~c~ _ Y ~_,- .r n f~,.. _. _ .._..... 17.7. ESTAIILIEWV - 1N'1786 tir _NEVUTOUtt.'ADMiIIt3EhreTL - Arma1i1133011.313, OWEN a CO., Gana. raam ._4lZ=l,,,!:7lamotzamraitallCionriilo:4o-loscl COTION b :tow' tiivititatirumsn u ute, rut Vet Or Wally Tat,',..asof Sor , Agents, ROBBEITIMAIT'62 CO, • 61 Dopsticet;zier-Itoik;.. , - PrdrifßE,F.RAires i , • pIIBNIX ' LOoking :Gluiest And Piohiro FratLe kisaufaeurrk. Nr5 . .281.1520 ine,ls2iailszolf.l2 54tetet.entarx 9:Bea:b./cm Tcrrir. -• ' ' ' sabact,,, V. EIGLY.K. Iron; • r• - gplIE w YoRK FOUNDRx, RAILING ..ad 12.01 IV asTrthtt WOILICS welsh all kind, of , ur, and WrawanalllON - ,WORIC4 for nua4VINGA:, • i nta;vule , "/ 'arrattetas Gn• lion' Ili Ling tea. =I aver tataladehniantin wan:York, and nu tartest 14•111 a. I.lllnei • '1 7.411174:7a1 u ggL 1 M311. 11l Orem at: rt. Y, _Ea =e ag': To- PUTS WWI ._high statiditig; • Arid fonastija Plattscof la on ii"or th• Itaftkl attb.l. =atm, low rettrid—trerta loth% Vazeler... Who Imo bola eturertag.a. Valmontrr'laywra apt._ • frod,'malle tralvaniaa.BnC l 1,41 .11 41 i t alNUat sore cloatamodes.. Itroadatla=uoaltb.. , estaal, DfibUlty; sod beteg Alflte.l4l4.thowatuis suffertlag sad d plug. sanaally tali. pint dreatal of all alamaq Le deus,frola .U . J2.ludala otalasat• tr. ....tanklnor kelogra thla mot vuadiats- roman' Vpga naelpt Mack DIIII:a Pottair* IStanqirataltkaa* lie aut wad a Wm' lath tall ttrodloai.lor aesad riameasttillynelsl..• d The alma Monett alnak . Ibr.4 ik ' 44g* ' o4334 : varaient of Mb aaratissmeat, .Addtafir • V. -Dxvkauxotrou. t6i 13; P. o. amotirn. New ItotksGortAxehange. BA • - 11141,terrif • 125 ana-Izt tiroa , ° -B.- E. 4:11,A MANWIACTUR,EZAND'DWRIV ' - Bags*iictßagging;', 1 Cattcra alts:At., •2_. • 11.GI)aaL Roar Doslnetlala 8!•93., 4 _ .*!°1.!1. 34‘ is HALL ' i& 5 1 ;a13 ialataito araeraalrfeadilo;tileiraaa Out aarnmeremt of tordara Islam* and atiarloardesicas, a .41.0ur autattera caa ham sayraaatarttury r , ir asajala .Daa la SLoalrlaborn artfaellares. ‘ °mate, 'man .axats are. Irreitad warming oar alma Of ...Tiamatar klaruk viz I. =Wan Matz avail thr yarleas - bread, of 11:5 •Tircr Law/ beaTT. Balt ruuct auiplled arta ailtlaarTtlal Satan% P iv lon,Dashent supplied lottti , Aso; Orr. of warm ct actreci ego= W. boa molar ll t ra n stratansalasa. .• • t • . 2Clr2tfV7 . -Eaute r .o " Idgailig: ChtittliO4 alcohol. . tte:4 inentiaimon Erma% contetarrataltarrnitt:' moo flodiona Mott soul Delo Rontota tOorOp. - noo Bolling tho article:lon 436* , nit tsan:with • COMPIEt• 1111.0112111 RC 19320Marr Fe aa.Asooricog Zino ibiloi r rni. o LOre =eat Improlourato torposterromatasmoners. ' • sultionOT • FOr the,l 000,000. • U.S.PATNNT WARBLE othstrAlTY, • :90,Thomtpson street, N. Y.. MANOTAOTnERSOFKAMBT, • E MAN= TLE9. TODS. COLUMNS, DEDESTALS, Strorpg, ~ B roestel, soot Italic's Marbles. ,TOla *Miele, which Is preperstlna of Untie Dust, stir e =tined with mmstal tOktre, re as to I.e Ploulded Into e or twin andtelor, by which In • marble Wan be inonnftse burnt Cl Ws Chan half the east Of the mato= tottertis, while it excels It In Ontsbillty end beauty'. IhsilkerlDst. blotted Iron end Elate, there Ist* swiers enott. the color funning into the WOW of the =nolo% while no tontsli to mint to Kira L War/ be.ut7 to-M. l ° ll3 M tics from 118 WSW. able Tom to ' equally thaw althta for the Nsoefoutwre wad to:, c. obese fro the dlffenant litotes, whkßwill Insure immense tetonottO hose tote:emus throw:us, lutormatlon foroisloplfon soollestlon to - SZTILDRENNII,Prest., of (18SPIII431:114aor UMW XODX • Freifort.:Vrandowellute r - , .; •EDIVARU P DII3KI,Ej • • 144' .I'4 Ta t. draro lest ofHudioanttee Ballototi:DozoOk. t:PBYERS to D.eslets andesstomers his set , am :4e tioadt of fronr.ti Wtalow tibias Cat Aron, otran. of bit ttonathaa •I priors azrooshot of thtir ilkdarom' Glass' eat to lan doslrod gattermand packet' (roe at auto. ..spit;trav .. ~ o pagaillThr :1 1 .EB3O - yFORTES. STEINWAY 'SONS;., : - .*AismYACITHEBB Sland BS Walker 8t t. tQn tsoam(art alit rust, revsneTEULLY-,:a11-kliei tL yeah:DLL= of the wablictothele *wheal 5 ;7 awartment of meadvseel madams. • welch. lar: volume eke:kite - wt . ; . kw.. baud - rot' aalsh,tu shott,evaT ththe teat readaia. .Mll. peaect:ste mampasa44.:..They - wer.l. awarhel, I.a Ynotelemlot both ktade.. In werpeUtlao with the most dielipaaishol heaters. from : Beaton.: thiladelphia; New Weer see Dalamoto, • , • .• - • NEW TlLlTAlPih...hterseie .41 Non tame jest Nona woramel tha.ham—Pwealmo !NOLD fdianur weer ea artaperalias) at the late fair al .01 - yetal relays. for the Agar Planatetea.:.de7 - nellimte _ • . rIOU, &INTIM PURPOSES; flack etrextors•;b4h.. , wx•r:6ia DRY. Much*. S di trawl Wadi. PITTON &Ad UMW JP LTA els , the 8 MOLE'and DOTIVL;p.PE WATHIpTiIg. .21astufactu wAtold , •.• , . _ - - - .l.LTFlronefoclivarToTLE* it a r e a . pr v 's w tlf 1114 iblf.a.ll.Vatts Gpj XaU o POW E JOVAI Tr ii&VOITIF:: 13 =1 , 19 A.4.' EICAIIIITE.LIN, ARO& AND DEILIZRB:I4 _ Up, Pala, 01Ls; Diu, Perfumery; be., 170 WIWI:IMM Neta York, NVITk to atteutioniof the trade to their wi5t 0041 7 140,1 ... -o,ll :lints. o / 4,14 AM. itar&utti,:iresaiiriairtakwraries: leiX3 s .llr=glll: * et, aTtlf fg: Brusheo, Bronzes," carltAigiro, 1100or;..rrentlo. cud. tetetallrpribgt In - Drag tits 'rato= snit* ernabl:d to afro? on tale clogn Livantasloatexam Otto", either Lo gen:odor by =IL trill tetelvarompt IMPORTANT rd 110U5.67ZSEPER8 AND DEetiERS. TIM lIOPH *NBA Ti MATTA !mum, =1 .111113421- =WM Nrw You, Alwripai No •Frant tout... Nor Pork: . rtete27, Nat. 35,17, rad WI Iturtrtstrret.rarier OCT. T HE Propnetara of ;Um .tong and veil- COP,ZE .A2VD EtPLGY otrAzaresusc cowry, to Nova= tbr twat "wwwwwwirril ww, for ErIT. Nresl,lNwi . T . 1 t,Totr !ado ter— .Ttur rim riewpiall Blasuww, th rt in ard pular War' arti. else at WIT use It wear , Troy °flatiron the mod rusmarra Wow.. ogres rant to &Wen vb.' twkrerT MT= tot J. LINIATT. • N.B.—Clonsomia eddied to Lawitre far Hopp ._llllll - - Jrl7/wdr The , Adims Express tom_paum Putts:lo74 ilodurUl', , +rod Brighton Express. VO-1116. r eepeatiLeebomintxletton -ef • the all i zetwtwa mm 0141 1 ,26 of thi Ma and Platt* ay wards 'hood; tataltadPlttahtith Phd Not rithatON. ohm Ismatalmatoeo and. sada ridatloas Paddy Path. Agstary. Th. Mama tamer coaroany bars toads Ptah aht With th. Walton-id se to math, thpa to put •it r alseaoKar cat tba dastatootation Ttattorhowill tohs t as of lot_ llor arid trailassavy.p.ty rottust.,.: sd to tdaa. •Vos pasorpt drill bats all Poo,* als ths: .I, D VMs a ( Zertar th stitirbrsa t . E. ! ' ll.. b :Z at. "'ml , ll°"b " .r .W o,l eha4 bl tta Moral= Trauatratudo to Pittabotth aiMptaa• caty d=rl day *donna to studt; oseophatotp I gii•Vm.4lllt ton flolgustOmatotaloothr&rad.: *Sal be tds dosyPatti ao no trip . all =lsm tocnygo; which . phi i.e *Moral t. W lW4 s ti Indy_ icon tbs Until tbs train at the ALlpebaor D•pot.. also waits thsaltid dr to ts dattrarsd to tbs tity-communitats totalllpmed obtailt PROPPttottAdid Pieta * au a aP3 rotors thstp-taaks pothases.larhk Jr.p . a • r0.41-J.i.tir.-_ A i_vg.,6A.Pg"..l 7 l ll4=t distant*. without charm MP 4...taadom intadalln. m p a dirkanuots toctagas,apetiohylbspiratstrosta . - Ascppt A ot or t TWayffittatsaaa. ittithte Teti the !Utter hs Wirpad Outoostry, vitae th elooPY hail II • at thtetaLt= cm thatarctsaL. St Lb* Theo, to melts ,°. thattat br id. t ,V ,r. : - PaCkadtd. - la mad tor =Wow natkdad by the stab:modal to b ‘ll.l2loraW *Pablo Malta. -Whas, snatuts of -ths. Withal** oath , ss to ulatt.asll medal serdessat-_ .