REMMWEEM :'-,E.STABE.isii.gLi, :IN '1786 " ,• 0 :1: AD • : :4613; holm VII3BBEDM cars. A; ate us..Frovilm Znig.„7,.3 s . . 411.7 a N. 945 and WM' 41 '011-, - e l B.p I I OZ OYITON tt - Dow ninvergally kao - irst as Itto vary pest for Wally asa, and. also tar MINING StrACENI4 0131311 . 1 . LOGAN & co, bery-Strott,:lZew:YDrk. . . - • Agooktot-Glaspes ' - PICITITRE FRAMES . MINIX- Looking titmice pud. Picture Phi , " 51 5 ,62111,401 7 ,Yell Etll. MP° Ind 1:92 Gila alai i neetoorner ofßai4, !pm Vas* sel.lhav ~ ,• - -..- . • uOltt 02 V. MOOR. . - - - - 'PENEW YORK FOUNDRY, RAILING I 'Box morons wouss ibrowoinuoao or 'as eaul-anoteght - Iftall nista inetleros ter Lemß attl es tete any eateXelekkeseatbigewXort.illlll.6* , arseat =1.1113. ' =/7 ' li 'C'e ldrU d i l o il l 1 41.1314 ' tl i OUV l st. N. Y; • &WV - '•*l•7l7it ' " Eiemeatl . , - . .-. ,; TO -vias. atTrivEs._, I k.PLIT. I .to iiig - ot4nditigi and ' . -, forme, 03* We inter* of - thit. %laiicsilutitst . - pp, amt. catMIT ~ ..0 1r nand trout f=fractic4 • *no els toissenttaing (rue TalittontrY t -. Ursa, +tato trunnion In liecath. Atavism fox tis tessatltt a .custsibst learnonuntiost, thoutbitis..-Ocroutie, Oofdp. atm fainerat Debilitsf sod biog. moult OM. WS:nand' ate enacting and dru stumpy - trout this Unlearnt Cl ..e at . t i t oss.'lstrsinto2n-this from sainTbri =T h . , ern,' e dot Clor 'Mon Tot, Ifs Toxin, Statism et Ott•laus. Is* twat INV Rolm.' unit . real directions ler etaiansf and .. , T amount reunited is Tee -So Tostms..4 We *:sfy•etit oftbitia.tto wim ic , tr. m ix - --New Actidege.. , BAG. AA it T ORY. e 4 12.1 . nrOma Street. •: • ; • DNALNIZ IN Bags - Ittin.4ll*Cent uk, lax and • .• CiuttOri Twine . A; • eivvii4ittn clissu ECM` Esgsalotit 8117.a."40..• - • ; • • . • r .f MILLER-2 4AB, • • araficoa. Ilin4 primed to uraiit gni:U.l74pr their um • ter ses stance is lerue.,! ruinous d. Ig9 • d Our a .retteir ran Esc. stir isstior ear CIA , wish 'pat la tnie without ext.% rhorZe ."1- Ocurritai. IWeivitit , .11 Invited .0 essicdoe opr ruskof 20.111211-11g03, du " t..•••••tent D. 4,44 , vs:7 Wally Ortis Duro.' hoM7 Bottlisetses supplied with bore, Stlrlii.4 . 4 l , order.. Yitorirlou 4 , esirie sulmiled wall ;Iwo wad , mote of • .sciareil %cat , lose rm. &anis 1.,11,40,121r.r. Mr , ifs - Baiting. tluid. Caniphene; Azciliat-Zta lIORR g - DI.ANhI, esents:onoti tsre% , i,inipr i gaitr . rfas.: gretirZttei otiota articles; in een• ' OiAdon . ,eith come Qlw r. ePo= ' i Ttao L D . 2 . . 1.- lerenea t at a are ' Vr's; =LA', gr. Odor offer road eta to De-upload . • ,•• Fur the 1.000.00); MO:PATENT - MARBLE COMPANY, :••• -• •• 90 Theatetail siieet; N. • • - - --. - MANUFAIfrOBERSOFM ARTILE)4IA.N-.1 Alt T - 145 A - ,lNA a tia. lti aitrt l ile i l i tab l ig - 1 - antea, wirags isa prorwatica 9 r Marble Wes aolloal.ll otabbood':w#ll. °aut. go tco trnidW. -- any gbrOt and color,. 12 *Wen .:.rt. Canto ItoO , Ao! ineleortbso tlittro nod of . t i etrasavii atike iv : l oAti T 4. l d l =l tjato m S. l olo 'i to . V . ourta T iock..tho ay. 7 -Trzt l izo &tie D. teulmst7eAtml k I r Vurt Lalgtestit...',=4TgltrZtar, it,, vla tb!m'il ilr to ttia , MT. fti3c. • ' • ' . !!:-.‘ French " Ittd•wilfisse. t - : : :"5•DWA.13..D. , ?..1D1 0 E. '.-. 444 N.' 'Y., Binr.Zidartua Devot, • rem to Dealers slalCustomers hie euharq u ar t te m agrAreAve=llll4.l= ' - euroareter unt....warae . Gam cat to .07 deatidsKters. - axaseatrl freq et eerg.., apilaidir • • • • :1:4 ' s • - • t : STFJISWAY I ONS, mizimartntut sa apnea watzT stmt. fe2MITFULLY osli the th. paktfatti thAir splendid -7: • ' assortment of domakrrsalt In strasroPlarces . watt. arrloinse mrow..Wil:l,ll, yet flataitJa.a=Vimotr tau 111.16. =then * 14 1".110M bP1*1 5 1 . ,Ttar mere mrszd.4 • twaltua for tab luntLt,. JD crPlUitara grit% • Ilvan Sotto. rbilsdel• • 7SW TILIIIIENtatt .13cen 11441:*1 • T. un pi n: *Tar lAN, t. of arks a • • • - Otygttsa. • ' EIRAIINING-rIIRPOSES; anaEXIGNI• • IMO PEIARGIEN bath to Wet utt DAYPilsatinZ BASErennit Maas. Ms OCCININ sad u lam P_ltljer. as4She StNO/Wil sad DOIIBI,E APE WALVIS /UM Idszartiletrgl and sold - - - • -FYT Elertbgo j B. lrr'tZrt fat lstr ll ei ooat+.Aoi.thena=trta. EXE tr ass WOB - tie. EELIF,SIOSALS, an.• At! 80BIEFFELIN DSOS. 4 CO.. • - - -.- DiPeitTIMS LAD pratena ret Tirn~ mints , Oils,'Dym.Pprfamtry; . Le„ 170 WILLIAM ST.. Now York, ENVITIrthe: attention Of the trade to *eh. 11. no i lea 'lisp laoekorDraza rstriti, tqlttle: I Fln a ttlidca to theirrmulartitti*irtationi - ofltspti Draza; ther am do reatirire,atnci Awn tteg swat , nt • MeLu t t r s , agrea t 7tl , lxf.."Cpetrt. Balk i n 4 Nall geirrllEll7l. Lutatii Ezaeteiliga L s:; . I.s4:llzr a aved.l.) Dragetil t a stocks, s the. 7 TO:ask-N.l44*r t 451 .% inat1. 14 .4/1.1 letV4t.r.xl • naPORTATIT 1001)is-6sres8rAivo. DE4 . • 40/1.410PE I MILK n , rusiurAwersiv; rn 'ems; 03,zukringarg5nTitri%/ PL a-...:l;tsr. . . 4 ) 4.4 and wait: s) ~& " 7 .14- 2 - 1 2vref d i, ; ; : 13- 1 11- s ims W r . Piwiri4o.strioal itazdaa HL*ClaltaggiAtOdlettoz , Irealy Du lag; rszirty atlmagalielt aim ,Cattleaneskakt. deitas w • b - - tAgartts'a z g irdV . " ....,,,.' Ttus Adamsrdprats-comgis.„ -. rimouvkataitabr• mg Now,'Brd 6 L WU It: illi--osiiNiaL.iitsUnautodation of tliii L ' . - - '-el a in:Fria= "ci giAr.% l' .. lrreri .j. ,Ph' t ,T ~ ~..r,po ludzszr tAshbon lOW "odd vest ord;roude sod' - ageody„ Us Adam lusg• OPtaintat. ...tult i nk ,r , ,rgi=4*.........r.a,..:iii ~.... .. shags of a =ters sod h r* , grals orn t r a ..: ...E.rz-C4...,5,.,,.==i-giv.,...-1mi11.,,, •.:.-- ..,,L egiaellos, ire *farm?* Pew lirtabur - . %grun.iiisTrata,rep. in Pittsburgh Ltd Allege,* .•• ., ..."1." lb* es t ,r d lo =lto nob - rome l dokros se - FLU , dth ,1031:, ! 2LI sal Cclal=4:xicruet. 11141 ~, pram gdialLoo Pla n u trip SUS D a re. ISONOSS. Z ot .. 7 ,orucs. .le .IW* 1,111. be adduce to Tropor I .j.. , ,:,•,, , ...i, xgr +PUMP_ Aiyeriersi co the - Robes" the A d ego., i ..-"P'.7:ja - ..r.l , OrrorKe *tiddler verbal umes a. _ , • ~......414,111.1=11.11ort.iarZletc.Mazi- I : ...' '''aretortrtbard.easts parr-Lodi. , 14.rre aroma fri674 xs-' ....-` '-`• ~ : j ''''''..°=l,7l: l l:44, 4 ertaliiiv 1 =1: mai lsz a. ,vactri„. , =,.. 4l 4,: bat tww• fasini aie,b „ =,0 47 _ 441Sr_ gs.ii . eitlildlt olds die - 15t.oter;. ...• V.F4124 UILIMid 11 0 ,•betr sowipit part; Is .