The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 03, 1856, Image 2

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    r i.
1 Term
• • it A 9'e:lr-0M intlant pm annum. osysliafa alvaatie
eontiltio l n s
• ' irPeranka co admlttad into • 111143a7MO CI trid W e
uta at say itit Wei. at say tlme. try ' etnelina 000 '1.
••••• •• • ilirAttrinee primate are Metal ninet7and tit r e
• • • Mau retetyped .trn alarm. In eat!nu s Plas It 1 e mewed
. ... .
'Po be.. hold Ist Phlsburgb, Wegnesdar, Set.
• • . , [ember IT, 1836. • .
• -.. ACCORDANCE with a Roaohatiort of
flat . . eat grenutlrs Onamittes of tba Allsirbany Oa Pte.
-•- eat Club; a Grand kLus Oorrrenitton of ths friends of
* • Gls Woottro .P......71.r0010 will to bold 111 Pitts.
- - b an Wednesday, Sat. Mina, . Tba friends of Shea
am th roughout the sesta snot In alloining State, an
~... SlSLimity inettsdoo attend.
i ' . Ina tbilowing distingubdad Speakers bars been Invited
• . .. .= - drissaza Sulam, Er.Wasa,
" Aware gram. Of Nen York.
- ' "i .D. anima. "
•- " iiiantatt GAllookr. Cr 0 2 a 0 .
• :•• D l 4 ll l. l Wrzxot. ' orystuntranlo.
I 011atiriOriaaa, •
• ' , " WIC 81..10. • "
• . o 7 .. 0.7.13, ot 11111inIs. . '.
• 0 A. LIFC - 11,_ " . .
" gssninss. Otrzszon nem,
" R. O. WV& ,
. 'a
G. W. Cairn. of Mot Turk;
" 13.1,L CUT, of Esstustr .
:tad gyb es o gentLusin of distinction in otbst mats: at
-• Oscan - WIT. , -
riuo tetrads of Trszannt In the Varlinill , ties 'f
Western Nansylvania an ascent] repeated to' nulls
- MIT extaxigiments kr • Imre atteldium on that ems
• anunitlts of Settralatiost-Thot. T. - It. ibunt. Uonrl
Woods, Robert IS.lllolale. Gnu W. Hobbnitaa Jr., OM/ Ras.
. ' ! - Cousins, nr Arrassnsents-iUsbus limns. lisbat B.
. ,
:: -, Ssilses. Janus Parks, Jr,,J. O'Hara Denny. Capt. Winns
-.. • _ . -. it7SVErr
of the limbs, Orminfttss. .
ar The County Executive Committee will
meet dally at 2 o'clock, P. M. at Head Qoarters,
r , - Corner Fourth and Wood streets.
Fasitoirr. Marmitas..There will be meetthge
of the friendi of Fremont and. Freedom, in the
-.following named Townships and Boroughs. Mo.
*-1 gaunt speakers will be In attendance : •
Ftanklln township—Sept. Bd, at 1 o'clock, at
D. Dar&
- - Boutb Fayette township—Sept. 4th, at 2
thlock, at Woodrille.
, Dlkerstoem—Bept. 10th, at 2 o'clock, at Willi-
Peebles tottheldli--Sopt. 6th, at 6 o'clock,
• P. 61, at Brownamem.
Perzyirrillept 4th, at 2 •orolook.
.Bast Liberty46ept. Stb; at 6 o'clock, at Pub
,llo Sonars. " •
Wilkins townehip—Bept.l6o, at 2 o'clock, P.
M., 'at, Ethlthmon's, on Plank Road.
. • Obto tiivinablp..4t Duff's Mills, Sept 4th, at
Li, o'clock, •
• Biliaboth township at Green Oak, on Tough
ageny, Bept.•,6tb, et 2 o'clook.
rarentum—Sept. 86, at 2 ttsclook
, •:',..;loette, for &tie months, for 25 cents to Old",
will give an opportunity to any person who
desirekto reed
. the paper daring the' remainder
;'i of the,oatipaign, to so, at a trifling expense,
This propoeitldixtill bold good until the And •of
• &Ober. The Taper will' be sent for three
- Monthe',frtim MO time the money to received.
One Dollar ,11 pay, for four papers. Two Doi
limn for eight, lupins. :Three Dollars for 12
, •- papErre.. l ...Four Dollars for 18 papers. Five
Dollsn for'2ospapers, for Mks mouthy, and so
on for larger fondants. •
Friends of Fnledom, help on the good name
by circulating the Oarette. Thera is no
;way of making votes for Ftemr
''''-:•' ' : ' - '- . ' TIIII 00 - I - ' - ' , .' , -17 , -;.'''
V, ... . . r , , „i 1.1 ", : • .r. •• • ;Six weeks now in-
;-" , t .. ' .• ~ '-- '-
. 4.Ve ,,.,,. '''.:s' '4. October election. That is the
' '''
•-''. -' '`.` 1 1 7..--17 iticitt annual election which has taken
..*lat I • . ' ..-17'Plaiiiiitlit this Etats since the formation of the
. t• _.... . . .4.,,,e•P' • • •
+' '•,._. ,- j ...., ~ : '-",„1,, T - - ....;.: ',. ' Merriment, for it unllmeuurably decide the
1!":1,-„f.,,, .....`-;-.4/7?:r.•:'.' - Presidential election' which is to follow. . •
‘: 7 t:.'"EYV..,'“t' 1 :-' ' ' . . . ,'We have at that time to elect a State ticket,
'',., ••';it':"!;-:•.:. - ' - : '
which area put in the field last hieroh,. by. a
, s -,- ,: . '`• • . . ~ ' Chian , tionveetion - of tho opponents of the Na.
'l 5 -.': - •' • : - • Curial Administration and of its mlierable policy,
which has:digest:ad the produced
k... - .:/' . . - '' ,' . ,•-•
war, aid alienated the minds of the people_ of
• • 1 :-_,, - ;, - ; • ... : ' :.'
_,. different sections. That a geed Ono,
.k.: '
_''„,,,, coMpbsed of good men , - honest, . upright, able”,
-f - - , - ' • - `'.. - . I aid zealous for the cause: of Freedom. If ire
reloot that ticket,
.as we eon If we try, Bachman
will not receire the vole of . Pennsylvania. Tbe
c...,e - - . battle will be more than half over if,„ Jdotory
41 .-- '. i crowns our banner fo Oetober. - - •,. -: , ,
...: 7 ".. '; • ‘:' ' , ' ' 'He have members of the next Congress to
-I•_'-',...-..,•„~. - •• 4 -
- -. 1.,.,- . ' , .-; , •,- ".... .- , : Stuasai.•. We have, as our catididates, in lifest,
...,t-- , •'--., = , .-' • ern ponturylrania, men, in nearly all the distillate,
- - A, - 7., • , ' ; ,
~ -- -. , -' -.
• -.
who have been tried and found faith faL Rrratne,
- . I 1 - ' Peinvtmecra,• Kenna, COVODZ 1 and. Dien, hive
.. -- ?4, '''' •• "; all been nominated for ria•eleotiee, ' and will
..:".,. . • - . no.doubt be returned to'light out the great bat-
1 - 1 : - ',; : , - ' .... ' tie of . Freedom, in whihit they have en actively
, '
~- • aid ably engaged. ISIT,STIEWAST, of the Beaver
•, 5 1 '.
t" '' ' .4 ' ,i_ --;. -. dinette, and Mr., cithaVenangs district,
•.::" •-•-. ! . :-. -•' are also true to the noble cause, - and• will do
- . •.'1 ' ,.-- '
,:: .- ~.A . . .. ' .- 7, 7 '" -- 'peormart eervie.e in this great contest We hope
''.• 1' - .••. 1 .:, : -..
' \' . • •. to see Western Pennsylvania preneut an undid
~,,,,'- •-: • 4,- . ;,. . •` : ' 1 •z.-ded front In the nest,`Pongress, sci it has done hi
:• 77 P . k . •.': ..- • . 1
: '
i - _7 , ! ' ~ . '-• .: . ' ' 3 `.. -. . - IP - • '
.• , ,i :has voted w ith ; the Republicans during the late
4 -: • . - , 1 ~,- neveri contest betweete'the two Houses.
• - • - •: 4 "- • i - : " - - ' --''
The, eleotiois of our..own 'county ticket is also
:".f, -- ...--4 - l -. . . ' 10s:treat -leaportsnoe: ' The 'Union_ contention,
.. 2 . ilthtelogedar harmony, bee presented no a ticket
1 - 1 _,;: - ; :-. ~ :. •• • witiolt glees general satisfaction, end which there
~',.." _ • ". li iintiversel dispesitlon to support, odor% the
. ,
".1 . : ,....1: • - .. ' ' Venda of Fremont. ---
" ~ •r k. ' • ' To secure the Liglelattire la almost cc itepor
..t, I. .• - , . . rent as to'eecone the lower Rouse of •Congress,
4'' -'' ' ' -' :: atrthere is a United Stet es Senator tq elect next
t,t4l ' • - 4
•: 7 4 - .....:• ' k l• • • ,yriiter. Entryrote, therefore, given for Me'
F . :, I - , Vitionlegistativelloket, is a vote for PreedoM
'...; -, , 1 ~ • ' '-': .4 •.-_ to Nausea: -
These ire thus when principle overrides all
, -:',.... ' • ' ' . ,i• - minor or attachmeris to aindidates,
17,1 , t",: - .. ":' : t ' Thir iesure ere between Freedom and Slavery:
1,,. ?4 ".." - : • "" ~ •', i • . -By voting for our Presidential, oar SMte end our
.. " 7: 7; . - . '1 : : Omit" ticket, vie ..are voting for Fro,odom and
against Slivery.: It Is the let, of every friend
\ ' . . . of ble country to.give our tickbt, our whole tick.
..' . i • - ' at, a hearty, cordial and zealous supplirt. • Tide
%..',...':,?:-.. ' ' I .. r . .
.... 4? „.
.:. .. • ~ _ :-. • •;._ is the way to fight the battle with wrooess.
...`t.'•-'-',i f ''!: - - . , : -'.:" We inust have oar farces folly organised for
i. ': •, ' llusliotobor eleetion, so _dust we bring out
: •""/,'"'"..- - - " i , , •: ' ...
cur whole vote, and prefect it in • solid, nribro.;,•
..:',l: - ',T. .. _ 1
- '''S
the work after the-October electlin. •'A leek
4.•,,.,-•:-.: • -i , '... ,'Flit be test in hearing the returns, and in' esti:
i. 4, .:::- ~.. ?:.; ... meting the results . Every Man will then be at
--- "=4:''.•; -- : , • •. 4 . ; borne ID htli own dls'aiet, waiting for the great
' ' :-?',":-'.: '.:•'' f • • ' ..,. •• : --,1'., sheet mime In November, Webers, then, only
~.•-•-..-':,- •',' ,- .....,.... ein•Wlleklleft,• to fight theri get:stilettoes. The
'7 • f ' '.• " i • " " "'battle will be- deoldednn thelfith 'of tlatober.,..