• a will • ths Idafismott ta domino* ts settle i* and Inspdpay vim to*ColoPan sod to my. the, hot ly= dribs huSidll Vowel= as him to ant fider blarry,a4 ba has po dhantioa to tha =Wt. • fitY.E.,..IIPWIN has bent amototad Itataropea sad Pima tds RUFT A INT, Polar. in Wool, 'Provisions & Produce genern/iy. r. Nei 295 LIBERTY STREET, • ,! VITTSDORGEI, PA. ATWELL, - LEB - 4-110,,. - • WI2kESALE OktPOEIRS, • it Conuniasion merchants, PIITSDILIZGH JIAN:UFACTO72E7E, Ito. 8 Weod a., bettreto Water and !Rost -.-DAVED C. KIEBBST, Pious, Pienoo, , Provition. . end ,cotamission MERCIIANT - Po 237 ..Ltbertycor w H tsburgk: arvEs him 'attention to tho cue of. Piaui, P0z_...k.7k0E4 Lad Chicelh,ltatter. Gni°. Mrte4 fr iaciaalinuativatioctittlis solfdtsd. " , avo I; 'r RE7171.7 S. ELNG. .• (late of the firm of kingk lifoorhosd,) COMMISSIpN M.RWILNT, Di IL ER: m EP) Jusr4z, JNL =Exam, No. 76 Water street,.below Market, L. HARDY; adausslrrAVierOarktpicith tgentl - the ~aditoH and to o";l4444,F.eMstfltit-,6.1b;1ki.t4 : th iti l fET,D;lato 'of Warrjin; Ohio, "C6toiciatoiOniall lormitil • Mozettatit;stieWhol. Dada In Watt= &worm • Batty, Pot find PrettlAspout• Warlwral:rdato ••• •• •••I • v stmt. AM= urns, se—.— 15rt:14412, TX4.100;, •• • lesalw- Groot* Trodne• Caordedast ,rll.olfrott, 0.11 Dula, tei ltrrAkettirr, I.lll3ooAitAewtqatir CEZSB - .- WAIMOUSE. , —IEE.NRY ÜBLTonmedlng Cloantesita Ideithant.a.d • U.easejlater_ ,Lats gati Plods= gezerallyi ZSVott.l Este ars Watatattlaburela . oral. rbiOMASTAIMEF4 Izitportei anilDeslar i Wane! anII• Azierkan farry, 156 ilrket • s bt 1 On °arta sty erlaittg t , F12111,. • ZuBBPH HOENE C 0. ., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in , • TIMUIEtIiGai • . IiMBROIDEJILES, 11GH768.1 d GLOYAS" Textelr 000dS, 420, 1i0.17 . 'Jar Aseats tarresdporg Tufts. • alll9-1, 1/.. &JCL= t 00.4 PITLIMItat...C. S. WM= 00 N. BLASONA CO., Wboltaidizanalia D= c aly:o7 or a l Etol• DV 41%44 13 Zilb VI:WHY & BIIROITEIELD, Whole:ale via mail- Dry OmarJiath Isenda anso. Fourth AS, M attel W•eis FigabzWiaL , • , , Claytor4 I.loiffig, S A IGN tic ORNAKENTAL. T —• GRAINER N AND 'E GLAZR lER, • inetirm94l4,o4" , ikrAllordets attentiTereWinitrAd Beol"Buirec01-.); =Remo val ! FTE r•• zrR vir AVING-Stmotod oar - Storolo• N 6. 23, 716. h great. (grA docrtoAL,A...lfilont.Co.).in are now pmerect to ...smote on* (due bureft _St6p.ti paled awl 4.11111.* Ou VOW* la cw motet. In out.auvelaunt Mcr. !*caul 1 • tp tr►B u.t. st n uljci thgc m, -,Juedind, v* -- r . D 4 • 04440 g &Vechni. gram% Ztl e . ked-En,el:l'4geletinol2raliitatqc.Mxis.. pie 0 INakr itot~try sasoubt a r lo tO. posN A Wyidart 1661.1." 0 Olotkuktropi rricolk tc 2 el vble3l NH azt26.lp.root'nl,l2 lona • . - ,alll • Vtticable Property for Sal% adjohig: the Methodief , • arseelretd, eta Carce) 'This ft; sow tbs .0107 88r , t if= stlBBbtarhoolnot alres4l . r ug ' b r , s oo t arry. 80 feet, en.Zlme=loo Retro:4 to the . 81otb.octist ersio r :gg t filf i .:olL i tb l e i ttr i !.oolbet.L.. :now sabitssUal thrg aw n bikair47l°32,l 110 tact botlotop, tow for s loos time tem oe. I:=.l l :4l,rk i tlitoTilft=t g ir t st=ttso c at doTroa ou8? o ttooprlogoot. YDW , OROBODR: ARNOLD ACO • • asaulippake . t,. owartte &ask ottu. , sotiotast ton 08817ThstosoiES sttslybl.:-X-0 . 7 . 0...r*M 18 .1 1 =mu 41:1 . po., impo r ter, • ittitrostett tact 01.0018871 Pun Apit2l:l9o.4imeuetetsw94lHiglicwri.der • ams=sx 1 - 1.... - ,CllgliflitT 'it • {itParireobtkusstort.ADENTsrjo i, Mufti insd rredusse 0f.17,01 , Bast*: Colliet of dewy Borrcositur and , I.o4lVtllt riIOVISI _OD BCPAV Makagell. ; Ale*. tor Duaing atm 0! maim ttnd Artidzda, to. Farmers, Bleo. 1 tIFI, atas"-* -- CaPart;ternihllf - -beretaibte: . 7.ll...widaitho ArtZtrrolibitt...w, 4 Nd a 1,174 t6i.1361t1f rLv artrAd4 tall *WO 11. 1 40d,•tr• v*- a'c'"'in . 72, F 7,1 1-1,•.: • • . . ~ . : .„ 7, , , ,... :, ..„. i._... : . ..,..,.. ..,....._._ ...., D .. MEE AGENCIES. DRUGGIST'S. COMMISSION mac, MaBANE ilm=mm to A. AL tdortwo.3 . . DRY GOODS. PITTSBURGH,' 'TU BANKERS AltD BROFC.ERS i3ANKINCt i , HOUSES JOILIV,T. - HOGG: nsprolw insproD. • • 50k1ER816,... 0011.ERSZT 00„ MOUNT PLn.wB,L2iT, WZSTMOILR'D CO., 44 CONNEGIAVILLIL . Nun,. , umoyrowir • , lIROWNSVIL NNW 131.1.1011: L A R A T, .18XLVC9, CO, Depodts rectilled, Dino-mate randoN thefts btni and colieet.4. Butt Notekand Bpmis banght Stocks, Note* end lotto, Peewit:n txmaht an errnaladon. CorrenzadenEt•svirnottbotlon•mll NT HOTNIT49 k SON, Dada* . in -Timelin 'IV and Domegato .I:toOmea. Ctiztltleoaao 'oar, podia,• tank Notes and lipacle,lio. O D gar k et PAW banal- /Mr OollaltSoax aualo,oa al! Oba-rdodpalaltlta MVTITVI;Ti - 79 VMS itawat...*:501i0.M111111016«......F11. IiMIC4O7X 'UNION LETOURIM.Y. , - . - .ltlirchellillerOn a, E, • lynx continuoltio boohoos of the Union • dry, at the olattasul etPlegitooll, 32120,(0 L &00 f 10,194 Mertz et. = ' & l l i er ti riarer iL a CSI Ski gtPf '*l t Cooking Stores, goo and Side Ovate, mums AND 141W-LOirarorst MANTLE &KITCHEN GRATES, " Ham Ware, W4fron *out, DvYraitt, Etadlions,' Ten Eats Plop and. Plow Point; Mill anti Maeltinm Casting; g all onerally,'% AB and tr-Me. &Ira mdear LEON & NAILS 0011 S BESZSITANDS, Shovels Spades, err, aztrt4r All of which wi ll be seta at mac 'raga • Penn Cotton Mills, Pittatargb. CHILDS CO.. Mambo t qto tt gra #4 48 12 11. 4 1 2:ift RA T ~ fn M,ana we.t . t ainijrvoctift imam -.nacos. sma.. WlLLlAarAiiiiiiia k , CO., 61 Penn st.; belteir "gaitnrY, Ilitablar64. Pa faTP, A AI .13 011 ER MAKERS azdtStERET , .. la MON m n amoras, Zdanurectsuers al. Baruldlre , Pat. entikllst. °tire. Meted and Cylinder Boilers. Mine laßrik•su k /Ire &KV Maga Blues, clandinuere. Salt auger Pam, Irotaairle, WM,. etc. -ALA, nithe'Work. Bride. a me nd Viaduct LIMA, dm* at tits shortest notice. Ali orders Bunt • diet.= pro t ir atlealod . WOODWELL; Wholehalti and Retail . At..4netnnu. szkel Pager an pablnst inn. No. 8,1 etre•L', , t ; t.• GROCERS: • \ tug% lairOLTB Shriver, . Dilworth, Wll 0 Lt SALE' 611,01)ERS, . NoiOno mrsecthla &le% (iletwilasil7Cod Smitfleld) PTITIS GH: • . . ... Wallace , A , Gardintr t 9 LI otzsAzz„"t!k444l.gs-.l.rt Provisions. 6,13 d Pxedul .Ct4acrally, .10.2.41 =music ats, itacq, AGALEY, COSORANE 00.; . Whole ke tali Gra.. mmolard wood stmt. rittratta. AgtCIMIZETSPM Wholesale tetrootr and 061939.1691nn 2dorelaxat,ll69l6t In Pro,bate E . 1119. aleaulsetccesa .9.911, 196 Liberty Otbet, Pltttl yI" : ' OLIN FLOYD .1 CO., Wholesale Opobots ! in,;4o)3lrratiFitsjio.lT3 Woodandln La. almetailtoluirsh. •,- • ' - 1010 - - ROBERtibiOD t ';- Wholes&lD:. Grocer, Dollar Prodopeaba n.nk lan & tl i trPotlp;mpetowin:tsos. No. 316 =l lt ="l•Vile7l/=tlU Mr at= DAVID ircimassr.:_ . 00 7 / 7 11. VnisCANDL4SS; NEANark. :CO.. (sumo. mars t 0 Mbletliodleis.ti Groner, ta ltan, If Glass, Cotten Psrus. und Pittsburg Msztubsettru err.? Of %Ng an Waist .sta, rittsbursh. Ps. roan Vow , A.la a. Wow-6 ....walTis C. 81.1. WILLS &•11.01E1,1 Wholesale Givoors and loanacalsinan .11cabanta. N•.,... 191 Marty .t. Pltta• AAoBERT DALZ Ll ,-- •& . 