I `:'l.i '.,) - t. ga - 4 A Zi" IT J-T .c'Y ,- - . ni ,;.-- F . ( ..,-, 1 ~..J , " EID In 178 -' • , - -.1 TO .LAWY.Ft/tB. .' . --.-. r ure ARE N OW OE7EI {.4.41 . .- .I , ' 3..!-, •TO THE Atzwitn s r `OP! , irti: nag,r.l 'i' •-• .i. -- - - •A. LUSO ina zap Atsoiiitz.i r or LA W e - " e: .11 ..0 0 K 8, • ' '''' -' Very Lo ~ Low PT iOOB. - , -Railkip, elnad it GO., `• 2.*WE6sketlletritintl YBlBBBB,t, .... r 8 314/89 - - 17.3.144 Haltittatrett, nlt ----------------- —____ ______________r• 11=1211 =EI -, . i.- • , ,-..-,,,,,, ..; • -- - - ' ToDraggistsandPhysictituis , ' -,' •`•• •' , rut attention ill invit dto anew kedici . - ~ •.. t...... , Ji.• ir :-.. : .;_ .., • 49.preisaratteu iiiill•d.tbill ° , . ; ar,At.lgeat *xi t/fllliWi ale rel L r r tutut ei r et;I: .: , ,• , ... iftmizsag l i t + rt a le classofeases Tr i nhfri thls „ ~ Rum:mast it lout. WrlXllrkWi:P.,,Aatatt . -- ~ • -, - , , Great care Is taken Init.! manufacture to mace on! f ' '' leanon! es all. 9 ted Rea y '''''' ' ''' '. al* used. There far lent. In it .mr reha trb tier:4 4 ., '—' ' - ” any terson,and the -whole eamblo.l cannot 31 poe/bly be "' lejtaions. Inrculan. onntalnine fun Information and tee. ' 1 .;; t'isr '._ e - ,- 1.5 tr,g11.„,r2. , ,b. 1 - 1 a! I b u r bzrt , , Pot uar.z.- . ..i...„-., , __.,...._,.. , _ . .. ,Lerg. ani.a.ll:' , l f il; 4..i.ufhl.' ':.,h,t:',"V,Tolvigtilfi: ~:i ~--"', ,- r,l=—:,rtra.itrtslArrig7,2,„gx.EVal ;-,,., , , - '-::.• • • • r , I , • I S- , .Jetramtchenlng to the whnluetam, anti pot Nesdar.l4 ~,... : ~ „,f.t!,...iiiiltg.tatii a1i0nt.2::,,,,0 .vvolbrcati,.en t . _ . _ -_ •- ... -- = r ,., -..5 , ' Worn% Pds'is..l4dt.lnth, 19.55. ettiTh4ll4°lTelfiggri j iii cr'utfr• DI IP44ll74l°.'hviti ...• . built --..—.... art card Mat tbg / rtil r a m:eaun d with :1747,,r!PPn7q441.!.(rb11' I,l7lrrhirli;:r* - . ~...DrutilLaterth . Rrances...l have al.onteslans mked sour - Pain on kmer Alleviator,. fin , . tail it the ten artlrle a bin sr., immi Thr the parp,..4.. It . lessens the paha and MiLlotS th• birth to be atreetet Lee olnlrkly, I ehearfilllY recommend It. 5.11.113 msotrzar, hi. tr. - • ... Nch roe[. 00,201416 M. • , ; ht. Pr. lune -.iftsr ...las , been confined AcTrral llmec . .wlth west danger and much pally. lieu foidphsdlo ter -N7U2r1147.. "' 7 1.. -bV4lr=g4zni. • - - •• „ 3'or ealchparicheqabhitleusict*, and wbOlesc le Ohl]. 1 ftner Wyk. Pelee 33 per gic-kage I eimple direct -low! forh.c. DRUNON 31. D.. PcOpector. L . : . Z`. -, 4 A I+3, r , '.- _ . . LAMES' /et '8 MIN „' - • . 'COTTON /a. uoyCnetlyerlauy, LzioWn 0 , 4 th ypry bmt tam Pamily it14'41.1.50 for SEWING 11.A.CRri •• Agatthi, ROBERT & CO. • bl 1)4-Street, Nets-York./., $, ?~~: t=Plag' GI s s r okin i.s l l.ok.s, and Picture gn Rime hlaxuaracnimj. Ned, P'Ag...llo 2 92 Ui.enalcb etzseet,-torner OBt...tets, New Yprk.. , - - 110 U.* EIGL)M, Cork , Exchange., A*: , 3 1`411 1 .rfrA T. 0.11. Y. 1-11.4tua .427.artat d931:17 SNA• ~- UHGS Bheetipgici . hok, Flax and „ _ o oteptiTwiD..±i-;.. 4 , rklie eM be.utro. ircquFftki with cin O tln 80. ••• • rerlct,kl L 6 order tt3 e BAGS, rpretalr tor their ript.. l . , th •• k of - Fa HA xeiair M el= Eesozleen -kegs,: nil the ;Lar varlet:. very hoary throeburze, hear,' lactors • 'ea*Aodzvl cl.a.'dp r wi th • b n e eraeMfteclamaeOittatamazialx.l:eLlt:ea eiom ea. dk., forkeorWu= tr?colored dab. We batenv my2tl9 ~._. 