'•_TT.,;ll'g' . -:....•..-.:.' - ::.1)"A_IL-Y.'- .- :.' - ' 1- PIT - .T.ISBURGH.--:• i•''.-.i•GAZETTE... NE* YORK ADMIVECIO:Krin. Two BRILISN'TZ3ILEII,_OSPEN,a SCIIRL4 Gl* arw, NIIISPI7I2' AVI'MMBOUT Al m. 1". 4"athbaif 7T - 77:7 7 :'fx•0 nunnitare. • • 'TUE NEWYOM FOUNDRY, BAILING IitOLFIIBNITUItai WnIIKS ftrroteh" kirole of sees Mtn WbnKe fox. HOILDINGS. lOnoter.te of relLterho for Inn Renton th an so 00 „ motto new York. and the nave: ma fe m,,, Fortino's to the United Othtee. - sa&mor BANDYOBD a TIM LlClrero s .Pirrdle BiZi or , .hi standig, and formerly al . :Obis* DI one ortjail blidlealatltu• , stall& conolry.• now reared from aetlst psalm vbs. has beeolullebtug five i Pulmonary' Irlarms,: , llmOrr arhlletravelle In Soutla- - AmeMes fa Ws lnaltb, be Coturusuptla g u, Ceusbs, Colds and Gleuevul , DIM?: ant belay mram that - Mous:aft are =MMus meld DV aanpally troutAbla - must of Illseaw.ba deem:mar= the rrlatiolel orbansid. In el:main known Ude met valuable baluvl7. DP= 'nada 011/ltbsen Daub& in Panne litampoorlblange,ba - . will wed &He**. with, talceetlesu to =akin: abd SW amonat muntrad apilhal lt . tr - yo!buto. cad Slit Dalllient of this a ivutleauut, address • • • Y DEVDDICOUGII, IL D • Y. .41Mttodiaitr ' Paz 23. P. a. BrooMmo. New York Cont•Exehange. BAG 1144.111"II_F ACTOR Y. 12:j and -1117 Broad Stmt.. • E. C LAB 11; MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Bags. and Bagg 1) ing, SNABURCIS4 Elheeti. 1144:k and Mae Debtors, ea,.nvviva.imar to Bark SeamlemsSags, . • - • • -.. MILbERS'.II4I3S; thislansband printed to order umesedi farther , at.. Car assortment of borders tillage, and orO m a r/ atom. eta our saitemers ran bars any matt UM ant type 'animist estraebarmh Oosatry stattlesats me twitted so ma4.l oar stook tit • Faastratr Duts, , ..alm• Seamless: Dag" at au the r mina -brands or -Dote. dm. TriT IstrY Ontsbutall, /TM/ Salt re to ctors in9-11.1.111‘1.1..thartri4t4n6' Coo. Prorlslon Dealers Implied alai Item Beef . mit de , matte of man tr relored Moils Ws haat my &sagas fos• staccuslar. . •-• • =nth' Paints ..01WGlassi Barniug Fluid, Canelene, Alcohol. DORE. & MANN,, ''.:-.. LS9 GREICiWICH am= (earner orJap,) NEW:KORIL. ' - • near. Mason Idea and MU Railroad Depots, AIRE now selling tin) &ova nrtioles; in cos i:macs "dm complete eetortment - M adorn cod. • 'll.ll OM Brushes. Wm, Cdcsterl Iddesonds; Itions • - trench and American Zinclinittn dr- at prime the o der most ttnismammts to Lle.,Mtcs and ftmturucen-. • ,For the 1000 001 11., " g IaTRIE 1 • ANY. N. Y ., : 90 Thompson street, . Y • BANITAOTURERSOFMARBLUILIS - ms; •TABLIK- TOPA, OOLUMNB._,PIiDOSTA 81en e. Broadal. and all lash. H M atblesi; rats e, aldoh fa • wewaiancitlletble Oast, .m1.m117 oembinal with m.ral cnkue,scrat to be meaMed Into any fohnand color, , by which a marble can be manafacw tinted at lees than hall - the sort of the common • material. addle Is sada It in durability and beauty. Unlike Mar. bklsed Iron add flats; there !Eno surface work. the color rutuslar tato the =O3 of the material' no tarot& p Y. used to isles wicanoraty beauty to Ms stabacs. Olin. tW from SO to labia Toys, acontasll.7 chug • Eights for the Jilannfactare and date or above for the diderent Prater: srlW insure • Maltase tetanus to . bole interestitut thtmeelrea. hrlorniatjau turaished soolleation to OOTIOI MINIS, _Theist., or. odomphint, tqm - French "'Window tiieaa. '.. EDWARD P. • . 7 I.44..CAambirs'it.,:.M. -. Taw doo . re west et Holm laver llama DMA, OFFERS o Dealers andeastortyses elested tend of Preath Windy* Ghee en home, terms. - Parties wletivO• ell:mellow will be fetaittelet with Inlets on meta edema. elajlo sixr dealred ;littera, and tweluel. hew or. tan*, APl4lTit FIRST 'PREMIII3II' PIANO , FORTES. STEINWAY &:-SOZISY: '" • ;411AlifirPACMIIIMRS Si can - • • tau raiIADIST. hrir cans..•• ..• • D . E.SPEtTFULLY call the , at.. AZ taxa= of thispaliriatoutsher_-- • • ' LL • 7 7,7. arsortniantolannhcrand andaptiarciPtanos • • t which. fax TOWIro• or to elasticity totialukeinraz at entslath shirt re every thing that nders,. Piano are nasstrsomard. They were awarded the Pin ershun for both hmain' to onnyetltion with the most atstinsinshal snakes *ors Boston. Jhilailalphia, g r EW TRll.lsll"tti—nyclray.n Praia tiara .net bean &Taman tha L ,PLUST Plem CIOLD hlEDnis tore? all Ootaratitors) at ths tato Pair the /13rUtata, CL7ita Pais., for t he ( Tats del oclintry r )R RAINING P ~ 3, arid - for RINI -1 LEO COLLROEif to WET end DRY blauthfx o VIC different kin Iv TheCOPPON end RIMPIIIPA .. the 611161.11exa DOUBLE TAPEWATEIL PEEP.. Idsoxfootutc4and add Or . • - . , /......r ...—'—:.' ' -.1,4-11•E=ft7 Et. IfEW Y_OB.K. W•Nr 0....cra 0‘00...,thr tot all landa of GOO POW , WI. of the moat 'appeared Made.. ILDOWEI !Wallin. 110 Nei. ME WQ31.11., „EIOP tOgIALE. ito:Jko. . • II - ••• CONIC-17 1, 7 T , BROS. - & CO., .- - - nuvarrus D VBAWIS IN Drags, Pau Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, 4e, 170 Ni ST.,:fieviYork, - • INVITE .the attantibii o£ the trade'tci-'tfiair .R. ta w sad riktWl 494 ef Drugs. YAW/. Oils, Pcftare r7inttltorarthriiiiirhtiitrttour etiteileDrlUM they X. also readying. titrart %root the ecarree er Md. , . Urn and matarracture...e"rtllee of Tooth. Mar and Nall . Brastmairostres, .Corr... MMUS& Bprzurts. Prrneh and =l.l=eu ,„ :l=ll3i ia l i c4==rsat r zatusf t .4 - , art Mao maabied to (err 00 thil r3C4r. astrsht. Otters, tithrs I o. pert tqlor D7 , 1:3.11..111 rystry l trostyt attantimu TO 110.175EKSETEILT AIVD DEALERS: HOPFL MILLS, n Mews irtUStr. - 71 - Hainaut aunt; I:tre lota. jitioefool tatee, 103 rime tereeteltite 1tte5.30,37 out th Linde= rtreet,Jorsor 111te. Prclpreosoro. .thict long and won "- cor-ss 42i7)il'sCZ Mid.E.=I:.._IDIZAZ_ • cohtlooe to oesesze the-best .ntm-•=a=Mott- Pow/en In me% for Mil= Bread. BLeenitaes and other etkes. - Ite.— They oho Ignoree Mustard, sod loony °toes sett. eloe of oar use to 'Wren' family. Watch thrr offer upon the most reseeetablet Valets. .tAttalogoes man t toNtenhas oho request therm •- ; ; B. H. t 3. U. 1811A1L d.lL—Gototontroodelattl to 1330intf03 -flare— Willa at- The Adams Express Compan y. riudorgo, Rks octer ood New 'BrsOon zprest. yV.OR the espechl soiKamOodation_ of the arcs postdates, alenathellne °HIM Ohio msd Penn e made Baits:ad. Mayors l'ittabarth and New Brtastore whom intimate Intetraw sad social relations minim elloh Agency, 211 s Memo Exprow,Classomnie.hate made rota egmagement ebb the ilellroad se to enable them to pot • Maar Nemenaar an the Asermilwalatte , Trals,wbovill take charm, slat_ property and loudness properly ottmet. ad toldnn The blemenger wit hme anlnew Stela •Ute Cdr, tar Modem:et coal* Art moult) gidone7, low and4mbea= ri tl a eg r U z gr gh tele NS= Y y . t t t rly enri thsday to attend to =lt wra L gesio r mal may to ened _to him; awl nit= by the Tresn, with his Goals and Oottinilsrloo I extouted. tw be Ms duty to meat* on his op ttirl_aU wrest, paelcals% orders, snowy. , Tad& will lte tteltre. to rard . :Te; mrty et.l . the eeriest of the trabs itthe DeiXt. Via also receive Witten or verbal towasm es to 21, &limed I. the elty—estommileate latellimmos— obtain Intrastionoind pilarm: Mem—order awde, return than—make •Mm•• Pm, large or small, fro= • pa. pa alpine to • Mena medne, Wilep be de livered or called for. Iry um two-clues. wlthis, news:Wile wltbent atm charge: bus 4 loam mush dates ry r the Wanton int peeketwaserlaNyttsprimite lupe& 446°0 hewililleit," At WaytieUrretaa Metter Will milt with the wwholl Agent albeit etrost Nosorwof wimp toe NOM art? te pat " atgaidgil 912 Val anicsk of the Train. to melee w. 4i ' ‘ 4l'. 1,;;;Wallioi.; Merits; .is i na wl e 114 r „tur=sit r itreet th e true l lne . m it rerwt as to aderdt M meta& eMeamente will be made, • _ Laths Newsom I. masked I. settle hie bills and We. hismekely with um o:ensany. end to pay row of Molise plum not eh. him toVat i llil e gt rt et B E M; t tiari k ra t t =.l•4 . llLecreti b r u !ie tl=tter, via commems EMU.