00., Wholasolo Grouir. Caiaaataka!iderchtata, Elaalme In 1 1 66de1.1 an 6 eiCtaburgh Manatantanao, Ku. •93 Liberty a. t 11114. burgh. SAIAII. DICKE. t CO., 'Wholesale Oro,- se emamledon Ider4hantaosnd Dsaleia InTtodsds. SO Wawa's: and 63 •• S ea, Pistssurgth AOALEY;I9OODWARD CO. - , Whole- J$ sL Groottsjio, 7.lil7tarko I at. Phia . • f , Bj { • El o:.ooo.l.lll.A.NE,Aanaoesa.:4 to S. Sad . .gl.larJ.Wbolsealeand P..tall Dealt? in Um ta.l3llt.a: 'err aarl Paper Magi ngl.Radars "tree, Oth eVefr 6, of Maria &mar. Ate gasnyi P. - - ' C IES S. DAVISON, Btiokaellecr Sta- AssaVOlo, #' =rut t, No:Mb, Pittsburgh. - Pil([,AY & CO litnikeellera and Stationers, N 0.416 Weal steeet,itext doer to the corner a =et teh wet,. Ps. 6 , M I ent law tmkeornselantrr =IWO. J. ,FRE,t.D'.l°°,,ii,3,, VZ.r.iab.!Bu'u°nei'w° mum sic. :• - J0hn . ,.11. Mellor • No. 81 WOOD STREET, bbt aceiDianiond m -Ark" and Fourth %loot. SolcAt ror CRIME'S. II A BONB' (Bobteno PIANO FORTAS.IIASON A RAIL to bri3 ROAM •1111111D6ONS ffud ORGAN RAM. MI. ARIA, and dinner in Rubs at, Efinled flobfla. Jen 11..Kleber & Bro., 140.53';'FiFtEt. 14T., Sign of the Glcitdork BoNo deicer, for NIINNB ccainra (Nom • a.) umsra lad Ward and Equal's YIANOS. and CAR. 114 It'La N KOMI &NI'S Gamine X 11.1.0) EONElani ORGAN :11411;110NIWIN, Daairret Idnale and ittpleil - Charlotte Blume, ANUFAOTPREKand Dealer in Pieno LT kiprisi amlimportetrazinats act mutes" butra.,- menui...Bols fpr tbottAkIBITAG: ILMAXT, DANN k CO:0 ,incat Pluto& witb and with. 00, 3fotan Attatta 2 = 2 4; Ea 3 • - Ila won at. • BV..t a T:LIT 6 Wog fiti e tc hed . ' • Orom. the iiteiaiifietory of Heft *Brothers, lifF , ra&X. the Belting of< this viannfseture has been awarded ths Ciolgifendal and Dltdoniss fr om art aratp 11.4 Inctitnto ttuanchout the tinned litateattba goat tient by thirglionitan Inialtuto, .2 , W0 York. &Libido tut nui d thig bilis he °Mad. Pia ors* Mind iPlailt7: aging Math of the Online* lielsig ocitopiet• ad under the-personal we of; the pried paZg thole are selactod_ Um:mitts at. their own Toadying boar.. tanning froodonarcimindti and ems, - .tanned at Molt own toast after-- thcbelltai , Ind giontdani pan pm trliotoodo ratignol to New York thmonaly tanned. hqh Prom rata. surfed'Jininediately,, wet tidl? ittoi tiled tinsnaebinao uttli wrap modern _lmmo inaurntod and rioltad with their patent ooPpar rireirraa barn .blob maga a pergetly .fen memo on. both Oda or the boarding noon to run 'truly , on es Duran and Kiri n a ;owed of none •than 20 tor cant, Mani made In ordinary manner. To rooennalni of to cotton and woolen o anulacturano gags. paper magas, raging an 4 planing astainlatononts. In of mom gin& Mien Irak% die Imam; In Inert the o 'city to !rriifitg:oien.tiftfriat Baiting! oil. by_ PI: 1)21' LAMM; No. has Mang it. moan. tioiloiail of wood. - no M. DB LARGE, • -- DEALER IN • HIDES, LEATHER Ai - OILS .233 1.11151177.5+., canxlil42%4 head Ql Wood, . , Hoyt's Loathe; Bolting and Oils, - .Nor Maddzer: &nit Cais, always on Land: . : Waid2topertyfor WILL 13ELL'..ink-reasonable .terai end payments, ten TAT S. homer tl homer or Yana and rdioll °meta AM. Dobbs . *MM. • They're bandannely Intuit NA for Nitrate rerldintord. — • Alio. Mr. Lora;vortoronAberty and ittdwltikar.. not front mutt: • nor ate oalonlatad for either - emoting' boarding Imam or for coal_dapot—fbr opal brourtbt by um Penna, or th e Connarsrlb• Bab roads. • A 1,:., arm =oar of. Antler and WIMIna aPPdana tle.ptaaald irdpronentant. Foondm Ar... of Pan. nook k nut. - Tap, ara Nen luost' ror manufanory tonna boarding bottom on. for tba tundra& or =than. ka of ttott nalabborhond. • Apply co bandit • • • JAZInd ariONIAll. 118 Marty it.' DANIEL BENNETT.- ANUFACTIMER 'Of . :Yellow , Cream midi/suer Colarsd aune Alannlaatiarrikamernr Wilahnnikti Franklin inaallikh ka, *mat" Filktiksroas., kBSTINA'rE INYETERATX..AND- Collthealog, (14oittreante oat oats tote. Iy cteteorte, but lesupttety_me to a (, .oitturr purgatives; teeelons te bath% be ► Nature. Blnt. vie me AgMettie .woos 7 0000017 db." end Act lltsuce., iIItYALENTa. the see '. to be wed. Is • 'lmola bens. tootle WNW., an ante. of footLogYeeoollo tO the Wee s t e xOll7 otepated..• The eubselber to fully acquallect with Oh proDerees anal troll tor. intingof,, - tO all vlso may oallat Is ea adlessble article fat lltigpip ell ' , fietbodlet nook non. 73 earth 80. 41-FENCER'S' PATENT-SAFES AND R. Inll 411111T0873—ike keateet:lkost datable and ell cleat Article Mr prelklllliag les. end eit the eckmo time glee pie the beton of tbs tee all othekarttetee kept ele the Pete. 'A Am katehild And fat ask DT thee la skeet@ Pas the United thsto. 'l2l.Wood rt. .:.,TJ CHAU/ !COO. beLt•steating.apCdox Wm:. , 1 f x . Bab 3 a rib a t i bti.nit I)&6h:wed thor az: : ; choir* right ofiiaohnston=rn Mg. ond 3; DI terir . egtaugl ° 'tan' s -alt ,' l an t r4seth man:Me a wl% gUm am% . 111c011 1:18014012. w ith the &bora h• kserl oonstantly an band at hls ozsarooso. on federal SR: oPPosho Anchor Chit= works, • lags sod good assoctmoot of the aususge Tailor and had ho to whlids b* would roweetrollg Idylls the teutlon of • dna •re and thowobllo In Isamu. - oasslyd _... -..,. 03- RlNClatatild, attach • Qtr. ina G REAT •ISARGAIN--We no w-offer-lot - tale that reatahlished trashmitasitnrlltr i all: itleattrl a dale Al a n saassorZtelt ea:l t et exteniatt tTtaal,bas -hart' taamt WO. WM :satiate., ger ring pike ettlo3 tate 1441? hat. ative / y ttsr, ThoWp/hlit nkroe buelotss stand' :urna] and war the spews to•day. • • '• "6015 Mahn{ is SON., AooQUID TO TILE' LADIES —TK J. Dawn —3'll Golden, Needled . pll. kr ;Gnu - len , to tehebbe n treetlas le ts ruleatles, and tradoving 61140004 ms o. the • llts above named thuden 11U1 tor hate been need In tie hinge Idlegtiee oll)r.Jdutocony tree rdr . iy.Telere slat l i alCel m ura.alt2=linost eee th. g .a nua l ,nat i g T r og , bars etweedlally n ot UV. bat le Indassdril 'them fatale , tir anointing sante awl ndsertiolng tuts, ln Mier that sil•ba may bo anderlng from tha stars totoylelnta May Sod In the above IlyaY_prrnaltent , - reit. end • Porrldnencoonr.; - e, li.-WIGXI:SUne. dieht. • ' -ell .1 , - . Ito la =arty at:- 6) gri 811802113.. DRIED APPLES; 60 1 *bre mllarale I uglAN.B.l.ring.u4inus sms 8.243 DAY MORN MG. SEPT PEESIOENTIAL ELECTION. llopublican rominaticaut. • ELR7Y.JOte, IDESClitifOrdifilEß 41h ron PRIORRJAVP. J OH N ' 0. FREMONT OP ORLIFOBNIA. Nn VIOR PRIMIDENt. NVILLIAIVI L. DAYTON, ' UP NEW MARY. STAiIE E.L.EOTI6N (felon State. Ticket. . • er,scrlosr, ruzzo4l7 O C 7 TIBEALI 4 4. ?OIL CABALOOIIIIII I BIOIIIII4 _THOMAS E.' COCHRAN, of York. TOR AUDITOR opium, . DARWIN PHELPO, of Armstrong. ' roi•IPMMETOO okkWAs; BARTHOLOMEW LAI , ORTE / or Bradford.. •Union count / Ticket. • 4ro r A tzutil' _ttt • °I.. - " —llon.ll. Scile.l4h-EDVYA.RI),D,fiAZZIII;,PUOTr. 4str.aav—lVAL hlgirli.'o3oß..igttibtazt; • P. imam. Nseifirr. JOHN T. PSTERPOIoan; !lighter Canir T ,SLMlnh • 01117. • .I)utria Attorney-7. D. OOLLTSTR..l3tannburg.. Armiab Judge—PWri E. PAVECC.Sinachater. ElSlMlNE‘Utitztlarstr, Ault:for—L. H. CARIABL6.IWast•Dear S.verr—IL4.I.IIIIOIILRY. Blrminshyo. • Pirectors.roor—JAMCS KELLY. V(llt.lalTp. 3 ma. • JOlll7 20202.22dLus " 2 •• The Republieen -Platform. ADOPT= In Snf pintamazaii, ocarrsarlos, run 17ra, 1846. Convention of Delegatee, assembled In purnann eta call to the . people.of the United finites, wlthouVrigard to . : past political differ ences or divisions, who ore opposed to the re peal of-the Miami Compromise—to the policy of the present adminintrotion--to the ettenelon of slavery Into free territory; in favor of the ad -mission of K 8116119 fa+ a free Stets—of restoring the action of the Federal Government to the P#Relples of IVaehlogton and Jefferson, and for the pongee of preeenthig candidates for the Wheel of President and.irice President, ski.