The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 29, 1856, Image 3

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    P. M. DAVIES, Anoticmcer.
Cba1:101:623 Origl cf Jib:4=g ' , La ~s 1
ldittio3O-03 Surodor &nano= Bsi4. Rd of o'ok et
tbo oolosoaßotid solos !CAMP moor o f Wood sod Inith
ttasotrwlll es void. 000 Madame fall Wood noshozooT
R Li *am uptight Viso /ono Is rod oodor
soZP P. E. P1173.,A11et.
8 011-
at th
la ti thnnt 30th. at Lit 0. 01 . 1 7t.r. hd
tenen lArgr i and u == 6 "t"..h "' Wm % lbs
hest and bit alltionti . = 4.1= eminent t.
....7.41=.,.....The01eity. Popular Whom
44 Am As. Also is isms sioslig i t&holos , Wsesllsnsons
tailestions °Modem irbioina th.
' • zata gr ea tUrPitkst Bibles tet...-' 4
° "h • 11 • • r Dime aud.:
llg r fit OF BTH WARD .LOTR
a ..go.d.y sitornoon,d Augus rallnlng Lots t 30th. st 3 o'sloek.
no Mates
.13 in the
Ills *mat Mates and Locast is !milli
seen a front of 13 feat on lentil it., exiscilng pack 61%
Aisatbarlota saidnlas th.Pnblle &hid iicaUs. wry.
lag Hata (tent of 13 reet on Ann it, Manion back 87
• To thoos inning to Iray pipits. very inst., WI/ th e
slums. as VII owner is asurminsB to sell. A long milt
a= • DAVin:Anet.
. AT ADOTION.—On Datnntar
o'clock, on the Prodlist. will be eciVraril u a g ir• Ut
of ground. skint* on Chextior etreet.'st the Corner am
alley 15 tor lids, near the Publlelicbool Hoar, having •
• front of (Dart on Martini street, and extending Ts !set
• Ikon th• alley, en obletrUoridid • substautbilonll 6..
two &ay Prone Drilling House, with wen route;
hoed cellar 0 . 11 bstuo. Pinup. Zinn U. at.
Treks . sor ash, residue la four annual payments,
. with Intrnet, neural by bead and
P. aitiragi.
id DAVN. And-
To Let
A. s
NICE nawdoro room and dwelling eon
!meted. la•
pod localise end to stare now In the
selshhoshood. will be snarl taw to • good taunt. In.
Otars o t eta ls.ll. E L MO, No= Elbert, st.
LET-Tjac, Storo No 241 - Libartzlct
Wade Wood;st 'meat eseiplsi by R. tt.
ALP & lbevitilbus. For tuatbsr Inibrutstion rates
Co Its pzemues, _ su2 191322.1218
tat gam Biradnithalt: +=tains a lara•
Zitraitl=l4ltettizt attg . r i brabea t 'tab vv . ,
adosita aatt rail.
Tats .b tet
on. - r t,a-a.=4, lb
mttailis slk e Tram Ms olty. Oran bunts . the banes
To Let.
WARENOUSE, No. 114 Second street,
throe dome east of Wood st. &mire of
4. Beacon siA OS:
61 Nol3 Word etrest.
rAZT—A two story buck dwelling isit,
ums Myst. batmen• .ta.n and the deer In Del.
row. Inenlreat /t. IL BMW,
. N0. 2111,10.11y stmt.
' = 'T—Tbas moat desirable' storey No.
mLll Wood etnst, thr vaitkrlar• apply at Um sure.
M RENT—A Dwelling Hansa on Hand
Nat l bareu Janet Ind Penn 9 , a an. At .,
• tan on =an of Pon an an
ntani on Hand rt.
• Rent low. Apl4l , to JLITSTIR LOONtr,
No 921oxerth it
0 LET—A largo and commodious War°•
loattol lor sof wanlosolo .._koltes. Etna.
1.11, "Wool tom.; Ewa. !loci to 11, two • Co. Ito.
4rotoe - JOLIN CAIT.JA,
si= forme. ood and Sloth go.
Erts .RENT—A new brick house of 6
roo a m mai as% *Coate on Omens Avenue. rho
Mend astA andl Walled. marble mantle In par.
.tor, lot '. . g 00404 '33 by 106 Oa • amnion. • wall of good
• watar. also • astern. lbsorslso pow rum
i.e ' ILCUTUREFIS & EON. 51 atarkat st.
Warren's Imbrovea Fire awl WaterProor
Onaresitlon Roofing. •
Arra been for tho last alarm ?oars az•
. elogvely aimed In the notooftettere e the above
move. la w the trtaaaa. atw of th
zeurvi sixes, and been Improvel and Immo. •
irbrrerva embed.= Ahmed that it coolei
baling beam gaol twat by the leentyloanie
teratpww to do &lob In We eity !RMS.= n to arr.
ere the Dmresse Dog to 11/64, (Am Whet w Jobe they
cur tam and
ee hear Ind tosteriehr Iran linhoilsly
hnuced to ^ en s branch Moat
buldnow Wm= tad Wag preptrod to au osiers to
anyenteat. we may alter oar wan to the patron , .
see of the alginate of Pittedsurab end viciztity Ito chew
nos, duraldlity and palest_ •!ymideonna eignserbettibv and
saaerzenda lithe snort dattrahis roaring In use I
Wished ratelti dor this roofing It ream onehalf to Ona
Inch to the Sat—lnft we eon nada lisvozable rtbxeci:osWw•
es mrly it to a mash greater pitch, oventni or aim Inches.
Co' foa. Thies having rleatot resit or any kind esn
larttsh iemtrh in ew th a rw ns ee ti r t w o e e d n d tyiW enins, method _ntih the
Monerioni'reo u dVilehe2p4__g_= pa—M Yr sri.
icel at Myr of ,
Dos - _All wait warranted. 11. WASltliN pi a s
4 0. .
The shone Tooling midlne
teen an =orb build.
greigh gibertmberig 'lrowth. Ward soma
Went the &Stool Eaten .Ihnorice
Ittoote• new gmithileld et, shave goarth: Wind.
Jas. Vann .new Woad:arose, - liiiird e t Wow
' AI new o.,tolaw &Wish:4
due thre la ht l . / we o D i t i cter 'e. =
mat. Beaver stns'' Ohba Peter Petersacee new
Ws:Mona Pederaist stay. Soldnams. matianedimen
ULaaa_9 l ,lLc , i ,. Qll
diliAß _ WARE,
Taira Doorhew Ronetlfaes Ban;a.•
ponatsatie on hand sad kr ea* Weasels and andel
Waah and Hafb_Tlgna. ,„ Wooden Bowl;
• a R flrsollunkfte
Srießnd Waif OA o
=onte jra Za W it h rat=a.
Chanri a = Based% • 'Wong and Wow Iturforta:
Staamboatßeciate Ralf
ii =tier Manta ogWarefialds Woo cede to cadet sad
imbiaribiroffas Farm at 'a 8
•■ fiel l / 2 13ista tau Wert from latrabt 3 macs Tenth
names etlarels. In Unity tcrucnelict Warlanaer-
Um memo , ,actitetedniil29 acres era baying theca ra
♦netYnme Bun.
• new Mel Paling 110.9
'A seeverrliellag ivnntas 33lealtia el th e ante.
Watt avec 611 thrill:77°l=g apple Trees. erltll Intervalley
ametaleslaear AIM - yawl male sat In gad etas of
eallevetket Tams eery to Yak neasbnece.
RXECUTO.IIIB NOTIOE--Notice is hereby
Anna that/41ton W ith amth tom granted,
eththerlber ces the oasts of Wien, Me
Ba dva. t.mtasr. dee% All . therothe thawing them
atm !ideate& to sold estate. ere ••• • • to male tea.
- -
= ,ValuableBll 31 for Bale.
11 Rag tea otatanti Wee stroy.CAEDIJIG.MILLJ3 tW
roe neergioated stroza, Hirer scow of won
her let t belonrdng the property. unoccupied. • The
rirer far
n e t km been made.° as U. mum no dos.
Wes Menet. mint* made ego—gret psnrernt nob. the
• balm:co In payments er.ttern Hundred DC.2= acousely,
mama odour. • mere. merlon rem annuli rent. Or.
cmcitialtot the mill tall Woad and Me other bat: muted
ttie porebiger, with the ;Meilen* Or Puruninet
Ste property has lately :been tbcomuribly repaired--
There le Mara Railroad communliation with Merelead.
Toledo endalluianail.. elm canal CO Toned,* !might to
either plane..2l to 80 cte. Ter barrel. • .
Nor vA th rustrigucsregx sum. PROMM-and air
• Won. with geed yawls. ea. me wirer
=turityrcur tarn& an examlnatkm of tee tour
may le regwermi. adilreai the enbectlber as further
• partimdare., : • W. 1.. STOWILL.
arddriTtaogYMY -10 Aorta Eldney. Oblo.
oStuttad Anashang counana
• frosahlepoit r on tboKlttaanlne roa and within ahalf
mg. of the north Slitalann non ander eon.
tzuttlon, It natal= 109 aorta-an la had. Tam
tarlatan:manta Inman Oa good tarsdlax gnat, canna
- aunt oat imam and nur /Mama tank tin. It la roll
untorod with never ?Onus mina! awl Mails a Wan
*rand =lt aline cadent [mit. Stir Canal; the Alu.
g=stivor atl t t Zi t g e .sdl u eo . a . d t *lard azing=ltta
er for
:AMA A vtlltlriold 10W and 6 411da term. 'Alma/.
- • glySllartf "- • .Arty. *Limn goindlonethil.
(vie star sad for do byw2{:- _ AIIOI'CHI2(9OY.
egIREBE-200 bxe prime Cutting Cheese,
Vine:fin iao fbr pals by H. sounazrecor.
EItULS. SIDZS--600 plecos, 10 casks in
nxid prula by • JAL 113716LD.
aul3l • • - ' • 143 and 44 Trout et.
NITRATE OF SODA-200 bags ,in Moro
Wad Ibr n.l• J. D CANIIIILD.
fi IHRESE-200 losts W. R. jun t toed and
V /krill, D 7: . N 226 J.B.CIANYLIFES.
SUGAR. -70 bids: 9rlnag i f_or Itvletlywo
Situation ;or an active,
V V Intalllsont lad at LS Team la . Wholtrala Kowa
ar Ottkl to olgidn • lcnowlef.go of businsas Addams
VIVAN TED an orpban girl of l yearn
vv- until elm Is ar sg. , one lOU net suoed *dwelt=
st IS sod be well asetli Darya Intelligente
tin ered h MINT an orders ter Frttit. Cane, the
Yams klitd tbatsoli tag. mem width bare woven
each lutineelesteed. at the Iron Oitifltne• W. rebottle, et
o iSni BBLS. Now Gerfesee Extra Family
I 1.17.01711. arriving anis tor saltinr ,
WAwa.un £ aAariuma.
