I)ltasUift. PITTSBURGH: 1211B8Der XOlOll7l, OCT. 16, 1866, Macy Vaulty Elation Warn. First Ward, Piltsburgh.—Asssmbly.—iiieren llon 881, "Hyde 888, Men 847, Deckhouse 848, Vesely 844, Hartje, louts and Smith 281. Hart and Patterson 282, Hap, Bums and Power 10, /rain 20, Agnew, 24. Associate Jadgo—Parke 844, Pollock 280 Wtight 20 , Commissioner—Perldns 848, Thompson 222, Christy 21. Harseyor—Morley 846,4PCorkle 223, Chen 20. , 'Auditor—CarlWe 848, Ttiomitson, 222, Ohrin.ty Betand Wird.—Auembly--Btevenson, 811, gram. 207, peon 307, Bookhonse 808, Voegtly 803. Huge, Hart and Patterson, 250, hue 252, and Biala 240. Hoye, Agnew and Barns, 26, Irwin 27, Power 28. Third Hard—Ammbly--ateretuton 491, Bye ter 477, Peters 485, Bsokhonse 487, Voegtly 488. Hattie and Hut 598, .Tones 691, Patterson awl Bmiths9s. Hay, 82, Irwin 84, Agnew 85, Buis and Power 31. Fourth Ward—.Assembly—.Stevenson 874, Eye ter 880, Peters 870, BaokhouseB72, ynegtlY 262 - Hertje 225, Hart 289, Jones 228, Patterson 225, Smith 228. Agnew 19 end the others 18. Associate Judge—Parke 870, Pollock 217, Wright 22. Commissioner—Perkins 875, Marie 2 24 , Wallace 18. Auditor—Carlles 867, Thompson 228, Christy 19. Hatvegor—Slorley 378, - 11'Coitle 219, Chou 17. Fifth Ward—Statenson 896, Eyster 886, Pe ters & Deckhouse 892, Voeghtley 891, Hartje, Hart & Patterson 541. Jones 538 and Smith 640, Hays & Irwin 44, Ag s new 50, Barns 43, Poser 42. Ju—Plato 88 689, Wri 61. Comm dgeiesiouer--Perk ine,.Polloot 886, Guthrie ght 581, Wallace 47. Auditor—Carlisle 887, Thompson 640, Chris ty 45. Surveyor—Morley 888, BfcCorklo 637, Chau 49. Sixth Ward—Aesemblytevenson 477, Bye ter, 462, Peters 472, Baokhonse 476, Vogbtley 478, Hartle 810, Hart, 313, Jones, Patterson dt Smith 812, Hays do Irwin 92, the others 84 Judge—l'ark - o 458,' Paoli 227, Wright 88. Commissioner—Perkins 474, ".Guthrie 821, Wallace 80. •uditgr—Qerlisle 478, Thompson 811, Christy 82 --. Surveyor—Marley 472, MsCathie 312, Chess 81, ' • . Seventh Ward—Jculge--Bark 171, Pollook 100. Eighth Ward— Assembly 7 43tivetison 248, Eyeter 286, Peters' 241, Deckhouse 242, Volgtly 240, Jones 165, the rest 168, Ageew 17, the rest 15.. Ninth Ward—Stevenson and Backbone 272, Eyster 278, Peters 274 and Voegtlj 264. Hartje and Hut 124, Patterson and Bsaith 126, Jones 107. Hays 41, Irwin 44, Agnew 78, Bane 42, Power 41. • Madge—Parke 276, Pollock 180, Wright 64. Comrolsakqer—Perkins 275, Guthrie 124, Wallace 17. • Auditor—Carlislo 277, Thompson 117, Christy 40.' Surveyor-31hrley 277, M'Corkle 111, Chess 84. let ward—Allegheny—Stevenson 417, Eyatar 408, Patera 416, Bachhonse 410, Voegtley 408. Hartje 127, Hut 128, Jones 188, Pattereon 128, Smith 129. Baum 88 and , the zest 84. Judgi—Parke 408, Pollock 127, Wright 86. Commissioner—Perkins 417, Guthrie 131, Wallace 86. Andltor-Carlisle 420, Thompson 132, Cbristy 88. Barteyor—Morley 412, MelSeale 128; -Chess 24—Assembly—Stevenson 844, 'Dieter 340, Peters 841, Deckhouse 842,Voegtley 322, Hartle 168,'Hert189, Jones 169, Patterson 170, Broith 180, Heys 26. Irwin 29, Agnew 33, Barns 24, Power 2& • Judg&—Parke 863, Pelt& 179, Wright 26. Commiseioner--Perklos 848, Guthrie 169, Wallace 23. Anditor—Carlislo 341, Thompson 175, Christy 24. Barveyor—llotley 336, McCorkle 175, Chem 24. Bd—gesambly--Strirenson MO, Eyeter 601, Peters 605, Beckham 505, Voeghtley 494, Carle end Hart 289, Jones Patterson 288, Smith 282, Hays and Irwlri 15, Agnew 17, Barns 19, Power 14. Judge—Perko 601, Pollock 290, Wright 18. Commissioner—Perkins 507, Guthrie 290, Wallace 15. MiMMENSIZI Surveyor—Morley 484, MoSortie 289, Sims 15. • 4thAssombly--Btosenson 697, Slater 679, Peters 593, Bacthous 598; Voeghtley 624, Ilsrtja, 884, Hart 877, /ones 378, Patters= 878, Smith 375, Hays and Irwin 40, the rest 89. Imige—Parke 678, Pollock 884,nWright 85. Commissioner—Perithe 682, (karts 887, Wahine 88. Anditer—Carlisle 581, Thompson 886, Christy 86. Barreyor—Morley 67,7, MaCtorkle 888, pbcse Boktraghe Tareranto--Aarambly—titesenson 82, Eyster 79, Petcre 80, Backhonse 80, Voegt. ley 79, llertje 45, the others 46. The Fillmore thiket is this borough reoelvedl one vote- ell the way through. Judge —Perko 81, Pollock 46.. Commiradoner—Perkin 78 antlude 47. .. Andltor—Carlide 79, 'Diorama 46. . . Surreys(—liorley 78' MeGorki. 