`l. 7 - 1 T•-ton• -t on FkkeMV* l al therrstP. tannin ; tWcui re. Peesa4 for erftiOn b 7 1 t a. are hi el to be elittlo rad. ' ..:: -‘7O-t-l.t"';'14111°r1"-thi'ilx,==:1:11,t.t.Vaost_la, 11?'.h LW die Is redandi. , eittls t ila bills Sad Cos ~ • ~,, , tuagg or driMl: s Outi, peaaVit . Istfuri Mr, Ps' - 7. Fra,.. iltrireit s 011itli ell6'"' . 1 7.1 •11.1 e1,=30130. duties ou Sim ',Des ei, 1. -• • . ~,,,„„, ~:, • ~ •_, ellYrdasei cL lorrg, ,S, dere& -;.! • :,,,,-, .: ' ' Str,o*- . .legirdShnii r .c.t. , . . r ze-,.--tt '-. dtrolstod-ro.der...ooL 0 , - • • - . - - 4.-111M,Whi-L.Milta !-- JIIISTINTOOMIL , '% . ,:. 4t6t,t;,W - Afots'ilrolittr "..' _,-- , -- -- 2W911- nut Ix inueszo , . ES, trortitigo:,:Pnmui!cory Votes azd tied MatinU il ft ottated'lpcia , cstolvtit eml op actilablan• y 1 ' ~. - .ss,..n.SasiSislptines with ?dodatt 4 i 2 2 inn isle ta 6 10: 0 411=2 ' i P .: ! 44 . 4 ! .: f.tra",raT. _ _ . _ .. . Erma HAI i -- - ..;, ,—.7......-_, • ~ ~ Oomm _ ~. L ~ Om:re OinxticattNes „op% - .ta, Amman '''. • '' 1111 1 r ft K.-STREW letitdd'ltuat ' respapt.V . ' -- ' -`,4,6ittyfakaoi Ur tn ' iValletc 4 3W-",!ir a. ~.. , racti:dtur.AVlgicah &moms 1144 - : ~... ,_ 4 . ca n 4A tabla.l4.o f II nIIO-1 1 !zi =Tag. , TitrV it U e+tyli,a '32elt6ta sS oda= t ila ii. % ,6,= to . ..-..5.""0t {Men - 21 -t t tli .. m . .....tormad iu ts Ito ,4 ~..,........... ~ r„..,,i'',Errice of Baud par Day. 81A G . ' • ~,;..,..rsaiirrasuiwaassatbri t ....._ f .„ . VG '.• d. 47. stood immirma . 7- ' 644 ', :;gazi”'r!cm°64ll226l"s. .....ottraszs , ..nuusr , ;:,lllll.43ll.l,l,---1 .:,•vAir a irribt.t.lisetbtiles.slt . A !mud id 4 .0 ,--er= - 6iiir' , " 4l'btit .on Vurdtria,soM •:4 :1 -,•!.-:; at i alturn eicgld , M i t . -Irso alloi g ag nn t rl 2ll . t 4 On otT t * . e i r in j i " .4l M ?2 7700 . 1-44 ' l4" nib"""gri Va ` /ate 0.333 A t 'trtAliCioliraLunist 51610.11i 1m Ve lDit uift: ' ,-: T 0-844XKV-4141 , 0 noel VII. 11,68 lolastßlagnita. ' ' 41°1 "N 5 $1 . 1 :. °4 exprorsa-4*-11,ivims.., ;: , -/ ifing:-thigta . Tigiiiitd - Buifir444 o 4o, !- - i'-i -.. '::-- - :i s ,Ne f itai s :.00:13 . " tinitt"fo .i... *.utan zum afasa w fara m. di A-' „ 1re .... .......„..„„,. ...,...,.., .., ---1. , --...... - ......1„,-„,..........3,-,,,,„ „,„...,.. , s pallieggge, 4 - .1. , 1d."•""'.. . 1 "7777. , -,, I c.;-.v,tdri: 11.. t. I - I/r , .. I . ~,,,,, ~„., ---7-- --.:''../..:.i-1,,,i't4V1: ;-Y-?-4- ,- ^I•III - ''''.- i :'. '.- . - 1 .2 .. i. - '-d • 7 : m - _ -• .. '- I ' '*--: ':',:-!.8 1 , 4 - .k - A :2 .-j rA .,10 % 11.41Y-:;' :1 :i ,3 '.4\ :. .1 . ..- 4{1,-,,,-,;„, .I;7[WtMME ..o.T.,ALLy.„„-„ - :-.---P:JTT,SRURGII-,..,--OA-ZETTV-:: - BUSINESS:CARDS. ATTORNEYS. Ei3EPII. Fi, MORRISON, Atter .at Law; 0111. es No. t 43 Your th balms d tad Gnat, Pittaburgh, Ps. • • • E 4724 RO B I t i : FIRT E: . PHILLIPS, Attorney ntkrw. EOBERT POLLOCK, Attornoy at ct= of Nth sad Chlat eilisets. Mats timOotal itestalttabarsh. raTdirrda TAMES J. KAHN, ;Attorney ' at Law, office, sr Toarth street. war Grate, Plttsbmsh. Jan-ale AGENCIES. rifighigan General ainamittion and Collet , lion Agency Office, FOR dm oolleation - of Home and Foreign Mereszalls and all °tate Mimo darn. In Metal:au , 4 Ar tt IFtg a t =la id u P o srm Tama StFaa and Inroriace Agents. _ _ .. , manna LaDgat3ON=3. =enigma. Larna.ver, .4= Mei ' 6 = 4 % a a, 1L...e. neroe Zim - ra=g!l' ansa i , 7 ,,,,,,, i-,f... 1:17 T may 0.L76 • WE..A.IIIW/bPB [V AL ESTATE OFFIOE, No, 87 Front xtreet, &I doottym Nuke% Doge In Saki , Clam• ° 011 " 5 “. , " 0 011 17=P.M taught and O. IttIISTIPi LOOMIS I Real Estate Agent', • Stock,. Bitztinadiso M Dram of Dra oft. No. n to. sea !IL-Ns, ohm Wood. Baslnom proooDtirottoudo4 61A.MITEL L. M.t.E.SECKLL, Secretary sees teunessess Oese *eq. 0417•te, p M GORDON. Bwrotary wow= han g- • rm. 01 Wator great. if GARDINER COFFIN, Ageatfor Franklin Sli Ars tutor. Clocnak, acrthaiket amuse a subs D A. MADEIRA, .I.gont for Delaware Ma. tuarlancraser•Cbilmatvp. ,t7y,lancr.tree4 DR UGC I STN, sacca.•.-z - ...7.1.ha :sawn pizzas 13 BROTICEBS, - " caroc~ . • WEOLESALEI DRUGO/bTB, 50. Co WOOD P L eir p 51 fr . :V61073 Or , DT. Latefieel•Wawl Vag . Uv Cit lIAFT; Jr-, (eueocasor to Jus. Mng, / t14 1 "e4Vadf1..../ i irls c irAlltatira l 'a. PittOcrsth. eiTTLeSular &gent ftl Ur lord . / -• I OUR P. SCOTT„ !Wholesale Dealer- in t .„7,3 Puluts., V0za.14.46 DisiStati. &a. VS '-'"=ll!kki P l i ttteiTr PlttiPt Mr . Aivnt yeL•ndt'r Thilinctle ISynr. taw 3-147' ti,.. - VAIINESTOUEr 1, CO., Wholemile . 64 )ru=ar.d use OSactazonfof WWl* bott,Bal e yo cc:Mer Woci Nad Trout Mesta. Etta coete: " Dealer in ;_orus.; Pate ea, p r o 3:g Varaltiva, .617C4N1 etzeet. Pitter=. fttes ercalszea. Prim lDliioodsL -,,,,,TZCW111 belittitating tattl, Sax- &out : IMF...Mabel:Jr:lbn asfint - ratituwed the, eia agatiViNt a n b t ° iiil4 4 B=49Lm a ii. V 1; 1 4 ' Untoltgi Itizononoctoling ems.- Item rV3 abon..ln •Irmoo topotsour it ustily/1:a as Meal 04 ainotto• And= men " 4 = 1 7 1 rale " P=;:it i r. tisut $44 to w tontbn of. slants do. n sad U, publ3o mon! :CiarNaPLAUMAU.O. 'MEAT HARCitAIN 4- 47 0 now 'oar for .= tbsitmeimitatileu 6 taktboitirand.winidwin. , Lag_attaetted, wastedao• door tom the Pante et girth 'sae Wert/ otsests.ntrtitern %Mar wars whkstr exclatud to hu bent nmayaltef AA -- Witt. iellat the azUelog 'eke et WO ate baJf bah. bd. ane. In 17W. Thaw tread:4 trethate tenth" mem vp i g i s i lt Warm* 4a k • .. r ,l aAvokuit To VIE LIME' D 4 ads 6olden. !Monad PM, la farialea. '2 1 4ER: 1 exacting trmulartilmo. and rassioTtog vtAtmataai of Um mealy Son. Vasa iniavar w tilti ., , r ,„%•=tri,',%Wolowigno ir,..4'.% .1VX"....1=12,10.bri TliotTaa l re or ar a .4 4 ' , r WM aattartalry asset Ursa. Qua Ita la Waned se 11211411 lova 0, ,s ..yawl ripkergas agFartasta atrattatai Mao. , • , m .b. naartaimroat/ta sane' papalid. ths% ato wit gab the atom. nylialwialawa olio Asa a faamaaraara, 1 , , Ti—rauktisain i liSaak ;,, Ragalican itomlnations. SLATUOY. TITZSDAY; NOPEIIIIEn 4A, FOS ' 173011:43. I JOHN C.cauf FrItE;iVI ON To go tmas, V/011 lIIMILDE.r. WILLIAM L. DAYTON OF Ilzwurcsn., STATE EDEO,TION Union 13ta4 Ticket. • ELECTION. vriortar. 00rO SEE 1410. ••••••1 roa DAIaL oommaioana, • THOMAS. R. 0001111,111; of 1 rt roa Airorroir..assitti, DAILWIN PULPS, of Amu. g. TO strarrros agniAL, BARTHOLOMEW' LAPORTS, of B adrord. Union County Tiokot, awra, c a t tp..