The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 14, 1856, Image 2

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    Irl'S.llolGli GAZETT,I4I
BY D. R.
TEMSDAY Idoollo,. AUGUST 14, 1866
Su ea sADDiliet cm the =WU=
Tera COWS Pet assom---.—.---$5 OD
Ten *oho 00
lEirPerieso r. be admitted Into Is dub ohm on. ors
tats at Asa Post Ofles. at say that. b 7 csrsllo4 ems &Mar.
verstents atesttl7ol7 repulsed, sad the
0 44 doped when the 1 . 41.2 ts =Mullen It Is nomad
l ir For -.Telegraphic terra ice 84 pogo. For
city:and Commercialliewe eat' 4th page.-
Mi Stocirea ePTlOlL—Persons desirous of
procusing copies of Mr. Somoefe celebrated
speech, The,'Crima against Mums," in pam
phletfOrm, can procure them at thle office.
Fiwatona'sPnostuuns.—A feW weeks ego the
Fillmore papers raised one universal about of
,great things "the party was to do In the
South. One Southern State after another was
claimed, until only three were left for Buchanan,
and such was the pertinacity and confidence with
which these assertions were made that they
gained belief in some quarters. Since then, five
south= States have voted, four of which wore
claimed for Fillmore, and every one of the five
have gone so strongly Democratic that there to
not a peg left to hang a hope on.
Knwrocrar, an old Whig State, and latterly
American, was one of the meet hopeful states In
the Union for Filltnore. Kentucky was put down
as certain; nobodcould doubt Kentucky. And
yet Kentucky ha gone so strongly Democratic
that even the Lou villeJournalls dambfounded.
hlmectrai has go t, e for the Border-Hui:64n Dem
ocratio candid& Polk, notwithstanding the di
version made by Benton. • Amtassaa which was
to elect all the American candidates his gone
for pro-slavery Democracy by about 6,000 ma
jority. NOME CAILOLIZIA, littiCh wan confidently
relied on for Fillmore has elected . Bragg, Bach.
enter, by 8,000 majority. ALABAMA has also
gone Democratic as usuaL
Rare are. flue States, four of whioh at leant
ware claimed by . Mr. Figment's friends, and two
of them were his strongholds, and all of these
have gone so overwhelmingly for the Bochan
lore that It is sheer folly to count them any
where else than In . the Buchanan list • Aa those
dye states go, eo will the whole South go. The
elaveocrsoy have ' bald out the prospect of
Southern votes for ,Fillmore, In order to encour
age his friends In the North, and divide the op
position forces, while they intend to give a solid
electoral vote for Buchanan, and they will do it.
No honest and candid man will deny this.—
Whatie there, then, for Mr. Panora's friends
to hope for? Mr. Fillmore will not carry one
single state, but his presence in the contest may
endanger the great cause of Freedom.
Every Southent State which has voted hae
gone for - Buchanan and Slavery. The only
Northern State which has voted has gone fo r
Fremont and Freedom. Does not this show
that the contest is , between Freedom and Slavery
—between Fremont and Buchanan 1 The people
so understand it, andeo they vote, and they are
not to be tarned.aeide from this great contest
by a candidate who is supported in the South as
true to Slavery, and in the North as friendly to
Freedom; who is endeavoring to ignore the only
real question before the country, and io cajole
the people of the Free States Into degrading
submission to the outrages and crimes inflicted
upon the cause of Liberty. I
Tax Cincinnati Gazette gins the following es
the substance of a Fillmore speech delivered in
that city by a Mr. Johnson, a young lawyer
t•Mr. Johnson sald—"Mr.Fillmore Is the only
teen who can apply ointment to the itching irri
tation of the country."
He aeked—"Where will this die-onion Black
Republican party take us!" A voice in the
crowd cried, "they'd take us to h - --L" t•Yea,"
said Mr. J., "they'd take us to h-1; and if
they'll only take us all to h-1, and take the
Black Republican leaders along, I don't care how
soon. I for one, am willing to go, (great ap
plause- and laughter) when I get to h—l, the
vary first thing I'd do would be to give three
cheers for Millard Fillmore." (Applause and
cries of " you're on the right traok. "They're
all right down there.")
Mr. J. has probably board of the" value of
brimstone to cutaneous diseases. He was no
doubt so carried away by his enthusiasm as to
forget that the meeting was a public one, or he
would probably have had more prudence then to
reveal whence Mr. Fillmore is expected to get
the ointment with which he is to heal "the
Itching irritation of the country."
Fiuntorr awn FACIDON. —A large and en
thnefastio meeting of the friends of Fremont
and Freedom was held on Tneeday evening,
the 12th 1814., at McKee's Mall in tbe borough
of Manchester, when a Fremont Cin'b was or
ganized with the title of 0 The Manchester
Fremont Club," and the following officers elect
ed: President, Dr. Joe. M. Parke; Vice Pree
!dent, D. Louder; Tres:reser, D. Adams; 8a
oratory, K. A. scans. The Committee on Bus
iness was insfteteted to rent MeHee's Mall for
the use of the Club, daring the Campaign, and .
to invite speakers to address the citimme of
Manchester at a meeting to be held In the
Market House on Tuesday evening, the 19th low,
at 7 o'clock-
Mumotau.—Tbe 81. Lonls Repuqican
day Wogs us returns from 71 counties, which
show a majority of 2,854 for Polk, the anti-
Beaton candidate. There is now" ao doubt of
Pollee election. The members elect to Con
gress are Blair, Republican, Carathere, endg u ,
Phelps and Green, Boehauen•mcn, and Anderson.
and Waodeon, Know Rothings. •
The eleatlon of Polk secures the liter) for
Buchanan. Benton promised before the election
that If be received leas totes than Palk, the
Benton electoral ticket eboald be withdrawn;
and as this event has happened, there wiil be
bat one Boatman electoral ticket In the AM.
in Me lelepraphio dispatch forwarded to the
ration democratic convention In New York,
"The whole southern country will boil this r.
'union se a rainbow in the clouds."
No country but, the "southern country" is
taken into *tenant.. That comprises, to Se•
ebonies eye, the whole country. As he regards
it, the rejoicing or, indignation of any other
section, is of no consequence. That which the
"whole southern country" hat' Is a rainbow.
Se is the southern candidate, - and the prospect
now Is that he will get none tut southern voles.
A. BARD Urr.—A Enchanter dace holder, in
this city, who sometimes airs kb login in the
editorial column of the Union, was lately holding
forth to a forlorn few at Excelsior Hall, Alle
gheny, and was dwelling with unction upon the
cattle story, ronslig up democratic indignation
at Fremont'e cow-stealing propensitiee, when an
appreciative individual in the back part of the
house called out,—" I think that man must have
sucked a couple of them cows—he's the biggest
calf I ever saw." He, ha, ha !
The Chiesgo booksellers-say that they have
sold 9,000 lives of Fremont to 1,622 of Buchan•
an. At Cleveland, the sales were 18,682 caplet;
of Fremont, and 196 of Bnehanan. One home,
alone, in that city, has sold 8,000 copies of
17plutiffi 71fd of Fremont. We learn that a book
seller In thWelty, on being asked as to the re
lative Weein this city, replied that _ the biog•
rsphy Of , _Frtimont sold about as feet se it *wild
obtained, vrbile he had not a single call for
the life of Bohan=
• SWATS= flovicamairrr.—The Washington
Sentinel, in a controversy with the Louisville
Journal, time litotes its own and Mr. Sanitarian's
idea iif tkiiiitter tlovercigoty. The Renlbul is
the epecial organ of Mr. Buchanan In Washing
lake contended. that the principles of the plat
form on this subject were unequivocal and in.
disputable. -- . That by Its very language the plat
form repudiated the doctrine of squatter : -saver
&Oily , • That Mr. Buchanan fully endorsed that
:platformo4at 'Own well known ?lows pre.
upreneed unstained' &hi opinion, and
newly :
hie mop language elsewhcii threw, a food of
lighkupon - ithe tine meaning 9f hie /ettev. and
that we:were, theiefOitc•jostiltit In the Belief
that Mr. Suds= *nialtitilned the &aeon
mmservatbre view of this question."
Ton Towson!? AND JuDaz Citrus.— ob
tainahip, Clarion county. has been fame fc
lie attachment to Democracy, every vote bu cc
being regularly out for the Democrstio in
Judge Cant ban been equally famous fo
power u a Democratic leader and oracle.
differ frfim Judge Carll was treason to the p rt;
Toby, township confided in Judge Carl, at
Jadge Carl was proud of Toby township. to
agine, then; the consternation of Judge Curl
when he was told that Toby township was sec
log- from its Democratic integrity, and had got
to the dangerous length in contumacy of intr
duping the - Pittsburgh Gazettes where k era
the people had only drank from the pare ow
tains of Ports and Unions. Aghast at th d ay
ger of Toby township, and at the loss of lthoi
staunch Democrats, the Cricks and the Flicks
Judge Curb - threw himeell' into the deadly
breach. Be would breast the storm, and soon
rout that dangerous Pittsburgh Gazette ! . and
Toby township should be herself again. The
potent Judge addressed himself to 44 task, and
the letter was written and sent; but lb t inatead
of accomplishing the mighty effects tip ate
theme Impudent "Cricks and Flicks," w tbo
the lesat awe, of the doughty Be:bonier se
the letter to the Clarion Banner for FAB. ado
Probably they thought that they could not tt
cony out the Judge's request, to make 013 of
for the cause of the Democracy. flare Is tl
letter, verbatim, et iiteratim, et punctuatim:
Cmudavimm, July, 16th, 1 6
limy Cases, EM4 ,
Dear Sir :—ln an argument
with one of your Toby township oltitene this
morning who is very much tainted with the mad
one idea Abolitionism. In my upholding our
great statesman and patriot, James Buchanan
far the Presidency as the safest man ern can
elect for peace and prosperity of our Country
end the maintenance of our glorious dear-bought
Union. He made his brags that some of the
strongest decimate in Toby township els the
Cricks and the Flicks were sending on fora Fre
mont paper the Fitt/burgh Casette to enlighten
them on the subject. I hope dear eir that the
report Is w‘thont foundation and that neither the
Cricks nci the Flicks nor any other of the noble
old 7bby democrats are going to sell their princi
ple!' for a pees of Pottage by forsaking the
Democracelll support a man nominated by only
one section of the Union and without one States
man Idea of Administering snob a powerful Re
public as ours. It It should 'turn out (which
God forbid) that he and his party should (by
combining all the factions and lams in the
Country) get into, we have reason to leer the
disolution and the end of civil and religions lib
erty. The =id fanatical spirit of Abolitionists
which lead them to call our Constitution framed
and approved by the cages of the Revolution
(with Washington at the head) a covinent with
Death and Hell will lead them on to its destrus
lion as soon 13 they get the power.