4 , _ " Pain AlcohoL.ft, yvr an P.' K:41011•11MIPX4 -..zvaELE , en RE now Sating la th " 344 • offorrttu„, aka. Mt U.S.; 90 , Thobar MANUPACTII.I •. 21 x8.- . ..TABLZ =0324 WitaAi.s vcc t ,::mantas Into the Cum . of le vlsmi la afro n terapmary tlem tr,140.. 11.1614.1,41,rak rearzursf, ware= ecargihk.h., hcdo tb4=sei Ghia% . 144 • tiVFER • Tvl . , I , TrA N Vest lasvloni altar .11.112:04 D4di • tO atuleascomare- his eel. ‘-.f.gtatb , h=m249 ~,P,,,,e alftvlOD Glee, an .Icrys.., c. wishlv.itlafellve!Jrck. furvithed.' _with plkeo :web; at Weir addleall. Otaia dvp)!PAY arservlyytarv:load LeC a OE knfIICOTO SES 'rind far lOW - 'Mn °imam batb ta • WIN' Intl DRY L' ~k,utAlluera=ifi • reACOMY arid , ruaz: Yaurtaw-tt.va..,,a,,,,ustii!"!?^PFlrArzarguttk- • r • • ra garior p :GLENN`. l uz EN foIT4 II c, u&--- fet x ra v" tr u K io TALAN,' .:TOn2x.rll •aAI cßty iLDN44 • ' . I3 C I REEFFI L . niPOWEVEN Ala sesslizaiyir 7; :DMA, Oils, ily4 - pirfamfre a t e • ••• •• . ' 170 Vir.IIALLAIt EIT„ lc eurYof: ...;ERVITE the tho t ra d a ,, ask— lalimaad ruts! sizet &al b - PrILIP4 aUsagemas. • •.• .itwy a •ft ft•vrtTaMra.lll%-WIQ' 'u""•5 1%. - kf:sv i 4.kr 2,:w1 5 Tps• Laburaltssett+ll= g 7th.V " 'Ur alosollited ito,noo °,,cosers . e tusi o riasibtrAVl7Ml l T"' 'Mira WM'S • /15177 • -To EfOU9IREREPRIL4 .4.4 D • HOB IDILLS, • •ix NT= and Ti :pIOUSt MUT. 20/7 r•egfcC 8 1 11 1 ," sulI C % Tug P7opriatar a of ddi: loug_ i%tid Clur..EN AtiD APJCZ ZS IWILDTRIZEN .r pto move Me tx.:t • "arlum,ira: "se.= la ITe.L.,="7=l:'ltalTp s g.g - `4•11 t a rn. am of osa La .617 cvapjoc obi/War," woo SU Von rosaotWts Ural& woo for Wake, Ida toabi # 4l 4 (a ir lal U i • r ‘, 7 13.0 1,711. --Amur poom„ • =MI %;u -BsPs goR Z/ P. , /k.• 04 , . - '.4 :-.',V!..b.01,1.8ia0 cad - Retail Dee lors L in •• • " - .. .. -...--_,...:„. •'••••,:.::,,ZEmanatErGli .-;- - - . . '.'-' .: - • ..sgsvn.avirs, troacut.l:4 . 'on ... , l'anov %odic, s' •.- .. ~-' • .......- .. 11 . 4 4 - ... ssut 4 / I .6d.es map. sis k w ‘j*,,...••• ‘' sur.....kmu 5v....tu,... Ursa: : : r... : ..• .. really.:.: -.. . • #iPilliiiit Iliiilielat,Migrjklit '.--..' - • •••••CLOMCS,II ; & 11%erza.-., ',......-: P r ZtROP,F4E3` 4RI , srapb.c .coacts. •:--.....4':•ii.t.i.: ..,,*•" :;_!.. J 4 .... . A o Immaio' r.x:tnet. wk....cr.:a In el ,yt ....Few f:. ;,N 1 ,,14==r4fitrett21:12,=4 1 .44.1;03 ~,,,.74 iTro . r ms - ZuWit.- ,H - 1 - . i'... 4112 ;iiroi, l i t I°l7 F : •_1111:10Z4 .0.. Wholosalan4lßetall .. umunrin Taborse44 ttolltyy PIZZYBUROII.I aytimrsa IVallace 'D ,A:ardiner .E'.4.L.E.12.T9 .1 _1 Flour, ProisionE and Produce GansUs. TiO.Z4S LIITBRST ST. - AG A.LEY; & CO., Ire; Wood erect. Pittablirgh. .." ------- • - CULBERTSON liholcsatelirocar as . Ozrombelcskatisnadt.eer eroduesaad Pitts: Jut Manotactut,l Arita." IV! Liberty amvet, rats • iOIIW Okiti non. FLOYD .!k. Ca, • lirtollEsaje timers' erf cult tyri 1./t msand pbtuli on k Iltvrtanto H 0.113 Wad La S3llb. rsrat, t OI3 ,ERT '3100154 Wholesale, Grocer, 'tomer nt Yittl cc, Pittobtuala St oo olorfaarto, and' LI/ Lugs orrl'crelalmottomotogo Wino*Laanorodao. 314 Lthort7 ohool.„ , ea bowl o tan- . lorooraor or garcetc't ola alooqazaheA Whistea. labia ottl Oa 1.'4 loot dr oath. V=-! WELL? JO4l/' File M • • • I' '..