-f r a. Daiate-EDv 7 ADD D.i ""t " • nelabir-WIL. E. IsTDr• - •0803, Pl.tuhrgb: 0 B. !TOTER. P•ettes JOHN 1. PETER.. J4c.os 1p; I , BACICHOOSR.Puto Tee NIOIDO• VOICOHTL EY, Jr.: 4,llealtemJ• Dieriet Adorrstr-11. H 001.41011, Obarburg. mj;ri - ge W .4.l N S Ptt bt.aaminc H. PERK NCu. T., DABLJBLIS, Wltrt Num 5t,24 - I , ,,teggeauf ,3 4egA , -ROYOr, butt, to nil: rat. The Reputhein Platform. Anemia) BY sas PII:114/1 . SaL4. OMICITION, rtrstelTrzt, 1856. Tam Convention •of Delegate", assembled in pursuance of a call to the people of the United Eludes, without regard to 'past political dlffer erten or divisions, who are- opposed to the re peal of the idieseari Compromise—to the policy of the present administration—to the extension of slavery into free territory; in fever Of the ad mieslon of glossae as a free State—of restoring the sodas of the Federal Goiernment to the• principles of If athitigtou and Jelte , con, and for the purpoee of presenting! candidate" for the °Claes of President and Vice President, de—.. Berofer, That the maintenance of the pried pies promulgated in the Declaration of ludspen deuce, and etabcdiod in the Federal Coostitatlon, are essential to the proservatlon, of our Uepab !lean feet:Rations, and that the Federal Conaltu• Lion, tbe-rights of the Stites, end the union of the Slates, most and shell be preserved. Remised, That, with oar-Repel:Man fathers, we bold tt to bee belf-evident troth that all mon are endowed with the Inallemblo right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinms, and that the primary-object and ulterior 'design of our Federal Government Is to grant these rights to all perecus under its expletive jurisdiction. That, as our Republican fathers, then they bid abolished slavery in all our national; territory, ordained %bat no portion shall he deprived of ills, liberty or property, without doe protiess of law, It becomes air duty to inaintain this provision of the Conetltution (against all attempt" to 11;late I; for the purpoee of estabtlehing slavery in the territories of.the United Stater), by positive le gislation prohibiting Its edetenee or extension therein. That we deny the authority of Con-' greet', of a Territorial Legislature, of any MM. 'ideal or assooiation of individuals, to give legal teal:M:o to shivery to -any territory of the United States, while the' peewit Constitution I shall be melotabsod, Swiped, That the Constlintion centers upon Congress sovereign power Over the territories of 1 the United States for their government, and that In the enrolee of this power It in,both the right and the imperative dtitrof Coagrette to prohibit in the territories thee° twin relies of barbarism, polygamy and elaveiyi Barefoot, That while the Constitption et the United States was oftideed and established by the people "in order to forma more perfect union, establish justice, fume domestic trangoility, provide for the common defense, promote the general otifere, and secure the blettinge of liberty," end contains ample previsions for the protection of the life; liberty, end property of every citizen, the dearest conetitutlonal rights of the people of Somme bare been fraudulently and violently tithes from them. Their territory ban been invaded by en armed force; Spurious and pretended legislative, jtidicial, and executive officers hare been set over them, by whose usurped authority,- sustained by the military power of the, government; tyrannical, and uneonstlintionallaws bare been enacted and , “The right of the people to keep sgs bear arms has been Infringed;" I "Test oaths of an extraordinary and entang ling nature bare been imposed as a condition of exercising rho right of aultrageUnd holding of- fice;" "The right of an aesosed patron to a speedy sod public trial by ma impartial jury hoe been denied;" "The right of the * people to be secure in their person", houessepapers,' and effects, 'against un reasonable searches and seizures, hes been trio. Mod; - “They. have been deprived of life, liberty, and property, without doe process et law;" "The freedom of speech and of the press has been abridged;" The right to choose their representatives has been made of co effect' Murders, robberies, and amens leave been In stigated and encouraged, and the offenders have been allowed to go unpuniebed; That all these things have been done 'with the knowledge, unction awl- procurement of the present no ad_Zuletratima, and that for this high- crime against the ,Constitution the Union, and humanity, we arraign Union , that ad:zdels tration, the President, hissitivinera, agents, eat'. _potters, apologists, end ancessorlee, ebber be fore or allot• the fact, •before the country Ind be- . fore the worldtend that iels our fixed' purpPair to ben the actual perpetnatontof these - dm ntone outrages, and Visit_ amempileete, to a sure kand condign ponistonent, hereafter. • Znonnd; That Haussetthodd- be immediately admitted as a State of this Union, with her pear_ cut free Constidttion, se atones the mod "Reif test-troy of assuring to her citizen, the enjoy ment of the tights ad privileges to "blob they are entitled, end of oteibigthe MCI strife now raging in her territory. Board, Tbat the highwayman'" edge,' that-i might makes right, CI:OW.11A fil3 the Ostend Cir. Auld' Ina In every reepectunwertiry . ol Amine , men diplomacy, and would being theme and die.: hoed open any government or people that gave it their senetion. • - : . - - ttestird, Ida a railroad to the Paelle Ocean, by ameroentral pretottoal route; Is -thiperit• say demanded by the:interests_ of the whole conetry, and that the Federal Goveradent ought to seeder-immediate end sufficient aid •in thiti oonstmettoe, and as an aullilany *Undo, to thee , Immediate construction prat' emigrant road oul the line of the rallrood. Bonsted, That approptistione by Congress for theireptrivement of . rivers and harbors of eta, ' Ilona character required ler the accommodation * and nearby of en existing oommertse, rotaian therised the.Constiortlele, and putted by 001 obligation!' of, govetament to , protect the flees mud property efts citizens. . : Bereford, !That wo Invite the alliation and!oc , I otiordou'of den of all parties, 'however differ log fronrue In other mote, in eupportof the prinelpiee 'herein deciruted, dad belleeing • that the Writ of -our institutiene,-as _well as the Cod - ' , Mitten of our country, goarantees liberty of! conselentre ;sad ,intuallty rights among old. , enos; we oppose . all legtslafion impsiring-•their l'entitY• - _ • - -"- •, . • AIDRZW MVP ' •• " • oommrsexow IdERO/I,A•tfi . ,T.S. _ Cotton and Woolen Nel)% l Pty. mom Swims . aratileagn. Wla{thfsware *.; 4 7 1 1 . thnei at 4 )5eW York. 4Millis w ttonons non woman. .. • Vii , Looom • Aneinn and , j unela NW ?ark ft* ' - • &puma. it fttastdiallite Two Hegel Pete Wkittik i RAM P'RANOB, No: A Bazolpy Ftteet, ei4, o itx42liWurgrasirsijaidbuluaber. taco-* - _1 , PITTB4IIRGIVCOA If FACTORY. :, numw...........itiweriv: itatug..