** ilimt ni ry. Dee. St. lees. 'PI .pittsbank-44. /aorta Sued. Ifs t;=_Ctlfa-.T on* ave.:Meg lizatkna- .IL;ratiztah air wni l • Nag .dned.on-ar. aln. r Om= Axults Vanes • -.. • Pittaborzth Dm : - da.b atf AUST 1: LOOMIS. ' .--7- Stock and Note Broker. - • 2 , 70,D2 Ponzu 8171J1R7 • ONDS,2tortga:- Proraiatory Notes tuid Diana CADA% Collated ecocks 6ou7ht and g (k'u tt ailithn nientl•s tali' ru t Monied sm. Ire era eantdel 'D° lam elltqll/441 tO oa. proxoptly ixdon lavar-ble.ams sylo Cor . net of. aired tad NewLefee, 4w,Oikas: K.. STEEL Emit reapept-in eta ly latent the tesielthe ROM+ that The Lintel hems neatly anttegons iheneach seTelf and onenatton r itad hes been f lik tnelleff 1124 Wts --enelhaTteltirre•UrriUM ka.. ' meet or 11 , 1 neelnety eats mad stint:Men to the fo end wants of the 21ef tetee wit bninohnint whit the trol that the matins eland r TlOrnotei befog CMGS the Immedlatell=f : -the the eso...ef the OS - wall se biter tot he .T.we teineliso. the .joroptietae hopes that bit. newt atteellohno.ths neat* of Meng:eons to twelve tha all t petetoage that has seer been teetered upoi, this YriQo of Bota Ito? DaY, 81,00 - - The Wien toishxLelwith Vent anh• kientiefeet. or to no rt b.rb {A thp ryty, Coed I.=ta hoin 10 to UL 111; oW*ng nal scootnnopune attemlehte. inTLITIT.7 O. Ehhoo. pant. . :`To Bridge Contractors. THEleerigere_ef4holliniiie.ham Bri 1 truz,Z.V4st m ."717 11 .0.1:igrInlaNgt.T . ti: a,M=uti a 4ri t ml VI 1 G et = a Os omni 4 uacttletrersince.Thmarc Pq-,2erxigi strut. ft pa brftlabt_No.lll,lta sc. Otiearn.ikeri. • WHAS : I 4 3. PM& MELTASVILLE,.. ng '1.4"11 Loiliadadon•dbr tb• airaef. xanv Sasldl In an • day. to NU In , mullet Ma ales Laror a Al W• 1111 4 14 ttlldAtirtef "or nuibtrituao mulosab.t) feat trout br USK tAct lam "Watt 111 to if•nuAgv t let. an inftn• van Mit= go cc tbaroat of • 4.7 anal> ou stde as a . Inunatdat wt lndlk. gam .In • Moen to sleet 1nd 1 04 4 0• 921 '• tae . Indus - imams manias'. unr•EnanaggiOCUld , 'ALF "arab la - ttadrvartAT the attantkatkat calnadlat•ar alls.r• :twit ligaronaty In ... o r up mat taming Ulm on .W Utdo river, In tht m ust. s aatszcllroa nation. Ina cl•r, Le., nun es& ran wiuned aur, Lad wash north miaow% Masan to. Intel manatacturtan and commerohd pupw• ~ j eszoi B . "thori4o vellont tor L r l zitand. . T.& -LICIULY • ast &tato Bram, llttabaarb .... .I`4 .-' - ENOU - HOUSE S :::FOR : BALE-A- F r : Et bt-whh.bedgicsooo. 2. 0... bau5 . snug:, ,t,/ la Alla pi cay. iaso..e.nott: „ . sad. Etas ea Robinson * nu" Pratt • t.'" OA* - A , bansaArA 1 " ~.- Id& vif astou l'ar $1.64 rr•blAn tan eam 71nrt airsaina eal Dumb 5t...,- - tratalata to UAW Tara basuisa and Oa. 0111.1E01/4"-SontA. l.l V ". 1 1, a moa 4., garb. • APaa' oals of 7 :Qom curturollst. taa...." 1 A „awl= aDA bogy la; of atawsd an MC V I ton fin taxa , - 41. scat isiturtet, MinurillA i t i . 1 S ah 4AC" ceit.ribr ..!- , Cal ' ''--Z•• IL CUTIaIM Y ST a KW. 14 bfaskekat COPP Abic A3opper ' iriaties„ fekal SI U401;111.09, in eV and ISt do at ,:110,00poss411him!t /ton M , sn alunakers,-;:, in Baines!, Paver. 111. F a tisie—A boatt.,,owasi.m4e, BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. I gi . . 10 ' 4 l A tor saarilMilti:*l° YmEr. r ..t h 13"4.mbtri,re.2 ROBERT E. PIIILLIP9 , Attorney st!fsw, REST POLLOCK, Attorney at Law— s. :TAMES J. straw, Attorney at Law, office ap itoonh 000..Itter Grant, littabarsat. .1.164:17 AGENCIES. 111.0iganeenetvileomiallidon atid Collet - - - Mee; gOR. ilie . ilolleotron of lama, and - Foreign idaturtfle andalloattaManor ebibra. of iWit= "VrT=ValtUNrit bartM . °t ' x)3 sx4 PILTIMIIM7I.3CIN •Detzoit lt lar:14121. R Zc a rlit Ortirait r im Laren& 13= 1-00 Dank :. Wasrey—Tro=olos or 1111,12414 ! Ito! t u t rg" EastErstn, g.O ESTATE A.t LEtWI3I7B. REAL ESTATE OFFRIE,-liti. - 87 Front etnintaktdoor from Biatkoti Dien? In ink* etraro anStOra PlnlTon.#o3. Clad ptopgetteught and nolt. r-if IISTIN;WOXIIS, Beat. &teteAgenA Stock, lisrohutase sett effce No. ea meth duet, above Wad. anatrisee premetii ettmled AMIT&L L. ma - :a: Becreuzi cid .111:-*GORDON.".: • r•• 011 Clo. 22 Water GARDINEROOPFIN,AgentfoaranIcIin ril „ t meloset t relkesesmnoitlpast Dot= of Ward - 111 A. MADEIRA;Agent for Datavrare Ma x. . tug Incistime• Compum 42 Wear igeort. DRUGGISTS. FT. ING BROTHERS. - occosaaai To J. mu a cio WIIOLESALE. DRIIOOI9I`B b/ to WOOD ~anscrE,_ ' iliZt.thni Or Pro 1114111.4 iOLIN HAFT, Jr.; (snooessot to :Tali. leant. OR) Wbolsok anII Retail Demonist and Deena. to t; 011 e, Dyestuff; t 0.., corner Wood and Sixth serest; bungle. tirltesalsr Agent for Dr. lord's Idedldne.. OEM P. scatT, Wholesale Peeler in tiDroz; Paint;D; stv O Varnislfo. We betty sere • . AD - ardent ia rsalrs prospi alnentino. • hes and Dye ltuffa sp- Agora for achavek's Dolman!, Syrup. rue 2417 . A. FAIINESTOCK CO., Wholesale eas p "Mur d t=s 2 's ul A t = W t L' 1 11.4 ch 7 .riantAggra i . Vaiirs=ke, I -• comer, or *sert7 scul kitels /Crude T SCHOONMAKEE & CO., Wholosalo Drusasts. •o. 24. Mot street. Etta: gala. • AOSEPLI F • I G, Successor to L.WiLxix a Ca, carziar • t street and am. Sly colliand• axid wad:dem amortaltect of M..I.••••• Medicine Mesta lientionert, and all eel^ Waiting td Ms Waimea& COMMISSION . C ar.4. IcaarrEG-' —....rosaacert ra PeRMIZ B A . ' 6; C AMON ME4ol o l§irr., tqool, IlidOs, Planr, %CCU. Lard. & Lard Oil AND PRODUCE GENERALLY • p. 75 Water St., Pitidurgh. Pa. 3=Tragh Welllllla OE4IO. D loam CaeterCltDepDk. Koala ihrriiim. nos. lima a 00.. Pittithuran; - Darns_t, Waft a 0 arretBoo. herb P surer. Bt lava. Phia. Maas a 0 entaccOr ultras. ELotoms d Caoa o .l4. ab. 10. 0. Da.tly a r . °bk.. - D IffoBANE & ANSBR, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Commission and Forwardin g Merchants No. 114 Second st.,,Pit4burgh, Pa. spauvßEß colimissioN AthEuu.ANT, - Dosler in Wool, Provisions & Produce geoeeolll. NO: 29S LIBERTY STREET, Pyrrunt tti; iv. nu Joex Arm , - J. MILHOLES & RS, Produce oc Com.micalon merchants, AND DEMI= _ PITTSBURG'? 1141111FA.CrURES, 'No. 8 Wood u. toetarotor Water nod Vont l avid raminaon. DA , n C. HERBST. Flour, Ptodnco, rovision and Commission ME I CHANT, to set send. tornmqf Hcal4 Pittsburgh, fr y IVES his , tion to the satoof Flour, V 4.11 Pork. Thom, Meese, Acittn, an n. Des.? TrutEseas, am ts , .32..uonsimamenta• •_ l ttolly lf Y S. KING. (late of the of Bing .I . Moorhead,)COMMISS ON NERILIIIANT, AND DITALER 42 4 40 METAL AND BLOOMS. No. 76 Water street;: slow Market, apID MMIIIIIIOII. PENNA. --- /“..it.'I3ARDY. - - 1 a k ,itaussitir An t gorTROZN MCLIAJYr; Ag nt ot tpe Who and-Indianapolis _ RA 'DAD • ; ; Corn First to Perry Me, Pittobbigo, Pa i 33 OANFLELek, lato of Warren, Obio, 2.l. Caossatistonand Inatrindlrut Mad- ant, and what. tut Wotan. iteataritWaiter, Pot and P lab sod Wotan Ptrodnea Wain stmt. Wan= nosittdlakt and Wool. PI Eta . , - TmLui_ _ A __ ...L.,f --- wirmira s ro m o.' ) u " II "" 6 rE ;LuTar ttrm t CO., _Wholesale Grooms, ' '. - Frottl., i lattiCanumbelon letenebsationtlDalers to Pi bi """"P 4g l ta. "- - / f 6 ' . 112 84 '' 51 .W 511 " (WHEEL WARELIOASE:4-UENRY EL NJ amlnwardunime orzaamonzi.luci. , t, ,,ri z DollardSartain, Lae nth and harem g 26 Wood street, ' Cora water. Pittsburgh torn rrillOltlAS PALMER, Importer. and Dealer French end Americo WO Paper, No. 63 Mae* stro w ayetweeti =NW Fourth dmet.Plttatnagb- DRY GOODS. JuSEPR HOSNE & 00., Wholoaalo and &tail Detdare 4.m.raomisrra..zostaikTEffiffi7BGS d aim= • Fancy Goode, do. ob.n JraAdgt., beLittlandlisDiasuot. Xrdraata to Lftsdlay'a Yam& . 5at194.7 A. &WOO it CO 11TIP8OMPP.