- .. 1i07.1031.70$ 07 VIGILAXOH—The Fre ': .' . mont, „Committees of Vigilance lb ot the various wards .of the cities, boroughs and dienlcts ad , jacent to the city, -are repeated to sendfa delo. gation of tutee frattgpich dieted, to Moot at the Exeoutive Committee roome, corner Fourth • and Woad, an Monday of coo,. Nov. id, at 2 o'olock. -. - - 1111 A. IL Alamo, _,. Chen F=7oo 01 s, 2.170 COMlXiittee wiro Tim 0 cr . 7/331 = I—The Bantam Mien ha tod a variation of the colonisation fraud, to -our friendsoff their guard. , They %Jaw/ that In every districtwe are prepared for • - , . ' . .thliretionuf tbe fraudulent voters who voted at October election, if they offer to Tote at the easel places, they did then . - The colonists, , -- ...... „., .17.titiiefe.te, have eM beta abaogod. - Those who :.Toted': in ,the' let ward; in October, hate been sent to some other ward; those who Toted:lathe . 2d ward, to °battlers township or node. other district, and so on through . the w) liet. In Manchester, welearn, one .. , -, - -` fourteen voters who voted, •,, - .- election. They hOpe . , -;. • ;.expecting that our. knowiag loYthicg theta pose. ' Forewarned trick le ' . . • . - of themi. jOhlo sod in the ,:. . ~~s. :-. t:~ ~;:;- f _~. :~~t;-, rt . 4 =" pfd • , r...7 6 ", A ys • _ stcrsking the polls with Republican voters, and plans far ,importlng illegal voters from Ohio carr# the election In this State.— Of Comae these are the idlest of finales; de duodena arrived it by looking at the Republican party throngii, , Qtemocratio" glasses; the cry of ' "atop thief " from the men who bold In posse"- don the 'stolen goods. We know we epenk the sentiments of the vast body of the Republican party when we aver that all its members ask la a, fair and a peaceable trial at the pellet on Tues. ' day next. They condemn In unmeasured terms Illegal others, and would scorn pi plea: dee it 'themselves. We wish of alt things to • see story bona ride citizen and triter, whatever • may ho hie political aim, exercise the right of . 3!?. , suffrage on Tuesday itext. We wish to eee the natation la Immo nulled upon in a manner that lobsll loam iao ground for civil In respect to whet the 'topic think concerning it, and we wooed be among the first to expose the wretch who should dare offer an Illegal veto, and that without regard to the political bias of the per nen offering it. Ourlait defence to the ballot. tf 4 I from other places In Ohio, are made palpable by - the feet that con of the "reraeloua" nheete whloh L= 7 ,- alleges Intention of fraud on the part of the Eta lubliCans, In the 'same lisue of the palm eon : Mining the charge,. cbgnis ."that State for the - ~D ettiotiraoy." Why . not keep. our Totem at bona If that State to in doubt. NO:. they well 'YD.OIY, that we aair only , fair itlity. If we hero that too Omit carry the Keystone St/Aeon Tins - • _ • day ne:it by a triumphant majority for Fremont tot Vieedom. - 4 To cc Coones Moe! , pieced •¢ rise of ,ourseeiteetelf theloste of Mr. Jobs B,Fezell for oo!lealiw.. *lns 'receipt irill be no-, . varAgbd: by us fdi beakTenbsalpilons 'duo. tole yefer;Uud-elso (Cre advenee psy rai ' uosi `eubeoribers,!' 'ofquxtetef Ignite klud et toidos of as /Midi ,very one. I 416. :Pf,rltlE.TipqVTGA'Aß4."l'.fe SMDMS a D. RATON-.-- ntr L. esita, raw= lrD Trim - • PTTTSBITRGH: SATUEDAY - NORM*, NOT. 1, 1856. 'Grand .Premont Concert. . • .. Music for the r :TIM Fremont Gleeeintio of Jilleghrny and PitrrinEk irillider • 'email illgteal Lutartalmactit as x.Xmatollw,l4,lllet m y, On' Monday Nov. 33, 1356. ons.otortaimini ion mow of tie iamb - and best 'lbmse of tie different (Übe. Doors... we al ex e!cieek ; perentaanee to eatom r3(~d meg at ebek . Xor moose of demi= arena% admi•Oon tier , Ur lOUIII2 be eold CeittS etch. 'Mir/ =ex tra4 stabs B. 0. Co-Armes tookrfm. 111 %s /borate?* Yews' etreet. V 1 iereati admitted enterer • rteivi ... 4 STOOKTigi. J` TORRYNQS ikriatittee OfAlltr.ratintf• Electoral Tickets. Our friends In the miens Election districts nre notified that Fremont Eleotoral tickets can be had on application to the committee at Head cleaners, corner of Fourth and Wood. Fremont Electoral Ticket John C.