The hatred evinced against the Southern
States by the Northern Abolitionists will urge
them on to disolation of the Union and as the
Hireling press of England ht exalting and glory
ing in our quarrels in hopes that It may 1 111:Lally
end In civil war, the North against the South
and her feelings being enlisted in favor,of the
Black Republicans. If a rupture should take
place we may expect to see an army of 'British
troops landing in Deem to aid these Bleek Re
publicans in putting the finishing etrokel upon
oar inestimable rights and liberties and c6.4eal-
Ong our estates to come tyrant upon wh be placed, provided they can whip
m the
crown will
,I;lthe South and all who oppoto their rase y de
I have no doubt they have their lying embus
ries each se Sam of the Banner who although
destitute of much brains has tact ertoughlto try
and pal our honest farmers to go in for Fremont
to their own rain which mark me will pe the
case if they summed in their scheming. lam
now an obiman and have no interest In the elec
tion but I cannot go down to my grave without
lifting any warning voice in favor-of perpetuat
ing the blessings of civil and religious liberty
which we have so long enjoyed. From my inti
mate knowledge of political affairs for eirty
year* and the portentiouz signs of the times I
have good reason to believe that the Black Re.
puliliaan Fremont patty are wicked enough and
willing enough to see the Country and Its liber
the blowed Sky High to Batley their Inordium
They dont want to see or hear of pease
Kansas about which they make eo much ad,
they want to keep up. the hue and cry and hop
to defeat the election of Buchanan by this I ypi
critical sympathy fa poor lance the whole Is
humbug land time ' tell the tale.
I hope • dear air hot neither the Cricks the
Flicks and the atanneh Democrats of old ll'ob ,
will be on your guards and listen to no et
from Mull Republicans and their lying pa r
The Pittsburgh Guette wan a great ens y i
Know Nothingism but no doubt it will coax bet
over to drop Fillmore and go for Promos, . I
think under the hope of defeating the Demoiiracy
(vain hope) they will be likely to boodle alto
With all due respect I am dear sir yours
P B. Please preserve this letter and I It
meets your approbation make am, of it with all
you cat for the cause of Democracy.
One of the first things which strikes the •
er of the *bore letter Is, the exalted uncapon
the writer mast have had of the Information d
intellect of the Democrats of Toby towns p :
They most hue felt highly flattered to find s ch
arguments addressed to them, d
were no doubt anxious that the country oh ol d
enjoy the privilege equally witlitheinselves. e,
1180, are moth flattered, to find our poor efforts
80 greatly magnified, as to be deemed worth; of
being resisted by eo weighty an antagonist, eo
powerful, argumentative, and catmint! a pro no
tion. We print It entire, without daring to
any liberties with It, and thus give our shirt or
forty Toby township subscribers, among wit b
there are a good sprinkling of the ”Crieke
Flicks," the opportunity of tusking good use
for the cantle of Democracy
ton correspondent or the Philadelphia Ar.
Asurissa writes u follow :
"tkmoeement Is contemplated accongs port on
of the Southern friends of Mr. Fillmore, urging
his withdrawal u a candidate. The recemtis-
Au ; ..
wit in Bentuoky has had a disheartening e? t,
and other indications are equally ominous d
unpropitious. The tendency at the Booth ii
evidently to a concentration upon Mr. Buchan ,
Just as it was manifested towards Mr. en
when he wee finally taken op for the Speak
ship. The stampede is inevitable, though it
may be arrested temporarily. And whentnier
that purpose becomes Axed at the South, the
saute result most follow at the North. Disguise
It as politicises may for their own end; ttie con.
test is practically narrowed down between . .
Buchanan and Col. Fremont. Infetuated or
mielsading champions may protest, otherw e,
bet their assurances do not disturb a rapt .10
is the Westmoreland Congressional and Jn .1 .
clot &strict, Bon. Joss Corona boa been no
red by the Fremont men for melection to Con
grees, and Lion. Joe. BUITYLEITON for President
Judge. Taus J. Corral, of Indlana,ls the nomi
nee for Inmate In the dietriot composed of bal
sas, Armstrong and Clarion. All three will bs tri
umphantly elated.
In Blair county, a Union County ConventlOn
has nominated Jots M. Gmeouly, for the
Legielature, and appointed conferees In favor l l of
J. Bacrrnsurss for Congress.
Faison Eutrrozsz. Timm ts! VIIOIIII2LL
The " Republican Association of Ohio Calmly,
Virginia," bare appointed • Committee to take
immediate steps towards the formation of a Frle
moue and Dayton Electoral Tiokot for nrglitlei !
'Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Kentucky, all
with Fremont doctoral tickets! This looks
sectional, does it not I We should not be stir
,prised to see Fremont electoral tickets In bar
.the anthems States before the election!
FIZMOBT iftirr9o m 01" scrum TOWNIPHIP.;•
On Tuesday evening meeting of the friends f
Fremont was held in Chonsetown, for the pur
pose of forming a iremont Clab. The meeting
was well attended. Wm. Heim, Hog. of &mkt
ley township was called to the Chair, and t i
preliminaries for the folmation of • Club w
gone into. The meeting au addressed y
hiesm. Howard, Collier, Hippy and Shields.
Yorarionno Cottlon.—This ninable hUril•
Cation for the acquisition of scientific knoit
' edge, la located on Penn Squam Alladelp
and Is In full End successful operation. It id.
fords young men the beet opportunity the co,.
try affords for perfecting themselves in Ci
jacchsulcal and Mining Engineering, and In
Chemistry, whether applied to the arts or to
agriculture. Bee advertisement
. , ,
The Mop Tribtms sat e the Olnoi • I
U Sow , He the most reekless,, truth•detelng
N. sheet west of theee." Tho • I
forgot' the Post, of ttds city, or It would •
made it so ezeeptlOn.
.7 The following proceedings sin the Senate on
or Monday were not sent to no by telegraph :
we The resolution offered on Saturday, calling on
et the President for the vouchers on which Mr.
Fremont'a amounts es an officer of the Harem,.
„ moot to California were gelled, and inquiring
.n o whether there aro any papers In the Depart
-1- meat charging' him with malfeasance, to office,
od wee called up by the mover, Mr. Bigler.
Mr. Weller hoped the Pacific Railroad bill
„ would be considered
"' Mr. Hatter urged the Importance of first con
sidertng the appropriation bills.
to Mr Seward said he always voted for ouch
). resolutions of inquiry. The troth could do , no
• harm to anybody.
Mr. Hale wee glad the resolution had been'
introduce'. It was rather tame work to make
• speeches for a candidate against whom no charge
could be made. The only thing he beard be.
fore was that Fremont once eat dog meat. The
reply to that was that the people intended to
give him something better to eat.
The vote having been called on Mr. Bigler's
motion, Mr. Adams said be was sent here to
pan lawsfor the public interest and not to die
cuss the merits of the various Presidential can-
Metes. He therefore voted "no."
Tho resolution was taken up yeas 29,
nays 14.
.ut Mr. Wilson said he regarded all propositions
s t of this character, whether made by one political
party or other, as email business. The accountso' of CaL Fremont for money placed in his hinds
er by the government, had been settled. A re
it port had been made by Visits Whittlesey, cover
s leg hundreds of claims under the various laws
of Congress for unsettled balances of public
money; in this report wore to be found the names
of Worth, Gaines, Harney, and some of the
noblest and beet men of the republic, but Fre
mont's name was not there. The resolution
was an attempt to blast Col. Fremont's reputa
tion and character. It appears to be a blow
from Mr. Baohanan at his rival, given through
his spokesman on this floor. It weuld, however,
do no harm.
Mr. Bigler denied that Mr. Buohanan was in
any way responsible for hie action on this floor.
He had not been oommlted in this matter.—
These charges against Col. Fremont in regard to
financial matters bad been exclusively circulated,
and it was due to him that they should be refu
ted from official courses, if It could be done.—
He had antielpated no etch opposition to ouch
a resolution from the friends of that nettle
Mr. Wilson replied (bat Col. Fretnont's friends
wore abundantly able to take earn of his reputa
Mr. Trumbull said that if there was to be a
general overhauling of accounts, It might be as
well to nerve all the Prenidentlel candidates
alike. He therefore roved to amend the resole
t4oll by adding a obtuse, that the President be
requested to cause to be communicated to the
Senate at the same time, similar information
with regard to all the transactions of Mr. lin
'shaman as an °Meer of the Government, and
particularly showing how much money had
been paid him since he entered Abe public ser
vice, and also to communicate all correspondence
of Mr. Buchanan with the Government, espe
cially that relativisto the Ostend Conference, and
the reasons why he wu removed from his pos
ition as Minister to the Court of St Jame', awl
If removed at his own request the reasons given
forsaking to return' if any.
Mr. Douglas thhoght Mr. Trumbull ought
also to include inquiries In relation to Mr. Fill
Mr. Trumbull said that was cot of eo mach
importance, but be had no objection.
Meagre. Wilson gad Seward urged the pro
priety of offering the amendment 10 e dlettnet
The amendment woo rejected and the reecho
tion adoptel
Tna Cincinnati o(N:dig denies the authenticity
of the report that Judge Leavitt, of Ohio, its
going for Buchanan.
