae over
Avalle=eo,, front, whOm . obtained
=May; gold watch er., Vic., which, .of course, the
owners Sorer eaw f r ipths.. He wee and
contented to the ?,late Prison, , from - - which he
ablebaliell' ever , tvro years ago. Some
- s ow:abseil:toe rnompaou, under:.the Jst's° of
. renewed- his old Arleta' ega Ciro, hot
the work' buogioilli, AMA be was caught
lt; lie, obtaimed poesession of time gold
ilratelltelef;to isieWelvr in theßowery,moder pre•ii
tape/ Whiblog to liorelieseena; but oraSSingil
the wiser aittCtly-enickirite, he pawno4 line of
dempleisee fors 'small 'meant. Ile ' was
detented, , end attested for this offence.
Thompson pleaded guilty sod was "sent up" for' .
lye - years. Balsa left rolativea of On highest
i..rosneetabiliti." • - ,
,or War GitA3TED.—The Cialhoil Cr
Ustabes i ler bcanagb has grotted the right of
way, thr ugh Problo street to the Cleroveed nod
!--;-,Plttebragh Itaihnad. - The ordinance authorizes
the Company to centavo!: a single track. of rail
*r.rtiatt along and' over. Proble street , from the
'...noitliond of the isatae.'o Wolnitt eine', and from
thence, with one .or mare, acacias, to the Ohio
-firer,- with, authority to,grado Ohio and Preble
between Woluat Wild Spruce atreote, in
ienah is Manner: NI may.. ha neetwaary to connect
tlih -toad with the - Oirieeriveti the Company to
sten a bridgeoter Attains atreorfilly feet wide,
':add to folly proteoeftlio Water table on the crate
-Zatreots. *The Company's oars or Joaotootlved are
‘'..ttotitt say time to exceed. a opted of foar miles
' an .hour within the boroogh Malta, and are to
are colto - or cost for motive power. -The rolling
- stork It not to be entered' to remain for any par
poet igtattier to each sipoettion sa to interfere
with the tummies and travel of- that:litotes no.
der aleoh penalty' cc may. by hereafter 'ordained
ford enacted by OcantiL Tho termination here
pr.thir-improvomont will)* highly advantange
,0 , 91' to the already thriving boro of Manchester.
. ,
BOYe PAIIADViI..—The )Cu;ng
instating' of Pittsburgh, AL'eglasoy and tho
somulling Wrought, will have a 'procession today,
-eommeaaiag.nt half peat test Volooh o. la. The
proangon will form on the elogort lot
infrosT.,-17i Tao fairly insugarated yea.
.4srdsl morning by the Evart:ll of anow In 1860.
• 26e vesther van oplkanongh to pall Into requis•
Ulan !rrisk Arco and ol4tlsing.
Tin Ores ANO Teiounre, Quarter &Wow,
Vomit= Pbm, ard - corpbee's Cowl_ stet the
Court will be In moon today tor age
• .•
EDGOATIORAL.--The Allegheny County Educa
tional Association Will hold ite regular monthly
meeting this morning in College-Dell, oposite
The Gazelle office', Prof. Dean will looture p . The
following is the queatlon for &cushion: "How
much should pupilo he allowhd to play out of
COMPLUILITARY.—Miss Annie Jackson, daugh
ter of Col. Jaokson, of this city r has boon • elected
a testator in one of the Public Schools of Phila
delphia, after passing a creditable examination.
DIE orteßaiD.—The traverse juries in the
Courts were discharged until Wednesday, in or.
der that they might cast their votes on Tined& •.
LECTIIIIII 07 MCIIDAL—fie noderstarld that
hiouteay, the hatless prophet, has secured Wit
kia's flail for a lecture to•taorrow e►ealag.
WE would call attention to the atirortioement
of Mr. E. Cunningham, in another column.
The last numbers of Frank Leslie's illeretrated
Paper have come to hand. In etyle and general
appearance It resembles--and is quite equal to
--the London Illustrated News, whtoh ie world
renowned for the excellence snd variety of its
illustrations. The Now York paper, however,
le sold at half the prioo of its London prototype.
The engravings in Frank Leslie are infinitely
superior to those in Ballou'e
Freston, Pa.
aro e.autioned against purchasing articles pre
tending to bo of-the nature of the , Balm of Thou
sand Flowers,' for perfuming the 'breath and
beautifying the complexion. The popularity of
of that article has brought forward a host of
counterfeiters. None, genuine unless signed
by Fars/mon & Co. For sale by all respecta
ble druggists who frown down oonnterfeiters
and impostors.
Fremont had os mini friends as am Mustang
Liniment, the opposition amid not draw a oor
pores guard,'Vdr. Fremont remarked, in his
dii.Pdhik.e - .oY:evident Fillmore, while ewes.
portint . Innis and (tittle over the plains of
Mexico, "That if the Goverruneut would send on
aliberal supply of Mtistang Liniment, it would
sue 2r." per cent. of his' lassos." Thie is very
I important for all, Faimers and Liverymen to
know. The Mustang? Liniment le a wonderful
eirtieTo.for Man or beast. It should always be
used for Bores, Swelliege, Stiff Joints, Barns,
Bruises, "Rbeentatlo Pame, Flo., and for Gelds,
Ild_prattut, 'Spaying, Ringbone, upon horses.
stations. The Slustang is sold by
der• *where.
Alasp ums
a ona,
a L tba aid o
Lica anat.% td
ttrfaralgy bawdy ail
DM and explbitabrocv
_moatbe strictly
t w o
epard nae,.
modes mar twtly caL.
• • PZICASLCO na Ffax;abd
=17 4 A. - t jab rat *Jai tt
sbdtt. - Pb..T bill =MAP the wad.
and Debi tbn PttL bp maid no pawl
Every Tenth
, .
- 400 kautiftil Gct d Wataboe. -
" 100 Rosesroid L erm' Pianorortez,
Ladies' , Bribelete. -
Watcli.Chaine,ltreast Paw,
~ Diamend, Rings ind• Silver Spoons to be
• . AWAY' stocese which. as
theenblictoor.LESL7X3 ILLUtiVA
NEWIWAPSB. which to tow - deadpan+, mooed
:urea the 'Proprietor has determinerito retorts to
inthentbere aPardon of !flap:nate ns the fallowing
ettant 462 :6l ft iLaS i VtrOe ve 4 4 - Za t u ltP ly .
61;tOM . filewill• - •;;;•
money rettg - r a the vmer ven t t
ar eft Iltirattui when .
they remit and Twelve Month. add , ahoy remit 51
Every tobpsilgrtkon, as it is' ref:Wired, by letter 'or ottwr.
eels. et hit oilisl2 errors attest, New York. out Do rep
leered Is • boot kept by the • Proprietor btruseli.
Thi Prize numbers wMlbelo. Mr, 00.40. De. 67. 70;19, 00
and 703 to each banded. Vastly obtaining one of the,a
humbeal will have nil, mono, returned and the p.pir
rent nee, an above.
Person* ontaielng the follatttog totes , . In over.
thousand, In additioa to the return of their .tubmorlor ion
Whey aa above, will reedit . . thelloiiowlng miser
NO. 100, ihnly'a Gold ,Braoelet.
200, Gentlemen's Gold Watch Chairs
300, Gold . Watch (either Lady's or
400 Learn Gold Chatelaine.
.600 Bet of .911rer Tea Spoons.
'6OO, Gold Broset•Pin. I •
700, Gold Watob (either Lady's or
• Gentleman's.)
SOO, Diamond Ring (oilier Lady's or •-
.-. .Gentletnee's.) : •
• 900, Bet of fillvor Dessert Spootor.
1000, Grand Rosewood Piano Forte.
Mete Drinawill Deese', to the twee number. in earls
and every &b00m.% In addition to the seacriptlonmlon•
- .1 relog seturad and pstdri rent free to each and every
tenth auluerlbar, aeatteee 40.4.1 •
• hie sub,mlDUan book wad otehod Ootober IU. Mad, in
• ebb, all (Wore sabecrintione a Il be mastered.
Every hereon whien le .retcrued, or wt.., Is the
ratiolent of either of ttie *tiro p iker. will berroul net to.
famish an acknowledgment pf toe same, and then...mos
will by published from Menlo time la the sicertlsthir
_Whit. of I.rstleerlineirateciNertegaper.