-0. LIMPINT OP, P. TOM. A 1 , 1 800.,IntoletialotazdRetail Reorann'and, Dr/ Good& a aft . . I,;ir .4. • : ' lirjr,l,D, •• .0 Mr% ' lista Drroals liertbants, carnal fosetb Wm. Clayton, • ROUSE, SIGN AI & toRNAMENTAL NE.R GRAINAR 41W aGAZIER, 011. titerAnWiruTragrl iii.t..4 • ttarBl4l4lZ PA. grAlt orders ineCti4ir atten6s4 to •14146112d Removal! Removal! "Removal! eloanveoN CO. XU. ZS.: Purrs maw: to AVING Removed , our Store to No. 23, fritthetrost, (port floof to A../48 Co.) or* inB ' mtav ;Mitred to exhibit me or tbe Stecklf of Inv m ItOl o 2 ut dawrlespearpetlaitaL sod 04418 la Mb ttotkot. ln oat askatralut con oo found uv Wnan Tapestry Alm l e l N l.od a. C=l.l 3 8 44 \ • 4 111 qti pe. - tvervras utrue uegu, r.e.triivitekammuuut; Femurs.. Dnumuuuo do ilo onfl AO, tAnefft,'. ter uo (got , inoow. Buff firm or cloths.. ao. A. Al,'. %. ,u 3D7k Of flow 011 Clotho, .rana 8 Ou ter feet irldo of on •/1 -Of trblob be 401 a attn. rub Olin oo _ _ ----- • _ • Valuable l'r opergtor•fiale,' ,•'• - ._` N Libertyatrinst, adjoaag the Alethodhit • Oesro Yard,rewe Cara Baia Thle is cow Cho mar p .u. brntlgeg".c.jfeiVebeet,Mtiwuoi[E'introthwt'dgilkWlooo%iioto the etC4l.rt Grime Yard hati Owl. to Liberty 100 hot, • This poverty Is wort dadroli• or a 110bel. The Magog I wow ow itoutocel eutotantlai throe sten toi.o. with sit the wormy hack bolish ughbbo 102 it knew that taw, wee egad.o the Linton &dol. both; h owl tnidtuma. . LUpi. Unite owl othersdeeiroete of =Ms a groilwreerboow% v I = 4l t° ' MIX'' , = Wane reams. ( - ROW ABROLD 'l4cu . 14 0 4 A 11 0.fra 3 a ge e t 1a. : 4 L IIV EATIM. , .13,111;.4-,1""8"11""t""libasi o i. rmitcwToo ., Import.. . amt.- Design" him& and Azurelean Pam ura4mc Wcod in e tr. 1 014. : lb+ 8. A F 4-10? iriERALVOMMUMON - . 00 . 4 7. tbasalsitted end ase incethbt rststa zsi. „„,..-t norrmuut r4" 4 "' jaiN mth'i loehantes Oaks. / - -.. W:4lo.PortnershitClusretoroter -alb% ee thi itrlinflill, licturetumt kett;li A., aiimolffil. tl-mntaal•tonastt.. I. D. tiortaa-blaUit witbdrasn from Quo barmen. AU nu bpslsess alb* am Inn I ' M . be KUkdrbr . Wl'. /44 ".11 4 " m.- .11. No - .N. Kg 16.tb.11140.1017 . wig. ado .. loot; BANKERS AND BROKERS ?RESIDENTIAL ELECTION. • ANEIN Ct i ; r HOUSES, • ' ; JOHN T. HOGG: DRDWORD. BEDFORD CO, "1301110ESET, tRIMEDSKT CO,. MOUNT PLEASANT, WICST7dOEVDOI. 12S_NEELLSVILLJO, .TAVCDTE CO.. Penn gertoNTOWN `• SpowNsvillx, " • NEW 11111011 TON DELVED W., u I Dspod received, rgeouutautsde. Desna • bet and collected. Dent Notterund Specie bought Stocks, Notes and other Securities bought ass Oetranisefoth Cornspendeuee and aolteetken +rub LIOLISIES la 80111 •Deniiere in Foreign Doseeitle BRIE ittesskr d. Oertleestie De. tiny Beak Noted satd Heed.; Na. e 9 ket street, Pi tt.. a. /114r0o7Leettolte ett, Ni the prbeeleal attatent Ohs Uultaelhatia. MANUFACTURING. UNION FOMIDRY, Mitchell, llerFon & Co. yeTILL continue the balm= of the Union Youn&mint the 014 sLo6 of'PEN - NOCIS. Malan. CO, No; 194 Libut7 . Mr/ afarnalietare inane, lute Ara sTriarsl usortakent of CA/MING& annlethe Cooking . Stoves, Ranges and Bide Ovens, • 17CE AND .E.PRZOR ITIVF7A MANTLE &KITCHEN ORATES, Rogow Ware, Wagonßoxes, Dog irons, Sad Irons, Tea Kettles, Plows and Plow Taints, Mill and Machin r y Castings generally , Ana GAB AEA WATER PUTS All all dam IRON .& NAILS OF THE BEST BRANDS, • . Shovels, Spades,' Picb, 40., All of which will be uold at ctianuSanalre mr747 • ••• Western Isura - '-•Penn Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh. ENNEDY, OrUIDS & CO.. Mande* Warn of— Tenn A No. 1 henry 44 Sheennan 4 0== s of eel= and chalWa " flouiMa and Saah Qat: ": Soso ofail Aces and dandy an ' len at tha ihrd sw, Mann a 06..181Wc0d stmt. artli sttcracfa 'fl4 . 113k1• WILLIAM BARNHILL /6 .CH., erre. belovie 31ailinry,Iiiiiii)iu0, Pa. 1 TEAM BOP Pa MAKERS a uhetcxend,BMET .. t o mm mo ms t mo i d n trz er s,r e ig. P Ws. Bredstanytire Bed. Eta= Madames.. Balt Pane. Sugar as. Iron Yawl.. Boat., ate- Als4 Blacksmiths' 1 ark. Bridge and Viaduct Iran% done It the &adult:settee. ,tll or from •a distances proreptiy attended to. lad W. WOODWELL, Wholeealaand Retail re stmt., emelettarer 'zed Dealer le Vableet Ware. No. el Shriver di Dilworth, WHOLEBALEIGIROCERS, Noe. 130 /6 132 Second Street, (Between Weal WI Emltteld) PITTSBURGH. • • • Wallace & Gardiner, naoLze . 4z.z DX4LBI3 - 8 111 Mon; Proviinous and Produce Generally, N 0.283 LIBERTY ST. 123041 11,AGALEY, COSORAVE •& CO., Whole- MP sale Grocer% Bind p) Wood street. Pittsburgh 5r9.17 • •-• • . CULBERTSON, Wholeiale lire= nad ozomatusosautsbant,o.hrinProduceindlltta. 14sautiqmd .le3ska, l e6 Libe rt y •Ors.t. Mtn • „mini •1011.—.........,1174.1.i1l giOnIi.FLOYD 4004. Wholesale timers andWeardsioulttadMita.fie.l73lltoollostrza et sale ROBERT MOORE Wholesale Wooer, Peeler In Produce, Plttel/tO tt. ldratefiscticres, and all of Pond= •ind Porozetlo end Losers, Na MO street rand' • very Etna of sulerlcr oCANDLESS, MEANB k CO.. , (succe3- 'lre Nora to Wick a MaCaralear.l Wholaaaa arooara, mri >a froq Nallajilase, Cotton Term. ono Pitteadra etttaborab. Pa. getursUr. dtrattrof Wood and Water ata . aom B. C. 808. ELLS & ROE, Wholesale.arocera and oOrminalln Mantuan. tto, InLiberty et- Rich nd KOBERT DALZMAL 4k. CO., 'Wholetale Gramm Cearolabri !dere:ats, thsalsts fa - Prud e.", aittabwith Maw:Wuhan. N0. T63 Liberty it. nth. SLIM DI=S. DKIKEY.6 CO., Wholesale Oro rm. sOnive.'"=ll,'„43VirgtiTtr,'"f2u HAOALEY, WOODWAED fr. CO., Whole zip male 0r... Zio, Eirket, eo. Thf:a BOOKSELLERS &C. . LI C. .COOLIDELIXE, (siciessor 8: Sad. hAL l6 4trlistTor Atat = l llll1 4". 11,111 . btarkst ?quark Al., y. Pa. - e • : .1 ' LAY & CO., Booksellers. and Stationers, Na a Viroo4 stmet; text dam to the acmes o =lra, Pe: &Mot sod law books anStsatl Tzar= L. READ,Bookeeller and Stationer. No o.7ero.tt.t„apporwilloisis • John 11. Mellor t 0.81 WOOD STREET, bet seen. Diamond Allay sad Fouith Med, &le Agent for 0 FUME R (Wens) PIANO FORTS& RIASEIN A II 4.31- Ldt.ll3 MODEL. MELODEONS and ORGAN lIAMIONI. VMS. sod doatar to /Isola and Muotoll (Weds. e jed Kleber & Bro., NCI. 53 l'irru ST., Sip of the Uohlen Arnme7 for Numrp a 14..uurs - .oz OirilliT=Jillll .1 8_8.4060LN liARMuNitl3.l3, - Deafen in Mal* lad 2400 tus .1 ltne ma& . Charlotte Blunts, „ NtANUFACITURER exid Dealer in Piano Tortes And Imsseterot cassis An&" tativlcal Duds.. mai Sole Agent for OA , LLAIBUDIS PIANOS, aleo for LIALLED, DAVIS A UO.L Dodos Pl►noa, al and with, oat ..Soussa A tiactoent. ta73 lllllVood at. - BELTING Patent Riveted and Stretched ',NATTIER BELTING, From the Mannfactaty orbit Brothers, NEW YORE. • !re 1120 . Belting-of ' this manufeetaro has bra arardedths Gala Mendel and Dlplomaslfrom a amst avail ha sad Trultltate throastiont , States the most moral by tha American ImaltateV Ns* Tort, et their last meeting In the rail of .1.503. It la clew perfor quality, entry Waarb of Um baefross befog oondoct, od muter the persoaal cue of the miocitalr. their Mos an selected by thelosehres that'. MI6 ?footslog Louse, tasnrina freedom from cuts and scores, tanned at their own tardier, after UM belted sad stmaklsre base been trimmed o • retarned . bqes Tork_ •oughly tanned. Inch farm the Tam,. . Itomed/a. wet-sod stretched au machlaes wit every modal, haierosometZ cemented and rlsited with their patent apses firma ; s man ankh vow a perfectlff area was. on hash • .ides or the baud, cattalos them to rue traly - co thal and giving a ear of more that '2O roe amt. *ler -Chase toads In Ms orMaary meaner. To rood:sake of all kinds, to'scdton and =ohm aanalletarera.rolllng mills. vapor VaktlA j esTing sad plaahla est/M.Mhmeata. fanfare a! rotten sdne. bleach Worts 4ie bounds la short Vaal. asumner, Delthaa Is specially rorommosdet she batol4 roman. g i t sa a t i t the Bad . 