August, is most welcome to our table, replete u
It always Is, with horticultural lore, wetten and
selected with judgment and taste.
PIRATICAL —The Buchanan party of Methuen,
Mw., have relied short nag-staffs upon two
buildings in that town, and from the top of
each they hare displayed a. long, narrow, blood
red dag, without however the skull and cross
to I Donee,which Cr.are probably yet to be added! We
were well aware that the believer@ in, and the
supporter' of the doctrines of the Ostend Man
ifesto must endorse the wont kind of robbery
and plunder, but we little 'opposed the party
• would make bold to hoist an emblem so near a
kin to that of piratical older..
..Werrwato,Ho!"—The whole number tit
emigrants which have crossed the Missiseippl, at
aff Dubuque, lowa, Bloc* the 18th of April op to
ra the 6th of July, has been 819 families, consisting
of 4
504 members, having In heir possession
° 1, 03 1 wagons, 1,728 head of horses, 7,722 bead of
1 cattle, and 11,700 sheep.
DUID-011 liennar inn..ll. to New Toriollo ecy.s•
int'S y. NWT. lite of astmetoso
foaaal Clienka tdam tbts.fternoon..t2 chock.
!M., the midair:a rf 6L !Attu:Ando*, lobo ►myth,
Bambara atrial, 'forth Plttelnerab.
Th. Mends of laint • W3LO. Maio died fit Idemotdo on
ftw fob lost,) emoutad to attend bit fittwonli fr
US late Mindanao cotteir of Marl and soot starts, MC,
Muratori afternoon at 8 o'etatk.
Editor:—Pleaee announce WM. N.
DUROfflngt.D.or Problem tolrosblp a• Annnd Mato lby_occa•
Insilco to tb. elm of Coo- ty CaNwalinlon•Y. DT tan Union
wto r•stios. Do itogoot 20th
l4;IIrd• bo kl
State Senator--Tha Daum of JAMES S.
mart. *Po • artil be =bat , tad tba Union Omits. Wei
CU the 40th Met-. as • candidate for A tst• • cantor.
tressrs.Editore—Pleame announce IRA Li -
CIS J.6AIIDHSII. of 1111ftOrth Tottuthlp • osetlldato
Ibr thorn , . of Cottot.- Oonokloolooor. to du O.
&On of Us UM= Oonvotitioq to too. Wodo.dof. =NY .11111010 AN ILIPUBLICIANIL
Dr. John T 4 Peters, of Moon township,
will be astadidsl. bohl. Qs Voles Mementos of ALA
IbMee sown asoklastles far ths Imitslwtars.
ssrk. h'ertsT yl STU Whit%
State Senatca.—Dß. E. D. OAZZAM ie
atm, enejeet to the deetdon of deo
Usket.Oalkeentton. earketA.
Assembly.—Sonth Fayette Township hoe
always bad Ija .b•nof triattart, bat arm.) Mats of
DILIBON, • ittiron of tblo tarrorbtp, • wen
n' Estrireo b"dl arrZTlo 4l ? ' .42 , l ' m .t lb.
to lOW on Um fl)tb Ausost. Or o h. Rolm.-
Can, as • andidat• for Ar•c•bly_
0. Y. COMMIE, JOliff
Ar p ir i .TßlCK. WX. . !CARTA/VI.
Ti oicmodia . 1171111' C*LLIN,
County Commisidoner.
JMAMAI. SNODGRASS, of Mifflin tp.. will
obit* • andldst• for tb• nattlnailat for th e aloe of
Ytka , lattata. at the analog amantlan, to be
bald as lbeltOtb last staawd.r.arll 111/YIIN.
Assembly..—Mr. 110 BERT BlOlLifil, of
nitong* l = rgiVA.V=ll.(trg =Pa),
the Howe of lioprroontattrook at Mr ro i r rLtve,
(km -
Thos. I. Bigham, of Lower S. Clair Tit.
via a... candidate Tor the Oonssossloisal p mloollno
Plttsbmith disetost •ablset to deolstou of th e Union Om.
mai= to sant on Mit Inst. aotatrdlimoT
District, Attorney.—F. C. FLABEGIN,
of ths 4ty of Pittsburgh. otll b. • ouldlOste logos the
VW= Uounty CounnUon tor ths ogios of Distrtet Alton
County Commissioner.—Mr. Edi—
Fleu to mamms th mne ofJOUN K. FORUM, S.V.
olllabrte town:ship. ea a annaldate for County Commis-
Wan, on the sett-hdmitkletrstkm Whet, and °elle,
=any ritaltlairdalre vorzas.
Commlssioner.—WM. PERK I NS, of
Chartiers township. will to • eandidate fbr the offts• of
Daunts Cknamiallower. been the Union County Cooven•
ttoo. tooeet on the 20th August.
lwfl MANY Perth&
Another of the good Ladies of our city
tootles to the deanery of Dr. NcLanes Cdtbrated rem(
fug, prepared by /LIKING BROIL. Pittsburgh, P..
Now You, YU. 7,1tt.2.
Ido busby arta to t g. b r a bilo th thr child of
;P rolle r = d i WI& idu.ireitLlZt
=fttl&r"=. 3 rA th tirlt,gl M b irbgti
im „,„„ oyuratla bubehn and otrtn reb ud
atglo P =gee tro I :t g htilb t , J'"tirE Ni 7
nu to rocotomendins life both 10001 and old. as one of
Du bat tudlttati I my mod.
111311wPwistmers wIU b cereal to ask tor Pr. iutaNr3
(1:11.1111BATIED TIECLIiITOGII. and take some else. all
other TamMem In scaoperison. are worthissa Dr
krigIIVII TerELMIZIk elm Id. odebrated Idler Pills. can
now b LW at all respectable Drug Stores to the United
Rates. and Canada. None wentilne without the dim.
tun Of aubidliwb NUKING DHOW
Celebrated Vernale Villa.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir James
elan.. t. Phyelehto Istracettlamy to the Qum—
TM, linrshuble ft.didaat =Mtn In Mammal all
those Waal and ttstmerocue • Cisme Melba% to the Or
mato oceetltottos.
awdstatss all ado" moons all obitrootiona and
Ulna on the I:Deathly waled with witdastty. Then
PEW alustdd to mad two or three mots prodses to Imp
tlestaanr. OAT Rattly eMamn.tltntkn. and Mann the if.
Cuing dacind labs. ambling Its mottos to parkwat tow
dudes with satsty to halal! and child.
to AO annotNartrononeso mut SpOul Aftwom. Ma in
tbs MP and Limbo. llosolosos. Yetis*. on tillobt Un
tlan. Polto Ration ce the Hesse. Lowtone of speak Irma
Elok Hoolobs. sad 'al th. sokod
amp b 7 • disodstod .rite®, VMS 'PM •111.pnet •
pro shoo aH other mans harodlatod. anti "moo •
wooed poudy, do not contsto Ana. stoma{, unto:om
at i ga
tunz. other oduorsl... a .
tbs WWI Pates sod Ponds.* Dam'
Bas Agents Rs this onnatri. • -
L C. ILILDWIN A. Oi.'.-11Ptfostiteti. L
11711111 t MOW, Antrum, It. T. Oseast Asada:
H. 11.-d/.00 node palsy moms neloSod to ins...
that'sd spot, tBllnlma s bottlootthor PIES kr Mont
for mik ba Mutant% tu: num isoa ranee of
Vico:land tourth sta.: JO& AM. Maw leartuzi
emitbffatl W: JOB. ILZWNG, mew
straloaalhautses sonerals.
Rheumatism—To any who have been CP
Marl with this malady . . t h e win Madden Ott. .to,.
tittalor will call ft, mini the remembrance or the mat
ernmejatina vain and prolonged ammy. Sae joints
'walled. sult and unyielding. CPI ton or the bnif se
comma:Lied br • eh' dr that would induce Quo Najaf that
every brae In the human anatomy was about to be Cake
Wed. Prom two to thrall bottlaa of "Kannada's auarpi
Discover," will con lb* wont eon or Ehmunatium Ifra
Wmald Warta theorize of J. Macomber. tau.. a raw raetatde
citizen of Baotou, who waa'Mired at the age of fn ream
&Reran lanes. or • quarter er a century. and an farm:.
of inns MOO midi° emit= nhyrielane. For the cure of
humors It nano equal.
13oH by Dr. OW. 11. KEYSER. 140 Wood s•- •
otent: J.1311.t.8 P. lILIMINO,
Boatland's German Bitters—Certificate
of MEE LUTE. Req., Editor ••13piret of 'name, - 'mates.
, lummox. Oct I
Dr.O. AL Juliann—Dear cur—The Dieters am n crest
demand here. In eddition to the quantity cold by Marie/
• Barb , . your •sente. the two other store. sell more of
them than. any other medicine. I End theywe much
need by couvaimment fever patients to rebuild their bro-
ken constitutions. 1 have used during the last simmer.
In my own fancily, four bottles they werereooMmended
to me that by • neighbor. at a time vibes my wets= win
much debilitated (tom the effects of • re were DiliOue Fever
They save ma an appetite. and entered a tone and vigor
to ms whole cryttem. In one of the tort. numbers of my
wed I related my experience bun,he good effects of the
Hire, eines which throe they had e large We, and
have now become therrlennfard medicine in this vldnity.—
In conclusion. I would ray Vset 1 feel west pleasure in
eiviag you this testimony of the valociand rooms. of your
preparation. Itenmetfolly. roan, RALPII LUbE.
Sold, wholesale and retell. at Dr. (.IEO. 11. EXYSEIDd
Drug Store, 140 Wood pt., sign of the ()olden Dotter.
Bee advertisement. i4;.2wdlerT
12. Second and Itsl Frost St:teats.
teoccootoza To s. S. onlornA3o4
Agricultural Warehouse,
No. 129 Wood Street,
ap2l-17dtr.wT PITTSBURGH
manwcrows or ,
Corner Ross and First Street.,
Parklrb PITTS.BVROff, PA.
.tuAo 100.311
D. S. 800iE9 & CO
KL,12710111131 cr
Steel Cultivator Teeth.
