The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 03, 1856, Image 4

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--;;Pr111 S/ 31 7-RGEY:
1 1 Tho Shttit "
Pelinsylvasla Staja itiftultatal Spelat,y,
BI Loin Al`
flept.3otiiand,OgAlt, 21=1 adilsss
cum waxen. lira
. .
Alimanritz Triarm,:-Thoie of"oar'. readers
ides ItcTe kapirtifternami should employ it, If
c not talreadsiiiinua .111:*'in - i.vbilthig Troy
Minna_ hideoldedif the .most pleasant place
in the VlOliidty - ..0f the : awe cities,. When -you
teach the top of `the couniand a fine
.110wOrethililtIng the titles, the/ 11 140+mA Lett
itherrille.; the... Arsenal; .ind'••the country. be.
yeti/ A nittstinral road condaits - you farther
. • over the till. country residences
.abovini„ind dna- gardena are • every ban
Thera '-areseverat German plealitire "pounds,
nicely lald ont;erbioh are the resort of onr Ger
_ man cltiseni daring., the summer season. -A
• ..'hiemitifal'arilley; -known as Voeghtley's
thr ether the bills, contains a little
' city, which to • knew= ne Spring Harden.: The
.gardene are all under the - highest cultivation,
; and corn fro the hills are obardbig. Qulte...ll
' c , number of elegant,private . resideoces adore the
.. We-bare not seen any icons,' for
, some time eo abarming ; in'every dlreotion are
" 1 „ viruiyards,, and every, hreak in , the hills bayou ,
•I discovers elegant residences. ' Dr. flanitmaler,
'- • Of Allegheny, has hid, out, at a large an
, ektanalve vineyard; on the tide of 4 -the bill
;looking the_ 'plankroad which inns through
tinting Garden,;.- The terraces era of atone, and
`the grenade are laid oat with much taste. ?deny'
Amapa reside In 4hat vicinity; and they bare
paid much attention .te-the _cultivation of that
most delicious of all fruits, thcgrape.. A. con
adderableumantlry of wine is also manofactureit
We prosinne there are nitoy who like no, were
unaware of Ibis beautiful spot so near the city,
and teltheni we would seem:min:end, an early trip
to Troy HAL
Bedtar's itaviramaricab Cot,Licas.—We spent
a law momonis, yesterday, in Prof. Barry's
Mathematical College, Wylie st.,.aud while there
la au aPportunity of seeing the progress made
by file pupils. One little lad, Who was scarcely
nine yeansof age, ennead a :wonderful
of being.
_•heePloll, answering henna
:- -Z - tioni, Series of questions that might well puzzle
;a practical boolt-keeper. letricate, questions In
interest; with fractional parts of months were
"also readilyanswered. Several other pupils also
„arnrltered different, problems readily. This, RS
7111 bo_ seltnowledged, is very creditable to the
-• Pupils, but it he much more so to tbo ability of
'Professor Barry, nit only no a mathematician,
betas a stuteesentl preceptor of youth. Indeed
Prof. U. hes hag epjayed in air midst an un
k; nurpstmcdieeutstion as a teacher, being one of
„the feW clone of , teachers who really
know vlitthey - pretend to teach,still remaining..
We commend thitihistitution our readers who
wish , foi thole childm a Found Mathematical and
Beano or, RCITIOATIOII.—The Board
met , last evening. The' 'final report of the ex-
Mr. Wifeown, Wan redelved, read and
ordered to be fled.l He says: - “The filet term
• of. lest' year, 1 - entered upoti my, time roll the
of 117 pupils: Oat of this number 7 left
immediatelythere by the middle of the
t ..rh average nd4 attindonee for the first term
' nattered upon my time roll in
art:the nate - es of Is2.pupili, of which number
left fiamedintely, , and 6 other, by the middle
the term: Tholsverage "'attendance during
the last term was 110. The average attendance
during i thesyear 02.
NOB: 40 and 62,,whe were ordered to be re-ex
<;emined, ware admitted to the High School, No.
receirediln and No. 5., 441.. -
1 Ptef :
teacher of Book-keeping, has
Intent - in his toidgnation, It was accepted.
• C on Prercoustaa. 7
liguAM"3 " • or ilia stadent's torah-
gutl4s4at or nB • Wt. The following
:::- Elatilic tutl°4 C l 7 fro kia lte lin c,l! u ttec all f,roco - clte pt th aks etti for in s i n tatar ex : -
' ' ' '' ' Untrii4.
him*in Philadelphia
desire to be.
Z -- - ~
,•.,-...:, .. 1,- *:-F I , recommend '
.t.„: ye ,,, , inatitatfott. I
':.:ilieeeolo. 33 0 k .F'" 1 " . , e , - hea t , Witeetee anti
'hoe beectinCritteculect .
'' tbato is die city, bat prefer yr! ..0
- ' a"ella ° ' any of Almek. ...
pi= of irtstructlon to , ...
.. . ,
had in imago:tie beelAct/ft3.__PIPA
-'• - ' . - - -1-Clialt e:ettleit 4 fA t C, IL Grant
. -,.oiitt: .
~ - .•
''''4.f‘tiltl4Htti.Cl""s7 Pittaburgh.
-- - ' ~,,..",` • --""'"- t. College,
' ' ' '' ..v
. .TMr "P -Duff' Mereitan fi
- ' -
•': alllUll,l Etets.- 7 0Mcer llobangh, who was so
' 'bidly beaten a fox leanings Ilk= at this mi
. ,
..; .. Orions place, has !recovered himself - soMelently
b feel like paying'beck by law',the besting he
.. - ; ---- reemlied: •.Yesterdayi, ho 110)aordingly brought
' ~..'.
two charges igaltuikcole, - the keeper of Marble
1 ,
''''•: Illarelike difiihiCh is Tor selling liquor' without
lic tu ense, and the °the for ; kieping a gambling
, ; _....--i• isiv.',. •Ii •:=' • :' ' - - . '; ,
'.; Three'polloamma with Alderman Parkinson's
. ..,,waria; ut - la, their inside-slaked the hones, and
eutrprbed is party of riagroesgambling and drink
' IBS.' There vats a klnenii ; scatter, lams juillTi•
~fag matofthe Window.; Cole and several others
.._-- • 'returns ted, , .boi,they were all afterwards die- ,
. ' charged ' bet 'Cole„ who is held to appear at
..., "... Cant:-
' ; ;
'..- - Slcmttiszitomnear.—The Chreipele oryester
ay.contauut a 'long aceontit of a highway rob
oommitted,On Saturday night near lain
: tim•s:statten; pia Mitt 'dressed ne s laborer npotk
ik.rtta - rninsed. , The latter was badly
es ea_ Mae nog shot, an robbed of what
• _oy . waa npon-hiso..i The min and a woman
saw eiciarrence,hat did not interfere through
The injured man Was Atektn 0 . the house
of Or which Ira in the usigbbortiemd.
• Itimsnen \ Aecroser:--A. woman, supposed to
be Mn. Nagle, wits knocked of the track of the
A. V. H. .}l., yesterdsy, about fourteen miles
from this city, or Nagle', shanty, between Hal•ton - ant - logan'S ttation. -- ithe-wassieslatog
across the track, sheeA the train overtook her,
totted,* was , ahrolts. - 117.the.,49
catcher. As another train was behind, the
I:moderates had not time to stop to ascertain the
extent of her lobules
Pastor° Cournmextrefoier.--John Obits,
was arrested yesterday, and taken before the
'Meyer, to answer for weldor a counterfeit five
'Jolla, bill s counterfeit. of. tease Wog by the
Bank of Commerce, Va. ' Varkereburgn branch,
cd tbsterent of the; Tu rner's Feetiral. When
arrested other bile of the elms kind were fond
th Lie poeseveloo. Be was bald to bail. • ' •
••• Duczazole ow- BLe.—Peter Ackert:Mu was
discharged In $5OO bail by Judge McClure, be. fore whom be was lamegbt yeeterdsy; one writ
- of habeas corpse gateman Is the young man
who wasteland In the house or George Myers:.
'B i rmingham; one morning at four o'elook, and
Was :arrested and committed for Burglary.
- Bagar.sar.—About; three o'ilook yesterday
morning, o man named !ammo, retidlog on the
totok of the Allegheny, below the Old Ilridge,
Allegheny, dliooverad burglars in his bones.
lie immediately mucked thou, sad -Jo the
cgmne of the struggle had one of hie gagers
nearly bitten off.. The thieves deosaTed alth
ont plunder.
• Tan Auxerre= Varier Iteanoem..--Since
the ,pasesp of the fathom Pike street right of
:way bin, the Company have been actively at
fork ektendleg their traok. The depot has been
extended into the oily nearly A mile farther than
'their late station. Work m ewers actively engaged
upon the test of the rettta:
Hama Centos. , --/a l eeb Unwell, th e fedivid.
'.oat committed seventh. 'ye ago by Meyer
-'biin.for pooket-picking at Danny's Grove, wan
!Mikan before . Judge IfeClare, yesterday, on a
' • ' ;Shit of tospar Sued out by his couneel.
' ifiallonor fixed ttle bail at a certain amount,
!bleb be gave, and be wan thereupon diecbarged.
Puworrlioxorrna.--13lIdeofteny has repels
- quantity of Fremont Songeters, contain..
. fog the male end the words of ell the best songs
..- aced la the East. We examined It huttly, and
• found many excellent places le lt. Clubs should
egyply themselves. - •
crf Twaix —The nuns! election for
Directors' of the Board of Trade will, take Wm*
- thls afternoon, between 1 and '4 e'elook, P. M.
'WS understand ant there will be twists! tickets
brought forward, end some 'excitement Is ox.
. ,
A Palliate - V.onel; omnprislng °boles vol.
Auntie of atelfant lltorataro, sod works - at rarity
• - and lo be told lhla stoning by catalogue
st Dania' Ealea Boame,•spil nen be examined du
', Xing the day.. 'Also $ few/select FITOth and Ger-
7,Efinsitovii'vney. Somair:EThe replan. month-
Meeting of the. Bortlonitaral Eoelety be
Aeld ta4sy attero o'clock In the 'Eptilety room!:
i s
A. fall attendance is rev:tinted. • .
Ilidsextin ironDa A ealleolir ot
eti the eeeld;-‘ ll efib byis wee lett
the tomb, of < ; Aneahei'y:lmt, eT.01 1 5 for
dren.kgAnm- 1, •
A. Krebs
,f 1 •
t r etwit e
or ix
would smarm unda [Means of a d Id*
..i.nlritalbYmnlait the... Balm af a .Thcommal bat e .
Al idad:atria *add not cady render Lt owe.
_,..bst a .b. 4 .
the tooth whits as alabaster? ta+nr S..= •i"ii
Mbreath Is hod, and the subJect la so Wields VOLT
d. will hover =Mina It. Pat • singleg li ar the.
"gin"' 00 roar hmthhrtab and wash the Salad
and situndasv; A. efts tout tattle will last a liar
A la kitrrm. Conran easily 'be orantredhy us
ing the .. B4es of a notrsorld Plomen.' it will f remove
=llimPltt. eatlfreekto from the etht, leaving Mors matt
roseate has. Wet • towel, pear on two or three grata.
Mad yeah the feat night and xlventaiit.
havara ]tams Sear—Wet roar stmstasubrrmh la Qlthz
Irma ar add weer. Door au two or three drops of %elm
af , •Thoramol Floweas." rub the Erma well and It will
;mho besutifoleoft Isthertourh IMllltatliz the opera.
tVto or.bh7lttF. lrla O , IIVIV txl N
Dramas dent, • •
B. A. TAWS - MOM a 00., LI; q. 0 0.= Hllll H
Agents for littehavah; tablUzeod
Cird to the
1108 YEMIALEI3. InhßiDle lo.conoctirig Iresowar•
horn sod
frousso. aftillet Of .f.O• BI °Whir !