1 emelt. the haul eflon4. . nol&isinjamkirirt• DE LANGE, DEALEIt IN ' HIDES, LEATHER & OILS 233 LFFERTiFit.OPPorde. the hold qf Atoll artortmorit of . - Leather Belting and Oils, For hlarlduer; andOc4dOur. arrays on brae. arLlS:liet Ninth Ward Property for Sale. 1 WILL. SELL on rosaonablo..torma and Drimentil b : , 2l,o TATS, corner of Mu sus %mill its. °prods. Aid. bbef Mar. Ttls7 ars barcisomely,elCual, fbr yrlrato reddeners. AM*, throe Lora. cur= of 1.214r27 1112 hgblgho het trout each. They ere bslcularrd for Other Inertias boardlrg hours or for roil depot—tor roil brought by ohs Yours, on the CounelrAll• BrUrtruls. = l , 6 segr o n o LaT di ri a corner tge .. rg r Wllkly its., Lock & Hart. 721,gr (re utanuranory or Correct bosrdlnr homes cu. rue the hundred, 01 umbra• IN of teat neighborhood. Apply to (=eV .1,1111‘.3 11. MORGAN. 118 Llbntr it. DANIEL BENNETT, AN UFAOTUEEII, of` Yellow Rocking * hem. Cream sad F Colored Waren Moe atthe Momaraetcry. corner of Wrabloston kali Franklin atn a llismkokb. cm comae Pittaborgn. Fn. grTINATE, INVETERATE AND ILA 11, SlTUlifiCturtipatiost (Goetirenets) not only total. ly nis,_,lnt. atelconipl, tely_ dee rend, without lining eitberf A ttentive', Injections cr ti bi z it, byjjatotal. tilin• • P AlTVALitliTiL le tittlir ' tio'il to lie tali • il i a Whir :mei etitetetest In wrath of toad. 4181.1110141 to the twists :and redly preempt The recliner 1/ . fully acquainted witn I. properties and wl glee eattinictoly biforstatton y 1 who now cult It le CO itchnirsble ortkle 101. dyeper Fla. , . .. , . . .. ._ ~ J.. BSA% Anent f y e a -- - ' ilithathlllneet atom 18 Fourth St RENtIEWS. PATENT SAFES AND RE- I FBlrolateeroB4—The neatest =an durible aaa dent ankle Pat ppoperving• Inip,ssePas the same Mu fie. o the brualloOLOPP to all otbet articles kat In the stPt. A tea tlpisnea and for nip bl tivs mole amts tb• United State, 131 Wpoel T CRAW CO. beitnealang and Sox tronir: • r Subiscriberiumkg.purchased the ex , nInnIT• vitht of 3. Johnston's Pitout-Ikm and J. o noton's Wont AtlFllastlog tlatoothina Inv* Lit DOW . C111:1 1 1:==. In z , kis VIZI2OOIA. Off TOdet&l AZtaat Cotton Woykka luso and post menlignfrO of Ito onennoll Tailor ursol=nrite tho XMQUAND. Mud, Iralalt‘L .11, 1 ,..R8AT BARGAIN—We .now offer 'for ILA al• that Izab sibellgbbi bagamitandirlth batrttachul.tltastclosts door Ilbso tb• Oaror of Elzth bllarrty stmts. ea blear. of Int ream whirl cum b• extended to perpotual, Ms bean re0k.3.1. SW. lirip poet tea actual: raw of 6 7600 u. baUr w 1 " ° P a " e• lo In ar. Tb••••raiming atilt rat& balms, ataa4 iilll bill and mars the &bon to•isr. son . /3. Magid 1 HON. Du . CARD TO IlDnuiDlED==D:J. Lid = i k . :W e Goldere,Palodlerel Phis Au hmahle. ' a cornering Imeulerilles, wed newt.* uhalluethenem be MaaPar turns, tram 1111/41.142M11. _ The sWee lamed D upe = m llls bate bete tupC lo the Mesta Practlee MM Pm me Mtn! Yelp with unperalleled mare In almost men caw esed it 1,11 +l:ots ggs at 7i i = t ems th ur s =r a l mm 000111 07.1tehrllet adente end advertleUM them. ' Mender that a ll u mem be refrellug tram tlee• seem meephelete mar ft/ la IN, atom Pturnige , i 64 .Scrul"., . a. Noma Asuir.l--, ':~t'L.CO~. 4, §QL3 .t lisilsuB DB IED GROCERS. =EI MUSIC &C. Republican Nominations iron NV-Minn. JOHN C. FREMONT', oie OALMIRSIA. FOB Viol PA W) WILLIAM'L.DAYTON, Or Nitir Union State Ticket. 702 CANAL COMMII2IO3III, THOMAS C. COCHRAN, of fork . PM AUDITOR OlinllAL, DARWIN PHELPS, pt Armstrong. to attRVITOII aUzw., • BARTHOLOMEW LAPORTE, of Bradford The Republican Platform. ADOPTED DT TEEN PDILADDLPIII6 CODPEETIOE, aims 17nt, 1860. Tins Convention of Delegatee assembled in pursuance of a call to the people of the United States, without regard to put political differ ences or divisions, who are Opposed to the re peal-of the Missouri Compromise—to the polity of the present adcathistritlort—to the extension of slavery into free territory; in favor of the ad mission of Einem Is a free State—of restoring the action of the Federal Government to the principles of Washington and Jefferson, and for the purpose of presenting candidates for the offices of President and ViooPresident, do— Resolve, 'That the maintenance of the princi ples promulgated In the Declaration of Indepen dence, and embodied in the Federal Constitution, are essential to the preservation ptonr Repub lican Institutions, and that the Federal Constitu tion, the rights of the States, and the union of the States; must and shall be preserved. Resolved, That, with our Republican fathers, we hold it to be a self-evident, tenth that all men are endowed with the inalienable right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that the primary object and ulterffir design of our Federal Govethment is to grdht these rights to all persons under Ito exelneive jurisdiation. That, as our Republican fathers, when they had abolished elavery in all our national' territory, 'ordained that no person shell be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, it becomes our duty to maintain this provision of the Constitution (against .allattempta to violate It far the purpeee'of establbshing slavery in the ,territories of eel:rafted States), by positive le gislation prohibiting Its existence or extension therein. That we deny the authority of Con gress, of a Territorial Legislative, of any buil-. vidnal or association of individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any territory of the Ilbited States, while the present Constitution shell breutintained, 12esolord, That the Constitution confers upon Congress sovereign power over the territories of the United States for their government, and that in the exercise of this power Gls both the right and the imperative duty of Congress to prohibit in the territories time twin relics of barbariem, polygamy and Maury: • Resolved, That while the Constitution of the United States was ordained and established by the people "in order to formarnore perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty," and contains ample provisions for the protection of the life, liberty, and property of every citizen, the dearest conelitudonal rights of the people of Kansas have been fraudulently and violently taken from them.. ~ Their territory has been invaded by an armed force; Spurious and pretended legislative, judicial, and executive officers have been set over them, by whose usurped authority, sustained by the military power of the government,' tyrannical and unconstitutional lima have been enacted and enforced; nTho right of the people to, keep and bear lame has been infringed; lqest oaths of an extraordinary and entang ling nature have been impend as s condition of exercising the • right of suffrage sod .holding of fics;" "The right of an accused person to a epeedy and public trial by anlmnartia jury btu] been denied;", • ° "The right of the people to belecure in their persons, houses, pspere, and effects, against un reasonable searches and seirart4k has been nib " They is se been.deprivea of Life, liberty, and property, without dun process of law;" "The freedom of speech and.ef the press has been abridged;" • The right to choose their representatives hes been made of co effect; ' Murders, robberies, sad arson, have been in litigated and encouraged, and the offenders bane been allowed t&, go unpunished; That all theie things have been done with the lmowledge, sanction, and procurement of the present national sddinletratico, and that for , this high crime against the Constitution, the I Union, and humanity, we arraign that adminis , tratioo, the President, hie lidtlittP, agents, sup porters, ofologista, and accessories, either be fore or after the feet, before the country and be fore the world; and that it is our fixed porpoee In bring thew:Anal perpetrators Of these atro cious outrages and their aocomplioes, to a store and condign pirdehmimt hereafter. Rooked, That Caused aluittld be immediately admitted as a State of this Union, with her Pres ent free Constitution, so at once the most effec tual way of 'mooring to her citizens the 147- ment of the rights and privileges , to which , they are entitled, and of ending theeivil strife now raging In her territory. ^ - - - Resoled, That the highwayman'i pies, that might makes right, embodied in'the.thitend Cir cular, woe In every respeet unworthy of Aomori -411112 diplomaoy,End would bring theme and dis honor upon any govethment or people that pie It their sanction. - Rualoal, That a railroad to the Pacifie Ocean, by the moat central . practical 'route, le 'lmpera tively demanded by the Intereate ef the whole conntri, and that the Federal Goternment clued to render immediate and sufficient aid In the .00netruction, and aa an du :Mary thereto, to the immediate oonstructlon of an emigrant road on the lino of the railroad. Resolved, Mon approfiriatious by Congress for the improvement of riven and harbors of a no tional character required for the accommodation sad security ot, an existing commerce, are au thorized by the Constitution, and juetlled by tho obligations of government to protect the live s pad property of its eitisens. Resolved, That we Invite the eittlistion and co operation of men of all parties, however differ ing from us In other inputs, in support of the principles herein declared, and believing that the spirit of our institutions, se well as the Con stitnUoo of our country, guarantees liberty oT conscienoe and equality of rights among citi zens, we oppose all legialation Impairing their security. 0 0 .TS t o li aMinir t3 n S an l a o4l .oo l n l Li mn ° Il e AN T Seetingeneerd Boike teoAittemb r ilebne. lmpor4is• a l Pine St., New , Tork• 9. —l7 itariar til lißliiteli ISOM W0a114" Sitalis.Engines and Boilers, au:knave Agency_ flaw York ger • I. =lt • DIAOULNESUOPP klacktallnise Tool' _ . Hough's Patent Mastic Skirts. fi I ATES &,•FRANOZ, No. 1 Batalay street, d Nan Yark. • . . AUTION—None in*Atenialn• :me% thni Mn Oa , tamp at the Watt. An aksaufpnwat ana ram la• ...Fans will b. saneenatal an= , Mir to law. . mow-r . 'PITTSBERGEI COACH FACTORY. Um, BIGELOW At CO, : • Matenvorm to E. 0:111 .low. Dj ulak p ood 42l" 4". - Pittsburgh, Penn. fIOAORES, CARRIAGES, PHAFONS, Ade i tgrA lid sa/ rakdtlVZZ twe' v beauty ordmiga i alm=uf adieu Mai I= wadi sad durability ma • ' mar mareatited. • MoCTITONELIN uu wrgo.L.EsALLE Gigolo kits 7 !lobed and Commlnionzereadull • . 4.1• D DJULE6III.6 , Pittsburgh Manufaatrared Azticues, No. 219 Liberty drat, tonte rm /kis, =ye zt. PA JONEB COOLEY, WEoLECALE OROCERS 11042 FURNISHERS; DIALIERIPIN Produce and PiEtt un kKalligmetinsi Na 141.IVatee Street, uu Ch WAB II 7 2 }GIL MIMI: • BOOTS - 400) SHOES. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 'WS subscriber respectfally. calls the at -4.l.o3.tateurn a n paT n agatl i ttalaraTtiu: fo r Ni.un. In I whieh band 15. of ma vw ument; ad Caldron% wra. and Most. made out of Ms UM sod Ott* latest rtrlss Is tenter to ,alt anoste7 4111411M1 and those ..p 2 num . afier r A l CC th op mo r n . .16•115eialpataisigs Unstop= neeindbil tlMM a glanin: Imi to MUM i PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Advance Paymente.--tiereafter gab be taken f the Dant .4. w•slarthaet.. seism IMment is made In advance. Whenever the D. to up to which the entrecriptlon be paid, the poor rill be Invariably stopped. unless the eubemiptlon ls re aimed by advanompsyment. All transient admrtislnin of every derelptitm. will be required to he paid In ad melon -The only tareptlona elf be when spacial month IT or panne contrasts me made. seplutAn 113.72:1101 Weekly tiazeue.-13. ostatiVs chtulation do Weekly Gascgc bffers to oar Badmen man • mod d asedltua of muting their boob ko Cul drogitlato 111114tweenlbur sad pat Uttnisand, resatlns amost ovimmarebant. manatietzner and atto loom to ll•gary Putnalruila. and rastersiOldo. Per ;he Plttsbinvh Gazette A Trae. Mark. A true mark of what? Of Satin's cause. What is Gist true markt •It Is a cry raised by • political party, Bummed up in two words—" Po. !ideal Preaching," or; " Preaching Politice."— This cry is • true mark of Satan's cause. And they that raise this cry may very easily be known as In the Interests of Satan's kingdom. Thereto nominee that fear' the influence of the clergy, either in politics or is any thing else, except the cause of Satan. When &good canoe is combined' with politics it courts the influence of the clergy, instead of repudiating it. . The canoe of God needs and seeks their Influence every where; in politics as . well as elsewhere. And hence It le, that the. cease of God , never seeks to exclude their influents from the businees of politics; it Is Satait's cause, and only his, that makes the at tempt. Were Satan to etfooeed in shutting out the influence of the ministers of the gospel from politics he might. traly rejoice; it would be a complete triumph, and his cause would prosper , with but little hindrance. Beoausepolittos has' been the chief Instrumentality used ,by him fez the maintenance of his kingdom upon earth. What erepoiltioa but the niiikagement of civil government in Its :salons phaiestand it has been by this 'epeeist:ly that Satan has hitherto maintained his cense. The despoliems, chit sad religious, of the old world, which have so long cursed the nations, are and have been the prin cipal support of Elatatee kingdom. ' In those na tions Satan suc c eeded in havingpolitlea managed for the support of his - owe kingdom. 'And Ibis succees was secured by keeping politics in the hands of his own 'eremite, and excluding the in fluence of the people of God. If any tionld dare to speak for God and Freedom, the political en linery was employed at once to crush him. In those nations none of the clergy are permitted to meddle with politics, except those who preach for the support of Satan's 'cause; politics are so managed as to close the mouths of all others.— , And hence, in those countries there is no cry raised against "Preaching Politics," became all who.dare and do preach politica are on Satan's aide. And if the mouths of all others undid be closed in this country. there would be no cry here either. We see this verilliid by the fact, that preachers at the South may advocate tha cause of slavery as much as they please, and therein no. ay raised against them that they are "Preaching I Politics." And why! Because they are plead ing for Satizea cause. But as soon as &preacher speaks against slavery the cry goes up---"Preaoh ing Politics." And why? Because this le against Satin's cause. And thin it Is manifest, that the (Ty is' tamer raised except when Satin'e in terests are assailed. And thus too, it is mani fest that-the cry is a true mark of Satan's party. It is nothing but Satin's wily policy to defend his awn cruel dominion of slavery and min. HOW could ►minister of the gospel, in the dis charge of his duty, possibly keep clear of poll-, tics? Must not Me office work have a bearing on all the affairs of life? and are not politics intertwined with all the affairs of life I If poll. tics haduothing to do with Satan's Kingdom, or with Christ's Kingdom, then o minister of thb gospel might and ought, to avoid interference with politics. But it is impossible, to separate either Satan's cause, or Christ's canoe from the hominess of polities; and hence if a minister of the gospel Molds duty he is compelled to inter fere with politics. It is surely his duty to prea,oh and employ all his influence against alokednees of every kind, and in every relation. And hence, when wickedness is combined with polities he can not, and ought not, to be silent In relation to it. If ho is, he is derelict in his duty, and unfaithful tolls position. But when he speaks out against Mils political wickedness, tho cry will be raised that he is "preaching politics," - hilt by whom? jos; by those who are thle advo cates of this wickedness- but tide cry ought not Cu deter him from his moulted dutl. lilt does, it Is ail:lying Satan'estratagim to succeed, in shutting him out from interference with lßatan's A minister of the gospel ought not to mate himself a politician; but he ought to stand up manfully and openly against every form of ini quity which politico undertake Co support. 