• • • • <.:••• ' • 4- 1 • , .. • . . EEE . z.—...t..--..,.-; ' ,f z` -5 ..:' , f a t 2 . 1, ±z , 1!:7-7.1-- - -1- - ''''' • _ .4 7 • ..': A .'"--- ' r ''''. _i:-. =•-• 7 ' 1 4 ' '' . '• .., 1.....:4 • MAIN' K. MIT; Whntenle and Re... 11 Daalera o ~ PAVER.S,-AND STATIONERY, - flank; Law and School Books, Xaril lfaCtlirera of . Blank Books, - bro.- 63. moo- STREET, Between Th!rd and Fourth. PrITSBULL(/ 111 3. 4 fteanaboai and ezny otbor deeerintibu of Printin emanated vial nattanes and diapateh, Prlntlne int at g Wart on-tuuldiulnllktolaila brand. Cull paid nn Mao.. 1. 3 P.! 1 4. _____ GaAs. B. LEEOII, ILata of Montgomery & LaCenA .FoRWARDING -AND COMMISSION ME II 0 RAN1 1 9 /..SULER .L.V Flour, Grain, Baum, Lard and tatter, AND ALL SLYOL: OP PROOLCP. Next door to the Old. Stood, Ito, 114 First street it - 11G Second street. Saw to • lataball. tat., Prwident Fanners' Den.Oalt Dana. Anbnylnyd & O, corner deb and Wood idet WEL num .D. , Chan Stanalacturer, mt., J .4:ll 3, l , ttaktmuder ra annta Cecina Ur Razon.ettliaaW27.aamtaCna. 114 , • na* di 00. Cincinnati! . . . 06 WARDING :AND 'COMIISSIoN • 411/ d IttERC:II:ANt AT, St , ea tube L.CEAB. IlinftEß A r 4271 . trnd EIT gent. Er erz,, DUBUQUE, lOWA. . .4a-comastooacits and oNerts =Bolts& Rana ro—Outhaokftobartsoo lizat.ra. jungChtl. gAta.. Co. :: i , L ,„. .v:lnimetribh..6..k. And aferelotatz gr10ra11f...... ray/94ad 11013 T. HETTO.RINsON. COMMISSION MENOLIANT it‘Oß tho Halo of Weetutia ReAeryo Ottoese, PROMBaton., LIM. tuft ; Fhpi- Pot *tot Pout Althea, UNSTATte th4 "44 Pi" l'l'''j4 "a No. III; &rood it., Ott. Wood .t SiglAiietd; 1 . . Pittsbnm, Pa. 1 lungra% ..ci p7...e.dzaii..._k. PitubutEn. D11.45,' v ` 3 . 4 ' . n.it.U..t CO op7rlyd _ "aim P. . ...----.-------.----maam a. uvww Wall Paper Warehouse. W. P. MARSD,LL& tIO., 'EXPORTERS AND DEALERS, 87 Wood 11 : at.. between Oh 4 Diamond allay, where mar he 7featatia,aaezte.nals...7Auwanseettaeavitzier e ir d slas eatelpla . of Pa. —. . - UAW.% -•_ , • . AU° w:adow at1a.1...1.t great varle A tr at the latest Nisei to eoaatr/ deal .110 W. P. taattaliaLL aW. ___________ - I'OENIRAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholockur Daum. IA Ilanatattured Tobacco, Imparted if, Banat% SNOT_ ,P AN Ao...ll37T.Liberty Street, V°9?"rAnTi TIOB 7IR fill. A. AVM. W.FI-012-ES. GROCERS, Produce and GROCERS, erdrants, ao42vD buzezaz vitl9 tatuxrgti Ilisnufactnied Articles, mra Liberty tired, tomer of /mit, ncralsoilau. PA _____ -aI:IE4XE 42 ARJER. f....t 0.A.k.6...11aikt... 4 LEAL 1:11.1 .1.1% FLOITRi! 011AIN MD PRODUCE. C0L 1 2 1 2182¢021 and EOrwarding IrLerelmat.a. ..N . o. 114 , Seedyr.d st. PeLttury ra. • Paz I.lta i 9 '• -' • )ThEr alleiditT. FLOUR. 2 TACTOWS, °matting At -I.;ornrcustion Merchants. ROD u 0 k,' Pltati Al 0 N 6%. NOS. 69 and 70 19aler Streot, hal PITZJIIIIIWIT, l'A SPIIINGER 11,1_88A vcrit, i t cutmtssioN atIRL'ILA.DtI; D!alar fil ..Wr.4l, Provisions Ez Producegenersity.- ~ N0.."295 LIBERTY STREET, ' ..--r.yrrieueepp. PA. A C+6,------c.... 'nr.-+• Alin* j..PA a c0.,-- - wkao.LEs.,.u..; F;:f.:;., OIRS, ermine° & Co , ;,• ••' • !Um-tants, .tee ITTSBU:.,.. • AU/fig/124; 4 0w,, 3, xv.“ sin lltruz , a , Prat at , { . riyr,l.3unon, • DThrnilo, .11211B81', air, Pro myipor C_ li ; 44, filakas WARFJI6I:HENRY IL _ _ 00‘j LLlNflattmud Ccasinarba ikrebaat. tad paw in Charolla tt.r. Lk. rigs lad sps Mank//7 20,1 Y5c_4_41 . 