49. Birmingham—Assembly-Btrarenson 886, Byetee 883, Peters 832, Backbones 834, Voegtley 820, Wargo 879, Hirt 276, Janes 274,Pattenson 276, Smith 272,,Hey. 60, Irwin' 69, Agnew, 68, Barna 59, Power 59. Judge—Parke 882, Pollock 276, Wright 69. Commlaioner--Pcshbut 829, Guthrie 208, Wallace 67. Auditor—Carlisle 827, Thompsoo 278, Christy Barre7or—Slorley 868, 2doctorkle, 267, Chun 58. Directors of Poor—Holly Bt4, Boyce 321 , Beluhoorer27B, JOBlblon 278, Trani& 68, Mu ray 65. Manchester--Asserobly--Stavenson 134, Bri ts? 188, Peters 136, Bsothents • 186, Vorgtley 184. Hartje and Hut 107, Jones 104, Patter son 105, Smith 103. Ths.Amoriesta Sokol 61. Duquesne' Itoro-iimmhly—Stevenson, Pe ters and Backbones 117, Hutu 116, Voegtley 116. Hula sad Patterson 48, Hart and Jones 61. Smith 49. - ' • ' . . Judge—Perko 128. Pollock 40. Colomboloner—Perkins 110. Gothrio 46. Atulitor—Carlielell7, Thompson 40. Barreyor--11orley 116, El'Corkle 49. Directors Poor.,Delly mut Boyne 117, Belts hcrrer and Johnston 48. Towaships-4phio—Assambly—Sterenson, Eys ter, Peters & Voegtly 108, Deckhouse 103. The Dem. ticket.4B.. The Fillmore 1.: lodger—Perko 102, Polleok 60, Wright 8. Commissiener:—Perklas 107 i Guthrie 48, Writ , ieoo 1. Auditor--eirlisle 108, Thompson 48. Borreyor—Maley 107,1doCorkle 48, Chula 1. Direoteme—gelly 104, Boycelo6, 'Beltzhoover 48, Johnston 48. . North Fiyitte.4sserobkr—,Bteseneon 94, Byn um 94. Patent 89, ilsoktiotme 94, Voegtiy 91. The Dem. ticket 110. The Amer. 10. Judge —Parke 94, Pollock 86; Wright 10, Commissioner—Perkins 90. Onthrte 111, A 751- Igoe 11. Arulitor-4tarlisleB 3 , Thompson 109, Christy 10. Sarveyer--/torloy. 92, Mt:Harkin 111, Chess 8. Directeur-1{4490, Boyce 92, Beltshoovor & Johnston 111, Trtutlok & Mousy 9. Crescent—Union ticket 28, Domocratio 38, Pil!more 110120. -- Etobineon—baserobly—Stosenson 157, the others 158. Dem..tisket 137. PAllmore 1. Judge—Ptirko 160, Pollock 130. Cbtnnatutioner—Perkin 142, Guthrie 149. Andltor—,Psrlisle 158, Thompson 187. • Barreyor—Morley 160, 510Corkle 140. Dirsotots--Helly 157, Mucci 157, Boltshoossr 187, Johnston 187. • Itenerseitsseattly—Backhonso 100, Voegtly 111, and the others 110. Hartje 91, Hart & Ames 88, Patterson & Smith 87. The Fillmore ticket 4. Judge—Parke 110, Pollock 86, Wright 5. Commlesioner—Perkins 113, Guthrie 85, Wal latle 8. Andltor--Carllale 109, Thompson p 2, Christy 6. Bareeyor—fdorley 108,'IleCorlde 78, Chess 6. Directors—My 105, Boyce 100, Beltshoover & Johnston 60, Traniok do tdtassy 0. • • Ohastleri—Assembly—Eyster 239, and the others . ?r4O. e - p 0. Theia. 186. Agnewl4 and the Judge—Parke 240,, , P0110ck 183,14%48kt 13. Caustololoner—,Parklas 268, Outline 168, Wallace 8, rilXO7l7 211:111duemsno CASDIDATZ- 11 Col. Fremont hid se many' Wear as the Matting Wilmot, the opposition mold not draw aver, porare guard. kir. Fremont remarked, In ids dispatches to President Mane, while trent mtleg Venue and cattle' over the plsine of %woo, oast if the Government sOD a liberal supply of ' litutaug Irininunt,would itwould. more 26 per cent. of bit losses." fflels is very imp:skint far all Partners ment and Livarytnon to know. Th e - Masking is • weniderful article fcrr case or Meet. It should dwelt be cued for Bores. Serellinge, Stiff Joints, Them, Bream, , Pleputtlo rant, ko.. editor fialde, Silent, . Bpsvins; llinsbone, dn., upon homes. Boyars qf imiloD'onr._ ,' us : Mustang iii., .gol by an, respeetablip &gen e!eiff whorl.' ' ~ • Bourti; PAM 1102thitant; Vow York. Rom, Bwwrr Hors—Those of our renders who wish to possess it. borne can (Irmo by ettenti. i n 'I. see, on natunloy next, of 4536uilding lota near the outer depot of the Pettneybraila & Ohio Bailroad. 'Examine the advattbrement Commirerwmores awn Imrorroaa.—The public are cautioned against purchaahog articles pre tending toe of the nature of the .Balut of Thou sand flowe`q,' for perfuming the breath, and beautifying the complexion. The popularity of of that article has brought forward a host of counterfeiters. None le genuine unless signed by Panama' & Co. For sale by all respecta ble druggists who frown down counterfeiters and impostors. !. m the Boston Batumay stannag G meta( (g l irierilluned Bresght.—WEst MY gailtismAt. woodd remain under the mum of a disagreaswg tenth when by =Lost theta:gm of a rammed Floarre dentritriee would not only rendenit swee`. w4 l ,tatig the kith whits as sishanag Haar Permoos do t.... theft breath is bad, and the alined Is so delicate their fiends will never mention It. Put a single drop of the "Balm*on your tootlkhrsult and 'rasa the teeth eight ared morning. A Mt, mut bottle will lest • Yelar. A natunrot 00XPLI:non may eaany 'be acquired by or lug the . Balita s ghonroul .Plomers . It will remove , i_NPalagiolaartftftvehles reoto the Mein. lesetesitot a soft red rapists nue. Wet a towel. tau two or three droga and wastythe two night and morning. BROM Mani Leer—Wet your shsvhisrimiali In either warm or mkt wafer. pour on two or three drops or .. .balm of sYbousand Vlowns,” rob the Ward well and It will