TitrO f .
orttaton •
All Medical Men Know .
As se man/ others. Cat ea'tenede can enjoy good
bunteet see fiegukter. - and Irarsr an obstruction
- ta r te pleen, whether .from exposure,. cold, or any other
pn.s,the general halth begins Immediately tot deece,
sal t.S. want °reach a rereedy• has been tha.cenes or :ere
mans ooruscunptieus axons mug :ternedett • Lleadacli,
min In Oh.
of petettatiort of the haut...toathlug UMW:.
Liendisturbed ',deep moat always aline from the interrupr
boo of nature and s.htnisrer. that Is ..the the Pee. the POW
luvarablr rotor : 4lor • .
Yoli =dent...lldt pear b
yese ben. el:doh
moat be exlctle followed. cad all eculiar to hi
171116813111 r be speedily mad, "• •
,$4OO nag Bon. and wad: -,,Olths Druggist. ina
BAOIMS klKOLED,Anetar-pr i rAhr l to 1101,TON'S
(lll,DgkA il fli P e
CO, dallth id engsl
bah. • Thar win tuootrth.pseat worrume. wow
and mud the 011ie by mall, on - of at,oo ihrosels,
;Pittateugh P.O.— annqrdr‘infg.
oOnazonn "sag ita Vga n l rsarmsn a Algal: lit
N. HOLMES & SONS, Broker&
Ha 6! Marla se. Unseen TrAird and Aura eta. Padang/I
PSIORAYLVABL!.. lentneb as rboodsr,...-.. +.,
Bank of Plttabarga..........bat Ranch at 5anta ... ...... do
E o ltle m l . 3 . ln . k r o i fjo ao -nar_ p. Wk s & T e modoe. i.... . d
Bank of Goomaroe—Aws Oonimarelt Bk.Olneln•L. d oo
asastunice Bank- .........par rtanklla Bank-- L.-.. do
Bank of Barth Armin-. snag Sank-L.-- do
Bank of Nr4Libertlaagur kto Lifens.4Pnrststik... do
Hank at nusia-...nar Wwtsra Zesearrs Ban k.. tip
Bank of Pena ' g. N0taa............... E
Ckwanarrial Bankak of Pa.....nal NEW ENGLAND..
granners• /Roe... , ^6 . Bk-rat Ali saran 8ane......... 3,
Girard Bank---.-......par NEW YORK.
Eistrudngton Musk._ --... -Mr New York 11ty.....f....-oar
Ifannfao. 1 bitch Sana4;922 0312199.......,4-• .......". X
Modurdeet Sank.-- --par AsARTLATHL
Brimatodng Bank..-.--par Ebdrimore.........- , ...nar
hia Raul- --row G0nnT.......,....."
FoutlrwLk Bank...—par N. AEN.Aus a mometyvAxi..
Tgadaszosn's isank..—Par,All Minot Baokl-........ 3,
Wasteroßank.-------w VIRG Clfid.
Rank of Ctuantarsocuraw... 30 Rank of the VaMy...:.... E .
liarf 9h
assim. °°"'r l i arli s z ak . aYL VIVAIik . .
tir k at gO DeL arn?.. - f iEzvalkivf.v.= 2 ,,"
m i l
, 4= burgh... : Itieg Wortern . Bank.-. 3,
Beak of Stiddietoon-..... 3, _ NORTH FAIR - SKWA.
kiontgassery Go. Bank ......par Hank of CILIA Fear...-. 2
Bank orGorthlardseriaruLpar Rank of St. of ff. CUM% 2
Oniambia Bk 4 Bridge 07.:110crm. Banks_Vington. 2
Daybadown Buds-- -saw faerchants`ll eyborn. 9
Raskin Bank-- -- 800TH 0 EMMA.
niene l.nk ßTOFßn=s CZ:nsir 4 Bo nk of B Agllttar Bnn . I
farmers' lit or Lancaster-par Bank of Charleaton. 2
banns.? Rank of Basdinkrar Maniere& Nathan' Bk 2
Pura. Bk of Bohnylkill On.par GEOBI/16. '
hr.& Dray. Waynesburg. l Amon& Ins : ME
lranalbst3k Washington- B Bank of Angasta.....k. ' 3
i k
Harrisburg 8ank............. SS BY of Bromnrick. Ada. B
Hoaradale Zank.-...-... SBNBEASE.E.
Locum! Bank- ..-.
ILOam—Uu=d a r.
.....L--ran ofH aat B sie aat I...rai ..
,' •
i 4
B nty Bank- NEHRUGHLf
Waat ett
rclr al 1 13al
Ohio State Pauli.
Wreatett at. a1er05t...7... " ' do
Rauh at itheas...— do
Itratet at ..I!_ttidgettort=.•do
Itriztett st MBl.Wtb.a.-- do
Ittotelx atetsrelattd--:-.•
atat Toledo-.--- do
Braachit Oolumbus -- do
Booth it Sa . dahltateate
Stanch at ataosdeld.—.. do
• Broach at 111_ —pear— _ do
.Brach at Idlnototaatt...— do
en at Wastdortotw..a . do
at do,
et Lattorater-- do 1
Ittarrla at Stroblowlll.-. do
BraaeO at att.
at Nemnist....... ds:l
E R = : t aa t •
10 ,
Smolt at Zatteniles--4- do
at Noterelk--:... do
at Nom. dot
tr'hat Atotatt . tel .--- do.
tett dot
Snarl at Savezo.--. do'
Bram% st Cu:mimes
Ettanoh at tdazailta---:- de
Dollar Savings Bank.
- No. Fourth Street,
ttrbori Root, Jonas' ?raw Dint.ohro,
now open daily from 9to 2 o'clock; ,
20 ab et . miug r n„ . " a cmaPPZ: b ir .. 7*thsL ula="
Talour to.Apro,s...zud'e. ;
e....m. 18.51: 0tt the tret at Decoattet "b .
Beetaarataun the 3.1 =it the Cierta. BTU.% 'Wee et •qt
asthma fan:tithed milk= apply:abet et the or.
James W. Manua.
Almsalsißradla7. •
~ .. .... ..
Jebel G. Bento= ' - Jenne Heldman.
Rill Burnsite. , 41 mm* D. Moller ,
Albert Cathortema Joba AL
Hoban Claneter_ ,' - ' •
V. 1M 1
Jttarlantritlentn. I : Jobu 1
dkmse. A. Carliert Wanes P.
Jona tl. Coeneses. , WI eon Blinn.
Cbaries A. Hollan. : A• li• Etr.a:
.c., G. tdrington, : - Henry L. Ammo`.
Mad, Pelle.Antal Rabb.
Georze P.OLlenore. : Jemes Abla... ,
James AL Rom : neared H.
wine= .6. Hac, *reamer Thettle.
Breneleurnad Treneurer—CHAlL43 A. COLSON
auLnyd : •
Forwarding - Cc Commission :Nafahan
PRODI7Or, R rut
PRa t tgoNS, &
66 and 70•Water'Street„,
ors Prrrnunoll.
Leather!_ Leathern Leathern! .
JIL sad GlNT.Lgtefirtli DIA Ltg,
-" .
• No. 6 - South Third St, Phila.
AK:mot...a assortentot Of &1 Undo. of piAllfEß,
aniOl Bid
XL Nan . ear& Soho* . 1 for Young Laditinr,
'let entirdoei; 111.917 • sulti2rdec.4*
Ani mptil
_ ._...._cahri v . ...
k i7dEl3ll EITCFOKOK illY
LAMS ficiatboNalebeotat notary
o KIM *CLAM". Nov , Took. tore •• '' • '
adobe owl on the vim SW ore all pm
WM with thoNSW NUL; lately Wood nooN by.N
a aut. which Imam vondollot pooor oast bini.d? Of
tamand autorfolty WA to lb. durability of tho Wan
amt. tor solo by • N. Ig t&•& & Bad,
r . t
4 No IS3 Flu su.
' sta
• •
i.. partnership of J. Wilson & Son was
diaaorcairn truthln latt. by =anal nony•ot. 2 e4
Hess of U. las Cm 1U be settled hy Jan. Wilson,
• _ . JA.III/4 w 1 1 ,50 1 .1. 1
, . • .
• Pittaborib. Joly2ltb,lSlo. H. 11. W1L,0,1 I
• P, 1.-- , 11•47.NA WiLIWY via cocain'. tbsZse4 Crap
Whtnlassnat.9l Wood a, vettErs ba loft u ltror t re Tlns • r,wh
E E c t t a e ll,24 % ei n7 w
tof f a 1 s . mut bini' Inaehru la ZA .
sots. is.-ats . 1,133 , 41 WILSON •
EW PALL GOODS-Asst received this
motolog tO mos .sons Dry Quads, ecrola` loins?
irtyOho ex Portion Delottoo.
eir . do- hints. Biota Alpsout.
Nip d u o' /oraltaro
!reach Canna, Moot aborts,
' :.anos
Oa, do Poittoo ltst,
Nino Welt ilotult. Maud Outmogo, .; •
mote Aso harks do, Slowed atoms Flimlt.
Mr: Lim kortartto Olntutoss,
Donut Tans Oovota, taosattso tutd taliol.
Moot Oottosi Velvet" An, to •
• A. A.. 111BON O, 46 MIA a.,
firROY ILILL.—We' hare for sale oa die
.a.beautiful streatten stem Allman/ Otty,lo - 161iir
Roma o seen 49 Let Ora by /49 deep =dans alt.osslNl;
ealUttatol new for • Conqq, realdame, It u covered
Um feign Meer and etuabbuy ntld antunand u li
elm or Alleignmere Ytteebnigh and enema
lon vicinity. • atm* Wog anent co manor. Nut .1
all Ur 'ate and on th• moot anammodatmt
To a Petnlcla of Winne telatelng to .pod • DOttloo ottdm
I.lm4,wittuut Innerrontten_rs.wkreuted-wenumneese.
this-mom—cm t. ......forDisattaant r .:,..,
_dimly to Mal . SLAY= 4'Blo lIEL :' 1 1
IN/ANTED—A young married man to
tly.,==rgltafid ne
aw ts on • Wm sari graded;
T n " gr Vat
good randlos
,ZAZT.,:g=tri= atrutbert 3 mo d strl.
" " 1 "44.• $1.20 ptr 0 S ts=l"7 4
• toy blame •114111.0 b•liator • Ink, ealarttuta.; • Lir.
drlrat• curia • drt dtdridelewr
1, ..._r•ror . • tdry td, da orrsotr;
11J.L11.sltnnton1st dnittinn7 C 1.7, To ho front a
Ms Oland by 270 dory on ono One to wsablogton en •
170 on On other. with a 'Manus bon. of 7 roomo. T
propnty If nal rttonto ft.f a perste manna. and oi.
Joins M it Um Real onty of
TAW* Cnlfro of
Mtn Itisfoll. Jr. /or pia and Venn.;
so2I • ' - - • 600211811¢T*13(LT, 61 Hann' 60 I
Fire Brick- .• '' • - j
Mitsibliiiber is now agent' for the
rs Brick •IDiuntfletars3 br /oda. Cotairy af t
uthuals.nerar KittasatAlV.Ail Aliestmy yaw.
Dl ➢ rs
1 tU1:4 1, 171,11j . t ari=
to e.
t ntrl l tr i to'
2,k7t0 soy th e braved to MIA auirkat,
- A.A. 114111.DY;eor. Daryl and Dtant • ti,
45 0 ej LARB sot l k e e }me .
git a 2 s *
•a .aoGnisDl.L ' iro rrallisaLaus. vlLD►well ttooksd.
Wila& frost li a &Ca rLa V i r = " p=frg "
season of Malin ths yroper Ly solo, la tecaass Lt
oolas Wad, thaw wombs* mat farm vll
aTbl "Tdr ' ' B. *La.
