The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 18, 1856, Image 3

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    Grey, Red wit Butyl*, dr& inata*
ty tit stainttfial Natinal Bairn ornek.rdthouttbb
lad b i o f t 9 l/0101041 n 2 ;A /Webikel
DlDiejastanbeinswuded to Wza,
asidagordnielitikaatt ore SOM laticatialul blies
Isola:4a ie r uie oratil of Ws =au' Drh
n loop=•• Oft oat to be ditthurnahad tic* jimm y ,
• Ittd Is ilairrttated sto9 to toproo 1!1 tumara lass
„Ueda. sad. or npilid (ht M. vi r tild• roam.) st wi
Ins rattanysn soputw..., y.
1903 anis/ and toinos ot the ualtot attto4l7
Drosabto ooA eforTaood Deal an. • - ,
The us the SIM Itld Sted
but.....ofiw an 4 kloo otesola , o- '
• - WILLIAM A.)3eavtlistoit,
cib,iry o motel tll,, 2.1.3 Brow!. fit 21.
Too gamin. Usold it) ote.bu:Fout, ouzittsks
strait- la wood nt - attlaredlWE
TitisanlV Medal Awarded by 'the New
nerieseetaum Its; t reign Patio ► Mil
6:414r4r4 I W.baSnabfalaal , 5m..,1441 raellualoas nJamitl
Son, trrL2l. L - PERIISNEY oir ,
',savoy IM UAW:um hi 4411441.14 of ftr biltif Tao
• Ito oo of Ma Some bag *Vandal. Wirer 4oLor,
*era Wade,- ad Itooloort In Im:mum tho Mow
bolgthlobscomlailetWlTattao bbzonnot wad adratroisdosa.-
juttettiiltilEitstia It is bald to bo the mat =male
eatatamkzatt artiann tans toturanahrtiliAreing
that 4 ; , tan. ltoslytoootoilatogthsaterondt Co Minot
Quitiainisfitarete.ehgi asmi.ties ifISTO ben
',41=144,0 tar.gemiemen. trim 'WWI to LEA it PSCH•
RIMS Urns .1
-btu strrtel is bottle ofy our Waresetiriblii
/111113 M oemsdated tbrenth rosin and
tartillPl.Ssoi Weirs I awe say prism! state of twilit' to
- Itilititlyottriestes ti stowable; and I 'lank msdlsinst.
Mut with troth as ther. . li 1101U:a In. isunlis's
Se eisastistto his somfbrt. at taut lit thsse =WA"
isillls.also. sitgira It is Smut at the nisi ennui'
L etzhant; mettlael. , tonUel= *Mai tem" gellem *.tA
teed.beetn the- same:ptatesdevi at Wereeitte;'ln the
Sglowtsittezpac tea , * Pemba thit their anode
:'.......hitttaidatveta Duffs. fad..that It cetilitt4
them:et D.Llaldp u veil am the Wit wholeiorte mos
, ,Thle mice la *lath for siety eartetT Of' dual. sad
tteltetita detakott Ala Its melts= bss anted Du
; ladfo may imitgiloas.beizuz OBbred to to. M.liabaq coder
wraklirtror mama. tmt thitmatna May be twilit.'" the
sums of ."/.7Li , iPZl=tir. twist hammed aptn the
plaint autelllo tarsal" or EISA IitaPPIS bt the
Tottlsoissfall ttis labels. and wrapper.
Iwo Acct wr ee. unusa H
. .
..70 4 1131 )611N0.114 Bows,
Stavallny. Ni. York:
Rebanne Iffutual Immune company
c a ,42 , on. a:away xiii:e
MK DitElltAlit; Buildmge, .111er
-1'21I''''111". ' . tum4 ' lk ''''oclain tl a n irith the Wituitror . 6
D iriC eattaithe to above In the outdo
•• VlWSeilot. . • •• • • • •• • dm raffia,
"a""Thl.• it . •'l3 ' Sthc >k of
ala W. i Lo IT. _ Dlgsa iß . 1
D. R.A.lthlailt.
Win. R.-./.1101. I . GMT. Nig,, ,, her•
VI •Cttoeirr4r. Jib. 0 . 404' %
KlLraball 1. wood w.Jomoa
• Jams L. Toilet. . _
, •liylk,..dlowaor. at
kr:S. Hondo& - .f.. 17. 01 i r,:,,,,,,,,
.G. 037 ER, dswit,
WWI - - corm r 'Mr& awl Wood limn
'Nedhal, Discovery.=4Never
tbOldataribt zaa*lnot. Zoo one bean dtoovered that
bubaiths *tato 'tore to many dlttoroat , Mammal os
.the ens abort nuntuttopy . It Ix toms that Atr. Kansa*
qoalitles tbi /orb frcat
obialtbis .Inetktio Li, mad.,bntths
nabllobiTo =siti
.lt/lltlttnatt Watoiettok, •lilr.Nozatdr bar boot nom.
natal tortaiivs taaakbelted, and fp:trim:feet. siMinion,
00413:11WciZeilks*Ing.tbst 111 ausoreri, hurcatid
Maas of disauta Car obit:li biOirorthaorbt don iln
Zbi orotiotor hp abnon nit that It would etas any
bataniroolts fies ot theist:Lb:" and so it, wiA but, thfi
'tolettOnit , tistlsoany data* It as a molt wonderful". an
I° Mby Dr. Orl)11. - KIIIIM,11.0 Wad streot.*toto.,
Ara =VAN= Y.11,1311NG, Allnhany.
- - 131 WOOD STREET,
Will .
intaodnoo, on .Satoodlii, August 30th
atiora. Istria stilesof Soft Itata .34 Ceps. Leal
B&corii 1411D1.14811,01L,
' No ROO 'Liberty Sweet,
'sl4ll.lsza . PZICIZZIRROZ.
8 . 111,8.E31%
Sceaßtor , god! or ',Stine*, Worker and
Wood Oireiti Nu. -118 .14rd Irtrock-Isetwisa.Wool sad
nod* stmts. ritteeier" Ps,. keeps ccostilatty ois bud
aseamortaicaof lamas Vin are ieces,toiparlealk. &a
tOarr • Elunwisa,
:''GPRO It 8,
122 - appa.4 MIA Stribla
00 - Allarl3BlON MERCHANT
IND ymovnekat DEALER LA
Mans BUssiTER, SEEDS. EIS)),
• AMEdas aircursnr. _
o 'Waal Stroat. Pittsburg:ll: •
Ckiasll4" -- PaNg. -- Oielzr. nosrmank• ilfahht4llmo;
.-" Adam* rtrolleldtba. 2ilitisusa,•;Epeltm 36r*
--, Z-'2. - Alircat;Ciaiirthotton,Aadat4lsicias the
- - .
'Geo. P hi li r e
• . ...
~. ._ 'PAIN PAILICA, • .
FOR 21331 RELIEF AHD cuss ar
stottAtlete. Htnutelsia, Leubtatept. &JAW. Martel.
• • Nltel. YAW la the Plea; Meet, Back she-ems, •
• !HATIts6 'sad, Warta JOWL, Weak • Dui.
Comp. Sore Throel," E. costne. 1.
The thorteuttle Abe tate me 4 these bleOleinee MAUI*
to that? exedleat zeolite by s ecenbrestatte ottbth sm—
ite Was 'Ow' pave Dot bad theta terwattli tee THY
. 1 HiliDisAA they via Astribeutb3 be all they Aro *me.
.1 embed. toul Mit they Hirt Ace .lth beeettoat sHott.
( 11
1 • IL OHO W.P.M.LL2213, Dole Proprietor. 1111teiD Mat
. , P. V F# ti il * le e le..Da . gwg's% Id HAI IlltiAPO ; •
Anew* ISM
•• . fireptasto rasa. WISITT t COO
' filitiVted; Ihipnan, Saw. Blia:tar. Plough
MCIFS; • spailliis, PICKS,
Harrow Teeth, La.
Pro. ur itraere.
• - :Salvo= Wcod tad 11111Ufflald.
.. • -
asstaxer Ilgelartorr
Western Clothing-House.
Aplig . Aarket st.;betweloilrifthaitiVBollt,
7f :="'PAI 'LADE VP
• - IriftiieVairetints - paribillait cui
E TAT to madam
• r.
• Fall and , Winter--101 - Auig,
histuttliataral sweets An tbs • •
r . : ultdiellta cur oti Imo bastans,lol,llll
`"nurtiounictru t mamma;
4 14011171 F00111H•11R11T
. .
-. oeols to th e Spada •km And well *coated assortment or
Torein and Domestic Stationiny,
- .FANCY 60 s ODS. ac,
111 " 11t1 aper,' ii 0 t
ri1 14±73 7 .27 " Bi d et p 1, kt.
Whkb win bo sold as yahoos totem noltitos•
wmu~asc► -
- BPSINGS A.U.E. • ;
Collar Bow and Piret - Streetit.
- • -•-• !xis:arson: PA.
'A utaI DARLDEtB.WANTSto-;-%/LA fair gentle. .
plate tertaartitto , ..4 140.
.41 _ , TloBl' roie)rod and for. sato .1)& 411 . - •
10011PLAINII.1018 from Smoletunse.
yp 4 41 g. ftr
• . • 'A ax T Payara wands,
!is 7 yorgWAt u. °ll " l " n tsji li : 171 "" I
- - ;Dialari la CI tr armlta.
VALI* MOWING-4i tnanAere In the. eh,
aia silk of ./Alk( ll .!flßßt6dtllrwh
, , AU,4,79
•• - • • Ulairt z
ASci inittazti.litn the ser6 h
bble solid - 1 . 4'44dd Matter far
astir`.:- • as 0111f7LOTD • OD
I I*o % :0004577.50:0gt. MUD.
fey Sky& lasiiseabs NAPS
, AL
f4o.vvEz—oo Inge piteae - Coffee In
Jigs* sad ita tir &anal it CO.
'to ALUM MONET, Sad th•NlliNric
I =us raga taw wet 22,39T0T,
. CUMBUNITufI f or THE 002.11401sWEALT11.
- .1/t4serredbylks assideand Muss e/Seps a tskti t ii s f i b e
That slts=fl'4ll44xalms '‘'''`r"sa4"
uttlitton Laandr i rrs. =wax! to the eau.
,PrOrd-142111210 tit= 1414 thartor "dia'' "4
I- Ladaccii
Tamil dual be la 1411tkinal Sttichl to ould umaptaUfrn
to bs oltalipsataa as stoats QM., as fo3pw.—
- • ...or
flzerma Tbaltate mayeu, delta; Mannar eel
ad &UM. u' tabus In rwronns4 or 'to . 4 ' 4 41,44444
nototherwls. Doubled tu' bar na siummuto ~,,
melt dahlia Mt= std eor , refilholbor 444 7
-Tirtra IMAM. or men o Unimamal mem r. or h al
~_ Waled. of time.. runaracesalieven bruldred
44 9Ithroimadaaufl thsuonnaxielna from
the mama of auch shall ha angel. to than:Moss
la which it , Was o or to retry the dohto so coo.
booted. radio no other tarpon whatnot.
Samoa 2. In addition to tho Um) Molted toner Iho
Mate may matron dabs to topeturearam, surpraelatus.
o n u a t t s i ta n nd e i a n t g im 4ln h•b tmans o ln
twa rt,o oor rata t t u h s e
D m ru onk, t
arising from the emanating of oath debts shall he ap.
