„ N. • I ' rn k.k ~-~r.~j = L:;,.*:;;; . i. - ;,:::.4o;i#Or.4 . _.s,iLt§- P. M. iDA PI El, Aactioncer: mi. ! 2..4=4 &raw itf Abed atill Ittli • , . AIL,BOAD contearrioTEs at due -.i.- i ..I,..rtmiia 7 risaly„, aw.4th..t 71i ecioai . 7.:: As tqleliattsmolza es, ea 'mount of wbom .. li l l l l3 'Noe. 017 tia b ErAseeld: lit. fernon sad Pitts. . • 60 , 0 1 ,410vd 004 Payable at Me Chit - Monti Bazit.in 1 .- i ..RMI , chi; . 0 : .sz dal or Jpal&C,hermile :- !'. " 2 l .' * _L.i__ . ,_,_ . - .z._l_Lct- - oQtrposul BOND At Auction—O a . Thurs. day innaldiut. b ttbt na a'o:Wat the dierabdada c;nty otcinhenz, ." • 1..81.DA9113.d0et,' iIIttRILALLE.--0 urs• 1 -. li.Jairanal f iacns" .99h_____Iltb. atiLtVelodkoniths Drell/. 1 , ; ..I s Le.l:7t= or A erm' a ist• Z'.74e '''': &eV:llll2r.. . ill 0, mot; into In_ twat aaA claim of Gala Wool; (ba• , lag ail la^dlrided toovaloarth call Omer eribleet to ': Ma widow.. itterar) of, la and to . all that certain lot of , - atoosat,altalta oo the aeottposet erld• or Tunes! at, fa '", 'tbo ILL] Wart attire City or Pinot ea ah. ha o frau , - --. oen toot awl azt•orlLl boot ta fon. oa watch laarettal , *two story trams llonea - - . ~ Aloo,at rano ohis...- th, Fawn:nit olialltam . iarfor .. Ton= at okra: ~ -ad- --' P St DAMS, Aut. " EATALEKwE oi mim3l44. b ile—o. as t W it rauf a rimifa i. , Sept, Bd. at tv eeic filet/Stt ° ll/0.: tkalrigat .../116glish =A f ar on , thou*/ 011, Am fattatat i aa. el- rat e*raltta of lawful to natlattetterf ratutrottuto, It trill be aad to tofu ) re. Troia a =lnto • tibrarr. came volnles of * neat .fria,tate and lurks of &sties and talus,. all l mud MUMMY Sbr answer rlalelt the oppOrtsmitr grldom Geo nix elegantly Ulu Wed volumes. tut I raloattle Ettal=as. Abtoastkam us wasks of 14,,, In " tete 9, utast, sae - ViIIPZ. o,ll tht 20 protalitstory of i cattlen, li I ealet the Innate J o hn II te asta',rs arb i rl i tia l t i V clgotbE=gt 31 Z IN et rot, ' gox'lnisigig tfrat.trrigk t ileirikt,' Wug..n tun. to .n 4 Ezadoou'a inlocetze. emit. Ittoyelolullo revu 14 "fp; Zfkhouatea itutelooodU. /2 •e'. al- El butea. radial Worlteof Edanual pad out. . i sh.,u i . )7ottranoeth'r Ponca; 7 Talc Ilbruy etatut of au. ttett Eir II waxen yam's Qat:l3lllm elan ..taratsaMt4t4=l:l=adal !kVA =312 I i nte4akitar=r/IgrEtallLegZuederktuvot learee.2 Modern Paulen Prat's Plateful Wade, 3 nue.7wole tllb.ttoiLixi=toctfia,..„,eettatia iiimrotioamj T drt• es i bro a kil% biltufiumtd far tuantaatlon tunic= to I'zas. sad4l:tilagoll CI, hr ONSil3lllll22biarinlZA.t. 1..--. .---. ' it I To Let - NIOE newttere room and dwelling , con • meted In • fmt beat fok.hod no star? - —.. ~occ no stow monomi :qa.ls sof , neffirtarbooZ ;Alto :Tout Jon - to t.- tont 1t....t. to. ars I :Jill . KING. 210 11l I *arty at. If2rlO,,LET otore a Irtyst., • .. - bestlig Wood:0 .9 ,. .tat. ornottul 1 7 & Lill 41 .. , ..! !.. an. PA • Drog Mom Yoe Inaba,- Lat.-motion -o-ultet on tte Drenoree. :-I i ' _____EL N. NICIZEBBIII. ~1 nvt 0 , 110178.& TO `BELT , At e I...ix.coNas:m OA. induahton mural= a. log. doable .. !. puler, Catag kitchen cad El eaulabers, with w•Ott ,;. i.i,,,,"catirm..l4.. .171,blattfortch lf t iz i a srszen.ta: H e --!:Mbniteavarguall. tufelte. T tlcto rhino rigthe twig 117py .1111/11109.17 • /11111a0dILLI IS CM b•h3d. 1 ....L . - . 8. Cuzi t a. II To 'Lot IaTAIIEHOUSB, No. .114 -Second, etree t, T. v tom, Sloan *Sit of Wood st. Intmles I J. BOLIOON RIM* • No 13 Woad strait. 17 4 0 LETa-A tor! allin eit agfto,Myritnten ralla and - tkezpar Dal- L a' -! I -I, • N. sumac, !PO. RENT--litiOt MOH t desirablo seal Aare, No. Vre4 ez.t. Dart.tca'aza &Dalt at to. atom Fate RENT -4. Dwelling Donne on Hand st,tetween meaty sea Nen ese. s t gw n =rnsw rum Ea. 110 low. Apply 4, AUSTIN Loewe. ZI Point& wt. 7 1 * LET—A laiga and notamadiona!Ware ertvraltal 04.00101 g traitemo.EllmAt: OLW ood stmt. 000.. 000, Wd„,,vr, wilts of .WEI 00rnar w ood sad Birth sts. - R RENT--4 new brick bonen of 6 tetas lads ball. Saute,. an-Cadre Anoxia Ths paptee4 anti w4ll enigma. ria.rig. El= _tie In Var. M ground 74)!21 , 11)6 h. a =din. a Or gwd Jot l II" 6 666mittirar27107:8/ maw r 4 . . . Warren's Inuxiiivisa Fite aluiWaterProor i azatottu.on Roofing—, • . beet' for the lest eleveti yeare ex -WING the many of th• sloes - xer mach ailed in ill th e pritsci pa eitiet on.th ..L.