It shcosid be Woe Lt rotatthat arty subscriber, 'radar
.11 circumstances. whether tbn recipient of • MI, or, cum,
will get mere that foU 001111001095 for his money in the
Tatar Itself Thle Is the only Illastrith.l 00Iraps,xr in
the United Btaten
ettmatee.—Persona sending us lEieren Aube:titers are
certain to receive beckons anormittioe and hare^ rhino ,
far two for la
numb on the resales of the claims enbemill.
Limo, the last number Oa the boat might be 90—The
eteven sublitional antimi Deis will Men Include two prime.
lu our bowie fcc-treio.AHYENTEr.ri
61.1 it ES OP LAIRD, sltnatod In Worn and Guthrie con.
tare, lowa. Choice land. nartlallt if timbered, well
ed told in the Co.l Bag lon. groin coal on a nortlo n
fhe timer reside. In Chic hat r Prepares to gtre
very Deft Ibtreterecrm In the cit7J and wilt mount n f•re ,
derv. - Thin land IA not =yin ttie nolahherhood of pro.
jeeredllaaade. Niels 480%11mm/rm. lava, and being In
lb. 04. ) Darriot 1, ... 1 1 worth! lb. *twat= of parlors
Y legit as thno seektna♦Prottsble Ineowaent. Ihlm
WO to diner cae). TILAAFJ.X is RI OS HY.
N lRS AnlnAs A vf l ei N tig i t ffi reinall
!varied and for pal. . 'JOB. FLMIENGT.
or2B earner hlaskat 164 and the Diamond,
fIONGAESB WATER-70 dos of this oole-
J /aged Montt Wattr jail& reed a•td for , Rid@ St
-_ JOS. 11,101114CP71.
attd NAVBrushesof
iL AN kludg; ciao, a istre egAartmont. cr Bulisto Horn
and Qum Eluttanwsing I.lorabs A,r ala at.
.7.araiaRS 7 AkITITE . AI/I,sffiiiiiiiti;
e...)1V1E Sea the bet seenrtment qn the' Weer, 0 , every
!Who in %belles et TV RIPS, moo awaburt4.
L A ars. moho to:, at the slusteade 1116.1141011.
043 arEehtth. !Mite[. _
W BTU. bblti; 30 hit for eyle by
, cers J. B. CANP/I.Lb
en Laza ind for A LIX:BiIiCI.
- 61816 - rmir CodfuM. arim
).rtida, reed KAa pants ALEX.
LtIBIPOILTED CAUSTIC 801)A-,-A pare ay . :
NA ofXhQILL 04.amtie Endo,: 24.ptid Loth* taloa.
•or 011 band sod En ails by ALEX. ZINO.
NITRATE OF SODA-4350 tulge liittnte
pi Minutia toe gilt bl •L=. SIMI •
Dare's Zdascusarma Casson; Armanotart
The eadgenoica of this age of expanded act 003"
&rated contmerce has invested the art of keep
ing SCoaccatir with the dignity of a /redeems, and
no person aspiring to eminence In the mercse.:
file profession now thinks of entering it without
a systematie (loans' of , commeralal study. In
this department of education the prinallog of
this long established institution has earacd a
repalltlen as a practical accountaat, as a mer
chant, ea an author sad ne a teacher, which
gives tho graduates many important advantages
over thosa of,unknown teachers.-
A Lama end enthusiastic meeting of the
friends of Fremont and Dayton, was hold et
Texas in this:countyon Thursday evening last.
Able and eloquent speeches were made on the
occasion by Ci IV. Robb and T. ti. Kirkpatriok.
AfaniDemciorats were present, a large num.
tier of whom 'Are beginning to thluk John C.
Fremont a better Democrat then Semen Bath.
alma; especially as the latter had eo mach dif
acuity when a Federalist, to find " One drop of
Democratic blood in his reins."
birO/KATI77 ADAM= A 3tvanansi.—Coroner
Lowry yesterday made oath before Alderman
:Major against Kramer for the murder of Tor
rence Clark, who.srae killed in October 1854.
No bill had ever been presented to the Grand
Jury. Clark wee clerk at Agnew's-Glass Works,
Fifth Ward, arid Kramer had been engaged there
es a laborer, but wse discharged. The difficul
ty occurred in making a eettlement,in the course
of which Kramer etsbbed Clark to the heart.—
The murderer has never been omitted.
RiZl , otaimrpe,
- The Election Udine.
Importaxt. to tkore who send t&s elett Taunts
--Bend the whole number of 'otos, cut, for the
electois °teach preaidential candidate: .51alcri
tiee are not, auffieicut: In casco where it is im
pomade to fend promptly complete returns by.
States or coantiee, send as acetified' returns no
possible, end an careful midi:Cates aftlie halanoo:- .
Elkton throughout the country will graytly
facilitate the collection of the returns of the imp
portant election next week by - publiching . the
above notice every day until Tuesday-
Arrival of the Asia.
New Your, Oct 31.—The steamehip Asia
ban arrived with Liverpool dates to the 18th
inst. The rteamship %Legato° from Philadel
phia, and the Kentonese from Quebec arrived at
Lirerpool on the 16th.
CONNZIICIAk —The London money market on'
the 17th was decidedly mere stringent The
brokers' circular dated Liverpool, Oat. 17th,
quotes the Cotton market an active and clostrig
firm. Pricee were stiffer, but the quotations
are u.nohattged, middling quotations are mostly
loquired for. The sales for the week have been
78,000 bales, Including 14,000• en speculation
and 8000 for export. The sales on Friday even
ing were 10,000 bales, of which 8,000 were for
speculation and export. The Molting quotations
were.fair; Orleans 7}; Middling Orleans 6 Nl6:
fair Mobile G;;-; Middling Orleans 6 7.16; fair
Upland's 6i; Middling Uplands 0 7-16. The
stook of cotton at Liverpool was 661,000 bales:
of which 404,600 were American.
Benantrrovra--Wheat is slightly dearer, and
corn exhibits a slight improvement; corn is ao.
tire and hen improved 6401 e. The weather
continues unfavorable for the crepe. Messrs.
Richardson, Spence & Co.'s circular quotes red
wheat at 9s 3d0,93 4d; white 10e 31.1010 a 63;
Western meal flour 300(333; Baltimore and
Philadelphia floor 830345; Ohio 36@37e;
low and mixed corn 33s 6d€134!.; white 85e@li5s
Priovisiosa.—Beef is quiet and pork doll; ha
! con is steady at 75e; ashes are steady; pots at
44e 93650 e; pearls 45.9 6 40469.
NAVAL STORM—Common rosin de 6d049 8d;
fine rosin Ile 8d; spirits turpentine quiet; sales
at 345.
Sugar =lraq:a as mimosa of 6.1®13; rice
The Manotiester markets we Sun.
LOSDoN BiAlLeara, Oat 17.—Messra. Baring
& Brothers' Circular quotes the Iron Market as
quiet. Welch rails free on board £7 1000.C7
12e 64; Weloh Bar Iron £7 15e; Scotch Pig on
the Cydo 67s 6d. Beeadattiffs steady; Flour 88e
0375; Bed wheat 670685; White wheat 700
769. Sugar has beau sodas end prioes have ad
vanced 1010. Coffee active. Consoles for ao
mount closed at 94.
HAWKE, 03L lb.—Cotton market: New Or
leans tree crdioaire is quoted to-day at 101 and
the sales of the week have been' 6,500 bales.—
Breadetnffe of all descriptions have slightly do
dined. Provisions dell.
GIENEHAL Itrrnmacuor.—The political news
io not very important.
The Neapolitan question is unettanged and a
peaceful Matto is Mill anticipated.
Financial affairs are still in a stale of sue.
The steamship Washington, from Now You k,
arrived at Southampton on Saturday the 18th.
The country remains in a state of suspense as
to money matters, but the only agitation as yet
is on the Stock Exchange. The commercial
wants can bo supplied, though at extreme rater.
Tho detailed accounts of the change in the
Spanish ministry bed not yet oomo to hand, fur
ther than the official announcement that there is
no political oriole, cod that the Queen math the
change from O'Donnell to Narlae SOitly on per
sonal grounde.
The new Alinistcr's first act was to cowhide
Senior Gnel,hasband of the Infanta Joscfa, for
words spoken in the Gortez. Senior Gael chal
lenged MINH!, who accepted, but theQaeen ter.
bade it, and the meeting did not oomo off.