IWled nth. ninon for widen It was named. or to teray
MTh Marta, and to no other propoos whatnot..
hums Exemyt - th• debts atom meeilla4 In Keaton'
Onstad two oftbto ortteb. no debt- vhsterer shaft top
ated by, non behalf of the Man. • • -
rmrmlr 4. To invetoo for the payment Of the Dreamt
ds* . l any additional dab* cancrseted es aroreashLthe
la Mill. at Its Ant after tho plow= a
tb aromadmantorreato antinit fondoohleh shall ho
imelekat to Day the -Intarat ea nth dabs, and
annually to radius tb. Manor by a sum not less
than two hundred and May ddoliarg *Mob ant
ma mad shall =Mot of ths net manual Manna c the
Dublio works, trout tlum to lima owned Dr the state. or Um
mood. of ma sal* of the smut. or any- Manor. and
of- the Memos or nMs; clank of owned by tho
path toootkor with other randkar mamma. that May
be cloud.
try law. The aid alnktrur fond may ba In.
farm thno to thne. by amarratna to It any gart of
tba tumor other :annum of. th. state, rat seq
thaordinen and earentumenesofirontumat, d a p
law loam of Far, Innalon Insummtlon. no Dart of th.
gid atuld h ifar IV Or spoiled otherwise Qum
of =Mt Is ate th i V li sittrily t i=ol
Mumolti. Ths creditor Mir
I coda c ormarsoasith shall slab°
"1 4 ' 5 " er• seatta
itt.a 77 8 0 7. or banal a. any 1011.
ti aroasitr Yv on. or modal= =rasa the
comineonnab barn:tar become • alnavirber, stock•
bolder. actLoaaranr.•ancelatbas. oo Pronto costunicorealtb •
eta. or any late Masa clear county. can toronab, or
r ef ear
1.011/474 luDDress anima innenortion. &tad
of in
Urn at oar, or co an= the state in 9. anima ot tar
ponion ite_rasone Itulabtednon. .. • .
BCOLICS 7. Tin Isidelature nct sathoriss Ear amis.
irgiVaVittehigwirrciUr tad dbtrld by
acaltbafter In any =many. setociatitntor cortotationi
or to obtain =ray or.. loan its agar.,
tan• samiation, ualtatoo. or parer.
Three abal be in *Winona =Sete Co &obi cothtlention
to be Otannial sacra= XII. as fbnrine
or xtew COI2IIIEB.
No Monty obeli be dlelded by • Lime cutting off cm
one tentb ants mulatloo, (Uttar to Arm • sum comb
ET:lbp . ; t 7M9 . .
.lettbostO Meese me n d' =oh wont,.
abe eiteta i llstd= a"
• S> in 111035310137.
soctUM two of Itio &et liatlela of Um anastlinUan,
data out Monnords. Ms nlw of , . and of
meh fousigronsughwir" *con sexton Ms, Um alawisticis,
MM. oat tbs words.:l,r krotadelschio awl of Mestram
countioa" from motion ..,co, _
_woe ankle, atriko out
words. nattier Ms air of riamacipma stareety.. and In•
art loltsn• thareof stw wordo c and we Lad out
@cotton four, sum - Iran* and in ned thereof hunt. the
-13mmon 4.-111 the year one thousand eight 'hundred
and Matgrouroaor dITIII7 wraith Isar Manner, feD.
rematauves to the member of oos hundssd. shall , se sue
read wici n Masts uted u et b as& a =
rsh 11. 01 out
ants bride moral parts thereof: examt that an count;
watchdog at bast three thousand Et* hundsed 7 tmatdas
h ti gl4llo.l= t fo i nx . mtgoAf f f 14=.
.ir t L i dtrl a : . ot;
r 's asitXd . e rtt a t allraift t lrglVlro '
rm .
Mackin °Matignon' torritorr;of anal taxable 'roma.
1100 reeer Twer.M. each of ...Non districts shah chat
th• ender sectioulomaw.. ism* artlelsOnnat then
wart% "lA. We . % tkaJedelggiasArdlto ded SAM stool*
sansfarfoldichcarAf contismug *agosy as wady opal
in fosnUe ponatotsonargoadra tw raid shall to ch. Md.
od terformation thof sof.
The l e g ndu asure. MU. tbst lds the ci sondem+ frar theodals ailoy&tk minto
This amgat. Malt dlety of M
sanatinial ambrapronintatits dbMiets, lot Um manner
abosommidect. such Monists to remain unchanged until
theagethearaint mamma roe thoestud eight hundred
Man XXVI, ..lrfids 1.
• Thaleghlatars shall ham Mamma to after, rook& Or
annul. pay chiata v aincornaamm hereafter
or mdse. wog or general • law, whsnA l r l ric. t
madam tt maw Injtaiova tett e citizens of the common.
wealth; in gosh tuannembownsm that no Inltatlcs ; Man
be done 10 the mcgamtors.
EXIA2Z. k t 21.1.156..
ratlat atraais,.T Iba2t2 teola tc impsoen.
oath t .f m raa z m i
u md l9 .
JAM 4 Oaths o i n ea n
dma d e am Snn 1. Vu
ttl !Dau b
ameminitat, pus =,suLys4. •
• • 21, ANL
Readva,:"Thaltbbitteolcition De m' Oath* erstexasnd!
meat. via, nays 20,
_Ca Oat s mord aner,throm;
ba s era
03, uni oni Ma tiara amen daunt. you 61. bass :r4
and ournerth amesammt./eastgouyi
svtttteu JADE. Oteik.
Escamtetv's Oincs. d.G. CURTIN.
PeCaotlnand, 1555, ,fSees ttf' t/to Mnamontossifth.
linosylranto;:m fron .rane IUB. ,
I do
tnat Zs mi l "d forisohas re lativ ee an 0
corm& mmy of the v Ross - Intim to en
amendment et the Canthuttou" as the woe tesnelso on
testimony ohemed..l have Imrsanto ant 3217
A mod caused to be *Mud: the mal of tem
Eamtarfi °Ma4 the day sadyearenovenvittem
ScoMary of Me Moattoeuvoltk,
111 guru; Abell
Beenhglag greelng eigtogramu. to du Consiltation
.af tae Coitaoskiresith. being undex
• On soati n thaquestio.
WID the &nate &greet° the flat agerndiatnti
mg yea, betd ssigreze takenagreelig to ttegertlgieri ,
ebb gometitatkee. bad embers. folios gig
Teeg—liege entsw
I. ell. Xyang . Per,
=Ugly, irctuft Ingram Betle j eb. ElouceMutl L V
Ettranb c Wsiteio. Pilliers.7lll4abead
.ISearibes e ig. Graz. abeam. lielliager tad
.% .. Mlon. geteigalgeit lb the afgriestleg.
the 13..ta itti* tbs r •
Th •
e gag wed mire vire taken sgresetily grate.
lona glib* Conilitutira ead - were as Wog,
11growne. ihiegabne, Cgenrell; Emu,:
floge,ingrata, Author.. Knx. I.lbiberhatede.
- w.k. gheriass. goeght.r.tesitt.,'Waltatk. We eh.' Wilklne 9. . • -
blig—hleges. t.gabb. 4 YeneueigAiefiti. PAristut
On the rreastiota. - ,
MAI the &tut. wee to the thlht artendte eat?
Tbe Thu I.lld 1149 .4211 West agreeably to the Coutt.
theist:, sad were la tallow A ne •
Ito—deem Motto. Ber-kaleer. Orebb. Chttet ,o l
anti letwasoth innate o. Vote, terms, Jetabev A Jar
ash. /item, Lsobrah. Leics. brGilntoek Ittelllateti_Prett.
PIUS, Brlterg. ebtnasn. &abr. Minh Teittext, Weltoh,
Abetry. and :Matt. Bettati-..
itemrzLtr. Or.- - e—L. •
/So the woo del =On/4 In the allinssoUro.
Onthir• • ..
Will us Maw asses to lb* math samadaentl
• na you and nays um tag= agnmatly us the Condi.
Boa sad wars u (Qui. T 1 r.
Yua-gluass. Browns. ilcutabrw; Cresurol, gluls,
Planalasst Lan. Ingram, Jamison. Jordan. 11 nor. Lan,
Ufa. Lewis, Willbstook.krta, Bolus. slow.. sentbsr.
lama% Welton, balsa, When?, Wallas and tuts.
Nars-Ilassrs. (ab, ante. llTalfingsr sad Pratt-4.
Be Ms gnestlnn nu datuninsd In the salnnsdl ft.
• . loons! of Us/Inn af Eturessatattraa,Aarll . ILA
- . 21.• yeas and nays ones rata ogrsaardy -to Um posits
=Jar the 0ta.4.1 tat.loa, and en the Orstprogosed sauna,
twat, sun as Wilma vls, •
•• • 111/1-111amew• A adsmen. Bads.. 1141,1 WU, Balle , . v g.
Wang.) Bur, (Yugo g, .....yo, Mr d. 130 ,.., .
.19Mosastan.tlaltwall,Oanspbsitnuty, &ilk, Can.
•IgkDowdall. Craws. Yansokl, loam. that Llamas. flu
ia Hanes, Rom, b I bba.pli! !, ll.ll , 11 14. 1 ,40patt, Bal.
: annaggar, Imbrist 1 ••• /EWA /swot +alma
g.,,u(g. Lau,' Longsgsr, ILarott WWl:tont
'Canby 14 . 0aalt hanks,
.lisaur. Balm', Kutc....7 4
. Noonamacbar, yrs, her e on, swam p
•7. Bowl. itAlitiol.3, WWI. Inamera. abink. &WM.
gatlalt r a._ (we brla,) s. n zi , :ircerelo tr,)
. 14/1 Whalloa. W
Weskit, =nst) Zanniumata. lad W ft•T i e:,- 1. 4 i •
Nara- a namelhas, awry, Maur, urn, Bel.
Pry gem, arsykalL 0 lbUnay, 1 / a miltan. II assora. '
Houskapw, Ilabwkar,lsslguring.ldegrea
mamma. Partatsm, Ballsonry. Immo, (= l =
Wangs.: •Wlo trod, sad Yearsloy-al.
&the goanagion artke wss dela:maul la the atanastlis. •
WI 11 Ors Baum Wes to Ms asornal amsalmant? ' •
• inn =V i va wurs i temand w: i rtu l atcrwar .
J 114.3 k. tYC.k.)l3araturl, Boyd. Brawn Dumb.
aanon. CW4W III 4 °WOW)). Casty, *aim iansold,
roar, Gus. 11 unitp . anal fi turpu, .11.1 n•, alas, 1101,
El.4 4 o, l tnis, Jobihna lasoris, l a b bNs alas; ;
I,7ll'o•Ournit, al'Osuby.lllVosab, Maul., near,
Blikr , gloat=„.,,lß a' are 4 ClP= z irdr s . ° air:, i
plunk. Ravin. 14,14whanT.1 UMW% VIIII.. WWI. . •
W Sta. t i ali.Milimailtlki W slar i l i risa-43
tar:Gay/rad. . Ll assn t =n ii,.. raster..
saa~Ls. SW*. aluday. Maros. usars. ii`ettat....
M ps, lial; r btz. t ralth4matts. and l) ,Thermiar z. n. %Bar.
• Be the (lunation wu &Lama)** In Um
On the Amman, . .. - .