- rker eaktek ahu been Laded Weiler mew . , !I irlAst7 admin. anaaiand _been koontreal and palest, ..M i i , .. t.....i=e=iwn. 1 ,443;& . tki t i le den j atej M•igto,klowleigi„Wilrotrig.L t li m iparv b midn ote c u z , • ,ae=44zirwete ban= indacall In ^ - ai l tit"thile a ft, in thilf.Mint& bang taasact Az % ordain* 1 stlYettott. vs nay otter our twang to • Patna. tbs citizens of iltaboatb and elty Its char. nom danekiliti awl Tottiott ov iza blthfirc • • t7roodetr It Mt mot ..our ants os notinahg Itirtn nos and belt IRMA pr lb* —tWo.7 to. ere= Otatuat to oo* • . to lo}omot—tput Ito can nineafienrsl4 circencr . te.r • ga t utv cx h, = .,t;,„ = _ ~, :. ..... .1.. - ..., : piv....,-...=-... -3-..-, method with kind an ... , ac ..:;.-••,azi i Slims alethod irlthl . 4. wuuT. '.--I&,r-rhaze, w illz g :tdd r azjb lva— , thVg Allili ft , tin Zknalreill walittieN a 007 a' .-. I Th . ":„. .. 11,,, t .;t4 . 7lftle str kli owln ttalr bb.. • Idemot, .L •treek dearth Wad Patina lionseirin ift t fulidlo &boa Musa ifsaace A 3 a ir 9 ficza , Th i cit i lci n t Ti 4lth Ogego% m a t ' 7h t,V " "alr tteM,L,=:,,nzNiir-,,,_--,..-griel._ 14 . 41 .PV4 .....-- ii- za. Davie w.. Lore. Remr street r eioal• Oh* 'Pair Potersolii Dm antiansa l i sdastit inborn maklnsci. eslatieedfraie I _____________ ____________ li kri l 13 11 ,_ W — YLLINITI op .- 7 r Op pEtngrA . t 1 1 ' Were Penn B nue. Philadelpla.. -01NCORPO.IL&T "by , the Lepe• latonelBs3, juollreonts±.l cne autVata of tbo .thOusittal Malmo = a lto' =Mot labob Macomb peotosstemal tiodi gopioftertop. iieei:ea . Yom . ANTfterr lax A ara liothnottosatt .ItootooVairr PEof. IL Li. Poison. Chcostal and AAptlad LL Rocltalttem ulStattrlostp, _.. .. ti It KIM". . Gad mm littomgclYgo4 ittoloa. . t. W. ITIL M . Attlkitact/ it Tnognsphlribli. " J. KAM - y . n.a.,"... 4 4 B A/allth , • • • -", V. Iti MICTIZZI. li•Er - 6,41.. abr_.,.P. . vin B. • =roam PAY. Sopt lith. 1tt16,7 or%Coloorm'"thrth.."aso,°ll. mitt o.addrust fAIPPLED L. PPEINVIDY IL ' - • Pinti: ,l Forgtr .PaPpootbaterOolloiv. Ail .- loOlkiltioefowdlP , , IL .& CO, • ate THEIoN, 'Arladia A Oq, 001t1111.18SI ON.MERORANTEl sr 4 2M ZETPEE, @l6O coziorsaut, sr: • • .St. Louis, NO, aii.roe.d m anq x. c v4 pk e'lly* tea P 7 hb'' ' Fievna ! *l°. ileum T. H.Nerla A 06..Pitt•barib. Ur. Alax. Gordon 1 *mud It/FACTLEREL---26 bblll No 3 Large: in . - Mittenaladforaal.brl won R. MITEIRMSO3. TILLEES.II.-20bre Cattiog_C ese J Auk rsrP4 sad • R.EICITOET; DN SIDES-600 pieces 10 anshe in Etn. indPrfalgtT' • jAediriartgk TVITRATE Oitia.s• in store AA sad for We Dr r .1 D 0•1:1171,D. bo W. L a jas. - ree'd and . iIiZLOAR--70 hide. Prlelosale Ly • kg AD26 `.,;::::ALEXANDER KING. dNT3O,..EXL an tierivo. latallialat lad ofl6 il.ftry. In WhOl•tate Mum r,btaln =0.16.10 of linstrou &Um' ' • atiES.E646 AN.TED . ,„ imiloiayi,rt are einu Viti ' re c ia:ll 4 :4 ln ir g" 4 ' 4-4 ' l ° 2 D • TAW:Um* t. at 66l . l loUbs'Ar Knot. , • - QEJ,F.SEALIN-G PRIIITCANS—wIi are • amortaria 12 iamb, all Odom= forjrralt Cana the ea= kladabat Pat staapaOrlatta Etta aal3, ;worm Each at taartaseattd. at Its Invi City Mon , .W• ealuatue at T PRAM CO, 131 Waati .13BLS. Zia* illenaaeo Extra Family soiGraaeabislss;:, ISATIIERS-L44 tutokajturrreo_g_per 0. it Pa.'ll tor ISAIAII DIUMBY IDNDLESS OLLUNIforae Power Shrealp by mond boulttoro 'eoioplota.morraotod. for Oslo solB • noun' Av commit , . 129 w.xi AND (i S AIN MILLS for two tale Battier* COMM. frocd gt. IMR =ItE " I"W° \ Et. ODIUM nalitios to nit Pis tom_ Tot tale 14 , , LAN= • No....Llbartr street EA UER tog..,lsll.ondwateriltipa.; ind tan- Firteari atrarq per renVV:: gr Dmdms a OM the cattisar RA:nar 'A Tall ituortkot lora& A1.4-26bbis No ILarIINI. . MIXIIItIe :414 m i ai 555 Tharlsolnissied" t ßor 14410 AOON-25,0 re; 1%00311s ao !Wag 17.000 lie 00 re 1.0 gore Rad 1111V17 / 1711110 Wd l itat. ' . . BBLEI AO,Ealllqr • igrA •• - salaams& oo on gm OPANISIL UR Pasha , nun IL Bruns a co. /AIL BERUAMOT 7 -4, freah _e_upply jot WA , **ea =LW sal• by ,: ezrzrx . w. IL - LEMON—A fresh Jotjossled rte ale tre • son 8 =MS * 00.. RROWN'S 'ESSBNOE; r 01 7 . , .JA8L910A L2-......4Ptalut—ima, ads uluablo medkinsinstsw Jos ?mum 11/111sur vAL ea 9f espatog• • war: l ? fakmowts. • Ag oi " : _ x lave just rad a very WV also. 60 acuartmeal et rldistyles Ditatvel and ' awn • fait etd•mt Ens 11 4Priots. Watt MI& EC'D ttilalny 50 041 m- triah• Linehe `,/' oat ef rrroottor m matro awl MI mu,' fax at from A) ro SO Shi mug =NAL .11.)tesoN atm. HITTING COTTO 4144/34-7 Ck4 ! ta h 264 elitaiMillitigirta:s 1ff. 13 • -JANARY E&Djunt reed:m(l' br "1.1, - B. 7,, 1 13 141114111 0-0, ems, Wood and &mud .ts. ADD bble, In atori Lib! >'D. O. 1110118 T. wt. Liberty and-Banao sI reand 45r001,SALE bares Biecliau- I fae atkla 6r ao PltiOamidi eialt OmndhHlte &eal6r tabor: 41,41.411111-*BON, _ _ 6213 i Fou rt h rt. • efa 1 — • DEA • • MI alba' I , ••• ,- '1,••••• • WA YRIEDPEAOHIEB-25 • blis . consign, rAostit for site nr... . I Gnnscr. '- at; • ..,nestftp • TA4 BUKNEas 13t ........