MS E. W. LOUAN'S Select 13c1
taown or. MONDAY. Amt. Lk to U
.Grol as w otriabad br
PAlrr&—Thla.PseMea Tooth PuteMeDareel i s
esertibm at Dr. !labile?). vb. bee beel it la MI
Mau.. tar sesar t y, le the beet remedy seer bawl for
eleeeserb the tam Uhl QC eestarier heel emit thtbele
Amber beettb. It otereied eta.alst kg g • • . .
_ . .
... Ba li ftIO.
Iltlal comet of ebe D/4¢10t14 net Harter at.
loth opUnamr.l2 Indogrot.., yids s *hes) , kr,
asaidesa out In not vitt to
out O. oot.ottlosliaz • • .
sl23* /11 tiaCLYI if gt.
UGAR-=-651ihda alnico' New Orlanne in
awn; 4 „,, !ma. DAVID O. LICELBEIT:
110/ • • tarairiabins, &got Hasa •
1310 lEON-100 4one Springfleld: Car
wbalt. qhIItIttLIAPIr - •
ea ,
wanzsa nsuotett AL
iwititt,2oo hit bbls Lug! .3 Alsakeral - -:.
4 :t 44 " /°b7,1 " 3. 1tr i a,_,,..2.
0:11Cp!a blqt
p 'n ata . diTlirvirrt:oia
etball Bk. i Bentooki
83 r 411414 ;inat. , Z ,'"
ate Bank 8 br_seel33B.. Si
Ek °titan hipeet r . '),
~, Au.
Parniernlnnkanke% 3
Penboanno Hank- 8
Insurz Comm:ly ....
RA nee U
• • CANADA. a.. [
Bk dlr. Axasrins,ToMnto 8
Bk alba Penple,T=Onto a
Wink el LtantnaL.4-... 8
Bkof 11. Guinn. Toronto 8
al l
01295F L Y1k..-- .. ". 3i
On PhOadnipb.l3.- .... do
On ,
WESTIB.II 8a.01.18 G 13. •
i& , ..tt1........._.. -.f
82. t
Doubloons, Spanish—MAO
GLO Patriot- -.16,60
Us* old- -- ---...10,30
k new kurcan.---1- TAO —LIMO
! Tan Thal n....,_._..+. T.SCe
IBotargron...---t 463
T= Guilden.-.......-- 3,26
Napaeons-- .8,86
,1tnnan........... ... 3.33
—_ I
Job.n Erboutta..
Marto Monk -
.N.Airattar. . '
Theotetl4 Umbras
Isaac IL Paw*.
WWI= J. Azdarsn.
WINDOW 01.463—Phora an I oOp 611ordni
610irep Tv) atIWO 44 o.6er. 802 to
.1002 at 1 4. and .00.3 I 1004 a 4 111,Ter 000
10416 and 104.1% ILIA /0 • 1. la,* and bu on. to 144-
-rat Sulairst to ths dir one of 10 prr ogue. for crab
want," brands nano at, 6C gra pa boa lssa
W 111213 LIAD-646 and to MOO, diszaad at 112.60
his tor pars In 01e,a.04 tryo Pa 16 lemittlare tortes tutual
Coma. 104 Leol,Blgbik Dot. sad IJtb►rya.
WHIIIIICT—sates Omar at 2.04 p). sad rectlo.4 at Lea
AlL:am:Bar, September 1, 1
bstvr.3—• blimp supply, one 660 bes 4 b•los alma
about 160 lusl vas loft or•r aegokL 11•1., va• 11:11d1114
360/451, von for scud lamlifam to ohclee, sad 2 606 110 fq
common to roxtbub. . •
BLlESP—scera cod in 4ass l s4;abou4 100 nW st 2104
a llEL .tais TlNCl— tu lad: b.* fin
. ourir . g iarir aars tba=,e4l o % . 4 1, 14%1
nee .
4i o n'=l prosit• iretl f a ii : 4 Z iabr
J• 18
12101.181 i TitArtan agezvlirims.;
' tau ' ! "."4"1 • ." *6 *Zit.
el+ l 7ll. cantace‘eirs.Ake.tbert•
oat • • t
-4yfuNG *KAN 1.4.7 Year°
.t,e• to to ail and wet !um 'um Wks
"41111117 Trultuttlalles. an mire, it.
tfillit EN: bony just reo'd and for
kJ ice' fliallY FL 0014.12,8.
Fig DM) Nu. 3 . - lartylgiakerel fa solo.
by, : ~. • • . . • • u =WI U. OOLLINS.
QllO 7 .4hdogood N.. 0: Saga on
Uhaail axial, tu , au2 iL 31.1uts0.
IleßißOßES—ltu rge
t laa• 4 Lbw van ciankestua and tualosabla Lawn I
t al aa:umails aaia 03r 00. 41. A. Itaao2 at Laa
t..• •
Mater. Taos. Bat.
Awns, D.l!cCazoitss.
pulp !LIE 'urnu
uu u iuurr
irt;rou mita a l zum-rep:. 2, 111b1,
'Bateman dniing the week has bean dull and languid,
arith but little mount pron..: of Imarcoaainant. 21aa*.;
rival...plural= are so light as to Way* but UCU. room Ica
Trim er Predate are tmetty'well maintained. and then
hes been but little change he any artlete throughout • the
Thelowiess of the rlserhae thrown ► large amount : Or'
'freight on thelittabsugh, Farr Wayne g Memo
and we learn that that road to promptly' larwazdlng It as
fast as it wires. Its ceparlty has born considerably eo•
lined, and eery Itignantly It maim and reads cif au
*rfragsofono thowerid tow tartar. The reeelpte of dry.
Cogs from the Salt for western marcissata being large,
'hut now, Ode facility for the prompt dlaStch of geols
westward pint addrosh!rialty to the mace of the Pittr
hurah'rontit •
The ClaeleutatiOommercial of Mordar can:
Ths strived of dour during the lest to lioun wen 'err'
large, reaching fully 4OCI ltda, and holder/ x in order to
erect sslea had resubmit tea decline of 2:16 bb , , but at
tha decline the demand vaegool. The ad rex trom Neer
York ere unavorable„ the receipts being large
hi., which has been very seared and la demand at high
fitment, to dull and beery. _Pha understand several par.
eels are now In transit to this market from o:avoland.
where It has Dian purchnielat ddx
Whoa Is firm at roll prices. foal use offered he prime
Barl..y to-day. The tendency In - the • sell to any extent
taloa 67e.
Them Is no moVemonfin the Pnivhion market, what
ever; sod ptioes of Baton and bulk mente ars entirely
nominal, with a large stool for the venom lhate le very
lItW variation in the biopsy market; the demand °mil.
talag Hthoutalt ailed se
erlnstal atton. at thL mason. hates of Subsume
tel i•
lanceta of Dr/ f:F at New York lost weak show
aellidat falling off:lnd of annual toetotuunlite am° to an
Inareaus The exports slurs a Oat nuarease.
Tat 11704Tsann Or CLITILiSD.--Thooollll22lthlaasitte
ern the amount of woof ...Ported front. tots taw tiy
te and renrosll in 1855 atb,C.00,305 inlBS6 to AOlitlat
14 at 3.4:4626 ne. Th. amount eedlomed to come fora
wad tN. ftneas to adaltkm to thot taparted Is 147=
lbs—laseing.ndenelanor as
Phil:T=4olA 1.56. 6.00%.730 ma
1.40. .34.0.0115
Dettafjoy tit la • - 1.700,401
Corral—Theasltlmora American; of &tartan says—
The market 41. treeklus been comp4stivelf quiet, the
total salsa antler...Rl about 0.60.1 bag; of wtdah.Booo
- kw were sold at t 0431 ca 190 d bag. at 103443114 e, Lad
1100 tau redacted 011 pr rata twat., enspose. 9Ke.—
. W. truottifalr to good Jib .s ioxiand. and oholoe at lig.
The =Oat aka tonna. with a. kaproales tend.noy.
onoto 141[027t0 Lt 1 5(0 for Edw, of which Wood , . th.
bulk of ths gook mow". A eat. of 000 pocked Java at
1434- We aunt* Jan. at ?Assign. Th. rock 011110 !
at0nt19,04.4 bags. The torpor. that weak Is 104.7 bsor. Tt
tdigatongrauto, from Rio, 44'07 bogs from New York.
ASHEStoose Wee ofPearls are rsnorted. but en rd•
vats forum inpifotsu beam at 8. Pots Atomism! at SW.
and dais Astkateady at 3.163 X.
BEANS—lions In market.
Buimeat a FOGS—nasked butter fa steady at 12.N613N,
and but Ilttls efferlng. Eggs ars a &Eng at Nall, and
dull. '
BLCON—tbo damand V entlmpito small lots; ve..daato
64tadari flea at 10611103081dea 11; Rhin name Wier/
and Eugar Lund do 11%204.
BUCNSTB A TUBE-ws inote, DI tlevol7 plea *I Now
Brighton sad ralsbon; Nacksts. common 1.6431.36
tints do 61.6 9 :' extra Was 31260. 2 3 Wad hoop/; 57, 21
ass,ft common. Alm from $6,63 down to KS& -lusters
3,100/32.00;bu1t halts!, &LSI ,
- CANDLES a SOAP-. mow demand : Ilould Caldles
& dipped Maar Adam:attn. 73, • Tom= Bodo Soap
lk Rolm do 6 N.66314 311fraes Toilet and Outlls do 7.0.
&alas Repo. - cal. lb a lb Mandy Rope, oat 10 ob m
. 33 N , Nobs. soli. 100 b Whits Nam cut 16 o ''& b
Tarred Rom cod, LS o b Tarred Bops, rot 14 oN D
1 Coollos Yarn, flao,n 0 lb Vismecaz 11 oVi b
UND CIEND-RlArdlls, r uto
an. o i g . N dos.
14 421 ,111 1, 1.6, Vsnol/33. 6 *dot.
lisow. lb cab. is eta. lb N.
PLOW& LINEN-Ass ills. Kai a doz. limp lb at,
an= CORDAGE-Cobton Rope, % ant brorsrds. 2 0
do. bsiow bi, y 2.. Bei. Cards: WA a1r434-11.76 31 . dos.
Ilordlass.sl4l r Bash Cords. DUO.
COTTON YARNS-s steady diluisad at. Lb. quotations
dm bolo*: " ' l•
Nub 6to 10, instablrs..2) • b. No. 16 - --3.3 op N'
Nall A 12...----4/ 0 D. No. I ---26 04 a
N0..1----.......24 o N. 5..1 9 _....TT 0 b
Na IC -a- 7.7 — E : D. ... Na . 20 :7 - 11 :V I
Na '
- No. QM:. -- ...................-1.2- q It N.
Na em—,---ao oii b. rib. 00 us 0 , o. coo— - -9 aN. ' - "ti
• a D
ii ell' I.: Ka - Fotig : it
TO 0—....--........ . . . . . . . . . . 19 a 6 0 . tio.1000.1)6 o tie ag.t=erriaw,„Par./,==.11,2,0m talent
Barbet l e w i ck Cokaed in
I t T ealoct the corepanaiinst. It -rommodkatesi ow violent
Mg= i
10 i'Twina= t Batting, No.l. 15, o. anoca ta tri IkTitaut , but by norishe in seat analT7 dO
de = family Batting 15: sulking ILL - E tr . :o ,..entblea ttU o throw if test=es. ant.