:. "c,,j,"-• .....,•. . '' ' ' '.":. - . bo 1 t ' What is - dons mast
~..,:...-. Theruleho time to lost.' , ,, .
~ ,
' ii- • !••. , :•. be dime tinicirly. '. " - . ,
Beat 2441212' num Tantow.-Good 'soap Is a
'i,'desidiraton,witit Italian keepers. Thesups
.- 66111111$ our colorant, by the *chola Beep
Company' are 'decidedly good. We spealcftil
uperinuue, sethey have been tried in onitain.
• ' add Pronominal perfeot. They may not lie
- looking u some soaps, but they bare thli
good guilty, that -they do their work veil, arid
gruit yap They do pot wads or nor
:away, aka tuft fuser; and they lure a pleasant
• - soft feeling to the eldet• after using 'then. Far
:---,;:litsimog clothes they are lunluable. These
seeps ars =dad' pure tallow, and are therefore
odor. Weitanaidar them
sad epicordcld. ' ' •
Tits Pasermovie Boun.—They bare Demo.
emit , * Bremout Club tu Concord compote:l en.
tirrly of young men .ho , heretofore here sated
with the Dereoerstla imuty--1111 of whom Toted
for i e ritak Pierre arid majority of `whom Toad
bat March for Wills. -
letim from the Bads county rafellionart
ila the Hon. Samuel D. lotbamOrho Via Sea
?...?.ielitery of the Treemtry under Geo.'holoon, his
~-Mrtiten ground for Fremont end Pree Territory.
' Bel.—Thomes Bentou„ jr., trio Urea
16/Mohitiad vu lately Demnerstio Supe.rieten
- Education in that State; la openly for
lfassoitt. - _ •
RASCX• Esq., Demoarafki andidste
for' Prountlag Attoroey. bse Inadriint from
tti* &M ti
idNum Claat SWElnbarg. '
. •
Dustup ST D. tr.
WED. •• AY MORNING, dEPT. 8,1858
Fremont Convention
• lar For Telegraphie News eee gd page. For
City and Ciimmarois 1 News see 4th page.
COtiptlgi2 CfazetUs-.-Nelr Terms.
We' propose now, tarnish the Weekly
-~> -, r, -
.-,Tae Laxa °imam tit. Kalll4." B thile the
has reached
latiinothreek In Banger the styli
... . .
= generally Ihritigh ppelavery I sources, and
hi detailed gni% ands* mind up with false-,
hood that it is difilestlt to sift the troth from
error. We propose to make a sneak= state
ment, for the benefit of our readmit, derivedfrom
sources we belieurto be authentic.'
While the Missouri river is strictly guarded
to prevent Free State men frOm going in,
Southern men aid Border Buffianst have free In
gress. Buford's Georgians, who had been driven
oat by the United States forcer, and were en-.
gaged in acts of piracy on the Missouri river
were perm itt e d to go back to the territory',
These men pitched their camps, I and - erected
block-houses in different parts of the territory,
blot generally in those portion. where they could
. best annoy the Free State settlers.
Besides depredations upon b!orses, cattle
and fields, those wretches would (waylay and
abuse Free State men, taking eocce of th em
prisoners, molesting travellers, 'and then render
ing themselves an unbearable Enhance and put.
They were borne with until it was' eowa=loe to
bear with them longer. 1 ..
Aniong the mosi outrageous of these camps,
.wao, the camp of Georgians in. the neighborhood
of cissawatamie. They went to a Iran's ho a
lie that neighborhood and committed - a pe
upoiihis wife and daughter, during; his abse e:
.The neighborhood was aroused at this antra ,
and application was rent. to Lawreficte for he p.
An expedition was' planned, whiob coming to the
ears of the tilling, tboy.fled beta= they were
attacked, and went back lo hlissonrl, where they
had been most of the Bummer. They carried
with them most exaggerated tales it the - rising
of the Free State men, which were duly tele
graphed over the Union.•
. .
Abontthe same time reports reached lawhrhe
of the defile of another camp onl Washiugton
Creek. They had tinned downtwain, and
driven ofr free State settlers, and y their law
lossee.nduct, and continual pillage, kept the
whole country in alarm. After eetaral appeals
had been made to Lawrence for heti), Col. Led
stick determined to send a meivage :to the Geor
gian camp, anti Major D. S Hoyt was selected.
He went unarmed, to Inforin them:of the =co
yish* against them, and to see what they had
to may about it. !
Hi was received by the Georgians eourteene
ly at first, bat was subsequently taken prisoner
and basely shot—hle body when found being
riddled with bullets. Major Hoyt Was a man of
some 82 or 88 years. Ills family, Iconnections
Ilvo In Deerfield, Mass, Previou to Kansas
difficulties he was 'estrous Adaduletration_Dem
cont. He eery= in Mexico under ben. Scott.
He has been an active Freo State Dian, and was
' generally esteemed.
After =oh ate unheard of and dastardly out
rage, a fight 'could not be avoided. .An expe
dition was immediately planned, and set out.
It •was ; necessary to seen= artillery, as the
block houses, where theie men ware shelter=
mild not be assailed successfully with small
arms. Fre:Alin was between Lawrence and the
enemy at Washington Creek. A Strong block
bon= here v:es defended with a * six pounder
brass cannon, Moving to the State a Missouri,
brought over by Atchison. It was necessary to
' aabdue Franklin CO as to leave no enemy in the.
;'rear. It was alsiaqually guilty for, its result
ties withWashingtoa s
‘ Creek. Franklin wa
assailed, end After to hard fight of =sere hours,
with the lia.4t one killed and four wounded, it
was taken, and burned to the ground. The
cannon end arms were taken from the prison
and they were, permitted to coca e ' 8
party, the sanienight
...ion with
h oY
14eul ', Irlire Weehhi — gtoti Creeir, eight
milq Georgieng, warned of their
Tiproeoh, and of the fall of Franklin, Ha.
The party burned the anflniaheit block boas.,
aEid reCOTOVA the bodrof Hoyt.
The next %Bottum made on the camp and
BlOok.honee of Col. - Titre,. near LeCompton.
The conduct of this man had been most infainorts.
He had robbed and, burned houses, andiwaylaid
Free State men, and committed' so, many out
rages, that the
,Free State Men oonebided his
time had
. 00mo. The force of Georgians en
Washington Creek bad fled Co Lecomplon and to
hie house; and committed. outrages on the way.
Oe . s the day after the gains at Washington
Creek, on the 16th of Aug. some four hundred
men room tawrenee, with the eiptured
surrounded the amp and Block house Of Titus.
Here the Pro-Slavery men, who were aware of
the hostile intentions against than, made every
preparation for a desperate resistance; rood herel
as at'Franklin, they showed more spirit than
they have , often . done. As they fought with
comparative security to themselves, being del
tered by their blockhouse, the firing was pretty,]
fierce on both sides, until thel - ftpound howitzer
taken at Franklin was brought to, bear on their!
fort. - On the second dieoharge of this piece they
ran out a white flag at gonad the pert-holes of
their fort. On this the Free State men I ceased
firing and advanced, eupposing the enemy about
to surrender, when the Proßlavery men: oured
in trolley on thed wounding four , or ilia Free
State men. This violation of the white flag
would have justified their extermination, jun:lord
ing to the stern rules of war, but it
.is nor
avenged. Several escaped, among what was
- Major Clarke, the United Mateo Indian lAgent;
but nineteen prisoners were taken, inolnding
Titus, who Ina wounded, as were several others
of their Jumper. The Free State men hid one
man killed, end stma] wounded. The man
killed, was Henn J... Tynan, of illehmond,
Indiana. He was • Lawyer, and iris highly ro•
operated by allicho knew him. His last words
were, 'Tell my friends In Indiana, I amfwillini
to die for Freedom in , Kansas'!" Be bad only
left for Hanna a few weeks ago, declaring his
intention to make it a Free State, or perish In
the attempt:',oGreen bo the turf above hie grave I
The Fort of Titus was burned, end the prioon
era marched to Lawmen. Although en point:
eel prisonere, Robinson, Brown, Smith. and
others, were within a mile of this place, iguard.
ed by United States dragoons, and mild easily
are been rescued, they were not interfered
The Free State men were thus masters of the
field, - and , the Ruffians Were flied with alarm.
The next , day Gov. Shannon made his appear
ance before Lawrence, guarded by two iompa•
of United States dragoons, - and marohed
into town, and very humbly asked for a Confer
ence with a* Committee of citizens. This was
Plated him, when he proposed a treaty,ind an
exchreogo or i ental:mere, He bad flee prisoners
taken by the Birder Relates, which he proposed
to nottenge for the nineteen taken at; Titre'
ramp. The committee agreed, on condition that
be would give up the twelve pound canon and
arms taken from Lawrence In May Let ' i Thiel
he agreed to, and the exchanges were made,
the whole affair. being ° l aminated In riod faith.
Since the above scents no fighting had taken
place at last aeomonte. The defeat of the Border
Baltlaiis created terrible excitement la Missouri,
and anted partite, finked to the frontlertr, who
cross the river and commie all torte of 4norml;
ties; - The Quaker Mission ce the Shawnee &-
seen has been broken ny, and dastardly ent
rain committed on the peaceful Inmatesi It la
=safe to travel near the borders. One man, a
Mi. Hopp, lately from, Rock Island, was
shot, scalped and left for dead on the road, three
miles from Luvenworth. The Missourians and
Georgians ere . coneintratiog on the border,. tin
der the command of Atchison, and at: 413 f are
counts, bad some 1600 to 2000 men under aims.
Oen Lent's eteopi were fortifying &twit, siren
mile, from the New Sante camp roe the
Wakarusa. The main body was at fnfflitld;
and It was variously estimated to number frOm
1000 to 2000 men. .
Sub is the etafer of affairs at. but amunts:
Weemey look for ezeitinceventidally.
I .
TR. reader of to-day's Star will not fall to no
tLte slgalhasnt change in the tfoket 'which for
Nine months has bean tloathm at oar ateithesd.