„,..., SEMI . oßrossatum ii so 4 's • - i oP T A lys u - ri f EB.. I wl CHROMING & B B ONSIFIfti . _ BOSTON ;, .• . . . onraterato' or - . Grand andAgnare Pima .;o;te7 - • • acethanis_taytamt..2 i . .. • 1- .- -, - MUM. 'GRAND PIANO ' .Por sale only by JOUN IL AIIILLOII, ''l /to 111 IfOoyt by tet. Mamma Alltylutz.' . I , 10IIN IL hifkLl,Olt, the exalnaiye and 1 r u P aft t05t u fr .‘. ...... - 11br the BOA focakat-. tat mart orieety.thitallontto eltttarue b s of rat.ay. a... 7. Vidnitr, Oa !hair liberal pilaus:. oad /a stetted __ .6,24 mt ottVed h th = r or* sad al t altdl r di= tatta waumetarr, rionttly 'recto:lst saip= f ora __.- Two Hundred Thousand ••=4 aarlond triChletaino a rklarearlashlit art um tastutt.t.„ Gruner Goo Mao Yana& thlll of mu, lita to top a roll orapplrot their actoty oillttburati. .of 01l the Toddles manufactured LT Um; Una et , rand aPlallund'GranO, Parlor Otorld owl Banco PtaltO Porte& . to the plata and lotrzatead Mao Sarum. all or ' , bleb 1,111 I Loma tavotiolds At BOSTON PRICES m eet.i &la of new enechiner7. entel the valuable thrw' intoxinewrintd the netrinentalletorigeOh br. In. A a.oa. lAcy will be enabled to modems pi.. 1rt,,.. rhea bemoan.% mahout anavnemy Mt plat. Au, chasm way also depend on • complete sad came etOck of dub , Plano Ported being kept at the Warernotos in_ Pitts. bmwh *fall the styled mamma.- erred by tan& Inersby idio n ith s th e western anorchseer all the advintsos of the Boston market without lIINZLISOf tranescrtion ar alt. Grnd. A • Pij rariotOrand da hnet and deenelption ar of ilhickarind &Anis and Spe Piano dew gratis orrapplhation by latter or otherwise Ponce =. or For theft iple sare o s:act& of f the alms lastruenents,dice rnbecalb. hes the velro re f to about Aro aholdrod Aoudad in Pittebuzgh and all who have rnych.a.4 and have in nee Piano to from the oboes roan ha trea IT. ve an also to th e talowilts Prindpali of ileadnarieswho cto.&nano Forted in me, aod-havi iligriven thalanannalitled tertimemy of Gude enpaehnity emir rali.O.' Beatty, Principal of the Steubenville le nude Beachealy , .. 4.4 Era & il. Prhudpal of . the Weathcston A nnie San fawn 166'4E. B. Wilson, IfiD.,Printopel of the Edgeworth Neitale Sewickley. Pea M:ern. Atorplen reineripal Cl the Blabowthe J. ma 3 •64lDlDirr e BithllliM l / 2 P. Bay Jamb ft Taylor. Principal of 1 1. 1 1.12111)041 Scow , Academy. New Belichn. , prt. Xavier P.c.. e Seminary. Tonoildown, PA Prof. Lade& loolsvill & Willia e. E y.'rcA Loitterillt &coder, for Yonne Wm Sarah Thampoon, principal of the , ina, l e Sauna - rh at ars* Otio, &a,' &A, &- Old Pieced tads In exchange at their full valets la pap , tune , YOUSI 11 . aIBLLOZ we karat for Clacked= & Scant for Pitteloarth and W e , penoeylvants.llo.lll Wood at, between - Oh and Dia.and ealonr. 1•114,........... New 8...m40f Plano Portal rHARLOrre; BLIIME.hvi mat reeeiied . farther Sednilf- of man: Dash & Piano Pon% patesit eurosuslon Mona !Lad Oimpotatozi Cimino and with repeating Grand cort. I _ Ail aerial of the eurSolotjtetorLhedlrdAddA6.ll,24.,2., rzf. cogh:timxrtii.tbseeeTibiasd Jooin hielterleor. Who woo President of the •atochadori. • "The al assaaissaatts Charitable Adeebenieee Mb:elation award ad. Diggra iso L LO , esi Arafat to Ballet. Dims t 10711153. ms Chl okao . •, e rriel lt d u ere..le i rk: hod t i re . 00 e l= :Tlls Oa =Militia erropetis The tonarolttes. Peckers. Geo. J. Webb, H. Hi Mere Jab. Lan" sta. say of this Grand "In tartan to Preerßste s b e z e k i tod,n;•4l bi tezd.... A colts' Lostrumrot and These Pianos are with -raft Iron Prone, dre¢tat areas. outdo &et. eta. and it. Pee Tiarrantat to ere tatheactien and are made to staxid.in .test Caseate. la addition to. the above, the enheorfter ham excited Plena haat Basmigardten et Hein; liamborlC A V./add • Co. Banta; and oiher maims et asim TBLd to 11,000. OBABLOTT• BL 11A Wobel et. 8.