CLIEB3B-In steads and rather improved &soma setts When Its medlefusl virtues ars we universally selcestuits
regal. n e ts,olo- 7 4pdpar,,,e tbduht. pg... y qq .p. salmd r and yestionlarly Ilna. ohs. It ha. hcosos al 301. -
4 near • h.Mily msatoloS, that It Is rold by ninny of tbe
so sell la all tn. drmitristy It would term need-
DIUED BEEF-small auks only wan abide at Ineltin fne v i c .ro olifer further mrldance: let as there an &Mahn
• qui:OMM.. e i ann. whole(. tried mart 1.411031a3 ridlataae. nod
Datltti kliii/T-thou were no roles roasted since !Or; Inrll,74:fm,„klty=4.ort4l'„VALM
WI: nribra Tans frXo 44=41 '',A roaches 43.00 1:4:1104- i which cannot benotnotsd. coming ea they do frriL- persons ,
Y18«-then Is a prate, steady demand for 1u,..k.„10„ se well brown. I
a large. which an dolling to nia tram. at. OM. aragr •
erne ; What it is doing for the Sick.
~,,,a w n . it tut,. 11. 11 . d. , . 1 570 . 357,5 ,... u g ..liohnobman. Fog the well lino wi t r ei l=ni t r 4 .•
nye .1 hats Or - prosily need Brehm`, Id
8 8 .80044484 mid& 5.N: lane l'lsh-White 1050434.00. and wad it In stfloovs=sted tr.. ..:
4 bid, Trout WACO/ 1P pall .bbia ..41144 444~.. ft ........Bows enns./. illech/Araterns
A1ight548.5.4413.9Mir0- - ....,:th ~.,•- L:',, , : .'...:8'. - 1
. .,...f 11 ......,,-,,„, - ~. ~:4 ; . 7 1..."!.5. ,
„ .... _; : 4 1 .4. 124 .4 1 114.14414141ter1i114 . 1ai1di511ti440*7241414... -* -is 4ii4.•ifaiii. ta:- . i...ii'DZi;i:e - i'
--„,„,„....... m ...4aa,..,....,. 4 „. ,_.„ . ..v...„.....trvi . sad racommnded It to otb era
&tot am rrlors rasa at SOX 6.00 tor raw and SO .37 lao A r s. 7 It to Ims kezt what ' I. recreeenred."
Cdid•dd hr r. /r . • / 10 . OM. OA* ME. at SSACCAZ &tins gnat ....a, TaVItIarIMAY.:6"I, 0 %1
for iar,...sangeall in enn and SOT for family extra. rtromoti .10 1.414 " .."
GlaklN-lasts ts lm' .mi. n , m i n d . 7 ..,. i . Jacteet al l !l . rpay day= "A t o tart ri . :l .4 phl-leHana b./
.st 19, and I.drUil Ors to antral& V h.., Oats la In batter 4.0 , Ihil z_bsSr ". H aan i"
I 41%:..n..... "I*
moat salnfroul Cote Ottlr:Con4 at co, a n d ~ d o r ''Fidasoodttorst It.
kilttoottog 5' ,.. HT's- dam ...inn
in. Br a ', G A) i0.j.,,,,,,,,,,,,. 4 .,...,.. m ., . ~,,,i , aeggrie Inn I=3lne .k in VMS olsoo had Wiwi, Don ,
me of tbe worst Ibrot of dye.
Bomar Is roma. and . Agoras nominalist CO. Vow .. _ ..
..te-Slitm at 114001.29. -'' . 1 snits" only inentinettner of the . vel . pnal Ox.
, 01=1:81:85-dpsyo ani firmer. Of3adlad innaten we is t Vq. e".‘4 " . t.he hwir=ei in tltellr slur
ortil ffri: sit=
ctotimits of , Postar to th e .antra ..* loam, ant biro , Or liturs".
bale at o:within upward undenn. cab, .j . .. 4, , Dr. 4.414.19. *altar of Mermaid: Baltimore. 32030330.
ISOM& sad Mae. 1496. i. ' _
.. "11 - ..=. =Or 6.l's VA r et h at:WP 4
44.81184-41•101lowrog an to q =lan. da amigpa bad merited tit frequently dosing ;be flats years with
lrost Madan : mar Emma In debilitated none of Ma etlmenne or^
iddh au Plien;:-. 1 ft , /ti I lin 10..:...1a r tfe . W. Tiselri= ot - jl ' jta% V Zdsz Teeny saym 1 and
do co-.... 8- 9 . d0. .da.......40 .. IL mewl. and wan Oberstre Inland to try Ito Owe lapin
00 40 - -- 9.1:" 91i dO do--... 14,1 .!. my
. la,..Mmths4 with Um gnat debility antroon to all
do dol-lOra -15 !do dr5.....1.90 i. Of. , habit.) and really Ms datutylscr snore
dd ad---ad " la% .Al dtb...1.441 .. jcool than tnythinis else has ova tout...
a So 50......aiN .. ,4 :no taa.. 4,30 i.. 19021C - L"-It Weer .mots to end In Oar a derma
114 do da.......26 . j -. `... . will ts dimprointsd: but to ts• rlot, weal lad lonseirlte
lintract to customary amount- . . ~
• id. It watt more a grateful ammonia cordial, ponernsed oi
'tam ton.
LAY-sere 0.0. crtolatt to: rake at Oulu at 41040' gth m l i a r!=r, les=at p:ularily Ginn dellGhtfal Arr.
. 1. MI bas indorsed many laity loam which M. bile should
.. tami a Naits—atuaat o w " .1 quotations map 1=1 . 1 1911 :17 . ‘b . d.d.. /I. rot 'd7T
tinted wltb, coolants Ihnitima ail itlran be/owl 'ten aUr that One k = "4ll / ntorigr '. b
owapa b 1 - 12
001101111141 r a 4011- c. -iln P. '''''!`"" 3 .: • —6li n=ral 2 4 - ' 6 .l.'L`',.r.l3Foratt g. woo. 09
Juniata de ....... do 414 men MOM .--
adta 140 PrOrdiadOra
boa Pt dab onsuoi.. , de thi 114 Inon--- --s--- . 0 5 d $
88NJ.11.91L 1 4 BAUD. Ja., a CO, - •
•do 111aba.... do 4 ill to - .... , .-i..... do 4 clannholVlLl?
th arm ula sorzt 4 iste u
1 n u... 0d t i ler: l.. lm. t,
nitl to /44 Nalla-S keg 9,60 , do a Bit ourms latarra
lid .4 901 do Bran* ar...979471. - - 14.1.1e4tirdihs. T. W. Anon a ri05ik152.11.,21 stew; Nnt
leneeNallr-..-... do 4.76 N et sinsay.....-- York. Nana a Pak, 504 Broadway. rums, Duane. Bye
ihll 7d do do do do 4,.4 . tamp Min Gunn Bonn. Conran Brothers, (lay at. and fauna arentie.-
' td. do -...-.... do VA A( Inots-...-...:-...81 lb 44 landrinall. Jona D. Park. Masada. Rants, Brigham 1118
ast do -....... -do 4,76 sdo -.....- ..... .... do 341 8 Wain st. EL Loins. Ronald Adanla it On. N. Urbana
tdB4 - do ---..- dO Mb dO .---,-. do 4 J. Wright k Can . :,...tss rityl4 dalitlyslawB
do do TAXI do ..„...........,........ in 04 _
Oat Solkiis. Bto ili SIAS 11{1. .
Lath. m......•. d0 445 HotmEnies.l elf 14. 0 1. '
~..."' aa a. 70
w tie
: eedkes hj Inah 14/Itres.DdbaFir.d7-153M
a1l larV i r-... i - ig UI an ft
_M c ... r. .....d0 554
_4l: ,
_• K. , - ri: do I I
'Malt ha b ito 4 ;
placorßlenc... ~.-: do C.ldo 44 -1 A Di by
,_._ onir - fur,: •
fine. 11 11.4151811117,4 lb 1x -- • ,
At V 23
a !!..::::g7 LI '
g all:4lBl44ol.eady, wltle a fair dcas•-
aed audilPiele. ti b...
Main.. il,e .
I- - n/ssisSoL.=
LABD—so dams ofNolbl
nal at IL Bolas salsa of 00
0. Eliot, to ens ma..
aids WI:NI - Ebert met i
at**. flalss *Ma. S. •
0118—Lasi Oil ;to I' Is.
and calm staid,. Limo:101.
as'.o la the mall v* at that
PIO SISTAL—ws mold Issna
sat ans
11, POWDKA—prtess bars '
blarttog at 14.60 and able
BCEDS—ltssised Is s 4 17 u 111.C035.1.62.4.; aCWIIy
4slas In awards.
- •
1111. T—a steady 4orosod n 1 gabs .t t rotoua •
111,02 *sr No 1 and 11.11 Gt. extra
I[ lNSlNCls—NNtabuditi toadobettulal Rho . Clod. an
Alias at 0 Ibr No. 1 aaterit Ibr No, Torollsoi to 11. linak
..TALLOW-1041mmred a itui4A4 on* oc two allow
Midiracl rirntedst 10.
TL --500 &km Lizierod Oil
:BE.Lr--20 bbli Jtow Largo No 3
I.!f r et t stanolte irs!,
ZWeL LIS 00.
41401 GAS COWAN It.' »Books
mpaerma meg Maid nibs= ON
m illiallar ci Vll• es .of m e n .
1;57;: 7:7l l Rki.*:lfFiC 7
i• , :
- -
. .
„.:: ;oe S..
---- "ti-A .
rf iek l ksira ,--- 7.... _ n 1 Vial, - --- *-
F:Ziii:-781N Kt • - .. " ...;
...- ~.. 7.
.. ''':...1....;t
.--- i E..-• 7,
. ~...."...:13.1.-
. Lt7. 1 7 ,41'
'11:*-',7,4,P t, - 1:1!:` -
‘.i."-•‘',.__4•A It.• , - -.' .
I:elt::itt S:•'/3-rrtlA
i ti,r t - i: ..,_,-,'' -.,4•-r.' •
~..; ~.,..—;4•rt,-Y-'
T • . •4 -
PuEASANT , FAMILY p4rsic__
An entirely vegetable preparation; plasma to the
testa. unexcelled to It. action upon sheUlm; noroach.
and general system. and Alterative
Phyllr..thliteSeo 2: lne Q
MAL - IN ras
I hew. seed It eonstanUT In ml 005011., for
upwa rds leis In sU rare where a gnat
houtl P
00Vnxtdrd. end would not 5000 dowit t Itltn.
As well as the West medicine- In t 0.,. Guar.
drink it troth pleasure. 11 vet net ememoste Ne waked
424.001.' Itprolumt crlypgtky..l.oprstcs_ exedy, 1100,.
oughiy,and i r sore io andteue.e oil entrershar.from the system
Olt isproprzly e.t.a. Already _
SIP ready to testify to its mune:tor virtue..., In.:rotund,
its pargativo and unalltlee. !thee cored She
wont cases of Eryalpelea In it few dem It Is I. •
100 Iloadache. Liver Complaint. Jaundice, Bldney oocco
nlalotOot t, , Balloon ever. Value In the OIL,, Back. Bluest and
c01a.4 tlrampe, Worm., Lw.mhasio, Blotches on the
tr MU°. VA_ ,wcttnlfutl'itgr';'%=4,etthil"3 tbs
easaea, Q Pleroney. Female
u ,
/s tinteeM.
Otellata. Imre of ill kind.% Acu, /s destines by Its superior
medicinal virtues, the ulcerous humor Prom the Wool and
corrupt bile num the etoutach. carrying It 00 through the
nature/ asuman re ravroonarnieneBlooll and lessee the
erateM healthy. / ask my' Windi e r teat the above Bled:
lol t74 . lllvld l eli s cnitele T :eho ltri rdlct " ow n y e profese b rol l = 4 l
not doubt Ito worth.