The Napolitne diffienity is without much,
change. It was the general impression that the
anglo-French ultitnation would be presented to
Rim: Ferdinand on the 15th, and failing to re
ceive an . lnunediata favorable answer, the Am
bassadors would be withdrawn; but it was not
eupponed that tho fleets would imetiedHately
ton had epiled from Atioso,
'supposed to be Malta.
at Toulon. The
a 'Fteaufal Inuit
if the growing
Maltose, the
3 end not
'tat it will
Count Wolonoki lute sue
+viler °leapt. 2d, repeill
Primo aortoobakoir In rep)
England and rtanee in the
and asserting tbitt the aetioti
Naples will be purely at a &plot
, telowraphio dispatch tram
aaya that Lehr Puha had gained twc
vinutios aatratvilidllibillaS in Ciroul
"ha .ge beerfeinvited.-Itrinddress a Rept
meeting 14 .thin city.,illies krt answer in
he eels: "York are qorinietliken in enripardpg
.tharb prefer-the Col. Fremont to that
of Air. Datillines'.. This tit ray position from the
be/Milian of the contest. I did atid'do still pre
fer Mr. tillmerie to either; believing tired as I
think knowing hie epinione end principles tote*.
Mg the rights and intermits of both the north
and moth to be such as are preboribed by the
constitution, I still believe Ids election would do
more than any eViillt now poeeible to quiet an
untiatsral, perhaps dangerooe agitation of the
mohlio mind. The late election in Ohlo, however,
has shown that the:Electoral Ticket for Mr. Fill
more cannot be voted for with any hope of suo
cone In thla-Btate, and I feel bound by every ob
ligation and - duty to choose between the two .
remaining candidates. Although I cannot assent
to all the doctrines of the Republican party in
Ohio, yet LAM . ..certain that the giant interests
of this Republic may be more safely confided to
the party who onposed the repeal of the Alisuouri
Compromise cindihria been and is ell', anxious to
pet en end to all the unhappy consequences
dewing froin that ilbjcidged Mestere, in prefer
ewe to snob at. advocated the adoption of that
policy, and mill approve of it. My vote will be
governed by the tame principles I have alwaye'
adhered to. Where two candidates are present.
ell neither of which Is my first choice, I deem It
my duty to ardent sod vote for the !put objec
tionable Were 1 a voter In Kentucky where
the contest ta between Messre. Fillmore and
'Buchanan I should vote for Mr. Fillmore. In
Ohio, where the choke le limited to Mr. Buch
anan arid Colonel Frectontt shall vote for the
Wasonsdrox CITY, Oot. 31.- It bus be ascer
tained [t00:4,40,0ra! of the gentleman below
named thit the oontreozu for the supply of In.
Jima goodywas awarded, sue fallowa :
Pronto, - ffurrthret`& Soars of New York. for
Macklin° Mankotie, Mote tied dry-gouda; Banff,
Brother & Hearer of N. F. , Hardware and Ag.
rioultoral impletnintsi Henry F. Lewtio of Lan.
easter, Penn's., gunk far the Northwest. This
oonteeit 11 °need the largest ext.. made by the
Indian' Department.
The number of Land Warrants leaned tinder
the Aot of Match,lB66, doting the Month MO°.
tuber ie6602, covering more than 742,000 acres.
The total number of eppltoatioce in 260,200;
rants issued 178,613; to satisfy wbloh 21,601.-
_'so notes aro neoessary. ' ,
The not amouttla 9te Tretteary anklet,' to
draft le upwards of $24,000,090, of whist] in New
York there is $11,750,090; Philadelphia over
$8,000,000; San Pranoisto 52,790,009; Boston
$8,000;000;- Charlotte, North Carotins more
than $11750,000.
0:11'10, N.IY., Oct. 81.—At 1 o'clock,
a storm vaa feel* with nearly s foot of now.
loff, chirged with the murder of hie wife
and child, twelie years sgo, tie found guilty
The New Yotk.dtste Oototaittee oelleelisoits
had . Workingmen, hold a meeting yesterday sod
endorsed ShOtiolnitudlnn of Er:atoll prOsho for
..Parrrisnriffh Oct, 31. I
Leta itrellaos Et charge of
rtaturatizltion tapers, Four
antined who testified that the -
lateslection though they ha.
their intentions to biome ci
Court to ebtsic papers. Th
;foyers In a teyeterlous manna'
toll from .wilom. Ono toter
coat pocket; another hid the
house, in another's house
thrown. The above biota
Minnhrough the investigation C.
* the Union candidate for
who tereenteeting the election
tidy the Demoeratio candidate.
Wasrusaros, Oct: SL—?ho
and disagreeable. .The brat ea
commenced falling in occeide!
bait past I I o'clock.
Secretary Dobbin has -
th o Navy Department'.
mach improved by bin recent
The Department hoe been re.
large number of resignations b 7
It to alleged that theee resignati,
sequence of the inedoquacy oft ,
Support of themeelves and their
BALTIXORE, Oct. 21.—New Or
Saturday hese been reaelsed.
Vera Craz dates to the 10th (set,
e portion of Vidaurri's force is N
surrendered to the government
Forsyth, the American minister,
Vera Cras for ['Jo city of Mexico
Burro Lt., Oot. 31.—Thepropollel
ing, with o fall carte of eneroba.!
trait, wee burned in her 'look th
Tho cargo wee moody insured in
The Milwaukee paper Hato thafi
lee bare been reeneeret repro th e • 1
leoa, but ouly th at of t booond m
Boma, Oat. 31.—The Ron. Ch Hee Sumner
le expected to arriro here or, ale, day, he will
have -a pablia reception, and a gr ad twirinet
will lib given at Ittraio Halt
CLUVGIAND, 00t., St.— Dudley, 13 others, tod
Dodge's wholesale Dry Goods store as burglar
ised last night and $3,000 wortk or silks taken .
There bee been no street.
HORBILLEIVILLE, Oa el.--Snow-f,B here and
at Elmyra last night tattle depth of • elf an loch.
The went hel I t : cold.
- - - ---
05WL03, at. 31.—/t commenoe.l euovilog
hero last night and - still (south:mot The weather
is fiery cold, with muoh wind.
Naw You a, Ozt. SI —The steam .re advice's
have had no effect upon the Cot on market
which is doll, with !tales 600 hal B. Flour
steady with sales 16,000. Wheat declining,
sale, 53,000 has at $1,70®1,71 bn for white
and $1,60®1,80 for red. Corn bas a. advanc
ing tendency; tales 21;000 has. at 781 for white.
Pork dull and easier; Wes 300 bbl Western
Mess at $2l Beef firm. Lard in far demand
and steady. thiskey has an advt. fling ten
dency; sales Olio in bbl, at 331 gl g . Coffee
is active and firm; tales 6000 mats .f Java at
141 1 11 Ib. Sarar buoyant; sales 900 i.bds Ha
vana at %gill. Molaesee quiet. L caved 00
steady. Tobacco quiet. Rice doll. Freights
firm. Btsoks sro fist The money arket is
firm. Sterling Exchange firm; N. Y. Central
82f; Clovelandand Pittsburgh 531; Chicago and
Rook Island 931: Cleveland and Toledo 314.;,.Erie
561; Galena and Chicago 1011; Readiag 74f;
Michigan Central 94; Michigan Southern 83f.
Pnitanshents, Oct. 31.-Porelga advio
Asia have had no street upon Broadsto
Flou'r market Is quiet, with moderate e
mond, and we notice sales of 2,000 bbl
floe at $6,75®687} extra at $7,12f, es
es $7,25(47,87f, sod come fancy b
$8.8,26; there la tioneratodemaildfc
of city erode at thoeo prices. Rye dour
at $8,87i04. Corn em - 4.1 dull and low@
200 blls Penna. at $8,87i. Wheat has no
' ward slowly and demand limited; 3.9 i
at 8,67 per bosh. tar printitoutbeman
red; and.51,65®1,76 for fair to Mme
Ryisis steady; Hiles 600 bush et 78®80 •
Jerold and now. - Corn in good =PAY
less active demand; saes 4000 bush good I
ernyellow at 67c It Dna afloat, and 66 I
Oats are doll and lower; sales 2000 boa
Delaware at 40®47. Provision market
Groceries firm. Whisky In modetrate rag
26? gallon-io bids sod 36 in bhda. •
Cisclettett, Oet. al.—Floor very doll
ttniraportant being oanfined to email pa
the retail trade; - eaten 160 bble at $8,60.
scam) and 6rm tt $l,lB for red - end $l,
.White Corn steady., it .54®583.