WILI Qs 800. suss to lb* thOd granidannal
• Ma yeas 531 5075 win talcs, alai wow air follow,
. Ysis-Items. abdersca, Battu, Pabllslai Balt_ But,
(L .f auk. Ira S.) Zuntird. lona. 73 , 07, r. WM=4
Baabanan, Caldwail Campton, Cuts. Craig. Orawfords
rdistass. Parma& Sarer, FM Ws. Banos, alas:or; liar-
Mlns. illabar Ma. =lwo. Ella*, II ols= o Bows. •
Ism, Br= tubtaysig t r z r John.... vat ,
lbugls, Bazaar. Itonormagry.• Ilannisraolwr.
ors. Pearson. Phew. • I. garrisay. Bud. Aleidls. ,
anaak.-11altb., Uillagboy.) analth. . (Umbria ) WO:,
via t iw.,.t. fiu r t r i z m hia, 1210 . C (Danablo.) •
. ail-asura.BarryoLllern, oohorust, Beek. Donde).
a1tU .,, 3
ur s. Oui l ar..
oir le t m oillr• 13 1 =1 oxlms.
RittrAol3., Rataboirk itobuss, aallarAry Walla, Wat.
seas. Yassaley and Wsiglit, riertirs-/11.. _ .
On question wu dusravasd La the aMrmatire.
On thsoustlnn. .
Wlll this Mason acme to IBA 51 111 samba stil
Mu ums and nsys sum, talc, sisl war, as follows,
Tus-lasurs.Andaushlseknallaa, Bask. (I , Yrnmlat,
Bug. ansa.) Cashaal d, Dour. Brunt /IMO. 80. Qua _ . Corti, Ocala, Cunard, Dogs
50505..dag5r. tavalldEF. Fri, Gila Ila met Bum.
Yalu. huu . 1 . 141 g
.1 1.114ro w le.• rJ u lemb.alowww
=LP paw, Lima, biCalasont, t'CLthy. ll'Oulkh.
llgluist Abausar, Blast lioalgosury, la noUtsd.. Nun.
narsubts, Om Pomo, Patina, Parma, Ruusy, Bud,
ilelnaold. _ltlehile, BoUrta. Monk, grnith, (Cambria.)
Bomb, (Wyoming.) Tbanlyson, Pail. Wale, WhOron.
WI:UM. nu/Swas,) Yearg.ey, almmuman dad Wrlabt,
tram-linant Barii3Olnyer.Ooturrn, Tabu. 0 Ibbonsl.
Watnas. ilanuak,Ususekstangbam. Balwarlair. Slaw.
llaa WI, Plcubs. PUtell‘... LiWbW7. ski WI OttOd.lo.-/6.
130 ths iintiLlol was drummlua in tba salrmailva
' ' • atricent °meow
7“mig..... ' . Earrenewh'iwat Xt. MA. I
1 tla amity that *ha ewe sae tavola, la i true and
carnet ten of the "l i = l„. ^ll l lgr o L j akaa uti r tma tes ao llaw a.
olatton women a am
pontoon woad,. aa the auod=it i cia the JOlllll4l Cf
the two flame Owns of s Owns y afelde Comte.
01. Ila the mann 0f.15.28. -"• , . .• .
Alcamo say band and W tea t of ritt=
tau taint,' ertanth i gi4d Jm,. sew
Apps " . id • :. A. O. =lli '---, •
Mggir.:4s iXX) Its . bicoon shonlaers;
IllitetrinV" lll44 itys be.c rtsts
•te st • - • • urns a OD.
, r BACCO--50 boxes fus superior : brands
- mix% 40 boxer ti W. 3. Grants der Z 1 holm to
t fa Kart and on Wan,. T. LITT= A - Ott
ASIMIRUS PLAlDS—Murphy & Burch-
Callbsie . . aaasantmattclCarbaure Plaids
. • • • • laight co • ...
plilftibEY TOPS-350 or. vulvas b eau ti.
ma fel selteraf p," o l* try alnithY a. 00ua en.
.DUILL-q--43taofe Patent. W4ll ,
naiad lb te az, DriU In cur Ned and Ira" b 7 - - 0ULL1N3.1 2 3 Wood 4..
OIL - L&BION—A fresh lot j_cuAnced and
et Ma. bt . ass ILL •=•=s • 004
VITATIEM3- 2 2000 Th ,art prime quall!y
Ja:r t 4 saft tar sal, a•ulto ralier4""
08—dast rto'a , /00 CattOrgl
antDsta transmit
1:AXD.4456 tierces prior lonflazd on Mod
Enid for sal b. , ,17IIIVIIPM MSS=
IL-P' " barrels in 'torn ant •
N i T O. EIUGArr LI& aboice and felt We
ve ins. • - DO= 0•11011=
The Baldmore Convention.
.IILLTL11013; 'Sept. 17.--The city la thronged
withlelegates to the convention, and persons
derirons of listening to its proceedings. The
daY is propitious to la gallant thew, and the
streets are all bottle and activity. Every train
that attires is bringing smarmier's to the throng.
TIM nations of the convention are to be held in
the immense ball of, the Maryland institute, end
tie; arrangements foe the nocomteollation of
delegates and spectatore amadmirable; the hall
lusibeen handsomely decorated. ' The delegates
occupy seats enclosed; In the centre of the hall
on a.epaolo us platforni. A space of one hundred
feetls left on either aide for the audience, which
together with the galleries, will accommodate
four thousand epeatators.
[emeND InsPATCH..]
The hall Is orowded.l There is a full Ottend
atlas of delegate'', representing twenty-slißtates
all - efeept California, 'WI/mania, Texas, lowa
and Michigan. '
• At 12 o'clock the meeting was called to order
Elobley, of Baltimore. Ex-povernor Hunt,
of Ned; Fork, was chosen temporary Chairman,
and made an eloquent !speech in acknowledge •
ment of the honor conferred upon him.
On motion, Henry W. Thomas, of Vs, was
appointed temporary secretary.
A committee of from each State repre
sented was appornted , on permanent organisa
tion, led by DavidPanl Brown, of Pennsylvania.'
[2IIIID 'mitten]
Judge Edward Bata, of Missouri, permanent
President !anew epeaking.
A committee en resolutions was appointed.—
The Convention took a recess Until Ave o'clock.
The attendance than far "exceeds the most san
guine espectations. It is a most imposing body
of men. There is great enthusiasm.
The Convention re-assembled-at Hee o'olook.
The hall was paeked end there wag Intense en
thuallsenx. committee on resolutions wee op
pointed during the niorniel pesalpo, of which
- Roberti 7. Conrad, of 'Via, is chairman, and they
were instructed to prepariran .addrees to the
people of thetrnited States. The committee an
nounaedlhat it would report tomorrow morn
„Mg: The- Convention 'iras thin addressed by
Hor. Graham of. North:. Caroline, Granger, nf
New :York, HireenVirirginla, Janney of Va-,
and.Xunt of Mut.' Mr. - Oraham's 'speech wee
it eleCtrified the audience, and when
beexpressed his preference for Millard 1 7 illmore,
the whole house arose en maue,,eheering vo
olferetutly. The sOeohee being concluded, the
Convention adjourned.
'A large number of delegates arrived this af
tenmon. The city is alive. Great preparations;
are making for amonater meeting to-morrow in
Monument Square.
PRILADILPILEA, Sept. 17.—The Democratic,
celebration of the Anclearem of,the Adoption
of the Federal Consiffittlon, rendered this city
the %Cane of bustle and exoiternent throughout
the day. Every train and steamboat brought on
delegations from a distance, including one from
New Fork city, the Union Democratic Club.' The
meeting Was called to . order at two, o'clock,
George W: Whuton wen called to preside and
4elivereckaa eloquent addreas. A aeries of ree
°lotions appropriate to the occasion was *dep.
ted.. Sx•Goventor ;Johnston, of Heorgia,, made
epeeeh of tiro hours in length, giving a history
of thi Federal Constitution and- declaring its
most important feature to be the equality pan
to every State in the Talon. He contended that'
the Constitution rem:qui:od Cares as property;
that the Slave owner going to Kansas, bad ae
much right to carry'. thither hie negroes as a
Northern matille yoke of oxen. Re eulogised
Slavery as the createat, missionary institution
that ever existed; it had christianised more !souls
thariall the Christian blisytione of the world com
bined. • ' •
Els opeenh was followed by Uowoll Cobb, of
Cfa„ at dm main - Maud, and by Riddle, of ]lines.
and. Moose,of Texas, at the Southern stand—
,The' ?pea king -wee; confirmed throughout the
evening by other speakers. At flo'clook a pro
cession- formed in. Arch street, headed by the
Keystone Club, with a, huge bell mounted on 'e
wagon placarded,.. We are tolling the knell of
Brook Bepublicianlanx Following the Bey
Stones' came the delegation from New Tett
.City; Trenton, Beverly, New Jersey, Montgome
ry; Delaware counties sad 'Wilmington, Delia
ware. The various city wards folowed, eseh
accompanied with binds of 411140. handers.
Ile torches, and Lanterns:of every description,
bearing, mottos depicting Black liepublicsulem
es an unpardonable sin and the ,access of that
party, entailing. dishonor and disunion. ' The
procession Was a most Imposing *flair and the
etreetx through , whiolsit passed were blazing
with lights. The side hike wore thronged with
rpeetatore., ThoAfreieeethi will not. zoraploto
thw route bet'pre midnight ., _ There *lll be dis
plays or firs-works as they pass independence
eirtosoo, Sept. 16.—lilre. Goy. Robinson ar
rived.vollay from RAIINAIL Tbo ball' for trea
son Ohmura has been fixed at $6,000 each, es.
eept for Robinson, Willett Is $6,600.
Elow ‘ Geary has released the prisonere / in the
bands of the mob. at Leavenworth,. and ban, Is.
cued a: .proclarestion commanding all arthed
bands to diverge. . The Blissoorians generld4
'fed to Westport,' fearing an insult by Gen. Lane. .
' Oen. 'Smith ordered all families noting safety
In Fortleavenworitt, to leave the . Fort on Wed,
nesday the 10th. The pro-elavery men re part a
battle u havin'g . taken plate et Bianton's Bridge
°nibs 3lst of August, between6oo,llissatulans
under Atehlioncend his party and the Free State
men.. The Ifilsobrians fled at the first charge.
CfSCIIILLTI, Sept. 17.—Flour Opened dell this
Morning; the only Bales heard of were 120 bbi,.
at $5;00, and 100 bble. at $5,75. The import'
daring - 24 hours were 1778 ht.'s. Bsles 500
bush. white Wheat, delivered, at $1,25. 'Pro.
vh110011; a fide retail demand estate for Mesa
Pork at $18,50.. Coffee; the demand continua
good, with sales 160 begs In lots at 10i(i)11 for
fair . end prime.' Sagan the demand Is good. In
reloadr way, both from country and city trade,
and at fall pricer; sales 60 Mids. 9}olo for
common to goad fair.
- _
Darren,. Ohlo,• Sept. 17.—The Demoorstio
Contention for Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana held
hero to-dey qvu the largest meeting of that par
ty ever bold is Ohio. Rio Tarim), eitimeted
from 60,000 to 75,000 persons were present:—
The proceselon numbered 2407 men, women an!
children: The number of vehicles in the pro.
argon lies 219. It wu 60 minutes pulsing the
Telegraph Office. Neither Caes, Dooglara mar
Breckenridge were present, as advertised, and
then was moeh disappointment Inconsequence.