We hese ran op the names of John 0. Fremont
for President, end Wm. L. Dayton, for Vice
.preald(mt, IS the candidates to whoae frupport
we Intend to direct oar efforts st the , November
d ic ti on .- This eteplu not been taken ilthout
mature dabetSlloll end redeotima--oettysetrri
Star, ff
another of the Fpecorkoliris
. in the
Thus another
interior hos pulled down his mime from the mast
head sod put op that of rremont. _Bo It goes
Geer the whole of the !stator, from tb.Behoni•
ktll to Altoonei, . .:.7
7:77 7fr
Forts,, tsn.Bricitamuillourn,i
The. Southern face of the Cincinnati lioudnes U i
pmisented by his Southens organ; Is;!
s 5 painted by the Violtebtrg Bentincle If say,:
"!We dire lad defy any mato pointlo a finale .
vote that Mr. Buchanan ever gave, wring hie
Conpuslonal career, involving the giteation of •
'slavery, that was not on the side of Ale' Bouth r i
and opposed to the 'Abolitionists." I'2
The Providence (B 1.) Post, as yaaftris a 13u•
chum organ as the Richmond Enquirer, intro
duces him to a New England public :
"Hr. Buckman never uttered &Oral:ince In
defence of elavery, or whiepernd a wr: in favor
of itsexistenoe, or cad a vets which y honest
man could construe into a with to enpiort •the
institution." •
Tm: Charleston Nerentry—the lea y g South
ern organ of the Pierce and BuchsnO.demoora
cy—on the other hand, declares thiPnhere is
note single public man in tho South2—Scit one of
the present Representatives and SenatOts in Con
gress, who Is not pledged to the lips iigfarnr of
Tan friends of Freedom who bare Walked the
coarse in Congress of the Hon. Jaoob groom, of
I'l'llloolode, and known bow nnifortf4y false
he boa been to the Right, will be olntic - nt, lean
that he has been defeated for a re-nomination by
the American party In hie district giolot the
doughfacts perleb.
Ora reason why the foreigners stetsorting
Buchanan, in crowds ' is, that they tried
'ten cants a day' for labor In the %mid h'ountry,'
and don't wiah•to try it again In thin. Cilt to •
good system for the rich, bat it hot: rilition to
the poor laborer and his family. I?
Another Itesidenter of Sew ;York City
tortlese to the good Offsets of Dr. EtaL:ne, , e Celetinded
Liver PDIg, premed by naming lint f.
Nrw You, ATMDpp,, ids;
Orgls to certify that I have nod thedJver Corn
an year, during which time I bus tried .1.
mart all known_ riamEllifi c tuit to no prirooee Hearths; of
Dr. atoboro's Celebrated Liver Phis, I consiuded to tr. a
box. I did to. sod sat tunrolloost cond. I think one box
more will effect o4emmsasot cur,. 1 our: eheerfolly
commend these Pau to all who mar nee from /leer
complaint 1 Mae able known them 1:11.1 with the molt
runty rssults Droste. of idelkhesdoebe
BW/MT, 1ti0,116 time,. et.
IfilloPorthamersiedli be earalad to ask. far IL amnia%
OKLEDRATEDISVER PILLS; minonfactureiby Muria
11803 or Pritsocson. P Mortara other Pills gursortini
tabs Liver Min now, belays the path. inr. Wlene's
and.. Lim Pillo oleo him celebrated VitrlllfilCs. men
DM be hod at all mrectsblo drug Votes. Wass poweins
&Moat thestawriture N = FILSIY.ING BOTIIIIBd.
rushinliwn ,
A Meaicirte for the, Mitlion.4-Dr. L. B.
Wright's "Ilduld Cathartic" Is 'truly a 1114,1101118 Br th e
million, net m ntoay of people, but the mllluremuses which
prod= lama, pain and anthem to tb human rthil •
IT. It ie. In the Lrcttlw. the cheapest ultielo In nu; in
the newt glue. It is adapted to all conditions and com
plaints when snood physic and alternstiew le nesded.—
Pimple& Blotches. Blies, Tatter, Warm gni) Salt BIM=
vanish from the akin when It is need. like ;aught not to
return &situ. Blllossams, Liter Complaph PlesulrY.
OM II6 . OBIShs. OAS& CcouP, Berm, Duerr, Swellings,
Menus, headache. and all complaints azesing from Int-
Botha In the mtem. Puss MIST 1166 thadewehefue it;
Is the Mend of the litiestdiess, and "Tlti Good Samar
Ilan" ol the age. One . trial mnylnee yam bowers
Iticiredukrus. So gin It a trial. and ask. When you buy
for Dr. B. Weight's "Lideld Catbartle.7 Sold by all.
mtheethhe Druggists. Price 60 'Sid SS mats. Wall direr
tions accompany such Cottle. Sea adsertimMent. segatd
Holloway's Ointment and' P 4% oerfain'
Itseteatte Ca Bad Ica and OM Wourida-tAllted Owlet,
eigrl2.7. vaster 0 saris afflicted lab en &F ll s bad bis;
tlicerver• several warm& en It, allele tie a the diror
tcce.e skill end Ingenuity to broil, Ille trl • Tandy' in.
rwilles. bat WAS DOt benefited by the susie. dt last be
vas parmalled to ban MOWN to ItollonSfe Mutant
and ?Ma arse remeekles Wal7 effieted t livery tearable
sbangs.sad by conainta them
wall glr ter th ree
maim tile leg was oampletalg cored. • 21 Me general
head tborengbly a:Wiliam!. I' salffltwg
Black or Brown Hair ;rabid in £ll
otbintsr. from the °most or Rodin Ifsfr, 7 tbs spplh
Mon of Win. AL Batchelor's •lIAIII DTE. ;Warrzatel
dafr deteetka, and nun to Wuxi tbs ror easy
matter hos Osmium:o4 or Irv/ loos smarm& Vm t
tenon, and no boom am pooltar T scegr. 211 Mk—t
Med .00010100 on thibox, and:WIT Thlit Bh7oll.
L 013,233 Elowassy en Qs fox Wes A* for Wm.
Wash:ea tier for hss Ton minims •
e EcMlltir. : Vita, Id
ab.by_p*Mis n
. 13.01.ME5.&, ciorarAws.
ABED 13T98/3/
No. 129 Wood Street,
a15,21-lyawT PITT Sit II il.
The only Medal Awarded by tie New
Tack PshlMtinnt tIM English or Ibtilipa Win Maim
&darn twe bsena obtlined. sannzegt curtarass et=titi
tons. Irr LIU PIOIRIN& or that '
.barb further, tesdramrpUstord4d qt.l4-1.62.414,
bat Basco ntaxt.
Stoi trr.ibritr ;:;f tLu Was has extottpd to ovum guar •
tor of the globs, tordi Ito • elettzf to mzontbe tio &must
hasithlrboarollaitdolly mom &Morrie sad arituiwiadlatetL
in au untun mato It la hold to Co tb. mod nmatu.
ecoalmant, ands utorood for tta Ghee and ioolioonottnii
lOmOmitio4 ito ha itual coo enabling Um domed to dlgoot
tho 11.1.
Omtimeatcf !Mom these Oushilee ham been
testlikel to by a gentleman, who writes to LEA A PL&
=NB them ham certied a tattle of 3 our Wereattambley
Bum In a toter I have hat comineted through Spain sad
Portugal, and Wiese I owe my saemat state of health to
Ito cac rxtr gam Is stomehlts and I think medidnal,
am with Macaw them le Dotting In • travehn's bag
gage so eamilel to his amfferrt, at laactll these mantels%
as your gam.
la India, oleo, There It is trued at tho max of mil
readmit, a mdlcal vmtlessan =lbw am Iladnui to
his brother In ths am* stroreation at Wormier, to the
Alloying tam .Tell lea g . Ponies that their eatm Is
highly enamel in India, sad that it 4 la my Melon,
the met Arlatebis as well as the =0 .wholesome sauce
This ayes is WW2e for imp. satiety . Mb, sad
the üblvinsal demand which lts amelleate km created has
led to many imitations Mag offered to the Wiley undo
a nritt7 of names, but theMasdne may be Imam by the
name of "Lha►?SEAM ff . Mai lamrelead smoi the
patent metallic mancles, or patent glass !topper of the
batzia at well as the labels and moor.
Lots Ascots tor the troltal iltatas,
aptlyfb 406 mOl66 - 4s. Nw'Yo:t
A Grim!. Medicine for Females.—flan
drab ofst....talasita bovbain tnroatra and rad. Import
bag to to span In 'the mins dissases sad 42 • •
to wbfatths Wats fans ofgotaan mast her anbisat.—
The malt of all thus stlasaints has bons to Impart last
asoderry nothnly to lb. surrents mans. and tales sign to
ins muster; but this nthf tan been rnetnee.l by s de
orandon and prostratlon greater than before; and Oa me .
Wesel attempts of lonia. to boUd themrstra op by
then fan relatill, has* final/ andel to destroying
what 11111 s vital organization was let Doha gang
llooltors's BrlMMlntihrs." Ton will Sad =scat Maas
frosts molt& It Is a rattly reviable ethopoond. pro. ,
pared on aridly thianfillo lathelpha t after the manna of
OS celebrated Rolland' Professor. Bonham Under Its
infloare 0007 nerve and math maim oar strength
and rum, appalls and Sloth Muth. and Munn parfbot
tunaltb. Ess advatissmant In suable coltimn. teI34I7AT
Three Train". Daily,
Passenier Tralna will run daily, amp
inausan k as Wows
Leann Pittsburgh Air MAIM. at 3.00 A. M. .60 A br,
and 5.00 P. EL -
Learn Chatting rFlttsbaeah at 6.00 A ll,fAi.PLLsaa
Thies inks all =IVe don connection at Orestilem
with trains kr golumbas. Dalton. Modem* Nage.
tame. Indianspolle, Ch ic ago. St. /aide and all Pointing
rondo extending West and Bdath•wast through Ohio, Tn.
asai. tad
These trains from Pittelgogli commit at 31anglield with
Imam on eareindre, iliaraeld and :tweak Md. dc
Chicago. Toledo and Amide/sky. Gannections are, made ai
Alliance with Trains on Cdirciland and Plitabagh Bead
for Clevidand, Obleago,, Dunkirk and Buffalo.
Yammer" bulbs Mama at 3,P. M. Re; Bandoekr,
Tededo mid Chicago, have the benefit ot • nirthre
statugesut or Cleveland. and arrive in Chicago early ant
TWOS Eat gam Creetlins make aka lienasotkma with
trains ow Yennayirazds Central P. R. for Philadelphia
,Paitimme and flew. York.
Trones notate are told to Cnlnaktess, Dolce. Chien
natl. Lontrrille. et. Loual intlisearolla fieriefontalne
Obleado. Hoek Wand. Lora qtr. Donlfetbs WThrantle.
Cake. diatoglteld. EU, fort Wayne, Cleveland and the
ininelpat Odes in Oa West. Vbronsit Mete one Ws
nos may be bad avail of tbs above :daces Std fittelssalde
Phtladeltddealaltware and WM Tort. .
leans Ifeldhlitton'fbr Plttiburgb at Pl. Lt. and 06
N. Luis Pittsburgh Ibilrow . 131101;ca at 93i s. et., and
ig v. - it.
ice =lids sad bulbar intr./nation wetly to
A. T. JOiltialli.
• AI tb• cornea aft., =am the limmagatala Haste.
• Oral the Federal wheat Station, to'
MOW PARBEri t neatilts m it. •
r ot.
• J. IFIEGLY. Putman e.