— • ;Resolve, That the =antenna of the print pies promulgated in the Declaration of Indepen dence, nod embodied in the Federal Constitution, ire essential to the preservation of our Repub.. Instinhons, and that the Federal Constitn tion,the rights of the lihtes i . and the union of the Mates, must and shall be preserved. Resolved, That, with our Republican fathers, we hold It to bee seltevident truth that ail men are endowed with the -Inalienable ‘right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that the primary object and ulterior design of our Federal Government is to grant these rights to I all' persona under its exclude° jurisdiction. That, as cur Republican fathers, when they had abolleheat eltietiry . !nail our national territory, ordained 'that no person shell be deprived of life, liberty or property, without flue process of law, it becomes our duty to in:Obtain this provitioo of the Constitution (against:nil attempts to violate It for the purpose of eetabliablng In Ma territories of the 'Unita Vistas), by positive le gislation prohibiting its 'existence or extension therein. That we den; tits authority of Con gress, of a Terrlterhi Legislature, of any indi vidual or association of individuals; to give legal existence to darer; in any territory of the United States, while the present Constitution ahalibe maintained, .Reicared, That the Constinitien confers 'brim Congress sovereign power °Yee the territories of the United. States for their government, and that in thoexeloise of this power iris both the right and the hoperatins duty of Congress to prohibit in - thb territories those twin relics of barbarism, .polygamy and slavery. Resoloed; That whllo-the Constitution of, the lifeited.amtes was ordained and 'eateblietted by the peo ple '.in order to format more 'perfect union, establish .jostice, insure dotoretio provide for the common defeeio, , promote the general welfare, and secure the blemingS of liberty," and contains ample previsions for the protection of the life, liberty, and property ef every citizen; the dearest conatitatioribi rigists of the people of Kansas have been - fraudulently and violently taken from them. , Their territory ittm been inviadal kl an armeo. 'Spurious and pretendoil anitezeoutive officers have been set over them, by.whose usurped authority, futtalnel by the military power of the government, tyrannical and unconstitutional laws have been entieted and enforced; . •' "Tbo right of the people to keep and bear ertnkhea boon infringed;" .11feet.oatte of an eztraordidory and entang ling 'nature hare neon in:Toted to o, emdition of oserodeing the right of anffrage and bolding of data" "The right of en accused person to a speedy andsubllo trial by an impartial jury be been dented;" - "The right of the people to bo secure in their perions, houses, papers, and effects, agalost un reasonable searches and selmires, has been trio lated; Ilhey have been deptived,Wf life, liberty, slid proplrty, without due procese of lail,;" "The freedom of *each and of the press has been abridged;" The'right to choose their terresentatlyea has been made of no effect ' Murders, robberies, and snow have* been In and encouraged, and the offenders halm been allowed to go unpunished; That all these things have bean done with the knowledige,,aanetion, and procurement "of the presebt natleaslaffurtnistratlcti, . and that for this high trims agalnet the Constitution, .11m, Union, and humanity, we arraign that adminis tration, the President, his siviserivagents, sup• portera, apologists, rand steelsories, 'either ae femur after the feet, before the country sad be"- fore the worldfind thit Oil one fixed pirtiieso to bring the amnia perpotratoN of these atm. clois outrages, kid their acoomplioas, M a sure and condign punishment hereafter. Booked, That Hansa, ehould be immediately admitted as a Steto of this Union,with her pres ent free Constitution, as at onto the most .effeo tint way . of securing to her citisens" the enjoy ment rights and privileges to Which they are entitled, and: of ending the civil strife now raging du her territory" 'Baotou!, That the highwayman's plea, that might makee right; embodied In the Ostend Cir. unite, wan In every respect unworthy of Ameri can diplomloy, and would bring Shame and dis honor upon any government or people that gars It their sanction. ...Resolved, Thtt a railroad to the Pacific Ooein, by the moat central' practical bate; le Impern lively demanded by We internee of the whole coantrhind that the Federal Government ought to render immediate . and millasient aid to the construotion, end AS :11.12 auxiliary thereto, to the imdediate construction of an emigrant road on' the line of the railroad... Resolved, That appropriations by Congrese for tho improvement of rivers and harbors of 0 ne tlonal character reqtdred for the anoommodation end seettrity of an existing commerce, are au thorised by rho Coneltution, and instilled by the obligations of gOvernment to protect the Hove and property of Its cititone. , Resolved, That we Invite the affiliation hod no operation of men of all parties, however differ fog from ne irrother respects, in support of the principles hereto deolared, -mud believing that the spirit of oar Institutions, atwell as the Con !dilution of ouPetonotry, guarantees liberty of 00080i0E100 and equality of rigida among citi zens,. we oppose all leglehition impairing their iseontity. . . ANDREW JESUP.. C COMM.IBBIOII - :MBROBANTB, • • • Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Stem Znentr end Boilers, NachittLits . flea. hhattitt Impartial • n• Dagen In klazantactstree AtUtleit 'No. 67 Pme . St.; 'New, York. tf.ll—A treats Ihr th• "WOODlttlri t 11111011 run Worms: i • • &eats Engine: and Began, raenabnvan ca In Now York Ste 'I Itizekhttste Tools sehts4T, Hough's Patent Skirts. - 101tATES tt FRANCA, NO. i Barolay street, P Newrotir - CAUTION—AIas iii - jtiMains• '4%4.0 the" 114 Th tit* two of the paten. All manafionaxers ana Wm , 11:r ticsinf will IA resaoscuted al:cording to law. at r .: PITTOBITTirdII COACH 'FACTORY.. 11111M111C . ....... 0 2110. !L1.11.W11 BIGELOW dc CO feonratn 48 . t. DLLE ° A;filizaz.• galW near Vi'ockl Pittsburgh, Peon. • (anus, OARRIAABS, PILETONS, b l i t . titZ,.:ll. of linty Vahloloo bosutTordadmoleoney of &vasty !NU of wor utZ Intiladvitrtat. L riairodirliinzoN W, — R CO t OLETta i GiO I C Trodnosan Co OA Zrt 111 / • AND DEALERS lir ' ' • Pittsburgh Mortufeultuzed Artionly.. 218 y stri t eg,- . cr~ Of - irf . r, mT~- prrreuin G MAIL. =MST " 16:2153 . 1rr000L8Y, WHOLESALE GROSEES PO4? •PTIAIdiHESAr Product gad ittgbargk IllattaPulanv No. Hi Water Street, • Pte. MBER =9,.1656 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. . • • . . Advance Parnents.-11orcatter no sub onstlon will he takers or the May qr Wahl) Gazette. I.lDieel pin:writ IS =4. in Adm.., wunnres the time IN ty to whirl the aubembtion Ie pad. the pupa: • .51 be hrymiably .topped. tultera the rabenialow Le ie . 44.44.1 , 14 am. Swimeet. All tnnivat aanr.ntr:s. a every dritriptlon. will hi maim! 