Sept. 17.:—Tite - ftlikbild COlSTell
tloo met at 11' o'clock this morning. Homer
namedoU wu President. • Over sixty' delegates,
representing the principal roads out and west,
were present. •Committree were appointed` to
oonier on the gobjeol. of passenger, and freight
tarif s. fie other important halms was trans
soled. The Conunittets will probably not re.
port until to:Morrow. • •
Naw Tom Sept. 17.—The Courier mud EA'
quires of to day publishes an affidavit direotly
controverting B. F. Cook's statetnent concerning
hia recent couretiatlon with Cot. Fremont The
atadevit Iss4lned by John L. Mott, David C.
Comatook sod R. IL Potter and Is attested in
the usual fonn. ' •
'Fat&miasma, f3ept. 17.--Lewis C. Levin
called &meeting last the Stational
fall for the purpose of rkpudlatiog the Colon
State Ticket at large. The crowd prated re
'Need to Id Levin- speak, -eed ho•wse Madly
hooted down,•and hustled out of the lid'. The
crowd paned rceoletiotte endorsing the thllon
Ticket, denouncing Levin, and then adjourned to
attend the Fillmore meeting at Spring Gorden,
where similar resolutions were adopted.
BIAAII/14; Sept. 17.—The Rapt:bill= Con
vention resembled at noon. A large. delegation
WAIF precept. Tberconverttion WAS temporarily
orgspized. Attar appoialing *committee an per
memo% 'orgtteisation tha Convention adjourned
at 8 o'clock. •
13orron, Sept.l7.—The in-sugars:lon of Frank
lin's Statute, was" one of tho moat latposlog
events witnessed here. The prooesslon was over
two boars passing s given point. Robert 0.
Winthrop, the orstor,delitered brilliant address
an boar and a quarter In duration. - The city is
arming with people, sad there Is a perfect Jo-
Westtmoroleglept. 17.--Senator Bell, owing
to political engagements made for him at home,
will not to oble to attend the National Whig
`Convention in Baltimore, and hu loft for Tens
Now' Yoax; Sept.: 17..... Tbs Moamar New .
York, orbloh sailed from Glasgow on The 2d lost
orrird ibis morning.' • '
firer Teen, Wedneedsy, Liept. IL—The steam
er Persia esned for Wove! et ten o'clock to
day,,,lth At largenipmber of passengers, and
more than $1,600,00 to gold. • •
Bsaaaume, N. Y. Sept. 17.—Tba Iradlea.l Ab•
olltlantats agitated at noon James Faller pet.
Elsson'dabegstes werapreserat. Rem
llama wore adopted and the meettng adjourned.
Haw Toss, Boit. 17.—Cotton d 11, salosl3oo
hater. Rim declining; Ben 6,000 bbla at
$0,446,G0 for Ohio, Wheat Is diollahq,, ages
rtooo bosh. Coro hoary, Was .77,900 butt..
western mired at 67068. Lthoesd oil ottadn
Wee 670 boas at sao E 2, Tobacco Cm at 9
6 0 1. ' WWII 'toady. pies' 100,00015.+ at 120.
cosec fittootattratrkilla at 10/W12,4
Ti*Offie-17.74fteiti14pit lst Beet
flaltta vas 11' led ; prisseedoeuftos
Per Potrid; tales itirgbao,ao. or owe woo
re : 6: 06
f ai m e
t u pp : t u t
i t l e s Cram . awl attlyr,
v i rE For the Cam_paign.
kill deliver the "Vittaburgh
..mot Elirman tan_
42LCILONT out 4 11‘ItUN,V11251 - ta !B i r ddnta
11TA.LUAALE FARM Fol3:44llE—This
v mono's pitutto 1n AmuoUraiceasintT.,3 mIIn
mm tb. glther.iitglUtd. laid half
a mat of the Worth Wutult3.l77fot . tere landekom
atrattlan, It *umbra 109 aerkt—all Me land. Th.
watered ugh never lallkik ertnem and them Le a terse
Orchard on It of the choked heft. The Cenalbe
ring and the kfallrend alSerd nnarnal um km
it market at the lout expense and In the etrm-teet
time. It nil Ibe sold toward onfar..ratdo tem.. 1141111 V
of .7. S. r.ktokkisok.
marwirr Awns OF 14v. hic,l36 WootthiL
• been granted to Um mitnetten .o the eatatentbam•
nal nate. of Venable' towolblp, deed: s'l Mean. toning
claims asatnat tbe re na mettoutos "meta them tor
settlement. awl sll Indebted to the same ars N.
onenta4 to make payment without dal ff
19',A ERAW,. II
sult:Ctar;.b DAV, 0 "UAW.' ..e. -n•
Valuaole Coal Land near Pittsburgh,
at Private Sale.
TprELE undersigned offers at 9 R
lower AL Clair township. AlhWinenT =rats.Pa.. ahQui
tulles from Illttsburstr. ad/oLslng lands or Robert Shaw.
hen. Darid needs, and others. Th e lend la wades • good
state of ealtleathri. divided Into convenient nap% with
an extensive vein of COAt. roaming_ through It. The kn.
Drovemen to roceist of • Dwelling lionee. Barn end Giber
outbuildings. Bar terms. and Willow P1u110a1r...•901.
asillhlanerT Coma . Weatilnaton.lpa..
United States Agricultural Society
OFFICE, led 011EBTX UT 6T. nu LA.
SHE Fourth Annual Eihibition of the
be eld at POWELToN, fillardelphi.m) cm TUESDAY,
October Ith • SM. 9th. 10th end lltb,
Premiums from TeerAry•Fire to TaoEvdrdr4 Dadra,
smbunting in the egerregete to /turrets Thossand .0011611,
wW be offered for the means Game of Dareastlodalmsix,
Prults i Yeslte , bias, Grant end Arrival.
tur t i Leesnotro t lites PhllaMhie • regimenting . X
redone brushes of 1 .4t.T.T. bra been appointed to t oe
orents :with the ours et the beerstrjo ruDethat u
renummate far the xhibitiou. And glib= Thowmg
Dollars hue . been gurenteed to Dust •
nugeriel coupled with the ruelisnes cMie l eted
toestion,And the lugs =aunt of Prlmituns °Wed , lu •
due' the exosetatlon that the Exhibition °Una, will be
saurtor to any of Its
A Grud Agricultural
flagr Ita
Wmth which Indies as well
mueoum. pertipluteor take :due on PIIIO4Y,
Olga*? 10th,vhen diated muttiumen &dame
pororable esra atemeatswltllths Nome raftrad& ihr
tliatrattspnistion of Mork and ether unzips ars Wpm.
us. Um toms of which will flatiron on application at
. The LYC oflotaies, the Awards of Premiums, and Um
Proardir, will ha Ptibilthod In the &gang of the Bowl
um; with tiro_ Peg lations and .
mottle Exhibition, will b furnieled on appl= n to
Mr, JOIIN tdcGOWAN.Xtuirtant tiaarttary of heti lied 1
ofthaStabs Agri cultural docility, MO ilicatw.t
phtmaphia itcricroltural &Mein) or braldresda
the PAcritur. tt Horton.
MAR/MALL P, WlLDER,Prixidatit:
- Wryligi A, KM, Nualtary.
Farm for Sale.
oTHE sm baaribar offers his Farm at a nat
al" bill 3 zones Nut horn Latiobe, 3 tulles North
t. Throne I Chereh, in Unity. township, Warottoorse
wets soestvps , containing Meseta and hoeing Bursae
know Brick Dlosllliir nano,
, norw•Fraino Barn, • • •
A nye Bela Spring Boom . • •
A sartsrefallinglllllllthr. Fountain at the door.
Al r . le °w as. ° utvivr4mz.v.......-,m-711.14,b,*
. 7 to nit asdahia , r.
nu2A3trrr "--,•• • s..xtßrola,
Valuable Lind for Sate.
t rIlE subscriber offers for sale ICO sores
rata Bottom Land , eltuated within g nos of
• town or Um:mom Westmoreland punts, Pa, To.*
is about ICO a-res of dear land, a hut or which Is meadow
'the Imbues that:sr, and Ilea Wel. aed welt *dented Cr
either rein or gram It b edolnlng the Penne- Canal.
and the North Waters liallroad rens thronigh It.
Ilbe share Is In two lota, anlwlll b• sold toolbar cr to
ea acre iota Jesuit plurbesen. •
Terms easy. • Any person-hom a Odense wield= pair
Menlars..wlll address the enbealtar at Blalmentel - InellI•
atm wants, - Walkman WILLIAM IIIMIPBOM:
ViditableTarti' far Sale:
THIS PItOPERTY is situated i,. Patten
R. Tile Al mbar.) C o . 16 relles fa= Ptttelnirah. sad
11‘ Wan trout t• • Nmoa. ()enteral Railroad. It =taint
wra, mote or Inc 12 la • Witt stets at culttretlea.
hod Ii allured to be ohm dale ben .beat sunrlait feral
tat Alleahear county: hem en Orthcah o vela watery*,
and the land tall eur of mese with the
611 , 11 .1 0 , 1%, . BODlCaTifgralfas.
lostaby ellen that letters of Adadrastratkra bare
groaned to the oubotritton ou t eaten, JtiAlmon
annotrong. lattrot. atieshony Cite cued An porno=
having dame sesame said botatta ._
Dreamt titan duly
authenticated .tin eettlonent. and Item Indebted - will
Volso makeatutent, to the todszalanitd, at ter not.
4e rettirtit% "l g- Ilt i tiT b lfa ir e . ElNlSTZONG, &OWL
Point Halt House.
31 AL ST
• 'Weirs et.. opposite dotted Ferry.
P111'6=6,5111. PA
ley an
s3. d 1,2 thickest mue. t Priv.. Nall for syNi mm= Elar•
M.laiary Lidos laen arsotad' to the ondrulanid,
tor.ottla last .111 and tutu:met a Mu. Bard.of
V Ilklostarg. Allegheny Co. 41 , e'd:olt Damns lodybtod
to sold ortsto lOU make Immediate payincrit,, and the.
usTimr_de=ll.4l Mont them, prowrlr sestlacaticalE4
tsriottlattomt, to SAMUELMOMS. tteatibe,
),330:1A10.2 Wllllnsburif.
Choice E'arzo for Safe, — •
CeNTAININO 244 sertqf, laWTh as .t
olttutod in Om Noe thwnma tor
not of Chum , tonaohlo,(ltiamblon• osontry..9ldo:Fratrauf
Wino( Now lAshm% • adlso acoata of -Italeow ataUomont
the Yonna..and Ohio Rail:row% and T land from lianorpr.
ram - Is ander wawa Arnow stand. 166 wow!
Weaned, allondtho telanwo la the boot thaberod
w land Ict•ho
county. 4dtormio walnobSolnthrforoftlalnarain and
stock, Aboit'llo soros of Um ablated land :ad h bottom,
oultahla tor oaro, yeti, hula or grata •-• Who balance. b
optoollant whoa. 1a00,w.11 wrohnwl,• to a moor
tolling'strew 0000:05 ltiMll•tba ontT i nVoath of to.
Oold Ran alto mai throvah • out ot coo, two
good amino anlb/ tom awl :mortal:lna oh water • for foot wan Ws holm. The balldingaue aood:• largo
and outpotanhal Brick tlontwn/rame 1t.., la br 43 Iso%
basonsont stone. wall onlobld 00.tahlIn5stnot acorn and
hog i hotnw.lo. A Jur: Orchard of the boot votletiwo of
et and
i c ' ory lb* farm on zetount Of hod
howth.l mut sei at 000 Wee Ind alto long iroTto•oL%
gay 6 L PlO 'KM •: • lOW Ms of bats.*{. reraonn wish.