410% share WiMil: Pt:Wash leval rOMAS PAlitaltpOribr raid WO? 1 ' la heads M i Amorkso Wou No. Gil 11444 _kbetarein . aS Anuti =sou . , • DRTJGGIS • •..;••B,OROONN A • , 'L EA D wifits,_lLEAD, RED LEAD, 23 NOP.OJET, LITRAII , ON, PUTTY, oile•V. :ritiV, " Tglentizo, &0., No. 24 . WOOD STREET,- otialycl ' PrITSBUROI:4 P 4 orePIEW Ctoootbotu mum. ire BROTH:2IA To T. osa i cox) WII6L.EB AL. II .*.D2t/G018Til; . • ... . wooDfirah., P.L '-- PrittiorlitD4lo4l64 44 Waies' ' d. Ur, or to "Boats jd'Onfo L M l4ll =lrt. ' ' . 4 ll " l3ll i v vuoa l :4ll . l h ilt rtunna- sir/Um/a 4patfm Dr-fmeclleCtleine. anN Whole Dealer in' awry ;.,Dre s tu n, N .. 24 firs-V;:t% itZr, Arare i g . 24.1 A_ A. PAIIiitT-00K CisP.,—Nif&iloisalo. . _Druz.* aid ofooVortoxer o of White lots¢lioci /coo:ware Wood mod hoot iq.notha. Mt& osob7 • • E; ELL'LLE.RS, Wholesale . Dpidoi ~,,upti.nt6Rx. mask d in IIkRAUN MM. iholesido • & Retail liorN-earase gf•Libe*tr sat ALM itea4: Uo'lJ tit c c Err )100 ‘2, 00 2 , casor X k.1.!„,...1 Duzume—An. VI I ftw, I .rBB.Bll 8. A P 31011RISON- Attat,: etzetitturrhiz;nbArte aireet.4„rea ppa k: Pl] gLilifetTr, ; 'MAW" • : far VERT POLLOOK, A toriloy at Law, Coma ervirtb ika•l °Aunt stresta. Maine Umlaute dem Plttobtatzb• • • . ar44.03 . BOOKSELLERS &C. 00 CIWARE,Ioncoosooe to 3. SO& xkr.rorigioodoeso kwtalWl* Doom ft,&.t i & Pp., saglowleral . spai an di* Al 4 stifirgr3. DA Mai i -d-- klooikft wd•st a , , tkelaronearar to Delii:sitAirain,Na, • M Isnerimatkiltbbaria.l%. . . tot AY...L . . CO.; Bookedlarivand Samm, sta466 weed dn.^. Jultel low drol to the con natTbbOi, ' , NA rt. RAW ori tointropostowly ale o=4 L. RZAD.Zooksaller andlationeriNo; • 71 Notuth it., emit, Radius. • n rt IRANSP a ARENTAMPIEMOT44II fit'sVaPtikukagArkat ---- . ~ri....r.c.... ,—,..n.---,,,n,,,,:i1" ::-.....!.:,:i :' . ,'-':' .: .i r. '-' ~' ' , = = 4 . 7. :.... .. `! ...' - :. p P i r rTSB URG IL s COMMISSION 81C i' onnets, Ac., I . , oo oeB ra de -_— LargeaL Stocks to . one d .found &et o IV( , ...., , . :x adapted to WEST Em:lcilg SAY. ES yrs BUST° S Alb COQ , TI AIEILCUANTA aanern a, ara ilukod to cal and 44, no, before helot. ea 0 to dokrmlood to I) r bbgall Adectna gPois our , ' commtip, 1,,,b . Muammar, • : Mwr', here , mil Mee BOOTS end II • 04, Alutufeeturee and warrant**, by the, ae . Dorm F e -ti oals_______Oarefollr Berea and r.u.c. RI O / 121 ._1f..D7 . 8AR D. 4...,45.1N- Ridegi, Leather I) i Le a ther, D SLOB IP l AN N.DIN G ii, No. 215 Liberty Btree peel 7 ', • . PIITSBURGII. PA, ___---. _ .._. lIBL TIN (I . Patent „Riveted and &retched • LRANIER BEI,NNG, From the Al anataatery of Boit & Broth L A' X it . i 0 ..eN". Fr° .th 6 Belting of ate manufacture lit A_ been Amend er i atl t t nr , dal, and Diplomas flu 17= trirnot=t :.; I: J •44l74eittte ,.l Net pe c A . rant rer7tolg,%rhs° =Minton Er_Cl eat mderthe penonal athrof '• tau rilariaabn Mid: QIN are Waded by ttanaselnal at taste own anoint 1 , naa, ineurins freedom tam =la and atom, lAnnarl at hot, own tuntere the Wire and shooldee hare • trinuserte ' , eternal to daarlork' shoror ed. Mono Itroto watA"careal hatoretetelp wetdri ~ ,s tr. a L t onad on nawkanos ad eh *Tarr t.ruaiwen- lama. n ...:surahAnd riltdpvtlArelr 1.400 coypu VA?. an d ethe butt Mere thee Ea% truly on the cal •en 4 Wens a peer Of 190141 Mu ta.) per went, ore • clads in tha oath:cm' niannar. To nuabanica DWI al de to to:taa NW timbal Pantihroturrao 529Ntor elif, Po tasksm *MUM aa , t w:,.lna eetabero.menta. 