Prttsteuth. Her W. ILK MO?
Dr. Geo. W. Rats'.
• mama CIMB 01
thigh; MolMa Crstm. WON=IB. Shed= MESS.
Asthma. Isamedtts, Zatmasa, Omahas ticn
Maw, Osasamsyttam. mid all &masa ot the •
'Alma and Ohatt
AO— • •
Dr. Ow. filithre
IatNATIO N 11111147
PAIN P . M - AO A,
aturaotottoot. lfiruattlicts. louttogo, &lotto!, Marotta
Fthut. Palm la Use eldo. MM. Bock sad hook
Mild sad Patent
Joitt E s, weak Dia.
Tha ttotoo p E* hona VAd " icis
to age azzellszt mufti It/ • 000tip0000t of them
So ths. ata han not mod pato in voultt obi=
Tinat sad lasi will end Uttot to to oil flay oro - two.
Motto& and that they win se* with laspfiga, gr.t.
1M.030. W. PUILLLPS, Polo Pnttolotar. Coolooott.
-701 ' ra lovbeiNial "d ra l tik3l • MetirttiNLltt •
=drib • AU•shaaks altsi
COMMISSION 111EROH.0 1 2 1 ,
are a vik t wa D E V o ll s, la nsa.
No VL W:atlitnet. Pittslnugh:
Sta Inkblkherlaatltbal s Toone
baling *ablaut la at OmsaustalOarmatait. UM,
itAt if "la
telebrited •
:'Propared from a preaciiptitm of Tv Jaatia
(plikA,, IL D. Pliiildan ExtisenikurrT to ttu Qamio—
Shin brr a c . t a, tr. 44. 4 Is arratilos 4 the naval aD
Woo painful and Sao rus away tatitioat to the 4
It moderates alt mica. rezones all - I:llb*iftl62ll% and
bang On the monthly period with regidartty. Thaw
.Pills should be wad two or three rusty Rodeos to con•
they orally the coutlratkro, and lateen lb* ffiCl.
lerina dicrhicc rota= the moth. , to ratam her
ditties with safety to Ilvreelf ond
ral all ewe, of Nornotonaso and Epinal aßectloni. Warn
t*lfact and Lllabo. llsatina.m. Pathos on Slight ban
Gin, Palpitation of the U. lowneac of Illortta, Hyatt
tua met noadoctio, and all the painful Dawes cam
&Ind by • diacolared aysteco. thew .Pilla wW Clod •
one when en other mans have Wird, end sittcagh •
ruorarki remedy, do not =tarn Iron. calomel. anthzacor.
d oger ,,...k. tednaral. mmutu
Pd.. In
, the United States sad Canada. On Dollar.
&le Azad. Iter this countrY.
I. Q. BALDWIN d Co.. DOll/11. N. Y.
TUTTLE a3IOI3ZP. Aubiro. N. Ir, Gomel Agents.
N. 11.—51.00 and a ocotoge moron esokied to any an-
Matted tont, will loony • bottle ol thus PM by !store'
For tale to Plttobecoa. by MIMING LSO% corm Of
Wood Rod Fourth ex; JOB. ABEL. corner Minh Wad
EmOlk th4d JOFS. nE.MINO. a mests 101.2.11/I. xon Dtsawnd awl Mar.
et street. sod Dre denardlvrlNT
Dailey's Pam Extractor.—Piles neglect
ed often prone fatal, leads to Weencortion; anoint the
Darts 3 times a day with Dalltry's NM IhrtraetOr. If
remxtinn from the:rectum n insert the •Tile Syringe^
filleetwisb Extractor, and 'Mushy' aloe-huge It ae the
liVinV to withdrawn. It ever dab to more cues of may
IV or Tinder.. nor to gl entire ease instantly
freowntly owing by one appilmtion.
W. YEndss.Esn. of Coltualms, Otto, Seeratery of the
"Ohio inenyanee Company, who was 'liken to New Tort In
extreme debility, with Piles, to have an operation per
firmed by the esdebrated Dr. Mott, as the only atones to
NM his life, aotddentally heard of the PAIN riTRAC•
TOR, stateg °Par years, Me disease defied medical eklE,
sad - grew worm nail lids became intolerable; he was
Weedily owed by Dailey ',Pain Extractor.
No Pain Extractor Is Genuine unless the box has upon
it • Steel Plate Engraved Label pith the itiznattreg of O.
manufacturer. Price Et eta. Per bon t ,
- -
/OMB orders *odd b. alarmed to C. V. Masan A
0..81 Bards, et, New York
Bold to littebarich. by OBS. IL HXYBEII. LSO Wood It.
Western Clothing House.
192 Market st., between Fifth and Sixth,
Western Menhanti on vlslUng our city lad It to
thalr sdriaruirr to usual.. 0 .!
Fall and Winter Clabing,
Munuriztared esproudi ter Uri
Sarni estlAfurtlsu our curer hurl hearofore en
"1:473g'.r - R - r - r•doLosturn nontEss.
- (=maw ro Baum, 'Czar! •.)
Out Steel, German, Saw, Mel, P!ongh
Mattocks, Wedges, Harrow Tooth, ha
wer.enoun, Ao-119 WATER mart
Between Woo4sta oimit.beed,
Jan., t Infriaawr
. The very thing for Torpia Taber. -2 m
nal D. Eal,!Jan. Dratted. c{7= ,
31croanstdad. Tam. April 1).. 1156.-tlad told
Iloclisud's.isrtaaa Illttra for two yew as In this som•
mlaity. and laving wituccaid MM. effr--tz Dow walkout
debilitaied • 4=l.4ft/dims, and thaw t limb bled wltli
2brod (am I hays oo hesitancy la ming ttey ats the
thing 50th tools &add
Bold, id.olesal• aadystall, at Dr. GEO. TI 11.11YEZ1111
lOrait diars, Wcod dim alas Oath, ILortar.
See adnallsamsat naza,nts.t.
Dr. Keyser's Shoulder Brdoes7.l
ruueuree Dllesteb. Mel / o th. 1 i nthro tb . 3
Yves put n Lto °"4With gFarWasblngton Stu
m an &sac; e p. Hatt . of i N . o. d
• vr;:o t an coospeCel to follow • stkleatirt coma.
. ..
Una. As'irs hays before rermated. he esllltur Attu:Mimi
to Demerits, tt eassurs du a Mem sod' muthaders, the
weight of the motelocus Dania plmied se tqcoritinual.
IT taut to thing de shoulders to their warmth rosthou
ak l .
and snood, th e chest. Wouteo. hundreds o ettom ere
thturthy Injured by the weight of rem= stairm, ,
should Cm moors (bout Mem, Do pi , to pro.
ming the tind mordlimed, as EMIT of the bison sold are
humbug. Bold et Dr. OEO.II. BUTHILIM Wholemie
Druimisr, MO Wood et, den or the Gold= Mother.
Jelhoesrr . T
They will Care.—lf you want to ibe cured
or Lim Maass or am allumuldug,c+ l, dbewi
Lim take Dr . Ilstrats'slzpOred. Urn ?Mr, ozonaloo•
tied by Dr.L emttd (M.. Bank Plaok Mor o itktoorn, Vs
Thostatits des tosdy to toalits totbsir
Dr IPLartah Imrearail Laver Ms .n6I rgr.l To 1-
%se, &Do Dr. 1. Pertre CrtOrsla.l Mita C Lthl.
=Ds; "Irl=l4..rotedr . tirdsz thr rrverrl.fop or-Dr. I.
. i..
.SWPD . ThrDria fler.lor V, sad ! .uorextgai.
i b t, I ,, Nix Frsez r t by ran a cal.,
Laws • peon! Ltvge rig' and g r. =II ' ; ' ilicirlirgit
sect. ed by artiffesta 0(0. WIZ% I,
. P:11. 1 . 0 rtl n Va l tlll3 lirWoOd b arseit, lirbialleate OM
JAR. P. ILZ3IIIIO. alavasar: neer 11. P. De;cr. •W!
sal. low.. Grak.r.rtt.T.
Tram its-mighty ana must piarail—
HelnaboltralllChly mneirotrand Compound Midi Extract
P►issiadL, otm bottle of which wain Ia enntath ern
setlen Enna Fenapanile. The thine: of Sainnerllla
the mat Wide worthy et the least eonfliMennt th• Von
Ile. for the eon of than anent nislastroes en Impure
Este of the timxl.or lutblt o 1 the intent, vIA ;43actsde or
$lll. °baleen 016 Sons. Ilsoples oh tba:Yeee,
Bloteltes.,llUna ettroole. Pori Zito. Illorromie cr 'fetter.
Scald ilesd.l2lelt noun; NMI Ia the Hems Otd 'ohne—
It is the test remedy ever men, and the most aeUra ehfeh
eau to made. It nerdsn oat lb* trair 'Joon( ot Minna
&stone the 0= by poritstus Unbind, midi' by drills's
out all the amazed fields of the tondi, the, ntuaTiai the
manse end rendering the ear* ontaln and rennenent. It
has eared thousands. upon Utontands after Ilrem other
means has foiled. It to dx times stronten c)espez end
better than ►o7 Mbar medfela e In use, Pits 5t par bot
U.. or 11.2 battles for IS. To to bed at Depot24{3 Cbostmat
it.. mar Carved Una% Phi., .and. tram Dre*lsts sad
Dealers entriehera. dos adnrtLem•at. Waded
• •
Froitwort or Rock 110210. - -Borithe Mae
of emetalma Irisesees.
Nair nth:. Jas(. 1. ism
uy eon Mules hes bon *Meta arltb too em of
the Ida /t the Km el 6 Its was first alticket,trie
thecntatlent !teemed until the 619 imam Memad.and
tbejohlt Wand/ added Lb la. driveled 16 ap sia that
It wes Imgcligitth to stratehtsal It; a pealksh brims's=
on lt me ids derlded orbdon that the on ertitdd tens
bade rad that the yens/ men would newer .webs wan.—
The diatemilMnnS m rebbitedhat for t., and a bel
ppmbe only welted iltb a mid.. and tai eitorts to ex
Kelso thllleth ware Mudded with greet Tabs.! so that he
mold not !sleep. I watched him attentlealie that for 6
menthal 6tdnotban one hill nittreratt. It, had lama
Muted tddlatbsietthad 'medical 'ltractltlaneri. by leech.
Inc..blhtermg. do. hs bad also been adze the Xedkal
Chats" of Yale Oolless. The recteelles they siconunends
elves. ingsa altbfay tried. baterithout litth was
hh Oman and dreadful oor.ditlenja montbf lines whoa
he eitemeneel tiling Wm* Rock Lose. One ;bottle was
bat partly taken when he wee reach better, Watint , MS
Olga three bottles bad been taken, whoa n wire IMP mg
tirsit completed, now be Is In excellent bean& This Is
the tathinnY efewd can be corroborated by tahesdes
Um. Cathatine licolli, 91Wallect et. New Beam Wan,
or un be lolly 4abeatettetei by hundreds of Wittman, or .