14- Mae an Iniquity is supported by politic', is no reason whj he should be silent towards it. If were, Satan might no melange, as to have every form of iniquity combined with politics, wad then the ministry would be entirely debarred from Interfering with his .cane. Every reasonable and honest man must admit, that the miolstry ought to oppose every form of wickedness, even though combined with politics; and thin to the interference in. politics which we plead for, and which most be maintained, if the ministry be faithful. Wheo a political party urges the nation to make an unjust war on another nation, how can the ministry but oppose such wiekednest, and bow can they thou avoid meddling with politic& To preach against such a war would certainly be "preaching politics," but faithfulness to God re grilses them to do it. When a political= party would urge the nation to plunder other, nations, withoit regard to justite, as James ,- Buchanan advised this nation to rob Spain of the Island of Coln, moat not the nilnistry oppose each gutty, but in doing it they can not help bat "preach politics " When a political party la bors for-the- support and extension of drunken. nese, the ministry ought surely to oppose. this evil; bit in doing so they are meddling with polities; bat evidently they are In the discharge of-their deity. When a political party pleads far the desecration of the:Lord's dav, and the &boll. tion of the Sabbath, the ministry are bound to speak out against each wickednees; but they are interfering with politics; and "preaching 'poll. tics," they can not ,avollit. When a political Party pleads to have the abominations of Mor mon polygamy incorporated with this Christian nation, shall the ministry of the gospel not raise their voice against auoh impiety; butin doing so they "preach politics." And _ when .a poli tical patty undertakes to support and extend the cause of human oppression, smelly the ministry of thegospel are bound to oppose such iniquity. And when a political party undertakes' to ex clude free men,.and free labor from the fair territories of this pest nation, and to blight these fair territories with the curse of human bondage, it is certainly the duty of the ministry to oppose such iniquity. And, when these fair territories of this free nation ire sought to be given, by a 'political party, ,to• the grasp of elavory, in order to open a market in these tern ,torles for sieves, and thus to enhance the value of slave property, and to et:mit:lnge the business of slavo-bteeding, the ministry must, and they oirtainly oppose such wickedness. Duty to tho cause of both God and man requires it of them. And though the slave-breeding party may cry out 'Trenching pantie'," yet all these forma of wlokodnets they, will undoubtedly op .l As long as Sateit's cause can be imitablead with politics, and tho ministers of the gospel 'have freedom of speech, thit My Will be raised; but it is always the unmistakeable index of the .`devil's cause—and he would be well pleased if, not only the ministers of the gospel, but all the people-of God should cease to meddle with poll -1/0101-1/1 teST4 this part of the world's affairs to be managed by himself and his own servants. The prosperity of his Kingdom than, would be greater than ever it has been before. Bat he shall not have it so—both the mbalstry and the people :of God will oppose him in this device. They ambound to take part in politics, so that this mighty inetrnmentality may not be employed only for, the cause of Satan and Slavery, but also for the cause of God, and FITIIDON. AT a Fremont meeting In Gralista, Mourne county, N. Y., last week, one of the Rochester Fillmore committee of reception related the fol lowing anecriote:—lfr. El., an old resident of Stillwater, on the upper Hudson; introduced among his limn; of henna few Shanghais, - in ehzding o rapider of formidable dimensions, who had "run to lege! a good deal. ills mow pecu liar and easily distiagnished from that of the ether cocks. One morning be bad waited to hear a repetition of the usual Emmons, after being aroused by the ' , shrill clarion" once sound ed, but be heard It not again. The pre-eminent clouitioleer was still. Mr. S. went oat to see *at had caused the silenae. 11. found the roaster on his beak with both lege out of joint. After en examination, he set both !egg the wok walked off and Esee rent to Ws satisteatlon in I lusty crow. the very sot, he dropped es if he had teen shot. We bad crowed his legs out of joint stain I Be was kept three or four days and then killed: nit was too much trouble," said Mr. 8., Hto set Ilm irp two time he mew.; ed." , Well, gentlemen, ontinned thiiipeaker, we took hlr. Elthspre from New York to lliffeler, aid ercry.thne he crowed alcipi the Ointtr; he crowed hie !wont of John, and we had to set him up. When we entrain Buffalo, I conclud ed that the work of Wens him up was to Mori eueotad wea loft Wm. • Prom the Chluro Tiribtme of Au. v. Important nom Batten. AZTUZZTIO AZOV= OT Till colonnos.or sr- IM3B 18 TIM SZEILISOIY. A gentlemantrom Wisconsin in whom we he= implicit reliance, left LesTenworth City on Thursday hat; he brings .us authentic intelli gence of the condition of agars in the Territe- ry. The sum' of his amount is this: The free Btabs men are not, intimidated by the forces which ere pouring both the Territory to operate against them. They hue assembled at Law rence to the number of over one.thourand light ing mon, MI of Whom me well armed, and firmly reached, if attacked, to make desperate resist =co. They are throwing up entrenchments and breastworks around the town, in which they are sedated by their wives and daughters, who work by relays day and - rdght, with courage and devotion which Inspires their lambent% fathers, and brothers with heroic and, we believe r on conquerable resolution. They are already hus banding their provisions and ammunition, in ex peotation of a siege, Our informant nye that every woman Ise soldier, and drat, in the event of a flght, each will doe aoldier's duty. . The Missourians were crdseing into the Ter ritory in great numbers, tnuckinflamed . by the false report which the Borderltuffian journals are Industriously circulating. In all the river towns the excitement is intense;:but, with the prospect of a bloody reception before them, men for the campaign were not very readily . pro cured. Oar informant - thinks that, before thin fight. leg has occurred; and be io confident that, whatever the result, the Free State then hive no.canse to With for their conduct or their estate. LatTLIST 17/03t IfifiLULKIL A gentleinin from Nebraska City; NJ T., brings the following, which la 'unquestionably correct In all its particulars. A part of the core has been Anticipated by Mr. Strewn's let ter, published a few days ago; but as the repor ted eettlement of the larger part of the com pany which went out with Oen. Lane, Ls confirm ed, we give the letter entire. In it the correct statement of the affair near Leoompton, upon which the Border Ruffian report that the "Cap- Rd had been' attackted," "the prisoners ieleas ed," At., was based. . Nisaasse Car, Aug. 18, '66. On Sunday Aug. 17th Mr. Weston, of Mass., arrived at Nebraska City, bringing news of the safe arrival of Lanes party of Kansas emigrants at Topeka and this vicinity. They met with no resistance from anybody. Some of them took claims in Nebraska just this Bide of the border —others just over the border about sixty miles from here. The whole cumber,. of men who tered is 124--of women and Utah.= 60: They reached Topeka on the 11th, having creased the Kamm, BE° on the 7th. 47 of • them stopped about five voila across the border, where they have eatablished the town of Plymouth. The next town, fifteen miles farther on, Is Lexiog tonwhere about 70 of the party are eettled.