•Frenioat, ' . lEussell F. Lord, James Irvin, Frederick E. Smith, -Joliet& Edwards, Abraham Updegrar, Geo._ N .; Eckert, - . I.Toseph D. Simpson, Mahlon H. Dickinson, Hezekiab Easton, Wilson Jewell, ' Edward Scall„ Albert G. Rowland, Wm. 11. Stewart, Cideb,H. Taylor, , AlfretPattemon, Wm. Darlington,_ M. D. l nenair C. Sawyer, Wm. BL : 'Esird, - //mob Painter, ; Atiolmel H. Shirt, Laurence L. illoCiutho Simon Cameron, ' -Peo. W. Arnold, . jokri M'Cormick, . !James Skinner, --' ~ . - S mith B. Thompson. • - .. . FramunA.Sohve On BstardayEvening at tifeyetto ADM:10810N FUZZ The Fremont Glee Globs of PUtaborgh and tillegbeny Cities bare agreed by request -to re. peat *air Concert on. Saturday Evening at it o'clock at Lafayette Hall. Ne mamma admitted without a Lady. O. W. B►Ton:roa. - „ B. P. M'Dirozz.n. H. A Wnavan. Committee of Arrangement. • Prandttlent Tickets! Look ont A dispatch received trot Philadelphia, yeoter- day, 6171: • "The Bacbananmen hove printMl and are dis tributink the straight out Fillmore ticket with the name of John C. Fremont at the head. Look out for them, and cantina the voters against spn .rimMtleketa.". NeTor was an enemy more desparato than 'Qum and never was rigilanos irioro requisite on our past 'Dna friends moat watch narrowly for all such . Woks as these, or some unsuspeetink rotors vdl be cheated. The prioe of liberty is utelual vlgilanos. lama, cud eo VII true plea . :the vote of every man who resident of - ski ward. Old derma, who know the voters , hi:reelected as &Clangers, and ovary iloubtfel nuns to the pre Ole "villeraus game of the Br iiheaktonte4. • _ Apreliefienry toestnare salmi *be fond to thoroughly oyes 'teepeetiyelj • before eleath • the colonists. 'llls b ox , Ix rbe-Walla t of4'lriarma let that be safe from aresolt; let all tbo guards thet oon be joet- ly thrown around it, be respected. - Vie Implore all the ' , friends of right, then, to stand by , that palladium of the liberties which .2ol o g i o woo, on Toosaoy.. We ask the 'friends Otter onto to oomo up and vote early 'in the .dey; to entree's a rigid scrutiny upon those 1111080 right to vote' is doubtfel; and In every just end proper manner see to It that the hallo:- box reflect the sentiments ota7true majority of the legal voters in every wart borough end township in the county. That is oil we ask and if wears not much mistaken, that we shall have. The weakness of the inventions of the enemy about yoke, to be imported from 3dassilon and fiputt,t!=.l3maiirrity. Tara tec4of almost every stump orator of 'the pcsitivery...'demey.der the North lit the high sovadiitgwords. , eguaut►iooudyaty. ^ Tlittrertd of the Missoari Compromise is justified on the ground that It gives the squatters of K 611913 the tight and shinty to settle the slavery question. in that territory as their judgments and wishes may dictate. It this vita true then there alight be some meaning ia the words so much relied span by the protilaTery Demootety, but mint tuastely this Is a delualon, a miserable humbug. In the place of squatter eovereiguty ruling that . question in KAMM it is controlled by Execntiro eovereigntya Let us take a common-sense view of the sub ject. The Executive holds to the new doctrine that elavery,in the Territories is the creature of the constitution, and hence that slavery consti. tutionallyexistsin Kauese,and appointee bench of judges In that territory, holding the , same opinion, and slaveri is thereby estabibletby the will of the Executive and independently of the wishes of the people. II Now, suppose that John C. Premoit should be elected, and on the 4th of March he should re move those judges anti appoint men holding the opinion that Mussy Is the creation of State law and that It has. no legal existenoe in the Terri. Oriels, then Slavery 'sews toaxlst in Kansas. We would pow ask what has the people to do With the subject of the establishment or rejeo don of slavery in Wanner No one can fail to see that that question is controlled exolusively by Executive, and not by squatter sovereignty, and that the repeal of the Missouri Compromise simply took the control