I , 7addreseleg • line to Rea. VT, W. iteldria. Rew Rama.
Sobi whole...shawl roan et the DmMlStors bf 0160.-11.
EliYa bit No. led Wood et,, elmeot the Golden/totter.
- -
Have you a 'Rupture of the Boe:elet—l
would =art reeDecliallt bieito the ottdatloOf those ea
Ikted with ham% cc rojitore of the Wends CO 1111 Wine
dtd amostatemt of Terra Megrim ,uteri; lad to edit'
min . ego, Ogled aatt tatleictloce coatisctled. la weel7
tea., et and dike. N 0.140 Wood Street, Plttsharide. Ps,
deo of the Hoiden Mortar. Mn.., the True.* sold by
rue will lee found
Xarede Radical C.ies roam
irises VriettoOlerm lichi f , •
(714re4' Truncs.gingls and awe;
p A ta, o2 l num., thaerat cad atufair
.12111 grto• of 'Mira Tao from i 1 to PI itlantal or.
Rontorad jattinta ran be imlled tir ranltttag Monor and
mains Um =mann around the tam stating whet ft
nt merino!, on th ght or hot olds. 1 Oro soil and
Do. As ,w4pw'a Lam or Etdry Dram, for Maim. of Pm.
toms OW!. Wer.knto of Chat or .lootointoo,
Chronic Mahon. and iuy wsakinna drnending ou a vat
and dotdlitated wanton of the abdominal mololAr
Dr. Atok's albdomtnai Snonortrr.
Enolinfdagio ardombrof DoLtr;
lassito BatiL .
Ind Mat oar Wad of Ihrnportar Imo to
lAatadff OW:a Of **TT All% gm weak chast•d and
,stoop atotidibirad
Maths tgtogfogi.ibr broken and - rarloor• role. •
lisszpaaory Dardewt4 of all kind,.
Da. Errata told elite to woods In want of Erma
or Trona that ho'ean often lad to rat** :Da trot td .
writtltott It to n ahrays totter to aro the oatlont and w
147 th : 4 1111,01=11 1 .11111. 11.0 wood .t,
tarlOotavas Men att. Widen Mortar:
Proof Peettive. , —We read in the gdod boot,
"ay IN month of two or three 'Baum werrivranl shall
bo sitabilithia" siid Indeed this U Nand rußlelent by
ear Boort of Jastire at Ns unseat day. But 'Nays
Medial DiaTerr hi. thOVEII4II Wind Ns Cm
21 ,144
individual' to,tutits to id aredielnal and Nall war.
'NW. Ws Ns persons with fair skins who, s fur oaths
INN, were carved th Scrofulous heunnie—thass whom
tam well MO an 4 Irs from Erysipelas, nowinnoolb
and roil — roil—the rriprde, o libramatlan had bound for
ran, now throws stii We crotches, and daises hlv ior.
WEN has Won the taus of this harpy &awl Suar
d r. sow Diseorirr. And It will ears say Meted -
Nib hurroli f no matter howertrezos their Nei maybe.
satlaan rDr• Jh Y.WI L .MiIW 4 2II7O II.b°IB
snts;dawlwd •
0* 290 LThestratre4l.
uerketput /0112110901 t.
wrooßD & CQP.„
: • 181 WOOD IirRAZT. •
WILL Introduot; on Saturday August
1 4 . 11 TALL EMI Or P 111113116.11. •__
ayouwnutiMeit lOW 01 aottnata go& sua
. - -
"*.` !'.NEV r ADvET,iSEItiENT
BEIIrSR 111 MR a surrzi
142 Second and Idl. Front Streets,
m,92 - PITTSBURGH. P 4.
PN:qfm:MP7Talt7zlegT , lmem
These Dram are available st all the pit:t
end lona orinclatta. Scotland and . Inland. and Vl*
Ontlntat. .
We alio ctnv BIGHT BELLS cn
M. A. Grunebaum & Bailin,
WLleti um so • Iloalttaxmo to all out, of tiottoonT
Perions Intending tot - seal abroalmer PromsrlaX ol .o •
DS Lettere of Credit, ori ThL•L lioney can be obtablidebe
0w1.% in w 7 Dart of Raton.
Ordbortkras of BUIL Youth and otber eeenrltlie In Su.
.000 e. will node* nnintrcalm
-rod.WILLLS OL).
rabbi. W errs. 'Th ird atreee.
Iron Railing, Iron baits, Vault Doors, Window
Shutters, Window Guards, &e.,
Nos. 91 Second St., & 88 Third st.,
(between Wood and Market.)
prrrsßußan . ,
Have oa head a variety of new patterns
Taney and Plain. sultAble On All rayon.. Putknatas 'at
tentlan mkt se =daft; 0r... tom Jobblzur dowl st
.pmt sorsa. abs,
Scrofula, Effects of liferctu7, Qon mm
4 = 1 14
Sorsa stmes is /4.4 moles reraant,' etc .
MILO A and 04144 Wesimees will eanse. UMW MS
other &Mall dilemma. =km' eared. Dr. MAUL No.
1 50 )headway, New York, devotes lale whote time to mini
these and all cluoule affections. lie loyltos the 45114. d
to tail, mpeetally those who bays reed. YedA. benefit from
Melons treatment by other PlaidelanA
We woe oozed by Dr. Heatbl—tdareas Oolburn, 425
Droadway;4. 0. Deveraline Sought= D. F.Denter and
ohlid (lillsidnue). 1L 0. Cheryl. (destnem). Y. Stebbins
O. W. Mee and ertie. Ao.
Di. &Whim &ahem:cable and ettlfol ptorsklaitsnd atm
ireOnt—L. Green, BA D., J. A. Smith. :I. D. 3- E. Snap.ll.
D. on. A. Loorde. Bon. Gonne Petrie, him N. Mn.
tot, Auditor 'note cm Now York. Hon. Jodae Carron. 01t1
Jude.. New - Pak. KK
Pstituto 4 a distal,m ein antral& the doctor by letter.
'stating that met fully. Cad raire adelma and an the
ameeeary remedies. by mall cr. exigent. thereby obviating
the neeeadty of • venom al Olt. Ills Introduotery work.
with illastralmr engravings. will o t pent free io any ad.
B.—On Do* first of Ulm Dr. Math nm mow to 101
Spring street; "poets the at. Nichele4 RotaL
M.11417141TUE OP ,
Corner Ron and Pint Streets,
isaa rom- • • B. k 0 03311
15.7175ibilirt 8 do 00.
/1061163' 114110 PED OP
Steel •Cultivatiir Teeth..
Caron Ross Aim. alit , Brazrre,
iisztayit. ' PITZEIBMIGH, PA.
gcalpeir, Medlar,' E. 'Ciroo Worker
World Mtn% No. SO Thirdstint, between Wood
Man strut; Eltlibtugh. Ps.. onowasdlioa •
waatowat of ow Yoronintr. Pima. for. Dor .•
todifdodA '
&NOE Co..
Franklin itailSings. No. 04 Water Bt.
efutbatized Uayl4l, 8800,000.
rsrrariv , las
Pmet Iphi Pm& a
and liedigadea as Property in
Pipets worth redled
Putt en hand— . —....--- 61.10)
Al.:11211% socureolykoeitoorio"--, ........ Imooo
amorat or stock cos ea 1.710
TEM OOMPINT litl6oTri ISMIRANOR 0100 000
Bono , es, Merchandise. Yerattscre. Lumber. ta, on Ves
sel& Oats end Proles. to ell Pox* Idea hy Railroad,.
Lures, and Rivera et the borer, Rehm and upwa theme,
=Telma en we trenleeinh prerend PaYinsat an the ad.
t Lo
The created amount to be Insured on any one_ Risk, I.
M. Pate 0. le Hymnal. A WM. Mire. of Res,
Co.. lias W. Wanes 010. Plovielt. firm of Rowell
a D J.iirn Tamper, Praa Penne. R. II .0 G Sons,
Dion/loser IL Rune&
W. Raves. fn. of Burnett,
Esetteinatr. TfistraChlef Engineer Ps.
R. R.. Nelda R. Porn. Ootineeller at Ise• i lail. buds,
gem oflesch R. T SIAM M. Pride=
AMA of Pauss. Joe. N. 1;e MM. 11a0 oft Man &
Petersen. A Ws. P. Ere; W. Items. dm of Wend is
03., Chia P. efraltieS. Aral of Thad- andSoserCis.,
Sans M,,Lerressa.,erei of, Lewd, A
emu, Boaterelse. late Wflllesson. sighs*, ,
W. 11. %yaps. Been
ifirA 'Sono. st.the Mt of Dlroetoss of the "Ifooesd
losoranee On." mon of 'boos ses widely known ss =cog
the first Ooziness men of Phladelpb , s, will probably woe
Vtl wools museums of tem Itr to U.
. Ashore of pal:mane Is reeeeettalls soliited.
Comer of Water esol fasztst.sts.. 2g nom ?Regrind:L. Pa.
oufard% •
Reliance antual inounince dompany
4. rm. to amarr.
pr7.137,_=„092. Secure ir/arresd.
• raDISURIS.NO Bellamy, Mor
d:son" 7ccraltmv. Ike* ht Vont or cormtr7.
Themuttl4prtwohth. omulttessi with the mortrit7 et •
etockesphamt althea Ow =coma to stmr• the milts
of thatlompatm. wlttfort OWL t 7 for imam -
The !Write. thrtierapholthis mommuly, for profits. ars
eoprertiblo. simingtbl a VtAd d r :a •f Ocust
Runxim LltStak" "". •
Cism Tin ft. 4 46,.. I
h. Asithums
Wm. 11... / (harm N. Baker.
ChM a V/ htit7.
tl4. l =st. Z ttirop, T
Robert Stmt. EL
• .L. a..
•Afan Look.
JambJimL B Wk. fi f s: .
e l t - G ; n . 4"
T T. - cuae
Oa.troad.t B
J. Wm OOI7IN. Am
i t t . teg.
mate_ dotaar TWA sad Wocd.strets
No.. 63 Fourth Street's. •
• Authorized Capitol AlOO,OOO. •
INBTIZZ svrOrsaa axn orals PROYZEr7
ASP42II - DMA'S b 7 Fire*
And the Nell of tau Bas Wand Erialution and
Wm. 7..Tobnitzi. 111617 rattarwa, Jactb_Pra tar.
W. kleaLtutock.. J. . Tenwr.• SWltb.
Wc.7 tr. rao4"
A. A.' W. H. Hsrai. D. .11.
Pyouldiat, lig. was. r.,Tonsernx. • .