-010,1:4exas h4sa ezehante at their foil Taira. Anothe i r n in Mitt tft oalehrate• Bambara PittAso Double Bank [tandem tr KIM= it BE*. have just reo'd a 1.2..i.uar. Lot es Oarhares Genunte Oridridea Arelocrecuu,! horn Mande:l4 Inventor's IIotors,CARNAST ttiElD• • HAN, N,Y. anntniriter Osiers rnkionn. ;stet dou66; ma 6 i. • A • lio. " 'Piano stris, with doss treat and el onAN Eiplendid - Doubla Bank Moloikton, With two rows cam and conybao atop, finished in the most attune and Isaterni style, - Thl. La eery stimlor artlels, Leto In Vole sad foraltaxe, end Int terpeo tfol ly . V i % to sktirraa.o.l to'et::lllll:43rall.egnstidel,. by lc" = I=4ll4'Porniiirr .142 . No. 63 RIM drat. .. Prue Bongs. Th. N e w York lilusioQ &view prize s , I. tete Lau.. Into. /keen. Took the itrat t grize M. M. Neal. One Mari he Mob b 7 a•bi tfacU MkIL When axe all Las Birds that 'bang. by hank ller' .us ° d eans Bie tter's Bang. by ao. Caseetse.— 21.. e. V. gla Pegniilile.a/Jrna. el ha Plover& b l / 4. Prank Darin'. . VII: Th e Parting FL O. Watson. i - .. VIM Serenade, by bat StameL Tha gent eight maga Imo stlacted, rem CO felt In Pm anaretltion, and it to el. teat collactlea et ram ram Plabllabed ie Jamaica. aim' am limed in numb style. and mold at ea los mice of rinTh =OW Poi West. ttra.lliesio hereof ial Jol lrrt lll EL ciac MS Ts LLO 81 Woad ate t. TEW DIUSIO.-,Hark I I hear -an Angle et teardifel ballad arrentsd and Mg Nth tra• •••n butyst!tbs „ Fonteztm4 the Caasabeil all :tom era; 0.0. the Crnaprrell'a _LOIII. raft War. nano Forte anlrk etryt Wiry art tam tuff and Laud: Boaorgr - Efettnttlsb. lit A- tams: Taller rabakatl,prorla tretr,Orrlart E. roue; Tee !Larlat Crag hrrlrmad• 3113 • 11 11 i) (Th... Tom lb* a relsetroa or Trr W Vat( ttlA t ik jaulltll"i'd 17 Itrtata maParl part.rall. an2l • 113 Ward g. A NEW. AND SPLENDID _--...,.....: ~.: SIOCE OP PIANO FOAMS—Tut ".:t.'"="--_,..i-Re, aoltsd fr AA the CAA.totitea IlsoorsetArt i , I, ," i of Mott:lox A Soutalostat. awl ottArdls• 'I , " ttozolabod minim to trbicta Um attentlott_otpurenecrt ti etocettoll 7 tcrtall by • . 30111111.MELLOV. , . Ameta fat Chltkorltut A flow, Bottom 18_8 Rmrs zi:(10$ k n sml 4 =4 l l 7Alrig o risaf94 IT Ms. Zasina ma 6,:f92_,0d ■t EV , Vwc)REsiAIID 1:1107113—We Uri Just no'd , ireah males Cl Ms • . , • Irr47.4.loirton. man' uniform a& to& I alnel Homo or Harlot. rub Moo Bromreo zr Wo.cliltreathsa Eateroott'a eguaL Innate Mrs Elolttnrortbs " Itorzibut I ton; Parton'. P 017; ; troZam'eFrosmt: Etrariwood Cozamorelrl Law. Far sal. by JUT • 0./.. b/i Wood it. VOHOGIA ' OCTICET3. COokirdfNep. ej Tama Its 4 / l Atheses-41,41 an% Osgood Swan lj gar • ter Town nad ether mins of nada% Menall. Pr sr* . Me ehan ? Mani. Ifellaner d llontain, fltaon, Car I:p 7 at e irg:4lZ.7d its ' = Afliti.u., • tql..l:d 1.111421tta 17 =1. Pll t alaM 2. 44. Parnolocr e Osoloy,AiTonam Geozordm Zd iTY. destbenoszkk Boon ziondor. no. LAM Greek, Itsbem, Trench and Gemini Manor . . lam arra fall mentama of Beheol sad Conn, Tait Moots In we in city and enonn7l a/Mc *fa superior quality, Mon Pens MM sad &Mot ta=airßforksiVMzuß4rail t111: 11• Q i el ri order: Pannuinside. &Mg Oder. Rooks made of armful, ppw and lit a it* antral um; Par whomens sad Mall, tentlna at low Mom 4 11:beror new Eduratlonal Works. fa etem .1 so FIAINFIRBONI3• NEW WORKS.—NO Saysiy—Faallth Talllts. brßallit Waldo trotatvom, 01, 72m0. Ica/ evoolr Ned br eel • ICAY t 00 fit Rood t NOVEL, PER • TtEdlollitor ins Was nal Ciorsornmero of Undid. It4is two for tho tiroonAl?Tio floreV,loniln,Toltoler • Litandk4Vgal'oilbrlrt gitrlVriFillonti-Fgar of Azr..vinn oftrenanan El orrt'a World, ny sorrow al Trip to Nth eyobrion Tullock and Thompson flit. 1 4e11711 IttrA rt MINA Eft:v=l7:U ban: on Pro. horn TEM Canons sod Dooms Of the Cm. fal el Trent Sintenry's h oloq7r.arn 70elnr. Yet solo b 7 J. IL DAVIOON,&S 3iarkat st. I _ ' • _; .L THE .01IAVING BOAP • - -1 v rawin tic Irtivrlent Wltingt AM, M wry. Ehiti. , ETeenti.lng sonthttw inns eolith of the tbelSwg ItdMIZUJIti Olt branob toilet, ono um:LW to a ••poi thaws," will bn 10=4 noon tolal Wllibl awl in tho nom named mid*. -, /t hat now bow to the essztot II room and tits thou ands who tots need It uglify to Ito ourowling end Wutotbia onalltloL It withal:a donLt von ntrr_sait to Tex wont). 7 Tbottahnino hewn Teo= & Yowkeo sign. ton InAt ‘ wtgo. and Ls onli torttmeturow tw - Jona tr, v t's2k V Pr:4V irildurroitits IT POLOGICk' ItLXIIINO t BRIM. Dd. Uhtt IL KETIMIL - In II•v Yatic km etteratarall 02.1414:20 .... BOOTS; ND . SHOEB, WIL:O,4EBAL E B AND . E T AIL) fM: enbaeriber . reepeetfally - calls the et 4 tents= of Mends anl thematille annesatly i kt examboat.on of ht. extensive max ot.lfoots ant . 