Scarce ancLaetivo at :notzto. Whisky
- held le hi
Coffee in moderate demo
01. The river Jo i2G 'cacti end aril
.3113 are op
fn rept the
tentlnutts In s
-one 10.0/2 ta !abet.
-Armed= antl 'raper;
a . atm extra tome, Isetenlisz was re
lathe Istler rsts.. Pune& vane' Mt Alt
..;25.0n0 2 In latest 37X62111e, tits latter rms.
s l r a nt r ri . . , : b 24 d rag4p i lf . , iim=t4 . sv 4 a..zi
at ITCata, and MO b., 1 es Sur
can trioLt on relents taint.-2
Tturettlngemsy lo lbw Maury mizket. was Itnat
muntbst, bat after 2 deka aoxinintrtlaklator ho
closets/ obtilned lan lona greater fieliri.r.
log Stoeilrosumns had aunt? arm atut the ro
mussy Umbilttuus *endue lut week.-Tloe
sorhpr but Moe, piing thee Mutat
Prvetri - ithouttptotabreshange4 hatdaelog
from tato. isedlngtatikk
in the mast or. manner of t-,
'for Breadstotlaand praolat able. piker. , Iforit,
I large mows from the gurus. taus thee.
no deelloa m priedlik sad It le etidstit that they.
ettaltHut to supply the Welt. or thehunest, I.
slug from Odom and Galata we to. the .effee,tt
supply etmlag In I. noespreredd Ugh; and a He,
of Votilelll had gathered there waiting sugoar3,-.14.!
The Paula to-day took 1,1,19479 s in specie.whiet
the Saturday 111pmen 1 by the Hermann. will _pn
uttlideut to absorb theurthe ureolpu try the /1110
The amount to go by the Humus, le estimated at 1
million, but no nth amount Is yet enter. 4. The
are usideotty dletorbed by them large ihrporimut
Molt spode manes are at a la* point; and woe lily
be, turn to the Ittes4 tpo oaA the meretittnl tn.
dlterlmlnating to tomearbtut It their discount. au
dealers who need Mods for With shipment. tielftti
tlon ptobably mantra this mane. while shalt deposits
alio bolo g withdrawn, but 110 netoselty itilsht•havit
arab:led If Mae bed lawn leis atalety kr 11.111010 I
moms months ;lace. It was Warm pittpaHrt ad hayed
that Mao:mine the Banks IMO' suturing wouklior
the meanie, of ton pods a MIS rootractlon Is la
taking place, 011 , 1000280(11021I ntitMypf In All
but toe %mushy Imposed upon slang Maws croak
large dividenditoutury their arockholdetra-forted
to keep out sn lot nll4l every dolly that Instal would
mit. nod as long as Dante alloo landed up on dab
pronpria Ilks.o Drumbeat sentourtlons and alpine'
3,111 amt. It la broardole that lb. bortowlng. Dunne
learn a sumo from the mutant repetition of LOl3 .
dnd laws volley to th e pert of ate butt, butdt. 111
OIIOVIIL-.14 k Trib.
Pittsburgh Pt, W. U. It, R.-149 dos bandlor, N
solar a Ursbh egg rye; 10do midst, IVllroortku 10
so4p, Orshato & m 00. .; 44 ski burls!, Watt &WE
710 do, 404 hos do, smllb; 54 &kg do, Woodt 25 his •
Brown t Kirkpatrick; 14 its lady 30 Um 501.1er. Dal
co; 125,5. ttaxeeed. Walters: 21 kus Lunar, 2$ bus
Iks. 11.11 a Liggett:6 blot motet Bunten 80 do g •
Mason; 50 bit condles, /100100 co; 34 hbls aim
ries, .1 Osolled; 199,046 wheat. /71 brut ao. Bryan
1811 obls door. Wstbsos Cisrdner, 50do whtsker. 211
& Pdolurtson; 1'22 1.2.4 Id:est. - 3 do coserssed,l6 kip ho
2 do lard , bl mks wool. GO Ws Tort, 20 d4.U. SOS d. n•
54 do whimsey, 1 oar 50it5.04110 3055)114M, n do one
13 &scats, 21) do cloversesd.lo2 Wien' 21 bldslki •
01 do whbkes, 33 du 011, 1 us hogs, ,moan.
yo. ,. .enlay annuls mere were 7.3' Inch4l
cbanna and rl.riag.
race torn trAlyo routs oer beta. .
•., dm &manor f &Mot. Pen, .t.tus polo . 1
you cloak the uloossa. -
lo truly [hr. wonder of the loci II morn Data In less ti
the lc twat. to pet • lihrolcloof
At rota 21.orhaela in a mama
Chirp Chnirow. or Bran in sho Menace ood Bauer.,
rum Orkftricek aod Mortled Fag from a Gold..
Cara Boaanorics and.ftaaaQ
awes &mins, Bruiser.Lcouldr Bums,
(teak (Armand any stn to thrita. • -
Cona Apse aid Tampa in the Banatitufani y
Coro Zama.... a few remora. ,
mom Pain in thektdo., Limbo .r Back. -
Oran demo wed MU and Mei':
obistem hambus sueolcloo. and .1.114 should be
without • bottle Inoue of *Warm or sudden Oahu
kilo mod emertualf. Moho innaktlate Loud.. f
the IVONDELIPLIL. OM amid obook, would muds..
WAILe moat blink:Mu Ulm elite maths tO Oar. k
I maks 0.7 ewes la lair • summn dor."
Ton vole reeldnee with Ow hod Skin. In the
LOlretb. , With 1111b6 , 4Wrat orlouttto travels oa lho • tt.
meet orztomm, oamotattatt.4.ll7 Oho tees ell of
the Medical profowlon boa enabled Prof. RERDto pro • t
to the work' the WOLABOttglil, BI6ONSTIO OIL.
for folebr all toepottabiosurvasit s, end at Italia* 'a
13: a. IithIINOOTOOIt 1 CO., sad Dr. 0 Ey. U. EAT
Mamas Amts.
AD reed and for sale by • - .305P11 00014:Y.
.. • •
I .&TOES-100 huh prinis red putt
cgs T.WSTe etR W. u 7
-2 iX r USE3YENTS:,
ttagessa - ae
All Advartiseutentapf
nwurr be:std.= In C° Tizbi ne a rti ll orrawmPab.
Lad voted
never de
. ..
Lew. arehlanager--........' ..—rozpacaosms.
State M areger.—Llitertr... I Acting Xerrirer. C...t.Fattzt
- . Z 12633 CD ADM:6993:
poise erdPargratte--ttiolldeateilaxerattge
&tend Tier • --2: c 1 I
?Ante Beree. ithall--S Op 1-00
if7inn.. fore:gored I:emu-- —., 1—.r.1.1 et* .
.D T Et in El.O.Nho wilt pa i r ar IUtheIIi7CR"PLAT
Ew e . etyma,. tcr ha, null GICYL7 ' O. Stret right at
the Domenic Drama of the Mail rad the Metal.
• • nor been
rcoohod thei ,
And Waled WI
•and them in we,
'spent left it !di
he papers were!,
ere tiacertsined;
titnteit by Mr. i
listriot Attorney,
1 .1" Lowis C. CM-
tOln'arflToltra CU TE
ug - Mt . h c r . i„l c tgr . ~C .u.tan, Mule !Italian Heron
vt. — arornmaili Dramr vig. •
lirentact, r. Illourng &matte. J. M. Cock. Goal& Mr.
Dame, Mna Barrette.
arilast art nc•la
fur Muter.
topizerimTatan and ehortly he produnel In
. /Eir Doors open at 7:curtain rues at 7.4 ea2nck..
weather is 0"14
•ts of the season
able (panty at
1.4:1 his duties at
i!alth has been
i n to North Car-
?lag unusual
army officers.
qui are in con
eir pay for the
I annlies.
P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
Sztes Bomar. csrnsr 4/ Woad anl rt,f4 m
lifieli—On Saturday analog. liontober /rt. ••t
r, l otelTr in t h t the
. c i rtentisi Wm Looms. crier of
took, in ut,:1,7 '''.;ri'llnthof
latent and hut editions of standard anthore. ele " .rentl;
ainetnasd pulllcatlorui from both tbe . &Latish and Ace.
rltan rivia and chaise volumes of the molar mtecells.
mom Marston of the day This collection,. le very Cc.