Prouldonf, ItODT N_
Peastari Tratraw. A. A. Vaurn PATTERSO . =az
ANOlt001124.01Y; .017102, O. s.ocr or Third and
nt PhiladttoNs. •
0nT721=3, 01.110MIW 3 iatt;cf tbs 'sort&
Po Good by IPA Caulk Lan antMa.d ; — °arrival*
to 01l wt. antis Ctlost.
max 1N81711,1170i8
part irtbanntogsnerally. Minot* Dtreltratal . o.66itkv:
p.a.... isteto as Tnagrxr=67 : l% ol42o i,
_Wm 34,110 00
Mak la Boob, mamma tad IneFronca Om
.•• .160 21 .4to VTOO
too dust MIA;
Mate roolattly toned.—tod otha 41.0t6
dna the Opmbamr war as
satortnian 'Noon oc•
_man 06
l .
ullas tk
Mtd D itgo . nda.
losll di
Unab ng,
)I.matory . •
Mau Lnivar."" "
• ate m fra . l.lbroto,
rc r up
anon Toon oak..
Joobus Z no.
itiroo m IL to =land.
Maleso. Ludy &tan
.7. T. Logan, Plttinornb.
D. T. Atorson.
H~RB. Wale.
• PrerAing.
0. 111.11 D VW Prapier.t. •
A. liADlCan, t = l ,
AA Warm at.
Fire . and we inranaft. Com pa ny;
OPPOSN 27E8 =se Nom. •
make kinds of Ine z irenee. either
Papa= a Ltiallsd. ink pay Oss.etptlnia cd . Prointly at
thretandlshi c t i rr iat
p bmgri p wl dini am i..
W. Tum f r o negniilttent,
P Ilas, N.
(3 *. b lL ins ZPSs,
B. Wary, • Jos.ll,Rii
John ClaTtorw
..MrTak • R. in.,
P. Bum:ma" /kaolin
0. conim.
41061,e wham Alm sad Wood
tizen's innranete Comp,/ of Pittelnugh‘
Ftd. BAGPLIM_Prasit.
L. II Ts art.
. _ .m-
0P.X11,. DI WATEP st e rniur row Ap•
attantaiß L ,.. Am... ° Awirsata
sw - f---- A ZfraVAßCaintS
: 4 4 12291Vg P 1 5 01 I . • ' i
1 r i e,r, ' yvis. , , i.: •
.. ,-- itik 7 - '
Fire a mar= =mance Uoinpany;
Moe, Came Market and Water Streets,
tormarnan, PA.
Bost. CALZIII47: ?Maga. TM Omar. riWZ.
This Company makes mAL e mmers . ap;
Idlitai ni gairstl a gt= Ana aa the iS6' 6 ` sa a
a sntni Loss or Dams , by Ti m
&dimmig raoserms aatt7 ltataillioi
V/girt: l S i . bilerindbatm tanistaat Vitt sou
11° 9 04 ' ' , _ , Lao, •
P. 447 43a550m. t114 11. D.,
l i isa: Fbe - '
Ceify Riiif &turn: under Altair, '40',..t/lo reed ~4111,8,
Mora Important than maybe at Brat
el6aD ax le stir
• The Rochester 'Soap Company,
&cha f er, Bearer '
SITUATED rn tho .Ohio Co.; River, ,and the
Pltabotah.M. Warta and Chleaseltalhnoi. and
Übe and rlttibutth hatintad. Maar Ate lam.
hoak PlttAbtuath W nstatdactaana
cgr.acEvae..lecol. Palm, While, and other thrMes.
, . .
the do not min el have =perk*. northing prince
am Will d. tne corn In coin{ wan.. eiritinitbdulg. AA a
1..a130/I.SAVINU3Iar. It is ‘l3• dst STET ihnoceined, and
enunently earthy the consideration el nem. &wady
whe amine:indite. on the 'rubles day. fuel,Labor
and L.,tth may when used anecidnon to dire,-
The improved qualitim of our grass to the malt of many
grans pearecal espulsnea. I'bn oDist In Veer wee to
11121011111 MP. With MIMICS lirgebing promjj, ► pr i ra ,
no higher than ettlinazy sonic The remit Wm exouiesd
owe meet lientnidne espeetathns. No article mannfactur•
ed plume - more intinamests fu cheating than the are.
.lieb of reap. With. mist manufesturen. Eosin enters
Jargely into their ramtdnatlen., et" Impure arum.—
omermags an almost entirely =deo, gado. Sahebs.
no Imultar iruhlas DroPerties. and Yet Penole_pweebasel
this mitt withou t
examining into its merits, •hinar gap. e
win way nr insp. no his; Out Roth, u not gam thOu.h
It may h•T• th. Sum. Tem olititut .tif this Uumiler is to
set the work right Cu the subject of WIN and inform
Nunn inns they carrot
• - •
its from all immisug properties, and midst= PUBS
EtlYgne TAL LOW—toeds that • VII do ttarwort of the
lannattry. without boiling or pothding Vie clothes, cane
serthentle grantglart and - wax r and fear (Wing. and
got one hail therietor ,is required to oath. wasblpg of •
tunny. doer tendency le to wafted tth. elitists Sad re
. tool* the Curt bkathlng cold cleansing at tbe Pars e Uthis
imparting a soft, waren; lading sad sminno , . arth
whi t wh set In bard water, and no fear al Inlay tO the
ma delicate fabric cad ts. apprthrnded. For tattooing
Omer, Spout of Dirt. Sc., from Carpels Wit" hierince, or
thy ar.icepor clothing, that f ossw are Invaluable. 1.500,6
all articles eon Ladino tramway odor. sad 'entice:lt loior7
to the colin fact Litt Wont of cotton lariats al • ren•
dared inocrnathent, when wathad in wash ends, The
haportanne of a good imp should be more generally ap•
Otralsted by the toraioner. As so snide Ortriuts, It Is
al staple assay oti or and all Itthrothments atunild bare
the misty approval of tuts ynbUe. .
WA trial of our Bram Is all we ask. •
thasocioos—For white clothes, reek. wag rtib theSolp
=the parts melt :riled:nod put them Into the imds for
one Or curs home or ores night, then with gOod hand
righting. they will be dean and utitte, using only cold
water. thalaxe. woolens; and all colored articles, • ath'
in ands esithoutiothinit. For rertuto %mita strithatit or
the :thee to mire inter. Furniture, gliding.
Wilt 61=4 =pa ihu. with In weak stula.—
N. 14-11thalatarttith tone Otape en& Utter than
erdinary loam when sued in the old wan
iith•ror sale be Ottawa assnerallye .are to call for
"Thiporhuler Wt Save
Laundry soap in Barrels,
u nerders . can Frradrts. tci B. T, WULFF, Botha ,
gy -4 11111.11, t aZNSBAW. ilberty sta apse
rt swoon; IC , RIier.4L'ION ithysid, ticath urea and - 1 y
IthheEtt ituBINCON, .3 0, DYER. /alma street,
Allagbmay, le2;oo.nro It T, IYIIITt, Aron,.
Carpets! Carpets 1
IV D. & 11, M'OALLUM hove acm
v v minoed malting' that Fa Fat.; of Carpets, Gil-
Q,41,.. fdattingt. haarth !Luse, and to wtfeh thoy to
epeerjellyilllfite the 10.11.344/1 t.f their C.W132.11 and
baron gadarally ST Fourth oi . 413
VESTING.% Silk. Plcusb. and Velvet.
.1? 1.1. 00D8 Dorakladlroodelozba nnd
ANO a Oadd tat KBEs In grain vartenr,
ItUttNIBLIMIGOOLni of alt de =Options. . •
Oar fall nark h.. starer beans orpaued and. enatanurs
and Ito public are invitcd to rail and asandan,
bontra MTh
Coate Wood at. 4a I>ln:toad dill :
We guar to ;Lana •
ter. 8 istranDer, f 2 mar; • ,'
Do '•.- do New 'York Journal " 16
' Pu
Mercers' Now Monthly Muir '
Ls. eine " LS "
talter " • " • "
dodey's WV. Etch " 16 "
PetmotteNetana 1 " " 16 •". -
Grattransal uranted " " 16 l• '
rinicterboeter • " 16 "
BalL tee Dolor Monthly. " " "
le "
Loudon Quarterly savior for JOT:
Panoratna ot ill. end 14terstm.e. Sept: -• , _-
Retribution—by Mtalrots. IL S. M. doothweoth.
es 3 Slfdi et. oppinlte the ItutatrL ~
d A: East Lib rty , Station, within •.. t
. ' intemens . Mg rtilhar ' • ' *•••• - . ,
A BOWS II ... • • . annfortgble two or,
'a . .. . .. or axis as that loar=irg 01g2,00.1.
"...• .. =we conutisurs hadl, 2 Dariarg,
room cad
kitchen. I channen and good colnr: Danner In grout. a
wait of soft inter= tin Goon lanms 3( cl ga ganef anotind
nada good =tort nun add abide anon in. Itrungdnitto
Donegal= Ildasirod. •
s i n
I. GUM lIIT & BON. 61. Margot gt.
IGHT ACRES OF LAND, enhablo for
two conntr:ytosidezigio, at about .0 mita* fit= the
Woo wtatt .8 alml of load mar tlta Idortangobels
rim deersble for toonafattorlmfor solo by
oe3 B. COOTIIREBT & EION. of Kafka it...
7 19.0. D 508.38 LE con.latlnit of a lot of ground ha,
hoot 0031 red on .oentar Aran.. and runallut bur.
106 foot want*. amt. On which an tweeted two thra.
nor/ brick bone., now om , npl.d or Aare. and dalllll3/6.
wtdah rants to goadawaante for $309 pa roan preanhow Imo
plea with Waxer. prim .4.3,0. On. hall In hand.
Wawa to gull anachasars. Aptly to
se3 B. atelahll94llol3. rto 661..TOurthit.
DRIED' APPLES-100 bus Dried Applel
GREASE.—Patent' Grease for Buggies;
n Elem. &c. f. ite• Er'
CHIAMEY TOPS-350 of variotio beauti
rat patterns fie eals b 7 lIPSItY
TAISE-100 bble for sale by
)"/p7 HENRY IL 031;:a155.9.9
•WAT.ISERTIPES , ,-.2500 *tale, from 2 to
. • • ,slibohitone Water,•t••• ohm.part aM mos
N0ZWE..4143.-Stoakholdera :or the . Now
- - •
Vends and Dann lion italtrnad Cintiay, are her.
an Lostaheitat (bedsit the esoondif o st Iles
..I=l poi it Lt= le raned far. push:* at the ottl sr its
Treanisfr on the lath day of entomb. lust, n.of • Les
sant eessystaty days thereafter until the whole in I.
tiou Woad. klyardor of the Ward of DI/viers
Mref. id If ILLIAILI. Ttssonen .
ist dtd • " . Moa b corner Third and Wood nth
Sleeting cf tb. . If ottleoltwsl 130010ty ir1111.• tield
-IEL Arllcomr, cltor Seer's Jayalv..Bt4mv Ilfth et, on
IMO 011• DAY .1.10111100. 0. 10 c.'cWet... A full sttoudalloo
.00. • ay:till • b• r Irgartant boelaool. Wm"
i the r =- , rL. - , . R. 1.1c1;1110 al,. Pr. at.
a. 13C20102. Jr 0.1,fy._ - . . - , .01:1141 •
r-. . 'ritaiTtfuitZirset4
TILE President and Directors of this Bank
IL 114 , * els day &Arid • - dlvidentrof 6 per OLWTan
the capital st .vk cat ortha milts at the t►.t.alz trandba,
liandra poor after els nth D. JUNKS:
XrIijANTED---A. steady young man to drive
.0. 1..12 asins. EVQIIOII' at
- 211 Liberty etreeL
VA.13,31F0R SA E—A. foam contqinitig 60
4 : istiVirigti:rr x er e lsl7l7.4ittit i Al r tittk
• splaadid crottant of theta; gantity. tral4 goal frame
attn. dwellin nairbastk barn and (Abu building; 40
vertu elmed, Wane* well timbsTed. IVIII mid at
cyst nafflaa. Apply to 11, EteLSIN &AN. :
Oa • li.:158:4 Youth AT.