Rime ItAfrag innodicUon. 000 median* has attained
mich Wouderui PODUlarlty, and Ita 'Wee have increased.
beyond the moat sangnina hopes Of its Maude. Neigh.
bore reoommend It aa aum 5.0 0 r/MQUALL RD PP l'SiC
Phne.elaee carry It with then. CIIMDRIGN vriti
after ono trill. end Daunts should um no other In thelr
Walnut People g in km end marshy eounUieo. ants
het tq deadly ushugue. Willie - refer% Ague end Iseer,
and Willow soungalnts ensmare tint to be, .1,1 lad the
the most potel , remedy let
Glee It a tsiels
Wholesale by A. IL A D. Bends. o.A , A.:llchner &to., and
0. D. BMW, Neer Yost.
Pull di:sedan, seaunpenying sub, tOttit. mg
cts of ten sad twenty doses.
Prlnepal Depot. CV Brooders'', Y.Y.
Fuld try . 13. , Tf. Linens' . St e j thu Mfts. ,
burgh; N. W. - 11AVER 8 TICK. North - Henoyer
Penns deMed
Health and Strengtn mast Inevitably 101 l
low its Use • •
A.NDi the nations :efthotwaseonrinent
etot. %%Vat thsaiol%lAlt Pam, Kurth I'M =
C :4 l lea t" :ll2: . l l ' l,=%.,2,T i iVA l V. 4
dZ k uld In otile="ff:setsr= prow 2'47
Two /dellalt and Tip° Dianna, /muted!
Ing. Tal d etc;
dratt:btinloor cans
lb. tot Tit )
and Wan rald6Ol
=theists tit al
as 02a tad=
"7... Pltbbo
W ood atm ko
dint sod men Owls+
•• • 2••••10•140
topc and etas. omit mans nom.
sad other that..
Almon onatalastortmeati
adaatad to ttortratita co'
r.un , bnats . and P-
No. 883 LTherty Erred, 66n0 Wayns,
PR.401 ; 10.41, IfARBLE . ALISO) r ,
' 111.18 BEES respootfully to inform bra friends
V V awl the puldle to morel; that be hu lowed the
.17=ar f i tt , lanntlrtjTs
. s.r.d• Is rf onl7
Ibla, Addle and fhtier . /taws.
at every nmetr stud foam . •
• tura •
. • • tatazit FIECTS.
Centre Table, Pier, Bateau and . .
intact/ be le Deering eft low es any caber ladelnleam so I.
West of the Saxe taloa. Me sUok IS entirety new, and
beer been etleated ay hltnegt b irtmty for this atm let...
ede t ' i attli i =le!fltotta enTto exectlis t o Illtect elna fatoll
leeln b In NU Of Me Ontures sd lon/P. 4 r to tuna/ 4 e
Otters cell eta/octal to ' at caleench,
ore ty termeston to
. W p so glltrts, j o. : o .
i day . ..ti o . •
Jobe H abarebeaget, rsq, W n Ese i p n .nrdk .. ..
Ohre hamar, Xso. • J ti lll% lip,
Tb 8 0C441.0..
Mr r Pthed . WI th 1111 la. Da
at Mudge enter ankh/4 . at in the tae[ tt• at erbola
gib aria.
LlitteSid... .2 M.3.b."arri. ig.alla IT; eftvw.s Ir.;
al, - .‘z—.-Water sad lontniUe LJas. and Mann Pax%
Loth ne Lend zed atones Work. ell of Irtacli be II maw.
6d to nandall seams nonce. • tahLk dliv 1 rlateil
•Ye who Consi der a fine head' of • tfair
natal+ It lo to ist. w
flstiOnn'S KULP TONIC, -
whlch sonars* tn. ttganbell Chas of Ms MOM
itsgr CA sorry on l. tag sag stunts ahy tsudoney I.
Vida &Wag oat y and .dps, hAtnigg.. a by .
riatltrxr.o,,.. do.= ei.itat.m.""
The College of Bt. Jamee; Maryland,
RACING the Colletate;combiertilti?
rnparatOry i_Armai ha:re Ned= Nth
v . l.l . .. t trge th e Enter
t •
v $ :1 .4 11=16
a=xtgrd=. entruees W.. Students
4.3tt.i " aar 143 of
A v idatal= k ite,
IsTd.Sia : ' llonaso St. Jame. P. v..
• Stoves, Zendertand Are Irons. :
LSI Wood stmt. As en. WWII :Us wind 'obi&
lota ttom the above =nod Ito would lo•
oft. atct Wm cabals omodlatt
_sa no ID Ilq
toanozo of ono otook. ' , Web ems fdl
DIM. We ant thismalatit to sells. low oft the lowan
411. ' al " " ' MIX ' . th. N T * ...1 4.4 . er a o
•co_to ste. " - Ofi i.e
Iloommot to J.
cusat yr:. •
FOR .TRAVELING DRESSE :3::: 77.1- '7 77 .
kIOIII , BY t BUSCLIIIELD him n<6l.l i i i i i
ytZrld dlre innliosprmes. tic
I V Ditto- • ,
. •
Plan .l 1 W,,ti nn 4latiai . , ,
- P
Lau A Tralelat OzIWICAM bAsTO•rit Muth e‘atiii*
r _.._,.___...
AL lity g liP vl llr .. . L ll ,nu UliCH:F ig
oil ' 4 B po ,t l l4 t fo r.. l-.
wita k 'n *mi., i.. r..;6oiiiiiiimus, ia .- - :
now brim:. urgin 1 4 - . 414,1014 :r . igr:s!. pr.”..
":=.....‘i slienoi,'Okii.4l
iliir •
.fte7 MN Elite s lu plidlti t MINI VW daft! kr, • , , ' .
D 4.6 "4""" ank tll 'Lair. ' ' Willi • I iiiii - •
oeh to see etuto •__ u• • • WI 1
YOLING•LADY-protestant );;Inu a itti to
• = m 4 2 41 .614 )0311kr" k"akalli.W
'atm g!ilD 11 " 11 i '! 4fte4 a 2 " 1 tgi
• _
8. th EA . 81L t. E548413,8.--S eat..4 thl o b,
. et,ore .. d for
ACQN• • • ess , b!fokSo(!it:"::t - 7 , ' ;
, . A
.-- -•- "-•-`•a - ; • 1' . "1. . ' --- tritn. --'' RTO -
athenaeum FIT . 8
Insurance Company ic .2, t -.. L . ' YRo mo
• IL -" r. •
of London..
' • ..,
Authorised- tapind,,,sl6,ooo,ooo. Pittsburgh
, . ORLY ROG.22' W.tla rarezziwzr n zi. LI rs , Paoli
- ....,...CE, m rininslaint:
• to. Dayton & Indianapolis. -
L .od •
/0 1 . , " ta "" • - •-•',- 1 0810 ANTIPT:INNSYLVAIad
Bowie IL bran, .. ,
igr i 4 3r 4ca a Or, ' Wm...BM. a ce. '
.. .
. .
i‘ Foams Jt „,„ n
s Zhite. Btsieu.s aOn • ,
I - L Awn:4r° fit h EIICICIE B.AItUTORD Erika. , :ffe......4,........-,..___
United States Branch Odle., No. ao South Foam stn. ,
raUadelphin. .li. A. HARDY,
. • . • . • •
~_. ' • -• aganator ?BLit:aria.:
'WM — 7 . . . earner_ Trout arid Tem ors.
Franklin Fire -Insurance Co., of Philad'a.
DIRECTORS: Charleg W:.Bo.neker, Goo,
W. BlebardsJltimi. liartddOilautil 141rIkToblas
- .7 = l:i t a r ic uoit i =r Orsht.. Dnria E. Mrown.
• • OILARL.T.B N. BANCEMB, president
basun 1. lisuriga. Secretary. ..
This Company math:men to make Insurances, ikm:luinel:Lt
as lhultal, or...eve, 17 description of Property in town and
emir=, at rates 114 low as are consistent with seccuity: • -
thmnany hese reserved a large muting.=
which:with their Oirdtal and Premiums, ncelp
Word ample protection to the ammo&
"Mg aststg of ths on January LI. lea. &spa.
&hod agreeably to the let of Assembly. were -.6.2 &govt.
Tem Inane ...._-......
~tL. _._...._.y......
WL="fillis, l thereby aridity the l
ntagas of moorazoo. wodl 141 their ability nod ANC.
thou to meat with prompt... on 1120411
- .1. 0 6RDNEIt
wan OM. 8. FL onnms of Wood and dd Iz.
Western Insurance Comnuny
Will Insure against All kinds of Fire and.
Marine Risks.
S tittler,J Jr. Thou hoot. Jue. Noßtoo7
J. W. Bu ller. - A. N Buick. Geo. Dards,
Audrey Ackley 0. W. Rickstren, *WWI Helmet%
C Bunsen, 6. W. hmtemr. • • 12 16 ,12 r0ttt • •
Wm. H. Eutith.
Br - tt home Iturtltutlaa managed by Mochas well
Immix In We commtuankud who wW o_trutt
and promptly Cur ell huncee at the Orncre, Na
b 2 wetes
*Broth OMB Ws Werehousea 10 Wake, Pittsurgh.
of the Byt
TMS wonderful preparation and certain
remedy. far that most dreaded of complants. has
now obtained • rem:Matlock to mint, prseidee, and ma&
oaf tke aidof advertising,
by any Mbar medicine hitherto known.
trlgTot daagned Chia abort adecrtleement, to qty•
on emnfolons or tobercular Oman, ere t
perusal and can be bad of all our ascots,
I will merely el.? that it to
nydis eear
whim all other rentedlet, have
Amonstt the inkatbattlibilqatkine hum&
thy et ort reinarMb cum &nth. MUM=
rcV, l =l.9
and nle alidlaesne• of eta chest
and loner. taints the CAewq•
, nava Win monody, Canker elk..
mouth, • Commiron v nincir At
bua an <tall othat Ms% amb,Nerr•
outzueltamooleboo.slltatattoonadlootiot Dire
rtholed lam Spitting d Vomiting of Blocd.Plloe,
ribooplng arctorlot Ja and
ondisomwital ' M i rltencylitsontinanc• o Wins.
Inlboensa. tlw best rya saw triskalZ l' n
Ornial, or htone e Inadder, Lombao% and
• all Pam. Rltwomatism, Ifarasorna•PalylW.lon
o Itcz e.m. fleart,lnroors and Almon; Anson4l
cdßlood;AttophyorlYsattng of the
Body, and imsAlttku, UMW and 'Camp.
ol l eet d /?l==•in th tlm iT hobien n iul
tea of the Breatellatulge. - Sick
gertachaDimolorationsof the Ma
BVIMMOM Ormiplaint; Maus no d
hortw gamma,. a all imam.
• lOu of the now nom
whatover mum.
BOW It CAKE TO: BB KNOWN. ln.axantceim:nnfte Modal So NM • York some 20
M ." 'W PM "t.oika
lim or I=orolm es t i nta, W
and Mr which no certain ca. succemihi mode of tnittunts
Mild be adopted, 1 tom tomato ottltthalltisr with
it in all lta mat Yin:lent rum; and aftaz too years oral
mait unrmolttang Lb*, ormtrod And bobco to tool
atott ra Motalop koala ma t a n=a ,, ,.ll
. th t k b . Liffitt
mr practice ova elsht years, and Roam/ boa the dcm ac d
homota (Intl:mut adverustas ilmrtpepen) from n
=it. IMMMIona ram trteelll37lgoa. nun month
01, that I -tom doom:tool to the sotretizot
throstottottOtto the o audit its wonderful our.
atlve propertlea. 1 no fully assure trove who rosy tool
elsocood to try it, that It le letlx.l.ltettlo2l24, and
tkairismk vs .,
Asbzwitaw-rxmlalltill a.,
15to moo nil bustl-irbottimitto st;tclotOttoot_ .
'tr".M-M4PVA6 MTSVAti l liira j P "*.Cr°-
Lo tta moollebto on 7. havens tocrednicom.