Inn to trowohago maw tall OP Doetat • GROBON WWOR •
80N, In Pittsburgh; Nn. JORN HARHAIIC II and
JO UN 111 81/. EOM. at Pony !total rittAarich. •
For Woo and toms, ad4nwo 5.10.1`.u. 1 n Now
L14.1:4 Columbiana county. Ohio, . •
as9 - ...lanreT JANI29 FILSON.
Splendid Proper for Sale.
9NE.oF 'ERE BEST FARMS in Eastern
OMb malt botalrally loaated 99 the O. /I P. R. ::..
slJoltol9e the Wiring loon of Cialomteassao mll.s
Wort at Plttatursla_F a ux as Lae 116 arm. 1= 0016 le
prim* timbre, 2 o Ulnboas. and along:
go g n= Rg r aiin " lersr ith &ot z."
Mr; • Patabla LW Property, ilium silo Co/ImM Loa
ardor,. O m an 1114 bull Grose. sod as tbo U.t P. 8. It, 61
sale. oat of I, 1019 The
co sta.l ID prim. menial:
b ides any :daunt of cstar/ morrhant work.
Taw imbue •/1 new and Pont on la West Implored
Ma. Tbora 1,19 eau apt/ becid bran otos to oold'
proposy.shloyo bog thre:llog /I at ersd tors Holm. largo
BUD. Mutual th Mu*, 8.. 41101 to otaileat onforg alas
other baton/on neweloap to rah "import,. arcbarts
burins ornmollont egane gnarri. Pita/ of :Inaba
sant nod/en& eyries WW2. nu sbovo propaty Mtn.
ilbod lo •• boalabs • coutr
ny io a Mots Inst. AIL
away Itormtalas
hi tl i ot o s tva T z r iz. P v ert l46. /Itl . ck vi El b o u ng 3 0 1 . tete ,
Is 70 1110
tbo La/ Ind town of Calmat.
gm.. papa viablzji to PoolBal9 say of tbO 6000.
prowl/ IoW On* call 00 florobgwi. bet. • •
JOSE ALI.= &lea, 091010,,0.
108NHOUR. a
loal=carT TUOS. O. ALLEN. Bon Crook.
To the Public.
hour,* Woaes. kron 00, MT .1
• hontary W
ILT has bank 18 yews since I lett estmore
Imbl contr. Perms. nen was but . ctua. I hare
• the whom coma to James Montle; tbre• main,
JUMP. John 104 Wthlate Murphy: too Mears. Rebecca.
who worried • Mr. War. 11.4 Pluctiee obo curried • Mr.
Jam Boy :11arkerolth. iU. ohm" 1 mt. tee* , •••7
Urtort In mo oottuty. r bare 0.10 beard from say ol
teem; don't boom • [Mtn am , lirltur or dmel.
shall/eel vets us eful to hla. or Chem •be emu. U tees
brow =Mine or emu mhoistoati. 00.01 alba.. to
intro to me •t MAO IMO*.
peehtern TOOMAS hltraPllY.
Mave milling to arebt the dittreseed ruellahlor
the boo .a into MU Tamen e 097.1
Desirable Tannery for Salo.
onderstgned offers for tale, on reason
std• Woo, thio following property, le the tun If
ouorrllle, J or.on county, Oblo. two rolls. from Nflar
Me, on the Cleveland sad PI ttalrongla trAttroad. omelet-
Mer of on• sod • half urge ot lead, on Veldt to sreeted a te
rlttAltre ' e l Top eli t tf S ply of Wel l : 1 11M
ecoreuleaue cry I he reereeseril promeeltlon et the tutus'
Also, 40 ecru ot tucl •Al emu to the Allele • •
, For term; le .epply to Us =denim*, rot e. •recm
see. J• 104 T • J. C. =ETON.
Voluble Ertl for Sale
foot run oratorio th roe story CAWING MILLS OW
L, woo falling 'IMO • Zit or tower of seven
feet fell belonging to the prpintp. nroceopletL . Tbe
point Por tbonOltabas teen made to ail to tweint
OSTMOZt• will be
eart—ltnit so= neon,
Inhume Irt pcnneents of Anent Aftnedrod r.
.rAlt one. s pop tryintoll ...r anima tent -Or,
onetulf ot the me bt mkt and the o th er bolt tented
to the no ow, TIM the grinners or patriot..
T ;Invent boa Weir tom Moro=emtrott.—
There to diem Reltmed ortonosantetton cattle Overland,
Totedo gal mot:nett. alto nut to Tomlin freight to
in Om place. 23 nO cto tort:sent
tor ant ono elegizing MP BULL PRAM SILTY, onn.
! ` l4 .ll'.. 2 lr t i° th tTe t ,l7•" al At' .064 W
r i ha m s llZi:iro! '4 l.l
t, Mt= or. MOM" tite-V v btonber for torttor
nartlonlan. • P. trltaT
aoltitartanataT (Liß.Jrm.) Fklnoy. Onlo.
1868. • - • - 1858.
hlortoot, ott eakto.!, •
Paatdoo4l.lB Cloak Clotho,
n111)34 ttu. calt: stilt&
Nao r izztAr l o i t=ozoo ,
o in a: ....4 =argo ega ti Eltrt.
Cloth*, Vest, Ks All Mil i= k koot. •
towing", Tale. Litlnareattle r4
• Fourth mod 124 sts.. Ptd/mtpjally,
etet.toopon are Writ. d to nowt. oar No. eooto.
qta t to " floc. b : I,:rliMlCadrt
ipwlwkW jgcei J aralt ol t 10.41 the Aga
Tuttit 21r2 Qum. .= ittoSami
.. ...... .
. . ' No; 21 Diamond.' .
. vow Door ftms X, Reascarrea •-• ,
Cowlantly on Mod .4 las sale, litilml• sad Itatal
Wad :tang Bath Tote, Woods= B.
Pliztl sad liar Nets. Ham fladot% . .
Hotter Peat"— . Lima &Alta. •
-: Oat Will gm b, 0.4. t Barra cam.:
Boyd; ILlttbea lull:law ambits, E=arai., Clothes
Bumf:oat Dotalo; .
Clothe Butt.. da. -.'
103.0tbar Mods a/ nate pot& ling made to ordt, sad
arcudaJi attended to ..• • ; . MI/ 40 ToT
KINERAL WATEIIB— , New oupplico of
oho J.lck and lbastaga trabrr_frel , ... Übe
sze nmuselenn - -
NF&N POWDEfPUflSaodPofßozca•
4 —A Weed stock cud rwtd and Ga 1 06
FRENCH BLOWERS-50 boles, Tiv3
hence rooms nth' d& t ft= !inn York. lo
nnt•n ronnottully ell Ma sinention at ow en
In 4llnlallnnay . JOS. WHIMS 06"
lIOSEBI RIIGH3BII-100 doi: rten!,b
'Juana !ea bimor nlanrs.TrAleniiit
'PANNING 31111S—Like's 11. 8. Fanning
mm. • sot
MerJrZIP gi-" JOO. =a ir
" 0 LOTS FOR BALB-2 lots on • /MP
at, H Art extaadh3S 0.0 to pia%
..LL Eror.Ur lat. =Unfair .MOlO
nilasom. /as •
Pt; LI. I) AVt S. Auctioneer. •
CbstatantotAgu Itcheas. wrens ce Wood sr gt.
&hoed= the Boinaphof amomiegt. at Ana
lion—rtnlelraw, Egt. 25, at 1 o'clock. 1•J X, on the
garage. ?lel be sold. 00 Building Lot. hieing each *-
from of igfett on nide street. and engrain gbeek 149'
feet; 15 Lets, containing oneehalf rase c 11 144. ern.
gluing 11i rags each. a gaze of whisk wilt Waited
at the san. The above smug la pin of he Sinclair •
Eaten.- &daddy sitting fp: ornate ?gide Logue
notating. gets. or gardening pnlyenee . Dal 0.1 Of go.
cgs by river end ranged.
Bale going. Titleindigntable.
Tetms—thse !earth crab. recline in three annual
Prantratte. with interest. t I'. M.. fid IS. Aunt.
—On Thursday waning. Rapt 15th. at 7;4 o'clock. at
Merchantd Es-change. gill be mold. 113.00 M ghat Mort.
gageper cent. Coop. 0
Boone el the A 1 1 ,8127 Valley
Railroad C. Wing part of an lamed of SAMOOO, ..waned.
• grat mortgage on theghole =ad from Pittabarith tie
Ritteintlnit. ninth coat foot thaw the ankaint Them
Ronde are worthy' the attention ol penman denting a
perfectly safe Inn. mat, affording a nigh to et hasp.
wt. ael7 , P.M. DA. DA Ana
--- -
PEAS, . RICE, 50A1 5 ,40., At notion—
'. -on Monday afternoon: Sept. 76th. at I klork,will
be sold , at the commerclai aloe mat. er of Wood
and fifth streets, lb half chests Twang Oleo , and Meek.
Trome Mils Rim 7 bone Drown Foam 15 halt s bbl Lake
iffetr, 5Ms Ilarkeral. • also; • variety of tionsiffund and
Kitchen Parnitore. to: a.. - P 31.. DA . And.
TION—Oa Tlicrstsy . einaltr. Sopt:' 1.11. - st 734
. at the 13orennern Xtononiro, oritl n 0. 13
obtrullatbankrs Bonk of Pittsburgh - Hanna
tootouvri -.and Emmy Bonk or VMonllng 3 Conran
Bonds Clogrour County IMO e.h.
oolet P. 13. DA LS. Ana.
'CUSTER'S SALE—On Tome 7 even
ing, Sept. =b. at N Welk , at than ate K.
o th EL, will to Nola. by orderof Woo P lao. Sag.,
Trustee of Hann Sargent. that valuable Lo of Ground,
on gd en, between BM :Inlaid at and Cherry Alloy, baring
front of
ft widen et. extending back 00 ft to an alloy
10 ft wida, on is rectal tbt. merlon and finely •
laded Utre• any> brick Dwelling Haub, No 101, 'Fithian
tem gal and other wpwwwlieweer, abope etbrect to an
annual groundiontof
Alto. that beautiful number ells in Collitownsblp,
eantainiug 13 acres 130 retches, bounded by dant Wm
Irwin and onera, arddect to a mortgage for $2.000. Pan ,
bin In 13yearn
Also, 100 chars diatonic lion Pant Poefely ..noelc, Pew
Ho rin lit Petees Cburcb, mlndle able. _
111/11a poeltive to claw the asalgament. Teruo at aale.
1110 P. LI. PA P, 404.
The New Boos' the. Anther of fb
Wldei,Werrld." h
848 and 848 Broadway', New ork.,-
WILL P 0111.1611 on 7111' .. 20TH 07 0 num.