'ANNUM MT US-2m . y 1122tarcoaroltIng bla aim
111 tot will end it to big aaytataga to call and ex. solo!
hr tatualf balbre Outebaatog Carorbare. T .222 a
222. Elm% eatlas lattallta MES tlan to aurehaena. For Ws 21 ,
aa2 MI 2 COLLIN.% L 29 Woad at.
awnr=ditrthr-1:„fr 1:04,4nti.
tom bob. of grbla sir dm ROZA= 4t, oovrat.
129 Woad id.
0 nribble Extra flour; bbli super; 200
gbit/ tuvr,_• 100 Ws Isle; CO go= 100 kegs
leaf Lat. / Blese -Perk - In .ten 1456.1 be nie
DT eel credal:la a a.airxx.
Jlplendid City Bwellinxfor Bent.
olne r ot roorth god ettuttsto,. at mutat molded br
u. Woods, le ....Erred for rent from tledobow - It
coughs about Unties rouni, with gas and grater.thtettith
the he. and is . One . or the OW Overtimes to the env...-
A:ply to SWAMI WELDER. -
est:h ' \ No;11 3 fourth street.
Cottington and Citcumati Bridge:
tn.= ens 10th defelhenteinber and the Id 'day of
Ottoberlo6o, at tits Ones of The tioetnaton end inndn
nati Bridge Plomet‘any. at OneLogton. Hr.. far Ms caning
or stone and - laying or 00.000pereh ofroaeonry in the toe.
ers, anebarage and abutments et the Oreingeoa and lAn..
chntat.lBnepensirnEettlata • lidneaterials tail be dßnealad
be the Chatpany. None need apply but untanned me
ebaaies. vho Imperil:knurl. the ^lrak. In ration and
- withent :sutedettitta. prop:aids seetted • es? tlui
Standatlan ottbs towers.- The week is tabs onzunanted
tertherith. Piano and -eveeteciatme to be eon st the
cans after thalOth day ef Esatsmata
- 41131/dAO A. 1/41/20Y, President. -
Joan Bonitos. Iteginses.. ee1.8:4
• Cludneata Eissette:l
From Ores t 9 Twenty Acres of Land near
y." ;East Liberty ter Bale.
taldersigited ia authorised to 2011 at
low arias and uaan mammal* arms. twenty . sere
o inat L'lgg'="o,ll.7",?‘ Atiedur;"l.l: or
in am, gam saladt punnhatin . Yon renew :artily:an
alumna ot =R. A. custsonam,
.1.1.1 • • 4' 921 Llbrrty •
'MUM( MUTINY Tioxii„
i - OSEPHWMIE now .oarraton Inni
gui nes Ls kb rindssuFprosiblea. (no
betesen Pitts and lairsenses‘ near she
Übe Run * r Invites the puhllo to Inspect ba
nacho( X 3, 11 • 130(11X3, tn.. An Su perusal:a.
ly Warms semtlensen purcha=tu t ir t. ono bileszzgl i
pane. Yourpern pests
Ulm_ to Won We =the was chaos. eolleetlon
ous. phi& as =my years part It has been Ms
ne t l i hr s =n l l . ll= 6. lrachtt . ke ar iraziont a arla u t
Mhos Is onnoplets. the stopcon arreareaunds will
= s r best and =Oat Pkenlmi annalhotocant at
Unenenuntand try_Shoes N.M.. iinmiii&stagi the
sumis decoratlnt FlSTurs of Mimi= ba . moodanl
the Woe at Goods, (wins to Isms rents.) Joseph te
will all on mbar sooner, wiring south lass than ths urn.
*r °l4. . • •
.11,—(Strflopts .r9Kired bat wet vIER 410.
Bargains in Wattles and hwellig. '
em IL ROBERTS, 18,.5th - ' -
no, now settless larhaaait P . ai•
stash of Ma Watches. - owls, F .
It t
it i crt r ear redarlrartea*. tad e
t2 aW
c=s, ati %gra tun' atact fa the ' •
• Watches, Mad catut I lis‘tHnkt j." 17 aid
Itheerr Ware meads to mien 011 and Ma az
ant .. • _ J. iL 213243 . 75. at Mrliaiksh
si t ad ° 4 l FaiMPß l ffrilh . -
OR the sale of Wed= Mlinft Cheese,
~ ta nu l iLm t atb u lg, I geo Pe got. As tn
Ns. 116 at., Ed. Wood t Soilifitkr,
Pittaburgn, Pe, ,
o. IttsLOtheas 4116 , Palibure,
,kletVia B. gc ca k. c b
was ztas.-..., Tx. a =ay
W MC IS. KING . REITER have. =mimed
• thrarsrlvor thr pretties SOUTH
,In Dr. JUDO rerUrra. no. /12 rintfiltrut. 010
Dr. Ratter will I.Drsd - ri the rinse dikarsad rct#
arsrult.4 Was rost.D.w.JD e. 4 1 - ID
mend arraists.-
Eneldbr - Boat ikeduig Astaldhatment;
th•rau4 that ttu.
to 414 SU= Etestf,.lflols. ohaa; no cam cats.
~.1014.....Th0f lure baud Um_ fav Mills at
tba ofitl4 MCA& aadKarrf. futzarkr bob:mons to N.ll.
cwt. and aro nom rivisna La s flo ant amniu4 laviski.
wU Woo bass • •lays. 14 of La CU- Mad Vlllch_t_hey wLl
U, hi Mb. Itatand.- MIAMI AM.ION,
. Ctipola
JIIST retie-Ito& from the works cif .Josiati.
bate 43 VZ I- itirt t e sneciAzDe' PIHL jlit'.72
mut float Yarn,
....-,-r.;,—,:5.: .
. .. --4-7:7,
;:;, .r,, ~..
• ..
take notice that in addl. - .
4) .44,44 Pons. Berm Pale, ta b. held at eadesAOlda. ea
T i tio! Lat h s pre° tril l
ii ltma cdand far A oadetne is the •
1 id.,lS, ath se ddth hot. the Board or Ileums In" of. .
Bred a Bretalaza of Tlrente Loam dr the OM
Male. Th. , , , •••
Belt Oaldiell---.--t—....--------AZO (XI Nalatly '
in Ba,
metering ti;;;;;;;dille Judges trill ea:udder I-Ma.
, 1321:1111tiAll tr.4l dilltlLV4l4l ate recreated lA-dales*. •
hones la tllts cl e at_ lezneelves, !Ware making thole QM
,•- ,
_. JACOB BiATIL ~.• ,
ds Zia, . - - Car. Bee, 0. and P. Bone AMA
Atrectal Eieotion f or
p,redoit„Dizsciars..4.o..trilaird of Tradind Mar
ants' Ezebtos% Aral As SAKS/ Mir ma; no AID
ISSAIDAY, Int, balms tboAssro et 1 AAA 4 r,B,
. 13d , JAS. P. BARS, Aft%
Pittsburgh' Female College.
rrIEE fan Tom of the Second Academie
A 7, e r. % rebore Inalltallad 7111 to men aa
The Iter P .L. 111101010 1 . 1. Chacrimat,baab
*laded Pruldent. 1,111 W emesta by an arm emr ft
or Towbars. •
divination for adinbalon MITI* Ma, d• the had.
d' th Tae7 prer.o " boarn 'a'" . i km ilsird- ent la l i ar anpardslon
11,11ilwa to no m ad rtinlP s bi r t t .' aren h al l as i 4
Z=t e ee ,glh• facrlltloo for c sequtting a thorn:mit , .
, fe ereh eesetet l e, Nam comblom rhos* or the Lama els.l
chrtatlan lowan daolie tn, tw '
own I n e,or t at e Mf.r ..t dm expected to foral.h
Saturn ht the p ete D e rtra napkin rind and Awe. 1;
Maa.,112.10. Emmet 0 asa. t • r" "ra l
u ctg i t u ayar e t a rzoment--/nolor $lO.OO
thileifata De v— St n .
!adl. Cam STJAO. Venom 0 sad Cis "' g * C°
Tuition - 1n either of •11* femm. ea i n ,„„;
thaw not ocbarwlze cormected %h a - •
P" T U ltlori na. In isdd the " Ontio "W enta n nEra ll ichr. "" ll.ll — theP — lano — eal
Gaiter, oer term. ln Mutton la water Wore or Prat.:
Ind. each 1110.1 n Ornamontal Noodle Wo•k • de, 1 Voliel -
Attalla antra dans U..
Plano for daily lerara& na/
gici• a t= Doar dlndandrallng met. Hot. wu h teg i .
The ants
of lost roan and ipema . &slam of re s,
thor Information. may abtala radellrtnte br calm at
'tn. lb ilowlog au., on YAW . norm
Jam Parker% Irleral . Alleahanyt
Erman t Rohm% Wood at, IPlMaterzgh;
.7, B. Mae% lel Brat "
• Alex. Braaten Wood IL.
Jands &nem Inert! at. •
J. L. a ead'i Bookatcre, ash st-
ebn Mellor's Mud* Sore, Wood M. Pitt*
aalo;d2w. DPW/a Id Bongos,
forage, ohidaintaaaans Wm.& aTiandtd TA noon'
watch Ulna la • u ntil emus". shastatt on Sahli Taw:
and rumbas huh to Rebates at„ latarant.Allegtatoy, 4.1 V
fiat flout sod 2 feet deer, Vail an allay matins M.
whola Ira gth aflt. at is ritoatad NA., earanaandia
of the rift= la In an .exeallant nalishbor and imbrao•
oa the aCrantasaaht ragarSto ale that a rolarneo
tha otauttry Sam, as trail as Ow, tertahtlaut to: efts reahl:
donee. It Isartthin ten cati.ttitoa wait lathe Wads. Th..
owner Is anxious to Wised Inn iii t tparta or It oh vary raar
unable term. Title hadlantr^ble. .loqu'r, of I •
. AUSTIN LOONIA.Batat agitate Agents.