• #gz *ler $, Singe Teo' , per #. •
Ps. H.R. tar 'Ws by 'BALI" DIOXIT CO.
ILINDLESS WN Horse' Power Tlrevah
"'"'''"k9"6troWenils&=, '4 1 9 raft 1 1 b7
A' t 1:. o r s, 0
. s raa - norms! s powara - rn Vroa
eili)3Ea&---100 bit§ for sale by
IjkIiIiSTEREHIS 11A111, in quaUtiee to unit
laa=le by, M. DI LANG&
-BELTING—Madebj. Hoyt
adertaliligo si r=" 3 i so d ta s arg modsp t re;
$l.l k or num* Mau twenty per cant of pour MOT that
ra4Alaths otanry =swat, A fall meat:must toms
‘lllll3-25bbls No 1 Lard Oil;
10 do Tenzer.' do;
6 do lilsaebadWluue do du sale
IduILLLI aus
pACON'-25,000.1be ,Bacon. EitiouMOß;
• P* iti de nom 1.1.000 Its do Mpg. wider* sntl
sods Di T. LITTLE& (Xt.
No 112 Bowed end.
1 . 00 TOILS ROSIN [oral . °l in g ua, -amp
by : sztt :LL lIILLERak 00.
OIL'BERGAMOT—A freak:=lT lust
real sad he Ws lir X X (To.
LEM9N4-A fresh lot juttreced and
t,r awn n.s exams a co..
atprogaiadex; of tlae ni u ct. =Kieft. lustre.
• and ItarSatilif mat • Jots.y.tymmo
mkARNERAL WATERS—Now tmpplies of
g m f Wate..ravdp.
A:, MASON JX), have just reo'd a Tay
ilisgessostosist of 310.6_.1111i.DeLal t r
andlh r i ri
• lON SOmmitatt eolorad English
D e ;ay 011 .pieoes tn. taws
prpoilor =tea Mul all poi. elm at !ma 40 to CO
cent. kw than mai rtkaa. A:d..14.11301.1 it CO.
ver,NirriNo ,ccr.aciN-100 Dtateei
-abitazd.roqot,tte, No, C. S. la sad 12 1 utt seed at
: - utat - at:
-- L50741 NA 1 e
so _ _ YSEEDjazt. dead
p7t.l~le LT 81116Liatakar..
earsa Woo: sad Meads%
- MUSIC, &C. ---
1 ogrmaainoa i son
im i- ,A. gy
ell I :I: i I'o at SONS
Grand and S Piano Patten.
For eale only by JOAN IL MELLOR,
bO.IIISOOD MEW, listiliamota Alia 4424 et
lO N IEN_ IL MELLOR, the exclusive and I
itexerr . _.;* Pattelget, Ow Ina ado of MM.
El it ligaloston. PIANO base to rat=
thanks to ths sigma of ttalman be llig/Fili and SlitinttY. fur their liberal patron's% be
has now i th=ettre tif Informing than that._ liytbe In
agurded In the new and 03.6/a Piano
rriZ a lgazuthistem nmentlyerected at anatettot Ms
Two Hundred n e onsand
...annigarmi br Clikkags JI likom ea:7,Z%. the
sutmlhottore oftcm Memo Portal. they MIS* for
lASI to WI sopplyat t ad amour in Pittsburgh.
Stall the manutaentrad by them. from the most
andendlit Parka Unmet and ganare Pim. Postm
PO the plan low prtood Plano Memel' ilf wlikh will
bathe In
BY the old
cadw mashlninw. and Unreal:mat
Maga Introdulnto the me manunkimp of =
PM a som they will be ettablid to grodusia. py, :io
FmMie than herstolM, Mime tocroaning Ms peke. p s ,
thaws stay also Mond ma • complete and large Melt of
the , ~ /... pews rim at um Wareroomsin Pitt%
burgh &all Um Kyle§ manuraetured by tam. flunky
agottllng thmestean purebaser ali the millildititee OF the
*Men market wltter imlearinnol
of Ch e rattlon,_or 4.14
tittott Parlorgrarl and Aatio — Partetintri=
gratis on it %her . . oriartrirtaa.
los Umehemib
es has the se
I. me of esterrths to aMr a ilue mendred
Amiga in Pittsburgh and vlotalty. who haws Pradusied
and Mee tn me piano Fortes 002* the &ter* lIIIMILSESC.
M.4,l l = s ,alu a tlVVlL 1 ti,4i
. liitile i g viartio .
rtheir anonatlllett tainlmoninftbalr superhatty am
Alhaa.o. Eaatty, Principal of the fltenblnelllo IS
Km El..lMt:ii:s% Prtnelpal of the yaaldnaton Pe-
.....,.....H.B. Vinson. IL D,Prbilopal oithiSdiewartlt lamas
UM:Men ra,.
"salemil IL Ilbrplay Principal of the Elialrnlil• Fe.
as,. Blatterlik% A.
ik ez d al...lose it ah . Lyislor. Prlitelpg of demood Boys
St. YAM P=Voltury. Youngstown. Pa.
Pratt% IL William Lonlegth Mader, for Young
laillas. infflti.. K Y .
KM Borah Tbomemo. Prinipal Cl the tme Mom.
tw, at lonia. (lido.
Au. ast. do
01.I.Planoe Lam to eulianae at their fUB:elyon my.
malt JOLIN H. m.,014
Me agent Ibr °Woken= A ems. lor Plttebtaph and
_Maim Crania. 00. 1 1 Wood r... ebeiarulth and
Dimoos mew %MT
Near &Ott of Piano Fortes.'
ri HalMO:rim 111.13 - Inhaa net received
fin11 7.2 .1 " 1 "g2 Zargrgilr, P c'tl
and with re trog 0.500 ecticn.
.A. a proof of the auporiorite of thus Piano& le the tob
lowing eatract of Mort, at to. late Mutual& Far - at
Buton. in branutition with the celebrated maker. JoilU
Metering, who wee President of tbs Aucciation. •
"The tiamehosatte Charitable illechanlett-itundatiot
award this Dipkons with • Zelorr_Stdol to Hanel, DUN
Ibir63.omind Pta
on.. =e con r =eil . ttAti
bed sho cm* ot tn. bat Grata tion coingette
thu with Ballet. Dula & Ott)
The committee. Profuse. Geo. .1. Webb._ U. H. 011eer,
dm:tieing% eta, say ot thisOrand .in is powerful,
mud. and well telanged. • capital butrument and
MR of ita clue an Imbibition."
Thew Pianos am with aon /roe Prue. circular melee.
eliding mmla desk. *mould are ruby ifurrardot to SU*
satisfaction and are mug Mound Asy glut&
in addition to the stove, Um anlemiter hu 'moan&
Plume from Bamagardtan& ifamtmer..t. W. [Add
a Co-
c ram and other odAr
s er u a a tarleg le s
!..r.B.—Old Plants triren in facture at their fell main.
Another invoice of the celebrated bhunbarg Pianos Le
extected in mensal week. . 1.10
I_l. ilnden
KLEBER it BRO. aave just real e
. map tot of •
CaMars's Cabins Original Nekdroip,
from the Original Inventor's ractory,CABILARTn NEW.
ELAM, N. Y.. =writing
4 6 3,l Octaves, scroll lege. Plth hetet and& norib
6 " innstria. with doable ends =a double
awn. Alas.
Splendid Double Bank Melodeon,
With two rows of km and cOatnn_S st op Ward in the
meet el ••=t and tasteful style. yhis s rerre
article, W.h tem and furniture. and vre. re fully
Unite the attention or man= and the yobbo to (m
-end to it. -MAC:abut invented and made the Ore. al,-
lodsos. and his instrunente are hal= 'noon as =dein
hr other ask= • Par inhibit IL KUSER a BEG.
je9 ho. 63 Ilfth aired.
In Want of a gOod, reliable
'rim, Ltd Plaza Timm lutrlns km
tontalt. the stibmilbers Gk. gamma In
inforninp Ms panto that thee ham mew
ed the amilaea ot Mr. JOAN B. PPM. nom extetlntent
and a:lmpotent Mawr. and velar Wok lot .tU VAIL= In
way taw. etc. Para aithod of tuning vlll came tha
Pianos to stand In bal to m tam tatawardlnaritr. and tin
pleta atUMl the emet tbetteloas ear.
AU onion loft at the Wok Pa= OIL KU a BRO.
113 Arta Mout, will Do pronmali atteadal to.
The tmeotilioNnt Ndadl7 tartify to the skill and true
vorthlas. Joan B. Mirth, aim lamer of Plaaai. astil
atemorfolly toomialicEl Us to Wildr _polls sad th• public
for an exmlenNidand
N. DR Ei1.14
71.10 5 7arg,
.11.112 j
mialead BCtralligsr..
wise Songs.
Tie:FNew York Madera Review. Prise
af o
e a. &ss
natal:4 Lrnr. WO. . Dread. Took th•ftraiizlss
• - Naar. °Reliat Or Me, try /a la llaebta
• " UL May are all ttll Blelethat laus‘,lty Mak
St E4" lll7. My G sidle .1114.1aes Bang. by O. C. Con . met
Top_ktfve eeenagse of_llCO.
ila. Y. Th. , ili 84 D. AN.
.. . " VI. Thi.lknrefs, VC Datief.
. VIL Ito Pati. H. C. Ireton. - - • °
" VIII. Ortretuute, br Na
Thitabmietight gaup =us Wette d-teem CV mat in
Ibr avametlttata avalt la Cubed aeiteettoa of gags Over
frabllalted le lsosriva. • ilm. ate tamed to wont =Oa
v=4 old at Oa low peter of VIVISTOPTII cam sack
~ Mx nitts; tlttaalovle fit.vreof • ..)OIIIIALKWALIS.
. et Woods =sat.
T=malign* kr
18 • 1 1
L II&II. Y.Owmtl IS *. •
Blaekvocd's at 120..,....; 4 1 .
Putl an zgr a W w ..4=4,- - r-y L , ,
sthooltelow IlswAria•
• W. A. atLD&YTs NNYY AC I.
an 'Mb it yawns 11. Tionare.