One Vol ver 5
ume, nines 000 Pere", C MAL
Po • Illustrated Eat or elisU•
• . TUX vas noes Yothires, Anti. W
I'IIUB 'author of the 'Wide, Wid e
1:losoded not another introduction to Amican road.
emiwimin the hild before them 'The ßills of he . Beate.
man" meanie MEW Wormer as • ante romance
write, was emu .d to het erne tad gde oot /dm oat
seek • trauma as the meant. Many a han4 wlq wels
some her now.and many an ey aerial aleasyln antkioation
*timeliest have baretorbre enjoyed the 40011 lther
iltinatilie l st neaten . dettlirtbey n o ):
entering/zit* th e thoi4itt•nteeenee ennui Three gift it te
to draw reerdetble cheracters. with lIDDIMOIrI distinct.
itlk. ° l3lb irtarrti 01 VOrls mbi° ll7. i .lgtalf,4
Y ell etas emend lean, may a tin' thmaithilm. We
we eharmed with the twenties and individnellty of the
nbleet matter fwe Demme absorbed in the am and
bmintirtil enfolding of the personellte of each member of
the amen sad Ir. OM tearltilty earotm and totter
under the kledlyinflmaom eorracerally Vire t a
ck u
by mesas or MMidlan annual sad tenth. The b N yea
greet nicow good Man ► =read of direct and
we are aortas that it will lied an.ettweesmeptme with
live totter elan ofisplemerywhere.
As the ordereforthis wattle armee. of abileatlon
ert ann. urea ezonsbo wish e. mit PIT of VMS the
P amid amid early order,. as en evidence of the
popilmity of the author to Rowland. the Itnosh Pup
Whew oriat:note eerie e ofTtro nue or Tea Enetinlid.
:Is Int edition.
Amilet.ol3.6 Co. hare yearly ready. brAILIMNO TOO
111 2 ..Z : b Ar c rstrarigri;siAggi
tatuegatloar; by lira Elrlilead. • ECOTTISII 011.1E18: br
Jane Pcaten , With e tool Vete llJut:ration. I malittne
Wall Taber Warehouse.l -
W. P. israftsnxia,.& 00.
: at.. betweerteth shanameend :Allen *Ws clay to
ed ea extanelve neeeetaseht of me? desetlirtlea at P.
Der lienglegeler PARIAH
• - -. i
, •
tOniertatlaw ehaderla greet vueety at the III
to eouett? &Wets. eel 8 WP. &URN' AIL A: CC.
Trustee's Sale Lets--Yorty Lots.
THE"Yellow TeTorn.,•' or "Two Milo Ilan
Proper ty" at Lowman albs eed eitt, al:cord!
I s eli t t i tmt Lir t s eari i blleit3ake, en
b t . .11 , e
i re clan. en
°Week . , A. K. Tr= at ell!. 1110516 g Blriftir "
solttetd• • • I rreiltse of Wte. Weser. Jr.
ilorticultaral (9. •
HOSE person who ,wish to send oholoo
ai , ples to Me A 1114110 Ant PiIitOLOGICAL Vona.,
Rattaatet..N. Y.. arLl leave theta .t WARDEOPT
GEED SIVIS. 6th at. to anon. Matas,, the tad:
Pull particulars sbcalld ataanpany chatter aesslinta, and
IlhoOts atlas's/x . O gratttn at unnamed ...titian
EOllOll7l, See,. solGgled
Toys, Toys, and Fancy tiooll.
P.. 93 Neralkt et, between Ara and ?Ada.
IMPORTER OF TOYS, .Faney Baskets,
Week Doses. Cabo. Veseke,4:!astee. Mao, CB car °Mk
ibbarm Doses. Domthees, Itermealee., Aelardeteklln,
wood, Om sal Olas•Toes; alaq, Jemmy Muc., et every
&servant. via.* • M be odd et the Leven ;dem
Meese tall Dem Peztlpeeoli el.betlere...stStbb 21.2 d
FOR SALE-400 bogs good to-primo Rio
150 holt deed. Yfrangndge 1:11son 'txr, o
oo do. .1 alinee and Irrotial 444.15 •
74 do, Oolong /gado do,.
125 bhdo W. O. entor, •
;, 400 als-Plautatlon seduseg • -
•• '25 Daltheoro Oold v bung, i •
With • amoral awn:3nm egalla , ther goals in cur line
tn whl2l, go 'nog:sibs Owls and am:art &agog
.111111.1M11 1)/411 , 011111, 120 &gond .t.,
• mold • - • near goOthll4ld.
F t AUCTION—On Thwatir, 8. t. 18th. 1956. at 3
V•VilarAfts ' /17.1V LN11,%:,,c ° QV.*
was toe r caner af atawt, 29 het thmt, hr 117 foot
Way, ea atblattla meted 6 •Brick and 3. Fn.. Diralllog
Muni, Thla aropettyiaata Avila, year: all teasuto
Isla good altar. sod Ell potltivair M mai 'farms at:
.1113.111.11 mu. Beal Lasts ',Brace%
VIDER MILLS for sale by
cL.I pats - uoLuses coLUN I 2 oea st.
IRD CAGES for Fab by ;mums, •
I) we ileum &
- -
k 7 snob . = Wad fbr sal* 1101.31121 a COLLIN!.
•qIIASSIA TONIC CUPS—This is the hied
contsolent farm In Slttarsean Wu/a' - A.
ulna Wass full of rater or wino soured Into tha
ono Instautly and without further trouble fstrtantS of tha
modish.' ProPostlss of the Quagga wild. whist Is tonslds
and "tine most simple and stntlant tonic, loss liable to
irrltats the stomach than 0.. Tor
,aalo .• JOB. MEd INO'ffo
sell • cornea Idarkstste and ths Dlankond. ••••
- •
a fB. • : t• :10 '0 :wl
eletris and impart► btortlful Elba to toy miter.
• or polished Itinitart. oU rslatlist, piano tor:octal.
la, la Ws •t 701. 7LialliCkli.
FINE 003/135:—A large assortment reo'd
sae sbr We Ili ••15 . JO& "LIMING.
rRE:II euppy of Cleaver's Prue Medal
Monty Ekap—tioner Shaving Soap; MoZ i e Brown
haste, sad Jab* Ilawers Yeattna amp, at
tilt Jra. WWI.
CONCIRESS, Bedford, and Shia Lick Wa.
ten ter islet it JO% SLEllltida,
NO 6 mutt Mit tet et. mut th• Diamond..
CLEVER'S HONEY SOAPS-50 kro. .just
.rsed And for tabby FLF.III2O BRIM.
abwrisad fat see by PLE3ILNG BROS
Oli Gii s tNU'ikas t
SASSAFRAS BARK-300 lbs just reed
and eta' sal& by slils • YLCIU.NO BUM
10111INK-SAIIOEI3.B--5 gro. -just reed - and
113tRANDRETIrS.PILLS 7 -15_ go in non)
111/ tad far ale by MMHG FIELON,
AtRIVB TILLS-10 grd: in store; and for
on band and Anindsbyt FLEMIN4 nabs ...
SODA - ASH; of a - good end uuliiirn: quality;
traauttatama a, the PI. Elan MUM C. at 'Wilt,
Was, on hand maid far Geo to /LEMING DH OS.
mit net lad be axle by IPLUSITNA
ONOENTILATED::TXE- ;g:Lesi , "'artitle
Itif ur ftailis rosy • *prim tett yupOire toy Potiah IR
sTar•limpect, - nn Mind IVO IL lbr Mle br
nab • , YLLII 11,13.11.013 •
NIT—WOOL-BOOKS-100 doz. Matte
JUL Knit Socks for sals at: ZIORNSIL 7T Makin gt.
TINDER CLOTHING of all killds and
vi,. 4 6 , (- fie -Iczwe'llocte,
TtONNETSIBBONS—Vi. tiplendid assort
s, went armor styla of Bonne. 11..bbong.i.irt reed.
Aga . A. A. EWAN i CO., SA fittbst.
. IIAWLB—We' 'will .ieooivo on the 17th
Wt. 6 lugs lot orneir and rm . de-diabt*Lont and Wephon obwrig also, a Imns lot of GeateTravellng
9 awYs. - . A. A. MA SO N L CO.. 29.91fth st.,
pLA O. 4) DRESS SILKS—We hay. just re
alciee; at77l.onatrikllslll6lstnxt a.
VLikati.: 7 -AIL the jmateriels for klAp for
ma. at . sels A. A. 11AS011 •00'8:
ion kCb.lllllloro oath. Ilthlue4 a tem Teebtl
• or Btylesbr MssOctel: . ._..1
-ENT.Nar, - ISI Sid LIS, %beam knot. leach Lena na l] I 0 ena awl a hall well- flubbed and Isirona
• - . —_— .1 .
: : :41 i d• t:
/AIMINGITILLS—Ettr fanaatiaaltl4lTaa Mt • •
t and It to his adwntata lo $O4 ausata •
• alatstlt Wan • • labiate. alsawbase. T est ••
aal 11
t3no DOLLAREI for ti Briok Dwelling
sad Ice.'sthasted Wllltlns it, Ble•
RZsTat i trout UZI wet .port
. cat ma, ao01•11of inni - water.irrincnar. An. Tame
nar• tarEIBXBI. Wbl, at
~ Ski • • of . 04' '
Rgion tth CLOIII-AOB3 ydß4 3 . 4 5
fi . vat , . Wida b nod sty J olt sreSl from' l 6ol.
mannTAWMlb7 WitOltealeitiddallOd Iftiklt
gtre. l . aza3 - J. Jt fl. ratuava.
[ROE-20 tae-saperior Rice In store and
SARA tale by nit T. 100.
ftIIOKETB &TUBt3--50 dos Bockats;
a In itctre isndOsale
rb7 " Aral aall
'Bft-200 Wralk
Ws by r. 1.4=3 , 1* CO.
0 b- PiPes;
I TPEsiLS u 4
'2"6 0/1 1 ?.. ,4
.....andibr gas br
74BAL k f ; _ 9 ,i,S
fkON'T N GLE4 s r+iaitij e Ti
buostarttocavn 13 ar s
_ „. .
Dm!) ... . . ......... .... .. . . .. ......". .. . .Amon rumor.
Gilt - Mouldings for Looking Glass Frames, Railroad cirs, &c.,
Ne. 95 Wood Street, corner iof Diamond Alley— -
. -
. Via Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad.
Capacity 2000 Tons Der Month each Way.'
fuoilitios for Trans dation have' been largely incireased darin% past Winter,
v.. 5 and Wean now offer S the rimier advantages of a DOUBLII DAILY to 40 tem Pitts.Paugh
pr'tcPhllarkappi n end oalttmene, Our Um hung extemeel early of somata ;cm , =•.v..t
itnh ne=rattit n At t SlllTAr irnt iuscribb lea
Pittsburgh ridge Farm Nursery
&M ,
ATED on Wilkins Airmine,
„ Ai ft .
stout one nastier of rolls from the owoM
o • to on the Yarns.' and Igeergantee , Bang Me
an extension of Smyth street. and stoat
three and a querteg.mldes ham PI ttetthea. .
WM. & JAPLIIIIRDOOK,,,Preartztorr.
They o ff er rate • rin7 wreeticeo of se a
iwrrd plants PUltabla Pr trarzylanting this and
The now eaten some 30 gement ground and
mutable oyes ,000 tows, shrubs and plants, and ova
30,000 halt trees, n, itOod Everyman and litralnt BPI
"ettr ft""um° l -., t
luxl omhetda a
t sudi'Ll'" oord+nsToVeN i .ot
to Ant port or U nited States ,
We he lease to eat theattanthen of the Lorne Of strop.
burr 11.1./ renders In the
to our unrivaled • aril.. Hen
tor the Pining of ISE.4,,embraeing nearly all the Brooms
fishy. Indhrewile and knotle. that In worthy elms
aultrratlon ha this section of conateT. Plante g. be to
cured of many things snits lam to glee Illtru. , :late.effeot
Prides moderato co grosah From etranierg nth or ape
refemenN. le the cty of Pitteburgirrestdrel nil a.l
Ordure liddrared.t4 through =kin net 'Moo r hen
Pltte_borgb. Pa4or loft at odr staid on starker de r tn,
Hiand Markatoriff he rattntette attended Le!