'to be pad to 44 re.ou• Th. only moehtloot will be when jpectalmcnth, Ir oirserAircbtracts are mule. • 'vehhel‘r ser For Telegraphic - News see ad - rags. For City and Cotamerolal Notre aro 4th pogo. lellimore's •Nationality. - = 'Fillmore appear° on the binef to urge the theoretical language appropriate to the °tea elm) ye a candidata for President orate United Stated. By wham was he nominated tf Wheitice did he come ? Go back a few abort *oaths to the Convention which put him in nomination, with. ANDREW JACKSON Doneteon far. Vico Preeltlent, era stall to elite too light to fly by itself, to hold him before the wind. It is claim ed that be is the National candidate, Re has told no himself that CoL Fremont is a sectional candidate, and that It Col. Fremont is erected President the Beath will not stand It, but will secede from the Colon. How old Is seotional ism t Where was It born? Who stood God father at its ehriateniog Who has nursed its infamy and now precittims its manhood, and will weep over its premature old age? It woe bore in South Carolina in 18.83, whether alive or not was at drat very doubtful. John C. Cal houn wee the-men toidarife. It has alone sr peered that the child lived and being now of full age conies forward and claims what it snorts to be Its rights as an heir to eome one. In proof that seetionalitinf minimd its birth and atilt Imes at,the South, take theso resolutions of the Virginia Legislature, presented in the Senate of the United-Stateaby Mr. Hewer, a Senator of Virginia, on tie SW of FebruarY, 11349: -"Resolved unanimously that the panne of the above mentioned previa°, (the Wilmot pro. vlso,) makes it the duty of every elaveholding State, and of all- the citizens thereof, as they value their dearest prialleges, their eoveroignty, their independence, their rights orproperty, to take firm, united and concerted action in thin emergency." What Is this but on invitation to all the Slave Slates and all the colizesu thereof in a contingency to unite in opposition to the lowa of the United Stated. What kind of opposition- - was contem plated is more fully indicated in the next reso lution. It rune as follows : •' "Resolved, That we regard the passage of a law by the Congrese of the United States abol ishing elavery or the shoe° trade in the District of Columbia, as a divot attack upon the instita. Hone of the Southern State to be resisted at every hazard." Siteilar reevletione had been passed by Virginia in 1E45 Olathe 19% of February, 1819, elmilar read- lotions of the Legislature Florida were pre emoted in the Beecto cf the United States by Mr. Vallee, a Senator front Florida. The resolutions contained no dirsctie... to send copies to Cen greas,but in lien t ereof was the following reso lution, "Resolved, that a imp, of these resold dons be transmitted to the Governors of Ruth of the Stave States, with a request that they be lald before the Le!gislatores of such at ere now in session,"—ses these resolutions . ' to the tri weekly-National Ifitelllgencer, of the Bth and 22d *ruary, 1819. Gen. syloi had then just been olectedTresd dent and Millard Fillmore Vice President of the United, States by the whims, as openly andtplain ly opposed to thoeutension of Slavery as those who now, advocate the election of Col. Fremont. Acqmportant question then before Congress was the disposition that wee to be made of the itatnetse territory ineladiog California and New Ifexioo, just acquired from Mexico. - The Booth claimed. the right by law to carry slip/011ms, and bold themes ouch, end insisted that the Wilmot Proviso..or any eimitar law mania take from the .owners of slams a right they then by the law as it etood poeaused. It was in this state of things that Ihrgholo and Florida adopted the resolutions I have :toiled above. On the 7th of Jannar'y 1850 Gov. Quit man, of Misliasippl, to his message to the Leg islature nil amongst ether things "in the event ef ,the adoption yf the Wilmotproviso by Con gietis- Cr (ZVI teinattslan of Calithinlainto the Union by virtue of her late pretended constitu tion, the abolition of slavery in the Diatriot of Columbia, or the prohibition of eammerot to slaves betweendhe States, [recommend that the Governor be ðnic:at to , order an election;of delegates from all the Counties In the State to 11$ convention to take into conilderation the mode and measure of redrosa, andte adopt such meas ures for our future reonrity hs the events may demand." Be. N. J. or:January 28, 1850. About the same time _a paper at Wilmington, N: C. said: "What's the retriedy? A Southern confederacy with a capital at Asheville or some where else on the mountains, where the lines of Georti,.Booth and North Citrolitaa, Tenneseee and rginis meet. Whit will tho Southern Ceuta ion do? We hope to have no more bar ren addresses. If that Wail the delegates la tend they had bettor stay at home. .{f they will methodize a plan to dfroolve the Mims tre:ri:ll Metz." The Honorable, talented and petrhatie Edward Bats, of Missouri, in a patina addrese in St. Louis a abort time dinte, says conventions were held in Georgia, Tenneseee, Mississippi and elsewhere threatening to diseolve the Union if California was admitted into the 'Union with her constitution excluding slavery. California was admitted with that hated constitution au'd Congree has since abolished the stave trade in the District of Colombia, two of the things upon any one of which awfatoonsequences depended, arid ea Mr. Bates eignificaetly sari, "nothing, mere I was heard of it." See an extract from his 'Meech I at the mid of thliwrilele. Grp. Taylor was then President . The calm old man moved on in the even tenor' of his why ,ntterly regardless of all this foaming soap ends about him. He estimated its epecitto gravity by the true stoidsnl. How was it with Millard Fillmore thet President sill afterwards President by the death of Gen. Taylor? Henry B. Foote, then a Beak for from ?dthelasippi and one of the loaders la the threats to dissolve the Union, now living In California, in a recent epeeoh thus discloses Mr. Fillmore course at that time: 'The patrlotio portion of the old Whig party that adhered to Clay, Webster and Fillmore, wee, day by de, dimbolablog, both In numbers and courage, and wee openly complaining of being made the sietim ct a relentless persecution, 'on account of their notional affinities. It was dis covered by coveral poraons, who bad the honor of being then in the Senate, that It bad become dr:misery to put an end to thin great and grow ing evil; and the humble individual who now ad dressee you, one day rote In his place In that body, and declared, for himself and for other donators with whom he had consulted, that they had resolved to tear up the oldie blinded to by , the roots, dy refusing - in all eases to confirm the nomfnations which could be traced to a certain official personsge, (pointing at the moment to the choir occupied by :the celebrated Senator -from" New York) and expressing the belief that the political heresy of Creosol! would be effectu ally extirpated, so soon as the young men of the North could bs taught the salutary lesson, thaetite pathway ,to 'official elevation did not lie over the . came of Federal Conillltuilon: .1 had not long token my emit, before Mr. Bia ger, of*North Carolina, one of the purest and most patriotic men that. boa ever occupied a place in the National Councils, came to mo and stated that Vice-Preeident Fillmore, then presid ing officer In the 'moats, hod requested him to make known tome that he fully concurred. la the views which I bed just expreeeed, and that he would be .pleased to have en interview with roe ontha eubject In his official room in the Cap itol, at the hour of nine o'clock next morning. I promised to attend upon blm at the tithe and place opeolfied. I did so. 