Britian and Continental Excnange
These Drafts are available at ei the prin
dpsyrovassrausisns, &Wand and Ind.& end Wa
M. A. Gtunebauts & Baffin,
szAziratosr • ALIN,
Widen serve aa a Ito:Ulan*. to all puts o U.... 7
lihrltserland nod Holland. •
Persona Intandisa to travel ahroadl.l ptoodrottu•dat
to Lotto" of Omni, on irb.tylt 111011•7 PUI no obtalnodou
000 dad. in on/ Dart of Hanoi.
Oolloctio. of MU Now, • and Other OMClitia• 1n No
lop*. vill nrealv• promPio%•&tk.-
eulwe Thud 0.61
Three Train+ Daily.
Passenger Trains will run daily , except
santsrs, fins..
E.... PUMbutzb rot L'n•tillus at 3.00 1. M. AO • if,
and 8.00 P. M.
Leans (assails, 1637 niyeu a al 6 Oa A M l m P n. sad
Pl6O r.m.
6.1126 .11 mate olooLoanneaLlorts et Crestline
with trains nor Columba& Dalton. Clocirinstl. Badefon
talon. luau:up-0., Chkeno, tt. Louie and ill peltito on
fordo extending Wren and SoutL-wett through Ohio. ln•
Tana trains from Pigseurab cussed u lionoteld etta
. fßea.lnaky, Manate/A and Waved road. br
ainnyo. Toledo .1 Mode. ly. Conontions ars made at
AUI althr . Pral. on thy-Ilona and Pildebargh Road
for Ctsvaland. Clllraan. Dunklrt and Outran/
Passages lavas" fitteturah at a P. If. Ihn Pandnety.
rnledo sadadampo hers Ile benefit el • nlohtli net at
Ilesudeld a Cleveland. end ■rri,. le 'Mesa. early nest
Dtwitte watt trew Crestllrte wale clewe e at/renew with
Usk/. eti Per.zwylvanle Centrst It It. fm . Phltactelphie
Baltlmete WO Nov Tent.
?Derma Ticket* ars told U. I.'"lntobus. Itattott. elsesin
veal. twalentle. Et. twat. Isdianavells. Balletotitathe
Chic/MN Rock Mewl, I. Qty. 1)..1111., 3111...k*
Sprizzlsl4. IC, ►on* ete•Wwwd w/d ( to
GetwAteil eltlee ill UN Wen. nags ever thie
IL,' retiyto. had at ell ef the atems plat. r Pittsbangb .
P.almaore sad t.. T.
earn Now edgetce Er Pheabtreab at 7 a. le, ace I h
7a. Lane Plttabeeeh ter Nee tehebtan at 974 e ace
6711 P. a.
For TielrArts &ca. fonlur lI.Tq r k.3.4IIATX
ft,:1"1 1 .7 - *P 4 '. th r•
GEOZEGII 1301 mt 40124
J. IL }lOOG.e. er
3. RELLY, Paremot dint
PlttflnanrlL Wl7O. MAL ¢1723
Dr. Keyser's Shoulder Braces—From
Plrtatntrah Dl...deb. April 10th. lAs4l.—For MOTO than e
nill, p.I , bow. oonerantlf warn) the Weehtuat'on N.
Akin Drum manulactorl I by D.. Q. 11. gereir. of Na.
110,Throd et. In Una city, and would hearthr nrcntrlntend
lgtO .1) who ant entapallsrl to follow a eedentan"occuoa.
Una. t ie we hare ten. no:larked. In eillrap att.:fan
0 , Ito warn.... It strums kr • tr.. and ryryourt yrs, U.
we] abi or thcrantraorm bring 0. P:eord 0. to routdrorais
17 tan to t rine the ahoulare to their natured roa , dlon
and • the ars.— Worten, hurpire. of whoa are
atoll , r tutored by as ...UM of r .5....4 -eltirt....
ebould al. procure Uwe Imre. Dn particular. la pto.
marled Ma tlad useraticued, I. MU , / fir th. 4. m. 1. 1 4 err .
bum . Ida at Dr. OM 11. IP SIT 621114. 'Wholtrale
Dru r. 140 Wool et, ritor of the Oaett d h00t.,.
Fr stwort or Rook Rose.--For the cure
cf ern alone Dleraead •
Nam 11lect. J., I. lg..
My tine Chulu , bar beer, adlisted sith IJ:tessera/ea of
' the ban Mut. At the age of 6be was drat a:4.ot In.
flacentatiort tornosed until the WY weer./ &mu... 4
thalolut serlcualy allectal his leg. droving it up moll:gat
It was Impouible to straighten Fro-imam of surgery
Me It ea vela decided erinSou that the leg mould never
fieM. and that the yonpg man mould never walk again
Tbe disease inereuedillo rapidly that dm two.aud . Sal
Tom boo poly maned with crutch, a. Lie efforts to sz.
erctse the Limb mere attended mithrtreit vain. to that be
could Vol alto.. I matoluid him .o attentively. that for
months; did Dothan.* full utgbgereet. Ile hal be.q
treatet by llstlngulstud medical Prertlll.... or leieb
leg. blistering. &0.. be bad also been Wore the Medical
01.1641 or Yale College. Therrnsedies the, uallaalltld:
ed..s snort falthrolly tried, brit without iron. 'llk's's.
Me disease and dreadfill condition to mentbq e 1... when
ha emunetes.l taking Myers' Nock Rosa. One bottle mu
but partly tat. when ho to. tench better, continuo:l
until three bottles had bun taken. whoa • care Ual ens
tlrelr completed, no. be is Is excellent Wraith. mu Is
the testimony of and can be corroborated by addreolng
Ifra Catharluellel3lll, PI Wallace mt., Nem . l.47res,
or can be fully substantiate! or hundreds of wltuessa, or
by addrorelng a line to Rev. W. W. Pelden, rem Haven,
Bold whalealeao4 met at the Drag Score of 11150.11
TLXYPIII, so. 140 Wood it, elge•of the Gold.a timer.
Dr. Oeo. W. Phillips'.
Caught. Was: Croup, nottsonsts. Diteding hate.
Atom. Eroachltls. Ingham% hpasktri &re
Utast. Oonsamptioth gad all discs sea of ths
Ttuvet and Chet t •
Dr. Geo. Phillire
stutomaric L ximeNT
hturartutie. thnzrelirle, Lombein, Peleliu. Mantle
Palos, Palm to the P 14.. Chest, Beek and F•O4,
8..1'4 and Mehl /Wets. Weak Back.
Cno The thousarpierho Rica and finer tutu?
to their assailant merits by a weal:mom *ltem]: use.—
To Urge who lore rot need theca we would 01117 Thy
VIER end they will hod them to be all they an - .per
'rated. end that they will lob with marlaile &Coot.
OR. CSC . W . pyitl.ll2li, tole Proprietor. Ctrolotatl,
Oh Fur io.
rale irboleenle lod i rgia m a
el _dm
• fe2o.lyra Abolition Cite.
Dailey's Gonne R&M Extractor will
eabdua the pun and lafamm►tlon from the Berme!
borne ar ee,LL, la from : to 20 minutes—end that It win
heal t h e wan& without sou; and effectually cnn )rarer
Ilarea—Plies litiuni—lnfuomat727 ffhenreatlam—
Bare end lollanied Sloe—Oates—Worcorle,ffrulree—Old
and Inveterate Soree—Bald Ilead—Code tied Duunlons—
of luracta—Burffed and Broken Breaab-liore NlDDles—
.ffroptlona—and an other Inflammatory and eutantoub
Megan. where the put. ~ad can be reached.
Don't be Incrededeus about the many (queen named
to be cumin, only one Chloe—but reflect, that the flew,
but ye:cities prOliertlee which the Daley Palle aloneoon.
tel.. and as heretofore enumerated—one to tour—nin
remit not alone the alto. mentioned dleelme, but many
more not enumerated.
@rry—Do rot mauler bre! cbcidelace ['merlin es . o
and Lowardlc for morel of deferent Mamma
I Marl
m e dere 'Mould be aidreeeed to O. V. ellekeber
u ld lr adi
Sy et..„lderr Ydril•
co In Plealmrsh by 0112. 11. KEYSER. 140 trectl
aZreS •
Iron Bailing, Iron Vaults, Vault Doon,Vludow
Shinn, Window Guard; ice,
Nos. 91 Second at., & 80 Third at.,
(between Wood and Market,)
Have on band a variety new
lam and Plata. angkable lb? el Roprpoiu. P
tenticut Wit to t/tu- at Grave lota. Jobbing date at
short cwt.
'Soulptkr, rtirodler, Shwa° Worker and
Wood Carver, 210. 16 Thletwkniwt. between Wood atid
Mutat Meek. Ettemsgb. PIL tarps wmuntlynn Una
sp of ww ham Centre Maws, raw palm. to
Thetudv Medal Awarded by the New'
unman" , York Satanlnn to the English ea enriall Sance• liana
FLourt , GRAIN hon.." has been obtainettamongst nostrocs o'sroPeti
lona by 4A exammrs, or their
whershy, farther tmniroony Is afforded VE of Ite la.7eg the
A 2ID PRODUCE GENERALLY,I I •t e s.i.erwa.
metrity of thi. San, he, extended to evert pear.
Pe 290 Liberty Street. • ter of the glut and Its•fficacy in remotion the general
PITTZIGBfIX. tenable tweecolna daily More otearreo and acknowirdged.
In the Dolled Flatee It I. bald to to the most agreeable
conllment, and I esteemed for its tonic and Inviverating
moptirtles. Ito habitual*. enabling the stuns ach to digest
the gat •
On th Continent of Europe. thee. t,o. , •tlre beye ten'
teelltied to or • genthemen, who writes to LEA C I'M
1111413 thug here outlet a bottle of I cur Warentershire
flews Ina tent. I have just oontriated Chromes &Pale and
Nortegal. and believe I owe my present state of health to
Its nee: your &nee Is eters...Ale. and I think ones dual.
ow with troth say there Is nothing In a travelefe bag.
gage sO mantled to hie wmfort. et heath these montages,
as your dance.