«....:....ai0. Amass mat. m CO 1 ::;%- , „ -. 4.1 ", .....-.pmstionai,venvia. ..-. .. TO NS,voitpur..B..oAFaiona;;PlES ABig*=. • ear 4,,, 41)A 34 .........':. - - - ru,..... F .7....- - smrt -- tigle;aumcsoN , E ict a its , LE terrug vript ripings)l6 DITA A ^ • , tittabVin tl =/' ro:' 210 : &fr- • - - - - W it 0 VE E 1 A.LL. 41119 t *OH so.4r,rawasitigo, - • PI m p r • - P"" . •• AP lAt§ t vOr . ~.;;,.~ _ _ ~. i n ~. v6h.fThsfisrisb Wookff aztenscrs elscols.S:rn clove Per.Us G. elmio cna tindooss faro •stOft desfrabls txtodlcal of ktsklng Ural: Inlsiosas lent.rn =Simi:W.lm Ls becvosufour sad psi thov.sa4, ruellea IMI7 01..trIni tle• ceo k.rt , fn Stngt..m reryrzTliZalf.s.4 I.lstszn OAta - - aidValttekyillents.-1.14-eafter nb .111 I. taken tor the Dailylor w.als unless rampant ie roads to eds.:ice. Vaguer= the tirsels or to rush the sabsoriptlon to leald.nh. moos will be Invariably elonpod, stoles. the robscription Is re atom! hi advents Dement. Al vinegist advertising, of isms •deeeriptices. will be require.' Wo be paid in ad MIRK The only einsentions will be where special Month WO roar aratracie are cumlla.. einlgair J BOOTS , HISID BHO3B, WHOLESALE ANDrit ETAIL. WA:Tiber r dl espeotfaoalle tho at bls vivo • tl etAL ' of Boo g rr i ti l l U aboeu ' " toot recetatel troy this Now Hosting. Alanufsonwers, to whioh Ibond au. lind of d.ta, (nuts, ma. =I fa='a Loota.Galtm S4Q Rms. awls oat of Ma best level:m=lllp and of ths latest styli. - tao.ln order to m a te d. untry &atm sad those who ortsh to went i lui . m . s t u x u t fw=4 berg Pool Ina Itroa bond Lloy's and outh's Brogans, Ladles Boots and fl sad Wm. NOW winch he Intnts. Ia rellsesnos to grins ha nog SLY nothing mons than that be Is gongs to sell as sting any Woos Ina on. tshildoneintA tin to roartOw the litouslus bEr rsreoelnd a forthar Inerra, and (ram tin to trusloas he faits =CAW.. that be is i• Pultstiedal .JA qua, • • nog St ' t f . a.rtStst. batsmen alartuthoun A Jinn .t. VALUABLE COAL LAND: TOR SALE— eltuste4 in the 31 ;eel of the ilenonrehels envie. eoetalne I.b urn, tinder the eh , le of which with the ozosetion of • deer teen% there la. vein of betlresen six end ..vs es feet of the best leelltdenescoal; see-4 . eon. dwelling end other eat to !dines on the hrevee' G'od eet• 'hub,/ sale deep wells in (tont of the Dims , — ISIII be eclat as 'attain ./. , Is , e to • • herd 8. m•LA Li ft a..N, issx. 900r.11, .e. Agiioalturol Board Matowers tit fb.c County ■ kgriv . 4cara l Enote.7 erl•I meet et,tholr ReOei, le the ftt art tialw. ptt w lIDAISDA V , the Sitb Eke of &opt , - hogiot tns fun attend.4. - *35 e.questoil • JOLItrEGIRSCI. Jr., Prat, L Ponta. .Tr :media NEW.ARD 0833 AP i 1300136. AY:.NO bcon at 'I hred G narl P*remp ggi-d7 !Pk. Led Ilerloor. yr Teri. /oil. lax for throe oors-lrairr rrer ;reit; Lbrutrod Doses cd Mar/NOB ir,do mild Iq Ira oar 01 , tbr obroomoo,.•• ate SOW rni.or.d ON' dome gnat b.r• bal.. , &mot lka ord. brroaridolpr-ot .Tdr dlarrl la .bit make'. Out sorb i, aid of ...71 kind 01 Elooll IS oar Cirokr. waino, ldrelss rod ;bar:, otr.try dacriporb. RbS=b irrorte r• 111 I w, o nounnz ta. of 00.1 r JOU Datil it ta., •••zbor • - I obrabe• 7. A B SUAN T o t ; vy ll T A e D i 111'0 .0 r! Latin uron•4 (Nit aptunk The boo.. odgl.. II geod Ina MCI IrMati lieu ext,ll., ntuil forbad...a% Wad. 0/ Om amonmr WOO Po' b has D.•••• 14. Thu pope!, 15 ritdale 10 tbe td OM of Mato,. ml 4/ Woo Pitubiar. 'oo tte•xteplo• .1 tba ClmixadlUltro.d...sid I. roost. rar 'co .1• very lowpdo• • Th•• Wei of v 0.4. a , so be pa d If Y tlbbaa Dersiat owner. owing to OW NUMMI imago. e... ma. •Ithococh at. a great smite, Tama $1,500 , 1, sod. brizars tot zear. Utz U • ammo for built'!. rel.lacisse.•l.ll, ul5l 013171136 RT *ON, Murata iiIVELLSVILLE, LATO been v • Orsotrifselosed by lb* worn now noftliont to au o•Wrow ialatfrf makor. , roltra property Is Uh'o, wrortsVu• of Llsbtritues SoLdlos 100 4WD tern (Mat by 1191 fort Wortr.. oblar .12 b. mold to togla lw• sr Warta to •011.sruretwows.. CO of tbs.* I-la on tb• fluor of, 60 het-16 ea each ride of tlu esoro bo aboutrd to 041 stun ear to • Moot to met btuulLogo ;of any 1•14:1•12lrull prrlpC•• ittlitirrUg • too arras of corm& mi. other, • truly w ?thy of tbe titeutlOnot women , ' ( . 7 otter, dergeng propttly to atm of thrtmoyl itiriila• tousle 080110 AM* nth. Wirt at 0A:0.21134 rem teglou, ty• thy, rge. Irlth nu. ,raft tord11;1•• east sue wow. moon C au& moth, aro•t, mom Wes mourott...tru o.rt owl po•wwwriol aro attliorlrod to roll, art toluwo It gni baud Dian tfrY W nicarr,_ hoot itriar• RR*.. Plttr,Prrrr. POLiffBCUMICCULbEnt OP Tllr. Mill OP POPPI•A. • .We Penn Square, Phi*lelpsii. iNOORPORATED by the I..egia)anire 1851 aee,. PP Ow piss es %Ss Xnasserisl Callus. Ocetisental Sasa➢s, triads s Se =sign P. 4 . , leesa sepal:lon In _.• [see d=rssest4 4 hesss67•, 4'echossm.l • ~ roil eurs a/4 Ats , ..e . bedesetsg. Idrehnstna Led Moslnocia tm. POI. E. IL3m 3 r. normal a= .1.- oilat .; A. L Moth sad M.ea7a.rf, ". Irlin•roln337. 33, l 3 Wrunr• "A. W. Km. Jr,..2 1 6=11'l D 55.114. 13, szartari Oa 'al Arnett Forr,nlll Ammon, on MON D Y, Fent 15th, MC For Cle Al and turtior Inltsr• =WA. Adams • Lit iiED .__.. Prost. rrracintr Polyter is College. Phila. attlAlSWAlinitT FAR!. FOR bALE—/11 botta . Fayette .FlabThip, Allaghsny CR- mai sialuil 63 sere.. 40 a Fienbar calunucm i vim* WO. T. haissws In thistsit. Tbsrlisprovesants sus sood , . sad son .tnt Apply to esuisiinT B LWOW s P 'Can. CIANTON • FLANNELS:I-MURPHY & ) 13011C1MTLD Mere ;rid an tainialan cf its tarrt pals, of tat mutt, eTtrbits, sitthleseht) au/colors: oleo very mispttioetzUel4 of Imported A. not ANOISAI of nom hall. Including the amain@ Wart,. mathrlahlti. tinds.. haw. im rwra Whitt,. Pied, any axial:town 11 Mt male Wool 324.4 '1 '0 4 " .7 W"" taIiRVINTIM Plitt isththier" • - rome rwrtre, • tiei- - AT .&-SUROtIFIELD'S. NOW OPElVlriactifulstyles of new /retch 0411. re l• Trenab 'Norf.! Memos • . 