of the slavery question in the territories out of the hands of Congress and placed it in the hands of the President of the United States; and yet this ie called “squ.xt• ttr towersignty," and is relied pti by the pre-sla very party se an argument to justify the repeai of the AM, and to justify all the outrages that have bean the result of that - ill-fated measure; and also to sustain the election of Mr. Buchanan who le pledged to the same policy on this ques tion that has marked the administration of Franklin, Pierce and steeped it in the blood of American °Wane. Shallow and delusive ea Is this miserable hum bug,. it la the cold end subitanoe of the Litho! the modern Democracy, and upon Ude deladon hang all Its hopes of Dames& Tn. putoonocr or Vroarott —We wish that every honest. Democrat In Pennsylvania could have had laid upon his table every morning dur ing the last four months a copy of the /tightwad Enquirer, undoubtedly one of the most ably con ducted and influential Buchanan papers In the Old Dominion. If such a thing could have been, and that man had huhread the paper honestly, be never could have voted fur Mr. Buchanan unless Indeed he preferred to eve the dogmas of Calhoun set pp in the place of the Constitution of the United States. We have given in our ()chimes from time to time some of the choicest eztraets from this great tribune of the elate holder, but the edge of the remarke quoted hevr been often blunted by lying demagogues claiming from the stump that "the Block Re publicans make up this stuff out of whole el 'lb and label it, Richmond Enquirer." Many sons have believed their falsehood. Some i , 17. our, have come to us and asked us for the En quirer with such end each etotemente. Wheo ever wf hod retained Copies of the issue called for, wei. have shown it to them.. -There . Is now lying before no n copy untie Biequirer for Oe tober 28. It is fall of "Democracy." are fear or Ave articles in It, which the Bad wan papers in this citylietios not publiih with their endaraement •VireVare them to do It - on Tends,' morning and soy noqthe contiled Dam coney of Allegheny County, 44 .4 ls you "vote for In voting for Mr. n yi ~., "what the only national party eves. , Coma "and vote for this. Bally for / e kneciplee "sod sustain theme" . nu, following aro ease extracts, Tromp* En (rarer a date u above: We none threaterodisuidoo, '- to &memo Intolerable, , •4 left to Mari— dwell ttigebbt... Again, of o long to the Eaqu;rer, the follow► ...stance: "It ID now a canoe:— 'it le the settled determination of tilt —Jim people not to submit to the election of John C. Fremont, under any eircunutancot. We wish to be distinct ly understood-an saying and meaning that the South will not submit to Frinnont'e elevation to the Prealdenoy under anycircumetanue beatsoner. This, then, is not a debatable ensbject." It will be remembered that a tempest of wrath * Vas raised in Portsmouth a Ebert time minas, be cause come cithions rased there a Fremont flag staff and flag out thoiminer of Freedom to she breeze. Pubilo meetings were hold by the Demo. crloy to express their indignation; the city Conn dis were called together to tube notion in the matter and at length a resolution that the pole I sheuld be cut down was poiniid with true offiolni, gravity and doter= in these municipal bodies. We find in the Richmond Enquirer a report of the resolutions on this subject, etameeting which the following introdootory remsrke to Said report will explain: The following :resolution were an Wednesday night last, received with outhuelsem and nasal mouslyadopted by the Portsmouth Demooratio Association, Dr. Arthur Smith, presiding: Then follow the resolutions of which the fifth reads as follows: 6. Resolved, That the Southern Argus in de bouncing the sot of the parties who Insulted the citizens of Portsmouth and reflected upon the fair name of our town by raising said incendiary banner kl our midst. * * merits the thanks of the Democracy of Ports mouth, tone akin* *rem detmained not to formate —l3i4clr Brinthlitanims be our community. Scalier° a few of the gems from a eagle pa per. And this le in organ of the "only nation al party!" What lay the people to each nation. ality u this? What of a party which maker boast of its intolerance? COOSA RlOA.