— Fifteen miler farther \gill Le Concord—forty miles from Topeka, andverty-five from Ne braska City. Tho remainder.. of" Lane's party, after leaving their companions st these tore., went on to Topeka. On the 15th, as a portion of them—less than 100 In number—were pees. leg &block-bonne near Lecompton, they were firel on from the house by the Pro-Slivery men. They returned the fire and burned the house down. None were killed but three wounded on each side. This is the affair which the Mason risas magnify eo much. Men were arming on the 18th and 19th at all the river towns, and Were °rasping into Kansas, vowing vengeance. There must have been more fighting before this, and the Border Ruffians will no doubt try to that op the Nebraska route. Border-Auffian Outrage—The Quakers Ilea for tneir Lives Their. Women Shamefully Threatened—A sham Peace —Re-Enforegiments for the Free Boil Men. Eveclal Dlipt.ta to the N. Y Tribune. LANTILVICM, Kansas Territory; 1 Saturday, Aug. 23,1856. On the 22d the Quaker Minion, on the road from Westport to. Lawrenoe, was attacked by an armed band of. Georgians, *he plundered the places, taking all the horses they could find, end committing all manner pf wanton outasges.upon persons and property. thettesocfal inhabitants were shamefully insulted, and their lives pit In jeopardy; and threats of an emparalleled grow nestrwere made to seize the helpless Quaker women and carry them off to the ,ILaffuin camp with en object too shocking to contemplate.— The inoffensive people were compelled to flea for theirelivea, their property all stolen or deetroyed Sy Gov. Shannon's agency, en interohange of prisoners was effected a few days since, and the gun—a twelve pound brass howitsei—captuied -from the Free Soil men of Lawrence I;Maylset when the hotel and printing office were burned, who given up by the Border Ruffians. This was brought about through the meditation of tip United Staten Dragoons, co operating with Gov. Shannon, and fora while it WAS even supposed that peace had been concluded. It is said that the Border Ruffisna have rained some 2,000 pen in Nrissoarl to send into the Territory. The friends of Free Soil hare 800 men already, and to enrollments have been sect to; end are eZ. pected without delay. Should the Dlles attempt to come here, to burn Lamm , perhaps repeat the vile outrages perpetrated by the Georgians on the peaceable and industrious Qoskere, they will meet with a desperate end deadly reception. To the imelate . . . ST. Loma, Tuesday, Aug. 26, 1856. Advioes from the Border Comities state that 2,500 men were ready to enter Kansas on the Four hundred of Gli-Lsne'e men were on the north ride of the Endue Ebrer.for the purpose of intercepting those who may go to.the relief of Leoompton. The Lexington Express of the 231 Inst., says that Gen. Smith has gone to Leoomptou with large body of troops. Gon. Richardson. in command of a large body of Tenltarial militia, had gone to the north•wes tern part of the Territory, to out off the retreat of Gen. Lane, ebould he attempt to escape. Sr. Louis, Wednesday, Ang. 27, 1856. A totter in the Republican, dated Palermo, Runs, 22d Inst., states that the:mall carrier, arrived from Leoompton and Lawrence, reports not Titus at Lawrence, mitering extremely from several bullet wounds, received in the at tack on bin house, and that le is net expected 01411U30, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 1850. 11eliable Intelligence from Lesvenieorth state that n company of 18 Pdhsarairhins bad.altaoked Tricker Mission,-twenty miles from Kansas City, and commanded the inhabitants to deliver up their horses sad leave the Territory. ' The de mand was refused and the hilasourbins were not strong enough to execute it. Mr. Wedenhall, President of the Mission, haa returned to 'Mihail. Wm. C. Hope, formerly of Kentucky, was shot and scalped, five Wise from Leaven Worth, off Wednesday last, by some Mllsouriane from Clay county. Ile was left dead In the road. Companies of. Missouriacue' were orotodog the river at Leavenworth into the Territory, on Fri day end Saturday last. They . were also concen trating at Westport and Kamm City. No demonstration had been made against Lawrence at the latest dates. Cniotho AD 81ix ny a Durninlitan.—A cur respondent of the Republic, who_visited our city a few days since, thus gives his impressions.: "I don't think I was ever more surprised 'in my life than in observing the prosperity of Chi cago—the rapid increase of population, the ad vance in wealth, and the immense number of magnifieent stores, and residencies In process of erecdon.i The streets are abiolutely ailed - with stone and lumber and other' building materials, and everything beam an appearance a piosper ty and magnificent enterprise. I was told that no lees than arts aurgrand germ hundred kV fags are being bnlit at this time, and I can rea dily believe it; for on one abort street I counted eighteen or nineteen itometteo die storied stores going up, fitted for marble, Kantor iron" fronts. the people are even engaged In putting a DOW bottom to their city by raising the streets, uni versally, three or fonir feet bights. This leaves the side wake, to it manner; down stelre„ and , a trip over the city at present Is the most tiresinne operation I know of. ' Crossing the Rocky Moon= tabs on foot is a mere bagatelle In comparison. Everybody is making money,_and . rents are prodigious. Stores that would rent in. Buffalo for $7OO, would readily bring $OOOO here, with a business to proportion. An empty 'dry 'good • box on a favorite corner to a fortune was bold er, and the right to oeud,peattute petipmettnel ly, would, I think, make the fort:mate owner railroad president In the courts of a year or two." Bustles os mos Mcromas_CaMMLlC‘Paise. —Dr- Dromplos, in a late camber' at hliffelieir says that the -ao called Catholic) °anal, In elite country are Mlle else .this Leith . astrepapur, appenlint nen Cl' MA then . to. paella In tl:meta muleympatilea: Mtn of them, he says help-milk tbanc•of Autitieszta, and are Elea ttith.seitrlbes against the.race from , which th e ,mudority of nan-Catlblle Amerleans,'Slals :Is hire eptung Their tone and temper ars far etas, and their .t, le tendettay. OM the Doc tor, le 1.. make as American feel that, - matt. tally, the Chart& In We emir, le 11' fades oolosy, Sod by no mesas Cathollo. WAD the Age. A Y ! F DIOTCAILAN: Calebrattelenatian Lin ison:4 doelortrrhillni ti , Bogy Oo drool. a... mr=mmet Maw& "matins. Ihrehlsms.. 0 bas t ri.mrc Erram itad Palm la 11 . fmlomml Ow met sod MO. Hinf3L - G-221 Jr. Dr. Tons. Us hs=moda thd ror & l ir ce r re: mentor—snatt T r that asYstt Is to uso tt =areas to the di* Altos =A N = e i h n sw e ll P ticl ro W nZettbszt uu. tbfast sou Iwo Inn tdoi OM%* - fld Yonicitong Bets:mud." iiiiitnnituts of Oartificsfashly• bora rtpdrid • LAlt of Its ruo *trims. tiowirdays Ms the to Cho motors with certlltosteo hoorookoolm or atm try tome 'oho bare arra 1,4 the Tobtm offers to 11.7 • • • • POLLRB. ,-- • . Wan 6 1:k• whe Vr.ll won ,thwt bi imbilesp a taus during the *lambi Ite4 had cm zaulklns Left* cir Ora airatisadl csC alltri phial o:eitalouti alaiceattliatia ,Ar Pellentardafart th= air of sai Vixen= Ltsdarair Noy lOW ti total it Dftrnedir. Dr.WOMlable Ulm ' LiJoelii CI ' Bunn . 1040, of the ATEL eitr New York. bgAcituly d ,3 !**•.• *ma/ erolicarit Liaters *LIAO Vara airt, mai ran thada. to tab. I InvialuitJ of irnietlit. Laomawad bara r. arm maws • t rattoraaaril t.?a Wirt:lmps , i iirEMAL tray York - 1:07u TO Clul! 4ta7 E. me. * au Price . ZS and 60 mita seabT,thro cc4 antratiat Perim trrnai_amt tar Oil nista.. , WAtio far ft* .Dr. Tobias' nars• Linllo2oo LI pint bettlie at GO aln• a inrEsztopmpaim. to *O7 03ant. Dr. Tobirs' VIDE,. 