11711tfortlVerrAdthegitirodilada4110,irtic,L Ye and Ohlldrenls 'Vara and Mum ts. it lada oat of Um Meta taatetteloor mod otthe styles. 4 IMorder top Mt to? be those who wish to; Mt pod onstem made irctl. be mannlictsmes HMI berm tonnantl7 on band a complete InAk of -HMI .!!!0.11 Coots and Moans; Ace! load Tolman throdra - a.m.* n'ga ElegtintAltrittdar="LEZl,hAuaTot:tt::` than Met be ts mob= to nal as pas any anti lons em tonshmentla the oltM - ..........___., Tbanktnt Mr the Ilbssal Lattranago ....wool . ..remind be Whits Atom and Mow his long hi Mature t M. = etatiktial that km Lt sble te m pluog.ranno ' J 808% non fat Mutat et between Plattet boon ! /Mt at. F OR BALE -d throit stoiy ;..ctildink• house on Liberty. stmt. PllthlWard, Immediate!" mown!. stenos fourth& nt111.• Mils bons Is ED , set front by 20 tat deep and to olnei4=ntn The 10,er non' Is or kick; the stiles tort nos Inalsolf 'NA_ ,It 2 sold neat 1on;, .'sts It Is ed a. Isson Vat tem quassia ortne tot ow be ton . not out .- - • • ___S Doti to -- - , ntt2l - BLANKLY & lilditria. iyairh(ll2 a a 0 coat boats g.ll. Wlckmhsoes good Iquitos V sill elm thou ' Thu.* Is go mlstoks sliest 14 tot 11 must god will MM. It DM, fogy. Tsz It. so ono batti• slay be nisi:ma* of 11111IIIR Ills, gold st. 7.41 Worts at, food of Wood . PAO, h. 'LINDEN e , meerar tion of murtlla g nin gst l it t orad sadc ii mgr lokoMHczi.ablndt e• 6e. °4. Sad 214/ate - JL. BRAD Fourth 0.. eacknjust reo'dand'for sale by EW Genuenco Family Flour arriving 4 IF mad forsalibr sun WALLLINIaOLVDMER.. W.ANTE 2,. 3 1.u- 700 Ting socotiligalrlittau amity fromattO67." AM/ aul4 - AuSTIN LOOM& 0 bbls for sale b. -c-4Thiatre. u 1432 ti ze fo b 5 r 1,1 .1.1 7 - salt must 11. co itys. 2 1 'taw , ;1 •04 LEIXIII. :C1981L10DA...-101/Icgps fh pr ow. AMIDDLE AGED MAR of 20.yeara *Heats ea s puttee' Octictu Ikatrthictunt woU/41 MWino:last Trialtart cdc x yz tea myth,. r ewe t ira f P n l "6 ' '! • rtli 54 . larVri' bbio just reed and for toslo Sul4 ' • •a MITCLIDIZOX. • .AOODT._2 oke clear:. Sidee,'-juet reo'd and formai by tall. ILMUITHINVON. • pE t fiL w iff. 7 .-20 eke( jur i reted Igor T-INBEED 011.-6 bbla par* 'in store and IL/4mM% by. auk , • • RAIIITOITINEON.- 'ILitE FIE 4 / 1 --40 bbli _Whitelith• 20 do 4 113104 0; a hit tlainlts.lr4h—Just no 4141fti7X, in- -sat . - ._ A wITOHISEION.,•- 111— R- CEFYED ler NM tb3B IMOrtlipp dos IfoLutte . 11 0111cred, U. 111141 . CACIII . 4 W . _ r1.18k1411. , 110111 , A. - A - Rm.= ti ____._._................._‘__._._______._.__, . , F2oltozes• tJtairwria4d . tw##bi _ MattiVindlom ECEMB Li -i••• TEL.Eq RAP'HIC. ' ---,---------,-_____________ 7 ___ T Reecho Denote' to the Ostette too Joana 1 American Council. ' -...onenrza, Sept. 2.—The American !Conn= oilhdjaurned sine die without farther notion this t rei rio ll : g lita c tt a Ti era. cke% Th e is akta ls g fi rta li e e le n ctun nlirg su i re ba . llotro was nolitialon of opinion on thie pokt. 1 4:— Vennpnt Ele 2.—Tho ns. - • mosTrartra VT., Sept Static election returns indicate a large vote 4 The Republican ,majorlly of laat year is largely Increased, elect `Mg le/atelier Governor by at least2o,ooo majority. Three Republican member. Congress are elected and nearly the entire Republican legialcr ture. WALTMAN, Sept. 2.—New OflOate papers of Tuesday and Medneadaylaet are received by the Southern malls. They . furnish . late Mexican inteillgenoer The dates from Vera Crux. are to the 22d alt., and from the capitol to the 19th ult. Preoi dent Commonforra government was progreenlog, and the affairs of the cation improving. conspiracy had been discovered at the capitol,, but it was promptly suppressed!. and the leaders' being arrested, were sent out of the country. Soma persons who bad been sent from Orizaba for trying to create disturbances, arrived pt New Orleans on the eteamer Texas. 1 The article In the new COD/10WD= allowing religious toleration, bas been rejected by the Iffexioan Congress. The vote on its rejection stood yeas 67—nays 44. The yellow fever was still prevalent at Vera Crux. The Indians continue their depredations on the frontier as usual. Our markets are without change to-day. • Wastasrarorr, Sept.:.