make • besetting soft lather numb ftellitating the opera. tlon of shaving Pd. only Firg C l ooto• Maxim iooProtnietnit, Nye York. B. A. PAIIHYSTOOK A 00.. H. IdLNIA C0..1.180 HArYftsig, It. It MAIMS OE) sad FLEMING 11110/1 Agents nor Pittaborgh mhglelyaod A Cud to the Ladies. VTDIL 3. nuponvore GOLDEN. PERIODICAL PILLS YON 7112.11 LEN, infallible oorrecting Irregular. DomDAN and removing mu obitrootlans of the Wanly ti Thatonr m All Medical Men Know Al well as many Where, KM Ito /kiosk mos abby coo . be 11l Was eke tr Roollar- and whew= obetwotton lan ;due, whether fro m exam= add. at any other am= the gone= health Went lmmodlately to decline, and the want of a= remedy by been the =se of L m man 7 Wmal=mlll snood round firmakla. Headache. Wan the Pelloltation oft he Mart. loathing of tod and dilttl/Mta a/J2 =et =fan mists from nu =arra& tim e oftatarg "bona= that to the me. the I *lll lnvarably =Lady all than glib. BallanderpllaltDamtiona =ow pan/ oath box. oh= =at be 01310017 Items:l. and all =ems peculiar to So male ma be entf=l/ eared, th . Psocut p `rn Box, and rat by Droatfete mad bydi Arms s aMtoo I S OP' ans pr IItV I A BI GIMP II7 / 1 00, dlifth rash. ay win cooly Um trade at proptieter's totes. and mad the PHU by mall on nadot of al.Oo thommh Platataratt P.O. azatarulder AMUSEMENTS, All Advertisements of Concerts or Poty le eatusurmat. =nit be paid for inrariably In adman. DITITSBURGH TIIEATBE. Lowe and Manager -40811PLIO.POSTER. atnit•MOENter....LUIDDIti I Acting Manager. 0..7. Porno jlll.l=l eV annumogi Rom. and Parquette...-6GoMeats n one. large—i 9 GO Second Tier I Prirsto Boxes, mall— 6 00 Boma for colored +—ZS do. TRIUMPH UPON TRIUMP H — the =Modem of ap plonao.wad great attention bostowed hat night upon Inn MATILDA LISPON, 10 her own Prenah conorptien of 0 AILIJILS, in which character she Matadi pre.cminent. W 112111.01.11 the maneger.in repenting It this mato it. Mr. Mg to the loran of gamine *dine an Intellectual wont. THLIESDAY EVENING, 00101i118 13UL Ic6o. Will be performed tow the mama thas thlo mason. _ the setonodlor play of OAPILLLIL OR LA DARN AUX COLMELIAIL—Oerotfie. MispIIIMILIA Anamod, Mr. Loanard; Le Vervitle Nom.. A Dance ..M.les B. Lang. To amend. with beeuUnor far. ell. TWO 0111i0OILIEB—Iiir: Gramm. Mr. Ilkidlen Orem my. Young, Panchette, Kra Didd!., Agr The new play of VIED wl.l shortly be pro' nand Air To-marrow night muiety of entertainments. far the emeilt of Mine !LIMA& Scam. • Door. open .t t; curtain rate at Th; &cloth. WALIIIIT HALL REBTAMLINT, )3Y KIMBALL, MESSICK & CO., Niusonio Hall, Fifth Eltzeat,', nFFER TO TIIE PUBLIC ALL UP Um DELICACIES 01 TEE SEAMS. -. .d1 aereed so at the thortest notice. hem 6 Volk In thy morning to 13 o'clock at night., B1111116111.161:1 and others via do wit to WI iO sod =lns our Bill of Fare at any that. to emit their apretite. Darin arrangement. made to receive MOMS ARTI CLES Inn= line from Baltimore. Philadelphia and Nor. folk. ere MO WS.. a /rash !wooly of OYSTEla otrz EA iiisaanati)Gl. and from the Wert &Elbe varieties at PRAMS such. 1111.111 oniacE.Ns. EKED BIWA, lto, which as am ono furnish to Invalids or others, at irhol, antsy retail, sithsrat corner fiord awl Perm SU, or at Walnut rfall./Ifth tweet, oolLtrel A Desirable Country Blest for Sale. LLE wide:reigned offers his very plesslal ant and dW.rable Conotry leat,situated Lre.ad," on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne end aIiZILCO Itehroaa. fcr ogle. The location for oansenithre tn the Kahan. to Churches is &Imola le as eligible as can be dashed. Teal hones is large, ceuverdent anti contains all the modern thicrovaments..being heated by cue of Chit. t's Yerniumaard having cr. rail wafer olstributed to he kitchen, wash room, lathing room. dremles roma eta The grounds contain about toe acres, handsomely nadalating. and admirably calculate , ' for artistlo improve. meats. About bairn! the mount is be t 0.... and abon twosome are covered with • nee growth of forest trees. each as Whits Oak. Bed Oak,Black Vat. Chettaut. cry . .. Pasterns, Locast. etc. ken) , of these trees are of magniecent protection", and all 111 • healthy condi tion. The lawn alm stocked with s' lute numbed. anima:wens. each as 'NOIMILY L.I7CCR hemlock. White Pine, &cacti Pk. Amadeu YUJI. 1111.11C1.11 rod llueom. an Ether lir. knurl= and Niter". Aborrilan, Sew, Juniper. Cedar. hotly. eta. end also with • varier of tie; toast deMdziona tram. All hews trees ate well sturied, and an In • rood tradition. The grounds are also well stock. en with Apples, Peers, Pelota. Plums, and Chemin; both dwarfs and ea.:lards, and also with Graoce, Curtanta, Goosetarries„ Bantherriesend Btraerersies. Paine hero tem taken to select the chntreet vernal.. of hut:. About Baty Pasch Teem are lu • bearing condition. Of ateli• mental Shrubs and Boma there no • great variety. sav ing • perpetual Lol4lllioa of bloom thewlnde 111113111", The sittiatim, fat cur ant fred . uent &cps. to the el y, nor fine sato/ having hdfosermu /male retahtur ao eademy for bo . y within convenient die ' Lisboa. eantuot te surpassed. TOO property_ will to mid chop. aud on OUT ten:Mi- Any pennon visaing to see me on the subject, can leave word at the Quetta Of .co 'bitten on the oval., D. s. wurri. Pawickley. Bvvk 25.181,8.