—Printp advisee received at New York by the Illinois , fromOolts Rica, dated Oct. Gtb, elite that Gin Oates was SO en the fron tier, watching the movements of Walker. Re- Jaffa ements, amounting to one thousand mu, had already marched to join Mm, and a thous and /514t13 would loon follow. Jkpablio meeting . was held at Ban Joae on the sth, at which it was unanimonely agreed to posh on the war against Walker with the utmost vigor. The - Mahep of the dlooeee had offered the government ill Ids private property, and may innuentlal (Athena were contributfig largely. The crops premento• an improved appearance: Bake had been made of cprfse, of next years amp, at $7 to $7,50, . - ROL CLarrox.--Vre liarn from the .Phlisdelphis North Asuman that this gentle ,siraa, about the elate of whose health the most bosh in'*au** b an , corivilestag, and hie 'filande hope Won P he win be setbertnittrotAit • .--ve.sl- 4 if Tam Cams or sue, kterns!—Thw valor wed itdreedity of a eieU crgsned army calve most Bernell terk4.4i.ilto but heirs of tlie - eontiteh When blow isino by blow 1110 . 1 reeeireCenkiii at sesey stroke, den mime the - erbds'of the battle; wed be wbo Sghte with e etelsolousasse of rightotodersteadiog the estate of the "alp- on be woes Mad ..titose. he opposes will never rels. effort While hie ,arm can deo! a blow Wpm his cipptosento It wilike well for our friends to bear la mind that their way and unscropulous opponents la, resort to nary expedient daring the few days that remain, to throw them into disorder, and if possible divert their attention from the great, issue about to be decided. To this end wean_ I ticipatti the Profase distribution of every con ceivable. falsehood in regard to car candiditer. These have been plentiful all ailing; but look out for still baser publications, sworn to by 'foie Nokes and Company. They will, come too Intel for contradiction, and the right. Way will pti to treat them ea electioneering falsehoods, designed to cheat the electors. \ • ' There are duties yet unperformed whieh .can , not safely be neglected. These all have refer ence to the polling or every Fremont vote, and whoever dose anything which secures that end, It serving lib country In the most ancient way. If any district is still leaking in organization, we entreat our friends, 05y. AND ALL, to be stir themselves at mine. Remember that the State ticket has just been loot in Pennsylvania for the want of three or four more Republican votes in each township. The Great Issues should be kept to Mind.. It le the ebooflon of JOHN 0. FREMONT AND FREEDOM FOR KANSAS AND ALL OUR TERRITORIES, or the election of Bachanan and the INDEFINITE. EXTENSION OF SLAV ERY. It Is so plain that none eau mistake it, and those who take the wrong side mast do It becami they are determined. on evil—evil to their country and its beat Interests. Not en In telligent man among them on in his heart fend the policy they vote to sanction. That it is to be carried out—that Slavery is to bo extended if Buchanan succeeds—le just as certain as that good, faith and honor have already been violated to dutch Kansas. Wioimever you aro told Cttons:toms is hopeless, give proof of your dotermlnstion to fight to the 'last by striking quicker, harder, and bolder blows than over. THE BATTLE CAN BE WON, and let every man maintain bls poar and defend it against all attacks Tna Harrusatato.—Looking at the recent result of local election in Penneylmola, it op. pearsthat:— 1. The majority of the Democrato to too small and incottalderable to be of any great conga guano*, and way of the other. In a total sots of 453,000 the'lluchenan majority has dwindled down, according to the offiehtl returns, to a pal• try 2700. 2. The change of two or three votes in teeny ' town of the State would give a decisive victory to Fremont and Freedom. The Republicans In the two working days which remain have ample i time, by a personal canvass in the Northern and Western parts of the State, to make converts by the hundreds, If they go to avork, as we are as sured Om have, in the right way. a. The State election in Pennsylvania has new. er been ►feet of what the State will do at the ensuing Preeldeutial election: This may be ver ified by consulting the election statistics for the . list twelve years. 