'Arte 11171 Pi Onnarrand Elawr, akin WA% GM* Warkt4 Caton. BLer•N an. =wee aid In On Signs Fred' and Junaitt Inetrtlng• and Zdatn•r; • Infants' l'aihsolderten sklrts., And • fires avortinanttf nmesi acme! sun ?Oak. ladles' Dross Go dv . salUdivir To Teachers. Literary /agitation& .ac, TYISON kPRINNEY, 321 Broadway, no. • Yotk. publish Lb* ditratoax EnuovrioNAL 1153Imprnyd I swittEt. COLL!EIiE TEXT BCEIHR. . , YuII Dir,tp (r, 03121(7110 It'At 5mr91.1,1, Itebidirs critical artier!, tar= on!cp r laa examlrir tem r tr,v , riette I. es. . - The lientnekT NiMart lustitute, . /III34OrEDBY A BOARD OF VISITORS •p p . fatal ho th e litate.ta uooorltla, Inpartnnindenci d., E. W MORO &U. • ale locgiihikt SIAttUYO V•Ilt POlOt and • orgalcal Zatanoor, sldr..l by on &big flintily. • The anima study is Luc Wort I, the boot Congt4 grab thg gddltion , 1 • oar* ggarodttl-o , nrog or thaw. klich , ?. les. Pooet:Ott. tta,nL,a and *lnto, llgalogy;••••to Litristorr, 1i0r.t.11,•-plo II col FOrP... and Moira% langutto 20. Plo•tga.ttg ottoonnnst taigtog nf,lr 01.0. Chorp.lllo2 par bolt, szly sibb snail. In sdonoto Th- gibinaon 111 A 0914 doge grilt ;nag loon this gra. .410L'immal PAO boob opo past lots boll Andrus tb• aß•gilbTairlait. at !r'MPltarp /LAW. irrgablinetazity. cc it* natierVirnea, PruPlavir L eg tb• Boyd. IMIMCEI -• , Barley: T' 4,:o.n•lgued,baving treated- lugs Nay TOTwory rattle donor of Valor sad floo‘ gun gtrygdg, tststh Ward, Prtt.rivab. VW 1.7 1b- Ruibagi artrk•t plop far . good tiont.olobb• 6•rtry.ll•• luttwl .ot the Brooorr. or a; al rota. 411.111C0. 4/. lanthiled atrial. agar Oho !Man, Abo 'it-ev ooastarol• on hood and for •010 the bps ofat - I:da ukO HOPIS op or torocabla lonzto or - oar o th er ettabiLtb Gant .• I.b. glad wend ta• CiavISLIMS o . G Et W./ " .42a.muliwa. la ..... 0-1 0 E Sal "T Cana, efßsa dad Volsal y i ii d tram on head 4 sooty 6.e Cdr 7vosi, oto, altos sad Istsd LISS Oat Ltr.ssaltagie salll:lr , ars .. ES A.N 0 iiete fto obidwur- 7 "L 3 " ~ a %rebel 48;4", ail% %Rebate!' z ,Mta - Ir=s s e sat% pica iwOr 115 00Nt*RES: RUBBER 0 DIPANY tumble sersuinleed Ors suedees , ieseS Muir &wrote. 1. e ssoa toa ad meeti.l Setor,lot cholas of etude PATENT &Malt , INIBDIN ,I . of a le tem Wel ruse. =Oa sod g r t= tiler Latium tre, Xe.igi Aare* scusidrege ideunul 2 ==eri, x44 : l". " *l eelketlAw • • WN.X.I,III7CILIi I:lleveland ffieeioal College,' - NEZ ANNUAL COURSU„OVLEIOTUREU It ;_lkitUß la tato= emomeeoswenarapi . ogratbsronviamtinste 16 weitta. • • Dta r iall=r kl'"s"" l "Int PrnOrebeil- 72 : 4 ; 2 7. 1 4 PI. legon 311tED 4 Chictd.t! J. taw Oi/LFCLe. %no,' .0" , idatifts mattes an Jurisixadraer. tn• OM) aiusta - • I ' ' tatok r ag A Wol7l4. :Ratan cm irir+;by 11W: 4 3 efie.• eat eerefai ' tra t *ife o.6une. SW or fv.4l nrcu s p m ap, sluzzie, gas iz i azo tt er few VAL hair, ss; Good !rad. wslp. hue', Je t erat'eir see k minion cum, 1%,72W,„1rrb"5-üb"."liitriumistglaiint,aeili. Bargain' Pl'!': 1 44 0- 1 ,4 4:Te7 1 0 11 7. „ .: - EH I& N ROBERTS; 113; sth Imo, so. autt's onds Woo Ind , • ~..4 , :,.... .._.„ 0, Sins liatalts. Clbebr. • alf .r , I=l=l , : re .vgp tl' , I= t t V I : . colisilagansettne . Wei PM Via .„ . _ ''' , e . ".*. ..- Watztaicelaats slat Joran'ilicaltaft:jeirelor . asit Um WFD rix,atik to %ten iltletzigeld Jthigtillior• . . sn2 ' - J. 11. walialna. nna ircasse market. - • • 17al pran.N. SW* ersolisel sad Learnifin' 356: EIR Malmo% VI.V. - , 1 9 ) ' Jaapi znle nLiwt _IS 40.4 frah Same . I • 41 bousT. Wand Etaek I'44r, 4.13 71. 11.11114111 If 441 - 0444=1 Otis 441414 BIM • • • -,• Albatat &aps iwiA4 4 • . 1 • •-• 15 do fi a s laAl22s4 D it. mat ' rEtc — ' With-alviantlwat wow , : • Tor 13 4. 11 1 ,„ banal. glOs.. ' MCMIII (VINES AND - : bbla.f,lol7A,ft w aleM {CC NriNiuol- /6,,pur 6 .1.0rry am amain tae .PlNstlifslars glen - z 0 hodiVe-laddaelVanusaplaiNef . ; eftaikolink•nrawli.. - firAqvi Utile& ~ - 11401 0 TIX, AFTAlAL(}a.4 -EitteleAND, :aft,_ o4 zugt/W.I.ARWsruVIEWIS•II, I4 44.• FOR fitENT. —To Let. • v . ANIOEt new Elora room and dwelling non: . 0 0trol. MI wool toes , loa cod ito daro Dcly 172 tba 0 (WA. hOlyi., Win ty reto3 km to • good temart. lit. ogre of ma &Warr% No 4 ZII 7 Maly Ft. . ...,..... rjro LET—Tho 8611 i No 241 Liberty et., hada Wood, sr prima bergeol by El N. 113rter.• am as a Drag Store. For tarewr tulrmatiao argairs on Dm Drargam an 2 S. N. ITIZHEBSEII.X. . _ . .. . . . .. . . 110VELLING HOUSE TO TtENT, eituatii • yon Carlon at A .inalogllgm: omitting , lug. dotihit , - parlor, dining ow= kl,atNUI sod thamhort. with emb b [met outarore. voila gott , Wider. with p, dotes and mntry. row shot. I, plemhtlr eitnetxt, minutes tee.M froc, the elev. Omnitneeese .1;W the heap . sl ,2t half "Ur. rOrr dr rif IT*/ rION6I ILIA 4. To Lot. WAREHOUSE, No. 114 Second screet tZa &ars out of Woslst. 009iimusAlexar 00. tit 6°ll No IS Wa43 Knot. ' LIT—A two story back dwelling it nate on Iley rt. between Penn cod tbo In Da all row. Impilx* of IL. H. mbilb No. 211 Liberty stmt. o.w,l44gto;;l;wwwmg IROR RENT—A Dwelling House on Hand st.. balsam Mertz and Nun sta. &ors Roam on corner ‘of Pam and Rand its. dld4 novo on Band et. Rant War. Apply to ' AMIN Rant fie p 9 Wonstb LEr—A large...sad 'oommodion Ware r'ooam. 4to:tod tor .1. wholesale tm•lqaas ' =at. t. • US Wval etteet, n 7 a t docs toll CaPda a Co. Ex. Mare ce: . • .itiaN u..r.r..4.2., . apal corm. Woad and +kaki, au.. .POR RENT—A new' brick house v. tucras mla tual„ , etrust• on Cesar, Ann..' Ma bowel. papered and Irwl (Inlatusl. marbN =uncle In car. tor. lot Of around 'A by IGO r' • gtrdba, • x.ll of rood watt. alrl a eisks•. Etna 1 160 r, went. , • • Jul • IS. PI/ CllßC.da a 6051, 61 trute - • Pittaburgh Female College. r.ffmlit lirec T,.rm Lf the - SeOOLAt .ACtulanyn 'ear of the shoe. toe I anon wig anw:a sae ca the 18 of ...plc:ober, •t otlock 26 • - • TD• Pee - D ligrthogg, a. sg,,e(glagogiguiggi.jg sleeted Praild•nb - wJlb avizoi by an atilt) o.rgse of I ...ohm, •-•-• Allp?neVien for adoleigni may Li =ado to the Yreal.. drat OT ticersof the Bead. Tea treerdi g eoartment ander the eaperrigen of .the Peel d-at Lao Omen es. The arnabur et k oged-n 4 thane , to bit). Meade toes* of this coookscent gee gowns. With Olt &glad.Mpuletag • thorough Collegiate •meat 3C15. or. woe hie e then or the trate ed. ota r•ga:ated chqstlare fagots. 