Fruit Tr elm,' rsreigreeas, &c.
subsoribecr -would most 'rasped,
rally ta ll the attention Olds Mende end th e
Pa to his very lugs axle,' Fruit Tn i n 4 gTIL A Z
lOWA M I and t ar.. Of Year , we is
ntse Dwarf and Mandan' SC our own ralslnvt .
ew. jeturti tU almt,.. s. P Resttes.Elocweberrlettgatl't.
Our 'tremens, from OM feet. ofertatt we bars.ns. ny
thoosszar. ars nne. Perms wanting's:se onattltteenttn
be liberally dealt with. Call and sea our deck. Oe,
wenwsite sane maws. (Wendel lathe IllAddronnls P. 04
Mr. H. Dalsell, Llbertyst4 ths Oakland Itursam 114 tulles
on Penns. Annul, tor the Platen:mak Nursery. Vies
'd'ont Oakland, ertube ann=attended ta.
"kr"l.,rftl'a titnnOga, Jr
BM:DB.—RA LPIII /100. Ti Pe tell street, Ne. Yea
alrzaTs .11 Het.ll .<4...1
The Greatest Medical 'Discovery .
N. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, bus disco,.
ed In ono of our eommon nurture weed. a remedy
cureuelgar kind ortturdordraost/te worst...rafts/ago a
Oean G sco o oaen
tw oowrer
e (b le o v tht h h un d dr r d h eaamse a s r , sad
b I h TU
no. Whit Dostanion onar two hundred certlncutd• of Ita
ral_na,l/1 Within tummy mina of Boston:
TwO bottle. are TlOted tO CUTS Bu rnt 2 ZOTO Meath.
One to three bat tle. Will cure the ki nd of Dimple,
of the am •
Tire to throe bottler will wont the erste= ri bollin
Two bottles Sr. - *emitted to - core the worst amass to
that:meths:a 'Welsch,
Three to flee bottles are warronied rem the west
Gee nn a r lu tentlee are warranted to etre ell humor
Ns ern.
agi b bottki are wononted tntere running of the.. •
Lobes among thehair.
Near to six bottles are "amend to cure corrupt d
r =ttle will amecalf eruption of the skin
Tem to threebottle. are warrautedtontoa the mu.: see
parent masa of rheematleo.
Tan to three tenth* are warrented to cure the est
eon ofringw - tnn.
Tees to foes battles are *emoted to cm salt acne.
Flee to elitht cure the
of c
A benefit is oloontbetties-will
experienced a fra= th • fleet bottlreels.e.
and a yernetenre Is nit - rented when centlty
Natitni . loots so LarrObable to shoot who herein ran
Wad al wonderful tieltateo of the dar.a., that
smut= Wet' Merin& be toe pouturesousdelong °ldeate
weds. ohoo!d care eve:mho:main tseedetud; yet It Me not
• toed feet. If you hens tanner It her to start nen
are no Ulnae andb hums or hen shout feting mme emu
a u t=sn o t isc l.goid L dleid k r4rt u ttoirne enetta il o bge4 of Ii In
boo already due some of the antra arra ear date In
hteraohneett. I saes It to children a rat old; to old
pierle of situ . . I tar. goon war, pad Z wormy Itotlat
elsilds , n, whose tau we. soft and rear, reacted to
rorfat ante of hal th by am bottle.
To those who ere lanai. to a [let heedsete,one bottle
will alma,' tare It It great relief to aslant end
Ilastems. Dome who tonembeon netts. foe yeark.havetk
ken end been regthand br It. - Where the body It wind
It warts oa=ts ear, but thaw. that Is thy
of the nrottlone of team. It .111 emus UST ...4.4.1 M V42
Inve bat younanot rot be elarcad—they sleeps assn.
pllll2 tom loos de re to slam& There le lava t
malt Item tt. On the country; wherfthst frolics Me motor
you ittlitmet yearrelf Ilke 'stew Tenet, Le a d emu at
tbs mare earwig -ant epee:algae Rik that =en sear 11.
tested to. No thane.. of Met to ery—ent the
beet yea eta tot. I. havailtewleo besh. - sadoll. - WhnE
• etatlead In swat 011. Manley. Benoftdola serebbas of the
beet and ware the P.M. Prim Et oaths. Pew a. the
alearel Ilreorty_ti par bath, _ _ • -
' ISLIMIId3I tabl e per day.
Ghlhtretsower CAW ?seer; dessert e,lO tfnt: ottldtemeltom
au to alght day ~ , m osepootifttl. ano dln Job ton be
r.e.le caturtitatlons. tete kusell IQ odor . -
ata bo• tie SU-
Hr. SRN Natal aloe reroute' LUeudealw in had ewe
a' OeVretaka. , ,, heta:ll,lt I_ESlfdt.lll3:l4o Wood
street career re allay, and e• PLKIIINP, Alto,
• And Steamboat Agent, '
• LEVEL'. DA TIMEN4I7/ end 6 TH . STa.
SnrConalinament • and orders sollelted.
item ee.—Onrling, Halberts= A. 00.
llewers.ll. Chiles &Ca '
King. Pennock
• • Kramerd Itabm.
Brown Jk Ktriroserlek,
And IderelmaLs gsnenally. • [striate:ad
IitISSOLUTION—The Nrtnerebip hereto:,
1.7 *re szletirz under the name yed etile of
• dlssolvod by mutest ecnarent tither of the
Penmen era authorised to Bettie the bushier" of odd dim
;AT ]. 1864 OfIAS. B. ',ma..
Mae of Memtzuctst7 CLeectO
. • MER
Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard and Rutter,
Next door to 'Z al
the ed ° got,
No. 114 Vint street 1< 116 Second street.
Jetnesittenludl t Dka, Pretddont F armerY °spud
John Mord & AJo., corner eth and Wood 'tr. t 1.4 t".
Wm. l'hnliontese Blanotheturer. -
Biter, Jur= Cci, t sMM.l! ''s y " D "' il l.r"'
-Burnett, Karat ••
°oriental: do. -
'J. 11, But • 00, Cinchntatl.
• I BR %LNG.
.&N . / = 9tf
NO. 273 LiberUtreeh:
4a1373URG11. 4.
Fourth Street Comet Store. .
87 /earth Street; near Wood,' •
rsrpectfpLiel to our preesnr ek, ostretedfOr
Sorbet fob; I -
Boit QualitT gine& - retell wwW Tetwerrl
Orsuills sod LI Lwouille. Bower. DWI= sad Low
Kites sad gape Lografbe.
list Im ilime7oll 24. feet wide, Tati t g ,
Latofttrala rie. . ; M IIIII T .V3I °II & thr. W"D'h.F4't" P "
Oenton awl mot
..LloW.trtll , ller oar Mott Stair Boftw Ltd, Tin
_ileran t irt'fard g i r ie s e ' ill
wiffeb be othweet for n igh t erflarsfe"zstolt.
„„fraVoalso rrersbed to l'Fraste . flerrinfitoo o C.
• And Wholentle Destler In
Nakalactared Tobacco. Imputed k Dutacatic
' slump, a., ao,
no. 197Liberty.Streot.
Comet o fltreverz. Mby
PP 8B 1.7 ICU fl. rd.
LlNB—Shiloh male extensive ' •
wed= ttds winter, we are now were
to do • hoer/ bellow PEZiNe.CLirt
end RAILROAD, innoconto end from the thud.= Me.,
-We tQt assure trot friends end ell thew &you/ to rat.
rotate the Panne. (ktzel and diatircedi that no Wins wN
be mated to tender9l watletvetlttt to Shippers of
Fagan and Western ht. The emilence of the tn.
(need Flom on the Alin toy Portage Itailtved witi
hummed &monied' to the Uwortnaton at mesh*.
Others on Mt( street, et the tlanstßo,
• tohltolvd ••••• • ett
. . .
V INEGAR mad., expreeary for family ago
',radian robibibaCre thou one of Ob. Ertel
arrz OroaviesofPlotobarsitanclAb
" lelrbebNwheroPirtler can be Jff
5,4 In hr 7 .W 11.1111.012.•
Mobilo,' been oared Into for .
" Yeu kbas Thor ma . fro . at
Omer. equal to tbrbeket
a - 11 1517M0r Vlariaribor
bear grandeur on•-bolt awl
"b lf retnilMa VlM l r cee r. ano the
tountry "taa rorrobb ikr' lT4aril "" =. " Arnoted rbtata
cider that winkeepAswett untlfnext
led bob., sr root,
Vkaretr!" l " l ""' v
HALLIE ' riir' '' w ' ..ter Aus lo
a:IW =fall A.
= 13110 WikrS
inori ch l il Troches or Voice Losenes—_
rinLESE ILOZENCLVF arc .made from : -
A,b i ggiVZZArgrir - " an Viltral f rat:
7p 4
oatimind *ad r ttaPatel . at bledletzts +Am=
oPs IC CHNItBILAIL. only and raials:l7:4prozits,k
imAt for Pititburgh sad vidnit.7,;
0.1 "F 3T.
• Blakely . dt-Rtettey. •
jL m t rjr•ISRAT47IM EN Z earner_ of
S i .. dail tettleeld%streets, Ptl
e , r
; L
suilousee.L,Ale.Paseseatw,beptetr eA ,ecommiseet; , Lend Warraetle. eoo s
dt ~
t l eestt."MeeeelwsterLlZA,2taed .=
:101{0)FIV...P. :MOATS, BUD4-sh t
. -s rta•nart out...te
inro.- - i;r firm
knkinat nava* m *
=II.* th AVAV vh at,h
Iml,ll:istamnl • .1
..T11 4 1 1 14: " . , r ,
, r , VitlyrepAcj-crt trat.%.
1 . yap
• y if • climate rise with itasal.t..lllW.thif
lls sp. ifb• "MU isowaitt.p&-, .
1,1110 ' 4.3111. cwunnur ppm 11
rE_partners/op of es_ Irwin lc Co.;
a dawdled, on mead tent, bran:tad rembeat.—
Train.budnam Odd - Ltd Irby end berme - dad br James
- la m h
Pietabbend. JILIIIISry10;1136.
TUE undeisigned will continuo the mann
di, deters orChaseakedi Medd by berdbaloan
a 29
. .
James Irwin,
MAN - 1' KO r013.11E • 'OF
_G. I I3IPRITRIO ETHER; Salphinio Acid;
$77 ormitzr; Ega i ttit Adt
Intsory. 4kr.
rowlir's Boltitlan. JAW Milky
' • Dissolatioz
*TECEVtartnership beretifore
la4 rnd, tr; _
.ted-taatat lP P
vithdrawbur rem the orwes
. cy,.
co.pAßT=leare__ . ,.4. A..jdasort
thla day mace:law. Tnak him to ensiank lijklbas
that, of dl In minder the Ina et A.A. mace
ae 25,nr. br LVERIN
fel) • NATHAN
1011111WLIT«. MUM
iITATTI WILSON, Wholesale Gtocare
w Commiman hterchlataand DegatiLa PeoQaa had
Pltterarat hissulfactarice,tict4o Libartres..fictitargb.
. .