—.21: ISTOVESII assortment of Cook 11T.0V83 In be final In Al. eanztialnz om:tln7's Pgggr 'Varna." Petlor. 'Cottage dn. I Iron GUI.. I Dimon& of nttieles In the line. F.. qiSign gra, Ed (Z.gu rot. ORD. W. nonizv. STOVES! Tlmost oompleto L I I Pb!ur .sid Ltergint kpinany Cty, at the towel celebrated MZ=I Trapiz. Egustaz FLeatlog. noway of the Wee t. Oryetal Pelee. Cooking, I Together erlth arm nasal • dere. [lame Ware, de. Call Feder.] stmt, Alleghetry. eeTl:dlf Desirable Public House for Sale, IN WASHINGTON, P.ENN'A. TIES TAVERN HOUSE, loacran na tho AWalton Masa In armaangin*.r...vbitNical tarsals. hon.* and • apwartonaziega: are bettor Vatted to the soommoodallon of travelort.tranglent 'ldiom and board. gra then can be Sound In any o r island toes In Ito Mats. There sae le large and 'airy chambers begetu yarlor*Olinles room, kitchen. to t • Rents ere alio deriv ed Dom two Mill rooms, so wolf BA from the roam stare them, and &barber shop. *atoning a bandoosno lamma. waohlageon *Dim the sdownroges of • Pabilo.Unlan &hoot, anent the Net Mule Suddsoula In4be conmsr. and Wublagton Roams It is Rooted dlreatly on the limnatd an ....rv o r..f i lpl direct %reap, bottoms (attabnosbl!lllinnui-31 Mlles &jut, ' Wtellno, sod T. from rlttotorgb. Tituaroperty los offered ea RENT net dlapeeed el AMEN TEMPLVIII, • cotrawdo Weohlnaton. ra. Waitins and Jewelry. M. BOBCATS , has just re J . tomul from the Pattern tithe P. .Q. with ea =Ore twer sad cholb, eta of •, St Ate Wotan, Clocks and Jewett , Which • he bee vorehamed =tatty direct fro= - ••• ,:. the onamfactorere On =sib +Mob eta. ''. .•• - -• ' Wee him to sell at the tbliovlng yen. lotrioloar: • 11.10,0041 PAtAntt Lore/ Watohes, oprzt and bunting. . 801 0 sr."o• 00 Gold Lovers, 18 t t t tttttt arm. t' 26 011 00 00 ItioltlLoplneo " " 2000 to 2800 1311887 Lover& 1900 • to 80013 Gold Guard, fob-sad Vert ChairtB.—...... 10 00 to -0000 0018 Sim and 100 to 10 00 11011 Lean 2,4 WO 6 .......... 700 to 111 1 / 8 0014: fitol go atunlailse Broast Mg 110 to M 100 o far P-- . 1 t° • Pss'Gola Welding 1110 g 8..; 800 10 8 . 00 Ruby. 1"8,81 and Garnet /81-ter/10118.--, 700 00 000 Gold PBno Mid ..... ILO to 10 00' Gold Grose. sad Nockluos 800 to 1900 600 Fig. 6 , kg Sp;sigeloo 600 to 000 Hold god Moog glagro . aotiono d num . — 200 to 19 00 Woo 12010 gads IHoind--. 070 to 200 Also, Elgtod dlowoos. - Ked,oo sod Porto. Tog gotta, Osstoog, A choke suck of Jot. Corsi god Igoolr, Ooodg Poriso. INgrogry. French gad 11411 on Palotlngo. Also erdloom volley of [Rocks of .all rattan:le, good time keeper, Nom SI to 1120. WatollogOlooko and Joadry ropaltot. Rometaboo tLa 91901,16 Fifth of.. now lialtot. oal Ott . JOHN N. 110111111. TS, Choice Yam for Bale, GONTAINENG 244 acres, known as the . 014 Mon Farm," eittused In the North-west eon an cdOontre townshlp,Oolmntriana aonnlf. Ohio I p aillas West Of New Liston. 6 =Bo Youth of Balsa .6t .os the Penns. and Ohlo Railroad, and 7 zones from i ter. The. whole Farm Is older good Snag about 166 awes cleared. sod the talents Is the beet timbered Ltd In the county. 'Thir Yam 1, raluelde both ter getting Milo and stock, About CO acres of the dewed land ts it h bottom, br ans. We, barley or awe, T hee. Wanes,. le easelleot wheat land. well watered. is Cover felling stream rune ng through the entire leouth of the Farm. Cold Run also rune through * rut 4114 alo, two good Swinge on the fermi, and never Wiling well 01 water • one that nom the holm The m 1118,140 ere good; • large sod inthetentlal Beek klonse,s Frame barn 76 1, 48 feet, huernent stone: bnlehed forstabllngetrokt &ooee and hog house, As *lure Orchard of the boot vatietlee of " I P t l o ' t i 'bqns ante/0 1 6 ' 4 ' 241770n the farm on whnnut of bed hesth.l will sell at • low ;nisi sr i d 0,0 IOW( {,171A.D1.• 16L " P " =ll:ll7 . Cfri tcf tA te jrilli ° P aw; sow, ts, patitsrgth also, it/cid V, lIARUI.Ueu and 401114 MISIL Rave. at Perry Rotel. PlLtsbursh. Ilwywrio , and terms address the stitowlber, In New Lisbon. Oolusiblana trusty, Ohio. _ esSolortroT .71.111.83 YILBOI4, Per the Campaign. prEwill &liver the !Pittsburgh . 