In India...he, where It Is found et the row or @racy
regiment; a medical gentlemen .71 . 51 S trots Madree to
his brother to the came mimeos at Worcerter, In the
Utast= terms 'Tell 1 ex & Perrin. that their ranee I.
highly idgeOved IU India, and that It la Its my opinico,
the most Palatable sa well as the mere wholesome same
This sauce is suitable to every variety of dish, end
the nuiverial demand which Ito excellence his created ins
led to many Imitations being Offered to the puhlle. Midler
• variety of num& but the genuine maybe knows br
name. of "LEA & IsEltlllN6' being fixtrreastal upon Lb.
Went Matalllo upraise, or patent &Ism etnpiper Of the
hews so woO u the latels and wrapper.
Solo agouti for the United Btabls,
arable 006 groalway. Naar very. .
Have you a Euptnre of the BoweleT—l
would molt reeponththy invite the attention'of those at
Muted with henna or rupture of the bowel. to oar eplen•
did awortnnent of Trusses of avian. patterns. and to =lt
gran' age. applied and aatiesotion guarantied In 0177
ease, at nir odes. No. 140 Wood Street. Pittethrgh, Pa.
Alto of the Golden Mortar. Solemn the Trtoone sold by
me will be Wand
Marges Zutkal Oar< Iran;
Preret Thaw, ntrp Lied tpring.
Clfedrrnt Trusses tingle and double;
Dab+Vaal 214.24 ale/Irma' and adsdi.r.
Eberle. EZiptie Eprinp
Dr, 8 'Ude. .9wprorfer
The mi. of Triune rary from $z to PO. HaTuln, or
Raptured patients can be meted by remitting manor and
'ending the mounra around Lb. Mph eating "'helm
the rupture Is on th ght or loft rid.• I also eall and
Dr. Banninces Lace or Dude Brom4o, amours ci Pro-
(amine Dint Weaknass of the Chem it Loeb:mon. Pile,
Mend° Madura, and my weakenee dependlia cm a Tema
and debilitated condition of the abdominal mumina
Dr. Fach's Abdominal Sapporier,
English/ammo Abdominal Belli:
Mantle Belts;
AITL - 1 - 12arlY ST7IT fled of eopporter or.v In no: I eso
Shore der /ream of every atyla, wait thesta4 and
stoop shouldered Derma, •
Stadia Staling& for broken mad vari..are vein..
Surpesuory Barirracea of all kinds. _
Syringe, el every eartefy and pattern, and In ISt atory
ktad of n.oow•alul applianostual to th 9 clue of Mamas.
D. Kim= would state to persons lit want of Dream
or Trams that be elm °Rem send to eat the patient by
eirittnis,brit It Is signs. better 0) see the patient and Me
ta/the ar Bram nartenagr. the
DM. GEO. EL KEYSER. 140 Wood et-.
myttkdtwei Sign erthe ()olden Mortar.
Western Clothing House.
192 Market et., between Fifth and Sixth,
Western Ideretutnts on vigilant oar city will e. 4 It 10
their adventure to examine our
OP •
Fall and Winter Clothing,
efenufeetured expressly for the
S 4 rb• eati.fectien our irt.o.l, bare heretofore elven
" TeVati n ff th" '''''' l7tOLD9hilTil t tIitOTLIEBS.
A Great Medicine for
ord..mlarip have been Invented and road. purport'
by to be .pecide to the various die 0.0 and derangements
to which the delicate form of woman sender hot roblect.—
The molt of all these armylante has hero to Impart pro•
mentors , denary to the IMTOYS systett. and lase nor to
the musain tat this relief he. been nuceeded by a de
manor, and prortnatton greater than before; hod the re
protect attrompte of Invalid. to build themselves up by
throe false reatedue, have teeny ended In destroying
what little vital organisation wro left. But to wing
fnerhares Holland littfrr,.. you will find no mai
trans remit.. It lea purely vegetable compound, prw
pared on atrial) . scientific principles. after the manner of
au celebrated Uollaret Professor. Bandana Under Its
InPuena awry nerve and muscle rendre. new strength
nod throe. ePPetite and sleep return, and finally, perfect
heath. Pro advertisement In another column. e23;dairT
Serails, Effects of Mercury, Cortstunp
,FCnlesa bcinfoles :Ter/maks. d
SCROFULA and Genital Wanlnm will eau" Man sad
other &Innis diacasess, nal.. cured. M. lIEATIL No.
160 Broadway. New York. darotas his wbolarticoe to curtoll
thaw and all chronic at:Notions. Ile Invites the afflicted
to call. modally Moss who bara.dired no bonen from
PreliOn• treatment by calm phyalclans.
We war. =mid by Dr. Ilsatb:—llarests Colburn, dill
Rmadwor; J. C. Berm. Jane Laughter,: R. F. Bantu and
child (bllninen). Id. 0. Cbary:a (daafbasw). F. !Rabbi=
O. W, Bid and wife. As.
Dr. Math 1. an honorable and OMNI phyakdan and sor.
avow —L. Gram M. D. J. A. drolth. D. D. J. M. !Ina. M.
D. Dan. A. Loornia, Don. Deoriri Pax* lion. N. 8: Don.
ton, Auditor Mara o. Na• York. Don. Judi. Carron, My
Judge. Nair York.
Patients at a &mance can ooncalt the do tar by lett..
mtatins that. cam. NM,. and medye whisk and the
nocamary remadlem, by mall cc .proma thereby I , lr/tattles
ttu nemmilty or spasms! ylmit.lm Introductory wart.
arab Itltmtrativ• meararlogs, will be moot (o to acy ad.
N. B.—On llt• May D. Month nl3 mar* tn 101
I!lEling Ernst, Divad lb. EL Nicholas Beta.
Batettelar'e Mar Dye.--Like a big river,
treed sand den. and arena. the reputation al WM. A.
AT.3IALORT HACH DU dome °need onward. burying
lAtite 44 n. etreilnerlng nOnn , teaders. drowning .11 comm.
Ution.eastine urea the aborts and onpodng male. the
foam of. toeaUes puffery end the dead doze rdunePereda
ted truhmaegern 'Mathew:4d or &retie:Let= Bloaderer
s.. yori. CounterfelUi at • arm& amid all except the
too has W. A. Baleheirr as.
The panels* le sold in bunt. hr 41E01101 H
linA6ll. 141 Wait et. atillahrdairT
H. T. lielmbi
sold, Chemist, of 203 Chestnut
at., Pensssishis, ttlsced loft» harde of the Berm:feta
ld Dealer, Me inn/cable toilasestiow or 'ha Xotroot
Baehr, Our Dlaeataa of the Bladder. Kinney,. Raisins..
ac, ex...tawhlett entattlatute It hoe ettconeda4 L perform.
Ina .0u:willow? eons of ca.. of long itandinfr. and
Cattnnotand Fluid Notntot Parearatilla for pnfirying the
blood. and lb. cede reliable and effectual known rem.l7
her the cue of Scrofula, Tatter, bold Ilea& Bait Rttantor
Phnstlite on the Paw, and all Bruntlone of the Etta.
be B.l••maso. aol:2•4
Reliance Mumma ' inattrance Company
[Anis/ 1T7.074-41zett,112.12.01r1. &curdy forostot.
FIREINSURANCE-Ou Buildings, Met.
100. F itter.. 11.. Ili bi tri .or nt a tFl• t7e ,
atm: ( bit . =.11 . 6.• Nand to share to tbr oroitt:
of rho Goo , ottbout llotilit for lama
The Portpt tlatlreas y, of
profits, are
.orortiblo. ota o nso oas y yltg i rg t . ins conuer.
B. Id. Litrzugtertorr, „
ikr . II mt p.... 'Aorta R. ata k tuot.
0.,_ _,..
t. 0 . Roam.%
.7W. W N . • ayasi.T.
0. W.Onlllentof. Z. I.oltor,
Robert Biwa. IL L. Carom
11, B. W,—'
ft '`l/L,,
Joui:W . 1. T;;Ylu.
Jacob T. Itsmtlaa.
G. IL mono. l
Wm. Mawr,
Archibald (lott.ri
Wm. M. &rude; Plt
J. O. OOPPIN, Amt.
R Third sad Wood
No. 63 Fourth Streets,
Authorize-i Capital 000,000.
Altalast Lou sr Damage M Ines,
lad tbs Palls of tbs las sad Inland Navigation end
Wa. /.Jobostos. }Ludy Pattarson. Jacob Paha.,
W. bleattstatk, Jim P. name, 0W... 804th. 11. FL Park. 1..011es Sorra Wade II stsptos.
A. 4. Jou., .1. IL. OW. 11. 0- 001RAWI.
A. A. OSMAN W. B. riarsA. P. M. Long.
Prwldszt, Elm WW. P. 4ORN PIMA.
hatstars • Ttrestra. A. A. Owns. nal
il E m l ey2 W A l lV r t ri a A ctr•W ETY
ue , „ i m tipt •
c . wetter
ThltS and
On VrEIBELS, °AMATO:, A _PAltrr:,_ucrth•
On Good& bT lideereinnle, o&not sod nand Cs:runes,
" """ firtil IbIICURINOSS
On itercbaadlan generally. On !lore& De•Mogllotos&be.
/Lauri to TlMWtrurr. Nor. 4ro, 1855.
Rood/ hk.ioC.O. and Rol i5tat&—.....1101.9W 04
B tr=7 . l. d o 46.110 00
ars '''''
Oath on band-- 5a,420 00
Mame due at dien — eito — iVeaa36 . t . gil .
Poiloine reenotbe Leenot —sod otber debta
antenrittlnO N dn. th.Oom
100.040 00
TAW =anti or Amt. 4817,348 od
I tr.r , Ik K lalmtn,
ramn2 L Stoke., •
Ham. Maim.
trlrk. VL ', V r :
Jodi. L. rrs...
. Jim..
i lfr e. liai d ej l 'ar . l.d.