I oil" rho vivito. p•ottkoo all diarmea, Loamy whoara
dirpooo to 011 at 809 Era way. h. Y., boroe; 19 and 9
eftelt, P. M. •
• ea. de,urns extst A ar . p . ret..M bottle. and Itcaribe bad
cjcsi=lf.ritim, iii . ..=.4l , lta n wv . t!burgh; h.
Pr - rpal , (Mtn, 109 ttrogyltrzy, da-17.4
ilelipoid's 'Genuine Preparations.
, MIMI' OlinClig'MAT=
I 0,
0. , ,., 41 . : =all, g; Ist=sctaal a zr eiltl:4pv Nto.b.
. a:IM Dissasee e•°Ut*':W t pl r e gn ~ a l
" ietile b V 'l".
, &ALB OR i
i from .01[4 " 1717 01"13 .74 I% f2V.7 1 4.1.
I_Taig f' rear and non& neer la now Wheel to Ma
e• and coarantied to mho all the eery r i lla g lota i
! at the isead 3• lll . rortlittlid U r ' .. , gr a s s Macnina %6
i did.
t non II moaning ths acts &ohm &Id aniA••
TIM allaymeati and Inn 'blab other
reel ineartsbiy ram, sad era be-Wan i with WU
him sad nrelifteo vaunts. This Welles remedy
hu sa theranads upon thatriande from the lards of
Axe Ogees tf 1 6. 6i: ,. i x,... fr050 vranntars maw la casts
&Wash the ad nod& lath. only arliela ger
thy of Last ean at ttia seined la rerforming
ni, natal& to agrotto.mentilionither tatadigis drug
al Da.. ilba=l,..l.l.l%•yy.rzig:
by A eltheran mil.boa *. t hinders (tom buena"
Y " Ted* me. - . Re toe. =
If Thsvii inpof the atees eT, ll ia•
rrsiataeo on nWi ~ ttielti. Dignaisinagionnis.
With this to&. ran OW oar veinal; ate thus vm
-,./ l .lTrfftilLl7. IND MILL PRISTAIL ' ~
Mlle dos streecti)y and ethet=r t 6 man
eiral lbeen of serest aisevelm aint enry re
lief of nutter fro& ill" deem. nearing the
...6 visefict.tetatraofedleager.,==.llirthuibtoel.imuiza
delicate the realized sad daelgarted
to bit IV It &Wog both am pm, iota til
1187 Of "OM 61/meate, • ,
• MOM amtartraArab ,
Compound Flaid Extract Sarsaparilla. •
, 4 ..
ogee nferewie tv.. .erzie raok eure_
od i errtglearek ....O .A.6:,, tannic
th IACX S4"4 Cder4O 00 42 40, fA ,C 7PArg " rat Ain'
the mot . half atetag,- Iial• d licad, rli
or itel*ost Lpos. Ithaw "ad onelmdkives.
Term ,11muitesmIne eoce,arut attAcets OM
It Is inettryide tethered:est& olUissetrediellue to tve
able to state. du It le nos aney three yeargelon thee'
Roe are Introduced fluxing which ties they have boon
ertenstrely used IA rations tarts of Ms -lineal Agana.
alrand ban tri etugua.pstir
bz,: „ .......z..,....7.1....2,-
they ban ineariably gine the nett ds•
=fad mismintentlifingloo. sattrrodoosd then:wet
Ishittal7 find Ontinvial sae& lgoreotrolis to have '
a= a soeingtema the moat dlithigitisrad ntinidane to
the cowry sad from thei=rti of "nee melee
memo, rsoiontendlear to highest taros the vat& as
there soadleasa and taste so ty veer all other on ,
PArStiOA/ AC nth endlents sa ths 'mein& , enure
mtit i
..iltdoinervis =t - noi4Ziarsa it ezlit b a . aniLe:
glom, all of leach &town .111 Ohre 'astoollaglh the
ma% t=gerni gl i gitzl i t a =lthial Tra .actort.
elm and the lAVAitiment of elltinnat mantra* &Ir._ ,
amen dawn to Ong id tha exthiatin malign. Wadi. '
in ixesszt=are doe fidgentlf r lmmi= m lniAl • sag
gler,t,Me leofirkrow ar ft' 1 .m..... 11211152 manageovem b lirr
I ll a e =teih ti i mfi r an, ts U dertaltin sad ham; i
a t to tharatilimadlo tha fleet Mare should
be ataadArd pnparatioas of tualdemsuragth arid power
grimuortadnatitiout uTo eget Ms awl obviate Via
egli alleidel to, I Itsee madam. Jiallibill ot inchoate to
M e ll re.erL i Ztlia and Both ilid to ellforord:
lent eh/biota= Ihr their sollibritou• The experlents
Itt=tatitige i t tarbir d a i rlf with mil wat&leavoni•
Mold Iteogieri. irbilieleviitit altelvValifolgthr m arel •
else they us evrensate4 to to made Ram In a &mire:it; •
entrand RCM SllC ,..*. sr• tag man matire=auswkdali
eflti b :ddie le a DIM, cir — tiaG7 , 6ll6.l" *f t i o tha listio b rZt
drfolo sail iris bottle folly emus in strewth vas gallon
attend nailtaraellgor anal& Is. &hely muds.
11.14 Reran
A Ed iirear am, eells - It per bottlAar 0 or, th.
O. .." ""• • • it •
• trendiest& & eliZol neconnoilatheis oar-ham dbitta.
Italsheistdanore sr plunking allt amonnaoysacti
plelierserog r • Fe aria soldt r n i cateorm
it 913
te tra Street, mat Os 0 4Vis a ix, et M lt 'f ai6
To te WWI of
Lie nod timbal la sirsm &elm o.
es pallid Sten and ilanselea • " ...... .• -• ,
r.p.plamiNG mweisnyilii: , .
-` - aso. a. lENTailta4oWrod ftVitesib• .• •
' Wool Manta.
Ail hetes Ito en andltine ithigiett to rromistat
naive lautottiatimit,tios.'and lies Student& g •
-- -
FiTAtin,Ttniz.: . .
gius 81MORIIIER !mild reepoottally
Ibren Illirgaautth• tiu4 tu• Tquo bat.
=tut of pal WU:woad u toy We vrorrl.
- . 0.421.071 . 7 • AND
•Ttat. oStauttro clammy War Um rind In 11 . 1,
Wlttoratolar 0111 MILLTUri to
..mosa.o.nd • gt•zoog Ittros ot Om tau
Len lu etzmanew Mao a • to. dank wt.= Jur
win D. noly tee to Oa' Mai of ttla numnostir
bin& sad ctutotaank
• - • /CV/ alien or
mut»). • • • •• sis 4 mkt *Slow
Of il t pVia
..., % b . u ."' she '""lit artai
i m
War d . • t toms. Auta. at .r.L
Ida deaf atot i a AAN. 3 , mrsiN .
1tt.T.43 asallosa ' at i. ...7o.arill to sold tat I.tto eslitittott
t o irrsZ ' •'''.'s*44 - Vuiranritikap; tr W unas
. • floomi with Ocala PoitOil ftent.
tl Vitto.trltagatb. Fo t tang 414 Cabbie
out tat geWireszaahoen=icAmou "4 " ral weri,er,
umer------------i-----iirrotOr . it s te4v. sr..,
illoNbsdaistßoßo ilsOk A ahs
- P0n...11d 00 FRILIMILM tomcat taMlu, M
WI sod °mule si p a n a sUlaalaalL7 Pa pansuat a k
ntngifxr,„Zetirl oSIMISIIItegnitiL
/ ismuumr, payable oto.l.assatall,, a; UK a=s at Lea
Tin th e ;It. ortl;;Gllafat The earieeet er ralie
: aPiad- Ittasartass um* 'Bondi Is moA b., u,,,
• obtad nr, •Ar t.baabassr i rm 1,,, w ,
• rime ea Lasalsatlsl9l7,.re, $ a il ,
. wad 8 VMS 111
.i . , ~. ... . ,
.Piticar isieVisCarretalLty.lanC4o/1.,
llia li ,;• litiftilte% ,l4brtitt""'
114.411,Leni-- balstvor;
Nas nakt
1- • 8 zirradithiAtr.
JF. "4013)151x,!---
Via ratline Columbus.
to ti; cam=
iloftoriNG at Cinmnnatt with U. S.
Mall L 1344nnan, Oninntaa and lexinta
ena4o4 L and , allagisanni liainroad,, and ths arm.-
tliie • _
. .
Ooaaeetlni via Coin:mhos and. Imeda, with the Dayton
and Xenia and Indiana Itaffneada.
Thl9ll4ty glovetsola Coltunhns and Cincinnati, to Les.
Ludsyttle., Lonialeciluaredis, de.. to— .11.•
Columbus land Xenia, to. Dayton, Indianapolis., Larep•
l i a dfe r gr4et i vtuttut tonnestlng with the
Covington and Ismngton:Rallrod, u. ail Line
pd T i he
Steams% Ohio and ILLMPPIXIIMedand Lu t en..
lymph offers fuilltles no other route nen stye, u
througlallekets by the emu routes tan only be pro
mud via CoMmbutrand the Little Allard Railroad,
.Ths mutate= Orestilitertia Columbus being the shut.
.cr. chonnau. 111111bUttl. 4 Mi COS./ 6 UM
metiers am satelz• anciPsuensurs hays fr e for
mule, By tbs orest send Bellefontsleveroute Dom Crest,
line, • danarrous and bunkuent Med Detu , r.d.Mtv =4ot. ,
By theroute Ste Cobsentemi to Cbiellullitt and Ludiensir
oll&Purvoseri =ls over reads ballasted and smooth.—
BT the Forest ant P4l,tontahm route. Paaseagym_ tde
ores the =Wiwi. roads to Ohio.
I7rrec,Dagy 21rerans via Cavvena and - Machu. t
isrituds—Fouu pretercrer by BM ovegtat
ft edam, Co umbus, Xenia. lltbUlult•tl•
LouN - Lesin sten and ltullanapolle, Lawyeneebrugh
Routs. Thin mate arrives st.cinelnasti ou hour and
nuts tainutes to nuance of the rant ..aa Bellaibutaine
81,ESS) 00
2D l'atth—lenota ttterbnigh at t.lO ckloctA.: .fize
Croat.. Colo mhos * Xatit Cadm.ti rra Fk
maim atorkeetion oply via Columba. to Cinottmatt. -
an Tatta—Leayes Pittabargb at Ea/ ddpet,t. L Ye
St .
Oreatllne. Colootbur. Xaniti Ciottaxiatt,
ta e.
Loafs, Lexington and Indianapona ',la Lamm:dough.
Ronta. • •
, .
Thew /key Perim, gra Columbus, Zbytt and bailor:olU.,
Isr Tura—Jana Pittsburgh at WO • damn a ea, for
Cleverness,. Cob:imbue& Isola. Darter. Inittuagells, part
sat& Tette Haut& Yinannes„l3L ettro. Egragrille.
tolganr—Leaves Plettsburghat 7,20 *lock ran Ihr Circa
line. Colombo-A Xenia, Dayton. Indianapolis, Lstayatter•
Tarn Mats, flattnass. att. Urals. Calm. granttills. to.
So Teum—Learer Pittsburgh at K) eels.* r. sr. for
Colombo& Inds, Dayton. Idianapolls,lal,V,
WA Tette Haut& Ttorromes, S. Lod& Wm. livannel*
to. .
tlebtterrin Ottrsiboa, and-) co ark
illruiramtl day bismphis, Vick.
olaw Ottawa, go.
Wins the Wrea En mita tits Time Tables or
are arranged Oran in doge onneceltt.
routs. •
lortaad-Tbraugh 'Rotate. pleas apply .
csmestterstt..Rallsrad Odic% (=mg of
' , comprised& House.