0 c tneat wills, roten Om. Moen wcrke, ,Ile Pelee% in e r hrt:nerV7ilr,l7ghAtu.,-.,vire,r. ti, i, oh . kh,cinc. O rpa - 4 r _ ti. DR LAND* a 2 :Z2.3 Liberti Ito Lila pay f went _ . _ paallfraernmAtre: • WOLES.A.LII AND. LU R.ETAI rpußtilacriber reapectfulky '&J111 tba tomtit:4.er tan Alma, aud Noak, sarotralls. to exaaanotka nt gett.polva,Mork OS Wu co and /I 1 I.lV.V.Zltiff;glltPiltdis,trlLAT., • 1.110:sre (Wks, /m 4 Om:. son/. ons - of the mate natip mut atm* latest atstes.. . , In ..nZittr dotlere an 2 thus* ato slab sat inaol * WWI, nzanutaararas an 4 k** srinoratals a 00.04satosioc.- of WV. go c A b ggtd`t 2.11 netsrnler to the x. rte., be Do= Mr Dahl, ttantr.; beg tvtett. 041, OtaD MAD/ vibes lila It!.oo.ltalrenaga 'hasio.otia 5a. 0 .0 h 17L .C. to A.S.ao ! woo, Lti Mannar. bet-seen KattatA,..anai Valls at, . • I — Erviirarula.• . 11.1 z'i• Foli:42l.Kß, formerly rrmt o •Ey (roe ar lean not it; km V:Lftt Tgt=it-VMW,4,1.,7,5;.T.Y1,111 tt , oto. i ettA boy, Lot, tou/nOOO Itoltitfutly tool ;Poomptitt attn. nal f.tii247 hloallt too 'tort. rot. r r . ocorto It. Doi, ttia iiodtot.Ot.zoot, (rota? A. dap Apa„, Wl= • Chadid i j!%3 ajWlll5 - . eons a r, • 81171 11i.comm , rum v 24- /traltllllol4 sta. an MON DA 8, wEbNZZDAy 0300 BartIRDA TS, rift /0 to 1 •810 1 to a. • ' • /I•F•ardamos 00 tku; Itransrenla Bout- 1..t3001T. Den r tant, Fotirin street, . dmrs Irm o Marta. Ma tuntneuhtz ; ma 04. m. to •- • • • All waft wittaaml. .... c „._ - .__._. THE•POLYTSCIINIC.OOILEGE • .• ~ or TILE STATII OP • PIVAN'JL . • • Waist Penn Square, Philadelphia. I NCORPORATED by the Legielature 1853, if du ct cati on m In • "111:g•erk."iiitt '"`"l,l,:tti: e Cad Al.adatoistai, Practiced CAffnAind. ki AfiCAZAA.I.I ' inneicrua7. AWlC...iare and lAma, • i ,_ • Illechnslai tad . Man .., n. at AH, PILLINAT. O•neral and AWL* 00•111 . .;, A. k KAMM . Atactiatdca and Maeldnin , • • . " 11.11, &rum. Osologr. Maw rolob , and her. . " A. W. Km. ' Ar dilAii Toi.xesEA'l wog. " J. Kw. /nava and enaoub.. • . - v. Da AAI.AItAt. I:IWMAD, '•' .. ...: U. .111xxxas... • '• MA meurea 12./k_ Nxite Yew will comment* MON DAY. AeOX4XIA. WA Yoe Cad . ,crpaike4g Amite bathe. enal.lsn.nad i za nt. 0 p l i t s g a, mtkitatrAW.lbi;r4.. • — Bhaelr.,4l. Richey, ).I.EAL ESTMA',BpO.I.ERS, oornor or arna and dmitldlald Plitabar a Pa. .artaat=. Lepa.,llllsa, runtaituaNbr &ELT.= prot4aza...p.iLtisVoratt.rnt.km sabdividhae eat ; • Dem , tong, ecuti .fullo roOrd veto ,tou t• iotprc orimi ti 11.% 1 . 1 ") po'riti• of tin 'Mort Mary'. gloom It lied,Ot rondiri tOnteal Turn whiok loot lb array irioudo oy defy limited stuffing bare oo Whaler. legt ever be oo,klat• meats Iu ihel 'lntent a. inferior abound, laitarties the ranpolitics ;, , ncssy *take Wear- 'ittpuld ;«,r,rteitatii6vortot.iPir Liany.tbnltint ar : ida tiv - .I,urrx a mar majtet ;sows .. . " • Removal t -Removal! Removal, . .1 120.1111YSON" 4- co.-Na zs, .nrre 87RICAT. 1 /LYING Itemuved our Sono to No, .A. • II Ptitb street, (next door to A. A. Mown A Co.)