WINE TONGUE OF:FIRE, or the Paw& of
ChrisLtumity. by Wm. drfbar...ll. a. soh. Of SIM •
Cewft.l Idefeamot; •
of harp='.. Clurtal2no7 "
.• * .t2OB Nat'l:l2 of Oro ? 18
nowlfarotog And ituslax Szsrefies;
Perry'• Jam Expoiltioo—fam awn
InfoleoWBAhingtoo, vol. 1. mous 2ditloac £bn,
rofa.l, 2 sad 8. octavo canton
Hamer sod alba 21iiirs Man for 24814
ow stock Becks. static .84, at Aooksinto of
kJ C. COCILILINE; F•fbasf 21. Atiniftway.
NC. 1.221:27 Lim ailment 884 DothasSa. Portrait.;
Ossityabm Emma. 80 • - 2221
eardSderithl Conespoodanee of tbe Zorptror Napo.
and the Empress Joesobtoe, Inehattng Inom
the time of Mein:as:Thane =MI tho death of Joaohltte,
sad Idea arms] mint. tettemfoon the !banana: to his
hastbar loar0: and alba b.PnetentLebollran nee
annettotto hmsbotre Wet and anecdotes 1,7 no. B. O. 1 no!, 12 mo. rtoolted sod ms sate b7_
stallft. SAYS OM, 66 Wood et.
vsztaum or tbo Maws and Consonowoois of UMW.
Ity„ • tato tsr the tbnuo Mono& Fund Pinion Towle&
n ic o n w i tt i ok. G lZlr r =a,t3f .. ntis i T , Tr u ty=
adz:avian goretnostr, EITUGITorid. by author 04 Tnp
to Oat& Bunts= Tolivit and TftOttry4oll• Prise Mays
otabsisto; ISontlonsin on noyolotion Stior's Woe. of
lama, aYobn Anberfon on Daotd and ambito% Ter
balm on prooboor, Too Mono and Damp of tbo Conn
ell of Trent Kinifoloy's Prolog Tronetio Pcorra.
For oak 1:11 J. H. DAVISON. GS Market it.
OR SALE—A three story building 'house
on Ltb.rty itnwt, Ylfth WArtl. InitoollstAly opposite
IM t. eooaraßß nths houis IA2O .out front bTIA)
Let d..p and tontelus nine Apsrtoututa. Th. Lower Atm
L. of brlekrthe ninp.r port of Mune.
Thls property b• rob* my log!. 'AA It IA 011 • law;
but lb. 1110 of the tot ma be bougbt out
• psi, to , atal ItL sit SLY k UMW/.
ATEW AIUSIC.—Bark I L bear an Angel
slur. beautiful ballad arranged and anon with un
tosnadad applause by .1. Parrenhorg at the Conceals of the
eamoball hilnatrala When rumor &1.. s. Alba and
char. fauna of the Cemoblilfa klinatreht went/
y•Stl 11.0. W. 12. Willing. Moe Vtnie wallet atm by art
Ilion 1441 Zdwardiand; apnoea, athottlati. H. A. P. 7138:
Tatter rebuked, Omni. dusts. huhu N. Ilodspr; Tee LAZA
(Tee lams. de Stadelicut)Clte.You. 'Alen • Peleetirrn of
new Polars. Retwtheches. Waltra,we. no. jolt ' , we by
Zama and Piz wilaby ellaaLLOTZli SLUMP..
Marto mailed vottoipal slat , 118' Wood st.
WHO will suffer with Diartma " whon a
60 emit bottle of 8. N. Wicker slum'. good Dierhone
Medicine gill cure Mann. Tins is no mistake about; it.
:10r ii must ma will cum It gorge fills. Try if. es one
bottle tney be t he Ms= of merlon Joni 846 8.010 at Na
lilberty at., heed of Wood, Pdtaborsh.
aril 8.10. - 6VICKSHBIIB.II, .
jr4INDEN HARP.—A rare Eoileation of
copula klekelleindepted ionised . 11211 s 0fal Miry
idnel and intisted for Sabbath and Mho , SCII0O1:f. sod
the Moms sr Lilly Linden. Price :Me. Yet tale
by Late . J. Li MUD. /mirth et,
aft;tl4.Bl4ooD'S LOitar.a on Clomatotoial
hj Los; Parton's Mu:meningitis of the icayadi
gnesp Misfits. be Prederikaliremenlt Hominid iedneSd:
Dreistaiist Faller Onnitl—fresb roppltee of lbs.e popular
pork& hue rroshredsh an= HAI 00.46 Wwiet.
ks HALE, situated on Wong rt. "Anil' to
stab S. man DS Br a PON. Mutat et,
Grumman Family Flour :wiring
- and far mar trr salf, WALWOZ OARDINEIL
VVANTR o tA Mortgsgo t l ni for $7OO, having
$5,000 to lavailt on Beal Estato acuity_ Irma to itpars.
Ara to nun AtInTIN 1,00018.
IME-40 bbls for sale b e y
si4 sol 4 lIICY IL COLLIS&
MACKEREL- 5O bbli. No. 3 largo for
We by su l 4 UlDtar EL OOLIJNO.
2 1 ,ITEMIN Lard , A eue..and
QIIP. OARB. SODA-100 kegs Now CXS"
A. 2 tl 4 .l2streesß4 or ma. bi
ausi IL X SzLLE2.B OU,. Woo4aza4 24 its
MIDDLE AGED MAN of 20 pore ex-,
icaca as &practical Octtcac Idanufsetarar &Paid;
ik l ia pn &Pottle& as Paperlateadatt of mac? {w010111&- , e
Tbs irr•st of Wen. Adam Ilax 032 Pow
land (MO P. 0. stlPund
FAGGS-2 blifs just reel and for' sale b;j
BACON -2 aka clear Bides. Jane reed and
ky ale by still naturcriurreoN.
cks just recd and for
alo by mai a. a gm
LINSEEDOIL--0 bbls'paro in atom and
Colfor salt ' Ittrrellllllott.
T' AKE FISII-10 'tbia White Fish, 20 do
',Mast. so by do. m sir do Whits Ittsh. Just reed
sot fa Ws by suit • ItUTOIIISBO.N.
ASOEIVED per - Express this mornifi o
dos Dohs& lizostrost White sod (Moroi sjs.
no Bible nil" A. A . MASON
STAR CANDLES — W boxes Star Candles
1a etas. add mils , room &sans , —
11 -- BATHER BELTING of all Fazes from 1
tali fnsb.. to 1.-00 (moot water Oust' ca.
sootost an* tithed. !Owls at rie.llo Matt se.
• .. r a ' .J.a n. ramixes,.
ARA__ES KETTLES lbe superior
wme i rte %vie in Oars iota lex sale to the
- " 18 - " q' ' . l .l.9l}lAlci a retliatOd st"
rirROUT-20 blils and hit bbhi just .iroa'd
?rem - Lilts upefor.llllll for Pl. 67
UARUAtiail. WO ISE. UtersT Pt.
OIL CASES —4 of a lo giro :b01d,65g
• from HO to 16) tallo. each . t on es , ordar. for 0.W 14
No. no VOW it: alai • J. it ff...PIIILLIPH.
L9SDCile— , ls NA% In more and for solo
or 1:k O. /MUM tor. Liberty sad land W.
_WA/11LICITOS Crrr. Aug. 28.
Surstx.—Mr. Crittenden asked leave to intro,
duce the bill of which be gave noti on Wed.
nesday, to amend the act of 1854 or sing the
territories of Suns and Nehru ' He ex
plained its various provisions and made some re
marks on the general subject.
Mr. Crittenden acid in this bni now intro
doted, he had Inserted such a scheme as he
thought might eatirely obviate the Whole chin--
Alen to the hill. In the first place' he proposed
to transfer the whole leginstive pe er which
was conferred upon it, to be snored by the
Governor and Judges of that Tertit y. The
laws which they enact are to be trani Bled by
the Secretary of the Territory to the President
of the 11. S. in order .that they may, laid be
fore Congress for approval or disappr vat. - Thle
was according to the ancient form o territorial
governments in their first due. Th was the
government of Louisiana, linnet', Indiana, Ohio
end Michigan and it worked well Let us try
the experiment again. Congress seemed to have
forgotten or passed by the lessons cf the fathers
of our Republic and they were now reaping the
fruits of their action. He desired, whenever he
tumid, always to walk in the ancient and tried
ways. We tread safely when we pursue that
course. Super anliguas vials. The present con
dition of Kansas, it seemed to bum, demanded
such a change of the ; government as he pro
posed.. The let section of the bill traosferred
the power from the Legislature to the Governor
and Judges. The 2d directed the Secretary of
the Territory to transmit to the President what
ever laws might be passed by this authority, in
order that they might be laid before Coogreee
for revision or repeal if they think proper. The
8d section is the same as Mr. Weiler's hill. The
4th provides that all prosecutions or indictments
for treason or other offences of a' merely politi.
cal character now depending in any of the
Courts of Kansas, shall cease, and be dismissed,
and every person who may at the plans, of
this act be imprisoned or held in custody be
forthwith discharged. ' He was aware that this
provision did not meet with the approbation of
• majority of the Benet°, and he proceeded to
stets the motives which induced him to offer it
The sth provided that the President have au
thority to employ any put of the army which he
may think proper In the territory to maintain
the authority Of the Halted Slates, or the laws
In that territory, and `also to repel armed ag
gressions from without or within and suppress
or drive out any bands of armed men who may
appear in the territory to the tenor of the inhabl
tants and the disturbance of the peace. It fur;
Cher provides that it shall be the dray of the
President to we armed military forces to main
tain peace in the territory, suppress insurrec
tion, repel invasion and protect persons and
property and .also endeavor by whatsoever
conentutlonal means be may possess, to secure
to all "people of the United States who may
Oboes to go to said territory, and especially
those who desire to go thither with the honest
and peaceable purposes of obtaining permanent
homes, their undoubted right of ingress and
egress from the territory.
Mr. Seward congratulated the country on the
manner the Hone, sited at last in this Impor
tant crisis'. There had been civil Irani° Kansas
a year and it could only be stopped by arresting,
uncenstitutional usurpation to that territory and
restoring to the people the oonstltutional•tight
W establish institutions of freedom. He was
willing to talk about compromises when not only
peace shall be given to Kansas, but when pledge
given in theaaturas Nebraska act shall be tal
tilled, namely, that the citizens thereof shall
have perfect liberty to esio"iinh freedom if they
will. He bedew doubt there wouldbe peace then.
air. Cass mild he approached the subject with-
Out any ebullition of hells& but with a solem
nity due to the crisis. What position did Con
gress occupy before the nonatry and the world!