-The treaty which oar Gonrament has been requested by the Domini can Government to return, was, It is said, made by Mr. Elliott with ItobadMo, -a Mulatto, who was forced into the Bead° Consulate by foreign Influence, in order, It Is represented, to defeat the treaty with Gen. Oszenen, made a year ago. Mr. Elliott's treaty has been in the possession of the Government about four months, but was not submitted to the Senate fcr replication, moll clarrepeesntotiona having prejudiced that body against - IL . /dykes roCeived' by the adinlaletratlon give glowing aasurar.oes of Gen. Walker's ultimate It Is understood here thallbeobjeot of Pierre Boulo's visit to Ntoariges to in commotion with a loon ot ,1 , 2.000,000 with that Goveinment.— There le nothing • oil/dolly known hare so to whether Consnt Lielmrston Lae beenshot at Leon or not, but the proeuteptlon le that hole still' alive. RUMORS, Sept. 2.—North Cardin& and Southern Virginia papers mention a severe etorm of wind and rain lasting from Saturday night until Monday morning; an immense amount of rain fell. Great damage was done to. the crops and as the wind blow violently on the coast mar ine diluters are feared: At Golde6orough, North Caroline, considerable snow fell. A large number of prominent Old Line-Whigs are in town to attood the State Convention to morrow to nominate delegates to tho National Convention. , - Haw Yeast, noonßiept. 2.—We have as yet no Intelligence of the approach of the Panda, ooneldered Ile fully due. She wilt bring dates to 233 ult., one week later than the Niagara. ' The weather continues fine and cool. , The fever excitement has entirely subsided.— Tiro or three mild oases were reported yesterday In the vicinity of Port Hamilton. Lear HOASTIFL, Pa. Sept. 2.—The Edit) American State Owned! or Pennitylvauls met here today; 41 councils were represented, and 112 delegates. J. J. Clyde of llarrisburg, wee Bleated President, and Gem 19m. /I.lrwin, Vice President. Minor offices worn Ailed. No. other bisinese wee 'done. Pending a reeolution endorsing Fillmore and Denetion, the Cornell adjourned rise die. Dept 2.—Dastackarna Mamma. '--Gen. Case, and Boston Douglas Bud Bright, rarrited here te•day. The Hon. J. C. idge 1e 10 expeoted to-night at 9 o'clock. Senator Bright' Isriew epeakbig from the balcony of lb, Palmer House; he will be (allotted by Senators Deceit' and Cu;. • ...- Courantlon to•niglie nominated Thos. D.') Once for Coupes, of the let distriel; John, A. P.llarshall for the 2d district; James Lardy for the Si dlstrtot; Henry Ai. Phillips for the 4th district In Philadelphia Co. Biahardscin L. Wright is nominated for the Stste Senate.: settuazon, Sept. 2.—Seoretery Dobbin left the city this 112 oraing for North Carolina; he will be absent one moatb. Charlie W. Welrh, Chief Clerk of the Dopartterat,kas been oommiaaioned as toting Beeretary of the Navy, daring the sh ame Of Mr. Dobbin. • arnanar.rnti, Tuesday, September 2 .—Floar firm; steady export demand; salsa 700 bble. •etandard brands at $0,76, 600 bble. W. B. Thomas at $0,76; rind 200 Gbh. Brandywine at $7; fair inquiry from retell trader at $6,50@8,60. . Bye Flour dull at $3,60. Cornmeal steady; fresh. ground Pennsylvania $3,50r sales 800 bbls. Brandywine at $3,76. Wheat steady, prices firm, but lees Offering; males 2,000 bull. prime Southern red at $1,63, and 800 bush. white at $1,03. Rye in fair demand and steady; sales 1,000 bush. Pennulraula at 760. Corn In !wive request; supply limited; tiles 0,000 bush. good Jersey and Delaware yellow at 64®650, afloat. Oats in active request; gales .2.000 bush. old western and Pennsylvania at 89040. Whisky drooping; small tales barrels' at 88(?)84; and hogeheade at 8311 Nay Your, Sept. 2—Cotton firm, sales GOO bble. Ilene easier, gales 10,000 bbla. , at $6,10@ - 6,40 for Ohlo and $8,90(48 (or Southern. Wheat drooping sales 40,000 hush. at $1,46(x)1,45 for Western red. - Zorn has a downward tendency: gates 62,000 bush. Pork drooping; sales 3,100 bb' s . at $19,87020.. Beef Aran sales 850 Mkt: Lard firm; sales 250 bble.?, Whisky steadyr sales .1,000 bble. st 8 2®821..Coffee dull, salts 800 bags alo at 10/€llll. Sugar quiet; gales 800 hogsheads Orleans at Se. Maltese, firm; tales '2OO bble. Linseed Oil firm; sales 6,000 glans at $1®1,06. Lard Oil steady; elites 100 barrels. Money Market unchanged; Stooks doll; Chicago & Book - Island 94 Cumber land Coal Co. 201; Erie Railroad '54; Mich igan Southern 89; N. Y. Cettral . 87, Virginia stays • 'thgenriatti:Bept. 2.