MOW In Its variety Ofhlat;rical sod poetical Marston.
eutbraclog nearly all the favorite canon or both conn•
tram mom of which ar• new, and some the enamel
volumes of a private library,
llso• sopernly bound males of the Paroilv Bible, with
without Mine. oc.SI P. Id. DAVIE. font
runs papers of
IThey fafnish
and state that
loss Leon has
troupe. Mr.
was to leave
he next da .
M. B. Spald
ise for De
ew ork.—
la dead bod
.ropellor Ta
us bsa bean
1,4: 1 11A17 IrTQ 3Nlf.
nom-on Sitar:l7 afturnopn, Noy. let,
we pa: at the nommen:fel sale. to comer ofWood
and bth eta, wilt be cold, large quantity at new and
almond hand travedno-trants, tome oferhlch are of ro.
perfor ilea' number of hand fronts.
icon P. M. DAVIS. Amer ,
fALUABLE LAW LlBEd — ig'--yma—notion
y t i —on Wedne , ll7 arming, Nov. 34th, .1 eiedr.ok.
Es, he C
Cs RlMeaTial sales MOM.. of Rood 6th
*lll •al. bit,catalogne, n large nod carefully se.
Itrg..!Var. ,74 =l: l g7= - D'ah.° 4 7:git
ha,* bora purctued hew but • abort . 111.. nod Mae epb•
do odtiwto he obtained. !NM:Crab are now ready.
I' If DAVIS, did.
'tesday. November 26th, 1856
&ALS, through Memire,O. Coma Agog, Auctioneer..
uESDAx, the 25th der of November next, on the
eremites, or,'lr the weath er thoulf prove unfatorable,
the kledodeon, on ustreet, Ora lots in Central Treat
In the Oily of Gartland. numbermal frliowe, 24 to 251
feteinelet, and 204 to Mal Inclusive.
Also:, 181 LeM to "College Tract," numbered La follows;
/50 to 08 Inclusive. 001 to 0= inclusive. 027 to 040 loela
elutlvai and OH to 733 tnalumirs
Central Tract,
contelte about 100 throe. located
near the heart of the etty. ban been laid out with a slaw
to ascotarsodale mwaufalturlug mteldishmthth and for
aommtrohn #13.1000<3. The nature of the moil is moth 0. to
Word good foundttio, for th. beerier elate ot bundles,
without any pr ta...Con or expsuas. It he,, enem a .
cartel and slyer fronts, with ample water in the river for
regrets end •bethearre. such ae ere usuallyamployed In the
minas*. of the Latta and mill apeeddy to brought into
use for th. purposes above mentioned, If tot for the rierp
err I davit Etre tad• or ths 0011rowls tuminatlng at Were
Thtolt "I'lrtg:ittp.:3ltVCll.l.lfd":6ll.%:',:
Ing nantoad Chapen7, god the In.iatity of them the o
high and very desirable tor, e
The undersigned ha. great eat 'Wm ram in reeotamendl n
this proptror toed •
of Cm:4ml. Althnheturete,
labonng t roy all ott•ere who a te damn,
interested Cleveland Reel Estate. aod down . hesitate
to ea; that the property will . erimir e hence In vette, and
pan mg the
shored most valuable In the city.
appraisalof the sad other lends was mad. In
adobes, 111150, by Leonard Cue. , ILlohard 111110aL and
Edmund teak, gentlaseu who are ranked assoogiharnost
P mpy lardant and t•Satialle boelowsi toga of oor city, and a
of wi mach clash! appesJiml relater, to the property
tote olreOal Morsel. is [...t0 ththebtd, end attention dl •
meted thereto. -Thom, deaking to make emanates am
particularly reoors4 stet and examhte the ptorertr
prior ts
to the de/ Ws.
Tams dr Bata es folloar duel ioneells' ices to Ls pall
by the oitider at oh. tiros oftho bid, ourfifthth• parchass
Jamie,. to M veld down at the time of signing the contract,
andthe btlanee In ten tom' annual permeate, watt a.
1101 'MOM. , 8 , " 1. .. Of r , ard all taus Ott tutT
hareattert levied or wrested bit the hth w il ln, ray
lug anma or *moun t than oittanfth down 1. allowed
nearsbatrc rot the Goats. Pennine bidding off one or
lots Ctv.) Tract, on thae.olll.eftlye•oontraet
which will be attethei a etipulation from Thomas rd..
Kelley and William D. Elea: Ate, who bold the title to the
land, In which they will obllgate themaeltee to .glts
wearenty dlen tor matt land. on the fallihnent oftald cote
treat, and riles parkin to rail for their iota will mein
death d • from Hearn Kelly and Essatts. • • •
Aire. hate C., Ileya. who holds tee title to the Lots In
Clotynae Sant. wilted» eon trusts - ornaments' deeds for the
saa.t. Hens or the Provertyaln non be seen et the ;Ore
of the smdsaletned. ova the Marchanta' Bent. Bnperla
'stymie, or all 1 the Antilop Nora Of 0 Cnttet fan. tar
screen ead 'plre will be furnished .to bidders ens Ike
forthal*ratatlon prostate ebnador
ettabilan - Altemeeltot at this rtantln
comaterelswshiara, Or Wr.aywUli
jayeettoente;thel a
rearing ho i
incurs:lt .1
The city la mutate
000. The ttideor-Cleve of t nd he City,
balsas rhos . * by the Rooker
the pa: IW nesountlnn to
1584.tizokocapoo. The num'
whiff garland stand cleared
5,110: tonneas 1 7 7E0393; a
steam and sell al'S,.ne
bare during abo:rared
nate =tea BloOt. , Tor
kn. fit 1835 Witer.l•4ol
lane, Coltiohnl.entr"
the donation' •
CI. vete'
la tb
1 • beat
G for
.i (Wotan.. ilol7llt
- • — lissuAlD,
411.8. 131otka,'•••. the nada
mad the lands tenrattrparrbsod and
.Ansted 'ln and. attaining the qt of
.d si In a based canal "Cantrat Ts " •
anal Tract." and a yams' " I . nag
a, br A' man mad.
wshoss coantr. - am* bald AP .a.ll one
Imp and rlghs hand mamba ina—and
esistadtoansWa ear sins larsgasd to bt,
,trogortnand of the anlots In said am
redo nppaa!sa this amen follows, rim ' ,
- It o*mramF.
sot irarm.
. at 14. 231 bstit Inclinra, at 1500 cubit/6,W
eato . 22:0 ' • 10.03
• .< 601 tq 810 ••• * 6 • 250 '"-
".., #Ol2. •• 1576 " • .11k60
telf O&M " 1.150
.• "1121 taIUCO ••• ' • .6CO scao-
• ne rr
se.)mare .tia w • _
tO 419 " " .47 .“
21 Lots. So.
2 ,,, ..
1 . -
12 " "
t 0 131/6Ote
rt .
ettto 6 .
61f1 ;
6t0.718. 6 .
71Vto 782 6 6 , ,
. , . . . . .
1. 1 , . . - .
Atreg i ilVeltioqWei;l "' IA . re U irr ai4d , - and
loud-) I - I.o7l4Ximulig. I.
• '
.• . ...111011.11,110 MILLIARD,
I API ix tsno 4ly ; ficsparda.i.with Um Onstmen who
bay* expreimtd; /belt opinion. as tattles's/lug:I the !lolls
withip irtat.d,iild;stiodki rely„all,S greet eaatlaenee on
tbilr - Judamentiranrates„ i .
(Mined) I . ,' i T, P, LIANLY.
—. . ,
. . .. 11.11mtend tioreld 1
WATNTED—kjournop ni an tailoi; iyot , tng
zi p
ft fCrir,L
.. ' ' w ' TALI:MiI ' bt, tr.l. - V , i117;..:11 ° -
.1. rir 4 .l .111 11,,k4 o k a :b rab l ir .. ..; . • 4 1 ;1,... f0r dher
ir r: . •
bo Goa tor
ph_l '.. Want, as engthrer. . a boot. a
'Naps In as ousc . * boy to learn. ittte treep•
ina,• ea .• edema Ohm. a wet _none, .21.8
11° .1 work,. bor. tett.' emoda, at
geno Dales. 410, Llhertr et. oe.S_
7' oliN wn,kaNs, - 1 ~ -
- •
,-- • No.' , 458 Liberty-Street;
Abeielhe Ohoel 114,14;e. 1 ' PTITSBUR(H.I. PA. N
re tuthing thanks to hie ntimexons feentis
- -
sad the pebho for their taboret roDpur t and patroaag.
many yests,.tehe to Intwar.tbato, had the nada crew
*tally, thee hs Os pea the above eetablthimhnt for U.