It was their duty to toaktrahe necessary appro..
priAtlons for the support of Government. Thie,
their solemn Constitutional duty, in one impor
tant particular they hue not done. The Senate
and Howe ag red that it was Decrees:l to pro.
vide for the array. Both Ileums agreed upon
every item of the long appropriation bilk where
then was the fault I' It was that the House had
annexed a provision having 510 \ relation to the
subject of appropriations, .to which the Senate
could not agree. lie found fault' ith their an-','.
Hexing a proviso which he deuced unconstitn
tient], and cutting off supplies to coerce the
Senate into agreement to it. It is proper for
one House to affix a condition to a bill and send
it to the other for unction, but to persist in that
come after the other Hones had, by a large me
jority, repeatedly deviated that it 'could
Dot agree, was an act et revolution.
The proviso was not sent to the Beasts for. their
fussed voluntary action; the proviso proposed
to extend the authority of the President eve r ail
the highways feeding to Saunas; to da. it was
the highway'', but to-morrow it might by
ways. Congress had just an moth right tore
quire the President toexecute lows on rate high
way as another. This poser win as effectual
over the hightuyeof Maseathusetts sa,of His.
*Uri: — No man could - 13 - • so blind .as not
to see that the establishment of a principto
like this would lead to the overthrow of
the Government. If this Is agreed to, the
nest thing might' be proposed as a condition
far passing the Post °Mee Approprialton Bill
that all incendiary documents sent for the fur.
pose of exciting the southern Wares to inearrers.
tlut should go free of postage ; or that the rs.
peal of the Fugitive Slave Law might be tenant
ed on ague amendment to the General Appro.
petition Bala melting the oeoessary supplies for
government. There was no ant of which the
imagination of man could concise, which one
branch of Congress might not be *Mt to carry
into effect by stopping the wheels of ODiStl2meat
and cutting off supplies. It war not this act
alone which was to do the mischief, but the con
sequences to which it would lead. •
Mr. Broadhead reed an extract from the cos
greesional Globe to show that Mr. Seward', po
sition was Inconsistent wilh that he occupied et
the previous sesethe.
Mr. Trumbull alluded to the penetration of
come of the laws of the Kansan leginstare as
infamous and unworthy a free people and 'w
eed their immediate' repeal. '
Mr. Pugh replied to Mr. Crittenden, opposing
the Bill.
Mr. Bell, of Tenn., text obtained the floor,
when without taking the question, the Beetle sd
Houtz —Mr. Cilogman called attention to the
fact that the Senate had passed II joint retola•
lion relative to the return to the British Goren •
meat of the ship Retelots, abandoned in the
Polar Seas b 7 the crew, when In 'march of Sir
John Franihn, and brought to the Oohed States
by the 'hie chip George Henry. 'Koala pa
pars, be said, were complimenting us cat oar lib
erality, and be thought no gentleman would ,
object to passing .tbe resolution. ...,
Mr. Jones, of Tenn., said he was not esti:died
we have any power to purchase ships to give
away, and should botsoots toe the resolution.
It appropriates $40,000 for the purchase of the
chip from the salvors and its repair, to he pre.
s ented to the British Goverment as a token of
;the deep In felt by the United States in
the service in which the sblp was engaged at the
'time she was abandoned. Resolution parsed.
Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, from the .Committee
of Conference on diesgreolog amendments to
army bill, said they had mot, and "after - a foil
and free conference, bad come-to eo °occlusion.
The trouble, it Is well known, grow out of the
tidillon of things In reference to Kent's.
House adhered to its own amendment pro.
Iposieg to restrict .the operation' of the army,
Iliad providing no portion of money to be ex
pended in Kamm, aball be to enfants the lees
Of the body calling itself the Territorial Legisla
ture. The Senate thus far, have declined yield.
log any thing on that point connected with the
Amy bill.
1 .
Ito was estietled the two Houses would not be'
able to agree on any proposition relative to the
army bill which will tend to relieve the people
of the Tereitory.from the difficulties now our
rounding them.- As it would not be prow to
ewer into details connected with the last Con
ferences, he had risen to say for himself 16st be
entered upon the Conference with the hope
that something might be done to bring bottho
dies into agreement so as to past the bill and re
turn home Hs submitted to Conference the na
ked proposition that no portion of the money be
aced for enforcing the enactments of the body
tflaimingio bit the. Territorial Legislature_ leav
ing out the subsequent part of the proviso cal
ling on the President to exaroise jorisdiction
over the highways.
Ho was willing to yield that much to the
scruples of Senators as to their coostitutional
power in the premises. The committee of the
Senate refuted to yield even that. ,
Mr. Campbell said, it of comae biCAMO nacos-
eery that they should proceed further to could.
der the merits of the Senate's proposition, which
,involved Independent legislation. The confer
ence fell because the Senate committee declined
to yield the simple proposition that the army
shall not be employed to enforce laws founded
in fraud. The difficulty presented by the Sen
ate was that the incorporation of such a proviso
An the army bill would be independent
'tlon. It struck him as somewhat strange that
such an objection so that should comer front the
Bente. It would-be recollected that the House
pissed the Post Office Appropriation 13111 on the
recommendation of the Post-master-General, yet
it wee , returned from the Senate with an amend
ment appropriating half million for, I new con
tract for carrying mails to Ban Francisco, and
pre•emption rigtitt---en amendment ant neoessa
ry to emery into effect the existing laws. , Ile
was willing to go with him who would go far
thest, but be should be false to himself, hie con.
stitusnts end his Cod, If he endorsed the enact
ments-of tlie Kansas legislature. Stembera are
anxious to return. to their home', but, neverthe
less, as long as there Is t o hope of bringing the
two TrOitectogelkoV , he Wald xtinato.
I • Sia rtinved'thil -Bowe further - Ohm bits
Mr. Stephens, reply kaki that is a matter
that, belongs to the Courts. Congrese has no
more jurisdiction to pass on the laws of Kansas
than on those of Nebraska orany other territory,
or este. • The proviso to the army bill looked
to Congress puling on' the 'Validity of Banns
laws. He repeated Congress had no right to act
in the premises. The remedy is to carry np the
'abject to the Supreme Court of the United
States, where the validity of all laws Is deter.
mined. '
The Senate, unlike - the Rouse, never made a
point on the Rouse where It was insisted on
striking oat the amendments outside of the legit.
imate objects of an appropriation bill, and never
attempted to atop the wheels of goveromint
If legisiatioti for-flansis is desired, why not in.
troduce a separate and independent bill.
He moved the; House rued° from the amend.
meat. Negatived-97 spirit 400.
Mr: Campbell's motion to adhere was adopted
—lOl against 97. A motion to reconsider the
vote was tabled by four majority.
Mr. Catapbell, of. Ohio, moved the House take
up the Senate bill far the relief of the heirs of
Ceo. St. Clair, an officer of the Revolution.
Mr. Letoher—The army bill is more important
than all °there, and I object.
Mr. Nichols, from the Committee on Printing,
to whom .was referred the etiolation Inquiring
into the delay of faldieg and enveloping docu
ments, reported the wrapping paper run out for
one day, bet that evil Is now remedied.
The House passed Senate bill to supply
omissions in the enrolment of the civil bill of lut
session. It appropriates elibty-sire thousand
dollars fora Marine Hospital at Cincinnati, and
over thirteen thousand dollars for mad way,
ote. around the Ban Francisco Custom House.
lioness from 12 to' 1.
The House met and prolonged their ?emu till
hall past two o'clock, and then adjourned with
out transacting an) Mainers.
Wasuniatrox, Aug.2B.—One of the letters pro=
deiced by Mr. Cass In the Senate, was from Gen.
Smith to the War Department, and le dated Fort
Leavenworth, August 6th. He says be would
not notice the report In the newspapers of com
mittees applying to him for protection, and his
refusal to grant It, and other,ench things, If
he did not see that the objects for whioh each
reports were circulated, and carried out by mem
bore of Congress In resell:Lenexa! inquiry. He
pronounces them all genes fabrications. His
second letter's dated the 11th lest. Gen. Smith
atonale bee reed a letter from Gov. Shannon
asking him to take the field to prevent the in.
gross o? Lane's party. He adds that "the Inf?r
malign elven to Gov. Shannon has been so ex
aggerated that I declined. Capt. Wood with Ms
company of cavalry is on the northern frontier,
and I shall depend on hie report to govern my
actions. Some of the companies along the Kan.
ea were sent by their commanding officers at
the Governor's request to break op camps of
armed men at several places he deolguated. On
the arrival of the troops there, not only were
there no camps to belfound, but none hid ever
exited there, or anywhere else In the neighbor
hood. I know 'that each party le trying to en
gage the action of the troops to expel their ad.
versaried. I place no dependence on reports
.which do not come from what" I consider good
ClOOl4ll. Aug. 28.—Flour• without enni
list change; small aides making at yesterday's
priest; the receipts are large, Wag for tie last
24 hours 3992 bbls. Grain, we holy!, beard of
no Dales of any articles. Whiskey, • sales 425
Mils at 264 and 200 bbls from wagon Cl 304, in
dicating a steady market. Groceries,, the mark
et Is unchanged. The demand In the regular
way Is good at full prices. Holders of Molasses
ask 56, 11th numerous buyers at 55. anger
ranges from 9} to 104 for low fair and prime In
smell tuts. Coffee is deed: at it tol2.
ALBEIT, Aug. 28.—The National Kansas
Committee to-day adopted a Resolution that hay
'lng authentic, Information of preparations ,ina
thig in Missouri for an armed invulon of Kel
m, that Thadeus iliestt, W. T. Army and Prof.
Daniels be a committee to call on the President
and solicit the Interposition of the UOll/11119001
to prevent the oivil war and slaughter impend
tug, and that they procure, If possible, the co
operation of the members of„Congrees to the ap
OAILTIMORS, Aug. D3.—New Orle=s papers
of Friday lest beet) been received by mall this
The Steamer Empire City, from Cairo, bound
to New Orleans, Ins been snak In -tho Efianbr
eippi Her malla.and a portion- of her 'Argo
have been raved
. Now 0614,A73, Aug. ^7,•-Corewpondeaoe
from Urensda to the lbtb, raperia that Dr.
Llitogston, ttalnoi States Conant at Loon, had
boon shot because Wallow shot Salim,.
Appleton Oaketnith anaconda Putts VV. A
doom has been made authorising the raistog
or a loan of tiro rriillfav dollars on liberalists:as.
ISIDDLII9IO, Vt., Aug. 28,—.E. P. Hielion"
of Montpelier anenbstessly iondatted for Cos;
grass for Mut long term, end Grow T. Hodges
of Rutland to tla oh* weeattoy: tensed by the de
cease of Mr. Meteltati In the let dieirizt.