•wa Am now reposztet to re:litho,. of Ms Impel Mato 'brim. P911.1.,1AJA.r/esn eWtetiot,t.O4 VII Ch 4 P. 4 4 ' th 4 Mie: JP oar aottntooat ego to bond ktopl.V lytt to. . • . • - Totestrt it , ra qopor. . •.. • ' . ... ' • ' L =ttltooltecn a dV 11 4.. t r c wC , " ~,___. .• • . " Atl i"W t ral' .. ...l m • ...,......., with lkotett MAL: .1111.1tri. uroszcstiniti sad • .144, tos,dialaollA:mof 6.401=14413% 7 t rO. pi r m . o Vtb i rbottlgtot 01700th Window RA 11. ff 'lto lug& littleo .C.Atho.. Ats. at. • Alio • Ima &Da, • t roh d irrArret. i tetr.4 l6. 4l;! _ FITUNIT_ETAIE; • it Y A 111,'5 .... .___f BVI LDI IN GS, ji:IE SUBSO/unEßVoild re-mm*3ol3oy in :bra ba Phials rd. th• park Put he esi vanitu• lateral alas lab *Mat. sal It how ate glitrit. .4...f.M4earar . ... .1 • 04132N.RP AND., ... • ~ .. Chair Illanufschaltlg Zatabilattmant, •• Tbs atm maw, Sae. eteelira• Or M. P , n 2 itt In. ~.C.with • two of •r t t pp), intiaott het et tattnr Dna tall manta; ant ••limur flats art.& at, authsta• i XVhe trill atase t s. edeatt itk 'a tom dalIN Ulan be to ... 1 7 tO wad ta Pis anlas Or his neatatv• I - ul"' • "i l `" I TP I 7 yttairr cut ' NEW STYLES OP FURNITURE • win b.illatecast auditor! ^time - phew Prattrast RP:fa Pot still hstattet to th. asateaterins er rar•P•re anat.. ler Inseam boar,. sod trot e ht. ept, nil er sokl on totettaenutte• laps, 41,14 et ph— Una will a rrataarettan , . • •ViNIFF3.SEXT qa&irits. Pate •I. aseiteumakt.a It. ammat ea klictioa triads. VA hitting; Calit*at'lorntibmigii ant. anal'llial.ical vit , r oz,soriT - 4.14 , 31 ~1;,1 rtd4.,aat,„ '. - " r. , tj , - , ~...., ...„,, ..- •,.' , _ A "." ,;:--;',,,-,, 1 , • riiht,tt .0 they were. bor, 4 Call i dened themi•ther L ; hereic - the nitmintum Wing 0db:113°1.11y. ' "I'd obviate the erfis of This Illatiabzraloondi xin Intibieortnio the'solject of every serious la. Artist; but irOnly - can be "actompllelied by en increase ; of With this,, every, intereet woulkbirbermonlaek there is no white man wdo would tioVengraft his Work upon the labor of the takt4if the Mails 'could be bad Co cheap es to allow tutu to dean to adiantage; bat vrith oubthis. the evil must increase.,,. and those vrho, believe in stavery--,:who Lava, confidence in its effielAibrand order, and' who would preserve and 'perpetuate it to the--great objects' of its achievement—aro !constrained to look, for the' remedy.whichtje cendition lodinates, and ilium again are forced to vibrato herween the altemer rives of social disintegration and the slave trade.'!, So, after all:, we have only been traveling in the old orbit, and come back to that universal' - Southern Democratic! panaces,, the dissolution of the Union. We will clue our reflections upon that movement With this qtreition. Suppose the' African slave trade be not rewired, and thot'the Union bo destroyed 'in conwpionoo, where wilt the poor-whites who cannot now be. admitted into good Southern impiety, go then Y Com t t Eng. Cato/ICI. FIUSEIGIIIIICDOED LIT HlO CaTUIPURA- Rias:—Jambi Bachmann, ° now, candidate for President of the United States; testified on oath: "ilis.