'Witham, going fillty into partionlare at present, it is sufficient for me to asy that I obtained, by the 'direction of Fillmore, from the hands-of an aceredited friend of his; a list.of nominees subject to tho objectloi of beteg violent agitators-0i the question of shive ry This whole catalogue of worthies -was die posed of In the Senate; in other words, they were sacrificed to the peace of the country; Sore one or two, whole nominations remained to be acted upon on the laat night of that session' of Con- Vest. The were disposed of by Mr. Fillmore himoilf, on that same night; foe just befoie the olock.of the Senate struck 12, that gentlemen, beingthen President, 'ant In a special message withdrawing all the offensive nomination, and anbetittitiog others hi their stead:' • " When ei-Benator FOOtO made this diUloeure he was not aware that the blonth had put Mr. Fillmore op u toll sgalnit Col,Eremont, to divide end dletraot the rote . of the free, a tatith :not for the bandit of billiard Fillmore' or the rite States or of the Union, but for the benefit of the Blare States' ind James Boatman, the bsee slenderer of Henry Clap, so hue that Gen: Jaekata durieg hie eight years of the. Wadden.; 'tsj - never, I belleie, - notoinated Win $u the Sea l mate to 511 any office within Lin gift but once, and In hie Primus oorrespcmdinee could net re train from expressing hip. ttleregard at ; hie oharactor: 'Had Mr.-Frets been aware of that more on the polttintil:rooletta table, be Would hare reserved his revelatitniloi • mere propitiont gout, pt be Loll theirith find the Matter Web kIID WI to itiono Southern teen who pot tdm la norelastionr. .10 examination , orthe promtedloglin thesaite_of the Untied Stein itt th - i_tkottlndicatitt that the 'puha perilonef the statement la true: The curet history Is disclosed bp EienatorPoom. What yqi4f Of leililmus wribi for Pdlateultr: 18156? • N., HOS. EDWAILt) BITZ3 Chs Btr(MAILIN AlTh EPtill- I To DISECILTH Iu hiSilateaddrciato the citizatlret fit Is, ce the Sighs of tso Titans, EA. Edward Bates 01'441123°er', said of Buchanan. , • "Whigs are salad to We , for ainati•lrho has l ' ost - his identity. I.have been mortthea to eeo letters from Whigs advising es to support him leoause his Is She 'national' canoe; and , yet his strength is claimed to lie in the region of corm try where the word national ie unheard. An other, argument calls upon us to go for him ' order to prevent sac:ool,oton of the Union:— Who Is going •to'diesolve the Union. Certainly not Fredont, if be is elected. • lithe overheard •of a man !plaecAin power who desired "to dis member and destroy the realm over Which that power mos to be exorcised? Who then? Wilt any one dare slander the whole /kith with the imputation of treason? Any man 'who, oat - ef pique sad disaapointment at tho 'consti tutional and regular election of an adverse party candidate, 'should contemplate with ocriope in tentions the dlaeolntlon ot the &rine Mole of our Union Woo' I certainly be a traitor. And shall we aocuseoar brethren of the South, one half of the country of this grievous &argot— The (emettlled) 'Nullifiers' of South Carolina never - Intender] it. When California wee about to - be admitted nodfree State, conventions were held in Georgia, Teunetheei Mississippi, and elsewhere, I believe, thro.atetTiog to dissolve the Union in ease of heridmiesion with the cloth• Mon of Slavery in her'CoustlesUen, Well, Cal- , ifornia WOO Co admitted and nothiUg more was beard of it., And now they try to scare you from your honest and well merited preferencefor one of yourselves by threstenhig that If Fre mont to elected they will dimple° the Cam." Yin tics rittablzrih Quetta. Ammon set of the tragedy in Mamas lettils morning reported ID 'oar columns. It is' stated In a telegtaphie dispatch from St. Louts thif a battle was fought at Osawatamie on the' 80th tilt, between three hundred Pro• Slavery men and an equal body of Free State settlers. The draggle to said to have lasted an hour, and to have resulted in the defeat of the Free Boilers, with a loss of twenty kited and several wound ed. Among the killed were Mr. Brown, the leader pf the party, and his atm. On the Pro. Slavery elderthe lose was only five wounded.— Outtratamte was burned by the victors, who easel only the provisions and ammunition found there. A ispoolal dispatch to Tun TRIDII/111, re ceived at a late hour hat night, adds that two brothers, named Phillips ' were shot, Ind:that all the Free Sellers have boon driren from LSAT. almond:: Forty of tbem have teschedly..Lools in estate of destitution, as, before eending them down the .river, the triumphant party, robbed them ofrovery cent Oar correspondent at tit. Louts appears to bo under the impreselon that the Mr. Phillips who, with his brother, has been ebot, is the Special Roosts Correspondent of Tug Tranvia, whose deith hoe long been an avowed object auning the Missouri Ruffians-4 This, however, Is a mistake. Our Mr. Phillips recently loft the Territory for a brietvisit to the States, and on the day df the battle he was in this ally. tile is now retdruing, and will doable at his poet, again in Kansan. : Tho dispatch narrating the circumstances of the battle lip deubtless exaggerated. It Is not probable that la an equal fight the proportion of killed and wounded would so greatly .differ on the two sides,. Bei that each a conillot has ta. ken place; that the Free Boilers have beeabest en; that Osswattamle has been destroyed; and that a large number of Free Boilers have been driven from Leavenworth there is no reason to doubt. The question -of Freedom or Slavery in the tortiteries.has become in earnest a matter of civil war In Haulms. The peaceful settlers in the Territory, haviag been forced from, the bal lot box, deprived off every right as a cititen,and eubjeoted to the rapist atrociouYlegislationplave or hot, by a prolonged course of reorder, rob-, bray and arson, boon driven to take up arms in their own defence. They are now fighting des peratelf against the organized army of the Mts• eouri'llefliane, while the Federal Government and the so-called Democratic patty bolt to, aid.l lug and abetting the atrcoitles of the Meador& i This affair at Osawattamie is but the beginning of the end. We may daily expect to hoar of battles tar more desperate and bloody. It Deems hardly possible that the friends of Freedom:in Kansas should,• be able to hold. their ground . 'against the odds now arrayed fur theirr destrue tion. Stich Is the position of eiT-.lre In the Model Repuhl.e. la the year 1858. Mon are mar dtrod, and ve,to on and children driven from their homes, Ore -..^ they prefer Liberty to Slavery! And this I. • , Line In the name of Democracy! , And men 6 . 2' out the country, oallieg them-1 selves fried"-'.? Mr. Buchanan, or of Mr. Fill- ENTY- EIGHTH ANNUAL 'PAM. of more, for ii... purpose of perenodiug the people , r. .......a. 17,15T/TUTE of uhicnTop stew of the Free 3,atia not only to submit to these 1 ., The i t ti . a 4 76.* th u s olg . Ü b t = tii l bays .2 ...... ... wrongs, but even to. vote All appioval of thezn.