Naw Toast, Aug. steamship ider
=au indeed to-day„fler data are mil/ to
the 13th list., anJ bare . been anticipated.
btlege newly ZOO psemcgere, tmong wbom is
the Chet/act drickoff.
SPAIIO7IIID. 'Aug. 27.--Tero hundred men,
employed at the 111.11. Armory were discharged
today in Pursuance of orders recelud from the
(Winans* awe. The order hu created math
excitement among the workmen and citizens.
Cuaautstos. B. C.. Aag. .W.—The board of
health report three deaths from fever this week.
The cadets of Citadel Academy hare been not
to Colombia.
New Tom Aug. 28.—Cotton market attic.
with sales 8000 bales. Floor firm; Hie. MOO
bbla. at $6@6,25 Tor strilibt State and $6,35
®6,55 for Ohio. Wheat buoyant and all the
better grades are higher; sales 100,000 bush at
$1,53®1,65 for Western red and $1,6101,65
for Western white. Corn firm with an upward
leaden;; sales 45,000 bush at 600162 for mixed
and 70 for white and 641 for yellow. Pork la
=settled with sales 1100 able. Beef firm; sale.
400 bbls. Baton doll at 111; Rams 91; Shoul
ders 81 Lard firm; sales 250 Dbl.. Butter firm.
Whisky steady; sale. 850 bbls Ohio. Coffee dull;
sales 200 bags Rio. Sugar firm; sales 1000 hbds.
Orleans at 7.1@i131. !Boluses quiet.
Limed Ott some and fink; sales 25,000 galls
at $1,0501,07 Lard Oil steady with a limited
bush:toss at 95. Tallow firm; sales 7,000 bbl.
at 1110, oash. Kentucky Tobacco 'Reedy; sales
JOO hada at B®l2o. Iron doll; smell sales
:cools Pig at $31@32. Stooks are dull; Can
ton Co.. 231; Clovetand & Toledo B. B. 751;
Erie 601; Reading SR. New York Control 84.
PUILADUMBIA, Aug. 28.—Flour market with
out change In price, but demand quito limited,
and holders elluoe a greater desire to eelt; fresh
ground superfine, from new wheat, offered at
$6,73, bet there cto no buyen; old stook held at
56,23E46,37j; wales 250 bbla extra at s7,®7r
37j. Therein a limited demand for city uee at
these priors; fancy brands at higher rates. Rye
flour dull at $3,60. Corn meal held it same
rate, without sale. Demand for wheat itetive;
sales 7000 bush at $1,60®1,35 for good to prime
Southern and Penn'a. red, and $1,65 for white.
Bye in steady demand; sales old Penn's. at 76
and new at 73k. Coro in good demand and
steady; males 4600 bush southern at 64, afloat.
Oats steady; sales 1700 bush at 89 for new, ant
40 for old. CI ed In steady demand at
$1 , 1,7609,26, for 64 11,e. Timothy $404.26 per
bush. Flax seed $1,66 per bush. Whisky doll
at 34, foe both Ws and bbls.
U 13111044 Aug. 28 —Flour uachauged.—,
Wheat doellind 20; Wes at $1,45(31,81 for
white, and $1,88®1,44 for red. Corn un
changed. No change la Malay
air , :4 0 (ti•l ONIIO ft:{c):
Located in Philadelphia.
IDESSION'OIo 185711.1.
TLIE above College, ( tbe,only charterod
loptlato Om Mod this ...Lion of lb* ouontl7.)
taxa. &bolt...lntl° Rsbanod elsotaan of Isodteal.Prso
Om Ito wow or Illortratloa aro my oloplg.lts team
of study oml googly Moral and um:musty: It. opidghlts an
odctottod to Moth:dolt/LI ore. oily.
The lectures of 111. Colton will commies on Taiday.
tho 14 Lb of October. and =Llano 10 wool".
JOARPII MITiS, Id D.. Prof, of Obatatrim and Mamma o.
111011rIntlIg h tl i rE.M..A1. D.. Prof. o f Malaria Al:diet
ant Tbantontlea.
TUOMAIS 011 AM, 61, IL. Prof rf ChendertYY.
MAMMAL!. MAMMA , M. D. Prof. of Anabxoy and
J. AI. DUZZELL. M.D. Prof.°, Instituted and Maim 01
Will!TrII, Prof. of Prlnelnks and Maks of
JOUN PUNDIT. Id Emetitna Prof of Principles and
Make of Modlolos and Lactony on PatnomM sod
Taborealay pt
BiAMIIALL OALKLM. M. D..Domonatratar of Anatomy.
Mario:dation pa i d . cook
for each Proartiod 10; or $4O
Ihr the worm in cook Prof. Potottra ticket for
[Remove on Pathology and Taberetilar Dleease 51=
al). Yon for Graduation (Diploma) M. DOM
Yen id. Good Warding can to had in this city for
PAO pa neer. Student, on arriving in the 0111
et the aloe of the Nan, 410 V no street. or st the Wiese
to ilalnee stmt. in the n ot Odd ifeliose flub
emit, tear A•antlln Eq.
nave &miring =thy, Information reshectleg the boa ,
tome of the CO2 a., 1 1 , a. j tethrill i Sllit u &nryt t ..
..2*.41.T 10 Vine et* between 11th and 13th, 820*.
For the Campaip.
E will deliver the "fitteeurgh Weekly
thookr," vabilsb.d ID th. 0.0,11. I.4Bnialy
1 121 7 1. 02
tr D U AITTFAIT L IZIEat, d .. "
• • •
Galata Blindlots. nth I.
Point Malt House. .
'Water 'at., opposite Jetta' Farm
prraanatau. PA.:
is.lba htgbell =Alt WC, paid kr 00.114 130.
aatlßre. aattitarT
To Readers, Teachers and Others
E" sult.e.w.
Eel betli
licart m ia 4
&haul et
Masa Inn Pesinsitral, or Nan/paper. publlehe w
d In
Swops or Itnerlen
If so, rend your enter to tut. awsun panted by the money
god we will rend you than per mall dr suserrok or es lOU
till Creek chasm than yon tan purchase elsewhere.
airl3l . l. on ad solves t hanks taken at par.
a WWI illtters containing money should be realstetaL
uLICT IS rat than the min. amount. to
we • I send the balance bask,Addrree
GAZLAY • 00,
Boalurellas and Btatlonwn
Sa3Ct3md 64 Canal Street s New Yost,
..• •
Ns. 176 do 179 Centre Ni., New Yet:-
11IFFES the annexed astortment and eplen-
V did Rock or matemr. Bremen& ha, and would
remark that the arlrantage. Tema Irwin Mrs
enrolee weds, inincted by oar own awed, and tmyarted
thseet a. also In inannlactwitut 7=1.6% a... at 0 00 00.
Fay stela afford ns Ldlales to a larga and extreme
ly dna &only at In. yaw lowed wWw yht
811.000 hot at Hweirwd Omens, apart extra Ow.
MA P C * MAO:6W Crotch Velma.
1.35.0t0 • •• extra.badedandldottled Vaasa
265 tea •• shaded Vertena. •
gel Satin Vines.
doe Natant irottens.
lx 8. . x. litlltte , rand liott/.4llgara
TILX*O 6 . rify
%LOCO ••• alabintan an d
li t =tersui snorted rdien k*'4' o.let P and Plano Fat.
to i t trt n
B.d . Mahoznyani et Leg d r4tatdsh Cedar
Enda deltania annictrnan. aji=rfirli
The Etunorons Poetry of the English
14011 OLIAUi.A - TO bAX. 6,
Rarra'iors. Burtnqva,
P.Zl* ".
Eiticmtert, Pared.,
Trareidks, afloat.
Celebrated Comae. Poems of '
Tim An.l4stobin.ll•lttled Addrlana, the logoldsby I*
pods. hi.krotnr• 11•Atashm. Dcatt•r• film:Nahum sad
Puna: with man than
Two nmrnazD sPrOILUIS,
The Choicest linmcrops Poetry of
Wolcott. Ilialnns, Altana. Etym.
att .'''. Petit. ,Prtor t
ore .
deot Southey, lbiletelere. Us.
E liy a rMl l . l"MbleL.
One volume. /Imo.; 6Sil pp. Price sl,to.
IN Pa s'e
And will to Pi:Wished to a few days,
/Vitoria's'. Leen to Jostriaine—The Obuddratea (met
Nada. 42ftAor Emperor AOPOiont and Me Empnli ./or
In=ir letters item the UM* or their marrtaire moth
the death of Jrairphtne e and Woo eneral letters Mu the
Emperor to Mother Jomph, and other Important per
onnagea. •Ith numerous illustrated note. end anecdote..
by Joan h. 0. Atmore,
If *sox E 11.01111113, Publiaben,
• JullidderE Noe.loB as..llloDuan• Me.; New net.
142 Contra Street, New York,
1 0 Wrought Pip.., fitting.. Tools, and
glen atammratai connected nit, 'rev^ Water and
0.4 b. 01.11 MaCtlattlel Steamer., a
Mused Usila
Dvalllass. itoadtalm. Asylo=s. facto.
Ihro Abe, o to ord coal
er. . Plum" flago n Bonus and Bon.
Ow Bonn CUM,/ Inaeldirro as entirely noor.•sd oo
own Poloat—worroatad to do double Ur* work or sny otb
Ordci orneits.
itockotti %noodle' on melon. of the } D e
Dredging Alien:tory.
IRE ••11. S. River and Harbor limprove
meat Co." kernsd wan Nth moral law of th. Ste.
s. York. 1. nan Prenthed to execute contracts for
dsrprolagnawo"R baary w
o h r a t e ' n s d,l.e ao
than., under tn.
Patent bekthslog to ths canspaoey. as to furnished at
No mei:troth 15,000 to moo° sccord=callg
and ennui far superior to sae other It
to thst. naarros l (MollBll.oN,Avata.
jeXclaw No. 14 Park Piano, N. Y.
Rosewood and Mahogany.
Vsubscribos would inform tiro Cribi
t Plano rots. Malian and . othati
0 MO and aldult7. that tb.o tiar• pypeo‘l
with WWl* buildings, al No. 110 WAMINOTOm sr.
to the cni of it.. Vora, shoo tboy boa.. hood * logo
1_.1.. „ •77
. ..markt Ake east wood to be frond Muted.
. • • . - •
100.000 ft dna and extra too fosonmd von. in,
AO= It do do mottled mailman! tnannl
. 14000 ft do otattogan/ thadod do
~ 40440 ft plain do •
tg,do4 ft •olodnaT crotch moult vtrloat Nun,
110,000 eno do drat, butt vanotro.