(Col. Fremont's) vertices wore very table;. he bore.a conspionons • part in the con.. (1,1208 t of.Californin,,and, my opinion , is bet ter entitled to be called the. conqueror of Cali., tonic& than any other man." ..Seantor•Butleraf South ;Caroline anti: •-• (Col. , P.romint,)je a gentleman of tell, eti.. dowmente, of rare The lion. John C:Calboun, the idolized Oates man of Botta! Carolina,: ..1 hafe acquitintence with the Colonel, and I am Co favorablfinaPieratedas to him that I wouhr an readily trust hint en nay other individnah-hlt Integrity is beyond suspicion." _•• Senator That of Texas: "I regard Col. Fremont as one of the moat heroic end successful pLitoora in ern 'army—an sr., of which iny.nation Might bo.proed.o 'Senator Bagley of Heidi-Carolina:, " or agree with tbo Senator front Texas that he (Cot. Fremont) is a roan :of eitrior;luary'rairit end ability , A. John A. Nere.Voriti .061- 'Fremont exhibited a Combination of en: orgy, promptitude, sagacity and ppdance; which bulicares tho.highest capacity ter elso.aarf tart' command. ...Tot; the typatrY "wilf do jun floe fall, .Thlailge" tor All'tinktilahed- iereitra, I etiteitalu net the elightieedOnbt.ll LVCrittenelti of kentlieky, . .eoarnimnod' enduet of• Cot. Frlroont bAve filgotklite4 big. name... TIM ecrliCen Went' Pm' lier,, abraded with great reeponaibility to' bunion ltiniscy-41ariteterized'ty 'great Ermneas rend ae devotion to hhttionnfry.'", - Ttiti Rom i Dartiel' %bitter or dgeneb nett t ,, . Frei:Maths ":ti .janitg • Attintaq.of ,great ineritone eller deserves tielldf..tfia Conant' for, th ibraVtts, and atilit,4tl44,Whintt he rligabitrgt id . bliimportatt var . dpileSte :6114 in. eidiree: - u_i~- ._, ~; • ' Ore MO Parance- for Sale. TILE PROPtRTY known as Ore thu Fur us,e, allotted 7 Wee above Kittanning Arrostroof mutts. Pa., OD the Allegbear y.N.,a nuirced.. le teapot:ter.lia ale, ..mAnte g a Ono Linnured art:d /Moen Ages of Land, whereon teem:l • Illut Furnace _caul/ea,. gnuieejlome emith shop , ay Chet.. Read fan.% lit Ore. - -. OM* and Teresidrettre Dlrstlhlll • fiCILIUS.' all In :peed order. and stabling lcr ten tesuna— NretAttigattlit:niitlr 4% r-itT,Vi'htgel'4l/. cue three and a hall het Wet. .Wood can ho had to rata zero ortbeae Bawl b hateeouvoulant to tbe Thl, d i t . ftr vv.. Fold et , Pnblic we at the tbupi ' W.Asl4 fcor,te-Vieti'4roCrbtntlt tt: e r btbl i r r il gtt7c l .* ittl/flt - 31-„teel-diduuta.v.4e •dtherite: 1 by fht'ltlegagtrolavit*HL'4llllAi Irani • Atud -,,Ae3k/UrtiltroZi. • ' • Proprietors (, anklisrtd9 '' important Sale-of -Beal Estate: ifliN- firtIO'FOURTM' MONDAY IN NO -I_, MOIL& liglT, nue) the undersigned. Cormlre lows eardiutairom h. Perna* I_7 I:4docree or tr.. eb.• =a coon, or Sforqnsindie county, virgin's. Litelr render.. • ed ttlarein, will 41:11 at kubile dueilou. to the highest bid -said ‘,ntt..p21.14.1%11 t i e Caro tt p : f , f, Cion i lo . lei tot 4 iiirpoj eorAts, ongv.llier, bazars ittown Is Me 0i11e.14.-Werke,"eanspAsing mo r e pr i gs:am TI4 pall o teres f q f f t • L:n,p44o7,7l4al.4=a.graur a nizr .,,,i . rriLvd,..ate ra ta" . ..4auLers , f ,a, hn r y r . a . ~ c i f i l :IT f el tweire, eighteen and e-entptour run:4,4g laten:ii ir Instahnentinna the oar or ece. The ourobarar • . be required to ezesute Oar w goad serail tT rrr : Darment of the intrchose taoney. . .t.,-C., wlram 1 • - •:' • ' .... c. 4 - -w: 'A'. wn,Lef. .te...21eg00.