4. The Garcons and Quakers will largely in crease the Fremont vote. Reduced to the Min nie question - at elootin the pro-Slavery or the Non Eattentionist =dilate, they cannothesitate in their choice. • •h. There will undoubtedly be gross frauds committed by the Democracy, bet we do not be . 'heir machinery esti be mere ported .tban ,; au the 14th. On the donmury, we think they will homeless f6nde and lees energy than they then had. Reaction and exhaustion always follow a epastuoirm effort. And, bitly, we honestly bonen that the ma jority of the peoplerof Pennsylvania are ,truly opposeirto the Pierce polity, to the extension of sh,tery, the forcible onhjogstion of Kansas, the prvpegsndiam of the ultamius, the disunion ten t,m,•ots of South Oarollta Fire Esters the stoPP' .4debetsand free Mine:don In the halls of Southern w_estern cotempors with jut bitterness given by the telex dispatches semi° the at Philadelphia and Orate; and wheth dignotk it is certain to political affair* A bet: with , al view to helping the later* Bask. For some time pant we hare cam exerolle a - close supervision over, the sent as from the telegraphic, office, to pea t eitationeering trades for Baohanan from Ting into our telegraphic column. And this la the only resonreo we bare; for It Is of no use to complain. We have forwarded complaint after complaint, but, without effect. The manager employed by the aesoolate press apparently gives no heed to snob thingtu and the reporters, growitig emboldened by his o'er , moo of them, set the conductors of the press at defiance. We submit to our friends of the western preers, generally, whether a conference among themselves might not lead to some Joint or. rangement by whioh escape from this telltales' wonld be poeiible. GOOD GAl3lll.—The Rev. - A. B. Brad ford on the evening of Thetriday week addressed a large gathering of Republicans in the Boort House at beaver on the political topic of Ups day. The Beaver Argus 'aye that Ma remarkein reply to those who denominate our 'laborers ttGreaty Mechanics" and filthy operatires," were heart felt, seething, severe, and to the point. may very justly be termed one of the most °da tive and argumentative orators in the army of freedom. Tun Vogorar of the Fremont Woo Clubs hot night Wlia decided raceme. The Hall was quite well filled, and tho sodium° Wii9 delighted. The songs were mostly new, and wero ell good awl well Nang. The Concert will be repeated to. night, free. Taingraingo.—The Governer of Meth Caro lina has designated the 20th of November se thankegiving day. This mates twelve state that have nomad the same day. PAIVOLO Of 01.01f1U0111531 AT one Bourn.— The Chariest:a Mercury concales that the orig inel proposition for establishing the Northern boundary of a Southern Ropublio enamel, meets with that favor which Its projootore anticipated. re virtually admits that there are quito a - num her of Southern States who are resolutely op posed to being dragooned ant of the Union; bat it consolen It reedere with the reflection that oven if Maryland, Virginia, Georgie, Keno:way and Tennessee should prove obetinately bent on remaining loyal, the eeeessionitits can do very well without them. Indeed toeNercury appears rather gratified, than otherwise, at the Decertify of narrowing the boundary line, and g et s o p a jubilation accordingly: it affects to me In the Slave States loyal to the Constitution, a cafe. guard against Northern encreaohmente on the property of those States which may agree to separate from the Union, and looks to territorial extenaloo Southwards to make up the deficiency. It most be confessed, nevertheless, that the prospects of a Southern confederacy are not Im proving, notwithstanding 'its ancompliehmetit seems so perfectly easy. in theory. The practi. eel attempt to eeparate would, wo are inolined to think, meet with no little ' oppoeition, erett , ltt those States which are at this time, most clam. orons to try the chances of each a scheme. The effeet of the eigerecui speeches of Jahn i r-Betts; hes been to arouse enquiry anti mpathy, even to the strongholds of the.houtb. home two huodred letters' have recently been received by_ him ..from'heorgia, North o v a l* Kentnek - y, Tettnessee and Virginia,"' nearly all of which contain urgent iniltationg and appeals to his r ystriotlem to. persevere 'ln, his e reputed atreason And abolitionism," and warmly Gonna. niche him on the good sernienho has already oompllshed In behalf . of Conitltationni liberty.—. I After a mates consideration dt ell. Om . bens , o f the ciae,•ll6 tat4or think tie heath will conclude I mot to nada Ws thati.-Italtimoio POW' I . /SuxRF Dfx, lll- Pum. snais! far MnO, ; .- . X.O E CBEA NI ' .... . . 1 - 1 -- -- - 'A - - AldiSON &- co UO., -., . year co hooted N. Orleiew Supine, 4 ' i .:-: *ti kille4 in s btiUs niein 1, tit.l3o.).laeinto ' 01r8 TDR SALOON &s. Ne was very ".. pular at New O. 1 - - - -A 3y IMINGRICE Z. ' ' 1 . . _ Mane, tivlere kr rata promhie t meraOftr - seraall ''' Mom .s Soil .a , 6m.lr -' _ I - Sisallirlyn dram; benaolett itutifutione Poi a number of months - - 1 ,,,,,,,,,,„ RY. G 0 0D S, Loran Sturm snu Dun= Attar r he has sated as the Mears. • -.correspondent of I-. oentatt thin F v f 01 „,,,: , , • 1 ........„...._,........„.........,,,,, ;INVITE MERCHANTS FROM ALL SECTIONS TO THEM EXTENSIVE STO CI ..srtstes num MAIB kRONTEII. m7rs. el The Vigilance Committees o the etyma wards I WHOLESALE Two Thousand Cases and Packages of and districts adjacent to tho ity ore calle i ER a FOREIGN AND AMERICAN GOODS d So ' - ' , -meet at Head Qadrtera on HO day, at '2 M. GROC t 2! &potion and Int Front Struma,' • See codas 7.9 prrrsnmeoil..PA- i Purchased direot from Manufacturers, Commissioners, Importers and large Puldio Sales, ...-.... Sziottmossnr.-A plum beaded !•To the 1 .."7,_•-=- - .. DENTISTRY. .....-- - -.2=. - L , - ond will be offered talierchants at prime GUARAN O.,r, T . E Ii t i T . O t. B it . ,.. AS LOW f AS YRE,LARGEST EASTERN HOUSES. Milian People! tesurreoaeu a the tallest of 4 . *i , * ''D ELY. MAL NE Elif,lisw: ; Tin l% Org kral IV .. Trov . " - " . - um "- duties !!" WIN been posted up tu various guar , j, SURGEON DENTIS'r, - i alias . ' ' SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. ' - tors of Paris FROM NEW YORE, : WHITE GOODS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, * MILLINERYABIIOLES. -.•••••••••• 1 Extracts Teeth Without Pain, ' VAR'TY GOODS, GLOVES, By a Leal Eautunbina ARUM to the GI2IIIJ only. : Every description of Domestics. - - I sarfroorta Teeth on UM. Myer, Plattaa and Oats I ay /411(1r BONiarg eltiE i ll pri Altligt . C.74lf i lp now as=the moat extensive la the Country. math,* REMEDY. ro ck, . nod "am°. aft I).°t°l °° ”• °l " ° I° 0 '''' .4lll ' a-nl ' re u. aro nanti r ntlanly . degred to triIIIII. toetrawortuwat. AKE'S I =mere. OCI•1131tr A. A. MASON & CO ., 25 Fifth Street. ilereudn and Circular. at Ida Mee, . i t e , rills. . - 64 siarErnEr.D.arsver, PiPlilillitoll. madman, u of SirJuteatt SPPICIA it, N 0 THE, GREAT EFIGLIB BIR JAMES 0 Caebrated Pena Preparoit Crow a presoripti (hart.. LD. PbrdeAn HI WAD tictildne U evit ewes gelrgol sal tlanc . am, dl Tule colueltutlec: It rt all slum. rtraoTea I Wino . ea the atoathly cancel aut. ItilLrehoutt be need two or three • Ilneatatits ttOS7 tTIUI the ossoetttatl • • bleu labar,.mabllna Use • dotes altireatett to herself end eltll • /Es all cases of liertrtesease and 8 . the Beek and Mate. Marlowe, ha • tloo, Palpitation of the Wart, Loam • los. Eack Header-be, sad all the I plotted by • drardered erste." th. tare !then ...CI otter tains hare roaartatrassedy, Banat =tam trees, neap r othserstostrel. Ifall dlrettiOnse aeoccapaartad sea. the Mated rates and Osalds• Coo Del • Soto Auento tot Ibis country, L 0. BALDWIN.* C TUTTLB a MOM AlbtMl. N. Y. Go • N. D.—sl,od sad 19L vicata.o 'mays Iborlamt agent, vrill gum • bottloof • sun. romze Pitt; by ILI;d112: Wood .d Yourtk JOB. *DBL..' BMltttileld ittAJOB. , L.M1.1-NO, comer ot 'tree. LudDrfallia.