20,000 afro floe taaboiroap, do do,
11,00* ft tau tastand pasty valuta, do,
40.100 t otataml do do do.
sopa 1% within% =Le ht.non. dzsn'tratt es*
14,000 ft do do da, Tallow! do.
a 0.003 ft dna and osua Ono lotto ttatd random
21,CP01ft lobes eassoota,
47,000 ft enitoload bird'ooto map/. 'mean.
77.00.00 otanonod tudavno4, stabotatif. and oath,
woodboonda, 1. and Joist °fall Mittman Plano and
10 Maoist patting... Nat von two
son upon oa nottablo tonna ad any other dotal.
Ilanntant bt the oontf7. Ord.. wilt b. Inlod t t
t oo
utmost att• and.dimptton, IdAWNs • WILLOfla ii
Nollo WoonNntton hi Beath and North N w
York ano at.•ty.
apirtind Ne
NVittl-FAM 9 enkt ,
itias out aim, %sir TOILIC,
Vanalacteres to caw.
Sego and Sacks. Sewed and Seamless,
1 , 11 onso r aol af surf &Waal. aria mad qualltf.:
nay would oneetarly ea/Intl...Wall father =meal .4
laelnatan fon
Making and Printing
Bags or Sacks for Floor, Hominy,
Buckwheat, Hama, Sa lt. Spices',
all of which May:ph to ardor. In f
i t s. ;nod anrfolod
sly la of Andra sad Mr, and 'DA ontekrot dergatth.
Ltoportoro Palm in
and natio= Matta of Ttunad and Tortna, lath Linea cod
et tr6lo, an. trudirtni continual oapatloa
New Mackerel.' CodSelL &c.
6no BARRELS NEW No. I; 2 and 3
11l CKIITItt. le wetted brews.
tab um COYM IM,
"50 bble elm EXA MAD.
For isle by C. P. KINIWIT •,
matted* Phi
blne. 7i and 90 Yealadel th
Tree of CharKoll!
FAI. ._. .. , .._ • •
NTI.TLED "Bolton Abboy in tho Olden
h ji: .7.. ... 1 - v t r..tse . l airizir . t . f i foj t s th: l et&
00 etaell . t7= s ityp b "a m taat il e
. anol&g,t, OV Of
ch.arite r
S....VA= co
bdi Der copy. bat will be meat flee a.
Tito walool n ore tom establishod a 130CLC AfilillOY
la Philately awl will flaviett and too* V Waft ,
Ma al•tbe pHs fosse ist2.. Amy
b_y tortusedlas Um ettbsortsilota to g a mey P Il e tt
M i 'ir m e==a; 0 ilt m'el t: Gm.
p.. • robin th MK
alines kr oleo roar sad a may ha . above begirt= co
frovloye. foss ofehaego , h et If mo a t
n alasalo w tAl u a24l:
arb il Vrtasal. trey .111 barbs todh bags:Um attd
a ony otoltbee of the ahoy. engrains.
Xarelopee of every benipttou sod oho la lute or mall
an theal.bed.&outmost toarder.
Ivory Elsereiptlon of Netors h r=a Wood 4131.6.0 11th
smathaso awl titivate/. VW', of itulldloas, If
lindlago, e , ors oflitlateeLLlont IllasWfacks. m are
Wtett, Baslaaes s. All ardor, mat by Wel
7 ationdod to. Elf... Val./I .1. V MP
the It. &Wir d 1: Or d I ihj"'""ln." 'l`std ! `"
Pomo. as 0 distant. hoodoo saleatilo &Aloha won/4U
It to thole 4...b00b00 to aollowe etto oaboaibota. an in
oratddart as musts tor the ale of the fame.
liVilAll Pa
.e t)
SW74/1. tri• WM) 60 Youth Third stuPblbacebta. Pe
Market Street, West of Twentieth,
IMPO MERS or and dealers in the various
IL Vanden and Domastbs Yathi., Statuary. do., hay.
conatanUr_on hand .
LaplandiaOUtt_~o. W.V. nwortatont of N
dawniattOn. not oxalis& 117 &AY in Oa city for basal , .
T.L. furnished at to. shorted natal. with Warble o.
orary l daaaiytion and Attain. whotbar,lor JO or DOM. ,
UN • bar hulabad tha Slab or Slott. on the moat nth
moat term.
Wanly evapeatfully twits attontlou to our (tat on band.
d on.
UE N DRY & 00.
No. Y 9 Nora TBIRD Sired, PRILA'D.I
1i143, and Importers of MINOT! CALVIIKINA.
•nd Mem In WPM And OAR 130L.11 LItATLLRR AND
Hemp Hose Manufactory.
A ~ , S TONE, Quarry street, ebove second
itiladstpdito. Maio end superior 110,9 E, for the of
o a (Wilmot.. Locomotives. SWAIM.; Obit* Ilene
rW.os lea, Ihrelll64l, so. It Is undo wi tbout wont, le mud
tUn'l'LtherU"'i• AIM
WOOD ENGRAVING executed with des
ao= t un
J. B. SAYMOUIL, Art union BalldlngA,
Otrrusr Fourth sad emard, OA. Cinelnusti.
R. 11.—Pastlentar sttant told. to large Poster& MI
Linda, flt•sm Boat .d Bow= Cam. Jr...xtf
WM. R. LIMMILLL, General Commission
04.7 •
nt liorthsat and illitolll2oM. No. 3 Water greet, Pt
Nasoolalattantkao to Oosualnion tuthou. owe
IVE'C 0 R.D & 0 0
131 Wood Street,
• • • the large - A' and mat =Vote n , nek In the mar.
Pe. =bracing nytt Quarto
_tlouot 11LIC, YUR and
VOIIIh KablAltA,LC(11101114,111111.1D and pAL..II LW
ILATS, an d Oblldron's Goode.
Ladies' Hiding Hats and Gloves.
our ries aro oielt as to =knit lb. tutored m Oman buy aeu
//ir rellUot olth toontotte &On
EdItIoo~IT .WORKSIN arthem ..—Now-Ealtirig
itruatratlona. atmrlete In 2 ols. paper_Tonne. iSO
nrke SI. or bound In 1 vole e 10.4114 SOW
Llnds.ette Young Pilot of the Bello Cr&le, 2 . rolnwwr
covers: prim T 6 WA or mu yd. elo 1,1;
Robert Grabaso. tbe Sequel and continuation of Linda,
2 =paje t rz i o s tm w ile a 46 ettl c i t."
Aar mon rborT6 eta. or vol Lo
Olt SI: • -
Mansur Worland. or the tome Mae Spring.: vnbava•
nor mart nrke note, or I 'd o do alit Sit
1 f ire ll t lb /
mur c"u• tela 8 1 . 0 z
E a.., aroinnina Pala, 2 vela viper cower 16 110 .
t roL elo SI;
Welton and Arthur, 2 110{I, Dow ,76 d i ,
All tba stove rued ond for ad e,m o ratite eV llookdi ro of
W. . 1 1 , 1 0 1 , 1 11D i r c e v a .ti,
017E1P8 Boling itschinee for solo by
LA son BOUM ouziaa, In wood ss.
gtaple and Fancy Variety and Dry 65.48,
NO. 05' Wood Street, corner of Disimoxu2 Spey, •
They re fe r t o a long experience In this business, as a safe to the p arehesee
that ba Val net Ms latest mad test Mies. and at teas as low airway other' safe to
An 1 . 1 . 1 A. a Eked. ware no obligation to buy. rwatt attention will be slam to ltiesitant‘mbstasa t
Ws bs Str eLessittaticm es posettsab 4,.,
DAVID OAIIPSELL & SAMUEL POLL9OK lune sasookted together, tmdery , the et fa,
of caILPHILL POLLOCK Ka the tmosactioa of !I GonsoK PortK7 awl Drp Wadi bthust. sat lAD atiotallotwo
of Plan aisa Wand Liall Gilt Moulding- .
1.856. CANAL NAVIGATION. - 1856
TM Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad. .
capacity 2000 Tool per Heath each WaY.
an facilities fol. pq,itition have been kul
, gl s inoreased dming_the put Winter,
V sad no ow nay onler la! a 5 the sliAzsdiantanes
_DOOILLILIIIII.T_LVISB to sad N th pith.
taritiyansdelniots and Baltlmart. Our Has ornOssed sartrett sr rOSTABLITpi bit castrsaddinniaS
snd= a tceM2oll=rl 3181117rITSIMITP7 6 Ul
"Ibb 44"
mess kIER & MITCHELL, ?Roraima..
Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Ntuiery,
ttaTITATED on Wilkins .Ilm
shout one evertor Ma mks from the
son the kw:ooze and Werharad Plat&
an extemdon of 'truth meek sod shoat
three me sitte2mllse from Plttsbrcrgh.
of IM. It AL KllFfilme, Pia
They. her • very lame collection of well_ rpows
trees end NAM suitable lbe treasplantlas Ms l. and
Wahl Ode:.
The DI - now cams soma 30 ease of limited 'Lod
aortal= over true, th rube
sea Want", sad one
10400 heft Mug me 2:000 Tvermorne and ,robot lire
ef flu Mu Ihrtra to reeturdll sad plessam Coked&
Meals aremtly packed oedema sorortlag to rummtlaas
teas iitert of the Dotted Ststra
W• teen to ask thestterstion of tholoves ois
nt., readers to the td•to our uortralut
hffifirk of Me, ettMmfte , .. nearly all Um Illfas green
both/. indlgetteas sad Ittoth. that la 'rattly a mural
Wheaton In Ott Inchon of co that
Plants us be to•
marl of otanytthhtss colt& hake to ides Immedlst• effect:
Priors merest. Ca
roma from Warmers. rash or male.
whet. feketoro In the site of Pthaborgh noolrld at st
Orders addressed to as through Wilkla .on Ma. nee
fittstrtanh. Ps., or haft M. oar stand an erupt days, la
Ur. Diamon tf T d Platlmt. wul Ns promptly attended
Fruit Trees. Byergreens, ext.
v . erabsoriber 'mild most, respooba,
110, call the attention of MA Wends and the
en oto We Ve , 7 bete 1n2r.7.0S /Mgt Tram Sur
hem lions, tiseenbross Plugs, to.
n a ge "l the stook is Loge and ene. Of rear s er . e .-
mom 11000 Dwarf and Standard of onz own Wring, of
deka viridian Pesthoentral thousand Sae, with ire.
pa ; SWkotsDhenrcesseberrlela annata.
Evirorserw, Dm / wri e r. tt.of which ins hare mans
tts, ore lbw. Pernms wanting lug* gum Wee will
Lineally t with. Call end ree oar ebsok. lit V.
erwys i ro soh Orders left a UscPlikelocreh S. 0-.