--. Floor dull; prices but little more Chan nominal; sales 60 tithe el:porta. at $6;75; 76 bids extrstat $6. Whisky unchang ed; the zdentsnd equals the supply; • sales 850 bbls at 261e261. Mess Perk active ,at $lB, trith.toore buyers than sellers. Lard active. ' Naw Yana, .Bept. 2.-10 o , oloen. ,P. 61 There hl no news yeS of tha PorBIL United States Agriotdboral Society Orrice, 160 0111:82% EfT., PHILA. • ' • • ttlIE * Fourth' Annual Exhibition of the UNITED STATZEI AGRICULTURAL 8001}111 . . ; will lot aid at. P_QWILTON, WE'hih.delphisi) an TURaDAT. ViRDNESDAT THURS DAY, llitlDArand SATURDAY. soapy 7 Hi. Mb, OM. 10th s od : 1 10_, - • Pftmluma from Tiontryd , ics to pav Ritadiad Dollar.. antoonttna In tha arrigati to/holt= noturmd DAD% will be Oared De the miens dawn of DounotioAniatels. Trial Amatlean WintaggiatabieskOralna am Afloat. ratio ' t ", m Wsitta i at PharZtda. teorettntl it ,he ratio Manaus of Itmostm has been ammintad ' to co on.* with the °Scorn rialto Cathay, In Dettnetlog sr ran Woe that.. xhltdthon.. And .liftren Tbomapd - Do havettners rastantaed to :owe r i 141.11.11. Tqo =tonal md. comae.' with Ho amellntr• of Umodeeted locattott, and the Digo amount of Smolt:ma offend, lot• duces Um erptotatlon that the Id thibttlon of 1650, Ell to 'ilriiiiiiiciAviggisrila=o !which lodise m welL Otir4ll%"6",74l t u oria= ` ,lgit ' grigl i gesaf ; the sommbiaan !tarn, aspnethi''gnerre gtild t lelur " at b N.lfts al or ln ta 'DM . I =SIP. ttlb term of which will to giro on andicallottat. 11.• calm. • The list oplotrito. the Awards of i Premiums, and the I norm:. i fa. wiDto published inthaJourial of He Sod._ 1 - %te Drfrootton fdr, - , ,WlAltt thr w itone and l ftternuto 117..Q1ouruillavtlifwA.itant I,4l4.7APititetlS- Ntr:pfaitthlr' j i trd 2 sTialloiligoLdol lbs &gnaw. at Beaton. . 1 Wit27tt4.- XurP l eta g tig . 4 , •7 1LD - P Zl:ri ' -I. :CLEUT/C' -.IItEDIOLL" COLLEGE OP -PENNSYLVANIA. '. • Lac.ated in Aillitdelpbia. ANSRION OP )11:41H. IrGE above Vol=, the catty chartered IsithefeSof tliff kind: tbia 'settee oldie no eintspi Swabs. tit. Telfstio Ileumor Medical Pm:- 4w Its loam tcantattaa _1,47, r seep* its coons of stnelremalveneir libstel anti umonea; its stioleob efe inhatued to the i o e st l a ol l l eofs the eitelelslgur. e • fi , ne on Toads,:, t iThgzg i Am 'itomrn cad mer irptm i g uo ., - Peor, e l f Olietatrice Dimas" of tU na tturr nottatur g rati at: A.Piot. o uaUtta *mks Mane truirafealeD::erek cheieta 7 .' Jeassuatt, CALKINS, IS. D.' Prof. or Asada's) and .4,4 d. ALP. rrpf.ol.inititatArr sari Practise of rl .ilie u ngif, m. 0., Feet of tvinowsta pmuser IT•Oteles. -• • - JOHN lUNIINT,IIf Dr' =altos Prot of" Principles and L Mcsspeettitdas and f&etonir oa pseaceogy&ad ift ".. H.dp;si.:H.:DeseenstesleeOfelnatonu e ifeeri c oulation fee SO.' I t =c Of. Or au Mltt m ea o rm bt righd ri itai r t ionia. -.Pror.4 3 = ess= Ira =gra . (Dltnatarzions tra , r t : fp eDr es" er4 Ase . nttltftioadooto =himl I l n g the ell in k 4 lttin'TrfiAru,ch re &gime fan 10 ner innosnefier peg of tini NcuaraMrsint srePsele. etViersen u 'ma tab/. -1 Point Alai" 'House. • . It. a A. 8.11.414. 1 1, - itALsl , Bl4': •:a: ;lop , usaoßADr_Autzl4. 1; , ;..wat0r_41.; opposite 4/ante/Pins. -aiLt.• . !br parmailatr.rx r: k r :smitutpßice raid !brood Mal - • . , Cotton Dnek,forlitiainboate, Tarpaulin's.' - - • NEW VbRIC. • J. . - EDEN & J. WERE ----------------------- k LUB LtSHEDTtIIE3 - DAY, MANUFACTURERS' AaPeNT, • The Htunorons Poetry of the English • COINNIft CHILINSIDX AND Lowman) sr. RAI, .7 1 / 1 0/2E, ' Len of WILL Pamir/ to order, CANVAS Pto 1, ,...,,,..,.. ,, ' , . , - I • 72°M ' 2101. :51: , .4 ' bsr. ' ' Pettethes, • ;',:,,,"....., 151hebes Tide, light end hwy. The Nide ant. 7..,, t „„,,,, Thsreetter, mu, L ast indrahlY adapted to the use of AlsoonoN Cam ------* Taipar dle, an andow in Amain aan an' tho nasal. =can= Via roe l PPirrhow ese the Chia. tutor ae4 tapirs the motion. Celebrated - COMM Poems of sandraddart. • /twin also In made far / - ap..,Sfen. The An24l , tohlit. ItHeeted Addziseew...the.„' Ingo! o 7 La; eto suit tines watits snit nano.. for Aanknol, trend. D. 'UV Pow Ss =nab and , ~.. 'AMU are imatanteeet. to Pimeti; with mon ' Lia t r '° "' --.'"" - ---"nur. and HUNDRED SPIONANY, goodl l"ml y lll th ty " .ot Ythi llie nS hare ,*nhblinfrermlll breAssi"leltd". to the naiad, tartan Alio. Mat Bconu, Borlops. do. de, LTD dsCbtk, #..p,, 3i - to 4 jpeb:goy46 - 10? for ay.