. T../Oltle Tl.Liet
QEO Ticket
' General dgent,einclunstL
ibura. - da.2o-50.07
OnAT;er owner—. °
AprApril7.llo, Peiseoper Tr
will leave Welts rt.-Depot WIT, (SautlAre Mtge..
Galena and Chicago mon Rallroat
AIMS - LIN& • •
_-8.00 A A . •
A At.
Pumper PM.
13 : 2
hrow* PMerog er-. S. Al.
Reba a liddisoli.l3,ranoh.
' 7011. BILOVA. ANESVILLM Ana MAD/13051.
P M.
• - Fox /trier Valloy Railroad.
wn Cirnll, LW, TEDICIXT um =WM.
Femengsze-ei...- -- — 9 A 9 A M.
P M e
• °ruse Asp =Ciao canon aatutoo.D.
Lam Freeport AS) A IL—errtee to lihkeete LAO AM.
Leave Don elth ILII6 A M,— " . " AtO P M.
Isevelkonleith 6-lAP M.— ~• COP Ajd,
L I" n v m ii0 6 14 - " V" ° qv', °
niaare AND muneox salacit.
Le r. FooSVlne 11 : 5 0 0 0 il7filliti' attn. iAO P2[
Fox szvzr. ve.taari RAILZAISD.
Lys X . tgita 9.21
in 0 . 14Vr0 . 1 1 14 1 1 111:
,iparau atm. Mic P
reet [tithe irrest iastern
dI'4"II" ES. Prod.
P. A. HALL. Ant. (merlyd) my 3
Pemucylvanui Railroad.
U KENT. ••
• CRAMS 0711008,
gMr and after Monday. next, there rill .be
at Mali traLoa betwara Pittatrarsti and Pittlidat-
TllllMtmliLvt3 loaves Pittatrantb
- Ptillabdate at 620. 1, M.
a- t
aa THU FAST illirleav Pittalat#lffdaPldlatlatata
P. at. •
. - Oath ' 6171111Mx=d,..t.
Llostess . as te
m i iat,, ers .,v iltassirtset 11=7.10 aleaa 1.
.the jet.
fiti../I t l;== 7. lstent . .. i stit, in if e =
Coyest% ,Colonbas &tame_ .st sad Moore,
Ohio; .a. st/a the, e.o.m. reed /Mats tram sad to line
One" az Loma, Loon - met saldectroarstts
Tattooer 7.lstets ess be had to or from • eftlass at tb•
/or Further me/testi, so. ItSad:bitis le the
stems. poles. Passaszers frames* Wet EH find les
the aortal etd Ince sztelleoss route to Ildlelstplats
Bettslorsytter Tart. or &utas.' -•
hinlind_rk4Mie...Ftwecurr Zdamilasteeml. •
AMOS. /MX= domit..rarrotoor Zosat4Ritteetpdts
. .
ichlgap.. Southall er.TNorthern
' India
E 1 .101.1 TO I I lo.thou.oAuu,-ctinnorst
thig."92o_ Trlll Clini Z t lall i t
c'r gitrini " for
i.l=ogd . rk i htli miu e W h ao u razkja . laig=l
esco and Illadtelmil Ramada stet Miele Rim Line o
Steamer' for Sallsßock Lelaret; Worths sad all rant
en the Moots and Alirdiedoyl
te - .4 l .Telgrsll3l•aves Toledo it 2 A. IL, aril".
bi iillN7rcxxviZA . in lung-Taxi* u
'settee&oev P. PI. • -
ad- g
t .: lrb leaves Toledos! LAO P./L.
<s=tilagair 'Aim P. I .L, ate
elrotlnoll at OAS A. _
Oos wimnonSomdaya . home Toledo'st SIB P and
armee at. if am A. AL • •
Foor Celli en the Cleveland and 'Ned° Rallmad.
ormmethes wittothe *terra. _
erecting this OM and rennel Railroad to
Il dsta4l7rnd the &Muck? and ntotontsla pansoad to
Idonnont "ll them eanneeneith the (nernand and To.
led Rat i on 1 i Ckr nrrtg tau connonchnto EltantQa.
Pgakua l ina Tchodo lli tignsTreleiaMrs thoe d froze
Attest to Wawa 'ls .18anroadin Illboart•
Timm can as toomoradas ths "Com of the
Pittatrtmer and OrdomodPertne; Rag tldis
tmOrt ths litcounnognna J3rm co, month. new.
.-L.D. AMR, •
traclntrab.. nti 20thja5L-tf. 'AL *Land , f4L &IL
- . `RAIL: R0A3:14-
• t atotteat anctottiokeet route to Ohio&
COt tho North 'wool:is VIA UNMAN)). •
-•root Is Oct llzadrod sallow ohotsor. sad 41,611(
arm boors
Caleb, Ursa the'. tizogßattoona UAW:-
Throir bollyt't !ottoman PittobiLtich
toot Dorlr Tralusbotwoon Vineland Intl Maga.
Tee to Own. toad. 8 hose% -Mow., tO to?nog
On orrd. alter Toe*); kir 21N.14 1816. tho trittito
OW roller will ono as -
tearerains of tE•Ohl6aadhan.loltroultnrbsiillar
barita st.&oo T2O a. sod &STO P. la ---
Lasso Minato at. 7.11 N. and 11110 A. a. siall 60. r.
Ornalard at LLOOs ki 24 3 0 /I' 1 and asa tr.
jut Mtn wait einsluot sad .Totno Halan4
1. --- =.11616400,R0n Is/srat sin et Lastla
Ilassasses toefola66,ooSono, St ands mann
'Man las
I TO4Is, LSSUL Want,
atto anal wait visa sattrottra vita.
vilnan Mann_ rittstranh st
1..10 a IL, as Ls 00 so r tract 07 •6141 ran ens
nootloas an =Ada tare li b to tha sap!. Wats.
,Tha tntsullsertast pausrarsol 11,a0 s. and Wats.
ran a 1 r. an U. oats arm I.s. match psurnns
y matt emtlons .oath llama r &Maas 60 the osnattirse sitensl y ris i
1.5 •
i 3 -trawl rarest arr and 1110r061 loan Shah. larallaw - •
ilLiEsslsTe,,...nlkh rr
,A d w i taceslaa• Octant
• 01 Sett d s tslsia hallo& at 100 ia, 21= at arso '
I X• s l g=l " , 4 1 C Skid 11111 t '
• stoma. to Ana&
an nu l adotbas paints I ra tlts North wast
Si. Wallnals,
ase . .
Tanafor Montana ominet al Rada= vlth tratu
Ski:Ta falls earl/len. ,
• mon= Dorn, 1.. t Phasdelpah, and 04bar . sti;
tans ea
.Verret astenattotL .
_~ra , 42 di-1 1
• Trsha tem ClsraLsal to Ilion and Ohleno-Issirta
asvolano at 01.0 A. IL. ASS, 620, &LS, &LS r... Anna 1
Lo canna al 1040 r. a.. CIO A. st== coo", lt.
: • - lau YU al.llllro AID
. ast(Lus. Id dats:•• SS Clan"
Alltsass.-.50.00 la La 8a11a....15,0) RS 60
Dofpto.Oorostand-400 TT Rook 1210101600 • 16 00
lon Cltr, M,lll )4 la
14 00
lanamskiZo Strtiossalol,o 16
10,00 Bas 00 LS 10
T* B - ar7ar....16,01 14.40 SO 13 80
iLL0015........1aM 10 60 • • •14 01
46satrard Nan toSb,118,00: Link Lassols=7
' Ltair ettsclornato 10 , Olanklasol sad
mum than Using al LOo
Orton( Oaataanis
;WllPs laoe.balov
inn J. A:ollPi li =. LUaaa
a •
lantary/vanut nailroalL . ' r • •
. cm—
t i _ TA. cm— to, onnectuog- t..
- *Mies vitt% ittatato. it °Almada:44 sod
thanoattto atm" IT7 /1 00 =La Staalritt
ne . r0 ... a.t1 alp =wets at .Pi t walk (wan=
to a/Iqm ths t own Elm% sod oCara•
1 raa=ta.if Ilati vitt , E emote' to all tau
if.4ollltreutero 'Wait the nate. sad
ttliar NaLIWiT iris Iwo t& sad
r n labPailrDgrauernramice.
41 : 1r"r17n4 utlet#: °‘"4 til' '
1.1471°°2° ' :1
-:'' ' i ra r t a ftZ sad 11•10 .‘*3 zA 14* 71° ' : " "43 ' -
;4 11 ttltfire..#srlta. Bart() ,
L l.
,‘' 'IA . o b i u= al4 o.& .l. tL_ C e ! P" ' le6"
L4=9 1 6.... 2 r) •
V i
ci s tlou. „ pq locm•
11"1 0 111 b.. 4 .074 mil kat= .
t*L.eta. ter I Oulta. tottslll.ntaat WY& i
1-32 ma WA.. we Itteardlos OP ibonino..llll3i
tit Itatbstrtles. 4 ; o4, tic ;
..,... • t • .. • ,
t z bt il e:l , m &o WO* 3=IICMI
0 too
ex 11 aril I
1 %1 aagt—lttast Pottaratittatz4.l..Alliotta .
ft l'lt.4. 2..O. S = l Vl P tt h'l' n itt " :4Btr;
./ 1 01.1.5; )'l,*lk, It. ..e....
lilt rt a ? I.o.lntle v?
P MB Alt . % ha/1612=M ro:
. . •
_ • TO Intitlme • y,
tr.ZnM.* IS=4 l ah i l)l4. 7 tlt t ir t iTljrgejt3
I rack . 1 1 11 1Artalk ti) LZON
•Itg l f ltaW 4ll / I =Oll dine* it Cliao6
Wes 11.10 liooractib: . • •
lore a tickets mrat at tar abortV=Ell
%p.a.? ili-411zat=i1V.
.pwrukr epnow gotta &lon to
Vara and avaszycorts4a N ultenelz-40 7 enicnidArs +Lag. i
th., 1838.
QN- and utter Mon; tha -11th mat., the
tootengertOttllttlebt m itin trcno Oaattells.
toetterofatotion—toottototittilttcattatlA Maio
w Pasorn wl:" i rr irvin to; t ettr i4 taktryßfil Ilolpo aye,
itto — biVi. C. ILI. toritif POO A. 11. ' -
tostl P.
a "
"t"b aktiunk
Pusan's. I lasso Pittatottgh at ASO P.M. •
Inottes Stott= .IP. &L
Oottoy's Stott= 5,16 P. U.
• ' Ottutiattlille at 7 P. 17.. and mire it
Unkattont constrntans. - -
ntorthaod.tto Ottvotdod It lorgatas between
Cazoollintoo mot PittabttrObt •
Parofrona Onkatowo to Pitub0rg11.........—.....—.41,75
Won Newton— 1,2 a
• t.te
Pastoorott via hadthan tbo plotatuttut wd d.". 4
rents betvrant Unkatara. tn.. to Ms..
burst,. - DIAC.P.B.TONE, Hoyt.
Oatkottlstillo. Aux. 7 th. IMb. I' aaD
~...__otlonY, Yaaey RaDroad. ,
all octant Cu the Allagtany Cher,
'aro Dar Tribe teen Ylitaemzgt or Elloie
akman e Tin w. at B erlcor. A. H. no ltitt.a e l eL
Clayton, frantlln. Eel Sank. Only', .13end r .tdahonjo a , •
tleinutratturst. Croaky Ilia and atl pat_ North,
; Erelong licctua.moditiot lento at 5,a, T. Ay, i a m b i
atl jaW fi ka t ZTAYT27RCI:----.:.--.-11 26
672221eatx......-- 1 9 Clarion ---....-....._43 7 s
,:*-7........... 2 Ptroxanantr..----. 845
.•-..-.... 26 Eannotshing......—.. .2 110
e---........- -..." 1121 il Pb al..__ —77 - 4
Ma I Manama g....--.. -.....7 I 74; .