Maly et, the Oaktatdleorma7,ll4 Wise
on Penna.elvenne, Ws the Pittelarrah Durum Iss calm
;rota Oaklend. will Se vromply attended to.
iiPlantlnst dohs neatly to order
oellastbell Joint ginumin. hk.
Wa 511541-11A.LPIta 130..10 Puttee etrettatre York
le evull tagkrl
The Greatest Medical Discovery . ,
B. KEN Y , of Roxbury, hue disco,-
darcu r e. ba mcm on•
• .
Us ham ttioa It ono Co woo. sa.OltoOvo
111.1•4 oximrt In tiro to
outo(totb mb
thun hun der dred
buxom) U. h i s t :
of '
Too bottla sto oranontod to own. ortilno OM =EL
Ow to 'tow botthts trlll onto the want Mod *fillet:Wet
probe We.
Two to thew bottLa will rot
elm.ninon If
Two totals ars warrantatt t o tha want cokes to
stranthstul trombone
ann. tot bottles an wartranted to tors to. worst
M Otlago batLlsa ars warrantor* to atta all humor
and Wtras elan
.bottlsa ars
vi waren tho ban warrants,* to cure rannlng or the
Pau to aln bottles an warranted to can corrupt a ,
manias Worn
intabottno will can, Nay anotSou alba attn.
Two to Om bottlaa an warrants] to cum the mat ear
Pante moo of rhannutlrta,
Two toOre tattle. an warantal to ears the • mat
sun of thurwarat
Time toll:nu Willa an warrant** to oars cart then=
Pita to eight bathos vet con nu wardens. or wrontla.
A bwnat , ts otwa7n arlatrfiraost &con the first bottle.
and a Newt taro la warrants] when flu 'anon gnality
kr taken.
, Katt,lnd bong improbablo to tine • who hare in .01a
tried all tba wondered Nadir:inn a Use day. s that •
moons - 111.1 1 4120 , 11111111%111 adores. amnia' a old drat
tan& nould are nary humor in ttue mead yet It is ten
n dud tea Lt you inn • hamar ft ha to dart Tara
GM DOM MR =CIL hums CO EA, about salting mug CMS
endued youra_.l peddled 01W. ttuneend batten of It in
therignity . I Pew. ite *goon in wary ens. it
tuts gaga don enus of the greatest cum madam in
Masnebusette.. I gas ft to ehlitiona Tsar 011 . to old
prone dant,. / hare seen poor. pary, wady Ira
I:kali:1M. 0111110 Alma WU 101 T. and Cabby, restoral to o l
pagan state othatta by on. PUP.
To nom an
animal - set to • Oa beeenee Dada
sin ental an it /t Eng great rand w h at arrh and
donna. Soros vim have tan calla ibr ywax hunt.
tea and boa adulated brit Where thoUny bi gad
It Ports Cate an, bat ohen then is any a
of the faradoesot nateut It win case nry einaW=
boa hat roe most not la alsratad—they always dias
tase in tun for days to • Pea. Mural. maw • sad
resuigmlt. Oa In ontrary, .tan that bang II on:
ZioonWthmirimt Irrect="orlitbat man bred =ttom
47 .4.
best ire No esi " rtlit. Inuits .4 =.lrera
d p newton, ammo bernfulons seedling a Pa
E=ll.s, ander, ,tb• eart t Lad id ant. ran of Ms
I veryjel per
son Deo—adult on teals atonal pa day.
MIMI.= ar den sax, desert spoonntt• children hem
des to slat on., tea nstant 41.* no disunion nu be
mods .oytlatl. to au conetitutptie, tate ceandl to open
sten the barge aloe • day.
dr. AIMNIDY gag personal eltsadapse in bad rases
aliment% •
iTaalatbalas nob Dr. ILETVWS.I4O Word
emmt. m.o.°. Virgin alb,. 1.1 J. P. ILIUM% ♦ll..
[leaf. at.t9lyd.l.B
And Steamboat Ag rif ent.
LEVER. BATTIZZ-V 4FR aed b _ t
lliirOanalcaataata and Orden anlicited.
Rem fro.cprllsz,Ra_be 4 Ga.
Lt. land
DISSOLUTION—The Partnership hereto
crew* *statist ands tide nun. and Mlle of
Oh Is day dissolved by =Maxi consent. Zither of the
partner, are autherised to Wile the badness &laid Or.
April I. Mt Ofil.B. R. Lreca.
LLB of liantsumary Lomb.)
Flour, Gram, Bacon, Lard and Butter,
Next dear to the Old Stand,
No. 114 First street & 116 Second strut.
Ammo klatshall. zoo., PimOdent rumors' Dort! NOY.
John Mold Ca, coma an6Wood
Wm. Catnips, Uloos.Mannforturu.
,tie..untk ktoro-hanto Qpitrollr. •
Slim, Jarmo it Co 4tdolphls.
Barrett, timbit t Omnitacm, do.
J. C. Butler A Co. Cincinnati. so&
•R:4Y.I; I :4; c,
_ _
NO. 273 LibertySßUßGltreetTl,_
Fourth Street Carpet Store.
W.• D &H. MoGEA.I.J...UNI,
87 Youth Stroot,_ now wood.
_ moat( ttllykalled to oor prow t Steck selected ka
I liee = Wert l:nallab and Tapestry In•
Brineela awl
_TYlestry, ono.
Orentlla and Mak' Draseela. aper. al rdlorn and Ines
Lim aller a n Plited Ingrains,
B. 1; 1 rat Twilled and Daroask. Hall and 81.10
Os u mta
i &) i ll C l r. ,from ict S tor ir rt Wit:l/z
Itaboaeed Plano and WI. COM% Canton and Cceoa
a nd Hearth Lt. t. poor atatin Itair Coda: LW. Ban
and Dotal Carpet; Venatlan Such
with ovary variety of
WlOdow Manse, LIMO and 801 l Holland. In. ao, all of
ankh .111 6• offered tor sale at ear toodeonta rate.
..illr :i i '• aro olio Pretalned to (=lab llarringtan'a Car
ntbl2 •
Axel Wholesale baler la
Manufactured Tanana, IMpolied & Domestic.
MARS. ezeurF, ha., art.
no. 197 LibertY Street.
.ta . STROURGI7. VA.
LlNE—Raring trod* extend.. Inv
paragons thts winter, near. now
to de stoney burins.. by Wei Ne.tiaN A
11•11.80 AD, stramento lo3d from the Fast.= Cities.
Wean Wore our friends and all thaw dtspodad to pat.
miss the E . 41100. Canal and Railroshd, that no galas will
to spared to render general sallshoetl. an to Enipgars at
ltasteon and Westana Freight. The whim* 01 the to.
dined Plums on the Allegheny Portage. Railroad rUI also
tosmsaaed &snatch to %b. tranannsalon at mdxht.
Whoa ao PJLNIt atreet. at the Canal Basta. •
nitil6o.s4 U 'ID t LIMON
Cider and Vinegar.
VINEGAR mob expressly for family non
and EOM told In Intim th an ono half of Os UMW
til=ttopke.and ca nl,l; •
, porand In Worohom!o. 0 11 X
cy rt. n, Dam Moon mold In It t
'Maar made from
Oblo Gram% ocuti to tlabut ;V,
51 boar
pfl rFledrVlLlTnrenll will
The ottnatlon ofTarinVo " lbelloo, V b i ggYr;opero man tiv
country mombanto 12 particular. lo diroctod to We Vino.
Cider that will keeptswett until next Fat
Shun:ono Vinegars.. r f Ender warranted to be so rotors
natal total d BALLOII.I4O !Motor 1110 1.1 e 0
Bronchial' grooms or Voice Lozenges.
TritLIEBE LOZENGES are made from
r ,w.m i tzer the alienation of Pron.
elthsit nut; megrim:led by rublg t gaul t i t!
. TAU b it.l7 l .4 " lr trltt• Repot
ou s Li . l i me . radit i mb 3 be r a m kti o . f Wood.
.Not far Pittsburgh and Tfettr a "Vgarl"" l:r
imp , szadir.
Blakely 11: Elehey,
adasith and emit ibis atniata, Pittsburgh'
a, Baum Leta, tab, Purnaaaadato bonen 'adage
oa conomindan. Land Wananta, EU, Banda and non.
toodallatad. &Palantlan even to retbdtdldlnt
rams as 4j aowaing al um. Tama tomulonsl4 •
giROIH S. H. -CHOATE, M. P., i r O O l - 51
1" troOltOoe.ot Redid. In 3 D.lrer* ktlohloszo
3 Mon. St. Joon Co. ltsomoug, _
tdonsor :mak less
Suk D. IL 011s:—Door Fin I tonpir of 11.3;
Lino Pllik that I tom ti me
in tho mad uotoirtboo
WM time, ond lind tbelß Itur,r!
1 17= L rlarti of tloLloo. DM ^I o
Op..** *most cold.. Os the beet known ben. RI.
In V u t . w l " b t.17, 14".. f1 F. 'MOAT*. SI D.
P,4114::a lool'oaOl Elf R, E. SlO,l4OtS 00., Carnet
Wood and flo*, dodo.
ITALIAN DYE altdBS---We have ittot
4 •
PUI .117. - *Zonal: /MO grasp see 4
• atu...l•T 1. Wm • VIM ot 'lay
to so o• 001411%
wfs" LIO rim
arab of James Irwin 1 Ca;.
rr tE is=. Go trout bsamtmt
traminsie of Ur late -,in be sigtJud
Pittsburgh. Jannna mms& JA OW
FINIE undersigned will oontinnitha
future aatigig nutsd m egatheleir.
Jai ALM minx
'mei Irwin,
sum:wino ETHER; Sulphuric Add;
Zett filfzita of Nitrig NUok A 4
graPa l i 7:r s "" am,
MEER Co- . partmerehip heretofore Wit
11. ander the shame • A. limeia • Oh_
day oohed. by etasent. Nar 7.3417
wittearawthe from the badness. •LVYBI A. 12 .
PAU hush. Feb. 7th, 1666 h•The 7. N
WA dy A rceinted with we in bziaMNathill
a ettrh l Vagtods d irogsZ a wLU boon
am lea at Ne. :4 sat. ALITRIN-
roes IMT-,...—.--...«...*..—.,101111 =MON
Nn.nnaalas =ri.
wart i l if 71 — it ird. " W uberti holesski i Chocars _
1.111" , ...