..,. ,f all Mod. of 61AR81.14 IN 111.00116 AND SLADt , . or
mewl to order for Mow: moots, at hutlos, Drava Stonechat
111 I other work. '
—.. .
Thlsty• Iles ent exposlonce to the Marble Stotts
tattiness, amble r s hitt to till nil ortists t the eatlstsctlou
ih , i l, igiris hi thit4l.• lu.fte • IViudari and Cionoiss
Mettle ()Otters to eltll sod ...los his stock tame golug
West Or slathers
N. n.-itlirso lot , f VrOoport Moo on hand.
.R.ll3..o.LutlQN—The lobs firm of Forsyth
4.3 Brott,!,Not 78'Mur ot., woo dlirolved on the
dar t ot 1... y
Isqp et . fir! 6". . - .," 4 1 . 0, :ir 50 n . , i , d b , , „ . . 5 4, - .
Theeubeetiber • ill still cholla in the Jim warding, Cam•
mission sialloSuee theiseeant the old Kehl, where L.
will lie hippie see the friend. or the late firm.
o4hef . Te Water et , Pittsburgh.
L D ban now open their eeoenti movie of New
to uhien thee Went he 'ettentlon or Mil hubllo
Wanthir goon and cheap eyed... Their stock eonstete in
E.t.a Dm. Antr, Phan Inert nth
AIM; Antiose des . (World French 1:611600C
Innen Pentoetter, Mach do do,
Al.n aliilLLamtranamant of 'Mambas. Flannel., abanl a.
(dow ClothaLPaalUnanna elatleaeata, and Jelenr, gra
Multi* andallnottlaadued Llnena„varearkand yux•
Ku. Illarilltattuatist cotaar ath and Market sta.
-:. Ufa MIME'S
iO r f . ' PH WHITE now carrying on bind
um Inthapscraus Lasagna, (non inns 04.1a1 M 4.)
T(tU= I and Logrannengs nen an ano
RAO.rjpyltra the puma to tattoos tile
a a
.uuunum, a. Awl as Wiled..
1711112)=16eatielnall perchasess. Una an n' 0 2,1.,.
nags.. Lem undone...lathe banana% •
li t tal e f=La at xGkh Aztr . or 1 . / . 3.• ,.. stc t sela t o t tius t =i t o o l
= l =rna=ifitt l'a h-- I . lFa= " lt i Va r ina...
int= la colantato,t2to towaslTONt arrantaniatswat
way lan tan ma aunt. nannuade laannantares st
Ilosactuotonit by • Mao hoary. mo which the
. otosta tor deonsUng boom of Otignom nu bestoWaAs
Ow ales•enlonli, (Oaring to lan tantah) AnaDla NUM
wig Mil ori tlotty,moOl7 Snip at Laud? ten th an atm,
ikre..2.4,...;..; i 4 ,..ii,i .4 Au tti: mom vich dis.
: IEIDA ARROWItC9T-200 Ihs boo
juP acnandsanowilicothutmAriarseloat
. .....
AND reestnumems 07
Gilt Mouldings for Looking Glass Frames, Railroad:Cars, &eft
No. 95 Wood Street, corner of Dimond Ailey,l .
. ,- , 856
gaimaki ER's PORTA,B LE BOAT' LI N 1 , 3-- n
Via VennsylvaiiiiSanal and Railroad. ' ' -
Cat,rtyrc.2l2:oo TOIIII . per Meath . each Way -
6I UR fa° ilitie s for ortution htiro been largelyjureozed daring too poet Winter,
XJ , end tee can nay offer to BEV the ijnilerfot itanateites ot• • mtrata DAILY Lt"fb to end boa Pltt•
rborglig ,, ,
L bilsatMa and Baltimore. One line netzt mind: of PORTILBLII BOATS. but one trantbipment
n7L.p.t.h. WA Y I NATMAAWAirErrrrs `" 73 1 . 7 P7.. ' ..'" "'" P" ''''''"'Bh .'IN "' '"'''""'''" l
MUER. & MITCIEFET.L. Psorsiimm: -
T rotuntSportignues raga/eta insuUll. with
foe handling the gun, the Ma end the
The art of ehooting ma the vatic the breaking. mew.
mesa and hunting of the dog; the seriatim and bah to
aflame. Hirer, late and see dolling. etc., etc, Prepared
for the are and Instruction of the youth of /marks, by
Pratt Forester, erlth numerals. Illustrations.
12 ea*. 0010 KAY al CO, AT Wood et.
VIE CONFlDENTlALcorrespondence
suss &soma Km:4l.m &ad the &We= Am"
piltrr, 112131ctillog letter from the time of their nutting
until rho death ef eud elzu OCT./14 Velma
lettere front the Emperor te hie brother JeWbb Auubtht ,
itamtuet personages With numeropelliturhmtleneittni
anecdotes. by 8.0. Abbott. KAY CO.
, wo es.
E 5. Waul anat.
TON, one of th e mut di:rpm:L.3 inventors
tre `' werld ever produrod, with lotateettuff Incident*, tn.
dluting the cbareeteref the man na his Tent.. day,.
Me dawning of genbu then dieplayed. until be embarked
In tbevoyag• of life und by untiring Induatry Weed
himself above the buffeting etorma ext.. tile own Ulu.
Mona rettoo, and meetuvd toe bight.t honoree: distinction
thatt rm ud a e t a ofnat i on s aatnadi n t . the
q ad t,e lTbio n.n b i o u n m . e a te
a abm
• annals retard of tact, accompanied with cold. of
Mr. Fulton 'e original drew.. sod [lnmate. anit.tinit•
by Featelin.Rolgast. in one vol. I yo. RAY i CO.
IS Wood street.
vanla State Itemta, vol. twenty rig, compthing
cues adjodgod in the lidarem a court during ye.. o ro m
term. fli6s. Jan.. term. Mt% tiny term 1110 Jost
tu'd end for tale by
_Goa _ RAY A CO._
ANEW BOOK FORii6YS.-Bnowflikee
=a Bonham; or Ills Young For Traders. A Tale
Gate Far North. taaattlitar ,Illastrated, Loader,.
Markets ma al Market street_
aluket et.—Brinsing Plans or tilt Times. Bred. Be
Oki Besame, The Mills or the 'Pbatemns.
Widolltield's New Cook Book. Youns's Christ of I . l JarinT•
nnthrie's Gospel la tisetiel. —9iMler-s Dotsh ,Reptlills.—
Ginter Illstnry,l:l var. voL 1:: separately. Onions iii•
hie, London and American editions. Ciiimanlnes Were,
t cotton and Ameriesselltliro. Lytton on t h e Church,
William Archer Shiner's Sermons, Cusp edition. All thi
miens Commeotaries, maw. 111111, •1eZ61111.1 , bound, and
Illustrated. now opening. ;family Bibles Cheap. •
ISA Pataates Idedulaa for Nonatber. 'glen
/lortuhedd Words • "
Nav irdpk • dourdat--!', , .
W~l L Iladir.cned ars zt:w recifted and nil.
gold • alita,
Abe 06111.1.•
tato; Surer st.
tlens ean. itam
• Watettes,thotki
•••••••• WA 1241:11".114,
K 311311.1 , 6
- • . Masonic HAIL 'lrttih-Streeti
• .
nt DELTIOII2 OP'IEE 81681 T,
.Kral ca a: Um shostafaoN nom adopt
3, ti i ß V T n r .
to loud
ittraos oar :allot rare .t atm Cam to salt tooleam.ttuk,
ttarltar arrsoa r amoott mad. toramias 011010 E ARV,
..B.EB in >or.lioa from BatUmora .ad
!Wk. re .81 niter a :Ash aupplr of
TIE01.1t; - • L&LIIIrHaRING:-
Lod 11 eta 12.1 x Foot all 1.1t4 varlotlei ol PHALMEPPIZ
271 "
• &SD " 1 0 .00
0 RP° ••10,00
-11 0 " 00.0 Ck
" 100 " 0 , 00 1
ai Lich wean no terra& ta lore] We mother,. at whet..
sate or debar as'eorma9.ll*l sad Peon et
Waive ...11.V1fthatreat
Facts and Figuras.
rMIE subscriber eorkt ' emplates publishing.%
volume wilt the above tllti..ll nteldent thereort
••am be obtained. In January, 1817. ,
The °Wept of the volume le to thread thread Informs:
Lion &man g OmmitalLete, Alevensiate and Sfethardes of • the
groat manufacturing advantages of ;Pit:thumb, the lm.