00 Oour4aoaat.. Sow lrek. ! • • • idtegoo Philadelphia litemehip The' splendid new Siestnabip City s tki Ont: lance. will MI term PM* oa Unit Await sad 111 u.,.. ltgliiPt.--tt z fr a itrepoa fOttg trp u tneon POMIOI[. 00.0 - 24134.. 0111 olitalgt Pa 13th Ans-frril t irt va. itti Pot. Pam - Prom .4 sus. Frh 30. naafi Miceli to ial frrailhta=r - rfl; - dare lino of litiarritips. or;lrt_irst dais Whir pirti, on be 17"4zred tartnVAS, ' • Or SOHO 1 . 110 P30N.410 bum st,Plttaborib. P. 8.-Alit Prins*. sia &taus ea luau .: frEIE How tow In ihkabytiin leribsr. No, 438seond street: This jproierty comylsts order. forntsbad with Gas and Hot. 0:2 Wat¢ lot partisrdszs. 'winks of • • • dse"ttf GEO, 18.4021321. onion's & Onolsr:141 WI? "Unit 40TOR O'BRIEN an be consulted at Dr SHIT 11'& corner and thatthtlotiaa.on NO3 . wEDIIEBp4I.II3 And 8a11111.116.1r 8, hoax /0 to 1 ./Siriaiiftne on the Bloll=lo4 WU. .142a11e A CARD. r Emibieribtrr retired ram bailees the ' hut In Erna of bit sons. WU:Um BTUntscss, It whim:Um, ths buttons at thsNs. 21 , 11 tinting? street. Under the 14x210 - WITCH. Els Deli to tat= thinks In bls trastozosts ipze the Hb• satomass ha. Worst tke many yams sail to snkit tin Ms illness= s tontlsusnes of than Wars. which h a doubts notthervlltno taslrbest nolososento merit 1103;11011HtlintiniTnil. • . MC. 1111TOEIXL.TREE, WkI.OI_,ESAT.V. 43_11401ZERS, , RECTIFYING DISTIIV,pRN WINE AND LIQII6I2 . IIERONANTE, - No. 209 Lib-ITV:Steet:l . Ja=.* ' ST 823 vs 0 a. :dilutor() Glass NAlittfactort-for_ gale ' uils.,. °s lVir il i t3 Li ejAßS MAN. : . 91161ftti"IIIMIVANIIIMMITMX • of Hs othrinsicast. Thts ltactosj„ , toing sosinithottly bestolibrobtslitog " irt! • Tho Phinixburgh Water:Care. Thlt. U; ; BAnZ be ga leavelo acquitaa AJIP his Meade gad the read that hell itttat mete' ye city. Witte theme el the abcmotuetttattwrbsre bit tetra t o Dattente mita mar whittle Phkee tDemrhra =gm A ttl i z el tat. , promptly attended to. BNTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL FAIR of I the A.ll/221CAlf /1121aTUTE of the . CIY Olf Mir . ' The announce thatther bays tnadiiitsage K air rotate to hot tide Ciblbltlern In the Crystal Palm* WM' 19.111019,1 on MONDAY. tbe V. 4 day of Yf t rembeotad vlll witlrely Coss on ISAfFEDIf t the 25 't darn! October Tbl intgalfSamt and meant fnilldhpy irllfbiopendx the reception of Goof. ga MONDAY; the 150. until HATUltnalf, Qs ?l o th of somber. . Heavy nada end articles Von a. disrandr, be reeckm and gond In the alsoe °nand alter the ut of tharbonsfer; • r • - - - Precoltunseatalstin of . 150Dia. SILVER end MOTU =Dal's. DIP to . act be wrardad 'on 1.15 A r , --t• cognation of offokelent sod ttoyartlat Wow 'The CON .11 ffill he .donble he af use meant Ifsdal, sad Ism be maned exchad t iel to y to mac/dorm and °COY artl• else ofhlah =ISM Tbe Silver liedst VW he - -inrectly en. lanai, exul the Broom Cola! will trot a new fratturtn .the ainfrds of tlsr Ansaloaninstltnte.• - • • Th. MATT= SHOW will ba bat( iralatall'On Botta; a bantital Mot of ernanselottan acre.. (mina* by Aar car per Mien of- arcr gayer( • Now Yolk tor that nernace• on TUESDAY.WYDNBADAY anOTBUBADAT, tra ltthatth and tait. dip of °Acta. • 20n would Inman mom exhibit= the na. a tfotetlog irmsdlata mottos of thermal Vary With to bccrWertall Mom orb". map lltora7 naVrj= cr. truant:mot. • From the 1311121=0311mBea msda, lb. Itammara tad II nearascry to mart tortterz wand.ouleat (az abeam power. ••• Coramions adamant:l to WM. B. MUSD. Oar. roe nab:4 dearetary; will meet with lmoMh4attanLmn . rant dui= lull pude:Wm. in 6,1114_4:a. (Bastion at the .a of tba American Initita%2( Broadway. Bow Fmk. Gam F. NESBIT. 15 1 Joao W. Cnixanz. Earrotary. . anklarra war Par Sale T . 13.E.VtinVOLuis work s OAKS elan sints, These worts are therf ittastea 0. the bask eV the Allegheny riverle the 9th Ward, they have beer, lately -reWsd aed Sl* lallaredr , 1=111210.3. The whole ettablicluaset vitt be sold ou ressosabie tense sed extesetv• eustrou tranefered auTpartles dude tons or messiahs In tide lucrative Wiwah of lesicsilase tare. ,or particuLtre Ingutre of HODS= weKtiI:DEIT, Sm., 4th R. or of J. (MASA DENNY: cor. of klerketuad Third. arts. For Bale. • DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN. TB CM a Of ALLSOMSNY.—d2asocontlifonv;lnta If in, ro on thew's% onto of !tali 901:01510n. tumor Of 1.1•741. lay. fronting 71 food tneluo on the Common and. co. tending boo a 9,1 feet. Mae are on the papaw one air. anfdattroe dory brick dwelling _bonee, tad taro roma uuementa. Pyles td.500. PAW ituabia en haul and the !Wanes In tons equal annual loatalmanto with None . reV•gond and 120r , Cro t ig. d i a • ire. , thi.sts nibs ff= 7 prtdll nateVate pdro on Tionnasy lt the dd do, of Septalnber rot iolbralatlo =antra of Menke Yoffeeand Jahn Plantain MN, Citl. jumplama . B. 70911114.7 r. —ilowaLands. ." 4, N. FRAZIER, formuly. resident of ollitolonoth(oo. lorolottalosto bails aint Jor d o Ulundi Blotto and Max COST lon6Ditfoloto , Cooltalis owl °Mao tutotoo =nay to Wont. ow we ts:me to to en barb thole Isslaus dlatdl7 sod promptly ostmuled to.br eawns bbs at the Ors mom 0 TimC oo o M. Dab N.. 78 bisttet stood, frton •A. . I P.m John Alezzader, llM l t U F l llokkot Ot.PIOos4LN. Holman t eon. /3antarg dor, A. OmemOrl. odad o r“.. amnia 84a i. Allegheny: John Floiolatomoolotott: - - pas A. Krebs...A.llm, 1 LITIIOGRAPZEBB -- --,-.- 4 k rT6rAf f eetreg s ntrin i 41 GRAVING A.D PRINTING eseested la the ha I sty a, at matsrel• prem. hatelthrt ILiIEATIMIt BELTING --MIA H MI OYT nos.. N. Y. of olsoghtorod WOO. *MI. by th ew for fho Pippo% and so as CO Mao" Wing of moo thou wo per amt. Of pOWOYOTOY elf MI& L2lO 0/6USUIS7 =MR. • roll W011...ntb7 Id. DA ANGD.WII Ilborty impolite Um Nod of Wood. . - PAINTERK, LONG & LANE, CIOUSN AND SIGN PAINTABS. n(Old Ad fitlir Stracti.) num, enzw. Owl.= Wcod and Markss ernsto • • All ordere.promptly attended to. espentstan • =maim Alt.. 121127-41 lalzol. mu 8013111801c.103711 KILLERS • OITSDEI3S AND ENGINE BUILDERS, E Disanfaetanes of ail diftelptteaup 0i,;14, a"rt°L ogsmoi a°l ll.3. ilarket fte.set. bd wean 11:1100.sa1 • . KUILITLY & BIIIIMM:=1; DIALERS LY . . - - BWas and se Dress Goads muslin CLOAKS, TALMAS & SHAWLS, RNBIZOIDERERS AND STAPLE opal's. . For Family Use. an amarcuiltr ar.endre use g rtsment stl of the One '"lr'irecti"'":ol"nirr="=""os °gum .FOB OANNEL trOAL WILD now to pecaptly. 1711.4,. if &Wiwi tb• berm it the earner of 'mirth abd Wood an. o r Robert Wrryli dors andtbllold rbEsirt. moats Rep or ab 11.• Wawa's store. =Da of utort7 and Pitt& Dial sod ba Alldtgbeb7 CM'. Lb• Of !Amt. Dial stem ascear /*deal and Lananklin. rinnnU C tah s22 an % dall i"2.l m7 -154 7 74. apth " rni ala ktarrj .4. 4-40/1.-.: JsoOTT, Dentist. Foam arts zi flt • en doors mot of Matta. 'Mks vekt it.,to AU wi t.r ugg. TATS; Plumber and Ciao .ail oDRW • Itratav a r b e ta..7 4 llw= l =:M tv " .11!42, _BemonL. . ft BELLEW .004.19holestale Dia& Ls Slits. Unica:mid to this 6 essansinriss wallas, on thm itlmet West stir.. ethers sat. Vette . s. aa.. " %n2111 .lent tsa &A iskicsed . . • IBMIEti Idameacturer etamt. 'Aare m 4 norrzics.vito! .. _ ~. PlWne sad Gant Nat Glue la arariaty.77lr."'_arelbolue. pt ad 183 fiA4 /S 4 BlZitlts. nuomph, . --- _ .. pi t the 'oil true sad W I si s Tur we 11' for bi B. IL ~.. - , • . , . Iliztxtop, =tn. 1 :til : _. - .lllrß. itilefkrl Ewa ocutokasur ...." - g mt• Pat mad Vettathtgt tramiltoitu Mersa lir szeta tam. bat la b• tuttl not toon anti Istatn.tbs .. doosutel Woos ow to mk sat aziont -/ m i ne} ems bar orate ktolla ctf 1111 s, Oil net Wi m p auto, mums 1.• menunt,,, ,. .-sigstre s , J , _.• - w am s iltd iu. DU '4...f.j......tta2, p --- ;, .. A . , i,,,,,, AJ01M5E5....75 bbltaisOadttkese% do& 'IL 41s ea bands:et hetaktby It. EL Jan*, ' O. 13130LItAND3SOLAELSE8-4,^llthar Almsim, TS SU& Solt. (IL Kahan lik , mitir . subs LEITTLI4OO6 VAST BIRMINIBIAM-For- sib cad W 11141 ' 414 212444 3118.aTata1.