CbarM.lirla 4 14,
ii. t .T. itargast l , .
WILLIa lifilltTlN, '. ...
1110.11415 O. IWO nos rrepaust.
IitNIT LllliCill, &MUM.
al-17 No. SO EL. Pittaburitt.
Edm un a &O
/011.0. Davit.
Rabat Barton.
Job 8.. Penn..
Norf. G. Wpm.
Maud Darlington.
it o rl Moot*.
antelt 717.%; ,
Dr. tinaron.
Coati Craig.
Fire and Lif e lnsurance UOM_tanY.
Will make all kinds of insurance, either
Ramat= or Limited. on Ma tibtlon of Proparto or
ktoteturllso, at !seamen). re of prozdazt.
R 9O CUT ltairona,
_ 1"111 41 . =fgt .
. DIHRMOri . .
Mac P. ilayaa, t
IL B. Inaba,. Geo. W l:k ro. Ira
P. B. Pater/. As. B. Paul,
O. Womack.
b. Y. 191 J. Meostraa. ' 1 C. Wile.
=11.1012. b el:rota:7.
kat jiVilallCarlUttnoita.
Citizen's Insurance Comp? of Pittsburgh.
WW. BACIALIT. Frontal.
HAMEL L.ld DAElitat &eV
WOOD itraxirs.
00al lrd . AN r aq 1 H B2lO
s AD A D N O D
t M7 a 2;ll l r g*ll4.7 / 6 "ll gk fikih 7f
Wm. ItAg „ . Wt. Mark Star li ng.
Samuel 8. M. Kim,
I"bmt '?
rrh l B.llr4h.
Dam M. rannokk. 1 1 188 8 8 SWUM
t1 "" 1: I ' ''''diktl.l lsa TlOn.
John Wanton.
Life, Fire Er Marine burrirance Company ; Office, Corner Market and Water Senate,
ROBS. GALWAY; PM W.Va. TUIOo emu% a•ey,
Companylkle mak
aaW : i s th e= Inanran . co ap•
a P t l arifi t s i a irintita °b " ma ma .
tlca. against Lome or Damage by in
and ,re
An 4 against/h. Pelle Otto Oft awl NatimAki
Wont/Wmfollow lamed At lb* terwsdratia Amistent TUb AM,
. . .
Robert Galway • .rapati O. .low.D.
gamma Mcillaakadt, _ Jona paliarwah . .
Lore D. asaram. . ah. idaaanlald am. .
DILVId H. Mamba"
JaistaaaPshall. .
Dialaillai ram
David ialary.. 6,..
Javier W. *illiaal_Clarr•
H. Hullo
51=1 ,, Lba ----.
.. i r MM. '
DVDIUrr• gallArilo
LIFE versus DEATH MN /4W. th• bit aide. /Yin O,.Aar atr
A Popular Treatlf
.Z.Vz r J. J. FORSTER, M. D.
Showing Nature's True Antidote for these
of the human rue, togatbst with the
mow •. • bf Bronchitis, Asthma, Cm/the., Bon
Thrt.t. 1, r, :' , atiits, Yobnooszy and Heart blfeaaaa
Illosbi Eau. Psittlona. Tumors. Illoononn. acsll Head
Bone and Ulcers,. Snit Abeam. Palos and Snalllogra of the
Joint. Donee and Glands, and all drums arislo it from an
impure state of the him/.
This little book, written In plain but Arabia Imignage
dims all the mammary advice ter a tumr, rational clump
and highly successibl SELP THEAT/EUT, utthoutdrug• clans bind. and I. McGinty racummeaded to the af..
dieted, to heads or families, An, oh a . mcst valu ads odds
In time of need
It no embarks Interest-Inm Information for Ltd..)
•d with Deafer.. Iluptar., HMil7 Dof.rzatlr.Lar:..
wi fir cr ,zi c a ltt o ;, ooo . a-Tles ism boon sold or Moiled.
Prlft 10 eta. To, Do ' Er
Dart "
%%M o . ! ➢aw i a 134100,11. AN 110. g 12.6 Growl sc.
Caution.—Take no other VermiCog° bct
Dr. MeLena'. Improvrd Vire:alum ea prerere4 by the vela
&nutlet:cm Dr. I. Saat & Co. Eank Plea, Mereanteereb
V.. Every .rapier has the ma:bna errtt➢eate br
Dr ansads Isnrreval Liver Piths and Iraproved,Vet 1-
•age, oleo Dr. I. Bcott's Celeliated White Cires.adaa Lint
~ent, prepared coach under the raparrialon of Dr. I
Soot; a Regular Delkal Or . ..lista and Physician of iiten
ekre practice.
None intoialneanly as prepared by Dr. I. Scott A Co..
I.UP/en:letzten, Bank Plaaa. Iforgantono. V.- Dr.
Lamle L.pnove 1 Liver Pins and la proved Vernalftlite
aecompanled by certificate of O. McLane.
All the shorn Med lel nee kr ask by
Dr. DIGO. U. B lt1(833. 140 Wood street, Wholesale agent
Jl5. P. FLEMING. Allegheny. near B. B. Depot. wing.
We agent • attliStedAvli
(arecasaoas To ECIfIS, Maati a oo..)
Cast Steel. German, Saw, Blister. Plough
Mattocks, Wedges, harrow Teeth, Ao.
Between Wood ana Smith/10d.
Jauanzi 1 18fAasEdi,
00*-MiSnON. M
oHEE811," BeTTER, o EMEDS,
No 25. Col firroariVishomb.
TLIE new. etaanch, upper cabin and law
poplars htssmer PLANNT. Cane. Joseph Nichols.,
Idol% as thil
• -
L•llllChirsl.4 on Moods , . August 15th. ea 9,4
o'clock. P.M., sr 4 Lidoslt co Toestber August 19th, at
o'cbxk. P
let Les. Monis. on Thursday. August 2015, at
r. tesl
-14 P. M , .d Detroit. EMU, ASirtut ,22 tb. at 2 o'clk
Eprecbing s" Mackinac, pas through the Saul St. Mule
.d alto pass In vievrof lb. Pictured Books sad
°rued by dap lobt visit Iterscrs r .Ttbs iiseu to.
ems) Corms Barber. Eagle ilarbor. le Haw. Outs..
go er s sod L POl9lO, Ms copper Miro thste - s Puutok
over to Pigeon Bay. Prism. Bay. Ple: Isld sad Leis
Royale, . tbs north shone. snd misusing St the Math
Islsods.A fill view or the Elottisiootou .4 Caribou
Ste PLANET Is sm, 1200 tots bustle., loss
amens cif I,Oir) boles has au spear cal. M M us.:
lotus and srdsodl4 accoutatdatlora for MO p austigreg but
as Use. trips. trot they mss be lo fact, pa ss DAM.
RICIIIIIIOI.. lb. number pill be Ihreltest eo 179.
A good 5.4 of gusts .IS be In 511.4190, to entleso
lb. emus, sad so .relllke Ilitt be sussed to us.. tbsse
escsreloss ths roost sormsb. that bar been mad. to La.
Pu l t tiVglos of tickets f the Px .rsto'
re d, 1116 a 140
from Oievelsod..9 53.7 trots listrttt, Th u L • I r rislitr. to I
maths over Cu. trip, am do so. sad return th e sestod
trip oft. Plaost, withoutestrs
, E. B. WARD, DttrOlL
HUBBY .1 PM CL LIR. Clevelad,
11, camoa Bao, Detroit .01411014°
Farm for Sale
TILE subecriber offers for sale his farm of
100 serer, situated In Wast Nat township, Allegheny
snooty; P., onlb. Stats Read from Bakerstown to Fro,
yam sad about two talky east af Bakerstown. About 70
sass cleared. an istkkb it ereartsd le, e . eweinse
Door.. • lame bank barn with stables anise It,. yalnabla
apple and lamb orchard, and' .11 in rood eandltlon. I
.111 WI with . tbs_Olat• all Armlag ftsplemants, bones,
ma. a
Dv. A.; . Alsa my stock of oral., bay. ann.
.potstoos, de. of not toll Wore Wadoesday, tn. 21411 day
of Peptetator. I .111 , 061. e lb. who!. at nutdlo We on to.
syymWn at 12 o'clock.
Tor7oWlierplotioorforoOtto of Ob., oatecriber on th.
pR or to B EfrDsota. Water Woe. Alloobeny
Beautiful lap of the United States,
5..1 .. 10W1NG by coign the comparative area
of PRECDOII AND !MAYDAY. And the Territorial
destiny Is let to be decidod: exhibiting also
And tle tont* of Oat Fremont In hi. hag= /spies.
lath st visa's or thol Pre* and Ours Mtn.
Prick In sheets, Nigh. main, TO estate per irlo, 2,12.50.
in pas, sitteletionies. castle per do., 23. Ton thous.
ant Notate wanted. Published br G. W. ELLIOTT.
anlroltd • ' N 0172 William 'trod, N.Y.
Lett:met Co*mercisl Ethics:.
rrinE REV, .15...4.171D FERGUSON. A.ll.
late P. Omsk. of CUL% to, to Wathington a
les*, will deliver Is lecture. on the anon Widest. before Qs
students of Dun's Plareantile Odle's. this rltotalay] ane
tarnoon slot o'clook. no armor as u the present
students sad their friends en Invited to attend. salt lttd
- -
ALibrary ed.
. ltvidoratlior and
o. Wla Parelore or J.O Fremont.
ohames and puctiuso.
Portraits of Fremont mud Bas.banan. lama 10t5..21 Path:
.j rllirri z ri l rairt '11'4217'
nor deal= Saviour. hturnionen K l
it for the Soda;
%Wag Tints of LIN Magic alessolr Mitto. Outer`, now
Soaks: Mad of Janus Woods of Jams Christ of llistosy:
PhselottaT and Callethordot. Idles Beecham Ousnou
Mien Fowls Yonatt on Me Bum Youidt and Nadu on
Cattle; Forneetto Antroals. Acme= Farm Pock;
American Florist, Baia. nsu Melo. Theoloelear and o.
oeUeneona 'Work; Saool Wag Statlanary mtd Paper
Flanatngs. R. C. COFFMAN% Federal at. Alleuhani.