11 otaz , ft the bnard log de:at Loofa ltr.r .;• , ..ked '0 tOttki J? kktt two towel.. tolls. war, capita. ass kit ring and . rt. mama in the Primary g•pa talon per hap Glue. {LIAO • *sewn 0 &IL SIVA la the Pr,alr• tory Deta•cetoot— reeler Meg SOLCO - BllddLeC am - Ste,Clet, Bent r 41 , 5, SKIM " , la th e Orliesiate • lnsi artment- Jotter 'tgssc g2t5.12 Hid Class giOn. C Sus. Ilieto, • Tolgota to onte.g of Le Writing Is, to no; othanise caramel...el with the utstltatl9o. 110 per Una - tgeLfessos. expense*. 11 'wr keno. r Taluna to 81140= " am seal Urauth a 1, on the Magri 0 , 11 mt. 6711.[tremolo ntintt , g In er.gat [vow. nut. teen 110 in tienkange. W Studio Rb L - 66 , 61 Yoko: /toe% antra dam of Pia= En doily p,e-tine Si rer term Reardlag. toe: Vans Inel, lights suyl watt, g Is 113 go-rt prat: St • • !std., to atlas: p•e. ant sorSoeg Cesbous the, informaqou may ohm oohing at tat to loglog places. • o /rid. nem. Rr o ge I' g mg. F.e . M , Wolo dst e t . . al .Elt b nt fa,deij. 141 ftret It. , tOts h: aleZ.b•aa,.y Wool et. .t . . Jon TE,llall.e. llama dim. Wont It, anargh. • ealb.fd Bt I.OP ki RBI P-•••• 1. end. Cqtton Duck, for Stea is mbaats, Tarpaulins, m • EDMUND J. WEBB ALAN UFAI3TURtRS' AGENT, COW= CLILAP,IDS AND LOUII4.Ia, 112. .6 AL. 1'1.11065, %Val. rtania to order, - CANVAS .12 to 7I toe,. ittass./Ight..tsd The "' 2O, CO" tuna 1". -¢VeLble adaote4 to the ons of r toletert. tom to prstriestik •sti i • wow to 50.0.. e, st.• ;Iv 1..011. te.• • or Ma and two r /sat l'aila2togiss sa rf 001 owll()ledostiro727oo It also b sma. er / over Mto scrummr, t • not ale r Mud, en par... tat .q. Issttixo SOW So CUL, %LW, The stay. ere g-sso.L.N. to ...u•l 43 Au 11010 4 on). Mot errr e.ume 08 0.4 t. IP the coolly Olt? of rottsoarsh..oct ."Th ba Dr. eh .4 on fa ir•wwie tarmi. Alm 'taro Bost's:: • ssrkr. s , k• ChUo, 12 ps, is tot Istchoupartor tar CMAt boa s ratite de , fit or. OAtod. • Miff C. a 11193: Medical. 11)RS, KING} Li: REITER have aasociated .thenterirratn the :awl% o cii,4ld, tharkerr. thoe in Dr. Mind. rosidetooe. N.. 112 Fifth *treat. op matt the CathearaL Dr. Iteltar Ell attond at the old •• dailr,and liar Da =WWI at Ur rathisoce. in Fast I.llerty. to Os Came no and innings tellat SPICES—SO his. Ground Pepper. bo do • do 40 do do Clona nerd o, do Amortann➢Lmlard: 'l.l do London do; lb 40 Eaton del ' 6311.3 American dot In stare bud Aleuts by T. LITTLE * U0.,112. 24 at, pv,rsonnot of tho !.,harters of Ittoorpor, stint,. an Eitel. far Thu. Trnatee. at the Far=ore b 130.4 m F.ansylTsoiabrill b, bald et uoa lo Otntr.boonsy, en 140510.11 Y, the deb of ()nob , : 111.55, at. • IL'I I) elocl. 51. T. =rat.. bt the Exeoutive Comnattlt.ct bs Yana. Eta. Abricalcurnr boclat7 and throated ot then llenreeentatlves,' dal) ebb.= by each C01T1E47.-bilksbau 11 LtabboSALAnlCAbratrambalib. tin •43T 0 W 4 1ib. ••llbdtd r Ooy ot tL. board at Tengtoeb • Shan dborglrldge blotted. - fEIiE subset iboro ' to - the . stook of tho Illisrpatin-a. B:llgeoomraorwto hate not paid at I r/nottoenir, ore reepaninidir Mewed to mil b. Vita Tontstrer and do et. tot the eelfrotar. W.O.Andereenj. its Lb. ntllga ulO ehOglY he Mien • 100 tftwil and let flameout mil 001 , 0 to to made with contreetor._ , It Let= tieetan atoll.t that all the Moat sutemilmd. for rbi.iuld be Veld Op l a.cektiolibra ran now Ilit their cortill , at.a by calling to the Tres... and preeentlna receipt. fir Mati.linanta mild. velltlird ti. IM a KNO I D. Treeeom. Vaz SOLIDIEIED CRE/in OF WILD. Lowleßs 14 • E.P.4.momoComrenad &rimmed Mr n. T.A.let: Blau and h eca.Dewd of 1 ,1 5.t..nd towers . .he mmt heal th7,MiIiMML sod pm.reteM mop rit DO , etaa from Clffermic port. at the Unltod 8 tat.. highly pmforgAt by ite awn ,ecommleal hit toe, and peculiar., rlmutnt Its mode ,otopmatlon. P.m ml+ b • Int l LISIt'S a CO. tort torr M . of 111. *4.<004 -- - • %V ANTEII. 7 2 smart, energetio young men terengsrelr• lacnttive buslewes we garrotte Ira o•phag girl to 11 ora4,yeerg to Adopt—the 'atilt. iseleedw co tett god et le she will" ggt ks Its betels eta =feats 1' rallies In Pit; .' eotaltpir girls t do hoc". gots oh sio berm stet natty, a. :do. Any eti , rbert gis Or., gegulatat Verde:ter of the let,gt , stgleid 11,34ature, sr ged motives work, otn tepown berg. • • •' gredattwoggraured by n good ggriever. Paolo_ kirt -nom:. deg; • - Jut t u cirrfacoirir•tu. learn ought* bardtur t a bet toeurnip - .Vega mgra 0 ea, - g bo7 tows ertsgal. Pattenlatelies en~ en. OS at • - . Cit,ROVES WITOMP.POII T REES WEPT 'jr Memo. 0.... • eit. r 'llitste , ...7outiOtee t10:19.4 htt awILO PLOW-EEL tc, ticherodichttood 14 , 14.. ..ceibuatiu tku chum oretrtttag ot. the Sthu IA Thousatia Towels. lottt4 the sant:pap/ of hellno tt toles:4l6 teem sztleee cater n. 14 tr.p.t. 41 wt 4 t-ttetoort A Oast itu, by,Dr. 4...4• 73,114tura Pia t& To ..t.ty . , - . 2.7...11.LL1ta1l 6 . k son - • Croe , et Wood sat. 91 itte PEA 8-60. tar: cheats stipetiott." 'Teta; btf aa•au superior •zuntAr 3or 7Mf; late. thrall 4apct r bleak Tim.% Mart asul rat Wel 1)1111o/wage of histeerentje. TIIP partacrabip hammier° eztetiug be g ty.etba =bather* under as Br= ofJ.,..**, Tauth .41. W. dloalecd by 12=10 colgvilt an thritrilS !LW WM. ISA TII • ba•loset of toilet* lia¢ cetiled qr LbsearAmot.lowswiLaints, • U •Nr.3 - • . go.ll 4•413= .101111;r. LAUELL "• • 4G.Paututro. supply of Vsr i pt____4l4b% eet ai de s Lsee THE understgned have formed4 - ,llinited par tuotilnutmer tAo Arm of /moo a Laist.Sli N.Lwall ataourootartmg SPA d•11 , i0l1.12 /h.! whlot Arm rho otwornl outages dorollT. J 3041 WI 1124 to th • Branch rr or a ott , / Pernatt. Louth 'ronolog , Ito. or Ana Elomlnibsto and We , .1 rertn't 111.10 , 1 Lmtertla 'Mahe t In tko sari env re to has ere. ' , gated UM Goo teurnisst4 dee ' -Atart..reti' irta rist three del tut /ad olgot ton :. A - r aro ta[ OM , o. Ch sr& erat t rareltßiet a ltfth te:z . , :gmrn . o s te: AiN,Whilit. .10 . rihrt " av • >t BD Le lITO iharrrera . Attisejot one ' tiNiktialf:44oo bags rigie".9rocn !it co Q etivatiert . ni :al ilia isnzeta 4 corando 1. sad ' • . . ••• 41/ctbaree ito Item . -IV Z*; 11:0•1 1 1=ti, ' • 'lad 1 . 4%W* , WAIT i1t".1113.07t /imitation - 4i Blinding . Editliiiiihmenn: ILLESITBSCRIBEBS 'sea *dfuilarat haiti th•Voll.ttbat triojon Woo.' bid. steam drat% Plato . at otalarrowtout. Thar Imo. 1. .ha. taw 211110 at tit, outlet law. 41414t0001. trwrir I:lol,gtaeNte K. K.; Cott,. and m.ow toasted to do tilt • b a r ' r al a lneyd iTer; toll Thuw o r r a m a t vaI I• . U„ MAM e E It ut , tv , rALIi a 0 ODS:r-Tu a t in*hroni this. metiothir to owl toott.dd Dircm,,Toteldos ' - es dila el Neil= MUM.