Wean mineral remoorcasat her command, sad thamerostr•
the iniportabee of her politica . . • •
The plan edam wort pretax. to; give • minute and de-.
tailed amount °fermi brevet, of mthistreethren from the
grosteett to the beset In the two el ties andeoborte, togeth
er with the style of the different forms, the !mail. of the
Iftotories: sod ttr•lr counting room,. end the year,of Ib
establishment tithe .'
The Fame etetleticat amount will be siren Of all the
mercanthetrthches of bomome.. hon. the Moat ettentive
lb the thcalleat. The variant mothanind uertudiono tea
elarsable under larnos mores will Wm Wino:noted. AM in
fact the etatieUra of every:elms ofemployinent will be
ahem 'ln an romilde tollthermea, se wall as tharaasted
loathe purpose of eahltdtlng et a Ciente the wealth, in.
dilator tetouroli and sovantagre of the city. AWN
narrative end tabular thocont tithe tribute floe hen inte•
the city from the traffic upon our tiverm a statetomet of
the roti ertate tithe eines net euburbN,with Its teal sod
seetwed tel awl an *atilt it of out head oreineMiona
dabbed and unfinished. Loa th er with-en otter scarves
of wealth or importance to the city; - - I
It most be spnarent even imen the torepolno restore
Cerement oohsstep. of the work that.lnatte of valuable
Information en bathos sprout !ohne every tholtellet and
marebsut who may mei re • ropy of the Cook that would
otherwise bethelloolt or itearsodeable tooomoundente, thd
that from the oiroolation moth Iniurmathes a large see
tun: most come to the city In trade and casnal; .
it Is honed trOPPott (hat will comb's alesee el3Uoe to
be stmsok will he extol:lad to the .enterm Lee. •Lb laxr
aratien will be- telmo .. by. the, thbwriter. , All mattstlee
wlll be ocalected by Wessel; and tray butinwe snan
be called tmon by him end the matter mono inns evflaln..
eals oe..hlred t:0.1.1. TLIURSTON,
Dollar Elavaigsan ,
No. 60 Fourth &r,ort, I -
innuhu sum, Junks' suir sicauttici,
IS now open daily from 9•to 2 o ' cliick,• tau
y,redneedey era Saturday tem:llona. from
N. Ott ober. tosasive.lroso 7 to V Voltek: and Irma lie
veuttes to solv e dl mire, trona Bto
Deposita rrail some not tem than One Dollar;
and a dividend of the profile. declared twice .0 year, to
June and December. Intereet vas declared at the rate of
v:ger , e 3 7 1, 1 1. 3bzx o jhe of lfhe, _Docembst.lBts...than
Date onatetning the Chertr , hrlittra. it&e, and Sts
01.410.1(111.Th .
ii=t_limshpattAtioa ottMe. -
• • '
- -
l i tb,ll , l l . l.ausitacger; :
)4n Johnitou„
~1 1. 0nopzaild
WMll.llpraf;titlips, rr:"Vill:AVfaak.TU...A.nde.riou.l.\''
iffire4 o - 7 1 3 - 2 : • 3.ll:l.llnerbit.
it tu b u b ,r n , t'aaru. r tsr , • itirtwrin
.1. 0 tidlactOolp. : '.lobti D. 11V4- 9 . 4.1.
Alonzo Walva, " Walter P. Ataniudi
iota' IA ONS. NO*
• kaM. Pnn Putt k.
A D. , II r 7 Isiwrett.
20enz• Inwo. ttaOart MEN
. Uinta 2. IW-n, - UtOrly
- WWI= IL 1151.0.,. Al•ssoda - Mndtr..
Recre.are and hcanzir•-•4IIAJC.A.CB..A.
p=TTla,(Oßti 'WANTED until sho
Rs cf ithoplat• isSoit., - .12
7 a B ul l a s Opp witt .
/ A ,1 ! , 24 M DIS
I s 4 imi to nomad A
IL, ma Would
.« •: -d M. „«/_ v .
. . .
120 Baskets 01lye 011. 100 bbbadabs. ' i ~.. GO bbls Tatman' 014
100 Carbeg Hustle Aoki. I 100 besen Cutts 8000. - . fi . " "81....etaed 4 Spam 00,
103 eau tract frc.cod. . 103 bbl. an Red. : i w p . i . h . - M B ,. 14. ,,..t.
MX. b. Sap. Garb Sods 1
• 13211 1.74: -- • -
5,,,,gg Sweet OIL: . Wads. I• it VIPS oto3 Malec'.
!CO Odic dd. i =Oita
Ortaamm k .
COO w On Stoma. 01 wee Gam Arable. 12 iaßefiacd . Borsz,
2:0 trances, I 1 g fii , 1: ty Ma Vg .
.. . I Messes Raids!. Lustre.
100 lie lodise. ftomel.
1 13•caabChalX.
100 w
Man. , 33 W Mack Leack 50 basks Sal boas.
33 bbls Lampblack. i GO " 41=4
lb Mkt Cotten Mu.
103 w Whiting. i 0.1 " lib= Sulphur. • I 15 w Lich MOM.
10 ••• POUT. I 2/ " Loll Itchostone. ls ba Gone
R ik . sdmpt ure of all changes lo the market. we am =Well to tm,ce sc. oar cub. or to ESN
00 Um deklere
oa as Savable terms as Iteaterojebbitto boozes.
motf WHITE Li.3..0 we coarantse to be BMW= PUPA POLL oi cram , . and act a sae3 b sap
0 00 Somas. o aabltemaess.
.• - .
47 • FALL--810%,.
1856,, ;
11 - 01 IN 31.P.U.0R, No.Bl Wood strabt,
beanson LOaroond alley and Ponttla etrret. Pitts ,
burgh. bee but < o 2llPle tett hie st ee of Neon Porten..
fLhasa rom:sr. : b p s marfactur irkbl/0.13681NG SONa., Berton.
byvfeetueed 7ftelez7n adan'etrtirt Ttre
elaborately etrrad Pr= Oaten. Patrol Gum. attl
&MAU Plerm Fours to the' plainest ban:matt the
imam wareine farm Sl,ooo • the furaittire being :t
their leant Kyle., and the • constructlon erntrating. all
their recant and most valuable Imtdoremenra. to
ant stoat cons - lax of Iner -
relented pareanallr by the ornbactibrr daring the !set
month• at tee manufactore 'ln Boston. a -mumbling
A full tined retest cuter. Grand P:ane Forte, with beer
style Alouldna se and Attune Doi*: the ehtlre cam, rich
ly embellished with the meet chat:timed testa/laity
cert.], cable - salt =OW desk.. This epteadl.l
Intim:mut is ethe only epee:Mani of the kind In'tha
toWee!• nod bee been rrounnwerd by all the murk.'
eessore and woetsurs who bare examined It , to S.
emost besutlfel. end the beet Orsod Piano **Oda
A 1?-eythaatz,n164,1tectorot4te, tierwith Plain •
bat elegant Rosewood nee, erioss7d,'''
A pew Parlor Orand Plano root., seven netaree from
haring ne
moatrly de.iitealite leetroment f.r Panora;
a the lower of a full Brand Plano, yet
ere commonly may the tolni . of en orilleary
nYen roar.
A PauCar e i r i Mulgife s .liffiti i titter.e Picot P arta, w` the new ewe, toloy tai meta/ Men to the Can 41--
Iziblted at the Into Pelt On B000n) of the_rd.sea. ble•
nuance Chatiteta• Assorlation, Oct, irninnd which
wee awarded the laybeit Del _ , ores ell- compatlioni.
Priee VIGO.
• --.
OOtnre Arrawood thrred Leine Vth stye;
"• " ,"thiffned. otet
C ' .,, - pplain doubly round tOraera;
e a„ t:anel LotilrXl ➢ tb ctrl,.
corn armed :
• - Mark Walnut: " Plain
Pith?. toomi mr.ebb
, - • -
- .„ittia•
- A AiirT=.t...;
La 11. Of.e.b.otaos tall or late, at thtlr alblblttoo-tor
the/I-raw .Orgoollscooooluta.,..4 also entre:. Ueda .
so: MN: fitalotcoos. A ellatr nodal Loa &so beats stnrQ,.,
theft itrlodnnav 6 7 ,tea 1. ans. Etat, TOW - I.ll' It.