Flrt z"l23— ' WholeXliti
AN:MI/maul in :Duo. Patola, Oil; V
Josoph 41=14 - —havmpt i x
dead htenJoespb bosteette
Ibe =Andel z 034. • etyleet3OßElC SHHLt co. a
DR. CalicLUillpil.
.Liver Pills and Vending°,
/lira° 98D. -
:DR. L SCOTT, a regular graduate aid
alZa Pi eTr"" f a== a ' " a " otn e gr i.
UO. CS 'nal. to oral. Inis. Orenten Cu - I PRO v.ratEN
onobs'otigtool tartans& and Votionli of DLO.
O. rnpared throe ronedtea sr the nlOOlOll partner 0
Dr. O. Mann% man Ind •
Crux ImZlll7ted UM'
two Onintso
alSatr and aro tanry_nlll4 to man than On
Liver Mr and Vortalfogs prepots4ll6 , 4lllThiS to to. CMS'
ladreoalpt at Dr. O. Maar. Ws =Ow Alga dselsrationt
anGerttonengly. Con recommend thethro atllleted
bong both ritanant and nastily; and bonen them totts•
rforto any other Lira: PM or Vernarnowntr
Fad Certificate of pr. C. Ateresic,
- The Whole World f.kdultered:
Dr. I. Sates Ceebrated Vtito Cirsaasiaa
timmerit.• • •
by. l uc.2 . regi JAllei n a i ltizi eleennla ofthile a Ggll
Mao. Throat, rtted. Bpral B
I n=crt Elei Jrnts Sennes. gnm. &Pe.
or any otter dlitaes cr shleh r.b. Ilsroz Unmeant
Is teed. e=bbs ve to szeekerooltleelr nun /MI. Meet's
akbeaMS Watts aresusan Iv the met nellahle,
este and pleasant remedy' rat discovered. ,
s esszt Mem
loam properties for 'galena disaus madjee
00171, errant, The many anntaticas alt
en byoersoal of emits htenal Judgment std strict In -tn.
rine Ewald Mime all to adopt tt es a. nandard ra=lly
Item:dr The met imedolons ant 'unwire =niter
rem than the Ibllosingteethneay of ;Dr., C. =sm. di ,-
u • a anti diererreen of reednalrmedies.
'llloaourzava, Va.; 12.11538,
nit it to Ctre(fP, That 11. My. examined na /meant for
gg neLene's 3.mproeed Vorndreas - and Liar
nho has been tatheesbaerpreentinp med
neeso enfetarnal minim ow tplUs.durtn_ lc lb. lan
Thlitten • Years and that 1 bellen IMPROMP
IBBM. 1 Mao 11a above etstiment Um mare erllUnale
.1 here no i,frevr in gam - soholmet.• I untdd e=ther
etas int t /beesTreattently need his eneenstal HAMGy
net 1 me er an Zianur i
niilnk nt farre udy keins64 damn.
. .
AD the eon 21 (Alain* wowed seishiareder the'rm
hertTsice of. Dr .: I. .Cesth, &ad by kra.ghts end Mar-
Wants.. .vsyywhere. _ -. _ • •
The gennitte Dr. o.llcleg . istproerat_ Mew Vale sad
havneeeet.tiezetiftrza greet= Dr.-1. heath* Co, seem...
pealed by certificate o f .. The hembins Celebret.
ed. Whit e Ctreshelect Lin t ettraed D.j. Mott • Oh.
hawse Denied vittredinstUte at L r , rott, AL /I
Va. . ' scam a oct,. ad. PrIT7 tat O r. ~
. • Batlt'Plaes.AktalinntOwn, a.
Dc. ti o. kit 4.-kieXIS. Ito wo..lßryesitOurith• M.A.'
. . . ,
J. iIk:NUM/ A
43 IMO. 251.1.1 buts st, Arent.
FLra WO. All.lauktrA sr. it:groat; Dart, Whaa
es Aetna
TII& WEST—Wo. ham agents in the toil
lowlna tiseen in lit conntrnetn
emtn. i ova City, Do COilidi An" ,dica‘
Foe DWdeoned &erg LW " . In Icora,anden Zit
841/Inolor. - BroonsonaJod Ananow. in dant
ate on/Dared V. loot* bend • la all =a lead i =te In
that Btate end. Tannery. to Yorreno•47ll /nada no
cemadaelon, nuke collodion, tenet Ey draft Co
NOV York ear. ice. Wt. agents an inan, of ken
realdance and oyarloce In tb• Weer.. • enonistlead
and reliable "unarm In Vote employ, and too mean to
en Idea eatbdecncon W. • hare, tercel3ll, Ulm located
eine. Lot tell over 12.030 Nava. whien. now Wand sell ne
$240 as on • con. and la 5 nano troottdaerill oil 'toe
310 an Seri. W• ni ll' arousals* the retortn of the three:
aunt In 12 menthe with Ilb pa can Inteyeet to say o
ear enst - mars who tray-not 0* Ytuhdwlth nib be.
tl orn „ .ne who m ,
a c y a tntllarathe U n. ,
ao.d l a
ffwi .
Tin c & EoltededalZl 4 burah
% rum H. tOnto...—azia.-s. T0c5a.........rairc0 I. urn
T. B. - YOUNG'. & CO:,
• • zunizieruzzaso7: •
• Of every Dascription.:,
FA O M l Y — Ad.r.i St. tetai -*safe and Ftnna. 421=0 1
Wo;ehouse—Nog. SS & 411 i. Smithfield St.
ilfltta USE and r ate n al 12120*.thil.AT 0611%
,OADINIT 11411101120142 11•2122/40
. Dos. 01 VID tra tam mum, ettlaartatt.
4 w. W. reel:mai - ally harms ids friends
els, that hs timbal erearfeted hts stock
etin= 3 .= e= „ tscuirriart sad tett wear
°Erred for sate latids city. As is detaresdreed to uphold
'his stoelt, stithassaaaal ' best woriedtatdihets= "
' name dem=d ared.floor the artnt
_of bls orders and
*Eta t7in leattatertatirm ha ht ' , hawed. -to 'Roams Wu
mud YURICITUIUI at ths Imams tom_
L •lialtssshrsys oa band the areatad marls 7 of
l'ti f l'iCt' stost cr fUmi t t rZ that et =earan fart
or one, may ba Ana ardianallaturad
oodsiz a t hamt.
aorta tasorpassaliciaay of Oa Pastan=
-Icads XXV tstevtata &IA 40 nelhßareatur
100 &Asia flush itted UM , C) ming , 'dad Brsakfast
100 dome Mahogany. Matra 12 Fiserstara a Book am,
A s tt= r4 Doseh a tt=obairg
40 %Wort do ' drt Vles . WrithigDosts
ICs Slahozsztr Dlepla ItstandTowelstavdtt
100 UunI 11 0 1 .1 Own. - aimed ZlanvasettSon Chat=
.50 , .tto.. Drawing Bunton* o.lbabetban----da
00 . Waobatands ponodlom dd.
40 Ineloodi • . nasal .liyald dze.
1 01 Cc=La pjaln.putald "l 4
.11 - laann aottda a'2'
410-1 - d aka7ru.
Maogany , )3 - Oilow-Ptqua .
-- 20 Walnut doPavia Koons Tatdsa •
1.60 Cottage do • rembeoks- do
00,01)ann and Poplar - rod. matt and Plaz-t-do ;
Idahogan! Waldreldn listandeinnidus taboo
'lO Walnut, do 3ttotuars.
• 10 Marty de
Luca actortmoutof,
Wawa moan. aunplUal
Steembeela wad
-• PINCH &lOD.
.DESPEOTIIILIN inform Dritigiati and
.11_11dealeire 113 Taridehes generallretbat OFT have ter
pora thna been engaged tet tbe e tint of AI et.effli•
Um. ofectreel and VA: . e and ere non e••
"Med to rant , Ittelr farads and the amble" neneratt?
With articled of the :very beet tosataseanee. made of the
beet =kola/. and ?ranted with the and Ce
to. nMt6tanle WINCE( '4 an Intend to devote them/whin to earners.
Ong a Drat elate trade. and have no doubt that trate et
r igM e n t , tea e rn ett P ri g :I=4 a7= t e r ing P u t t r!
• aim, and. belluilete F enditnd that rett Article
the Iwo
belr wor, Ms of
emce ed end
NT fOlr
tal uld a emre of.pnbitelsarense... _
- To nu ?no nodrtaleall aunt= InevnaLl
trader attratten. "Ude artle's
_fa avast tte: Lar
0306r11 VIeIIIISII a the 11 , 171 bast mi , Wtiltalni nud e
lunar tltire u r
,titrorr.t.elnir %1/114_1tOtintleamaS
ennee Q.' the nenet enteral?* lestablVdnaeliM
and Scotland. •
Our 41.1311.031431111.13 }WORE VAILNII4I lentibl
tkenlerl? recommend .to Rhonda*. Itoatebulldeni, and'
Iron genandly. its pened ,r % quallttlea
nnentat orr tlon •Ittlndi t ' , tad% a deeldertn.
tam to now .?arnkh for trim. an - - nreferat. eto
aerbelnun end ether comroenda -
All 171,1.19 left at Eletearnielollll WNW . ITtwt
elarelw r lll be praetnielly ainendollat or with..
v V 9
1113,0011 M Na :u Marty Attar. nal of
lloakcinoNYalau, ODD. pro Stuffs. leb) 4o . 1 •11
LIMO. £n ll7. Nero-mm . l4 ro t e s and fitoptitsry Mo:11.
tir ad I ! Odd
Tem r eats tad etatearoao— oat =7'
D aat St Atl .ag tho=fl i z um n , ./ .. Vl lL ur o alaci
Dent loftV 2Unitd
oritl . . ` i ' do h tl7:...l -1 TY ea
now= to Aso tboar onttlatosuol , ino
i Ef i tnlt
Pir di Vabsubmt. E. X. 'MAW
illteatedaalba oath 11110 of gal °lda,* Nam II al
mad, at tai unix e l - ColumbnaaaOhla. reattalawm., j
[awls tuladral sena laatyith..two Ram aeauw.
woad aall arall•at the doer, a out asta. tea.
attl_faty"4•lll.2 ll= ==vatta,.... — A t ...
atudiag Ram far! sakt - w/ta the slam
-ayat• . TIXIDAati
- - -- Reresadiud Elittif =Li for bale.
.:- - Itttir 'suithaiiiiid r t4:l"-nell,tlb3 sagriTo =Ws,
' ut•lttadtatoitiinaili:th. valuta* rights wad
O L ontinsind in tne iftetrianaespnin the hetry , fil
lletroo Inolvos R - Aatelson. . .:-. , _
esnadtror them mins is mill may nr.,
nonrabromes.te at,* low-rnits. , 44.014 t 41.• vqll En..
le tth
;./2016S.k"lir.lrialltlaikViaronittst. -- ;
. N:MMIMIT r fentilif.nns :
vrak, Ifoniltarts:3ooo4.,il Den kleitA4vati4 ,tar_
tnoCiummr L%sncm, riltc or, =Lan% 11.5
"141,9441.54M:1n lan All Mt •
i' , tiO,'"' 1°n•ttan.413"10=..... ' 10.1=4.b'
~. gt _SALE-4 wins of Issorl ammo
I .444 and grsaViitibm ceig.4 4 / 1 1 421%1r tg -
Desoustu - • ,T•L•.** . . ----
g la
. - 44 ,
.ii , l4 I • , ..
:11 - W
Awatton tad
triSrtletiras there Oita
•• • •
at m.. shortest sotto&