% -`' 0: 1 1V — • it : • Wit e a l tsit.l= bob .4 •_' .4 - ' 21tow.LL do • tan do, - do 'Po - , 51001.., ',.; urtftr,=, i,.,, , 1 Iloslin do Elare . : ZoonAs 131 . 000,14 . L" . - • Unto Dunut Tehle CP.roro, blasotiMsdo 39 ~ .o.- . - . - detfttkEdsolt OotentiVolvax..lo.4. l . ' . .uz _ . ~._ _.Y A. 1114Bilri a CO-, Z ltlft.h Er. qaOOBRIES-11.50 .bge rime Rto.Upffm; -2 0 9 Y.141111t. Tonna arson mid Btsck. nor; • 41 4 1 s ' n1 Ittzparqtrsca.l 122 buaß c te rc Callajm 280 bblifoad ;WA $ ttitsfti m o urn - ICO Itsi 15 , 4 SO* • ' *OO tams 0.011: • ' buss Moot ' , piwg 100 aides tilt _So'likLialbenH . 121 Ma Carolina Tan bzs wed Alma:cm 160 des amm Itromag ltadc; Spiker, DM' TallINITe 012;_r 110Wa•Cottaa 'Hittlxig • _ .60 bz. Pau Witrioli Glar, .10 't • * in rtortrid. (Fr nlik - JOEIN riel•D • iiV.,' • . . • . uaWcot at, and llk Llbects. Q, I RTE6:-40 Whole Dr144,0p10g.;: 190 b;Zet. 3,l 4L . • Do ll Distorts :bOnaliltizo4 , • jbta tt frar&i - n , C e , a tittave Co. ttatr7te l't „ 8; 03116E5; mat - LOT:4 404 BD. le.-Algigot ini totneltel welt 'at bilit Aft ezd•x • P I =theirs BOOM Resitegethientall be Camden our 400.4 thate swittanta are in attendnt* dated: Warts tow, &Mt oVI be riot.* fiariss say ln: Sertneeten , - Itiebseseeir 'Ca pm*. eOO Ba)latag iris. wars to Dwelling sae Buda we lime ~egg la iftt.•,urbszt: Seddipzes pa band, for ertgateastmers areiwatten: - • • , -.... 7,t''' ''-- '• . 1` i. 1 44..g.0. 1 " 41 CagYa - ','4l4l.lain. -"- -i" '7, -. : ~- I ~ 'until', Stelcue ' ' ~.„. .1 l‘aradJADlFTLVS, , Pltilnber and tine - Cup „it,..,,,.7"" . - 1., -_,... .d..11, , ,1i i -W4110.11031120;e1.40 - 6N1r Uftrtna..4 In tt igStllW joadin6, ',.4.1.,..0n1ir atCT L. 3 A ] =. , ...„01 , 1024072011 b At* Eft .. ...,..,4115;4;--P.:SzotIesTi t teol maw. - a3r1 .:.,:7 - f l !!!- ~„...I.4toptiobior4,lK-00,i, .. r .•_..•... '.'..' ....3 , -,7 '4 . wawa .3. •74,:-.3 ll lffMg3krOLY,StWa i:, ITSP..O2,'WedIMW,iIIVS A te 14ga 111ta1k.,,,,,,__, 1 4 1 5,0..,... Apt '.okilfdatier.l% - e, srAta sh ” v tilrf E VW" I ' m tf.ilir7j„-..v-ylosiciattix.;k,,v,4" must : . •-, -- '.‘l - ,- . , -- , ,, ,,';; - ,, 41 7, -'.'':".;;:.4Z--•-•.,e7:L.;.,;--% , A: , ,, , p... 9 .4 i 2,: :1 4 g141.. ‘ P: 48 ~ lagellik . .. . " ! ....-. Y -- '' l--t. - rf. ,.-1 1 1 1 -1 i - ‘,l 411 I ".- ^ ~ , - - I . , ..- -, . ~:• _ . • , ~ . , ... - :: .., , i , 4: -: : ::, •; ,‘ ' ' , 2 5, ;, .„; * z , ; ,, - . 14 : 11 ti : ~, 7 5 , , ,,,,, ." - "i, ti ,., ~ /;: „i .!; l a - ;i ,, L d ; , ri ..,, , _, ! - *Qati,taTZLIMIS:4-P'Sloth 'll , ate. Aditr . bauplatilicarop s l, 4 _4_,b,.. o ! us-amtnamr4;.• Voi 3 U111;:: i,AA.-=-NUMBER 25. 414 The Wader of the Age. NOPAY! IF: d r. TOBIAS' Celebrated Venetian Lin- Wont Eon meteors Clbolo Orsintsi7. Onish ar Collos pg,Toorbsebe, ne• AlTeiNZ l ni tt g r ifltr, BUZZ% Climb gg•nigge. 4:gg flareoTta. Dwgg, Brolan owl Vale ca Weeks. Is the Urn nal But HOLEWO—VB Dr. DOW. las samisen hasthilaisat lar sight TWIN ll wlLliont werlieriert seemed made for the ishmt oral* noney—en Wes le saw le to nee It sewedhis to Ws di. realm% M attc ills ar will am be With= U. dadtar than sus Wag Too haw wry Wirt twin - (la row &wiry &bawd. tna garTher.mod.• of Conts:o4. lave Imo melt= Cer 14 ISM 0114 M! 1 4 01.1m1a tt u Vitas Peplum Vit..o trocksinknera or Jr. eau= t _l" I 1 ' 3 ' 40,4 NOTariiing . so say au show Itniro Ant„, _hnt! ye.lolooo. • %AU , dvalas nlns mane. Mind= MOP • th. ara the agemb sad rot itft:West alas ee rt tnostra Is sorsa= swains of Up largo gi she Semites Untmentslated it Is torgloos to toga Li Innewelly, Dr. Tobias hot eaten the Waling RAT L Hu= L Ulu" et VA nits Dinr Tort. WW2 do nogg. ace= trot litrint. rasantast 1•113, and that Me band of sni-A Is eassalid srs harnilene to I.MunalM wen In amnia, Ertentley. ranted in Wei, 0011 10 . 7 . 0piatelle-11 Neerri: Mauna Wein. Ugym. Priv. 33 and 60 mat% Ka DT Co Dtiggloot and Pgtost Eakin. Dealers thronalost SW Vatted NUN. bo isrAlseArr oils Dr. TWIN. &env Ltalnen, T21:4 On Onarla g ittarSU W " 0, ftle intir - Dollar : Savings Dank, No. tifi Rank 'Sam, - utopia =au, zooss'ilow anuorra, 11:: now opal daily . from 9 . C0 2TYcloe . Wodorodol am/ so•mmfoo oiralass. from 94 f or, table. lorlndrik. from 7to 9 .00dordo and ma Ilto .remiko to dyrll a lmina , from 6to 1 o'dorm. 00709/to norm.9o:ou Immo poo 00m. mom 090 1: 1 010P. 'ands 000 em 7 of the prone Eadsood atm a pru., t Joao ma Dcormbor. Interest was 0,,0 at tea rote of .1% pa mat, parwnam,9o CM PM 01 m•••.b.r.1959.911:0 ma no 34 °Naar. 1994 floOtolOrttmlollo 04iitot.. 074,999,, Aram..yd Fwt ji...i = co ml ic fcatir A j il aju ,. . off.m. , -.aoioron• tiopooiro. • - t b d ,,s tml. ishoortersof: • ..o , orgs Pmt. Hoop, • 1101Loms 41bortrro. .f..Arattaa Jarmo SP. Efoloork,; Jmobald Umbits..-Mer. Mdoottrodlor.. rellEocat • ZbWIDS• J. Azdasm. - .931M13.135e1c0rm• Jams flooltm le ato 0111 Onrorto.. • • Alton C.llbartlClD. t e grti p kfr e rakil Tr=6t•uair. . 114 41:0:11. Alonzo Oarrim. • .Icor Jotm a. oorsmo. • WI No 511. w. c coorom.=. • hi eiv e.n. . ma Mx. bat lab. Otero P. 0110 moo. omoo farm 8. 11coo, earso 0. 8M WM= P. IL, or Ttrtd_ ry 09P Treciaarrl-C434.0.140 A. COLTOII &Wad • Warren's Imerovea Fire and 14 star Prow Coninositlon Race asr. prirAVlNG•been for the Ind eleven 3 ears et . elected/ emceedln - the ma chant* of the above ...... much este En ell the triodes dries of th am dating aroloh time tt hes tern tasted under every variety of *our acme, end bees lerprored and ,rams.d *berme ex oroe abowed thar {Leonid be dim= baling been On ep. by. the freseoteessfe Coupon, to do &Job in this city to 153a.eadwin to sm. a the Deerscow D..t In 1E34. (for bottler which ohs Mar trzeu•norted ear mm and tneterlele Irmo Phila. , . Miler:re of charm, we *robe= Induced to . en a bralsob of oar ' beano. In Ws city, and belnrorepared to 011 ceders to ~ aslant... ...tomato , offer OW reoilne to the patron.. acre of the elfin. of Pittsburgh end violater it. dear. coo. do:m.01111y sod h irable rsa Oozier/ WA fire MI war render 10 Su most rotting In fi e_ Thor bent club o't this rooffng Is thee ems WY to Ona tads n the foOt—hat In an undafasorable cirensostent. "e• spay It toe mach creator Mech. area/race six Inches V. the bet This baring tenlor roe* ofaloy tlrra ca hue the= rwoossred 'by this toothed 00th the poilties ertesinty °thanes good tight Imola. W. arrwed the 10- cation 01 some of , nrc fora. Which ma y haeLsralued. Per Cleo. Infbrrostion sod refcracea plesee OA at ant 0, Cleo. LII wart warrnntod. - 11. t i Wit Kft• Na ON .24 fifth curs Pew _ ' She above root= guy bee Men CD the ZLOWZn boIIII: U arnesas Miran, iiberty amen_ north leard_....cirbLs Solowol Ilona, blzth t l , aril Public Enhoolllcrose a Maori. K Dar. o,re building.. roilthllald it., anon b' corth:= Jas. 011ars. Donors new la ershouse, Third wt., Mutat. &Wei nay .mildtag.l l lttlet, be ~ .e mittolleld; slltchell,fflerron It to'. Yonodry thaildrom irCartaare lozot/on Boom. be Illeaufty calor.