ITO INVEST—S7,OOO in BOthle.l3B Paper
Per Salo—A.l4i loto in Omaha City. Atrolz to
*tat AMIN LOOMIS, 92 Pootth
WANTFOL—A 31rtgage for $7OO, hiving
ono or two pin to ' rust.
$6,000 to tempt OM H 661 /truer rocarltytnno t 6 sm . .
Apply to salt AUs 1111 LOOMS.
1111 E-4 0 bbh for eale_by
4 auu UM. RY IL COLLIN 2
ltilf.&OKERF # l.-30 bbls. No. 3 large for
lv■W. by wsis MINHY U. 0011.120.
KOS Remo No. 1 Lard, in store and
lbr male b 7 moll 4 0. B. L.1130E1.
CEIEESE-200 bzs prime Cutting Cheese,
nnt Ised and mr I. by B. tICTORINEON.
UGGS-2 bbls just reo'd and for sale by
BACON -2 olcs clear Sides, just. ree'd and
k/ oak br soli B. 1113101:11NEON.
PEA: : : --30 oks just read and for
sal isol I • E. nirrannssoN.
• fps pl. primem store an.
11[Mce Ws HUTCIIni9O9.
tieat.E FISH-10 bbls White Tub, 20 do
SO BB d. 0 10 - do White rah. Just reed
sa for Ws by sun B LIUTOEUMION.
MAOKEREL—Z) bble No Lark% in
'vistas sad lbs. Ws 0 sal{ B. BUTOMNdON.
West Penn Square, PitiladelVaia. • •
NCORPORATED by the LeaaturelBs3,
Je .ed orsaulst lon tho plan of th, Inguatzl•l Worm
of Ooritla•ota.l buoy.. arfards • thorough gro!rugorot
" d ru i ggifkritsip Fract. - .1 C l'aldanat-ca:
"ggrorigg, ArrAgfcgou - (mg
• Inginorrigg.
• MUM. A.L. •
itatrusuatico and Entiosertng. 11, 'Phnom
ntenetsl and Arplisrl Ottaugstry, 't • A.ltragrol.
ll•ohaales sad Iliaohlong, " H HOotroun.
Olean. illurroloxy ••4 A. W.
ggre t zB l o4 oll'lDraglag, Emu
" Di Arms=
Orman, D. Tnneffill.
Thu /coma Cbreeriatt rev arfil a=untne• on HON-
PecaMoguit o nhor lybu.
Pnat. Itsculty Polytertolo Colon. grail. •
The Mumslty.
'TILE FALL TERM of this University will
comsat= ea MONDAY. t. IA .s amt wt 4,ratNaa ~,a. t rziltri .. .. D , Art r. A. M.
The inaltactos anteseno a Triralar &Mita:laa a ktrairir
tot 7 east lat. &OA az raallah ear s MM.?. ja• nate
faculty Garman awl Frost. can by parr& Tao ad. im
?ana.' a nth as lortitatkoei• up= sad
mat; roam or education mar apqbtatosULthstrams.
tr=4, f t I,7rXdo l vis pat In our oitle;
Lia Thftitr.
tVdrolerg c riVal l ArT326lll:l
OB1102: MoIaILILN, Prlzelpal.
slat. • tdkltlrT
Notie• to Buyers . - and Beller. of Co:
NO ICE is hereby' gives that the provi
a on Ontinanoi rung the nth dor
ta pw
,to • Into thoontoo an 4 solo Of tont vlttllu the
atm by ant,vll.l liZlOrtad aa salt after atwOor
• wow nth. row testa haw bon meted—ow oo tb •
aborcantho rolat e ono cot the Wm.& the Hamm
vatsarn an= /edam rlfttnword, sn4
.onon Tate A • • as vielcitea Iter pay
0 9. 9.1 N, Nol-50 bbls just reed and for
Dr 111 MING SW&
El t :he oof Western Roam Cheese, '
Ihittn eu... B:e r on a jelat warg at tg z
noDu a tor":""
No. 116 st., 6d. Wood d• Soidofeld,
I PittabOgn, 4
Ira n
„ .
0. ItharllbstT, Ptest.Clth.A.kOnvidt tittarcsEh,
gi""..}61:4 ,4 t - r . g.A 4 .2.1= I 02
aff,d •
Warren's Itanrovea Fire and WaterProox
Conwasition Boding.
Ra i VINO beiatfor laat cloven ears ex
pl edg to 13e zsantifectura of the alvee
. now stoze.4 ed Ltt the mladt - 46. cities cf th
Union. dultiegtrolon brae ft has beeibtrettod under every
variety of decor , axes _end beta fa• - aurod end tame.
rid wherever eirmianpi shoved that !timid be dor m i=ol
barbs:rho= otW %tom by the liesaryiranUs
toesprrry to do slob in
ely itt 1E6.4. and again to eov.
er Dogirtao Door ln lb* (for bothof whichtObs they
transported mu rum and materials tram libliederhistrse
of 'barge.) we have been intoned to en a Watch of our
business in Mb city. sad being wowed to Tilt orders to
any errant. aro oontdently offer car roogng to the patron.
erne of the citizens of Pittsburgh sad elderly It. alltP•
nen, durability ant yahoo.risterboo goonuthoLkgre and
walls mutat It the mat demratio [yang In nor
The hart pitch for Mb roofing la from onirbalf to one
inch to the foot—hut we tan under favorable eirreurestanee
tallat'tLelis=leVA:Zirr. egythklelthdd"
Leto them revrovvred by this method with tie. DORM.
certainty of bating good tight rock.' We aroma theta.
esti= CI woo OM ' , MIA% taanyd r “,d . f
tccrtter inguroationsed rstria _ , ease eel' at. oar of".
Ora All work warranted. U.= Altituri a 00,
• "m en fif streetPittsturreb.
The above roams may !oil on the toLlowisto it
hU guitiesno Depot, Mealy sWiat F ourth Ward 'Public
bebop nousb - With Ward Public School IlataK Maurice
Hamel. arnr gralthileld st.. awns Fourth; Cryptpillars Drany'm new Waratrare, Third et, below
living: Alm's now building. Filth at,taLlan. S&eltlbl
Mitchell. Herron A Co... Foundry Buildlo_gr;
AneCon Booms ArkilibilSenv utter— A.ll.
logs. boner ' street, ' st o ve Oh* Peter Petason's new
Warabore. Federal:C. stove noblneon, relairwolf outs!
No. 288 Paul St., Pittaburth, Pa.
RAI. O. & •m.,..troug. Dr. WWII:AIan. IL K1.b.1.
W. A. II 'Clot?. £.Q. A.A. Ragan, ENL Rim IL Swam
Tr. r. "%Ob. L. IL I'Lmot. Iltre. 0. Barn,
J. D. Brady. KAI • e, vemen. -.t .1f are, ,
And put at bee precut Pupil&
T .
1118 INSTITUTION (formerly a Day and
Boerding Eichool.)ln situated In °reef the most full.
humble mei bealtby location to the der commanding &
due view of Allegheny City and surfounallatimmerr. A
lot adjacentlio the bonding has been secure which - wlll
give amide room for reeireatlon.zad afford en ornate:tufty
Ire each YOUng i•a7 to cultivate a flower madam for the
Prenatal &tad! of Bedall7 The building has been 111.17
refitted. and the moms ate lugs and weliventlM ed.
OM? roan Fowlers (Ittetuding day scholars.) will be
admitted, who wilt And to this Imtitutton the comferta of
hmte, with au the adventenes to obi airing •suleriored
The Primothers Intention I. takisga Waited number.
Iv to he sine to girt mother'e supenntendenc• to thaw
committed to her charge ., and them for the mow Me ,
charge nut mynah:4llllu of Woman's Met be:town will
be her cam anihrt eamtinuileatlng knowledgala
'department of rueful and elegant. Waning, te Instill into
the roma of her pupils tileee mincipl.• without which
the best education would be in 1.124
• Th• services ofTesotters and Protessom of hang erperto
end have fern ennui for I/local:Sine P.M
nesidioLatin and thorosch &ninny adneatlon. Wreath.
Bpannkand fleetest will Eh motet. the lad!.
Lectures' .11 I r otaelanally be then On Chemistry and
other physicel ecienoet, illustrated by imitable so
iler A. 4 . lL fi r pupils will have severs to • well saieeted=.
made have be n nude dming the stammer and
autumn. to visit the country once a week.
The born-of fhb circular will tot admit of a full sr ,
Planation of the mode a Iruitmetlon pursued In this Iron.
MM.= sake it to say. that ttis adnutassa uoi
m ed
at Bandon will !Commence to IiONDAY, the 11l
of September. (Ott. Applications must be made a lbw
weeks belyre.
Rio desirable. when pueblo, that npplitation for ad.
=atm &mild be rude belbn the commencement of Um
Tan; wadi/oat information be furnished in regard to the
*V and ganesit habit., of the applicant. her progress In
study. and the length of time etc will probably remelts.—
Three who do not oontemplate finishing the toms% will
pursue curb studies as they nor taloa, and as are judged
mod profitable to the= but none will W admitted for a
Las period than one forlorn, unless by Mrs... arratial.
- Vetere' enPerience hes proved, th at absence ft out =UAL
In Term time. Le very Minnow, sot only to those who are
absent, but also to thaw who mem= and Perindicial to
the MG:meta atoll concerned. It is, therefore. es oeelallf
Minuted of intents, not to favor ehmente. except Giciao
of Errgency. Vieltors admitted on gaturday•
poplis will he required to unite in family
warthip, their cores Le will dssismate the thatch they wieh
them to attend on finsiday. One of the Mashers will ac
company Ulm, and the clergyman will be requested to
visit them at the institute, •
Each young lady bearding In the family la expected to
Omni& herself with towels and table napkths tor bar Urn
use, and is required to have erert article of clothing dim
Meetly marked with her satin name.