( bo.fp. mat e The Choicest tremorous' Poetry of ....:tc._ _ _ , stcavams. Wolooth Rolm., Aytonn, FlI" 8r... Caner Preed., 00 n om i, moor ., Leah, arta, .... 0w .,. Pear, Lowell. • Thaeluety, Era ~. Bombe', Calealdtta Eft. With &elm Explanatoryand DI , NraphlraL Dr J. PAR DON, - 0 . rotllsoN intro; Rya De. rttue 51,t0. • IN PRASN, AIM Sill be Publlebted In • fin. 'de , m .Nsteareomes Nen to liaapaine—Tape ChttAnientAd_torres, oodence arts, Emperor .1 , .14; dram and Ens Bowes, • the ensiles. Including Jettere tram the time of their marlin ...snattl the death of Josephine, and &so eouraljetters Isom the Nnaparor to his lecithin. Joseph, and other lsopor Ant per. eonagea with numerous Dlnstnted notes and ,need Der , Join a (11. Manz% • Farai for Sale. rrillE subscriber offers for ealo hie farm . of j_ 106 acme, situated he WestDarr tee-odd:1. Alksheur county. Fa. on the eta% hood from thekerarown to Ikea Dort. and about two mlles east or bakeretown. About 70 acne cleared. on whirl:, le erected iv,. log home, a tars, bait barn with stables under It. • • eel tab% irlMl:ernftre iteldWalltTfirmti Colerrenl i a l .t We. ooler..hoite. de., Ant Ai t ly= t l 7. o 4 :fir . edu t . h be n , e corn. of Ps t ßep "-" er . teAi r gl otter ths.hole Puglia nitot d er: Dream t : sr El (e4ook. For further particulars legnlre of the entemther on ttee wenusee, cr to I t. 11. herb. Wat er MM.!. Anglpatelpr. auli JOIII7 FE RGUSON. 'WILLIAMS at ALLEN BIM:MET ,8T pul l ups. Asp nt le wad baltdln gli FUlNter I=ffl • PAINTERN. LONG & LANE, lIOUSE.AND SIGN PAINTERS. f aa ' Eta rood inftkeTt l itgt eraser Al! orders promptly attended td. SLEW= extratted in am: maim atyL . mh27-U IWlloBitabl, TlCifitiautri VOuNDElact AND ENGINE BOUDERS, •ald us.. or at descelpticau hllll Csotrum . IrtnletiOrMae, Ifarkst betwicr Thu rkst.trj.t, sad beam! (650.1 yd. KNAPP dc CARTER • Itoerax •HOT PRESSE NUTS AND VirASIIERS, Waredenue No, 86 Water street. corner of Market. P/T l BBOl6Oll. CHABLIS KNAPP it EMMY CaMTRit here entered lute ammartnerrldp, under the etrla of Acerb Carter, IR th e inanntbetime and eakor Hot Preload Nut, and M sabers, and are prepared to crders 66 all deem at the 'aborted notion. -malt Cannel Coal. daRDERS-FOR CANNEL 'COAL WILL N.., Low prtuatitl — fded. Jr dropped la C r. order Mesa at the , orner of Fourth and - Woodete. et Dr. Robert Wrare eters Enalthnold street, quota. the P.D.; crred R. Watratee pt.., coma orldbertr end Warne ate. Pats. brash, and ha alleghany. city. at the Coal D.PO9 0 1 . Head. Di.". atom corner Federal and-Learook PRIM Tani Pad ltrper ton dater.red or $2 5 u•• 14E01. Nat do 228 " 9 0 2 0 • " Terme oath on ddlvery. atdo JNO. WEITS4 on. Removal. ffiMSE Manufaecurer of evory • eery a vrAtza BOITLES mut PLVDO BIL kV B Porta .11Thee and Carat 13ottlre, Deenjj_ohns and Barbersalbet Glaraln every varlets. Wimpy" Bea. 104 Ana 15:1 and IBS flue err-. 41ttenerttle Penna. . . ^etas PlTTBmol ica niranTuiE NOR. YOUNG LADIES. No. 288 Penn St., attebnigh; Pa. summon. • liee. 0. ii, Armetroog, Dr. Willlngton. H. Metier. W. A. ll'aneer.Eso. A g. Haim. ZIG. }NM LL Damao .Dr. blab, L. H. Pilot. Rye. O. Dursta, J. Di lindr. Eat. - • b. Prenetw Mut). And 10. Dumb of her vaunt Invite MILS INSTITUTION (foimnrly a Day and Boardlog BohcoL)le ettnated *neer the most flesh. knew. and healthy locations In the dry oessunendleg • I C tr Xs; ofd l.gh Live maple room for reoreetlon.and edlird an opportunity bar eaolt 70005 ha/ to =Meets a timer garden for the -Drenthe' etudrof Botany The bond nor ho. been newly redrted.and the moms ane lure mid well wattle ed. Only Warr • &Wars (Including day wholars,). will be adlultted,rebo kill end In Ude Institution the commte Of home. wilti all the a:notate, for obtaining anterior at. nation. • I . Sri erinelpags intention In taking • limited nmaber, tato he able to ere • mother*. euperiotendence to those Committed to her therm.q, and et them for Um strop= die. charge sod responeltruitles of Woman's life; bents It will be bar sera, whilst ermononloating knowledge in eery dm:anonnt Oyushit end elegant learning, to beetill Into the comae of hit pupils Mow winelpbs without which the Dental:cell n would be In vshi. Th. emelt. o Tembere and Prorroars of long o..1Pell• enos bare teen emend for the coming year. Deeldw.Latin son a thorottab Hu gliwiedeeelberi, /tench. talian, Owint•hiand Omuta will be colons in toe trap I