1:41 cburie.. - . 1101:le)ni . ~?. t!.. G_TaiL ..,... lob stlvocatu Uke ItY.UBI4OAI(}. . 0 , _ Yitlllo3l2 and D AVIDN, forglaad a BA I TER. ..inonfr o,:ette Dttadl.g. !nth .0.4..... 1858. -- --- " ." 1858. WALL STOCK NEW GOODS.- Wren& Mori email cotora, Fashionable Cloak Cloths, Fall Alll6. tn. new stile.. alamoltleent New Letainea Bob guise Yall Callsoei. Wm . large EtooA. et Now Shawls. nurssle—Welsh, Erten& and.Amerioe, Cloths. Vsetings and ail kinds Mann' Wear. rimetings, Table Limon , Towrilags. As. ETES Jr I,ANIKILL, FotcrUi sad Arab sta. Ytilled.lidda. storekeepers are bitted to examine our New UorAls. IsunWes cals bee ll naiad in ese i ri klnd of ra w riarls. We SW Black ALAI andrillamt th. A oe ITh°l"allnEkerk gl a delPhla. "I . 74-8 M ue. tioneemlii. cum sa2Am•T Farm and Coal for Bala • PrIIE subsaribei offers at ?ritata wean tbs larnion which he tedilia. Wm:WA a tomsh briAl4. Mon thonittr• rid LaMar rrom Bremertile town, and P- • .•wewlii at the brad or the Blonotin a Mi, Inuit Width • am wt% nen% of which thrall° are cleared. The acne fertnhVgl,"th,of or minims mil Terms thal and or th ebait wrathy abtrodant, 'sato sans and emey :rics 0040 s the MTh— Mire it also out minima has le PM al moat sturoand 44 bh th ladaense Umber wrath to tais =A arms it=enta meet efts° eon:Mirth . Piranhas it au Wm* the other loqi, with pirtethast Aga rim fp Ma s tar, &aro' ewe, atone Spring ilOnin frame man thaw,. OS= Me, Corn Wee with thins Otago& Mote 110 e sad other emenbmt, otd bernsie,tonelm With a varie f tholes Print Tram .TinS IlltunithausCoal Bide =Mt of afire Ottith and no rinsn b tli=aort o ng out sing the y bin. opened On both Matt the r ret mintmarsrita=o=thoo en this lan w d. r ilhaera, WM* otlintp, W. 14 '! 64 ". 1 1 1 s g oxt ..T. • . . • TI/OBLUI NiCHOLSOII. .7IBAY fOlt t3ALF.--;•A second-tutad Dray 11 sr f aitckasp ! rdwdri!,rtiitiyahikußa. 'MLEGRAPIIC. THE ELECTIONS. Peiusylvania Elections. Anstrntozo. Co.—ln Armstrong tco•inty the Republican majorities are al followei—Freeport 40, Warren 16, rittanning 120, Manor township 60. Those are State officers. Cesarean CO.—We learn from. Idea that that towngives 450 Rep. maj CLAMOR Co.—A despatoh from Clarion says the county has gone Democratio by 1,800 , msj —a gain of over 1100 eines, Poßook's election. Indiana, .LaWreice and Armstrong—lndiana gives the Repubßeaus 1700 maj., Lswrenoe 1700 and Armstrong 700, Lawrence gave Pollock 682,, Armstrong 760 , and Indiana 1897. fdarcer—Merocr gives 960 Rep. msj. Philadelphia--The Democrats gain two mem. berg of Congress; In the Brat elz districtszonly Morris and Jones, Union, are elected. The Dem o:ratio gain over the October vote in the city Is 4800; the gain in Berke county is 6500. In the Congressional districts it ie estimated that the result of the election is ten Democrats and eleven Union, the 16th, 17th and 20th dis tricts to bear from. From the returns of 80 counties the Demo erotic toes on the vote of taut year Is 0300; the entire majority was 9,700. The comities to come In saw; a fusion majority lut year of 1976. Union Majorities—Wyoming 600; Susquehan na 1000. Demomtio Majorities—Pike 540, Perry 160, Northampton 2200, Carbon 700, Lehigh 900, Lucerne 1100, Centre 800, Lycomiug 200, Sulli van 176; Westmoreland 1200. Clearfield Co.—As far as heard from the Dem o-credo majority Is between 600 and 700. It is said that it will reach 1,000. Huntington Borough.—Canal Commissioner; Scott, Democratic 161, Cochran 161. In the dis. triot Scott 81, Cochran 56. In the District and Borough Rowe, Democrat 242,Eddie, Fusion 220. For Senate, Cresswell, democrat 247, Mnlen 204. Assembly, Lightner, Democrat 237, Christy, Democrat 288, Wintrode, Fneion 219, Gilbony, Fusion 618. Sheriff, Miller, Democrat 810, Lytto, Fusion 145. Auditor General, Phelps 218, Fry 238; oftEelsi. Somerset Co.--Somerset COnnty gives, be tween 800 and 900 for the Union tioket. - . Cambria wOl giro tho Demean'le between 1,800 And 1,400. Mien County ghee it soma Demooratio ma jority. PHIZADZIPHIA, Oat. 16.—Liter returns, un official, show that the RepubHoses are 2,000 ahead; eerenterm counties to bear from which will inert:tee it tb 3,000. Twos Co.—this coanty glees 2,700 Republi can majority which secures the election of the Union ticket. It le 2,000 ahead se farad beard from. Bedford Co.