2hetc..oton Harstontta• hso rectilr.d
Vt . r. t'olktlisLlinVotS J t ot; 7 14 '
Nowart; Dtdo ewe
hors' a t vitsolgttl, matost rig --
TiodrlVlolod.ang and •thogse Itamori lams law tottett
the rum /11511711 hr all comsottscro to carte-Pair Jatatok
Oran Ifonalonioatli fot2/2td,oPid&UT
Attaches._ clapets cad,
baltr,.tho solo &El:atilt, awn._
1 ,
4 b.lnzgoarst . so ogtxt Itantlft4. by.ttro
Nast al
store. liiaaaSh
tar rays of Ow, two octvo%
I ladapendent, iota Totol sues. otO
VW. Thn Mbar VV. ft roctpoly .Ito mot, -
talon cribs poi& N .
pries $
- - - -•
Sara Instrumento/my M.' vett at ttto Net
11411.Stttek Of Pilules: , . • ' , ..- --,
. ,
PrEARLO.T`I% - :B141:11TE havirigoll iw -- • r •••••c. ,I•
'AL , ittitilturtittr trout the Erottern tattles ... :. _:-:-.: - ' :•': •,•:,•••
...,- . 4 .
enzh •
.6- Urge- - etoe.t. et- .110,0 - PUIViql. - -•: ' 1- • - -.• - . - i, -,
voted resoiterfailroill the ettratites otthe , • -•-- .--.- •-.-•,•:- '''•
erttteitel Ittatte.• mad others. to the ryderotict• seiorerctensi - - - ..: • - •:• •• ••.e 7-7 i
tehloh Is -new fa hood and dettrerrtrbse. Am nig the. - • '-'• • • •-•'--. •';' .4 -
eilleatort are theirlittoring lot dr. settleleautt.itylec .- • - -•- r :• - - '-', _,;•. - i
• - .1 octe rtee-tutl stten6. - elebratedy erred me, lets, tertk : . -
.• ,
.• ~• ~•,...e•
to.. with beer.e.Yettlar icy., ateen.l.,. .atlas gnat:: 4.4... , :•- .., ~ , . :!-..',:j.,i
.1 cettele—rt, moonlit's* st7iii. Weed e5te....171e. 1 44- , ••,, .'•' --. 47'''.4
- le.: tt.' luvally own siDsaw tit the epturs Mted ~. .1*.t., . ,...- . -' .-;!,..., •-•••,,
I octet.. with -111Sti' Yet N ' iperial., Inlaid atom . blit4i••:.:' ' ,—, ; e ... 1 :- . .. ..
: .4 -. / . y
_.--,.-: A No* Scala '7 1-4 -ootavea t , .. -, ...- - -,.: --- .: -..,•'... -- - . 7 ...•, - , t
Beteg thOlatitfet etterrat rude - -•-- : ::- ..- •- ••• -••-.. - n ,?,
Of Wants, with meal auntlttir.E., tiVehtt'lesa. et5. 4 i,,e ; .1,, t.-, -.-,e"
.trunc. ellatoit-musto Eteek. ,-• ', --' -- - •-• . - .'- - et; 4 , 34 i,
- ati alarm Ctratlar erste; case 10.L.1......e.1 Olt rotted; . :--: .-- • , e :::.4, -'-
-43 k -octane: rotto4 emote, Aldine trttmlo eleeb. 119te • • -...0. - -.
AltAgoFhtstbii_nertient lathe beet etribroutr.thit..4.j..,
• 1 11118 tier:bleb:4c posh tetteted with suet . rare, 01 tb toe ..
..0,,i, ....•
.tOrte:sadatett et to the style of furniture. .: - •.. -• • fl . , 4 , r- -.
iteurriststratnent will btr:futlx. tearrauted. eutt't .meitt. ,-._ - •......41.;:i
tierratettruenr rice,. •' ' " ' - -•- -. * ' 7. -P4.- -•,-!••
.Portheiere ere re4faitfolly lovited to'rsilers,t.** - s. . f,!, 1....
before purehtirlott , nho.bere.'es - lb. ea...trite. will Oa, .:-. te. • ..•
gmter Ludoo•reente - Ono erne betere, ..- , f . • ."..,.. $ 1
. _ •!., .1.-.-OtlAßLU'll'it Itt.likft:.'NolLY el'oo.l. ew',: '
- • eels •• -• •• • - ' - "I..tcor store 4th etr
.- . . ..
.. ..
UDZi JUNI). ttlas , ,..Ciiis:-- --- 17.doiieTot m
~ of fkurol MAlnllos with Tarinthno Mr Lb,
henoforta by Ilballat.Utone.' elegantly town'. extra
gilt. - That aupyl/eajoat tterisxd.
CFI Archon:: BLIT OE,
No 11111Vmd It.. :11 door ature run et.
~ 1
i i. CCOIWEON SONGSTER—Contaiaing n:
the most popular sod Teehli.ebt. roue of the A:,
he morel: ea ermued AA - 10 ho wed ILr the WWI. or . .',-.
Elate, se roll se deoordeon, Pr lo I :,0 de. CA4 . le. testl..l•
pty, L. 1,16111. , - CrIAILLOTTII )31,1)M1C. ' •-• 11 '
No 116 Woo! et.. t:d door *Love "Mite.. , -...—
111;E:31TLL1EN. OOLI,ECifiiN .f;i;.:+0:101ij4 - 7 •._ ' f 1
• • nil note =oak% 'emir ac , og - Li ._ pow: . pOfisfir Ortni '`,:—; - - , - j
. 4.; P.6.g., Polksv. llarcbei,Akovirdlen. A' , .. Prk , , ..,,,
I.? cent!..-' - rep.l.3 - I:pani.od-lAst De.. 1 4 - 4,
- vilestLO tik.
. 0c.7,G . - -. No 11SWo:/s:.,24..4.1ororrm
AUT FI ., riftb AL • ' l- 1
- :
Masonic ITall Cigar Store.
CigaTa, Tobacco 4_Snritr.
'tit). 1/ALLi-
. •••
ItruttAhlobr grer.larrigetca, , •
'AN ELECTION of thirteen Directors of '
thin nank. ttritlatta leat le1)1 'G LOS •tt the
muting 11=1N b10311 , *). thn lith 4.; , t Nouateir
next, batran tha tovra of We• 31 ant 34.31.
itta4L. /51.7g14=Virtol'IreigVhar .;
emtagme with Lhollroll.Gind of
.• - '
rt,Traldtg, II kV. D. 3.IeOItHiV.Ci•ILI,ve.
IVOTICE IS llEREBrgivere L t
ticai•vlll boo ituaa to the hoz t Lee Watt:tea Nazar I
not% br the Clasen& Deepen Leek of r 'tutor. h. he ea
eltrrattoo In their charter. allserlog the the riellece
tnereatinh their capital Ozer to 1.:03.000. w i the .
powers and yriellegoa ordered LT other teethe_
UM or thle stets. itiLtma D: AMP , . CooO'e.
7 • tlCalillihlCE cr rtM117344, .
AN , ELECTION for Thirteoa -4.tirectors of
Mt* %nig. to 'ay" duly', Ito pool* o sou, or toK the
orNmua `tlet•g`r.T.%°.'o".DAY.Zjr,'M
‘eltdtd JAMP.B B. hmeatty,c.h.vaia . Bloirrormasoo• Boot.
:• • • • rlttabon*, Oct. j
A,./st ELECTION for; iof
tra. to serfs the acal , lng yetr, oil! be bead.'
ba: . tgiVt. t i e l : int. a
t ft bl l°lj alt l a 'l elfATlVEl a sb b a=
Ceek.ial NU • • tel9.da W. IL DENNY . Cambia..
Plarsr Road. Election. - •
e ` iitll Vidley b. hel.4 it the
_tttou 01-44. k ; B.. WALtiltlt,..llkLeo 'Worf ; 4 3 l . l . O•ar . etr .:
r l io N.-9 : lA <l t ag:grOV n ebas ." T:, V. 4 Lt.t"T i 7 r ,l4'
•4311Pety to b. • Preelttott:tiv• ...gem Tresoutter *U4
sorobl l o o t lhter catrs aWS
s •
B =soles •
A &Ws FT o.lo_bt. bx Lma :to!
.491 D--100 the for sal* b
. . . .
I&Mat eoLio:nt
.113 Forttr.
latmi Veit
t Motif