AgllMtblitT4 .....i...... 2 0. Texas--i....---.. 2 16
.t11.66h00r.................... 2. • 7t etectrantraintrat---...- I to
Un5un0nd51et........4....„.. 8 91 Etroctotlnn.--z..-... 8 10;
• EirTtokela to ail Ca same piOceo can Be olocured er
the taue et the Ootopsay. cornet Pena rend Wales ata .
or at the Motet Mee to thaDelOot on. Taylor street. ,
UZI A. J. 110EP211.. gateglntoniten
1856- ..AIR tans . 110117 E. 1858=
. ,
Ais - B.#) II EIMMARest and
Bauth•Woot. should take either of the fireat ftsllzoosd
es to Cbloogo, thole =neat° with the Trolos of
•af_ go, Alton end 04 Loafs whiolurozo a direct
Al Una to fit. f
Voila tomes Union Refof,' foot Ol Woirox it,
. .•
•it Louts Dal Mamma daily , annalya amap . tat O.VI a- r
Palanda Night .tkuntrw• into:Masi • •- 11.10 P. M
81. Linda Freight 8 Antlaxint, &Indus 4.00 a. r
• To Ragusa anaMenstaaa thla trismost dhselmata
Da namthed Indomlna um,
moslllo, Napier and all points tok ths M
Rahn; OumbeMan4 and Tumours Ill E gMnote tha
Importantasslns fa distant.. Wog 701 n Hat Am to Bytom
tattoo. awl IA mllm last to =maned than by any oth
Throwsh Tickets ors thts rout* maw protwarmt at the
rim it B. Ttaks4 offmn fa New York, hates, Baltimore. Albany. Butes% 8.. et Ta g el‘cifkaa threoskout the Mates, and In Crtileaso at
the Compeers alike, No. 48 Dearboris sc, cranks the
Tremont Boma end at the Depot of the MinoW Onityst
Renaud, foot of Water it.
oftmpomelble liaireateiDet will always be air the Uspota
he mama toads going lab, Piano to Ohms Basgbire
through to MR Iota& daDrod OD the DD.
R. It BOWAN, Jr., Fel%
aptat J.
toD. OCIII:11.11=11011.N.a.••• Sameturee AsseL
01:121 1 / 1 1110:1 DAILY AND SOURLY DY
D. 11.• WHITE.
<lrma $ lOTA 811167., Gaon llMlTritab tees.
. - DA IL If—ain dam rim inns= DarsDie Darr
In admen
9,IIEKLY—Two &Zama annum, In 'deem,
anDated maths Iblioarlear etlorke:
cgfel .
liirAdvanee payments anrotrieu re kraal. and in•
1A1..1. L I 0 Pued when the year Is Out. aalek It he
en. ezunve, Go Urea of Nclpernil or Arg". l
Do one insertion- -- -............ 0 oa
Do each addliJonslinsertion...... 0 Lb
DO three wookm ...-....-.-..-.- 400
, - Do one
... Do two m0nthe.......-....„--........ 100
-. Do three manths..-.-......-. ....... 0 00
Do twelye nionta- 10 ..
&ending Cards,;(.s =ea or len peril - awn) 0
One dollar for escd additional line.
One span, thenembl. at pleenze.(ter IL..
__ noirm exclusive of )inetr...-............, Mb ....r
lOr tileh ad iItInIIAI 0291,0. Immortal over ane minah an
for each athlitlonel oven Warted under tta real , rut.e
bill prin.
Wilealowents ...mediae &Iva% and Oct 01.0 ttbni
a ner usted 6 halt ,
o Dtthlcre nt U T d egient:ble fcr b,fel. .17risansw.
beyond the stone[ awned far •heir ^'
ennouncin- andidstrefor'intlee to cheriad ' Ute wee
iie aberedratleeineots. . .
Advertliwwras not mark ed-on the eopilor . n.en.4
number of insertions, will 14 continurd LLD forbid. and.
rCuexacted stoordlngly .
pliellore of ilaaanisdiettlsen la strlaly =deed to -
)• • 0= isrendlw bosinen, and ell ideatlents a
• .., •t of °0n.1t150121, a -0 ll iren AS al aSTRUBBMI•O 4
r=4 the to aanged.,, ,their own businen. an
ior ell oath trargmt ode i*
. . . win ti r l ! l i
rendered, endterreept pence= is .. d.
AU advertisements Mb ehibita,b4 instanfian. Er. cons -,
twars...erd. toweadp, and other ;rob= inserams. scid .1
bnlitical 111W.1¢0.0 012*bl:b. to be °Sword half .n,, pap
.dtV;rolits I =d=r=examis aconsp.
:g . A . :11t ations t.r o.obituitry notices. and whs.
Iniirolar odrectisaa. and all Others emit= catonntrace
Ire C=." relirj*4.=-'lllNiforlidl7d4l4'42l4tealattg'..oilfr"l74):
eile Lteocistiota-entry iatlae designs& t.
to print. alarmism eill or intwded to manna
inerStnal waren. ean only be inserted
with the twin ,
that Lb* mune le to bo paid 1= If inted.d to
be -I==.2 in the foal colm, the 001 , 0 WM be charged
iit the nto of 10 oenta pa ihn. -
•• Dleholc icr
Pe u. be alma matt ark&
- Tavern License Petitions 112 caLli - ' , .
Beal &Las Am= and Analog...if alwertatnes- to ne..
to streamed =dor party rotes, brit spewed I =soma 0
thist74tine and ornothird pa cent Preen =I. anenne • ,-,
many ea an:,. - azur - Jura 7121373.
OnePoluare,thres insertlona
lb. vials
Oztetkittans... ;1: - .102•Insatto....80 cams
Dr. - JACKSON. Phila., Pa.
WM eftertnanj mos
Carre"Ca . "Nessons Doh/lido - Disc" enis 1174nr" '.4 F
aft-dismiss mit/wpm &unload •
- 11" Unread Mlel, •
Yoke= of Bkod- to ,the
14 . pad. "laity of the nosacts"
I.tastlons, Sinking or Ylottlzipys at
aft oor
ftsaltama" * Birt 4anshst , g ,bw m-th i : s
• - - and -Mani
Choaldsui at •-tallotra—
&alma or vtlioa.DotaAlmbs ben:nth' algh ..l, VEtha r ' '''
&ad Dalt Pala In ib•thead,-1/•fielenthof .
: -ft c h Z,- halo „that EY" •
In the SJ4 tack, Che"Liniba
• : 'holden" • "of 4.lthir.
iloorthisalioseinflip . ;;
:• - 3thintoysletai in talllnn the 00"th:roof in ' . pubio '
tlon. dm 110 Mtn • ne=g or ibm, Comas coo.
-rebuHhhlnvta !daP4ticla: tbs Palm tzr
..11,10 aldoh
oh aura ana untsied *stick but Onisthit bag sioe4
Altahartof ahm - Tessettlatiosthm-ttor - Jimalemo
.ad Itarethatallon: and Web unrisall•d_ . by - anYaMlas.
wE ptionWlatha t ant.: :Mortara" manor Limn
in . and amnia plithiciaaa NIA i
- illinloath in all pots of • country _is Imam" and, as
Santa; wool of -it" Althaspotbiltha4.-ccomally Di:
mirieb... "4 to t• nth of any - dm. Aga",
"moo nalaiLtha moct
.1, 1 , 24ag tbat=niath la
• Yjnolsal ix em aritZtse, t on. t.its,o
• • Ireansylvanrafielemtany - '
ibttabb of/L. labodabd, 4
rat tea .4., tsdostsss
for b.Abocarans ear att.
Jan 1 lan
- CVIS. Jamb- ow Rtr. l -Vi.n.,bta I 'l.o
nabs datasaal‘ltb Muth Stabs. Drerabrs, sts Irbsa I
was abb.! basomator Obtparatmat bathe oraby,
last allot cm asst. / also Ust9 rabbi neasdlas, pad
,tookl f. astrunc to tomb me 'ball 1 Ina Wooed to
youressdade b MUM wad ail. :blot four botb of
cscr.‘• aad as now vonmg .04 brit
II ore etas of Garton 214471 . Ilppepris
aka Lfoet •
4thaChl3WlLlCl4e'4sl°64l'bllrttb. las4a""irottaZl.Cctlth.l34ll7ll";
as scab iroakissaat alt. barna DM. yon
L15, 1 tia ... 241.. r a , •&5T . has tam AMOS
anwat fib Ufa
bra dub un=ommasklassM i tat
las o
r b bad ginas bar .oh ralio.
MULIt upProrlez. 4 , prtica good. mut' In b2ers:l7 ttw
Nos tO uglier* ...II Partetty mt../ Ads. say.
Is .IsiOca beak!. aba bat rya bid!
NerirOtta Da/day. - •
h Jima
istd3=l 4 seru '""""11/ " rs_.
end say PitYtictati or mates.. AV= bajit tor
us M.S. =moue day I callattat. Um nt. orb. liussY.
clads torn. ka same Maus, ot km, and a...mod to
Wm lb ebb.. of . id* Iss Jaa... me alb
et Ds= ntiml. COMM wW•&I 'town barb me b.
(17 / b u I dzi 3 . l tVgral= i treitl= l ? f la b =
tuas dem by bay dud tee a/I
b... .t . "Mbntaktol• / VIA =I t 4 land a bars...
. , •
Lift? Complaint. -
3 . P. Rim LarUonb vo 11... Lay add, Lb., aale
da ems. ify. to tb 'bases On. •
lbws WM I*. Borrittm ins oss.rebs ellkstad wittt
• dueue ta do lbw, ti wets t m.nt mv5....41•11,
bat antb, oo beaebelal seas. 911 tU l aaa balm! to err
eattr:lltat.ll/ 412...0•Z0PZ ita.k. n outing./
stab me.•
' •••-
?by as thirsty ba.t.b.b arta llcto all abbolto
Abb.: In Lib and small,* /lb. 74 *tuts
• sod .ad
-4304147,4•tGY 4 EXTBIEB,
Pitutivirch. ' • • "Alltly4svi
.7 - ,110106 - .MOW VlailtiitrOtth
pC.ctlpSors, &tacos Wo!kess]iltiirood enmity
No. 222 . .P45ti
RiIdUREP of nil kinds; ids° Ornatilente in
6 um.: l ans l s n
imonnisjcisvary Rjb farelshad - iit
KABASOLS-Wcaernthst ciffeiiitt our es
. • t•tedn asortatsat at.P•mga Su ,Sokla Sato
sal &t l4 & ted•ri•os at ola
-13ATIEM.IIILTISOthed Ind""r•.°lllB:lWirlit"
o.oa 21") 114013.113.100N-fittOWADERS.
Col /We
FIR 4.awl
sruu a i ecorr.
.400 N-1 our iiiiitai.lloo,lb),'Bhonl4em
it ..scitmetiTuands, =ram arm
TricessPeitaivo : oariOLOTH,
#4w c . um ilido.a=tho affier• at vistas. gat •
inEstozia 4103/631Mt•IL "4
Areureaux CITY' TEWEVETT 808
RAIX -7 b ead.sitztat otturlbs.ab sak aroesta•
Kinks One onatter IlialLiagthil mtpa Ea Wa rd
of ths•dry. TL. iota trans on tonalyrrosta
IV otbas. Lomat, Marl*. Ina., mud or:WA
ar•LEI fon lalontim •641. Rom 11.1 (;‘,64. U 4400 2 ,1
will Perna, Untonl of socialala connalcat tall health,'
socipen Dn. s bode, or vithlnn to purttwo• OISZ
tO•WI or tiyo "Ideal na =ciao a• lisaa
.1g•• I, 916 4 4 tOnextv . .{/ op=
, .