—The Democratic majority le 140, being a Democratic gain of 300. Bradford Co-AU in bat fonr towns, Union majority 600. Ohio Meotions. CINCIIHNATI, Oot. IEIoiIAXIL/011 COWITT Nalditioll Democrat, is oleoted in the let Dis trict; Groveabeck, Democrat, la the 2.1 District by 8000 to 4000. Tide Democratic gain of two Congressmen, was caused by the running cf a third ticket. The Democrats loco 4000 votes in the county since the Chgell election. Two counties report Dania:WO gains else where, to far as hoard from, the Republicans have gained. , - Champaign co., Republican imij. 600. The •bole county ticket elected. Dayton and Montgomery on. given Campbell 26 majority. Butler gives Valituadiagbam BM. Preble gives Campbell 940. Campbell's maj in tbo district is 106. Green Co.—All precincts In but two. The gain co Chase so for Is 222. Fillmore vote to about 200. Hamilton Co. gives from 3000 to 4000 Demo cratic maj. Gain of two congressmen, but less of $OOO on Net fill's vote. Nichols to the 4th Giatrict, and Galloway In the 12th Distnct. Re publicans me probably elected. • Summit Ca—Thee far 1556 Republican nanj - Gain of 000 over last year . Medina county giny 1000 Republican msj3rl -4 Columbia county gives 1150 Republican ma . jority. "Trambnil comity glace a Republican majority of 2,000. Start gives the Republicans a majority of 200. Gtangs, partial returns, show a Repabliran majority of 1758. Ashland County,—Two bonded Republican majority. hlahoming —2OO Republican majority-100 gained. Trumbull.-2000 Republican majorlty--400 Wayne —Republican majority 40—gate 175, Colombia.-1200 Republican majority. Jefferson.-450 Republican majority. P. 8. We learn by private despatch that the aggregate Republican majority In Ohio, from ell counties heard from, le 8,965, a gain of 3,764 .over Gov Crisis's majority. - Cos. leads Galloway 800 votes. Drown Co.—Ten township' bead from show 800 Dem. tosj. Fieneo• Co., glees Gall, Democratic 60 roe). Crawford Co.—Hall's majority is 400. Ridden gives Weems, Reptibllean, a majority of 206. Clinton Co..—The anoffichal coal. is 1000 for the Itepublicans. Cox beats; Galloway, In this district. In Stark, illama,_Dallre, Hoot, Green, Co• !emblaze, hishotang, Trumbull, Ashland, Medi na, Cuyahoga, Fayette, Franklin and Licking, the aggregate Republican msjority la 8968 being • gain of 13764 , 0rer Chaste's majority last year. Cox, Democrat, la elected to Congress in the 12th diatriect by 300 maj. lo the counties cam poeing the district the'DlMoorats had Writ 1000 majority last October. Indiana Election,. etscramervOct.l6. 7 --Benttering returns from Indiana favor W illard, the Democratic candidate for Governor, but there la nothing definite yet. Porter comity givet'l2s Republican. •Ecat tering townships all give Republican majorities. Indianapolis, Marlon county, three townships, glie Morton, Rep., for Governor 276 mej. One toccahip gives Willard, Dem., 18 mej. The town of Edinburgh, Johnston Obanty, eve. Mor ton, Rep., 8 maj. -Shelby county, ten townships beird from, give Morton, Dem., 861 ma). Three townships to hear from. Barton county gives Democrats 400 mak one townehip to bear from. In Madison aolooty ono township eifik 188 Republican maj., and one township 9 Democratic Delaware county, precinct of Munceytown, glees a Republican ma). Dearborn nounty has given 800 maj. for tho Democratic ticket. . " Floyd county, Willard, Den.; 300 maj. Knox county, Willard's maj. 1a 476. ,bladison county, Willard 260 ma). 13artholemear county, Willard 400 maj. Shelby county, Willard 861 ma). Jefferson county, three townships, give Mor ton, Rep., 214 maj. Marlon county, three townships, Morton 276 Porter county, Morton 126 maj. St. JCseph's county, two townships glee Mor ton 282.! Dela Ware county, Morton 600 tosj. Randolph county, Morton 300 m.j. Markin county, three townships give Motion 276 ; two towns give Willard, Dem., 118 foe). ' Johnston. county, Edinburgh town glees Hor ton, Rep., 8 mej. Shelby county, ten Mires hoard from, giro Willard, Dem., 301 msj. Three towns to beer from. Bartholomew county gives the Democrats 400 nuki. hiattisou county, one town glees Morton, Bep., 1.96 toaj., nod one town 9 mai. for Whirl Delaware county, .ilotton GOO mij., and three towns to hoar from.. • Madirou county,—Witlard's probable mai. is 250. Randolph county, four awns give Morton 850 me). Partial returns aro received from twelve coun ties, Berm of them Southern. Willard le about 800 ahead. CISOINN67I; Oot. 16 —The retain come into Indianspolle ibis evening very elowiy, and no for se beard Ireceindloste that Willard, Dam., bas 6,000 moj. The Republicans still Maim the State, however. A dispatch received hue says that Indiana has gone Republican. A dispatch received this evening from Dayton suttee that Campbell's majority In the 8d Dis trict, le 17. Wasmxoroe, Oct. 18.