• lull ". No,C lo=that-shora Wood..
raz Ilk ecieveill oven= tae 2d a s,pleanbor..e•Wral a la
ogo. et Weir Goods. casitalnlo i .
Pt Into." Dalian?". Pain g
nut Maid.", , t
Black Death &Sodom - •All Wool prir.tad Dalianet 'i
fleinnt4 Parynatlar. Ma& dllmennt.
• Drench (Varna". Mali NAN an:) 1
N.NW EMBIWIDERIES--Just rend 20!
4.24t= e r ° " . 42l b "t i a . T.O. grg w V,ltlVe
edged do,zusero• do; Soot and earodre • Pot lns
Mott Want Mut asp. Gollan; Lbws Calattlo HAM ,
se.3o A A MASON CO.:10, 616 tt.
Brown's ;Hotel. Turtle Creek.
frarri subscriber offers for sale his Tory. Tat..!
jUnablorretwrZY Masted st Tort , . area. in this;
snooty, mastering of POUR DIU= BUILDINGS, DIM;
fend ralion. , •otb , TElfiebrii UM- Re around Gave, endi
-Tbe overallllngs romoese a lure brlek stine co,D
bisobtatb efairenoaluirs shop, .sed a climb=
stone tarn. Toe Dirbotealraft antis 1.0411.. In the
bottom, and Is foniidered to 'xis:tows the taint In the;
Union. Porta - wetly are wolfed, 10111 1 *1 to ImUdlaa-.,
bat Ft / .llt=`;`,lT Ztilitri r i ag:
try trans of care front Pittatuzet eain and die.
Den daily: Tar CenneUsfille Sallecs4 no. In
coarse sod tion, Is &boot bans cite dlstaat—tbs Pitts.
=et l&sd p il zi nen fh t &l r d is i e j It rfa i d onieltatss u at n, trie
11114EIrtbrottle L i nd. The aster Is of an melba
astlt Tbik ka- Alan Le &ant& lot unction. !marina
% a
Iron works, ste. eta. The 20.0._ ,... .,-.—• , .-- -
arligtsuallzksot as abotsl, boa Is -
metro as I. else a5eme2 .. ..6„-resel
- T - & - a r erts ag tt:'
eitMc 6"
auStlzatht aftbiLStiTatiatte WL . •
Dissolution of Partnership.
rit partnership:. haiothfore exist ink bo. 1
unim ine=c - ftersi under the Ina ofJanat. - Lawth t
& was d Istel red by zantausleortsent ma the first Us of
wrest 1556- The Magness pith! fete tam Will behettle
the.heeterat afJettes & leaffla. B. v. Jelin
. . . .
•• . ..
.• r - , 'BERNARD LAMM
. .
• . _
THE andetaigned; have ilarmed a limited
Daringeship sandfJones A' Lanth la Ma '
b sow o I ntansetacted Wing ter Imo: twwhied
firm the irstreral vastness araD:F. Jones residing In the
city% Pittsburgh add Ihnosard Laoth' misting in the .
Rwasush of rase Rincolnktwas and the a pedal rartnsr to
Jana Lanzedin leading in the said city who has ans. ,
tributcat Ilftr.ons thousand Lee hundred and dial 17 ,
three dams and MST eight statearm:dug so , as coon. I
zoos stock °raid rextuswahln which Is to -madam 11.8 Ot r
th• Id •ar cfAild. 1010, andto taodholos an the tat day
oTAIIEN7B7. lea!: . • • 11. P. JON ltd
• ' 7 • BERNARD Latlnt
• For Sale Cheap! ' I
Central America, California and. theist mat,
UJITR thoCurtain' , • Rollers - and other
irlturgr a " 6 traTali c ed t t a ba l =lr6.T.VH
Waked awl Alva= or Judgismat tudaparigmr;
,asaztictwrorlta It. /t be sad at • haz=t;
nab cr axamaabla ataarit4i. Admit Er.
J,. 4 11.:15' WI(),
Xt.OPy .
ck.ur v and T ra UtO* o l
ILAVE alw son band a. full supply. of
ar..a Maar Roues, E. Oni4s, Sash awl Orate
Wool, Wreak, &Moo sal EL. utfullun Pan WtOts,
mutOolong Twiny. Out Um.. Otualus O 41sson Muss.
au212.17da 103 ,
Yaroonstomm are inftwatalt that ots-hars now,
Sn .tore two thousand poinutio or Bosalrfa canal= Knit.
tins Tama. lust from Um t0nt0t7,.5.4 .r. weara t .,,4 to
WIJPI7 shin trade at • Atnatufothwart. now Tuna
a. =de of gowl tbswanir and Ind on In onto of
170 tb.a.da. Those wbo nnt ~,Tatas to. malt by, the cot
ffn,4 US' mobs sonatina to sass abaft tho thartst.
atthS . JO& 110B.NN CO., TX Station et.
. .
G 43 EEO. alms 12.0.Ern: ' • -• '' .' '
21. DEW. Orn.brd dad/ ma ea= • • .
16 do .O. atolmens. leak cooDanagg) " %,, •
4% do EL Jaarma bean Edgar Nowa Idolosiar. I •
70 bogs prima Ear Ootfac • 1
1 13 Lair dont., flash Taas,_• '• -•— - I
41 boxes Y. IL and Mack Taw, • -
= do B,lt E. aad , &nn. 11. 1971aCa 5a a 11.7 Tobano2
9 tleroes4ma N. C. Moe; , t 1 •
10 -do Eaanl Starch; • ana
. - i •
15 darn Painted llnakatr, • " ,
10 do , Long anci Extza Bad Coadg' .' • f . '
P 7 ith an anal talent ofEpona, &L. als .
m i J
la d= sla 17 , 7 . WY. t7ITOOJELUEE, 1i.,4
. • - 299 latertystrat
3001226. 26 66.16A21 . 11thh1m1.';_
• ri cdo illirel6==dlr!!!
• 2 bb:5.1366n7:2222,512r • - . •
• . ?a ye. 4.,2 Olo;
Etsi 62 , Por, Bberrr zed it 12. 1
4 6 Nn6.5. •
/0 do ,vest 14466 121:26_
6 buketa liellsicreCha=262226 -
t s 641,4,,1t0m..1417,ei0L
119 MY BIIE41971M;
8).lb aid Ladies' Dress,flociti . :merallY !
• CLOAKS; TA TALI 9. & Sa& - wLS,
For Family Use.] -
Aln =malt •x:ently• assmtisad bridle the above,,
inartmenteingt d and maths - az /17111111:. veep.
/611 - Natftesst ;mum 4th som4
=Torten Alructretsflcs:An.a v 4 641 Ch:ll!cind Porting
Dna, 84 dope 21% ,, O r ti . lindias Glib; D. ?Ws
. 8 Long Wharf and s 2 totieiolal at.
Thar L..ruzzio.
Vx ' lL nu"Lzt
anti ThreMu' for Bala
TILE LAW3E '.FLOURDIe - '..1111441
kraw., se *Bs TOBY/BEND "eltdated
Herr Brlabia:el Beek tees Brighton, I. Mend Br ogle
or t It Is thirty-fire by feelpeles test, bet Amin Mgt.
lorlatdbag hastemeat. bee four you of Burnt; te In goosline ,
Odom ortirmarod tester power and wlchtu a fey Itatafted
ratted' tbe into and Nona; Bare , d Book TWO",
,r • pert ma be had to suit puratimere •• -
Also. starts Brtric Batty mod two Torn Lore, eLhastid
en Its maitre of Broettmey, Neer Baightte, Th. bewail
br to MO, tea Merles latch, The. tote are 4d by VA
bet sod well tragremed, with ahrothery mad fruit beta
The arboie will be odd Ion: AN farther t wergild ma me"
Lb! otrote j r .2o4 e , the me ' premr o tt j e lp t or i b u r o lt m ter n ha ta the •
Card-;-Pall - 11358;• -
LTA.-Ifasa commenedriartxus
avA1.4.3 "2 . . C 1222 "krill 0 OD3
' WANTEPUimediately ar in hanji t slg
• .. ,- Avdra. - . Ttri!glmtisam,...'
l• in do ns rk tar •ales &WI =MT •ialty cutei•
320 ico to work Ca Balcroad. Weds *1.21 6.7..
•• • I $ O lOl . aUtitreirtUrCrOrik, matt egail o tl=cl
• • *he eaprtv gityttiv:PAt_br7•l4 TWIN &LW •
• nune l , • ply to }tarn • • ••• • •••• to (••••••
_ _
MAISEL :Detar.4
Inirr Tax Irish Lth. IS, EXt Haman ssrldhistisig, al.
to t 1.13°4 al V " e*". 9111 1: 11MPIIHM - ID.
IhsT - 03,
As ULK. BEIOULDERS,42,OOO /03 - iii store
sad AR sib br • •
sell • wrAmr awl," ma Efai
BACON ISHOULERS-45,000 lbeipacked
• In stare end sor WA" ; • DAVID C. misuse.
T ARD-45 tierces prime lea - lard on bawl
Laud fte sae b. palm° C. QUM,
- •
ARO OIL-25 barrels in atm arta for
rO. SUGAR-20 hEide choice and fair for
aut to. to clotabr ' ' DAVID o-Eimals..
ri RAIN BAGS-4,000 assorted seamless - j
sirba itisre Da Wilts DAM O.
CTAnolt-25 boxes La.-- Bohm eXU
foal lOW to tknis DAVI:MIMI= l.
VBATHEIRS--2000 lba part prima qaabg. l
j: ri,e4 =a 14. Mat 111. VI/Warn to halt , r
. S.L.=GOAOSII Liberty tL
VUGAR-40-bhda Odin qualitjan bind
I.Jaml kr salibr , . _ •
sritaw• BRIMITON FOS 611.1
~iad of •
frozn• eatilitinz eratanthic seven =nog
142•3 . lunii• is tII exteltwas t"
atmenettes hteettetee IritatUnds asptbia of
1300 bashes of ;ram. Tb• s Is mill alcstalthoddealSf
tuo dans • Wife a•All proll battuess llaxtut the 1. 4
Tn•Rantetcr is nutave eosicintritt; Eliio= It
= 9141 .16=3 . 674.4 4 090 . tri br e Q =air s
•v 29 • 'LIMA. roar* -• ".•
alitarß a g i dg rt .. .7 0 12:11c . ta i ry=
. .. is maxrt kltehes, ItLSl2lb7Tr7llikitirlta
S. ( S TAMII . II. S /11
zsai =cts ad ClimentAirti.
FLOOR Oar . 014)1.11-4,083, yds.,' 3, 4'
~ L At imk a 4.4 v. ca=zei 1,..g..vj0r