---em:Von on atuatva, th eau s der eteTe s inereac Pdaee,oam i N. Y. Trq,Une. i;o 3 rely close 'cu MAIUBDAY, has 25th cloy off/Mbar Uhl megoillosut sad fro:toast:Winos will beaten tor . the reception of Goo e from MONDAY; the 15th, wall HATURDAY. the MAI of &somber. Heavy roods. sad - smelt. from a anteater, sill be receives emit stood talkie Palace on and afterthe let of P.polovee. Premlumectusietlog of GODD. SILVER tud BRONZE MED ALA DIPLOMAS, ea. win De awe v oditthe oho& ' meadation of coopeent sod baronial yo Vol/old Medal will be Mioble the else of the t brad. and will be COO fined erelesilety to math!, -eery and other arti. ego or Web merit Toe blfree Audit .Dl es• greatly en. Urged, mail the llroote Medal 'IL/ be of • new &atm in - theawardeet the American In,titots. ' . ' - The carrta ElluW seLl be Held to thraltsroo NOM% • beautiful plot of or out of feu auto, greated by •he e,a.- t. ratt nof the ofty of New Toth Me that =Mose, tin TILEADAY.I9EDNEEDAY.OTIMISDAY, the lith..l3th matt.lllth days of °outer. '. • - - the hisoseves would impress Upon exhibitors the to. esseityofal•lng hotroallato action of the wow therviah to meepy. nod Ihwe exhl of Soo machinery moles, pc,.. err, the euams.t. Noon the OuteteroulapplleationsatrewAy . rad, the Managers fin: it nooqrsary to mats no creel 1100 . 001. steam raver. • • , • • COCM a nits ticzu addr.seed to WM., R. LEONARD,Ger. notwodi mg heureury, will meet eoth Lmtawillate 'Alen 100 • Ll molars cat Infos full curtleulare, eao /whoa en an. citation at the cotta of the Aoblitan Institute, No. E5l Broad say, hew Not. OW.. Y. 10E513/T, lloairocens. Joao tt. Crifititas. P.0 . e.? . aoAleelords' 0A11151353 13D IRE Aronson:a' TRANSIT Co:var.—A suit was 3015131511331 yeeterday by Cornelius Vanderbilt end others, of the Access°. ry Transit Company, against C. K. Garrison, agent of the Nicaragua line, at San Practise°. The papers wero served upon hlr. Garrison at the Metropolitan Hotel, at 6 o'clook yesterday afternoon, sad ball was required in the out of $160066, and given immediately, It le under. mood that these prOoeedings are. based upon an affidavii or-" Walter L. Chryeler, In which Mr. Garrison is charged with withholding funde nod property belonging to the Company. Defoe this suit. was cointneoced, Mr. Garrieou proposed to Mr. Vanderbilt to submit the case to arbitration, but the offer was declined. It ie alleged that the difficulty has originated to the refus , l of Mr. Garrison to accede to certain bualness ar rangements, Into which he' did nob feel folioed to enter; and it is further declared that the man Chrysler tan old offender , against the laws, haviag on the 15th of Feftruary, ISM, been con victed It the Court of General &salons In this olty of the hrime of forgery, Ind entoned to two Yore and nix months at hard labor In the. State Prison. It bide fair to bo a pretty eteam boat fight—the Commodore of the Atlantic against the Commodore of the Paoltio—N. F Times. Altiassei Etacfroe.—The Little Rook "True Democrat" of atm 26th ultimo gives the °Mobil late for Doyen:Los et the recent election in Ar. tenses, as follows: Elia.V. Conway, Deotnocrat 28,160 Uinta Yell, Know-Nothing 16,436 -Conway's majority-. .. -.12,728 This is the largest majority ever obtained by any candidate in the Suite. Gov. Conway'a ma jority 161852 was 2,618. Both the 'Democratic) candidates the Congress Are eleoted by large' majorities: Alfred B- Greentraod; , lathe northern dlstriof mojor ity of 9,238 'vitas, and E. A. Werren,latho sonth ern district his a majority of 8,134. The Democrats have elected almost the mike Legialitore. Their opponents have, In the Senate four members who hold over from last year, and they obtained ono additional member at the lite election ' eying them a total of five. The Dern °onto have twenty, nine of whom hold over from laat year. The House of. Representatives is compoeed of ality-Sre Demoorate, one 'Whig, sod nine Americana. Cot. Faxworr un. rue Pansmancir,-1, few dap after she nomination of CoL Fremont, e gentleman of this city-was In convoreation with some of the, leading Demoorats of. the United States. In die course of that conversation ono of them remarked. "Mere than a year ago, five Democratic ex- Goveniore and myself called on Cal Fremont to e t a whether. he would not be con candidate for the Presides:My. We wanted a. young elgoXone man—nnoontamlnated by political Intrigues., and believed kiln to ha the very man, provided ho wag 'tour on the Slavery ; nriestion.. We Intro doted the subject to him. ile promptly replied: "Gentlemen, my poellien won't molt you—l am oppoSed to, thirregeal of the kilasouri - Corn: promise-4nd opposed to. the.extension of Slave ry over an snob of, ground wham It does not al ready exielj." . Thst yea enough far us,' continued en tleman. .170 found that, althsugh he d g not answer for eur candidate, he would ' ntr s fink .rate Deisubliosa candidate, and bowed ~ourselves out. Lie hid been atom on that question, hp would have been our candidate instead of yotiri:" ,—lndiana Stara Jour. . .- .. . LIT US SAVIITLIII SOU4/I.—Tha nitJoeity of tho South are ,non-tlareboldete. They look with deep interest upon the approaching Preside n ti a l contest, and their nipleattons are for 160'4000088 of Fremont and Dayton; though the Delp of Terror Booth of Motion and Dl•on't boo compels them to allance. ..Shalt , we net labor' OF Roo3Zoi+ pate tbi free white moo of the South from 00 thraldom of the slate power, which crushes free. d a m of spesch and a free prece Mho "11l -eat old In tbis•work Tue Fnderieksburg Hank? exPreeies the opinion that the wheat °top of Virgin's kill fall sheet of 1041 yier. The mei ,- le thotalley le geld to be far below what it was In 113614-when it Qoote--.150 boac — tl IRonin Bona *tore, wee estitnatea to be llihtlndeed. The same le 1., f "" gb bt .nit 1 1 I e tti‘' thought to be true of the lldotiiidoieuntotrY. .MTlENl3.B4llp.tbratabaTZ:llo 00112;.-04 Is imposallileas yet totem pini acenrate ettimate . ~7,11.12.1t.tha). of the entire drop the . O.'SUGAR it.ND itieSSSE*;.4olahtiti', . ini:Sdayti sinews denadmat of ibis boreagb, • b at ,• l l .4 ( l;p oB 4 , : ji t s o *Os 110 ittEiN - Tto•• to Cplijeirktt464 Oarlaid,' that hie petty wee " " bestow Plo..!ecte ealeremertte by - the , Re- VAS' AIRIVINCILL4 a ItIitr,r44: aim e d, etielthaei F 4 l ak lit"agiftal.rtat. boat •ut at A o - - ;14 I u aei J • ' • ' • - .44 • ,L a - er ARV: rMitaires P edatratelVaeilgui :teassm dem:Mean Mater., .D7teeten: '1141°2 Thafitemttltatalltuata.Vetherhee arce Ithetuaatt3sLlFtel.lastct. Melte. aldraid,: and Paine ea M.tiPplatte. Lanos. Aruba! jai e r 4t4t, Neck etut tiltiter y . • 44.1 t Looner—all that la aslid. •tg Indiana: ! the Ns Oar veil enrol. tw, Avi Alter once Mini t• rou so ace thiroryou bare MAK' triad 01612. •d It fitter L han aaT Get. Pour izartexvil ai : szrflunuantlVlL _Car* ? •U• tura been rec ne eived malt Rif 'th' f .'",`"nreilb — .7:lsf4a. th.Vrulla given lir *he have lunar wad the Pr Tobias offera to 46 • • • .7 - • -DOT.T. ARR • an Who tr-11 ems tbst be ever . • tDe the thee he hat bad hUatettectrAnatas OW on the Matta andsetl=det eOnicalablit gene nine otretlikates. peransa Inc Ot ihtt WTI eats ot the Venetian Llama c ham stated It labirhrtar tout. ft internaLly,De..loblas has ream-the Ldloadad • I. Pint= ToottlAot the carer NeveTeNNbatotuhar elms, do dm:together etnoponod • DEM= called VEIL ma, and that the lagredlenta of andeditt to rottnpieed are prreetir banal= to take intaroallyt -.MA in •doable thetenantity ousted id the Rintottone accontLeanyllia each bottle. • . t - c TIPPLA3. • New Itor....tarr om =th a lpt,s l, - , : i , Faanittro IPOen. Pierer_ Price 23 eel 60 tante. fold brtho Drambee end pliant idedloine Dagen tbremaboat the United tdattas. . gar Also for eats Dr. Tobiee Bores Linlatent . 