• VolreSll )ore Attestations.—Dr. /Wing mod roar bTa7nan'a !moray.! cOnipelled tO age .tatoddet trYloa • theraare do Mtn soul to theta la lir! he►Laho and dtrandement of the eto ..1 thalthtwo. V 5. Tic. 13.1065. Jd De WU:oft hottoted Ldoor rills am 'ate • also Dr. L Pcott's Cedebrsted ' .Dent, prepared solely under: the • N:ott, a Regular ted.lerlOradosta sod• .411 Nom mbolne ad) sal prepar.l by solo Prapr bean. Bank Pbee, 1,1000. Lam'a Improved lam Pilla and aem,pmb.d b) dentate of 0. by ell All UM above illidleMee 4by asla by OT. (Jr).E 11. 111Y810. 140 Wood stre.a /M. P.1,1.1040‘10. Allele:taut. ma, I' aids &mat. Want!: Wonnsl!.—Varions thel etatted retail» o the Milo of Intattit the onsetloa ball! rated one arrow I.!f. of°. Ley ItOwever. all ate intim" all agree—the ed..' native of lb. Infla children. at thi. meal of the fa trornie ate meat frequent as well as rnee take groat hleglore to direction the at.l to the Verrelfute of hr, 61cLene. 'ger end b 7 Ylendrat Dn.. Pletab.r id. It I. one of thom6d .Itraordinu7 trohildan era Ititrvinead to the nubile, and hu tern. Wader encottsvhen tried. 113..Putehurn to ennead to, eat prLABRATED insurcas. and other Term Una lo eohrarhol. Wiaria'a Tamliar% also Ma celebrate • ads be had at all reapeetable Dreg el States, and Canada. Ilona moire tan of nolulksB Critlett and Continental SIM DILLS DEA WN OURCAN, SHERMAN ON THE UNION BANK, k - nr Bc.va3 as 11 AND CYA These Drafta aro availdble ati ettra TenrsuorlnTlatui• 6,411"11 end Oaatlneat. - .:~ . M. A. Grunebaom -& • .74/TirgiOßT A MAI WU* urn as a itiatttopeo to all Ehritserland nettlolLuta. ?snow Intedtait to Intel &Mud= u Lott= of chlet Idonor - UoCod. In am' Colloctimo of and ott.or MP*. VIII tutu titttualoo. • WM. IL W . otal2- PITTSBURGH SHE ISAAC JON CAST BTBS T STRING, PLOW .Al 6 A. SPRINGS AND Cartier Bois and First pestarib _D. B. HOGBEB .a mannertratan P A T ROOTRIV IMPROVIED Steel Cultivator Callum Rasa uND FIUT JO:A3alEb Dr. Om. W. Mainz - Por Golummptton, lou., BAKER .t . 'CO', Medicinal Transparent Co Highly, esteemed by the i Medi tbarmthotet the United auto icht. 1) I and 13111brzottf, lermadlits. and ate elm A majority of SU suldeent shrSlalans 0 sire this 011 tb sinellon of Verde :Bich at A test of their coptl4riAto. rumuseirt It -to and ',ascribe It In Their peseta,. I Asa remedy for cionswaptim: Broach tie, &attune Gont,ltteurnatbres. Victual Debilley, and I Earofolossi Alhr.lone, I r stitUs noriesked, etkatlns. re, or athlete &Una- serfroisirrelten Mbar multipart& hare ailed. atanufulared only •by JOU!: G. Bali t CO., - Va. Ica bum - smash Ildladelats, and mid by Drugedsta . It ttd, cite and e rvsdrere. • : wedr,Bm 4 kr .- IdZa s - 7 . a: a 'i n y'ard - r ,,,e. llexasedsr Prardbry, •Aglieted - LESTII, die, parecnolly to ad sub ree and far the d 10/WrirtUr ir L.. 11,14641 . rritilr, Cr -to obviate outs of the ens, tome ahead am e Ls thrums, ratio:m..lw ' will depend II pies Mall dies au rm. ALI money I my niter easrUL eader r' of C Ilotal, ' York. Important Notice. to th6tt . WITH CIIgtONIO D6WASKei. ar A. A. York aty. Finding It sutriebl4 atten.) .11 mr pAtlAnti, and Wait tiultllVAA to t rpoadhln •!.af or to asitatait4..r (Ptarkr tr, ptxpo,aotruppratitig tb4nsio of eorth:4Ar quack atedithoc#, ng well u ibe %KPH Indite ttalltlont nitruer. tearing r en wail of I•Wr .Nalps ar coo: detlat..t l the 16ort,aad tneeitarti*ato pi4ents to nl *Amity, I ...Ad isteral=es. AIM hLL cltre any - dlspam. for $5, unless -trsatmlnt limper paled than ens imarith s whin the ts 'for with month. The fits for all cambia eluding that kw the rrollesl ma of hemis: moon Um pecallerlty of the ram. rittlinia statement orals thole sraptanw si ths rem band withan .01,1Cial rattraps* in mush - I letters Monlo reestarea. Th. lint put tratatiVairlt will be sent to may s4dresioa t 10 omit, 101POrialiatmirti iMPaints ths lo JIM cmlo N I Moody Medal Awarded by York Esillatton t the Mullah or fOreign soturersbra been obtained, monger num tars, Dl LSAS PERMS 'or their - W1)11411:STNABIllitfl BAIIUL m h e nb T farther testiotoor A artordod of t. Tha embilty of tIIU Boum has ortonAol tol to of theglat a, and its a»bacl in grosiceing be.abbig beaming dilly more Our7.4=d ae to th•calted Matta it 1a held u, be the •• • andliagsb and I arteemed toe Ha twee sna litelMeirdk It. la Unal nrel enabling Um stun tba And, On lb Oantlaint of Europa, u.en g uy bete e d to by • gintleman. oho Inntteo- to , ILINEI that .1 Moo curio! a bottloof Jour 6111.0 la aro= I have hit. onaDlotad • • • . 