It to desirable that pupils. on /MlMEhoge. - thould to
impelled with whatever wearing apparel ay will reed
for the net Flan; bet to cues when this islmposdbi, nee.
eatery articles .111 be purchased. II requited. and If
funds ere deredted for this putents with at Principal.
d few hare. by Invitation. ornsented to set
as Vinton,. and advise with the Prime:nal to regard to the
ganarallutereste of the Institution. anT;Reeteepl
305.13.01 - WHITE'S a:lw
JOSEPH Nun% now carrying on bug
u nea in hie etradents Treatises, (how Wog enlarzed,)
between Pittabnest wad LawntLiesille, near the 'Two
j o am blla
price Dail lva
ttoahor leletetTros gentle=on Turchasert. that ow
.Trtoe only Is
muds. F
ace In the baseness, enables
him t. lace hi/ paUroasths suns choice collection
of Carrie width eo many yews Tast it hue been his
Tartisular demtmentto Wed tura the rations and met
talented Eastern Slanufae.nrers. act=esa at his new
mitten Ls camplete, the economy of hi. serawestonts
=at i lt , • best and most featabin .lisnufaettxret st
prises. • . ,
Unenearabsred by Shoos
sawans, whist LW
=rasa fterdecorating Bowes of bewineso has heaped new
the prier of Goods, (owing to Way cents.) Joseph White ready morel' only, at =pale. than the stnt.
21.8—Cewicres mrsure4 1:41:t4 iest !Wenn, -witb Eta
rata. !
- -
VraOm reveler's Walnar pa, 8111it617
Ererythi ag tbe moat tarallonala this branch
of the tollet, and eseential nave " will be
found upon trial combined la U. LW's named szelde:
It tow now beat la the market 12 loan, and the thou..
sada artio Dame need It con Unify to its eaaaatog and
agreeable qualttlea It le without .I=l4 Tea oin to. Di
.11 Vona Tlivio genuine tears Vroom & Fowler's algae.
ton Mite mad; and le only manufactured by Tam B.
V 31.11, (aveasor,) New Tora.
Sold . Pittsaareh try_..bIeCANDLESS & POLLOCK.
31..ELIING RIM. DX. GEO; EL KEYPKIL. lalierer 'York
by dealen generally. trahltrooe
'MEW MOBIC.--"Now what 4.111.1 sing
yonr sung by Miss Liaise Pre.. tai whom It was
mealy monocled and written/7 heredster. Mrs Gahm.
lo•ed by tlitee-D7 Prairie nower7two new Ballade be
W. V. Wallem
nit lore thee L the minx three-Frattelsli Brown.
:Dm rem lamer Ellen-. 1 11. Stewart-words try Thome
Pll sing thee a song of dm 11111•1:1:4- . 0 E Barrow..
uto this heart me lonely-k 7 contralto toloe-mmia
-br ea.
rek;l2o9 art Die the Slower cflday-lerd DM/. •
Footmen Coor le vino-tar W V Wallin-ho I
Ikessenlede New sort
Fairy Star Schotti•ctr-Robt 'Shope].
Meet me In the forest 'bads-words t 7 Clareme /shin
-made by W ol Doane,
Sloondght Pocka-Saml 11 Downes
Elmwood Walts-Beely .
The last moraine with th e Old Folks-Baker.
Mount Vernon Polka-Hamm
Pareenell &ISIS:Mt:O4bI 601:116—fi Trnratore, by Vera.
Avenue Polka-IllreeLenhenter.
Le Herds derloiree 'Wee elesantes-Leduo. •
Twinkling Star Polka-Antonio de Asyut..
Also. Tantaalas and Concert places by Wallace. fluelate
Batter, Retina tad others. Jun reed by Eirms.
utunitent BLDICIL
118 Wood it: 2/ door 'bore 6th at.
Dirkluele milled free of rostoge. • sae
ay Initiate tbr a family raildanak hating 6 .tote of
lard. Tell erdttrabad. • lame garden sad goat catbird. •
2 atom bdbt ham of hail soul G 'roma a well of gotell
water, • amble add other at betiding*. • all :ler tomblet•
ceder, Immediate rerneadoo If der-tre4„ the 'Musa= 1
healthy and Dleatmot. to about the middle of Marine
bomb. It scald to Draftable to tell oat 4f It ba1211.11
lota but Tarr desirable fora family boomestaad. Pars
56260.• Terme nor— ff. OUTIMMIRT I EON.
art Fin 61 Market re.
Nif ONE'
_ TO LOAN—Twr Thousand Do!- _ bd.!. Mon., and Two Tboutadad Dollars worth of
JOrtiggs Bonds will b• exchanged, at six prrcent intermit
tbr ottani on WIIZIOZILIbeZed inolgrtrtor bar Mons , '
and dollars, baring two retro to ran. Aptly to
w 7 • IIr_LAIN a SUS. 68.4' lb aL
_ . _
Baltimore Glass Manufactory far Bale.
INACTOIVIC.4Ith all the latest haamanconants,
y built and coropiently arramoal by an mod
anted /Lau Easter. is noir cfcrEd for oak at lam than ons
half to crional coat. •
Thin notary. being , varenittitly lacatad for - obtaloing
fuel amt material at cheapest rates on Dahl/more cora•
atalktias • bat* rattles' of the Pointe= maxims promote
nelnatagmarbith the manulantmar tardy mots villa in
other ltotltle.. Yar forth.. particulars Wren
suIVI•d• . U. =EDER. Ja.„l4Mbnora.
The Managers .ntoonn that they bait made arrange
meats to bold this ithlliltion In the Gyntal Wan. Onem
m sluing en 111DIrDAY,It /I DLYay oppeptemtry. and Sill
W ilily close on Nu - th e 20th day °rottener.
This magnielaint and gracious baltdirm will b. open Or
AbAdrartg.l•2oTir f Bey ' ro ta Ver. A ir; s th y; ro l ds. 4 ova
articles from a distance. Phi te retsina arm ed in the
ar e
Paiare salad after the let of
PrlaltalllSOc.f.thlit of GOOD, SILVER and UNIX
/ 110 . 41 . 0 ./NOLOSIAS, an, wlll be awarded on • »roar
mendatkin cicompotent and impartial Ogden. • Gold
Medal pill Le dautds the else of th e present 1, god
-will Pe confined ereinsitely to machinery and other arti
cles or bJah =tit, Tae Sliver Med.' aid be greatly en-
I•Yand. and the Drente Medal will be of a nes hatare In
the award. of tbelaturriun Institut.
The OATILII SHOW will beheld In Ifam,Pen Daum, a
bratitifni plot of arruntler ten ted by ..a. p o p.
prTstlort of the city et Nye Y orkeng pumege. on
TONADAY. WOLIN MALY and TGIGINDAY, th e 14 tb, 10th
and lath days of October, •
2he Nana yers would Lamm upon eatithilietr th e a.
madly °fairing immediate entire of the owe Syr Irish
to ocouDy.and three einibliluit mschinartm . tillinj i t ty m.
gr. the unmet Prom the umnarousatip
made, the Manama flat it 11M1L1111.17 to mane Gather
Werislan Ay steam power, .-
Conamonleationg addmitseitto WM, IL LOGUE% Cor
n= Orcretarn .111 meet with tatmeillatiattention,
mint-Ming tall Dertientarr, can belied en ap
plication at ttie peke of the American Institute, No. .00 1
Ormidaray, Nov York- GNU, P. NESBIT, Call e..
Joule W. Crisannta. Einctelairir. itig4ll•l"'
On Business Only. •
PRE advertiser has a lar tgeoie; . c - eilt l1 41,1 ,
rituat.l In the city or Hear TM' MIMI& for
OM daelliorlieery rade oraer mina. Al shish.
arse= ■ Depot the imatioo 1. admirable. , Ile Metes
to ouciee this steers icr War./ la mteMthairm. pay Marallaetered n , matabotated. Famtlara. etach Feerr.
aria tag air artleiti for lentch he maid hare a 0117 Or
Uinta that amid ho • likely to prove mamma.
tlya. xel ram bast relarrome xine ae tactuanimar. bass.
inns habit. dm Addnem with nal name and fail
O nar.
Mutat., ..BOUN eir. of B. DUCE. No. Tort fbit.
Far, Bee. -'•
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oar Or ALLZOITIOIY,—Thrsa contiguous lot. el bo•
. th.,,,,,,i ky o . orrsos Common. MO= 0 t (my nf
1., fi,..9 T 2 Mot 9t natal Ott On' Oocodnon and sr..'
wadt= u l4 . 4 feet. TINT. US CM MI wanton one ollr
Z 4 conour. Prie• s uorz w b lZa bl, ill i g. ....
Um batonoo In foar equal anima 'lnatatatentytth orosl
br bon dead =mans, • - •
Uthlo a gootr Li not 4.lnion.d ' attrang :is ma th It
'Mb* at pnblfn sain nn the
Lb. ild chr Soitonber ma. r vniN _ mi •F"'" l er
Ildboustion inanire or bloMson Tortorand John
riselsrasq alloghoor acr, - •
-,WILE r.O&Trltar
reed a Oaar• PIRO. , la taatxrata at
&width Calesaa2 Zallaa attatamlsiefir
One prZaiarra astaTa.:
warrecta ce!pa. =lima
Alga a goal mama I=4ad
Laub) by
Bargains in W tepee and Jeweark•
EnRNI& BOBER 8,16, sth
o, Dow adllaff off tato gad IP ....17 .
atoek of Mtn Vat tikas. wean. , „.4.
ievaity, Mat Wtes andlPara? °tads
at anatly reduced trtra wi rtat tabla I W .. 4
rthigAir MI =UM deck lay tat. _
Watches. cants and J welz i tanst ?dainty, and
Mbar Wan nada to attar Oil and inufrattni•
azd - • J. M. Rolfe/its. mu* , Kolffit• •
IsuctNlOE ruswatore
.d.iu tt . loot
u botood, be nut
0 Let. -
'eem and dwelling inn
won one no ouzo non IO 2
II rug ircfritr4.l.'