LL B . SELLEREI it. CO., Wholesa L
ls and
Babn Dplata to Drip.. Paw.. OW* Tan t a'
NO./7 Wool (West
VOiICE: Jo? •
Flamm haring ia =
o be e . bt.t a. l. b.a nh
rmharArtitagnia * co.
ils; C. ItoLARE'S
Livere Pills and Vermiinge,
AIR. I. SCOTT, a regular graduate and
bbridelen of extenehre practice and nmpalencejto
ced by a tannonadable darn. to elleriatahanun
nu. ea well se to rami, has edeeted an IIIenOVISMCN
on the one.' Unarm. =id Vszennsas of De.O. lines
Wien mwered time resnedke ea the =Meal partite. o
Dr. 0. vv.t- o. Wr manyyelers.
Our Deemed Lbw ripened Teriallkuninoineng come
enemy and are more mild la their op ma than thie
Liver Pine and Vermihtna prepared aertmensin to the Cent
Mel receipt of Dr. O. McLane. We make tine ilechnsnoia
naderetandinaly. sad racomusandtbe4to Oa affiksed am
being loth pleasant aid curative. and beam them
skis to to any other Liver Pill or Vermin: yea
Peal airlijkate of Dr. C. .Faernts=
The Whole Wont Conenered!
Dr. I. Soott's Celebrated White Cl:sassier'
Liniment. •
• Tba trotrataal valid' aeatgai by aagalitablata MAI Cato
bratof /tag af Pala KlUrra ta maw at abeatosuagg Gout •
Lumbago, am Th.= . l , Cs, SWF
sr albs Joints. , Palar i ttv •
at say oatmeal..or ar • a Pat. Our
la amt. ma th s vs to asterkpoolttraty t • Matt's
atcanstat Naga Careataaa L ie 11au is the nibble.
ab and platost reta•l7 Tot aggrto
latangroportato Jar ktultagare= wadi.
euarsa.. Tbo ataay
i sWitistmgai tat alatttia•
apy=u t zt nltabbustat .1 gamuots ana
wt to agopt it at • staatlasit mow -
Ittc4tly. Tbo pad Incredatoas allt tinCts_ sothlac
mare tba9 the galm•lng tastittaany at ' Th.ll. Yams, alp
Main:ll4lgal ea • itt ymayap..glacaltsal tateadim
litibiM'uMrirs7b - 111
2141 la ciertUy_ , bass tossmlm4 Dos 5•1414 &&
rowing Melsaa's Imionmod ,Vazollass sal Liss 2111 a
DY Dr. Bmtt, who ban bean as Astst shgatni, d o
aria* my original wa= diot MD hist
TAtrteco flays, sad that I batons be bat 3tOVIID
2.13b1L. I suss Du *bone astersantlbor
sal Ma no Want is teas isbabscr. 1
gat /Dal I bars Losownallyassd his Citarstat &Ito Mr
ecaoss Ltsissost isty bnattoo. oath bw/I4Wilawilso
sad that lus cossodsonauly rawassond - • •
14.1.&101, IL D.
An tea slant tdelletnee bsoyszle sally` tosts=
raraton of Dr. - I. Yl=4 . So/4 by Dross:las
laprwat Vs , r0 ,,,, = we %toad Dr. 1.. Soon* GU
47%d% lbabooda=mt *load Dr.L Watt
saxontax64 ante atszatas et L Scioto.. IL D. . -•-• ,
DE. L SCOTT & 00.1581 s
Dr. DSO. U. SITIOSD, 150 Waxt
Isis Mast.
7. ILUDsteso 1 SRO.= arty at., Amt..
Lana •
FLICIUNt. atitosioam war Saatmad ..s =Wbots
L sa•T
,031:11 1. TOCI.-....SZCS. S.
Of every Description.
FACTINLY—ft BL. tens= Ws 4n cad Amiga. dienste.
Wareitouer—HoL 38 & 40 amithfieldat.
isan mn.t a
NUUBB .21.,m7}ibliarcarcgr,
throe intansunl in nrrilialsaata.
&on • T. B. YOUNa t
04111 NET YITRNITULIZ 111.1211%*01113.
so• 97 exe de ono own memos
AW. W. respectfully utter= his friends
thd outhmer4 that haltaajost efrodefad him dock
aron:ore, orblob 16 =k th. Loess Lod bat ever
ofkood for NO lath!" dry.- .4 le dettootheed to
his etok..vlthostanol beet varlototobll4 u)l =
moot Oa ood the =nth of Ma orders sad
%dirt menefeetztioo me is mudded to foam oar.
n te zvii—en :Lo u t. iix=eLmuty 0f,61117
dowerlytket of forolioro. foto the ebea=lood
to the loot etertht .4 melte. the. • ar sstr - 7
or co. may be forstlehed from OW SOO, mantdoetatod
to order. - folbolog artielee =Oat In pal
OfWjaartadat, slab. for Hoboes of 117 M rod
eseutoe teet=to say of the teeters oitko
undo XIV 40 POW/4room
100 &an Both ant= Cd Diane absl }k' of
100 dram Bloboithy Chafer 7SBeendary Bonk e 1.14
40 do Wabott JO Dom Cam Boat Chaim
too etehloy Hotbox Chant to Cute Boat Betting &Ws
610 Walnut do Or 12 lodVW Denbo
sl!iegur D 0.014 Be l t Cod Towel -staadr.
uminusume Mak
ILLlzabolugn dg; •
• '
"° I
dm deg ga l
wad liall%drx
Pavias ?slam
Perot:mks 6,
Hall and Mar da
(Mier Oat
rxlesuilem Talhaa
10011 s lig ammo pada
60 arld
do prof= d4 .44,lui
la do W
40 lowland do
100 Onus= do
60 Mtn Doo=r w o4
40 Idahocroa7
=I Walnut do
140 Cactus do
CO Ckoary ant Poolor trod.
YO etabonne Wardrobes
10 Walnut le
ID Marl do
ks large smarten et of •
r Ma
Wines mass. any
Eltearabesta and Hotels •
all sedan peeesetly steeled
• FINCH &00.,
DSPECTEULLY Worm Druggists and
Kadealers ln Varnisher generally that they haw Toe
some time Wen winged In the preparation of all dermili•
Urns of C0y...1.40MM VAUMMIUdr, and an now or.
Paul to =WI , thdr Merida and the publlo gmaallY
with artleha of the ray Wet manurnety re, made of the
beat matulal. and patented with the sr start maw and cm
the meet favoratda terms.
WINCH et co. Intend to devote themearms to miltha.
tine a first elan trade. and hare no doubt that their af
krtaZonwilltrtald orlllpromulletastarl. Their tarld
be founmually low with any Of the whirs mar•
tats, and. telex determined that no article Mall Lave
bele woe& to of approved and tuned tlnalltlf. they only
art for a trhd and a Mare of yobbo NUT nave.
To ourrene Body 00A011 V.MItIBH we would Name
Mu]. attentren. Thu article
_le aural to NIT- Nairn&
Om& 'Utah/hot' the very beet being mods emote
r aftar the Emma et the that ulas ftgUilt tams. by
In Thorns. Douala" who tor many
.yeara was waged
soma of 041i:root eatanalw eetabliMmmti Pagland
and Bontland.
Our dral-Corroldve BLACK TARNISH we. would am•
tlen/arly recommend to Founds*, Boatelenll4aa. and
Ifanufraturere of iron generallY• is Peculiar 9lndildol
wyelleation entirely, which le a pvtat dead..
Wm to Mule wing wraith for Iron, and preferahe to
aerhaltmn and other comoounda •••
all orders left at Mean, JOIN IRMA SONS'
et. /W.
atreet. will re punetrolly attended tot or w~tnJ 11U Third
• earn
8. N. wiczeßsmilL
r a C u ot c ßit ii. L . l ti A N
Wood. Pitt buret, P., sieleye kelps on iistot saA
ft,r .40 sacersJ uld own les asewlinent of Drugs,
Medic:lose. Pointe , 011.. Starr. Window Giese .1.11
thole, Putty. perfumery, nt and Propiletary Medi.
Ch.M. no.
To row old Meads and enetoinuc.—liseins so/dont toy
Drou NV in sad returned to
Toolry. Ima
ttio 7 D:os
Mend. o No. L4l r
the =stainers of hit. M .hall Y
olar 14!: a l tar a "
d Olwes
oo pans to plasm them with srythivitazame. La
my u,. oil:ash:tee. • ft N. WIO •
dally No. 241 Liberty at.
THE WEST—We hue agents in the tol•
lennur Wiens In the Western Doan It Dam
Dean:A. 1 aro C•it. Defor= . . Omani &or
Art 1 , 041,00 d .ital Des ln loa, sod at Lit
Mlltaater. BrommiCs Yd
AtssumVl4l23= u st
axe prow. d_tojtocia• Intuit In all land
t.omhat e i tgic gze.rtgird.til.)=•.agirly
=co ' zokeiferieneo O. ltng. W .r.
ed; biL
men, of Ln
and fellable ourniforsiu l ute cm=2l bay. µno az
oath, ewe' w..
One• Inn Inn cmtzl2nCe UM, Inn en ennelgti=r l
Vran se Man end um Non this TM falt
au urn W•ulll !went*" Us Mum onto Lem.
aunt In 12
ett• per eon, named
au cut mm. nay net be annealed •Ith Sink I.n.
Unn. c4' 3 3 t0.1r •11.11 to Mario of Lb soi.
•LY • eu' Baal tate+ 1:=
stOkfarf . ear. 710 • findthneld stn. PI
EShata4.oa th• *nth olds el the Ohlo a Num. Batt
mad' -a° town at Ockaabtata. Coaudsttsqc. 411 •
Dean/ ens laundred aars or l i trgrk
dam vOl as Um dom.=
Tu g
ZA tal tern il libr iM =orTg lit b. sottD .m a ,ma tha ftur.4. o.
st, lo ,
d° 41 . 1 . 4 ""' "'LI . A. TOODD, oa the DanDlow
•.-. •
Ilsrr's Isbud llitm Mills for bale.
A -AM authorized to Bell tha,sbove Exillz.
wlch tta cos:Marry And all • the voluthls !SAO ou4.
er Iwo mtaseed to th ey
e convsaces dam
Um. 602 ter.bon It ad anise.
ixow oftweat t jst xi a Iri W = " f sood ALLI. lOU I*
Par iratAliValifkrs26 It& I ‘.. th 4 _
JOTICE 13 ISLEREBY leTen that Se;
Lan will be male to no own lowbeetnoe
..nt=tbellitheinetooni bwak of rensennAZt .
alto in Oslo chasr, si/„„ine , l mn _tb..,.. - tho
r inonwaton ..4 lhetroapita a,il
wow , w.Joes
VOR SALE-4 saw
ict saul Paumutiseis
d situate >in