1 Portz:olodd bane icwwtal Mettitt rata . 1 Ira owl= Savo In Kammtdr, and roma in ! an With troth eel thee is atilt:m.ln stn ; ca¢a so aacY►ltobl comfort, at laut In Lb i & Vl= wheralt Is found at the m••• mdment. I Imam] , antic= write. from i hit brothatin tba •tune nrOMation at W •, dMawfmrtento .144 Last Pearl= that the ; WOO' a1=1.4 Inlndia, and •that rt to, ..! theintrit Pintablo sa wall as the moat • • Mb tato fa galtaldr for ent37 variety of t • onlyinet demand laden Da median= Imo kel to many.iiettatlons being Mitred to OM Pri autletyel twass, but the gtontra may In • mum of "Otd' MEM' Wog Immersed I vaunt ktatdllciebasul" Or 'aim plw.. flop bat.* as wen sa the Meg w 0 warOperr. I Bole ganlP the "teSSMUNUAN 445 870114W1Y. OoruntiPtioni , Ctired -- Be not :d• - by owamtta Ms. ?Amman, Oath it Ces O. Lino OK, neves disavtahtsOnnt. nine nun' bag wind Itenparlor to alt others and the et tete tat Cbluittotten. As there e vest dietotootionl 4 1 In th, saultattAallth alai adi Yha4 on. • se-.. 4 a. an =not tptalsA t2ccusi th.. Diktat., 130. OM. Wade at Orr • own teetorrln es& bottle - his our idinative trniftbe ha to Sit 1341anen,Cletlit Cnaotetnee the ' Itaahhen. =late inertnEr; thgeheibeci-Ati , trcidnqa46 Rinit.ooo4o, 111ELEMir# At M. mix. o. Oa: SNA ST K. A. STOCK no.,a,Lbsifur.4Apu.saiLby•• • • au'4l7. ; I -4 • '.,'J ?; . ' :.i' , MERCHANT TAILOR, • ; NO. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, . (Dr. 11Ith1 New Dalldinc) le the nato* sa incident to the It- maduity. 11.0 Minions to COLI. and lan= the ad. r wenn het PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE Ac CHI CAGO RAILROAD. Eff . I Miro Mom. tabs to vs on Might a:m. s of Spiri to, tryst., beta dlewaxg me. PM, vAI aloft • I - and although ■ daeiriti. aaUm,ay. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, Thres Trains Daily. Ptu3aangur Traine will run daily,- unapt gumisys, se follows Light Pittsburgh for crown's st A. ,E 0 u.." " P" '"" I snCtOo P. Di. Liana Grostlhas Par Pittsburgh at 6.C0 A 15,1.00 P M, and Ma, P.M. Thus trains sit mats r4.sn amutotlorta at etratlica witb trains its Columbus, Dayton. Clueinnsti, Benleimp indMitsfolls. Chlutgo. M. Louts and an points on mil extending West and Sou tlis.sst tbrougli Ohio. In. 1MM1122 E!iiM Lit rasa of • • nor Point a and Diamond and Mu- In2l-IrdisreT Than train from Pittsburgh eoar , ot at Mansfield watt 'Troths on Banduaky, Handled and Newark road. Mr Otdrago. Toledo and Bandusky ansruidlora are made at Afllance oath Trains on C! aratand and Pittsburgh Road mr Cleveland, °Waage , . Dunkirk and Buffalo. Passengers leaving Pittsburgh at 2 P. IL for Eandusity, Toledo andObleagq have the benefit of • night's redid Mandeld or Cleveland, and arrive in Chicago early next envaing. Tram gad from Credible make oboe onnoodienut with trine on Pennsylvania Central 11. IL for Phuedetrava Baltimore and New York. Through 'fleets am sold to Ce4Umbile, Day tau, Mein matt LOuldilla. Bt.. Lou).. Ind./enrolls. Balladintalne Waco. Beet Island, lova Qty. Druilleth, ldtlwaukiq Cabo,Brainglilaki„ 111, Port Wayne, Cleveland did the nrinelyel cities ha the Wed. Through Tickets over this line inky be bad at all of the *bike pluses ea Pittsburgh' Plilladdehla;Baltiroore and New York. The NEW BRIGHTON ADOOMMODATION'TBAIN bodes HAsradghton lOr Fittalrargh at 7 A. IL. and IN r,, N. Loam Pittsburgh for New Brighton at OX M U... 134 634 tr. at. tor Titivate and farther inibnnatlon sooty to A. T. AMMON. Al, the career Agee, under the • Or at the Yoderal etnet litatitm, to ORORCIE PABRIN. Ticket Agent. • J. IL MOORE. Brut. J. KELLY, Pareaza Agent. Pittsburgh. May 20, lath mr.,o Scott & Co Lrrer Pill., I am nat aV other Fps r complaint, sick ' JACK HON. Imprond Vaml• Salon of Dr. i• hrgicisa