—The military and a taiga number of citizens, with the Marine Baud, gathered at the elation to-night. • As the am approached a salute wee fired, and a premature hoses of welcome was seceded. The Committee of ~arrangementa wan ready to receive the Pm. idea, whoo however, did. not arrive; for • the ream, as is stated by the Mayer of Washing . - ton, that the water vas in rough off Anspolie that he could not la n 4 from the eteamer Wabash. Orscuersavi, Oot. I ' 6.—We expect something from Indianapolis every moment. The Repub lingua gained 6300 in this, Lianalton, county.— Daturas from 46 counties ladicate that the Rt publicanlitate ticket has beeecarried by 25,000 to 80.000 mej: Five Democratic' Coogreasmen are, elected. They claim nine. liaw Osumi% Ostkl4.—Cetton, sales 4000 bales at i /Wino ]7.4.1@rt21+3; sterling exabatigs 90. '1 - Canute B. C., Oat. 115.-111 lee IS 4140 Char lo4 9 ll over ea,Mark - Ciesisnos, 8. r.., Oat. lb.—The eootsst for Congress 1, , e. .hetweso Osdsden Aral Miles. The other d:strii.te rotelectel the Into members. flew Olumut, Oct. 15.—The Damocrate to day fired 100 gnus . in honor of the Demooratio victory in Penney!Toni& Oct. 15.—1 n the 4th Dietriet of i n dl l no! Foley, Demi, Cotabaek's competitor, is reported by 1,200 mei. Nnw Yost; Oat. 16.--Cotton dull, sales 900 bales. Pleat , buoyant, sales 22,000 bble at $6,. 5606,80 for straight State, $6,130®6,95 for Southern. Wheat buoyant, sales 180,000 bush at former quotations.- Cirri buoyant, sales 80.- 000 bash at 700 for mix Western and 70(372 for yellow and white. Po'rkl.uoy , mt, sales 1800 bbls mess at $21,60. Beef firm. Lard quiet - at 181, Whisky firm. Coffee essay, sales 8000 bags Rio at 10111 i, firm. Stocks firmer; Illi nois Central bonds, 88; allohigan Southern 87, N Y. Centre.' R. R. 821; Brio Et: R.i601; Sill wauiie and Miss. R. R. 70it Collie Market —The offerings of Beef Cattle to-day were 6000 head,. glutting the , market;— sales at 7010. Sheep declined, sales 14,500. Swine dO9, sales 8000 head. Cisoxisan, Oot. 16, (Bening )—Flour firm, bat owing to the political escitemeni there is not much doing; Sales 130 bide- - at $5 80 for Baper6ne,, and $6 for extra. There is nothing doing in Grain. Whiskey la in moderate de mand; Bales 400,bbls. at 29e(i)29}0. Groceries dull, but pelf:warm; Bales 16 hhde„ fair Sugar at 101 o; Bales 40 bags Coffee at Ilia. CiEILiIERCIAL 00.VRILTTRE OF ARIOTRATIoN. TOR oar. J. W. AMYL,. Bor.s.sa. W. R. Damn, D. Ft. Wel.Lukszt, T. D. UPWILL Pd'PSBUROH \htAKKETB Thrtaday iton2l3:t . . ° O4. 21.°11Ta...) • BLOCH—the demand from .tor* kontlomae Baialn Wee of 114 Ws =para. at 116.11: CO do 11 5t1.85l 45 bbl, extra at 16.61. and 80 do extra family .tI 4IT and MOO. GIIILIN—Wee from wagon of 110 nne Barley at $1.40: IE4 boo Oats from dole at 310:691; and' =a do at canal at 33. BAOON—aalee of 115,000 Ds Molders at B; XOO Da do at Bik. .341000 Di Hawed 11%. OllEE9B—ralaa In lots of se bziat /Ott. OlL—sales of 10 bids No 1 Lard ' OH at 03. VIIISKEY—asIes of 20 bblr rectified at 93 MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. The Bank raiment of the Week thaws • continuance of sontrastion, which Whomever, smaller than was an ticipated. The lose of specie, alai, la not a largo se was eastwhed. The =mina' decline Ittdiposlts Is $2,680.000. bat In conessinence of the a ct oats ls at theeleasing Ilouse the actual decline Is $l.O/ 340. The largest lois of deposit ban been by the Mar• shantat, •merican Escheat, and Iletropclitan. The Ooreacerce slow oonslderable looms.. The cozy., eon with last week Is follows - • • Loans I Die Spode. Olroxilotion. Deposits (1kt.4.—.....1107,93.1.507 811,011024 SS MOO= $83,830,804 197.148,103 10.812,711 4743.910 Be.o7eau Docrease---4724.815 PC2aa3 556609 52,012,00 a Y Trteme. Lrani..Qo yestirdu ovaratns Men rare 12 Imite• In kenbannal and on a stand. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A MARVELLOUS AGES HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT! i•••••• ME GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY of rattle tho aid of 4 microscope wo see millions of Ilttle openings cm the eurface of our 110/141. MTV Otatmant. eheoltobbett on the rfEA. oriao ea Inward part. Menem of the Pigs. diode:. Of the Um. affections or the heart. In stoma. Mon of the Luny, Asthma.. Omagh. and Mb!, re ho Its means en stre am cored. Remy honors/re to I that emit paw. freely through bone or meat of an This healing Ointment far =OSP readily pen may bone or fleshy rs,t of the !Inns boar. the moat Asuman,. Inward arnerlahlts. that CIMBIA Math , byother 1.•131. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RIIMIThI .50011.130- • TIC HUMORS. No remedy hes seer doze ma mach thr pY Au. et of the Mu ehaterer lens they me 7 ore thh. Oloaat. , 145 . : me* of belt Bey =star — ge i =lied Mee Ct. et elegAdrien auw a te Its sr t too. en y d tratES Mreesof restertheeemotleee numbers to SORE LEOS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS AM) ULCERS. Bozo.o tbe tmet scleotlfla Immo= clot rely the aim of tble wonderful antamet. .be. asTinif with the woos oues of !wee.eremnds, 111.1121. MIII tc=l9ll. 011 M Bo b. 7 . toted of the .4111.4 GOTOSEMISCIt, )or vital. of the Nan, ,Tm chiputnoote of to be axed antler the 41 011ie morn owes of neonde. It nye eae ulomee. B ll. BU ••• tos, stlesem erugtnotko alba jolot.. eves of 20 flare Nadler. _ ........ PILES AND FISTULAS. lad ether Waller dietretelez tomplehtis me be eared If the Otatmeat be .1111 tehtect Is em the pes tioasta antsteel, and Dr othandes lb:teee the W leda dtrec armed each Vet. th Bad. tL Oininsesi and. AIL Mould its ed is ihs renotsby ewe: • Ilan Lasater" Bow Lep atm Oland norm itareenial Xrtua Pon Basuto P ta gaos Made tloaa tor. Mods "lame . fir. 'tore ittnalta alas kbonstatbas tom all I loda can o P f " Z t . nalt Abram 15=ta kln Bath Dinars . _•••&14 at tbo llanntastortaa of Prolaaor an Wai l BO Walden lana, Yaw York. d 24$ Strand. hob swpastabi• Drogabta and Dealers of itadleloas.... i g oat the I.laltad btates, and tba chill"! world. In Pora at 2.5 cants. UM sant; and It oseh. Yor sal* br 910 11 /111111111. 140 WoodPL, P 1 tts11211:. ltarTbara la onsblarabla saving by tails' tbs slaw.. N. 11.—Dfroctloftl Nof tto vadat. of patboato r 7 dloarclor,oro atizad Womb v i a. soU-IfVf Vo!ruble Hill for Hale • AuLARGE FOUR STORY GRIST MILL Ato run of atone. thAie army OA AMINO HILL, SSW es • men Weep streacs4 A atm rower at amen fad belonging to the t , .10•117. nnawagisd„ The ;awn Am . th e mills Um been made to se to miler.* fan. The befenent• *Me nude w7—lnet poem at arra, the t . W . I to pensworis of ftfYms,Rwtdr•el ..mumn orwrawlw, sen.vest; • =MD (melon cm annnal vent. Oz, one-batter the will he sold end the abet - half rents( to rho poreheem 'with the privilege of invehen. The proberty bee lately been thorostshly »pained.— Thar* Is dteeet Relined aosninutestron wtth Cleveland, Toledo and tonclnnerl. Cr. meal to Towdoe freight to either place, to SO ots. per tenet For any one deeding SINK MILL PnOrltart, and ed obeps, gmeientng town, w ith rood inheale. A. we toe. t, ran be offend. Anasaretnatto• aline prop site 4 tegnseted. or, addreer the entworthee-tor Sather Wirtlestlers. W. P. ITOWILL. il . • rennet 0 S Jour. nine r,. . Desirable Tannery for Sale. • fIWE undersigned offers for sale, on reason- WWI Um., the ICllorlos proparty, In Ms to a Otorrrllla, J. county, Ohio. two Intim from MU*. .olne. on Ma Olavel.d sod NO•b•outi Railroad, coonlat. fun , of one acui • Winery; of land. oo 'Mich Praotod . motto} table two Ivry Dwelling Dom., ulth • gond Teri Nulty, boots, • pleritlrul ranfolY of water and all sill pr - conaPoleneas rot MA, pacoaptfrd propocutlanaf th•trusinols Alpo. 40 .con of land whist to the v 111•1•• ray wank. La .OE4 ytn the undartlgnaf, tbtfT.o3 JploArtf T J. O. HUSTON. .VALUABLE FARM FOR !BALK—This V proserty le situated In Arm:zoos noun awa Wire from import, on the Klttannlna mad. emd *Man • amt- s mile of the North • Weetern Railroad, DOW ander atrattlon, It 'mashie, 102 aerre—all tillable land. The landavemente Conlid of • good Dnedlns tlonee,, °mean. lent oat bona. and • moo inroad bent barn. It le 0,0 watered with norm falling endnw! and there le • Orchard on of the °helmet (nat. Tho Canal. the bir nl.7l.:llt'AsATif,7l 2 ,_..'ff r 'fisr 9 7l .l lll ll P" time. wind' mold low and me I...mane tonne. ' aulte of J. 41 A. MOIIII.IBW. MySlllrtf Att . re at Lee. No ow.Yourth ot. CHOJ.O RIVE?. LANDS, valuable Parma tor bale. T nil - del-lip:led offers for aftlo the fol- Irmi , ‘ described Trsete of Land, emus ad oDnewitti the ..Brady'. geed Iron Warts," in klatlitoti township. Clarion county. Ws ,!ht what to called the Brady'. Bend, on the Allegheny; 17 saline store Hlttanning. en the :Vl= leading that Freeport to Marlon. containing ICO Aaes, about 40 ems cf which ere cleared and under fence, 145 Ace n, about 65 antes on which anointed and under hew, with a good broling Hones and WU. in. , mime' Cons Prune Barn. tie Aorta, all of which are cleared and under fence, with three Inceoline Pon., *reeled. there Is In connection Hon 11th MI. tr. et • valuable Surpetirlan gem and Ter• fuett.. conneistion the gr./tort and Clarion 'cafe Acr.e, •bont as serreat Whlth •111 elesn4 and under fence, with • Dwelling 'knee and Cabin Darn erected: 74 AO. about 5 11 , 72.110 f wrdal are cleared and under fence, with a ea: wane (he Dank opened and working. AU the store Trashing land,