- 0.. IL Dell/ Dellt. Ina. nasTar rave& !arm Waco Pater Memo . * new Werehonee Pederelst . ohm stobleens. settle...lf nein Liverpool tind Philadripla. Eicamitap lane. . . *The splendid new Sw th.hip City talti=m, Capt. larrOlt. wild /a uom Pl4ll - the TM .d.stust. and I.3th Eapp-Cym lAA dfflut Kul cuo o, Trutt, LirupooL M /gay sad fdtbdayt..—frotab tx A . and 21 tka• QAT br 42 3 4 0 ebutor,frm - Liferpaol. Litt Abig—ROW Phila. 411.). Paps. Proo..llAladelpht. - - P/914 illirri.a. __,_ Catin—..—.46s and 145. . 00.du--.....liskutd 10 , -- Btarretza..— W. ate.n.g.--. 4.0 Reuse I:Uket• tnand-frutt Lieut.:A by the abort Was or Eseemstdpo, or by art e l an' rulltug ParAeta, out I. ....9— , ntaterglrdl;ll7 Brox;.dirsy. eat TO, b. Cr JOIELYI TUoMkeoN,sioLluaty *L. IltUbergb. P. B.—Also„ Drafts Lit son 41,0)a on Mnda• ialtdly . . • . . . . ___. Cannel Coal. fIE - OFILS FOR CANNEL. COAL WILL caw be vamp* i 1 1. if dicroded In the order boles at the earner of Yourth and Wood ea. at Dr. Wray's store EmlthEola etreet, opposite! the 0.. or 1 1 1 . r. 'Warne:Weeded. ramie of Lawny and Warne it,. PUte. marsh. and be Allegheny city. at the Coal Depot or Bard. Dyer's non. cot= Mend and Leseeek eta- - Pi 41068. Lar2oDoal $2 S 0 toe delivered pc 52 2/ at V i Depot. 'Nat do 2.;:b.100• " " ' .• Term cash= delivery aido '7lto. WERTZ h Ort.— -• • Disisotion. • lE V ership by , San was te tha lbst hotangel t The bos CMS Cf . the late &Mt will be served J 4,„ J20,1i,e rittsblirah„ July 2914 IVG. 4.1:1 e,...JA UNA Wll5 and oxidestitbe acd jar bnalaws at el. Wood st., where is .0* raletelnir • Creah ati7p 7 d 6.s new awes of Siert Hate of various calms.— Also a lived assortment el VOW and CU:areas' , 'lsta and Oasta ;trtie.dtr LaittaNs WILSON PAINTERS: S S E AND & DOUSE AND f. , 10N PAINTERS. No. rr (Old ItaA 0. , E.adens) !HIED SWAM ()Yerman reed end Markle. 0-trenS4 All orders promptly atteaded to. 111A6 Maw nvmont..l t , .it b Pr it veaxans PROYERI Y F.dt Brown% Uotol. Turtle. , Vreskt irruEvabscriber cave, for axle his very JI =Ws torrotty alb:oval at Tart • cniek. Mit ontoatt, tataillo fat of YOUR. ItRIUN Hitt WI v015...f00 •TONg DorELLING 110Elar., TWO .11• Silt oUII.DINGO, sot tattoo. otb,TIENON - CllO. , 8t .mad the sob shoat IiIIItDIIKD AND EOM Y" •OLLVIS or LAND. 't ha oubball Lula COlarenr. a Jaen* brink atom To= biaabnitt slvp. -aa.naairia .abra,....aao a espaciMa avy. tarn.. To.- ri tat tooroa ma* loot boa lo tba twota, attl la cOroids4 , 4 ta.b. mows lac or In Poottatoof It tr. vtoallatly Ninth' to t.t4letg • :MI. on. Tao t top - r• torto. oath - Rotottoltasia Ran. sad. bat a *bat Olstatte•-r it. Sorbs evaa sutra. abs, beetroot of oarloaat..Pl•ota•roarrhat and not drty; - pad CoarallaablesUu 11 . allma. zoo to I tWl:L e rga i lta l ehrtirinagtt a ilfltigg i tra Amt. and tat Plootnargb artlO.GloOtaMit ttall== Oltaftly Omagh the Mot. Tb• *star la So .paallty.:Ton trottlon CattotObt far Itottekit meantlbo 7 ;ode. Ma look% et. Tat haven, taldllog alisiatby • Wel, bt =ways:Mad •• • flail.. las 7. as la slot • mood bolt:mit. oraratr *lll tor 014 to wait moth MM. eltbso togotboir Or am sac szatrOrtiota. Para mber lattonzattaa ao ti c r aar:iartal 10 . .1E9 at oottl.rttioaantibt !MR eabOoritior_ts now sion.7for the Bale - or Tit* o.l* 045 . SCLIUSCIVS 1 - bY: - .7a4511. Colittr,* 11avarTitte.noar..111t &ming: „bb um- Atiesfter 4taintael 'pubs br thee beget Aresbe s . mien NZ 1.4 ,prompegy =at; T hese WWI bro - braberee.l lee be equal hi /pant. 14 szq Itmc are br-emhe to Ibis hilirltbee tab ?err and F. of 'A. Krebs & Bro 4 LiTuoGRA-REIDIta. litzki rb k""P s =iM i rEN. 4f,li°. vm :ter I'll°/u'G.'"*°l4 THE InITSE• now ti. kat* the CrOtt in ogreeatt i4 l 2/ Cia Warw. Fcepartlmila esvalre d - 4 . 64 folme . J... ajj34lYl7 tf 3...... tiOCTOR O'BRIEN 4xininisca at Dr; swirrp,m-aw Arum 11.1 O.,.E.D.Sza.DAYS azol turvatriya, honk 10 tao .701•11 ' estisspie •u Itrleravills Us& 14:11 7 -•-- •A - (.1.4,i-id?. • . y BE reeettrlber r tiritl• roidiratinees the 1 . ~- lot Ina: lit Sara of no acona, olt;11,on Sal al Dolma; .., . via .nntio. ,bt ..uormao at tea OD 'FT otolki c o t t , ..._ ... ; Libettp etT:trotto abe O•• = 0 wss . nit - . . , I , 11 . 1. Etql-Ja.,/t.n . - .." _ . •• Ile bop to o=rn kitillas costanal far tbs!At . no o•oronsa ba loodoral.fornsany laws. and t0„ . 2. ~.,, . 1 la a •ntlatomoo or .tloolt taunt an.. to. . - bloial Lot Obey .voll sue titArtawr.torgdortootmtrio,.. ....,„„ _,,,. Zuxas.. ... ~ rUlatrain: 314 23/i) ,44 ''. ". '' ' WEE MIT CECELTREE. Sr., *BRO., WtialiErAt t tgAr xRe. , r YIN WIITE ; AND LIQUOR - NERCELLPITS, N 0.209 Libel Stmt. - - tzrsairs taltimard Maas Manage:On% for, Safe. ,4 CIOMPLETE WINDOW af:/t UPACITOET: vylLti all the hatrt hiproramenta. gob, :=l l ll:Vi l gisl= t r e= 17.11=1: hilt° , ortigasal,eost. • • • - ••• Thu if. :tan bring ematentirsillr Hata kg obt4 - 1:filog ,faal auSlstateditr, ellisput ratahLNl, lialtaar• arm. pardius Mt* po.t.lnu or ttroßowhentszazkat. pe.mta advantisips vt. Ms supudatraer rand otb l iUfor forbaspastlenlars 6.1112•• es stiklyrei. • •• - KISEDZEL,7a... a. tiztas. THE Miat: works- , ketcrzn eta th' O'Mara gnus vales. They works as ant shees4H ea btalief ttlio IPA wmd, W beta latelr arr. 44mlablr Tho letote qstlblistuam, to , ration essooypMVrmo out aneztoodovroutookomerbrokto sc ut tow or ozutaokor to.. saki tzwir troc,oroar4 irmaoroo. $1;^".10:1 , 111itlawri. I rot or 07 11.0daNtrAnit • 4411 r:4I,BAANI. • ear. la Mortal rhua. - lOWa ;tat._ 'fortn4rty r a'jtatakti of late.* Uqoa.ll Va.; OLptuana sad cai)r. tulort6 gwr i FToct Ina T .p.u, way, ma Dave Mar Altletlly sad ign. r ptb, iittegtt_el bEesdths situ sure itir" -4 ' ittp 9 3171; wiffar ls C"7 — ' ati.lttegbaribe - SCOTT.f elass imitar Dcatist lis ;tointa stfeek. i aft- . .sTsSP,Abttlaslt:s.i ••• tat. MMMIUM t: . ~-~f. :~, ~.w -~~=~~ 71