=, .ValnA•b Dior Sale, Lih eli t it,,,dioini g the Methodist • Orate Vera sniesin. • ihln le oavlbe only' do emberee 0 tr . In_this neighborhood not alreadr hough preketh ~ . .anio. Railroad Conspann. keret. ' ibiltFlil errlrt!lliz.l. ht‘ t ie, 4 tt = o ;i t Orr ' ar. t° Lh. •• . Tide provertrsamosAta• my The building 120 W as it, a wood min s. brirk. vitt: ail TXTthe.nrcesessyl bask bu lawng. ils. bean oc. . I i gc! l t ' ) " tall°,g,:i u.sor..aitxr:to-mrifr- C;A: :MI dowel: to ezz.r?lne the rre=irer •• . • str-:1-tr . , , • - 1M1V.13 LUMP.. _______ All _____ ...._________ I VALUABLE ~ CITY.7PROPERTY FOIL V BIITA-11...a un derelgnedetAxe kr rate on tiro:able Lamm a n11131411' of tenltane tote in the — ltfi %Card of Qs city.- Lan •Ttar tote tent ,on bentertranis A 1,.... francs, .I. aqua Locust, Maria. Nickroy end Ittuff strlete.. ere • but nus,* rat Inqat Me Court llons, and • Dili le mold "err cheap. .• ' erm. I...fret* of , r A tlnd r .e..avente.nt cnJ Istelt.b9 •Ation.tor. a bouek-or ulehlug to porenetne tor epeouila 1. In az:utter the, ty sibieh .Inast,cortialler Mex.:lily ,mr.,lollt tin.l,,lf. te.LJAir s4vant.,^n 14) .1,41 ~,,,,,, -:' .(t. atp.'4.m....,14, t 1..., . - For ,;o* - hint .6ine n - corks knovin.na t 44 7 .b..secrkti ars fiat,. slttlVd. g..T.1AT1;g44%1 tia alit b. , sad ..,lizelemagthte toraur otilanufsc . SALE -4; d os of Sitti2tri nrerl ig-.244lNVl7off:PeiZV.4nl._,l ij t i neiht.d. Depot on the Rhereit i r. A VILY tet • • VM'S tOff tit in W ANTED • TRE VT2m,e— Dru..nou. awl ars •_.ll "a.kra 0.1,1 to ( h o City, Address • ..SU 43 • 64"4 S . er.3414, IVBELe'rsu.s.%,if°,7i;V4z'n,2,.:ci -64.6.4! -.7.-sonoozwAtun A W. . No 13 Wood etrost., • • _ 'llO RENT—That Taoatiimirable store. No. X 71:17ood groat; 100 part!, War, aooly at Itri. • tOI37EtINT-41•Dwelling Mouse ori: -. 11 - t 7 mt d . , „t, !Av., Lihorty And Nan as i to rgliozo;rceger of rena mad .1,1an2F0W40.00: • Itent 107 r, Apily 4 4 • ALOTIN 7&,474.- •4 ' • ado-t 1 • ,rIIO.AART—A .170•0 . Ato rp - • Ins 0 norzi: nltuati(on' iQD~Alltetcoatain co9 mated. ACIO. a ruale • ,Eteri ROO With • i:iiaCtable arellthe rsa-4 ,xtaz M min; Ottutirea I.lt,tr ibt A , tte sOOO7 ingOracr • R. EL A:VAILOGANY AND WALNUT WARD- I ROUES—Same .err fine Wardrobe. et Want end , wrens, In'te'r, aalehed. • YOUNte a CO. ouskolr7e.ioro and for fIOLD intEAU ,LOLYVIIIINEORBAM , the twat. erticlo Mitt cut les used lac efinTLY.l 1131:1411, I tut Daspered ead a• gee at JOI. CANCY SOAPS, Ponsidee, - Parfait.ler) , and oe Bt anefuthtmtutexAs......,,tejja. iY bale 3 /a non/ and for - 043 lIPANGXEI, 4 ° J EAR LAS II -:4O,bbL E I iii k_ Ora 4ttitf -- or sale ,-by , ca.f. , - V' ]•,,, ~ ' J. LCANFIP:LD. NT-MA.IW 010P.1---200 1xa7,11 a pure artki• for /al. bY J. CANFLEI4% Ling j.--for zed ' ' J,II.O.IIyrIELD.O bbt,i niackeiaV". •• " ' bbl7,7shalf fo-r-----eale -evirraxagar, RO3 I,N :lek-50 bbiede tip ELICA.N.BI.I2LD: thhITIS No - 3 lar VW Ho 1, 4 .0 1/50 1 ,3 uatent.t; 50 Mt Mr .ash T - J. cAszna.n. 6TiEROESOY ILEVIS - REST CAPiVat.SS. 1 -F 0 DR IED .11140-k* . F `'lrfzltliTii, &Or' qi l ibUirra 7 4 Atustiori 4'y geneetarat 6"Citnetaor t.r.e chums Of •Manury— ,lllll*Niel-Cant...A.krivirk6 leam expo era. Zort m,,,, „n1,..4 . Juni s JAl:n : lr strre:44or MAKE LMONZY bi Ita, _mart' RAGS ottbs P7.L IGEGRYItt V. ref* QA ,—,REA.12240E of, then Pi .;, NEM rfrdi am; Dr at% ty J,T:I NM= ~.' -