'xititt bottle. at 60 ont-a narrentad romkr totter °dm. Dr. Tobias' tr.e. Go Cpartland at., Na* York. felerlandir., • . . - I D9ljar Savings Baik. No. 65 Fourth ;Ferret, " =dam BOOM , soaas' anir fiCILDIIIO, 1 0 S :DOW open daily id from 9 to .2 o'dack ablt, De.a B,t minium from ta (ober, Iselosrom 7 tourstay 9 o'clock aratindit War rember to awl% luelnaira-frome" toe Velma. • Detee4ta teethed craft earns sot Ism" Mao Ono Dollar. and a dividend or the profits der,lsred twice s year. Jlll2ll and December. Inbreed wax &eared at the rate of r..V P.i..b.c.isuAuo Bootoostalalag the Marta. Fo.Lawz. antes ana WEL° farate l =rstbagraleme.t , es !Dttkir.. • - - ROJjelran Llerotn-n. John IL Ibmibs,r¢er. =rnai.Wige.on. ebacienNlintl/4 N. Grattan.lintT,,r. June* W. El Oman, • Thenhall Urantsall.Or. Alexander BradteT.. . innlo u. tronaneY,' Willi.=PDtttl WILL/31J. Andenon. John 0. Ratko:krt. ' n'thth 7Jannti am. rine r.lin ar... Burawin. Altart Cryibertwn. Jahn . kirhrwerirk Robert Cheater., William 5, Limb:Jr. J. OardinexkloMn. lain D. hrtiord Alonzo A. Carrier, - John S. Ohietrare. Marisa A. Whom; A. id. Mont' . E. G. Edrington. lien/7 IgOSTIM rrateria Fehr, Robert Roble. Elearo P.ollsore. jAmns db Junes IL Ikon. • aanritre h. BeidarL!. • William P., amen i AlexanderTindle._ ..I,:tanny iscd 2hyraw - a—caaspcs 4.-COLTIM. antayd • Liverpooland Philadelpida Steamship Lithe. gTho splendid now•SteAmehip Chty* 7 . -N44B.Litt.or N Ont. trdiert. will WI treraPtiller ' &damn on the It Augdat and 39th kepi. —from Liver pre '27th Ancient. Santee's o. from Ltertpal SQ Jolt add lOth , Eepc.—fromPhila. kr Ans. and 31 eke. City of Huta • ehee.nrarern Llearteed, 13th And—fenin Phils, itti.34ae: horn Illetaddahla. - Pram Llnorread; .Cabin--....Vs and flit. Cahin--4 1 $ 6 aa4 SD. atarraga..- tn. • • Ls raerag; . . a • Parkage Tirketa n.nd !kern Lir !Teed *ball tine of.litearnehips, or by Urfa. dare Packets. ban be '' '''''''" l4ll l l l , L rgli t i. : 4B, 177 Broaderaz Slaw York. Or JOIIIN TLIOSii , kOI'L 410 Liberty eh. bittabprisb.; P. tt—Also. Drabs lb, cm always on bands. . • jud.ds_ • • • For tale, - • - rrErE HOUSE now 000np:ed by tho enb- L?lber,No.l49Seeonlateet.r, TEL property Is in oinnulete order. fornitheil with Chu wad Dot , will II Welter. Yor purtioulant enquire of • OW. n. J - 03XS. fts or J0*.:*(•41 Wsur street. OCTOR O'BRIEN can be coruffilteda atDr 8311TR . 8, tom, Clll4l.‘nd - Renlthfaldata4en DA B. WEDNEADAYB aud BM:UM/AYH, from /0 to 1 and 1 to 3. far BirVionea cn tr...Drownervlll• ROHL • .1=174.. -- • ' • A CARD. : • HE substriber retired: from boxisiess the 74 - Pon'g rak r 209 Liberty street, unlit. , the firm of WA:Lid/TOW' kaMllet, Ifs Legs to return thank. to .r. his eustesmi..fo {tern.. syst p scronlce 0. anjoyed - -for many years. sail to .obits fa his sue:essays totals... of their fs.vore. hloh be donbtelaot they will use their 10.1 sods.rors to merit tiONTISOSE itrfOLI.ELTALEL Piltahurgh. T01T•23.1. W2l. MTCHELTREE, Tr., & BRO., WHO CTiF L,F, SAING DLE GROG ERS, REI r ISTILLERS, AND 117 NE, AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS, No, 209 Liberty Street, .mse, PlsraavaaH. Baltimore Glass Manufactory for Bale. A COZ-IYLETE 'WINDOW GLASS MAN. 117PA0TOXY. with all Mt le test traprnessentysoh• stautlails cutli and emayftstkullt arranged bran arms! eased glen ulster. iS e.g. oZered for este at lets than ors halrot lea origami seek • Thle Faatory, helm: conveniently lethal fox' obtaiplec foal and Brat at cheapest ratan , and ihStictorn oats. tnecang a lugs portbuot the Southern searket, prongs adnatage• lehlth. the =auks:alms runs GUAM mite ln other loalitioa. lea farther plinlealers alines - . C. iIEiCOBR, dz. Bellmore. - 'For riptre Flint Glass • works known ae tsl4 (rilata Oka. works. Three eras ass finely sittrat4t - cm th, ban late l ye Allesbanynsarlo chslith Ward. last_ bare Imo anketed and a x is admit - 01r manna., The s(boleeltablishment wlO Oa sold olansionabia toms 1.4 ansiteartss custom trin•fered sus parties desi , roue or soassing.ln Ltda luera4se 1:040,41, of =Wise. Jute. • Po: partionlars low :area ' ttODERT.weECNIOTIZE4. 4th ar of J. OlLittA DENNW • hat! erre.or liarlut sod ITlrd sta. lowa,Lands. gN. FRAZIER. formerly a -roaidont of •Plttelmrstb, (now of lowelorlll - leave here y p i i t t falbeelu o l?rd . B L Lott o,l . gr i llnllnetilete. route to tole. C glrf.ilh.ullriai on hare tletriglnees talthhatry And yrnsnotlr offended to. br exiling On him at the store room o 4. P. Taoism IL Daly. No. 75 Market etnef. from S A. /1. to ht. EFCIIICICS, • John Alexandar, Mrarohant, htartst it. rlttatnunh: Holmes sSec, Bank.= den A. (hunranns, pahtee, M.s. thanks Ban B. Allegheny; John Flanding.seootuntant... • SCOTT, nudist, Foust street, sirelocn-z, shalud, ho .. gtun " to 5 •-••••• Alt wort warro,Nl LVILLIMI TAT.t, Plumber and Gas trit- VN ter. 'la 10 fourth Aron, near Litertr. arid ETS Paha stran, nut door to ma. ParkluschWlllmonad red oral !L. % opposite *Thwart?! Prug More. 4:llpateeny.. Alarhrarr de. ItitU o n 1% star. oat wadi Steam mrlVat w E SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Dreg. •• hareremoval to the 4r and enutroodloua arehouse on the turner of Wood •11.2 beecnd eta, where our old customers and all dealers Itt Deno. Var. tn.: will end • win, .4 yell .sleeted stock. Price. 101,7 Gords warranted. . • el REA DEbIAND for the only trao.atid cerddos Liver Mils prepared by 11, E. &Zero. VarTVall t hi E. dlr. R. Sr:tem-1 bare occadonally poreb.and some or sour Iblls and Vercolfoup Rows pedlar prisslouthrourc oro b tide ulace, but as helms md Ewen hers the aryl dempaa Induces um to. asp an &owl% / Poo agora Sot ale four or tlee nods of Pills, • but your -Leer Mhos* the but sad moot taloa ble / taus peer Rept. -You VIR7 respectfully , liELUEY, l'ourne%r. Prorated Pad sold by IL BEI.I, CllB SI CO., or of Wood and 21 sti. told by Drug - este generally. lelld • giplendid CityDwarligt far Rant. T " E LIGIBLE; DWELLING at the oat-. ntr FatLl42l d ti , ant AP" at present mvart*Cl Joan O. Wanda, Il r Ms•d •loi rent frets tratolter fat. , eohtelerabost - twelre with OS .aa water %magi% the hot se, Slid le ore pf the oat dw•Illn. b Om etty AtPIYto • 13CVALTZW/fLUSE, - eel Jiltdm • Na 143 fourth ettset,• • _ FOUNIP—On Wednesday. in the 'Eauern m gr. a POCKET ITALIA: t,,,,,aiVelsor.groerioillthl47 a.m►n enti Drol•etTand MAU elre="4. inigrp*"""- nuarationsasios. ?OS Fin° OjimaA3eraxe Dolwl._ ra..t ILA et;' worth . = at tit. Ifesed•An• 1. su4 A A SIAZION t OU., ye ritul WSQUITO and oey Tailbori; ter *Yonne toaltst Wehari c j gr a ll 4.,ltmit farthai n19D17 nt Matti g!! , Drloa4 1 ar4±l, ikutt.o um 11; /o._ 1.1014 Drees Oa Ms lL OLOTJl7Tiliii. Wont smortiaint In uor tit, can tot 'bad API ar holliVilitorretall p.t the (711. Warmoon IrpAl Dlukyt at • aMtl.7 d4G PLR.I.IPN-: 43 : - $01) --- 7tigs N - lievi timi Taro co. 1.7 iAis, tetra* I* ATOMtt • 4-:g2W.7 5 bms_Nagt,lnqa.V.l. 08 14-40(1bblirt - No,« :Rohl,: bright Ibr, A:44 114 41 , tooltme vito, for so.lo by 111YRIA. LVA 4 OIL . anasisice itt Astor° and for cgs by .117 ' 'ATWELL. Vet ik 00. 4OFFEE-12.0 Intic prim° qualitj ./ Ooßr to 'twofer W. by ASIVtLL. TAN VEAS--275 hr ohbets varinnirmdet Green ..4.111.4 la Atte and tax W. by mai -• amtu., Lica jof tato 4.Bil344lo*ixti